Linux kernel module autobuilding

2008-08-19 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

I'm trying to get my Option HSO Modem driver to autobuild on Diablo 
builder for some time now. Thanks to everyone who helped me get so far :)

Unfortunately, it seems a few assumptions by me are not held and so the 
build fails:

The reason it fails now is that there's no Linux kernel source/workdir in 
the usual place:
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/build: No such file or directory.  

(complete log

Also, is there an environment variable specifying the kernel version we 
are supposed to build for? I just hardcoded LINUX_VERSION=2.6.21-omap1 
for now...


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: 1st compile fails - newbie

2008-08-16 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 00:21:19 +0200, symedia wrote:
 [sbox-DIABLO_X86: ~]  gcc -Wall -g helloworld.c -o helloworld
 skipping incompatible /lib/ when searching for /lib/

are you trying to compile for ARM or for X86? 
If you are trying to compile for ARM, your libraries are the wrong ones 
If you are trying to compile for X86, your compiler is the wrong one 


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Determining target kernel version in scratchbox

2008-08-15 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:42:07 +0400, Andrew Zabolotny wrote:
 The idea is that a kernel module source package will Build-Depend: on
 the kernel-dev package, and then do something like:
 make -C /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build M=$(CURDIR)/my_driver
 uname -r

Yeah, I wonder whether the correct fix is to put into the Makefile:
  KVER ?= $(shell uname -r)
so that it is setable from outside:
  $ KVER=foobar make
or instead to provide an executable uname in Scratchbox which returns:
  $ uname -r

 I found that somehow I got the
 kernel-diablo-modules package installed in my scratchbox environment,
 and it contains a link /lib/modules/current which contains a link to
 /lib/modules/$(KVER), so you could do just 'make -C
 /lib/modules/current/build' instead.

Yeah, although the /lib/modules/current/build and /lib/modules/current/
source links don't exist yet. Or are they in some source package?

Also, the tree /lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ looks weird in this way: The 
kernel module executable images are at toplevel without any 
subdirectories (even without the kernel/ subdirectory). Was that 


maemo-developers mailing list

Maemo locales

2008-08-10 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

is there an (official) document somewhere describing which locales and 
charmaps are available on Maemo? (Especially details on UTF-8 support)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: RE: Java acceleration/Jazelle

2007-08-13 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

great to see someone tinkering with jazelle.

So let me dump the stuff I turned up so far:

Here you can see the size and alignment of the java instructions.
(the entire document is

Once in Java state, the ARM PC is extended to 32 bits to address Java byte 
code. Byte codes are fetched and decoded in two stages (compared with a single 
decode stage when in ARM Thumb instruction-set state). A new Current Processor 
Status Register (CPSR) bit records the processor state. This is an important 
feature, as the CPSR is automatically saved and restored when handling 
interrupts and exceptions, so Jazelle technology is compatible with the 
existing ARM interrupt/exception model used by operating systems.

[Further investigation shows this new register format to be called JPSR 

A typical display of a Jazelle Program Status Register might show
nZCvqIFtJSVC, giving information about:
• 5 condition code flags (NZCVQ)
• 2 interrupt enable flags (IF)
• 2 state indicators (TJ)
• 1 processor mode name (SVC).

  (so it seems they cut the mode to 3 bits and added a J bit, I would have 
expected it in x – the extension field PSR[15:8], but no)


In Java state, the processor assigns several ARM registers to functions 
specific to the Java machine (for example, R6 = stack pointer, R0-R3 = top 
elements of stack, R4 = local variable 0). This hardware reuse contributes to 
the small size of the additional logic (12,000 gates) required to implement the 
Java machine, and keeps all of the states required by the Jazelle extension in 
ARM registers, In addition, it ensures compatibility with existing operating 
systems, interrupt handlers and exception code.

Keeping the top four elements of the stack in ARM registers [...]. 

The extension we've added divides Java byte codes into three classes: directly 
executed, emulated and undefined. The majority of the Java byte codes (138 on 
the ARM926EJ-S microprocessor core) are executed directly in hardware; the 
remainder are emulated by short sequences of highly optimized ARM instructions. 
For efficiency, ARM keeps one of the local variables at zero in one of the ARM 
registers. Java applications frequently use the local variable at zero as a 
pointer to data. By keeping it in a register rather than in memory, the 
processor can perform better.

Additionally, ARM uses other registers for other pointers. A pointer to the 
exception table holds the instruction sequences for the instructions that are 
not executed directly. Also, there is a pointer to the Java stack, a pointer to 
the Java variables area, and a pointer to the constant pool. Java programs 
access these groups of data all the time and keep them in existing ARM 
+ /* V5J instruction.  */
+ {0x012fff20, 0x0ff0, bxj%c\t%0-3r},

I hope this wasn't too useless, but I just wanted to post this before I forget 
it again (I can  already feel it all vanish :-))


maemo-developers mailing list

file manager: file and application associations

2007-08-12 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Since the issue came up with FBReader again,
 I thought I'd repost an earlier request for clarification:

FBReader supports, among other things, HTML files. There are many books in HTML 
form. However, there are also websites in HTML form, etc.

Now FBReader would like to associate with the text/html file type, but if it 
does that, a user who wants to open websites will have problems.

If, on the other hand, FBReader doesn't associate with the text/html file type, 
a user who wants to open books will have problems.

Hence, it would be best if the file manager / gnome vfs supported associating 
open this file with FBReader, but open that file with The Web Browser.

Every file type that is standardized (XML, ...) will have similar issues, so 
there really is no way this can be left out and still be usable.

Please have a look at and reply here 
what you think.

If possible, I'd like to hear the opinion of the maintainer of the file manager 

I'd implement this myself (I did, partly, for maemo's gnome-vfs; but that 
doesn't help much), but alas, the file manager's source is not available.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Can .desktop files live under /home/user?

2007-05-05 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 16:23:10 -0500, David Hagood wrote:
 I'd like to create a couple of .desktop files describing applications
 (so that I can add them to the simple launcher applet), but I'd really
 rather they live under /home/user/mumble rather than /usr/share.
 Is there a directory under /home/user the system searches for

$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific data 
files should be stored. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a 
default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used.

So try put it into ~/.local/share/applications/.

I say ideally only because I didn't try it out yet :-)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: A Pitch for making SAMBA Server a core part of the N800 OS

2007-05-05 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 22:22:01 -0400, Acadia Secure Networks wrote:
 I think that making SAMBA a core (i.e. supported by Nokia) part of the 
 N800 os would greatly facility development, testing, and experimentation 
 with the N800, at least for those, like me, who work mostly using 
 Microsoft Windows desktop systems.
 The ability  to share out the N800 file system to a Windows computer and 
 thereby have the ability to  inspect/modify files using, e.g. notepad, 
 would make me more productive. 

You wouldn't see half of the file flags (executable comes to mind) (at least 
not like a normal human would expect to see them - as a check box with the text 
The files you edit wouldn't work (mswindows uses different line endings).

Now of course you can use special windows apps (special editor, special file 
manager), but then it's not easy anymore.

And my idea of an internet tablet somehow doesn't include it being a file 
server ;-) Of course, you might see that differently.

I know I can install SAMBA on my own but 
 it seems to me that this is, what I would call, a bread and butter 
 capability of a Linux OS that needs to co-exist in the real world of 
 SMB/CIFS as it is today and, which, will not go away anytime soon.

Having SMB/CIFS _client_ functionality probably would be useful.

(Time to check whether the source of the file manager is available yet :-) - on 
second thought, I have ssh access to all my machines, what's the point)
(Hmm, how about adding SFTP - or just a nice FUSE mount gui - to the file 
manager? I wonder if I can)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] calling small unix tools from filemanager; was: unzip: file manager associations - NOT fixed

2007-01-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

So I wonder what I've been smoking... Writing fixed in the subject when the 
problem just changed to another one... Must be sleep deprivation ;)

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:16:34 +, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
 However, the file manager will detect my test zip file as being 
 application/zip (tested by long-clicking on zip file and choosing 
 When I click on it, it will give Unable to open.

So the problem moved to the desktop file, which is:

[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/zip-unzip/unzip-5.52/debian]  cat unzip.desktop 
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Uncompress zip files
Exec=/usr/bin/batch-unzip -- %f 

Note that there is no dbus service or osso_init in batch-unzip (batch-unzip 
actually is just a shell script).

This probably means that quite a few assumptions the file manager made are 
broken by me, I'd think. Is there a way to call such tools in a simple way or 
do I have to add another dbus service / C program / callback / ... complex 

 btw: where does the file manager get the icon for the file?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: unzip: file manager associations - fixed

2007-01-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 16:18:42 +0300, Mikhail Sobolev wrote:
Sorry, I do not know a lot about it   Does
have any useful information?

Oh, nice :) An updated tutorial :)

While that page contains a lot of useful information, my problem was a little 
bit too evil O_o

The file /usr/share/mime/packages/ on the device, although 
called is not THE from which I knew. It's actually just an empty placeholder :(


However, the file manager will detect my test zip file as being 
application/zip (tested by long-clicking on zip file and choosing Details).

When I click on it, it will give Unable to open.

btw: where does the file manager get the icon for the file?

Probably something messed up in the desktop file. I wonder...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: unzip: file manager associations - fixed

2007-01-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 16:18:42 +0300, Mikhail Sobolev wrote:
Sorry, I do not know a lot about it   Does
have any useful information?

Oh, nice :) An updated tutorial :)

While that page contains a lot of useful information, my problem was a little 
bit too evil O_o

The file /usr/share/mime/packages/ on the device, although 
called is not THE from which I knew. It's actually just an empty placeholder :(


However, the file manager will detect my test zip file as being 
application/zip (tested by long-clicking on zip file and choosing Details).

When I click on it, it will give Unable to open.

btw: where does the file manager get the icon for the file?

Probably something messed up in the desktop file. I wonder...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] fullscreen button and uimanager

2007-01-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

So lately I've been making view-manga[1] a litte bit nicer, adding a menu and 
all that fluff. Seems to work nicely, _except_ for the fullscreen button[2].

What happens is this:
- Launch application
- Press fullscreen button
- The window fullscreens alright.
- Press fullscreen button
- Nothing happens. Strange.

The relevant bits are*checkout*/trunk/source/main.c?content-type=text%2Fplainrev=21root=view-manga

search for

[2] Can we please make the window manager handle both fullscreening and the 
fullscreen button? Having every single app handle it is strange.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] unzip: file manager associations

2007-01-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

I patched unzip a little bit in order to integrate into the desktop:


However, when I click on the file in file manager, I get Unable to open.

I put a desktop file for handling application/zip into 
/usr/share/applications/hildon/. I called update-desktop-database.

Anything I'm missing?

Also, any news how to support desktop actions (i.e. in this case Edit, Unzip, 
Browse, ...) on a file?

Also, anyone wants to contribute a unzip program icon? 


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Newcommer question(emulator/major work/discount)

2007-01-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 19:15:24 +0800, Rui.Zhou wrote:

 Hi there,
 Know maemo project for several months and start to do sth for it(or
 learn sth from it) now
 Well,The first thing you can do is to download and start using the
 maemo development platform
 But before that anyone can tell me something about  maemo briefly:
 1.has Emulator?(or must have N800 to test the application? No N800 at
 the moment)

There is a qemu-arm emulator, but last time I tried it didn't support much.
The scratchbox has many tools in different places than the real machine (and 
the tools have different options), so that is also not good to test how a 
program would behave on the device.

So you need the hardware :(

 2.which one is the major work?platform lib or the application?

I don't understand the question.

 3.How to be an Eligible developer to get a N800 at discount price(or any
 discount for Nokia employee)? 

Check the list archives,


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: what's a libconic0?

2007-01-27 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 00:56:15 -0800, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
 It's the Internet Connectivity library:
 and was introduced in Bora (your apt-get update tells you are using scirocco):

Ah, thanks :)

So if I wanted to fix[1] the buttons of the 770 installer, I can't? doesn't 
seem to contain app-installer.



maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: N800 GUI Improvements from a Newton Developer's Perspective

2007-01-27 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 19:53:51 +0200, Xan Lopez wrote:

 Very nice review. I mostly agree with all your points except the bit
 about font management. The N800 (and the 700) both use fontconfig,
 which is way better than the old X11 font model. If you drop a font
 with the unicode characters you need to $HOME/.fonts you'll be able to
 read CJK (for example) web sites immediately. Not an excuse to not
 ship a decent font in the first place, but the infrastructure is

Yeah, pity that it is obfuscated.

I'd prefer much:


fonts in ~/config/fonts (note: no dots)

Another thing to patch...

And now if the file manager would just allow me to see /home/user/ ...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] what's a libconic0?

2007-01-26 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/osso-application-installer]  svn info
Path: .
Repository UUID: 50eb543b-83fa-0310-9bb7-f7cbbee4ab39
Revision: 9375
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: marivoll
Last Changed Rev: 9068
Last Changed Date: 2007-01-11 16:12:02 +0100 (Thu, 11 Jan 2007)
Properties Last Updated: 2006-06-23 02:22:45 +0200 (Fri, 23 Jun 2006)

[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/osso-application-installer]  build_package
dpkg-buildpackage: source package is osso-application-installer
dpkg-buildpackage: source version is 4.46
dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Marius Vollmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture armel
dpkg-buildpackage: source version without epoch 4.46
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libconic0-dev
dpkg-buildpackage: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.
dpkg-buildpackage: (Use -d flag to override.)

[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/osso-application-installer]  fakeroot apt-get update 
Get:1 mistral/user Packages [1115B] 
Hit mistral/user Release   
Get:2 scirocco/free Packages [9797B]
Get:3 scirocco/free Release [114B]  
Get:4 scirocco/non-free Packages [20B]  
Get:5 scirocco/non-free Release [118B]  
Get:6 scirocco/free Sources [3639B] 
Ign scirocco/free Release
Get:7 scirocco/non-free Sources [20B]   
Ign scirocco/non-free Release
Hit scirocco/free Packages  
Hit scirocco/free Release   
Hit scirocco/non-free Packages
Hit scirocco/non-free Release
Hit scirocco/free Sources
Ign scirocco/free Release
Hit scirocco/non-free Sources
Ign scirocco/non-free Release
Fetched 14.8kB in 2m13s (111B/s)
Reading Package Lists... Done

[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/osso-application-installer]  fakeroot apt-get install 
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package libconic0-dev

[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/osso-application-installer]  apt-cache search libconic
[sbox-ARMEL: ~/source/osso-application-installer]  



maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Python Apps with Startup Probs / Navigation

2007-01-24 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:27:47 +0100, Mathias Uebelacker wrote:
 now i installed my application on the 770 after a correction of the .desktop 
 file (thanks for all help) i could start the application. After the last 
 start i changed the UI and added some elements. If i start the application in 
 xterm with ./timetracker i saw the changed UI. By clicking 
 the entry in the navigation bar i see the old , not changed layout. 
 Everything is the same i did not change paths. Any ideas?

I'm sorry, but given that UNIX filesystems (regrettably) don't support multiple 
versions of a file, you probably have another copy somewhere else.
Try starting it via the navigation bar, then going to xterm, typing ps aux 
|grep timetracker.
Same with
It should be different...

Or maybe the process doesn't terminate?

Do you load the UI from an external file or is it in python?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: StartupWMClass

2007-01-24 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 20:22:47 +0100, Mathias Uebelacker wrote:

 can someone send me the correct def. an params to use the StartupWMClass in a 
 .desktop file.

Run your application, run xprop |grep WM_CLASS, then click on your 
application's window.

Usually it is just the name of the exectuable program, without path. Not sure 
for python, though.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Re: emacs lite (zile) one 770

2007-01-09 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 01:41:59 +1300, Follower wrote:

 Marius Gedminas wrote:
 You ned to install ncurse-base.  It's in
 mistral/free, and a newer version is in
 Ah, thanks for that piece of information. I installed 
 ncurses-base_5.4-4_all.deb (which I had actually downloaded on some 
 previous occasion) and was then able to run zile successfully. Thanks! :-)
 zile should add it to the Depends field.
 I'll mention it to the packager.



maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Re: Proper documentation (was Re: HildonProgram input to gtk_widget_show()?)

2006-12-03 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 29 Nov 2006 22:39:06 +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 07:46:51PM +, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
 Is there a way to do something to the tone of like:
 (outside of scratchbox)
 cd scratchbox/home/user/source/foobar/source/
 scratchbox-batch SDK_ARM make
 I want this too!
 I.e. I'd like to avoid having to do manual mode changes with
 /scratchbox/login / exit all the time just to issue make. And
 /scratchbox/login doesn't take the working directory you were in (before
 calling it) into account.
 Reading /scratchbox/login: if you give it -d dir, then it chdirs there.
 Hey, and you can give it a command to run--this actually works!
   /scratchbox/login sbox-config -st SDK_ARM
   /scratchbox/login -d nflick dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
 where nflick is relative to /scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER

Oh, it is already done? Now, that was a nice gem to be found ;-)



maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Re: high speed (52/48Mhz) MMC mode added

2006-11-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 17:19:57 +0100, Frantisek Dufka wrote:

 I have added source diff for newer kernel to
 It contains also code multiblock writes but disabled.


Works fine for me:

time dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/null bs=8192 count=10240
real 0m 15.03s
user 0m 0.03s
sys 0m 2.03s

(Didn't try multiblock writes yet)

The card is a Kingston RS-MMC 2GB.

Thanks :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Troubleshooting .desktop and .service file

2006-11-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 18:29:12 +0200, Eero Tamminen wrote:

 ext Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
 (One of the benefits of D-BUS is that other programs don't
 need to know whether your app is running, they can just
 send messages to it with D-BUS auto-invocation flag and
 D-BUS takes care that only one instance of your application
 is running.)
 If you call that an advantage... It usually breaks one of the oldest and
 best UNIX conventions: that the process blocks the caller until the task
 is done.
 I think you are a bit confused.  Nobody's removed good ol' exec
 from the libc, so nothing's broken.  :-)

Hmm, yeah, but I meant it in a different way. 
I mean waitpid() won't do anything sensitive/useful anymore on gui
programs. (And I gave an example to that.)

Maybe I'm just a too old-fashioned UNIX-head, seeing that the
nicest response was yours, and the worst response from someone else was
never mail me anymore (_that_ was weird... I mean, really weird. Must be
some kind of taboo he wasn't supposed to talk about ;)).

Then again, it doesn't matter for viewer programs like firefox and book
readers and most of the stuff used when on the Nokia 770, so don't get me
wrong. I just wanted to illuminate the other side for completeness sake
(in the bigger picture of all UNIX computers).

 Whether the D-BUS call is asynchronous or synchronous is controlled with
 a flag used when sending the message.  (in CORBA everything is by
 default synchronous because it's used mainly for remote procedure
 calls whereas D-BUS is used more for delivering events and events are
 usually async)

Good to know :)

To place it in technical terms: I think that dbus activation doesn't allow
passing a channel to the existing process, in order that the existing
process could use it to signal that it is done with the task later.

Seems that having a process-oriented view is really unusual this year...
strange o_O

 You know on desktop when you want to have another browser window, you
 run Firefox which checks whether there's already a Firefox running and
 then sends a message to that so that it opens another window.  

Yes, even that already breaks my model (the new process should block
until I closed the new window again, basically react as if it were not
using the singleton-process optimization) - and its arguably a
very popular program, so I guess times are just changing...

 Sure, it
 already saves some time, but more is saved if you don't need to start
 Firefox (or any other app) in the first place, just send the message to
 the already running process and D-BUS is the one checking whether
 something already runs...

Yes, I know that as an optimization on an embedded platform this makes

I'm just a person that is way too used to synchronous batch scripts,
so just ignore me... ;)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Proper documentation (was Re: HildonProgram input to gtk_widget_show()?)

2006-11-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:24:46 -0500, Mike Frantzen wrote:
 I think it's even worse than that.  There are enough differences to the
 usual linux/gtk development environment that the N770 is very
 frustrating to develop for.

I find it actually quite nice. There are some memory-saving quirks (as
expected for an embedded device), but overall it is very nice to program

 The N770
 used enough bleeding edge technology that it has some very sharp edges;
 and as a developer I really don't like the bleeding part.
 The big ones that immedietly come to mind are:
   1) gstreamer which I understand if you want to offload multimedia to
  the DSP.  It's just too bad that it's not stable.

They are (were?) hiring, go and fix it so it _is_ stable ;)

   2) dbus/libosso.  blech, complex solution to a simple problem.  very
  Windows like

Well, even being an old-school communicating-processes-with-pipes UNIX
model thinker, I have to admit that on an embedded platform there just
isn't enough RAM to do it the right way (likewise to develop a GUI app in
C is madness, usually - that I take part in regularily ;) -, but there just
isn't enough RAM to do otherwise).

Now if you specified what exactly is bad about dbus/osso...

   3) hildon-specific gtk widgets instead of just modifying the stock GTK
  widgets to work well on the N770 platform
 Porting existing applications to the N770 involves rewriting some things
 and kludging the hell out of others.  Both which make it much less
 likely that the diffs will be accepted back into the main application's
 source tree.  Which means the porter has to maintain his diffs out of
 the tree which is a big PITA.

I see where you are coming from. I usually assume GTK as a platform as an
unchanging entity (even _binary_ compatible since time immemorial). 

That said, with IT2006, the only special-case I have left is
hildon_window_new, hildon_program_* stuff and the mime callback, all in all
maybe 20-30 lines. It's not like the whole development paradigm changed.

 Writing new applications for the N770 locks your application into the
 N770 platform or you implement a lot of things twice, once for the N770
 and once for everything else.  

My experience negates that. 
You do design the GUI look twice, by neccessity. The display is
smaller and higher resolution than any PC display and stylus input
neccessites some changes. The other stuff is fine just like it was.

 You end up doing things twice since it's
 much more pleasant to debug outside of a N770 or a scratchbox.

Hmm, I dislike the two-environment stuff as much as the next guy, but I
don't see a way around it.

Is there a way to do something to the tone of like:

(outside of scratchbox)
cd scratchbox/home/user/source/foobar/source/
scratchbox-batch SDK_ARM make

I.e. I'd like to avoid having to do manual mode changes with
/scratchbox/login / exit all the time just to issue make. And
/scratchbox/login doesn't take the working directory you were in (before
calling it) into account.

Hmm, I should just check what /scratchbox/login does and hack something
up myself... after all, this might be some weird special thing that
interests only me, again ;)

[and /scratchbox/ is a bad place to put scratchbox to, am I the only one
to have almost all the harddisk space on /home/ and almost none on / ?]


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: xournal mime-type

2006-11-25 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 08:47:40 +0100, Jorge Salamero Sanz wrote:
 now when i click on an xoj file, xournal opens but it's shown a new untitled 
 file. do you know what's wrong ?

Maemo has a weird optimization that ensures that there is only one process
running of an application.

Basically it means that main() is entered once, and you mainloop there.

Once you click on a file in file manager, a callback in your process will
be called (mime_cb) with argv[] (NOT main).
If you click on another file in file manager, a callback in your process
will be called (mime_cb) with argv[] (NOT main).
And so on :)

(all this is done using dbus)



maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: RE: sorry, i forgot the title, it's a newbie question(no new mesage in here)

2006-11-25 Thread Danny Milosavljevic
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 16:13:57 +0900, 박영훈 wrote:

Hello all,

 suddenly I received it from my boss to test our application

Make sure it uses the current firmware release.

Check Control panel  Device  About Product.

It should be Version 2.2006.39-14.

If not, get

and get the flasher program from

Note that device needs to be turned off before flashing. 
See the wiki  ,

 So I installed Debian 2.6.8 and checked 770 detected as a USB storage

What it detects is the MMC card inserted into the lower right edge of the
device. You don't have remote access to the root tree.
I do use it for uploading files though.

The Nokia 770 file manager has a very dumbed-down interface (sigh...)
so the only way to do something useful [as a programmer] with the device
is to install:

1) A terminal: osso-xterm-advanced:

(Don't use the non-advanced version, backspace key is broken there)

2) A ssh server: dropbear:

Note that after installing ssh, drop your ssh public key into
/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys on the device (I usually have to use
the browser on the device to download my public key from my homepage -
after all, its _public_ :) - and then use xterm to put the file there...
yeah, that sucks).

Then you can log in from your PC by doing
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the IP is assigned by the router DHCP and can be
seen in the terminal - ifconfig wlan0)

Then log in to the device and then do: passwd -l root in order to
disallow direct root logins. Details see wiki.

A list of applications is there:

 I think I must setting up usbnet function 

I don't really know about usbnet. Note that the Nokia 770 has wireless
networking out of the box. Much easier when you have a wireless access
point somewhere :) (just click the little globe at the top right screen

So I didn't have a need for usbnet yet :)

Note that in order to become root, you have to 
1) set the device in RD mode and
2) call sudo gainroot in ssh or xterm

For 1) do: 
./flasher --enable-rd-mode --reboot on your PC with the Nokia 770
connected via the USB cable. Note that device needs to be turned off
before flashing. See the wiki  ,

Hope that helps.

Dear Nokia, could we automate
1) uploading an ssh key
2) obtaining the IP address

For 2) does it announce availability via rendevouz-like stuff? Then
ssh key management would still be nice. Hmm... I smell my next project.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Troubleshooting .desktop and .service file

2006-11-24 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 15:11:59 +0200, Eero Tamminen wrote:
 (One of the benefits of D-BUS is that other programs don't
 need to know whether your app is running, they can just
 send messages to it with D-BUS auto-invocation flag and
 D-BUS takes care that only one instance of your application
 is running.)

If you call that an advantage... It usually breaks one of the oldest and
best UNIX conventions: that the process blocks the caller until the task
is done.

I usually cite the gedit example:

1. gedit blahblah.c
2. export SVN_EDITOR=gedit
3. svn ci
4. gedit opens a tab for you to enter the commit message, while leaving
the tab blahblah.c open
5. you type your commit message
6. you close just the tab with the commit message
7. svn ci STILL hangs
8. you continue editing blahblah.c, hell breaks loose

This is one of the most horrible blunders I've
ever seen (breaking an _operating system_ behaviour assumption is about as
bad as it gets).

Then again, maybe its all in my mind :)

And I do see that maybe the memory overhead of having a
wait-until-master-is-done process that blocks until 6. happens may be too
much for an _embedded_ platform. So don't take that as a condemnation, but
just a in a perfect world statement.

And I also see that win32 users have no problem with this behaviour,
since for them it has always been that way (leading to about zero
scriptability without resorting to hacks like EnumWindows) 


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: VFS and gnome-vfs, the unequal brothers

2006-11-24 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

My bad, so one actually _can_ access the file manager's Documents folder
from within the terminal. 

/home/user/MyDocs/.documents/ is where the Documents are.

Likewise for the Audio clips, Documents, Images, Video clips
directories. UNIX-VFS sees them as /home/user/MyDocs/.images etc.

(I'm just noting it in that detail in order to document it - the
search-the-archives way :))

I decree that whoever called that .documents (hidden from ls by
default) won the obfuscation contest, if there was one ;)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: high speed (52/48Mhz) MMC mode added

2006-11-24 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:25:57 +0200, Armin M. Warda wrote:

 On Tuesday 03 October 2006 13:18, Sascha Heid wrote:
 Works great, my 2GB Kingston goes into 4x (15.85s) and my 1GB
 Extremetech stays at 2x (29.7s).
 My noname 512MB MMC seems to go into 4x mode now (16.15s with your 
 recent kernel, 30.12s with your previous kernel, 58.47s with the 
 original Nokia kernel: time dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/null bs=8192 
 count=10240 # read 80MB in 16s = 5MB/s).
 I did not notice any negative side-effect of this kernel, thus I 
 flashed it after testing. 
 Btw, using swap on a fast MMC is much more fun!

Too bad, with the updated IT2006 (the second IT2006), 
1) the old kernel and the new root don't boot together (endless restart
just after the startup sound)
2) even after I copy+pasted the 2.6.20 high speed MMC patch a bit to
backport it to 2.6.16, it doesn't affect anything (boots ok, works ok, but
dd is as slow as it was in the beginning)

Too bad :)

What I have so far is:

For now excuse me, I need sleeep :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] VFS and gnome-vfs, the unequal brothers

2006-11-14 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

So I'm feeling restless again...

I might be biased because I don't really do GNOME application stuff, but...

My complaint really boils down to namespace unification. It
saddens me to see that when one uses gnome-vfs API one sees files with
*different names* than when one uses UNIX VFS, and one sees _more_ files
using gnome-vfs than using UNIX VFS (because the Flash is accessed using a
gnome-vfs module instead of a FUSE module?).

Probably I'm so rooted in UNIX traditional filesystem access (you know,
mountpoints, uniform resource access, uniform naming, ...), but I just
don't see what advantages that kind of confusion has.

Of course we are talking pie-in-the-sky here and
I could very well just nag GNOME with it, I guess :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] preferred application

2006-11-09 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

As you can see on
, I've patched FBReader a little bit. Among other things I added supported
Mime Types to the Desktop File.

Now we are wondering how the file manager selects which application to
open a given file with.

I.e. If I want to read a book (which happens to be in xhtml format) in
FBReader, but I want to read a huge table in the browser.

Ideally, when there are more than 1 possibility, it would just ask.

Alternatively, the context menu could have Open with Browser and Open
as book or so?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] locked myself out of garage

2006-10-26 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

I managed to shoot myself in the foot on .

I locked myself out of the Admin section...
(Curiousity got the better of me and I touched buttons I shouldn't have) 

Can someone let me in again please? :)

(My account is dannym)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] file manager arguments

2006-10-17 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

I'm trying to extend fbreader to support opening books from the file

Given that fbreader is started by dbus (and/or an existing instance is
messaged by dbus), is there some magic to watch out for? 

Just handling argv[] doesn't seem to be enough...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Re: What has happend with ogg-vorbis in IT200?

2006-08-31 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 16:32:54 +0200, Michael Flaig wrote:

 Hi Danny,
 afaik gstreamer-tools are available from the repository and can be
 installed with apt-get. Can´t check it right now, because my nokia is at
 home. Just try an apt-cache search gst...

Indeed, gstreamer0.10-tools.

And correction, two osso-media-serv processes in top output take 100%
CPU total now. (note: no Media Player was open since about 8 hours ago
O_o) And it drained all my battery by now ;)

So it did something, it just isn't particularily working :)

gst-inspect tremor outputted a load of info and looking basically good.
no loopfunc(), though...

and filesrc on the device is from version 0.10.5, so what I used 
is probably too old...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: RE: Nokia 770 sources...

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 22:56:12 +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:

 I am just telling some truths that others should know.
 I'm with you insofar as
 - setting up the developent environment was a bitch

yeah. Better now, though. Or I got used to it o_O

 - it still doesn't give you the same environment as a real 770

 - C++ plus custom framework doesn't exactly lend itself to

It's C (plus gobjects) :)

 maybe a scripting language (python, ruby, whatever) or even Java
 would have been a better choice. 

Not enough room for garbage collection (think huge arena for sorting).
And a python port does exist for the nokia... although... well... not
enough room for garbage collection, as I said :)

 A lot of people, me included, don't
 have a clue about cross-compiling or embedded development.

scratchbox pretty much takes care of all the details, so _once it works_
it's VERY nice.
The only command I have to remember is
'dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot' now, and I created a
build_package script for that, so... :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: RE: Nokia 770 sources...

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 16:12:06 -0400, Andrew Barr wrote:

 On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 15:56 -0400, Michael Wiktowy wrote:
 Unfortunately, I don't think the waters are all that clear in this
 No, unfortunately they're not.
 IANAL but it is my understanding that most countries have RFI laws
 that do not allow RF chip manufacturers to allow their users to modify
 their chips to switch to licensed bands or use an amount of power that
 brings it into a licenseable realm. It is not just the case of the law
 saying that a user can't operate in certain realms ... the user can't
 even be allowed to *possibly* operate in certain realms. 

Give me wire, a jar and a diode and I'll build you a device that does
exactly that in 2 minutes. Oooh radio is sooo complicated. NOT. 
Let's outlaw wire (the most important part here - or is it the diode? :)).

 So if an
 embedded chip is flexible enough, the manufacturers nerf it with a
 binary blob. 

Unneccessary, see below.

 The legal reasoning has been debated extensively on LKML and elsewhere
 multiple times, but I think it's worth pointing out that not everyone
 buys the regulation argument. That the regulations require withholding
 source code is, as I understand it, the prevailing interpretation among
 corporate attorneys rather than language in any particular regulation.
 Do a search at for the recent ipw3945 discussions for details.

The law defines what people are forbidden to do. Regulations define
how people are supposed to use shared media. Devices are not people. 
The tool is not the wielder.

Did I miss anything?

 In all reality the world's communications regulation agencies need to
 address the issue of open source code and software radios with updated
 regulations, and in the very least WLAN vendors will no longer have an
 excuse to hide behind, should that be what they are doing--I suspect at
 least some of them are.

Yes, they are hiding, obviously.

I thought we had the we-are-only-protecting-you-from-yourself laws
scrubbed by now, but maybe I'm wrong...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: What has happend with ogg-vorbis in IT200?

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:22:15 +0300, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:

 On Sunday 23 July 2006 16:28, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
 I can't believe it, what has happend to ogg vorbis support in IT2006.
 Nokia more or less promised it (said they don't have enough time to do
 it in IT2005).
 Feel free to add your vote for this issue in bugzilla:
 Actually it is second rated issue after 2GB RS-MMC cards support at 
 the moment :)
 I don't care about hw-accaleration, it maybe would take 2-3hours to
 implement it in software with the work which has already been done and
 the libraries available - maybe it would be possible to get an NDA and
 implement it mayself?
 Check this link, seems like it contains the information you are looking for:

From that page:

2. [...] Add audio/x-vorbis to
/usr/share/applications/hildon/osso-music-player.desktop and

I think one is supposed to call update-desktop-database instead :)
(I needed that recently, so it's still fresh in my mind) 


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: What has happend with ogg-vorbis in IT200?

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:22:15 +0300, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
 Check this link, seems like it contains the information you are looking for:

I tried this and can't get it to work.

After doing all the steps, the file manager still doesn't display an
audio icon for ogg vorbis files, although icon-theme.cache does contain
the string vorbis 2 times.

Details in File Manager will show audio/x-vorbis just fine.
Clicking on it will open Audio Player.
And that will hang for a bit and then unhelpfully say:
Playback error (something to that extent)

and that's it.

The page doesn't really mention which exact gstreamer version to use, so I
and the Tremor version from trunk from 10 minutes ago.

Copied the compiled files to the Nokia 770, called ldconfig just in case
(although that's not mentioned) and no go...

Guess I'll compile gst-tools, too, and check up on the plugin.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: RE: [maemo-users] Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Traditional as I am when it comes to GUIs, I'd like to have a panel like
this (think icons instead of text in the following):

[All Applications]

Each of those shall be a launcher.
If one of them were running, it shall be marked as such:

[Web (1)]
[All Applications]

Clicking on a launcher when 
1) application is already running and
2) application is marked as unique-instance
should cause the existing application window to be activated.

Clicking on a launcher when 
1) application is already running and
2) application is NOT marked as unique-instance
should cause a menu to pop up that lets you
1) activate the existing application window(s) or
2) launch another instance of it

The Application entry is supposed to open the application menu (for all
the rest of the applications). 
If user then launches an application using the menu rather than from
a panel launcher, it should add a taskbar entry for it to the panel (panel
= taskbar, taskbar = panel :)). 

If user then drags this taskbar entry to where the launchers are /
says create shortcut from the popup menu, it shall become a launcher and
not vanish from the panel automatically ever again. Otherwise it will
vanish as soon as the application is quit.

That's what I see the panel as. Basically all I have on my desktop is the
panel. No separate taskbar (in the traditional sense), no separate tray
area, no window list menu... just a panel.
But this panel will allow me to access all my 
1) favourite applications
2) running applications

If now an application wanted to do a status-like display, it would just
modify its own icon, so
3) status displays

Note that as the number of panel icons grows, the size of panel icons
should go down, so that one essentially never runs out of panel space.

That's what my current experiment on my desktop pc is like, too...

Haha. As if anyone else would find that sane :-)

But anyway. That's what I find most useable. I'm probably in the (1
person?) minority in that, though :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: What's the problem with Japanese support?

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 23:08:47 +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:
 Hi list!
 The only thing keeping me from buying a 770 right now is the reported
 lack of Japanese support. Apparently some people had success with
 displaying Chinese by copying over relevant fonts, but allegedly
 doesn't work for Japanese.

Seems to work fine here (kochi mincho Truetype font in Notes program).

 Is there a particular reason why displaying Japanese doesn't work? Or
 is it just some applications?
 Can I get it to work by generating an UTF-8 locale and copying a font
 or are the apps themselves not UTF-8 compatible? 

GTK2 is UTF-8 all-around. They even had to explicitly back off in order
to support non-UTF8 file names _at all_ ;)

 What needs to be

- create directory /home/user/.fonts/.
- copy font file there
- restart (-- not sure, but it's fast anyway)

Note that the font has 8MB so that probably will drive RAM and Flash usage
up a bit.

 While I could live without input for the time being - are there plans to
 port scim, and maybe a handwriting recognition tool like kanjipad or

I have no idea...


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] python program hanging

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Can anyone help me find out why

hangs on the nokia 770?

I'm totally stumped, on the desktop PC it works fine.

- chmod +x
- ./ /media/mmc1/some/
- press the + hardware button a few times to step through the images
- no image or text is ever displayed
- device hngs
- device reboots

/media/mmc1/some/ is supposed to be a directory with images in it.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 13:04:44 -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Karoliina Salminen wrote:
 I am now collecting some ideas for future development of the UI framework.
 I'm not sure if this is a framework thing, but in general, I'd like to see 
 better offline support.  

I second that.

 I realize the goal is Internet tablet, but 
 sometimes I like pulling the data, and reading it offline.  Things like 
 reading my e-mail on the bus or a plane.
 Also, syncing.  I'd like to be able to sync my contacts with my phone, my 
 desktop, etc.  

There is rsync. It could be preconfigured for syncing home, though...
Or do you mean more?

 Also, as applications like Dates or GPE develop more,
 sync my todo list and date book also.  I think that something like
 OpenSync could be part of the base platform -- especially from the
 perspective of running a background process to acknowledge requests from
 the external computer or phone.

What do you mean by Acknowledge Requests? I start the sync program, it
syncs :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 15:33:12 +0200, koos vriezen wrote:
 The second issue is more a think-about thingy and that's the
 scrollbar. I think that scrollbars don't port so well for touch
 screens (and no mouse). Scroll keys would help but are often for other

I like the panning with the stylus in the body area of the web browser,

I like the - and + buttons for page up/down and the click-to-go gauge
of FBReader in rotated (portrait) mode very much for reading books. 

 I think the old X style MMB, that when cliched actually scrolled to
 that position, is already a big improvement. 

Like the bar in FBReader? It has a gauge (progress bar) like:
[###] showing the current position
and if you click for example here:
  ^ here
it will scroll to that position and 
[## ]

That's nice for wide area scrolls (like, finding a chapter). For small
area scrolls, the + and - buttons are very fitting (I take it that
they originally meant zoom, but in portrait mode they are just too
comfortable for scrolling :)).


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Future features for Maemo?

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 11:47:18 -0400, vern wrote:
 Here is *my* top 10...there is every chance that some/all of these are 
 implemented/thought about already and I  just haven't discovered them 
 yet but like you say we are shooting for the stars,no .
 2. I want working virtual desktops.

I think the application switcher (taskbar) is more than enough...

 4. I want a hardware button called copy and another one paste

Do you really use copy+paste that often? I use it once every full moon,
whilst I use scrolling every five seconds :)

 6. Add a download manager - for example gwget2 - by default

I vote for urlgfe. I searched for a good download manager for ages, and
this is it. Not sure if the nokia 770 needs a download manager, though...
Depends on the use cases :)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Future features for Maemo Desktop

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 16:41:51 -0500, David D. Hagood wrote:
 Integration of the Festival Text to speech engine as an optional 
 component, with hooks into the RSS feed reader and mail client would be 
 nice - that way you could download an RSS feed and have it read to you 
 while you are doing something else.

Hehehe, that's nice. Is there some kind of embedded festival package for
the nokia 770 already? :)

 Integration of a calendaring app (e.g. GPE) with the evolution data
 server such that a common location for all calendaring data can be set

ical, a remote mount point/rsync? *wonders*

 Sync of the internal Evolution data server with an external server, to
 allow syncing with Desktop Evolution.

ical, a remote mount point/rsync? *wonders*



maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:53:09 +0200, Johan Bilien wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 18, 2006, Frantisek Dufka wrote:
 I would also like the icons in statusbar not to be hardcoded and limited 
 in number. 

 If there are more status bar applets that available space I would sugest 
  to have some light clickable arrows on left or right side and 
 temporarily pop-up next icons down or to the left over window name. 

Errr. Show a overflow items popup menu, you mean :)

 Or maybe scroll them in place?

Tiny scrollable areas are evil.

 This feature is being developped in Sardine as we speak

nice :)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:53:34 +0200, Niels Breet wrote:
 -The ability to have more than 5 icons in the statusbar or the
 to collapse them? (not sure how that would work out)

If that works anything like grouping in the win32 taskbar, it works out
really really bad. Grouping unrelated stuff bad.

 -The ability to
 make the left bar with icons smaller in a theme?

I'm not sure how it would look when smaller, but _the ability_ can't hurt


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] desktop integration (resend)

2006-05-07 Thread Danny Milosavljevic



I just spent four hours trying to find out how 
to integrate an application into the maemo

Now that was unneccesary and I'm giving up 
for now, hoping for help.

I ported a nice little program to maemo
(see ),
and it worked fine, when started from xterm.

When I tried to start by using the application 
menu, however, my osso_initialize call  

By now I tried every single one of the ~ 43000 (j/k)
combinations that could be valid in the
- desktop file
- service file content
- service file name
- osso_initialize call name
- osso_initialize call version
- osso_initialize call activation

And it just doesn't work.

For now I commented out the osso parts and now it 
can be launched from the menu. :)

However, stangely enough, now the application icon 
of the menu entry is gone. It was there before I
commented out the service stuff. I didn't comment 
out Icon=, it's still there.

Helppp :)

And before I don't forget, a few nitpickings about the

  there is no mention how the include file needed
  for libosso is called (until wy down).

- the osso_initialize example uses a partial 
  dbus service name only, and isn't the 
  third parameter deprecated by now?

- I sure hope the weird voodoo done by 
  osso_initialize (magically prefixing is already gone? If not, it's 
  not mentioned. 

- And the example doesn't use, 
  but org.maemo. Which would make it break in 
  mysterious ways.

- the valid chars in the dbus service name are not
  mentioned (and there is no NO DASHES warning)

- Icon #8211; Name of icon that represents this application 
  (in tutorial) says:
  Format of the file should be PNG and the prefix (.png) 
  should not be defined.

  That is probably a suffix, and my voodoo detector goes 
  off again.
  Don't ever do that. The file is called how it is called,
  no adding/removing stuff to *cough* simplify it please.

Phiew... now I need sleep. Good night :)


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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] App runs on development 770, not on production 770

2006-03-03 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Donnerstag, den 02.03.2006, 14:56 -0800 schrieb Steven Hill:
 Hello all:
 I am developing an application for a group that is across the continent
 from me.  I am using a Nokia 770 with the development file system.  My
 app runs perfectly on the 770 with the development system, but when I
 put the .deb file on an ftp site for them to download and install, all
 goes OK with the install, and the app is in the EXTRAS folder, but when
 they click to start up the app, nothing happens.

 Does anyone have any clue why this might happen?

 I could learn a lot more if I could run the app from the install
 directory, but the file system will not let me get there using the xterm

Why? You should be able to cd to /var/lib/install/usr/bin just fine...

 app on the production 770 - any ideas how to overcome that?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated
 Steve Hill


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Using osso-browser-interface

2006-01-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Donnerstag, den 12.01.2006, 14:43 +0200 schrieb Kalle Vahlman:
 On 1/12/06, mp s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 osso_return_t ret;
 hildon_app_set_appview ( data-app, data-browser_view );
 hildon_app_notify_view_changed( data-app, data-browser_view );
 ret =osso_rpc_run_with_defaults(data-osso,
osso_browser,plug_new_window, NULL,
 Usually there is a third slash in file ulrs, file:///foo/bar,

That is to say, some apps like to leave the hostname part off (or put
localhost instead of the real FQDN, both of which makes the safety
measure - which the hostname part in file urls *is* to begin with -

(the reason for the hostname part is so that clipboard and drag+drop
file urls that get drag+dropped *across hosts* are caught - they are
invalid across hosts, but file:///foo/bar would look perfectly valid
and could even clobber a totally different file on the other host! -
whereas if it were passed as file://notme/foo/bar it were clear as pie
that it's from the wrong - i.e. another - host)

 although seems like most stuff tolerate less on my desktop...

(Sadly, gnome stuff has notorically bad support for the
file://hostname/path/to/file syntax, so ... maybe others too)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo Alarm/Notifier Interface

2006-01-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Montag, den 16.01.2006, 14:24 +0200 schrieb Igor Stoppa:
 On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 16:11 +0100, ext Nils Faerber wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Igor Stoppa schrieb:
   Obviously they have different wakeup latencies but all of them are
   insignificant, when compared to the delay that would be introduced by a
   traditional suspend-to-disk, which is the closer state to the poweroff
   that youu are mentioning. 
  Well, power-off is something like shutdown in the first place, not
  necessarily connected to suspend to disk - you could simply reboot the
  device loosing your state.
 That's not really desired in a consumer device.
  But as someone ales already pointed out I would also accept and even
  expect that a device that is switched off (770 power button - switch
  off) will indeed keep being switched off despite of any occuring alarms.
  The user should know what he does when switching off his/her device. So
  I think we can basically ignore the power off problem and concentrate on
  the other above mentioned power/sleep states.
 Again, we are talking about something that is actually meant to be sold,
 so it has to behave nicely. Personally I like to have my alarms to be
 fire  forget. What's the point of setting an alarm if I have to
 remember to take care of the thing that should remind me of it?

What about just warning the user when he tries to power off?

[ Poweroff but events are pending
[ The next event comes up on xx.xx. at xx:xx.
[ Are you sure you want to power off and possibly miss the alarm?
[   [Oops]  [Power Off]

As a first-time Arm user, I have no deep idea about handhelds and such,
but I can tell you that I do want Off mean OFF. 

If you actually mean that the device could sleep deeper when user is
not using it but keeping it switched on, then ok. But if user turns it
off manually, the thing better _stay that way_.

The point being for example my Nokia cell phone has alarms too. They are
nice and dandy, and I do use them...

1) It wouldn't occur to me that a switched-off cell phone would deliver
the alarm. [somewhat Off-Topic: with cell service providers in our
country _tracking where the users are and telling it to random callers_,
I'd throw it away the second I would see it reactivating from poweroff]

2) If I have alarms set but switch the cell phone off, I do it
deliberately because I want my peace and quiet (also not to be able to
be called), and if I had a meeting with the president of the country and
now miss the alarm, _so be it_ (of course it could warn me when I try to
switch it off, but not after that). Of course that's maybe a personality
problem (or just coping with complexity), but that's what I do :)

 Even if we can achieve roughly 10 days of standby time, that's not much
 compared to the power saving that can be achieved by effectively
 switching off the device over very long periods of inactivity.

semi-off, you mean. Off except for the RTC and interrupt lines and
minimal arm processor power and lines in-between and whatnot. e.g.

There is also the side case to consider that when baterry runs low, I
turn it off to conserve power for later use when I need it more
urgently. If it wouldn't really turn off when I tell it to, how much
power would that draw? Would it endanger the later use? Or would it be


 That would be compromised by such an approach of delivering alarms only
 when the device is on.
 These small details make the difference between a device for hackers
 only and a device that can leverage the benefits of running linux and
 yet provide a good user experience even to the regular users.
  As long as there is such a timer which can be used that would be fine. 
  Sounds a
  little bit similar to what we do on the iPAQ.
   I used generic terms, but the Omap RTC is what I had in my mind.
   However this fine-grained resolution would be lost when the device is
   _really_ off and the usual trick to wake up and wait would be required.
   And the RTC has to be added to the list of wakeup sources that can
   trigger the transition from any sleep state to running.
  That is just a bit in some regsiter - a very trivial kernel
  modification. The more problem would be to write an OMAP RTC compatible
  driver for the 1710 (if not yet existent, which it IMHO is not) since
  there is not documentation for the 1710 publically available.
 I checked it some time ago for a basic wakeup functionality and apart
 for a few changes that functionality was already provided.
  I wrote the first SA1110 RTC driver and this was pretty easy given you
  have the docs. After toggling the wakeup source register bit for RTC we
  had proper wakeup alarms on the iPaq ;) This was basically one weekend's
  work without prior experience with RTC code. No big deal.
  Next was RTC support for atd, or in fact Rus Nelson started a
  specialised small scale atd for iPaq and 

Re: [maemo-developers] Streaming - Supported Containers / Formats

2006-01-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Mittwoch, den 18.01.2006, 17:15 +0100 schrieb tobias kutning:
 Hi everyone,
 As I got no replies on the Maemo-Users List, here again my questions
 regarding Streaming 
 I managed to setup a VDR streaming solution to play live video streams
 on the 770.
 The settings I used for encoding:
 mencoder -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=64 -ovc lavc -lavcopts
 =300 -vf scale=352:208 -ffourcc DIVX -ofps
 I could open the stream without the slightest problems on my laptop
 using VLC,
 using the http-address: http://vdr:3000/Extern/S19.2E-1-1079-28006+1
 However, when trying to open the stream on the 770 I noticed the
 following behaviour:
 1.) Open with Video-Player: Getting a message like format not
 2.) Open with Browser: Saves the stream as a download. But not
 possible to pass the file directly
  to the Video Player.
 Did anybody successfully manage to stream avi over http to the 770
 yet? Need help for this issue. 

 Generally, what kind of streaming containers are working for the 770? 
 Only Realvideo or also .avi or .mpeg? Maybe someone could clear
 this, as the question arose several times on the Maemo-Users List.

I only managed to get real video streams to work
( ), but that doesn't need to
mean it's impossible to get avis to stream, just not doable in 1-2 weeks
of tinkering ;)

 The VDR-Streaming would be a perfect solution to watch TV  with the
 Nokia 770, if I could get the Stream to open on the VideoPlayer.  

Yeah, the real video producer thing sucks so bad... I don't have any
objections to converting the video to a format suitable for the nokia
(like, realvideo), but that producer program is just weird on Linux.
There is no way I have 30GB (!) of temporary storage to uncompress my
video first only to get it down to like 176x144 size 50 MB.

And it is statically linked, so I can't just extend the helix library to
support pipes and put it in place.

Someone has more of a clue how to do it than me? I'm at a loss of
ideas... Does the original helix thing support creating RealVideo? I'd
guess no, so no use extending that...
 Thanks in advance for you input, your help is appreciated,
 Kind regards


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] ssh login

2006-01-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Freitag, den 20.01.2006, 22:41 +0100 schrieb Diego Fdez. Durán:
 If you don't want to change the user password you can do the following
 steps as they are described in :
 To create ssh keys, on the host you want to connect to your 770, 
 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa 
 Generating public/private rsa key pair.
 Enter file in which to save the key (/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa):
 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): **
 Enter same passphrase again: *
 Your identification has been saved in /home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa
 Your public key has been saved in /home/xxx/.ssh/
 The key fingerprint is:
 d0:b9:30:13:f2:81:b5:09:1d:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 now copy the /home/xxx/.ssh/ over to nokia 770, and put it in
 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Make sure it is only readably by user: 
 $ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 
 $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Nice idea :)

Be sure to disable password authentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config or
otherwise someone else can login using the default user password,
whatever it is :)



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