[Marxism] Behinde the superficial view of counting only the MPs elected (was: Comments from British comrades?)

2015-05-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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Thanks to Dayne Goodwin for recalling the reality: 

on Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015 at 22:13, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

> In 2010 Labour Party got 8,606,517 votes, 29.0% of the total vote, 
> and 258 seats in parliament.
> In 2015 Labour Party got 9,347,326 votes, 30.4% of the total vote, 
> and 232 seats in parliament.

  This is the level where the actual political analysis starts, not by limiting 
oneself by the superficial skewed view created of the British voting system, 
where MPs are elected contituency by constituency, and by simple majority (in 
France, there is an absolut majority required in the first round). 

  Sure, the ruling class is only interested in who of their political 
representatives will exercise the government on their behalf. But for political 
analysis, we have to look at the actual number of votes, and even analyse those 
by constituency and voting district. 

  The CONs got 36.9% of the valid votes in 2015 with 11,334,920 votes, just 0.8 
percentage points more than in 2010 where they got 36.05% with 10'703'654 total 

  The SNP (Scottish National Party) won 56 seats with only 1,454,436 or 4.7% of 
the total votes, but those concentrated in one single region. 

  By number of votes, UKIP came in third with 3,881,129 or 12.6% of the total 
votes, but only one constituency won, and the LD (Liberal Democrats) fourth 
with 2,415,888 total votes taken or 7.9% and only 8 seats. 

  The only other party mustering more than a million votes was the Green Party 
with 1,157,613 total votes taken i.e. 3.8% of the total. 

  The real big changes have not occurred between the two big parties, but with 
UKIP increasing their vote share by 9.5 percentage points compared to 2010 and 
the LD by losing 15.2 percentage points compared to 2010. The SNP mustered only 
a relatively small increase of 3.1 percentage points of the UK-wide totals. 

  But looking only at Scotland, the SNP bypassed Labor with 1,454,436 in 2015 
against 491'386 in 2010, and their vote share by 30 percentage points to 50% of 
the total numer in Scotland. Labour lost 17.7 percentage points of the Scottish 
vote, the LD lost 11.8 percentage points, and the CONs only 1.8 percentage 

  Besides the overall loss of the LD, and the surge of UKIP in England, the 
huge success of the SNP was the real tsunami changing the composition of the 
House of Commons in London. Labour paid not so much for their pro-capitalist 
policies, but for their campaigning against Scottish independence on occasion 
of the referendum, for keeping Scotland in the United Kingdom of Great Britain 
and Northen Ireland (UKoGBaNI for short, to pronounce as Yukogbani). 

  See the 2015 results at the more or less official site: 
> http://www.bbc.com/news/election/2015/results 
and the results of earlier elections and referenda at
> http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/our-work/our-research/electoral-data 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] UNAC et al. shill for Houthis

2015-05-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 11. Mai 2015 at 04:37, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

> All the essentials,

  The "essentials" being the buzzwords of the bourgeois WMD (Weapons of Mass 
Disinformation), the Corporate News Media: 

  "tyranny" and "theft". Karadjis left out the more catching phrase of 
"corruption", but he of course mentioned the independent Iran as the main force 
of evil. Classes and imperialist interests don't concern. 

  So all aligned. Karadjis should apply for a post at CNN or Faux News. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Why Big Business attacks FIFA with the help of the US Criminal Justice system (was: FIFA scandal)

2015-05-31 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 30. Mai 2015 at 18:55, Ken Hiebert wrote under the subject "FIFA 

>  I note that not only Putin, but Third World countries in general are 
> reported to support Blatter.

  Because the proceeds from the worlds largest sports events, the football 
world championship, are being distributed to all memmber football associations 
around the world, more than 200 of them. 

  Big business and their Corporate News Networks want football to be controlled 
as the big US american "sports", like US Rugby ("football"), Basketball etc, 
which are pure businesses where sports clubs controlled by their members have 
no say at all, but only the owners. 

  The owners of the English "Premier Ligue", the French "Lique un", the 
Spanisch "Primera division", and the German "Bundesliga" etc etc  would very 
much like to organize world football events with the exclusion of the Third 
World countries except Brasil and Argentina, but they fear that this would 
result in a situation as in Boxing, where a number of competing "World" boxing 
"Associations" i.e. businesses all organise their own "World champions", or 
Rugby, where there is already a multitude of world leagues with different rules 
(including the US football, which is nothing but a more brutalized version of 

  And now comes the king's, i.e. New York Stock Exchanges, mounted messenger on 
the White Horse, the US criminal justice system and tries to establish US 
Imperialism as the sole owner of World football, in order to lead it surely in 
the corral of US Big Business. 

  And so called "lefties" don't read the signs clearly written on the wall? 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Why Big Business attacks FIFA with the help of the US Criminal Justice system

2015-06-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015 at 22:29, Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism wrote:

>>And so called "lefties" don't read the signs clearly written on the wall?

> I fear Lüko's take on the FIFA affair is a bit naive. All of what he 
> says about the motives of the American authorities may be true, but the
> football establishment everywhere is incredibly corrupt and dominated by
> the national elites - we're talking about billions of dollars or euros
> with kickbacks worth millions. Blatter has in the middle of this morass
> of blatant corruption for nearly 20 years, whether he's directly got his
> snout in the trough or not.

  Blatter has presided over the commercialisation of Football. But does the US 
criminal justice attack this commercialisation or do they only attack money 
going to Third World countries? 

  The attribution of the 2018 men's World FIFA Championship to Russia and the 
2011 one to Qatar are being attacked -- the US had placed a bid for the 2022 
championship and lost to Qatar. 

  There are two main issues with this "scandal": 

1st: the US poses again as the sole ruler of the world, and extends its 
jurisdiction into places which are not US territory. Another transgression of 
their imperial arrogance. 

2nd: The Big Business earning money with football rejct that FIFA's proceeds 
from selling advertising, merchandising and TV rights on the FIFA events are 
being distributed to all 209 Football Associations which are members of FIFA, 
especially those in Third World countries, including quite small island 
republics in the Caribbean and the Indian and Pacific oceans. They want the 
buck to end in the coffers of the richest companies involved. 

  FIFA always took great pains to create exclusivity for their main 
advertisement customers at their events. 

  I remember how the editors of a fan magazine to be published for the 2006 
FIFA world championship in Germany had to photoshop the imageary of earlier 
events to eliminate all appearances of companies which were not one of the main 

  Did any of the scandal mongers attack this practice? 

  FIFA ordered that all stadiums had to be scrapped of their name, so that only 
FIFA itself and the FIFA "sponsors" would appear in the imageary. 

  In Sout Africa 2010 and Brasil 2014, FIFA imposed special laws to prohibit 
any merchandising around the venues which was not controlled by any of its 

  Did any of the scandal mongers attack this practice? 

  Brasil had prohibited alcohol in football stadiums. But since Anheuser-Busch, 
the owners of the Budweiser beer brand, was and is one of FIFA's main 
"sponsors", this rule had to be suppressed for the 2014 FIFA world 

  Did any of the scandal mongers attack this practice? 

  Football has turned into a business. The entities operating the teams are 
less and less the original football clubs and their members, but private 
companies and their owners. Football "clubs" are being sold and resold. 

  Does any of the scandal mongers attack this practice? 

  FIFAs turnover per year (or world championship year) is about 5 thousand 
millions of USD, the English "Premier League" manages more than 20 thousand 

  Does anybody of the scandal mongers call for banning the business from the 

  And what changes do the scandal mongers call for? 

  You don't know, for sure, because they do not spell out anything concrete, 
they only aim to raise emotions, and push for the hidden aim of subjugating 
world football completely to Big Business. To make the "sponsors" to the real 
owners, and to redirect the flow of money from Third World countries to the 
coffers of the biggest capitalist businesses. 

  And as a political person with years of experience you should know: 

  Whereever a campaign against "corruption" is being pushed, you will find 
reactionary aims in it. Remember Italy's "mani pulite"? The campaign to push 
out the corrupt political establishment emerging out of the race for time 
between the US conquest of Italy and the self-liberating partisans? What came 
out of this "campaign against corruption"? The most corrupt regime, the regime 
of Silvio  Berlusconi. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] NY Times: FIFA Should Give Israel the Red Card

2015-06-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015 at 15:45, Joseph Catron via Marxism wrote:

> "Until the day that Palestinians and Israelis are equal under the law, FIFA
> has a moral duty to exclude Israel from the World Cup and European
> Championships. Israeli officials may punish me for saying so, but it will
> be only through their exclusion from international soccer that Israeli
> citizens will realize that the subjugation of the Palestinian people comes
> at a growing political and cultural cost."

  I think it is a political error to insert the Palestinian issue into the FIFA 
business. This makes this political campaign a pawn in the fight for further 
commercialisation of world football. 

  Much better is a campaign asking for Israel to be pushed out of UEFA, the 
European football association, because that poses the fact of Israel as a 
beachhead of the "White Master Race" in Asia. Football in Palestine, including 
the state of Israel, should instead be part of the regional associations of 
Arab and/or West Asian countries. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] 'Radio Freedom' in Ukraine

2015-06-15 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 15. Juni 2015 at 03:42, Roger Annis via Marxism wrote:

> The imperialist countries are continuing their penetration and
> domination of eastern Europe, destroying Ukraine in the process.
> They are driving towards war with Russia, including the danger they
> would unleash nuclear weapons. They are spending a trillion dollars
> to "modernize" their nuclear arsenal. And Marxism list contributors reply, 
> "But what about Putin?"

  The US government decided recently to move heavy military hardware like tanks 
to the Russian border. 

  I also want to remind the readers of this list of that recent US military's 
mishap with a shipment of Antrax samples, thus revealing that the US military 
still keeps live and dagerous biological weapons. 

  And let me remind also that the US government always explicitely includes "by 
all means at our disposal" in their war threats against e.g. Iran and other 
targets of the US aggression. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Greek banks closed, capital controls imposed

2015-06-28 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 29. Juni 2015 at 00:24, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

> Greek banks are to remain closed and capital controls will be imposed,
> Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says.

  They should have done that four months ago. 

  In the mean time, people have voted at the ATMs. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Fwd: Greece: Where is the public works programme? The mobilisation of the unemployed for reconstructing the country?

2015-06-29 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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May I remind people of the this my message of four months ago: 

Dies ist eine weitergeleitete Nachricht
Von    : Lüko Willms via Marxism 
An : Lüko Willms 
Datum  : Montag, 23. Februar 2015, 19:09
Betreff: [Marxism] Greece: Where is the public works programme? The 
mobilisation of the unemployed for reconstructing the country?

===8<=== Original Nachrichtentext ===

 With a a quarter of the econmically active population being unemployed, and 
the economy in shambles after years and decades of disrecard for the public 
infrastructure, a massive popular mobilisation is called for, to take things in 
their own hands, and build. 
 Build roads, bridges, tunnels, railway lines, and more which will increase the 
productivity of the country. 

 Organise farmers to produce what they could not sell on the market, because 
the food industry, the whole salers and the retailers could not make enough 
profits with it. This will feed the workers in the public works program. 

 And nationalise the banks to stop financial speculation and direct the funds 
into financing the public works program and other necessary work. 
Nationalisation does not necessary mean the expropriation of the owners of the 
banks, but taking control out of their hands, combining the whole financial 
"industry" under a common leadership and command for the good of the country. 

 Open the books of big business, of the shipping conglomerates (not only 
Onassis), of the media coporations (which all belong to various corporations or 
financial conglomerates). 

 Take cumpolsory loans from the super rich. 

 Don't make gifts to the people, but mobilize them to work and to take things 
in their own hands, increasing their self-confidence, the self-empowerment. 

 With all, for the good of all, as José Martí, the Cuban hero said. 

 Or is that actually happening? I haven't heard of it. No scandalized uproar in 
the Corporate "News" Media... 

 I was disappointed when the previous Greek government ordered the state TV to 
shut down, and all the workers operating the transmission network followed the 
order. It would have been so easy to mobilize for a NO, and a refusal to shut 
it down. 

 Recommended reading: The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It, by Lenin


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/M, Germany

===8<== Ende des Original Nachrichtentextes =
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Re: [Marxism] ToI: Israel acknowledges it is helping Syrian rebelfighters

2015-06-29 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 29. Juni 2015 at 17:16, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

> Agreed, there's a distinction between wholesale provision of medical aid
> and treating a wounded soldier who they happen to come upon.

  Well, it's not that those anti-government fighters wander aimlessly across 
the Syrian territory, and quite accidentely stumble about the Israeli border. 

  They all do certainly know very well that they can bring a Pickup full of 
wounded fighters to the Israeli border post for the injured to be taken care of 
in an Israeli hospital. And are then not turned over to the official government 
of the neighboring country. 

  I would call that a wholesale provision of medical aid. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] ToI: Israel acknowledges it is helping Syrian rebelfighters

2015-06-29 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 29. Juni 2015 at 17:23, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

> If their aim is to keep the flames stoked, then they could easily do either
> bombs or medical aid, I don't see why it makes a difference as far as
> understanding exactly what Israel is trying to do on the ground.

  and remember, Israel is not only providing medial services to the 
anti-government fighters, but also intervenes militarily in the Syrian civil 
war; bombing lleged Hizbullah convoys, and in one instance, killing an Iranian 

  I would say that Israel is really taking sides. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] IV: No to the diktats of the Troika, solidarity with the Greek people

2015-06-29 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 30. Juni 2015 at 03:23, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

> The dynamics of the coming days may open another road, a
> break with the requirements of the Troika, a stop to payment of the
> debt, radical commitment to an alternative policy, an application of
> the programme through which Syriza has been a majority. But this will
> require a broad unitive mobilization of forces of the Greek workers’
> movement to quickly block the attempts at sabotage that have already
> begun. 

  Unfortunately, I can't see any moves of the Syriza-led govenment to mobilize 
the active forces of the Greek working class. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] The Greek working class overwhelmingly rejects austerity

2015-07-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 6. Juli 2015 at 02:07, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

> And we in ANTARSYA had the right thing to say. It was us who have 
> something to say about the next day.

  and what did you say? 

  I just don't know. 

  How do you think to mobilize the 25% unemployed back into productive 
activity, really taking their destiny in their working hands? 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Seymour on the 'defeat of Syriza'

2015-07-13 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 11. Juli 2015 at 19:58, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> So what kind of party do we need?

 A party which leads the working people, proletarians (wage earners) and 
farmers alike, into taking their fate into their own hands. 

 As I wrote already in late February of this year: 

Datum : Montag, 23. Februar 2015, 19:09
Betreff: [Marxism] Greece: Where is the public works programme? The 
mobilisation of the unemployed for reconstructing the country?

===8<=== Original Nachrichtentext ===

With a a quarter of the econmically active population being unemployed, and the 
economy in shambles after years and decades of disrecard for the public 
infrastructure, a massive popular mobilisation is called for, to take things in 
their own hands, and build. 

Build roads, bridges, tunnels, railway lines, and more which will increase the 
productivity of the country. 

Organise farmers to produce what they could not sell on the market, because the 
food industry, the whole salers and the retailers could not make enough profits 
with it. This will feed the workers in the public works program. 

And nationalise the banks to stop financial speculation and direct the funds 
into financing the public works program and other necessary work. 
Nationalisation does not necessary mean the expropriation of the owners of the 
banks, but taking control out of their hands, combining the whole financial 
"industry" under a common leadership and command for the good of the country. 

Open the books of big business, of the shipping conglomerates (not only 
Onassis), of the media coporations (which all belong to various corporations or 
financial conglomerates). 

Take cumpolsory loans from the super rich. 

Don't make gifts to the people, but mobilize them to work and to take things in 
their own hands, increasing their self-confidence, the self-empowerment. 

With all, for the good of all, as José Martí, the Cuban hero said. 

Or is that actually happening? I haven't heard of it. No scandalized uproar in 
the Corporate "News" Media... 

I was disappointed when the previous Greek government ordered the state TV to 
shut down, and all the workers operating the transmission network followed the 
order. It would have been so easy to mobilize for a NO, and a refusal to shut 
it down. 

Recommended reading: The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It, by Lenin

  at https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/ichtci/index.htm 

===8<== Ende des Original Nachrichtentextes = 

  I wanted to write "implement capital controls", but I didn't know the English 
word for "Kapitalverkehrskontrollen". 

  There is not only a huge mass of unemployed, but also farmers in crisis who 
close shop because the capitalist market does not pay enough for their produce. 
Both farmers and workers have to gain by combining their forces and helping 
each other by a direct exchange of their products. 

  Factories closed in the past years have to reopen in order to produce things 
needed for the big public undertakings. 

  Undertakings which are in the common interest, not induced by favoring 
"entrepreneurship" as the national-front declaration of Tsipras and the 
bourgeois parties stipulates. 

  The important thing is the to activate people who are now jobless and without 
income. Them being activily working for their advantage and the common good is 
what helps them to gain self-confidence. Getting gifts from the government does 

>  One that proclaims the need for rupture? Such a party exists. 
> Actually two of them exist: KKE and Antarsya. But the support for them is 
> negligible. The fact that only 5
> percent of those voting "no" in the referendum expected that if such a
> vote it would lead to a Grexit, either bourgeois or proletarian, is 
> something that the left has to grapple with. 

  Rebuilding the walls between the European countries which had been lowered by 
the European Union is not a way forward for working people. "Workers have no 
fatherland" is the old truth, and giving up those important elements of the 
right to free movement as is the Schengen space and the common currency, is 
really foolish; it only serves the most backward sections of the bourgeoisie. 
As the history after the "no" campaign of the French "left" against the change 
in the European Treaty a couple of years ago. Today it is undeniable that this 
reactionary campaign for rising the capitalist borders around France only 
benefited the extreme right, the Front National. 

  A big question will remain, if the capitulation of the Syriza leadership will 
result in a setback

[Marxism] Text of the Eurogroup Diktat, agreed to by the Greek government

2015-07-14 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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The text (in english) can be downloaded here: 


7 pages, 72.987 bytes. 

There are deep inroads in national sovereignty of Greece. 

The establishment of the fund similar to the GDR "Treuhandgesellschaft" for a 
"significantly scaled up privatisation programme " is well known. To this fund 
"valuable Greek assets will be transferred to" in order to be "monetize[d] 
[...] through privatisations and other means", with the proceeds going 
completely to the foreign money lenders. 

This is sweetened a little bit by this fund to "be established in Greece and be 
managed by the Greek authorities" ... but ... "under the supervision of the 
relevant European Institutions.". 

Another rule of this a-gree-ment is even worse in my view, putting Greece in a 
colonial dependency: 

> The government needs to consult and agree with the Institutions on
> all draft legislation in relevant areas with adequate time before
> submitting it for public consultation or to Parliament.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lüko Willms
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Re: [Marxism] Merkel reduces teenage Palestinian refugee to tears

2015-07-17 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015 at 22:30, Joseph Catron via Marxism wrote:

> On top of all the other reasons to love her this week:

> http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/07/merkel-reduces-teenage-palestinian-refugee-tears-150716175958948.html

  This is the full video of that encounter, nearly 12 minutes, but mixed with a 
lot of advertisement: 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] FT: Greek cleaners swept out of work as Tsipras’s defiance fades

2015-07-17 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 17. Juli 2015 at 15:12, Louis Proyect quoted from the "Financial 

> The sacked Mr Alexiou, 34, was just one of thousands of former public 
> sector employees who had put their faith in Syriza to get them back to work.

> “I wish Mr Tsipras had said no to Brussels,” said Mr Alexiou, sitting 
> outside the ministry in central Athens, his hope of being rehired now in
> tatters. “I hope we can still trust him. He wants to help the workers,
> the poor people... but the creditors will not let him.”

  as long as working people expect their salvation from political leaders and 
from outside forces, so long nothing will change. 

  Only when we start to really take our fate in our own hands will we be able 
to build ourselves a future free from want. The role a revolutionary leadership 
is not so solve the problems of the working class, but only to lead its 
struggles, to organize struggles for practical solutions for practical problems 
which pose the question of which class has the political power in its hand. 
This applies even more to a revolutionary leadership which had been swept into 
government by an electoral victory. 

  A defining moment in the Greek crisis was the closure of the state owned TV 
station ERT by the previous government. It there had really been a 
revolutionary situation, the workers who actually operate the transmission 
system and who turn the switches to ON or OFF would have refused to abide by 
the governments order. They didn't, and I dont know of any party leader who had 
called them to do so. 

  As the French sung in The Internationale

  "Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes
   Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun
   Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes
   Décrétons le salut commun" 

  or its European English translation: 

  "No saviour from on high delivers,
   No faith have we in prince or peer.
   Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
   Chains of hatred, greed and fear."

   And, ceterum censeo, one of the very first intiatives of a workers party in 
government in today's Greece where 25% are unemployed, would be to launch a big 
program of public works. Of putting the banks together into one national bank 
to centralise the liquid capital for the common projects, with all for the good 
of all, as José Martí said: "Con todos por el bien de todos."

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin Question

2015-07-21 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015 at 15:48, Egan, Daniel via Marxism wrote:

> Can anyone direct me to a specific work in which Lenin states that
> the party must be 'one step but only one ahead of  the masses'?

  not directly this quote, but the "Ultraleftism, the Infantile Disorder" is 
along this lines

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Counterpunch promoting left-right alliance (aka "Querfront")?

2015-07-23 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015 at 17:56, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Now I confess to being many things: obnoxious, sarcastic, narcissistic
> and cruel. But "ex-Marxist"? Really? I'll have more to say about that anon.

  At least you are listed as the top "leftist" author in Counterpunch by this 
strange German woman from Cincinnati, whose article "Jeff via Marxism" linked 

  "Querfront" is mostly used by the rightist, so called "anti German", pro-USA 
and pro-Israel current in Germany to slander people who stand with the victims 
of violent conquest and ethnic cleansing in Palestine, among a general stance 
for social justice and against oppression.  

   But this Élise Hendricks says on her blog start page that she contributes to 
German websites who actually do support the Palestinians, namely the one 
published in Cologne, stealing the title of Marx and Engels paper in the 1848 
revolution ("Neue Rheinische Zeitung") and Abraham Melzers blog "Der Semit". 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-25 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 25. Juli 2015 at 00:42, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

> a truly left wing publication 

  Well, what is that? When is a "left wing publication" a "truly" one? 
  "left wing" of what in the first place? As far as I can see, "left wing" is 
mostly the "left" wing of bourgeois politics. 

  Maybe you should just give up on trying to put each and everyone in clearly 
separated classifications. 

  Reality is contradictory. A central tenet of thought is the unity of identity 
and difference. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-25 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 25. Juli 2015 at 01:40, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

LP>> Paul Larudee and Franklin Lamb are Baathist propagandists, 
LP>> not conservative or libertarian ideologues.

> Hmmm, you just made me realize that I have no idea whether those
> individuals are right or left. 

  What the fuck?! Isn't it more important if they accurately report the facts 
without distorting them for a pre-conceived world view? 

>  So I'm wondering: have YOU (or anyone else on this list) seen
> other writings by either of these two where they deal clearly with class
> issues that would place them on the right or left? 

  I do not need a stamp of approval from the "Central Administration of Eternal 
Truths" for each and every writer whose articles I might read. I also don't 
need articles which simply regurgitate my own opinions. 

  The real criteria are: does the article expand my knowledge and deepen my 
understanding of reality? 
> My general rule, [...], is that if you can write volumes 
> yet never once speak about clearly left-wing concerns 
> (the interests of the working class and labor issues, fighting sexism and the
> patriarchy, opposing nationalism with international solidarity, etc.) then
> I have no reason to call you a leftist.

  Well, the "interests of the working class" are interpreted different by 
different people. Many "leftists" insist that the interests of the working 
class are best served by bowing to the demands of the capitalists, since 
without capitalists, so they think, the world would not turn around. 

  Many "leftists" think the best service they can do to fight "sexism" is to 
fight for a continued occupation of Afghanistan by the imperialist invaders, by 
putting Iran back in the orbit of imperialism, and by ignoring the abysmal 
oppression of women in the best friend of "Western" liberties in the Arab East, 
i.e. the bloody Saudi dictatorship. 

  Many "leftists" insist that "international solidarity" is to follow the 
directions of the war propaganda of the US empire, and to give solidarity, 
well, of course, "critical solidarity" to the war moves of their own masters. 

  And there are those how in the name of "opposing nationalism" call for 
retreat behind national borders, isolating from the world, giving up on each 
single element of freedom of movement accross national borders -- think of all 
those "leftists" who claim that the Greek working class give up this material 
element of freedom of movement which is the common currency of 19 European 
countries (but those people do not call for tearing down the wall built by 
Greece on the greek-turkish border). 

  That's why I avoid all those labels of "left" and "leftist" and "marxist" 
etc. Reality is concrete and is not done away by stamping such labels on people 
and parties. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Why Greece Should Leave the Eurozone

2015-07-26 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 25. Juli 2015 at 19:53, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> (Sinn is one of Germany's most prominent economists although I had never
> heard of him before. His dissertation was on Marx's theory of the 
> falling rate of profit. 

  This seems to be untrue. The German language Wikipedia arcticle on Sinn 
an article on "Das Marxsche Gesetz des tendenziellen Falls der Profitrate", 
published in the journal "Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft" Vol. 
131, 1975, pp. 646–696  

  But it is unquestionable what also the bio page at his workplace (in english) 
says that he gained his doctorate in 1978, which would be three years after 
this journal article, and the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) lists his book 
"Ökonomische Entscheidungen bei Ungewissheit", published in 1980, as his 
"Dissertation", i.e. the work to gain the academic grade of "Doktor". English 
as "Economic decisions under uncertainty". 

> I have no idea whether it was to support it or attack it but probably the 
> former. 

  Its the first time I heard of this article on one of Marxen's central 
cientific discoveries. The mentioned de.Wikipedia-article has a link for 
downloading Sinn's article as PDF from the web site of his IFO-Institute, but 
that document seems to have been removed. I'll look it up in the journal at the 
DNB. It is available online at http://www.jstor.org/stable/40749847 but 
requires registration. 

> He has been a reactionary pig for 
> most of his career and thus his call for Grexit is of some interest.)

  Well, that is the call of all reactionaries all over Europe for many years 
already. On government level the minister of finance, Wolfgang Schäuble, is its 
main proponent. 

  I call Prof. Sinn mostly Prof. Unsinn ("sinn" -> meaning, sense; Unsinn -> 
the contrary. 

  I still remember a TV talkshow about low wages and a minimum wage where Prof. 
Unsinn was confronted (among other participants) with a woman who worked as a 
chambermaid in a Hamburg hotel, and who demanded a higher wage to get around. 
Prof. Unsinn told her that then her work would not be done at all, or being 
shipped to Poland. 

  Unfortunately nobody in that talk show was keen enough to ask Mr. Sinn if 
then he would be prepared to clean his hotel room by himself... 

> Hans-Werner Sinn is a professor of economics and public finance at the
> University of Munich.

  He is mainly known for being the president of the "ifo Institute", one of the 
leading think tanks for economic policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] This war is about peace, or The Council for the National Interest

2015-08-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 31. Juli 2015 at 13:50, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

about the "Council for the National Interest": 

> If Jeff's politics and witch-hunting are considered leftism then he can
> have leftism. I'll take Iyad Burnat and Ed Peck instead, they appear to be
> making actual sacrifices to liberate oppressed people while others are more
> interested in stamping Palestine with their political platforms and then
> demanding purity.

Not at all. Those people of the "Council for the National Interest" just want 
to remove an obstacle to the absolute domination of the USA over all peoples of 
this planet.   

They are not acting differently than the British imperialists when these 
implemented the policies of their 1939 "White Paper", and restricted the 
Zionist immigration, which aimed at keeping the Arabs under the British boots, 
to avoid that they might look for support against oppressor from the enemy of 
their enemy, just as the Arabs had been fooled by the French, British and 
Italian colonial powers in World War 1. French troops evicted 'Abdallah by 
military force after he proclaimed himself the King of the Arabs in Damascus. 

 British colonial troops also tried to contain the oppressive moves of de 
Gaulle's "Free French" to reassert French colonial rule over Lebanon and Syria, 
which also seen by London as arousing the whole of Arabia against their 
(current European) oppressors. 

 The "Council for the (US-American) National Interest" is also in the same line 
of de Gaulle who went from his triumphant "Je vous ai compris" [I have 
understood you] speech before a mass of French settlers in Algiers to the peace 
treaty of Evian which assured Algeria of its independence. 

 Finally the rebuff which Ian Smith received from London when he declared 
independence for a "White" ruled Rhodesia.  

 The British colonialists had more to lose than just Palestine, they had to 
care for their world wide Briish Empire. 

 Same today. There are rifts in the US ruling class or their political 
representatives, of which one faction finds a political expression in this CNI: 
it would be better for the total domination over the planet if the US would do 
away with the friction caused by the colonial settler state of Israel. They see 
the USofA as the "only indispensable nation" of humanity; all other nations are 
dispensable in the eyes of the US empire. The Sandinista hymn rightly calls the 
US ruling class the "enemigo de la humanidad", the enemy of mankind. 

on Freitag, 31. Juli 2015 at 01:36, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

>> Elsewhere, presumably, the US is pursuing its own interests and that is
>> as it should be.
> Where does it say that? Honestly, I'm sick of the Nancy Drew
> let's-find-Nazis bullshit whenever there are peace activists that aren't
> waving around their left credentials. CNI is an organization of mostly
> diplomats and former governmental personnel like Abourezk and Ed Peck, of
> course they'd talk about "American interests". So what?

 So you see the desire to rule over foreign people as the same as the desire of 
same people to get rid of foreign domination?   

> The "national interest" rhetoric is also quite normal. How is it different
> from emphasizing that we need "money for jobs and education (i.e.
> domestically), not for war and occupation," or saying "Bring our Troops
> home," or any of the other nationalist rhetoric that dominates peace
> activism in any given country?

 Like "nationalist rethoric" of the Vietnamese and the US-American ruling class 
during the US war against Vietnam -- all the same? 

 The nationalist rethoric of "Algerie française" and the "nationist rethoric" 
of "freedom and independence for Algeria" -- all the same? 

 Can't you see the contradiction of oppressor and oppressed? 

> I think CNI is a great organization and this is much ado about nothing.

 Well, if you think that the US ruling class is right in assuming a "manifest 
destiny" to rule over all of humanity, to maintain a world wide network of 
military bases, aircraft carrier fleets in all oceans, and of torture centers 
and assasination squads threatening to strike in each and every country, you 
are on the other side of the barricade. 

on Freitag, 31. Juli 2015 at 13:50, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

> It's interesting how Jeff's callous dismissals of a bunch of diplomats and
> Congresspeople who burned their old bridges and became outspoken critics of
> imperialism 

 that is a grave error. 

 Do these people advocate independence for Puerto Rico? To they call for the 
USA to give the illegely occupied piece of land at the exit of Guantanamo Bay, 
where they have built a concentratio

Re: [Marxism] Exit the Euro? Polemic with Greek Economist Costas Lapavitsas

2015-08-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 6. August 2015 at 22:23, Celeste Murillo via Marxism wrote:

> A broad spectrum of people from Nobel Prize in Economics winners Paul
> Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz to members of Syriza’s Left Platform, are
> defending – with more or less resolve – the need for Greece to abandon the
> Eurozone. “The Case for Grexit” (1) is the title of an article by Costas
> Lapavitsas, the well-known Greek Marxist economist and member of the Left
> Platform, which was published in July in “Le Monde Diplomatique”. 

   And "This article is available to subscribers only."

   That "economists", i.e. ideologues of the bourgeois "order" call for Greece 
to give up on the common currency, is self-evident -- they say that Greece got 
their entry into the Euro zone only by presenting falsified statistics, and 
should never have be granted entry in this exclusive club. 

   They also explain that Greece needs a huge devaluation of its actual 
national values and wages, in order to be profitable again, being able to 
compete with richer nations. A newly introduced Greek national currency would 
rapidly drop against the Euro and all other currencies on the globe, thus 
producing a huge of the wages of Greek workers in relation to the wages of 
their class brothers and sisters in other countries. Greek capitalists could 
therefore sell their exports cheaper on the international market. It would also 
be easier for international capitalists to grab Greek industries and properties 
for a bargain. The international debt on the other hand would rise, since it is 
noted in Euro and USD, not in the possible new and heavily devaluated Greek 
national currency. 

   On the hand, such a devaluation would create problems for what is probably 
the largest "industry" of Greek capitalists, i.e. the shipping industry -- the 
Greek ship owners are said to command one of the largest fleet of ships on the 
seven seas. But, while they may pay the captains and first officers of their 
ships in the national currency of Greek, they do probably employ all other 
workers on board from the Philipines and other third world countries as all 
other big shipping capitalists do. And the Greek ship owners would have to put 
up more of the devalued Greek currency to pay their wages. They will also have 
to pay vastly more for the other big part of operating a ship, i.e. the fuel. 
Greece does not have much of an oil industry, and has to import it (import it 
is also when the fuel is taken in in foreign ports by those Greek owned ships). 

   So, while the huge devaluation of a national Greek currency would be a mixed 
bag for Greek capitalists, it would be a complete disaster for Greek workers, 
self-working farmers and small fishers. 

   So I can't understand why anybody claiming to represent the interests of 
working people in Greece and not completely out of his mind would call for a 
devaluated Greek national currency. 

   But OK, these so called leftists are under big pressure, and we had already 
the example of the French LCR (Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire) which 
campaigned side by side with the French fascist "Front National" against open 
borders in the referendum on a change of the European Treaty. And thus helped 
to make the Front National to one of the largest French parties by the number 
of votes garnered in parliamentary elections. 

   Our call should be "For a World without Borders", not for re-building 
borders and more border fences and walls, as Greece had already built on the 
border to Turkey, which Hungary is building against Serbia, as Tunisia is 
building on its border with Libya, as Saudi Arabia already has on its Northern 
border, and as the United States of America has against Mexico. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Greek (and international) shipping industy (was: Exit the Euro? Polemic with Greek Economist Costas Lapavitsas)

2015-08-10 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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Thanks a lot to Ioannis Aposperites for filling my gaps on the Greek shipping 

Recently I watched a TV documentary on the international shipping industry on 
the French-German TV channel "arte", which also dealt a lot with the yearly 
"Posidonia" fair and conference of the international shipping industry held in 

And I have a question regarding this: 

on Samstag, 8. August 2015 at 02:11, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

> The strange phenomenon of a neoliberal EU/ECB/IMF troika's proposition
> to tax the shipowners 

  makes me think of the Belgian bourgeois (liberal) politician Guy Verhoofstadt 
haranguing Alexis Tsipras in the European Parliament to "end the privileges of 
the ship owners, the privileges of the military, and the privileges of the 
orthodox church" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P84tN0z4jqM ) 

> while a  greek "left government" was "resisting"
> this proposition in the name of the greek "national interests" is very
> telling about this simple fact: Under capitalism whatever may happen, 
> the shipowners, the class that has founded this country, will remain 
> untouchable. The greek parliament will certainly pave a way out of any
> burden for them, as it has always done.

  Article 107 of the Greek constitution 
(https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Greece#Article_107 )stipulates 
"The same legal force is enjoyed by the provisions of Chapters A through D of 
Section A of Statute 27/75 "on the taxation of ships, compulsory contributions 
for the development of the merchant marine, establishment of foreign shipping 
companies and regulation of related matters"." 

  Is this Statute 27/75 available anywhere in English or another more 
frequently spoken language than Greek? 

  BTW, Article 3 of the same constitution ( 
https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Greece#Article_3 ) is even more 
astonishing as it gives certain religious beliefs constitutional backing, thus 
taking away religions freedom, like in paragraph 2 "The text of the Holy 
Scripture shall be maintained unaltered. Official translation of the text into 
any other form of language, without prior sanction by the Autocephalous Church 
of Greece and the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople, is prohibited", and 
it limits the freedom even of the Greek Orthodox Church to determine their 
internal organisation on their own accords. 

  That article has to be eliminated in the name of the freedom of religion. 

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Re: [Marxism] Greek (and international) shipping industy

2015-08-10 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 10. August 2015 at 14:07, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

 lots to read and study:

> 1. I am afraid I can't find any translation of 27/1975. You can find it
>   in .. greek here: http://www.nee.gr/downloads/265N27-1975.pdf

  this is from the site of the "Hellenic Chamber of Shipping" 

> Comments on that law are here: 
> http://greeklawdigest.gr/topics/transportation/item/73-taxation-of-ships

  this seems to cover only ships sailing under the Greek flag 

> and here: 
> http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Energy-and-Resources/dttl-ER-Shipping-Tax-Guide-6countries.pdf

> though I have not compared them with the law itself.

  Thanks a lot! Unfortunately, while I have tried at least to learn Turkish, I 
have never ventured into Greek except for greetings, thanking and so on (and I 
have sung in the trade union choir here in Frankfurt/Germany the "Thi simamoun 
oi campanes" by Mikis Theodorakis on the test of Giannis Ritsos (If you can 
help to create proper IPA transscription of the Greek text, I would be immensly 

> This Law regulates definitely everything about shipowners' taxation. In
> its second article states that no further tax obligation may be imposed
> in the future. 
  But the Deloitte summary has a section B covering ships under non-Greek flag:

  "As of 2013, a tonnage tax is imposed on owners of vessels flying foreign 
flags provided the vessels are operated/managed by offices established pursuant 
to article 25 of Law 27/1975"

> Of course the legal restriction is a matter of the class struggle level, 
> but nevertheless it indicates the profound subordination of the state to the 
> shipping capital.

  and it would have to be an international class struggle, I presume. The huge 
tanker fleets owned by the Niarchos and Onassis and their like probably rarely 
up to never touched greek ports, and the same would apply to huge container 
ships and most other ships, too. And their crew is international, mostly from 
Third World countries, except the officer caste (and that might be Croatian 
today, after Yugoslavia lost its merchant fleet during the balkanizing war). 
55'000 ships sails the oceans to transport goods over the seven seas and 
between the continents. BTW, the Liberian law makes it illegal to reveal the 
name of the owner of ship registered in the Liberian ship registry, one of the 
most frequently used registries together with Panama and Malta. 

  Thinking of todays shipping industry makes me think of B. Travens 
"Totenschiff" (The Death Ship). 

> 2. The article 3 of the greek constitution is another deplorable one. 
> And on top of this, nobody in Greek can officially have (let alone 
> built) a religious place, any kind of church or temple, without the 
> local bishop's permission.

 A similar rule presumable in vigor in Turkey is always cited by the German 
bourgois press as proof of the intolerant Turkish regime, but this 
corresponding Greek legislation is never mentioned. 

> On the contrary, some rich people with (the indispensable) connections
> to a bishop, were able to build (even pharaonic) villas as "secondary 
> auxiliary buildings" of a small private chapel, in areas where building
> was totally prohibited by the city planning commission. It was the local
> bishop's and not the city planning commission's responsibility to permit
> or not the construction of a chapel!

  my dear goodness...

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Two Different Paths: Syriza and Podemos or the FIT?

2015-08-14 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 14. August 2015 at 02:46, Richard Fidler via Marxism wrote:

> But then, consider this:
> http://internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article4164

  Hopeless, hollow blustering. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Lars Lih and Lenin’s April Theses | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentent Marxist

2015-08-17 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 17. August 2015 at 09:30, Joseph Green via Marxism wrote:

> The Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt, a Trotskyist group, backed the coup
> against Morsi until it was too late. ItsTrotskyist standpoint led it to a
> devastating error in assessing the way opposition to Morsi was developing.

  They had probably the same theory of "tyrannies" as you self to advance, 
instead of looking into the class relations. 

  "Tyranny" is the catchword of a reactionary propaganda by (mainly 
US-)imperialism gather in all those dissatisfied people and lure them into a 
Soros type "color revolution" by setting up tent cities on some central place 
instead of mobilizing people in their workplaces. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Lars Lih and Lenin’s April Theses | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentent Marxist

2015-08-18 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 17. August 2015 at 18:46, Joseph Green via Marxism wrote:

 talking about a text by Trotsky written in 1936 

> Trotsky had a hard time figuring out how and why to support the 
> Ethiopian people. From the standpoint of "permanent revolution", it wasn't
> obvious what to do. And it is notable that Trotsky doesn't cite permanent
> revolution as a reason for support of this struggle. Instead, to back
> support for the Ethiopian side, he had to invent a new principle: choosing
> between two dictators. That's why his letter "On Dictators and the Heights of
> Oslo" was so important in the Trotskyist movement. 

  You correctly call this text a _letter,_ and it begins with "Dear comrade", 
so obviously a letter to someone of his cothinkers on Great Britain. The "new 
principle" of "choosing between two dictators" was not his, Trotsky's, but of 
the ILP conference or rather of John Alston Maxton, Baron Maxton, of 
Blackwaterfoot in Ayrshire and Arran ( 
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Maxton,_Baron_Maxton ) who imposed this 
distorted view on the ILP party conference, by an ultimatum. Read point 1 of 
the letter: 

> Maxton and the others opine that the Italo-Ethiopian war is “a conflict 
> between two rival dictators.” 

  It is dishonest from your part then to project this view on Trotsky, whereas 
Trotsky is sharply arguing against this view. The issue in this letter is not 
so much Italy's war to conquer Ethiopia, but the politics of the ILP and of 
revolutionary communists. 

  About the Italian war Trotsky wrote a letter to the International 
Secretariat, which is published in the "Writings 1935-36" on page 41 
(Pathfinder Press, ISBN 87348-502-5 as paperback and ISBN 87348-501-7 as cloth 
bound). It is fair use to copy the text here for the sake of factual 

> Published July 17, 1935
> To the International Secretariat
> Far too little attention is paid to the Italo-Ethiopian
> conflict by our sections, especially by the French section. This
> question is highly important, first for its own sake, and second
> from the standpoint of the turn by the Comintern. Of course, we are
> for the defeat of Italy and the victory of Ethiopia, and therefore
> we must do everything possible to hinder by all available means
> support to Italian imperialism by the other imperialist powers, and
> at the same time facilitate the delivery of armaments, etc., 
> to Ethiopia as best we can.
> However, we want to stress the point that this fight is
> directed not against fascism, but against imperialism. When war is
> involved, for us it is not a question of who is "better," the Negus
> or Mussolini;  rather, it is a question of the relationship of
> classes and the fight of an underdeveloped nation for independence
> against imperialism. The Italian comrades might give us a short
> historical summary indicating how Crispi's defeat had a positive
> effect on the further development of Italy. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Can somebody translate into English this discussion on Trotsky which occured somewhere in Latin America?

2015-08-18 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 14. August 2015 at 21:28, Anthony Brain via Marxism wrote:

>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWC_JdhfJY0

  This "somewhere in Latin America" is the Brasilien public TV broadcast series 
"Observatorio de Imprensa" (review of the press) 
> http://tvbrasil.ebc.com.br/observatorio 
presented weekly by Alberto Dines. 

  This is the first part of at least two on occasion of the 70th anniversary of 
the assasination on August 20, 1940 (leading to Trotsky's death the next day, 
August 21). Language is, of course, Braszilian Portuguese (which differs from 
European and African Portuguese as much as US English differes from British 

  Sorry, this is a video of 52 minutes, and I can't watch the whole thing right 
now -- but thank for the hint and link! -- but can say that the presentation 
seems to be honest and following the facts instead of slandering this great 
leader of the Russian October Revolution and the defensive war against the 14 
invading capitalist armies, and continuator of Lenin's legacy to a newer 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Can somebody translate into English a debate which looks likely had occured on Russian TV?

2015-08-18 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 14. August 2015 at 21:31, Anthony Brain via Marxism wrote:

>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zqTCLvayrc

  The only thing I can say on this that its from a series of "Documentary 
Films" by Vremya, the main evening newscast program by "Channel Russia":  

  The format of a discussion of a moderator with two "experts" in the studio 
with phone in from the public lets think that it is at least somewhat 
controversial, maybe even leaning towards defending stalinism. But my Russian 
is by far too weak for discerning what the different people do say. 

  Another publication prompted by the 70th anniversary of the assination of 
Trotsky. There will be more on all media. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Once more on IT and a return to the drachma | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-08-18 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 18. August 2015 at 19:27, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> has an unrealistic take on the amount of work it would take to modify 
> Greek computer systems to handle a return to the drachma.

  Reading your article leaves me open mouthed unable to understand the problem 
which you seem trying to solve. I can't see one. 

  One would simply declare all bank accounts to be in the New Drachma instead 
of Euro, and that's it. Either 1:1 or at a given exchange rate. 
  Just as it happened in the other direction, when the national currencies 
where converted by a given exchange rate (fixed a few years before) to Euro. In 
the German case, the exchange rate was fixed to 1.95583 DEM/EUR. And the 
account was changed from being made out in DEM to made out in EUR. The GDR 
people had two changes in one decade, first from DDR-Mark to DEM, then from DEM 
to EUR. Cash was changed by the banks in the given exchange rate. 

  What the fuck are you fantasizing about? 

  The only problem is to have the neccesary amoung of coins and bills in the 
new currency, and producing that takes time. 

Lüko Willms
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Once more on IT and a return to the drachma | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-08-18 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 18. August 2015 at 23:07, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> I have written 3 articles now on IT issues relating to the Grexit.

  which I have not read because first "Grexit" doesnt interest me, and secondly 
because I can't see any IT issue with that catastrophy for the Greek workers, 
and thirdly because I do not break my head to solve political problems for the 
> It is a bit hard to explain the issues to non-IT people but basically they 
> involve understanding that 
> mainframe systems are written in COBOL, 

  some, and large parts of it, but the banks are working hard to change that. 

> a language that is not easy to modify even when you have defined the 
> requirements. 

  depends on how good or badly written the program is. COBOL has been my 
specialty as application programmer, and I had written a handbook for my 
colleagues at that mainframe computer company on how to write COBOL programs 
compatible to all three operating systems and very different hardware 
architectures. I have made it a rule that no GOTO may be written without the 
corresponding COME FROM. 

> In essence, converting existing banking systems to the drachma is like 
> finding a 
> needle in a haystack. Whenever a program refers to some currency amount
> that is being used as a limit (such as checking to make sure that an 
> account has a certain amount to make it eligible for free checking), you
> have to make sure that it is adjusted for the drachma. 

  For the number cruncher, it is irrelevant if the account is denominated in 
EUR or GRN (for Greek New Drachma). 
> The program code might look like this:

if account_total >> 1000
> perform free_checking_rtn 

  for one, I don't know in how far such primitive payment system as checks are 
still being used in Greece, but I know from news reports that many of the old 
age pensioners do not have bank accounts at all, but rely completely on cash. 

  Here in Germany, payment by check is completely irrelevant. I have not filled 
out a single check form for at least a decade, maybe even more. Most payments, 
if not in cash, are done by direct transfer from account to account, or direct 
debit, or card payments with either direct debit or credit cards. 

> That piece of code assumes that you are talking about 1000 euros but if
> you switch to a drachma, it would have to be modified to reflect a 
> different amount such as 1.

  As said: 

  For the number cruncher, it is irrelevant if the account is denominated in 
EUR or GRN (for Greek New Drachma). 

  And: Greece joined the Euro only in 2001, two years later than the official 
start. The fixed exchange rate was 340.750 GRD (Greek Drachma) for 1 Euro, so 
the financial systems had been capable to deal with not simply one digit more, 
but 2 digits more than in Euro. 

  And please consider that the biggest "industry" in Greece is shipping, and 
the shippers are accustomed to work in USD anyway, and to convert USD to GRD, 
and USD to EUR. 

  A New Drachma (in my abreviation GRN) would not have to calculate such an odd 
exchange rate, but could start with a 1:1 relation to the Euro, before the GRN 
falls into the abyss of a 100:1 exchange rate of GRN/EUR. These odd exchange 
rates had been necessary because 19 countries had to synchronise their 
currencies to a common one. A country leaving the Eurozone for a solitary 
existence could easily start with a 1:1 conversion, and then let the new 
currency float against EUR, USD, GBP etc. 

  When the Greek bankers and businesses have managed the transistion from GRD 
to EUR by 340.750:1, then they should be able to cope with a 1:1 change from 
EUR to GRN. And especially I can't understand why this which doctor Varofakis 
thinks that the devaluation of the Greek currency needs a new payment system. 

  But, as I said, "Grexit" is something which I rather want to avoid, and I am 
not interested in preparing it. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Once more on IT and a return to the drachma | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-08-19 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 19. August 2015 at 01:02, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote:

>   And: Greece joined the Euro only in 2001, two years later than
> the official start. The fixed exchange rate was 340.750 GRD (Greek
> Drachma) for 1 Euro, so the financial systems had been capable to
> deal with not simply one digit more, but 2 digits more than in Euro. 

  Sorry, I forgot to give the link to the EU website with information about 
"Converting to the Euro" with all the fixed exchange rates of the national 
currencies to the Euro, and about the process of introducing. 


  With links to more information on the subject. 

  BTW, after Greece some more countries joined the Euro: 
  2007: Slovenia
  2008: Malta and Cyprus
  2009: Slovakia
  2011: Estionia
  2014: Latvia
  2015: Lithuania

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trotsky’s Istanbul house for sale - LOCAL

2015-08-21 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 2. August 2015 at 01:15, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Let's do a Kickstarter on this.

> http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=86234&NewsCatID=341

  In this piece from Hürriyet the house looks good, but already the images 
accompanying this article by the Guardian 
> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/08/leon-trotsky-turkish-island-hideaway-property-sale
show a little more of the reality. 

  I just saw a news item on Al Jazeera (english) with some footage from the 
interior ... showing that the house is a ruin, and a restauration would not be 
enough to save the building, but a complete reconstruction. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Guardian: Greek crisis: Syriza rebels break away to form Popular Unity party

2015-08-21 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 21. August 2015 at 14:15, Shalva Eliava via Marxism wrote:

> It's hard for me to convey in words the level of disappointment,
> frustration, and befuddlement I feel about Tsipras, et al...

  It's time to sober up after months long delirium of "broad left" electoral 

  There is no way around mobilizing the working people as self-acting agents of 
their fate, with the perspective ot taking power out of the hands of the ruling 
class and the various burocratic castes supporing the class rule (e.g. the 
officer caste of the military and the clergy of the Orthodox Church). 

  The way forward is not putting pressure on the powers that be to demand them 
to change their minds, but to mobilize our own forces by actually changing the 

  As I had already written on this mailing list, that one of the first tasks of 
a workers and farmers government would have to use the state power for a 
program of public works putting the 25% unemployed to work for infrastructure 
works which increase the general productivity of the nation. Giving gifts to 
able people sitting at home does not secure the basis for change. 

  It is more important to know and say it loud and open what we are for, than 
to know what we are against. NO and OXI are not the flags to march under. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Bild.de: The truth about Assad's war on Syria

2015-08-22 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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On Samstag, 22. August 2015 at 04:18, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:

>   Bild.de: The truth about Assad's war on Syria

  The BILD tabloid is to newspapers what Faux News is to TV news reporting: 

  BILD (also better called BLÖD-Zeitung) can be relied on falsifying each and 


>> *ASSAD is worst than ISIS*

>> This is one of those rare times when I see a piece on Syria that I 
>> think so important that I reprint it here at Linux Beach. Please visit 
>> the original location here 
>> to view the videos.

   That's the stinking well of foul propaganda where the partisans of the US 
worldwide war drive sip their "truths" from. 

   Quite telling. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Assad worst than ISIS: Another 50 civilians murdered in Douma today

2015-08-23 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 23. August 2015 at 04:26, A.R. G via Marxism wrote, querying Clay 

> Wait, are you saying that the US should impose a no-fly zone?

  Yes, Mr. Claiborne is a 100% supporter of US imperialism

>  Have the rebel groups called for such a measure to be taken by the United 
> States?

  Yes, they called on the enemy to intervene in Syria as in Iraq and 
Afghanistan and Libya by massive bombardements. 

  They are following the tradition of Arab "elites" to call on the enemies of 
the Arab nation to help one of the cliques aiming to be imperialisms stooges to 
take the absolute power and eliminate all competitors. Just as in 1914-19 
looking to British imperalism, and since 1940 to US imperialism. 

  They act against the interests of the Arab and other oppressed nations, which 
is to unite against US imperialism, the "enemigo de la humanidad", the "enemy 
of hunankind" as the Sandinista hymn so aptly called it. 

  There is no other way. 
Lüko Willms

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2015-08-25 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 26. August 2015 at 02:20, Anthony Brain via Marxism gave a link to 
his latest Wordpress-blog article, which contained e.g. this:

>  75 Billion Pounds were wasted in the stock market crash in the
> City of London during August 24th 2015. Additionally I have heard
> two days ago that the American Stock Market has lost 5 Trillion
> Dollars. All that money being wasted which could be used for
> productive investments for human need. 

 actually no, the drop in stock exchange values only showed that this was 
fictitious capital, which could not be realized when their owners tried to 
transform it in real values. These stock market values are product of 
speculation, not real production of value, even if this fictitious capital is 
being used to appropriate real values produced the world around in the process 
of a redivision of the surplus value. 

 Only human labor produces new value. 

 And human labor is the prime force which is needed for productive 
investmensts, not money. 

 That is why I have always said in regard to the crisis in Greece, that the 
first task is not to get the creditors to renounce of parts of their debt 
claims, but to mobilise the huge number of unemployed people in the country 
(with an unemployed rate of 25%) for a public works programm. Only the real 
mobilisation of human beings taking their fate in their working hands can be 
the basis for a renegotiation of the foreign debt of Greece. 

 Further down he wrote:

> Revolutionary upheavals could become more frequent in the next
> period. Key to Trotskyist strategy is utilise the examples of
> workers’ states of what is possible.

  I don't think that this would help. More important is the practial experience 
of the working class people in the capitalist countries with their own force of 
the big numbers and own productive role, gaining confidence in their own 
strength instead of this destitute thinking that it is always outside forces we 
have to expect "help" from. 


Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Arab Countries Are Forcing Palestinian Exiles Back Into Syria

2015-08-26 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 26. August 2015 at 18:39, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> I wonder if Iran has accepted any refugees. 

  There are just three other Arab states bordering on Syria: Lebanon, Jordan, 
and Iraq. 

  Lebanon has millions of refugees from the Syrian civil war, and Jordan also 
lots of them, but in a very controlled and limited way. 

  Iraq is certainly not a safe place to find a refuge in. And there is no way 
to get to Iran other than passing thru Iraq. 

  No, Syrian refugees are going to Europe, to the very countries who fuel the 
Syrian civil war by demanding the violent overturn of the Syrian govenment, and 
which erect barbed wire fences to stop the hundreds of thousends of refugees 
trying to find a safe place in the center of the storm. 

  Lots of red herrings about "Arab countries" in numbers --- three. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Freedom of Press by George Orwell

2014-11-15 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 14. November 2014 at 22:04, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

> A rare and lost preface to Animal farm; novella written by George Orwell.
> This preface better known as Freedom to Press was written by Orwell
> himself...

  Thanks for sending this out! I didn't know that yet. 

  BTW, there is a fairly complete collection of George Orwell's writings is to 
be found at http://orwell.ru  and his preface to "Animal Farm" is also 
available there: http://orwell.ru/library/novels/Animal_Farm/english/efp_go  

  It is worthwhile to browse the whole catalogue on http://orwell.ru for a 
number of other essays by Eric Blair, not only in English, but also in some 
other languages, especially in Russian, as one might expect. 

  George Orwell aka Eric Blair is still my favourite English writer. 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Effacing the radical tradition in the American Jewish community

2014-11-28 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 at 15:55, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

> Here’s a long but interesting piece (h/t Gordon Peffer) by Rachel
> Cohen, a writer for the liberal bimonthly American Prospect, on the
> expunging from the Jewish American historical memory of the
> community’s secular, left-wing, working class origins. 

  What a coincidence. As it happens, I am currently reading the 1998 book by 
Karen Brodkin, "How Jews became White Folks, and What That Says About Race in 
America". Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ. ISBN 0-8135-2590-X

  I am in the middle of the fourth of five chapters, "Not quite white: Gender 
and Jewish Identity". 

  Based on what I have read up to now, I can highly recommend it. Here is the 
"Summary" of Chapter 2: "Race Making": 

> Summary

>   Initially invented to justify a brutal but profitable regime of
> slave labor, race became the way America organized labor and the
> explanation it used to justify it as natural. Africans, Europeans,
> Mexicans, and Asians each came to be treated as members of less
> civilized, less moral, less self-restrained races only when
> recruited to be the core of America’s capitalist labor force. Such
> race making depended and continues to depend upon occupational and
> residential segregation. Race making in turn facilitated the
> degradation of work itself, its organization as “unskilled,”
> intensely driven, mass production work.
>   Although they worked in jobs that were termed “unskilled,” that
> label cannot be taken at face value. Workers often possessed skills
> that they were not allowed to exercise. It is also important to
> distinguish conceptually the skills actually required to perform a
> job from the job’s classification as skilled or unskilled. As
> Patricia Cooper has noted of the racial and gender pattern to
> occupational segregation generally, it
>seems to have little relationship to anything concrete. It does
>not relate to the physical difficulty of the job or to the
>technologies involved. . . . Given the arbitrary and artificial
>nature of skill definition and its ideological construction, job
>sorting is not related to some abstract definition of skill.
>Women’s jobs are often marked as less skilled because it is women 
>who hold them. The same argument applies to the jobs of nonwhite men. 
>Indeed, race and gender job segregation are interlinked.
>   In line with Venus Green’s findings, others have noted that when
> women of color replace white women, or when white women replace
> white men in significant numbers, the result is job degradation,
> which takes the form of marking the job as less skilled while
> driving the workers more intensely. Although hostility from male
> workers presents a barrier to access by women and workers of color
> to white-male-type jobs, employers are in ultimate control. They may
> recruit women with an eye to cutting the price of skilled white male
> labor, or they may transform a requirement to hire women into an
> opportunity to de-skill and degrade the job. Such actions, not
> natural processes, reproduce occupational segregation by race and sex.
>   In sum, the temporary darkening of Jews and other European
> immigrants during the period when they formed the core of the
> industrial working class clearly illustrates the linkages between
> degraded and driven jobs and nonwhite racial status. Similarly, the
> “Indianness” of Mexicans and Asians, as they became key to
> capitalist agribusiness, stands as another variant on the earlier
> constructions of blackness and redness. I am suggesting that this
> construction of race almost is the American construction of class,
> that capitalism as an economic organization in the United States is
> racially structured. Just as the United States is a racial state, as
> Michael Omi and Howard Winant have argued, so too is American
> capitalism a racial economic system. This does not mean that there
> are no white workers in degraded jobs. However, it does suggest that
> such workers may experience their position as somewhat contradictory
> or as an out-of-placeness in the American racial way 
> of constructing class.

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] What is a Marxist organization?

2014-12-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014 at 04:14, Scott J. via Marxism wrote:

  my spontaneous first answer to the question in the Subject line is and was. 

  "An organisation calling itself Marxist". 

  And since each and everybody can call herself and himself a "Marxist", this 
designation is quite useless. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin's Tomb on Charlie Hebdo

2015-01-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015 at 19:09, Charles Faulkner ("Lacenaire"!) via 
Marxism wrote:

>  i question charlie hebdo's motivations in publishing the cartoons
> and subsequently any claim they have to being of the "left". 

  Charlie Hebdo used to have the sub-title "bête et méchant", which I translate 
as "stupid and vicious". The copy which I shortly saw on the telly today had 
the line "periodique irresponsable", "irresponsabel periodical". 

  They just enjoy to make fun of other people, and to humiliate them. They do 
(or should we say now "did"?) know that "sex sells", and used it, and they also 
knew that making fun of the victims of French colonialism sells. 

  Marine Le Pen of the fascist Front National took of course the occasion to 
assign the responsability for the attack to "islamism". 

  Listening to here hate speech on www.frontnational.com or Youtube, hearing 
her speaking of crimes "not committed for so many decades", the massaker came 
to my ming, the attack on Arabs demonstrating for freedom in the Algerian city 
of Setif by French colonial troops, on the same May 8, 1945, when in Europe the 
unconditional capitulation of the German imperialist army was signed. 

  And the torture by the same French colonial troops later during the 
liberation war for Algeria. 

  And many other crimes. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin's Tomb on Charlie Hebdo

2015-01-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015 at 16:42, Ed George via Marxism wrote:

> http://www.leninology.co.uk/2015/01/charlie-hebdo.html

  Thank you. 

  The call to be calm and sober is so much missing on the Corporate News 
Networks only spreading Faux News. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Further statement of the New Anti-Capitalist Paty

2015-01-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 9. Januar 2015 at 02:25, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote, quoting:

> http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article3793

> Hollande and national unity, anger and indignation diverted

> François Hollande, once again, even in this dramatic situation, did not have 
> anything to say.

> Throughout the country people are expressing their indignation,
> anger, revulsion against the pure and simple execution of
> independent, free and satirical, anticonformist, journalists, this
> putting to death of Charlie Hebdo, and Hollande is praising a united
> France, calling for national unity. In doing so he justifies the
> wars that he and his government are carrying out against the peoples
> in regions of the world where plundering and military interventions
> organized by the great powers are sowing misery and chaos.

> It is because the NPA is fully solidarity with the journalists, the
> employees, the victims of the barbaric and reactionary attack
> against Charlie Hebdo and its journalists

  and so on and so on

  Nevertheless, the NPA saved its honor by declaring today 

> The NPA will not be participating in the "national unity"
> demonstration in Paris on Sunday 11 January alongside François
> Hollande’s Socialist Party in government, Nicolas Sarkoyzy’s UMP and
> the vast majority of French political parties, as well as many heads
> and representatives of government.

  Read the rest of the declaration titled "After the dreadful attack on Charlie 
Hebdo national unity is a trap: let’s unite for democracy and solidarity 
against racism" at 
> http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article3798 

  But please read also the french text dated Friday, January 9, where the fire 
is directed primarily on the stupid attackers, at

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Help finding Marx quote

2015-02-09 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 9. Februar 2015 at 16:13, Ed George via Marxism wrote:

> The German quote is indeed from Marx-Engels-Werke, Vol 4 page 339; 

  The text is here: 

Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Help finding Marx quote

2015-02-09 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 9. Februar 2015 at 17:28, Ian Angus via Marxism wrote:

> Thank you very much!  Google tells me that "grobianism" refers to Saint
> Grobian, the patron saint of vulgar and coarse people. (Who knew they had
> their own saint?) 

  I never heard of that. 

  A "Grobian" is simply somebody who is "grob" - a word which has a wide field 
of meanings, from "coarse", "rough", "uneven", "crude", a "grober Fehler" could 
be a "gross error" of "bad" or "crass error", etc. 

  A "grober Kerl" a coarse or rude fellow, or a ruffian. The single word 
"Grobian" has the same meaning; my dictionary also lists "boor" as translation, 
and the US-american "roughneck". For "Grobianismus" in literature it lists 
"grobianism" or "Rabelaisian style". 
Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] The Islamist Phoenix

2015-02-24 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015 at 15:25, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:

  Nothing. Just providing a link to a link 

  Why didn't you provide the real link to the original article, this one: 

Re: [Marxism] The Islamist Phoenix

2015-02-24 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015 at 16:28, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:

  About this article by Ron Jacobs in Counterpunch
>  Ironically, Ron Jacobs and Counterpunch are willing to promote any ISIS
> story as truth if it means they may be able to blame the death of an ISIS
> hostage on a NATO ally.

  And NATO needs to be defended, eh? 

  Interesting is also the wording: 

  Hostage instead of prisoner. 
  On the other hand, they call the hostages kept by the thousands behind bars 
by Israel "prisoners". 

  The bad guys - ISIS, the Syrian government, the Arab Palestinians, "kidnap" 
and take "hostages". 

  The good guys - NATO, the US, French colonialism, the colonial settler state, 
etc, "take prisoners". 

  "They" -- the unwashed masses of this Earth -- commit "murder", "we" from the 
imperialist monster do nothing more than "targeted killing" or "collateral 

  It is interesting to note that the foul language of the imperialist monster 
is being accepted on this list called by its owner a "Marxist" list. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Prominent Putin critic Boris Nemtsov shot dead near Kremlin

2015-02-28 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 28. Februar 2015 at 11:44, Charles Faulkner via Marxism wrote, 
quoting the Hearst-Paper "San Francisco Chronicle": 

> MOSCOW (AP) — A few hours after going on the radio to denounce
> President Vladimir Putin's policies as mad, charismatic opposition
> leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down early Saturday as he walked near the 
> Kremlin.
> Colleagues in Russia's beleaguered and marginalized opposition
> pointed fingers at the state or at assailants fired up by fervent
> nationalist sentiment in state-controlled news media. But Putin and
> other Russian politicians suggested the brazen attack was a provocation 
> against the state.

  The US government kills its political opponents by remote controlled killing 
machines on all continents, not near the White House. Or it sends death squads 
in foreign countries to assasinate political opponents in their bed room. 

> Nemtsov, 55, was shot while walking with a female companion on a
> bridge over the Moscow River about 400 meters (yards) from the
> Kremlin. Russia's Investigative Committee said at least seven shots were 
> fired.

  From the article on Boris Nemtsov on en.Wikipedia.org :

> In November 1991, Nemtsov was appointed Governor of the Nizhny
> Novgorod region. He was re-elected in that position by popular vote
> in December 1995. His tenure was marked by the implementation of a
> wide-ranging, chaotic free market reform program which earned the
> nickname "Laboratory of Reform" for Nizhny Novgorod and resulted in
> significant economic growth for the region. Nemtsov's reforms won
> praise from former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who
> visited Nizhny Novgorod in 1993 (Chinayeva 1996, 37).
> In December 1993 Nemtsov was elected to the Federation Council, the
> upper house of the Russian Parliament. During the election campaign
> he was backed by "Russia's Choice" and Yabloko, which were then the
> principal liberal parties in the country.
> In March 1997 Nemtsov was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of
> the Russian Federation, with special responsibility for reform of
> the energy sector. He was widely popular with the public and
> appeared to be the lead candidate to become President of Russia in
> 2000. In the summer of 1997, opinion polls gave Nemtsov over 50%
> support as a potential presidential candidate. His political career,
> however, suffered a blow in August 1998 following the crash of the
> Russian stock-market and the ensuing economic crisis.
> As part of Chubais' economic team, Nemtsov was forced to resign his
> position of Deputy Prime Minister (Yeltsin 2000, 99). After the
> dismissal of Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin in 1998, Nemtsov was
> reappointed by Yeltsin to his post of Deputy Prime Minister, but
> again resigned shortly after when Yeltsin dissolved the government.
> In August 1999 Nemtsov became one of the co-founders of the Union of
> Rightist Forces, a new liberal-democratic coalition which received
> nearly 6 million votes, or 8.6%, in the parliamentary elections in December 
> 1999.

> U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Nemtsov committed his life
> to a more democratic Russia, "and to strong relationships between
> Russia and its neighbors and partners, including the United States." 

  Yeah, that was the value of Boris Nemtsov for "the West". The "democracy" of 
Mr. Kerry is lived out in the concentration camp on the US occupied part of 
Cuba at the entry of the Guantanamo Bay, and earlier in the Abu Ghraib prison 
in Iraq. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA leaders on "new situation" in Greece, showing confusion and lack of perspectives

2015-03-09 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 8. März 2015 at 02:31, glparramatta via Marxism wrote:

> "Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's 
> responsibilities" http://links.org.au/node/4324

  Quotes from that article: 

> improve public finances by making the rich pay. A first positive
> sign in this direction is that the treasury prosecutors
> investigating lists of Greek account-holders who have illegally
> transferred money to Swiss and other foreign banks have already
> blocked €404 million found in the bank accounts of 17 depositors.

Why don't they take control of the banks? Merging the banks into one national 
bank under public control. No need to expropriate the owners or account 
holders, but to give the working people the means to direct the liquid capital 
to productive purposes. 

As to taxes, slash the VAT to the minimum level prescribed by the EU treaties, 
and raise the income taxes for the rich. 

Secure the ships of the Greek shipping companies, the way the US hedge fonds 
nailed down the school ship of Argentinian marine. 

> At the same time, we will be judged on our moves to democratise the
> political system and the public sphere, in the war against
> corruption and in tackling the humanitarian crisis. The government
> has already presented its first bill, which includes free
> electricity for households that live in conditions of extreme
> poverty (300 Kwh per month), housing rent allowance for 30,000
> households (€70 per person or €220 per family per month), as well as
> a nutrition allowance for citizens that also live in conditions of extreme 
> poverty.

It is nice to make gifts, but that does not change the political situation, and 
does not help to secure a mass base. 

People need ways to take part in the creation of a new society, and building 
the country with their own hands. This is what lets self-confidence grow; 
receiving gifts by governmental benefactors does not, it rather increases the 
feeling of being powerless and having to rely on "those above". 

Besides the nationalisation of the banks, the most important move is a public 
works program which mobilises the 25 percent unemployed, gives them a sense of 
being important, constructs important infrastructure, and alleviates the state 
budget by organising exchanges of products bypassing the retail trusts, 
organising farmers to supply their produce directly in exchange to work by the 
city workers. 

One of the worst moves is what I heard this morning in the radio (DLF - 
Deutschlandfunk), according to which Varoflakis, the non-partisan finance 
minister, is said to have called on each and everybody to spy on each other for 
detecting tax frauds. There is no "better" way to destroy any feeling of 

Again: study Lenin's The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It to learn 
from it in a creative way. 

Otherwise I fear that the end of the Syriza government and party is coming much 
faster than their worst enemies would have hoped for, and the end of the last 
vestige of social-democratic populism. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Last of Warsaw Ghetto Survivors Calls for Rebellion Against Israeli Occupation Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

2014-07-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014 at 01:41, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2013/04/09/last-of-warsaw-ghetto-survivors-calls-for-rebellion-against-israeli-occupation/


>  it is forbidden for us to rule over another people, to oppress another 
> [people] 

  That needs to get some mean on this meager bone. 

  This means to giving up the reactionary utopia of a "Jewish state" in a 
conquered land, and to begin to live with the Arabs in Palestinas as equals. 

  To embrace democracy, as Abraham Lincoln has spelled it out in his Gettysburg 
  Government by the people, of the people, and for the people, and not, as the 
current Crusader state has implicitly stated the foundation of the state of 
Israel: Government by the master race, of the master race, and for the master 

  And doing away with two fundamental laws which implement this racist 

  The "Prevention of Infiltration Law", which makes the return of the Arabs, 
who fled the ethnic cleansing colonial war of 1947, to their homes a criminal 
offence, and its complementary law

  the "Law of Return", which does not, as the name might suggest, regulate the 
return of the refugees, but which allows each and every person from anywhere on 
the plant to immigrate and to acquire Israeli citizenship right from the first 
day of setting foot on Palestinian land, independently of them having any 
relationship with the land; they just need to be able to successfully claim 
that they are Jews. 

  If this is not a racist setup, than I am the emperor of China. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-22 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 at 18:23, DW via Marxism wrote:

>  The Vietnamese *won*. The Palestinians? Not so
> much. I think the correct analogy here would be the Ted Offensive, which
> was a lost by the NLF but proceeded the ultimate victory about 8 years
> later.
   Let me quote from a recent short note by Fidel Castro "An unheard of 
provocation" on the US-war drive against Russia and the Israeli terror in Gaza: 

> At the same time, coinciding with the Malaysian aircraft crime,
> Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the nuclear
> state, ordered his army to invade the Gaza Strip, where, over the
> last several days, hundreds of Palestinians have died, many of them
> children. The President of the United States supported the action,
> describing the repugnant act as legitimate defense.
> Obama does not support David against Goliath, but rather Goliath
> against David. As is known, young men and women from the Israeli
> people, well prepared for productive work, are being exposed to a
> death without honor, without glory. I am not aware of the
> Palestinian?s military strategy, but I know that a combatant
> prepared to die can defend even the ruins of a building, as long as
> he has his rifle, as the heroic defenders of Stalingrad demonstrated.

  The Israel government wants the Arabs in the Gaza strip to suffer the fate of 
the uprising in the Jewish Ghetto in German-occupied Warsaw, but it might well 
be that they rather encounter what the German army suffered at Stalingrad. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-23 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 at 18:23, DW via Marxism wrote:

> Dennis writes:

> "Would you also say that the Vietnamese claim of victory in 1975 after
> suffering 4 million dead, widespread birth defects from Agent Orange,
> unexploded bombs killing people to this day, and widespread destruction
> leaving their nation an economic basket case unable to serve as a positive
> model for other former colonial nations were also guilty of
> "wishful-thinking"? Was their victory merely Pyrrhic as Chomsky has
> suggested?"

> Terrible analogy, Dennis. The Vietnamese *won*. The Palestinians? Not so
> much.

   Marwan Bishara, "english Al Jazeera's senior political analyst" today 
reminded the viewers of the Al Jazeera english language TV channel that in the 
past 100 years, no colonial power, be it England, France, Germany, Italy, USA, 
Japan o rhave you, ever managed to defeat a colonized people. Let me single out 
the victory of small Vietnam over the most powerful empire humanity has ever 
seen, the USofA. 

  The current Crusader state will also suffer the same fate as all predecessor 
Crusader states in in the past centuries. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Brian Eno Compares "Racist" Israel to the Klan, Blasts "Hypocritical" America for Support

2014-07-30 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2014 at 05:32, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

> He mentions the UN Partition Plan of 1947 but neglects to tell his readers
> that the UN had *no business* in partitioning another people’s homeland!

  And that the UN in 1947 was far from representing humanity -- only the 
colonial powers, Latin America, the USSR and some Arab countries were 
represented. Ah, also India and Pakistan which had gained independence only 
recently, due to the weakening of British colonialism by the war. China was 
represented by the Kuomintang-Regime of Taiwan. And the USSR and her allies 
voted for the colonial partition plan! 

  And that the UN General Assembly's decisions have no legally binding power, 
what the world is always reminded of, when the UN GA votes nearly unanimous, 
with two Nay-votes, to lift the US blockade against Cuba, or to lift the siege 
of Gaza. The two Nay votes coming from the State of Israel and its sponsor, the 

  The UN minority back then called for a Republic of Palestine, with equal 
rights for all, without any discrimination based on birth, language, religion 
and so forth. This is documented in the proceedings of the various UN committes 
and assemblies of 1947. 

> He tells us that the Arab states declared war and “urged the Palestinians
> to flee.” Where is the evidence for this claim? Zionists used to claim that
> “Arabs went on the radio to urge the Palestinians to leave, and that after
> the Arab armies drove the Jews into the sea, they could return to their
> land.” 

  Nothing is further from the truth. Actually some settler posse -- the 
European settlers were already armed by the British colonial power as an 
auxiliary colonial police to fight the Arabs -- appeared at a village and did 
what they do today by SMS and automated phone calls: they called the Arabs to 
leave their homes and their village "Get out, or we kill you all! We want to 
flatten your village and make sure that you never return to your ancester's 
graves!" And so they made disappear from the landscape more than 400 villages 
and many other homes and businesses of Arabs. And try to push all Arabs out of 
Palestine by making life impossible in the Gaza strip. 

  The settler state, the modern version of the Crusader states, is the world 
champion in descruction and demolition, and lives by it. They not only destry 
homes and whole quarters, but olive orchards and other agricultural areas. 

  Maxime Rodinson reports in his very recommendable "Israel - A Colonial 
Settler State?" (New York, Pathfinder Press, 1937): 

  "An American member of the last Anglo-American commission to carry out 
investigations in Palestine in 1946 asked [Golda Myerson (later called Golda 

  'If the Jews as a minority had the same privileges as those you are promising 
the Arabs as a minority, would you be satisfied?' 

  'No Sir', replied Golda Meyerson- 'For there must be one place in the world 
where Jews are not a minority.'" 

  And since the majority population which Ms. Meyerson wanted to rule did not 
agree, they had to apply violence to drive out the population, and to maintain 
that violence in order to have a  "Jewish state", which means the rejection of 
Abraham Lincoln's formula for democracy: "Government of the people, by the 
people, and for the people", proclaiming instead "Government by the master 
race, of the master race and for the master race." And so the Jews were 
promoted from their status of outcasts to honorary members of the "White Master 
Race", as the auxiliary racist outpost of "Western" colonialism against the 
Arab nation. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Fwd: Kaddish for Gaza / Kaddisch für Gasa

2014-08-05 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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Dies ist eine weitergeleitete Nachricht
Datum  : Dienstag, 5. August 2014, 10:17
Betreff: WG: Kaddish for Gaza / Kaddisch für Gasa

===8<=== Original Nachrichtentext ===

Betreff: Kaddish for Gaza / Kaddisch für Gasa

English version below


Prof. Dr. Rolf Verleger

Rede auf der von der Deutsch-Arabischen Gesellschaft organisierten
Kundgebung am 30. Juli 2014 vor Schloss Bellevue in Berlin.

Mein Vater hatte Auschwitz überlebt, meine Mutter die KZs im Baltikum. Sie
zogen mich in der Erkenntnis auf, dass es die Wahl zwischen Gut und Böse
gibt und jeder Mensch für seine Taten verantwortlich ist: Sie erzogen mich
in der Ethik der jüdischen Religion.

Für weite Teile des heutigen Judentums gelten heute alternative Ethiken.
Eine davon ? das ist die für Deutschland kompatible Variante - lautet: Wir
Juden seien vor allem eines: Opfer. Aktuell sei der Staat Israel das Opfer
unverständlicher Hassausbrüche von Arabern und von Antisemiten.

Ich würde gern all diese Leute, die so etwas sagen, Folgendes fragen:

Die Tatsache, dass keiner meiner Großeltern das Dritte Reich überlebt hat, -
gab sie 1947/48 den jüdischen Freischärlern und der israelischen Armee das
Recht, Hunderttausende Araber aus Israel zu vertreiben?

Die "Arisierung" des Berliner Grundstücks meines Urgroßvaters - gab sie dem
Staat Israel das Recht, Anfang der 50er Jahre den Boden und Besitz der
arabischen Vertriebenen zu konfiszieren?

Die Ermordung meiner Onkel und Tanten durch die SS - gibt sie dem Staat
Israel das Recht, seit 47 Jahren die Diktatur eines Besatzungsregimes

Die Erschießung meiner Großmutter Hanna dafür, dass sie in Berlin ohne
Gelben Stern zum Friseur ging - gibt sie dem Staat Israel aktuell das Recht,
die Bevölkerung Gasas auszuhungern und zu massakrieren?

Allgemein: Gibt die Tatsache, dass wir europäischen Juden Opfer eines großen
Unrechts wurden, dem jüdischen Staat vor Gott und vor den Menschen das
Recht, nun Anderen Unrecht zu tun?

Nun möchte ich noch zwei Dinge sagen:

Erstens möchte ich auf eine Demonstration hinweisen, die heute um 18h am
Heinrichplatz stattfindet, organisiert von Israelis. Eine der Forderungen
ist "Ende der automatisch für die israelische Seite garantierten deutschen
Unterstützung, sei es militärisch oder politisch". 

Zweitens möchte ich Kaddisch sagen, das traditionelle jüdische Totengebet.
Ich sage es für die Toten in Gasa, und auch ? im Tod sind alle gleich ? für
die toten israelischen Soldaten, auch wenn sie für eine ungerechte Sache
gestorben sind.

Jitgadal weJitkadasch schmej-raba ...

English translation starts here 

Prof. Dr. Rolf Verleger

Talk given at the manifestation organized by the German-Arabic Society in
front of Bellevue castle (office of the German president) in Berlin, July
30, 2014

My father had survived Auschwitz, and my mother survived concentration
camps in Estonia. When rearing me they made clear to me that there is the
choice between good and bad and that people are responsible for what they
have done:  They educated me within the ethics of Jewish religion.

Today, alternative ethics apply to many of nowadays Jews. One of these
ethics, the one that is most compatible to Germany, reads: We Jews are above
all: victims. Today, the state of Israel is victim of eruptions of
incomprehensible hate from Arabs and anti-Semites.

I would like to ask the following questions to all those people who say
things like that.

The fact that none of my grandparents had survived the Third Reich – did
this entitle the Jewish partisans and the Israeli army in 1947/48 to expel
hundreds of thousands of Arabs out of Israel?

Die "Aryanization" of my great-grandfather’s Berlin parcel of land – did
this entitle the state of Israel to confiscate land and property of the Arab
expatriates in the early 1950s?

The killing of my father’s brothers and sisters by the SS – does this
entitle the state of Israel to exert the dictate of an occupational regime
since 47 years?

The shooting of my grandmother Hanna because she went to the barber’s in
Berlin having taken off the yellow star ? does this presently entitle the
state of Israel to starve and massacre Gaza's population?

Generally: Does the fact that we European Jews had become victims of a big
wrongdoing entitle the Jewish state in God's and mankind's eyes to do wrong
to others?

I would like to close by saying two things:

First I would like to direct your attention to a manifestation taking place
at Heinrichplatz at 6 pm, organized by Israelis. One of their demands reads:
to put an end to automatically guaranteed German support for the Israeli
side, be 

Re: [Marxism] Resisting Nazis, He Saw Need for Israel. Now He Is Its Critic

2014-08-17 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 16. August 2014 at 15:32, Louis Proyect via Marxism quoted:

> Israel still occupies the West Bank; it pulled troops out of Gaza 
> in 2005 but retains control over its seafront, airspace and
> most of its borders.

  ALL of its borders, not just "most". The border with Egypt is controlled 
indirectly, by the Egyptian proxy, and initially also with the collaboration of 
European officers in the back offices of the checkpoint. 

  Also, the withdrawal of the settlers was accompanied by the complete 
destruction of all buildings in those citadels, er, settlements, with the 
exception of synagogues which were left standing as provocations. Nothing 
should be usable for the Arabs in Gaza. 

  And the state of Israel also controls the population - as I learned from the 
article "Israel showed restraint in Gaza before attacking? You must be kidding" 
by Amira Hass in Haaretz (some time mid July) behind a pay wall, but in full 

> Israel still controls the population registry for Gaza and the
> West Bank. Every Palestinian newborn in Gaza or the West Bank must
> be registered with the Israeli Interior Ministry (via the
> Coordination and Liaison Administration) to be able to obtain 
> an ID card at age 16.
> The information typed into the cards is also in Hebrew. Have you
> ever heard of an independent state whose people must register in the
> “neighboring” (occupying and attacking) state — otherwise they won’t
> have documents and won’t officially exist?


> Gaza and the West Bank have the same international area code — 970.
> (The separate code is an empty gesture left over from the Oslo
> period. The Palestinian phone system is a branch of the Israeli one.
> When the Shin Bet security service calls a house in Gaza to announce
> that the air force is going to bomb that house, the Shin Bet 
> doesn’t have to dial 970).

  Israel's code is 972

  And obviously the Israeli state knows the whole phone directory of Gaza, as 
they show by those automatic phone calls and text messages telling "get out 
from your place, we want to destroy it, or you get killed, too!", as is the 
message of the colonizers from the beginnings of the 20th century, and 
especially since the war of conquest waged in 1948/49. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Vijay Prashad's mistranslation

2014-08-28 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 at 17:44, Prashad, Vijay via Marxism wrote:

> Someone called Anas writes to let me know that Jabhat an-Nusra
> should be translated as “Victory” and not "Support” Front.

> Seems like Clay Clairborne agrees that I have made an error.

> The word in question is Nusra. Some of you might know the name
> Nusrat, meaning Aid or Assistance. Not Victory.

 Vijay is right. 

 But ... the confusion arises from the fact that both words are variations of 
the same radical ??? in latin script nasara (the middle "s" should have a dot 
underneath, according to the DMG-transliteration), and that ??? (nasr) means 
victory and triumph, but  (nusra) means help, assistance. 

 So Anas has a point, referring to the fact that both words are variations of 
the same radicals nun, sad, ra. 

 Ansar (?) comes from the same radicals, meaning supporter, friends, adept

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Israel moves closer to a single-state solution

2014-09-02 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 2. September 2014 at 06:43, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

>  Israel's 1952 Status Law
> intertwines the World Zionist Organization/Jewish Agency/Jewish
> National Fund inextricably with the state of Israel

  can be found at

  together with many other Israeli laws 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] What gets you labeled a "foreign agent" in Russia these days

2014-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 3. September 2014 at 14:34, Thomas Campbell via Marxism wrote:

> Local NGO Latest to Be Listed as ‘Foreign Agent’

  Just have a look at US-american laws. 

  Search for "Voorhis" (or is itt "Voorhuis"?)

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Query

2014-09-10 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 10. September 2014 at 23:39, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> I thought it might have been in Trotsky's "History of the Russian 
> Revolution" but I couldn't turn anything up. Basically I am looking for
> an analysis that attributes ruling class "stupidity" (like Czar Nicholas
> in 1917) not to low IQ or inbreeding, etc. but a function of deep 
> insoluble crisis that makes just about any response look feckless and 
> ill-advised. 

  I don't know if there is one single poignant phrase, but the three chapters 
? Tsar and Tsarina
? The idea of a palace revolution
? The agony of the monarchy 

  provide alltogether the analysis which you mean. 

  The chapter titles are my translation from German, and I don't know if the 
English edition of the work uses the same division in chapters. Those quoted 
are chapters 4 to 6 in the German edition. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Hatuey's ashes

2014-09-14 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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Querido compañero J., 

  a warm welcome to your blog! I love Hatuey. 

  I just struggle with the meaning of the last sentence in the last paragraph 
of the self-introduction. 

  I read it as referring to that "island [which] has not succeeded in purging 
Hatuey's ashes from his soul."

  By and by it becomes to appear to me that the subject which could not purge 
his soul is not that island but the writer. 

  I could write my welcome on the blog itself, because I would have to have 
some ID registered with a third party which I do not want to register with or 
which I do not know. 

  Any way, good luck, and be sure that I will be one of thos who "watches you". 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: British hostage Alan Henning aimed to helpSyrians

2014-10-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014 at 17:37, Jim Farmelant via Marxism wrote:

>  But it was the Khmer Rouge themselves who decided that 
> the way to deal with this crisis was to kill or to literally work to death
> all those people who were not immediately useful to them. Yes, the United
> States bears great responsibility for creating those crisis conditions. But
> it was the Khmer Rouge who decided for themselves that the way to deal with
> it was by committing genocide.

  And it was the USA which supported the Khmer Rouge after that group was 
deposed of by a popular revolt supported by Vietnam. 

  Year by year, the USA plus their imperialist allies voted to keep the UN seat 
of Cambodia to the Khmer Rouge instead of the legitimate Khmer government in 
Pnomh Penh. And by setting up all those "refugee camps" outside the Cambodian 
borders, they created a channel to funnel material support to the Khmer Rouge. 

  And finally they forced the Cambodians to form a "government of national 
union" which had to include the Khmer Rouge, on the insistance of the USofA. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: British hostage Alan Henning aimed to help Syrians

2014-10-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014 at 16:15, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

> I believe every high-profile beheading video 
> released by ISIS or their forerunners (which "mainstream" al-Q'aida, to
> their credit, never endorsed) has been of a totally innocent civilian 
> involved in reporting from or providing aid in areas of suffering

  bearing "the White man's burden" to save humanity from those unwashed masses 
of the colonies. 

> If anyone were to have
> given Obama a credible excuse to exercise military power, ISIS has succeeded.

  The real reason for the Empire's furor is that Daash (ISIS for Westerners) 
has blown up the colonial borders drawn by the European colonialists after 
World War 1 to balkanize the Arab East. Just as the step towards a unity 
government of the Palestinians made the Empire and the colonial settler state 
Israel so furious that they started a five week long terror campaign against 
the Gaza strip, killing more than 2000 people, and making hundreds of thousands 

  As to the mediatized executions of Westerners by 'ISIS', let me copy this 
from a "The Other Israel" mailing: 

> 25 members of an extended family killed when their homes all in one
> four-story building were bombed because of a wanted visitor
> B`Tselem - On 20 July Israeli forces bombed the four-story building
> that was home to the extended Jame` family: the matriarch, Fatmeh
> Abu Jame`, her four sons, and their wives and children. B?Tselem?s
> initial findings indicate that the likely target of the attack was
> Ahmad Suliman Sahmoud, a member of Hamas? military wing, who was
> visiting a member of the family. Everyone who was in the house at
> the time was hurt: 25 members of the Abu Jame` family were killed,
> as well as Hamas operative Sahmoud. The rest were injured.
> Information B?Tselem has at this stage 
> indicates that no warning was issued. [bz]

  BTW, how many people have been executed in the USofA this year? 

  How many people are telekilled all over the world, managed from a killer 
office in the USofA? 

  Do some body count, and let yourself not be led away by the desinformation 
campaigns of the Corporate News Networks. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Jews and the left | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-10-11 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014 at 17:50, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> seeking some reading suggestions about the historical 
> involvement of jewish folks in socialist organizations/parties etc, 

  This article by Eric Mann is typical: 


  Born into a family of Jewish immigrants, had to cope with antisemitism in 
school and college, was active in the Civil Rights movement and the struggle 
against the US war against Vietnam, and many others. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014 at 20:53, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:

> we do auto-generate a message when someone subscribes
> and can update that with the rules. but our impression is people don't
> pay attention to that message.

 Isn't it that a new subscriber has to confirm that it actually his/her address 
from which the subscription request did come from? 

 That is the point in time where the new subscriber could decide to not use the 
real name and a different email address. 

 But beware - the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup do know your 
address anyway. The caution is just for regular guys as you and me and maybe 
your employer who skims the net with a google search. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] UN: friend or foe

2014-10-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 20. Oktober 2014 at 06:07, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

> One of the first major activities of the UN was to create the state of
> Israel, thereby dispossessing the Palestinians. 

  Actually, the UN did not create the State of Israel. This state was created 
by the colonial war launched to "ethnically cleanse" Palestine from Arabs. 

  The UN General Assembly only gave a political cover for this act. 

  One has to remember, BTW, that this majority vote for a colonial racist 
partition against the declared will of the majority of the colony's population, 
was made possible by the USSR working in harmony with the USofA in order to 
push for the partition resolution. This was one of the stalinist rulers' major 
counterrevolutionary crimes. 

  Among the 33 countries voting for the colonial partition plan, were the three 
votes of the USSR (Ukraine and Belarus had their own UN membership) plus Poland 
and Czekoslovakia. 13 countries voted against (of course all six Arab countries 
no longer under colonial rule, plus Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Turkey, 
Greece, and Cuba), and 10 abstained, among those Jugoslavia. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Ebola and the Western powers

2014-10-22 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014 at 13:42, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

> This isn't my field, but I'm pretty sure that there has never in
> recorded history been a widespread epidemic with any similar rate of
> exponential growth. Never had the human race only two years left if
> current rates of infection continued.

  What about the pestilence plague in the Middle Ages? 

  This did exterminate large parts of the population. 

  Even the exponential spread of infections -- one person gets infected, and 
infects two others, etc -- can't continue just by the mathematical formula, 
since the curve will go down, if not enough people are around to be infected. 
And effective isolation of infected pations will slow down the spread of the 
infections (I myself have been in my childhood in an isolation station for 
having an infectious disease). 

  Ebola was registered the first time in the 1970ies; there were outbreaks in 
remote villages in the D.R. of Congo, but it then died down. The difference is 
that now this virus got into population centers which have multiple 
interconnections with other population centers. It is also not sure, if the 
Ebola virus will not die down similiar to the SARS virus. 

  The real scandal, in my view, is that the total commercialisation of health 
care and the parmaceutic industry has prevented an early development of a cure 
and an immunisation, because that seemed not to be profitable because of the 
small number of people affected in isolated areas of one of the poorest and 
most poorly managed semi-colonial countries. The development of an Ebola 
treatment would not have resulted in a spike of the stock prices of those 
pharma companies working on such. 

  Qualifying the previous it has to be noted that scientific analyses of the 
virus had been conducted, but because of the short lived and limited 
appearences of it, it might have been difficult to test a treatment or 
vaccination. Nonetheless, the pharma industry which is mainly driven by 
financial speculations would not have done very much to find a cure. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Marxmailer, a character in a movie

2015-08-28 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 28. August 2015 at 19:22, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Last night I told Gibney in the Q&A that Rod was a comrade and that all
> the crap that Jobs did, depicted in full detail in the film, Rod had the
> highest regard for him.

  Somewhere in the second part of that sentence some word is missing to make it 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Are 71 Syrian refugees found dead in Austria part of Assad's holocaust?

2015-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 29. August 2015 at 08:38, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:

>   Are 71 Syrian refugees found dead in Austria part of Assad's
> holocaust?

 They are rather 71 of thousands of victims of the border regime of Fortress 
Europe, just like the deaths at the wall which the USA had built on its border 
to Mexico (or rather what is left of Mexico after having conquered at least 
half of Mexico'*s territory). 

 They are the victims of imperialist war against and interventions in the 
countries of the Third World to bring them back under governments which are 
subservient to imperialism. 

  But why did they not bomb Syria "back into the stone age", as your masters 
wanted to do with Vietnam, or at least as much as they bombed Libya, Mali, 
Afghanistan and Iraq? Ms. Clinton explained while she was the US foreign 
minister: for one, Syria under the Baath regime had not, as Libya under 
Ghaddafi, handed their air defense to the imperialist aggressor, secondly 
because the Russians have a military base in Syria, and because Syria is so 
central to the Mashraq (the Arab East) and especially the Fertile Crescent, 
that an armed intervention risks to blow up the whole colonial balkanization of 
Arabia. But they fueled the civil war destroying Syria by giving hope to the 
various contenders for power over Syria to be legitimized and recognized by 
"the international community" (led by the USA) as the new ruler of the country. 
But this civil war also brought the "Islamic State" to power, whose power comes 
from the US war which is felt as a war against Islam. And the IS wiping out the 
border between the Eastern and Western branch of the Fertile Crescent, imposed 
by the European victors of WW1. 

 Yes, all Corporate News Networks and Faux News outlets will clap you on the 
shoulder for your valient action ot deflect criticism away  from the real 
culprits and onto the countries of the Third World themselves. Go on, and 
you'll get the order of services to the empire. 

 And coming back to your baiting, you are of course in full agreement with the 
imperialist rulers of Europe and the rest of the world, that the governments of 
the Third World countries are to blame for each and every wrong on this planet 
(and, of course, the Russians, always the Russians), that's why they make war 

>> We now know that the 71 dead bodies found in the back of a truck on a 
>> road in Austria were refugees from Syria. They left Syria, not for 

 Caution, man, with your usual haste to proclaim what you believe to know! 

 The Austrian police is just /assuming/ that those dead bodies were a group of 
Syrian refugees, because they found a Syrian travel document on one of the 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Who has the US bombed for in Syria?

2015-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 1. September 2015 at 09:08, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

> Some may take issue with the message from the facts I present below. 

 which are -- in so far as they are actual facts -- irrelevant for an answer to 
the question in the Subject line. 

 The USofA bombs only and exclusively for its own national interest, the 
national interest of the most brutal and powerful empire humanity has ever 
 This "national interest" which manifested itself in the genocidal war against 
the North American natives and the conquest of half of Mexico, in the chattel 
slavery imposed on Africans brought to America in chains, on the continuing "Go 
West" by conquering various Spanish colonies in the Pacific, most prominently 
the Philippines, and in the Caribbean, namely Puerto Rico and -- partially Cuba 
-- and taking hold of Hawaii, of intervening in the interimperialist war of 
1914-18 and in the Soviet Union to destroy the socialist revolution there, 
finally the 2nd inter-imperialist world war which ended offically 70 years ago. 

  A "national interest" which aims at domininating world production and 
marketing of commodities, sources of raw materials and international waterways. 
Which is being promoted by military bases around the world and fleets of 
warships with aircraft carriers in all seven seas. The "invisible hand" of the 
market also needs the iron fist of the military, and there is no McDonalds 
without McDonnell-Douglas (who coined that phrase?). 

  A "national interest" which sees itself threatened by the economic rise not 
only of imperialist competitors, but also of the country which was the main 
prize the USA waged the war for 70 years ago, namely China. 

  While the "national interest" is either the interest of the ruling class or 
of the class striving to become the ruling one, one has to admit that the 
"national interest" of the USA is only the interest of the US capitalist class. 
The working class of the USA has not yet risen to organize itself into a 
separate political party. The national interest of the US working class is to 
dismantle the US system of world domination, and the world is waiting for the 
awakening of that class. It would also end the US intervention in the Syrian 
civil war. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Are 71 Syrian refugees found dead in Austria part of Assad's holocaust?

2015-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 3. September 2015 at 15:56, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

> And many of that same school now say, as usual in complete agreement 
> with the imperialists, that hundreds of thousands are not being bombed
> into the Mediterranean Sea by Assad, but rather are fleeing "war,", or
> ISIS, or "western intervention. Wow. 

  Millions of Syrians are fleeing the war, because they see the civil war 
destroying Syria making their life there unbearable. 

  And because they do not want to be part of that war. That's why they try to 
get out of harms way. 

  The countries of the aggressor seem to be the best place to find rest, 
because in war by proxy and teleguided from "home" is the calm spot like the 
eye of the storm. 

  You and all the other talking heads on the Corporate News Networks do, of 
course, deny the responsibility of the imperialist war against the Third World. 
You want the aggression to deepen with bombings by the B52 and other means of 
terrorism. You all want the Syrian government to be overturned by force and the 
country put under a subservient government. But when young people heed your 
call and actually go to Syria to join the fight, then they are demonized as 
"terrorists" and put in jail on their return. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Isis’s destruction of Palmyra: ‘The heart has been ripped out of the city' | World news | The Guardian

2015-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 4. September 2015 at 01:06, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

> Does it make sense to call ISIS "fascist"?

  Think about all the other ideologues of that kind - the Khmer Rouge, Sendero 
Luminoso, Bakunin... 

  They share the totalitarian concept of ideologic homogeneity of the 
population, which is being enforced, if needed, by brutal repression. 

  But the hallmark of fascism is the mobilisation of the disappointed petty 
bourgeoisie, turning their frustration away from the ruling class against the 
working class in order to destry the working class organizations and atomize 
the class. That is different. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Isis’s destruction of Palmyra: ‘The heart has been ripped out of the city' | World news | The Guardian

2015-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 4. September 2015 at 01:21, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> I don't think there has been a real 
> theoretical breakthrough in coming to grips with what the Taliban, ISIS,
> et al represent.

  because people are being deluded by the rethoric which these groups display 
instead of looking into the essence. 

  In the current incarnations of such type of movements they only see that they 
cloth them in religious (islamic) formula, and that prevents them from seeing 
the fundamental common ground with the Pol Potist "Khmer Rouge", the "Sendero 
Luminoso" and other movements borrowing their words from stalinism. 

  The common ground is the idea that all problems of society are being solved 
by enforcing a strong ideological homogeneity of society, in beliefs and way of 
life, while pouting a sense of a victim of prosecution by powerful outside 

  There are common characteristics with religious communities like the North 
American Amish (or Pennsylvania Dutch), except the use of violence. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Corporate media calling for deepening the war against Syria (was: This is what it’s come to: Letting Syria die watching Syrians drown)

2015-09-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 3. September 2015 at 16:47, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

>  The one thing the democratic 
> opposition wanted from the world was a no-fly zone and air-patrolled 
> humanitarian corridors. Even that was too much to ask. There is no going
> home now.

> And so I have to say to them, this is the reality, this is the
> result of all your anti-war activism, and now the people are drowning in
> the sea.”

  Another House Nigger found to bolster the war drive. 

  The problem for the corporate media is not the war, but that the war is not 
intense enough. They want a direct armed intervention by the USofA and other 
colonialists to take over the country. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] FSA Cheerleaders: Jacobin is Baathist Propaganda (was: Fwd: Greece in Chaos; KKE to Fix Everything ) Worker's Spatula

2015-09-05 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 5. September 2015 at 04:44, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote
under the subject "Fwd: Greece in Chaos; KKE to Fix Everything | Worker's 

> full: 
> https://workersspatula.wordpress.com/2015/09/04/greece-in-chaos-kke-to-fix-everything/

  There is another piece from the same paper pertinent to this list#s 

> NEW YORK CITY – FSA-worshipping Trotskyists are expressing outrage
> on Facebook and reportedly readying an adorable petition against
> Jacobin for publishing a summary piece about Syria entitled “the War on 
> Syria” by one Patrick Higgins.

 read in full at 


> “Who’s Patrick Higgins? More like Assadrick Baathiggins, am I right?” 
> read another deeply informed comment, posted by one Janet Smith, 
> a young activist affiliated with “Solidarity” in Los Angeles.

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Maysaloon - ميسلون: Can the last person out of Syria please turn off the lights?

2015-09-05 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 4. September 2015 at 20:19, Louis Proyect via Marxism quoted:

> The refugee problem is mainly a Syrian refugee problem, 

  No, this is a superficial view based on the most recent wave of thousands of 
refugees coming from Turkey via the Greek islands off the Turkish coast and 
using the Balkan route via Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary to come to central 
Europe, mostly aiming for Germany. There also refugees from Afghanistan, but 
they are not so prominent in this wave. 

  In the older refugee routes in the central Mediterranean sea, there are also 
many people from Syria, but a larger part from Eritrea, Somalia and other 
places. And people from central and western Africa; those being most prominent 
in the far west, trying to cross the separation wall surrounding the Spanish 
enclaves on the northern Maroccan coast. 

  And then thouse how come from north of the mediteranean sea, those from 
Albania, Kosovo, and other parts of former Jugoslavia. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Misleading propaganda about "no fly zone" (was: This is what it’s come to: Letting Syria die watching Syrians drown)

2015-09-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 4. September 2015 at 10:01, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

> A US imposed no-fly zone that instead targets the warplanes in the sky

The right wing propaganda for a more vigorous imperialist aggression to put a 
subservient regime in place in Damascus does of course lie about the so called 
"no fly zone". 

No, a "no fly zone" does not really involve "targetting warplances in the sky", 
but heavy bombing of the ground. 

It means not only destroying airports, but first and foremost destroying all 
air defenses of the country of which the imperialist aggressor wants to take 
control of, and this needs massive bombing. 

> Oh no! Imperialist intervention!

> The irony being that the US is vigorously opposed to any no-fly zone! 

One of your leaders, Ms. Hillary Clinton, had made clear when she was the US 
foreign minister, that bombing Syria is a not so easy as assinating some people 
in Asia or Africa by teleguided killing machines -- among several reasons -- 
the Syrian government has an effective air defense. While the Ghaddafi regime 
of Libya had given up their air defense on demand of the imperialist powers for 
being accepted as a good friend of imperialism. Libya has suffered 
corresondingly. Syria on the other hand could at least avoid such terror 
bombing as Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya suffered. And Vietnam, and Laos, and 
Korea, and and and 

> and saves lives of civilians? 

The 10 year "no fly zone" war with "sanctions" against Iraq has killed 500'000 
Iraqi children. Another of your leaders, Ms. Madeleine Albright, who was US 
foreign minister back than, thought that this was worth it. 

No, imposing this so sweet sounding "no fly zone" is as murderous as any other 
imperialist aggression. It just saves some lives of the aggressor's canon 
fudder, who kill in Asia and return daily home from "work" to their family home 
in, say, Kansas. 

As a side note, there is another big error in the post by Mr. Karadjis:

> So you want to oppose imperialist intervention - good, so when do you 
> think it began? As myself, Louis, Clay and others have shown 
> [...] in 2012. 

 Far off the mark. The imperialist intervention began in at least 1914. 

 And has never stopped since. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees, and the human wave breaking down all barriers, showing the power of a mass movement

2015-09-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 5. September 2015 at 18:01, Louis Proyect via Marxism speculated:

> It is important to understand that the latest wave of refugees are from
> the middle class as opposed to those who ended up in Turkey or Lebanon
> since it takes substantial sums to pay for a trip on a boat, even as it
> entails terrible risks. 

  Have you asked any of them? 

  It is rater correct to assume that they came right of the refugee camps in 
Turkey, seeing a chance to get out of harms way and to a safe place, since they 
saw the success of other refugees trying the long sea route from Libya to 
Lampedusa. And worried by the change in policy by the Turkish government to 
actively intervene in the Syrian civil war (and against the Turkish und Syrian 
Kurds at the same time). But this is also just speculation. 

  Fact is that, while in the current wave of refugees trying to reach Germany 
those from Syria seem to be a majority, but there are also lots of other 
countries, namely Iraq and Afghanistan. All from countries which had been 
militarily attacked by US imperialism. 

  And a central observation has to be stressed, namely that this mass movement 
had overcome the border police of Makedonia, Hungary, Austria and Germany, just 
by their sheer numers. They have proven the power of the mass movement. 

  And they have show that and how the masses put forward their own leaders, 
those who took the initiative to walk from Budapest to the Austrian border, 
having been abused by the treachery of the right-wing hungarian government. 

  Those Syrians who took the lead chose not to take part in the Syrian civil 
war for a government acceptable to imperialism, but showed themselves capable 
of leading mass movement. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees

2015-09-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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On Samstag, 5. September 2015 at 15:31, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> I did a quick survey of groups that I identify as favourable to the
> Syrian government.  I wanted to see how they are responding to the current 
> refugee crisis..
> I did not see any response.

  You looked up US-american organizations. They would perhaps react to the 
refugees dying at the US-border against Mexico, but why should they take a 
position on a European issue, the huge wave of refugees fleeing the Third World 
countries in Africa and Asia? 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees

2015-09-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 6. September 2015 at 15:17, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

> including a lot of Alawites who see the futility of dying for the regime:

  or for any of the other groups jockeying for the position of the quisling of 
the "International Community" or for the totalitarian Islamic State which at 
least is in a fundamental opposition to imperialism and the balkanization of 
Arabia by the European colonialists. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Abusing the Syrian refugees another time

2015-09-06 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 5. September 2015 at 15:37, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

> It's worth noting, it's not always clear exactly what or whom the refugees
> are fleeing. Many of the Syrian refugees I spoke with in Egypt and Lebanon
> blamed ISIS and the Nusra Front rather than the regime, although that was
> not necessarily a prevailing view. In any case I don't know why you would
> expect any of these groups to issue statements, but they easily could by
> doing what they always do and blaming the resistance.

 The refugies from Syria have been abused by the warring parties in Syria, by 
Turkey, by Greece (under the famous "left" Syriza government!), by Macedonia, 
by Hungary, by Austria and are being abused again by the German authorities, 
who will quickly show them the right place in some refugee retainment center, 
despite the posturing they display today in face of the unbeateable human wave 
streaming up the Balkan from the Aegean islands off the Turkish coast. 

  And thy are abused again by the right wing of the imperialist war mongers who 
use them as pawn for their war drive, to call for increasing the US aggression 
against Syria by indiscriminate bombings. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Abusing the Syrian refugees another time - and simpletons clinging to their ideological schemas

2015-09-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 7. September 2015 at 03:26, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

> MK: Precisely, official opinions. Like this one:
> Editorial of the New York Times on April 2, 2015: “the reality is that
> Mr. Assad has become a necessary, if still unpalatable, potential ally
> in combating the Islamic State” 
> (http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/04/03/opinion/the-crimes-of-terrorists.html?_r=0)

  this is just a repetition of what they said about the "unnatural alliance" of 
the western imperialst powers with the Soviet Union (USSR) after German 
imperialism launched the invasion of the USSR on June 21, 1941, in order to 
away what he called "Englands continental sword" (Englands Festlandsdegen) 
(difficult to find the exact source of that quote, because the Web search 
machines turn up dozens of occurences from the May 2010 examination question of 
the IB Diploma Programme )(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IB_Diploma_Programme): 
"An unnatural alliance that was bound to fall apart after the defeat of the 
common enemy". 

  But look up Churchills June 22, 1941 speech here: 
> http://www.winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1941-1945-war-leader/the-fourth-climacteric

  a quote: 

> The Nazi régime is indistinguishable from the worst features of
> Communism. It is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite
> and racial domination. It excels all forms of human wickedness in
> the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression. No one has
> been a more consistent opponent of Communism than I have for the
> last twenty-five years. I will unsay no word that I have spoken
> about it. But all this fades away before the spectacle which is now
> unfolding. The past with its crimes, its follies and its tragedies, 
> flashes away.

  and further down:

> But now I have to declare the decision of His Majesty's Government
> - and I feel sure it is a decision in which the great Dominions
> will, in due course, concur - for we must speak out now at once,
> without a day's delay. I have to make the declaration, but can you
> doubt what our policy will be? We have but one aim and one single,
> irrevocable purpose. We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every
> vestige of the Nazi r?gime. From this nothing will turn us -
> nothing. We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler
> or any of his gang. We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him
> by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until with God's help we have
> rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke.
> Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. 

  The Syrian Baath regime acted as subcontractor in the US-American world wide 
network of torture centers. 

  But neither the White House nor Wall Street accepted Syria as their people -- 
and grabbed the first occasion to declare the necessitey of overthrowing by 
force the legal government of Syria. 

  But the "Islamic State" is -- in their eyes -- even worse. The IS is 
beginning to dismantle the colonial balkanization of the Arab East imposed by 
the European winners of the First World War, and that is a crime, just as the 
USA considered it a crime that neither Japan nor the USA conquered China at the 
end of WW2, but the Chinese themselves. That was not intended. It took another 
occasion to form an "unnatural alliance" with Mao's "Red China" against the 
Vietnamese national liberation and later the demise of the Pol Pot regime in 

  People who can't see the tactical pragmatism of imperialism appear as 
pathetic simpletons, who have made up a rigid ideology (i.e. false 
consciousnous) to justify their support for US imperialism by coloring the 
imperialist scheme of one day as "liberation" and "revolution". That is the 
fate of people who have given up thinking by themselves and getting their 
"line" from the Corporate News Networks and Faux News. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] A Canadian activist on the refugee crisis

2015-09-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 6. September 2015 at 23:30, Ken Hiebert posted an article by a 
Harsha Walia

of which I want to turn your attention to these words: 

> This week newspapers are also filled with headlines of Harper and
> European leaders saying that further military action in Syria is
> necessary to resolve the crisis. (Here Sozan Savelaghi’s response to
> this on CTV National News Channel: http://on.fb.me/1NWtrNV) This
> makes me so angry and I have a lot of rage. Rage because further
> militarization will not bring liberation and exclusionary border policies 
> kill.

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees, and the major culprit

2015-09-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 6. September 2015 at 21:21, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> Lüko Willms said:
>   You looked up US-american organizations. They would perhaps react
> to the refugees dying at the US-border against Mexico, but why
> should they take a position on a European issue, the huge wave of
> refugees fleeing the Third World countries in Africa and Asia? 

> Ken Hiebert replies:
> They could be demanding that the US accept more refugees. 
> According to the article below,  "The U.S. has admitted roughly
> 1,500 Syrian refugees since 2011 and says that it will resettle no
> more than 8,000 by the end of 2016. "

> http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/09/04/major-culprit-creating-crisis-us-rebuked-failing-refugees

  Good article! Let me repeat its headline: 
"As Major Culprit in Creating Crisis, US Rebuked for Failing Refugees"

  and in the text: 

> Now, many are also looking across the Atlantic to the United
> States, where observers say key responsibility for the crisis
> lies—not only because the country is lagging in its humanitarian
> response, but also because its war policies lie at the root of the ongoing 
> displacement.
> "Iraqis, Syrians, Palestinians, and Libyans are not running away
> from their homes because of a natural disaster," Raed Jarrar, expert
> on Middle East politics and government relations manager for the
> American Friends Service Committee, told Common Dreams. "The U.S.
> should see this crisis as partially caused by its own actions in the region."

  That is the line to be followed: "You created the crisis, you then should 
take in the refugees which you created". 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Oskar Lafontaine: Let’s develop a Plan B for Europe!

2015-09-07 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 7. September 2015 at 08:51, Stuart Munckton via Marxism wrote:

> http://links.org.au/node/4573

  "Links" is not correct writing "This piece was first published on Jean-Luc 
Melenchon's blog" - it may well have been translater from the French 
translation, but Oskar Lafontaine is writing in German and his article was 
first published in the daily paper "Junge Welt" at
> https://www.jungewelt.de/2015/08-22/001.php 

  As to the contents -- my good old friend Oskar is and remains a 
social-democrat and he can't think outside of a bourgeois perspective. Its 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees, and the major culprit

2015-09-08 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 8. September 2015 at 03:04, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> Lüko Willms ends his message of this morning with the sentence,
> "That is the line to be followed: 'You created the crisis, you then
> should take in the refugees which you created'."
> Lüko and I agree on the need to demand that the US take in Syrian refugees.

  Not only to accept refugees in large numbers, but also stop fuelling the 
destructive civil war in Syria by their intervention. 

  Makeing clear that it is the US imperial monster which is keeping the 
destruction alive. That it is the US war against the peoples of this world 
which is the main source of IS's strength. Withdraw all US military to inside 
the US borders. That's the beginning of peace in this world. 

  And reminding the USA of its shameful refusal to accept Jewish refugees from 
the Nazi rule in Germany and Europe. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Australia will take Syrian refugees, by Christ

2015-09-08 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 8. September 2015 at 13:35, John Passant via Marxism wrote:

> Australia will take Syrian refugees, by Christ

> Germany will on current estimates take 800,000 refugees this year. 
> Germany and Australia are comparable rich countries. Germany has not 
> quite four times Australia's population. 

  and a huge territory, a whole continent which is only sparsely populated

> So why aren't we talking about Australia taking 200,000 refugees this year
> ? We used to take that if not more migrants. We could do it easily.

  A nation of immigrants claims that immigration is a danger... ridiculous! 

> http://enpassant.com.au/2015/09/08/australia-will-take-syrian-refugees-by-christ/

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees, and the major culprit

2015-09-09 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 9. September 2015 at 19:06, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

> We find common ground in raising the demand that the US take in
> more Syrian refugees.  I take note that some groups that share your
> view of the conflict in Syria have not raised that demand, as far as
> I know, judging from their websites.

  They obviously do not share my views, otherwise they would hammer the empire 
to open the door to refugees from the empire's crimes. 

  Anyway, I can't believe that the WWP and its splinters have much in common 
with my politics. Strange that you can't see this. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees, and the major culprit

2015-09-09 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 9. September 2015 at 13:57, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Laziness, confusion and opportunism 

  good description of the source of that gobbledegook text

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Cut | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-09-19 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 at 21:41, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Opening today at Lincoln Plaza in New York is “The Cut”, a film by 
> Turkish director Fatih Akin 

  Actually most people describe Fatih Akın as a _German_ film director and 
screenwriter and producer. 

  Fatih Akın was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany, from parents who had 
immigrated from Turkey. 

  Sure, "in Akin's cinema, the lives of German Turks are a recurring theme, 
such as their struggles and their confusion about two different cultures", as 
the en.Wikipedia article on Akın says. See 

  And he "has never denied his Turkish roots and even accepted the Cannes award 
in the name of Turkish cinema", but has got all his education including higher 
studies of cinema in Germany. 

   And, as far as I know, all his films were released first in Germany (except 
at festivals) before being shown in other countries. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Are 71 Syrian refugees found dead in Austria part of Assad's holocaust?

2015-09-23 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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10 of 71 Bodies identified

on Donnerstag, 3. September 2015 at 14:10, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote, 
replying to messages by Clay Claiborne: 

>>> We now know that the 71 dead bodies found in the back of a truck on a 
>>> road in Austria were refugees from Syria. They left Syria, not for 

>  Caution, man, with your usual haste to proclaim what you believe to know!

>  The Austrian police is just /assuming/ that those dead bodies were
> a group of Syrian refugees, because they found a Syrian travel document on 
> one of the corpses.

   The Austrian ministry for the interior informed on yesterday (Wednesday, 23 
September 2015, at 14h28) that they had identified 10 of the 71 bodies found as 
being _Iraqis._ 9 men and 1 woman. 


   Artikel Nr: 12872 vom Mittwoch, 23. September 2015, 14:28 Uhr. 

   So far for Mr. Clay Claiborne's wisdom knowing all. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Lenin on immigration to the USA

2015-09-24 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 22. September 2015 at 16:10, Louis Proyect via Marxism quoted 
Lenin's 1915 letter to C.W. Fitzgerald, secretary of the "Socialist Propaganda 

> In our struggle for true internationalism & against “jingo-socialism” we
> always quote in our press the example of the opportunist leaders of the
> S.P. in America, who are in favor of restrictions of the immigration of
> Chinese and Japanese workers (especially after the Congress of 
> Stuttgart, 1907, & against the decisions of Stuttgart). We think that 
> one can not be internationalist & be at the same time in favor of such
> restrictions. And we assert that Socialists in America, especially 
> English Socialists, belonging to the ruling, and oppressing nation, who
> are not against any restrictions of immigration, against the possession
> of colonies (Hawaii) and for the entire freedom of colonies, that such
> Socialists are in reality jingoes.

> https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1915/nov/09.htm

  Thanks for telling us of this letter. This prompted me to bring the German 
translation online:

  With some annotation by me and linking to the English original at the MIA 
(Lenin had written in english). 

Lüko Willms
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Re: [Marxism] On the breakthrough of the Israeli-Russian military alliance

2015-09-24 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Mittwoch, 23. September 2015 at 20:33, Steven L. Robinson via Marxism wrote:

> http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/23-09-2015/132088-israel-0//

  May I remind the kind readership of this list that in the fall of 1947, the 
Soviet Union was next to the USofA the prime pusher for the partition of 
Palestine in the US General Assembly, thus giving political backing to the 
creation of the colonial settler state Israel with its racist foundation. 

  So, is there anything else not new? 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Are 71 Syrian refugees found dead in Austria part of Assad's holocaust?

2015-09-24 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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10 of 71 Bodies identified

on Donnerstag, 3. September 2015 at 14:10, Lüko Willms via Marxism wrote, 
replying to messages by Clay Claiborne: 

>>> We now know that the 71 dead bodies found in the back of a truck on a 
>>> road in Austria were refugees from Syria. They left Syria, not for 

>  Caution, man, with your usual haste to proclaim what you believe to know!

>  The Austrian police is just /assuming/ that those dead bodies were
> a group of Syrian refugees, because they found a Syrian travel document on 
> one of the corpses.

  The Austrian ministry for the interior informed on yesterday (Wednesday, 23 
September 2015, at 14h28) that they had identified 10 of the 71 bodies found as 
being _Iraqis._ 9 men and 1 woman. The note by the ministry said that the 
relatives had been informed and that 4 bodies had already been conveyed to 
their home country. 


  Artikel Nr: 12872 vom Mittwoch, 23. September 2015, 14:28 Uhr. 

  So far for Clay Claiborne's wisdom knowing all. 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Tariq Ali puts six-bedroom Highgate home on the market 20 years after snapping it up | Daily Mail Online

2015-10-02 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015 at 15:40, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

> Jack Barnes and Mary-Alice Waters must really be envious.

 Not to speak of Frederick Engels and his buddy Karl Marx. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] CPUSA 'Jewish Life' Magazine -- Help Needed

2015-10-02 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015 at 13:01, Paul Flewers via Marxism wrote:

> As part of this, I need to obtain a copy of article from the June 1956 issue 
> of
> the CPUSA journal Jewish Life to check the text in the Reasoner, no 1, against
> the original, as some of the text is garbled. The holdings in various 
> libraries
> in London do not have this issue, nor does the on-line archive of the journal 
> on
> the Jewish Currents website.

> Does anyone here know where I might be able to get this, either as a hard copy
> (xeroxed) or a scan (PDF)?

  Is that possibly this publication 

> Jewish life (New York, N.Y. : 1946)
> Frequency  Monthly
> Published
> New York, N.Y. : Morning Freiheit Association 1946-1957 
> Physical description
> 11 v. : ill. ; 29 cm.
> Notes
> Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1946)-v. 11, no. 12 (Oct. 1957)= -130.
> Published by: Morning Freiheit Association, Nov. 1946-July
> 1950; Morgen Freiheit, Inc., Aug. 1, 1950-July 1951; Progressive Jewish Life, 
> Inc., Aug. 1951-

  Held At "University College London" 
  and at the British Library:

  More search results on Great Britain (or the whole country Ukogbani): 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Capital vol 3

2015-10-03 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015 at 13:07, Angelus Novus via Marxism wrote:

> Phillip Ferguson:

>> What's your source for this?

> MEGA and its editors. 

 Don't indicate a vague direction, but give a concrete source. A journal 
article, for example, or another publicly accessible document, with page number 
and all. 

  BTW, I am always amused by your username on Yahoo. Really funny. It reminds 
me of the banner I saw in one of the early "Blockupy" demonstrations in 
Frankfurt/Main with the text "For a revolutionary perspective!" (my translation 
from German). I did not bother to ask the carriers of that banner from whom 
they expect to be provided with such a perspective. 

  On the other hand, Ferguson writes his first name with just one "l". 

  Besides, I am for having good weather tomorrow. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Capital vol 3

2015-10-04 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015 at 17:11, Angelus Novus via Marxism wrote:

  concerning the dating of the material used by Frederick Engels in compling 
vol. 3 of "Capital" 

> The editors of MEGA:

  in a publication note by the Academy of Science Berlin-Brandenburg, which is 
organizing the historical-critical edition of the works of Marx and Engels: 

> Source:  
> http://mega.bbaw.de/struktur/abteilung_ii/ii-15

  follows a misleading summary by my correspondent: 

> Engels consulted later manuscripts (which will/have been published
> as part of MEGA), but the published text of "Volume III" is based
> upon the 1864/65 manuscript, with heavy editorial changes by Engels.

  Frederick Engels gives a much more detailed account of how he constructed the 
third book of "Das Kapital". 

  He did not date the main manuscript, but said that it was unfinished and as 
such unuseable for publication. Engels said that certain parts were taken from 
other manuscripts of the 1870ies, and one chapter is completely written by 
Engels himself, because Marx had only noted the chapter's title. And Engels 
writes that the mathematical formula of calculating the relationship of rate of 
profit to rate of surplus value had to be corrected. All parts of the text 
which are by Engels are included in brackets "[yxyxyxyx]"

  Regarding the law of the tendential fall of the rate of profit -- this is in 
part three (Chapters 13, 14, 15) -- Engels wrote: 

> As for the following three parts, aside from stylistic editing I was able to 
> follow the original manuscript almost throughout. 

  I invite the readers here ot read Engel's introduction himself, either the 
German original at
> http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me25/me25_007.htm   

or in the English translation at
> https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1894-c3/pref.htm 

  Engels performed an indispensable work which no other person could have done, 
and thus was able to bring humanity a very, very valuable item, Karl Marx' 
final volume his main scientific work. 

  The publisher's publication note which New Angel quoted says that the 
publication of that book provoked many disputes, some of which are regurgitated 
today -- in my view all kinds of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois apologists of 
the capitalist rule. A late one was brought to my attention by Louis Proyect, 
and article by Prof. Unsinn (er, Sinn is his legal name), the president of the 
Munich based "IFO Institut" and producer of a lot of nonsense, who wrote an 
article about the falling rate of profit. 

  As to the reality of the falling rate of profit (which is described by Marx 
as a tendency, which is checked by many counter forces), it should be enough to 
look at the interest rates in the imperialist countries, which is at its lowest 
possible level near zero, in some cases even negative. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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Re: [Marxism] Capital vol 3

2015-10-04 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015 at 17:19, Angelus Novus via Marxism wrote:

> I'm not even sure what the intention of this non sequitur is.  Yes,
> Engels made substantial editorial modifications to the manuscript,
> and even wrote entire passages himself.  Why you think anyone
> disputes this is beyond me.  Or do I misunderstand you and you side
> with those who dispute the credibility of of Engels edition by
> pointing out the substantial modifications he made to Marx's original 
> manuscripts?

 Engels, being the other half of the siamese twins, COMPLETED the unfinished 
work of his life long companion. He had to. There was no other one who could 
have done it, except his close friend Karl Marx. But that one died before the 
General. Engels did a great work by completing the work. Without Engels' work 
we would not be able to read it. 

  If you want to enhance the role of Engels in this work, this is against 
Engels' own intention. Engels attributed the main role in this scientific work 
to his siamese twin (in political terms), Karl Marx. 

 Petty bourgeois intellectuals like to romanticize Marx and to demonize the 
other part of the unseparable political twins. Even if Marx treated them the 
same satirical way as Engels did. 

 And they also like to hide the revolutionary strategy the couple pursued in 
the 1848/49 revolution, calling for a revolutionary war against Czarist Russia 
to reconsitute Poland as an united and independent republic, this being the 
necessary precondition for the establishment of not only Germany, but also 
Hungary and Italy as independent republics (I am currently working to improve 
the presentation of Engels' articles about the July 1848 chatterbox on the 
annexation of the Prussian occupied parts of Poland to Germany in the 1848/49 
Nationalversammlung in the Frankfurt Paulskirche  
http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me05/me05_319.htm ). There you have more of the 
reasons why the petty bourgeois intellectuals hate Engels for the treatment is 
giving them in those articles. 

>> Regarding the law of the tendential fall of the rate of profit -- this is in 
>> part three 

>> (Chapters 13, 14, 15)

> This is actually Marx's third chapter of the 1864-65 Manuscript, as
> Heinrich notes.  Given that the whole discussion around FROP was
> precisely what gave rise to the contention about the sequence in
> which the manuscripts were written, I thank you for bringing things
> back full circle and acknowledging that the contentious passages in
> question were, indeed, written before Volume I.

 before Volume 1 was _published._

 And it is actually very plain and absolutely not hard to understand. Today's 
reality makes that easy. 

>> bourgeois and petty-bourgeois apologists of the capitalist rule. 
> Bro, do you actually use sentences like that in real life? 

 Me, your brother?  Oh no! I wave you a good bye with the words of the Erdgeist 
leaving Faust alone in his study: 
"Du gleichst dem Geist, dem Du begreifst, nicht mir!" 

 As to the real life, sure. I use it for all people like Professor Unsinn and 
you. And I don't hide behind some celestial disguise. 

 And, as far as what I am for is concerned, I am for having a good dinner 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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