Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-22 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Wed, 22 May 2019 02:37:54 -0700 (MST):

> > the msei18n program with command line control, 
> From what release are you talking ?
> - Or from ?
>   (Official root release of Martin)

Probabely this last one. AFAIR I took it from (the equivalent?)
the file name is "", but I don't know whether
this still exists. It's about half a year since, not very long after Martin
had it announced here.
Do you have a problem with it? AFAIR it compiled immediately "out of the
box" on my Linux (64bit) system. It does complain about a variable named
"SESSION_MANAGER" not being defined, although that doesn't seem to affect
anything adversely. Possibly due to my system's working without the "all
new" "systemd" contraption...
As I don't use Windows any more, I didn't compile nor test it there, though.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-22 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Sieghard.

>   the msei18n program with command line control, 
>   based on the latest released version 4.6.2 

>From what release are you talking ?

- From ?
  (The new mse-org release)

- Or from ?
  (The release with new msei8n, done by Glixx and me).

- Or from ?
  (Official root release of Martin)



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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-22 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghad.

Many thanks for your files.

I will deeply study it asap.

Write you later.


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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-21 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

as announced in another message, and as I recently updated my homepage
anyway, I put the utilities  I mentioned before and the extended msei18n
files on my homepage for download. The URL for download is
, where {filename} can be one of these:   the edit field and entry pad calculator   a free standing file requester for script use  a key code decoder and display for X11
  i18n_4.6.2.zipthe msei18n program with command line control,
based on the latest released version 4.6.2   same, but based on a recent GIT master issue

You can get the files from there and see what you can do with them. The
utilities can be used freely, which also means that I am free of any
responsibility for anything done with them. I won't bother to care about
them in any way, either.
The same applies to the msei18n modifications, with the exception that I
may respond to questions about their function and suggestions to extend
them, as the versions provided are based on an old implementation that I
created for my own use only.

Now that you have a way to get at the stuff, see what you can do with it.
It would be great if something useful could be made of it.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-16 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Thu, 16 May 2019 06:42:12 -0700 (MST):

> --> is a "clone" of
> mailing list.  

Yes, I know. I am registerd there, but I opted to not get the mails, but
read the messages via gmane.
(There's a small drawback though, gmane modifies within messages any mail
addresses it recognizes, to avoid spammers to flood the lists it forwards.
The addresses are recoded if an accepted meber responds, but that way a
news reader never gets to know the real address of another member for
direct contact.)

> --> is a independent forum, like Lazarus forum:  

That's the one I applied for. So to use that, I'll have to call up the
site every time I want to look for new messages, I suspect. Not quite what
I wanted, I'd rather like to receive new messages automatically, as that's
a task my machine's set up for anyway already. And it would even
automatically organize those messages for easy reading. A web forum is so
impractical and inconvenient.

> Hum, about Thunderbird, I (like many others) is waiting for the promised
> mailing-list-manager of Graeme.

Won't anything else do, at least in the meantime? I suppose there might be
some, even independent of Thunderbird, which might even be an advantage?
(BTW, for Linux, procmail claims mailing list ability, and there is
"Mailman (the GNU Mailing List Manager)". Found by a quick look in the
package list of my distribution.)

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-16 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

Sorry if I was not clear.

To resume:
--> is a "clone" of mailing list.
--> is a independent forum, like Lazarus forum:

Hum, about Thunderbird, I (like many others) is waiting for the promised
mailing-list-manager of Graeme.

Maybe one day it will appear.



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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-16 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Wed, 15 May 2019 02:05:08 -0700 (MST):

> Yes, nabble propose "extended" mailing-lists.
> When you create a "nabble-mailing-list" you have to give all the infos of
> the "official-root" mailing list.
> Then nabble will copy all new posts of the "official-root" mailing list to
> the nabble-mailing-list.

Hmmm - I don't think I really understand this. This seems to be an overly
complicated setup of questionable useability.

> If you create a new post from the nabble-maling-list, a copy will be sent
> by nabble for the "official-root" mailing list.

Does that perhaps mean that such a "registration" creates a personalized
subset list, containing only messages that are sent or to be received by
the applicant?

> So, if you are already registered to "official-root" mailing list, your
> account will be ok, even if you did not create one with nabble.

So a full registration would be needed to get access to the full list
content? That's bad, as I wasn't, not remotely, able to register because
of the unavailability of the anti-robot test. Maybe that's a "service" of
some extraneous site like google, facebook or twitter, which I have blocked
because of their espionage?

> I prefer to use nabble because I do not trust Thunderbird (it did remove
> all my mails from hotmail server, even with "keep mail on server").

I once had a similar problem with Thunderbird, when I tried to switch from
a pop3 to an imap server, for a friend even. Doing this, Thunderbird
deleted ALL locally held copies of ALL previous emails in ALL of its
"folders" - tabula rasa...
We were anything but amused. Luckily, my friend had most of the emails
still on another machine, an older one he didn't use much any more, and
thus the catastrophe could be kept within limits, but he did loose some
But otherwise, Thunderbird does seem to be pretty reliable, although I
prefer to use this mailer (claws-mail) or formerly its predecessor,
sylpheed, because they're much more compact and still providing everything
needed for mail and news reading. They're AFAIK also available for Windows.

> > BTW, thisapplication was to your list 
> >   
> This is a other feature of nabble.
> It is a "forum" (not mailing-list) and is nabble-only (no link to a other
> forum or mailing-list).

Interesting. On the web site, it was AFAIR called a mailing list. And you
even introducced it as such to me. But this is what your link led me to.
This could then be the reason why I didn't receive any message from there
yet. It looks like I'll have to dive into that a lot deeper...
(Taking time, that is.)

> I will take a look at, maybe it is better.

I didn't check at it out deeper and not even visited its site for quite
some time, as the news feed works very well. But I don't really know what
it does provide and where there might be problems with it.

Thank you for your information.

BTW, I'll probabely just put the fpc / meside-msegui stuff into a
subdirectory on my web site and post a link to it here. That way, it should
at last be possible for you (and any interested list members here) to get
at it and check it out.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-15 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

> But as I found out - though not yet successfully confirmed - it seem

Yes, nabble propose "extended" mailing-lists.
When you create a "nabble-mailing-list" you have to give all the infos of
the "official-root" mailing list.
Then nabble will copy all new posts of the "official-root" mailing list to
the nabble-mailing-list.

If you create a new post from the nabble-maling-list, a copy will be sent by
nabble for the "official-root" mailing list.
So, if you are already registered to "official-root" mailing list, your
account will be ok, even if you did not create one with nabble.

I prefer to use nabble because I do not trust Thunderbird (it did remove all
my mails from hotmail server, even with "keep mail on server").
Also if I dont have my pc working, I can use nabble to check the
mailing-list on a other pc.

> BTW, thisapplication was to your list 

This is a other feature of nabble.
It is a "forum" (not mailing-list) and is nabble-only (no link to a other
forum or mailing-list).
But, sadly, it uses the same "anti-robot" feature as "nabble-mailing-list".

Note that I am not married with nabble and I am open for other
I will take a look at, maybe it is better.

Thanks for your light Sieghard.


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-14 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Tue, 14 May 2019 06:07:06 -0700 (MST):

> > I.e. you use Java for user interface only, which is just what I meant.  
> Not sure to understand,but even on a "pure Android" machine (like a a
> mobile-phone), compiling a Java-compatible library with fpc is working.

If it uses the same processor as the fpc library ist targeted for, it
should work, of course.

> The trick was to add a "phantom first parameter" for each method.

I.e. something like the implied "self" parameter for object oriented pascal
dialects like fpc? As this is a compiler internal feature, if you target a
different compiling system, such tricks might be neccessitated to achieve
compatibility; it is even to be expected.

> For example:
> function uos_CreatePlayer({$IF DEFINED(java)}PEnv: PJNIEnv; Obj: JObject ;
> {$endif} PlayerIndex: cint32) : cint32 ; cdecl;

THis looks more like a whole set of additional parameters that Java expects
to be passed "implicitely".

> exports
> {$IF DEFINED(java)}
> ...
> uos_createplayer name 'Java_' + javappname  + 'uos_createplayer',

Is this something like the "name mangled" symbols of C++? It looks a bit so.

you wrote on Tue, 14 May 2019 06:19:49 -0700 (MST):

> I forgot to note, for the Android-Java-native library in previous post,
> that it works if the library is compiled on a ARM machine.

Yes, that's probably neccessary if it should run on an ARM based target
system, such as (most) any smart phone these days.

> > BTW, the subscrition "process" was quite ridiculous  
> I totally agree with you.
> Because of uos forum (, I get mail from
> users that become crazy with the "anti-robot" feature of nabble.

I was more, well, "amused" by the fact that the page didn't even present
any sign of such a function, yet it was insisted that I went through its
process - just how could I have done so? Thus, I terminated the
registration process by closing the page.

But as I found out - though not yet successfully confirmed - it seem NOT to
be neccessary to register as a mere user, registration seems to be required
only for administrators. There ist a selektor on the page that allows you
to "subscribe" to a list, andwhen I tried this, I was immediately accepted
and an email wassent to me to the effect that I should receive new postings
whenever they arose. Now I'm waiting for the first one to arrive, but I
didn't get one yet.
BTW, thisapplication was to your list

> I do not have server to create a personal forum, if somebody knows
> something easier than nabble, please say it.

Maybe there are more such servers, but the only one I think provides such a
service also is "gmane" (, the one I read this MAILING LIST as a
NEWS GROUP - this is the main purpose of this site, to translate mailing
lists into pseudo newsgroups, for people who prefer to use them that way.

> > BTW, did you get ANY of my files attempted to send you?   
> No, I did not get anything, where did you sent it?

That is BAD. Ok, I'll try to send something by way of nabble as soon as I
received a message from there, hoping that it will finally work.
BTW, I'll send THIS message to your nabble list, too.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-14 Thread fredvs
Re-hello Sieghard.

I forgot to note, for the Android-Java-native library in previous post, that
it works if the library is compiled on a ARM machine.
I use a Rpi + Raspbian.


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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-14 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

>> I do it for uos (United Openlibrary of Sound), compile with fpc a 
>> Java-native library and use that library with Java applets. 

> I.e. you use Java for user interface only, which is just what I meant.

Not sure to understand,but even on a "pure Android" machine (like a a
mobile-phone), compiling a Java-compatible library with fpc is working.

The trick was to add a "phantom first parameter" for each method.

For example:

{$IF DEFINED(android)}
javappname = 'uos_demo1_';// use the same name as your android application

function uos_CreatePlayer({$IF DEFINED(java)}PEnv: PJNIEnv; Obj: JObject ;
{$endif} PlayerIndex: cint32) : cint32 ; cdecl;

{$IF DEFINED(java)}
uos_createplayer name 'Java_' + javappname  + 'uos_createplayer',

> BTW, the subscrition "process" was quite ridiculous

I totally agree with you.
Because of uos forum (, I get mail from
users that become crazy with the "anti-robot" feature of nabble.

I do not have server to create a personal forum, if somebody knows something
easier than nabble, please say it.

> BTW, did you get ANY of my files attempted to send you? 

No, I did not get anything, where did you sent it?


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-14 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Mon, 13 May 2019 13:05:34 -0700 (MST):

> Hello Sieghard and sorry for the long delay.

No problem .

> Hum, Android is Java, so, IMHO, fpc could only deal with Java via

Well, it usually uses a Java virtual machine defined by Google, but it's
kernel is - as yet - Linux. And even Java allows for native code functions,
if the appropriate libraries are available (and installed).

> fpc-java-native-libraries.

Yes, to work together with Java programs, the Java native libraries have
to be there, but fpc for ARM processors does not itself need them to work;
e.g. a background service ("daemon") without need for user communication
might be implemented exclusively with fpc.

> I do it for uos (United Openlibrary of Sound), compile with fpc a
> Java-native library and use that library with Java applets.

I.e. you use Java for user interface only, which is just what I meant.

[Mailing lists]
> The nabble-mailing-list (
> was done by Martin and he only had the full-control.

Ah, I see - so I used the wrong one to "subscribe", and this seems to be
not used any more?
But I DID get an address for access to YOUR list:

> You may use the mse-org forum (, this
> one was done by me.

Then I should try to subscribe to that (also).
BTW, the subscrition "process" was quite ridiculous - after my first
failure at the not existing anti-robot test, I tried again some time later,
using a link sent to me along with the access address, and immediately got
a susbcription acknowledgement, without any further requirements.

> You may also use the issues of Github
> (

I might try that, but perhaps the mailing list should provide a more direct

Thank you for your response.
BTW, did you get ANY of my files attempted to send you? You didn't mention
or even acknowledge a single one, so I must assume they didn't reach you
- or the list I sent them to - at all.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-13 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard and sorry for the long delay.

> Android (if used there at all, or is this a cross compiler only?) might be
> another matter. 

Hum, Android is Java, so, IMHO, fpc could only deal with Java via
I do it for uos (United Openlibrary of Sound), compile with fpc a
Java-native library and use that library with Java applets.

> BTW, what about usage of this list? It seems to be dead & gone, except for 
> your replies and my desperate postings here... 
> Should I better use the (new) nabble one? 

The nabble-mailing-list ( was
done by Martin and he only had the full-control.

You may use the mse-org forum (, this
one was done by me.
You may also use the issues of Github


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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-07 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Mon, 6 May 2019 14:21:37 -0700 (MST):

> Nice that it works now!
> Yes, it is because a **very** old fpc bug.
> Even using "-B" (build all) fpc does not clean all previous compiled
> files. One of the cause is because fpc forget the included files {$I

I was even aware of such an issue, but I overlooked the fact that msei18n
creates some modules within the language directories, and I didn't clean up
those properly. I did it for the first one, but then it failed on the
second one... Only after cleaning up all of them did it work correctly.

> > Now, this leaves the question where to put this compiler switch.  
> If you use the graphic msei18n application
> (/mseide-msegui/tools/msei18n/), click on the "Edit" menu-button.
> By default, the needed parameters are added.

Yes, this might be a good place - but only if the settings are inherited by
new projects as well. if this worked, it should even be placed there by

> Could you give the script that you are using for compiling?

No script used here, just the built-in compiler call plus the "-fPIC"
additional switch.
But my extensions for command-line control also seem to work now, after a
minor modification concerning closing the message window. I didn't make it
omit the GUI completely, because I intended to use it as a "tool", called
from the IDE's "tools" menu. I commonly use two other entries, a "strip"
call (for Linux) and a "clean" script that removes the host of compiler
intermediate files (.o, .ppu and such).

you wrote on Mon, 6 May 2019 14:33:38 -0700 (MST):

> Those switches are needed for Unix but ignored with Windows.
> If I remember ok, with fp 2.6.4 it was not needed.

Ok, then it won't cause any troubles on windows. Android (if used there at
all, or is this a cross compiler only?) might be another matter.

BTW, what about usage of this list? It seems to be dead & gone, except for
your replies and my desperate postings here...
Should I better use the (new) nabble one? Then I ought to find out how to
register there using a non-existent utility that isn't shown...

Thank you for your reply. I will try to upload the modified msei18n project
(and the other ones I mentioned before) when I'll found how to do this -
none of my attempts up to now seem to have succeeded, not even a direct
email to you...

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nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-06 Thread fredvs
> Now, this leaves the question where to put this compiler switch. If it 
> was be needed for all targets, it might be best to put it into some 
> ressource string yet to be defined. If it is not needed always, or 
> perhaps on Linux only, it might be acceptable to put it into the compiler 
>specification field in the settings dialog. 

Those switches are needed for Unix but ignored with Windows.
If I remember ok, with fp 2.6.4 it was not needed.


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-06 Thread fredvs
> Now I DID clean up the mess from previous failed attempts before trying the
recompile, and it DID work. 

Nice that it works now!
Yes, it is because a **very** old fpc bug.
Even using "-B" (build all) fpc does not clean all previous compiled files.
One of the cause is because fpc forget the included files {$I}.

> Now, this leaves the question where to put this compiler switch.

If you use the graphic msei18n application (/mseide-msegui/tools/msei18n/),
click on the "Edit" menu-button.
By default, the needed parameters are added.

Could you give the script that you are using for compiling?


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-06 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

following up my previous post about the error compiling the "language"
libraries, I found the cause now. The clue & key was the compiler's
suggestion "recompile with -fPIC"
Well I had tried that before, and it hadn't helped. But this might have
been due to my not cleaning up the working directory beforehand, so the
compiler didn't really recompile, just retry the link step - and failed
Now I DID clean up the mess from previous failed attempts before trying
the recompile, and it DID work.
Now, this leaves the question where to put this compiler switch. If it
was be needed for all targets, it might be best to put it into some
ressource string yet to be defined. If it is not needed always, or
perhaps on Linux only, it might be acceptable to put it into the compiler
specification field in the settings dialog.
Which again leaves the question: What do you (& other list members) think?

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-06 Thread fredvs
> It seems this version was meant to already use "mselang" compilatiin or at 
> least compilation via llvm that it was meant to use, but as the regular 
> What are you (& other list members) thinking? 

I think there is a confusion, there is no call (yet) to mselang (the

There is indeed a call to /mseide-msegui/lib/common/i18n/mselanglink.pas but
it has nothing to do with mselang-compiler.
This unit is about registering mse-languages.


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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-06 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

Thanks to give attention to msegui.

> calling "Make" for a project I set up, "msei18n.trp", returns this error: 

Are you trying to compile on a Unix machine (Linux or FreeBSD) ?

If yes, you should add "-fPIC" parameter to fpc compiler option:

I use this macro with the gui msei18n :
/mseide-msegui/tools/i18n/msei18n.prj :

${COMPILER} -Fu${MSELIBDIR}i18n ${LIBFILE} -fPIC -k-gc-sections

Note the 2 last parameters: -fPIC (needed for compilation) and
-k-gc-sections (to enable garbage collector).

Also dont forget do remove all previous *.ppu, *.o, ... etc.


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-06 Thread Sieghard
Hello fredvs,

by the way, I got the latest msei18n programs to compile and run now, both
the one from release 4.6.2 and from your gitlab repository.
But they don't work correctly. Apart from an error shown on calling:
"Sessionmanager Error: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined"
(that I didn't investigate yet, as it seems to run normally otherwise)
calling "Make" for a project I set up, "msei18n.trp", returns this error:
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.2 [2018/05/11] for x86_64 Copyright (c)
1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling msei18n_de.pas
Compiling project_mfm.pas
Compiling empty_rst.pas
Linking ./
/usr/bin/ld: warning: ./link.res contains output sections; \
did you forget -T?
/usr/bin/ld: mselanglink.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S against symbol \
`U_$MSELANGLINK_$$_REGISTERMODULEHOOK' can not be used when making \
a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: \
nonrepresentable section on output
msei18n_de.pas(8) Error: Error while linking
msei18n_de.pas(8) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, \
Fatal: Compilation aborted Exec error 1. ERROR 
(Lines with a "\" at the end continued on next line.)
It seems this version was meant to already use "mselang" compilatiin or at
least compilation via llvm that it was meant to use, but as the regular
setup still uses fpc, this won't work. Asusing fpc MIGHT still be the
normal case, it might be warranted to change that (back) to allow fpc to be
What are you (& other list members) thinking?

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-02 Thread Fred van Stappen
Hello Sieghard.

Yes, I  agree that the questions "anti-robot"  of nabble are not easy.
Sometimes they ask to click where are cars (or something else).
But you must be helped by a robot to find the solutions, sometimes it is a 
truck but not a car, etc,..

And if you miss, you are treated like a robot and must re-do a test.

So yes, registering to nabble is a hard work.

In a other way, registering to GitHub is much more easy and with your GitHub 
account you may paste-copy-fork-push-upload-download all what you want.
Here to register:

You dont even need to install git or learn it.
For example, you create a issue with the web-site
And you simply add as attachment your zip file.


De : Sieghard 
Envoyé : jeudi 2 mai 2019 20:50
À :
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Wed, 1 May 2019 19:42:08 -0700 (MST):

> My mail was hidden in previous post, it is:
Thank you, I'll try it "ASAP". I'll also try nabble again, as they sent
mesome address, similarly garbled as gmane does it for (recognized)
addresses in messages delivered through it - they say that's done to avoid
SPAM sent to the originator. I hope you will not get into problems writing
your address nearly in plain in your message.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list
mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-02 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Wed, 1 May 2019 19:42:08 -0700 (MST):

> My mail was hidden in previous post, it is:
Thank you, I'll try it "ASAP". I'll also try nabble again, as they sent
mesome address, similarly garbled as gmane does it for (recognized)
addresses in messages delivered through it - they say that's done to avoid
SPAM sent to the originator. I hope you will not get into problems writing
your address nearly in plain in your message.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-01 Thread fredvs

My mail was hidden in previous post, it is:

fiens at


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-01 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

> That's all very well meant, but after trying several methods that did NOT 
> work at all, and after being unable to put ANYTHING on the nabble list, I 
> think I'll give up on this project altogether and just watch and 
> sporadically comment on the postings here. This is frustrating. 

I am really sorry that it does not work for you.
What is the size of your zip file?

You may sent me a email with the zip attachment to


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-05-01 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Wed, 24 Apr 2019 18:16:55 -0700 (MST):

> You may use that mailng-list and add a zip file as attachment.
> You may also use nabble (like I do): 
> and, when creating a message, click on "More" "Upload a file".
> You may also use mse-org-forum:
> and , when creating a post, click on "More" "Upload a file".

That's all very well meant, but after trying several methods that did NOT
work at all, and after being unable to put ANYTHING on the nabble list, I
think I'll give up on this project altogether and just watch and
sporadically comment on the postings here. This is frustrating.

Anyway, thank you for your attempts to help, even though unsuccessful.

I'd still be willing to provide the items I mentioned and will try to
produce a "scriptable" version of the latest msei18n if I can, but as long
as I cannot finda way to pass it on to you, it will not be available to
anyone else, unfortunately.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-04-24 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

You may use that mailng-list and add a zip file as attachment.

You may also use nabble (like I do): 
and, when creating a message, click on "More" "Upload a file".

You may also use mse-org-forum:
and , when creating a post, click on "More" "Upload a file".


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-04-24 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr van Stappen,

Sie schrieben am Mon, 22 Apr 2019 22:45:58 +:

> Huh, the po-able version was transfered here:

Thank you, I'll have a look at it shortly.

> In mse-org/mseide-msegui is the original no-po-able version.

I found this.

> > , I did get some smallish projects working in the meantime someone
> > might be interested in.
> Yes, with pleasure.

Then I've to ask, how do you get them? Send them to you by email, put them
on a (my) web site for download, or some other way? (I do not get or write
list messages, as I'm reading this by means of a mailing-list-to-news-group
translation site, gmane.)

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-04-22 Thread Fred van Stappen
Hello Seighard.

> I did download your special "po"-able version, but cannot use it at all,
> because there's no source code for it. I didn't even find any source code
> for a "po"-able version at all yet, even the latest  git master archive
> seems to not provide this ability.

Huh, the po-able version was transfered here:

In mse-org/mseide-msegui is the original no-po-able version.

> , I did get some smallish projects working in the meantime someone might be 
> interested in.

Yes, with pleasure.

>Otherwise, I wish you good luck with the continuation of Martin's heritage
> and hope it will prosper and be of use to many future projects.

If you still give your advices/help mse will be very prosper.

Thanks Seighard.
mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-04-22 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr van Stappen,

Sie schrieben am Thu, 21 Mar 2019 23:40:21 +:

> Hello Seighard.
 ie (never mind)

Anyhow, after a really verry loong time, I got around to look through the
current (mseide 4.6.2, the "stable" version) implementation of msei18n and
adapt my old "scripting" extensions to that. They make msei18n not really
scriptable, as it still presents it's GUI, but they allow it to be command
line controlled and to process a previously prepared project without further
manual interaction, i.e. generate a new set of translation libraries, e.g.
for a modified version.
I did download your special "po"-able version, but cannot use it at all,
because there's no source code for it. I didn't even find any source code
for a "po"-able version at all yet, even the latest  git master archive
seems to not provide this ability.
So I have to ask where this is and how I could get at it. Downloading an
offically accessible git archive isn't a problem, but as I couldn't find
one, it looks like there are just distributed patches lying around
somewhere that I have no information of, or the source is not officially
accessible to everyone.
BTW, I did get some smallish projects working in the meantime someone might
be interested in. These are
- a stand alone file requester to be used for shell scripts  (as already
- a calculation unit / component for numerical entry fields, featuring
  chain computation and respecting operator precedence, and along with it,
  a similarly enhanced keypad dialog component for use with touch screens
- a simple utility to test and display key codes, names and characters
  (strings) as produced by key presses.

I could provide zip archives of any of these projects, hopefully containing
everything needed to reproduce them within the realm of a working mseide
environment (i.e. that means it does NOT comprise mseide-msegui).
In the case of msei18n, I could also produce a unix standard diff patch to
apply to the original utility source code.

The extensions implemented for msei18n are in short:

- new command line switches
 '--process': the "scripting" function
 '--target', a provision to modify the fpc compiler used, e.g. to compile
 for i386 on a x64 machine, or to cross compile for windows on linux, and
 '--version', an additional provision for selecting the compiler by
 appending a postfix to its name, e.g. a version number or such.

- processing functions
  The processing functions are passed as a string parameter to the
  "--process" switch. They are shortly described in the source file
  "main.pas" along with the definition of the processing function
  "ExecuteCommands". The process parameter may comprise any number of
  functions and their pertaining parameters as following:

 Syntax of --process switch:



  For more details, please refer to the commentary in the source file.
  All the functions are named according to the respective menu entries.

Please give a notice if you think any or some of the above mentioned items
might be of interest to you or the project and whether and what I should do
about them.

Otherwise, I wish you good luck with the continuation of Martin's heritage
and hope it will prosper and be of use to many future projects.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-21 Thread Fred van Stappen
Hello Seighard.

Sorry for the delay.
And I will need even more to analyze your post.

Write you later and thanks.

De : Sieghard 
Envoyé : lundi 18 mars 2019 21:32
À :
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

Sehr geehrter Herr van Stappen,

Sie schrieben am Sun, 3 Mar 2019 19:55:38 +:

> So I will let you try the i18ndemo.prj and last commit of MSEide + me_i18n
> parameter.

Sorry for the long delay, and the fact that I've still not come around to
inspect this thing. I'm just too busy  these times for work, and I had a
couple other ideas that I went implementing "quickly"...
Well, those other things are a file requester (filebrowser) based on the
msegui file dialog, but useable as a stand-alone program, and a keypad /
editfield calcutor.
For the latter: have you ever had the need to enter some values somewhere,
but you didn't have them ready for input, but had to precalculate them from
raw values? Now, the keypad / edit field calcutor functions could have given
you the ability to build this into your program. The keypad calculator is
finished already, I'm not quite done with the edit field version, but if
anyone might be interested, I could provide the code.
BTW, the keypad one is based on a (screen) keypad (plus screen keyboard)
utility unit I provided "many years ago" already, but never saw any
reference to, even though Martin himself wrote about having it adapted to
his style.
I'm also willing to provide the free-standing file requester code for
anyone interested and equally bored with the available ones on Linux.

> > msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the
> > used. Using it is a bit !quirky"
> Yes, that is what I like with Martin, there is always a part of
> exploration before the "wow".

Well, there are quite some "loose ends" left with this one. For me, a quite
important problem was the total lack of scriptability, which is why I took
at it in the first place. And there are some other functions that could be
integrated, at least a means to automatically add the "deposits"
(directories) to be used for the variants to be created, and a
simplification of the neccessary processing for that.
But I surely will come back on this tool, even if it seems it's no longer
needed for translation / internationalization, but it could still - and
possibly even more - useful for the creation of (layout) variants,
notwithstanding the existence of Martin's skin feature and his layouter

> Do you have a GitHub account?

No, that's probabely not worth anyeffort, because I'm usually not able to
use it much, because of other activities.

Anyway, thank you very much for your interest and keep up the good work!

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list
mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-18 Thread Alexey Loginov
Developing of msei18n tool is in progress. It keeps localization by
library, but we will add gettext support too. At least msei18n tool
can generate POT files, that we need to translate by transifex. So
msei18n is always actual.

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-18 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr van Stappen,

Sie schrieben am Sun, 3 Mar 2019 19:55:38 +:

> So I will let you try the i18ndemo.prj and last commit of MSEide + me_i18n
> parameter.

Sorry for the long delay, and the fact that I've still not come around to
inspect this thing. I'm just too busy  these times for work, and I had a
couple other ideas that I went implementing "quickly"...
Well, those other things are a file requester (filebrowser) based on the
msegui file dialog, but useable as a stand-alone program, and a keypad /
editfield calcutor.
For the latter: have you ever had the need to enter some values somewhere,
but you didn't have them ready for input, but had to precalculate them from
raw values? Now, the keypad / edit field calcutor functions could have given
you the ability to build this into your program. The keypad calculator is
finished already, I'm not quite done with the edit field version, but if
anyone might be interested, I could provide the code.
BTW, the keypad one is based on a (screen) keypad (plus screen keyboard)
utility unit I provided "many years ago" already, but never saw any
reference to, even though Martin himself wrote about having it adapted to
his style.
I'm also willing to provide the free-standing file requester code for
anyone interested and equally bored with the available ones on Linux.

> > msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the
> > used. Using it is a bit !quirky"
> Yes, that is what I like with Martin, there is always a part of
> exploration before the "wow".

Well, there are quite some "loose ends" left with this one. For me, a quite
important problem was the total lack of scriptability, which is why I took
at it in the first place. And there are some other functions that could be
integrated, at least a means to automatically add the "deposits"
(directories) to be used for the variants to be created, and a
simplification of the neccessary processing for that.
But I surely will come back on this tool, even if it seems it's no longer
needed for translation / internationalization, but it could still - and
possibly even more - useful for the creation of (layout) variants,
notwithstanding the existence of Martin's skin feature and his layouter

> Do you have a GitHub account?

No, that's probabely not worth anyeffort, because I'm usually not able to
use it much, because of other activities.

Anyway, thank you very much for your interest and keep up the good work!

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-03 Thread Fred van Stappen

OK, I get it for i18ndemo.prj.

The trick is to NOT use -FUunits parameter, all files produced must be in the 
root-source directory.

That way a library of the language are created.

A little  tricky that library needed but it works.


De : Sieghard 
Envoyé : dimanche 3 mars 2019 19:33
À :
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Fri, 1 Mar 2019 17:12:37 -0700 (MST):

> > I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile
> I said that the /msegui/apps/i18ndemo/i18ndemo.prj  is not working so I
> cannot evalute mse-i18n.

As I did not use this demo - indeed, I wasn't even aware of it until now -
I cannot now comment on this. msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the
meantime I even found out again just HOW it works, or is meant to be used.
Using it is a bit !quirky", though, it requires several steps to get to a
result and relies on the intermediate use of a "third party program", mostly
a spreadsheet, to do the real, translation, work. For the data transfer, it
uses .csv files, which are understood by most applicable helper software.

> Fortunately Glixx gave patches to make MSEide i18n enabled (localization).
> @Glixx, one more time: big wow.

FIne - although I will have to study these before I can comment on them.
Does thet, on the other hand, mean that translation is handled without
msei18n use at all then? If so, is msei18n then considered obsolete?
I think it could still have some value to provide layout variants or
similar things. It will have to be "tuned" to this purpose better then,
and some of the "rougher corners" (of which there are quite some) softened
to make it's use smoother.

> Here infos of the fixes:
> So, yes MSEi18n is working and great.

I will have evaluate that - I've just not sufficient time right now.

> Glixx proposes to also enable PO files for MSEgui (like fpGUI does), so we
> may have to choose or using MSEi18n or PO files.

This ist probabely not a bad idea, as this method is abundantly used on
Linux and probabely on other systems as well. It is similar to a method I
used in my "big" mse project for translation of labels and message strings.
If I got that right, they use some preprocessing of the translations to
make substitution faster. I did it straight ahead, just look up the
original strings and replace them with the appropriate translations - for
a few dozen strings that I needed this method is fast enough, regarding
the current processors that can do such a task "in the blink of an eye".

> If you want to compile/test MSEide with i18n enabled, please check the
> option "-dmse_i18n" in project-option/make-option in mseide.prj.

I'll have to do that yet.

> And for the demo 18ndemo.prj I will try to fix it asap.

I'll have a look as well. If I find something, I'll give notice.

BTW, I had some trouble with news just these days, and I wasn't sure
whether it was just a short "hiccup" of the albasani server or a major
configuration issue on my machine, so I was a bit reluctant to answer
earlier, fearing that this might got lost. But it was probabely the latter,
and this list - that I read by means of the "gmane" archieval and news
conversion site, BTW - was fine all the time.
But I will probabely have to consider switching to the new nabble hosted
list, as most of the stuff you mentioned didn't seem to show up "here" at
all. E.g. I didn't know (and cannot see even now) a member of name "Glixx",
nor any information of him other than what you mentioned above.
Does nabble - or ist it github? - also provide a news conversion of the
list? I DO hate to have to do everything full-time on line. My machine
fetches news from interesting grups in the background in short bursts, and I
can then read (and respond to) them whenever I find some time for that
without having to be vulnerable to "the net".

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list
mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-03 Thread Fred van Stappen
Hello Sieghard and thanks for your answers.

So I will let you try the i18ndemo.prj and last commit of MSEide + me_i18n

> msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the
> meantime I even found out again just HOW it works, or is meant to be used.
> Using it is a bit !quirky"

Yes, that is what I like with Martin, there is always a part of exploration
before the "wow".

> I didn't know (and cannot see even now) a member of name "Glixx",

(Dont say it but I think it is Alexey Loginov)

>  I had some trouble with news just these days,
Me too and lot of time.
You may use the mse-org forum instead:

Do you have a GitHub account?


De : Sieghard 
Envoyé : dimanche 3 mars 2019 19:33
À :
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Fri, 1 Mar 2019 17:12:37 -0700 (MST):

> > I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile
> I said that the /msegui/apps/i18ndemo/i18ndemo.prj  is not working so I
> cannot evalute mse-i18n.

As I did not use this demo - indeed, I wasn't even aware of it until now -
I cannot now comment on this. msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the
meantime I even found out again just HOW it works, or is meant to be used.
Using it is a bit !quirky", though, it requires several steps to get to a
result and relies on the intermediate use of a "third party program", mostly
a spreadsheet, to do the real, translation, work. For the data transfer, it
uses .csv files, which are understood by most applicable helper software.

> Fortunately Glixx gave patches to make MSEide i18n enabled (localization).
> @Glixx, one more time: big wow.

FIne - although I will have to study these before I can comment on them.
Does thet, on the other hand, mean that translation is handled without
msei18n use at all then? If so, is msei18n then considered obsolete?
I think it could still have some value to provide layout variants or
similar things. It will have to be "tuned" to this purpose better then,
and some of the "rougher corners" (of which there are quite some) softened
to make it's use smoother.

> Here infos of the fixes:
> So, yes MSEi18n is working and great.

I will have evaluate that - I've just not sufficient time right now.

> Glixx proposes to also enable PO files for MSEgui (like fpGUI does), so we
> may have to choose or using MSEi18n or PO files.

This ist probabely not a bad idea, as this method is abundantly used on
Linux and probabely on other systems as well. It is similar to a method I
used in my "big" mse project for translation of labels and message strings.
If I got that right, they use some preprocessing of the translations to
make substitution faster. I did it straight ahead, just look up the
original strings and replace them with the appropriate translations - for
a few dozen strings that I needed this method is fast enough, regarding
the current processors that can do such a task "in the blink of an eye".

> If you want to compile/test MSEide with i18n enabled, please check the
> option "-dmse_i18n" in project-option/make-option in mseide.prj.

I'll have to do that yet.

> And for the demo 18ndemo.prj I will try to fix it asap.

I'll have a look as well. If I find something, I'll give notice.

BTW, I had some trouble with news just these days, and I wasn't sure
whether it was just a short "hiccup" of the albasani server or a major
configuration issue on my machine, so I was a bit reluctant to answer
earlier, fearing that this might got lost. But it was probabely the latter,
and this list - that I read by means of the "gmane" archieval and news
conversion site, BTW - was fine all the time.
But I will probabely have to consider switching to the new nabble hosted
list, as most of the stuff you mentioned didn't seem to show up "here" at
all. E.g. I didn't know (and cannot see even now) a member of name "Glixx",
nor any information of him other than what you mentioned above.
Does nabble - or ist it github? - also provide a news conversion of the
list? I DO hate to have to do everything full-time on line. My machine
fetches news from interesting grups in the background in short bursts, and I
can then read (and respond to) them whenever I find some time for that
without having to be vulnerable to "the net".

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-03 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard and thanks for your answers.

So I will let you try the i18ndemo.prj and last commit of MSEide + me_i18n

> msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the 
> meantime I even found out again just HOW it works, or is meant to be used. 
> Using it is a bit !quirky"

Yes, that is what I like with Martin, there is always a part of exploration
before the "wow".

> I didn't know (and cannot see even now) a member of name "Glixx",

(Do say it but I think it is Alexey Loginov)


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-03 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Fri, 1 Mar 2019 17:12:37 -0700 (MST):

> > I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile
> I said that the /msegui/apps/i18ndemo/i18ndemo.prj  is not working so I
> cannot evalute mse-i18n.

As I did not use this demo - indeed, I wasn't even aware of it until now -
I cannot now comment on this. msei18n IS fully working, though, and in the
meantime I even found out again just HOW it works, or is meant to be used.
Using it is a bit !quirky", though, it requires several steps to get to a
result and relies on the intermediate use of a "third party program", mostly
a spreadsheet, to do the real, translation, work. For the data transfer, it
uses .csv files, which are understood by most applicable helper software.

> Fortunately Glixx gave patches to make MSEide i18n enabled (localization).
> @Glixx, one more time: big wow.

FIne - although I will have to study these before I can comment on them.
Does thet, on the other hand, mean that translation is handled without
msei18n use at all then? If so, is msei18n then considered obsolete?
I think it could still have some value to provide layout variants or
similar things. It will have to be "tuned" to this purpose better then,
and some of the "rougher corners" (of which there are quite some) softened
to make it's use smoother.

> Here infos of the fixes:
> So, yes MSEi18n is working and great.

I will have evaluate that - I've just not sufficient time right now.

> Glixx proposes to also enable PO files for MSEgui (like fpGUI does), so we
> may have to choose or using MSEi18n or PO files.

This ist probabely not a bad idea, as this method is abundantly used on
Linux and probabely on other systems as well. It is similar to a method I
used in my "big" mse project for translation of labels and message strings.
If I got that right, they use some preprocessing of the translations to
make substitution faster. I did it straight ahead, just look up the
original strings and replace them with the appropriate translations - for
a few dozen strings that I needed this method is fast enough, regarding
the current processors that can do such a task "in the blink of an eye".

> If you want to compile/test MSEide with i18n enabled, please check the
> option "-dmse_i18n" in project-option/make-option in mseide.prj.

I'll have to do that yet.

> And for the demo 18ndemo.prj I will try to fix it asap.

I'll have a look as well. If I find something, I'll give notice.

BTW, I had some trouble with news just these days, and I wasn't sure
whether it was just a short "hiccup" of the albasani server or a major
configuration issue on my machine, so I was a bit reluctant to answer
earlier, fearing that this might got lost. But it was probabely the latter,
and this list - that I read by means of the "gmane" archieval and news
conversion site, BTW - was fine all the time.
But I will probabely have to consider switching to the new nabble hosted
list, as most of the stuff you mentioned didn't seem to show up "here" at
all. E.g. I didn't know (and cannot see even now) a member of name "Glixx",
nor any information of him other than what you mentioned above.
Does nabble - or ist it github? - also provide a news conversion of the
list? I DO hate to have to do everything full-time on line. My machine
fetches news from interesting grups in the background in short bursts, and I
can then read (and respond to) them whenever I find some time for that
without having to be vulnerable to "the net".

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-01 Thread Fred van Stappen
> I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile for
> you, did it fail to start, were you unable to get it to work, or something
> else?

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-01 Thread Fred van Stappen
> I mean to remember that it was neccessary to convert the project's .mfm
> files to a different format, and indeed I found files with a .trd extension
> holding the conversion parameters, along with the msei18n .trp project
> files.

It seems to me too that some conversions are needed.
But it seems too that after the patches of Glixx it does not need such 
conversion (or I missed something).

I did not change my locale (not out-of-the-box in Debian 9.5)  to test if 
localization i working with MSEide + i18n.

But it seems that for Glixx who has Russian locale it is working.
But maybe there is something that he does after compiling that I miss.


De : Sieghard 
Envoyé : vendredi 1 mars 2019 22:34
À :
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Thu, 28 Feb 2019 14:28:26 -0700 (MST):

> My biggest problem is that I cannot make run the msei18n demo so difficult
> to measure the feature.

I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile for
you, did it fail to start, were you unable to get it to work, or something
I could compile it without problem with the latest released IDE (4.6.2) and
fpc 3.0.2 x64, although I used the 32bit precompiled IDE. The resulting
program did run, although it didn't find some files I had used previously,
because in the meantime I had done some reorganisation on my machine...
My problem at this place is that I just cannot really remember what exactly
had to be done and prepared to create a working project for msei18n.
I mean to remember that it was neccessary to convert the project's .mfm
files to a different format, and indeed I found files with a .trd extension
holding the conversion parameters, along with the msei18n .trp project
files. It' s just too long since I did this project, must be more than
5 years by now, and I didn't even have to do much work on it since.
So I will need some time to find out again how this is to be used and I
can provide a working example.
Sorry for that.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list
mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-01 Thread fredvs
Hello Sieghard.

> I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile for 
> you, did it fail to start, were you unable to get it to work, or something 
> else?

I said that the /msegui/apps/i18ndemo/i18ndemo.prj  is not working so I
cannot evalute mse-i18n.

Fortunately Glixx gave patches to make MSEide i18n enabled (localization).
@Glixx, one more time: big wow.

Here infos of the fixes:

So, yes MSEi18n is working and great.

Glixx proposes to also enable PO files for MSEgui (like fpGUI does), so we
may have to choose or using MSEi18n or PO files.

If you want to compile/test MSEide with i18n enabled, please check the
option "-dmse_i18n" in project-option/make-option in mseide.prj.

> I can provide a working example. Sorry for that. 

No problem, the working 18n example is now MSEide (and it s a perfect

And for the demo 18ndemo.prj I will try to fix it asap.


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-03-01 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Thu, 28 Feb 2019 14:28:26 -0700 (MST):

> My biggest problem is that I cannot make run the msei18n demo so difficult
> to measure the feature.

I'm not sure what you want to say with that - did it fail to compile for
you, did it fail to start, were you unable to get it to work, or something
I could compile it without problem with the latest released IDE (4.6.2) and
fpc 3.0.2 x64, although I used the 32bit precompiled IDE. The resulting
program did run, although it didn't find some files I had used previously,
because in the meantime I had done some reorganisation on my machine...
My problem at this place is that I just cannot really remember what exactly
had to be done and prepared to create a working project for msei18n.
I mean to remember that it was neccessary to convert the project's .mfm
files to a different format, and indeed I found files with a .trd extension
holding the conversion parameters, along with the msei18n .trp project
files. It' s just too long since I did this project, must be more than
5 years by now, and I didn't even have to do much work on it since.
So I will need some time to find out again how this is to be used and I
can provide a working example.
Sorry for that.

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-02-28 Thread Fred van Stappen
> Does that help you a bit?

A lot, many thanks.

My biggest problem is that I cannot make run the msei18n demo so difficult
to measure the feature.

> I did provide it here, but it seemed there was no interest for it.

I am interested!

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-02-28 Thread fredvs
> I did provide it here, but it seemed there was no interest for it.

I am interested!


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-02-28 Thread fredvs
> Does that help you a bit? 

A lot, many thanks.

My biggest problem is that I cannot make run the msei18n demo so difficult
to measure the feature.


Sent from:

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-02-28 Thread Sieghard
Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Thu, 28 Feb 2019 07:30:15 -0700 (MST):

> Can somebody explain what is the advantage/inconvenient to use msei18n vs
> PO files (like fpGUI does)?
> What is the goal of mse18n (and more generally 18n)?

Well, for _msei18n_ specifically, I can provide some information.
Namely that it is not only an internationalzation function like the .po
files for translation of control elements and such.
It is much more generally useable - and it's because of such a use that I
know - to build variants of (GUI) programs by means of parametrizing the
control elements in every accessible manner. I.e. you can define a user
interface on your big machine creating a layout taking your wohle screen,
and then use msei18n to generate another layout for small notebook screens
or perhaps even tiny tablet computers. (Of course, the layout modification
also has its limits, there will be some size where everything will no
longer fit or even be discernible.) Other uses are imaginable, I just
mentioned the described one because that's what I used it for: some kind
of a "kiosk" system that's to be deployed on machines with various screen
sizes, where the application should always cover the whole screen and not
show the common scaling effects of the graphics system.

Does that help you a bit?

(BTW, I had created a variant of Martin's original interactive-only program
that could be partially scripted, although I didn't yet bother to remove
or suppress the graphics output. I did provide it here, but it seemed there
was no interest for it.)

(Weitergabe von Adressdaten, Telefonnummern u.ä. ohne Zustimmung
nicht gestattet, ebenso Zusendung von Werbung oder ähnlichem)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

mseide-msegui-talk mailing list

[MSEide-MSEgui-talk] msei18n vs PO files

2019-02-28 Thread fredvs

Can somebody explain what is the advantage/inconvenient to use msei18n vs PO
files (like fpGUI does)?

What is the goal of mse18n (and more generally 18n)?


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mseide-msegui-talk mailing list