Re: [music-dsp] [admin] list etiquette

2015-08-28 Thread Peter S
What is your problem? You can approach the mailing list and discuss
whatever topic you want. Nothing is lost, don't make such a fuss.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [admin] list etiquette

2015-08-28 Thread Peter S
You're speaking about an event that happened in the past. Which has
nothing to do with the present, or the future, or the accessibility
of this mailing list.

You can learn from the mistakes or faults of others, can't you? For
example, if someone wants to construct a windowed sinc FIR filter with
20,000 coefficients, it can be useful to learn *why* that idea is not
the best. Without pointing out to *why* that idea may fail, you cannot
learn from it, can you?

As the discussion was about things like, FIR filters with lots of
coefficients, upsampling, interpolation, convolution, frequency
response of interpolators and various other polynomials... Topics that
are all relevant here, I guess.

I think at least 90%+ of the discussion was strictly about these
topics. If you cannot dismiss the other 10% as noise, then you focus
too much on the (for you) irrelevant details.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [admin] list etiquette

2015-08-28 Thread Peter S
I decided to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

I'm busy anyways working on a new Z-domain filter design method.

Have a nice dup swap drop action.


dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [admin] list etiquette

2015-08-24 Thread Peter S
On 24/08/2015, Theo Verelst wrote:
 I'm not going to confuse etiquette with thinking straight, it's clear if
 people can be respected and have some things to learn or teach, or go on
 about emotionally, that a lot of reasonable communication can take place.

Note: when I tell someone that he is wrong, in case when he is
provably wrong, that has nothing to do with emotions. So do not
confuse emotion with logic.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
On 22/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 So your whole point is that it's not *exactly* sinc^2, but a slightly noisy
 version thereof? My point was that there are no effects of resampling
 visible in the graphs.

And you're wrong - all those 88 alias images are effects of resampling...

 That has nothing to do with exactly how the graphs
 were generated, nor does insisting that the graphs are slightly noisy
 address the point.

Well, it was *you* who insisted that it displays a graphed sinc^2
curve, and not a resampled signal... And you were wrong.

 Indeed, you've already conceded that the resampling effects are not visible
 in the graphs several posts back.

Aren't all those 88 alias images effects of resampling?
What are those, if not effects of resampling?

You claimed no upsampling is involved, yet when I upsample noise, I
get exactly that graph. So it seems you were wrong.

 It seems like you're just casting about
 for some other issue that you can tell yourself you won, and then call me
 names, to feed your fragile ego.

Well, if you do not see that the curve is NOT a graphed sinc^2, but
rather, a noisy curve seemingly from resampled noise, then you have
some underlying problem.

 Honestly, it's a pretty sad spectacle and I'm embarrassed for you.

I'm embarrassed for you.

 It really would be better for everyone - including
 you - if you could interact in a good-faith, mature manner. Please make an
 effort to start doing so, or you're pretty soon going to find that nobody
 here will interact with you any more.

Yet - for some reason - you keep interacting with me for the past 22
mails you wrote. Maybe to feed your fragile ego and prove that you
won... (?)

 By the way, there's no reason for any jaggedness to appear in the plots,
 given the lengths of data you were talking about.

There *is* reason for jaggedness to appear in the plots. If you don't
believe, try it yourself - take some white noise sampled at 500 Hz,
and resample it to 44.1 kHz. The shorter the length, the more jagged
the spectrum will look.

Besides, we do not know how much data Olli processed, so you cannot
say there's no reason for jaggedness in his graph - as you do not
know how he derived his graph. So your argument is invalid again.

 Producing a very smooth graph from a long enough segment of data is
 straightforward, if you use appropriate techniques (not just one big FFT of
 the whole thing, that won't ever get rid of the noisiness no matter how
 much data you throw at it).

Exactly. And that's what I used (spectral averaging over a long
segment), yet it is STILL noisy, if the white noise segment is not
very long.

So your argument is wrong again...

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] unsubscribe

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
On 22/08/2015, Alen wrote:
 Indeed. This debate is getting tiresome.

That's what happens when someone does not accept that he is wrong,
despite overwhelming evidence.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
So you claim that the graph depicts a sinc^2 graph, and it shows the
frequency response of a continuous time linearly interpolated signal,
and involves no resampling.

That is false. That is not how Olli created his graph. First, the
continuous time signal (which, by the way, already contains an
infinite amount of aliases of the original spectrum) exists only in
your imagination - I'm almost 100% certain Olli made his graph by
resampling noise. The telltale signs of this are:

- the curves on the graph are jagged/noisy, typical of averaged white
noise spectrum
- if you watch closely, the same jaggedness repeats at a 2*PI
frequency interval, showing that they are aliases of the original
spectrum, which was noisy.

Therefore, Ollis graph does *not* depict a continuous time signal, but
rather, a noisy signal that was resampled to 44.1 kHz. Therefore, what
you see on the graph, is the artifacts from the resampling.

Therefore, all your arguments are invalid.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
So let me get this straight - you have an *imaginary* graph in your
head, depicting the frequency response of a continuous time linearly
interpolated signal, and you keep arguing about this *imaginary* graph
(maybe to feed your fragile ego and to prove that you won).

That is *not* what you see on Olli's graph, as been discussed in
depth. So what you're arguing about, is not Olli's graph that was
presented, but rather, an *imaginary* graph, that exists only in your

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
And besides, no one ever said that Olli's graph depicts analyitical
frequency responses of continuous time interpolators. The graphs come
from a code entry:

There's no comment whatsover, just the code and the graphs.

If you read his 65 page long paper on interpolators, he doesn't
discuss analytical continuous time interpolator frequency responses
whatsoever. He just shows their graphs, and tells where they have
zeros in the response. No formulas for analytical frequency responses,
at all - seemingly he is not interested in that. I just skimmed
through his paper again, and the closest thing that he has in it, are
polynomial approximations for frequency responses in the passband.
About that's all, other than that, no frequency response formulas.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
On 22/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

 The conjugate sine to +1, -1, +1, -1, ... is 0, 0, 0, 0... Just phase
 shift the original sine at the Nyquist frequence.

Let me ask what do you mean by conjugate sine ?

If you mean complex conjugate, and assume the sine to be the real
part of complex phasor rotating around the complex unit circle, then
isn't the conjugate of that phasor also +1, -1, +1, -1,... ? The only
difference is that the phasor is mirrored around the X axis (so the
imaginary part +i becomes -i), so it rotates in the opposite direction
(negative frequency). Since the frequency of that phasor is pi, the
complex conjugate phasor rotating at the other direction is also +1,
-1, +1, -1... Either direction, the phasor toggles between positions
z=1 and z=-1.

Maybe you meant quadrature sine ?

 That'll show you that that precise signal cannot be reconstructed
 without resorting to complex continuation of the signal, on the Fourier

Let me ask, what do you mean by Fourier plane? I never heard that
term, and Google only gives me optics-related pages.

Maybe you mean complex plane?
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-22 Thread Peter S
Okay, I'll risk exceeding my daily message limit. If the
administrators think it is inappropriate, dealing with that is at
their discretion.

Here is another proof that the alias images in the spectrum are caused
by the sampling/upsampling, not the interpolation:

Let's replace linear interpolation with simply stuffing zeros between
samples. So that means, we upsample the signal without applying
interpolation or filtering. Let's try this on an ~50 Hz sine wave
sampled at 44100/88 ~= 501 Hz, upsampled to 44.1 kHz by stuffing 87
zeros between each sample.

The resulting waveform looks like individual impulses, spaced 88 samples apart:

Here is the spectrum:

We can see the usual alias frequencies at 450 Hz, 550 Hz, 950 Hz, 1050
Hz, 1450 Hz, 1550 Hz, 1950 Hz, 2050 Hz, ... This is because the
upsampling causes the original spectrum to repeated infinite times,
causing these alias frequencies to appear in the resulting spectrum.

Therefore, it is NOT the interpolation that is causing these alias
images, but rather, the upsampling... More precisely, they're already
present in the original signal sampled at 500 Hz, the upsampling just
makes them visible. I used no interpolation at all, yet all this
aliasing appeared on the spectrum.

All the interpolation does, is it filters out some of this aliasing...
Since the impulse response of linear interpolation is a triangle,
applying linear interpolation is equivalent to convolving the
resulting upsampled signal with a triangular kernel filter. Since the
Fourier transform of a rectangle is a sinc function, and a triangular
kernel is equivalent to convolving two rectangular kernels, the
Fourier spectrum of a triangular kernel will look like a sinc^2

But that's not what causes the aliasing... it's there already after
the upsampling, before you apply the interpolation/convolution. You
can take a discretized version of a continuous triangular kernel
sampled at the upsampled rate, and convolving the upsampled signal
with that kernel will be equivalent to linear interpolation. You do
not actually need a continuous time signal to be present, and the
aliasing/imaging is there already before doing the triangular
convolution at the upsampled rate.

Several authors discuss the equivalence of linear interpolation and
convolution with a triangular filter, examples:

1) linear interpolation can be expressed as convolving the sampled
function with a triangle function[1]

2) The first-order hold [= linear interpolation] corresponds to an
impulse response for the reconstruction filter that is a triangle of
duration equal to twice the sampling period.[2]


[1] Oliver Kreylos, Sampling Theory 101

[2] Alan V. Oppenheim, Signals and Systems, ch. 17. Interpolation

[3] Ruye Wang, Sampling Theorem, Reconstruction of Signal by Interpolation

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
Also, you even contradict yourself. You claim that:

1) Olli's graph was created by graphing sinc(x), sinc^2(x), and not via FFT.

2) The artifacts from the resampling would be barely visible, because
the oversampling rate is quite high.

So, if - according to 2) - the artifacts are not visible because the
oversampling is high and the graph doesn't focus on that, then how do
you know that 1) is true? You claim that the resampling artifacts
wouldn't be visible anyways.

If that's true, then how would you prove that FFT was not used for
creating Olli's graph?

Also, even you yourself acknowledge that

It shows the aliasing left by linear interpolation into the
continuous time domain.

So, we agree that the graph shows aliasing, right?

I do not know where you get your idea of additional aliasing - it's
the very same aliasing, except the resampling folds it back...
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
On 21/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
 So you agree that the effects of resampling are not shown, and all we see
 is the spectrum of the continuous time polynomial interpolators.

I claim that they are aliases of the original spectrum.

Just as you also call them:

It shows the aliasing left by linear interpolation into the
continuous time domain.

I never claimed anything about the folding back of alias frequencies
from the resampling at 44.1k rate.

 If I were you,
 I'd quit haranguing people over irrelevancies and straw men,

It's rather you who argue about irrelevant things and straw man
arguments - for that matter, I never claimed that the folded back
aliases from the resampling at 44.1k are visible on Olli's graph. It's
you who is forcing this irrelevant argument.

So maybe you should listen to your own advice, first.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
A sampled signal contains an infinte number of aliases:

the spectrum is replicated infinitely often in both directions

These are called aliases of the spectrum. You do not need to fold
back the aliasing via resampling for them to become aliases...
They're aliases already - when sampled at the original rate, they
would all alias back to the original signal.

This is because exp(i*x) is periodic, and after 2*PI radians, you get
back to the same frequency... hence, frequencies that are 2*PI apart
from each other, are all aliases...

If you fail to understand that, I think you fail to understand even
the basics of sampling theory.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
Let's repeat the same with a 50 Hz sine wave, sampled at 500 Hz, then
linearly interpolated and resampled at 44.1 kHz:

The resulting alias frequencies are at: 450 Hz, 550 Hz, 950 Hz, 1050
Hz, 1450 Hz, 1550 Hz, 1950 Hz, 2050 Hz, 2450 Hz, 2550 Hz, ...

I think it should be obvious that these are all alias frequencies of
50 Hz, since if you sample any of these sinusoids at 500 Hz rate, they
will all alias to 50 Hz. Hence, they are - by definition - aliases of
the 50 Hz sinusoid.

Welcome to sampling theory 101.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
On 21/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
It shows *exactly* the aliasing

 It shows the aliasing left by linear interpolation into the continuous time
 domain. It doesn't show the additional aliasing produced by then delaying
 and sampling that signal. I.e., the images that would get folded back onto
 the new baseband, disturbing the sinc^2 curve.

This image doesn't involve any fractional delay.

 Those differences would be quite small for resampling to 44.1kHz with no
 delay, since the oversampling ratio is considerable, so you'd have to look
 carefully to see them.

I think they're actually on the image:

They're hard to notice, because the other aliasing masks it.

 This is a big hint that they are not portrayed:
 Ollie knows what he is doing, so if he wanted to illustrate the effects of
 the resampling, he would have constructed a scenario where they are easily

Since that image is not meant to illustrate the effects of
resampling, but rather, to illustrate the effects of interpolation,
*obviously* it doesn't focus on the aliasing from the resampling.

Therefore, it is not a hint at all, and your argument is invalid.

 And probably mentioned a second sample rate, explicitly shown both
 the sinc^2 and its aliased counterpart, etc. The effect would be shown in a
 visible, explicit manner, if that was what the graph was supposed to show.

The fact that this graph is not supposed to demonstrate the aliasing
from the resampling, does not mean that

1) it's not there on the graph (it's just barely visible)

2) the images of the continuous time interpolated signal are not
aliasing. That's also called aliasing!!!

 But all of those things depend on parameters like oversampling ratio and
 delay, so it would be a much more complicated picture.

Yes, and that's all entirely irrelevant here... Because the images in
the continuous time signal before the resampling are also called
aliasing!!! They're all aliases of the original spectrum, and they all
alias back to the original spectrum when sampled at the original
sampling rate! They're called aliasing even before you resample them!

 What we're shown
 here is just the effects of polynomial interpolation to get to the
 continuous time domain.

False. I've shown the FFT frequency spectra of actual upsampled signals.

 The additional effects of delaying and then
 sampling that signal back into the discrete time domain are not visible.

There was no delaying involved at all.

The effects of sampling that signal back are not visible, because
there's 88x oversampling, just as I pointed out. If you want, you can
repeat the same with less oversampling, and present us your results.

 It seems that you have assumed that some resampling must be happening
 because the graph only goes up to 22kHz. But that's just the range of the
 graph, you don't need to do any resampling of anything to graph sinc^2 over
 any particular range of frequencies.

I never said you need do to resampling of the continuous time signal
to graph sinc^2.

I said: the images in the frequency spectrum of the continuous time
signal are aliases of the original spectrum, and they alias back to
the original spectrum when the continuous time signal is sampled at
the original rate!

 But that's not quite the exact same graph.

It's essentially the exact same graph.

 And why are you putting a sound card in the loop?

That was the most convenient way to record the signal.

 This is all just digital processing in question here. You
 don't even need to process any signals, there are analytic expressions for
 all of the quantities involved.

That's just one way of drawing fancy graphs.
FFT is another way of drawing fancy graphs.
Why would I restrict myself to one method?

 That's how Ollie generated graphs of them
 without reference to any particular signals.

How do you know? Prove it! I'm convinced he generated it via numerical
means and FFT.

 Again, the differences in question are small due to the high oversampling
 ratio, so it's going to be quite difficult to see them in macroscopic
 graphs like this.

Let me point out again, that all those spectral images in the
continunous time signal before the resampling, *are* aliasing, as
they're aliases of the original spectrum, and are *very* visible on
the graph!

 If you want to see the differences, just make a plot of
 both sinc^2 and its aliased versions (for whatever oversampling ratios
 and/or delays), and look at the differences. It won't be interesting for
 high oversampling ratios and zero delay - which is exactly why that
 scenario is a poor choice for illustrating the effects in question.

And you're entirely missing the point what it is supposed to illustrate.

 The fact that sampling a continuous time signal at a very high rate results
 in a spectrum that closely resembles the continuous time spectrum (over the
 sampled bandwidth) is beside the point.

Exactly. It's 

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
On 21/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
Creating a 22000 Hz signal from a 250 Hz signal by interpolation, is
*exactly* upsampling

 That is not what is shown in that graph. The graph simply shows the
 continuous-time frequency response of the interpolation polynomials,
 graphed up to 22kHz. No resampling is depicted, or the frequency responses
 would show the aliasing associated with that.

It shows *exactly* the aliasing

There are about 88 alias images visible on the graph.
The linear interpolation curve is not smooth, so it contains aliasing.

 It's just showing the sinc^2
 response of the linear interpolator, and similar for the other polynomials.

If the signal you interpolate is white noise, and the spectrum of the
signal is a flat spectrum rectangle like the one displayed, then after
resampling, you get *exactly* the spectrum you see on the graph,
showing 88 alias images.

I created 60 seconds of white noise sampled at 500 Hz, then resampled
it to 44.1 kHz using linear interpolation. After the upsampling, it
sounds like this:

Its spectrum looks like this:

Looks familiar? Oh, it's the *exact* same graph! (Minus some
difference above 20 kHz, due to my soundcard's anti-alias filter.) It
is an FFT graph of the upsampled white noise, and it shows *exactly*
the aliasing. Good morning!

 This is what you'd get if you used those interpolation polynomials to
 convert a 250Hz sampled signal into a continuous time signal, not a
 discrete time signal of whatever sampling rate.

Nope. You get the same graph if you sample that continuous time signal
at a 44.1 kHz sampling rate (with some further aliasing from the
sampling). Just as I've shown.

Besides, I think the graph was created via numerical means using FFT,
because it has noise at the low ampliutes (marked on the image).
Therefore, it doesn't show a continuous time sinc^2 graph, because
that wouldn't be noisy.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
Since you constantly derail this topic with irrelevant talk, let me
instead prove that

1) Olli Niemiatalo's graph *is* equivalent of the spectrum of
upsampled white noise.
2) Olli Niemitalo's graph does *not* depict sinc(x)/sinc^2(x).

First I'll prove 1).

Using palette modification, I extracted the linear interpolation curve
from Olli's figure:

Then I sampled white noise at 500 Hz, and resampled it to 44.1 kHz
using linear interpolation. I got this spectrum:

To do a proper A/B comparison between the two spectra, I tried to
align and match them as much as possible, and created an animated GIF
file that blinks between the two graphs at a 500 ms rate:

Although the alignment is not 100% exact, to my eyes, they look like
totally equivalent graphs.

This proves that upsampled white noise has the same spectrum as the
graph shown on Olli's graph for linear interpolation.

Second, I'll prove 2).

Have you actually looked at Olli Niemitalo's graph closely?
Here is proof that it is NOT a graph of sinc(x)/sinc^2(x):

It is NOT sinc(x)/sinc^2(x), and you're blind as a bat if you do not see that.

Since I proved both 1) and 2), it is totally irrelevant what you say,
because none of what you could ever say would disprove this.

Sinc(x) does not have a jagged/noisy look, therefore it is 100%
certain it is not what you see on Olli's graph. Point proven, end of

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
On 22/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 We've been over this repeatedly, including in the very post you are
 responding to. The fact that there are many ways to produce a graph of the
 interpolation spectrum is not in dispute, nor is it germaine to my point.

Earlier you disputed that there's no upsampling involved.
Apparently you change your mind quite often...

 It's seems like you are trying to
 avoid my point entirely, in favor of some imaginary dispute of your own
 invention, which you think you can win.

I claimed something, and you disputed it. I proved that what I
claimed, is true. Therefore, all your further arguments are invalid...
(and are boring)

 I have no idea what you think you are proving by scrutinizing graph
 artifacts like that

I am proving that what you see on the graph is not sinc(x) /
sinc^2(x), but rather some noisy curve, like the spectrum of upsampled
noise. Therefore, my original argument is correct.

 It's also in extremely poor taste to use retard as a term of abuse.

Well, if you do not see that the graph pictured on Olli's figure is
not sinc(x), then you're retarded.

 Meanwhile, it seems that you are suggesting that the spectrum of white
 noise linearly interpolated up to a high oversampling rate is not sinc^2.

Naturally, there's going to be some jaggedness in the spectrum because
of the noise. So, obviously, that is not sinc^2 then.

 Are you claiming that those wiggles in the graph represent
 aliasing of the spectrum from resampling at 44.1kHz? If so, that is

Nope, the wiggles in the graph are from the noise.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-21 Thread Peter S
Upsampling means, that the sampling rate increases. So if you have a
250 Hz signal, and create a 22000 Hz signal from it, that is - by
definition - upsampling.

That's *exactly* what upsampling means... You insert new samples
between the original ones, and interpolate between them (using
whatever interpolation filter of your preference).

And that is often used synonymously with 'oversampling', and that's
what happens in an oversampled D/A converter. (Though 'oversampling'
has a different meaning in A/D context.)

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-20 Thread Peter S
On 20/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 Wasn't the premise that memory
 was cheap, so we can store a big prototype FIR for high quality 512x
 oversampling? So why are we then worried about the table space for the
 fractional interpolator?

For the record, wasn't it you who said memory is often a constraint?
Quote from you:
There are lots of dsp applications where memory is very much the main

So apparently your premise is that memory can be expensive and a
constraint, and now you ask why are we worried about using extra

At least make up your mind, whether you consider memory cheap or expensive...

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-20 Thread Peter S
Let's analyze your suggestion of using a FIR filter at f = 0.5/512 =
0.0009765625 for an interpolation filter for 512x oversampling.

Here's the frequency response of a FIR filter of length 1000:

Closeup of the frequency range between 0-0.01 (cutoff marked with black line):

Apparently that's a pretty crappy anti-alias filter, the transition
band is very wide.

So let's try a FIR filter of length 5000:

Better, but still quite a lot of aliasing above the cutoff freq.

FIR filter of length 20,000:

Now this starts to look like a proper-ish anti-alias filter.

The problem is - its length is 20,000 samples, so assuming 32-bit
float representation, the coefficients alone need about 80 KB of
memory... meaning that there's a high chance that it won't even fit
into the L1 cache, causing a lot of cache misses, so this filter will
be extra slow, since your CPU will be constantly waiting for the
coefficients to arrive from the L2 cache and/or RAM. Also consider how
much CPU power you need to do convolution with a 20,000 sample long
kernel at 512x oversampled rate... I bet you're not trying to do this
in realtime, are you?

So, that's not exactly the brightest way to do 512x oversampling,
unless you prefer to waste a lot of resources and spend a week on
upsampling. In that case, it is ideal.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-20 Thread Peter S
In the starting post, it was not specified that resampling was also
used - the question was:

Is it possible to use a filter to compensate for high frequency
signal loss due to interpolation? For example linear or hermite

Without specifying that variable rate playback is involved, that could
be understood in various ways - for example, at first I thought the
interpolation was for the purpose of a (static or modulated)
fractional delay line. A third possible situation is using
linear/hermite interpolation as an upsampling filter in a 2^N

It was only specified 18 posts later, that the interpolation is used
for variable pitch playback.

These three situations all are different, and different formulas apply...

And the combination oversampling and linear/hermite interpolation can
also be meant in multiple ways.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-20 Thread Peter S
Here's a graph of performance in mflops of varying length FFT
transforms from the benchmark page, for Intel Pentium 4:

Afaik Pentium 4 has 16 KB of L1 data cache. If you check the graph,
around 8-16k the performance starts to drop drastically. I believe the
main reason for this is that the data doesn't fit into the L1 data
cache any more, which is 16 KB. You'll see similar graphs for most
other CPU types as well, there's a dropoff near the L1 cache size.

So using more memory is only free(ish) until a certain point - if your
data doesn't fit into the L1 cache any more, it will cause cache
misses and give you a performance penalty, because the CPU needs to
fetch the data from the L2 cache, which is several times slower. In
the graph, you can see ~3-4x performance difference between transforms
that fit into the L1 cache, and transforms that don't. For this
reason, very large filters have a notable performance penalty. The
coefficients for a FIR filter of length 20,000 will certainly not fit
into a 16 KB L1 data cache.

Here's the memory topology of AMD Bulldozer server microarchitecture:

Each core has a 16 KB L1 data cache. The further away you go from the
CPU core, the slower the memory access gets. L2 cache is 2 MB, and
there's a shared 8 MB L3 cache across cores. There's a 64 KB
instruction cache per two cores.

Similar cache architectures are common among computer processors
(sometimes without L3 cache). There's a document that discusses this
in depth:

Ulrich Drepper, What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory

This document gives the following memory access times for Intel Pentium M:

Register: = 1 cycle
L1 data cache: ~3 cycles
L2 cache: ~14 cycles
RAM: ~240 cycles

So this means, on a Pentium M, accessing data in the L1 cache is ~3x
slower, accessing data in the the L2 cache is ~14x slower, and
accessing data in the RAM is ~240x slower than accessing data in a
register. (Earlier I wrongly said RAM is about 10x slower, rather
that's about the L2 cache speed.) So if the data doesn't fit into the
L1 cache and needs to be fetched from the L2 cache, that's nearly 5x
slower on the Pentium M. A notable part of the L2 cache penalty is
caused by the physical limits of the universe - data travels in wires
at the speed of light, which is about 1 foot (30 cm) per nanosecond.
The larger the cache, the longer the wires, hence the longer the data
access delay.

For further details and detailed performance analysis, see the above paper.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-20 Thread Peter S
Let me just add, that in case of having a non-oversampled linearly
interpolated fractional delay line with exactly 0.5 sample delay (most
high-frequency roll-off position), the frequency response formula is
not sinc^2, but rather, sin(2*PI*f)/(2*sin(PI*f)), as I discussed

In that case, the results are slightly different:

# Tcl code -
set pi 3.141592653589793238
set freqs {1/4. 1/8. 1/16. 1/32. 1/64. 1/128. 1/256. 1/512. 1/1024.}
set amt 2
foreach freq $freqs {
set amp [expr sin(2*$pi*$freq)/(2*sin($pi*$freq))]
set db [expr 20.0 * log($amp)/log(10)]
puts [format %-8s ${amt}X:][format %f $db] dB
set amt [expr $amt*2]
# End of code --

2X: -3.01 dB
4X: -0.688 dB
8X: -0.169 dB
16X:-0.0419 dB
32X:-0.0105 dB
64X:-0.00262 dB
128X:   -0.00065 dB
256X:   -0.000164 dB
512X:   -0.41 dB
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-20 Thread Peter S
On 20/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
 But I'm on the fence about
 whether it's the tightest use of resources (for whatever constraints).

Then try and measure it yourself - you don't believe my words anyways.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
Comparison of the two formulas from previous post: (1) in blue, sinc^2
(2) in red:


(Formula from Steven W. Smith, absolute value taken on graph)

--- ^2   = sinc^2(x)(2)

(Formula from JOS, Nigel R.)

(1) and (2) (blue and red curve) are quite different.

Let's test how equation (1) compares against measured frequency
response of a LTI filter with coeffs [0.5, 0.5]:

The maximum error between formula (1) and the measured frequency
response of the filter (a0=0.5, a1=0.5) is 3.3307e-16, or -310 dB,
which about equals the limits of the floating point precision at 64
bits. The frequency response was measured using Octave's freqz()
function, using 512 points.

Conclusion: Steven W. Smith's formula (1) seems correct.

Frequency response of the same filter in decibel scale:

(this graph is normalized to 0..1 rad, not 0..0.5)

The pole-zero plot was shown earlier, having a zero at z=-1, meaning
-Inf gain at Nyquist.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
On 19/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 But why would you constrain yourself to use first-order linear

Because it's computationally very cheap?

 The oversampler itself is going to be a much higher order
 linear interpolator. So it seems strange to pour resources into that

Linear interpolation needs very little computation, compared to most
other types of interpolation. So I do not consider the idea of using
linear interpolation for higher stages of oversampling strange at all.
The higher the oversampling, the more optimal it is to use linear in
the higher stages.

 So heavy oversampling seems strange, unless there's some hard
 constraint forcing you to use a first-order interpolator.

The hard constraint is CPU usage, which is higher in all other types
of interpolators.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
3.2 Multistage
3.2.1 Can I interpolate in multiple stages?

Yes, so long as the interpolation ratio, L, is not a prime number.
For example, to interpolate by a factor of 15, you could interpolate
by 3 then interpolate by 5. The more factors L has, the more choices
you have. For example you could interpolate by 16 in:

- one stage: 16
- two stages: 4 and 4
- three stages: 2, 2, and 4
- four stages: 2, 2, 2, and 2

3.2.2 Cool. But why bother with all that?

Just as with decimation, the computational and memory requirements
of interpolation filtering can often be reduced by using multiple

3.2.3 OK, so how do I figure out the optimum number of stages, and the
interpolation ratio at each stage?

There isn't a simple answer to this one: the answer varies depending
on many things. However, here are a couple of rules of thumb:

- Using two or three stages is usually optimal or near-optimal.
- Interpolate in order of the smallest to largest factors. For
example, when interpolating by a factor of 60 in three stages,
interpolate by 3, then by 4, then by 5. (Use the largest ratio on the
highest rate.)
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
On 19/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 Obviously it will depend on the details of the application, it just seems
 kind of unbalanced on its face to use heavy oversampling and then the
 lightest possible fractional interpolator.

It should also be noted that the linear interpolation can be used for
the upsampling itself as well, reducing the cost of your oversampling,
not just as your fractional delay. A potential method to do fractional
delay is to upsample by a large factor, then delay by an integer
number of samples, and then downsample, without the use of an actual
fractional delay.

Say, if the fraction is 0.37, then you may upsamle by 512x, then delay
the upsampled signal by round(512*0.37) = 189 samples, then downsample
back. So you did a fractional delay without using actual fractional
interpolation for the delay - you delayed by an integer number of
samples. You'll also have a little error - your delay is 0.369140625
instead of the desired 0.37, since it's quantized to 512 steps, so the
error is -0.000859375. I'm not saying this is ideal, I'm just saying
this is one possible way of doing a fractional delay.

This is discussed by JOS[1]:

In discrete time processing, the operation Eq.(4.5) can be
approximated arbitrarily closely by digital upsampling by a large
integer factor M, delaying by L samples (an integer), then finally
downsampling by M, as depicted in Fig.4.7 [96]. The integers L and M
are chosen so that eta ~= L/M, where eta the desired fractional

[1] Julius O. Smith, Physical Audio Signal Processing

Ref. [96] is:
R. Crochiere, L. Rabiner, and R. Shively, ``A novel implementation
of digital phase shifters,'' Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 65,
pp. 1497-1502, Oct. 1975.

A novel technique is presented for implementing a variable digital
phase shifter which is capable of realizing noninteger delays. The
theory behind the technique is based on the idea of first
interpolating the signal to a high sampling rate, then using an
integer delay, and finally decimating the signal back to the original
sampling rate. Efficient methods for performing these processes are
discussed in this paper. In particular, it is shown that the digital
phase shifter can be implemented by means of a simple convolution at
the sampling rate of the original signal.

In short, there are a zillion ways of implementing both oversampling
and fractional delays, and they can be combined arbitrarily.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
On 20/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
 Ugh, I suppose this is what I get for attempting to engage with Peter S
 again. Not sure what I was thinking...

Well, you asked, why use linear interpolation at all? We told you
the advantages - fast computation, no coefficient table needed, and
(nearly) optimal for high oversampling ratios, and you were given some

If you don't believe it - well, not my problem... it's still true. #notmyloss
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
On 19/08/2015, Peter S wrote:
 Another way to show that half-sample delay has -Inf gain at Nyquist:
 see the pole-zero plot of the equivalent LTI filter a0=0.5, a1=0.5. It
 will have a zero at z=-1. A zero on the unit circle means -Inf gain,
 and z=-1 means Nyquist frequency. Therefore, a half-sample delay has
 -Inf gain at Nyquist frequency.

It looks like this:

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-19 Thread Peter S
Another way to show that half-sample delay has -Inf gain at Nyquist:
see the pole-zero plot of the equivalent LTI filter a0=0.5, a1=0.5. It
will have a zero at z=-1. A zero on the unit circle means -Inf gain,
and z=-1 means Nyquist frequency. Therefore, a half-sample delay has
-Inf gain at Nyquist frequency.

It would be ill-advised to dismiss Nyquist frequency because it may
alias to DC signal when sampling. The zero on the unit circle is at
Nyquist (z=-1), not at DC (z=1).

Frequency response graphs of linear interpolation, according to JOS:
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Nigel Redmon wrote:

 well, if it's linear interpolation and your fractional delay slowly sweeps
 from 0 to 1/2 sample, i think you may very well hear a LPF start to kick
 in.  something like -7.8 dB at Nyquist.  no, that's not right.  it's -inf
 dB at Nyquist.  pretty serious LPF to just slide into.

 Right the first time, -7.8 dB at the Nyquist frequency, -inf at the sampling
 frequency. No?

-Inf at Nyquist when you're halfway between two samples.

Assume you have a Nyquist frequency square wave: 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1...
After interpolating with fraction=0.5, it becomes a constant signal
(because (-1+1)/2 = 0)
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
In order to reconstruct that sinusoid, you'll need a filter with
an infinitely steep transition band.

 No, even an ideal reconstruction filter won't do it. You've got your
 +Nyquist component sitting right on top of your -Nyquist component. Hence
 the aliasing. The information has been lost in the sampling, there's no way
 to reconstruct without some additional side information.

You cannot calculate 1/x when x=0, can you? Since that's division by zero.
Yet you'll know when x tends to zero from right towards left, then 1/x
will tend to +infinity.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 But the example of the weird things that can happen when you try to sample
 a sine wave right at the nyquist rate and then process it is orthogonal to
 that point.

That's not weird, and that's *exactly* what you have in the highest
bin of an FFT.

The signal 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ... is the highest frequency basis
function of the DFT:

If you think that's weird, then I guess you think that the Fourier
transformation is weird.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Tom Duffy wrote:
 In order to reconstruct that sinusoid, you'll need a filter with
 an infinitely steep transition band.

I can use an arbitrarily long sinc kernel to reconstruct / interpolate
it. Therefore, for any desired precision, you can find an appropriate
sinc kernel length. Where's the problem?

I can also oversample the signal arbitrarily, using an arbitrarily
long sinc kernel.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
Assume you have a Nyquist frequency square wave: 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1,

 The sampling theorem requires that all frequencies be *below* the Nyquist
 frequency. Sampling signals at exactly the Nyquist frequency is an edge
 case that sort-of works in some limited special cases, but there is no
 expectation that digital processing of such a signal is going to work
 properly in general.

Not necessarily, at least in theory.

In practice, an anti-alias filter will filter out a signal exactly at
Nyquist freq, both when sampling it (A/D conversion), and both when
reconstructing it (D/A conversion). But that doesn't mean that a
half-sample delay doesn't have -Inf dB gain at Nyquist frequency. It's
another thing that the anti-alias filter of a converter will typically
filter it out anyways when reconstructing - but we weren't talking
about reconstruction, so that is irrelevant here.

A Nyquist frequency signal (1, -1, 1, -1, ...) is a perfectly valid
bandlimited signal.

 But even given that, the interpolator outputting the zero signal in that
 case is exactly correct. That's what you would have gotten if you'd sampled
 the same sine wave (*not* square wave - that would imply frequencies above
 Nyquist) with a half-sample offset from the 1, -1, 1, -1, ... case.

More precisely: a bandlimited Nyquist frequency square wave *equals* a
Nyquist frequency sine wave. Or any other harmonic waveform for that
matter (triangle, saw, etc.) In all cases, only the fundamental
partial is there (1, -1, 1, -1, ... = Nyquist frequency sine), all the
other partials are filtered out from the bandlimiting.

So the signal 1, -1, 1, -1, *is* a Nyquist frequency bandlimited
square wave, and also a sine-wave as well. They're identical. It *is*
a bandlimited square wave - that's what you get when you take a
Nyquist frequency square wave, and bandlimit it by removing all
partials above Nyquist freq (say, via DFT). You may call it a square,
a sine, saw, doesn't matter - when bandlimited, they're identical.

 incorrect behavior arises when you try to go in the other direction (i.e.,
 apply a second half-sample delay), and you still get only DC.

What would be incorrect about it? I'm not sure what is your
assumption. Of course if you apply any kind of filtering to a zero DC
signal, you'll still have a zero DC signal. -Inf + -Inf = -Inf...  Not
sure what you're trying to achieve by applying a second half-sample
delay... That also has -Inf dB gain at Nyquist, so you'll still have
a zero DC signal after that. Since a half-sample delay has -Inf gain
at Nyquist, you cannot undo it by applying another half-sample

 But, again, that doesn't really say anything about interpolation.It just
 says that you sampled the signal improperly in the first place, and so
 digital processing can't be relied upon to work appropriately.

That's false. 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ... is a proper bandlimited signal,
and contains no aliasing. That's the maximal allowed frequency without
any aliasing. It is a bandlimited Nyquist frequency square wave (which
is equivalent to a Nyquist frequency sine wave). From that, you can
reconstruct a perfect alias-free sinusoid of frequency SR/2.

What's causing you to be unable to reconstruct the waveform?

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
You cannot calculate 1/x when x=0, can you? Since that's division by zero.
Yet you'll know when x tends to zero from right towards left, then 1/x
will tend to +infinity.

 Not sure what that is supposed to have to do with the present subject.

You cannot calculate 1/x when x=0, because that's division by zero,
yet you can calculate the limit of 1/x as x tends towards zero.
Meaning that you can approach zero arbitrarily, and 1/x will approach
+infinity arbitrarily.

Similarly, even if frequency f=0.5 may be considered ill-specified
(because it's critical frequency), you can still approach it to
arbitrary precision, and the gain will approach -infinity. So


The more you approach f=0.5, the more the gain will approach
-infinity. Even if f=0.5 is a critical frequency. f=0.4 isn't,
and it's quite close to f=0.5.

That's what I mean.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 *my* point is that as the delay slowly slides from a integer number of
 samples [...] to the integer + 1/2 sample (with gain above), this linear but
 time-variant system is going to sound like there is a LPF getting segued

Exactly. As the fractional delay varies between 0..1, it will sound
like a fluttering LP filter that closes and opens as the delay varies,
having the most 'muffled' (LPF'ed) sound when fraction = 1/2.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
 On 8/18/15 4:28 PM, Peter S wrote:

 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ... is a proper bandlimited signal,
 and contains no aliasing. That's the maximal allowed frequency without
 any aliasing.

 well Peter, here again is where you overreach.  assuming, without loss
 of generality that the sampling period is 1, the continuous-time signals

 x(t)  =  1/cos(theta) * cos(pi*t + theta)

 are all aliases for the signal described above (and incorrectly as
 contain[ing] no aliasing).

Well, strictly speaking, that is true. But I assumed the signal to be
bandlimited to 0..SR/2. In that case, you can perfectly reconstruct
it, as you have no other alias between 0..SR/2.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/08/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 That class of signals is band limited to SR/2. The aliasing is in the
 amplitude/phase offset, not the frequency.

Okay, I get what you mean. But that doesn't change the frequency
response of a half-sample delay, or doesn't mean that a half-sample
delay doesn't have a specific gain at Nyquist.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Compensate for interpolation high frequency signal loss

2015-08-17 Thread Peter S
On 17/08/2015, STEFFAN DIEDRICHSEN wrote:
 I could write a few lines over the topic as well, since I made such a
 compensation filter about 17 years ago.
 So, there are people, that do care about that topic, but there are only
 some, that do find time to write up something.

I also made a compensation filter for linear interpolation. Definitely doable.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-08-13 Thread Peter S
On 13/08/2015, Peter S wrote:

 Bonus experiment: try to see if you can hear the difference between
 sine_fadeout16_noise.wav and sine_fadeout8_noise.wav in a blind ABX
 test. If not, then having extra bits of noise make zero sense.

I did a blind ABX test between them. Despite both signals have a -36
dB noise floor, I could discern the difference, the quantized signal
sounding slightly more noisy.

I examined the noise (quantization error) in detail. Here is how it sounds like:

This is 1-bit of white noise, which is the quantization error. Its
spectrum looks entirely flat:

The bump at 0 Hz is caused by a DC offset, since it was truncated
and not rounded, so the error is not symmetrical between -0.5 .. 0.5
bit, but is rather between -1 .. 0 bit.

The waveform - when normalized to 0 dB, looks entirely like white noise:

Its spectrogram also looks like white noise - there are absolutely no
harmonics or signal-related artifacts, it looks like fully
uncorrelated, pure white noise:

The amplitude of the error is 1 LSB, which - in the case of 8-bit
quantization - means -42 dB amplitude. Since 42 dB is a small SNR, I
could discern the difference in blind ABX tests, though the difference
is quite minor (do an ABX test yourself to hear yourself).

If the quantization were to 24 bits instead of 8 bits, the amplitude
of the quantization error in a similar situation would be -140 dB (= 1
LSB at 24 bits precision). That is absolutely beyond both every
soundcards' dynamic range, and the human hearing's dynamic range.

Since discerning the difference in a signal quantized to 8-bits was
already not trivial and needed careful listening, I am absolutely 100%
convinced that the difference in a 24-bit signal would be absolutely
imperceptible in a blind ABX listening test under ideal listening
conditions with the most high-end gear available.

Therefore, based on two different tests, I still hold my original
opinion that having extra 8 bits of noise in a properly dithered
converter beyond the 24th bit is absolutely useless, and makes
absolutely zero practical difference.

There is not even a single soundcard on the planet that could even
properly reproduce signals with -140 dB amplitude (most high-end ones
have an SNR of only around 115-127 dB), therefore this couldn't even
be properly tested. And even if there were an equipment capable of
such precision, it is already beyond the dynamic range of the human
hearing, which is around 120 decibels (excluding signal levels beyond
the pain threshold), beyond which, the signal is perceived as
noise-free. If it's already noise-free, there is no way of getting
any better than that...

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-08-13 Thread Peter S
On 13/08/2015, Risto Holopainen wrote:

 Spectral entropy is commonly used as a feature extractor in the MIR
 community. Pure sinusoids have the lowest spectral entropy whereas white
 noise has maximal entropy, so it's useful for distinguishing pitched and
 noisy signals.

Thanks for the info.

According to [1], steps for calculating spectral entropy are as follows:

1. Calculate the power spectrum of the signal using FFT command.
2. Calculate the Power Spectral Density using the power spectrum
or using any other technique.
3. Normalize the Power Spectral Density between [0-1], so that it
can be treated as a probability density function p_i.
4. Calculate the Entropy H(s) = SUM p_i * log2(p_i)

Sounds quite trivial.

[1] Spectral Entropy Calculation in MATLAB

(Includes Python source code for spectral entropy calculation.)

Proven again, that I am not the first person in the history of mankind
to try to calculate the entropy of an arbitrary waveform.

 On 13/08/2015, Laszlo Toth wrote:

 It's great when you quote, because it suddenly starts to make sense.
 Shannon is not talking about waveforms, but waveforms TOGETHER WITH A
 PROBABILITY MEASURE. Ah, here is the probability distribution that many
 people were missing!

Apparently, spectral entropy just assumes the Fourier spectrum to be
the probability distribution.
Since every waveform has a spectrum, therefore every waveform has a
specified 'spectral entropy'.

Apparently, Norbert Wiener also wanted to estimate the entropy of
arbitrary waveforms:

Wiener entropy is a measure of the width and uniformity of the power
spectrum. Noise is typically broadband with sound energy smeared
rather smoothly within the noise range, whereas animal sounds, even
when multi-harmonic, are less uniform in their frequency structure.
Wiener entropy is a pure number, that is, it does not have units. On a
scale of 0-1, white noise has an entropy value of 1 and complete
order, and a pure tone has an entropy value of 0.[1]

This measure is used in the MPEG-7 standard (and is also called
'spectral flatness' and 'tonality coefficient')[2].


music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-08-13 Thread Peter S
This paper discusses Shannon entropy, Wiener entropy, Rényi entropy,
spectral entropy, and some related measures for the purpose of speech




With an appropriate normalization, the power spectrum
of an audio signal can be interpreted as a probability density.
According to this interpretation, some techniques belonging
to the domains of probability and information theory can be
applied to sound representation and recognition: in particular,
the concept of entropy can be extended to provide a concentration
measure of a time-frequency density - which can be interpreted
as a measure of the degree of voicing (alternatively,
noisiness) of an audio signal. The representation adopted in
this study (see [9] for the original formulation) is based on
the use of Rényi entropies, as a generalization of the Shannon
entropy [10]. In this section, the Rényi entropy is introduced
with regard to information theory, and some relevant properties
for the representation of audio signals are presented. In
particular, the Rényi entropy presents the advantage over the
Shannon entropy of focusing on the noise or the harmonic

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
On 12/08/2015, Cesare Ferrari wrote:

 As far as I can see, you are arguing about the definition of these terms,
 and then answering questions about your new definitions. I would imagine
 that people who you disagree with probably are using a different definition,
 and hence are reaching a different conclusion?

Exactly, that's what I pointed out to, and this is why I repeated my

Since I cannot process infinite amount of data (obviously), I may
possibly reach a different conclusion, as I explained already in
detail. I just hate having to repeat what I already told.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
On 12/08/2015, Theo Verelst wrote:

 If we presume perfect messages of a certain bit size, e.g. 2 bits, a
 perfect encoded message will use them perfectly such that if we send N
 messages for N~large, we have perfect white noise, and dissociated
 messages when all messages occur just as often. So we can use the 2 bit
 words optimal to for instance transfer a large file (if desired even
 repeatedly for different large files), when the correlation between the
 messages is zero?

If you have two transmissions (large files) with two sets of
probability distributions P and Q, then if you use code optimized for
probability distribution Q to encode messages with probability
distribution P, then you'll need extra bits, because your encoding is
not optimal for probabiliy distribution P.

This difference is called the Kullback–Leibler divergence, or
relative entropy:

D(p || q) = SUM[i] p_i * log2(p_i / q_i)

 Now, where is the assumption I mean, and what's wrong with all those
 perverted derivations and phrasings here I tried to correct ?

What's wrong with all those perverted derivations and phrasings?

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
On 13/08/2015, Laszlo Toth wrote:

 It's great when you quote, because it suddenly starts to make sense.
 Shannon is not talking about waveforms, but waveforms TOGETHER WITH A
 PROBABILITY MEASURE. Ah, here is the probability distribution that many
 people were missing!

Exactly. I talked about histograms and probability distributions
earlier quite much, so if someone missed that, it's not my fault. As I
see it, it doesn't matter how you break down a signal - whatever
method you use to break it down into constituents, you can estimate
probabilities, create a histogram, from that you can create a
probability distribution, and from that you can estimate
Shannon-entropy. Depending on how you break down a signal into
constituents, you may get better or worse estimates. So far I haven't
tried Fourier-domain decomposition to estimate entropy, but sounds
like a fun project.

(Sidenote: algorithmic entropy is not a function of a probability
distribution, though it's different from Shannon entropy.)
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
On 13/08/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 Are you *sure* truncating adds extra quantization noise?

[sigma-delta modulator][decimation filter][quantizer]---

 adds extra quantization noise to:

[sigma-delta modulator][decimation filter]

Okay, this is the VERY LAST time I'll show this demonstration.
If you want to understand this, then pay attention VERY closely:

Here is a fading out 440 Hz sine wave at 16 bits precision:

Here is its spectrogram - a single sinusoid at 440 Hz:

If you simply truncate it to 8 bits, here is what you get:

As expected, the spectrogram shows harmonic distortion:

This is because the sinewave gets distorted, and starts looking like a
square wave, having harmonic spectral artifact, as expected.


*IF* the signal is already noisy, say, from the thermal noise of the
converter, *THEN* this will NOT happen!!!

To demonstrate this, here is a -36 dB white noise floor:

If we mix this with the original sine wave, we got this:

It is a fading out 440 Hz sine wave, buried in a -36 dB white noise
floor. If we quantize this to 8 bit, this is what we get:

Do you hear harmonic distortion in this signal? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

To prove, here is the spectrogram of this 8-bit noisy signal:

Do you see harmonic distortion on the spectrogram? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

A/B spectrogram comparison between quantization with no noise floor,
and quantization with -36 dB white noise floor:

The original, non-noisy sinusoid, quantized to 8 bit, then converted
back to 16 bit, subtracted from the original signal, normalized to -16
dB (= the harmonic noise from the quantization, amplified, without the
original signal):

The noisy sinusoid, quantized to 8 bit, then converted back to 16 bit,
subtracted from the original signal, normalized to -16 dB (= the error
from the quantization, amplified, without the original signal):

Conclusion: when there is a loud enough noise floor present in the
signal, then there's no harmonic distortion from the quantization!!!
Nope, nil, nada, zilch, zero, null!! The white noise floor eliminated
it completely! That's the whole purpose of dithering... The error
in the case of a quantized noisy sinusoid is almost like white noise.

It would be good if - after multiple demonstrations, and giving you 30
external references - you could finally understand that noise from
either dithering or a thermal noise floor eliminates harmonic
distortion from the quantization step.

Bonus experiment: try to see if you can hear the difference between
sine_fadeout16_noise.wav and sine_fadeout8_noise.wav in a blind ABX
test. If not, then having extra bits of noise make zero sense.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [ot] about entropy encoding

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
On 12/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

 Of course you need to: both of the words could have probability one, so
 that their occurrence pairwise would also have probability one for
 certain, and so the joint surprisal could be a flat zero.

And even in this case, the entropy (surprisal) may be nonzero. After
all, how do you know how to group the symbols into pairs? With two
symbols, there are 2 possible ways of organizing symbols into groups.
Is the pair ab, or is it ba ? Is the signal abababab or is
it babababa ?

These are equivalent to two 1-bit square waves with a 180 deg phase
difference (= inverted phase), hence they're two different signals.
Without your transmitter sending the phase information, how does your
receiver know, if the signal to be reconstructed is abababab... or
babababa... ?

In the case the two signals are equally probable, that's precisely 1
shannon (= 1 bit) of entropy there, even if two symbols have a
probability of 1 when grouped as pairs - since there are 2 ways of
grouping two symbols into pairs. Without sending a nonzero amount of
information, your receiver won't know how to reconstruct the signal
with 100% certainity. (And that is just the probabilistic Shannon
entropy, we're not even speaking about codebook length or algorithmic
entropy here.)

Why do you think all data compression competitions include the size of
the decompressor program? Because you could just say: Look Mom! No
entropy! I just hard-coded the data into the decoder program! If you
do that, all that is going to happen, is you're going to get
disqualified from the competition, for cheating. Having zero Shannon
entropy means doing data compression by cheating - hiding the data
somewhere, and pretending it's not there, which gets you disqualified
from any data compression competition.

One has to be a special kind of retarded to actually believe that you
can reconstruct something from nothing. (The Burrows-Wheeler Transform
will not help you, nor a document you wrote many years ago.) The
probabilistic Shannon entropy is a highly simplified view of data

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [ot] about entropy encoding

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
If you want to prove that a fully deterministic signal has zero
entropy, here is a challenge for you:

I have a fully deterministic signal here (fully periodic, zero
surprisal over the signal). Since you think it has zero entropy, I
just sent you nothing (precisely zero bits).

Now try to reconstruct my fully deterministic signal from the
nothing that you received from me!

Good luck!

Until you succeed recovering my signal from the nothing you
received, do not tell me that a fully deterministic signal has zero

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-08-12 Thread Peter S
So, since Theo Verelst still doesn't understand, let's discuss it
again the Nth time:

Shannon defines entropy as the minimum average length of a message in
bits when you want to transmit messages of a probabilistic ensemble.
He dismisses the codebook size and the size of the decoder/receiver
program, assuming them to be zero.

Since without the codebook (either transmitted or pre-agreed), the
messages cannot be decoded, and your transmission is entirely useless.
Therefore, I consider the codebook the integral part of the
transmission, hence its size is always nonzero (either transmitted or
pre-agreed), therefore the actual entropy is always nonzero, even in
the case of a single message with 100% probability.

(I gave some formulas earlier about this.)

The algorithmic information theory folks (Kolmogorov, Solomonoff,
Chaitin, etc.) define entropy in relation to some sort of machine,
typically an abstract Turing machine. Once an eval function is defined
for that machine, the precise algorithmic entropy can be defined as
the minimum length binary program that outputs that string of bits.
This is also always nonzero, and is not a function of probability.
(See Kolmogorov complexity / algorithmic information theory.)

Entropy _rate_ is the measure of average information per symbol as the
number of symbols asymptotically reaches infinity. There's a problem
with this - when was the last time you made an infinite amount of
observations? Since your lifetime is finite, you can never process an
infinite amount of data, so in practice, dividing the total entropy by
the number of symbols will never actually reach zero. Since the actual
entropy of a signal is always nonzero, the only way the measured
entropy _rate_ of a signal can be zero is by making an infinite amount
of observations, since finite/infinite = zero. So that can happen only
in theory, but never in practice.

And since all this was already discussed, what I still don't
understand: Why didn't you guys paid attention the first time? Why do
I need to repeat everything 3-4-5 times?

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [ot] about entropy encoding

2015-08-11 Thread Peter S
On 12/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
 And mind you, I've been doing this since something like age 17-19a in
 data compression theory. I even feature in the oldskool comp.compression
 FAQ wrt Burrows-Wheeler Transformation, as the first guy who explained
 its compression half to the wider net audience.

P.S. Burrows-Wheeler Transform has pretty much nothing to do with
entropy estimation.
So that's both irrelevant and off-topic. Just as your age, which is
also entirely irrelevant.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [ot] about entropy encoding

2015-08-11 Thread Peter S
On 12/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

 Suppose I gave you a signal derived from a cryptographic pseudorandom
 number generator with a period in the order of 2^256? Its output would
 by design pass even the most stringent statistical tests you could throw
 at it. What would your entropy estimator say about it given the output

I cannot algorithmically distinguish a deterministic random number
generator from a true random number generator, and I never in my life
claimed I can. So your point is?

 Because its entropy rate would again formally be precisely zero.

And entropy rate != entropy. You guys keep mixing up these two
very different notions, for some weird reason. If you want to transmit
the parameters for your CSPRNG, then if you have multiple sets of
paramateres you want to transmit, then the *entropy* (length of your
message) will be *nonzero*, period.

Why confuse entropy with entropy rate? They're very different.

 (And algorithmic entropy is always nonzero, even when the Shannon
 entropy is zero. To understand that, you need to understand
 algorithmic entropy.)

 Oh I do know Kolmogorov's theory. Now can you prove the initial packet
 of code is always within a logarithmically bounded constant of any
 other? I can't, because it takes extra conditions to prove that. Which
 precise extra assumptions are needed there?

Why would I need to prove that? I only said, the program that
generates your (whatever) signal is always nonzero length, unless your
signal is a constant zero signal.

 You do not need to specify the probability space 'fully' to know that
 when you have a probabilistic ensemble of at least two different
 'words' (as you call them) from the symbol space with probability
 different from one, then the Shannon entropy of a message (average
 information content per message in bits) will be nonzero, without

 Of course you need to: both of the words could have probability one, so
 that their occurrence pairwise would also have probability one for
 certain, and so the joint surprisal could be a flat zero.

Your argument is pretty stupid. First, because I said at least two different
'words' from the symbol space with probability different from one,
notice the meaning of the words different from one. So why do you
deliberately dismiss what I wrote? (= strawman argument)

Second, if you have two different events (words, messages), let's call
them p and q, then the total probability equals 1. So p+q = 1.
Therefore, q = 1 - p, therefore, if p = 1, then q = 0. So both of the
words could have probability one is impossible, because if p=1 and
q=1, then p+q = 2, which is a contradiction, since p+q = 1.

Therefore, your argument is invalid.

 I just did, to yet another edge case.

Which is an impossible case, that can never happen.

 And mind you, I've been doing this since something like age 17-19a in
 data compression theory. I even feature in the oldskool comp.compression
 FAQ wrt Burrows-Wheeler Transformation, as the first guy who explained
 its compression half to the wider net audience.

 Remind me, when were you born again? ;)

You're either trolling, or a special kind of stupid.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [ot] about entropy encoding

2015-08-11 Thread Peter S
On 12/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

 Of course you need to: both of the words could have probability one, so
 that their occurrence pairwise would also have probability one for
 certain, and so the joint surprisal could be a flat zero.

Let's discuss this further. By this, probably you mean that you have a
sequence ababababab, where p(a) = 0.5, p(b) = 0.5, and taken as
pairs, p(ab) = 1.

In this case, by observing N symbols, how do you know that the signal
is fully deterministic? Unless you do infinite amount of observations,
you can't know with 100% certainity. If I send you a signal that has
100,000 ab pairs, followed by an uniform distribution random
sequence of a and bs, then the signal is not deterministic. If you
only analyze the first 100,000 pairs, you might think that it is
deterministic, but it isn't. How do you know? You can't know.

Secondly, my later entropy estimation algorithms can deal with this
kind of situation very well, as they do not analyze only single
symbols (like in the simple case of Shannon entropy), but also symbol
pairs, triplets, and various other patterns. This is exactly the
reason, why it gives a low entropy score for periodic patterns, like
abababababab, and other square waves (aabbaabb..., aaabbbaaabbb...
etc.) or periodic patterns as well.

Just as I've shown here already:

Note the graph titled Square wave entropy estimate as function of
frequency. Note on the bottom of the graph, that for f = 0.5 (which
equals your sequence abababababab, which equals a square wave of
normalized frequency 0.5), it gives an entropy estimate of near zero,
as you can see on the graph.

So *yes*, my algorithm deals with this particular corner case, and
lots of other corner cases as well. Note that this analysis was done
on a *short* sequence (either 1000 or 10,000 samples), yet it still
realizes that the expected entropy is near zero, without having to do
a large amount of observations. So yes, my algorithm is smart enough
to figure out über-simple patterns like ababababab..., and more
complex ones as well. (And it could use this information to do data
compression as well.)

Since this has been discussed a few times already, I'm not sure if
you're just trolling, or a special kind of stupid. Why don't you guys
pay attention?


music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] List settings after the switch

2015-08-10 Thread Peter S
On 10/08/2015, Vadim Zavalishin wrote:

 - the reply-to field in the list mails is configured to the sender. So
 hitting reply no longer sends the answer to the list.

I experience the same recently, and a few times I accidentally sent
the reply to the sender instead of the list.

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-08-10 Thread Peter S
On 10/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

 Correct. But notice that the main dither talked about in the papers is
 always done within the quantization loop, so that its power spectrum
 becomes dependent on the loop's high order highpass response. Its
 spectrum can and will be driven off the utility audio band, and so
 effectively only used to linearize the loop itself.

Never fully - some percentage of the noise still lies in the audio
band, even with a lot of oversampling.

 Sometimes an extra TPDF dither is added in front of the loop as a
 traditional dither, but as somebody already mentioned, in high end
 converters that comes for free from thermal noise, so that no additional
 noise is necessary.

Yes, I mentioned it. Yet that doesn't mean there's no noise floor, and
then the noise floor's spectrum is not shaped.

 4) dithering eliminates signal-dependent quantization artifacts, hence
 the noise floor becomes entirely independent of the input

 No it does not. And now you are the one who doesn't get dither, I think.

I showed how to encode a -60 dB sinewave in a 8-bit signal (with a
theoretical dynamic range of 48 dB) without any harmonic distortion
whatsoever, using dithering. So yes, it definitely does eliminate
harmonic distortion. If you think it doesn't, you need more to prove
that, and define your model of error.

 So it does, and you just forgot to make the distinction between dither
 introduced within the coding loop and in its input.

In both case, you have a noise floor.

 Now, what is *really* interesting and germane to your point about
 noise floors and converter depths is that you didn't make a proper
 distinction between input thermal noise floor and the noise induced by
 the delta-sigma coding loop. This is crucial, because only one of them
 is really noise: the input floor.

False. Dithering is literally 'added noise', and noise from the
dithering is also a 'noise floor'. Even with high amount of
oversampling and noise shaping, there's a definite noise floor left in
the audio band. If you're in doubt, try to record the input of any
sound card without any input (or with a closed loopback from its
output), and see what you get. You'll get a constant noise floor in
virtually all 16-bit sound cards. It *is* noise, from the dithering.
Afaik there's no modern sound card where the lowest bits aren't going
to be noise, they all have a noise floor (from thermal or dithering

 What the (undithered) loop does is completely different: it introduces
 all kinds of wild modulation phenomena which are only *modelled* as
 noise of certain power. If you do not suppress those over the utility
 band, you can get the funniest whines, or even free running limit cycle
 oscillations with enough power and harmonic content to be heard from
 -30dB below the noise floor. Especially you can get harmonics production
 from stuff similarly far down below the input noise floor.

Now, this is also false, and I showed this using a sine wave buried in
rectangular PDF white noise, which was free of any harmonic distortion
after quantization. If your signal already has enough noise (from
thermal noise or from whatever added noise), then you won't have
quantization artifacts and limit cycle oscillations you describe. If
you're in doubt - try it yourself, and see what you get. I've shown it
already, I don't want to repeat myself all over. (This is assuming you
have enough thermal noise present in the input.)

 So, there are several reasons to engineer for below input noise floor
 purity. Don't neglect them.

I think no one argued that.

 Do notice that we're in the business of producing audio systems and
 software. Not all of them are meant for pure human consumption. For
 example, in audio forensics work, you'd like your signal chain to be
 pure enough to pick up line hum at -60dB or even -80dB below the already
 low noise floor, given enough integration time.

I doubt you'll ever pick up any signal at -80 dB below the noise
floor. That's 10^(-80/20) = 0.0001 times the amplitude of the noise,
meaning the noise is 10,000x louder than the signal you're trying to
pick up. Good luck trying to do that.

 you shouldn't be too swift at dismissing
 beyond-human audio processing either.

I merely said, dismissing supersonic noise by lowpass filtering also
changes the shape of the waveform.

 Beyond that, Peter, I actually agree with you. 24 bits is beyond what we
 can dissolve. In fact I'd go with the Acoustic Renaissance for Audio
 paper which argues that a properly executed, noise shaped, 55kHz @~
 18bpS ought to be enough.

Since the human hearing's dynamic range is practically around 120 dB
(or 20 bits), there's not much point in ever going beyond 24 bits
(unless you're trying to record some extra quiet signal). According to
a research at Ampex labs in 1981, a dithered signal with a dynamic
range of 118 dB is enough for a subjectively 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-08-10 Thread Peter S
On 10/08/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 the thing that i *think* Peter is missing in this is the same as some of
 the early manufacturers when they truncated the 30-bit words (or
 whatever they had in the decimation filters) to 18 meaningful bits.
 that simply adds one more source of quantization noise. and, especially
 when our DSPs were 24 bits or more, we could make use of those bits.
 i'd much rather have a 24-bit word, even if the dynamic range divided by
 6.02 is only 18 or 20.

Are you *sure* truncating adds extra quantization noise? When the
lowest bits are already noise, I highly doubt that truncation would
add harmonic distortion or limit cycle oscillations. I tested the
difference, and if the noise floor is high enough, in blind ABX tests,
I personally hear no difference between the non-truncated and the
truncated signal (whatever bit depth).

Have you measured the difference? Do you actually hear the difference?
Can your ear distinguish between the two in blind listening tests?
Mine doesn't, and my analysis shows no difference in harmonic
distortion, so I believe that those lowest, discarded bits of noise
practically add nothing to the signal, and they can be discarded
without any loss of quality or any introduced artifacts.

That's my belief, and I base this on analysis and blind ABX listening
tests between the two.

 there is *still* a part of your signal in those bottom 6 bits.  why
 ditch them?

Because adding further bits of noise add no perceptional difference.
In blind ABX tests, I cannot distinguish the signal if I discard the
lowest bits of noise, and it doesn't introduce any harmonic distortion

(And since the human hearing's dynamic range is around 20 bits (120
dB), the bits below the 20th bit wouldn't add much useful anyways, so
I can understand the choice of a manufacturer to truncate to ~18-20

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-08-10 Thread Peter S
What I don't understand, is why don't you guys pay attention. I showed
all these already using various demonstrations and tests, so having to
repeat the same over and over again feels quite pointless...
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] [ot] about entropy encoding

2015-08-09 Thread Peter S
On 09/08/2015, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

 In limine you could have *any* signal *at all*, but always sent with
 100% certainty: when you saw it, its surprisal would be precisely zero.
 That's the trivial case of the underlying probability space for the
 entire signal being composed of a single message with probability 1,
 *whatever* that one signal might be.

Exactly. And in *all* other cases except that this very single corner
case, surprisal is nonzero, hence entropy is nonzero (whatever the

Why do you guys keep repeating this single corner case of 1 signal
with 100% probability having a Shannonian probabilistic entropy of
zero? Yes, as discussed ad nauseum, in that case, (Shannon) entropy is
zero, as it is a special corner case. Has been discussed several
times. And in virtually *all* other cases, surprisal is nonzero, hence
Shannon entropy is *nonzero*, irregardless of the actual probabilities
of the ensemble. It would be entirely pointless to repeat it again, I
showed this in various ways.

(And algorithmic entropy is always nonzero, even when the Shannon
entropy is zero. To understand that, you need to understand
algorithmic entropy.)

 Peter's problem then seems to be that he doesn't specify that underlying
 probability space nor state his assumptions fully.

You do not need to specify the probability space 'fully' to know that
when you have a probabilistic ensemble of at least two different
'words' (as you call them) from the symbol space with probability
different from one, then the Shannon entropy of a message (average
information content per message in bits) will be nonzero, without
exception. It comes straight from Shannon's entropy formula. Since I
also showed this in detail with formulas, there's no point in
repeating it like the 3rd time. If you don't understand it, read
Shannon's paper. If you cannot apply logic to a simple mathematical
formula, that is not my problem.

 But between the line
 he assumes that signals coming from an entirely different kind of, far
 more correlated-between-his-chosen-partition were an equal option.

I never assumed that. Your reading sounds flawed. Maybe first re-read
what I wrote.

Best regards,
Peter S
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-28 Thread Peter S
On 27/07/2015, Steven Cook wrote:
 I *think* I've got it now, but just in case, could you explain the whole
 thing again from the start because I wasn't listening?

Depends, how much will you pay?
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-27 Thread Peter S
Said in other words, by adding extra bits of noise, you gain pretty
much nothing. You could create a 48-bit, 64-bit, 128-bit etc.
converter, and while technically you have a 48/64/128-bit converter,
in reality, all you do is just add extra bits of useless noise. Unless
you use cryogenics and superconductive materials, the thermal noise
will be the same. Hence, in your 128-bit converter, the lowest 106-108
bits will be noise, most of which will be entirely useless. For any
bit depth, only the highest 20-22 bits are usable, below that, you go
into the noise floor, and your signal soon gets lost in noise.

And no matter what bit depth converter you make, it won't produce a
signal that couldn't be produced virtually identically by a 24-bit
converter, since -127 dB noise floor means that using 24 bits, the
lowest 3 bits are already noise, which also dithers the signal,
extending the dynamic range to around 150-160 dB. By adding further,
extra bits of noise, you basically gain nothing - the quality or SNR
or dynamic range won't increase, and a dithered signal already has a
(theoretically) infinite dynamic range (until the noise masks the
signal). Hence, a 24 bit converter is practically enough, there's no
further gain to go to higher bit depths (at least until such new
materials are invented that would allow a SNR above 140 dB, which I
don't expect to happen tomorrow).
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-27 Thread Peter S
On 27/07/2015, Peter S wrote:

Sorry, this link gave a 404 error.
Fixed now.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-27 Thread Peter S
On 27/07/2015, Peter S wrote:

 Mixture of -24 dB noise floor and -48 dB sine wave, at 16 bits precision:

 Same thing converted to 8 bit:

 To me, they sound exactly identical, I cannot hear any difference
 whatsoever. Their spectrum also looks exactly identical

Here is an interesting observation. If you compare their waveforms,
the 16 bit one looks smooth, and the 8 bit one looks quantized and
having the typical stairstep pattern:

Despite this, they both sound identical, and their spectrum also looks
identical. Despite having a quantized, stairstep waveform, the
quantized signal represents the smooth, curved sinewave without any
distortion at all - there are no harmonics visible on the spectrum
whatsoever, it's a single sinusodial peak at 1 kHz. This is the
advantage of dithering - by adding noise, the quiet, smooth sinusoidal
signal blends with the noise, eliminating any distortion that would
otherwise result from the quantization. Since I simply used white
noise, the above excercise is equivalent to using 4 bits of dithering
with rectangular PDF.

Adding more bits of noise to make the noise smoother does not
improve the representation or the perception of the signal - the above
signal quantized to 8 bits sounds exactly identical to the 16 bit
signal. My ear cannot hear the slightest difference, despite one
signal is a quantized stairstep pattern, and the other one is
seemingly smooth. I tried to do a blind ABX test between them, to see
whether I can differentiate between them - here are the test results:

File A: noisy_sine_8bit.wav
File B: noisy_sine_16bit.wav

17:14:15 : Test started.
17:16:12 : 01/01
17:16:28 : 01/02
17:16:53 : 01/03
17:17:21 : 02/04
17:17:43 : 03/05
17:17:58 : 04/06
17:18:21 : 04/07
17:18:38 : 04/08
17:19:23 : 04/09
17:19:51 : 04/10
17:20:28 : 04/11
17:20:53 : 05/12
17:21:08 : 05/13
17:22:16 : 05/14
17:22:57 : 05/15
17:23:31 : 05/16
17:23:31 : Test finished.

Total: 5/16
Probability that you were guessing: 96.2%

Out of 16 blind ABX listening trials, I could correctly tell which is
which only 5 times. In other words, my ear doesn't hear the difference
between the 8-bit quantized and the 16-bit version of this noisy sine
wave signal. (Feel free to repeat this test yourself.)

In theory, a 2-bit triangular PDF dither is enough to represent the
signal without any distortion at all, hence more bits of dithering (=
noise) is unnecessary, and there is not much you can gain further from
having more bits of noise. All you get, is a smoother looking noise,
and nothing else.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-26 Thread Peter S
On 25/07/2015, Tom Duffy wrote:
 You didn't change the bandwidth.

I did. Probably you mean the 'sampling rate'.

 If the target signal is max 30Hz and you have a 192kHz sampler, you low
 at 2x your max frequency (60Hz, but lets say 100Hz for convenience) using
 a brick wall digital filter (processed at 192kHz).   Then you do a
 of the signal from 192kHz to 100Hz.   Then you end up with lower noise
 on the 30Hz signal,  but you need to play it back with a 100Hz DAC.

Yes, and then you end up with a very imperfect 30 Hz saw wave. Imagine
how a 30 Hz saw wave sounds after you brickwall lowpass filter it at
100 Hz. It will only have 3 partials, hence it won't be a saw wave,
or anything remotely similar.

This will sound like this:

Its spectrum will look like this:

Therefore, this will work only for sub-bass signals, but not for
general broadband signals.

Also, note that RBJ said measure a 30 Hz waveform, not measure a
sub-bass waveform bandlimited to 30 Hz, which are two markedly
different class of signals. A 30 Hz waveform could be a 30 Hz
non-bandlimited saw wave, hence this won't work for an arbitrary 30 Hz
waveform, which was claimed.

Also, to be fully precise, for a 100 Hz DAC you'd need to brickwall
lowpass filter it at 50 Hz not 100 Hz, since a signal of frequency F
needs a sampling rate of 2*F. By brickwall filtering at 100 Hz and
using a 100Hz rate DAC, the 60 Hz partial would alias to 40 Hz, and
the 90 Hz partial would alias back to 10 Hz.

If I actually resample the 100 Hz brickwall-filtered saw wave to 100
Hz, the resulting spectrum looks like this:

Alias frequenices from the improper filtering are visible at 40 and 10
Hz (from partials at 60 and 90 Hz), hence, you'd need an 50 Hz lowpass
filter to eliminate aliasing. So the 30 Hz saw wave, when properly
resampled to a 100 Hz rate, would become a single sine wave at 30 Hz,
because the second partial at 60 Hz is already filtered out.

Not a very good way to perfectly reconstruct a saw wave.
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-26 Thread Peter S
On 23/07/2015, Peter S wrote:
 Robert, what you say, simply makes no sense. You speak about imaginary
 converters with imaginary components that do not exist in the real

 If your imaginary converters were real, then we could simply have 138
 dB dynamic range with dithering in any 24-bit sound card, no noise
 shaping would even be needed at *all*.

 Yet that doesn't happen There's no converter on the planet that
 has 138 dB dynamic range Hence, your imaginary converters with
 perfect components do not exist.

 Hence, your assumption that the major source of noise in a converter
 is numerical error, is flawed.

 The major sources of noise in any converter:

 1) analog noise from the components
 2) dithering noise

Here's how Nigel Redmon expressed the same:

Yes, Mark, it’s true that we have 24-bit converters now. But not really.

That is, each additional bit gives us half of what the previous bit
gave us. By the time you get to the 24th bit, its contribution is so
small, that it’s now below the thermal noise of any real circuit we
can put it in. For instance, if one bit gives us one volt, the 24th
bit would give us one ten-millionth of a volt. Considering that the
background noise of your circuit needs to be quieter than that in
order for it to be effective, you’ll need to resort to cryogenics.

But that’s not to say that we might as well use 20-bit converters.
Converters are typically spec’d based on the accuracy of their
least-significant bit. So, the 20th bit of a 24-bit converter is
likely to be more accurate (maybe 16 times more accurate, at the same
spec) than the 20th bit of a 20-bit converter. So we might as well use
24-bit converters, whether we think we can hear the last couple of
bits or not.

Other than that, we’re at the limits of physics here—the thermal noise
of atoms isn’t going to change any time soon. So if someone tries to
sell you a 32-bit converter 5 years from now, claiming a breakthrough
in knowledge, just have a good chuckle about it.

At 24 bits—144 dB dynamic range—distortion in the lowest bit will be
buried under the noise floor of any electronics that you will play it

The good news: Pretty much anything you record will come with its own
dither signal for free, because electronics of any kind generates more
thermal noise than the 24-bit floor.[3]

You can’t hear the error in a signal truncated to 24 bits because
it’s buried in the thermal noise of the 24-bit converters and
subsequent electronics.[3]

Consider the words: thermal noise, real circuit, one
ten-millionth of a volt, background noise, cryogenics, limits of
physics, thermal noise of atoms, noise floor of electronics.

If you disagree, please discuss it further with Nigel Redmon. You will
find him on this mailing list, and hopefully he can teach you a few
things about converters. I don't have much patience with slow

Source: What is dither?

[1] comment at February 11, 2011 at 5:02 pm
[2] comment at April 8, 2012 at 2:09 pm
[3] comment at February 20, 2013 at 11:29 am

- Peter

music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-26 Thread Peter S
On 25/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 and that's not counting noise-shaping.

Since noise shaping merely changes the shape of the noise floor,
that's pretty much irrelevant. Noise shaping is equivalent to applying
a filter to the noise floor, for example a first order noise shaping
will simply change the noise floor to a -6 dB/oct slope, like applying
a first order highpass filter to white noise (like I demonstrated
earlier). The overall difference will be minor (but feel free to
repeat the experiment using a different noise floor, and present your

(Also note that upsampling does not involve noise shaping at all,
unless it also involves quantization.)

 Seems the conceptual misunderstanding here is that dithering does not
 mean that the error is described as noise.

 oh dear.  that's the whole point of it.

 do you understand what the difference between rectangular pdf dither and
 triangular pdf dither?

I could ask the same from you.

 what it does to the quantization signal?  the
 whole purpose is to take whatever nasty non-linearity (which a staircase
 function is) and turn it into something that is white (or bandlimited
 white), and with it's first two moments decoupled from the value of the
 input signal.

Yes, by adding noise (using triangular, rectangular, or whatever
probability distribution dither function).

Sure, trivially you can describe noise as noise, since it is noise
(what else), but it comes from _added_ noise from a noise generator,
_not_ the noise from the quantization (step) function.

   Rather, dithering means
 that we deliberately *add* noise to the signal (because that has
 advantages, see the literature).


You cannot dither a signal if you only have a step function. That won't work.
You *must* need a noise generator, hence, you're adding external noise
to the signal.

sigh is a really convincing technical argument, you almost
convinced me. But let's see some sources:

Quote from

Dither is an intentionally applied form of noise used to randomize
quantization error

[...] Lipshitz and Vanderkooy pointed out that different noise types,
with different probability density functions (PDFs) behave differently
when used as dither signals, and suggested optimal levels of dither
signal for audio.[10][11] Gaussian noise requires a higher level for
full elimination of distortion than rectangular PDF or triangular PDF
noise. Triangular PDF noise has the advantage of requiring a lower
level of added noise to eliminate distortion and also minimizing
'noise modulation'.

RPDF stands for Rectangular Probability Density Function,
equivalent to a roll of a dice. Any number has the same random
probability of surfacing.

TPDF stands for Triangular Probability Density Function, equivalent
to a roll of two dice (the sum of two independent samples of RPDF).

Gaussian PDF is equivalent to a roll of a large number of dice. The
relationship of probabilities of results follows a bell-shaped, or
Gaussian curve, typical of dither generated by analog sources such as
microphone preamplifiers. If the bit depth of a recording is
sufficiently great, that preamp noise will be sufficient to dither the

Consider the meaning of the the words: intentionally applied form of
noise, randomize, noise types when used as dither signals,
triangular PDF noise, added noise, random probability, analog
sources, preamp noise.

Let's try what happens when I dither a 16-bit constant zero signal to
a 8-bit dithered signal.

16-bit constant zero signal (all samples are zero):

Same thing dithered to 8-bit, using triangular dither (no noise shaping):

Its spectrum looks like uniform distribution white noise:

By applying logic, consider how is it possible that the original
signal was a constant zero signal (all samples zero), and the
resulting dithered signal looks and sounds exactly like white noise.

Some further sources to confirm:

Dithering is described in Section as the addition of
low-amplitude random noise to an audio signal as it is being
quantized. The purpose of dithering is to prevent neighboring sample
values from quantizing all to the same level, which can cause breaks
or choppiness in the sound. Noise shaping can be performed in
conjunction with dithering to raise the noise to a higher frequency
where it is not noticed as much.[1]

The concept of dither is to add some random noise to the waveform in
order to break up the statistical determineability of the stair
stepped waves. We do this by literally adding noise to the signal.[2]

To dither means to add noise to our audio signal. Yes, we add noise
on purpose, and it is a good thing.[3]

Consider the meaning of the words: addition of low-amplitude random
noise, add some random noise, 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-25 Thread Peter S
Okay, a few more thoughts:

On 23/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
 okay, since there is no processing, just passing the signal from A/D to
 D/A converter, there is only one quantization operation, at the A/D.

That's only true *if* it's a non-dithered converter (read: a converter
from the previous century).

 if it's properly
 dithered, the error will be well described as noise that's white with
 DC=0 and AC power decoupled from the input value.

Seems the conceptual misunderstanding here is that dithering does not
mean that the error is described as noise. Rather, dithering means
that we deliberately *add* noise to the signal (because that has
advantages, see the literature).

Failure to understand dithering will result in failure to understand
noise shaping, since noise shaping is almost exclusively used together
with dithering (= adding noise to the signal). This will result in
failure to understand converters, and failure to understand that all
audio converters made in this century have a constant noise floor that
is independent of the signal.

 depends on what we have available for sample rates. essentially we are
 only limited by the laws in Information Theory. if i have a 192 kHz
 system and i only need to measure a 30 Hz waveform, there is a lot i can
 do to mitigate noise.

Let's consider this question further. Let's consider that the 30 Hz
waveform is a perfect saw wave, exactly as the one suggested in the
post that started this thread (linearly up to a fixed point,
virtually zero time back to a given voltage, and then very linearly up
again), and the goal is to reconstruct that waveform perfectly.

By saying there is a lot i can do to mitigate noise, I assume you
probably mean to do some lowpass filtering to filter out supersonic
frequencies of the signal. If you meant that, here is why it will
worsen your reconstruction and your results:

A perfect analog saw wave is (in theory) not bandlimited, meaning it
will have signal energy up to infinte frequency. Therefore, if you
apply any kind of lowpass filtering to a theoretically perfect saw
wave, you will

1) remove some energy from the signal
2) make it bandlimited
3) create ripples in the waveform (see Gibbs effect)

Therefore, if you sample a saw wave at 192 kHz and filter it at say,
20 kHz to remove components above 20 kHz, then what you essentially
do, is you remove partials above 20 kHz, causing ripples, therefore
adding error to the reconstruction. If you compare it to your
original, perfect analog saw, then your measurement will not be
better, but rather worse, so you didn't improve the reconstruction,
but rather, worsened it.

(This is assuming the goal was to reconstruct a perfect analog saw
wave as perfectly as possible, if I understand right the starting

But in reality, this is not so simple, as you also have a noise floor,
using whatever representation. Using 16 bit, the theoretical noise
floor is at -96 dB, using 24 bits, it is at -144 dB. And in practice,
the noise floor is typically above that, in reality, around -120 dB
for a high quality sound card, corresponding to about 20 bits

Knowing that a saw waveform has partials with amplitudes decreasing at
 6 dB/oct, it is expected that at some point, the ampltiude of a
partial will fall below the noise floor. Let's calculate the frequency
at which this happens, assuming the saw wave is a full-scale (0 dBFS)
saw wave at 30 Hz, and the sound card is has 24 bits, having 20 bits
dynamic range (-120 dB noise floor)!

In that case, the amplitude of the partials will be:

30 Hz: 0 dB
60 Hz: -6 dB
120 Hz: -12 dB
240 Hz: -18 dB
480 Hz: -24 dB
960 Hz: -30 dB
3,932,160 Hz: -102 dB
7,864,320 Hz: -108 dB
15,728,640 Hz: -114 dB
31,457,280 Hz: -120 dB
62,914,560 Hz: -126 dB

So, it means, that - assuming a noise floor of -120 dB - in order to
be able to actually _improve_ the reconstruction of a 30 Hz full scale
0 dBFS perfect saw waveform by lowpass filtering, you would need to
use a sampling rate of at least 63 MHz, that is, _mega_hertz, not
kilohertz. Above that rate, the amplitude of the noise floor is higher
than the amplitude of the partials, so if you filter out that, you'll
actually improve your reconstruction (because you removed more noise
than signal energy).

By using any less sampling rate, by doing lowpass filtering you're
removing partials from the signal that are louder than the noise, so
you're worsening your reconstruction not improving it, and you'll have
a worse reading on your measurement. (That is, assuming your
measurement equipment is not bandlimited, and has a theoretical
bandwidth of infinity, or at least up to several dozen MHz. Also, by
reconstructing the signal, you're adding another -120 dB noise floor
from the DAC, so it is questionable if this filtering would actually
result in an actual improvement in your readings, unless your DAC is

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-25 Thread Peter S
On 25/07/2015, Peter S wrote:
 On 23/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 depends on what we have available for sample rates. essentially we are
 only limited by the laws in Information Theory. if i have a 192 kHz
 system and i only need to measure a 30 Hz waveform, there is a lot i can
 do to mitigate noise.

 By saying there is a lot i can do to mitigate noise, I assume you
 probably mean to do some lowpass filtering to filter out supersonic
 frequencies of the signal. If you meant that, here is why it will
 worsen your reconstruction and your results: [...]

Since the numbers do not lie, let's test this experimentally.

First, here's a 192 kHz saw waveform (for simplicity, only 16 bits):

(It's a trivial, non-bandlimited saw wave, but that doesn't change the results.)

Now, let's simulate the A/D converter's noise floor by adding some
noise. To actually hear the noise, I'll add -48 dB white noise
(because if I added -120 dB noise, you wouldn't hear it). For
simplicity, I'll use uniform distribution noise. Here's the noise I am
adding to the signal:

After mixing the 30 Hz saw wave with this noise, here's what I get (noisy saw):

So, we have a noisy saw wave. Let's assume that we want to eliminate
some of that noise. So do what RBJ suggested, and let's do some
lowpass filtering at 20 kHz to eliminate supersonic noise! (well, he
didn't actually suggest this, but I think that is what he meant, so
let's test it).

After applying a 8th order lowpass Butterworth filter tuned to 20 kHz,
here's what we have:

If you listen to this, it will sound pretty much the exact same as the
original noisy signal, since we only removed supersonic frequencies
that the human ear doesn't hear. So they should identical (if they
don't, then it means that there's some nonlinearity in the system you
use to reproduce it).

Hence, for the purpose of human perception, we actually haven't
removed any of the noise, since we only removed noise that we didn't
hear anyways. (Technically we removed about 3/4 of the noise,
specifically the noise in the supersonic bands.)

Let's see how the waveforms look before and after filtering:

Apparently, the only notable difference is that we added a ripple at
the transition. This is the error or artifact of this noise
removal (which by the way, didn't remove any audible noise), hence we
added this error to the signal.

To see the error (difference) between the original and the filtered,
let's subtract the original signal from the filtered, to see the
error that this operation caused. If we check the resulting
waveform, it looks like this:

This is the ripple from the filtering we applied, causing this
artifact to appear. If we zoom in, here's how it looks from a
close-up view:

If you want to listen how this error sounds, here's the difference
between the original noisy saw and the filtered saw wave:

That's the error we introduced to the signal by doing the filtering,
so this is the artifact of this noise removal. Since the original
noise amplitude was -48 dBFS, and the amplitude of the error of the
filtering is 0 dBFS, it means that the error we introduced is about
250 times louder than the original error from the noise. That's the
cost of removing ~3/4 of the original noise present in the
supersonic bands using this method - we instead added a large ripple
to the signal.

Conclusion: FAIL

As expected, this method does not improve the reconstruction, because
it introduces significantly more error than it removes, by causing
large ripples at the transitions that are lot higher in amplitude than
the amplitude of the noise it removes. So what we end up with, is
worse than what we started with, as it has several hundred times more
overall error, because we removed a lot more signal energy, than the
amount of noise we removed.

Best regards,
music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-24 Thread Peter S
Since there's this contant behavioral pattern on this mailing list,
namely that irregardless of the topic, there's always some person who
basically has no clue, but tries to prove me wrong and teach me a
lesson, it's getting extremely boring.

Yes, those comments were excellent quality, if you discard that they
only apply to soundcards that are several decades old and belong to
the museum, hence off by about 20 years.

Since this behavioral pattern happens all the time, and is so
extremely boring, I decided to take a break from participating in this
mailing list. I've yet to decide whether I premanently unsubscribe, or
just take a break.

Have a nice discussion.

Best regards,
Peter Schoffhauzer
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
After checking at least the first half dozen papers I linked, it
should be apparent that

1) a dithered sigma-delta converter is typically better quality than
one without dithering

2) dithering means adding noise to the signal (usually white noise, or
a modified spectrum via noise shaping)

3) dithering adds a constant noise floor to the signal

4) dithering eliminates signal-dependent quantization artifacts, hence
the noise floor becomes entirely independent of the input (*)

5) dithering is usually placed inside the feedback loop of the noise
shaping (**)

(*) Such dithering, with the optimal triangular probability density
function (TPDF) dither, in principle completely eliminates all
distortion, noise modulation, and other signal-dependent artifacts,
leaving a storage system with a constant, signal-independent, and
hence benign noise floor.[1]

(**) One criticism of the 1 bit converter [...] is that because only
1 bit is used in both the signal and the feedback loop, adequate
amounts of dither cannot be used in the feedback loop and distortion
can be heard under some conditions.[1][2] Most A/D converters made
since 2000 use multi-bit or multi-level delta sigma modulators that
yield more than 1 bit output so that proper dither can be added in the
feedback loop. For traditional PCM sampling the signal is then
decimated to 44.1 ks/s or other appropriate sample rates.[3]

So, I would expect the overwhelming majority of sigma-delta based
soundcards to be dithered, since those are better quality.

Hence, RBJ's assumptions about sigma-delta converters only apply to a
small subset of sigma-delta converters, namely the low quality,
non-dithered converters, that are not used in modern sound cards
(maybe only in some old and obsolete, pre-2000 sound cards).

Therefore, my assumptions about the signal-independent, constant noise
floor of converters was correct, since the overwhelming majority of
sigma-delta converters are expected to use dithering.

Best regards,

[1] Why 1-Bit Sigma-Delta Conversion is Unsuitable for High-Quality

[2] Why Professional 1-Bit Sigma-Delta Conversion is a Bad Idea

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
On 23/07/2015, Peter S wrote:
 sorry to point out, but also having invalid assumptions - tell me,
 have you ever tried to record something with no input using a 24-bit
 converter? Have you ever looked what you have at the lowest bits? Do
 you understand what the term noise floor means?).

In case you never did that in your life, have never heard about noise
floor, and you don't have an actual soundcard to test this, here's
what happens when you record input without connecting any actual
input. I tested this using a 16-bit sound card, by selecting Line In
as input, without connecting anything.

After normalizing what I recorderd to -3 dBFS, where's what I got:

Here's what it's averaged spectrum looks like (after normalization):

Here is its spectrogram (Y axis = 20..22050 Hz):

And here is how it sounds like:

To me, this pretty much looks and sounds like, near uniform
distribution white noise, mixed with some small amplitude constant hum
(which is a particular feature of this low quality 16-bit converter).
Other than that hum, it's pretty much just noise.

This is *definitely* not a function of the input, since I connected no
input at all, yet what I got, is very similar to white noise. This is
practically unpredictable, so no way to fix this for a broadband

This is what we call noise floor, and literally every sound card has
this. In any 24-bit sound card, typically the lowest 3-4 bits will be
noise. I wonder you never heard about this. Example: in this Sound
Blaser Live! 24-bit analysis test, the noise floor looks like near
uniform distribution noise at around -133 dB (second graph titled
Noise level):

Since -133 dB is defnitely above -144 dB, it implies that the lowest
bits will contain this near uniform distribution noise (and if you
actually look at the bits of a recording of no input, you'll basically
see random bits with near uniform distribution).

If you have an imaginary converter that uses imaginary Area 51 alien
technology that has superconductive electrical components cooled by
liquid oxygen, then you may get a 0 bit noise floor (-144 dB at 24 bit
precision). If you leave the imaginary land, and get back to the real
world, then you pretty much *always* have a noise floor irregardless
of input, using whatever real-world technology, and that typically
looks quite similar to uniform distribution noise.

 well, then you're missing something.  that's the main noise.  if it
 ain't, then the hardware design is dirty.

The hardware design is always dirty, unless it's some imaginary
alien technology that doesn't exist on Earth and haven't yet been

 while delay might be something to worry about,

Yes, error from the mismatched delay is another interesting error source.

 semiconductor noise is *not* what i would worry about.

Maybe you don't worry about it, yet it is *always* there.

 if i had to worry about it, there is something else deeply
 wrong in the hardware circuit.

Or it just means it is a real-world circuit, and not an imaginary circuit.

 you mean an open circuit on the other end of the cable?


 well, there's hum and there's noise.  not the same thing.

The noise is always there, and it cannot be predicted.

 and this noise has a numerical root.

Yes, but not *all* noises in the signal have numerical root.

 better look up sigma-delta converters.

Better look up real-world circuits.

 the error due to non-linearity of the A/D is a function of the input.

Yes. And the noise _floor_ of the converter is *not* a function of the input.

 the noise floor, due to an open circuit, might include hum, because your
 open circuit cable might be a little antenna.

Exactly. That doesn't mean it doesn't have a noise component, which is
unpredictable, thus unfixable.

 one reason is that we cannot make parts with the tolerances necessary.

Hence, you'll *always* have noise floor from the components. I'm glad
you finally admit.

 no, i just know something about oversampling.

And surely sound card manufacturers never heard about oversampling...

 to what degree you reduce noise depends on the bandwidth of interest of
 your signal and the sampling rate of the A/D and D/A.

We were speaking about broadband signals, as far as I know.

 do you understand the sources of that noise floor?

Do you?

 exactly what audio codecs are you using?  if they're sigma-delta (which
 are, now-a-daze, nearly ubiquitous in audio), the major component of the
 noise floor is actually from the operation of the converter and has a
 numerical root.

Major component != only component

 that is louder than the noise from the analog front end

Quantization noise being louder doesn't mean that the noise from the
analog front-end

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
On 23/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
 Peter, do you know how a sigma-delta (or delta-sigma, people don't
 always agree on the semantics) converter works?

 like how a sigma-delta modulator works?  oversampling?  possible
 dithering?  noise-shaping?  decimation (involving low-pass filtering and

 do you have any idea what i am talking about (or writing about)?

Yes I do. Do you have any idea that 'dithering' means adding noise to
the signal?

Do you realize that -110 dB is a *lot* louder than the theoretical
noise floor of an 1-bit dithered 24-bit signal without noise shaping,
which would be at -138 dB?

If - according to you - they could have a  -138 dB noise floor, why do
they have a -110 dB noise floor instead? Ever wondered that? That
makes zero sense.

Do you realize that noise shaping *increases* the amplitude of the noise?

 also, even in the least-significant bits, there is signal embedded (or
 buried) in the noise.  it's not as if they appended 4 noisy bits to the
 right of a 20-bit word.  they didn't do that.

Despite that, it's still *noise*, hence it is unpredictable, hence it
is unfixable. If you have an 1-bit amplitude signal, and embed it
in 4 bits of noise, then you won't hear that 1-bit amplitude signal
because the 4 bits of noise will mask it entirely. Hence, your lowest
bits are unusable, because the noise entirely masks it.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
If noise shaping with oversampling actually worked to eliminate the
noise floor, then 24-bit sound cards would have 160 bit dynamic range.

Yet for *some* reason, they have 110-115 dB dynamic range instead, not
even approaching the theoretical 144 dB range of a 24 bit signal.

Think about that.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
Robert, what you say, simply makes no sense. You speak about imaginary
conveters with imaginary components that do not exist in the real

If your imaginary converters were real, then we could simply have 138
dB dynamic range with dithering in any 24-bit sound card, no noise
shaping would even be needed at *all*.

Yet that doesn't happen There's no converter on the planet that
has 138 dB dynamic range Hence, your imaginary converters with
perfect components do not exist.

Hence, your assumption that the major source of noise in a converter
is numerical error, is flawed.

The major sources of noise in any converter:

1) analog noise from the components
2) dithering noise

 Do you realize that 'dithering' basically means: adding noise?

 to what end?  why do you think they would they be adding that noise?  how 
 would that help?

By asking that question, it seems that you do not understand the
purpose of dithering, at all. Specifically it is to eliminate the
quantization noise (and turn it into a noise floor instead), and to
increase the dynamic range.

Quote from Noise shaping page from Wikipedia:

Noise shaping must also always involve an appropriate amount of
dither within the process itself so as to prevent determinable and
correlated errors to the signal itself. If dither is not used then
noise shaping effectively functions merely as distortion shaping —
pushing the distortion energy around to different frequency bands, but
it is still distortion. If dither is added to the process as

y[n] = x[n] + A_1*e[n-1] + dither

then the quantization error truly becomes noise, and the process
indeed yields noise shaping.


So probably you should at least understand the basics of noise shaping
and dithering first.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
On 23/07/2015, Theo Verelst wrote:
 I'm not answering much to treacherous psychopaths (from the use of words
 and the content of the communication here, anyway)

Okay, I think this was the last case when I tried to teach you
anything about digital signal processing or waste my valuable time to
try to demonstrate some DSP processes to those small handful of
readers who read these threads.

Good luck figuring out the mysteries of DSP, learning what dithering
and noise shaping is, etc. You clearly don't need the advice of
psychopaths, you can learn all that without me as well.

Best regards,
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
 On 23/07/2015, Johannes Taelman wrote:
 RBJ's comments are of excellent quality, and are not about obsolete or
 imaginary technologies.

Also, 16-bit converters are pretty much obsolete (if you want
high-quality audio).
Also, 24-bit converters with near zero noise floor are currently
nonexistent (=imaginary).

Hence, these are either obsolete or not yet existing technologies.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
Noise shaping is a filtering process that shapes the spectral energy
of quantization error, typically to either de-emphasise frequencies to
which the ear is most sensitive or separate the signal and noise bands
completely. If dither is used, its final spectrum depends on whether
it is added inside or outside the feedback loop of the noise shaper:
if inside, the dither is treated as part of the error signal and
shaped along with actual quantization error; if outside, the dither is
treated as part of the original signal and linearises quantization
without being shaped itself. In this case, the final noise floor is
the sum of the flat dither spectrum and the shaped quantization noise.
While real-world noise shaping usually includes in-loop dithering, it
is also possible to use it without adding dither at all, in which case
the usual harmonic-distortion effects still appear at low signal


I think it is clear from the above that without dithering, you get
your regular quantization errors that accompany low amplitude signals.
Hence, noise shaping is usually used in combination with dithering, in
that case, you add noise to the signal to increase dynamic range and
eliminate the quantization noise, and get a fixed noise floor instead.
Noise shaping basically just modifies the spectrum of the noise, at
the expense of increasing the amplitude of the noise.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
Here is a somewhat random selection of 24-bit sound cards with SNR
data included:

Output SNR:
a) 124 dB
b) 124 dB
c) 109 dB
d) 112 dB
e) 117 dB
f) 109 dB
g) 100 dB
h) 113 dB

Input SNR:
a) 118 dB
b) 118 dB
d) 98 dB
e) 115 dB
g) 100 dB
h) 113 dB

Let's calculate how many bits are noise in their input / output when
using 24 bit precision!

To do that, simply subtract these numbers from 144 dB (the theoretical
maximum SNR for a 24-bit card, not counting dithering), then divide
the difference by 6.02 to get the amount of noise in bits. Here is
what you get:

a) 3.3 bits
b) 3.3 bits
c) 5.8 bits
d) 5.3 bits
e) 4.5 bits
f) 5.8 bits
g) 7.3 bits
h) 5.1 bits

a) 4.3 bits
b) 4.3 bits
d) 7.6 bits
e) 4.8 bits
g) 7.3 bits
h) 5.1 bits

So, according to the specification of these sound cards, the lowest
3-7 bits are expected to be noise.

In theory, if you merely quantize a signal to the nearest bit without
dithering and noise shaping, the peak-to-peak amplitude of that noise
will be 1 bit, since the error will be between -0.5..0.5. Trivially,
3-7 bits of noise is a *lot* higher than the theoretical quantization
noise of 1 bit.

However, dithering and noise shaping may change quantization noise
amplitude. More specifically, in spite of what Robert claims, when
applying dithering with noise shaping, then the amplitude of the noise
will actually *increase*, and not decrease.

The reason why it may be perceived as more silent, is that the noise
is typically pushed into bands where the human hearing is less
sensitive. This does *not* mean that the amplitude decreases, rather
on the contrary, it actually increases - the higher order the noise
shaping, the more the amplitude increases.

To demonstrate this, here are some samples of various noise shaping
algorithms applied to a 8-bit signal:

[WARNING: these samples may contain loud high frequencies, so set your
playback volume to low.]

Without dithering, the SNR would be -48 dB.

1-bit triangular dithering, no noise shaping:
Noise floor: -42 dB

1-bit triangular dithering, noise shaping A:
Noise floor: -42 dB

1-bit triangular dithering, noise shaping B:
Noise floor: -36 dB

1-bit triangular dithering, noise shaping C:
Noise floor: -30 dB

1-bit triangular dithering, noise shaping D:
Noise floor: -30 dB

1-bit triangular dithering, noise shaping E:
[WARNING: loud high frequency noise]
Noise floor: -12 dB

As you see, the very high order noise shaping introduced a -12 dB (25%
amplitude) noise floor, meaning that 6 out of 8 bits in the signal
(75% of the bits) are basically noise, more specifically, dithering

So much about noise shaping eliminating noise. In fact, dithering
and noise shaping is the best way to introduce noise and *increase*
the noise floor in the signal.

 the *major* component of audible noise is coming from the numerical processes 
 inside the codec

Seriously, where do you get that from?

Do you realize that 'dithering' basically means: adding noise?

Best regards,
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
On 23/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 exactly what audio codecs are you using?  if they're sigma-delta (which
 are, now-a-daze, nearly ubiquitous in audio), the major component of the
 noise floor is actually from the operation of the converter and has a
 numerical root.  that is louder than the noise from the analog front
 end, unless your analog front end is particularly noisy.

I'd argue that's not necessarily true. If it is a 24-bit converter
where the lowest 4 bits are noise (due to analog noise), and we assume
the peak-to-peak amplitude of the quantization noise to be 1-bit
(since the maximum error between the original and the quantized signal
is maximum 1 bit), then the former is certainly louder than the latter
(precisely, 4x as loud).

Hence, the major component of the noise floor is actually from the
operation of the converter and has a numerical root is not
necessarily true. The analog noise can be a lot louder than 1-bit
(typically, up to 3-4 bits or more in a 24-bit converter).

If you only worked with 8 or 16-bit converters in your life, then that
statement may be true. Yet it's typically not true in case of 24-bit
converters, which usually have several bits of noise floor.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-23 Thread Peter S
Okay, I'll quit this discussion. It's quite pointless anyways -
there's not very much you can do to improve the reconstruction of your
soundcard, at least nothing that would be as good as buying a better
sound card.

Also if you fail to notice that the current year is 2015, and the
rules you learned 20 years ago for 8-bit and 16-bit converters do not
necessarily apply for today's typical 24-bit converters (that usually
have several bits of noise in the lowest bits), then there's not much
point in the discussion, because you're speaking about imaginary
converters, and I'm speaking about real-world converters, so we will
never agree.

Good luck discussing this topic further.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-22 Thread Peter S
On 22/07/2015, Theo Verelst wrote:
 distortion figures indicate. Which should be a lot better than .1 dB
 which would imply an error of over 1 percent, which wouldn't be very
 good for a 50s HiFi system. But the specified harmonic distortion of a
 lot of well known DACs sure isn't such that 24 bits accuracy is achieved.

A typical high-end card is a lot better than that. Example:

THD:  0.0005%
IMD + Noise: 0.0007%

The largest peak at the 1k THD graph is around -110 dB.
That's far below the threshold of human hearing.

115 dB dynamic range would imply about 19 bits precision.
Frequency response is total flat up to 20k (0.02 dB error).
That would mean 0.22% amplitude error at 20 kHz.

Yours for only $2595.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-22 Thread Peter S
You have your signal S. When you digitize that signal, you add the
noise floor of the ADC (among other noises), let's call it N1. When
you reconstruct the signal, you add the noise floor of the DAC (among
other noises), let's call that N2. So you have

S + N1 + N2

Then you subtract the original signal (let's disregard the delay) and
measure what you have:

S + N1 + N2 - S

Since S - S = 0, what you're measuring is:

N1 + N2

In other words, you're measuring the combined noise floor from your
ADC and DAC (among other noises). And you're trying to fix that

Here's why it won't work - the noise floor of the ADC and DAC are
pretty much close to uniform distribution noise, without any pattern.
The lowest bits are just random. In order to be able to fix that
noise, you'd need to be able to predict that noise.

But since you cannot predict noise, there's pretty much nothing you
can do to fix that noise... Once you reach the noise threshold of
your ADC/DAC, there's nothing you can do to improve your
reconstruction (other than, buying another soundcard that costs a few
thousand dollars more, and has a lower noise floor).

If your soundcard is not so high-end, and has a slight roll-off at
high frequencies, then the best you may do is correct that with a
filter, and improve your readings slightly. About that's all you can
do, you cannot fix noise.

If noise were fixable, then sound card manufactures would already be
doing it. How much you can fix noise, correlates with how many
thousand dollars you want to spend on your sound card, and even that
works only up to some limit, above which, there's nothing you can do -
you have noise, whatever you do.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-22 Thread Peter S
On 23/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
 okay, since there is no processing, just passing the signal from A/D to
 D/A converter, there is only one quantization operation, at the A/D. if
 it's an old-fashioned conventional A/D, the quantization operation is,
 essentially, a non-linear staircase operation and the error is a
 measurable and then predictable function of the input. if it's properly
 dithered, the error will be well described as noise that's white with
 DC=0 and AC power decoupled from the input value. with noise-shaping,
 the noise wouldn't have to be white, but the AC power level would
 increase. sigma-delta (Σ-Δ or Δ-Σ) converters might have a similar
 signal+noise model. that's N1.

Let me point out to some very important detail that you've just missed
- I was not talking about quantization noise at *all*. I implied that
in the clause among other noises, without giving any detail about
quantization noise _whatsover_. I was talking about the noise _floor_,
which is a remarkably different type of noise.

If you have any converter and plug in some cable, without any actual
input/output, what you'll measure is *noise* (both on the ADC and the
DAC). I was talking about _that_ (noise floor), not the noise from the
quantization. Yes, there's *also* quantization noise, which I was not
even mentioning at all, so it's not in the formulas that I wrote,
which would be:

S + N1 + Q1 + N2 + Q2

where Q1 and Q2 are the _quantization_ noise from the ADC and DAC, and
N1/N2 are the noise from the noise _floor_ of the ADC and DAC.

 there *is* error at the D/A, due to non-linearity, but i wouldn't call
 that noise.

There is _definitely_ a noise floor. Which is, pretty much just noise.
If you record the input of your 24 bit sound card without plugging in
*anything*, you pretty much get just noise (whatever exact
distribution, possibly depending on the noise shaping of the converter
and other factors).

 and it's a function of the input.

The noise floor is definitely NOT a function of the input. Even if you
have no input at all (= you plug in _nothing_), you *will* get noise
in the lowest bits of a 24-bit converter. *Irregardless* of the input.
Even using the most high-end sound cards. The lowest 3-4 bits will
*always* be noise. Feel free to test this experimentally, if you doubt
my words If there's *no* noise floor, then why don't we have
32-bit converters with near 192 dB dynamic range? According to what
you say, just apply some noise shaping, and voila! ~192 dB dynamic
range! Yet that doesn't happen.

   In order to be able to fix that
 noise, you'd need to be able to predict that noise.

 or make use of the statistics of that noise (known in advance).

You cannot use the statistics of the noise floor to fix (=
eliminate) that noise. No matter how many statistics papers you read,
that won't work. If it was fixable, then please tell me, why do even
the best, most expensive, $3000 sound cards will have just noise in
the lowest bits? Tell me. If that were possible, then those zillions
of dollars spent on converter research, should have been enough to
figure it out, don't you think? Or you know something that _all_ sound
card manufacturers don't know?

 but if the noise
 is colored (and you know about the spectrum) and if the noise has a
 p.d.f. that is not uniform, you can make guesses about where the next
 sample is that are better than wild-assed guesses.

Yet you cannot fix it (=eliminate it). Yes you may improve it
_slightly_ with noise shaping (so you push it into bands where
psychoacoustically it may sound like less noise to the human ear), but
that won't eliminate it. Sorry that's impossible. No matter how many
degrees you have and how many thousand hours you spend in the library,
that just won't work. And even if that gives you psychoacoustically
better noise profile, that won't fool a measurement equipment (which
is unaffected by psychoacoustics, unless it's deliberately built in
via some weighting curve.)

And there's no magic alien technology that will eliminate the noise
_floor_ of a converter, and magically give you 32-bit 192 dB dynamic
range. No such converter exists. Why don't 24-bit converters have 144
dB dynamic range? Answer: noise floor.

 Peter, if you can take or sit-in some grad courses, i might recommend a
 course in Statistical Communications or at least a course in Random or
 Stochastic Processes. there is ostensibly some stuff you're missing here.

Robert, your constant consdecending is starting to get really boring.
Earlier you told me to not become patronizing, yet now you do this
condescending behaviour (even without understanding what I say, and
sorry to point out, but also having invalid assumptions - tell me,
have you ever tried to record something with no input using a 24-bit
converter? Have you ever looked what you have at the lowest bits? Do
you understand what the term noise floor means?).

And by the way, yes, I know about noise 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-22 Thread Peter S
So... if you sell your car and buy the most expensive sound card you
can get, your readings may improve by 10-20 decibels.

By doing some digital voodoo, you may increase your match between the
original and the resonstructed signal by a few decibels... But beyond
that, there's no other way than to shell out a few thousand dollars
for better converters.

Typically, 24 bit converters have a dynamic range of only about 18-20
bits. The lowest bits are generally just noise, even in the most
high-end cards - the maximum dynamic range is around 110-115 dB,
rarely above that. Beyond that, it's just noise territory. Since noise
is basically entropy (= unpredictability), you cannot predict it,
hence you cannot fix it...

That's as best as you can get.
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] Non-linearity or filtering

2015-07-21 Thread Peter S
So in short why this won't work well:

Trying to correct a highpass filter, you need an inverse filter that
has a gain of infinity at DC (since the highpass filter has gain of
-infinity at DC). Problem is, -infinity + infinity != zero, so you
likely end up with a signal that has increasingly growing DC offset,
until you get into clipping.

To fix that, you'd need to put another DC filter on the signal...
Eventually you may end up with something that's somewhat better than
the original, but certainly not as good as throwing away your
soundcard and buying a better DC-coupled sound card that has no
capacitor on the input at all, obviating the need for correcting it.
That's the best you can do.

Also, when you want to compare the output of the corrected signal,
then - unless you use a soundcard that has a DC-coupled output - the
DAC will also introduce distortions, changing its shape by eliminating
the frequencies below ~20 Hz. So your measurement will be off, and the
shape of the output will differ from the shape of your digital wave.
So unless you use a DC-coupled soundcard, this won't work well, and if
you use a DC-coupled soundcard, then this whole 'correction' is
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-20 Thread Peter S
On 20/07/2015, Peter S wrote:

 If we extend this idea further and include not just the minimum size
 of the data of an ideal data compressor, but also the size of the
 decoder program as well and forget about the probabilities, then we
 get the algorithmic entropy (Kolmogorov complexity) C(c).

Kolmogorov complexity is a modern notion of randomness dealing with
the quantity of information in individual objects; that is, pointwise
randomness rather than average randomness as produced by a random
source. It was proposed by A.N. Kolmogorov in 1965 to quantify the
randomness of individual objects in an objective and absolute manner.
This is impossible by classical probability theory (a branch of
measure theory satisfying the so-called Kolmogorov axioms formulated
in 1933). Kolmogorov complexity is known variously as `algorithmic
information', `algorithmic entropy', `Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity',
`descriptional complexity', `shortest program length', `algorithmic
randomness', and others.

The Kolmogorov complexity of an object is a form of absolute
information of the individual object. This is not possible to do by
C.E. Shannon's information theory. Unlike Kolmogorov complexity,
information theory is only concerned with the average information of a
random source.

`Kolmogorov' complexity was earlier proposed by Ray Solomonoff in a
Zator Technical Report in 1960 and in a long paper in Information and
Control in 1964. Also Gregory Chaitin proposed this idea in a paper in
J. ACM in 1969. This paper continues a paper by G. Chaitin in J.ACM in
1966, which however was concerned with a complexity measure based on
Turing machine state-symbol product following ideas of C.E. Shannon.
Unlike Kolmogorov complexity, those complexity measures are not
objective and absolute (recursively invariant).

The incompressibility method and Kolmogorov complexity is truly a
versatile mathematical tool. It is a sharper relative of classical
information theory (absolute information of individual object rather
than average information over a random ensemble) and yet satisfies
many of the laws of classical information theory---although with a
slight error term.


Seems I'm not the first in the history of mankind to consider the
amount of information in an arbitrary piece of data that is not a
function of a probability distribution - others already did the same
about a half century ago.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-19 Thread Peter S
On 19/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
 On 7/18/15 10:10 PM, Peter S wrote:
 It follows from the above, that Shannon's entropy model is a
 simplified, idealized model of information, that pretends that
 algorithms have zero length and thus no entropy, and you can magically
 share a codebook telepathically without actually transmitting it.

 Shannon makes no issue of that.  if you need the codebook at the other
 end (because you don't already have it), you need to send it.

It just implies to have a (nonzero length) codebook, that may need to
send, without explicitly building it into the formulas. Shannon makes
no issue of that, yet it's a real issue.

 it's not so big and i have seen that in some compressed files

More precisely: its size depends on the entropy (unpredictability) of
the distribution of symbol set in the symbol space. If there symbol
space is bound and not too large, and there is an efficient
representation of the symbols in that space (meaning they're highly
predictable), *then* the codebook may be small. If the symbols
(messages) to be sent are 1,2,3,4,5, then that's easy to transmit in
a compact form, since they're consecutive, small numbers.

If that's not the case, then the codebook may be actually large, in
the worst case, as large as your symbol set. Example: consider the
size of the codebook when the messages to be sent are the following:

163, 717, 7916, 4697, 50475, 469455, 53507017, 44617430, 4753678431,
3454009715, 924306674532, 364168088575

How do you represent these numbers as a compact codebook?

Anwer: you can't. Since I sampled these numbers from uniform
distribution noise, they're highly unpredictable (hence maximal
entropy). So you basically have no way to represent them in a sequence
that is smaller than their original size, so you pretty much need to
send each of these numbers in the codebook 'as is', to be able to
decode them later.

White noise is uncompressable, hence there is no way to represent it
shorter than its size. Hence, in the corner case when the messages to
be sent are sampled from white noise, then the minimum size (entropy)
of the codebook will equal the size of the symbol set to be sent.
There is _absolutely_ no way to compress that further, no matter what
you do.

If you say but if that's the only symbol set to be sent with 100%
probability, then I can just 'build it into the receiver' and so it
has zero entropy. By doing that, you're effectively 'cheating' - all
you did, is you just put those numbers into your program and turned it
into algorithmic entropy, and pretend that there's no entropy. In
fact, it's still there, except the numbers are not in a codebook that
is sent, but rather, inside your program and you're pretending that
your program has zero length.

Without your program containing the above numbers, it cannot
reconstruct the codebook, and hence, cannot reconstruct the encoded
signal to be sent, whatever probability distribution. You cannot say
but the entropy of the probability distribution of the symbol set is
small, then I can just encode that probability distribution as a short
number. Yes, you can encode the probability distribution of the
codebook, but then to transmit the original codebook, you would first
need to transmit *another* codebook, containing the symbol set of the
first codebook, and in case of uniform distribution, you're nowhere

That's like, trying to recursively apply data compression - no matter
how many times you try to recursively compress white noise, it will
never get smaller, whatever you do. What you effectively do, is you
just keep adding extra bits and boilerplate to the original data with
the extra codebooks you may send, but it *never* gets shorter. And by
'building it into your receiver', you merely put those bits into your
program instead, and pretend it has zero size.

Note, that the size of the codebook depends on the entropy
(unpredictability) of the distribution of the symbol _set_ in the
symbol space (which is not the same as the actual distribution of
_symbols_ to be sent, but rather, the distribution of the _set_ of
symbols, as that's what the codebook contains). Since that is
unpredictable, it will also have entropy, which will depend on how
small you can represent that distribution. If you want to recursively
represent the codebook by encoding it further, then you'll first need
to send *another* codebook to represent the *first* codebook... And
then there's a limit of how much recursive compression you can apply
to something, at some point you'll reach its (theoretical) entropy,
and you cannot compress it further.

Hence, its _actual_ entropy (minimal length to represent it) will
*only* depend on the Kolmogorov complexity (algorithmic entropy) of
the symbol set, which - in the corner case of uniform distribution
noise - is the same as its length, hence no way to represent it
shorter. By applying probabilistic Shannon theory and saying that the

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-19 Thread Peter S
If we assume the Shannon entropy of a probabilistic ensemble p to be

H(p) = -K * SUM p_i * log2(p_i)

where p_1, p_2, ... p_k is the probability of the ith message, and K
is merely a normalization constant, then if the number of messages
sent is N, it can be exressed as

H(p) = -K * SUM c_i/N * log2(c_i/N)

where c_i denotes the frequency (count) of the ith message out of N
messages in an ensemble of messages. If assume that the codebook for
the ensemble must be sent before the transmission for the decoder to
be able to understand it, and the (theoretical) entropy of the
codebook is denoted H(c), then the actual entropy H' of a message in
the ensemble of N messages combined with the entropy of the codebook
will be

H' = H + 

because the average overhead per messages equals the minimum length of
the codebook - in other words, the entropy of the codebook H(c) -
divided by the total number of messages in the ensemble, N. (Note this
is not fully precise as it contains the theoretical, not actual
entropy of the codebook, more on this later.)

Since several consecutive transmissions can be possible with different
message sets and associated codebooks, it can be also thought of as a
probabilistic ensemble, denoting the probability of that particular
set of message out of all possible sets of messages. Example: the
following sets may denote possible sets of messages over a series of


The actual representation is irrelevant, a set of messages is
effectively always a set of numbers that represent a set of messages
(whether they mean characters, strings, or something else).

Therefore, each possible set of messages (numbers) may be associated
with a probability, meaning the probability of the set of messages
sent in a transmission being that particular set of messages. From
that it follows, that it has an associated (probabilistic) entropy,
which can be calculated.

Let 's_j' denote the jth set of messages in a series of transmissions,
and let 'q' denote a probabilistic ensemble meaning the probabilties
associated with each possible set of messages s_1, s_2, ... s_l. In
that case, the entropy of the probabilistic ensemble of the messages
sets is

H(q) = -K * SUM q_i * log2(q_i)

where q_i means the probability of the ith message set being the
particular set of messages in transmissions among a series of

We can estimate the probability of message set 's_j' from the
frequency of that message set occurring across several transmissions
of ensembles of messages. Let M denote the total number of
transmissions of message ensembles over a period of time. In that
case, the entropy of the probabilistic ensemble of the message sets
will be

H(q) = -K * SUM d_i/M * log2(d_i/M)

where d_i denotes the frequency count of the ith message set occurring
over a series of transmissions, and M is the total number of

Let 'c_j' denote the jth codebook in a series of transmissions. Let
'r' denote the probability distribution of the probability
distributions (p1, p2, ... pM, each denoting the probability
distribution of the messages in the jth transmission) over the set of
M transmissions. Since the codebook contains the set of messages and
their associated probabilities needed to decode the jth transmission,
the theoretical entropy of the codebooks H(c) equals

H(c) = H(q) + H(r)

where q is the probability distribution of sets of messages, and r is
the probability distribution of probability distributions. This is
because both the set of messages, and the probabilities need to be
transmitted in the codebook to uniquely reconstruct the code.

Let H(c) mean the theoretical (probabilistic) entropy of the codebook,
and H'(c) mean the actual entropy of the codebook, meaning the minimum
side of each message needed to encode the codebook, and the minimum
size of the second codebook that encodes the original codebooks (using
a recursive definition), since that must also need to be sent to
reconstruct the codebook. The codebook can be further encoded
(compressed) as well (unless it has maximal entropy), so

H'(c) = H(c) + --

where H'(c2) denotes the actual entropy of the second codebook,
encoding the first codebooks to be used in the series of
transmissions, and M is the number of transmissions.

This is a recursive definition, H'(c2) could be broken down further as
the sum of H(c2) (meaning the theoretical entropy of codebook #2) and
H'(c3) (meaning actual entropy of codebook #3 that encodes codebook
#2) divided by M, and so on, so

 H(c4) + ...
   H(c3) + ---
 H(c2) + -

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-19 Thread Peter S
On 19/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 even so, Shannon information theory is sorta static.  it does not deal
 with the kind of redundancy of a repeated symbol or string.  just with
 the probability of occurrence (which is measured from the relative
 frequency of occurrence) of messages.  run-length coding isn't in
 there.  maybe there is something in Shannon information theory about
 information measure with conditional probability (that might obviate
 what LPC can do to compress data).

I think that's a bit of an oversimplification, there is a lot of
detail in the small print.

A more complicated structure is obtained if successive symbols are
not chosen independently
but their probabilities depend on preceding letters. In the simplest
case of this type a choice
depends only on the preceding letter and not on ones before that. The
statistical structure can
then be described by a set of transition probabilities p_i(j), the
probability that letter i is followed
by letter j.

The next increase in complexity would involve trigram frequencies but
no more. The choice of
a letter would depend on the preceding two letters but not on the
message before that point. A
set of trigram frequencies p(i,j,k) or equivalently a set of
transition probabilities p_ij(k) would
be required.

Continuing in this way one obtains successively more complicated
stochastic processes.
In the general n-gram case a set of n-gram probabilities
p(i1,i2,...,i_n) or of transition
probabilities p_i1,i2,...,i_n-1(i_n) is required to specify the
statistical structure.

To me this sounds like a (nonlinear) predictor that tries to predict a
symbol from the preceding symbols.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-18 Thread Peter S
I had an idea on how to improve the entropy estimate, especially for
some types of signals. Here are the results:

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-18 Thread Peter S
On 17/07/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:

 Said another way: if that's the only signal I want to transmit, then I'll
 just build those parameters into the receiver and not bother transmitting
 anything. The entropy will be zero. The receiver will simply output the
 desired waveform without any help from the other end.

I argue that's not a transmitter, but rather, a signal generator.
In that case, you do not transmit anything, you just have a signal
generator that constantly outputs a square wave with constant

Once you build an _actual_ transmitter, that actually transmits
something, then the entropy of a message is 100% certain to be bound
to be nonzero, since you need to transmit at least a single bit to
transmit anything. You cannot transmit nothing ... That's not a

[Sidenote: assuming your signal generator is a digital one, it will
contain bits that represent 1) its code 2) its parameters, both of
which have nonzero entropy. The just build those parameters into the
receiver step is exactly where that entropy comes from.

Consider algorithmic entropy[1] (also called Kolmogorov complexity) -
any program that has an output of nonzero length, is bound to have
nonzero size, hence nonzero entropy. Therefore, your constant signal
generator will have nonzero (algorithmic) entropy. If you want to
transmit your constant signal generator program in a message, then the
length of the message is bound to be nonzero.]

 It's only if there's
 some larger class of signals containing this one that I want to handle,
 that the question of entropy comes up.

Larger class of signals precisely means, at least two signals,
since 2  1. Once you have at least two signals that you possibly want
to transmit (which is virtuall all cases when you have an actual
transmitter and not a constant signal generator), then each message
will always have nonzero entropy. Hence, when you have an actual
transmitter, the entropy of a message is bound to be nonzero in all

[And if you only have a single signal with 100% probability, then your
constant signal generator will have nonzero algorithmic entropy, which
means the length of the smallest program that produces that output.
You cannot produce something from nothing - by hard-coding the
parameters into your program, you just hid that entropy inside the
program's algorithm or data. If you want to transmit the program or
its parameters, the length of the message will be nonzero.

Quote from [1]: In Shannon's theory, entropy is a property of a
statistical ensemble [...]. Kolmogorov and Chaitin showed
independently that entropy is in fact an *intrinsic* property of an
object, which can be computed (in theory at least) without reference
to anything outside that object. The field that deals with this is
called algorithmic information theory, developed around 1965, and
these crackpots believe that entropy (information content) is not
necessarily a function of a probability distribution. This theory is a
half century old, I'm not saying anything new.]


dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
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Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-18 Thread Peter S
On 18/07/2015, Peter S wrote:

 [Sidenote: assuming your signal generator is a digital one, it will
 contain bits that represent 1) its code 2) its parameters, both of
 which have nonzero entropy. The just build those parameters into the
 receiver step is exactly where that entropy comes from.

Example: if your 100% probability squarewave that you want to generate
is characterized by the set of parameters amplitude=100, phase=30,
frequency=1000, and duty cycle=75%, represented by the binary
sequence 1 1100100 0 101000 1001011, then if you just build
those parameters into the receiver means, that you put those bits (or
some other represenations of) into your program.

Without your program containing these numbers (in whatever form or
encoding), how will it know that it needs to output a square wave with
amplitude of 100, phase of 30, frequency of 1000 and duty cycle of
75% ? If any of those parameters are missing, it won't know, so it
won't output that exact square wave. Therefore, your program *must*
contain these numbers.

So all you did, is you put that entropy into your program, and you
pretend that there's no entropy.

It's still there, except it is now in your program, not in a message.
You merely turned it into algorithmic entropy - you cannot make
something out of nothing.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-18 Thread Peter S
Arbitrary waveform entropy estimate #3


- For white noise, gives ~1.
- For simple periodic waveforms, gives  ~0.1.
- For mixture of two simple nonharmonic periodic waveforms, gives  0.5.
- For increasing length periodic noise, gives increasing estimate.

At this point I'm convinced that it is possible to create entropy
estimators that work well for arbitrary simple periodic waveforms. For
nonharmonic mixtures of periodic waveforms, not as good, but still
distinguishes them from noise.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-18 Thread Peter S
Consider what happens when you have an actual transmitter/receiver
pair, and not just a constant signal generator.

There are two possibilities:

1) They use a pre-agreed codebook.

2) The transmitter first sends the codebook to be used to decode
the messages.

If either of these is not true, then the receiver will have absolutely
no clue what to output. It will just receive nessages '0', '001',
'101', '1100', '1110', '10', ... If receiver doesn't have a codebook
(either pre-agreed or received) to look up what each of these codes
mean, then the receiver will think: What to do? I have no idea what
these mean, so I don't know what to output.

In case 1) when they have a pre-agreed codebook, you simply turned its
entropy into algorithmic entropy (you hid that entropy inside your
program's data), and the receiver can only reconstruct a certain set
of hard-coded parameters (a certain set of hard-coded waveforms).

In case 2), transmitter first builds a codebook (for example, based on
the probabilities of the messages it is going to send using Huffman
coding), and transmits it to the receiver. For example, let's say that
there are going to be only 2 different square waves:

A) Amplitude=100, phase=30, frequency=1000, duty cycle=75%,
represented by binary sequence '1 1100100 0 101000 1001011'.

B) Amplitude=50, phase=0, frequency=333, duty cycle=50%,
represented by binary sequence '1 110010 0 101001101 110010'.

Transmitter decides to send square wave A as bit '0', and send
square wave B as bit '1'. Now, in order for them to be able to
communicate, transmitter *must* first send this mapping (codebook) to
the receiver for the receiver to be able to understand and decode the

So the *very* first message will be this:

Hey receiver! When I send you '0', that means 'square wave,
amplitude=100, phase=30, frequency=1000, duty cycle=75%'. And when I
send you '1', that means 'square wave, amplitude=50, phase=0,
frequency=333, duty cycle=50%'. End of codebook.

Expressed as binary, it may look something like this (encoded as
either prefix code, fixed length code or some other encoding):

0 1 1100100 0 101000 1001011 1 1 110010 0 101001101 110010

The encoding of the codebook may be different, but it is *certain* to
contain all the parameters for all the possible square waves that will
be sent, and this _must_ be the very first message, otherwise the
receiver won't know what the received code means!

Note, there's no way to encode this further using another encoding,
because then for that other encoding, it would need to send another
codebook first Hence, the codebook must once be sent 'as-is' or
using some prefix encoding that doesn't use a custom code mapping.

So, before sending *any* encoded messages, unless the codebook is
pre-agreed - the transmitter *must* first send *all* sets of
parameters *once*, for the receiver to be able to understand the
messages. Irregardless of _whatever_ probability distribution they

If transmitter wants to send some *very* complex waveform, even if
that will be encoded as a short, single '0' bit later on, it must
first send the waveform *once* for the receiver to be able to
reconstruct it! Otherwise, receiver will not know what to do when
receiving the message '0'!

So, assuming that the messages are sent by encoding via a codebook,
using however short code something may be encoded, unless it is
pre-agreed (and thus hard-coded as algorithmic entropy in the
program), it *must* be sent at least *once* for the receiver to
reconstruct it. Without that, receiver is unable to decode the

So, if codebook has length of 100 (using whatever encoding), and there
are going to be 100 messages, then the *actual* entropy (length) of
each message will be increased by 1 bit, since on average, there is 1
extra bit in the code book for each message that is sent, which is
absolutely necessary for decoding the messages.

Said otherwise, if the average length of a message is H bits and you
send N messages, and the codebook has a length of L bits, then the
*actual* effective entropy H' of each message will be

H' = H + L/N

bits, not H bits, because transmitter must also send the codebook
first, increasing the overall average bits per message (hence, the
actual effective entropy) by L/N bits. Since the length of the
codebook L is nonzero unless it's pre-agreed, L/N will be nonzero
unless the number of messages to be sent are infinite (so, always).

Hence, the encoded parameter set in the cookbook (from whatever
probability distribution) will *always* boost the average entropy per
message by a *nonzero* amount, its exact amount only determined by the
length of the codebook (the size of the parameter set), and the number
of messages.

(And that is just in addition to the entropy of the messages coming
from the probability distribution, which is already nonzero once you
have at least two possible messages of nonzero probability. So we have

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-18 Thread Peter S
It follows from the above, that Shannon's entropy model is a
simplified, idealized model of information, that pretends that
algorithms have zero length and thus no entropy, and you can magically
share a codebook telepathically without actually transmitting it.

If you dismiss all these details and just pretend they do not exist,
then in a highly simplistic, idealized model, you may actually have an
entropy of zero in a *single*, special corner case. Even in Shannon's
highly simplified model, in virtually all other cases, entropy is

Later models of information, like the one of Kolmogorov, base the
amount of information not on statistical probability, but rather, the
minimal length of the algorithm needed to encode that information,
which turn out to be near equivalent definitions.

Quote from [1]:

Firstly, we have to point out the relation between Kolmogorov
complexity and Shannon's entropy. Briefly, classic information theory
says a random variable X distributed according to P(X=x) has entropy
or complexity of a statistical form, where the interpretation is that
H(X) bits are on the average sufficient to describe an outcome x.
Computational or algorithmic complexity says that an object x has
complexity C(x)=the minimum length of a binary program for x. It is
very interesting to remark that these two notions turn out to be much
the same. Thus, the intended interpretation of complexity C(x) as a
measure of the information content of an individual object x is
supported by a tight quantitative relationship to Shannon's
probabilistic notion. In particular, the entropy H=-SUM P(x)*logP(x)
of the distribution p is asymptotically equal to the expected
complexity SUM P(x)*C(x).

According to [2]:

Algorithmic entropy is closely related to statistically defined
entropy, the statistical entropy of an ensemble being, for any
concisely describable ensemble, very nearly equal to the ensemble
average of the algorithmic entropy of its members.

According to [3]:

Nevertheless, once allowance is made for the units used, the
expectation value of the algorithmic entropy for a set of strings
belonging to an ensemble is virtually the same as the Shannon entropy,
or the Boltzmann or Gibbs entropies derived for a set of states.

According to these sources, the algorithmic entropy asymptotically
equals, very nearly equals, or virtually the same as the
probabilistic entropy. Therefore, any signal that has nonzero length,
needs a nonzero-length program to encode, therefore, has nonzero

[1] On Shannon, Fisher, and Algorithmic Entropy in Cognitive Systems

[2] 2003, Niels Henrik Gregersen, From Complexity to Life

[3] 2009, Sean Devine, The Insights of Algorithmic Entropy
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-17 Thread Peter S
Dear Ethan,

You suggested me to be short and concise.
My kind recommendation to you:

1) Read A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
2) Try to understand Theorem 2.
3) Try to see, when p_i != 1, then H != 0.

I hope this excercise will help you grasp this topic.

Best regards,

On 17/07/2015, Ethan Duni wrote:
 Peter S, your combative attitude is unwelcome. It seems that you are less
 interested in grasping these topics than you are in hectoring myself and
 other list members. Given that and the dubious topicality of this thread,
 this will be my last response to you. I hope that you find a healthy way to
 address the source of your hostility, and also that you gain more insight
 into Information Theory.

 My apologies to the list for encouraging this unfortunate tangent.

dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-17 Thread Peter S
On 17/07/2015, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
 On 7/17/15 1:26 AM, Peter S wrote:
 On 17/07/2015, robert  wrote:
 in your model, is one sample (from the DSP semantic) the same as a
 message (from the Information Theory semantic)?
 A message can be anything - it can be a sample, a bit, a combination
 of samples or bits, a set of parameters representing a square wave,

 doesn't answer my question.

It does, it just depends on the model.

In the 1-bit square wave duty cycle estimator, a message is a bit.
In the English text compression experiment, a message is a character.
In the white noise entropy estimation experiment, a message is a byte.
In the binary waveform entropy experiment, a message is a string of bits.
In the bitflip counter, a message is an event that two consecutive bits differ
In the parametric squarewave thought experiment, message is a set of
parameteres describing a square wave.

Whatever arbitrarily chosen thing I send to you over a channel,
becomes a message. There's no universal definition of what a
message is, depending on the particular model, it can be literally
dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website:
subscription info, FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp 

Re: [music-dsp] about entropy encoding

2015-07-17 Thread Peter S
A linear predictor[1] tries to predict the next sample as the linear
combination of previous samples as

x'[n] = SUM [i=1..k] a_i * x[n-i]

where x'[n] is the predicted sample, and a_1, a_2 ... a_k are the
prediction coefficients (weights). This is often called linear
predictive coding (LPC), and one typical application is to encode the
formants in telephone telecommunications using source-filter model of
speech[2]. Another typical application is waveform encoding in
lossless wave compression codecs[3] like Shorten, FLAC, WavPack,
MPEG-4 ALS, etc.

The simplest possible form of a linear predictor is when a_1 = 1, and
all other coefficients a_2, a_3, ... a_n = 0. So it simply predicts
the next sample as

x'[n] = x[n-1]

In other words, it predicts the next sample to be the same as the previous one.

This special case of linear prediction is called delta encoding[4],
where the next sample is predicted to be the same, and only the
difference between two consecutive samples are encoded. One compressed
audio file format that uses this type of encoding is the Amiga IFF
8SVX file format[5].

If we simplify this delta encoding further and apply it to the
smallest finite field GF(2), then we get:

b'[n] = b[n-1]

where b[n] is the Nth bit, and b'[n] is the prediction for the Nth
bit. In this model, if we try to estimate the prediction error, then -
since GF(2) only has two elements: 0 and 1 - the difference (delta)
between two consecutive bits can be either 0 or 1.

Since the addition operation in GF(2) is XOR, the difference (delta)
between two consecutive bits equals A XOR B, that gives 1 for 0-1 or
1-0 transition, and gives zero for two identical bits. To calculate
the total prediction error, we simply need to sum the total number of
binary transitions in the binary string:

E = SUM [i=2..N] ( b[i] XOR b[i-1] )

where N is the total number of bits, and E is the total error between
the prediction and the actual samples.

So an algorithm that counts bitflips in a binary string, can be
thought of as the sum of the errors of the simplest possible linear
predictor over GF(2) with a_1 = 1 and a_2, a_3, ... a_n = 0, that
simply predicts that the next bit will be the same as the previous
bit. By counting the binary transitions, we get the sum of 'deltas',
or the sum of 'prediction error' of binary delta coding.

If we think of entropy as 'unpredictability' and we expect it to
(possibly nonlinearly) correlate with the sum of errors between a
prediction and actual samples, then this simplistic linear predictor
can be thought of as a very simplistic approximation to entropy.

Of course, this is an extremely simplistic and dumb predictor - it is
the simplest possible linear predictor that can possibly exist, as
GF(2) is the smallest finite field, and it only has a single
coefficient a_1 = 1. It cannot account for periodicity, previous bits,
statistical probabilities, or other correlations. It can be thought of
as an excercise in trying to create the simplest possible predictor.

Despite this, and however simple this predictor may seem, by extending
this idea further I could successfully create a lossless PCM wave
compression algorithm with compression ratios comparable to that of
codecs using more complex linear predictors, like FLAC or Shorten.

(More on this later.)

Best regards,

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