In case you all missed it.

2011-11-11 Thread Curtis Maurand

mysql select date_format(now(),'%m-%d%-%y
%h:%i:%s') AS time;
| 11-11-11 11:11:11 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Re: selecting the 'best' match

2009-05-12 Thread Curtis Maurand

in your code, you can define ranges of say if the model year being 
looked for is 2002, then present model years 2000 thru 2004.


blackwater dev wrote:

Thanks but doing it in code would require me to pull in the entire car table
and process it.  With potentially tons of rows, seems like I should be able
to use the db to get those.

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Johan De Meersman vegiv...@tuxera.bewrote:


you *could* go with if-statements, returning a numerical weight for each
criterion if match and 0 if not; summing those and sorting by the sum

I would do it in code, though - it may or may not be less efficient, but
it'll be easier to maintain and read.

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:50 PM, blackwater dev blackwater...@gmail.comwrote:

I have a hold car data such as color, model, make, year, etc.  I want to
allow the user to answer some questions and I'll present them with the car
that 'best' matches their criteria.  How do I do this?  I still want to
return ones that don't match exactly but want the closer matches ordered
the top:


columns: car_id, make, model, year, color, condition

So if the user enterrs:

model: Toyota
year: 1998
color: blue

I would show them a blue 1998 good conditioned camry first but farther
in the list might still have a blue good condition 98 Honda.



Celsius is based on water temperature.
Fahrenheit is based on alcohol temperature.
Ergo, Fahrenheit is better than Celsius. QED.


Re: Question on replication terminology

2009-04-29 Thread Curtis Maurand

I think what's really being sought after, here is clustering.


Eric Bergen wrote:

Dual master replication can be either dual master dual write or dual
master single writer. The latter is preferred. In this configuration
replication is connected in both directions but clients only ever
connect to one master at a time. It's just as safe as master - slave
replication if you handle the failover correctly.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Claudio Nanni wrote:

Hi there,
I would only like to stress that the only supported (and recommended)
replication solution in MySQL is
Master---Slave  replication.
In this scenario you can have ONLY one master and (virtually) any number of
There is NO other safe replication solution.
The terms you mention seems to refer to the same solution, where you have
two servers each acting as a master:
this is a non standard dangerous scenario in MySQL and requires application
logic awareness.

Hope to have brought a little light in your mind


Vikram Vaswani wrote:


I'm new to replication and looking through some docs on how to use it.
someone please tell me if the following terms mean the same thing or, if
not, what is the difference:

master-master replication
dual-master replication
bidirectional replication



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Re: Sun bought by Oracle

2009-04-20 Thread Curtis Maurand
I figure that they'll either kill mysql or they'll limit the commnunity 
version in ways that will make you purchase a commercial version if you 
want to continue to use it.  I figure there will be heavy migrations to 
open source alternatives.


Andy Shellam wrote:
I've just been made aware by a client that Oracle have purchased Sun 
Microsystems.  The article below on Sun's website mentions that Oracle 
are committed to Linux and other open platforms and mentions the 
fact that Java touches practically every business system around.

I wonder what Oracle's plans are when it comes to MySQL?  There is no 
mention of MySQL in the above article.  Will it eventually come under 
the Oracle umbrella, much like BerkeleyDB did?

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Re: Cant get TRIM to work?

2009-04-17 Thread Curtis Maurand

Richard Reina wrote:

Hello All,

I can't get trim to trim the blank space from a TEXT field in the query below 
and was wondering if someone could tell what I am doing wrong?

SELECT TRIM(notes) FROM work_notes;

Thanks for any help as I am at a complete loss.



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Re: [PHP] multiple choice dropdown box puzzle

2009-02-23 Thread Curtis Maurand

You're looking for something like:

This gets called 10 times from another function, but this is sort of 
what you're looking for. This gives me a combo-box.

function qselect($mysql_link, $i)
 $driverquery = select car_no, drv_name from cars order by car_no 
+ 0;

 $driverresult = mysql_query($driverquery, $mysql_link);
 print(select name='pick$i'\n);
 while ($driverrows = mysql_fetch_array($driverresult))
print(  option value = 

 print(   /select\n);


Afan Pasalic wrote:

PJ wrote:

I think this is a tough one... and way above my head:
Having a bit of a rough time figuring out how to formulate php-mysql 
to insert data into fields using a multiple dropdown box in a form.

to post I am using the following:
$categoriesIN= $_POST[categoriesIN];


select name=$categoriesIN[] multiple=multiple
OPTIONChoose Categories.../option
OPTION VALUE=? echo $categoriesIN; ?1
OPTION VALUE=? echo $categoriesIN; ?2
OPTION VALUE=? echo $categoriesIN; ?3
OPTION VALUE=? echo $categoriesIN; ?4
OPTION VALUE=? echo $categoriesIN; ?5

$sql4 = FOR ( $ii = 0 ; $ii  count($categoriesIN) ; $ii++ )
INSERT INTO temp (example) $categoriesIN[$ii] ;   
$result4 = mysql_query($sql4, $db);   

this does not work! The other posts work like a charm... but this...

I cannot figure out what I should be entering where... I have tried 
several different configurations, but nothing seems to work...

I found this as a model for entering the selections but can't figure 
out how to modify it for my needs:

select name=branch_no[] multiple=multiple size=5
option  Choose your location(s) /option
option value=31003100/option
option value=31053105/option
option value=3503 3503/option
option value=3504 3504/option

What I would like to do is something like the following:
select name=$categoriesIN[] multiple=multiple
OPTIONChoose Categories.../option
OPTION VALUE=2Pharaohs and Queens
and going further, I would like to be able to use a table that 
actually holds these values to feed them to the code above. I am sure 
this is possible but it must take some huge knowledge and experience 
to do it.

BUT ...
as I look at things, I am wondering if the FOR statement in the above 
should be used to do several INSERTs, that is, one $sql(number) per 
selected category... now, would that require many $sqls or many 
INSERTs within the $sql ?


first, I think, $categoriesIN is string, but in the form you made it  
as an array $categoriesIN[]. I think you have to modify it a little 
bit, something like {$categoriesIN}.'[]'

second, I think the php part FOR ( $ii = 0 ; $ii  
count($categoriesIN) ; $ii++ ) can't be part of the mysql statement, 
it should be outside the statement

FOR ( $ii = 0 ; $ii  count($categoriesIN) ; $ii++ )
$sql4 = INSERT INTO temp (example) $categoriesIN[$ii] 
$result4 = mysql_query($sql4, $db);   


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Re: Newbie First Use Connection Question - Mac OSX 10.5.6

2009-02-19 Thread Curtis Maurand

or as the docs read:

shell mysqladmin password your password

John Daisley wrote:

The root Password will be blank after initial install.

You can set it at a shell prompt with commands something like this...

shell mysql -u root
mysql SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
mysql EXIT;

Where newpwd is your desired password.

Best to secure or delete all accounts with blank passwords :)

You can then start MySQL administrator and log in using the username root,
the password you specified in the SET PASSWORD command and the host of


 I am brand new to MySQL and JAVA/Netbeans 6.5 so please excuse the

stupid questions ...

1. I have just downloaded and successfully installed MySQL v5.1 on my
MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.6

2. I have also downloaded and installed MySQL Tools:  Administrator 
Query Browser

(I come from a Visual Basic  MS SQL Server 2000/2005 environment)

When you install MS SQL server the default login is sa with a blank

My question is;

  How do I login (connection settings) to MySQL (for Administrator and
Query Browser tools)?

  (I start my server by going to settings and then MySQL icon, Start
Server, so my server is running) Unfortunately, I have never seen
MySQL in action nor do I know anyone to ask/show me how to get started.

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence


Re: How to convert Acess 2007 ACCDB file to MySQL?

2008-12-30 Thread Curtis Maurand

I'm not plugging the product, but I just ran into this:

It's $79.00.


Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Dec 29), mos said:
Someone has given me an Access 2007 file *.ACCDB and I don't have Access 
2007. Is there a (preferably free) way to convert it to CSV or MySQL?

Try the ODBC driver downloadable at 

2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components

You should then be able to connect to the database via any ODBC-capable
client (e.g. OpenOffice Base, or even an older version of Access or
Excel) and export the tables in whetever format you want.


Re: Is it a bug or my mistake in server configuration?

2008-11-10 Thread Curtis Maurand

I've been having the same trouble in a Xen virtual machine.  After about 
an hour and a half, mysql will be consuming 100% of cpu.  There is 
nothing wrong with the tables.  I'm assuming its a dynamic vs. fix 
amount of memory available to mysql.  I'm guaranteed x amount of ram, 
but that might get reduced due to server load.  I'm assuming mysql 
doesn't like having ram taken away from it and get into a tizzy about it.

I've been forced to restart mysql hourly in order to get smooth operation.


Alexey Vlasov wrote:


One client from my shared hosting periodically informs me about an

DBI connect('database,...)
failed: Can't create a new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of
available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent
bug at ...

There's nothing suspicious in the MySQL error-log.

# free -m
total   usedfree sharedbuffers cached
mem:16039  15794 245  0   2109   6935

-/+buffs/cache: 6748 9290
Swap:28615  502123594

flush_time = 1800
set-variable = long_query_time=10

set-variable = back_log=1024
set-variable = max_connect_errors=1000
set-variable = max_connections=64
set-variable = connect_timeout=20
set-variable = wait_timeout=600
set-variable = interactive_timeout=600

set-variable = table_cache=1000
set-variable = thread_cache_size=16
set-variable = max_tmp_tables=8192
set-variable = max_heap_table_size=64M
set-variable = tmp_table_size=256M
set-variable = max_join_size=5000

set-variable = key_buffer_size=512M
set-variable = read_buffer_size=128K
set-variable = read_rnd_buffer_size=64K
set-variable = sort_buffer=128M
set-variable = join_buffer_size=64M
set-variable = net_buffer_length=64K

set-variable = query_cache_type=1
set-variable = query_cache_size=256M

set-variable = max_allowed_packet=16M
set-variable = ft_min_word_len=3

# ulimit -a
core file size  (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size   (kbytes, -d) 2097152
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size   (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 143360
max locked memory   (kbytes, -l) 32
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files  (-n) 1024
pipe size(512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority  (-r) 0
stack size  (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time   (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes  (-u) 143360
virtual memory  (kbytes, -v) 4194304
file locks  (-x) unlimited

# ps
 4728 mysql 20   0 2045m 1.0g 5620 S0  6.3   2602:15 mysqld

# pstree | grep mysql

# mysql --version
mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.54, for pc-linux-gnu (x86_64) using
readline 5.2

# uname -a
Linux 2.6.24 #4 SMP Fri Feb 29 20:10:01 MSK 2008
x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5345 @ 2.33GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

I would like to know against what limit rests MySQL and whose mistake it
really is, of Perl mysql-client, mysqld or someone else?


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Re: Install Microsoft.Jet

2008-08-06 Thread Curtis Maurand

You need the mdac components.  free download from MS.

Sivasakthi wrote:

Hi all,

I have tried to import the excel to db , but i get the following error,

The OLE DB provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 has not been registered.

how can i install the Microsoft.Jet?

System Info:
OS Name Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition for 
64-Bit Itanium-based Systems

System Type Itanium (TM) -based System
Processor ia64 Family 31 Model 1 Stepping 5 GenuineIntel ~1300


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Re: Why people don't use engine named BDB?

2008-07-21 Thread Curtis Maurand

Its mainly because it was purchased by Oracle.  BDB provided transaction 
support.  Innodb has been the defacto choice for a ACID transactions, 
but Innodb was also purchased by Oracle in its attempt to kill MySQL 
after its failed attempt to purchase MySQL.  That's why  MySQL has been 
working on their own storage engine as well as the pluggable storage system.


David Giragosian wrote:

On 7/21/08, Moon's Father [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any reply is appreciated .
I'm a MySQL DBA in china.
More about me just visit here:

Maybe something to do with this: *BDB support will be removed. * Note that,
as of MySQL 5.1, BDB isn't supported any longer.
But you're right that as a storgage engine, there have been very few
questions related to it, on this mailing list anyway.


Re: Accessing remote machine (Ubuntu) from Window

2008-07-17 Thread Curtis Maurand

I cannot.  Are you trying to connect via the localhost. It may still be 
trying to connect to localhost.

You might try changing the bind-address statement to

bind-address  = so that it also listens to localhost as well.

Also if you're trying to connect to an ip address instead of a named 
host, I've found that you have to code your grant statement to have an 
ip address instead of a hostname.


Jesse wrote:
Obvious question: Did you restart MySQL?  netstat -l should show you 
what's listening for connections.  you'll want to see if its 
listening on port 3306.

Yes.  When that didn't work, I re-started the whole server.
netstat -l tells me that is listening.  It lists a 
foreign address of *.*
When I re-issue the command with -n, I can seee that it is, indeed, 
listening on port 3306.

Can you think of any other reasons why the connection would fail?


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RE: Accessing remote machine (Ubuntu) from Window

2008-07-17 Thread Curtis Maurand
I just checked my ubuntu config and I have:

Port = 3306
Bind-address =
Pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/
Socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Nothig is in upper case.  My phone is doing that for me.

-Original Message-
To: Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: MySQL List
Sent: 7/17/2008 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Accessing remote machine (Ubuntu) from Window

I was wondering how I get it to listed on all ports.  When I try, 
and try to restart, the restart fails, and when it tries to start again, I 
get the error, /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed 
error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using 
password:YES)'  This has been happening for a day or so, and I don't know if 
it's related to my problem or not.

After changing the grant to use an IP address, I still cannot log in.

 [truncated by sender]

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Re: ***SPAM*** RE: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server, Please advice..

2008-07-14 Thread Curtis Maurand

grant all on *.* to root@'';  /* The percent sign is your 
wildcard character. */

flush privileges;

I don't think you need to flush privileges as of 5.0.  I still do just 
to be sure.



Hi Parikh,

Yes.. It worked with IP i.e when I granted privileges to 'root'@'ip of
my machine' and flushed it, it worked fine. But I have a qestion below:


However, Would '*' work in the place of IP?, as I feel that
giving privileges for each IP for each machine that is going to access
the mysql server would be tedious and not recommended choice. Please let
me know.


-Original Message-
From: Parikh, Dilip Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:34 PM

To: Ahmadbasha Shaik (WT01 - E-ENABLING); Raghavendra Hosabettu (WT01 -
Innovation Group)
Subject: FW: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to
this MySQL server, Please advice..

Ok It means that DNS not configured so better give the IP address
instead of hsostname and check using in mysql as

Show grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED];

This should show u the grants


Thanks  Regards,
MphasiS an EDS Company | No 25,Steeple Reach,Cathedral Road | Chennai |
India |  91 44 28113801 |Extn 2216
Mobile: 9884430998 | 9962029004

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:30 PM
To: Parikh, Dilip Kumar;
Subject: RE: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to
this MySQL server, Please advice..


I did that too, 

I executed the command  - GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to
'root'@'localhost' ; I tried also GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to
'root'@'' ; where is my machine name 

But both of these did not work, I did not mention this in my earlier
mail. Can you please let me know if there is any other way out. 


-Original Message-
From: Parikh, Dilip Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:26 PM
To: Ahmadbasha Shaik (WT01 - E-ENABLING); Raghavendra Hosabettu (WT01 -
Innovation Group)
Subject: FW: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to
this MySQL server, Please advice..
Importance: High

Hi all,

First try checking out the grant for the particular user ?

Show grants for user@'';

If u don't find the results u can give grant as :-

Grant select on *.* to user@'' identified by ''; Flush

Thanks  Regards,

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:21 PM
Subject: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to this
MySQL server, Please advice..
Importance: High

Hi All,

I am facing a particular problem which i have explained here. Can
you please let me know a solution for this.

From my web application, I am trying to connect the MySQL server by
using the IP address as the server name, and it says the following
Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Options that I tried: (from the information availabe on internet)
a) I tried modifying the hosts file in WinNT directory to include this
host name (assuming that it was not understanding the IP), but it did
not work
b) I tried adding a record with the IP as host and user as root in user
table of mysql database it did not work
c) I tried adding a record with the '' as host and user as
root in user table of mysql database it did not work
d) I tried enabling Remote Access in MySQL Server instance config
wizard but since the root users password is not set, it is not allowing
me go forward (i.e. the next button is disabled)
e) If I try to reset the password while configuring the MySQL Server
Instance, it does not allow me to do so
f) I tried adding a record with the '%' as host and user as root in user
table of mysql database it did not allow me to add the record


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Re: Running 2 versions of MySQL on same server

2008-07-03 Thread Curtis Maurand

Which *n?x distribution are you running?


No, because I fear that would break the existing customer php apps, 
which is the whole point of running two versions of MySQL.

What I guess I need to know is if php's mysql and mysqli extensions 
can be made to recognize two different sets of client libs.

Unless you're telling me that having them use the 5.0 client libraries 
won't break working 3.23 apps...

On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Curtis Maurand wrote:

Did you rebuild php against the 5.0 libraries as I suggested 
yesterday?  If you didn't it will only recognize the 3.23 version.  
It will not be able to talk to the 5.0 version.



It would appear that the problem isn't getting MySQL 3.23 and 5.0 to 
run on the same server with different ports and sockets, but rather 
getting mod_php to recognize both clients.  phpinfo() shows only 
3.23, since it's in the standard path.

If anyone has experience getting two different versions recognized 
by php, I'd greatly appreciate input.


James Smallacombe  PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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James Smallacombe  PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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Re: Running 2 versions of MySQL on same server

2008-07-02 Thread Curtis Maurand
Did you rebuild php against the 5.0 libraries as I suggested yesterday?  
If you didn't it will only recognize the 3.23 version.  It will not be 
able to talk to the 5.0 version.



It would appear that the problem isn't getting MySQL 3.23 and 5.0 to 
run on the same server with different ports and sockets, but rather 
getting mod_php to recognize both clients.  phpinfo() shows only 3.23, 
since it's in the standard path.

If anyone has experience getting two different versions recognized by 
php, I'd greatly appreciate input.


James Smallacombe  PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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Re: User Preferences?

2008-02-29 Thread Curtis Maurand

I think that I'd set up a varchar column and store a tab separated
list in it.  

Then parse it  upon retrieval.


Dan Buettner wrote:
 Waynn, I've used
both schemes 1 and 2 as you describe, and in my
 2 is the best way to go.  It's easy to scale up as you add users
 settings, and it's easy to make changes if the meaning of
settings should
 change (i.e. you need to do a backend change to
people's settings).
 #1 is harder to make those kind
of back end updates on, and harder for
 someone troubleshooting
to make sense of the data.
 #3 may not scale well -
you would end up having to track too many tables,

 What I'm doing in my current project is using
a data model that has a
 for each preference
setting, and returns a sensible value by default if
 user has no pref set for a given lookup key; otherwise, I return
what the
 user has set.  This means adding a method every time I
add a preference
 setting, which on the one hand means adding
code - on the other hand,
 chances are very high that if I am
adding the ability for a user to set a
 preference, I'm already
adding code somewhere to ensure that preference
 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Waynn Lue
 I'm looking for
a good way to store user preferences.  The most

straightforward way is just to add a column to the Users table for
 each preference we're looking to store.  Downside is that it
 an ALTER TABLE which gets prohibitively expensive
as it gets larger,
 as it's fairly inflexible.  I've come up
with a few alternatives, and
 I'm wondering if people have
ideas or suggestions, as this has to be a
 common problem.  A
quick Google search didn't turn up anything.

1.  Store the preferences as a binary blob on the Users table.  This
 blob could be either a blob, or an integer that I use
 logic to read/write from, or I could use the SET
 2.  Store the preferences in normalized form, with
a new table called
 UserPreferences that has UserId, Setting,
Preference and we add a row
 for each setting of that
 3.  Create a separate table each time we want to add a
new setting,
 UserId, WhateverTheNameOfThePreferenceIs.

 Anyone have any experience with this, or better


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Head Honcho
Xyonet Hosting Services
Biddeford, ME


2006-11-15 Thread Curtis Maurand
I think this question has been asked, but I have not yet found an answer
to the problem.

I'm running MySQL 5.0.22 on Gentoo Linux AMD 64.  Its blazingly fast,
mostly.  I'm running a package called dbmail on it.  All mail is stored in the database.  After running
a dbmail-util which deleted somewhere around 9,000 messages, I ran
mysqloptimize against the database.  After running mysqloptimize the
innodb file (ibdata1) was larger than it was before i started.  is this
normal?  If not, how do I change the behavior?

I'm happy to forward any relevant data that you need.


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2006-11-10 Thread Curtis Maurand

Riemer Palstra wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 09:26:52AM -0800, Bill MacAllister wrote:
 What happened to the Innodb web pages?  What comes up for be is a
 search page with a bunch of related links on it.  I wanted to pull
 down a copy of ibbackup documentation and it isn't there anymore.

 Strange indeed, I get the search pages that Tucows/OpenSRS put up when
 they park a domain as soon as a customer lets their domain name

 Riemer Palstra  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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2006-11-10 Thread Curtis Maurand

My guess is that its intentional.  Oracle is who they are and MySQL is
eating their lunch.  I look for them to kill the product to try to drive
MySQL out of business or make life difficult for them; hence the reason
they're working on a new storage engine of their own.  They tried to buy
MySQL, but when they couldn't they bought up the two pieces of software
that gave MySQL ACID transactions (innodb and Berkely (sp?)).  They will
renegotiate the contract, but make it very expensive for MySQL to license.
 You don't honestly think Oracle is going to be honest about this do you? 
They have absolutely no interest in helping MySQL survive.

Sounds pretty fishy to me no matter what they're saying publicly.


Bill MacAllister wrote:

 --On Friday, November 10, 2006 08:46:50 AM -0500 Curtis Maurand

 Please quit telling us that Oracle purchased Innodb.  That is ancient
 The web site had innodb content on it in the past, Heikki
 signature makes me think that it still should, and it doesn't now.  That
 the issue that I raised.  I am guessing, given Reimer's insight, that the
 domain name registration has expired and someone needs to renew it.  I
 they plan to do that because I found the site useful.


 Riemer Palstra wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 09:26:52AM -0800, Bill MacAllister wrote:
 What happened to the Innodb web pages?  What comes up for be is a
 search page with a bunch of related links on it.  I wanted to pull
 down a copy of ibbackup documentation and it isn't there anymore.

 Strange indeed, I get the search pages that Tucows/OpenSRS put up when
 they park a domain as soon as a customer lets their domain name

 Riemer PalstraAmsterdam, The Netherlands

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 | Bill MacAllister, Senior Programmer
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 | Roseville, CA 95747

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2006-11-10 Thread Curtis Maurand

I just checked it again and its working.

Francesco Riosa wrote:
 Heikki Tuuri ha scritto:

 we are moving the DNS of from Capnova to Oracle Corp.

 I can now view through my ISP, Elisa. Does
 anyone still have problems accessing

 If you cannot see some web page, you can resort to Google's cache to
 view it. I hope that we will not get more disruption of service this

 Best regards,
 This is the answer from ibm nameservers i.e. none:

 ;  DiG 9.3.2
 ; (1 server found)
 ;; global options:  printcmd
 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 33840
 ;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 0

 ;  A

 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS
 com.172552  IN  NS

 ;; Query time: 188 msec
 ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 10 13:04:51 2006
 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 256


 This is a query to the internet:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] dbdesigner 1 $ dig

 ;  DiG 9.3.2
 ;; global options:  printcmd
 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 3995
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

 ;  A

 ;; ANSWER SECTION: 80775   IN  A

 ;; Query time: 24 msec
 ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 10 13:03:11 2006
 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 48

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] dbdesigner 0 $ dig -x

 ;  DiG 9.3.2  -x
 ;; global options:  printcmd
 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 33913
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 1

 ; IN  PTR




 ;; Query time: 263 msec
 ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 10 13:03:19 2006
 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 161

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] dbdesigner 0 $

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Re: temporary tables

2006-08-16 Thread Curtis Maurand

You were right.  Its a global privilege not a table one.  I granted it at
a global level.  it can't be granted at the databae level

Dan Buettner wrote:
 Curtis, you might need to make sure 'admin'@'localhost' has 'FILE'
 privileges in the proper database, for load data infile.  Note that
 'admin'@'%' is not the same as 'admin'@'localhost'


 Also here is a comment from the same page:
 Posted by Cristian Gafton on July 17 2006 6:28pm  [Delete] [Edit]
 Please note that the current MySQL priviledge model does not support
 creating a read-only user for an application that needs to work with
 temporary tables. In other words, the 'SELECT,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES'
 privileges are not sufficient to let an application work with
 temporary tables against a read-only set of tables. MySQL also
 requires INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE grants to allow temporary tables to
 be used. Since the temporary tables are not 'defined' at the time of
 the grant, one would have no choice but to grant INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE
 on db.*, which negates the possibility of a read-only user.

 It would be nice if MySQL would have a more generic 'TEMPORARY TABLES'
 permission that would allow one to create, insert, delete from and
 drop temporary tables without having to give up insert/update/delete
 privileges on the real tables



 On 8/15/06, Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 here is what I get.  I'm logged in as the user admin (really a regular

 mysql create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer
 limit 0;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

 mysql load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using
 password: YES)

 Dan Buettner wrote:
  Or possibly that the mysql user on the box does not have access to the
  data file in question.  Can you post the error messages you get?
  On 8/15/06, Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This may sound like a stupid question, but I have to ask.  I've been
  running a script that goes like the following.
  use ecommerce;
  create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer limit
  load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table
  at which point the script fails for permssion reasons.  It seems that
  user can create a temporary table, but not load data into it?
  What did I miss on permissions to allow this to work?
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temporary tables

2006-08-15 Thread Curtis Maurand
This may sound like a stupid question, but I have to ask.  I've been
running a script that goes like the following.

use ecommerce;
create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer limit 0;
load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table

at which point the script fails for permssion reasons.  It seems that this
user can create a temporary table, but not load data into it?

What did I miss on permissions to allow this to work?


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Re: temporary tables

2006-08-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

here is what I get.  I'm logged in as the user admin (really a regular user.)

mysql create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer limit 0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)

Dan Buettner wrote:
 Or possibly that the mysql user on the box does not have access to the
 data file in question.  Can you post the error messages you get?


 On 8/15/06, Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This may sound like a stupid question, but I have to ask.  I've been
 running a script that goes like the following.

 use ecommerce;
 create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer limit 0;
 load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table

 at which point the script fails for permssion reasons.  It seems that
 user can create a temporary table, but not load data into it?

 What did I miss on permissions to allow this to work?


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Re: temporary tables

2006-08-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

When I created the user, I specified:

grant all on ecommerce.* to admin@'localhost' identified by 'password';

Doesn't that cover the file privilege?  I noticed the navicat commercial
product doesn't list that privilege specifically.  the mysql-administrator
just locks up when I go to manage users.  i've been working it from the
command line.


Dan Buettner wrote:
 Curtis, you might need to make sure 'admin'@'localhost' has 'FILE'
 privileges in the proper database, for load data infile.  Note that
 'admin'@'%' is not the same as 'admin'@'localhost'


 Also here is a comment from the same page:
 Posted by Cristian Gafton on July 17 2006 6:28pm  [Delete] [Edit]
 Please note that the current MySQL priviledge model does not support
 creating a read-only user for an application that needs to work with
 temporary tables. In other words, the 'SELECT,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES'
 privileges are not sufficient to let an application work with
 temporary tables against a read-only set of tables. MySQL also
 requires INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE grants to allow temporary tables to
 be used. Since the temporary tables are not 'defined' at the time of
 the grant, one would have no choice but to grant INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE
 on db.*, which negates the possibility of a read-only user.

 It would be nice if MySQL would have a more generic 'TEMPORARY TABLES'
 permission that would allow one to create, insert, delete from and
 drop temporary tables without having to give up insert/update/delete
 privileges on the real tables



 On 8/15/06, Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 here is what I get.  I'm logged in as the user admin (really a regular

 mysql create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer
 limit 0;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

 mysql load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using
 password: YES)

 Dan Buettner wrote:
  Or possibly that the mysql user on the box does not have access to the
  data file in question.  Can you post the error messages you get?
  On 8/15/06, Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This may sound like a stupid question, but I have to ask.  I've been
  running a script that goes like the following.
  use ecommerce;
  create temporary table customer_tmp as select * from customer limit
  load data infile '/home/bluetarp/ezauth/customers.txt' into table
  at which point the script fails for permssion reasons.  It seems that
  user can create a temporary table, but not load data into it?
  What did I miss on permissions to allow this to work?
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Re: How to take dump of a query instead of table / database

2006-03-26 Thread Curtis Maurand

select criteria into outfile name of output file

The path for the output file must be writeable by the user underwhich 
mysql is running.

Curtis Maurand

On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Pure Web Solution wrote:

you can manipulate mysqldump using the where clause (check the man)

You might find the following usefull, but would not be so good for restoring.

from the command line

mysql --database=db_name --execute=select * from users -u username
-ppassword  output.file

Pure Web Solution
PHP, MYSQL, Web Design  Web Services

abhishek jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Friends,
I need to take the backup of a query, is it possible.
If yes how.
Abhishek jain

Pure Web Solution
PHP, MYSQL, Web Design  Web Services

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Re: PHP and mysql

2005-10-27 Thread Curtis Maurand

mysqladmin -u root password new password


sheeri kritzer wrote:
 Hi Alaister,

 Your root password is not actually set.  If you do

 mysql -u root -ppassword
 and it fails, it means that the password is not password

 if you do

 mysql -u root password

 the mysql client will parse password as the database you're trying
 to use -- that's just the syntax of the mysql client.  Which means
 that your password is not very secure, because it's the same as your
 database name.  You should get an error like this:

 ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'password'

 What you should do is this:

 # mysql -u root
 set password=password(newpassword);

 where newpassword is your new password.

 hope this helps.


 On 10/27/05, Alastair Roy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your reply I think this is the issue I don't think root is
 allowed to login from local host I created another user called web user
 changed the script, that works fine, next question is how do I set the
 permissions for root in mysql to allow root to login, if I use
 #mysql -u root password I go straight in
 If I use
 #mysql -u root -p
 I get access denied for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 From: sheeri kritzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 October 2005 18:06
 To: Alastair Roy
 Subject: Re: PHP and mysql


 Whenever you have a problem, go back to basics.  Can you login as root
 on the commandline?  What password do you use there?  Once you're
 there, check root's permissions, but I'd be willing to bet your
 password is incorrect, or root is only allowed to logon from localhost
 and not the machine the webserver is on.


 On 10/25/05, Alastair Roy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Greetings everyone, I am having a problem with PHP and mysql I have
  script exactly off a website to open the database and insert a new
 user I
  try to access the mysql database using the root user, and enter
  into the user table, this is the PHP I am using
  include 'library/config.php';
  include 'library/opendb.php';
  $query = INSERT INTO user (host, user, password, select_priv,
  update_ priv) .
   VALUES ('localhost', 'phpcake', PASSWORD('mypass'), 'Y',
  mysql_query($query) or die('Error, insert query failed');
  mysql_query($query) or die('Error, insert query failed');
  include 'library/closedb.php';
  When I try this I get the access for user [EMAIL PROTECTED] host denied, it
  driving me nuts no matter what I try I get the same thing other
 scripts I
  have tried do the same thing, have tried messing around with the
  and opendb.php included scripts but nothing works if I run php -f
  I get no errors which I think means it is working, then again I don't
  Anyone have any ideas ??
  Thanks in advance
  Visit our websites: +IBw-bite size news and gossip+IB0 The Worlds Greatest Newspaper Simply The Best 7 Days A Week The One Stop Shopping Magazine First For Celebrity News The Mark Of Excellence  Express Newspapers and OK Magazine
 picture archive
  Also visit:
  The NMA: Opening Up Newspapers
  Any views or opinions 

Re: Linux vs. Windows?

2005-08-12 Thread Curtis Maurand

Please note that this answer is not meant to support one OS or another, 
but the information on that page is not useful.  The information is 
seriously out of date.  The comparison is 
on Windows NT not Server 2K3 or XP.  The hardware is Pentium Pro 400 or 
AMD K6II-350 with old versions of software.  Server 2K3 has been much more 
stable than Windows NT and its security is better, but still not great.

Curtis Maurand

go to 

anyway the difference isn't only in performance  what did you think about 
crashless :-)

Good job


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Re: Opteron HOWTO?!

2005-05-10 Thread Curtis Maurand

While you're at it, take a look at Gentoo Linux
(  I've been having very good luck with it on
everything from a Duron 1GHz to Opterons.  Very responsive.  It compiled
a kernel on an opteron in about 5 minutes.


Atle Veka wrote:

Excellent, I'll be waiting to see performance numbers, specifically for
FreeBSD vs. Linux.

Save for a few odd machines, we're pretty much pure FreeBSD and the last
releases in the 4 branch are really impressive as far as speed and
stability. That being said, the Opteron would have to offer a pretty
decent performance gain for us to consider switching. At the moment, our
software layout is such that we have not had a need to take advantage of
more than 2G memory.

Feel free to woo me with your performance results. ;) In the not so
distant future I will have to get an Opteron box so I can see for myself..

Flying Crocodile Inc, Unix Systems Administrator

On Mon, 9 May 2005, Kevin Burton wrote:


Great!  I created a wiki node for this issue.


Re: missing file ( msyql.sock)

2005-05-10 Thread Curtis Maurand
the socket file is created in the spot specified in /etc/mysql/my.cnf. 
In my case its:

socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

as always ymmv.


ganesan malairaja wrote:

 is it possible a firewall is denying mysql to create the mysql.sock file

 if not where i can get this file

 i cannot find it in my entire harddrive

 i am stuck at for days now

 a clear guideline will help

 i tried reading at the

 but no help .. i am new to linux.. anyone who had this experience and
 solve it please reply

 i am running on suse 9.3 and using mysql-4.1.11 ( source file )

 DIVFONT color=#cc face=Lucida Handwriting,
 CursiveEMSTRONGIMG height=16
 width=16Ganesan_MalairajaIMG height=16

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Re: Use MySQL with Microsoft Office

2005-03-09 Thread Curtis Maurand

Using ODBC, however, you can link Access tables to MySQL tables and use
Access as the front end to MySQL.  It works very nicely.


Martijn Tonies said:
   Alternatively you could use
   which has built in MySQL support.
  Alternatively, you could switch to MS Access, which is very well
  supported by Microsoft Office.
 mmhhh MySQL Vs. Access MS... just a little be different :-)))

 Yes, very :-)

 So is MS Office and OpenOffice :-)


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Re: Generic graphing tool?

2005-01-14 Thread Curtis Maurand
There are several PHP scripts that develop graphs.  You'll have do some 
work to feed the data to them, but I found them at: Programs/Graphs_and_Charts/
Jim wrote:
Jason Martin wrote:
Does anyone know of a web-based tool that will let you graph
arbitrary data out of of MySQL? I'm thinking of something that
lets you define a select statement, some graph options and
produce a graph.

I'm afraid I'm not aware of anything as simple to use as you describe, 
but you could build one without TOO MUCH pain using CharDirector (a 
free version is available from and your 
scripting language of choice. I prefer PHP or Perl, myself.


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Re: Need advice on windows front end application

2004-12-29 Thread Curtis Maurand
Use the ODBC connector and write it in VB.
Chris Mason wrote:
I have a mysql database runing on an internal linux server and I need to
connect to it with an appliication running on a windows workstation. The
application must start another application with command line informaiton
from the database so I cant use a web based application, as web browsers
cannot start an application on the local machine.
I'm looking for recommendations on the easiest way to implement this
project. I would prefer a php like scripting language, I certainly wont be
able to do it in C or similar.
Chris Mason

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Re: MySQL and PHP

2004-12-29 Thread Curtis Maurand
If you follow the instructions properly, you can get the ISAPI version 
of PHP to run and it it runs pretty well once installed.

Don Stefani wrote:
GH wrote:
I am using IIS :(

On Windows... Which do i install first? PHP or MySQL?
Apache.  :)


If your just working on a local dev box, it may not be that big of a 
PHP using IIS is a bit easier to install than Apache since PHP5 does 
not have an installer that auto-configs Apache, you will have to use 
the zipped package and configure your http.conf yourself. Windows 
doesn't always like to play nice.
Although if I remember correctly it installs it as CGI, and there are 
big security warnings about it. Again, a local dev box may not be a 
huge risk.

Anyway, Have Fun!
- dstefani

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Re: importing data

2004-12-28 Thread Curtis Maurand
I didn't, but I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
Michael J. Pawlowsky wrote:
Curtis Maurand wrote:
If I create one of the databases and then put the files for that 
database from the old installation in place of the newly created 
ones, the database is recognized, but i get errors saying that the 
columns in the tables are not recognized.
I'd really like to get this data back is there a way?

Did you try simply repairing the table?

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Re: importing data

2004-12-28 Thread Curtis Maurand
OK, now I really feel stupid.  It helps to change the ownership of the 
files to mysql:mysqlduh.

Curtis Maurand wrote:
I didn't, but I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
Michael J. Pawlowsky wrote:
Curtis Maurand wrote:
If I create one of the databases and then put the files for that 
database from the old installation in place of the newly created 
ones, the database is recognized, but i get errors saying that the 
columns in the tables are not recognized.
I'd really like to get this data back is there a way?

Did you try simply repairing the table?

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importing data

2004-12-27 Thread Curtis Maurand
 I have done an incredibly stupid thing.  I have a server that suffered 
a bit of a failure.  It wasn't a hard failure, but it was enough of one 
to have to rebuild the server from scratch.  I was and am running mysql 
4.0.22 on Gentoo with a 2.6 kernel.  It rocks.   However, The dumb thing 
that I did was fail to perform a mysqldump -a on the machine before I 
finished killing it.  I rebuilt mysql from scratch.  I then copied over 
the my.cnf files and I copied over the old /var/lib/mysql directory in 
tact.  mysql wouldn't start at that point.  I then deleted all the files 
in /var/lib/mysql and ran mysql_install_db. mysql starts automatically.

If I create one of the databases and then put the files for that 
database from the old installation in place of the newly created ones, 
the database is recognized, but i get errors saying that the columns in 
the tables are not recognized. 

I'd really like to get this data back is there a way?
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Re: Which PHP for MySQL 4.1

2004-11-11 Thread Curtis Maurand
Jay Blanchard wrote:
I would like to migrate my MySQL servers from 4.0 to 4.1.
As I use PHP as well as Java with these servers I wonder what PHP 4 
version would
be compatible with MySQL 4.1.

Has anyone used MySQL 4.1 with PHP yet?
PHP 4 is compatible with MySQL 4.1. My caution to you would be using
Apache 2 as it has some quirks that haven't been worked out yet.

I've been using Apache 2 with PHP 4 for quite some time.  Its been 
working fine for me and my customers.

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Re: Mysql and PHP

2004-09-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

You have to rebuild PHP against the new MySQL libraries.


Greg Donald said:
 On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 08:04:08 -0700, nestor(earth)
 This more of a php mysql question.   I have installed PHP ( 5.01) with
 Apache(1.31) and it runs.
 I have install Mysql (the latest as of last night)  and it runs.  My
 problem is that PHP does not see
 Mysql.  Now I have done this installation 4 or 5 times but th elast time
 was over a year ago.

 Any ideas?

 Perhaps this will help:

 Greg Donald

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Re: User ID Password

2004-06-05 Thread Curtis Maurand

I think that I'd look at postfix and dbmail.  Postfix and dbmail both 
allow userdata to be stored in MySQL databases.  dbmail will also put the 
message store in a mysql database.  Very nice, very fast.  RH9 has hit 
eol.  Gentoo rocks.

Curtis Maurand
On Sat, 5 Jun 2004, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:
I am posting this message on freeRADIUS, vpopmail  mysql lists. This may
get few people upset but please read
I am trying to install (on RH9), qmail, vpopmail, mysql, Courier-IMAP,
squirrelmail, etc., with backend data on MySQL. On another computer I have
installed RH9  freeRADIUS server.
vpopmail is used to add UID  PW and the data is stored in vpopmail DB in
MySQL. Now freeRADIUS also uses UID  PW to authenticate and has its own
data structure. I like to know if there is a way so that user data is stored
in one table in MySQL so vpopmail and freeRADIUS can access the same
Thanks in advance.
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Re: fastest filesystem for MySQL

2004-05-14 Thread Curtis Maurand
Reiser is good for lots of small files.  ext3 would is better for 
large ones.  At least that's what I get from the benchmark data that I've 
seen posted in various places.

Curtis Maurand
On Wed, 12 May 2004, Roy Butler wrote:
I'd go with Reiser on SuSE.  Like Sasha mentioned though, the filesystem 
component may have little overall effect, depending on your set-up.  I'd stay 
away from XFS when working with databases, as its performance gains are 
achieved via extended write delays while the queue sits in main memory: not 
the sort of thing you want after a crash...  If you have the time/interest, 
why not try some benchmarks of your own?

Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 00:22:21 +0200
Subject: fastest filesystem for MySQL
I've heard and read that the Reiser filesystem should be better for
MySQL than Ext3. Is this still true?
We will be running MySQL on either Red Hat ES 3, Suse or Debian.

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Re: Security

2004-03-12 Thread Curtis Maurand

Usernames, passwords, and then perform the queries select ... where 
customerid = the variable name you feed  Its all handled by your app.


On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Mulugeta Maru wrote:

 Hi Mike,
 I am sorry for the confusion I might have caused. May be it would help to
 give a clear example.
 Table - Customers (CustomerID, CustomerName, Address, etc)
 Table - Transaction(TransactionID,CustomerID,Date,Amount)
 Note: CustomerID in Customer Table is a Primary Key. TransactionID is a
 Primary Key and CustomerID is a Foreign Key in Transaction Table).
 Question: How would I be able to give my customers access to the database so
 that they can update the customer table (for example address change) and add
 transactions to the transaction table. What I do not want to happen is that
 customer A is able to modify customer B's record.
 In short how would you restrict customer a to see transactions that pertain
 to him/her.
 Many thanks.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mike Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:55 PM
 Subject: RE: Security
  From: Maru, Mulugeta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   When I go online to access my bank account I only see
   transactions pertain to my account only. I think when ever I
   make a transaction the database records my account number in
   the transaction table. When I log-in using my account number
   and password the system checks whether it is correct or not
   and run another query to get all transaction that match my
   account number.
   Do I make sense?
  (sent offlist by mistake, please excuse the dupe)
  The point being made is that you're looking at your bank account
 information in a client that is set to read records only pertaining to your
  The native mysql client is not such a program and was never intended to
 be. While you can customize access for users to certain databases or certain
 tables within those databases, it's simply not built as a multi-user
 transactional client for limiting access to data in commonly-used tables.
  It begs the question why you're giving your clients access to the native
 mysql client itself rather than developing an application to do this, in
 which you could quite easily limit such access.
  Mike Johnson
  Web Developer
  Smarter Living, Inc.
  phone (617) 886-5539
  MySQL General Mailing List
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Curtis Maurand

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Re: Doing a LIKE search on a ENCODE type

2004-03-04 Thread Curtis Maurand

WHERE password = password('1234');


On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Victoria Reznichenko wrote:

 Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is what I am doing now...
  SELECT id, first_name, last_name, password FROM account WHERE password =
  ENCODE(1234, 'foobar') ORDER BY last_name LIMIT 0,10
  I need to do a where password LIKE '%1234%' instead, I can not seem to get
  this to work, is there some trick?
 There is DECODE() function in MySQL. You can perform pattern-matching search for the 
 decrypted password:
   SELECT .. FROM account WHERE DECODE(password, 'foobar') LIKE '%1234%' ORDER BY 
 last_name LIMIT 0,10;

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Scripting

2004-03-04 Thread Curtis Maurand
 references that
  show you generic syntax and tell you the terminology used by bash but
  few decent tutorials to show you how to write bash scripts. Some people
  do anything they want with only a reference but I'm one of those people
  need examples to really understand something so I've had real challenges
  learning bash since the references are extremely skimpy on concrete
  Good luck!
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:57 AM
  Subject: Scripting
  I am new to Linux, and mySQL.  I am currently a MsSQL Server 2000 and VB
  programmer, but trying to break away from that side.  I have my database
  up and working great, but I am really struggling on how to perform
  updates, and data imports.  Can anyone please point me to a good
  learn how to build a script, that can import data from an ODBC
  and then maybe run multiple queries in the data one at a time.  I don't
  what language I want to use because I don't know enough about it.  Once
  find a way to do what I need, I will learn that language.  I think there
  might be a way to use php as cron'd scripts, but I don't know.  Also I
  looked at perl, or just bash in linux.  I am used to being able to do
  anything I needed to with DTS packages and stored procedures.  I had ask
  similar question a while back, and still can't get going with this.  So
  the graphical packages for updates are the only thing I miss from SQL
  Thanks in advance for any help.
  Todd Hackathorn
  MySQL General Mailing List
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Curtis Maurand

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Re: PgSQL vs MySQL

2004-03-03 Thread Curtis Maurand


someflag enum('TRUE','FALSE');

Not quite boolean, but it works.


On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Mark Warner wrote:

 The thing which bothers me most about MySQL is the lack of a proper 
 boolean. I don't like having to abstract a tinyint(1) into true or 
 false. As much of my work involves building applications with Yes or No 
 questions, I think I am switching to PostgreSQL.
 What advantages, besides ease of setup, does MySQL hold over PostgreSQL? 
 It would seem, to me, that the two are close competitors (both in 
 quality, and performance).
 Are you sure about quality?  Check out:
 You can check out postgresql's on the same site but they are significally less 
 critical.   After reviewing this and talking to some other people i'm switching 
 over to postgresql.   I'm sure there is a place with mysql but I don't think i'd 
 trust it for anything critical unless you very confident your developers know what 
 they are doing.

Curtis Maurand

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Re: PgSQL vs MySQL

2004-03-03 Thread Curtis Maurand

I know, I get it, I was trying for humor.


On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Michael Stassen wrote:

 Curtis Maurand wrote:
  someflag enum('TRUE','FALSE');
  Not quite boolean, but it works.
  On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Mark Warner wrote:
 The thing which bothers me most about MySQL is the lack of a proper 
 boolean. I don't like having to abstract a tinyint(1) into true or 
 false. As much of my work involves building applications with Yes or No 
 questions, I think I am switching to PostgreSQL.
 To my mind, a boolean is something that can be used in a boolean 
 context.  That is, if flag is a boolean, the following should work as 
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE flag; # rows with flag = TRUE
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT flag; # rows with flag = FALSE
 If you have to compare the column's value to something, it isn't really 
 a boolean value.
 MySQL, like most programming languages, treats 0 as FALSE and any other 
 number as TRUE.  That means that boolean expressions are evaluated 
 numerically and compared to 0.
 In a numeric context, ENUM columns return the value's position in the 
 list of allowed values, starting with 1.  This means that with the 
someflag enum('TRUE','FALSE')
 someflag evaluates as 1 when it is 'TRUE' and 2 when it is 'FALSE', both 
 of which are TRUE in boolean context.  Hence, you cannot use someflag in 
 boolean context and get the expected results.  In other words, someflag 
 looks like a boolean if you view the data, but doesn't behave as a 
 boolean in queries.
 I don't quite know what Mark Warner means by abstract a tinyint(1) into 
 true or false, but I personally find using tinyint for boolean to be a 
 simple solution.  I define someflag TINYINT, then set it to 0 for 
 FALSE and 1 (or any other number) for true.  Of course, if you're not a 
 programmer it won't look like a boolean when viewing the data (is that 
 what you don't like, Mark?), but it will behave as one.
 With tinyint you get some added flexibility, which may be an advantage, 
 depending on your application.  For example, if I store the number of 
 children a person has in the tinyint kids, I can use kids in boolean 
SELECT * FROM persontable WHERE kids;  #people who have children
SELECT * FROM persontable WHERE NOT kids;  #people who don't
 One more advantage of tinyints is that, with common programming 
 languages, they continue to function as booleans in your application.
 Another option is to take advantage of the special error value in every 
 ENUM. If you insert a wrong value, mysql replaces it with '', which is 
 always 0 in numeric context.  So, you could define
someflag ENUM ('TRUE', 'T');
 If you insert 'FALSE' or 'F' (or 'false' or 'f') into someflag, it will 
 get the error value, 0 or ''.  When you view the data, you will see 
 'TRUE' or 'T' for TRUE values and blanks for FALSE, and someflag will 
 behave as boolean in queries.
 If your values are 'Y' and 'N', then, strictly speaking, you don't have 
 a boolean unless you've defined which is TRUE and which is FALSE. 
 Assuming you want to treat 'Y' as TRUE, you could define
yesflag ENUM ('YES', 'Y');
 Inserting 'YES' or 'Y' (or 'yes' or 'y') will get you the corresponding 
 entries, which are TRUE in boolean context.  Inserting 'NO' or 'N' (or 
 'no' or 'n') will get you blanks, which are FALSE in boolean context.

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Remove a RPM Installation

2004-03-02 Thread Curtis Maurand

rpm -e package


On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Rafael Diaz Valdes wrote:

 Please how can I remove a RPM installation. I used MySQL-server-4.1.1-1.i386.rpm to 
 install MySQL, but how can I delete it.

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Dumping MySQL result set to a spreadsheet

2004-03-01 Thread Curtis Maurand

SELECT rest of query into OUTFILE some place the mysql user can write 

Should get you a tab delimited file  there are more options for using 
different delimiters and field encapsulations, etc.  Its in the manual.


On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, Joshua Beall wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am wondering if anyone can point me to a utility that will let me dump
 result of a MySQL query to a file I can open in MS Excel or (preferably) Calc.
 phpMyAdmin lets you do this if you want to dump a SELECT * FROM
 but if I want to fine tune it I cannot (unless I am missing something)
 MySQL CC lets me save the result of a query to a test file right
 click-save results, but this format does not quite conform to either
 or Calc's text format.  I could fix it by hand, but before I would do
 I think I would write a PHP script that would generate the right output.
 But before I spend any time working on doing that, I am wondering if
 knows of a way to do this already?
 I am running MySQL 4.0.12-standard on Mandrake 9.2 on the server, and my
 workstation is an XP Pro box.  I use MySQL CC 0.9.1-beta and phpMyAdmin
 2.5.0, but am completely willing to upgrade more recent versions of
 of these tools, or try a new one.
 Thanks for any feedback!
 p.s. How do I use my newsreader to post to these mailing lists?  I see
 that seems to carry the mysql lists, but it would not let
 me post, telling me (even after I was subscribed to the list with the
 same email address I use in my newsreader):
 Outlook Express could not post your message.  Subject 'Dumping MySQL
 result set to a spreadsheet', Account: '', Server:
 '', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 You are not
 allowed to approve postings', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error:
 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Another loss of mysql

2004-03-01 Thread Curtis Maurand

There are many companies that develop on MySQL then market the product 
with Oracle for the same reasons you statethe name.


On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, Leo wrote:

 After two years of developing a new system based on MySQL
 for the company i work at...
 it turned out to face a failure..
 not because the performance.. nor the price...
 finally the company choose Oracle Application Suite
 because the Oracle brand it self is a guarantee to bussiness competition
 i mourn for the dead of my mysql project
 good bye.. good luck
 Leonardus Setiabudi
 IT Project Coordinator
 PT Bina San Prima,

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Multiple concurrent transactions per connection

2004-02-16 Thread Curtis Maurand


On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Chris Nolan wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm currently designing an open-source messaging server that will use
 MySQL as the data store (in embedded form).
 High performance is one of the goals of this project, so I have been
 examining possible I/O models and seem to have settled on a model where
 each thread services many requests using non-blocking I/O and keeping
 track of how much of the request has been satisfied.
 Given this model, each thread is obviously going to want to have
 multiple transactions outstanding. Is this something that might be added
 to MySQL in future or am I totally overestimating the expense of using
 one thread per connection?

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Connect to MySQL via PHP

2004-02-11 Thread Curtis Maurand

Did you install PHP-mysql*.rpm?


On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Eric W. Holzapfel wrote:

 Hello Listers,
 I have a  problem with my PHP/redhat setup, and possible problem with my 
 Mysql setup.
 I have Apache (2.0) and PHP (4.3.2) installed on a Red Hat 3.0 ES system.
 I have MySql installed on a Slackware linux box.
 I want to be able to use Apache/PHP to connect to the mysql database on 
 the slackware box.
 I think that PHP is set up ok, which may be  a lie, because PHP says 
 it does not recognize the commands like -  mysql_pconnect and mysql_connect.
 Also if I try to connect to the database using something like this:
  mysql://user,[EMAIL PROTECTED] demodb this fails and the or die 
 getMessage() returns
 DB: no such database.  (I am trying to use the Pear DB here)
 Do I need to have mysql installed on the red hat machine?
 I can connect to the slackware linux box from a Windows machine using ODBC.
 Any ideas on what I have not done, or what I have done wrong?

Curtis Maurand

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Re: mySQL search engine

2004-02-09 Thread Curtis Maurand

Have you tried explain?  Have you indexed the table?


On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, ___bug wrote:

 What is the best way to search a table with about 500.000 rows of varchar
 / id / time / name /
 Like '%blah%' and x Like '%blub%' is too slow (takes about 20 sec)
 I tried using a fulltext index and search by using MATCH() AGAINST()
 The problem is each varchar (name) contains not space seperated words but
 they are combined with . or - or _
 For example I have the following row:
 | 567456 | 20040102 | Owg-08299-abzu_via.lap-2003 |
 Now i want to be able to search for (sorted by date):
 Owg abzu lap
 082 abzu_via 2003
 Owg 08299 abzu via lap 2003
 Anyone can help me?
 Thanks Chris

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Best way to get value of autoincriment after inserting NULL?

2003-12-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

select last_insert_id();

or in php use the mysql_insert_id() eg:

$somevalue = mysql_insert_id();
print (The last auto incremented number was: $somevaluebr\n);


Paul Fine said:

 If I have a table like with a column being the PK for the table and
 being an Auto Increment value, what is the best way to return this value
 to my script? It is possible that additional rows may have been added
 during the small wait.


 Col 1 Col 2   Col 3
 AA#   SmallText   SmallText

 123   Foo Bar
 124   GoodGuy

 So my script (PHP) for adding records to the database inserts
 NULL,text,text into the table but I need to echo back the # that was

 My thought was to maybe grab the last entry in the database before the
 insert, perform the insert and then query where the file # is greater
 than that last entry and where the text matches the columns

 I imagine there has to be a better way!

 Thanks for any help!

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-15 Thread Curtis Maurand
Matthew Stanfield said:

Usually, i'll use enum('0','1') in place of a boolean type.



 well.  The only annoying thing I can think of, from a programming
 perspective, is  MySQL's lack of a Boolean type - the manual says use
 TINYINT(1) which works  fine but is slightly annoying because of the
 extra type conversion needed  every time you use it. Apparently MySQL
 will be implementing the Boolean  type soon in accordance with whatever
 SQL standard requires it. Quite why  it still has not been implemented,
 even though MySQL is into version 4, I  have no idea - as a programmer I
 find this a staggering omission but  presumably they have their reasons
 and perhaps most people are happy with  TINYINT(1), but for clarity of
 code TINYINT(1) is inferior to a Boolean type.

 I hope this helps,


 Jerry Apfelbaum wrote:

 I have been tasked with evaluating open source databases for a large
 upcoming project:  e-commerce, B2B, high availability.

 The O/S is most likely to be Linux, although FreeBSD could possibly be
 used (lower probability).

 So far, it seems that MySQL, MaxDB, PostgreSQL, and Interbase/Firebird
 are possible candidates.

 Does anyone know why we should or should not use any of these?  Does
 anyone know of other possibilities?

 I’d very much appreciate hearing your comments and recommendations.

 I have only recently started these evaluations.  BTW, my own
 background is from the Oracle DBA world.

 MySQL is certainly popular and seems to have very good performance,
 but I am concerned that the lack of Triggers, Stored Procedures,
 User-Defined Functions, and Views (to a lesser degree ) will be a

 MaxDB appears to be more feature-rich and possibly more
 industrial-strength.  How does its performance and stability compare
 to the others?

 Many Thanks.
 Jerry Apfelbaum

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RE: remote connection

2003-11-07 Thread Curtis Maurand

For some reason, MySQL treats localhost as a special case (at least that
seems to be the behavior.  If you run grant list of rights on
database.* to user@'%' identified by 'password';  will allow login from
anywhere but the localhost.  That account must be created seperately.


John Almberg said:
 Yes I was already pretty sure it was a rights issue. What I'm trying
 to do is modify the rights for a particular user so I can log in
 remotely. The question is what I should use for the host fields in the
 various tables so that I can log in remotely *and* the web server can
 log in through localhost.

 Problem is, everything I try blocks access from everywhere, even when I
 use '%'. I did some more reading last night and figured out that it has
 something to do with the sorting done in the first connection phase. I
 think just changing the host field to '%' or '' actually
 lowers that user account below one of the default accounts (one with a
 blank in the User field), so that I'm logging in on the other account.

 I'm sure there's a logic behind this set up, so I'm not changing it
 haphazardly, but the logic escapes me at the moment!

 -- John

 Identry, LLC
 Northport, NY 11768

 Ph: 631.754.8440
 Fx: 631.980.4262

 Member: ASDA, APS, ANA, Ephemera Society
 of America, Long Island Web Developers Guild

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Building You A Better Online Business

 -Original Message-
 From: Curtis Maurand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:44 AM
 Subject: Re: remote connection

 Its a permissions thing on the server end.  You have to have set up a
 account on the server.  Very important are hostnames.


 John Almberg said:
 I'm trying to set up a remote connection to a mysql database using
 DBI. I have done this without problem on another database. I suspect
 rights are set up differently on this one. I have root access.

 When I try to connect, I get the following error (hostname, username,
 password have been edited for the purpose of this email):

 DBI connect('database:host','user','password') failed: Host
 '' is not allowed to connect to this
 server at D:\My Documents\Identry Shared\Operations\Stamp Center --
 website\database\ line 7

 After reading section 4.2.8 in the manual (Connecting to the MySQL
 Server), I am pretty sure this is a rights problem. The user I am
 to connect as has 'localhost' set in the Host field of both the 'user'
 and 'db' tables. There are no entries whatsoever in the 'host' table.

 What I want to do is to add the ability for my Perl program to connect
 as a certain user (call him 'bob') from a certain IP address.
 Unfortunately, all my attempts result block access from every host,
 localhost. Thus, even the webserver can't access the database.

 In desperation, I've even tried using '%' in the Host fields of both
 user  db tables. This doesn't work, either, so I'm obviously missing

 Any help much appreciated!

 Brgds: John

 Identry, LLC
 Northport, NY 11768

 Ph: 631.754.8440
 Fx: 631.980.4262

 Member: ASDA, APS, ANA, Ephemera Society
 of America, Long Island Web Developers Guild

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Re: remote connection

2003-11-06 Thread Curtis Maurand

Its a permissions thing on the server end.  You have to have set up a user
account on the server.  Very important are hostnames.


John Almberg said:
 I'm trying to set up a remote connection to a mysql database using Perl
 DBI. I have done this without problem on another database. I suspect the
 rights are set up differently on this one. I have root access.

 When I try to connect, I get the following error (hostname, username,
 password have been edited for the purpose of this email):

 DBI connect('database:host','user','password') failed: Host
 '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL
 server at D:\My Documents\Identry Shared\Operations\Stamp Center --
 website\database\ line 7

 After reading section 4.2.8 in the manual (Connecting to the MySQL
 Server), I am pretty sure this is a rights problem. The user I am trying
 to connect as has 'localhost' set in the Host field of both the 'user'
 and 'db' tables. There are no entries whatsoever in the 'host' table.

 What I want to do is to add the ability for my Perl program to connect
 as a certain user (call him 'bob') from a certain IP address.
 Unfortunately, all my attempts result block access from every host, even
 localhost. Thus, even the webserver can't access the database.

 In desperation, I've even tried using '%' in the Host fields of both
 user  db tables. This doesn't work, either, so I'm obviously missing

 Any help much appreciated!

 Brgds: John

 Identry, LLC
 Northport, NY 11768

 Ph: 631.754.8440
 Fx: 631.980.4262

 Member: ASDA, APS, ANA, Ephemera Society
 of America, Long Island Web Developers Guild

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Re: MySQL vs .NET

2003-11-04 Thread Curtis Maurand

.NET v. MySQL is not really a question.  The question your asking is .NET
v. J2EE.

MySQL doesn't care about the client as long as it communicates properly. 
There are ODBC drivers as well as JDBC drivers.  I think I've seen a C#
driver, but then its windows and ODBC/ADO or whatever they want to call
the technology this week should do fine.


Haydies said:
 You can get Native database drivers for Delphi to talk to MySQL your
 database back end makes no differance to any thing with Delphi

 God know what perl has to do with any thing totaly not the same
 thing as Delphi

 Soap supports every thing, soap is language independant... and is fairly
 cool. A bit like using CORBA and Delphi. Its only a XML based tansport
 layer, and its used by .NET as I am sure William knows. Delphi 8 has the
 best .Net support of any language, even better then VB and C++ but
 seeing as MS payed borland to implment it, thats not suprising

 I can how ever highly recomend soap, its exstreamly easy to use, though
 I havn't tried it from Delphi. Its all the same. Havn't done .Net at
 all other then the soap part, but if its like Corba (they do the same
 thing so it should be) then its bloody easy as well. Its all about
 remote objects. I would say though that Delphi isn't ideal for web
 services. Your better of thinking about a move to a more web based

 I loved Delphi for 8 years, but alas, these days PHP is much more fun,
 works well and is fast. If you do want to consider some thing other then
 Delphi to do your thing then PHP kicks the hell out of Perl Poor old
 Delphi is a dieing market here :-(

 Other then that, really, Delphi to MySQL is just like Delphi to Paradox,
 or Oracle or any thing else just get the drivers and off you go :-)

 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 12:56 PM
 Subject: Re: MySQL vs .NET

 : If you are using Perl, take a look at SOAP::Lite - do not let the name
 : fool you...   Combining this with Apache and
 mod_perl : and given Perl can directly interface with MySQL using Perl's
 DBI (and : also the countless other modules available on CPAN) we have
 found this : to be a very robust solution for a distributed and/or
 multi-tier system. : SOAP::Lite supports MS .Net clients using
 VB/VC++  since .Net is : pretty much MS's spin on the SOAP protocol, but
 there are some quirks... :
 : There are other SOAP variants for other languages like Java, Python, :
 etc...  but not sure how these stack up...
 : William IT wrote:
 :  I am using Delphi 7 and MySql 4.0.16, since MS release .Net
 technology and
 :  also Delphi 8 .Net to provide web services application, I want to
 know how
 :  to make a web services application using Mysql? Or is there similiar
 :  technology like .Net but using Mysql?
 : --
 : Bill Hess
 : Technology Resource Group
 : --
 : MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: IMAP server with MySQL as a storage for messages?

2003-10-23 Thread Curtis Maurand


On Wednesday 22 October 2003 13:29, the council of elders heard Apollo 
(Carmel Entertainment) mumble incoherently:
 I was wondering if there is an opensource mail server (IMAP, not
 POP) that would keep all the messages in a MySQL database, not in a
 regular file?

 Apolinaras Apollo Sinkevicius


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Re: MySQL powered MailServer

2003-09-25 Thread Curtis Maurand

Never heard of that one, you might try


On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Director General: NEFACOMP wrote:

 It seems the developpers are no longer doing any work on this server. Their
 website is empty:
 - Original Message -
 From: Luc Foisy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 19:51
 Subject: RE: MySQL powered MailServer
 Try here
 -Original Message-
 From: Director General: NEFACOMP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:18 PM
 Subject: MySQL powered MailServer
 Just wanted to know if anyone knows the status of the MySQL powered
 Mailserver found at
 NZEYIMANA Emery Fabrice
 NEFA Computing Services, Inc.
 P.O. Box 5078 Kigali
 Office Phone: +250-51 11 06
 Office Fax: +250-50 15 19
 Mobile: +250-08517768

Curtis Maurand

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Re: link broken

2003-07-21 Thread Curtis Maurand

Download mysqlcc instead.  It works much better and is easier to use.  
mysqlgui is deprecated as far as i know.


On Thursday 17 July 2003 18:08, Emanuele wrote:
 I have problem to download

 Is there some problem?


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Re: Select via Perl

2003-07-21 Thread Curtis Maurand

use DBI;

my $database = desired database;
my $dbhost = desired database host;
my $username = your username;
my $password = your password;
my $data_source = DBI:mysql:$database:$dbhost;
my $dbh = DBI-connect($data_source, $username, $password);
my $sourcefile = the name and path of the datafile you're trying to read;
my $sourcevar;
my $dbquery = select * from table where varialbe like %$sourcevar%;
my $resultset;
my $count;
open (MYSOURCE, $sourcefile);

while (MYSOURCE)
   $sourcevar = $_;

   while ($resultset = $sth-fetchrow())
   if ($resultset eq $sourcvar)
   # do something
  # do something else
# we're done.

Its not very efficient.  It'll execute a lot of select statements, but it'll 
do what you want.

if you're %var% is only one select, then you fetch it all into and array and 
recursively search through the array (memory permitting.)  You could also 
parse your source file into an array and run through both arrays recursively.  
I'm just not doing this here.

$myresult = $sth-fetchall_arrayref();
  while (MYSOURCE);
  $sourcevar = $_;
  for ($count .. $#{$myresult})
  if ($sourcevar eq $myresult[$count])
 # do something

# we're done

On Friday 18 July 2003 04:21, Rudy Metzger wrote:
 Can you please post the source code?

 In any case, I would consider using DBI.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ashwin Kutty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: donderdag 17 juli 2003 17:12
 Subject: Select via Perl

 I am trying to read a file and see if the contents of it exists in the
 or not and am trying to do it via a Select.

 I try to do a select * into outfile /tmp/result.txt from table where
 like %$var%; but it always goes through the first two lines of the
 file and then says the file already exists.

 Is this because I read each line of a file in a for loop in perl and the
 mysql query tries to recreate the outfile each time?  Is there any other
 way I can dump the results of the select to a file of some sort?


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Re: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL -- speed test

2003-07-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

MySQL has posted a very interesting comparison on their website.  It appears 
to be a reasonably fair evaluation.  PostgreSQL was faster than MySQL in some 
areas and MySQL was faster than PostgreSQL in most areas.

For speed with all of that functionality, I'd be more inclined to look at DB2 
rather than MSSQL since DB2 actually has security.  :-)


On Monday 14 July 2003 09:35, Jim Smith wrote:
  I agree with your opinion in 100%, but in my case I need DBMS with
  features like subselectes/utf-8/stored procedures but the
  speed is also
  very important issue.
  You might have to spend money!
 You are saying that there is DBMS with all this features and it is as
 fast as MySQL ?

 I don't know, but if there is, it is one you will have to pay for.
 In any case, speed is as much a matter of application design as a DBMS

 As a minor side issue, we did some _very limited_ testing with MS SQLServer
 2000 using unicode v ascii queries. Using unicode, queries tended to run at
 about half the speed compare to using ascii.
  This was client server, so it is likely that the increased network traffic
 is to blame, but bear it it mind.

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2003-07-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

there is a windows version of mysql.  However, I agree with this post as to 
have it all run on Linux would be cool.  There is also a Linux version of 
Cold Fusion.


On Tuesday 15 July 2003 14:15, Cory Lamle wrote:
 Contents are Direct Alliance Corporation CONFIDENTIAL


 I have setup all the environments you are talking about.

 CF with MS SQL is much easier to setup and get going than PHP and mysql.

 However I have see twice the speed and stability with my applications that
 are written in PHP and MYSQL.  I admit that struggling through all the
 setup can be cumbersome, but in the end it pays off.

 If you can get both PHP and MYSQL up on a Linux box even better.  I have
 been certified in CF and used it for over 4 years.  CF does have a rapid
 deployment phase and works well with mysql.  But I believe php has a much
 more robust set of function, system, and networking capability that CF.
 Plus the key. Is that it's all FREE...

 CF  + MS SQL + MS= $3000 +
 PHP + MYSQL + Linux  = Freedom  :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 9:24 AM
 Cc: MySQL-Lista
 Subject: RE: CF  MySQL

 Thanks Curtis, interesting indeed... presumably MySQL is in a different
 as CF runs off NT4 or is MySQL a win version?

 The reason I am asking is because a solution has been presented to me in CF
 MS SQL which I think will restrict future development and wondered whether
 a conversion to PHP and MySQL in the future be smooth or a waste of time.
 Not necessarily a full conversion but addons to the site at least.


 -Original Message-

 From: Curtis Maurand [mailto:Curtis Maurand]

 Sent: 15 July 2003 17:02
 Subject: Re: CF  MySQL
 Set up your ODBC DSN using the MyODBC driver.  Set up your database.


 your dsn as normal in cold fusion.  have fun.
 On Tuesday 15 July 2003 12:01, Andrew wrote:
  Hi All
  I've had a quick scoot about and could see anything about cold fusion
  and mysql is it possible to use this combination successfully if at all?
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Re: Anyone running Windows 2000?

2003-07-01 Thread Curtis Maurand

The only Windows webserver that I never had security problems with was
running apache, not iis.


 running mysql 3.23.56-nt and apache 1.23.-don't-know-exactly on windows
 2000 professional sp3 (going to upgrade to sp4 soon) - no problems by

 what's your question? :)

 ··· yves at

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Ola Ogunneye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003 21:39
 Betreff: Anyone running Windows 2000?

 Is anyone out there running mysql with Apache and php on windows 2000?
 If you are out there, please respond and hopefully you may be able to
 help me. I see that most of the posts are geared towards unix/solaris.

 I am a newbie that needs help.


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Re: Anyone had a chance to try an Opteron yet?

2003-06-26 Thread Curtis Maurand

I'd be interested to see what happens when MySQL gets run on a G5.  
SPECint and SPECfp numbers look very good.  there is an 8GB RAM limit on 
it, though.


On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 05:37:24PM -0400, Curtis Maurand wrote:
  Linux compiled on an opteron and targeted for it will lose the 2-gig 
  process limit.  the 2-gig number is based on a 32 bit integer.  You now 
  would a have 64 bit integer (5 Quintillion as an unsigned integer. :-)).
  Imagine the 10GB database in memory, plus the temp and heap tables and the 
  indexes.  Lets not forget about the ability to have large heap tables, 
  too.  Life gets very interesting in the 64 bit space, especially since 
  IA64's aren't exactly plentiful.  As soon as I can afford one, I'm buying 
  one.  I'm very interesting.
 Yeah, the operton should kick major ass with MySQL and sufficient
 memory. :-)

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Problem setting/activating password

2003-06-26 Thread Curtis Maurand

mysqladmin -uroot -ppassword reload


On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

 I am created a user by using:
 I did this from the mysql command line tool, logged in
 as root. The command succeeds and the new user is
 created in the mysql.user table, but the password does
 not work. I can only use this new user if I use a
 empty string password (no password).
 I also tried to do the SET PASSWORD afterwords, no
 luck. I then tried the Windows GUI / Administration to
 grant access and then set the password, but again,
 only an empty string password is accepted.
 I am using mysql 4.0.13.
 How do I actually get the password validation to be
 activated and instruct the server that the new user
 must provide his password?
 Do you Yahoo!?
 SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Curtis Maurand

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RE: Getting the unique auto-increment primary key after an insert

2003-06-24 Thread Curtis Maurand

last_insert_id() returns the last auto-increment your connection.  Another 
connection might make an insert and the auto-increment may change between 
the time you insert and get your last_insert_id();


On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Matt Hyne wrote:

 I found it but I wasn't sure if it could be changed between my INSERT
 and the SELECT LAST..() by another instance of my application.
 I'll suck-it-and-see !
  The good ol' LAST_INSERT_ID() function is what you probably need.
 Check it
  out in manual.
  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Hyne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:58 AM
  Subject: Getting the unique auto-increment primary key after an
  Hi Folks, needs a little advice.
  I have a table that contains a unique auto-incrementing primary key
  called 'id' (eg 1,2,3,4...).   When inserting data, I let mySQL
  the value that goes into this field.
  Now I want to insert a new row into this table and get the 'id' value
  that mySQL has allocated (so I can then do some more work such as
  attaching a filename called 'id'.xxx).
  Can someone suggest a good way to do this ?  I thought of maybe doing
  SELECT MAX(id) FROM table first and then using id+1 as the new 'id'
  for the next entry but this is frought with danger as someone could
  along and insert a new entry between my SELECT and INSERT.
  Because 'id' is the only guaranteed unique column, I cannot think of
  way to do a SELECT after an INSERT to get back the 'id' of the last
 thing inserted.
  Can anyone help ?
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Curtis Maurand

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Re: Anyone had a chance to try an Opteron yet?

2003-06-24 Thread Curtis Maurand

Linux compiled on an opteron and targeted for it will lose the 2-gig 
process limit.  the 2-gig number is based on a 32 bit integer.  You now 
would a have 64 bit integer (5 Quintillion as an unsigned integer. :-)).

Imagine the 10GB database in memory, plus the temp and heap tables and the 
indexes.  Lets not forget about the ability to have large heap tables, 
too.  Life gets very interesting in the 64 bit space, especially since 
IA64's aren't exactly plentiful.  As soon as I can afford one, I'm buying 
one.  I'm very interesting.


On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, David Griffiths wrote:

 I'm surprised there is not more interest in this; is it that not many work
 with large-ish (10+ gig) databases that need high-end performance?
 A 64-bit CPU won't have the 4-gig memory limit that a 32-bit processor will;
 even worse, Linux is apparently limited to about a 2-gig process.
 SuSe Enterprise Linux supports 512-gigabyte processes with 16 processors.
 Imagine 10 gigabyte database all in memory.
 Even better, larger file sizes - no more 2-gig files. Max file size is
 9-Exabytes ( 9 followed by 18 0's ). All the posts I see about people
 trying to get around the 2 gig file limit should be really excitied.
 I guess I'm just surprised by lack of interest. I've been bugging our CTO
 once a week about this, and hopefully should have a server on my desk by mid
 summer to late fall.
 If you're interested, SuSe has a good PDF on AMD64 and SuSe Enterprise Linux
 Anyone have some practical experience with the software and hardware?

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Can someone interpert this log....

2003-06-20 Thread Curtis Maurand

No route to host is a TCP/IP connection thing.  Check your settings.


TheMechE said:

 Here's the log.  Retrying...

 Moving info for table LogOutputStats
 Setting fields and metadata.
 Using original table.
 Tracking field is ResRefID
 Starting transfer.

 As the Pharoh says... Ye who can interpert my dreams will become second
 greatest in the LAAANNND
 All the rest of you will get thrown to the lions oh wait... that
 was Babylon...
 lol.. either way... Howsa-Boutsa-Help?

 SQL main contains 1828128 records.
 Deleted 342644 from mySQL table.
 There was an error in updating table LogOutputStats.
 ERROR - java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure:
 Removing records...
 Could not remove records.
 java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure:  NOTE This exception is a Comm failure
 with MySQL

 Moving info for table LoggingParameters
 There was an error in updating table LoggingParameters.
 ERROR - com.inet.tds.SQLException: No route to host: connect
 Removing records...
 Could not remove records.
 com.inet.tds.SQLException: No route to host: connect
  NOTE this filure is a comm failure wis MSSQL

 Moving info for table RuleIndexStats
 There was an error in updating table RuleIndexStats.
 ERROR - com.inet.tds.SQLException: No route to host: connect
 Removing records...
 Could not remove records.
 com.inet.tds.SQLException: No route to host: connect

 Moving info for table RuleStrengthStats
 There was an error in updating table RuleStrengthStats.
 ERROR - com.inet.tds.SQLException: No route to host: connect
 Removing records...
 Could not remove records.
 com.inet.tds.SQLException: No route to host: connect
 Total time 00:54:50
 The connections are still live.  You may
 enter additional fields or close the window.

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Re: Machine requirements

2003-06-14 Thread Curtis Maurand

methinks you have other troubles.  i've been running MySQL on K6II-266 for
a long time and its been running fine serving up several databases with
multiple users.  512MB of RAM currently but it had only 128 until
recently.  Its running Linux (RedHat 7.2).  I recently switched to 4.03,
but it had been running 3.23.nn for quite some time with no difficulties.
I recently upgraded the machine to a K6II-500.  I also have another
machine running a Duron 1GHz along with DNS and Sendmail its also working
quite nicely.


blackrat said:
 I've just started using mySql. I'm an experience programmer with SQL
 based  database, but know nothing about mySql. I'm setting up a single
 user  database to be accessed with some Perl programs, with one main
 table, which  will contain about 3 million lines. I'm running on an
 Athlon 1250 with  384meg ram, and finding the response time too slow.

 Just getting a count of the number of records by typing in an SQL query
  [not using Perl] takes over a minute, also when access is going on, I
 can't  do anything else on them machine like access the web, it becomes
 too  slow to be usable.

 Am I better setting up the database on another computer and accessing
 it  through TCP/IP. I have available a spare machine which is a Celeron

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Re: PHP, MySQL and Apache

2003-06-14 Thread Curtis Maurand

You need to recompile PHP against the 4.0.nn headers.


Subscriptions said:
 The httpd.conf connects PHP to Apache.  What connects PHP to MySQL?

 I've looked through google and I can't find anything that makes since
 to me. Can someone point me in a direction as to where I can find this

 The problem I'm having is I have PHP 4.3.2, MySQL 4.0.13 and Apache
 2.0.46. I have a page that is trying to connect to MySQL via PHP.  The
 error is:

 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
 /var/www/html/ on line 8

 The code on line 8 is:

 $link = mysql_connect( localhost, user, password ) or

 I can log on through mysql at a telnet prompt with the database, user
 and password.



 When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear
 the government there is tyranny.
 -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and author (1743-1826)

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Re: PHP, MySQL and Apache

2003-06-14 Thread Curtis Maurand

actually, its worse.  upon re-reading you need to compile in the mysql
drivers for mysql.

configure --with-mysql=path to mysql include files


Subscriptions said:
 The httpd.conf connects PHP to Apache.  What connects PHP to MySQL?

 I've looked through google and I can't find anything that makes since
 to me. Can someone point me in a direction as to where I can find this

 The problem I'm having is I have PHP 4.3.2, MySQL 4.0.13 and Apache
 2.0.46. I have a page that is trying to connect to MySQL via PHP.  The
 error is:

 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
 /var/www/html/ on line 8

 The code on line 8 is:

 $link = mysql_connect( localhost, user, password ) or

 I can log on through mysql at a telnet prompt with the database, user
 and password.



 When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear
 the government there is tyranny.
 -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and author (1743-1826)

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Re: soft real-time database

2003-06-14 Thread Curtis Maurand

If you have the sgi_fam, you could place a file in a directoy everytime
you add a row.  the sgi_fam module would inform your app that there was a
change on the filesystem.  When the notification is made, your app can
then get the new value from the database.

I believe that one user suggested that you have a status flag for a row.
Your app could reset the flag when it retrieves the row.

record_status enum(0,1);

$time = select now() from table;
select * from table where record_status = 1;
update records set status = 0 where timestamp_column  $time;


Chris Webster said:
 Curtis Maurand wrote:
 What's the client running on?

 Not the same machine as the server.  Could either be a windows or
 linux box across ethernet.


Curtis Maurand wrote:

I'd write a perl script to pool the device and send the data to the

Sorry for not being clearer.  I can get the data into the database
fine.  Assuming new values or rows are added once per second, how
would a client program go about polling the database to see when a new
 value was ready?  Check # of rows for a column and when it's
incremented grab the latest value?

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Re: soft real-time database

2003-06-13 Thread Curtis Maurand

What's the client running on?


On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Chris Webster wrote:

 Curtis Maurand wrote:
  I'd write a perl script to pool the device and send the data to the 
 Sorry for not being clearer.  I can get the data into the database 
 fine.  Assuming new values or rows are added once per second, how 
 would a client program go about polling the database to see when a new 
 value was ready?  Check # of rows for a column and when it's 
 incremented grab the latest value?

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Thousands of users? Newbie question

2003-06-12 Thread Curtis Maurand

I think that I would code it into my application.  Essentially, I would 
set up Agents on your end so that your customer service folks can set up 
companies and administrative users for those companies.  Then let the 
companies handle their own users.  Each company would have a database 
password and a username/password combo to access their admin section of 
the website.


On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, wrote:

 Hi Guys,
 I intend my online database to be used by 100 or so companies each with up
 to 100 employees.  Each of these employees may add data as required.  I
 don't want to assign one password for an entire company, in case one
 disgruntled ex-employee decides to post erroneous data.
 So presumably I need to issue each employee a username and password, then
 remove this when the employee leaves the company (or grant an admin for that
 company permission to do it).
 My questions are :
 How is the username and password issue best handled when so many potential
 users are involved?
 Should a username and password be added to the web form used to add data?
 Should I just use .htaccess to grant usernames and passwords so no
 unauthorized user can access the submission form in the first place?
 Which is less resource hungry?

Curtis Maurand

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Re: mySQL GUIs

2003-06-12 Thread Curtis Maurand

PHPMyAdmin  Support for MySQL 4.1 is starting to appear.  Runs on a 
webserver and just gets it done.  (Though I still use mysqlcc, too.)  I 
find that mysqlcc runs better if you compile it yourself.  You also get 
more themes. ;-)


On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Justin wrote:

 Anybody have any recommendations for one that runs on Mac OS X?
 On 6/12/03 9:21 AM, Adam Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I like MySQL Manager - it costs a bit of money, but I find it
  It runs on Windows AND Linux.  I'll be switching to the linux version in
  about two weeks, so I'll tell you how well it works.
  -Original Message-
  From: Knepley, Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:00 PM
  To: Rodolphe Toots; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: mySQL GUIs
  I'm a big fan of Scibit's Mascon
  -Original Message-
  From: Rodolphe Toots [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:17 AM
  Subject: mySQL GUIs
  i am looking for a good mySQL gui for windows
  i have used mySQL front, which was an excellent free program,
  but i did
  not handle relations and diagrams. also the program is no longer being
  i have now found the prog mySQL tools ( and
  mySQL explorer that works almost as enterprise manager for MS SQL
  server. it even creates database diagrams with relations as in
  enterprise manager! only backdraw is that this program is not
  free, but
  it is the best i have ever seen so far
  is there anyone out there that knows of a program that is
  freeware/shareware and is good (like mySQL tools)?

Curtis Maurand

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Re: Which version do I install?

2003-06-12 Thread Curtis Maurand
x86  IA64 is Itanium.


On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Jason wrote:

 I am used to using P3 and P4 machines with the x86 download.
 I just got myself a Dual Xeon 2.60 Ghz machine.  Does this still use the x86 
 download, or is there a better binary to use (ie
 Any other tips for someone new to the Xeon chip family with linux would be nice too.

Curtis Maurand

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Re: soft real-time database

2003-06-12 Thread Curtis Maurand

I'd write a perl script to pool the device and send the data to the 


On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Becoming Digital wrote:

 If I interpret correctly, you'd like to to read sensor data (not in ASCII
 format) as FLOATs and insert it into a database on the fly without an
 intermediary.  While this may be possible, perhaps there's a better solution.
 I would suggest reading the data to a file (which you must be able to do any
 way) for the duration of your test.  When the test is complete, parse the data
 and do a batch insert into the database.  MySQL will report the number of rows
 recorded, which can act as your polling system.
 If you are able to provide more details about your application, perhaps we can
 be of more help.  Most significant is likely the data format coming from your
 Edward Dudlik
 Becoming Digital
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 12 June, 2003 11:46
 Subject: soft real-time database
I'm new to databases, but I am considering one for soft real-time
 data recording of scientific data.  Then any client/display program
 can grab data.
 I'll be recording 300-500 variables/columns per second for about 10
 hours at a stretch.  All variables are floats.
 a)  Is there a way to insert/write floats to the DB without converting
 to ASCII first?  Seems expensive.
 b)  I'm still wading through the documentation, but what would be the
 prefered method for polling to see if a new row has been written?  I
 assume there is no notification process available from the server
 TIA for any pointers.
 I don't approve of political jokes.
 I've seen too many of them get elected.
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Curtis Maurand

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Re: Can't insert data from Apache/PHP

2003-06-11 Thread Curtis Maurand
On Tuesday 10 June 2003 22:49, CM Miller wrote:

 globals back to ON.

 Sorry, but I am a bit behind on MySQL digest, but
 isn't turning Register Globals 'on' for php a security

Yes.  He needs to take a look at the documentation on the PHP website.  I also 
sent instructions on how to make things work by reading the $_POST and $_GET 
and $_SERVER variables.  I also have a couple of code snippets to remove 
other potential offending characters from input.


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Re: Which database?

2003-06-10 Thread Curtis Maurand

there's a pretty good comparison on the MySQL website and they were quite 
fair about it.  MySQL has been adding features slowly because, above all, 
they don't want to sacrifice performance for the feature.  Each database 
has its strengths.  The bottom line is that you need to figure out just 
what your requirements are and then see which database suites your needs.  
If you need to work with extremely large databases (multi GB) I would go 
with MySQL.  It scales to large files extremely well.

Curtis Maurand

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Becoming Digital wrote:

 You're on the MySQL list, so expect biased answers.
 Both certainly have their merits.  PostgreSQL is currently more advanced, at
 least if you go by their claims.  Hoever, there seems to be much less support
 for PostgreSQL than MySQL, be it from books or other users.  While I expect to
 use PostgreSQL at some point in time, if only for curiousity's sake, I'm glad I
 started with MySQL.
 Edward Dudlik
 Becoming Digital
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, 10 June, 2003 07:38
 Subject: Which database?
 I am fairly new to databases, but my boss has assigned me to choose a
 database system for our company. I know of Oracle databases but they are
 way too expensive so it's not an option for us. I did some research and
 came up with two free database systems that seemed to be more popular -
 MySQL and PostgreSQL. The problem is that I can't make a decision
 between the two because I have practically no experience. Some say MySQL
 is easier to use, some say PostgreSQL is more robust etc. Most articles
 seem to celarly favor one or the other. It is very hard to find an
 objective comparison. And I have to explain my boss why I chose either
 one. So perhaps some of you can give me some reasons why to choose MySQL
 over Postgre.
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Curtis Maurand

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Re: Loading database information from a text file.

2003-06-09 Thread Curtis Maurand

from a command prompt mysqldump -opt database dumpfile


On Sunday 08 June 2003 02:59, JeRRy wrote:
 Okay thanks.

 One last thing.

 From the mysql prompt how can I generate a database
 backup?  (So I can see the database setup in notepad
 so I can backup and transfer easily online.)


  --- Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  At 14:52

 +1000 6/8/03, JeRRy wrote:
  I have a text file with all my database information
  create databases to setting up tables.  I have
  throught the mysql docs onto how to load these on
  the mysql prompt.  But all I can find is:
  load data infile filename.txt into table whatever
  But this is not what I am looking for. :(  As the
  tables are already defined in the text file and the
  appropiate database name to enter them into.
  Is there a way to load these into the database
  directly instead of doing each table seperately
  the mysql prompt? (not web admin)
  Thanks in advance.
  Kind Regards,
  Do you mean that the text file contains SQL
  If so, you can execute them like this:
  mysql  filename
  or maybe (if you don't select the database within
  the file):
  mysql dbname  filename
  Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
  Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  Are you MySQL certified? - Yahoo! Mobile
 - Check  compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile.

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Re: Mysql language

2003-06-07 Thread Curtis Maurand
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Bruce Feist wrote:

 Heikki Tuuri wrote:
 InnoDB is totally C, MySQL half C++ and half C, with a few hundred lines of
 x86 Assembler.
 Oh?  I thought that MySQL ran on Mac OSX as well as various Intel platforms.

It does.  I'm sure the x86 assembler is replaced on other platforms.



Curtis Maurand

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL versus Color Images

2003-06-07 Thread Curtis Maurand

What you want is usually coded into your application.  Pick your language 
and have fun.  :-)  Sorting is done via the query that you use against 
your db.


On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, David Blomstrom wrote:

 I joined this list some time ago, but I still haven't had time to really 
 start learning MySQL yet. I just wanted to ask a couple questions while 
 they're fresh in my mind:
 1. Can you point me to some good examples of online MySQL-driven tables 
 that offer visitors sortable columns and rows - especially any that offer 
 visitors a choice of HOW they want to sort them?
 2. Can MySQL tables also incorporate style sheet attributes, regulating the 
 cell background colors/images, font type, etc.?
 You can see an example of what I'm getting ready to tackle at The second and third tables each have 
 rows representing several Central American nations and several nations in 
 the Caribbean. The nation's names are followed by the names of animals, 
 which can in turn be divided into mammals, birds and reptiles. These are 
 JavaScript-driven sortable columns that visitors can arrange alphabetically.
 I also got some good pointers from studying this page -
 After I get a handle on this, I think I'll be ready to finally jump into 
 MySQL. As you can see, I'm making heavy use of colors and background images 
 in an attempt to make these tables attractive and informative. (I forgot if 
 I mentioned it on my web page, but you can choose style sheets if you're 
 using a Mozilla browser.) I just wanted to know if I can retain the colors 
 and background images if I convert this to a MySQL table.
 P.S. I have perused , and I found 
 the answers to many of my other questions there.

Curtis Maurand

MySQL General Mailing List
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2003-06-06 Thread Curtis Maurand

Oooh, just dawned on my.  On the windows side there is a gui front end
called mysqlfront which uses ODBC to talk to multiple databases.  It will
pull the data from a mssql server and move it to a mysql server.  I haven't
used it against a mssql server, but I did use it against an access database
and it worked quite well.


Karma Dorji said:
 Is there is utility which is free to convert ms SQL 7.0 running on
 windows NT into a mySQL format, i would be very grateful if someone in
 here could help me out.


 - Original Message -
 From: Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 2:53 PM
 Subject: Re: start innodb without transactions


 please send me your my.cnf. How big is the combined size of your log

 MySQL/InnoDB-4.0.9, January 14, 2003

 Fixed a bug: if the combined size of InnoDB log files was = 2 GB in a
 32-bit computer, InnoDB would write log in a wrong position. That
 crash recovery and InnoDB Hot Backup to fail.

 In the first printout:

  InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
  InnoDB: log sequence number 13 1000286684
  InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 13

 looks like InnoDB is not able to scan the log file at all, not even up
 to the checkpoint!

  InnoDB: log sequence number 13 1002344016
  InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 13

 The same in the next printout. It has written some 2 MB more log but
 after a crash scan the log at all!

 The failing assertion checks when freeing a BLOB or TEXT field that
 its length is right:

 if (extern_len - part_len == 0) {
 ut_a(next_page_no == FIL_NULL);

 This could be:

 1) a bug in InnoDB's log writing;
 2) hardware fault, broken disk;
 3) serious corruption of the OS file system.

 If InnoDB fails to scan lots of log in crash recovery, it means that
 the resulting database may have very extensive corruption. That can
 some of your tables are not visible at all.

 There is little hope of recovering your tables. You should resort to a
 backup and upgrade to 4.0.13. Then do some heavy processing, for
 table import, and crash mysqld artificially by

 killall -9 mysqld

 Look then if InnoDB is able to scan the log in crash recovery.

 Best regards,

 Heikki Tuuri
 Innobase Oy
 Transactions, foreign keys, and a hot backup tool for MySQL
 Order MySQL technical support from

 - Original Message -
 From: Carlos Proal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 7:41 AM
 Subject: Re: start innodb without transactions

  Probably i need to describe the whole story:
  I did a huge insert, a file about 100Mb, and mysql
  err file showed:
  030605 12:11:59  mysqld restarted
  030605 12:12:00  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally.
  InnoDB: Starting recovery from log files...
  InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
  InnoDB: log sequence number 13 1000286684
  InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 13
  1000286208 InnoDB: Last MySQL binlog file position 0 756499, file
  030605 12:12:01  InnoDB: Flushing modified pages from the buffer
  pool... 030605 12:12:01  InnoDB: Started
  /centia01/final/database/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
  030605 12:14:01  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
  InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
  InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
  InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
  InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
  mysqld got signal 10;
  This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this
  or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly
  or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning
  We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
  the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is
  definitely wrong
  and this may fail.
  It is possible that mysqld could use up to
  key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size +
  bytes of memory
  Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
  (i have 256Mb in buffer pool) But the next restart stopped mysql
  030605 12:14:30  mysqld restarted
  030605 12:14:32  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally.

Re: AW: InterBase vs. Mysql

2003-02-18 Thread Curtis Maurand

You can require GPL components without having to distribute them.  That way
you don't have to support them, either.


Ben Clewett said:

 BTW, I have cleared purchacing licences with my own people, and we do
 not have a problem.  Neither do I not like MySQL, I do.

 The licence model you have supports a model similar to that of Oricle.
 Large, small quantity, expensive products.  We are at the opposite end.

  Small low cost products which are Shareware, or low cost.  (Even
 Shareware needs a MySQL Licence.)  In this case the MySQL licence is up
  to 200% of the cost of the product.  You say it's cheep...  It is for
 one.  I need hundreds/thousands.  The licences also cannot be purchaced
  without an expensive support contract.  You gues are too good, I don't
  need one :)

 To be fare, you do discounts for low cost software.  But if only $10 on
  5000 products is still the difference between hiring, or firing, a

 Is this case, you can say, 'Well, f*** off then', and we will.  But
 there are a lot more small companies than large ones.  There may be a
 time when one too many companies are using, say, SapDB, and MySQL
 becomes a backwater...

 The MS model is not the same as everybody has this and paid for it,
 often without evern knowing it.  Even if, like me, I wipe it and
 install  something else.

 I feal I am digging my self a grave here, so this will be about my last
  ever posting...  Either that or your mailing administrator will start
 bouncing my mail


 Rusch (ext) Reiner wrote:
 Hi Ben,

 I'm not sure what you really want to sell.
 If you have to take a license from MySQL because of a commercial use,
 you just have to take ONE license.
 Correct me, if I'm wrong!
 If you want to sell your programs etc. which uses MySQL then see it in
 another way:
 Firstly MySQL isn't very expensive in my opinion.
 If your client wants to buy your programs then he has to buy a license
 (when his way is a commercial one).
 So this would be a must that your client has to take.
 But, if you would sell programs based on Microsoft Windows, what would
 be the difference?
 None! Your client would need to have a valid license on this OS! But
 would you say, Microsofts Windows (for example!) would be bad just
 because it's difficult to tell your client that he NEED'S windows to
 run your work? NO, you wouldn't! Perhaps because everyone has
 windows. But why to think in another way about MySQL?
 I think this isn't fair!!!


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Re: Row numbers

2003-02-16 Thread Curtis Maurand

just as:

$myquery = select * from sometable;
$myresult = mysql_query($myquery, $mysql_link);
$rows = $mysql_fetch_array($myresult)
$count = 1;
while ($rows)
 print( trtd$count/tdtd$rows[0]/tdtd$rows[1]/td.../tr

I would do the same thing in perl, C++, or Java.


On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Michael T. Babcock wrote:

 Luc Foisy wrote:
 I didn't say it had nothing to do with the data, I said it had nothing to do with 
the data in the database.
 I'm making the assumption as a DBA that _all_ the data relevant is in 
 the database; so the comment I made was equivalent to the above.
 As I said, sure I could make external functions to do the job. But why? (I did 
because I have no choice at the moment)
 If the row number is not _used_ but only for show, it _shouldn't_ be 
 done by the database to properly sequester and segment your data and 
 program models.  However, if you're going to use that row number in any 
 way (like: lia href=/showdetails.php?id=$rowid$row data/a/li) 
 then it should be an auto_increment value from the database itself 
 (although you may very well display a fake programmatically generated ID 
 as well).
 1. There are a lot of functions that return values that have nothing to do with 
data contained in the database. Math functions for one, they calculate return values 
using data that is in the database. And many many other functions. Why not one more.
 They calculate results based on data in the database; the row number is 
 a meta-value.  Unless its a _rowid type value, you're talking about a 
 cosmetic value that isn't data-related.
 In the 4.x series the developers implemented SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS(), 
something that could just have easily been handled by external programming...
 Those values can be useful within a query though.  Also, someone may 
 have paid for those features (hint).
 3. Going through the archives, I have seen many many people ask for it.
 Most of those people are now using the methods everyone else on here has 
 described because they're correct.  Lots of people have asked for other 
 things that may never be done by the MySQL team as well.
 4. Those numbers probably already exist, how else does it ORDER BY, it has to put 
the results in an array of some kind
 I have my doubts, I bet they don't exist :)
 For a pseudo-php example:
 $results = Select(id, name from names order by name limit $start, 
 print ol;
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results))
 ? lia href=showdetail.php?id=?php echo $row['id'] ??php echo 
 $row['name'] ?/a/li ?php
 echo /ol
 You'll see how the 'ol' tag provides me with numbered results up to the 
 number of $maxperpage on each display, but I use the actual unique ID 
 value from the database as a reference value.  The 'ol' values are just 
 as easily put in the PHP itself, of course, since they have nothing to 
 do with the data (no association to that data).

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Re: encrypted password

2003-02-16 Thread Curtis Maurand

Point well taken.  I will do remotes that way.  


On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Michael T. Babcock wrote:

 Curtis Maurand wrote:
 need to encrypt data and then retrieve it later (credit card data).  I could
 probably pass it through and md5 or des function via openssl I suppose and
 then store it.  Perl and PHP both have functions to handle that.
 Just to be a security nut, you shouldn't use the encryption functions in 
 MySQL at all unless you're always connecting (guaranteed) to the server 
 as localhost (and always will be).  You should always do your 
 encryption/decryption/hashing in your program and then do the queries 
 based on that data.  Download a copy of mcrypt and mhash and you'll see 
 that they're quite easy to use.  openssl is another option if you feel 
 so inclined.
 For example:
 $pass = ...;
 $pass_md5 = md5sum($pass);
 mysql_query('update users set password = $pass_md5 where id = $id');
 $res = mysql_query('select password from users where id = $id');
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
 if ($row['password'] != $pass_md5) die(Bad password);
 This way, the data going over the MySQL link is already secure before it 
 goes over your network or leaves your program.

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Re: encrypted password

2003-02-16 Thread Curtis Maurand

However, I currently have a need to extract and decode that data.  I need 
a two way function.


On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Michael T. Babcock wrote:

 Curtis Maurand wrote:
 need to encrypt data and then retrieve it later (credit card data).  I could
 probably pass it through and md5 or des function via openssl I suppose and
 then store it.  Perl and PHP both have functions to handle that.
 Just to be a security nut, you shouldn't use the encryption functions in 
 MySQL at all unless you're always connecting (guaranteed) to the server 
 as localhost (and always will be).  You should always do your 
 encryption/decryption/hashing in your program and then do the queries 
 based on that data.  Download a copy of mcrypt and mhash and you'll see 
 that they're quite easy to use.  openssl is another option if you feel 
 so inclined.
 For example:
 $pass = ...;
 $pass_md5 = md5sum($pass);
 mysql_query('update users set password = $pass_md5 where id = $id');
 $res = mysql_query('select password from users where id = $id');
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
 if ($row['password'] != $pass_md5) die(Bad password);
 This way, the data going over the MySQL link is already secure before it 
 goes over your network or leaves your program.

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Re: encrypted password

2003-02-14 Thread Curtis Maurand

I came to the same conclusion today after reading the docs again.  I would
prefer the des_encode if I need to get things back out of it, but since I'm
running 3.23.55, the des_encode function is not available to me.  I have a
need to encrypt data and then retrieve it later (credit card data).  I could
probably pass it through and md5 or des function via openssl I suppose and
then store it.  Perl and PHP both have functions to handle that.


Tonu Samuel said:
 On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 15:39, Curtis Maurand wrote:

 The manual suggests that the password function is really for intenal
 mysql  functions.  Ideally you should use the encode or md5_encode

 update user set password=encode('password', 'salt') where user =

 Unless manual does not say, what method is used for encode(), I would
 prefer MD5() which is known to be good enough.

 I remember something about encode from source code. If I remember
 properly it was home-made algorithm and home-made algorithms are
 always known to be keep-away algorithms.

 If you need security, always hire expert to analyze your needs and
 suggest exact ways to improve it. Even smaller mistake can void all
 efforts to secure something. Most security problems I have seen are
 results of doing security without knowing about topic. Often they lead
 to headlines as it was in CNN few months ago: hackers stoled credit
 reports of 15000 people.

 Use MD5() for one-way hashing where result never needs to be decrypted
 (usually passwords)
 Use DES_ENCRYPT() for encrypting data if you want to decrypt it at some
 Surely do not use PASSWORD() anywhere.


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Re: I can't make user from the MySQL Control center

2003-02-13 Thread Curtis Maurand

The control center doesn't have a command to flush the tables or reload the
user tables.  So the new user won't have access until you do:

mysqladmin -u some user with authority -ppassword -hyour db host


Stefan Hinz said:

 I just have installed the MySQL on a Suse linux.
 I would like to administrate it from Win2k with MySQL Control Center
 0.8.9 beta. But I can't make new user in the control center.

 Obviously, you're logged in to the MySQL server as a user who doesn't
 have the privileges to create new users.

 If you're connecting from your notebook with an IP that never changes,
 you can (logged in via localhost as MySQL root user) grant the
 necessary privileges:


 Assuming is your notebook's IP.

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Re: encrypted password

2003-02-11 Thread Curtis Maurand

The manual suggests that the password function is really for intenal mysql 
functions.  Ideally you should use the encode or md5_encode functions.

update user set password=encode('password', 'salt') where user = 


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Natale Babbo wrote:

 try to use the password() function.
 update user set password=password('your_psw') where
  --- Jianping Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  
  I have mysql in a redhat machine. I need to use
  mysql do user
  authentication to a website.
  I have a table like following.
  | username | passwd   |
  | jianping | jian1830 |
  | chichi   | jian1830 |
  I want the passwd field not to be plain text but
  encrypted. how can i do
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Re: MySQL IMAP Server

2003-02-11 Thread Curtis Maurand

Courier IMAP can.


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Paul DuBois wrote:

 At 17:26 + 2/4/03, Ben Clewett wrote:
 My first post, please go easy if this is the wrong pleace!
 I'm trying to find an IMAP server which used MySQL so that my 
 Mozilla Email client can file it's email a little faster.
 Has anybody heard of such a device?
 I believe the Horde IMP server uses MySQL:
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Re: stored procedures and triggers

2002-09-05 Thread Curtis Maurand

I have to agree here.If one doesn't know the schema and has to figure
out how to locate keys in related tables, then one's not paying too much
attention to the constructs of the data set.  Lets not forget joins, eh?

What network traffic?  The list of tables?  How much traffic is there in a
query/result set when finding a key? The table structures?  We're not
talking about MB's of keys.  We're talking about a couple KB's even on a
very large data set.  HTTP requests to the intranet server for each little
graphic file will generates more chat than you'll generate with your query.
 The query is sent to the machine running dbms and it returns a result set.
 This isn't like you're using Microsoft Access or DBase/Foxpro where the
query is executed by the client against a remote file forcing all that data
to be transferred back and forth using a chatty protocol like NetBIOS over
IP. Even though you haven't installed NetBIOS on your Win2K/XP/9n/ME box,
its still there (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) and is the primary method of
connection(less) between Windows machines.  Even the MySQL ODBC connector
uses pure TCP/IP on port 3306

non secure network?   SSH is your friend.

Curtis Maurand
Maine Line Systems

 That's only if you access it directly from client.

 What I was talking about is AppServer sitting next to MySQL
 server. Preferably on the same computer.
 Agree that for some cascade actions triggers are very useful.

 But most of the folks just try to push all business logic
 into sp/triggers.
 And that's better to do in AppServer for large-scale apps.

So it's strange when the initial poster said that they are
 core of his development. Because they shouldn't be.



 I don't agreed Yuri. triggers and sp are really useful and make the
 run faster. Think on this: the user is trying to delete a record on a
 The primary key of that table is present in several other tables in
 database. Before deleting the record you should search in every table
 the primary key to be deleted, and if you find it the record couldn't

 Well, with triggers and sp, all the job of opening every related table
 look for the primary key will take place in the server, minimizing
 time and
 network traffic.

 Without triggers and sp, you have to manually code the process and
 table you open is a request to the server and data navigating trough
 network. The process is slower and more vulnerable in a non secure

 In an Internet environment triggers and sp take more importance.

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Re: email marketing software

2002-08-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

That is CRM software.  Its quite similar to saleslogix, though I did
not see anything about storing attachments for a customer.  It
otherwise looks very, very cool.

- Original Message -
To: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: email marketing software

 I'm not too sure what u want exactly... but I found this a few days
 check it out...

 - Original Message -
 From: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 16 August, 2002 11:02 AM
 Subject: email marketing software

  My bad about the subject line .
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: Transactions not supported by database - Perl
   Anyone know of an email marketing software suite that works well
   on the
   I've seen stuff that works with ODBC db connectivity but I'm not
   in moving to MS SQL or Access.
   Any feedback is appreciated
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Re: email marketing software

2002-08-15 Thread Curtis Maurand

I apologized to Mark in private for my blast that was also private.
Sorry to take up the bandwidth.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: email marketing software

 Hey Curtis -

 Calm down  -  I never said anything about spamming. I'm working on a
 project that sends target opt-in mailings. I am a regular user of
this list
 and MySQL and was asking a LEGITIMATE question. You must be waiting
to blast
 people when you think they're asking something other than a
hard-core  SQL
 or development issue. Go blow your steam somewhere else.

 Thanks to those who have responded.


 - Original Message -
 From: Curtis Maurand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 9:35 PM
 Subject: Re: email marketing software

  I hope your kidding.  You're actually asking for help to spam
  In this environment.  Should I ban your domain, now and save the
  trouble of having to deal with the spam later?  Its taken me a
  of years to finally get a handle on the spam and I still don't
have it
  all.  Since I have a rule that says any mail to
  to a folder before the filter that says anything with email
  marketing in the body is the only reason that this email didn't
  up in the junkmail folder.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 9:02 PM
  Subject: email marketing software
   My bad about the subject line .
   - Original Message -
   From: Mark Stringham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 6:57 PM
   Subject: Re: Transactions not supported by database - Perl
Anyone know of an email marketing software suite that works
on the
I've seen stuff that works with ODBC db connectivity but I'm
in moving to MS SQL or Access.
Any feedback is appreciated
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Re: Problem on win2k

2002-08-08 Thread Curtis Maurand

Yes, don't lock the table.  MySQL will handle the lock for you on the 
insert.  this isn't access.  its a multi-user system.  with access you 
have to lock the table. 


On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Pradeep Dsouza wrote:

 Dear list 
 I have written a large application which i call Edupro which uses 
 PEAR and Mysql as the DB
 Everything was fine till i notied that when 
 i was trying to lock the tables for WRITE access It showed an
 error and the table couldnt be locked 
 Is there something i need to do before i lock a table on Win2k 
 Please help i cannot proceed without the Lock 
 This same code works perfectly fine on 98 
 Does it have some thing to do with the NTFS file system
 i feel it does please tell me how to get around this 
 This iswhat i am doing LOCK tables tablename Write;
 I get an error immedieatley 
 Thanks in Advance
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Re: Root pass

2002-07-03 Thread Curtis Maurand

[admin admin]$ mysql mysql

or once you have the mysql prompt type: use mysql

then issue the command


Page Works Web Solutions said:

 any ideas on this one

 [admin admin]$ mysql
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 7 to server version: 3.23.37

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer

 mysql UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD(testpassword)
- WHERE User='root';
 ERROR 1046: No Database Selected


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Re: Perl DBI

2002-05-23 Thread Curtis Maurand


Denny said:

 How can i use Perl DBI to create tables in mysql?


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2002-05-13 Thread Curtis Maurand

How about:



Amer Neely said:
 Monday, May 13, 2002, 2:03:28 AM, you wrote:

 AN Win/98
 AN MySQL 3.23.46

 AN I'm trying to use AUTO_INCREMENT=1000 to specify my staring value
 in an AN ID column in batch mode, but it doesn't want to work. I can
 get it to AN work in interactive mode though.

 AN In a file (create_tables.sql) I have:

 AN   UserLastName VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, AN
 UserFirstName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, AN
 AN   UserPhoneAC CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
 AN   UserPhoneNum VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
 AN   UserPhoneExt VARCHAR(5),
 AN   UserLevel VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
 AN   UserFoundBy VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
 AN   DMPositionTitle VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
 AN   IPName VARCHAR(100))

 AN which I am then loading into mysql like this:

 AN c:\mysql\data\mydb mysql mydb  create_tables.sql

 AN No errors, but when I populate the table with values (also from a
 file), AN the values for UserID start at 1, not 1000.

 I guess that your UserID in the file begins from 1, not from 1000. You
 can get values that are starting from 1000, if you insert into column
 NULL or 0 or if you insert values from 1000 manually :)

 Yes, I understand that, but I'm trying to create the table and
 initialize UserID by redirecting a .sql file into mysql (batch mode). I
 don't want to insert a 'dummy' record starting at 1000, I want MySQL to
 do that, like it says in MySQL by Paul DuBois [p.94, chap.2.]. Again,
 this works in interactive mode, but NOT in batch mode. Can you or
 someone explain how this can be done in batch mode?

 AN The values I'm inserting for
 AN UserID are all 'null' (without quotes).

 How did you inserted values? Manually or from a file?

 As I indicated above, from a file.
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Re: PigeonRank

2002-04-02 Thread Curtis Maurand

y'all are kidding, right?

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Dan Zarrella wrote:

 i've read the bit on google about thier pigeon rank thing, sounds like a 
 cross between reality and alittle aprils' fools to me, either way id 
 apreciate a better explanation of this technology and how it may be 
 implemented into mysql -dan
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