Re: Locked myself out

2004-03-29 Thread Jim Richardson
On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 08:44:28PM -0800, Gene H. Dreher wrote:
I seem to have locked myself out of my database.  RH8/4.0.18-standard
... the key user does not have file/reload/etc access.  and no access
at all to database mysql..
Is there some way to break this down as system root or is the only
solution to delete the whole thing and re-install it? 

stop the mysql process, then restart it with the --skip-grant-tables
option, reset the passwords, and then restart it as normal. 

Jim Richardson
Have you ever noticed that at trade shows
Microsoft is always the one giving away stress balls?
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Re: Speeding up MySQL server

2004-03-25 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:21:04PM -, Matt Chatterley wrote:

Taking a stab in the dark here, but..

If it's purely a 'hit counter' type affair, and you're updating a single
row, perhaps performance could be gained by instead inserting into a table
(presumably this can be done with single-row level locking - at least in
InnoDB?), and running a regular job that aggregates the contents of this
table into the counter row?
Data won't be up-to-date instantly, but it might reduce contention. Do you
experience contention when the counter is being read from? If so, this could
possibly be reduced using a 'dirty read' (no locking on select), so that
although slightly outdated information may be read, no updates would be
Depends on what you're doing, and what you're trying to achieve, really!

If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting to create a temp
table, and update that all the time, then add that sum to the perm table
every once in a while? 

In this case, the counter is only checked (for stats purposes) once an
hour, so updating it at 30min increments would be fine (at our hit rate,
that's about 180,000 hits) which would save a fair amount of contention
time on the main table (If I understand it correctly). 

I'll have to look into this. 

Jim Richardson
Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change ready.

Description: Digital signature

Speeding up MySQL server

2004-03-24 Thread Jim Richardson
I have a rather heavily loaded server, which I would like to tweak a
little more performance out of. It currently is binlogging although
there is no slave yet. Does the process of bin logging take significant
resources? It's putting out about 1GB log per day, the IO load on the
disks isn't too bad. But I am curious about the internal to MySQL load
of logging all that data. 

Jim Richardson
All true wisdom is found on T-shirts.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Speeding up MySQL server

2004-03-24 Thread Jim Richardson
On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 08:21:15PM -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
At 17:55 -0800 3/24/04, Jim Richardson wrote:
I have a rather heavily loaded server, which I would like to tweak a
little more performance out of. It currently is binlogging although
there is no slave yet. Does the process of bin logging take significant
resources? It's putting out about 1GB log per day, the IO load on the
disks isn't too bad. But I am curious about the internal to MySQL load
of logging all that data.
It costs you about 1 percent in performance:

Thanks for the pointer.

No big deal then, I'll have to actually do some work to improve the
performance of the system :) darn, I was hoping for a quick easy
OK, so the system gets about 10million hits/day, and each hit, is
acompanied by incrementing a counter in one of the tables. That's where
the vast bulk of the writes come from, unfortunately, the table is
locked with each write, and although it's quick, it still takes time.
Any suggestions on where to look for info on improving this? Kind of a
general question I know, but I don't need someone to do my work, just
point me to someplace I can crib from :)

Jim Richardson
Balance the budget. Declare politicions a game species and sell hunting stamps.

Description: Digital signature

Max Open Tables

2004-03-23 Thread Jim Richardson
I am trying to push the performance of a Mysql database a little more,
it's pretty busy, but I hope to squeeze a tad more out of it. 

I am a newbie/pretty clueless wrt MySQL in general, so ...

I run the status command, and see the following. 

mysql  Ver 12.20 Distrib 4.0.13, for pc-linux (i686)

Connection id:  27840031
Current database:
Current user:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SSL:Not in use
Current pager:  stdout
Using outfile:  ''
Server version: 4.0.13-log
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Client characterset:latin1
Server characterset:latin1
UNIX socket:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 4 days 14 hours 26 min 56 sec
Threads: 161  Questions: 128065100  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 657  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 512  Queries per second avg: 322.082

The value for Open Tables is 512, which looks suspiciously to me like
it's hit a limit. Is there a way to increase that limit? Or am I
misunderstanding what status is telling me? 

Jim Richardson
Ahhh... I see the fuck-up fairy has visited us again.
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Re: Max Open Tables

2004-03-23 Thread Jim Richardson
On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 11:34:13AM -0800, Jim Richardson wrote:
I am trying to push the performance of a Mysql database a little more,
it's pretty busy, but I hope to squeeze a tad more out of it. 

I am a newbie/pretty clueless wrt MySQL in general, so ...

I run the status command, and see the following. 

mysql  Ver 12.20 Distrib 4.0.13, for pc-linux (i686)

Connection id:  27840031
Current database:
Current user:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SSL:Not in use
Current pager:  stdout
Using outfile:  ''
Server version: 4.0.13-log
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Client characterset:latin1
Server characterset:latin1
UNIX socket:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 4 days 14 hours 26 min 56 sec
Threads: 161  Questions: 128065100  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 657  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 512  Queries per second avg: 322.082

The value for Open Tables is 512, which looks suspiciously to me like
it's hit a limit. Is there a way to increase that limit? Or am I
misunderstanding what status is telling me? 

I have partially answered my own question, the Open Tables number looks
like a limit, but I am not sure I am hitting it. 

Some digging around has shown that one table of the database in question
on this machine, is getting beaucoup writes, about 10 mil/day. It is a
MyISAM table, and locking for the writes may be the bottleneck. 

So my question is, how can I improve this? any suggestions of things to
try, or paths to take? 

Jim Richardson
Nothing says loser like nymshifter.
chrisv in C.O.L.A

Description: Digital signature

Re: Preventing Duplicate Entries

2004-03-21 Thread Jim Richardson
On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 07:24:48PM -0800, Axel IS Main wrote:
I have a php app that updates an ever growing table with new
information on a regular basis. Very often the information is
duplicated. I'm currently handling this by checking the table for
duplicate values every time I go to add new data. As you can imagine,
as the table grows it takes longer and longer for this to happen, and
the process gets slower and slower. In order to speed things up I'm
wondering of it might not be a good idea to not allow duplication in a
given field. The question is, if there is a duplicate, how will MySQL
react? And what's the best way to manage that reaction? Also, will this
actually be faster than doing it the way I'm doing it now?

Perhaps you could hash all the field values into a single 32bit value,
then check for that value in the hash field. You might get a false
positive, but they will be few and far between. 

Jim Richardson
The race isn't always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
But it's the safest way to bet.

Description: Digital signature

Moving server

2004-02-24 Thread Jim Richardson
I am beginning the process of moving an exising MySQL/Apache server, (or
rather, several of the sites there) to a new machine, to spread the
load, and allow us to upgrade the servers bit by bit.
Versions of MySQL are both 3.23.58

Apache and PHP, etc, is set up and humming along nicely, doing mostly
nothing yet on the new server, but doing it very well. 

My plan is as follows. 

Set up the old server (which I will call Alpha) to binlog it's
transactions, and act as a master. 

Set up the new server (now called Beta, so original) to replicate from

Dump the DB from Alpha, insert it into Beta, (with Alpha set to not
process transactions for this time) then restart Beta, to start
replicating. Restart Alpha to run normally. 

Verify that replication, is occuring, and that all transactions are
working well. 

(is there an easy way to check consistancy between master and slave?
RTFM is fine, if you can please point me to the FM in question :)
Then after I am sure that all is well, I will play jiggery pokery games
with BIND and hopefully, all will be well, after a few hours for the
changes to replicate. 

Is there something on the MySQL end I am missing? forgetting? not taking
into account? 

The firewall rules will block all connections to 3306 that don't come
from either Alpha or Beta, the data isn't sensitive in any way, so I am
not worried about sniffing, and I will shut the replication connection
down after all is working on Beta. 

Thanks all. 

Jim Richardson
All life is a conjugation of the verb to eat
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privileges question

2004-02-23 Thread Jim Richardson

Installing a new RHEL box, with 3.23.58. (it's what RH provides, and I
don't feel like using stuff from out of the RH tree.) I am a little
confused about the privileges. I have done a 
GRANT ALL on *.* to root IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
which is great, but if I run mysql so


I get in, no password. How can I tell mysql to refuse anything that
isn't from localhost, and to require a password for root no matter what? 

Thanks. New to MySQL and databases in general, trying to make sure I
don't screw up too badly. 

Jim Richardson
It says he made us all to be just like him.  So if we're dumb, then
god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side.
   -- Frank Zappa
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Re: privileges question

2004-02-23 Thread Jim Richardson
On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 05:30:38PM -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
At 15:18 -0800 2/23/04, Jim Richardson wrote:
Installing a new RHEL box, with 3.23.58. (it's what RH provides, and I
don't feel like using stuff from out of the RH tree.) I am a little
confused about the privileges. I have done a GRANT ALL on *.* to root
IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; which is great, but if I run mysql so

I get in, no password. How can I tell mysql to refuse anything that
isn't from localhost, and to require a password for root no matter
what?  Thanks. New to MySQL and databases in general, trying to make
sure I don't screw up too badly.
When you specify an account name for the GRANT statement, if you
specify only the username part, the hostname part defaults to '%'.  So
your GRANT statement is actually equivalent to GRANT ... TO 'root'@'%'.
Clobber that account and specify GRANT ... TO 'root'@'localhost'
instead.  Then root will be able to connect only from the localhost.

Thanks for your help. I realize now I was misunderstanding something,
that anyone can log into mysql from localhost, but they can't *do* much
of anything except with test_ databases. That was part of my problem,
the rest was answered with your post. Thanks. Now back to reading the
MySQL book, the author's name seems familiar... :) 

Jim Richardson
$HOME is where your dotfiles are
- Gym Quirk
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Re: Advise on High Availability configuration

2004-02-02 Thread Jim Richardson
On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 09:17:08AM +0100, A.J.Millan wrote:
No, when we implemented high-availability MySQL servers we used MySQL's
inbuilt replication - this has been running here for years now and we have
had constant DB availability during that time, even though individual
machines have failed now and again.  We're using 2 masters  4 slaves with
the logic for sql reads going to the slaves and sql writes going to the
master handled in the application layer.  We also have automatic master
failover (although I believe MySQL plan to build this into their product
some point in the near future).

At the moment we are studying the implementation of a MySQL-Apache high High
Availability system.   Would you be so kind to explain a bit more detailedly
the soft/hard aspects of yours application?.
I believe that at the moment this is a hot question.  Probably there are
many more people interested in yours experience.

ZATOR Systems.
Very much so!

Jim Richardson
If space is warped, time is all that's weft.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Read Slaves, and load balancing between them...

2004-01-29 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 03:40:17PM -, Andrew Braithwaite wrote:

I employ a simple method, I have a 'status' table on the master and have a
cron job that updates this table with the current time (now()) every minute.
I test all the slaves each minute and if the time in the status table gets
too far behind the actual time then it flags a warning to me.

That's a great idea, thanks!

On a related note, I have two servers, one slave, one master, and I want
to secure the datapath between them. What's the best way ? (on Linux,
if that matters) I am considering stunnel, or ssh tunnel, or is there
something in MySQL I can use to connect securely?
Jim Richardson
We have to go forth and crush every world view that doesn't believe in
tolerance and free speech, - David Brin

Description: Digital signature

Re: Read Slaves, and load balancing between them...

2004-01-29 Thread Jim Richardson
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 11:47:52PM -, Andrew Braithwaite wrote:
I believe MySQL 4.1 has support for ssl replication but it's still alpha at
the moment.
If you are referring to connecting to a MySQL server from an application to
query it then the following applies:
---from the manual---
When you connect to a MySQL server, you normally should use a password. The
password is not transmitted in clear text over the connection, however the
encryption algorithm is not very strong, and with some effort a clever
attacker can crack the password if he is able to sniff the traffic between
the client and the server. If the connection between the client and the
server goes through an untrusted network, you should use an SSH tunnel to
encrypt the communication.

Thanks for the link. I am mostly concerned with data security. I'll
probably wind up using ssh or stunnel. 

Jim Richardson
I'll get a life when it is proven and substantiated to be better
than what I am currently experiencing.

Description: Digital signature


2004-01-03 Thread Jim Richardson
On Sat, Jan 03, 2004 at 04:05:09PM -0700, Richard S. Huntrods wrote:
I've submitted this problem three times now, and been ignored all three 
times. I guess bugs are simply not popular. Since the problem described 
below is 100% repeatable, I will now escallate it from problem with 
delete/insert to BUG IN MYSQL.


I've distilled the problem I'm having with DELETE/INSERT to an even 
simpler test case.

Here's the SQL - it can be used with any database, not just the special 
expdb I created. I run this script followed by running mysqlcheck 

USE expdb;
CREATE TABLE appraised (
idNumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
indexNo int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
experience int(11) default NULL,
lastused int(11) default NULL,
competence int(11) default NULL,
status int(11) default NULL,
appraiser int(11) default NULL,
comments text,
PRIMARY KEY  (idNumber,indexNo)
DELETE FROM appraised;
INSERT INTO appraised VALUES (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,'aaa1');
SELECT * FROM appraised;
DELETE FROM appraised;
If you run this with the INSERT commented out, mysqlcheck reports OK. If 
you don't comment out the INSERT, mysqlcheck reports:

C:\mysql-4.0.15\binmysqlcheck expdb
warning  : Table is marked as crashed
warning  : Size of indexfile is: 2048  Should be: 1024
warning  : Size of datafile is: 160   Should be: 0
error: Record-count is not ok; is 4   Should be: 0
warning  : Found 4 partsShould be: 0 parts
error: Corrupt
This happens every single time. You cannot use the -autorepair function, 
as it reports appraised.MYD cannot be opened.

What is going on?

Ran your exact command sequence here, on MySQL 4.0.16, running on Linux,
and it worked just fine. No need to comment out the insert. 

Jim Richardson
Man's way to God is with beer in hand.
--Koffyar Tribal Wisdom, Nigeria

Description: Digital signature

Re: Quering user privileges

2003-12-27 Thread Jim Richardson
On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 05:40:46PM +0100, Plinio Conti wrote:
Yes, a cron job will make the solution more robust.

I'm new to *classic* client-server DB apps and I'm still amazed for a
so standard issue I have to find tricks.
Particularly I wonder at this: standard SQL commands exist to assign
(GRANT) and remove (REVOKE) privileges, but there is not a SQL command
to query current privileges.

At least on MySQL 4.0.16, SHOW GRANTS FOR [EMAIL PROTECTED]; shows me the
relevent info. 

I don't know if that's MySQL specific, or not present in 3.x or

Jim Richardson
A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.

Description: Digital signature

Hot standby database question

2003-12-25 Thread Jim Richardson
I would like to set up two systems, a primary, and a backup, in
physically seperate locations. I want the backup to be synced with the
primary, and if the primary goes down, dns will resolve to the backup,
so it needs to be able to start processing transactions immediately. 

I am new to MySQL, and to SQL in general, I *think* I can do the first
part (stay in sync with the primary) by making the backup a slave, and
replicating the DB on a constant basis. But will the slave DB happily
start accepting transactions when stuff starts coming in from the
webserver? or do I have to do something to allow that in MySQL? 

As an aside, a recommendation on good beginner and intermediate level
MySQL books would be appreciated. I want to RTFM, but I want to make
sure it *is* the Fine manual :)
Oh, and seasons greetings to all, yes I'm working on Christmas, it's a
startup, what can I say...
Jim Richardson
Quantum mechanics: The dreams stuff are made of.

Description: Digital signature