RE: Are There Slow Queries that Don't Show in the Slow Query Logs?

2013-05-31 Thread Robinson, Eric
 -Original Message-
 From: Vikas Shukla [] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:19 PM
 To: Robinson, Eric;
 Subject: RE: Are There Slow Queries that Don't Show in the 
 Slow Query Logs?
 No, it does not represents the time from request to response 
 not does it includes the time that is spent in waiting for 
 the locks to be released.
 The slow query log consists of SQL statements that took more 
 than long_query_time seconds to EXECUTE. The default value of 
 long_query_time is 10.
 The time to acquire the initial locks is not counted as 
 execution time.
 mysqld writes a statement to the slow query log after it has 
 been executed and after all locks have been released, so log 
 order might differ from execution order.
 Lets take an example, if a query is received at 10:00 hrs and 
 it waits till 10:05 hrs , it starts getting executed at 
 10:05:00 and completed at 10:05:24 (HH:MM:SS). So, here it 
 took 24 seconds to execute. So only
 24 seconds is counted.
 So if long_query_time is equal to 10, which is by default, 
 this would be logged in slow query log as it takes more than 
 10 seconds to execute.
 Sent from my Windows Phone From: Robinson, Eric
 Sent: 31-05-2013 03:48
 Subject: Are There Slow Queries that Don't Show in the Slow 
 Query Logs?
 As everyone knows, with MyISAM, queries and inserts can lock 
 tables and force other queries to wait in a queue. When that 
 happens, does the time shown in the slow query logs represent 
 the whole time from when the server received the request to 
 when the response was sent to the client? Or is the time a 
 query spends waiting for a table lock to be released omitted 
 from what is recorded in the slow query logs?
 Eric Robinson

Very good answer, Vikas. Thank you for the clarification!


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RE: [Suspected Spam][Characteristics] Re: NET START MYSQL QUESTION?

2013-05-12 Thread Robinson, Eric
 why not answer the question another user made hours ago?
 under which account do you try to start mysqld?

Agreed. Chances are good that if he goes into the Windows Services control 
panel and gets the properties of the mysql service, he will find that it is 
configured to start under a Windows account other than the System account, and 
that the Windows account in question either does not have the required 
privileges or it is locked. I'd probably just change it to start under the 
System account.



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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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RE: [Suspected Spam][Characteristics] RE: Slow Response -- What Does This Sound Like to You?

2013-05-10 Thread Robinson, Eric
 1. MyISAM locks _tables_.  That can cause other connections 
 to be blocked.  Solution: switch to InnoDB.  Caution:  There 
 are a few caveats when switching; see
 2. As mentioned by Shawn, the Query Cache can be more trouble 
 than it is worth.  However 90 seconds cannot be blamed on the 
 QC.  Still, shrink it or turn it off:
 * If frequently writing to tables, turn it off (type=OFF _and_ size=0)
 * If less frequently, then decide which queries will benefit, 
 add SQL_CACHE to them, set type=DEMAND and size=50M (no larger).
 3. Meanwhile, try to make that long query more efficient.  
 Can you show it to us, together with SHOW CREATE TABLE, SHOW 

Thanks for the feedback, Rick.

There are 1200+ tables in the database, so I don't think you want a SHOW CREATE 
TABLE, SHOW TABLE STATUS, EXPLAIN for all of them. :-) The query in question is 
always some variation of the following. From looking at this, which table(s) 
would you like to see this information for?

# Time: 130507 18:14:26
# User@Host: site150_DbUser[site150_DbUser] @ 
# Query_time: 82  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 914386
select (mod(dayofweek(`Query1`.`Appointment_Date`)+7-1,7)), {fn CONCAT({fn 
CONCAT({fn CONCAT(cast(extract(hour from 
`Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`) as char(25)), ':')}, 
cast(extract(minute from `Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`) as 
char(25)))}, ':')}, `Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`, 
`Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_Name` from (select distinct 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encType` as Encounter_Type , case  when 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encLock` = 0 then 'UnLocked' else 'Locked' end  as 
Chart_Lock_Status , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`notesDoneTime` as Notes_Done_Time , 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`dateOut` as Notes_Done_Date , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`timeIn` as 
Appointments_Checked_In , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`timeOut` as 
Appointments_Checked_Out , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`depTime` as 
Appointments_Departure_Time , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`arrivedTime` as 
Appointments_Arrived_Time , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`endTime` as 
Appointment_End_Time , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`startTime` as 
Appointment_Start_Time , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`date` as Appointment_Date , 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encounterID` as Encounter_ID , `EDI_FACILITIES`.`Name` as 
Facility_Name , `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`uid` as Appointment_Provider_ID , 
')}, `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`ufname`)}, ' ')}, 
`APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`uminitial`)} as Appointment_Provider_Name  from 
(`enc` `EMR_ENCOUNTER` LEFT OUTER JOIN `edi_facilities` `EDI_FACILITIES` on 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`doctorID` = `APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR`.`doctorID` where 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encType` = 2 and `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`date` between 
cast('2011-01-01' as date) and cast('2013-05-07' as date) and 
`EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`patientID`  8663 and `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`VisitType`  'PTDASH' 
and `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`deleteFlag` = 0 and `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`UserType` = 1 
and `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`delFlag` = 0 and `EDI_FACILITIES`.`DeleteFlag` = 0) 
`Query1` LEFT OUTER JOIN (select distinct `Addressed_Query`.`moddate` as 
Locked_Date , `Created_Query`.`moddate` as Created_Date , 
`Created_Query`.`encounterid` as encounterid , `Created_Query`.`reason` as 
reason , `Created_Query`.`Patient_Name` as Patient_Name  from (select 
distinct `SQL1`.`moddate` as moddate , `SQL1`.`encounterid` as encounterid 
, `SQL1`.`actionflag` as actionflag , `SQL1`.`ufname` as ufname , 
`SQL1`.`ulname` as ulname , `SQL1`.`reason` as reason , {fn CONCAT({fn 
CONCAT(`SQL1`.`ulname`, ', ')}, `SQL1`.`ufname`)} as Patient_Name  from 
(select users.ufname,users.ulname,cast(reason as char(30)) as reason, 
from telenc_loghist
 inner join enc on 
 inner join users on users.uid=enc.patientid where 
actionflag in(0) and between '2011-01-01' and '2013-05-07') `SQL1`) 
`Created_Query` LEFT OUTER JOIN (select distinct `Q2`.`moddate` as moddate , 
`Q2`.`encounterid` as encounterid , `Q2`.`actionflag` as actionflag  from 
from telenc_loghist
 inner join enc on 
enc.encounterid=telenc_loghist.encounterid where actionflag in(4) and 
between '2011-01-01' and '2013-05-07') `Q2`) `Addressed_Query` on 
`Created_Query`.`encounterid` = `Addressed_Query`.`encounterid` where  NOT 
`Addressed_Query`.`moddate` is null) `Time_Difference_Query` on 
`Query1`.`Encounter_ID` = `Time_Difference_Query`.`encounterid` where 

RE: Slow Response -- What Does This Sound Like to You?

2013-05-09 Thread Robinson, Eric
  -Original Message-
  From: Robinson, Eric []
  Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:58 PM
  Subject: Slow Response -- What Does This Sound Like to You?
  We have a situation where users complain that the system 
  freezes for 30-90 seconds. We check the slow query logs and 
 find that 
  one user issued a complex query that did indeed take 30-90 
 seconds to 
  complete. However, NO slow queries are recorded for the other 50 
  users, before, during, or after the freeze. Note that the complex 
  query in question always shows: Lock_time: 0.
  Q: What conditions could cause single query to lock up a 
 database for 
  a while for all users (even though it shows lock time: 0)  but no 
  other slow queries would show in the logs for any other 
 users who are 
  hitting the database at the same time?
  OS: RHEL3 x64
  CPU: 8 x 2.9GHz Xeon
  RAM: 32GB
  Disk: RAID 5 (6 x 512GB SSD)
  MySQL: 5.0.95 x64
  Engine: MyISAM

 MyISAM?  Or InnoDB?
 Lock_time perhaps applies only to table locks on MyISAM.
 You may find some deadlocks.
 Is Replication involved?
 Anyone doing an ALTER?

MyISAM, no replication involved, and nobody is altering the database. This 
happens whenever people run certain reports.


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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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RE: Slow Response -- What Does This Sound Like to You?

2013-05-09 Thread Robinson, Eric
 -Original Message-
 From: Wm Mussatto [] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:50 PM
 To: Robinson, Eric
 Cc: Rick James;
 Subject: RE: Slow Response -- What Does This Sound Like to You?
 On Thu, May 9, 2013 15:25, Robinson, Eric wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Robinson, Eric []
   Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:58 PM
   Subject: Slow Response -- What Does This Sound Like to You?
   We have a situation where users complain that the system
   freezes for 30-90 seconds. We check the slow query logs and
  find that
   one user issued a complex query that did indeed take 30-90
  seconds to
   complete. However, NO slow queries are recorded for the other 50 
   users, before, during, or after the freeze. Note that 
 the complex 
   query in question always shows: Lock_time: 0.
   Q: What conditions could cause single query to lock up a
  database for
   a while for all users (even though it shows lock time: 
 0)  but no 
   other slow queries would show in the logs for any other
  users who are
   hitting the database at the same time?
   OS: RHEL3 x64
   CPU: 8 x 2.9GHz Xeon
   RAM: 32GB
   Disk: RAID 5 (6 x 512GB SSD)
   MySQL: 5.0.95 x64
   Engine: MyISAM
  MyISAM?  Or InnoDB?
  Lock_time perhaps applies only to table locks on MyISAM.
  You may find some deadlocks.
  Is Replication involved?
  Anyone doing an ALTER?
  MyISAM, no replication involved, and nobody is altering the 
  This happens whenever people run certain reports.
 This may be a dumb question, but have you verified that the 
 applications do not issue a Lock TABLES ...? Either the big 
 one or one of the others.

I have not verified this, but it should be easy to find out. Hopefully that is 
not the case as it is a canned application and we don't have access to the code.


Disclaimer - May 9, 2013 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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Managing ODBC on Linux? What Happened to myodbc3i?

2012-04-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
We usually manage ODBC data sources on Linux using the myodbc3i utility that 
came with mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.30-1.rhel5.i386.rpm. When we upgraded to 
mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.10-1.rhel5.i386.rpm, it removed the myodbc3i utility. 
What GUI tool is now recommended to managing ODBC connections on Linux?

Eric Robinson

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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
 You need to quiesce the InnoDb background threads. One 
 technique is mentioned here:

Just refreshing this topic a bit. Can anyone confirm that FLUSH TABLES
WITH READ LOCK is sufficient to quiesce the InnoBD background threads
per Shawn's message above? 

Eric Robinson

Disclaimer - January 28, 2011 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
 In one extreme instance, having a few terabytes of data 
 across several instances (on distinct hosts), I was required 
 to do a full-refactoring data migration with an absolute 
 limitation on allowable downtime.
 Among the technique which I used (and I can't take credit for this
 one) was to use rsync on the live server for innodb files 
 (this phase took a very long time, but did not interfere with 
 operations). The result of this phase was, as you would 
 expect, a set a seriously broken files which were notheless 
 very similar to the correct files.
 When that phase was complete, I shut the server down and did 
 another rsync.  It required perhaps a minute or 2, but the 
 result was 100% clean innodb data files which satisfied my 
 downtime limitations.
  FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK might suffice if all 
 transactions are completed/rolled-back but I would stil 
 advise that you scan SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS but I would 
 carefully experiment with that.

You just described almost the exact procedure that I described at the
beginning of this thread, except I use MyISAM so my question was whether
the same technique could work with InnoDB. It sounds like it very well
could if combined with SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. I will definitely test
it to be sure.

 As for maat-kit, don't let the disclaimers discourage you.  
 If you read the disclaimers carefully on any product (at 
 least those released with the benefit(?) of legal advice), 
 you would have a hard time trusting any of it with your 
 enterprise.  The maat-kit team (and Baron Schwartz in 
 particular) and quite simply the *best* MySQL engineering 
 team out there, with the possible exception of the vendor.  I 
 would not hesitate to trust them with my data.

I will definitely look at it again. Thanks.


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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
 And you will build your business on a hotcopy with external 
 tools beause you do not trust replication? laughable!
 Do what you want, but dont come back and cry if all goes down 
 You were told in which way you can use rsync with minimum 
 downtime or that replication can be used to stop only salves 
 for a short time and you are acting like a child mama i will 
 do what i said the whole time

Our current model has been working well since 2006. We will be careful
to verify the reliability of any proposed changes. 

Have a great day!

Eric Robinson

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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
 * flush atbles
 * rsync while mysqld is running
 * stop mysqld
 * second rsync

Unless we can verify 100% that there is a safe way to do it without
shutting down MySQL, then I'm sure the approach you described above is
the one we will end up with. Thanks for your input.

Eric Robinson

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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-26 Thread Robinson, Eric

  You need to quiesce the InnoDb background threads. One
technique is
  mentioned here: 
  Look for the section talking about clean backups.

 Now we're talkin. I'll check it out.

I read that section but it is not at all clear (1) how one
quiesces the
InnoDB background threads, or (2) if there is a way to keep them
quiesced while the backup is in progress.

From what I see there: 

You can make a clean backup .ibd file using the following

1.  Stop all activity from the mysqld  server and commit
all transactions. 

2.  Wait until SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS  shows that
there are no active transactions in the database, and the main thread
status of InnoDB is Waiting for server activity. Then you can make a
copy of the .ibd file. 


 I would assume that flush tables with read lock would work 
 for 1. and then you wait for 2. to happen. Probably shouldn't 
 take very long, especially in the quiet moments.
Can anyone confirm that FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK is sufficient to
quiesce the InnoDB background threads?  When Googling this, I'm seeing
posts saying that even after a flush  lock, InnoDB keeps making changes
to certain files (metadata?) and that's why it is never really safe
(according to them) to copy the files from a running instance of MySQL.
Call me persistent (or just annoyingly thick-headed) but I am not fully
satisfied their explanations.

Disclaimer - January 26, 2011 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for Johan De Meersman,Shawn Green (MySQL),Reindl 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
 your whole solution is crippled because why in the world are 
 you killing your salves and reinit them without any reason daily?

There is a very good reason: it is the phenomenon of row drift. The
master and slave can appear to be in good sync, but often it is not
actually the case. For this reason, most people agree that it is not
safe to rely on the slave server as the source for your backups. My
solution efficiently corrects row drift and makes sure the slaves are
100% binary replicas of the slaves, which can then be trusted as backup
sources. The whole thing is very fast and there is no downtime for
users, who can continue to work 24x7. I fail to see how this is

 why in the world do you not leave the slaves in peace and 
 backup them to another media because you can stop them as 
 long you want for a consistent backup and after starting the 
 last changes from the master are applied

See my comment above. (But also we cannot stop them as long as we want
because the slaves are used for running reports. Using my approach, each
slave is down for about 30 seconds. The masters are not brought down at

 If you understand how innodb works you will see that this is 
 not possible by design

I'm starting to worry that you may be right. I know FLUSH TABLES WITH
READ LOCK does not work as expected with InnoDB, but is there really no
way to put InnoDB into a state where all changes have been flushed to
disk and it is safe to rsync the directory? Is stopping the service
really the only way? (And even if I stop the service, is rsync totally
safe with InnoDB?)

Eric Robinson

Disclaimer - January 25, 2011 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for Reindl Harald, If you are not the named 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
 Why don't you use a Maatkit solution like mk-checksum to 
 ensure that your slaves have identical data with the master?

I looked at Maatkit a year or so ago. It looked pretty interesting, but
then I started reading the disclaimers carefully and they scared the
bejeepers out of me. Warnings about data corruption and whatnot. I'll
check it out again. (I was actually looking for it this morning but
could not remember the name, so thanks for the reminder.)

Eric Robinson

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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
  There is a very good reason: it is the phenomenon of row drift. The 
  master and slave can appear to be in good sync, but often it is not 
  actually the case.
 ... sounds interesting; have you got any document explaining 
 this phenomenon? AFAIK, the things that (silently) break 
 replication are:
 - non-deterministic functions in statement-based replication
 - hand-made updates on the slave db
 is this enough to justify a *daily* resync?!

I'm definitely no expert on this. All I know is that we used to
frequently experience situations where queries to the slaves would
return different recordsets than the same queries to the masters. Yet by
all other indications the servers were in sync. All the replication
threads were running and the row counts were identical, but the data in
the rows was sometimes different. I asked about this in the list and the
answers I got back were that the phenomenon was called row drift and was
fairly well known and not always easy (or sometimes even possible) to
eliminate because of bad programming practices in some off-the-shelf
applications. At that time, the consensus in the list was that it was
not safe to trust replication slaves for backup purposes. That's when I
came up with the idea of doing an rsync every night, which creates a
slave that is 100% reliable for using as a backup source and also
eliminates problems with row-drift. Since we started using that
technique, we don't get calls from users complaining that their reports
are showing bogus totals and such. 

Disclaimer - January 25, 2011 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for Mattia Merzi,Reindl Harald, If you are not the 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
 nobody cares if they are binary replica as long 
 as the data is consistent and ident

Like I said, I'm no expert on this, but my approach seems like the only
way to 100% absolutely sure that the data on the slave is in fact
consistent and identical to the data on tha master.

 so start another slave on the machine with his own socket for 

You say that like it doesn't mean a huge amount of additional work,
expense, and complexity. We currently have 240+ master MySQL instances
and are adding them at a rate of several per week.

Based on everything you've said so far, I still prefer my solution. I
just need a way to make the same thing work with InnoDB.

Eric Robinson

Disclaimer - January 25, 2011 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for Reindl Harald, If you are not the named 
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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
 240 mysql-servers?
 why there is no consolidation?

I said 240+ mysql *instances*, not servers. It's actually just 3
physical servers (not counting standby cluster nodes).

  just need a way to make the same thing work with InnoDB.
 this is simply impossible

That is very unfortunate.

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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
 240 mysql-instances on 3 physical hosts?
 what crazy setup is this please?

Processors average 90% idle, peaks are low, iowait is low, the system is
not swapping, response time is good, and our users are happy all around
the country. What is crazy about that? 

 The whole world can work with replication-slaves and you are 
 the only one who installing an endless count of 
 mysql-services instead a hand of large instances 

I don't know how the rest of the world does it, but we have been doing
it like this since 2006 and it has worked great and we have never
regretted having multiple instances of mysql. In fact, it is really
great because we can maintain each customer's service individually, stop
and start mysql without affecting other customers, turn query logs on
and off for each customer, customize performance parameters, and so on.
I can maintain a customer's database right in the middle of a production
day and the other customers won't even notice! It has been great being
able to do all these things.  

 outside mysql would ever think of backup a running db-server

Then you're just not Googling very well. :-)


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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
 On 1/25/2011 10:45, Robinson, Eric wrote:
  There is a very good reason: it is the phenomenon of row 
 drift. The 
  master and slave can appear to be in good sync, but often 
 it is not 
  actually the case.
  ... sounds interesting; have you got any document explaining this 
  phenomenon? AFAIK, the things that (silently) break 
 replication are:
  - non-deterministic functions in statement-based replication
  - hand-made updates on the slave db
  is this enough to justify a *daily* resync?!
  I'm definitely no expert on this. All I know is that we used to
  frequently experience situations where queries to the slaves would
  return different recordsets than the same queries to the 
 masters. Yet by
  all other indications the servers were in sync. All the replication
  threads were running and the row counts were identical, but 
 the data in
  the rows was sometimes different. I asked about this in the 
 list and the
  answers I got back were that the phenomenon was called row 
 drift and was
  fairly well known and not always easy (or sometimes even 
 possible) to
  eliminate because of bad programming practices in some off-the-shelf
  applications. At that time, the consensus in the list was 
 that it was
  not safe to trust replication slaves for backup purposes. 
 That's when I
  came up with the idea of doing an rsync every night, which creates a
  slave that is 100% reliable for using as a backup source and also
  eliminates problems with row-drift. Since we started using that
  technique, we don't get calls from users complaining that 
 their reports
  are showing bogus totals and such.
 I suspect that your queries were not as deterministic as you thought 
 they were. Do you have a sample of a query that produced different 
 results between the master and the slave? We shouldn't need 
 the results, 
 just the query.

Sorry, no. The software is a canned medical application so we cannot
easily inspect the queries that could have been causing the problem.
Even though we could capture them in various ways (sniffer, proxy, query
logs) it would not be easy to isolate the culprits out of the tens of
thousands issued every day. And it was a year or more ago. We have not
had the problem since we started rsyncing. :-)


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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
  I'm starting to worry that you may be right. I know FLUSH 
  READ LOCK does not work as expected with InnoDB, but is 
 there really 
  no way to put InnoDB into a state where all changes have 
 been flushed 
  to disk and it is safe to rsync the directory? Is stopping 
 the service 
  really the only way? (And even if I stop the service, is 
 rsync totally 
  safe with InnoDB?)
 You need to quiesce the InnoDb background threads. One 
 technique is mentioned here:
 Look for the section talking about clean backups.

Now we're talkin. I'll check it out.

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RE: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Robinson, Eric
  You need to quiesce the InnoDb background threads. One technique is 
  mentioned here:
  Look for the section talking about clean backups.
 Now we're talkin. I'll check it out.

I read that section but it is not at all clear (1) how one quiesces the
InnoDB background threads, or (2) if there is a way to keep them
quiesced while the backup is in progress.

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InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-24 Thread Robinson, Eric
Is there a way to safely backup an InnoDB database using rsync? 

Right now we have a very efficient and reliable way to backup 240+
separate instances of MySQL with MyISAM tables. The databases range in
size from .5GB to 16GB. During this time, users can still access the
system, so our customers can work 24x7. In the process, we also refresh
240+ slave instances with a perfect byte-for-byte replica of the master

The whole thing takes about 30 minutes. 

Here's how we do it. 

Late at night when the number of users on the system is low, we do the
following for each of the 240+ instances of MySQL...

1. Shut down the slave and remove all replication-related log files.

2. Perform an rsync of the master's data directory to the slave. Users
may be making changes to tables during this rsync.

3. Issue a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK on the master followed by a RESET

4. Perform a second rsync of the data directory from the master to the
slave to copy any user changes that happened during step 2. This usually
completes in a few seconds, often less than 1. If any users were trying
to insert records at this exact moment, their application may appear to
pause very briefly.

5. Start the slave.

When I'm all done, I have 240+ slave servers in perfect sync with their
masters, each having a 100% identical binary copy of its master's
database. Since these copies are truly identical, they can be used for a
second layer of backup to other media.  

Like I said, the whole process takes about 30 minutes because the rsync
algorithm only copies the byte-level changes.


I've been reading about InnoDB hot copy and other approaches, but none
of them seem to work as well as the approach I have worked out with
MyISAM. Unfortunately, my software wants to force us to switch to
InnoDB, so I'm really stuck. If we have to switch to InnoDB and we
cannot come up with a method for doing fast, rsync-style backups, it
will probably mean huge, costly, and unnecessary changes to our

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.

Eric Robinson

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RE: Here's an Idea for Re-Syncing Master and Slave During Production Hours without Interrupting Users (Much)

2009-12-09 Thread Robinson, Eric
Hi Baron,

 I'm the primary author of Maatkit.  

Awkward... :-)

 What can I say -- you could go buy a commercial off-the-shelf tool 
 and believe the song and dance they feed you about the tool 
 being perfect.  

There's not a single commercial software solution in our toolbox. We're
big fans of CentOS, LVS, heartbeat, ldirectord, tomcat, MySQL, Xen,
pureFTP, and more. We've been happy with the performance and reliability
of all of our FOSS tools. I'm definitely not a Kool-aid drinker when it
comes to commercial product marketing.

 At least with Maatkit, you get transparency.  We make a concerted 
 effort to update the RISKS section of each tool with each release, so
 is full disclosure.

Fair enough, but I still found the warnings a little too scary. A more
complete explanation of the exact nature of the bugs and the exact
circumstances under which I should be concerned about triggering them
would have increased my comfort level.  

 I think Maatkit is by far the best solution for live master-slave sync

 in most real-world situations.

We'll give it another look.

Eric Robinson

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Here's an Idea for Re-Syncing Master and Slave During Production Hours without Interrupting Users (Much)

2009-12-04 Thread Robinson, Eric
Let's face it, sometimes the master and slave get out of sync, even when
'show slave status' and 'show master status' indicate that all is well.
And sometimes it is not feasible to wait until after production hours to
resync them. We've been working on a method to do an emergency
hot-resync during production hours with little or no user downtime. What
do you guys think of this approach? It's only for Linux, though...

1. Shut down the slave and remove its replication logs ( and
*relay* files).

2. Do an initial rsync of the master to the slave. Using rsync's
bit-differential algorithm, this quickly copies most of the changed data
and can be safely be done against a live database. This initial rsync is
done before the next step to minimize the time during which the tables
will be read-locked.

3. Do a 'flush tables with read lock;reset master' on the master server.
At this point, user apps may freeze briefly during inserts or updates. 

4. Do a second rsync, which goes very fast because very little data has
changed between steps 2 and 3. 

5. Unlock the master tables.

6. Restart the slave.

When you're done, you have a 100% binary duplicate of the master
database on the slave, with no worries that some queries got missed
somewhere. The master was never stopped and users were not severely
impacted. (Mileage may vary, of course.) 

We've tried this a few times and it has seemed to work well in most
cases. We had once case where the slave SQL thread did not want to
restart afterwards and we had to do the whole thing again, only we
stopped the master the second time. Not yet sure what that was all
about, but I think it may have been a race issue of some kind. We're
still exploring it.

Anyway, comments would be appreciated.

Eric Robinson

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RE: Here's an Idea for Re-Syncing Master and Slave During Production Hours without Interrupting Users (Much)

2009-12-04 Thread Robinson, Eric
 (1) innodb? 

It's an off-the-shelf application that uses MyISAM tables. It is
possible to convert to innodb, but I have not been sold on innodb in
terms of its  performance characteristics for this particular
application. Maybe I've been reading the wrong stuff. Do you have
general thoughts on the differences with respect to performance?

 (2) why delete slave logs when you can 
 restart the slave with --skip-slave and 

Well... I guess mainly because I didn't know about that option! I
thought I needed to fake out mysql on this, but it sounds like I can
just do 'flush tables with read lock;reset master;' on the master and
'change master to...;' on the slave. So cool. Thanks for the input!

Eric Robinson

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RE: Here's an Idea for Re-Syncing Master and Slave During Production Hours without Interrupting Users (Much)

2009-12-04 Thread Robinson, Eric
 I would say that it's very important to know why data 
 is getting out of sync between your master and slave. 

Ultimately, I agree. But since it's a canned application, getting to
that point might be hard, and once it is resolved, new issues might
arise. I would never have any confidence that the replication is solid
enough to use the slave server for backup purposes. (Which, by the way,
is the real reason I'm doing this. In the middle of the night, when
there are few users on the system, I want to backup the slave, but first
I want to make sure I have a 100% reliable copy of the data.)

 There are ways to resync data that don't involve all 
 this as well:  Maatkit has some tools

I've looked with great interest at Maatkit, but their tools are replete
with warnings about dangers, bugs, and crashes. They certainly do not
inspire confidence. 

Eric Robinson 

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RE: Here's an Idea for Re-Syncing Master and Slave During Production Hours without Interrupting Users (Much)

2009-12-04 Thread Robinson, Eric
 I would never have any confidence that the replication 
 is solid enough to use the slave server for backup purposes.

 I agree completely there.  That's the other reason I like filesystem 
 snapshots is that it allows you to take a backup from 
 the master relatively painlessly.

I've thought of using snapshots. Offhand, can't remember the reason that
I decided they would not work for us. It'll come to me... 

Eric Robinson

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RE: Rename Database - Why Would This Not Work?

2009-11-23 Thread Robinson, Eric
   olddb.table1 TO newdb.table1,
   olddb.table2 TO newdb.table2

put the whole list in here, the whole statement will be applied to the
system atomically 

The database has 1200+ tables, so your approach seems like more work to
me. As it is, all I'm doing is:

service mysql stop
mv olddb newdb
service mysql start
mysqlcheck -o newdb  

Eric Robinson

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Rename Database - Why Would This Not Work?

2009-11-21 Thread Robinson, Eric
I used a simple procedure to rename my MySQL 4.1.22 database, which has
only My-ISAM tables:
1. Stopped MySQL
2. Renamed the database directory from olddbname to newdbname
3. Started mysql
At this point, I grepped for 'olddbname' and found that many of the old
.MYI files still had references to 'olddbname'. So I...
4. Did mysqlcheck -o newdbname
Then all the references to 'olddbname' were removed from the index
I then started our application and everything seems to be working fine
using the new database name. Yet I'm still worried because when I Google
it, I see people talking about lots of different ways to do a database
rename, and people are making it sound like a complicated, dangerous
Why would my simple approach not work? Should I be watching for
potential problems down the road because I did it this way?

Eric Robinson
Director of Information Technology
Physician Select Management, LLC
775.885.2211 x 111


RE: Rename Database - Why Would This Not Work?

2009-11-21 Thread Robinson, Eric
 DB engines that have their own data dictionary (Innodb, etc) in
addition to 
 what is in the .frm could easily be messed up.

Like I said, there are only MyISAM tables in the database, so would
there be any risks associated with my simple approach? 
(Also there are no stored procedures because this is MySQL 4.1.22.)

mysqld-nt 100% CPU Utilization?

2006-07-19 Thread Robinson, Eric
Our MySQL-based medical application has been running fine for 3 years.
Last week, mysqld-nt started jumping up to 100% CPU and staying there
until someone restarts the service. mysqlcheck found no errors in the
database. I dumped it to disk and read it back in to create a fresh copy
of the database, but it is still happening. Any ideas?

Eric Robinson

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Server Load Question

2006-06-19 Thread Robinson, Eric
I asked this question previously but didn't get much response so I'll
try again.

Our server will be home to 100 separate clients. Each client will have
their own set of databases that will be accessed by 10-60 users at
each client's site.

Each client has 3 databases.

Database-1: 500 tables. 13 tables sized 10-100MB. Remaining tables all
less that 10MB. (This is the only database that is updated. The others
are just for reference.) Main table grows at a rate of a few hundred

Database-2: 50 tables. 3 tables sized 10-100MB. All other tables less
than 10MB. No data growth.

Database-3: 179 tables. 10 tables sized 1-15MB. All other tables less
than 1MB. No data growth.


Total databses: 300
Total tables: 72,900

Q: In terms of performance, is it better for each customer to have its
own instance of MySQL, each serving 3 databases, or is it better to have
one instance of MySQL serving 300 databases?


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RE: Server Load Question

2006-06-19 Thread Robinson, Eric
Dan, good guess! Yes, it's the same application for all customers and
the two databases are reference information. Unfortunately, customers
are running slightly different versions of the application and the
reference information is slightly different as well. :-/

I think what I've decided to do is create one instance of MySQL per
version of the application. All clients running the same version of the
application would use the same instance of MySQL.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Buettner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 12:55 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: Server Load Question

Eric, I sent you a note about hardware this morning as well, but here's
a further thought -

Don't know if this is the case, but is this the exact same application
served to 100 different customers?  And are Database-2 and Database-3
the same for every customer?  Some kind of reference info perhaps?  If
so, split those off into a single reference database and share it
across all your customers - you'll have an easier time managing MySQL,
and you should gain something in performance due to MySQL being able to
effectively cache some of the info.

Maybe that's not what you've got but thought I'd mention it in case.


Robinson, Eric wrote:
 I asked this question previously but didn't get much response so I'll 
 try again.
 Our server will be home to 100 separate clients. Each client will have

 their own set of databases that will be accessed by 10-60 users at 
 each client's site.
 Each client has 3 databases.
 Database-1: 500 tables. 13 tables sized 10-100MB. Remaining tables all

 less that 10MB. (This is the only database that is updated. The others

 are just for reference.) Main table grows at a rate of a few hundred 
 Database-2: 50 tables. 3 tables sized 10-100MB. All other tables less 
 than 10MB. No data growth.
 Database-3: 179 tables. 10 tables sized 1-15MB. All other tables less 
 than 1MB. No data growth.
 Total databses: 300
 Total tables: 72,900
 Q: In terms of performance, is it better for each customer to have its

 own instance of MySQL, each serving 3 databases, or is it better to 
 have one instance of MySQL serving 300 databases?
 Disclaimer - June 19, 2006
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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addressee you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this
email. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of
the author and might not represent those of Physician Select Management
(PSM) or Physician's Managed Care (PMC). Warning: Although the message
sender has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present
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RE: MySQL Performance Question

2006-06-19 Thread Robinson, Eric
Dan, thanks for your comments. I think we agree on how things should be
configured. I'll keep the number of daemons to a minimum.  

The sample data I reported earlier is from an existing production
system. The new system that we are deploying will be in a 2-node HA
Linux configuration. Each node will be:

2 x Dual-core Xeon 2.8GHz (4 processor cores, total).
RAID 10 array (300GB (usable)

I prefer RAID 10 to RAID 0+1 because the former can survive the loss of
2 drives and read/write performance is about the same as RAID 0+1.

Thanks again for your input.

--Eric Robinson

-Original Message-
From: Dan Buettner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 6:35 AM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: MySQL Performance Question

One reason you might be seeing a higher number of writes than reads is
if MySQL is able to answer queries from the data it has cached in RAM,
rather than having to read off disk.

I would second Atle's opinion that this setup should be entirely
possible with a single database daemon, especially the way you have it
segmented into so many tables across so many databases - that will help
reduce contention for locks among your many clients.  A big reason I
would vote for one (or as few as possible anyway) database daemon is
sheer simplicity.  Anytime you can make system design simpler, it will
make for improved reliability, easier maintenance, easier upgrades, etc.

It seems you've really done the numbers on planning your data size and
growth - good show.

You don't talk much about your hardware, except to note RAID 1.  That
will obviously be an important piece of the puzzle for serving so many
clients and so much data.  You might consider upgrading to a multi-disk
RAID 1+0 array to improve speed, for example.  With so many potential
client connections to MySQL, you might also take a good hard look at
multiprocessor machines if you haven't already.

MySQL's site has a good section on optimization:
Another great resource is Jeremy Zawodny's High Performance MySQL from


Robinson, Eric wrote:
 All customer sites will use the same application, but each will have 
 its own set of 3 databases. In believe the nature of the application 
 confines users to brief, bursty selects and updates except possibly 
 when they run reports. I have not specifically analyzed reporting, but

 I ran a 2-hour sampling today of a client site with 25 users during a 
 period of typical workload. Here's the overall disk statistics:
 % Read Time:  5.26
 % Write Time: 5.00
 Avg Bytes/Read:   2918
 Avg Bytes/Write:  6563
 Avg Read Queue:   .05
 Avg Write Queue:  .013
 Avg Disk Secs/Read:   .013
 Avg Disk Secs/Write:  .004
 Avg Read Bytes/Sec:   15151
 Avg Write Bytes/Sec:  66904
 Avg Disk Reads/Sec:   3
 Avg Disk Writes/Sec:  9
 The numbers are very interesting. The system writes to disk 3 times 
 more often than it reads, and the writes are more than double the 
 size. Bytes written per second is 4 times higher than bytes read. Yet,

 on average, reads take longer than writes and they tend to stack up in

 the queue a little more, which could explain why % Read Time is
slightly higher.
 This is a RAID 1 array. System has plenty of RAM and was not swapping.
 All in all, the application appears write-heavy, but I don't think 
 anyone can hog all the disk I/O.
 So, your opinion is that one instance of MySQL with a lot of databases

 is just as efficient as multiple MySQL instances? (Note: I WILL have 
 to run separate instances in some cases because some customers are 
 using slightly different versions of the application.)
 -Original Message-
 From: Atle Veka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:14 PM
 To: Robinson, Eric
 Subject: Re: MySQL Performance Question
 So, you're looking at 150-300 databases and ~31-62k tables based on 
 your numbers? MySQL should be able to handle that, as should your OS, 
 but the most important part IMO is how your clients will be using 
 their data(bases). What sort of queries, how many, etc. Will it be 
 possible for one client to hog all the disk IO?
 Ignoring the latter questions, with a properly designed database and 
 tuned queries this doesn't seem like an impossible setup on a single 
 database daemon.
 Flying Crocodile Inc, Unix Systems Administrator
 On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, Robinson, Eric wrote:
 Our server will be home to 50-100 separate clients. Each client will 
 have their own set of databases that will be accessed by 10-60 users 
 at each client's site.

 In terms of performance, is it better to have 1 instance of MySQL 
 servicing multiple databases, or multiple instances of MySQL each 
 serving 1 database?

 Here's some more information to work with:

 Each client has 3 databases.

 Database: 500 tables. 13 tables sized 10-100MB

RE: MySQL Performance Question

2006-06-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
All customer sites will use the same application, but each will have its
own set of 3 databases. In believe the nature of the application
confines users to brief, bursty selects and updates except possibly when
they run reports. I have not specifically analyzed reporting, but I ran
a 2-hour sampling today of a client site with 25 users during a period
of typical workload. Here's the overall disk statistics:

% Read Time:5.26
% Write Time:   5.00
Avg Bytes/Read: 2918
Avg Bytes/Write:6563
Avg Read Queue: .05
Avg Write Queue:.013
Avg Disk Secs/Read: .013
Avg Disk Secs/Write:.004
Avg Read Bytes/Sec: 15151
Avg Write Bytes/Sec:66904
Avg Disk Reads/Sec: 3
Avg Disk Writes/Sec:9

The numbers are very interesting. The system writes to disk 3 times more
often than it reads, and the writes are more than double the size. Bytes
written per second is 4 times higher than bytes read. Yet, on average,
reads take longer than writes and they tend to stack up in the queue a
little more, which could explain why % Read Time is slightly higher.
This is a RAID 1 array. System has plenty of RAM and was not swapping.

All in all, the application appears write-heavy, but I don't think
anyone can hog all the disk I/O.

So, your opinion is that one instance of MySQL with a lot of databases
is just as efficient as multiple MySQL instances? (Note: I WILL have to
run separate instances in some cases because some customers are using
slightly different versions of the application.)


-Original Message-
From: Atle Veka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:14 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: MySQL Performance Question

So, you're looking at 150-300 databases and ~31-62k tables based on your
numbers? MySQL should be able to handle that, as should your OS, but the
most important part IMO is how your clients will be using their
data(bases). What sort of queries, how many, etc. Will it be possible
for one client to hog all the disk IO?

Ignoring the latter questions, with a properly designed database and
tuned queries this doesn't seem like an impossible setup on a single
database daemon.

Flying Crocodile Inc, Unix Systems Administrator

On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, Robinson, Eric wrote:

 Our server will be home to 50-100 separate clients. Each client will 
 have their own set of databases that will be accessed by 10-60 users 
 at each client's site.

 In terms of performance, is it better to have 1 instance of MySQL 
 servicing multiple databases, or multiple instances of MySQL each 
 serving 1 database?

 Here's some more information to work with:

 Each client has 3 databases.

 Database: 500 tables. 13 tables sized 10-100MB. Remaining tables all 
 less that 10MB. (This is the only database that is updated. The others

 are just for reference.) Main table grows at a rate of a few hundred 

 Database2: 50 tables. 3 tables sized 10-100MB. All other tables less 
 than 10MB. No data growth.

 Database3: 179 tables. 10 tables sized 1-15MB. All other tables less 
 than 1MB. No data growth.


 Disclaimer - June 16, 2006
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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addressee you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this
email. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of
the author and might not represent those of Physician Select Management
(PSM) or Physician's Managed Care (PMC). Warning: Although the message
sender has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present
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MySQL Performance Question

2006-06-16 Thread Robinson, Eric
Our server will be home to 50-100 separate clients. Each client will
have their own set of databases that will be accessed by 10-60 users at
each client's site. 

In terms of performance, is it better to have 1 instance of MySQL
servicing multiple databases, or multiple instances of MySQL each
serving 1 database?

Here's some more information to work with:

Each client has 3 databases.

Database: 500 tables. 13 tables sized 10-100MB. Remaining tables all
less that 10MB. (This is the only database that is updated. The others
are just for reference.) Main table grows at a rate of a few hundred

Database2: 50 tables. 3 tables sized 10-100MB. All other tables less
than 10MB. No data growth.

Database3: 179 tables. 10 tables sized 1-15MB. All other tables less
than 1MB. No data growth.


Disclaimer - June 16, 2006 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions 
presented in this email are solely those of the author and might not represent 
those of Physician Select Management (PSM) or Physician's Managed Care (PMC). 
Warning: Although the message sender has taken reasonable precautions to ensure 
no viruses are present in this email, neither PSM nor PMC can accept 
responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or 

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RE: mysql4.0

2006-05-22 Thread Robinson, Eric
Does mysqlcheck sometimes repair problems that it does not report? I've
seen a few instances where running mysqlcheck -r -f fixed application
problems even though it reported all tables OK.


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2006-05-18 Thread Robinson, Eric
Does mysqlcheck sometimes repair problems that it does not report? I've
seen a few instances where running mysqlcheck -r -f fixed application
problems even though it reported all tables OK.


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RE: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?

2006-05-03 Thread Robinson, Eric
So, just to be clear, when I run:

mysqlcheck -r -f database_name

Any fixes are recorded to the binlog and replicated to the slave?

I want to be sure about this because someone in this forum said the opposite a 
couple of weeks ago.



-Original Message-
From: Kishore Jalleda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 8:23 AM
To: Marciano
Cc: Robinson, Eric;
Subject: Re: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?

My Sincere apologies,  I intented to mean mysqlcheck but  somehow came
out as  myisamchk   :)

Kishore Jalleda

On 5/2/06, Marciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How myisamchk can write to binlog if the server need to be down?

 - Mensagem Original 
 De: Kishore Jalleda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Para: Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Assunto: Re: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?
 Data: 01/05/06 22:25


 On 5/1/06, Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I ran mysqlcheck, not myisamchk or REPAIR. Is what you said still true?
  -Original Message-
  From: Kishore Jalleda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 1:56 PM
  To: Robinson, Eric
  Subject: Re: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?
  On 5/1/06, Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I ran mysqlcheck against a replication master database and it 
   a problem with a table, which it corrected. Is the slave now out 
   If so, how do I correct the problem without copying the whole 
   over a slow WAN link?
  By Default when you run REPAIR or myisamchk --recover , MySQL writes 
  the changes made to the Binlog , and those will be obviously 
  replicated to the slave, so if everything went fine with your 
  myisamck on the master, then your slave is in sync and you don't 
  have to do anyhthing special on the slave...
  Kishore Jalleda
  MySQL General Mailing List
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 On 5/1/06, Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I ran mysqlcheck, not myisamchk or REPAIR. Is what you said still true?
  -Original Message-
  From: Kishore Jalleda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 1:56 PM
  To: Robinson, Eric
  Subject: Re: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?
  On 5/1/06, Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I ran mysqlcheck against a replication master database and it reported
   a problem with a table, which it corrected. Is the slave now out of
   If so, how do I correct the problem without copying the whole database
   over a slow WAN link?
  By Default when you run REPAIR or myisamchk --recover , MySQL writes the
  changes made to the Binlog , and those will be obviously replicated to
  the slave, so if everything went fine with your myisamck on the master,
  then your slave is in sync and you don't have to do anyhthing special on
  the slave...
  Kishore Jalleda
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?

2006-05-01 Thread Robinson, Eric
I ran mysqlcheck against a replication master database and it reported a
problem with a table, which it corrected. Is the slave now out of sync?
If so, how do I correct the problem without copying the whole database
over a slow WAN link?


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RE: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?

2006-05-01 Thread Robinson, Eric
I ran mysqlcheck, not myisamchk or REPAIR. Is what you said still true?

-Original Message-
From: Kishore Jalleda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 1:56 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: Fixing Databases When Replication Is Enabled?

On 5/1/06, Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ran mysqlcheck against a replication master database and it reported

 a problem with a table, which it corrected. Is the slave now out of
 If so, how do I correct the problem without copying the whole database

 over a slow WAN link?


By Default when you run REPAIR or myisamchk --recover , MySQL writes the
changes made to the Binlog , and those will be obviously replicated to
the slave, so  if everything went fine with your myisamck on the master,
then your slave is in sync and you don't have to do anyhthing special on
the slave...

Kishore Jalleda

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Quick Replication Question

2006-04-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
When you have master-slave replication enabled, and something goes wrong with 
one of the tables on the master, and you have to run mysqlcheck -r to fix it, 
does the fix get written to the binlog and replicated to the slave?


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RE: Quick Replication Question

2006-04-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
Okay, so that is not too encouraging. Is there any way to find out what
mysqkcheck did so it can be manually applied to the slave? Or is
mysqlcheck not the best way to fix things when you are using

-Original Message-
From: Jeremiah Gowdy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:05 AM
To: Robinson, Eric;
Subject: Re: Quick Replication Question


- Original Message -
From: Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:51 AM
Subject: Quick Replication Question

When you have master-slave replication enabled, and something goes wrong

with one of the tables on the master, and you have to run mysqlcheck -r
fix it, does the fix get written to the binlog and replicated to the


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RE: How to Verify Replication Status?

2006-04-20 Thread Robinson, Eric
James, thanks for the link. It looks promising. Since you have never
used it, you probably won't know the answer to this question, but should
I expect the checksums on the master and slave databases to be the same
if they are in sync?

-Original Message-
From: James Harvard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 5:31 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: How to Verify Replication Status?

Never used it, but this might help:
James Harvard

At 5:00 pm -0700 19/4/06, Robinson, Eric wrote:
I have master-slave replication working fine. However, I worry about
the possibility of the master and slave accidentally getting out of
synchronization. Are there circumstances (other than a direct INSERT to
the slave) that could cause the master and slave to be out of sync? Is
there a way to periodically do some kind of full check to verify that
the slave is an exact duplicate of the master? I thought of just
counting the rows in all the tables on both servers, but that only tells
part of the story. Is the a more elegant and complete way? Also, the
servers are separated by a slow WAN link, so transferring the whole
database across the network is not an option.

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RE: How to Verify Replication Status?

2006-04-20 Thread Robinson, Eric
Eric, that is very helpful. Thanks. 

Assuming the master and slave are in sync, is there a reason the
checksums would not match? I would rather not dump the database and run
an external checksum unless I have to. 

Eric Robinson
Director of Information Technology
Physician Select Management, LLC

-Original Message-
From: Eric Braswell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:49 AM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: How to Verify Replication Status?

There are only a very limited set of circumstances where slaves could 
get out of sync, and if everything is set up right, it basically should 
not happen.

CHECKSUM TABLE is a good option if it's a read-only table or you can 
stop writes (or just replication) long enough to do that. It only works 
on MyISAM.

You could also do basically the same thing by dumping the data in the 
same way on each server, and running a checksum (e.g. md5sum) or diff 
tool. One thing I have done is to use:

mysqldump --skip-opt {database}  {database}.sql

..on each machine, then diffed the files using diff (note *nix bias 
here). Using skip-opt to output inserts on individual lines allows you 
to compare the data to see exactly where any differences are. But this 
won't help you if you can't transfer all the data to one place -- you 
could just do a checksum then on both sides and compare that. Would be 
pretty easy to script that and perform periodic checks.


Eric Braswell
Web Manager MySQL AB
Cupertino, USA

Robinson, Eric wrote:
 I have master-slave replication working fine. However, I worry about
 possibility of the master and slave accidentally getting out of
 synchronization. Are there circumstances (other than a direct INSERT
 the slave) that could cause the master and slave to be out of sync? Is
 there a way to periodically do some kind of full check to verify that
 the slave is an exact duplicate of the master? I thought of just
 counting the rows in all the tables on both servers, but that only
 part of the story. Is the a more elegant and complete way? Also, the
 servers are separated by a slow WAN link, so transferring the whole
 database across the network is not an option. 
 Eric Robinson
 Director of Information Technology
 Physician Select Management, LLC

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RE: How to Verify Replication Status?

2006-04-20 Thread Robinson, Eric
All excellent information. I have much to ponder.

-Original Message-
From: Eric Braswell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:20 AM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: How to Verify Replication Status?

You'll need to checksum them at the same point in time, naturally -- 
which you can do by stopping replication on the slave, then performing 
the command on the master, then slave, and compare.
In other words, if you are doing this on a live system, you have to make

sure there are no writes in between the two checksums... but I'm sure 
that's clear.

The one problem with using CHECKSUM TABLE is that a row-by-row 
comparison takes some time and necessarily forces a table lock, so 
performing this on a live system can be problematic if you are expecting

frequent writes. You might consider adding the live checksum to your 
tables for that.

A data dump, on the other hand, can be fairly quick and would allow you 
to perform the checksum without interfering with any other operations. I

don't know the details of your situation (or the size of your data), but

I'm fairly sure that that's how I would do it.

Another possibility is to do a checksum directly on the database files 
if you can do so while the server is not updating anything, which would 
avoid the dump, and is extremely fast. You could have a shell script 
lock the tables, do an md5sum on the .MYD and maybe .frm files (for 
MyISAM), then unlock. I can't off-hand think of any reason this wouldn't

work well as long as the slave and master are configured identically and

are the same version.


Eric Braswell
Web Manager MySQL AB
Cupertino, USA

Robinson, Eric wrote:
 Eric, that is very helpful. Thanks. 
 Assuming the master and slave are in sync, is there a reason the
 checksums would not match? I would rather not dump the database and
 an external checksum unless I have to. 
 Eric Robinson
 Director of Information Technology
 Physician Select Management, LLC
 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Braswell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:49 AM
 To: Robinson, Eric
 Subject: Re: How to Verify Replication Status?
 There are only a very limited set of circumstances where slaves could 
 get out of sync, and if everything is set up right, it basically
 not happen.
 CHECKSUM TABLE is a good option if it's a read-only table or you can 
 stop writes (or just replication) long enough to do that. It only
 on MyISAM.
 You could also do basically the same thing by dumping the data in the 
 same way on each server, and running a checksum (e.g. md5sum) or diff 
 tool. One thing I have done is to use:
 mysqldump --skip-opt {database}  {database}.sql
 ..on each machine, then diffed the files using diff (note *nix bias 
 here). Using skip-opt to output inserts on individual lines allows you

 to compare the data to see exactly where any differences are. But this

 won't help you if you can't transfer all the data to one place -- you 
 could just do a checksum then on both sides and compare that. Would be

 pretty easy to script that and perform periodic checks.

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How to Verify Replication Status?

2006-04-19 Thread Robinson, Eric
I have master-slave replication working fine. However, I worry about the
possibility of the master and slave accidentally getting out of
synchronization. Are there circumstances (other than a direct INSERT to
the slave) that could cause the master and slave to be out of sync? Is
there a way to periodically do some kind of full check to verify that
the slave is an exact duplicate of the master? I thought of just
counting the rows in all the tables on both servers, but that only tells
part of the story. Is the a more elegant and complete way? Also, the
servers are separated by a slow WAN link, so transferring the whole
database across the network is not an option. 



Eric Robinson

Director of Information Technology

Physician Select Management, LLC



RE: SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?

2004-12-30 Thread Robinson, Eric
Spenser, the bug report was a direct hit in the sense that it spoke
about the problem I am having, but it was actually wrong and the
suggested FLUSH TABLES workaround did not work.

On my servers (4.0.13-nt running on Windows 2000 Pro) FLUSH TABLES had
no effect at all on the Update_time.

I quit trying to use Update_time to track replication status. Now I do
the following:

SHOW MASTER STATUS on the master and record the binlog file name and

SHOW SLAVE STATUS on the slave and record the Master_log_file and

If these match, then I assume replication is up to date. Is this an okay

BTW, I am aware that starting with 4.1.1 there is a
Seconds_behind_master field that could be helpful, but our medical
application currently only supports up to MySQL 4.0.18.

Eric Robinson

-Original Message-
From: Spenser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 6:23 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Cc: Mikael Fridh;
Subject: RE: SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?


I'm glad that last answer worked, but I'm wondering what exactly you did
to resolve the problem? I see the bug report and work around.  But what
specifically did you do, what did you type to fix it?  By the way, what
operating system are you using for your servers?

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RE: SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?

2004-12-29 Thread Robinson, Eric
The time zones are correct. Besides, the difference is not an even hour,
and it varies. Sometimes the master server shows an update_time that is
only a few minutes different, other times it is 510 seconds or 633
seconds or 6056 seconds different. Eventually it catches up, but it
sometimes takes an hour or two. Other times it catches up immediately
after an update. I cannot discern a pattern. The only thing I know is
that update_time seems to match the .MYD file's timestamp in Windows.

Eric Robinson

-Original Message-
From: Mikael Fridh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:15 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?

Robinson, Eric wrote:
 When I execute SHOW TABLE STATUS on my master replication server, it
 shows an Update_Time for some tables that is more than 2 hours earlier
 than the Update_Time for the same tables on the slave server. However
 the bin log names, positions, and number or records are correct.
 What's with that?

Let us know if your timezones are set correctly.

|K  | Ongame E-Solutions AB -
| /\| Mikael Fridh / Technical Operations
|_\/| tel: +46 18 606 538 / fax: +46 18 694 411

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RE: SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?

2004-12-29 Thread Robinson, Eric
That looks like a direct hit. Thanks!

Eric Robinson

-Original Message-
From: Mikael Fridh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:06 PM
To: Robinson, Eric
Subject: Re: SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?

Robinson, Eric wrote:
 When I execute SHOW TABLE STATUS on my master replication server, it
 shows an Update_Time for some tables that is more than 2 hours
 than the Update_Time for the same tables on the slave server.
 the bin log names, positions, and number or records are correct.
 What's with that?

 Let us know if your timezones are set correctly.

 The time zones are correct. Besides, the difference is not an even
 and it varies. Sometimes the master server shows an update_time that
 only a few minutes different, other times it is 510 seconds or 633
 seconds or 6056 seconds different. Eventually it catches up, but it
 sometimes takes an hour or two. Other times it catches up immediately
 after an update. I cannot discern a pattern. The only thing I know is
 that update_time seems to match the .MYD file's timestamp in Windows.

|K  | Ongame E-Solutions AB -
| /\| Mikael Fridh / Technical Operations
|_\/| tel: +46 18 606 538 / fax: +46 18 694 411

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RE: Newbie: Using SELECT to Get Table Status?

2004-12-28 Thread Robinson, Eric
I knew about COUNT(*) but thanks. I was mostly looking for a way to get
the time stamp of the last update or insert.

I did find a way using an ADODB.Command object. I was able to send the

The results were returned as a recordset.

Have a great day.

Eric Robinson

-Original Message-
From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: Newbie: Using SELECT to Get Table Status?


You may use count(*) for counting rows.

Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The mysqlSHOW TABLE STATUS command returns such things as the number
 rows and time of the last update.=20
 Is it possible to get the same information using a SELECT statement?
 FYI, I am writing a script to monitor replication status by comparing
 this information between the master and slave servers.
 Eric Robinson

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SHOW TABLE STATUS: Update_Time Is Wrong?

2004-12-28 Thread Robinson, Eric

When I execute SHOW TABLE STATUS on my master replication server, it
shows an Update_Time for some tables that is more than 2 hours earlier
than the Update_Time for the same tables on the slave server. However
the bin log names, positions, and number or records are correct.

What's with that?

Eric Robinson

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Newbie: Using SELECT to Get Table Status?

2004-12-27 Thread Robinson, Eric
The mysqlSHOW TABLE STATUS command returns such things as the number or
rows and time of the last update. 

Is it possible to get the same information using a SELECT statement?

FYI, I am writing a script to monitor replication status by comparing
this information between the master and slave servers.

Eric Robinson

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Auto-Increment Starting Point? (Multimaster Replication Question)

2004-11-18 Thread Robinson, Eric
When you set a field to auto-increment, can you tell it where to start?


I'm trying to set up multimaster replication, but I'm worried about
auto-increment collisions. 


Q: If server A starts auto-incrementing at 0, and server B starts
auto-incrementing at some point higher than the maximum number of
records, would that allow replication without auto-increment collisions?


Q2: Assuming you can tell it where to start auto-incrementing, what
happens after the following sequence:


1. Johnny inserts record 1000 at server A.

2. Server A receives record number 5000 from server B via replication.

3. Mary needs to insert a new record. Does server A number the new
record 1001 or 5001?



Eric Robinson


How to Enable Full Query Logging?

2004-05-27 Thread Robinson, Eric

I included the following statement in my.ini:


I then executed some queries.

The file log.txt only shows the following:

MySql, Version: 4.0.13-nt-log, started with:
TCP Port: 3306, Named Pipe: MySQL
Time Id CommandArgument
040527  9:31:57   1 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] as anonymous on 
040527  9:32:07   1 Query   show status
040527  9:32:17   1 Query   show status
040527  9:32:27   1 Query   show status
040527  9:32:37   1 Query   show status
040527  9:32:47   1 Query   show status
040527  9:32:57   1 Query   show status

I thought the log file was supposed to show the full text of SELECT,
INSERT, and UPDATE statements. Am I incorrect?

How do I see this information?


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1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

2004-05-17 Thread Robinson, Eric


Our healthcare organization has 2 geographical locations which I will
call corporate_office and satellite_office.


Currently, we run a medical application from a MySQL server at the
corporate_office. Users at the satellite_office use the same server.
Speed across the WAN is acceptable.


We want to set up replication to guard against loss of WAN connectivity.


All workstations should continue to use the MySQL server at the
corporate_office unless the WAN link goes down. Then users at the
satellite_office would switch to their own local server for both SELECT
and UPDATE, until such time as the WAN link comes back up and the
databases are re-synchronized. Then they would switch back to the


Is this possible? Will it work robustly? I have been reading the MySQL
manual and there are seemingly many subtleties to setting up replication
correctly. I would greatly appreciate some input from the experienced
members of this list.


Thank you,



Eric Robinson



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RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

2004-05-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
there is no mechanism for propagating slave changes 
from the slave back up to the master... synchronization 
occurs *only* from master to slave 
(hence the terminology).

Then why do they call it 2-way replication? Is there such a thing as

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RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

2004-05-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
Circular replication is possible...  A-B-C-A

Thanks, but that still does not answer the question... why do they call
it 2-way replication? That implies two machines, not several.

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RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

2004-05-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
It is there. Look for two-way :-)

I don't think they do... A search of the documentation for 
2-way yields nothing.

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RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

2004-05-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
That is my question exactly. 

-Original Message-
From: Ditto kolankanny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:40 AM
To: Robinson, Eric; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

Hi all,

In this A-B-C-A setup

A is master and B is slave. in the same time B is master and C is slave.
and C is master and A is slave.

that means All are master and slave.

then why don`t A---BA

in this same thinking i tried it  and its working.

for the time being it in a test platform and its ok. i don`t know in
future it will create any problems or not.

i send a mail to this group abou this and a persion in mysql asking same
thing, i am waiting for the reply.



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/17/2004 17:15:26 

Robinson, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 17/05/2004 15:48:12:

 there is no mechanism for propagating slave changes from the slave 
 back up to the master... synchronization occurs *only* from master to

 slave (hence the terminology).

 Then why do they call it 2-way replication? Is there such a thing as 

I don't think they do. On
it says: MySQL 3.23.15 and up features support for one-way
replication. A search of the documantation for 2-way yields nothing.

Circular replication is possible. If machines replicate A-B-C-A, each
update is tagged wit its originating machine and drops when it
replicates rounc. However, this is mainly a load-sharing rather than
reliability feature; there are considerable complexities if the same
table is updated on more then one machine.


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RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

2004-05-17 Thread Robinson, Eric
Shawn, your answer is excellent, and I now understand why replication is
a touchy issue. But now I am worried that I will not be able to
accomplish what I had hoped.

I want to have a server at my corporate office and a server at my branch
office. Most of the time, all users at both locations would use the
master server at the corporate office. 

Is it possible to set up replication in such a way that if the WAN link
goes down, the users at the branch office switch over to their local
server and continue working normally, including INSERT and UPDATE? If
so, what happens when the WAN link comes back up?

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: 1-Way or 2-Way Replication?

Robinson, Eric: 5/17/04 1048
there is no mechanism for propagating slave changes from the slave back

up to the master... synchronization occurs *only* from master to slave 
(hence the terminology).

Then why do they call it 2-way replication? Is there such a thing as

/Robinson, Eric


In order to declare a server a master server it must be able to accept
INSERTs and UPDATEs without corrupting your data integrity. If you want
to keep 2 master servers in sync, you must implement some form of
distributed locking. Distributed locking is what keeps both servers from
issuing the same ID number at the same time to two different records or
permitting simultaneous updates to the same record on two different
servers.  Once you solve the issue of distributed transaction locking
you are now able to keep both sets of data intact. The entire
locking/communication cycle between two (or more) servers that ensures
BOTH data integrity AND consistency is what is mean by the term 2-way

MySQL does not support distributed locking (yet). Until then, your data
integrity is ensured ONLYif you allow inserts/updates on only 1 server
at a time and copy the changes as they happen to all other servers that
need copies of the data. If you have two servers, A and B, and your
applications are written so that server A is where all of the data
creation and changes occur then you can ensure that all new records will
have unique primary key values and that each primary key value
identifies the same data (you have achieved data consistency). Those new
records could be copied over to B through the built-in replication
system in near-real-time. This is the 1-way replication you have read so
much about. Each master server (like A) can push data to multiple
slaves (like B) but as of right now there is no way for separate MySQL
servers to communicate with each other so that each of them can accept
new or updated data while preventing loss of data consistency (2-way or
n-way replication).

I hope I helped you to understand that 2-way replication involves much
more than simple data copying from server to server and requires an
entire distributed transaction system in order to prevent data
collisions and corruptions. MySQL will have it in a future release but
it's ready for an initial alpha test, yet.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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