Re: [mythtv-users] Re: error compiling 0.17 - FC3

2005-03-08 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 15:31 -0500, Colin Smillie wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 17:24:31 +0100, Axel Thimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 09:13:32AM -0500, Colin Smillie wrote:
> > > On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 13:48:14 -0800, Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > wrote:
> > > > Keith Olsen wrote:
> > > > > When compiling mythtv, I am getting the follwoing error:
> > > > >
> > > > > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt-mt
> > > > ...
> > > > > what am I missing?
> > > >
> > > > qt-mt
> > > >
> > >
> > > I'm ran into this also, the the instructions to upgrade from ATRPMs to
> > > CVS suggest building as non-root.  My experience on FC3 has been that
> > > the qt dev paths are not setup properly on non-root accounts.
> > 
> > Packages at ATrpms are all built as non-root.
> > 
> > Perhaps more a /usr/local -> /usr issue?
> > 
> Strange, I'm using "qmake prefix=/usr" with both root and
> non-root, only the root account builds successfully though.  I'm
> assuming is a qt-dev path path or priviledge problem somewhere since
> it errors finding qt-mt.

Actually, when you install the qt-devel package on FC3, you
get /etc/profile.d/

This file sets the QTDIR environment variable.  After installing qt-
devel, logout and log back in.  Do a 'env | grep -i qt' and you should
see the variable set.  That'll make it work.  So no, you're not missing
qt-mt.  Your current environment just doesn't know where to find it.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] libmpeg2 decoding causing prebuffer pauses on amd64

2005-03-07 Thread Ian Forde
I've recently upgraded my myth boxes to CVS from March 5 from Feb. 27.
Since then, HDTV decoding on FC3-x86_64 has generated lots of
prebuffering pauses when using libmpeg2.  Turning that setting off
allows normal CPU usage and playback.

So yes - I can watch 24 in HD tonight. ;)

So this is just a heads-up.  Anyone else seeing high CPU spikes with
libmpeg2 over the last few days?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Firewire for recording and channel changing

2005-03-07 Thread Ian Forde
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 16:07 +, Peter Judge wrote:
> Hi,
> As of 0.17, I can record from a STB via firewire. I can also change
> channels on my STB via firewire. Can I do both contemporaneously?



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] more info on blue screen

2005-03-06 Thread Ian Forde
On Sun, 2005-03-06 at 11:53 -0800, Tim Swortzel wrote:
> I just posted about a blue screen when trying to watch
> a recording.  I've included that below.  I have just
> noticed something else.  When I run mythfrontend from
> an xterm, and try to watch something, I get the
> following messages..

1. do 'xvinfo' to make sure you're using xv
2. Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log or /var/log/XFree86.0.log (You didn't say
what distro you're using, so I'm assuming Fedora of one sort or another)

Chances are you might not have enough videoram.  Since it's the onboard
video, some bioses have the option to allocate more ram to the video


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] mythvideo list mode crash fixed for amd64

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
Just wanted to say thanks for the fix to mythvideo's list mode crash on
amd64.  I just upgraded to CVS and it's working fine.  I saw the commit
and assume that fixed it.

Now if I could only get my nforce3 chipset to do ac3 passthrough with
ALSA... ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DV Recording via IEEE-1394 Firewire with MythTV

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 18:30 -0500, Rich Shumaker wrote:
> So the corner is nice this time of year.
> Wallpaper peeling and paint chipping that kind of thing.
> Okay so neither of you guys said go away in those words.  You just 
> didn't answer my question and told me to use something else besides MythTV.
> I personally felt that not answering my question and telling me that 
> MythTV isn't the right tool is the same as being told to go away.  It 
> was a question, still unanswered.

My advice?  Here's what happened to get firewire supported in myth.

1. A number of people were interested in it, some promising to test to
write something up.
2. Time passed by.
3. I decided it would be nice for me to be able to do firewire HDTV
recording (since I live in an apartment, I can't put in a 6' HD
antenna), so I posted to the mythtv lists about steps I was planning to
take to get it to a point where it would possibly be feasible.  Things
didn't go very well.
4. I went over to avsforum and tried to get test captures working
outside of myth.
5. I corresponded with the good folks over on the linux1394 list.
6. I learned that libiec61883 is the future of firewire capture on
Linux, but it hadn't been released yet.
7. I volunteered to be a tester for said library, reporting bugs back to
the main developer for the library.  Dan Dennedy get all of the credit
8. After libiec61883 was in a good place for me (read that is in:
working), I posted back to the 1394 and mythtv lists
9. I received an email from someone stating that they would take a stab
at writing firewire capture based on the libiec61883 test code.  Jim
Westfall gets all of the credit here.
10. I, along with possible others, tested the patch to myth
11. Jim submits the patch to myth and it gets accepted.
12. Everybody's happy.

By the same token, the big DVB patch that went in a while back was a
massive, planned *collaboration*.

Moral of the story?  Get it working in Linux, figure out how different
it is from existing methods, then attempt a groundswell in the

> Can or does MythTV record DV via the newly supported IEEE-1394(firewire) 
> port?  I know IEEE-1394 was added for cable boxes.  But in none of the 
> posts did anyone say anything about that.  Or say "NO" it does not 
> record DV.  Since the original intention of the IEEE-1394 port was DV 
> footage transfer and it is the oldest use for this port I thought the 
> question had some merit.  The IEEE-1394 port has expanded over time to 
> be used for a ton of stuff including hi end cameras, hi end audio 
> boards, even networking and now Cable boxes.
> I understand that MythTV does not have IEEE-1394 protocols built in to 
> turn the cam on or off or do anything else with the camcorders 
> transport.  MythTV works thru scheduling.  And in this respect it is 
> difficult to use for anything except recording TV.  I would still like 
> to record 2 DV streams at the same time into a server.  If MythTV could 
> record DV then it would be the quickest and easiest solution for me to 
> do that.

Remember that this is a developer-focused project, so pitching in will
go a *LONG* way.

> So I guess a different question that may get a better response is, Does 
> MythTV have a plug in to record video from Camcorders via DV?  Or an 
> editing plug in?

You're several steps away from that.

> I think one of the major things that MythTV is missing is editing(not 
> just file truncation).
> Again that is my opinion.  Obviously you guys don't share it.


> I am not a programmer.  So that is why this is a question being asked on 
> the users forum.  Not the dev forum.  I will go check out the linux 
> packages that exist for editing and see if they have the ability to do 
> what I need.  Also see if they could be a potential plug in for MythTV.

I'm not a programmer either.  I'm a SysAdmin. ;)

> I would still appreciate an answer about recording DV footage via the 
> IEEE-1394 port.

1. Record DV footage in Linux via command line
2. Get it working with libiec61883 or some other standard linux firewire

At this point, it may be possible to integrate it as a tuner type into

As far as editing goes, that's an entirely different story.  Or maybe
not.  Once you've got video into myth, you can cut with the commercial
editor, but as far as full editing goes, that's probably suited to a
full-blown plugin.  (Which, now that I think about it, would be pretty

Just the view from my foxhole...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 23:33 +, Mike Ryan wrote:
> Woah! Found them here:
> The system also complained about perl-Text-Kakasi-1.05-11.i386.rpm before the
> mythtv-suite install would start.
> Thanks for all the help!

Excellent!  Now, since the pubs in London are closed by now, feel free
to head to O Bar in Camden Town, and if Mark is the DJ, tell him Ian in
California said hi. ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 22:48 +, Mike Ryan wrote:
> Thanks again!
> I tried that, but yum doesn't seem to be aware of these as package names:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum install perl-Term-ReadKey
> Setting up Install Process
> Setting up Repos
> at-stable 100% |=|  951 B00:00
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> at-stable : ## 1215/1215
> No Match for argument: perl-Term-ReadKey
> Nothing to do
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum install kakasi kakasi-dict
> Setting up Install Process
> Setting up Repos
> at-stable 100% |=|  951 B00:00
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> at-stable : ## 1215/1215
> No Match for argument: kakasi
> No Match for argument: kakasi-dict
> Nothing to do
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum install qt-MySQL
> Setting up Install Process
> Setting up Repos
> at-stable 100% |=|  951 B00:00
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> at-stable : ## 1215/1215
> No Match for argument: qt-MySQL
> Nothing to do
> I tried searching for it as well without any joy:

Hmm... check your yum config again...

also, you should be able to manually install perl-TermReadKey (these
wasn't supposed to be an extra dash - sorry about that) and qt-MySQL.
After that, try the yum install again...

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum search qt-MySQL
> Searching Packages:
> Setting up Repos
> at-stable 100% |=|  951 B00:00
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> at-stable : ## 1215/1215
> No Matches found
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum whatprovides qt-MySQL
> Searching Packages:
> Setting up Repos
> at-stable 100% |=|  951 B00:00
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> at-stable : ## 1215/1215
> Importing Additional filelist information for packages
> at-stable : ## 1215/1215
> No Matches found
> What am I like trying to do this on a Sat night? Ho, hum!

Heh - Saturday afternoon in sunny Northern California here... I really
should go outside... ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 22:18 +, Mike Ryan wrote:
> Ian
> Thanks for that - seemed to move me a little bit further. I now have all the
> latest packages installed and am running from the stock Fedora kernel.

Glad to help...

> However, apt-get still complains about an insane number of unmet dependencies 
> if
> I try apt-get install mythtv-suite, so I didn't pursue that line. 

Fair enough.  I build myth from CVS, so I didn't test that far...

> I also tried yum install mythtv-suite. This came up with a number of messages
> about "Processing Dependencies" (which I think is normal), but then craps out
> with:
> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
> Error: Missing Dependency: qt-MySQL is needed by package libmyth
> Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Term::ReadKey) >= 2.14 is needed by package
> perl-Term-ProgressBar
> Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Term::ReadKey) is needed by package perl-XMLTV
> Error: Missing Dependency: kakasi-dict is needed by package perl-Text-Kakasi
> Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package
> perl-Text-Kakasi

Actually, since I've got another amd64 box, I'm testing that right now.
Since I build myth from CVS, I'll be removing myth right after.  I just
want the dependencies...

Uhhh... it looks like it's working just fine so far... one thing you
might want to try is to do it in steps.

yum install perl-Term-ReadKey
yum install kakasi kakasi-dict
yum install qt-MySQL

In fact, I know I distinctly did a 'yum install qt-MySQL' before doing
the 'yum install mythtv-suite', so that might make the difference...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 12:06 -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 12:04 -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 20:45 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> > > On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 11:22:04AM -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> > > > 7. Fix /etc/grub.conf to *NOT* boot the new 770_14 kernel.  ( At this
> > > > point, the kernel installed (770_14) would cause kernel oopses with the
> > > > nvidia video driver, so I had to replace it with the stock Fedora 770
> > > > kernel).
> > > 
> > > Eeeck! Can you double check this? Please send me the oops (in PM
> > > possibly)
> > 
> > Here ya go!
> Heh - sorry - for about the reply-to field.  I'll see if I can double-
> check it...

Confirmed.  NVidia driver 6629 causes a kernel oops when X is started on on x86-64...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 12:04 -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 20:45 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 11:22:04AM -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> > > 7. Fix /etc/grub.conf to *NOT* boot the new 770_14 kernel.  ( At this
> > > point, the kernel installed (770_14) would cause kernel oopses with the
> > > nvidia video driver, so I had to replace it with the stock Fedora 770
> > > kernel).
> > 
> > Eeeck! Can you double check this? Please send me the oops (in PM
> > possibly)
> Here ya go!

Heh - sorry - for about the reply-to field.  I'll see if I can double-
check it...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 20:45 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 11:22:04AM -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> > 7. Fix /etc/grub.conf to *NOT* boot the new 770_14 kernel.  ( At this
> > point, the kernel installed (770_14) would cause kernel oopses with the
> > nvidia video driver, so I had to replace it with the stock Fedora 770
> > kernel).
> Eeeck! Can you double check this? Please send me the oops (in PM
> possibly)

Here ya go!

Mar  5 02:45:05 tatooine kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC5] enabled at IRQ 
Mar  5 02:45:05 tatooine kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt :01:00.0[A] -> GSI 16 
(level, low) -> IRQ 225
Mar  5 02:45:05 tatooine kernel: NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86_64 NVIDIA 
Kernel Module  1.0-6629  Wed Nov  3 11:43:48 PST 2004
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: agpgart: Found an AGP 3.0 compliant device at 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at :00:00.0 
into 8x mode
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at :01:00.0 
into 8x mode
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: agpgart: Found an AGP 3.0 compliant device at 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at :00:00.0 
into 8x mode
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at :01:00.0 
into 8x mode
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer 
dereference at  RIP: 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: {strlcpy+13}
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: PML4 14d06067 PGD 14cce067 PMD 0 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: Oops:  [1] 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: CPU 0 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: Modules linked in: nvidia(U) ivtv(U) 
saa7115(U) msp3400(U) nfsd exportfs md5 ipv6 autofs4 nfs lockd rfcomm l2cap 
bluetooth sunrpc xfs dm_mod video button battery ac raw1394 dv1394 ohci1394 
ieee1394 ohci_hcd ehci_hcd tuner cx8800 v4l1_compat v4l2_common cx88_dvb cx8802 
mt352 cx88xx i2c_algo_bit ir_common btcx_risc tveeprom videodev video_buf_dvb 
dvb_core video_buf cx22702 i2c_core dvb_pll nvsound(U) snd_intel8x0 
snd_ac97_codec snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm snd_timer snd soundcore 
snd_page_alloc forcedeth ext3 jbd sata_nv libata sd_mod scsi_mod
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: Pid: 5939, comm: X Tainted: P
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: RIP: 0010:[] 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: RSP: 0018:010014cdd950  EFLAGS: 00010286
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: RAX:  RBX: 80685600 
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: RDX: 0020 RSI:  
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: RBP: 010017a2f880 R08: 010017a2f890 
R09: 010017a2f880
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: R10: 0181 R11: 3246 
R12: 010014322000
Mar  5 02:45:06 tatooine kernel: R13: 01001e20d000 R14: 01001f2e5800 
R15: 010013ae0d40
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: FS:  002a9588a5e0() 
GS:804fea00() knlGS:f7fea6c0
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: CS:  0010 DS:  ES:  CR0: 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: CR2:  CR3: 00101000 
CR4: 06e0
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: Process X (pid: 5939, threadinfo 
010014cdc000, task 01001030)
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: Stack: a032e42b 0100151d12c8 
01001f1b66b0 000e 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:0246 0100153d61e8 
01001f846fa8 0246 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:803c7601 010014cdde88 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: Call 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
{:cx8800:video_do_ioctl+0} {__getblk+41} 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:{__rmqueue+217} 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:{__d_lookup+372} 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:
{strncpy_from_user+72} {sys_ioctl+834} 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel:{system_call+126} 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: 
Mar  5 02:45:07 tatooine kernel: Code: f2 ae 48 85 d2 48 f7 d1 48 8d 41 ff 74 
13 48 8d 4a ff 48 39 
Mar  5

Re: [mythtv-users] AMD64 FC3 MythTV 0.17 installation

2005-03-05 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 12:51 -0500, Edward Rudd wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 11:38, Mike Ryan wrote:
> > Hi
> [snip]
> > 
> > Should I be doing this another way for an AMD-64 installation?
> Yes, add atrpms as a yum source to yum or add it to up2date's source
> file. OR install smart from atrpms.  All are viable options until the
> APT group gets around to fixing the amd64 issues.
> Reading's install page has
> information on configuring YUM

Yep - I finally got around to fixing yum on my AMD64 box last night.  It
was a little tricky.  From memory...

1. Add a source for atrpms to /etc/yum.repos.d/

At this point, a simple 'yum update' didn't work.  Sooo...

2. yum install python24 pythonabi
3. Download yum from atrpms
4. rpm -e yum
5. rpm -i   (you may need to have atrpms-
package-config installed for this step to work)
6. yum update

Wait a *WHILE*.

7. Fix /etc/grub.conf to *NOT* boot the new 770_14 kernel.  ( At this
point, the kernel installed (770_14) would cause kernel oopses with the
nvidia video driver, so I had to replace it with the stock Fedora 770
8. Reboot
9. Download stock redhat 770 kernel (which you could also do while
waiting for the yum update to complete earlier)
10. rpm -e ___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] remote lock all?

2005-03-02 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 19:33 -0700, Dave Packham wrote:
> Is there a way to use the remote to lock all functions like live tv
> videos everything?  I found the setup lock but nothing that would lock
> it all up
> Like child proof it when they should be doing their homework?

Heh - you could always have an authenticated web page that chmods the
various modules so that the frontend user can't load them!  Of course,
this won't work for Live TV...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] leading zero's in channel number

2005-03-01 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 14:04 -0500, Pete Stagman wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone know how to make myth add leading zero's if the channel is less
> than 3 digits? I tried adding them to the channel table in
> mythconverge, that doesn't seem to work.
> I'm using a dishnetwork hdtv box, it requires 3 digit channel numbers
> for channels <100.

Uhhh... don't.  You're digging in the wrong spot.  Just change the
channel-changing script to add the leading zeroes.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV review from a long-time TiVo user

2005-02-26 Thread Ian Forde
On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 17:33 -0500, Gary M wrote:
> This is a really nice summary for any tivo user who's thinking about
> switching, or cohabiting with a Myth box. I'm just waiting for
> Tive-to-go plugin for Myth and I'll be doing back flips.

What - you mean like nuvexport?  Or you mean as in exporting shows from
the Tivo into myth?  MythTivo will let you watch your Tivo shows on
myth, though they're not integrated into myth itself.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Cable co. refuses to offer firewire enabled box

2005-02-25 Thread Ian Forde
On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 10:03 -0700, Ryan wrote:
> So I take my digital cable box to the Cable One office in Boise ID. The
> lady says she doesnt know what firewire or 1394 connecters are and shows
> me their "latest" box which doesnt have one. So I figure it will be
> easier to speak with a tech; so I go home and call and ask if they have
> 1394 enabled boxes. The lady doesnt know and connects me to a tech, he
> says that they do have them (at the office I was at) but that they dont
> support them. I said "If I come down can I get one?" and he says yes.
> SO, I go down there and talk to a completely different lady. Again she
> doesnt know what firewire is. I told her I spoke with  and
> he said they have them. She dissapears to the back and says it will cost
> me $10 more a month to have a box with firewire because only their DVR
> boxes have them. I pulled out the fcc document and said that they need
> to order me one. She took the FCC doc to the manager and they came back
> and said "No we dont have to provide you with one".
> I should be able to get one at no extra cost right?

I don't know about that... I'm paying $5 more a month for mine...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to decrease time needed for switch channels in live-TV ?

2005-02-23 Thread Ian Campbell
On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 04:52 -0500, Brad Benson wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 09:31:37 +, Chris Martin 
> > Two ideas that I had on this subject:
> > 
> > idea 1
> > Would it be technically possible to have an option to enable the PVR
> > functionality only once the pause button is pressed (i.e. only create
> > a buffer on pause)?  You'd lose the ability to rewind through stuff
> > you'd just been watching , but it might work better for some people.
> > 
> I'm not sure how well that would work, but the first thing that comes
> to mind is that if you don't create the buffer until the user presses
> the pause button then you absolutely can't pause on the same frame
> they were watching when the button was pressed (since it's already
> been displayed to the monitor and not written to disk).  At best you
> could pause at the next frame, which is probably acceptable to most
> people, but this would really depend on the overhead required to open
> the new buffer file and start writing video to that file.

Would it be possible to still have the buffer, but just not fill it (as
much) before starting to play, i.e. only buffer a couple of frames so
the live stream is only 2-3 frames behind real-time rather than 3s
(75-90 frames depending on region?) -- until the user pauses or rewinds

(just a brain dump, I don't use live TV much anymore either)...


Ian Campbell
Current Noise: Metallica - The Four Horsemen

Newton's Little-Known Seventh Law:
A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 'importing' ReplayTV mpegs

2005-02-22 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 17:21 +0800, Max Waterman wrote:
> Hi again,
> I have many gigabytes of mpegs from my ReplayTV. Currently, I have just 
> symlinked the directory they are in, to /video/...something...
> Is there any better way to 'import' them?
> Each mpeg has a second file with it, but I forget what it is called 
> ('.ndx', I think). I am guessing this has the information in it to skip 
> the commercials. Anyone know exactly what it is, and/or if there is some 
> way I can use it?

Well, if the .ndx file has show information in it as well as commercial
info, you should be able to google around to find some code that parses
it.  Best bet would be to throw something together in perl and put it in
a script for mythtv/contrib/... That would make a *very* useful
ReplayTV-> migration tool...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] rate doesn't match error

2005-02-21 Thread Ian Campbell
On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 23:06 -0500, Rick Ingersoll wrote:
> I am running out of my pvr350 card.  I have set the audio to be 
> ALSA:default.  When I try to watch live tv, I get and error rate doesn't 
> match.  expected 0 and got 4400.  Anybody know the solution?

I posted the same question last week and got a private response from
Frank Riley:
I suspect the following thread in mythtv-dev is the culprit:
"audio init bug in NuppelVideoPlayer::StartPlaying".
I've not had a chance to check try out though.

The problem is that myth is detecting an audio rate of 0 (somehow),
which is not supported by the sound hardware so the hardware gets set to
the minimum rate that it supports and that is what gives the error.

I wasn't able to trace through the code to find where the 0 comes from
just by observation, I was planning to dig in with some debug stuff but
never quite got round to it.


Ian Campbell

The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts.
-- Paul Erlich

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: One videosource, several grabbers ?

2005-02-21 Thread Ian Trider
To elaborate on Oliver's post, yes, you can tv_cat together two
listings.  You don't need to worry about stripping out stuff you don't
want;  mythfilldatabase will only fill it's database with data from
the channels that it knows about (so all you need to do is get al lthe
channels into the database with the appropriate ID).

Ian Trider

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:27:24 +0100 (CET), Oliver Martini
> Hi,
> Here in Switzerland we have the same problem. We have Swiss, German,
> Austrian, Italien, French and some other channels.
> I created myself a little script that grabs the data from two sources and
> then use the tv_cat command to put those two files together.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Interesting note on firewire support... Note describing how to change channels and such

2005-02-18 Thread Ian Forde
On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 19:45 -0500, Byron Miller wrote:
> I've been using the firewire support, and its impressive for the first
> release but getting support for changing the channels and controlling
> the cable box over firewire through mythtv would just be heaven..

Uh... look in mythtv/contrib/6200ch.c.  It's for changing the channel
over firewire.  It works just fine for many.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] problems building mythmusic .0.17

2005-02-18 Thread Ian Hojnicki
Last I remember reading is that MythMusic still had problems going to
64-bit.  That was a little while back.  Goom was the culprit.

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 06:43:26 -0500, Marius Schrecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently in the process of setting up a box with PVR based on mythmusic.
> Vitalstatistix:
> amd x86-64, Shuttle Xbox with nvidia nforce3 chipset.
> no video grab at the moment, but will play with a bt878 based card (currently
> in another box) until I can afford a pvr-350.
> Kernel 2.6.10 built on GCC 3.4 (also tried 3.3 - see under)
> ATI radeon 9200 card with fglrx driver (not currently in use as I had trouble
> with installing other X related packages with this in place, so am currently
> running on fbdev) - output to TV only.
> MythTV built ok after getting the prerequisites in place. I do get the
>  getSession management error: Could not open network socket
> error whenever I attach to the database, however, everything seems to go
> ok after the initial error, and the database can be both read and written
> to.
> A quick google trawl yesterday suggests that this may have something to
> do with qt3, if anyone knows more please comment.
> The main reason for the post is that trying to build mythmusic fails with
> the following errors:
> usr/local/include -I/usr/include/cdda -I/usr/include/qt3 -o zoom_filter_mmx.o
> goom/zoom_filter_mmx.c
> {standard input}: Assembler messages:
> {standard input}:9: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
> {standard input}:11: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
> {standard input}:17: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
> {standard input}:128: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
> make[1]: *** [zoom_filter_mmx.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/mythmusic-0.17/mythmusic'
> Unusually I can't even ascertain the guilty file from this output. I've
> looked at ~/mythmusic/goom/zoom_filter_mmx.c and this can't be the problem.
> Have also tried with and without march=k8 in settings pro and with GCC 3.3
> and 3.4 in both 3.3 and 3.4 compiled kernels.
> All attempts lead to the same error.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers
> Registered Linux user
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Who's running a silent (or near silent) frontend with a fast chip?

2005-02-18 Thread Ian Campbell
On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 13:04 +0100, Adam Egger wrote:
> > My backend is also Athlon64, this time in an Antec SLK3000BQE case, with
> > Seagate SATA 200GB disks. That is surprisingly quiet too. 
> My Athlon64 front/backen pc is pretty quiet too. The fan on the CPU is
> only running a few times a day. There's a passively cooled Nvidia 5200
> in it and a completely quiet default PSU in the Fujitsu-Siemens tower.
> The only thing I can hear now is the Samsung 120GB (SV1204H with
> 5400rmp). It was the most silent disk available last year. But I still
> can hear a high frequency tone from the hdd when it's completely quiet
> in the room. Is there a way to get a disk more quiet?

I've been very happy with the silent driver acoustic enclosure I got

I guess the same products are available elsewhere if quietpc don't
service your region.


Ian Campbell
Current Noise: Amon Amarth - Atrocious Humanity

Politics makes strange bedfellows, and journalism makes strange politics.
-- Amy Gorin

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ivtv/tuner Problem

2005-02-18 Thread Ian Hojnicki
This has nothing to do with ivtv, I believe.  His is over a year old,
but just now is he starting to use it.  This is just one of those
things that should not happen, but does.  I bet it happens because of
some strange error or a setup problem.

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:50:27 -0500 (EST), Ryan W. Maple
> Ian,
> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Ian Hojnicki wrote:
> > Actually a buddy of mine is having this issue as well.
> > He can change channels while Watching Live TV but it refuses to change
> > the channel when recording a show.  It always stays at whatever
> > channel he left it at.
> Yay, I'm not crazy ;).
> > I was going to go through the source over the weekend to see what is
> > going on there...
> Let me know if I can help at all.  This may very well be an ivtv problem
> -- from what I can tell this is a newer revision of the PVR-250:
>   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo lspci -v -s 01:08.0 2>/dev/null
>   : :01:08.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc 
> iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
>   : Subsystem: Hauppauge computer works Inc. WinTV PVR 250
>   : Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
> ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
>   : Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- 
> SERR-: Latency: 64 (32000ns min, 2000ns max), Cache Line Size: 0x08 (32 
> bytes)
>   : Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 17
>   : Region 0: Memory at d400 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=64M]
>   : Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2
>   : Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA 
> PME(D0-,D1-,D2-,D3hot-,D3cold-)
>   : Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
> -r
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] X to TVout on pvr350

2005-02-18 Thread Ian Trider
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 07:41:08 -0500, Shalem Shem-Tov
> OK BusID "0:13:0" did the trick, and I think I'm much closer to getting this
> to work.. but not quite there yet.  Now when I try to load X, I get a
> graphical black & white "X" which moves when I move the mouse, so I do get
> output to my TV.  However, The "X" just says there and X never finishes
> loading.  I get these errors:

How are you starting X?  It may be that you are simply not launching
any programs..

If you are launching by startx from the console, check your .xsession
(or .Xclients, or equivilent in your distro).   Make sure you launch
SOMETHING in it (i.e. an xterm; twm; something).
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Any way to get firewire enabled MythTV from apt-get?

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Forde
On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 01:03 -0500, Jeff Wormsley wrote:
> I'm getting a 6200 box next week, and am rebuilding my setup in 
> preparation for it.  I went ahead and set up a zaptoit channel listing 
> for the firewire box, but the mythbackend from Axels at-testing 
> complains that support isn't compiled in.  I had a CVS build before, so 
> I can do that again if I have to, but figured I'd see if there was a 
> better way. 

Yep - just download the source rpm for mythtv and rebuild it with
firewire support.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ivtv/tuner Problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Hojnicki
Actually a buddy of mine is having this issue as well.  
He can change channels while Watching Live TV but it refuses to change
the channel when recording a show.  It always stays at whatever
channel he left it at.

I can not reproduce this on my setup at all, of course.

I was going to go through the source over the weekend to see what is
going on there...

I'll email back my results.


On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 10:28:09 -0500 (EST), Ryan W. Maple
> I recently decided to check out MythTV again (using mdz's sid packages)
> and bought myself a PVR-250 to play with.  Everything is working great
> except recording.
> I schedule a recording and it records, but it records the wrong channel.
> For example I if tell it to record channel 29 it records channel 3 (the
> default channel) or, if I was watching LiveTV previously, it records
> whatever channel I left the tuner on.
> I can change channels just fine in LiveTV so it looks to me like the
> problem is somewhere in the recording logic.  Is anybody else having this
> problem, or can somebody point me to someplace in the source I can begin
> debugging this?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
>  +-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --+
>Ryan W. MapleGuardian Digital, Inc.
>"If you eliminate the redundancy, sleep is a four letter word." -CW
>  +-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --+
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Only _some_ recordings have no sound since 0.17 upgrade

2005-02-16 Thread Ian Morgan
Sorry you're having audio troubles too. Seems that is not an uncommon
problem amongst people on the list. Certainly mixer settings and msp3400
modules are the most common culprits when sound does not work across the
Im my case, however, sound does work just fine 90%+ of the time. It's just
the occasional single recording that gets hosed with no sound. I can jump
back and forth between playing a good recording with sound and a bad one
without sound. Playing the .nuv files with Myth or mplayer or whatever else
makes no difference. The sound is definitely mute within the recording
itself. The problem is definitely at record-time, not playback-time.
Ian Morgan
 Ian E. Morgan  Vice President & C.O.O.   Webcon, Inc.
 imorgan at webcon dot caPGP: #2DA40D07
*  Customized Linux network solutions for your business  *
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Phill Edwards wrote:
I upgraded to 0.17 two nights ago and everything worked fine even
after a reboot. Then yesterday after other reboots all sound output
seems to have gone - no sound in recordings or live tv. I am using two
cards with bt8x8 drivers so your's may not be a ivtv issue.
I have not had a chance to look into this properly yet - it's possible
the mixer settings have gone whacko and just need to be reset - but
it's a coincidence that I had no sound problems before the upgrade,
and then the day after I upgrade there's no sound at all. I'm keeping
an open mind until I check into it more tonight. I'm hoping that I
don't have to go back to 0.16 via a backup I took before the upgrade
because everything else about 0.17 looks great so far.
Anyone else had this problem?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for a cheap PCMCIA card

2005-02-16 Thread Ian Forde

On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 16:37 -0600, Jorge GuzmÃn wrote:
> I want it as a TV capture card.

Then you want a firewire card (assuming that you have a Cable box with
firewire output).  Now that I think about it... due to Firewire capture,
it's possible to have a laptop backend!


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Only _some_ recordings have no sound since 0.17 upgrade

2005-02-16 Thread Ian E. Morgan
In a nutshell: Some, but not all, of my recordings (about 1 in 10 or so)
wind up with no sound.
My box has dual tuners (an older PVR350, and a new PVR250).
Original config:
MythTV 0.16
ivtv various, but stable with 0.2.0-rc2t for at least a month
With the original config, no problems at all.
Added a PVR250:
About 2 weeks ago, I got the PVR250 card. Adding the simple tuners patch got
the kernel to recognise the new type 50 tuner. I took this time to also
upgrade the ivtv driver to the latest rc3f, and everything worked great
with dual tuners for a week.
Upgraded to 0.17:
After a week of dual-tuner use, MythTV was upgraded to 0.17. No problem at
first. Both tuners worked, making good streams with audio & video for both
recordings and live TV.
The next morning, I found a recording that had no sound. I don't know which
tuner it was recorded with (how do I find out?).
The day after that, I found another _active_ recording that had no sound.
Since this program was still recording, I could verify the tuner (it was the
250), and also verify that 'aplay -f dat /dev/video25' produced no sound,
while the same thing with /dev/video24 did produce sound for the other
active recoding that was happening at the same time.
There had been many instances of two programs recording simultaneously that
have worked just fine, so it's not a consistent problem.
When the above recording on the 250 was producing no audio, I stopped the
recording then began Live TV and tuned to the same channel and got sound! I
terminated Live TV, restarted the recording, then began playing back that
recording and got sound!
I have since then found two or three more instances of programs that
recorded with no audio. I believe it has happened on both the PVR250 &
PVR350 card, but I can't be 100% sure about that.
To rule out the ivtv driver upgrade as the culprit, I reverted back to rc2t
which I had no problem with for a long time. Two days later, I came upon
another broken no-audio recording, so I rule out the ivtv driver.
Any time that I have been lucky(?) enough to come accorss a no-audio
recording in progress, I have found that stopping the recording and
restarting it restores proper audio recording. This leads me to believe that
there is some ineraction between the new MythTV 0.17 and the ivtv driver
(various version) that cause an incomplete/failed initialization/channel
So, to make a long story short, I can find no clues as to why this is
happening. The backend logs show nothing of relevance (no abnormal warning
or errors) at the start of a problem recording.
Is anybody else seeing this problem? Anybody have a clue how to begin
debugging it? I might even try to revert back to Myth 0.16 (ow, painful)
just to rule in/out 0.17 as a suspect.
Ian Morgan
 Ian E. Morgan  Vice President & C.O.O.   Webcon, Inc.
 imorgan at webcon dot ca   PGP: #2DA40D07
*  Customized Linux Network Solutions for your Business  *
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] rate doesn't match (sound issue)?

2005-02-15 Thread Ian Campbell
Hi Frank,

On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 21:24 -0700, Frank Riley wrote:
> I just updated to the latest cvs code from older cvs code. I'm using native 
> alsa (ALSA:sis in setup). Now when I go to live tv, I get: "Rate doesn't 
> match (requested 0Hz, got 48000Hz)". If I hit "Continue WITHOUT AUDIO" and 
> go to live tv, sound works fine. Anyone know how to get rid of this error? 

I just upgraded to 0.17 (using the mdz Debian packages) and got exactly
the same problem. I wondered if you had figured it out before I dig into
it tonight...

I'm using ALSA:default in setup.


Ian Campbell

I hate trolls.  Maybe I could metamorph it into something else -- like a
ravenous, two-headed, fire-breathing dragon.
-- Willow

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Getting IVTV to load at boot

2005-02-11 Thread Ian Hojnicki
Add ivtv to /etc/modules.
That will force ivtv to be loaded at startup.


On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:30:14 -0800, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't know much about debian but try this:
> installguide#AutomaticallyStartingeverythingonBootUp
> -Dave
> On Feb 11, 2005, at 9:40 AM, M S wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > I've rebuilt my mythbox recently and now I'm trying to put the pieces
> > back together.  I've installed a 2.0 version of IVTV drivers and they
> > load fine when I do a modprobe ivtv, but they don't seem to load at
> > boot time automatically.  I'm running debian and I've put the
> > appropriate info in the /etc/modutils/ivtv file and ran a
> > update-modules.  Like I said, I can manaully load the drivers fine,
> > but I can't seem to get the drivers to load automatically at boot.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Matt
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] setting up myth in debian

2005-02-10 Thread Ian Hojnicki
The mythtv-database package primes MySQL with the database and the
mythtv user permissions.  Is MySQL actually running?

Can you do this?
mysql -u root test

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:31:37 -0500, Aaron Aguilar
> (FYI I have been using information on how to do this from
>   )
> I keep getting an error message when trying
> #apt-get install mythtv
> It says
> Failed to connect to database: Unknown MySQL Server Host 'mythtv' (1)
> at -e line 5, <> line 1.
> Failed to create database (incorrect admin username/password?)
> If you supplied incorrect information, try:
> dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database
> dhcp64:~# dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database
> Failed to connect to database: Unknown MySQL Server Host 'mythtv' (1)
> at -e line 5, <> line 1.
> Failed to create database (incorrect admin username/password?)
> If you supplied incorrect information, try:
> dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database
> So I try to do the dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database and I
> still get the same error.  Any one have any idea what I should try
> next?  Thanks for any help or advice.
> Aaron
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] TWC / Brighthouse SA3250 and firewire support

2005-02-09 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 16:24 -0500, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
> So, for all intents & purposes, this would seem to mean that they can't 
> encrypt or 'constrain the resolution' of any channel that you could 
> otherwise get OTA in the clear.  Any other content (i.e., most cable 
> networks) is fair game for both encryption and 'resolution constraint'.

Right, so when you said:

> The cable companies are not required to provide HD resolution on the 
> Firewire output.  Most likely any HD content will be transcoded 
> inside the cable box to, say, 480p before it's output over Firewire.  
> As for viewing, that's totally independent of your cable box/Firewire 
> setup.  Since the recording are probably not going to be HD anyway, it really 
> doesn't matter that you're going to be viewing them on a standard TV.

You only meant it in regards to non-OTA-available channels, right? ;)

So while they can't touch Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc... I shouldn't (and
don't) expect much from ESPN.  But since this would be the *only* way of
getting HBO or Showtime in HD (which I don't currently receive), what
exactly is the point to all of the resistance to firewire that I've been
seeing on these list over the last 6 months?[1]  I mean - we're talking
about a (small or matching) subset of channels available OTA, for those
who can't put up an antenna.  There's a chance one can get channels such
as INHD, INHD2, ESPN unencrypted (which I do), and if one's provider
sends you an unencrypted HBO/Showtime if you already subscribe to the
non-HD versions, what's the scandal?

Sorry for the rant - I've got the flu today. ;)


[1] And I don't mean specifically you - there have been a few people
that have said, "it's all encrypted - why bother?", when a little
homework would have yielded the legislation to which you pointed...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] TWC / Brighthouse SA3250 and firewire support

2005-02-09 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 15:57 -0500, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 February 2005 15:29, Ian Forde wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 13:10 -0500, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
> > > The cable companies are not required to provide HD resolution on the 
> > > Firewire output.  Most likely any HD content will be transcoded 
> > > inside  
> > > the cable box to, say, 480p before it's output over Firewire.  As 
> > > for  
> > > viewing, that's totally independent of your cable box/Firewire 
> > > setup.   
> > > Since the recording are probably not going to be HD anyway, it 
> > > really  
> > > doesn't matter that you're going to be viewing them on a standard 
> > > TV. 
> > 
> > Except that the recording that I'm getting IS HD.  People over on
> > avsforum have been capturing HD, unencrypted, over firewire since at
> > least October of 2003.  And it's not just 480p.  I've been getting 
> > 1080i 
> > and 720p.
> > 
> > I'm wondering why you think my experience is not the norm...
> Right now you're getting some HD resolutions, but AFAIK the cable co. is 
> not *required* to give you anything higher than HD, as long as the 
> content is viewable.   It's entirely possible that the cable company 
> could even change this behavior on your current STB with a stealth 
> firmware upgrade.  Unencrypted broadcast televsion cannot be 
> down-sized; not sure if that applies to broadcast channels carried by a 
> cable provider. 

AFAIK, since the regulation is meant for cable companies, it would seem
that unencrypted broadcast television that they can't downsize it.

Now, it may be a different story for ESPN, HBO, etc., but aren't the
broadcast television channels (which can't be downsized by them)
generally a subset of OTA HD anyway?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] TWC / Brighthouse SA3250 and firewire support

2005-02-09 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 13:10 -0500, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
> The cable companies are not required to provide HD resolution on the 
> Firewire output.  Most likely any HD content will be transcoded inside 
> the cable box to, say, 480p before it's output over Firewire.  As for 
> viewing, that's totally independent of your cable box/Firewire setup.  
> Since the recording are probably not going to be HD anyway, it really 
> doesn't matter that you're going to be viewing them on a standard TV.

Except that the recording that I'm getting IS HD.  People over on
avsforum have been capturing HD, unencrypted, over firewire since at
least October of 2003.  And it's not just 480p.  I've been getting 1080i
and 720p.

I'm wondering why you think my experience is not the norm...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv write up in australian financial review

2005-02-08 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 04:41 +0100, Cecil Watson wrote:
> Lachlan McIntosh wrote:
> >for those interested the article from the NYT is reprinted in the australian 
> >financial review today.
> >
> >  
> >
> Frell that article.

Yeah... they have no idea what the hazmata they're talking about. ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] TWC / Brighthouse SA3250 and firewire support

2005-02-08 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 19:40 -0500, wheaty wrote:
> I think I read somewhere that the firewire port can be disabled via
> software by the cable company?

Yes, but that would be *ILLEGAL*. ;)

(And can we please keep this on -users?)


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: [mythtv] TWC / Brighthouse SA3250 and firewire support

2005-02-08 Thread Ian Forde
(moving this over to -users)

On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 14:18 -0600, Bill Bradley wrote:
> Hey All,
> I have been wanting to use the firewire port on the SA3250 to capture
> video/ change channels for a while now, so I am stoked to see support
> for this in cvs and the upcoming .17 version.  I have a couple of
> questions b4 I take the plunge and swap out my cable box (my 3250
> doesn't have the firewire).
> 1.  What kind of system resources (cpu/ram) does this use in
> comparison to the PVR250?

None for capture, though playback is the same as the requirements for
the pcHDTV 3000 card...

> 2.  Has anyone been able to change channels on the 3250 via firewire.?
> I see the code for the dct6200 in contrib, but nothing for the 3250. 
> The 3250 will not work with my IR blaster.

I'd try it out and see what happens...

> 3.  I also saw mention that the video output (except analog/HD) is
> encrypted. Is this true?

Not necessarily.  In my case, it's coming through quite nicely and

> 4.  Not soo important (and maybe stupid), but will this enable me to
> record/view HD content through myth?  I don't have a hdtv set. I have
> a standard 27" tv and do a lot of my viewing on the backend with a lcd
> monitor.

This will allow you to record the content.  Viewing on a 27" non HD tv?
I'll leave that for others to answer.  It's got a longer answer than I
can think about right now...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] IVTV v0.20 vs v0.19

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
FWIW, my experince has been the opposite -- particularly, attempting
to skip forward repeatly through a recording with ivtv
0.1.10pre2-ck100z caused the machine to lock.  ivtv 0.2.0rc3d seems to
be mostly working OK for me right now.. (having some framedrop issues
with my secondary card..need to find out what is causing that)

And I don't think closed captioning works properly in any release yet
-- in 0.1.10-pre2-ck100z it nearly works.. don't think it has gotten
any better since.

If you want to have a go at it, there is information on what magic
incantations are required to activate it:

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Bottom of GUI window hangs screen ['FIXED']

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
>I guess the urw-fonts issue caused fonts that were too large which
> then pushed the bottom of the window off screen.  I do still have some
> 'help' text that seems to partially run out of space, but that may be
> down to the theme;  the window size is OK now.
>Which leads me to:  is the urw-fonts package issue actually a bug in
> that package, or in mythtv's usage of it?
>With FC3's age, I'd have expected urw=fonts to be fixed by now if had
> some internal issue this obvious, but it could be that (a) not many
> other apps. use it at all or (b) mythtv is using it in an unusual way
> that not many other apps. do that is highlighting a bug.

I suspect it is because MythTV is guilty of perhaps trying to cram too
much onto the screen, which causes things to go haywire if the font
size is not the same between systems.

Personally, even with the older urw-fonts package (FC2) I still have
this problem..

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV won't call change channel script

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
>It's never being called :-(

Did you restart the backend?  Despite the settings screen not saying
it is required, it seems to be.

I had this problem.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Comcast digital settings

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
Sounds like an issue with your capture card..

What do you mean by 'artifacts'?  Specifically, MPEG-2 compression artifacts?

(The "lines and things in my picture" bit makes me think you are
referring to something that looks like interferrence and/or
glitchyness, etc?)

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 17:35:57 -0700, Matt Grommes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anybody with Comcast digital cable post their TV Settings? I'm
> looking for Deinterlace and filter settings. I'm seeing weird artifacts,
> lines and things in my picture and I want to make sure I've got
> everything set up optimally. I've heard bad things about Comcast's
> compression but I never saw any problems on my Tivo so I'm wondering.
> Thanks.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Bottom of GUI window hangs screen

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
> >Joe Votour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >>  Increase your screen resolution, and you shouldn't
> >>  have any problems.

Anyone have any idea if any of these positioning problems have been
fixed for 0.17?

There must be a number of people running X displays at
somethingx480/576 because either; a) it is closest to real TV
'resolution' or b) they have to for hardware reasons (i.e. PVR-350).

It hardly seems unreasonable for MythTV to have properly placed
widgets at this resolution..
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Poor recording quality when scene is dark

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
> BT878-based cards to not have a comb filter and rely on a notch
> filter to separate luma and chroma.  That means that for any composite
> input signal (NOT S-vid), they're limited to about 3MHz of luminance
> resolution.  That translates into 352x480 capture.  Anything over that is
> wasted space.  Again, if used for s-vid, that is not the case.

I'd hate to disagree, since you clearly know what you are talking
about, but I must. Either the theoretical numbers fail to match the
practical numbers or some cards suck less than others because I've
done some tests myself on this before and my bt878 card (ATI TV Wonder
VE) tops out above that (on composite).  I haven't done any extensive
checking, but there is a difference between captures at 352x480 and
640x480.  I'm sure the resolution tops out somewhere in between.

Anyway, certainly the default MythTV setting of 480x480 is perfectly
reasonable (and perhaps advisable) under most circumstances.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Poor recording quality when scene is dark

2005-02-07 Thread Ian Trider
> I thought someone posted this to the list a while back, but looking
> through the support docs on haupaugge's website, their FAQ on capturing
> pretty much talks only about capture at 320x240 which may or may not be
> the theoretical "max" that you need but it sure lends some credence to
> the argument:

It most definitely is not.  I don't have any links on hand, but
vertical resolution (because of how the signal is transmitted -- the
analog signal is a continous wave with points at regular intervals at
certain points marking the point where fields begin/end) is ALWAYS
bang-on 480 regardless of source.

Horizontal resolution is variable (for the aforementioned reason), but
(assuming your capture card doesn't suck; bt878's do) in theory,
352x480 (on a good card) is enough for VHS and ~540x480 (on a good
card) is enough for broadcast.

If the source is from a digital source, such as satellite -- Dish,
DirecTV, Starchoice and ExpressVu all transmit a signal at 480x480. 
There will be some lossage of course, in the A>D>A>D process that
occurs when you capture the output.

However, if you are viewing on a PC, and the deinterlace filter is not
very good (i.e. it drops a field to deinterlace), there MAY NOT be a
visible difference between 240 and 480 vertically.

Certainly you will see it on a TV.

(Nevermind the MythTV FAQ, the bits about capture size are not
entirely accurate)

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Poor recording quality when scene is dark

2005-02-05 Thread Ian Trider
On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 10:40:40 -0600, Paul Gratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Because I noticed that everything was fairly washed out and after
> reading this list I saw that people recommended these settings.  After
> setting them the normal TV looks great.  My problem is that when I
> record things like HBO's Carnival there are alot of very dark scenes and
> when things get dark the scene starts to get lots of artifacts and its
> very hard to see what is going on.   Do you guys have any
> recommendations?  Is this just the price of a cheapy WinTV go card?

the WinTV Go just spits out raw data, so it is not its' fault.  It is
RTJPEG's.  I'm not sure about it, since I have a PVR-350, but many
encoders take advantage of our limited ability to perceive detail at
low light levels -- they give less priority to dark areas.

To do something about these artifacts you should either:

1.  Bump up the encoding bitrate.

2.  Calibrate your TV/Monitor (whichever you use for output) and
capture card with a DVD like Video Essentials or Avia Guide to Home
Theater.  I suspect the brightness level is set too high on your TV or
monitor, which is causing you to see black at a brighter level than it
should be, exposing the artifacts.  Turn down the brightness until you
hit the point where black does not appear to get any darker, then back
off slightly so it is a smidgeon brighter than that.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] - Ebaying Knoppmyth

2005-02-04 Thread Ian Forde
On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 15:35 -0500, Travis Osterman wrote:
> I came across this while browsing ebay today:
> Is this just in bad taste, or is it against the GPL to sell copies of
> the software?

It's absolutely not against the GPL to sell it.  It's just that anyone
who buys it should receive a copy of the GPL that tells them that it's
freely available.

You can sell air air (and I mean regular, all-around-us air, not
flavored oxygen) to someone if someone is willing to pay for it on
eBay. ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: FC3 rpms, mythweb, apache, and 2G+ files

2005-02-03 Thread Ian Forde
On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 14:53 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 08:14:01AM -0500, Mark J. Scheller wrote:
> > On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 00:44 -0800, Chris Petersen wrote:
> > > >>Has anyone had any luck rebuilding the FC3 rpms for apr, apache, php, 
> > > >>etc to include large file support so that mythweb can stream large 
> > > >>files?
> > > > I think they all already support large files. At least I can serve the
> > > > DVD isos with FC3's apache.
> > > 
> > > Perhaps it's php, not apache, that lacks the large file support?
> Perhaps. I know that Red Hat enables large file support where ever
> possible, so I would assume that they already looked at php, but I may
> be wrong.

Heh - I've seen Red Hat build apache *without* large file support.
Might want to check the RH spec file just to be sure...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nforce3 ac3 (Was: OT:Anything wrong with using a 2.4.x kernel?)

2005-02-02 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 22:08 -0800, Scott Alfter wrote:
> It works just fine for me.  AC3/DTS passthrough works for DVDs played by
> xine (and a couple of HD clips I downloaded, which mythfrontend can be
> tricked into playing), while PCM audio works for recordings.  Sometimes
> audio & video don't start out synchronized on DVDs, but skipping forward and
> back one chapter usually cures that for the rest of the show.
> (I'm using the onboard optical output from an FIC AU13, connected to an
> input on a Kenwood VR-6060.  My MythTV box runs Gentoo Linux, currently
> configured with Linux 2.6.9 (from the development-sources ebuild, which is
> 2.6.x without any Gentoo patches).  The ALSA driver (snd-intel8x0) is the
> one provided by the kernel; the other ALSA-related ebuilds currently
> installed are alsa-utils 1.0.5, alsa-headers 1.0.6a, alsa-lib 1.0.6, and
> alsa-tools 1.0.3.)

x86_64?  Got an asound.state that you'd like to share? ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Good ivtv 2.0 driver?

2005-02-02 Thread Ian Hojnicki
I use rc3 on an Dual Celeron 550 with a model 980 PVR-250.  
I have not had any problems with it.


On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 09:56:45 -0500, Greg Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 14:18:17 +, Simon Kenyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 02 February 2005 04:38, MacNean C. Tyrrell wrote:
> > > OK just an update, i used the 0.2.0-rc1j from this thread,
> >
> > rc3e is rock solid here
> Anyone using the later rc drivers with an SMP machine ?  Would love to
> enable my second processor, but haven't seen any reports on this yet.
> Would love to test, but the box has been deemed "production" by the
> family :)
> Greg.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nforce3 ac3 (Was: OT:Anything wrong with using a 2.4.x kernel?)

2005-02-01 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 20:07 +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 10:43:48AM -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> > Any chance you have the an onboard spdif with ac3 passthrough working
> > with ALSA?  I've got an AMD64 nforce3 motherboard and while I can route
> > PCM audio out through the spdif, ac3 audio clicks my receiver into Dolby
> > Digital mode but yields no audio.  I've tried nvsound successfully, but
> > it gives audio lag in myth, mplayer, and xine. ;(
> That's a known limitation with ALSA on the nForce2, and it's very likely
> that the nForce3 sound hardware is identical.

Wait - you mean to say that ALSA on the nforce2 won't give any audio and
it's known?  I was under the impression that many on this list had it


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Response to the NYT article (petition)

2005-02-01 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 01:18 -0600, Andy Long wrote:
> My thought is it never hurts to gripe.  Personally, I feel
> technologically-curious people don't stand up enough for themselves. 
> It's bad enough to relish the "geek" persona, and accepting all the
> negative stereotypes that come with it.  But we should draw the line
> there, and not let mass media outlets put us in company with criminals
> (I use that term loosely, as filesharing isn't patently illegal, just
> thought of that way by much of the public).  Even if the letter isn't
> published, it at least may serve as a moderator for the next time an
> article on [Your favorite app here] is written.

Might not be a bad idea to send it off to the editors of CNET, ZDNet,
Slashdot, TheRegister, and any/every other technical online mag out

Oh - and BusinessWeek too. ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nforce3 ac3 (Was: OT:Anything wrong with using a 2.4.x kernel?)

2005-01-28 Thread Ian Forde
On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 12:17 -0500, Tim wrote:
> I think it depends on your other hardware... Debian sarge with 2.6.8 is 
> working great for me on a gigabyte Nforce3 with a PVR250. I'm using ivtv 
> 2rc3.
> I had 2.4.26 had some problems with various nforce2 (and 3?) chipsets, I 
> think maybe .27 has that fixed. But I don't believe it supports the 
> Nforce3 SATA hardware properly.

Any chance you have the an onboard spdif with ac3 passthrough working
with ALSA?  I've got an AMD64 nforce3 motherboard and while I can route
PCM audio out through the spdif, ac3 audio clicks my receiver into Dolby
Digital mode but yields no audio.  I've tried nvsound successfully, but
it gives audio lag in myth, mplayer, and xine. ;(


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] is there an easy way to reboot in software through myth

2005-01-27 Thread Ian Trider
> Brad sounds great. I tired "/sbin/chkconfig swatch on" though and I
> get the following error. I'm on FC2 and installed swatch using
> synaptic.
> error reading information on service swatch: no such file or directory
> Swatch is not listed when I pull hte list like you recomend.
> Any suggestions?

/sbin/chkconfig --add swatch.  If there is the appropriate script in
/etc/init.d (and there should be, if you installed by apt), it will
add it to the chkconfig system.

> and how do I make num lock turn on when I boot. It's driving me crazy.

Your BIOS should have an option for this.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Aspect on only one channel is funky

2005-01-26 Thread Ian Trider
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 08:44:37 -0600, Matt Mencel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For some reason, the aspect on my channel 9(Fox) is out of wack all of the
> sudden.  It's stretched out horizontally so all the people look like they
> have fat heads.  But that is the only channel that looks that way.  All my
> other channels are fine.  Is it a problem with the cable company or did I
> mess something up somehow?

I'm guessing plugging the cable into the TV should help you determine
whether it is a cable company cock-up, or Myth. :)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Time offset; losing first few seconds of recordings

2005-01-26 Thread Ian Trider

I am losing approximately 3 seconds off of the start of my recordings
in MythTV.  I am using a PVR-350, so I'm guessing the source of this
delay (the time is sync'd by NTP) is due to the time it takes for the
PVR-350 to tune the tuner.

So, what I would like to do is offset the time (on the system, if
necessary) by roughly three seconds.  Setting the pre-record time in
Options isn't particularly helpful because if two programs are
back-to-back, it ignores it.

I thought it would be a straightforward matter to add a delay while
syncing by NTP, but it seems I was wrong.

Any ideas on how I can do this?
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini - one unrelated informal benchmark...

2005-01-24 Thread Ian Bishop
Have *you* used Cleaner 5 for windows?  XL is at least reasonable.  But
5 is terrible.

So if the iPod Shuffle was produced by anyone other than Apple, do you
think it would get the press/accolades/sales that it is?  It's called

BTW: I do care about my home-built HTPC.  Do you think someone would
subscribe to a 200msg/day list if they didn't?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Johnson
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 3:36 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini - one unrelated informal

Does anyone care about home built HTPCs anymore ?  The only thing
MythTV does well is marketing !

bleh - what a troll

"Very slow piece of junk"  hahaha - the droll troll


On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:55:47 -0800, Ian Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used cleaner 5 for Windows and it is a very slow piece of junk.
> does however work well in an automated video production environment.
> Does anyone even care about the Mac/PC comparison anymore?  The only
> thing Apple does right these days is marketing.
> Ian
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Johnson
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini - one unrelated informal
> benchmark...
> speaking of unrelated benchmarks...
> I while ago I was processing analog VHS corporate media -> MJPEG full
> captures -> MPEG2 DVD-spec'd streams with Discreet's Cleaner 5. My G3
> tower
> was talking an excruciating 12hrs to process each 1/2-hr clip.  I
> decided
> I'd setup my 1.1GHz PC to do the same so I could process multiple
> simultaneously in order to make a deadline.
> Here are the specs:
> PC:
> 1GHz PIII (256kB L2, 153MHz FSB, 1150MHz CPU Speed/1150MHz L2 Cache
> Speed)
> CUSL-2 Mobo
> Windows 2000 Professional (forget SP number)
> Mac:
> G3 Tower 266MHz (512kB L2, 84MHz FSB, 292MHz CPU/194MHz L2)
> Original Rev. A "Beige" codname "Gossomer" Mobo
> Mac OS 10.1.6
> Subsystems that were identical on each machine (exactly identical, as
> they
> each used the same exact hardware):
> 512MB ECC SDRAM "Crucial" (the Mac didn't utilize the ECC function but
> the
> CUSL-2 did)
> Adaptec 29160 U3 SCSI Controller (160MB/s)
> 3x 36GB Atlas III 10k M160 SCSI Drive (1 boot/temp, 1 source, 1
> destination)
> Cleaner 5.0.0 (Mac/PC)
> MJPEG source file was cropped, color-spaced correction, and heavily
> processed with highest quality settings for a 5-7Mbps MPEG2 DVD-Spec
> stream.
> The repeatable results show approximate times:
> PC: 18Hrs
> Mac: 12Hrs
> Make of this what you will, but it is CERTAINLY not straight MHz, or
> even
> bus speeds.
> Anyone can argue any section of this totally informal test as invalid.
> The
> easiest is to claim that Discreet may not have optimzied the code for
> the PC
> version of the software but I just can't imagine that would be the
> If
> we assume that Discreet abides by the rules of capitolizm, then we
> to
> assume that they put as much effort as attempting to build a quality
> product
> on each platform.  If this is even remotely true, then the results
> certainly
> support the idea that the PPC processing platform can really munge
> data...
> and FAST.
> okay, you platform biggots can flame amongst yourselves ;)
> -=dave
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini - one unrelated informal benchmark...

2005-01-24 Thread Ian Bishop
I've used cleaner 5 for Windows and it is a very slow piece of junk.  It
does however work well in an automated video production environment.

Does anyone even care about the Mac/PC comparison anymore?  The only
thing Apple does right these days is marketing.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Johnson
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini - one unrelated informal

speaking of unrelated benchmarks...

I while ago I was processing analog VHS corporate media -> MJPEG full
captures -> MPEG2 DVD-spec'd streams with Discreet's Cleaner 5. My G3
was talking an excruciating 12hrs to process each 1/2-hr clip.  I
I'd setup my 1.1GHz PC to do the same so I could process multiple files
simultaneously in order to make a deadline.

Here are the specs:

1GHz PIII (256kB L2, 153MHz FSB, 1150MHz CPU Speed/1150MHz L2 Cache
CUSL-2 Mobo
Windows 2000 Professional (forget SP number)

G3 Tower 266MHz (512kB L2, 84MHz FSB, 292MHz CPU/194MHz L2)
Original Rev. A "Beige" codname "Gossomer" Mobo
Mac OS 10.1.6

Subsystems that were identical on each machine (exactly identical, as
each used the same exact hardware):
512MB ECC SDRAM "Crucial" (the Mac didn't utilize the ECC function but
CUSL-2 did)
Adaptec 29160 U3 SCSI Controller (160MB/s)
3x 36GB Atlas III 10k M160 SCSI Drive (1 boot/temp, 1 source, 1
Cleaner 5.0.0 (Mac/PC)

MJPEG source file was cropped, color-spaced correction, and heavily
processed with highest quality settings for a 5-7Mbps MPEG2 DVD-Spec
The repeatable results show approximate times:

PC: 18Hrs
Mac: 12Hrs

Make of this what you will, but it is CERTAINLY not straight MHz, or
bus speeds.

Anyone can argue any section of this totally informal test as invalid.
easiest is to claim that Discreet may not have optimzied the code for
the PC
version of the software but I just can't imagine that would be the case.
we assume that Discreet abides by the rules of capitolizm, then we have
assume that they put as much effort as attempting to build a quality
on each platform.  If this is even remotely true, then the results
support the idea that the PPC processing platform can really munge
and FAST.

okay, you platform biggots can flame amongst yourselves ;)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-350 : extending infra-red remote cable

2005-01-24 Thread Ian Trider
> It looks like a 2.5mm audio cable (same type of connector as the TI
> calculator). You should be able to get an extension cable with those
> ends on it fairly easily. If not, you can always just get a length of
> 3 conductor cable and throw those connectors on it.

You would think it to be easy -- but its not.  FWIW, RadioShack Canada
does not sell such a cable, though they do sell (EXPENSIVE!!) 3.5mm to
2.5mm and vice-versa adaptors.

I hear that however that RadioShack USA  Cat# 43-2003 is exactly the
right cable -- and it is longer than 6 feet uncoiled. (Visit the
RadioShack website and punch in the number -- don't feel like pasting
a really long URL)

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Menu GUI offset working?

2005-01-24 Thread Ian Trider
> I got the GUI offset to work under KDE by ticking the display
> mythfrontend in a window box. When it's full-screen it doesn't want to
> move.  Of course the window's title bar at the top gets in the way
> (but with the right amount of overscan you can get around that too) as
> it doesn't seem to accept negative values for the vertical offset.

Personally, I don't even use a WM.  Since I do all diagnostics from a
remote shell, I don't need to work with the machine. My .xinitrc is
something like:


.. and that's it.  Notice, no & at the end -- if mythfrontend dies
(but that never happens, no siree! ;) ), the user will log off, and,
since I have GDM auto-logging in the mythtv user, right back on.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 250 vs 350 vs no hardware encoding; Dolby audio

2005-01-22 Thread Ian Connor
I also tested out the character based audio mixer and it seems to
reflect exactly what the GUI one says. So, it looks like the settings
are with the line recording but not on mute.

Not having much luck here I guess.

The system is dual boot and the TV does show on the windows partition
with audio - so at least I know it is possible. Just too much of a
novice to figure this out on myth.

Is there any debug settings I should turn on see if it is a backend vs
frontend problem?

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:10:45 -0500, Ian Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have comcast cable (not digital) and into the cable (only screw
> connection) on the back. I then have the audio jumper from the
> v-stream card to the sound input on the motherboard.
> The shuttle pc is
> The sound seems to work fine by itself. I can also change the channel
> just fine and even the correct schedule and lineup works. Just cannot
> seem to get the magic combination of all of the above :(
> Ian.
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 09:59:57 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Let me know which shuttle motherboard you have.
> >
> > I need more info here.  What exactly are you trying to capture?  If you
> > have an antennae plugged in, or cable tv diretly to the card so the card
> > changes channels then you need to plug in the audio out of the card into
> > the line input on the sound card input.
> >
> > Then you need to use something like tv time and adjust the mixer until
> > you can hear audio.
> > I suspect you need to become more familiar with alsamixer (the text base
> > user interface to the alsa mixer).  You should find a helpfile for it if
> > you look around.
> >
> > Of course if you are using the antennae connection like that you may be
> > able to use the bt878 audio to get it directly.  Sorry I haven't tried
> > that.  I've only read about it.
> >
> >
> > Ian Connor wrote:
> >
> > >You are probably right - I will persist with this one. After a restart
> > >and reapplying the /etc/modprobe.conf file settings, the video is back
> > >again. What settings do you have with the card in this modules file?
> > >
> > >What did you do to get the audio working? In the HOWTO, it mentions
> > >that I need to modify the input settings on the audio mixer to use the
> > >audio jumper cable that goes from the card to the onboard shuttlepc
> > >sound card.
> > >
> > >To test each of these settings do you need to restart the frontend or
> > >the backend as well?
> > >
> > >Ian.
> > >
> > >
> > >On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 06:59:27 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > >wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >>I doubt it would be easier, although it might be better in the long term
> > >>since the 250's use almost no cpu time and you integrate the audio and
> > >>video so you can use multiple capture cards in a pc, without requiring
> > >>multiple sound cards.  Of course 250's cost $ and I'd rather not spend
> > >>any on one now, so I don't know the actual difficulty in getting one
> > >>working.  Of course if you have multiple cards I guess you would need
> > >>two ir blasters if you controlled external tuners.  The setup for which
> > >>might be harder.
> > >>
> > >>If your having a problem getting video on that one now, it seems
> > >>possible that the problem might carry over if you changed cards.  You
> > >>may want to consider something like tvtime to help troubleshoot the
> > >>problem.  That way you can test the capture card independent of myth.
> > >>If nothing else, I'd try to figure out what has changed to cause that
> > >>card not to work, while you waited on the other card, although I doubt
> > >>going to a 250 is a fix in of itself.  Its most likely just a different
> > >>set of things to figure out.
> > >>
> > >>Ian Connor wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>><>I still could not get the audio and now it seems it cannot detect the
> > >>>video card at all.
> > >>>
> > >>>Do you know if it would be easier to setup a PVR-250 given that it is
> > >>>my first time?
> > >>>
> > >>>Ian.
> > >>>
> > >>>On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:21:02 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > >>>

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: New Mac Mini

2005-01-21 Thread Ian

When I first read about the Mac mini, I was not convinced that it was
something that I could use to benefit my MythTV system at home.  I've
read the thread and it has been discussed that the Mini is not the
most powerful system out there.  True, it is a sexy looking device,
but I can't find the justification for paying that much money for
something that looks cool and will have limited functionality for my
I can see where a Mini-ITX Shuttle 64-bit system can blow this this
thing out of the water when it comes to purely hardware specs.  Plus
it's less than half the price.  Here's an example:
So if we are stricly talking about MythTV frontends, then maybe the
Mac Mini is not the way to go.  Maybe people are justifying the +$500
pricetag purely for the ability to have a system that integrates
MythTV and the MacOS (including the cool software).  Is that the
consensus here?
I need some convincing. :-)

That Shuttle system is sweet, but you're conveniently forgetting that it 
doesn't come with a CPU or ram.  Add those to your pricetag and see what 
you come up with.  :)

Then compare what power you need and how it will look and whether or not 
you want a little OSX box and then come your own conclusion.  Plus the 
ATI video on the macmini is better.  I'm not a macfanatic, just being 
realistic here.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 250 vs 350 vs no hardware encoding; Dolby audio

2005-01-21 Thread Ian Connor
You are probably right - I will persist with this one. After a restart
and reapplying the /etc/modprobe.conf file settings, the video is back
again. What settings do you have with the card in this modules file?

What did you do to get the audio working? In the HOWTO, it mentions
that I need to modify the input settings on the audio mixer to use the
audio jumper cable that goes from the card to the onboard shuttlepc
sound card.

To test each of these settings do you need to restart the frontend or
the backend as well?


On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 06:59:27 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I doubt it would be easier, although it might be better in the long term
> since the 250's use almost no cpu time and you integrate the audio and
> video so you can use multiple capture cards in a pc, without requiring
> multiple sound cards.  Of course 250's cost $ and I'd rather not spend
> any on one now, so I don't know the actual difficulty in getting one
> working.  Of course if you have multiple cards I guess you would need
> two ir blasters if you controlled external tuners.  The setup for which
> might be harder.
> If your having a problem getting video on that one now, it seems
> possible that the problem might carry over if you changed cards.  You
> may want to consider something like tvtime to help troubleshoot the
> problem.  That way you can test the capture card independent of myth.
> If nothing else, I'd try to figure out what has changed to cause that
> card not to work, while you waited on the other card, although I doubt
> going to a 250 is a fix in of itself.  Its most likely just a different
> set of things to figure out.
> Ian Connor wrote:
> > <>I still could not get the audio and now it seems it cannot detect the
> > video card at all.
> >
> > Do you know if it would be easier to setup a PVR-250 given that it is
> > my first time?
> >
> > Ian.
> >
> > On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:21:02 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> <>It should be noted that I never got the remote working with this card,
> >> but then I didn't try really hard either. I used a sound card for
> >> audio, although according to lspci its standard bt878 audio, so you
> >> should be able to get it using the antennae connection.. I think.. (I
> >> haven't tried yet.) I used a separate ati rf remote.
> >>
> (Using the following card.)
> >> <>
> >>
> >>>>I picked up an x-pert tv-pvr by v-stream on newegg
> >>>>
> >>>>TV TUNER KWRLD CAPTR VS-TV878RF (Qty=1,Price=$36.50)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 250 vs 350 vs no hardware encoding; Dolby audio

2005-01-21 Thread Ian Connor
I still could not get the audio and now it seems it cannot detect the
video card at all.

Do you know if it would be easier to setup a PVR-250 given that it is
my first time?


On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:21:02 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It should be noted that I never got the remote working with this card,
> but then I didn't try really hard either.  I used a sound card for
> audio, although according to lspci its standard bt878 audio, so you
> should be able to get it using the antennae connection.. I think.. (I
> haven't tried yet.)  I used a separate ati rf remote.
> I noticed a hauppage WinTV-GO card on from
> for $19 with free shipping.  Note that I think this
> card is only coaxial (antenae/cable) and composite.  Further  note the
> 57% positive feedback rating on  This is certainly not a
> recommendation to do business with them, since unlike newegg I am not
> familiar with them.  Its just an FYI.  I might order one.
> Does anyone know if the lower cost newer hauppage pvr 150? cards are
> ready for use with myth?
> lspci info for the kword card, if it helps someone..
> 01:06.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video
> Capture (rev 11)
> Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
> ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
> Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort-
> SERR-  Latency: 32 (4000ns min, 1ns max)
> Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 12
> Region 0: Memory at e000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]
> Capabilities: [44] Vital Product Data
> Capabilities: [4c] Power Management version 2
> Flags: PMEClk- DSI+ D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA
> PME(D0-,D1-,D2-,D3hot-,D3cold-)
> Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
> 01:06.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture
> (rev 11)
> Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
> ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
> Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort-
> SERR-  Latency: 32 (1000ns min, 63750ns max)
> Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 12
> Region 0: Memory at e0001000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]
> Capabilities: [44] Vital Product Data
> Capabilities: [4c] Power Management version 2
>     Flags: PMEClk- DSI+ D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA
> PME(D0-,D1-,D2-,D3hot-,D3cold-)
> Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
> Ian Connor wrote:
> >I just purchased this card from newegg and have been following the
> >guide on to get it working FC3.
> >
> >The video and changing cannels now seem to work (back and front end on
> >the same shuttle pc that I am using).
> >
> >However, audio and remote controller not so lucky. I was able to use
> >the script at:
> >
> >Is there any such handy scripts to help me get the audio and remote
> >working? Has anyone got the magic script?
> >
> >thanks for any advice - ian
> >
> >
> >On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 04:37:29 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I picked up an x-pert tv-pvr by v-stream on newegg
> >>
> >>TV TUNER KWRLD CAPTR VS-TV878RF (Qty=1,Price=$36.50)
> >>
> >>It seems to allow mpeg4 encoding and playing back on athlon 2500 systems
> >>although I think if you turn the settings way up, you get a little slow
> >>down.  I probably need to switch away from reiserfs as per the
> >>recomendations eventually. (kernel 2.6.10)
> >>
> >>
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 250 vs 350 vs no hardware encoding; Dolby audio

2005-01-20 Thread Ian Connor
I just purchased this card from newegg and have been following the
guide on to get it working FC3.

The video and changing cannels now seem to work (back and front end on
the same shuttle pc that I am using).

However, audio and remote controller not so lucky. I was able to use
the script at:

Is there any such handy scripts to help me get the audio and remote
working? Has anyone got the magic script?

thanks for any advice - ian

On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 04:37:29 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I picked up an x-pert tv-pvr by v-stream on newegg
> TV TUNER KWRLD CAPTR VS-TV878RF (Qty=1,Price=$36.50)
> It seems to allow mpeg4 encoding and playing back on athlon 2500 systems
> although I think if you turn the settings way up, you get a little slow
> down.  I probably need to switch away from reiserfs as per the
> recomendations eventually. (kernel 2.6.10)
> These cards seem to have a bit of area digitalized that doesn't have
> picture when connected to my dish network receiver.  This is nothing
> new.  I got the same results when I used ati all in wonder cards in
> windows so I don't think its a fault of the card.
> One possible advantage of recording directly in mpeg4 is if you can
> avoid transcoding it later when you make the final copy.  I don't know
> if thats possible.  Of course the mpeg4 versions will take up less disk
> space, but the mpeg2 versions will likely be a little sharper in the
> short term.  (Mpeg2 was last I looked a little sharper than mpeg4 when
> data rates aren't an issue, but that may have changed.  It was a close
> thing anyway.)
> Afaik with the Hauppage cards that do mpeg encoding in hardware and feed
> the stream as needed, so you don't use any cpu time.
> What I would really like that will _NEVER_ happen is a dish network
> receiver that works directly with myth and allows the decrypted mpeg2
> signal from the satellite to be used directly.  That way there is no
> further loss until transcoding occurs.
> What I would eventually like to see is a lossless codec available for
> the recording process like huffuv.  (There may be something better, but
> the main thing is for it to be lossless.)  That way you could set the
> device to record using that and then transcode to the final form using
> as agressive of encoding options as you wanted.  (Afaik huffuv is
> basically motion jpeg with the error encoded with huffman encoding.)
> With that kind of approach you could, theoretically get better results
> than encoding to mpeg2 first with a hardware card, but those results
> come at the cost of a lot of disk space, at least for a little while.
> Note, that this kind of codec would likely be too bandwidth intensive to
> work across a network unless you had gigabit networking.
> I'm not sure about the rest.  You really need someones opinion that has
> compared these side by side.  The quality of the electronics involved
> can sometimes have  a non trivial impact
> -Robert
> Dan Christensen wrote:
> >I'm about to order the components for a system that will run MythTV
> >(as well as do other things), and I have a few questions.
> >
> >I'm trying to decide between the PVR-250 and the 350, or maybe even
> >something without hardware encoding.  I was thinking that I would
> >store video in a format that allows for higher compression,
> >e.g. MPEG-4.  So is there any point in using a card which does
> >encoding in hardware?  In fact, would using one of the Hauppauge cards
> >mean that video would need to be decoded and then re-encoded, and
> >would this cause a loss in quality?
> >
> >For playback, I believe the 350 can only decode MPEG-2 in hardware.
> >Can it display video that is decoded in software?  Or would such video
> >need to be played through a separate video card?
> >
> >I'm not very familiar with Dolby audio.  Is support for this something
> >that people find useful when using MythTV?
> >
> >Thanks for any tips,
> >
> >Dan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for a *nix DAAP client & player w/Ogg support

2005-01-19 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 15:12 -0500, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
> So, I've got my Myth box serving out my music collection with mfd.  Now 
> I can use the mfe plugin (just for experimentation, mythmusic is still 
> more mature...), and I can listen to music via iTunes on my wife's 
> iBook.  But, what do I use to access my collection from another Linux 
> box?  I have a little VPN set up at work to access my home network, but 
> the only DAAP client software I can find is Java-based, doesn't provide 
> much of an interface, and (worst of all) only plays mp3s.  Most of my 
> collection is in Ogg Vorbis, so this is problematic.
> I've tried setting up netjuke, and while it works, it seems like I 
> should be able to do everything with just mfd (after all, isn't that 
> the whole point of DAAP?).  There are several DAAP server solutions for 
> Linux, but the only native client solution seems to be mfd/mfe.  
> Unfortunately, running mythfrontend on my workstation at work is not a 
> good option.
> So, anyone come across a DAAP client player for Linux w/Ogg support?

Try Rhythmbox...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] fonts being cut-off on mandrake installation

2005-01-19 Thread Ian Trider
> Anyone know how to force Xnest to 100dpi?  :-)

If Xnest acts like a normal X server, then invoking it with -dpi 100
(i.e. Xnest -- -dpi 100) will force it to run at 100dpi.  However,
Xft/fontconfig may or may not behave.  Grep interesting looking X
configuration files for Xft.dpi and you'll find where fontconfig's
setting is.  (Then again, it may behave and listen to the X server)
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] is there an easy way to reboot in software through myth

2005-01-19 Thread Ian Trider
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 01:32:21 -0500, Ryan Kremser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John, you speak of what is happening to me, As it is setup right now i
> don't have a keyboard connected to the computer so i was looking for a
> way to either restart mythbackend through the myth interface (as menu
> option) or restart the whole system which i have been doing through a
> ssh session from another room which was kind of a hassle.  The swatch
> seems to be what would be perfect for me, any ideas where i could
> learn more about it?

Google magic:

But I think that you should be more concerned about the underlying
issue:  mythbackend should NOT crash like that..
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Mythtv on x86_64 SMP

2005-01-17 Thread Ian Forde
On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 00:59 +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 09:17:07AM -0800, Ian Forde wrote:
> > The ugly:
> > 1. Not a lot of people are going the x86_64 route.  If you're planning
> > on using Fedora Core 3, expect problems.  Lots of problems.  You may
> > want to consider Gentoo.  So I'd recommend compiling myth and going with
> > CVS.
> Why do you expect more problems with FC3? In fact all FCx builds at
> ATrpms are made on FC3/x86_64 dual opterons, so there are people using
> x86_64. :)

For me, it's the combination of FC3 and x86_64.  So far (and bear in
mind I'm not complaining about anyone but Red Hat here)...

1. UDEV breakage.  The fact that the module loader doesn't work the way
I expect it to - I have to put the loading of modules into a script, and
udev doesn't always pick it up.
2. For so apparent reason, last night haldaemon started spawning lots
and lots of processes.
3. I can't get a backtrace, and efforts to compile with the DEBUG
setting have gone ignored by the developers.  (This, alone, can stop
early adopters from going the x86_64 route.)
4. Red Hat's dual package breakage of yum and apt.
5. Mythmusic was broken on x86_64 for about 4 months because of a goom
compilation problem.  I know it's CVS, but it what it is.

This is not to say that myth doesn't work on FC3/x86_64, only that it
can be problematic...

> Did you try the ATrpms x86_64 CVS builds?

Nope - started with RPMs back in '03, then went to a source-based
install of Myth early in 04.  I still use RPMs for the dependent parts
though... Going with source for me was a way of staying closer to
solving installation problems.  Plus, I'm a sysadmin by trace.  I can
handle it!


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Newbie: FC3 - MythTVsetup GUI issue.

2005-01-17 Thread Ian Trider
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:25:16 +1100, jani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is to do with font sizes. Install the FC2 version of the
> urw-fonts package as described here:
> That should fix the problems you're seeing.

I think this is a separate issue, since I am using that version of
urw-fonts in FC2 and have the same problem.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Skipping adverts in UK using DVB-T - supported ?

2005-01-17 Thread Ian Campbell
On Mon, 2005-01-17 at 12:47 +, Jules Gosnell wrote:
> is it just urban folklore, or is there not some sort of specific 
> 'signal' that marks the beginning/end of commercial breaks. Is there not 
> a similar mechanism for marking programmes, so that instead of working 
> by timeslot and hoping that the schedule is tight, a recorder can just 
> wait for the signal to start/stop the recording...

ITV (on terrestrial at least) has a little scrolling black and white
"barber's pole" type thing in the top right corner just before and after
the ads. I haven't seen it on BBC, C4 or Five though so I guess it is
ITV specific, or it is outside the displayed picture area on the other

When manually marking adverts before transcoding to DVD I've noticed
that the adverts are surrounded by a logo, often animated and show
specific, and that it wasn't uncommon for it to fade back to the film
instead of cutting with a blank frame -- I bet both of them are really
tricky to detect (just a gut feeling, I know squat about image


Ian Campbell

Don't look back, the lemmings are gaining on you.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV Front-end died. Replace with ???

2005-01-17 Thread Ian Trider
On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 15:11:17 -0500, Sean Covel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anything good out there for a small quiet
> Linux-supported multimedia PC, that doesn't cost a mint?

No, not really.

Maybe a MediaMVP (~$100USD)? With MediaMVP Media Center it supports
connecting to a Myth backend but isn't really like a normal frontend:

That, or another XBox.
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv on x86_64 SMP

2005-01-16 Thread Ian Forde
On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 17:02 -0500, Tom wrote:
> Ian Forde wrote:
> > The ugly:
> > 1. Not a lot of people are going the x86_64 route.  If you're planning
> > on using Fedora Core 3, expect problems.  Lots of problems.  You may
> > want to consider Gentoo.  So I'd recommend compiling myth and going with
> > CVS.
> Well, I attempted to install on FC3 this weekend to no avail. In fact, I 
> never got past the initial install. I had a P3-866 board in my hand, 
> ready to pull the amd64 board, but I decided to try Gentoo for the first 
> time. I'm in the middle of installing it right now. Seeing that there 
> are major differences between the 2 distros,  I wondered if I could pick 
> your brain(s) just a bit?
> Did you compile everything (ivtv, nvidia (if you have their card), myth) 
> yourself? Did you simply install myth following the install procedure at 
> or some other Gentoo howto?

Actually, I ended up sticking with FC3 for now.  But I must say this:
UDEV is EVIL. ;(  I've still got a couple of problems left on my box,
but switching to Gentoo is too big a switch for me right now...


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Slightly OT: Frame drops

2005-01-15 Thread Ian Trider

I was wondering if anyone had some specific advice about frame drops
on my MythTV system.  I am using a Hauppauge PVR-350 and PVR-250. 
Output is by the PVR-350.  The processor is a 2.66ghz Celeron, 256MB
of RAM.  CPU usage is not even notable while recording.  However, I am
getting framedrops.  I'm not quite sure why, since hdparm seems to
suggest that my hard drive is configured properly.  I'm using 3mbit/s
for bitrate, so when hdparm says I have a throughput of 50MB/s I fail
to see why this would happen.

The frame drops only occur when recording two programs at once.

Here is what hdparm says:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hda

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   1508 MB in  2.00 seconds = 752.98 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  156 MB in  3.02 seconds =  51.61 MB/sec

.. and info about the Hard drive:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]# hdparm -I /dev/hda


ATA device, with non-removable media
Model Number:   ST380011A
Serial Number:  5JVEX96Y
Firmware Revision:  8.01
Used: ATA/ATAPI-6 T13 1410D revision 2
Supported: 6 5 4 3
Logical max current
cylinders   16383   16383
heads   16  16
sectors/track   63  63
CHS current addressable sectors:   16514064
LBAuser addressable sectors:  156301488
device size with M = 1024*1024:   76319 MBytes
device size with M = 1000*1000:   80026 MBytes (80 GB)
LBA, IORDY(can be disabled)
bytes avail on r/w long: 4  Queue depth: 1
Standby timer values: spec'd by Standard, no device specific minimum
R/W multiple sector transfer: Max = 16  Current = 16
Recommended acoustic management value: 254, current value: 0
DMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 *udma5
 Cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns
PIO: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
 Cycle time: no flow control=240ns  IORDY flow control=120ns
Enabled Supported:
   *Write cache
   *Power Management feature set
   *SMART feature set
   *Mandatory FLUSH CACHE command
   *Device Configuration Overlay feature set
   *General Purpose Logging feature set
   *SMART self-test
   *SMART error logging
HW reset results:
CBLID- above Vih
Device num = 0 determined by CSEL
Checksum: correct

Any ideas?
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What NOT to do to your Myth box...

2005-01-15 Thread Ian Trider
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 20:47:43 -0800, Brad Templeton

> Pretty much, though it gets more complex internationally.  Canadian fair
> dealing rights are not as strong as U.S. fair use rights, too.
> However, in Canada there is also a special cable law that has allowed
> people to distribute programs over the internet to other Canadians by
> calling themselves a cable company.  Caused a bit of controversy.

Sorry for contributiung to the offtopicness of this thread, but I have
to point out something:  Canadian fair dealing rights ARE stronger --
private copying is explicitly allowed, and the courts have said to
CRIA (Canadian Recording Industriy Association) "piss off!" when they
wanted the identities of "suspected file sharers".  And we have no

As to point #2, I've never heard any such thing and Google knows nothing of it.
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What NOT to do to your Myth box...

2005-01-15 Thread Ian Trider
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 19:14:09 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> How would this work in my case...
> I used to watch a show that aired between 1991-1993 called "Sweating Bullets" 
> (aka "Tropical Heat", in Canada), and I were find and ask someone in an area 
> where it is still being broadcast to record it using their Hauppauge PVR 250 
> or 350... I were to download it and watch, since it's not aired in my area.
> As I'm understanding you are saying it is a violation, but that it probably 
> won't get much attention cause it's still publicly available (sort of). Am I 
> understanding that correctly?

You should even worry about it -- I don't really see how it is much
different from asking a friend with a VCR to tape something for you. 
Since you aren't planning on publicly distribution the files there
really isn't a problem.. (the TV studio would never get wind of it

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TIVO integration

2005-01-13 Thread Ian Forde
On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 10:46 -0800, Fa Yoeu wrote:
> I just got a Free Tivo from Tivo after standing in line for 3 hours in
> december.  I think tivo is great because it requires ZERO effort from
> me, but I like my mythtv box better.  Anyways, I am wondering if
> anyone thought of the idea of creating some sort of integration
> between mythtv and tivo.  I know there is tivo desktop that runs on a
> pc and allows you to stream shows to your PC.  There is also gtivo for
> linux.  I haven't investigated it much further.

True, but I don't know if it works with Series 2 Tivo boxes.

> Here is the stuff that would be neat, wondering if it is possible or not:
> o Stream Tivo recorded programs to myth.

MythTivo will do this

> o Stream Myth recorded programs to tivo.

Not sure about this without hacking the Tivo
> o Use tivo as a slave for myth so you can distribute the recording.

Would be a great addition to MythTivo

> Let's limit the discussion to series 2 tivos and NOT having to open up
> the tivo chasis.

Then you've completely limited your options.  Series 1 Tivo boxes are
more amenable to this sort of thing, and you have to open them to put in
the network card, install software, etc.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What NOT to do to your Myth box...

2005-01-13 Thread Ian Forde
On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 11:11 -0500, tommy wrote:
> So now I have a web server but nothing to put on it... How about I replicate
> my mythweb interface on the web server realtime so I can see whats going on
> from work.. cool... So I hack up a little cgi script that looks like so:
> #!/bin/bash
> cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs
> /usr/bin/wget -r http://vector/mythtv/status.php -q
> cat /var/www/localhost/htdocs/cgi-responses/mythtv-status.html
> and boom, I can now see my mythtv status from outside without putting the
> machine on the internet, thats pretty cool, how about what I've 
> recorded, that
> would be even cooler! so I hack up another cgi-script, but instead of
> status.php I get recorded_programs.php, should work right??

Uhh... you *have* heard of a reverse proxy, right?  wget is absolutely
the *wrong* way to solve that problem...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-350 Remote - Hmmm!

2005-01-13 Thread Ian Trider
>I downloaded both and tried it (lird.conf and lircrc).  Now ¨irw¨ doesn´t >even
>work, so it seems this is a step backwards.  Other thoughts?  Is >there a log
>file I can check?

Did you restart in between?  Is lircd running?

How about the lirc* devices in /dev?  Are they readable by the mythtv
user?  And does /dev/lirc symlink to your remote device (probably
/dev/lirc0) exist?

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Edit commercial cutlist...

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Campbell
On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 21:06 -0600, Rob Greene wrote:
> I'm either confused or I'm locking up the front-end when trying to
> bring up the edit mode for a show I've recorded.

With version 0.16 and a PVR-350 I needed the following patch (from CVS)
to solve the symptoms you described.


Index: ./libs/libmythtv/NuppelVideoPlayer.cpp
RCS file: /var/lib/mythcvs/mythtv/libs/libmythtv/NuppelVideoPlayer.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.371
retrieving revision 1.372
diff -u -r1.371 -r1.372
--- ./libs/libmythtv/NuppelVideoPlayer.cpp  11 Sep 2004 06:17:15 -  
+++ ./libs/libmythtv/NuppelVideoPlayer.cpp  12 Sep 2004 18:29:57 -  
@@ -1735,6 +1735,11 @@
 killplayer = true;
+if (rewindtime < 0)
+rewindtime = 0;
+if (fftime < 0)
+fftime = 0;
 if (paused)
 if (!previously_paused)

Ian Campbell

The best man for the job is often a woman.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] commercially-produced mythboxes -- an idea

2005-01-12 Thread Ian
Maverick wrote:
We have no desire to provide software support (or deal with zap2it

I think you answered your own question right there. Someone who is
interested in spending $1000 to record HDTV, and who doesn't have
enough knowledge/experience to build their own Myth box, will want
service, support and a warranty. I believe that's one reason TiVo has
been successful, my mom can use it and if she has a question, they
have a number to call. MythTV isn't "my mom" kind of simple, just
trying to have her login to a website and sign up for zap2it would far
exceed her abilities...
Maybe I misunderstood your target market,
Dude, you didn't read far enough. 

Later on he says, "Then you, as knowledgeable mythtv admins can turn 
around and offer your consulting services to prospective interested 
parties to help them set up the mythbox (and will let you instruct them 
in setting up their own personal account at zap2it, and explain how the 
surveys work, etc.)."

In other words, you could turn around and resell it along with your 
support.  Or sell your services and the box at cost, or do it all for 
free and they only pay for the hardware - whatever!  I think that it is 
a cool idea.

In fact, I like the idea of a "reference design".  Hardware that has 
already been deemed the best combination for a mythbox packaged up along 
with the inital install and burn in.  Could offer some options such as 
multiple tuners, bigger disks, and so on...

I know that many people agonize over what hardware to get - look at all 
the questions on this list.  I know that I did and I certainly ended up 
with more work than I planned once I tried to put all mine together and 
get all drivers working together nicely.  Admittedly, I went a harder 
route with a streamlined Gentoo install (still working on it - heh).

Hell, newbies on list might opt just to pick up one of these 
"preapproved" setups - could link to it directly from the mythtv site if 
it is a truly altruistic offer.  At least they won't be bitten by 
unexpected problems such as a PVR-250MCE requiring patches, messing with 
lirc, and so on.  I'd buy one (assuming it looks good and specs are 
nice) if I hadn't already sunk my $1000 building my own from scratch.

Also, if they source everything at cheaper bulk prices, it would be the 
best bang for your buck.  Most of us are stuck with buying parts retail 
or reusing old hardware.

So far the only negative points I have are:
1) you're stuck with the hardware offered.
2) if you aren't using one yourself, it makes it more difficult to 
administer someone else's (recover from catastrophic disk crash, for 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] TV Schdedule/Lineup Question

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Connor
Does anyone understand how the lineups work?

Do the individual stations publish their schedules to a small number
of schedule agre gators (or is tribune the only one you need worry

I am working with a public access channel and I am not sure who to
send the schedules so that they are properly downloaded to mythtv (and
other online schedules).

The station is based in Concord, MA

Ian Connor
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT:FTA sat setup

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Trider
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:05:35 -0500, Jeff volckaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I have been reading about FTA programming and was curious what a FTA
> sat reciever setup would run?  I think I need a dish, a dish
> directioner, and a FTA reciever.  Is this right?  What would a setup
> like this cost?
> Can I use ANY of the equipment left over from a directtv setup?  My
> in-laws just bought a cottage with an old directtv dish.  I would like
> to setup the place to get FTA programming since we really don't want a
> cable bill for the few days a month we will be there.
> Would it be better to use a PC+Hauppage Nexus card+TV-out than getting
> a FTA reciever?

In North America, you won't really find much free-to-air satellite
(the very little there is is mostly foreign and religoius
programming).  You'd probably get better programming by antenna (you'd
get all the networks, at least).

That said, a receiver would be far trickier to use, with IR blasters
and everything.  PCI DVB card would be better.  Your old DirecTV stuff
may or may not work. You should really go to, it is a
forum about FTA satellite.
Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] FC3 - Downloading kernel source

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Trider
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:50:31 -0600, Drew Zerdecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using the FC3 how-to, I installed 2.6.9-1.724_FC3smp.  However, how do I
> get the source?  I haven't been able to figure out how to do this yet
> via apt-get (do I get-source kernel=$MYKERNEL or something?) Nor, have I
> been able  to find the kernel-source for .724_FC3smp to download on the
> mirrors.Any suggestions?

Detailed instructions are in the release notes.  You should read them
-- they tell you what they broke between releases. ;)

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv on x86_64 SMP

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Forde
On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 10:21 -0500, Tom wrote:
> Hi all,
>I've been following the list for a while trying to gather info on 
> getting myth installed on a x86_64smp machine. I started this almost a 
> year ago, and have been waiting for progress on the ivtv driver to catch 
> up with my 64-bit system. Following the posts on this list, it seems as 
> if some x86_64 people have had some luck getting myth going. Good news!
> I am going to dive in and try again, and I was hoping some of the people 
> who had successfully installed myth on a 64 bit machine could give me an 
> idea of what to look for and what to avoid. I'd like to use packages but 
>   am not averse to compiling if I had to.

I've been running myth on a x86_64 box for about a month and here's what
I've got:

The good:
1. It's fast.
2. ivtv compiled without a problem.
3. Pretty much everything works (see "The bad" for what doesn't)

The bad:
1. I can't compile it to get a backtrace.
2. The mythphone module always crashes the frontend just by having its
plugin in /usr/local/share/mythtv/plugins/.  I never use it, so I
haven't checked it out.
3. Mythvideo crashes the frontend when you go into list mode unless you
have only 1 directory and everything in subdirs.  There's a thread about
it from the last few days.
4. MythMusic won't compile because of goom issues unless you apply a
patch posted to the list.  I'm not sure if its applied to CVS yet.
5. ivtv gives a *ton* of errors when recording, so I had to turn off
debugging mode on the driver.  This may be more related to my chipset
than the fact that it's x86_64.

The ugly:
1. Not a lot of people are going the x86_64 route.  If you're planning
on using Fedora Core 3, expect problems.  Lots of problems.  You may
want to consider Gentoo.  So I'd recommend compiling myth and going with


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: NTP does not seem to be updating...

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Campbell
On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 07:51 -0600, Michael J. Lynch wrote:
> I don't think this is a specific kernel problem because I have the same 
> thing happening with an FC1 (2.4 kernel) machine.  Identical problem, ntpd is
> running, but clock does not get adjusted until I either reboot or 
> restart ntpd.

"ntpq -p" should tell you what ntp thinks of the various servers it
knows about, perhaps it doesn't like yours for some other reason.


Ian Campbell

To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest
and cost the most.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: NTP does not seem to be updating...

2005-01-12 Thread Ian Campbell
On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 00:27 -0700, nowhere wrote:
> My mythbox's clock is drifting and it seems that ntp is not updating
> the clock. There are no messages whatsoever in /var/log/messages for
> ntp.

I've seen this over the last couple of days, missed the end of several
films because of it :-(. It appears to be a problem with the 2.6.10
kernel since downgrading to 2.6.9 solved the problem.

There have been a couple of threads on linux-kernel but nothing
conclusive so far as I can tell
and possibly
(although I don't use USB so I'm not sure)

Someone suggested using tickadj to change the kernels tick time, so I
installed adjtimex and ran adjtimexconfig which figures out the correct
adjustment and sets everything up to be configured on boot (at least on
Debian) and the clock is now holding the time OK even on 2.6.10. You
could also probably just fiddle by hand using tickadj until the time
seems ok. I guess it'll need to be redone/removed when the kernel is

Ian Campbell

Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] black after epg exit, freeze on commercial edit, buttons cut off

2005-01-11 Thread Ian Trider
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 20:51:58 +0100, Petter Gundersen
> > 1.  Black screen after EPG exit.
> > When I exit the EPG while watching live TV, the screen goes black
> > until I press any button, at which point the TV signal returns.  I can
> > still hear the audio during this period.
> >
> This problem has been reported before, but I don't know if a fix exist.

Sorry, don't know how I missed that.

> > 2. Freeze on commercial edit.
> > When I attempt to select commercial edit while viewing recorded
> > material, mythfrontend (and/or X?) freeze solid.  I can still ssh in
> > and everything else continues running, but mythfrontend is dead until
> > I restart the X process. (Sorry, haven't tried just restarting
> > mythfrontend's process.. a little tricky when you are SSHing into a
> > box behind your TV)
> This is a know problem, and has been fixed in cvs. See revision 1.372
> at 
> You either have to upgrade to cvs or wait for a new release.

Excellent, thanks for the info.

No idea on #3, then? :)

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythfrontend keeps TV 'running' when exiting

2005-01-11 Thread Ian Trider
Not 100% sure on this (since I don't have a bt878 in my machine), but
you could be listening to the audio through the line-in on the audio
card instead of through MythTV (there will also probably be a slight
delay between video and audio..).

It needs to be set as "mute" in your mixer.

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 16:57:52 +0100, Pim Bliek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Nobody any clue on this behaviour?
> Best regards,
> Pim
> On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 22:06 +0100, Pim Bliek wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am new to MythTV. I got it to work on my Ubuntu Linux (Debian based)
> > PC, with and old Hauppauge WinTV PCI (bt878). Works like a charm, I am
> > really happy with it!
> >
> > One problem though. When I exit the Live TV modus, the TV card is still
> > "on". Off course I cannot see the TV images anymore, I am in the main
> > menu again. But I can still hear the sound. Even when I exit
> > mythfrontend this continues.
> >
> > The only way to stop this is to fire up xawtv and quit it again, which
> > does stop the TV Tuner from sending audio to my speaker ;).
> >
> > This is quite annoying I must say. Does anyone know what I am doing
> > wrong here? Is this is a setting somewhere?
> >
> > Best regards and thanks for your time AND for this WONDERFULL product!
> >
> > Pim
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb: Permissions

2005-01-11 Thread Ian Trider
Check /var/log/htpd/error_log for messages?  When strange things
happen it should put something there..

> >  David Whyte wrote:
> >
> >  |When I click on the NUV file link in the recorded programs page of
> >
> >  |mythweb I get the following error...
> >  |
> >  |"You don't have permission to access
> >  |/mythweb/video_dir/1002_20050110223000_20050110233000.nuv on this
> >  |server.
> >  |
> >  |Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to
> >  |use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] black after epg exit, freeze on commercial edit, buttons cut off

2005-01-11 Thread Ian Trider
Hello mythtv-users,

I recently installed Mythtv 0.16 on Fedora Core 2.  I am using a
PVR-350 for output with the ivtv-0.2.0-rc3c.  I am experiencing a few
(minor) issues, the first two of which may or may not be ivtv-related,
but the final is definitely MythTV.  Searches on the mailing list
archives have proven fruitless.

1.  Black screen after EPG exit.
When I exit the EPG while watching live TV, the screen goes black
until I press any button, at which point the TV signal returns.  I can
still hear the audio during this period.

2. Freeze on commercial edit.
When I attempt to select commercial edit while viewing recorded
material, mythfrontend (and/or X?) freeze solid.  I can still ssh in
and everything else continues running, but mythfrontend is dead until
I restart the X process. (Sorry, haven't tried just restarting
mythfrontend's process.. a little tricky when you are SSHing into a
box behind your TV)

3. Buttons cut off.
On many (but not all) of the setup screens on mythtvsetup and
mythfrontend, the row of buttons at the bottom of the screen (Cancel,
Prev., Next, etc.) are either completely outside of the mythfrontend
window, or only partially visible.  Please note that this is _NOT_ an
overscan issue -- I have mythtvfrontend running in a window, and the
buttons are outside the windows borders.  I saw a post about font
problems with Fedora's urw-fonts package.  I am using the version
reccommended, urw-fonts-2.16.

Regarding the first two problems, the behaviour is the same between
ivtv- and ivtv-0.2.0rc3c.

Any ideas?

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Can IDE and SCSI mix?

2005-01-07 Thread Ian Forde
On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 23:37 -0600, Rob Greene wrote:
> I've been browsing eBay for potential backend machines. Older
> dual-processor machines are continuously put up for sale. Most of them
> also have SCSI drives... but the motherboard also supports IDE.
> While browsing HP documentation I came across a note that stated that
> Linux only supports SATA or SCSI - not both at the same time. IIRC,
> the note was regarding RH9, so it may be out of date. I'll be using
> FC2 or FC3.
> Is this an issue with Linux? Is this an issue with the older IDE and
> SCSI machines?
> In particular, I was seeing the HP X4000 and XW6000 machines up for
> sale. I'd hate to actually win one and then find out I cannot re-use
> the SCSI drives with my IDE drives!!  I figured someone on this list
> would know...  (c:

Heh - that's some serious FUD being put out there by HP... my slave
backend as 1 IDE DVD-ROM, 3*IDE hard drives, and is directly connected
to a 12*36GB SCSI Sun Diskpack.  About 800GB in total and it works just


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythtivo module causes mythtv 0.16 cvs to segmentation fault

2005-01-06 Thread Ian Forde
On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 20:30 -0600, James M. MacLaren wrote:
> Has anyone had any luck with mythtivo under mythtv 0.16 cvs.  I have got 
> it to compile okay but when I highlight my tivo SA series 2 from the 
> tivo menu I don't see any shows and then  if I hit enter the frontend 
> segmentation faults.  Running with -v doesnt help. I can confirm that I 
> have mplayer-tivo installed and
> mplayer tivo::// works
> and
> mplayer tivo:// steams the file fine,
> It would be nice to control it from mythtv.  I have not been able to 
> understand the code as yet to see why it wont work,. but given mplayer 
> works from the prompt that would seem to be the hard part and the rest 
> must simply call it and process the output right? 
> If noone has had any luck I guess I will dig into the code some more.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Hmm... I'm having absolutely no problems with mythtivo right now, and
I'm running it with mythtv CVS from yesterday on FC3 x86-64.

Since the 2 commands you listed are able to execute successfully, check
to ensure that when you rebuilt mythtivo you didn't overwrite your
mythtivo-settings.txt file.  In fact, it's safest to put the customized
copy in the myth frontend user's .mythtv/ directory.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Nebula card not detected in MythTv

2005-01-01 Thread Ian Collington
Hi there (and Happy New Year).
I have been having a play trying to get MythTv to see my Nebula DigiTv 
card but I have not had much luck. I am using Mandrake 10.1 Official 
which uses the kernel.

I have recompiled MythTV with DVB support but the setup program reports 
that there is no device on any of the DVB Card Number options.

While I have searched the Internet for information I have not been able 
to find much about the 2.6 kernel. From what I have read I think that 
the card and drivers are being loaded. At the end of this mail is a 
listing of dmesg which I believe is telling me that the card is working.

I have tried using scan from the linuxtv dvb drivers but this only 
reports that 'No such device or address' can be found at 
/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0. I had to run the script to 
create these though!

I have also tried using xawtv and scantv but nothing is found. xawtv 
shows a blue screen and nothing else. scantv doesn't find anything 
either - it only reports 'no station'.

I also read somewhere that by doing a 'cat /dev/video0' would prove 
whether the card was working or not. When I do this I get a continuous 
stream of the text '#Ô#r#Ô#r#Ô#r#Ô#r#Ô#r#Ô#...'. As this doesn't appear 
to be an error message I assume the card is working?

I really have no idea where to go from here so if anyone can provide any 
help or pointers I would very much appreciate it.

Linux video capture interface: v1.00
bttv: driver version 0.9.15 loaded
bttv: using 8 buffers with 2080k (520 pages) each for capture
bttv: Bt8xx card found (0).
bttv0: Bt878 (rev 17) at :01:06.0, irq: 5, latency: 32, mmio: 0xe000
bttv0: detected: Nebula Electronics DigiTV [card=104], PCI subsystem ID 
is 0071:0101
bttv0: using: Nebula Electronics DigiTV [card=104,autodetected]
bttv0: gpio: en=, out= in=00ff00cb [init]
bttv0: using tuner=-1
bttv0: registered device video0
bttv0: registered device vbi0
bttv0: PLL: 28636363 => 35468950 .. ok
bttv0: add subdevice "dvb0"
bt878: AUDIO driver version 0.0.0 loaded
bt878: Bt878 AUDIO function found (0).
bt878(0): Bt878 (rev 17) at 01:06.1, irq: 5, latency: 32, memory: 0xe0001000
attach: checking "bt878 #0 [sw]"
find by pci: checking "bt878 #0 [sw]"
attach: "bt878 #0 [sw]", to card 0
DVB: registering new adapter (Neb).
DVB: registering frontend 0:0 (NxtWave NXT6000)...
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] xine not playing all DVD's?

2004-12-31 Thread Ian Campbell
On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 12:19 +0100, Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -la /dev/hdc
> brw---  1 mythtv disk 22, 0 Dec 31 10:13 /dev/hdc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -la /dev/dvd
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 3 Dec 31 10:13 /dev/dvd -> hdc

Unless you are running as root (which it looks like you aren't) then you
don't have permission to access /dev/hdc. Under Unix the permissions on
the /dev/dvd symbolic link are irrelevant -- only the target's
permissions are checked.

Ian Campbell

Children begin by loving their parents.  After a time they judge them.
Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.
-- Oscar Wilde

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Components for my MythBox! :)

2004-12-30 Thread Ian Connor
Is there much difference between the pvr-250 and pvr-350? Is it worth
the extra money for use in MythTV?

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 13:50:11 -0800, Dan wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can get a whole setup with a 2ghz celeron and 256 mb ram for 200
> bucks these days. I got one at Frys at first, but since I'm doing an
> HDTV machine, I had to build a custom 3ghz one.
> On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 11:04:26 -0600, Jason Lee
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Andrew Close wrote:
> > | i will be using a pvr-250 as my capture card and the onboard tv out
> > | (s-video) on the motherboard (Chaintech 7NIF2 with nForce2 chipset).
> >
> > I have that exact setup, and I have an Athlon XP 2200+, and it never
> > breaks a sweat.  They should be pretty cheap now (they weren't bad when
> > I bought mine almost a year ago...)
> >
> > - --
> > jason lee
> > Steeplesoft --
> > README.txt  --
> > Bosco   --
> > Public Key  --
> > Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
> > Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> >
> > iD8DBQFB1DUaQJAydrmp8lMRAivyAKCz+NgrZhzkHVHwpHB/B6tNf11cYwCdESdG
> > w5Aga4B5Uf6CiACyf5jdHNQ=
> > =d7pQ
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> All your base are belong to me
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] video scheduling for local/public access cable channel

2004-12-29 Thread Ian Connor
> There is an executable called "mythtv" that takes a filename as an
> argument and simply plays the file. You could potentially write
> scripts that run the specific files at a prescribed time.

That could be the ticket. I might give that a go. 

I knew there would be a bit of "build your own" stuff going on and
didn't expect a perfect fit. However, we have had some quotes of over
$50k to get something to do this and we just don't have that in the

thanks heaps
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] video scheduling for local/public access cable channel

2004-12-29 Thread Ian Connor
I work with a nonprofit public access TV station and we are looking
for video scheduling system to broadcast our local channel.

We have a very limited budget and if MythTV might work out for us (our
town is very small and so is the budget that comes with that).

We will be producing a content ourselves (probably via a macintosh as
well as from video tape through traditional video editing means). We
will also be pulling information that is free to rebroadcast from
sattelite feeds (there is a lot of content that you can rebroadcast
through cable TV as a non-profit).

So, I would imagine that we would rip the video all to hard disk,
download the video files produced on the macintosh and then schedule
it to be played back. We only have one channel to fill so the system
does not need to be too fancy. I noticed that MythTV can control a
number of TVs - so could we have the cable channel set up as one of

When we are not playing content, we have a public services board that
displays a little slide show of what is going on in the town. I can
see MythTV allows you to show photo slides through your TV - this idea
would work well if we could automate when the slide would show and
when and what videos would show.

The system now is not software based at all. We have a controlling box
that does nothing more than turn on video tapes and switch to show
that tape. We program the video switching device when to rewind, when
to play and when to stop - so to my mind doing this all on a computer
should not be that much different and I hope it would not cost too
much while giving us more flexibility. I hope that we would be able to
control it and automate it from there.

However, the question is where to start and if MythTV can do some of
the job with little or no coding changes.

Thanks for any advice you might have,

Ian Connor
mythtv-users mailing list

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