[mythtv-users] Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?

2006-01-29 Thread William Kenworthy
Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?
I have a more powerful machine than the backend one, which runs
mythfrontend fine.  However, when I try and use nuvexport I get:

Loading MythTV recording info.
This host not configured for myth.
(No RecordFilePrefix defined for rattus in the settings table.)

Needless to say nuvexport works fine on the backend.  This is a bit
weird as the backend mysql database does not have a RecordFilePrefix
column in the settings table.


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv rebooting system

2006-01-28 Thread William
 I can get mythtv running fine, but after some random amount 
 of time I will have the system reboot.  I have seen very 
 little in the logs, what I have seen I posted below.  I have 
 noticed that my cpu usage is at 30%
 -- with no recording going on!  So can anyone help a poor soul out?

Run memtest for a few hours and see if that causes any problems. Set up and
run one of the cpu temp monitors and watch the cpu for overheating when
running mythtv. Also try pulling and re-ordering the cards on your
motherboard. Could be a bad connection or a irq conflict issue. Mythtv uses
more interupts than just about any other program out there so a motherboard
that does not handle them well could be the problem as well. My first board
based on a via chipset just would not run without crashing. My new nvidia
based board runs flawlessly for weeks. Same memory and cards, just different

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] First Generation Air2PC Card Requires Extended Initialization

2006-01-28 Thread William Powers
I recently purchased first generation Air2PC cards off eBay.  I knew 
there might be issues, but it seemed like a low-cost way to experiment 
with digital / HD TV and that has proven to be true.  In fact, the first 
card worked extremely well, no issues whatsoever, so I bought a second 
one.  The second card, however, takes much longer to initialize and lock 
up on its startup channel - usually several minutes as compared to less 
than 30 seconds for the first card I bought.  Once initialized, both 
cards work fine.  However, mythbackend gives up after 30 seconds so 
getting them both initialized is a problem.

I found I could fix that problem by editing 'dvbchannel.h' in libmythtv, 
the line that reads:

bool TuneTransport(dvb_channel_t channel, bool all=false, int 

Adding an extra zero to the 'timeout' parameter allows the backend to 
wait long enough for my slow card to achieve a lock.  However, I'm 
curious if there is an easier way.  For example, is there some way to 
condition the card(s) prior to starting the backend that would allow 
them to successfully lock up within the default 30 seconds?

Also, change of subject, is there some trick to getting XvMC to actually 
work?  When I first tried to use it on two machines, both with 0.18.1, 
FX5200's and the NVIDIA driver, only the Hardware MPEG checkbox was 
present on the Playback settings page.  On both machines, when that 
checkbox was checked, playback and live TV would both fail with a 
message saying that the frontend was unable to initialize the display.  
After fooling around with the stuff mentioned above, including a 
recompile of 0.18.1, a checkbox to enable OpenGL vsync suddently 
appeared on the same settings page as the XvMC checkbox and now XvMC 
works on that machine.  But I don't know why it started working and I 
haven't been able to duplicate the feat on my other Myth box.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback?

2006-01-23 Thread William Lewis
The truth is graphics drivers aren't there yet, for any card, for the
kind of tasks we might want to do with mythtv, when it comes to HD.

I couldn't disagree with you more.  I paid $60 for an nVidia 6200TC, and it 
works like a dream.  I connected DVI - HDMI, and I can do things better 
with it than with the TV's built-in decoder.  I noticed that when I scaled 
the image properly, I get more of the picture through my video card than I 
do when the TV decodes the stream itself.  And it's all digital until it 
gets inside the television.  What more do you want?  It sounds more like 
your TV is the problem to me.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What's the minimum that I can do to view a recording from a P

2006-01-23 Thread William Lewis
My myth box is giving no sound.  My first step in debugging is to see if
sound is being recorded.  So, if I record a few minutes of a show, how
do I get it so I can view it in WMP or QuickTime on a Machine that I
know has working audio?

If there is not a FOOL PROOF (searching for a control group, not new
points of failure) way, then I would like to post it to my pub folder
and have someone DL and test it for me.

Please advise.

My suggestion would be to take a known working file 
(ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/SillySounds/english.au for example), 
and get that to play.  If you can hook something up with an 1/8th inch to 
RCA cable or plug directly in to PC speakers, that would be a good first 
step.  Once you get that working, then you can move on to more advanced 
stuff (.asoundrc configuration, AC3 passthrough, whatever...)  But first 
things first.  Is it a system-wide issue or a MythTV issue?  I would say 
that's the first step.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What's the minimum that I can do...

2006-01-23 Thread William Lewis
I think mplayer is probably the most flexible...  'mplayer -ao alsa 
filename' should do it, I think...  If you want to get creative with it, 
feel free to screw around with the -ao option, using -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0 
for example.  Run 'mplayer -ao help' for more information about this option.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How to boost niceness of both front and backends?

2006-01-23 Thread William
Responding to my own request. Thank you Thomas for showing me the format to
use to modify the niceness of a daemon. I have gotten things running
smoothly now by niceing various processes and by discovering that for some
reason I set up spamassassin to run direct rather than the spamd/spamc pair.
Fixed that and now even the little jitter that was present in the cnn banner
is gone. Have not had a freeze in 30 minutes and have been getting lots of
mail so it seems to be fixed... Better back things up now :)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How to boost niceness of both front and backends?

2006-01-20 Thread William
Title: Message

Do you know if it is the 
recording or the playing that pauses ? You might try doing it on a recording 
instead of livetv...Which kind of tuner do you have ? Does it have onboard 
encoding ? If not, you might try with onboard encoding instead.Niels 

cards are pvr-250's and I am running a nvidia video card with hardware decoding. 
CPU is on about 15% for recordings and about 30% on playback with deinterlace. I 
am pretty sure that I am having I/O issues due to other processes hogging the 
drive. I want to makeboth the frontend and backend run under "nice -n 
-10"or some equiv means to 
make its needs a priority over mail processing. I really dont want to set up 
another box just to handle mail.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-20 Thread William Lewis

Do you have volume control via myth with this method?

I can get all my audio output through the spdif connector, but can
not find anyway of controlling the volume via myth (this would be my
preferred option as I like the on screen volume display).

My amp is in a different room (as is the myth box for that matter).
So I would not have any visual indication of mute or volume level if
I don't do it via the on screen display.


No, Ben, I don't.  And, as I understand it, this is impossible.  Since we're 
just passing through a digital signal to the receiver, it's all up to the 
receiver to deal with it.  In order to change the volume, we would need to 
decode the audio, sample down the volume, reencode it, then pass it on to 
the receiver.  Maybe it's possible, but it certainly is not very efficient.  
And, by the way, this is all just speculation.  I don't really know how it 
works, but my explanation made sense to me.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000 DVB Recordings - Freezes on Playback

2006-01-20 Thread William Lewis

Well, the good news is that now I am not an isolated incident of this.  I
am experiencing almost exactly what you are.  I say almost because I 
broken down the circumstances under which it may freeze.  But, when it does
happen, my experience is exactly the same as yours.  My current attempt at
fixing this involves changing out my video FS from reiser to ext3.  I did
that last night but haven't be able to test it yet.  What FS are you using?

I'm experiencing something similar with HDTV, but the frontend only freezes 
when I am in LiveTV mode and the show ends.  Watching recordings works 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-20 Thread William Lewis
How 'bout simply disabling 'use video as timebase' at run-time when 

raw AC3, regardless of what 'use video as timebase' is set to.

Yeah.  That's what I was trying to say (that's why I compared it to the
runtime disabling of AC-3 passthrough with timestretch and why I said,
[if] there's an AC-3 stream).  Guess I should have used that
all-important word, runtime, though.


I've never posted a patch to this list before, but how does this look, and, 
if the answer is Good, then what do I do with it?

Description: Binary data
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis

To both of you, when I finally broke down and used Myth's internal
alsa controls, everything went smooth from there.  My Audio Output
Device is:

I am using ALSA:default also...  What are you doing for volume control and 
mixer device?  And when I uncheck the AC3 passthrough box, everything is 
sent to the receiver fine...  Just no 5.1.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] No audio (usually) - Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis
When running mythfrontend and watching live tv, I  get about a half second 
of sound, followed by 5-20 seconds of silence,  another half second of 
sound, etc.  Mythfrontend is print out  Audio buffer overflow, audio data 
lost!  I can play a previously  recorded file after installing mythvideo, 
and cat /dev/video0   foo.mpg produces a video file that plays correctly 
with sound.   Xawtv doesn't work yet, but I just installed it for the first 
time and  doubtlessly screwed up the configuration somewhere.

Erik, I'm getting the exact same type of problem.  Is your output analog or 
digital?  Is it to PC speakers or to a receiver?  Everything works fine when 
I turn off AC3 passthrough, by the way, except (as I said before) the 5.1.  
I don't see the buffer overflow error, though.  Maybe these two are related, 
maybe not.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis

From: Adam Propeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv mythtv-users@mythtv.org
To: Discussion about mythtv mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:56:13 -0600

So if I only show /dev/dsp and /dev/adsp in my device list, does that mean 
don't have Alsa support compiled in? I'm not seeing anything other than
those two devices. I assumed that /dev/adsp was the ALSA device.

I have to manually type in ALSA:default for audio device, and default for 
mixer device.  (Or whatever, same as mplayer's device argument, e.g. mplayer 
-ao alsa:device=default == mythtv ALSA:default).  Myth detected that I had 
ALSA automatically, and IIRC, /dev/dsp does actually map to ALSA:hw0,0.  But 
don't quote me on that.  Try aplay -L for a list of ALSA devices available 
on your system.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis
I need your help. I'm on comcast and got my Fusion Lite card working. It's
my second tuner card(/dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0). I have 107 services found by
atscscan tool. Now, I would like to add those channels to mythtv. However, 
could not find any easy to follow article. Can someone please tell me how 
add one channel and I'll do the rest. I'm so confused with those PIDS or
PSIP, etc. I also read somewhere that I need to modify a table, I guess
dtv_multiplex, but there is no clear instruction or example.

Well, Neil, I recommend you upgrade to a subversion build.  The channel 
scanning is very, very easy, and as far as I can tell DVB stuff is much 
improved.  Just my two cents.  IIRC, 0.18.1 has no channel scan facility.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis
Everything is running into my AV Receiver, that's where my volume is
controlled.  I uncheck the box for internal volume controls.  There
was a post to the list a while back on how to send everything out over
the spdif, and have your receiver decide if it's AC3 or PCM, the key
was in the .asoundrc.  I can't find it off hand, but a bit of a search
will probably turn it up, it was probably in the last 2 weeks.


I came across something while browsing through the developer's mailing 
list...  Do you have Enable video as timebase checked or unchecked?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis

I downloaded this morning 0.18.2 STABLE relese from cvs.mythtv.org but not
the trunk version. Is the scanning facility not good on this version?

Thanks Will!

I have no idea, unfortunately.  I do know that I have very few problems with 
the subversion build, fewer than I had with the stable branch.  Sorry, maybe 
someone else knows the answer to that.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis
For anyone following the thread, once Use video as timebase was disabled, 
everything worked perfectly.  The trick was to have everything with AC3 
passed through by Myth and to have everything else sampled to 48000 Hz for 
output via PCM.  ALSA made this second part possible.  Thanks for everyone's 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-19 Thread William Lewis

Yeah.  Shouldn't video as timebase be disabled if AC-3 Passthrough
is enabled and there's an AC-3 stream?  (Kind of like AC-3 is disabled
when the user initiates timestretch--at least until Mark finishes his
AC-3 re-encode work.)


The only difficulty is an implementation detail.  Since the settings are on 
different screens, the setting for Use video as timebase would have to be 
tri-state: Off, On, Was on but ac3 is disabled.  Another 2 cents worth.  If 
the user goes from AC3 passthrough off to on, this would disable the video 
as timebase.  Well, if he changes his mind, it should go back to being on.  
However, if it was off the whole time, then changing the AC3 setting 
wouldn't matter.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] AC3 and/or S/PDIF (again)

2006-01-18 Thread William Lewis
This is a new one for me...

I am running subversion from yesterday, and I cannot for the life of me get 
S/PDIF to send a 5.1 signal to my receiver.  Xine works fine.  Mplayer works 
fine with Myth recordings.  But Myth does strange things.  When I start a 
program, it may stutter then go out for ten seconds then start back up for a 
couple of seconds.  If I turn off AC3 pass through, then everything works 
fine, but it's only two channel sound.  Any help would be most appreciated, 
because this is driving me insane.

Thanks in advance, and I'd be more than happy to provide more information if 
it will help.
Will Lewis

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: Burning an MPEG2 file that is too large

2006-01-14 Thread William
 Hi All,
 I am trying to burn a MPEG2 recording exported by nuvexport, 
 but it is too large to go on a single layer disc!
 I remember just the other day reading about a linux command 
 line tool that can reduce the bitrate of a mpeg2 file.  All 
 you had to do basically was tell it what factor to reduce it 
 by, such as '2' would halve the effective file size, '1' 
 would be pointless and '1.2' would make it 20% smaller.

The program you want is called tcrequant and its part of the mjpegtools

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: Burning an MPEG2 file that is too large

2006-01-14 Thread William
 I am trying to burn a MPEG2 recording exported by nuvexport, 
 but it is too large to go on a single layer disc!

Here is the script I use to shrink and burn a non-menued dvd that autoplays
a single program. Check the section on shrinking the video for a working

When I run this script the video and audio have already been split into 2
files by avidemux2. The files are named aud and vid and I will let you
figure out which is which :)



rm -drf mydvd
rm -f mydvd.tmp
echo Checking video size...
# Calculate the requantization factor 
vsize=`ls -l ./vid | awk '{print $5}'` 
vsize=`echo $vsize / 1048576 | bc` 
asize=`ls -l ./aud | awk '{print $5}'` 
asize=`echo $asize / 1048576 | bc` 
req=`echo ($vsize + $asize) / 4350 | bc -ql` 
req2=`echo $req * 1.05 | bc -ql`

if [ ${req:0:1} = . ];   
   echo Shrinking not required!!
   echo Shrinking the video to fit the disc. Please wait... 
   echo Reduction Factor: $req2 
   echo Note: vid has been saved as vid-full
   mv -f vid vid-full 
   nice -n 19 tcrequant -i vid-full -o vid -f $req2  

nice -n 19 mplex -f 8 -V -O -3016mpt -o mydvd.mpg aud vid
#rm aud
#rm vid
echo creating dvd file system
nice -n 19 dvdauthor -o mydvd -f mydvd.mpg
nice -n 19 dvdauthor -o mydvd -T
#rm -f mydvd.mpg
echo Burning DVD
nice -n 19 growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdd mydvd

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Slightly OT: Burning an MPEG2 file that is too large

2006-01-14 Thread William
 Out of curiosity (and likely going way OT even more), why do 
 people use avidemux?  Or mpeg2cut and other such tools?  I 
 find nuvexport does a great job of creating DVD compatible 
 files and honors the cutlist perfectly.  I would have thought 
 it would have been the best tool to base most of these 
 scripts on, since it comes with any mythTV package.
 Is there something I should know about nuvexport?

For me the reason is simply my comfort level. I have heard that nuvexport
sometimes screws up. Dont know anything about it other than it was
slw. Plus by using avidemux2 I can join several kids shows together
into a 2 hour dvd that keeps the rugrats happy. I know that I could create
menus and such but this is simpler and kid proof.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth Remote Control

2006-01-13 Thread William Powers
What IR keyboard are you using?  I've been using the Chicony KB-9820, 
but they are getting hard to find...


Kevin Kuphal wrote:

 Buy a one-for-all remote with a JP1 connector and a JP1 interface 
 cable. There are various how-tos on JP1 sites related to this but you 
 basically use that cable to connect to your Windows PC and use 
 software to program your IR remote to send the same IR commands as 
 your IR keyboard. While most Myth users go through LIRC with an IR 
 remote, I have found that programming my IR remote to emulate my IR 
 keyboard allows me to use a standard PS/2 connector and the IR 
 receiver to bypass LIRC. This has resulted, for me, in finer control 
 over keys as well as faster response times from the remote.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] liveTV using 100% CPU

2006-01-08 Thread William Pettersson
I'm running 0.18.1 on Gentoo as well.  Also on Nvidia.  I recently tried
upgrading to 1.0.8178 from 1.0.6629.  That also brought me up to 100%
CPU usage when watching pre-recorded TV, standard definition digital.  I
downgraded, and all my problems are solved, Mythtv wise.  I only
upgraded to see what difference it made, anyway.  Also, it doubled my
frame rate in WoW, so I'm sticking with these.

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 14:01 -0700, Brian Wood wrote:
 I'm running 0.18.1 on a Gentoo system, and compiling outside the  
 portage system usually leads to trouble. I'm not sure what USE  
 flag indicated the use of vsync, nVidia probably did it.
 I'm not sure which is going to be more of a pain, re-compiling MythTV  
 or getting an older version of nVidia's drivers to work, seems the  
 kernel API has changed and broken older video drivers.
 I do not understand all this mucking around with a production  
 kernel. These guys who insist it must be up to date are the same  
 ones who keep checking for the fdiv bug, even on Xeon and Opteron  
 CPUs :-)
  In SVN's frontend settings (Playback Settings, General playback  
  (page 1)):
  Enable OpenGL vertical sync for timing
  If it is supported by your hardware/drivers, MythTV will use OpenGL  
  vertical syncing for video timing, reducing frame jitter.
  In MythTV 0.18 and 0.18.1, you have to recompile Myth without  
  OpenGL vsync.  In MythTV 0.18-fixes SVN, you have the same option  
  as SVN.  (Note that if you have one you think is 0.18.2, it's  
  probably 0.18-fixes SVN, so it probably has the option.)
 mythtv-users mailing list

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: $80 Air2PC cards (Rev 0.2?)

2006-01-07 Thread William Sheffler
I bought one of these cards on ebay (now $50), but am having trouble  
getting it working under linux. It works in my crappy old windows  
machine using the vendor's software. I get a number of channels with  
good signal strength. My FC4 2.6.14 kernel sees the card and sets up  
devices in /dev/dvb/adaptor0/. MythTV sees the card and azap will  
attempt to tune, but I get no signal at all. I'm almost positive the  
station info is setup correctly -- same info works on windows and  
I've found the same channel info for my location on message boards.

Could this be a firmware issue? Can anybody help?

-Will Sheffler

 On 5/17/05, Blammo blammo.doh at gmail.com wrote:

 I went ahead and bought one. I'll let ya'll know how/if it works. I
 emailed back and forth with the vendor who agreed to take it back  

 refund me if it doesn't co-exist peacefully with my existing setup.

Just wanted to follow this up. Vendor was extremely easy to work with,
very knowlegable (you'll see why if you order one) and shipped one out
the door quickyl.

. Rev1 cards have a different frontend (Broadcom 3510) which has
only been supported in the last 7-ish days. Once you get it compiled
into the kernel, everything gets happy.

Worth the money, imho.

One Caveat, if you have signal strength problems now, you may not want
to get one of these... they are a little weaker on the RCV side than
the Gen2 cards.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] EPG freeze after playing video in xine/MythVideo

2006-01-07 Thread William
Title: Message

window is losing focus. Try setting yourwindow manager/desktopso 
that the focus follows the mouse and leave the mouse in the center of the screen 
which is its default position.

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Daniel RischarSent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:01 
  AMTo: mythtv-users@mythtv.orgSubject: [mythtv-users] EPG 
  freeze after playing video in xine/MythVideoI cannot 
  figure out how these two are related (MythVideo/xine and the EPG), but here is 
  my problem:Version: occured in 0.18.1 (from Gentoo portage) and the 
  latest subversion sourcesReproducibility: AlwaysSteps to 
  Reproduce:1) Start mythfrontend2) go to mythvideo and watch a video 
  (must use xine -pfq %s command)3) Exit the movie, it does not matter how 
  long it plays4) Switch to watching LiveTV5) bring up the program guide 
  6) move the selection in any directionI find that I can only move 
  the selection once and then the EPG stops responding to my keypresses. I 
  can still go back by pressing escape, but going into the guide again produces 
  the same result. I can only move the selection once, but never 
  more. The EPG works fine when I do not play a video first. I 
  tried to search the web, and this list for any posts relating to these 
  problems, but could not find anything. If this has been posted about 
  before, just point me in the right direction.-- Daniel 
  RischarComputer EngineeringCase Western Reserve University[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Can't run mythtv-setup

2006-01-07 Thread William
Dont know if this is the problem or not but did you compile into the correct
directory? On my system I have to specify prefix=/usr rather than the
default /usr/local. Do a find / -name libmythtv* to see where it wound up

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Simpson
 Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 8:44 PM
 To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
 Subject: [mythtv-users] Can't run mythtv-setup
 Finally got it compiling correctly etc. and 'make'd it and 
 'make install'ed it. Then I go to run mythtv-setup and get...
 mythtv-setup: error while loading shared libraries:
 libmythtv-0.18.1.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
 such file or directory.
 Any assistance? Also, is there an IRC channel or anything for 
 more 'live' support?
 Thanks again,
 mythtv-users mailing list
 http://mythtv.org/cgi- bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Strange recording and playback issues after crash

2006-01-04 Thread William Powers
I presume you completely unpowered the box, preferably by removing the 
power cord for 30 seconds or so.  If you didn't, there's a chance some 
device on the motherboard got upset during the power glitch and hasn't 
been reset since.  Other than that, I dunno, unless something was 
permanently damaged.  Wish I could be more helpful.


Bruce J Keeler wrote:

A few days ago, my myth system suffered a power loss.  Ever since, it
has been suffering from two problems.  Recorded programs have chunks
dropped, and lots of the following errors get logged:

   Jan  2 16:01:19 localhost kernel: ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #0
   Stealing a Buffer, 2048 currently allocated

List archives suggest that this is due to mythbackend not reading the
data from the PVR250 fast enough, but don't suggest any reason why that
would be the case, though one suggested fscking the recordings partition
which I did to no avail.  A SMART self-test ran without errors.  A
bonnie++ run seemed to indicate reasonable disk performance.

When playing back programs (even programs that recorded prior to the
power loss event), I get some odd behavior while skipping ahead and
back.  The total program time varies, sometimes by a few seconds,
sometimes by outrageous amounts (e.g. something like 768:45:22 might be
displayed for program length).  The skip takes a second or two to
complete, and the picture stutters and goes all pixelly.  Pre-crash,
skips were always instantaneous.

Recording is via a PVR250, playback is through X on an FX5200.  Hardware
and software configuration has not been touched for ages.

Linux mythbox 2.6.12-20050717 #3 Thu Sep 1 18:53:47 PDT 2005 i686
Jan  1 14:15:06 localhost kernel: ivtv: version 0.2.0 (rc3j) loading
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ stepping 00
512MB memory.

Can anyone suggest what to look for here?


mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Minimum hardware requirements for a Frontend

2006-01-03 Thread William
 I need a frontend to mainly view Live TV and recorded shows.
 What would you recommend as the minimum hardware requirements 
 for a frontend? 

I have a modded xbox running debian as a frontend. Does pretty much
everything SD, I understand it does hd but cannot verify the fact. Total
cost with hot-swap software hack = $70usd If you can find an old one used
its even better as they are easier to hack than the new ones like mine.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Quick question - Do I have to kill backend before I re-run mythv-setup?

2006-01-02 Thread William
Title: Message

In my 
experience you can run mythtv-setup anytime including when the backend is 
running but no changes will take effect until you restart the backend. For me 
"service mythbackend restart" works just fine on my FC2 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Chris RibeSent: Monday, January 02, 2006 10:46 
  AMTo: Discussion about mythtvSubject: Re: [mythtv-users] 
  Quick question - Do I have to kill backend before I re-run 
  mythv-setup?I've been told on the list that it is a good 
  idea, perhaps even necessary. Hopefully someone will follow this up with 
  more information.
  On 1/2/06, Kirk 
got just about everything running and am waitingon the satellite box to 
be hooked up.I need to run'mythtv-setup' one more time to 
setup the 'directv.pl'script to control the receiver.Do I 
need to shutdown the backend before I run mythtv-setup?I've 
looked onGoogle  MythTv.org and searched the list but didn'tsee 
anything regarding 
Yahoo! DSL  Something to write home about.Just $16.99/mo. or 
mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.orghttp://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] How do I add existing avi files to mythtv's recordings?

2006-01-02 Thread William Kenworthy
How do I add existing avi files to mythtv's recordings?

Do I need to transcode into a particular resolution etc?


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How do I add existing avi files to mythtv's recordings?

2006-01-02 Thread William Kenworthy
Thanks, thats the hint I needed!


On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 02:21 +0100, Johan Kihlström wrote:
 tis 2006-01-03 klockan 09:02 +0800 skrev William Kenworthy:
  How do I add existing avi files to mythtv's recordings?
  Do I need to transcode into a particular resolution etc?
  mythtv-users mailing list
 Any particular reason for not using MythVideo?
 Just drop the avi's in a designated library and tell Myth to update
 video library. 
 Tada! Your avi's easily accesible from within Myth through xine or
 Best regards
 mythtv-users mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Slight OT: Keeping your systems clean

2006-01-01 Thread William
Title: Message

  Having been a hardware (mainly HP/Compaq wintel 
  servers) for quite a few years now, I've come accross this quite a 
  bit.Whilst keeping the inside of your systems is important with the use 
  of appropriate filters etc, you must be very careful when using compressed air 
  andlittle hoover-type devices. Moving lots of debris and accumulated 
  dust around the inside of a system can generate static which may well 
  discharge when your compressed air/hoover moves the debris over things like 
  DIMMS and voltage regulators - which will obviously damage your system. It's 
  best to install the filters or generate a high air-pressure environment inside 
  your system case from the word 'go'. Cleaning out a system 'just because' 
  using hoovers and air could land you in more trouble than its 
Another thing to keep 
in mind. If you are going to bepulling your cards and memory 
sticksor unplugging the power supply you NEED to be at a anti-static 
workstation workingwith a ground strap connecting theequipment to 
ground and you to theequipment. Yes you can getaway with it most of 
the time but now that its winter there is a good chance that you will do damage 
to your system thru static. You might not see it for a few weeks but this is the 
leading cause of delayed death in electronics. Its quite easy to make your own, 
a google will show you how.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Default input on TV tuner card

2006-01-01 Thread William Kenworthy
I have this problem for a v4l card and alsa.  I solved it by putting
some lines in local.start (gentoo uses this file as the last part of the
bootup sequence for user commands before starting X - other didtros do

/etc/conf.d/local.start ## myth related stuff

mtd -d

amixer set Master,0 77%,77% unmute
amixer set PCM,0 77%,77% unmute
amixer set Line,0 77%,77% mute captur
amixer set Capture,0 10%,10% captur

v4lctl -c /dev/video setinput Composite1
v4lctl -c /dev/video setnorm PAL

On Sun, 2006-01-01 at 21:02 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem were after a reboot and startup of mythbackend and 
 mythfrontend that the default input for the tuner card seems to get lost.  
 After every reboot, when I go into Watch TV, I get snow.  C which 
 corrects the problem and tunes to Tuner 0.  The weird thing is I have one 
 capture card (Happauge PVR-250) and have already set the Default input field 
 in mythtv-setup to Tuner 0 (because I'm running of the RCA jack of the 
 PVR-250 card).  The other weird thing is that when I go into Watch TV after 
 the reboot, the OSD shows Tuner 0 on it and when I hit C it still shows 
 Tuner 0 but I get the picture.
 I'm currenty using the KnoppMyth R5A22 distro but I've also seen the same 
 thing when I used to run Debian etch and the current svn build.
 Any thoughts?
 mythtv-users mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] How to customise menus

2005-12-31 Thread William
  Sorry, this should be straightforward but I cant make it work!
 I  am trying to customise my  Optical Disk menu.
 So far, based on previous threads, I have copied 
 /usr/share/mythtv/optical_menu.xml to the 
 /usr/share/mythtv/themes/MythCentre directory on the backend 
 and modified 
 the file.(I am using MythCentre theme)
 But nothing changes on the frontend menus.   I have 
 restarted both 
 backend and frontend.
 What am I missing?

Not sure if this is the solution to your problem but what worked for me was
to create a new folder named MyTheme in the themes folder and copy the
entire theme you want to use to the new folder. Select your new theme from
the list of available themes and apply it. Now when you make changes to the
files you will see them. Not only that but your new folder will survive
upgrades to the base theme.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Avermedia AVerTV GO 007 FM - No Sound in MythTV

2005-12-30 Thread William Powers

wvl wrote:

So with the help of the v4l mailinglist I got sound in tvtime by using
sox to send everything from /dev/dsp2 (tvcard sound device) to
/dev/dsp (regular soundcard).

But now I need mythtv to record the sound instead. Usually you'd
attach the line-in of your soundcard to the sound output of your
tvcard, but this card shouldn't need that (I think...). Nevertheless I
tried using a cable to connect the two, but however I configured the
devices using kmix (soundcard: line-in muted, but on record. tvtuner
sound device: no idea. tried a few things like enabling record on
everything and raising the volume to max) it never worked.

So does anyone have experience with a simliar setup? I'm sure my
configuration should be no different to anyone else with one of these
cards that expose their sound via a second sound device instead of the
usual connect and record.

Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but if you've already got the TV 
sound coming out of dsp2, shouldn't all you need do is specify dsp2 as 
the audio source for that card in mythtv-setup?  In my limited 
experience with btaudio and snd-bt87x, getting to the point of having a 
functional /dev/dsp device was 99% of the work.  IIRC, the only thing 
left to do after that point was to select the right dsp device in myth 
setup and make sure that device wasn't muted.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Important information concerning DataDirect's outage

2005-12-30 Thread William
 interesting.. I have data for today (friday), none for tomorrow (sat) 
 from midnight to midnight, and then data starts again at midnight sun 
 morning. in a nutshell: saturday is blank. 

try mythfilldatabase --refresh-today

should do today and tomorrow.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Problems installing PVR150MCE under FC2

2005-12-30 Thread William
Title: Message

Ok let 
me throw this out there. Why not install a standard ide drive and use it to hold 
the os. You should be able to finda small one for next to 
nothing.Put all your myth stuff on the sata drives. As for the drivers you 
might be able to compile your own for your current kernel or you can try loading 
an older version that has a precompiled module.

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of James AyoubSent: Friday, December 30, 2005 3:49 
  PMTo: Discussion about mythtvSubject: [mythtv-users] 
  Problems installing PVR150MCE under FC2I currently have a 
  Wintv PVR150MCE card in my computer and part of the installation includes 
  updating the kernel from 2.6.5 ti 2.6.10. The problem is that I have a 
  SATA controller card and linux will only load under 2.6.5 with it. Under 
  2.6.10 or a fresh install of FC3 and FC4, the computer hangs when it trys to 
  disable IRQ 11. Is there a way to get ivtv drivers working without going 
  to 2.6.10???
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Remote query

2005-12-29 Thread William
That device should be easy enough to map yourself. All you need to do is
open a text editor and then press buttons on the remote and see what key is
printed and map those to the functions you desire.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Fox
 Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 6:15 AM
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Subject: [mythtv-users] Remote query
 Anyone happen to have the following remote working;
 [4992768.005000] input: USB HID v1.10 Keyboard [Twinhan Tech 
 Remote Control] on usb-:00:10.2-2 [4992768.036000] input: 
 USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Twinhan Tech Remote Control] on 
 I read somewhere since this remote acts as a USB HID device I 
 should just use mythweb to remap the keys. Anyone have the 
 same remote and have it working/mapped in the fashion 
 described. If so, can you dump your sql table for these key mappings.
 mythtv-users mailing list
 http://mythtv.org/cgi- bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] myth selecting the wrong sound channel

2005-12-27 Thread William Kenworthy
Ive emailed about this problem before and the help has gotten me a
little way along - it seems that a number of others have the same
problem without a solution we can find.

On selecting a channel, it may (randomly, works sometimes, sometimes
not) have sound.  A press of the sound channel select (+) on a
keyboard brings the sound back.  Worse, this results in some recordings
being blank, and some recordings losing sound half way through.

I presume because a number of people have this problem, thats its old
and a fix is available but I cant find it.

Can someone help?


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Backend Refuses to Speak to Frontend

2005-12-26 Thread William
 Or would my best option just be downgrading the back-end? If I were  
 to downgrade my back-end, would I have problems if my front-end  
 version was newer?
 Thanks for all the help.

The way mythtv is designed to work the backend and all the front ends should
be running the same rev of the code. Minor differences should be ok as long
as the communications protocol is the same between them. In the case of svn
and release code together, that will not work. Running svn is always risky
and is not going to get you much troubleshooting help so unless there is a
strong reason to run svn code, stick with the release.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Help!! My system has crashed (maybe OT?)

2005-12-24 Thread William
 The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
 Device: /dev/hda, 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
 For details see host's SYSLOG (default: /var/log/messages).
 You can also use the smartctl utility for further 
 investigation. No additional email messages about this 
 problem will be sent. 
 Now the system boots past udev, etc as far as the graphical 
 rotating hour 
 glass which just sits there rotating.

That error message sounds like you have had a drive failure. First thing I
would try is to download and burn the drive diagnostic disk from your drive
manufacturer and make sure that the drive is still good. It will likely find
that one or more sectors of the drive are no longer readable. If you have
only had it running for a year there is a good chance that the drive is
still under warrenty. 

If the drive is still good then I would recommend a fresh start with a
format and reload.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Using MythTV as a non-TV recording device

2005-12-22 Thread William
 I'm not going to be recording TV with this at all, just 
 programming a record button onto our AMX system and hooking 
 it up to the computers serial port. How should I go around 
 this? Is mythtv even the right choice? 

As all the others have said, mythtv is not a good choice for this app. The
old sledge hammer fly swatter concept for sure. Its simple to configure
a shell program to do all the video stuff. You could even set up a key or
button to bring up mplayer or xine as a live video window for setting up the

Since its a linux system you could even lock down the box so that was the
only app that could be run. Depends on how much you can trust your users and
how tech savy they are. 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] snd_bt87x, kernel version, lirc replacement - lessons learned

2005-12-22 Thread William Powers
Because my daughter, who is off at college, complained bitterly about 
having to constantly swap VHS tapes to record her shows at school, as 
compared to Mything them at home, I threw together a Myth box for her 
out of spare parts.  In the process, I found out a few things that might 
be useful to someone else in the future, so I'm posting them here for 
archival purposes.

The only usable capture card I had was an old ATI TV Wonder, which has 
an MSP3400 chip.  In the past I had successfully used that particular 
card with btaudio on RH9 and with snd_bt87x on FC2.  This time, I could 
not get DMA audio to work with any recent distro.  I tried FC4, Ubuntu 
5.10, and FC3 with a dist-upgrade.  No joy for any of them.  I was about 
to go back to RH9 and btaudio, but I tried installing FC3 again without 
a dist-upgrade and that worked.  So, in short, I was not able to get 
snd_bt87x to work with any kernel newer than 2.6.9 or so.  The symptoms 
were simple:  No /dev/dsp device was created, nor was the capture card 
recorded in /proc/asound/.  But everything is now working fine with the 
default kernel installed by FC3.

Second, I managed to save myself the headache of finding an IR receiver 
for lirc.  Once upon a time I bought, but never used, a Chicony KB-9820 
IR keyboard.  Using that, along with a Philips six device Universal 
Digital DVD Learning Remote (PHDVD6ZL, $20 at Fry's) gave me a usable 
remote control at a tiny fraction of the effort that was required to get 
lirc working on my original Myth box.  I can't say if that particular 
keyboard is still available anywhere, but it does work well.

Other than that, I finally discovered a use for Windows Internet 
Connection Sharing, as her Internet connection is with Airimba wireless 
who only allow a single connection per account.  That was solved with 
two old NIC's, an ethernet crossover cable, W2K ICS, and a bash script 
that retries mythfilldatabase until the connection is available.

Of course, daughters being what they are, she was distressed to find out 
that her Myth can only record one program at a time (unlike the home 
box).  Maybe I can pick up another TV Wonder off Ebay...

Hopefully, having this note in the archive will help if someone 
encounters any of the same problems.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Recording Bitrates fpr PVR 350

2005-12-21 Thread William
 what are usefull settings for recording dayli episodes of 
 cartoon with a 
 u choose a bitrate form 2500-3500.
 good or bad idea?

Personally I would record at a bit higher rate (5000-6000) and then
transcode them much smaller and enjoy the quality of the recording. You
might just get a hi-def tv someday and you will thank yourself. If you are
just watching and deleting then whatever rate looks good is good enough.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] new myth hardware

2005-12-20 Thread William
 My questions are the following:
 - I would like to watch live TV so I am considering getting a 
 dual tuner card that is well supported by MythTV and has a 
 hardware encoder/decoder. I am considering the PVR 500. Do 
 you have comments/suggestions?

A couple of other things to consider. First, unless your dish outputs two
streams at the same time you are going to need 2 dish receivers. The 2nd
point is controlling your receivers. I dont think that there are any dish
receivers that have serial port control so you are going to need a IR
blaster device or two. The big issue with remote control on dish is that
they use an odd frequency (56KHz vs 48KHz) which makes things interesting.
If you do some searching of the archives you will see that about the only
commmercial solution that works well is a device called MyBlaster serial.
I forget the url of the place that sells them but you can get the linux
driver for it at myblaster.sourceforge.net That also is in the archives.

I have a 2 receiver dishnetwork setup here if you want to pick my brain
about it.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] I am having some audio problems.

2005-12-17 Thread William Kenworthy
I am having some audio problems.  Sound sometimes stays muted (?) when
switching to a channel.  A change back and forward from another video
card, or exit live TV and reenter that mode and sound is fine.  This is
annoying, but I can live with it.  However, whats worse is that some
recordings lose sound part way through.  In particular, a daily news
program loses sound just as the weather report starts - wierd as its
hard to see something in a video signal causing the audio to switch off
at this point in a recording every day!  Other programs also sometimes
have the same problem.  There is no problem with the sound (alsa)
system, and exiting the recording and after going to live TV its ok
(same program, sound can go while watching the recording as its being

I am sure I have seen others with this problem, but I cant find a cure.


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Need some setup help second frontend will not play recorded shows + dvd rip problem

2005-12-15 Thread William
 Error: File missing
 2005-12-15 01:23:20.607 PlaybackBox::play(): Error, 
 /video/store//1006_20051213013500_20051213023500.nuv file not found
 Error: File missing
 Error: File missing
 Error: File missing

Not 100% sure about this one but generally you need to set up a network
share on your frontend that points back to your backend machine's video
directory so that the files are available locally.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Instalation problems.

2005-12-12 Thread William
Does anyone have MythTV installed on Ubuntu Breezy 5.10? I have been having
so much trouble installing it on Ubuntu that I have tried 7 times without
success that I don't know whats right, whats installed  that I have been
reinstalling Ubuntu every time. I have used the How-to on Ubuntu's forum,
that its so incorrect that I have given up on that.

Does ANYONE have a How-To that will work? I am new to Linux so a link that's
is kinda designed for someone like me would be great!

Well Bill, if all you want to do is get mythtv running on a linux system
there are several easier options. If you are bound and determined to use
ubuntu you are pushing the envelope a bit so there are not as good of docs

The first thing I would suggest is KnoppMyth
(www.mysettopbox.tv/knoppmyth.html ) Pertty much turn-key. Loads linux and
mythtv in one shot.

The second is a great howto at (wilsonet.com/mythtv/) This is a great step
by step howto that was based (last time i looked) on Fedora Core. I set mine
up with this howto but have since customized mine quite a bit.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] X Bad_alloc Error

2005-12-12 Thread William
 I'm experiencing an error which I cannot figure out.
 This is a Via SP13000 motherboard, running Fedora 4 on 
 with mythtv svn 8205. I have xorg.conf set for 800x600 with 16 bit 
 depth. These settings are down from 1280x1024x16 which was what I had 
 set before things went bad.
 Note that there is not output, yet, to TV.. this is only 
 monitor output. I am at a loss to understand what is causing 
 this.. Help  gratefully accepted... Geoff

I cannot speak about the exact cause of your error but it sounds like a lack
of resources. Since you are running a svn version its anyones guess if you
have a problem or its the current version in svn. Probably the best thing to
do would be to fall back to the release version until you get it working and
then try upgrading. Maybe by then, the problem will be gone from svn. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] OT: Xine lirc

2005-12-11 Thread William
 Anyone have troubles with Xine 1.1.1 and lirc? it does not 
 work at all for me and I've tried to rebuild it but no 
 --enable-lirc does nothing.

Not sure which version had the problem but I remember hearing that lirc
support was broken in a few releases. I personally had the problem for a
while last summer but not since I rebuilt this last time. Current setup is
FC2 with a wilsonet based install and updated with apt-get. 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] OT: Xine lirc

2005-12-11 Thread William
 Anyone have troubles with Xine 1.1.1 and lirc? it does not 
 work at all for me and I've tried to rebuild it but no 
 --enable-lirc does nothing.

Looks like I am running 0.99.4 compiled from source. Guess I had problems
with the apt-get version. Probably the very one you have now. I also
remember some sort of a ixrevent work around to pass the keystrokes. You
should be able to find it in the mythtv archives.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] single channel, with no guide info

2005-12-10 Thread William Kenworthy
I have just added a set top box input to mythtv on a v4l analog input.
Good picture and sound, but I have run into an unexpected problem.
Currently, I want to use manual tuning and dont want to pollute my guide
database with the channel information - I want mythtv to have a single
channel, with no guide info.  However, without this info its difficult
to record anything - is there a workaround?  Ideally I would like to
press R, have it start recording until I manually stop it.


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: sorry to bother you about your xbox mythtv image

2005-12-06 Thread William

-Original Message-

Go ahead and download the torrent file from the following location:



I was finally able to download the file and it does work. I need to figure
out how you are setting up the smb mount but at least its able to play
recorded tv. 

If anyone wants this I can put it online at a host with some bandwidth. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: sorry to bother you about your xbox mythtv image

2005-12-05 Thread William

-Original Message-
Go ahead and download the torrent file from the following location:


It looks like someone is still seeding it. If not, email me back and I will
create an updated release this week. There is an update to the remote
control drivers that needs to be included for 3rd party remotes to work. 

-Rob Anderson


It looks likew nobody is seeding that anymore. At least nobody at the

Like the other person, I am currently without a usable xbox frontend os an
update sounds really nice.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Need to prioritise cards/inputs for live tv

2005-12-04 Thread William Kenworthy
I have a system with a DVB-T card and the composite input of an old
analog tuner card connected to a foxtel STB.  How do I get the system to
default to the DVB-T card for live tv?  It always starts with the analog

I also want to get the analog tuner up and running again, and ran into
the same problem - it looks like this card always takes priority over
the better quality DVB-T card (same channel content).  From what I can
see, the only priorities are to do with recording.

using .18 on gentoo


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Silent Fan for Socket A (AthlonXP 3000)

2005-12-03 Thread William Powers
It doesn't meet your cost constraint, but when I was considering doing 
the same thing you are doing, I went with the Thermalright SI-97A.  I 
got the 'A' model because it is also usable with socket 754 so I could 
keep using it when if/when I upgrade.  It doesn't come with a fan, but I 
had a 92mm Zalman fan which was fairly quiet to begin with and then I 
undervolted it to 5V which made it silent.  The best place to find out 
which fans are truly quiet is at www.silentpcreview.com.

The only tricky part is that the Thermalright fan mounting clips require 
your fan have open corners with the mounting holes accessible from the 
inside.  Fans with filled-in corners won't work, unless you're handy 
with a dremel tool.

Believe it or not, I've found that the best way to get a quiet heatsink 
is to find out what the air-cooling overclockers are using and use a 
quiet fan instead of the screaming Volcanos they use.

In the end, however, I did not upgrade my Athlon XP.  At the time, it 
turned out to be cheaper (and cooler)  to upgrade to a socket 754 
motherboard with an Athlon or Sempron 64 CPU, so I did that instead.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros stillbeingsupported?

2005-12-01 Thread William
Yes please. It would be greatly appreciated. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Holt
 Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:20 AM
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros 
 On 30/11/05, William [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That distro fails when it cannot find any files at
  deb http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian unstable mythtv
  I have not been able to access this repo since 2 weeks ago.
 Hmm, unfortunately this would explain your problem:

About 4 weeks ago I rebuilt my xebian 1.1.4 (aka debian sarge) based mythtv
frontend from the source packages available at this repository.  I have all
of the resulting deb files and some related ones if you would like copies
let me know and I can make them available:

mythtv-frontend_0.18.1-4_i386.deb libmyth-0.18.1-dev_0.18.1-4_i386.deb

- Ben
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros stillbeingsupported?

2005-12-01 Thread William

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Hofstra
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 5:15 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros

I also have had the xbox just sitting around because I cannot compile
mythvideo or mythmusic.  I have xebian, and have tried messing around with
the repositories, but nothing seems to satisfy the dependancy problems.  

Does anyone have a working sources.list that allows compilation of 0.18.1?
I would think with this being debian off-shoot we should be able to compile
myth on it somehow...

One of the above posters mentioned gentoox for mythtv.  I was not aware they
had such a thing, but upon reading the notes, you apparently need to upgrade
your xbox hard drive to at least 20gb. 


This is from the gentoox pro install archive. You only need 4.5gb free.

The requirements for these installations is as follows:

'E'  - You must have 4.5GB free on your E: drive.

'F'  - You must have 4.5GB free on your F: drive and 700MB free on your
E: drive.
   The 700MB on E: is just used during installation and is freed up
after the install
   is complete.  (i.e. it is just temporary space)

'Native' - You must have 4.5GB free on your E: drive and at least a 4.5GB F:
   The 4.5GB on E: is just used during installation and is freed up
after the install
   is complete.  (i.e. it is just temporary space)

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Dish Network and MythTV

2005-11-30 Thread William
 I am thinking about switching from cable to satellite and I 
 have a few 
 questions.  For specific reasons, I am interested in Dish 
 Network only.  
 Is there a tuner card that will allow me to use MythTV with 
 Dish Network 
 (preferred) or do I have to use the infrared port?  If the latter, is 
 there a more reliable serial port?

Pretty much the only reliable way to change channels with dish is with a
commercial ir blaster. With 2 of the myblaster devices and 2 receivers I
have have not noticed any instances of it missing a channel change in about
3 years of use. If you want to use the myblaster device you can get the
latest drivers at myblaster.sourceforge.net. I am the author of the linux
drivers so feel free to ask me questions outside the list if you need help.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] vonage caller id

2005-11-30 Thread William
  That's not entirely true... I can't prove this yet, because I don't 
  have a way to sniff the packets before getting to my vonage 
 ATA (yet), 
  but I've found a few sources that say they can sniff the 
 callerID info 
  off of port 10,000.  Again, I don't know.  I got my vonage 
 box about 3 
  months ago.  So, I'm guessing it won't be port 5061.
 I wasn't trying to say that you can't sniff the caller ID off 
 the newer boxes, but the stock vonagesniff.pl won't do it for 
 you... it'll at least need some tweaking, that is if the SIP 
 packets are the same...

I have not tried this yet but I am planning to. The new boxes maintain a
connection back to their server on port 1 (ten thousand). In my network
setup the ATA is just another drop off the hub so I should be able to
monitor traffic. Might be worth setting up a packet sniffer on that port to
see whats being passed when a call comes in.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros still being supported?

2005-11-30 Thread William

I have been trying to get my xbox running the current version of mythtv and
have been having lots of problems. Either I can get myth installed but not
lirc (gentoox) or the software is simply missing (bit.blkbk.com). So my
question is this: Whats out there that offers a seamless install of linux
and mythtv? I really dont want to do all the work of patching and debugging
that goes into a generic install of gentoo or fedora.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros still beingsupported?

2005-11-30 Thread William
 I use Xebian.  There are debian packages available for the 
 latest stable release.  If you want to go with bleeding edge 
 (and unstable!) svn versions then you will have to compile.

I thought I tried that. What is the package manager with Xebian? apt-get?

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distros still beingsupported?

2005-11-30 Thread William
 I just got done installing mythtv on the xbox using the 
 xebian distro.  Hopefully, this will help you:

Also take a look at the reference links at the bottom.

That distro fails when it cannot find any files at 

deb http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian unstable mythtv

I have not been able to access this repo since 2 weeks ago.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Monitor Opinion

2005-11-30 Thread William Powers
It's a very highly rated monitor.  See 
http://www.anandtech.com/displays/showdoc.aspx?i=2400.  I tried to get 
one yesterday for $334, but the $100 coupon code had already run out.  I 
guess I'll just keep an eye out for the next deal.

Chris Ribe wrote:

Call me paranoid,  but that deal is too good to be true.

Questions I would want answered before buying :

-  Is mythtv going to have a problem with the weird resolution?

-  How well do the internal scaler and component input work together 
given the weird resolution?

-  What is the response time really like?   I've never met an LCD TV 
whose picture impressed me.  Of course, the pricetag on that one could 
make up for a lot of shortcomings.  

On 11/29/05, *Mike Robinson* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

I'm in the process of putting together a Myth system.  I've got the
hardware for the combined BE/FE box picked out, but now I'm
looking at
monitors.  This will be a smaller monitor for a bedroom.  I was
wondering if I should have any concerns about using this monitor:



It has a resolution of 1680x1050 (16:10 aspect ratio).  I'll be
recording OTA with two HD3000 cards.  My graphics card will be an


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users@mythtv.org mailto:mythtv-users@mythtv.org

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mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Weird stuttering depends on resolution

2005-11-29 Thread William
Try 720x480. Since you are using a -250 its not going to cost any cpu time
but it will eat up drive space twice as fast. Depending on what you have set
for your modeline that should stop the scaling thats going on when you
choose odd recording resolutions. If you use a different screen resolution
try setting your recording to use the same values as the visible portion of
your screen or the try the max dimensions of your screen. One of them should
give you good performance.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark J. Small
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:33 PM
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Subject: [mythtv-users] Weird stuttering depends on resolution
 Hi everybody,
 I was playing with my settings earlier today, and came across 
 something odd.
 I have 3 Freestyle PVR-250's on a stock 0.18.1 debian system.
 I had been recording at 512x384/3000 for quite a while.  I 
 read in the 
 archives that 352x480 was a better recording resolution, and 
 would gaive me 
 better quality.  When I tried it, I found that I was getting very bad 
 jitters.  Every few seconds, the an old frame would seem to 
 jump in to the 
 When I changed the resolution to 368x480, the jitters went 
 away.  However, 
 when I went up to 384x480, they came back.  
 Anyone know what is going on with that?

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] 1 tuner, overlap consecutive recordings on single channel

2005-11-29 Thread William
 My default settings (global start recording 12 seconds 
 before, end recording 20 seconds late) work for most single 
 recordings, but there's always the exception here and there.  
 And the global modifiers are (I think) thrown out the window 
 on a transition from show to show when recording consecutive shows.
   This is currently cropping up on Scifi channel, where I'm 
 recording several episodes of Stargate SG1 that I haven't 
 seen previously.  Since they often run in mini-marathons, I 
 wind up with the first episode truncated, and perhaps 5-10 
 seconds of the first episode in the second recording.  

There is no substitute for 2 tuners. Once you have 2 you will never go back.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] New HDD for Mythtv 5400 or 7200 rpm

2005-11-26 Thread William

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Christian Borchmann
 Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:32 AM
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Subject: [mythtv-users] New HDD for Mythtv 5400 or 7200 rpm
 what hdd should i buy 5400 or 7200 rpm?
 anyone uses the maxtor 5a320j0 disk? 320 gb for smal money...
 Christian SPITFIRE Borchmann 

Either is fast enough to keep up with mythtv so its up to you. Personally I
would go for the faster drive. 

IMHO - MAxtor drives are junk. Have had to replace 2 already. Of course,
they were both covered under warrenty so its not a huge deal. I noticed both
times they upgraded me to a different drive so it might be model specific.
Mine were both 240gb drives from about a year ago.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [mythtv] Modifying the D1 Home Media Centre to use a tv_grab script

2005-11-26 Thread William Uther

  A few quick points.

   - Myth is GPL.  You should be able to get the source to the D1  
version of mythfilldatabase and have a look at it.  Once you have  
this, figuring out how to switch xmltv input back on should be  
relatively easy.  Note, I use the term relative in the sense of it  
will be easier with source than without source.  Depending on your  
mAd haxor skillz, and how much D1 changed mythfilldb, that might not  
be easy in any absolute sense.  But, at least you'd know you're  
working with the right version of mythfilldb, which uses the correct  
database schema, etc.
   - I've seen some posts about setting up cron jobs to call  
mythfilldatabase rather than having myth call it.  This seems  
somewhat irrelevant to me.  You can set things up either way, but you  
need to get mythfilldatabase running and accepting XMLTV input  
first.  I'm assuming that the HMC already calls some version of  
mythfilldatabase - I'd just leave that part of things alone, until  
you know you need to mess with it.
   - When you do look at the D1 version of mythfilldatabase, it  
might also help to look at this script: http:// 
www.onlinetractorparts.com.au/rohbags/xmltvau/ .  That script takes  
data from D1 and generates XMLTV data, allowing normal myth users to  
use the XMLTV data.  You want to do the reverse, get normal XMLTV  
data into D1 format.  It might give you insight into how D1 store  
their data and help you add normal XMLTV input back into your HMC.   
Or it might not :)
   - Once you get all that working, there are other XMLTV sources  
than just tvguide.org.au: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/xmltv/ .   
Don't get me wrong, they're a great source and probably the one I'd  
try first (I wrote the XMLTV grabber :), but don't think they're the  
only source.

Be well,

Will  :-}

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] of crontab, tv_grab, and mythfilldatabase

2005-11-22 Thread William Kenworthy
Some perls:

Most tv_grab_* scripts (all?) must be run as the user under which you
originally setup the config file (thats because it lives in, in my case
for the user mythtv, in the users home directory
(/home/mythtv/.mythtv/somename.xml) - did you set it up as root, if
using roots cron?

cron uses a truncated environment: you may be trying to use some
enviromental function thats there on a normal login, but isnt in the
cron env.


On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 09:53 +, Paul Graydon wrote:
 I'm getting frustrated and irritated by what should, to all intents and 
 purposes, be a simple task.
 I'm running a Gentoo box with dual DVB-T cards, and Mythtv.  The aim is to 
 provide a simple, 
 reliable method for the resources staff at this college to record programs 
 for use in classroom and 
 export onto DVD.
 Everything is working fine under Gentoo, I had issues with other distros for 
 various reasons that 
 seemed to me rather distro specific (e.g. circular rpm dependancies under 
 Gentoo might have taken longer to initially setup, but I've had so little 
 hassle actually getting 
 it to work in comparison to the others!
 The guide here: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Setup_MythTV was extremely 
 There is just one task that I'm struggling with.  The automatic downloading 
 and importing of XML tv 
 data from the Radio Times website, using tv_grab_uk_rt.  I can get neither 
 mythfilldatabase --
 quiet nor the same variant of tv_grab_uk_rt to successfully download the 
 file.  Following a script 
 I dug up from the mythtv-user archives I put the following in place in a file 
 called tv.sh:
 rm -f /media/dvb.xml
 perl /usr/bin/tv_grab_uk_rt --config-file /root/.mythtv/RadioTimes.xmltv 
 --quiet  /media/dvb.xml
 /usr/bin/mythfilldatabase --file 2 -1 /media/dvb.xml
 }  /root/log.log 21
 /media is the location of a separate partition for recording.
 If I run this manually, i.e. ./tv.sh, it all works fine.  Off it goes to the 
 internet, fetches the 
 data and imports it into the database.  Same occurs with mythfilldatabase 
 --quiet, if I run it 
 manually it works.
 If I run that as a crontab process, on the root users crontab, it fails to 
 fetch the information 
 from the internet and its baffling me as to why.
 My initial thought was that maybe it hadn't picked up the proxy environment 
 variables, hence the 
 calling of the env.sh script which just exports the proxy variables.  That 
 hasn't solved the 
 issue, and I'm beginning to pull my hair out.
 Given the length of time it takes to run the tv_grab command when its called 
 by cron, it looks to 
 me like the program is timing out on its fetching of info.
 The following is an output from my log.log file (imaginative name, huh!).
 Tue Nov 22 09:36:01 GMT 2005
 All data is the copyright of the Radio Times website
 http://www.radiotimes.com and the use of this data is restricted to
 personal use only.
 could not fetch http://xmltv.radiotimes.com/xmltv/channels.dat, aborting
 ### bypassing grabbers, reading directly from file
 2005-11-22 09:39:02.734 New DB connection, total: 1
 2005-11-22 09:39:02.755 New DB connection, total: 2
 Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file
 Updating icons for sourceid: 2
 Updated programs: 0  Unchanged programs: 0
 Adjusting program database end times...
 0 replacements made.
 Marking repeats...found 0
 Unmarking repeats from grabber that fall within our new episode 
 window...found 0
 2005-11-22 09:39:04.454 Connecting to backend server: localhost:6543 (try 1 
 of 5)
 2005-11-22 09:39:04.473 Using protocol version 15
 Can anyone help me at all? Offer any perls of wisdom?
 Paul Graydon
 Network Technician
 Haywards Heath College
 http://www.hhc.ac.uk (01444) 456281
 Joy is not in things; it is in us.   Richard Wagner
 mythtv-users mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Needed: Xbox compatable Lirc with support for the microsoft DVD remote

2005-11-22 Thread William
 I had to patch LIRC to add USB support. The patch I used is 
 in the Gentoo package manager (for lirc-0.7.0-r1 from 
 memory), so you might find it via GentooX, I don't know, 
 otherwise it can be downloaded here:

I have not been able to get that patch to apply cleanly to the 0.7.0
release. It keeps bombing out when trying to create/patch the makefile.am,
makefile.in and xbox_usb.c. I even tried to manually patch the files with
cut and paste but it will not compile. Gives me an error about using a i686
something or other when compiling for xbox. Sorry I am not at home to
recreate the error.

Anyone got a pre-patched copy of lirc they can bundle up and send to me?
This is the only issue left.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Which card to use for connecting directly to satellite dish?

2005-11-22 Thread William
I am running PVR-350 successfully for last 2 years. Now I 
 want to add satellite dish also to my setup. I got a dish for 
 free and got some info about the satellites accessible from Ireland.
 Which card is suitable (and cheap, but this is not top most 
 priority)? I am looking at 
 http://www.hauppauge.co.uk/pages/prods_digital -s.html
 and the 
 first three (last one is USB) are looking 
 good. Which one should I go for?
 Vijay G.

It would be helpful to know where in the world you are and what satellite
service(s) are you interested in.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] nonlinear 16:9 stretch?

2005-11-21 Thread William
 divide it into 10 equally, or nearly equally wide vertical stripes.
 1) For the stripe on the far left you could repeat each pixel 3 times.
 2) For the next two stripe repeat each 2 times.
 3) Then stripes four through seven are just a normal one:one mapping.
 4) The next two stripes would be the same as (2).
 5) The final stripe would be the same as (1)
 In other words the pattern for repeating pixels would be... 
Dont forget that the vertical also needs to be scaled so your routine gets
to be quite a bit more complicated. Not sure if some kind of a lookup table
might do the trick. Divide the screen into zones and assign each zone a pair
of strech values. You would need to limit the number of pixels per zone to
keep it from becoming visible as a pattern.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] xboxusb lircd.conf

2005-11-19 Thread William
 Now I have to write a howto so that other people can
 get their xboxes set up without the trouble that I had!

Perfect timing. :) I am just compiling mythtv on a xbox gentoox distro now.
Should be interesting. Anyways, please do write it up.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: Mythburn hosed my /video directory

2005-11-18 Thread William
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joshua Fechner
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 4:59 PM
To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject: [mythtv-users] Re: Mythburn hosed my /video directory

OK.  So that was just stupid on my part.  I guess I had read that post some
time ago but had forgotten about it.  Well, I recorded a show as a test and
used Mythburn again.  When I did it, it didn't appear to have done anything.
I checked my /video folder and everything was gone again.  So if I'm correct
then Mythburn deletes everything in the working folder everytime it runs?
Is it just me or is that kind of stupid?  Anyway, my second problem is that
Mythweb still lists all of my former (now deleted) programs under Recorded
Programs even though they don't seem to exist anywhere.  They even show the
thumbnail.  How do I get rid of them?  That's the last time I use Mythburn. 

I am sure there are ways to fix it with mysql commands but one way that
works is to create a file with the correct filename in your video dir and
then use the normal delete function to delete everything. I think there is a
thumbnail file with a matching name created for each program file so look
for thumbs without programs and touch the missing files. They can be empty.

BTW - Mythburn is a very complicated install on anything other than a
knoppMyth system. I am not surprised it didnt work for you. 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Myth 1280x720 modeline on screenplay 5000

2005-11-17 Thread William Lewis

I found this website helpful:
I don't know what an InFocus ScreenPlay is, but I ended up driving a 42 
Grand Wega with DVI out - HDMI in.  I think the VGA route would have been 
much simpler, though.  In particular, look at the Modelines ready-to-go for 
native HD display section.


From: Blastzone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv mythtv-users@mythtv.org
To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject: [mythtv-users] Myth  1280x720 modeline on screenplay 5000
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 07:48:55 -0500

I've been running MythTV for about 4 months now, and I'm pretty much sold.
Most of my friends are too. I picked up an InFocus ScreenPlay 5000 last
night, which runs at a native rez of 1280x720. I've also got a regular 17
CRT monitor, for when I don't feel like watching TV on a 6-foot-wide 

I'm driving both through the standard VESA output, but *could* get a DVI
cable if necessary (for about $40).
My myth system is running on a Pundit-R w/ ATI 9100IGP chipset on FC4.

So, my question is:
I need to set up a modeline to drive output at 1280x720. Has anyone set 
up yet, and either has one, or can point me in a direction where I can 

more about this?
2. Since the monitor  the projector have different ratios, I don't expect
the CRT to take to a 1280x720 too well. Is there a tool that I can use to
easily change resolutions (preferrably with a hotkey)?

Thank you!

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MyBlaster/Dish Network

2005-11-17 Thread William

Once I finish updating the script I will look into having it part of the


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythTV + perlbox = voice command for mythtv?

2005-11-17 Thread William
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Schultz
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:35 PM
To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject: [mythtv-users] MythTV + perlbox = voice command for mythtv?

I am very interested in a voice command media PC.  There is software
available for Windows Media Center that can accomplish this but, I want to
use mythtv.  After some researching on the web, I stumbled across
http://www.perlbox.org/.  This appears to be a voice command system for
linux!  Has anyone attempted to marry the two applications together?  I
would be great to yell Computer, channel up to change the channel when you
are too lazy to look for the remote. 

Any ideas or experiences that people have had would be great!

One area I see as problematic is the feedback from your audio system. Since
its an untrained system its going to respond to anything it hears that fits
one of its patterns. A quick look at the docs did not seem to indicate any
ability to use a audio stream as cancelation of background noise. Might be
possible with an external box but that would be a project in itself.

Good luck! 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MyBlaster/Dish Network

2005-11-16 Thread William
 perl /usr/local/bin/MyBlaster.pl $1

Its good to see that my scripts are still getting used. I just wanted to add
a note about starting the script. You do not need to call the script from
with a shell. Just put:


in the script field for that capture card. If you need to use options:

/usr/local/bin/MyBlaster.pl option option

Mythtv will append the channel number to the end of the string and will call
the script shell itself. No need to double shell the thing. Also will give
you a noticable speed increase when changing channels.

PS - I should have time this winter to pull the learning mode code into the
origional command set and will release an update.  Check sourceforge for the
latest version which is currently 1.4.1

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis
When I try to fire up watching live TV with XvMC hardware acceleration 
enabled, I get an X11 BadAlloc error with my nVidia 6200 TC and XOrg 6.8.2.  
I'm running a subversion branch with 0.18 fixes, and my system is configured 
with 2 HD-3000s and the latest NVIDIA x86-64 drivers.  The processor is an 
AMD Athlon 64 3200+, and I have 1 GB of ram in it.  When I disable the XvMC 
acceleration, it plays back, but it's very, very choppy, and the sound gives 
tons of prebuffering pause errors, or something like that.  xdpyinfo tells 
me that I have both XVideo and XVideo-MotionCompensation extensions 
available.  Anyone have any hints or additional configuration questions to 
help me out?  I'd appreciate it tremendously.

Thanks in advance,

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis

Has anyone ever gotten XvMC working on a 64 bit native AMD64 machine?  I
was under the impression that it just didn't work yet.


That may very well be the case.  If it is, what's the best alternative?  I 
would guess that the next nVidia release might take care of it, but I'd 
rather not sit around on my hands until that happens.  And what about the 
slowness of plain XVideo?  Thanks.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis

I think your machine is fast enough that you may not need XvMC...
and if you don't need it you might be happier without it.  I put up
with XvMC only because my AthlonXP 2100 can't cut it without it.  Try
disabling xvmc and enabling libmpeg2 decoding. (I think it's on the
same page in the playback settings.)  With mpeg2 decoding you should
be able to decode without chopiness, ymmv.

What sort of deinterlace setting should I apply?  That may be a problem as 
well, because if I remember correctly, the 1080i inputs are a lot worse than 
the 720p.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis

I sometimes use XvMC on my x86-64 system.   It does work, though it
has its issues.

My machine is very similar to the original poster's (Athlon64 3200+,
Nvidia FX5200, Nvidia 7676 drivers,  Gentoo x86_64, MythTV svn 7337;
HD3000, Fusion3HDTV, PVR-500).   But, I can get smooth playback
without XvMC running:  libmpeg2=80%user / 10% idle,  Standard
Decoder=60%user / 30% idle, XvMC=25%user / 60% idle.

However, I don't use XvMC very much, because every time an
OnScreenDisplay comes up, the audio stutters until a second or two
after the OSD goes off.   So, every time I skip a commercial, it takes
a while to smooth out.  Other than that, the video decoding works very

Thanks for your help, Todd.  What version of mythtv are you using?  I would 
assume that it's some sort of subversion pull, since the DVB HD support in 
0.18.1 doesn't have the channel scan wizard...

As for the OP's X11 BadAlloc error,  this is a longstanding issue in
the x86-64 NVidia driver.   NVidia has been told about it a long time
ago, but it has remained unresolved for several driver releases (ain't
those closed source binary drivers great!). The workaround is to
repeatedly try to start an XvMC decoder, after 20+ failures, it will
eventually succeed.  Then, XvMC will work until you restart X11.I
use an XvMC capable mplayer app to keep trying XvMC until it succeeds.

I should probably look into OSD options, to get rid of the XvMC
problems..  I would gladly take a less attractive OSD in exchange for
smooth playback while leaving lots of CPU available for commercial
flagging or other Linux tasks.
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis

MythTV svn 7337;

Okay, sorry about that...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth and a DEC2000

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis
I was able to get the channel information into my database by using the 
0_18_fixes branch from subversion.  Take a look at 
http://cvs.mythtv.org/trac/ for information.  It will let you scan the 
capture card and get the information over the air.  Much easier than a 
series of SQL and/or perl scripts, IMHO.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway :)
Im going to try and put the data I have in my channels.conf into the 

manually when I get a chance this week. As I understand it dvb_channel and
dvb_pid are now depreciated, so I need data in channel and dtv_multiplex.
Anyone mind posting a mysqldump so I can have a reference to work from?

On Tuesday 15 November 2005 11:13, Andrew Wilson wrote:
 Jeez, I didn't realise I've been playing with myth for that long.

 Sorry, please disregard my advice :-)
 mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis

I have gotten XvMC working on my Athlon 64 with an nVidia 6600LE.
However, it wasn't easy, basically, I do a brute force hack to beat it
into submission whenever I start up my X Session.

First, when compiling Myth, force it to compile against libXVMCNVIDIA,
I've had nothing but trouble with libXVMCW.  This requires modifying the
if statement around line 1699 of configure (talking v0.18.1 here).
You might need to do ln
-s /usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so.1 /usr/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so for this
to work properly.

Recompile MythTV, go into TV Options and select the option to use XVMC.
Playback a video and prepare to be disappointed (at least I was).

Why is this?  Because it couldn't open up the video properly.
Apparently it gets some access denied issue (I'm at work so I can't get
the exact output right now).  Here's what I did to fix it.

Create a two frame mpeg movie using mencoder.  It's important that it
have more than one frame.  Two seems to work quite well.  Then, I made
sure that my version of mplayer had xvmc support with it.  I had to
recompile it for that (using Ubuntu Breezy).  Then, I had my startup
script for mythfrontend execute the following script:

# bang away on XVMC until it works
for x in $(seq 1 100); do
LINE=$(~/bin/mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc ~/bin/fix.mpg -ao 
none 21 | grep End of file)

if [ x$LINE == xExiting... (End of file) ]; then
echo Took ${ROUNDS} tries to succeed
echo Unable to initialize xvmc

I wonder why I didn't think of that...

Where fix.mpg is the name my little two frame mpeg file.  This
essentially tries to run Mplayer 100 times on the little file.  The
first time it actually succeeds and plays it, it stops.  The reason is
because I notice that once I actually had XVMC working, it would just
keep working for that session.  Thus, by beating XVMC into submission
when I first start, I'm good for XvMC on MythTV.  Usually it takes about
3 or 4 tries.  Once it took 15, but that's the most.  This script
automates all that, and makes it transparent.

If I have a DVD and want to extract the first couple of frames to generate a 
fix.mpg, what is a simple mencoder command line to do that?  That would make 
life a lot easier than trudging through the mplayer man page...

Thanks very much.  That's the most informative answer I've gotten all over 
the internet.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia and XvMC

2005-11-15 Thread William Lewis

I have gotten XvMC working on my Athlon 64 with an nVidia 6600LE.
However, it wasn't easy, basically, I do a brute force hack to beat it
into submission whenever I start up my X Session.

First, when compiling Myth, force it to compile against libXVMCNVIDIA,
I've had nothing but trouble with libXVMCW.  This requires modifying the
if statement around line 1699 of configure (talking v0.18.1 here).
You might need to do ln
-s /usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so.1 /usr/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so for this
to work properly.

Recompile MythTV, go into TV Options and select the option to use XVMC.
Playback a video and prepare to be disappointed (at least I was).

Why is this?  Because it couldn't open up the video properly.
Apparently it gets some access denied issue (I'm at work so I can't get
the exact output right now).  Here's what I did to fix it.

Create a two frame mpeg movie using mencoder.  It's important that it
have more than one frame.  Two seems to work quite well.  Then, I made
sure that my version of mplayer had xvmc support with it.  I had to
recompile it for that (using Ubuntu Breezy).  Then, I had my startup
script for mythfrontend execute the following script:

# bang away on XVMC until it works
for x in $(seq 1 100); do
LINE=$(~/bin/mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc ~/bin/fix.mpg -ao 
none 21 | grep End of file)

if [ x$LINE == xExiting... (End of file) ]; then
echo Took ${ROUNDS} tries to succeed
echo Unable to initialize xvmc

Where fix.mpg is the name my little two frame mpeg file.  This
essentially tries to run Mplayer 100 times on the little file.  The
first time it actually succeeds and plays it, it stops.  The reason is
because I notice that once I actually had XVMC working, it would just
keep working for that session.  Thus, by beating XVMC into submission
when I first start, I'm good for XvMC on MythTV.  Usually it takes about
3 or 4 tries.  Once it took 15, but that's the most.  This script
automates all that, and makes it transparent.

That being said, XVMC is not a be all end all here.  It still seems far
from perfect.  Occassionally I see a frame that looks out of place, I've
been told that this is a sign that XVMC isn't working 100% properly on
my system [1].  But XVMC is working.  I now have a grayscale display
that gets really choppy when the UI is up, but requires basically 0
overhead on my XOrg server instance.

This is good enough for me to watch and pause live 720p programs with no
difficulty.  Overall CPU load will hover around 20% there with
ocassional I/O related hiccups.  However, I still have some problems
with 1080i programs stuttering, probably I/O related issues.  I think
there is something funky with my motherboard and linux support (I get
the nasty digital static on my pcHDTV card too, but HDTV from the cable
box works fine).  So, if anyone knows ways to make those better, I'd
love to hear them.  Otherwise I'm gonna have to buy a new motherboard,
which is a shame because this one has gazillions of bells and
whistles(the pcHDTV records just fine on my Athlon 700, that just can't
play it back).

FWIW, here's the specs on the system I'm working with:
AMD 3200+ (clocked at 2400), 1GB generic ram, MSI k8n-neo4 platinum,
400GB LVM DMA 100/133 drives (2 x 200, hdparm -tT gives a read rate of
about 50MB/s on the drive), WinTV PVR-250, XFX GeForce 6600LE 256MB,
firewire to DCT6200 comcast box, pcHDTV 3000 (which gets staticy if
there is any other substantial disk I/O at the same time, don't blame
the OC either, it barfs at 2GHz too).


[1] http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Setup_MythTV

mythtv-users mailing list

Well, I just got home, recompiled mplayer (with xvmc support this time 
(Oops)), and everything worked like a charm.  Great picture, no breaks, 18% 
CPU usage while watching recorded video.  What a difference.  Thanks for all 
your help.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Trouble getting Fedora?

2005-11-15 Thread William
   I decided to give up on KnoppMyth (for reasons 
 discussed earlier) and try  
 FC4 with Jaro(e?)d's guide, but I'm having a helluvatime 
 getting an FC4  
 that passes the media test. I've donwloaded the discs via 
 BitTorrent, then  
 FTPed them from Fedora, and I'm getting discs that look good, that  
 boot--the torrent one even installs beautifully*--but that 
 when FC checks  
 them, says they don't pass the media check. I just cracked 

I had problems with the iso images from several ftp sites the last time I
made a set of disks. I ened up trying several differeent sites before
getting them from a european site. Your download should pass a md5 checksum
test, if not check another site. Or it could be like another poster said,
slow down the recorder and dont verify the disk.

Good luck!

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] tv_grab_au data source list

2005-11-11 Thread William Uther

Hi all,

  With the recent NineMSN issues, I thought I'd post a link to my  
list of Aus XMLTV data sources.  Diversity is a good thing :).


  And if anyone knows of others to add to the list, please let me know.

Be well,

Will   :-}

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Converting VGA ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to component

2005-11-09 Thread William
 I have an InFocus X1 projector, which in addition to handling 
 HDTV  TV formats also does VGA, up to 1024x768. Now when 
 switching from an ordinary video source (connected via 
 S-Video) via the home theatre amp to the computer, one has to 
 switch both the amp  the projector over to the new source. 
 I'm currently considering the various home theatre amps that 
 upconvert all video sources to component video. I'm thinking 
 of connecting the PC's video via the amp in this case, and 
 wondered if anyone had experiences with VGA-component cable 
 convertors (I've not been able to track down a local vendor 
 with a component-out Nvidia card). Any ideas?

If your tv supports the RGB-HV format of component video you can drive the
tv directly from your vga port. I use this format with my system and it
works quite well. If you do a little searching around you can find the plans
for it.

If not you will need an adaptor. No experience there, sorry.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Tivo/Yahoo deal - How convenient!

2005-11-07 Thread William

Although the Yahoo portal for your Tivo is new, this feature, with the
minimum 1-hour in advance, 
has been around for a while at tivo.com.  Slowly, the canned and
subscription DVR's are 
listening to what people really want.  But I don't understand why they won't
just put a simple 
web interface on their own devices. 
MCE has a similar feature - logon to msn.com and schedule a recording, but
no remote access 
directly to your MCE from a browser.
Reasons like this are why we all love our MythTV.


The reason for the lack of a web interface is simple. As long as you are
forced to go thru a portal they are able to collect info on your viewing
habbits. This info can be sold or can be used to push targeted ads to your
web browser when you access their web site. Of course, I would never use a
PVR that did not have the ability to completely skip commercials or one that
allows the broadcaster to erase programs from my box so the lack of a web
interface is not a big deal. LOL - Its gotten so bad at my house that the
wife will no longer watch live tv just because the commercials are so

PS - Putting a unprotected web server on the internet is just asking for
trouble seeing how poor of a job most people do in keeping up with the
security updates.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Gave up IR Blaster ordered MyBlaster

2005-11-07 Thread William

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dan Wilga
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 1:20 PM
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Gave up IR Blaster ordered MyBlaster
 At 3:44 AM -0600 11/5/05, Robert Denier wrote:
 Something like one of national instruments digital I/O boards would 
 likely be simple enough to program to do it, but then it is 
 cheaper to 
 buy the my blaster.  Similarly you could develop something 
 similar to 
 the myblaster, but then it is again easier just to buy the MyBlaster 
 product since the time involved, for me to do it anyway, 
 would not be 
 trivial..  This might be something to think of if I ever get back to 
 working on figuring out USB chips with microcontrollers.. If nothing 
 else it would be a good learning project..
 I've worked with PIC microchips in the past. If I had time, I would 
 work on such a device now, but unfortunately I don't. By the way, 
 instead of having the microcontroller only understand a preset list 
 of IR codes, which is the way the MyBlaster works, I would make it 
 software configurable. Even a regular serial port is fast enough for 
 this method; you don't have to use USB.
 Please let the list know how the MyBlaster works, when you get it. If 
 it does, I may get one and hack it to use the opto interface I'm 
 using now with my Dish receivers. That way I don't have to worry 
 about interference, since it's wired link to the receiver.
 Web Administrator http://www.mtholyoke.edu
 Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
 South Hadley, MA  01075Who left the cake out in 
 the rain?

The MyBlaster will do what you want very nicely. There is even beta support
for learning mode. Once I have some time this winter I will release another
driver update. PS the latest driver is available from sourceforge.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Absolute NEWBIE, question about Linux

2005-11-07 Thread William

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 7:33 PM
 To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
 Subject: [mythtv-users] Absolute NEWBIE, question about Linux
 Hi all.  I just joined this mailing list about 2 days ago, 
 and have been 
 reading almost every message for tips and tricks.  I am 
 completely new 
 to the MythTV scene and am very interested in becoming a part of the 
 growing community.  One thing that I have noticed in the 

If you would like a shortcut to getting both mythtv and linux up and running
without too many headaches check out KnoppixMyth which boots from a live cd
and will install a linux distro complete with mythtv on your hard drive.

Then you can concentrate on getting things the way you want. If you screw up
badly, pop in the disk and start fresh.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Is gentoo the way to go?

2005-11-03 Thread William Kenworthy
There seems to be a lot of gentoo users here!  I have found gentoo easy
enough to set up for a pure myth only box (twice, was running only one
week and HW failure!) but I have built many gentoo systems previously.
There are howtos for myth, lists, docs and user forums are excellent
(best of any distro Ive seen).  Dont let them tell you it takes forever
to build a gentoo system: do a stage 3 binary install and its quite fast
for the install portion - its configuration that takes a while.  Nothing
difficult though.  Read the docs first, and follow the recommendations -
one foot in front of the other - best linux learning experience there

Stability is often far better than a binary distro, especially when
fiddling by installing things.  And if it breaks it can almost always
be recovered unless you dd'd the whole disk!

Downside:  If inexperienced, and you dont follow the install
instructions, things can/will go off the rails.  Watch the funky LIRC
install.  In many cases such as some myth and dvb packages you need to
go to ~x86 to get them compile.  Definitely a QA problem there.

Its myth, TV cards, lirc and finding out about this whole PVR phenomonen
thats hard - gentoo is dead easy by comparison.


On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 12:36 +, Ben Edwards wrote:
 I have been having various problems installing MythTV.  My prefered
 option is Ubuntu Breezy but I cant get that woring (c other email).  I
 have also had some luck with KnoppixMyth whitch is great at getting a
 basic system running.  However getting everything working properly is
 a nightmare as there are no consistent usable sources.  You are not
 meant to do a apt-get dist-upgrade, even upgrade is problematic.  I
 cant even get the dependencies for nuv2disc without getting into
 dependency hell!.
 I am thinking gentoo may be the answer but how stable is it and how
 difficult to set up (I have compiled a few kernels).
 Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, England
 WARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of
 using the veneer of objectivity
 If you have a problem emailing me use
 (email address this email is sent from may be defunct) 
 mythtv-users mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EPG in Australia?

2005-10-25 Thread William Kenworthy
How do you use the OzTivo guide in MythTV?  The two tv_grab_au scripts I
have tried so far have huge gaps, are often plain wrong and dont cover
all the available channels.  I realise its mostly not the scripts fault,
but the source material thats the problem - but what script makes the
best of whats available for Perth?


On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 18:30 +1000, Phill Edwards wrote:
  In Australia only the now and next information is sent via EIT as the
  stations have copyrighted the programme guide data that they use. All of the
  online guides are copyrighted with disclaimers specifically against any use
  of the data in PVR's.
  As far as I am aware there is only one legal way to get programme guide data
  in Australia and this is via us at IceTV.
 I don't think that's correct. The other way is to use the OzTivo guide
 data which does not have copyright issues. And it's free, unlike
 IceTV's data.
 mythtv-users mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] The Race to Change the Channel

2005-10-18 Thread William Kenworthy
Unfortunately, I need XvMC as the processor is not quite up to the task
otherwise (pegs at 100% in normal live TV, 40%-50% with XvMC).


On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 10:38 +0100, David Watkins wrote:
 On 18/10/05, W.Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The alternative view: in Australia (Perth) the program info is lousy,
  missing  or plain wrong.
  Channel surfing is where its at (we only have a small handful of
  channels - not counting the dups), and the delays are a real pain, as is
  the OSD jitter which seems endemic, and the  lockups, ...  mythtv is a
 From what I've read, OSD jitter is more common in PAL land (where I
 guess you are) than under NTSC If I'm not using XvMC then I can get
 rid or the jitter by using 'kerneldeint' de-interlacing instead of
 'Bob'.  If I'm using XvMC then jitter isn't a strong enough word for
 what happens when the OSD comes up.  The whole picure goes berserk!
 mythtv-users mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] microsoft MCE remote control

2005-10-07 Thread William Kenworthy
Hi, I bought a microsoft MCE remote control (handset Model 1039, USB IR
Bus 001 Device 013: ID 0471:0815 Philips) after seeing that Lirc is
supposed to support it and mythtv.  However, once I started searching
for the actual way to get to work it seems to be a lot less clear than I

Can someone point me to a resource to help me get this working?


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] fails to match channels to program info

2005-10-06 Thread William Kenworthy
I am using the immir.com/tv_grab_au file to get channel information for
Perth, Australia.  However, I cant figure out what I need to do to
attach the program information to the channels I am using.  It always
inserts them into the database under a duplicate xmltvid, which from
what I have read should be the identifier.

What fields in mysql::channels and the xml file need to match for
mythfilldatabase to work?


William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Transcoding one recording into multiple segments

2005-09-25 Thread William Pettersson
I'm not sure if this is possible, but what I want to do is record some
of the various music channels/shows, and then go through and set
cut-points for some of the music clips shown, so I can rip them out of
the recording.  I've got a setup going where I can 'remove commercials'
from the recording, where it will stitch all the different music clips
onto each other, one at a time.  Is it possible in any way to transcode
each 'segment' of an editted recording into a seperate file?  
I do my transcoding semi-manually for this, via mythtranscode +
transcode.  So what I was thinking of doing was adding an option to
mythtranscode, say --segment 2 or something, which will only honor the
cutlist's second pair of cutlist frames.
Is there already a way of doing what I want?  And if not, is there a
better way of implementing it?

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