Re: [newbie] Strange Jumping Between Virtual Desktops

1999-10-31 Thread Traci Collins

Barry Marler wrote:
 In Enlightenment, disable "edge flip".

It makes me feel better to know that I am approaching this the way
the rest of you would approach it. Unfortunately, that was the first
thing I did and it resolved the problem of flipping when I got too
close to the edge. It failed to resolve the problem of the strange
jumps when I select an option that creates a new window.

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

[newbie] remove

1999-10-31 Thread Justin Rickert


[newbie] Gnomeicu won't work in KDE!

1999-10-31 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I hope you don't mind my repeating this message. My main reason is that
I tested Gnomeicu in Gnome (which I should done earlier) and it works
fine. But it won't work in KDE. Is there any to make it work in KDE?

Thank you, folks, so very much.


Here is the data for KDE:

[sher@adsl-77-232-189 sher]$ /usr/bin/gnomeicu
** CRITICAL **: file giop-msg-buffer.c: line 718
(giop_recv_buffer_unuse): assertion `buffer != NULL' failed.
** CRITICAL **: file giop-msg-buffer.c: line 465
(giop_send_buffer_unuse): assertion `send_buffer != NULL' failed.
type = 2 exid = IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 673
assertion `ev._major == CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION' failed.
** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 706 (applet_widget_new):
assertion `corbadat!=NULL' failed.
** ERROR **: Can't create applet!
[sher@adsl-77-232-189 sher]$

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:

  Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
  Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of
 Is this a mistype?  Check 'ifconfig eth0' on Linux and 'winipcfg' on Windows
 to see what each thinks it's IP is.

Yes that was a typo, 
the corrected numbers are 
Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of

  /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain   linux1 windows1 upstairs linux1  basement
 That first line should read:   localhost.localdomain   localhost

I fixed that

 else you'll find that some things break.
  Found Macronix 98715 PMAC at I/O 0xe400.
  tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  eth0: Macronix 98715 PMAC at 0xe400, 00 80 c6 f8 94 97, IRQ 11.
 Could you post the output of 'ifconfig eth0' and 'route -n'?  
Here it is:
[root@localhost alex]# ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C6:F8:94:97
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400

[root@localhost alex]# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface UH0  00 eth0 UH0  00 ppp0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 lo UG0  00 ppp0

Would I be correct in thinking that the in the above
destinations  should be something else (line ?) or am I completely
off base?


[newbie] Time settings !

1999-10-31 Thread David M. Kufta

Good Morning newbie-list,
 Just as a reminder, in order to display the correct time on your linux
system, if the cmd: date shows you the correct time you can simply run
the cmd: clock -w to correctly set your hardware clock.

The above would only occur if your system was left up and running during
the time change. 
if date displayed is not correct follow the below instruction to
correctly set it.
  Should it be necessary you can use the date command to
correctly set you date and time.
example: date 10310930
This will produce Sun Oct 31 09:30:00 EST 1999
when you use the cmd: date if this time is now correct simply use the cmd:
clock -w to set you hardware clock

 Alternative to this is to reboot the system enter cmos setup and  set
the correct time in cmos.

Simply a reminder,

  David M. Kufta  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  REAL PORTION of Microsoft Windows code:
while (memory_available){
eat_major_portion_of_memory (no_real_reason);
if (feel_like_it)
make_user_THINK (this_is_an_OS);

My Current Dynamic IP Address Is
To program is to be.

Re: [newbie] Gnomeicu won't work in KDE!

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

On Sunday, Oct 31 1999, 03:50, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 I hope you don't mind my repeating this message. My main reason is that
 I tested Gnomeicu in Gnome (which I should done earlier) and it works
 fine. But it won't work in KDE. Is there any to make it work in KDE?

Hi Ben,
try this command: gnomeicu -a
if you using KDE then i recommend Kicq because it has docking support to
KDE panel


Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?

1999-10-31 Thread Karma Konchog Jungney

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 On Saturday, Oct 30 1999, 03:16, Benjamin Sher wrote:
  AND VIM, or they will eat you up alive or send you straight to a mental
  Use a simple text editor such as mcedit, pico, joe, the default KDE text
  editor and so on.
  If you decide later that you want to learn programming, you can then
  move up to Emacs or Vim. But not until then.
 Hi Ben,
 i think Vi/Vim is as simple as any editor you mentioned above
 but Vim has more feature like cut/copy-paste, split-window for 
 multiple file editing and colors. 
 i write this letter with Mutt and Vim as the editor (i choose Mutt
 becouse it can handle multiple email account, and able to running from

I would also like to say that emacs is an extremely powerful editor, very
extensible, and it has gotten much easier to use over the years.  It is worth
spending 20 minutes to learn the basics, and then one can learn the additional
features as one neds them.  It has a great tutorial built right into the start
up screen.

I prefer vanilla vi to vim.  But that is a personal thing.


Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread Steve Philp

Alex V Flinsch wrote:
 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   Found Macronix 98715 PMAC at I/O 0xe400.
   tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   eth0: Macronix 98715 PMAC at 0xe400, 00 80 c6 f8 94 97, IRQ 11.
  Could you post the output of 'ifconfig eth0' and 'route -n'?
 Here it is:
 [root@localhost alex]# ifconfig eth0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C6:F8:94:97
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400
 [root@localhost alex]# route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface UH0  00 eth0 UH0  00 ppp0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 lo UG0  00 ppp0
 Would I be correct in thinking that the in the above
 destinations  should be something else (line ?) or am I completely
 off base?

No, that line is correct.  It says that for any address in 192.168.1.X,
use the ethernet interface.  

All of the interfaces and routing looks correct.  Could you try one more

On a linux terminal, start a 'ping'.  Then switch terminals
and run 

tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output

Then mail a good portion of the tcpdump-output file to the list.

One other thing, I seem to remember seeing something in your original
log messages about the card being put into 100Tx mode.  Is the Windows
side also 100Mb?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] KDE Problem

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Hi All:
 I just ,make a clear install of LM 6.1 all the installation process
 went OK but  once installed i have trubble with Kde.
 It hangs very often suddenly I cant open any application on the desktop and I
 have to restart the X windows again to make the things start working again, i
 think this is a Kde bug?
rpm -e kcmclock and then rpm -Uvh kdelibs. That's supposed to take
care of it, from what I"ve been reading in this group.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0 iso...

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Does anyone know where I can download this off of the Internet?  I have 6.1,
 but I want to give 6.0 a try.  I am having some printer troubles with 6.1,
 however I have heard that these problems don't exist in Mandrake 6.0.  I
 have been using AltaVista to search for it, but I can't locate it anywhere.
Well, I did a quick look around on several of the Mandrake FTP mirrors
that Mandrake lists, and was only able to find the Helios (6.1) ISO
image. Good luck!

Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I just got a home lan set up (sort of anyway)
 Everything works fine when all boxes are running under win98.
 However when both machines are running different os's (Linux/WIn98 or
 Win98/Linux) combos (both are dual boot), neither machine can ping the other.
 I read the ethernet howto and I think I am more confused than when I started.
 All I want to do (for now) is get the 2 boxes to be able to ping one another.
 This is the setup so far
 Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
 Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of
EACH machine **MUST** have a different IP address. You cannot have
BOTH machines as  That's your problem right there.
Networking 101 -- each machine must have a unique IP address on the
network. Try changing one of the above machines to and
I'll bet your ping will work!

[newbie] Trouble installing/configuring X/video card

1999-10-31 Thread Gregg Carrier

Any reason why only about every third message I send here gets through???
quite frustrating...

Here goes again:

Hi all,

Total newbie. Linux-Mandrake 6.1 Pentium 2 266mhz. 128meg RAM
Video card: Jaton Video87AGP
Monitor: IBM 6556 p72

I tried to configure X windows through the install process, but could not
provide information that made it work. First time through, the install
program seemed to find my card, asked if I wanted to accept the default
resolution, which I did, and then it failed when it tried to test the setup.
Eventually I had to accept the install with the matter unresolved.

The Xserver that was installed is XF86_SVGA, which should be right? What is
the best way for me to approach this issue. Should I manually edit the
XF86Config file? XConfiigurator lists my monitor but not my video card. What
can II do to diagnose the problem? I'm very new to these configuration
issues, so any pointers in terms of where I should start would be

Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] Time settings !

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Good Morning newbie-list,
  Just as a reminder, in order to display the correct time on your linux
 system, if the cmd: date shows you the correct time you can simply run
 the cmd: clock -w to correctly set your hardware clock.
Interestingly enough, my system WAS up and running during the time
change, BUT, it shows the correct system time. :-) I didn't have to
change a thing. :-)

Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, Alex V Flinsch wrote:

 I just got a home lan set up (sort of anyway)
 Everything works fine when all boxes are running under win98.
 However when both machines are running different os's (Linux/WIn98 or
 Win98/Linux) combos (both are dual boot), neither machine can ping the other.
 I read the ethernet howto and I think I am more confused than when I started.
 All I want to do (for now) is get the 2 boxes to be able to ping one another.
 This is the setup so far
 Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
 Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of
 Everything is connected together with the "SOHOWare 10/100 Network Starter Kit"
 (picked up at a computer flea market for $45. It says Linux is supported on the
 box, and includes the tulip driver). And the card seems to be recoginized while
 I have included a few files/messages along with this post. I might be just
 looking in the wrong place as it's been one heck of a crazy day.
 The only thing I can think of is that I need to do something special to
 configure the hub. If so, where can I find the information?
 /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain   linux1 windows1 upstairs linux1  basement
 alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
 pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
 pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
 alias sound sb
 pre-install sound insmod sound dmabuf=1
 options opl3 io=0x388
 alias midi awe_wave
 post-install awe_wave /bin/sfxload /etc/midi/GU11-ROM.SF2
 options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 alias eth0 tulip
 options tulip options=0 debug=6   
 demsg sez 
 Found Macronix 98715 PMAC at I/O 0xe400.
 tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 eth0: Macronix 98715 PMAC at 0xe400, 00 80 c6 f8 94 97, IRQ 11.
   8000 f8c6 9794   
 0014   0300  0531 10d9 fa1c
   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is 0x40,  PCI command is 0087.
 eth0: tulip_open() irq 11.
 eth0: No media description table, assuming 100baseTx transceiver, CSR12 40a1d0cc
 eth0: Done tulip_open(), CSR0 fff84800, CSR5 e452 CSR6 38602002.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe4570001 new csr5=0xe456.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe4170005 new csr5=0xe4670004.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe4670004 new csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe466 new csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: exiting interrupt, csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe4670005 new csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe466 new csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: exiting interrupt, csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe4670005 new csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: interrupt  csr5=0xe466 new csr5=0xe466.
 eth0: exiting interrupt, csr5=0xe466.

Update your tulip driver to v0.91, and it will work just peachy with that
card. (didn't we just go over these soho cards last week?)

Re: [newbie] Strange Jumping Between Virtual Desktops

1999-10-31 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Traci Collins wrote:

 Jerry Van Brimmer wrote:
  I had a similar situation. I cured it by turning off Active Desktop
  Borders in the KDE Control Center/Desktop/Borders.
  Hope this helps.
 It might, my problem is happening in Gnome but there may be a similar
 setting. I will hunt and see if I can track it down.
Actualy Traci, try turning it off in the kde control panel, This version
of enlightenment included kde support so it might actualy have an effect


Re: [newbie] Time settings !

1999-10-31 Thread Patrick Putteman

So was mine, time changed automagically to my happy surprise ;o)

- Original Message - 
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Time settings !

 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Good Morning newbie-list,
   Just as a reminder, in order to display the correct time on your linux
  system, if the cmd: date shows you the correct time you can simply run
  the cmd: clock -w to correctly set your hardware clock.
 Interestingly enough, my system WAS up and running during the time
 change, BUT, it shows the correct system time. :-) I didn't have to
 change a thing. :-)

Re: [Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?]

1999-10-31 Thread Michael Scottaline

Ribbo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i think Vi/Vim is as simple as any editor you mentioned above
 but Vim has more feature like cut/copy-paste, split-window for 
 multiple file editing and colors. 
 i write this letter with Mutt and Vim as the editor (i choose Mutt
 becouse it can handle multiple email account, and able to running from
 im a newbie too, 
 i'm 13, newbie to computer, newbie to linux (i never touch Ms Windows like
 of you), and newbie to English.
 vim is very simple, you just have to learn it for 15 minutes(maybe less)
 and if you want to, maybe you should try to visit this site
You are obviously a very bright young man (oh-oh; apologies if I got the
gender wrong).  And you've reminded me that I'm not quite marginally competent
Keep up the good work, Rib.

Michael Scottaline

COL 2.2   Linux 2.2.5
* * * * * * * * * * * 
It's a fresh wind that Blows Against the Empire

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread Brett Jones

Your ifconfig shows no loop back device (an "lo" entry should show up in
a ifconfig), is this the case, or did you leave out?

Alex V Flinsch wrote:
 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
   Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of
  Is this a mistype?  Check 'ifconfig eth0' on Linux and 'winipcfg' on Windows
  to see what each thinks it's IP is.
 Yes that was a typo,
 the corrected numbers are
 Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
 Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of
   /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain   linux1 windows1 upstairs linux1  basement
  That first line should read:   localhost.localdomain   localhost
 I fixed that
  else you'll find that some things break.
   Found Macronix 98715 PMAC at I/O 0xe400.
   tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   eth0: Macronix 98715 PMAC at 0xe400, 00 80 c6 f8 94 97, IRQ 11.
  Could you post the output of 'ifconfig eth0' and 'route -n'?
 Here it is:
 [root@localhost alex]# ifconfig eth0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C6:F8:94:97
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400
 [root@localhost alex]# route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface UH0  00 eth0 UH0  00 ppp0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 lo UG0  00 ppp0
 Would I be correct in thinking that the in the above
 destinations  should be something else (line ?) or am I completely
 off base?

Brett Jones

Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread Steve Philp

Brett Jones wrote:
 Your ifconfig shows no loop back device (an "lo" entry should show up in
 a ifconfig), is this the case, or did you leave out?

By appending 'eth0' to the end of the ifconfig command, you specify that
you only want information for that interface.

  Here it is:
  [root@localhost alex]# ifconfig eth0
  eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C6:F8:94:97
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] executing programs

1999-10-31 Thread M L Cates

I am trying to learn how to do some C programming and my question is this: How
do I execute the program after it is compiled?  I have tried typing the name
of the program in at the prompt and it says "command not found".  I have tried
to type "sh" before the filename and am told "cannot execute binary file".

Any help would be appreciated, also, what does the "sh" before a filename do?

M L Cates

Re: [newbie] Setting up sn ISP

1999-10-31 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999,Rlongo wrote:
  | Hi I'm Rob,
  | New to the list and using Linux, what's up dudes! Power to the
  | Penguin!!!? I guess =)I'm lookin for some straight forward step-by-step
  | information on how to setup an ISP.  I have been reading all the How-Tos
  | that came with my distro but I'm getting really frustrated at how they all
  | say goto this How-To or this How-to while your in the middle of reading one
  | How-To.   Is there any site or really good book out there that can help me
  | out.  Any Ideas?
  | TIA - Peace
  | Rob Longo

I am going to make some assumptions with the following steps:

1)  You are using a modem connected to a telephone line
a)  You know what port the modem is connected on
b)  Your modem is NOT a Winmodem (PCI bus modem)
c)  Your modem is not PnP, and/or uses standard Port
resource allocations (IRQ etc...)
2)  You have an existing account with an ISP
3)  You have the following information from your ISP
a)  Your user name for your ISP account
b)  Your password for your ISP account
c)  1 or 2 DNS addresses for your ISP
d)  if your ISP uses "dynamic IP's", and if not,
the IP adderss for your ISP

All the following need to be done as the superuser "root"

I will assume your modem is not set up in Linux, if it is skip this part

First run modemtool from a command line, (or if you use KDE right-click an
open area of the desktop, and select "execute command" in the context menu)
then select the port on which your modem is connected. Click the "OK" button to
save the information. This tells Linux where the modem is connected.

Next, run linuxconf, and select the "networking" button. Then select
PPP/SLIP/PLIP at the bottom of the resulting window (if you can not see the
entire window, hold the ALT key and left-drag the window up). A small window
will appear, select add, then select ppp. and follow the prompts. They are
pretty self explanatory, and I cannot step through them, as my ppp is already
set up.

An easier method is to use kppp in KDE. in the KDE panel, select the "K" icon
which opens a menu, select "internet", then kppp.

In the kppp window, select "setup", then in the resulting window select "new",
and in that resulting window enter a name for the connection, and the telephone
number to dial. If you wish, you can enter the path to an application you want
to run when kppp connects (perhaps a web browser, or email client).

Select the "IP" tab, and check that "Dynamic IP address" is selected. This
should be the default, and should work with most ISP's.

Select the "DNS" tab, and enter the promary DNS address provided by your ISP
in the DNS IP adress dialog box, then select "Add", and repeat for the
secondary DNS IP address if one is provided (by your ISP). You should leave the
"Disable existing DNS servers during connection" checkbos unchecked for most

Select the "Gateway" tab, and check that "Default Gateway" is selected (this
should work for most ISP's), and that the "Assign the default route to this
gateway" checkbox is checked (this should be checked by default).

Unless you need to use a "Login Script" to connect to your ISP, or keep track of
your connect time (Your service is not "unlimited"), you can let the remaining
tabs alone.

Select the "OK" button at the bottom of the window, then select "OK" in the
remaining window. You may need to exit kppp to enable the information you just
provided, if so restart kppp, and enter your Login ID, and password, then
select "connect", and you should then connect to your ISP.

I hope this is of help,


[newbie] Floppy CD icons w/KDE

1999-10-31 Thread Joe Marcom

Good day, all:
  My L-M 6.0 user guide claims that the icons in KDE allow one to mount
and unmount floppys  CDs without using the command line. However, I
only get the error message: " KFM error - could not mount  mount: you
must specify the file system type."  What does it mean by this?

Re: [newbie] Spell checker Gone?? 6.1

1999-10-31 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

Dunno, It's working fine here!


On Sat, 30 Oct 1999,G_REEPER wrote:
  | Hash: SHA1
  | Has anyone noticed that when u run the spell checker in  kmail  it just pops up
  | and goes away? Or am i the only one with this.
  | Steven
  | Version: PGP 6.5.1
  | iQA/AwUBOBsr2cu0Jnj1RPEREQJmIgCgqvmadRnvuK0apQ7qUpfKk/p+VGMAoPjQ
  | PLQv61wOFGha85Uo5+n1cJ5M
  | =rjY6

Re: [newbie] executing programs

1999-10-31 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

M L Cates wrote:
 I have tried typing the name
 of the program in at the prompt and it says "command not found".  

The "current directory" is probably not in your path. try typing

$ ./program_name

Which means run the program right here in this directory.

 I have tried
 to type "sh" before the filename and am told "cannot execute binary file".

That's right. The shell is looking for a list of shell commands.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Spell checker Gone?? 6.1

1999-10-31 Thread Hugh

It happened to me once when I had to kill Kmail. Afterward when I
restarted the program The checker would appear then disappear
I shut down and rebooted and all was well


On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Dunno, It's working fine here!
 On Sat, 30 Oct 1999,G_REEPER wrote:
   | Hash: SHA1
   | Has anyone noticed that when u run the spell checker in  kmail  it just pops up
   | and goes away? Or am i the only one with this.
   | Steven
   | Version: PGP 6.5.1
   | iQA/AwUBOBsr2cu0Jnj1RPEREQJmIgCgqvmadRnvuK0apQ7qUpfKk/p+VGMAoPjQ
   | PLQv61wOFGha85Uo5+n1cJ5M
   | =rjY6
Boling's postulate:
If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.

Re: [newbie] Floppy CD icons w/KDE

1999-10-31 Thread bluebottle

You need to put some media in the drive before you mount it.

John the Nadger

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Good day, all:
   My L-M 6.0 user guide claims that the icons in KDE allow one to mount
 and unmount floppys  CDs without using the command line. However, I
 only get the error message: " KFM error - could not mount  mount: you
 must specify the file system type."  What does it mean by this?

Re: [newbie] executing programs

1999-10-31 Thread Matt Stegman

 I am trying to learn how to do some C programming and my question is this: How
 do I execute the program after it is compiled?  I have tried typing the name
 of the program in at the prompt and it says "command not found".  I have tried
 to type "sh" before the filename and am told "cannot execute binary file".

First of all, make sure the file has executable permissions.  If it
doesn't, you'll need to add them with `chmod +x a.out` before trying to
run the program.

Second, your current working directory is not in your path.  You'll need
to run the program like `./a.out` to specify that the program is in the
current directory.

 Any help would be appreciated, also, what does the "sh" before a filename do?

That would start up a new instance of the Bourne Shell and execute the
program inside that new shell.

-Matt Stegman

[newbie] Cyrillic fonts in KFM -- poor quality

1999-10-31 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I am thrilled to see that KFM supports Cyrillic as a browser. My thanks
to KDE for thinking of us Slavicists.

However, I must be frank in saying that the Cyrillic fonts selected for
KDE are ugly. There is no other word for it. Just plain ugly. Why
couldn't KDE use the same quality Cyrillic fonts that Netscape uses?

This is a plea to the KDE people to replace their current Cyrillic font
by something at least as good as Netscape's or to make it possible for
us to use Netscape's Cyrillic font.

Once again, my congratulations to KDE for caring about multilingual
support. But, please, give us a quality Cyrillic font to go with the
quality KDE applications.

Thank you.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Gnomeicu won't work in KDE!

1999-10-31 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Rib:

God bless you! How simple the solutions sometimes are:

I typed gnomeicu -a and that did it. Works perfectly. Just thrilled.

By the way, what does the -a add to it that makes it work in KDE when
without the -a option it seems to be dead?

Thanks a million.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] funky KDE display and fancy-schmancy mouses

1999-10-31 Thread Gregg Carrier

Hi all,
I have Linux-Mandrake 6.1 with KDE installed. A few questions about the K
When I click on items that generate menus, the menus have no background.
It's as if they are on a transparency laid over the destop. Very hard to
read since all the words are overlapping. Opening windows like netscape does
the same thing. I can see buttons and part of the nav bar, but it's all on
top of the destop stuff and you can still see all of the destop through the
netscape window. Someone must have encountered this one before. Where can I
start looking to fix it? Navigating around KDE looking for a solve has
obviously proven difficult as I can barely read anything.

Next question is about my trackball. It's one of these fancy Logitech
MarbleMan+ or something. It works OK in K, but I'm used to the buttons being
set differently. I use the thumb button as the context button (usually the
right mouse) and the right button as main click. Logitech has Windows
software to drive it under Windows. Any way I can customize my mouse under

Thanks in advance!


Re: [newbie] Windows 98

1999-10-31 Thread jc

Il me semble que vous avez un an d'avance

jeff wrote:
 Hello all.
 I have setup a linux server with Mandrake 6.1. Boy was that easy. Then I
 connected my windows box and setup all the params to log onto my linux
 box. It has logged on and everything seems fine except it asked for a
 password. No matter what password I send it, it says that it is
 incorrect. I do know that the linux box has only two passwords. Root
 account and my personal account. Tried both. What password is it asking
 for and if it's a bug in windows or linux, how do I fix it?


[newbie] problems mounting floppy

1999-10-31 Thread David van Balen

I just tried to save something to my floppy drive for the first time since
I reinstalled 6.1 and when I try to mount it I get the message:

mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /mnt/floppy busy

I'm pretty sure that fd0 isn't mounted. Catting /proc/mounts yields:

/dev/root / ext2 rw 0 0
/proc /proc proc rw 0 0 
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda5 /home/vanbalen/vmware ext2 rw 0 0 
none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0
localhost:(pid421) /net nfs  
min=0,acdirmax=0,noac,addr=pid421@localhost:/net 0 0
/dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrw iso9660 ro 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,nosuid,nodev 0 0

and running df on /mnt/floppy yields:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb5  20G  2.0G   17G  11% /

So unless fd0 is mounted somewhere else (which /proc/mounts suggests it's
not), I have no idea what the problem is.
My entry in fstab also looks fine (I haven't changed the default):

/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy auto 
sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev,unhide 0 0

Any help would be appreciated. I need to be able to use my floppy kind of


Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:

 On a linux terminal, start a 'ping'.  Then switch terminals
 and run 

did taht and it's pinging away happily

   tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output
[root@localhost alex]#  tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output
tcpdump: listening on eth0  

that is all that happens, no output in tcpdump-output file (empty)
but I get this when tcpdump is stopped by a ctl-c
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel   

 Then mail a good portion of the tcpdump-output file to the list.
 One other thing, I seem to remember seeing something in your original
 log messages about the card being put into 100Tx mode.  Is the Windows
 side also 100Mb?

I believe so. Everything runs at 100Mb while both systems are in windows.


Re: [newbie] funky KDE display and fancy-schmancy mouses

1999-10-31 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Gregg Carrier wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have Linux-Mandrake 6.1 with KDE installed. A few questions about the K
 When I click on items that generate menus, the menus have no background.
 It's as if they are on a transparency laid over the destop. Very hard to
 read since all the words are overlapping. Opening windows like netscape does
 the same thing. I can see buttons and part of the nav bar, but it's all on
 top of the destop stuff and you can still see all of the destop through the
 netscape window. Someone must have encountered this one before. Where can I
 start looking to fix it? Navigating around KDE looking for a solve has
 obviously proven difficult as I can barely read anything.

No but if you figure it out let me know, This is exactly how i'd like
mine :) 

Re: [newbie] Graphical Text Editors for programmers

1999-10-31 Thread Seth Gibson

On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Those of you who are planning on becoming programmers and are looking
 for a GRAPHICAL programmer's text editor, you might wish to consider
I would say that the best for programming is definitely code crusader. . .its
more of an IDE than a text editor.  Very nice. . .it's what Brandon Reinhart
used to port the Unreal Tournament Client to linex with, so that speaks in its
favor. . .check it out at:


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
Aggression Takes Its Toll.

Re: [newbie] Trouble installing/configuring X/video card

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Any reason why only about every third message I send here gets through???
 quite frustrating...
 Here goes again:
 Hi all,
 Total newbie. Linux-Mandrake 6.1 Pentium 2 266mhz. 128meg RAM
 Video card: Jaton Video87AGP
 Monitor: IBM 6556 p72

According to JATON's website, the Video87AGP is really a Trident
3DImage. Which, according to the website, IS supported
using xf86_svga:
Trident 3DImage975 AGP (generic)  ...  XF86_SVGA
Try selecting the above video card and see if it doesn't work.

Re: [newbie] executing programs

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I am trying to learn how to do some C programming and my question is this: How
 do I execute the program after it is compiled?  I have tried typing the name
 of the program in at the prompt and it says "command not found".  I have tried
 to type "sh" before the filename and am told "cannot execute binary file".
 Any help would be appreciated, also, what does the "sh" before a filename do?
If you're in the directory with the executeable (make sure it's set
to executeable, otherwise, NOTHING you do is going to make it work
G) type ./program (that's "dot-slash" not just "slash" G)

Re: [newbie] Floppy CD icons w/KDE

1999-10-31 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Good day, all:
   My L-M 6.0 user guide claims that the icons in KDE allow one to mount
 and unmount floppys  CDs without using the command line. However, I
 only get the error message: " KFM error - could not mount  mount: you
 must specify the file system type."  What does it mean by this?

It's saying you have may have specified a file system type (such as
ext2) which is incompatible with your floppy's filesystem, or you
have specfied a file system type which doesn't exist (for example,
my system doesn't recognize "msdos" as a valid filesystem type...only
fat and fat32.)

No Subject

1999-10-31 Thread Dreja Julag

Hello all!  I am wondering if I can create a web server of my own with my linux
box for my friends and neighbors.  I think it sounds like a cool experiment,
but I don't know where to start.  Thanks for the help.  I know, I could
probably look to a howto, but they are not the friendliest little creatures in
the world.

Drew Jackman
ICQ: 20177604

Re: [newbie] Networking - Home Lan -- HELP

1999-10-31 Thread sphilp

On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 05:26:54PM -0500, Alex V Flinsch wrote:
 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  On a linux terminal, start a 'ping'.  Then switch terminals
  and run 
 did taht and it's pinging away happily
  tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output
 [root@localhost alex]#  tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output
 tcpdump: listening on eth0  
 that is all that happens, no output in tcpdump-output file (empty)
 but I get this when tcpdump is stopped by a ctl-c
 0 packets received by filter
 0 packets dropped by kernel   

Okay, looks like the driver is bad.  There was another message on the list
saying that there is a known problem with the shipped driver and the
SOHOware card.  Check the archives at the Mandrake website for resolution.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Segmentation Faults?

1999-10-31 Thread Clyde J. Kell

Whenever I try to run a particular program I receive an:
Segmentation Fault core dumped

Then when I try to do anything else I receive:
unable to load interpreter
init: Id "3" 
respawning too fast disabled for 5 minutes

If I wait nothing happens. If I switch to another console Root or whatever
I receive the same error. I have to RESET the machine to reboot.

I am running Mandrake 6.0 on an AMD K6-2 400mhz with 64 megs ram.
I recently upgraded to this mother board from an AMD 586/133mhz machine
running Red Hat 5.2  Everything was wonderful and I really loved it.

However, the motherboard was old and had a crack so it DIED and well 
now the nightmare has begun. I ended up re-installing Mandrake 6.0.

Any suggestions as to why I am receiving the above errors.

Clyde J. Kell

Re: [newbie] Gnomeicu won't work in KDE!

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

On Sunday, Oct 31 1999, 04:23, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 By the way, what does the -a add to it that makes it work in KDE when
 without the -a option it seems to be dead?

hi Ben,
gnomeicu needs gnome-panel to dock the applet.
so if you dont use GNOME then you must by pass the panel.
more details about it just type $ gnomeicu --help at terminal.


Re: [Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?]

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

On Sunday, Oct 31 1999, 01:11, Michael Scottaline wrote:
   You are obviously a very bright young man (oh-oh; apologies if I got the
 gender wrong).  And you've reminded me that I'm not quite marginally competent

hi Mike, please dont say that.
it maybe because we born in different time and different world 
(is your Dad using freeBSD like my Dad? ;)
if i could run fast and kick hard, i would be playing soccer and join
the soccer mailing list rather than linux stuff.
and of course you dont have to be so bright (or be a programmer) to use Vim.
as i said im a newbie, i believe you have known something more than i do.


[newbie] frontpage98

1999-10-31 Thread Jeremy Schroeder

hello all,

is there a program like frontpage98 for Linux?

[newbie] Terminals

1999-10-31 Thread Ribbo

dear friends,

which one of these terminals do you like ;)
and all comes with mandrake.
here im using WindowMaker,i choose Aterm and make it shaded and transparent. 
Eterm is great too (but not include in mandrake), you can put background image on it, 
but it eats lots of memory.

terminal is one of my important tool,since i still using Mutt, Pine, Vim, Lynx and 
the problem is, all of those terminal could not support color for Lynx except Kvt.
i dont know how to solve that problem.
i though it must be the environtment setting with Bash, so i put 
export COLORBGFG="default;default" 
to my .bashrc but it doesnt solve the problem.
i would realy appreciated if someone could tell me how to make it.
BTW, Aterm and Eterm wont be transparent in KDE too.
and i dont know why

and sorry for my english

Re: [newbie] Time settings !

1999-10-31 Thread Barry Marler

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Patrick Putteman wrote:

 So was mine, time changed automagically to my happy surprise ;o)
  On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   Good Morning newbie-list,
Just as a reminder, in order to display the correct time on your linux
   system, if the cmd: date shows you the correct time you can simply run
   the cmd: clock -w to correctly set your hardware clock.
  Interestingly enough, my system WAS up and running during the time
  change, BUT, it shows the correct system time. :-) I didn't have to
  change a thing. :-)

In KDE, right?  Your kernel time may be unchanged.  Type 


in a terminal and see what you get. If you don't like what you see,
the following command will set the kernel time:

date -s hh:mm:ss


clock -w

will set the CMOS time to the kernel time.


Barry Marler
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
University of Georgia
(706)542-0059 (fax)

[newbie] Re: your mail

1999-10-31 Thread sphilp

On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 03:35:22PM -0800, Dreja Julag wrote:
 Hello all!  I am wondering if I can create a web server of my own with my linux
 box for my friends and neighbors.  I think it sounds like a cool experiment,
 but I don't know where to start.  Thanks for the help.  I know, I could
 probably look to a howto, but they are not the friendliest little creatures in
 the world.

Install the apache package.

Start the server with:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

Put the documents you wish to publish into /home/httpd/html.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Segmentation Faults?

1999-10-31 Thread sphilp

On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 07:20:47PM -0500, Clyde J. Kell wrote:
 Whenever I try to run a particular program I receive an:
 Segmentation Fault core dumped

What program?
 Then when I try to do anything else I receive:
 unable to load interpreter
 init: Id "3" 
 respawning too fast disabled for 5 minutes

What did you edit in /etc/inittab?
 If I wait nothing happens. If I switch to another console Root or whatever
 I receive the same error. I have to RESET the machine to reboot.
 I am running Mandrake 6.0 on an AMD K6-2 400mhz with 64 megs ram.
 I recently upgraded to this mother board from an AMD 586/133mhz machine
 running Red Hat 5.2  Everything was wonderful and I really loved it.
 However, the motherboard was old and had a crack so it DIED and well 
 now the nightmare has begun. I ended up re-installing Mandrake 6.0.
 Any suggestions as to why I am receiving the above errors.

Tough to tell with the limited information you provided.  Post more info and
we'll probably be able to help.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] OT Freeware Partition Magic Boot Magic?

1999-10-31 Thread M Thompson

Hi All!

I hope someone can lend me some advice.

I am currently running Ranish Partition/Boot manager 2.37.12.  I am going to 
upgrade my 1.6Gb hard drive to 18Gb, but the Ranish Partition Manager does 
not support drives larger than 8 Gb.  The 2.38 beta version of Ranish 
Partition/boot manager supports drives larger than 8GB but only supports 4 
bootable partitions.

I am looking for a freeware partition/boot manager than can:
1) support up to 10 bootable partitions
2) support hard drives larger than 8Gb
3) support DOS16, Linux native, and Linux Swap

Anyone know of any freeware programs that fit the qualifications?

My wife had been extremely generous lately and I don't want to push it by 
purchasing the shrink-wrapped version of PowerQuest Partition Magic for 

Thanks very much,

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] problems mounting floppy

1999-10-31 Thread M Thompson

I had a similar experience.  First, make sure you have a directory named 

Then, to resolve it, I went to a console and then typed:
"mount /dev/fd0 -t vfat /mnt/floppy" without the quotes

If the diskette is "ext2," then type:
"mount /dev/fd0 -t ext2 /mnt/floppy" without the quotes

If this works for you, then go ahead and create two icons on the to mount the floppy and vfat and another to mount the floppy 
as ext2.


From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] problems mounting floppy
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 16:16:33 -0600 (CST)

I just tried to save something to my floppy drive for the first time since
I reinstalled 6.1 and when I try to mount it I get the message:

mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /mnt/floppy busy

I'm pretty sure that fd0 isn't mounted. Catting /proc/mounts yields:

/dev/root / ext2 rw 0 0
/proc /proc proc rw 0 0
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda5 /home/vanbalen/vmware ext2 rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0
localhost:(pid421) /net nfs
min=0,acdirmax=0,noac,addr=pid421@localhost:/net 0 0
/dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrw iso9660 ro 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,nosuid,nodev 0 0

and running df on /mnt/floppy yields:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb5  20G  2.0G   17G  11% /

So unless fd0 is mounted somewhere else (which /proc/mounts suggests it's
not), I have no idea what the problem is.
My entry in fstab also looks fine (I haven't changed the default):

/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy auto
sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev,unhide 0 0

Any help would be appreciated. I need to be able to use my floppy kind of


Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] Re:

1999-10-31 Thread Karma Konchog Jungney

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Hello all!  I am wondering if I can create a web server of my own with my linux
 box for my friends and neighbors.  I think it sounds like a cool experiment,
 but I don't know where to start.  Thanks for the help.  I know, I could
 probably look to a howto, but they are not the friendliest little creatures in
 the world.

Load the Apache rpm packages, or download the source from  And
read the instructions.

RE: [newbie] Time settings !

1999-10-31 Thread Ken Wilson

This all seems well and good but I seem to have another problem.  The
time setting is correct but it continually shows the wrong time zone.
It is showing MST and it should be PST.  How do I change the time zone.
I have tried various permutations of including the 'PST' string inside
my command to date to change the time but the best it does is keep the
MST and set the clock one hour later than the time I input.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David M. Kufta
Sent: October 31, 1999 5:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] Time settings !

Good Morning newbie-list,
 Just as a reminder, in order to display the correct time on your linux
system, if the cmd: date shows you the correct time you can simply run
the cmd: clock -w to correctly set your hardware clock.

The above would only occur if your system was left up and running during
the time change.
if date displayed is not correct follow the below instruction to
correctly set it.
  Should it be necessary you can use the date command to
correctly set you date and time.
example: date 10310930
This will produce Sun Oct 31 09:30:00 EST 1999
when you use the cmd: date if this time is now correct simply use the
clock -w to set you hardware clock

 Alternative to this is to reboot the system enter cmos setup and  set
the correct time in cmos.

Simply a reminder,

  David M. Kufta  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  REAL PORTION of Microsoft Windows code:
while (memory_available){
eat_major_portion_of_memory (no_real_reason);
if (feel_like_it)
make_user_THINK (this_is_an_OS);

My Current Dynamic IP Address Is
To program is to be.

[newbie] Re: problems mounting floppy

1999-10-31 Thread David van Balen

It works now (I rebooted). I don't know what the problem was though.


[newbie] Pdksh doesn't run my .profile

1999-10-31 Thread Dan Lauterbach

When I set my login shell to be /bin/ksh and login from the xdm screen
using gnome or kde, it doesn't run my .profile.  I'm running
pdksh-5.2.14, which came with my Linux Mandrake v6.1 distribution.   If
I switch to another virtual console (crtlaltF2) and login, it runs
my .profile just fine.  If I login using "login danl" in an xterm, it
also runs my .profile.  The passwd file entry looks like:

danl:x:551:551:Dan Lauterbach:/home/danl:/bin/ksh

I verified that /bin/ksh is listed in /etc/shells.  The system profile
(i.e., /etc/profile) is being run just fine.

How can I get this to work?


[newbie] Creating directory in KFM?

1999-10-31 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Am I imagining this or is it true that there is no way to create a
directory in KFM? I don't see an option for that anywhere. I have to do
it in xterm. Is that true or am I missing something? Surely, I must be
missing something. This can not be.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

RE: [newbie] OT Freeware Partition Magic Boot Magic?

1999-10-31 Thread Singer XJ Wang

FIPS is probably your best bet from my Experience. But in my opinion,
Partition Magic is worth the price. its Amazing.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of M Thompson
 Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 10:56 PM
 Subject: [newbie] OT Freeware Partition Magic  Boot Magic?

 Hi All!

 I hope someone can lend me some advice.

 I am currently running Ranish Partition/Boot manager 2.37.12.  I
 am going to
 upgrade my 1.6Gb hard drive to 18Gb, but the Ranish Partition
 Manager does
 not support drives larger than 8 Gb.  The 2.38 beta version of Ranish
 Partition/boot manager supports drives larger than 8GB but only
 supports 4
 bootable partitions.

 I am looking for a freeware partition/boot manager than can:
 1) support up to 10 bootable partitions
 2) support hard drives larger than 8Gb
 3) support DOS16, Linux native, and Linux Swap

 Anyone know of any freeware programs that fit the qualifications?

 My wife had been extremely generous lately and I don't want to push it by
 purchasing the shrink-wrapped version of PowerQuest Partition Magic for

 Thanks very much,

 Get Your Private, Free Email at