[newbie-it] Stampante cercasi x Linux

2001-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sono in procinto di acquistare una nuova stampante, qualcuno di voi mi può segnalare
qualche stampante che funzioni bene con linux?

Grazie e ciao a tutti

[newbie-it] mandrake 8.0: installazione e mouse

2001-06-06 Thread Andrea Celli


dopo una prima installazione tranquilla ne sto facendo
una problematica.

L'installazione in se procede bene, non viene segnalato nessun 
problema ed il mouse si configura/lavora bene.

Al riavvio appare una scritta del tipo:
checking for new hardware failed to open terminal:
 [1;24r[4][?25][/1c...e roba simile
poi una pappardella che finisce dicendo che passa oltre per timeout

Quando appare il kdm il mouse e` completamente bloccato!
La sezione pointer di /etc/XF86config sembra ok
(identica a quella di mndk-7.2).


ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Sentir midi ?

2001-06-06 Thread Alberto Zanoni

qualche progresso nella comprensione del come mai kmid e kmidi non 
funzionino, almeno credo. Ho provato ad usare sndconfig, che, come 
sounddrake, mi fa sentire un messaggio che dice che la scheda audio e' stata 
configurata, ma il risultato, manco a dirlo, e' quello di prima. In fase di 
boot e' pero' successa una cosa strana, e cioe' comparivano errori al 
tentativo di caricamento/installazione (non so) di un modulo midi: in 
particolare veniva citato


Ora, io di kernel non so proprio nulla, ma so che facendo lsmod si ha la 
lista dei moduli installati: questa e' la mia:

[alberto@master alberto]$ lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
parport_pc  7568   0 (autoclean)
parport 7744   0 (autoclean) [parport_pc]
usb-uhci   19184   0 (unused)
usbcore43632   1 [usb-uhci]
es1371 24656   1
soundcore   2800   4 [es1371]
nls_cp437   3952   2 (autoclean)
vfat9408   1 (autoclean)
fat30432   1 (autoclean) [vfat]
supermount 14224   3 (autoclean)
ide-scsi7664   0

mentre se tento di inserire opl3 con insmod ho

[alberto@master alberto]$ insmod opl3
Using /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol synth_devs_R1ddfe121
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol 

Intuile dire che ancor di piu' non so dove sbattere la testa. comunque 
qualcuno potrebbe, per favore, magari mandarmi l'esito del suo lsmod o 
suggerire qualcosa ? Ho una Ensoniq ES1371 PCI (kernel module: es1371)
Un grazie anticipato a chi mi vorra' rispondere.



2001-06-06 Thread Matteo Merlin

ho notato che cercando dei pacchetti su www.rpmfind.net si trovano
diversi pacchetti per diverse distribuzioni... e fin qui tutto ok... ma cosa
vuol dire POLISHED LINUX DISTRIBUTION? Significa forse che funziona con
qualunque distribuzione?
E poi sono per forza costretto a scaricare gli rpm della mia distribuzione
(ad es MDK) oppure funzionano anche quelli per le altre distribuzioni?

Grazie, ciao!

[newbie-it] Configurazione CASELLE DI POSTA

2001-06-06 Thread Matteo Merlin

vorrei configurare la mia mandrake per ricevere posta in locale come se
fosse in rete, è possibile?

Ho pensato che magari si riesce a cambiare il nome della mia macchina in
modo che la mia casella di posta non sia più la solita
[EMAIL PROTECTED], e quindi se un qualsiasi altro utente manda una
mail al mio indirizzo locale... magari mi arriva...

ora però sorge un problema... se io sono connesso come faccio a ricevere in
locale qualcosa che un altro mi spedisce dalla rete?

Dunque vi chiedo una mano perché mi sa di non capirne molto, da come avrete
capito per quello che ho scritto :)))

Ciao e grazie :)

Se qualcuno lo sa mi può dire come si fa a cambiare il nome della macchina in
maniera completa... c'avevo già tentato ma ogni volta mi si incasinava
qualcosa, da postfix a sendmail...

[newbie-it] fonts di Mdk 8

2001-06-06 Thread Fabio

Ciao a tutti,
ho installato da poco la Mdk 8, e i caratteri di Star Office 5.2 con
font di tipo Time dei documenti creati con la 7.1 sono segmentati, di
difficile lettura.
Credo che sia un problema generale, perchè anche con Netscape leggo male
alcuni caratteri.
Come si può ovviare?

D'altro per la mia scheda Savage4 l' XFree86 4.0.3 blocca il sistema
all'installazione e all'avvio di Star Office, sono quindi tornato al

Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione CASELLE DI POSTA

2001-06-06 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 18:54:31 +0200
Matteo Merlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   vorrei configurare la mia mandrake per ricevere posta in locale come se
 fosse in rete, è possibile?
   Ho pensato che magari si riesce a cambiare il nome della mia macchina
 modo che la mia casella di posta non sia più la solita
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], e quindi se un qualsiasi altro utente
manda una
 mail al mio indirizzo locale... magari mi arriva...
   ora però sorge un problema... se io sono connesso come faccio a
ricevere in
 locale qualcosa che un altro mi spedisce dalla rete?
 Dunque vi chiedo una mano perché mi sa di non capirne molto, da come
 capito per quello che ho scritto :)))
Se ho capito bene quello che chiedi credo che non sia possibile perche' il
tuo nome non e' associato a nessun indirizzo IP.
Quello che conta per essere visibili in rete e' un indirizzo IP e non un
semplice nome..

 Ciao e grazie :)
 Se qualcuno lo sa mi può dire come si fa a cambiare il nome della
macchina in
 maniera completa... c'avevo già tentato ma ogni volta mi si incasinava
 qualcosa, da postfix a sendmail...
Devi editare il file /etc/sysconfig/network e sostituire 
localhost.localdomain con i nomi che preferisci.
La stessa cosa devi fare con /etc/hosts.
Hai qualche problema con la configurazione della posta?
Ho ricevuto ben TRE copie dei tuoi messaggi!


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] Attivazione di nuovi tasti.

2001-06-06 Thread Alberto Zanoni

ho una tastiera Logitech con alcuni tasti aggiuntivi per alzare o abbasssare 
il volume, far partire un brano di musica, leggere la posta, ecc. e vorrei 
cercare di attivarli. In


c'e' la key map attiva in /etc/rc.sysinit (vedi mail precedente)

Dando una rapida occhiata a rc.sysinit:

rc.sysinit:  loadkeys $KEYMAP  /dev/tty0  /dev/tty0 2/dev/null  \

KEYMAP è definita nello stesso file:

Credo che un qualche accrocchio di mandrake metta nel file default.kmap 
la mappa di tastiera scelta da tool grafico.

Nel mio file, ad esempio, ci sono le righe

keycode  19 = r   
keycode  20 = t   
keycode  21 = y   
keycode  22 = u   
keycode  23 = i   
keycode  24 = o   
keycode  25 = p   

Se lancio xev e premo i corrispondenti tasti ho invece rispettivamente i 

27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33

La cosa e' analoga per gli altri tasti. Come mai questa discrepanza ? Ad ogni 
modo, vista la facile corrispondenza, vorrei usare un tasto per far partire 
xmms, che xev mi dice aver keycode 162. A questo punto devo mettere nel file 
una linea che dice (154 = 162 - 8)

keycode 154 = F21

ed un'altra, piu' sotto, con

string F21 = xmms  \n

Dico bene ? c'e' qualcuno che e' riuscito ad attivare tali tasti, e, se si', 
come ? Grazie,

Re: [newbie-it] Sentir midi ?

2001-06-06 Thread Matteo Merlin

Mi aggrego al problema di Alberto, anche a me non vanno i midi ed anche per 
me al comando insmod opl3 ottengo gli stessi identici messaggi di errore...

Guarda caso ho anch'io lo stesso tipo di scheda di alberto...

 mentre se tento di inserire opl3 con insmod ho

 [alberto@master alberto]$ insmod opl3
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 synth_devs_R1ddfe121 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/opl3.o: unresolved symbol

 Intuile dire che ancor di piu' non so dove sbattere la testa. comunque
 qualcuno potrebbe, per favore, magari mandarmi l'esito del suo lsmod o
 suggerire qualcosa ? Ho una Ensoniq ES1371 PCI (kernel module: es1371)
 Un grazie anticipato a chi mi vorra' rispondere.

Re: [newbie-it] Stampante cercasi x Linux

2001-06-06 Thread webmaster

Il mer, 06 giu 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Sono in procinto di acquistare una nuova stampante, qualcuno di voi mi può segnalare
 qualche stampante che funzioni bene con linux?
 Grazie e ciao a tutti

Se vuoi una laser puoi andare tranquillo con la quasi totalità dei modelli, se poi usi
CUPS, direi con tutti;
io personalmente (non verrò pagato per queste mie affermazioni...)
prediligo le Laserjet HP; ho una 5L che lavora da anni ed una 1100 che costa poco ed è
sufficientemente veloce.

Se invece vuoi una inkjet, le mie preferenze virano verso EPSON, che con CUPS e GIMP
stampano meglio che con Win$, hanno consumabili che costano poco e un servizio tecnico
uso una Photo 700 ed una Photo EX da alcuni anni senza problemi.

Le HP sono ottime stampanti, dei veri trattori che funzionano per anni senza
problemi (hanno spesso la testina di stampa integrata nelle cartucce quindi non c'è
praticamente rischio di usura, ma le ricariche costano parecchio), non le ho mai usate
sotto GNU/Linux  quindi non ti voglio dare consigli che potrebbero essere imprecisi; il
supporto di CUPS è comunque pieno.


 Nucleo Gestione Sistemi Informatici
MDK GNU/Linux 2.4.x  P III 500 256 
   U.T. 04/2001

RE: [newbie] DOS on MBR

2001-06-06 Thread Clarkson, Nick


I think this is what you are after;

To scrap the current MBR boot from your boot disk and type;
fdisk /mbr from a boot disk

Then to create the (minimal boot) file system, type;
sys c:

Of course you will need a DOS (or Win95/95/ME) boot disk with fdisk.exe and
sys.com on it to do this.

Hope this help


-Original Message-
From: Davinci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 June 2001 13:32
Subject: [newbie] DOS on MBR

Hi all, I'm a newbie.

Anybody know how to create DOS file system on MBR from C prompt?


Re: [newbie] DOS on MBR

2001-06-06 Thread Carroll Grigsby

To restore the MBR, put a Windows boot disk in the A: drive, boot to it,
and enter fdisk /mbr.
HTH, Carroll

Davinci wrote:
 Hi all, I'm a newbie.
 Anybody know how to create DOS file system on MBR from C prompt?

[newbie] Toshiba PDR-M5 digital camera

2001-06-06 Thread Michael Spivak

Hi All

I'm trying to use my brand new camera with the LM8.0, but without
any success. I know there is some GUI interface, something like GPhoto
but can't find any of it. It uses USB interface, and all needed packages
installed. Can anyone help ?


Re: [newbie] Where can Star Office be?

2001-06-06 Thread poogle

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 17:31, you wrote:
 Many people worry about the icon, but where is the program?

 I loaded it with Kpack, and in /Office51, I get a 'no such command' as

 I'm running a pc clone with Mandrake 7.

 Cheers Tom Powell

Have you tried whereis soffice (as usual without quotes) ? FWIW, I am 
running MD 8.0 with StarOffice 5.2 (on a pc which is a clone of a 
disorganised garden shed, with mains power )and the output from whereis 
soffice is /usr/bin/soffice


Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

Re: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS

2001-06-06 Thread Wendell Gragg

Ok, well since Mandrake refuses to help me on their official tech support 
site, I hope you guys can get me through it.  Lousy way to do business if 
you ask me.

Anyway, CUPS is installed.  The gentleman who started to help me also had me 
try to telnet into localhost 631 and it tells me that the connection was 
refused.  I guess what this means is that even though the service cups start 
command returns with Ok, it is still not running.  Is there anything else I 
can try?

Wendell Gragg

From: Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Wendell Gragg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 17:49:26 -0500

Wendell Gragg wrote:
  I am having problems getting my printer working on LM 8.0.  It is an
  HP 895c connected to an Intel Netport Express printserver.  The
  printserver is on my lan as while my computer accesses the
  internet through DHCP over a cable modem on one nic and the lan is on
  the other nic.  The ip for the computer is  From linux, I
  can ping the printserver and even get to it via the browser, but CUPS
  does not recognize it.  When I try to get to the printer configuration
  for KUPS, I get a message saying that the CUPS server is not active.
  Can someone point me to the proper place to find doc on doing this or
  if it is simple please let me in on what to do to get this thing
  Wendell Gragg
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

make sure the CUPS server is installed for some reason mine was not.
Then I had to start the server.  Make sure it is running

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

RE: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS

2001-06-06 Thread Edward Barrow

On Wednesday, June 06, 2001 2:06 PM, Wendell Gragg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 Ok, well since Mandrake refuses to help me on their official tech support 
 site, I hope you guys can get me through it.  Lousy way to do business if 
 you ask me.

oh I don't know. There's a company in Seattle, WA that's done quite well by being even 
less helpful to their customers...

Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-06 Thread Tim Holmes

I'm assuming you're trying to connect this Linux box to the RoadRunner server by 
and not through a gateway router.

Let's start in DrakConf.  Since you're using Mandrake 8, there's an option on the left,
that reads Network  Internet.  Select that option, then select the Connection 
From what you've said below, it sounds like you've gone through this method.

Go through and configure the card.  You can select the Cable Connection, or LAN 
either will work since they are basically the same set up.  Tell it to use DHCP, if it
doesn't have the software, it will prompt for the CD and will install it.  It will 
tell you
that it's going to restart the network.  I can't remember if it gives you a choice to 
no, but if it does, tell it now.  It's just going to time out.

After you've done that, power off your cable modem.  Leave it off for a good 10 
seconds or
so, then power it back on.

Now head back to your Linux box.  su - to root, and run this command.

[root@r2d2 /root]# /etc/init.d/network status
Configured devices:
lo eth0
Devices that are down:

Devices with modified configuration:

You should get some variant of that output when you run that command.  However if you 
eth0 listed under Devices that are down: then you're network card is not completely
configured.  If your output does look like that, then run this command.

[root@yoda /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
Setting network parameters:[  OK  ]
Bringing up interface lo:  [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0:[  OK  ]

And that should look something like it does above.  It may take a little bit of time at
bringing up interface eth0, that's expected since it's trying to get an IP address 
from the
DHCP server.  If it comes back and gives you an [  OK  ] then you should be set.  But 
make sure run the command ifconfig.  Your out put will look something like this.

[root@r2d2 /root]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  RX packets:720497 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2
  TX packets:123941 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1
  collisions:20 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:439288285 (418.9 Mb)  TX bytes:10165271 (9.6 Mb)
  Interrupt:3 Base address:0x9400

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:165792 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:165792 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:17628231 (16.8 Mb)  TX bytes:17628231 (16.8 Mb)

The numbers that are X'd out are the ones that you should look at.  The inet addr will 
your IP address.  From there you will be able to get to the outside world with no 
Try testing it by pinging yahoo.com, or something else that's local.  Then check if 
machine also downloaded the DNS information.  It's stored in /etc/resolv.conf, and will
like this most likely.

[root@r2d2 /root]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search mw.mediaone.net

That should then get your machine on the network.  Now if your machine is going through
another machine that's doing internet connection sharing, then you'll have to go other
routes on getting your Mandrake 8 box on the Internet.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!
| I am trying to install NetGear ethernet card to use with my cable modem 
| (RoadRunner service, dynamically assigns IP addresses) which is recognized 
| and uses the tulip driver on Mandrake 8.0.  It seems like the detection 
| using the Mandrake Internet Configuration, goes fine.  It detects an 
| ethernet card and sets up LAN with no error messages.  Under host I tried 
| rr.twmi.com and the default localhost.localdomain, neither work, but I don't 
| really know what host they are looking for.  Neither worked though, my Win2K 
| system works fine and with ipconfig tells me that the default host is 
| rr.twmi.com (that's where I got it from).  After the internet set up, the 
| applet has the connect to internet button which when I click tries (for 
| about 20-30 seconds) to connect but with no luck.  I did select auto dhcp, 
| when setting up.  A few times the applet actually showed that something was 
| send, but no bytes received???  I am also not sure that anything was ever 
| send, since there is no way for me to verify and the applet might have a 
| different deffinition of send and consider no error as send???  Am I missing 
| some steps here?  I did go through the archive and found that I need to run 
| the
| 'dhcpcd -d -n -h COxxx-A eth0'
| command.  What is 

[newbie] Icon Zooming

2001-06-06 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm using KDE 2 thats comes with MDK 8.0 and I'm using Icon Zooming for the 
icons on my panel. But, some of the icons don't zoom, does anyone know why or 
how to fix it?



Re: [newbie] Who turned out the lights?

2001-06-06 Thread George Petri

On Monday 04 June 2001 08:50, n6tadam wrote:

 I have had a similar situation like this on my laptop. It seems that it is
 linked to the framebuffer that you use to boot up, and the default colour
 depth that X-window runs in.

 I would suggest, that as a test, you change your vga= in lilo.conf to
 vga=normal. Save the file, and then run lilo.

 Then, change the default colour depth in /etc/XF86Config to 8, and then
 reboot your machine (init 6). If the colour depth displays ok, at 8 bit,
 without having to chvt each time, then it means that most likely, it is a
 problem with your graphics display.

 The fact that it restores the colour depth after you have switched to a VT
 and back again, suggests that your refresh rate for your monitor maybe
 inaccurate. But that is only a guess!

 If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.
 Kind Regards,

 Thomas Adam


I followed your instructions andit worked!

But I don't like 8-bit colour :).  Is there a way to make 16-bit work with 
the darkness (it used to work before I upgraded KDE or XFree)?  I've 
checked the refresh rate used by X for 1024x768x16 and it's higher than what 
is reccommended by my manufacturer but still within the limits of my monitor 

George Petri

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-06 Thread Paul Cox

On Tuesday, Jun 05, 2001, Romanator wrote:

 Where can I find OpenOffice? Is this from Sun?

To answer your Sun question, when they released the StarOffice source
code, it was 'renamed' to OpenOffice.  www.openoffice.org will tell you
more than you ever wanted to know. ;)

[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ#: 25370820, OpenPGP key at www.keyserver.net
1024D/39F0BBF4 2024 B7CB 10BF 6BE7 2ECE  E0FD 1360 0181 39F0 BBF4

Current Linux uptime: 5 days 12 hours 13 minutes.

[newbie] Linux Mandrake for 386 processor!??!?

2001-06-06 Thread Christina Kokori

there all you newbies,

happen to be one of the totally ignorant newbies who hasnt got the faintest
notion of computer languages although I love playing around with them!!! I have an extremely old 386 processor
with DOS 6.0 version and Windows in Japanese. Unfortunately, not being Japanese, I cannot work with
it. I have a Linux Mandrake 7.2 CD
Rom but can't install it as the processor is too old. I have tried looking in the download pages on the Linux
homepage, but as I am totally ignorant, I have no idea what to download. Is anybody able to help me, pretty
please with a cherry on top!!.

you s much in advance.

Christina Kokori

RE: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS

2001-06-06 Thread Wendell Gragg

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about Linux and most of my dealings 
with Mandrake have been fine, until this one incident.  All comparisons with 
MS aside, I just feel that they should be a little more open concerning the 
free support.  If it is limited to certain issues, they should specify it 
on the packaging that they are putting in stores.

They claimed that my issue was not installation related; however, I only 
installed 2 days ago and the printing has not worked from the time I 
installed.  They also claimed that the support was for setting up printing 
on one computer.  Essentially that is what I am trying to do, though the 
printer is set up on a 2 computer network, I am only trying to get it 
defined to Linux.  I simply felt that it was rather inappropriate (and 
somewhat Microsoftish) to be told that my problem, immediately upon 
installation, did not qualify for free installation support.  Nowhere on the 
retail box did it have such exclusions and nowhere that I have seen in the 
documentation does it disclaim such problems.

As much as I like the concept of Linux, certain things will have to change 
(and many are) before the mass consumer market will accept them as a 
replacement for Windows.  Some of those things are being helped along by Mr. 
Gates, but others are under the direct control of the Linux distribution 
companies.  One such issue is the technical support.

Frankly, I think the CUPS idea is a great one, but when it does have 
problems (or I have a problem in configuring it straight out of the box), 
someone needs to support it.  I would hope the mfr of the distro would do 
it, at least in the first few days of the install.

Anyway, I don't want to rant on this.  I just want to get my printer 
working.  Mandrake to their credit did point me to a couple of other 
resources (including this one) that I am pursuing.  Perhaps, using the 
shotgun approach I can get it fixed.

Wendell Gragg

From: Edward Barrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:27:51 +0100

On Wednesday, June 06, 2001 2:06 PM, Wendell Gragg 
  Ok, well since Mandrake refuses to help me on their official tech 
  site, I hope you guys can get me through it.  Lousy way to do business 
  you ask me.

oh I don't know. There's a company in Seattle, WA that's done quite well by 
being even less helpful to their customers...

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake for 386 processor!??!?

2001-06-06 Thread Dave DeGear

Quoting Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Will run on a 386.  The later packages for peanut will NOT, particularly

  This package sounds quite interesting.  I took a quick look to see the 
minimum specifications but couldn't find how much memory is required.  I know 
that most distributions won't run unless they have more than 8 megs.


[newbie] Printer setup on 8.0

2001-06-06 Thread Tom

I've just installed LM8.0 and when I go to the printer setup, and choose
network printer, and go to the next screen that wants the printer name, etc,
it won't let me type anything in the blank spaces so I can tell it WHERE the
printer is.

Has anyone run into this problem?


Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
1st Class Internet Solutions

Re: [newbie] SCSI support - AHA 2940

2001-06-06 Thread Paul

It was Wed, 6 Jun 2001 05:49:47 + (GMT) when Len Lawrence wrote:

  AMD K6 450MHz
  Matshita 4X CD-ROM drive
  4 Gb SCSI disk
  Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI adapter

The installer recognises the card:

  * PCI: device 9004 7178 is AdaptecAHA-294x / AIC-7871 (aic7xxx)

but fails to find the driver

Hmmm. The pc that I already upgraded also has the 2940(uw) and that one
installed without a problem.
Did you try expert mode install?


Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright 
exposure.  The fearful are caught as often as the bold.
-Helen Keller

http://nlpagan.net -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] mailserver with antivir

2001-06-06 Thread Quaylar

hi all !

i would like to use an antivir program with my email server.
has anybody of u experience with avmailgate from www.antivir.com

what i´d like to know how it works, its manual is not very good.

if anyone uses it, maybe u can explain me whether this is right or not :

1) mails are coming in (in my case via fetchmail)
2) they are handled over to antivir which is sitting on port 25
3) antivir scans all mails and forwards them to the local smtp server (i.e 
postfix, sendmail etc)
4) the local smtp stores them via procmail in the corresponding mail dir..

now, what my problem is :

1) i dont want to install a smtp server, does anybody know whether antivir 
can forward the mails it scanned directly to procmail ?
2) i noticed that one has to create a /usr/spool/antivir folder for the 
mails, why that ?..i thought procmail would store the mails in the 
default mail spool dir ? (/var/spool/mail/user in my case)

or maybe u can recomment any other scanner ?

any help would be greatly appreciated.



Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

Re: [newbie] problem with mysql

2001-06-06 Thread Michael D. Viron

First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list.  Some e-mail clients add all kinds of extra html tags, reduce the size of the font such that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much more difficult to read.

In answer to your question, mysql has a mysql database that contains a user table.  To connect as a user other than root, you need to insert the users into the user table, as well as the hosts table.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:30 PM 06/06/2001 +0700, Kuang wrote: 

MySQL server is working but only root account in linux can run MySQL  client what should I do to make it available to other  account thanks a lot... 

[newbie] wanting to upgrade my system, looking for recommended online stores

2001-06-06 Thread Mark Johnson

I would like to update my system but the stores around town don't seem to
carry what I'm looking for.  I have never bought computer stuff online and
I'm relunctant to do that since I've heard so many horror stories.  Can
anyone recommend a trustworthly online computer store for buying
motherboards and procs?


RE: Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake for 386 processor!??!?

2001-06-06 Thread Franki

yeah,, you could do that I think,,, problem with that, is it might
technically run on a i386,  but its still a memory and space hungry OS
compared to what has been cut down for use with i386.  as far as I am
aware, all the mini distros have been cut down alot to make them more
suitable for slower pc's with lower all around specs, ie like hard disk and



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Donald Carmona
Sent: Wednesday, 6 June 2001 11:57 PM
Subject: RE: Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake for 386 processor!??!?

Hi everyone

This seems really interesting as a way to use an old computer.  But I have
another question.

Can I install this distro of linux and then compile the new sources of LM
8.0 or LM 7.2 so I can have the new kernel running on a 386.


Donald Carmona

Sorry, Chrisitna, Mandrake once produced an image for 486, I believe for
but you have to go back to Mandrake 5.3 (Festen) to get one that is
compatible with 386.


Will run on a 386.  The later packages for peanut will NOT, particularly

Peanut is a small distro with a good working desktop and is somewhat more
modernized than Festen (if you could even find Festen).  The basic package,
which includes KDE and is likely to work on your 386, takes only 85Mb or

QA Team

Yo me registré en www.costarricense.com

RE: [newbie] wanting to upgrade my system, looking for recommended online stores

2001-06-06 Thread Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
 Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:39 AM
 To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
 Subject: [newbie] wanting to upgrade my system, looking for 
 online stores
 I would like to update my system but the stores around town 
 don't seem to
 carry what I'm looking for.  I have never bought computer 
 stuff online and
 I'm relunctant to do that since I've heard so many horror 
 stories.  Can
 anyone recommend a trustworthly online computer store for buying
 motherboards and procs?

I have purchased numerous computer components from a variety of 
online retailers and have 'no' horror stories to relate.

Any of the sites you find using www.shopper.com or 
www.pricewatch.com should be able to handle you transaction securely
and without any difficulty.
The products listed at Shopper are most often the Retail box
where as those listed on Pricewatch are usually OEM.

If you are looking fo only a MOBO and processor
I like the site www.compuplus.com.
They sell the processor in both Retail/3 year warranty and as OEM/
1 year warranty when purchased with fan.
Their prices are low/lowest.
They deliver 2nd day air using FedX or Airborn for only 12.95
But my #1 reason for liking and using this site is that they guarantee
that any item they have listed for sale Is in stock.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

[newbie] Laptop install MDK 8.0

2001-06-06 Thread Leland L Waters


I upgraded (full re-install) my desktop computer from MDK 7.2 to MDK 8.0. I 
am pleased with the later version, so I decided to upgrade my laptop computer.

I have a TOSHIBA 435 CDS with a 120 MHz processor and 48 Meg RAM. It was so 
slow in MDK 7.1 LIN4WIN that it was useless. It was slow in MDK 7.2, but so 
was Windows.

The computer will not boot from CDROM so I made the install diskette and 
proceeded with a full install after formatting new larger partitions (/, 
swap, usr, home).

Install started normally! When it got to Trying to access cdrom it seemed 
to access the cd OK, then went into second stage install with more CDROM 

A few seconds later it said Install exited abnormally and proceeded to end 
the install. Hoping it was a problem with the boot disk I made another. Same 

To eliminate the install cd I bought the STANDARD EDITION set. Using the new 
cd and the install floppy provided with it I get the same result.

I was able to re-install MDK 7.2 with no problems.

Where do I start???


Lee Waters

Re: [newbie] other StarOffice problem

2001-06-06 Thread Leland L Waters

I am having the same problem!!

I get the same response when I select the STAR OFFICE PRINTER SETUP, and the 

Lee Waters

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 14:37, David Beahm wrote:
 When I click on the StarOffice icon, an installation screen comes up,
 however when I click on Next to procede, the PC locks up entirely -- no
 CTRL-ALT-DEL, the time on the clock doesn't change, etc. -- and I have to
 power-cycle.  This is a new LM 8.0 install.  Any suggestions?

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 credit cards with no merchant account.  Free email and hosting.  Do it
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Re: [newbie] problem with mysql

2001-06-06 Thread Jose Orlando T. Ribeiro

To Kuang:

the users in MySQL aren´t the same users that log in you Linux box.

you have to create these users in MySQL and define what databases these
users can view, modify, create... thats why only root has access when
you start MySQL without creating users.

You can create users in the MySQL console or, if you have Webmin installed, 
in the Webmin MySQL option.


Ilya Sterin wrote:
 How about changing the execute permissions.  What error message are you
 Ilya Sterin
 Subject: [newbie] problem with mysql
 Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 12:30:00 +0700
 MySQL server is working
 but only root account in linux can run MySQL client
 what should I do to make it available to other account
 thanks a lot...
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com


   ,'.   .',  ,'.   .', 
  ===  +  ======  +  === 
   /   ~   \  /   ~   \
  /\_m   m_/\/\_m   m_/\
 .\  +--+  /. 
 /   ! [EMAIL PROTECTED]  !   \  
  /  +--+  \  
   `\m/ \m/'   `\m/ \m/'

[newbie] newbie sunscribe

2001-06-06 Thread Raphael Mendes

newbie subscribe

FW: Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia

2001-06-06 Thread Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Donald Carmona
 Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:51 AM
 Subject: RE: Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia
 linux inside 
 (registered user:  #197855)
 Where do you register?
 Donald Carmona


   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

[newbie] USB digital cameras and Linux?

2001-06-06 Thread Dr. Evil

Ok, it's time for me to finally buy a new camera, and it's going to be
digital this time.  My top pick right now is the Cannon Elph Powershot
300.  Like most digital cameras these days, it comes with a USB port
instead of a serial port.

Well, I've never used a USB port for anything under any OS, so what
I'm wondering is, if I get this camera, will I be able to get it to
work with Linux?  Will I be able to download photos?  I searched
around on Google and I couldn't find anything about this, and of
course the guys at Cannon assume that everyone uses Windows or

The reason why this is so important to me is because I literally don't
have access to anything which doesn't run Linux or *BSD.  If it
doesn't work with Linux, I basically can't use it.

Thanks for any tips.

[newbie] Xwindows not work

2001-06-06 Thread Tyrell

My Xwindows not work since I changed some features of his config. The
amazing is that I probe the new config and It works. The next time I reboot
don´t work.

I have try to reconfigure it using Xconfigurate and don´t work also.

Any ideas?


mensaje enviado desde http://www.iespana.es
emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

[newbie] Disappointed - Mandrake rules supreme!

2001-06-06 Thread Adam Henson

Just a quick note to say thank you all who have assisted me with my
problems getting Mandrake 8 booted on my laptop.  The issue has now been
resolved, loading the 2.2 kernel - it now boots and works brilliantly!

 Many thanks,


Adam Henson
Facts Helpdesk Advisor
Meggitt Petroleum Systems
Tel : 02476 69
Fax:02476 418210 

Re: [newbie] 7.2 complete does not give lnx4win option

2001-06-06 Thread Jody Clements

 Have you tried loading the disk while you are running windows? This
should bring up a window allowing you to install lin4win. That is how I did
it. Hope this helps.


On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 20:35:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  the manual shows a screen with options such as recommended mode.  the 
  opening screen states that by typing lnx4win at the prompt, that it
  happen.  it doesn't.  i am given the choice of erase disk (which would
  out my w98) or expert mode (which i'm not).  until i buy another box, i

  need to use lnx4win.  help, please. thanks. 

Send a cool gift with your E-Card

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-06 Thread Civileme

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 23:37, Romanator wrote:
 I'm looking for the rpm version of Star Office 5.1


 Ric Tibbetts wrote:
  tester8080 wrote:
   On Tuesday 05 June 2001 19:50, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
  Same problem here. StarOffice used to install itself into the KDE
  panel. In fact the installation still claimes it does that, but it
  doesn't actually work. I suspect that the problem is with KDE 2.x. Too
  many changes.
  Simon Zarate wrote:
  You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.
  You can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that
  staroffice take 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine
   and the speed of your hard disk.
  From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
  Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400
  Barry Premeaux wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on
  KPanel after installation in LM8?
  I can't get it to work.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
  add it.
  The executable for me was:
  Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
  compatible icon, it would
  round it out nicely.
  Barry :-)
  Hi Barry,
  The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well
   with LM7.2.
  Thanks for responding.
  ___ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
   Well, try this
   KMenu-Configure Panel-Add-Button-Menu-Office-StarOffice
   Then you will have a panel button.
  Yes, but you shouldn't have to. That's the point. StarOffice claims
  that it installed the icon to the panel during install, and it doesn't
  work. The question from the original poster was more wondering if it was
  just him/her, or if everyone was having the same problem.
  I think the answer is obvious:
  Yes, everyone is having that problem.

Yes you should have to unless you have the mandrake package.  There have been 
many changes in KDE and system and none in SO.  So you need an RPM 
specifically prepared for this particular version for a painless install.  If 
you had to add it to the menu--that is likely because you downloaded a bin 
package directly from SUN and that hasn't been appearing on menus since 7.0.


Re: [newbie] bash script to remove ?

2001-06-06 Thread n6tadam


This can be done, using the following:

1. assuming that your local mailbox is in /var/spool/mail/$username, then
do the following:



#list contents
cat $mailbox | grep $regex | sed -e /$regex//g;  /var/spool/mail/newmail


2. replace all instances of $username mentioned above with the actual
filename of your inbox. If the inbox you will be searching is not your own,
then this script will have to be ran as the root user.

3. Save the above script in /usr/bin folder, using a suitable name, and
issue the following command:

chmod 700 /usr/bin/filename

4. Then run the script. The resultant output will appear in the file


Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for the Purbeck School (Network Support)

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:55 AM
Subject: [newbie] bash script to remove ?

 I know it has to be pretty simple but I can't figure it out. How can I
 a bash script to remove the  from forwarded emails?

Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
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If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie] Samba a no-go

2001-06-06 Thread Civileme

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 23:50, s wrote:
 Hi all,
 I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on such a project with so
 many variables, but I need to try...

 I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work.  I bascally followed
 the plan layed out at:
 with a little:
 http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html#AEN209 on the

 However it's a no-go.  Anyone seen errors like:  error connecting to (connection refused) when testing with   smbclient -L
 localhost ?  I have tripled checked the all files and such and just can't
 eyeball the problem.  I reconfigured firewall using BastilleInteractive and
 tried to leave ports 137  139 open to internal interfaces.  So if course
 none of the computers knows too much about the others existance, other than
 returned ping packets.

 I hate to lay out all the boring gory details right off the bat.  If this
 rings any bells to anyone and need more info, I'll gladly post it.  I would
 appreciate your help on this.

 As always,

Take down the firewall

Implement Samba

Bring up the firewall, step by step, which is particularly easy to do with 

You are not going anywhere wuth so many variables to juggle, and it looks 
like a firewalling problem.


Re: [newbie] Samba a no-go

2001-06-06 Thread a9401336

thats my problem,too. i configured bastille a few times now, and with
allow=icmp and allow 139 and so on, the netbios ports still are closed on
my internal trusted nic. i just cant get bastille to leave everything
opened on it. also on the external nic everything is closed, although i
told bastille to let the icmps open,..

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Civileme wrote:

 On Tuesday 05 June 2001 23:50, s wrote:
  Hi all,
  I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on such a project with so
  many variables, but I need to try...
  I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work.  I bascally followed
  the plan layed out at:
  with a little:
  http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html#AEN209 on the
  However it's a no-go.  Anyone seen errors like:  error connecting to (connection refused) when testing with   smbclient -L
  localhost ?  I have tripled checked the all files and such and just can't
  eyeball the problem.  I reconfigured firewall using BastilleInteractive and
  tried to leave ports 137  139 open to internal interfaces.  So if course
  none of the computers knows too much about the others existance, other than
  returned ping packets.
  I hate to lay out all the boring gory details right off the bat.  If this
  rings any bells to anyone and need more info, I'll gladly post it.  I would
  appreciate your help on this.
  As always,
 Take down the firewall
 Implement Samba
 Bring up the firewall, step by step, which is particularly easy to do with 
 You are not going anywhere wuth so many variables to juggle, and it looks 
 like a firewalling problem.

[newbie] Download stuff from Powerpack

2001-06-06 Thread OOzy Pal


can anyone download stuff that comes in the powerpack?
I used to have one but it with a friend now and she is
a summer vacation.


What is the purpose of life?

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a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

Re: [newbie] paranoia and a letter

2001-06-06 Thread Jeanette Russo

How did you get that Parallel port tape drive to work in Linux?

I have one here and can't get it to work?

Franki wrote:
 have you tried to find windows 2000 or ME or XP drivers for lots of legacy
 stuff?  I have, and have had many failures in doing so...
 MS have their own policy... try running win2000 on a P100, I dare you...
 (I have a mandrake box doing that just fine.)
 As an example, I have a really nice Seagate tape backup drive that uses the
 parallell port, slow, but who cares it did unattended backups over night
 I am unable to use it now in win2000 I have to have a win95 machine on the
 network and back up to that
 That is just one of my stories of woe. linux still supports most old
 hardware windows just drops it entirely and tells you that you should be
 using something newer anyway
 I think its only a matter of time before that becomes obvious to people,
 Have a look at the minimum specs for WinXP, and then read about what all the
 testers are saying the REAL minimum should be to actually use the software
 just thought I'd add my 10 cents worth...
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Pablo García Durán
   Sent: Wednesday, 6 June 2001 6:05 AM
   To: Mandrake Newbie
   Subject: [newbie] paranoia and a letter
   Dear guys:
   Yes, I misused the word paranoia (I gave it the sense it nowadays has in
 slang Spanish) so probably I got slightly misunderstood. Sorry for that.
   But it was a critic anyway.
   Again I want to declare my sympathy towards the Linux community. It's a
 nice idea that matches part of what I think computers should be. But again
 don't expect the crowd to abandon their Windows-based machines at this time.
 Most people will pay to be able to click the add any hardware icon and
 start printing, scanning or connecting to the Internet immediately.
   I'm not saying you surrender. I'm just saying: read History and learn the
 Macintosh lesson.
   I leave you with an open letter I found, about the real importance of an
 operating system.
   Pablo Garcia-Duran
   A letter to operating system designers
   Written By: Timothy Nordloh
   Linux, Microsoft, Apple! It's so confusing! which operating system is
 best? I'm here to tell you, as briefly as possible, that it doesn't matter.
 First of all, the majority of users are like me; they see their operating
 system for no more than three seconds, before launching their favorite
 application. Second, we know you all want money, even the Linux companies.
 also, we know you're in bed with the hardware companies.
   After reading the line on the bottom of the new Mac OS X, display box, I
 now know that it is the Most Advanced Operating System in the World. All
 this statement tells me is that even Apple can't be trusted to be completely
   I worry that the chief operating system companies out there are getting
 away from the true meaning of 'operating system.' I think back on the days
 of DOS. I typed 'edit', and I'm editing documents. I typed 'menu' and I got
 a menu. Best of all, I got a printed instruction manual that told me these
 things. What ever happened to instruction manuals? They went from explaining
 the ins and outs of DOS to describing how to double-click.
   We need to examine the computer of yesterday. It was simple and reliable.
 We could print our documents. There were about 20 options on any one
 product. Anyone could jump in and be 'certified' on a word processor in
 under thirty minutes. An example of how computers have gotten away from
 simplicity; back in 1990, if I pressed the button labeled 'print screen',
 guess what happened? the words on my screen were magically transported to my
 printer! I miss that. Also, my computer booted up in less than two minutes.
   When did we lose sight of that simplicity? Stepping back to the present, I
 have a computer that forgets what kind of monitor I have in Windows, and
 doesn't shut down properly in Linux. I still have the default background on
 my computer. I think it's light blue, but I'm not sure. The only time I see
 my background is during the two seconds it takes me to click on an
 application icon. I also don't spend a lot of time personalizing my
 settings. I sit down and start typing on a word processor. Or I install the
 latest version of Quake. Or I surf the internet.
   Typically, the only part of the operating system I see is the taskbar.
 I've seen the pretty Whistler screenshots, and I like the lovely Mac OS
 interface, but it's all going in the wrong direction. I want to get to where
 I'm going in one click, or with a simple typed command. No menus, no
 searches, just give me my games or my web browser.
   What's up with the .NET concept? First of all, it's silly to think about
 selling me the chance to use Microsoft Word; I already paid 300 

Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-06 Thread Ilya Sterin

Tim it works after your advice.  Just turned the modem off, restarted the 
network, and it's up and running.  I can't begin to tell you how thankfull I 
am for your help.  I posted to a few newsgroups, week of agravation and then 
you came and helped.  Thanks again.

If you are ever in Michigan, USA email me.  I owe you lunch.

Ilya Sterin

From: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:37:55 -0400

I'm assuming you're trying to connect this Linux box to the RoadRunner 
server by itself,
and not through a gateway router.

Let's start in DrakConf.  Since you're using Mandrake 8, there's an option 
on the left,
that reads Network  Internet.  Select that option, then select the 
Connection option.
From what you've said below, it sounds like you've gone through this 

Go through and configure the card.  You can select the Cable Connection, or 
LAN connection,
either will work since they are basically the same set up.  Tell it to use 
DHCP, if it
doesn't have the software, it will prompt for the CD and will install it.  
It will tell you
that it's going to restart the network.  I can't remember if it gives you a 
choice to say
no, but if it does, tell it now.  It's just going to time out.

After you've done that, power off your cable modem.  Leave it off for a 
good 10 seconds or
so, then power it back on.

Now head back to your Linux box.  su - to root, and run this command.

[root@r2d2 /root]# /etc/init.d/network status
Configured devices:
lo eth0
Devices that are down:

Devices with modified configuration:

You should get some variant of that output when you run that command.  
However if you see
eth0 listed under Devices that are down: then you're network card is not 
configured.  If your output does look like that, then run this command.

[root@yoda /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
Setting network parameters:[  OK  ]
Bringing up interface lo:  [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0:[  OK  ]

And that should look something like it does above.  It may take a little 
bit of time at
bringing up interface eth0, that's expected since it's trying to get an IP 
address from the
DHCP server.  If it comes back and gives you an [  OK  ] then you should be 
set.  But to
make sure run the command ifconfig.  Your out put will look something like 

[root@r2d2 /root]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
   inet addr:XX.XXX.XXX.XXX  Bcast:XX.XXX.XXX.XXX  
   RX packets:720497 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2
   TX packets:123941 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1
   collisions:20 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:439288285 (418.9 Mb)  TX bytes:10165271 (9.6 Mb)
   Interrupt:3 Base address:0x9400

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:165792 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:165792 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:17628231 (16.8 Mb)  TX bytes:17628231 (16.8 Mb)

The numbers that are X'd out are the ones that you should look at.  The 
inet addr will be
your IP address.  From there you will be able to get to the outside world 
with no problem.
Try testing it by pinging yahoo.com, or something else that's local.  Then 
check if your
machine also downloaded the DNS information.  It's stored in 
/etc/resolv.conf, and will
like this most likely.

[root@r2d2 /root]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search mw.mediaone.net

That should then get your machine on the network.  Now if your machine is 
going through
another machine that's doing internet connection sharing, then you'll have 
to go other
routes on getting your Mandrake 8 box on the Internet.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| I am trying to install NetGear ethernet card to use with my cable modem
| (RoadRunner service, dynamically assigns IP addresses) which is 
| and uses the tulip driver on Mandrake 8.0.  It seems like the detection
| using the Mandrake Internet Configuration, goes fine.  It detects an
| ethernet card and sets up LAN with no error messages.  Under host I tried
| rr.twmi.com and the default localhost.localdomain, neither work, but I 
| really know what host they are looking for.  Neither worked though, my 
| system works fine and with ipconfig tells me that the default host is
| rr.twmi.com (that's where I got it from).  After the internet set up, the
| applet has the connect to internet 

Re: [newbie] howto get linux onto a windows network

2001-06-06 Thread Brandon Caudle

You can use samba  say you have a server named server (winnt) (\\server) and
you want to get to your directory user (brandon) (\\server\brandon) you can
use this command

mount -t smbfs \\server\brandon /mnt/brandon

any questions email me

brandon caudle
- Original Message -
From: duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 8:24 PM
Subject: [newbie] howto get linux onto a windows network


 Can anyone tell me how I can get my 7.2 Laptop onto a windows network at
 my work.

 Do i need Samba.

 the network has proxy and dhcp but i'm not sure where to point my
 machine etc

 Any help would be great



Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-06 Thread Tim Holmes

Well, having had my own problems with my cable connection, and then
being even more frustrated when all it took was a modem reboot to fix
the problem.

It appears that the modem connects first, downloads any software
updates for the modem each time.  And if there isn't something there
asking for an address, or requesting traffic, it forgets it's actually
there.  So it downloads the acceptable MAC addresses and then fetches
an IP address.  So if you run into this problem again, just give that a
try.  All our machines for UNIXTECHS are on cable connections and when
we run into problems, that usually does the trick.

But glad I could help!

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| Tim it works after your advice.  Just turned the modem off, restarted the 
| network, and it's up and running.  I can't begin to tell you how thankfull I 
| am for your help.  I posted to a few newsgroups, week of agravation and then 
| you came and helped.  Thanks again.
| If you are ever in Michigan, USA email me.  I owe you lunch.
| Ilya Sterin

Re: [newbie] Gnome keeps kicking in when KDE start up in LM8

2001-06-06 Thread Barry Premeaux

Romanator wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 For some reason the file name escapes me. Which file controls the
 default GUI session during start up? For some reason the Gnome desktop
 is kicking in. I want KDE.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

I was looking at this back in 7.2.  The man
says you will find it in either the .xinitrc
in your /home or in the xinitrc in
/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.  As I recall, it was
in the /lib/X11 directory for 7.2. 
Apparently your script isn't updating with
the last windows environment used (KDE, Gnome

Do you log in from the GUI or from the


[newbie] Internet Connection Problems

2001-06-06 Thread Chris Keegan

Okay I'm using Mandrake 7.2 with the kppp (kde) 
dial frontend,I can`t connect to the internet, I keep getting pppd 
server died unexpectedly errors?...I`ve gone into /etc/ppp/options and 
looked at the file. I have been told to change the `auth` command to 
`#auth` or `noauth` but to no avail. Also when I ran `ifconfig` in the 
terminal I got the following but no `ppp0` entry? 
[palisade@localhost palisade]$ su - Password:[Root@localhost /root]# 
ifconfig eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:CC:D3:62:8F inet 
addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING 
MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 
overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 
carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 Interrupt:10 lo Link 
encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK 
RUNNING MTU:3924 Metric:1 RX packets:14 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 
frame:0 TX packets:14 erros:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 [root@localhost /root]# if config a a: 
error fetching interface information: Device not found [root@localhost 
/root]# I get ppp errors, timeouts and a connection that isn't really a 
connection!This is really getting me down.Please help. 
My pc spec follows:Desktop - 
Custom CPU : Athlon - 1.2Ghz Overclocked to 
1425Mhz Manufactuer : Amd - Thunderbird 
RAM (Mo) : 256 - 133cas2 Crucial running at 
152 Hard disk : I.B.M. - 46.1Gb Deskstar 
Video card : No record - 3dfx Voodoo 5500 AGP 
Sound card : Creative labs - SB Live Platinum 
CD / DVD ROM : No record - 54x cheapo 
Operating System : Mandrake - 7.2 
Modem : Us Robotics - Sportster Flash 56k 
Printer : Epson - Colour Stylus 440 
Also have Win98se Installed, managed by lilo 
boot manager 

In case you havn't noticed I am new to linux and 
need quite a but of help!


Chris Keegan

[newbie] changing soundcards in Mandrake 8?

2001-06-06 Thread Sam

I've just swapped my SB Live! out of my machine and enabled the onboard VIA 
AC'97 audio instead. I checked harddrake and the module via82cxxx_audio seems 
to be loaded. The module for the Live! card seems to be no longer loaded.

However, I seem to have lost all sound running any multimedia application 
(including Realplayer, XMMS etc) at all in my machine. I ran the Soundmixer 
(kmix) and it only claims  Invalid mixer Creative SBLive.

Is there any way to get Mandrake to use the VIA sound instead, short of 
re-installing Mandrake? Thanks in advance for any help. 

[newbie] Problem entering Sawmill config tool

2001-06-06 Thread Trevor Stewart

today I decided to sit down and play with linux (my machine
is a Celeron 566, 64 MB, ram, running LM7.2.).  I thought I'd like to
play with sawmill-sawfish, as I've been meaning to learn about lisp
for a bit.  Now I've installed it and I was happy how fast,
responsive and fairly easy to use it was even in it's minimal default
My problem is I would like to play with the configuration
tool provided in the menu, but whenever I try to access any of the
items in the config list, nothing happens.  *click*  void at the
moment.  I've searched around the web a little and have found a
couple of posts on msg boards but none with replies that answered the
persons question.
Has anyone had this problem?  Any light on how to fix it? 
Also as a tack on, if someone knows a good tutorial for
sawfish/sawmill, or lisp programming, if you have the time to send a
link it would be nice :-)


Trevor Stewart (Zaphod42) AF 1982 Canada M
BSC/BCS in training
alt.atheism atheist/agnostic list, #1623!

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. 
--Albert Einstein

[newbie] using LM 8.0 as a mail server

2001-06-06 Thread Tom

Is there a mail server that I can set up on LM 8.0?? 

Not a client, but an SMTP mail server??


Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
1st Class Internet Solutions

[newbie] Linux Directory Structure for the Totally Ignorant (rev)

2001-06-06 Thread alex

(for best viewing, use size 10 font)
I was told that the proper word is STRUCTURE but I prefer
SYSTEM. Your choice
One way to get some understanding of the Linux Directory
Structure is to compare it to a typical office filing cabinet. We'll
consider the cabinet as the starting point or root of the office's filing
system. The filing system is divided into drawers that have
labels that in some way identify with their contents
Our special filing cabinet has an identification
symbol / and its four drawers are named
'/roundfile', '/cabinet', '/stuff', and '/idontknow'.
Each drawer contains folders and some documents and all these items
have labels for identification. Some folders contain additional
folders and even these may contain more folders with documents here and
there. By having an organized order to these folders and documents,
we are able to locate any document by starting with the root of the system,
the cabinet, then going to the proper drawer and opening specific folders
until we come to the desired document. Incidentally, the / at the
start of each drawername tells us that the drawers belong to the cabinet
( / )
A Linux Directory Structure is organized much like
the above cabinet. The difference is, in Linux, we are working
with electronic data storage instead of physical data storage.
The Linux Directory Structure is contained in a
huge directory. Think of this huge directory as an electronic
file cabinet that contains all the Linux directories . Linuxers call
it the 'root directory' and identify it with the symbol ' / '.
It contains electronic drawers which contain electronic folders and electronic
documents. Instead of calling them cabinet, drawers,
and folders, we'll call all of them directories and instead of documents,
we'll say files.

/ (the root of the system)
| |
/bin /boot
/dev /etc
/home /usr
/mnt /proc
/root /sbin
/tmp /lib
This shows Linux's standard names of the directories
that are like electonic drawers of a cabinet. These directories are
assigned names according to their purpose. For example, /dev
contains data for devices such
as disk drives, modems, and other hardware.
One directory here is named /root. This is
one of the subdirectories of the root directory (of the system) labelled
/. Think of it as our cabinet having a drawer labelled
'/cabinet. (so, when we say 'cabinet' we mean the cabinet and when we say
/cabinet, we mean the drawer - /root is like a drawer
in the root directory)
/root is a special directory that is allowed to be opened
by just one person, Think of it as a drawer that has a combination lock
and only one person knows the combination. We'll call this
person 'the root user', the person in charge of the entire
The 'root user' is the only person who knows the
password that will open this directory called /root.
The 'root user' is the only one who is allowed to manipulate whatever important
information is found in '/root' to make the computer do what
it is supposed to do .
In Linux lingo, the ' root user ' is more often
called just 'root'. This could make it difficult sometimes
to distinguish between root , the overall directory ( / ),
and root, the user, but in the lingo, , / is
called the ' root directory.' So, to emphasize the point, /root
is a subdirectory of the 'root directory and /root is the private
domain of the user named 'root. Think, 'root directory'
= cabinet,
/root = drawer and root user = manager (some
Linux mucky-mucks prefer the title 'administrator)
user root is also referred to as the 'superuser' because
of root's power over the whole system
Linux allows more than one user use its facilities.
These users have private directories that are located in the /home
directory. Each private directory is protected by a password
to prevent other users from using it. In some situations, there may
be so many ordinary users who may generate so much data that the /home
directory may contain more folders and data than any other directory, except
the root directory, of course.
The only other user who can access these general user's
private directories is 'root', the manager of the Linux system
. ' root ' can and should register as an ordinary user
with a common user name and assume the role of root only when some
action calls for it. This is to avoid accidental mishaps during
routine operation that could upset the entire Linux system if root
did all routine work as root . A mistake as an ordinary user is more likely
to harm just that user's data but a mistake by root could shut down
(ruin) the entire Linux System. Some errors
are correctible but it requires intimate knowledge of
the system.
Ordinary users are allowed to create or delete their
own directories and files (with some exceptions) but not another user's.
' root ' can delete or rename any personal directory that was created
by a regular user. or file 

[newbie] VMware Express for $20

2001-06-06 Thread OOzy Pal

Hello Guys

Is it worth it to buy VMWare Express for $20? VMware
Express will only support Win95 and Win98.


What is the purpose of life?

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FW: [newbie] RPM Manager

2001-06-06 Thread Dennis Myers

 [Original Message]
 From: Dave DeGear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 6/6/01 2:55:29 AM
 Subject: [newbie] RPM Manager

   I've been using the Software Manager to update my RPM packages.  I see 
 that the Installed -- Flat List tab shows most of the packages twice.  
 The name, size, version, and description is exactly for same for each of 
 the duplicate listings.  Is there a way to get rid of the duplicates?
   Also, in the Software Manager, I notice that some of the packages are 
 black on a white background while others are black on a grey background.  
 All of the duplicate listings have the same colour background as the 
 other one in the listing (sometimes the duplicates both have a grey 
 background and other times they both have a white background).
Thanks.   ...Dave
I see this happen when you have a url for a security update and another for
general updates in the list of servers to connect to. Seems as they both
have the same updates and so both feed the package name back to you.  My
best guess anyhoo.

--- Dennis Myers
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

Re: [newbie] Printer setup on 8.0

2001-06-06 Thread Tom

Nope.. haven't gotten any replies yet... Don't think I got any CUPS errors,
just not letting me type ANYTHING at all in those spaces..

- Original Message -
From: Wendell Gragg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Printer setup on 8.0

 have you gotten any replies on this?  No one seems to know alot about
 network printing under CUPS.  Frustrating.  Let me know if you get any
 answers and I will do the same.

 Wendell Gragg

 Subject: [newbie] Printer setup on 8.0
 Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:29:33 -0500
 I've just installed LM8.0 and when I go to the printer setup, and choose
 network printer, and go to the next screen that wants the printer name,
 it won't let me type anything in the blank spaces so I can tell it WHERE
 printer is.
 Has anyone run into this problem?
 Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
 1st Class Internet Solutions

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

 Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
 1st Class Internet Solutions

Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
1st Class Internet Solutions

Re: [newbie] Printer setup on 8.0

2001-06-06 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Tom wrote:
 Nope.. haven't gotten any replies yet... Don't think I got
 any CUPS errors, just not letting me type ANYTHING at all
 in those spaces..

 - Original Message -
 From: Wendell Gragg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 8:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Printer setup on 8.0

  have you gotten any replies on this?  No one seems to
  know alot about network printing under CUPS. 
  Frustrating.  Let me know if you get any answers and I
  will do the same.
  Wendell Gragg
  Subject: [newbie] Printer setup on 8.0
  Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:29:33 -0500
  I've just installed LM8.0 and when I go to the printer
   setup, and choose network printer, and go to the next
   screen that wants the printer name, etc,
  it won't let me type anything in the blank spaces so I
   can tell it WHERE the
  printer is.
  Has anyone run into this problem?

Tom/Wendellhave either of you tried the web based CUP 
setup/admin utility or pup (both are in the menu)?  

Re: [newbie] using LM 8.0 as a mail server

2001-06-06 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Thursday 07 June 2001 00:46, Tom wrote:
 Is there a mail server that I can set up on LM 8.0??

 Not a client, but an SMTP mail server??

 Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
 1st Class Internet Solutions

the question, my friend, is not 'is there one' but rather, 
'which one'.  :)


of course, these are linux programs...so they must not be 
as 'standardized' or as 'secure' as microsoft products 
which is why about 3 gazillion (or, a lot) mail servers are 
using it.  :)

it seems like a good combo for email and server is qmail 
and freebsd...just from what i've seen anyway.

good luck


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] Sane

2001-06-06 Thread Leland L Waters


I installed Sane with frontends and backends (from MDK 8.0 install disk) on 
my desktop computer running MDK 8.0. I can can access my scanner from GIMP, 
but only get a communication error.

I am running an ABIT BP6 motherboard with a pair of Celeron 366's (at 550 
Mbps) and 384K PC133 ram. The scanner is a HP 4C flatbed connected to channel 
1 of a TEKRAM DC-390U3W SCSI 160 controller.

Where do I find a SANE configuration utility?


Lee Waters

Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake for 386 processor!??!?

2001-06-06 Thread Michael D. Viron

First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list.  Some e-mail clients add all kinds of extra html tags (see your post below), reduce the size of the font such that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much more difficult to read.

You have several options for a 386 processor, depending on how much hard-drive space you have.  One would be peanut, as Civilme suggested, another would be tiny (http://tiny.seul.org), and there are others -- take a look at the english distribution list on linux.org


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:17 PM 06/06/2001 +0200, Christina Kokori wrote: 

Normal   0   DocumentEmail   21  0   0   

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>Hi there all you newbies, 

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>  

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>I happen to be one of the totally ignorant newbies who hasnt got the faintest notion of computer languages although I love playing around with them!!! style="mso-spacerun: yes">  I have an extremely old 386 processor with DOS 6.0 version and Windows in Japanese. yes">  Unfortunately, not being Japanese, I cannot work with it.  I have a Linux Mandrake 7.2 CD Rom but can't install it as the processor is too old. yes">  I have tried looking in the download pages on the Linux homepage, but as I am totally ignorant, I have no idea what to download. style="mso-spacerun: yes">  Is anybody able to help me, pretty please with a cherry on top!!. 

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>  

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>Thanking you s much in advance. 

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>  

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue'>Christina Kokori 


Re: [newbie] VMware Express for $20

2001-06-06 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

If you want to run Win95/98 (and not ME/NT/2000XP) then why not? The 
normal retail cost is $US79, so you've got yourself a real bargain 
there. I myself run Win98 and Win2K in VMware Workstation, and I can 
say they run quite well, albeit a bit slowly on my Pentium II 350. 
Just make sure you have a fast processor and oodles of RAM (I have 
256MB; I would recommend 192MB minimum).

On Thu,  7 Jun 2001 03:35, OOzy Pal wrote:
 Hello Guys

 Is it worth it to buy VMWare Express for $20? VMware
 Express will only support Win95 and Win98.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] VMware Workstation with Mandrake 8

2001-06-06 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Attention all users of VMware Workstation with Mandrake 8,

VMware (http://www.vmware.com) have finally released version 2.0.4 of 
VMware Workstation. Current users of the 2.x series can get a free 
upgrade. A notable feature of this release is its support for 2.4 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] Linux Directory Structure for the Totally Ignorant (rev)

2001-06-06 Thread Michael Spivak


You can use 
the link below to follow to the Official LM 8.0 directory structure 


  -Original Message-From: alex 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 4:47 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Linux 
  Directory Structure for the Totally Ignorant (rev) LINUX DIRECTORY STRUCTURE revised (for best 
  viewing, use size 10 font) I was told that the proper 
  word is STRUCTURE but I prefer SYSTEM. Your choice 
  One way to get some understanding of the Linux 
  Directory Structure is to compare it to a typical office filing cabinet. 
  We'll consider the cabinet as the starting point or root of the office's 
  filing system. The filing system is divided into drawers that have 
  labels that in some way identify with their contents 
  Our special filing cabinet has an identification 
  symbol / and its four drawers are named 
  '/roundfile', '/cabinet', '/stuff', and 
  '/idontknow'. Each drawer contains folders and some documents and 
  all these items have labels for identification. Some folders 
  contain additional folders and even these may contain more folders with 
  documents here and there. By having an organized order to these folders 
  and documents, we are able to locate any document by starting with the root of 
  the system, the cabinet, then going to the proper drawer and opening specific 
  folders until we come to the desired document. Incidentally, the / at 
  the start of each drawername tells us that the drawers belong to the 
  cabinet ( / ) 
  A Linux Directory Structure is organized much like the 
  above cabinet. The difference is, in Linux, we are working with 
  electronic data storage instead of physical data storage. 
  The Linux Directory Structure is contained in a huge 
  directory. Think of this huge directory as an electronic file 
  cabinet that contains all the Linux directories . Linuxers call it the 
  'root directory' and identify it with the symbol ' / '. It 
  contains electronic drawers which contain electronic folders and electronic 
  documents. Instead of calling them cabinet, drawers, and 
  folders, we'll call all of them directories and instead of documents, 
  we'll say files. 
  / (the root of the system) __|_ 
  | | 
  /boot /dev 
  /etc /home 
  /mnt /proc 
  /root /sbin 
  /lib /var 
  This shows Linux's standard names of the directories 
  that are like electonic drawers of a cabinet. These directories are 
  assigned names according to their purpose. For example, /dev 
  contains data for devices such as disk 
  drives, modems, and other hardware. 
  One directory here is named /root. This is one of 
  the subdirectories of the root directory (of the system) labelled 
  /. Think of it as our cabinet having a drawer 
  labelled '/cabinet. (so, when we say 'cabinet' we mean the cabinet and 
  when we say /cabinet, we mean the drawer - /root is 
  like a drawer in the root directory) 
  /root is a special directory that is allowed to be opened by 
  just one person, Think of it as a drawer that has a combination lock and only 
  one person knows the combination. We'll call this person 
  'the root user', the person in charge of the entire system. 
  The 'root user' is the only person who knows the 
  password that will open this directory called /root. 
  The 'root user' is the only one who is allowed to manipulate whatever 
  important information is found in '/root' to make the computer do 
  what it is supposed to do . 
  In Linux lingo, the ' root user ' is more often called 
  just 'root'. This could make it difficult sometimes to 
  distinguish between root , the overall directory ( / ), and root, 
  the user, but in the lingo, , / is called the ' 
  root directory.' So, to emphasize the point, /root is a 
  subdirectory of the 'root directory and /root is the private domain 
  of the user named 'root. Think, 'root directory' = 
  cabinet, /root = drawer and root user = 
  manager (some Linux mucky-mucks prefer the title 'administrator) 
  user root is also referred to as the 'superuser' because of 
  root's power over the whole system 
  Linux allows more than one user use its facilities. 
  These users have private directories that are located in the /home 
  directory. Each private directory is protected by a password to 
  prevent other users from using it. In some situations, there may be so 
  many ordinary users who may generate so much data that the /home directory may 
  contain more folders and data than any other directory, except the root 
  directory, of course. 
  The only other user who can access these general user's 
  private directories is 'root', the manager of the Linux system 
  . ' root ' can and should register as an ordinary user 
  with a common user name 

Re: [newbie] RPM Manager

2001-06-06 Thread Dave DeGear

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 22:44:1 -00, Dennis Myers wrote:

I see this happen when you have a url for a security update and another for
general updates in the list of servers to connect to. Seems as they both
have the same updates and so both feed the package name back to you. 

  I did have duplicates in my list of Installable packages when I selected both the 
cooker versions and the stable versions.  The problem that I'm having is the 
duplicates in my Installed list so this doesn't seem to be the same thing.

 Thanks. ...Dave

Re: [newbie] using LM 8.0 as a mail server

2001-06-06 Thread Michael D. Viron


sendmail and / or postfix should be included on the LM 8.0 CDs, or you can
download them from any of the Mandrake mirror sites.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:46 PM 06/06/2001 -0700, Tom wrote:
Is there a mail server that I can set up on LM 8.0?? 

Not a client, but an SMTP mail server??


Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
1st Class Internet Solutions

Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-06 Thread Ilya Sterin

That's what I was looking for.  Thanks.  I'll try later today and let you 
know if it works.  I've tried some of that, but haven't turned the modem off 
and did some other suggested configs.  Thanks again.

Ilya Sterin

From: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:37:55 -0400

I'm assuming you're trying to connect this Linux box to the RoadRunner 
server by itself,
and not through a gateway router.

Let's start in DrakConf.  Since you're using Mandrake 8, there's an option 
on the left,
that reads Network  Internet.  Select that option, then select the 
Connection option.
From what you've said below, it sounds like you've gone through this 

Go through and configure the card.  You can select the Cable Connection, or 
LAN connection,
either will work since they are basically the same set up.  Tell it to use 
DHCP, if it
doesn't have the software, it will prompt for the CD and will install it.  
It will tell you
that it's going to restart the network.  I can't remember if it gives you a 
choice to say
no, but if it does, tell it now.  It's just going to time out.

After you've done that, power off your cable modem.  Leave it off for a 
good 10 seconds or
so, then power it back on.

Now head back to your Linux box.  su - to root, and run this command.

[root@r2d2 /root]# /etc/init.d/network status
Configured devices:
lo eth0
Devices that are down:

Devices with modified configuration:

You should get some variant of that output when you run that command.  
However if you see
eth0 listed under Devices that are down: then you're network card is not 
configured.  If your output does look like that, then run this command.

[root@yoda /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
Setting network parameters:[  OK  ]
Bringing up interface lo:  [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0:[  OK  ]

And that should look something like it does above.  It may take a little 
bit of time at
bringing up interface eth0, that's expected since it's trying to get an IP 
address from the
DHCP server.  If it comes back and gives you an [  OK  ] then you should be 
set.  But to
make sure run the command ifconfig.  Your out put will look something like 

[root@r2d2 /root]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
   inet addr:XX.XXX.XXX.XXX  Bcast:XX.XXX.XXX.XXX  
   RX packets:720497 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2
   TX packets:123941 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1
   collisions:20 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:439288285 (418.9 Mb)  TX bytes:10165271 (9.6 Mb)
   Interrupt:3 Base address:0x9400

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:165792 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:165792 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:17628231 (16.8 Mb)  TX bytes:17628231 (16.8 Mb)

The numbers that are X'd out are the ones that you should look at.  The 
inet addr will be
your IP address.  From there you will be able to get to the outside world 
with no problem.
Try testing it by pinging yahoo.com, or something else that's local.  Then 
check if your
machine also downloaded the DNS information.  It's stored in 
/etc/resolv.conf, and will
like this most likely.

[root@r2d2 /root]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search mw.mediaone.net

That should then get your machine on the network.  Now if your machine is 
going through
another machine that's doing internet connection sharing, then you'll have 
to go other
routes on getting your Mandrake 8 box on the Internet.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| I am trying to install NetGear ethernet card to use with my cable modem
| (RoadRunner service, dynamically assigns IP addresses) which is 
| and uses the tulip driver on Mandrake 8.0.  It seems like the detection
| using the Mandrake Internet Configuration, goes fine.  It detects an
| ethernet card and sets up LAN with no error messages.  Under host I tried
| rr.twmi.com and the default localhost.localdomain, neither work, but I 
| really know what host they are looking for.  Neither worked though, my 
| system works fine and with ipconfig tells me that the default host is
| rr.twmi.com (that's where I got it from).  After the internet set up, the
| applet has the connect to internet button which when I click tries (for
| about 20-30 seconds) to connect but with no luck.  I did select auto 
| when 

Re: [newbie] problem with mysql

2001-06-06 Thread Ilya Sterin

How about changing the execute permissions.  What error message are you 

Ilya Sterin

Subject: [newbie] problem with mysql
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 12:30:00 +0700

MySQL server is working
but only root account in linux can run MySQL client
what should I do to make it available to other account
thanks a lot...

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Re: [newbie] DOS on MBR

2001-06-06 Thread n6tadam


I am not sure if I understand your correctly?? I don't know of a way to
create DOS filesystem on MBR, but I do know of a way of restoring it.

Usually this is done by the following command:

fdisk /mbr

If you could perhaps be a little more specific, then I can help you.


Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] DOS on MBR

 Hi all, I'm a newbie.

 Anybody know how to create DOS file system on MBR from C prompt?


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