[newbie-it] LaTeX

2001-09-26 Thread luigi pinna

qualcuno mi sa dire dove e come scaricare il tex e il
latex? poi mi date anche eventuali istruzioni

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Re: [newbie-it] LaTeX

2001-09-26 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, luigi pinna wrote:

 qualcuno mi sa dire dove e come scaricare il tex e il
 latex? poi mi date anche eventuali istruzioni

non hai bisogno di scaricarlo, e' gia' sui dischi di Mandrake.
Ti diro' di piu': potresti averlo gia' installato nella installazione di
default. (Io non me ne ero accorto).
Devo dire che l'installazione di default e' favolosa.

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
 Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

Re: [newbie-it] LaTeX

2001-09-26 Thread luigi pinna

 non hai bisogno di scaricarlo, e' gia' sui dischi di
 Ti diro' di piu': potresti averlo gia' installato
 nella installazione di
 default. (Io non me ne ero accorto).
 Devo dire che l'installazione di default e'
io ho la mandrake 8.0 e gia` li? e come faccio a
usarlo a parte lanciando da terminale?

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Re: [newbie-it] LaTeX

2001-09-26 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 11:02, mercoledì 26 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
  non hai bisogno di scaricarlo, e' gia' sui dischi di
  Ti diro' di piu': potresti averlo gia' installato
  nella installazione di
  default. (Io non me ne ero accorto).
  Devo dire che l'installazione di default e'

 io ho la mandrake 8.0 e gia` li? e come faccio a
 usarlo a parte lanciando da terminale?

Dal menu, sotto office, trovi sia klyx che suo cugino lyx, ovviamente se è 
stato installato.

[newbie-it] Riconoscimento scheda di rete

2001-09-26 Thread Alessandro Piaser

Ciao a tutti,
ho da qualche settimana installato Linux, per la prima volt, Mandrake 8.0
Nella fase di riconoscimento dell'hardware: con Hardrake se non mi ricordo
non mi ha riconosciuto la scheda di rete, che compare nella voce del ?.
Andando a vedere i dettagli c'è scritto che la scheda non è stata
riconosciuta e di inviare il mesaggio col codice prodotto alla mandrake.

Nel dischetto della scheda di rete una
D-Link  DFE-538TX Fast Ethernet
c'è una directory linux con dei files che dovrebbero essere i drivers in
codice sorgente (con estensione .c) da compilare in base a quanto ho letto
nel readme.txt

Ma la domanda è: come si fa?
dato che mi dice che devo compilarli in /usr/src/linux
e non ho la directory linux ma RPM?
Ringrazio anticipatamente chi mi risponderà.


[newbie-it] basta !!

2001-09-26 Thread massimo t

Per favore cancellatemi da questa dannata lista 
ho mandato più di una volta la mail con il 
desiderio di cancellarmi, ho seguito le istruzioni, ma la mia casella continua 
ad essere infestata da questi messaggi !
qualcuno li fermi !

Re: [newbie-it] Richiesta info using MDK...

2001-09-26 Thread freefred

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 12:37, Stefano Salari wrote:

 Generalmente i programmi che non sono utility di
 sistema vengono installati sotto /usr/local/bin.
 Come diceva Luigi, se installi da rpm puoi vederlo con
 rpm -ql pacchettoinstallato, se invece compili da
 sorgenti puoi vedere la documentazione allegata oppure
 puoi vedere qual'e' il default dello script
 ./configure (che di norma e' il primo passo per la
 compilazione di un pacchetto).

puoi usare anche il comando locate, un po' generico (e devi
attendere l'aggiornamento del database )
o i comandi which
o whereis.


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Re: [newbie-it] mdk 8.0 si dimentica della stampante

2001-09-26 Thread -= Mang =-

  Ciao a tutti, Ciao C.Ch.
Anche il mio pinguino è smemorato e si dimentica della stampante.
Strano caso, anche lei è una Epson Laser (epl 5700)
Forse si tratta proprio di un bug tra cups e le laser Epson...

ps. Una curiosità: La stampante è già attesa al momento del boot (o 
meglio dell'avvio di cups)???
Non è che per caso (sto inventando una teoria) all'avvio Cups tenta di 
comunicare qualcosa alla stampante (non so cosa, forse gli chiede se sta 
bene...) e, non trovandola, la cancella

Ora provo a metterci sopra le mani... magari se ci capisco qualcosa di 
più su cups (era così bello lpr, ma cups è molto più potente ...) te lo 
faccio sapere

ciao a tutti


C.Ch. wrote:

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 09:47, Andrea Celli wrote:

Prova a togliere kudzu dai servizi lanciati al boot,
di default lo e`.

purtroppo ho controllato i servizi e daemons e ho visto che:
1. kudzu è disattivato al boot
2. cups è attivo
quindi continuo a non capire.

ciao, andrea

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[newbie-it] Iomega Zip 100 USB

2001-09-26 Thread Alessandro Piaser

Ciao a tutti,
c'è qualcuno che saprebbe dirmi ome si fa a far riconoscere lo Zip USB su
Mandrake 8?
Grazie in anticipo.


[newbie-it] Problema con Modem esterno + GPA

2001-09-26 Thread Sergio Dogliani

Ciao a tutti!
Innanzitutto scusate scrivo con Outlook Express e non con
Kmail, ma come capirete fra un po' ho un problemino da
risolvere, anzi due.
Sono andato sul sito di GPG e mi son scaricato GPA. Sono
riuscito ad installarlo ed a importare tutte le mie chiavi
pubbliche da PGP 7.0.3 di Windows.
Solo che ora ho un altro problema: come faccio ad
importare la mia chiave privata?
Da PGP 7.0.3 mi sono esportato il file *.asc con la mia
chiave pubblica e privata, solo che quando faccio importa
in GPA riesce solo ad importarmi la mia chiave pubblica.
Per la chiave privata come devo fare? Non vorrei dovermi
ricreare da capo le chiavi!!!
Come si dovrebbe fare con GPG?
Un mio amico che ha installato Linux da poco tempo ha un
modem esterno che non riesce a far funzionare. Queste sono
le caratteristiche che mi ha spedito:

Nome: EXTERNAL MODEM V.90 and K56Flex Ready 56000 bps
  (N.B. Windows lo riconosce come: Motorola 56k Data Fax Voice
PnP Mc143450rdk)
Marca: ThunderCom (sito internet: www.thundercomhld.com)
Caratteristiche tecniche:
- Modello 56Mx, Modem esterno 56000 bps;
- Standards: V.80, V.90 ready, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22A/B,
V.23, V.21;
- Correzione errore e compressione dati: V.42LAPM, MNP 2-4, MNP 10,
V.42bis, MNP 5;
- Protocolli Fax: 14400 bps, ITU-T V.17, V.29, V.27ter, V.21 Group 3,
Class 1;
- Interfaccia: RS 232;
- Velocità in linea: 300 - 56000 bps;
- Velocità del DTE: 300 - 115200 bps;
- Comandi AT estesi.

Il modem dà segnali di vita, solo che si blocca appena comincia a
comporre il numero e dice che la linea è occupata. Interrogando il modem
sembra tutto ok. Qualcuno sa come risolvere il problema?
Grazie 1000 a chiunque avrà la pazienza di rispondermi!!! Scusate.


[newbie-it] Linux

2001-09-26 Thread Pierre Houben

Un saluto a tutti.

Visto che sono nuovo, due righe.

Mi chiamo Pierre, vivo a Ferrara, e' da tre anni che uso computer ed ho 
cominciato per caso ed anche un po' per scelta sul lavoro con Apple.
Mai avuto esperienze Win od altro prima.
Attratto dalla filosofia Open Source e dalla gratuita' ho installato da poco 
la Mandrake 8.0 per PPC su di un PowerBook della Apple Computer, un G3 
Pismo 400 Mhz, 10 GB di hard disk tripartito (due per Mac OS in HFS+ ed una 
per Linux, ognuna di 3,1 giga, in quella di Linux c'e anche una piccola 
partizione di scambio formattata in HFS di 140 MB).

Mi si presentano due problemi:

1- le impostazioni della tastiera non cambiano, di default rimane qualsiasi 
scelta io faccia dal Centro di Controllo quella che sembra essere una 
tastiera US, io ho una tastiera Italiana Mac (razza strana - qwerty, i numeri 
vanno battuti premendo shift)

potete notare che mi ci sto' abituando, ma correggere ogni volta e dover 
pensare dove sia la M la W e la Z, i vari segni di punteggiatura e caratteri 
non e' divertente alla lunga.

2- non riesco a stampare, ho una Epson 870 Stylus Photo USB, ho trovato i 
driver in Linux, ho specificato come porta USB, ma niente non riesce a 
stampare la pagina di prova anche aspettando per un po'.

Altre specifiche sul PowerBook:

Processore 400 mhz
Scheda Video ATI Rage 128
RAM installata 384 MB
Modem interno 56 K V.90 (funziona in Linux)
Due porte USB
una ha collegato il mouse   (funziona in Linux)
l'altra un Hub Usb a cui ho collegato:
un TA ISDN della DrayTek(non ancora testato)
uno scanner Canon 1220 U(non ancora testato)
la stampante Epson Stylus Photo 870 (non funziona)
Due porte Fire Wire
Ethernet 10/100 Tbase

Piu' altre uscite di cui non conosco bene le specifiche (suono, S/video, 
duplicazione monitor, IRDA, ...)


Pierre Houben

Re: [newbie] Help Please peoples?? is this a reiser problem???

2001-09-26 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:08:48 +0800, Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi ,,
 I mentioned this last night, but noone really knew so I am asking again in
 the hope that someone can give me a tip here...
 I have a mandrake 7.2 system, and when I rebooted it last night, all sorts
 of things went wrong...
 First, GDM stopped workin, and I had to use failsafe to kill that at boot
 (along with all the other non essential servers...)
 Now, if I boot to any kernel, I either get blank screen, or i get the
 default linux console screen, with the penguin, and it asks for my login,
 which if I type it just goes to the next line and doesn't prompt for a
 I have alot of html and perl work on this machine that I hadn't yet backed
 up, so its imperrative that I get this distro, functional,,,
 I am of the feelin that its been some sort of File system corruption (all
 partitions are reiser except /boot)
 but from looking at the failsafe logs, there isn't much wrong with
 how I go about using the rescue disk to mount the hard drive and/or possibly
 to fsck it???
 what is the command for fsck for reiserfs??

man reiserfsck

I don't think it's a FS problem, but give that a shot before you try anything

 does anyone have any ideas??  also, why do I get the blank screen at
 login... (or a prompt that doesnt' ask for you passwd???)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
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Re: [newbie] Gartner Group Suggests Dumping IIS

2001-09-26 Thread shane

all i know is if god is lurking on the list, (so as to be offended) he (or 
she) might post once in awhile and answer some questions...

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 20:00, you spoke unto me thusly:
 Of course, using the lower g might be offensive to the Almighty! :)

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Re: [newbie] PCMCIA on Toshiba335CDT Laptop

2001-09-26 Thread Mike

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 17:49, Shaka Zulu wrote:
 Hi All

 I just installed Mandrake 8.0 on my Toshiba335CDT Laptop.  However, in
 order to get it to work I had to go through an interactive boot and
 disable the PCMCIA service, then once I got it up and running I had to
 chmod the /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia file in so that it isn't executable
 anymore in order for the machine to boot on its own.

 My NIC is a PCMCIA card, so I need to figure out how to get this service
 working.  The funny thing is that it worked during setup, and setup even
 recognized the NIC card, it just freezes up trying to boot with the pcmcia
 service enabled.

 Any suggestions?  Your help and input is much appreciated!

 - Shaka


I had a similar problem with my Toshiba 2520CDS. I found out that you may 
need to go into the Tosh Hardware Setup and change the PCIC settings from 
automatic to PCIC compatible. That worked for me and both my network and 
modem PCMCIA cards work perfectly now.

mike   aka granpaz

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[newbie] linux for sony ps2?

2001-09-26 Thread Mohammed Arafa

just wondering but is there a mandrake version or any linux version for the
if yes.. where can i d/l it?
and will i still be able to play the ps2 games?

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[newbie] i686?

2001-09-26 Thread Rick [Kitty5]

Hi all

Is there an i686 compile of Mandrake (or any other distro for that matter),
and what (if any) real world advantages would it have over a similar i586


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Re: [newbie] Nimda virus

2001-09-26 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 22:27, you wrote:
  The Javascript method is only a problem if you use any IE version below
  6.  Of course, the media seems to think the whole world uses IE too. =)

 And sadly, my server logs say they're right.  Sheep, meet cliff... jump.

As a matter of interest. Do your server logs tell you if a user accesses your 
site using a browser which identifies itself as Internet Explorer like Opera 
does? And how does Konqueror identify itself? Would anyone even know if these 
minority browsers were gaining popularity?

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RE: [newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-09-26 Thread FLYNN, Steve

It's been done to death loads of times. 

The overall result is don't worry about it, it's an idle task which soaks up
unused cycles for accounting purposes. It's not really using ANY of your
processor cycles.

Look at the output from 'top' in a console. Check out the CPU utilisation
figures at the top of the display. See?

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

-Original Message-
From:   Rick Commo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:11 AM
Subject:RE: [newbie] kapm-idled?

The characteristic as seen on my 8.1b3 machine - 850Mhz Duron with
512MB -
is that if nothing else is happening I see a background usage of
about 45%
utilitzation if I am eyeballing the little usage display accurately.

However, as soon as I move the mouse or do any real work and stop,
the CPU
usage is flat for a bit then kapm-idle kicks in.

I was going to ask the same question my self if I couldn't find an
answer in
the archives.


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Re: [newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-09-26 Thread etharp

 we have answered this so many times, you know we should come up with a 
better answer, something with a little humour, kinda like the unsub fee for 
folks trying to unsub on list.

On Wednesday 26 September 2001 08:05, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 It's been done to death loads of times.

 The overall result is don't worry about it, it's an idle task which soaks
 up unused cycles for accounting purposes. It's not really using ANY of your
 processor cycles.

 Look at the output from 'top' in a console. Check out the CPU utilisation
 figures at the top of the display. See?

 Steve Flynn
 NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
 * 01603 687386

   -Original Message-
   From:   Rick Commo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:11 AM
   Subject:RE: [newbie] kapm-idled?

   The characteristic as seen on my 8.1b3 machine - 850Mhz Duron with
 512MB -
   is that if nothing else is happening I see a background usage of
 about 45%
   utilitzation if I am eyeballing the little usage display accurately.

   However, as soon as I move the mouse or do any real work and stop,
 the CPU
   usage is flat for a bit then kapm-idle kicks in.

   I was going to ask the same question my self if I couldn't find an
 answer in
   the archives.


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 Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
 Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
 York YO90 1UU
 Registered in England Number 3253947
 A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group
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 Member of the Association of British Insurers.

 For further Enquires 01603 622200

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Re: [newbie] is this a good way to test a modem

2001-09-26 Thread Rick [Kitty5]

 if the modem states it will run under Dos will it run under Linux?

I would think so

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Re: [newbie] i686?

2001-09-26 Thread Rick [Kitty5]

 It depends on the program. XFree86 seems to run better on my system

did you just download it, or compile it yourself?


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RE: [newbie] is this a good way to test a modem

2001-09-26 Thread John Clegg

Logic would say yes, but life often isn't like that! If it will run under
DOS it isn't a Winmodem, so the omens are good, but you do need to check for
available drivers.

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:29 PM
 Subject: [newbie] is this a good way to test a modem
 if the modem states it will run under Dos will it run under Linux?
 Robert MacLean

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[newbie] CD Writer

2001-09-26 Thread Niklas Herder

I'm thinking about buying a CD Writer, so I would really like some tips and
advice on which is the best price/performance/Linux - wise?



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Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

2001-09-26 Thread shane

well you can start here http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,s2085867,00.html

but it doesn't look promising.

On Wednesday 26 September 2001 02:37, you spoke unto me thusly:
 just wondering but is there a mandrake version or any linux version for the
 if yes.. where can i d/l it?
 and will i still be able to play the ps2 games?

Psychic Convention. If you belong there, you will KNOW when and where.

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Re: [newbie] creative modem

2001-09-26 Thread s

On Wednesday 26 September 2001 09:31 am,  Robert MacLean wrote:

 Does anyone here have a creative blaster modem (external or internal).
 I just want to check that it is a real modem rather than a winmodem.
 And does M8 or M8.1 support it?

 Thanx a ton


My husband has the isa modemblaster.  It works fine in linux.

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[newbie] Question on SiS 6326

2001-09-26 Thread Allen H

I have an old sis6326(AGP) card and have a question to anyone using it
or has used the card.

Why is it that I can't go up to 24bpp on 800x600, or even 16bpp on 
1024x768 in X ?
It won't work with any window manager, even blackbox; or doesn't 
this matter at all.

I read somewhere on the web that it allegedly supports all the 3D bells and 
whistles, and can do 24bpp on 1024x768.

Can anyone help me regarding the jumpers on this baby?
There are a pair of jumpers on the card and I can't find any info
on how or what they're used for?

TIA. Any help appreciated(as usual).
No hostility here whatsoever ;-).


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Re: [newbie] CD Writer

2001-09-26 Thread Robert MacLean

I have an AOpen 16/10/32 and it is wonderful.
Speed is fast. I wrote M8 to CD in about 4 minutes per CD from ISO.
It's got all the JustLink and JustSpeed stuff so you don't ruin cd's.
So far I've written 25 odd CD's and only had 1 coffee cup holder, and
that was due to windows more than the writer.
Everything works with it.

Also I found that some of the new CD-RW's won't read or write in older
CD Writers's read and write perfectly in this one.

AOpen CD writers are actually Ricoh cd writers, AOpen simply rebrands
them. Thats also why Ricoh is always a step ahead of AOpen ;)

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: Niklas Herder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:51 PM
Subject: [newbie] CD Writer

 I'm thinking about buying a CD Writer, so I would really like some
tips and
 advice on which is the best price/performance/Linux - wise?




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RE: [newbie] creative modem

2001-09-26 Thread John Clegg

If it is external then it can't be a Winmodem because it only has a serial

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 2:31 PM
 Subject: [newbie] creative modem
 Does anyone here have a creative blaster modem (external or internal).
 I just want to check that it is a real modem rather than a winmodem.
 And does M8 or M8.1 support it?
 Thanx a ton

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Re: [newbie] DiskDrake resize

2001-09-26 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 17:03:26 -0400

 In reply to Miark's words, written Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:57:34 -0600
 Does DiskDrake resize ext2 and/or Reiser partitions?
 I am not sure if it can resize non-destructively. For resizing (at least for
 ext2) you can resort to GNU-parted. You can find that through

You can also use Ext2resize.
Both it and parted are included in 8.0 but neither is install by default.
Just use the SW Mgr/installable/flat list.


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Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

2001-09-26 Thread Robert MacLean

try this
it's in Japanese (sorry if I spelt that wrong) but there is a link to
translate it to English

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

 well you can start here

 but it doesn't look promising.

 On Wednesday 26 September 2001 02:37, you spoke unto me thusly:
  just wondering but is there a mandrake version or any linux
version for the
  if yes.. where can i d/l it?
  and will i still be able to play the ps2 games?

 Psychic Convention. If you belong there, you will KNOW when and

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RE: [newbie] creative modem

2001-09-26 Thread John Clegg

As far as I know even a USB modem can't be a Winmodem. A winmodem has a lot
of its processing done by the main processor, and to achieve this it has to
be internal and on a fast bus.

 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Kramer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] creative modem
 John Clegg wrote:
  If it is external then it can't be a Winmodem because it 
 only has a serial
 But I understand there are some external USB modems.  Don't know what
 software they require or whether there is any chance one or 
 more of them
 aren't supported under Linux.
 Anyone know?
 Randy Kramer

Any views expressed in this message are the sender's own, and do not
represent the views of Nailsea Family Practice or Woodspring Healthcare
Limited except where the sender specifically states them to be the
views of one or both of those organisations. This e-mail should only be
read by those persons to whom it is addressed. Accordingly, we disclaim
all responsibility and accept no liability (including in negligence) for
the consequences of any person other than the intended recipients acting,
or refraining from acting, on such information. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and we simply request that
you delete this document. Any form of reproduction, dissemination,
copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of
this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

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[newbie] sony memory stick floppy adapter

2001-09-26 Thread Valerie Cheng

i lost my usb cable, and decided to go for the floppy since it's less of 
a hassle to use.

does the sony memory stick floppy adapter(MSAC-FD2MA) work like any 
floppy? linux would be able to read it if i put it into the floppy drive 

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Re: [newbie] Linux on iMac (ppc)

2001-09-26 Thread Steve Borrett


The ISO image you downloaded should be bootable already, you don't
have to do anything extra to make it bootable, other than hold down the c
key to force the Mac to boot from CD.
So simply burn the ISO image to a cd, using Toaster or similar, and reboot with
CD 1 in the drive.


I have recently purchased a new iMAC and i would like to install Mandrake on
it to to be a local file intranet and file server. I got the iso images of
mandrake distribution but unfortunately I do not know how to create a
bootable CD under MAC OS 9.1 (i got a cdrw).

Please if you know of any proggy that can make my life easier let me know :)

Thank you in advance and all your opinions and suggestions are welcome.



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Re: [newbie] creative modem

2001-09-26 Thread Randy Kramer

John Clegg wrote:
 If it is external then it can't be a Winmodem because it only has a serial

But I understand there are some external USB modems.  Don't know what
software they require or whether there is any chance one or more of them
aren't supported under Linux.

Anyone know?

Randy Kramer

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2001-09-26 Thread José Albano

I wanna to know if someone has installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 in a PC with the 
following configuration:
Processor: AMD Athlon 1 Ghz
Motheboard: Gigabyte 7DXC
RAM: DDR 256 MB PC2100
Card Video: nVidia TNT2 m64

Is this hardware compatible with this operating system?


Descargue GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer en http://explorer.msn.es/intl.asp

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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-26 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Good one Mark!
When I'm home, on my Linux box, VI  Pine are tools of choice. 
Unfortunately here at work, I'm on a Win2k PC (shudder), and Mozilla is 
the best I can do from here...
It serves the purpose.


Mark Weaver wrote:

 :) i'm told that real men us VI and Pine.
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Re: [newbie] M$ Works file format

2001-09-26 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 26 September 2001 05:54, Tim Holmes wrote:
 Do y'know how funny that Micro$HAFT made a program called Works
 just like the rest of their products, it's horrible.  Microsoft
 Works makes just laugh doesn't it?

Actually the last DOS version (v3) was great - I ran a 4 -year research 
programme with nothing more and I had half the process automated with 
1-key macros. It's been crap ever since it was ported to Windows, though.

 Well on to why I'm emailing.  My girlfriend likes to write in M$ Works,
 and then later emails me some of the things for my proof reading.  Well
 what do I open these up in?  I tried to open them in Star Office, and

As I recall the Works wp format was really just a simplified MS-Word 6 
file (ie pre-Word97). You could also see if it is listed on wotsit.org

Or get a new girlfriend. One who uses a proper program. 
Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

The first human being who hurled an insult instead of a stone 
was the founder of civilisation.

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[newbie] Auto email check

2001-09-26 Thread adam

Right, I'm getting really lazy in my old age.

Since recent posts have indicated that it's ok to leave your pc on for 
long periods of time, I would like mine to dial up and check my email.

I'm using Netscape6.1 for email and news. Is there any script or package 
out there which will do this for me? Or, can Linux be configured to do 
it automatically. I dial in on a modem, so do not have 24/7 access.



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[newbie] Buy ML best way? Install updates? desktops?

2001-09-26 Thread Altaira

Good Day to everyone,

I did a half ass install as a dual O/S.  Then the three
(root, user, admin =ME) deleted all hda's and did a proper
install.   BIG DIFFERENCE!

After years of working at a job where I had to be compatible
with them,
and no longer having the job, I went to a local store - LM8
was purchased.

#1 -   The local store is a large chain, if I am buying and it
Linux out I would think this method- large chain store- would
be the least
effective. Is there a better way or am I thinking wrong?

#2 - I haven't even had the little guy for a month and already
he has
grown to 8.1.  If I wish to purchase the CD's, well, will I
need to
redo every thing again or will it just be certain updates, or
just let my-man-drake do it or. . . . .
Possible site that tells what is updated?  Please.
I don't know if it is out of respect or fear I am afraid to
play with
him.  So unlike me.

#3 - Is there a recycle / reuse for the older version of the
   (contact - www.MiniFrisbee.org??? or do I frame them
   under glass and hang on the wall?)

#4 - I want two desktops, with each containing it's own
   programs, yet they may perform the same function.
   An example would be- Netscape in one and a different
   browser/e-mail in another.  Would this create a

Twit = Netscape - when used in the NON LX O/S.
(If Netscape is used on the desktop in an HTML function non
 it changes the plain text mode in e-mail v 4.7?)  It also
asks how would you like this sent even when it is set for
plain text.)
Sorry if anybody got hit. I believe I did, and I know who.  I
was unaware
of this happening as I just downloaded my textbook, and was
following the links etc.  Oh well no more, that's fine.
I have not found an acceptable replacement.

Sorry again, and thanks for the help and guidance.

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[newbie] custom cd linux installation.

2001-09-26 Thread george

noted a post asking info to make multi installations of linux.

did you find help?

if not, reply your request. i can offer contact with someone
on another list, who, iirc, wrote a custom installation,
burn bootable cds.



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RE: [newbie] creative modem

2001-09-26 Thread Franki

not true, there are usb modems that are winmodems, I know because I had
one,, it even used a commonn lucent windmodem chip..

It was a KTX usb winmodem, and it was basically a rebadged pegasus.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Clegg
Sent: Thursday, 27 September 2001 12:22 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] creative modem

As far as I know even a USB modem can't be a Winmodem. A winmodem has a lot
of its processing done by the main processor, and to achieve this it has to
be internal and on a fast bus.

 -Original Message-
 From: Randy Kramer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] creative modem

 John Clegg wrote:
  If it is external then it can't be a Winmodem because it
 only has a serial

 But I understand there are some external USB modems.  Don't know what
 software they require or whether there is any chance one or
 more of them
 aren't supported under Linux.

 Anyone know?

 Randy Kramer

Any views expressed in this message are the sender's own, and do not
represent the views of Nailsea Family Practice or Woodspring Healthcare
Limited except where the sender specifically states them to be the
views of one or both of those organisations. This e-mail should only be
read by those persons to whom it is addressed. Accordingly, we disclaim
all responsibility and accept no liability (including in negligence) for
the consequences of any person other than the intended recipients acting,
or refraining from acting, on such information. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and we simply request that
you delete this document. Any form of reproduction, dissemination,
copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of
this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

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RE: [newbie] Auto email check

2001-09-26 Thread Franki

I created some files for the newbies here...

called dial and hangup

I but them somewhere in the path, (like sbin) and dial basically contains
the command: ifup ppp0 (and it restarts postfix and  sets sendmail to send
queued mail...) and hangup contains: ifdown ppp0

then you can make a cronjob for hanging up and dialing...

shouldn't be that tough..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of adam
Sent: Thursday, 27 September 2001 6:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] Auto email check

Right, I'm getting really lazy in my old age.

Since recent posts have indicated that it's ok to leave your pc on for
long periods of time, I would like mine to dial up and check my email.

I'm using Netscape6.1 for email and news. Is there any script or package
out there which will do this for me? Or, can Linux be configured to do
it automatically. I dial in on a modem, so do not have 24/7 access.



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[newbie] MySql port?

2001-09-26 Thread Scott Thurmond

Hi, all.

I am looking to write some apps that will connect to a mysql database.

I have the jdbc driver but I am not sure what port mysql is listening on.
Can anyone help me find the port number?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] 2nd CD and sharing files

2001-09-26 Thread george

 Frank McKenna wrote:
 Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

that they do frank.

 Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
 someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
 someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

this is true.

so please disable your html so we can foregive you. ;)




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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-26 Thread george

Anke  Max wrote:

 Gidday All
 it is easier to teach good habits, than it is to change
 bad habits.

 Well said g


thank you max. i do hope all of this does help 'all us newbies'.

  perseverance can be a reward.



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Re: [newbie] Linux on iMac (ppc)

2001-09-26 Thread Randy Kramer

Steve Borrett wrote:
 The ISO image you downloaded should be bootable already, you don't
 have to do anything extra to make it bootable, other than hold down the c
 key to force the Mac to boot from CD.
 So simply burn the ISO image to a cd, using Toaster or similar, and reboot with
 CD 1 in the drive.

Well, you have to be careful.  There are actually to ways you can burn
the iso onto a CD.  One way just puts a copy of the iso file on the CD
(which will not be bootable), the other way burns it so it is a
duplicate of the original CD (or whatever) -- individual files are
accessible, and the disk is bootable.

I'm not sure of the proper terminology, or of the proper way to do it in
all programs.

In Easy CD-Creator, under Windows, you must use the menu choice Create
CD from disc image and then specify the proper image file.  Easy
CD-Creator can work from an iso file or their proprietary image file --
I can't remember the extension, but it is the default.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-26 Thread george

Richie de Almeida wrote:

 Sorry George, I was just contributing to the conversation.

 I kinda wondered if I wasn't making myself clear but you understand
 your position well enuff you didn't take any offence!
 The thread itself was talking about a particular bad response to
 HTML email
 so that was the 'freaking-out' I was referring to.  Most people are
 on the list but it's one bad egg that spoils the bunch, you know?

thank you for your responce.

no problem, apoligizes accepted.

you had me wondering if i was failing in my frugal attempts.

 I beleive that to a real Newbie, the Linux community can seem really
 difficult to get into (open-source, closed-community), sort of clique-ish.

'sort of clique-ish'. now that is being kind. ;)

 It's not as bad as the days of BBSing on my C64 but I still notice the same
 bad behaviour every now-and-then. So when someone comes down hard on a Newbie
 for not sticking to rules they don't understand maybe it's up to the rest of
 us to remind everyone to lighten up a bit... It's not just the code that's
 open source, the P.R. is up to all of us as well!

i sometimes wonder about those who jump hard on newbies. like, maybe
they have some deep supression from early developement. like did
they have trouble with their parents understanding and being able
to explan to them why their panties are wet. ;)

 Take it easy and I'll see you in the Newbie list!

God willing and creaks do not rise.



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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-26 Thread Randy Kramer

george wrote:
 i mean cleaning up posts, cutting out slim and other none help.
 editing posts of unneeded quotes, sigs, repition. such, that in end,
 you have a neat, consice, informative bit of info gathered, so that a
 newbie can gain understanding and help from.

Well, Ok, yes, in a sense.

I'm working to setup a TWiki site which I will call WikiLearn.  Here are
a few sample pages:


(These are temporarily on somebody else's TWiki until I get my own going
(which has been a slow process).

The idea is to record my (or other's) experiences in learning something
to make it easier for the next guy to learn the same thing.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] installing Linux over Win NT or viceversa

2001-09-26 Thread fred august

I'm trying to install Red Hat Linux over Win NT (have
to use an old version, unfortunately) or viceversa.
Which is suggested? I've tried both and haven't really
succeded in any. Windows has a nazi approach of
eliminating everything it finds...

Please don't answer why installing WIN NT at all...
I'd rather not... but have to.



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Re: [newbie] forwarding mail w postfix, procmail fetchmail -woe is this newbie

2001-09-26 Thread WCBaker

Hi!Using postfix, procmail  fetchmail on Mandrake 8.0 I got fetchmail
to poll other addresses and to ostensibly forward mail to another account.
Fetchmail polls successfully but the following code in .procmailrc doesn't
seem to do the trick:

:0 H
! somemailaddress.com

So fetchmail polls Janet at the uvic.ca account and successfully finds mail
(when it is, in fact there).  Then procmail ought to send the mail snagged
to Janet.   IF I ASK procmail to forward internal mail to an internal
account it is happy to do so and everything is perfect.   If I ask procmail
to forward mail polled from elsewhere, it seems to send it off into
cyberspace somewhere because the mail disappears off the server, is
announced to me, and then is gone forever.   External forwards do not work
for me.

I have a feeling that the problem is a lack of consistency of settings
between postfix, procmail and fetchmail.  For example in the documentation I
noted something in postfix about the prepend_delivered_header with a setting
of command, file, forward.   However I didn't fully understand the
explanation of this and whether it would bear on my problem.

Any suggestions?



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[newbie] Installing Zip drive on 8.0

2001-09-26 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

Can anyone tell me how to do this please?



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[newbie] AOL and Mandrake 8.0

2001-09-26 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

Has anyone heard of aol being got running using WINE or WIN4LIN or 
something like that? I ask because I'm using aol as a dial-up (flat rate 
unmetered access) while waiting for NTL cable modem to come to my area!



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Re: [newbie] Installing Zip drive on 8.0

2001-09-26 Thread Jeremy D

Are you adding the drive to your machine (i.e.
post-install of Mandrake)?  My parallel port Zip100
drive was detected during installation (v8.0) -- works
great!  I had fewer problems with it than I had with
my floppy drive (permission stuff if I remember

All the necessary drivers should be installed when you
set up Mandrake.


--- Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to do this please?
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Re: [newbie] Digital Camera use with Linux

2001-09-26 Thread tazmun

Dear Group

I want to thank all of you for your helpful input on this subject.  I wound
up with an Olympus D-100 which I believe is even the Gphoto list only it
shows a D-100z???  However in windows 2000 it does set up exactly like
ultima notes below.  So I have every reason to believe that this will work.
I'm reading that one of the 8.1 features is that it will automatically put
an icon on the screen when you hotplug the USB for a new driveassuming
my interpretation of what they are saying is correct.  That would be really
nice, simple, and conveniant.  So far have not had time to try the linux,
but will let the group know if I get it working.
- Original Message -
From: ultima
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tazmun
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Digital Camera use with Linux

USB is preferable to serial transfers, for speed and convenience.
And you won't need Gphoto.  I have a Fuji camera with Smartmedia
cards and LM8.0, and the system reads the Smartmedia card just
like a hard drive. If you get a USB smartmedia card reader, you can
read and write to the card.

Plg in the camera to the USB port and let the system detect it.  Then you'll
be able to mount it from /dev/sda1. 
 On Tuesday 25 September 2001 01:55, you wrote:
Both have USB working in Linux for printers at this point.  Is the USB
  interface to downloading from digital cameras doable or am I better off
  stay with the older serial transfer interface.  I'm open to
suggestions and

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Re: [newbie] Hardware: Soltek SL-75MAV KM133A

2001-09-26 Thread skinky

On Thursday 27 September 2001 01:28, you wrote:
 Does anyone know of any problems running Mandrake 8.0/8.1 on the
 following hardware:

 AMD Duron 800
 Soltek SL-75MAV series mainboard with:
 North Bridge VIA VT8365A (KM133A)
 South Bridge VIA VT82C686B
 Integrated Savage4 2D/3D Video Accelerater
 AC97 Digital Audio onboard

 A friend of mine who wants to try Linux has this setup but when he tried
 to install RedHat 7.1 it choked on it for some reason.  He wants to try
 Mandrake, probably 8.1 when it comes.

 I keep hearing bad things about VIA chipsets and onboard graphics, but I
 can't figure out what's what with Linux and hardware.


I'm using with Mandrake 8.0 (2.4.3-20mdk):
AMD Athlon 1GHz
Soltek SL-75KAV mobo
North Bridge VIA VT8363A (KT-133A)
South Bridge VIA VT82C686B
crappy old S3 2MB video card
AC97 Digital Audio onboard
60GB IBM DTLA-307060 ATA-100 hard drive

Only problem is that my chipset has my hard drive running on udma2 (33MHz) 
instead of the udma5, so is supposedly reading slower than it should.  
However, I think this has been worked around in a later kernel - I just 
haven't gotten around to compiling a newer kernel.  This may not apply in 
your friend's case anyway with the KM133A.  No problem with the sound.


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Re: [newbie] Installing Staroffice on 8.0

2001-09-26 Thread Joan Tur

Es Wed 26 Sep 2001 21:49, Gordon Burgess-Parker va escriure:
 I have staroffice as a *.bin file - how do I install it on 8.0? ( I want
 to do a network install 'cos I have multi users, I know about the -net
 filter 'cos I did it in Windoze!)
Run it:
./staroffice_5.2.bin /net

and choose for instance /usr/local/soffice52

/net means network install.  Running /usr/local/soffice/program/soffice as 
user will create ~/soffice directory settings.

And in 8 it won't create a link in Kde menu... but it's easy to do, isn't it? 

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] SWAT

2001-09-26 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi gang

When trying to start SWAT I get the log on screen asking for a username and 
password. However nothing I enter allows me access. 

I have tried as root and as a user, but to no avail.

Is there a trick to this.

Thanks and regards

Mark A

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[newbie] downloading installing

2001-09-26 Thread Peter Rymshaw

I have not once, with the exception of files on the
CDs, been able to download and install files without
difficulty. Partly, it has simply been because I
didn't know how, but it seems that even when I try to
build on my painfully acquire experience, or follow
the directions given (which seem to vary from one to
the next) it never works. I've even found that half of
the RPMs I try don't work (tell me that the file
already exists when it doesn't).

The latest is a plug-in for audio and vidio streaming
called Plugger. I downloaded it and printed out the
instructions for re-compile (make), install in your
own directory and install globally.

Make returns a message that says its not necessary.
cp plugger.so to my directory seems to work (although
I'm not sure, I simply did not get any error from the
command line after doing it). But when I try to read
files on the Web, it still tells me that I need this
file in order to view.

Very frustrating--one problem after another.

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.  ---  Albert 

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Re: [newbie] SWAT

2001-09-26 Thread Joan Tur

Es Thu 27 Sep 2001 04:20, Mark Annandale va escriure:
 Hi gang

 When trying to start SWAT I get the log on screen asking for a username and
 password. However nothing I enter allows me access.

 I have tried as root and as a user, but to no avail.
It works for me logging in as root.  Check with drakxservices if swat is up 
and running...

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Hardware: Soltek SL-75MAV KM133A

2001-09-26 Thread Oleksiy Dushyn

I have almost the same hardware except processor (I have AMD K-7-850). Up to
this time I have no problems with the LINUX Mandrake 8.0. The RedHat 6.2,
Mandrake7.x have had problems like processor panik. So, do not worry your
computer will work very good.

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Cecil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: newbie mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] Hardware: Soltek SL-75MAV KM133A

 Does anyone know of any problems running Mandrake 8.0/8.1 on the following

 AMD Duron 800
 Soltek SL-75MAV series mainboard with:
 North Bridge VIA VT8365A (KM133A)
 South Bridge VIA VT82C686B
 Integrated Savage4 2D/3D Video Accelerater
 AC97 Digital Audio onboard

 A friend of mine who wants to try Linux has this setup but when he tried
 to install RedHat 7.1 it choked on it for some reason.  He wants to try
 Mandrake, probably 8.1 when it comes.

 I keep hearing bad things about VIA chipsets and onboard graphics, but I
 can't figure out what's what with Linux and hardware.


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Re: [newbie] SWAT

2001-09-26 Thread Admin


I just installed swat.  Have you made sure the proper entries were made in 
the xinitd.conf and services file?



On Wednesday 26 September 2001 20:20, you wrote:
 Hi gang

 When trying to start SWAT I get the log on screen asking for a username and
 password. However nothing I enter allows me access.

 I have tried as root and as a user, but to no avail.

 Is there a trick to this.

 Thanks and regards

 Mark A

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Re: [newbie] downloading installing

2001-09-26 Thread Sleeper N


  When you installed your Linux did you include the development tools?  When 
you download the software I found that you must have a fast and reliable 
connection.  Then you need to make sure that you download inst.iso (the 
installer) and the ext.iso (the extensions for the development).  Using and 
FTP would be your best bet. That may explain some of the problems you are 
having.  And with rpm are you trying to install from the command line?  Try 
it from the GUI it will give you a list of what you have installed and what 
you don't.  It will also tell you what support files you need for that 
program.  Try that until you get the hang of the command line.  Hope this 
helped a little.  I know how frustrating it can get.  I've had lots of 
practice ;-) So keep trying and don't give up.


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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-26 Thread Jesse C. Chang

Mark Weaver wrote:

 :) i'm told that real men us VI and Pine.

Pine?  Real men use mailx.  :)

Jesse, not a real man (I use elm).

   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best.  -- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-26 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Thursday 27 September 2001 00:47, Jesse C. Chang wrote:
 Mark Weaver wrote:
  :) i'm told that real men us VI and Pine.

 Pine?  Real men use mailx.  :)

Sorry, real men don't need no steenkin' computer ...

Michel (obviously not ...)

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

The first human being who hurled an insult instead of a stone 
was the founder of civilisation.

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Re: [newbie] Installing Zip drive on 8.0

2001-09-26 Thread Charles A. Punch

I'm not sure,but I think there might be way do that during boot up in 
interactive mode,in the part where you mount or unmount local drives. 
Might be worth a try before re-installing


Registered Linux user #217118

Jeremy D wrote:
 Are you adding the drive to your machine (i.e.
 post-install of Mandrake)?  My parallel port Zip100
 drive was detected during installation (v8.0) -- works
 great!  I had fewer problems with it than I had with
 my floppy drive (permission stuff if I remember
 All the necessary drivers should be installed when you
 set up Mandrake.
 --- Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to do this please?



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Re: [newbie] 2nd CD and sharing files

2001-09-26 Thread george

Frank McKenna wrote:

 Thanks but I just checked and these messages are supposed to be
 going out in plain text.  If these are going out in HTML format
 then I am sorry but I am not sure where else to change my settings

you must have found it. this is 'text/plain'

 Please find below a copy of my original message:
 I have burned the second CD for mandrake 8 but the DVD player will not

can not help you on that one. no dvd.

i just looked over latest from lm list, did not note a responce to
your html. just you and me in this thread.

do what ever you did to em you sent me and send with
 'subject: [text test]' and 'testing mail server configs' in body.

if you can 'expand headers', look at your reply header.
you should see someting similar to,

  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
  X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.

this is from your html page,

 Content-Type: multipart/related; type=multipart/alternative;
   X-Priority: 3
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.
X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.



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Re: [newbie] A bit of foward thinking?

2001-09-26 Thread george

Joseph Braddock wrote:

 Sorry, Nostradamus never said/wrote that.  You left off the date of
 1654 which normally is at the end of this,

not true. i only passed along what i found in enews,

-=- from old email -=-

~*~*~ Tuesday, September 18, 2001 ~*~*~ 

Nostradamus... Did He Fortell The Tragedy?

I have been inundated with email telling me that Nostradamus
predicted the tragedy of the World Trade Center AND The 
Pentagon. Its pretty fascinating stuff (our sister company
PulseTV.com even sells a video about him... see below) and I 
found myself surfing around the Internet trying to find out 
more about his prophecies. I came upon this site. It's nothing
fancy, but seems to have the most comprehensive collection of
his quatrains. Check it out by visiting: 
a href=http://www.faqs.org/faqs/nostradamus;Nostradamus/a
!!! Read Quatrain from Nostradamus, and then see the VIDEO !!!

In the year of the new century and nine months, from the
sky will come a great king of terror. The sky will burn at
45 degrees...fire approaches the great new city...there will
be thunder. Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the
fortress endures. The great leader will succumb. The third
big war will begin when the city is burning. Nostradamus

 NY is on the 45th parallel. Two brothers - Twin towers? 
   The Fortress - The Pentagon?
 Will this video let YOU see tomorrow?

To order for $19.98 Visit: 
a href=http://ads.pulsetv.com/al/a?aid=491ent=419; Click Here/a


if they are wrong, you may want to inform them...

so, what is your input on next,,,

-=- more from old email -=-

  \\  - -  //
   (  @ @  )
 |kris carlier - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 |   Freedom of speech has been suspended  |
 |  [RESUME] [OK] [CANCEL] |
 | KC62-RIPE SMS: +32-475-61.43.05 |
  oooO   (   )
 (   )) /
  \ ((_/

In 1555, Nostradamus wrote: 'Come the millennium, month 12,
in the home of greatest power, the village idiot will come
forth to be acclaimed the leader.'

-=- end old email -=-

from which;_   _
  O   / ) ( \   O
 happy(   )  / (   ) \  (   )
   feet\ (  (   ) (   )  ) /
\_) O O (_/

 but since Nostradamus died in 1566, it be hard for him to make this

liars figure. figures do not lie. some times 2 figures lie.

 I believe it was written by a Canadian college student in the 90s,
 doing a paper on Nostradamus.  He was trying to point out that the
 predictions are so vague you can make them mean anything.  Case in
 point, he drafted this one as part of his paper and used it to
 prove various events in the past.

most all predictions are vague. knowledge of exactness could
be very dangerous.

 You can go to www.ulrc.com.au for more information.

i would like to hotlink http://www.ulrc.com.au to see what you
are referencing. a deeper link would be nice.

being that you know what and where what you recall is and
i do not, how about checking further. may be a few others,
who are interested, but do not have time to spend looking. ;)


 On Wednesday 26 September 2001 07:53 pm, you wrote:
 tho he may have said,

 In the year of the new century and nine months, from the sky will
  [[ see quote above ]]
 when the city is burning.  -- Nostradamus


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