[newbie-it] Euro simbolo

2001-10-31 Thread luca pedrielli

Ciao a tutti,
vi funzia in kde il simbolo dell'euro(AltGr+e)?

A me appare un punto di domanda ?.
In Gtk funziona correttamente, ed anche in RedHat7.2 :-(.
Penso di avere seguito correttamente le indicazioni
date in merito nel sito Mandrake.


Re: [newbie-it] kdm e failsafe

2001-10-31 Thread Andrea Colanicchia

Il 16:52, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho installato una mdk8.1 e da kdm non riesco ad accedere
 alla window del failsafe in basso a destra.
 La windows appare regoralmente, ma non riesco a darle
 il focus ed il cursore non lampeggia.
 Succede solo  a me ?


Hai scelto come set di caratteri l'ISO-8859-15 (Latin 9)?

Re: [newbie-it] kdm e failsafe

2001-10-31 Thread luca pedrielli

Alle 17:28, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Il 16:52, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
  Ciao a tutti,
  ho installato una mdk8.1 e da kdm non riesco ad accedere
  alla window del failsafe in basso a destra.
  La windows appare regoralmente, ma non riesco a darle
  il focus ed il cursore non lampeggia.
  Succede solo  a me ?

 Hai scelto come set di caratteri l'ISO-8859-15 (Latin 9)?

Si, ma non capisco cosa centri col failsafe.

Re: [newbie-it] kdm e failsafe

2001-10-31 Thread Andrea Colanicchia

Il 17:35, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Alle 17:28, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
  Il 16:52, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
   Ciao a tutti,
   ho installato una mdk8.1 e da kdm non riesco ad
   accedere alla window del failsafe in basso a destra.
   La windows appare regoralmente, ma non riesco a darle
   il focus ed il cursore non lampeggia.
   Succede solo  a me ?
  Hai scelto come set di caratteri l'ISO-8859-15 (Latin

 Si, ma non capisco cosa centri col failsafe.

Per una svista ho risposto a questa tua email invece 
dell'altra con oggetto Euro simbolo.
Quindi, considerala come una risposta all'altra email.

Solo il set di caratteri ISO-8859-15 (Latin 9) ha il 
simbolo dell'euro. E' un set di caratteri che estende il 
precedente, ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1), aggiungendo l'euro e 
probabilmente qualche altro simbolo.

Ciao, Andrea.

Re: [newbie-it] kdm e failsafe

2001-10-31 Thread luca pedrielli

Alle 16:52, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho installato una mdk8.1 e da kdm non riesco ad accedere alla
 window del failsafe in basso a destra.
 La windows appare regoralmente, ma non riesco a darle
 il focus ed il cursore non lampeggia.
 Succede solo  a me ?


Per essere più preciso, la cosa mi capita se esco da una sessione
di kde.


[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2001-10-31 Thread manuel paez


[newbie-it] ADSL con 3com dual link

2001-10-31 Thread OKreZ

Salve a tutti, io uso mdk 8.1 e vorrei effettuare una connessione adsl con un 
modem 3com dual link (collegato via ethernet), so che bisogna fare delle 
modifiche al file di configurazione pppoe.conf ma non so quali: qualcuno 
saprebbe suggerirmele ? grazie !

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL con 3com dual link

2001-10-31 Thread OKreZ

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 21:19, you wrote:
 Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 20:50, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, Voi, Notabile

 OKreZ, avete dipinto:
  vorrei effettuare una connessione adsl con un
  modem 3com dual link (collegato via ethernet),
  so che bisogna fare delle
  modifiche al file di configurazione pppoe.conf ma non so quali

 Mi pare di ricordare che gia' in quel file pppoe.conf ci fosse
 qualche riferimento a quel modem.
 Cmq a questo indirizzo (curato da uno dei guru di
 it.tlc.telefonia.adsl) trovi quello che s'ha da fare:
 Ciauz, Lk

Grazie mille cmq subito dopo aver postato ho trovato la stringa da 
decommentare :)))

Re: [newbie-it] Supermount

2001-10-31 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Speranza Francesco [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Mi devi scusare ma ho fatto un errore di
 trascrizione ; ho dimenticato di
 mettere lo slash,  ma in effetti il file fstab è
 scritto correttamente e cioè
 : /mnt/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom supermount

  0 0
  /mnt/cdrom2  /mnt/cdrom2 supermount

  0 0
 ma nonostante cio ricevo il messaggio  non hai i
 permessi per leggere il
 cdrom. Che devo fare per avere sti permessi?
 Ciao , Francesco
Scusami se ti rispondo cosi' in ritardo...! Forse ti
mancano i permessi per accedere al dispositivo o al
mount point.
Puoi garantire il permesso di lettura a tutti gli
utenti con il comando chmod a+r /dev/scd0 /dev/scd1
(man chmod per le informazioni sul comando).

Ciao. Steo. 


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[newbie-it] domandina

2001-10-31 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve a tutta la list.

Ho un breve quesito da porvi.

Ho 2 PC con Mandrake 8.1 montata sopra. Uno fa da server, e si collega alla 
rete Internet tramite ADSL.
Il server ha indirizzo IP, il secondo ha un IP che gli viene 
assegnato dal server tramite DHCP.

Il client naviga bene in rete (come del resto il server). Il problema è che 
al successivo riavvio (in pratica quando riaccendo i PC), il client non 

Devo quindi riconfigurare l'Internet Connection Sharing del server, e tutto 
funziona di nuovo a dovere.

Vorrei automatizzare il processo (che per altro sembra già sù...).


Grazie alla list che seguo con estremo interesse.


[newbie-it] Aiuto!!XF86Config

2001-10-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ho installato Linux Mandrake nel mio pc,come mi avevano detto:è una lotta!!!e infatti 
non riesco a trovare nessuna configurazione che mi permette di avviare Linux in 
modalità grafica...o meglio quando lancio startx mi da un errore in un file della 
cartella X11,dice che non trova nessun monitor...premetto che sono un principiante e 
dopo l'installazione da CD...sono bloccato,non ho praticamente fatto nulla. Ho provato 
a seguire le istruzioni di configurazione sull'XF86Config trovate in rete,dicevano che 
lanciando questo comando sarei riuscito a scegliere la config(da ERRORE).Solo 
ripetendo l'installazione riesco a modificare:il monitor,la scheda video di cui ho 
visitato il sito del produttore e non mi da nessun drivers(solo un file TXT in 
TEDESCO) per sistemi Linux...la mia scheda è ELSA GLADIAC MX. Durante l'ultima fase 
dell'installazione,riesco a scegliere il monitor e la scheda,ma da prompt Linux come 
si fa!!!Sempre durante l'installazione ho scelto la minor configurazione possibile per 
monitor e scheda video,al comando startx lo schermo diventa un casino di 
linee,barette,a volte colorate e a volte noinsomma sono nel casino più 
totaletanto che quasi quasi torno al Windows!!Aiuto, non voglio!!!  


Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto!!XF86Config

2001-10-31 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 02:42, giovedì 1 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], avete dipinto:
 la mia scheda è ELSA GLADIAC MX.
Mi pare di capire che quindi il chipset sia l'NVIDIA GeForce, no? Nel 
corso delle domande che xf86config [e' _questo_ il comando] ti porra' 
apparira' anche quella che si riferisce al database delle schede, 
rispondendo affermativamente vedrai un elenco di diverse decine di 
schede, cerca quella suesposta e, a richiesta, digita il numero a 
fianco e poi continua.
Altrimenti puoi apportare le modifiche manualmente: fai una copia di 
sicurezza o poi modifica il file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, scendi fin dove 
trovi: Section Device
Lascia stare quella della vga cosi' com'e' e passa alla sezione dopo; 
troverai una riga Driver, sostituisci quello che c'e' scritto con: 
Driver nv

N.B. qualche riga piu' sopra si parla di 'HorizSync' e di 
'VertRefresh', e' di _vitale_ importanza che quelle frequenze siano 
quelle corrette per il tuo monitor [c'e' scritto tutto nel manuale al 
seguito] ... a meno che a breve tu non voglia mettere in preventivo di 
prendere un altro :)

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 *** MDK 8.1 - kernel standard

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto!!XF86Config

2001-10-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ciao ,
prima di tutto ti ringrazio infinitamente,ho visitato i link dell'ultima mail che mi 
avevi mandato...e le cose cominciano a schiarirsi...GRAZIE..GRAZIE..GRAZIE!!! Vedo che 
anche tu fai le ore piccole
-devo usare kedit per modificare il file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ???
-il file XF86Config,è un comando per la configurazione??se si, per lanciarlo da root 
devo farlo precedere da ./???
Ancora infiniti GRAZIE.


[newbie-it] kdm e failsafe

2001-10-31 Thread luca pedrielli

Ciao a tutti,
ho installato una mdk8.1 e da kdm non riesco ad accedere alla
window del failsafe in basso a destra. 
La windows appare regoralmente, ma non riesco a darle
il focus ed il cursore non lampeggia.
Succede solo  a me ?


Re: [newbie-it] ADSL con 3com dual link

2001-10-31 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 20:50, mercoledì 31 ottobre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
OKreZ, avete dipinto:
 vorrei effettuare una connessione adsl con un 
 modem 3com dual link (collegato via ethernet),
 so che bisogna fare delle 
 modifiche al file di configurazione pppoe.conf ma non so quali

Mi pare di ricordare che gia' in quel file pppoe.conf ci fosse 
qualche riferimento a quel modem.
Cmq a questo indirizzo (curato da uno dei guru di 
it.tlc.telefonia.adsl) trovi quello che s'ha da fare:
Ciauz, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 *** MDK 8.1 - kernel standard

[newbie] port 6000

2001-10-31 Thread shipahoy

I did a netstat and noticed that my machine is listening on port 6000. I think this is 
something to do with the Xserver, and it probably isn't necessary for it to be 
listening on a single user machine. 

Any idea how to turn this service off?

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Re: [newbie] Strange Mount Problem

2001-10-31 Thread skinky

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 20:21, Neville Cobb wrote:
|  When I boot md 8.1 and try to transfer a file from my home partition to
|  my vfat partition I receive an error message Can't write to
| /dev/win_d. The strange thing is that if I unmount the vfat partition
| and remount it I can then transfer the file to the vfat partition.
|  Is there one file or process that configures the partition on boot and
|  another when I unmount/remount the partition.
|  Has any one got any clues to where I may start looking.
|  Nev

see thread with subject : Win partition

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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RE: [newbie] port 6000

2001-10-31 Thread Franki

If you used Netstat for your own machine, then you will have port6000 open,

as I understand it, localhost needs 6000 for X to function properly, close
it on you firewall as no other
IP's other then localhost need it unless you have an unusual setup.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shipahoy
Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2001 5:46 PM
Subject: [newbie] port 6000

I did a netstat and noticed that my machine is listening on port 6000. I
think this is something to do with the Xserver, and it probably isn't
necessary for it to be listening on a single user machine.

Any idea how to turn this service off?

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Re: [newbie] setting up proxy server

2001-10-31 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Ron,

Thanks for your further advice.

I think your first step, Stephen, is to clearly define
what you want to *do* with all that hardware.  Until
you do that, it's difficult to advise you more

I am planning using the Linux box, a slower machine with following config. ;

CPU Pentinum 133
Hard disk   3.6G

as Proxy server, SMB server for printer and firewall.

If it can't work then I will convert the Win 98 PC, with following config., 
as Linux server serving a Linux Box, Win ME and Win XP ;

CPUPentinum II  350
Hard disk   6G
RAM   128MB

Have you had any suggustion ?  Also the size of each partition for Proxy 
server, SMB server and Firewall ?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't work (GNOME, Enlightenment, M8.1)

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:03:35 +0200, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My problem is that I can't get themes to work the way they should in
 I select a theme (i'm trying to get aqua to work) but all it does is
 change enlightenment's menu, and the title bars. In the screen shots
 it changes the windows as well. Any idea how to get it to change the
 windows as well?

I think you may be confusing GTK+ themes with Enlightenment themes. Both are
separate, and are installed independently.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
-- informal Xerox PARC slogan

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Re: [newbie] Virtual desktops in Linux-Mandrake and XP

2001-10-31 Thread etharp

bub, I bee's a mechanic too... you will just have to READ,read, read, and 
read some more. this list is comprised of realy smart (read; head of 
MandrakeSoft Quality Assurance team, tech for UUnet (the people that run the 
point of presence that AOL and EArthlink connect and contract to), (and 
probly 75% of who dials up the internet other than local Telephone Co.) and 
regular folks that have decided that really they ain't one of the Sheep with 
a tithe to give M$. any question you can think to ask, I bet you can find an 
answer on this list. WELCOME. 

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 18:20, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 I appreciate everybodies help it's just some of the emails I get I am
 clueless to.  Talking about codes, mounts, etc etc etc.  I'm lost.  I ask a
 question and I get a breakdown of the system and how to manipulate the
 code. Not that I don't appreciate it, but I'm confused even worse.

 I'm not a programmer, I'm a mechanic with no intentiions of becoming a
 programmer or network administrator.  I just like using the computer alot.
 Playing games, surfing the net and chatting.  I'm just sick of windows
 fubaring every 20 minutes or my downloads are lost because I got
 disconnected because windows used up all my ram.

 And I think thats your problem  wasn't meant as a slam or anything. It
 was just in general as in that's my opinion of the problem.  Example:   I
 think you have a problem with your lifters slapping the top of your
 pistons.  It's not you it's the car.  Don't take it personal wasn't
 directed at you. But anyways I am pleased with Mandrake, it just seems that
 most of the newbies are wicked smart with linux, unlike me.

 Metamorphysical a.k.a.  Clueless

 On Tuesday 30 October 2001 14:39, you wrote:
  I don't know to whom you implied the I think thats your problem.
  Personally, many here and everywhere would love to see Microsoft
  disappear from the face of the earth. Personally, I am currently running
  Linux-Mandrake 8.0, MacOS X, and WindowsXP. I love them all. Personally,
  I wish I could get them in all into one box and just shift between all
  three. I have Mandrake newbie since the beginning of March. I am learning
  and will be learning this and many other things until the day I die or go
  into a coma. Its only hard until you learn and someone takes the time to
  help. This list is very helpful, but like anywhere else there are those
  with the patience while others with the best intentions don't quite have
  that understanding patience with you.
  Anyone can learn anything if they are committederr dedicated not
  locked up in an insane asylum.

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Re: [newbie] Netscape?

2001-10-31 Thread Robert Beach

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 22:03, you wrote:
Cool Thanks

 On Tuesday 30 October 2001 07:02 pm,  Robert Beach wrote:
  Does netscape work on KDE and if it does what directory is it under?

 why sure.
 the executable for 4.7 as installed by mandrake installer:

 I also have a newer version in /usr/local/netscape


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Re: [newbie] hehehe

2001-10-31 Thread etharp

shouldn't that be rm -rf usr/bin/laden (without the quotes, of course?)

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 21:12, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 rm -r usr/bin/laden

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] text issues

2001-10-31 Thread Derek Jennings

Subject: Re: [newbie] text issues
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:55:45 +
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are a couple of things you can do to improve font rendering (I am
assuming you are using LM8.1)

1/ Import your fonts from your Microsoft partition if you have one.
Control Centre  System  Fonts  get Windows Fonts
For legal reasons Mandrake are not allowed to ship coyrighted fonts, so the
windows ones are generally better.

2/ Enable anti aliasing in kde  Look N Feel  Fonts

3/ Go to http://elektron.its.tudelft.nl/~rbos36/mdkfreetype2.html
where a kind person has posted an RPM of the freetype fonts that come with
Mandrake with Byte Code Interpreting enabled.
Mandrake ships with BCI disabled for legal reasons

4/ I noticed with 8.0 that fonts appearance could be improved by careful
selection of font size. Some sizes looked crummy while the next size up would
look fine. Can't say I've noticed that with 8.1 however.

My fonts look great  :-) I mostly use Tahoma  (A microsoft font)


On Wednesday 31 October 2001 10:29, you wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 03:11, David Reynolds wrote:
 |  In hoping for a better encore than my last failed question, I'll pose
 | this one to the group: What is the way to solve the horrific font
 | rendering problems with some Linux programs. Konqueror and word
 | processing programs seems to be the worst offenders, but it also gets
 | into control panels, etc so that they become virtually unreadable.
 |  David Reynolds

 Hi David
 I haven't seen a response to your problem so I'll have a go.

 What font are you using?  I use helvetica for just about everything
 (Konqueror, menus, toolbar, etc) and they look fine.  However, as my
 graphics card is an old 1MB S3, anti-aliased fonts look terrible.  I had
 to turn that option off in kcontrol (KDE Control Center)  LookNFeel 
 Fonts and then restart X.

 With OpenOffice my fonts look terrible all the time.  I am just about to
 order a few upgrade bits for my pc (yipppeee!) - including a graphics card.

 Perhaps you have the same problem???  If you have anti-aliased fonts
 selected, try turning it off - or perhaps your problem is the exact
 opposite and you should enable anti-aliasing.

 Good luck


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Re: [newbie] Installing new rpms from disks

2001-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

 On Tuesday 30 October 2001 16:35, you wrote:
  One word Huh?.
  Mounting cd's at the command prompt?
  And what does fstab mean?
  I am clueless to all of this.  I'm newbie of newbies really.
  I know what the command prompt is but I don't know squat of
  commands. Does linux have a page of command definitions or
  something I could look up and print out?


 To get started, try typing 'apropos whatyouwanttodo'.
In this case that would be 'apropos mount'.  You'll get a listing 
with a brief description for each, for all available commands havin 
to do with mount.  Then typing 'man mount' will describe how to use 
the mount command, and refer you to related commands.

   Problem is, the MAN(ual) pages were written by and for people who 
already understand everything ;)  So it's tough learnin in the 
beginning, but you're gonna need to get your feet wet sooner or later.

   If you don't want to use the command line, you could use Disk Free 
to mount your CDROM.  It's on your K menu under Applications | 
Monitoring. Just right click on the drive and choose mount (or 
unmount) in the dialog box that appears. Many of us have been using 
it since supermount broke. 
Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
  chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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[newbie] konqueror and netscape plugins

2001-10-31 Thread maurizio . laudone

hi everyone
I just installed the rpm  to use the netscape plugins with Konqueror..well...I
cannot start konqueror anymore.any idea  about why this  is happening???or
where should I start playing to fix it??? I'd rater use Konqueror..it's
faster and nicer looking than mozilla...personal opinion!!!)

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Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't work (GNOME, Enlightenment, M8.1)

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

GTK+ handles what is _inside_ the windows (buttons, scrollbars, etc.), also
known as widgets. Enlightenment handles the window frames, including the title
bars. Each has its own theming system, and so to have a uniform look you need to
use similar GTK+ and Enlightenment themes.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:22:29 +0200, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 okay i'm not following. under gnome i have a theme selected (which
 changes the widgets etc... very nice, but not aqua)
 so when i try enlighenment (by itself or as gnomes wm) i use the aqua
 enlightenment theme.
 now it appears to use the gnome theme for the windows and the aqua
 theme for the title bars.
 are you saying i need to find the gnome aqua theme to get the windows
 right as well?

 Robert MacLean
 - Original Message -
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mandrake Newbie List
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't work (GNOME,
 Enlightenment, M8.1)
  On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:03:35 +0200, Robert MacLean
   My problem is that I can't get themes to work the way they should
   I select a theme (i'm trying to get aqua to work) but all it does
   change enlightenment's menu, and the title bars. In the screen
   it changes the windows as well. Any idea how to get it to change
   windows as well?
  I think you may be confusing GTK+ themes with Enlightenment themes.
 Both are
  separate, and are installed independently.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Are you all on drugs? Get your acts together, guys.
   Stop blathering and frothing at the mouth
-- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Attention: Civileme

2001-10-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Hi. I was wondering if you could help. I've posted this before, and so far
I've not gotten a reply that works. (thats why I'm asking you smile)

I have a TV tuner card. Works fine with XawTV. Have an XawTV icon on my
desktop that I can NOT remove. (normal user desktop here). Its listed as:


when I try to delete it, it says:

Access denied to

I can su, or from my root account delete it. Until I reboot. Then its right
back there again...

Any ideas on how to get rid of the darn thing permanently? (Its ugly, and I
can't even rename it!)

Thanks much.


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Re: [newbie] hehehe

2001-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 12:17 am, Joseph Zitt wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 06:44:34AM +0100, hellmut wrote:
  Better would be rm -rf /usr/bin/laden;o)
   rm -r usr/bin/laden

 or as I saw in a .signature on Slashdot:

 chmod +x /bin/laden

   Might been where I shamelessly stole it. 'Course I had to add a 
little of my own embellishment  ;)

Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
  chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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[newbie] MS VS open standards

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I figured that this link was fitting, seeing the discussions that have taken
place on this list over the past few days:


Sridhar Dhanapalan

GNU/Linux: because I reboot less often than Windows users reinstall...

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Re: [newbie] hehehe

2001-10-31 Thread me

skinky wrote:
 On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:12, Jennifer wrote:
   rm -r usr/bin/laden
 Hehe... and just to be on the safe side:   # rm -Rf /bin/laden
 But what ... is it good for?
 (Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,
 commenting on the microchip)
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
cat justice.pl

if (-x /bin/laden) {
unlink '/bin/laden';

sleep $peacefully;
Open Source Web Developer
Unix/Linux Web Server Administrator

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] text issues

2001-10-31 Thread David Reynolds

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 05:57 am, you wrote:
 Subject: Re: [newbie] text issues
 Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:55:45 +
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are a couple of things you can do to improve font rendering (I am
 assuming you are using LM8.1)

 1/ Import your fonts from your Microsoft partition if you have one.
 Control Centre  System  Fonts  get Windows Fonts
 For legal reasons Mandrake are not allowed to ship coyrighted fonts, so the
 windows ones are generally better.

Actually I'm using 8.0 as 8.1 hadn't shipped when I had my computer built 
last month. There is a Fonts screeen in Control Center (under Look-n-Feel) 
but no option to import Windoze fonts. I did find it under DrakFont instead. 
I'll reboot this afternoon and see how the fonts look..

 2/ Enable anti aliasing in kde  Look N Feel  Fonts

Hmmm, Anti-aliasing has never been on on this computer, maybe that's the 
problem. Of course, font troubles are less of an issue right now because...
My monitor is stuck in 480x640 mode! I'm having a Manhattan-esque real estate 
problem here! When it initially got set up by the shop (I know, should have 
done it myself it had 800x600 which is plenty, but I tried to find the actual 
monitor type in the list, rather than the generic, and since then it has been 
unable to climb out of the dark ages (okay, 1980s). My graphic card is an 
nVidia GeForce2 and I am getting zero use out of it...any suggestions? No 
matter what generic monitor settings I choose I cannot get the test screen to 
go beyond 480x640. 

 3/ Go to http://elektron.its.tudelft.nl/~rbos36/mdkfreetype2.html
 where a kind person has posted an RPM of the freetype fonts that come with
 Mandrake with Byte Code Interpreting enabled.
 Mandrake ships with BCI disabled for legal reasons

 4/ I noticed with 8.0 that fonts appearance could be improved by careful
 selection of font size. Some sizes looked crummy while the next size up
 would look fine. Can't say I've noticed that with 8.1 however.

 My fonts look great  :-) I mostly use Tahoma  (A microsoft font)

I'll keep all that in mind if this doesn't work. Currently I'm using Lucidia 
for most of my fonts. Konq still does ugly things with system fonts 
sometimes, making them much too small, etc. However with my limited screen 
space I don't want everything in 14 font just so I can read 3 words per line.

David Reynolds
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, design a building, write a sonnet, set a bone, comfort the
dying, take orders, give orders, solve equations, pitch manure, program
a computer,  cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. 
Specialization is for insects.  -- Robert Heinlein

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[newbie] The Old Java /Mozilla Question...

2001-10-31 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have Mozilla 0.9.4 build 2001100112

Its working perfectly well, I went to one of my sites which has a JAVA
applet in it,,

Mozilla poped out and asked me to download the Java plugin, which I did,
(for linux of course)

anyway, after a long download, the applet still doesn't work, there is a
directory in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

So its there, but Mozilla doesn't recognise it and prompts me to do it

This has probably been answered many times, but I searched the archives and
found no answer..

i do not have NS6.1 installed.. why would I ? I have mozilla, this is
running on mdk8.1 (or should I say not working.)

any suggestions would be much appreciated.



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[newbie] /etc/logrotate.conf

2001-10-31 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have added the following lines to /etc/logrotate.conf
# system-specific logs may be configured here
/var/log/messages {
   rotate 5
   create 0644
 /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd
Previously log was rotated on 16 23 30 Sep.Even on Oct 31st log is not 
Any clues?
my original file above this addition was
# see man logrotate for details
# rotate log files weekly
# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4
# send errors to root
errors root
# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones
# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed
# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d
# no packages own lastlog or wtmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root utmp
rotate 1
# system-specific logs may be configured here
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
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[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] The Old Java /Mozilla Question...

2001-10-31 Thread Ralph Slooten

Hehehe, I had this problem once too... you need to symlink a file:

cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

ln -s java2/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so

That worked for me :-)



On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Franki wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have Mozilla 0.9.4 build 2001100112

 Its working perfectly well, I went to one of my sites which has a JAVA
 applet in it,,

 Mozilla poped out and asked me to download the Java plugin, which I did,
 (for linux of course)

 anyway, after a long download, the applet still doesn't work, there is a
 directory in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

 So its there, but Mozilla doesn't recognise it and prompts me to do it

 This has probably been answered many times, but I searched the archives and
 found no answer..

 i do not have NS6.1 installed.. why would I ? I have mozilla, this is
 running on mdk8.1 (or should I say not working.)

 any suggestions would be much appreciated.



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RE: [newbie] The Old Java /Mozilla Question...

2001-10-31 Thread Franki

I didn't have to do that. the link was already there, I didn't notice at
first, I tried to copy the file from the /bin into the plugins directory,
and it tried to overwrite itself, (ie the symlink was pointing it back to

I found a ControlPanel app in the bin directory,  I ran that, selected JRE
instead of plugin, applied it, and shut down it and mozilla, then restarted
and it worked... so I went back into the controlpanel, set it back to
plugin, and applied it, and closed the control panel, then started mozilla
again and it still worked, go figure???


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ralph Slooten
Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2001 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] The Old Java /Mozilla Question...

Hehehe, I had this problem once too... you need to symlink a file:

cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

ln -s java2/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so

That worked for me :-)



On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Franki wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have Mozilla 0.9.4 build 2001100112

 Its working perfectly well, I went to one of my sites which has a JAVA
 applet in it,,

 Mozilla poped out and asked me to download the Java plugin, which I did,
 (for linux of course)

 anyway, after a long download, the applet still doesn't work, there is a
 directory in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

 So its there, but Mozilla doesn't recognise it and prompts me to do it

 This has probably been answered many times, but I searched the archives
 found no answer..

 i do not have NS6.1 installed.. why would I ? I have mozilla, this is
 running on mdk8.1 (or should I say not working.)

 any suggestions would be much appreciated.



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RE: [newbie] ftp not work

2001-10-31 Thread Orazio . Sgalbiero

Hi Dech,

I experienced the same error and it was because proftpd used the same port
as ftpd. (both were installed)
Also, check your should check your (pro)ftp config files in /etc

-Original Message-
From: dechao wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: mercredi 31 octobre 2001 16:10
Subject: [newbie] ftp not work

I installed Mandrake Linux8.0, defaultly, proftpd was
installed. But when i use ftp, i got the following
Connect: connection refused

I am sure that the proftpd is running. Because when I
type /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd restart, it says as
Shutting down proftpd:   [  OK  ]
Starting proftpd:[  OK  ]

any idea about how to solve it?


Nokia Game is on again. 
Go to http://uk.yahoo.com/nokiagame/ and join the new
all media adventure before November 3rd.

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Re: [newbie] midi playback problem

2001-10-31 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 20:59:31 +0200 (EET)
Ville V Sinkko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have an SBLive. I haven't done any configuring on it (because I
 have no clue how it's done), but I suppose that Mandrake has configured
 it as it saw fit. MP3's are playing fine with xmms, but I can't
 play midi files: (x)playmidi says it can't find a playback device.
 How do I get the system to acknowledge the fact that I _do_ have one?

Are you using LM8.0 or LM8.1? What is in your /etc/modules.conf file?
You can use playmidi -e to send output to external midi but I don't
think that's what you want. You can also use kmidi or timidity for software 
synthesis. I know Jose M. Sanchez has gotten his SBLive working in LM8.1
using the ALSA drivers and the onboard wavetable synthesizer. HTH,


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Re: [newbie] konqueror and netscape plugins

2001-10-31 Thread Derek Jennings

I had the same issue over the weekend. I was unable to launch konqueror.
After removing or editing the .konquerorrc file I could open it the next time 
I logged in and it would work until the next log in. Other people have had 
success by removing the .DCOP files at each login.

It was suggested (Michael I think) that the kdebase-nsplugins-2.2.1-7mdk 
package was the problem. I removed it and now it has been working for 3 days 
without a repeat of the problem. So I conclude there IS something wrong with 
the package.

The solution might be to go to kdebase-nsplugins-2.2.1-13mdk
 which is on cooker, but since this is tied in to the objprelink version of 
kde, and there are a lot of dependencies I intend to wait a few weeks until 
the consenus is that the objprelink release is a good one.

In the meantime I am just putting up without Flash in konqueror. Galeon and 
Opera5.05 both handle Flash just fine..



On Wednesday 31 October 2001 13:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi everyone
 I just installed the rpm  to use the netscape plugins with
 Konqueror..well...I cannot start konqueror anymore.any idea  about why
 this  is happening???or where should I start playing to fix it??? I'd rater
 use Konqueror..it's faster and nicer looking than mozilla...personal

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[newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
  chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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RE: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Mitchell, Edmund

Sad but true.

At work, I had to install XP to test my software, and I was shaking my head
that after you install XP, you have 30 days to 'activate' it with M$.
Fail to do so, and the software locks up.
Do so, and that 300$ OS is then tied to that machine - legally, even if that
machine breaks, or if you just upgrade to another machine, you have to give
M$ another 300$ for another copy.

Our 233 Mhz, 64 MB test box can _barely_ budge under the load of XP.  What a


 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:12 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary
 Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
   chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] MSN.com and MS in general.

2001-10-31 Thread michael


I read everything you write even if I don't have the particular problem
because you have a very high 'right-on' to 'bullshit' quotient. Thanks for
hanging out with us newbies!!
- Original Message -
From: Michael D. Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MSN.com and MS in general.

 I might be wrong -- not saying ms was right to block browsers -- but I
 thought that ms was concerned about css, not javascript. You're approach
 addresses javascript, not css. I'm sure you know this, but I'll say it
 to make my point clear: For css, you have to check for browser type, not
 for javascript objects. While css and javascript can be combined they are
 two seperate things, and if you think that your page won't *display*
 properly due to css issues, then you should check for browser type.
 what I do. Oftentimes you need a css sheet for netscape and another css
 sheet for internet explorer. (I'm new to linux, so not sure if I'll need
 yet another for unix systems.)

 Actually, I have never had to have 'separate' stylesheets for the
 browsers.  I take the time to develop a template that will work properly
 all browsers (or at the very least, Netscape 4.7x, Netscape 6.x, Mozilla
 .9x, and Opera on a variety of platforms).  For other browsers, I make
 that my website will 'degrade gracefully' (ie, making sure that the
 is actually readable in text based browsers (such as lynx, links) and
 earlier versions of netscape and IE).

 Granted, that such attention makes a prototype take longer to develop.
 last one I did that was cross - browser / cross - os took me about 4-5
 months to design, develop, and perfect.  However, using php or jsp or for
 that matter cfm, I can have a single template -- meaning that all I have
 do, is include the template with each page, and therefore have content /
 layout / style independence (ie, the styles are all in a stylesheet,
 is handled in a template file, and content is added to another file (where
 the 'template' is included).  After that, I can add content to my hearts
 content, or for that matter, change out the template for a new design
 within a matter of minutes.

 By the way, for those who are wondering, I've been dealing with web design
 / development for over 6 years now.


 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] hehehe

2001-10-31 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 04:12, you wrote:
 rm -r usr/bin/laden

It might still be in memory so you'd better do

killall usr/bin/laden

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] Netscape?

2001-10-31 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 03:02, you wrote:
 Does netscape work on KDE 

It's still on the payroll, but really it's just goofing off while awaiting 

and if it does what directory is it under?

Open up a terminal and type

locate netscape

That will tell you a fair bit

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] logfile location?

2001-10-31 Thread Chadwick, Tim

I posted a few weeks ago RE: getting my USR Sportster ISDN 128k internal ISA
modem working. No one responded.
After attempting to get it to work via HardDrake by configuring it from
there, I get an unable to connect error. If I punch the log button, a text
screen pops containing the events leading to the error and the specific
error itself. My question is, where is this logfile deposited? The window
that pops has no title  I'm unable to cut/paste the contents. Also, is
there anyone else out there with this same modem that has gotten it to work
successfully w 8.1 (or any other previous version)? What other configuration
do I need to do, if any, in addition to the HardDrake stuff? I'm completely
new to Linux so I'm pretty lost in trying to get this to work. I've been
hammering at it for 3 weeks now and I'm about ready to throw in the towel
and crawl back to MS with my tail between my legs;-(. Without Internet
connectivity it's a waste of time. Again, ANY insight at all would be most
appreciated. Thanks

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Re: [newbie] Virtual desktops in Linux-Mandrake and XP

2001-10-31 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 01:20, you wrote:
 I appreciate everybodies help it's just some of the emails I get I am
 clueless to.  Talking about codes, mounts, etc etc etc.  I'm lost.  I
 ask a question and I get a breakdown of the system and how to manipulate
 the code. Not that I don't appreciate it, but I'm confused even worse.

 I'm not a programmer, I'm a mechanic with no intentiions of becoming a
 programmer or network administrator.  

Ptah! Programmers and administrators are a dime a dozen these days, but a 
competent mechanic is a rare and precious resource you share only with 
your best friends! Now, about that valve clatter on my motorbike ...

But seriously, grit your teeth and keep on reading this list and using 
Mandrake. Surprisingly soon, you will see an even rawer newbie ask a 
question about which you realise that waitacottonpickinminute, I know the 
answer to that one! At which point you will begin the long, slow ascent 
to guruhood.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Mark Johnson

I don't think you have to spend another $300 to move XP to another machine.
I think you have to tell MS that you are moving it to another peice of
hardware (or significantly upgrading the hardware) and they will deactivate
the old hardware profile and reactivate the new profile -- for free.  You
can do this either via phone or the internet.

I'm not sure what constitutes a major hardware upgrade but my guess would be
a mobo and/or cpu change.  I don't think the common user even touches this
part of their computer, and if you are upgrading these peices you typically
have to reinstall your OS anyway...  Not to be siding with MS but I think
there is a lot of exaggerated hype around the XP activation.  We have to
install it here for testing as well...  It appears no worse than how
MusicMatch, CRT, or ACDSEE works.  You'll probably start to see more
shareware and other software use this activation scheme -- I mean why not,
the internet will become ubiquitos and it makes it easy on the software
developer.  I think the real question is the licensing scheme.  Even though
I hate how MusicMatch takes over your associations they do allow you to run
MusicMatch on 3 machines using one license I think that's pretty fair.

I think XP should be allowed to run on 3 to 5 machines on a single license.
This would be suitable for freelance developers and families.  

It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing goes... will the MS users
and AOL users allow those two corporation to effectively OWN the internet
through sheer laziness and critical mass.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mitchell, Edmund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:42 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary
 Sad but true.
 At work, I had to install XP to test my software, and I was 
 shaking my head
 that after you install XP, you have 30 days to 'activate' it with M$.
 Fail to do so, and the software locks up.
 Do so, and that 300$ OS is then tied to that machine - 
 legally, even if that
 machine breaks, or if you just upgrade to another machine, 
 you have to give
 M$ another 300$ for another copy.
 Our 233 Mhz, 64 MB test box can _barely_ budge under the load 
 of XP.  What a
  -Original Message-
  From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:12 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary
  Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] make menuconfig on kernel-2.2.19-5.2

2001-10-31 Thread Keith Irvin

I upgraded my kernel from 2.2.19-4.3 to the new 5.2 version using the rpms.
I also installed the new source and kernel headers by using the rpms.  Now
when I run make menuconfig all I see is

  x x  ---
x x
  x x  Load an Alternate Configuration File   x
  x x  Save Configuration to an Alternate Filex

There are no other options.  I've tried loading an alternate config file but
that does not help.  When I install the old kernel source the menu works
fine.  Please help.


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RE: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Franki

Dems good points, but alot of people nowdays do upgrade their hardware, (or
pay people like me to do it)
and with 95/98, I used to change Motherboards without reinstalling windows
all the time..

From what I understand, you have the ability to change 3 to 5 things before
activation kicks in (the 3 to 5 depends on if you have a network card in the
PC or if its a notebook (I think notebooks can change 8 things.)

Any major upgrade kicks it in straight away though, (like the Motherboard)

OF AOL and Microsoft, I don't like either, but if AOL had half of M$'s
monopoly, I'd be alot happier, because it would mean a better fight, more
competiton cheaper pricing and neither could do anything to block users of
the other because they would lose too much themselves by doing it... it
occured to me that the Msn.com thing might have been M$ trying to convince
AOL to not use mozilla as the base of the AOL and compuserve browsers by
making sure that the current AOL browsers can use msn and other M$ sites,
but an AOL based on mozilla would not be able to.. they just didn't expect
it to come out so quickly and with such outrage.. which is funny because I
went to msn.com once many years ago, and haven't been back,, not worth the

just some thoughts..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2001 1:06 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

I don't think you have to spend another $300 to move XP to another machine.
I think you have to tell MS that you are moving it to another peice of
hardware (or significantly upgrading the hardware) and they will deactivate
the old hardware profile and reactivate the new profile -- for free.  You
can do this either via phone or the internet.

I'm not sure what constitutes a major hardware upgrade but my guess would be
a mobo and/or cpu change.  I don't think the common user even touches this
part of their computer, and if you are upgrading these peices you typically
have to reinstall your OS anyway...  Not to be siding with MS but I think
there is a lot of exaggerated hype around the XP activation.  We have to
install it here for testing as well...  It appears no worse than how
MusicMatch, CRT, or ACDSEE works.  You'll probably start to see more
shareware and other software use this activation scheme -- I mean why not,
the internet will become ubiquitos and it makes it easy on the software
developer.  I think the real question is the licensing scheme.  Even though
I hate how MusicMatch takes over your associations they do allow you to run
MusicMatch on 3 machines using one license I think that's pretty fair.

I think XP should be allowed to run on 3 to 5 machines on a single license.
This would be suitable for freelance developers and families.

It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing goes... will the MS users
and AOL users allow those two corporation to effectively OWN the internet
through sheer laziness and critical mass.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mitchell, Edmund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:42 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

 Sad but true.

 At work, I had to install XP to test my software, and I was
 shaking my head
 that after you install XP, you have 30 days to 'activate' it with M$.
 Fail to do so, and the software locks up.
 Do so, and that 300$ OS is then tied to that machine -
 legally, even if that
 machine breaks, or if you just upgrade to another machine,
 you have to give
 M$ another 300$ for another copy.

 Our 233 Mhz, 64 MB test box can _barely_ budge under the load
 of XP.  What a


  -Original Message-
  From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:12 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary
  Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] hehehe

2001-10-31 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 18:07, you wrote:
 cat justice.pl

 if (-x /bin/laden) {
 unlink '/bin/laden';

 sleep $peacefully;

chown gwbush /usr/bin/laden 
echo Yer ass is mine now, boy!
mov /usr/bin/laden /dev/null
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /tmp/Taliban
renice +1 Afghanistan
reset -m civil_liberties

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] Installing new rpms from disks

2001-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 12:09 pm, Chadwick, Tim wrote:
 I don't have Disk Free installed. Is there an RPM for that? I
 couldn't find it on rpmfind.

binary is 'kdf' and is provided by  kdeutils... rpm
( I'm usin  kdeutils-2.2.1-1tex  thanks to Texstar ;)

   If you still can't find it holler back with what Mandrake and/or 
kde version you're runnin.  IIRC, kdf has been included for a long 
time, altho it might'a not been included in one of the 7.x releases.  
For a quick chk, type (in a terminal) 
 ~ $   which kdf   [and it should return]  /usr/bin/kdf
   If it does, and you still can't find the app on your menu, try 
typing 'kdf' in a terminal to run to program.  [ kdf is typical Linux 
shorthand for Kdiskfree ]
   To check for an installed kdeutils...rpm, type
 ~ $   rpm -qa kdeutils
   If you don't show a kdeutils rpm, then make sure you're rpm 
database is up to date, as root, type
 ~ $ su
 /home/tom # rpm --rebuilddb   
[ignore the home/tom part, it's just the dir I was in].  In all the 
above examples, the ~ $, or #, is just my prompt, so don't type that 
part either ;)  and try again.

If you don't have kdeutils installed, Software Manager would be 
an easy way to to get 'em.  Just type 'kdeutils' in the search box. 

  I wrote:
If you don't want to use the command line, you could use Disk
 Free to mount your CDROM.  It's on your K menu under Applications |
 Monitoring. Just right click on the drive and choose mount (or
 unmount) in the dialog box that appears. Many of us have been using
 it since supermount broke.

Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
  chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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Re: [newbie] IEEE-1394 support

2001-10-31 Thread Terry

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 12:59 pm, you wrote:
 Yes it supports Firewire cards.

 Yes it's Built in so to speak.

 I had no problem with a cheap (29.00) Taiwanese card.

 When last I check the kernel sources for this under 8.0, there was no
 support for the Adaptec cards, though this may have changed under 8.1.


Well, now that I know that Linux supports FireWire, is there a limit to the 
different kinds of devices that are supported via FireWire?  I ask because we 
are considering getting FireWire cards for PC's, and it's been offered to put 
one in my Linux box here at work, and then purchasing some DVD-R/RW FireWire 
drives to test out.  I tried looking at ZDNet's LHD, but couldn't really find 
anything interesting.

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
434 (or 804) 982.3047

Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

2001-10-31 Thread Vincent A.Primavera

Postfix, highly recommended...

Thank you,
Vincent A. Primavera.

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 06:17 pm, Gerbrandt Bouwer wrote:
 I would like to use linux mandrake as a mail server for my company, I want
 my server to dial out 3 times a day and download my new messages and send
 out my unsend messages. The new messages that are downloaded should be
 displayed in my Outlook Express program running on my Windows 2000
 Professional system. Is this possiable? and if it is HOW?.

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Re[2]: [newbie] midi playback problem

2001-10-31 Thread Onur Kucuk

 Can anybody send me a sample /etc/modules.conf (or at least the right
 entries for it) so that emu10k1 works right.

 After adding those lines and a reboot I guess I will only need to
 change the sampling rate in arts.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] Linux use as Mail Server

2001-10-31 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

We use Sendmail at our shop, what are the advantages of Postfix over

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Vincent A.Primavera wrote:

   Postfix, highly recommended...

   Thank you,
   Vincent A. Primavera.

 On Wednesday 31 October 2001 06:17 pm, Gerbrandt Bouwer wrote:
  I would like to use linux mandrake as a mail server for my company, I want
  my server to dial out 3 times a day and download my new messages and send
  out my unsend messages. The new messages that are downloaded should be
  displayed in my Outlook Express program running on my Windows 2000
  Professional system. Is this possiable? and if it is HOW?.

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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Re: [newbie] fetchmail and procmail

2001-10-31 Thread quaylar

At 12:14 31.10.2001 -0800, you wrote:
Thanks to the help I've gotten from this list, I'm
configuring fetchmail and procmail to retrieve and
sort my incoming mail. I'm on a single-user machine
runing 8.1.

The fetchmail part was easy, and I think I have an
idea of how to write procmail recipe. My question is,
where do I put the .procmailrc ?

I'm sorting mail in order to put it into different
Mail folders in different home directories. I have
fetchmail running as a daemon. It dumps the mail into
/var/spool/mail/paul. Depending on the To: field,
I'm going to move the mail to either my home directory
or my wife's.

According to what I've been reading, Linux invokes
procmail if it finds the .procmailrc file in the
logged-in user's home directory. But, since I'm moving
mail into different home directories, I need procmail
to be run by root, even though either myself or my
wife will be the logged in user. How do I do this and
where do I put the .procmailrc file?

put it in /etc/procmailrc (without the leading .)
this will make the file globally used.


-Paul I can type 'man' really fast now Schwebel

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Re: [newbie] fetchmail and procmail

2001-10-31 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

Here is my procmail recipe.  Put it in $HOME/.procmailrc then if it is
working once you start fetching mail it will show where you sorted it in

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Paul Schwebel wrote:

 Thanks to the help I've gotten from this list, I'm
 configuring fetchmail and procmail to retrieve and
 sort my incoming mail. I'm on a single-user machine
 runing 8.1.

 The fetchmail part was easy, and I think I have an
 idea of how to write procmail recipe. My question is,
 where do I put the .procmailrc ?

 I'm sorting mail in order to put it into different
 Mail folders in different home directories. I have
 fetchmail running as a daemon. It dumps the mail into
 /var/spool/mail/paul. Depending on the To: field,
 I'm going to move the mail to either my home directory
 or my wife's.

 According to what I've been reading, Linux invokes
 procmail if it finds the .procmailrc file in the
 logged-in user's home directory. But, since I'm moving
 mail into different home directories, I need procmail
 to be run by root, even though either myself or my
 wife will be the logged in user. How do I do this and
 where do I put the .procmailrc file?

 -Paul I can type 'man' really fast now Schwebel

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

# Arthur H. Johnson II's Procmail Recipe
# This is my procmail recipe.  Use the templates to configure
# your mail filtering provided in the templates comments.
# Once you have your filters configured, simply copy this file
# to your mail home directory with the name of .procmailrc.  
# If you wanted to be on the safe side, you could also run:
# touch $HOME/.procmaillog
# on your mailserver first, but that should not be necessary.
# General Options
# Filter Templates
# Address Template:
# -- CUT HERE --
# :0:
# folder 
# :0:
# folder
# -- CUT HERE --
# Change [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the email address you want filtered.
# Subject Template:
# -- CUT HERE --
# :0:
# * ^Subject:.*words
# folder
# -- CUT HERE --
# Change words to what you want filtered from the subject.

# Filter configuration.
# Simply copy from the template and append to the end of the
# following entries to create a new filter.  Make sure you 
# uncomment the template thou!  hehe

# Death to spam and stuff im too lazy to unsubscribe from or 
# can't unsubscribe from
* ^Subject:.*testtrash



* ^TO_msnbc.com

* ^From:.*msnbc.com



# Filter subjects first
* ^Subject:.*testproc

* ^Subject:.*Cron 

* ^Subject:.*webclip

# Now for the standard filters



















* ^TO_window.linuxbox.private.nu

* ^From:.*window.linuxbox.private.nu























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Re: [newbie] With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe ...

2001-10-31 Thread bascule

very, very nice!


permission to quote, with credits?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] fetchmail and procmail

2001-10-31 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

Will this work?? The man page says nothing about /etc/procmailrc.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, quaylar wrote:

 At 12:14 31.10.2001 -0800, you wrote:
 Thanks to the help I've gotten from this list, I'm
 configuring fetchmail and procmail to retrieve and
 sort my incoming mail. I'm on a single-user machine
 runing 8.1.
 The fetchmail part was easy, and I think I have an
 idea of how to write procmail recipe. My question is,
 where do I put the .procmailrc ?
 I'm sorting mail in order to put it into different
 Mail folders in different home directories. I have
 fetchmail running as a daemon. It dumps the mail into
 /var/spool/mail/paul. Depending on the To: field,
 I'm going to move the mail to either my home directory
 or my wife's.
 According to what I've been reading, Linux invokes
 procmail if it finds the .procmailrc file in the
 logged-in user's home directory. But, since I'm moving
 mail into different home directories, I need procmail
 to be run by root, even though either myself or my
 wife will be the logged in user. How do I do this and
 where do I put the .procmailrc file?

 put it in /etc/procmailrc (without the leading .)
 this will make the file globally used.


 -Paul I can type 'man' really fast now Schwebel
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Virtual desktops in Linux-Mandrake and XP

2001-10-31 Thread Robert

I was just checking since we mostly respond to the list it is hard to know 
what question or comment is direct to whom without a specific name placed 
before it.

I have been playing with Linux for two years. I started off with Corel. I had 
so much difficulty with it that I was on the verge of just throwing it away. 
Then came Linux-Mandrake which had never heard of until I heard it mentioned 
on The Screen Savers. I picked up Linux4Windows, installed and got to see for 
myself the world of Linux. It was great and it gave me an idea of what was in 
store for me. I picked up another harddrive and Linux-Mandrake 7.2 which 
installed the first time and everything except my old CD writer was 
recognized. I got to see much and do many things except surf the net. At that 
time I had a winmodem generally a software based modem which is not generally 
popular with Linux users and difficult to setup under Linux. Picked up an 
external hardware based modem and things just started getting more 
interesting. Bought the 8.0 release and it gave me the impression of making a 
quantum leap forward as far as operation, features, and ease of use.

Over the past 1 and half I enjoyed Linux especially from Mandrake and 
Mandrake list. I have had people try to help me only to have them talk right 
over my head. They all have the best intention but a newbie is something to 
aspire to since there is a definite gap between installing the software and 
then learning to do things with it.

By trade I am a machinist and I earn a living getting my hands dirty and 
sometimes cut up. Although, I have moved my way up to a CNC operater on both 
lathes and mills Linux is just so interesting that I just kept at it until I 
learned a little bit more and more. Jose M. Sanchez took the time to show me 
how to unpack tar file (winzip) copy to directory and installing according 
to each applications direction. He took the time and showed and explained all 
the while he was helping many others as well. As did Sridhar with my mouse. 
Everyone has the best intention but you will find some have a little more 
time and patience with showing you Linux.

You get out of Linux what you put into it, otherwise its just another OS that 
resides in a box of electronic components.

Good luck.

P.S. After nearly 14 years of machining I can proudly say I still have all my 
digits on my hands. Five fingers on the left and 6 on the otherslol

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Robert

I believe your right as I read it. Still a hassle I can buy one copy of Linux 
and copy to two desktops and trying to copy to my laptop for $60 while it 
cost at least $100 for the upgrade for one machine.

Then I have to keep getting permission everytime I move to a different or 
make substantial upgrades.

Here is another point too. The hardware upgrade is obvious in favor of 
vendors who are hurting during these financial times. If you can run Linux on 
old hardware and get as good or even better performance don't you think this 
keeps Linux out since vendor make money on selling their hardware? Amazon 
saved themselves some serious cash with HP's hardware and Linux software with 
only a few MS around for whatever reason. Technically, this means that they 
can keep their hardware and software going longer compared to MS, 
SunMicrosystem, etc. Doesn't that hurt the hardware vendors since they may 
not make enough to service the equipment compared to selling newer hardware 
to old and new customers. The OS won't be a problem to customers since they 
can upgrade and adapt Linux to whatever they want or may need.

If anyone can enlighten me on this business side of Linux I would appreciate 
it very much.

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Re: [newbie] With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe ...

2001-10-31 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

Oh no, not mine.  Saw it at Slashdot's Halloween Special

I didn't write it, and I don't think it has an author.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, bascule wrote:

 very, very nice!


 permission to quote, with credits?


Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe ...

2001-10-31 Thread Robert

Loved it I am forwarding to my friends who just happens to be an Edgar Allen 
Poe fan with a little geek in him.

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[newbie] Is this program installed?

2001-10-31 Thread Johnson, David

I just finished re-installing LM8.1 and am beginning to build the machine
into a Snort machine.  One of the software pieces that I want to install for
this purpose is OPEN SSH.  When I issue a rpm -qa openssh I get the
output:  openssh-2.9p2-4mdk

Does this mean that I installed the package already?

David Johnson
Security Engineer
Iron Mountain Network Services

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Re: [newbie] ISA sound PCI modem and IRQ4

2001-10-31 Thread Oliver L.Plaine Jr.

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:59:54 -0600, you wrote:

you could try setting that in your bios.  In your bios under advanced  pci 
configuration  pci/pnp isa resource exclusion, change:  irq 5 used by isa   
from NO to Yes.   
31Oct01 1518hrs Ct

Your suggestion S, was of course perfect.

I once knew that 8-)...thanks for reteaching me.   and...it wasn't a
MDK linux related problem, both of which seem to indicate my 60yr old
mind is beginning to soften embarrassed Grin

My gratitude to the gentleman named S

Olly P RV Char 257
Biloxi  Mississippi
Mailed W98 via Forte Agent mailer

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[newbie] MTD, MDA, ??? fetchmail and MUA!

2001-10-31 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Paul Schwebel wrote:

Ok, no problem! Let's see what I got

postifix = MTA (mail transport agent)
procmail = MDA (mail delivery agent) (optional)
fetchmail = ??? (it's really a MDA but with different features)
pine = MUA (mail user agent)

The real problem for us to understand Linux and/or its software is that,
most of them do more than one thing!

Think of postfix as your post-office!
procmail as your 'local'(your building) postman (selects,filters and rejects)
fetchmail is the one responsible to check your mail box
and pine the tool to read/write email!

Although Pine can send email for your (but not fetch! that's way we need
fetchmail!), we usually rely on our post-office, especially because it is
specialist on the subject! Also because it's very safe and comprehensive!

But if you want to use only pine and fetchmail, it's OK!
Just go on pine Setup - config and on the 2nd line (I think!) you have
the smtp place for definitions! Just enter your smtp provider there, save,
exit the config and test sending an email to yourself! (if you have an
alternative email the better!)

Famous post-office progs are: postfix, sendmail and qmail! being sendmail
the most famous and qmail as the safest!

Ok, fetchmail you know already! it really does what the name says! fetch
your mail! ;-) (again, do not forget the features!)

Procmail, has many definitions but, I prefer to consider as a mail
delivery agent with an excellent 'filtering' system!

But, as it happens to fetchmail and pine, the problems start when you try
to 'deal' with the configuration files!!! I try not to! Except for minor
changes that I am absolutely sure that, no harm will happened! Of course,
before any change I learned to backup the files I deal with! (just in

As I understand, You got mdk8.1, right?

So you must have all the mentioned above (except for qmail) installed on
your system!

I usually locate my software with a simple command, and easy to remember:

I just type on a terminal: locate postix

You should have several lines as answers! All belong to postfix, and if
you pay attention, you will see a 'sendmail' command in there (on the list
from locate), for compatibilty purposes postfix kept this comand (most
'old' Linux boxes use sendmail (the full program)! for instance, I just
start with postix because it was the default on mdk8.1!!!

After locating your postfix (it should be wow! I just typed: locate
postfix! there are lots of 'locations'!!!)

Let's see
If on your systems, you get something like:/usr/sbin/postfix!

Just type: postfix start (or service postfix start)

And you should see a message telling that it is starting!

Now with postfix on (like fetchmail), we can receive all your emails at
your box (through pine!)

And you have to take a decision! How do you want to have this services

As I prefer the text mode, I can tell you how to use it, but we have
several ways to do it! use drakconf

OR on graphics, like KDE!

Choose Mandrake control center (it will ask you your root password)
 - system - service.
there is a pannel on the right, showing all 'services' Status and 'at
boot'! (please as I am using my mdk8.1 on Brazilian Portuguese, maybe the
names are slightly different!)

Just select postfix to start at boot time!
On this pannel you can select and see the status af all services!!!

Just one thing, try not to 'change' too much the original config, unless
you know what you are doing!

**AND** remember that the more services you start 'at boot time' the
longer will be the boot! Keep just the essentials!

Sorry for the loong email!

If I can help, feel free to ask!

I'll send this to the list, just in case somebody has anything to add!
Or any other in doubts!

And, of course, if I had committed any mistakes... please correct me!


Ricardo just trying to be clear Castanho ;-)

ps:does anybody know why there are so many acronym? ;-)

Yes, this helps me learn the workings of email under
Linux. One more question, if you don't mind:
You wrote:
 If you use postfix, you have to start it with:
 service postifix start (as
What is postfix? How do I know if I'm using it? What
does it do in relation to fetchmail?
-Paul just trying to figure it out Schwebel

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user

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Re: [newbie] Updating kernel versions via RPMs

2001-10-31 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:13:51 -0500
Mike Leone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've always updated my kernel by downloading the kernel sources from
 www.kernel.org, and configuring/compiling by hand, and then adding the
 resulting kernel to lilo.conf by hand.
 This time, tho, I'd like to try using Mandrake's kernels.
 My current lilo has 3 kernel entries right now - the orig 2.4.8 that came
 with Mdk 8.1, and the generic 2.4.9 and 2.4.10 that I've downloaded,
 configured and compiled myself.
 Q: if I install all the latest 2.4.13 kernel RPMs from Cooker (using
 rpm -ivh *.rpm, where *.rpm are the latest kernel sources, headers, docs,
 and the binary of the kernel itself) ... what will that do to my lilo? Will
 the kernel install itself as vmlinuz in /boot? Meaning that I should then
 choose the lilo option that defaults to this binary file to boot with? Will
 it make an initrd image (I always use one)?
 I don't want to lose my previous kernels; I need to be able to boot back
 into them for a while longer yet (I use Win4Lin, which uses kernel patches,
 but is not yet available for 2.4.13, the latest stable kernel).
 Would I be better off just installing the Mdk sources, headers and docs
 rpms, and then compling and installing the kernel by hand?

I install the kernel rpm only, using rpm -ivh
I then run lilo which adds the new kernel to the boot menu.
In the case of 2.4.13-2 it is added as 2413-2.
No other entries are affected.

I will double check all my config files and then reboot.
Booting the 2413-2 kernel if there are no problems either with the
itself or with anthing else after running it for a test period I will
then install the kernel headers, source, and docs.

When downloading the soure, headers and doc I place them in a sepeate directory
When ready to install them I cd to the directory and rpm -Uvh *rpm

I then decide if I wish to change the 2413-2 name in the lilo boot meunu,set
it as the default kernel and rerun lilo.



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Re: [newbie] Virtual desktops in Linux-Mandrake and XP

2001-10-31 Thread shane

i have an older (april 2001) review here of a matrox g200-mms vga card, which 
allows 4 video heads on a single card and up to 4 cards.  a little math says 
16 monitors.

the review says they ran 4 screens first as a single giant desktop, 
2048x1536, then as 4 different desktops, 1-4, each at a different resolution. 
 they did not mention running multiple xwindows, but it seems that would be 
no big deal.  perhaps i am wrong and actually displaying one kde and one 
gnome at the same time is not possible, but it seems it should be.

the bad news?  699.95 us for a single card with 4 video out, and closed 
source code for the 'driver'.

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 12:07, you spoke unto me thusly:
 I see, well I was aware of a dual monitor support by some video cards such
 as ATI's Radeon dual monitor cards and yes they are very expensive. If I
 understand this correctly and please correct me if I am wrong in my
 impression. Under Linux if I added three more PCI video cards along with my
 1 AGP video I could support four different monitors and have four
 differenct desktops and/or Xwindows?

 I am always impressed with the versatility of Linux and UNIX in general if
 that is correct.

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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[newbie] KNewsTicker doesn't open Konqueror

2001-10-31 Thread Miark

I like running KDE's news ticker, but when I click an article, Konqueror does _not_ 
with the article. I can drag a news article to an already-open Konqueror window, but 
like to get this working correctly.

Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] fetchmail and procmail

2001-10-31 Thread quaylar

At 15:43 31.10.2001 -0500, you wrote:

Will this work?? The man page says nothing about /etc/procmailrc.

u sure ? and whats this then :

man procmail

If no rcfiles and no -p have been specified on the command
line,  procmail  will, prior to reading $HOME/.procmailrc,
interpret  commands  from  /etc/procmailrc  (if  present).
Care must be taken when creating /etc/procmailrc, because,
if circumstances permit, it will  be  executed  with  root
privileges  (contrary  to  the  $HOME/.procmailrc  file of

read more carefully ;)


On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, quaylar wrote:

  At 12:14 31.10.2001 -0800, you wrote:
  Thanks to the help I've gotten from this list, I'm
  configuring fetchmail and procmail to retrieve and
  sort my incoming mail. I'm on a single-user machine
  runing 8.1.
  The fetchmail part was easy, and I think I have an
  idea of how to write procmail recipe. My question is,
  where do I put the .procmailrc ?
  I'm sorting mail in order to put it into different
  Mail folders in different home directories. I have
  fetchmail running as a daemon. It dumps the mail into
  /var/spool/mail/paul. Depending on the To: field,
  I'm going to move the mail to either my home directory
  or my wife's.
  According to what I've been reading, Linux invokes
  procmail if it finds the .procmailrc file in the
  logged-in user's home directory. But, since I'm moving
  mail into different home directories, I need procmail
  to be run by root, even though either myself or my
  wife will be the logged in user. How do I do this and
  where do I put the .procmailrc file?
  put it in /etc/procmailrc (without the leading .)
  this will make the file globally used.
  -Paul I can type 'man' really fast now Schwebel
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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Fw: Re[2]: [newbie] midi playback problem

2001-10-31 Thread Frans Ketelaars

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 22:25:08 +0200
From: Onur Kucuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re[2]: [newbie] midi playback problem

 Can anybody send me a sample /etc/modules.conf (or at least the right
 entries for it) so that emu10k1 works right.

 After adding those lines and a reboot I guess I will only need to
 change the sampling rate in arts.

 Onur Kucuk


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Re: [newbie] No sound as user!

2001-10-31 Thread Ron Bouwhuis

Two possibilities.  Usually if something works as
root, but not a user, then it's a permissions problem.
 However, another thought - mixer and volume settings
are set for each user (root is a user too!), so you
might find that it's simply that the sound IS working,
but just defaulted too low for your user. 


--- ZekeVarg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I just made a fresh install of Mandrake 8.1 and
 everything went fine 
 exept for logging in as a user the sound doesn't
 work (gnome), it works 
 logged in as root.
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Re: [newbie] make menuconfig on kernel-2.2.19-5.2

2001-10-31 Thread A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 12:01, you wrote:
 I upgraded my kernel from 2.2.19-4.3 to the new 5.2 version using the
 rpms. I also installed the new source and kernel headers by using the
 rpms.  Now when I run make menuconfig all I see is

   x x  ---
 x x
   x x  Load an Alternate Configuration File
   x x
   x x  Save Configuration to an Alternate File 
   x x

 There are no other options.  I've tried loading an alternate config
 file but that does not help.  When I install the old kernel source the
 menu works fine.  Please help.

try doing a make clean proior to the make menuconfig and see if that 

Linux 2.4.13-ac5cue #5 Tue Oct 30 08:37:44 EST 2001 i686
  9:00pm  up 1 day,  5:51,  2 users,  load average: 1.04, 1.07, 1.02

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Re: [newbie] logfile location?

2001-10-31 Thread Michael D. Viron

As far as where the logfiles are located, they are usually either directly
under /var/log, or in one of the subdirectories.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:55 AM 10/31/2001 -0600, you wrote:
I posted a few weeks ago RE: getting my USR Sportster ISDN 128k internal ISA
modem working. No one responded.
After attempting to get it to work via HardDrake by configuring it from
there, I get an unable to connect error. If I punch the log button, a text
screen pops containing the events leading to the error and the specific
error itself. My question is, where is this logfile deposited? The window
that pops has no title  I'm unable to cut/paste the contents. Also, is
there anyone else out there with this same modem that has gotten it to work
successfully w 8.1 (or any other previous version)? What other configuration
do I need to do, if any, in addition to the HardDrake stuff? I'm completely
new to Linux so I'm pretty lost in trying to get this to work. I've been
hammering at it for 3 weeks now and I'm about ready to throw in the towel
and crawl back to MS with my tail between my legs;-(. Without Internet
connectivity it's a waste of time. Again, ANY insight at all would be most
appreciated. Thanks

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Re: [newbie] No sound as user!

2001-10-31 Thread Michael D. Viron

Try checking to make sure that your user account is part of the 'audio'
group.  If it isn't, you will not be able to use sound as a user (although
it will work perfectly fine as 'root').  It's yet another 'security' feature.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 05:13 PM 10/31/2001 -0800, you wrote:
Two possibilities.  Usually if something works as
root, but not a user, then it's a permissions problem.
 However, another thought - mixer and volume settings
are set for each user (root is a user too!), so you
might find that it's simply that the sound IS working,
but just defaulted too low for your user. 


--- ZekeVarg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I just made a fresh install of Mandrake 8.1 and
 everything went fine 
 exept for logging in as a user the sound doesn't
 work (gnome), it works 
 logged in as root.
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Re: [newbie] fetchmail and procmail

2001-10-31 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, quaylar wrote:

So you better not run /etc/procmailrc!
root privileges!!!
Just make a simple one and copy to other users... much better than having
a security 'hole'!

Will this work?? The man page says nothing about /etc/procmailrc.
u sure ? and whats this then :
man procmail
If no rcfiles and no -p have been specified on the command
line,  procmail  will, prior to reading $HOME/.procmailrc,
interpret  commands  from  /etc/procmailrc  (if  present).
Care must be taken when creating /etc/procmailrc, because,
if circumstances permit, it will  be  executed  with  root
privileges  (contrary  to  the  $HOME/.procmailrc  file of
read more carefully ;)

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user

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Re: [newbie] With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe ... OT

2001-10-31 Thread Michael

This link claims the to be connected to the original author


Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:53:17 -0500 (EST)
 Arthur H. Johnson II [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
 AI Oh no, not mine.  Saw it at Slashdot's Halloween Special
 AI (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/10/30/1746252mode=flat).
 AI I didn't write it, and I don't think it has an author.
 A., but thanks for posting it.  Just this afternoon, I observed a
 young non-tenured teacher doing a wonderful lesson with her 9th graders on
 Poe's the Raven!!  Your timing could not have been better!
 Thank You,
 Always remember, I have taken more out of alcohol than
 alcohol has taken out of me.
 --Winston Churchill
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[newbie] Desktop Icon from Hell.

2001-10-31 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, I've finally (I think!) gotten my XawTV icon to disappear from my normal
users desktop.

I had to go into (as root/su):


and either /hooks, /launchers, or /scripts had an icon/script for XawTV. I
deleted it, and so far grin, its not reappeared. XawTV still works fine
too...so. ;-)


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Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't work (GNOME, Enlightenment, M8.1)

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Simply put:

X is basically an implementation to allow the display of high resolution
graphics on your screen, or over a network.

While applications can be written for X directly, this is difficult and time
consuming, since everything has to be written from scratch. Toolkits simplify
this development, by providing reusable components which can be incorporated
into an application. With toolkits, developers don't have to worry about mundane
things like scrollbars and buttons, and can instead focus on coding their own
application. Toolkits also allow apps to be easily built in a consistent
fashion. In other words, toolkits provide a consistent framework upon which to
develop. Motif was the original X toolkit, and can be seen in CDE, Nedit and
Netscape. GTK+ is the most widely-used toolkit, and forms the base of GNOME and
The GIMP. QT is another popular toolkit, and is used in KDE and Opera.

Window managers (WMs), at their simplest level, manage window frames, allowing
you to deal with multiple applications on a desktop. The application inside the
windows can be built from one of many toolkits. Blackbox and PWM are examples of
simple window managers. Over the years, many window managers have increased in
complexity, adding features like applets, docks, taskbars, multiple desktops and

Enlightenment is poised to take the next step, and become a desktop shell. This
is essentially a feature-packed WM, often with its own file manager. XFce and
ROX are current examples of this.

Desktop Environments, like CDE, GNOME and KDE, are the next level up. These
provide not only a work environment consisting of a file manager and other apps,
but also a development environment building upon the underlying toolkit. GNOME
and KDE have official window managers (Sawfish and KWM, respectively), which are
integrated into the environment to provide a 'seamless' experience. In both
cases, the underlying WM can be changed, and GNOME goes as far as providing an
open WM spec, and features a Control Centre applet to help you select a WM.
GNOME's default WM in the 1.0 days was Enlightenment, and many people still use
it with GNOME. Since GNOME 1.2, the official WM has been Sawfish. Other GNOME
compatible WMs include WindowMaker and IceWM.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:16:09 -0800 (PST), Paul Schwebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thank you! I've been wanting to know the relationship
 between GTK+ themes and window manager themes.
 That brings up one more thing I'd like to understand:
 I know what a window manager is, and how it works with
 X to manage desktop graphics. Where to the desktop
 environments fit into this (GNOME Desktop, CDE and
 KDE, for example)?
 -Paul he can be taught! Schwebel
 --- Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  GTK+ handles what is _inside_ the windows (buttons,
  scrollbars, etc.), also
  known as widgets. Enlightenment handles the window
  frames, including the title
  bars. Each has its own theming system, and so to
  have a uniform look you need to
  use similar GTK+ and Enlightenment themes.
  On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:22:29 +0200, Robert MacLean
   okay i'm not following. under gnome i have a theme
  selected (which
   changes the widgets etc... very nice, but not
   so when i try enlighenment (by itself or as gnomes
  wm) i use the aqua
   enlightenment theme.
   now it appears to use the gnome theme for the
  windows and the aqua
   theme for the title bars.
   are you saying i need to find the gnome aqua theme
  to get the windows
   right as well?
   Robert MacLean
   - Original Message -
   From: Sridhar Dhanapalan
   To: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mandrake
  Newbie List
   Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:16 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't
  work (GNOME,
   Enlightenment, M8.1)
On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:03:35 +0200, Robert

 My problem is that I can't get themes to work
  the way they should
 I select a theme (i'm trying to get aqua to
  work) but all it does
 change enlightenment's menu, and the title
  bars. In the screen
 it changes the windows as well. Any idea how
  to get it to change
 windows as well?
I think you may be confusing GTK+ themes with
  Enlightenment themes.
   Both are
separate, and are installed independently.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I've always liked penguins, and when I was in Canberra a few years ago we went
to the local zoo with Andrew Tridgell (of samba fame). There they had a
ferocious penguin that bit me and infected me with a little known disease called
penguinitis. Penguinitis makes you stay awake at nights just thinking about
penguins and feeling great love towards them. So when Linux needed a mascot, the
first thing that came into my 

Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 12:46:51 -0800, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I believe your right as I read it. Still a hassle I can buy one copy of Linux 
 and copy to two desktops and trying to copy to my laptop for $60 while it 
 cost at least $100 for the upgrade for one machine.
 Then I have to keep getting permission everytime I move to a different or 
 make substantial upgrades.
 Here is another point too. The hardware upgrade is obvious in favor of 
 vendors who are hurting during these financial times. If you can run Linux on 
 old hardware and get as good or even better performance don't you think this 
 keeps Linux out since vendor make money on selling their hardware? Amazon 
 saved themselves some serious cash with HP's hardware and Linux software with 
 only a few MS around for whatever reason. Technically, this means that they 
 can keep their hardware and software going longer compared to MS, 
 SunMicrosystem, etc. Doesn't that hurt the hardware vendors since they may 
 not make enough to service the equipment compared to selling newer hardware 
 to old and new customers. The OS won't be a problem to customers since they 
 can upgrade and adapt Linux to whatever they want or may need.
 If anyone can enlighten me on this business side of Linux I would appreciate 
 it very much.

Hardware vendors have been in alliance with MS for some years now, and together
they strong-arm consumers into buying new hardware to run the latest version of
Windows and Office. In economic terms, this is a gross misallocation of
resources, and ties companies (the consumers) down so that they cannot compete
and innovate effectively. On the other side, MS and its allies (the producers)
become rich and store vast amounts of money in bank accounts (MS has about $US30
billion in the bank), where it does nothing. They dont need to compete, and so
they are expensive, inefficient and complacent.

With GNU/Linux, companies can spend far less resources on IT, so they have more
money to spend on development and on competing effectively. This ultimately
benefits the economy and consumers with better products and lower prices. In
other words, GNU/Linux shifts market power from the producers to the consumers,
which according to Western neoclassical economics should produce a favourable

There we go - (Western) Economics 101 applied to the IT industry :)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The dark ages were caused by the Y1K problem.

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:40:39 -0500, Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I do not understand the huecry, especially from linux users, about the 
 activation process of Windows XP, or the fact that it is tied to 1 system.
 This not an unheard of, or unused procedure.
 Red Hat has been using basicly the same in there treatment of installations
 since 7.1.

Ummm... How?

Red Hat is GPL. You can download it freely of the Internet. What's the point in
a product activation copy protection scheme then?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

HTML needs a rant tag. -- Eric S. Raymond

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Re: [newbie] MSN.com and MS in general.

2001-10-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001 02:24:42 +0800, Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 M$ weren't testing for specific browsers to allow use of different css or
 JS, they were testing for non Ie browsers to block out...

Even worse, they were testing for SPECIFIC non-IE browsers to block out. That is
inexcusable, particularly when there is no reason for it. It's not like msn.com
is standards-compliant, or that IE is more standards-compliant than Mozilla and

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I wrote code that works. I didn't test it, but the discussion is closed. It
might have syntactic problems, but it does work. Better than any kernel
extension ever would. End of story. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Newbie

So how do you get ahold of the software
in the first place if it only lasts for 30 days?

I would not pay twice for it.

Thank goodness for Linux :)

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 11:16 pm, you wrote:
 Alright enough's enough. RH is not subject to an activation scheme. Its
 free software just like any other Linux. What you DO have to do is
 register (for free) with the Red Hat Network for automated updates. You
 can still download the updates in regular RPM's but if you want an
 entire network of RH boxes to use the RH Network then you'll have to pay
 for that privledge. Thats all. There is no activation scheme when using

 And for that matter, even though you have to activate WinXP you do have
 30 days to do so before it will shut down. Once activated you can
 upgrade any component within a 120 day period as long as you do not
 cross a certain threshold (i.e. replacing everything at once). So yes
 you can upgrade your RAM and HD both at the same time or RAM and Video
 card or HD and CPU without triggering a re-activation, and thats all
 that happens. A re-activation is triggered and the OS will then function
 again. If no major upgrading is done within 120 days XP resets itself
 meaning you could (but not legally) install WinXP on two different
 computers if you bothered to wait 120 days between installs.

 Now, can we stop the OS bashing please?

 On Wednesday, October 31, 2001, at 11:39 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:40:39 -0500, Charles A Edwards
  I do not understand the huecry, especially from linux users, about the
  activation process of Windows XP, or the fact that it is tied to 1
  This not an unheard of, or unused procedure.
  Red Hat has been using basicly the same in there treatment of
  since 7.1.
  Ummm... How?
  Red Hat is GPL. You can download it freely of the Internet. What's the
  point in
  a product activation copy protection scheme then?
  Sridhar Dhanapalan
  HTML needs a rant tag. -- Eric S. Raymond
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread David E. Fox

 Then I have to keep getting permission everytime I move to a different or 
 make substantial upgrades.

No you don't. You can download it anonymously for free, clone copies of it,
install it on a bunch of machines, etc. Support is another issue, of course,
but the software is free of a need to register. Sure there are ways to 
register, you can go to linux counter, buy the software and get installation
support (btw you could buy one copy and install it on 10+ machines and call
in for help putting it on your roomate's laptop, I figure).

 Here is another point too. The hardware upgrade is obvious in favor of 
 vendors who are hurting during these financial times. If you can run Linux on 
 old hardware and get as good or even better performance don't you think this 
 keeps Linux out since vendor make money on selling their hardware? Amazon 

Vendors might not like Linux if it doesn't make people go out and get new
hardware. But I don't think that is the case. Upgrading is at least some-
what necessary, even with Linux. Linux can still run on my 386sx (first
used with Linux back in 1994) but I'm not going to get a lot of work
done. Same with it running on my old P-100, but it runs extremely well on
my Athlon. But I've kept ahold of the hardware longer than most people, I
figure, and I've not bought a PC in toto since 1991. I just put together the
systems myself, upgrading by piecemeal (like getting a new HD or adding RAM)
over time. That must irk the PC integrators who want me to buy a whole new
box every year or two. :)

Put things in perspective: would you expect people to go out and get a
whole new stereo system every couple of years - every time a new audio-
related technology comes out? Why replace your speakers, receiver, tape
decks, etc., just because a better CD technology comes out? Many people
purchase stereo systems by components, and computers are not all that 
much different, at least in my opinion. Only the people who haven't any-
thing to start with buy 'all in one' systems.

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] LM 8.1 and internet connection on first boot

2001-10-31 Thread Lee Roberts

I tried this and I still can't get to the internet from the client. I do
get a DHCP config from the linux DHCP server and the client can ping the
linux box. I tried disabling the firewall and no-go. Inet connection
sharing worked great with 7.2. I  guess I should've waited for 8.2?

At 10:39 PM 10/31/2001 -0500, Dennis Myers wrote:
To all concerned and Mandrakesoft, there have been just a few of us who were 
unable to connect to the internet on first boot after installation of 8.1.  
The solution seemed to be to do ifdown eth0 and then connect and get mail 
going and then go back and do ifup eth0 so the ethernet daemon appears to 
be interfering with the internet connection when you configure your LAN 
during the initial setup and install.  The ifdown and then ifup are a 
workaround. HTH somebody else.
Dennis M. registered linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread NDPTAL85

Well, you go to a store and buy it. Then when you install it, the 30 
day countdown begins. If you don't activate it within that time frame it 
stops working.

On Thursday, November 1, 2001, at 12:20 AM, Newbie wrote:

 So how do you get ahold of the software
 in the first place if it only lasts for 30 days?

 I would not pay twice for it.

 Thank goodness for Linux :)

 On Wednesday 31 October 2001 11:16 pm, you wrote:
 Alright enough's enough. RH is not subject to an activation scheme. Its
 free software just like any other Linux. What you DO have to do is
 register (for free) with the Red Hat Network for automated updates. You
 can still download the updates in regular RPM's but if you want an
 entire network of RH boxes to use the RH Network then you'll have to 
 for that privledge. Thats all. There is no activation scheme when using

 And for that matter, even though you have to activate WinXP you do have
 30 days to do so before it will shut down. Once activated you can
 upgrade any component within a 120 day period as long as you do not
 cross a certain threshold (i.e. replacing everything at once). So yes
 you can upgrade your RAM and HD both at the same time or RAM and Video
 card or HD and CPU without triggering a re-activation, and thats all
 that happens. A re-activation is triggered and the OS will then 
 again. If no major upgrading is done within 120 days XP resets itself
 meaning you could (but not legally) install WinXP on two different
 computers if you bothered to wait 120 days between installs.

 Now, can we stop the OS bashing please?

 On Wednesday, October 31, 2001, at 11:39 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:40:39 -0500, Charles A Edwards

 I do not understand the huecry, especially from linux users, about 
 activation process of Windows XP, or the fact that it is tied to 1

 This not an unheard of, or unused procedure.

 Red Hat has been using basicly the same in there treatment of
 since 7.1.

 Ummm... How?

 Red Hat is GPL. You can download it freely of the Internet. What's the
 point in
 a product activation copy protection scheme then?

 Sridhar Dhanapalan

 HTML needs a rant tag. -- Eric S. Raymond

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Newbie

Ok thanks for the info.

This seals my decision to not buy XP ever,
paying for it twice?


Linux will forever rule in my house.

On Thursday 01 November 2001 12:29 am, you wrote:
 Well, you go to a store and buy it. Then when you install it, the 30
 day countdown begins. If you don't activate it within that time frame it
 stops working.

 On Thursday, November 1, 2001, at 12:20 AM, Newbie wrote:
  So how do you get ahold of the software
  in the first place if it only lasts for 30 days?
  I would not pay twice for it.
  Thank goodness for Linux :)
  On Wednesday 31 October 2001 11:16 pm, you wrote:
  Alright enough's enough. RH is not subject to an activation scheme. Its
  free software just like any other Linux. What you DO have to do is
  register (for free) with the Red Hat Network for automated updates. You
  can still download the updates in regular RPM's but if you want an
  entire network of RH boxes to use the RH Network then you'll have to
  for that privledge. Thats all. There is no activation scheme when using
  And for that matter, even though you have to activate WinXP you do have
  30 days to do so before it will shut down. Once activated you can
  upgrade any component within a 120 day period as long as you do not
  cross a certain threshold (i.e. replacing everything at once). So yes
  you can upgrade your RAM and HD both at the same time or RAM and Video
  card or HD and CPU without triggering a re-activation, and thats all
  that happens. A re-activation is triggered and the OS will then
  again. If no major upgrading is done within 120 days XP resets itself
  meaning you could (but not legally) install WinXP on two different
  computers if you bothered to wait 120 days between installs.
  Now, can we stop the OS bashing please?
  On Wednesday, October 31, 2001, at 11:39 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:40:39 -0500, Charles A Edwards
  I do not understand the huecry, especially from linux users, about
  activation process of Windows XP, or the fact that it is tied to 1
  This not an unheard of, or unused procedure.
  Red Hat has been using basicly the same in there treatment of
  since 7.1.
  Ummm... How?
  Red Hat is GPL. You can download it freely of the Internet. What's the
  point in
  a product activation copy protection scheme then?
  Sridhar Dhanapalan
HTML needs a rant tag. -- Eric S. Raymond
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Virtual desktops in Linux-Mandrake and XP

2001-10-31 Thread Robert

You know I was just thinking that right now. Of course if you are spending so 
much money then throw more cash into the pit and get all flat screens to save 
some room. The setup would be awesome kinda of Batman in the batcave, but man 
you would have to be a billionaire for so many toys.lol

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary

2001-10-31 Thread Robert

No I would expect people to do whatever they want with their money. Frankly, 
I am sure we all know someone or several peope who do buy the latest and 
greatest. Obviously, vendors like this and keep them on record to send 
advertisement and other bait on the fishhook for these kind of customer.

Many people do buy whole new stereo systems as well as individual components. 
I wish I could see a statistic on this but I would not be amazed if the 
majority of consumers did buy new toys every couple of years. My boss just 
threw away his VCR and picked up another after only 2 years. I still have one 
from 97 without any problems and the last thing I am going to do is purchase 
another one, but thats just me.

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[newbie] Windows eXPerience, MandrakeLinux saves the Day-ta

2001-10-31 Thread civileme

I knew that extra phone listing might be handy someday.  Fussing with a 
download that wouldn't md5sum and needing it very badly, I was only too happy 
for the break when the phone rang and I picked it up, saying Mandrakesoft.

Errr, I have a REAL problem. 

Is it with one of our systems?

No, he replied, but I'll buy the most expensive boxed set if your system 
can help me.

In the course of a few minutes I learned that this fellow hadf a Dell 
Dimension P-II 400 with STB Velocity card and Turtle Beach Montego II Sound 
card, and he had been running Win98 successfully.  He had a Microsoft-badged 
optical mouse and Microsoft-badged USB keyboard.

When WinXP came out, his father was the first person in line at CompUSA to 
buy it at 12:01 am October 25th.

So he installed the update.

Keyboard and mouse promptly stopped working.

His plan was to install linux, copy his vital data over to it, then format 
the winpartition and reinstall XP cleanly as Microsoft Support (Two hours on 
hold long distance to Redmond ) assured him if he did that that his keyboard 
and mouse would work.

I told him where to pick up the download edition of 8.1 and he took them.  An 
hour later I had a call, It won't resize Windows small enough.

By now it was 7 pm.  I went to his computer and brough along a spare 10G 
disk.  I added it temporarily on the spare connector and let him install ML 
8.1 to the second disk, making sure he chose GRUB to boot with.

Everything worked, and his cable modem connected out of the box--only the 
advisory popped up to visit sourceforge about the sound card.  Transferring 
his 2.2G of files was a snap, then diskdrake was called to clean up the messy 
hda, partitioning 3/4 of it for windows and leaving the rest for his rescue 

WinXP balked and insisted on seeing the win98 CD, then it installed, taking 
out the boot record entry for linux (but we had a boot disk).  The mouse and 
keyboard worked fine until the final reboot then communication ceased.

Now out with the win98 disk but it refuses to install over XP.  Back to Linux 
and diskdrake from a terminal su'ed too root to wipe clean again.

Win98 now loads after an old installer trick of copying the win98 directory 
to the hard drive and installing from there.

And linux restores the 2.2 G of files it had saved.  Now the extra Hdd is 
removed and win98 is running using mouse and keyboard.  

Back to CompUSA goes the XP even though one mouse worked long enough to send 
Redmond the info for the activation Code.  Into CompUSA is placed an Order 
for ProSuite.  He already has the Aureal drivers from sourceforge.

I know sometimes our system has trouble with a wheelmouse, and a lot of 
trouble if someone sets the wrong mouse type (3-button emulation kills 
wheelmice), but this is something I don't think we have ever done.  Certified 
Hardware not running on a new system is a serious flaw, and even a billion 
dollar advertising campaiggn and midnight starting sales will not correct 
that sort of flaw.


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Re: [newbie] hehehe

2001-10-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 06:44 am, etharp wrote:
 shouldn't that be rm -rf usr/bin/laden (without the quotes, of

 On Tuesday 30 October 2001 21:12, you had thoughts to the concept 
  rm -r usr/bin/laden

 I got this some time ago from a NASCAR mailing list I belong to

 Killing Bin Laden will only create a martyr.  Holding him 
prisoner will inspire his comrades to take hostages and demand his 
release.  Therefore it is suggested we do neither.

 Let one of our special forces,  Seals, or whatever covertly capture
 him,  fly him to a special undisclosed hospital,  and have surgeons
 quickly perform a sex change operation on him.

 Then return her to Afghanistan  to live as a woman under the 
Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
  chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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Re: [newbie] Write permissions

2001-10-31 Thread skinky

On Fri, 26 Oct 2001 08:10, Miark wrote:
|  I'm running 8.1 and I can't give normal users full permission
|  to write to my mounted Winsux partitions. I figured it out when
|  I was running 8.0. It's either different now, or I'm having a
|  bout of moronicy (the first symptom of which is using words
|  that don't exist).
|  Miark

Miark, see the thread with subject: Win Partition

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] text issues

2001-10-31 Thread skinky

On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 03:11, David Reynolds wrote:
|  In hoping for a better encore than my last failed question, I'll pose
| this one to the group: What is the way to solve the horrific font
| rendering problems with some Linux programs. Konqueror and word
| processing programs seems to be the worst offenders, but it also gets
| into control panels, etc so that they become virtually unreadable.
|  David Reynolds

Hi David
I haven't seen a response to your problem so I'll have a go.

What font are you using?  I use helvetica for just about everything 
(Konqueror, menus, toolbar, etc) and they look fine.  However, as my 
graphics card is an old 1MB S3, anti-aliased fonts look terrible.  I had 
to turn that option off in kcontrol (KDE Control Center)  LookNFeel  
Fonts and then restart X.

With OpenOffice my fonts look terrible all the time.  I am just about to 
order a few upgrade bits for my pc (yipppeee!) - including a graphics card.

Perhaps you have the same problem???  If you have anti-aliased fonts 
selected, try turning it off - or perhaps your problem is the exact 
opposite and you should enable anti-aliasing.

Good luck
But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] netatalk

2001-10-31 Thread A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 03:00, you wrote:

 Did anybody success in installing netatalk on Mandrake 8.1?

I have it running under 8.1, but it was originally installed under 8.0

 When I want to install it, the installer complains about an
 incompatibility with glibc. It doesn't surprise me since there

Try finding a src rpm, then rebuild it. That usually solves all sorts of 

 is usually no way to get software running at once, but I
 really would like to install it. Maybe it would be a smart idea
 to have a native support in one of the next Mandake releases...

This has been brought up several times on the mailing lists, but it never 
seems to show up in any of the distro packages. 

Linux 2.4.13-ac5cue #5 Tue Oct 30 08:37:44 EST 2001 i686
  5:40am  up 14:31,  2 users,  load average: 1.07, 1.11, 1.08

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[newbie] ftp not work

2001-10-31 Thread dechao wang

I installed Mandrake Linux8.0, defaultly, proftpd was
installed. But when i use ftp, i got the following
Connect: connection refused

I am sure that the proftpd is running. Because when I
type /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd restart, it says as
Shutting down proftpd:   [  OK  ]
Starting proftpd:[  OK  ]

any idea about how to solve it?


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Re: [newbie] midi playback problem

2001-10-31 Thread Ville V Sinkko

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Frans Ketelaars wrote:

 Are you using LM8.0 or LM8.1? What is in your /etc/modules.conf file?

8.1, and

pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias usb-interface usb-uhci
alias sound-slot-0 emu10k1
alias eth0 8139too

, whatever that means. I never knew such a file exists until I read
your reply.

 You can use playmidi -e to send output to external midi but I don't

Doesn't do anything.

 think that's what you want. You can also use kmidi or timidity for software

But it's a question of principle - I shouldn't be needing to have to resort
to software synthesis.

 I know Jose M. Sanchez has gotten his SBLive working in LM8.1
 using the ALSA drivers and the onboard wavetable synthesizer. HTH,

...ALSA being, erm, what?


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RE: [newbie] Installing new rpms from disks

2001-10-31 Thread Chadwick, Tim

I don't have Disk Free installed. Is there an RPM for that? I couldn't find
it on rpmfind. 

-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing new rpms from disks

 On Tuesday 30 October 2001 16:35, you wrote:
  One word Huh?.
  Mounting cd's at the command prompt?
  And what does fstab mean?
  I am clueless to all of this.  I'm newbie of newbies really.
  I know what the command prompt is but I don't know squat of
  commands. Does linux have a page of command definitions or
  something I could look up and print out?


 To get started, try typing 'apropos whatyouwanttodo'.
In this case that would be 'apropos mount'.  You'll get a listing 
with a brief description for each, for all available commands havin 
to do with mount.  Then typing 'man mount' will describe how to use 
the mount command, and refer you to related commands.

   Problem is, the MAN(ual) pages were written by and for people who 
already understand everything ;)  So it's tough learnin in the 
beginning, but you're gonna need to get your feet wet sooner or later.

   If you don't want to use the command line, you could use Disk Free 
to mount your CDROM.  It's on your K menu under Applications | 
Monitoring. Just right click on the drive and choose mount (or 
unmount) in the dialog box that appears. Many of us have been using 
it since supermount broke. 
Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
  chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't work (GNOME, Enlightenment, M8.1)

2001-10-31 Thread Paul Schwebel

Thank you! I've been wanting to know the relationship
between GTK+ themes and window manager themes.

That brings up one more thing I'd like to understand:

I know what a window manager is, and how it works with
X to manage desktop graphics. Where to the desktop
environments fit into this (GNOME Desktop, CDE and
KDE, for example)?

-Paul he can be taught! Schwebel

--- Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 GTK+ handles what is _inside_ the windows (buttons,
 scrollbars, etc.), also
 known as widgets. Enlightenment handles the window
 frames, including the title
 bars. Each has its own theming system, and so to
 have a uniform look you need to
 use similar GTK+ and Enlightenment themes.
 On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:22:29 +0200, Robert MacLean
  okay i'm not following. under gnome i have a theme
 selected (which
  changes the widgets etc... very nice, but not
  so when i try enlighenment (by itself or as gnomes
 wm) i use the aqua
  enlightenment theme.
  now it appears to use the gnome theme for the
 windows and the aqua
  theme for the title bars.
  are you saying i need to find the gnome aqua theme
 to get the windows
  right as well?
  Robert MacLean
  - Original Message -
  From: Sridhar Dhanapalan
  To: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mandrake
 Newbie List
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] cool looking themes don't
 work (GNOME,
  Enlightenment, M8.1)
   On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:03:35 +0200, Robert
My problem is that I can't get themes to work
 the way they should
I select a theme (i'm trying to get aqua to
 work) but all it does
change enlightenment's menu, and the title
 bars. In the screen
it changes the windows as well. Any idea how
 to get it to change
windows as well?
   I think you may be confusing GTK+ themes with
 Enlightenment themes.
  Both are
   separate, and are installed independently.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
   Are you all on drugs? Get your acts together,
  Stop blathering and frothing at the mouth
   -- Linus Torvalds
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RE: [newbie] MSN.com and MS in general.

2001-10-31 Thread Franki

I was the one who used Js to demonstrate testing for objects, it was just as
an example of ways around the problem,
I wasn't stating that it was the be all and end all, just an example of JS
that works accross the board.. I didn't mention css at all...

So if I am to understand this, you think its correct to deny access to all
versions of say Opera, regardless of version?

I used to use browser detection for everything and detection of version as
well, it was two hard to keep everything up to date because browsers change
all the time... and new ones keep popping up..

M$ weren't testing for specific browsers to allow use of different css or
JS, they were testing for non Ie browsers to block out...

thats all I am saying on the subject, its been covered enough,,

I have been in the web dev area amonst others for about 5 or so years, so
you both have me beat. :-)



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2001 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MSN.com and MS in general.

Michael D. Viron
u   cc:
Sent by: Subject: Re: [newbie]
MSN.com and MS in general.

10/30/01 01:45 PM
Please respond to

I might be wrong -- not saying ms was right to block browsers -- but I
thought that ms was concerned about css, not javascript. You're approach
addresses javascript, not css. I'm sure you know this, but I'll say it
to make my point clear: For css, you have to check for browser type, not
for javascript objects. While css and javascript can be combined they are
two seperate things, and if you think that your page won't *display*
properly due to css issues, then you should check for browser type. That's
what I do. Oftentimes you need a css sheet for netscape and another css
sheet for internet explorer. (I'm new to linux, so not sure if I'll need
yet another for unix systems.)

#Actually, I have never had to have 'separate' stylesheets for the
#browsers.  I take the time to develop a template that will work properly
#all browsers (or at the very least, Netscape 4.7x, Netscape 6.x, Mozilla
#.9x, and Opera on a variety of platforms).  For other browsers, I make
#that my website will 'degrade gracefully' (ie, making sure that the
#is actually readable in text based browsers (such as lynx, links) and
#earlier versions of netscape and IE).

#Granted, that such attention makes a prototype take longer to develop.
#last one I did that was cross - browser / cross - os took me about 4-5
#months to design, develop, and perfect.  However, using php or jsp or for
#that matter cfm, I can have a single template -- meaning that all I have
#do, is include the template with each page, and therefore have content /
#layout / style independence (ie, the styles are all in a stylesheet,
#is handled in a template file, and content is added to another file (where
#the 'template' is included).  After that, I can add content to my hearts
#content, or for that matter, change out the template for a new design
#within a matter of minutes.

#By the way, for those who are wondering, I've been dealing with web design
#/ development for over 6 years now.


#Michael Viron
#Registered Linux User #81978
#Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
#Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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You didn't address my point. I wasn't saying whether one should use
multiple stylesheets. I agree, it's best to make a single stylesheet that
works in all browsers or degrades gracefully. But, again, that wasn't my
point. It was said on this board, maybe by you I can't remember, that
microsoft had no reason to check for browser type, but should instead check
for the existence of objects? I disagreed: that was my point -- according
to microsoft's statments, they indeed should have been checking for browser
type. Whoever said that they should have been checking for objects was just
wrong. If microsoft was concerned about how their page would be displayed,
I figured it was because of stylesheet issues, either partially or wholly.
So checking for browser types would indeed be a good way of determining
whether a certain *browser* would display the pages properly. Of course, we
all know what they were doing was BS, but I'm not talking about whether it
was a valid thing to do. I was just commenting on something said on this
board. I too, by the way, have been dealing with web development for about
6 years :).


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Re: [newbie] konqueror and netscape plugins

2001-10-31 Thread skinky

On Thu, 01 Nov 2001 05:07, Derek Jennings wrote:
|  I had the same issue over the weekend. I was unable to launch
| konqueror. After removing or editing the .konquerorrc file I could open
| it the next time I logged in and it would work until the next log in.
| Other people have had success by removing the .DCOP files at each login.
|  It was suggested (Michael I think) that the
| kdebase-nsplugins-2.2.1-7mdk package was the problem. I removed it and
| now it has been working for 3 days without a repeat of the problem. So I
| conclude there IS something wrong with the package.
|  The solution might be to go to kdebase-nsplugins-2.2.1-13mdk
|   which is on cooker, but since this is tied in to the objprelink
| version of kde, and there are a lot of dependencies I intend to wait a
| few weeks until the consenus is that the objprelink release is a good
| one.
|  In the meantime I am just putting up without Flash in konqueror. Galeon
| and Opera5.05 both handle Flash just fine..
|  HTH
|  Derek
|  On Wednesday 31 October 2001 13:45, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|   hi everyone
|   I just installed the rpm  to use the netscape plugins with
|   Konqueror..well...I cannot start konqueror anymore.any idea 
|   about why this  is happening???or where should I start playing to fix
|   it??? I'd rater use Konqueror..it's faster and nicer looking than
|   mozilla...personal opinion!!!)
|   CHeers
|   Maurizio

Konqueror works fine for me but my ~/.xsession-errors shows the following:

[skinky@tux skinky]$ cat .xsession-errors
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: 
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: 
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: 
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so: undefined symbol: 
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: 
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
DCOPServer up and running.
kdeinit: Shutting down running client.
kio (KLauncher): ERROR: KLauncher: KDEInit communication error! Commiting 
It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
that it is not already running, remove 
and start dcopserver again.

Maybe this has something to do with the netscape plugin problem.  I 
installed the nsplugins with the initial LM8.1 installation.

The .DCOPserver thing has me stumped too.  In my user's home dir I have 

removing the latter does nothing.  It was like that in LM8.0 as well, but 
since everything seems to work fine, I can't see the point in trying to 
fix what aint broke.  I _used to_ worry about it before tho ; )

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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