Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread miKe

Il 05:55, domenica 20 gennaio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] medium, 
Barbara ha scritto:
 Come fare a montare all'avvio cdrom e windows, e avere le icone sul

per montare all'avvio un cdrom è sufficiente impstare in /etc/fstab 
auto sul cd stesso,
all'avvio però il cd dovrà essere inserito

per quanto riguarda le partizioni fat, idem
l'opzione auto le monta al boot,
attenzione, però,
montando una partizione all'avvio, questa ti eredita i permessi
quindi avresti problemi a scriverci da utente.

è preferibile quindi montare da utente, dopo il boot.

per le icone, dovresti dirci se usi kde, gnome o qualche altro 
desktop manager.

ti allego il mio fstab, 
sicuramente differisce dal tuo, che, suppongo,  usi un sistema 
/dev/hda6   swap swapdefaults   0   0
/dev/hda5   /reiserfsdefaults   1   1
/dev/hda2   /fat-c   vfatusers,noauto,showexec 0 0
/dev/cdrom  /cdrom   iso9660 defaults,noauto,users,exec,showexec 0 0
/dev/fd0/floppy  autodefaults,users,noauto,showexec 0 0
//mike:/exp /nfs nfs defaults,noauto,users 0 0
#//sie/e/smb smbfs   
user=Administrator,password=,defaults,noauto 0 0

none/dev/pts devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0   0
none/procprocdefaults   0   0

come vedi non lascio montare la partizione fat all'avvio, potrei 
automaticamente assegnarla all'utente, ma è più pratico montarla con 
un click quando serve (idem cd e floppy)

PS i miei mountpoint differiscono dai tuoi, dovresti avere tutto 
sotto /mnt/...


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932

Description: application/pgp-keys

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione kernel

2002-01-20 Thread Fabio Manunza

Giuro che non lo faccio più!!(ma sai com'è, volevo provar la pazza
A questo punto, da quanto mi dici, devo fare un salto senza rete..
Nel caso qualcosa vada storto, sarebbe a questo punto consigliabile (e
possibile) creare un LILO aggiornato su dischetto, così da poter preservare
quello originario e poter ripartire con il vecchio Kernel senza rischiare di
rendere il sistema inutilizzabile?
Ciao, e ti ringrazio anticipatamente per l'eventuale risposta!
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] compilazione kernel

 Il 16:10, sabato 19 gennaio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it]
 compilazione kernel, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
  Ciao a tutti.
  Mi sono cimentato nella compilazione ed aggiornamento del kernel
  sulla mia mdk8.1, dal 2.4.8 al 2.4.16. Ho dato prima il make dep,
  poi il make clean, senza riscontrare messaggi di errore. Al momento
  però di dare make bzdisk ho ricevuto il messaggio che il mio nuovo
  kernel di 956k era troppo grande per essere bootato da dischetto.
  Visto che in teoria il floppy dovrebbe tenere 1,44M, come è
  possibile tutto questo?
  Inutile dire poi che al momento di far partire il nuovo kernel, il
  tutto ha fatto cilecca...senza danni, comunque.
  C'è qualcuno in grado di illuminarmi?

 regola n.1 non fare cross posting!
 n.2 crea un kernel con make bzImage e aggiorna il LILO
 quindi dai un make modules e make modules_install
 il kernel su floppy non ti funzia se modularizzi


 Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
 R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione kernel

2002-01-20 Thread miKe

Il 15:00, domenica 20 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
compilazione kernel, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Giuro che non lo faccio più!!(ma sai com'è, volevo provar la pazza
 A questo punto, da quanto mi dici, devo fare un salto senza rete..
 Nel caso qualcosa vada storto, sarebbe a questo punto consigliabile
 (e possibile) creare un LILO aggiornato su dischetto, così da poter
 preservare quello originario e poter ripartire con il vecchio
 Kernel senza rischiare di rendere il sistema inutilizzabile?

nessun salto senza rete!!
se ricompili un kernel di versione differente da quello attuale, ti 
verranno installati i moduli in posizione differente da querlli 
attualmente in uso,
il kernel, poi, lo nominerai come vuoi (es vmlinuz-2.4.16)
e in lilo AGGIUNGERAI la chiamata al nuovo, senza togliere la vecchia
a questo punto, all'avvio potrai scegliere tra il vecchio 
(probabilmente si chiama linux) ed il nuovo (che chiamerai come vuoi)
se il nuovo non funzia hai sempre il vecchio!!

 Ciao, e ti ringrazio anticipatamente per l'eventuale risposta!

di nulla



Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932

Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread Barbara

At 16.10 06/01/02, Mike wrote:

per le icone, dovresti dirci se usi kde, gnome o qualche altro
desktop manager.

Uso kde.
Il problema delle icone credo che stia a monte. Linux non riesce a 
montare i cdrom (sono 2) gia' all'avvio. Compare un bel messaggio di mount 
point fallito o qlkosa di simile con un bel FAILED scritto in rosso :(

ti allego il mio fstab,

Grazie mille dell'aiuto, soprattutto del tuo fstab (ci speravo!!... a furia 
di cambiare parametri ecc... devo averlo pasticciato un po' troppo ;)
Vediamo cosa riesco a combinare e ti faccio sapere.

ancora grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread miKe

Il 19:26, domenica 20 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
medium, Barbara ha scritto:

 Uso kde.
 Il problema delle icone credo che stia a monte. Linux non riesce
 a montare i cdrom (sono 2) gia' all'avvio. Compare un bel messaggio
 di mount point fallito o qlkosa di simile con un bel FAILED
 scritto in rosso :(

ok, hai ricompilato?
se si, hai perso il supermount, ma con il mio fstab risolvi.
ora, ti ho mandato l'fstab di un pc basato tutto su eide,
nel caso di periferiche scsi dovrai sostituire /dev/hdxx con /dev/scdx fatto che i cd non vengano montati all'avvio, potrebbe comunque 
dipendere dal fatto che non ci sono cd inseriti al boot.

crea le icone sul desktop col tasto dx -Crea Nuovo -Dispositivo 

anrai quindi a spulciare il device in base al tuo fstab,
avrai quindi (es) che /mnt/cdrom
punterà a /dev/cdrom (se hai il link creato, come credo)

comunque vai in /dev e fai un bel 
$ls -l cdr*

ti appariranno (se esistono) i link ai device
a questo punto aggiornare fstab è semplice.

 Grazie mille dell'aiuto, soprattutto del tuo fstab (ci speravo!!...
 a furia di cambiare parametri ecc... devo averlo pasticciato un po'
 troppo ;) Vediamo cosa riesco a combinare e ti faccio sapere.

prima di smanettare su un file, fai sempre una copia!!



Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932

Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread Barbara

At 19.45 06/01/02, miKe wrote:
ok, hai ricompilato?

fatto cosa? :-?

se si, hai perso il supermount,

non credo di aver capito bene cosa sia 'sto supermount :-/

ma con il mio fstab risolvi.

infatti ho risolto! ^___^
Ora riesco a leggere tutti i miei cd rom! W!

crea le icone sul desktop col tasto dx -Crea Nuovo -Dispositivo


prima di smanettare su un file, fai sempre una copia!!

gia', eheheh :-P

Grazie 1 !!!

Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread miKe

Il 22:26, domenica 20 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
medium, Barbara ha scritto:

 ok, hai ricompilato?

 fatto cosa? :-?

intendevo dire, hai ricompilato il kernel?
sostituendo quindi quello della mandrakkia con uno linus
in questo caso avresti perso il supermount,
un'utilità della mdk che ti permette di vedere i dischi come dempre 
montati, un pò come window$

inserisci un disco e il sistema lo monta, facendotelo vedere in 
senza costringerti al montaggio del /dev/device in /mnt/device...
(oddio, l'automount in fondo è simile, ma richiede il tuo intervento, 
 cioè, addiritture, il click sull'icona che astrae il device!!)

 se si, hai perso il supermount,

 non credo di aver capito bene cosa sia 'sto supermount :-/

ora è chiaro..

 ma con il mio fstab risolvi.

 infatti ho risolto! ^___^
 Ora riesco a leggere tutti i miei cd rom! W! non ti vengono certomontati al boot, vedi che così è meglio?

 Grazie 1 !!!

de nada!



Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932

Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread Barbara

At 23.38 06/01/02,

scus se mi faccio i fatti tuoi: come mai sei restato indietro nel tempo?
(se hai trovato il modo x recuperare tempo devi assolutamente svelarmi il 
trucco!!! ;)

  miKe wrote:
intendevo dire, hai ricompilato il kernel?

no, e' una cosa al di sopra delle mie capacita'! ;)

ora è chiaro..


Re: [newbie-it] medium

2002-01-20 Thread miKe

Il 00:30, lunedì 21 gennaio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] medium, 
Barbara ha scritto:
 At 23.38 06/01/02,

 scus se mi faccio i fatti tuoi: come mai sei restato indietro nel
 tempo? (se hai trovato il modo x recuperare tempo devi
 assolutamente svelarmi il trucco!!! ;)

azz. ma non è sfuggito a nessuno..
ok ok il mio server è impazzito, ora lo spengo e via!

 intendevo dire, hai ricompilato il kernel?

 no, e' una cosa al di sopra delle mie capacita'! ;)

basta chiedere
le ML a questo servono..

..pure a rimettere gli orologi..


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932

[newbie-it] problema di stampa

2002-01-20 Thread abrunin

Salve a tutta la lista.

In casa ho una piccola LAN gestita da un server di rete con Mandrake linux 8.1.
Riesco ad uscire sulla rete Internet e ad attivare vari servizi per le mie esigenze 
(es. FTP).

Il problema è un altro.

Ci ho appena attaccato una stampante Epson Stylus Color 880, e il tutto funziona 
egregiamente sul server stesso, ma non riesco a stampare dai 2 PC client, che montano 
sia Mandrake 8.1 che Windows 2000.

La stampante la vedono (ad es. in Win2k in risorse di rete la stampante c'è).

Riesco ad installarla sia sui mandrake client (print on a remote samba server, e mi 
riconosce tutti i parametri), sia sui win2k client. Ma di stampare non ne vuole sapere.


Un saluto.


[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-01-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??

I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install properly.


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RE: [newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1

2002-01-20 Thread FLYNN, Steve

How much RAM do you have in this machine and is it known to be good? The
only thing I can think of preventing Linux from creating and mounting a ram
disk is either lack of free ram (try installing via a text install, rather
than graphical) or bad ram (only option is to buy some decent ram).

You CDROM is known to be good isn't it? 

-Original Message-
From:   gerry [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 3:28 AM
Subject:[newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1

On a machine on which I have been able to install Suse 6.4 and
7.1 I get the following problem when trying to install Mandrake 8.1:

Mounting /dev/ram3 on /tmp/stage2 as type ext2
Mount failed: invalid argument


(4) VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev ram disk (1,3).

Any thoughts?


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RE: [newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Going to need a touch nore information than that Derek. What problem are you
having? What error messages do you get and at what stage?

-Original Message-
From:   Derek fowler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:08 AM
Subject:[newbie] wolfenstien.

Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??

I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install


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the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
take/retain/distribute any copies.

Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

Thanks Steve, heh, eh sorta guessed that :)  1st mail was an attention
grabber :)

right here goes..

I got the binaries sitting in my user home dir.  I have chmoded the
script to make it exec, when trying to run the thing it starts the
install  gets as far as the directory selection  tells me I dont have
enough permissions to write to the directories. So loged out  logged in
as root, I the install worked, but dont know how to get game to run.
That said, I ma not too happy about playing the game as root. So I am
guessing that I need to give my user rights to the nescessary
directories, but I am also guessing that users are not given wrie rights
to the bin directory for a reason. so am a tad confused as to which
route to go.


On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 10:13, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
 Going to need a touch nore information than that Derek. What problem are you
 having? What error messages do you get and at what stage?
   -Original Message-
   From:   Derek fowler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:08 AM
   Subject:[newbie] wolfenstien.
   Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??
   I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install
 File: message.footer  
 This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
 recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
 the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
 take/retain/distribute any copies.
 Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
 Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
 York YO90 1UU
 Registered in England Number 3253947
 A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
 which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
 Member of the Association of British Insurers.
 For further Enquires 01603 622200 
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

I just installed it last night if you did a standard install you should
be able to open a console and type wolfspdemo (probably located in

As far as I know this should work... although I did it the really safe way
by creating a directory as root and giving my normal user the permissions
for the directoty. I then installed as a normal user the files in
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein-spdemo/ , and the link path to my home
directory. This shouldn't all be neccesary, and I should think that
installing as root should pose no problems.


On 20 Jan 2002, Derek fowler wrote:

 Thanks Steve, heh, eh sorta guessed that :)  1st mail was an attention
 grabber :)

 right here goes..

 I got the binaries sitting in my user home dir.  I have chmoded the
 script to make it exec, when trying to run the thing it starts the
 install  gets as far as the directory selection  tells me I dont have
 enough permissions to write to the directories. So loged out  logged in
 as root, I the install worked, but dont know how to get game to run.
 That said, I ma not too happy about playing the game as root. So I am
 guessing that I need to give my user rights to the nescessary
 directories, but I am also guessing that users are not given wrie rights
 to the bin directory for a reason. so am a tad confused as to which
 route to go.


 On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 10:13, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
  Going to need a touch nore information than that Derek. What problem are you
  having? What error messages do you get and at what stage?
  -Original Message-
  From:   Derek fowler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:08 AM
  Subject:[newbie] wolfenstien.
  Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??
  I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install
File: message.footer 
  This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named
  recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email
  the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
  take/retain/distribute any copies.
  Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
  Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
  York YO90 1UU
  Registered in England Number 3253947
  A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group
  which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority.
  Member of the Association of British Insurers.
  For further Enquires 01603 622200
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

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RE: [newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

Ok,, managed to get it to run as me  not root (Thanks Ralph), now
getting error  sys_error GLimp_init () could not load openGL subsystem.

Any ideas (also going huntin to see if I can find answer @ID 
activision but any suggestions would be appreciated) 


On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 11:09, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 I just installed it last night if you did a standard install you should
 be able to open a console and type wolfspdemo (probably located in
 As far as I know this should work... although I did it the really safe way
 by creating a directory as root and giving my normal user the permissions
 for the directoty. I then installed as a normal user the files in
 /usr/local/games/wolfenstein-spdemo/ , and the link path to my home
 directory. This shouldn't all be neccesary, and I should think that
 installing as root should pose no problems.
 On 20 Jan 2002, Derek fowler wrote:
  Thanks Steve, heh, eh sorta guessed that :)  1st mail was an attention
  grabber :)
  right here goes..
  I got the binaries sitting in my user home dir.  I have chmoded the
  script to make it exec, when trying to run the thing it starts the
  install  gets as far as the directory selection  tells me I dont have
  enough permissions to write to the directories. So loged out  logged in
  as root, I the install worked, but dont know how to get game to run.
  That said, I ma not too happy about playing the game as root. So I am
  guessing that I need to give my user rights to the nescessary
  directories, but I am also guessing that users are not given wrie rights
  to the bin directory for a reason. so am a tad confused as to which
  route to go.
  On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 10:13, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
   Going to need a touch nore information than that Derek. What problem are you
   having? What error messages do you get and at what stage?
 -Original Message-
 From:   Derek fowler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:08 AM
 Subject:[newbie] wolfenstien.
 Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??
 I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install
   File: message.footer 
   This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named
   recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email
   the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
   take/retain/distribute any copies.
   Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
   Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
   York YO90 1UU
   Registered in England Number 3253947
   A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group
   which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority.
   Member of the Association of British Insurers.
   For further Enquires 01603 622200
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] desktop shortcuts

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

How do I get shortcuts to CDrom  HDd on desktop? 9I know it is probably
inthe manual, but I am trying to fix 3 other problems at the same time)


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Re: [newbie] desktop shortcuts

2002-01-20 Thread Derek Jennings

Right click on desktop
Select 'create NewCDROM device'
Pick a name for it. In Device Tab use drop down menu to select which device 
you want, and enter the correct mount point for that device in the mount 
point window.

Thats it.. dead easy.


On Sunday 20 January 2002 12:33, you wrote:
 How do I get shortcuts to CDrom  HDd on desktop? 9I know it is probably
 inthe manual, but I am trying to fix 3 other problems at the same time)


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Re: [newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread Steven Spears

Okay, where do we get the software to play Wolfenstien on Linux or is there a 
linux port? I was thinking about getting it but don't want to play it on 
Winders of I don't have to. It would be a great additon to my Linux gaming 



On Sunday 20 January 2002 06:02 am, you wrote:
 Ok,, managed to get it to run as me  not root (Thanks Ralph), now
 getting error  sys_error GLimp_init () could not load openGL subsystem.

 Any ideas (also going huntin to see if I can find answer @ID 
 activision but any suggestions would be appreciated)


 On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 11:09, Ralph Slooten wrote:
  I just installed it last night if you did a standard install you
  should be able to open a console and type wolfspdemo (probably located
  in /usr/local/bin).
  As far as I know this should work... although I did it the really safe
  way by creating a directory as root and giving my normal user the
  permissions for the directoty. I then installed as a normal user the
  files in /usr/local/games/wolfenstein-spdemo/ , and the link path to my
  home directory. This shouldn't all be neccesary, and I should think that
  installing as root should pose no problems.
  On 20 Jan 2002, Derek fowler wrote:
   Thanks Steve, heh, eh sorta guessed that :)  1st mail was an attention
   grabber :)
   right here goes..
   I got the binaries sitting in my user home dir.  I have chmoded the
   script to make it exec, when trying to run the thing it starts the
   install  gets as far as the directory selection  tells me I dont have
   enough permissions to write to the directories. So loged out  logged
   in as root, I the install worked, but dont know how to get game to run.
   That said, I ma not too happy about playing the game as root. So I am
   guessing that I need to give my user rights to the nescessary
   directories, but I am also guessing that users are not given wrie
   rights to the bin directory for a reason. so am a tad confused as to
   which route to go.
   On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 10:13, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
Going to need a touch nore information than that Derek. What problem
are you having? What error messages do you get and at what stage?
-Original Message-
From:   Derek fowler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:08 AM
Subject:[newbie] wolfenstien.
Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??
I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install
  File: message.footer 
   * This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the
named recipient. If you are not the named recipient please
telephone/email the sender immediately. You should not disclose the
content or take/retain/distribute any copies.
Norwich Union Life  Pensions Limited
Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
Registered in England Number 3253947
A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority.
Member of the Association of British Insurers.
For further Enquires 01603 622200
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Go to
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] wolfenstien.

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

You can pick up the linux stuff from, but you need the
windows version to play (needs pak files from windows  cd key)


On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 13:28, Steven Spears wrote:
 Okay, where do we get the software to play Wolfenstien on Linux or is there a 
 linux port? I was thinking about getting it but don't want to play it on 
 Winders of I don't have to. It would be a great additon to my Linux gaming 
 On Sunday 20 January 2002 06:02 am, you wrote:
  Ok,, managed to get it to run as me  not root (Thanks Ralph), now
  getting error  sys_error GLimp_init () could not load openGL subsystem.
  Any ideas (also going huntin to see if I can find answer @ID 
  activision but any suggestions would be appreciated)
  On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 11:09, Ralph Slooten wrote:
   I just installed it last night if you did a standard install you
   should be able to open a console and type wolfspdemo (probably located
   in /usr/local/bin).
   As far as I know this should work... although I did it the really safe
   way by creating a directory as root and giving my normal user the
   permissions for the directoty. I then installed as a normal user the
   files in /usr/local/games/wolfenstein-spdemo/ , and the link path to my
   home directory. This shouldn't all be neccesary, and I should think that
   installing as root should pose no problems.
   On 20 Jan 2002, Derek fowler wrote:
Thanks Steve, heh, eh sorta guessed that :)  1st mail was an attention
grabber :)
right here goes..
I got the binaries sitting in my user home dir.  I have chmoded the
script to make it exec, when trying to run the thing it starts the
install  gets as far as the directory selection  tells me I dont have
enough permissions to write to the directories. So loged out  logged
in as root, I the install worked, but dont know how to get game to run.
That said, I ma not too happy about playing the game as root. So I am
guessing that I need to give my user rights to the nescessary
directories, but I am also guessing that users are not given wrie
rights to the bin directory for a reason. so am a tad confused as to
which route to go.
On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 10:13, FLYNN, Steve wrote:
 Going to need a touch nore information than that Derek. What problem
 are you having? What error messages do you get and at what stage?

   -Original Message-
   From:   Derek fowler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:08 AM
   Subject:[newbie] wolfenstien.

   Hi,  Anyone know how I can get wolfenstien to run??

   I have got the linux instalation. but cant get it to install


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Re: [newbie] Superblocks corrupted after a change in fstab ....

2002-01-20 Thread ngn

I think that I had a messy trouble!

I had a boot floppy of Mandrake 8.1, but it is from another install of
Mandrake!!! I don't know if it'll work properly.

However, if one of my tries to recover the system I remember that I gat a
root prompt, but I cannot open mc to edit any of those files Although I
think I opened vi to do that..!!!

Well, I'll give a try to this boot disk from another install

 - Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Superblocks corrupted after a change in fstab 

 Can you boot from your Boot floppy?

 If so you should be able to fix it. It looks as if you have edited the
 lilo.conf and fstab files incorrectly

 Your lilo.conf file should look something like this :-

 append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount quiet

 ***SNIP  more stanzas follow

 Here I have defined IDE devices hdd and hdd as SCSI emulation.
 I am running with devfs disabled, but you may not need to do that.
 (In my system the CD writer would not work with devfs enabled)
 I am using the updated kernel so my Lilo points to the 2.4.8-34 image.

 After modifying /etc/lilo.conf be sure to run /sbin/lilo as root and be
 there are no error messages or else you will not be able to boot. (This
 well be your problem)

 Now my /etc/fstab file looks like this :-

 /dev/scd0/mnt/cdrom  auto
 iocharset=iso8859-1,user,exec,noauto,codepage=850,nodev  0 0
 /dev/scd1   /mnt/cdrom2 auto
 iocharset=iso8859-1,user,exec,noauto,codepage=850,nodev  0 0

 (these two statements occupy one line each. there is a space before and
 device hdc is now referred to as /dev/scd0 and hdd has become /dev/scd1
 Note you do not need any 'dev=' in the fstab file.

 If you can get in to make these corrections you should be OK


 On Sunday 20 January 2002 00:14, ngn wrote:
  Hi folks...I have the following trouble: I have a cd-copier  a
  Due to I want to perform direct cd copying I made some changes in fstab
  For example: when in fstab appeared  /dev/cdrom1  I put instead
  dev=/dev/scd1 (This was to made SCSI simulation on the cd-reader)
  I get both the cd-r  the cd-wr recognized by the front-ends of burning
  although I cannot make any on-the-fly copies [This is another

  The problem starts to arose when I tried to install some packages from
  download cd's... When Software Manager asks for the cd1, I put it on the
  reader, and it ejects me the cd like it was a wrong one!!!
  Well, here is when the problem arises!!...Due to my big ignorance I
  open the file fstab and when it says dev=/dev/scd1 [IT IS MY CD-R] I put
  something like this dev=/dev/scd1,/dev/cdrom
  After that I rebooted and neither I can run the label failsafe nor the
  normal linux entrie on lilo. Moreover I cannot bot in  linux
  When I tried to boot in any of those entries it stops in the Checking
  filesystem step with a msg like this :
The Superblocks on the device are corrupted, try to run an fsck and
  says more things that I do not remember now.
  However, one thing sounds strange for me.It's says that I had to run
  fsck when my root partition is on a journallised file system [EXT3]
  Well, I know that this post might be very large, but... Unless I have a
  solution, I'll have to re-install Linux-Mandrake 8.1
  Thanks in Advance
  Nicolas Gomez
  Montevideo, URUGUAY

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[newbie] sound

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

Got a problem with sound, when starting xwindows I get the welcom sound,
but if I try to play a CD nothing, cant see anything in manual about it,
anyone got an iadea ??


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Re: [newbie] No sound for window/system events (Gnome/Sawfish/LM8.1)

2002-01-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 20 Jan 2002 14:47:27 +1000, Charles Darcy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 2002-01-19 at 16:41, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On 19 Jan 2002 14:33:45 +1000, Charles Darcy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Fri, 2002-01-18 at 22:35, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

Try running GNOME as root. If sound works properly there, then we have a
permissions problem. Load userdrake (as root) and add your username to
the'audio' group.

   No Gnome sounds as 'root' either, I'm afraid.
  Have you configured a Bastille firewall recently? I once had a problem with
  sound in GNOME and I managed to trace it back to my Bastille settings.
 I set up a Bastille firewall soon after I installed LM8.1, and since
 I have never heard any Gnome sounds, this may well be the cause.
 In fact, after I had started 'esd' as a background process from a
 terminal, a little while later the terminal displayed some sort of error
 message about Bastille and a 'tmp' directory. Bastille has an option to
 guard against abuse of the 'tmp' directory, which I enabled when I
 configured Bastille. Do you think this might be the problem ? If not, do
 you recall which Bastille setting gave you trouble ?

IIRC, there is a question in the Interactive Bastille setup that says Would you
like to set a default-deny on TCP Wrappers and xinetd? Set this to 'No'.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I strongly believe that trying to be
clever is detrimental to your health.
 -- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Setting up optical devices on Dell i8100

2002-01-20 Thread Walter Logeman


I am using mandrake 8.1 with KDE on a Dell i8100 laptop.

I  have one CD-ROM working fine with a desktop short cut.  (I did not set it 
up - a friend did it for me.)  It is in fact a DVD CD-RW combo in the fixed 
media bay.  I have only the cdrom working and also  audio CDs will work from 
that drive, under Services.

I have played Audio CDs from that drive.  

I'd like to get all the devices working.  I will add possible relevant info i 
have gleaned below.  I am very new to linux, so even links to relevant files 
might be of use, though i simply could not grasp the CD-ROM HOW-TO.  Other 
than somehow they are all treated as SCSI devices?



In the /dev directory i have cdrom cdrom0 cdrom1 cdrom2

in the /dev/cdroms directory there are only 3 files: cdrom0 cdrom1 cdrom2

The cdrom.desktop shortcuts indicates that the Device is: /dev/cdrom1
it points (read only) to /mnt/cdrom

I have tried creating another Icon pointing in various ways... however I get 
various I/O error messages - files not supported etc.

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[newbie] How to speed up Linux Mandrake 8?

2002-01-20 Thread Assassin

I think it is very slow on my machine (K6-II 450, 128 RAM, TNT2, 20GB
Quantum, with kernel 2.4.3). How can I optimise it so it can load and run
applications faster?

Thanks in advance.
Zaradite odmah na Internetu +++ mnostvo besplatnih stvari!


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[newbie] files and packages

2002-01-20 Thread Dadi

Recently I tried to install (I'm using Mandrake 8.1) a certain package 
but after I typed rpm -i  it asked for The file
itself is of no importance. The general issue is how can I find the .rpm
package that contains a certain file ??
I tried to use Software Manager, Package Manager amd rpmfind with no
As far as I understood Software Manager loocked for that file in all 3


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[newbie] Trouble with (an) OAF!

2002-01-20 Thread Terry Smith

Hi all,

Today's problem (actually I've been fooling with this off and on for a
coupla weeks!) is installing Evolution 1.0.1.

I'm going the route of downloading source files from the Ximian site.

The first package that needs to be installed is 

bonobo-config-0.14. When I do a 


it goes through a script which runs a series of checks...All is well
until it gets to 

much snipping

checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
creating libtool
checking for gawk... gawk
checking for glib-config... /usr/bin/glib-config
checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.0... yes
checking for oaf-config... /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml
checking for OAF - version = 0.6.2... no
*** Could not run OAF test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file
config.log for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means OAF was incorrectly
*** or that you have moved OAF since it was installed. In the latter
case, you
*** may want to edit the oaf-config script: /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml

I have a file /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml which I would be willing to post
but a few basic questions.

What is bonobo and what is it doing?

What is OAF (I can't find it listed in any of my books) and what does it
do? Do I need a newer version?

What is going on here? (I'm a little mystified as I've got Evolution
0.13 running OK and it must use bonobo???).

Anywhow, if someone could steer me in the right direction it would be
much appreciated.

Terry Smith
Hatchville, MA USA

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[newbie] is tthere an archive

2002-01-20 Thread Derek fowler

of this mailig list??

Just about got all my problems sorted, just licq to fix  some GL
problems to fix..

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Re: [newbie] files and packages

2002-01-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 20 January 2002 11:34, you wrote:
 Recently I tried to install (I'm using Mandrake 8.1) a certain package
 but after I typed rpm -i  it asked for The file
 itself is of no importance. The general issue is how can I find the .rpm
 package that contains a certain file ??
 I tried to use Software Manager, Package Manager amd rpmfind with no
 As far as I understood Software Manager loocked for that file in all 3

That lib is part of  a nvidia package. Go to and do 
a search on the libGL file you are looking for.  You can d/l it or see if it 
is on your CDs. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] is tthere an archive

2002-01-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 20 January 2002 11:57, you wrote:
 of this mailig list??

 Just about got all my problems sorted, just licq to fix  some GL
 problems to fix..
Look at the Mandrake website mail lists page and you will find archives links 
for all of their mail lists.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] no sound with xawtv

2002-01-20 Thread chuck

I can't seem to get any sound out of xawtv with my wintv card.  I'm
using mandrake 8.1.  The picture looks fine but no sound at all.  I
don't seem to have any problems with sound with any other applications.
Also, everything works just fine in windows so I know it's not a
hardware problem.  Anybody know how to fix this?



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Re: [newbie] How to speed up Linux Mandrake 8?

2002-01-20 Thread tester

Assassin wrote:

 I think it is very slow on my machine (K6-II 450, 128 RAM, TNT2, 20GB
 Quantum, with kernel 2.4.3). How can I optimise it so it can load and run
 applications faster?
 Thanks in advance.
 Zaradite odmah na Internetu +++ mnostvo besplatnih stvari!
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Install a newer kernel.  The problem is the vm in early kernel 2.4 (up 
to about kernel 2.4.10).

Alternatively, install kernel 2.2 right on your installation disks which 
will work much better, and will fully support supermount.  The only 
caution here is if you used Reiserfs, the one for kernel 2.2 is a 
different version than the one for 2.4 and using kernel 2.2 with the 
newer version will _NOT_ work and will destroy data.


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Re: [newbie] mandrake update broken?....

2002-01-20 Thread tester

chris huston wrote:

 Is there any fool proof way to get the security updates
 I can handle the manual way... but i m trying to help a newbie set up their 
 computer with mandrake 8.1.. and i've yet to get mandrake update to 
 pull a secure source update from any mirror
 I 've left it running for an hour or so, trying to get it to sink up with a 
 few local mirrors... no dice 
 when i ftp into them and grab them manually, i can snag them in seconds..
 what gives???
 thank you,

That's the problem with using volunteer mirrors.  Rpmdrake is sensitive 
to the way permissions are set up on the mirror.  Many mirrors work; 
some don't.  Keep trying and report mirror failures to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [newbie] Trouble with (an) OAF!

2002-01-20 Thread tester

Terry Smith wrote:

 Hi all,
 Today's problem (actually I've been fooling with this off and on for a
 coupla weeks!) is installing Evolution 1.0.1.
 I'm going the route of downloading source files from the Ximian site.
 The first package that needs to be installed is 
 bonobo-config-0.14. When I do a 
 it goes through a script which runs a series of checks...All is well
 until it gets to 
 much snipping
 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
 checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
 creating libtool
 checking for gawk... gawk
 checking for glib-config... /usr/bin/glib-config
 checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.0... yes
 checking for oaf-config... /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml
 checking for OAF - version = 0.6.2... no
 *** Could not run OAF test program, checking why...
 *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file
 config.log for the
 *** exact error that occured. This usually means OAF was incorrectly
 *** or that you have moved OAF since it was installed. In the latter
 case, you
 *** may want to edit the oaf-config script: /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml
 I have a file /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml which I would be willing to post
 but a few basic questions.
 What is bonobo and what is it doing?
 What is OAF (I can't find it listed in any of my books) and what does it
 do? Do I need a newer version?
 What is going on here? (I'm a little mystified as I've got Evolution
 0.13 running OK and it must use bonobo???).
 Anywhow, if someone could steer me in the right direction it would be
 much appreciated.
 Terry Smith
 Hatchville, MA USA

Up to this point, the Ximian for any version of Mandrake has been 
released just about the time the _next_ version of Mandrake is going for 

This means your packages are out of sync.  Ximian has newer packages on 
its site (and requires them) than is in the current version of Mandrake.

If you want working evolution, you need to look at cooker packages, but 
then cooker has newer versions of many things and people have reported 
segfaults and worse trying to run _some_ updates from cooker on top of a 
stock system

If you have the disk space, you can dual-boot Mandrake 8.1 and Cooker 
using the _same_ /home directory(if it is set up as a separate 
partition).  THere are many methods to do this, but one is described at


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Re: [newbie] files and packages

2002-01-20 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Dadi wrote:

DadiI believe that's part of an Nvidia TNT driver 
package. :)

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Re: [newbie] OT: VB on Linux???

2002-01-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 10:30:52 -0900
tester [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Well, try downloading XBasic--it is similar to VB (in fact it may be 
 that VB was developed from XB ideas) and it runs on both platforms. 
 There is a mdk rpm for it.  It has a dragNdrop builder for grids (their 
 term for widgets) and an html manual drops into /usr/share/doc/xb* with 
 the mdk rpm (not so with their rpm, which does not include the manual). 
   Original materials for it are at
 Xbasic is much more powerful than VB as you will learn quickly.  In fact 
 it is powerful enough that the source code for the compiler is written 
 in xbasic, and it compiles itself in just a few seconds.  It will _NOT_ 
 run from console... It requires X.  The windows version needs an 
 emulator for X.
 Glade is also something of interest--not a total Integrated Development 
 environment, but it will build c routines for handling widgets you 
 define in a drag-N-drop environment.

I'm wondering...has anyone installed Kylix yet. I've made one attempt so far
and i'm getting an error so far that I'm not sure just How I'm going to
resolve it. The borpretest script reports a missing library file. One The first place I went looking for this file was rpmfind but had
no luck there. However, after reading your post Civileme I couldn't resist
the temptation to pop over and grab xbasic and check it out.


  windows   = where do you want to go today
  Mac   = go where you want, do what you want today
  MDK-linux =  been there, done that, got the tee shirt, why do you ask?

Registered Mandrake Linux User # 186492

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[newbie] Konqueror and Flash Plugin

2002-01-20 Thread Craig Williamson (ENZ)
Title: Konqueror and Flash Plugin

Hi All,

 I recently installed the Flash plugin that came with the Mandrake 8.1 PowerPack Edition. It will work with Netscape but not with Konqueror or Mozilla. Loading and enabling Konqueror plugins still won't detect it. Is there any way I can get Konqueror to work with Flash. Also on a side note, any way to get Mozilla to detect it. I'm using Mozilla 0.9.5 that came with Mandrake 8.1. Cheers.

Craig Williamson

Re: [newbie] is tthere an archive

2002-01-20 Thread tester

Derek fowler wrote:

 of this mailig list??
 Just about got all my problems sorted, just licq to fix  some GL
 problems to fix..
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 Go to

has links for the archives of the various lists.


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Re: [newbie] Silly question concerning SPAM

2002-01-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:00:07 -0600
Meowth [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 In the file, /etc/mail/access, I enter either the:
 return address, or if its not a real one,
 then the ip address from whence it was
 sent, or the domain name of the server
 that it last came from, then as action
 to be taken, I choose to enter a line
 as such in /etc/mail/access :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ERROR:550 Please stop spamming me

what if you don't happen to be using Sendmail as your MTA? Postfix doesn't
use the access files in /etc/mail.


  windows   = where do you want to go today
  Mac   = go where you want, do what you want today
  MDK-linux =  been there, done that, got the tee shirt, why do you ask?

Registered Mandrake Linux User # 186492

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Re: [newbie] How to speed up Linux Mandrake 8?

2002-01-20 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 20 January 2002 15:47, you wrote:
 On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:08:50 +0100, Assassin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think it is very slow on my machine (K6-II 450, 128 RAM, TNT2, 20GB
  Quantum, with kernel 2.4.3). How can I optimise it so it can load and run
  applications faster?

 The best way is to run fast software. KDE is probably the slowest of the
 lot, closely followed by GNOME/Sawfish with Nautilus enabled. I have a
 Pentium II 350MHz system, and I find GNOME/Sawfish _without_ Nautilus (or
 with GMC, which can replace Nautilus) to be reasonably fast. Otherwise, you
 should look at alternative window managers and environments like XFce,
 Enlightenment, IceWM, WIndowMaker, Blackbox/Fluxbox and PWM/Ion, all of
 which are lighter than GNOME and KDE.

 Once that's done, you can look into fast applications, like Galeon (web
 browsing), Sylpheed (e-mail) and Downloader for X (downloading). I'm a bit
 biased towards GTK+ 1.2 apps because I generally find them to be far faster
 than QT2 apps. They are also great apps in their own right.

 If you feel up to it (it can be a bit tricky), you may also wish to upgrade
 your kernel and XFree86 to more recent versions. The versions included in
 Mandrake 8.1 are a little old now.

I do recall Civileme saying once that the 2.2 kernel was faster on machines 
of restricted capability, though I do not recall why.


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Re: [newbie] How to speed up Linux Mandrake 8?

2002-01-20 Thread Derek Jennings

You and me both Terry... I've adopted XFCE as my window manager of choice for 
my 'processor challenged' laptop. It is considerably faster than KDE or 
Gnome, prettier than ICEwm and easier to use than Enlightenment or Blackbox 
IMO  (And the screen savers are quite funky)

Two downsides are that many of the links are not set up correctly, and for 
some unexplained reason any 'X' application such as xterm is missing its 
scroll bars. I could use kterm or somesuch instead, but that means loading QT 
libraries etc which defeats the point of running a lightweight window manager.

If you simply want to increase the speed KDE loads applications you could try 
out the famed Texstar's 'objprelinked' RPM's of KDE2.2.2 available from his 
download site at  I cannot honestly say it made a great 
deal of difference on my laptop, but others have reported significant speed 


On Sunday 20 January 2002 17:11, you wrote:
 A bit of an asidefiddling about with window managers yesterday and
 just having read an article in LinuxFormat about the XFce window
 environment, I thought I'd try it.

 I'm liking XFce a lotfor me it's a good balance of GUI accessibility
 yet a bit lighter in weight/faster than KDE or Gnome/Sawfish/Nautilus.

 Check it out.

 Terry Smith
 Hatchville, MA

 On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 10:47, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:08:50 +0100, Assassin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think it is very slow on my machine (K6-II 450, 128 RAM, TNT2, 20GB
   Quantum, with kernel 2.4.3). How can I optimise it so it can load and
   run applications faster?
  The best way is to run fast software. KDE is probably the slowest of the
  lot, closely followed by GNOME/Sawfish with Nautilus enabled. I have a
  Pentium II 350MHz system, and I find GNOME/Sawfish _without_ Nautilus (or
  with GMC, which can replace Nautilus) to be reasonably fast. Otherwise,
  you should look at alternative window managers and environments like
  XFce, Enlightenment, IceWM, WIndowMaker, Blackbox/Fluxbox and PWM/Ion,
  all of which are lighter than GNOME and KDE.
  Once that's done, you can look into fast applications, like Galeon (web
  browsing), Sylpheed (e-mail) and Downloader for X (downloading). I'm a
  bit biased towards GTK+ 1.2 apps because I generally find them to be far
  faster than QT2 apps. They are also great apps in their own right.
  If you feel up to it (it can be a bit tricky), you may also wish to
  upgrade your kernel and XFree86 to more recent versions. The versions
  included in Mandrake 8.1 are a little old now.

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 release

2002-01-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 09 Jan 2002 00:42:05 -0800
Ric Tibbetts [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Or to quote the ever popular, and always true statement:
   When it's ready
 thank you!
 Michael Viron wrote:
  Although no one is 100% sure, the best estimate is that it'll be
  released sometime in April or May of this year.  Search the list
  archives for'Mandrake 8.2' as this has been discussed off and on for
  several months.
  Michael Viron
  Registered Linux User #81978
  Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
  Web Spinners, University of West Florida
  At 11:48 AM 01/09/2002 +0530, Amish K. Munshi wrote:
  I would like to know by when will the 8.2 be realeased.

whats wrong with Mandrake 8.1? is it broken?


  windows   = where do you want to go today
  Mac   = go where you want, do what you want today
  MDK-linux =  been there, done that, got the tee shirt, why do you ask?

Registered Mandrake Linux User # 186492

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[newbie] Victory! (and the obligatory question)

2002-01-20 Thread Ville V Sinkko

After two months of intermittent headbanging with a floppy drive that
just _refuses to mount_ (and the consequent rantings on this list), I
remembered one thing I hadn't tried yet. I typed 'linux nobiospnp'
at the boot selection prompt, and lo+behold, the drive mounted when
I told it to.

Now, I'd love to get the machine to boot automatically like this
without me having to type it every time it's booting. How do I go
about doing this?

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Re: [newbie] Postfix delivers mail for root to nobody, why?

2002-01-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 08 Jan 2002 00:08:58 +0100
Guy Zelck [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Hi all,
 I've got a Md8.1 setup with postfix (I used sendmail before) and 
 discovered I never had mail as root.
 On doing some research I found the file /var/spool/mail/nobody 
 containing all my root mail from the beginning (cron job results).
 I searched for a .forward file without luck. I moved the file nobody 
 elsewhere and re-tested mail to root. The file nobody was re-created.
 How can I rectify this situation and make root's mail land in a file 
 called root like it ought to?
 Strange also that root's mail went to nobody before I even started
 postfix! Also, I always read postfix is so easy to configure; is there a
 gui that comes with it?
 See ya,


in your /etc/postfix/aliases file you want to set an alias for root users'
mail to go to your username so you're able to get root's mail. -- 

  windows   = where do you want to go today
  Mac   = go where you want, do what you want today
  MDK-linux =  been there, done that, got the tee shirt, why do you ask?

Registered Mandrake Linux User # 186492

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Re: [newbie] Trouble with (an) OAF!

2002-01-20 Thread Derek Jennings

A simpler solution is to grab the Evolution1.0-2 RPMs for Mandrake 8.1 from 
Texstars site
They should load without any dependency problems.
(I'm beginning to feel like an 'Infomercial' for Tex. This is the second time 
I've plugged his site today..)

He has i686 RPM's posted at present  (Pentium 3,4 or Athlon), not sure about 
i586 because his ftp site is not accepting anonymous access this evening


On Sunday 20 January 2002 17:38, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 Today's problem (actually I've been fooling with this off and on for a
 coupla weeks!) is installing Evolution 1.0.1.

 I'm going the route of downloading source files from the Ximian site.

 The first package that needs to be installed is

 bonobo-config-0.14. When I do a


 it goes through a script which runs a series of checks...All is well
 until it gets to

 much snipping

 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
 checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
 creating libtool
 checking for gawk... gawk
 checking for glib-config... /usr/bin/glib-config
 checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.0... yes
 checking for oaf-config... /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml
 checking for OAF - version = 0.6.2... no
 *** Could not run OAF test program, checking why...
 *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file
 config.log for the
 *** exact error that occured. This usually means OAF was incorrectly
 *** or that you have moved OAF since it was installed. In the latter
 case, you
 *** may want to edit the oaf-config script: /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml

 I have a file /etc/oaf/oaf-config.xml which I would be willing to post
 but a few basic questions.

 What is bonobo and what is it doing?

 What is OAF (I can't find it listed in any of my books) and what does it
 do? Do I need a newer version?

 What is going on here? (I'm a little mystified as I've got Evolution
 0.13 running OK and it must use bonobo???).

 Anywhow, if someone could steer me in the right direction it would be
 much appreciated.

 Terry Smith
 Hatchville, MA USA

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Re: [newbie] Victory! (and the obligatory question)

2002-01-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 20 January 2002 14:41, you wrote:
 After two months of intermittent headbanging with a floppy drive that
 just _refuses to mount_ (and the consequent rantings on this list), I
 remembered one thing I hadn't tried yet. I typed 'linux nobiospnp'
 at the boot selection prompt, and lo+behold, the drive mounted when
 I told it to.

 Now, I'd love to get the machine to boot automatically like this
 without me having to type it every time it's booting. How do I go
 about doing this?
Check in the archives but I believe that if you just edit the lilo config and 
add to the append line nobiospnp that it will boot without having to type 
it.  This is not something I have done, so again check the archives or 
someone who has done it please jump in here. HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Victory! (and the obligatory question)

2002-01-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 20 January 2002 14:41, you wrote:
 After two months of intermittent headbanging with a floppy drive that
 just _refuses to mount_ (and the consequent rantings on this list), I
 remembered one thing I hadn't tried yet. I typed 'linux nobiospnp'
 at the boot selection prompt, and lo+behold, the drive mounted when
 I told it to.

 Now, I'd love to get the machine to boot automatically like this
 without me having to type it every time it's booting. How do I go
 about doing this?
On previous post, I was right about adding in the nobiospnp to the append 
line, forgot to mention put it in with a space after the last item already 
there and inside the quotation marks.  Then go to a console and su to  type 
in at the prompt  /sbin/lilo  That should write  everything to the files and 
it will now boot with nobiospnp next time.  If you don't run lilo like 
mentioned above it will not write the changes to the file. Or so I believe.  
Anyway, HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror and Flash Plugin

2002-01-20 Thread shane

do you have the netscape plugins section under config in konq?  does it show 
a path to flash?  (likely in netscape plugins)  if not you need 
kdebase-nsplugin i believe.

there was another package that was sometimes needed, but i can't recall it 
off hand, i believe it is the lesstif libraries.  could be wrong.

you might also check the kde mailing list as that is where i solved that 

On Sunday 20 January 2002 12:10, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Hi All,

   I recently installed the Flash plugin that came with the Mandrake
 8.1 PowerPack Edition.  It will work with Netscape but not with Konqueror
 or Mozilla.  Loading and enabling Konqueror plugins still won't detect it. 
 Is there any way I can get Konqueror to work with Flash.  Also on a side
 note, any way to get Mozilla to detect it.  I'm using Mozilla 0.9.5 that
 came with Mandrake 8.1.  Cheers.

 Craig Williamson

Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117.

registered linux user #101606 @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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[newbie] Installation error

2002-01-20 Thread Miles Beck

I am installing LM8.1 and got the following error message during the

There was an error installing packages:

I am installing on a Netfinity 3500 with 256 megs of memory and a 4 gig
scsi drive.
The video adapter is an S3 Virge/GX2 agp with 4 megs of ram

Any suggestions on how to install Xfree?

Please respond with as much detail as possible, I am a totally new to
Unix/Linux and am starting from scratch knowledge wise.


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Re: [newbie] Installation error

2002-01-20 Thread Onur Kucuk

MB I am installing LM8.1 and got the following error message during the
MB installation.

MB There was an error installing packages:
MB XFree66-4.1.0-17mdk.i586

MB I am installing on a Netfinity 3500 with 256 megs of memory and a 4 gig
MB scsi drive.
MB The video adapter is an S3 Virge/GX2 agp with 4 megs of ram

MB Any suggestions on how to install Xfree?

MB Please respond with as much detail as possible, I am a totally new to
MB Unix/Linux and am starting from scratch knowledge wise.

MB Thanks!

 Your installation CD's might be corrupted, or your cdrom drive may
 have trouble reading it.

 Onur Kucuk

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[newbie] autologin does run .bash_profile

2002-01-20 Thread Andy Davidson

Strange problem with logging in.  Until yesterday I was letting the system 
come up in console mode, logging in as 'andyd' and then running
'startx' to get into X-Windows.  Yesterday I chose the option of being
logged in automatically as andyd and in KDE.  When I do that, it
appears that it is not a login session.  At least .bash_profile does
not get run.  If I switch back to doing logging in manually, .bash_profile
does get run.  Shouldn't autologin run .bash_profile as the login shell

The current workaround, of course, is to log in at a console first, then
run 'startx'.  But does anybody have any idea how I could make autologin
do what I think it should?

Don't know if it is related, but my PATH environment variable has
duplicate paths in it: 


Andy Davidson   --- Pheon Research
   If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

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[newbie] Gnome Theme Selector?

2002-01-20 Thread Nelson Bartley


When I installed LM and updated it, I chose a theme through the first
time wizard. Well, I really don't like it now, however I cannot find a
way to change it.

I'm using the latest cooker (20/02), and the new control center isn't of
much help.


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[newbie] Gnome Mouse Scrollig

2002-01-20 Thread Nelson Bartley

Hi Guys,

I'm in need of serious help. I'm trying to reduce the amount of
scrolling that occurs in gnome when I scroll on my mouse.

Rather then scroll by one line (similar to an up key) it scrolls by a
whole page.

I cannot seem to find a menu or control panel option to change this, and
changing it in programs (galeon) does not seem to have any effect.

For reference I'm using the Christmas Cooker which has been updated to
the most recent cooker available from as of 12:00PM /20 Jan.


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Re: [newbie] OT: VB on Linux???

2002-01-20 Thread falcaraz

I have installed Kylix2 in systems runing Mandrake 8.1 and 8.0 and run
fine; no libs. problems in both releases of Mandrake.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] no sound with xawtv

2002-01-20 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Sunday 20 January 2002 13:24, you wrote:

 I can't seem to get any sound out of xawtv with my wintv card.  I'm
 using mandrake 8.1.  The picture looks fine but no sound at all.  I
 don't seem to have any problems with sound with any other
 applications. Also, everything works just fine in windows so I know
 it's not a hardware problem.  Anybody know how to fix this?

Check your mixer to be sure you have line-in unmuted and turned up.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] Error installing postfix

2002-01-20 Thread Andy Davidson

I am trying to install postfix.  In the software manager, I see 
4 entries when I search for postfix, two pairs of duplicates:
Pick one of the 15.1 and try to install. It immediately completes the
fetching and starts the installing, then pops a window that says
Problems occured during installation  Click OK on that and get
a qmessage window that says Installation failed.

How can I dig myself out of this hole?  Where do I look for more
information on what went wrong?


Andy Davidson   --- Pheon Research
   If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

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Re: [newbie] OT: VB on Linux???

2002-01-20 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 01:00:25 +0100
[EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 I have installed Kylix2 in systems runing Mandrake 8.1 and 8.0 and run
 fine; no libs. problems in both releases of Mandrake.
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

do think I should worry about this that the test script is complaining about
or go ahead with the install?


  windows   = where do you want to go today
  Mac   = go where you want, do what you want today
  MDK-linux =  been there, done that, got the tee shirt, why do you ask?

Registered Mandrake Linux User # 186492

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Re: [newbie] Gnome Mouse Scrollig

2002-01-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 20 Jan 2002 18:44:53 -0500, Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 I'm in need of serious help. I'm trying to reduce the amount of
 scrolling that occurs in gnome when I scroll on my mouse.
 Rather then scroll by one line (similar to an up key) it scrolls by a
 whole page.
 I cannot seem to find a menu or control panel option to change this, and
 changing it in programs (galeon) does not seem to have any effect.
 For reference I'm using the Christmas Cooker which has been updated to
 the most recent cooker available from as of 12:00PM /20 Jan.

If you have imwheel running (it runs by default), kill it.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

  When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare
   at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'.
   -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Gnome Mouse Scrollig

2002-01-20 Thread Nelson Bartley

Thank you! you are a god.

Now the real test, how do I remove it. permanently.


On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 19:45, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On 20 Jan 2002 18:44:53 -0500, Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  I'm in need of serious help. I'm trying to reduce the amount of
  scrolling that occurs in gnome when I scroll on my mouse.
  Rather then scroll by one line (similar to an up key) it scrolls by a
  whole page.
  I cannot seem to find a menu or control panel option to change this, and
  changing it in programs (galeon) does not seem to have any effect.
  For reference I'm using the Christmas Cooker which has been updated to
  the most recent cooker available from as of 12:00PM /20 Jan.
 If you have imwheel running (it runs by default), kill it.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
   When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare
at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'.
  -- Linus Torvalds

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RE: [newbie] Gnome Theme Selector?

2002-01-20 Thread Matt Bullock

What desktop are you using?  KDE or Gnome maybe?  I am running Gnome right
now, and if you click on the toolbox on the taskbar which is Gnome
configuration tool, choose themes from the selections you can choose a
different one, or none at all.  I don't know about any other desktops so
sorry I cant be of more help.


-Original Message-
From: Nelson Bartley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] Gnome Theme Selector?


When I installed LM and updated it, I chose a theme through the first
time wizard. Well, I really don't like it now, however I cannot find a
way to change it.

I'm using the latest cooker (20/02), and the new control center isn't of
much help.


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Re: [newbie] How to speed up Linux Mandrake 8?

2002-01-20 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 20:30:45 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You and me both Terry... I've adopted XFCE as my window manager of choice for 
 my 'processor challenged' laptop. It is considerably faster than KDE or 
 Gnome, prettier than ICEwm and easier to use than Enlightenment or Blackbox 
 IMO  (And the screen savers are quite funky)

same here. i only started to use xfce when the j2me emulator was not functioning with 
KDE and GNOME was too quirky for my taste. Xfce is now my default desktop here in the 

 Two downsides are that many of the links are not set up correctly, and for 
 some unexplained reason any 'X' application such as xterm is missing its 
 scroll bars. I could use kterm or somesuch instead, but that means loading QT 
 libraries etc which defeats the point of running a lightweight window manager.

try aterm. i like it better than the konsole. its significantly faster and has 
scrollbars, the downside is that it doest support multiple terminals per window. but 
you cant have everything. *grin*




Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] no sound with xawtv

2002-01-20 Thread chuck

yeah, I've actually tested the line in using a walkman and it is working
properly.  Thanks for the suggestion though.


On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 17:37, Bryan Tyson wrote:
 On Sunday 20 January 2002 13:24, you wrote:
  I can't seem to get any sound out of xawtv with my wintv card.  I'm
  using mandrake 8.1.  The picture looks fine but no sound at all.  I
  don't seem to have any problems with sound with any other
  applications. Also, everything works just fine in windows so I know
  it's not a hardware problem.  Anybody know how to fix this?
 Check your mixer to be sure you have line-in unmuted and turned up.
 Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
 KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2
 Bryan S. Tyson
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Re: [newbie] no sound with xawtv

2002-01-20 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On Sunday 20 January 2002 23:54, chuck wrote:
 I can't seem to get any sound out of xawtv with my wintv card.  I'm
 using mandrake 8.1.  The picture looks fine but no sound at all.  I
 don't seem to have any problems with sound with any other applications.
 Also, everything works just fine in windows so I know it's not a
 hardware problem.  Anybody know how to fix this?


kindly  check  whether tuner card sound out  is  connected to sound input of 
sound card.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] Kmail spell check

2002-01-20 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On Sunday 20 January 2002 07:26, Ron Secord wrote:
 On Friday 18 January 2002 10:17 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
  I have selected settings, spellckecker.
  In the dialog box that comes selected client  as aspell.
  Still when I select edit spellcheck I get the msg.
   ISpell couldn't be started.
  Please make sure you have ispell properly configure and in your path.
  This I have written in my earlier mail also.Thanks for the interest.

 Also running Mandrake 8.1 here. The only additional thing that I needed
 to do was install Pspell support for Ispell. The .rpm
 (pspell-ispell-0.12-1mdk) is on your #2 install disk. After doing that
 spellchecker worked fine for me.

Thanks for the info. It worked for me also after installing the above.
By default it should have been installed by MDK. 
I want to know one more. Where is custom words added during spell check are 
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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[newbie] Monitor Lock-up

2002-01-20 Thread J Winkle

 When my IBM 202 monitor shuts itself down for the night, and I am
still logged in, I have to turn the whole box off in the morning (which
led to more difficuties - reformating).  I have experimented and logged
off at night and the results are various. I saw on the list several
weeks ago, a command to tell your monitor NOT to go into shut down
(energy saver) mode. And it worked fine. I searched the newbie archives
but can't find it. Any help is appreciated. I am running MK 8.1, AMD 1.4
ghz 512 ram. Voodoo 5500.  

J Winkle

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Re: [newbie] Monitor Lock-up

2002-01-20 Thread Dan Shackelford

On Sunday 20 January 2002 05:54 pm, you wrote:

When my IBM 202 monitor shuts itself down for the night, and I am
 still logged in, I have to turn the whole box off in the morning (which
 led to more difficuties - reformating).  I have experimented and logged
 off at night and the results are various. I saw on the list several
 weeks ago, a command to tell your monitor NOT to go into shut down
 (energy saver) mode. And it worked fine. I searched the newbie archives
 but can't find it. Any help is appreciated. I am running MK 8.1, AMD 1.4
 ghz 512 ram. Voodoo 5500.

 J Winkle

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[newbie] First system crash, no more CDROM drive

2002-01-20 Thread Allen Hernandez

Hey guys,

This is the first time my Linux system crashed. It's a sad and scary

From Gnome, I launched kscd and everything stopped for awhile, then
CPU and mem usage just shot up like crazy! But it eventually popped

A few seconds later i issued a 'urpmi cdrecord' and it prompted me
for the installation disks.
I insert one, close the drive bay, it reads and then surprise: my
speakers eek out a loud
BUZ, very very loud! I try to get out of X but there's no

Everything just stopped and I had to reset the computer. I have no
idea what it was but it
scared my pants off. Now everytime I pop in a CD, the same thing
happens -- CRASH!
major, man!

Here's the log of that incident:

Jan 21 09:57:46 lucifer gnome-name-server[741]: name server starting
Jan 21 09:57:50 lucifer gconfd (jal-749): starting (version 1.0.4), pid
749 user 'jal'
Jan 21 09:57:50 lucifer gconfd (jal-749): Removing stale lock
`/home/jal/.gconfd/lock' because of error pinging server:
Jan 21 09:57:51 lucifer kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks
I recognize!
Jan 21 09:59:04 lucifer su(pam_unix)[807]: session opened for user root
by jal(uid=502)
Jan 21 10:00:00 lucifer CROND[849]: (root) CMD (   /sbin/rmmod -as) 

What the hell is this?
-Jan 21 10:00:31 lucifer kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 847
I've never seen this before?

Jan 21 10:00:46 lucifer su(pam_unix)[807]: session closed for user root
Jan 21 10:01:00 lucifer CROND[856]: (root) CMD (run-parts
Jan 21 10:01:11 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:01:11 lucifer kernel: hdb: DMA disabled
Jan 21 10:01:11 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:01:21 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:01:21 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:01:31 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:01:31 lucifer kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40 (hdb),
sector 0
Jan 21 10:01:32 lucifer kernel: hdb: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy
Jan 21 10:01:32 lucifer kernel: hdb: drive not ready for command
Jan 21 10:01:36 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:01:42 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:01:42 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:01:52 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:02:03 lucifer kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40 (hdb),
sector 0
Jan 21 10:02:03 lucifer kernel: hdb: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy
Jan 21 10:02:03 lucifer kernel: hdb: drive not ready for command
Jan 21 10:02:03 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:02:03 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:02:03 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:02:13 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:02:13 lucifer kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40 (hdb),
sector 0
Jan 21 10:02:16 lucifer kernel: hdb: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy
Jan 21 10:02:16 lucifer kernel: hdb: drive not ready for command
Jan 21 10:02:18 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:02:28 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:02:28 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:02:38 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:02:38 lucifer kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40 (hdb),
sector 0
Jan 21 10:02:40 lucifer kernel: hdb: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy
Jan 21 10:02:40 lucifer kernel: hdb: drive not ready for command
Jan 21 10:02:44 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:02:51 lucifer gconfd (jal-749): 16 items remain in the cache
after cleaning already-synced items older than 300 seconds
Jan 21 10:03:59 lucifer su(pam_unix)[911]: session opened for user root
by jal(uid=502)
Jan 21 09:57:46 lucifer gnome-name-server[741]: name server starting
Jan 21 09:57:50 lucifer gconfd (jal-749): starting (version 1.0.4), pid
749 user 'jal'
Jan 21 09:57:50 lucifer gconfd (jal-749): Removing stale lock
`/home/jal/.gconfd/lock' because of error pinging server:
Jan 21 09:57:51 lucifer kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks
I recognize!
Jan 21 09:59:04 lucifer su(pam_unix)[807]: session opened for user root
by jal(uid=502)
Jan 21 10:00:00 lucifer CROND[849]: (root) CMD (   /sbin/rmmod -as) 
Jan 21 10:00:31 lucifer kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 847
Jan 21 10:00:46 lucifer su(pam_unix)[807]: session closed for user root
Jan 21 10:01:00 lucifer CROND[856]: (root) CMD (run-parts
Jan 21 10:01:11 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:01:11 lucifer kernel: hdb: DMA disabled
Jan 21 10:01:11 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 21 10:01:21 lucifer kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 21 10:01:21 lucifer kernel: hdb: ATAPI reset 

Re: [newbie] Victory! (and the obligatory question)

2002-01-20 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 20 January 2002 03:41 pm, Ville V Sinkko wrote:
 After two months of intermittent headbanging with a floppy drive that
 just _refuses to mount_ (and the consequent rantings on this list), I
 remembered one thing I hadn't tried yet. I typed 'linux nobiospnp'
 at the boot selection prompt, and lo+behold, the drive mounted when
 I told it to.

 Now, I'd love to get the machine to boot automatically like this
 without me having to type it every time it's booting. How do I go
 about doing this?
I changed my append line in /etc/lilo.conf
then ran lilo as root

append= devfs=mount nobiospnp
#append= nopnpbios devfs=mount quiet
append= devfs=mount nobiospnp
#append= nopnpbios devfs=mount
append= devfs=mount nobiospnp
#append= nopnpbios devfs=mount failsafe

Gerald Waugh
Registered Linux User 255245
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Re: [newbie] Victory! (and the obligatory question)

2002-01-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 20 January 2002 20:45, you wrote:
 On Sunday 20 January 2002 03:41 pm, Ville V Sinkko wrote:
  After two months of intermittent headbanging with a floppy drive that
  just _refuses to mount_ (and the consequent rantings on this list), I
  remembered one thing I hadn't tried yet. I typed 'linux nobiospnp'
  at the boot selection prompt, and lo+behold, the drive mounted when
  I told it to.
  Now, I'd love to get the machine to boot automatically like this
  without me having to type it every time it's booting. How do I go
  about doing this?

 I changed my append line in /etc/lilo.conf
 then ran lilo as root

 append= devfs=mount nobiospnp
 #append= nopnpbios devfs=mount quiet
 append= devfs=mount nobiospnp
 #append= nopnpbios devfs=mount
 append= devfs=mount nobiospnp
 #append= nopnpbios devfs=mount failsafe
That should do it, did it?  I think you only need to add it to the section 
with label=linux   the other two I'm not sure will make any difference if 
you boot into them. So anyway does lilo boot and give you floppy access now?
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] lilo.conf after kernel install

2002-01-20 Thread Brian Parish

Just installed the security update for the kernel.  After rpm -ivh
kernel I noted that lilo.conf (excluding the menu stuff at top) now
looked like:

append= devfs=mount quiet

append= devfs=mount quiet

A check of /boot reveals that initrd.img is linked to

So, my lilo allows me to boot either the new kernel by choosing 248-341,
or the new kernel by choosing linux.  That doesn't seem like a very
failsafe option, so I added:

append= devfs=mount quiet

and ran lilo before attempting a reboot.  The new kernel seems fine, so
there was no need, but it still leaves the question of why the install
behaves that way.  Anyone care to comment?


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[newbie] software manager config

2002-01-20 Thread Gerald Waugh

How do I set up software manager
to find the updates.

It says choose your mirror
what do I put in there for a URL?

Gerald Waugh
Registered Linux User 255245
Register at

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Re: [newbie] Monitor Lock-up

2002-01-20 Thread J Winkle

There it was, right in front of me.  Never bothered to
look there because I figured this wasn't a laptop and
didn't apply (batteries).  Thanks for the response

--- Dan Shackelford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sunday 20 January 2002 05:54 pm, you wrote:
 Have you tried:  K -- CONFIGURATION -- KDE -- POWER
   When my IBM 202 monitor shuts itself down for
 the night, and I am
  still logged in, I have to turn the whole box off
 in the morning (which
  led to more difficuties - reformating).  I have
 experimented and logged
  off at night and the results are various. I saw on
 the list several
  weeks ago, a command to tell your monitor NOT to
 go into shut down
  (energy saver) mode. And it worked fine. I
 searched the newbie archives
  but can't find it. Any help is appreciated. I am
 running MK 8.1, AMD 1.4
  ghz 512 ram. Voodoo 5500.
  J Winkle

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RE: [newbie] trouble with CD-RW drive

2002-01-20 Thread Mark

Please ignore this message. I found the answer in a message posted a few days ago. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark) wrote:

I just upgraded from mandrake 8.0 to 8.1, and I am now having trouble with my CD-RW 
drive. This drive worked under 8.0. I can read data CDs but not audio CDs. I took a 
look at the fstab file and this is what I found:

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
fs=auto,dev=/dev/scd0,iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,codepage=850,exec 00

I issued the supermount command because I thought that might help. I read the 
iocharset for CD-ROMs should be iso9660, but when I changed the file, I got an error 
message saying that the filesystem is not supported or something like that. Has 
anyone else experienced this problem?
Mark Vasquez

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Mark Vasquez

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convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape!

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RE: Re: [newbie] trouble with CD-RW drive

2002-01-20 Thread Mark

I apologize. I posted too hastily. I reviewed some old messages on this list and found 
the answer to this problem. It has to do with configuring the cd player correctly. The 
device setting was wrong, it was listed /dev/cdrom. But since CD-RW drives use SCSI 
emulation, it should be /dev/scd0. I changed the setting, and I am now able to play 
audio CDs. Sorry everyone.  

Anuerin G.Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 01:18:11 -0500
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark) wrote:

 I just upgraded from mandrake 8.0 to 8.1, and I am now having trouble with my CD-RW 
drive. This drive worked under 8.0. I can read data CDs but not audio CDs. I took a 
look at the fstab file and this is what I found:
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
fs=auto,dev=/dev/scd0,iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,nodev,codepage=850,exec 00
 I issued the supermount command because I thought that might help. I read the 
iocharset for CD-ROMs should be iso9660, but when I changed the file, I got an error 
message saying that the filesystem is not supported or something like that. Has 
anyone else experienced this problem?
 Mark Vasquez

i think this falls on the category of questions answerable by:

  audio CDs have no filesystems therefore should not be mounted. a properly 
configured audio player (noatun, kscd, xmms) should be able to play an audio CD when 
it is inserted into the tray

sounds easy doesnt it? but i have not yet tried using my CD-RW as a cd reader.

if i am wrong then im sure someone will correct me. ;-)



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Anuerin G. Diaz
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Mark Vasquez

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