Re: [newbie-it] Re Samba...è cambiato qualcosa?

2002-05-16 Thread max

Il 19:02, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 On Wed, 15 May 2002, max wrote:
  Il problema non dipende da samba: ho provato con una nuova versione
  (2.2.4) ed una vecchia (2.0.10) ed il problema rimane.
  Sono andato a cercare nei files di log epare proprio che il problema
  sia a livello kernel. [..]
  May 15 16:49:23 linux kernel: *pde = 
  May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at
  virtual address cc00
  May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: *pde = 

 Prova a guardare con un motore di ricerca (digitando il messaggio di
 errore Unable ... address) se qualcuno ha risolto il problema, ho dato
 uno sguardo veloce e ho notato che l'accoppiata kernel vecchiotto [2.2x
 prima di un certo numero, o i primi 2.4x usciti] + disco in frenetica
 attivita' e' un dato spesso ricorrente, ma sembra che nessuno sia
 riuscito a trovare il problema.

 Passo ora a tre domande veloci:
 1) non e' che per caso la cpu e' overcloccata in modo eccessivo e
 non sufficientemente raffreddata?
 2) non hai compilato il kernel con gcc in versione 3.x, veero?
 3) la versione del kernel e' recente? altrimenti prova a passare
 all'ultima versione stabile, puo' darsi che sia un baco scovato

Rispondo sinteticamente:
1) la cpu non è overcloccata
2) il kernel è il 2.4.18 della mdk 8.2 (quello di serie) mai ricompilato

Vado a controllare Unable ... address




/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

[newbie-it] Finalmente il Mozilla 1 RC2 Da leggere se utilizzate il Mozilla

2002-05-16 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Se ancora non l'avete fatto andatevi a scaricare il Mozilla 1 RC2 uscito
da pochissimo, ne vale la pena. Tra le diverse correzioni apportate
comprende anche quella famosa ricontrata dalla società di sicurezza
israeliana GreyMagic Software (annunciata da me a questa lista in una
mia precedente mail) di una falla che permetteva ad un cracker di
leggere file dal PC dell'utente.
Andate poi a verificare se tutto è ok sul piccolo test online al sito:
(dove potete anche verificare come agisce sul Mozilla che utilizate
attualmente e rendervi conto della gravità del  problema prima di
effettuare il download, a me leggeva tutta la mia directory confermando
l'importante scoperta, comunque non vi preoccupate è solo un test).
Cerco di darmi da fare pure io.
Saluti a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemino quotidiano..

2002-05-16 Thread ku68

Il mer, 2002-05-15 alle 21:42, nicola ha scritto:
 Quotidianamente, significa che si ripresenta solo una volta al giorno, o che 
 accade sempre quando lanci molte applicazioni insieme?
Non ho mai lanciato + di 3/4 applicazioni e niente di così pesante da
far inchiodare tutto (almeno credo) al massimo openoffice ,calc e writer
e gimp.
 Nel primo caso, non vorrei che fosse qualche operazione giornaliera 
 programmata a mandare in panne il Pc quando è sotto forte stress. Nel secondo 
 non saprei proprio cosa dirti. Mi dispiace di non esserti molto di aiuto.
 Ciao Nicola
Mah stamane è successo solo una volta dopo l'avvio ho attivato la
connessione a internet e aperto evolution e knode. Forse l'ipotesi
dell'operazione giornaliera non mi sembra da scartare.
Ma come si fa' a sapere eventualmente qual'è?
C'è una sorta di auto check up? ;-)
Ciao e grazie 

[newbie-it] 8.3 di linux c problemi?

2002-05-16 Thread lobaxteen

ho letto un msg in lista che diceva che i cd di linux c erano difettosi, è
vero o può essere stato solo un problema soggettivo?
è successo regolarmente a tutti?
ciao grz

Re: [newbie-it] 8.3 di linux c problemi?

2002-05-16 Thread LukenShiro

On Thu, 16 May 2002, lobaxteen wrote:
 ho letto un msg in lista che diceva che i cd di linux c erano difettosi, è
 vero o può essere stato solo un problema soggettivo?
 è successo regolarmente a tutti?

Dipende come capiti ... certo e' che la ricorrenza dei cd difettosi di
quella rivista (al confronto con altre riviste concorrenti, che
probabilmente sono piu' accorte in questo senso) e' stranamente
preoccupante ... non mi fa intravvedere una grande serieta' da parte
dell'editore e della catena di produzione/distribuzione di cui si

P.S. personalmente ho trovato recentemente, presso edicole diverse, tre 
riviste di fila di LC con cd danneggiati anche se in parte. Alla faccia 
della coincidenza e della probabilita' statisticamente irrilevante ... 

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: Re: [newbie-it] 8.3 di linux c problemi?

2002-05-16 Thread

Sono unpò deficiente ed è la prima volta che lavoro con mandrake 8.2. Quale pacchetto 
devo installare per montare il server DHCP
C'è un sito dove posso fare il download e installarlo?
è difficile ???


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


Re: [newbie-it] Linux C problemi

2002-05-16 Thread Andrea Celli

On Thu, 16 May 2002 16:34:49 +0200

 Io sono abbonato da un anno e la rivista mi è sempre arrivata almeno 7 giorni dopo 
l'uscita in edicola. Questo mese non l'ho ancora ricevuta!!! (Se la sarà letta il 

Credo sia un problema comune a tutte le riviste in abbonamento.
All'edicola le consegnano con un sistema di corrieri, lo stesso che
consegna i giornali ogni mattina all'alba.
A te la mandano con le Poste Italiane ... :(
e non di certo on l'affrancatura prioritaria.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Samba PDC

2002-05-16 Thread LukenShiro

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Paride Desimone wrote:
 Chi mi spiega per benino cosa diavolo e' un PDC con o senza Samba?

Prova a dare uno sguardo qui:
[e anche ad altro, che troverai con google ...]

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] 8.3 di linux c problemi?

2002-05-16 Thread sandro

Alle 15:20, giovedì 16 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 ho letto un msg in lista che diceva che i cd di linux c erano difettosi, è
 vero o può essere stato solo un problema soggettivo?
 è successo regolarmente a tutti?
 ciao grz

A me è successo. Con quelli originali (della rivista) non sono riuscito ad 
installare. Li ho rimasterizzati ed i nuovi funzionano a meraviglia.
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

[newbie-it] Audio CD

2002-05-16 Thread Nicholas Wieland

Salve a tutti:
ho un problema nell'ascolto di CD Audio con Mdk 8.2.
Premetto dicendo che è almeno una settimana che smanetto senza venirne a capo.
Tutto sembra configurato alla perfezione: mi sono loggato come root ma il risultato 
non cambia, il cd non si sente, quindi non è questione di permessi. Sia al log in che 
al log out sento il sonoro quindi la scheda è configurata, ho controllato anche la 
configurazione della stessa e la scheda è la mia (lo prova il test...). Ho provato 
ripetutamente a cambiare cdrom passando dal lettore al masterizzatore ell'emulazione 
scsi senza risultato. Ho trafficato ore con il mixer. Nulla...
Non so realmente quali altri tentativi effettuare, mi rimetto a voi.
Il cd viene riconosciuto, lo inserisco nel cd-rom e lo chiudo con il pulsante 
dell'applicazione, il cd inizia a girare e i brani riportati dall'applicazione sono 
corretti: il problema sembra proprio l'output...

Grazie dell'attenzione,

[newbie-it] Knode e News offline

2002-05-16 Thread Nicholas Wieland

Non riesco a configurare KNode in modo che mi permetta di marcare offline gli articoli 
che mi interessano per poi scaricarli quando vado online in modo da leggerli poi con 
calma offline e rispondere mettendo in coda i replies.
Ho letto sul manuale che devo avere un server NNTP... :-O
Qualcuno c'è riuscito ?

Grazie del tempo, ciao


[newbie-it] Ispell

2002-05-16 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Salve a tutti,

Grazie Fabio per le spiegazioni, in kword ho configurato!!

Il problema rimane per il comando da console e in programmi tipo emacs , 
dal momento che quando dico di fare il controllo subito cercano il 
dizionario di default che è inglese.
Adesso chiedo a qualcuno che lo abbia già fatto o che sa teoricamente come 
si fa: Come faccio da console o da emacs e simili a scegliere il dizionario 
per ispell?

Grazie mille...

Re: [newbie-it] 8.3 di linux c problemi?

2002-05-16 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Thu, 16 May 2002 15:20:43 +0200
lobaxteen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ho letto un msg in lista che diceva che i cd di linux c erano difettosi, è
 vero o può essere stato solo un problema soggettivo?
 è successo regolarmente a tutti?
 ciao grz

A me hanno sempre funzionato benissimo.
Cmq la rivista costa poco e credo che anche sotto quell'aspetto sia una delle 
migliori. Pensa che mi è capitato di avere addirittura una distro incompleta su altri 
giornali Linux... 


Re: [newbie-it] 8.2 e xine e dvd del commercio

2002-05-16 Thread LukenShiro

On Thu, 16 May 2002, paolo brusasco wrote:
 xine parte ma premendo il bottone dvd e poi play dice che mancano dei 
 ho installato tutti i plugin della distribuzione.
 ho installato un plugin xine-d4d-plugin-0-3-0-2plf etc da plf
 ho modificato la chiamata come $xine -pq dvdnav://

Mi suona strano questo modo di avviare xine, sinceramente ... anche
perche' gli dici di avviare automaticamente qualcosa che AFAIK non trova
e poi di uscire.
Hai gia' creato un link simbolico /dev/dvd al dispositivo del lettore 
dvd? Che plugin ti dice che mancano, precisamente? 
Avvia xine (senza opzioni) da riga di comando, in modo da vedere quali 
sono gli eventuali errori che riporta.

P.S. A titolo di precisazione i pacchetti mdk di xine sono questi:  
xine-aa xine-alsa5 xine-arts xine-esd xine-oss xine-plugins xine-ui
xine-ui-aa xine-vx libxine0.9.8 libxine0.9.8-devel libxine0.9.8-docs?

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

[newbie-it] Windoz 98 e samba

2002-05-16 Thread Paolo Astengo

  Saluti a tutta la lista.
  Da giorni mi sto scontrando con l'installazione di samba.
  In rete si trova molta documentazione ma non riesco a trovare una 
  descrizione che faccia al mio caso.
  In ufficio abbiamo questa configurazione:
  Mandrake SNF ( - come 
  firewall verso internet
  Mandrake 8.2 ( come server 
  di stampa (anche questo non pare funzionare correttamente, ma ne 
  discuteremo un'altra volta..)
  Mandrake 8.2 ( come file 
  Un numero imprecisato di client W98 che al più presto passerano in 
  Il problema riguarda le autorizzazioni all'utilizzo delle risorse 
  condivise su Franklin.
  Samba su Franklin è configurato cosi:
  security = user
  Il server Franklin è visibile dalla rete win ed è possibile entrare 
  solo se l'utente win ha un account sul server linux.
  Il mio desiderio è quello di avere directory diversamente abilitate 
  per i diversi utenti.
  In questo modo i dipendenti dell'amministrazione potranno accedere 
  solo alla dir \\Frankli\admins, i 
  progettisti a \\Franklin\design 
  Come diamine si fa
  Le sto provando tutte.
  Ciao, Paolo
  ---Original Message---
  Date: Thursday, May 16, 
  2002 15:24:45
  Subject: [newbie-it] 
  8.3 di linux  c problemi?
  ciao,ho letto un msg in lista che diceva che i cd di 
  linux c erano difettosi, èvero o può essere stato solo un 
  problema soggettivo?è successo regolarmente a tutti?ciao 


 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [newbie-it] Audio CD

2002-05-16 Thread jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:22, giovedì 16 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Audio CD, 
Nicholas Wieland ha scritto:

 Il cd viene riconosciuto, lo inserisco nel cd-rom e lo chiudo con il 
 pulsante dell'applicazione, il cd inizia a girare e i brani riportati 
 dall'applicazione sono corretti: il problema sembra proprio l'output...

Ciao, spiegami una cosa: il problema c'è con qualsiasi applicazione tu usi?
xmms, kscd, noatun e compagnia bella?
seconda cosa: se provi la stessa configurazione hardware con un altro so 
tutto funziona a dovere per quel che riguarda l'ascolto di cd audio?


- -- 
- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Audio CD

2002-05-16 Thread Nicholas Wieland

On Thu, 16 May 2002 22:46:33 +0200

 Ciao, spiegami una cosa: il problema c'è con qualsiasi applicazione tu usi?
 xmms, kscd, noatun e compagnia bella?
 seconda cosa: se provi la stessa configurazione hardware con un altro so 
 tutto funziona a dovere per quel che riguarda l'ascolto di cd audio?

Nemmeno XMMS legge i cd audio no. Io non uso più Win da un po' ma i cd li leggeva ...
Assurdo, continuo a smanettare ma nulla, non ne vengo a capo :(


[newbie-it] Audio CD

2002-05-16 Thread Paolo Schiavo

Mi associa anch'io al problema. Qualunque lettore CD utilizzo (anche in root) 
mi riconosce il disco ma non c'è verso di ascortarlo (cioè progredisce 
regolarmente la lettura ma non si sente nulla). Se uso gli stessi programmi 
per file audio (anche MP3) salvati nei dischi locali riesco a sentirli 
perfettamente. Aiuto!


Re: [newbie-it] Ispell

2002-05-16 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 19:57, giovedì 16 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti,

 Grazie Fabio per le spiegazioni, in kword ho configurato!!

 Il problema rimane per il comando da console e in programmi tipo emacs ,
 dal momento che quando dico di fare il controllo subito cercano il
 dizionario di default che è inglese.
 Adesso chiedo a qualcuno che lo abbia già fatto o che sa teoricamente come
 si fa: Come faccio da console o da emacs e simili a scegliere il dizionario
 per ispell?

..Ehm... quasi mi secca dirlo ma... RTFM !!
Dopo questa operazione scoprirai che
ispell -d italiano nomefile
fa proprio quello che vuoi.
Il divertimento di Linux, almeno per me, è proprio quello di leggersi tutti i 

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Knode e News offline

2002-05-16 Thread LukenShiro

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Nicholas Wieland wrote:

 Non riesco a configurare KNode in modo che mi permetta di marcare
 offline gli articoli che mi interessano per poi scaricarli quando vado
 online in modo da leggerli poi con calma offline e rispondere mettendo
 in coda i replies. Ho letto sul manuale che devo avere un server
 NNTP... :-O

Non ti posso aiutare piu' di tanto (finora ho usato solo pan e col 
news-server del provider), cmq installa e configura un news server 
locale come leafnode. Dai uno sguardo a: (anche se riguarda 
perlopiu' INN)
man di leafnode e programmi dipendenti
ed eventualmente col solito google se riesci a trovare qualche altro 
sito informativo sul tema ..

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

[newbie-it] Sympa... questo sconosciuto!

2002-05-16 Thread Paolo Tomiato

Sto cercando di mettere su una lista x i miei amici e io e, dopo essermi letto
tutto quello che trovavo su postfix e majordomo, mi sono accorto che la mia
distro (mdk 8.1) cia' il sympa gia' installato!
Ora, mentre x tutto il resto ho trovato vari howto (anche in italiano!) + che
esaustivi, x quest'ultimo trovo solo quanto pubblicato sul sito francese di
Da una ricerca con google sulle pagine in italiano ho potuto rilevare che, pur
essendo utilizzato da varie liste in cui si parla di mandrake, nessuno di quelli
che hanno gia' implementato queste mailing list e' stato molto prodigo di
suggerimenti con tutti coloro che lamentavano difficolta' e problemi con questo
gestore... si limitavano a rispondere: questa lista e' implementata con sympa!
(come dire: tant'e', come vedi funziona, quindi datti una svegliata!).
Mah domani in ufficio mi stampo il manuale ufficiale (in francese?!?) poi,
se ci capisco qualcosa bene, al peggio lo disinstallo e uso Majordomo! ;)

P.S.: mi sono anche scaricato i manuali .pdf della mia distro ma di sympa
neanche l'ombra.

Re: [newbie-it] Audio CD

2002-05-16 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 23:15, giovedì 16 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Mi associa anch'io al problema. Qualunque lettore CD utilizzo (anche in
 root) mi riconosce il disco ma non c'è verso di ascortarlo (cioè
 progredisce regolarmente la lettura ma non si sente nulla). Se uso gli
 stessi programmi per file audio (anche MP3) salvati nei dischi locali
 riesco a sentirli perfettamente. Aiuto!


Awv... E' solo una supposizione ovviamente..
Kmix non ha il valore Cd o il valore Pcm settato a zero, vero?
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] very OT filesystem

2002-05-16 Thread robirossi

Scusate la domanda sicuramente banale..
Sono passato a alla Distro Turbolinux, sul mio pc dove ho installato su hda
windows 2000
e hdc linux ( appunto  Turbolinux) Fino ad ora ho usato Mandrake che faceva
tutto da sola
e mi creava l'icona sul desktop  (KDE), che mi montava e mi faceva leggere
su win...non mi ero mai preoccupato
di dare un'occhiata a /etc/fstab e /etc/mtab  ...  il file system di
windows 2000 è FAT32...
Che line devo aggiugere rispettivamente nei 2 files?  (non ricordo che tipo
di filesystem mettere)
Grazie e scusate la domanda


Re: [newbie-it] very OT filesystem

2002-05-16 Thread LukenShiro

On Fri, 17 May 2002, robirossi wrote:

 di dare un'occhiata a /etc/fstab e /etc/mtab ...  il file
 system di windows 2000 è FAT32... Che line devo aggiugere
 rispettivamente nei 2 files?  (non ricordo che tipo di filesystem

/etc/mtab non va _mai_ toccato (viene gestito dal sistema)
in /etc/fstab ti dovrebbe bastare (se non usi quella porcheria di 
devfs :)):

_dispositivo-di-winz_ _directory-di-mount-winz_ vfat defaults 0 0

 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows 

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] Sympa... questo sconosciuto!

2002-05-16 Thread LukenShiro

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Paolo Tomiato wrote:
 Mah domani in ufficio mi stampo il manuale ufficiale (in francese?!?) poi,
 se ci capisco qualcosa bene, al peggio lo disinstallo e uso Majordomo! ;)

Il manualone e' in inglese (se ti puo' consolare :P)
[poi ci sono le FAQ, anche quelle in inglese)

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-16 Thread Damian G

 The easy answer is to approach someon like MS and have the company use 
 its muscle in offering a Special relationship  to one of the hardware 
 vendors that makes attractive hardware and have a binding non-disclosed 
 contract to install the spy and rootkit binary in its binary-only driver 
 for linux.  In that way, linux is deposed as having better security, 
 making MS happy; the merchants get their marketing data and are happy; 
 the spyware producer gets paid and is happy; and the linux users do all 
 the dirty work to themselves by installing binary-only drivers and are 
 happy because their super hardware works fully fiunctionally under linux.
 So, everyone is happy in this scenario, unless someone happens to 
 restore /bin from a backup and gets a nasty surprise about a phone-home 
 sitting in the kernel processes.
 If you think it cannot happen...  Think again, and remember the stolen 
 homework that became Excel, the plagiarized DOSes, the Nantes Commercial 
 Court findings, the Ztore that was linux/Samba and was billed as secret 
 and proprietary network storage devices
 It happens all the time.  The question is not _if_ but _When_ and _Who_.
 As long as users buy hardware and accept binary-only drivers, linux is 
 as vulnerable to the installation of spyware as any other system.  Most 
 likely it will be a winmodem driver, but it coud be a video card or it 
 may already have been a  high-level sound card.

* feels really tempted to change the subject of the thread to 
glad my PC is an old POS and i don't have any new hardware **



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[newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Miark

Shane and I were talking about M$ products and the government. I thought
y'all might be interested too. 

First, the Peruvian government is putting through a bill that would
eliminate closed, proprietary software (M$ software) from government
computers. The General Manager of M$ in Peru wrote a public complaint,
and a congressman wrote a response. I was most interested in what he
said about security:

To guarantee national security or the security of the State, it is
indispensable to be able to rely on systems without elements which allow
control from a distance or the undesired transmission of information to
third parties. Systems with source code freely accessible to the public
are required to allow their inspection by the State itself, by the
citizens, and by a large number of independent experts throughout the
world. Our proposal brings further security, since the knowledge of the
source code will eliminate the growing number of programs with spy code.
In the same way, our proposal strengthens the security of the citizens,
both in their role as legitimate owners of information managed by the
state, and in their role as consumers. In this second case, by allowing
the growth of a widespread availability of free software not containing
spy code able to put at risk privacy and individual freedoms.

Well said. And if that wasn't enough to stricken M$ crap, check this out
(in case you didn't already read it in Shane's sig):

Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding 
security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency]
out of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies
of its products that would be purchased by the government... I have
raised this issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been the
subject of both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security
Specialist, in a letter to Defense Secretary William Coen

In other words, M$ risked national security for the love of money. How
unbelievably vile! Just look at how much M$ cares about the security of
the 260+ million inhabitants of its home country.

I didn't think I could hate M$ as much as I do right now. Anyway, I
really hope the US government starts taking notice of how other
governments are separating themselves from the evil that is Microsoft.


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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-16 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 16 May 2002 6:50 am, civileme wrote:

 As long as users buy hardware and accept binary-only drivers, linux
 is as vulnerable to the installation of spyware as any other system. 
 Most likely it will be a winmodem driver, but it coud be a video card
 or it may already have been a  high-level sound card.

The only piece of hardware I have which has a binary-only driver is the 
Alcatel Speed Touch USB (with the notorious mgmt.o) and, for 18 months, 
that was the only ADSL modem supplied in the UK. So, sometimes, there's 
no choice :/

Still, things are looking up, as there's now a 'wires only' service 
which has opened up the market to all sorts of device; I note that 
Fujitsu has agreed to make its driver open source:

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

2002-05-16 Thread Derek Jennings

Sorry: I probably did not make myself clear. It was not the presence of USB 
devices that prevented my installing Mandrake. It was the presence of the USB 
controller on the motherboard.
Disabling usb in the BIOS resolved the problem for me. 


On Thursday 16 May 2002 5:02 am, Serkan Barut wrote:
 Well thanks for your answer first.I connected my mouse through the ps/2
 port via adapter so there was no device left on the usb(keyboard is
 ps/2),but it still can't pass partition check so it seems it is not related
 with usb.My mainboard is Abit BX6 rev 2.I never thought that i would have a
 problem at this stage.I thought that my mouse could be a problem during the
 install but could never have imagined something like this.Well with other
 distros partition check was no problem,i am really confused and it seems
 that there is nothing i can do except using a 2.2.x series kernel during
 install.Some other guy asked me about my filesystem but it just doesn't
 make sense,-who knows?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 17:48
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

  I have had a similar problem on installing 8.2 on my Asus K7V
 I resolved it as being down to the usb controller. If I
  disabled USB during the Mandrake install it would go through the
  partition check process no problem.
  I could then re-enable usb once the install was completed and then use 
  Mandrake Control Centre to install my usb devices.
  On Wednesday 15 May 2002 1:22 pm, Serkan Barut wrote:
   I have Mandrake Linux 8.2 bluebird-i586 20020317 12:00 which is the
   downloadeble version,i guess.When i boot from the cd to install with
 default kernel 2.4.18 the machine hangs at the partition check
   process.I waited a long time,more than 20 minutes and did not see any
   message.I played with my bios settings but that changed nothing.Up to
   now i installed other distros including slackware 8,redhat 7.1 and did
   not have any problem of this kind.There is the alt1 and alt2 with which
   i booted safely and at last saw the installation screen but this time
   my mouse and keyboard was not working(i have a logitech pilot optical
   connected to usb probably causing this problem).I have two Quantum ide
   hds.I have Windows98 on hda. If anyone can help i would be


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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-16 Thread FemmeFatale

Damian G wrote:
 On Thu, 16 May 2002 00:09:30 -0400
 Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Excuse me, but it seems to me that the only reply to this subject
  is Well, duhhh.
  (not the thread, though -- some interesting stuff there.)
  -- cmg
 uhm.. don't quite follow, here... 'duhh' would be the answer to which question?

The subject itself... he's saying most ppl who use Linux are glad they
don't use windows... therefore the Duh comment luv :)

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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AW: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread - hybrid -

brian : how are you going to puplish that paper ?

i realy would like to read it ! and i'm sure it will be a good one , so
if you don't mind if i could translate it to german


... XP , while X stands for cra 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Brian Koppe
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2002 10:46
Betreff: Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

WOW.  I'm actually writing a research paper on M$ right now.  If you 
know and could tell me your sources for these things it would be GREATLY



Miark wrote:

Shane and I were talking about M$ products and the government. I 
thought y'all might be interested too.

First, the Peruvian government is putting through a bill that would 
eliminate closed, proprietary software (M$ software) from government 
computers. The General Manager of M$ in Peru wrote a public complaint, 
and a congressman wrote a response. I was most interested in what he 
said about security:

To guarantee national security or the security of the State, it is 
indispensable to be able to rely on systems without elements which 
allow control from a distance or the undesired transmission of 
information to third parties. Systems with source code freely 
accessible to the public are required to allow their inspection by the 
State itself, by the citizens, and by a large number of independent 
experts throughout the world. Our proposal brings further security, 
since the knowledge of the source code will eliminate the growing 
number of programs with spy code. In the same way, our proposal 
strengthens the security of the citizens, both in their role as 
legitimate owners of information managed by the state, and in their 
role as consumers. In this second case, by allowing the growth of a 
widespread availability of free software not containing spy code able 
to put at risk privacy and individual freedoms.

Well said. And if that wasn't enough to stricken M$ crap, check this 
out (in case you didn't already read it in Shane's sig):

Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding
security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency]
out of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies
of its products that would be purchased by the government... I have
raised this issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been
subject of both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security
Specialist, in a letter to Defense Secretary William Coen

In other words, M$ risked national security for the love of money. How 
unbelievably vile! Just look at how much M$ cares about the security of

the 260+ million inhabitants of its home country.

I didn't think I could hate M$ as much as I do right now. Anyway, I 
really hope the US government starts taking notice of how other 
governments are separating themselves from the evil that is Microsoft.




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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Brian Koppe

WOW.  I'm actually writing a research paper on M$ right now.  If you 
know and could tell me your sources for these things it would be GREATLY 


Miark wrote:

Shane and I were talking about M$ products and the government. I thought
y'all might be interested too. 

First, the Peruvian government is putting through a bill that would
eliminate closed, proprietary software (M$ software) from government
computers. The General Manager of M$ in Peru wrote a public complaint,
and a congressman wrote a response. I was most interested in what he
said about security:

To guarantee national security or the security of the State, it is
indispensable to be able to rely on systems without elements which allow
control from a distance or the undesired transmission of information to
third parties. Systems with source code freely accessible to the public
are required to allow their inspection by the State itself, by the
citizens, and by a large number of independent experts throughout the
world. Our proposal brings further security, since the knowledge of the
source code will eliminate the growing number of programs with spy code.
In the same way, our proposal strengthens the security of the citizens,
both in their role as legitimate owners of information managed by the
state, and in their role as consumers. In this second case, by allowing
the growth of a widespread availability of free software not containing
spy code able to put at risk privacy and individual freedoms.

Well said. And if that wasn't enough to stricken M$ crap, check this out
(in case you didn't already read it in Shane's sig):

Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding 
security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency]
out of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies
of its products that would be purchased by the government... I have
raised this issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been the
subject of both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security
Specialist, in a letter to Defense Secretary William Coen

In other words, M$ risked national security for the love of money. How
unbelievably vile! Just look at how much M$ cares about the security of
the 260+ million inhabitants of its home country.

I didn't think I could hate M$ as much as I do right now. Anyway, I
really hope the US government starts taking notice of how other
governments are separating themselves from the evil that is Microsoft.



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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread civileme

Miark wrote:


As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary...

Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that nVidia _wants_ to open
source their drivers, but they can't... wish I could remember why!


Special relationships and binding contracts with SGI and you know who.


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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 15 May 2002 23:49:39 -0600, Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary...
 Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that nVidia _wants_ to open
 source their drivers, but they can't... wish I could remember why!

I faintly recall reading somewhere that Nvidia licenses intellectual property
from a third party. In that case, they cannot open source their drivers without
the permission of the copyright and patent holders.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

 The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one.
'Do it yourself.' That's it. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread civileme

Miark wrote:

Shane and I were talking about M$ products and the government. I thought
y'all might be interested too. 

First, the Peruvian government is putting through a bill that would
eliminate closed, proprietary software (M$ software) from government
computers. The General Manager of M$ in Peru wrote a public complaint,
and a congressman wrote a response. I was most interested in what he
said about security:

To guarantee national security or the security of the State, it is
indispensable to be able to rely on systems without elements which allow
control from a distance or the undesired transmission of information to
third parties. Systems with source code freely accessible to the public
are required to allow their inspection by the State itself, by the
citizens, and by a large number of independent experts throughout the
world. Our proposal brings further security, since the knowledge of the
source code will eliminate the growing number of programs with spy code.
In the same way, our proposal strengthens the security of the citizens,
both in their role as legitimate owners of information managed by the
state, and in their role as consumers. In this second case, by allowing
the growth of a widespread availability of free software not containing
spy code able to put at risk privacy and individual freedoms.

Well said. And if that wasn't enough to stricken M$ crap, check this out
(in case you didn't already read it in Shane's sig):

Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding 
security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency]
out of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies
of its products that would be purchased by the government... I have
raised this issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been the
subject of both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security
Specialist, in a letter to Defense Secretary William Coen

In other words, M$ risked national security for the love of money. How
unbelievably vile! Just look at how much M$ cares about the security of
the 260+ million inhabitants of its home country.

I didn't think I could hate M$ as much as I do right now. Anyway, I
really hope the US government starts taking notice of how other
governments are separating themselves from the evil that is Microsoft.


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Ummm, Miark, in august 1999, cryptonym corporation was examining a 
Service pack release of NT4 from which microsoft had inadvertantly 
forgotten to strip the data tags.

Microsoft has (or had) in Win9x and WinNT cruyptographic keys for 
cryptographic services and no services would work without passing the 
appropriate key.  This was to comply with export restrictions at the 
time (128 bit encryption was considered a weapon).

Ummm  no wrong, the backup key or what everyone had been led to believe 
was the back-up key was clearly and unequivocally labelled in the tag 

Rapid denals were issued by NSA and microsoft that the key was used by 
the NSA though such a key did have the potential of allowing the 
installation of security (spy) software on the system without the user's 

A little later a third, undocumented and definitely untagged key was 

A program was issued to overwrite the second key which had the side 
effect that exported versions could enable 128 bit encryption by 
installing their own keys.


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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 04:10 pm, civileme wrote:
 Well, I had to btreak down and get something that would give me a little
 experience supporting NVidia installs.

 As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary, which
 means those drivers don't get on the download edition, and since the
 driver's wrapper has to be recompiled for each new kernel, it is
 difficult to make the commercial offering work properly--since linux
 distros don't have the source, the installation is always non-trivial.

 After looking around, I decided to build something that could dual-boot
 for testing purposes and also fit in a small case with a CDRW/DVD as the
 only 5.25 drive, so I chose the ASUS A7N266-VM


What kind of a box did you put it in?

Gerald Waugh :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

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[newbie] networking

2002-05-16 Thread Luc Vermeersch

2 computers Mandrake 8.2
can ping from machine 1  to machine 2
Where do I find equivalent of 'network neighbourhood' in Gnome? Found
it in KDE, but keep getting 'localhost not found' message. Was
advised to change to Gnome, because KDE has bug.

Luc Vermeersch
Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22

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Re: [newbie] Networking

2002-05-16 Thread Brian Parish


Sorry for the delay - have been setting up a broadband for myself and
newbie has taken a back seat the last couple of days.  Sounds like you
are just about set hardware-wise and with 8.2 the software side should
be a breeze.

I think all you need to add is a cross-over network cable.  i.e. just
like the cable you have from the desktop to the cable modem, but with
some of the wires connected differently at one end.  You can get one of
these at your friendly computer store.

Now, do I understand correctly that you can connect the desktop to the
cable modem via USB?  First step (after you have your crossover cable)
is to do this and make sure you have internet on the desktop without
anything connected to the ethernet card.

Now plug the crossover cable between the laptop and desktop ethernet

Now run Control Center  Network  Internet  Connection Sharing

It will warn you that you must have a dedicated device to do this -
that's fine.  It will set up eth0 (your ethernet interface) to static
address and enable Masquerading.

Set your laptop IP address to either DHCP or (I prefer the
latter as static addresses give less room for problems).  All other
network settings on the laptop should be empty.

At this point you should have internet access on both machines.  You may
then choose to tighten up security a little by running
InteractiveBastille, but even without that you are much less visible and
vulnerable than before.  InteractiveBastille will ask a lot of questions
while providing a lot of info on how to answer them.  You'll learn a bit
and end up with a secure environment at the same time.

Good luck and have fun!

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 03:47, Marcia wrote:
 Dear Brian,
 On Sunday 12 May 2002 07:48 pm, you wrote:
  I have seen some replies to this, but don't think any of them have yet
  touched on a crucial point:  Your laptop is running W98, so would
  therefore be much more safely disposed sitting behind your linux box in
  internet terms.
 I agree with you here. I would like to do this but am a newbie here and 
 really do not know how to do that. I have been reading for months about it, 
 however, it has taken awhile to approach this for me.
  Does the laptop have an ethernet port, or can it be added? 
 Yes, the laptop has an ethernet port and 2 USB ports. My new Toshiba DOCSIS 
 cable modem has both an ethernet port and USB port so I hooked up my desktop 
 with LM8.2 to the ethernet port and my laptop with dualboot Win98/LM8.2 is 
 hooked up to the modem through USB. They both connect to the internet just 
 fine and to my surprise even the LM8.2 is on the internet through the USB. I 
 have been able to ping from LM8.2 on my desktop to Win98 on my laptop. I have 
 not tried pinging from LM8.2 on my laptop to LM8.2 on my desktop yet. I 
 thought of using VNC to use the Powerpoint program on my LM8.2 desktop if 
 that is possible. My husband prefers using the desktop and wishes to become 
 proficient with Powerpoint for his work.
  mind the best scenario would be for the laptop to be connected to the
  linux machine via ethernet - just a crossover cable between the two
  would do this.  Then you set up internet connection sharing and firewall
  on the linux box.  Add samba and you have the laptop able to share the
  cable connection from behind a firewall, and move files/share printers
  between the two machines.
 I would love to do this and probably can right now if I figure out how to set 
 it up.
  Assuming that neither box has a network card (as you indicated the cable
  modem is connected via USB), total cost for this would be almost nothing
  for a NIC for the desktop and somewhat more for the laptop.  Like my
 Actually both computers have a network card. The desktop also has a dial up 
 modem which I do not use and the laptop has 2 dial up modems.  I am able to 
 use the cox cable internet from LM8.2 on the laptop through the USB 
 connection. That was a pleasant surprise. 
 My goal here is to be able to network all of my systems and to possibly use 
 ipmasquerade so that Win98 can be used on the net through Linux. These are 
 the things I need help with since I do not know exactly what to do yet. 
 Thanks very much for your suggestions and help.

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Re: [newbie] networking

2002-05-16 Thread Derek Jennings

What bug? Theres nothing wrong with KDE networking.

That 'Localhost not found' was because you clicked on 
Networklocal Network in konqueror which is used for browsing Samba networks. 
If you have not set up Samba and an application called LISa thats what will 

There are 2 ways to share files in Linux, NFS and Samba
NFS is Linux only, is easy to set up, but is less secure and requires you to 
have exactly the same user accounts and UID numbers on both computers. Once 
set up you can mount folders using kwikdisk, and can browse the network using 
any file manager Konqueror/Nautilus etc.
Refer to the docs section at for details of how to set 
it up. Mandrake Control CentreMount Points now has a GUI to set up NFS but 
until you read about it you will not understand how to use the GUI.

The second way is Samba  Samba allows you to share files between Linux to 
Linux, and Linux to Windows. Refer to mandrakeuser for setting it up. (Webmin 
is a good tool)
Once set up you can browse Samba networks with applications like Komba2 for 
KDE or Gnomba for Gnome to mount folders which can then be browsed with a 
file manager.

There is a lot of references on Mandrakeuser and in the archives of this list 
about setting up Samba and NFS.



On Thursday 16 May 2002 10:51 am, Luc Vermeersch wrote:
 2 computers Mandrake 8.2
 can ping from machine 1  to machine 2
 Where do I find equivalent of 'network neighbourhood' in Gnome? Found
 it in KDE, but keep getting 'localhost not found' message. Was
 advised to change to Gnome, because KDE has bug.

 Luc Vermeersch
 Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
 Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
 tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22
 URL :

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Re: [newbie] networking

2002-05-16 Thread et

localhost not found is (my first guess would be) a problem with the names of 
the computers in the /etc/hosts file or /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny. 
does each computer have it's own name and IP properly wrote to these files 
and set in the network setup scripts?

On Thursday 16 May 2002 05:51 am, you wrote:
 2 computers Mandrake 8.2
 can ping from machine 1  to machine 2
 Where do I find equivalent of 'network neighbourhood' in Gnome? Found
 it in KDE, but keep getting 'localhost not found' message. Was
 advised to change to Gnome, because KDE has bug.

 Luc Vermeersch
 Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
 Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
 tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22
 URL :

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Re: [newbie] /Net unmount at shutdown failing 8.2MDK

2002-05-16 Thread et

as far as the original post, the easist fix for me was to turn off netfs, 
since this is just the home toy, and don't connect to anything other than the 
kids and wife's windos boxes.

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 10:34 pm, you wrote:
 Miark, try this link:

 or this one


 On Thursday 16 May 2002 11:58 am, Miark wrote:
  Speaking of which, what do these commands do? I took a quick look
  for this on Google, and came up empty.
  On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 13:18, Nick Baker wrote:
   On Wednesday 15 May 2002 12:57 pm, you wrote:
Miark wrote:
  Third If you really have to kill the system do it the correct way
   New to me, but that is Linux for you--
   a lifetime learning experience.  (=8-{p)

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[newbie] Mouse and X

2002-05-16 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Here's a strange problem. If i chooses to boot directly into X my mouse will 
not work, however booting into a console logon and then starting x it works 
Any ideas what could be causing this ?


Mark Annandale
Mandrake 8.2 : KDE 3.0 : KMail 1.4

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Re: [newbie] networking

2002-05-16 Thread Luc Vermeersch

Got the advice that I have to set up Samba and Lisa. Will first have
to read documentation about this

thanks anyway

localhost not found is (my first guess would be) a problem with the
names of
the computers in the /etc/hosts file or /etc/hosts.allow or
does each computer have it's own name and IP properly wrote to these
and set in the network setup scripts?

On Thursday 16 May 2002 05:51 am, you wrote:
 2 computers Mandrake 8.2
 can ping from machine 1  to machine 2
 Where do I find equivalent of 'network neighbourhood' in Gnome? Found
 it in KDE, but keep getting 'localhost not found' message. Was
 advised to change to Gnome, because KDE has bug.

 Luc Vermeersch
 Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
 Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
 tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22
 URL :

Luc Vermeersch
Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22

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[newbie] re: hard drive performance

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Kovary

I have used the suggested k in my hdparm settings (there are actually 'K' 
and 'k', I tried them both) and still whenever rebooting it is set back to 
16-bit IO.
These are what I've tried:
hdparm -c1 -d1 -m16 -k1 /dev/hda
hdparm -c1 -d1 -m16 -K1 /dev/hda
hdparm -c1 -d1 -m16 -k1 -K1 /dev/hda

what am I doing wrong?  It even tells me that keep settings after reset are 
set to '1' and 'on'.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread darklord

On Thursday 16 May 2002 05:01 am, you wrote:
 Miark wrote:
 As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary...
 Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that nVidia _wants_ to open
 source their drivers, but they can't... wish I could remember why!

 Special relationships and binding contracts with SGI and you know who.


Love to see them open up - those are the only closed source drivers I use 
here ;-(


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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread darklord

On Thursday 16 May 2002 05:12 am, you wrote:
 Miark wrote:
 Shane and I were talking about M$ products and the government. I thought
 y'all might be interested too.

Didn't the German armed forces (?) also drop Windog because somebody was 
using it to spy on them? Seems like I saw that a while back on LinuxToday or 
some place like that...


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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-16 Thread D. Olson

On Thursday 16 May 2002 02:06 am, you wrote:

 Its a Geforce2  i'm running quake normally, nothing special  no winex

And you only get 20fps?

You installed the NVidia drivers properly?

That's messed...

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread shane

On Thursday 16 May 2002 01:46, Brian Koppe opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 WOW.  I'm actually writing a research paper on M$ right now.  If you
 know and could tell me your sources for these things it would be GREATLY

the vast majority of my stuff comes from somewhere in 
and though only some of those pages give their sources, there is a fair 
amount.  also if you find a really good quote, search for a large part of 
the quote in google, actually putting the search term in quotes.  you can 
often find sources that way.  another good one is 
though it is only a redirect to a google search it is rather interesting.

if you happen to publish the paper on the web, please submit it to the 
dmoz.or url above so i can include it for the rest of the worl to see..

Doing my part to piss off the religious right.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Security? What security?

2002-05-16 Thread Charlie

I found this somewhat amusing. OK; I laughed my a$$ off. Gummi bears?

Isn't identity theft from paper trails bad enough? Now we'll all have to wear 
surgical gloves to prevent ID theft through fingerprints?

Just be careful where you dispose of the gloves. :-)
Charlie, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
Registered Linux user 244963,
Q: What does friendship among Soviet nationalities mean? A: It means that the 
Armenians take the Russians by the hand; the Russians take the Ukrainians by 
the hand; the Ukranians take the Uzbeks by the hand; and they all go and beat 
up the Jews.

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Here's a link to an English translation of the letter from the Peruvian 
senator to the head of MS in Peru:
About the only thing that he didn't say was, and the horse you rode in on. 
Good stuff. This is a guy I'd like to vote for.
-- cmg

On Thursday 16 May 2002 04:46 am, you wrote:
 WOW.  I'm actually writing a research paper on M$ right now.  If you
 know and could tell me your sources for these things it would be GREATLY


 Miark wrote:
 Shane and I were talking about M$ products and the government. I thought
 y'all might be interested too.
 First, the Peruvian government is putting through a bill that would
 eliminate closed, proprietary software (M$ software) from government
 computers. The General Manager of M$ in Peru wrote a public complaint,
 and a congressman wrote a response. I was most interested in what he
 said about security:
 To guarantee national security or the security of the State, it is
 indispensable to be able to rely on systems without elements which allow
 control from a distance or the undesired transmission of information to
 third parties. Systems with source code freely accessible to the public
 are required to allow their inspection by the State itself, by the
 citizens, and by a large number of independent experts throughout the
 world. Our proposal brings further security, since the knowledge of the
 source code will eliminate the growing number of programs with spy code.
 In the same way, our proposal strengthens the security of the citizens,
 both in their role as legitimate owners of information managed by the
 state, and in their role as consumers. In this second case, by allowing
 the growth of a widespread availability of free software not containing
 spy code able to put at risk privacy and individual freedoms.
 Well said. And if that wasn't enough to stricken M$ crap, check this out
 (in case you didn't already read it in Shane's sig):
 Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding
 security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency]
 out of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies
 of its products that would be purchased by the government... I have
 raised this issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been the
 subject of both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security
 Specialist, in a letter to Defense Secretary William Coen
 In other words, M$ risked national security for the love of money. How
 unbelievably vile! Just look at how much M$ cares about the security of
 the 260+ million inhabitants of its home country.
 I didn't think I could hate M$ as much as I do right now. Anyway, I
 really hope the US government starts taking notice of how other
 governments are separating themselves from the evil that is Microsoft.

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 05:12, civileme wrote:

 Ummm, Miark, in august 1999, cryptonym corporation was examining a 
 Service pack release of NT4 from which microsoft had inadvertantly 
 forgotten to strip the data tags.
 Microsoft has (or had) in Win9x and WinNT cruyptographic keys for 
 cryptographic services and no services would work without passing the 
 appropriate key.  This was to comply with export restrictions at the 
 time (128 bit encryption was considered a weapon).
 Ummm  no wrong, the backup key or what everyone had been led to believe 
 was the back-up key was clearly and unequivocally labelled in the tag 
 Rapid denals were issued by NSA and microsoft that the key was used by 
 the NSA though such a key did have the potential of allowing the 
 installation of security (spy) software on the system without the user's 
 A little later a third, undocumented and definitely untagged key was 
 A program was issued to overwrite the second key which had the side 
 effect that exported versions could enable 128 bit encryption by 
 installing their own keys.

Here's another YAWN (yet another wooden nickel) to add to what Civ added
to what Miark stated.

Since the NSA is able to spy on citizens by virtue of the NSA backdoor
so thoughtfully provided by M$, would this not be an excellent reason
for the government to maintain an ongoing business relationship with M$?

Perhaps the Government would even be so thoughtful as to provide some
extra consideration in court by bumping good judges from the bench in
favor of more controllable personnell; Kotar-Kelly, perhaps.  Maybe the
liberals don't give a fig about the military and the NSA; however the
republicans weigh towards them extensively; and that to my thinking is a
powerful motive to grease MicroShaft out the Antitrust a-hole relatively
unscathed.  Quite sickening.

So while the Peruvian Government does the right thing, the corrupt
American government violates it's own Antitrust laws by giving M$ a
carte blanc to rape and pillage the public with the M$ Tax.  We are
all, after all, nothing but tax fodder to the government employees,
anyway.  Since M$ imposes their own tax on businesses and individuals,
why then should they not be buds?  Two bloodsucking vampiric parasites
walking along together conducting legal crime; birds of a feather flock
together, right?

The government taxes the individuals, while it's buddy MicroSh*t
provides a spy conduit by which the government can track individuals
that don't like the taxes, while MicroSh*t taxes the individuals, while
the government provides unofficial protection for Microshaft.

It's a sweetheart deal, boys.



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 10:34, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Here's a link to an English translation of the letter from the Peruvian 
 senator to the head of MS in Peru:
 About the only thing that he didn't say was, and the horse you rode in on. 
 Good stuff. This is a guy I'd like to vote for.
 -- cmg

What's the cost of living in Peru??



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 16 May 2002 08:51 am, darklord wrote:
  Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that nVidia _wants_ to
   open source their drivers, but they can't... wish I could
   remember why!
  Special relationships and binding contracts with SGI and you know

 Love to see them open up - those are the only closed source drivers
 I use here ;-(

Don't hold your breath ;   Besides the Special relationships 
and binding contracts, nVidia is a major chip supplier to you know 
who.  I seriously doubt nVidia would risk M$'s rath and subsequent 
loss of market (eg, video chips for the Xbox).  M$ doesn't want 
hardware working correctly on other than their OS.  Not to mention 
that M$ could kill nVidia just by slowing info that nVidia needs to 
write their Windoze drivers. It's a fact of life that they're willing 
to threaten, arm twist, and bully to keep it so.  IMO, a much greater 
crime than the integration of the IE browser and Media Player.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread shane

On Thursday 16 May 2002 07:52, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Since the NSA is able to spy on citizens by virtue of the NSA backdoor
 so thoughtfully provided by M$, would this not be an excellent reason
 for the government to maintain an ongoing business relationship with M$?

it is rather interesting that all the time they were in court together you 
never heard and we will now stop buying software from known criminals and 
go open source.

interestingly gartner just recommended MS go open source to fix their 

It is no measure of your health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick 

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Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem

2002-05-16 Thread Ken Brown
Title: LAN and COX cable modem

Cox supplied a software package fot connecting a 
Surfer Or Toshiba Cable Modem here in Tucson. Simple 

  - Original Message - 
  Myers, Dennis R NWO 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:15 
  Subject: [newbie] LAN and COX cable 
  Does anyone use Cox cable and have a LAN set up? How hard is 
  it to set up and where did you start the learning process? I'm going to switch 
  over to Cox and hoping it is not rocket science. Any help is appriciated. 
  Dennis M. 

Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Thursday 16 May 2002 04:52 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:


 So while the Peruvian Government does the right thing, the corrupt
 American government violates it's own Antitrust laws by giving M$ a
 carte blanc to rape and pillage the public with the M$ Tax.  We are
 all, after all, nothing but tax fodder to the government employees,
 anyway.  Since M$ imposes their own tax on businesses and individuals,
 why then should they not be buds?  Two bloodsucking vampiric parasites
 walking along together conducting legal crime; birds of a feather flock
 together, right?

 The government taxes the individuals, while it's buddy MicroSh*t
 provides a spy conduit by which the government can track individuals
 that don't like the taxes, while MicroSh*t taxes the individuals, while
 the government provides unofficial protection for Microshaft.

 It's a sweetheart deal, boys.



Lyvim, what makes you think the American government is so special ?

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Networking

2002-05-16 Thread Miark


Try using the -bgr233 option. That will force the server
to send 8-bit color instead of 16-bit color.

You can also mess with the -compresslevel num option, 
where num is 0-9. The -quality num may also help
the speed (at the expense of quality, of course).

See the man page for (sketchy) details: man vncviewer
I have no idea how to do these things with the Winsux


On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 11:16, Marcia wrote:
 By the way, how can I improve the speed of VNC?

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[newbie] SNF start up

2002-05-16 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: SNF start up

Hi all, wondering if anyone has used Single Network Firewall? I have installed it on a K6-II 266mhz computer, an old gateway desktop case and 400mb harddrive. the install went fine but now I don't have a clue as to how it starts. When you boot it up with a monitor still connected it boots to the login prompt. I assume it is not started. The nearly 300 page manual does not indicate that you have to start it and then unplug monitor and keyboard or if you somehow start it when you access via the So I need a little help just getting into it to configure my cable modem setup. Thanks for any help or suggestions. 

Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread shane

On Thursday 16 May 2002 12:02, Kaj Haulrich opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Lyvim, what makes you think the American government is so special ?

timing is everything

If you set a man by a fire, you keep him warm all day, but set a man on 
fire and you keep him warm the rest of his life. Terry Pratchett

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Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] SNF start up

2002-05-16 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 16 May 2002 01:49 pm, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 Hi all, wondering if anyone has used Single Network Firewall?  I have
 installed it on a K6-II 266mhz computer, an old gateway desktop case and
 400mb harddrive. the install went fine but now I don't have a clue as to
 how it starts. When you boot it up with a monitor still connected it boots
 to the login prompt. I assume it is not started. The nearly 300 page manual
 does not indicate that you have to start it and then unplug monitor and
 keyboard or if you somehow start it when you access via the  So I need a little help just getting into it
 to configure my cable modem setup. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
 Dennis M.

It may be started, you will have to login and do a ps aux and see if it is 
also try iptables --list

Gerald Waugh :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

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Re: [newbie] Java in Mozilla

2002-05-16 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 16 May 2002 5:40 pm, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,

 I have LM8.2 and downloaded the netscape 6.2 recently. All of the java
 plugins work fine but my Mozilla does not seem to have the necessary java
 plugins. I prefer to use Mozilla since it is much faster on my machine. How
 may I import the java plugins from Netscape? Thanks for the help.



Locate the file similar depending on your java 
 version) which you will find in your java directory,   
(/usr/java/j2re1.4.0/plugin/i386/ns610 or similar ) and copy it into 

Thats it


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RE: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem

2002-05-16 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ken Brown
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem

Cox supplied a software package fot connecting a Surfer Or Toshiba Cable Modem here in Tucson. Simple installation!
- Original Message - 
From: Myers, Dennis R NWO 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem

Does anyone use Cox cable and have a LAN set up? How hard is it to set up and where did you start the learning process? I'm going to switch over to Cox and hoping it is not rocket science. Any help is appriciated. TIA

Dennis M. 

Thanks, I'll wait and see what they show up with. Sorry about the html again folks, my workstation here uses outlook and it seems to change back to html periodically. I never know when or why. 

Dennis M.

[newbie] Java in Mozilla

2002-05-16 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I have LM8.2 and downloaded the netscape 6.2 recently. All of the java 
plugins work fine but my Mozilla does not seem to have the necessary java 
plugins. I prefer to use Mozilla since it is much faster on my machine. How 
may I import the java plugins from Netscape? Thanks for the help.



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[newbie] sympa... questo sconosciuto

2002-05-16 Thread Paolo Tomiato

Sto cercando di mettere su una lista x i miei amici e io e, dopo essermi letto
tutto quello che trovavo su postfix e majordomo, mi sono accorto che la mia
distro (mdk 8.1) cia' il sympa gia' installato!
Ora, mentre x tutto il resto ho trovato vari howto (anche in italiano!) + che
esaustivi, x quest'ultimo trovo solo quanto pubblicato sul sito francese di
Da una ricerca con google sulle pagine in italiano ho potuto rilevare che, pur
essendo utilizzato da varie liste in cui si parla di mandrake, nessuno di quelli
che hanno gia' implementato queste mailing list e' stato molto prodigo di
suggerimenti con tutti coloro che lamentavano difficolta' e problemi con questo
gestore... si limitavano a rispondere: questa lista e' implementata con sympa!
(come dire: tant'e', come vedi funziona, quindi datti una svegliata!).
Mah domani in ufficio mi stampo il manuale ufficiale (in francese?!?) poi,
se ci capisco qualcosa bene, al peggio lo disinstallo e uso Majordomo! ;)

P.S.: mi sono anche scaricato i manuali .pdf della mia distro ma di sympa
neanche l'ombra.

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Re: [newbie] Need Quick Linux = Windows Integration advice

2002-05-16 Thread Bryan Whitehead

I'd recommend against showing off linux unless you really know how 
todo all this yourself. You may end up just giving everyone a bitter 
taste in their mouth about linux if everything doesn't work right off 
the bat. When introducing something new, it needs to be obviously 
better, not just working after many days of tweeking.

Tommy Eaton wrote:
 Hi, one of our computers recently came with XP HOME installed... useless 
 on our network... So, I figure this is a good opportunity to show off 
 some Linux.  Problem is I have no idea where to start.  I would simply 
 be installing it on one workstation so this is a fairly small (?) 
 project.  I will need the workstation to be able to access windows 
 shares from an NT 40 server, work on Office docs, surf the web, run 
 proprietary software, and receive email from a Microsoft Post Office or 
 Exchange 5.5 server.  Is this possible? I figure OO or SO might work for 
 the Office apps, but I'm not sure beyond that...  Any help would be 

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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Re: [newbie] Mosfet

2002-05-16 Thread T C


--- Robert Whitney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 08:56 AM 5/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:
 This may have been addressed earlier but is it true
 that Mandrake uses a non-standard KDE file system
 layout? Would someone from Mandrake please comment
 the paragraph below? I copied this from a statement
 mosfet regarding the High Performance Liquid
 at the end of the change log updated 05/11/2002.
 Try this:
 unpackage the files
 run  ./configure --prefix=/usr from the directory
 you upacked into
 then make install
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Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

2002-05-16 Thread Serkan Barut

Now i understand your point.But there is no switch for a usb controller in my bios(or 
is there another way that i dont know how to disable it?)With two other 
distros,JBLinux and Peanut i had no problem with the partition check process,it just 
printed a few messages and then went on.Nevertheless i think i would use one of the 
alt kernels for now.If you hear smth about the subject iwould be pleased to hear about 


- Original Message - 
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:10
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

 Sorry: I probably did not make myself clear. It was not the presence of USB 
 devices that prevented my installing Mandrake. It was the presence of the USB 
 controller on the motherboard.
 Disabling usb in the BIOS resolved the problem for me. 
 On Thursday 16 May 2002 5:02 am, Serkan Barut wrote:
  Well thanks for your answer first.I connected my mouse through the ps/2
  port via adapter so there was no device left on the usb(keyboard is
  ps/2),but it still can't pass partition check so it seems it is not related
  with usb.My mainboard is Abit BX6 rev 2.I never thought that i would have a
  problem at this stage.I thought that my mouse could be a problem during the
  install but could never have imagined something like this.Well with other
  distros partition check was no problem,i am really confused and it seems
  that there is nothing i can do except using a 2.2.x series kernel during
  install.Some other guy asked me about my filesystem but it just doesn't
  make sense,-who knows?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 17:48
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs
   I have had a similar problem on installing 8.2 on my Asus K7V
  I resolved it as being down to the usb controller. If I
   disabled USB during the Mandrake install it would go through the
   partition check process no problem.
   I could then re-enable usb once the install was completed and then use 
   Mandrake Control Centre to install my usb devices.
   On Wednesday 15 May 2002 1:22 pm, Serkan Barut wrote:
I have Mandrake Linux 8.2 bluebird-i586 20020317 12:00 which is the
downloadeble version,i guess.When i boot from the cd to install with
  default kernel 2.4.18 the machine hangs at the partition check
process.I waited a long time,more than 20 minutes and did not see any
message.I played with my bios settings but that changed nothing.Up to
now i installed other distros including slackware 8,redhat 7.1 and did
not have any problem of this kind.There is the alt1 and alt2 with which
i booted safely and at last saw the installation screen but this time
my mouse and keyboard was not working(i have a logitech pilot optical
connected to usb probably causing this problem).I have two Quantum ide
hds.I have Windows98 on hda. If anyone can help i would be
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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-16 Thread darklord

On Thursday 16 May 2002 02:00 am, you wrote:

 you want to type:

 /demo demo1

I did do thatnothing happens except it goes back to the main menu...


Anyways, gonna try changing that line that another user suggested. Are we all 
gonna post our fps/res/depth just to see whats happening? (not another 
bragging rights contest - just to see how we are doing?) Thx!


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Re: [newbie] VIA 8233A Audio Problem on MDK 8.2

2002-05-16 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Wed, 15 May 2002 10:59:03 +0100
andyjn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Triple checked that :)
 - Original Message -
 From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] VIA 8233A Audio Problem on MDK 8.2
  On Wednesday 15 May 2002 09:33, you wrote:
   Well, it seems the snd-card-via8233 module loaded OK. However most
   This is the weird thing, I don't get any errors, and all
   applications seem to play, except there is no output.
   For instance loading a track in Xmms works fine and the track plays
   along nicely...just no sound comes out the speakers.
   If I turn on and off the PCM feed I can hear hiss coming through
   the speakers so there is something their
  Are you sure all the mixer LED's are bright green ?
  John Richard Smith

But you can hear an audio CD via your soundcard? You must have raised the CD 
and master volumes for that. Another idea: install the alsa-utils RPM and use
'alsamixer', see 'man alsamixer' ;) HTH,


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Re: [newbie] VIA 8233A Audio Problem on MDK 8.2

2002-05-16 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Tue, 14 May 2002 17:12:14 +0100
andyjn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Strange I'm sure they were missing last time I looked, however now the
 symlinks are present.
 I have;
 dsp  /dev/sound/dsp
 mixer  /dev/sound/mixer
 sequencer  /dev/sound/sequencer
 sequencer1  /dev/sound/sequencer1
 One thing I noticed during playing around with modules.conf is that the
 module pre-installed on the system is;
 And the new VIA 1.14 module I installed recently is at;
 I'm guessing but I think that the kernel looks in both paths for modules?
 Just in case I guessed wrong I copied snd-card-via8233.o.gz to the same path
 as viaudio.o
 Now when I specify snd-card-via8233.0.gz in modules.conf I still get no
 audio other than CD-Audio.but
 In Sound Mixer it lists the module as Avance Logic AL C200/200P, checked
 the mobo and it's got a Avance Logic ALC201A chip.
 So I'm going to try Realtek's driver and cross my fingers :)


I think the Avance Logic ALC200/200P message comes from the ALSA 0.5.12a
snd-card-via8233 driver.

You have decided not to try the Realtek driver you say in a later post 
because it's based on an earlier version of ALSA. I suggest moving the
snd-card-via8233.o.gz file out of the way and try the Realtek driver. 
It may have been modified by Realtek to support the ALC201A chip. You 
identified the chip on the mainboard? That's very good of you :) HTH,


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[newbie] Logitech Quickcam

2002-05-16 Thread D. Olson

I want to get this thing to work...

I did once, but it was very choppy. The method I used was I downloaded some 
driver from some little website, and it wasn't very good...

Is there an easy way to do this in Mandrake?

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

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Re: [newbie] SNF start up

2002-05-16 Thread Chris Howe
Title: SNF start up

  - Original Message - 
  Myers, Dennis R NWO 
  Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 2:49 
  Subject: [newbie] SNF start up
  Hi all, wondering if anyone has used Single Network 
  Firewall? I have installed it on a K6-II 266mhz computer, an old gateway 
  desktop case and 400mb harddrive. the install went fine but now I don't have a 
  clue as to how it starts. When you boot it up with a monitor still connected 
  it boots to the login prompt. I assume it is not started. The nearly 300 page 
  manual does not indicate that you have to start it and then unplug monitor and 
  keyboard or if you somehow start it when you access via the So I need a little help 
  just getting into it to configure my cable modem setup. Thanks for any help or 
  Dennis M. 
  You must log in using the admin account that was created 
  during the setup and it'll prompt you to make changes to your Internet 
  connection and internal LAN setup then you can do the rest of the 
  configuration via a web browser using HTTPS:// once this is all done you will be able;e to have it route 
  your internet connection via IP MASQ. I tried SNF and I didn't find it did 
  what I was looking for so I tried a few others and I found that the a-smith 
  gateway worked best for me ( but I had some very strange 

Re: [newbie] Need Quick Linux = Windows Integration advice

2002-05-16 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Friday 17 May 2002 12:16 am, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
 I'd recommend against showing off linux unless you really know how
 todo all this yourself. You may end up just giving everyone a bitter
 taste in their mouth about linux if everything doesn't work right off
 the bat. When introducing something new, it needs to be obviously
 better, not just working after many days of tweeking.

I will second that ! - I certainly do remember my 8.2 install-feast :

Being on linux for about 3 years and Mandrake from 7.0 -- 8.1 without any 
serious troubles I ordered the 8.2 power-pack  and invited some friends of 
mine (who knows only a certain OS) to watch a 
full-blown-cutting-edge-up-to-date-sciddlelidoo - install of linux.

Well, the beers were cold, the friends seated comfortably. I powered on the 
good old PC and injected the first, very fresh CD. Hisses and noises. Then, 
the usual : in second stage install..  .   Fine !

Another round of beers.  Everything seemed to go as usual, until :
select packages to install ( or something similar). - No packages !

Well, - after another try with no more luck - I resorted to show-off 8.1.
Succes ! 

Morale :  Don't take it for granted that a new version is better. In my 
case it was a lot worse : the need to download patches for installation on 
K-6 processors (how do you do that from a defunct PC ???).

Endless troubles with supermount ( you can't play  audioCD's anymore, can't 
format a floppy, can't use the locate-command) , etc. etc.

As the man says :  If it isn't broke, don't fix it ! 

Kaj Haulrich

 Tommy Eaton wrote:
  Hi, one of our computers recently came with XP HOME installed... useless
  on our network... So, I figure this is a good opportunity to show off
  some Linux.  Problem is I have no idea where to start.  I would simply
  be installing it on one workstation so this is a fairly small (?)
  project.  I will need the workstation to be able to access windows
  shares from an NT 40 server, work on Office docs, surf the web, run
  proprietary software, and receive email from a Microsoft Post Office or
  Exchange 5.5 server.  Is this possible? I figure OO or SO might work for
  the Office apps, but I'm not sure beyond that...  Any help would be

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Re: [newbie] Quake 3 frame rate...

2002-05-16 Thread FemmeFatale

shane wrote:
 On Thursday 16 May 2002 08:46, darklord opened a general hailing frequency
 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Okay, I changed that line in the cfg file and it looks like I'm getting
  somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 - 100 frames per second (it bounces
  around, don't know why)
 errr, what line, i can't frames anywhere...
 ok, i am an idiot.

in those files i sent you there is an autoexec.cfg file... put this

seta cg_drawfps 1 

in there. or put it in your baseq3.cfg file.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread civileme

Gerald Waugh wrote:

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 04:10 pm, civileme wrote:

Well, I had to btreak down and get something that would give me a little
experience supporting NVidia installs.

As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary, which
means those drivers don't get on the download edition, and since the
driver's wrapper has to be recompiled for each new kernel, it is
difficult to make the commercial offering work properly--since linux
distros don't have the source, the installation is always non-trivial.

After looking around, I decided to build something that could dual-boot
for testing purposes and also fit in a small case with a CDRW/DVD as the
only 5.25 drive, so I chose the ASUS A7N266-VM


What kind of a box did you put it in?

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Inwin 500D desktop with a heavy power supply for that size, 180 watts, 
and with two ATAPI UDMA5 drives with RAID0 across the entire linux 
setup, one RAID 0 for each of /, /usr, /home, /var, /opt.  I don't 
recomend that setup yet as the installer program cannot run update on 
it, but with a little old 1G Duron it acts more like an XP2000+.

I am less than happy to report that the manual must have been 
mistranslated, because There are drivers for W2K and WinXP on the 
drivers disk.  THe Embedded network card is buried beyond the reach of 
anything but their driver, and they have no linux driver, (but their 
sound setup does have a linux driver on cd, which was unnecessary).


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[newbie] SNF 7.2 questions.

2002-05-16 Thread Chris Lynch
Title: SNF 7.2 questions.

Hash: SHA1

I have a system that is running the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build, and I
have some specific routing questions.

First off. I have the SNF system placed within the following diagram:

 | (eth2)
[FW] (eth0) --- [Cisco 2621] -- [2621]

Now, the problem that I am having is I don't know how to configure
nor use gated or routed. I asked some other people on another
mailing list, and someone suggested that I use zebra. Well, I tried
to install zebra with no luck (and, yes, I did remove gated and
routed before trying to install zebra). I am at the point where I
just want to add static routes, but I don't want to have to add a
route every single time I reboot the firewall. So, how would I go
about adding static routes a script, or the network script?

Also, how would I go about creating aliased interfaces during
startup? Does anyone have a better link to the SNF instructions
other than the HTML pages on Mandrakes site?



Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


Description: Binary data

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Re: [newbie] Need Quick Linux = Windows Integration advice

2002-05-16 Thread Warren Post

For the email, look at Evolution at:
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Wed, 15 May 2002 12:23:18 -0400
Tommy Eaton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, one of our computers recently came with XP HOME installed... useless on
 our network... So, I figure this is a good opportunity to show off some
 Linux.  Problem is I have no idea where to start.  I would simply be
 installing it on one workstation so this is a fairly small (?) project.  I
 will need the workstation to be able to access windows shares from an NT 40
 server, work on Office docs, surf the web, run proprietary software, and
 receive email from a Microsoft Post Office or Exchange 5.5 server.  Is this
 possible? I figure OO or SO might work for the Office apps, but I'm not sure
 beyond that...  Any help would be appreciated!

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Re: [newbie] Test message .. are these getting through ok?

2002-05-16 Thread Warren Post

Coming through fine.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On 15 May 2002 14:10:07 -0400
Terry S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a test message everyone .. 

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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-16 Thread darklord

On Thursday 16 May 2002 10:59 am, you wrote:

 Don't hold your breath ;   Besides the Special relationships
 and binding contracts, nVidia is a major chip supplier to you know
 who.  I seriously doubt nVidia would risk M$'s rath and subsequent
 loss of market (eg, video chips for the Xbox).  M$ doesn't want
 hardware working correctly on other than their OS.  Not to mention
 that M$ could kill nVidia just by slowing info that nVidia needs to
 write their Windoze drivers. It's a fact of life that they're willing
 to threaten, arm twist, and bully to keep it so.  IMO, a much greater
 crime than the integration of the IE browser and Media Player.

I was afraid of something along those lines. I would just love to see 
somebody  (like Nvidia) publicy tell just what MS does... I mean, make a 
commercial along the lines of:

Well folks, today we are releasing all of our code and making it open 
source, according to the guidelines of the GPL. We've not done this up until 
now because we feared what MS would do to our business. Here are memo's
and other (various) messages from Redmond showing just how they have been 
threatening us. We finally just became sick to death of all this and decided 
to tell you, the buying American public, just what they have been doing. 
Naturally now, we will be a target for them to use, abuse and withhold vital 
information from, just so they can teach us a lesson. In fact, they will 
probably destroy us. Is this right? You decide - and let your elected 
officials know just what you think... Thank you for your time

Ah well - guess nobody else sees that if they did this, then MS would be 
forced to leave them alone, because of the scrutiny that would be brought to 
bear on them... I can dream, I guess... ;-)


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RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2 questions.

2002-05-16 Thread Chris Lynch

Hash: SHA1

Never mind.  I have finally found the documentation on how to use
routed.  I finally found it on the FreeBSD MAN pages.  If anyone is
interested, you can read it here,


- -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Chris Lynch
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:11 PM
Subject: [newbie] SNF 7.2 questions.

Hash: SHA1

I have a system that is running the Mandrake SNF 7.2 build, and I
have some specific routing questions.

First off. I have the SNF system placed within the following diagram:

  | (eth2)
[FW]  (eth0)  --->  [Cisco 2621]  --> [2621]

Now, the problem that I am having is I don't know how to configure
nor use gated or routed.  I asked some other people on another
mailing list, and someone suggested that I use zebra.  Well, I tried
to install zebra with no luck (and, yes, I did remove gated and
routed before trying to install zebra).  I am at the point where I
just want to add static routes, but I don't want to have to add a
route every single time I reboot the firewall.  So, how would I go
about adding static routes a script, or the network script?

Also, how would I go about creating aliased interfaces during
startup?  Does anyone have a better link to the SNF instructions
other than the HTML pages on Mandrakes site?



Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


Description: Binary data

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[newbie] Hardware issues

2002-05-16 Thread iceburgh69

My display card seems to not want to install properly. It's a Trident 
display card, I got it used for reasonably cheap. I'm running a Pentium 
200 MMX, 128 Megs of RAM, Trident display adapter, SoundBlaster AWE 64, 
RealTEK networking card, and I'm running Mandrake 8.2. It started out 
as my inability to get past the log-in, to which I found the answer in 
the archives. I tried it, and it didn't work, so I emailed Derek about 
it, and included what the errors that I was given. He said that it was 
X server not liking me, essentially. I also told him that when the 
install got to the configuration area, it went to a blank screen, and 
that was it. I figured that I could try configure it later. He 
reccommended that I run XFdrake to get things rolling, but all it asked 
about was my monitor, not my display card. All of this, as well as my 
prefious experience leads me to believe that Mandrake doesn't like my 
display card for some reason. 

If anyone gets this and has an AIM account, I'm Bloodwulf42, and I'm on 
my parent's computer, usually after about 10 PM Mountain time. If 
anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I'm going to try running the 
Expert mode of the installer, and see what happens. If that fails, I 
may try running HardDrake, and see what happens there. But I'd far 
rather have some idea of what I'm getting into before I go mucking 
about in HardDrake.

Thanks in advance


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RE: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem

2002-05-16 Thread Eric McClure

It is a very easy setup.  I live in Phoenix and currently have four
machines on three different platforms running on it using a router I
picked up and a hub for about $150.00 if I remember right.

Cox told me to run a firewall and I said that was no problem since I run

take care,
eric l. mcclure

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ken Brown
 Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem
 Cox supplied a software package fot connecting a Surfer Or Toshiba Cable
 Modem here in Tucson.  Simple installation!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Myers, Dennis R NWO 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:15 AM
 Subject: [newbie] LAN and COX cable modem
 Does anyone use Cox cable and have a LAN set up? How hard is it to set up
 and where did you start the learning process? I'm going to switch over to
 Cox and hoping it is not rocket science. Any help is appriciated. TIA
 Dennis M. 
 Thanks, I'll wait and see what they show up with. Sorry about the html again
 folks, my workstation here uses outlook and it seems to change back to html
 periodically. I never know when or why. 
  Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-16 Thread FemmeFatale

D. Olson wrote:
 On Thursday 16 May 2002 02:06 am, you wrote:
  Its a Geforce2  i'm running quake normally, nothing special  no winex
 And you only get 20fps?
 You installed the NVidia drivers properly?
 That's messed...

No, I get a 20fps drop in linux... so in windows if i avg say.. 80FPS,
in linux I get 60fps.

Go figures


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-16 Thread iceburgh69

*Pounces in cat-like fashion.* THANK YOU! You just eliminated any need 
for me to install WinBlows at ALL! I was SERIOUSLY hoping that I 
wouldn't have to deal with it's discount fertalizer again. And now I 
don't have to. *Happy tiger-dance.* This is a good thing. Once I get 
Mandrake working right, you can bet that I'll be on top of this in a 

Thanks again.


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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 15:02, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Lyvim, what makes you think the American government is so special ?
 Kaj Haulrich

There's no intimation here that this is an isolated case, Kaj.  I just
don't have any comprehensive data on other government's right or wrong


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-16 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 20:09, FemmeFatale wrote:

 No, I get a 20fps drop in linux... so in windows if i avg say.. 80FPS,
 in linux I get 60fps.
 Go figures

I've got an Athlon  running at 964 mhz with an Abit Siluro MX200 and 128
meg of Mushkin memory.  I'm getting 90-100 fps with Quake3 set to
normal graphics mode; no other mods.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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[newbie] InteractiveBastille

2002-05-16 Thread Michael Adams

I have stepped up from 7.1 to 8.2. IPChains just always seemed beyond me. Now 
i have InteractiveBastille as an alternative i am willing to give it a try.

Is there any newbie traps with answering the complex questions wrong?

Better still is there a really good FAQ for it, or a manual that runs through 
what each thing does, why you want / don't want it, when you want it, etc. ?

I have some knowledge of ports, but some less familiar terms (read - huh!) 
stump me half way through these things. I then want to back out and find out 
what it is talking about first, rather than continue.

I have a desktop that i have loaded many services on (most of them are 
running, and i am sorting which ones i should turn off). I do intend to 
connect other computers in to this one on a LAN shortly. Also i play with 
some web work and having Apache and PHP (even HTTPS) available to the LAN 
only is desirable.


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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-16 Thread Jon Doe

 On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 05:12, civileme wrote:
  Ummm, Miark, in august 1999, cryptonym corporation was examining a 
  Service pack release of NT4 from which microsoft had inadvertantly 
  forgotten to strip the data tags.
  Microsoft has (or had) in Win9x and WinNT cruyptographic keys for 
  cryptographic services and no services would work without passing the 
  appropriate key.  This was to comply with export restrictions at the 
  time (128 bit encryption was considered a weapon).

This is when I took serious interest in Linux. I was just plain tired
of having to update and then still not know if there was a backdoor
for the NSA or MS or whoever.
I realize computer security is an ongoing practice regardless of OS,
but I sure feel safer with Linux than I did with Windows.

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Re: [newbie] Quake 3 frame rate...

2002-05-16 Thread FemmeFatale

darklord wrote:
 Okay, I changed that line in the cfg file and it looks like I'm getting
 somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 - 100 frames per second (it bounces
 around, don't know why)
 Is that average/good/great?

Pretty damn good ;)  It jumps b/c maps have different spots where more
vertices intersect thus making it harder on your vid card to process the

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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