Re: [newbie-it] partizionamento con MDK8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:31:37 +0200

 Hash: SHA1
 Alle 18:43, lunedì 7 ottobre 2002, freefred ha scritto:
volevo sapere se con la utility di partizionamento dei dischi
di mandrake 8.2 e' possibile modificare le dimensioni di una
partizione Windows (tipo Partition Magic)?
   Assolutamente si; soprattutto se intendi far coesistere due SO in
   un solo HD. Vale.
  Ma il disk drake fa anche un partizionamento non distruttivo?
  Fino a poco tempo fa credo di no.
 non puoi ridurre se lo spazio è occupato,
 per questo è necessario deframmentare e rimuovere il file di scambio, 
 prima di ridimensionare la partizione win$ 
 per avere un prodotto simile a PM è necessario usare parted

Non ho mai fatto magheggi del genere, ma credo che il meccanismo di
installazione si basi su fips e che questo riesca a ridurre
non-distruttivamente solo le partizioni fat (w95/98/me) ma non
quelle ntfs (nt/2000/xp).

sono due cose di cui non sono sicurissimo al 100%

Credo che però siano chiarite bene sul manuale di installazione che
è presente sui CD e al sito Mandrake.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Consiglio sui driver

2002-10-08 Thread Sjoker

Ciao, ho appena installato la mandrake 8.2 su un portatile ma non ho i driver,
vorrei sapere quali sono i siti delle case produttrici dei seguenti pezzi per
poterli scaricare:
1) lettore dvd/masterizzatore:  QSI DVD/CDRW SBW-081
2) scheda audio:  SiS PCI AUDIO ACCELERATOR
3) modem:  Smart Link 56K Modem (credo sia questo,
4) scheda di rete:  SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
5) scheda video:  SiS 650
Bene vixit, bene qui latuit.

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Re: [newbie-it] Consiglio sui driver

2002-10-08 Thread mamagio

Il mar, 2002-10-08 alle 17:03, Sjoker ha scritto:

 1) lettore dvd/masterizzatore:  QSI DVD/CDRW SBW-081
 2) scheda audio:  SiS PCI AUDIO ACCELERATOR
 3) modem:  Smart Link 56K Modem (credo sia questo,
 4) scheda di rete:  SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
 5) scheda video:  SiS 650

Anchio ho un portatile con le tue stesse caratteristiche; Per quanto
riguarda la scheda ethernet, la scheda video e la scheda audio, il tutto
è già in dotatazione al kernel. Prova con Harddrake. Per quanto riguarda
il modem, adesso non ricordo bene l'indirizzo ma ricercando con google
parole chiave come mandrake slmdm linux rpm avrai la sorpresa di trovare
rpm adatti al tuo kernel.
Red Hat Linux 7.3 - 2.4.18-12 Raw Hide
  L.U.#282182 -- L.M.#64378

Re: [newbie-it] Consiglio sui driver

2002-10-08 Thread francesco.melo

Sjoker wrote:

Ciao, ho appena installato la mandrake 8.2 su un portatile ma non ho i driver,
vorrei sapere quali sono i siti delle case produttrici dei seguenti pezzi per
poterli scaricare:
1) lettore dvd/masterizzatore:  QSI DVD/CDRW SBW-081
2) scheda audio:  SiS PCI AUDIO ACCELERATOR
3) modem:  Smart Link 56K Modem (credo sia questo,
4) scheda di rete:  SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
5) scheda video:  SiS 650
Bene vixit, bene qui latuit.

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cosa intendi per driver?
 quasi sicuramente, tranne il tuo modem interno tutto è stato 
riconosciuto e configurato a puntino dalla distro

prova ad andare nel mandrake control center e controllare e vedere la 
lista hardware e magari lanciare qualche setup.
e cmq se X parte la scheda video funziona, se puoi sentire un mp3 ( 
meglio se .ogg ) la scheda audio pure  etc

R: [newbie-it] Consiglio sui driver

2002-10-08 Thread Sjoker

Funzionano ma non compaiono nel control center. Il dvd non funziona proprio e al
caricamento mi dice dev\dvd non trovato

 1) lettore dvd/masterizzatore:  QSI DVD/CDRW SBW-081
 2) scheda audio:  SiS PCI AUDIO ACCELERATOR
 3) modem:  Smart Link 56K Modem (credo sia questo,
 4) scheda di rete:  SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
 5) scheda video:  SiS 650

 cosa intendi per driver?
  quasi sicuramente, tranne il tuo modem interno tutto è stato
 riconosciuto e configurato a puntino dalla distro

 prova ad andare nel mandrake control center e controllare e vedere la
 lista hardware e magari lanciare qualche setup.
 e cmq se X parte la scheda video funziona, se puoi sentire un mp3 (
 meglio se .ogg ) la scheda audio pure  etc

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Re: [newbie-it] Spegnimento, congelamento, stand by.

2002-10-08 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:15, lunedì 7 ottobre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto:
 Ho 2 compiuter con sù lo stesso sw (circa)
 uno è un portatile, linux mi spegne ma non ho trovato come
 configurare lo stand by.

devi creare una partizione di tipo Ibernazione IBM Thinkpad

deve essere la prima  partizione del disco, io con posizioni diverse non sono mai 
riuscito a farla andare (ma magari dipendeva da me..)

deve avere dimensioni pari o maggiori alla ram, infatti serve par congelare il 
contenuto di questa al momento dell'ibernazione

il kernel supporta direttamente il risparmio energetico (che sovraintende allo 
spegnimento nelle MB ATX e all'ibernazione)
tramite moduli (sicuramente nelle distribuzioni recenti il modulo è compilato)

iniziamo a vedere se il tuo portatile ha dato problemi ad altri su e se/come hanno risolto

 l'altro è un fisso W2K spegne (non standbaizza), linux non spegne

forse non usa apm (hai visto nel BIOS?) o hai compilato senza supporto apm, o hai il 
supporto al multiprocessore attivo (errori comuni)

servirebbero maggiori informazioni, però

 Che fare?!


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
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[newbie-it] senza mouse

2002-10-08 Thread gkep

Ho rilevato un problema con il mouse, non penso dipenda dal tipo di
mouse ne' dall'hardware (ho un pc P4, scheda madre asus, cordless wheel
mouse usb della logitech). Ho installati nel mio pc win98, win2000 Pro,
Linux Mandrake 9.0. 
Il problema e' che a volte riavviando il pc da win2000 Linux non
riconosce il mouse e questo non funziona neanche facendo un ulteriore
reboot, funziona invece se spengo il computer e poi lo avvio. 
La stessa identica cosa capita ad un mio amico con un portatile in cui
ha messo win2000 Pro e Suse. Sul suo abbiamo provato a ripristinare le 
funzioni del mouse senza spegnere linux, ma senza successo. 
Invece quando faccio un reboot da Linux capita che in win2000 non
funzioni la tastiera...

[newbie-it] incidenti di percorso (col mast)

2002-10-08 Thread Arwan

Ne ho combinata un'altra delle mie.
Stavo masterizzando un Cd audio (il primo su CD non riscrvibile, da quando ho 
Linux - un evento!), quando, per errore, ho schiacciato ctrl-z (volevo 
annullare un'operazione su un file di testo, invece era attiva la finestra 
della masterizzazione...). Ah... lavoravo da shell, con cdrecord. Niente 
cdroast gcombust o simili. Il ctrl-z ha fermato il processo di 
masterizzazione, e il must s'e' tenuto dentro il CD. In caso si errori di 
questo tipo c'e' modo di riprendere la masterizzazione? Io, alla fine, ho 
dato un cdrecord -fix e ho chiuso il cd, salvando le canzoni che aveva gia' 
scritto, ma volevo aggiungere le mancanti...


[newbie] Spellcheck does not work

2002-10-08 Thread ZeroFighter1969

Hi there 

I am using OpenOffice 1.0 and trying to use spell-check function, but it does not seem 
to work. Could you tell me how to activate spell-check on OpenOffice 1.0 please? 



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Re: [newbie] Kmail issue.

2002-10-08 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

I understand that is the way Kmail behaves now. It is nice that those files 
grow and shrink with the amount of mail kept in Kmail window mail folders. 
But it does not sound to me a good thing that the files remain even when the 
mail folder is deleted from the Kmail window. The user can have a legitimate 
reason to keep creating and deleting Kmail window mail folders. His Mail 
directory would just keep growing full of garbage that way. The user would 
have to go in and clean the Mail directory manually. It does not appear to me 
a nice thing that Kmail behaves that way.


On Monday 07 October 2002 09:45 pm, Ashar wrote:
 You can think of these files are Kmails own file system. It needs someplace
 to store mail, and this is where it stores them. The files index,
 index.ids and 'index.sorted may get bigger or smaller but they will
 always be there.


 At 10:18 AM 10/07/02 -0700, you wrote:
 I noticed that if I delete a mail folder from the Kmail window, the
 corresponding files index, index.ids and 'index.sorted in the Mail
 directory do not get deleted. As far as I am concerned those files are
  just clutter.
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[newbie] Corrupt Database

2002-10-08 Thread Dennis Sue

Whenever I use locate to search for files, It doesn't matter what file, I get 
 the following message at the end of it's search :

fatal error : locate : decode_db : 'pathlen == -5 ' ! Corrupt Database !

For some programs, Like netscape, It will list all the files before ending 
with this message.
For other programs, Like Gaim for example, It lists the users home directory, 
then kicks up this error. It does not list all of the program's associated 
files / directories .
So I realize that apparantly the Database has somehow become corrupted, But 
how do I repair it , and solve this problem?
I am running Mandrake 8.2.

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Re: [newbie] Journaling file systems (revisited)

2002-10-08 Thread Anne Wilson

On Monday 07 Oct 2002 11:28 pm, you wrote:
 At 06:19 PM 10/7/2002 +0100, you wrote:
 On Monday 07 Oct 2002 11:35 am, you wrote:
   Some may already know, but for those who do not.
   The October 2002 issue of Linux Magazine has a very
   good article about Journaling filesystems. Or if enough
   people ask they may be persueded to put it on the website?
   I'm not sure if this mag is available outside the U.S.
   (I do get the U.K. mag Linux Format here but it is very expensive)
 One of our posters in usa said that subscribing to LF was a good deal
  cheaper than buying in stores - and it gets there weeks earlier.  HTH

 I tried subscribing to their mag.  Did it by website (First  LAST Time i
 do that!).  Never a response.  Emailed em saying, don't bother with my
 subscription i can't be bothered b/c you won't reply anyway.

 Nothing.  Said Fuggit.



Sorry to hear that.  I think a lot of the stuff is online, but if you want 
the disks, of course, that doesn't help.

It never ceases to amaze me how many sites have mailto forms that simply do 
not work or work correctly.  I have thought that they were probably designed 
for windows-only environments by those who know no others, but you would 
expect a magazine like LF to know better, so I don't know what's wrong.  
Would you mind if I tried to forward this to Linux Format magazine?  I think 
they should be told if problems like this exist.


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Re: [newbie] usb printer probs in 9.0?

2002-10-08 Thread Anne Wilson

On Monday 07 Oct 2002 7:48 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:24:45 +0100 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  It's alarming me, though.  Marcia can't get her DeskJet 940 going.  I
  have a 990 which should be the same but I'm waiting for my ordered disks
  to arrive. I just hope this is sorted before I start my install.  A
  system without printing is no good to me.

 Well, both appear to be, although not necessarily by the Mandrake setup
 (not sure what drivers it uses):

 Alastair (Lexmark Z42 sitting on a top shelf :)

We both had our printers working under 8.2.   I'll watch the threads to see 
if more help arrives, but so far there are still probs.


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Re: [newbie] for suggestion

2002-10-08 Thread QingHua Wang

Thanks a lot for your suggestion, Brian and Michael. I am going abroad for
conferences since the end of September. I found there is some information
useful in There is a detailed information about
how to install linux with WinXP on a 2700. I will consider whether that's
suitable for in my case. Thanks agin.


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[newbie] Re: TV out in Mandrake 9.0...

2002-10-08 Thread Bo Rosén

mån 2002-10-07 klockan 22.54 skrev The Antiwesley:
 managed to get it to work...

Not sure really ;-)

 Any hints on what you did?

First thing I did (after posting here - bad Bo) was to actually look at
the docs for the card /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README. While I
didn't understand a word of it I tried to modify my
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and it worked. Not perfectly, there is one
remaining problem, but I'll get to that further down.

1. first I entered a new monitor section for my tv-set. Not sure if this
is needed

Section Monitor
Identifier tv
VendorName Sony
HorizSync 30-50
VertRefresh 60

2. Then the screen section needs some extra bits

Identifier screen1
Device device1
Monitor monitor1
DefaultColorDepth 24
Option TwinView
# This let's you use two monitors in the first place

Option SecondMonitorHorizSync 30-50
Option SecondMonitorVertRefresh   60
# These are for the tv.

Option MetaModes1024x768,800x600;800x600,800x600
# The resolution for the two displays. This is where I have a problem. 
# The first set od resolutions crops the image on the tv and the second
# gives me larger virtual screen than 800x600, not god for watching a 
# movie. I need to figure this one out.

Option TwinViewOrientationclone
# This option looks best for watching movies as the the two displays  
# will show the same things. Other options will create a large virtual 
# screen than extend across one side of the monitor and extends to the 
# tv. I.e moving the cursor to the right side of the monitor will cause.
# it to appear on the tv.
# Good for work, but not movies.

Option ConnectedMonitor   crt,tv
Option TVStandard PAL-B 
# The tv-format used in Sweden.

If anyone has ideas how to resolve my remaining problem with resolution
and screen size, please let me know. Why do I get a virtual screen that
is larger than 800x600?

Subsection Display
Depth 8
Modes 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 15
Modes 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 16
Modes 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1024x768 800x600 640x480


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Re: [newbie] XBOX media player and the GPL

2002-10-08 Thread Todd Flinders

The problem is that if they started with GPL code, it is not entirely their 
work and they must honor the license of the code they chose to incorperate.  
I don't know much about this situation, but if they distributed code in 
binary form that included GPL'd code nested within their logic then they must 
also provide the applicable source code to the recipients of the binaries.  
They also cannot restrict what the recipients do with the source code other 
than keeping it Free.  There is no clause in the GPL that allows exceptions 
for beta tests.  They certainly don't have to provide source to the public, 
but if they put out binaries with nested GPL code to beta testers, the beta 
testers have a right to the affected code.  They also have a right to pass 
the code on to others if they choose.

Obviously, I'm no lawyer.  But that's my understanding of the situation.

On Monday 07 October 2002 09:41 am, Charlie wrote:
 On Sunday 06 October 2002 04:41 pm, Damian wrote:
  Hi people.
  I chose to bring this up because it pissed me off a bit,
  and i think we can do something about it.
  There's this new program called Xbox Media Player which
  appears to be in clear violation of the GPL. i'm not quite sure what this
  program does, but i think it's purpose is playing DivX movies on an Xbox
  or something...
  Anyway, it takes code from FFMPEG (
  and XVID ( which are both licensed under the GPL,
  and the developers of this XboxMediaPlayer have not released
  the source for their program, and when asked for a copy, they clearly
  demonstrate they give a s*** about the issue.
  A member of the MPlayer-users list has emailed them concerning
  this issue and got the following reply:
  We are not obliged to release our source until we reach our first stable
  public release version 1.0 -  I've made our position about this quite
  If we continue to get any more such demands we shall simply stop
  releasing public betas, and release version 1 and the accompanying source
  6-12 month from now.
  Now, this got me thinking ( and i've already posted my ideas to MPlayer
  list) how about we all *make* them stop releasing their betas? i.e. we
  *all* keep asking for the source untill they choose to give us their
  oh-so-very-feared-punishment and quit releasing programs in clear
  violation of the GPL?
  lemme know what you think :o)

 I think you should keep that response in an archive of some sort; as it
 seems to be a public promise to release the source code. When development
 is done. But I don't see this clear violation that you speak of.
 Distributed open source code used to make a product means the finished
 product must also be open sourced, no? Or do you just want them to stop
 developing altogether?

  Apparently you got your wish then:

 Latest News
 07-10-2002, 13:09 (Post by RUNTiME)

 Development suspended

 Following a number of complaints made to us development on the player is
 suspended until further notice.

 We remind you that we have not officially released any binaries to the
 public, and as such no source will be forthcoming either.

 You can send your letters of thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Why they wouldn't release the code as it is now, and hope other developers
 would also take an interest and help refine the software, is anyone's
 guess. But nobody else's business I suppose.

 It should also be the author's privilege to control their own work in my
 opinion. Any artist should always have control of their own work, and the
 ablility to decide what the public sees and when. With respect to the
 Free Software Foundation, or Open Source Community; if the author of a
 particular program/application wants to hold onto their work until _they_
 consider it a finished product, what's the problem? I thought the rule was
 that if a product is released that uses any open source code the end
 product code also must be released as open source code. If it's still alpha
 or beta work where's the trouble? That would seem to mean there isn't any
 finished code to release yet.

 Under the from the sublime to the ridiculous heading; have you ever beta
 tested for any proprietary software development? If you're still in testing
 phase in most cases you're bound to not even admit it. Source code? Hell
 you're lucky if there's an admission that there _is_ code. It's all done by
 magic ya know. Black Magic in some cases. :-)

 Developers may be a strange breed but they have my respect. I can't do what
 they do since I don't have that much interest in the field; and so would
 never devote the time to learn the required languages and skills. To my
 mind that means I have no right to criticize their behavior if it doesn't
 harm me. If cutting them a bit of slack (if that even applies here) is what
 it takes for them to release a *free* finished product that I may not even
 have known I wanted or needed then where's the problem?

Want to 

Re: [newbie] p2p programs

2002-10-08 Thread Todd Flinders

There are tons of them.  I believe kazaa has a linux version itself.

Check and

On Sunday 07 October 2001 09:53 am, Robert Beach wrote:
 Is there a program for linux that you can use for finding mp3's or movies.
 Sorta like Kazaa or Morpheus?

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.2

2002-10-08 Thread et

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 02:21 am, you wrote:
 Is there a site or a ftp that I can download 8.2 off of.  I'm more
 comfortable with it.
you need to have a slew of updates too... don't forget

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Re: [newbie] p2p programs

2002-10-08 Thread Hesham Khonji

Try "LimeWare"... search for it at

From: Ralph Slooten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] p2p programs 
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 22:42:59 +0200 (CEST) 
On Sun, 7 Oct 2001, Robert Beach wrote: 
  Is there a program for linux that you can use for finding mp3's or movies. Sorta like Kazaa or Morpheus? 
giFT - 
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[newbie] eth1 problems

2002-10-08 Thread Kristjan


on 8.2 I had eth0 serving the LAN and eth1 serving for internet connection

After installinng 9.0 eth1 gets dissapeared
I'm sort of dont understand why 

harddrake does not tell me anything about 2 network cards.
and so the rest of the configurations witzards say also that I  have only one ethernet 

bootaup message: 
bringig up eth1 - SIOCGIFFLAGS No such device
error bringing up eth1

# ifconfig eth1
eth1: error fetching interface information: Device not found

has anybody any ideas ?


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Re: [newbie] eth0 interface failure.

2002-10-08 Thread William Bradley

On October 7, 2002 11:25 pm, you wrote:
   I do not see anything blindingly wrong.  What errors are you getting on
 startup?  Also I am CC'ing this back to the list, in hopes of getting
 more eyes on your problem.

Thanks Jim, I got it going. It was pointed out that I did not have a dhcp 
server installed and sent me some suggestions for the:
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file as follows:


This worked and loaded the eth0 interface on boot.


William Bradley

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Re: [newbie] help with MPlayer

2002-10-08 Thread Kristjan

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 22:54:17 +0200 (CEST)
Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks Joe
  It helped, got the picture. So easy things, but sometimes just have to
  come to that.
  there is one more thing, selecting fullscreen only adds large black
  borders but does not enlargen the video picture. I didnt find any
  settinds conserning that ? doubt that its the way it should be.
 You are using the wrong video out. You are probably using x11 output. Try 
 (if you are using the console) `-vo xv` in your options while playing a 
 file (do `-vo help` to get a whole list), or try other modes in the GUI.

I tried them and x11 is the only one I have a picture.
with the rest of vo I get fatal error; error opening/initlialising -vo device 


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RE: [newbie] Journaling file systems (revisited)

2002-10-08 Thread Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] Journaling file systems (revisited)

I'm currently subscribed to it and used the website from my ML8.0 box (using Opera) to subscribe, so at least on good days it appears to work. The sub was 113.97 $US for the DVD edition.

There's more on the DVD each month than I have time to try out before the next one comes.


-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 4:33 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Journaling file systems (revisited)

On Monday 07 Oct 2002 11:28 pm, you wrote:
 At 06:19 PM 10/7/2002 +0100, you wrote:
 On Monday 07 Oct 2002 11:35 am, you wrote:
   Some may already know, but for those who do not.
   The October 2002 issue of Linux Magazine has a very
   good article about Journaling filesystems. Or if enough
   people ask they may be persueded to put it on the website?
   I'm not sure if this mag is available outside the U.S.
   (I do get the U.K. mag Linux Format here but it is very expensive)
 One of our posters in usa said that subscribing to LF was a good deal
  cheaper than buying in stores - and it gets there weeks earlier. HTH

 I tried subscribing to their mag. Did it by website (First  LAST Time i
 do that!). Never a response. Emailed em saying, don't bother with my
 subscription i can't be bothered b/c you won't reply anyway.

 Nothing. Said Fuggit.



Sorry to hear that. I think a lot of the stuff is online, but if you want 
the disks, of course, that doesn't help.

It never ceases to amaze me how many sites have mailto forms that simply do 
not work or work correctly. I have thought that they were probably designed 
for windows-only environments by those who know no others, but you would 
expect a magazine like LF to know better, so I don't know what's wrong. 
Would you mind if I tried to forward this to Linux Format magazine? I think 
they should be told if problems like this exist.


RE: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

2002-10-08 Thread Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

I should probably start this with don't try this at home... but I'm going to propose precicely that:

I have taken an APC UPS with batteries which had failed, and replaced them with cables run out the side to a pair of golf-cart batteries from Sears. The two batteries were about the same price as a new UPS at the time, and I've tested my network setup on it for an hour of up-time while unplugged before getting nervous and plugging it back in.

I'm running a P5-90, an SNAP server, two 8 port switches, a p5-200 webserver and monitor (12)

I've never tried to calibrate the monitor in the APC, so I don't know whether the lights mean much anymore, but it's nice to be able to keep running even when the power fails.


-Original Message-
From: Sharrea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

On Tuesday 08 Oct 2002 8:13 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 It'd probly get both systems past a real short power loss, but you
 really should get an UPS for each system. There's cheaper UPS' than
 APC, but with those you'll probly endin spendin more than the initial
 savings down the road replacin batteries.

Thanks Tom. I'll take your advice and stick with APC - like you said its 
probably cheaper in the long run. I can only afford one at the mo which 
I'll use for the Athlon (my main system) and get another UPS in a couple of 
weeks (and keep my fingers crossed ; ) ).

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Re: [newbie] start VNC client

2002-10-08 Thread Terry Sheltra

Stupid question :-) .. What's the command to start a Gnome session 
instead of a KDE one?  I thought it was gnome-session, but when I 
added that line to the ~/.vnc/xstartup file, it still started KDE.



Derek Jennings wrote:

On Tuesday 01 Oct 2002 2:18 pm, Schepens, Ronny wrote:

Hello again,

extra problem
I get the linux screen (vnc server) on a w2000 workstation (vnc client),
but : only some kind of initial background, not the full Xwindows,
only the X mouse cursur witch i can move, but with notthing to do.
( no icons, no prompt ... )

Ronny Schepens

edit ~/.vnc/xstartup
and put a command at the end to start the window manager of your choice.

For example 




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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] VT100 serial terminal emulator?

2002-10-08 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 01:07:52 -0400
Ralph M. Los [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all,
   This maybe a stupid question, but I have to ask it.  I miss
 having SecureCRT on my WinXP desktop when I'm on my linux partition.
 I need a termainal emulator that understands VT-100, and can communicate
 over serial (COM1) to say...a hardware box such as a firewall appliance?
   I looked around but didn't really know what to look for?
 Thanks in advance

Maybe minicom can do the job? It's on the CD's. HTH,


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Re: [newbie] Corrupt Database

2002-10-08 Thread Stormjumper

i think you can try

# slocate -uv

man locate tells you that that will create a new database from /
as well as other options available.

or you may want to check out the options in /etc/updatedb.conf
and use
#slocate -cv

if all else fails, try deleting your current db file,
probably at 
and re-creating your db.

hope it helps.

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 04:11:33 -0400
Dennis Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whenever I use locate to search for files, It doesn't matter what
 file, I get 
  the following message at the end of it's search :
 fatal error : locate : decode_db : 'pathlen == -5 ' ! Corrupt Database
 For some programs, Like netscape, It will list all the files before
 ending with this message.
 For other programs, Like Gaim for example, It lists the users home
 directory, then kicks up this error. It does not list all of the
 program's associated files / directories .
 So I realize that apparantly the Database has somehow become
 corrupted, But how do I repair it , and solve this problem?
 I am running Mandrake 8.2.

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Re: [newbie] XBOX media player and the GPL

2002-10-08 Thread Charlie

On Monday 07 October 2002 09:19 pm, Todd Flinders wrote:
 The problem is that if they started with GPL code, it is not entirely their
 work and they must honor the license of the code they chose to incorperate.
 I don't know much about this situation, but if they distributed code in
 binary form that included GPL'd code nested within their logic then they
 must also provide the applicable source code to the recipients of the
 binaries. They also cannot restrict what the recipients do with the source
 code other than keeping it Free.  There is no clause in the GPL that allows
 exceptions for beta tests.  They certainly don't have to provide source to
 the public, but if they put out binaries with nested GPL code to beta
 testers, the beta testers have a right to the affected code.  They also
 have a right to pass the code on to others if they choose.

 Obviously, I'm no lawyer.  But that's my understanding of the situation.

I'm sure your interpretation of it is the correct one Todd. I just don't think 
the correct answer was to force development to stop by being obnoxious. With 
no work there's no application. Whatever it was. That seems a sad state of 
affairs to me. It seems there's a little free choice available this week.

With no development, and no application being done, there's no code being 
released anyway. It may actually have been something useful but we may never 
know that now. Strict interpretation of rules and regulations; while not a 
bad thing at all, may itself be judged as draconian as the Everlasting 
Usurious Leasing Attack used by a certain proprietary software company.

In theory it would be well to have any adaptations or modifications of source 
that's already available re-released; but this situation was so unclear to me 
that I still don't see a clear violation of the GPL. All that I could tell 
from the limited information available was that some one or more developer(s) 
was working on an open source media player for XBox and now they aren't. 
Temporarily apparently. The problem seems to be (according to the FAQ they 
have posted) that they won't release the application to the general public 
until there's a GPLed compiler available; not one that belongs to Microsoft 
which they have _no_ rights to open source. It also seems the player is never 
going to work without a mod chip, and I can't recall seeing any news about 
those being open sourced either. Problem is that particular interpretation of 
their FAQ was made by a human (me), not a lawyer or 'public servant' and may 
be incorrect too.

While I would like to see every bit of software, and every application 
available, be open sourced, I somehow doubt that's ever going to happen in 
this universe.

I'm finished with this subject since I have no interest in that application 
and as stated I'm not a lawyer either. Nor am I a program, developer, or 
coder, or regulator. The best part is I don't own an X-Box and never will; so 
I shouldn't complain when applications or products produced for it aren't 
available under the GPL. I wouldn't give MS even _that_ much satisfaction, 
whether they really lose money on sales or not. Mild revulsion for that 
company and it's philosophies and actions pushed me away long ago. I have no 
interest in returning to the fold. :-)

 Wiser heads than mine will have to sort whether there was anything 
questionable being done with the development. Sorry to have wasted people's 
bandwidth with my opinions.

Registered user 244963 at
A ranger was walking through the forest and encountered a hunter
carrying a shotgun and a dead loon.  What in the world do you think you're
doing?  Don't you know that the loon is on the endagered species list?
Instead of answering, the hunter showed the ranger his game bag,
which contained twelve more loons.
Why would you shoot loons?, the ranger asked.
Well, my family eats them and I sell the plumage.
What's so special about a loon?  What does it taste like?
Oh, somewhere between an American Bald Eagle and a Trumpeter Swan.

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[newbie] application/x-director

2002-10-08 Thread Kristjan


can anybody advise howto properly install shockwave player
and also where to get it.
I have downloaded the player from macromedia site and it plays well flash, but not 

application/x-director needed is a message pops up whenever a shocwave is needed


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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!]Mine not solved!

2002-10-08 Thread Marcia

shane wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 07 October 2002 11:51 am, Marcia did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

related?  i have no idea

aside from that all i can say is that my styles collor epson USB works fine.

- -- 
Vini, vidi, Linux.  I came, I saw, I got a real OS.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)



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Dear Shane,

Thank you for this link. I think it is related to this usb  problem. 
When I get time I will study this. I hope we get this USB thing resolved 
soon. I am glad that your printer is working at least.



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Re: [newbie] XBOX media player and the GPL

2002-10-08 Thread Damian

 I'm sure your interpretation of it is the correct one Todd. I just don't
 think the correct answer was to force development to stop by being
 obnoxious. With no work there's no application. Whatever it was. That seems
 a sad state of affairs to me. It seems there's a little free choice
 available this week.

..uhm, i think i got the terms of the GPL wrong, then.
I mean, if these guys are releasing a program (does it matter
if they call it a beta if it's available for widespread use?)
taking code from a GPLed project, and NOT releasing 
the source, is it not a violation? or is it only when they 
call the release stable?  the latter doesn't make a lot of 
sense to me..  what keeps them from calling every release
a beta time and time again?

 With no development, and no application being done, there's no code being
 released anyway. It may actually have been something useful but we may
 never know that now. Strict interpretation of rules and regulations; while
 not a bad thing at all, may itself be judged as draconian as the
 Everlasting Usurious Leasing Attack used by a certain proprietary software

i made the original post of this thread because i thought that 
this kind of development of useful software was being very
unfair to people working on an *even more* useful project developers.

 In theory it would be well to have any adaptations or modifications of
 source that's already available re-released; but this situation was so
 unclear to me that I still don't see a clear violation of the GPL. All

which part is unclear? i feel there's more to be found out too, however...

 that I could tell from the limited information available was that some one
 or more developer(s) was working on an open source media player for XBox

the point is,  the player was able to play DivX files. And to do that, 
it took code from Xvid and FFMPEG. the authors admitted to it, 
but kept making closed-source releases and telling people to wait at
least six months for the source (maybe it's ok because they 
were only betas?) 

 and now they aren't. Temporarily apparently. The problem seems to be
 (according to the FAQ they have posted) that they won't release the
 application to the general public until there's a GPLed compiler

So, the six months we were supposed to wait  was that because 
they were trying to find a GPL compiler? 
and then, why did they even get to make beta releases if they
are still looking for a compiler? 

 available; not one that belongs to Microsoft which they have _no_ rights to
 open source. It also seems the player is never going to work without a mod

OK, but it was their choice to get stuck with incompatible licenses
in the beginning. Using code that forces you to open-source your work,
and compiling with a program that forbids you to do it...? (or am i getting
the compiler stuff wrong?)

 chip, and I can't recall seeing any news about those being open sourced
 either. Problem is that particular interpretation of their FAQ was made by
 a human (me), not a lawyer or 'public servant' and may be incorrect too.

 While I would like to see every bit of software, and every application
 available, be open sourced, I somehow doubt that's ever going to happen in
 this universe.

i think closed-source software is very necesary, even in Linux. And i
also believe that most GPL die-hards will have to learn to live with that.
I'm too much of a recently-arrived foreigner in the Linux community to
turn into a insert license/product/belief here-diehard, but still, the
way i understood the situation, i felt a little pissed off.

(and i'm going to add a question here: is GPL's legal validity proven yet?
as in lawsuits or something? i think some time ago i read something about it
not being really tested for in-court real value)

 I'm finished with this subject since I have no interest in that application
 and as stated I'm not a lawyer either. Nor am I a program, developer, or
 coder, or regulator. The best part is I don't own an X-Box and never will;
 so I shouldn't complain when applications or products produced for it
 aren't available under the GPL. I wouldn't give MS even _that_ much
 satisfaction, whether they really lose money on sales or not. Mild
 revulsion for that company and it's philosophies and actions pushed me away
 long ago. I have no interest in returning to the fold. :-)

  Wiser heads than mine will have to sort whether there was anything
 questionable being done with the development. Sorry to have wasted people's
 bandwidth with my opinions.

...any lawyers present?

and even if there is none, i'm sure there is people on these lists that
is more knowledgeable than me or Charlie..

if my interpretation of this problem was incorrect, i'd really like
to know.

Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.(The Dalai Lama)

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Re: [newbie] application/x-director

2002-10-08 Thread Terry Sheltra

Shockwave is not supported by Linux web browsers.  To be able to view a 
Shockwave-enabled app or website, you'll need to get a 3rd party product 
to allow these Window$-only apps.  I would highly recommend Crossover 
Plugin from Codeweavers (  It's not free, 
but is well worth the $20 US price tag in my book.



Kristjan wrote:


can anybody advise howto properly install shockwave player
and also where to get it.
I have downloaded the player from macromedia site and it plays well flash, but not 

application/x-director needed is a message pops up whenever a shocwave is needed



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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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[newbie] UDF, iso9660 and supermount do not function together !!

2002-10-08 Thread Emerson de Mello

Hello All,

I have modified the filesystem file for work with UDF,
but don't worked.

Because that filesystem also can be mount as iso9660.

I have tried to put the udf before the iso9660 in the
filesystem file, but it works in the same way.

I'd like that the supermount work perfect. :)

In my fstab file have the following line:

none /mnt/cdrom supermount
odepage=850,umask=0 0 0

How I make for the UDF and iso9660 to function
together with supermount? 

Any suggestions?

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[newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Andre Stevens
Ok. So I downloaded v8.2 by double clicking on the download files from the FTP site and then burning them onto a CD, but it's still not installing on the computer I want to use. Can someone PLEASE tell me in PLAIN LANGUAGE how to install Linux using the file "MandrakeLinux-8.2-CD1.ppc.iso" (this is what was burned onto the CD).
If this is NOT the correct way to burn the CD, can someone PLEASE explain (again in PLAIN LANGUAGE) how to:
1. copy the file from the FTP site 
2. burn it onto a CD
Thank you.
Dre---Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more

[newbie] Setting up network scanning under Mandrake?

2002-10-08 Thread Jim Dawson

Does anyone have a HOWTO or set of instructions on setting up network scanning? I am 
trying to set up a SCSI scanner on my 'server' computer to share with a Linux 
workstation (and later to a couple of Windows computers using SaneTwain) but so far I 
havn't got any further than being able to scan directly from the server. The 
documentation on the SANE web site isn't too helpful in setting up saned and sane-net. 
I'm running Mandrake 8.2 right now (I plan on upgrading to 9.0 as soon as I have the 

I have saned set up on the server computer but as far as I can tell it isn't running 
(or running properly anyway), and I'm not sure if I have sane-net installed correctly 
on the Linux workstation. (xsane isn't detecting any scanners. I think I need to 
specify the scanner when I call xsane but I can't figure out how to do that, other 
than specifying the hostname of the saned server in the net.conf file.)

Any assistance in setting this up would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Universal solid state card readers

2002-10-08 Thread Terry Sheltra


Sorry about the extremely late reply to your question about this, but I 
did purchase one of those SmartMedia/Compact Flash readers, and I have 
been able to use both of them just fine.  The only thing I can't do is 
read from both at once, or copy back and forth between them.  Which, for 
me, is no problem at all, since I have no need to.  Other than that, it 
works like a charm.  Hope that helps some.


Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 12 Sep 2002 9:37 pm, you wrote:

I was told before I bought my SmartMedia-only reader that
the multi-readers don't work well in Linux, if at all.

I was looking at one in particular that read SmartMedia,
IBM microdrives, and FlashCards, and the tech people at
the company told me that their Linux gurus couldn't get
it to work in Linux. YMMV.

I have a CF/SM reader, and there appears to be no way of getting it to work, 
so I decided to try to get a single SM reader.  The only ones I could see 
mentioned as working with Linux were on the Sandisk website.  The link to 
direct sales didn't work, so I tried a couple of the vendors listed.  They 
did not answer my email.  Yesterday, after nearly 2 weeks I got a reply from 
Sandisk saying
At this time we only have CompactFlash and MMC/SD readers that work on Linux

So now I have to wonder whether I can get my Camedia working on gPhoto (it's 
serial linked) or whether I would have more success with a new USB camera.



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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Andre Stevens
Additional information:
I'm trying to install this on a WindowsNT PC (and I want to totally blow away Windows, here). 
I only downloaded CD1 and CD2 (there was a thrid file with the extension .ppc, but I didn't think I'd need this).
Please help...
Dre---Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more

Re: [newbie] application/x-director

2002-10-08 Thread Kristjan

Thank you Terry
I was afraid it is something like that.
Probably ned to go to crossover or something like that,
My kids liked a lot some web games and tehy miss those a lot

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 12:55:16 -0400
Terry Sheltra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Shockwave is not supported by Linux web browsers.  To be able to view a 
 Shockwave-enabled app or website, you'll need to get a 3rd party product 
 to allow these Window$-only apps.  I would highly recommend Crossover 
 Plugin from Codeweavers (  It's not free, 
 but is well worth the $20 US price tag in my book.
 Kristjan wrote:
 can anybody advise howto properly install shockwave player
 and also where to get it.
 I have downloaded the player from macromedia site and it plays well flash, but not 
 application/x-director needed is a message pops up whenever a shocwave is needed
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
 Terry Sheltra
 PC Technician/Network Administrator
 University of Virginia
 School of Architecture
 Registered Linux User #218330
 Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] Journaling file systems (revisited)

2002-10-08 Thread FemmeFatale

At 09:32 AM 10/8/2002 +0100, you wrote:
On Monday 07 Oct 2002 11:28 pm, you wrote:
  At 06:19 PM 10/7/2002 +0100, you wrote:
  On Monday 07 Oct 2002 11:35 am, you wrote:
Some may already know, but for those who do not.
The October 2002 issue of Linux Magazine has a very
good article about Journaling filesystems. Or if enough
people ask they may be persueded to put it on the website?
I'm not sure if this mag is available outside the U.S.
(I do get the U.K. mag Linux Format here but it is very expensive)
  One of our posters in usa said that subscribing to LF was a good deal
   cheaper than buying in stores - and it gets there weeks earlier.  HTH
  I tried subscribing to their mag.  Did it by website (First  LAST Time i
  do that!).  Never a response.  Emailed em saying, don't bother with my
  subscription i can't be bothered b/c you won't reply anyway.
  Nothing.  Said Fuggit.

Sorry to hear that.  I think a lot of the stuff is online, but if you want
the disks, of course, that doesn't help.

It never ceases to amaze me how many sites have mailto forms that simply do
not work or work correctly.  I have thought that they were probably designed
for windows-only environments by those who know no others, but you would
expect a magazine like LF to know better, so I don't know what's wrong.
Would you mind if I tried to forward this to Linux Format magazine?  I think
they should be told if problems like this exist.


Be my guest.  If they actually give a response I want to talk to those 
guys!  They have my CC info/#'s ! damnit...

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Re: [newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 10:29 am, Andre Stevens did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 Additional information:

 I'm trying to install this on a WindowsNT PC (and I want to totally blow
 away Windows, here).

 I only downloaded CD1 and CD2 (there was a thrid file with the extension
 .ppc, but I didn't think I'd need this).

ppc is for macs.  you want i586.  also, for intel platforms version 9 is 
out.  might try that.

after burning it should not be a single file on the cd, but several 
files/directories.  iso is a package of files as it were.  what are you 
using to burn the cds?

- -- 
I used to be confused, but now I am not that sure anymore..

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 10:20:54 -0700 (PDT)
Andre Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If this is NOT the correct way to burn the CD, can someone PLEASE
 explain (again in PLAIN LANGUAGE) how to:
  1. copy the file from the FTP site 
  2. burn it onto a CD

You have to burn it as an image file, it will not work by simply burning
the ISO to a cd.
All you end up with then is a mirror of the iso.
The procedure can vary somewhat depending upon the burning program you

On a further note PPC is for the Mac not for a PC.


'Luck is my middle name,' said Rincewind, indistinctly. 'Mind you, my
first name is Bad.'
(Interesting Times)
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

2002-10-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday October 8 2002 08:20 am, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
 I should probably start this with don't try this at home... but I'm
 going to propose precicely that:

 I have taken an APC UPS with batteries which had failed, and replaced
 them with cables run out the side to a pair of golf-cart batteries
 from Sears. The two batteries were about the same price as a new UPS
 at the time, and I've tested my network setup on it for an hour of
 up-time while unplugged before getting nervous and plugging it back


Better yet, use a pic'up truck ;)  At Wall*Mart you can buy a 350w 
inverter for about $45.  I've got one. I can run a 19 TV off my Chevy 
for about 8 hours. When the truck battery starts gettin low, the 
inverter automatically turns off. Truck still starts up.  Same setup 
ran my computer  monitor for over 4 hours.

   My APC UPS is 4 years old, and the battery is still as good as new. I 
already figured I'll use a deep cycle (marine-RV) battery solution if 
it does fail.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 08 Oct 2002 7:24 pm, you wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 10:20:54 -0700 (PDT)

 Andre Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If this is NOT the correct way to burn the CD, can someone PLEASE
  explain (again in PLAIN LANGUAGE) how to:
   1. copy the file from the FTP site
   2. burn it onto a CD

 You have to burn it as an image file, it will not work by simply burning
 the ISO to a cd.
 All you end up with then is a mirror of the iso.
 The procedure can vary somewhat depending upon the burning program you

So which burning program do you use?  Someone here will know it, I'm sure.


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Re: [newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Charlie

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 11:29 am, Andre Stevens wrote:
 Additional information:

 I'm trying to install this on a WindowsNT PC (and I want to totally blow
 away Windows, here).

 I only downloaded CD1 and CD2 (there was a thrid file with the extension
 .ppc, but I didn't think I'd need this).

 Please help...


You're gonna hate this, but ppc is the wrong ISO for a Windows computer. 
That's for Power PC. Mac in other words. You need the i586 ISOs, and for 8.2 
I'd recommend all three CDs since there's a lot of apps on that third disk to 
help easing the blow away Windows completely objective. 

Why not version 9.0? Dolphin has a lot of 'new' built into it but it was the 
easiest Mandrake I have installed for anyone. 6 times so far not counting me. 
g  Still has a few teething pains though.

Since you don't have a proper disk this may not be relevant:
may explain why you only see one large file etc. That's why the subject is 
badburn. The whole page is useful.

Want a howto?

You're burning software should recognise the ISO and there should be an option 
to make it a bootable disk. Don't quote me on that since it's going on three 
years since I burned anything under Windows. :-)

Good luck.
Registered user 244963 at
My life is a soap opera, but who gets the movie rights?

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[newbie] Network printing with CUPS

2002-10-08 Thread Terry Sheltra

Hello all,

I have a very strange problem here at work.  I have my laptop set up 
with LM 9.0, and using CUPS to print to our Window$ domain print server. 
 We also have some mac OS X machines around that seem to be picking up 
the printers I have installed on my laptop (my laptop is apparently 
broacasting my available printers on the network, and since OS X uses 
CUPS for printing, it picks them up, not like window$).  Essentially, 
they are using me to relay the print jobs to the print server, instead 
of going to the print server themselves.  Anyone have any idea what 
could be causing this, and how I can turn it off?


Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

2002-10-08 Thread SystemAdmin ABC Mini Storage LLC

--- Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday October 8 2002 08:20 am, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
  I should probably start this with don't try this at home... but I'm
  going to propose precicely that:
  I have taken an APC UPS with batteries which had failed, and replaced
  them with cables run out the side to a pair of golf-cart batteries
  from Sears. The two batteries were about the same price as a new UPS
  at the time, and I've tested my network setup on it for an hour of
  up-time while unplugged before getting nervous and plugging it back
 Better yet, use a pic'up truck ;)  At Wall*Mart you can buy a 350w 
 inverter for about $45.  I've got one. I can run a 19 TV off my Chevy 
 for about 8 hours. When the truck battery starts gettin low, the 
 inverter automatically turns off. Truck still starts up.  Same setup 
 ran my computer  monitor for over 4 hours.
My APC UPS is 4 years old, and the battery is still as good as new. I 
 already figured I'll use a deep cycle (marine-RV) battery solution if 
 it does fail.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
FYI Know that APC UPS's have a life time Equipment Protection Policy (read the policy) 
for all
equipment connected to the UPS up to $25,000.00 if the UPS has NOT been Modifitied, 
etc. (Note:
This includes batteries NOT from APC i.e. no third party batteries!).

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Re: [newbie] Installing v8.2

2002-10-08 Thread Angus Auld

 Ok. So I downloaded v8.2 by double clicking on the
download files from the FTP site and then burning them
onto a CD, but it's still not installing on the computer I
want to use. Can someone PLEASE tell me in PLAIN LANGUAGE
how to install Linux using the file
MandrakeLinux-8.2-CD1.ppc.iso (this is what was burned
onto the CD).
 If this is NOT the correct way to burn the CD, can
someone PLEASE explain (again in PLAIN LANGUAGE) how to:
  1. copy the file from the FTP site 
  2. burn it onto a CD
 Thank you.

Hi Andre, sounds to me like you need the .i586 iso's for   
pc, not ppc. ppc is for mac power pc.   
I don't know where you can find a download site for 8.2,   
but a search on google may turn up what you are looking   
The iso's of 8.2 that are available through the mandrake   
mirrors are for ppc.   
When you burn the iso's to cd, you want to choose the   
option in your cd burning software that specifies create   
cd from image, or similar wording, depending on the  
software you are using. There should be a readme file at  
the site with the iso's that explains the procedure to  
burn the images.  
There are three iso's you should have;   
Cheapbytes still has 8.2 for sale at $5.99 US,   
I hope this is of some help Andre.   
There are many others on this list, much more qualified  
than I, who can help you a great deal more. I can vouch 
that! ;-)  
All the best to you.  
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but 
around in awareness.--James Thurber 
*Reg. Linux User #278931* 
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[newbie] modem problems

2002-10-08 Thread Akhil Deodhar

i recently installed mandrake 9.0 beta. It detected
all of my hardware except my PCTel HSP56 AMR modem.
Does anyone have the drivers  know how to install
them? please let me know ASAP.

A kleptomaniac is a person who helps himselfbecause he can't help 

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RE: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

2002-10-08 Thread Cory

Speaking of APC BackUPS, I have a 650 BackUPS Pro, with serial status
reporting. How can I integrate the Smart portion into linux? I would love to
know how to set it up so that when there's only a couple of minutes left of
power, begin the shutdown sequence, and if power is restored, cancel the
shutdown... I know there is software out there that does this, but any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (GkrellM support for this would be
awesome as well!!) Thanks.

 -Original Message-
From:   Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Monday, October 07, 2002 12:14
Subject:Re: [newbie] APC BackUPS 500

  File: message.footer  On Monday October 7 2002 11:36 am, Sharrea

 (I saved your message above back in August) If you don't mind me
 asking, in your opinion, would an APC BackUPS 500 run an Athlon 1.0
 GHz and a Duron 900 MHz both with 17 monitors (also plugged in)? And
 perhaps my external modem?  I'm not worried about my printer, sub
 woofer sound system or zip drive for now.


   It'd probly get both systems past a real short power loss, but you 
really should get an UPS for each system.  There's cheaper UPS' than 
APC, but with those you'll probly endin spendin more than the initial 
savings down the road replacin batteries. 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] modem problems

2002-10-08 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 13:32:27 -0700 (PDT)
Akhil Deodhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 my PCTel HSP56 AMR modem.
 Does anyone have the drivers  know how to install
 them? please let me know ASAP.

AFAIK No AMR modem will work is linux.
They are the truest and worst form of winmodem.


Porsche: there simply is no substitute.
-- Risky Business
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] modem problems

2002-10-08 Thread Charlie

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 02:32 pm, Akhil Deodhar wrote:
 i recently installed mandrake 9.0 beta. It detected
 all of my hardware except my PCTel HSP56 AMR modem.
 Does anyone have the drivers  know how to install
 them? please let me know ASAP.

Try this link:

Good luck.
Registered user 244963 at
I suggest a new strategy, Artoo: let the Wookie win.
-- C3P0

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Re: [newbie] modem problems

2002-10-08 Thread Charlie

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 02:43 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 13:32:27 -0700 (PDT)

 Akhil Deodhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  my PCTel HSP56 AMR modem.
  Does anyone have the drivers  know how to install
  them? please let me know ASAP.

 AFAIK No AMR modem will work is linux.
 They are the truest and worst form of winmodem.


 Porsche: there simply is no substitute.
   -- Risky Business
 Charles A Edwards


I hate it when that happens. Apparently that one will work Charles.

I posted a link to a SourceForge page that seems to state that it will anyway. 

I love Google. g
Registered user 244963 at
Time is an illusion perpetrated by the manufacturers of space.

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[newbie] USB devices

2002-10-08 Thread John Richard Smith

What are the best commands to get the usb hub to detect usb devices


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] UDF, iso9660 and supermount do not function together !!

2002-10-08 Thread Graham Watkins

Emerson de Mello wrote:

Hello All,

I have modified the filesystem file for work with UDF,
but don't worked.

Because that filesystem also can be mount as iso9660.

I have tried to put the udf before the iso9660 in the
filesystem file, but it works in the same way.

I'd like that the supermount work perfect. :)

In my fstab file have the following line:

none /mnt/cdrom supermount
odepage=850,umask=0 0 0

How I make for the UDF and iso9660 to function
together with supermount? 

Any suggestions?

Mandrake GNU/Linux 9.0

I have been mounting CDs with UDF filesystems for some time now although 
I haven't added an entry to fstab.

I find that the console command (issued as root): mount -t udf /dev/scd0 
/mnt/cdrom  works for me.

I believe that many people have had problems with supermount (and mostly 
cured them by disabling it).

Others may be able to tell you more about that.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] modem problems

2002-10-08 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 15:08:08 -0600
Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hate it when that happens. Apparently that one will work Charles.
 I posted a link to a SourceForge page that seems to state that it will

I stand enlightened.

I still that with a AMR modem and a 6 pack of Moosehead you can enjoy a
few good beers while thinking about that other piece of crap you have.


If you are honest because honesty is the best policy, your honesty is
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] modem problems

2002-10-08 Thread Charlie

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 03:55 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 15:08:08 -0600

 Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I hate it when that happens. Apparently that one will work Charles.
  I posted a link to a SourceForge page that seems to state that it will

 I stand enlightened.

 I still say that with a AMR modem and a 6 pack of Moosehead you can enjoy a
 few good beers while thinking about that other piece of crap you have.


 If you are honest because honesty is the best policy, your honesty is
 Charles A Edwards

Homer voice
Mmm Moosehead! 
\Homer voice

LMAO Big Rock has a few good ones too.

I still say that Canadian beer is better than the stuff made south of the 
border; but you need to go to Germany or Great Britain to find the *really* 
good stuff. g

I'm happy I don't often have to worry about modems. Impatient friends are 
pretty much standard here, and they're all on cable or dsl connections. :-)
Registered user 244963 at
Banectomy, n.:
The removal of bruises on a banana.
-- Rich Hall, Sniglets

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[newbie] Re:[Newbie] Spellcheck does not work

2002-10-08 Thread peterjwatson

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] Spellcheck does not work

 Hi there

 I am using OpenOffice 1.0 and trying to use spell-check function, but it
does not seem to work. Could you tell me how to activate spell-check on
OpenOffice 1.0 please?



I had huge problems with spell checker.
This is how I resolved them.

First check that you have MySpell installed for the language you want
(English-UK in my case)

Then in OO go to ToolsOptionsLanguage Settingslanguages  and select your
chosen language for Locale Setting and Default language for documents.

Next goto ToolsOptionsLanguage SettingsWriting Aids and make sure the
chosen language is specified for Available language modules and user defined
dictionary, then check the spellcheck options you want under options.

This worked for me (after many more or less random changes) I hope it will
work for you

Regards Pete

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
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[newbie] Infected Message

2002-10-08 Thread Chris

Below are the headers of a messge I got today that was infected with bugbear. 
The attached file was Danone.doc.exe.  Although of course I wasn't affected 
thought the list should be notified.

Status: R 
Received: from ([])
by penguin (EarthLink SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 17Z26Q55t3NZFl40
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 14:41:43 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from tower ([]) by (8.12.3/) with 
SMTP id g98Le8Qh021406; Tue, 8 Oct 2002 17:40:09 -0400
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 17:40:08 -0400
X-Really-To: unknown
From: Todd Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: [newbie] Cannot install OpenOficce1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Status: N

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  5:28pm  up 1 day, 19:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.13, 0.12, 0.05

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Re: [newbie] UDF, iso9660 and supermount do not function together !!

2002-10-08 Thread Emerson de Mello

I had also gotten disabling the supermount, but the
detail is that I wanted to explore the easiness that
the supermount gives.

I use Mandrake Linux in University and many students
still are not familiarized with the mount and umount.

Thank you,

Emerson de Mello

 --- Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Emerson de Mello wrote:
 Hello All,
 I have modified the filesystem file for work with
 but don't worked.
 Because that filesystem also can be mount as
 I have tried to put the udf before the iso9660 in
 filesystem file, but it works in the same way.
 I'd like that the supermount work perfect. :)
 In my fstab file have the following line:
 none /mnt/cdrom supermount

 odepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 How I make for the UDF and iso9660 to function
 together with supermount? 
 Any suggestions?
 Mandrake GNU/Linux 9.0
 I have been mounting CDs with UDF filesystems for
 some time now although 
 I haven't added an entry to fstab.
 I find that the console command (issued as root):
 mount -t udf /dev/scd0 
 /mnt/cdrom  works for me.
 I believe that many people have had problems with
 supermount (and mostly 
 cured them by disabling it).
 Others may be able to tell you more about that.
 Graham Watkins
 For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft
 warm body curled up next 
 to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)
 Registered Linux user number 265254
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[newbie] gcc 2.96 with gcc3.2

2002-10-08 Thread Peter Watson

I have a driver package for my intel 536EP modem 
which contains a cor binary compiled with gcc2.96.
I tried to install gcc2.96 to compile this package 
but received the following error message:-

file /etc/colorgccrc from install of 
gcc2.96-colorgcc-2.96-0.80mdk conflicts with file from package 

I had read that both gcc2.96 and gcc3.2 could be 
installed at the same time and the link from /usr/bin/cc changed to point to 
whichever was required.

Have I done something wrong or is there a way round 

Thanks in advance


---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.393 / 
Virus Database: 223 - Release Date: 30/09/2002

Re: [newbie] XBOX media player and the GPL

2002-10-08 Thread Todd Flinders

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 06:42 am, Damian wrote:
  I'm sure your interpretation of it is the correct one Todd. I just don't
  think the correct answer was to force development to stop by being

I was not advocating anyone being obnoxious.  I also had nothing to do with 
the original post.  I just wanted to try to clarify some of the ideas that 
were expressed about the GPL (not that I'm an expert, of course).  I also 
don't feel the original poster was advocating people to be obnoxious.  S/he 
was advocating making a voice about what s/he that was a GPL violation.  
Taking action to stop a GPL violation is not necessarily obnoxious.

 ..uhm, i think i got the terms of the GPL wrong, then.
 I mean, if these guys are releasing a program (does it matter
 if they call it a beta if it's available for widespread use?)
 taking code from a GPLed project, and NOT releasing
 the source, is it not a violation? or is it only when they
 call the release stable?  the latter doesn't make a lot of
 sense to me..  what keeps them from calling every release
 a beta time and time again?

To the best of my understanding (and I'm pretty confident in this) if the 
binaries are released as betas then the beta testers are entitled to the 
source code.  The exception would be if the beta testing was done in house.  
Regardless of the state of the code, if binary code is distributed to another 
entity, that entity is entitled to source code.  The external entity must 
either be supplied with the source or given reasonable access to acquire the 
source.  With that being said, the original team can beta test all they want 
in house without releasing source code.  They are only obligated to release 
the source when they distribute binaries to external entities.  On top of 
that, I believe they are only obligated to give the source to those they gave 
the binaries.  However, they are NOT allowed to take away the freedoms 
offered by the GPL.  The recipient of GPL source and binaries is entitled to 
the same freedoms as the distributor.  So, for example, the external beta 
testers who received the binaries (if any) are entitled to the source code 
and may distribute at no cost or commercially the code to world+dog if they 
so choose.  Again, I am no lawyer.

  With no development, and no application being done, there's no code being
  released anyway. It may actually have been something useful but we may
  never know that now. Strict interpretation of rules and regulations;
  while not a bad thing at all, may itself be judged as draconian as the
  Everlasting Usurious Leasing Attack used by a certain proprietary
  software company.

Hey, if my choice is no package or a package that violates the GPL then I'll 
go with no package!  That being said, my understanding was that the 
development was continuing but that they would simply not being distributing 
binaries or source until they reached a stable point.  If that's how they 
choose to do it, that is their right.  We should be happy that the GPL will 
not be violated.

 the point is,  the player was able to play DivX files. And to do that,
 it took code from Xvid and FFMPEG. the authors admitted to it,
 but kept making closed-source releases and telling people to wait at
 least six months for the source (maybe it's ok because they
 were only betas?)

If the binaries were distributed to external beta testers, than those testers 
were entitled to the source.

  and now they aren't. Temporarily apparently. The problem seems to be
  (according to the FAQ they have posted) that they won't release the
  application to the general public until there's a GPLed compiler

This may be a problem with the licensing of available compilers.  This is not 
a GPL problem.  There is nothing about GPL compilers or source code covered 
by the GPL that mandates a GPL compiler.  Therefore, this choice of compiler 
must be for other reasons.  We should applaud them for holding out for Free 
Software solutions.

 i think closed-source software is very necesary, even in Linux. And i
 also believe that most GPL die-hards will have to learn to live with that.
 I'm too much of a recently-arrived foreigner in the Linux community to
 turn into a insert license/product/belief here-diehard, but still, the
 way i understood the situation, i felt a little pissed off.

Closed-source software is philosophically flawed, but that's an entirely 
different debate.

 (and i'm going to add a question here: is GPL's legal validity proven
 yet? as in lawsuits or something? i think some time ago i read something
 about it not being really tested for in-court real value)

While the GPL has not made it to court, let's recall that it has a strong 
lawyer influence and that many GPL violations including those from some 
substantial companies have been settled in the favor of Free Software.  The 
GPL is not something to be taken lightly or dismissed as legally unsound.

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Re: [newbie] phpgroupware documentation

2002-10-08 Thread Spencer

On October 8, 2002 06:23 pm, iggy wrote:
 i've been poking around in my system looking for the help files on
 phpgroupware and have not found them as of yet.  could someone point me in
 the right direction?  mandrake 9.0 (and loving it!)

 BTW, when i was using 8.2, i'd downloaded it, installed it and knew where
 everything was.  my luck, i guess

If it's installed file:/usr/share/doc/phpgroupware-0.9.12


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Re: [newbie] Spellcheck does not work

2002-10-08 Thread Joseph Braddock

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 02:22:26 -0400

 Hi there 
 I am using OpenOffice 1.0 and trying to use spell-check function, but it does not 
seem to work. Could you tell me how to activate spell-check on OpenOffice 1.0 please? 

If you are using the OpenOffice that shipped with 9.0, then you need to install the 
dictionary for the language you are using.  If you are using English in the US, it 
would be myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.4mdk.  


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[newbie] phpgroupware documentation

2002-10-08 Thread iggy

i've been poking around in my system looking for the help files on 
phpgroupware and have not found them as of yet.  could someone point me in 
the right direction?  mandrake 9.0 (and loving it!)

BTW, when i was using 8.2, i'd downloaded it, installed it and knew where 
everything was.  my luck, i guess


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Re: [newbie] phpgroupware documentation

2002-10-08 Thread iggy

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 09:42 pm, Spencer wrote:
 On October 8, 2002 06:23 pm, iggy wrote:
  i've been poking around in my system looking for the help files on
  phpgroupware and have not found them as of yet.  could someone point me
  in the right direction?  mandrake 9.0 (and loving it!)
  BTW, when i was using 8.2, i'd downloaded it, installed it and knew where
  everything was.  my luck, i guess

 If it's installed file:/usr/share/doc/phpgroupware-0.9.12


There it is.  Thanks!

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Re: [newbie] Spellcheck does not work

2002-10-08 Thread Richard Holt

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 20:56:05 -0400, Joseph Braddock
 On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 02:22:26 -0400
  Hi there 
  I am using OpenOffice 1.0 and trying to use spell-check function,
  but it does not seem to work. Could you tell me how to activate
  spell-check on OpenOffice 1.0 please? 

Dictionaries and instructions at

 If you are using the OpenOffice that shipped with 9.0, then you need
 to install the dictionary for the language you are using.  If you are
 using English in the US, it would be

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Re: [newbie] Spellcheck does not work

2002-10-08 Thread ZeroFighter1969

Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 02:22:26 -0400

 Hi there 
 I am using OpenOffice 1.0 and trying to use spell-check function, but it does not 
seem to work. Could you tell me how to activate spell-check on OpenOffice 1.0 please? 

If you are using the OpenOffice that shipped with 9.0, then you need to install the 
dictionary for the language you are using.  If you are using English in the US, it 
would be myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.4mdk.  


Hi Joeb,

Thank you for your advice and i really appreciated it. You are a life saver to me! 



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Re: [newbie] Network printing with CUPS

2002-10-08 Thread Ron Bouwhuis

--- Terry Sheltra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a very strange problem here at work.  I have
 my laptop set up 
 with LM 9.0, and using CUPS to print to our Window$
 domain print server. 
  We also have some mac OS X machines around that
 seem to be picking up 
 the printers I have installed on my laptop (my
 laptop is apparently 
 broacasting my available printers on the network,
 and since OS X uses 
 CUPS for printing, it picks them up, not like
 window$).  Essentially, 
 they are using me to relay the print jobs to the
 print server, instead 
 of going to the print server themselves.  Anyone
 have any idea what 
 could be causing this, and how I can turn it off?
 Terry Sheltra


In /etc/cups/cupsd.conf I believe you can control
which IP addresses you can broadcast to.  

Out or curiosity - can the Macs successfully print via
your system?  If so, let me know what printer(s) you
have (I'm trying to get a new Mac to print reliably to
my Linux CUPS printer - works sort of).


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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!]Mine not solved!

2002-10-08 Thread Linus Drouhard

My syslog didn't have any of the errors that you reported.  USB appeared to 
load up just fine.  I can see the printer with PrinterDrake as well as 
USBView.  Everything comes through except printouts.  Apparently a whole host 
of problems result in similar behavior.  I'll keep working on this.  If you 
make any headway, please post. Thanks.


On Monday 07 October 2002 11:35 pm, Marcia wrote:
 On Monday 07 October 2002 09:08 pm, Linus Drouhard wrote:
  Ok, I tried the noapic.  Same problem.  My USB was working before as I
  was using a USB mouse.  I still get USB port busy on the printer even
  with noapci.  I switched the mouse back to PS-2.  Same error printing
  (or trying to print).  I'm just about out of ideas.

 Dear Linus,

 I guess I will not waste my time with that then. I am sorry yours is not
 resolved yet and I am sorry mine is not either.): I am including my syslog
 file because it looks like it shows some usb problems although I am no
 expert here so who knows.

 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb.c: registered new driver
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb.c: registered new driver
 hub Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: $Revision:
 1.275 $ time 18:49:04 Sep 20 2002
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth
 mode enabled
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O
 0xd400, IRQ 11
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb.c: new USB bus
 registered, assigned bus number 1
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: USB hub found
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: 2 ports detected
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O
 0xd800, IRQ 11
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb.c: new USB bus
 registered, assigned bus number 2
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: USB hub found
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: 2 ports detected
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb-uhci.c: v1.275:USB
 Universal Host Controller Interface driver
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usbdevfs: remount parameter
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: Adding Swap: 248968k
 swap-space (priority -1)
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect
 on bus1/1, assigned device number 2
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb.c: USB device not
 accepting new address=2 (error=-110)
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect
 on bus1/1, assigned device number 3
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: usb.c: USB device not
 accepting new address=3 (error=-110)
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect
 on bus1/2, assigned device number 4
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: SCSI subsystem driver
 Revision: 1.00
 Oct  6 13:04:54 localhost@localdomain kernel: parport0: PC-style at 0x378

 Any suggestions will be appreciated.



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[newbie] Basic installation procedure

2002-10-08 Thread ZeroFighter1969

Hi all again,

I am using Mdk 9.0 and I downloaded software which I would like to use for my study 
(Antivir,Imici and so on), but I can not install them. I would like to install 
software using console. I knew some command, for example, -zxvf or ./, but I tend to 
fail installations. I would like to ask you guys how to install software and how you 
all guys recognize installation procedure?? Even I look at READ ME, I do not 
understand installation procedure. Where can I learn software installation step by 



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[newbie] Wierd happenings

2002-10-08 Thread Anne Wilson

Yesterday I had an email from sympa saying that someone had requested 
removing my name from the list.

Today I received a spam with Mandrake list footer:

Received: from ( by (6.0.053)
id 3D972D8A006BD194 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 8 Oct 2002 
22:46:46 +0100
Received: from tower ([]) by (8.12.3/) with 
SMTP id g98LbAQh019665; Tue, 8 Oct 2002 17:37:11 -0400
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 17:37:10 -0400
X-Really-To: unknown
Subject:  Do your boobs hang low??!!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Status: R 
X-Status: N

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rRdyBNJ6NA3XUYK4S0QSg+n5s3k8lx8PZ0M3TGTG1K48j0DZ0w ah1F23CNZb7Ajt 

What is going on here?


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Re: [newbie] Universal solid state card readers

2002-10-08 Thread Anne Wilson

I'd given up hope on this.  Please tell me what model, and where you bought 
it?  I haven't been able to source one at all.  For the moment I've got the 
camera working on gPhoto - adequate, but slow.


On Tuesday 08 Oct 2002 2:41 pm, you wrote:

 Sorry about the extremely late reply to your question about this, but I
 did purchase one of those SmartMedia/Compact Flash readers, and I have
 been able to use both of them just fine.  The only thing I can't do is
 read from both at once, or copy back and forth between them.  Which, for
 me, is no problem at all, since I have no need to.  Other than that, it
 works like a charm.  Hope that helps some.


 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 12 Sep 2002 9:37 pm, you wrote:
 I was told before I bought my SmartMedia-only reader that
 the multi-readers don't work well in Linux, if at all.
 I was looking at one in particular that read SmartMedia,
 IBM microdrives, and FlashCards, and the tech people at
 the company told me that their Linux gurus couldn't get
 it to work in Linux. YMMV.
 I have a CF/SM reader, and there appears to be no way of getting it to
  work, so I decided to try to get a single SM reader.  The only ones I
  could see mentioned as working with Linux were on the Sandisk website. 
  The link to direct sales didn't work, so I tried a couple of the vendors
  listed.  They did not answer my email.  Yesterday, after nearly 2 weeks I
  got a reply from Sandisk saying
 At this time we only have CompactFlash and MMC/SD readers that work on
  Linux endquote
 So now I have to wonder whether I can get my Camedia working on gPhoto
  (it's serial linked) or whether I would have more success with a new USB
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