Re: [newbie-it] [OT] auguri!

2003-01-02 Thread Felice Gaudente
Ricambio augurando un felice e prospero 2003!

From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mandrake Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] [OT] auguri!
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:08:48 +0100

Ciao a tutti i Linuxari in ascolto, e soprattutto:

(nella speranza che sia migliore del precedente)



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Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-02 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il gio, 2003-01-02 alle 00:31, miKe ha scritto:

 installare il 2000 su fat32 è troppo limitativo
 conviene usare una fat32 intermedia, solo per interscambio
 sarà la 'cartella documenti' per win$ e 'quellochetipare' per 

Si lo so, intendevo questo:
ridimensionare il disco in due partizioni fat32
installare 2000 o xp su una delle due dicendogli, in sede di
installazione, di convertire la partizione dove si posizionerà xp o 2000
in ntfs. Così da avere, comunque pronta, la seconda partizione fat32 da
modificare, convertire, ridimensionare per l'utilizzo con linux.
Un po' contorto? beh, effettivamente :-))

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] Consiglio modem via cavo

2003-01-02 Thread Andrea Celli
On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 21:16:48 -0800
Di Fresco Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Se invece è qualcosa di diverso, allora vedi il cable-modem HowTo
  che trovi nella tua distro o in rete.
Visto che sei negli USA e hai un oggetto che non esiste in Italia,
l'unico riferimento che ti posso dare è:

non per niente è uo dei pochissimi HowTo non tradotti in italiano

 Ok, cerchero' in rete (al momento la MDK 8.2 la ho installata, ma ho appena
 installato WinXP che ha piallato LILO e so che ci sono delle procedure
 particolari per riattivarlo con Win2K/XP).

Se metti il primo CD della distro, premi subito F1 e avvii in modalità rescue
dovresti ripristinare Lilo facilmente.
Anch'io ha sentito dire che Xp è un po' ostico.
L'alternativa che funziona sicuramente è seguire il mini-howto 
Linux+NT-loader che trovi sullo stesso sito o, tradotto in italiano, a

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiungere un nuovo hard disk

2003-01-02 Thread LukenShiro
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, francesco.melo wrote:
  in nessun modo mi accettava il secondo hard disk come secondary master
 spostandolo come  secondary slave , invece, tutto è andato liscio...
 qualcuno mi sa dare una spiegazione in proposito?

Mi sembra strano che sia il disco fisso a fare i capricci, e' molto piu'
probabile che il responsabile di tutto cio' sia il masterizzatore; AFAIK
e' questo che di solito esige di essere messo come master, quindi
logicamente l'altra periferica installata sullo stesso canale dovra'
assumere la posizione di slave: presumibilmente non l'hai visto a causa
dell'emulazione scsi attivata che comporta lo svincolo del nome attuale
del dispositivo da quello originario.

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+lowlat+pktwrt
Data la perdurante indifferenza di Atlanet nei confronti della sua feccia
spammer, tutte le email che ricevo, provenienti da una connessione con
quel provider, saranno cestinate. Un consiglio: si cambi provider ;

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 00:46, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:

 ti incollo un pezzo di lilo.conf
 # Linux bootable partition config begins
 image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20
   root = /dev/hda6
   label = Slack_2.4.20
 image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-2
   root = /dev/hda6
   label = Slack_2.4.19
 image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18
   root = /dev/hda6
   label = Slack_2.4.18
 image = /boot/vmlinuz
   root = /dev/hda6
   label = Slack_original

Ma quanti Kernel hai nel tuo sistema?? Che ci fai co tutti sti kernel?? :) 

 come vedi devi solo duplicare le chiamate ai vari kernel che
 metti in /boot
 chiaramente i nomi devono essere univoci

Quindi tu mi dici di ribattezzare il mio bzImage con per esempio 

 okkio ai moduli,
 se ricompili un kernel diverso dall'attuale, no prob
 se è lo stesso, per differenziare devi usare dei nomi differenti
 per kernel e moduli
 quindi devi intervenire sul Makefile andando ogni volta a
 cambiare la variabile extraversion
Qui mi sono già perso, il kernel che ho compilato è diverso da quello attuale 
anche se nasce dagli stessi sorgenti credo... 
devo intervenire sul Makefile che si trova in /boot? e cambiare di preciso 

 (se noti il kernel mandrake ha un nome che termina in -xxx.mdk)
 quel valore è dato proprio dalla variabile in questione,
 tu potrai chiamarla 'pluto'
 ed avere quindi un vmlinuz-2.4.20-pluto (nome che darai tu a
 e dei moduli in /lib/modules/2.4.20-pluto
 automaticamente definiti, con congruenza in modules.dep e (anche nel kernel, lo vedi con uname)

Qui non capisco più nulla... in pratica dovrei cambiare delle cose in 
/lib/modules, modules.dep e, questi ultimi due si trovano in /boot 
se non sbaglio ...

Mah.., Vediamo se ho capito per linee generali il da farsi:

1) copio bzImage in /boot
2) rinomino bzImage con per esempio vmlinuz-2.4.19-pluto
3) modifico lilo.conf inserendo in nuovo kernel
4) modifico Makefile,, modules.dep, /lib/modules in cose che non ho 
5) /sbin/lilo

Ci sono ancora altre piccole domande:

a) Dopo /sbin/lilo e riavvio, come faccio a dire al sistema con quale Kernel 
a1) Credo che lui parta con il primo kernel che trova in lilo.conf, mettiamo 
il caso io metta vmlinuz-2.4.19-pluto.. se volessi farlo partire con il 
secondo, diciamo vmlinuz, come dovrei fare?

b) in lilo.conf si fa riferimento oltre che a linux a linux failsafe e ad 
un'altra voce; anche in queste modalità, che non ho mai usato, devo mettere 
il nuovo kernel? Credo di no, ma vorrei conferme...

Grazie Ciao

[newbie-it] kde 3.0.5

2003-01-02 Thread ba-rk

un saluto a tutta la lista
ho trovato su una rivista KDE 3.0.5 e volevo (se 
possibile) installarlo sul Mandrake 8.2
il dubbio è se devo rimuovere il KDE installato da 
l Mandrake 8.2,oppure vado tranquillo
come sempre ,spero di essere stato 

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 17:09, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

  (se noti il kernel mandrake ha un nome che termina in -xxx.mdk)
  quel valore è dato proprio dalla variabile in questione,
  tu potrai chiamarla 'pluto'
  ed avere quindi un vmlinuz-2.4.20-pluto (nome che darai tu a
  e dei moduli in /lib/modules/2.4.20-pluto
  automaticamente definiti, con congruenza in modules.dep e (anche nel kernel, lo vedi con uname)

Al discorso fatto nella precedente email aggiungerei una cosa che forse è 
importante, e cioè che il sistema stesso ha ribattezzato il nuovo kernel 
2.4.19-16mdkcustom, quindi potrei lasciare tutto come è, perché i due kernel 
sono assolutamente differenziati, anche in Makefile di /usr/src/linux nel 
label c'è -16mdkcustom e in /lib/modules c'è la direcotory 
Potrei forse ribattezzare bzImage e mettere un nome più simpatico


Re: [newbie-it] Aggiungere un nuovo hard disk

2003-01-02 Thread francesco.melo
LukenShiro wrote:

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, francesco.melo wrote:

in nessun modo mi accettava il secondo hard disk come secondary master
spostandolo come  secondary slave , invece, tutto è andato liscio...
qualcuno mi sa dare una spiegazione in proposito?

Mi sembra strano che sia il disco fisso a fare i capricci, e' molto piu'
probabile che il responsabile di tutto cio' sia il masterizzatore; AFAIK
e' questo che di solito esige di essere messo come master, quindi
logicamente l'altra periferica installata sullo stesso canale dovra'
assumere la posizione di slave: presumibilmente non l'hai visto a causa
dell'emulazione scsi attivata che comporta lo svincolo del nome attuale
del dispositivo da quello originario.


potrersti avere ragione , ma , tra le prove da me effettuate c'era anche 
lo staccare il masterizzatore dal secondary slave
per vedere che non fosse lio a disturbare e dopo un riavvio , sparire 
dal fstab... e dopo questa operaizone che ...per provare, inzialmente , 
ho poi spostato sullo slave l'hard disk
fdisk  ed il mount mi dicevano che avevo troppy fs montati o che cmq non 
potevano aprire il supporto


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 17:47, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Al discorso fatto nella precedente email aggiungerei una cosa che forse è
 importante, e cioè che il sistema stesso ha ribattezzato il nuovo kernel
 2.4.19-16mdkcustom, quindi potrei lasciare tutto come è, perché i due
 kernel sono assolutamente differenziati, anche in Makefile di
 /usr/src/linux nel label c'è -16mdkcustom e in /lib/modules c'è la
 Potrei forse ribattezzare bzImage e mettere un nome più simpatico

Tenuto per vero quello che ho scritto ho modificato /etc/lilo.conf e ho 
chiamato, in lilo, linuxacpi il sistema con il nuovo kernel...
Sono ripartito e come credevo, si blocca il boot, dando questo errore
/bin/insmode exited abnormally

Mi rendo conto che è difficile dire dal di fuori cosa fare, certo è sicuro che 
ho compilato male il kernel
Si può ritentare di ricompilarlo partendo dalla directory /usr/src/linux e 
creando dunque una nuova immagine??

Grazie mille  

[newbie-it] Problemi con supermount

2003-01-02 Thread Tommaso
Salve a tutti,
ho rimosso il supermount dall'fstab e tutto funziona ottimamante.
Purtroppo però quando accedo al sistema mi viene ricreata la cartella 
Removable Media sul desktop che, non avvalendosi del supermount, è 
diventata inutile.
Come faccio a rimuoverla definitivamente?

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-02 Thread paolo brusasco
veramente l'avevo fatto su una partizione (hda1) da 30 giga con su 2 
giga scarsi di dati, ed ho fatto scandisk e defrag, finito il defrag, 
riavviato, ridimensionato a 20 giga, fregato (tanto già lo sapevo). 
l'unica cosa che non avevo fatto era mettere a zero la memoria virtuale. 

miKe ha scritto:
per usare diskdrake, in modo da ridimensionare una partizione 
(fat32 o ntfs non cambia)
è necessario spostare tutti i dati di win$ neli primi settori 
della partizione in quanto l'utilità *non è in grado* di 
spostare i dati [come GNU/Parted o partition magic] ma solo di 
ridimensionare  la partizione
quindi :
1. nella partizione win$ è necessario fare uno scandisk
2. mettere a zero la memoria virtuale
3. riavviare
4. fare un defrag

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione e convivenza

2003-01-02 Thread gianni piazza
Alle 23:51, martedì 31 dicembre 2002, Corrado ha scritto:
 Il mar, 2002-12-31 alle 09:43, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:
  Il lun, 2002-12-30 alle 23:23, Corrado ha scritto:
  Il consiglio su come procedere:
  - ridimensionare la partizione ntfs con l'utility di xp

 Però l'altro os in questione è Windows 2000; se esiste tle funzione
 anche in questo caso, sarebbe ciò che cerchiamo :)
 Come si chiama l'utility cui ti riferisci?

Per partizionare l'hd con winxp devi andare in pannello di controllo/strumenti 
di amministrazione/computer/gestione disco..l'unico problema è che xp 
non ti consente di ridimensionare la partizione in cui è allocato, cioè se 
hai un solo hd non puoi creare un'altra partizione.Comunque il programma di 
partizionamento di mdk9 non ha problemi a ridimensionare una partizione ntfs 
e a formattare la partizione di linux con filesystem linux-native senza dare 
problemi a win che potrai avviare tranquillamente, basta inserirlo in lilo 
durante l'installazione.
Ciao Gianni

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread Giorgio Griffon
 in /usr/src/arch/boot/ non c'è bzImage che cosa può essere accaduto??
Ulp, un caso ancora più disperato del mio!
Possibile che non siano stati segnalati errori durante la compilazione?
Per un di più ti scrivo il contenuto della mia cartella:


Re: [newbie-it] Help Grip

2003-01-02 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

ho installato grip (su mandrake 8.2) ed ho gia' dei problemi...
un'altra domanda: avendo gia' un file wav su hd, come convertirlo in  

prova con lame da terminale e digiti la seguente riga di comando:
lame file.wav file.mp3 invio
dove file.wav è il tuo file da trasformare in file.mp3
puoi iniziare così poi leggendo il man lame potrai utilizzare le varie opzioni.
se non hai il lame lo trovi su:   (dove troverai l'ultima versione)
oppure puoi scaricare la variante notlame che ha solo la differenza di non avere 
il man lame:

per registrare i tuoi wav (per esempio dal tuo microfono) sempre da riga di comando puoi 
usare rec con le varie opzioni e per riprodurre la tua registrazione puoi usare il comando
play che sono resi disponibili nel pachetto sox già presente in mdk, poi potrai trasformare 
la tua registrazione personale in mp3 con lame. Per riprodurre poi il file mp3 puoi usare 
da terminale:
mpg123 file.mp3
come vedi da riga di comando si va subito al sodo e non si perde tempo a sfogliare le varie
interfaccie grafiche.

Luigi Beltramini

ciao da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:47, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata , in 
merito a Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel,  ha scritto:

   (se noti il kernel mandrake ha un nome che termina in
   -xxx.mdk) quel valore è dato proprio dalla variabile in
   questione, tu potrai chiamarla 'pluto'

 Al discorso fatto nella precedente email aggiungerei una cosa
 che forse è importante, e cioè che il sistema stesso ha
 ribattezzato il nuovo kernel 2.4.19-16mdkcustom

ha usato proprio extraversion
(è una variabile che modifichi in Makefile *prima* della 
ricompilazione, proprio per differenziare kernel e moduli)




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:09, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata , in 
merito a Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel,  ha scritto:

 Ma quanti Kernel hai nel tuo sistema?? Che ci fai co tutti sti
 kernel?? :)

l'ultimo lo affianco al penultimo per almeno un paio di mesi,
per essere sicuro che non faccia scherzi

quello standard lo conservo sempre,

come vedi ne resta solo uno in più...

  come vedi devi solo duplicare le chiamate ai vari kernel che
  metti in /boot
  chiaramente i nomi devono essere univoci

 Quindi tu mi dici di ribattezzare il mio bzImage con per
 esempio vmlinuz-2.4.19-pluto

come ti pare, 
basta che in lilo lo indichi correttamente

  okkio ai moduli,
  se ricompili un kernel diverso dall'attuale, no prob
  se è lo stesso, per differenziare devi usare dei nomi
  differenti per kernel e moduli
  quindi devi intervenire sul Makefile andando ogni volta a
  cambiare la variabile extraversion

 Qui mi sono già perso, il kernel che ho compilato è diverso da
 quello attuale anche se nasce dagli stessi sorgenti credo...
 devo intervenire sul Makefile che si trova in /boot? e
 cambiare di preciso cosa?

root@mdk:/var/log/packages# less /usr/src/linux/Makefile





 Qui non capisco più nulla... in pratica dovrei cambiare delle
 cose in /lib/modules, modules.dep e, questi ultimi
 due si trovano in /boot se non sbaglio ...

tu devi solo valorizzare extraversion
il resto è automatico

 Mah.., Vediamo se ho capito per linee generali il da farsi:

 1) copio bzImage in /boot
 2) rinomino bzImage con per esempio vmlinuz-2.4.19-pluto
 3) modifico lilo.conf inserendo in nuovo kernel


 4) modifico Makefile,, modules.dep, /lib/modules in
 cose che non ho compreso

solo makefile

 5) /sbin/lilo

 Ci sono ancora altre piccole domande:

 a) Dopo /sbin/lilo e riavvio, come faccio a dire al sistema
 con quale Kernel partire?

hai una serie di scelte, no?
esattamente come lin/win

premendo [tab] all'avvio dovresti averle elencate tutte

 a1) Credo che lui parta con il primo kernel che trova in

si, a meno che tu non indichi 
il default

 b) in lilo.conf si fa riferimento oltre che a linux a linux
 failsafe e ad un'altra voce; anche in queste modalità, che non
 ho mai usato, devo mettere il nuovo kernel? Credo di no, ma
 vorrei conferme...

il nuovo lo indichi nudo e crudo
le modalità 'failsafe' e 'nofb' puoi tenerle col kernel standard,
le userai solo in caso di problemi


metti monolitico almeno il supporto al filesystem che usi, e ai 
dispositivi che devono essere disponibili subito, es il 
altrimenti devi generare un initrd.img 
(che per me è inutile a meno di server dove non serve *nulla* e 
si vuole risparmiare il mezzo kb.. per caricare solo quello che 
si deve usare quando serve) 

 Grazie Ciao



- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2003-01-02 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 19:55, giovedì 2 gennaio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Si può ritentare di ricompilarlo partendo dalla directory /usr/src/linux e
 creando dunque una nuova immagine??

Sto provando a riconfigurare il Kernel e appena esco dal menù xconfig c'è 
questo messaggio di errore:

ERROR - Attempting to write value for unconfigured variable (CONFIG_MOD_DVB)

Cosa è MOD DVB?? 


Re: [newbie-it] Usb storage

2003-01-02 Thread Giovanni Coan
Scusate,ho lo stesso problema con uba piccola macchina
fotografica da bambino... non riesco a vederla perchè
quando monto /dev/sda1 mi dice che lo special device
/dev/sda1 doesn't exist. Ho mdk 9.0 su di un
portatile, e non ho dispositivi scsi...come fare?
Grazie e buon anno a tutti!   

Giovanni A. Coan
Medico chirurgo
V. Aldo Moro,5
40036 Monzuno (BO)

Yahoo! Cellulari: scarica i loghi e le suonerie per le tue feste!

Re: [newbie] Which file records info about previous sessions?

2003-01-02 Thread Rob Lindsay

Am running LM8.1 and have tried to get KwikDisk to run.

All that happens is that it tries to launch and appears to fail.

Mea Culpa - I didn't have a System Tray on the Panel so couldn't see the KD 
icons - there were 9!

The question above still stands.


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-02 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 12:05 am, Smiley wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:30:02 -

 Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Don't even think about resizing your win2k partition with diskdrake. It
  can mess up your win2k.

 I didn't :)

I bought PM6, which is already unsupported by PowerQuest.  I'm not certain, 
but I think it caused a number of problems for me.  I would be very careful.  
The current version is 8.0, I understand.  Get a total backup before you try 
anything like this.

Good luck


  I used partition magic 7 and all worked fine.

 I was reported PM 6 could mess all things up;
 if 7 is okay, good :-)

 Now I.m going to ask my friend if that's okay,
 so any other hint is welcome!


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Re: [newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-02 Thread Michael Adams
On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 13:12, Robin Turner wrote:
 Smiley wrote:
  On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:18:50 -
  Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't if anyone posted this question before:
 Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to write on my win2k (NTFS)
  partitions? Till now, i'm using a small fat partition to put my linux
  files that i want to open in windows but the process is quite boring..
  Since I have a problem related to your, the reply is: last time I heard,
  the feature was  in development, it seems $MS$ is not so happy 'bout that
  and tried to stop the work...

 Sounds juicy - tell more!

 I'm happy because I just squelched a proposal to get
 XP on our department's computers.

 Sir Robin

In my (not so thorough) understanding, NTFS support for W2K is pretty good. 
The later NTFS used with XP is really scratchy though.

The best compromise solution may be to make a small FAT32 partition that both 
can read and write to without hitches (other than permission problems of win 
files imported into /home). A method would be:
- Remove/Backup all files from NTFS partition using winders.
- Reboot in Linux.
- Use Diskdrake to rewrite  reformat the NTFS partition as FAT32.
- Restore any files required (in winders).
- Check the partition is mounted ok under linux.


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Re: SV: [newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

2003-01-02 Thread Michael Adams
On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 20:08, Anders Lind wrote:
 1. Make a bootable floppy (You will need 'fdisk' in there.)
 2. Boot from that floppy, and at prompt, type: 'fdisk /mbr' (without
 quottes) This will remove lilo.
 3. Then, run 'fdisk' and just delete linux partitions.

 It might work if fdisk finds them, anyway I would suggest that you start up
 like you would install Mandrake again, then remove the partitions in
 partition setup program and after that boot up as suggested in step 1 and
 then type fdisk /mbr


I agree with Anders. Windows FDISK isn't happy removing linux partitions but 
diskdrake will do it from the CD.


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[newbie] Sound Problem

2003-01-02 Thread Marc Oestreicher
   I have 9.0 installed as a dual boot installation with windoze 98. The sound 
is working ok in windoze but I sant get a thing from it in  ML9.0
   Hard Drake is deticting a VT8233 [ AC97 Audio Controler] but I am getting 
no sound at all not even startup sounds for KDE

   Does anyone have suggestions as to what I should try next.

Thanks in advance

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[newbie] Re: Installing running Programs/Scripts/Code

2003-01-02 Thread Graham Pohle
I've been downloading tar.gz files from the net, but for the life of me
I can't get them to work.I've run the tar -x command but it doesn't
work, and I've tried quite a few others, but they don't work. It's not
just the tar.gz files either, I'm having trouble running any program. My
name is graham and I can place the files in my home/graham dir OK, but
that's it. I can't do anything from there. The only program that I seem
to be having a bit of success with is nmap. It was a simple as typing
nmap as a root command and off I went.If anyone has some useful
information, I would appreciate it.(What would we do without

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Re: [newbie] Sound Problem

2003-01-02 Thread Vahur Lokk
Ühel kenal päeval (neljapäev, 2. jaanuar 2003 14:21) kirjutasid sa:
I have 9.0 installed as a dual boot installation with windoze 98. The
 sound is working ok in windoze but I sant get a thing from it in  ML9.0
Hard Drake is deticting a VT8233 [ AC97 Audio Controler] but I am
 getting no sound at all not even startup sounds for KDE

Now first thing to check is always whether you have unmuted channels :-)) 
This is by far the most widespread sound problem in Linux. KMix is good for 

Other than that - I have the same sound chip. 9.0 got it recognized and it 
also worked except for some games.

You could try latest alsa drivers - Look for 
instructions specific to your chip. They have very good step-by-step 
instructions that are suitable for complete newb with standard intelligence 
and some time at hand :-) This will require downloading and compiling three 
files, modifying your modules.conf and editing or creating .asoundrc file in 
your home directory. Given the quality of instructions you can do it fast and 
it is also great educational experiment.

Conclusion - it seems VT8233 is not best-supported piece of hardware and 
requires extra work but will work for most purposes.


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Re: [newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Weaver

On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 17:42, Mark Weaver wrote:

Hi there,

I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
anyone read the archives any more? ;)

with this thought in mind I've saved this message as a template on my
system and will send it to the list probably once a week so in case
anyone misses the post it will show up again and again and again on the
list for those poor souls that missed it the previous time it was
posted. Almost as many times as the question, where can I get the Java
plugins for Mozilla/Netscape...etc...

anyway...if you're needing the java plugin for Netscape, or Mozilla go
follow the link below and you'll be able to download and install the
java plugin. And by the way...this does not require the download and
install of Sun's JDK or JRE packages. This is a seperate browser plugin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you Must be root user when you do this or the plugin
will NOT install.

Still no joy, Netscape also refuses to recognize this version of java
and, although Mozilla an Galeon recognize the updated version, they
still crash instantly when encountering a page with an applet.



Then it would appear that there's something wrong with your installation 
of Netscape/Mozilla, because this plugin has been working flawlessly for 
myself and others, which is why I post this message about once a week on 
the list.


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-02 Thread John Richard Smith
Smiley wrote:

Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
but I need help in order to allow a friend of 
mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

What I need is to know how he can resize
(avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
losing any datas...

I know diskdrake can't do that...
So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
or everything else?




Patition Magic versions 7 and 8


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Which file records info about previous sessions?

2003-01-02 Thread mycal62
Hi ,

While this is good advise and works , I too would like to know where the 
info is actually stored
so I can if I choose  manually remove redundant entries that I have.
Specificly , I have done this proceedure to remove redundant error 
messages coming from Firestarter,
however they continue to reappear.  I even uninstalled firestarter, and 
removed it's folders and files,
rebooted and reinstalled firestarter, and the same three versions of 
error messages came back.
Where is that stored ???  the save session tool is great but not 
completely fool proof.
telling us how to manually edit this function would be great, and Might 
actually solve my problem,
but this proceedure did not.

thanks in advance

Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA

Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

Derek Jennings wrote:

On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 6:34 am, Rob Lindsay wrote:

Hello all. Happy New Year.

Am running LM8.1 and have tried to get KwikDisk to run.

All that happens is that it tries to launch and appears to fail.

However when I logout and restart X I appear to have 9? instances of
KwikDisk trying to start. I'd like to purge this activity from the startup

I have KDiskFree working OK.



Kill all the unmwanted instances of KwikDisk, get your desktop how you like 
it, with any applets you want, and then log out with the 'save session' box 
Log back in again and your desktop should be just right with no unwanted 
instances of KwikDisk.

Log out *without* the save session box, and then whenever you log in in the 
future your desktop will always be the same.



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-02 Thread Anthony Abby
On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 19:08, Smiley wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:18:50 -
 Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't if anyone posted this question before:
  Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to write on my win2k (NTFS) partitions?
  Till now, i'm using a small fat partition to put my linux files that i want to 
open in windows but the process is quite boring..
 Since I have a problem related to your, the reply is: last time I heard, the feature 
was  in development, it seems $MS$
 is not so happy 'bout that and tried to stop the work...

You can write to NTFS with smbfs.  I use mount -t smbfs   to write
my nightly backup on my laptop and my servers to my XP desktop.


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Re: [newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2003-01-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 09:15, Tom Brinkman wrote:

Because if you change to 'vga=normal' you're still usin fb (frame 
 buffer). Just remove the vga= line and you should get 'plain text'.
 BTW, if you want to keep the fb  =788 is 800x600, =791 is 1024x 
 768.  I don't recall what the number would be for 640x480, but I 
 sort'a think it's =785. That lower resolution would get you bigger 
 text with fb.  Maybe someone else knows, or you can refer to 
 I know there use to be a doc file that listed the various codes, 
 but I can't find it, or even remember where/what it was ;(  The codes 
 are listed in hexidecimal, you'll need to convert to decimal. Most 
 calculators will do that for you.
 Besides, I never need to fool with this cause I like the bootsplash ;)
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

The file is /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt.  In order to get
the video mode number of the Linux kernel, you take the hexadecimal VESA
mode number, then add 0x200.  Then of course you convert to decimal.

Hex Vesa mode chart:

| 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024
256 |  0x1010x1030x1050x107
32k |  0x1100x1130x1160x119
64k |  0x1110x1140x1170x11A
16M |  0x1120x1150x1180x11B

Hex adjusted Kernel mode numbers:

| 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024
256 |  0x3010x3030x3050x307
32k |  0x3100x3130x3160x319
64k |  0x3110x3140x3170x31A
16M |  0x3120x3150x3180x31B


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Which file records info about previous sessions?

2003-01-02 Thread Derek Jennings
Many applications save information in hidden files or folders in your ~  
(home) directory.  KDE applications will generally put their files in 

To view hidden files in konqueror just select ViewShowHidden

~/.kde/Autostart  contains scripts and applications to be run when you start 
KDE  This is *not* where save sessions stores its info. It is a separate 
feature. To make an application run at start using Autostart, make a 'Link to 
application' by right clicking on the desktop and selecting 'new', and then 
drag and drop the link created into the ~.kde/Autostart directory.

I am not sure where the 'save session' info is stored I would expect it to be 
~/.kde/share/config/session  but I see stuff in there which is not present on 
my desktop.


On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 3:08 am, mycal62 wrote:
 Hi ,

 While this is good advise and works , I too would like to know where the
 info is actually stored
 so I can if I choose  manually remove redundant entries that I have.
 Specificly , I have done this proceedure to remove redundant error
 messages coming from Firestarter,
 however they continue to reappear.  I even uninstalled firestarter, and
 removed it's folders and files,
 rebooted and reinstalled firestarter, and the same three versions of
 error messages came back.
 Where is that stored ???  the save session tool is great but not
 completely fool proof.
 telling us how to manually edit this function would be great, and Might
 actually solve my problem,
 but this proceedure did not.

 thanks in advance

 Mike McNeese
 Arkansas USA

 Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20;
 MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Registered Linux User #248955


 If obstacles are what you see in your path...
  Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

 Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 6:34 am, Rob Lindsay wrote:
 Hello all. Happy New Year.
 Am running LM8.1 and have tried to get KwikDisk to run.
 All that happens is that it tries to launch and appears to fail.
 However when I logout and restart X I appear to have 9? instances of
 KwikDisk trying to start. I'd like to purge this activity from the
  startup process.
 I have KDiskFree working OK.
 Kill all the unmwanted instances of KwikDisk, get your desktop how you
  like it, with any applets you want, and then log out with the 'save
  session' box checked.
 Log back in again and your desktop should be just right with no unwanted
 instances of KwikDisk.
 Log out *without* the save session box, and then whenever you log in in
  the future your desktop will always be the same.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to


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[newbie] xcdroast-0.98alpha11 on LM8.1

2003-01-02 Thread Rob Lindsay
I would like to update the xcdroast frontend from xcdroast-0.98alpha9 to 
alpha11 so that I can write multisession CDs.

Believe that I need cdrtools-2.0 for the application to work.

Is there anything else I need to update.

How do I go about the change?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Which file records info about previous sessions?

2003-01-02 Thread mycal62
Thanks Derek,

however it's still doesn't answer the question.
I've looked around there too and know it's not there.

thanks for trying though.

Derek Jennings wrote:

Many applications save information in hidden files or folders in your ~  
(home) directory.  KDE applications will generally put their files in 

To view hidden files in konqueror just select ViewShowHidden

~/.kde/Autostart  contains scripts and applications to be run when you start 
KDE  This is *not* where save sessions stores its info. It is a separate 
feature. To make an application run at start using Autostart, make a 'Link to 
application' by right clicking on the desktop and selecting 'new', and then 
drag and drop the link created into the ~.kde/Autostart directory.

I am not sure where the 'save session' info is stored I would expect it to be 
~/.kde/share/config/session  but I see stuff in there which is not present on 
my desktop.


On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 3:08 am, mycal62 wrote:

Hi ,

While this is good advise and works , I too would like to know where the
info is actually stored
so I can if I choose  manually remove redundant entries that I have.
Specificly , I have done this proceedure to remove redundant error
messages coming from Firestarter,
however they continue to reappear.  I even uninstalled firestarter, and
removed it's folders and files,
rebooted and reinstalled firestarter, and the same three versions of
error messages came back.
Where is that stored ???  the save session tool is great but not
completely fool proof.
telling us how to manually edit this function would be great, and Might
actually solve my problem,
but this proceedure did not.

thanks in advance

Mike McNeese
Arkansas USA

Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20;
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

Derek Jennings wrote:

On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 6:34 am, Rob Lindsay wrote:

Hello all. Happy New Year.

Am running LM8.1 and have tried to get KwikDisk to run.

All that happens is that it tries to launch and appears to fail.

However when I logout and restart X I appear to have 9? instances of
KwikDisk trying to start. I'd like to purge this activity from the
startup process.

I have KDiskFree working OK.



Kill all the unmwanted instances of KwikDisk, get your desktop how you
like it, with any applets you want, and then log out with the 'save
session' box checked.
Log back in again and your desktop should be just right with no unwanted
instances of KwikDisk.

Log out *without* the save session box, and then whenever you log in in
the future your desktop will always be the same.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA

Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

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Re: [newbie] DVD region killer

2003-01-02 Thread Sasongko Pribadi Djoko
Dear Stephen, Friends,

I'm sorry for my late reply.

I did download the tar file (in and extract the

Thank you in advance,

*Happy New Year 2003*

From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sasongko Pribadi Djoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] DVD region killer
Date: 26 Dec 2002 23:33:13 +1100

On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 15:34, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Stephen, Friends,

 I did delete all file in dvd_disc_2215_css and re-extract the tar 
 And then I did below instruction:
 [root@localhost dvd_disc_2215_css]# l
 COPYING  dvd_disc.c  dvd_disc_.o  dvd_file.h  dvd_udf.h  
 dvdbackup.c  dvd_disc.h  dvd_file.c   dvd_udf.c   Makefile   
 [root@localhost dvd_disc_2215_css]# ./configure
 bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
 [root@localhost dvd_disc_2215_css]# make
 make: *** No rule to make target `../dvd_css', needed by `dvd_udf.o'.  
 [root@localhost dvd_disc_2215_css]# make install
 make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
 [root@localhost dvd_disc_2215_css]#

 Did I do something wrong?

 Thank you in advance,

If you can send me the URL for the code you have, I'll give it a go and
figure out what exactly is going on - no worries to give it a shot for
ya. Now y'all got me curious.

Thu Dec 26 23:30:01 EST 2002
 11:30pm  up 1 day, 14:15,  5 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.17, 0.11
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

One of your most ancient writers, a historian named Herodotus, tells of a
thief who was to be executed.  As he was taken away he made a bargain with
the king: in one year he would teach the king's favorite horse to sing
hymns.  The other prisoners watched the thief singing to the horse and
laughed.  You will not succeed, they told him.  No one can.
	To which the thief replied, I have a year, and who knows what might
happen in that time.  The king might die.  The horse might die.  I might 
And perhaps the horse will learn to sing.
		-- The Mote in God's Eye, Niven and Pournelle

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The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-02 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

It comes with the power pack 9.0

El Mié 01 Ene 2003 23:38, Smiley escribió:
 Hi, I know this topic isn't exactly new :)
 but I need help in order to allow a friend of
 mine to get rid of W2000 :-D

 What I need is to know how he can resize
 (avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
 losing any datas...

 I know diskdrake can't do that...
 So, any suggestion about Partition Magic
 or everything else?


Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2003-01-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday January 2 2003 09:20 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 The file is /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt.  In order
 to get the video mode number of the Linux kernel, you take the
 hexadecimal VESA mode number, then add 0x200.  Then of course you
 convert to decimal.

 Hex adjusted Kernel mode numbers:
 | 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024

 256 |  0x3010x3030x3050x307
 32k |  0x3100x3130x3160x319
 64k |  0x3110x3140x3170x31A
 16M |  0x3120x3150x3180x31B


Thanks LX, I'll try'n remember ;)  Seems my foggy old brain was 
right, 'cause vga=785 works out to 640x480 at 64k (0x311). Probly a 
good setting for those that want bigger text on a 17 monitor. One 
thing I should'a mentioned before, none of this will work unless the 
video card supports framebuffering.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Re: Installing running Programs/Scripts/Code

2003-01-02 Thread Gavin Rollins

I had the same problem.. but via this group, I learned to download these files 
into my tmp file first, open them with Ark, transfer ALL the files to 
/usr/local or /usr/local/bin... not sure which one. (I'm sure someone will 
correct me!!) after you transfered the files they should make their own 
folder. goto that folder look for the readmedoc and follow the directions.

What other type of programs have you downloaded?? RPM'S?? if so I find them to 
be much easier.. but its best to learn both ways. Graham, its a long learning 
process but the fruit is so sweet once you get it! if you happen to see a 
post from lanman ask him your question.. he has and still is helping me 
with my system and I have a mini lab setup in my home... hope this helped a 
bit.. holla back soon.
Gavin aka Grasshopper

On Friday 03 January 2003 08:21 am, Graham Pohle wrote:
 I've been downloading tar.gz files from the net, but for the life of me
 I can't get them to work.I've run the tar -x command but it doesn't
 work, and I've tried quite a few others, but they don't work. It's not
 just the tar.gz files either, I'm having trouble running any program. My
 name is graham and I can place the files in my home/graham dir OK, but
 that's it. I can't do anything from there. The only program that I seem
 to be having a bit of success with is nmap. It was a simple as typing
 nmap as a root command and off I went.If anyone has some useful
 information, I would appreciate it.(What would we do without

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Re: [newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-02 Thread Anthony Abby
 Tis a very, very bad idea to write to your NTFS partition from Linux. 
 It WILL hose your NTFS system. So, if you enable RW access to your Win2K 
 partition be prepared to reload your system. NTFS access from Linux 
 should me RO (read only).

I've done it for a very long time without any problem what so ever.  And
I've never had to reload either my Windows 2000 system, or my Windows XP
system, that I do this with.


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Re: [newbie] Re: Installing running Programs/Scripts/Code

2003-01-02 Thread David Williams
On Thursday 02 January 2003 11:30 am, Gavin Rollins wrote:

 I had the same problem.. but via this group, I learned to download these
 files into my tmp file first, open them with Ark, transfer ALL the files to
 /usr/local or /usr/local/bin... not sure which one. (I'm sure someone will
 correct me!!) after you transfered the files they should make their own
 folder. goto that folder look for the readmedoc and follow the

 What other type of programs have you downloaded?? RPM'S?? if so I find them
 to be much easier.. but its best to learn both ways. Graham, its a long
 learning process but the fruit is so sweet once you get it! if you happen
 to see a post from lanman ask him your question.. he has and still is
 helping me with my system and I have a mini lab setup in my home... hope
 this helped a bit.. holla back soon.
 Gavin aka Grasshopper

 On Friday 03 January 2003 08:21 am, Graham Pohle wrote:
  I've been downloading tar.gz files from the net, but for the life of me
  I can't get them to work.I've run the tar -x command but it doesn't
  work, and I've tried quite a few others, but they don't work. It's not
  just the tar.gz files either, I'm having trouble running any program. My
  name is graham and I can place the files in my home/graham dir OK, but
  that's it. I can't do anything from there. The only program that I seem
  to be having a bit of success with is nmap. It was a simple as typing
  nmap as a root command and off I went.If anyone has some useful
  information, I would appreciate it.(What would we do without

If you are using KDE and in most cases from Konqueror, you can just double 
click into the tar.gz file and then do a drag and drop of the files from 
there into the temp directory. I generally use the superuser version so that 
I have the terminal line available for anything else that I do.


   ( )_( )
   ( OO )
 (   )

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Re: [newbie] Writing on NTFS partitions

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Weaver
Michael Adams wrote:

On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 13:12, Robin Turner wrote:

Smiley wrote:

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 23:18:50 -

Aurélio Diniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't if anyone posted this question before:
Is there anyway that i can put my linux box to write on my win2k (NTFS)
partitions? Till now, i'm using a small fat partition to put my linux
files that i want to open in windows but the process is quite boring..

Since I have a problem related to your, the reply is: last time I heard,
the feature was  in development, it seems $MS$ is not so happy 'bout that
and tried to stop the work...

Sounds juicy - tell more!

I'm happy because I just squelched a proposal to get
XP on our department's computers.

Sir Robin

In my (not so thorough) understanding, NTFS support for W2K is pretty good. 
The later NTFS used with XP is really scratchy though.

The best compromise solution may be to make a small FAT32 partition that both 
can read and write to without hitches (other than permission problems of win 
files imported into /home). A method would be:
- Remove/Backup all files from NTFS partition using winders.
- Reboot in Linux.
- Use Diskdrake to rewrite  reformat the NTFS partition as FAT32.
- Restore any files required (in winders).
- Check the partition is mounted ok under linux.

Tis a very, very bad idea to write to your NTFS partition from Linux. 
It WILL hose your NTFS system. So, if you enable RW access to your Win2K 
partition be prepared to reload your system. NTFS access from Linux 
should me RO (read only).

I had 49 days uptime until my wife brought the servers
down when she ran the vacuum cleaner.
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0

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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-02 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 2:47 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday January 1 2003 01:25 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Looking again at what you wrote originally, I get the same output
  as you for the command
  ll /usr/bin/java

 Including rwx permissions for users (lrwxrwxrwx) ?
Yes - it's all OK  ^^^

  However, it looks to me as though it has not been added to the
  path, since what I get from the next command is:
  [root@anne-linux anne]# echo $PATH
 cal/sbin [root@anne-linux anne]#

   Mea culpa. When I first replied I had Mandrake's j2re 1.4.0
 installed, and that rpm does add jre to your path.  Since then I've
 upgraded to Mandrake's j2re 1.4.1. It _doesn't_ add jre to the path.
 (MOF, the upgrade removed it from mine).

and this removed it from mine - and the from /etc/profile.d

 It shouldn't matter tho since it does create the link '/usr/bin/java
 - /etc/alternatives/java*' and '/usr/bin' should be in your path.
 BTW, run 'echo $PATH' as user, since you'll need java as user.

[anne@anne-linux anne]$ echo $PATH
[anne@anne-linux anne]$

Why are there two // in /usr//bin?  Does /usr/bin include all subdirectories?

 I suspect the problem is with your Mozilla install. Tho I have no
 idea what is maybe wrong (and I'm now usin the newer 9.1 cooker
 version 1.3-0.alpha.1mdk).

It's the standard install from 9.0's discs.  I don't feel confident at using 
cooker versions yet.  I could uninstall and re-install I suppose.

I think the next thing to try is to check for suitable links in the Mozilla 

Any other ideas gratefully welcomed.


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla/Java -halfway there

2003-01-02 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 2:47 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:

I've got both Mozilla and Galeon listing Java plugins, now.  The rpm had put 
the .so file into Netscape plugins, so I copied it into the Mozilla plugin 
directory and sure enough it's recognised.

However -'s site still has no navigation links or tabs.  It has 
to be connected to this issue, since the working java in Galeon was lost when 
I installed the upgrade rpm.

Has anyone any idea why it should be listed in the plugins but doesn't seem to 
be working?  My Moz preferences file has Enable JavaScript for Navigator but 
not for Mail  Newsgroups.  Nor is Enable Plugins for Mail  Newsgroups 
checked.  I can't think what else I should look for.


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Re: [newbie] IRQ conflict help

2003-01-02 Thread et
you might consider if there is a place in the BIOS to move the onboard sound . 
My cat /proc/interrupts lists a few sharing IRQs and so far, while I cna say 
I can create plenty of problems, I ain't chased any down to these particulre 
sharings (wintv and Nvidia gf4 ti4200 on 10;, usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ohci1394, 
eth0 on 11.
 cat /proc/interrupts
   CPU0   CPU1
  0: 622827 623739IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:   1882   1859IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  4: 204877 208292IO-APIC-edge  serial
  5: 160473 160270   IO-APIC-level  Audigy
  8:  1  0IO-APIC-edge  rtc
 10: 533363 532150   IO-APIC-level  bttv, nvidia
 11:649655   IO-APIC-level  usb-uhci, usb-uhci, ohci1394, eth0
 12: 121114 123355IO-APIC-edge  PS/2 Mouse
 14:  23882  22327IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 15:   4213   3657IO-APIC-edge  ide1
NMI:  0  0

On Wednesday 01 January 2003 05:20 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, got my new Soyo Dragon Plus MB installed - 9.0 seems to work on it
 just fine. Only problem seems to be IRQ conflicts. I've got more than a few
 PCI cards - WinTV tuner, Adaptec SCSI, Linksys network, and an Nvidia AGP

 Here is the results from cat /proc/interrupts:

 [darklord@darkforce darklord]$ cat /proc/interrupts
   0:  50064  XT-PIC  timer
   1:   1063  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   4:   3203  XT-PIC  serial
   5:  0  XT-PIC  usb-uhci
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  10:  34150  XT-PIC  CMI8738-MC6, nvidia
  11: 61  XT-PIC  aic7xxx
  12:  14140  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  14:  11026  XT-PIC  ide0
  15: 40  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0
 LOC:  50023
 ERR: 16
 MIS:  0

 This is with the Linksys network card, the WinTV card, pulled from the
 system. Only 2 cards are in, the Nvidia AGP card, and the Adaptec PCI card.
 4 PCI slots are open. I'm not using slot 1 next to the AGP slot (they are
 supposed to be shared right?). CM18738-MC6 is the onboard sound and I'm
 using the onboard LAN as well.

 There is a conflict between the SCSI card and the Nvidia stuff. I can put
 the SCSI card in any of the slots - still conflicts. If I add the WinTV
 tuner card back in, I usually get 3 things using one IRQ. This can't be
 good. :-)

 PNP is turned off in BIOS and the PCI stuff is set to AUTO. I can set it to
 manual but all that does is let you pick PCI DEVICE or LEGACY for each IRQ.

 Any ideas on how to use more than 2 cards with 6 slots and 16 IRQs without
 something conflicting. Software with the cards suggests using Device
 manager to switch IRQs (heh) ifNo Windows here  :-)

 Thanks all.

 PS I did search Google for help but I found nothing immediately useful.

 PSS I've got my HD on as master, IDE1 and my Zip as master, IDE2. If I put
 the Zip as a slave on IDE1, can I turn IDE2 off and gain an IRQ back?

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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday January 2 2003 11:25 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

  I suspect the problem is with your Mozilla install. Tho I
  have no idea what is maybe wrong (and I'm now usin the newer 9.1
  cooker version 1.3-0.alpha.1mdk).

 It's the standard install from 9.0's discs.  I don't feel confident
 at using cooker versions yet. 

   ... and you can't either, except on a full cooker install of 9.1.
I only mentioned that to imply I don't have 9.0's older Mozilla 
anymore. Anne, I'm out'a ideas with your Mozilla install. But as I 
ranted about in a previous reply, they're are no guarantees as soon 
as you taint a system with closed source stuff, ie, Sun's java. It 
may or may not work.  Lobby Sun to release OSS java.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

2003-01-02 Thread Ross Bleakney
To answer your question, the installer didn't recognize the mouse throught 
the KVM switch. Do you know how to drive the Mandrake Control Center when 
the mouse doesn't work? I tried tabbing within the fields but this doesn't 
seem to work. I can keep switching the plugs, but I was hoping to try 
something easier.

From: Brandon Vanderberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 11:38:16 -0800

I've got the same setup and haven't noticed any issues.

Did you install linux with the kvm attached? If so, could the os see the
mouse during install?

If you didn't, you might wanna go into the control center and see if you 
try different mouse types/settings.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ross Bleakney
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

I recently attached a KVM switch between my Linux box and Windows box. The
monitor switches just fine. However, the mouse doesn't work. I looked on 
XFree-Newbie archives, and is common for people to have trouble with their
mice through a KVM switch. However, people have skittery mice. I have no
mouse input at all. Any ideas would be helpful.
P.S. I don't see anyway of searching the Mandrake-Newbie list archives,
short of searching the entire Mandrake site ( Does
anyone know of a way to search the archives?

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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-02 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 6:09 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday January 2 2003 11:25 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
   I suspect the problem is with your Mozilla install. Tho I
   have no idea what is maybe wrong (and I'm now usin the newer 9.1
   cooker version 1.3-0.alpha.1mdk).
  It's the standard install from 9.0's discs.  I don't feel confident
  at using cooker versions yet.

... and you can't either, except on a full cooker install of 9.1.
 I only mentioned that to imply I don't have 9.0's older Mozilla
 anymore. Anne, I'm out'a ideas with your Mozilla install. But as I
 ranted about in a previous reply, they're are no guarantees as soon
 as you taint a system with closed source stuff, ie, Sun's java. It
 may or may not work.  Lobby Sun to release OSS java.

OK - thanks for all your efforts.  I am nearer than I was, but we'll see what 


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[newbie] 9.0 scanner problem

2003-01-02 Thread et
I half way remember a thing about a typo that prevented scanners using an 
snapscan interface from working. the scanner I need to get running again is 
an Acer Prisa 340U (usb) after doing a fresh install of 9.0 since I had been 
running with the download version and now loaded up the Powerpack (many nice 
new toys to play with) I had it running before in 9.0, just lost my notes as 
to where this capital A had to be changed to a small a (or something like 
I also guess i did not install enough utilitys for supermount either since;
mount /mnt/cdrom
[root@dads sane.d]# cd /mnt/cdrom
bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom: Input/output error
[root@dads sane.d]# cd /mnt/cdrom2
bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom2: Input/output error
[root@dads sane.d]# mount /mnt/cdrom2
[root@dads sane.d]# cd /mnt/cdrom2
bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom2: Input/output error

But I will take care of that as soon as I get done downloading updates

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RE: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

2003-01-02 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
Check out
Looks like some ppl are able to get it working with either of two
Both involved re-initializing the mouse by going to text and back.
One was restarting x, which doesn't sound like it would help you, but the
other sounded interesting. CTRL ALT F1, then CTRL ALT F7. I don't know if
that applies to install mode, but maybe. I do know that from the install
screen you can get to the text stuff, perhaps with different key

I'm wondering if beginning installation in text mode might also help.
Hope some of this might get you going.

p.s. I don't know how to navigate through the install screens on keyboard
alone, sorry.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ross Bleakney
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

To answer your question, the installer didn't recognize the mouse throught
the KVM switch. Do you know how to drive the Mandrake Control Center when
the mouse doesn't work? I tried tabbing within the fields but this doesn't
seem to work. I can keep switching the plugs, but I was hoping to try
something easier.

From: Brandon Vanderberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 11:38:16 -0800

I've got the same setup and haven't noticed any issues.

Did you install linux with the kvm attached? If so, could the os see the
mouse during install?

If you didn't, you might wanna go into the control center and see if you
try different mouse types/settings.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ross Bleakney
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

I recently attached a KVM switch between my Linux box and Windows box. The
monitor switches just fine. However, the mouse doesn't work. I looked on
XFree-Newbie archives, and is common for people to have trouble with their
mice through a KVM switch. However, people have skittery mice. I have no
mouse input at all. Any ideas would be helpful.
P.S. I don't see anyway of searching the Mandrake-Newbie list archives,
short of searching the entire Mandrake site ( Does
anyone know of a way to search the archives?

The new MSN 8 is here: Try it free* for 2 months

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Re: [newbie] System Integrity

2003-01-02 Thread Robin Turner
Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:

Not to worry, it will always have some of that, but it does not ever get 
very large. Linux takes care of itself. HTH

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Harrison
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 9:52 PM
Subject: [newbie] System Integrity

This may be a big newbie question, but when I have to,  on the rare
occasion (like with Tux Racer), shut down my system due to lockup.  I
always have it run the system integrity check, but my question is, when
it tells me that my system is (Insert % here) noncontiguous, how do I
make it contiguous again?


Matt Harrison

To clarify what Dennis said, non-contiguous is Penguinese for 
fragmented.  Linux defragments itself as a matter of course.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier
- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux  W2000

 PM6 is no good for partitioning where the windblows made partitions
 will be remade for the purpose of linux installs, don't use it.


I just use PM5 to do exactly that and it worked fine.  Had a large NTFS
partition.  Used PM5 to resize it down, then used PM5 to also create a Linux
partition in the newly freed up space.  Just lucky, I guess.

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[newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier
I've run Redhat up till now, and at a coworker's urging, decided to give
Mandrake 9 a try.  I have pretty old equipment at home, including a 2x
CD-ROM, so the install took quite awhile (I recently purchased a
higher-speed rewriteable off eBay - hasn't arrived yet.)  Turns out this old
CD-ROM apparently had trouble reading the CD-Rs my coworker supplied.  At a
couple points on disks 2 and 3, I got a popup dialog telling me it was
unable to read a package, continue?  I figured no big deal, I can live
without those packages - the whole first CD went without error, so I thought
all the system files would be okay.  Well, after install took 2 hrs to go
through all 3 CDs, it then popped up a message saying Errors detected in
one or more packages (approximate wording - I didn't write it down).  It
then jumped back to the start of the installation process!!!  Didn't
configure root or additional user, etc, so the 2-hr process it just went
through was useless.

I then went back through install and told it to ignore disks 2 and 3, and
got a working system.  But I'd like to suggest to Mandrake if they lurk here
to either (1) abort the install as soon as they know it is unrecoverable, or
(2) finish configuration if errors are detected only in non-essential
packages.  This was a very frustrating intro to Mandrake.

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RE: [newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

2003-01-02 Thread A. Contreras
My technique of choice is:
download the HDD manuf low level format utility
format the MBR and rest of the drive while at it, perform a full check
format in DOS (a few Linux installs have failed with a virgin drive)
reinstall OS of choice

A. Contreras
My CR website:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Richard Smith
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

Pilagá wrote:

El Jue 02 Ene 2003 00:17, Steve Mendizabal escribió:

Anyone know where I can find the docs to uninstall Mandrake as well as



   1. Make a bootable floppy (You will need 'fdisk' in there.)
   2. Boot from that floppy, and at prompt, type: 'fdisk /mbr' (without
This will remove lilo.
   3. Then, run 'fdisk' and just delete linux partitions.


Dos fdisk will not even read your linux partitions,
so either,
use linux fdisk, mandrake diskdrake, or Partition Magic V7 or 8 ,
to remove partitions,
then use windblows bootdisk to remove lilo.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread mycal62
Hi ,

First , it can be quite frustrating to go through an install as you did.

two things come to mind to ask though,  

were the cd's given you copies of downloaded iso's? or original cd's ?
copies can often be defective or at least less than perfect, and RH 
disks that are not perfect
can also do much the same. also if the cd drive isn't perfect, or 
misreads data , any OS would give you
problems either immediately, or in time. I've always liked that fact 
that Mandrake installs require good
equiptment ( and I don't mean new, just properly working ) to continue, 
because it has helped me find
problem equiptment quickly.

Before you give up ( hopefully you haven't yet ) try another cd drive, 
and or new/origianl  disks ( if they weren't ).


Guy Rouillier wrote:

I've run Redhat up till now, and at a coworker's urging, decided to give
Mandrake 9 a try.  I have pretty old equipment at home, including a 2x
CD-ROM, so the install took quite awhile (I recently purchased a
higher-speed rewriteable off eBay - hasn't arrived yet.)  Turns out this old
CD-ROM apparently had trouble reading the CD-Rs my coworker supplied.  At a
couple points on disks 2 and 3, I got a popup dialog telling me it was
unable to read a package, continue?  I figured no big deal, I can live
without those packages - the whole first CD went without error, so I thought
all the system files would be okay.  Well, after install took 2 hrs to go
through all 3 CDs, it then popped up a message saying Errors detected in
one or more packages (approximate wording - I didn't write it down).  It
then jumped back to the start of the installation process!!!  Didn't
configure root or additional user, etc, so the 2-hr process it just went
through was useless.

I then went back through install and told it to ignore disks 2 and 3, and
got a working system.  But I'd like to suggest to Mandrake if they lurk here
to either (1) abort the install as soon as they know it is unrecoverable, or
(2) finish configuration if errors are detected only in non-essential
packages.  This was a very frustrating intro to Mandrake.


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Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA

Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-02 Thread rluchor
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 12:25, Anne Wilson wrote:

   I suspect the problem is with your Mozilla install. Tho I have no
  idea what is maybe wrong (and I'm now usin the newer 9.1 cooker
  version 1.3-0.alpha.1mdk).
 It's the standard install from 9.0's discs.  I don't feel confident at using 
 cooker versions yet.  I could uninstall and re-install I suppose.
 I think the next thing to try is to check for suitable links in the Mozilla 

My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
re-installing didn't work for me.
Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29% loaded;
Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.

Where to next??



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[newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread mike
I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I know 
some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under Gnome?
Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Thu Jan 2 15:45:41 EST 2003
3:45pm up 1 day, 17:54, 2 users, load average: 0.39, 0.51, 0.40
Loud burping while walking around the airport is prohibited in Halstead, 

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Re: [newbie] Sound Problem

2003-01-02 Thread erylon hines
On Thursday 02 January 2003 04:21 am, you wrote:
I have 9.0 installed as a dual boot installation with windoze 98. The
 sound is working ok in windoze but I sant get a thing from it in  ML9.0
Hard Drake is deticting a VT8233 [ AC97 Audio Controler] but I am
 getting no sound at all not even startup sounds for KDE

Does anyone have suggestions as to what I should try next.

 Thanks in advance

if you do a   #cat /etc/modules.conf

What do you get for alias sound?

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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-02 Thread erylon hines
On Thursday 02 January 2003 05:26 am, you wrote:

 Erylon - the rpm that Tom recommended has screwed up my system as regards
 java.  I think the links and path are wrong.  Can you please list the files
 that I may need to check/edit?



I've never used that rpm, so I defer to Tom on that.  I can speculate that 
the rpm didn't remake the java link to the moz plugin directory, though (I am 
assuming you only use java for your web browsers. Other than for that, 
most people don't even need java).  If you know where the rpm made the java 
directory, you can manually re-make the link correctly.  As an aside, I've 
found that #ln -s /usr/javaplugindirectory/i386/mozilla/
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins when done globally, can cause the plugin 
directory to be hosed when mozilla is upgraded, forcing a delete and 
re-install of moz.  This is a minor irritation, and its probably a good idea 
to delete the old mozilla first anyway--just my experience ymmv.

If you don't actually need a jvm on your machine for running a 3rd party 
program, Kaffee is o.k. to keep.   Do a   #java -version  and 
see if you still get a return for Kaffee.  If you get a return for Sun's 
java, the rpm did re-make the $PATH.  If not, it didn't, so that's not the 
problem.  If you get a no java found type error, then there is no java in 
your path and you'll have to find where it is and add it.

A #which javanormally points to /usr/bin/java.  This may or may not be 
correct for you, depending on the behavior of the rpm (I again defer to Tom). 
I've removed Kaffee and with it the /usr/bin/java, so the path to the new 
/java_directory/bin/java may need to be added.

I know this isn't much help, but the problem must be identified before it can 
be corrected.  I repeat, I haven't used that rpm (I'm a tarball kinda guy), 
so I do not know its behavior.


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Joan Tur
Hash: SHA1

Es Dijous 02 Gener 2003 21:45, en mike va escriure:
 I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I know
 some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under Gnome?
AFAIK both can run the apps made for the other (their necessary libraries are 

Maybe things like bar docking applets won't work.
- -- 
  Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain
 AOL quini2k,  ICQ 11407395
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] script help

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Weaver
MG wrote:

Hey Mark,
I was just using ./HW
as in:
[mike@avatar mike]$ ./HW
What I gathered was if the script was in a directory, that was in my PATH, I 
could just use the name of the script instead of the whole path.
I looked in my /home/mike/.bash_profile file and it said:

[mike@avatar mike]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


Perhaps /home/mike/bin is not in the path of PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin ?


Hi Mike,

Thats correct. When you're in your home dir and you're calling an 
executable file you'll need to include the path to that executable in 
order for it to be executed.

Your other option would be to place the file somewhere in your path 
such as /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.
I had 49 days uptime until my wife brought the servers
down when she ran the vacuum cleaner.
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 15:45:50 -0500
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I
 know some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under

Fluxbox ;-) Hehe, no but seriously, fluxbox utilizes both when it comes
to running and docking. I'm sure it's the same with both Gnome and KDE,
except for the docking part (I believe).

I would just like to add off before this turns into a 500 e-mail war
here, but asking users their opinions between the 2 is like asking
which is better: Democrat or Republican, Christian or Moslem, Star Wars
or Star Trek ;-)


I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
but I  don't always agree with them. -- George H. W. Bush

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Re: [newbie] Sound Problem

2003-01-02 Thread et
On Thursday 02 January 2003 03:51 pm, erylon hines wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 04:21 am, you wrote:
 I have 9.0 installed as a dual boot installation with windoze 98. The
  sound is working ok in windoze but I sant get a thing from it in  ML9.0
 Hard Drake is deticting a VT8233 [ AC97 Audio Controler] but I am
  getting no sound at all not even startup sounds for KDE
 Does anyone have suggestions as to what I should try next.
  Thanks in advance

 if you do a   #cat /etc/modules.conf

 What do you get for alias sound?
also, open a mixer (say, type, without the quotes, in a text console  kmix) 
and see if the vol. is all the way down, or muted

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread mike
On Thursday 02 January 2003 04:18 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 15:45:50 -0500

 mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I
  know some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under

 Fluxbox ;-) Hehe, no but seriously, fluxbox utilizes both when it comes
 to running and docking. I'm sure it's the same with both Gnome and KDE,
 except for the docking part (I believe).

 I would just like to add off before this turns into a 500 e-mail war
 here, but asking users their opinions between the 2 is like asking
 which is better: Democrat or Republican, Christian or Moslem, Star Wars
 or Star Trek ;-)


I think I was more interested in the cross compatibility of Gnome and KDE 
programs than a personal opinion of which one is better.I know I get much 
better printing performance with GEdit than with any standard KDE editors 
even though I am using KDE.Happy Computing.

Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Thu Jan 2 16:35:11 EST 2003
4:35pm up 1 day, 18:44, 2 users, load average: 0.13, 0.10, 0.03
Mark's Dental-Chair Discovery: Dentists are incapable of asking questions 
that require a simple yes or no answer.

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Smiley
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 22:18:34 +0100
Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Star Wars
 or Star Trek ;-)

Same reply as in Gnome-KDE: no better, no worse, they're just *different* :-)


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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-02 Thread erylon hines
On Thursday 02 January 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote:

 My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
 re-installing didn't work for me.
 Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
 Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29% loaded;
 Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.

 Where to next??


There is a fairly high probablility that you have two java's installed, and a 
bad link to the *.so going (or, maybe no link at all).  Note that this must 
be a link to the, copying the *.so to the 
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory will NOT work--same for mozilla.

MozillaHelpAbout plug-ins  shows the java that you have installed??
(should be the Sun version)

#java -version  returns what?  (Kaffee should be o.k., but you can 
uninstall it using the package manager and re-make your path to the Sun 
version as a last resort--since this is only for web browsers that shouldn't 
be necessary).  I'm trying to determine just what mods the rpm installer made 
to your directories and links.

Everyone else reading this--I recommend that you use the version from 
Blackdown if you must have a JVM because it is a bzipped tarball and not a 
*.bin or rpm.  If you use tarballs you can have more control of the install.  
Installing java ain't really hard--honest.

1.  Download the bz2 tarball and put it in /usr/local then cd to /usr/local

2.  Unpack it with the command  tar -xvvIf name_of_tarball   (note that is an 
eye not an ell -- a directory /usr/local/java_version_directory will be 

3.  ln -s 
   /usr/lib/mozilla plugins

4.  Repeat for netscape (note to use the proper plugin directory--moz and 
netscape are different)

I don't use Galeon--you are on your own for that

If you must have a real JVM for some 3rd party program (not very likely, but 
possible) remove Kaffee from your system.

1.  open /etc/profile with your favorite editor

2.  Add the line: export  PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java_version_directory/bin

(this sets the variable PATH to the previous PATH and adds the new line to it)

3. Add the line:   export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java_version_directory

4.  Reload /etc/profile

If none of this works for you, I've exhausted my suggestions, but I assure 
you, it has worked for me.


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Smiley
On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 16:35:28 -0500
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think I was more interested in the cross compatibility of Gnome and KDE 
 programs than a personal opinion of which one is better.I know I get much 
 better printing performance with GEdit than with any standard KDE editors 
 even though I am using KDE.Happy Computing.

Dame here, with kppp; I use Gnome, but gnome ppp is not my choice...
Till now, I had no trouble at all using KDE apps in Gnome; opposite wasn't
going so smooth, at least with KDE 2...


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:45 PM
Subject: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

 I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I know
 some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under Gnome?

I agree with Ralph, neither is absolutely preferable as preference is a
personal matter.  Programs will run under either as long as the required
libraries are present - most distributions will install libraries for both.
I'm no expert in the subject, but technically I don't think either Gnome or
KDE are window managers; they are desktop environments, into which you can
plug window managers of your choosing.  For example, Sawfish is (was?) the
default window manager for Gnome.

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RE: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread A. Contreras
Aha! same thing happened on my linux 9.0 install marathon.

A piece of advice (which I knew before I started but somehow ignored) is to
only select the strict minimum number of packages during an install. Makes
sense, everything else can pretty much be installed after you have set up a
functional system with the basics.

So, OS first, software later.

A. Contreras
My CR website:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Guy Rouillier
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: [newbie] Failed install

I've run Redhat up till now, and at a coworker's urging, decided to give
Mandrake 9 a try.  I have pretty old equipment at home, including a 2x
CD-ROM, so the install took quite awhile (I recently purchased a
higher-speed rewriteable off eBay - hasn't arrived yet.)  Turns out this old
CD-ROM apparently had trouble reading the CD-Rs my coworker supplied.  At a
couple points on disks 2 and 3, I got a popup dialog telling me it was
unable to read a package, continue?  I figured no big deal, I can live
without those packages - the whole first CD went without error, so I thought
all the system files would be okay.  Well, after install took 2 hrs to go
through all 3 CDs, it then popped up a message saying Errors detected in
one or more packages (approximate wording - I didn't write it down).  It
then jumped back to the start of the installation process!!!  Didn't
configure root or additional user, etc, so the 2-hr process it just went
through was useless.

I then went back through install and told it to ignore disks 2 and 3, and
got a working system.  But I'd like to suggest to Mandrake if they lurk here
to either (1) abort the install as soon as they know it is unrecoverable, or
(2) finish configuration if errors are detected only in non-essential
packages.  This was a very frustrating intro to Mandrake.

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Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier
- Original Message -
From: mycal62 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

Thanks for the reply.

 Hi ,

 First , it can be quite frustrating to go through an install as you did.

 two things come to mind to ask though,

 were the cd's given you copies of downloaded iso's? or original cd's ?

The CD-R's given to me were burned from downloaded ISO images.  The guy at
work claimed he used them already numerous times, so I'm sure the problem is
with my old 2x CD-ROM.

 Before you give up ( hopefully you haven't yet ) try another cd drive,
 and or new/origianl  disks ( if they weren't ).

I'll definitely reinstall when the rewriteable gets here.  I just think, as
I stated in my original note, that the install process is poorly designed.
The failures I encountered were in non-critical packages, so it should have
just said so and finished the installation.

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[newbie] Konqueror and javascripts

2003-01-02 Thread Kristjan

I might be stupid
But I don't get the javascripts run in Konqueror, they do in Mozilla
I have selected the java and javascript in Konqueror browser settings.
Also I jave JRE installed.

Any hints maybe


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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-02 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 8:50 pm, erylon hines wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 05:26 am, you wrote:
  Erylon - the rpm that Tom recommended has screwed up my system as regards
  java.  I think the links and path are wrong.  Can you please list the
  files that I may need to check/edit?

 I've never used that rpm, so I defer to Tom on that.  I can speculate that
 the rpm didn't remake the java link to the moz plugin directory, though (I
 am assuming you only use java for your web browsers. Other than for that,
 most people don't even need java).  If you know where the rpm made the java
 directory, you can manually re-make the link correctly.  As an aside, I've
 found that #ln -s /usr/javaplugindirectory/i386/mozilla/
 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins when done globally, can cause the plugin
 directory to be hosed when mozilla is upgraded, forcing a delete and
 re-install of moz.  This is a minor irritation, and its probably a good
 idea to delete the old mozilla first anyway--just my experience ymmv.

 If you don't actually need a jvm on your machine for running a 3rd party
 program, Kaffee is o.k. to keep.   Do a   #java -version  and
 see if you still get a return for Kaffee.  If you get a return for Sun's
 java, the rpm did re-make the $PATH.  If not, it didn't, so that's not the
 problem.  If you get a no java found type error, then there is no java in
 your path and you'll have to find where it is and add it.

 A #which javanormally points to /usr/bin/java.  This may or may not be
 correct for you, depending on the behavior of the rpm (I again defer to
 Tom). I've removed Kaffee and with it the /usr/bin/java, so the path to the
 new /java_directory/bin/java may need to be added.

 I know this isn't much help, but the problem must be identified before it
 can be corrected.  I repeat, I haven't used that rpm (I'm a tarball kinda
 guy), so I do not know its behavior.


Thanks - it gives me a few more pointers to explore.


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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-02 Thread John Richard Smith
Guy Rouillier wrote:

- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux  W2000


PM6 is no good for partitioning where the windblows made partitions
will be remade for the purpose of linux installs, don't use it.



I just use PM5 to do exactly that and it worked fine.  Had a large NTFS
partition.  Used PM5 to resize it down, then used PM5 to also create a Linux
partition in the newly freed up space.  Just lucky, I guess.


Yes, I've done as much myself, two things though, one, I think you will 
have problems
later with the nature of the new partitions, and two, once a linux os is 
installed it doesn't
properly recognise them for what they are, it recognises them as 
partitions but not as
proper linux partitions. I remember V7 was the first to cope freely with 
ext2. I believe,
perhaps someone can confirm it , that v8 can cope freely with the other 
file systems.

I've been a PM user since v5 to 6 and now 7, and hope to obtain V8 sometime.
It's still the best, and always provided that all partitioning is done 
with it, it works
the best.It's friendly with windblows and linux.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Unable to surf and do e-mail

2003-01-02 Thread Graham
Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:

You may have to go in and disable smoothwall to begin with. I found 
that on some installs it starts up automatically and unless you use 
MCC (Mandrake Control Center) and do a run through of the 
configuration, you don't even have to change anything, just run 
through it, it will block internet access. So open it for 
configuration or turn it off and see if you can then connect. HTH  
Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matthew Dunaway
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 11:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] Unable to surf and do e-mail

I have Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack (boxed set) It installed without a hitch.
I was able to connect to my ISP and surf and do e-mail. When I was done,
I disconnected from my ISP. When I went back on-line, nothing. Mandrake
would connect to my ISP, but that's all. I can't surf or do e-mail. I
did not change any settings or anything. Now I am using SuSE to write
this message. I would really like to go back to Mandrake, but not if I
can't use the web or e-mail. Anybody have a solution??

I had the same problem which I fixed by downloading the 'one-interface' 
file from smoothwall web site and decompress the archive into a tmp 
directory. Then you have change to that directory and edit the 
'interface' file. I had to change the line at the bottom of the file to 
define the internet connection as using ppp0 and not eth0. Then I copied 
all of the files from the download archive to /etc/shorewall. Worked 
like a charm with no further problems.
HTH  Graham

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Re: [newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2003-01-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 11:25, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday January 2 2003 09:20 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  The file is /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt.  In order
  to get the video mode number of the Linux kernel, you take the
  hexadecimal VESA mode number, then add 0x200.  Then of course you
  convert to decimal.
  Hex adjusted Kernel mode numbers:
  | 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024
  256 |  0x3010x3030x3050x307
  32k |  0x3100x3130x3160x319
  64k |  0x3110x3140x3170x31A
  16M |  0x3120x3150x3180x31B
 Thanks LX, I'll try'n remember ;)  Seems my foggy old brain was 
 right, 'cause vga=785 works out to 640x480 at 64k (0x311). Probly a 
 good setting for those that want bigger text on a 17 monitor. One 
 thing I should'a mentioned before, none of this will work unless the 
 video card supports framebuffering.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

The numbers you guys were throwing around were interesting. 788 converts
to 314 hex, which of course as you said represents 800x600 at 64k
colors. 791 is also 64k colors but at 1024x768 resolution.

Ron has an Nvidia card very similar to mine, which probably does support
the needed VESA standards.  After searching my manual here for this Elsa
Gladiac Ultra, the best info I've been able to come up with on my card
is that it conforms to the VESA DDC2B.  This is tits on a boar hog cause
what I need is a chart;  DDC2B is a specification that defines
bidirectional communication between a graphics host adapter and it's

Hopefully the kernel knows what DDC2B is, in which case telling it 788
or whatever will result in success, since the kernel in effect will be
talking to the display through the graphics adapter.  Essentially that
would mean we really don't need the nice comfortable chart.  But I
haven't confirmed this.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday January 2 2003 03:18 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:

 I would just like to add off before this turns into a 500 e-mail
 war here, but asking users their opinions between the 2 is like
 asking which is better: Democrat or Republican, Christian or
 Moslem, Star Wars or Star Trek ;-)

Star Trek and KDE
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] KVM Switch and Mouse

2003-01-02 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 01 January 2003 01:46 pm, Ross Bleakney wrote:
 I recently attached a KVM switch between my Linux box and Windows box. The
 monitor switches just fine. However, the mouse doesn't work. I looked on
 the XFree-Newbie archives, and is common for people to have trouble with
 their mice through a KVM switch. However, people have skittery mice. I have
 no mouse input at all. Any ideas would be helpful.
 P.S. I don't see anyway of searching the Mandrake-Newbie list archives,
 short of searching the entire Mandrake site ( Does
 anyone know of a way to search the archives?

In answer to your second question, you can search the list archives here:
(There's a way of doing it from the mandrake site, too, but it's much more 
BTW, going to the site entrance at will lead you 
to the archives of just about any mail list that exists.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 10:06 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: mycal62 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

 Thanks for the reply.

  Hi ,
  First , it can be quite frustrating to go through an install as you did.
  two things come to mind to ask though,
  were the cd's given you copies of downloaded iso's? or original cd's ?

 The CD-R's given to me were burned from downloaded ISO images.  The guy at
 work claimed he used them already numerous times, so I'm sure the problem
 is with my old 2x CD-ROM.

  Before you give up ( hopefully you haven't yet ) try another cd drive,
  and or new/origianl  disks ( if they weren't ).

 I'll definitely reinstall when the rewriteable gets here.  I just think, as
 I stated in my original note, that the install process is poorly designed.
 The failures I encountered were in non-critical packages, so it should have
 just said so and finished the installation.

If your CD drive is old, it may not be able to read the 700MB CDs Mandrake 9.0 
requires.  A lot of people have reported  trouble with older CD drives.
A set of 650 Mb images is available for Mandrake Club members if you are 
desperate, but it is easier to just do a network install from an FTP site. 
(So long as you have broadband)


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[newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Mitchell
   I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of 
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will 
be screwed.

- Mark

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Re: [newbie] uninstalling Mandrake

2003-01-02 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Thursday 02 January 2003 06:56 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Steve Mendizabal wrote:
  Anyone know where I can find the docs to uninstall Mandrake as well as

 Good God man! thats blasphemy!


 Apart from just wiping out the partition there isn't any more to it then
 starting your comp with a windows boot floppy, booting to an A:\ prompt
 and typing fdisk /mbr.

 At that point you'll want to enter fdisk and wipe out the Non-dos
 partition, but for the life of me I can't think of one good reason for
 doing such a hanious thing!


Does fdisk /mbr still work with the newer versions of windows (2000, XP)? Not 
that I'd know -- win98SE is as far as I ever got. And further than I should 
have gone.
-- cmg

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[newbie] how do I sync my Handspring Treo 180 USB ?

2003-01-02 Thread ThinKer

 My mobile phone/personal organizer is a phone/PDA hybrid Handspring
Treo 180 (Palm OS 3.5H) with USB cradle. I would like to be able to sync
it on my Mandrake 9.0 box with some equivalent software to the Palm
Desktop or even better with Evolution.

Of course Handspring's website was no help since they do not officially
support the OS and the HOWTO they link to leaves a lot to be desired.
Can someone tell me how I can go about syncing this palm handheld



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Re: [newbie] Bootsplash in 9.0

2003-01-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 18:26, Tom Brinkman wrote: 

 Yes, at least my GeF2 does support fb, most all cards do, but 
 there's some, mostly ready made non standard ones that don't. So Ron, 
 just change to vga=0x311, you'll eliminate the bootsplash an get 
 bigger text ;  'Course thru all this discussion I've been remiss to 
 mention that 'rpm -e bootsplash' will also get rid of it ;)
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Since all three of us have basically the same card, I did a little
legwork and compiled a chart of working VESA modes for our chipset. 
There should not be much variance between our cards, I wouldn't think;
except for memory. Mine's got 64 megs. I noticed right away that *none*
of the 32k color modes were working.  But here is what I found

Kernel VESA mode numbers:

| 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024
256 |  0x3010x3030x3050x307
32k |  ----
64k |  0x3110x3140x3170x31A
16M |  0x3120x3150x318-

These numbers should be valid for a GeForce2.  I find it strange that
1280x1024@16M doesn't work.

I didn't see much console speed difference between the modes.  Since
I've got a 20 monitor, I just left mine in 0x31A.  ;)  Now I can go to
vc/1, then cd to /usr/bin and halfway see a respectable amount all at
once with an ls. g  It's the bomb!


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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RE: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
Straight, hot coffee and a command line.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Pilagá
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

El Jue 02 Ene 2003 21:49, Todd Slater escribió:
 I'm too poor to run those hogs, so I use Fluxbox, too.

 Star Trek, and Coca-Cola.


Here Star Trek and some well tempered and ancient cabernet sauvignon ;-)


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RE: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread A. Contreras
I'm curious (and please, if this is covered in a FAQ, point me in the right

Say you have a machine with 9.0 installed, and on your network you have
another machine that you can't get to install it and you suspect the CDROM
is to blame. Short of taking a CDROM from one into the other, , can you use
one to install the other?

A. Contreras
My CR website:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 10:06 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: mycal62 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

 Thanks for the reply.

  Hi ,
  First , it can be quite frustrating to go through an install as you did.
  two things come to mind to ask though,
  were the cd's given you copies of downloaded iso's? or original cd's ?

 The CD-R's given to me were burned from downloaded ISO images.  The guy at
 work claimed he used them already numerous times, so I'm sure the problem
 is with my old 2x CD-ROM.

  Before you give up ( hopefully you haven't yet ) try another cd drive,
  and or new/origianl  disks ( if they weren't ).

 I'll definitely reinstall when the rewriteable gets here.  I just think,
 I stated in my original note, that the install process is poorly designed.
 The failures I encountered were in non-critical packages, so it should
 just said so and finished the installation.

If your CD drive is old, it may not be able to read the 700MB CDs Mandrake
requires.  A lot of people have reported  trouble with older CD drives.
A set of 650 Mb images is available for Mandrake Club members if you are
desperate, but it is easier to just do a network install from an FTP site.
(So long as you have broadband)


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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-02 Thread Keith
Do not mess around...BACK UP important files/folders

On Thursday 02 January 2003 08:49 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
 I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
 I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of 
 before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will 
 be screwed.
 - Mark

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Mitchell

Problem is I have over 50 gigs of MP3's and movies on the Windows partition 
that I cant afford to lose and I have no way of backing up that much data
 - Mark

Keith wrote:

  Do not mess around...BACK UP important files/folders

On Thursday 02 January 2003 08:49 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of 
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will 
be screwed.

- Mark


Re: [newbie] Lilo graphical

2003-01-02 Thread Russ
HI Anne,

Thank you for responding to this post. Sorry for the delay in responding. It
sort of slipped through the cracks (long story, I won't bore you with the
facts). Anyway, I checked that file and it did say 5 on that line. I did
know about the problem with exiting without saving so that wasn't the
problem either.

It did work in grub mode but I like eye candy (KDE vs GNOME? I was all for
gnome till kde3 - no contest now) so I refused to just accept the situation.
I did figure it out though. Here is the answer in case someone else has a
similar problem.

The problem was Trends ChipAway virus detector in my BIOS. While in GRUB
mode the boot process slipped right though without a hitch. When in
Graphical mode Trend would pop up telling me there was a boot virus and I
had to tell it to continue before it would move on then it gave me the text
screen. When I disabled Trend it worked perfectly.


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wednesday 01 Jan 2003 7:05 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 can anyone tell me how to change lilo to graphical instead of text? I am
 using MD9 download and I have messed with the setting in Mandrake
 Control Center - Boot Config. No matter what I do in there it doesn't
 seem to change anything.


In the file :/etc/inittab there is a line


In your case the 5 will have been set to 3, I think.  As far as I know,
altering the boot in MCC will simply change this, so it should be safe to do
that.  Just make sure that you have a boot disk handy, in case I'm wrong !!

The problem with MCC is that it is too easy to exit without saving changes,
I guess this happened with you - you saved the first time, but not


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[newbie] Msec security configuration

2003-01-02 Thread mike
Hello I want to customize my msec level 3 security settings.Specifically I 
want to enable PROMISC_CHECK=yes in /etc/security/msec/security.conf.How do I 
make these changes take hold after editing the file?Do I need to use mseclib?
Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Thu Jan 2 23:05:37 EST 2003
11:05pm up 2 days, 1:14, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Last week's pet, this week's special.

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 16:18, Ralph Slooten wrote:

 I would just like to add off before this turns into a 500 e-mail war
 here, but asking users their opinions between the 2 is like asking
 which is better: Democrat or Republican, Christian or Moslem, Star Wars
 or Star Trek ;-)

KDE has a superior architecture, and Republicans are far superior to
Democrats.  I'll stop at that point. ;)


 I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
 but I  don't always agree with them. -- George H. W. Bush

Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Linux W2000

2003-01-02 Thread Warren Post
El mié, 01-01-2003 a las 16:38, Smiley escribió:
 What I need is to know how he can resize
 (avoiding reinstallation) of W2000 without
 losing any datas...

FAT32 or NTFS? If the latter, I can't help you. But if the Win2K
partition is FAT32, then try parted, available at Freshmeat or at:

I used parted to shrink my Win95 partition and grow my Linux EXT2
partitions several times as I weaned myself from Windows. If you use the
boot disk version, you can resize partions that are normally in use,
like root and /home. It works, and the documentation is very newbie
friendly. Highly recommended.

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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[newbie] Font problem in Kword

2003-01-02 Thread Greg
I am running Mandrake 9.0 with Koffice 1.2.1.  I imported MS fonts from 
windows partition.  When I try to print using any of those fonts it 
prints incorrectly, even though it shows on screen correctly.  When I 
use Open office the fonts view and print correctly.  How can I get Kword 
to print those fonts correctly?


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Re: [newbie] Msec security configuration

2003-01-02 Thread Steve Jeppesen
hehe, I was just attempting to do something like this, but from what I
was reading tonight, you need to create /etc/security/msec/level.local
which would contain


then restart msec by typing msec in a terminal

I may be wrong in that level.local might be for a higher security
level...anyone care to comment? 

On a side note (sorry for including my problem) I am using msec level
4, and want to disable password_aging.  I have tried adding

to my level.local file, but none of those seem to be working - the way I
am checking is cd'ing into /var/log and running grep msec messages
which reports password_aging is still set to 60/30 (60 days for current,
30 for new user)

Hopefully Mike, we can solve both of these questions the same manner.

On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 23:05:52 -0500
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello I want to customize my msec level 3 security
 settings.Specifically I want to enable PROMISC_CHECK=yes in
 /etc/security/msec/security.conf.How do I make these changes take hold
 after editing the file?Do I need to use
 mseclib?=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Michael Shinobi a.k.a.
 'alfalfa' Mandrake 8.2
 Linux user #298896
 Thu Jan 2 23:05:37 EST 2003
 11:05pm up 2 days, 1:14, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 Last week's pet, this week's special.

Linux user #280097
Machine #162480

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[newbie] ML 9.0 update mirrors don't work

2003-01-02 Thread Richard Babcock
I am trying to run Mandrake Update in ML 9.0 and get the dialog box (in
Gnome) which asks if I am connected to the Internet and would like to select
a mirror. I am and I would so I click ok. The list of mirrors appears
without a problem but none of them can be added successfully. I have been
through every mirror on the list and none work.
I know it isn't my Internet connection since I can surf and get email. Where
else can I check to begin troubleshooting this problem.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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[newbie] IceWM themes don't stay

2003-01-02 Thread Richard Babcock
I have recently tried IceWM and I like the clean interface. I also like the
themes that installed with it but when I logout the theme I have chosen is
lost and IceWM returns to it's default. Is this normal behavior?
Also, is there a way to change just the wallpaper without changing to a new
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Weaver
Ralph Slooten wrote:

On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 15:45:50 -0500
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was wondering what people think is the preferable window manager?I
know some Gnome programs run under KDE.Do KDE programs run under

Fluxbox ;-) Hehe, no but seriously, fluxbox utilizes both when it comes
to running and docking. I'm sure it's the same with both Gnome and KDE,
except for the docking part (I believe).

I would just like to add off before this turns into a 500 e-mail war
here, but asking users their opinions between the 2 is like asking
which is better: Democrat or Republican, Christian or Moslem, Star Wars
or Star Trek ;-)


Good God Ralph!!! everyone knows Star Trek is better. Thats a no 
brainer!!  :)


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RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Upgrade

2003-01-02 Thread Brandon Vanderberg

haven't had any troublesinstalling Mandrake on a disk with an 
existingWindows 2000 NTFS partition. It wasvery 
clean.Obviously, you want to take your time and be very 

On a 
side note, Iwould never have tried it even once without my important data 
backed up. I'dseriously think about finding some way to save that 
data.You say you have no way of backing up that much data right after you 
say that you can't afford to lose it. Can you afford 30 bucks and some 
timefor a burner and a stack of cds?A second HD 
wouldn't be too much, and you'd have some quick and easy insurance. And a tape 
backup unit would be even better, but they'repretty pricey. So it's like 
the mechanic said, "Good, Fast, Cheap -Pick two."

On a 
side note to a side note, I know some people are right now have figured that it 
would take about80 650MB CDs to do this, and then figuring out that how 
much time that would take. Butthat answerdoesn't mean anything until 
it's comparedto the time of recreating that 50GB worth of data from 

Anyway, hope it goes well for 


-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Mark MitchellSent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 8:00 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual Boot 
Problem is I have over 50 gigs of MP3's and movies on the Windows 
  partition that I cant afford to lose and I have no way of backing up that much 
  data- MarkKeith wrote:
  Do not mess around...BACK UP important files/folders

On Thursday 02 January 2003 08:49 pm, Mark Mitchell wrote:
I have a machine running windows 2000 server and Mandrake 8.0
I want to upgrade to Mandrake 9. Is there anything I should beware of 
before upgrading a dual boot machine. If I lose my 2000 install I will 
be screwed.

- Mark


Re: [newbie] IceWM themes don't stay

2003-01-02 Thread Jan Wilson
* Richard Babcock [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030102 23:43]:
 I have recently tried IceWM and I like the clean interface. I also like the
 themes that installed with it but when I logout the theme I have chosen is
 lost and IceWM returns to it's default. Is this normal behavior?
 Also, is there a way to change just the wallpaper without changing to a new

One of the many things I like about IceWM is that everything is
configurable in a few text files.  In $HOME/.icewm/preferences:




If you used a GUI program to change the theme (there are several,
including IcePref) there may have been one button that says Save,
another that says Apply, and yet another that says Restart.

Save will save the config files, but do nothing to this session.

If you press Apply I think it will make certain changes to this
session, but not save any.  Restart will make IceWm read its
configuration files and begin again.  It somehow does this without
closing your programs that are running!  Windows would have to
completely reboot, right?  ;-)

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] Failed install

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier

- Original Message -
From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Failed install

 I just think, as
 I stated in my original note, that the install process is poorly
 The failures I encountered were in non-critical packages, so it should
 just said so and finished the installation.

That's an interesting idea, but it's probably not practical to implement.
definition of non-critical is probably quite different than mine.

My bet is that the new drive solves your problems.

Well, they could use a hammer approach and then refine it over time.  For
example, if Disk 1 was okay but errors occurred on Disk 2 or 3, then the
installation can start up, so finish the install. If errors occurred on Disk
1, then likely the installation is fubar and won't be able to start up in
any clean configuration, so just abort the install.  Of course, the
installer can always prompt (in the first case) I encountered some errors
but the installation will boot up - would you like to abort or finish?

What could be more irksome than the current approach of taking two hours to
finish, not saying anything until the end, then dumping the user back at the
start of the installation again?  At the very least, abort the whole process
when you encounter the first read error, because you know at that point you
are not going to let the installation finish anyway.  (And of course, I
don't mean you Carroll, I mean you the Mandrake installation process.)

Yes, I'm sure the new CD-RW will take care of all this.  Thanks to all for
taking the time to reply.

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Re: [newbie] help needed for triple-booting

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier
- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help needed for triple-booting

 Vahur Lokk wrote:

 OK, after many adventures I finally managed to install working Mdk8.2.
 Installed latest alsa drivers OK, as well as Nvidia drivers. Sound and 3d
 work flawlessly as they used to.
 This time I reserved extra partition for testing new systems so that I
 following partitions now:
 hda1-win98, hda5-swap, hda6-root for stable system (Mdk8.2), hda7-root
 test system, hda8-home, hda9-/mp3. Dont ask me where are hda2-4. Never

hda2-4 would be additional primary partitions if you had them.  You don't,
so you don't see them.  (Well, actually I think the extended partition is a
primary partition, so technically that is hda4.  But you can't do anything
with the extended partition directly, only the logical drives within it,
which are hda5+.)

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[newbie] WINE Questions

2003-01-02 Thread Russ
HI All,

I have MD9 up and running. Is WINE installed by default? How can I tell
if it is installed on this machine?


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Re: [newbie] Guest OS in vmware

2003-01-02 Thread Guy Rouillier

vmdk files are virtual disk files. You must 
have them. You'll need one for each guest OS. Are you attempting to 
use your existing Win2K inside a virtual machine, or have you installed a new 
instance of Win2k inside a new virtual machine? The VMWare site has 
specific instructions on how to do both. If you are trying to do the 
former, see here:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 6:05 
  Subject: [newbie] Guest OS in 
  I've sucessfully installed vmware in my MDK 
  9which is in dual boot with my win2k. I wish to use it for running 
  FREEHAND and PHOTOSHOP installed in my win2k but i can'tsetup vmware to 
  recognize my actual win2k.
  The vmware wizards keeps asking me some .vmdk 
  I searched vmware site and itsays that 
  .vmdk aredone onlywhen vmwarefor the first time (i think i 
  cancel this...).
  Any advise? Stephen?
  Thanks i advance,

RE: [newbie] WINE Questions

2003-01-02 Thread Franki
rpm -qa |grep wine

in a console will tell you if its installed..

but its easier to just use rpmdrake if you are in the GUI..

or you can open a console terminal.. and enter:  urpmi wine



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Russ
Sent: Friday, 3 January 2003 2:51 PM
To: Linux Newbie
Subject: [newbie] WINE Questions

HI All,

I have MD9 up and running. Is WINE installed by default? How can I tell
if it is installed on this machine?


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