Re: [newbie-it] FW: Pulizie di primavera al MandrakeStore!

2003-02-28 Thread Andrea Celli
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:00:47 -0800
Di Fresco Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Magari e' un po' OT, ma e' una possibilita' per aiutare l'azienda.
 Nelle istruzioni su come ottenere lo sconto, c'e' scritto SEGUIRE  QUESTO LINK, ma 
 non viene indicato nessun link (a meno che non fosse quello nella firma, che pero' 
 ho dovuto rimuovere perche' linkava direttamente al mio account).

devi andare su e poi scegliere uno dei prodotti su cui 
c'è la
promozione. Da qualche parte, in piccolo c'è una  scritta verde del tipo
GET 50% OFF ! ON THE Italian, Spanish and German versions at the checkout

il link per il powerpack è:

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] MDK rpm update

2003-02-28 Thread Andrea Celli
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 03:25:08 +0100
Paolo Tomiato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dato che controllo quotidianamente il rilascio di aggiornamenti per la sicurezza
 ed altro dai mirror di mdk mi chedevo se esistono comandi da lanciare da console
 x effettuare questa operazione in modo da nn dover lanciare l'ambiente grafico.

vedi il man di urpmi: l'interfaccia grafica usa urpmi, 
però non so dirti al volo le opzioni da usare.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Problema pppd

2003-02-28 Thread Andrea Celli
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 18:16:51 +0100
kua79 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Ho lo stesso problema.
   La Ethernet è vista regolarmente ma il route resta irraggiungibile.
   Fra gli errata del sito indicato cè scritto di rimuovere 
 Si pure io ho una sk ethernet, ed effettivamente quando provo la
 connessione con Net_monitor sembra quasi che vada a tentare di
 utilizzare la Sk di rete anche se però vedo le lucette del modem
 funzionare... quando poi sono on-line la finestra di net_monitor mi
 dice che sono off-line ma nel momento in cui comincio a ricevere o
 inviare pacchetti net_monitor si ripiglia e mi dice che sono connesso
 con il modem.
 Ora non ho ancora provato a togliere il Gateway ma mi sembra inutile
 dato che ci ha già provato qlcno senza ottenere risultato.
 byebye by Davide

Se c'è una doppia rete (collegamento ad internet e a una Lan, anche
microscopica) bisogna essere un po' cauti, perché è facile instradare
dalla parte sbagliata i pacchetti.
Io cercherei di leggermi delle istruzioni (se ne trovano parecchie in rete)
e rifarei l'intallazione della rete da zero, cercando di rendermi conto
di tutti i passaggi.
In ogni caso la correzione segnalata dagli errata va fatta.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] D-link dfe 538tx

2003-02-28 Thread Andrea Celli
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 22:57:09 +0100
 ti posso dire che ora con la versione 9.0 viene riconosciuta perfettamente
 come DFE 538 FX, il modulo utilizzato è

quindi ha un chipset Realtek-8139

ciao, andrea

R: R: R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

2003-02-28 Thread Salvatore Califano

-Messaggio Originale-
Da: Sandro Porrazzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data invio: giovedì 27 febbraio 2003 16.02
Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

Il gio, 2003-02-27 alle 15:35, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:

 Ma la fotocamera utilizza usb 2.0?
 Se sei sicuro che è 2.0 forse qualche problema potrebbe aversi, ma, mi
 sembra, che con windows non hai problemi, quindi non dovrebbe essere

 Non so, controlla in /etc/modules.conf, se hai un'istruzione del tipo:

 probeall usb-interface usb-uhci

 e nel file /etc/modules, la riga:



Ho dato un'occhiata alla configurazione sulla macchina che ti dicevo, le
impostazioni in modules.conf sono:

alias usb.interface usb-ubci
probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi


Mettendo le righe che mi hai detto la situazione è sempre uguale. Quando
però invece di
alias usb.interface usb-ubci
alias usb-interface usb-ubci
(ho provato a cambiarlo pensando ad un tuo errore di battitura nel riportare
la riga) mi dà al boot:
Initializing USB controller(usb-uhci)OK
Initializing USB controller(usb-ubci)Fallito
Can't locate module usb-ubci

Forse è quel modulo che mi manca?

Ciao, RinoX

R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

2003-02-28 Thread Salvatore Califano
 -Messaggio Originale-
 Da: Sandro Porrazzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Data invio: giovedì 27 febbraio 2003 16.02
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

 Il gio, 2003-02-27 alle 15:35, Sandro Porrazzini ha scritto:

  Ma la fotocamera utilizza usb 2.0?
  Se sei sicuro che è 2.0 forse qualche problema potrebbe aversi, ma, mi
  sembra, che con windows non hai problemi, quindi non dovrebbe essere
  Non so, controlla in /etc/modules.conf, se hai un'istruzione del tipo:
  probeall usb-interface usb-uhci
  e nel file /etc/modules, la riga:


 Ho dato un'occhiata alla configurazione sulla macchina che ti dicevo, le
 impostazioni in modules.conf sono:

 alias usb.interface usb-ubci
 probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi


 Mettendo le righe che mi hai detto la situazione è sempre uguale. Quando
 però invece di
 alias usb.interface usb-ubci
 alias usb-interface usb-ubci
 (ho provato a cambiarlo pensando ad un tuo errore di battitura nel
 la riga) mi dà al boot:
 Initializing USB controller(usb-uhci)OK
 Initializing USB controller(usb-ubci)Fallito
 Can't locate module usb-ubci

 Forse è quel modulo che mi manca?

 Ciao, RinoX

Mi hanno scritto dalla BenQ e queste sono le parole:

It means you can plug it into a USB port (as long as your USB stuff
is working).. then mount the device as a SCSI drive.

Grazie al fischio, ci ho già provato! :-(


Re: R: R: R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

2003-02-28 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il ven, 2003-02-28 alle 10:44, Salvatore Califano ha scritto:

 Mettendo le righe che mi hai detto la situazione è sempre uguale. Quando
 però invece di
 alias usb.interface usb-ubci
 alias usb-interface usb-ubci
 (ho provato a cambiarlo pensando ad un tuo errore di battitura nel riportare
 la riga) 
Si, era un errore di battitura..

 mi dà al boot:
 Initializing USB controller(usb-uhci)OK
 Initializing USB controller(usb-ubci)Fallito
 Can't locate module usb-ubci
 Forse è quel modulo che mi manca?

Credo proprio di si.
Credo che potresti aggiungerlo come modulo (senza ricompilare il kernel,
Strano che la mdk non l'abbia fatto da sola. Ti dico questo perché sulla
macchina dove ho il dispositivo di lettura delle compact flash al
momento dell'installazione di linux (mdk 8.2) non avevo ancora nessun
dispositivo usb collegato. Per farlo funzionare, mi ricordo, avevo
collegato il dispositivo, acceso il computer e poi dato il fatidico
comando mount descritto in precedenza e tutto funzionava.
A questo punto darei un'occhiata anche ai dispositivi di visualizzazione
grafica. Ti consiglio (tanto per fare una prova) di collegare la camera
a pc spento, quindi avviarlo e dal centro di controllo di kde vai su
informazioni - dispositivi usb (o qualcosa di simile - scusa non ho
kde installato sulla macchina da cui ti sto scrivendo) e vedi se ti
rileva il dispositivo. Per farti un esempio il mio dispositivo di
lettura di compact flash viene indicato come
Sandisl_Imagemate_II_compact flash.
Comunque all'80% dovrebbe trattarsi del modulo, di cui sopra, che non
viene caricato. Sperando di esserti stato (forse poco) utile, ti saluto
e, naturalmente, fammi sapere.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.19 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] FW: Pulizie di primavera al MandrakeStore!

2003-02-28 Thread pigi
 salve a tutti,
qualcuno di voi usa pen-drive o oggetti simili?
ho letto sulla pubblicità ( )che dovrebbero essere 
tranquillamente supportate da linux (da 2.4 in poi) ...
... ma mi piacerebbe avere qualche conferma pratica prima di fare la spesa!

un saluto


Re: [newbie-it] ZIP ..che fare?

2003-02-28 Thread beo
Il Fri, 28 Feb 2003 16:32:23 +0100 (CET)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Mi manca l'utility in oggettoquale installo?Me ne occorre una molto 
 semplice e dalla grafica intuitiva..voi che usate?
 Mandrake 9.0 con KDE il sistema

fileroller è nei cd della distro se non già installato 

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

2003-02-28 Thread Salvatore Califano

-Messaggio Originale-
Da: Sandro Porrazzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data invio: venerdì 28 febbraio 2003 12.33
Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

Il ven, 2003-02-28 alle 10:44, Salvatore Califano ha scritto:

 Mettendo le righe che mi hai detto la situazione è sempre uguale. Quando
 però invece di
 alias usb.interface usb-ubci
 alias usb-interface usb-ubci
 (ho provato a cambiarlo pensando ad un tuo errore di battitura nel
 la riga)
Si, era un errore di battitura..

 mi dà al boot:
 Initializing USB controller(usb-uhci)OK
 Initializing USB controller(usb-ubci)Fallito
 Can't locate module usb-ubci

 Forse è quel modulo che mi manca?

Credo proprio di si.
Credo che potresti aggiungerlo come modulo (senza ricompilare il kernel,
Strano che la mdk non l'abbia fatto da sola.

Non ho trovato nè nel kernel nè su Internet un modulo che si chiami
usb-ubci. Sicuro che il tuo abbia questo nome?

Ti consiglio (tanto per fare una prova) di collegare la camera
a pc spento, quindi avviarlo e dal centro di controllo di kde vai su
informazioni - dispositivi usb (o qualcosa di simile - scusa non ho
kde installato sulla macchina da cui ti sto scrivendo) e vedi se ti
rileva il dispositivo. Per farti un esempio il mio dispositivo di
lettura di compact flash viene indicato come
Sandisl_Imagemate_II_compact flash.

La mia BenQ viene vista come Unknown device e mi dà tutta una serie di dati
che ti rimetto in privato (mi prendo la libertà ;-) ).

Grazie e ciao, RinoX

[newbie-it] pppd FUNZIONA !!!!!!

2003-02-28 Thread kua79
  Ho lo stesso problema.
 La Ethernet è vista regolarmente ma il route resta irraggiungibile.

 Fra gli errata del sito indicato cè scritto di rimuovere l'immissione 
 GATEWAY, ho cancellato la riga
 GATEWAY= ma senza risultato. Boh.
 Anche facendo tail -f /var/log/messages non viene fuori nulla di
 O il route è unreachable o l'host è sconosciuto.

Sono riuscito a far funzionare sta benedetta connessione !!
Il problema era un instradamento errato dei pacchetti... cioè andavano 
sulla sk di rete al posto del modem!
Ho risolto inserendo il gateway con il comando route.
route add default gw --questo è il DNS primario 
della Wind.
prima però ho tolto il GATEWAY da /etc/sysconfig/network
volendo guardare c'è ancora qualche problema perchè quando lancio kppp 
mi appare anche Couldn't find interface ppp0: No such device e non so 
cmq quello poco importa, ci penserò più avanti perchè tanto a breve 
dovrò formattare prima però volevo fare un pò di prove con samba.
ciao Davide

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

2003-02-28 Thread Sandro Porrazzini
Il ven, 2003-02-28 alle 17:23, Salvatore Califano ha scritto:

 Credo proprio di si.
 Credo che potresti aggiungerlo come modulo (senza ricompilare il kernel,
 Strano che la mdk non l'abbia fatto da sola.
 Non ho trovato nè nel kernel nè su Internet un modulo che si chiami
 usb-ubci. Sicuro che il tuo abbia questo nome?

No, è molto più semplice: se riuscissi, finalmente, a collegare la mano
al cervello quando scrivo (a proposito invece di scrivo stavo per
digitare scribo) :-))
Hai ragione tu, l'errore della b si è ripetuto perchè ho la pessima (a
volte) abitudine di fare troppi copia e incolla. E' esatto uhci.

 Ti consiglio (tanto per fare una prova) di collegare la camera
 a pc spento, quindi avviarlo e dal centro di controllo di kde vai su
 informazioni - dispositivi usb (o qualcosa di simile - scusa non ho
 kde installato sulla macchina da cui ti sto scrivendo) e vedi se ti
 rileva il dispositivo. Per farti un esempio il mio dispositivo di
 lettura di compact flash viene indicato come
 Sandisl_Imagemate_II_compact flash.
 La mia BenQ viene vista come Unknown device e mi dà tutta una serie di dati
 che ti rimetto in privato (mi prendo la libertà ;-) ).

Figurati, ti ho già risposto in privato, purtroppo credo non in modo

 Grazie e ciao, RinoX

Ciao, Sandro

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.19 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: R: [newbie-it] CX3200 Epson [was: latex e *.jpeg]

2003-02-28 Thread LukenShiro
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, beo wrote:
  A che punto eri arrivato?
 stavo appunto ricompilando i moduli, seguendo passo passo il vangelo,
 che ha cominciato a sparare messaggi di errore a sciami.
 riprovo, devo cercare qualche tipo particolare di errore o copioincollo

Uhmm, gli avvertimenti (warnings) non dovrebbero avere strascichi, magari
puo' bastare riportare qualche riga prima dell'errore vero e proprio:
vediamo se si riesce a capire perche' succede.

GNU/Linux Slackware current *** 2.4.20

[newbie] VMWare /usr/src/linux/include for 9.1

2003-02-28 Thread Trevor Rhodes
Hello All,

Slight problem, I'm trying to install VMWare into 9.1 and am having trouble 
finding the correct directory.  Where is the directory for these header 

  Trevor Rhodes
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.1
Registered Linux user # 290542 at
Registered Machine #'s 186951,
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
 19:23:00 up 52 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.07, 1.07
Go not to the elves for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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[newbie] Saving and restoring MBR and other boot sectors

2003-02-28 Thread Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed)
Suppose I would want to restore trusted files to partitions (after some
hacker has succesfully attacked my system) as well as the boot sectors of
these partitions and I had made backups of these sectors by (example):

dd if=/dev/hda  of=/mnt/floppy/MBR bs=512 count=1
dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/floppy/bootrecord_hda2 bs=512 count=1

the restoring the bootsector can be simply done by

dd if=/mnt/floppy/MBR of=/dev/hda  bs=512 count=1
dd if=/mnt/floppy/bootrecord_hda2 of=/dev/hda2 bs=512 count=1 

Or not?
I just don't want to take any risks of deleting all partition information.



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Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van 
de mail contact met afzender op te nemen.

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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 28 Feb 2003 4:13 am, g wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  If you make it to the Huddersfield area, that's a promise

 know any other orbital establishments?

If you are looking for any particular area I could probably find you somewhere

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-28 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
Of course, everybody is free to use the fora at PCLinuxOnline:

For off-topic conversations, we have a 'Chit Chat' forum:

Please feel free to use this forum to discuss whatever you wish.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama |]

Maybe somebody else comes up with a better way to do it, or with a really
compelling reason to. Feel free to try is definitely the open source motto.
-- Linus Torvalds

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] MandrakeClub Renewal

2003-02-28 Thread Technoslick
On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:07 pm, James Dawson wrote:
 My finances are rather tight right now so I don't know if I can afford to
 renew at Silver level but I can't find an option online to renew at Bronze
 level. Second, is it possible to renew paying on a month-to-month basis
 rather than a single payment?

I may find the same will happen to me when my silver membership is up for 
renewal. I think I will have to scrutinize the benefits beyond helping the 
org survive when that time comes. It is ironic that they need the money, yet 
are so conservative as to not play the odds and gamble that more people will 
go for a monthly option than will try to cheat them out of premiums and 
downloads. I think they need to take a risk here. Nothing ventured, nothing 
gainedand maybe (as in my case?) something lost...


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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-28 Thread g

Anne Wilson wrote:

If you are looking for any particular area I could probably find you somewhere

i will be sure to contact you when i travel uk.

do you give guided tours?  wbwdg

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Newbie users question

2003-02-28 Thread g

Chris wrote:
Appologies if this shows up twice but I sent it over two hours ago and it 
still hasn't shown up on the list.
other made it. take a look at times of 'received' in headers.
you may note where a delay occurred.
I'm running Mdk 9.0.  Question I have is when system is freshly booted there
is one user, me.  If I open a console and type users there are now two users,
both me (chris).  If I log out and back in there are now three users (chris).
Any idea why or is this just a falicy or bug in 9.0?
i know that this question has come up before on this and several other list.
i do not recall just what replies where, but you could check archives.
in past, i have noted same happens, and being that i have 9.0 on other boxes,
i tried it to see what results i could get.
start, logged in at tty1, 1 user. logged second tty6, 2 users. logged out tty6,
1 user. logged in tty6, started x from tty6, 2 users. exited x, logged out tty6
and tty1, relogged tty1, 3 users. relogged tty6, 4 users.
logged out tty6, entered 'users /var/run/vtmp' 1 users, entered
'users /var/run/vtmp showed 10 lines of user name.
logged in tty6, entered 'users /var/run/vtmp' 2 users, entered
'users /var/run/vtmp showed about 11 lines of user name.
i prefer to use 'who', then i know where users are. :)

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Extra users

2003-02-28 Thread Chris
I'm running Mdk 9.0.  Question I have is when system is freshly booted there
is one user, me.  If I open a console and type users there are now two users,
both me (chris).  If I log out and back in there are now three users (chris).
Any idea why or is this just a falicy or bug in 9.0?

On another note, if this makes it to the list, could anyone explain why mails 
I've sent lately to this list and others are not making it back to me?  I can 
send mail to myself ok, I can send mail to and from the domain I own, however 
each mail I send to lists are not making it back to me.  I did notice that on 
list I'm that is on Yahoo, the msg I sent made it on the list but I didn't 
receive it back on my system.  I use earthlink.

  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  6:14am  up 1 day, 2 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.04, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 28 Feb 2003 10:00 am, g wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  If you are looking for any particular area I could probably find you


 i will be sure to contact you when i travel uk.

 do you give guided tours?  wbwdg

Only on strictest terms

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re[3]: [newbie] Disk problem

2003-02-28 Thread Robert Golovniov
On Friday, February 28, 2003, 8:04:50 AM, Robert Golovniov wrote:

RG The BIOS gives this information about the disk: Fujitsu MPG3204AT E.
RG As for the other OS, I have W2K on the first 2,5Gb partition, which
RG boot just fine.

Tried to put it as the second harddrive on another machine running
Mandrake 9.1b3. Did not work either.

 -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP key: 633F6D07 (1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07)
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Embedded%20key
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Attached%20key
Robert Golovniov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] /net and /misc

2003-02-28 Thread Paul Kaplan
Anyone know what /net and /misc are?  They automount under m9, are always busy 
and can't be unmounted.  As a result I can't do a clean shutdown.  How can I 

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Re: [newbie] MandrakeClub Renewal

2003-02-28 Thread Andrei Raevsky

 On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:07 pm, James Dawson wrote:
 I have a couple of questions regarding renewing my MandrakeClub
 membership. My finances are rather tight right now so I don't know if
 I can afford to renew at Silver level but I can't find an option
 online to renew at Bronze level. Second, is it possible to renew
 paying on a month-to-month basis rather than a single payment?

 If you want to downgrade, you have to e-mail Deno.  They are not
 encouraging  this for obvious reasons.  But if you want to you can.
 AFAIK, there still is  no option to pay monthly.  I really widh they
 would explain why they won't or  cannot do this.  I think they fear that
 some will join, download StarOffice  and other premiuum goodies and then
 block their credit card from further  charges.  A risk for sure, but it
 could probably be minimized with certain  procedures.  I think they
 could really increase their revenue as a lot more  people would join if
 they could pay that way.

 Also I'd like to hear from anyone who has purchased the 'Definitive
 guide to using Mandrake Linux' book. It sounds like it could either be
 an invaluable resource or a rehash of the Mandrake documentation.

 I ordered one.  It was just announced today, so I doubt anyone has seen
 it  yet.  Deno posted a link to the TOC on the Club site.  I'm sure some
 of it is  a rehash, but it looks to me like it has a lot more stuff than
 the default  docs, including server configuration and stuff.  I joined
 the Club instead of  buying a Pack, so I don't have the 9.0 manuals, so
 I don't care much if it is  a rehash.  Also, Deno indicated in a
 follow-up post that an html version will  be going up for Club member
 access.  That might be a reason to skip the book  and just go for the
 club membership.

Even if they agreed tp put a HTML version online version for memebers
there are plenty of reasons to still get a hardcopy such as the fact that
club members get a good discount, a hard copy is simply much nicer to read
and, last but not least, we can help Mandrake by buying one.


Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
Mandrake Club Silver Member
Registered Linux user: 226850
Registered Linux computer: 183163

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Re: [newbie] Being a nice guy

2003-02-28 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 27 February 2003 05:11 pm, robin wrote:

 I find the etch-a-sketch reboot method works well enough.
 Sir Robin

Hey Robin. That reminds me of my old Atari days. You could call Tech support 
for issues with the 520 and 1040ST and they would actually tell you to lift 
the computer up about a foot or so, and drop it on a hard surface! It was due 
to chip creep (and the impact would help reseat the chips). 

They just don't build'em like they used to! :-)


 Dark Lord

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[newbie] video [VCD] editing on ML9.0?

2003-02-28 Thread linux

I was wondering:
what's available for Linux that will let me capture video
from my firewire video camera [or open a video file off an
existing VCD], chop out the bits I don't want, maybe a
couple of basic wipes/fades etc, lay it on top of a soundtrack,
then write it to a new VCD?
The firewire card only came with windoze software [Pinnacle
Studio DV] and it's clunky to use; I'm hoping there may be
something that runs on Linux that's better.

TIA ;)

Merlin Zener
piano and synthesizer
Pattaya, Thailand. 
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.459 / Virus Database: 258 - Release Date: 25/02/2003

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[newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

2003-02-28 Thread Yoel P. Krigsman

I am getting really close to switch my system from Windoze to Linux and
I am wondering if there is a way that I can get my dual monitor to work
with Linux? So I would have two working desktop on my Linux? 

I have a stretched out windoze desktop that I can use both monitors as
one big desktop... 

Can someone give me guidance on this? Then I m ready to switch over and
junk the windoze OS. 



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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Bill Spatz
On Friday 28 February 2003 08:09, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:24 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
  And another
  73 DE N1POP

 Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list


de N7OKD

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Re: [newbie] video [VCD] editing on ML9.0?

2003-02-28 Thread et
I have not tried Kino, but will soon, seems to me that Cinelerra is broadcast 
2003 for Nvidia cards with at least 64 megs mem, while it works for me I 
have heard of folks that did not have a GeForce card not being able to use 
it, and it really looks like a rework of bcast2000 for a little more 
eyecandy (like bcast2000 was written in C for gtk, and Cinelerra is 
Re-written in C++ for GTK2.
the Power Pack had Main Actor as part of the commercial offerings, and while 
it said it was installed, it just started and exited with out an error or an 
open window.   

On Friday 28 February 2003 09:35 am, Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed) wrote:
 Do not forget kino (

 It can be used to get video off and on via the firewire but it does not
 contain a timeline so I wonder how easy soundtracks can be added.

 MainActor has this latter option, but version 3.65 was the latest I could
 get for Linux. They have developed a version 5 now and said they would
 export that to Linux too. But people say so many things...

 None of the packages have all the fancy things that you find on video
 editors you can get for Windows, like Adobe Premiere, but on Linux I can do
 all I want for my simple home video.

 Very professional (they say) is Cinelerra. Demands a very hig spec machine
 to work with. Seems to be something more useful for render farms.

  depending on a few things, and not the least is your own
  defination of
  clunky you can check into broadcast2000, (bcast2000) and/
  or cinelerra and
  vlc and mainactor. let us know what you like and why.

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Re: [newbie] /net and /misc

2003-02-28 Thread Derek
On Friday 28 Feb 2003 7:45 am, Paul Kaplan wrote:
 Anyone know what /net and /misc are?  They automount under m9, are always
 busy and can't be unmounted.  As a result I can't do a clean shutdown.  How
 can I remidy?

Do you have autofs installed ?
I believe they are the default mount points used by autofs. There should be a 
configuration script somewhere defining what mounts on them.
rpm -ql autofs should tell you the files involved.

autofs is an alternative to NFS and/or supermount. (I think)
I tried getting it to work with the 8.1 release unsuccessfully, but since then 
have not bothered with it.



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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Harv Nelson
On Friday 28 February 2003 09:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:24 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
  And another
  73 DE N1POP

 Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list

If there are enough of us around, maybe we can get Mandrake to include a bunch 
of the ham specific software on the CD's (stuff like PSK31, etc)


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Re: [newbie] OT Chatter

2003-02-28 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:26:43 -0500

 ok, your point is both correct and well taken, however did you really
 mean to post this three times?

He sent it twice to expert and once to newbie
1+2=3 which is 2 more than needed or wanted.

Sorry, but I can deal better with OT than this kind of stuff.
Hell, if a thread does not interest me I just mark it as 'ignore'
and I'm not bothered with it but these cross-post aggravate me


Rome wasn't burnt in a day.
Mandrake Linux 9.1 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-10mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] kde rewrites .desktop files

2003-02-28 Thread Jozef Riha
thanks for help, i'll try your advise. is this a bug or a feature?

i also noticed that kde (i guess) replaces my own menu structure 
(defined in ~/.kde) with the system one (/usr/share/applnk-mdk) when i 
remove package with rpmdrake-remove. i will check out whether 
permissions-change solves this problem too.

thanks again.

Damian Gatabria wrote:
On Thursday 27 de February 2003 11:45, Jozef Riha wrote:

i always manually edit the Icon item (add my path to my icons) in some
.desktop files (in ~/.kde/share..). the problem is that sometimes kde
just goes mad and rewrites  all the .desktop files to their original
state..  this really sets me up. why should i always backup ~/.kde??
do you think that restart X (c+a+bs) might bother?

thank you for your answer,

kind regards,
jozef riha

I've seen that happen a lot of times. Make your icon items
the way you like them, and make them read-only. (Remove
your write permission)


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RE: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

Brian D. Klar - CVE
Network Engineer

-Original Message-
From: Harv Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

On Friday 28 February 2003 09:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:24 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
  And another
  73 DE N1POP

 Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list

If there are enough of us around, maybe we can get Mandrake to include a bunch 
of the ham specific software on the CD's (stuff like PSK31, etc)


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Re: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

2003-02-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 28 Feb 2003 3:29 pm, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:

 I am getting really close to switch my system from Windoze to Linux and
 I am wondering if there is a way that I can get my dual monitor to work
 with Linux? So I would have two working desktop on my Linux?

 I have a stretched out windoze desktop that I can use both monitors as
 one big desktop...

 Can someone give me guidance on this? Then I m ready to switch over and
 junk the windoze OS.


Yoel, I can't help you, but I'm sure there will be someone here shortly that 
can.  Meanwhile, however, it would greatly help to get you a meaningful 
answer if you told us what video card(s) you use.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Backup to CD-R/RW

2003-02-28 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 27 Feb 2003 6:05 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 OK , I attatch the file for everone


John, I'm really confused by this.  First, I don't understand where Gentoo 
comes into the equation?  You give the Gentoo url, then say download the iso 
from the partimage website.

On the partimage website I could not see what you were recommending to 

There is an rpm for partimage on the distro, so what made you choose to 
download another?

Having installed the rpm from Mandrake, I could quite happily use it as it 
stands, *except* that I can't see how the bootable image disk is made, and 
without it I can't see a restore being possible.

I'm used to DriveImage, so I understand the process - I just can't see how it 
fits together with PartImage.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Redirecting in KMail

2003-02-28 Thread Robert Golovnyov
Hash: RIPEMD160

Hello, group!

Does the KMail support redirecting messages or can I only forward them?

- -- 
Warm regards,

Robert  Beata Golovniov
Lviv, Ukraine
Comment: OpenPGP-signed for authentication.


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Re: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

2003-02-28 Thread et
On Friday 28 February 2003 11:14 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 28 Feb 2003 3:29 pm, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:
  I am getting really close to switch my system from Windoze to Linux and
  I am wondering if there is a way that I can get my dual monitor to work
  with Linux? So I would have two working desktop on my Linux?
  I have a stretched out windoze desktop that I can use both monitors as
  one big desktop...
  Can someone give me guidance on this? Then I m ready to switch over and
  junk the windoze OS.

 Yoel, I can't help you, but I'm sure there will be someone here shortly
 that can.  Meanwhile, however, it would greatly help to get you a
 meaningful answer if you told us what video card(s) you use.



dual head

some nice words to learn about

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Re: [newbie] kde rewrites .desktop files

2003-02-28 Thread Jozef Riha
:( bad luck. permissions are back and file is rewritten again. will i 
have to make a script that will change the contents of .kde everytime 
kde is started?

Damian Gatabria wrote:
On Thursday 27 de February 2003 11:45, Jozef Riha wrote:

i always manually edit the Icon item (add my path to my icons) in some
.desktop files (in ~/.kde/share..). the problem is that sometimes kde
just goes mad and rewrites  all the .desktop files to their original
state..  this really sets me up. why should i always backup ~/.kde??
do you think that restart X (c+a+bs) might bother?

thank you for your answer,

kind regards,
jozef riha

I've seen that happen a lot of times. Make your icon items
the way you like them, and make them read-only. (Remove
your write permission)


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Re: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

2003-02-28 Thread Yoel P. Krigsman
Hello.. Oops.. Dumb me, Forgot to include the name of the hardware of
that video card that i was inquiring about. it is, ATI Radon 8500. 


On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 11:14, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 28 Feb 2003 3:29 pm, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:
  I am getting really close to switch my system from Windoze to Linux and
  I am wondering if there is a way that I can get my dual monitor to work
  with Linux? So I would have two working desktop on my Linux?
  I have a stretched out windoze desktop that I can use both monitors as
  one big desktop...
  Can someone give me guidance on this? Then I m ready to switch over and
  junk the windoze OS.
 Yoel, I can't help you, but I'm sure there will be someone here shortly that 
 can.  Meanwhile, however, it would greatly help to get you a meaningful 
 answer if you told us what video card(s) you use.

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Re: [newbie] Redirecting in KMail

2003-02-28 Thread et
On Friday 28 February 2003 11:20 am, Robert Golovnyov wrote:
 Hash: RIPEMD160

 Hello, group!

 Does the KMail support redirecting messages or can I only forward them?
in the main (KDE Mail Client window) setting, configure filters,

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Bela Markus

Good idea

Bela, HA5DI

Harv Nelson wrote:

  On Friday 28 February 2003 09:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:24 pm, Larry Williams wrote:

  And another


Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list

If there are enough of us around, maybe we can get Mandrake to include a bunch 
of the ham specific software on the CD's (stuff like PSK31, etc)



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Re: [newbie] Backup to CD-R/RW

2003-02-28 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 27 Feb 2003 6:05 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

OK , I attatch the file for everone


John, I'm really confused by this.  First, I don't understand where Gentoo 
comes into the equation?  You give the Gentoo url, then say download the iso 
from the partimage website.

On the partimage website I could not see what you were recommending to 

There is an rpm for partimage on the distro, so what made you choose to 
download another?

Having installed the rpm from Mandrake, I could quite happily use it as it 
stands, *except* that I can't see how the bootable image disk is made, and 
without it I can't see a restore being possible.

I'm used to DriveImage, so I understand the process - I just can't see how it 
fits together with PartImage.

This download site is always busy, so chuck it into d4x and get
it ti do a mirror search and choose one of them. I found several
only just at the moment d4x seems unable to find any 


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Stephen Kitchener
On Friday 28 Feb 2003 15:40, Harv Nelson wrote:

A really good Idea

 On Friday 28 February 2003 09:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
  On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:24 pm, Larry Williams wrote:
   And another
   73 DE N1POP
  Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list

 If there are enough of us around, maybe we can get Mandrake to include a
 bunch of the ham specific software on the CD's (stuff like PSK31, etc)


 O  o
_\_   o
 \\/  o\ .
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 17:56:50 +
  5:56pm  up  9:24,  0 users,  load average: 2.05, 2.01, 2.00
There's nothing worse for your business than extra Santa Clauses
smoking in the men's room.
-- W. Bossert

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Re: [newbie] OT Chatter

2003-02-28 Thread Greg Meyer
On Friday 28 February 2003 10:26 am, et wrote:
 ok, your point is both correct and well taken, however did you really mean
 to post this three times?

No I did not intend to post it three times.  Kmail crashed when I hit send and 
it did not show up when I next checked, so therefore I assumed that it never 
made it out.  Had I waited a few minutes more, it would have become apparent 
and I would not have made the mistake.  Please accept my apologies.

I did send it to newbie and expert because not everybody monitors both, and 
the problem is occurring on both lists.

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Re: [newbie] Backup to CD-R/RW

2003-02-28 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 27 Feb 2003 6:05 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

OK , I attatch the file for everone


John, I'm really confused by this.  First, I don't understand where 
comes into the equation?  You give the Gentoo url, then say download 
the iso
from the partimage website.

On the partimage website I could not see what you were recommending to

There is an rpm for partimage on the distro, so what made you choose to
download another?

Having installed the rpm from Mandrake, I could quite happily use it 
as it
stands, *except* that I can't see how the bootable image disk is made, 
without it I can't see a restore being possible.

I'm used to DriveImage, so I understand the process - I just can't see 
how it
fits together with PartImage.


This download site is always busy, so chuck it into d4x and get
it ti do a mirror search and choose one of them. I found several
only just at the moment d4x seems unable to find any

I suppose you haven't yet seen a gento -basic-X86-1.4-rc2 boot disc.
It's basically a 38 MB programme that creates for you a kernel
for the purpose of loading into memory along with other programmes
like partimage. You run the disc to the prompt and run the programme
you want in our case partimage which is on the disc as well as other
programmes, like fdisk or cfdisk.
Like Partition Magic uses a boot floppy and a programme floppy,
Gentoo uses a Boot CD with  partimage on it .
John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] Logitech QuickCam 4000...

2003-02-28 Thread Peter Lomax
Just installed it this afternoon with Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
If you installed the soft first it works fine.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vincent A.
Sent: 28 February 2003 11:02
Subject: [newbie] Logitech QuickCam 4000...

I just bought a Logitech QuickCam 4000.  Right now I am trying to get
it to work correctly with XP first.  I can get it to work for a short
period of time(several seconds to a couple of minutes) and then it
freezes the software, driver, etc.  I plan to use it with Mandrake soon,
however I would like to iron out my XP issues before doing so.  Has
anybody been through this same scenario?  Does it sound like a USB
problem?  When I unplug it and plug it back in it doesn't consistently
recognize the USB device as the QuickCam.  Any help would be much
Thank you,

Vincent A. Primavera

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RE: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

2003-02-28 Thread Peter Lomax
I have two systems w98 and m9.0 using a Eusso 2 port KVM switch.
I have to run ./S15gpm start for the mouse when I switch by to Linux.
Otherwise it's OK

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Anne Wilson
Sent: 28 February 2003 17:14
Subject: Re: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

On Friday 28 Feb 2003 3:29 pm, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:

 I am getting really close to switch my system from Windoze to Linux and
 I am wondering if there is a way that I can get my dual monitor to work
 with Linux? So I would have two working desktop on my Linux?

 I have a stretched out windoze desktop that I can use both monitors as
 one big desktop...

 Can someone give me guidance on this? Then I m ready to switch over and
 junk the windoze OS.


Yoel, I can't help you, but I'm sure there will be someone here shortly that
can.  Meanwhile, however, it would greatly help to get you a meaningful
answer if you told us what video card(s) you use.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

2003-02-28 Thread Peter Lomax
Got the wrong hang of it.
Dual screen not dual machine therefore needing switch

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Anne Wilson
Sent: 28 February 2003 17:14
Subject: Re: [newbie] Newbie with Dual Window

On Friday 28 Feb 2003 3:29 pm, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:

 I am getting really close to switch my system from Windoze to Linux and
 I am wondering if there is a way that I can get my dual monitor to work
 with Linux? So I would have two working desktop on my Linux?

 I have a stretched out windoze desktop that I can use both monitors as
 one big desktop...

 Can someone give me guidance on this? Then I m ready to switch over and
 junk the windoze OS.


Yoel, I can't help you, but I'm sure there will be someone here shortly that
can.  Meanwhile, however, it would greatly help to get you a meaningful
answer if you told us what video card(s) you use.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Daniel Anderson
On Friday 28 February 2003 12:36 pm, Bela Markus wrote:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
 Good ideabr
 Bela, HA5DIbr
 Harv Nelson wrote:br
 blockquote type=cite
   pre wrap=On Friday 28 February 2003 09:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
   blockquote type=cite
 pre wrap=On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:24 pm, Larry Williams
 wrote: /pre
 blockquote type=cite
   pre wrap=And another

 73 DE N1POP
 pre wrap=Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list
   pre wrap=!
 If there are enough of us around, maybe we can get Mandrake to include a
 bunch of the ham specific software on the CD's (stuff like PSK31, etc)


I've been looking for a good simple paket terminal program for a while. Ran 
paket61 on dosemu for a while. Worked real well, but I'd rather run a pure 
Linux program.


   pre wrap=
 hr width=90% size=4
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to a class=moz-txt-link-freetext
 href=; /pre

  1:43pm  up 1 day, 19:43,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.04, 0.02

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Re[2]: [newbie] Redirecting in KMail

2003-02-28 Thread Robert Golovniov
On Friday, February 28, 2003, 7:27:35 PM, et wrote:

 Does the KMail support redirecting messages or can I only forward them?
e in the main (KDE Mail Client window) setting, configure filters,

As far as I understand, it will allow me to automatically redirect the
incoming messages. And what if I received a message, which I want now
to redirect? I do not want to forward it (with This is a forwarded
message, bla-bla-bla stuff), but just to send it to another address
while preserving the original sender's From info and so on?

Under Windows, The Bat! allows you both to forward messages and to
redirect (alternative forward) them. Is there a similar option in

 -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP key: 633F6D07 (1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07)
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Embedded%20key
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Attached%20key

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[newbie] DIRECT CONNECT active mode and SHOREWALL

2003-02-28 Thread Bela Markus

I spent nights without any success to configure SHOREWALL in 9.0 to run 
Direct Connect (DC++ exactly) to run in active mode.

Is there a solution out there?

Regards... Bela, HA5DI

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Re: [newbie] kde rewrites .desktop files

2003-02-28 Thread Damian Gatabria
On Friday 28 de February 2003 14:08, Jozef Riha wrote:
 thanks for help, i'll try your advise. is this a bug or a feature?

Sure looks like a bug in KDE. 

 i also noticed that kde (i guess) replaces my own menu structure
 (defined in ~/.kde) with the system one (/usr/share/applnk-mdk) when i
 remove package with rpmdrake-remove. i will check out whether
 permissions-change solves this problem too.

..See if opening up menudrake and setting your menu style
to original style instead of mandrake style or follow the
admin's settings. 

BTW, what is your msec level? (what level of security
did you choose when you installed mandrake?)

 thanks again.


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Re: [newbie] kde rewrites .desktop files

2003-02-28 Thread Damian Gatabria
On Friday 28 de February 2003 15:13, Jozef Riha wrote:
 :( bad luck. permissions are back and file is rewritten again. will i

Damn.. i'm pretty sure that's how i solved it.. are you logging in as root?
If not, you could try changing the owner of the files, and making them
read-only to others.

 have to make a script that will change the contents of .kde everytime
 kde is started?

Better yet, it would be nice to find the script that does this in the
first place, and kill the bastard. 

Things like these are the ones people refer to when they say 
KDE is unpredictable.


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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Keith
Expired WN9psv,WB9psv, KA9zkm.  Hope to get active again.  Been TOO busy the 
last few years...
SW WI.  Keith

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 05:11 am, Harv Nelson wrote:
 Here is Harv, KG9GA, Washburn, Wisconsin, USA.  
 Just retired and re-located to this small northern Wisconsin community on 
 shore of Lake Superior ( 25 below 0 this morning ... have I made a mistake? 

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[newbie] worried

2003-02-28 Thread Andrew Scotchmer
Now don't get me wrong I love linux and  have been with Mandrake since v6.0
though I must say in my opinion v9.0 is not one of it's best, perhaps,
sorry, definately a bit hasty with this release!

Anyway the point is I've just upgraded my windows98 to XP and I must admit
in all fairness for the desktop, I know nothing of computers, average
user,  XP is better.

Now before I get flamed let me explain. I run a small 500mhz Athlon with
64mg memory but for speed and effeiciency XP is by far the fastest.
My Md9 is a minimal installation (although having most of the HD) but still
pales in comparison to XP even when a large number of apps are working.
With XP I boot and hey-presto I'm logging in with Md9 I can make a brew etc
etc. (well not literally but you get the point)

I beleive that as far as the end user is concerned speed is the most
important factor.  Not how much software is free or that linux is more
stable and reliable.  The average user wants speed.  You click on an icon
and up pops the application IMMEDIATELY!!!  With XP even my little 500
acheives this performance but alas (and I mean that with a heavy heart) Md9
is a slow monolith beleiving that placing god knows how many apps into their
installation cd's will convert new customers.

Just my thought


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RE: [newbie] Logitech QuickCam 4000...

2003-02-28 Thread Vincent A. Primavera
Unfortunately, I have repeated the install/uninstall process an
innumerable number of times already and spent several hours trying
countless different ideas to get it running consistently.  It seems that
the VIA chipset may be the culprit as it is noted to have problems with
webcams in general.  I will probably resort to buying a PCI USB
card(maybe even a 2.0!).
Thank you,

Vincent A. Primavera.   

On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 18:18, Peter Lomax wrote:
 Just installed it this afternoon with Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
 If you installed the soft first it works fine.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vincent A.
 Sent: 28 February 2003 11:02
 Subject: [newbie] Logitech QuickCam 4000...
   I just bought a Logitech QuickCam 4000.  Right now I am trying to get
 it to work correctly with XP first.  I can get it to work for a short
 period of time(several seconds to a couple of minutes) and then it
 freezes the software, driver, etc.  I plan to use it with Mandrake soon,
 however I would like to iron out my XP issues before doing so.  Has
 anybody been through this same scenario?  Does it sound like a USB
 problem?  When I unplug it and plug it back in it doesn't consistently
 recognize the USB device as the QuickCam.  Any help would be much
   Thank you,
   Vincent A. Primavera
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] RE: [ctl-linux] GUI Perl Editor with color coding

2003-02-28 Thread Robert Wideman
 Don't forget about gvim.

WOW, i like this.

HEHEHE.  Something i just noticed is the VI and VIm both point to VIM
Enhanced.  I used which and file commands and traced it back.  How
hilarious.  I thought VI was VI and VIm was VIm.


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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-28 Thread Kirwin the Insane
Bill Spatz wrote:

Almost enough of us to start a Mandrake-Hams list

Give me a few minutes, I like this idea!

Bill N7OKD

Add another.


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Re: [newbie] kde rewrites .desktop files

2003-02-28 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 28 February 2003 01:41 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 On Friday 28 de February 2003 15:13, Jozef Riha wrote:
  :( bad luck. permissions are back and file is rewritten again. will i

 Damn.. i'm pretty sure that's how i solved it.. are you logging in as root?
 If not, you could try changing the owner of the files, and making them
 read-only to others.

  have to make a script that will change the contents of .kde everytime
  kde is started?

 Better yet, it would be nice to find the script that does this in the
 first place, and kill the bastard.

 Things like these are the ones people refer to when they say
 KDE is unpredictable.

Of course if you have security set above standard it could be msec that is 
changing the file back.  Where do you have security set?  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Backup to CD-R/RW

2003-02-28 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 28 Feb 2003 5:58 pm, you wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:
On Thursday 27 Feb 2003 6:05 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
OK , I attatch the file for everone


John, I'm really confused by this.  First, I don't understand where

comes into the equation?  You give the Gentoo url, then say download

the iso

from the partimage website.

On the partimage website I could not see what you were recommending to

There is an rpm for partimage on the distro, so what made you choose to
download another?

Having installed the rpm from Mandrake, I could quite happily use it
as it

stands, *except* that I can't see how the bootable image disk is made,


without it I can't see a restore being possible.

I'm used to DriveImage, so I understand the process - I just can't see
how it

fits together with PartImage.

This download site is always busy, so chuck it into d4x and get
it ti do a mirror search and choose one of them. I found several
only just at the moment d4x seems unable to find any

I suppose you haven't yet seen a gento -basic-X86-1.4-rc2 boot disc.
It's basically a 38 MB programme that creates for you a kernel
for the purpose of loading into memory along with other programmes
like partimage. You run the disc to the prompt and run the programme
you want in our case partimage which is on the disc as well as other
programmes, like fdisk or cfdisk.
Like Partition Magic uses a boot floppy and a programme floppy,
Gentoo uses a Boot CD with  partimage on it .

I see - so this is a cut-down Gentoo to provide the platform + partimage.  
It's downloading now, so we'll see how I go.


That's substancially right, it can also be used to install gentoo's OS . 
I don't know
anything about that aspect, never having seen or heard of it before, but 
the gentoo boot
disc which this is creates a kernel for your computer and you then go on 
to download
the OS directory off the net, whether that download is a download of a 
whole bunch of
rpm's which then have to be manually installed or whether you are in 
fact downloading
and installing the binaries I don't know. Anyway we are interested in 
this Gentoo basic
boot version for the purpose of creating a working kernel and installing 
for backup purposes. Once the kernel is configured, it's quite quick, 
the kernel and partimage
are loaded into memory, like all the best image backup programmes. That 
leaves you free
to do anything to anything partition wise, with the added advantage for 
those who require
it you can configure an internet connection and install image files over 
the net.


John Richard Smith

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