Re: [newbie] Can't install/use WebDAV.

2004-06-21 Thread Flávio Henrique
 Where is your conf file?

Here is the lines that I insert in my httpd2.conf:

### ==
LoadModule dav_module modules/

DAVLockDB /dav/DAVLock

Directory /dav
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName WebDAV Server
 AuthUserFile /dav/.DAVlogin
### ==

 Your dav directory is world writable, right?

well, I type 'ps -ef | grep httpd' and see the service running under
'apache' user...
so, I made this:

mkdir /dav
chmod -R 775 /dav
chown -R apache.apache /dav

And I create the password file:

htpasswd -c /dav/.DAVlogin flavio

(flavio is the user running Calendar on win98 client station).

Made this, I try to publish my calendar but no file is writing in /dav

and I don't know how to test if my WebDAV server is running

I put a single txt file in /dav directory and try to see it on my win98
client station like this: but I got a 'page not found' error...

Can you see something wrong ?

Thank you again.

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] Can't install/use WebDAV.

2004-06-18 Thread Flávio Henrique
Hi Todd,
thank you for the answer...

but look,

 On Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 09:41:20AM -0300, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 Hi guys.
 I  trying  to  test  Mozilla  Calendar  with  WebDAV but I having
 I go to my Mandrake Control Center and I hit Mounted Points (I
 know  exactly  how to say it in english, because I use another
 after I hit WebDAV's mounted points
 I  receive  the  message: The package davfs must be installed. Do
 wish to install now?
 Points', like if I did hit No.
 I  use  the  add/remove/update  packages  to see something else, but
 can't see this package...
 Someone can help me with this ?

 You don't need to create a mount point or format a partition for
 mod_dav, it will just work with Apache once you have davfs and mod_dav
 installed (just use urpmi).

Ok. Made.

 The trick, then, is setting up your Apache directory with the proper
 permissions. You need to turn webDAV on for the directory, and specify
 an .htaccess file if you want. For example:

 Location /calendars
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName WebDAV Calendars
 AuthUserFile /var/www/calusers
 Require valid-user

 And of course restart Apache.

Ok. Made.
Except for the lines:

 Require valid-user

to no have problems with autentications in my tests...

 It takes some tinkering to figure out how to publish a calendar using
 Mozilla, though.i

Here is my problem.
Because I really don't know what should be happen when I publish a calendar.
( I think should create a file in my /dav/ directory )

I using apache2 in a Lan (I mean without access from Internet, just in my
internal network)

I install my apache2 and test in my network and works
( I type and the page from Linux server opens)

In some tutorials that I read seems that I need a VirtualHost set in my
so I need to use something like

is this right ?
I can't use ?

I looking for some help to test if my webDAV is working but I can't find.

Some tips will be great.

Thank you

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] Can't install/use WebDAV.

2004-06-18 Thread Flávio Henrique

 Naw, you don't need a virtual host unless you want one. Since you don't
 have any restrictions set, you should just be able to publish the
 calendar by specifying the IP and directory from Mozilla Calendar. For
 example, .


I trying this, but no files is write in /dav/ directory...

It works for you ?

can you plz check my httpd2.conf to see anything suspicius ?


Flávio Henrique

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[newbie] Problems with accents.

2004-06-15 Thread Flávio Henrique

hi guys.

I using Mandrake 10.0 to serve about 50 win98 
clients with Samba.

My problem is:

any file or directory created by clients, that have 
accents (' ~" ` ^), in the Linux (and just in the Linux server) I can't see the 
name correctly... I see strange characters instead...

I need to make backups, from Linux server, so I 
need to resolve this, cause the files will be stored with strange 

Maybe some problem with Samba, but I don't 

Someone have a clue ?

Thank you

Flávio Henrique

[newbie] Can't install/use WebDAV.

2004-06-12 Thread Flávio Henrique

Hi guys.

I trying to test Mozilla Calendar with WebDAV but I 
having some problems...

I go to my Mandrake Control Center and I hit 
"Mounted Points" (I don't know exactly how to say it in english, because I use 
another idiom), after I hit "WebDAV's mounted points"

I receive the message: "The package davfs must be 
installed. Do you wish to install now?"

I hit "Yes", but nothing happens. The screen come 
back to 'Mounted Points', like if I did hit "No".

I use the add/remove/update packages to see 
something else, but I can't see this package...

Someone can help me with this ?

Thank you

Flávio Henrique

Re: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-13 Thread Flávio Henrique

this problema is resolved...

I just make my shares out of my /home 

thanx guys for all tips and 

Flávio Henrique

  - Original Message - 
  Flávio Henrique 
  Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 3:08 
  Subject: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's 
  shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.
  Hi guys!
  I made some shares here through samba 2.2.8 and 
  put the permissions in this share like this: 'chmod -R 777 /share', to make 
  sure that all users will open...
  and everything goes fine...
  but after some time, nobody can access the 
  so, I open the log in /var/log/samba/log.user, 
  i.e., and I can see the problem: "Can't chage the directory to /share 
  (Permission denied)"
  but the permission is 777, like I said 
  the share only works again if I type 'chmod -R 
  777 /share' again...
  this is the only reason that I can not change 
  definitely my server...
  plz, someone have a hint for this ??
  Flávio Henrique

RE: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-12 Thread Flávio Henrique

Hi Bill,
thanx for your reply...


 Do you have wins support = yes in the [global] section of
 /etc/samba/smb.conf ?

 os level = 33
 domain master = yes
 preferred master = yes
 local master = yes
 wins support = yes
 domain logons = yes

yes.. I have this entries in my smb.conf, but do not work...

 Configure all PC's to use the linux box's IP address as
 their WINS server and only use the TCP/IP protocol on the PC.
 (Remove NetBeui protocol).


 Are these PC's in the same workgroup as the linux machine?

but I'm trying to resolve other problem (the printers) right now...
the problem with neighborhood network is secundary (I can avoid this mapping some 
drivers with netlogon)

 Samba - cups printing is kinda boinked on my system right
 now, so I can't really help you on that one.

that's ok...
I already make some progress here :)
I can install a network printer in my Linux server, print and share it with samba, and 
I can install it in a client win98...
I just must know why the client can't print through this printer..

thanx for all

 Bill Shirley

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Re: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-11 Thread Flávio Henrique
Bill, I'm happy to say you that works...

I create my directories shares out of my /home and works...

But now I got another problem...

All my win98 clients see their neighborhood area empty... no itens
but the network is there and works fine... all users is working...
if they hit \\server, e.g., the windows explorer opens it fine..

some clue ??

and, maybe, this is the reason too, that my users can't print in any shared
printer... all shared printer goes offline.. everytime...

I thank you one more time..


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Re: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-10 Thread Flávio Henrique
Bill, I would like to thank you again...


 I would run ls -ld /share/docs before doing 'chmod -R 750 /share/docs'
 to see if the permissions had been changed.  Also, I you should
 use 2770 as the permissions.  2xxx sets the sticky bit which means
 all files/directories created in this directory will have the group
 of this directory.

the permission changed right... no problem with this...
Ok.. I will use 2xxx permission... I did not understood what means this '2'

 I do not see /share/docs in your smb.conf.  I see /home/docs
 and /home/c.  Where you put the share is important as far as
 msec is concerned.

I just create the share directory with another name... but using yours

 There are five security levels for msec.  I am using security
 level 3 for msec:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msec]# cat /etc/sysconfig/msec

My security level is 3, and my msec file have this:

 which means that msec will use /usr/share/msec/perm.3 as the
 control file for setting permissions.  If you use SECURE_LEVEL=2,
 then examine /usr/share/msec/perm.2 and so on.  Let us assume
 you are level 3.  Examine /usr/share/msec/perm.3.  Do you see the lines:
 /home/root.root   755
 /home/*   current 711

yes they are there...

 msec will decrease the permissions on /home to at most 755.  However,
 I think the next line is biting you.  msec will set the permissions on
 all directories off of /home to at most 711.  Therefore, if /home/docs
 is where you put the directory, msec is clobbering the permissions.  If
 you move /home/docs to /home/shares/docs then the permissions will not
 be affected.  This is what I would reccomend.

hmmm... this is great!

 I, personally, use:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] msec]# ls -ld /lan /lan/shares /lan/shares/Apps
 drwxr-xr-x   9 root root 4096 Jul 26  2003 /lan/
 drwxr-x--x  23 bill smbusers 4096 Apr 30 00:08 /lan/shares/
 drwxrwsr-x  12 bill smbusers 4096 Jun 30  2003 /lan/shares/Apps/

 comment = Windows/MS-DOS applications (r/w)
 path = /lan/shares/Apps
 browseable = yes
 guest ok = yes
 writeable = no
 write list = @smbusers
 create mask = 771
 directory mask = 770
 map hidden = yes
 map system = yes
 map archive = yes
 available = yes

 smbusers is the group that I put all samba users in.  It is not
 affected by msec:
 which would affect /share, or by:
 /home/*  current 711
 which would affect /home/docs.

 msec is sometimes a pain, but I am learning to live with it.  I
 haven't disabled msec in the far chance that if my system ever
 gets compromized, msec may help me.

 Bill Shirley

I will try to create the directories in /home/shares/docs to see what
when I install Mandrake, I create a partition for each /, /home, /usr, /var,
/tmp directories, to avoid lost data in some crash... so maybe creating my
shares directories in another partition than /home resolve this problem (?)

I will try your hints and will let you know...

Thank you again.

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-07 Thread Flávio Henrique
 Yes, msec will mess your permissions up on /share.  I will
 show you how to do this for the samba share docs that is
 accessable by docusers.  You already have /share so as root

 cd /share
 chown root.root .
 chmod 755 .
 groupadd docusers
 mkdir -m 2770 docs
 chown root.docusers docs

 add this to smb.conf
 comment = share for docusers
 path = /share/docs
 browseable = no
 guest ok = no
 valid users = @docusers
 writeable = yes
 create mask = 771
 directory mask = 770
 map hidden = yes
 map archive = yes
 map system = yes
 available = yes

 now edit /etc/group and find the entry for docusers


 [Note, the number may be different.  That's ok.]

 now add the users that you want to be able to access this share
 to this line and save your changes


 After saving the changes, then finally do a:

 service smb reload

 Your users may have to log off and back on before they
 can map the drive.  They won't see the share in Network
 Neighborhood because we set browesable = no.  Change it
 to yes if needed.  If you make a change you must do:

 service smb reload

 and they MAY need to log off and back on to see your change.

 Each file or directory created in /share/docs will be owned
 by the user that created it and have the group of docusers.
 All members of group docusers can edit/delete files/directories.

 Hope this helps,

 Bill Shirley

Bill... very thanx for this help...
now I learn more about some permissions issues...

I did everything what you said...
create the /share, the /docs, the permissions, etc...

while I was copying some files, from a win98 client machine to my new
/share/docs directory, I was testing in another win98 client machine to see
if I could see the files in /share/docs and I seeing...
all goes fine...


after some minutes, in this same machine (that I was able to see the files),
the share is broken again...
I can't see the content of share... I can see the share but is like I
haven't the right permission

So, the /share/docs only works again if I type 'chmod -R 750 /share/docs'
again in shell..

maybe some information mine helps...

above is my smb.conf..

I'm using Samba to autenticate the users in domain... and the autentication
is fine... the users logins without problems...
I don't know if I'm saying right, but I'm using two networks
one where the users is working (all machines win98, workgroup=PROVENDA, ip
other (?) with my linux server is running a samba with workgroup=PROV and
just one machine within this workgroup (to tests the /shares)
the files that I was copying was located in a machine in workgroup=PROVENDA,
that I was monted throug LinNeighborhood...

Plz Bill... any comments??? (the directory name was changed, like you can
see, ok? but I think this is no the problem...)

Thanx for everything...

My smb.conf

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from localhost (
# Date: 2004/05/07 18:12:37

# Global parameters
 workgroup = PROV
 netbios name = HOST
 server string = Samba Server %v
 encrypt passwords = Yes
 map to guest = Bad User
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 50
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
 printcap name = cups
 domain logons = Yes
 os level = 0
 preferred master = Yes
 domain master = Yes
 dns proxy = No
 printer admin = @adm
 printing = cups

 comment = Home Directories
 read only = No
 browseable = No

 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/samba
 create mask = 0700
 guest ok = Yes
 printable = Yes
 print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r   # using client side printer
 browseable = No

 path = /var/lib/samba/printers
 write list = @adm root
 guest ok = Yes

 comment = PDF Generator (only valid users)
 path = /var/tmp
 printable = Yes
 print command = /usr/share/samba/scripts/print-pdf %s ~%u //%L/%u %m %I 

 comment = PDF Generator - Screen quality (only valid users)
 path = /var/tmp
 printable = Yes
 print command = /usr/share/samba/scripts/print-pdf %s ~%u //%L/%u %m %I 
 copy = pdf-generator

 comment = PDF Generator - Print quality (only valid users)
 path = /var/tmp
 printable = Yes
 print command = /usr/share/samba/scripts/print-pdf %s ~%u //%L/%u %m %I 
 copy = pdf-generator

 comment = PDF Generator - PrePress quality (only valid users)
 path = /var/tmp
 printable = Yes
 print command = /usr/share/samba/scripts/print-pdf %s ~%u //%L/%u %m %I 
 copy = pdf-generator

comment = share for docusers
path = /home/docs
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
valid users = @colaboradores
writeable = yes
create mask = 771
directory mask = 770
map hidden = yes
map archive = yes
map system = yes
available = yes

comment = diretorio raiz do sistema
path = /home/c
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
valid users = 

Re: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-07 Thread Flávio Henrique
 Yes, msec will mess your permissions up on /share.  I will
 show you how to do this for the samba share docs that is
 accessable by docusers.  You already have /share so as root

 cd /share
 chown root.root .
 chmod 755 .
 groupadd docusers
 mkdir -m 2770 docs
 chown root.docusers docs

 add this to smb.conf
 comment = share for docusers
 path = /share/docs
 browseable = no
 guest ok = no
 valid users = @docusers
 writeable = yes
 create mask = 771
 directory mask = 770
 map hidden = yes
 map archive = yes
 map system = yes
 available = yes

 now edit /etc/group and find the entry for docusers


 [Note, the number may be different.  That's ok.]

 now add the users that you want to be able to access this share
 to this line and save your changes


 After saving the changes, then finally do a:

 service smb reload

 Your users may have to log off and back on before they
 can map the drive.  They won't see the share in Network
 Neighborhood because we set browesable = no.  Change it
 to yes if needed.  If you make a change you must do:

 service smb reload

 and they MAY need to log off and back on to see your change.

 Each file or directory created in /share/docs will be owned
 by the user that created it and have the group of docusers.
 All members of group docusers can edit/delete files/directories.

 Hope this helps,

 Bill Shirley

Maybe this helps...
seems this happens only if the conection is idle for some time...
If I keep working in the client machine, the /share/docs works without


Flávio Henrique

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[newbie] how to update samba in Mandrake Control Center?

2004-05-06 Thread Flávio Henrique

Hi all...

I have Samba 2.2.8 installed...

Can I update to Samba 3.x.x through MCC 
If not, which easier way to update and still have 
the swat service to help me ??

thanx in advance.

Flávio Henrique

[newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-06 Thread Flávio Henrique

Hi guys!

I made some shares here through samba 2.2.8 and put 
the permissions in this share like this: 'chmod -R 777 /share', to make sure 
that all users will open...

and everything goes fine...

but after some time, nobody can access the 
so, I open the log in /var/log/samba/log.user, 
i.e., and I can see the problem: "Can't chage the directory to /share 
(Permission denied)"

but the permission is 777, like I said 

the share only works again if I type 'chmod -R 777 
/share' again...

this is the only reason that I can not change 
definitely my server...

plz, someone have a hint for this ??


Flávio Henrique

Re: [newbie] I'm losting my samba's shares after some time... permission denied... help plz.

2004-05-06 Thread Flávio Henrique
 Flávio Henrique wrote:

  Hi guys!
  I made some shares here through samba 2.2.8 and put the permissions in
  this share like this: 'chmod -R 777 /share', to make sure that all users
  will open...
  and everything goes fine...
  but after some time, nobody can access the share...
  so, I open the log in /var/log/samba/log.user, i.e., and I can see the
  problem: Can't chage the directory to /share (Permission denied)
  but the permission is 777, like I said before...
  the share only works again if I type 'chmod -R 777 /share'  again...
  this is the only reason that I can not change definitely my server...
  plz, someone have a hint for this ??
  Flávio Henrique

 It sounds like you have msec running along behind you cleaning up the

I can't understand this... what's 'msec' ??

 777 is a dangerous permission and you shouldn't be suing it..

Yes, I know, but I use this just to see if the share it will be done...

 You are better off telling samba to use one user for all users.. and
 then set the files to 600
 in the shares., (and change their owner and group to the owner and group
 that you have just set the share up to use.)

 Try something like this for a share:

comment = a test share
path = /home/allusers
force user = franki
force group = franki
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no

But do your think this have relations with why my share is losting after
some time?

for explanation, I use my linux as a single machine in my network (without
domain, just a workgroup)

thanx Flávio Henrique

 Thats much better security then using open permissions..


 Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

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[newbie] Help with samba configuration, plz! Urgent!

2004-05-05 Thread Flávio Henrique
Hi all!

I have a big problem (or not!?) here...

I changed my win2k server for Mandrake 9.2 last night and everything is

I got success configuring samba, sharing some folders and files with my
win98 clients...

ok! but

today when the users started to our software the problem: only one user can
open the database (that is located in a folder shared by samba)

I don't know what's happening...

with win2k, when the user open the software (that uses a Access database)
the *.ldb file is created in the remote machine...

with mandrake, the *.ldb file is created in the same database's directory,
with owner equals of the user that open the database... this not allow that
others users open the database...

Someone already have this problem? maybe one option in 'Global
configuration' (Samba) or other thing that I forgot ???

Plz, help me!

PS: I'm using the samba to autenticate my win98 station in domain... (we do
not have problem with logins, but maybe this helps)


Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] Help with samba configuration, plz! Urgent!

2004-05-05 Thread Flávio Henrique
On Wednesday 05 May 2004 16:20, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 Hi all!

 I have a big problem (or not!?) here...

 I changed my win2k server for Mandrake 9.2 last night and everything is

 I got success configuring samba, sharing some folders and files with my
 win98 clients...

 ok! but

 today when the users started to our software the problem: only one user
 open the database (that is located in a folder shared by samba)

 I don't know what's happening...

 with win2k, when the user open the software (that uses a Access database)
 the *.ldb file is created in the remote machine...

 with mandrake, the *.ldb file is created in the same database's directory,
 with owner equals of the user that open the database... this not allow
 others users open the database...

 Someone already have this problem? maybe one option in 'Global
 configuration' (Samba) or other thing that I forgot ???

 Plz, help me!

 PS: I'm using the samba to autenticate my win98 station in domain... (we
 not have problem with logins, but maybe this helps)


 Flávio Henrique

What are your share settings from smb.conf ?
One thing to consider is that samba clients cannot access a share to which
they do not have access peremissions.

The default smb.conf file has many examples at the end which could help you.
For my own public shares I use this configuration :-

path = /home/grant/public
valid users = derek,grant,abi,rosie,andy
force directory mode = 644
force group = grant
force user = grant
writeable = yes
comment = public share
force create mode = 644

In this example the shared directory is owned by user grant, so I allow
valid users to have the same rights as the actual owner of the share.




Hi Derek...

the shares seems to be ok

the problem is: if I open my database.mdb file,  anybody else can open it
and I need to allow several connections with this file...


Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] Making Mozilla the default browser in KDE

2003-10-13 Thread Flávio Henrique
 If you have mozilla installed, but not in your path, you could (as root)
 issue a ln  mozilla /path to where mozilla is installed/mozilla
 /usr/bin/mozilla.  So, if your mozilla was installed under
 /usr/local/bin/mozilla, you would type:
 ln -s /usr/local/bin/mozilla  /usr/bin/mozilla

 That would create a link in the /usr/bin directory pointing to your
 mozilla.  /usr/bin is by default in your path.


hmmm... I'll try this...
so, the /usr/bin is in my path, but /usr/local no ?

how a I can configure my path ? like the %path% in windows?
it is by ln -s ?


Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-13 Thread Flávio Henrique
October 14, 2003 12:58 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 hehe... thanx... but I'm not so newbi...
 seems Mozilla is not in my Linux path...

 even if I hit Alt+f2 and type mozilla, it do not run...
 I must open the /usr/local/mozilla directory and run mozilla from

 There is no way to, somewhere, setup mozilla as default browser ???

 Flávio Henrique

H that wouldn't be a manually installed upgrade of Mozilla now would
it? If it wasn't installed through the 'regular procedures' then it probably
isn't in your path.

I made a clean install... and the mozilla is not in my path not even my KDE menu...

Can you start Mozilla from the menu?


Is it the version of Mozilla you're
expecting to run?

1.5 rc2

Someone already posted the preferences method to use Mozilla as default for
web pages so it might help. But if you installed other than a Mandrake
package even that may be problematic.

yes... I already made these changes and works now... thanx...
the other problem that I had is that Mozilla is not in my path, but I know what to do 

Good luck.

Thanx Charlie...
Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-13 Thread Flávio Henrique

 Is it the version of Mozilla you're
 expecting to run?

 1.5 rc2

In future for those that like living life on the bleeding edge, it would be
advisable to indicate in your initial request for help that you're running a
non-standard/beta/rc version of an application so that those trying to help
don't have to ask intentionally (mis)leading questions to elicit required

The small detail in this situation was the version of the browser that was
producing the unexpected behaviour. I think the helpful individuals that
frequent this and the expert list would have nailed the solution a hell of
a lot sooner if Flávio had come clean with that information in his first

Ok... thanx for the tip... I agree with you too... sorry my mistake...
I think this happens with the version 1.4 (official)...
Tonight I will install the version 1.4 and see what happens because days ago I install 
this version
and I do not remember to see Mozilla in my menu and in my default path...

but tonight I will make a try and return here...

thanx all for the help..

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] Making Mozilla the default browser in KDE

2003-10-13 Thread Flávio Henrique
 The ln command is for making a link to the file.  It is similar to a
 windows shortcut but much more powerful (you can ln directories, files,
 etc.).  /usr/local/ isn't normally in your path.  If you wanted to add
 it, you could do it in one of two places ,
 /home/your_directory/.bash_profile or /etc/profile.  For either one, you
 would add the line:
 PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin(or whatever path(s) you want added,
 separated by colons :)
 export PATH(if you don't export the path, it
 won't take effect)

 The difference between the two places you can change this are that
 /etc/profile changes it for every user on the system (and requires a
 reboot before it takes effect).  The .bash_profile in your home
 directory only changes it for your user id.

 If you want to test that it works, before changing it, issue the above
 commands in a shell or temrnial window then manually type mozilla and
 see if it works.


Now is much clearly to me...
thanx Joeb...

Flávio Henrique

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[newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-12 Thread Flávio Henrique
I was using Konkeror as internet browser, but I can't install java
plugin for Konkeror... 
So, I downloaded Mozilla and install...
but when I hit Alt+F2 and type, e.g., the Mandrake opens
the webpage in Konkeror...

How to configure to the open the pages in Mozilla ??

Thanx in advance...

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-12 Thread Flávio Henrique
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 15:36, Charlie M. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 October 14, 2003 10:30 am, Flávio Henrique wrote:
  I was using Konkeror as internet browser, but I can't install java
  plugin for Konkeror...
  So, I downloaded Mozilla and install...
  but when I hit Alt+F2 and type, e.g., the Mandrake opens
  the webpage in Konkeror...
  How to configure to the open the pages in Mozilla ??
  Thanx in advance...
  Flávio Henrique
 Just add mozilla to the command. re:
 mozilla enter

doesn't work...

The Mandrake can't execute the command...

what now ?

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] Making Mozilla the default browser in KDE

2003-10-12 Thread Flávio Henrique
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 20:45, Jamie Taylor wrote:
 Sorry for not replying to the correct thread but I beleive someone wanted to 
 know how to do this.  I wanted to do the same thing as I like the feel of 
 Mozilla better than Konqueror.
 After much thrashing aroud on the web I found out that this is how you do it.
 I assume you're using KDE 3.1.0 because I think you said you were using 
 Mandrake 9.1 which is the same distro as I'm using.
 Open the KDE Control Centre and go to Components, File Associations, text, 
 html and in the Application Preference move mozilla to the top of the list.
 If it's not there add mozilla %u and then move it to the top.
 Hope this helps as I'm a newb as well and I'm finding Linux a bit intimidating 
 coming from being spoonfed by Windows all my PC life ;-)
 Jamie Taylor

I did what you said but I think my Mozilla installation is not right,
cause after hit alt+f2 ant typing, e.g., the MD says:
Could not find 'mozilla' executable

I'll try reinstall Mozilla and try it again...
But now I now where I can change the files associations... that is the

Thanx Jamie... Thanx a lot !!

(now, is I'll find out how to remove the mozilla... ahaha!!)

Flávio Henrique
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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-10 Thread Flávio Henrique
I suggest you model yours after mine, making the necessary adjustments.
The syntax is not that hard to understand. Once you have updated your
lilo.conf, post it here. Note, the append line will be completely
different for you, so I suggest you skip these lines in your file.
append=failsafe is required if you want to boot into failsafe,

It works John !!!
Thanx for everything and sorry for the duh questions...

Flávio Henrique

John Drouhard
Wed Oct  8 21:42:48 CDT 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-09 Thread Flávio Henrique
 if you have done
 fdisk /dev/hdd
 and confirmed that windows is indeed on the first parttition on that disk and
 that it does have the number 1 - not necessarily the same thing!
 then i suggest that lilo is choking ion your other entries, perhaps those
 other entries regarding /dev/hdd1?

yes... indeed exist another particion in my second hd... but is empty
my hd have 20Gb and I make a particion with 7GB to install windows... the rest is 
empty... don't
have a partition there...

in MD9.1 when I run MCC and look for my partions, in hdd I have the /dev/hdd1 monted 
in /home/d2 and
the rest of the disk empty...

I don't know if this is the problem..

But I'll try to do what John Drouhard suggest me and see what happens...
I'm leaving the work now and goint to home... in some minutes I have the answer...

Thanx for everyone...


Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-08 Thread Flávio Henrique
let me put it up top so Flavio might see it

I guess it means you better post your /etc/lilo.conf cause you
have the right hdyx (here y is a letter for the drive position
on the
ide bus, and the x is a number for a partition.
your error might be any part of /etc/lilo.conf, so post the
whole thing.

Ok... here is my lilo.conf









Thanx for everyone

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-08 Thread Flávio Henrique
 Why do you have three of the same entries? What are these for anyway? I
 think you would be safe in getting rid of these.
 After making the changes, run lilo as root.
 John Drouhard

Ok... I made these changes and run #lilo...
now the message is the following:

Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Added map *
Added 2.4.21-0.13
Skipping /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
Fatal: open dev/hdd1: No such file or directory

seems to be not right...

and the /dev/hdd1 is mounted, so the file exist...

look the last line:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# mount
/dev/hdc6 on / type reiserfs (rw,notail)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
/dev/hdc1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620)
none on /home/dug/d type supermount
none on /mnt/cdrom type supermount

none on /mnt/floppy type supermount
/dev/hdd1 on /mnt/hd type vfat

what now ?

Flávio Henrique

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[newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-07 Thread Flávio Henrique
I'm very newbie in Linux and I have a problem to make something here...

After install Mandrake 9.1 in my hd, I bring another with win98 already
have and install it...

I trying to insert the win98 in LILO menu but it does not work...

The hd that have md9.1 is hdc6 and the other, that have win98, is

What I did:
Configuration - KDE - System - Boot Manager (LILO)
in the second page (OS), Add another SO:
boot disk = /dev/hdd1
label = windows98
Ok - Ok...
even do that, the option to enter in windows98 does not show in LILO

What I miss or what I did wrong ??

thanx in advance...

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-07 Thread Flávio Henrique
On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 00:52, yankl wrote:
 On Thursday 09 October 2003 04:46 am, Flávio Henrique wrote:
  I'm very newbie in Linux and I have a problem to make something here...
  After install Mandrake 9.1 in my hd, I bring another with win98 already
  have and install it...
  I trying to insert the win98 in LILO menu but it does not work...
  The hd that have md9.1 is hdc6 and the other, that have win98, is
  What I did:
  Configuration - KDE - System - Boot Manager (LILO)
  in the second page (OS), Add another SO:
  boot disk = /dev/hdd1
  label = windows98
  Ok - Ok...
  even do that, the option to enter in windows98 does not show in LILO
  What I miss or what I did wrong ??
  thanx in advance...
  Flávio Henrique
 Go to the command line and as root run lilo command:

After type lilo I receive a following message:
Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Fatal: Not a number: padrã
and nothing happens...

Flávio Henrique

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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-07 Thread Flávio Henrique
  I guess it means you better post your /etc/lilo.conf cause you don't
  have the right hdyx (here y is a letter for the drive position on the
  ide bus, and the x is a number for a partition. I don't think you are
  gonna get win9x on without it being on the first partition of the
  first drive on the first IDE bus, ie hda1 or maybe hda5. 
my Linux is in hdc6
and my win98 is in hdd1

Flávio Henrique
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Re: [newbie] why I can't insert a new OS in my LILO menu ??

2003-10-07 Thread Flávio Henrique
my Linux is in hdc6
  and my win98 is in hdd1
 Make this your windows entry in /etc/lilo.conf:
 Save the file, then (without the # sign)
 (enter root password)
well... I did it... but as root, 'cause my normal user don't have
but I'm still receiving the same message..
[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# lilo
Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Fatal: Not a number: padrã

Flávio Henrique
 John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] Samba configuration

2003-09-06 Thread Flávio Henrique
it's seems to help me...
I'll try to install it...


- Original Message - 
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba configuration

 On Saturday 06 Sep 2003 3:12 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
  Hi all...
  Please I need help to configure the Samba
  I have a network with a server running win2kserver and workstations with
  win98, and I want to change the server to Mandrake9.1
  I already installed MD9.1 but how to configure the Samba to validate my
  users/groups and share some files in Linux...
  it is all I need: validate the users and share some files...
  thanx all

 Samba will work out of the box
 All you need to do is configure the Workgroup name and create users.
 There is a Wizard to help you. Just install the drakwizard RPM from your
 then your Mandrake Control Centre will have a 'Server' section with a
 Wizard in it.

 After running the wizard run the command (as root )
 smbpasswd -a user_name
 for each remote user with files on the server.
 (The user name must exist in Linux and Windows)

 It is also possible to configure Samba for an authentication server, but I
 have never done that.


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[newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

2003-09-05 Thread Flávio Henrique

Hi all

Last night I downloades the 3 cd´f of Mandrake 
I burned it and try to install...

The first time I tryed by boot cd, but my machine 
doesn´t do it

But I know is not a cdrom problem ´cause I can 
install windows 98 by cd rom boot
And I know the cd is not burned wrong ´cause in 
Windows the cd works fine, but when I choose Install Linux, the Windows don´t 

I make a boot diskete with cdrom.img but Mandrake 
says that my cd rom not seems a Mandrake cdrom installation... and I can´t 

After that I install the windows, by the same cdrom 
that Mandrake doesn´t find, and copyed the 3 cds to my hd

I make a boot diskete with hd.img and reboot... 
working now... but after making the repartition the system reboot and restart 
again and again... always...

Someone can help me to make a instalation via cdrom 


Athlon 500Mhz
98 RAM

[newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

2003-09-05 Thread Flávio Henrique
Hi Anne...

I used Nero...
I think the Cd it's ok, because in Windows, after I put the cd in cdrom the
install opens in my screen...
Just in boot I can't install...
But I can try this way too...
Let me ask you:
I have the three *.iso files...
I have to burn it directly in cd ? Doing this, the cd will not have only a
file Mandrake91_cd1.iso in there ? or  Nero put the content of *.iso file in
cd ?


- Original Message - 
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

On Friday 05 Sep 2003 3:41 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 Hi all

 Last night I downloades the 3 cd´f of Mandrake 9.1
 I burned it and try to install...

 The first time I tryed by boot cd, but my machine doesn´t do it

 But I know is not a cdrom problem ´cause I can install windows 98
 by cd rom boot And I know the cd is not burned wrong ´cause in
 Windows the cd works fine, but when I choose Install Linux, the
 Windows don´t reboot...

 I make a boot diskete with cdrom.img but Mandrake says that my cd
 rom not seems a Mandrake cdrom installation... and I can´t

 After that I install the windows, by the same cdrom that Mandrake
 doesn´t find, and copyed the 3 cds to my hd

 I make a boot diskete with hd.img and reboot... working now... but
 after making the repartition the system reboot and restart again
 and again... always...

 Someone can help me to make a instalation via cdrom ?


 Athlon 500Mhz
 98 RAM

Hi, Flavio

It sounds to me as though you may not have used the right burn method.
Did you use Roxio or Nero to burn?  I think under Nero it is called
something like Burn An Image.  If you don't do that it copies the
files onto the disk, but doesn't create a bootable install disk.

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[newbie] Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

2003-09-05 Thread Flávio Henrique
Yes... yes...
I know where is this option (burn it like image)...
My question is if I just point the Nero to *.iso file and Nero burn the
*.iso file content to cd or just burn just one file (*.iso) in cd... 'cause
I never do it this way...

thanx a lot folks...

- Original Message - 
From: HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

On Fri, 5 Sep 2003 12:33:58 -0300
Flávio Henrique [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I used Nero...
 I think the Cd it's ok, because in Windows, after I put the cd in
 cdrom the install opens in my screen...

that doesn't mean it's bootable.

 Just in boot I can't install...
 But I can try this way too...
 Let me ask you:
 I have the three *.iso files...
 I have to burn it directly in cd ? Doing this, the cd will not have
 only a file Mandrake91_cd1.iso in there ? or  Nero put the content of
 *.iso file in cd ?

as Anne said, you need to burn it as an *image*, which Nero would have
an option for.

Anyone here know the specific steps in Nero?

Registered Linux user #282046
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[newbie] Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

2003-09-05 Thread Flávio Henrique
Anne... I going to lauch now and I'll buy a new cd to burn it as image in
I hope this works...

And sorry theses questions... I'm a very newbie in Linux...

- Original Message - 
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

On Friday 05 Sep 2003 4:33 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 Hi Anne...

 I used Nero...
 I think the Cd it's ok, because in Windows, after I put the cd in
 cdrom the install opens in my screen...
I think it is default behaviour in windows, that if it sees an install
file, it should use it as an autorun.

 Just in boot I can't install...
 But I can try this way too...
 Let me ask you:
 I have the three *.iso files...
 I have to burn it directly in cd ? Doing this, the cd will not have
 only a file Mandrake91_cd1.iso in there ? or  Nero put the content
 of *.iso file in cd ?

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but if you do a normal
burn under Nero you will not end up with a bootable install cd.  I
used to use Nero myself, and I do like it, but I can't remember the
exact place to find the setting you need.  However, I'm sure you will
find it.  It's called something like Burn an Image.

By the way - has anyone told you about mdk5sums?  From the place you
downloaded you should get a file that has check sums for each of your
downloads, and instructions on how to use it.  You should run this
against your downloads before trying to burn, because they will tell
you if you have a good clean download that should burn well.  It
saves you a lot of problems in trying to decide whether your disk is
faulty :-)


Registered Linux User No.293302
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[newbie] Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

2003-09-05 Thread Flávio Henrique
Anne, thanx...
I have the mdk5sums files... but or I understood wrong or I need a linux
command to check the iso files... and I don't have any linux installed
I'm wrong ?

thanx again...
Ooo 1.1 RC3 English
Windows 98 SE Brazilian Portuguese
PC AMD Athlon XP 1700+
256 RAM

- Original Message - 
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] I can´t install Mandrake 9.1 in CD

On Friday 05 Sep 2003 4:33 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 Hi Anne...

 I used Nero...
 I think the Cd it's ok, because in Windows, after I put the cd in
 cdrom the install opens in my screen...
I think it is default behaviour in windows, that if it sees an install
file, it should use it as an autorun.

 Just in boot I can't install...
 But I can try this way too...
 Let me ask you:
 I have the three *.iso files...
 I have to burn it directly in cd ? Doing this, the cd will not have
 only a file Mandrake91_cd1.iso in there ? or  Nero put the content
 of *.iso file in cd ?

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but if you do a normal
burn under Nero you will not end up with a bootable install cd.  I
used to use Nero myself, and I do like it, but I can't remember the
exact place to find the setting you need.  However, I'm sure you will
find it.  It's called something like Burn an Image.

By the way - has anyone told you about mdk5sums?  From the place you
downloaded you should get a file that has check sums for each of your
downloads, and instructions on how to use it.  You should run this
against your downloads before trying to burn, because they will tell
you if you have a good clean download that should burn well.  It
saves you a lot of problems in trying to decide whether your disk is
faulty :-)


Registered Linux User No.293302
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