Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-24 Thread James S Bear

I beg to differ.  At the school where I am a technology coordinator, we have 
about half Macs.  Our new machines are PCs, so all of our Macs are pre 10.  
Initially, when I was the tech coordinator, the Macs crashed hard and often.  
Once, though, I learned how to make them run properly, they ran wonderfully.  
In fact, i believe it has been at least 3 weeks since any of our 30 or so Macs 
has crashed.  Usually, when they do crash, it takes just a simple reboot to 
wake them up.  
Quoting Matt Greer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 on 10/23/01 3:02 PM, Robert Pena at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have hardly seen Mac crash but as far as multitasking goes I
  get the impression it is slower than Linux and Windows.
 What MacOS are you talking about, pre 10 or 10+? As a big time Mac fan I
 assure you Macs using 9 and earlier crash. They crash often, and they crash
 hard :) They're less stable than Windows9x, which is pretty sad.
 Also pre 10, Macs didn't have preemptive multitasking. Multitasking was up
 to the software, not the OS. If a program doesn't give up his share of the
 processor, everyone else is SOL. This is not the case for 10+.
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RE: [newbie] This is a linux mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread James S Bear

I think this is because most people know more about Windows than LInux.  I know
I do.  If somebody has a question to ask and I know the answer(and I had the
time to read e-mail that day), I answer it.  

   Yes this is a Linux mailing list. I am often amazed at how many Linux 
 questions go unanswered and how much time is spemt helping people 
 with  general windows questions. I have voiced my opinions about this and 
 the answer I was given, Do you have a delete key?
 So if you are not happy with the attacks on the USA use your delete key and
 your filters!!!

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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-14 Thread James S Bear

yep, or if it's a win95 or win98 boot disk, it is on the A: drive.
Quoting Adrian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Adam, not two weeks ago I did exactly the same thing, and it was a weekend
 so I had no way of finding out how to fix it. you might want to wait for
 someone to confirm this answer, but you use a Windoze Boot disk get into
 c drive ( dir c: and press enter) then fdisk /mbr this clears the Master
 Boot Record.biut like I said, wait for confirmation from someone else
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Cripps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 14 September 2001 12:41
 Subject: [newbie] Grub problems
 I installed a lnx4win Mandrake 8.0 on a pc, which
 would load a text bootloader fine. 
 However, when I decided to uninstall, I deleted the
 lnx4win folder (in windows) and rebooted.
 Grub still starts and then, being a complete newbie, I
 don't know how to get past it. 
 Is there any way of getting rid of Grub, so that the
 machine boots straight into Windows? 
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Re: [newbie] OT: breaking news in USA

2001-09-13 Thread James S Bear

This is all assuming that it was bin Laden.  If it was, we need to look at his
motives.  I think we will find that his motives are not much different from ours
if we decide to go kill a bunch of innocents.  

Quoting Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 jennifer wrote:
  Don't get me justice I don't mean that be passive. I just
  its wrong to go after (speculation) Afghanastan as a country and kill
  innocents due to a faction of people taking refuge there. But how else to
  to him?
  Its just a big dilemna...Does innocent Afgannies (sp?) dying mean justice
  us if we get the man responsble??
 Hi Jennifer. I understand your concerns. However, IMHO, if a country or
 organization deliberately houses/harbors/shelters those who would do
 like this, then all bets are off...
 Think about it this way...say it is the leading candidate right now, and he
 in Afghanistan. We go in, do what is necessary, and as is the case many
 (he will be hiding in some place with innocents around him, shielding him,
 like Hussein) some innocents die...BUT next year, this man, this monster is
 not able to repeat his actions and kill 10,000 or a 100,000 (what if he had
 used chemical agents? Do you think he is too moral to do that?) Is the gain
 not worth it?
 (all this is a supposing it is you-know-who scenario)
 I fully agree its a very hard subject and I have mixed emotions as well, but
 fully support the action that REMOVES this threat.
  An interesting note on todays events.It's international peace day.
  help us.
 There's some serious irony for you... ;-(

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Re: [newbie] Choosing flavors and Window Managers

2001-09-07 Thread James S Bear

I'll tell you that I am planning on going 'school-wide' with Linux.  But it's a
gradual process.  and we're a small organization.  In our school, we have one
computer lab with  20 machines and about 3-4 machines in every classroom. The
lab is completely linux now, with all but two of t eh machines bootable to
Windows.   With the kids, when they hit 7th grade, they're mine and I teach them
linux right away.  They love it.  The teachers are different.  Even though I
taught them how to boot into linux or windows in the pre-school inservice, most
of them can't get tha figured out.  then, when it comes to having them find a
word processing document or even surf the internet, they have problems.  Still,
as we get new machines, these linux machines are going to be forced into the
classrooms and they are going to have to learn how to use them.  Eventually they
will.  They learned windows when I pushed out the macs.  It wasn't much

As far as teh different window managers and versions of linux, they are not that
different.  Last year, we used redhat on a couple of machines.  This year, the
kids that did that new exactly how to use mandrake.  Some of the kids use gnome,
some use kde, some use blackbox.  They seem to take that transition easily.  

Then again, my business is teaching.  I have all year to do that.  
Quoting Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm not sure I truly understand the advantages of all these different
 flavors of linux.  I understand that Debian is the super secure, and
 Mandrake is the super friendly, and Redhat is enterprise oriented. But what
 I find is that flavors mean non-standard directories and other nuances. 
 only linux part of a flavor is the kernel. This is actually pretty
 annoying because one can never truely say I know linux in a deep sense;
 all one really knows is one's particular flavor of linux.  My impression is
 that if you switched flavors on somebody they would be nearly as lost as
 they would be if you switched their PC for a MAC even though it's still
 linux.  Is this flavor thing good for linux in a long term sense?  
 This goes for window managers too: if the Window Manager is the gateway to
 the system switching WMs on somebody is pretty close to switching the OS on
 One of the main reasons that I bring this up is if you were to choose to
 deploy linux desktops for your company, you should probably think long an
 hard about the flavor and the WM that you are going to standardize on
 because if you let people run different WMs willy nilly (much less flavors)
 it would be a adminstrative nightmare.
 You can't really count (never will be able to count) on any baseline
 functionality of access points amongs WMs can you...?
 Has anyone deployed linux desktop company-wide before?  Do you have any
 juicey stories to tell about what worked and what didn't?

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[newbie] keyboarding

2001-09-05 Thread James S Bear

This year, at our small rural North Dakota school, we pretty much have made the 
change to Linux in our computer lab.  There is one problem, though, the fifth 
and sixth grade teacher wants to bring her kids in to practice their 
keyboarding skills.  I don't want to buy windows for these machines so that 
they can run Mavis Beacon.  Does anybody know of a keyboarding program for 
linux?  It doesn't have to be a real good one.  Anything will do.


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RE: [newbie] keyboarding

2001-09-05 Thread James S Bear

Thank you very much to all who responded.  I will be checking them out.
Quoting Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 check some of these out:
  -Original Message-
  From: James S Bear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:06 AM
  Subject: [newbie] keyboarding
  This year, at our small rural North Dakota school, we pretty 
  much have made the 
  change to Linux in our computer lab.  There is one problem, 
  though, the fifth 
  and sixth grade teacher wants to bring her kids in to practice their 
  keyboarding skills.  I don't want to buy windows for these 
  machines so that 
  they can run Mavis Beacon.  Does anybody know of a 
  keyboarding program for 
  linux?  It doesn't have to be a real good one.  Anything will do.

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Re: [newbie] Damn Radeon

2001-08-14 Thread James S Bear

I thought that was Radon, no e.
Quoting Richie de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Remember when having Radeon in your basement was a bad thing?
 But more to the point, has anyone out there had any success using an ATI 
 Radeon AGP card with Xwindows 4.1.0?
 X starts up and runs, it even starts KDE but there is absolutely no video 
 signal (I know KDE starts because that pompous little symphony starts up-- I
 gotta switch that off someday...).  Without the video signal the monitor just
 switches into power-saving mode.  If it was a bad refresh setting, the 
 monitor would go wonky or give me a warning, or so I figure.
 Since there's multi-outputs on this card (SVGA, LCD and CATV) I'm wondering
 if the radeon driver needs to know which output to use-- any suggestions out

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[newbie] reiser vs.ext2

2001-08-14 Thread James S Bear

I've been listening to your file system talks and have come to the conclusion
that reiser is better.  Is it not for any reason?  I have a bunch of machines
all formatted ext2.  Is there a way to convert it to reiser without
reformatting?  I went into linuxconf and just changed the filesystem type on my
/home partition, just to see what would happen.  It seems that nothing happened.
 What can I do? Anything?

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Re: [newbie] Floppy CD work fine, then not

2001-08-13 Thread James S Bear

A little trick I learned, from a command line:
supermount -i disable

Locks should be gone.

Apparently(somebody could clear this up for me)there is a bug in supermount?
Quoting Donnie Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What does your fstab look like for your floppy drive and cdrom?  I had the 
 same problem you are having.  To solve my problems I got rid of the 
 supermount option and changed the lines for my cdrom.  Can you post your 
 From: Mitchell, Edmund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Floppy  CD work fine, then not
 Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 15:31:36 -0700
 Hello all
 I have two boxes running LM8, and the floppies  CDROM's
 in each work great for about two hours, then not.
 If I cd /mnt/floppy, I get an error message like:
 bash: cd: /mnt/floppy:  Input/Output Error
 In the graphical file browser, it shows my floppy and
 CD as having little locks on them, and if I click on them,
 (even from a superuser window) it says I don't have enough
 permissions, although a check of the permissions reveals
 that they are wide open.
 I tried umounting then mounting as root, and that allowed
 me to go a place called /mnt/floppy, but it was not my
 floppy, because there were no files there, and the floppy
 drive had made no sound, so it was clear the system didn't
 even try to access it.
 The floppy disk in question worked 1 minute later on a
 Caldera box...
 Thanks for any help
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Re: [newbie] Floppy CD work fine, then not

2001-08-13 Thread James S Bear

Right.  And that's what mine do when supermount is working.  Sometimes, though,
it does not and those locks do not come off.  When supermount is disabled, I
never see locks.
Quoting Peter Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I don't know if this helps,
 My CD and floppy behave just as you describe when the drives are empty (ie 
 Input/Output error, you do not have access rights, little padlocks showing)
 However when I insert media into the drive the locks go away and everything
 works fine.
 My fstab lines are:-
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 On Monday 13 August 2001 04:04, James S Bear wrote:
  A little trick I learned, from a command line:
  supermount -i disable
  Locks should be gone.
  Apparently(somebody could clear this up for me)there is a bug in
  supermount? jim
  Quoting Donnie Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   What does your fstab look like for your floppy drive and cdrom?  I had
   the same problem you are having.  To solve my problems I got rid of the
   supermount option and changed the lines for my cdrom.  Can you post
   From: Mitchell, Edmund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: [newbie] Floppy  CD work fine, then not
   Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 15:31:36 -0700
   Hello all
   I have two boxes running LM8, and the floppies  CDROM's
   in each work great for about two hours, then not.
   If I cd /mnt/floppy, I get an error message like:
   bash: cd: /mnt/floppy:  Input/Output Error
   In the graphical file browser, it shows my floppy and
   CD as having little locks on them, and if I click on them,
   (even from a superuser window) it says I don't have enough
   permissions, although a check of the permissions reveals
   that they are wide open.
   I tried umounting then mounting as root, and that allowed
   me to go a place called /mnt/floppy, but it was not my
   floppy, because there were no files there, and the floppy
   drive had made no sound, so it was clear the system didn't
   even try to access it.
   The floppy disk in question worked 1 minute later on a
   Caldera box...
   Thanks for any help
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RE: [newbie] Floppy CD work fine, then not

2001-08-13 Thread James S Bear

You won't lose functionality, I don't believe.  I believe it is a security
thing.  I've been running mine this way for quite some time based on advice from
somebody from this list.  But, you'll notice, there are a lot of i believes in
my advice.  Please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Quoting Mitchell, Edmund [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks to both of you, I will try those tips.
 What is supermount?  What is it trying to do?
 What will disabling it do to my system?  What functionality 
 will I lose, and how can I replace it, or work around it's
 Thanks again!
 P.S. -Donnie, I brought my fstab to work with me today to post,
 and now I can't find it.  I'll post it tonight, if that's OK...
 -Original Message-
 From: James S Bear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 11:05 PM
 To: Donnie Green
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Floppy  CD work fine, then not
 A little trick I learned, from a command line:
 supermount -i disable
 Locks should be gone.
 Apparently(somebody could clear this up for me)there is a bug in
 Quoting Donnie Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  What does your fstab look like for your floppy drive and cdrom?  I had
  same problem you are having.  To solve my problems I got rid of the 
  supermount option and changed the lines for my cdrom.  Can you post your 
  From: Mitchell, Edmund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] Floppy  CD work fine, then not
  Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 15:31:36 -0700
  Hello all
  I have two boxes running LM8, and the floppies  CDROM's
  in each work great for about two hours, then not.
  If I cd /mnt/floppy, I get an error message like:
  bash: cd: /mnt/floppy:  Input/Output Error
  In the graphical file browser, it shows my floppy and
  CD as having little locks on them, and if I click on them,
  (even from a superuser window) it says I don't have enough
  permissions, although a check of the permissions reveals
  that they are wide open.
  I tried umounting then mounting as root, and that allowed
  me to go a place called /mnt/floppy, but it was not my
  floppy, because there were no files there, and the floppy
  drive had made no sound, so it was clear the system didn't
  even try to access it.
  The floppy disk in question worked 1 minute later on a
  Caldera box...
  Thanks for any help
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 Ignorance is underrated

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Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Thread James S Bear

Last time I said this, a lot of people yelled at me, but download a utility from
the drive manufacturer and do a low-level format.
Quoting Greg Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives, but
 it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that was
 formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the drive
 again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not sure why this
 happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even went as
 far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and create a
 new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd off a boot
 floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it, then tried the
 installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing at the beginning
 of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. Anyway, anyone else
 having this problem?

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Intel 810 accelerated i810 X server

2001-08-07 Thread James S Bear

Before you hear what I have to say, I would take it to heart that graphics 
acceleration has never been an extremely high priority on my end.  
I've got two machines with an 810 video card and four with an 815(I believe is 
basically the same).  When I first installed mandrake, the first thing I wanted 
to do was play tux racer.  It was horrible.  Choppy.  I couldn't make it past 
the first level because I couldnt see what was coming next.  However, when I 
rebooted, it was fine.  It was the same with all my intel boards.  Why?  I 
don't know.  Logic?  Somebody who knows more about it than me might know.
Quoting Ant 'DS Boulton' Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Mandrake 8 happily picked up my i810 onboard video, one thing however, 
 i think the gl support or 3d support isn't too snappy, and so i looked 
 into it at intel's site (bless their hearts =P)
 and they had an X version for d/l that would support the i810 better, 
 and so forth.
 i d/l the file, also d/l a rpm that contained the intel agpgart module, 
 and some instructions (linux_release.pdf)
 i believe (a search of i810 linux at will get you 
 there). anyhoo, after following the instructions
 it says to recompile the agpgart rpm, but whenever i type rpm 
 --recompile i810etcetc.rpm it just spits
 out the rpm parameters.
 if anyone has ANY ideas, i would be muchly muchly obliged.
 basically, i just want my X server to pick up my graphics so i can have 
 a hope at possibly having a game of
 Q3 or CounterStrike or something with decent acceleration.
 cheers to all,

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] portmap services

2001-08-07 Thread James S Bear

One of my machines, an AMD 1.2 ghz processor box with 256 mb of ram, a SCSI 
drive, two NICs, and an optical logitech mouse(It's just fun to give specs, 
okay?)Has problems shutting down.

It always hangs on Shutting Down Portmap Services.

I've got a hunch it has to do with two NICs.  Regardless, I don't use portmap 
services and have no need to shut it down.  Where can I find the shutdown 


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Re: [newbie] Win2k

2001-08-06 Thread James S Bear

I would think, and I really hope somebody corrects me if I'm wrong, but I am
confident that you could install W2K, without touching HDB, and then reinstall
linux without formatting anything and it should  get you back and running
without messing with any of your files.  There is probably an easier way, like
just running a fdisk /mbr under fat, but if you do not format any of your
partitions, you should not have any problems this way, either.
Quoting Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have win98 of HDA and linux on HDB. I want to format my Fat32
 partition and install Win2k on it. Will lilo still work or will WIn2k
 kill it and if so, how can I restore Lilo?

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Mandrake and pci/ide adapter cards

2001-08-06 Thread James S Bear

I don't believe it would be a hassle to put the web page on the ide drive, but
the reason scsi's are expensive is because they are faster.  They have, in
effect, a processor of their own with their own memory and are much better at
translating data.  If your web server is going to have a lot of traffic, it's
probably not wise to use an IDE
Quoting Mark E. Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 We've got an IBM netfinity server with SCSI, and an extra Maxtor 80gb drive
 lying around.
 If I put in an pci/ide adapter card, and use the 80 gig drive on this
 machine, will Mandrake/Linux 8.0 be able to recognize it?
 And more importantly, would it be a big hassle to configure Mandrake to use
 that drive to hold webpages and user accounts, as opposed to the smaller boot
 Them SCSI drives are eeexpensive!

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Maybe I am under-paranoid or under-informed or something, but all this talk of
viruses is getting to me as well.  I see the time spent worrying about viruses
as being better spent backing up data or playing with kids or something.  People
spend more time and money (not as accurate in the linux world) on viruses than
they would ever spend fixing a virus problem.  I've been doing this computer
stuff for about 5 years now and have never had an anti-virus program or a virus. 

Just a thought
Quoting alan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi All
 All this talk of viruses is getting to me.
 Which virus programme do I need, if any at all. Here is my system:
 My machine - stand alone mdk8.0, at home, dialup isp. Using kmail with direct
 pop connection to isp to retreive mail and direct smtp connection, in this 
 case to to send mail. The same system is used if I use
 Netscape. No virus programme is used. M$Win98 on hda, mdk8.0 on hdb.
 # The anti virus programmes, it seems to me, are used in conjuction with 
 fetchmail/postfix/sendmail/qmail/procmail/etc where the mail is intercepted
 before being received or sent. Am I right in this assumption?
 # If I am wrong then what is the most efficient way to set up kmail or 
 netscape direct dial system to incorporate virus protection for my linux sys
 and as a secondary consideration, my M$Win98 sys 
 I do have Win98 on my first hd that I occasionally access via linux to 
 retrieve files or archive mdk files. Sometimes I use Win98 directly. I do not
 access the internet form my M$Win98 drive (at the present). 
 # Is it possible for a Win virus to migrate to the win98 hda when accessing
 it using a file manager assuming that I do not directly copy an email or 
 attachment to the Win98 hd? 
 # If I did want to copy the contents of an email to the M$win hd would it be
 okay if the contents where copied to a text file and the text file copied 
 across for use in say Corel WP8, I do not use M$ Office at all, at all!
 # Recently however I archived my kmail and netscape 'mail box' on the win98
 hda whilst I changed the file sys over to reisersFS - could a problem arise
 in a case like this?
 Sorry for the verbosity but I sometimes think that I have all straightened up
 in my mind when one of the mails on the list says, /var/spool/mail/ . . . ,
 then I know that the list is talking about something else and not a direct 
 connection to the Internet from the mail programme.
 Thanks and regards
 Alan Smith
 PS just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly?

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt directory,
right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it, too).  If linux
isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then
install linux.  

If linux is installed and windows isn't in the mnt directory, use linuxconf to
access a local drive and find it--and delete it.

If windows is a boot option, you can go into Mandrake Control Center(if it's
mandrake) and then pick boot--once you are in your boot options, click advanced.
 Here, you will see windows.  click it, modify it, and remove it.

That's how I'd do it, but I'm pretty new at this.

 I re-installed my computer and decided that I didn't want win95 any more. I
 was wondering how can I make sure windows is totally gone?
 Any idea's would be helpful.
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Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Children's software is a good reason to leave w95 on your box.

 I am happy to say that win95 is gone. Now My wife used the computer last
 night. She complained about the fonts in netscape so I will have to fix this.
 I will also have to find out howto ajust the time as my clock says 8:22 am
 and it is 8:22 pm right now. I am useing gnome.
 Is there educational software out there for children?
 Were can I find a good flight sim that will work on mandrake 7.2.
 My computer is a 6x86 cyrix p200
 harddrive 1 gig
 harddrive 6 gig
 40 megs ram
 4mb video
 32X cd
 supra express 33.6k modem
 Any idea's on software for children espcially would be helpful.
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Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Quoting Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But how
 do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
 /var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
 message when i click on the link, my link is:
 http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Isn't your index.html filein /var/www/html/?

If so, your file should be in /var/www/html/
Then, it should work just like your index file.

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie]

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

My logitech optical wheel mice work fine.  I had them on on install, but I think
using harddrake they are easily configurable.
Quoting Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Seeun William Umboh wrote:
  I have got LM8.0 and Logitech Mouse Wheel Optical. Everything is working
  great but the wheel isn't working. How do I get it to work? Browsing
  the wheel is really troublesome.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 There is an 'imwheel' rpm on your install
 CD's for the MS Intelli Mouse.  It may also
 work for the Logitech.  I haven't tried it
 myself because I have a 3 button mouse.  
 Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about
this come with a file attached in *.pif format?  If so, I think I got it.  Maybe
I have had viruses and just didn't know it.  What does this virus do?
Quoting Judith Miner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Alan wrote:
  just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly? 
 You don't panic at all. In order to get infected, you have to open the
 attachment that contains the virus. I assume you don't open attachments
 you weren't expecting to get and that you check ALL attachments,
 regardless of file type or who sent them, with at least one up-to-date
 antivirus program before you open them. SirCam comes with an odd e-mail
 message--something like hi  I'd like your advice about this (I don't
 remember the exact wording).
 I've gotten messages with SirCam attachments, AnnaK, ILoveYou, and
 everything else that's made the news, but have never opened a single one
 and have never had a virus in 14 years of using computers.
  --Judy Miner

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] X server troubles

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

I don't think it's that your questions are stupid or that this is volunteer
work, I think it's that the people who would respond are not exactly sure how to
solve your problem, so they haven't responded.  I know that's true in my case.
Quoting Gonzalix le Druide [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi all !
 I have posted some problems here without answer. I know this is a
 volonteer work, and may be my questions were too stupids, but I will
 appreciate some attention because I'm on stall for many weeks.
 I have LM 7.2 on a Pentium II. I've had many problems. Right now is the
 X server. As my monitor didn't work with XFree, some guru told me to
 install the FBDev server. I succeded once, but after some manipulations
 with DrakConf on KDE I had a mess. So I reinstalled. Then I can't make X
 work, even with the installation of FBDev.
 I'll appreciate any ideas
 G le D

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] virtual hosting

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

My apache web server is working fine. We are a public school and we have a
domain issued by the state.  So, this works great.  I set my server name to www,
and then my web page comes up with whatever).  It's accessible
and everything is grand.

However, now I would like to set up at least one virtual host.  What we wanted
to do is set up a page for the community with it's own domain name.  We
purchased it and told to point the name at our whatever) and also gave them our IP address (not at
dotster, they didn't let us, but for a different domain for experimental

Using netconf, I created virtual hosts of the domain names that we purchased and
gave them directory.  For the longest time, when I typed httpd restart, it would
hang and then say it couldn't resolve the host of my virtual directory.

So, then, I created virtual IP numbers and modified  the /etc/hosts file.  I put:

192.168.10 www
192.168.11 www (in both cases using the actual domains we

Now, httpd restarts fine.  But the web site still doesn't start.  Why not?

Anybody know?


Ignorance is underrated

RE: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Civileme said a low-level format might do more harm than good if it was a
potentially bad drive.  However, this is the best way to return the drive to
factory status.  If it's a good drive, it does much good and is quite often the
only way to restore a drive.

If a person formats using fat or ntfs or ext2 over and over again, eventually
your drive will come up as being non-existent.  I've done this several times and
the only way to restore it is doing a low-level format.  Sometimes, as well, a
Linux distro will not recognize a FAT partition if it is slightly corrupt or
vice versa and the only way I have found to do get rid of it is to do a
low-level format.  

I have found that doing a low-level format always ensures that the operating
system will operate smoothly.  I have never had it damage anything.

I am only talking from experience, but I am quite certain that's the best education.

It's a public list, there's no butting in involved.

Quoting Adams, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sorry to butt in here... are we all sure about this low-level format
 thing? im sure i heard civileme say that it can do more damage than good
 in certain circumstances.
 If you are going to stick with Linux and get rid of Windows im sure that
 the standard format in the Mandrake install process will do the job just
 Just a thought, correct me if im wrong..
-- Jamie
 Sent:01 August 2001 02:46
 Subject: Re: [newbie] win95 gone
 If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt
 right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it, too).  If
 isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then
 install linux.  
 If linux is installed and windows isn't in the mnt directory, use
 access a local drive and find it--and delete it.
 If windows is a boot option, you can go into Mandrake Control Center(if
 mandrake) and then pick boot--once you are in your boot options, click
  Here, you will see windows.  click it, modify it, and remove it.
 That's how I'd do it, but I'm pretty new at this.
  I re-installed my computer and decided that I didn't want win95 any more.
  was wondering how can I make sure windows is totally gone?
  Any idea's would be helpful.
  Get your own FREE E-mail address at
  Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!
 Ignorance is underrated
 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.
 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Strange X problem I have never had before. (damn thing crashed again.)

2001-07-27 Thread James S Bear

I've had this same problem.  The only way I've found to cure it is to do a
low-level format and start all over.  This brings to my mind a question:

How efficient is the formatting of ext2?  Compared to a dos format, it takes
next to no time.  I've always been taught that haste makes waste, but I
understand that possibly it is just easier to format ext2.  Can anybody explain
to me why it takes so much less time to format ext2?

Quoting Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi guys,
 just wondering if anyone can give me any ideas on this:
 The system:
 200 Ppro
 64mb ram.
 S3Virge 2MB
 The Problem:
 System boots in vga=788 mode with Aurora perfectly.
 when starting x, (after using drakconf and trying progressively lower res
 and color) the system locks up tight..
 monitor starts flashing no sync signal and CTRL-ALT-DEL, or
 CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE or anything else works either..
 altough the number lock and caps key lights are still working, so it
 look like a total lockup..
 can't switch to another terminal either..
 Latest problem, after another crash, this time haing tried 640x480 bit,,,
 the system is reporting this no boot (unsucessful boot I might add.
 INIT: version 2.78 booting
 INIT: /etc/inittab[6]: id field too long (max 4 characters)
 INIT: /etc/inittab[7]: id missing action field
 a heap of other stuff like that,,, then :
 Enter runlevel:
 no mater what I select, it tells me INIT: no more processes left on this
 anyone know how to fix that? I have just reinstalled this thing 3 times,
 don't want to make it 4 if it can be avoided..
 The daft thing was, I had KDE running perfectly, had upgraded the kernel to
 2.2.19 and did all my usual config stuff..
 Then I tried to load aurora, got that working, then X disappeared, and now
 it appears that I have had a data coruption as well.
 This is not going well at all...
 any help, suggestions, general cursing,, anything at all is most welcome..

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] webmin, portmappin

2001-07-27 Thread James S Bear

WEll, because I have been a windows person for a couple of years and old habits
are hard to break, I rebooted to see if that would help my webmin dilemma.  

When it went to reboot, on its way down, it froze at the portmapping shutdown. 
I don't know why, but got a hunch they are related.

When the machine started back up, I had the same issue.

anybody using comanche?

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] webmin

2001-07-27 Thread James S Bear

I've got my webserver running, sorta, but I am really not a command prompt type
of person.  Can anybody tell me how to run webmin?

I tried typing it from the command line, but it tells me from a browser go to

Okay, I did that.  In Konqueror, now it tells me that connection to localhost is
broken.  Okay.  So, then in type in my localhost:901 for CUPS, it works fine.  

Well, I did a bit of exploring and ran the install for webmin, but it still does
the same thing.  


I don't know.  Do you?

I did issue a start command with success.  

Mozilla tells me that transfer completed, but it stays at the previous page.

help, please.

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] locked drives

2001-07-26 Thread James S Bear

This sounds like a lie, but it really is not.  I expressed my sadness about the
fact that I filtered some of you intelligent linuxers out of my e-mail.  Then, I
posted a few questions and have yet to receive a response.  I am sure somebody
did, but Ifiltered them out.  For this reason, I have been trying to de-filter
my mail,but I have no control over the mail server because I am part of an
educational institution.  Their server is not allowing this at this time.  

So, please, I would really appreciate a response from somebody who did not
respond before.  My CDRom and my floppy drive keeps getting locked.  I manage to
unlock them by different maneuverings of fstab or mounting and unmounting, but
it gets to be a pain and I would really like to know why this occurs and how I
can fix it more easily.  I would appreciate any response.


Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] root user is no-no?

2001-07-25 Thread James S Bear

I just use root.  In fact, my four year old uses root.  Of course, once my wife
deleted /etc, but never did anything happen that a simple reinstallwouldn't
Quoting Robert MacLean

 I've seen every Linux book and manual and doc say that using the
 machine as Root is a big no-no.
 All suggest creating an extra user. Okay I create extra user. But what
 should his settings be? What group should he belong to? I'm hoping
 that there is something as powerful as root (so I don't get messages
 that say please log in as root - or only a few messages), but I can't
 stuff up my machine.
 Many Thanx
 Robert MacLean

Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] locked drives

2001-07-25 Thread James S Bear

I've got something that is really starting to irritate me.  It seems like quite
often, for whatever reason I just don't know, that my floppy and my CDRom drive
gets 'locked' and I cannot access it.  I go through and do my things like mount
and unmount it and delete stuff out of fstab and eventually get them to unlcok,
but I want to know of the proper way to do this and why does this happen?


Ignorance is underrated

[newbie] httpd, proftpd, squid, innd

2001-07-24 Thread James S Bear

Okay, I am still a bad kid, but I have another question.  On my box, httpd,
proftpd, squid, and innd do not start.  They cannot start at boot or using the

I believe the problem is that my DNS server isn't working--at least correctly. 
In North Dakota, all the schools are connected in a nice big network.  My NT
server has an address of

When my machine set itself up, it gave me as the search
domain.  It gave me the proper IPs as well.  Now, from my machine, I can try to
ping monty-server, and it works--without listing the domain, just monty-server.  

My linux box that I am working with then, I assigned a host name as 

Thought it wowould work.

I can't ping it from anywhere.  I don't have any IP addresses assigned to it,
because our big server uses DHCP(and this is why I need MAC addresses).  But I
did try to ping it from the dynamic IP given to it and it does work.  I can
connect to the internet and my printers fine.  Ihaven't tried doing any of the
network sharing as of yet.  I thought it was probably necessary to get this
resolved first.  

Any help would be great.

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] and dsl lan setup question

2001-07-24 Thread James S Bear

You know, I am sure this is what they said and it may be true, but if that
external dsl modem costs more, I would get the PCI card.  I think the problem
isthat they don't want to do any supporting of anything other than windows, but
other than that VIA chipset, I haven't come across anything that worked on
Windows that didn't work on Linux.  But, that's just me.
Quoting Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 As a current user of Qwest dsl, I was told (before I signed up) that the 
 internal modem they supply is Windows-compatible *only*, and that I would 
 need to get the external dsl modem if I wanted to work with any non-Windows
 OS. This is what I did, and everything works fine. The DSL modem/router 
 becomes your default gateway, as well as dhcp server, so you can get rid of
 any fixed IP addresses on your LAN. All PCs on the network then access the 
 Internet directly through the gateway (the dsl modem).
 My dsl config is Qwest Deluxe service, always connected, using ppp and a 
 dynamic IPP address. I can upgrade to a static IP at any time. Don't get 
 the cheaper Select service, as it will hang up on you every two hours -- 
 unless that's not a problem. My wife does freelance web design from home, 
 so she needs a stable connection.
 Dave Sherman
 At 11:14 PM 7/23/01 -0500, Dave wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am so happy--- just configured my very first network! (Other
 than AS400 stuff) I am definatley a newbie when it comes to networks so
 please forgive me if this seems like a silly question..
 I have just connected to the internet using my linux mandrake 7.2
 and set it up to share the connection made with the internal us robotics
 modem it has in it.  I successfully connected with my box to the 3
 com hub with my 3 com ethernet card..
 I also connected to my hub with a laptop running win98 with a pcmcia
 cardand i can connect thru the Mandrake box.and surf the net.
 with the laptop and the linux is so
 cool(If you can't tell I am having a lot of fun right now!  :)
 ANYWAYhere is my question...(finally--sorry for the long
 story.. but I was just really happy!)
 I am in the process of getting dsland was wondering if
 mandrake box could work the same way it is now with the 56k modem? I am
 that the modem I will get from qwest will be a pci type... (will
 work?)  or do I have to get an external dsl modem for this?
 Mandrake was definately easy to set up for internet sharing.. I
 hope it is as easy to use dsl as it was the 56k modem.
 This is going to end up as a basic 4 computer home network sharing 1 dsl
 through a 3com hub(If that makes more sense)
 Any ideas / suggestion / comments / internet links / recommended
 reading... will be read with great appreciation!
 Registered LInux User #204085
 M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question.
 The answer is Linux !
 ...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
 foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
 and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
 (1 Cor 1:23-24)

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Sound Card and Printers

2001-07-24 Thread James S Bear

Good.  IF you do not have CUPS, install it.
Then, I run it through netscape by typing in http://localhost:631/, I have found
that if immediately after installing CUPS, this doesn't work.  I am sure there
is something you could change to make it work, but to me it is easier just to

Once you have the CUPS administration tool running, click on 'printers'.  From
here, you can add a printer.  You can give it whatever name you want.  

From here, you click continue and you have to pick a device.  What works for me,
even though I have HP JetDirect cards, is to pick lpd/lpr host or printer.

Here, it asks for the URL.  It says lpd already, append to lpd and make it
lpd:// whatever the IP address would be)

Then, you have to pick the models and such of your printer.  You should then be
done.  If you do this on one computer that is on all the time, that is all you
should have to do to your system if your DNS is working properly.  Mine isn't,
so right now I have done this to all my computers and the printers on other
computers show up, but I can't print to them.  It is irritating stuff.  But I am
sure you are better off than me on this subject.
Quoting Alwan Sadagopan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yeah the printers do have an IP address.
 James S Bear wrote:
 Do the printers have an IP address?
 Quoting Alwan Sadagopan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 A couple of clarifications:
 1. Sound Card - When i configure my sound card using sndconfig my sound 
 card gets detected by the utility. It then displays a message that it 
 plays a 8 bit sound for test purposes. The problem occured here - the 
 voice kept on repeating and the system hung with keyboard and mouse both 
 not responding.
 2. Printer - How do i configure printers? All the printers in my office 
 are a part of a domain in a Win NT network. How do i configure for these 
 Ignorance is underrated

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

Java works fine.  In fact, Opera was the first browser to support java 2, as far
as I know, but I know it was before netscape or explorer
Quoting Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hash: SHA1
 Opera 5 for Linux works great for me, although I think Java does not work 
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25, thus spake Ravi Malghan:
   Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which
  comes with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some
  applets. I tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes
  very often.  Does anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 - -- 
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

Ignorance is underrated 

Re: [newbie] One boot off and one boot on

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

W2K first, but to make life easier, format the drive as FAT32, not NTFS.  The
mandrake installer will make it simple to dual boot.  don't try the MS dual boot
with Mandrake, as far as I can see, it's not even an option.
Quoting idea.list [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Can anyone help please?
 I installed mandrake on an old 32mByte machine with two hd's. I have win98
 on first (8gig)hd and put linux on second (4gig)hd.  Linux did not work so
 am going to reinstall it on my main 512mByte, 17gig machine.  I Intend to
 partition the 17gig and dual boot with win2000pro/linux.
 On the old machine, I have tried to reclaim the 4gig harddrive and give it
 back to win98.  Have deleted  formatted the hd but did not know how to
 immobilize the dual boot process - I thought I would deal with that later.
 That time has now arrived :-) When I now boot the machine the dual boot
 does not appear and it simply boots to display grub as the prompt.
 Please bear in mind that I am completely stupid where linux is concerned
 not much better at windows (although I did my stint with assembler, c and
 basic in the 8080 days - had to put that in :-) - don't like to appear too
 stupid )
 My questions:
 On the old machine, how do I immobilize the dual boot process, get rid of
 the grub prompt, and simply boot straight into windows?
 On my new machine: will an 8gig partition be large enough for mandrake 8
 do I install mandrake first and win2000 second (win2000 sets up multi boot
 with w98 fine but will it recognise or 'see' linux) or, do I wait until I
 learn how to set up multi boot from within linux?  Obviously I would prefer
 that win2000 does it for me so that I can then get into linux quickly and
 start to learn all these clever linux things :) It's a chicken and egg
 situation if win2000 won't 'do the dual bit' for me.
 Help appreciated
 Sorry if the above is a bit garbled.
 Dave S.

Ignorance is underrated 

[newbie] Printing

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

I've got a printer on the network with an IP address.  How do I print to it?  It
is an HP color laserjet 4500 N.


Ignorance is underrated 

[newbie] dial-up

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

Not only do I have two NIC cards on my machine, but I also have a 56K modem. 
Into my network, I have a T1 line.  How can I configure my machine so that I can
dial into it and get the internet service?

Ignorance is underrated 

Re: [newbie] RE: Use of Linux (in public schools)

2001-07-17 Thread James S Bear

We're a very, very small school but have about 1 machine for every 2 kids K-
12.  Last year, all of our PC's were dual boot, winders and redhat.  This year, 
I switched to Mandrake and our new machines are straight mandrake.  Dropping 
winders on the new ones saved enough cash to buy another PC.  I like that.

  All of Mexico and Montpelier Public School in Montpelier, ND--where I
   All of Mexico
 I read on that they also go after a similar setup
 that is based in Australia. A PC's for the poorest project, bringing
 PC's to the poor people (with winders installed) for free. And M$ wants
 a large fee from these poor people.
 Unfortunately the article disappeared from the register site.

Ignorance is underrated