[newbie-it] configurazione mouse

2001-01-23 Per discussione Mario Vittorio Guenzi

Buongiorno a tutti,
non riesco a configurare il mouse intellimouse della Microsoft,
se vado in drak config lo riporta come tipo ma anche se lo clicco per
assegnarlo lui si comporta come un normalissimo mouse senza la rotellina
che e' d'un comodo...
Qualcuno ha avuto e risolto lo stesso problema?

Re: [newbie-it] Settaggio monitor

2001-01-23 Per discussione Francesco Fabbri

Se come molti sfortunati (me compreso) hai un Brilliance 105 "di prima
generazione" (quelli senza menu sullo schermo) allora devi sapere che:
1)  un buon monitor, con tempi di latenza molto brevi (ci consente,
smanettando, di aumentare leggermente le prestazioni della scheda video) ma
diversi da quelli dei Brilliance con OSD; di conseguenza,
2) durante l'installazione di Linux, non devi scegliere "Brilliance 105" ma
cercare il monitor con il numero di modello giusto (lo trovi sul retro del
monitor); in tal modo,
3) ottieni una immagine discreta a 1024x768 ( solo un po' piccola), mentre le
altre risoluzioni sono sballate. Per  un punto di partenza...
4) La Philips dichiara che il monitor  "programmabile", ma non ti dice come
farlo, se non con l'apposito programmino (che temo sia solo per Win).
5) La soluzione pi comoda pare sia costituita dall'uso del suddetto
programmino, attraverso WINE, in modo da modificare alla bisogna la taratura del
monitor impostata dalla configurazione automatica Linux (col giusto modello di
monitor - vedi sopra).
E se ti chiedi come mai non ti invio semplicemente il file di configurazione, la
risposta  semplice: non ho ancora avuto il tempo di completare il punto (5) e
chiss se mai l'avr.
Di conseguenza, se riesci a farlo, ti sar grato se me lo invii tu!
In bocca al lupo.

Francesco Fabbri

P.S.: Se qualcuno fosse al corrente di nuovi parametri di impostazioni, batta un

Francesco Speranza wrote:

 ho come monitor un Philips 105 brillance ma non riesco a centrare
 perfettamente lo schermo in quanto questo e' spostato leggermente a destra
 nascondendo la barra di scorrimento costringendomi ogni volta a spostare le
 finestre verso sinistra . Ho provato a selezionare con drakconfig altri
 monitor ma il risultato  lo stesso . . Se seleziono il mio modello di
 schermo,  il video si deforma ancora di piu'.La scheda grafica  una  NVIDIA
 TNT2 64.
 Ho notato che per pochi secondi prima che venga effettuato il test video lo
 schermo risulta perfettamente normale  quindi ci deve essere una
 soluzione o un settagg io standard che mi consenta di vedere bene . Vi prego
 di aiutarmi .. ho iniziato ha usare Linux solo da poche settimane.

Re: [newbie-it] DVD III

2001-01-23 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

  Ciaoo, grazie della risposta e scusa: Io ho una vodoo3 - 3dfx. Scusa
  l'ignoranza, che e' davvero abissale, cosa vuol dire ridurre il colore a
  bit, e soprattutto, come posso farlo ?
 Puoi lanciare DrakConf e poi Change X resolution (o Cambia risoluzione di
 X, se hai l' italiano).

Qualcosa ho fatto, anche se non mi e' sembrato molto pulito. Al limite ci
ritorno sopra, se vedo che non vado avanti. Comunque qualcosa e' successo, nel
senso che almeno adesso il DVD parte. Il DVD che sto usando e' preso da una
rivista (DVD magazine) in cui c'e' una parte iniziale (la "sigla" della
rivista) che ora si vede bene (non e' piu' distorta), e poi c'e' un film (piu'
altre cosette come le musiche, i backstage, ecc.).

La sigla parte bene, ma poi il tutto si chiude, dando Segmentation fault. Che
manchi il plugin che ho visto citato in qualche mail ?

   Il supporto XVideo dipende dalla tua scheda e relativo driver:
   bene con le matrox ma forse anche con nvidia e ati; io ho una matrox e
   benissimo anche il fullscreen, ora sto provando ad attivare l' uscita
inolre, quando premo il tasto "play" ho in risposta:

error: couldn't find demuxer for DROP A FILE ON XINE
   Ammesso che il dvd si trovi nel lettore :-)) credo che dovresti
   un symlink in questo modo: ln -s /dev/hdx /dev/dvd riferito alla
   del tuo lettore.
  Questo ho provato a farlo, ed effettivamente funziona: a dir la verita'
 il DVD
  che sto cercando di leggere era partito bene, nel senso che leggeva le
  immagini (anche con l'audio!) e poi si fermava. Dopo un po' di volte che
  lanciato ora ha il seguente comportamento: parte, ma l'immagine e' tutta
  distorta, non si vede praticamente nulla. Ho anche segmentation fault,
  molte immagini saltate
 Una domanda un po' ovvia è questa: con Windows li vedi bene? Se non
 sbaglio la vodoo3 non ha il supporto per i dvd (è cominciato dalla 5 mi
 pare) e con Linux si ottiene il massimo solo con XFree 4.01 e le schede
 Matrox, Ati e Nvidia.

Con Windows sono riuscito a vedere il film, anche se ogni tanto ci si perdeva
qualche fotogramma. Il risultato era comunque godibile.

 Puoi controllare quale versione di XFree hai con il comando "XFree86

Questo (ahime') e' il risultato: a proposito, che cos'e XFree ?

[alberto@master alberto]$ XFree86 -version
bash: XFree86: command not found

  Una cosa: io ho un processore Athlon Duron: ma qual e'  il file RPM che
  dovuto scaricare ed installare ? Io ho preso il
  a dir la verita' un po' a caso. Anche tu hai usato lo stesso ? Grazie,
 Questa è la versione per la serie Pentium III ma il Duron essendo
 nuovissimo non so in quale fascia si colloca; se non ricordo male il K7
 era nella famiglia dei 586 quindi al limite prova con questa versione.


 P.S.: dovresti lasciare vuoto il campo Reply to nella configurazione di
 Kmail altrimenti le risposte arrivano direttamente a te invece che alla

Hai ragione, scusa, non sapevo neppure ci fosse. Ho scoperto dov'era, ora
dovrebbe essere sistemato (spero).


[newbie-it] configurazione lilo

2001-01-23 Per discussione luca laghi

Ho un computer su cui ho installato windows 98 e linux 2.16. Vorrei far s
che lilo avviasse di default windows e non linux come attualmente fa. Nel
file lilo.config alla voce default= ho sostituito "linux" con "dos", ma non
ho sortito effetti. Avete qualche consiglio?
Grazie, Luca.

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione lilo

2001-01-23 Per discussione Andrea Celli

luca laghi wrote:
 Ho un computer su cui ho installato windows 98 e linux 2.16. Vorrei far s
 che lilo avviasse di default windows e non linux come attualmente fa. Nel
 file lilo.config alla voce default= ho sostituito "linux" con "dos", ma non
 ho sortito effetti. Avete qualche consiglio?
 Grazie, Luca.

Se, visto la ML list a cui scrivi, hai una Mandrake recente
il loader utilizzato non e` lilo ma Grub.

Quindi devi modificare il file /boot/grub/menu.lst
e lasciar perdere il lilo.conf.

Se per qualche ragione hai lilo, questa e` una vecchia
FAQ che trovi sicuramente su www.ziobudda.net/faq
o siti simili. 
Basta eseguire "lilo" dopo aver modificato lilo.conf.
Operazione non richiesta per grub.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Aiuto : Linux Bloccato e non parte

2001-01-23 Per discussione pacmo

Dunque ho il seguente problema. Ho notato che Apache non partiva perch la
rete non era attiva. L'ho riavviata manualmente ed infatti Apache  partito.
Fatto questo sono andato nei servizi da attivare al boot ed ho attivato la
rete. Quindi ho riavviato.
Quando effettua lo start dei servizi prima mi si  bloccato per circa 20'
poi ho riavviato su : console mouse services, poi al 3 colpo ha passato
senza problemi questa voce e si  bloccato su http-perl (voce che sino a
questa mattina passava senza problemi).
L'unico errore che d in precedenza  :
bringing up eth0 : Determining IP information from etho via dhcpcd (failed)
Cosa debbo fare ?
Attendere sperando che prima o poi superi tutto ed arrivi alla login ?
Esiste un  metodo per saltare l'ostacolo ?
I dischetti di boot li ho fatti
Alla prompt del rescue non so che cavolo scrivere per provare a sistemare.
Pier Antonio

Fw: [newbie-it] Asuscom isdnlink 128k interno

2001-01-23 Per discussione solare

- Original Message -
From: "caterina" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:45 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Asuscom isdnlink 128k interno

 Con Mandrake 7.2 riconosce detta scheda che  interna, per la connessione
 Durante l'installazione configuro per la connessione, ma poi non trovo
 fare a connettermi, anche se clicco su DrakConf, digito la password di
 poi clicco su Configurazione internet e rete locale e subito dopo sono
 connessa a internet con la linea isdn.
 Con kisdn, non riesco a capire, perch dopo che lo avvio la prima volta
 si riavvia pi, in pi non s come funziona e come impostarlo (se deve
 fatto) anche perch dopo il primo riavvio non si apre pi e non si intalla
 Se qualcuno ha un metodo pi semplice per connettersi a internet con la
 isdn con la suddetta scheda, vi prego aiutatemi.
 Con kppp, non riesco ad arrivare alla connessione, sente la linea isdn ma
 arriva a connettersi.

[newbie-it] errore-kppp

2001-01-23 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti sono Lele,
ho da poco installato mandrake 7.2 seguendo la installazione
raccomandata ,dopo aver settato il modem (spero in maniera corretta) un
asuscom isdnlink 128k adapter interno ho cercato di entrare in rete, ma
continua darmi questo segnale
"errore -kppp,errore nel pppd controllare che il pppd sia installato e
che la pach corretta", ho provato un po' di tutto ma non sono riuscito
a combinare niente.Ciao a tutti!

[newbie-it] xine e DVD

2001-01-23 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

dopo un po' di peregrinazioni ho fatto un decisivo passo in avanti,
anche se l'optimum non c'e' ancora. Innanzitutto ho visto che su
xine.sourceforge.net c'e' una nuova release: la 0.3.6. L'ho presa, ho fatto
l'upgrade con

rpm -Uvh xine-0.3.6-0.i686.rpm

ed ho quindi la nuova versione. Ho provato a leggere un DVD, e mentre prima si
fermava solo alla "sigla", ora va avanti, e si riesce a vedere direi bene il
film. Ho notato che pero' balla un po', nel senso che, se magari vado avanti,
il film non procede tranquillamente, ma si vedono alcune immagini e subito
dopo altre immagini di qualche secondo prima.

Se do il comando in una shell compaiono continuamente messaggi del tipo:

[alberto@master src]$ xine
This is xine - a mpeg 1, 2 player v0.3.6 - (c) 2000 by G. Bartsch.
testing for audio driver: alsa oss -(successfully initialized)
Using oss audio output driver.
Xlib:  extension "XVideo" missing on display ":0.0".
Using X Window System shared memory extension for video output.
Using MMX for IDCT transform
Using 3DNOW for motion compensation
input plugin found : /usr/local/lib/xine/plugins/input_dvd.so(input_dvd.so)
input plugin found : /usr/local/lib/xine/plugins/input_file.so(input_file.so)
input plugin found : /usr/local/lib/xine/plugins/input_net.so(input_net.so)
input plugin found : /usr/local/lib/xine/plugins/input_stdin_fifo.so(input_stdin
input plugin found : /usr/local/lib/xine/plugins/input_vcd.so(input_vcd.so)
lb_number : 346
ac3 sampling rate stream: 48000 Hz, output : 48000 Hz (3072 - 3072 samples)
ac3 sampling rate stream: 48000 Hz, output : 48000 Hz (3072 - 3072 samples)
yuv2rgb: 16 bpp, mode : 1
yuv2rgb: using MMX for colorspace transform
video_out : throwing away image with pts 198000 because it's too old (diff : 187
5  1800).
200 frames delivered, 93 frames skipped, 7 frames discarded
video_out : throwing away image with pts 885600 because it's too old (diff : 192
0  1800).
video_out : throwing away image with pts 957600 because it's too old (diff : 246
0  1800).
video_out : throwing away image with pts 975600 because it's too old (diff : 196
5  1800).
200 frames delivered, 81 frames skipped, 28 frames discarded
video_out : throwing away image with pts 1486800 because it's too old (diff : 98
23  1800).
video_out : throwing away image with pts 1641600 because it's too old (diff : 20
53  1800).
video_out : throwing away image with pts 1645200 because it's too old (diff : 27
73  1800).
etc. etc.

Qualcuno sa se vogliono dire qualcosa di importante ?

Re: [newbie-it] Settaggio monitor

2001-01-23 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Caro Francesco ti ringrazio per la tua disponibilit ma ho risolto il
problema brillantemente e spero che cio' che ti sto per dire ti possa
aiutare. Ho risolto il problema con un programma( scoperto dopo ore e ore di
ricerca su gli HOWTO) che  presente in mandrake e che si chiama
xvidtune ; non devi fare altro che digitare  xvidtune da una schermata nera
e ti si presenter' un programma di settaggio( [root@dada /root]# xvidtune )
. Ignora l'avviso di pericolo che ti verr' segnalato su un'altra finestra e
chiudila, nell'altra finestra potrai settare le frequenze orizzontali e
verticali . Nel mio caso , in cui lo schermo era spostato a sinistra ho
aumentato con gli appositi tasti i valori della fraquenza verticale fino ad
ottenere lo schermo perfettamente settato.Una volta raggiunto l'aspetto
desiderato devi copiarti i valori delle frequenze ( nel mio caso ho dovuto
modificare quelle orizzontali ) e inserirli nel file XF86Conf che si trova
in etc/X11, ( fai una copia di riserva mi raccomando prima di provarci
 in caso di blocco del sistema puoi ricopiare l'originale).
L'inserimento lo puoi fare con vim( root@dada /root]#  vim )da un terminale
( basta premere il
tasto " i " e il programma  pronto ad inserire i caratteri da te digitati )
poi salva tutto. Nel mio caso,  che avevo selezionato un monitor 800x600 a
60 mz  ho modificato, nella sezione monitor del XF86Config,  la stringa del
monitor 800x600 con frequenza oriz di 60 correggendo le sole frequenze
orizzontali ( devi modificare solo le due cifre centrali), ho salvato e
riavviato tutto. Adesso il monitor  perfetto.
Ti invio il mio XF86Conf che  settato per una sceda NVIDIA TNT2 64 e
monitor generico 800x600 a 60 mz.
Se hai problemi scrivimi.
A proposito di settaggio ... purtroppo ho problemi con il modem , un ELSA
microlink ISDN esterno, il quale si riesce a connettersi  solo dopo 2-3
tentativi falliti  durante i quali mi da un messaggio di errore 16 .
Qualcuno mi ha consigliato di usare kisdn invece di pppd ma dopo aver
tentato di settare il programma questo non compare piu se richiamato di
nuovo. Potresti aiutarmi a risolvere  questo problema???

   saluti Francesco

- Original Message -
From: "Francesco Fabbri" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Settaggio monitor

 Se come molti sfortunati (me compreso) hai un Brilliance 105 "di prima
 generazione" (quelli senza menu sullo schermo) allora devi sapere che:
 1)  un buon monitor, con tempi di latenza molto brevi (ci consente,
 smanettando, di aumentare leggermente le prestazioni della scheda video)
 diversi da quelli dei Brilliance con OSD; di conseguenza,
 2) durante l'installazione di Linux, non devi scegliere "Brilliance 105"
 cercare il monitor con il numero di modello giusto (lo trovi sul retro del
 monitor); in tal modo,
 3) ottieni una immagine discreta a 1024x768 ( solo un po' piccola),
mentre le
 altre risoluzioni sono sballate. Per  un punto di partenza...
 4) La Philips dichiara che il monitor  "programmabile", ma non ti dice
 farlo, se non con l'apposito programmino (che temo sia solo per Win).
 5) La soluzione pi comoda pare sia costituita dall'uso del suddetto
 programmino, attraverso WINE, in modo da modificare alla bisogna la
taratura del
 monitor impostata dalla configurazione automatica Linux (col giusto
modello di
 monitor - vedi sopra).
 E se ti chiedi come mai non ti invio semplicemente il file di
configurazione, la
 risposta  semplice: non ho ancora avuto il tempo di completare il punto
(5) e
 chiss se mai l'avr.
 Di conseguenza, se riesci a farlo, ti sar grato se me lo invii tu!
 In bocca al lupo.

 Francesco Fabbri

 P.S.: Se qualcuno fosse al corrente di nuovi parametri di impostazioni,
batta un

 Francesco Speranza wrote:

  ho come monitor un Philips 105 brillance ma non riesco a centrare
  perfettamente lo schermo in quanto questo e' spostato leggermente a
  nascondendo la barra di scorrimento costringendomi ogni volta a spostare
  finestre verso sinistra . Ho provato a selezionare con drakconfig altri
  monitor ma il risultato  lo stesso . . Se seleziono il mio modello di
  schermo,  il video si deforma ancora di piu'.La scheda grafica  una
  TNT2 64.
  Ho notato che per pochi secondi prima che venga effettuato il test video
  schermo risulta perfettamente normale  quindi ci deve essere una
  soluzione o un settagg io standard che mi consenta di vedere bene . Vi
  di aiutarmi .. ho iniziato ha usare Linux solo da poche settimane.


Re: [newbie-it] DVD

2001-01-23 Per discussione Francesco M. Landolfi

Sebastiano ...
Aiuto !!!

  inolre, quando premo il tasto "play" ho in risposta:
  error: couldn't find demuxer for DROP A FILE ON XINE

 Ammesso che il dvd si trovi nel lettore :-)) credo che dovresti creare
 un symlink in questo modo: ln -s /dev/hdx /dev/dvd riferito alla posizione
 del tuo lettore.

scusa ma hdx  per che cosa sta

Re: [newbie-it] DVD

2001-01-23 Per discussione Francesco M. Landolfi

  che e' quello che non riesco proprio ad installare
 Per esempio io ho appena scaricato la 0.3.5 di xine e la 0.1.1 del plugin,
 mentre per la 0.3.4 c'era la 0.1.0 ecc

Dimmi, per favore,  dove si reperisce il plug in
e se con questo riesci a vedere tutti i tuoi dvd
francesco m.

Re: [newbie-it] DVD

2001-01-23 Per discussione Francesco M. Landolfi

I Il supporto XVideo dipende dalla tua scheda e relativo driver: funziona
 bene con le matrox ma forse anche con nvidia e ati; io ho una matrox e va
 benissimo anche il fullscreen, ora sto provando ad attivare l' uscita
A parte il fatto che cosi' mi fai morire di invida :))
ho una Voodo 3  agp
ci vogliono i driver ?

 un symlink in questo modo: ln -s /dev/hdx /dev/dvd riferito alla posizione
 del tuo lettore.
Questo l'ho fatto e funzia  ma no fullscreen 
devo isntallare i diriver ?

[newbie-it] Scheda audio FM801: modprobe: can't locate module snd-pcm-oss

2001-01-23 Per discussione mauro

Non riesco a settare il sonoro, ho una scheda 
fortemedia FM801, la quale mi viene riconmosciuta da HardDrake, quando pero' 
cerco di settarla mi dice che "modprobe: can't locate module 
snd-pcm-oss".Cosa devo fare? Qualcuno e' cosi' gentile da spedirmelo e dirmi 
dove metterlo? 

Ha quanto ho capito i driver di linux sono dei 
moduli, parte del kernel chesono caricatidinamicamente. Dove posso 
vedere quali sono i moduli che la mdk usa per gestire le mie periferche e il mio 
Ricompilando il kernel non mi viene elecata la mia 
sound card tra quelle disponibili... devo perdere ogni speranza?

Re: [newbie] l-m doesnt detect my modem or printer

2001-01-23 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 22 January 2001 23:41, you wrote:

 i recently installed l-m 7.1, and it detects neither my modem (56K, V.90
 compatible data/fax modem) nor my printer (hp deskjet 710c). the printer
 drivetrs are not on the list it shows - is there anywhere i can download
 them? mind you, that wont help unless i can connect.


your modem and printer are designed to be run by secret, windows specific 
software.  They transfer the tasks usually done by a real modem or printer to 
the processor and memory.

Linux-mandrake 7.2 does drive your printer with a reverse-engineered program 
called pnm2ppa.  http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=61472 
will lead you to that driver, though installing it for 7.1 will probably best 
be done with help from the list.

As for the winmodem, several people have gotten various winmodems working.  
It depends on the chipset used and the state of the software for that 
particular one.

In linux, open a terminal and run


to get more information on the type of modem

then go to www.linmodems.org to see the status of reverse engineering.

A plain vanilla no frills external serial modem will work with your computer, 
but be careful about USB modems, because most of them are winmodems.  If in 
doubt, read the box.  If it says "requires windows 95/98" then pass it by.  
Some Winmodems don't even have drivers for WinNT or W2K.

With a litle more information on your system, we might be able to help you 


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

2001-01-23 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 00:52, you wrote:
 I have a 1 Ghz Athlon, Asus A7v  motherboard, Plexwriter 8/4/32A CD-RW, 128
 MB ram.

 I downloaded the two Mandrake 7.2 iso files and validated the md5 sums.
 I burned my own CD-RWs with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.  I created the
 CD-RWs from the iso images.  Selecting Create CD  Disc-at-once options (I
 also tried Track-at Once).
 The CD-RWs burned successfully.

 I rooted from the install CD-RW and after it got to the initializing CDROM
 point, I got a message
 saying that the CDROM device did not seem to contain a Linux Mandrake

 Any Ideas about what is causing this message?

Well, you most likely made it properly--use ctrl-alt-f3,4,5 to get the 
information from the other screens.  If you are plugged into the on-board 
promise controller, you may have to give some special instructions to the 


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RE: Re: [newbie] sing both cdrw and cdrom from X

2001-01-23 Per discussione falcaraz

Dave, I am very glad for the good impression you have of Murcia or as
least of the murcian people. I work as a professor in the Biology
Faculty at the University of Murcia (I don't know if the murcian student
you mention came from the University or from a secondary school; do you
imagine? it could be incredible if hi was a Biology studend!!.
Well, tolking about your problem, if you can see both cd-drivers,
perhaps could be a little problem with fstab or a kudzu bug; In the page
of Mandrake (http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en) there is a tutorial link
when they have put a very interesting tutor about cdrw installation.
Have a look, perhaps your problem is solved there.
On the other hand, I neither have a scsi device; both cd-driver of mine
are ide-atapi devices but under linux to have a ide-atapi cdwriter
working it is necessary to do a scsi emulation. By the way, there is a
mistake in the message I put yesterday in the list; the step 2) should
say: mknod scd 1 b 11 0 (remember, the old message put mknod scd 1 b 11

I hope this help!
By the way, If you finally come to Spain and specially to Murcia,
please, call me or send me an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] At least I could recommend you some interesting places
to visit (I have travelled several times all around Spain; I am a
botanist, this is my research work and I need frequently to travel to
make vegetation maps or study plants and vegetation), where to find good
restaurant and typical wonderfull food, and so on.


Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: Dave Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Martes, Enero 23, 2001 3:08 am
Asunto: Re: [newbie] sing both cdrw and cdrom from X

 After reading your details, I noticed you are from Murcia! While I 
 havenever been to Spain, my son and I have hosted 3 exchange 
 students from
 Spain, and the last was from Murcia.  Alejandro Romero Tejero.  I 
 have not
 heard from him in a while but I know I will again one day.  I would 
 like to
 visit Spain a lot.  I'm real glad to have known all 3 boys.
 Anyway, your message is timely as I just installed Linux-Mandrake 
 for the
 first time and my CD-ROM and CD-RW are not working although I can 
 see them
 both in the device manager.  What confused me until your message 
 was that
 there were 2 incidents of the CD-RW, the second, a SCSI.  I have no 
 SCSIdevices or interface on my machine.  What you said sorta 
 cleared up that
 mystery and also gave me an avenue of approach to make my drives
  Hello again
  This is not a message with a problem, but with a solution.
  Under mandrake 7.1 in my old Pentium II xcdroast detected both, the
  cdrom and the cdwriter. Under MDK 7.2 just the cdwriter emulating 
 scsi is recognized, so the cdwriter must work hard, reading the 
 origen cd and
  writing the new cd.
  Actually this is the situation using MDK installation, but I have 
 read that this could be solved, I will show the steps I have 
 followed in my
  case. I have a Sony CR-X160E cdwriter and a Hitachi DVD. The scsi
  emulation has been installed by Mandrake 7.2 just for the 
 cdwriter, but
  it is also possible to do that for the DVD.
  Firs of all in my case the cdwriter is the hdc (ide 1, master) 
 and the
  DVD is the hdd (ide 1, slave).
  1) In all the lines of /boot/grub/menu.lst for start linux I had 
 to add
  2)From a konsole I typed "mknod scd1 b 11 8"
  3) From konsole, I typed "ln -s scd1 cdrom2"
  4) Due to a kudzu bug, I could not acces to cdrom2 for normal 
 use; I
  needed to type also:"
  "cd /dev rm cdrom2  ln -s scd1 cdrom2"
  to solve the wrong link created by kudzu.
  5) Restart linux
  It was easy to comprobate if everything were running; I try to read
  pc-cdroms from both cdrom units; no problems. I load the udf 
 module and
  my DVD Hitachi could read a DVD disk. And to know if the scsi 
 emulation was also running I use the next commands:
  cdrecord --scanbus (both cdrom and cdwriter were shown)
  cat /proc/scsi/scsi (similar results)
  run xcdroast and go to setup; both drivers appears.
  Now I can read the cds using my Hitachi DVD and burn they using 
 the Sony
  CDwriter. great!
  Se you soon
  Francisco Alcaraz
  Murcia (Spain)
 Dave Burrows
 741 Cleveland Road
 Washington, PA  15301  

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: Dave Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Martes, Enero 23, 2001 3:08 am
Asunto: Re: [newbie] sing both cdrw and cdrom from X

 After reading your details, I noticed you are from Murcia! While I 
 havenever been to Spain, my son and I have hosted 3 exchange 
 students from
 Spain, and the last was from Murcia.  Alejandro Romero Tejero.  I 
 have not
 heard from him in a while but I know I will again one day.  I would 
 like to
 visit Spain a lot.  I'm real glad to have known all 3 boys.
 Anyway, your message is timely as I just 

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Not Functioning On Laptop

2001-01-23 Per discussione Michael Scottaline


 Dear All:
 Newbie with a capital "N" here. I just installed Linux for the first
 time a couple of days ago. So far everything appears to this
 uninitiated person to be OK (e.g. connecting to the Internet), but I
 can't for the life of me get the sound card to work. Or, I should say
 that I can get the system bell to work using the "Test" button in the
 Control Center, however I can't for example get the CD Player to
 produce any sound. I have a Quantex TS30H1 laptop with A PII 266 CPU,
 80MB RAM and a NeoMagic 128XD video card. Problem is I can't even see
 what kind of sound card I have as HardDarke doesn't see it.
 Unfortunately Qunatex is of no help as they went down in flames last
 year. None of the doumentation for the laptop says anything beyond
 "16-bit wavetable sound." Any ideas or advice as to how to troubleshoot
 this issue would be greatly appreciated.
 Thank you,
As root, try running "soundcfg" or "sndconfig" (w/o quotes, of course).  See what that 
turns up.  Are you dual booting with windoze?  If so, in windows, what can you find 
out about the soundcard (or on board chip...)
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

[newbie] Boot manager problem???

2001-01-23 Per discussione Ameya Naik

Hi ,
I installed linux on a machine with 20 GB HDD.
I had configured lilo while installing but it doesn't show up during
It gives an error that there are more than 1024 cylinders or something
like that.
How do i solve this problem?
Also can anyone tell me that if i want to use Grub as my boot manager,
How do i configure it? I have never used it, so please tell me the
procedure from the beginning...
Looking forward for some responses

[newbie] Saving Netscape settings

2001-01-23 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Neville:

1) Thanks so much to you and everyone for responding.

If everything is in my hidden .netscape directory, then I can just save
the entire .netscape directory. Right? As for the mail (nsmail), I
really don't need it since I usually save any and all important messages
to a file and then copy the file to my zip drive and to my storage area

So, please confirm that indeed this is all I need to do. That is, that
after a new install I can automatically copy and OVERWRITE all files in
/home/sher/.netscape directory with my saved /home/sher/.netscape
directory (from my zip drive). If this is all I need to do, then hooray.
Will do so and never have to rebuilt my address book and filters again.

2) Now, here is a kettle of a fish. I wonder if any of you have had this

The last two times that I reinstalled LM72, I discovered that when I
clicked on my /home directory, LM72 would NOT install any files from the
second CD. I had formatted only hda, NOT hdb (/home) nor did I resize
it.  My /home directory is on a separate Linux hard drive -- my Linux
system consists of hda for /boot, /swap and /system + applications and
hdb which has only one directory /home), It would stop at vlock, then
ask me to insert my second CD, then start working but, just as suddenly,
just barely out of the station, so to speak, it would suddenly say:
"Post-Installation" and it would go on as if it had installed the
remaining 8 minutes of applications. After seeing this happen twice, I
caught on, did a new install in which I completely reformatted BOTH hda
and hdb. This time, LM72 installed everything, including every file on
the second CD right down to the last 10 seconds (I did a Custom,

Anyone have this problem?

Thanks so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] /home and LM72 install enigma

2001-01-23 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Here is something for you to chew over. I wonder if any of you have had
this problem:

The last two times that I reinstalled LM72, I discovered that when I
clicked on my /home directory, LM72 would NOT install any files from the
second CD. I had formatted only hda, NOT hdb (/home) nor did I resize
it.  My /home directory is on a separate Linux hard drive -- my Linux
system consists of hda for /boot, /swap and /system + applications and
hdb which has only one directory /home), It would stop at vlock, then
ask me to insert my second CD, then start working but, just as suddenly,
just barely out of the station, so to speak, it would suddenly say:
"Post-Installation" and it would go on as if it had installed the
remaining 8 minutes of applications. After seeing this happen twice, I
caught on, did a new install in which I completely reformatted BOTH hda
and hdb. This time, LM72 installed everything, including every file on
the second CD right down to the last 10 seconds (I did a Custom,

Anyone have this problem?

Thanks so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Saving Netscape settings for reinstall

2001-01-23 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Neville and friends:

Thanks so much to you and everyone for responding.

If everything is in my hidden .netscape directory, then I can just save
the entire .netscape directory. Right? As for the mail (nsmail), I
really don't need it since I usually save any and all important messages
to a file and then copy the file to my zip drive and to my storage area

So, please confirm that indeed this is all I need to do. That is, that
after a new install I can automatically copy and OVERWRITE all files in
/home/sher/.netscape directory with my saved /home/sher/.netscape
directory (from my zip drive). If this is all I need to do, then hooray.
Will do so and never have to rebuilt my address book and filters again.

Thanks so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Clicking on floppy icon does not work on desktop

2001-01-23 Per discussione Romanator

Hi all,

I was wondering, do you always have to navigate to the command line to
"mount" the floppy? I wanted to view the files on my boot disk. However,
when I clickthe floppy icon, the following message appears:

"Unable to enter file:/mnt/floppy
You do not have access rights to this location"

I am logged in as user.

Registered Linux User #179293
Penguin Charged Email

[newbie] Hdparm question

2001-01-23 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

I have yet another question...

I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions on how
to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

Any help is much appreciated.

Chris Kelly
Your mouse has moved. Windows must now reboot to recognize these

[newbie] Problem to compile the kernel 2.4.0 with ADM Athlon setting.

2001-01-23 Per discussione Blomquist, Niklas

I have problem to compile the 2.4.0 kernel when I'm setting the optimization
to AMD Athlon.

I can do the make dep, but not make bzImage. It end's after a couple of sec
with error 1


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Frn: Romanator [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 23 januari 2001 12:30
 mne: [newbie] Clicking on floppy icon does not work on desktop
 Hi all,
 I was wondering, do you always have to navigate to the command line to
 "mount" the floppy? I wanted to view the files on my boot 
 disk. However,
 when I clickthe floppy icon, the following message appears:
 "Unable to enter file:/mnt/floppy
 You do not have access rights to this location"
 I am logged in as user.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Penguin Charged Email

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2+Dialup Sharing

2001-01-23 Per discussione \\\\`hoam|

Hi, I just install Mandrake 7.2 (2cd Download 

And I want to share my dialup connection between my 
linux box (with the modem) throught my ethernet card for my other box (Win 
I set up my network so I can ping my other box. So 
what Can I do now, because the option in Mandrake (Share you connection) dosen't 
work. It screw my network everytime. How can I manually change that, so it 
dosen't use DHCP. Are they any way ? Or should I use a proxy so my other box can 
go on the net ? (IF yes , wich program is simple to install ?).



2nd request, please [newbie] 2.4.0 kernel upgrade make modules fails

2001-01-23 Per discussione Keith Robinson

didn't see any responses. Am I asking the wrong q? wrong group? Not enough info? too 
much info? Am i wearing the wrong color tie? 

big TIA!

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 19:40:25 -0700
From: Keith Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] 2.4.0 kernel upgrade make modules fails


am running mandrake 7.2
modutils 2.4.0
am trying to compile kernel 2.4.0. am a semi-newbie but have succesfully compiled 
kernels in the past, without this problem, which is:

modules won't make. I get the following errors:

mem.c: In function `memory_open':
mem.c:573: `random_fops' undeclared (first use in this function)
mem.c:573: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
mem.c:573: for each function it appears in.)
mem.c:576: `urandom_fops' undeclared (first use in this function)
mem.c: In function `memory_devfs_register':
mem.c:601: `random_fops' undeclared (first use in this function)
mem.c:601: initializer element is not constant
mem.c:601: (near initialization for `list[6].fops')
mem.c:602: `urandom_fops' undeclared (first use in this function)
mem.c:602: initializer element is not constant
mem.c:602: (near initialization for `list[7].fops')
make[3]: *** [mem.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/char'
make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/char'
make[1]: *** [_subdir_char] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers'
make: *** [_mod_drivers] Error 2  

and no modules get built in /lib/modules/2.4.0

any help greatly appreciated. my config follows...

pantry at home dot com

# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# CONFIG_SBUS is not set

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586 is not set
# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
# CONFIG_M586MMX is not set
# CONFIG_M686FXSR is not set
# CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 is not set
# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
# CONFIG_MCRUSOE is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP2 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D is not set
# CONFIG_TOSHIBA is not set
# CONFIG_X86_MSR is not set
# CONFIG_X86_CPUID is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
# CONFIG_SMP is not set
# CONFIG_X86_UP_IOAPIC is not set

# General setup
# CONFIG_VISWS is not set
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
# CONFIG_EISA is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_HOTPLUG is not set
# CONFIG_PCMCIA is not set
# CONFIG_KCORE_AOUT is not set
# CONFIG_PM is not set
# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
# CONFIG_APM_RTC_IS_GMT is not set

# Memory Technology Devices (MTD)
# CONFIG_MTD is not set

# Parallel port support
# CONFIG_PARPORT_MFC3 is not set
# CONFIG_PARPORT_1284 is not set

# Plug and Play configuration

# Block devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set

# Multi-device support (RAID and LVM)
# CONFIG_MD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_FILTER is not set
# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set
# CONFIG_INET_ECN is not set

# CONFIG_IPX is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set
# CONFIG_DECNET is not set
# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set

# Telephony Support
# CONFIG_PHONE is not 

[newbie] * * * * * T E L N E T P R O B L E M S * * * * *

2001-01-23 Per discussione aicardo gil

I need to configure the next files rc.local and
telnet.conf, but I can't to find how do that.

Anybody know how do?
Anybody Know which lines i need to modify?
If anybody whant to help me can to see the next
files:telnet.conf is in /etc and rc.local an write to
me what said your lines.

I need make a telnet from windows computers.


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Obtenga su direccin de correo-e gratis @yahoo.com
en http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Saving Netscape settings for fresh install

2001-01-23 Per discussione Dave Sherman

This is assuming Ben has a separate /home partition. If not, this won't work.

Ben, from within Netscape you can bring up your address book, then click 
the Directory entry (on the left) that you wish to save. Once it is 
selected, from the File menu choose Export, and you will get a Save As 
prompt. Give the file a name with a .ldif extension. Now, your address book 
is backed up and you may import it later into Netscape or any other email 
client which supports the ldif file format.


At 11:23 PM 01/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:
Put everthing you want to keep in your /home directory.  When you reinstall,
do not change the size or name of your /home paartition and do not format
the /home partition during your install.  That should preserve all your
essential files.

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 11:03 PM
Subject: [newbie] Saving Netscape settings for fresh install

  Dear friends:
  I am too embarrased to ask this question but better late than sorry.
  I have been using Linux for nearly three years and have learned an awful
  lot, but there is one thing I have never learned: In case I need to
  reinstall Linux, what files do I need to save in Linux (and in Win98 I
  might add -- but especially in Linux) to preserve my Netscape Address
  Book, filters and mail? I know how to save my bookmarks (just save the
  bookmarks.html file in Netscape's hidden directory). But believe it or
  not, I have yet to figure out how to save my address book and filters.
  So, every time I have had to reinstall Linux (quite often, I might add),
  I start from scratch. It would be nice to have copies of my mail,
  address book and filters on my zip drive so that I could easily replace
  them after doing a fresh install.
  Well, there you have it -- a full confession. Now I am looking for an
  absolution or is it a resolution of the issue.
  Thanks so much.
  Sher's Russian Web
  Benjamin and Anna Sher

Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.

"Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

Re: [newbie] Hdparm question

2001-01-23 Per discussione D.M. Mattix

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:37, you wrote:
 I have yet another question...

 I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
 settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
 somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions on how
 to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

 Any help is much appreciated.

 Chris Kelly
   Your mouse has moved. Windows must now reboot to recognize these

I usually add it to the rc.local file.  This file is executed upon completion 
of booting.  

Mike Mattix

RE: [newbie] Hdparm question

2001-01-23 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Just add the line?

hdparm -X66 -m16 -u1 -d1 -c3 /dev/hda

Just plop it in there?

Chris Kelly
Why use Windows when you can use the door?
In a world without fences, who needs Gates?

-Original Message-
From: D.M. Mattix [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hdparm question

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:37, you wrote:
 I have yet another question...

 I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
 settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
 somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions on how
 to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

 Any help is much appreciated.

 Chris Kelly
   Your mouse has moved. Windows must now reboot to recognize these

I usually add it to the rc.local file.  This file is executed upon
of booting.  

Mike Mattix

[newbie] Installing Mandrake 7.2 with Window$ 2000

2001-01-23 Per discussione John Catral

Hello! I recently tried to install Mandrake 7.2 on my
computer that has windows 2000 on it also.  Before
anything, I want to describe the setup I have.

I have 2 hardrives.  The primary drive has windows
2000 on it and the second drive is for Mandrake. 
Anyway, I installed Mandrake on the second drive and
everything seems fine UNTIL I was done with the
mandrake install and I had to reboot.  When the
computer rebooted, I was hoping to see LILO or Grub
but instead I saw a "NTLDR Not found" error.  I know
in the past that I was able to install with no
problems.  I would usually get LILO and when I chose
Windoze I would get the Windoze 2000 boot menu.  This
time I didnt get anything.  What am I doing wrong?



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Re: [newbie] Hdparm question

2001-01-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:37 am, Kelly, Christopher wrote:
 I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
 settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
 somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions
 on how to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

Add the line to the end of rc.local in the /etc/rc.d/  directory 
with any text editor (as root).   I like to use 'mc'.  Start an Xterm,
type 'cd /etc/rc.d', then 'mc'.  Scroll down to the file 'rc.local' and 
press F4.  This opens the file for editing. Add your hdparm line to 
the end of the file and press F2 to save. F10 exits 'mc'.  Now, 
while your still in the dir, /etc/rc.d/, type './rc.local'  which runs 
rc.local and the hdparm line you just added.  No need to reboot, but 
when you do reboot the machine in the future, the hdparm line will be 
run (as is everything in rc.local) on boot up.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

RE: [newbie] Hdparm question

2001-01-23 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Great! Thanks Tom.

Chris Kelly
Why use Windows when you can use the door?
In a world without fences, who needs Gates?

-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hdparm question

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:37 am, Kelly, Christopher wrote:
 I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
 settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
 somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions
 on how to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

Add the line to the end of rc.local in the /etc/rc.d/  directory 
with any text editor (as root).   I like to use 'mc'.  Start an Xterm,
type 'cd /etc/rc.d', then 'mc'.  Scroll down to the file 'rc.local' and 
press F4.  This opens the file for editing. Add your hdparm line to 
the end of the file and press F2 to save. F10 exits 'mc'.  Now, 
while your still in the dir, /etc/rc.d/, type './rc.local'  which runs 
rc.local and the hdparm line you just added.  No need to reboot, but 
when you do reboot the machine in the future, the hdparm line will be 
run (as is everything in rc.local) on boot up.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Problem to compile the kernel 2.4.0 with ADM Athlon setting.

2001-01-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:42 am, Blomquist, Niklas wrote:
 I have problem to compile the 2.4.0 kernel when I'm setting the
 optimization to AMD Athlon.

 I can do the make dep, but not make bzImage. It end's after a couple
 of sec with error 1

Do you have   modutils-2.4.1-1mdk  ?

Try 'make bzImage' several times.  If it errors out in different 
places, your problem is most likely hardware.  If your motherboard 
supports it, try underclocking it a little (ie, reduce FSB) and try 

If it errors out in the same place every time, then go here
http://mandrakeuser.org/basics/bsource.htmland here
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Help

2001-01-23 Per discussione Edward John das Neves Lake

I think that you can do a litle help to me.

I installed linux mandrake 7.1 in one machine ( Pentium II with 128 MB Ram

I installed a new hard disk IDE Quantum Fire ball with 30 GB , but linux is
not seeing all the space, is seeing just around 2 GB.
There is something that I nedd to procedure or to do to linux see this Hard
disk ?
Can you help me ?

Thanks a lot !

best regards ,

Edward John Lake
NET - Infraestrutura - Vrtua - SP
Tel.: + 55 (11) 5186-2319  
Nextel ID : 4399

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Not Functioning On Laptop

2001-01-23 Per discussione rys

--- Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear All:
  Newbie with a capital "N" here. I just installed Linux for the
  first time a couple of days ago. So far everything appears to this
  uninitiated person to be OK (e.g. connecting to the Internet), but
  I can't for the life of me get the sound card to work. Or, I should
  say that I can get the system bell to work using the "Test" button
  in the Control Center, however I can't for example get the CD
  Player to produce any sound. I have a Quantex TS30H1 laptop with A
  PII 266 CPU, 80MB RAM and a NeoMagic 128XD video card. Problem is I
  can't even see what kind of sound card I have as HardDarke doesn't
  see it. Unfortunately Qunatex is of no help as they went down in 
  flames last year. None of the doumentation for the laptop says
   anything beyond "16-bit wavetable sound." Any ideas or advice as
  to how to troubleshoot this issue would be greatly appreciated.
  Thank you,
 As root, try running "soundcfg" or "sndconfig" (w/o quotes, of
 course).  See what that turns up.  Are you dual booting with windoze?
  If so, in windows, what can you find out about the soundcard (or on
 board chip...)


Thank you for the response. I'm not dual booting with Windows. I tried
running "sndconfig" which gives the message "No PnP devices found."
Then it gives me the option of choosing from a list of sound cards,
which puts me back at square one :-((. Any other ideas welcomed.

Cheers, rob

P.S. I could, I suppose, install Windows (I have NT 4.0) for the
express purpose of seeing what sound card I have...ouch ;-))!

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[newbie] dialin ppp connection

2001-01-23 Per discussione Carl Lafferty

Maybe I am being dense but I want to find a way to dial into
my LM 7.2 box at work from him and establish a PPP connection
that will allow me to use that connection to surf the net
and such.  I have tried looking for 'dialin' in the list archives
and possibly that is not what I should be looking for..

My purpose is to have a 'backup' internet access point thru
work as well as a way to dial in and diagnose local network
problems if our main connection is down.

 Carl Lafferty | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.netins.net/showcase/carl
 -The-UQWK-guy-| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.fclib.org
Need your daily fix of B5??  Check amazon.com or your local bookstore
for B5 in print.

SV: [newbie] Problem to compile the kernel 2.4.0 with ADM Athlon setting.

2001-01-23 Per discussione Blomquist, Niklas

 On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:42 am, Blomquist, Niklas wrote:
  I have problem to compile the 2.4.0 kernel when I'm setting the
  optimization to AMD Athlon.
  I can do the make dep, but not make bzImage. It end's after a couple
  of sec with error 1
 Do you have   modutils-2.4.1-1mdk  ?

I downloaded that, but I got the same error.
 Try 'make bzImage' several times.  If it errors out in different 
 places, your problem is most likely hardware.  If your motherboard 
 supports it, try underclocking it a little (ie, reduce FSB) and try 
 If it errors out in the same place every time, then go here
 http://mandrakeuser.org/basics/bsource.htmland here

It is on the same place all the time. I did not find anything there that
could help me.

Is there someone else that have the same problem?


 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Appending to Grub

2001-01-23 Per discussione Tony Branch

Does anyone have an idea how to append a line in Grub to inform the kernel that there 
is actually more system RAM than actually being is being reported?
I know how to do this in Lilo, however Grub eludes me.

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and usb zip drive

2001-01-23 Per discussione Dale Kunz

I am trying to get a usb zip drive to work under Mandrake 7.2.
Usb storage and usb interface is loaded at boot. When I look at
HardDrake devices under usb interfaces I see Intel 82801 AA Usb.
The kernel module loading is usb-uhci.

If I look at mount points I see cdrom,floppy,windows,and zip.
If I try to access the zip drive I get an error message saying
"Could not enter directory /mnt/zip"

My Fstab is below:
/dev/hdb6 / ext2 defaults 1
1 none
/dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0
0   /dev/hdb7
/home ext2 defaults 1
2   /mnt/cdrom
/mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0
0 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0/dev/hda1
/mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0 0
0 /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount
fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0  none
/proc proc defaults 0
/dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0

My Mtab is below:
/dev/hdb6 / ext2 rw 0
none /proc proc rw 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0
0   /dev/hdb7 /home
ext2 rw 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0
0/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0/dev/hda1
/mnt/windows vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0 0
0  /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0 
/proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw 0 0

Is it posssible to use a usb zip under this kernel 2.2.17-21mdk?

Any help would be appreciated.
 Thank You,

Dale Kunz

[newbie] postscript lament

2001-01-23 Per discussione Vicar In A Tutu

And a very nice one to you too. 

Kindly allow me to inquire whether any software is available that would enable me to 
transfer rtf files into postscript documents. The only way of doing it now is opening 
a text file with Netscape, save it as postscript and then feed the thing to the 

In case you doubt my abilities of finding the print button in applications, allow me 
to state that the real manifestation of my idiocy was the purchase of an Oki printer - 
but then again, in those halcyon days who could have known that I might want to run 
Linux on this box? 

So, basically, the way to print things is: oki4drv necronomicon.ps (as root), then 
wait and pray to Nyarlathotep the paper doesn't jam, for if it does, you have to print 
the whole thing from the beginning again. A tiring and frustrating activity. 

All information on the subject would be highly appreciated. 


Pope Mickey the 23d, Patron Saint Of Moronic Oxymorons, Zee Blue Rat Ov Kaos, Psychic 
Terrorist, Offender Of The Faith. 

All hail Discordia!

"The earth is full of ghosts now
 Ghost that sweat and ghosts that sigh
 Instead of peace just stop and cease
 A final and a sweet release" 

 Coil, "The Dark Age Of Love" 

[newbie] change source rpms to mdk rpms?

2001-01-23 Per discussione Jon Doe

I know I have seen and used the command to rebuild rpms from source to 
mandrake can anyone refresh my memory?

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and usb zip drive

2001-01-23 Per discussione Ozz

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 12:17, you wrote:

 I am trying to get a usb zip drive to work under Mandrake 7.2.
 Usb storage and usb interface is loaded at boot. When I look at
 HardDrake devices under usb interfaces I see Intel 82801 AA Usb.
 The kernel module loading is usb-uhci.

 If I look at mount points I see cdrom,floppy,windows,and zip.
 If I try to access the zip drive I get an error message saying
 "Could not enter directory /mnt/zip"

 Is it posssible to use a usb zip under this kernel 2.2.17-21mdk?

 Any help would be appreciated.

  Thank You,

Hi Dale.

As far as I'm aware, Mandrake 7.2 IS supposed to support these drives - that 
is the main reason I upgraded from 7.1.

However, I have exactly the same problem as you do, and as yet no-one has 
been able to help me...

This is almost the only thing that keeps me dual-booting with Windoze.  I 
need access to that drive.  

Once that is sorted, I just need to get my sound working, my USB webcam going 
and my scanner (which is a Canon BJC-80 with a scanner cartridge instead of 
the ink one) and I will be completely Windoze free!

Please let us know if you have any success.


Re: [newbie] postscript lament

2001-01-23 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

One way is to use a program called Apsfilter.  It automatically recognizes
and transforms documents into PostScript, and can then pipe the document
through ghostscript to your printer. It supports LPR and ghostscript 5
uniprint driver support.  It also supports printing of HTML and PDF
documents.  Get it at Downloads.com

On another note, there is Logictran RTF Converter.  It will convert to HTML
and then maybe you could get a convertor from HTML to .ps?  Also at

I know this isn't what you want to hear but there is a program I used to use
in windows that would "print" to PDF files and an option was to save as .ps
as well.  I wonder if it might run under an emulator?  This gave great
quality and was real easy to use.  The other options I have not actually
used since I have no use for them.

It might be a little screwy but if it works, maybe you could script it to be
automatic.  ???

Other than that someone else probably has better knowledge...

Good luck,

White Bear Lake, MN

- Original Message -
From: "Vicar In A Tutu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 7:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] postscript lament

 And a very nice one to you too.

 Kindly allow me to inquire whether any software is available that would
enable me to transfer rtf files into postscript documents. The only way of
doing it now is opening a text file with Netscape, save it as postscript and
then feed the thing to the printer.

 In case you doubt my abilities of finding the print button in
applications, allow me to state that the real manifestation of my idiocy was
the purchase of an Oki printer - but then again, in those halcyon days who
could have known that I might want to run Linux on this box?

 So, basically, the way to print things is: oki4drv necronomicon.ps (as
root), then wait and pray to Nyarlathotep the paper doesn't jam, for if it
does, you have to print the whole thing from the beginning again. A tiring
and frustrating activity.

 All information on the subject would be highly appreciated.


 Pope Mickey the 23d, Patron Saint Of Moronic Oxymorons, Zee Blue Rat Ov
Kaos, Psychic Terrorist, Offender Of The Faith.

 All hail Discordia!

 "The earth is full of ghosts now
  Ghost that sweat and ghosts that sigh
  Instead of peace just stop and cease
  A final and a sweet release"

  Coil, "The Dark Age Of Love"

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Not Functioning On Laptop

2001-01-23 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 08:23, you wrote:

 P.S. I could, I suppose, install Windows (I have NT 4.0) for the
 express purpose of seeing what sound card I have...ouch ;-))!

Ouch is right! I wouldn't do that. ;-)

Among other things, NT wants to be the big kid on the block and will grab the 
Master Boot Record if you install it after linux.

If I were you, I'd do some research on Google to determine the provenance of 
your card. Then once you've narrowed it down to a few likely candidates, run 
sndconfig and try out different drivers. You'll know immediately if you're 
successful because sndconfig plays a sound file of LInus Torvalds saying, "My 
name is Linus Torvalds and I pronounce linux "leeenoooks"." 



Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] change source rpms to mdk rpms?

2001-01-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 11:33 am, Jon Doe wrote:
 I know I have seen and used the command to rebuild rpms from source
 to mandrake can anyone refresh my memory?
  rpm --rebuild  packagesrc.rpm
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] postscript lament

2001-01-23 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

I think that's actually "a2ps" as in "anything to postscript". The URL is:



On Tuesday 23 January 2001 09:49, you wrote:
 One way is to use a program called Apsfilter.  It automatically recognizes
 and transforms documents into PostScript, and can then pipe the document
 through ghostscript to your printer. It supports LPR and ghostscript 5
 uniprint driver support.  It also supports printing of HTML and PDF
 documents.  Get it at Downloads.com

 On another note, there is Logictran RTF Converter.  It will convert to HTML
 and then maybe you could get a convertor from HTML to .ps?  Also at

 I know this isn't what you want to hear but there is a program I used to
 use in windows that would "print" to PDF files and an option was to save as
 .ps as well.  I wonder if it might run under an emulator?  This gave great
 quality and was real easy to use.  The other options I have not actually
 used since I have no use for them.

 It might be a little screwy but if it works, maybe you could script it to
 be automatic.  ???

 Other than that someone else probably has better knowledge...

 Good luck,

 White Bear Lake, MN

 - Original Message -
 From: "Vicar In A Tutu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 7:38 AM
 Subject: [newbie] postscript lament

  And a very nice one to you too.
  Kindly allow me to inquire whether any software is available that would

 enable me to transfer rtf files into postscript documents. The only way of
 doing it now is opening a text file with Netscape, save it as postscript
 and then feed the thing to the printer.

  In case you doubt my abilities of finding the print button in

 applications, allow me to state that the real manifestation of my idiocy
 was the purchase of an Oki printer - but then again, in those halcyon days
 who could have known that I might want to run Linux on this box?

  So, basically, the way to print things is: oki4drv necronomicon.ps (as

 root), then wait and pray to Nyarlathotep the paper doesn't jam, for if it
 does, you have to print the whole thing from the beginning again. A tiring
 and frustrating activity.

  All information on the subject would be highly appreciated.
  Pope Mickey the 23d, Patron Saint Of Moronic Oxymorons, Zee Blue Rat Ov

 Kaos, Psychic Terrorist, Offender Of The Faith.

  All hail Discordia!
  "The earth is full of ghosts now
   Ghost that sweat and ghosts that sigh
   Instead of peace just stop and cease
   A final and a sweet release"
   Coil, "The Dark Age Of Love"

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] Appending to Grub

2001-01-23 Per discussione Donald Hinds

It seems Grub reads the lilo.conf file?  That is where I set my 'append "mem=56M"'
(8M gets used for video) and it fixed my video problems. KDE (etc) shows 56M


Does anyone have an idea how to append a line in Grub to inform the kernel
that there is actually more system RAM than actually being is being reported?

I know how to do this in Lilo, however Grub eludes me.

Re: [newbie] Boot manager problem???

2001-01-23 Per discussione Penndragon

Hi Ameya

 Hi ,
 I installed linux on a machine with 20 GB HDD.
 I had configured lilo while installing but it doesn't show up during
 It gives an error that there are more than 1024 cylinders or something
 like that.
 How do i solve this problem?
 Also can anyone tell me that if i want to use Grub as my boot manager,
 How do i configure it? I have never used it, so please tell me the
 procedure from the beginning...
 Looking forward for some responses

I'm assuming you gave a good part of the beginning og the drive to another
os? Which would put Linux fairly high up the drive so to speak. Did you
check the option during installation for using lba? I had a similar prob
trying to install LM on my system above the 8gig mark. Checking the lba
option during installation solved it for me


Re: [newbie] install with /home unchanged

2001-01-23 Per discussione angry

yes, just choose to not format that partition

Busterfred wrote:

 I run mandrake 7.1, with


 on separate partitions.

 I wish  to install mandrake 7.2.

 Can I leave everything except  /  untouched and retain my music binaries
 in  /user/storage  and my four identities and their desktop preferences in
  /home ? Or is it simpler and cleaner just to start over?

 I assume I just avoid formatting my storage and home as I install. Any help



"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners."
- Ernst Jan Plugge

[newbie] restore aurora

2001-01-23 Per discussione angry

its a long story, but i edited /etc/inittab to start in runlevel 3,
after my problems with X were fixed, i re-edited to start in runlevel 5,
but i did not get aurora back, anyone know how to restore it?

Re: [newbie] Clicking on floppy icon does not work on desktop

2001-01-23 Per discussione Michael Scottaline


 Hi all,
 I was wondering, do you always have to navigate to the command line to
 "mount" the floppy? I wanted to view the files on my boot disk. However,
 when I click the floppy icon, the following message appears:
 "Unable to enter file:/mnt/floppy
 You do not have access rights to this location"
 I am logged in as user.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Penguin Charged Email
Hey Roman,
You might try editing /etc/fstab by adding the word user in the line for your 
floppy devise.
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Not Functioning On Laptop

2001-01-23 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

rob wrote:
 Thank you for the response. I'm not dual booting with Windows. I tried
 running "sndconfig" which gives the message "No PnP devices found."
 Then it gives me the option of choosing from a list of sound cards,
 which puts me back at square one :-((. Any other ideas welcomed.
 Cheers, rob
 P.S. I could, I suppose, install Windows (I have NT 4.0) for the
 express purpose of seeing what sound card I have...ouch ;-))!
Nah..., don't add windows just for sound hehehe.  Try this forte hell of it.  Go 
back to the list of cards and choose sb compatable (or something like that).  It just 
might work.  
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

[newbie] netgear fa 510 pcmcia nic failing....

2001-01-23 Per discussione Dale Kosan

While installing Mandrake 7.2 my pcmcia card came back with this error: "*
warning: insmod'ing module imm failed at /usr/bin/perl-install/modules.pm
line 479".When I leave the card in at boot I
get:"cardmgr[207]:executing:'modprobe' cb_enabler' " Then it hangs,hard
reboot needed. lsmod shows:

Module  Size  Used by
soundcore   2800   0  (autoclean) (unused)
lockd  32208   1  (autoclean)
sunrpc 54640   1  (autoclean) [lockd]
irda   80304   1
autofs  9456   2  (autoclean)
usb-uhci   19184   0  (unused)
usbcore43632   1  [usb-uhci]
ds  6448   2
i82365 22928   2
pcmcia_core45984   0  [ds i82365]
nls_cp437   3952   2  (autoclean)
vfat9408   1  (autoclean)
fat30432   1  (autoclean) [vfat]
reiserfs  128592   2

modprobe tulip shows :

/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/tulip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/tulip.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/tulip.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/tulip.o: insmod tulip failed

I guess this means I have a resource conflict, lmao ! I am sort of a newbie,
please help, I can not find any info on fixing my problem. Thanks in

Re: [newbie] Saving Netscape settings for fresh install

2001-01-23 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Dave:

Thanks so much for the advice!

I like your suggestion because even though I have a separate /home
partition (and on a separate drive all unto itself), LM72 will not
properly install unless I completely reformat everything, i.e both hard
drives including /home (see my earlier message to the list on this

I just saved my Personal Directory as you instructed me by exporting it
to a file under the name "her.ldif". Now I can copy it to my zip drive
and later install it if and when I need to reinstall.

One more question: What about my filters? How do I save them to a file?

Thanks so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Saving Netscape settings for fresh install

2001-01-23 Per discussione Dave Sherman


I wish I could help you there, but I don't know how to export filters, 
or even if it is possible in Netscape. If you follow the other 
suggestions, about simply backing up your ~/.netscape directory, then 
your filters should be in there somewhere :-/


On Tuesday 23 January 2001 15:07, you wrote:
 Dear Dave:

 Thanks so much for the advice!

 I like your suggestion because even though I have a separate /home
 partition (and on a separate drive all unto itself), LM72 will not
 properly install unless I completely reformat everything, i.e both
 hard drives including /home (see my earlier message to the list on
 this subject)

 I just saved my Personal Directory as you instructed me by exporting
 it to a file under the name "her.ldif". Now I can copy it to my zip
 drive and later install it if and when I need to reinstall.

 One more question: What about my filters? How do I save them to a

 Thanks so much.


Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

[newbie] first successful linux virus reported

2001-01-23 Per discussione Anthony Daniell

I found thid story this morning on the linux.org site.


Just visiting this planet
have a nice day.
Jesus is Love.
Anthony Daniell

Re: [newbie] modem problem

2001-01-23 Per discussione Buzz and Nan

I bought a zoom 2920 Linux compatible modem? and it's not working.

I have been to linmodems.org and downloaded the ltmodem-5.78d.tar.gz file
and now it sees my modem, but no dial tone.

If you have the same model as I have, can't figure this one out, my
soundblaster live sound great! my Cannon BJC-6000 with usb cable is working

But no modem. I have tried different init strings but nothing seems to work.
I heard kernel 2.4 is supposed to set it up with something called automagic
(not sure).

- Original Message -
From: "Oliver L. Plaine Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] modem problem

 On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 03:39:54 ,Mark wrote:

 i recently bought a zoom 56k fax/modem.  i added it to my computer and
 configured it properly.  i then went to dial my isp and when it tried to
 initialize, it sat there for ever.  and it did not dial.
 i am using mandrake 7.2  with kde.
 i was wondering if there was something i am overlooking.
 Mon, 22 Jan 2001  15:12:00

 Well Mark, I just went through a long struggle to finally get my Zoom
 2920 working sucessfully
 You need to give a little more info...is it PCI? are you
 trying with KPPP? what errors are you getting?

 Olly P

[newbie] Kernel Panic: VFS Unable to mount root ??

2001-01-23 Per discussione DC Trader

I installed Linux for windows. And Everything
went perfect until I went to boot up for the first
time. I get this error:

Request_module [block-major-71] root fs not mounted
  VFS: Cannot open root device 07:07
kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 07:07

I get the same error on my laptop. 

AMD Athlon 900
320mbs ram

could it have something to do with WinME??


[newbie] menu system problem

2001-01-23 Per discussione KompuKit

Is there a way to fix multiple entriesin the Kmenu

after an attempt of installing an app called: "rmagic" for

(which also used CPAN to install some needed modules)

I now have multiple entries of everything in my kmenu...
there's 4 entries of each app...

I re-installed kdebase 2.0...which fixed it momentarily
last night...but when I just logged on tonight...it's back
to multiple entries again.  Then I tried menu editor and
helped for a short time...but it's back again also.

I tried re-installing menu, and everything else I could
think of
in RPMsI tried SUing to root...and commanding:
update-menus -v

and menueditor
both in user, and in root mode

how can I fix this...?

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] first successful linux virus reported

2001-01-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Firstly, a worm is not a virus. Worms are more like Trojan Horses, in that 
they exploit security holes and use them to open systems from the inside. 
Besides that, this isn't a bad article. Here, I shall use the word "virus" to 
represent all viruses, Trojans and worms (and anything else I may have left 
out), for the sake of simplicity.

This whole incident really lets you appreciate how good open source and Linux 
is. In the M$ world, if virus/worm/Trojan exploited WinDOS weaknesses and 
holes (and there are plenty of them) what would M$ do about it? Absolutely 
nothing. The sane thing to do would be to actually *fix* these holes so the 
offending programme is now immune to the threat. This is what Red Hat did, 
and the speed at which it was done could only have been possible with open 
source. A closed source company, on the other hand, must spend $$$ to fix 
these problems, and they have found that it is far cheaper to simply hide the 
problem as much as possible and pass the blame onto virus scanning companies 
(e.g. Symantec) for not finding and eradicating the virus/Trojan/worm. Virus 
scanning companies work quickly, at great expense, to find how to defeat the 
virus, and then pass the expenses onto the consumer by charging for the boxed 
product and updates. Of course, no virus scanner is perfect (as tests always 
show), and some viruses slip through. Since the system is still hole-ridden, 
there is nothing to stop the virus. This is a far from perfect situation.

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 07:39, Anthony Daniell wrote:
 I found thid story this morning on the linux.org site.


 Just visiting this planet
 have a nice day.
 Jesus is Love.
 Anthony Daniell

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Yamaha SoundCard

2001-01-23 Per discussione Julio Gutierrez

I have a Yamaha ymf724 pci sound card, and is is detected under Mandrake 7.2
but my problem is that it doesn't work when i try to do a sndconfig it tells
me that my card is not supported, does anyone know if I can find the drivers
somewhere? because I can't live without my radio!

Thank you in advance!

Life gets boring when your computer is working fine and there is nothing to

[newbie] Compiling source and system speed improvements

2001-01-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I have a Pentium II 350MHz with 256MB of RAM. Would there be any speed 
benefit in compiling my most often used packages (e.g. the Kernel and X) 
myself? It looks like a good thing to do with faster processors (and I would 
definitely do this if I had and Athlon or a Pentium III), but I'm not sure if 
it'll do much (if any) with a Pentium II, since Mandrake is compiled for 
Pentiums, which is not much of a step down from where I am. I am trying 
everything I can to speed up my slightly-slow system. I have already 
optimised my hdparm settings and I plan to switch from ext2 to ReiserFS 
sometime soon. My system isn't slow enough to really consider changing my 
software (e.g. I use Konqueror and GNOME), but it still is a bit kludgy and 
worth trying to improve.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Sound Card Not Functioning On Laptop

2001-01-23 Per discussione Dennis Myers

If you can get into the box to get a good look at the sound card, you can 
find the FCC ID tag which has 3 letters and a string of alph-numeric, then go 
to   http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccidand enter that data in the look up 
boxes. This will tell you the manufacturer and possibly more.  Then you can 
find  the manufacturers web site (if they have one) and determine if it is 
supported.  Good Luck.  Dennis

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 07:47 pm, you wrote:
 rob wrote:
  Thank you for the response. I'm not dual booting with Windows. I tried
  running "sndconfig" which gives the message "No PnP devices found."
  Then it gives me the option of choosing from a list of sound cards,
  which puts me back at square one :-((. Any other ideas welcomed.
  Cheers, rob
  P.S. I could, I suppose, install Windows (I have NT 4.0) for the
  express purpose of seeing what sound card I have...ouch ;-))!

 Nah..., don't add windows just for sound hehehe.  Try this forte hell of
 it.  Go back to the list of cards and choose sb compatable (or something
 like that).  It just might work. Mike
 "Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting,
 killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there." --Baltasar Rusow,
 Estonia, 16th century
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Dennis Myers registered linux user #180842
Dennis Myers registered linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Compiling source and system speed improvements

2001-01-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 07:52 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 I have a Pentium II 350MHz with 256MB of RAM. Would there be any
 speed benefit in compiling my most often used packages (e.g. the
 Kernel and X) myself? It looks like a good thing to do with faster
 processors (and I would definitely do this if I had and Athlon or a
 Pentium III), but I'm not sure if it'll do much (if any) with a
 Pentium II, since Mandrake is compiled for Pentiums, which is not
 much of a step down from where I am. I am trying everything I can to
 speed up my slightly-slow system. I have already optimised my hdparm
 settings and I plan to switch from ext2 to ReiserFS sometime soon. My
 system isn't slow enough to really consider changing my software
 (e.g. I use Konqueror and GNOME), but it still is a bit kludgy and
 worth trying to improve.

The only possible answer to your questions, is you just have to try 
compiling against _your hardware_ and see if you can see or measure any 
gain. I doubt you'd see anything.

   IMO tho, it's much more important to optimize your hardware. On shop 
built or ready made systems there isn't much or any option to do so.  
That's the main reason home building and overclocking have become so 
popular.   For example, I had a p2-350 a few years ago, I ran it at 
474Mhz with 128mb pc100 ram at 135mhz cas2, and L2 cache timings at 3 
ticks rather than the default 8.  It benched better than ready made 
p3-500's. About 1 years ago I swapped out the p2-350 for a p3-450, and 
run it at 608mhz (4.5x135), L2 =3, with the old pc100 and an added 128 
of pc133 at 135mhz cas2-3-3.

 Getting back to your system tho, I can almost guarantee you that 
the performance/design of the motherboard your 350's in, how fast you 
can set the ram timings, combined with a correspondingly optimized 
cache latency change, high rpm HDD(s), etc., would make a lot bigger 
difference than recompiling source trying to make the system faster.

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] * * * * * T E L N E T P R O B L E M S * * * * *

2001-01-23 Per discussione Mr S Ganesan

what exactly do u want to do?

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:http://www.ciae.nic.in

Re: [newbie] Yamaha SoundCard

2001-01-23 Per discussione Mr S Ganesan

I also have a Yamaha SC and DrakeConf has beautifully configured it. I am
not sure whether you tried DrakeConf as yet. I t certainly gives lower
output as compared to its operation on Win9X but is sufficient if you
increase the volume on you speakers!!!

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:http://www.ciae.nic.in

Re: [newbie] Compiling source and system speed improvements

2001-01-23 Per discussione Mr S Ganesan

Dear SD,
I have loaded MKL7.2 with just a P 166 with 64 M of RAM and its is working
fine though slightly slower. Therefore I donot think that ur processor and
the 256 m of RAM is any cause for concern!! Go ahead and reload the system
with a swap space inthe hdd of about 500 MB and everything will be fine.
I even use Macromedia Flash for Linux on the P166 System with flourish.

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:http://www.ciae.nic.in

Re: [newbie] Compiling source and system speed improvements

2001-01-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 14:45, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday 23 January 2001 07:52 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  I have a Pentium II 350MHz with 256MB of RAM. Would there be any
  speed benefit in compiling my most often used packages (e.g. the
  Kernel and X) myself? It looks like a good thing to do with faster
  processors (and I would definitely do this if I had and Athlon or a
  Pentium III), but I'm not sure if it'll do much (if any) with a
  Pentium II, since Mandrake is compiled for Pentiums, which is not
  much of a step down from where I am. I am trying everything I can to
  speed up my slightly-slow system. I have already optimised my hdparm
  settings and I plan to switch from ext2 to ReiserFS sometime soon. My
  system isn't slow enough to really consider changing my software
  (e.g. I use Konqueror and GNOME), but it still is a bit kludgy and
  worth trying to improve.

 The only possible answer to your questions, is you just have to try
 compiling against _your hardware_ and see if you can see or measure any
 gain. I doubt you'd see anything.

IMO tho, it's much more important to optimize your hardware. On shop
 built or ready made systems there isn't much or any option to do so.
 That's the main reason home building and overclocking have become so
 popular.   For example, I had a p2-350 a few years ago, I ran it at
 474Mhz with 128mb pc100 ram at 135mhz cas2, and L2 cache timings at 3
 ticks rather than the default 8.  It benched better than ready made
 p3-500's. About 1 years ago I swapped out the p2-350 for a p3-450, and
 run it at 608mhz (4.5x135), L2 =3, with the old pc100 and an added 128
 of pc133 at 135mhz cas2-3-3.

  Getting back to your system tho, I can almost guarantee you that
 the performance/design of the motherboard your 350's in, how fast you
 can set the ram timings, combined with a correspondingly optimized
 cache latency change, high rpm HDD(s), etc., would make a lot bigger
 difference than recompiling source trying to make the system faster.

Very true, but unfortunately my motherboard's jumpers don't allow me to go 
past a 100MHz FSB, and therefore I can't overclock it (I didn't even consider 
overclocking when I bought the computer a few years back). Can I still change 
the RAM timings and the cache latency to get better performance (without 
overclocking the FSB)? If so, what would be a good setting? My hard drive is 
a bit slow (I bought it for the size, not the speed), but I can't afford to 
spend any more money on this machine or on a new manchine right now (I've 
already spent quite a bit to buy more RAM and a CD burner).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Running shell script at startup or shutdown, how?

2001-01-23 Per discussione Jon Doe

How do I run a shell script at startup or at shutdown with LM7.2? I know 7.1 
had an autostart folder on the desktop, how was that done? Actaully I am more 
interested in running a shell script at shutdown, or logout.

Re: [newbie] Running shell script at startup or shutdown, how?

2001-01-23 Per discussione angry

i was wondering the same thing, i pulled this off the kde user archives:

Start the Control Center and select "Loook  Feel"/"Desktop"/"General".
There's a setting named "Autostart path" on the "Desktop" tab. You can enter
your autostart folder here.

Jon Doe wrote:

 How do I run a shell script at startup or at shutdown with LM7.2? I know 7.1
 had an autostart folder on the desktop, how was that done? Actaully I am more
 interested in running a shell script at shutdown, or logout.


"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners."
- Ernst Jan Plugge

Re: [newbie] Running shell script at startup or shutdown, how?

2001-01-23 Per discussione Keith Robinson

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:49:05 -0500
Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do I run a shell script at startup or at shutdown with LM7.2? I know 7.1 
 had an autostart folder on the desktop, how was that done? Actaully I am more 
 interested in running a shell script at shutdown, or logout.

Assuming your shell is bash, you can put logout commands in ~/.bash_logout. If you 
don't have a 
~/.bash_logout file you can make one.

' ~ ' means your home directory, i.e. /home/user, you/

if you use some other shell than bash I don't know what the equivalent file would be.

If you don't know what shell you use type " echo $SHELL " at a prompt (without the 

hope that helps,


[newbie] backup solution wanted

2001-01-23 Per discussione Fireman71

looking for a way to backup my entire linux system to an iso file which i
can then transfer over my network to another machine that has a cd burner on

I would really like for it to meet the following requirements:

1 - free or cheap, this will be used on a small home network and used to
backup only one machine so i am not wanting to spend an arm and a leg for it
2 - able to write the backup files to ~650meg iso files stored on the linux
box  which can later be burned to a CDR
3 - able to boot from the backup cd or some type of bootdisk to perform a

This will be used to make full system backups.

I really dont care if it has a lot of bells and whistles or nice GUI
frontends. I just want a way to backup my entire system and do a simple
restore when it becomes neccesary.

Anyone have any ideas or recomendations?

Thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

[newbie] Odd backslash in gnome-terminal

2001-01-23 Per discussione Len Lawrence

Not life threatening, but this is a problem/fault that has bugged me
since installing LM7.2 a couple of months ago with UK English support.
Gnome-terminal displays the backslash character as a Y symbol with two
crossbars (Yen symbol?) yet all other applications, as far as I can
see, including xterm, treat it correctly.  Does anybody know if there
are any setup tables or configuration files for Gnome which control
this kind of behaviour?  Oddly enough, in the Settings-Preferences
popup window, "Select-by-word characters" entry field, the backslash
is a backslash, with a preceding backslash to make it literal.  ???

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

Re: [newbie] Yamaha SoundCard

2001-01-23 Per discussione Vicar In A Tutu

Oops! Forgot to add that you have to run 

modprobe snd-ymfpci

at the end