Re: [newbie-it] Che modem posso prendere ??

2001-03-28 Per discussione Stefano Salari


  Io ho un 3Com Us Robotics (56k esterno seriale) e mi
funziona benissimo. Anch'io ho la Mandrake 7.2 che me
l'ha riconosciuto da sola durante l'installazione.

 Con Mandrake 7.2 va bene un qualsiasi modem esterno
 seriale ?? (cerco un 56K v90)
Credo che qualsiasi modem seriale vada bene.

Ciao. Steo.

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

R: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

2001-03-28 Per discussione Verbal

Sotto Linux M. è praticamente inutilizzabile per ora... :(
ma con gli ultimi driver sotto Win dovrebbe avere risolto i 
CU S%N!Ciaociao  Byez ! \\marco[www] |||[email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED][icq] 
19758469[icq email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (instant ICQ msg 
via email)[wwp icq][fidonet] 
2:332/801.63[cellulare] 0338-1772706

] do you have an opinion ?] a mind of your own ?] i thought you 
were special.] i thought you should know.] but i've run out of 
patience,] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,] pray the Lord my soul to keep,] if i 
die before i wake,] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

  -Messaggio Originale- 
  Da: Franco Speranza 
  Data invio: mercoledì 28 marzo 2001 
  Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN
  Marco wrote: Ciao a tutti, viste le 
  facilitazioni economiche sono in procinto di attivare la linea ISDN 
  (dato che l'ADSL sembra che sulla numerazione di casa mia debba 
  tardare ancora un'annetto :-@). Ma veniamo alla domanda. Ho 
  una Mandrake 7.2 e vorrei chiedervi (scusate per l'abissale ignoranza 
  in materia) se i modem esterni ISDN sono tutti supportati ... (in 
  particolare vorrei sapere se lo sono anche quelli da connettere via 
  USB?  Visto che devo acquistarne uno e voglio che sia Linux 
  compatibile accetto volentieri suggerimenti sul modello (sia esterno 
  che ISDN adapter interno)!  Grazie!!!  
  Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED]Io ho un 
  Tintoretto ISDN esterno seriale ( Digicom ) e non mi ha dato mai problemi 
  fin dall'inizio , devi solo settare bene la stringa iniziale ( io uso 
  AT%A2=5 ). Ho preso un modem seriale per non avere problemi con il 
  settaggio USB che sembra un po' indaginoso .In precedenza avevo un 
  ELSA ISDN internet che ti sconsiglio vivamente in quanto da problemi anche 
  sotto Windows.salutiFrancesco

[newbie-it] kde predefinito

2001-03-28 Per discussione McK

Ciao a tutti

Scusate il disturbo ma volevo avvertirvi che dopo u paio di rebbot tutto mi
 tornato come prima.

Salumi  Abbacchi

Re: [newbie-it] domandina

2001-03-28 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 08:29, mercoled 28 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 qualcuno sa gentilmente indicarmi se a Milano qualche
 organizzazione/ente itene dei corsi linux per princiapianti?
 grazie sin da adesso

Hai provato a vedere se esiste un sito del LUG (Linux User Group) di Milano?
Se c', probabilmente loro sapranno indicarti dove trovare il corso che fa 
per te!

Re: [newbie-it] Conoscete qualche masterizzatore compatibile con Linux?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 12:23, marted 27 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

  Salve sono un neofita di Linux, vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha o utlizza il
 suddetto masterizzatore su Linux e se ha riscontrato problemi di
 incompatibilit dato che vorrei acquistarlo.

 altrimenti se mi potete dire o segnalare un masterizzatore X8 (i x12
 costano troppo per il mio esiguo budget) che sia Linux compatibile.


Ciao, che io sappia tutti i masterizzatori EIDE recenti sono compatibili con 
Linux. Controlla sul sito linux-mandrake. In ogni caso, io uso un WAITEC 
SHUTTLE 8x 4x 32x con 2MB di buffer e va benissimo.

[newbie-it] Configurazione Scheda video

2001-03-28 Per discussione mistro

Come gi postato in precedenza ritorno sul tema scheda video:
la scheda montata sul portatile (Acer TravelMate 350 TE) :
Trident Video Accelerator Cyberblade Ai1 AGP 5.8089

le altre info che trovo da WIN sono:
- risoluzione 1024x768 16,8 milioni di colore
- Integrated Ramdac
- Ram 8 MB
- String: Trident Video Accelerator

Prove fatte con drakconf in KDE (un gran bel strumentino, in ogni caso):
- provate tutte le possibili Trident
- provate tutte le risoluzioni e schede (VGA, SVGA, ecc.)

Ricercato driver in internet, su Xfree86, su fornitori di driver, ecc.
Mi sto domandando, ma chiedo lumi, se sia il caso di "aggiornare" Xfree ad
una versione tipo la 4.x (da quanto ho capito su Mandrake 7.2 c' la 3.3.6)
se la cosa  fattibile (mi verrebbe da dire anche "facile" ma temo non lo
sia...) o addirittura il kernel (magari passare al 2.4) se serve (e qui vale
lo stesso pensiero di prima, sic!). E' un problema di supporto della scheda
AGP? E allora che si fa?

Gi che ci sono chiedo se qualcuno della lista gira nei dintorni di Vicenza,
visto che il locale LUG che ho contattato non si  mai fatto vivo, magari ci
si scambia un caff e qualche opinione (se poi  uno molto BRAVO anche
qualche consulenza, dietro lira, ovviamente se richiesto).

Chiedo poi un'altra banalit: per installare Open Office trovato dai CD
delle riviste c' una via per farlo con il punta-e-clicca o si deve per
forza farlo da "terminale"? Due righette faciline non sarebbero male (credo
che forse potrebbe valere per tutti i file .gz).

Grazie a tutti.

Andrea M.

P.S. Magari sar off topic ma molti - credo - anche se da anni lavorano su
piattaforme "tradizionali" (nel mio caso dal 1988 con l'OS dell'Apple e dal
1994 con MS Win) sperano di trovare informazioni davvero "a prova di
imbecille" (e non mi vergogno ad ammettere di esserlo - a volte - in questo
campo), cio estremamente SEMPLICI e DETTAGLIATE sul mondo LINUX altrimenti
mi vengono da fare due considerazioni:
- o il movimento GNU/Linux pensa di non AVER BISOGNO di utenti comuni che -
seppur curiosi di imparare e magari anche di diffonderne l'utilizzo - si
trovano a disagio di fronte ad un SO veramente pi complesso dei due
precedentemente citati o comunque non ancora "amichevole" come WIN2000 o MAC
OS 9.0 (da Mac ho approcciato il mondo Win - come utilizzatore - senza
nessun problema);
- oppure chi fa gli HOWTO o comunque le "guide" varie da' veramente TROPPE
cose per scontato.
Scusate per la lunghezza. Comunque sia non mi arrendo!

[newbie-it] [LM 7.2] Il DRI non vuole proprio andare

2001-03-28 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

Sto ancora cercando di far funzionare il DRI (direct rendering input - 
ovvero l'accelerazione hardware), ma non c'e' verso.
Io ho una g200, il kernel e' il 2.2.17 e xfree e' il 4.0.3.
Sono riuscito a scoprire che il questo kernel e' gia' patchato per il 
supporto dell'agpgart, quindi non riesco a capire che cosa debba ancora 
fare per farlo funzionare.
Una volta avevo provato a compilare il kernel 2.4.2, e quella volta il DRI 
Peccato non funzionasse una marea di altra roba :(
Ancora sono troppo inesperto per la compilazione di un nuovo kernel, quindi 
vorrei riuscire ad andare avanti con quello fornito dalla distribuzione.
Chi mi puo' aiutare?


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] KDE 2.1.1

2001-03-28 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 22.22 27/03/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Ho appena fatto in tempo a decidermi a scaricare e installare (con
successo, fi!!! ^__^) KDE 2.1 che esce la KDE 2.1.1. ... la sto
scaricando; la domanda  d'obbligo: qualcuno ha gi provato a
installarla? E' andato tutto bene?

Io la sto scaricando, ma temo non avro' tempo di provarla prima della 
prossima settimana.


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

2001-03-28 Per discussione Atreiu

Io ho un trust isdn usb modem,io nn riesco a configurarlo ma mi  giunta
voce ke si possa fare in mandrake 7.2.Cmq se riesci a configurarlo ti prego
di avvertirmi.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

Ciao a tutti,
viste le facilitazioni economiche sono in procinto di attivare la linea
ISDN (dato che l'ADSL sembra che sulla numerazione di casa mia debba
tardare ancora un'annetto :-@).
Ma veniamo alla domanda.
Ho una Mandrake 7.2 e vorrei chiedervi (scusate per l'abissale ignoranza
in materia) se i modem esterni ISDN sono tutti supportati ... (in
particolare vorrei sapere se lo sono anche quelli da connettere via USB?

Visto che devo acquistarne uno e voglio che sia Linux compatibile
accetto volentieri suggerimenti sul modello (sia esterno che ISDN
adapter interno)!



Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] Il DRI non vuole proprio andare

2001-03-28 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 20:09, mercoledì 28 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

 Ancora sono troppo inesperto per la compilazione di un nuovo kernel,
 quindi vorrei riuscire ad andare avanti con quello fornito dalla
 distribuzione. Chi mi puo' aiutare?

Dunque, se non so se il kernel "stock" della mdk sia della versione 
giusta per far andare il DRI in accordo con X 4.0.x Prova a controllare 
i messaggi che da X quando parte, li mette in console; puoi salvarli 
lanciando X in questo modo:

startx  pippo

e poi ti leggi il file pippo, dovrebbe contenere tutta la storia di 
startup di X, compresi errori ed incomprensioni con il kernel.

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie] disappearing menu items

2001-03-28 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

After I'd installed the Codeweavers' Wine release, menu items were 
created in KDE. But after I'd rebooted, the menu items disappeared! The 
same thing happened with installs of StarOffice and (trial version of) 
Applixware. Darn inconvenient hunting down the install locations to 
create links to the executables. :P 
Any idea what's happening here?

Re: [newbie] browser based system config

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jamie Kerwick

Thats the fella,



From: Joan Tur Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] browser based system config 
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:40:21 -0500

Jamie Kerwick escribió:

  I'm back to using Mandrake after a good few months after experimenting, 
and  can't for the life of me remember how to access the browser based 
admin  tools, all i can remember is that it started https://

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ 11407395 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] IRQ's

2001-03-28 Per discussione michael

I know this is an elementary thing, but I have 4 devices on IRQ3
and none on 5,6,7,8 or 9.
Can I manually set them in Linux?

Re: [newbie] disappearing menu items

2001-03-28 Per discussione Civileme

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 03:14, you wrote:
 After I'd installed the Codeweavers' Wine release, menu items were
 created in KDE. But after I'd rebooted, the menu items disappeared! The
 same thing happened with installs of StarOffice and (trial version of)
 Applixware. Darn inconvenient hunting down the install locations to
 create links to the executables. :P
 Any idea what's happening here?

We have an integrated menu system across all the desktops.  The price is that 
apps which create menu items only for one desktop usually do not address our 
menuing structure.  The trick is to use the menu editor called menudrake.  
Start it from a terminal or from the menu.  If you start it from DrakConf, 
you are editing root and system menus.

It is easy to use and the best time to use it is while you stil have the 
items in your menu so you can just copy their contents into the standard menu 

There is one large bug in the 7.2 version of MenuDrake which can cause 
unpredictable results.  It updates menus without showing a busy cursor--only 
an "updating" and a "finish" in the lower left corner of the menudrake 
window.  If users stop it early, it does weird things.

logout/login fixates the menus with their new values.  So does update-menus 
run from a terminal.


RE: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Before you throw away your sound card, you may want to open your system and
install it into another PCI slot.

Often the a PCI slot may be sharing an IRQ with another device which is
spending too much time handling IRQ requests causing the freezing...

Simply moving the card can often cure this problem.

Give it a shot, you have nothing to loose.

Let me know if you have any luck.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Revenant
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:21 AM
To: Newbie List - Linux Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?

I'm tired of Linux freezing up when I play sound using my Aureal
Storm Platinum and I want to replace it.

What would you recommend as a replacement ?  It has to be at least
as fully featured as the Aureal Vortex 2, and _fully_ compatible with

Any suggestions?


--- Revenant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --
"The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak."
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

[newbie] Creating kernel

2001-03-28 Per discussione André D. Martinsen

I have a fresh install of LM7.2 and I would like to 
know what I need to have installed for the make xconfig to work. Right now it 
only gives me an errormessage.


Re: [newbie] Manual

2001-03-28 Per discussione André D. Martinsen

Yeah well they dont seem broken until you open the file you downloaded and
you see its only te html page you downloaded the files from.


 Cassiano A. wrote:
  Where can I download the manuals of linux-mandrake 7.2?
  Like user's guide, configuration guide, etc. Because the
  link in the site is broke.
  Cassiano Cavalcanti

 CassianoI don't know of any other location.  But for what
 it's worth, I'm downloading both manuals (.pdf files) as I
 type this message.  So at least from my location here in
 Southern California the links to the manuals on the web site are not broken.

RE: [newbie] IRQ's

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

If they are all PCI devices then you'll probably want to look at the Bios
CMOS configuration.

When you get that many devices sharing IRQ's it is likely that:

1) They are PCI devices

2) They are installed in PCI slots that share common IRQ's.

Thus when you set one, you set them all.

You might try looking at the manual for the motherboard. Often it will
indicates which slots share IRQ's with which. You can then plan your IRQ
sharing strategy...

Worst case move some of your PCI cards around...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of michael
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 5:28 AM
Subject: [newbie] IRQ's

I know this is an elementary thing, but I have 4 devices on IRQ3
and none on 5,6,7,8 or 9.
Can I manually set them in Linux?

RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

2001-03-28 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher


I have networking setup. I am on a small LAN. I am fairly new to this
networking stuff. Can you give me some direction on which things to look at
and change? I would appreciate it.


-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:05 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

If you haven't set up "networking" properly (even if you don't have a LAN
card) everytime you start up a program, linux queries it's resolver to find
out if the terminal is authorized.

Since DNS/Resolver is unconfigured it takes 2 minutes for things to time out
waiting for the response that never comes.

You need to fix this!

Remember to assign the machine a hostname and domain and add an entry for it
in /etc/hosts, etc.

You might want to check the FAQ and erratta for complete instructions as
this is a common "newbie" mistake.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kelly, Christopher
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:03 PM
To: 'Newbie'
Subject: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

What would cause pauses in Linux? When ever I try to open something, be it a
program or a directory, it always pauses and it will take 2 mins to open. My
system is a PII 233 with 64megs of RAM. This should run fine from what I've
heard. Let me know what to check.



2001-03-28 Per discussione Civileme

Some folks have found fonts too big for the space available (when testing 
beta2), and others have reported ugly fonts they were unable to change.

Most of this might be attributed to anti-aliasing.

We set it ON on the Beta2.  We are setting it OFF in the Beta3. has two scripts  called and  I bet you can guess what they do.  It should be relatively simple 
for KDE enthusiasts to make Desktop icons that use them as executables.

Please test this as a possible solution to your problem and report back to 
the list.


[newbie] LinNeighborhood questions

2001-03-28 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

I have another question... as always.

I d/l'ed LinNeighborhood last night and installed the rpm. I was wondering
if anyone has ever configured it before? I can't even find where it is
installed to. I need your help!


RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

From a prompt:

# netscape /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/en/IR-HOWTO-15.html

and look for the words "long time" to find a reference.

This is also covered elsewhere and in the eratta.


-Original Message-
From: Kelly, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:22 AM
Cc: Kelly, Christopher
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$


I have networking setup. I am on a small LAN. I am fairly new to this
networking stuff. Can you give me some direction on which things to look at
and change? I would appreciate it.


-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:05 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

If you haven't set up "networking" properly (even if you don't have a LAN
card) everytime you start up a program, linux queries it's resolver to find
out if the terminal is authorized.

Since DNS/Resolver is unconfigured it takes 2 minutes for things to time out
waiting for the response that never comes.

You need to fix this!

Remember to assign the machine a hostname and domain and add an entry for it
in /etc/hosts, etc.

You might want to check the FAQ and erratta for complete instructions as
this is a common "newbie" mistake.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kelly, Christopher
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:03 PM
To: 'Newbie'
Subject: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

What would cause pauses in Linux? When ever I try to open something, be it a
program or a directory, it always pauses and it will take 2 mins to open. My
system is a PII 233 with 64megs of RAM. This should run fine from what I've
heard. Let me know what to check.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake IRC channel

2001-03-28 Per discussione Chubby Vic

I don't get it, it says "not connected to a server"

 Welcome to  sirc  version 2.211; type /help for help
 Connecting to ChatJunkiesNet, port Random...
* E * Hostname `ChatJunkiesNet' not found
 Loading filter parser...
 Filter Parser Loaded
  With: Super Willy Enhancements, LotR's exec 
 PUKE: Connecting to /tmp/ksocket-ntrzSj9LR/ksirc.21301
 Puke: Initial Setup complete
 Puke: Communications operational
 Done DCC Status
 You're not connected to a server
 You're not connected to a server

I can't make it go, is it broken?

On Tuesday 27 March 2001 09:38 pm,  so spoke michael:
 On Tuesday 27 March 2001 08:24 am, you purportedly scrawled:
  On Tuesday 27 March 2001 01:32, you wrote:
   On xchat there is an IRC channel called mandrake
   type /join #mandrake
  What network?

 ChatJunkiesNet Random Server #linux
 The rest of this ain't for you Civ-look away...

 Click on the Kcog or foot in the lower lhs of your screen
 choose your id -- don't even try as root! Connect!
 It should work --- email me if it doesn't for you!

[newbie] Which Kernel do I have?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Dave Peat

Can someone tell me the command to view the version of the Kernel
running on my machine?
Registered Linux User #184784

Re: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jeremy H.

Be sure that you are  not using a VIA chipset.  On certain version of the
VIA chipset it hangs wave files.  Even with the latest drivers for the
system board.  Just some input on this..
- Original Message -
From: Yogindra Persaud [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?

 I would definitely recommend an SB Live! card.  Whether you want the mp3+,
 xgamer, or platinum is up to you.  They all work just fine.  I personally
 have mp3+ 5.1 version, and I've never had any problems with it.


 - Original Message -
 From: Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Newbie List - Linux Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:20 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?

  I'm tired of Linux freezing up when I play sound using my Aureal
  Storm Platinum and I want to replace it.
  What would you recommend as a replacement ?  It has to be at least
  as fully featured as the Aureal Vortex 2, and _fully_ compatible with
  Any suggestions?
  --- Revenant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --
  "The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
  on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak."
  - author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: [newbie] LinNeighborhood questions

2001-03-28 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:28:02 -0500, spake "Kelly, Christopher"

 I have another question... as always.
 I d/l'ed LinNeighborhood last night and installed the rpm. I was
 if anyone has ever configured it before? I can't even find where it is
 installed to. I need your help!


Try this is the command line:
locate LinNeighborhood

You should then be able to find the binary. Mine is located in /usr/bin.
Since that is in my $PATH, I can simply call the program from the command
line, like this:
[dave@dedannshae dave]$ LinNeighborhood 

Alternatively, I have also created a K desktop icon to launch it.

Remember, you need to have Samba set up and running correctly on your LAN,
in order to use LinNeighborhood, since it is really only a GUI front-end
for Samba. Once Samba is working properly, then LinNeighborhood should
work as well.

You also need to suid several of the Samba binaries (smbmount, smbumount,
and possibly nmblookup -- the website has information on this).

There isn't much more to it. Launch the app, add a machine to your list,
then browse any machines and mount any shares you need.


[newbie] Hand on install - Configure X

2001-03-28 Per discussione Simon Carter

I am having problems installing Mandrake 7.0 on a P150 w96mbRam  8gig HD.

Every time it comes to ConfigureX at the end of the install it hangs.  Is
there anyway I can complete Configure X after rebooting?  If not what else
can be done?



Re: [newbie] (Newbie) Printer for Linux

2001-03-28 Per discussione Till Kamppeter

The Z52 works well with the drivers provided by Lexmark and also with
the GIMP-Print driver of the new Mandrake 8.0. But note that the Lexmark
drivers are non-free software so that we cannot recompile them for
future distros and we can only provide them on our commercial CDs. So I
recommend an Epson Stylus printer. Epson publishes the protocols of
their printers and so their support is kept up to date in GIMP-Print. So
Epsons are always well supported.


marcia wrote:
 Dear All, I am thinking of purchasing a printer and I wonder if the
 Lexmark Z52 jetprinter works well with Linux. Has anyone used this one
 with Linux? Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

RE: [newbie] LinNeighborhood questions

2001-03-28 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

thanks, dave

-Original Message-
From: Dave Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LinNeighborhood questions

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:28:02 -0500, spake "Kelly, Christopher"

 I have another question... as always.
 I d/l'ed LinNeighborhood last night and installed the rpm. I was
 if anyone has ever configured it before? I can't even find where it is
 installed to. I need your help!


Try this is the command line:
locate LinNeighborhood

You should then be able to find the binary. Mine is located in /usr/bin.
Since that is in my $PATH, I can simply call the program from the command
line, like this:
[dave@dedannshae dave]$ LinNeighborhood 

Alternatively, I have also created a K desktop icon to launch it.

Remember, you need to have Samba set up and running correctly on your LAN,
in order to use LinNeighborhood, since it is really only a GUI front-end
for Samba. Once Samba is working properly, then LinNeighborhood should
work as well.

You also need to suid several of the Samba binaries (smbmount, smbumount,
and possibly nmblookup -- the website has information on this).

There isn't much more to it. Launch the app, add a machine to your list,
then browse any machines and mount any shares you need.


Re: [newbie] Which Kernel do I have?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Tim Dickerson

Use this command to view what kernel you have installed

"uname -r"

use "uname -a"  to view all information


- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Peat" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:37 AM
Subject: [newbie] Which Kernel do I have?

 Can someone tell me the command to view the version of the Kernel
 running on my machine?
 Registered Linux User #184784

Re: [newbie] Which Kernel do I have?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Civileme

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 08:37, you wrote:
 Can someone tell me the command to view the version of the Kernel
 running on my machine?
 Registered Linux User #184784

uname -a


Re: [newbie] Mandrake IRC channel

2001-03-28 Per discussione michael

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 04:40 am, you purportedly scrawled:
 I don't get it, it says "not connected to a server"

  Welcome to  sirc  version 2.211; type /help for help

try Xchat

  Connecting to ChatJunkiesNet, port Random...
 * E * Hostname `ChatJunkiesNet' not found
  Loading filter parser...
  Filter Parser Loaded
   With: Super Willy Enhancements, LotR's exec
  PUKE: Connecting to /tmp/ksocket-ntrzSj9LR/ksirc.21301
  Puke: Initial Setup complete
  Puke: Communications operational
  Done DCC Status
  You're not connected to a server
  You're not connected to a server

 I can't make it go, is it broken?

 On Tuesday 27 March 2001 09:38 pm,  so spoke michael:
  On Tuesday 27 March 2001 08:24 am, you purportedly scrawled:
   On Tuesday 27 March 2001 01:32, you wrote:
On xchat there is an IRC channel called mandrake
type /join #mandrake
   What network?
  ChatJunkiesNet Random Server #linux
  The rest of this ain't for you Civ-look away...
  Click on the Kcog or foot in the lower lhs of your screen
  choose your id -- don't even try as root! Connect!
  It should work --- email me if it doesn't for you!


Re: [newbie] Civileme

2001-03-28 Per discussione Tim Dickerson


Any idea what happened to MandrakeForum ?
I have been trying for 3 days now. 


- Original Message - 
From: "Civileme" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Which Kernel do I have?

 On Wednesday 28 March 2001 08:37, you wrote:
  Can someone tell me the command to view the version of the Kernel
  running on my machine?
  Registered Linux User #184784
 uname -a

RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

2001-03-28 Per discussione Mark Johnson

Is this actually the cannoncial way of setting up your machine:

 ... and add an entry for it in /etc/hosts, etc.

to add the machine name to your hosts file?

I'm just asking because I did that, but I just did it as a last resort.  I
didn't know you *had* to do that and I was thinking I was just kludging my

If that's the case, why doesn't the installer or the Net  Internet Conf
tool in DrakConf set this for your?

-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:05 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

If you haven't set up "networking" properly (even if you don't have a LAN
card) everytime you start up a program, linux queries it's resolver to find
out if the terminal is authorized.

Since DNS/Resolver is unconfigured it takes 2 minutes for things to time out
waiting for the response that never comes.

You need to fix this!

Remember to assign the machine a hostname and domain and add an entry for it
in /etc/hosts, etc.

You might want to check the FAQ and erratta for complete instructions as
this is a common "newbie" mistake.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kelly, Christopher
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:03 PM
To: 'Newbie'
Subject: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

What would cause pauses in Linux? When ever I try to open something, be it a
program or a directory, it always pauses and it will take 2 mins to open. My
system is a PII 233 with 64megs of RAM. This should run fine from what I've
heard. Let me know what to check.


Re: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

I agree - Some Aureal-based soundcards simply don't agree with Some VIA-
based mainboards, when you also use an AGP graphics card. I once spent 
3 days trying to achieve some semblance of stability in Windows (back 
then I hadn't heard of linux!) tweaking IRQ settings, shifting PCI 
cards to different slots etc. The VIA board and Aureal card co-existed 
peacefully for a while, till I'd decided to replace my Matrox PCI card 
with an AGP Banshee card - that was when the incessant lock-up hell 
started. Got rid of the Aureal in the end.

Oops! Sorry for the off-topic-ness ;

On 28 Mar 2001, at 8:12, Jeremy H. wrote:

 Be sure that you are  not using a VIA chipset.  On certain version of
 the VIA chipset it hangs wave files.  Even with the latest drivers for
 the system board.  Just some input on this.. - Original Message
 - From: Yogindra Persaud [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?
  I would definitely recommend an SB Live! card.  Whether you want the
  mp3+, xgamer, or platinum is up to you.  They all work just fine.  I
  personally have mp3+ 5.1 version, and I've never had any problems with
  - Original Message -
  From: Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Newbie List - Linux Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:20 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Sound card recommendations?
   I'm tired of Linux freezing up when I play sound using my Aureal
   Storm Platinum and I want to replace it.
   What would you recommend as a replacement ?  It has to be at least
   as fully featured as the Aureal Vortex 2, and _fully_ compatible
   with Mandrake.
   Any suggestions?

[newbie] FTP Help

2001-03-28 Per discussione Nadin Merali

Hello all

This is actually two questions.  First is there anything for mandrake
which is  GPL equivalent to ftp servers like servu?  When I mean
equivalent I also mean with a gui interface, i loved command line
sometimes but when config some stuff like an ftp server I hate it.

Question number two.  So until I find a ftpd with a gui, I am using
wu-ftpd.  I need help.  I have setup a ftpuser that can only login into
throught ftp basically, if the user attemps to telnet or whatever, they do
not have a shell to get in with.  Now I am serveral directories in the
ftpuser home directory, ie /home/ftpuser.  here is an example

now I want the prevent the user from uploading to 

and can upload/retrieve from

what modifications do I have to make to my ftpaccess file to do this?

and I am lost to what the hell the difference is between a real and guest.
I am guessing that since the guest is restricted to his/her somedirectory,
he becomes a guest

PS one more question

the way it is setup is that the user logins in as ftpuser and a password.

I want to set it up so that I can have joe, bob, mike, john, all have
unique logins and passwords but have the samme access all to hether

basicalling home directory to /home/ftpuser

really need help with all this



RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble

2001-03-28 Per discussione Alan Rankin

It's possible your Windoze MBR became corrupted.  If you restore your MBR 
and still don't find success I would suggest a solution.  Simply have LILO 
on your Linux disk and make your Linux disk master and your windoze disk 
slave.  That's how my system is set up and it works fine (however I am using 


From: Ammon Cooke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:43:13 -0700

The trouble is that I did install Windows first,  Linux second allowing
LILO to write over the boot sector on the windows drive.  But the funny
thing about the problem is that not even a Windows 2000 Pro install CD will
boot.  The screen goes blank,  nothing happens if I try any kind of
Windows boot.  What could be the problem


At 07:05 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Make sure you install Mandrake second Windows will force itself to be the
only bootable partition otherwise

-Original Message-
From: Ammon Cooke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble

I have 2 hard drives, the first containing a Win 2K Pro installation, the
second a Linux Mandrake 7.2.  When I installed I put LILO on the
first(windows hard drive), it supposedly would allow me to boot either
Windows or Linux, but for some reason when I try to boot Windows the 
just goes blank, nothing happens,  a Ctrl+Alt+Del won't do anything.  The
same thing happens if I try to boot from the Win 2K Pro Install CD.

Any Help is appreciated.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Mandrake IRC channel

2001-03-28 Per discussione ZeynalBandari

try connecting to server by typing "/server" without the quotes. i 
hope it helps. 

 I don't get it, it says "not connected to a server"
 Welcome to sirc version 2.211; type /help for help
 Connecting to ChatJunkiesNet, port Random...
 * E * Hostname `ChatJunkiesNet' not found
 Loading filter parser...
 Filter Parser Loaded
  With: Super Willy Enhancements, LotR's exec 
 PUKE: Connecting to /tmp/ksocket-ntrzSj9LR/ksirc.21301
 Puke: Initial Setup complete
 Puke: Communications operational
 Done DCC Status
 You're not connected to a server
 You're not connected to a server
 I can't make it go, is it broken?
 On Tuesday 27 March 2001 09:38 pm, so spoke michael:
  On Tuesday 27 March 2001 08:24 am, you purportedly scrawled:
   On Tuesday 27 March 2001 01:32, you wrote:
On xchat there is an IRC channel called mandrake
type /join #mandrake
   What network?
  ChatJunkiesNet Random Server #linux
  The rest of this ain't for you Civ-look away...
  Click on the Kcog or foot in the lower lhs of your screen
  choose your id -- don't even try as root! Connect!
  It should work --- email me if it doesn't for you!
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

[newbie] Linux Mandrake 7.2 as a Network Server

2001-03-28 Per discussione Seth Hanzik

Greetings to all,
I have a question about reinstalling 7.2 on my computer as a server for 
my home network. Now for the question. I now linux, through Samba, is 
compatible and can talk to windows networks, but can a windows box talk to a 
linux network.
Linux Lunatic

"The Linux revolution will prove to be the one that will outdo the windows 
problem. This will be hastened by Windows XP. (What a Joke of an OS)" - Seth 
Hanzik a.k.a. Linux Lunatic
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] Upgrade to 8.0 Traktopel?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Greg Couch

I have Mandrake 7.2,  can I upgrade to 8.0 Traktopel w/o burning a CD? 
I do not have MS Windows on my pc anymore, only Linux.  Hopefully that
will fix some of the problems i am encountering w/screen configuration,
email, no sound system, etc etc.

I am new to Linux and many of the names or procedures are totally
foreign to me.  So if you answer, write it so your 5 year old could
perform the steps you recommend.  Sorry but this is all new %-)

[newbie] Kmail Send, No Receive

2001-03-28 Per discussione Greg Couch

Just loaded Mandrake 7.2, can't get kmail to receive.  Netscape sends
and receives but Kmail only sends.

Get msg:
Could not login to

I said:
"PASS your password"
And then the server said:
"-ERR invalid username or password."

I double checked the login and password
Changed them in root and also under my user id, still to no avail.

Clicked on KDE, Configuration, KDE, Personalization, email 
and set it there also.  Nothin.

So i can only get Netscape to send and receive.

FYI - login has a - in it,
my Password has a # sign in it,

Can that be causing conflict with Unix?

Re: [newbie] Civileme

2001-03-28 Per discussione Steve

Hmmm, I can't get to it either.
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Dickerson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Civileme

 Any idea what happened to MandrakeForum ?
 I have been trying for 3 days now. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Civileme" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Which Kernel do I have?
  On Wednesday 28 March 2001 08:37, you wrote:
   Can someone tell me the command to view the version of the Kernel
   running on my machine?
   Registered Linux User #184784
  uname -a

[newbie] Where, oh where is D:\?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jeffrey Sparks

Not STRICTLY a Linux issue, but here goes:

I got Mandrake 7.1 up  running pretty much the way it should (gotta get kmail 
configured, but that's betweeen me  Comcast). When I partitioned the drive (20GB IDE) 
I set up two partition as WinFAT (C  D). I did this by shrinking the C drive with was 
the whole kit  kaboodle down to about 1.8GB then made a 2nd WIN partition (D) about 
the same size. The rest I gave to Linux. Long story short, "D" doesn't mount. Dual 
booting, etc. runs fine, but there's only about 350MB left on C:\  I need the D:\ for 
Win98 disk space. When I check 'du' in Linux, the total partitions (including Windoze) 
adds up to 18.3GB, meaning that 1.7 is out there, it just won't mount in W98 or Linux. 
How do I get that running as an active (though not bootable) drive/partition? Thanks!

Re: [newbie] FTP Help

2001-03-28 Per discussione Civileme

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 10:29, you wrote:
 Hello all

 This is actually two questions.  First is there anything for mandrake
 which is  GPL equivalent to ftp servers like servu?  When I mean
 equivalent I also mean with a gui interface, i loved command line
 sometimes but when config some stuff like an ftp server I hate it.

Yes but not really as a single program.  IglooFTP would be close but proftpd 
with webmin should do nicely.

For the other questions--check the confihuraton available through webmin.  
Fire up Konqueror, login to and see.


 Question number two.  So until I find a ftpd with a gui, I am using
 wu-ftpd.  I need help.  I have setup a ftpuser that can only login into
 throught ftp basically, if the user attemps to telnet or whatever, they do
 not have a shell to get in with.  Now I am serveral directories in the
 ftpuser home directory, ie /home/ftpuser.  here is an example

 now I want the prevent the user from uploading to

 and can upload/retrieve from

 what modifications do I have to make to my ftpaccess file to do this?

 and I am lost to what the hell the difference is between a real and guest.
 I am guessing that since the guest is restricted to his/her somedirectory,
 he becomes a guest

 PS one more question

 the way it is setup is that the user logins in as ftpuser and a password.

 I want to set it up so that I can have joe, bob, mike, john, all have
 unique logins and passwords but have the samme access all to hether

 basicalling home directory to /home/ftpuser

 really need help with all this



Re: [newbie] Where, oh where is D:\?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hi...  let me see if i understand you correctly.  "D" drive is not seen in Linux or 
Win, yes?  first off, do you have anything on D that you need?  if not, this is what i 
would do.

linux, as root or su
run diskdrake.
it will find your partitions and all.
select the D partition.
oh, use diskdrake in 'advanced' mode
the D partition will not be mouted (if it is, unmount it)
hit the 'change type' button
change it to fat32
hit the 'format' button
format it
hit the 'mount' button
it will ask for a mount path, give it where you want linux to mount it.
hit 'write fstab'
disk drake will write an fstab with your D drive in it.
exit linux, start windows.  i expect it to be there now.
if not...  i'm not sure what is going on=)
next time you start linux, it will be there as you have updated your fstab.

now, if your D had data on it you need, don't do this.   =)   
someone smarter than me might have to help you in that case.

i hope this solves your problem

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 "Jeffrey Sparks" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9:16:09 AM 3/28/01 
Not STRICTLY a Linux issue, but here goes:

I got Mandrake 7.1 up  running pretty much the way it should (gotta get kmail 
configured, but that's betweeen me  Comcast). When I partitioned the drive (20GB IDE) 
I set up two partition as WinFAT (C  D). I did this by shrinking the C drive with was 
the whole kit  kaboodle down to about 1.8GB then made a 2nd WIN partition (D) about 
the same size. The rest I gave to Linux. Long story short, "D" doesn't mount. Dual 
booting, etc. runs fine, but there's only about 350MB left on C:\  I need the D:\ for 
Win98 disk space. When I check 'du' in Linux, the total partitions (including Windoze) 
adds up to 18.3GB, meaning that 1.7 is out there, it just won't mount in W98 or Linux. 
How do I get that running as an active (though not bootable) drive/partition? Thanks!

[newbie] Repost Request

2001-03-28 Per discussione kramer SETH

Could someone repost the dual boot response that included a way to add Linux
into your NT boot loader options list

Thanks in advance

Seth "Cosmo" Kramer

"I wish to God these calculations had been executed by steam."
-Charles Babbage 

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.2 for non-commercial use


Re: [newbie] printing via samba

2001-03-28 Per discussione Till Kamppeter

Can you send me the files


and the output of the following commands (enter them in a terminal

   rpm -qa | grep samba
   rpm -qa | grep cups
   lpstat -t
   ps auxwww | grep smb
   ps auxwww | grep cups


dede wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 7.2 with samba 2.07.
 I have problem that my client (windows 95) cannot print via samba.
 The error comment on client is : There was an error
 writing to \\Buaya\printer for printer (Canon)  BJC-210SP) The netwrok name
 cannot be found
 For disk share running well. On server I try to test print and work well
 I already follow the printer troubleshooting on windows but no result.
 And I already read printing.txt that came with samba distribution..and also
 can't help.
 My steps are :
 - /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
 (in this step smb always failed, why ???)
 - testparm
 - testprns lp
 - smbclient -L localhost
 Here is my smb.conf
 # Samba config file created using SWAT
 # from localhost.localdomain (
 # Date: 2001/03/08 14:12:06
 # Global parameters
  workgroup = ITS
  netbios name = BUAYA
  domain logons = no
  server string = samba n (%L)
  interfaces =
  security = user
 # password server = kancil
  encrypt passwords = Yes
  debug level = 0
  syslog = 2
  log file = /var/log/samba/samba.log.%m
  max log size = 50
  os level = 34
  local master = yes
  preferred master = yes
  domain master = yes
  wins support = yes
  auto services = made
  remote announce =
  hosts allow = 1.1.1. localhost
  comment = domain logon service
  path = /export/samba/logon
  public = no
  writeable = no
  browsable = no
 comment = canon kesayanganku...
 printable = yes
 printing = BSD
 I also use this command before but it doesn't work..
 #   print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P0 
 print command = echo "printed  on 0"  /tmp/printlog
 print command = cp  /tmp/tmp.print
 lpq command = lpq -P0
 lprm command = lprm -P0 %j
 printcap name = /etc/printcap
 printer = lp
 min print space = 2000
 path = /var/spool/public
 printer = lp
 read only = yes
 guest ok = false
 valid users = made
  comment = data drive
  path = /mnt
  writeable = Yes
  guest ok = Yes
  map system = Yes
  map hidden = Yes
  volume = simple data drive
  follow symlinks = No
 Is there some thing wrong with the smb.conf ??? Did I miss any step ??
 Please help me...
 From Bali

Re: [newbie] Manual

2001-03-28 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Andr D. Martinsen wrote:
 Yeah well they dont seem broken until you open the file you
 downloaded and you see its only te html page you downloaded
 the files from.


  Cassiano A. wrote:
   Where can I download the manuals of linux-mandrake 7.2?
   Like user's guide, configuration guide, etc. Because
   the link in the site is broke.
   Cassiano Cavalcanti
  CassianoI don't know of any other location.  But for
  what it's worth, I'm downloading both manuals (.pdf
  files) as I type this message.  So at least from my
  location here in Southern California the links to the
  manuals on the web site are not

Andrwhen I wrote that message yesterday I was in the 
process of downloading the two manuals in pdf form.  After 
they finsished downloading I checked them and they were both 
proper viewable .pdf files.  This was on a noisy 28,800 bps 
modem connection in Southern California.

Re: [newbie] I still can't enter X

2001-03-28 Per discussione AndyMonks
if this helps, my monitor went into standby mode with an unsorped vidio card. 
i belive its your vidio cards fault?

try the FBDev, 
that worked for me!


PS anyone know if the trident cyberblade i7 can be supporded with the xfreex6 

Re: [newbie] IRQ's

2001-03-28 Per discussione AndyMonks
if you got a newer motherboard you can set the bios to automatically set the 

PNP bios seting ?

have a look!


[newbie] Which tool to establish ISDN connection?

2001-03-28 Per discussione hellmut


I've an ISDN connection from now on, but I don't have a clue how to
connect, except using DrakConf... isn't there a tool to connect as
unprivileged user too?


 (o o)
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ooO Ooo

[newbie] kpackage in KDE 2.1

2001-03-28 Per discussione msoltys

Hello All,
  I am running LM 7.2 and recently upgraded from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 .
I really like it for the most part but have noticed that since the
upgrade, kpackage seems to be broken. I haven't seen much about this in
the list archives. Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so,
how did you fix it?


Mickey Soltys

RE: [newbie] Manual

2001-03-28 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Manual

Andre, did you download in linux? And if you did, did you hold down the shift key when you clicked on the files to download? If you didn't hold the key down you would only get the .htm or .html file and not the actual package. I would try the download again but hold down the shift key when you click on the file URL. Sorry if I am stating the already known or obvious, but on occasion I have not held the key down long enough and the .htm is all I got. Good Luck, Dennis M.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Manual

André D. Martinsen wrote:
 Yeah well they dont seem broken until you open the file you
 downloaded and you see its only te html page you downloaded
 the files from.


  Cassiano A. wrote:
   Where can I download the manuals of linux-mandrake 7.2?
   Like user's guide, configuration guide, etc. Because
   the link in the site is broke.
   Cassiano Cavalcanti
  CassianoI don't know of any other location. But for
  what it's worth, I'm downloading both manuals (.pdf
  files) as I type this message. So at least from my
  location here in Southern California the links to the
  manuals on the web site are not

Andréwhen I wrote that message yesterday I was in the 
process of downloading the two manuals in pdf form. After 
they finsished downloading I checked them and they were both 
proper viewable .pdf files. This was on a noisy 28,800 bps 
modem connection in Southern California.

Re: [newbie] Repost Request

2001-03-28 Per discussione Michael Lewis

At 01:33 PM 3/28/01 -0500, you wrote:
Could someone repost the dual boot response that included a way to add Linux
into your NT boot loader options list

Thanks in advance

Seth "Cosmo" Kramer

I recently did a NT / Linux install and was referred to a good how-to that 
worked well.  The only problem is, the information is on my Linux / 95 
machine, and it crashed when my floppy went out.  I did recover it and 
freed up some space, but it crashed again.  Hopefully someone else can 
refer you to the how-to.  It looks like I'm going to have wipe out 7.1 and 
start over again.  I'm really disappointed that the OS is that unstable as 
to crash when a piece of hardware goes out.  Even Windows can deal with 
that.  Sorry, I wish I could help.



RE: [newbie] kpackage in KDE 2.1

2001-03-28 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] kpackage in KDE 2.1

Kpackage should work just dandy. If it is not then you have a file that is corrupted or the installation was a bit out of order. I would first try doing a reinstall of the complete set of packages by going to console mode and using : 

rpm -Uvh *.rpm , in root and with the directory that you downloaded to open. If that is not the way you did it before, then move the files into their own directory and do the install the above way. I noticed that the theme manager did not show up on one of my computers when I first installed KDE 2.1 so I went back and without uninstalling anything and in root console did a : rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force *.rpm and the theme manager showed up as it should have. It must have to do with dependencies and the order that the packages are installed. Hope this isn't to confusing, good luck. Dennis M. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of msoltys
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: [newbie] kpackage in KDE 2.1

Hello All,
 I am running LM 7.2 and recently upgraded from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 .
I really like it for the most part but have noticed that since the
upgrade, kpackage seems to be broken. I haven't seen much about this in
the list archives. Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so,
how did you fix it?


Mickey Soltys

Re: [newbie] Where, oh where is D:\?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Michael Lewis

At 11:16 AM 3/28/01 -0500, you wrote:
Not STRICTLY a Linux issue, but here goes:

I got Mandrake 7.1 up  running pretty much the way it should (gotta get 
kmail configured, but that's betweeen me  Comcast). When I partitioned 
the drive (20GB IDE) I set up two partition as WinFAT (C  D). I did this 
by shrinking the C drive with was the whole kit  kaboodle down to about 
1.8GB then made a 2nd WIN partition (D) about the same size. The rest I 
gave to Linux. Long story short, "D" doesn't mount. Dual booting, etc. 
runs fine, but there's only about 350MB left on C:\  I need the D:\ for 
Win98 disk space. When I check 'du' in Linux, the total partitions 
(including Windoze) adds up to 18.3GB, meaning that 1.7 is out there, it 
just won't mount in W98 or Linux. How do I get that running as an active 
(though not bootable) drive/partition? Thanks!

There is a script on the Mandrake site that will fix your problem.  You 
most likely did the auto install and it puts your D drive inside a Linux 
partition.  it is still there, you just can't access it.  I can't give you 
the URL where the script is at because my machine crashed when my floppy 
went out and it looks like I'm just going to have to re-install and take 
the loss.  Maybe someone else on the list can give you the URL.


Re: [newbie] I still can't enter X

2001-03-28 Per discussione daddy

 if this helps, my monitor went into standby mode with an unsorped
 vidio card.
 i belive its your vidio cards fault?
 try the FBDev,
 that worked for me!
 PS anyone know if the trident cyberblade i7 can be supporded with the

In his error logs it does mention two video cards. It isn't using his
voodoo2 if that is what he is trying to use. 

.--. `
|__| .---.   Altoine Barker
|=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
|--| ||$mend||   Chicago Based Enterprise
|  | |'-'|

RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble

2001-03-28 Per discussione Ammon Cooke

I wish I could figure out how to restore me Windows MBR, but not even the 
Install CD will boot.  Any more Ideas?



PS I looked for a way to use something besides LILO, but couldn't see how 
to do it.

At 09:16 AM 3/28/2001 -0600, you wrote:
It's possible your Windoze MBR became corrupted.  If you restore your MBR 
and still don't find success I would suggest a solution.  Simply have LILO 
on your Linux disk and make your Linux disk master and your windoze disk 
slave.  That's how my system is set up and it works fine (however I am 
using GRUB).


From: Ammon Cooke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:43:13 -0700

The trouble is that I did install Windows first,  Linux second allowing
LILO to write over the boot sector on the windows drive.  But the funny
thing about the problem is that not even a Windows 2000 Pro install CD will
boot.  The screen goes blank,  nothing happens if I try any kind of
Windows boot.  What could be the problem


At 07:05 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Make sure you install Mandrake second Windows will force itself to be the
only bootable partition otherwise

-Original Message-
From: Ammon Cooke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble

I have 2 hard drives, the first containing a Win 2K Pro installation, the
second a Linux Mandrake 7.2.  When I installed I put LILO on the
first(windows hard drive), it supposedly would allow me to boot either
Windows or Linux, but for some reason when I try to boot Windows the screen
just goes blank, nothing happens,  a Ctrl+Alt+Del won't do anything.  The
same thing happens if I try to boot from the Win 2K Pro Install CD.

Any Help is appreciated.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Which Kernel do I have?

2001-03-28 Per discussione Dave Peat

Thanks for the info!

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/28/01 11:15AM 

Dave.Peat wrote:

 Can someone tell me the command to view the version of the Kernel
 running on my machine?
 Registered Linux User #184784

Try "uname -a"  w/o the quotes, of course
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting,
killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

The installer makes no assumptions on it's own.

After all a high percentage of people run their own DNS daemon, etc...
and/or sometimes the user elects not to install dns/bind packages since they
are installing in a secondary machine on their network.

The NET tool on the other hand expects to be told which machine is the
resolver. It does not by itself set up your DNS.

Linuxconf handles DNS setup under separate entries, as it should.

It does a fairly good job of it too. The perennial problem with Linuxconf is
the abysmal documentation and help files.

Often exacting and differing syntax must be used in each of it's modules
(because they were written by different people) but the help/documentation
barely mentions ANYTHING.

As a result many people overlook Linuxconf and resort to circumventing it...
subsequently running into problems because they are not doing things the
Mandrake/Linuxconf way...
It's a nightmare for the newbie to wade thru this. The upside is that it
does make things easier to give help to newbies...

While I deem myself to know Linuxconf pretty well, there are still areas
that totally elude me... and others which are still in error.

Case in point: I discovered that the automatic update of DNS via the DHCPD
server for Windows Client allocation was attempting to write out the leases
file into the wrong directory.

This prevented DNS from getting update via the cron script that does this,
so while the leases would be allocated there were no corresponding DNS
additions or removals.

A simple symlink to the proper directory fixed this and now Linuxconf
correctly shows all allocations...

So WHERE are the docs for this?

As so typifies good coders, the Linuxconf authors can program with the best,
but can't write docs worth a damn.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:39 AM
To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

Is this actually the cannoncial way of setting up your machine:

 ... and add an entry for it in /etc/hosts, etc.

to add the machine name to your hosts file?

I'm just asking because I did that, but I just did it as a last resort.  I
didn't know you *had* to do that and I was thinking I was just kludging my

If that's the case, why doesn't the installer or the Net  Internet Conf
tool in DrakConf set this for your?

-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:05 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

If you haven't set up "networking" properly (even if you don't have a LAN
card) everytime you start up a program, linux queries it's resolver to find
out if the terminal is authorized.

Since DNS/Resolver is unconfigured it takes 2 minutes for things to time out
waiting for the response that never comes.

You need to fix this!

Remember to assign the machine a hostname and domain and add an entry for it
in /etc/hosts, etc.

You might want to check the FAQ and erratta for complete instructions as
this is a common "newbie" mistake.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kelly, Christopher
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:03 PM
To: 'Newbie'
Subject: [newbie] Linux is draggin' A$$

What would cause pauses in Linux? When ever I try to open something, be it a
program or a directory, it always pauses and it will take 2 mins to open. My
system is a PII 233 with 64megs of RAM. This should run fine from what I've
heard. Let me know what to check.


RE: [newbie] kpackage in KDE 2.1

2001-03-28 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

I did notice one issue with kpackage 2.1 though - after selecting 
packages for install/uninstall and at the screen where the options for 
"check dependencies" and "test only" etc are available, kpackage will 
crash if you click in the list of selected packages. No longer occurs 
in 2.1.1 though.

On 28 Mar 2001, at 13:18, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:

 Kpackage should work just dandy. If it is not then you have a file that
 is corrupted or the installation was a bit out of order. I would first
 try doing a reinstall of the complete set of packages by going to
 console mode and using : rpm -Uvh *.rpm , in root and with the directory
 that you downloaded to open. If that is not the way you did it before,
 then move the files into their own directory and do the install the
 above way. I noticed that the theme manager did not show up on one of my
 computers when I first installed KDE 2.1 so I went back and without
 uninstalling anything and in root console did a : rpm -Uvh --nodeps
 --force *.rpm  and the theme manager showed up as it should have. It
 must have to do with dependencies and the order that the packages are
 installed. Hope this isn't to confusing, good luck. Dennis M.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of msoltys
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 2:26 PM
 Subject: [newbie] kpackage in KDE 2.1
 Hello All,
   I am running LM 7.2 and recently upgraded from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 . I
 really like it for the most part but have noticed that since the
 upgrade, kpackage seems to be broken. I haven't seen much about this in
 the list archives. Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so,
 how did you fix it?
 Mickey Soltys

Re: [newbie] [Fwd: Anacron job 'cron.daily']

2001-03-28 Per discussione daddy

KompuKit wrote:
 HOW do I fix this..?
 I physically deleted the directories, then re-installed using a source
 instead of a rpm...and now, this happens..
 Anacron wrote:
  error: majordomo:5 error verifying olddir path /var/lib/majordomo/OLDLOGS: No such 
file or directory
 Registered Linux User: 167369
 = =
 Personal WebServer:
 (Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)
  (US EST)

Did you put the source files from the tarballs into their respective
place? You can easily compare your picture of your new file system with
an rpm package, by checking out and searching for the exact
last rpm package that you had and choosing the ".html" link of that
package and scroll down and look and see where each file went. Works for
me creating rpm packages for my system based on mandrakes schema.


.--. `
|__| .---.   Altoine Barker
|=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
|--| ||$mend||   Chicago Based Enterprise
|  | |'-'|

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble

2001-03-28 Per discussione Romanator

First of all, did you create an NT Repair Disk and a DOS Boot Disk? Did
you create a Linux Boot Disk?
However, if you need to restore your Windows MBR, try booting to DOS
with a DOS Boot Disk.
At the C:\ prompt, type in: fdisk /mbr
Shutdown your computer. This will restore you Windows MBR and allow you
to boot to Windows.

If you want to boot to Linux
Insert the Linux Boot Disk. This will boot your computer to Linux. I
hope this helps.

Registered Linux User #179293
High Powered Penguin Email

Ammon Cooke wrote:
 I wish I could figure out how to restore me Windows MBR, but not even the
 Install CD will boot.  Any more Ideas?
 PS I looked for a way to use something besides LILO, but couldn't see how
 to do it.
 At 09:16 AM 3/28/2001 -0600, you wrote:
 It's possible your Windoze MBR became corrupted.  If you restore your MBR
 and still don't find success I would suggest a solution.  Simply have LILO
 on your Linux disk and make your Linux disk master and your windoze disk
 slave.  That's how my system is set up and it works fine (however I am
 using GRUB).
 From: Ammon Cooke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble
 Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:43:13 -0700
 The trouble is that I did install Windows first,  Linux second allowing
 LILO to write over the boot sector on the windows drive.  But the funny
 thing about the problem is that not even a Windows 2000 Pro install CD will
 boot.  The screen goes blank,  nothing happens if I try any kind of
 Windows boot.  What could be the problem
 At 07:05 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 Make sure you install Mandrake second Windows will force itself to be the
 only bootable partition otherwise
 -Original Message-
 From: Ammon Cooke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 6:53 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Dual Boot Trouble
 I have 2 hard drives, the first containing a Win 2K Pro installation, the
 second a Linux Mandrake 7.2.  When I installed I put LILO on the
 first(windows hard drive), it supposedly would allow me to boot either
 Windows or Linux, but for some reason when I try to boot Windows the screen
 just goes blank, nothing happens,  a Ctrl+Alt+Del won't do anything.  The
 same thing happens if I try to boot from the Win 2K Pro Install CD.
 Any Help is appreciated.
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] CorelPHOTOPAINT9 Install

2001-03-28 Per discussione Ammon Cooke


This may not be the right place to ask, but I thought someone here said 
something about having installed PhotoPaint on their machine.  I can't 
install FontTastic, the RPM Manager tells me, "file etc/init.d from install 
of fonttastic-glibc-2.1- conflicts with file from package 
initscripts-5.27-37mdk".  How do I get it to work??


Re: [newbie] FONT UGLINESS

2001-03-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 01:29 pm, you wrote:
 Some folks have found fonts too big for the space available (when testing
 beta2), and others have reported ugly fonts they were unable to change.

 Most of this might be attributed to anti-aliasing.

 We set it ON on the Beta2.  We are setting it OFF in the Beta3. has two scripts  called and  I bet you can guess what they do.  It should be relatively
 simple for KDE enthusiasts to make Desktop icons that use them as

 Please test this as a possible solution to your problem and report back to
 the list.


Asking again, I have not received  a CD shipment, will there be one? Reading 
the mail is torture when you can't contribute. Will you be sending them out 
or did I miss it.  Just curious,
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Creating kernel

2001-03-28 Per discussione s

There are several things you need and I can't recall all of them.  "make" 
being one of them.  Automake, autoconfig maybe.  egc I think.  update 
modultils to the latest.  Verify you have ppp 2.4.0.  Anyway, check the 
readme and it'll usually tell ya.  make is on your cds and anything that 
ain't, you can find at:

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 06:00 am, you wrote:
 I have a fresh install of LM7.2 and I would like to know what I need to
 have installed for the make xconfig to work. Right now it only gives me an


RE: [newbie] Repost Request

2001-03-28 Per discussione kramer SETH

If anyone knows what I'm talking about please repost I remember it vaguely,
and it was just posted yesterday or the day before, about the person who put
the line in boot.ini and got Linux as an option in their Windows 2000 boot
menu, it would be much appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Repost Request

At 01:33 PM 3/28/01 -0500, you wrote:
Could someone repost the dual boot response that included a way to add
into your NT boot loader options list

Thanks in advance

Seth "Cosmo" Kramer

I recently did a NT / Linux install and was referred to a good how-to that 
worked well.  The only problem is, the information is on my Linux / 95 
machine, and it crashed when my floppy went out.  I did recover it and 
freed up some space, but it crashed again.  Hopefully someone else can 
refer you to the how-to.  It looks like I'm going to have wipe out 7.1 and 
start over again.  I'm really disappointed that the OS is that unstable as 
to crash when a piece of hardware goes out.  Even Windows can deal with 
that.  Sorry, I wish I could help.



[newbie] Documents about Linux

2001-03-28 Per discussione Cassiano A.

Where can I find docs about Linux's Commands, KDE, Gnome,... any documents
about linux?
If someone has this docs or web address, you can send in e-mail


Cassiano Cavalcanti
Support Analist
Hewlett-Packard Brasil

Re: [newbie] [Fwd: Anacron job 'cron.daily']

2001-03-28 Per discussione KompuKit

well, I know for sure...that the major install dir...was
in both source and rpm installs...but...for the matter of the
I think inside the /usr/lib/majordomo the lists

daddy wrote:
 KompuKit wrote:
  HOW do I fix this..?
  I physically deleted the directories, then re-installed using a source
  instead of a rpm...and now, this happens..
  Anacron wrote:
   error: majordomo:5 error verifying olddir path /var/lib/majordomo/OLDLOGS: No 
such file or directory
  Registered Linux User: 167369
  = =
  Personal WebServer:
  (Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)
   (US EST)
 Did you put the source files from the tarballs into their respective
 place? You can easily compare your picture of your new file system with
 an rpm package, by checking out and searching for the exact
 last rpm package that you had and choosing the ".html" link of that
 package and scroll down and look and see where each file went. Works for
 me creating rpm packages for my system based on mandrakes schema.
 .--. `
 |__| .---.   Altoine Barker
 |=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
 |--| ||$mend||   Chicago Based Enterprise
 |  | |'-'|

Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

[newbie] Manual

2001-03-28 Per discussione Cassiano A.

Alan, Andr or somebody,

Where can i download de .PDF files of all instructions about Linux Mandrake


Can You send me yours .PDF files to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Thanks for everyone,
Cassiano Cavalcanti

-Mensagem original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Em nome de Myers, Dennis R NWO
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 28 de maro de 2001 18:08
Assunto: RE: [newbie] Manual

Andre, did you download in linux? And if you did, did you hold down the
shift key when you clicked on the files to download? If you didn't hold the
key down you would only get the .htm or .html file and not the actual
package. I would try the download again but hold down the shift key when you
click on the file URL. Sorry if I am stating the already known or obvious,
but on occasion I have not held the key down long enough and the .htm is all
I got. Good Luck, Dennis M.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Manual

Andr D. Martinsen wrote:
 Yeah well they dont seem broken until you open the file you
 downloaded and you see its only te html page you downloaded
 the files from.


  Cassiano A. wrote:
   Where can I download the manuals of linux-mandrake 7.2?
   Like user's guide, configuration guide, etc. Because
   the link in the site is broke.
   Cassiano Cavalcanti
  CassianoI don't know of any other location.  But for
  what it's worth, I'm downloading both manuals (.pdf
  files) as I type this message.  So at least from my
  location here in Southern California the links to the
  manuals on the web site are not
Andrwhen I wrote that message yesterday I was in the
process of downloading the two manuals in pdf form.  After
they finsished downloading I checked them and they were both
proper viewable .pdf files.  This was on a noisy 28,800 bps
modem connection in Southern California.

[newbie] HSP56 MicroModem

2001-03-28 Per discussione Cassiano A.


I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 and I can't connect to internet.
I have a HSP56 MicroModem and isn't recognized by linux.
Is There a procedure to do it work?

Cassiano Cavalcanti
Support Analist
Hewlett-Packard Brasil

Re: [newbie] LinNeighborhood questions

2001-03-28 Per discussione William R . Nash

Look where you uninstall the program.  you will see 
LinNeighborhood-0.6.2.glibc-static-i386 folder
cd to that folder
you will see LinNeighborhood script.  
you can run it there.

I made a shotcut on my desktop to run that script.  very nice program..
hope that helps..

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 07:28, you wrote:
 I have another question... as always.

 I d/l'ed LinNeighborhood last night and installed the rpm. I was wondering
 if anyone has ever configured it before? I can't even find where it is
 installed to. I need your help!


William R. Nash
Director of Information System
1640 Airport Road, Suite 114
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Phone 770-779-2106
Fax: 770-779-2161

Re: [newbie] HSP56 MicroModem

2001-03-28 Per discussione KompuKit

HSP modems are winmodems...and they most all don't work..

"Cassiano A." wrote:
 I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 and I can't connect to internet.
 I have a HSP56 MicroModem and isn't recognized by linux.
 Is There a procedure to do it work?
 Cassiano Cavalcanti
 Support Analist
 Hewlett-Packard Brasil

Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] CorelPHOTOPAINT9 Install

2001-03-28 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 28 March 2001 17:45, you wrote:

   This may not be the right place to ask, but I thought someone here
 said something about having installed PhotoPaint on their machine.  I
 can't install FontTastic, the RPM Manager tells me, "file etc/init.d
 from install of fonttastic-glibc-2.1- conflicts with
 file from package initscripts-5.27-37mdk".  How do I get it to work??

rpm -Uhv fonttastic-glibc-2.1- --force --nodeps
Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

[newbie] Repost win98,win2000 and Mandrake 7 multi-boot]

2001-03-28 Per discussione daddy

adrian miller wrote:
 Dear All,
 Heres my 1st post and a neat trick for people like me who like to do
 everything at once:) I like being able to install Mandrake 7.2 and have it
 represented on the Win2K bootloader menu without resorting to shenanigans.
 I use a triple boot system..Win98SE, Win2k and of course Mandrake 7.2
 This trick applies to a fresh install of Mandrake 7.2 on an existing
 Win98/Win2K Dual Boot system:
 After progressing through Mankdrake setup to the point of choosing
 bootloader, i prefer to choose lilo, and then install it not in the
 bootsector but the linux root partition, in my case /dev/hda5. Im not overly
 fond of grub or using bootloaders in general that write to the bootsector of
 a Win machine.
 After installing lilo to /dev/hda, i hit ALT - F2 to go to the console and
 type the following at the # prompt: (this assumes my /dev/hda5 linux root)
 dd if=/dev/hda5 of=/mnt/mnt/win_c/bootsec.lnx bs=512 count=1 Enter
 # This copies the bootsector of /dev/hda5 to a file in c:\ called
 bootsec.lnx, the /mnt/mnt is not a typo by the way. The win_c is of course
 because at partitioning time, Mandrake is friendly enough to have created
 mounts for the windows partitions.
 pico /mnt/mnt/win_c/boot.ini Enter
 # This of course will open boot.ini within pico for editingi hate vi:)
 in boot.ini , add the line (after the other entries):
 c:\bootsec.lnx="Mandrake 7.2"
 Ctrl and X to save
 hit ALT - 7 to return to the Mandrake setup screen, and then complete
 Reboot and admire the new entry to the Win2k bootloader menu:)
 At this point scrolling down to Mandrake 7.2 is highly advised :)
 I then make sure to backup the bootsec.lnx file just in case Win2k/Win98SE
 get unfriendly and need a reinstall. If that happens its only a matter of
 the offending Win OS and reinstatement of the bootsec.lnx file and of course
 the boot.ini hacking.
 Hope someone gets some use of this trick!
 From: Klar Brian D Contr MSG SICN [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [expert] win98,win2000 and Mandrake 7 multi-boot
 Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 15:33:26 -0500
 Boot from you boot disk and reinstall grub should work.
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Johansson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 3:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [expert] win98,win2000 and Mandrake 7 multi-boot
 Hi Michael!
 Some operating $ystem$ have the not very nice policy of brutally
 overwriting the master boot record of your computer when installed.
 To solve this you can use your Mandrake CD. Make sure you've set your BIOS
 to boot on CD first, and then insert your Mandrake CD and reboot.
 When the Mandrake screen appears press F1. You will now be given a set of
 options. I'f i'm not misremembering you can type "rescue" (without the
 ticks) and hit enter.
 You should then get to a root prompt where you can type "lilo" (again
 without ticks).
 Now LILO will make all operating systems avaiable to you on the next
 LILO is more or less equivalent to grub, and I think you will feel
 comfortable with it.
 I'm not sure wether you first have to mount your linux partitions before
 doing this. Maybe someone ohter on the list knows?
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 7:04 PM
 Subject: [expert] win98,win2000 and Mandrake 7 multi-boot
   when I installed win2000 professional on my computer(have win98 and
 Mandrake 7 dual boot using grub),grub disappeared,there is only win98 and
 win2000 menu when I restart,do I need to install Mandrake using update one
 more time?(I did so with win98 a few weeks ago),thank you in advance.
 have a nice day,
 Michael zhao
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

.--. `
|__| .---.   Altoine Barker
|=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
|--| ||$mend||   Chicago Based Enterprise
|  | |'-'|

[newbie] question on modems

2001-03-28 Per discussione Tim McKinney

Hello everyone,
 I was wondering if someone could 
give me some information. I am currently learning Mandrake Linux 
7.2. I have a Diamond SupraExpress 33.6 pnp voice modem. Harddrake 
recognizes the modem, but tells me it is a winmodem. Is this correct or is 
it detecting it wrong and will I have to do something else to make it 
work. Thanks for any help you can give me.


Re: [newbie] HSP56 MicroModem

2001-03-28 Per discussione Michael Scottaline


 I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 and I can't connect to internet.
 I have a HSP56 MicroModem and isn't recognized by linux.
 Is There a procedure to do it work?
I believe HSP modems are winmodems, not REAL modems.
I don't believe it's likely to work with linux, but someone may know better.
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

RE: [newbie] question on modems

2001-03-28 Per discussione Mark Da Silva

-Original Message-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tim McKinney
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 10:45 PM
Subject: [newbie] question on

Hello everyone,

 I was wondering
if someone could give me some information. I am currently learning
Mandrake Linux 7.2. I have a Diamond SupraExpress 33.6 pnp voice
modem. Harddrake recognizes the modem, but tells me it is a winmodem.
Is this correct or is it detecting it wrong and will I have to do something
else to make it work. Thanks for any help you can give me.


Like it says on the Mandrake home page winmodems are basically unsupported..


[newbie] SB64

2001-03-28 Per discussione Mark Da Silva


Im currently using mandrake 8.0b2 and cant
seem to get my Soundblaster 64 Value PCI to be
detected under Mandrake. Does tge beta (or 7.2
support it) If they do what can I do??


[newbie] Installer freezing

2001-03-28 Per discussione Ted Drain

Hi all,
I just upgraded my system and I'm trying to install Mandrake 7.2 on a new 
hard drive but the installer keeps freezing.  The screen freezes when it 
says "Starting... Please Wait".  My setup is:

Mandrake 7.2
ASUS A7V133A motherboard
AMD 1GHz T-Bird (133 bus)
Western Digital 30gig HD

This motherboard has a separate ATA100 bus which I attempted to install on 
using the instructions found at:

When that didn't work, I moved the disk to the standard IDE bus, but the 
freeze still happens.  I've tried the following with no change:

- removing my sound and network card
- booting from floppy
- booting from CD
- running in the different modes (expert, text, rescue, etc)

Any thoughts?  Has anyone seen a problem like this?

I can run the RedHat 6.2 and 7.0 installers and they work fine (I'd really 
prefer to use Mandrake though).

"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they
can bribe the people with their own money." -Alexis de Tocqueville

RE: [newbie] Documents about Linux

2001-03-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Not to seem simplistic, but have you tried the man pages?


# man man

Also check out




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cassiano A.
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:24 PM
Subject: [newbie] Documents about Linux

Where can I find docs about Linux's Commands, KDE, Gnome,... any documents
about linux?
If someone has this docs or web address, you can send in e-mail


Cassiano Cavalcanti
Support Analist
Hewlett-Packard Brasil