Re: [newbie-it] Fine iscrizione

2001-05-28 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 21:08, sabato 26 Maggio 2001, Mr_Brain scrisse:
 Il 20:50, venerdì 25 Maggio 2001, Sebastiano Cordiano ha scritto:
  On Fri, 25 May 2001 10:42:09 +0200
  Sapete dirmi perche' da un po' di tempo (da meta' aprile mi pare)
  questo sympa non mette piu' l' indirizzo della lista nel campo
  Reply-to ma lascia quello del mittente?
  Almeno da me e' cosi' ed e' mooolto scomodo..

 Anche qui e` cosi`, usando la funzione ``Reply-All'' dovrebbe
 funzionare bene :))

Ecco una spiegazione, che consiglio a tutti di leggere :-))

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] EXT2 sotto Win9x

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marc (aka: Verbal)

Esiste qualche prodotto che mi renda disponibile l'accesso sotto Win98 a 
partizioni Linux ?
CU S%N!Ciaociao  Byez ! \\marco[www] |||[email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED][icq] 
19758469[icq email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (instant ICQ msg 
via email)[wwp icq][fidonet] 
2:332/801.63[cellulare] 0338-1772706

] do you have an opinion ?] a mind of your own ?] i thought you 
were special.] i thought you should know.] but i've run out of 
patience,] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,] pray the Lord my soul to keep,] if i 
die before i wake,] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

[newbie-it] Installazione flash media 5.0

2001-05-28 Per discussione Enrico Noseda

Ho installato completamente mandrake linux 8.0 (versione 2 CD) e ho eseguito 
Non si attiva il plug-in flash Media 5.0 su alcuni siti; ho eseguito il 
download e da terminale inserito il comando: 
$HOME/flash_linux/ /usr/lib/netscape/plugins e mi ha dato 
l'errore impossibile creare file normale
Questo sia con browser netscape 4.77.

Sarei grato se mi venisse indicato per esteso cosa debbofare per vedere tale 

Enrico N.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie-it] IceWm

2001-05-28 Per discussione Corrado

Mr_Brain wrote:

 Il 17:06, domenica 27 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
  sto provando Gnome sotto Ice; mi sembra che sia più veloce che
  sotto Sawfish...

 Se ti interessa la velocita`, prova Xfce... in quanto a velocita` e
 leggerezza non ha paragoni :-P

L'ho fatto ieri... è sorto un problema: quando ho tentato di reimpostare
Sawfish come WM di default, non ci sono riuscito... cioè, Sawfish mi
appariva come WM current, ma in realtà vedevo bene che stava girando
Xfce! Alla fine ho dovuto disinstallare Xfce; ma quando ho impostato
Sawfish come WM, mi è apparso il mex che non sarebbe Gnome
compatibile... Ho dovuto riavviare X e reimpostare ancora Sawfish come
WM di default e allora tutto è tornato a posto... Xfce mi piace, ma
vorrei non dover avere problemi di questo tipo


Re: [newbie-it] Fine iscrizione

2001-05-28 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 28 May 2001 09:54:01 +0200
Fabio Coatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Il 21:08, sabato 26 Maggio 2001, Mr_Brain scrisse:
  Il 20:50, venerdì 25 Maggio 2001, Sebastiano Cordiano ha scritto:
   On Fri, 25 May 2001 10:42:09 +0200
   Sapete dirmi perche' da un po' di tempo (da meta' aprile mi pare)
   questo sympa non mette piu' l' indirizzo della lista nel campo
   Reply-to ma lascia quello del mittente?
   Almeno da me e' cosi' ed e' mooolto scomodo..
  Anche qui e` cosi`, usando la funzione ``Reply-All'' dovrebbe
  funzionare bene :))
 Ecco una spiegazione, che consiglio a tutti di leggere :-))

Innanzitutto grazie: il documento e interessantissimo.
Devo dire pero' che non sono per niente d' accordo con le motivazioni
dell' autore sul fatto che il gestore di una lista non debba cambiare il
Prima dice che cio' non aggiunge niente di nuovo poiche' (tutti) i client
hanno la funzione Reply-All ed il gioco e' fatto (come ha detto anche
In questo modo pero' all' autore arrivano ogni volta 2 messaggi uguali e
se fosse uno molto attivo in lista non so quanto cio' possa fargli ad una mia domanda rispondono in DIECI io dovrei ricevere
VENTI messaggi?? E poi dicono dello spamming..
Poi addirittura (e questa e' peggio:-) tira in ballo la Freedom of Choice:
Il munging del Reply-To limiterebbe la liberta' di scelta, se rispondere
all' autore o in lista.
Ma le risposte vanno SEMPRE mandate in lista (a meno che sia espresso
diversamente dall' autore) altrimenti sarebbe ingiusto nei confronti degli
altri iscritti; che senso ha iscriversi ad una ML se poi ci postiamo
Insomma secondo me il traffico di una lista si svolge al 99% tra una
persona e la lista quindi il client si deve comportare di conseguenza, per
il restante 1% si puo' anche fare un copia/incolla:-)))
Questa e' solo la mia opinione e non vuole assolutamente essere polemica:
ringrazio ancora Fabio Coatti per avermi dato l' occasione di esprimerla.


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione s

The buzz going 'round is to uninstall your abiword fonts, install 
mozilla-fonts through software manager, install windows fonts thru drakfont, 
and make sure antialiased is checked in control center  looknfeel  styles.  

On Sunday 27 May 2001 08:28 pm, you wrote:
 I just installed Mandrake 8.0 and the fonts in all my browsers
 (Netscape, Mozilla  Konquerer) are terrible to the point of being
 nearly unreadable.  It doesn't seem to matter which font I select in the
 Preferences, they all look awful.

 What's the trick to getting fonts to look halfway decent?



Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

i dont know if there are special drivers for linux but the asus a7v133 has
4 ide channels. 2 are normal ide's, so they work under linux for sure.
the other 2 are controlled by a promise chip (for win98 you need a driver 
from promise for them).
the connectors can be used to access 4 ide peripherals, or the
2 primary ide's can be used to build a raid-0 array.

Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 00:37 schrieb Brandon Caudle:
 Pthe maximumis 4 ide devices//P
 Pbrandon caudleBRBR/P/DIV
 DIV/DIVgt;From: Pauwel Demeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 DIV/DIVgt;Subject: Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard
 DIV/DIVgt;Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 20:04:41 +0200
 DIV/DIVgt;The problem is there are no MB's who have more than 2
 IDE-connectors DIV/DIVgt;(as far
 DIV/DIVgt;as I know, so the best is getting an extra card with again
 two DIV/DIVgt;IDE-connectors on it)
 DIV/DIVgt;Original Message Follows
 DIV/DIVgt;Subject: [newbie] A good Motherboard
 DIV/DIVgt;Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 08:46:50 -0700 (PDT)
 DIV/DIVgt;Anyone knows a good motherboard that works fine with
 DIV/DIVgt;Linux and has more than two IDEs (because I have 2
 DIV/DIVgt;hard drives, CD, CDRW, and a zip drive, so I need more
 DIV/DIVgt;than 2 IDEs)
 DIV/DIVgt;What is the purpose of life?
 DIV/DIVgt;Do You Yahoo!?
 DIV/DIVgt;Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
_ DIV/DIVgt;Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail
 DIV/DIVbr clear=allhrGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at a

Re: [newbie] ip address of ppp0

2001-05-28 Per discussione Kheb

this is part of ifconfig output,
ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:632 errors:22 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:742 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 
  RX bytes:364746 (356.1 Kb)  TX bytes:77252 (75.4 Kb)


A friend give me that:

[kheb@dors kheb]$ /sbin/ifconfig ppp0 | grep inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d   -f 1 
| tr -d
[:cntrl:][kheb@dors kheb]$

Hope that help

On Fri, 18 May 2001 14:39:44 -0500, Reggie Burnett said:

 Can someone tell me how to determine the ip address of ppp0 using script?  I
  have my adsl connection up and running but I have to update
  manually.  I want to update it automatically.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

any non-winmodem(=every external modem) with a serial connector is 
easy to use with any linux (with any os)!
with usb modems i dont know.
external serial modems never need any software, they are
all accessible via hayes-codes i.e. atz means reset, atdt 02020 means
dial tone 02020, what makes the modem dial the number 02020.
the only difference in setup between different external-serial modems is the
different init-string the modem need. nowadays a simple atz should work 
fine for every modem.  
consider cable or t1, 56k is very slow.

Am Sonntag, 27. Mai 2001 18:13 schrieb Irv Mullins:
  On Saturday 26 May 2001 15:29, you wrote:
   Sorry guys for asking so much. I am trying to buy a
   new system and want to make sure that it Linux-ok.
   Anyone knows a good modem that work fine with Linux?

 I'm using an Actionrtec 56k internal pci, cost ~$70 at WalMart,
 of all places. It comes with setup instructions for Linux (no software
 needed) and works a lot faster than my 'winmodem' , supposedly
 also 56k.

 Look on the box to make sure it sez works with Linux.


[newbie] AdvanSys SCSI Adapter ?

2001-05-28 Per discussione LinuxKH

Hello list members !

This is my first time entering the list and installing Linux MDK 8.0.

When I try installing it to my new machine, I got this kind of message and
I couldn't do anything:

   An error occured
An error has occured - no valid devices were found on which to creat new
filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem.

My new PC equiped with:
Mainboard: Intel Desktop D850GB
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (1.5Ghz)
RAM: 256 Mb
2 SCSI HD: 20Gb for each, are attached to AdvanSys SCSI Adpter.
VGA: AGP 32Mb TNT2 GA-622
Sound Card: SB Creative 128bits
2 Networks cards: 3Com-3C90C-TX-M and D-Link DFE 538-TX

What's happening ? Could you please help me ?

Thanks very much in advance.

A real newbie learning to swim in *unix sea.

Re: [newbie] nVIDIA TnT

2001-05-28 Per discussione linuxmaxx

Yes I have the same chip working fine with all linux dist.

On Monday 28 May 2001 01:35 am, Carlos Arigós wrote:
 El Dom 27 May 2001 14:57, escribiste:
  Hello Guys
  What do you think about the this video card? Will it
  work fine with Linux?
  nVIDIA TnT2 M64 4X 32MB AGP

   It's OK for me (LM 7.2  8.0)


[newbie] Please help with net-security setup

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

i installed mandrake 8.0 without servers. 
i configured tiny firewall (everything no) with the mandrake control tool.
i set security high in this tool, but he doesnt remember that. when logged in 
as a root this is set to high.
logged in as a user 
i type netstat -l in a xterm:

tcp0  0 *:1024  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:blackjack *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:dwf   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:sunrpc*:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:6000  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ipp   *:* LISTEN
udp0  0 *:1024  *:*   
udp0  0 *:xdmcp *:*   
udp0  0 *:sunrpc*:*   
udp0  0 *:ipp  

so, i have several servers running? -blackjack,sunrpc etc..

I then tried to use Bastille but it would (logged in as a root, in etc/usr 
and any other) display:

[root@mymachine sbin]# InteractiveBastille
Using Tk user interface module.
Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ /usr/lib/Bastille) at 
/usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille line 270.
[root@smymachine sbin]#

All i want to is to close all ports, but the ones i need to use for 
pop3,smtp,http,ftp,smtp,irc- no blackjack or stuff i dont know.
my cableprovider does port-scans and if a user has some dangerous (spam!)
server online the user would be disconnected forever...
Thank you very much!

Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-28 Per discussione poogle

On Monday 28 May 2001 11:12, you wrote:
 any non-winmodem(=every external modem) with a serial connector is
 easy to use with any linux (with any os)!
 with usb modems i dont know.
 external serial modems never need any software, they are
 all accessible via hayes-codes i.e. atz means reset, atdt 02020 means
 dial tone 02020, what makes the modem dial the number 02020.
 the only difference in setup between different external-serial modems is
 the different init-string the modem need. nowadays a simple atz should
 work fine for every modem.
 consider cable or t1, 56k is very slow.

 Am Sonntag, 27. Mai 2001 18:13 schrieb Irv Mullins:
   On Saturday 26 May 2001 15:29, you wrote:
Sorry guys for asking so much. I am trying to buy a
new system and want to make sure that it Linux-ok.
Anyone knows a good modem that work fine with Linux?
  I'm using an Actionrtec 56k internal pci, cost ~$70 at WalMart,
  of all places. It comes with setup instructions for Linux (no software
  needed) and works a lot faster than my 'winmodem' , supposedly
  also 56k.
  Look on the box to make sure it sez works with Linux.
MOST external modems are hardware/Hayes modems - there are a few external 
Winmodems appearing


[newbie] make: commnand not found

2001-05-28 Per discussione Paul Aprendiz

I dont have 'make' command installed (Mandrake 8.0)

Can you tell me how to install it
(specifically which package I have to install and how)
thanks for any help

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] Sapphire

2001-05-28 Per discussione poogle

I've downloaded and installed the rpm (sapphire-0.14.1-0.i386.rpm) - can 
anyone tell me how to make it work please. 
I'm using Kde as my default in MD 8.0 and would like to have it as an option 
along with Gnome, Enlightenment etc when I log in


[newbie] Common errors

2001-05-28 Per discussione Civileme

Here are some common errors in linux-mandrake that we see repeated often.

1.  Eating my memory

Nope, it tries to keep all memory in use.  If ever you type free and see a 
lot of memory available, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG.  The system makes extensive 
use of otherwise unallocated memory as cache for disk files to make the 
system run faster.  Unused memory, in linux, is WASTED memory.

2.  kapm-idled eating my CPU cycles

Nope.  kapm-idled is a kernel routine to count idle cycles for other 
measurment purposes.  Top and kps and other routines need to be modified so 
kapm-idled doesn't show as a process because it really isn't.

3.  Maximum of 4 ide devices

Way way wrong.  Before jernel 2.4 the device numbers existed for 16 ide 
devices but only the first four channels were autoprobed, which meant no 
installs were possible to drive i or higher.  With kernel 2.4, all eight ide 
channels are probed and the maxiimum number of IDE devices is 16.

4.  Can Use IDE-RAID from plug-in cards or on-board controllers

Sorry.  IDE-RAID in hardware exists mostly in the minds and words of 
merketeers.  The only true full hardware implementation is from 3ware, and it 
does have GPL drivers for linux.  The others?  Well they can usually run with 
RAID turned off with some loss of functionality in linux, like maybe running 
one channel  or one drive per channel.  Some run fine with RAID off, like the 
CMD 640 series or the HPT 370, but Promise FasTraks are notorious for one 
drive per channel  (Actually, you can gimmick a RAID1 that way, install to 
one disk and then let the RAID controller copy to an identical disk, and 
everything, mysteriously, works).

Another IDE-RAID approach is to use ordinary IDE controllers and set up linux 
software RAID in the desired flavor RAID0, 1 4, or 5.  It doesn't even care 
if the drives are the same size or speed or if you use part or all of any 
given drive.

5.  A very low chance of error means that I can use it

No no no.  A very low probability of error means you can use the Poisson 
distribution to calculate when to expect the error to occur.  Computers are 
VERY high speed idiots that do repetitive tasks til something bad happens.  
If it can, it will.  This means that you have wrecked your data if you

run a VIA686B southbridge without a BIOS updrade to corrct the setup bug.

use a WD drive above UDMA2

And if the wreck hasn't happened yet and you do nothing about it, it is only 
a matter of time, which could be one mimute from now.  I don't care if your 
data has been intact for three years; if you do not take these simple 
protective steps, you know what sort of name a certain linux-ide expert will 
apply to you when your lack of action blows up in your face.  (I'm too polite 
to use it.)

6.  LILO won't work above 1024 cylinders

Ummm, someone needs to strip that text or change it in fdisk.  LILO since 7.1 
at least has had no limit, and GRUB has never had one.

7.  Linux is secure

Well it is reasonably so if you stay updated.  Viruses generally do not work 
unless you are doing something grossly negligent like IRC as root.  Even 
then, the mechanism of infection is normally blocked.  Some trojans and worms 
exist for many packages, and we are very active in closing holes and posting 

And if you are cracked by an exploit we posted a fix for six months ago, 
someone will apply a very impolite label to you.

8.  Mandrake should include binary-only drivers

We have enough sins on us without compounding them.  We are working hard to 
make only free software available on the first two CDs, and we will complete 
the task soon, we hope.  We invite users to write to the companies that do 
binary-only drivers and ask them to wake up annd make it LGPL or GPL, so we 
can include it.


[newbie] suspend to ram

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

under linux mandrake 8 possible?
thank you

[newbie] Solucionado lo de KDE

2001-05-28 Per discussione jgarrido


El fin de semana llegue a mi casa y solucione todos los problemas que tenia,
gracias a todos de todas formas
Les explico, lo del KDE creo que era porque habia quedado mal instalado o algo
asi y en cuanto a que el pc se apagaba, era porque tenia que configurar en mi
bios que no se apagara, solo eso, lo extraño es que cuando trabajaba con guindous
no se apagaba, pero que mas da, el problema ya esta resuelto.

Gracias a todos

[newbie] hang on boot right after install

2001-05-28 Per discussione Adato,Leon,SOLON,ITSS

I have tried 4 times to install Mandrake 8, with the same problem each time.

The installation runs fine (always recommended, but I've selected a
variety of options - no networking, minimal apps, etc).

I've installed on two different machines.

Each time, after the installation runs (no errors) the machine restarts, and
I get the following three lines:

LILO 21.7
loading linux

After that the system just sits there. Is there something stupid I'm
missing? Is there perhaps a problem with the install CD? Is there a way to
check out a log file?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

leon adato
 There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you. 
  - Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 00:10 schrieb s:
 The buzz going 'round is to uninstall your abiword fonts, install
 mozilla-fonts through software manager, install windows fonts thru
 drakfont, and make sure antialiased is checked in control center 
 looknfeel  styles. -s

 On Sunday 27 May 2001 08:28 pm, you wrote:
  I just installed Mandrake 8.0 and the fonts in all my browsers
  (Netscape, Mozilla  Konquerer) are terrible to the point of being
  nearly unreadable.  It doesn't seem to matter which font I select in the
  Preferences, they all look awful.
  What's the trick to getting fonts to look halfway decent?
try drakfont, install windows fonts and choose them in your web browser.

Re: [newbie] Sapphire

2001-05-28 Per discussione Civileme

On Monday 28 May 2001 09:07, poogle wrote:
 I've downloaded and installed the rpm (sapphire-0.14.1-0.i386.rpm) - can
 anyone tell me how to make it work please.
 I'm using Kde as my default in MD 8.0 and would like to have it as an
 option along with Gnome, Enlightenment etc when I log in

Well I have Sapphire running, but only for my own machine.  Making it work as 
a wm is fairly easy, but integrating it into the menu system is not for the 
faint of heart.  Expect a package in six weeks or so.

This goes in /etc/X11/wmsession.d as filename 12sapphire
between the === lines only
DESC=Simple WM
exec /usr/local/bin/sapphire

Yes, please use 12...  I am reserving 11 for pointless window manager

Re: [newbie] Setting up a DNS server

2001-05-28 Per discussione Randy Kramer


I notice that since my one message you've been mentioning the point
about small font sizes when email contain HTML.  Thanks, I appreciate

Randy Kramer

Michael D. Viron wrote:
 First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails, as they can either
 have a lot of extra html stuff or make the font size very small on
 some e-mail clients (making the message difficult to read).
 As for setting up bind, you can try the DNS howto available from
 Michael Viron
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida
 At 01:03 PM 05/28/2001 +1000, Brett - InfinityOnline wrote:
  Can anyone point out a good reference guide for setting up a
  primary and secondary name server. I'm assuming Bind is the
  best way to go, unless anyone else thinks differently?.

Re: [newbie] Early Install problem mandrake 8

2001-05-28 Per discussione etharp

I know this might sound like a winders type of solutition,,,
first step is to go into Bios, and turn off (set to NO) Plug and pray aware 
OS, and turn off any bios level virus protection, if that was allready done 
and/or made no difference, I would remove all the cards from my computer 
execpt the video card and retry. I would also like to say that more 
information about your computer would be helpfull here.. what MB, what brand 
and model HD, network card, modem, sound card, what irq and DMA channels 
memory sticks, speed etc CPU, Bus, mem, in other word still need more info

you could try removing 
On Sunday 27 May 2001 00:51, you wrote:
 I am now attempting to install from purchased mandrake 8.0 CDs
 from the powerpack.

 Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda5
 RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
 Any ideas what else I could try?

Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Irv Mullins

On Mon, 28 May 2001, mp wrote:

 consider cable or t1, 56k is very slow.

That would be nice - if we had cable...
T1 would be even better, but even if it were available, I don't think I 
really want to pay over $1,500 per month US for the privilege 
of reading this esteemed list ;)


Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione Randy Kramer


I'm not the original questioner, but I've followed part of your advice
(several weeks ago) -- I have Windows fonts installed in Linux, and I
can use them in non-kde applications, but I can't use them in kde
applications (specifically konqueror) -- they don't appear on the list
of usable fonts under either konqueror as a browser or konqueror as a
file manager.

Someone suggested copying the fonts to a specific directory under ~/.kde
(I forget now -- maybe share/fonts?) -- anyway that did not help.

I'm using kde 2.1 as installed by MandrakeFreq on top of Mandrake 7.2. 
I'm still a newbie.  Any other hints or specific instructions?

PS: I'm using XFree 3.3.6 because my video cards (SiS 5597 and SiS
730/630, on board) don't seem to be supported in 4.0.3 -- thus, AFAIK, I
can't use anti-aliasing.

Randy Kramer

mp wrote:
 Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 00:10 schrieb s:
  On Sunday 27 May 2001 08:28 pm, you wrote:
Sorry, I don't know who you is -- lost track of who is who.
   I just installed Mandrake 8.0 and the fonts in all my browsers
   (Netscape, Mozilla  Konquerer) are terrible to the point of being
   nearly unreadable.  It doesn't seem to matter which font I select in the
   Preferences, they all look awful.
   What's the trick to getting fonts to look halfway decent?
 try drakfont, install windows fonts and choose them in your web browser.

[newbie] Remote access to Webmin

2001-05-28 Per discussione David Travis

I have webmin setup but I want to access it from another computer and I can
not.  If I browse to I get my apache page, if I
browse to I don't get anything..  Here is
another problem.  I currently only have ssh access to my linux box.  Does
anyone know what file I need to change and how I need to change it to gain
remote access.


Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Sunday 27 May 2001 02:42, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Marcia Waller wrote:
  Alan, how do I get my printing to work now with the lpd?
  How do I choose, add, and configure printers with it? Is
  printtools the gui for it? I really do not know the first
  thing to do to get this started. Any help will be
  appreciated. Thank you so much for your detailed
  instructions. It seemed to all get installed. Sincerely,

 Marciajust open a console window, 'su -' to become root
 and execute printtool.  The setup is pretty simple and is
 what you were used to in 7.0 and pervious releases.

Dear Alan  All, Thank you Alan so much for your help. I have lpd installed 
and working now. Whew! I had to have some printing working. Now that I have 
it installed it reminded me why I was so happy to have cups in 7.2. The print 
is a little too light, wavy, and uneven plus about every 5 lines I get print 
over print so that it is just a blur. I had this same problem in 7. How can I 
improve this printing and get rid of the blur?

Another question. My cups in 7.2 had worked well and looked good. Would it be 
possible to install all of the cups files from 7.2 into my LM8? Should that 
work since the LM8 cups files did not work at all for me? I will not consider 
this if I can substantially improve the quality of my lpd.

Thanks so very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] Remote access to Webmin

2001-05-28 Per discussione h3rb

First you need to make sure that webmin is running.  At a shell do a :
/etc/init.d/webmin status
if it comes up with: is stopped 
Then webmin is not running.
Do this at a shell to get it running (as root):
/etc/init.d/webmin start
Then it will print out:
Starting Webmin [OK]
And then to be sure it is running to this again:
/etc/init.d/webmin status
if webmin is running it will print out this: (pid 1421) is running...  
(the pid will vary)

There are many many ways to remotely control your machine, command line is 
all you need.  Although webmin makes it alot quicker and easier because you 
can use it from any machine, even if it don't have an ssh client installed.  
If you want to use ssh you can run X through an X session, just make sure 
that x forwarding is enabled in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config.  And you can even 
do this through windows.  On my work windows machine I use a combination of 
SecureCRT and Reflective X.  SecureCRT is a windows ssh/telnet client and 
Reflective X is a windows X server.  Now if you are on dial up I do not 
suggest doing this because it consumes alot of bandwidth.


On Monday 28 May 2001 11:57, David Travis wrote:
 I have webmin setup but I want to access it from another computer and I can
 not.  If I browse to I get my apache page, if I
 browse to I don't get anything..  Here is
 another problem.  I currently only have ssh access to my linux box.  Does
 anyone know what file I need to change and how I need to change it to gain
 remote access.


[newbie] Re: Digest for list newbie

2001-05-28 Per discussione Michael Leone

 Here a link for ya'.
 On Saturday 26 May 2001 07:10 pm, you wrote:
  Hi there,
  I recently upgraded my Linux system to Mandrake 8.0 and boy it works
  like a charm.  I went on the web site called and it
  mentioned that my scanner (UMAS Astra 1220U) was supported with a
  certain version of Kernel.  Well, I have that version, but how do I
  configure my system to recognize that there is a scanner on my USB
  port?  The site wasn't really helpful, at least it didn't speak in
  English where I could understand it.
  Any help would be greatly appreciated...I am regoing to the web site,
  maybe it has it clearer (or my head will be) where I can get it.  I
  will post that I got it if that is the case.
  Please send me the message as a private message.  Thanks!

As a staring point ... you need the proper USB support in your kernel
(or as kernel modules) - this includes the USB scanner module. Also,
you need to configure SANE (which is the Linux scanner program) to use
the USB port for your UMAX. As an example, I have a Epson 636U (U=USB);
I had to add the line 

usb /dev/usb/scanner0

after setting up the device /dev/usb/scanner0. And I can scan fine.

All this info is at the SANE website mentioned above.

[newbie] strange installation issue..

2001-05-28 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

I just tried to install sfio-1999-3mdk.i586.rpm onto my 7.2mdk box

It gave me this message..

error: failed dependencies: is needed by sfio-1999-3mdk

so I did  did a: locate and it found it at 3 places..

like so:


Since it appears to be there... why am I getting this message??

I tryed doing a rpm --rebuilddb to see if it would make a difference, but it

can anyone help me out here...??

I am trying to install the mdk8 version of sendmail, as the 7.2 one is
broken... (please don't start a thing about postfix vs sendmail, I have way
to many perl scripts setup to use sendmail to change them all over.)

I have been unable to rebuild the src rpms for the above with these
messages... which I assume is caused by my compiler being to old... so I
guess I am going for the binary rpm this is the message I got at the end
of the failed compile:
+ echo 'Patch #0 (sendmail-8.11.0-redhat.patch.bz2):'
Patch #0 (sendmail-8.11.0-redhat.patch.bz2):
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
+ patch -p1 -b --suffix .redhat -s
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.85517: patch: command not found
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.85517 (%prep)

but the other error would be great to know the reason for...

many thanks and kindest regards

Perth WA

[newbie] Binary News Reader

2001-05-28 Per discussione charley

Hi All, 

I am an amateur Photog. and in Win I have several threaded binary news 
readers for getting images from the photog news groups.. I can not for the 
life of me find one that works with Mandrake 8  

Any Thoughts ?

Thanks  Charley Sparks

Re: [newbie] Installing Quake 3 Arena on Linux Mandrake. How?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list as some e-mail clients will show all kinds of extra html stuff, the font will be too small to easily read, the font will be "grayed" out, or some combination of the three.

To answer the question, do an ls -al, and check to make sure it does have execute (x) permission.  If it doesn't (which is what it sounds like), do a "chmod 755" (without the quotes) from a command prompt, and then try to run it.

As for what .sh means, typically that is used for shell scripts (or possibly an install script).


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 05:20 PM 05/28/2001 +0200, Martijn de Keizer wrote: 

Hi  all, I am sorry for this  question, because you must get it every couple of days or  so.  One of the games  that should work well with Linux should be Quake III. I downloaded the file:  ""  How to proceed?  Linux does not seem to be able to execute it. What does the *.sh extension  mean?  Thanks,  MArtijn, Amsterdam,  The Netherlands  PS I do not have a  3d card, but installed OPenGl drivers anyway, under WIN 2000 that did the  job. 

Re: [newbie] Upgrade problem v7.2 to v8.0

2001-05-28 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


In upgrade mode it will automatically upgrade all packages to the latest
included on the CD and will not allow you to deselect these packages.  The
only way to get around this is to uninstall those applications that you
don't need from 7.0, then run the upgrade or to do a full-blown expert
install of 7.2 so that you can select individual packages.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 05:25 PM 05/28/2001 +0200, Tom Deprez wrote:

I've a problem here which I also experienced when moving from v7.0 to v7.2.

The problem is as follows :

All goes well until Mandrake searches for installed packages. After this is
done it gives a warning that there isn't enough space. When I then click on
'OK' it returns the same dialog. Over and over again.

From previous experience, I know that when I cancel the installation on a
very adrupt way (power off), I will have to reïnstall everything. Is there a
way to avoid this?

And why doesn't it asks me for telling which packages I want to install to
reduce the upgrading size??

Thanks in advance,


Re: [newbie] Binary News Reader

2001-05-28 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Monday 28 May 2001 01:04 pm, you wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am an amateur Photog. and in Win I have several threaded binary news
 readers for getting images from the photog news groups.. I can not for the
 life of me find one that works with Mandrake 8

 Any Thoughts ?

 Thanks  Charley Sparks

I think KNode is installed by default. I personally like PAN and I got it to 
install from RPM just fine.

ICQ# 27396393

Registered Linux User #181996

Re: [newbie] Sapphire

2001-05-28 Per discussione poogle

On Monday 28 May 2001 18:43, you wrote:
 On Monday 28 May 2001 09:07, poogle wrote:
  I've downloaded and installed the rpm (sapphire-0.14.1-0.i386.rpm) - can
  anyone tell me how to make it work please.
  I'm using Kde as my default in MD 8.0 and would like to have it as an
  option along with Gnome, Enlightenment etc when I log in

 Well I have Sapphire running, but only for my own machine.  Making it work
 as a wm is fairly easy, but integrating it into the menu system is not for
 the faint of heart.  Expect a package in six weeks or so.


 This goes in /etc/X11/wmsession.d as filename 12sapphire
 between the === lines only
 DESC=Simple WM
 exec /usr/local/bin/sapphire

 Yes, please use 12...  I am reserving 11 for pointless window manager
Yes, that did it thanks. Now I can play with it, and mess it up in time to 
fix it by installing your package :-)


[newbie] News Reader

2001-05-28 Per discussione charley

Thanks for the replies, and I was using Pan .. it's just too slow if I want 
to save multiple images.. have to see and save one at a time .. plus I have 
to join segmented binaries by hand 

Re: [newbie] New PC (was: nVIDIA TnT2)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Paul

It was Sun, 27 May 2001 15:42:18 -0400 when Jeffrey M. Reed wrote:

 nVIDIA TnT2 M64 4X 32MB AGP

Hmmm. Since you're so enthusiastic, it sounds like a good video card for my
next computer.
Thanks for this, I am starting, since today, to assemble a new machine for

So far I got on the list:

Athlon 1.2 Ghz
An Asus mainboard (probably the a7v133 I saw mentioned here)
128 (or 256?) megs of Ram
2 x 30Gb harddisk
Nvidia TnT2 videocard (as mentioned above)
Realtek 8139 10/100Mbit Lan card (does the Asus have that onboard?)
Plextor CD-RW 12/10/32 (or 40)

If someone has a good suggestion for a PCI ISDN card, please let me know. I am
sure the old Teles ISA won't work on the new mainboard anymore ;-)

Hmm... am I missing something for a decent new computer? (Not a game machine,
just want it to be very much okay for Linux :)


An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it. -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] News Reader

2001-05-28 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Monday 28 May 2001 01:49 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks for the replies, and I was using Pan .. it's just too slow if I want
 to save multiple images.. have to see and save one at a time .. plus I have
 to join segmented binaries by hand

I use PAN 0.9.6 and I don't have to save multiple parts by hand, just right 
click on the binary you want and select save binary. If you use the Ctrl key 
you can select several articles at once.

ICQ# 27396393

Registered Linux User #181996

Re: [newbie] Common errors

2001-05-28 Per discussione Civileme

On Monday 28 May 2001 14:27, Civileme wrote:
 Here are some common errors in linux-mandrake that we see repeated often.

 1.  Eating my memory

 Nope, it tries to keep all memory in use.  If ever you type free and see
 a lot of memory available, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG.  The system makes
 extensive use of otherwise unallocated memory as cache for disk files to
 make the system run faster.  Unused memory, in linux, is WASTED memory.

 2.  kapm-idled eating my CPU cycles

 Nope.  kapm-idled is a kernel routine to count idle cycles for other
 measurment purposes.  Top and kps and other routines need to be modified so
 kapm-idled doesn't show as a process because it really isn't.

 3.  Maximum of 4 ide devices

 Way way wrong.  Before jernel 2.4 the device numbers existed for 16 ide
 devices but only the first four channels were autoprobed, which meant no
 installs were possible to drive i or higher.  With kernel 2.4, all eight
 ide channels are probed and the maxiimum number of IDE devices is 16.

 4.  Can Use IDE-RAID from plug-in cards or on-board controllers

 Sorry.  IDE-RAID in hardware exists mostly in the minds and words of
 merketeers.  The only true full hardware implementation is from 3ware, and
 it does have GPL drivers for linux.  The others?  Well they can usually run
 with RAID turned off with some loss of functionality in linux, like maybe
 running one channel  or one drive per channel.  Some run fine with RAID
 off, like the CMD 640 series or the HPT 370, but Promise FasTraks are
 notorious for one drive per channel  (Actually, you can gimmick a RAID1
 that way, install to one disk and then let the RAID controller copy to an
 identical disk, and everything, mysteriously, works).

 Another IDE-RAID approach is to use ordinary IDE controllers and set up
 linux software RAID in the desired flavor RAID0, 1 4, or 5.  It doesn't
 even care if the drives are the same size or speed or if you use part or
 all of any given drive.

 5.  A very low chance of error means that I can use it

 No no no.  A very low probability of error means you can use the Poisson
 distribution to calculate when to expect the error to occur.  Computers are
 VERY high speed idiots that do repetitive tasks til something bad happens.
 If it can, it will.  This means that you have wrecked your data if you

 run a VIA686B southbridge without a BIOS updrade to corrct the setup bug.

 use a WD drive above UDMA2

 And if the wreck hasn't happened yet and you do nothing about it, it is
 only a matter of time, which could be one mimute from now.  I don't care if
 your data has been intact for three years; if you do not take these simple
 protective steps, you know what sort of name a certain linux-ide expert
 will apply to you when your lack of action blows up in your face.  (I'm too
 polite to use it.)

 6.  LILO won't work above 1024 cylinders

 Ummm, someone needs to strip that text or change it in fdisk.  LILO since
 7.1 at least has had no limit, and GRUB has never had one.  
HOWEVER, some old BIOSes may impose that limit, as Adrian Smith kindly 
pointed out.

 7.  Linux is secure

 Well it is reasonably so if you stay updated.  Viruses generally do not
 work unless you are doing something grossly negligent like IRC as root. 
 Even then, the mechanism of infection is normally blocked.  Some trojans
 and worms exist for many packages, and we are very active in closing holes
 and posting updates.

 And if you are cracked by an exploit we posted a fix for six months ago,
 someone will apply a very impolite label to you.

 8.  Mandrake should include binary-only drivers

 We have enough sins on us without compounding them.  We are working hard to
 make only free software available on the first two CDs, and we will
 complete the task soon, we hope.  We invite users to write to the companies
 that do binary-only drivers and ask them to wake up annd make it LGPL or
 GPL, so we can include it.


[newbie] Installation / Services

2001-05-28 Per discussione chris . cranford

All --

I hope everyone is doing well.  Now for my questions...  I am currently
using a product called Linux Router Project (LRP) in order to manage
DNS/BIND services for my local network, firewall/routing (ipmasq)
services for my connections, and DHCP services for all my machines that
connect and require dynamic IPs (workstations on the network).

Now, what I have noticed is that this installation is very limited
because it uses portions of the system's memory to create a RAM Disk.
This RAM disk, in my case is very small ... The machine only has 12MB of
RAM and is an old 486 DX2-66 system.

I really do not have any other machines at the present to use instead of
this machine and would like to setup a newer version of linux to support
the forementioned services.  Graphical interfaces are not important but
would be nice.

Can someone suggest an alternative for me.  Is there is a flavor of
Linux that would fit into this situation nicely?  I do have 2 hard
drives in that machine.  The C:\ is 300MB and the D:\ is approximately
225MB of space.


[newbie] Problems with Linux: No keyboard or mouse respose in login screen.

2001-05-28 Per discussione Mike Langlois

Hi I am having a bit of trouble runing linux mandrake 7.1. The problems 
started ever since I tried installing the operating system. When I tried 
installing linux manrake once i got into the graphical installer the mouse 
and keyboard frose. However i was able to install linux through windows. 
When i did this i had mouse and keyboard response. However once i restarted 
my computer after installation i had a similar problem once i got into the 
graphical interface (password screen). I had no mouse or keyboard response 
however the system was not totally frosen because the text cursor still 
flashed. Additionally i am able to run linux in text based mode and work 
with the console however i would like to get my graphical user interface 
  My system configuration is as follows:
 (dell XPS-400)
Pentium 2 -400Mhz
96MB ram, 12GB HD, 40x Cd Rom
P/S2 Keyobard (Dell)
P/S2 Mouse (microsoft intellipoint)
Dimond Viper 770Ultra
56K Modem (US Robotics)
Intel Ethernet Express 16 (Old Co-X network card)
The system is currently configured as a dewal boot system with windows 98 
and linux mandrake (1.5GB dedicated to linux). Linux is installed at the end 
of my HD however even when installing as a linux only machine i had the same 
problem (so there probably isn`t a problem with it being on the end of my 
drive). When in the GUI if i press Ctl-Alt-F1 or what ever the combination 
is a concel does not come up. The computer just sits there. Simmilar 
problems also accured when going throught the text based linux installer. I 
am still pretty new with the linux os and any help to work arround my 
problem would be greatly aprecciated.
Is there any way to boot linux form windows retainig the old drivers (just 
as the installer did when i installed from windows-when i had keyboard and 
mouse response). THis would atlest fix part of the problem however i would 
like to get linux working streight from booting on its own becasue i want to 
take windows 98 off it.

  My email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] News Reader

2001-05-28 Per discussione charley

Have to give that a shot.. thanks .. was really hoping for something like 
Tifany for Linux .. set it and forget it 

On Monday 28 May 2001 02:09, Jon Doe wrote:
On Monday 28 May 2001 01:49 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks for the replies, and I was using Pan .. it's just too slow if I want
 to save multiple images.. have to see and save one at a time .. plus I have
 to join segmented binaries by hand

I use PAN 0.9.6 and I don't have to save multiple parts by hand, just right 
click on the binary you want and select save binary. If you use the Ctrl key 
you can select several articles at once.

ICQ# 27396393

Registered Linux User #181996

Re: [newbie] Remote access to Webmin

2001-05-28 Per discussione David Travis

Where can I find Reflective X.  I can't find it at google or

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Remote access to Webmin

 First you need to make sure that webmin is running.  At a shell do a :
 /etc/init.d/webmin status
 if it comes up with: is stopped
 Then webmin is not running.
 Do this at a shell to get it running (as root):
 /etc/init.d/webmin start
 Then it will print out:
 Starting Webmin [OK]
 And then to be sure it is running to this again:
 /etc/init.d/webmin status
 if webmin is running it will print out this: (pid 1421) is running...
 (the pid will vary)

 There are many many ways to remotely control your machine, command line is
 all you need.  Although webmin makes it alot quicker and easier because
 can use it from any machine, even if it don't have an ssh client
 If you want to use ssh you can run X through an X session, just make sure
 that x forwarding is enabled in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config.  And you can
 do this through windows.  On my work windows machine I use a combination
 SecureCRT and Reflective X.  SecureCRT is a windows ssh/telnet client and
 Reflective X is a windows X server.  Now if you are on dial up I do not
 suggest doing this because it consumes alot of bandwidth.


 On Monday 28 May 2001 11:57, David Travis wrote:
  I have webmin setup but I want to access it from another computer and I
  not.  If I browse to I get my apache page, if I
  browse to I don't get anything..  Here is
  another problem.  I currently only have ssh access to my linux box.
  anyone know what file I need to change and how I need to change it to
  remote access.

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Marcia Waller wrote:

 Dear Alan  All, I remember that my printing was not very
 good in LM7 but it was better than what I got from cups in
 LM8. I just do not remember what I did to get it going. I
 think I used linuxconf which I finally found in LM8. I did
 find printtool and used it, then I found linuxconf and
 tried to do a test page from there but nothing happened. It
 looks like my printer is setup but nothing will print yet.
 Any suggestions? Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

Marciagood grief!  What a time to remember that fact!!!  
Sorry that my solution didn't help your problem.

Re: [newbie] strange installation issue..

2001-05-28 Per discussione Jay DeKing

Ah, yes, you have, BUT ... I betcha it's just a link to an
older version than 2.2! I have received the same message when trying to
install certain rpms; tried to fix it by updating my glibc package to
2.2 but there are other dependencies that rpm -Uvh complains about.

I guess I'm just going to upgrade to LM8. When it first came out, I saw
mostly complaints about incompatibilities, but the 'reviews' are getting
better. I hope it supports my USB printer and parallel port scanner ...
haven't had any luck with either in 7.2 ... I'll never get the Windows
monkey off my back until everything I use is completely supported in LM.


Franki wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just tried to install sfio-1999-3mdk.i586.rpm onto my 7.2mdk box
 It gave me this message..
 error: failed dependencies: is needed by sfio-1999-3mdk
 so I did  did a: locate and it found it at 3 places..
 like so:
 Since it appears to be there... why am I getting this message??
 I tryed doing a rpm --rebuilddb to see if it would make a difference, but it
 can anyone help me out here...??
 I am trying to install the mdk8 version of sendmail, as the 7.2 one is
 broken... (please don't start a thing about postfix vs sendmail, I have way
 to many perl scripts setup to use sendmail to change them all over.)
 I have been unable to rebuild the src rpms for the above with these
 messages... which I assume is caused by my compiler being to old... so I
 guess I am going for the binary rpm this is the message I got at the end
 of the failed compile:
 + echo 'Patch #0 (sendmail-8.11.0-redhat.patch.bz2):'
 Patch #0 (sendmail-8.11.0-redhat.patch.bz2):
 + /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
 + patch -p1 -b --suffix .redhat -s
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.85517: patch: command not found
 Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.85517 (%prep)
 but the other error would be great to know the reason for...
 many thanks and kindest regards
 Perth WA


There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.

Re: [newbie] Please help with net-security setup

2001-05-28 Per discussione mp

hy, i dont know if it was posted so i repost, sorry for any inconvenience.

 i installed mandrake 8.0 without servers.
 i configured tiny firewall (everything no) with the mandrake control tool.
 i set security high in this tool, but he doesnt remember that. when logged
 in as a root this is set to high.
 logged in as a user
 i type netstat -l in a xterm:

 tcp0  0 *:1024  *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:blackjack *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:dwf   *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:sunrpc*:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:6000  *:* LISTEN
 tcp0  0 *:ipp   *:* LISTEN
 udp0  0 *:1024  *:*
 udp0  0 *:xdmcp *:*
 udp0  0 *:sunrpc*:*
 udp0  0 *:ipp

 so, i have several servers running? -blackjack,sunrpc etc..

 I then tried to use Bastille but it would (logged in as a root, in etc/usr
 and any other) display:

 [root@mymachine sbin]# InteractiveBastille
 Using Tk user interface module.
 Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
 Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ /usr/lib/Bastille) at
 /usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille line 270.
 [root@smymachine sbin]#

 All i want to is to close all ports, but the ones i need to use for
 pop3,smtp,http,ftp,smtp,irc- no blackjack or stuff i dont know.
 my cableprovider does port-scans and if a user has some dangerous (spam!)
 server online the user would be disconnected forever...
 Thank you very much!

Re: [newbie] Installing Quake 3 Arena on Linux Mandrake. How?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Jay DeKing

Or you can just run sh (without the
quotes) from a command prompt. I would change the permissions to
executable, myself, but this is another option if for some reason you
can't do the chmod or are uncomfortable doing so.


Michael D. Viron wrote:
 First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list as some e-mail clients 
will show all kinds of extra html stuff, the font will be too small to easily read, 
the font will be grayed out, or some combination of the three.
 To answer the question, do an ls -al, and check to 
make sure it does have execute (x) permission. If it doesn't (which is what it sounds 
like), do a chmod 755 (without the quotes) from a 
command prompt, and then try to run it.
 As for what .sh means, typically that is used for shell scripts (or possibly an 
install script).
 Michael Viron
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida
 At 05:20 PM 05/28/2001 +0200, Martijn de Keizer wrote:
  Hi all, I am sorry for this question, because you must get it every couple of 
days or so. One of the games that should work well with Linux should be Quake III. I 
downloaded the file: How to proceed? Linux does not 
seem to be able to execute it. What does the *.sh extension mean? Thanks, MArtijn, 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands PS I do not have a 3d card, but installed OPenGl drivers 
anyway, under WIN 2000 that did the job.


There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.

[newbie] y los modems???

2001-05-28 Per discussione jgarrido

hola lista

estube revisando la lista de los hardware soportados por linux y queria
saber si mi modem estaba soportado y en esta decia que todos excepto los
winmodems, yo tengo un Cnet y no lo reconocio, alguien sabe como lograr


Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Marcia Waller wrote:

 Dear Alan  All, Thank you Alan so much for your help. I
 have lpd installed and working now. Whew! I had to have
 some printing working. Now that I have it installed it
 reminded me why I was so happy to have cups in 7.2. The
 print is a little too light, wavy, and uneven plus about
 every 5 lines I get print over print so that it is just a
 blur. I had this same problem in 7. How can I improve this
 printing and get rid of the blur?

 Another question. My cups in 7.2 had worked well and looked
 good. Would it be possible to install all of the cups files
 from 7.2 into my LM8? Should that work since the LM8 cups
 files did not work at all for me? I will not consider this
 if I can substantially improve the quality of my lpd.

 Thanks so very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

Marciasure the 7.2 CUPS should work with 8.0.  Basically,
reverse the process you just did.  Uninstall the 5 files you
just installed:

rpm -e --nodeps lpr-0.50-10mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -e --nodeps rhs-printfilters-1.76-3mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -e --nodeps printtool-3.43-2mdk.noarch.rpm (mdk 7.0)
rpm -e --nodeps control-panel-3.11-17mdk (mdk 7.2)
rpm -e --nodeps mpage-2.5.1-12mdk (7.2)

If there are any errors about not being able to delete some
associated directories because of there still being data in
them then delete them by hand.  Then install these files from
the 7.2 Installation CD by first copying them to an otherwise
empty directory and install them all at once using:

rpm -ivh *


Hopefully you'll not run into any dependency errors and this
will fix up all your printing problems to your satisfaction.
Good luck!

RE: [newbie] strange installation issue..

2001-05-28 Per discussione Franki

Well, I am wondering if I have to upgrade it or can I install it side by
side with the old one?

I don't care what I have to do,, I need to get sendmail sorted, and it
appears that the only way to do it is to install a newer one,, and since the
newest one seems from reading to be alot more secure then it was, it makes
sense to go with that...

If I have to force glibc to update, I guess I'm doing it,, don't have a

either that or I will just keep downloading the required packages until it
stops complaining...

Good I wish I had a broadband connection... :-(



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay DeKing
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2001 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] strange installation issue..

Ah, yes, you have, BUT ... I betcha it's just a link to an
older version than 2.2! I have received the same message when trying to
install certain rpms; tried to fix it by updating my glibc package to
2.2 but there are other dependencies that rpm -Uvh complains about.

I guess I'm just going to upgrade to LM8. When it first came out, I saw
mostly complaints about incompatibilities, but the 'reviews' are getting
better. I hope it supports my USB printer and parallel port scanner ...
haven't had any luck with either in 7.2 ... I'll never get the Windows
monkey off my back until everything I use is completely supported in LM.


Franki wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just tried to install sfio-1999-3mdk.i586.rpm onto my 7.2mdk box

 It gave me this message..

 error: failed dependencies: is needed by sfio-1999-3mdk

 so I did  did a: locate and it found it at 3 places..

 like so:


 Since it appears to be there... why am I getting this message??

 I tryed doing a rpm --rebuilddb to see if it would make a difference, but

 can anyone help me out here...??

 I am trying to install the mdk8 version of sendmail, as the 7.2 one is
 broken... (please don't start a thing about postfix vs sendmail, I have
 to many perl scripts setup to use sendmail to change them all over.)

 I have been unable to rebuild the src rpms for the above with these
 messages... which I assume is caused by my compiler being to old... so I
 guess I am going for the binary rpm this is the message I got at the
 of the failed compile:
 + echo 'Patch #0 (sendmail-8.11.0-redhat.patch.bz2):'
 Patch #0 (sendmail-8.11.0-redhat.patch.bz2):
 + /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
 + patch -p1 -b --suffix .redhat -s
 /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.85517: patch: command not found
 Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.85517 (%prep)

 but the other error would be great to know the reason for...

 many thanks and kindest regards

 Perth WA


There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione Randy Kramer

sean gibbins wrote:
 Hi Randy.
 Hope you don't mind the intrusion, but I couldn't help noticing you're using
 a SiS 630 chipset.

Don't mind at all!

 I'm having a sod of a job setting up XFree86 3.3.6 on my laptop; essentially
 I've ended up with what appears to be an oversized desktop which I view
 through my LCD panel. I can navigate around the desktop with the mouse,
 effectively moving the aperture formed by the monitor over the desktop. I'd
 like a 1024x768 16-bit desktop, but I can't figure out where in XF86Config
 the glitch is.
 I'm using XFree86 3.3.6 with experimental acceleration, having installed the
 latest SiS Linux drivers. From what I can see in Mandrake Control Centre's X
 Windows section, everything is as it should be from the point of view of
 monitor, resolution, colour depth, card, etc. I don't know where to go next
 and I'd appreciate your thoughts if you can spare a minute.

I don't know enough to solve the problem for you, but i saw somebody
else post about something very similar in the last few days (might have
been on the expert list).

The suggestion was to change the order of the mon (?) lines in the
config file for XFree.  (I can't remember the name of the config file --
is it XF86Config -- I can't call it up at the moment, and I don't know
the correct name for those lines but they are the lines that specify the
parameters for the display at different sizes.)  He suggested that the
file should be edited so the lines appeared in the opposite order, i.e.,
if they were smallest to largest rearrange them so they are largest to
smallest.  (Actually he recommended they be arranged in a specific
order, largest to smallest or smallest to largest, but I forget which he

If you try this and it works, let me know.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione Adrian Smith

hi...  i'm really jumping in the middle of the conversation here, but just wanted to 
say that i also have a SiS.  there is some info regarding the SiS chipsets at, and also the SiS website does have linux drivers and information.  
might be worth taking a look at.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1:00:24 PM 5/28/01 
sean gibbins wrote:
 Hi Randy.
 Hope you don't mind the intrusion, but I couldn't help noticing you're using
 a SiS 630 chipset.

Don't mind at all!

 I'm having a sod of a job setting up XFree86 3.3.6 on my laptop; essentially
 I've ended up with what appears to be an oversized desktop which I view
 through my LCD panel. I can navigate around the desktop with the mouse,
 effectively moving the aperture formed by the monitor over the desktop. I'd
 like a 1024x768 16-bit desktop, but I can't figure out where in XF86Config
 the glitch is.
 I'm using XFree86 3.3.6 with experimental acceleration, having installed the
 latest SiS Linux drivers. From what I can see in Mandrake Control Centre's X
 Windows section, everything is as it should be from the point of view of
 monitor, resolution, colour depth, card, etc. I don't know where to go next
 and I'd appreciate your thoughts if you can spare a minute.

I don't know enough to solve the problem for you, but i saw somebody
else post about something very similar in the last few days (might have
been on the expert list).

The suggestion was to change the order of the mon (?) lines in the
config file for XFree.  (I can't remember the name of the config file --
is it XF86Config -- I can't call it up at the moment, and I don't know
the correct name for those lines but they are the lines that specify the
parameters for the display at different sizes.)  He suggested that the
file should be edited so the lines appeared in the opposite order, i.e.,
if they were smallest to largest rearrange them so they are largest to
smallest.  (Actually he recommended they be arranged in a specific
order, largest to smallest or smallest to largest, but I forget which he

If you try this and it works, let me know.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard

2001-05-28 Per discussione tazmun

mandrake as early as 7.1 autodetected and setup support for my promise
contoller cardworked fineI suspect it would work fine onboard as
wellalthough I don'tknow for sure

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard

 i dont know if there are special drivers for linux but the asus a7v133 has
 4 ide channels. 2 are normal ide's, so they work under linux for sure.
 the other 2 are controlled by a promise chip (for win98 you need a driver
 from promise for them).
 the connectors can be used to access 4 ide peripherals, or the
 2 primary ide's can be used to build a raid-0 array.

 Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 00:37 schrieb Brandon Caudle:
  Pthe maximumis 4 ide devices//P
  Pbrandon caudleBRBR/P/DIV
  DIV/DIVgt;From: Pauwel Demeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  DIV/DIVgt;Subject: Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard
  DIV/DIVgt;Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 20:04:41 +0200
  DIV/DIVgt;The problem is there are no MB's who have more than 2
  IDE-connectors DIV/DIVgt;(as far
  DIV/DIVgt;as I know, so the best is getting an extra card with
  two DIV/DIVgt;IDE-connectors on it)
  DIV/DIVgt;Original Message Follows
  DIV/DIVgt;Subject: [newbie] A good Motherboard
  DIV/DIVgt;Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 08:46:50 -0700 (PDT)
  DIV/DIVgt;Anyone knows a good motherboard that works fine with
  DIV/DIVgt;Linux and has more than two IDEs (because I have 2
  DIV/DIVgt;hard drives, CD, CDRW, and a zip drive, so I need more
  DIV/DIVgt;than 2 IDEs)
  DIV/DIVgt;What is the purpose of life?
  DIV/DIVgt;Do You Yahoo!?
  DIV/DIVgt;Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
 _ DIV/DIVgt;Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN
  DIV/DIVbr clear=allhrGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Ah, now I found it -- /etc/X11/XF86Config, and the lines are the
ModeLines.  Can't be any more specific about his instructions though --
I'd have to do a little guesswork.

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer wrote:

 I don't know enough to solve the problem for you, but i saw somebody
 else post about something very similar in the last few days (might have
 been on the expert list).
 The suggestion was to change the order of the mon (?) lines in the
 config file for XFree.  (I can't remember the name of the config file --
 is it XF86Config -- I can't call it up at the moment, and I don't know
 the correct name for those lines but they are the lines that specify the
 parameters for the display at different sizes.)  He suggested that the
 file should be edited so the lines appeared in the opposite order, i.e.,
 if they were smallest to largest rearrange them so they are largest to
 smallest.  (Actually he recommended they be arranged in a specific
 order, largest to smallest or smallest to largest, but I forget which he
 If you try this and it works, let me know.
 Hope this helps,
 Randy Kramer

[newbie] Mandrake 8.0 installation freezes

2001-05-28 Per discussione Nathan Owens

I'm finally trying to install Linux on my computer, and chose to use
Mandrake. Once I got the CD's burned from the CD images, I tried
rebooting. It starts, but then hangs up soon after. I believe it's
related to my hard drive, but I don't know (system specs at bottom). Here's 
the last part of the output:

Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
ide: Assuming 33 MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with ide
PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
PIIX4: chipset revision 1
PIIX4: not 11% native mode: will probe irqs later
  ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1408-0x140f, BIOS settings: hdc: DMA, hdd: pio
PDC20262: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 70
PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0e.0
PDC20262: chipset revision 1
PDC20262: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
PDC20262: (U)DMA Burst Bit ENABLED Primary PCI Mode Secondary PCI Mode
  ide2: BM-DMA at 0x1080-0x1087, BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf: pio
  ide3: BM-DMA at 0x1088-0x108f, BIOS settings: hdg: pio hdh: pio
hdc: LG CD-RW CED-8080B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
ide2 at 0x1420-0x1427, 0x1416 on irq10

At this point, it freezes. The cursor that's usually there disappears,
never reappears, and my computer just stares at me.

To get past the freezing, I tried:
boot: linux mem=128M ide2=0x1420,0x1427,10. The first I/O Range listed
in my Windows system configuration is 0x1420-0x1427, the second one is
0x1414-0x1418, which includes the third number on the last line of the
output, 0x1416. I have no idea what that third number means in Linux's 

However, then it has reading issues because it can't read the drive.
Here's what it says now:
ide2: reset: success
hde: set_geometry_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hde: set_geometry_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hde: recal_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hde: recal_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hde: recal_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hde: recal_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hde: read_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hde: read_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
end request: I/O error, dev 22:00 (hde), sector 0
  unable to read partition table
RAMDISK Compressed image found at block 0

From there, it goes on and keeps loading. I get to the install screen,
select the language, say it's a non-SCSI drive, etc. It goes through the
first part of the installation. The first time it has to read the
harddrive (right after choosing the SCSI/non-SCSI drive, I believe), it
freezes and comes back with the error: test_for_bad_drives: can't even
read (Input/output error)

I know this is related to my drive again, but I can't figure out how to
configure it to get it working. If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it.
If anyone could even  interpret  some of this stuff, such as what all
these messages mean in my output, I'd greatly appreciate it.

ide1 looks like it's my Secondary IDE Controller (which my CD-RW is on),
since the two addresses match what Windows tells me they are.

What's wierd, though is that the Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI Bus Master that I
have has the same addresses as the Secondary IDE Controler, except the
0x1408-0x140f in the first line starting with ide is 0x1400-0x140f (the PCI 
Bus master has the 0x1400-0x140f address instead of 0x1408-0x140f address). 
The PCI Bus Master is listed under Hard Disk Controlers in my System 
properties in Windows. I don't know if this means anything.

ide2 seems to be my Promise Technology Ultra66 IDE Controller. The I/O
Ranges for the ide2  IRQ value seem to be right.

Computer Specs:
Dell Dimension XPS 800T
Pentium III 800 MHz
30 GB Quantum Harddrive
Promise Technology Ultra66 IDE Controller
   SCSI-like controller (other people have used it with Linux)
   IRQ: 10
   I/O Range: 0x1420-0x1427, 0x1414-0x1417, 0x1418-0x141F, 0x1410-0x1413,
Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI Bus Master
   IRQ: 15
   I/O Range: 0x0170-0x0177,0x0376-0x0376, 0x1400-0x140F
Secondary IDE Controller:
   IRQ: 15
   I/O Range: 0x0170-0x0177, 0x0376-0x0376, 0x1408-0x140F
2 Built-in USB ports (1 4-port hub connected and 1 printer)
 USB hub has Mouse, Keyboard, HandSpring Cradle
NVDIA GeForce 256 AGP Video Card (32MB memory)
3COM EtherLink 10/100 PCI
   IRQ: 11

If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it. If you need more information, I
can try and get it. Thanks!

Nathan Owens
Georgia Tech, Atlanta

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] EMACs: How save after editing a text area?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Nathan Owens

I don't know about emacs itself in terms of editing web pages, but
when I edit web pages, I usually have to FTP them to the web server.

In emacs, the save command is C-x C-s, as you said, but I've only
saved files locally. You may want to check out the O'Reilly book
_Learning GNU Emacs_. It has a lot of great tips that I've picked up
through reading it.

Nathan Owens

Anybody out there using EMACs to browse the web and edit textareas?

I'm a very newbie to EMACs, but wanted to try that -- don't know what
to do to save my edits.  After I edit, I can choose save (I forget --
was it ctrlx, ctrls?) but that seems to save only as a local

How do I send the changes back to the web site?

Nathan Owens
Georgia Tech, Atlanta

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] hsp56 mr winmodem

2001-05-28 Per discussione Pablo García Durán


I am trying to put my modem (hsp56 mr in a Compaq 
Armada 100S) to work under LM 8.0.

Is there anyone who can help?

Thank you.
--Pablo García 

Re: [newbie] Sapphire

2001-05-28 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Monday 28 May 2001 18:43, Civileme wrote:

 Well I have Sapphire running, but only for my own machine.  Making it
 work as a wm is fairly easy, but integrating it into the menu system is
 not for the faint of heart.  Expect a package in six weeks or so.

Sapphire is one of my favorite small window managers, I have been using 
it for several months now (currently using 0.15.7pre8) and am looking 
forward to having it integrated into the menu system.

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

[newbie] How do I get off of this mailing list?

2001-05-28 Per discussione BamBam

Can someone please tell me how to remove myself 
from this list?

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione Dan

Check out these links on

The only difference in installing the mozilla fonts is
they are probably already installed as an RPM.  
To check do type rpm -qa | grep mozilla-fonts.
If by chance they aren't installed, their on the CD.
If they're installed just edit the /etc/X11/fs/config
file to add the directory for the mozilla fonts.

The preceding is the instructions to reverse the lines
in /etc/X11/fs/config.
--- Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah, now I found it -- /etc/X11/XF86Config, and the
 lines are the
 ModeLines.  Can't be any more specific about his
 instructions though --
 I'd have to do a little guesswork.
 Randy Kramer
 Randy Kramer wrote:
  I don't know enough to solve the problem for you,
 but i saw somebody
  else post about something very similar in the last
 few days (might have
  been on the expert list).
  The suggestion was to change the order of the mon
 (?) lines in the
  config file for XFree.  (I can't remember the name
 of the config file --
  is it XF86Config -- I can't call it up at the
 moment, and I don't know
  the correct name for those lines but they are the
 lines that specify the
  parameters for the display at different sizes.) 
 He suggested that the
  file should be edited so the lines appeared in the
 opposite order, i.e.,
  if they were smallest to largest rearrange them so
 they are largest to
  smallest.  (Actually he recommended they be
 arranged in a specific
  order, largest to smallest or smallest to largest,
 but I forget which he
  If you try this and it works, let me know.
  Hope this helps,
  Randy Kramer

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] EMACs: How save after editing a text area?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks for the response.

When is back up (on SourceForge), I'll tell you how I've done
it using vim -- maybe that will give you a clue as to how I might do it
in EMACs.

(And, if my library has the book, I'll check that out.)

Randy Kramer

Nathan Owens wrote:
 I don't know about emacs itself in terms of editing web pages, but
 when I edit web pages, I usually have to FTP them to the web server.
 In emacs, the save command is C-x C-s, as you said, but I've only
 saved files locally. You may want to check out the O'Reilly book
 _Learning GNU Emacs_. It has a lot of great tips that I've picked up
 through reading it.
 Nathan Owens
 Anybody out there using EMACs to browse the web and edit textareas?
 I'm a very newbie to EMACs, but wanted to try that -- don't know what
 to do to save my edits.  After I edit, I can choose save (I forget --
 was it ctrlx, ctrls?) but that seems to save only as a local
 How do I send the changes back to the web site?
 Nathan Owens
 Georgia Tech, Atlanta
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-28 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Dan wrote:
 Check out these links on
 The only difference in installing the mozilla fonts is
 they are probably already installed as an RPM.
 To check do type rpm -qa | grep mozilla-fonts.
 If by chance they aren't installed, their on the CD.
 If they're installed just edit the /etc/X11/fs/config
 file to add the directory for the mozilla fonts.
 The preceding is the instructions to reverse the lines
 in /etc/X11/fs/config.

Thanks, the links look useful, but the second is not the instructions I
was thinking of -- someone posted on the list a problem with being
forced into scrolling around their desktop (maybe their screen was set
to 800x600 but their desktop was set to 1124X768).  Someone else posted
that the problem could be fixed by reversing the order of the modelines
in, IIRC, /etc/X11/XF86Config.

 --- Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ah, now I found it -- /etc/X11/XF86Config, and the
  lines are the
  ModeLines.  Can't be any more specific about his
  instructions though --
  I'd have to do a little guesswork.
  Randy Kramer
  Randy Kramer wrote:
   I don't know enough to solve the problem for you,
  but i saw somebody
   else post about something very similar in the last
  few days (might have
   been on the expert list).
   The suggestion was to change the order of the mon
  (?) lines in the
   config file for XFree.  (I can't remember the name
  of the config file --
   is it XF86Config -- I can't call it up at the
  moment, and I don't know
   the correct name for those lines but they are the
  lines that specify the
   parameters for the display at different sizes.)
  He suggested that the
   file should be edited so the lines appeared in the
  opposite order, i.e.,
   if they were smallest to largest rearrange them so
  they are largest to
   smallest.  (Actually he recommended they be
  arranged in a specific
   order, largest to smallest or smallest to largest,
  but I forget which he
   If you try this and it works, let me know.
   Hope this helps,
   Randy Kramer
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie]cups printing Mess(cont.)

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Monday 28 May 2001 14:49, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear Alan  All, Thank you Alan so much for your help. I
  have lpd installed and working now. Whew! I had to have
  some printing working. Now that I have it installed it
  reminded me why I was so happy to have cups in 7.2. The
  print is a little too light, wavy, and uneven plus about
  every 5 lines I get print over print so that it is just a
  blur. I had this same problem in 7. How can I improve this
  printing and get rid of the blur?
  Another question. My cups in 7.2 had worked well and looked
  good. Would it be possible to install all of the cups files
  from 7.2 into my LM8? Should that work since the LM8 cups
  files did not work at all for me? I will not consider this
  if I can substantially improve the quality of my lpd.
  Thanks so very much for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

 Marciasure the 7.2 CUPS should work with 8.0.  Basically,
 reverse the process you just did.  Uninstall the 5 files you
 just installed:

   rpm -e --nodeps lpr-0.50-10mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -e --nodeps rhs-printfilters-1.76-3mdk.i586.rpm
 rpm -e --nodeps printtool-3.43-2mdk.noarch.rpm (mdk 7.0)
 rpm -e --nodeps control-panel-3.11-17mdk (mdk 7.2)
 rpm -e --nodeps mpage-2.5.1-12mdk (7.2)

 If there are any errors about not being able to delete some
 associated directories because of there still being data in
 them then delete them by hand.  Then install these files from
 the 7.2 Installation CD by first copying them to an otherwise
 empty directory and install them all at once using:

 rpm -ivh *


 Hopefully you'll not run into any dependency errors and this
 will fix up all your printing problems to your satisfaction.
 Good luck!
Dear Alan, Thank you for these great instructions. I will give this a try. 
If I finally get good printing again I will let you all know. Thanks.

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] sound problems

2001-05-28 Per discussione milt

Got sound functioning on my system now BUT, it tends to freeze up all the
time! I mean a total freeze up. What would be causing this to happen? CD
Player works fine. I can get XMMS to load and play a song.. but then when
I go to load another song it freezes up! The sound is working but it
seems to have made my linux setup VERY unstable and causes it to freeze
up. Any clue to figure out the problem?

Listen to my

[newbie] Fixing Ugly Fonts corrected with Verdana ref font in Control Center

2001-05-28 Per discussione Romanator

Hi all,

I fixed my font problem by selecting the KDE Control Center-File
Manager-Appearance. Change -Courier or A.D. Mono to Verdana ref. Click
on Apply and exit the Control Center. Restart Netscape, Opera and
Konqueror look very good. Remember, you should install the Windows fonts
to access the extra fonts. That's it.

Registered Linux User #179293
Freedom Fighter for Penguins Everywhere

RE: [newbie] hsp56 mr winmodem

2001-05-28 Per discussione Tuan Duc Tran

As far 
as I know, Win modem is not supported by Linux

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Pablo García DuránSent: Monday, May 28, 2001 12:35 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] hsp56 
  mr winmodem
  I am trying to put my modem (hsp56 mr in a Compaq 
  Armada 100S) to work under LM 8.0.
  Is there anyone who can help?
  Thank you.
  --Pablo García 

Re: [newbie] Fixing Ugly Fonts corrected with Verdana ref font in Control Center

2001-05-28 Per discussione Romanator

Romanator wrote:
 Hi all,
 I fixed my font problem by selecting the KDE Control Center-File
 Manager-Appearance. Change -Courier or A.D. Mono to Verdana ref. Click
 on Apply and exit the Control Center. Restart Netscape, Opera and
 Konqueror look very good. Remember, you should install the Windows fonts
 to access the extra fonts. That's it.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Freedom Fighter for Penguins Everywhere

Just a follow up. Konqueror still need a little work. The fonts are a
little funky but I'm getting there. Netscape and Opera are great.

Registered Linux User #179293
Freedom Fighter for Penguins Everywhere

RE: [newbie] hsp56 mr winmodem

2001-05-28 Per discussione Franki

thing to do would be head over to 

you want to use a winmodem anyway, especially when serial externals cost 50 
bucks nowdays...

not worth the hours you will spend dicking around with it..

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Tuan Duc TranSent: Tuesday, 29 May 2001 7:05 
  AMTo: Pablo García Durán; 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [newbie] hsp56 mr 
  far as I know, Win modem is not supported by Linux
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Pablo García 
DuránSent: Monday, May 28, 2001 12:35 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] hsp56 mr 

I am trying to put my modem (hsp56 mr in a 
Compaq Armada 100S) to work under LM 8.0.

Is there anyone who can help?

Thank you.
--Pablo García 

[newbie] install problem again

2001-05-28 Per discussione Eric Lauritzen

On Mon, 28 May 2001, you wrote:
 I know this might sound like a winders type of solutition,,,
 first step is to go into Bios, and turn off (set to NO) Plug and pray

Did that... tried it both ways.

 and turn off any bios level virus protection,

don't see any

 if that was allready done
 and/or made no difference, I would remove all the cards from my computer
 execpt the video card and retry.

The only other card I have is the nic card

Other things I've tried:

- Used more than one CD drive to boot from - same results
- Booted from a floppy made with the CD.img as per manual - same results
- Tried installing RedHat7 - that started working, now running it on machine
- tried the mandrake install disks on another computer - they work
- tried the install CDs made from a download - same results

Anyway you cut it this is a problem unique to mandrake8 - RedHat is
ok, but I didn't pay $80 for redhat, and I don't want it.  it's also unique
this machine because the purchased disks work on my other computer - a
which I don't want Linux on.

 I would also like to say that more
 information about your computer would be helpfull here.. what MB,

192 MG

 what brand
 and model HD,

Maxtor 88455d8, 8 gig

network card,


no modem

 sound card,

yamaha opl

 what irq and DMA channels

BIOS says they are all available if memory serves - I don't have any

 memory sticks,

two 32MG and a 128 to make 192MG Ram

speed etc CPU,

P 2, 266


data bus width = 64 bits

address bus width = 32 bits

the computer is a Dell Demension

 On Sunday 27 May 2001 00:51, you wrote:
  I am now attempting to install from purchased mandrake 8.0 CDs
  from the powerpack.
  Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda5
  RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
  Any ideas what else I could try?

[newbie] weird perl stuff.

2001-05-28 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

I have been trying to install the virus protect for sendmail,, and it needed
a heap of perl modules that I didn't have,,, so I tried to use the CPAN
module to get them.

then whenever it fetched them, it gave me heaps of errors about not being
able to find perl modules or src, and that headers were missing,,,

Does anyone know a way around this that doesnt involve me downloading and
compiling perl again?

For now I am going to install the modules manually, but its a massive pain
in the butt...

any suggestions?



Re: [newbie] New PC (was: nVIDIA TnT2)

2001-05-28 Per discussione antoine rivoire

On Monday 28 May 2001 13:28, you wrote:
 It was Sun, 27 May 2001 15:42:18 -0400 when Jeffrey M. Reed wrote:
  nVIDIA TnT2 M64 4X 32MB AGP

 Hmmm. Since you're so enthusiastic, it sounds like a good video card for my
 next computer.
 Thanks for this, I am starting, since today, to assemble a new machine for

 So far I got on the list:

 Athlon 1.2 Ghz
 An Asus mainboard (probably the a7v133 I saw mentioned here)
 128 (or 256?) megs of Ram
 2 x 30Gb harddisk
 Nvidia TnT2 videocard (as mentioned above)
 Realtek 8139 10/100Mbit Lan card (does the Asus have that onboard?)
 Plextor CD-RW 12/10/32 (or 40)

 If someone has a good suggestion for a PCI ISDN card, please let me know. I
 am sure the old Teles ISA won't work on the new mainboard anymore ;-)

 Hmm... am I missing something for a decent new computer? (Not a game
 machine, just want it to be very much okay for Linux :)

go scsi if u can for ur HDs, expensive, but it
and fast is gd :-))


 An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it. -  Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] IRQ problem.

2001-05-28 Per discussione antoine rivoire

On Monday 28 May 2001 11:31, you wrote:
i had a similar probleme with my scsi card,
i just unistalled it, made sure that there is no trace of itin the os setup
(i was using windows at the time) and reinstalled it in another pci slot.
i'm sure there is another way around this, but that worked for me.

 Okay, if you've been reading my msgs, then you know that I've got an
 Adaptec 2930cu SCSI card and a Plextor CDRW. Its working, but there are
 quirks. I may have found part of the problem, and what I need is help on
 what to do about it. When I go into HardDrake and/or System Info, click on
 properties, I'm being told that there is a conflict, both my SCSI card and
 my motherboards IDE controller, are using IRQ3.

 I went into the SCSI cards configuration (at boottime) but while it shows
 the IRQ its using, there doesn't seem to be a way to change it, or the IDE
 controllers. Anyone have any ideas?

 Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] install problem again

2001-05-28 Per discussione Eric Lauritzen

Thanks for replying - I do appreciate it a bunch...

 does your computer have sound and USB and video on board?

All the sound stuff plugs into the motherboard.

the USB support
 may have something to do with it, do you use usb?

I do have USB jacks, but I don't remember seeing anything about shutting it
off in BIOS, and I've spent more time in BIOS this weekend than talking to
my kids. :-)

Maybe there are jumpers that will disable all this and take it out of the
loop?  But if that did make install possible would I be able to use it in
the future?



 - Original Message -
 From: Eric Lauritzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 7:04 PM
 Subject: [newbie] install problem again

  On Mon, 28 May 2001, you wrote:
   I know this might sound like a winders type of solutition,,,
   first step is to go into Bios, and turn off (set to NO) Plug and pray
  Did that... tried it both ways.
   and turn off any bios level virus protection,
  don't see any
   if that was allready done
   and/or made no difference, I would remove all the cards from my
   execpt the video card and retry.
  The only other card I have is the nic card
  Other things I've tried:
  - Used more than one CD drive to boot from - same results
  - Booted from a floppy made with the CD.img as per manual - same results
  - Tried installing RedHat7 - that started working, now running it on
  - tried the mandrake install disks on another computer - they work
  - tried the install CDs made from a download - same results
  Anyway you cut it this is a problem unique to mandrake8 - RedHat is
  ok, but I didn't pay $80 for redhat, and I don't want it.  it's also
  this machine because the purchased disks work on my other computer - a
  which I don't want Linux on.
   I would also like to say that more
   information about your computer would be helpfull here.. what MB,
  192 MG
   what brand
   and model HD,
  Maxtor 88455d8, 8 gig
  network card,
  no modem
   sound card,
  yamaha opl
   what irq and DMA channels
  BIOS says they are all available if memory serves - I don't have any
   memory sticks,
  two 32MG and a 128 to make 192MG Ram
  speed etc CPU,
  P 2, 266
  data bus width = 64 bits
  address bus width = 32 bits
  the computer is a Dell Demension
   On Sunday 27 May 2001 00:51, you wrote:
I am now attempting to install from purchased mandrake 8.0 CDs
from the powerpack.
Partition check:
hda: hda1 hda2 hda5
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
Any ideas what else I could try?

Re: [newbie] what is a compressed image?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Eric Lauritzen

 A ramdisk is sort of like a virtual hard drive that the installer
 creates in memory.  It creates this so there is a mountable drive for
 use during the install process.  I believe it boots from this, but I am
 not sure.  Someone more expert would know better then me.  Sometimes it
 takes a few seconds for this stage to finish.  The next step should be
 something like entering second stage install or something like that.
 At times it could appear to lock up at that point.  Are you not waiting
 long enough or is it really locking up?  Windows ME has nothing to do
 with what you are seeing.  Wiping your hard drive will not help!

Thanks for the reply and the info.  I've already wiped the hard drive - oh
well, I'm sick of windows too.

I do wait a long time, but I know it's locked cause the ligts on the
keyboard all locke up and the system is completely unresponsive.  The
longest I've waited is maybe 5 minutes - is it possible it would take




  A compressed image or ramdisk or something seems to be
  causing my computer to lock up during install.
  I'm trying to set it up to dual boot with Windows ME.
  It always locks up shortly after:
  Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda5
  RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
  I'm wondering if it may have something to do with ME's system
  restore thing.
  If I ran fdisk and wiped my hard drive clean would this solve my
  problem for sure?  Would that get rid of this compressed image or
  ramdisk or whatever? or is that somewhere that fdisk wont touch?

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-28 Per discussione s

U really should use a downloader.  Netscape seems to convert binarys to ascii 
or some sh*t.  Anyway, nt webdownloader is a good one.  Go to rpmfind and do 
a search for nt.  It's an easy rpm install and straightforward gui controls.  

On Monday 28 May 2001 07:48 pm, you wrote:
 Dear All, I printed out and gathered all of my Lime Wire info from earlier
 messages and proceeded to install. I used the LimeWire.bin file and when I
 attempted to install I got an error message: The included VM could not be
 uncompressed. Please try to download the installer again and make sure that
 you download using 'binary' mode. Please do not attempt to install this
 currently downloaded copy.

 Does anyone know what I can do now? I have downloaded the
 file but I just do not understand the classpath instructions. I know that I
 have Kaffe installed. I have LM8. How would I download using 'binary' mode?
 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Windows Font Installer takes a very long time to install fonts in LM8

2001-05-28 Per discussione s

Naw, it's broke.  I believe I read where it was broken in the earlier 
downloadable versions.  I did a recent network install, and it's working now. 
 But I have other problems 

On Monday 28 May 2001 07:45 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was trying to install the Windows fonts in Mandrake Control Center. I
 have been waiting 15 minutes and it is still installing. Is this normal?

Re: [newbie] Windows Font Installer takes a very long time to install fonts in LM8

2001-05-28 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Monday 28 May 2001 20:45, Romanator wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was trying to install the Windows fonts in Mandrake Control Center. I
 have been waiting 15 minutes and it is still installing. Is this

The version of drakfont included with 8.0 takes a very long time to do 
the install, The version from cooker is faster. 

kfontinst is faster than drakfont, and has the ability to add/preview and 
remove fonts

The fastest way is to do a ttmkfdir  mkfontdir from the commandline and 
then edit /etc/X11/fs/config

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Re: [newbie] Fixing Ugly Fonts corrected with Verdana ref font in Control Center

2001-05-28 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

Romanator wrote:

 Romanator wrote:
 Hi all,
 I fixed my font problem by ... Remember, you should install the Windows fonts
 to access the extra fonts. 
 Just wondering if there is a way to install the windows fonts from the Windows CD 
Rom on my desktop, which is a Linux only box. I did the Get windows fonts on my 
laptop, which is half and half Win 98 and LMD 8.0 and it seems a little better. Is 
there maybe a way to copy the fonts and transfer them? 



[newbie] CPU Context corrupt on text install

2001-05-28 Per discussione Eric Lauritzen

Everyone is probably tired of my email if not filtering it out, but here is
another symptom I see when I try doing a text install - it seldom gets this
far with a linux expert install.

It looks like this:

RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
this is where it uaully locks up
Uncompressing.0CPU 0: Machine Check Exception 004
Bank 0: f280
Bank 3: b2000a01
Kernal panic: CPU context corrupt

What does CPU context corrupt mean?  Does this have any bearing on my other
symtoms?  Does it mean the image is uncompressing ok, but something else is

Once in a while it gets farther than this, but not often.

I've now tried, among other things I can't remember now:

-swapping out RAM
-disabling everything that can be disabled in BIOS
-enabling everything that can be enabled in BIOS
-removing the nic card
-using multiple drives, floppy and CD to boot from,
-tryihg other install disks
-intalling other distributions (did so successfully)
-running the install program on andother PC (did so successfully)
-patting my head and rubbing my tummy while I hit the reboot button with my

If it's my computer, why can I install windows and Redhat7?
If it's the CDs (both sets) why do they work on my laptop?

Can I get my money back when I buy free software?

Thanks for any help,


[newbie] Tiny Firewall

2001-05-28 Per discussione root

Hi All:

Can anyone tell me where the script, which the Tiny Firewall
configuration tool writes, is then stored?  I am interested in seeing
how the script compares with IPChains and IPTables scripts.  Thanks,
Dennis in Waco

[newbie] copy and varify [cp] [diff]

2001-05-28 Per discussione jason-snyder

If I understand correctly the following is the most optimal way to copy
a directory structure with its files and then verify that those
directories and files copied ok without being corrupted:

cp -a sourcedir destinationdir
diff -arq sourcedir destinationdir

Please enlighten me if there is a more optimal way or if I am doing
something that doesn't make sense or is just plain wrong.

[newbie] Solve: Why bootup shows L 02 02 02....?

2001-05-28 Per discussione Viboon Chaojirapant


For the record and benefit people who might meet
such a problem in the future (problem is described
below), I will post how I managed to solve it.

In short, I solve the L 02 02 02 ... bootup problem
by _re-partitioning_ my Linux drive.

I have 2 hard drives, 1 for Win98 and 1 for
Mandrake. The Mandrake drive initially had
Mandrake 7.2 installed. There were 4 partitions on
it: 1 for /boot; 1 for /; 1 for swap; and 1 for

When I upgraded from 7.2 to 8.0, I selected the
option Keep existing partitions. This worked
beautifully when I upgraded from 7.0 to 7.2, but
gave me the LILO problem here.

So in the end, I re-partition my Linux drive and
like magic, the LILO problem went away.

Hope the above will help others in the future.

BTW, Nautilus is VERY, VERY slow, even though my
machine is Duron 750, 256MB RAM. Konqueror is
much better speed wise.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Viboon Chaojirapant
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:38 AM
 To: Linux Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Why bootup shows L 02 02 02?

 Hi Linux users,

 I finally took the plunge into v8.0 yesterday
 evening (upgraded from v7.2).

 However, after the smooth installation, I almost
 got a heart attack when LILO showed L 02 02 02 02
 02 02 02. to infinity.

 Has anyone else got this problem? I assume not,
 since I didn't find any L 02 problem in the

 Can someone tell me how to solve this problem? Any
 ideas will be appreciated.

 Thank you.


 -Original message ends-


Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

On Monday 28 May 2001 21:54, s wrote:
 U really should use a downloader.  Netscape seems to convert binarys to
 ascii or some sh*t.  Anyway, nt webdownloader is a good one.  Go to rpmfind
 and do a search for nt.  It's an easy rpm install and straightforward gui
 controls. -s

I went to several websites and the file was there but when I tried to 
download I got a message that the file no longer exists. I then decided to 
try the however I just do not understand the instructions 
for installing. I have Kaffee installed which I was told would work with 
LimeWire. Can anyone give me step by step instructions for this. I am not 
understanding the classpath at all. I have read all I can about it but just 
do not understand how to figure out what classpath to put in the install 
script. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have LM8 . I have Kaffee 
installed and downloaded. Thanks, Marcia

Re: [newbie] AdvanSys SCSI Adapter ? - OK

2001-05-28 Per discussione LinuxKH

Hello again !

Thanks a lot Civileme and all. works great !
Just do: '# modprobe advansys'

Now, it's time for more advantures on the way to set it up as a multi
services (Firewall, Apache, Squid, DNS, Samba, NFS,...) server for a LAN
of 30 PCs.

So, some more questions would be later...

A real newbie learning to swim in Linux sea

On Mon, 28 May 2001, Civileme wrote:

 On Monday 28 May 2001 03:30, you wrote:
 It is not seeing the Advansys SCSI adapter, possibly because the initrd is 
 not loading properly.
 This may be an error in media or in the driver itself.
 DO this
 At the splash screen hit F1 and type rescue without the quotes.
 then type
 # modprobe advansys

 If that does not work, then we have a kernel driver problem.
 To alleviate this, we have alternate install images
 Look at the CD with a running system, in the folder /images/alternatives and 
 find the file
 copy it to a floppy with
 dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/alternatives/cdrom.img-2.2.19-BADZ5 of=/dev/fd0
 Or under dos, get to the directory and use the program rawrite to move that 
 image to a floppy.  A dos window on 95 or 98 will work just as well.  rawrite 
 versions do not appear to work under WindowsME.
 And then use that floppy to begin installation--it should find and load the 
 advansys.o module.
 Once the installation is done, the initrd.img should have the advansys drive 
 in it, so that booting should not be a problem.

Re: [newbie] [expert] any bug in RPMDRAKE...

2001-05-28 Per discussione B.V.L.S.Prasad

Dear hoyem,
somehow I am unable to get software manager working for me.
I did as you have said.
I have deleted the CD1 and CD2 from the source list, which 
were there earlier ...
how to get them back...I tried all the possible ways...

If I select http, and click update list never shows up anything...
at this step I am stuck..
can you suggest me any thing more..

I dont know , some my end I believe...

do suggest me any information if its there...
thankyou for the help..


On Mon, 21 May 2001, D. Hoyem wrote:

 Launch the Software Manager, click on Define Sources
 and New.  For type of source, select http and click
 the update list of mirrors and wait while the list is
 being added to the list of sources, takes awhile. 
 Once it is updated, under the Installable tab toggle
 the All to Updates Only. Click the Flat List to
 better see the list of available updates.
 --- B.V.L.S.Prasad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to add a new HTTP source to RPMDRAKE
  live updating my packages.but
  once I click okaythe site is lost and only CD1
  and CD2 sources
  are back again...the 3rd source(i.e http site) is
  not sought for
  why is this so ?? or how to go about  
  can any one give a small example:
  I have read the howto and help ...
  its not working...
  is this a bug with rpmdrake or my flaw..somewhere
  can any body his regard...
  thanks in advance...
  Happy Day,
  Prasad, B.V.L.S.,
  Research Scholar.
  _   __      ___  
  ___   ___
  |Thought|   | Fourier|   |  |   |Different|   |
  Fourier |   |Structure|
  | waves |--|Analysis|--|NATURE|--|Forms of
  |--|Synthesis|--|   of|
  |   |   ||   |  |   |Knowledge|   |   
   |   | NATURE  |
  |___|   ||   |__|   |_|  
  |_|   |_|
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