Re: [newbie-it] Hard Disk rallentato

2001-06-04 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 23:40, giovedì 31 Maggio 2001, scrivesti:
 Il 02:30, giovedì 31 Maggio 2001, Daniele Micci ha scritto:


  2. ACCESSO AL DISCO. Non so da cosa possa dipendere, ma quando
  lancio un qualsiasi programma (uso KDE; ho verificato che con GNOME
  non succede: in quel caso il PC va veloce come sempre!),

 So che il kernel 2.4 fa un uso piu` intensivo dello spazio di swap
 rispetto alle versioni precedenti... Il fatto che con Gnome non
 succeda puo` essere dato dal fatto che, essendo piu` leggero, non
 esaurisce la ram e quindi non ha necessita` di swappare..

Non direi proprio... per due motivi: principalmente gnome non è che sia 
più leggero, ed in secondo luogo il fatto che il 2.4 faccia un uso più 
intesivo dello swap non vuole dire che sia più lento, ci mancherebbe. I 
motivi sono altrove...

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] help lan

2001-06-04 Per discussione max . za

 Salve a tutti,
  chiedo a voi ( con gentilezza ) aiuto per quanto riguarda la
 di samba  con mandrake 8.
 Nel mio caso , ho una lan di circa 10 pc con SO windows 9x , ho già creato
 con samba le cartelle condivise , ma il problema è che NON CAPISCO come
 possa proteggere le cartelle condivise mediante utente e password.

 Ringrazio anticipatamente max.

[newbie-it] keymap attiva ?

2001-06-04 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

un'informazione, cme faccio a sapere quale keymap attiva ho ? Quali sono i 
files da vedere (ed eventualmente da modificare) ?


Re: [newbie-it] keymap attiva ?

2001-06-04 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 19:27, sabato 02 giugno 2001, Alberto Zanoni scrisse:
   un'informazione, cme faccio a sapere quale keymap attiva ho ? Quali
 sono i files da vedere (ed eventualmente da modificare) ?

Dando una rapida occhiata arc.sysinit:

rc.sysinit:  loadkeys $KEYMAP  /dev/tty0  /dev/tty0 2/dev/null  \

KEYMAP è definita nello stesso file:

Credo che un qualche accrocchio di mandrake metta nel file default.kmap 
la mappa di tastiera scelta da tool grafico.

Ci sono anche tutte le altre, appena ho un attimo vedo dove sono tenute, 
credo da qualche parte in /usr/share

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] staroffice

2001-06-04 Per discussione bellotti

Dove posso trovare i driver per stampanti su staroffice 5.2 la mia
stampante è una epson stylus color 670 e su staroffice stampa male
invece con altri programmi tipo kword e perfetto .
C'è un modo per fare usare la stampante di sistema a staroffice?
Grazie per l'aiuto.

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Re: [newbie-it] staroffice

2001-06-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

bellotti wrote:
 Dove posso trovare i driver per stampanti su staroffice 5.2 la mia
 stampante è una epson stylus color 670 e su staroffice stampa male
 invece con altri programmi tipo kword e perfetto .
 C'è un modo per fare usare la stampante di sistema a staroffice?

StarOffice ha solo i driver per alcune stampanti con cartuccia
postscript hardware.
Tutte le altre si configurano come postscript generica,
S-O. prepara un file postscript che viene dato in pasto a lpr..

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] GR

2001-06-04 Per discussione Corrado

Scusate il subject, ma in realtà dice tutto...! ^_^
Quando installai Mandrake 7.2, mesi fa, successe una cosa strana:
fallito l'upgrade dalla 7.1, riformattai la partizione / mantenendo
intatta la partizione home, con utenti e settaggi definiti; mi
successe che sotto Gnome e solo come utente corrado alla pressione dei
tasti g e r, anzichè vederli apparire nell'applicazione in uso,
quale che essa fosse (Messenger, X-Chat, terminale...), anzichè veder
regolarmente apparire le lettere in questione, mi lampeggiava la
finestra in questione e di r o g neanche l'ombra... questo accadeva
solo sotto Gnome e solo a corrado; a root e ad altri utenti già
impostati prima dell'upgrade andava tutto bene Ero poi riuscito a
risolvere il problema, solo che non ricordo assolutamente come... ;__;
Il fatto è che ora ho seguito la stessa procedura passando dalla 7.2
alla 8.0, e di nuovo il povero corrado si ritrova privo di due
lettere Nessuno ha qualche idea sul perchè accada ciò o suggerimenti
sul come scoprirlo? E'sicuramente un problema legato a Gnome, poichè ho
provato Sawfish da solo ed è okay... Inoltre, la spariozione delle due
lettere si verifica anche se lancio un'applicazione Gnome sotto KDE

Grazie per l'aiuto!


[newbie-it] migliorare la connessione?

2001-06-04 Per discussione Marco

salvecortesemente volevo sapere se esiste un modo (non troppo complicato 
:o) ) per ottimizzare la velocita' di connessione o cmq renderla piu' 
stabile la mia connessione attualmente e' una ISDN a 64 


[newbie-it] Navigare in Internet !

2001-06-04 Per discussione GiulioF

 prima di tutto 1 grazie a chi risponderà!!
 Il mio problema è che dopo tante fatiche sono riuscito a configurare
 un winmodem su mandrake 8.0 ma con il mandrake Control Center nella
 sezione sicurezza/livello di sicurezza mi da il livello 'benvenuti cracker' e
 quando seleziono il livello medio e clicco ok il computer sembra memorizzare 
l'opzione ma poi una volta riaperto il programma mi da sempre il livello 
iniziale (che non misembra proprio adatto per navigare in internet).poi ho 
cercato di configurare il programmino Bastille ma non so se basta.Quindi la 
mia domanda è : come posso sistemare i parametri magari testualmente??  
oppure ancora meglio sequalcuno ha dei links su delle guide (posssibilmente 
semplici) sull'argomento.
 Ciao e grazie!

Re: [newbie] Divx

2001-06-04 Per discussione s

On Monday 04 June 2001 12:50 am, you wrote:
 How do I get mplayer to work in Mandrake 8.0?

 Or is there an other divxplayer??

 running XFree 4


You're going to have to read the readme and install doc that comes with it.  
It's not a simple 1-step process.  However, follow the directions and it 
works.  You may need to download some libs or something, but it'll let  you 
know.  I can't recall what all's involved, and would be too complicated to 
put in an email.  It's documented really well, and the faq are always a good 
read with any app.

It's the only one that's works (that I've tried).


[newbie] Static and Virtual IP's for ADSL not working.

2001-06-04 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

We have a mandrake box here, (7.2 with all updates) that is permanently
connected to the net via ADSL with a static IP address... That is working
just wonderfully, It uses an Alcatel Modem, that connects to the ph line at
one side and via a crossed over network cable to eth0 of the server on the
other side.

We were then assigned another 4 IP's to use for Domains with our network,
and I set them all up to be virtual IP's of eth0
and then I want to use port forwarding to send specific ports to the
internal machines..
The port forwarding is working fine for the static IP (using Ipmasqadm and
loving it.) and all internal machines can ping the new IP's, (which are in
the range 203.59.xx.xx) but they are not getting out though the adsl
connection and as such are not accessable to the net... its not a firewall
stopping them, even with the firewall (modified PMfirewall) turned off,
there is no connection, so I can only assume it has something to do with the
ADSL or the modem,,,

But I have never used ADSL before and don't really know the details of it...

I have used the virtual IP method before, even with Dialup and I have one
machine with 7 IP's set as virtual IP's on ppp0 and it works fantastically
(also a mandrake 7.2 box), but it won't with ADSL, has anyone had this
problem before? can anyone make suggestions as to what I might try?

kindest regards,


RE: [newbie] New LM 8.0 Box, not much joy! Help!!

2001-06-04 Per discussione Franki

don't know if this has been answered yet, so I shall try for you...

shutdown -r now
 to reboot,

shutdown -h now
to stop it completely

As for your video card, I haven't got the same card, but I have had non
listed cards before, and when I do, I usually try similiar cards. one
will usually get pretty close to the make and allow you to use higher then
vga res and color...

I must admit to some surprise that that card isn't supported,, what chipset
does it use?  look at the card itself, and then try to find a driver for the
chipset not the card...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mick
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2001 6:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] New LM 8.0 Box, not much joy! Help!!

Hello List,

Just got back from purchasing the new Linux box.
I got an Asus m/b A7A266, an AMD Athlon T/Bird 1 ghz. 512mb of PC-133
I thought I was okay in the assumption that most ATI video cards would work
in Linux, especially LM 8.0, I got an ATI Expert 2000 AGP w/32mb.
The new HD is a Quantum Fireball 40 gig 7200rpm.
I then loaded up the new LM 8.0. Everything appeared to go well until
up the X Server. This brings up my first question about LM in general.
Why is the setting up of the X Server and the video and monitor hardware
to be the very last thing in the line of items in installation?
From reading problems day after day on the list it appears that this is the
main problem that arises 95% of the time during installs.
Anyway, to get back to the new install, the first error occurred after my X
didn't come up. At the prompt I ran XFdrake. The first thing I noticed was
ATI Expert 2000 AGP in the list to choose from.
If that wasn't bad enough then came the second very annoying error:
Probable hardware bug: Clock timer configuration lost. Probably VIA 686a
motherboard. Restoring chip configuration:
This keeps coming up every few minutes. Hmm...I wonder if I shouldn't have
had chose the GMT time zone option?
And then if that wasn't enough, you'd think that after all these weeks of
using LM 7.2, that I'd know by now how to powerdown from the prompt! I have
always used a GUI login and logout! I have tried HALT, POWEROFF, EXIT, TERM,
and many other words I can't repeat here!
Please, what is the Linux command to power down and off?
Many thanks,

[newbie] File sharing with windows question

2001-06-04 Per discussione s

Can two windows98 machine file share thru a linux gateway with tiny firewall 
without samba?

My family's two windows machines can't share.  The names of  these computers 
and the gateway show up in network neighborhood, but no files.  If I try to 
map them, I get an error about not finding the machines.

Or do I need to try and get samba configured?  (someone got a good newbie 
site/link on this subject?)


[newbie] Orinoco w/Mandrake 8

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jeff Kowalski

Has anyone successfully gotten an Orinoco Silver wireless lan card to
work under Mandrake 8?
I've got an orinoco that wants to talk to an apple airport.  I've read
the messages on this list, and also the list, but I still don't see the
final conclusion that shows how it's done.  [Mind you, I was able to
get the PCMCIA + PCI adapter all to work in 7.2, with the lucent
drivers.  Matter of fact, I'm using another machine configured
w/7.2+orinoco to write this.]

Now, with Mdk8, these seem to be the results others besides just me are

1.  Orinoco_cs/doesn't install because of unresolved syms.
2.  Lucent's drivers don't even compile under the new kernel.
3.  wvlan_cs -almost- works.

I'm assuming that #3, the driver that ships with Mandrake, is the way to
go, correct?  I've set it up to the best of my understanding, in a very
simple network, but something's wrong.  Pings to the AP or outside
give 'destination unreachable' errors.

Iwconfig states that I've got a link (at least it reports link quality
figures, so I'm guessing it found the access point).  I've got the ESSID
set to the network name and all that.  I don't use encryption on this
network, so that's not the issue.  Managed mode, no tricky ad-hoc
stuff.  I can insert/eject the card all day long and get the good
beeps, etc.

But, I'm stuck here:  my logfile's full of messages that say
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
wvlan_cs: eth0 Tx timed out! resetting card
wvlan_cs: MAC address on eth0 is some address
wvlan_cs: Found firmware 0x60006 (vendor 1) - Firmware capabilites

I know that others have seen this problem, from reading the lists.  

So, what's the magic incantation I'm missing?  I assume someone has
gotten the Orinoco to work under Mandrake 8.  How?  Can someone please
summarize (Skip Montanaro?) ?


Re: [newbie] File sharing with windows question

2001-06-04 Per discussione n6tadam


It would be very difficult, without the use of Samba. In fact, it is almost
impossible. You'll definately need Samba to do it. I can help you set it up
if you like.


Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 8:53 AM
Subject: [newbie] File sharing with windows question

 Can two windows98 machine file share thru a linux gateway with tiny
 without samba?

 My family's two windows machines can't share.  The names of  these
 and the gateway show up in network neighborhood, but no files.  If I try
 map them, I get an error about not finding the machines.

 Or do I need to try and get samba configured?  (someone got a good newbie
 site/link on this subject?)


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If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

[newbie] Who turned out the lights?

2001-06-04 Per discussione George Petri


A few weeks ago, I downloaded and installed the KDE 2.1.1 packages for 
Mandrake Linux 7.2 (beforehand I upgraded to XFree 4.0.3).

Now, whenever I boot up using vga=0x314 or 0x315 (or any other VESA mode that 
I've tried) in /etc/lilo.conf, all the KDE components on the screen (starting 
with the KDE login screen) have a very dark background -- so dark that I can 
just barely read the text (the text is black too :).

I've found that switching to a virtual console (CTRL+ALT+F1) and switching 
back to the X screen (CTRL+ALT+F7 or ALT+F7) magically fixes the situation, 
until the next time I boot into Linux.

But why does this happen in the first place and how do I fix it, permanently?

George Petri

Re: [newbie] Who turned out the lights?

2001-06-04 Per discussione n6tadam


I have had a similar situation like this on my laptop. It seems that it is
linked to the framebuffer that you use to boot up, and the default colour
depth that X-window runs in.

I would suggest, that as a test, you change your vga= in lilo.conf to
vga=normal. Save the file, and then run lilo.

Then, change the default colour depth in /etc/XF86Config to 8, and then
reboot your machine (init 6). If the colour depth displays ok, at 8 bit,
without having to chvt each time, then it means that most likely, it is a
problem with your graphics display.

The fact that it restores the colour depth after you have switched to a VT
and back again, suggests that your refresh rate for your monitor maybe
inaccurate. But that is only a guess!

If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.
Kind Regards,

Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
From: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 6:22 PM
Subject: [newbie] Who turned out the lights?


 A few weeks ago, I downloaded and installed the KDE 2.1.1 packages for
 Mandrake Linux 7.2 (beforehand I upgraded to XFree 4.0.3).

 Now, whenever I boot up using vga=0x314 or 0x315 (or any other VESA mode
 I've tried) in /etc/lilo.conf, all the KDE components on the screen
 with the KDE login screen) have a very dark background -- so dark that I
 just barely read the text (the text is black too :).

 I've found that switching to a virtual console (CTRL+ALT+F1) and switching
 back to the X screen (CTRL+ALT+F7 or ALT+F7) magically fixes the
 until the next time I boot into Linux.

 But why does this happen in the first place and how do I fix it,

 George Petri

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If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

[newbie] telstra adsl

2001-06-04 Per discussione ben

Is anyone connecting to telstra's ADSL service to a Win2000 box and running
Linux off that?

I want to connect using the Win2000 box, but have a net connection from my
Linux box running Mandrake 8

Possible out of the (Mandrake) box?  Or is this something for the [expert]
list? ;-)  Or should I do it the other way round?

ciao  TIA

RE: [newbie] telstra adsl

2001-06-04 Per discussione Franki

you should just be able to setup the window2000 box to share its connection,
(when connected, open the connection properties and select share this

Then in your linux box, set it to use the telstra dns, and set its gateway
to the ip of the win2000 ethernet card...

you should be pretty much up and running then,,,

I had a similiar thing going recently,, I shared my connection on my win2000
laptop to my linux box so I could update all the packages on it,, worked



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ben
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] telstra adsl

Is anyone connecting to telstra's ADSL service to a Win2000 box and running
Linux off that?

I want to connect using the Win2000 box, but have a net connection from my
Linux box running Mandrake 8

Possible out of the (Mandrake) box?  Or is this something for the [expert]
list? ;-)  Or should I do it the other way round?

ciao  TIA


RE: [newbie] telstra adsl

2001-06-04 Per discussione Franki

well first get normal networking happening on the linux box, you should have
a network cart in both the windoze and linux box's..

connect them using a hub or a crossover cable (cheaper then a hub)

you then set the ethernet card in the windows 2000 box to (I
think it might do it for you when you share the connection)

set the linux box's IP to or similiar...

you should be able to ping each machine from the other...

once that is done,, you need only set the gateway on the linux box to the
ethernet IP of the windows box.. (in this case and set the dns
up to use telstrs name servers,,,

as for which connection to share,, if you have two, one is most likely the
ADSL and the other the internal network,,,

you need only set the ADSL connection up for sharing...

hope this helps



-Original Message-
From: ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2001 5:28 PM
To: Franki
Subject: RE: [newbie] telstra adsl

At 05:07 PM 6/4/2001 +0800, you wrote:
you should just be able to setup the window2000 box to share its
(when connected, open the connection properties and select share this

When it was setup, there was 2 connections.  So I share on both?

Then in your linux box, set it to use the telstra dns, and set its gateway
to the ip of the win2000 ethernet card...

What hardware do I need in the Linux Box to get this to happen (network
cards, routers, cables etc?)

you should be pretty much up and running then,,,

Lets hope so!

Thanks for your help ;-)


[newbie] when is lm 8.1 coming out ?

2001-06-04 Per discussione bart deglorie

when is lm 8.1 coming out ?

[newbie] Using VNC

2001-06-04 Per discussione Brett

Just a quick question regarding VNC Viewer.

I've been using VNC for a while under NT4. Having gotten into linux I'm now
using it to get to my NT Boxes.

What I have found is that I don't be able to send the CONTROL-ALT-DELETE
as per the Windows interface. Is there a way I can do this?


Re: [newbie] File sharing with windows question

2001-06-04 Per discussione s

Oooo, yes please.  I would like.  :-)

I have installed the mdk samba server, client and common files on the 
gateway, and samba client on my workstation.  I tried setting the ip #s up in 
Samba conf using webadmin. (But that didn't do anything.)  But that's about 
as far I got. 

I'm afraid I hadn't paid much attention to the whole subject of samba before, 
thinking I would never need it.  So I am a lost and confused newbie.

On Monday 04 June 2001 03:26 am, you wrote:

 It would be very difficult, without the use of Samba. In fact, it is almost
 impossible. You'll definately need Samba to do it. I can help you set it up
 if you like.


 Thomas Adam

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 8:53 AM
 Subject: [newbie] File sharing with windows question

  Can two windows98 machine file share thru a linux gateway with tiny


  without samba?
  My family's two windows machines can't share.  The names of  these


  and the gateway show up in network neighborhood, but no files.  If I try


  map them, I get an error about not finding the machines.
  Or do I need to try and get samba configured?  (someone got a good newbie
  site/link on this subject?)

Re: [newbie] Lilo

2001-06-04 Per discussione John Farrell

On Sunday 03 June 2001 09:38, OOzy Pal wrote:
 I have dual boot. Mandrake starts and quickly goes to
 Linux. I tried to edit /etc/lilo.conf but not help.
 Which file has the timeout.

 Then I tried to go Mandrake Control Center|Boot to
 configure the the bootloader but I get an error
 lilo failed
 no images or default image... (or so)

Oozy, after you change lilo.conf, you have to run lilo from
the command line so it can write the updated information to
the boot sector. If you don't do that, it won't pay any attention
to the file.


Re: [newbie] New LM 8.0 Box, not much joy! Help!!

2001-06-04 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

 Please, what is the Linux command to power down and off?
 Many thanks,
Try:Shutdown -h now

Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there.
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
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[newbie] Lan Browsing

2001-06-04 Per discussione Anthony Hologounis

Anyone get lan browsing to work under LM8?

I don't remember seeing this feature in 7.2 , it would be nice if it 
worked... it seems like it would be like Network Neighborhood.  


---Anthony Hologounis---

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it - Albert 

[newbie] System hungs up after installation.

2001-06-04 Per discussione Fuzzy

The system is a Pentium III 450, 96MBytes of RAM, Trident 975 AGP video
board, Adaptec 1520 SCSI interface, CW-7502 CD-R drive, and Hp Deskjet
840C USB. The installation goes fine, even the printer is correctly
detected. The system reboots after the installation, which is normal,
and it gets stuck in Aurora in the Finding module dependencies icon.
Trying to boot using the failsafe mode, I noticed that the Finding
module dependencies phase is too fast (the HD doesn´t even blink). If I
press Ctrl-D, the system informs me that it will change to running level
5 and try to load the USB modules. Then it gets stuck forever, although
it echo whichever characters I send using the keyboard. By the way,
Linux is installed in a 30 Gbytes Quantum Fireball HD in the fifth
partition and the swap partition is the sixth.

Does anyone have any idea of what is going on ? Thanks in advance,


Re: [newbie] How to Compile Kernel

2001-06-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Well here's the deal.

Start out with this web page.

It tells you that you can go through and create your own .config file
but I suggest you use the make xconfig.  I didn't want to do it that
way to start, but having tried to do it manually so many times and
getting so many errors that it wouldn't finish, I resorted to that.

I still get errors some times, but often it's just that it had a problem
writing to /etc/lilo.conf.  At which point I just delete the last part of
the file, and ran the kernel commands again.  If I get no errors, I try and
boot the kernel.

After you try booting, you may get some errors.  Investigate those before
you go and try and fix the kernel.  For example, I get two errors when I
boot now.  One of them is USB, which I disabled in the kernel.  I'm not
going to use it, so get rid of it!  And the other is that it can't load the
module for es1371, which is for my sound card.

I rebuilt a kernel and tried tones of stuff before I actually tried
something that required sound.  Suddenly I was hearing sound!  So it may say
that it had a problem with loading it, but for some reason or another
actually did load it!

So try the instructions from that web page.  I downloaded the latest 2.4.5
kernel, and conpiled that to come up with:

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ uname -a
Linux r2d2 2.4.5-R2D2-20mdk #6 SMP Mon Jun 4 00:04:14 EDT 2001
i686 unknown

In the Makefile I added -R2D2-20mdk since my machine's name is R2D2 so I
knew which one I was actually loading when I boot, as well as what the
vmlinux-(BLAH BLAH BLAH) would look like as well.

After I've booted it and everything works, even sound, I went in DrakConf
and made my new kernel the default kernel to be loaded.  Now everything's
going smooth.

Hope those instructions help you, and in selecting options for your kernel,
get rid of things you don't have, and won't use.  IF you don't SCSI devices,
disable that drive.  If you're going to be dealing with a cross platform
network, get rid of AppleTalk.  Or the AM/FM Radio options and more.  Makes
the kernel smaller, makes the machine boot faster as well.

Good luck!

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!
| Tim -
| I downloaded the recent src but the explanation in the README was a little
| cryptic at the end.  I read the chapter in the Reference Manual for LM and
| it is a lot more specific for someone with my level of experience with
| kernel configuration.
| I'll let you know how it goes...
| Thanks -
| Ed
| Ed Kasky
| Los Angeles, CA
| Just another day in paradise... }B-)

Re: [newbie] usb modem configurating

2001-06-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Good luck is right!  90% USB Modems are WinModems.  I found this out two
months ago when I was trying to give a USB modem I have to a friend to use
with a dual boot Mandrake/Windows machine.  IN trying to make sure it would
work on my machine, I found out it was a WinModem!   So it didn't work.

However, the real reason I'm replying here, since the other guy said pretty
much what I said above, is that you may need to recompile the new kernel to
get the USB modem to work.

I've spent the past 36 hours straight recompiling the kernel for my Mandrake
workstation at home.  One of the things I noticed with the new kernel,
2.4.5, is that there is an option that you can add to the kernel for USB
Modems.  I can't remember if it was turned on by default, since I disabled
USB support in the kernel earlier in the configuration.  You may want to try
that with trying to get the modem to work.  IF you're successful, let the
list know.  I know several of us would like to, and/or have tried to get a
USB modem working with Linux.  USB Modems are super fast in making
connections, and are very sound!  Maybe they're real reliable because they
are infact software modems.


T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| Hello
| I am not be able to configure my usb modem. I'm using Mandrake 7.2
| Anybody can help me?
| Thanks in advance,

[newbie] netgroup support is disabled

2001-06-04 Per discussione Brock Murch

I am trying to set up a mandrake 7.2 box to use netgroup for
authentication in hosts.allow , etc...

I get this message in /var/log/messages:

Jun  1 06:58:00 fox xinetd[585]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 7:
netgroup support is disabled


Jun  1 11:00:09 fox portmap[378]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 7:
netgroup support is disabled 

I have a feeling that this is contributing to another problem. In
/etc/exports I want to share to my netgroup as well.

ypcat netgroup -k  shows that I have a valid bind (hosts  passwd as

/home   @mynetgroup(rw) 

exportfs shows the group...

# exportfs
/home   @mynetgroup  

but machines in the group are denied unless explicitly given rights as in


ideas? Thanks in advance!

Brock Murch
System Administrator / Programmer
X-Band Data Manager

Re: [newbie] Cant mount floppy or CDROM

2001-06-04 Per discussione John Farrell

On Sunday 03 June 2001 10:24, Eric Lauritzen wrote:
 I have Mandrake 8.0 installed.  I installed from the CDs and booted
 from floppy.
 But now that I'm running Mandrake, I can't seem to mount any of my
 two CD drives or my floppy drive.

 But I keep getting the error:
 mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
 but /dev/cdrom shows up under KDE  Information  block devices
 Could someone help me figure this out?

Eric, does /dev/cdrom point to /dev/hdsomething like this?

[john@localhost john]$ ls -l /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 May 30 21:31 /dev/cdrom - hdc
[john@localhost john]$ ls -l /dev/hdc
brw---1 john cdrom 22,   0 Apr 14 21:06 /dev/hdc
[john@localhost john]$

You know you have to have a disk in when you mount it, or you will
get that error. Also, the disk must have stuff on it. Does /dev/cdrom point
to the right hdsomething.  I presume the CDROM is an IDE drive?

I can't comment on the floppy, I haven't even tried to use mine from


RE: [newbie] telstra adsl

2001-06-04 Per discussione Brandon Caudle

or you could buy a linksys router

brandon caudle

To: Rules Address for MDK [EMAIL PROTECTED], ben 
Subject: RE: [newbie] telstra adsl
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 17:31:25 +0800

well first get normal networking happening on the linux box, you should 
a network cart in both the windoze and linux box's..

connect them using a hub or a crossover cable (cheaper then a hub)

you then set the ethernet card in the windows 2000 box to (I
think it might do it for you when you share the connection)

set the linux box's IP to or similiar...

you should be able to ping each machine from the other...

once that is done,, you need only set the gateway on the linux box to the
ethernet IP of the windows box.. (in this case and set the dns
up to use telstrs name servers,,,

as for which connection to share,, if you have two, one is most likely the
ADSL and the other the internal network,,,

you need only set the ADSL connection up for sharing...

hope this helps



-Original Message-
From: ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2001 5:28 PM
To: Franki
Subject: RE: [newbie] telstra adsl

At 05:07 PM 6/4/2001 +0800, you wrote:
 you should just be able to setup the window2000 box to share its
 (when connected, open the connection properties and select share this

When it was setup, there was 2 connections.  So I share on both?

 Then in your linux box, set it to use the telstra dns, and set its 
 to the ip of the win2000 ethernet card...

What hardware do I need in the Linux Box to get this to happen (network
cards, routers, cables etc?)

 you should be pretty much up and running then,,,

Lets hope so!

Thanks for your help ;-)


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] How to Compile Kernel

2001-06-04 Per discussione Brandon Caudle

download the kernel from place it /tmp or where ever go to the 
directory you placed it in say /tmp

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ gzip -cd linux-2.4.5.tar.gz | tar xvf -
[timh@r2d2 timh]$ cd linux
[timh@r2d2 timh]$ make mrproper
[timh@r2d2 timh]$ make xconfig

now configure with the options you want save and exit

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ make dep
[timh@r2d2 timh]$ make bzImage
[timh@r2d2 timh]$ make modules
[timh@r2d2 timh]$ make modules_install

then you have to copy the bzImage you created in /tmp/linux/arch/(i think) 
i386/boot to /boot then edit /etc/lilo.conf to see the other image DONT 
remove the other kernel incase this one doesn;t work properly

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ /sbin/lilo

then reboot

brandon caudle
From: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Mandrake Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to Compile Kernel
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 08:39:34 -0400

Well here's the deal.

Start out with this web page.

It tells you that you can go through and create your own .config file
but I suggest you use the make xconfig.  I didn't want to do it that
way to start, but having tried to do it manually so many times and
getting so many errors that it wouldn't finish, I resorted to that.

I still get errors some times, but often it's just that it had a problem
writing to /etc/lilo.conf.  At which point I just delete the last part of
the file, and ran the kernel commands again.  If I get no errors, I try and
boot the kernel.

After you try booting, you may get some errors.  Investigate those before
you go and try and fix the kernel.  For example, I get two errors when I
boot now.  One of them is USB, which I disabled in the kernel.  I'm not
going to use it, so get rid of it!  And the other is that it can't load the
module for es1371, which is for my sound card.

I rebuilt a kernel and tried tones of stuff before I actually tried
something that required sound.  Suddenly I was hearing sound!  So it may 
that it had a problem with loading it, but for some reason or another
actually did load it!

So try the instructions from that web page.  I downloaded the latest 2.4.5
kernel, and conpiled that to come up with:

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ uname -a
Linux r2d2 2.4.5-R2D2-20mdk #6 SMP Mon Jun 4 00:04:14 EDT 2001
i686 unknown

In the Makefile I added -R2D2-20mdk since my machine's name is R2D2 so I
knew which one I was actually loading when I boot, as well as what the
vmlinux-(BLAH BLAH BLAH) would look like as well.

After I've booted it and everything works, even sound, I went in DrakConf
and made my new kernel the default kernel to be loaded.  Now everything's
going smooth.

Hope those instructions help you, and in selecting options for your kernel,
get rid of things you don't have, and won't use.  IF you don't SCSI 
disable that drive.  If you're going to be dealing with a cross platform
network, get rid of AppleTalk.  Or the AM/FM Radio options and more.  Makes
the kernel smaller, makes the machine boot faster as well.

Good luck!

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!
| Tim -
| I downloaded the recent src but the explanation in the README was a 
| cryptic at the end.  I read the chapter in the Reference Manual for LM 
| it is a lot more specific for someone with my level of experience with
| kernel configuration.
| I'll let you know how it goes...
| Thanks -
| Ed
| Ed Kasky
| Los Angeles, CA
| Just another day in paradise... }B-)

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: [newbie] OT: Network Hub Question

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jamie Kerwick

Can i start by saying thanks everyone that replied to this post, your 
replies have been very helpful.
I didn't realise that an unmanaged hub can be used to connect a server to 
the workstations.
Can i just recap then, I can use an-managed hub to join a server to 2 
workstations without any problems.
I will stick with the hub as the major criteria is price. the server isn't 
actually going to do anything, its basically for a few of us at work to play 
with while doing (whisper) windows 2000 MCSE course (/whisper), so really 
performance doesn't really matter.
Thanks again to everyone who replied, much appreciated.


From: Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jamie Kerwick' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Subject: RE: [newbie] OT: Network Hub Question
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 05:48:06 -0400

Managed versus unmanaged has little to do with being connected to a

A managed hub provides an admin with fairly advanced reporting,
diagnostic and chatter correction capabilities (among a few other

This in turn differs from a switch (which may also come, managed or

A small switch when combined with Fast Ethernet cards will give you
optimal performance.

It need not be managed.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jamie Kerwick
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 7:51 AM
Subject: [newbie] OT: Network Hub Question

We are looking at setting up a test small network at work , and are
a cheapish hub. I was looking at getting a Netgear DS108. Which i also
at home (its work great peer-to-peer). The real question i want to know
will this hub work when connected to a server (ie managed as apposed to
unmanaged setup i have at home).
The idea is the small network will have a test win2000 server on it,
adding Linux boxes to it

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Re: [newbie] Cant mount floppy or CDROM

2001-06-04 Per discussione Eric Lauritzen

 Eric, does /dev/cdrom point to /dev/hdsomething like this?

 [john@localhost john]$ ls -l /dev/cdrom
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 May 30 21:31 /dev/cdrom
 - hdc [john@localhost john]$ ls -l /dev/hdc
 brw---1 john cdrom 22,   0 Apr 14 21:06 /dev/hdc
 [john@localhost john]$

When I run those commands it looks exactly like yours.  Both drives 
are recognized during the bootup process - I can see them if I do a 

 You know you have to have a disk in when you mount it, or you will
 get that error. Also, the disk must have stuff on it. 

I haven't tried to mount an empty drive or read a blank CD.  All the 
CDs I've tried to mount contain data.  It happens if I try to look at 
the Mandrake CDs.

 /dev/cdrom point to the right hdsomething.  I presume the CDROM
 is an IDE drive?

As long as hdc, which is how it shows up in dmesg, is my CD drive, 
then yes.  That's what I was checking above?  or do I look somewhere 
else to make sure?  

Both CDs show up in Block Devices.

Thanks for the reply,


Re: [newbie] Linux Docs for the Totally Ignorant

2001-06-04 Per discussione a9401336

why dont you post your documentation on a website? sent it me, ll post it
on mine. if you want.

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, - wrote:

 I'm getting so many requests in response to my Linux for the Totally
 Ignorant that I'm unable to answer each one directly.  So, I hope it
 doesn't break  protocol when I send a few samples
 on this list.   Look for them in   ___for the Totally Ignorant.
 Don't expect nice pretty pages, I don't have time to do artwork.  Maybe
 someone else can rework them.  If so, I'd appreciate a copy.
 Keep in mind that I'm no expert in Linux, in fact,  I have a lot of
 questions to ask about routine things.  It's just that I got so mad at
 the lousy documentation for beginners that  I decided to try writing
 some myself (I don't mean 'lousy' documents).  There's an old axiom---if
 you want to learn, try teaching. (or is it the other way around?)

Re: [newbie] Electric Circuits

2001-06-04 Per discussione Salvatore Enrico Indiogine

Try DIA or KIVIO.  The first one is part of GNOME office, the second one of 


Eric Indiogine

On Saturday 02 June 2001 19:10, OOzy Pal wrote:

 Anybody knows any programs to draw electric circuits?


 What is the purpose of life?

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[newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-04 Per discussione Ilya Sterin

I am trying to install NetGear ethernet card to use with my cable modem 
(RoadRunner service, dynamically assigns IP addresses) which is recognized 
and uses the tulip driver on Mandrake 8.0.  It seems like the detection 
using the Mandrake Internet Configuration, goes fine.  It detects an 
ethernet card and sets up LAN with no error messages.  Under host I tried and the default localhost.localdomain, neither work, but I don't 
really know what host they are looking for.  Neither worked though, my Win2K 
system works fine and with ipconfig tells me that the default host is (that's where I got it from).  After the internet set up, the 
applet has the connect to internet button which when I click tries (for 
about 20-30 seconds) to connect but with no luck.  I did select auto dhcp, 
when setting up.  A few times the applet actually showed that something was 
send, but no bytes received???  I am also not sure that anything was ever 
send, since there is no way for me to verify and the applet might have a 
different deffinition of send and consider no error as send???  Am I missing 
some steps here?  I did go through the archive and found that I need to run 
'dhcpcd -d -n -h COxxx-A eth0'
command.  What is COxx-A are the x's need to be subsituted, or is this a 
litteral meaning?

Thanks in advance to anyone that replies.

Ilya Sterin
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0

2001-06-04 Per discussione Paul

It was Mon, 4 Jun 2001 13:08:16 -0700 (PDT) when Jesse C. Chang wrote:

Has anyone done this?  Were there any problems encountered, such as when
upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2?  I want to upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0, but I'm
wondering if it will be a headache to do without having to wipe my hard
drive and install from scratch.

I upgraded one machine. I had to format / and /usr in order to get X going.
That is why my main machine is still on 7.2...

There is time for everything.
-Thomas A. Edison -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66** - when
you care **

[newbie] licq won't work -adsl router-

2001-06-04 Per discussione Joan Tur


I've got a problem.  Since i have adsl licq won't work fine.  It
desconnect and reconnect again several times.

I've got an Efficcient Networks Speedstream 5660 router.  It's working
in multiuser mode.  I know it isn't a linux question but... can anyone
help me configuring napt?  (I
think the problem is there...).

Thanks!  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] Registered users

2001-06-04 Per discussione Pablo García Durán

If Linux is a free operating system under the 
GNU/GPL License, etc., etc., why do people insist in showing the rest that they 
are registered users?

Coming, as I do, from the[often fanatic] 
Apple Macintosh environment, it scares me to see how the Linux paranoia 
increases as its amount of users does.

IMHO, of course.
--Pablo García 

Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

2001-06-04 Per discussione Romanator

Eric Lauritzen wrote:
 On Sunday 03 June 2001 14:09, you wrote:
  Well, I installed XFree 4.x and I must admit that the graphics
  aren't as crisp. Personally, I think XFree 3.3.6 looked better.
  Any way to fix this?
 When I was doing my upgrade (I needed to add the development stuff so
 I could compile a kernal) I played with the Xfree4 option and noticed
 that whenever I tested it it didn't look right - looked kind of dim
 or dark.
 Perhaps you'll have to rerun the installation - select upgrade rather
 than install and choose expert.  This won't mess with any of your
 data, configuration, and you'll have the chance to go back to the
 earlier XFree version.


I deselected Xfree 4.x and changed it to XFree 3.x, rebooted the
computer. Now everything looks good. It must be my video card.
Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] network problems

2001-06-04 Per discussione David Beahm

As I suspected (since this card was already working under W95, NT, and even
FreeBSD for some time on the same PC), this wasn't a hardware issue.  I finally
did a format and re-install (the update didn't work) to kill this stupid
problem.  I was really hoping there was a better way, and that I could learn
something about how to deal with these sorts of issues in Linux.  I've got years
of experience in DOS/Windoze, and want to branch out (believe me, you don't know
how good it sounds to have an OS that can be managed and recovered from a command
line!), but the learning curve is looking mostly like a wall at this point.

Now I'm off on my next quest -- getting FreeBSD back on the PC -- had to wipe it
to try getting X to work.  Turns out the CD has trouble reading key files during
the install, so now I can copy them to a Linux partition, boot from floppy, and
install using the files on the hard drive.  Then I'll go for getting NT on again.


Thanks for the suggestions.

etharp wrote:

 I hope this doesn't sound to stupid, i don't have this card, but since you
 set  it with the floppy, have you tried resetting the bios to one of the
 other settings like auto? (me no guru-just turky wantting to learn)

 On Monday 04 June 2001 13:39, you wrote:
  etharp -- yes, in the BIOS I have PnP OS set to No, and Resources are
  configured Manually, w/ IRQ10 set to LEGACY ISA.  I ran the nic diags util
  (off a DOS floppy) just to check, and the settings are correct -- no PnP
  support, set to I 10 / P 300  (BTW, the nic is an ISA).
  mshinet -- not sure I completely understand you.  I tried lsmod and got:
  ModuleSizeUsed by
  autofs92320(autoclean) (unused)
  supermount   324964(autoclean
  cat /proc/pci gives:
  PCI devices found:
Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
  Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C597 [Apollo VP3] (rev 4).
Master Capable.  Latency=32.
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe800 [0xebff].
Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
  PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo MVP3/Pro133x
  AGP] (rev 0).
Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=12.
Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
  ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586/A/B PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP]
  (rev 71).
Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
  IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 6).
Master Capable.  Latency=32.
I/O at 0xe000 [0xe00f].
Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
  Bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B ACPI (rev 16).
Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
  VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Savage 4 (rev 4).
IRQ 11.
Master Capable.  Latency=248.  Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xed00 [0xed07].
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe7ff].
  The output from dmesg is attached, but I could see nothing to indicate a
  problem with either the resources or the network.
  mshinet wrote:
   lsmod  can see moules
   cat /proc/pci
   see the modules added already??
   and irq had confict with other??
   - Original Message -
   From: David Beahm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 5:01 AM
   Subject: [newbie] network problems

Easy + Automatic = EMATIC
E-commerce enable your web site AND sell your product on ours.  Accept
credit cards with no merchant account.  Free email and hosting.  Do it
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Re: [newbie] network problems

2001-06-04 Per discussione David Beahm

As I suspected (since this card was already working under W95, NT, and even
FreeBSD for some time on the same PC), this wasn't a hardware issue.  I finally
did a format and re-install (the update didn't work) to kill this stupid
problem.  I was really hoping there was a better way, and that I could learn
something about how to deal with these sorts of issues in Linux.  I've got years
of experience in DOS/Windoze, and want to branch out (believe me, you don't know
how good it sounds to have an OS that can be managed and recovered from a command
line!), but the learning curve is looking mostly like a wall at this point.

Now I'm off on my next quest -- getting FreeBSD back on the PC -- had to wipe it
to try getting X to work.  Turns out the CD has trouble reading key files during
the install, so now I can copy them to a Linux partition, boot from floppy, and
install using the files on the hard drive.  Then I'll go for getting NT on again.


Thanks for the suggestions.

etharp wrote:

 I hope this doesn't sound to stupid, i don't have this card, but since you
 set  it with the floppy, have you tried resetting the bios to one of the
 other settings like auto? (me no guru-just turky wantting to learn)

 On Monday 04 June 2001 13:39, you wrote:
  etharp -- yes, in the BIOS I have PnP OS set to No, and Resources are
  configured Manually, w/ IRQ10 set to LEGACY ISA.  I ran the nic diags util
  (off a DOS floppy) just to check, and the settings are correct -- no PnP
  support, set to I 10 / P 300  (BTW, the nic is an ISA).
  mshinet -- not sure I completely understand you.  I tried lsmod and got:
  ModuleSizeUsed by
  autofs92320(autoclean) (unused)
  supermount   324964(autoclean
  cat /proc/pci gives:
  PCI devices found:
Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
  Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C597 [Apollo VP3] (rev 4).
Master Capable.  Latency=32.
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe800 [0xebff].
Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
  PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo MVP3/Pro133x
  AGP] (rev 0).
Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=12.
Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
  ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586/A/B PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP]
  (rev 71).
Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
  IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 6).
Master Capable.  Latency=32.
I/O at 0xe000 [0xe00f].
Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
  Bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B ACPI (rev 16).
Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
  VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Savage 4 (rev 4).
IRQ 11.
Master Capable.  Latency=248.  Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xed00 [0xed07].
Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe7ff].
  The output from dmesg is attached, but I could see nothing to indicate a
  problem with either the resources or the network.
  mshinet wrote:
   lsmod  can see moules
   cat /proc/pci
   see the modules added already??
   and irq had confict with other??
   - Original Message -
   From: David Beahm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 5:01 AM
   Subject: [newbie] network problems
   Epox mbd, w/ resources set manually,
   AMD K6-2/350, 256MB SDRAM
   3Com 3c509, port=300, irq=10
   Everything worked ok under Windows.
   Just installed Mandrake 8.0 Standard Edition, and everything appears fine
   the network (internal LAN).  On one level it appears to be configured,
   but on
   another level something is wrong.  When I try to ping anything (including
   I get: Network is unreachable
   (I can ping the loopback (, but that's pointless).
   The clearest indicator I've found in my searching is during interactive
   /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz invalid parm_io
   /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz insmod eth0 failed
   When I use draknet I get stuck in an infinite loop where it asks me what
   to try, then fails to locate it and asks again.  I checked the resources,
   there aren't any conflicts.  And to dispell any doubts, the case is open
   -- the card is a 3Com Etherlink III 3C509b.
   Running netconf, the settings are:
   Host name +
   Enabled on
   Config mode: Manual
   Primary name +
   IP address:
   Net device:eth0
   Kernal module:3c509
   I/O port:300
   Looking thru the archives, I saw ifconfig used, so I tried it.
   lo Link encap: Local Loopback
   inet addr:
   #ifconfig eth0

Re: [newbie] Registered users

2001-06-04 Per discussione Michael Carr

 If Linux is a free operating system under the GNU/GPL License, etc., etc.,
why do people insist in showing the rest that they are registered users?

For the reason that, as a freely redistributable operating system, the scale
of its use can't be determined by sales figures alone; the less Linux is
perceived as the specialist preoccupation of a handful of hackers, the more
hardware manufacturers, for example, will be inclined to extend their
official support.


Re: [newbie] Registered users

2001-06-04 Per discussione s

On Monday 04 June 2001 04:03 pm, you wrote:
 If Linux is a free operating system under the GNU/GPL License, etc., etc.,
 why do people insist in showing the rest that they are registered users?

 Coming, as I do, from the [often fanatic] Apple Macintosh environment, it
 scares me to see how the Linux paranoia increases as its amount of users

What paranoia is that???

 IMHO, of course.

 Pablo García Durán

Re: [newbie] Unable to access CDWriter CD-Rom drives

2001-06-04 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Donald Jr Saxton wrote:
 Hello All,

 I'm unable to access my CD-Rom  CD-Writer drives. When
 trying to access them in Konqueror. They have padlocks on
 them. I also receive the following error message:

 Unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom2. You do not have access
 rights to this location.

 This occurs even if I'm logged in as root. Any help you can
 give would be appreciated.


Donthe padlock is a feature of 'automount'.  If you 
insert a CD in the drive then the padlock will dissapear 
(after you refresh Konqueror's display) and you'll be able to 
access the CD's contents. 

[newbie] I can install my cdrom Backpack

2001-06-04 Per discussione Gabriel Marrero

Hello, I am new in it, but I want to learn, I installed Mandrake 8.0 in my
PC ( Pentium II 233, 128MB memory HD 8 Gb) everything is working ok, but my
backpack cdrom no, I was reading how to and the cdrom backpack is includen
in the kernel 2.4.3, I was looking the make xconfig and  I could confirm it.

what is wrong ?

thank you


[newbie] RPM 4

2001-06-04 Per discussione Ciro Durn

I´ve installed LM7.0 in my computer... It runs fine 
(except that my sound card doesn´t work because it is integrated to the 
motherboard, and the drivers are for Windows only (It´s an Intel 

Well, that´s not the problem... the problem is that 
I have a software modem... I had the fortune to find one with 
a Motorola chipset, because I knew that Motorola had drivers for my modem 
(SM56), but now that I download it and try to uncompress it it says that my RPM 
manager only accepts files up to third version... and the drivers 
are in RPM 4...

The worst thing is that I downloaded an upgrade for 
RPM 3, AND IT IS IN RPM4, so I also cannot upgrade to RPM4...

Is there any link to any RPM manager for version 

El Ciro

[newbie] Sound

2001-06-04 Per discussione Brett

I have MD8 on a machine with two sound cards, a 
SB16 and a Hoontech multi channel card. I wish 
for it to use the SB16 as I'm sure the hoontech will be 

They're both showing up in the sound section, but 
no sound seem to be coming out. How do I ensure it's going through just the SB16 
and ignore the hoontech?


Re: [newbie] $$

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jose

I checked with the hardware compatibility lists throughout the web before 
I made the plunge. I did have to buy another modem, but I knew that going 
in because of the list. 

While it is late advice, you may find a work around on the lists.

On Monday 04 June 2001 00:28, Eric Lauritzen wrote:
  That's OK -- a giant penguin will not kick your door down in the
  middle of the night. It's a helluva deal. But there some very good
  reasons for buying one of the store sets.

 I agree that all the included software is a good deal - much easier
 than downloading one by one.

 My only dissapointment, after paying for the Power Pack at CompUSA
 and registering, is that support has not been able to help me with
 any of the many problems I've had with Mandrake 8.0.

 As I've explained in the post you responded to I've gotten no
 valuable answers at Mandrake Expert to any of my posts.

 Phone support has not helped me either - see the details below.

 I did't say all that just to gripe, and while I am being critical, I
 don't think it's in an unfair way.

 I wouldn't want someone to think that by paying extra for the tech
 support, any difficulties they have will be remedied quickly over the
 phone or Web.  That's not the case.  It may be the case for some
 problems, but not necessarily yours, and definately not mine!

 I'm not really even that disappointed that Mandrake barely works on
 my machine - that's just bad luck.  But when I call tech support, and
 they tell me, while I'm on long distance from Hawaii, that they have
 to back out of DOS and reboot, then I'm disappointed.  What are they
 doing on DOS?  And if they aren't ready to assist, why do they answer
 the phone?

 If they work for the makers of the best free software in the world
 why cant any of them receive email so I could email them my system
 information rather than spell it out over long distance?  For that
 matter, why couldn't they just access their own damn Mandrake Expert
 web page where I took the time to fill it in when I registered?

 So many LInux users bitch about Microsoft because they release
 products before they are ready.  If Mandrake can't run a decent tech
 support service, they shouldn't run one at all, shouldn't charge for
 it, and they shouldn't advertise it.  But they explained more than
 once to me that they weren't set up completely yet, however the
 retail version has been on the shelves how long?

 I'm probably burning bridges on this list, but I'm just being

 I'm out $80 unless I buy a computer that Mandrake will run on.  It
 sure as hell doesn't work on this one.  No one, whether it's on this
 list, the local lug, the newsgroup, or the support I've paid for can
 help me.

 That's not to say anything bad about anyone on the list or the
 newsgroup - this is a voluntary list and my problem is obviously very
 difficult, otherwise I'm sure it would be solved by now.  And it's
 not to say anything about Mandrake as a distribution - it came highly
 recommended and I'm sure most users are pleased with it.  I would be
 too if it worked.

 I guess I'm just saying to anyone considering buying it - try it free
 or cheap first - and if you like it, or any other
 software/distribution for that matter, donate generously.

 I'm pretty frustrated because I've run out of options, so sorry if I
 pissed anyone off.


 On Sunday 03 June 2001 17:12, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  Yes, the ebay CD's are copies that originated at the Mandrake site.
  That's OK -- a giant penguin will not kick your door down in the
  middle of the night. It's a helluva deal. But there some very good
  reasons for buying one of the store sets. First, you get a bunch of
  extra applications that are not on the 2 CD set. If you're stuck
  with a plain old 56K (or less modem), it's going to take a long,
  long, long time to download those apps. Second, you get the source.
  Third, Mandrake puts a lot of time and effort into building these
  distributions, supporting their web site, etc. It is not a
  volunteer operation -- they have a sizable payroll. That ain't
  cheap. Buying one of the packages is one way of helping to support
  this effort. (You can also make a direct donation -- see the
  Mandrake site for details.)
  -- Carroll
  Eric Lauritzen wrote:
   Question for the list:  Are the disks on ebay copies of
   downloaded CDs do you suppose?  Can you sell copies of a
   distribution that you get for free?  I know you can build your
   own distro if you know how, but is it legal to sell copies of a
   As for the question of buying the powerpack for $80 I wouldn't
   let the support be a factor.  I've had multiple problems and the
   phone support hasn't been able to offer me anything that helped.
   The last time I called the guy tells me he's in a Microsoft OS
   and has to reboot before he can help me - this on my long
   distance from hawaii time.  After he couldn't help me he told me
   he'd call back - never did 

[newbie] Re: New LM 8.0, Not much joy!

2001-06-04 Per discussione Mick

Hi again List,

I think the root of my problem is this clock timer error. It reads: Clock 
timer configuration lost: Probably a VIA 686a motherboard: Restoring chip 
This error writes itself across the screen every few seconds. No matter where 
I am. Logged in as root or user, or not at all. Even during trying to run 
XFdrake. I am beginng to think I should try to install all over again.
By the way, my bios is set to boot into the cdrom drive first, but when I try 
to get the install to start all over again, it just keeps booting into the 
hard drive. I wonder what's the best way round that. Maybe mount the cdrom 
from the prompt?
Thank you all for replying about how to shut down Linux from the prompt. I 
have now become an expert at shutting down! 
I think this is the devious thing about Linux, it throws you a bunch of 
errors and curve balls at first and forces you to learn a few prompt 
commands! I suppose it can't hurt!

Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia

2001-06-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers

OOPs, ment for this to go to the list, I keep forgetting the reply is set to 

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 21:22:48 -0500
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Pablo García Durán [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Monday 04 June 2001 07:34 pm, you wrote:
 Comes from Registered users...

 As an experienced Mac-user, it took me months to become skeptic about
 OS-evangelism. The first Macintosh (1984) was designed to be silent, small
 and discrete. The computer for everyone tried not to look nor behave like a
 traditional computer. It was intended to be another domestic appliance,
 like a food mixer or a vacuum cleaner, to help with everyday tasks (the
 power to be your best). Then someone thought they would earn more money
 (it's always about that) selling a myth instead of a very good computer,
 and there you got the apples: 9% of the whole market.

 As a Linux observer, I am suspicious I'm in front of another fashionable
 operating system. Suddenly, 3 or 4 Linux-only magazines appear at my
 newsagent's, and every Windows magazine will open a Linux section.

 Who cares how many Linux users? You will find many more Macintoshes
 involved in profitable tasks and they still don't get the industry support
 they deserve. Try not to think how it should be but how it is.

 Pablo Garc� Dur�

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

who cares?  The hardware makers whoes bottom line says it's only worth
providing drivers if there is a large enough base of support to make it
profitable.   And the people who have become sick and tired of being ripped
off for so so software that crashes at the drop of a hat and yet you have to
pay $200 plus for it and another $100 plus for the next upgrade.  Change
comes from not accepting what is, and striving for what should be.  It is
time for a choice and the only way to have a choice is to stand up and be
counted, whether by appending registered linux user or e-mail to vendors
asking for proper support. You never know till you try.
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842


Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] IPChains Rules help

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jeff

--- Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My firewall won't allow me to connect to my news
 server or ICQ, can someone 
 help me out with rules I can add to let news and ICQ

I'm assuming your still using kernel 2.x with
IPChains, but if I'm wrong you may have better luck
with IP Tables and kernel 2.4.x.  A great tutorial
that had my icq up and running quickly came from  It's for IPChains:
this tutorial won't get the best firewall running but
it will show you how to get your ICQ working with
IPChains.  But if your using MDK 8.0 and kernel 2.4
you may want to try IP Tables for your firewall.

These are great links for ip tables tutorials and
explanations.  IP Tables doesn't have all the
available modules yet but it is definately the future
of firewalling in linux (at least thats what I've
If you can't find what you need maybe posting your
script rules to the list would help and someone could
point out the problem.  Good Luck.

Do You Yahoo!?
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a year!

Re: [newbie] Re: New LM 8.0, Not much joy!

2001-06-04 Per discussione Ilya Sterin

Talk about Linux throwing errors, have you tried Windows?  I'm preatty sure 
you did.  I've worked with Windows environment (NT) for years as a 
developer, and it's pure sh#@.  And NT is supposed to be more stable then 
Windows, I feel sorry for the home users.  Linux is very straight forward 
and if you have all the right hardware, should not give you any major 
problems.  I've never had Linux crash on me, even after I screwed up lots of 
configuration data.  I am sure it does crash, for one reason or another, but 
you must understand that Linux hardware support is ofcourse short of 
Windows.  I develop open source software, but most people are in it for the 
money.  Bottom line, if you look at linux hardware compatibility list, build 
your pc, and then install Linux you shouldn't expect too many problems, 
especially with LM 8.0.  Great version.  I've been a user of OpenLinux 
(Caldera Systems) for years, since their distro was the most stable as far 
as installation and configuration is concerned, since I had problems with LM 
8.0.  I now installed 8.0 with no problems, first try, I even left while the 
insallation was going on.  Everything works (except my network card) but 
that's a separate issue.


Ilya Sterin

Subject: [newbie] Re: New LM 8.0, Not much joy!
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 18:29:48 -0700

Hi again List,

I think the root of my problem is this clock timer error. It reads: Clock
timer configuration lost: Probably a VIA 686a motherboard: Restoring chip
This error writes itself across the screen every few seconds. No matter 
I am. Logged in as root or user, or not at all. Even during trying to run
XFdrake. I am beginng to think I should try to install all over again.
By the way, my bios is set to boot into the cdrom drive first, but when I 
to get the install to start all over again, it just keeps booting into the
hard drive. I wonder what's the best way round that. Maybe mount the cdrom
from the prompt?
Thank you all for replying about how to shut down Linux from the prompt. I
have now become an expert at shutting down!
I think this is the devious thing about Linux, it throws you a bunch of
errors and curve balls at first and forces you to learn a few prompt
commands! I suppose it can't hurt!

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] configuring USB mouse

2001-06-04 Per discussione Pupeno

Is there any good tool to configure my new usb mouse on X-Windows ?
thank you.

Re: [newbie] configuring USB mouse

2001-06-04 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Pupeno wrote:
 Is there any good tool to configure my new usb mouse on
 X-Windows ? thank you.


[newbie] Wine

2001-06-04 Per discussione OOzy Pal


Which is better to run wine with Windows already
installed or or without Windows installed?


What is the purpose of life?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!

[newbie] Penguin Paranoia

2001-06-04 Per discussione Pablo García Durán

Comes from "Registered users"...

As an experienced Mac-user, ittook me months 
to become skeptic about OS-evangelism. The first Macintosh (1984) was designed 
to be silent, small and discrete. The computer for everyone tried not to look 
nor behave like a traditional computer. It was intended to be another domestic 
appliance, like a food mixer or a vacuum cleaner, to help with everyday tasks 
("the power to be your best"). Then someone 
thought they would earn more money (it's always about that) selling a myth 
instead of a very good computer, and there you 
got the apples: 9% of the whole market.

As a Linux observer, I am suspicious I'm in front 
of another "fashionable" operating system. Suddenly, 3 or 4 Linux-only magazines 
appear at my newsagent's, and every Windows magazine will open a Linux 

It's not that I don't like the idea. The theory and 
practiseoffree software is great. But Linux is not ready yet for the 
vast amount of users. How many of us have dual-booting machines? Take a look at 
this mailing list. There's simply a lot of things you can't getfrom Linux 
ina Windows-dominated world. We all love spending our spare time with 
computers. But that's not the real world (yet). We cannot spend hours at the 
office just wondering why my LaserJet won't work or where the CD-ROM 

I would encourage developers to follow the way, but 
do not sell Tux as a SOHO alternative yet because you will only get frustrated 
users willing to pay for their systems to work.

Who cares how many Linux users? You will find many 
more Macintoshes involved in profitable tasks and they still don't get the 
industry support they deserve. Try not to think how it should be but how it 

--Pablo García 

Re: [newbie] Divx

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jose

I use AviPlay to play my DivX's. It is simple ti compile and even easier 
to use. 

On Monday 04 June 2001 01:50, Magnus Stenemo wrote:
 How do I get mplayer to work in Mandrake 8.0?

 Or is there an other divxplayer??

 running XFree 4



Fwd: [newbie] when is lm 8.1 coming out ?

2001-06-04 Per discussione bart deglorie

8.0 is buggy enough to brin,g out a 8.1 , i'm using redhat 7.1 now b'cose 
half of the lm 8.0 included stuff doesnt work properly or doesn't work at all.

--  Doorgestuurd bericht  --
Subject: [newbie] when is lm 8.1 coming out ?
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 11:53:17 -0100
From: bart deglorie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

when is lm 8.1 coming out ?


[newbie] upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

Has anyone done this?  Were there any problems encountered, such as when
upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2?  I want to upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0, but I'm
wondering if it will be a headache to do without having to wipe my hard
drive and install from scratch.


Re: [newbie] RPM 4

2001-06-04 Per discussione tester8080

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 02:44, Ciro Durán wrote:
 I´ve installed LM7.0 in my computer... It runs fine (except that my sound
 card doesn´t work because it is integrated to the motherboard, and the
 drivers are for Windows only (It´s an Intel Motherboard)...

 Well, that´s not the problem... the problem is that I have a software
 modem...I had the fortune to find one with a Motorola chipset, because
 I knew that Motorola had drivers for my modem (SM56), but now that I
 download it and try to uncompress it it says that my RPM manager only
 accepts files up to third version...   and the drivers are in RPM 4...

 The worst thing is that I downloaded an upgrade for RPM 3, AND IT IS IN
 RPM4, so I also cannot upgrade to RPM4...

 Is there any link to any RPM manager for version 4???

 El Ciro

Sorry, RPM4 also depends on glibc2.2 which you do NOT have.  To install 
glibc2.2 on that system would break it.

I suggest you instead install mandrake 8.0 and it is likely that your sound 
card will be suported and certainly there will be resources enough to support 
your winmodem driver.


And, yes, we took steps in 8.0 to change library naming policies so this sort 
of problem never occurs again.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252; name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] IPChains Rules help

2001-06-04 Per discussione Jon Doe

My firewall won't allow me to connect to my news server or ICQ, can someone 
help me out with rules I can add to let news and ICQ connect?

Re: [newbie] Windows Font Installer takes a very long time to install fonts in LM8

2001-06-04 Per discussione Salvatore Enrico Indiogine

I also purchased a LM8 Powerpack.  The problem is still there.  First you 
need to upgrage Drakfont from cooker and then you can install the fonts 
without any problem.


Eric Indiogine

On Friday 01 June 2001 16:43, Romanator wrote:
 Salvatore Enrico Indiogine wrote:
  There is a bug in the version that is on the CD.  You need to upgrade
  DrakFont (sp?) from cooker to the latest version and then run it again.
  Eric Indiogine
  On Monday 28 May 2001 18:45, Romanator wrote:
   Hi all,
   I was trying to install the Windows fonts in Mandrake Control Center. I
   have been waiting 15 minutes and it is still installing. Is this

 I just purchased LM8 Powerpack. Has this been addressed? I was a
 slightly earlier release. Also, what is the name of the upgrade from the

[newbie] Linux Docs for the Totally Ignorant

2001-06-04 Per discussione -

I'm getting so many requests in response to my Linux for the Totally
Ignorant that I'm unable to answer each one directly.  So, I hope it
doesn't break  protocol when I send a few samples
on this list.   Look for them in   ___for the Totally Ignorant.
Don't expect nice pretty pages, I don't have time to do artwork.  Maybe
someone else can rework them.  If so, I'd appreciate a copy.

Keep in mind that I'm no expert in Linux, in fact,  I have a lot of
questions to ask about routine things.  It's just that I got so mad at
the lousy documentation for beginners that  I decided to try writing
some myself (I don't mean 'lousy' documents).  There's an old axiom---if
you want to learn, try teaching. (or is it the other way around?)

[newbie] wrong rpm !

2001-06-04 Per discussione Joan Tur


What can i do if i've upgraded to rpm-4.0-33 and i get an error when
trying to run it (segmentation fault) ?!

Ah!  It was from cooker...  O8-)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] refreshing menus

2001-06-04 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Sunday 03 June 2001 21:01, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Pablo García Durán wrote:
  I just installed new applications using RPM, but I cannot
  see them.
  I went to Control Center but this didn't help.
  What should I do?
  Thank you!
  Pablo García Durán

 Pablounless the rpms are prepared by MandrakeSoft they
 usually don't have the capability of inserting menu enries
 into mdk menus.  Use K(menu)-Configure Panel-Menu Editor to
 add menu entries for this type of software.

You can also just create an entry in /etc/menu
Take a look at man menufile for details or take a peek at some of the 
entries that are already in /usr/lib/menu

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

[newbie] Unable to access CDWriter CD-Rom drives

2001-06-04 Per discussione Donald Jr Saxton

Hello All,

I'm unable to access my CD-Rom  CD-Writer drives. When trying to access 
them in Konqueror. They have padlocks on them. I also receive the following 
error message:

Unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom2. You do not have access rights to this 

This occurs even if I'm logged in as root. Any help you can give would be 

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] network problems

2001-06-04 Per discussione David Beahm

etharp -- yes, in the BIOS I have PnP OS set to No, and Resources are configured
Manually, w/ IRQ10 set to LEGACY ISA. I ran the nic diags util (off
a DOS floppy) just to check, and the settings are correct -- no PnP support,
set to I 10 / P 300 (BTW, the nic is an ISA).
mshinet -- not sure I completely understand you. I tried lsmod
and got:
Module Size
Used by
autofs 9232
0 (autoclean) (unused)
supermount 32496 4
cat /proc/pci gives:
PCI devices found:
 Bus 0, device 0, function 0:
 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C597
[Apollo VP3] (rev 4).
 Master Capable. Latency=32.
 Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe800
 Bus 0, device 1, function 0:
 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x
[Apollo MVP3/Pro133x AGP] (rev 0).
 Master Capable. No bursts.
Min Gnt=12.
 Bus 0, device 7, function 0:
 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586/A/B
PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP] (rev 71).
 Bus 0, device 7, function 1:
 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master
IDE (rev 6).
 Master Capable. Latency=32.
 I/O at 0xe000 [0xe00f].
 Bus 0, device 7, function 3:
 Bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B ACPI
(rev 16).
 Bus 1, device 0, function 0:
 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Savage 4
(rev 4).
 IRQ 11.
 Master Capable. Latency=248.
Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
 Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at
0xed00 [0xed07].
 Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000
The output from dmesg is attached, but I could see nothing to indicate
a problem with either the resources or the network.
mshinet wrote:
lsmod can see moules
cat /proc/pci
see the modules added already??
and irq had confict with other??
- Original Message -
From: "David Beahm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 5:01 AM
Subject: [newbie] network problems
 Epox mbd, w/ resources set manually,
 AMD K6-2/350, 256MB SDRAM
 3Com 3c509, port=300, irq=10
Everything worked ok under Windows.
Just installed Mandrake 8.0 Standard Edition, and everything appears
the network (internal LAN). On one level it appears to be configured,
another level something is wrong. When I try to ping anything
I get: Network is unreachable
(I can ping the loopback (, but that's pointless).
The clearest indicator I've found in my searching is during interactive
/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz invalid parm_io
/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz insmod eth0
When I use draknet I get stuck in an infinite loop where it asks me
to try, then fails to locate it and asks again. I checked the
there aren't any conflicts. And to dispell any doubts, the case
is open --
the card is a 3Com Etherlink III 3C509b.
Running netconf, the settings are:
 Host name + domain:
 Enabled on
 Config mode: Manual
 Primary name + domain:
 IP address:
 Net device: eth0
 Kernal module: 3c509
 I/O port:
Looking thru the archives, I saw ifconfig used, so I tried it.
 lo Link encap: Local Loopback

inet addr: netmask:

#ifconfig eth0
 eth0: error fetching interface information: Device
not found
All attempts to configure eth0 (not that I know what I'm doing) result
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
address: Host name lookup failure
Got a clue I could use? TIA.

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C597 [Apollo VP3] (rev 4).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe800 [0xebff].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo MVP3/Pro133x AGP] (rev 0).
  Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=12.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586/A/B PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP] (rev 71).
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 6).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xe000 [0xe00f].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
Bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B ACPI (rev 16).
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Savage 4 (rev 4).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=248.  Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xed00 [0xed07].
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe7ff].

Linux version 2.4.3-20mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 
19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release / Linux-Mandrake 8.0)) #1 Sun Apr 15 23:03:10 CEST 
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 000a (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 1000 (usable)
 BIOS-e820:  - 0001 (reserved)
On node 0 totalpages: 65536
zone(0): 4096 pages.

Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-04 Per discussione Ilya Sterin

Why do I need a router or a computer server.  I am not trying to run a 
network, but rather get on the internet.  Yes I do use a ethernet switch to 
connect two pc's, but that has nothing to do with it, since only one is on 
at the same time.  The switch or not the switch (even when the cable modem 
is connected directly to the NIC) it doesn't work.  Routers are used to 
distribute bandwidth between computers on the network.  What are the two 
NICs for?

Ilya Sterin

From: Tuan tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 19:52:31 -0700 (PDT)

You need a Router or a computer server. If you want to
put a linux computer act like a server, you may need
to put 2 NIC (eth0  eth1). 1 (eth0) should connect to
cable modem and the other connect to the hub. Set
others computer to dynamic IP.
--- Ilya Sterin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to install NetGear ethernet card to use
  with my cable modem
  (RoadRunner service, dynamically assigns IP
  addresses) which is recognized
  and uses the tulip driver on Mandrake 8.0.  It seems
  like the detection
  using the Mandrake Internet Configuration, goes
  fine.  It detects an
  ethernet card and sets up LAN with no error
  messages.  Under host I tried and the default localhost.localdomain,
  neither work, but I don't
  really know what host they are looking for.  Neither
  worked though, my Win2K
  system works fine and with ipconfig tells me that
  the default host is (that's where I got it from).  After the
  internet set up, the
  applet has the connect to internet button which when
  I click tries (for
  about 20-30 seconds) to connect but with no luck.  I
  did select auto dhcp,
  when setting up.  A few times the applet actually
  showed that something was
  send, but no bytes received???  I am also not sure
  that anything was ever
  send, since there is no way for me to verify and the
  applet might have a
  different deffinition of send and consider no error
  as send???  Am I missing
  some steps here?  I did go through the archive and
  found that I need to run
  'dhcpcd -d -n -h COxxx-A eth0'
  command.  What is COxx-A are the x's need to be
  subsituted, or is this a
  litteral meaning?
  Thanks in advance to anyone that replies.
  Ilya Sterin
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