[newbie-it] rpm, compatibilità tra versioni

2001-06-10 Per discussione Fabio

Ciao a tutti,
qualcuno potrebbe chiarirmi le idee brevemente circa la compatibilità
tra le versioni degli rpm.
Mdk 8 (rpm 4.0) è 99% compatibile Red Hat 7.x (ma la 7.0 ha rpm 4.0, la
7.1 ha rpm 4.0.2), si dice. Quindi gli rpm sono compatibili con le minor
release in avanti (posso mettere un 4.0.2 in una distro con 4.0)?
Però quando ho tentato di aggiornare la 7.1 (rpm 3.0.4) con
aggiornamenti KDE per la 7.2 (3.0.5) distribuiti da LinuxC il processo
non è andato a buon fine. 
Ora ho provato ad installare sulla Mdk 8: xbill della 7.1 e un rpm 3.0.4
creato da me dal programma, mi installa solo forzando le dipendenze di
librerie: ho letto che qualcosa non andave nel 4.0 di RH 7, è forse
questo? Che files dovrei aggiornare?


Re: [newbie-it] KDE non parte piu'

2001-06-10 Per discussione Mr_Brain

Il 19:32, venerdì 08 giugno 2001, hai scritto:

 allora la risposta e' si ..root riesce ad entrare e non mi da
 nessun problema...mentre se entro come utente si blocca!!ora
 come posso fare?

Uhm.. l'ho provata solo una volta, ma e` *molto* distruttiva... in 
pratica elimina tutte le configurazioni del KDE.. se non hai altre 
soluzioni, provala (loggato come utente!):

cd ~
rm -Rf .kde
rm .kderc


Re: [newbie-it] Cambiare i permessi

2001-06-10 Per discussione Mr_Brain

Il 03:01, sabato 09 giugno 2001, Corrado ha scritto:
 Esiste un sistema rapido per modificare i permessi (user e group)
 di tutti i file contenuti in una directory?

chmod xxx yyy *
chown utente.gruppo *

non vanno bene? ;-


Re: [newbie-it] KDE non parte piu'

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 18:08, sabato 09 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 Il 19:32, venerdì 08 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
  allora la risposta e' si ..root riesce ad entrare e non mi da
  nessun problema...mentre se entro come utente si blocca!!ora
  come posso fare?

 Uhm.. l'ho provata solo una volta, ma e` *molto* distruttiva... in
 pratica elimina tutte le configurazioni del KDE.. se non hai altre
 soluzioni, provala (loggato come utente!):

 cd ~
 rm -Rf .kde
 rm .kderc

Beh, forse questa soluzione è un po' troppo drastica.
Prova prima a cancellare singoli file di configurazione, nella speranza di 
azzeccare quale file crea il problema. Da quel che hai raccontato, il sistema 
si blocca durante la fase di avvio del KDE, quindi probabilmente nella fase 
di recupero delle impostazioni del Desktop. Puoi provare a rimuovere i file 
'kdeglobals' e 'kdesktoprc' dalla cartella .kde/share/config/ contenuta nella 
cartella home del tuo account utente: se questa soluzione funziona, potresti 
evitare di perdere completamente ogni e qualsiasi configurazione già 
impostata di KDE, ma solo quelle strettamente indispensabili per eliminare il 


[newbie-it] Shockwave Flash

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Salve di nuovo,
ho installato il plugin Shockwave Flash 5.0 r47 per il Netscape (che lo vede 
correttamente col consueto comando about:plugins). Ma non riesco ad usarlo 
col Konqueror che, regolarmente, mi apre la pagina di Macromedia ogni volta 
che capito su un sito con elementi Flash.
Come devo fare per usare questo plugin con il Konqueror? Ho letto la risposta 
a questa domanda su kde.org, ma lì riparte dalla ricompilazione dei pacchetti 
dal sorgente... mi pare strano che la Mandrake abbia distribuito una versione 
di Konqueror col supporto per i plugin Netscape disabilitato...
Ancora un grazie anticipato a chi vorrà rispondermi...


Re: [newbie-it] KDE non parte piu'

2001-06-10 Per discussione Marco

Il 13:13, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 Il 18:08, sabato 09 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
  Il 19:32, venerdì 08 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
   allora la risposta e' si ..root riesce ad entrare e non mi da
   nessun problema...mentre se entro come utente si blocca!!ora
   come posso fare?
  Uhm.. l'ho provata solo una volta, ma e` *molto* distruttiva... in
  pratica elimina tutte le configurazioni del KDE.. se non hai altre
  soluzioni, provala (loggato come utente!):
  cd ~
  rm -Rf .kde
  rm .kderc

 Beh, forse questa soluzione è un po' troppo drastica.
 Prova prima a cancellare singoli file di configurazione, nella speranza di
 azzeccare quale file crea il problema. Da quel che hai raccontato, il
 sistema si blocca durante la fase di avvio del KDE, quindi probabilmente
 nella fase di recupero delle impostazioni del Desktop. Puoi provare a
 rimuovere i file 'kdeglobals' e 'kdesktoprc' dalla cartella
 .kde/share/config/ contenuta nella cartella home del tuo account utente: se
 questa soluzione funziona, potresti evitare di perdere completamente ogni e
 qualsiasi configurazione già impostata di KDE, ma solo quelle strettamente
 indispensabili per eliminare il guaio...


ciao :o sono riuscito a risolvere il problema seguendo i consigli di 
Daniele (un grazie a te in particolare Daniele), cmq ho notato che questo 
tipo di problemi si riscontrano anche modificando l'interfaccia di KDE quindi 
scrivo questa mail, oltre che per ringraziare tutti quelli che mi hanno 
aiutato, anche per i neofiti assoluti che potrebbero avere il mio stesso 
problema, magari smanettando con i colori, i bottoni, etc etc di KDE
ancora grazie a tutti e byee!!! ;o)

[newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-06-10 Per discussione massimo terrreni

ho installato da poco mandrake 8.0, ho una scheda audio yamaha xwawe 576
PCI che non riesco a far funzionare
qualcuno può dirmi come fare ?
grazie infinite

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 16:47, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 ho installato da poco mandrake 8.0, ho una scheda audio yamaha xwawe 576
 PCI che non riesco a far funzionare
 qualcuno può dirmi come fare ?
 grazie infinite

Linux-Mandrake ti riconosce la scheda ma poi non funziona, o non la riconosce 
affatto? E, in ogni caso, hai disabilitato la voce PnP OS nel BIOS?


[newbie-it] Aggiornamenti

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Approfittando di una connessione ADSL, ho scaricato in breve tempo tutti i 
pacchetti RPM di aggiornamento forniti finora dalla Mandrake. Ma, quando 
provo ad installarli tramite il Mandrake Update (creando una nuova fonte 
locale), l'operazione non riesce: il programma mi restituisce un generico 
errore quando tenta di recuperare i files per installarli.
Da cosa può dipendere? E, soprattutto, c'è un modo per risolvere il problema? 
(non sarebbe male poter avere una copia su CD dei pacchetti di aggiornamento, 
da tenere a portata di mano in caso di reinstallazione o di installazione di 
Linux su un altro PC...)
Grazie in anticipo!

Daniele Micci

[newbie-it] Plug-in per Xmms

2001-06-10 Per discussione Antonio Forzieri

Ciao a tutti del NG!
Ho scaricato dalla rete il plug-in per xmms per ascoltare i file vqf ma...
quando do
./configuretutto ok
ma qundo do
ottengo una serie infinita di
/bin/sh: glib-config command not found
Come faccio a sistemare il tutto? (uso Mandrake 8.0)

Antonio Forzieri


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Ma io, John, sono un semplice gabbiano, mentre tu...`
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Ad un tratto, il gabbiano Fletcher, si rese conto che
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non fosse.
(R. Bach)

Re: [newbie-it] Back up mdk 8.0

2001-06-10 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Io utilizzo Drive image che è un ottimo programma ( Windows, se ti
interessa ) per creare immagini di HD. Lo si puo utilizzare avendo anche
solo i dischi floppy di avvio da DOS piu' un secondo floppy che contiene il
programma  . Entrambi i floppy li puoi' creare durante l'installazione su

Saluti francesco
- Original Message -
To: Linux Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Back up mdk 8.0

 qualcuno, per caso, conosce un prg che crei immagini del hd in modo che se
 serve si possa ripristinare il tutto senza reinstallareoppure un prg
 back-up che si comporti bene :o) come sempre grazie a tutti e...vi saluto

 by Spider

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 22:57, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 mandrake 8.0 non riconosce esattamente la scheda audio, io ho anche
 quella integrata nella scheda madre ( i810 ) che mandrake riconosce
 esattamente, ma nessuna delle due funziona.
 la prima è una yamaha xwawe 573 pci.
 grazie per i vs suggerimenti
 Massimo Terreni

Ciao Massimo,
un paio di domande per capire meglio: la tua scheda è compatibile con la SB16?
Hai disabilitato la voce PnP OS Installed (o analoga) nel BIOS?


Re: [newbie-it] Server sonoro

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 17:12, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 artsd e' in esecuzione?
 hai controllato le kdelibs e le kdemultimedia?
 rpm -qa |grep kdelibs
 rpm -qa |grep kdemultimedia
 e controlli le versioni

 Succede anche a me (e non ci ho ancora messo mano)
 ho appena upgradato alla mdk8
 e ho le kdelibs 2.1.1-7
 e le kdemultimedia 2.1.1-5
 le kdelibs sembrerebbero piu' nuove
 ma fondamentalmente sembra mi sia scomparso l'artsd
 (ma non e' un problema, gia' lo killavo prima perche' a volte
 mi dava dei problemi con l'xmms)

 non so darti altre info, sorry


Ciao Freefred,
grazie dell'aiuto. Ho effettuato le verifiche che mi avevi consigliato, e le 
versioni delle librerie sono a posto. Artsd, invece, non risultava in 
esecuzione. Ho fatto altre prove, ed allafine ho provato a disabilitare la 
voce Avvia server sonoro con priorità realtime; ora artsd è in esecuzione!
Al prossimo riavvio di KDE, ne verificherò il corretto funzionamento...


Re: [newbie-it] Server sonoro

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 05:35, lunedì 11 giugno 2001, avevo scritto:
 Ciao Freefred,
 grazie dell'aiuto. Ho effettuato le verifiche che mi avevi consigliato, e
 le versioni delle librerie sono a posto. Artsd, invece, non risultava in
 esecuzione. Ho fatto altre prove, ed allafine ho provato a disabilitare la
 voce Avvia server sonoro con priorità realtime; ora artsd è in
 esecuzione! Al prossimo riavvio di KDE, ne verificherò il corretto


Come non detto! Con quell'operazione il server artsd era resuscitato. Ma 
dopo il riavvio il problema si è ripresentato... Evidentemente la soluzione è 
un'altra! (elementare, Watson!)


[newbie-it] Ancora sulla RAM video

2001-06-10 Per discussione Daniele Micci

grazie a tutti per le risposte relative al problema per cui avevo scritto a 
questa lista. Ho verificato nel file XF86config che la RAM video è 
correttamente impostata a 32768; evidentemente, è solo una errata 
segnalazione dell'Hard Drake (era da lì che avevo visto l'impostazione a 16 
Però, analizzando la parte del XF86config relativa alle schede grafiche, mi 
sono sorti un paio di duddi su cui vorrei - se possibile - chiedere qualche 
La sezione compare così:

# **
# Graphics device section
# **

Section Device
Identifier Generic VGA
Chipset   generic

Section Device
Identifier  Matrox Millennium G400
VendorName  Unknown
BoardName   Unknown
#Chipset mgag400
# Clock lines

Ecco i miei dubbi:
1. Perchè compare una Generic VGA, accanto alla Matrox? E' normale? Oppure 
devo eliminare questo inutile doppione?
2. Perchè la voce ' Chipset mgag400 ' è commentata?
3. Non compare alcuna indicazione 'Driver mga ' ... devo inserirla? (tra 
l'altro, ho provato a caricare tuxracer, e va ad una lentezza mostruosa!!! 
forse l'assenza di questa riga impedisce al server X di utilizzare 
l'accelerazione 3D per la mia scheda?)
Come sempre, un enorme GRAZIE a chi vorrà rispondermi!


Re: [newbie-it] KDE non parte piu'

2001-06-10 Per discussione Marco

Il 18:42, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 Il 16:22, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:

  ciao :o sono riuscito a risolvere il problema seguendo i consigli di
  Daniele (un grazie a te in particolare Daniele), cmq ho notato che questo
  tipo di problemi si riscontrano anche modificando l'interfaccia di KDE
  quindi scrivo questa mail, oltre che per ringraziare tutti quelli che mi
  hanno aiutato, anche per i neofiti assoluti che potrebbero avere il mio
  stesso problema, magari smanettando con i colori, i bottoni, etc etc di
  KDE ancora grazie a tutti e byee!!! ;o)

 Ciao Marco,
 grazie a te per i ringraziamenti (quasi imbarazzanti, ma fa sempre molto
 piacere riceverli). Come ti sarai accorto, il bello di Linux è proprio che
 esiste una assistenza tecnica diffusa... ;-) C'è, tra gli utenti, molta
 più collaborazione di quanta non ce ne sia tra gli utenti di altri SO;
 forse, visto che manca un proprietario (nel senso classico del termine)
 del software, a tutti noi sembra che Linux, in fondo, appartenga a tutti ed
 a ciascuno di noi... Spero che la tua esperienza di neo-utente prosegua: da
 quando ho scoperto Linux, ho relegato Windows ad un ruolo decisamente
 marginale. Linux è più difficile, ma è anche molto più divertente!
 Tornando alla tua email, invece, non ho capito l'accenno alla modifica
 dell'interfaccia KDE: il problema si ripresenta se provi a modificare i
 colori del KDE?


salve ancora a tuttiallora Daniele (mi rivolgo a te ma e' come se mi 
rivolgessi alla list ;o) ) se ricordi il mio problema era nato da un 
live-update e non partiva piu' KDE da utentenon essendomi arrivata 
l'e-mail in aiuto in tempo :P ho deciso di re-installare tutto (domenica non 
sapevo cosa fare ed allora.) finito il setup ho cominciato a smanettare 
con i coloriprecisamente con il centro di controllo/Stiletanto per 
personalizzare un po' il mio pinguino (ricordo che ho mdk 8.0) ad un certo 
punto e' sparita la barra in basso allora ho riavviato il serverX e..e' 
capitata la stessa cosa non partiva piu' (da utente) allora ho messo in 
pratica il consiglio ricevuto per e-mail poco prima :) e tutto e' tornato 
ok grazie ancora a tutti e ciaaa!!!

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamenti

2001-06-10 Per discussione Marco

Il 20:50, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 Approfittando di una connessione ADSL, ho scaricato in breve tempo tutti i
 pacchetti RPM di aggiornamento forniti finora dalla Mandrake. Ma, quando
 provo ad installarli tramite il Mandrake Update (creando una nuova fonte
 locale), l'operazione non riesce: il programma mi restituisce un generico
 errore quando tenta di recuperare i files per installarli.
 Da cosa può dipendere? E, soprattutto, c'è un modo per risolvere il
 problema? (non sarebbe male poter avere una copia su CD dei pacchetti di
 aggiornamento, da tenere a portata di mano in caso di reinstallazione o di
 installazione di Linux su un altro PC...)
 Grazie in anticipo!

 Daniele Micci

mi associo...e aggiungo che a me hanno dato lo stesso problema facendo il 
live-update da un server mirrorgrazie!

by Spider

[newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-06-10 Per discussione massimo

mandrake 8.0 non riconosce esattamente la scheda audio, io ho anche
quella integrata nella scheda madre ( i810 ) che mandrake riconosce
esattamente, ma nessuna delle due funziona.
la prima  una yamaha xwawe 573 pci.
grazie per i vs suggerimenti
Massimo Terreni

[newbie] Total System Lock-up with MD 7.2

2001-06-10 Per discussione Gordon Stewart

Hi Folks,
My "lock-up" problem has been evident in every 
attempt over the last few weeks to Install MD 7.2
"lock-up" occurs only in the X-windows system and 
occurs in both Gnome and KDE. It is a TOTAL 
System "lock-up" and the entire system just 
freezes. A reboot is necessary to continue.

My Configuration is:-
TI6NL Pentium II 233MHz 440LX ATX Motherboard, chip 
set Intel 82440LX.
S3 Virge GX2 Video card with chip set 86C357 and 
installed in AGP slot.
Creative Soundblaster PCI 128 in PCI slot ( and it 
works very nicely)
LT Win Modem in PCI slot (it has not been 

My efforts to date:-
I have tried many different types of MD 7.2 
Installation, all have proceeded very well with no problems.
The end result is a very nice installation of MD 
7.2, but NO change to my Lock-up problem.
I have tried some variations with Partitioning 
during Install, but NO change.
I have tried various XFree86 Server combinations 
for my S3 Virge video card including the S3V
server. No change to my problem.
I have looked through the Mailing list archives for 
this problem, but while there has been a 
few close and similar problems, the solutions 
offered have not cured my problem.
I have removed my Ethernet card and a serial comms 
card (Comms 3 and 4) both were PCI, 
but neither were next door to the AGP card. The PCI 
slot next to the AGP slot is vacant.
I thought I had made some improvement when I 
removed these last two cards, possibly the 
incidence of "lock-up" is somewhat less, but it 
still happens.
I have looked through all of the .log files I can 
find, not a mention anywhere.

Exactly what happens:-
I can move around quite freely in KDE opening 
various files and programs. Netscape opens
and I can load many thing into this.
However my standard test now is to open the Xterm 
in KDE. This opens OK, but as soon as 
I attempt to re-size it MANUALLY, the system will 
"lock-up". I can use Xterm and open it to
a full size window, it is only the MANUAL resizing 
of this and other terminal windows in KDE
and Gnome that results in system 
I also have random Lock-ups, alwayswhen 
I am changing the Window content.

I would appreciate some assistance in resolving 
this irritating problem.

Gordon Stewart

[newbie] Icons in Konq? And other Konq questions

2001-06-10 Per discussione Dr. Evil

Konqueror is the coolest browser I've ever seen, and one of the neat
features is that it seems to pick up icons from the websites it
visits.  How do I get it to do that with my website?

Second question: How do I get Java to work with it?  This is LM8.0 on
i386.  Java just doesn't seem to run when I visit Java pages.

Third question: Any hope for Shockwave?  Unfortunately, an increasing
number of companies have abandoned using HTML entirely, and no longer
have websites, but have Shockwave sites.  This is lame, but that's how
it is.  Any way to view it with LM8.0?


[newbie] re-install

2001-06-10 Per discussione johnix

One problem I have ran into when re-installing mandrake 7.2 is that whatever problems 
I had with the first install would ocour again when I tried to re-install a second 
I am dual booting win95. I found that if I went into dos and typed
fdisk /mbr then did a fresh install it went well. I don't know why but it worked.
Also I had to use text mode as linux or lin4win would give me a message saying my 
system resources were low.

This may help someone who is haveing trouble with a re-install or a system with low 

Also I have an SB16 sound card. I could't get it to work as SB16 so I tried Ensonic 
soundscape vivo. This worked.

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[newbie] mandrake 8 installation lock up during configure x

2001-06-10 Per discussione Noah Richards

 Over the past few days, I have been attempting to install Mandrake 
8 on a system which will only use mandrake.  After all downloads (i am 
doing it via ftp) complete without a problem, the last step, configure 
x, causes drakx to lock up.  I have tried to install several different 
times with varied results.  The freeze happens usually after I select 
the video card and monitor, and then when it goes to test the selected 
resolution, the mouse freezes in place, the keyboard is unresponsive, 
the menu on the left disappears, and the text box in the middle 
disappears.  The only exception to this was the last time I attempted 
installation, and when it tried to test it, drakx gave an error that 
/dev/mem was not found.  Since I am a complete newbie at linux, any help 
would be appreciated.  Thanks!

RE: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

2001-06-10 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

José Maria wants to know if there is an rdsi modem that will work in
Mandrake 7.2.  (not a windmodem)
I have no idea what an rdsimodem is, so maybe someone can help him out.

-Paul R

Hola estoy hasta los cojones de ver correo en ingles yo he gastado 17000 pts
en una version de mandrake 7.2 y no tengo soperte de ningunna forma en
español y eso que solo quiero saber si hay algun moden rdsi que funcione con
mandrake 7.2 es decir que no sea winmoden pues no me importa comprar otro
moden rdsi si en verdad esiste un moden rdsi que funciona con mandrake

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RE: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

2001-06-10 Per discussione Pablo García Durán

RDSI means ISDN in Spanish.

- Original Message -
From: Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 6:42 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

José Maria wants to know if there is an rdsi modem that will work in
Mandrake 7.2.  (not a windmodem)
I have no idea what an rdsimodem is, so maybe someone can help him out.

-Paul R

Hola estoy hasta los cojones de ver correo en ingles yo he gastado 17000 pts
en una version de mandrake 7.2 y no tengo soperte de ningunna forma en
español y eso que solo quiero saber si hay algun moden rdsi que funcione con
mandrake 7.2 es decir que no sea winmoden pues no me importa comprar otro
moden rdsi si en verdad esiste un moden rdsi que funciona con mandrake

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[newbie] LM8.0

2001-06-10 Per discussione Greg G

I was thinking about buying  8.0 but wanted to hear
from some who already have it Is it worth the
money or should i wait

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RE: [newbie] Networking problem

2001-06-10 Per discussione Franki

Try going here.. Mandrake has that file,,

did you install nfs-utils ???



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Lewis
Sent: Sunday, 10 June 2001 10:08 PM
To: Linux Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Networking problem

I have networked my two machines together and can ping each of them
successfully.  I'm trying to set up network file sharing and have edited the
/etc/exports file to read
/usr *.localdomain  and
/home *.localdomain

I have also edited the  /fstab files to read:
machinename:/usr/usr  nfs   defaults  and
machinename:/home/home  nfs  defaults

The problem i have is the book I'm using, which is the only one I could find
to tell me how to enable network file sharing without setting up a network
file server, says to run the rpc.nfsd daemon  and to edit the startup file
do it automatically.  The problem is I cannot find rpc.nfsd.  The book was
written for Slackware, but that's all I could find.  Any suggestions?


Re: [newbie] Networking problem

2001-06-10 Per discussione Michael Lewis

I installed every option on 7.1 and 7.2   That file does not exist on either 
machine.  Could it be called something else?


On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, you wrote:
 Try going here.. Mandrake has that file,,
c h+...

 did you install nfs-utils ???



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Lewis
 Sent: Sunday, 10 June 2001 10:08 PM
 To: Linux Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Networking problem

 I have networked my two machines together and can ping each of them
 successfully.  I'm trying to set up network file sharing and have edited
 the /etc/exports file to read
 /usr *.localdomain  and
 /home *.localdomain

 I have also edited the  /fstab files to read:
 machinename:/usr/usr  nfs   defaults  and
 machinename:/home/home  nfs  defaults

 The problem i have is the book I'm using, which is the only one I could
 find to tell me how to enable network file sharing without setting up a
 network file server, says to run the rpc.nfsd daemon  and to edit the
 startup file to
 do it automatically.  The problem is I cannot find rpc.nfsd.  The book was
 written for Slackware, but that's all I could find.  Any suggestions?


[newbie] isdn + lm 8

2001-06-10 Per discussione Diego

How I configure my isdn card (a teles pci) to work with LM8 ?

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problems

2001-06-10 Per discussione Benjamin Bayer

I am getting here late, but have you tried, prior to using kppp to connect,
modprobe ppp_async?  Your situation sounds like the one I was in with LM8.0b1,
the ppp0 module didn't exist, ppp_async didn't load for some reason, I had to
load it manually everytime.  I got the pppd server died unexpectedly
right after the connection should have been established.  modprobe ppp_async (as
su of course) also loads ppp_generic.

Hope this helps,


On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, you wrote:
 Okay I'm using Mandrake 7.2 with the kppp (kde) dial frontend,
 I can`t connect to the internet, I keep 
 getting pppd server died 
 unexpectedly errors?...I`ve gone into 
 /etc/ppp/options and looked at the 
 file. I have been told to change the 
 `auth` command to `#auth` or `noauth` 
 but to no avail. Also when I ran 
 `ifconfig` in the terminal I got the 
 following but no `ppp0` entry? 
 [palisade@localhost palisade]$ su - 
 Password:[Root@localhost /root]# 
 eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 
 inet addr: Bcast: 
 RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 
 overruns:0 frame:0 
 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 
 overruns:0 carrier:0 
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
 lo Link encap:Local Loopback 
 inet addr: Mask: 
 RX packets:14 errors:0 dropped:0 
 overruns:0 frame:0 
 TX packets:14 erros:0 dropped:0 
 overruns:0 carrier:0 
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
 [root@localhost /root]# if config a 
 a: error fetching interface information: 
 Device not found 
 [root@localhost /root]# 
 I get ppp errors, timeouts and a connection that isn't really a connection!
 This is really getting me down.
 Please help.   
 My pc spec follows:
Desktop - Custom  
CPU  : Athlon - 1.2Ghz Overclocked to 1425Mhz  
Manufactuer  : Amd - Thunderbird  
RAM (Mo)  : 256 - 133cas2 Crucial running at 152 
Hard disk  : I.B.M. - 46.1Gb Deskstar  
Video card  : No record - 3dfx Voodoo 5500 AGP  
Sound card  : Creative labs - SB Live Platinum  
CD / DVD ROM  : No record - 54x cheapo  
Operating System : Mandrake - 7.2  
Modem : Us Robotics - Sportster Flash 56k  
Printer  : Epson - Colour Stylus 440  

 Also have Win98se Installed, managed by lilo boot manager 
 In case you havn't noticed I am new to linux and need quite a but of help!
 Chris Keegan

Content-Type: text/html; name=unnamed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] Sound Dies in Enlightenment, Gnome and then KDE in LM8

2001-06-10 Per discussione Romanator

I'm not getting any failed messages during boot up. I have too many
audio packages installed. I think the basic installation CD installs too
many options. Having about 10 audio tools is a bit much.
I have noticed during the graphical boot up, whenever I see an unhappy
face next to the star, it usually is followed by some sort of error. Is
this true? This is strange, as I've never had problems with 7.0, 7.1 and
7.2. I'll keep every one posted. Oh yeah, on several occasions, when I
logged out to console and typed in shutdown all, LM8 ran a systems
performance check and froze at anacron. But that could be something

I know the sound dies if I update libarts. Should I update kdelibs?

Gnome and Enlightenment
Has LM8 introduced a gremlin to my Linux box? Anyways, I have to go look
for my can of Raid. Maybe it will help. I'll try your suggestions first
as sound has never been a problem until libarts and too many sound
modules came into the picture.

Thanks for the tips.


civileme wrote:
 On Sunday 10 June 2001 12:19, Romanator wrote:
  Hi all,
  Argh.. Now my sound is gone in Gnome and KDE!! Enlightenment again.
  Which file configuration is causing this?
  Should I remove Gnome and Enlightnement and reinstall?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility
 If sound is dying, then it has to be a program that uses sound.  Start with
 your mixers--test each one individually, then if they are good, your players,
 One has to be bad, or perhaps evil.  At one time we had sound dying if people
 touched gmix (like about 6.0, I think), but only with SB PCI 128s.

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] Fwd: OT:Mayor problems with MBR need help desp.

2001-06-10 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

The fdisk /mbr command sets your MBR to refer to the boot record on 
the active partition. If you change the active partition later, this 
is the partition that will boot at startup.

The WinNT loader is stored on the boot record of the partition that 
WInNT is installed, not on the MBR. You can do the same with other 
boot loaders like LILO and GRUB. When you configure these, write to 
your GNU/Linux partition and not to then MBR. Use a tool like fdisk to 
set your active partition to the one with that boot loader installed 
and then in DOS issue a fdisk /mbr. This method is much more flexible 
than writing to your MBR since the partition to be booted from can be 
changed simply by changing the active partition. If you are having 
problems with LILO or GRUB starting (preventing you from booting 
GNU/Linux), you can change the active partiton to your Windos 
partition using fdisk and then try to fix the problem from there.

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:33, Romanator wrote:
 Nope. It puts it back to it original state before Linux was
 installed. I tried it on NT4  machine with no problems.

 Registered Linux User #179293
 This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

 Michael Spivak wrote:
  if you'll do 'fdisk /mbr' you'll erase all your mbr data,
  including the WinNT OS Loader.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Can't get on-line

2001-06-10 Per discussione Ken Knecht

I'm using MD 8, KDE 2, and kppp. The modem is an external US Robotics 56k. 
Kppp says it has logged on successfully. However, I can't go anywhere after 
logging on with a browser. I tried Netscape and Konqueror and Mozilla. None 
seem to be able to go anywhere on the net. I tried addresses I know are 
good like Google and addresses from their bookmark list.

I use the same primary and secondary DNS IPs that I use in W98's DUN where 
they work fine.

I wrote about this earlier and was told to try:

1) Adding CR at the end of /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
2) Commenting out 'Gateway' line in /etc/sysconfig/network

I used a '#' for the comment symbol and followed these instructions.

I haven't tried e-mail or news aps yet.

Any suggestions? Another modem program?



[newbie] Printing with 8

2001-06-10 Per discussione Ken Knecht

I can't seem to get my HP LJIII to print. The printer and cable work fine 
under DOS. It's connected to the only parallel port (lp0? - LP1 in DOS).

I try to set up printing from KDE 2 and I get a choice of Postscript, a 
Deskjet series, or text-only. I choose text-only but can't print a test 
page. It doesn't even try - no blank page, no garbage, nothing. I can't 
print from Kmail either.

In another thread someone suggested using Kups (Configuration - Printers 
- Kups. There is no 'Kups' choice on my system. I had told the original MD 
8 install to load everything for a workstation.

Any suggestions appreciated. In previous versions I selected my printer 
from a long list, told the computer which port, a printcap entry was made 
for me and I was printing in no time. I was disappointed in this new 
no-printer-choice set-up in MD 8.



RE: [newbie] Can't get on-line

2001-06-10 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Before you do anything else from a console prompt type in


If you get back a reply, then your internet connection is set up and you
are having DNS problems which is likely.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ken Knecht
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 7:39 PM
Subject: [newbie] Can't get on-line

I'm using MD 8, KDE 2, and kppp. The modem is an external US Robotics
Kppp says it has logged on successfully. However, I can't go anywhere
logging on with a browser. I tried Netscape and Konqueror and Mozilla.
seem to be able to go anywhere on the net. I tried addresses I know are 
good like Google and addresses from their bookmark list.

I use the same primary and secondary DNS IPs that I use in W98's DUN
they work fine.

I wrote about this earlier and was told to try:

1) Adding CR at the end of /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
2) Commenting out 'Gateway' line in /etc/sysconfig/network

I used a '#' for the comment symbol and followed these instructions.

I haven't tried e-mail or news aps yet.

Any suggestions? Another modem program?



Re: [newbie] SCSI emulation

2001-06-10 Per discussione civileme

On Sunday 10 June 2001 06:37, Roberto Herrero wrote:
 SCSI emulation doesn't work in my Macmillan LM 7.2 distribution because the
 module sr_mod.o is missing. As a consequence, my CD-burner is not

Sorry but that analysis is incorrect.  sr_mod.o is not needed. Access it 
through /dev/scd0.  There could be several other reasons your CD-R is not 
working in 7.2.  I would have to see setup information for your specific 
machine but if it is not an LG and it is not sharing an IDE channel with a 
DVD or a CDROM, it will work, almost always.  In those cases mentioned, an 
installation of kernel 2.2.19 is required and still some LGs don't work.


 Please can anybody tell me if that module is loaded by LM 8.0, or it is
 still missing in that version? Check out in

FWIW, it is there, but at file:/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi.  
And it still is not needed.

 Thank you very much,

 Roberto Herrero

Re: [newbie] LM8.0 installation

2001-06-10 Per discussione civileme

On Sunday 10 June 2001 00:46, ivan miranda wrote:
 I ordered a LM8.0,however to my dismay,I could not proceed form one step
 of installation.The boot CD will boot ,after loading the Ram disk and it
 gives error and aborts the installation.I confirmed that it was a CD
 problem.However  LM support choose to ignore all my e-mails and
 fax asking for a replacement CDnot even a reply in spite of  quoting
 my registration ID.Then i spent three full days trying to down load
 cd1...and finally suceeded.
   My next problem is that ,the software cannot mount the SCSI cd
 drive.The SCSI card i have is BUSlogic BT-946C.The CD boots from the
 drive,BUs logic card is detected then it gives me an error saying no
 Cdrom device found.I tried to boot from  a boot
 disk made with windoz and booted from it.Here also the SCSI card was
 detected,then i get an error sayingI could not mount a CD on device
 /dev/scd0.The CDrom i have is plexter PX-8XCS.However LM7.2 loads and
 runs verywell in this same setup.
   I need some help on this.

OK as soon as you boot, hit ctrl-alt-f2 and modprobe BusLogic without the 

If that doesn't work, you will need to put the BusLogic driver (a kernel 
module) on a floppy and hit F1 at the splash screen then type expert 
(without the quotes) and put the floppy in at the next screen.

QA Team

 Ivan Miranda
 General Instrument Engineer/IT support
 Po Box 8746,Doha,Qatar

Re: [newbie] Total System Lock-up with MD 7.2

2001-06-10 Per discussione civileme

On Saturday 09 June 2001 06:31, Gordon Stewart wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 My lock-up problem has been evident in every attempt over the last few
 weeks to Install MD 7.2 lock-up occurs only in the X-windows system and
 occurs in both Gnome and KDE. It is a TOTAL System lock-up and the entire
 system just freezes. A reboot is necessary to continue.

 My Configuration is:-
 TI6NL Pentium II 233MHz 440LX ATX Motherboard, chip set Intel 82440LX.
 S3 Virge GX2 Video card with chip set 86C357 and installed in AGP slot.
 Creative Soundblaster PCI 128 in PCI slot ( and it works very nicely)
 LT Win Modem in PCI slot (it has not been configured)

 My efforts to date:-
 I have tried many different types of MD 7.2 Installation, all have
 proceeded very well with no problems. The end result is a very nice
 installation of MD 7.2, but NO change to my Lock-up problem. I have tried
 some variations with Partitioning during Install, but NO change. I have
 tried various XFree86 Server combinations for my S3 Virge video card
 including the S3V server. No change to my problem.
 I have looked through the Mailing list archives for this problem, but while
 there has been a few close and similar problems, the solutions offered have
 not cured my problem. I have removed my Ethernet card and a serial comms
 card (Comms 3 and 4) both were PCI, but neither were next door to the AGP
 card. The PCI slot next to the AGP slot is vacant. I thought I had made
 some improvement when I removed these last two cards, possibly the
 incidence of lock-up is somewhat less, but it still happens.
 I have looked through all of the .log files I can find, not a mention

 Exactly what happens:-
 I can move around quite freely in KDE opening various files and programs.
 Netscape opens and I can load many thing into this.
 However my standard test now is to open the Xterm in KDE. This opens OK,
 but as soon as I attempt to re-size it MANUALLY, the system will lock-up.
 I can use Xterm and open it to a full size window, it is only the MANUAL
 resizing of this and other terminal windows in KDE and Gnome that results
 in system Lock-up
 I also have random Lock-ups,  always when I am changing the Window

 I would appreciate some assistance in resolving this irritating problem.

 Gordon Stewart

Just for laughs, see if you can duplicate this behavior with the SB removed.  
It sounds like an overload on the PCI bus from what you have described.  

Also you might try updating with MandrakeFreq and then also installing kernel 
2.2.19 out of the security updates to have the most current software.

QA Team


Re: [newbie] Networking problem

2001-06-10 Per discussione Michael Lewis

When I start portmap, everything is fine.  When I start netfs, (nfs) is not 
in init.d, it says other filesystems mount: fs type nfs not supported by 
kernel.  Does this mean I have to re-configure my kernel or up-grade?

Portmap is not in init.d on 7.2, netfs is.  When I started it, it said 
mounting other file systems mount: nfs  [ok}  But all it did was place a 
text file in my nfs directory telling me how to configure a server to serve a 
number of clients.  I just want to share files between clients.  Is this even 


Totally Lost

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Jim Kershner wrote:
 Under Mandrake 7.1 the two daemons I had to start were portmapp and nfs.
 You can manually start them by cd'ing to /etc/rc.d/init.d
  and typing:

 ../portmap start
 ../nfs start

 To make them automatically start include them in the rcX.d directories for
 the run level you wish them to be running in. For example, on my backup
 server I have them in the rc3.d directory.

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Linux Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 9:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Networking problem

  I installed every option on 7.1 and 7.2   That file does not exist on


  machine.  Could it be called something else?
  On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, you wrote:
   Try going here.. Mandrake has that file,,


  c h+...
   did you install nfs-utils ???
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Lewis
   Sent: Sunday, 10 June 2001 10:08 PM
   To: Linux Newbie
   Subject: [newbie] Networking problem
   I have networked my two machines together and can ping each of them
   successfully.  I'm trying to set up network file sharing and have
   edited the /etc/exports file to read
   /usr *.localdomain  and
   /home *.localdomain
   I have also edited the  /fstab files to read:
   machinename:/usr/usr  nfs   defaults  and
   machinename:/home/home  nfs  defaults
   The problem i have is the book I'm using, which is the only one I could
   find to tell me how to enable network file sharing without setting up a
   network file server, says to run the rpc.nfsd daemon  and to edit the
   startup file to
   do it automatically.  The problem is I cannot find rpc.nfsd.  The book


   written for Slackware, but that's all I could find.  Any suggestions?

[newbie] Determining ip information for eth0 failed

2001-06-10 Per discussione Ralph Brown
Title: Determining ip information for eth0 failed

Help please

I installed Mandrake8 on a Celeron box with much success, but I cant connect to my router. I have a 6 station network with windoze boxes, all of which work great. The Mandrake box is plugged directly into the SMC router..bypassing the hub (which the others are plugged into). Previously I had it plugged into the hub with the others.


Thanks in advance!
Ralph Brown

Re: [newbie] XML Resources

2001-06-10 Per discussione Randy Kramer


I'm sure this isn't what you had in mind, but just for your information,
AbiWord uses (a subset of) XML as its native file format.  It might
serve you well as an editor at times.

Randy Kramer

 Anybody heard of some cool XML tools for Linux?  Other than Amaya, I haven't
 found any other XML-capable browsers for it.I'm learning XML now and
 haven't seen many resources for it until now

Re: [newbie] mandrake 8 installation lock up during configure x

2001-06-10 Per discussione Randy Kramer


I had similar problems installing beta 3 of Mandrake 8, and then (with
the same machine) similar problems with Mandrake 7.2.  Finally I managed
to install Mandrake 7.2 by using the text install.  Even in the text
install, the system would hang if it tested X, so I told it not to text

I suspect that I could have installed Mandrake 8.0 using the text
install, and will find out in the next week or so when I retry the

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Noah Richards wrote:
  Over the past few days, I have been attempting to install Mandrake
 8 on a system which will only use mandrake.  After all downloads (i am
 doing it via ftp) complete without a problem, the last step, configure
 x, causes drakx to lock up.  I have tried to install several different
 times with varied results.  The freeze happens usually after I select
 the video card and monitor, and then when it goes to test the selected
 resolution, the mouse freezes in place, the keyboard is unresponsive,
 the menu on the left disappears, and the text box in the middle
 disappears.  The only exception to this was the last time I attempted
 installation, and when it tried to test it, drakx gave an error that
 /dev/mem was not found.  Since I am a complete newbie at linux, any help
 would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Re: [newbie] Determining ip information for eth0 failed

2001-06-10 Per discussione Ralph Brown

Thanks for the heads up on html mail...i just installed this new email
client on my MAC and forgot to set the preferences.

The router is a DHCP server which provides dynamic ip#s to the clients.

I did not set up a route(not sure how to do that).

All of the clients are behind the router, which is the firewall.

How do I tell if the DHCP / bootp is running?

I do try to ping the router, but get host unreachable


 First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list.  Some e-mail
 clients add all kinds of extra html tags, reduce the size of the font such
 that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much
 more difficult to read.
 There are several other questions that people on the list are going to need to
 know to help to resolve the problem -- for example, are these static or
 dynamic IPs (dynamic as in provided by dhcp or bootp)?  Do you have a route
 set up on the linux boxes that is the IP of the router?  Is any of this behind
 a firewall?  Have you made sure that your dhcp / bootp server is in fact
 running?  And if it is, can you get from the linux box to the dhcp / bootp
 All of these questions will help the people on this list to give you advice
 targeted for your situation.

Ralph Brown

[newbie] Kernel mdoules for burning

2001-06-10 Per discussione Canek\ Peláez Valdés

Hi; I've been using LM for a couple of years, and I love it. I've a HP
CD-Writer (7200i), and always work fine, until LM 8.0.

First I believe I was doing something wrong; but I've revised all twice and
the problem continues; it burns the CD ok, but it fails when fixing.

The only difference from previous versions of LM is all the new modules (sg,
sr_mod, sd_mod, etc.); when I began to burn CDs, there's only one, the
ide-scsi. I believe that the order when modprobe'ing each is important, but
I'm not sure.

Someone has a clue?

What's the MATTER Sid? ... Is your BEVERAGE unsatisfactory?

Re: [newbie] isdn + lm 8

2001-06-10 Per discussione Paul

It was Sun, 10 Jun 2001 17:32:07 -0300 when Diego wrote:

How I configure my isdn card (a teles pci) to work with LM8 ?

After booting, check /var/log/messages if the ISDN support has been enabled
(you can set that up with install)

Then type in this:

modprobe hisax io=0x180 irq=10 type=3 protocol=2 id=line0

replace io and irq with what you have set up (should not be too difficult)
For more info: http://www.wurtel.demon.nl


Grelb's Reminder:
Eighty percent of all people consider themselves
to be above average drivers.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] LM8.0

2001-06-10 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

I think 8.0 is better. On my box, it was harder to install. I tried 
several times before it succeded in fully instaling. Configuring my 
modem and zip drive had to be done after installation, whereas in 7.2, 
they were configured during installation. All things considered, 8.0 is 
worth the trouble. I even have a trimmed down (1GB) 8.0 on my laptop.

Greg G wrote:

 I was thinking about buying  8.0 but wanted to hear
 from some who already have it Is it worth the
 money or should i wait

Re: [newbie] mutiple moniters

2001-06-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Meanwhile, I've not actually done this myself, nor have I seen it
outside of a magazine, but yes it can be done.  It's something I've
wanted to do, but becomes an expensive project if erally done right.

But Maximum Linux magazine did an article in their March/April 2001
edition about it.

The article was a review for the Matrox G200-MMS VGA card, but it can
be done with another Matrox card that has dual head technology.  I
think I read in the article on the web page that you could actually
hook up 16 different monitors to the machine.  The picture here in the
magazine shows 4 monitors.  The Desktop was stretched to 2048x1536 so
there was one desktop displayed by 4 monitors.  Icons in KDE were in
the top left monitor, while the time and date were in the lower right

You may want to try the Matrox web site, or the Maximum Linux website
and check things out.  I know the Matrox site was helpful when I looked
into it. However I ddn't have the $$$ at the time to buy a new monitor
and a $150 video card.

The mag said that hte highs for the card and this project were
Unmatched capabilities for a single slot card.  Easy configurations.
The lows were Steep cost.  Closed-source binaries.  The card they
were talking about is a $700 card.  But checking out the site there
is/was a card that was only $150 to the door I believe.

Hope that helps.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| Has anybody ever delt with mutiple moniters in linux?  Is it it possible?  Is their 
|a How-To?

Re: [newbie] Determining ip information for eth0 failed

2001-06-10 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list.  Some e-mail clients add all kinds of extra html tags, reduce the size of the font such that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much more difficult to read.

There are several other questions that people on the list are going to need to know to help to resolve the problem -- for example, are these static or dynamic IPs (dynamic as in provided by dhcp or bootp)?  Do you have a route set up on the linux boxes that is the IP of the router?  Is any of this behind a firewall?  Have you made sure that your dhcp / bootp server is in fact running?  And if it is, can you get from the linux box to the dhcp / bootp server?

All of these questions will help the people on this list to give you advice targeted for your situation.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:54 PM 06/10/2001 -0700, Ralph Brown wrote: 

Determining ip information for eth0 failed Help please

I installed Mandrake8 on a Celeron box with much success, but I cant connect to my router. I have a 6 station network with windoze boxes, all of which work great. The Mandrake box is plugged directly into the SMC router..bypassing the hub (which the others are plugged into). Previously I had it plugged into the hub with the others.


Thanks in advance!
Ralph Brown

[newbie] Xnews type program for Linux?

2001-06-10 Per discussione Leif Madsen

I am wondering if there is a good newsgroup program for Linux that 
automatically converts all the multipost messages in the binary newsgroups to 
single files like in a program I used to use called Xnews?  I'm using KNode 
now, but it seems a lot like Free Agent.  Any suggestions?


Re: [newbie] where to get themes?

2001-06-10 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

Sam wrote:

 I went to http://kde.themes.org/ to download a couple of themes for KDE. But 
 I get a page saying 404 Not Found. In fact, it appears to be the same with  
 www.themes.org Does anybody know what's happened to the site, and any other 
 good sources of themes? Thanks

There is a link at


called Sourceforge mirrors, which will take you here 

to a list of themes.


[newbie] Networking problem

2001-06-10 Per discussione Michael Lewis

I have networked my two machines together and can ping each of them 
successfully.  I'm trying to set up network file sharing and have edited the 
/etc/exports file to read 
/usr *.localdomain  and  
/home *.localdomain

I have also edited the  /fstab files to read:
machinename:/usr/usr  nfs   defaults  and
machinename:/home/home  nfs  defaults

The problem i have is the book I'm using, which is the only one I could find 
to tell me how to enable network file sharing without setting up a network 
file server, says to run the rpc.nfsd daemon  and to edit the startup file to 
do it automatically.  The problem is I cannot find rpc.nfsd.  The book was 
written for Slackware, but that's all I could find.  Any suggestions? 
