Re: [newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
Cc  : 
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 14:55:49 +0100
Subject : [newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

 Mi sono accorto che smanettando qua e la con le configurazioni devo av
 combinato qualche casino.
 quindi ho deciso di cancellare l'utente attuale!
 ora l'unica cosa che mi trattiene dal farlo è che vorrei conservare
 tutte le mail di [newbie-it],
 dove ho trovato molte spiegazioni e consigli estremamente utili alla
 vita dell utente :)
 come posso fare?
 copiare la cartella MAIL nella home del nuovo utente?
 avrebbe qualche senso? o è una ca@@@a mondiale?
 se non lo èfacendo cosi il client di posta funzionerebbe
 atomaticamente senza disogno di installarlo?...
 (questo che ho detto mi suona di cosa molto improbabbile!)
 oppure copiando le sole mail e ri inserendole nella corispondente
 directori del nuovo utente?
 io non ho ancora provato nulla per la paura di continuare a fare danni
 che mi consigliate di fare?
 grazie gia da ora per gli eventuali suggerimenti
 non ridete troppo:) per la montagna di ca@@@e che dicosono alla
 prima installazione in assoluto di linux!
 Ciao , Tom
 Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:
 Obiettivo Laurea? 
 Scopri la formula vincente per la preparazione dei tui esami universit
 Per informazioni 
 Clicca qui:  

Se utilizzi Kmail, potresti copiarti oppure spostare la cartella 
(directory) Mail da /home/tuoutente in altra posizione 
(esempio /usr/pippo), crei il nuovo utente e poi potresti addirittura 
fare un link da /home/nuovoutente/Mail a /usr/pippo/Mail.
Io per esempio tutta la posta la scarico in un altro hard disk 
(formattato in FAT32 così è visibile anche da WinZoz) in una 
cartella /mnt/windows/Mail.
Poi ho il link simbolico /home/mario/Mail a /mnt/windows/Mail

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] Antialiasing in Gnome, WindowMaker, XFCE.

2002-02-20 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi

Giuseppe Giorgi wrote:

  Per WindowMaker e XFCE? Nulla?

Ho la sensazione che non sia nemmeno nei progetti..
controlla pero' nei siti di riferimento eventuali
A dire la verita' pero', ho la sensazione che il
supporto per l'antialiasing non sia in discussione
per questi WindowManager: sembrerebbe un po'
frivolo  e, forse, controproducente ad un
orientamento prevalentemente mirato alla
leggerezza e alla sobrieta'.
Per un migliore impatto scenico c'e' apposta E.
Oltretutto sembra che la (molto) futura versione
E17 avra' un supporto anche per le trasparenze
alpha, e integrera' un desktop manager dedicato
Comunque volevo ricordarti che Gnome non e' un un
WM bensi' un desktop manager che si appoggia ad
altri WM (in particolare sawfish); quindi se usi
applicazioni scritte con le lib gtk non ti deve
interessare il supporto dell'antialiasing nel Wm
bensi' solo il supporto nativo delle stesse lib e
di conseguenza di Gnome.

  Mmmh... già che ci sono vi pongo altri due quesiti:
  1) C'è modo di salvare in modo PERMANENTE i 
settaggi di xvidtune?

Non saprei :-(

  2) WindowMaker 0.80 (Rpm) non visualizza le 
icone .png pur avendone il
 Ho fatto l'upgrade dalla versione 0.65, dove 
invece le visualizzava.

Anche io ho fatto l'upgrade, ma a dire la verita'
non il tuo probl.
Prova a guardare la FAQ a

  Grazie a tutti, Ciao, Beppe.


Ciao :-)

Re: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-20 Per discussione Germano

Se non hai installato il pacchetto di make ( ed è molto strano perchè è 
abbastanza fondamentale ) è difficile compilare dei programmi che ti si 
presentano con dei makefiles.

Il makefile è soltanto un file in cui ci sono delle istruzioni in un 
formato apparentemente incomprensibile che vengono eseguito dal comando make;
questo comporta un notevole risparmio di tempo e riduce il rischio di errorri 
in fase di compilazione e linking.
Con make si compilano solitamente programmi in C ma il linguaggio con cui 
vanno scritti i makefiles è talmente potente e completamente indipendente dal 
C che viene utilizzato ( o potrebbe esserlo) anche per altri linguaggi di 

Consiglio : scaricati l'RPM di make, oppure controlla nel CD di installazione 
dove ci sarà sicuramente, ed installalo.

Dopodichè puoi seguire di nuovo le istruzioni contenute nel README.

Ciao, Germano

Il 06:26, mercoledì 20 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 Sono alle prese con l'installazione di tre programmi (due per gli
 audio e uno per le foto) e mi sono incastrata sul piu' bello.
 Prendiamone uno per esempio: ho scaricato il file gramofile.tar.gz;
 l'ho scompattatto in una cartella. Il readme dice di spostarsi nella
 cartella creata scompattando (un questo caso gramofile) e da li'
 lanciare make, ho provato ma la bash mi dice che non conosce il
 C'e' un file eseguibile chiamato makefile, ho provato a lanciare anche
 questo, ma nisba; poi ho fatto un po' di esperimenti scrivendo con
 lettere maiuscole... ciccia!
 Con gli altri programmi la situazione e' simile, sostituendo il make
 con un configure o qualcosa di simile.
 Dove sbaglio???

 Arwanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There's so many different worlds
  So many different suns
  And we have just one world
  But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-20 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Sono alle prese con l'installazione di tre programmi
 (due per gli
 audio e uno per le foto) e mi sono incastrata sul
 piu' bello.
 Prendiamone uno per esempio: ho scaricato il file
 l'ho scompattatto in una cartella. Il readme dice di
 spostarsi nella
 cartella creata scompattando (un questo caso
 gramofile) e da li'
 lanciare make, ho provato ma la bash mi dice che
 non conosce il
 C'e' un file eseguibile chiamato makefile, ho
 provato a lanciare anche
 questo, ma nisba; poi ho fatto un po' di esperimenti
 scrivendo con
 lettere maiuscole... ciccia!
 Con gli altri programmi la situazione e' simile,
 sostituendo il make
 con un configure o qualcosa di simile.
 Dove sbaglio???

Probabilmente non hai installato il make. Prova a
controllare con il gestore dei pacchetti della
Mandrake. C'e' un pacchetto rpm che ti installa il
make, ma non ricordo come si chiami...

In genere la procedura per installare da sorgenti e'

./configure - E' uno script che preleva alcune
informazioni dal sistema e scrive dei files utili per
la successiva compilazione (in genere dei files
makefile e dei .h)

make - E' la compilazione vera e propria. Il make
e' una utility che effettua la compilazione tenendo in
considerazione le opzioni che ./configure ha scritto
nei makefile.

make install - E' l'ultimo step, e copia nelle
opportune directory tutti i files necessari
all'applicativo (eseguibili, eventuali librerie, files
di configurazione ecc...). Opposto al make install
in genere c'e' anche il make uninstall, che serve
ovviamente per disinstallare l'applicativo.

Spero di esserti stato utile!!

Ciao! Steo.


Dillo con una cartolina!

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-20 Per discussione Pollo

Il mar, 2002-02-19 alle 23:02, Mario Lodi Rizzini ha scritto:
 Ho installato Xsane (mi sono accorto che c'era installato solo sane) e 
 ho rifatto l'intera procedura.
 Se faccio scanimage -L non mi trova nessun scanner.
 Ho fatto anche lsmod. usb-ohci c'e` come pure usbcore; manca pero` 
 la voce scanner.
 Hai una qualche idea di come poterla aggiungere?
 Mario Lodi Rizzini
 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
 Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Devi aggiungere la seguente riga al file /etc/modules.conf:
optioms scanner vendor=0x06bd product=0x2095

Re: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-20 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Germano wrote:

 Il makefile è soltanto un file in cui ci sono delle istruzioni in un
 formato apparentemente incomprensibile che vengono eseguito dal comando make;
 questo comporta un notevole risparmio di tempo e riduce il rischio di errorri
 in fase di compilazione e linking.

Non e` cosi` complicato :-)
Ha una struttura abbastanza semplice. Lo schema base e`:

 dichiarazione di variabili
 obiettivo1: oggetti da cui dipende
 tab azione per realizzare obiettivo1
 obiettivoN: oggetti da cui dipende
 tab azione per realizzare obiettivoN 

il comando make realizza il primo obiettivo della lista,
make nome-obiettivo ne realizza uno a scelta.

Vediamo un esempio

SUB=  subroutine1.o subroutine2.o

programma: main.o $SUB
gcc -o programma main.o $SUB

install: programma
cp programma /usr/local/bin/programma

risultati: programma dati
programma  dati  risultati


Se lancio make install, make 
- controlla se esiste programma, se e` piu` recente dei file.o 
da cui dipende e se questi sono piu` recenti dei rispettivi
file.c (quest'ultima dipendenza e` implicita) 
- fa tutte (e sole) le operazioni necessarie per aggiornare tutto
- installa il programma

make risultati controlla se non hai cambiato dati o programma
o, in cascata, gli oggetti da cui dipende programma
dall'ultima volta che hai calcolato i risultati e eventualmente
riallinea tutto e ti calcola risultati.
Se tutto e` allineato come date, ti risponde che non c'e`
niente da aggiornare.

Semplice ma geniale :-)
Lo si potrebbe definire un prototipo (con 20 anni di
anticipo) della programmazione ad oggetti.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

2002-02-20 Per discussione tom

lle 09:11, mercoledì 20 febbraio 2002, ha scritto:
 Se utilizzi Kmail, potresti copiarti oppure spostare la cartella 
 (directory) Mail da /home/tuoutente in altra posizione 
 (esempio /usr/pippo), crei il nuovo utente e poi potresti addirittura 
 fare un link da /home/nuovoutente/Mail a /usr/pippo/Mail.
 Io per esempio tutta la posta la scarico in un altro hard disk 
 (formattato in FAT32 così è visibile anche da WinZoz) in una 
 cartella /mnt/windows/Mail.
 Poi ho il link simbolico /home/mario/Mail a /mnt/windows/Mail

 Mario Lodi Rizzini

 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group

 Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Ringrazio tutti per i consigli,ora provedo ad uccidere sto utente
cmq si è vero avevo dimenticato il clientuso kmail (che ultimamente
sta dando problemi,non vuole piu spedire nulla difatti ora le mail le
spedendo con netscapemaaa i misteri della tecnica!)

Poi visto che ci sono vi volevo chiederecome posso creare un
utente?..all installazione ne avevo creato due e ora che ne uccido
non vorrei che l'altro sofrisse di solitudine! :)

Ciao e grazie ancora dei consigli!

Ciao , Tom

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:

Obiettivo Laurea? vuoi migliorare il tuo metodo di studio? 
Per informazioni
Clicca qui:  

Re: [newbie-it] Swap qui..swap lì

2002-02-20 Per discussione Marco Forti

 Due domande:

 1) La partizione swap io l'ho messa tra / e /home; e se la mettessi co
 prima partizione o come ultima? Insomma qualche delucidazione su dove 
 conviene metterla.

... dove preferisci, non c'è problema.

 2) Volendo installare due linux (slack e mdk) sullo stesso computer po
 utilizzare la stessa partizione swap per entrambi? Se sì, mi conviene?

Sì, puoi e ti conviene (visto che risparmi spazio disco) ... io l'ho 
fatto sul mio pc (e puoi condividere anche la home!)



Re: [newbie-it] Konqueror Java

2002-02-20 Per discussione syd


e da li, nella sezione java, ho indicato il percorso
   dell'eseguibile java, eseguibile che ho trovato nella cartella

Sei sicuro che l'eseguibile java indicato a konqueror sia quello esatto?
Io il jre nella mia ultima insatallazione non l'ho ancora installato ma se 
ricordo bene quando lo installai il percorso era 
/usr/java/jren.versione/bin/java. Posso anche ricordare male ma sicuramente 
l'eseguibile non si chiama native_threads e si chiama java. Cercalo.
 mi sa che hai fatto del lavoro in più :-)
 Dai un'occhiata qui:
 il concetto si applica a tutti i plugin (quindi java incluso) che 
 funzionano con netscape/mozilla.

Invece il concetto non si applica a tutti i plugins, specialmente a quelli 
java (il tutorial sul sito indicato vale per il flash player della 
Faccio notare che per il caricamento delle applet java non sono necessari i 
plugins java (inclusi nel jre e per i quali è necessaria una installazione a 
parte) ma la semplice installazione del jre. Se poi si vogliono avere anche i 
plugins java (utili per restare al passo con le nuove versioni delle varie 
piattaforme java) una volta installati (ripeto, con un 'installazione a parte 
e successiva a quella del pacchetto jre che li contiene) è necessario 
scaricare e installare il corrispondente convertitore rintracciabile sempre 
sul sito della sun. Il fatto è che tale convertitore non è più disponibile 
per i nuovi pacchetti jre (a partire dalla versione 1.3.1). Quindi chi 
volesse avere jre e plugins deve scaricarsi versioni jre precedenti alla 
1.3.1 e corrispondenti convertitori.
Un'altra soluzione è l'installazione non del jre ma del pacchetto J2SE SDK il 
quale è comprensivo di jre, plugins e convertitore. Io non l'ho mai 
installato ma credo che sia sufficiente una sola installazione per avere 
tutto. L'unico (!!!) inconveniente è che un pacchetto SDK ha generalmente 
dimensioni più che doppie rispetto ad un JRE. Insomma, anche se non sei uno 
sviluppatore devi far finta di esserlo e tenerti un SDK w la SUN!!


Re: [newbie-it] Swap qui..swap lì

2002-02-20 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- syd [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Due domande:
 1) La partizione swap io l'ho messa tra / e /home; e
 se la mettessi come 
 prima partizione o come ultima? Insomma qualche
 delucidazione su dove 
 conviene metterla.
 2) Volendo installare due linux (slack e mdk) sullo
 stesso computer posso 
 utilizzare la stessa partizione swap per entrambi?
 Se sì, mi conviene?
 Grazie ai volenterosi.

Puoi metterla dove vuoi e puoi condividerla
tranquillamente, io ho fatto la stessa cosa che vuoi
fare tu!! Io l'ho messa come prima partizione, solo
perche' in questo modo posso fare e disfare le
partizioni che le stanno dietro senza toccarla o
modificarne il nome.

Ciao! Steo.


Dillo con una cartolina!

Re: [newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 15:07, mercoledì 20 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 Poi visto che ci sono vi volevo chiederecome posso creare un
 utente?..all installazione ne avevo creato due e ora che ne uccido
 non vorrei che l'altro sofrisse di solitudine! :)

 Ciao e grazie ancora dei consigli!

 Ciao , Tom

Configurazione -- Altro -- Userdrake

oppure da terminale, come root
#useradd nuovoutente
#passwd nuovoutente  (per creare la password)
#makedir /home/nuovoutente  (crei la directory)
#chown nuovoutente /home/nuovoutente  (gli assegni la directory)

..e anche le giuste istanze didattiche di Rodolfo saranno soddisfatte, 
stavolta ;-)


Re[2]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-20 Per discussione Arwan

Ciao Marco!

Wednesday, February 20, 2002, 10:07:22 AM, you wrote:

MF Domandina ... Make è installato vero?

Infatti, non era installato. Grazie a tutti per l'informazione,
l'installazione e' proseguita... ma non conclusa!
Ad un certo punto era richiesto gcc; con un po' di peripezie (gcc
aveva bisogno di un'altra serie di programmi) ho installato anche
quello, ma mi sono fermata quando la bash mi ha segnalato:

/bin/sh -ec 'gcc -MM  boxes.c \
  | sed '\''s/\(boxes\)\.o/ boxes.d/g'\''  boxes.d'
boxes.c:12:21: warning: No include path in which to find ncurses.h
gcc -Wall -O2 -DTURBO_MEDIAN -DTURBO_BUFFER   -c -o boxes.o boxes.c
boxes.c:12:21: ncurses.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [boxes.o] Error 1

E adesso???

 Arwanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re[2]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-20 Per discussione Marco Forti

 Ciao Marco!

 Ad un certo punto era richiesto gcc; con un po' di peripezie (gcc
 aveva bisogno di un'altra serie di programmi) ho installato anche
 quello, ma mi sono fermata quando la bash mi ha segnalato:
 /bin/sh -ec 'gcc -MM  boxes.c \
   | sed '\''s/\(boxes\)\.o/ boxes.d/g'\''  boxes.d'
 boxes.c:12:21: warning: No include path in which to find ncurses.h
 gcc -Wall -O2 -DTURBO_MEDIAN -DTURBO_BUFFER   -c -o boxes.o boxes.c
 boxes.c:12:21: ncurses.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [boxes.o] Error 1
 E adesso???

Così ad occhio, sono in ufficio e qui ho solo Window$, direi che non 
trova l'header ncurses ... forse non hai installato le librerie ncurses 
o qualcosa legato a ncurses ... dovresti trovare (mi pare) sul secondo 
CD di installazione di Mdk 8.1 il file libncurses5-devel-5.2-
16mdk.i586.rpm che puoi installare con il comando: 
rpm -Uvh libncurses5-devel-5.2-16mdk.i586.rpm 
controlla poi se c'è qualche altro file legato a ncurses e 
installalo ... credo che il problema dovrebbe risolversi così ...

Fammi sapere



Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare

2002-02-20 Per discussione ku68

Lele wrote:

possiedo un masterizzatore Philips cdrw 1610a Che ho configurato con 
emulazione scsi e che ho gi usato per creare cd audio, ma che mi d problemi 
con i cd dati.
Ho provato pi volte a copiare al volo un cd contenente un'immagine iso 
tramite Gccombust , ma nonostante abbia seguito con attenzione i consigli che 
ho trovato su Linux pratico non ho ottenuto nulla.
L'esecuzione delle procedure sembra perfetta, e anche Gccombust non sewgnala 
errori, ma i cd (pi di uno) che ho prodotto risultano illeggibili, sia da 
MDK 8.1 che da win.
Dove pu essere l'erore ?
Grazie per le eventuali risposte 

Anch'io ho il tuo stesso problema. Masterizzo - luce accesa del mast
messaggio di ok alla fine ma nessun dato scritto. Ho provato con Gnome 
e tutto  fila liscio.  Fammi sapere se risolvi il problema.

[newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione Tonton

May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux?  Please send me the URL 
for download.



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[newbie] Web Camera

2002-02-20 Per discussione Tonton

Is there any software/player available in Linux-Mandrake so that I can use my Web 

brand: Logitech Web Cam Express (USB)


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Re: [newbie] Running slow [OT]

2002-02-20 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 23:51, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 February 2002 16:54, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  To give fair credit, however, I understand that MS has replaced the
  legendary BSOD (R). It's black now. Yet another market-driven

 Oh good so the acronym BSOD still stands?

Oh no, this is the BSOI = Black Screen Of Innovation

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

...hey, at least a wild goose chase gives you some exercise-Neal Stephenson

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 19:25:05 +0800, Tonton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux?  Please send me
 the URL for download.

A well-designed OS doesn't need a virus scanner. GNU/Linux is one such OS. Any
Linux virus scanners that you may hear about are designed to find Windows
virii. This can be useful to catch Windows virii on a GNU/Linux server before
they can do any damage on Windows clients.

You can find more information if you search the list archives.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I'm not a big believer in revolutions. What people call revolutions in
technology were more of a shift in perception - from big machines to PC's (the
_technology_ just evolved, fairly slowly at that), and from PC's to the
internet. The next revolution is going to be the same thing - not about the
technology itself being revolutionary, but a shift in how you look at it and how
you use it. -- Linus Torvalds 

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2002-02-20 Per discussione g

John Richard Smith wrote:

 Hello George,


 I am afraid there is no /etc/lilo.conf, drakeX failed to create one.
 So, just to prove a point to myself I did LM8.1 re-install all over again,
 but this time I insisted drakX install Lilo instead of Grub. The result is
 absolutely identicle.

as in you can boot w2k and not boot into linux? something is getting
trash bad like.

 Maybe, I thought,  I seem to remember reading somewhere, that
 one of the bugbears of windows is that it insists on being the
 first partition on any hard drive.

w3.11, w4wg3.11, yes. w98, w98, no. on this and another box, w98 is on
second partition. w2k, me, nt, no personal experience with, do not know
or recall any post with statements to effect.

so... read over next before doing. i erred at start of last, this i
have stepped thru and should be correct.

boot lm8.1 cd, at start screen, press 'f1' function, at command line
text prompt, enter 'rescue', press enter.

after boot, at command line;

  cd /etc
  cp fstab
  vi fstab

insert line;

  /dev/hda6 / ext2 defaults 1 1   

[note: this sets up for following mount]

write and quit vi.

  mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/disk
  cd /mnt/disk/etc
  cp fstab
  vi fstab

with exception of ' / ' for /dev/hda6,
check to be sure that spaces are before '/' as;

  /dev/hda6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
  /dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
  none /dev/pts devpts mode = 0620 0 0
  none /dev/shm tmps defaults 0 0
  /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec, \
 codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
  /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec, \
 codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
  /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto user,iocharset=iso8859-2,umask=0,sync, \
 codepage-850,noauto 0 0
  /dev/fd1 /mnt/floppy2 auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,syn,exec, \
 codepage=850,noauto 0 0
  /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

[note: '\' denotes line continued on next line]

to gain ready access to other partitions, insert these lines;

  /dev/hda8 /hda/8 ext2 defaults 1 2
  /dev/hda3 /w2k/c ntfs defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda5 /w2k/d ntfs defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda9 /w2k/e ntfs defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda10 /w2k/f ntfs defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda11 /w2k/g ntfs defaults 0 0

write and quit vi.

  cp fstab fstab.001

  cp lilo.conf
  vi lilo.conf

edit lilo.conf to something like following;

  append= failsafe

on what part of earth do you reside? 


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] KDE3 beta 2

2002-02-20 Per discussione Oder

Has anyone a experience or a trick on how to 
install KDE3 beta 2 in Mandrake 8.1? Thanks in advance, 

Re: [newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-20 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 23:00:20 -0500
Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:


I'm running Mandrake 8.1 on a dell inspiron notebook with a DSL
connection ( I connect to the building's DSL network through the lan card
only -internal IP withinn the network )
my problem is that when I resume working after a suspend mode, I cannot 
connect to the internet, I have to reboot the system to be able to
connect to the internet again, I did some reading and found about the : 
# service network restart 
no luck. Tried it with the: stop and then start option, still no luck I
get an error saying: cannot bring up eth0, I have to reboot

Any suggestions to get rid of   this problem ?

Hanan AL-Shargi
As root, try /sbin/ifup eth0


He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
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Re: [newbie] Running slow.

2002-02-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Friday 15 February 2002 12:44, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Jeffrey Madore wrote:
  I recently installed Mandrake 8.1 on my son's machine which consists of a
  120Mhz processor and 84meg of ram. It now operates deadly slow. My
  understanding has been that one advantage of linux is that it runs fine
  on older equipment ; that it doesn't require the horsepower, so to speak,
  that other OS's like windows does.
  Prior to installing Linux on my son's machine he was running windows 95.
  That moved right along. He likes linux but it is dreadfully slow.
  I am running a celeron @ 700Mhz with 512 Meg of ram. The speed is much
  better but still slower than windows ME, which I migrated from.
  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Since I began this journey, I
  can't seem to get away from my computer. Though the learning is slow, I
  am learning and enjoying experimenting. On the other hand I have 3 boys
  in school, 3 machines networked together, and I need a stable system with
  reasonable speed.
  Any comments would be helpful. Tnx

 It's probably the X app you are runing, you didn't say.
 Thee have been threads concerning different desktops.
 Which one are you running, and maybe someone on the list
 can rate the different desktops, - Fastest to Slowest

Yes Linux can run on older slower equipment, but it depends how it is 
configured and what it has to do. Mandrake 8.1 running default with KDE is 
'fully featured' and requires quite a lot of resources. You should compare it 
to Windows XP Pro rather than Windows 95.  No one would be surprised if 
Windows XP failed to run on your son's computer, and similarly you cannot 
expect ML8.1+KDE to be blazingly fast on it.  More memory would help, but the 
simplest way to improve the performance is 

1/ Run a lightweight windows Manager  
 ICEwm is very like Win95 and is very fast.
XFCE is very fast, but very different to Windows or KDE in use.  (I use that 
Other fast managers include Enlightenment, Blackbox,Fluxbox. They all have 
their fans.

2/ When running a lightweight window manager, use lightweight applications. 
Avoid ANY KDE application, since they require the KDE libraries, and will 
take an eternity to load. In general gtk applications are generally pretty 
Examples of fast applications I use under XFCE are
Abiword - loads like greased lightening, and is better than KWrite
gtcd-  loads much faster than kscd the KDE CD Player
xmc - much faster than konqueror file manager
galeon or opera - faster than konqueror and they are both better browsers 
Sylpheed - Mail client
xmms - media player
gqview - image viewer

Of course these recommendations are just my opinion. Others will have their 
own favourites. 


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Re: [newbie] unzip not in path

2002-02-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

For some unknown reason the ML8.1 installer does not install the package 
unzip by default.

Just install the rpm from your disc and archiver will then work with .zip 


On Saturday 16 February 2002 16:39, Bill Winegarden wrote:
   I would like to know how to put unzip in my path so that archiver will
 display the contents of a zip file.

 Bill W.

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[newbie] Single Network Firewall setup

2002-02-20 Per discussione maurizio . laudone

Hi guys
I finally convinced the supervisors in my university research group that
our windows machines are not very safe as they are...they are connected
to the net 24 hours a day with a couple of ports always open...and the information
on thos pc are quite important...I thought we could use the Mandrake Single
Network FIrewall (or smoothwall) to create an internal network and connect
to the rest of university network and to the external world through such
a secure firewall
can anyone give any help or suggestion on how to set it up correctly...the
network technicians here are useless (otherwise they wouldn't have ste up
a Windoze network in the first place!)
thanks in advance

Abbonati a Tiscali!
Con Tiscali By Phone puoi anche ascoltare ed inviare email al telefono.
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RE: [newbie] ext 3

2002-02-20 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] ext 3

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 7:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] ext 3

Hi girls and boys,
I recently visited Redhat website and I saw that RedHat 7.2 supports a filesytem
called ext3..which is different from the old you know if Mandrake
8.2 will support it?? and which is the advantage in choosing one or the
other for my linux box
Thanks anyone in advance
See ya

Abbonati a Tiscali!
Con Tiscali By Phone puoi anche ascoltare ed inviare email al telefono.
Chiama Tiscali By Phone all' 892 800

Mandrake-Linux 8.1 already supports ext3fs. And 8.2 does also. Ext3 has a journaling system whereas ext2 does not, so less chance of loosing data with ext3. I am using ext3 on two boxes right now and have had no problems as far as I can tell. One power outage found my non ups'd box rebooted and nothing lost and no files corrupted. HTH

Dennis M.

[newbie] massive memory usage / php server problems

2002-02-20 Per discussione Jamie Kerwick

I have a linux box on which i run our Intranet. it had been running for 100+ 
days absolutely fine, until i installed phpnuke 5.5. Now it runs extremely 
slowly. I have noticed that there is a lot of memory used
for caching. if i do a free -t i get these numbers,

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 62480  61476   1004  0   2544  19560
-/+ buffers/cache:  39372  23108
Swap:   306392  18972 287420
Total:  368872  80448 288424

This is after i have attempted to run php nuke. beforehand the cached figure 
was something like 2000 instead of 19560. Before i had rebooted the cache 
figure was 97 % of mem, 85% of swap!!!.
I am now having great difficulty in actually viewing pages properly now on 
I keep getting HTML code outputted as, input type=\text\ name=\query\ 
td bgcolor=\#cfcfbb\ align=\center\
centerform action=\modules.php?name=Newsnew_topic\ 
method=\post\font class=\content\bTopics /b

My own code works fine, but isn't anywhere near as complicated as phpnukes.

Any suggestions ??



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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Bill Davidson

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 11:29 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
 RAR format is an archiving format that is very popular in europe 
 japan. mostly popular with Warez ppl too b/c its algorithms compress
 better than .zip

 it was invented in Japan IIRC too.

 what else do you want to know?  For windows, use winace.  Dunno bout

What else do I want to know? Everything ;) Seriously, though, I've seen 
mention of rar a few times on this list and it started to bug me that I 
didn't know what it was.


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Re: [newbie] ext 3

2002-02-20 Per discussione Randy Kramer

G.M.Laudone wrote:
 I cannot remember any option during the installation process of Mandrake 8.1
 asking me if I wanted ext2 or 3or maybe it was when I partitioned the
 hard drive?

Yes -- when you partition the hard drive (at least in expert mode) you
can choose the filesystem type (lots of options).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione Bill Davidson

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 07:24 am, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 February 2002 13:25, Tonton wrote:
  May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux?  Please
  send me the URL for download.

 We're still waiting for someone to write a really nasty virus that
 affects Linux systems. So far, there have been a few worms that affected
 people who didn't keep up with the security updates, but nothing really

 This is very frustrating. There are millions to be made in the antivirus
 scam, I mean business, and these linux developers just keep making their
 free OS more and more virus-proof instead of letting someone else make
 some bucks! Maybe I could sue somebody ...

 But seriously: as Linux gets more popular, no doubt the virus writers
 will turn their attention to it and some will get through even if the
 basic architecture makes it very difficult to write a Linux virus. But
 so far, Linux doesn't need safe computing - Linux IS safe computing!

I have a theory about virus'. They infect so many windoze machines because 
so many people run the same stuff. They're running 95/98/Me or NT or 2000 
or XP. They use IE with Outlook Express. If they're using office software 
they run Micro$oft Office.

How do you target linux. Everyone runs so much different stuff. Mandrake 
is different than RedHat which is different than Debian. People use so 
many different packages with so many different versions. And besides, 
things change so rapidly in linux, how would the virus people(I refuse to 
call them authors) keep up. I don't think you could have a Nimda that 
hangs around forever, because linux programmers change their code so 

I'm not saying that it couldn't happen. But think of the amount of work 
that someone would have to do to reach so few people. I think that's what 
people forget when they say that linux will start getting hit soon.


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Re: [newbie] ext 3

2002-02-20 Per discussione G.M.Laudone

I cannot remember any option during the installation process of Mandrake 8.1 
asking me if I wanted ext2 or 3or maybe it was when I partitioned the 
hard drive?
Thanks again

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Re: [newbie] ext 3

2002-02-20 Per discussione shane

well since 8.1 supports it (and many others like XFS and ReiserFS) i assume 
8.2 will.  ;-)

the advantage is to have journaling, basically a diary for your disk, to 
better protect you in a crash.  search the archives of the list for a lot 
more info.

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 05:56, you spoke unto me thusly:

 called ext3..which is different from the old you know if
 Mandrake 8.2 will support it?? and which is the advantage in choosing one
 or the other for my linux box

At first they burn books, eventually they burn people.

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[newbie] Apache + PHP + PostgreSQL

2002-02-20 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

I've hacked away and actually got a working copy of Apache + PHP + PostgreSQL 
to install on my disk: Apache and PHP from source, and the rpm'd version of 
PostgreSQL 7.0.3 mdk. 

I have followed a tutorial from entitled Beginning PHP 
and PostgreSQL that included an html/php script to connect with Apache. It 
doesn't work. The offending lines are:

 $db = pg_connect(dbname=friends user=htdocs);
 $query = SELECT * FROM friends;
 $result = pg_exec($db, $query);

I cannot connect with Apache, no matter what I put as user. I get the 
following message:

WARNING: PostgreSQL query failed in /home/lab/apache/htdocs/frnz0.php on 
line 6

I've created user htdocs. Nothing. In the tutorial he wrote: Obviously at 
this point, change the username to the one that your web server runs as. 
Would that be postgres or nobody? I'm really confused (as a newbie) since 
I'm trying to sort out three new things at once: Apache, PHP, and Postgresql! 
From the information I've listed here, can any gurus figure out what I've 
messed up? I'd really appreciate your help so that I could actually use the 


The setup (so far):

Apache 1.3.23 and PHP 4.1.1 (from source), and PostgreSQL 7.0.3.mdk (RPM from 

Apache: with DSO installed in /home/lab/apache with recursive 755 
permissions (from /lab) nobody:nobody; document root = htdocs (755 

PostgreSQL: installed in /var/lib/pgsql 755 postgres:postgres; /data 700 


Somehow, I think that it's the permission thing again, but where? Any ideas?
I'd greatly appreciate help again -- man this is fun! It's bringing back 
so many neat memories -- I love this stuff.


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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione John Richard Smith

No real need , I have never had a virus in Linux. I don't say it's impossible,
but the ease of which viruses spread is due to the simple PC origine of 
Windows. No system of permissions for example.


On Wednesday 20 February 2002 11:25, you wrote:
 May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux?  Please send
 me the URL for download.



John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Must manually connect to internet?

2002-02-20 Per discussione asmiller

Sorry for the repost, but I quit getting posts from the list right 
after I sent this.

I am running Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell C600 and using it as a mail and 
web server.  Some setting changed recently and when it is rebooted, 
it now no longer connects to the internet automatically.  I now have 
to go into the Mandrake Control Center and make it connect manually. 
Can someone tell me where I go to set this so it happens 
automatically?  This is a network OS and I didn't even know it could 
be disconnected.

Appreciate any help.

Andy Miller

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Re: [newbie] Email

2002-02-20 Per discussione skinky

On Thursday 21 February 2002 07:17, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Kraus
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 8:53 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Email

 I have sent like 5 messages to the server over the last two days and
 have yet to see any of them show up. If anyone gets this message please
 send me a response.

 I got it and the previous one about samba. Are you getting the other mail
 from the list, like about 100 per day. If not you may need to resubscribe.
 Dennis M.

The server may be having problems.  Over the last 3-4 days I have received 
answers to questions that I never received (the questions still haven't 
arrived).  However my messages seem to show up.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] Installing the new Mozilla

2002-02-20 Per discussione skinky

On Thursday 21 February 2002 07:20, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 a quick Question, I d/l Mozilla 0.9.8 rpm's for Mandrake and I was reading
 the installation instruction, it said somewhere that it is better to
 uninstall the old mozilla before installing the new release.
 my Q is : can't I just use the rpm upgrade option instead of uninstalling ?
 will that save my bookmarks though ?!
 if uninstalling is can I do that :) ?

You can export your bookmarks to an html file.  Open mozilla and click 
Bookmarks  Manage Bookmarks.  In the window click File  Export Bookmarks 
and save to your home dir.

Importing/Exporting bookmarks is also handy for sharing your bookmarks 
between different browsers.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re:[newbie] installing the new mozilla

2002-02-20 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

skinky thanks for the hint .. i exported my bookmarks :)

now i tried installing the new mozilla ( as root )using the following command:
rpm -Uvh mozilla-0.9.8-5mdk.rpm --nodeps
and it gives me the following  error:

file /usr/lib/ form install of mozilla-0.9.8-5mdk conflicts ith 
file from package libnss3-3.2.1-6mdk

as a newbie with no clue ... i guessed that the error must have came from the 
5mdk and the 6mdk part ... and I  thought the --nodepss should take care of 
that ():-)

what other option can I use for this kind of error ??


Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 01:40 pm, you wrote:
 Is there a digest for this list?..I usually like to be on digests..

Matt: No, it's pretty much all or nothing at all
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] ext 3

2002-02-20 Per discussione Jesus Hinojosa

It gives you the option at the beggining when you configure the partitions.
unless you select to clean the whole disk. It will install the default

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ext 3

 I cannot remember any option during the installation process of Mandrake
 asking me if I wanted ext2 or 3or maybe it was when I partitioned the
 hard drive?
 Thanks again

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Re: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-20 Per discussione ed tharp

Matt... how can you help out from a digest we are all here to help each 
other. there are archives. 

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 15:23, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 February 2002 01:40 pm, you wrote:
  Is there a digest for this list?..I usually like to be on digests..

 Matt: No, it's pretty much all or nothing at all
 -- cmg

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[newbie] Changing user

2002-02-20 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

For some reason, when I reinstalled Mandrake I have it logging in
automatically with a certain user rather than prompting. I want to make it
so there are no default users logging in when the computer boots up.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.


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[newbie] iptables / netfilter policies

2002-02-20 Per discussione tsmets

Based on rusty russels document I worked out the following rules.
Could someone tell me if they look safe ?

Topology :

 FW - intranet (
   (eth0)   (eth1)gtw :

Aim :
 1°. Any outbound traffic is authorized
 2°. No inbound traffic authorized but when initiated from inside
 3°. or, HTTP, ftp, ssh, 8080, 8083, ...  requests which will be forwarded
 to an internal machine accroding to the traffic type (not implemented

Here is the script I wanna run :
# Defines some variables

# Creates two tables
${IPT} -N never
${IPT} -N logdrop

${IPT} -A never -j LOG --log-level alert --log-prefix Filter error : 
${IPT} -A never -j logdrop

# Create the policy to drop the packets
${IPT} -A logdrop -m limit -j log --log-prefix Filter : 
${IPT} -A logdrop -j DROP

# Creates a policy for traffic going to  fro the DMZ
${IPT} -N dmz-bad
${IPT} -N bad-dmz

# This allow to just tag the traffic going from one interface
# to the other
${IPT} -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j dmz-bad
${IPT} -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -j bad-dmz

# This allows to monitor all the ICMP traffic
${IPT} -N icmp-accept
${IPT} -A icmp-accept -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A icmp-accept -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench   -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A icmp-accept -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceed -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A icmp-accept -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem   -j ACCEPT

# Creates a policy for all outbound service requested
${IPT} -N outbnd-services
${IPT} -A outbnd-services -p tcp --dport 1:1024-j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A outbnd-services -p udp --dport 1:1024-j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A outbnd-services -p icmp --icmp-type ping -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A outbnd-services  -j DROP

# Creates the policy for all the inbound traffic
${IPT} -N inbnd-services
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -p tcp ! --syn --sport www -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -p tcp ! --syn --sport ssh -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -p tcp ! --syn --sport ftp -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -p tcp --dport 1024:65535  -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -p udp --dport 1024:65535  -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -p icmp --icmp-type pong   -j ACCEPT
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -j LOG
${IPT} -A inbnd-services -j REJECT


Is this conservative  safe enough ?
What could I add more to this to avoid any unwanted intrusion ?

much tx,


Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Bruxelles
yahoo-id : smetsthomas

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Re: [newbie] Changing user

2002-02-20 Per discussione shane

try looking in the mandrake control center, under boot, boot configuration.

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 15:56, you spoke unto me thusly:

 For some reason, when I reinstalled Mandrake I have it logging in
 automatically with a certain user rather than prompting. I want to make
 it so there are no default users logging in when the computer boots up.

 If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by interdimentional teleportation.

registered linux user @
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] Changing user

2002-02-20 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 15:56:28 -0800
Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For some reason, when I reinstalled Mandrake I have it logging in
 automatically with a certain user rather than prompting. I want to
make it
 so there are no default users logging in when the computer boots up.
 If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

That one's easy : Open Control Center (KDE / Gnome), become root, Click
Boot -- Boot Config. Now, in the low, right corner select the
option : No, I don't want autologin.


Kaj Haulrich

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Re:[newbie] installing the new mozilla

2002-02-20 Per discussione skinky

On Thursday 21 February 2002 09:13, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 skinky thanks for the hint .. i exported my bookmarks :)

 now i tried installing the new mozilla ( as root )using the following
 command: rpm -Uvh mozilla-0.9.8-5mdk.rpm --nodeps
 and it gives me the following  error:

 file /usr/lib/ form install of mozilla-0.9.8-5mdk conflicts
 ith file from package libnss3-3.2.1-6mdk

 as a newbie with no clue ... i guessed that the error must have came from
 the 5mdk and the 6mdk part ... and I  thought the --nodepss should take
 care of that ():-)

 what other option can I use for this kind of error ??


 Hanan AL-Shargi

IIRC, I had to force an upgrade of mozilla.  ie.

rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force mozilla-0.9.xmdk.ix56.rpm

I just checked and I have both /usr/lib/ and 
/usr/lib/mozilla/ installed.  The first one is from the libnss3 
package which couldn't be uninstalled (IIRC) because netscape (or was it 
evolution) needed it.

The force has not caused any problems for me.  Mozilla, netscape (and 
evolution) work fine.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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RE: [newbie] installing the new mozilla

2002-02-20 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Many many thanks... I used the --force option and I'm running mozilla 0.9.8 
now :-)
This is a GR8 list

Regards ,

= Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
On Thursday 21 February 2002 09:13, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 skinky thanks for the hint .. i exported my bookmarks :)

 now i tried installing the new mozilla ( as root )using the following
 command: rpm -Uvh mozilla-0.9.8-5mdk.rpm --nodeps
 and it gives me the following  error:

 file /usr/lib/ form install of mozilla-0.9.8-5mdk conflicts
 ith file from package libnss3-3.2.1-6mdk

 as a newbie with no clue ... i guessed that the error must have came from
 the 5mdk and the 6mdk part ... and I  thought the --nodepss should take
 care of that ():-)

 what other option can I us

e for this kind of error ??


 Hanan AL-Shargi

IIRC, I had to force an upgrade of mozilla.  ie.

rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force mozilla-0.9.xmdk.ix56.rpm

I just checked and I have both /usr/lib/ and
/usr/lib/mozilla/ installed.  The first one is from the libnss3
package which couldn't be uninstalled (IIRC) because netscape (or was it
evolution) needed it.

The force has not caused any problems for me.  Mozilla, netscape (and
evolution) work fine.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

Hanan AL-Shargi

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[newbie] Sending mail via Perl with Postfix

2002-02-20 Per discussione Kevin Old

Hello all,

I have a Mandrake 8.1 box running Postfix.  I have a few CGI's that need to
send email.  I have always used Sendmail and have been come stumped with
this line in my script after swtiching to postfix:

# Enter the name of your server's mail program.  Most servers are
# configured with a program called 'sendmail'.  You may, depending on the
# server settings, have to enter the complete path in addition to the name.
$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

What should I put here?

All help is appreciated,

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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall setup

2002-02-20 Per discussione Brian Parish

If you have a spare low end Pentium machine and a couple of NICs lying
around, you have liftoff.  There are many firewall products you could
use.  I have found InteractiveBastille which comes with your Mandrake
distro easy enough.  Others have suggested that gShield is easier still.

Basically the steps are:

1. Connect your firewall box (it's really about to become a router) to
the main LAN on one card and to your private LAN on the other. You'll
need a separate hub for your private LAN of course.

2. Setup the addresses on your private LAN to form a subnet. 
192.168.0.x/ would be a reasonable choice.

3. Setup the IP address on the NIC connecting the private side of your
router machine to an address inside the private subnet (like

4. Set the address on the public side to an address in the main
network's space. (one of the addresses you are using now would
presumably work).

5. Set the machines in the private LAN to see your router as their

6. Set a route on the router from the private LAN to the main LAN.

7. Set the firewall on the router to trust your private LAN and treat
the main LAN as public and untrusted.  You'll find that the default
firewall settings for whatever you choose to use will probably go close
to what you need.

Note that this will of course break apps that do things like telneting
from the main LAN into one of your machines, but then this is what you

This is very general.  If the are any more specific requirements, post a
block diagram of how you expect to set it up with specific questions and
I'm sure you'll get lots of help in response.

Hope this gets you started.


On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 00:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys
 I finally convinced the supervisors in my university research group that
 our windows machines are not very safe as they are...they are connected
 to the net 24 hours a day with a couple of ports always open...and the information
 on thos pc are quite important...I thought we could use the Mandrake Single
 Network FIrewall (or smoothwall) to create an internal network and connect
 to the rest of university network and to the external world through such
 a secure firewall
 can anyone give any help or suggestion on how to set it up correctly...the
 network technicians here are useless (otherwise they wouldn't have ste up
 a Windoze network in the first place!)
 thanks in advance
 Abbonati a Tiscali!
 Con Tiscali By Phone puoi anche ascoltare ed inviare email al telefono.
 Chiama Tiscali By Phone all' 892 800

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Re: [newbie] Email

2002-02-20 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 09:53, Paul wrote:

 I have sent like 5 messages to the server over the last two days and
 have yet to see any of them show up. If anyone gets this message
 please send me a response.

Looks like your message went through this time.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Sending mail via Perl with Postfix

2002-02-20 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Kevin Old wrote:
 $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
 What should I put here?

The line shown usually works -- there is a sendmail program included in
postfix for just this reason.  Mine seems to be in /usr/sbin/sendmail,
although I don't have postfix running (yet).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Sending mail via Perl with Postfix

2002-02-20 Per discussione skinky

On Thursday 21 February 2002 11:39, Kevin Old wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have a Mandrake 8.1 box running Postfix.  I have a few CGI's that need to
 send email.  I have always used Sendmail and have been come stumped with
 this line in my script after swtiching to postfix:

 # Enter the name of your server's mail program.  Most servers are
 # configured with a program called 'sendmail'.  You may, depending on the
 # server settings, have to enter the complete path in addition to the name.
 $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

 What should I put here?

 All help is appreciated,

Not that I know much about postfix but...

[skinky]skinky$ whereis postfix
postfix: /usr/sbin/postfix /etc/postfix /usr/lib/postfix 

So I guess you should put '/usr/sbin/postfix'

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall setup

2002-02-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:54:32 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys
 I finally convinced the supervisors in my university research group that
 our windows machines are not very safe as they are...they are connected
 to the net 24 hours a day with a couple of ports always open...and the
 information on thos pc are quite important...I thought we could use the
 Mandrake Single Network FIrewall (or smoothwall) to create an internal network
 and connect to the rest of university network and to the external world
 through such a secure firewall
 can anyone give any help or suggestion on how to set it up correctly...the
 network technicians here are useless (otherwise they wouldn't have ste up
 a Windoze network in the first place!)

There's a very good chance that these machines have been compromised already.
The only way to be sure that they are safe would be to wipe their hard drives
clean and reinstall Windows. At the same time, implement the GNU/Linux firewall.

A firewall is useless if the fire has already passsed it.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Mac OS, Windows, BeOS: they're all just Xerox copies.

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Re: [newbie] Sending mail via Perl with Postfix

2002-02-20 Per discussione Kevin Old

Actually, I got it to work by just calling /usr/sbin/sendmail.  Evitentally
Postfix comes with a file called sendmail that redirects everything to

Thanks for your help though,
- Original Message -
From: skinky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sending mail via Perl with Postfix

 On Thursday 21 February 2002 11:39, Kevin Old wrote:
  Hello all,
  I have a Mandrake 8.1 box running Postfix.  I have a few CGI's that need
  send email.  I have always used Sendmail and have been come stumped with
  this line in my script after swtiching to postfix:
  # Enter the name of your server's mail program.  Most servers are
  # configured with a program called 'sendmail'.  You may, depending on
  # server settings, have to enter the complete path in addition to the
  $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
  What should I put here?
  All help is appreciated,

 Not that I know much about postfix but...

 [skinky]skinky$ whereis postfix
 postfix: /usr/sbin/postfix /etc/postfix /usr/lib/postfix

 So I guess you should put '/usr/sbin/postfix'

 oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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RE: [newbie] Mail question

2002-02-20 Per discussione Robin

Ah, good old Randy. I can always count on your replay to questions. I am
going to search around for more info. I will let you know if I ever got
it working the way I want.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
 Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 6:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mail question
 I'd like to try to help.  The sketches at may be of 
 some help to get a general understanding of how email works 
 in, for example, a LAN
 -- I'm in the process of setting up (learning how) my own 
 email server for very similar purposes.  I am in the process 
 of developing more. 
 (Those sketches have been vetted by at least one person who 
 has a better handle on how email works, but there may be some 
 errors or
 Part of the key is fetchmail (or getmail) which can be set up 
 to fetch mail from one or more popservers and bring it to 
 your email server.  You may need a separate fetchmail task 
 for each pop3 server -- I really don't know yet.  Also, you 
 can include fetchmail in a cron job to run it periodically 
 My next step is to study up on postfix and then develop a 
 block diagram for postfix.
 If you (or anybody else) has comments on the sketches (or 
 anything else) feel free to write to me or register and edit 
 the page yourself.  I'd prefer to edit the drawings myself, 
 for the time being -- I'm trying to strike a balance between 
 simplicity and totally complete and accurate detail, and 
 maintain a similar style across all the sketches.  (Someone 
 has edited the first sketch and made some style changes (font 
 sizes) inconsistent with the other sketches.)
 Randy Kramer
 Robin wrote:
  Hello all,
  I am having a bit of mail problem but don't know where to start. I 
  want to set up a mail server which supports pop, imap and 
 webmail, and 
  I also need to collect mail from other mail server.
  Here comes the detail. I have 3 machines here, 1 running Win2k, 2 
  running mdk 8.1. One of the mdk machine is a dedicated server, the 
  other 2 are my workstations. The server will have a sub domain with so I can host my own mail server. The reason for 
 using imap 
  is simply that I don't have to download all my mail to all my 
  workstations. To make the problem even harder, I also have email 
  accounts with my ISP and Yahoo. I am hoping that it can be setup so 
  the mail server would fetch my mail from other mail server and put 
  them in the same place with other mail received by my own 
 mail server.
  To sum it up, in case you were confused by the last 
 section, I hope to 
  setup a mail server, which will host mail for local domain 
 and fetch 
  mail from other pop3 server and put everything in one place 
 so I can 
  access all mail from any other workstation using IMAP. 
 Webmail is for 
  accessing mail from outside network.
  I did some search, seems horde could solve some of the 
 problem. I am 
  also hoping address book would stay on the server so when I 
 move from 
  machine to machine, I don't have to re enter them.
  Any help is greatly appreciated
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at
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Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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Re: [newbie] Installing the new Mozilla

2002-02-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:20:07 -0500, Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 a quick Question, I d/l Mozilla 0.9.8 rpm's for Mandrake and I was reading the
 installation instruction, it said somewhere that it is better to uninstall the
 old mozilla before installing the new release.
 my Q is : can't I just use the rpm upgrade option instead of uninstalling ? 

You are less likely to have problems if you uninstall the old version first. I
know I had some problems when I upgraded to Mozilla 0.9.8.

 will that save my bookmarks though ?!

Your bookmarks should be saved in ~/.mozilla directory. The contents of your ~
(home) directory are completely separate from the actual application files that
the RPM installs. Your user data will be safe if you remove Mozilla.

 if uninstalling is can I do that :) ?

  # rpm -e FILE...

Mozilla consists of several packages. You need to uninstall and reinstall all of
them to have a full implementation of 0.9.8:


If you have dependency problems with Nautilus, Galeon or Evolution when removing
the packages, use the --nodeps switch. Dependency problems with anything else
may indicate that something is wrong. The --force switch should only be used if
you really know what you're doing, since there is a good chance that you'll
break something in your system. If you use your system carefully enough, you
shouldn't ever have to use --force.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Are you all on drugs? Get your acts together, guys.
   Stop blathering and frothing at the mouth
-- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Genius ColorPage-Vivid Pro II

2002-02-20 Per discussione Carlos Arigós

Is there any way to configure my Genius ColorPage-Vivid Pro II scanner 
(parport) in MDK 8.1?


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Re: [newbie] Mail question

2002-02-20 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Robin wrote:
I can always count on your replay to questions. I am
 going to search around for more info. I will let you know if I ever got
 it working the way I want.


Randy Kramer

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RE: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione Franki

you don't need an antivirus on linux unless you are using a linux box to
protect windows machines.
there are no real virus's as such on linux..

however if you must, do a search of the archives for trend filescan I have
posted its address and config many times.

it will really only detect windows viri though. As yet, a well
configured/maintained linux has nothing to fear from virus's


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tonton
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 7:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] Anti-virus

May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux?  Please send me
the URL for download.



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Re: [newbie] Installing the new Mozilla

2002-02-20 Per discussione Erylon Hines

My experience has been that it really is best to uninstall Moz when installing the 
latest release.  It's easy:  rpm -U name_of_rpm
Or, you can use your package manager--just look around until you find the version of 
Moz that you're using and hit the uninstall tab--poof, it's gone. 

Backup your bookmarks.html file first, and you can just replace the default one's with 
your own.  Look in 

I can't give you the actual name of that last directory because it appears to be 
different on every machine (at least it is on mine).


On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:20:07 -0500
Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 a quick Question, I d/l Mozilla 0.9.8 rpm's for Mandrake and I was reading the 
 installation instruction, it said somewhere that it is better to uninstall the 
 old mozilla before installing the new release.
 my Q is : can't I just use the rpm upgrade option instead of uninstalling ? 
 will that save my bookmarks though ?!
 if uninstalling is can I do that :) ?
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re:[newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-20 Per discussione Hanan Shargi


I dont connect through DHCP, my machine is given a static internal IP ( 
10.0.0.xx)  so i guess i'm not connected directly to the internet i'm 
connected through the building's gateway ( all appartments in the building 
connect to one network and then connect to the internet through a gateway sort 
of like an internal   ISP)
and no I cannot ping anything after coming out of suspend, I try to ping any 
thing(ping my own machin, the gateway...etc. ) and I get a : netwrok 

after I do a : service network restart 
I get the following :

Disabling IPv4 packet forwarding  [OK]
Setting network parameters[OK]
Bringing up interface lo: [OK] 
Enabling IPv4 packet forwarding   [OK]
bringing up interface eth0: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device
Failed to bring up eth0.

 ? what could be the problem in this case ?
I cant slide in another NIC I odnt keep collections of NIC's ():-)

Regards to ALL.

Hanan AL-Shargi

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[newbie] VMware

2002-02-20 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All, I have LM8.1 and am running vmware2.04 on a virtual disk with 
Windows 95 as the guest operating system. I want to put the virtual disk on a 
different partition or add another virtual disk to extend the room for my 
guest operating system. Does anyone know a simple way to do this? For example 
I have the virtual disk in /home on /dev/hda1 but would like to change it to 
/dev/hda6 which has alot more room. How may I do that? Thanks for the help.



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Solution and new esd Question (was Re: [newbie] Error: Couldn'tOpen Audio)

2002-02-20 Per discussione Nexist Xenda'ths


Everything was pointing to /dev/dsp.  First I set the OSS plugin to
/dev/sound/dsp which allowed it to play.  I then set up the ESound
Daemon (esd) with the correct device specified.

the Commands were 
   esd -d /dev/sound/dsp 
   esdctl unlock

Now for the question, where do I put these commands so that they
automatically start (my computer is dual boot,  my wife still uses
Windows XP, so I have to restart the computer a lot).


On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 06:24, Nexist Xenda'ths wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 04:59, Michael Scottaline wrote:
  On 18 Feb 2002 23:01:46 -0800
  Nexist Xenda'ths [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:
  I get this error message when I try and run any sound application
  (typically XMMS) since rebooting my system.  I was able to use sound
  after the install, but after reboot this error appeared.  Please help.
  System:  Mandrake 8.1, Ximian Gnome, both updated with Red-Carpet.
  Hardware: K6-350, Soundblaster Live!
  fuser reports no processes using any of the devices in /dev/audio
  permissions for the devices are the nexist:audio (nexist is the local
  local user nexist is in the audio group.
  I have received this error under other desktops as well (Blackbox,
  fluxbox, Windowmaker  KDE).
  Give this a try:
  In xmmx, go to options-preferences
  on first tab click on output plugin and set it to eSound Output Plugin
  1.2.6 That should get xmms working
 Thank you.  UNfortunately, this gives the same error.

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Re: [newbie] Where to put skins for xmms ?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Mister

Thanks for the help, took a while before i was able to write back as ive been 
real busy.  Got it working :-)

On February 19, 2002 04:56 am, you wrote:
 On Monday 18 February 2002 17:17, you wrote:
  What directory would i put skins for xmms in ?

 Let's see, assuming that your login (username) on your system is
 thepoet58, that would be


 Don't bother decompressing them; just dump the zip, wsz, or tgz file in
 there and xmms will see it the next time you select a skin and decompress
 it on the fly (assuming that you have installed unzip, of course)

 Also, have a look at this file:


 where xxx is your version of xmms

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Re:[newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-20 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 11:02 pm, Hanan Shargi wrote:

 after I do a : service network restart
 I get the following :

 Disabling IPv4 packet forwarding  [OK]
 Setting network parameters[OK]
 Bringing up interface lo: [OK]
 Enabling IPv4 packet forwarding   [OK]
 bringing up interface eth0: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device
 Failed to bring up eth0.

what does /var/log/dmesg say
You should have a line in there something like;
eth0: Davicom DM9102/DM9102A rev 16 at 0xde00, 00:D0:09:FC:99:D1, IRQ 10.

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-20 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:02:59 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

  ? what could be the problem in this case ?

Without knowing which Inspiron and which NIC you're running, everything is a
stab in the dark.

Try disabling your BIOS's APM settings. If that doesn't work, turn them back
on and disable Mandrake's APM.

If that doesn't work, tell us exactly which model of Inspiron you're using
along with the make and model of your PCMCIA nic.

 I cant slide in another NIC I odnt keep collections of NIC's ():-)

And you call yourself a geek! ;o)

- C

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione David Crouse

I think this is a question that most of us asked when we first 
started using Linux. The virus problem is virtually nil(since 
most viruses are exploiting M$ flaws and security problems in M$ 
programs) however thinking along the same line  --- securing your 
linux computer from outside intrusion and hack attacks is another 
important issue.  Sridhar Dhanapalan and others have written several 
posts that pertain to that issue. and they are much better at 
explaining things than I am.

I suggest you go to the newbie email archives and do a search for ip 
chains or security.. and you can visit :


for even more information. 

Mandrake Linux is a very secure OS  especially so if you are 
comparing it to a M$ OS. 

Hope this was of some use :)
Dave Crouse
Running Mandrake 8.1
IBM Intellistation E Pro
450 mghz 750 mb ram

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 05:18 am, you wrote:
 you don't need an antivirus on linux unless you are using a linux
 box to protect windows machines.
 there are no real virus's as such on linux..

 however if you must, do a search of the archives for trend
 filescan I have posted its address and config many times.

 it will really only detect windows viri though. As yet, a well
 configured/maintained linux has nothing to fear from virus's


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tonton
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 7:25 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Anti-virus

 May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux? 
 Please send me the URL for download.



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Re: [newbie] terminal launches

2002-02-20 Per discussione David Crouse

Now how did you know that?? grin 
or better phrased Where did you learn that?

I had assumed that a terminal just worked like that. didn't 
realize that  the  after the command would free the 
terminal.I had been opening up several terminals when using 
black box to start the programs that were not set into the menu (was 
just to lazy to put them in the blackbox menu:) .

A cool tip that I wasn't even looking for.. just thought I 
would say thanks! :)

Dave Crouse
Running Mandrake 8.1
IBM Intellistation E Pro
450 mghz 750 mb ram

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 11:44 am, you wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Paul Kraus wrote:
  %_If I launch a program for a terminal session is there some way
   to load
  it so that it doesn't keep the terminal frozen until it is
  closed? Thanks.


 The  runs the command in the background.

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[newbie] win4lin 3.0 vnet

2002-02-20 Per discussione Paul Kraus

I have installed win4lin and set it for vnet. But when I booted windows
there was no nic info at all. I added merge nic as the driver and set
all the tcp ip setting to what they should be for dhcp. It then asked me
for io/irq info for the card. I left it at the default setting. When I
reboot it tells me there is a problem and to reconfigure your nic.


Gateway Solo5300
198mb Ram
733mhz PIII
MDK 8.1

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[newbie] smbtar vs tar

2002-02-20 Per discussione Paul Kraus

why use smbtar over tar?  I am backuping a folder on one nt machine to a
folder on another nt machine. ( its a temp thing) I mount both folders
on my laptop using samba. I then issue the normal tar command and point
to the respective mount points. Is there some kind of benifit to smbtar?
there seems to be a lot less options. 

Is there a way to use a linux machine to backup a windows machine to a
tape drive that is on another windows machine? Just curious.


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RE: [newbie] Email

2002-02-20 Per discussione Paul Kraus

I sent this last night.. and it just now went through.
 On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:17, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Kraus
  Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 8:53 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Email
  I have sent like 5 messages to the server over the last two days and
  have yet to see any of them show up. If anyone gets this message please
  send me a response.
  I got it and the previous one about samba. Are you getting the other mail
  from the list, like about 100 per day. If not you may need to resubscribe.
  Dennis M.

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RE: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Eric Budinger

It allows a group of messages to be sent as one instead of Individual
messages. Thus no more crowding of your inbox.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul Kraus
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Digest?

What does a list digest do? is it like an archive?

On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:40, Matt Chinn wrote:
 Is there a digest for this list?..I usually like to be on

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-20 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Wed, 20 Feb 2002 10:03:49 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 How do you target linux. Everyone runs so much different stuff.

Not only that, but for a VB-style virus to propogate on Linux, you'd need to
intervene as a user. In the Windows world, it's easy to click on
anna-kournikova.exe and infect half the planet since everything runs in user

Here's the same thing on Linux:

$ cp anna-kournikova.exe ~/virus_breeding_ground
$ chmod +x ~/virus_breeding_ground/anna-kournikova.exe
$ ~/virus_breeding_ground/anna-kournikova.exe

Launching nasty virus...
Updating system files
Error: Cannot overwrite system files. Make sure you're running this virus as

(silly me!)

$ su root
Enter password: 

% ./virus_breeding_ground/anna-kournikova.exe

Launching nasty virus...
Updating system files
Error: Cannot locate Soffice Address Book files. Please install Soffice
Address Book(hmmm...)

% /downloads/soffice_5.2.bin

no such file or directory


% chmod +x /downloads/soffice_5.2.bin


- C

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Re: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-20 Per discussione Paul Kraus

What does a list digest do? is it like an archive?

On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:40, Matt Chinn wrote:
 Is there a digest for this list?..I usually like to be on digests..

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[newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-02-20 Per discussione Eric Estes -=RCN Mail=-

Every time I try to use the MandrakeUpdate and I choose something to update
I get the following error every time:

Some errors where encountered while checking your wishes:

Bad, unreadable or not found packages

Sorry, but all packages raised an error.
 So I can't proceed with the installation.

Does anyone know why this keeps happening. Maybe I put in the wrong settings
when I configured this.
Any and all help is appreciated greatly,


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[newbie] How to use openssl create a SSL certificate for my apache server

2002-02-20 Per discussione Daniel Chen


Sorry this is probably a very basic question but I really cannot find
the answer.

Can anyone please teach me step by step how to create a SSL certificate,
sign it by myself, and install it into apache server. Thank you!

I am using Mandrake 8.1, apache 1.3.22, openssl 0.9.6b, and mod_ssl

Thank you!


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