Re: [newbie-it] programma??

2002-04-13 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 00:41, venerdì 12 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti
 Prima che incominciassi ad adoperare il pinguino mi era parso di sentire
 che ci fossero dei programmi che permettessero di emulare l'ambiente dos
 sotto unix..avevo sentito bene?
 Vorrei utilizzare un programmino di chatt scritto per winz (che non ha
 corrispondente linux)
 La cosa è fattibile o mi devo dimenticare il programmino di chatt??


 Ciao , Tom

Se ti serve l'emulazione dell'ambiente DOS, più che WINE potresti usare 
DOSEMU (e la sua versione grafica XDOSEMU): li trovi sui CD di Linux 
Mandrake; cercali con il Software Manager. Non saprei dirti molto sul loro 
utilizzo, perchè finora non ne ho mai avuto bisogno.


Re: [newbie-it] ntfs e linux

2002-04-13 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:02, venerdì 12 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 cosa devo fare?

 Aiutatemi per favore

 Ciao e grazie


Ciao Alberto, hai provato a dare un'occhiata sul sito Mandrake Forum?
Nel tempo mi pare siano stati pubblicati diversi articoli sulla convivenza 
tra Linux e Windows NT/2000. Un articolo lo trovi a questo indirizzo:
Ma sono abbastanza certo che ce ne siano altri: prova a cercare.


[newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-13 Per discussione Luca

 Ciao a tutti,
 descrivo brevemente il mio problema:
 il mio pc linux è un client di una rete locale avente server e altri 2
 client microsoft, per accedere alle risorse del server ho avviato samba
 dicendogli di creare un punto di mount nella directory /mnt/server che
 lincasse alla cartella server contenuta appunto sul server (Scusatemi il
 giochetto di parole ma chiamare server tutto ciò ke linca o è contenuto nel
 server l'ho fatto per comodità e facilità a :)) ).
 Samba ha aggiunto la seguente riga nel mio file /etc/fstab:
 //server/SERVER /mnt/server smbfs defaults 0 0
 Il problema sorge ogni volta ke avvio il pc, xkè il mdk mi da FALLITO nel
 tentativo di montare samba  e devo rimontare la dir su server rientrando in
 control center - punti di mount - pti di mount smb - monta dispositivo.
 Quello ke mi sembra molto strano è ke se monto la dir dopo l'avvio tutto va
 bene e riesco ad accedere ai dati, ma nn ci riesce all'avvio.
 Da cosa può dipendere?
 Le modifiche nel file fstab le ha fatte in automatico, come mai nn
 Se nn sono stato abbastanza chiaro ad esporre il problema kiedetemi cosa nn
 si capisce.
 Grazie a tutti in anticipo

[newbie-it] Formattazione testi con StarOffice

2002-04-13 Per discussione Arwan


Ho finalemente (parzialmente) capito come si usano i modelli di
staroffice. Ma un dubbio persiste: allora, ho un tot di testo, con
formattazioni varie, in particolare c'e' roba in grassetto, in corsivo
ed in testo normale. Io voglio, con un colpo solo, applicando il
modello, rendere tutto il testo di una certa dimensione carattere, con
una spaziatura predefinita, colore, rientri etc, ma senza modificare
il tipo di testo (cio' che e' un grassetto deve restare in grassetto,
e cosi' via). Sapete come si fa?

Un'altra cosa, ne approfitto dell'occasione: con il foglio di calcolo
di staroffice di solito uso il blocco dei numeri con una certa
frequenza, ma non mi riconosce la virgola in quanto tale, bensi' la
prende come punto, cambiando la tipologia delle caselle (le trasforma
da numero a data, credo). E' una cosa che non sopporto... come si

A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-13 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Luca detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
  Il problema sorge ogni volta ke avvio il pc, xkè il mdk mi da
 FALLITO nel tentativo di montare samba  e devo rimontare la dir su
 server rientrando in control center - punti di mount - pti di mount
 smb - monta dispositivo.
  Quello ke mi sembra molto strano è ke se monto la dir dopo l'avvio
 tutto va bene e riesco ad accedere ai dati, ma nn ci riesce all'avvio.

L'unica cosa che mi viene in mente e' che le interfacce di rete 
(ethernet in particolare) siano attivate successivamente al montaggio 
dei filesystem, per cui giustamente il tuo pc non puo' dialogare con 
altri sistemi, mancando la necessaria connessione.
Un modo grezzo ma efficace e' quello (da root) di:
1) spostarsi nella directory /etc/rc5.d (dove si trovano i demoni e 
servizi nel caso di avvio in modalita' grafica)
2) verificare il numero che precede il servizio smb (nei file S??smb 
e K??smb) e quello che precede network (nei file S??network e 
K??network); il numero a fianco a S determina l'ordine progressivo di 
partenza, quello a fianco a K quello di termine.
3) rinominare i smb o i network in partenza in modo che smb abbia un 
numero superiore a network.
Quindi il servizio network sara' avviato prima dell'altro, e quando il 
montaggio verra' eseguito l'interfaccia di rete di cui si avvale sara' 
gia' pronta e attivata.
Per il funzionamento di Samba fai riferimento alla documentazione 
inclusa nel pacchetto samba-doc e negli HowTo appositi.

P.S. un vigoroso appunto: evita di spedire TRE volte lo stesso quesito 
.. c'e' il rischio che qualcuno dei presenti ti filtri ... non ottieni 
risposta piu' facilmente e puo' essere irritante.

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

[newbie-it] ServerX

2002-04-13 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

se cerco di connettermi ad un server remoto via ssh, ci riesco, ma
quando chiedo di far partire un programma con interfaccia grafica mi
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

Fino ad oggi non c'erano stati problemi.

PS: Su quel server non ho monitor e lo controllo così.


[newbie-it] Notizie per la scheda audio AUREAL?

2002-04-13 Per discussione Santo Patti

Salve ragazzi,

c'è qualcuno che è in grado di suggerirmi come posso fare funzionare l'
aureal AU8810 con MANDRAKE 8.0? Dove trovo dei driver fuzionanti?


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Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-13 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 09:49, sabato 13 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  perdona se mi inserisco in una conversazione ma serve anche a me.
  voglio chederti: davvero non posso farlo da una console aperta mentre
  gira x?
  se no, cambiando col control center le opzioni di boot posso riavviare
  senza x. ma poi per riavviare x basta fare startx o ci sono le solite
  opzioni iniziatiche? (ho dei problemi etici con unix che qui ti
  risparmio). grazie. paolobrusasco.

 Prova a farlo stando sù con Gnome, poi scendi e risali con KDE.

Lo sconsiglierei. Gnome, comunque, carica componenti di kde, per esempio per 
far funzionare gli applicativi kde dentro Gnome stesso.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-13 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

 Lo sconsiglierei. Gnome, comunque, carica componenti di kde, per esempio per 
 far funzionare gli applicativi kde dentro Gnome stesso.

Cmq io ho installato KDE 3 con X funzionante (non ricordo se ero sotto
kde o gnome...).

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-13 Per discussione tom

Vi chiedo aiuto...ormai sono frustrao da quella ma di win9x, non posso 
accenderlo che è gia in crash! lo voglio rasare! e dimenticarlo!
L'unico problema è che in quell'HD ho circa 10g di roba che non posso 
buttare(ho 2 HD differenti e quello con linux è di 5g).

Mi dite come faccio a creare una partizzione con diskdrake?

Selezzionando il disco fat le voci che compaino sono 3

Opzioni (da qui configuro la partizione..permessi,etc,etc)
Esegui unmount (ok nulla di nuovo)
Usa per loopback (non so assolutamante cosa sia, se qualcuno melo spiega 
gliene sarei grato)

Non mi appare nessuna voce che mi permetta di ridimensionare l'HD
come è spiegato nel manuale utente!

Grazie gia da ora per eventuali suggerimenti

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Notizie per la scheda audio AUREAL?

2002-04-13 Per discussione Marco Forti

Alle 23:37, sabato 13 aprile 2002, Santo Patti ha scritto:
 Salve ragazzi,
 c'è qualcuno che è in grado di suggerirmi come posso fare funzionare l'
 aureal AU8810 con MANDRAKE 8.0? Dove trovo dei driver fuzionanti?

io ho proprio quella scheda e l'ho fatta funzionare egregiamente in Mandrake 
(dalla 7.0 all'attuale 8.2).
Se vuoi, puoi leggere il tutorial che ho scritto per facilitare 
l'installazione (è riferita alla Mdk 8.1 ma la procedura è uguale) alla 



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.2

[newbie-it] leggere i toni del modem

2002-04-13 Per discussione Marco Forti

Cerco programmi o documentazione che spieghi come utilizzare un modem voice 
con Linux, da shell o da qualsiasi linguaggio di programmazione.
In prima battuta, sono interessato a capire come sia possibile leggere i 
toni che il modem rileva: questi toni devono essere prodotti da un telefono 
remoto che si è connesso con il modem che si sta utilizzando.



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.2

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3

2002-04-13 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 09:49, sabato 13 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di KDE 3, 
Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto:
  perdona se mi inserisco in una conversazione ma serve anche a me.
  voglio chederti: davvero non posso farlo da una console aperta mentre
  gira x?
  se no, cambiando col control center le opzioni di boot posso
  riavviare senza x. ma poi per riavviare x basta fare startx o ci sono
  le solite opzioni iniziatiche? (ho dei problemi etici con unix che
  qui ti risparmio). grazie. paolobrusasco.

 Prova a farlo stando sù con Gnome, poi scendi e risali con KDE.

ma perchè vi complicate la vita??

per installare o modificare parti importanti del sistema, usate sempre il runlevel 
uno, il tre se le modifiche non riguardano rete o servizi (raramente, quindi)


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Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-13 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 20:01, sabato 13 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat, 
tom ha scritto:

 Mi dite come faccio a creare una partizzione con diskdrake?

 Non mi appare nessuna voce che mi permetta di ridimensionare l'HD
 come è spiegato nel manuale utente!

clikki sulla partizione vfat esistente
la rimuovi (!!)
ne ricrei una che inizia _nello_stesso_ punto ma più piccola, e dello stesso tipo
salvi  ed esci
i dati non ne risentono ed hai ripartizionato..

chiaramente nella partizione i dati devono essere tutti in testa (scandisk+defrag e 
nessun file di scambio)

ora, l'operazione non è sempre indolore, ed il rischio non è proprio zero
io consiglierei una bella copia su cd,
anche percè usare 10 gb di hd come unico archivio è un rischio comunque, ed  pure più 
costoso di 25 cd...

puoi sempre smontare il disco e portarlo da un amico che ha il masterizzatore,
fartene prestare uno esterno ecc ecc


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
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Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con samba

2002-04-13 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 19:06, giovedì 11 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Problemi con samba, Luca ha 
  Ciao a tutti,
  descrivo brevemente il mio problema:
  il mio pc linux è un client di una rete locale avente server e altri 2
  client microsoft, ...
 - monta dispositivo. Quello ke mi sembra molto strano è ke se monto la
 dir dopo l'avvio tutto va bene e riesco ad accedere ai dati, ma nn ci
 riesce all'avvio. 

samba si avvia prima o dopo network?

nella peggiore delle ipotesi, aggiungi 'noauto'  in fstab nella linea relativa alla 
risorsa importata

e in fondo ad rc.local aggiungi  'mount /mnt/server'

avrai il montaggio della risorsa come ultima operazione all'avvio

ma controlla comunque l'ordine di avvio dei servizi


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-13 Per discussione Paolo Grisanti

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer dall'indirizzo

[newbie] Conextant HSF modem on LM 8.2

2002-04-13 Per discussione ivan

Hi all,
Any one using Conextant HSF modem  with LM 8.2 ?.I down loaded the drivers 
from conextant website and tried to install the RPM.When i say hsfconfig,i 
get a message saying that there is no pre-build HSF modules available for you 
exact kernal and then tries to re-compile  with the C compiler and gives an 
error .Below is the message i get...
anybody can help me...

Linux HSF softmodem drivers, version

No pre-built HSF modules are available for your exact kernel:

Assuming that a C compiler and proper kernel header files are present
on your system, we will now attempt to re-compile the modules.

Where is the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?

Re-compiling HSF modules for kernel 2.4.18-6mdk, using source directory
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/build. Please wait..

ERROR: Module re-compilation and installation failed!
Please examine the log file /tmp/hsfconfig-recomp.log.4171 to determine why.

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Re: [newbie] Window manager command

2002-04-13 Per discussione Tth Andrs

Hogyan tudom lemondani az elfizetst
How can I chancel this subcription

Please send your answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bye for now...

- Original Message -
From: Baka Attila Tams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Window manager command

Sorry.. I didn't read carefully enough.

To change the DEFAULT, you have to start the mandrake Control Center and in
the bootup and initalisation part simply change the default...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Baka Attila Tams
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Window manager command

press ctrl+alt+backspace

it will put you into the login screen where you can change...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tommy Eaton
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: [newbie] Window manager command


Can any of you tell me what the command is to change your default window
manager?  Please don't tell me to modify any files.  I know there is a
command I've used before, but can't remember what it is...  Someone said to
try switchdesk, but that doesn't work on my mdk 8.1 box... Thanks!

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[newbie] Gyertek el!

2002-04-13 Per discussione Tth Andrs


Tisztelt levelezõ partnerem!
Dear Penfriend,
This letter is for my Hungarian friends, but I'll send it 
toeverybody I've ever met, thanks.
Az országunknak szüksége van ránk, kérlek jelenjünk meg 
szombaton 3 órakor a Kossuth téren, mutassuk meg a vidéknek, hogy nem maradtak 
egyedül a választás második fordulójában!

Re: OT: Games working with TransGaming (was Re: [newbie]officiallym s free)

2002-04-13 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-11 at 10:40, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Hey there! Well, I can't quite get Starcraft to do Bnet just yet. I can
 connect, but the fonts in the menus' goes South (or some other obscure
 direction!) Anyways, there are supposed to be a lot of Bnet bug fixes in the
 upcoming Winex 2.0 release (as well as Directx 8.x support) so hopefully these
 issues will be resolved. Note that as of the 1.09 patch, networking under
 Starcraft does work (TCP/IP, not IPX). Cool eh? ;-)


Hey Ron,

I just got off of with Diablo and the LoD expansion pack. 
Played for 2 hours.  :)

Just thought you might be interested.



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Reiser Question

2002-04-13 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-11 at 14:56, Jussi Aalto wrote:

 I have experienced a couple of TOTAL lockups too and survived them even 
 though had to do master reset. I waited for a while before resetting 
 hoping that the system wasn't too busy so it could write some of the 
 buffers back to disk (if it makes any difference, I'm not sure, someone 
 correct me if I'm wrong).

I'm glad to see that someone else is getting the same experience that I
have been with ext3. :)

And btw, this is off the topic, but this system really makes my XP
buddies look like they are in the dark ages.  They are still getting
blue screens, filesystem blowouts, and loads of viruses.  I had an XP
bud over here the other day, and I played Diablo2 for a long time under
LM81 with no crashes.  Ran smoother with no snags, too.  He and his
suitemates can't say that; in fact he eventually turned green and asked
me to quit the demo. ;)  In fact I have a 98 system here that was just
installed fresh; it's had the registry cleaned, debugged, and it was a
98Lite installation.  

With all that clean, I could play at best for three hours at the most,
before some kind of invisible memory leak stops or crashes the system. 
By comparison, D2Lod has NEVER (knock on wood) crashed on this LM81
system.  Combine that with the amount of time that ext3 has saved in
filesystem maintenance as compared to 98 or XP, and you've got a very,
very substantial time savings.  The productivity power of a properly
installed Linux system and ext3 is incomparable.
 Filesystem is ext3 and has worked nicely. After reset the system just 
 checked the disk(s) and fixed whatever had to be fixed and up he(she?) 
 was again. It may be that something got lost but the important thing for 
 me is that the system is up and running and if errors occur I could try 
 to fix them. Anyway, what I tried to say was that if the keyb and mouse 
 die, it doesn't always mean that the whole system is dead. So next time 
 when the system freezes, spend few minutes doing something else and after 
 that you can play with the R-button.

I read shane's treatise on raw modeing the keyboard and doing the buffer
flushes.  What I think there is that if you have a system that you are
experimenting with and is not performing important functions and storing
any kind of data, then that's cool.  But if it's a production system
that needs to be coming back after a crash, and then the filesystem
requires a raw keyboard and buffer flushes in order to better your
odds, and given the fact that the FS is supposed to be protecting data
in the first place, then that is unacceptable. A journaling FS's purpose
is to recover from a crash.
 Now about the filesystems, what I've been reading is that Reiser and XFS 
 are at their best in servers and since the writer of that article knows 
 Linux a lot better than me, I believe him and stick to ext3.

Thanks for the post,


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] alsa is already running

2002-04-13 Per discussione Sevatio

run Mandrake Control Centre and control your system services there.  You 
can uncheck it so that it doesn't startup at boot time.

F. McKenna wrote:
 Hi All,
 I just replaced my Matrox Mystique video card with a Radeon.
 As the subject line says it appears that a cople of instances of ALSA
 aappears to try to be running.
 Does anyone know the command line to cancel this or which file that I would
 have to edit?
 Frank McKenna
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Re: [newbie] sound issues in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-13 Per discussione Sevatio

You may not want ALSA to be running nor would you want it to start at 
boot time since the OSS drivers are there for sound already.  Use 
Mandrake Control Centre to affect the changes to ALSA.

Brian Koppe wrote:
 Hi. I'm a bit new to Linux - just installed Mandrake 8.2 a few days ago. 
 However, I have some sound problems.  Some sounds sound excellent - I 
 installed KDE3 and the system sounds for minimize, maximize, etc (which 
 I wish I knew how to change or turn off) sound fine, but sounds in GAIM 
 and other WAV files sound crackly with a LOT of distortion in the 
 beginning of them.  One of my friends who has been using Linux for 
 awhile says it probably has something to do with the ALSA drivers.  I 
 have onboard sound on my motherboard.  He has onboard sound as well but 
 just turned it off rather than fix it.  I'm more picky however.  Can 
 anyone help me get good sound?
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Re: [newbie] LILO

2002-04-13 Per discussione Sevatio

boot up with your LILO floppy and then get into a console as SU and run 
the command lilo.

 Can someone tell me how to reinstall/reload the LILO boot loader.  
 I think that when I did the OS install it corrupted the boot loader not sure
 When booting the computer up, I get to point where it is trying to go past
 the part where it tries to load from the floppy drive and boot the system.
 At this point I am getting 
 01 01 01 01 01 01 all the way across the screen in a continual loop.
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Re: [newbie] Kernel upgrade

2002-04-13 Per discussione Danny Luker


I ran the 'make distclean' prior to 'make xconfig' as you suggested and BAM! 
... Working kernel!  Thanks!  I still have some config issues I'm dealing 
with but it is very nice to see the 'Uncompressing kernel image ... ' message 
on boot of my shiney new kernel.


On Thursday 11 April 2002 09:54 pm, you wrote:
 Danny Luker wrote:
  Hi Charles and thanks for your reply
  On Thursday 11 April 2002 04:22 pm, you wrote:
   K Montgomery wrote:
On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 22:24, Danny Luker wrote:
 My first post to this list!

 I'm running Mandrake 8.1 with rieserfs on a 256MB  AMD K6 clocking
 350 MHz (older machine) and all is well.   I just purchased a Sharp
 Zaurus SL5500 and much to my disappointment it does not talk to my
 Linux box. I have spent all day trying to upgrade to the 2.4.18
 kernel so I can use the usbdnet patch to make things right with my
 Zaurus.  No joy however.  I followed the README that came with the
 2.4.18 source download.
   DO you not need a 'make mrproper or make distclean' defore 'make
  I don't know if I do or not.  This was not mentioned in the README or the
  HOWTO's I'm working from.  I don't know what these commands do.   Is this
  Mandrake specific or just one of those things that differenciates a
  newbie like me from real Linux gurus?  ;)
  Do I need to do that... I'll try it and see what happens.
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 Danny I am no guru!! But if you do a google search on compiling the
 kernel you will find lots of info on the subject. They (maybe) all say
 do a 'make mrproper'. One article says use 'make distclean'. That
 article said distclean deletes one more file than mrproper. I have no
 idea what that file does. Either command works for me. After a new
 kernel compile the new kernel will not work for me if I do not do either
 mrproper or distclean!!!

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[newbie] CDROM Files and tar command

2002-04-13 Per discussione Ellen Slater

I have a CDROM with tar.gz files that I would like 
to decompress into my home directory.
How can youviewthe files on a 

SOLVED: Re: [newbie] X server won't run

2002-04-13 Per discussione Marco Verheul


Thanks!! Running XFdrake did the trick quick and smoothly. No need to
re-install or upgrade.

On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 03:43, Brian Parish wrote:
 Sounds like more than a resolution problem, but you can try resetting
 by logging in as root and running XFdrake from the console.
 Good luck with it and if it doesn't work, try booting from the install
 CD, select Expert and Upgrade and select no additional packages to
 install.  That should sort you out and no data will be lost.
Your comment on upgrading might come in handy later on.


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Re: [newbie] /dev/dvd

2002-04-13 Per discussione Gerard van Winssen

Oder wrote:

 HradDrake sees my DVD in a toshiba notebook  with DVD-ROM/CD-RW as hdc; dmesg 
 | grep hd showed hdc, but nothing is telling to xine and the rest of the OS 
 that /dev/dvd even exists. I pointed the dvd drive with ln -s /dev/hdc/ 
 /dev/dvd but does not work. The standard CD-RW works fine. How to I fix this? 
 Any help would be really appreciate. Thanks in advance, Oder. 

Let me guess, You are using MDK 8.1?
I had this problem as well.
My solution was to upgrade the kernel, I think it had something to do 
with the broken devfs.

On the mandrakesecure website there's a document called the black magic 
of kernel upgrading.
This is a good document for tis purpose.


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Re: [newbie] CDROM Files and tar command

2002-04-13 Per discussione Brian Parish

You first need to mount it.  If you have supermount working this is just
a matter of clicking on the CDROM icon that's probably on your desktop. 
If not, or if this desn't work:

1. start a console
2. become root
3. type mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
4. now the files on your cd are on /mnt/cdrom

You can now use tar to decompress them as you would off a hard drive.

The supermount problem means that some of the above may not work. 
/dev/cdrom may not exist etc. etc.  Best thing is to try first and ask
again if something seems broken.


On Sat, 2002-04-13 at 20:35, Ellen Slater wrote:
 I have a CDROM with tar.gz files that I would like to decompress into my home 
 How can you view the files on a CDROM?

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[newbie] Dual Mandrake Boot Setup Query

2002-04-13 Per discussione Michael

As my first ever Linux install would not work under the default patitions that
the installer was trying, i made one partition for my whole ML7.1 install, i.e.
hdb5 = / (hdb1 = swap, i couldn't get them to go the other way round). I
have done a lot of learning on this first install and i am comfortable that i
want to move up. I now want to dual boot 7.1 with 8.2. I have 8GB of FAT32 (D:
drive in Windows) on hda5 that i intend to make 8.2 happily at home in once
repartitioned. I don't want to break what i have working well, till i have 8.2
working better.

Apparently they should share a common /boot partition.

My question therefore: Do i need to reinstall my 7.1 to create a separate /boot
first or can i tack 8.2 on to what i already have to give me the dual boot i
want (triple boot with windows)?

Man i have learned so much in the last year or so... but i am still so green at

The History of every major Galactic Civilization tends to pass through
three distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry and
Sophistication, otherwise known as the How, Why and Where phases.
For instance, the first phase is characterized by the question 'How can
we eat?' the second by the question 'Why do we eat?' and the third by
the question 'Where shall we have lunch?'
-- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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[newbie] Sound card problems

2002-04-13 Per discussione Matt Blake

Hi, I've just installed 8.2 but am generally new to Linux having only 
used Redmond Linux before. During setup my soundcard wasn't configured 
properly and the setup told me to run sndconfig later on. So i did that 
and the ISAPNP Probe Results found my sound card: 

Model: Crystal Codec:GAME 

The first sound card test was ok and i heard the sample sound fine. But 
when it did the second sound card test for the MIDI sample it returned: 

modprobe error 
The following error occurred running the modprobe program: 
init_module: No such device 
modprobe: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/opl3.o.gz failed 
modprobe: insmod synth0 failed 

It offered me the chance to do all the setting manually, but i don't know 
what they are. So my questions are: what does the above error mean and if 
i have to set it up manually then how do i find all the settings for it?

Also, the strange thing is that for the rest of the session after i have 
run this, the sound card works fine, so i know it works ok, but then i 
have to run sndconfig again next time i log in, which is quite often at 
the moment as my modem is not supported yet, but thats another story!!

Cheers in advance and thanks to all the mandrake people for a cool distro


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[newbie] mpg321

2002-04-13 Per discussione Jesper Nyholm Jensen

I wanted to install mpg321 so I did

  $ rpm -i mpg321-0.2.10-1.i386.rpm

which results in the response

  error: failed dependencies:   is needed by mpg321-0.2.10-1   is needed by mpg321-0.2.10-1 .

So, what to do?
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-13 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 22:24:52 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

Brian York wrote:
 Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can
 change the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway

Hi Brian. I'm a little confused as to what you want to do here, but if
its just quitting out of your Xserver, back to the command line, then:

control alt backspace

will do it... ;-)

But if he's in runlevel 5 to begin with, he'll just restart the x server
with the above.


He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot.

-Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Good News and BAD News - '/home' less - FIXED

2002-04-13 Per discussione Terry Smith

Thanks for the tip. I nosed around for several hours on the HOWTO's
mini-HOWTOs, the Red Hat site, a couple of ext3 sites, etc. and got
nowhere. Recovering deleted files is a possibility (there's a program
'recover' but its pretty tedious...uses debugfs...and only works on ext2
fs's). The EXT3 filesystem seems to be a strange beast. Some utilities
that work on EXT2 systems will access EXT3 files, some won't. 

In any case there's a program 'e2fsck', part of the e2fsprogs, that
apparently did the trick. The directory was never erased (which is what
I thought...see my first message) but the filesystem must have been
corrupted during the copy. (BTW, in my perusal of the 'literature' I
found a number of folks with ext3 file corruption problems and inability
to recover.)

You have to run it thus:
e2fsck -fy /dev/hdXX where the 'f' forces the check and 'y' makes the
check non-interactive.

All the files are there and I'm a happy camper!

Bottom line: don't get into the box I did...back up first.

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 08:29, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 It's about ext2, but since ext3 is build upon ext2 IIUC _maybe_ it's of 
 some use. Good luck!
 On 11 Apr 2002 21:11:54 -0400
 Terry Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Short ver.: Any way to recover a deleted directory on a ext3 partition?
  Details: Although I've remained subscribed to this list, over the last 6
  weeks I've been running a RH 7.2 distro off of my hdb drive. BOO!
  Last night, after downloading the new Mandrake 8.2 and burning 3 cds I
  installed 8.2 on my hda (sharing with windows). As customary I did a
  'clean install' but didn't reformat my /home directory (on hda).
  Installation went perfect, everything's configured, the new CUPS not
  only recognized my printer (HP Officejet) but recognized and installed
  software for the built-in scanner. YAY!
  But all my personal files, emails, downloads, tarballs, rpms and other
  goodies I've picked up over the last month are over on the hdb /home
  I had backed up the /etc directory on hda (the old drive with Mandrake
  8.1) but didn't backup /home on hdb as I didn't have any intention of
  overwriting it, moving it, etc. BAD!
  So now happily playing with my new 8.2 I figure I better access all my
  /home files on hdb. I modify /etc/fstab to pick up the hdb2 partition
  but name it 'rh_one'. I mkdir 'rh_one', do the mount and everything's
  there. YAY!
  Now things go downhill. I decide I want to rename the dir 'rh_one' to
  'rh_home' so I use the mv command. It apparently copies everything from
  rh_one to rh_home. I check 'rh_home'. Everything looks OK. I do a 'rmdir
  rh_one'. BOO! All the files that were on hdb /home are gone!
  I guess if someone could tell me where I went wrong I'd appreciate it.
  But the real question is Can I recover the directory? I was using the
  ext3 journaling filesystem so I would think that there is some
  possibility, but frankly don't have a clue on how to proceed.
  I've got a backup that's a couple of weeks old and there's nothing
  hugely important but it would sure be nice to have those files back.
  Can it be done?
  '/home' less in Cape Cod USA

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Re: [newbie] mpg321

2002-04-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Saturday 13 April 2002 15:55, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I wanted to install mpg321 so I did

   $ rpm -i mpg321-0.2.10-1.i386.rpm

 which results in the response

   error: failed dependencies:   is needed by mpg321-0.2.10-1   is needed by mpg321-0.2.10-1 .

 So, what to do?

Use urpmi instead of plain rpm.  This will attempt to install the 
necessary dependencies from your CD or FTP source.  If you still 
don't have them, do a search for the libraries on, or try 
an older version of mpg321.

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Apache server not in browse list

2002-04-13 Per discussione John Bodden

On Saturday 13 April 2002 12:56 am, you wrote:
I cant believe that I wrote apache when I meant samba. I had been setting up 
apache that morning and then wrote that message . I guess I still had apache 
on the brain. Proofread dammit :)

 Actually, this would be samba, not apache, since apache is a web server
 only, not a file-sharing program like samba.

 Most likely, the problem is occuring because your windows machine and your
 linux machine are not in the same workgroup or domain.

 If they aren't, windows won't see the linux box directly in Network
 Neighborhood -- you'd have to either select Entire Network and then
 select the other workgroup / domain, or make sure the domains match.


John Bodden
10:01am up 2 min, 2 users, load average: 0.69, 0.37, 0.14

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Re: [newbie] Conextant HSF modem on LM 8.2

2002-04-13 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 13 April 2002 03:07 am, ivan wrote:
 Hi all,
   Any one using Conextant HSF modem  with LM 8.2 ?.I down loaded the drivers
 from conextant website and tried to install the RPM.When i say hsfconfig,i
 get a message saying that there is no pre-build HSF modules available for
 you exact kernal and then tries to re-compile  with the C compiler and
 gives an error .Below is the message i get...
 anybody can help me...

 Linux HSF softmodem drivers, version

 No pre-built HSF modules are available for your exact kernel:

 Assuming that a C compiler and proper kernel header files are present
 on your system, we will now attempt to re-compile the modules.

 Where is the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?

 Re-compiling HSF modules for kernel 2.4.18-6mdk, using source directory
 /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/build. Please wait..

 ERROR: Module re-compilation and installation failed!
 Please examine the log file /tmp/hsfconfig-recomp.log.4171 to determine

Take a look at this site:
I'm not sure if this will help you with your compiling problem, but he does 
appear to have the latest and greatest information on Conexant modems -- both 
HCF and HSF.
-- cmg

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Re: OT: Games working with TransGaming (was Re: [newbie]officiallym s free)

2002-04-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Hey Ron,
 I just got off of with Diablo and the LoD expansion pack.
 Played for 2 hours.  :)
 Just thought you might be interested.

Hey, that is great news! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Sound card problems

2002-04-13 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 12:24:38 GMT
Matt Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I've just installed 8.2 but am generally new to Linux having only 
 used Redmond Linux before. During setup my soundcard wasn't configured 
 properly and the setup told me to run sndconfig later on. So i did that 
 and the ISAPNP Probe Results found my sound card: 
 Model: Crystal Codec:GAME 
 The first sound card test was ok and i heard the sample sound fine. But 
 when it did the second sound card test for the MIDI sample it returned: 
 modprobe error 
 The following error occurred running the modprobe program: 
 init_module: No such device

Well, the opl3 device was not found by the opl3 module ;)
 modprobe: insmod 
 /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/opl3.o.gz failed 
 modprobe: insmod synth0 failed 

Yes, it's about a FM synthesizer for MIDI. But Timidity (on your CD's)
can play MIDI just fine (in fact the sound quality of the opl3 based MIDI
synthesizer is rather bad AFAIK).
 It offered me the chance to do all the setting manually, but i don't know 
 what they are. So my questions are: what does the above error mean and if 
 i have to set it up manually then how do i find all the settings for it?

'cat /proc/isapnp' _may_ give you some ideas. It's possible sndconfig made
a mistake and shouldn't have tried to load the opl3 module
 Also, the strange thing is that for the rest of the session after i have 
 run this, the sound card works fine, so i know it works ok, but then i 
 have to run sndconfig again next time i log in, which is quite often at 
 the moment as my modem is not supported yet, but thats another story!!

You can check with '/sbin/lsmod' which modules (drivers) are loaded. Let us
know. I think sndconfig loaded a driver for your card, then tried to load the
opl3 module which failed. Because of that sndconfig didn't add the necessary
lines to the /etc/modules.conf file.

 Cheers in advance and thanks to all the mandrake people for a cool distro



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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-13 Per discussione Brian York

Do i need to repeat my self i want my computer to start up normaly with 
graphical login. Downloading the xstat would be more trouble than just using 
the terminal login and typing xstart.

On Friday 12 April 2002 23:27, civileme wrote:
 Brian York wrote:
 Does anyone know how to shutdown x windows after it is started. I can
  change the login in but 98 percent of the time i want to start x anyway
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 Well go to

 Open the Software folder

 Download Xtart  (not the rpms, just the simple file)

 Read it over if you like--the file is text.

 Save it at /usr/bin/Xtart

 Now set your runlevel to 3 using Mandrake Control Center, and reboot.

 You will come up in console--just login as your normal user name.

 Type Xtart without the quotes.

 You will get a menu of all X window managers installed on your system.

 If you type in a single 0, X will start WITHOUT a window manager, just a
 single xterm (you can use things that don't start X from there. like

 If you type in any other string of characters, the first match of in the
 left column will be selected

 e.g. Type 'En' without quotes and it will match


 or use '04' if you prefer.

 Now you are running in X--you can stop at any time by ctrl-alt-backspace
 or by logging out in the normal way.

 Of course, if you just want a console, you can use ctrl-alt-Fx where x
 is between 2 and 6 (yes the numbered function Key) and you will be in
 console with X running on ctrl-alt-F7  (It launches from the console at
 ctrl-alt-F1, so I don't recommend using that).


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Re: [newbie] Reiser Question

2002-04-13 Per discussione shane

On Saturday 13 April 2002 01:45, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I read shane's treatise on raw modeing the keyboard and doing the buffer
 flushes.  What I think there is that if you have a system that you are
 experimenting with and is not performing important functions and storing
 any kind of data, then that's cool.  But if it's a production system
 that needs to be coming back after a crash, and then the filesystem
 requires a raw keyboard and buffer flushes in order to better your
 odds, and given the fact that the FS is supposed to be protecting data
 in the first place, then that is unacceptable. A journaling FS's purpose
 is to recover from a crash.

very much in agreement, i only post it cause it worked for me the 2 times i 
have crashed..

i have to say, been running since 7.1 and i have less crashes in linux 
_ever_ than i had per week in windows.

in fact i am upset today cause it was looked this morning, and i don't know 
why.  that makes twice in 6 weeks!  baack when i was in windows all day 
twice in a 24 hour period was a celebration day..

Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] I've Got Mail!!!! :-( can't answer it.

2002-04-13 Per discussione Franki

Hi all, 

I can't post, havent' been able to for months, I am a forced
lurker.. my ISP's mail server is rejected by mandrakes mail

My first thought was to subscribe my yahoo account to mandrake
and NOT recieve the mail, but that got stopped dead because
mandrake doesn't subscribe to allowing joining without getting
the mail.. which is very strange..  (also strange is blocking
email address's that had been active for over a year... the
block should have been added for new subscriptions, not very old

the other thing that stopped that is that yahoo dont' do the pop
and smtp mail for free now, they have changed to a subscription
model.. I'll pay it if I have to, but the money would be better
off in Mandrakes users club..

Anyone got any other suggestions for me? and don't suggest
webmail, there is no way I will do that on a dial up connection.

any thoughts



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Re: [newbie] I've Got Mail!!!! :-( can't answer it.

2002-04-13 Per discussione Brian York

I use yahoo pop and smtp for my yahoo account and it works fine. I have used 
it on Kmail and Evolution. I could never get it to work with outlook or 
outlook express back in the day when i had to fool with low quality M$ 
products but thats in the past. I also have an E-Omninet account (english version) the server for is ( for 
pop and smtp. You migh want to try it and it will take a few days to get an 
account but its worth the wait.


On Saturday 13 April 2002 12:39, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I can't post, havent' been able to for months, I am a forced
 lurker.. my ISP's mail server is rejected by mandrakes mail

 My first thought was to subscribe my yahoo account to mandrake
 and NOT recieve the mail, but that got stopped dead because
 mandrake doesn't subscribe to allowing joining without getting
 the mail.. which is very strange..  (also strange is blocking
 email address's that had been active for over a year... the
 block should have been added for new subscriptions, not very old

 the other thing that stopped that is that yahoo dont' do the pop
 and smtp mail for free now, they have changed to a subscription
 model.. I'll pay it if I have to, but the money would be better
 off in Mandrakes users club..

 Anyone got any other suggestions for me? and don't suggest
 webmail, there is no way I will do that on a dial up connection.

 any thoughts



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[newbie] Dual CPU Query

2002-04-13 Per discussione Andrew Tuson

I have built a twin 1GHz P111 box, using an Abit VP6 motherboard.  I 
installed Mandrake 8.2, and followed the HowTo to rebuild the kernel
with multiprocessor support.

When the machine boots up, the initial boot screen shows that 2 CPUs
are present, and using dmesg to view the Linux boot text I get the report:

Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
Processors: 2

A liitle further down it shows the first processor being initialized, but not
the second.

After logging in,

cat /proc/cpuinfo

only shows one CPU.

Does anyone know what my problem is, and how I can coach Linux to
recognize my second COU.

All help gratefully received.

Andrew Tuson 

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RE: [newbie] I've Got Mail!!!! :-( can't answer it.

2002-04-13 Per discussione Bill Spatz

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian York
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I've Got Mail :-( can't answer it.

I use yahoo pop and smtp for my yahoo account and it works fine. I have used
it on Kmail and Evolution. I could never get it to work with outlook or
outlook express back in the day when i had to fool with low quality M$
products but thats in the past. I also have an E-Omninet account (english version) the server for is ( for
pop and smtp. You migh want to try it and it will take a few days to get an
account but its worth the wait.


On the 24th they're shutting off pop/smtp access unless you pay for it. This
is what he's getting at, otherwise, he'd use it.

FRANKI - send me a private email, I may have a solution for you.

Bill Spatz

On Saturday 13 April 2002 12:39, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I can't post, havent' been able to for months, I am a forced
 lurker.. my ISP's mail server is rejected by mandrakes mail

 My first thought was to subscribe my yahoo account to mandrake
 and NOT recieve the mail, but that got stopped dead because
 mandrake doesn't subscribe to allowing joining without getting
 the mail.. which is very strange..  (also strange is blocking
 email address's that had been active for over a year... the
 block should have been added for new subscriptions, not very old

 the other thing that stopped that is that yahoo dont' do the pop
 and smtp mail for free now, they have changed to a subscription
 model.. I'll pay it if I have to, but the money would be better
 off in Mandrakes users club..

 Anyone got any other suggestions for me? and don't suggest
 webmail, there is no way I will do that on a dial up connection.

 any thoughts



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Re: [newbie] I've Got Mail!!!! :-( can't answer it.

2002-04-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Saturday 13 April 2002 19:39, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I can't post, havent' been able to for months, I am a forced
 lurker.. my ISP's mail server is rejected by mandrakes mail

 My first thought was to subscribe my yahoo account to mandrake
 and NOT recieve the mail, but that got stopped dead because
 mandrake doesn't subscribe to allowing joining without getting
 the mail.. which is very strange..  (also strange is blocking
 email address's that had been active for over a year... the
 block should have been added for new subscriptions, not very old

 the other thing that stopped that is that yahoo dont' do the pop
 and smtp mail for free now, they have changed to a subscription
 model.. I'll pay it if I have to, but the money would be better
 off in Mandrakes users club..

 Anyone got any other suggestions for me? and don't suggest
 webmail, there is no way I will do that on a dial up connection.

Why not just use sendmail instead of smtp?  

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Dual CPU Query

2002-04-13 Per discussione Jay

Mandrake comes with a smp kernel (multi processor kernel). Maybe give that a
try, see how it is setup, then try and emulate that. It may take longer to learn
it, but you will gain experience dealing with multiple CPU's. I haven't used a
dual CPU system so I don't really know, just an idea.

Quoting Andrew Tuson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have built a twin 1GHz P111 box, using an Abit VP6 motherboard.  I 
 installed Mandrake 8.2, and followed the HowTo to rebuild the kernel
 with multiprocessor support.
 When the machine boots up, the initial boot screen shows that 2 CPUs
 are present, and using dmesg to view the Linux boot text I get the report:
 Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
 Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
 OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
 Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
 Processors: 2
 A liitle further down it shows the first processor being initialized, but
 the second.
 After logging in,
 cat /proc/cpuinfo
 only shows one CPU.
 Does anyone know what my problem is, and how I can coach Linux to
 recognize my second COU.
 All help gratefully received.
 Andrew Tuson 

This mail sent through IMP:

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Re: [newbie] Dual CPU Query

2002-04-13 Per discussione Jay

Mandrake comes with a smp kernel (multi processor kernel). Maybe give that a
try, see how it is setup, then try and emulate that. It may take longer to learn
it, but you will gain experience dealing with multiple CPU's. I haven't used a
dual CPU system so I don't really know, just an idea.

Quoting Andrew Tuson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have built a twin 1GHz P111 box, using an Abit VP6 motherboard.  I 
 installed Mandrake 8.2, and followed the HowTo to rebuild the kernel
 with multiprocessor support.
 When the machine boots up, the initial boot screen shows that 2 CPUs
 are present, and using dmesg to view the Linux boot text I get the report:
 Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
 Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
 OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
 Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
 I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
 Processors: 2
 A liitle further down it shows the first processor being initialized, but
 the second.
 After logging in,
 cat /proc/cpuinfo
 only shows one CPU.
 Does anyone know what my problem is, and how I can coach Linux to
 recognize my second COU.
 All help gratefully received.
 Andrew Tuson 

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Re: [newbie] Stopping X

2002-04-13 Per discussione civileme

Brian York wrote:

Do i need to repeat my self i want my computer to start up normaly with 
graphical login. Downloading the xstat would be more trouble than just using 
the terminal login and typing xstart.

I gave you a couple of alternatives in my post, not just Xtart.

The point is, you don't really need to stop X to do console work.  You 
can either start from the console all the time or you can start from X. 
 If you don't want X to come back after you logout

Ok to just stop X bring up an terminal window, use su to become root

ps ax | grep X

look at the list and find the process id of the Xserver, then

kill -9 (number you got from the list)

and X will die immediately, leaving you in an interesting state.

You have to change the runlevel to 3 instead of 5 for a proper shutdown of X

It is _theoretically_ possible to stop X if you change the last line of


to prevent the respawning of the graphical login--say change it to 
telinit 3 after the colon, but then getting back into X could become 
I wrote Xtart for your situation, and it (an old version) is on your CD, 
but basically there is no way to stop X (uncatastrophically) without 
changing runlevel, and doing that is not without hazards.

So you have the information.  If a 2k download is too much for you, just 
use the old one, on your install CDs since 8.1.


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Re: [newbie] Dual CPU Query

2002-04-13 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Jay; When you bought the CPU's did you make sure that they had the same
batch numbers? This could make a big difference!


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual CPU Query

  I have built a twin 1GHz P111 box, using an Abit VP6 motherboard.  I
  installed Mandrake 8.2, and followed the HowTo to rebuild the kernel
  with multiprocessor support.
  When the machine boots up, the initial boot screen shows that 2 CPUs
  are present, and using dmesg to view the Linux boot text I get the
  Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
  Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
  OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
  Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
  Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
  I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
  Processors: 2
  Andrew Tuson

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Re: [newbie] Dual CPU Query

2002-04-13 Per discussione civileme

Andrew Tuson wrote:

I have built a twin 1GHz P111 box, using an Abit VP6 motherboard.  I 
installed Mandrake 8.2, and followed the HowTo to rebuild the kernel
with multiprocessor support.

When the machine boots up, the initial boot screen shows that 2 CPUs
are present, and using dmesg to view the Linux boot text I get the report:

Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.1
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: OEM0 Product ID: PROD APIC at: 0xFEE0
Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC0.
Processors: 2

A liitle further down it shows the first processor being initialized, but not
the second.

After logging in,

cat /proc/cpuinfo

only shows one CPU.

Does anyone know what my problem is, and how I can coach Linux to
recognize my second COU.

All help gratefully received.

Andrew Tuson 

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puzzled look

I installed 8.2 and I can boot either linux or linux-UP on my old dual 
PPro.  I did not rebuild the kernel, just let the installer supply me 
with the SMP kernel, and added the UP kernel during package selection in 
case I ever take out one processor and still want to use the machine.

So did you use the default SMP kernel provided?  It might be a good 
fall-back until you can tune your customized kernel.


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Re: [newbie] never-ending story

2002-04-13 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Todd Slater wrote:
 Playing with window and file managers. My latest--blackbox + rox. Talk
 about fast! Dang, I love playing with this stuff!
 Todd Slater
 11:20pm up 12:19, 2 users, load average: 0.38, 0.18, 0.20
 Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is
 nothing but cabbage with a college education. (Mark Twain)

Whats Rox pls? 

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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