Re: [newbie-it] adsl

2002-04-21 Per discussione CyberDevil

 dove posso trovare le istruzioni per configurare un modem adsl ethernet con
 mandrake 8.2 ?



 Se non sai a cosa serve disinstallalo !!! 

[newbie-it] Grub MDK8.2

2002-04-21 Per discussione tom

Non capisco perche'ora che ho ri installato winz$
grub non me lo fa'partire.
Suggerimenti , consigli , domande sono ben acette

Qualcuno mi puo mandare la chiamata a winz
dal per poterlo confrontare?
questo è il mio
title windows
root (hd0,0)
map (0x81) (0x80)
map (0x80) (0x81)
chainloader +1

Grazie gia da ora 

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Problema file 100 MB

2002-04-21 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile legion detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 ho scoperto l'esistenza di ulimit...che limita dimensioni varie
 ok ma...come si salvano i valori impostati con ulimit??

Be' o si disabilita il limite impostato in uno dei vari programmi di 
gestione sicurezza del sistema (probabilmente c'e' un'impostazione di 
Bastille e affini, ma non utilizzandolo non mi ricordo ...) oppure in 
alternativa [piu' rapida se non sai che programma ha impostato il 
limite] puoi inserire il comando al termine di uno script di avvio 
della bash (es. /etc/profile o $HOME/.bash_profile)

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

Re: [newbie-it] adsl

2002-04-21 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile gianni telleri detto' 
al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 dove posso trovare le istruzioni per configurare un modem adsl
 ethernet con mandrake 8.2 ?

Dipende da che protocollo utilizza il tuo provider: se usa PPPoE{thernet} va benissimo roarpenguin; se usa PPPoA{TM} 
(come Tiscali e Aruba) puoi fare abbastanza riferimento a

In ogni caso dai uno sguardo a (in italiano, anche se 
un po' datato, era la primissima versione) (aggiornato a gen. 2002) (faq del newsgroup 
it.tlc.telefonia.adsl, piuttosto completa, anche se di utilizzo 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

Re: [newbie-it] Grub MDK8.2

2002-04-21 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile tom detto' al suo fido 
scrivano codesta missiva:
 title windows
 root (hd0,0)
 map (0x81) (0x80)
 map (0x80) (0x81)
 chainloader +1

Il problema sta proprio li' dove ho sottolineato, i comandi che hai 
scritto mi pare funzionino con lilo, per grub direi che la notazione e' 
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0) 

come da info grub - OS-specific notes - DOS/Windows

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-21 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 00:57, domenica 21 aprile 2002, hai scritto:

 utilizzando il mixer sonoro nn ci sono i cursori

Questo è strano, sembra che la scheda non sia configurata per niente.
Fai una cosa, fai il login come root, apri una shell (lo puoi fare dal 
pannello del desktop) e lancia il comando: sndconfig.
Questo comando ti permette di configurare la scheda audio, segui le 
istruzioni che ti da a video.

 Ho grub ma nn c'è quel file !

Beh, sei sicura che il bootloader attivato sia Grub, perchè in questo caso 
devi averlo per forza. Quando fai partire il computer, dopo le operazioni di 
diagnostica del bios non ti appare una schermata dove puoi scegliere quale 
sistema operativo caricare?
Sopra c'è scritto che bootloader è (scusa se ti dico questo, sicuramente hai 
già controllato) ma la frase ho grub... si riferisce che hai la directory 
grub oppure che, effettivamente, questo è il bootloader attivo?
Nel secondo caso devi avere per forza il file menu.lst.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] kmail configurazione SMTP

2002-04-21 Per discussione MadMax

Il Thursday 18 April 2002 21:59 , hai scritto:
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  non riesco a spedire la posta con kmail che, invece,
  con le stesse impostazioni  il client di posta di
  Netscape 4.51 tutto
  funziona. ho fatto tentativi sia con inwind che
  qualcuno sa darmi qualche dritta?
  p.s.: è uscita qualche rivista con MDK 8.2?

 Per quanto riguarda yahoo, ahiomè... credo di aver
 capito da una lettura degli help che permetterà di
 accedere solo a Explore o Netscape o a software che si
 facciano riconoscere come Explorer o Netscape...
 Quindi non kmail. Alla faccia della libertà su
 Wind non so... spero non sia la stessa ragione (e poi,
 magari, ho capito male).

  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

 Giovanni A. Coan
 Medico chirurgo
 V. Nazionale , 77
 23030 Valdisotto (SO)

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
Non so se puo esserti utile perche dalla tua mail non si capisce come e 
impostato netscape.Non l'ho mai usato.Controlla in kmail nelle impostazioni 
dei vari account di posta quale e l'smtp.Di regola deve essere quello del 
provider che usi per connetterti a internet.Per esempio se usi tiscali per la 
connessione deve essere se usi libero e cosi 

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con la rete

2002-04-21 Per discussione MadMax

Il Wednesday 10 April 2002 20:26 , hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho una piccola rete domestica composta da un server windows, 4 client win e
 uno linux, il problema sorge quando cerco di accedere ai dati interni della
 rete con linux che mi risponde dicendomi Impossibile trovare localhost!!!
 Ho configurato il client samba mettendocci il mio nome utente e il mio
 gruppo ma nn cambia assolutamente nulla.
 Il server lo uso anke per condividere la connessione in internet ma quì il
 lilo nn mi dà problemi, l'installazione della condivisione connessione l'ha
 fatta in modo del tutto automatico nell'installazione e funziona
 perfettamente, quindi, se riesce a vedere la rete nn capisco perchè nn mi
 faccia accedere ai dati in essa contenuti.
 Ho provato anke, da una finestra di terminale ad usare il comando ping e
 funziona con tutti gli ip connessi in rete, quindi vede tutti i pc
 Spero ke qualcuno abbia già risolto questo problema perchè io ho provato a
 cambiare la configurazione in un casino di modi ma senza ottenere alcun
 Vi ringrazio fin d'ora per i suggerimenti
Prova a scrivere come indirizzo smb://nomepc/disco

Re: [newbie-it] Domanda

2002-04-21 Per discussione MadMax

Il Sunday 07 April 2002 18:00 , hai scritto:
 Tenedo presente che non posso utilizzare un floppy per il boot (il floppy è
 morto definitivamente)
 Se dovessi formattare hd primario dove ho winz
 come faccio ad accedere a linux nel hd secondario?
 Per quello ke ho capito formattando l'hda concello pure l'mbr (giusto?)
 dove c'è il grub.
 Dovrei installare (prima di formattare) il grub nel hdb?
 e poi a installazione di winz ri installarlo nel hda?

 Grazie degli eventuali chiarimenti e consigli

 Ciao , Tom
Non dovrebbe succedere.formattando l'mbr non viene toccato.Per togliere llilo 
o grub dal mbr devi scrivere fdisk /mbr.Percio non dovresti avere nessun 

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-21 Per discussione Martina

 Questo è strano, sembra che la scheda non sia configurata per niente.
 Fai una cosa, fai il login come root, apri una shell (lo puoi fare dal
 pannello del desktop) e lancia il comando: sndconfig.
 Questo comando ti permette di configurare la scheda audio, segui le
 istruzioni che ti da a video.

Scusa ma faccio command sndconfig e nulla e sono sicura di essermi connessa 
come root anche ho provaso solo con sndconfig ma nulla. Mi sono accertata di 
avere una finestra di shell.

 Beh, sei sicura che il bootloader attivato sia Grub, perchè in questo caso
 devi averlo per forza. Quando fai partire il computer, dopo le operazioni
 di diagnostica del bios non ti appare una schermata dove puoi scegliere
 quale sistema operativo caricare?
 Sopra c'è scritto che bootloader è (scusa se ti dico questo, sicuramente
 hai già controllato) ma la frase ho grub... si riferisce che hai la
 directory grub oppure che, effettivamente, questo è il bootloader attivo?
 Nel secondo caso devi avere per forza il file menu.lst.

Dentro la dir boot trovo solo la dir grub ma nn c'è sicuramente menu.lst. 
Inoltre nn so che bootloader ho xchè durante la schermatina azzurrina nn c'è 
scritto c'è solo Benvenuti linux mandrake e i vari sistemi
linux linux.. win ecc.
Che cosa devo fare per sapere che bootloader ho?

Grazie e scusami se vi rompo

[newbie-it] Aggiornamento sito - risposta per Fabrizio

2002-04-21 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Ciao Fabrizio,
posto qui sulla ML la risposta alla tua email perchè il messaggio che ti 
avevo inviato mi è tornato indietro: hai settato come indirizzo di risposta 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... nel frattempo avevo cancellato la tua 
email, quindi non sono stato in grado di recuperare il tuo indirizzo reale.


--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento sito
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 12:29:20 +0200
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: fabrizio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Il giorno 02:01, domenica 21 aprile 2002 hai scritto:

 Ti posto il file di log (in privato) che crea gftp !!!

 Spero di non essere troppo invadente

 Grazie 1000

Ciao Fabrizio,
ho letto il breve log che mi hai allegato.
Da quel che leggo, direi che il problema non dipende da GFtp... sembra che il
server Tiscali, dopo averti loggato, non riesca a mantenere la connessione (o
abbia problemi con la modalità passiva).
Hai già provato a contattare l'assistenza tecnica di Tiscali?



[newbie-it] LICQ

2002-04-21 Per discussione Pollo

Qualcuno sa dirmi che differenza c'è tra i nomi della contact list
scritti in rosso e quelli scritti in giallo?

Grazie, Pollo.

[newbie-it] Opera

2002-04-21 Per discussione Pollo

Mi picerebbe far capire a questo browser che ho installato la JRE di
Qualcuno di voi è riuscito a configurare i plugin per java?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-21 Per discussione Corrado

Il dom, 2002-04-21 alle 23:54, Martina ha scritto:

 Scusa ma faccio command sndconfig e nulla e sono sicura di essermi connessa 
 come root anche ho provaso solo con sndconfig ma nulla. Mi sono accertata di 
 avere una finestra di shell.

Che cosa succede esattamente? Arrivi al punto in cui selezioni una
scheda o un chipset e ti viene chiesto di effettuare il test? 
Prima di ciò, allora, dovresti provare ad alzare l'audio o direttamente
sulle casse acustiche o da un mixer (come Aumix); io non sentivo nulla,
ma la ragione era il volume incredibilmente basso.
Ho poi notato che sndconfig impiega un po' di tempo, durante il quale
pare non fare nulla, sul mio sistema... Devo aspettare almeno un minuto.

 Dentro la dir boot trovo solo la dir grub ma nn c'è sicuramente menu.lst. 
 Inoltre nn so che bootloader ho xchè durante la schermatina azzurrina nn c'è 
 scritto c'è solo Benvenuti linux mandrake e i vari sistemi
 linux linux.. win ecc.
 Che cosa devo fare per sapere che bootloader ho?

Appena prima di Benvenuti in Linux Mandrake dovresti vedere o una
schrmata grafica con i vari os installati in alto a destra (Lilo in
modalità semigrafica) o a sinistra su sfondo azzurro (Grub) oppure
potresti avere Lilo testuale con indicato l'os di default... 


 Grazie e scusami se vi rompo

[newbie-it] Giocare :))

2002-04-21 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista,

da un po' di tempo non ho più nessun Sistema Windows sui miei PC per
motivi di licenza.
E non lo voglio comprare...

Però amo giocare a qualche bel videogame nei momenti di relax.

Quindi ho sottoscritto un abbonamento breve (3 mesi) presso
Transgaming, visto che è uscito il supporto anche alle DirectX 8.0 per
il loro prodotto WineX, e visto che adesso sono supportati 80 giochi.

Per ora però con i miei è stato un fallimento.

Compreso il mio The Sims...

La cosa che un po' mi ha dato fastidio è che non ci sia nessun piccolo
how-to o manuale, sul sito, su come configurare il sistema o installare
alcuni giochi (nei forum trovo che si devono dare comandi particolari).

Qualcuno, qui della lista, usa WineX?

Almeno condividiamo le esperienze. :))

Un saluto a tutti.

Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-21 Per discussione Miark

 That's right. Sorry, I made a mistake when giving the version number. The
 package in Contribs is the latest build, 641d. It is the last planned release
 before 1.0.

Why didn't Sun wait for OO1 before releasing SO6? That doesn't make much


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Re: [newbie] Way OT: What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-21 Per discussione Miark

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 10:18:01 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Regarding the one space or two spaces after sentence-ending punctuation,
 it has more to do with monospaced vs. proportional fonts. With monospaced
 fonts, the only type available on typewriters, it is (if you can find a
 typewriter)/was necessary to add two spaces; on proportional fonts, as
 seen on puters, it is only necessary to use one space.

My college study included the work of perhaps the single authority on 
typography, Robert Bringhurst. In his 350-page (!) book, _The Elements of 
Typographic Style_, he says:

In the nineteenth century, which was a dark and inflationary age in
typography and type design, many compositors were encouraged to stuff
extra space between sentences. Generations of twentieth-century typists
were then taught to do the same, by hitting the space-bar twice after
every period. Your typing as well as your typesetting will benefit from
unlearning this quaint Victorian habit.

Of course, when you charge by the page, inventing a convention like
this seems like a great idea :-) 

At any rate, the two-space style was based not on readability, but on
tradition that existed long before typewriters, and a bad tradition at that. 
So when these references below talk about fixed vs. proportional fonts, 
and typewriters vs. computers, it clearly shows that they have no idea 
what they're talking about. History is clear on this.

So believe them when they say to use one space on a computer using a 
proportional font, but ignore them when they advocate using two spaces 
under other circumstances. 



 Want links? This discussion came up on another list I'm on. Here are a few
 I culled from the archives.
 APA (see the bottom, #14):
 Chicago Manual of Style:
 There are many more, but you get the idea.
 Todd Slater
 10:03am up 1 day, 20:52, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.07, 0.10
 Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.
 (Bertrand Russell)

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Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-21 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Sunday 21 April 2002 10:42, Miark wrote:
  That's right. Sorry, I made a mistake when giving the version number. The
  package in Contribs is the latest build, 641d. It is the last planned
  release before 1.0.

 Why didn't Sun wait for OO1 before releasing SO6? That doesn't make much

Probably because it had been such a long time since 5.2, which had known 
issues, and 641 is perfectly good and stable.  Calling the next release 1.0 
does not mean previous versions are alpha, it's just that OpenOffice decided 
to switch to a more standard version numbering system.

Sir Robin

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[newbie] Running gcc

2002-04-21 Per discussione Marco Verheul

Hey folks,

I'm trying to install a theme and when I run ./configure I get the
following message:

# ./configure
(lots of text...)
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: c++ compiler
cannot create executables

Although I understand what it means I don't know the first thing about
C++ compilers. I did have trouble with installing gcc from the Mandrake
cdrom. Yesterday I used Red Carpet to install gcc and it downloaded and
installed without errors or warnings. 

Does anybody know how I can discover why gcc seems to be so hard to
install and how I can get it running?

I'm running 8.1 and according to soft mgr I have gcc version
2.96-0.63.1mdk installed.

Cheers, Marco

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-21 Per discussione ed Tharp

the DVD has MUCH more stuff than the download CDs and most of the rest is 
not GPL but is commercial software, the dvd-deal you had was a prepurchase 
and there were some prepurchase deals for 8.2 also. I guess knowing about 
the pre-release deals is one of the advantages of being on this mail list. 

On Saturday 20 April 2002 07:20 pm, you wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:29:12 -0400

 Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Am I reading the website right?  The Mandrake DVD is only available with
  the 8 CD/ DVD Prosuite set for $150?
  There used to be a 8.1 DVD set for $50, which I would get for home use,
  but $150 is a little steep.  Anybody else
  know where I can get a DVD of Mandrake?  I like it for the convenience
  of installing.

 uhm.. why would you want to have Mandrake on a DVD when it only takes 3
 CD's ? i guess they left the DVD option for the bigger versions, that's


In the June 15, 2000 issue of the magazine Internet World Alex Lightman 
points out that;
Moore’s Law, which holds that computer chips double in processing power 
every 18 months
and also notes that Ray Kurzweil claims in “Age of Spiritual Machines”
that it’s closer to every 12 months.
Things get scary for some singularity forecasters around 2020,
when computing power equivalent to the human brain is expected to cost about 
and even more frightening with all the brainpower in the U.S. available for 
$1,000 by 2040.
The idea of the singularity as ground zero for human extinction will pose a 
challenge in the very near future

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Re: [newbie] Switching Desktops

2002-04-21 Per discussione ed Tharp

 And would be a picture of

begin sarcastic remark area

gee, if it is, does he have the face for radio or what 

/end  sarcastic remark area
just joking, and since I ain't volunteering my picture... we can all just 
guess that the uglier one is...

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[newbie] ProFTPd problem

2002-04-21 Per discussione Paul

Hi all,

I am running ProFTPd, at least I hope I do.

When I start the service, it says ok

When I want to log into the server, I see:

[paul@tbird paul]$ ftp tbird
Connected to tbird.merlijn.
Compiled-in modules:
ftp user paul
Not connected.
ftp bye

I followed the thread on proftpd which happened about a month ago, stating
that the setup should not be Server= standalone but Server=inetd. I
tried that setup too, but that gave me only the info that there was no
socket available (or something to that extent).

Can anyone help me get FTP back up? I like it to fling files back and forth
through scripts.

My /etc/proftpd.conf
ServerName  ProFTPD on TBIRD
ServerType  standalone
#ServerType inetd
DefaultServer   on
AllowStoreRestart   on
# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask   022
# Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
Group   nogroup
# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
Directory /*
# Needed for NIS.

This is the plain vanilla config as set up by Mandrake 8.2. I wonder what I
have to change to get this back up an and running as with 8.0. There it
worked right out of the box. Strange...


Men of genius are often dull and inert in society,
as a blazing meteor when it descends to earth, is only a stone.
-Henry Wadsworth - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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[newbie] apm mand. 8.1 misworks

2002-04-21 Per discussione Paul Larkin

Hi, how can I get my mandrake 8.1 setup to restore
properly, after APM kicks in?  
-What actually happens:  if nothing is input to the PC
(let's say I leave the room for dinner for 20 min. or
so, so there's no mouse or keyboard input), there are
3 beeps heard, the screen goes blank.  When I come
back and hit a key or move the mouse -- nothing!  The
screen does not restore to where it was, there's no
restore at all.  I have to press reset button, and
fsck has to do its thing on reboot.  
  --How do I access APM (if that's the issue)? 
There's files for apm, apmd, and hddparm that I've
briefly looked over the man pages for.  Are any of
these relevant, providing the info to make the fix? 
Thank you.


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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] bios setting

2002-04-21 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Bill Spatz wrote:

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie] bios setting
 Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 09:31:45 -0600
 From: Bill Spatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sunday 21 April 2002 09:21 am, you wrote:
  on page 5 of the mandrake  guide it tells me to set my bios  for the pnp,
  it tell me to hold down the delete key at power up to change the setting. i
  am running a compaq 7470 windows 98se. when i do this nothing different
  happens windows still loads,i have tried both ways reboot,power off and
  then power it back ty Ron
 On Compaq's, (most of the time), watch for a blinking block cursor on the
 upper right hand corner and then press the F10 key.

Yes, and press it repeatedly! Just once probably will not do it. BTW, in 
my Compaqs bios, there is no pnp setting to turn off...a Presario 5834, 
IIRC, that had about the most rudimentary bios you'll ever see.




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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[newbie] strange printing problem with LM8.2

2002-04-21 Per discussione Andy Liaw

Hi all,

I'm having a strange problem printing to my Epson
Stylus 660 connected to local parallel port.  This use
to work w/o problem when I was using LM8.0.

The problem is that on top of every page, two lines
are *always* printed:


then it runs out of room at the bottom of the page and
prints the last half inch to the next sheet.  I've
tried changing the drivers (there are 5~6 listed for
this printer), all gave the same thing.

Can anyone please help?  This is really getting to my


Andy Liaw

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-21 Per discussione Damian G

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 08:23:47 -0400
ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the DVD has MUCH more stuff than the download CDs and most of the rest is 
 not GPL but is commercial software, the dvd-deal you had was a prepurchase 
 and there were some prepurchase deals for 8.2 also. I guess knowing about 
 the pre-release deals is one of the advantages of being on this mail list. 
well, yah i supposed it would have more stuff than the download version, 
but does it have even more stuff than the usual boxed set?
( i actually didn't know they ever had a DVD version. i only knew about
SuSe doing this, but since their distro is 7 CD's... )


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Re: [newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-21 Per discussione dfox

 BTW, I've been testing wav-ogg compression.  I had a 1.33 gig wav that I
 changed over to ogg format; it compressed down to 90 megs!

That's quite impressive! I doubt mp3 would be neawrly that efficient. I
did some mp3 to ogg conversions on some 22050 khz (old time radio type
files) on one 12 meg file, ogg turned it into a 7 meg file. That's for
about an hour's worth of audio (lo fi of course).

Out of curiosity, about how long did oggenc take to do that conversion?
And did you have to replace the sore CPU afterwards? :)

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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-21 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

It seems you succesfully loaded the ALSA driver modules for your sound(card), 
including the OSS emulation modules snd-pcm-oss and snd-mixer-oss :)

Can you use K - multimedia - sound - Sound Mixer? Can you hear an audio CD
with the KDE CD player afterwards? What happens when you try XMMS?

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 00:16:12 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 19 April 2002 18:53, you wrote:
  On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 23:38:10 +0100
  John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thursday 18 April 2002 20:47, you wrote:
  big snip
   I have a MSI K7T266 Pro2 Mobo which has via 8233 AC97 soundchip built
   into the board.
   Upon install LM8.2 seems to configure an OSS driver which works,but only
   with one item, namely the CD player. Nothing else seems connected to the
   system. There is no Mandrake sound  for the OS, no Xcdroast , no midi
   player, you name it it doesn't work. It does not seem to be anything to
   do with unmuting.
   So what am I to do, several suggestions later someone said configure the
   alsa sound driver, instead of the OSS driver,which I think I have
   achieved. Certainly kernel configure and KDE sound believe it is running.
   It makes no difference whether ARTS is enabled or disabled.
   There does not seem to be any sndconfig command line facility.
   The website mentioned previously says add
   alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
   post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss to modules.conf,
   but although this does help to bring alsa to live as a driver
   It appears in the boot script now,
   Nothing including the CD player works.
   I don't actually have any sound at all.
   However I think it should work, something is amiss,
   but I am fast running out of ideas.
   Installing the latest alsa driver was just one idea.
   Reconfigure the modules.conf file to include lines about
   amixer set Master 22 unmute
   amixer set Master Mono 22 unmute
   amixer set Input Gain 22 unmute
   amixer set Aux 22 unmute
   amixer set Line 22 unmute
   amixer set PCM 22 unmute   was another,
   but when I do this I get lots of failed script at boot time,
   with comments about line this and that being unrecognised.
   The only clue I can find is in configure KDE-info-sound,
   two lines, synth dev:not enabled in config
  midi dev : not enabled in config
   possibly modules.conf needs additional lines to achieve this ?
   I suspect the alsa sound driver is there and running but no sound
   device is connecting with it.
   Is it anything to do with AC97 ?
   I don't know ?
  Uhm, what modules are loaded (check with '/sbin/lsmod')? And what's in
  /etc/modules.conf? Can you use K - multimedia - sound - Sound Mixer?
  Good luck getting this to work!
 Thanks Frans, 
 At the risk of being over informative I list everything I can think of,except 
 file permissions.:-
 This gives a Working CD player, nothing else
 [root@localhost root]# /sbin/lsmod
 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 via82cxxx_audio18144   1
 uart401 6336   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
 ac97_codec  9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
 sound  57292   0  [via82cxxx_audio uart401]
 soundcore   4068   4  [via82cxxx_audio sound]
 parport_pc 22088   1  (autoclean)
 lp  6464   1  (autoclean)
 parport23968   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
 af_packet  12488   0  (autoclean)
 ip_vs  65400   0  (autoclean)
 ipchains   35816   0
 printer 5824   0
 usb-uhci   21668   0  (unused)
 usb-ohci   19072   0  (unused)
 usbcore59072   1  [printer usb-uhci usb-ohci]
 supermount 62180   4  (autoclean)
 nls_iso8859-1   2816   4  (autoclean)
 ntfs   51744   4  (autoclean)
 ide-scsi8032   0
 scsi_mod   92488   1  [ide-scsi]
 rtc 5912   0  (autoclean)
 [root@localhost root]#
 alias net-pf-4 ipx
 alias usb-interface usb-ohci
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
 alias usb-interface1 usb-uhci
 alias usb-interface2 usb-uhci
 alias usb-interface3 usb-uhci
 [root@localhost root]# lsmod
 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 nls_iso8859-15  3360   1  (autoclean)
 nls_cp850   3584   1  (autoclean)
 vfat9788   1  (autoclean)
 fat31384   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
 via82cxxx_audio18144   1
 uart401 6336   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
 ac97_codec  9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
 sound  57292   0  

[newbie] Restricting resource usage

2002-04-21 Per discussione Brian York

Is their a way to restrict the amount of network and other resource 
usage that a user on a remote computer can use?

Reason: I am on a lan at my college and i share 30 GB of music and 10 GB 
fo software. During a typical day i can be sending 500KB/s of data. I 
would rather this be around 200KB/s because it kills my connection and 
can slow down my hard drive (only one HD would be fine if i had another 
one). for my shares i use a guest account pcguest so reduing resorce 
usage is only going to affect people connected to me to download music.


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[newbie] KDE 3

2002-04-21 Per discussione Jesse Angell

Is KDE3 included in mandrake 8.2.. If not, how hard is it to upgrade it..


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Re: [newbie] KDE 3

2002-04-21 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Sunday 21 Apr 2002 8:23 pm, Jesse Angell wrote:

 Is KDE3 included in mandrake 8.2.. If not, how hard is it to upgrade

It's not. But it turns out to be straightforward to upgrade thanks to a 
little bit of magic from Mandrake (the urpmi command):

i. Go to a download location for the Mandrake packages via:

then the 8.2/RPMS/i586 directory on the server you're automatically 
directed to.

ii. Download _every_ package there - I think there are currently 
thirty-four of them - to a directory. Don't pick and choose the 
packages; the next step may not work if you do so.

iii. Go to a shell, log in as root (su then root password) then do:

cd the folder you downloaded everything to
urpmi.addmedia kde3 file://full pathname of that folder [1]
urpmi *

And, after about 10 minutes, KDE3 will be installed. Log out of KDE2 
(Ctrl-Alt-Backspace) and log back in again, picking 'KDE3' from the 
drop-down list of window managers on the login screen. That's all.


[1] for example, I put the files in /home/alastair/kde3 so the commands 
would be

cd /home/alastair/kde3
urpmi.addmedia kde3 file:///home/alastair/kde3

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: Re: [newbie] KDE 3

2002-04-21 Per discussione Jesse Angell

Just curious..How do I go about doing that in RedHat 7.2

On Sunday 21 April 2002 04:50 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 21 Apr 2002 8:23 pm, Jesse Angell wrote:
  Is KDE3 included in mandrake 8.2.. If not, how hard is it to upgrade

 It's not. But it turns out to be straightforward to upgrade thanks to a
 little bit of magic from Mandrake (the urpmi command):

 i. Go to a download location for the Mandrake packages via:

 then the 8.2/RPMS/i586 directory on the server you're automatically
 directed to.

 ii. Download _every_ package there - I think there are currently
 thirty-four of them - to a directory. Don't pick and choose the
 packages; the next step may not work if you do so.

 iii. Go to a shell, log in as root (su then root password) then do:

 cd the folder you downloaded everything to
 urpmi.addmedia kde3 file://full pathname of that folder [1]
 urpmi *

 And, after about 10 minutes, KDE3 will be installed. Log out of KDE2
 (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace) and log back in again, picking 'KDE3' from the
 drop-down list of window managers on the login screen. That's all.


 [1] for example, I put the files in /home/alastair/kde3 so the commands
 would be

 cd /home/alastair/kde3
 urpmi.addmedia kde3 file:///home/alastair/kde3

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-21 Per discussione ed Tharp

On Sunday 21 April 2002 02:14 pm, you wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 08:23:47 -0400

 ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the DVD has MUCH more stuff than the download CDs and most of the rest
  is not GPL but is commercial software, the dvd-deal you had was a
  prepurchase and there were some prepurchase deals for 8.2 also. I
  guess knowing about the pre-release deals is one of the advantages of
  being on this mail list.

 well, yah i supposed it would have more stuff than the download version,
 but does it have even more stuff than the usual boxed set?
 ( i actually didn't know they ever had a DVD version. i only knew about
 SuSe doing this, but since their distro is 7 CD's... )


well the power pack is 7 or so CDs, and the prosuite is the DVD version,

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Re: [newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-21 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 21 Apr 2002 11:58:49 -0400, Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 23:54, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:19:50 -0400, Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have several thousand mp3's I would like to convert to OGG.  Anyone have
   a suggestion?
  Install the mp32ogg package, then you can run mp32ogg. 
 But as you yourself pointed out Srid, the only advantage to this
 conversion will be a space savings; since ogg files compress the
 information 50% better than the mp3 format.

Yes, that's right. Moreover, you're converting between two lossy formats. The
Ogg conversion is guaranteed to be of slightly lesser quality than the MP3
original (although I doubt you'd notice it). The space savings can be amazing,
though. It is not uncommon for people to have several gigabytes of MP3s
nowadays; converting it all to Ogg will enable one to store twice as much audio
in the same space.

 BTW, I've been testing wav-ogg compression.  I had a 1.33 gig wav that I
 changed over to ogg format; it compressed down to 90 megs!
 That was at 128 kb encoding.  The numbers worked out to be around 12.3
 to 1 compression.  I'm astounded at this performance.

Ogg Vorbis is great, particularly when encoding from a non-lossy source (e.g. an
uncompressed WAV file or a CD). As has been mentioned above, the benefits of
converting from MP3 are less, but I beleive it is still worth it. Since most
audio on the Internet right now is in MP3 format, the best thing to do is to try
to get files encoded at a sample rate higher than the standard 128Kb/s (I aim
for 160Kb/s or preferably 192Kb/s myself). Then you have a 'buffer' of quality
that can be lost without compromising the audio too much when converting to Ogg
(a lossy process).

 Sox is the absolute bomb, btw.  I've got it recording directly off the
 soundcard now, straight into ogg format.  I had to install the Ogg
 Vorbis libs and recompile the Sox src.rpm to get that working but I'll
 tell youit was well worth it.  I've been planning to post the
 solution to the recording thing I've been dealing with for the past
 week; guess I need to get that together.

Thanks for the tip. I must look into that.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

We're still waiting for the Vatican to officially canonize this kernel, but
trust me, that's only a matter of time. It's a little known fact, but the Pope
likes penguins too. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-21 Per discussione Lee

On Sunday 21 April 2002 06:28 pm, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 09:27, Randy Kramer wrote:
  Michael wrote:
   I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
   communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.
  Hmm, I'm on the old side, but I never saw any reference to double
  spacing being outdated except in Internet / HTML / computer related
  discussions -- it makes me suspect that somebody decided putting two
  spaces after the punctuation ending a sentence would be too difficult
  for a computer to deal with (or didn't even know it was the established
  practise) and simply ignored it.  (KISS?)

 I agree with your suspicions Randy; with the qualification that perhaps
 it had a little more to do with people than computers.

  That suspicion sort of destroys my faith in computers / programmers.
  (Well, it might have been destroyed before then ;-)
  (sorry, not intended to sound like a rant)
  (Two spaces are still used in all the business correspondence I send and

 I've also been using two space sentence endings in all my emails,
 correspondence, business letters, reports, etc etc for years because it
 is the correct method, and I've never had a problem with rivers of
 white.  I note that most other recent books that I have here on the
 shelves also have the correct sentence end spacing also; including
 Kernigan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language.

 This two space controversy sounds much like what I've heard this before;
 newer is good, old is bad.  Only the new concepts should exist, and are
 not compatible with the stuff that evolved from the past; GUI's are more
 advanced than CLI's; music of this generation is better than the last
 generation's crap, blah blah blah ad infinitim.  For me, some sentence
 separation is easier to read as opposed to run-on sentences.

  Randy Kramer


Something else to consider.  When a letter crosses my desk, my first urge 
before reading is to throw it away.  Traditional appearance could well make 
the difference.  Us old timers are comfortable with 2 spaces.

Then there are days when everything goes in the round file.  After all, if 
it's really important, they'll try again.


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[newbie] Updates

2002-04-21 Per discussione Matt Blake

I  want to download the updates for 8.2, but due to a winmodem need to do 
it through windows.  Is it better to download the RPM's or SRPM's?  How 
do i then install the updates? 


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-21 Per discussione Damian G

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 17:38:32 -0400
ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 21 April 2002 02:14 pm, you wrote:
  On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 08:23:47 -0400
  ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   the DVD has MUCH more stuff than the download CDs and most of the rest
   is not GPL but is commercial software, the dvd-deal you had was a
   prepurchase and there were some prepurchase deals for 8.2 also. I
   guess knowing about the pre-release deals is one of the advantages of
   being on this mail list.
  well, yah i supposed it would have more stuff than the download version,
  but does it have even more stuff than the usual boxed set?
  ( i actually didn't know they ever had a DVD version. i only knew about
  SuSe doing this, but since their distro is 7 CD's... )
 well the power pack is 7 or so CDs, and the prosuite is the DVD version,

didn't know this. sorry for mi ignorant post...


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Re: [newbie] Updates

2002-04-21 Per discussione Brian Parish


I assume you are dual booting, so the easiest way is to download to a
fat32 partition the RPM's.  Now boot linux, and find /mnt/windows or
whatever the fat32 partition is mounted as.  From there (as root) you

rpm -Uvh rpm-file-name

for updates.  Don't do that for a new kernel though!  For that it's:

rpm -ivh kernelx


On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 09:26, Matt Blake wrote:
 I  want to download the updates for 8.2, but due to a winmodem need to do 
 it through windows.  Is it better to download the RPM's or SRPM's?  How 
 do i then install the updates? 

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Re: [newbie] apm mand. 8.1 misworks

2002-04-21 Per discussione Paul Larkin

Thanks, Brian.  Your reply goes with something I also
read recently somewhere.  I don't like dinkin' w/BIOS,
since this is a dual HD (1 linux, 1 Win98)  the win
APM is set by the OS  works fine.  But if I have

And I'm using Gnome, and there seems no evident power
control center in the Gnome or Mandrake Control
centers such as you have in KDE.  

--- Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You may like to check out your BIOS settings.  I
 have found that the
 power saving features there are more likely to
 cause these sort of
 problems than the OS.
 You may also like to visit the KDE control center
 assuming you are using
 KDE.  There's a power control section in there.  Try
 turning it all off
 On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 23:04, Paul Larkin wrote:
  Hi, how can I get my mandrake 8.1 setup to restore
  properly, after APM kicks in?  
  -What actually happens:  if nothing is input to
 the PC
  (let's say I leave the room for dinner for 20 min.
  so, so there's no mouse or keyboard input), there
  3 beeps heard, the screen goes blank.  When I come
  back and hit a key or move the mouse -- nothing! 
  screen does not restore to where it was, there's
  restore at all.  I have to press reset button,
  fsck has to do its thing on reboot.  
--How do I access APM (if that's the issue)? 
  There's files for apm, apmd, and hddparm that I've
  briefly looked over the man pages for.  Are any of
  these relevant, providing the info to make the
  Thank you.
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[newbie] Which new IDE cd-burners supported by 8.1 ?

2002-04-21 Per discussione db

Where do I find a compatability list for new acceptable IDE CDRWs?  I need
to buy one.

And where can I find out more about the particulars of setting one up: ide
bu and editing the /etc/lilo.conf  etc.?

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-21 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Sunday 21 April 2002 07:19 pm, Lee wrote:
 On Sunday 21 April 2002 06:28 pm, you wrote:
  On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 09:27, Randy Kramer wrote:
   Michael wrote:
I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.
   Hmm, I'm on the old side, but I never saw any reference to double
   spacing being outdated except in Internet / HTML / computer related
   discussions -- it makes me suspect that somebody decided putting two
   spaces after the punctuation ending a sentence would be too difficult
   for a computer to deal with (or didn't even know it was the established
   practise) and simply ignored it.  (KISS?)
  I agree with your suspicions Randy; with the qualification that perhaps
  it had a little more to do with people than computers.
   That suspicion sort of destroys my faith in computers / programmers.
   (Well, it might have been destroyed before then ;-)
   (sorry, not intended to sound like a rant)
   (Two spaces are still used in all the business correspondence I send
   and receive.)
  I've also been using two space sentence endings in all my emails,
  correspondence, business letters, reports, etc etc for years because it
  is the correct method, and I've never had a problem with rivers of
  white.  I note that most other recent books that I have here on the
  shelves also have the correct sentence end spacing also; including
  Kernigan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language.
  This two space controversy sounds much like what I've heard this before;
  newer is good, old is bad.  Only the new concepts should exist, and are
  not compatible with the stuff that evolved from the past; GUI's are more
  advanced than CLI's; music of this generation is better than the last
  generation's crap, blah blah blah ad infinitim.  For me, some sentence
  separation is easier to read as opposed to run-on sentences.
   Randy Kramer

 Something else to consider.  When a letter crosses my desk, my first urge
 before reading is to throw it away.  Traditional appearance could well make
 the difference.  Us old timers are comfortable with 2 spaces.

 Then there are days when everything goes in the round file.  After all, if
 it's really important, they'll try again.


Guess I'm not the only cranky old bastard on the list :^).

Reading through these posts, I had a flashback to a print shop class in 
junior high where we learned the basics of setting type by hand. I have a 
vague recollection that en spaces where used between words and em spaces 
between sentences. Then, at the end of the line, thinner spaces were inserted 
at various points in the line in order to justify the type. This was for not 
just esthetics, but for a very practical reason, as well: If the type was not 
properly justified it would fall out of the stick or, worse yet, fall apart 
in the press.

For those who have no idea what an em and en are, an em is a space whose 
width is equivalent to the height of the type, and an en is half the width of 
an em.

-- cmg

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[newbie] Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 8.1 ?

2002-04-21 Per discussione db

Does anyone know if the Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 cdburner will work for sure
with Mandrake 8.1?

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-21 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 19:19, Lee wrote:

 Something else to consider.  When a letter crosses my desk, my first urge 
 before reading is to throw it away.  Traditional appearance could well make 
 the difference.  Us old timers are comfortable with 2 spaces.
 Then there are days when everything goes in the round file.  After all, if 
 it's really important, they'll try again.

There's something else I just noticed, too:  Richard Stallman's group
must feel like we do, because The GNU C Library Reference Manual
volumes 1 and 2 were done with the proper 2 space sentence separation. 
I've got them right here on the desk.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-21 Per discussione Jon Dowd

- Original Message -
From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

 On Sunday 21 April 2002 07:19 pm, Lee wrote:
  On Sunday 21 April 2002 06:28 pm, you wrote:
   On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 09:27, Randy Kramer wrote:
Michael wrote:
 I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
 communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives
Hmm, I'm on the old side, but I never saw any reference to double
spacing being outdated except in Internet / HTML / computer related
discussions -- it makes me suspect that somebody decided putting two
spaces after the punctuation ending a sentence would be too
for a computer to deal with (or didn't even know it was the
practise) and simply ignored it.  (KISS?)
   I agree with your suspicions Randy; with the qualification that
   it had a little more to do with people than computers.
That suspicion sort of destroys my faith in computers / programmers.
(Well, it might have been destroyed before then ;-)
(sorry, not intended to sound like a rant)
(Two spaces are still used in all the business correspondence I send
and receive.)
   I've also been using two space sentence endings in all my emails,
   correspondence, business letters, reports, etc etc for years because
   is the correct method, and I've never had a problem with rivers of
   white.  I note that most other recent books that I have here on the
   shelves also have the correct sentence end spacing also; including
   Kernigan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language.
   This two space controversy sounds much like what I've heard this
   newer is good, old is bad.  Only the new concepts should exist, and
   not compatible with the stuff that evolved from the past; GUI's are
   advanced than CLI's; music of this generation is better than the last
   generation's crap, blah blah blah ad infinitim.  For me, some sentence
   separation is easier to read as opposed to run-on sentences.
Randy Kramer
  Something else to consider.  When a letter crosses my desk, my first
  before reading is to throw it away.  Traditional appearance could well
  the difference.  Us old timers are comfortable with 2 spaces.
  Then there are days when everything goes in the round file.  After all,
  it's really important, they'll try again.

 Guess I'm not the only cranky old bastard on the list :^).

 Reading through these posts, I had a flashback to a print shop class in
 junior high where we learned the basics of setting type by hand. I have a
 vague recollection that en spaces where used between words and em spaces
 between sentences. Then, at the end of the line, thinner spaces were
 at various points in the line in order to justify the type. This was for
 just esthetics, but for a very practical reason, as well: If the type was
 properly justified it would fall out of the stick or, worse yet, fall
 in the press.

 For those who have no idea what an em and en are, an em is a space whose
 width is equivalent to the height of the type, and an en is half the width
 an em.

 -- cmg

I had the same class in Junior High (middle school was a grassy area called
the quad). We made business cards, it was messy fun.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-21 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Sunday 21 April 2002 14:14, Damian wrote:

 ( i actually didn't know they ever had a DVD version. i only knew
 about SuSe doing this, but since their distro is 7 CD's... )

The Mandrake set that sells at about the same price point as SuSE 
Professional is the Mandrake Power Pack. It does not have a DVD. I 
agree with the previous poster, it is really nice installing from DVD. 
Just let it go until finished - no disc changes.

I have seen in the past a Mandrake set priced a notch higher (around 
$130, as I recall) that does include a DVD. I forget the exact name, 
but I know the word server is in the name.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Restricting resource usage

2002-04-21 Per discussione Irwan Hadi

On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 03:29:27PM -0400, Brian York wrote:

 Is their a way to restrict the amount of network and other resource 
 usage that a user on a remote computer can use?
 Reason: I am on a lan at my college and i share 30 GB of music and 10 GB 
 fo software. During a typical day i can be sending 500KB/s of data. I 
 would rather this be around 200KB/s because it kills my connection and 
 can slow down my hard drive (only one HD would be fine if i had another 
 one). for my shares i use a guest account pcguest so reduing resorce 
 usage is only going to affect people connected to me to download music.

Try to consider linux QOS (Quality of Service)

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-21 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 There's something else I just noticed, too:  Richard Stallman's group
 must feel like we do, because The GNU C Library Reference Manual
 volumes 1 and 2 were done with the proper 2 space sentence separation.
 I've got them right here on the desk.


Randy Kramer (vowing not to post anymore to this thread ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-21 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Sunday 21 April 2002 21:09, you wrote:

 I have seen in the past a Mandrake set priced a notch higher (around
 $130, as I recall) that does include a DVD. I forget the exact name,
 but I know the word server is in the name.

Someone possibly noticed this already, but server is not in the name 
after all. The description says solid server, friendly desktop. It 
was the ProSuite I was thinking of:

The 8.2 ProSuite Edition features 8 CDs (including 2 special server 
CDs), 1 DVD, and 2 comprehensive manuals. Also included is a 
subscription for 2 Update CDs to be received during product life which 
contain security and bug fixes ... Price (TAX included) is $149 USD + 
$15 USD for shipping.

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Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] dual boot with XP

2002-04-21 Per discussione Norman Zhang


I am trying to dual boot Linux Mandrake 8.2 with XP. XP runs on the primary
disk, and LM 8.2 runs on the secondary disk. They are both on the IDE slot
1. I put LILO on hdb. Would someone please tell me how I can edit boot.ini
to make it boot for both OS?


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Re: [newbie] MP3 Download

2002-04-21 Per discussione Rodrigo

I use Limewire, it works ok.


Brian York wrote:

 Is their a good progam that can be used to download music in linux?


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[newbie] moving /var partition

2002-04-21 Per discussione Roy Murray

My /var partition is getting full (http server and discussion board). I have
new 30GB hard drive to add and want to move the /var partition to the new
What would be the best way to do this. I want the /var partition to be the
only partition on the new drive.
Mandrake 8.2.

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[newbie] (in desperation, I repost) 52MB limit

2002-04-21 Per discussione Jon Dowd

Hello List,

I have an Mitsubishi Amity CN notebook, Pentium 133MHz 48MB RAM (which is
it's maximum capacity), with a 1.5GB hard drive with which I'd like to dual
boot Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 8.2. I can connect to the Internet and LAN via
a Netgear FA411 PCMCIA NIC under Win9x.

I have set aside 128MB for swap space and 550MB for / (I am not interested
in trying to run X on this little thing).

I'd like to do a network install. I can mount the CD in another box and make
a network connection to it but I get an error message stating that 52MB RAM
is needed.

The drakx README might be saying I could use a ramdisk but I don't know
what that is or how to set one up.

I've included some of the README below.  Maybe you can help me. Thanks, Jon

* PCMCIA install

If the media you use to install is a pcmcia device, use the pcmcia boot

* Ramdisk or not

The DrakX install is much bigger than the newt one. So the ramdisk which was
used is getting big, and costs a lot in memory
(eg: the mdkinst_stage2 is 14MB - 23/09/99)
(update! now size is 21MB - 24/01/01)

|   | newt| DrakX
| nfs   | live| live
| ftp   | ramdisk | ramdisk
| http  | ramdisk | ramdisk
| hd| ramdisk | live if Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/runinstall2 is a link,
|   | |   ramdisk otherwise
| cdrom | ramdisk | live if memory  52MB, ramdisk otherwise

Where ramdisk is needed, if detected memory is below the limit allowed for
ramdisk (maintained in file gi/mdk-stage1/config-stage1.h; currently 52 Mb),
a failure dialog will be printed explaining that there is not enough memory
to perform the installation.

When i say live, it means that the stage1 will *mount* the
Mandrake/mdkinst and use it that way.

The ramdisk is used in place of the live in some cases. This ramdisk is
with mdkinst_stage2.gz

For cdrom install, the ramdisk is used to speed up things (access time is
high on cdrom drives)

For pcmcia, it depends on the type of install.


Thanks, Jon

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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-21 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

I just wanted to thank you John and civilme
for your help in setting up dual boot.  It's
up and running in both 8.1 and 8.2.  Your
help was greatly appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-21 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

ai4a wrote:

  Hi Barry,
  I do almost the same thing except my second linux is on hda8 (the /
  partition which also has all other partitions except /var  /home). My
  lilo entry for my second linux looks like this:
  Both linuxs boot fine.

  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
 PS: I should have added that my first linux lilo.conf is installed in
 mbr (/dev/hda) and the second linux lilo.conf is installed in /dev/hda8

I think it might have had a chance of working
if I had been on a single large hard drive. 
With the additional problem of navigating to
a second drive on boot, it was just too
much.  It simply didn't have enough
kernel/initrd info to handle it.  

Adding the mount points for the second drive
to 8.1's fstab gave me an easy way to copy
the kernel/initrd files to the first drive. 
Adding the correct kernel and initrd to
lilo.conf took care of the rest.


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Re: [newbie] Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 8.1 ?

2002-04-21 Per discussione james Mellema

On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 16:51, db wrote:
 Does anyone know if the Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 cdburner will work for sure
 with Mandrake 8.1?
Worked for me on 8.1, and set itself up easily in 8.2. I burn data CDs
at 24x, but have difficulty copying music CDs. Mayhaps its payback for
pirating music:-)
james Mellema, CRNA 
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