
2002-06-30 Per discussione Francesco

[newbie-it] responso...

2002-06-30 Per discussione arwan

Questo lo avanzavi da 'na vita... ed era gia' pronto, bastava solo spedirlo 
Mi sono intrippata troppo con Linux, da quando mi funziona il modem... troppo 
Con un attimo di calma sistemiamo anche da te.


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab708{\fonttbl {\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;}
\uc1\pard\fi135\qj\cf1\lang1040\ulnone\f0\fs28\'c8 \cf0 stato due giorni fa che un po\rquote  per caso e un po\rquote  per abitudine mi \cf1 trovai (direi di controllare i tempi: visto il seguito, al posto di e' metterei un fu) \cf0 a passare per il Campo dell\rquote Arsenale; era pomeriggio tardi, o forse sera presto; in ogni modo, era il crepuscolo. Uno di quei crepuscoli come si vedono a Venezia in primavera, quando l\rquote aria \'e8 limpida e le stelle si lasciano trovare nel cielo ancora celeste. Poi la luce diminuisce ulteriormente ed il grande sfondo del cielo prende, istante dopo istante, tutti i toni del blu senza aver mai la minima sfumatura rossa. \ldblquote\'c8 il vapore\rdblquote  mi direbbe un pensiero \ldblquote\'e8 il vapor acqueo che d\'e0 i toni rossi al cielo del tramonto\rdblquote . \ldblquote Le diverse gradazioni di blu\rdblquote  sentenzierebbe un altro pensiero \ldblquote sono date dallo stesso colore con diversi gradi di saturazione\rdblquote . Per\'f2, in una di quelle serate, quando il cielo diventa cos\'ec blu, e quando le stelle si stagliano in quel modo, e lasciano riconoscere le costellazioni come se fossero disegnate su una carta, meglio ancora, come se fossero le lampadine del presepio dei Frari, ecco, in quei momenti a pensieri di quel genere non si fa neanche caso, e si rimane assorti a fissare l\rquote intensit\'e0 di quelle luci, la decisione di quei toni, talmente marcati da sembrare irreali.\fs24\par
\pard\fi135\qc\fs28 Nel Campo dell\rquote Arsenale, per\'f2, al blu del cielo si contrappongono le mura in mattoni che, cingendo tutt\rquote intorno l\rquote antico opificio, confluiscono proprio in quel punto per chiudersi intorno alle due grandi porte, quella di terra, sottolineata dal suo complicato portale marmoreo, e quella d\rquote acqua, inquadrata dalle due torri. Il luogo non \'e8 mai affollato, \cf1 ed (anche a me piace mettere la d prima delle vocali, ma ormai si tende ad evitare, lasciandola solo se la vocale e' la stessa -ad altri, ed ecco...) \cf0 anzi il percorso pi\'f9 seguito attraversa diagonalmente lo slargo, lasciandone una buona met\'e0 in disparte. \cf1 Fu cos\'ec che\cf0 , guidato dalle luci scemanti del cielo, \cf1 mi trovai (OK se hai messo fu all'inizio, cambiali se hai scelto la formula e' - mi sono trovato; occhio che stia bene cono tutti il seguito!) \cf0 a soffermarmi in quell\rquote angolo dove il campo si conclude in una estremit\'e0 fra due canali, e dove, abbassando lo sguardo dall\rquote immenso fondale del cielo, lo si posa su quello del muro merlato che proprio l\'ec si conclude in una torre. E muro e torre si sottraggono al contatto dell\rquote osservatore e del suolo emergendo direttamente dall\rquote acqua dello stretto ma inaccessibile canale.\fs24\par
\pard\fi135\qj\fs28 Tante volte ero passato per quel luogo, e tante volte la sera, trascurando di soffermarmi un po\rquote  per la fretta, un po\rquote  per il fastidio verso una illuminazione artificiale che, con un certo spreco di lampade elettriche sguaiate piazzate qua e l\'e0, pretende di sottolineare le zone principali dell\rquote opera muraria e delle sue decorazioni. Ma quella sera la luce del cielo era talmente potente e ben scandita nei suoi toni blu da rendere abbastanza irreale e poco credibile gi\'e0 la scena naturale; in quelle condizioni farsi catturare anche dall\rquote illuminazione artificiale e dai suoi effetti non era disonorevole, almeno cos\'ec giudicai. \cf1 Fu allora in queste circostanze che (struttura un po' complessa, e per di pi\'f9 ripeti la struttura \ldblquote fu...\rdblquote  che, alla lunga, appesantisce) \cf0 potei osservare quella sarabanda di figure che si agitano e si stagliano con le loro ombre; forse la parola \ldblquote osservare\rdblquote  non si addice a chi si sia fatto catturare in simile modo l\rquote attenzione dall\rquote ambiente circostante, ma in ogni caso riflettei, o colsi senza riflettere, o credetti di cogliere pur riflettendo, sul senso di quella scenografia che si presentava a prima vista come barocca, ma forse di barocco ha lo spirito, mentre le forme appartengono agli ambiti geografici e storici pi\'f9 diversi. \cf2 Ed in effetti i quattro leoni greci che con atteggiamenti diversi osservano i paraggi, dopo aver contemplato le acque egee per secoli; le statue di maniera che si agitano sulla balaustra esibendo spade, tridenti, bilance; il busto di Dante, arcigno com'\'e8 sua consuetudine, che spia i passanti dalla sua nicchia; le targhe, le lapidi, i quadranti di orologi, le inferriate, le cornici, le sagome 

[newbie-it] Player per Linux

2002-06-30 Per discussione Francesco

Cosa si può usare di buono su Linux come player per file video e vari?
Grazie. A Presto.

[newbie-it] ehm...

2002-06-30 Per discussione arwan

Come dire... la mail con oggetto responso non sarebbe dovuta comparire in 
lista, tantomeno l'allegato. Scusate...


Re: [newbie-it] Player per Linux

2002-06-30 Per discussione jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:28, domenica 30 giugno 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Player per 
Linux, Francesco ha scritto:


 Cosa si può usare di buono su Linux come player per file video e vari?
io uso mplayer e mi trovo benissimo!


- -- 
- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] Masterizzare un cd misto

2002-06-30 Per discussione Roberto

Posso creare, utilizzando uno dei programmi di masterizzazione della
mandrake 8.2, un cd audio, che quindi possa essere letto dal normale lettore
cd di uno stereo casalingo o di un automobile, che contenga però anche delle
tracce non audio e quindi dei files?
Mi date qualche dritta?

Re: [newbie-it] /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

2002-06-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Di Fresco Marco esclamo':
 /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
 Could not open /dev/dsp
 Cosa vuol dire? cosa devo fare per liberare /dev/dsp e farlo usare da
 Quake2? Faccio presente che la shell dove avvio il comando, e' l'unico
 programma aperto quindi non ci dovrebbe essere nessun programma
 (ufficialmente aperto) che usa /dev/dsp!

 Questo non puoi saperlo a priori ;) oltretutto dsp e' un link simbolico
a dsp0. dai un lsof _nome-dispositivo_, molto probabilmente c'e'
qualcosa che gia' lo occupa. (azzardo una risposta possibile, usi KDE?
allora molto probabilmente sara' il server sonoro artsd: in tal caso
basta terminarlo con kill quando vuoi giocare con quake, salvo poi
riavviarlo al termine).
 Altrimenti controlla che l'utente da cui esegui quake abbia i permessi
sui dispositivi sonori (se p.es. /dev/dsp ed altri hanno come
proprietario 'root' e come gruppo 'audio', verifica che il tuo utente
sia ricompreso nel gruppo 'audio' nel file /etc/group)

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]
Altola' alle violazione delle liberta' digitali nel mondo da parte
delle Autorita' federali USA e delle lobby di corporation multinazionali
del settore.

Rif: Re: [newbie-it] Come configurare un server di posta per una rete locale?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Paolo Astengo

  Ti ringrazio per la risposta.
  Proverò a leggere gli howto che hai proposto.
  Nel frattempo ho provato a configurare postfix che sembra OK. L'unico 
  problema che non riesce a comunicare con il server smtp del provider a 
  causa del firewall (coì sembrerebbe..)
  Data: sabato 29 giugno 
  2002 22.40.55
  Oggetto: Re: 
  [newbie-it] Come configurare un server di posta per una rete 
  SHA1Il 09:42, sabato 29 giugno 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] 
  Come configurare un server di posta per una rete locale?, Paolo 
  Astengo ha scritto:diciamo che ha allegato una serie di cose quasi 
  illeggibili...comunque è semplicesi configura un dns 
  locale(dns-howto)quindi sendmail-qmail-curiere 
  gnu/pop3(intranet server-howto, mailserver-howto)con 
  questi, potrai anche offrire un servizio interno di postaper 
  l'uscita, è meglio usare il server smtp del provider, che è online 
  h24(altrimenti devi controllare sul server se la coda di posta è 
  libera, prima di disconnetterlo)in questo caso il server stabilirà 
  la connessione e farà da mascheramento sulla 
  8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18 @ hp Xe3R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932- 
  ---BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 
  (GNU/Linux)Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.orgiD8DBQE9Hhp+F/9fksDJ4y0RAn2rAJ0fAabkL4gj9QrwXzeAoYwIXyADMgCgnYD/EMPbOzGTB5pzs9qlC9JFVSY==X3u1-END 


___ IncrediMail - il mondo della posta elettronica si 
è finalmente evoluto - Clicca 

[newbie-it] Problemi con il driver Nvidia

2002-06-30 Per discussione ENx

Ciao a tutti,
ho un problema con i driver scaricati dal sito di nvidia (ho un geforce2 
mx 400) e con kde3.0.1.
Dopo aver installato i driver i font in kde 3.0.1 non si vedono più 
bene, per l'esattezza si vedono piccoli e per vederli come prima devo 
impostarli a dimensioni superiori ai 30 pixel.
Ho avuto anche un problema con mozilla1.0 (non si vedeva bene). Ma 
questo è stato risolto aumentando la risoluzione dei caratteri a 96 dpi.
Con il driver nv tutto funzionava correttamente.

Grazie per l'aiuto ciao

Re: Rif: Re: [newbie-it] Come configurare un server di posta per una rete locale?

2002-06-30 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 16:07, domenica 30 giugno 2002, in merito a Rif: Re: 
[newbie-it] Come configurare un server di posta per una
rete locale?, Paolo Astengo ha scritto:

 Ti ringrazio per la risposta.
 Proverò a leggere gli howto che hai proposto.
 Nel frattempo ho provato a configurare postfix che sembra 
 OK. L'unico
 problema che non riesce a comunicare con il server smtp  
 del provider a causa
 del firewall (sembrerebbe..)

ma fino ad oggi, come facevate ad uscire?
non passavate dal firewall?
o era configurato per aprire solo all'IP del Win2000?


1 cosa..
il tuo incredibimail, non manda di normali post
ma degli allegai codificati in modo semi illegibile

non potresti settarlo in modo da mandare del testo ascii 


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con il driver Nvidia

2002-06-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, ENx esclamo':
 Dopo aver installato i driver i font in kde 3.0.1 non si vedono più
 bene, per l'esattezza si vedono piccoli e per vederli come prima devo
 impostarli a dimensioni superiori ai 30 pixel.

 Hai letto nelle istruzioni sul sito se fa qualche accenno a questo
 Altrimenti hai gia' provato ad invertire la riga dei 100dpi con quella
dei 75dpi nel file (se non mi sbaglio) /etc/X11/fs/config ?

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

[newbie-it] Creare DB

2002-06-30 Per discussione Benedetto Santarella

Come posso creare un DB con linux, quale programma posso usare Con winzoz 
usavo Access, e per le mie modeste esigenze andava bene, quindi anche un 
programma simile mi va bene

Grazie a tutti

  \ | /
    (@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == http://www.santarella.too.it (In costruzione)
 Email :  
( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM-) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] Scanner

2002-06-30 Per discussione Benedetto Santarella

ho uno scanner LG 600U, non riconosciuto da XSane, cosa devo fare
Rassegnarmi ad utilizzarlo solo con winzoz o posso scaricare i drive da 
qualche magico sito?? 

Grazie a tutti
  \ | /
    (@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == http://www.santarella.too.it 
 Email :
  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

[newbie-it] indirizzi rubriche

2002-06-30 Per discussione arwan

OK, ragazzi, andesso ditemi come cavolo si fa... :-)
Il problema e' questo: ho la mia rubrica proveniente da Win$, salvata sia in 
formato testo (con tab come spaziature) sia in ldif. Volendo potrei 
convertirla in qualche altro formato, ma non ricordo quali, di sicuro testo 
con altre separazioni. 
Non riesco a trasformarla in .kab: nel primo caso, da tdf, riuscirei a 
recuperare molte piu' informazioni, ma poiche' ci sono dei campi con parole 
separate da spazi, mescola un po' le colonne, e vado in tilt. Nell'altro caso 
(da ldif) riesco ad importare i nomi e gli indirizzi di posta elettronica, ma 
se ne frega di numeri di telefono, indirizzi postali, osservazioni...


[newbie-it] Mplayer

2002-06-30 Per discussione luigi

Ciao a tutti e grazie anticipatamente
Allora io ho la mdk8.2 con idrver nvidia installati e funzionanti 
EGREGIAMENTE!!! con una scheda video geforce2GTS (asus7700deluxe).
HO una sc.audio s.blaster live
Ciò che ho inserito nelle shell (vedi allegati in ordine numerico) e quanto 
di più non riesco a fare... e comunque non è tutta farina del mio sacco!
LINUX MAGAZINE aprile 2002
arrivato al punto della shell3 PAF!! un bell'errore a me OSCURO!!
perchè non riesco ad andare avanti per poi inserire skin,font... etc..

Description: Zip archive

[newbie-it] kde3

2002-06-30 Per discussione luigi

Ciao a tutti e grazie in anticipo
Ho scaricato il paccozzo di rpm di kde3.0.1 per la mia mdk8.2
per l'installazione ci sono cose particolari?
che nr dite di 
rpm -Uvh *rpm
X deve essere acceso o spento
e poi come avvia il tutto?
scusate ma sto imparando..
grazie gigi

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con il driver Nvidia

2002-06-30 Per discussione ENx

# Default font server configuration file for Mandrake Linux workstation

# allow a max of 4 clients to connect to this font server
client-limit = 4

# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one
clone-self = off

# alternate font servers for clients to use
#alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102

Quali sono le righe da invertire?
questo è il contenuto del file che mi hai detto:

# where to look for fonts
# Some of these are commented out, i.e. the TrueType and Type1
# directories in /usr/share, because they aren't forced to be
# installed alongside X.
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,

# in 12 points, decipoints
default-point-size = 120

# 100 x 100 and 75 x 75
default-resolutions = 100,100,75,75

# how to log errors
use-syslog = on

Poi sul sito non ho trovato niente, cercherò meglio.
Ciao e grazie ENx

LukenShiro ha scritto:

  In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, ENx esclamo':
Dopo aver installato i driver i font in kde 3.0.1 non si vedono più
bene, per l'esattezza si vedono piccoli e per vederli come prima devo
impostarli a dimensioni superiori ai 30 pixel.

 Hai letto nelle istruzioni sul sito se fa qualche accenno a questo
 Altrimenti hai gia' provato ad invertire la riga dei 100dpi con quella
dei 75dpi nel file (se non mi sbaglio) /etc/X11/fs/config ?


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con il driver Nvidia

2002-06-30 Per discussione ENx

Il problema è stato risolto, dopo aver fatto un giro sul forum dei driver
linux della nvidia!!
E' bastato impostare due opzioni:
 Option "IgnoreEDID"     "true"
Option "UseEdidFreqs"       "false".
Ciao e grazie ENx
LukenShiro ha scritto:

  In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, ENx esclamo':
Dopo aver installato i driver i font in kde 3.0.1 non si vedono più
bene, per l'esattezza si vedono piccoli e per vederli come prima devo
impostarli a dimensioni superiori ai 30 pixel.

 Hai letto nelle istruzioni sul sito se fa qualche accenno a questo
 Altrimenti hai gia' provato ad invertire la riga dei 100dpi con quella
dei 75dpi nel file (se non mi sbaglio) /etc/X11/fs/config ?


Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-30 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 06:41, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 11:25:28 +0100, John Richard Smith
  I perfer netscape, but cannot be bothered to install it.
  So I use kmail, the composer has limited 
  character set usage,(I do not mean fonts) 
  no undelines ,bolds,etc etc., 
  which I surely miss. 
 You want the ability to write HTML e-mail? I doubt this will ever happen in
 Kmail. HTML e-mail is an abomination and should never have been invented.
 Standard, plain text e-mail is far more secure (no scripting, etc.), smaller and
 faster. Why are M$ Outlook and Outlook Express the only apps that can transmit
 and activate e-mail virii and worms? Because they incorporate rubbish features
 like HTML mail. Kmail does the sensible thing and only implements read (not
 write) support for HTML mail.
 For more info, take a look at http://www.betips.net/etc/evilmail.html
 Sridhar Dhanapalan

Yes, Sridhar, you have nailed it.  There is a time and place for html,
and email is not it.  Kind of like using a backhoe to weed your garden.
I side with you and all the others who join in the denouncement of the
heinous html email. :)

L8r, LX


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] FTP

2002-06-30 Per discussione Jason Steinem

To be honest, I'm not sure.  When I installed Linux
Mandrake 8.1, I installed the FTP server by default.
--- daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Jason Steinem wrote:
 | If I have a group of users, how can I set up one
 | particular directory to be a central ftp
 | In other words, if I have the directory
 | how can someone ftp  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and log
 in w/
 | their username and password?
 what program are you using as your ftp server?
 - --
 - --
 Registered Linux User 182496
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [newbie] Windows Games

2002-06-30 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-06-16 at 20:12, D. Olson wrote:
 Anyone wanna add to this list of games that work USING THE WINDOWS
 Quake 2
 Quake 3 Arena
 Unreal Tournament
 Return to Castle Wolfenstein
 Oh, only NATIVE games, please.

Of course..I have one or two entries here.  Please excuse the
lateness of the reply, I've been offline and have missed much
interesting email, such as your post here.

Sorry I was unable to provide a more comprehensive list of games; all of
the ones I found are not listed, only those with the highest success
rating using Transgaming Winex.

Results from Transgaming database search:

Diablo 2
Working Rating: 5 Popularity: 1464 Forum Posts: 868

The Sims (Mandrake Gaming Edition)
Working Rating: 5 Popularity: 250 Forum Posts: 97

Max Payne
Working Rating: 5 Popularity: 547 Forum Posts: 126

Atomic Bomberman
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 41 Forum Posts: 1

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 137 Forum Posts: 3

Maximum Pool
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Blair Witch, Volume 2: The Legend of Coffin Rock
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Warhammer 40k: Final Liberation
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 10 Forum Posts: 3

Political Tycoon Economic War
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Star Wars Insiders Guide
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 4 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 973 Forum Posts: 252

Swat 3
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 2

Crazy Marbles
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Half Life - Blue Shift
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 73 Forum Posts: 11

Heroes of Might and Magic IV
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 132 Forum Posts: 10

Alone In The Dark: A New Nightmare
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Star Wars: Behind the Magic
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 7 Forum Posts: 0

American McGee's Alice
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 358 Forum Posts: 113

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 13 Forum Posts: 0

In The Hunt
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 27 Forum Posts: 4

Railroad Tycoon 2
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 7 Forum Posts: 2

Freddi Fish 2 Haunted House
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Allods 2
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 15 Forum Posts: 0

Field and Stream Trophy Bass 4
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Chaos Overlords
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 6 Forum Posts: 0

Elasto Mania
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 31 Forum Posts: 2

Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 479 Forum Posts: 88

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 12

Shattered Galaxy
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 10 Forum Posts: 2

Lords of Magic
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 21 Forum Posts: 2

Axis  Allies
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 17 Forum Posts: 5

Ultra Thrillride Pinball
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 4 Forum Posts: 0

F22 Raptor
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Mig 29
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Half-Life and Counter-Strike
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 1626 Forum Posts: 938

NHL 98
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 15 Forum Posts: 0

Putt Putt Joins the Circus
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Championship Manager 2001/2002
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 30 Forum Posts: 5

Blade Runner
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 27 Forum Posts: 7

RC Racers
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 9 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 12 Forum Posts: 0

Quake III Arena
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 20 Forum Posts: 6

Gilbert Goodmate
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 4 Forum Posts: 1

Madeline Preschool  Kindergarten
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Total Annihilation
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 304 Forum Posts: 34

Russo-German War
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 2

Settlers IV
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 69 Forum Posts: 10

Pocket Tanks
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Delta Force
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 32 Forum Posts: 7

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 13 Forum Posts: 2

Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 510 Forum Posts: 280

Virtual Springfield
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 0 Forum Posts: 0

Patrician 2
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Baldur's Gate
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 290 Forum Posts: 81

Fallout 2
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 223 Forum Posts: 15

Manx TT SuperBike
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 5 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 28 Forum Posts: 0

Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 8 Forum Posts: 0

Mortal Kombat IV
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 10 Forum Posts: 0

Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 42 Forum Posts: 0

Revenge of Marjorie the Chicken
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 2 Forum Posts: 0

Soldier of Fortune II
Working Rating: 4 Popularity: 144 Forum 

Re: [newbie]test, ignore pls

2002-06-30 Per discussione David Elliott

user 'Roger Sherman' failed ignore test.:)

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Re: [newbie]test, ignore pls

2002-06-30 Per discussione David Elliott

user 'Tom Brinkman' failed ignore test.:)

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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 14:31:55 +0900, Pascal Goguey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories 
  you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0.
 Yes, the advantage of having /home, /opt, and /etc _DIRECTORIES_,
 as you write yourself, no doubt about that. But is there any benefit
 of having these on different _PARTITIONS_?

You can't separate /etc because it contains important information that is needed
at boot (i.e. /etc/fstab). It needs to be part of the / partition.

Separating things into different partitions can give you greater
fault-tolerance. If you put everything into one big partition and it gets
corrupted, you'll probably lose everything (assuming a fsck doesn't fix it). If
your /tmp filesystem gets trashed somehow (e.g. it overflows or is corrupted),
and it is separated from the rest of the system, you can easily recover. You may
also gain a little extra speed, but not enough to be noticeable.

  Performing an 'upgrade' to a distro is still not
  as reliable as users would like, and many people are more comfortable 
  with a
  fresh install right down to reformatting the partitions.
 But if you want to install, you don't have to reformat the partition. 
 The installer
 will install every file (thus replacing all the files having the same 
 name), and
 it will work exactly as it would on a clean partition, the only 
 difference being
 that the files that are not use anymore would still remain. as far as 
 the installer
 installs all the necessary files, I cann't see any reason that could 
 make it less
 reliable than a clean (i.e. with formatting) install.
 As for upgrade, you may be right. It depends how the upgrade is done, 
 files are kept and which ones are overwritten...

This is a real problem with RPM-based distros. The Debian distros can upgrade
all they want with no problem. In fact, you only need to install Debian once.
After that you can upgrade as often as you wish.

  If you have just one
  big '/' partition that would mean you would lose all your user data in 
 Only if you reformat.
 I use Mandrake's default formatting, so in case of installing a new 
 I format the  partition in order to clean everything, but it's not 

I put everything in one big partition (my HDD is too small to do otherwise).
When it comes to upgrading, I boot with a rescue disc and mount my GNU/Linux
partition. I delete all directories except /home, reboot, and do a full
installation of Mandrake without formatting anything. The installer sees that
/home already exists, and it doesn't mess it up.

 BeOS used a single partition and it was perfectly possible to install
 without formatting, and without loosing your previous settings.

I always wanted to try out BeOS, but by the time I was ready to install it the
company was ready to fold :( I guess I'll wait and see how the BeOS clones like
OpenBeOS develop before trying those.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I once preached peaceful coexistence with Windows.
   You may laugh at my expense -- I deserve it.
-- Jean-Louis Gassée, founder of BeOS

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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Barry Michels

 This is a real problem with RPM-based distros. The Debian distros can
 upgrade all they want with no problem. In fact, you only need to install
 Debian once. After that you can upgrade as often as you wish.

I would like to know how to do this.  I've been playing with other distros to 
see which one I like best.  The apt-get feature is nice enough that I'm going 
to switch to Debian just for that.  Also, since Familiar and Intimate are 
based on Debian, I can be consistant when switching from my desktop to my 
ipaq.  Anyway, when messing with apt-get, I had to re-install a few times 
because apt-get fried the system.  Maybe because I put the testing feeds into 
the sources list...  I couldn't boot back up after upgrading and I don't know 
enough about Linux to know what was wrong or how to fix it.  When I get done 
re-installing my system, I'm sticking with the stable feed.


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice.org 1.0

2002-06-30 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 30 June 2002 12:56 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Linux Format shows up in the US chain bookstores (Borders, etc) about
 two months later. They must use the old raft from Kon Tiki or
 something. That's OK, though -- I tend to run a little late. too.
 -- cmg

Having written for their publications in the past I can say that Future 
Publishing is not the most efficient organisation; payments tended to 
arrive at irregular intervals and for semi-random amounts ...

You can subscribe online; methinks, even given the bad way the Royal 
Mail is in, it might get there in less than 2 months:


('A full refund on all unmailed issues' if you cancel is reassuring, and 
courtesy of a recent change in UK consumer law :)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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[newbie] How to hard reset a modem from command line???

2002-06-30 Per discussione Franki

Hi guys,

I am writing a script to run on one of my permanently connected dialup
boxes.. it will run every 60 minuites as a crontab..

The two things I am not sure about.. if I want to issue a hard reset to the
modem.. how can I do that from a shell script???

Also, what should I do to physically test if a connection is functioning
properly? I could try pinging a dns server somewhere and capture the result,
grep it or something, but there must be an easier way.. any ideas?
(traceroute maybe?)

I am gonna add alot more to the script, I want it to test the connection 5
times or more before it assumes its not working.
and I want the script to count how many times it issues ifup ppp0 and not
do it more then 5 times an hour..

anyone feel like jumping in with some suggestions???   :-)

Here is what I have so far:


# Set some variables.
IFCONFIG = `which ifconfig`

# Test if ppp0 is ip:
if [ ! -z `$IFCONFIG $EXTERNAL 2/dev/null | grep UP` ];
# Interface ppp0 is up,
# now see if it is working properly.
# try contacting a site. ping? traceroute? other?
# Yet to do that.. wondering what the best method is...

# ppp0 is down.
# Hard reset the modem. (how?)
# Start the ppp0 connection.
ifup ppp0


Thats a long way from finished.. I want the scritp to test the connection 5
times or more.. (I mean try connecting to an external src) before it assumes
the connection isn't working properly, its a dialup machine, so if its
mailing a big file or something, it might not respond for a while.. so I
don't want to assume that one test is definative.

Kindest regards


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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Pascal Goguey

Hello (again!)

 I always wanted to try out BeOS, but by the time I was ready to install 
 it the
 company was ready to fold :( I guess I'll wait and see how the BeOS 
 clones like
 OpenBeOS develop before trying those.

Yes, the OpenBeOS is progressing nicely. I hope it will reach the BeOS 
R5 sometime
this year.
Compared to other systems, it becomes slowly outdated (no support for 
recent hard,
for instance ATA100, ATA 133, etc... But compared to the latest Windows 
I have used,
it still holds a respectable place, althogh it wasn't upgraded for years.
Well, that's it. It's not the proper place to talk about BeOS anyway. 
But watch OpenBeOS,
it may become interesting soon.


 Sridhar Dhanapalan

   I once preached peaceful coexistence with Windows.
  You may laugh at my expense -- I deserve it.
   -- Jean-Louis Gassée, founder of BeOS

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Re: [newbie] BIG trouble

2002-06-30 Per discussione C.Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 26 Jun 2002 9:15 am, you wrote:
 On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 05:58, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Paul wrote:
   In reply to C.Anne's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:01:52 +0100:
  Meanwhile, how should one deal with a problem like this?  I know 'kill'
  is supposed to get you out of trouble, but you need to know what you're
  going to kill, don't you?
   First see if sndconfig (as root) can bring your sound back.
   Secondly, I would advise you to get GPS (Graphical PS).
   This will show you all running processes in a window and allows you to
   Hang Up (SIGHUP) or kill (SIGKILL) processes through a buttonpress.
   You can also sort processes on prio, CPU usage and more, to make
   finding them easier.
   hope this helps,
  Sounds helpful - I'll try to get it.

 Alternatives to GPS may already be on your disks, perhaps even installed.
 Applications  Monitoring  KDE System Guard
 Applications  Monitoring  Process management

 Both will show CPU Usage, Memory Usage, and allow you to kill your
 processes from GUI.

You're right, they're both there.

I'm still having problems with my sound - the startup sound arrives minutes 
or hours after startup - and sure enough aRts was taking a slice of CPU and 
memory.  I used the hang-up (this in Process Management) and got a crash 
message, though it wasn't clear just what had gone.  Anyway, aRts 
disappeared, so I'm waiting to see if the sound problem improves.  I'm 
assuming that I've got a cumulative problem, with a process never completing.


I've just logged out and back in - and the sound's fine!
Multiple problems solved in one! :-)

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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-30 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 30 June 2002 3:25 am, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Ok, I am going to give it a trial run. Someone else also asked if it
 was running so I did services privoxy start from command line and
 now it seems that it is working in Netscape. I will set it for
 Konqueror also since that is my prefered browser.  Thanks for all the
 help folks.  I already see a lack of popups, so let's see what else
 doesn't show up.  Thanks again,

Small molecule of advice; if you bank online switch Privoxy off _for the 
domain_ used by the bank. To do this add the domain to the Exceptions 
in the Manual Proxy Configuration screen, and make sure that 'Only use 
proxy for entries in this list' is _unticked_ (a wonderful user 
interface - that actually means 'Do not use proxy for entries in this 
list' :)

Both my banks (smile.co.uk and newcastle.co.uk) use all sorts of 
Javascript tricks, and I believe most banking sites are similar. 
Privoxy, I suppose, could be laboriously configured to _not_ filter the 
tricks that matter, but it's easier simply to turn it off. In N months 
I've come across no other sites that require Privoxy to be turned off.

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Japanese Input

2002-06-30 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 09:41:29 -0700

 its me again.  i successfully installed kinput2 and freewin RPM on my
 Linux Mandrake 8.2 as well as the Japanese fonts, but shift+space and
 ctrl+/ is still not working.  how can i input hiragana, katakana and
 kanji?  what applications do they usually can be used for?  i tried it
 on advnace editor and kWord but still not working.  is there something
 i missed?  my default language is English and I just like to make
 Japanese available for my console cause my job requires some Japanese
 also, i already configured my keyboard to 106 japanese but none of
 those extra keys work.  I tried to edit the key binding configuration
 but it cant detect the extra keys.  is the windows key really not
 working in mandrake?
 any suggestions?

A few:

1. open mandrake control center -- system -- services and make sure
that jserver is running and that it is set to start at boot.

2. use (as a regular user) /usr/sbin/localedrake to switch your
environment to japanese. 

Now comes the tricky part. Someone once mentioned, either here or on
the expert list, a website with instructions for modifying your personal
.i18n file to support japanese input but leave most system settings in
english. I do not have the url at hand, but it should be in the archives
somewhere. If you can find it, it is very clear and works well. The only
problem i had was that rebooting would reset my .i18n file to totally
english. Which is obviously not a good thing.

If jserver isn't running, or if your environment isn't set to japanese
language, then shift-space won't work.

I too sometimes need japanese for work. since i use latex for almost
everything anyhow, i just use emacs and the latex cjk package to create
japanese docs. since emacs can handle japanese input all by itself,
without needing kinput or jserver, it is a good way to do the occasional
japanese letter or report. but if you need to search the net in japanese
or share japanese language spreadsheets, it isn't gonna help any.

hope this helps,

Chris Spackman

gpg: 9B6B 860E 7C06 787F 366F 5D3E 7152 DCB2 FC51 51B9

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Re: [newbie] print/capture screen

2002-06-30 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 30 June 2002 12:44 am, Todd Slater wrote:

 Then I went to edit my Fluxbox keys file (~/.fluxbox/keys) and
 specified that I want Control + Alt + c to run this script. After
 restarting Fluxbox, all is well. I'm not sure how you do keybindings
 in KDE, but there must be a way.

There's an easier way from KDE - do Alt-F2 then type ksnapshot. The 
snapshot is grabbed immediately you press Return, then the ksnapshot 
window appears and you can do what you like with it.

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Whoopeee

2002-06-30 Per discussione C.Anne Wilson

On Sunday 30 Jun 2002 12:25 am, you wrote:
 I am in the same boat as you, but cannot find how to save or export my
 data to vCal. The only options I see are Organizer native format (.or3),
 text, dBase, and FoxPro. What version of Lotus Organizer are you using?
 I have Organizer 97. I too would like to stop booting to Windows and
 stay put in Linux.


 On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 12:41, C.Anne Wilson wrote:
  Major breakthrough - I have to share.  My life is bound up in my Lotus
  Organizer, and this has been a major stumbling block.  It seemed that
  Evolution would be the way forward, but I could find no way of importing
  my Organizer info.
  Disappointed, I turned to WINE, hoping that would solve the problem.  It
  didn't work.  I looked at a couple of WINE-user newsgroups, where I found
  the opinion that Lotus SmartSuite as a whole was well-nigh impossible.
  Then - I discolvered that Organizer can write vCal files and KOrganizer
  can read them...

I'm using .or5 from SmartSuite Millenium.  vCal was at the bottom of the list 
of export file types.

I don't have SS97 installed any more, but I'll try to contact a friend who 
has and see if she can help.


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Re: [newbie] OO Writer

2002-06-30 Per discussione C.Anne Wilson

On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 2:09 am, you wrote:
 C.Anne Wilson wrote:
 I'll try it, Paul, but I really hate html documentation.  Really, I don't
 like online documentation much, so I tend to print out relevant chunks
  when I'm solving a problem, and with html it just doesn't work.

 Try loading the help file into OO, save it as a Writer document, format
 as desired and print.
 Or for the elegant solution, install LyX and html2latex, import then
 print it out as a beautiful postscript document.

This sounds interest, but it'll have to go on the back burner for now.  I 
think I'm struggling on too many fronts at once.  I'll get there though.


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Re: [newbie] child-protection for Linux?

2002-06-30 Per discussione C.Anne Wilson

I agree - already done that, but it was his concern that po-ups were making 
it difficult for him to comply that started this exchange of ideas.

BTW, grounding had nothing to do with this, just a wakening up period that 
seems to be needed every 6 months or so.

He was accessing through my shared Win98 account.  So far I have not managed 
to sort it out on Linux, and of course I'm spending less time Win98, so there 
is another problem.

I think it may be easier for me to sort out next month when I've put together 
a server box, rather than trying to run the service from this one.


On Friday 28 Jun 2002 11:56 pm, you wrote:
 Perhaps you should also take some time to discuss
 responsable computing with him.. I have found that
 when a child wants to obay the rules, its allot easyer
 getting tehm to do so ;) Also, that would get him to
 not want to disobay out of feeling restricted.. a
 common thing with child development.

 Have fun with MDK ;)

 --- Kenn Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  WHAT A GREAT IDEA !!! Ground the kid so you can get
  the computer yourself ... i wish I had thought of
  --- Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just now he's grounded from his computer, and I'm
   giving all the time I
   can to Mandrake, so I'll get to that one as soon
   I can ;-)
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  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: [newbie] BIG trouble

2002-06-30 Per discussione C.Anne Wilson

On Friday 28 Jun 2002 10:47 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 Jun 2002 9:15 am, you wrote:
  On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 05:58, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Paul wrote:
In reply to C.Anne's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:01:52 +0100:
   Meanwhile, how should one deal with a problem like this?  I know
'kill' is supposed to get you out of trouble, but you need to know
what you're going to kill, don't you?
First see if sndconfig (as root) can bring your sound back.
Secondly, I would advise you to get GPS (Graphical PS).
This will show you all running processes in a window and allows you
to Hang Up (SIGHUP) or kill (SIGKILL) processes through a
You can also sort processes on prio, CPU usage and more, to make
finding them easier.
hope this helps,
   Sounds helpful - I'll try to get it.
  Alternatives to GPS may already be on your disks, perhaps even installed.
  Applications  Monitoring  KDE System Guard
  Applications  Monitoring  Process management
  Both will show CPU Usage, Memory Usage, and allow you to kill your
  processes from GUI.

 You're right, they're both there.

 I'm still having problems with my sound - the startup sound arrives minutes
 or hours after startup - and sure enough aRts was taking a slice of CPU and
 memory.  I used the hang-up (this in Process Management) and got a crash
 message, though it wasn't clear just what had gone.  Anyway, aRts
 disappeared, so I'm waiting to see if the sound problem improves.  I'm
 assuming that I've got a cumulative problem, with a process never


 I've just logged out and back in - and the sound's fine!
 Multiple problems solved in one! :-)

Spoke too soon.

I had to boot Win98 this morning.  Returned immediately to MK but have not 
had any sound since.  Process Management shows artsd as running.

When I 'hung up' before, it gave an error message about noatun crashing.  Is 
this related?  noatun seems to have started at boot-up.

This is getting depressing.


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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Sunday 30 Jun 2002 8:35 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 14:31:55 +0900, Pascal Goguey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories
   you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0.
  Yes, the advantage of having /home, /opt, and /etc _DIRECTORIES_,
  as you write yourself, no doubt about that. But is there any benefit
  of having these on different _PARTITIONS_?

 You can't separate /etc because it contains important information that is
 needed at boot (i.e. /etc/fstab). It needs to be part of the / partition.


True I should not have used /etc as an example. I only mentioned it 
because it contains important configuration settings that get lost if you do 
an Install and so require you to try to remember how you set it all up last 
time. Backing up /etc and then selectively restoring the required config 
files is a better idea.


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Re: [newbie] How to hard reset a modem from command line???

2002-06-30 Per discussione Steve Jeppesen

Check out this guys page.  He has created scripts to do some of what 
you suggested - only for the Linux Router Project.
Not too sure if they work for anything outside of LRP.

Good Luck!

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 17:37:57 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I am writing a script to run on one of my permanently connected dialup
 boxes.. it will run every 60 minuites as a crontab..
 The two things I am not sure about.. if I want to issue a hard reset to the
 modem.. how can I do that from a shell script???
 Also, what should I do to physically test if a connection is functioning
 properly? I could try pinging a dns server somewhere and capture the result,
 grep it or something, but there must be an easier way.. any ideas?
 (traceroute maybe?)
 I am gonna add alot more to the script, I want it to test the connection 5
 times or more before it assumes its not working.
 and I want the script to count how many times it issues ifup ppp0 and not
 do it more then 5 times an hour..
 anyone feel like jumping in with some suggestions???   :-)
 Here is what I have so far:
   # Set some variables.
 IFCONFIG = `which ifconfig`
 EXTERNAL = ppp0
   # Test if ppp0 is ip:
 if [ ! -z `$IFCONFIG $EXTERNAL 2/dev/null | grep UP` ];
   # Interface ppp0 is up,
   # now see if it is working properly.
   # try contacting a site. ping? traceroute? other?
   # Yet to do that.. wondering what the best method is...
   # ppp0 is down.
   # Hard reset the modem. (how?)
   # Start the ppp0 connection.
   ifup ppp0
 Thats a long way from finished.. I want the scritp to test the connection 5
 times or more.. (I mean try connecting to an external src) before it assumes
 the connection isn't working properly, its a dialup machine, so if its
 mailing a big file or something, it might not respond for a while.. so I
 don't want to assume that one test is definative.
 Kindest regards

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Online problem

2002-06-30 Per discussione Jure Repinc

Jose Ventura wrote:
 With me happens the same thing, as result I create a new account and all
 goes good after I create the new account...
 P.S Sorry but my English is not very good
 Jose Ventura

I tried creating several new accounts and I still can't go past that 
screen. I even downloaded the newest file from www.mandrakeonline.net 
and I still can't go on. WTF is going on here?!

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-30 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

On Sunday 30 June 2002 02:32 am, you wrote:

 Yes, Sridhar, you have nailed it.  There is a time and place for html,
 and email is not it.  Kind of like using a backhoe to weed your garden.
 I side with you and all the others who join in the denouncement of the
 heinous html email. :)

 L8r, LX

Add my name to that list as well! grin


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2002-06-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 John Richard Smith wrote:
 | John,
 | Actually it does have an outbox. The send-later function is
 | [CTRL+SHIFT+RETURN] will queue the message for sending later. ut of
 | curiosity, what version of Mozilla are you running?
 | mozilla -v
 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204,
 | build 2002031216
 | Mandrake 8.2 standard issue
 | I tried [Ctrl+Shift+Return] and it just zapped this message off to you.
 | John

 Hi John,

 Ok...now things are starting to make a little more sense. you will want
 to upgrade to the latest release of Mozilla. The latest release is 1.0
 and it's definately awesome, and in much better shape then the version
 you're currently running. you'll see the difference immediately. you can
 grab it from my ftp server if you like. It's a nice fast cable
 connection so you should have any trouble getting good download speed.

 host: mdw1982.dyndns.org
 password: your-email-address
 path: /pub/linux/online
 filename: mozilla-i686-pc-linux-1.0-sea.tar.gz

 This particular tarball comes with an install script so all you have to
 do is untar it, enter the directory created when untarring the package
 and run the install script. real straightforward.

 - --
 - --
 Registered Linux User 182496
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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OK , I will do, I thought that there must be something better  than 
this, else my istall was wonky.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-30 Per discussione Jure Repinc

Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Add my name to that list as well! grin

And mine. I hate HTML e-mails and tell everyone I know to use plain text.

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-30 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 09:52:54 +0100, Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Both my banks (smile.co.uk and newcastle.co.uk) use all sorts of 
 Javascript tricks, and I believe most banking sites are similar. 
 Privoxy, I suppose, could be laboriously configured to _not_ filter the 
 tricks that matter, but it's easier simply to turn it off. In N months 
 I've come across no other sites that require Privoxy to be turned off.

For some strange reason Privoxy blocks pclinuxonline.com. I had to edit one of
the config files to change that.

And in other news, Brazil just beat Germany 2-0 to win the World Cup!!! I was
going for Germany :(

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Maybe somebody should tell gcc maintainers about programmers
that know more than the compiler again.
  -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] FTP

2002-06-30 Per discussione robin

Jason Steinem wrote:

If I have a group of users, how can I set up one
particular directory to be a central ftp directory?

In other words, if I have the directory home/shares,
how can someone ftp  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and log in w/
their username and password?

Two quick and dirty solutions:

1.  Give your users the password for /home/shares;
2.  (slightly less dirty solution) Make all your users members of the 
share group, then set permissions in /home/share to read+write for group.

Sir Robin

We're clouds over the sea, or flecks of matter
in the ocean when the ocean seems lit from within.
I know I'm drunk when I start this ocean talk. - Rumi

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] Windows Games

2002-06-30 Per discussione D. Olson

Firstly, I tried the whole WineX thing. And let me tell you, it sucks.

I was using the CVS (read: FREE) version, of which you can find a tutorial on 
my site:


But since CVS was supposed to suck in comparison to the RPMs that they 
release, I got subscribed for 3 months.

During that time, they released ONE RPM. ONE.

As soon as I got it, I installed it. WineX 2.0.

I have tested over 70 games myself on WineX 2.0, and less than 10% of them 
worked, IIRC. Here is a partial list of the games I tested:


Now, I have a listing along with the installers on this page:


And I think you missed a critical part of my message:

 On Sun, 2002-06-16 at 20:12, D. Olson wrote:
  Oh, only NATIVE games, please.

Why? Cuz WineX performance is less than 50% of the Windows/Linux equivalent. 
Don't argue; it's a fact. I tested it myself, and it was benchmarked on some 
website as well.

I hate WineX, and if we settle for emulated crap, then the developers will 
just say Oh, I see that our work is not appreciated/needed, since Wine(X) is 
good enough for them, so I suppose we won't port this game now.

Emulated can NEVER compare to NATIVE Linux games. EVER.

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Re: [newbie] one more test (sorry!)

2002-06-30 Per discussione Paul Vortex

daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

 whats up man?

I was just seeing if I could filter mail to seperate folders... it worked
fine. (There was no-one posting to the list at the time... so I tried



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Re: [newbie] print/capture screen

2002-06-30 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 11:55:06 +0100
Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 30 June 2002 12:44 am, Todd Slater wrote:
  Then I went to edit my Fluxbox keys file (~/.fluxbox/keys) and
  specified that I want Control + Alt + c to run this script. After
  restarting Fluxbox, all is well. I'm not sure how you do keybindings
  in KDE, but there must be a way.
 There's an easier way from KDE - do Alt-F2 then type ksnapshot. The 
 snapshot is grabbed immediately you press Return, then the ksnapshot 
 window appears and you can do what you like with it.

That is easy. I was looking for a way to call it from CLI without getting
the terminal in the shot. I don't think Fluxbox has any way to do that.


Todd Slater
No use to shout at them to pay attention. If the situations, the
materials, the problems before the child do not interest him, his
attention will slip off to what does interest him, and no amount of
exhortation of threats will bring it back. (John Holt) 

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RE: [newbie] How to hard reset a modem from command line???

2002-06-30 Per discussione Franki

cool, thanks, but that still doesn't help me,,

I need to reset an external serial modem..

something like sending an ATZ directly down the serial port.

any idea bout that???

many thanks..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Jeppesen
Sent: Sunday, 30 June 2002 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to hard reset a modem from command line???

Check out this guys page.  He has created scripts to do some of what
you suggested - only for the Linux Router Project.
Not too sure if they work for anything outside of LRP.

Good Luck!

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 17:37:57 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I am writing a script to run on one of my permanently connected dialup
 boxes.. it will run every 60 minuites as a crontab..

 The two things I am not sure about.. if I want to issue a hard reset to
 modem.. how can I do that from a shell script???

 Also, what should I do to physically test if a connection is functioning
 properly? I could try pinging a dns server somewhere and capture the
 grep it or something, but there must be an easier way.. any ideas?
 (traceroute maybe?)

 I am gonna add alot more to the script, I want it to test the connection 5
 times or more before it assumes its not working.
 and I want the script to count how many times it issues ifup ppp0 and
 do it more then 5 times an hour..

 anyone feel like jumping in with some suggestions???   :-)

 Here is what I have so far:


   # Set some variables.
 IFCONFIG = `which ifconfig`
 EXTERNAL = ppp0

   # Test if ppp0 is ip:
 if [ ! -z `$IFCONFIG $EXTERNAL 2/dev/null | grep UP` ];
   # Interface ppp0 is up,
   # now see if it is working properly.
   # try contacting a site. ping? traceroute? other?
   # Yet to do that.. wondering what the best method is...

   # ppp0 is down.
   # Hard reset the modem. (how?)
   # Start the ppp0 connection.
   ifup ppp0


 Thats a long way from finished.. I want the scritp to test the connection
 times or more.. (I mean try connecting to an external src) before it
 the connection isn't working properly, its a dialup machine, so if its
 mailing a big file or something, it might not respond for a while.. so I
 don't want to assume that one test is definative.

 Kindest regards


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Re: [newbie] BIG trouble

2002-06-30 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Sunday 30 Jun 2002 12:12 pm, you wrote:

  I'm still having problems with my sound - the startup sound arrives
  minutes or hours after startup - and sure enough aRts was taking a slice
  of CPU and memory.  I used the hang-up (this in Process Management) and
  got a crash message, though it wasn't clear just what had gone.  Anyway,
  aRts disappeared, so I'm waiting to see if the sound problem improves. 
  I'm assuming that I've got a cumulative problem, with a process never
  I've just logged out and back in - and the sound's fine!
  Multiple problems solved in one! :-)

 Spoke too soon.

 I had to boot Win98 this morning.  Returned immediately to MK but have not
 had any sound since.  Process Management shows artsd as running.

 When I 'hung up' before, it gave an error message about noatun crashing. 
 Is this related?  noatun seems to have started at boot-up.

 This is getting depressing.


More info -

aRts Control - Status gives the following report:

Artsd should run with realtime scheduling, but it does not (is artswrapper 
suid root?).

The aRts sound daemon will not autosuspend right now since there are active 

Does this help pinpoint the problem?


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[newbie] Sound Problems (was BIG Trouble)

2002-06-30 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Whilst browsing the documentation for XMMS, I checked the XMMS Preferences 
Window.  I foud that the Output Plugin being used was OSS, although aRTS is 
running.  The documentation says that it is very important to get this right, 
but I can find no way of changing it.

It seems all to easy to crash aRTS - perhaps because of this conflict?

Can anyone help, please?


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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-30 Per discussione dfox

 to switch to Debian just for that.  Also, since Familiar and Intimate are 
 based on Debian, I can be consistant when switching from my desktop to my 
 ipaq.  Anyway, when messing with apt-get, I had to re-install a few times 

apt-get does 'exist' more or less for Mandrake as well, but it's 
certainly not a widel-used method. Nevertheless, I've played a bit
with it. I can get some packages upgraded or installed successfully
with it, but most of the time it fails because of connection problems
and not having a decent sources.list. One of the list members sent me
his, but mirror lists seem to change frequently. Either that, or they
were all busy every time I tried upgrading. That's happpened as well
with urpmi. 


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Re: [newbie] Unix Book

2002-06-30 Per discussione dfox

 I don't know about targeting network programming.  But the best book
 I've ever seen on C programming is C How To Program, second edition,

I've heard that Stevens' book is widely regarded to be the definitive
Unix programming text. Others go with Kernighan and Ritchie's book; the
latter is more just a synopsis of the language rather than an intero
programming text. 

Personally, I haven't looked at C or other how to program books in 
quite sometime (I used one called variations in C when I was taking
a C programming course in school) but I'd hazard a guess that many
of them are way too windows or dos-based.


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[newbie] Re: Linux Format (was OpenOffice.org 1.0)

2002-06-30 Per discussione julie

 Linux Format shows up in the US chain bookstores (Borders, etc) about two
 months later. They must use the old raft from Kon Tiki or something. That's
 OK, though -- I tend to run a little late. too.
 -- cmg

Our local Borders Books receives the CD version Linux Format on the 15th/16th 
of the month following publication but only stocks 4 copies of each issue. It 
takes us an hour to get to Borders Books so we decided it was more energy 
efficient and less costly to just subscribe. So instead of US$13.95 per CD 
issue, we are now getting the DVD version for US$8.75 per issue. Our issues 
arrive during the first week of the publication date. Such a deal grin.

We've enjoyed, used and promoted Linux Format magazine to the extent that our 
local library has just subscribed!

Great magazine, fantastic DVD ... not an ad ... just a satisfied customer.

Julie in NW Oregon, USA

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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-30 Per discussione civileme

Barry Michels wrote:

The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more space on
another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have one big
/ partiton?

What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?


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Well, scenario...

You have kde the way you want it.  You have a lot of data in /home.

Now along comes 9.0

If you have a separate /home, you install 9.0 without formatting /home

If you have everything in / then you use Upgrade and cross your 
fingers, or you use upgrade packages only  and ponder how to change 
links and add new things from 9.0


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Re: [newbie] Sound Problems (was BIG Trouble)

2002-06-30 Per discussione civileme

Anne Wilson wrote:

Whilst browsing the documentation for XMMS, I checked the XMMS Preferences 
Window.  I foud that the Output Plugin being used was OSS, although aRTS is 
running.  The documentation says that it is very important to get this right, 
but I can find no way of changing it.

It seems all to easy to crash aRTS - perhaps because of this conflict?

Can anyone help, please?


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chkconfig --del alsa


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Re: [newbie] Writing .iso file to CD (Gcombust)

2002-06-30 Per discussione RichardA

Lyvim Xaphir, Sunday 30 June 2002 06:21:
 On Tue, 2002-06-18 at 13:54, RichardA wrote:
  Hi all,
  This sounds like a daft question... but how do I write an .iso file to a
  cdr using cdrecord?
  I know this often comes up as a problem, but I actually want to do it (to
  archive an .iso image, is that so strange?).

 Gcombust does an excellent job of writing ISO's to CD.  It's also
 capable of alot more; like writing entire directories and sets of files
 to CD.  It acts primarily as a gui frontend to cdrecord.  Very useful


I was being a bit dense - treating the iso as an iso, so of course it got 
unwrapped. All I had to do was to add the iso to the list as an ordinary file.

Thanks anyway,


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Re: [newbie] Re: Linux Format (was OpenOffice.org 1.0)

2002-06-30 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Sunday 30 June 2002 12:17 pm, julie wrote:
  Linux Format shows up in the US chain bookstores (Borders, etc) about two
  months later. They must use the old raft from Kon Tiki or something.
  That's OK, though -- I tend to run a little late. too.
  -- cmg

 Our local Borders Books receives the CD version Linux Format on the
 15th/16th of the month following publication but only stocks 4 copies of
 each issue. It takes us an hour to get to Borders Books so we decided it
 was more energy efficient and less costly to just subscribe. So instead of
 US$13.95 per CD issue, we are now getting the DVD version for US$8.75 per
 issue. Our issues arrive during the first week of the publication date.
 Such a deal grin.

 We've enjoyed, used and promoted Linux Format magazine to the extent that
 our local library has just subscribed!

 Great magazine, fantastic DVD ... not an ad ... just a satisfied customer.

 Julie in NW Oregon, USA

Let's see now -- I save better than $5.00 an issue, and it gets here sooner. 
Excellent idea. Thanks.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie]test, ignore pls

2002-06-30 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 13:34, tom brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday 29 June 2002 06:43 pm, Femme wrote:
  stupid evolution

 stupid Darwin

What's pls?   ;~

Forget Darwins other book. Read Voyage of the Beagle. Then evolution isn't 
a problem.

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Re: [newbie] enlarge a linux partition?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

Can someone explain this Partition Table
and how could I change it to affect the size of the pPartitions?

%begin Partition_Table
%end Partition_Table
Gerald Waugh 
http://frontstreetnetworks.com  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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Re: [newbie] enlarge a linux partition?

2002-06-30 Per discussione g2

On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 23:01, Zlatko Savic wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 my question is simple but solution might not be.
 I have installed some time ago MD 7.2 and have only / and /home mounted 
 on two partitions. I need to enlarge my / (root) partition because I 
 continue adding applications but there is not much space left. Should I 
 simply use Partition Magic and enlarge it, or maybe create another 
 partition and mount it on /usr or /etc or any other space-consuming 

I had the same problem before I installed Mandrake 8.2.  What I did was
I installed System Commander its for windows though, but in case you
dont know, well it runs in the MRB so you have to reinstall or configure
your linux again.

With System Commander I was able to reduce the size of my windows
partition (who needs it anyway).  It works fine plus a very good GUI so
Im sure you'll be having no problem.  When you're through, just
uninstall it then reconfigure your Mandrake.


intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent
RLU # 278414

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[Fwd: Re: [newbie] enlarge a linux partition?]

2002-06-30 Per discussione g2

 Hey everyone,
 my question is simple but solution might not be.
 I have installed some time ago MD 7.2 and have only / and /home
 on two partitions. I need to enlarge my / (root) partition because I
 continue adding applications but there is not much space left. Should
 simply use Partition Magic and enlarge it, or maybe create another 
 partition and mount it on /usr or /etc or any other

I installed System Commander. 

Plus ofcourse, it helps if you do a disk defragging so the available
spaces are intact and together

intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent
RLU # 278414


On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 23:01, Zlatko Savic wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 my question is simple but solution might not be.
 I have installed some time ago MD 7.2 and have only / and /home mounted 
 on two partitions. I need to enlarge my / (root) partition because I 
 continue adding applications but there is not much space left. Should I 
 simply use Partition Magic and enlarge it, or maybe create another 
 partition and mount it on /usr or /etc or any other space-consuming 

I had the same problem before I installed Mandrake 8.2.  What I did was
I installed System Commander its for windows though, but in case you
dont know, well it runs in the MRB so you have to reinstall or configure
your linux again.

With System Commander I was able to reduce the size of my windows
partition (who needs it anyway).  It works fine plus a very good GUI so
Im sure you'll be having no problem.  When you're through, just
uninstall it then reconfigure your Mandrake.


intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent
RLU # 278414

---End Message---

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[newbie] Is there anything similar to HyperTerminal? YES MINICOM

2002-06-30 Per discussione g2

On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 23:07, Randy Kramer wrote:
  Is there an app that will alow me to configure routers, switches etc via serial 
console connections?
 Well, I know there is, I've just never tried it from Linux.  Don't know
 if telnet would do the job, if not there are some tools with tty in the
 name (like mintty, etc.??) that might do the job.  
 Hopefully someone with more knowledge will answer you!
hi I happen to experienced that problem, try using minicom, a very good
terminal emulator that can connect to your serial devices.  

you have to configure it first by running #minicom -s.  if you have any
problems using it, Ill be happy to help.


 Randy Kramer

intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent
RLU # 278414

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[newbie] Belkin UPS

2002-06-30 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

I finally purchased and installed a Belkin F6C525-SER UPS. (The SER 
means that it can communicate to the box via a serial connection -- in my 
case, ttyS0/COM1). My next step is to install software that will shut my 8.2 
system down when the power dies. Belkin offers Linux software to do this for 
various distributions. Sadly, Mandrake is not one of them, so I'll probably 
try Belkin's Redhat 7.2 stuff, but I'd like to hear from someone who has been 
down this road about pitfalls, alternative software. Really Good News is also 
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] print/capture screen

2002-06-30 Per discussione Damian G

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 19:10:10 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 19:28:53 -0300
 Damian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 10:50:54 -0400
  Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 11:55:06 +0100
   Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There's an easier way from KDE - do Alt-F2 then type ksnapshot. The 
snapshot is grabbed immediately you press Return, then the ksnapshot
window appears and you can do what you like with it.
   That is easy. I was looking for a way to call it from CLI without
   getting the terminal in the shot. I don't think Fluxbox has any way to
   do that.
  uhm.. add it to your menu?
  edit ~/.fluxbox/menu
  add a line like this:
  [submenu] (Snapshot-tool)
  [exec] (Ksnapshot) {ksnapshot}
 Yes, I have that in my menu already, but it won't work unless you have
 some free desktop to click in. Is there a keyboard shortcut for bringing
 up the menu?

umm, if there is, i'm not aware of it, however you can always set up
key-bindings for stuff. have you tried it?

in this case, edit ~/.fluxbox/keys

and, for example, if you wanna open Ksnapshot with 
the Window$ key + k then the line to be added would be like:

Mod4 K   :ExecCommand ksnapshot

maybe you already know about his too, but.. well, just in case
you needed it ;o)

( Mod4 means the windoze key, Mod1 means Alt key aww gawd i
forgot the rest. )

damn fever.. i'll go to bed now.


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Re: [newbie]test, ignore pls

2002-06-30 Per discussione et

only meant to be humorous, since I am sure that everyone that reads it can 
use a computer.. (my self being the obvious and oblivious exception) 

On Sunday 30 June 2002 07:53 pm, you wrote:
 On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, et wrote:
  On Sunday 30 June 2002 05:34 pm, you wrote:
   On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, David Elliott wrote:
user 'Roger Sherman' failed ignore test.:)
   I forgot to study...;-D
  you do know that if you had studied, you could have learned how to use a
  computer by the time you reached this age no kidding...


 Hmmm...I can't tell if this is a joke or a flame...unfortunately, it
 wasn't funny, either way. So I guess thats ten seconds of my life I'll
 never have back.

 Too bad...could have spent it studying...

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[newbie] Grep..?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Damian G

hi listers ... 

maybe my brains are working slower than usual as i think the winter 
caught up on me and i'm feeling kinda... dead.

anyway, here's my problem:

i've read the man page for Grep and i really can't figure out
wether what i want to do is possible or not.

i have a lot of backup  CD's and everytime i needed to restore 
something i had to look for it in avery single one of them, as
maintaining a list of all of their contents would be a job demanding
more time and patience than i have.

so, basically i started inserting every backup CD i had and doing

ls -R /mnt/cdrom  /home/user/cds/cd**.txt

where the ** is a number. 

this way i got a pretty raw list of the contents of each CD.
now, i need grep to tell me inside of which file the search
criteria is found. for example i run this:

cat /home/user/cds/* | grep -10 gaim

it shows me the Gaim rpm file, 10 lines above, and 10 lines below.
that's fine but now i need to know inside of which file it found that!

is that possible?



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Re: [newbie] Grep..?

2002-06-30 Per discussione Damian G

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 22:35:02 -0300
Damian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi listers ... 
 maybe my brains are working slower than usual as i think the winter 
 caught up on me and i'm feeling kinda... dead.
 anyway, here's my problem:
 i've read the man page for Grep and i really can't figure out
 wether what i want to do is possible or not.
 i have a lot of backup  CD's and everytime i needed to restore 
 something i had to look for it in avery single one of them, as
 maintaining a list of all of their contents would be a job demanding
 more time and patience than i have.
 so, basically i started inserting every backup CD i had and doing
 ls -R /mnt/cdrom  /home/user/cds/cd**.txt
 where the ** is a number. 
 this way i got a pretty raw list of the contents of each CD.
 now, i need grep to tell me inside of which file the search
 criteria is found. for example i run this:
 cat /home/user/cds/* | grep -10 gaim
 it shows me the Gaim rpm file, 10 lines above, and 10 lines below.
 that's fine but now i need to know inside of which file it found that!
 is that possible?

never mind... figured it out myself. first attempt AFTER i made the

some days you are better off not stepping out of your bed.




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Re: [newbie]test, ignore pls

2002-06-30 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, et wrote:

 only meant to be humorous, since I am sure that everyone that reads it can 
 use a computer.. (my self being the obvious and oblivious exception) 

Heh...my apologies, then...you caught me at a bad time...

 On Sunday 30 June 2002 07:53 pm, you wrote:
  On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, et wrote:
   On Sunday 30 June 2002 05:34 pm, you wrote:
On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, David Elliott wrote:
 user 'Roger Sherman' failed ignore test.:)
I forgot to study...;-D
   you do know that if you had studied, you could have learned how to use a
   computer by the time you reached this age no kidding...
  Hmmm...I can't tell if this is a joke or a flame...unfortunately, it
  wasn't funny, either way. So I guess thats ten seconds of my life I'll
  never have back.
  Too bad...could have spent it studying...

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] C++

2002-06-30 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

Assalamu alaikum,

can you compile these programs and tell me what you get?


//: C13:PStashTest.cpp
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
//{L} PStash
// Test of pointer Stash
#include PStash.h
#include ../TICPP-2nd-ed-Vol-one-code/require.h
#include iostream
#include fstream
#include string
using namespace std;

class Counted {
	int id;
	static int count;
	Counted() : id(count++){
	cout  Constructed id =   id  endl;}
	~Counted(){ cout  Destructed id =   id  endl;}
	friend ostream operator(ostream os, Counted a);

ostream  operator(ostream os, Counted a) { os  a.id; return os;}

int main() {
  PStash intStash;
  // 'new' works with built-in types, too. Note
  // the pseudo-constructor syntax:
  for(int i = 0; i  25; i++)
intStash.add(new Counted);
  for(int j = 0; j  intStash.count(); j++)
cout  intStash[  j  ] = 
  *(Counted*)intStash[j]  endl;
  // Clean up:
  for(int k = 0; k  intStash.count(); k++)
delete (Counted*)intStash.remove(k);
  ifstream in (ch13_3.cpp);
  assure(in, ch13_3.cpp);
  PStash stringStash;
  string line;
  while(getline(in, line))
stringStash.add(new string(line));
  // Print out the strings:
  for(int u = 0; stringStash[u]; u++)
cout  stringStash[  u  ] = 
  *(string*)stringStash[u]  endl;
  // Clean up:
  for(int v = 0; v  stringStash.count(); v++)
delete (string*)stringStash.remove(v);
} ///:~

//: C13:PStash.cpp {O}
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Pointer Stash definitions
#include PStash.h
#include ../TICPP-2nd-ed-Vol-one-code/require.h
#include iostream
#include cstring // 'mem' functions
using namespace std;

int PStash::add(void* element) {
  const int inflateSize = 10;
  if(next = quantity)
  storage[next++] = element;
  return(next - 1); // Index number

// No ownership:
PStash::~PStash() {
  for(int i = 0; i  next; i++)
require(storage[i] == 0, 
  PStash not cleaned up);
  delete []storage; 

// Operator overloading replacement for fetch
void* PStash::operator[](int index) const {
  require(index = 0,
PStash::operator[] index negative);
  if(index = next)
return 0; // To indicate the end
  // Produce pointer to desired element:
  return storage[index];

void* PStash::remove(int index) {
  void* v = operator[](index);
  // Remove the pointer:
  if(v != 0) storage[index] = 0;
  return v;

void PStash::inflate(int increase) {
  const int psz = sizeof(void*);
  void** st = new void*[quantity + increase];
  memset(st, 0, (quantity + increase) * psz);
  memcpy(st, storage, quantity * psz);
  quantity += increase;
  delete []storage; // Old storage
  storage = st; // Point to new memory
} ///:~

//: C13:PStash.h
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Holds pointers instead of objects
#ifndef PSTASH_H
#define PSTASH_H

class PStash {
  int quantity; // Number of storage spaces
  int next; // Next empty space
   // Pointer storage:
  void** storage;
  void inflate(int increase);
  PStash() : quantity(0), storage(0), next(0) {}
  int add(void* element);
  void* operator[](int index) const; // Fetch
  // Remove the reference from this PStash:
  void* remove(int index);
  // Number of elements in Stash:
  int count() const { return next; }
#endif // PSTASH_H ///:~

//: :require.h
// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition
// Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (c) Bruce Eckel 2000
// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt
// Test for error conditions in programs
// Local using namespace std for old compilers
#ifndef REQUIRE_H
#define REQUIRE_H
#include cstdio
#include cstdlib
#include fstream
#include string

inline void require(bool requirement, 
  const std::string msg = Requirement failed){
  using namespace std;
  if (!requirement) {
fputs(msg.c_str(), stderr);
fputs(\n, stderr);

inline void requireArgs(int argc, int args, 
  const std::string msg = 
Must use %d arguments) {
  using namespace std;
   if (argc != args + 1) {
 fprintf(stderr, msg.c_str(), args);
 fputs(\n, stderr);

inline void requireMinArgs(int argc, int minArgs,
  const std::string msg =
Must use at least %d arguments) {
  using namespace std;
  if(argc  minArgs + 1) {
fprintf(stderr, msg.c_str(), minArgs);
fputs(\n, stderr);
inline void assure(std::ifstream in, 
  const std::string filename = ) {
  using namespace std;
  if(!in) {
fprintf(stderr, Could not open file %s\n,

Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] enlarge a linux partition?]

2002-06-30 Per discussione D. Olson

I used DiskDrake to resize / on my wife's PC. How? I booted from the install 

Worked fine here.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Wine Powerpoint 97

2002-06-30 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All,

Has anyone used wine to run Powerpont 97 successfully? If so, which wine did 
you use and what did you have to do to make it work? I know that Codeweavers 
has a commercial product that runs Powerpoint 2000 but I only have Powerpoint 
97 and would like to use that.  Thanks.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] print/capture screen

2002-06-30 Per discussione Josef Lowder

Alastair wrote: 
 There's an easier way from KDE - do Alt-F2 then type ksnapshot. The
 snapshot is grabbed immediately you press Return, then the ksnapshot
 window appears and you can do what you like with it. 

This is helpful . . . however, my original question was: is there any way to 
do a Print Screen in Linux . . .  which would be comparable in 
simplicity and ease-of-use  . . . to the way it works with MS windows? 

Again, I want to emphasize that I am definitely pro-Linux, however when 
something as useful and basic as Print Screen works as well and efficiently 
as it does under MS windows, then I would hope that the Linux community 
would be eager to develop an equal or superior functionality for Linux. 

In this case, it seems that what has been suggested for Linux thus far is 
not nearly as simple and efficient as as the MS Print Screen feature. 

Simplicity and easy of use is not subjective.  It is determined by how few 
steps (keystrokes and separate manual operations) are required. 

In the case of MS Print Screen, there are only two steps: 

#1. Press the Print Screen button. 
#2. Press paste in any application program in which one desires to place 
the captured image. 

I use it numerous times almost every day, capturing screen prints and 
pasting them in LView (the most easy-to-use, versatile, graphics tool I 
have), or in Paint or in Paint Shop Pro or in Pagemaker or in any other 
application program where I can quickly and easily crop, resize, or edit the 
captured image. 

For comparison, using Ksnapshot with Linux, there are literally dozens of 
steps and keystrokes involved in saving a captured image to a file then 
opening that file within any given application program. 

Why is it not possible, with Linux, to use the Print Screen key to simply 
capture a screen image into memory (as MS clipboard apparently does) so that 
it can be pasted, from memory, into any given application program without 
having to go through all the extra steps of saving the captured image to a 
file first and then several more steps and keystrokes to import the saved 
file into any given application? 

Surely there must be a way to do this. 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie]test, ignore pls

2002-06-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

Femme wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 19:24, Roger Sherman wrote:
On 29 Jun 2002, Femme wrote:

stupid evolution

Come on, now...without it, we'd still be amoebas! ;-D
 You Sir, are in gross violation of highjacking my thread !  Esp. when I
 was *and still am* cursing evolutions seemingly bizarre behaviour.  I
 want to delete a post, it jumps to a seemingly random post afterwards
 sometimes after i hit the delete key!?

Well Femme,

there are only 999 more email clients out there waiting for you try them 
out. Why waste time with something that doesn't want to behave itself?

Registered Linux User 182496

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