Re: [newbie-it] Mail

2003-02-16 Per discussione syd
* Emiliano La Licata wrote:
 Dunque, se uso Kmail come client di posta, crea una dir mail in /home/user/,
 Qualcuno mi sa dire quale programma o comando fa in modo che la posta vada in 

Probabilmente ho capito male.. comunque se vuoi che la dir di lavoro
di kamil sia /var/spool/mail o usi la tecnica del symlink (~/Mail -
/var/spool/mail) oppure entri nel file di configurazione di kmail e
gli dici di lavorare sulla dir che vuoi tu.

$ tuoeditorpreferito ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc



folders=/var/spool/mail - questa e' la stringa che devi aggiungere
   all'interno della sezione General


Slackware 8.1 * k 2.4.18

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-16 Per discussione Alessandro Piaser

- Original Message -
From: Andrea Cecagallina

 Un'altra alternativa è Knoppix: nel senso che ti puoi fare la
 come vuoi tu...

 Ah. io ti dico tutto questo in teoria Nel senso che mi sto
interessando delle varie cose, ma non è che sia un esperto :)

S,i ma Knoppix è un live cd, che con le opportune operazioni può essere
installato su un computer, ma girando da cd ha bisogno di un computer con
hardware recente, non certo il cdrom 2x mi trovo a disposizione, quinidi
reputo anche se da neofita molto meglio fare un'installazione tradizionale
fatta bene, ma è farla bene su macchine con risorse limitate che mi risulta
Ad esempio ho provato ad installare la mandrake 9.0 sulla macchina in
questione e mi sono ritrovato con alcune sorprese.



Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-16 Per discussione Alessandro Piaser

- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Non è un problema di distribuzione, anche se Mandrake è pensata per
   molto grafici. Qualunque distro tu decida di provare,
   - metti molta swap, minimo 48M
   - non usare kde o gnome, ma un window-manager leggero es. Icewm
 sceglietene uno in
   - scordati openoffice pesantissimo e anche koffice (leggero solo se
  lanciato da
 kde, che a sua volta è pesante), ma guarda Abiword+gnumeric o siag
 Le linee fondamentali da seguire sono queste:

 X è solo un sistema per indirizzare i punti dello schermo
 Tutti gli oggetti grafici (bottoni, bordi, ...) stanno nelle librerie
 grafiche. Le più usate sono Gtk, Qt, Motif/Lesstif, 
 Usando le librerie grafiche vengono preparati i Window-Manager e i vari
 Ad un livello più alto dei Window-Manager (hanno una forte integrazione
 tra le applicazioni) ci sono i desktop (KDE, GNOME, CDE, XFCE) che sono
 ovviamente più pesanti.

 Se devi stare leggero, devi stare attento a due cose:
 - non usare i desktop che sono pesantissimi (tranne xfce, che è solo
 - non usare contemporaneamente applicazioni e window-manager basati
 su librerie grafiche diverse: dovresti caricare in ram entrambe le

 ciao, Andrea

Ciao Andrea,
ti scrivo per aggiornarti sull'installazione di mandrake 9 in base ai tuoi
suggerimenti, e anche per chiarire qualcosa che mi è sembrato strano e
ovviamente qualche altro suggerimento non guasterebbe.

Storia di un'ordinaria installazione?

Partiamo dall'inizio.
Prima di tutto ho creato un disco floppy per fare il boot e procedere con
l'installazione da cd, ma ahimè l'installazione si presenta in modalità
testo (presumo per la poca ram a disposizione). Arrivo al partizionamento
del disco che faccio fare in maniera automatica da
mandrake e mi crea due partizioni una da 427Mb ext3 e una da 89Mb swap.
L'installazione continua e cosa strana al momento della scelta dei gruppi
dei pacchetti mi dice che non c'è abbastanza spazio l'unica scelta e
annulare, mi si presenta quindi un altro menù con scritto scegli i
pacchetti da installare (penso ad una selezione singola) premo ok e
l'installazione iniza senza chiedermi nulla fino alla configurazione di X...
si arriva così al termine dell'installazione col messaggio di riavvio del
sistema e la rimozione dei floppy o cd.
In pratica mi sono ritrovato una serie di files di sistema  e scelti
dall'installer senza poter intervenire in alcun modo.
Domanda: ma è normale la mancata scelta dei pacchetti?

Ho scelto di installare XFree86 ver. 4.2 invece della 3.x ho fatto bene?
incide sulla pesantezza del sistema.

Durante l'installazione sono stati installati dei componenti per la rete, ma
non ne ho nessuno come faccio a sapere quali sono e a togliere quelli

Al primo avvio del sistema, X parte in automatico all'avvio come scelto
nell'installazione e al login in modalità grafica è presente una finestra
xconsole con scritto Console log for localhost.localdomain e non da
possibilità di scriverci. E' normale che ci sia?
Effettuato il login mi compare il windows manager Mandrake-Twm con uniche
applicazioni disponibili xmag, xconsole, xkill, xconfig.

Dopo molto tempo ho capito che twm è della stessa famiglia di icewm, molto
più scano e fornito assieme a X, e qui mi sono ingeniato a fare l'avvio del
sistema in modalità interattiva  evitanto di caricare tutto o quasi quello
che mi veniva proposto (spero di non aver fatto qualche casino) per
guadagnarmi il login testuale e la riga di comando dalla quale ho installato
xterm e icevw-light presenti sui cd.
In un secondo tempo ho installato icevw e relative dipendenze:
mandrake_desk, libimlib, libungif e imlib che non so bene a cosa servono ma
era molto chiaro che senza icewm non si sarebbe installato.
Mi sono quindi detto se ho installato icevw a cosa mi serve icevw-light? lo
tolgo e con mia grande sorpresa al comando rmp -e mi dice che il pacchetto
non è installato e nemmeno gli altri che ho installato in seguito, ma ci
sono, li uso, perchè mi dice questo??

Mi piacerebbe installare anche qualche programma per la gestione grafica dei
pacchetti rpm e un file manager tipo konqueror e magari un programma per la
gestione delle periferiche e magari un organizxer il tutto ovviamente
leggero cosa mi consigli?

E per concludere mi sa tanto che l'hardware non è stato tutto rilevato e
configurato correttamente, uno per tutti il famoso lettore cdrom con
interfaccia proprietaria su scheda sound blaster16, ma essendo abituato al
mandrake control center e tool di configurazione vari non so come fare.
Da quello che ho letto negli howto è necessario installare un driver kernel
apposito l'sbpcd, ma da qui in poi comincia l'avventura, mi piacerebbe
proprio farlo funzionare dato che per installare mandrake ho dovuto  fare
un collegamento volante con un altro cdrom.

Ti ringrazio per la pazienza e a presto


Re: [newbie-it] Mail

2003-02-16 Per discussione mdk666
la dir /var/spool/mail viene usata quando hai un web server attivo, che si 
collega al pop3 e mette la posta utenti li. Non so bene a cosa può 
servirti mettere la posta di kmail in /var/spool/mail puoi comunque 
spostare la cartella /home/utente/Mail in /var/spool/mail e creare un  

On Saturday 15 February 2003 15:30, Emiliano La Licata wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,

 Dunque, se uso Kmail come client di posta, crea una dir mail in
 /home/user/, Qualcuno mi sa dire quale programma o comando fa in modo
 che la posta vada in /var/spool/mail?


Re: [newbie-it] Ambiente Grafico

2003-02-16 Per discussione Andrea Cecagallina
At 23.58 15/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

facceli vedere questi errori
(e comunque quel modo di uscire non è pulitissimo...)

Appena riutilizzo il Pc a casa li copio ed incollo in un file


Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-16 Per discussione Andrea Cecagallina
At 13.03 16/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

S,i ma Knoppix è un live cd, che con le opportune operazioni può essere
installato su un computer, ma girando da cd ha bisogno di un computer con
hardware recente, non certo il cdrom 2x mi trovo a disposizione, quinidi
reputo anche se da neofita molto meglio fare un'installazione tradizionale
fatta bene, ma è farla bene su macchine con risorse limitate che mi risulta

Qualche tempo fa si era parlato di minidistribuzioni, cioè quelle 
destinate a funzionare su macchine non proprio recenti... :)
Se cerchi nell'archivio della lista trovi i link principali


Re: [newbie-it] Mail

2003-02-16 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 19:35, domenica 16 febbraio 2003, mdk666 ha scritto:

 la dir /var/spool/mail viene usata quando hai un web server attivo, che si
 collega al pop3 e mette la posta utenti li. Non so bene a cosa può
 servirti mettere la posta di kmail in /var/spool/mail puoi comunque
 spostare la cartella /home/utente/Mail in /var/spool/mail e creare un

Ti spiego, sto smanettando con emacs e sto imparando a leggere la posta con 
Rmail che quando controlla la posta fa una copia delle mail contenute in 

Ma adesso ho trovato altre istruzioni su Rmail che forse evitano questi 

Ciao grazie 

Re: [newbie-it] Ambiente Grafico

2003-02-16 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 15:29, sabato 15 febbraio 2003, Andrea Cecagallina ha scritto:
 At 20.25 14/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:
 1. modificando /etc/inittab e mettendo initdefault:3
 all'avvio entri in runlevel 3; quindi ti logghi in modo testo e con
 startx avvii l'interfaccia grafica.
 quando esci da x rientri in modo testo [in questo caso
 Crtl+Alt+Backspace chiudono x facendoti ritrovate la shell nuda e

 Questa deve essere la mia situazione attuale (a parte che lancio
 l'interfaccia grafica con KDE...)
 Se non che uscendo da X, mi sembra che dia degli errori; premo  Enter e mi
 rimostra il prompt (il $ tanto per capirci...)

 sugli AIL trovi tutta la sequenza di init  sistem V spiegata bene

 Ok, dove li posso trovare/scaricare?

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] lettura file html con Konqueror

2003-02-16 Per discussione Paolo Schiavo
Uso il mandrake 9.0 e non mi ha creato mai problemi, almeno fino a ieri. 
Adesso ogni qaulvolta cerco di aprire un file.html con Konqueror (sia in 
linea che fuori) mi si blocca tutto. Dopo alcuni momenti riprendo il 
controllo del mouse ritornano le icone che erano scomparse, la finestra del 
konqueror si chiude senza, ovviamente, che abbia potuto vedere il documento. 
Onestamente non ho capito cosa è successo.
Qualcuno sa darmi dei consigli? Grazie

[newbie-it] problemi di suono

2003-02-16 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
durante l'installazione della distribuzione mandrake linux 9.0, il programma di 
installazione non rileva la mia scheda sonora ess audiodrive es1868 (ISA). a un certo 
punto il programma di installazione mi chiede se ho una scheda audio ISA, cliccando su 
SI il programma installa dei pacchetti e alla fine mi dice di eseguire il comando 
sndconfig dopo il reboot. ho eseguito sndconfig, ma una volta cliccato ok, non 
sembra rilevare alcunchè... come posso installare la scheda sonora?

[newbie-it] problemi di scheda video

2003-02-16 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
la mia scheda video s3 trio64v2 (2 Mb) non sembra funzionare a dovere con mandrake 
linux 9.0... avete qualche suggerimento da darmi per configurarla al meglio?

Re: [newbie-it] problemi di scheda video

2003-02-16 Per discussione miKe
Alle 20:19, domenica 16 febbraio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 la mia scheda video s3 trio64v2 (2 Mb) non sembra funzionare a
 dovere con mandrake linux 9.0... avete qualche suggerimento da
 darmi per configurarla al meglio?

intanto, che errori hai, o che problemi...
poi manda le parti significative di xf86config




Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL

2003-02-16 Per discussione Corrado
Il sab, 2003-02-15 alle 21:46, CyberPenguin ha scritto:

 AFAIK nessun attuale ISP garantisce un minimo di larghezza di banda :-(
 Ho sentito di gente che in adsl, in certi periodi, ha un downstream di circa 
 30K ...

Per la verità leggendo un servizio a riguardo su una rivista, pare
invece ci siano... Il canone è *considerevolmente* più alto e la
velocità massima teorica è più bassa, ma ovviamente il collegamento è
più veloce, essendo garantita una banda minima... Cerco quella rivista e
poi postero info più precise.


[newbie-it] Editing Video

2003-02-16 Per discussione Corrado
Qualcuno usa Cinelerra o altri programmi di editing video? Avrei bisogno
di sapere come sovrappore un logo a un filmato...


Re: [newbie-it] ADSL

2003-02-16 Per discussione ghibli
 Per la verità leggendo un servizio a riguardo su una rivista, pare
 invece ci siano... Il canone è *considerevolmente* più alto e la
 velocità massima teorica è più bassa, ma ovviamente il collegamento è
 più veloce, essendo garantita una banda minima... Cerco quella rivista
 e poi postero info più precise.

quelle che sono garantite sono velocita' massime di picco PCR,ma nessuno 
garantisce la banda vera e propria disponibile solo con le cdn


[newbie-it] HP photosmart 120

2003-02-16 Per discussione ghibli
Qualcuno ha la vaga idea di come scaricare da detta macchina digitale le 
foto su PC con Mandracchio?


[newbie-it] blocco kppp

2003-02-16 Per discussione Guido Milanese
Una domanda su un problema minore (una volta tanto!). Da quando ho la 
mandrake 9.0 (powerpack acquistato in negozio) mi succede una cosa 
strana con kppp. Partito il programma, si blocca su inizializzazione 
modem. Interrompo, rifaccio partire, e tutto va a posto. La questione 
del 'X3' nella stringa di inizializzazione è a posto. Suggerimenti?


Guido Milanese
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italy

[newbie] KDE 3.1

2003-02-16 Per discussione Gil Katz
I'm starting a new thread because this is a big problem
I downloaded all the rpm's from textar and did what the readme file instructed 
to do , that is logout login to gnome remove kde and then start to install.
after doing that i reboot and login to kde
now i don't have my desktop i.e i cant create shortcuts on it nor change 
wallpaper, the konqueror crush each time i start it, the screensaver doesn't 
work etc.
help please
So long, And thanks for all the fish.

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Re: [newbie] Logitech 3000 questions?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Sunday 16 February 2003 00:21, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Anyone got the Logitech 3000 actually working?

I can testify that it works great for me and I did not have to do 
anything to get it working. Since I did not have to do anything (it 
worked automatically) I do not have any tips on how to get it working. 
One tip I have for when you do get it working is that you will probably 
need to download the pwcx module to get the proper size of picture. 

My favorite webcam application for Linux is camstream.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Logitech 3000 questions?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Sunday 16 February 2003 00:21, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 It looks like the modules that are needed are there:


You don't need cqcam. Pwc is the correct module for this cam. I am not 
saying having cqcam loaded is the cause of your problem, but I would 
try unloading it just in case.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Update database

2003-02-16 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 15 Feb 2003 10:33 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
  I'm running updatedb - is this not right?

 What are you trying to update?
 RPM or the locate command DB?

 From the man page of updatedb:
updatedb - update the slocate database
 The slocate DB is not the same.  They have entirely 2 different jobs and
 functions.  locate uses the DB created by updatedb, which is just a small
 DB of all files on the entire system at the time updatedb was ran.
 rpm --rebuilddb rebuilds the DB for the RPM's that are installed and
 everything that is included in rpm files.

OK.  The original message came in response to a slocate enquiry.  I'm trying 
to update the locate database, then, in this case.  Perhaps I should also 
update the rpm database daily, too, but that's a separate issue.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Update database

2003-02-16 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 12:06 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Saturday 15 Feb 2003 2:56 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I thought I had set up a cron job (using webmin) to update the database
  every night.  Indeed, I thought I had seen indication that it had run,
  but today I have seen
  slocate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8
  days old
  How can I find what went wrong?  Could it be that I have set it as a user
  and it needs to be root?

 Yes updatedb needs to be run as root.

OK - I'll look into changing that.

 Another potential problem is if your computer is switched off when the job
 is due to run. Cron will not run jobs whose time has passed. The solution
 is to install anacron which will check for missed jobs and run them.

I run 24/7 unless I'm away for a few days.

 BTW: a cron job to run updatedb is already part of the cron.weekly job.
 So your job should be unneccessary

Which makes it even odder, that it should report as being more than 8 days 
old, doesn't it?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.1

2003-02-16 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:57 am, Gil Katz wrote:
 I'm starting a new thread because this is a big problem
 I downloaded all the rpm's from textar and did what the readme file
 instructed to do , that is logout login to gnome remove kde and then start
 to install. after doing that i reboot and login to kde
 now i don't have my desktop i.e i cant create shortcuts on it nor change
 wallpaper, the konqueror crush each time i start it, the screensaver
 doesn't work etc.
 help please

Did you check the forums at, Tex's website, for a 
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] KDE 3.1 No Anti-aliasing

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jordan Elver
Hi everyone,
I just upgraded to KDE 3.1 which went suprisingly well (Thanks for eberyones 
advise). One problem though. I now don't have anti aliased fonts. It's turned 
on in the KDE control center, but it doesn't work. How can I turn it on?

Jordan Elver
Put the key of despair into the lock of apathy. Turn the knob of mediocrity 
slowly and open the gates of despondency - welcome to a day in the average 
office. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Another possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione Sharrea
On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:26, g wrote:
 Sharrea wrote:
  I would think that to use vfat you would have to make the mountpoint on
  a partition that is formatted vfat.

 not true.

 one of many beauties of linux and unix is that you can mount just
 anything any where, as long as you have drivers set up for what you are

 unlike oos, linux and unix are 'channeling systems'.

Thanks for pointing that out, g.  Yet another thing to store away in my 
not-so-good memory with a memo attached 'must also learn more about ...'

Mandrake Linux 9.0

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[newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jerry Barton
Couldn't help but LMAO when i read THIS one.

Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] Another possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione et
On Saturday 15 February 2003 09:18 pm, Sharrea wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:09, robin wrote:
  Jerry Barton wrote:
   you may need to modprobe usb-storage (i have to for my digital camera
   since the memory card on it is seen as usb mass storage device).  I
   don't know much about digital video cameras so i'm not sure if that's
   how it'll be recognized. also look in mandrake control center's
   hardware / hardware list and see if you can see it listed there
   (possibly under other/unknown) and see if there's any info about it.
   then you need to find out what the /dev entry is (i don't remember for
   the life of me where i've seen how and haven't added hardware in so
   long i forgot)
   Anyone?  how DO you know what /dev entry hardware uses?
   not sure what kind of filesystem it'd use but i'd venture a guess that
   it's vfat if it's a mass storage device that windoze reads.
   now for my camera i'd (as root)
   mkdir /mnt/camera
   modprobe usb-storage
   mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera
  Mounting with -t vfat doesn't work (mount: wrong fs type, bad option,
  badsuperblock on /dev/sda, or too many mounted file systems) and -t
  auto sulks and asks me to specify the file type (same result as when I
  tried John's solution).  It ain't msdos either - any ideas?
  Sir Robin

 I may be way outta line here but:
 if /mnt is not a separate partition, but on your / partition, wouldn't you
 have to mount using the filesystem that your / partition is (ie. ext2, ext3
 or whatever)?

 I would think that to use vfat you would have to make the mountpoint on a
 partition that is formatted vfat.

 Just a thought...


ahhh, the mount point is not formated, the partition is formated if it is a 
block device (a drive) but there is no formating the /dev or /proc (etc) 
partitions. the mount point tells the OS what filesystem module (?driver? for 
win-types) the kernel should use to read the filesystem.  

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione magnet
On Friday 14 Feb 2003 9:09 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 I thought this would be a fun question to discuss.

 How can you tell you are not a Newbie anymore?

What's a newbie? grin

Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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[newbie] Kmail config for sending

2003-02-16 Per discussione Dennis Myers
I am trying to get kmail sending to work again and I keep getting

Sending failed:
The server did not accept the sender address.
The server responded: Sender address is missing a domain 
The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the
problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox'

I can not for the life of me figure out what domain is missing. Must
be late and need sleep. Any help is appreciated.
Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] Kmail config for sending

2003-02-16 Per discussione et
On Sunday 16 February 2003 01:49 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I am trying to get kmail sending to work again and I keep getting

 Sending failed:
 The server did not accept the sender address.
 The server responded: Sender address is missing a domain 
 The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the
 problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox'

 I can not for the life of me figure out what domain is missing. Must
 be late and need sleep. Any help is appreciated.
 Dennis M.
are you replying or sending? some spam that i bounce gives me this error 
too. delete the first message in your outbox, or move it to the drafts 
folder, then try

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[newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Dennis Myers
getting nowhere
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Another possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione John Richard Smith
robin wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Is this a relatively new camera ?

About a year old. I know people have got it working under Linux via 
firewire; it's USB that's tricky.

Sir Robin

I'm purly guessing here , but I suspect your camera , like mine, is not 
vfat, and the
trouble is that the file system is not supported in the kernel. The file 
system has to
be the same as the camera generates, and I'm told Redhat has a kernel 
that does
support this newer type of file system. If this is correct, and I'm not 
certain of it,
we are waiting on newer kernel versions that support our cameras.

Just as a reference, my camera is Digital Dream1300

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Benjamin Pflugmann
On Sat 2003-02-15 at 22:48:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Couldn't help but LMAO when i read THIS one.

There is nothing special about it. You have the same with
Linux. Put in some install disk, choose rescue mode and you can
access everything as root.

With physical access to a standard PC, everything is possible
(within about 15-30 mins), except if you encrypt your

The only new thing is, that you now have such a rescue disk for
MS Windows XP by using a MS Windows 2000 CD, instead of having to
make your own one.


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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jose
 Why terrorism? Is that just something like comunism or evil that
 you can tack on something you don't like?

 It was terrorism that murdered several innocent American lives, that
 is why. Note we went after military targets when we retaliated.

The US is using Terrorism, like they used to use Freedom of the seas. 
If they are bigger and stronger than their target, they will attack (as 
in Iraq). If they are not, they won't (as in North Korea).

I don't like what happen on 9/11, in fact, being a native New Yorker, I 
hate it, but it does not give us the right to impose our will on other, 
smaller countries.

 Nice expression helping hand like bathroom for toilet or so.
 You could also say killing hundreds of thousands.

 We have given them plenty of oportunities to comply. They chose not
 to. Also, I was unaware that Iraq had hundreds of thousands of
 military personel. Thats got to be one grand army.

We have also given Russia, China and North Korea the same and they have 
not. But being the super bullies we are, we pick a smaller country to 
jump on. If this were really about terrorism, North Korea would be a 
prime target as would Saudi Arbia, since our own intelligence reports 
indicate their is a link there.

 The point is not that Saddham is an bad guy - because he is. But he
 cannot do
 anything now.

 We are makeing sure of that.

No, lets be truthful here. We are making sure that we are first in line 
for his oil. We claim that he is not disarming, but the UN inspectors 
who are on the scene claim he is do his part. We are ignoring the 
evidence and are going in to secure the oil fields.

 You just cannot go around and point a finger at somebody and kill
 him. Every country did something wrong and the US is by far not the
 least among those, but you behave like you are free of guilt. Isn't
 there something in a book about pointing and throwing and such?

 I think Powell did a good job of presenting our case before the UN. I
 think I stated from the beginning that our Government was not
 perfect. Me thinks you are misapplying that statement from The Book
 and besides, it condones the death penalty.

Powell did nothing. He showed a couple of photographs which the UN 
inspectors said were nothing! They were there, on site, not thousands 
of feet up in the air.  Plus don't forget the last couple of time we 
used photos to based an attack, lets see, we bombed a milk factory and 
a pharmaceutical plant. 

As Americans, who motto is presumed innocent until found guilty 
shouldn't we be willing to give the inspections a chance? Especially, 
since our intelligence (CIA, Special Forces, etc) has been less than 
stellar lately. I just find it hard to believe that anyone can look at 
two pictures obivously taken from great distance and say I don't care 
what the inspectors saw, we have these pictures!

 Are we allowd to attack you if you attack Iraq without UN support?

 That is up to you. I hope you don't mind if we stick up for our own
 interests though, like we are doing for terrorism.

It is this attitude, this we are superior to you so we will do what we 
want that has caused so much anti american sentiment thru out the 
world. Some americans are rallying with the president on this, never 
mind that taxes are going up, that he and Chenney had a hand in the 
Enron scandal that wiped out so many retirement plans, that our 
homeless population is growing, that the ederly have to choose between 
eating cat food or buying medicine or that our children are receiving a 
sub par education forcing businesses to look out of the country for 
technical workers. No, never mind all of that, lets attack a third 
world country and show the world how superior we are.

 What really interests me is:
 Does the american PEOPLE (in percents of the total population please)
 war? With UN resolution? Or even without and thus violating UN law

 Yes, seems to me I heard the poll numbers like this (don't quote me
 though) - 80% with UN approval, 60% without.

The numbers are about right, but according to CNN they are dropping. It 
seems that Blix's last report jolted some out of their blind faith in 
the current administration.

 Because NO population of any country in Europe does. (well I am not
 totally sure about Britain).  What I have read so far is that about
 80% of the people
 in western Europe are against US war on Iraq, about 70% in eastern
 Europe. In
 turkey it is something like 93%!

 To each his own.

This should scare you. The US is too dependent on world trade. 

As an American and a Republican (who did not vote for George W. Bush), I 
find our behavior appalling. First the November 

[newbie] Konquerer basic question...

2003-02-16 Per discussione linux
G'day all,

as I'm just beginning to look around mandrake I'm trying
to come to grips with the basics:

In Konquerer, how do you stop a file from launching as soon
as you click on it? For example, if I want to click on a
bunch of mp3s and then drag them to XMMS, as soon as I click
on the first one it launches. Then I have to go back, and
then shift-click on the last one, which will then select the
ones I want.
I want to just select, not launch on first click. Double click
to launch would be good, it's the way I'm used to working...

Merlin Zener
piano and synthesizer
Pattaya, Thailand. 
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.455 / Virus Database: 255 - Release Date: 13/02/2003

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Re: [newbie] Konquerer basic question...

2003-02-16 Per discussione Rob Blomquist
On Sunday 16 February 2003 07:53 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day all,

 as I'm just beginning to look around mandrake I'm trying
 to come to grips with the basics:

 In Konquerer, how do you stop a file from launching as soon
 as you click on it? For example, if I want to click on a
 bunch of mp3s and then drag them to XMMS, as soon as I click
 on the first one it launches. Then I have to go back, and
 then shift-click on the last one, which will then select the
 ones I want.
 I want to just select, not launch on first click. Double click
 to launch would be good, it's the way I'm used to working...

If that is all you want, go to K/Settings/Control 
Panel/Index/Peripherals/Mouse, and you can select the click action 
you want.

But I have noticed in KDE 3.1 that a mouse over starts an mp3 or ogg 
file to start playing. While I like it, I can also see it being 
annoying. I have no idea where that comes from.


Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA

On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux and 
happily ever after.

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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:56 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 getting nowhere

Well Dennis, I read you loud and clear :-)

Kaj Haulrich. 
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] Another possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione robin
et wrote:

On Saturday 15 February 2003 09:18 pm, Sharrea wrote:

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:09, robin wrote:

Jerry Barton wrote:

you may need to modprobe usb-storage (i have to for my digital camera
since the memory card on it is seen as usb mass storage device).  I
don't know much about digital video cameras so i'm not sure if that's
how it'll be recognized. also look in mandrake control center's
hardware / hardware list and see if you can see it listed there
(possibly under other/unknown) and see if there's any info about it.
then you need to find out what the /dev entry is (i don't remember for
the life of me where i've seen how and haven't added hardware in so
long i forgot)

Anyone?  how DO you know what /dev entry hardware uses?

not sure what kind of filesystem it'd use but i'd venture a guess that
it's vfat if it's a mass storage device that windoze reads.

now for my camera i'd (as root)

mkdir /mnt/camera
modprobe usb-storage
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera

Mounting with -t vfat doesn't work (mount: wrong fs type, bad option,
badsuperblock on /dev/sda, or too many mounted file systems) and -t
auto sulks and asks me to specify the file type (same result as when I
tried John's solution).  It ain't msdos either - any ideas?

Sir Robin

I may be way outta line here but:
if /mnt is not a separate partition, but on your / partition, wouldn't you
have to mount using the filesystem that your / partition is (ie. ext2, ext3
or whatever)?

I would think that to use vfat you would have to make the mountpoint on a
partition that is formatted vfat.

Just a thought...


ahhh, the mount point is not formated, the partition is formated if it is a 
block device (a drive) but there is no formating the /dev or /proc (etc) 
partitions. the mount point tells the OS what filesystem module (?driver? for 
win-types) the kernel should use to read the filesystem.  

That's pretty much it (well, it's the mount command, not the mount 
point, but that's splitting hairs).  My problem is that I can't get it 
to do this.

Of course if Windows were as transparent as Linux, I could just look at 
how Windows does it.  Some hope!

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Konquerer basic question...

2003-02-16 Per discussione Lanman
In Konqueror, as in other file managers, selecting multiple files,
requires that you hold down the CTRL or Control key before selecting the
first file, and holding it down until you've finished selecting files.

Changing your mouse behavior so that it requires a double-click will
also accomplish the same thing, but you'll lose single-click features.

On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 11:26, Rob Blomquist wrote:
 On Sunday 16 February 2003 07:53 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  G'day all,
  as I'm just beginning to look around mandrake I'm trying
  to come to grips with the basics:
  In Konquerer, how do you stop a file from launching as soon
  as you click on it? For example, if I want to click on a
  bunch of mp3s and then drag them to XMMS, as soon as I click
  on the first one it launches. Then I have to go back, and
  then shift-click on the last one, which will then select the
  ones I want.
  I want to just select, not launch on first click. Double click
  to launch would be good, it's the way I'm used to working...
 If that is all you want, go to K/Settings/Control 
 Panel/Index/Peripherals/Mouse, and you can select the click action 
 you want.
 But I have noticed in KDE 3.1 that a mouse over starts an mp3 or ogg 
 file to start playing. While I like it, I can also see it being 
 annoying. I have no idea where that comes from.

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Re: [newbie] Konquerer basic question...

2003-02-16 Per discussione Chuck Burns
On Sunday 16 February 2003 10:26 am, Rob Blomquist wrote:
 But I have noticed in KDE 3.1 that a mouse over starts an mp3 or ogg
 file to start playing. While I like it, I can also see it being
 annoying. I have no idea where that comes from.

Open the KDE Control Center, go to LookNFeel - Behavior, and uncheck previews 
for sound files.


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Re: [newbie] Another possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione robin
John Richard Smith wrote:

robin wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Is this a relatively new camera ?

About a year old. I know people have got it working under Linux via 
firewire; it's USB that's tricky.

Sir Robin

I'm purly guessing here , but I suspect your camera , like mine, is not 
vfat, and the
trouble is that the file system is not supported in the kernel. The file 
system has to
be the same as the camera generates, and I'm told Redhat has a kernel 
that does
support this newer type of file system. If this is correct, and I'm not 
certain of it,
we are waiting on newer kernel versions that support our cameras.

Just as a reference, my camera is Digital Dream1300

I suspect you're right.  I've tried every non-absurd filesystem option, 
and got a filesystem type error every time (except for -t supermount, 
which got me a segfault).  This is presumbaly why under Win98 you need 
to install Sony's own USB drivers, not the native ones.

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-16 Per discussione Russ
Hi Jose,

I did not start this thread nor do I intend to continue with it on this list
since this is not what this list is for. I simply felt compelled to respond.
I get tired of American bashing. Anyway, I do disagree with you, but I would
like to comment on a couple of your points on the way out.

- Original Message -

It is this attitude, this we are superior to you so we will do what we
want ...snip

That statement is bull. We were attacked and the threat is there. Arrogance
is a world wide problem and crosses boundries. Americans do not have a
corner on the market for feeling superior.

Say what you will, but even with the Bimbo scandal, Clinton did a better
job at handling our world affairs.

You've got to be kidding. The mad bomber ah. I did not agree with him on
that either. He was wrong. An embarrasment to us all. As I said, all
govenments make mistakes, ours lasted 8 years.


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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione et
On Sunday 16 February 2003 12:32 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:56 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  getting nowhere

 Well Dennis, I read you loud and clear :-)

 Kaj Haulrich.
 Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
 Registered Linux user # 214073 at
 Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
I thought he was talking about my life story

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione civileme
On Sunday 16 February 2003 06:29 am, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
 On Sat 2003-02-15 at 22:48:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Couldn't help but LMAO when i read THIS one.

 There is nothing special about it. You have the same with
 Linux. Put in some install disk, choose rescue mode and you can
 access everything as root.

 With physical access to a standard PC, everything is possible
 (within about 15-30 mins), except if you encrypt your

 The only new thing is, that you now have such a rescue disk for
 MS Windows XP by using a MS Windows 2000 CD, instead of having to
 make your own one.


Yep you need a security rig that requires you to use a keyed lock to remove 
the case cover, unless you are encrypting filesystems.

You can avert the problem with winXP or with rescue disks by putting a boot 
password in the BIOS, if the BIOS permits it, and then all you have to worry 
about is that someone will pop the case cover, move a jumper next to the 
battery to clear CMOS, then boot on anyway, using the rescue disk.

Well, I have a device that will prevent that, if ever I have time to implement 


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[newbie] ML 9.0 and KDE3.1 confict

2003-02-16 Per discussione Dennis Myers
Reinstalling, things got so messed up that even the mouse was going nuts. I 
had this kind of problem with KDE a version or two back too. I just have to 
wait and get my KDE with a ML distro. : P
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Robert Wideman
 On Sat 2003-02-15 at 22:48:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Couldn't help but LMAO when i read THIS one.

 There is nothing special about it. You have the same with
 Linux. Put in some install disk, choose rescue mode and you can
 access everything as root.

 With physical access to a standard PC, everything is possible
 (within about 15-30 mins), except if you encrypt your

 The only new thing is, that you now have such a rescue disk for
 MS Windows XP by using a MS Windows 2000 CD, instead of having to
 make your own one.

The greatest linux rescue cd i have found to be at
Yes it is a Redhat disk.  Noone knows about this cd.  I know about it b/c at
Dell Server Support the RH guys told us about this for just in case
It has everything you need on it.
Have fun.

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione mycal62
tell us more Please

Civileme wrote: 

Well, I have a device that will prevent that, if ever I have time to implement 



Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA


Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 9.1-beta3 with Kde 3.1; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

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Re: [newbie] Update database

2003-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 9:01 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 12:06 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Saturday 15 Feb 2003 2:56 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
   I thought I had set up a cron job (using webmin) to update the database
   every night.  Indeed, I thought I had seen indication that it had run,
   but today I have seen
   slocate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8
   days old
   How can I find what went wrong?  Could it be that I have set it as a
   user and it needs to be root?
  Yes updatedb needs to be run as root.

 OK - I'll look into changing that.

  Another potential problem is if your computer is switched off when the
  job is due to run. Cron will not run jobs whose time has passed. The
  solution is to install anacron which will check for missed jobs and run

 I run 24/7 unless I'm away for a few days.

  BTW: a cron job to run updatedb is already part of the cron.weekly job.
  So your job should be unneccessary

 Which makes it even odder, that it should report as being more than 8 days
 old, doesn't it?


a possible reason for cron.weekly apparently not doing your updatedb is if 
another part of the job is failing and causing the remainder to abort.

If you enter a line
MAILTO=your_email_addy   into /etc/crontab then any jobs which fail will cause 
an email to be sent to you.



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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Richard Gelling

Another thing that is possible with windows xp home edition, is that if you 
boot into safe mode , you can change all the user passwords to whatever you 
want you don't even need to know the old password, you just change it.It 
dosen't work with winxp pro though.

Richard G.
Registered Linux User: 256848

On Sunday 16 February 2003 18:26, Robert Wideman wrote:
  On Sat 2003-02-15 at 22:48:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Couldn't help but LMAO when i read THIS one.
  There is nothing special about it. You have the same with
  Linux. Put in some install disk, choose rescue mode and you can
  access everything as root.
  With physical access to a standard PC, everything is possible
  (within about 15-30 mins), except if you encrypt your
  The only new thing is, that you now have such a rescue disk for
  MS Windows XP by using a MS Windows 2000 CD, instead of having to
  make your own one.

 The greatest linux rescue cd i have found to be at
 Yes it is a Redhat disk.  Noone knows about this cd.  I know about it b/c
 at Dell Server Support the RH guys told us about this for just in case
 It has everything you need on it.
 Have fun.


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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 16 February 2003 05:27 pm, et wrote:
 On Sunday 16 February 2003 12:32 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:56 pm, Dennis Myers 
   getting nowhere
  Well Dennis, I read you loud and clear :-)
  Kaj Haulrich.
  Powered by Linux- Mandrake
  9.0 Registered Linux user # 214073 at Source :  my 100 %
  Microsoft-free personal computer.

 I thought he was talking about my life story

Why so depressed, Ed ? - You got here, eh ?

Kaj Haulrich. 
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 5:32 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:56 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  getting nowhere

 Well Dennis, I read you loud and clear :-)

What's more we got another test earlier

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Update database

2003-02-16 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 6:37 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 9:01 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 12:06 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
   On Saturday 15 Feb 2003 2:56 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
I thought I had set up a cron job (using webmin) to update the
database every night.  Indeed, I thought I had seen indication that
it had run, but today I have seen
slocate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than
8 days old
How can I find what went wrong?  Could it be that I have set it as a
user and it needs to be root?
   Yes updatedb needs to be run as root.
  OK - I'll look into changing that.
   Another potential problem is if your computer is switched off when the
   job is due to run. Cron will not run jobs whose time has passed. The
   solution is to install anacron which will check for missed jobs and run
  I run 24/7 unless I'm away for a few days.
   BTW: a cron job to run updatedb is already part of the cron.weekly job.
   So your job should be unneccessary
  Which makes it even odder, that it should report as being more than 8
  days old, doesn't it?

 a possible reason for cron.weekly apparently not doing your updatedb is if
 another part of the job is failing and causing the remainder to abort.

 If you enter a line
 MAILTO=your_email_addy   into /etc/crontab then any jobs which fail will
 cause an email to be sent to you.

Thanks Derek - done that, now I'll wait to see what happens.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 16 February 2003 06:26 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
  On Sat 2003-02-15 at 22:48:16 -0700, 
   Couldn't help but LMAO when i read THIS one.
  There is nothing special about it. You have the same
  with Linux. Put in some install disk, choose rescue
  mode and you can access everything as root.
  With physical access to a standard PC, everything is
  possible (within about 15-30 mins), except if you
  encrypt your filesystems.
  The only new thing is, that you now have such a
  rescue disk for MS Windows XP by using a MS Windows
  2000 CD, instead of having to make your own one.

 The greatest linux rescue cd i have found to be at
 Yes it is a Redhat disk.  Noone knows about this cd.  I
 know about it b/c at Dell Server Support the RH guys
 told us about this for just in case purposes.
 It has everything you need on it.
 Have fun.

You can use Knoppix as well. Very easy to get hands on.

Kaj Haulrich.
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] Konquerer basic question...

2003-02-16 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 4:49 pm, Lanman wrote:
 In Konqueror, as in other file managers, selecting multiple files,
 requires that you hold down the CTRL or Control key before selecting the
 first file, and holding it down until you've finished selecting files.

 Changing your mouse behavior so that it requires a double-click will
 also accomplish the same thing, but you'll lose single-click features.

I find it most convenient to right-click the first file of the group I want, 
then I can ctrl-click or shift-click, depending on whether the group is 
consecutive or not.  It works for me.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione et
On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:40 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Sunday 16 February 2003 05:27 pm, et wrote:
  On Sunday 16 February 2003 12:32 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
   On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:56 pm, Dennis Myers

getting nowhere
   Well Dennis, I read you loud and clear :-)
  I thought he was talking about my life story

 Why so depressed, Ed ? - You got here, eh ?

 Kaj Haulrich.
 Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
 Registered Linux user # 214073 at
 Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
ahh all toungue in cheek

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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 16 February 2003 06:56 pm, et wrote:

 ahh all toungue in cheek

Ed, that's where emoticons come in handy ;-)

Kaj Haulrich.
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Robert Wideman
 You can use Knoppix as well. Very easy to get hands on.

True, havent tried it yet.  Have seen it in Linuxformat the last couple of
issues.  Isnt there another bootable distro given out by LF lately?


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RE: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Robert Wideman
Dont know about others but i miss about 1/5 of the mailing list emails.  If
you go read through the archives you will notice that you do NOT get a lot
of them. I gifured this out about amonth ago.


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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-16 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 7:02 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
 Dont know about others but i miss about 1/5 of the mailing list emails.  If
 you go read through the archives you will notice that you do NOT get a lot
 of them. I gifured this out about amonth ago.

Some of the missing ones are caused by people setting the reply-to, so that we 
inadvertantly reply direct to them, not the list.  We then pick it up again 
from the next post in the thread.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] petroglyph wallpaper

2003-02-16 Per discussione Charles Roberts
In Mandrake 7.0 there was a wallpaper named petroglyph. It was a
reproduction of the southwest American Indians rock painting of a
dancing man playing the flute. It is not in Mandrake 9.0. Does anyone
know what happened to it? Where can I find a copy of it?


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RE: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Robert Wideman
 Civileme = expert
 everyone else(self included) = newbie
 As always, the = operator flows to the left.

SOO true.
Thanks civilme for all the help you give.


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Re: [newbie] petroglyph wallpaper

2003-02-16 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 06:23, Charles Roberts wrote:
 In Mandrake 7.0 there was a wallpaper named petroglyph. It was a
 reproduction of the southwest American Indians rock painting of a
 dancing man playing the flute. It is not in Mandrake 9.0. Does anyone
 know what happened to it? Where can I find a copy of it?

If I recall, you should be able to either get someone with a lower
version of KDE to send it to you, or search for it on the KDE website(s)
- even try the KDE-LOOK sites...I haven't thought of that one for quite
some time, but now that you mention it, I did like it quite a bit...

I just did a google, as well as going to, but couldn't find
it...someone on the list should have a lower version of KDE and be able
to either post it somewhere for ftp or send it...(or so you'd reckon)

Mon, 17 Feb 2003 06:35:00 +1100
  6:35am  up  9:54,  3 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.21, 0.25
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

There isn't any problem

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Re: [newbie] Update database

2003-02-16 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker
Anne Wilson wrote:
 I thought I had set up a cron job (using webmin) to update
 the database every night.  Indeed, I thought I had seen
 indication that it had run, but today I have seen

 slocate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is
 more than 8 days old

 How can I find what went wrong?  Could it be that I have
 set it as a user and it needs to be root?


due to complaints that vigorous disk activity was occurring 
when a system was first booted up (anacron running jobs that 
were missed because the system was turned off), anacron was 
not installed by default as of 9.0.  install it and it'll 
begin working.

urpmi anacron

Anacron  can be used to execute commands periodically, with a 
frequency specified in days.  Unlike cron(8), it does not 
assume that the machine is running continuously.  Hence, it 
can be used on machines that aren't running 24 hours a day, 
to control daily, weekly, and monthly jobs that are usually 
controlled by cron.


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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Friday 14 February 2003 04:42 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:

Oh come one. I like 12 hour shifts.  They are easier than 16 hour shifts.

You know, I used to work this weekend shift thing - where I pulled 2 sixteen 
hour shifts, Sat and Sun, then was off 5 days a week. They gave me 8 hrs for 
doing it , to make my 40 hrs a week. I loved being off 5 days in a row. Just 
hated working -every- weekend...

That'd be kinda tough at first, but after a while I think I'd love being 
off for 5 days in a row myself.

Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Shorewall doing its job ?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 11:18 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 When doing a dmesg I get all the usual stuff, but lately a
 new thing - at least to me - is showing up. The last
 stanzas grow bigger and bigger and reads a lot like this :

 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=114
 ID=56266 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3147 DPT=1214
 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00
 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=53207 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=24207 DPT=1214 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00
 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=53220 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=24207 DPT=1214 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00
 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=53257 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=24207 DPT=1214 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

 To me it seems like shorewall is stopping someone -
 actually a lot  -  trying to do a portscan on me. Now,
 when I do a *whois* on all those URL's it seems that I get
 both decent ISP's as well as more clandestine ones.

 What's going on ? - Can someone decipher this ?


 Kaj Haulrich.

So Kaj do you use Kazaa?

The key in these records is to look at the Destination Port DPT=1214 and then 
just enter port 1214 into Google.
The answer... Kazaa
Not a port scan this time. But at least you know Shorewall is working.



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[newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jim Snyder

Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that plays 
those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while playing a 



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Re: [newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione robin
Jim Snyder wrote:


Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that plays 
those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while playing a 

xmms-more-vis-plugins contains GeForce, which sounds like what you're 
looking for.

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Shorewall doing its job ?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 16 February 2003 11:06 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 11:18 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  When doing a dmesg I get all the usual stuff, but
  lately a new thing - at least to me - is showing up.
  The last stanzas grow bigger and bigger and reads a
  lot like this :
  Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
  DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=114
  ID=56266 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3147 DPT=1214
  WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
  To me it seems like shorewall is stopping someone -
  actually a lot  -  trying to do a portscan on me. Now,
  when I do a *whois* on all those URL's it seems that I
  get both decent ISP's as well as more clandestine
  What's going on ? - Can someone decipher this ?
  Kaj Haulrich.

 So Kaj do you use Kazaa?

 The key in these records is to look at the Destination
 Port DPT=1214 and then just enter port 1214 into Google.
 The answer... Kazaa
 Not a port scan this time. But at least you know
 Shorewall is working.


Thanks Derek and Charlie !

No, I don't use Kazaa. I'll admit that I've installed 
gtk-gnutella and fetched a few Mozart.ogg's, but I assume 
that has nothing to do with Kazaa (right ?).

I'm happy to know Shorewall is awake and working, though.

But what's the general idea of those *attacks* ? - Maybe 
Charlie is right : it gives me the option of reporting 
abuse to the ISP's. - But will they comply ?

Kaj Haulrich. 
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 11:31 pm, robin wrote:
 Jim Snyder wrote:
  Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that
  plays those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while
  playing a CD?

 xmms-more-vis-plugins contains GeForce, which sounds like what you're
 looking for.

 Sir Robin

And to work out how to use xmms visualisations check out this site

The visualisations are reached through  xmmsOptionsPreferences
Enable the check box on the plug in to turn on the visualisation.

GeForce is my favourite too...


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Re: [newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jim Snyder
Just did a little checking and found an rpm that includes the word unsafe 
and mentions the possibility of some seg fault errors. Is there a safe one 
somewhere to download? This machine has been running flawlessly on 9.0 and I 
hate to mess up a good thing. Thanks again!

On Sunday 16 February 2003 06:31 pm, robin wrote:
 Jim Snyder wrote:
  Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that
  plays those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while
  playing a CD?

 xmms-more-vis-plugins contains GeForce, which sounds like what you're
 looking for.

 Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Derek Jennings
It is on your CDs. 

In a root terminal

urpmi xmms-more-vis-plugins


On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 11:51 pm, Jim Snyder wrote:
 Just did a little checking and found an rpm that includes the word unsafe
 and mentions the possibility of some seg fault errors. Is there a safe
 one somewhere to download? This machine has been running flawlessly on 9.0
 and I hate to mess up a good thing. Thanks again!

 On Sunday 16 February 2003 06:31 pm, robin wrote:
  Jim Snyder wrote:
   Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that
   plays those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while
   playing a CD?
  xmms-more-vis-plugins contains GeForce, which sounds like what you're
  looking for.
  Sir Robin


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Re: [newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 10:18, Jim Snyder wrote:
 Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that plays 
 those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while playing a 

XMMS does - in the visualisations. There's heaps of plugins for visuals
as well on the XMMS website...

Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:40:00 +1100
 11:40am  up 14:59,  4 users,  load average: 0.65, 0.51, 0.28
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Reality is for people who lack imagination.

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Re: [newbie] sound light show generator for Linux?

2003-02-16 Per discussione et
On Sunday 16 February 2003 06:18 pm, Jim Snyder wrote:

 Does Mandrake Linux have something similar to the MS Media player that
 plays those sound generated musical dancing lines and light shows while
 playing a CD?


you might check out the visualziation plugins in xmmms, and also search google 
for blursk

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[newbie] Problem with MDK v9 and Sound Blaster Live

2003-02-16 Per discussione Andrew Robert
Good evening everyone,

I have a Dell Dimension 4550 series Pentium 4 2.4 GHz system configured
to dual boot a fully patched MDK v9 and Windows XP Professional.

The PCI Sound Blaster Live card installed on the system is not
functioning under MDK v9.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working under MDK 9?

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

I searched the FAQ list but all I could find were references to ISA

When You Earnestly Believe You Can Compensate For A Lack Of Skill By
Doubling Your Efforts, There's No End To What You Can't Do. 

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Re: [newbie] Problem with MDK v9 and Sound Blaster Live

2003-02-16 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 20:15:00 -0500
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The PCI Sound Blaster Live card installed on the system is not
 functioning under MDK v9.

1st thing check your mixer settings to ensure that it is not muted.
If that is not the problem.
Run draksound and switch to the emu10k1 driver.
For some reason there are SBLives which will not work with the audigy


Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-6mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Problem with MDK v9 and Sound Blaster Live

2003-02-16 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Good evening everyone,
 I have a Dell Dimension 4550 series Pentium 4 2.4 GHz system configured
 to dual boot a fully patched MDK v9 and Windows XP Professional.
 The PCI Sound Blaster Live card installed on the system is not
 functioning under MDK v9.
 Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working under MDK 9?
 Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
 I searched the FAQ list but all I could find were references to ISA
Hi Andrew, the SB Live that Dell ships with the Dimension is not a
standard spec SB card, and is therefore not Linux friendly.

Check this link:

If your
computer is less than 30 days old, and you report the issue to Dell,
apparently they will furnish you with a standard SB Live card which
is Linux friendly.

It seems however that there may be a way to get the Dell card to work
w/Linux, and you can check this post:
that has some info in that regard.

You will find other info on the SB card from Dell on DellTalk too.
Many are experiencing the same problem.

HTH. Best regards to you! :-)


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Now with OperaMail Premium for only US$29.99/yr

Powered by Outblaze

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Re: [newbie] Problem with MDK v9 and Sound Blaster Live

2003-02-16 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 16 February 2003 07:15 pm, Andrew Robert wrote:
 Good evening everyone,

 I have a Dell Dimension 4550 series Pentium 4 2.4 GHz system configured
 to dual boot a fully patched MDK v9 and Windows XP Professional.

 The PCI Sound Blaster Live card installed on the system is not
 functioning under MDK v9.

 Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working under MDK 9?

 Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

 I searched the FAQ list but all I could find were references to ISA

If it isn't already, install sndconfig and then in a console type sndconfig. 
This will take take you into a dos like  install of the sound card, 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione civileme
On Saturday 15 February 2003 09:40 pm, mycal62 wrote:
 tell us more Please

 Civileme wrote:

 Well, I have a device that will prevent that, if ever I have time to
 implement it.


It's not Mandrake.  It is a 32M DiskOnChip in a standard Dual-In-Line Pack 
frequently used in BIOS storage though the BIOS is usually a 2M EEPROM.

Using some of the prebuilt stuff from, and adding in a few 
things, I have built a ROM image of linux kernel 2.4 compiled for a specific 
Board, with FramebufferX, Python, ROX, and PointlessWM.  I am working on a / 
image for HD that will load the rest of the system.

What about the BIOS?  Well there isn't anything but linux and you need a 
password to boot, and it is hardwired in the DOC in an /etc/passwd 
(non-shadowed) file which is overtaken when / is mounted from disk.

The DiskOnChip is available here and there if you look hard for about $75 in 
single quantities including shipping.   Boards with DIP Bioses are getting 
harder to find, though, and you MUST compile the kernel for the board.  
Furthermore there is an extra-scary step in flashing the DOC, because you 
have to lever up the BIOS chip you booted with to make the kernel image and 
swap in the DiskOnChip--Yes, the BIOS EEPROM IS _REALLY_ hot-swappable, but 
if you make a mistake you fry many things including possibly yourself.

As for a rescue CD--well none is necessary so the linuxbios is set up NEVER to 
boot from CD or from floppy, only from itself, and then to seek a loadable 
full linux system.

On the first board I used, which was unfortunately a real cheapie, I booted 
linux with framebuffer X in about 5 seconds.  Now the second board is being 
readied, and I have to wait til I have a job for funds to complete the 
project, (need DDR and Processor and case, cause the last one was sold)


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[newbie] Installing dictionary

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jason Guidry

How does one install a dictionary, like for evolustion, OO, abiword and
the like?

Jason Guidry

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
mycal62 wrote:

Greg Meyer wrote:

 I thought this would be a fun question to discuss.

 How can you tell you are not a Newbie anymore?


All this humility is very nice. ;-)

that aside, it's interesting how the responses have been. with anything 
and especially with opinion
it's really a matter of perspective, and It becomes a relative thing as 
When I first tried Linux RH 5.2 ( I think ) I would  say I was an 
absolute Newbie. Now after several
years can I say I am an Expert? Most definitely NOT, but I don't feel I 
am a true Newbie either.

In all seriousness the difference between a newbie, at least on this 
list, and a _true_ expert is relative to the comparison between most of 
us here on the list and Civileme.

Civileme = expert
everyone else(self included) = newbie

As always, the = operator flows to the left.

Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Kmail config for sending

2003-02-16 Per discussione Linus Drouhard
I had the same problem with Kmail in KDE 3.0.  Sendmail worked for
awhile then quit as well.  I'm now using Evolution since I couldn't get
Kmail to work properly.  I'd love to know what's going on.


On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 08:50, et wrote:
 On Sunday 16 February 2003 01:49 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
  I am trying to get kmail sending to work again and I keep getting
  Sending failed:
  The server did not accept the sender address.
  The server responded: Sender address is missing a domain 
  The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the
  problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox'
  I can not for the life of me figure out what domain is missing. Must
  be late and need sleep. Any help is appreciated.
  Dennis M.
 are you replying or sending? some spam that i bounce gives me this error 
 too. delete the first message in your outbox, or move it to the drafts 
 folder, then try

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows XP password are useless

2003-02-16 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 16 February 2003 09:17 pm, civileme wrote:
 On Saturday 15 February 2003 09:40 pm, mycal62 wrote:
  tell us more Please
  Civileme wrote:
  Well, I have a device that will prevent that, if ever I have time to
  implement it.

 It's not Mandrake.  It is a 32M DiskOnChip in a standard Dual-In-Line Pack
 frequently used in BIOS storage though the BIOS is usually a 2M EEPROM.

 Using some of the prebuilt stuff from, and adding in a
 few things, I have built a ROM image of linux kernel 2.4 compiled for a
 specific Board, with FramebufferX, Python, ROX, and PointlessWM.  I am
 working on a / image for HD that will load the rest of the system.

 What about the BIOS?  Well there isn't anything but linux and you need a
 password to boot, and it is hardwired in the DOC in an /etc/passwd
 (non-shadowed) file which is overtaken when / is mounted from disk.

 The DiskOnChip is available here and there if you look hard for about $75
 in single quantities including shipping.   Boards with DIP Bioses are
 getting harder to find, though, and you MUST compile the kernel for the
 board. Furthermore there is an extra-scary step in flashing the DOC,
 because you have to lever up the BIOS chip you booted with to make the
 kernel image and swap in the DiskOnChip--Yes, the BIOS EEPROM IS _REALLY_
 hot-swappable, but if you make a mistake you fry many things including
 possibly yourself.

 As for a rescue CD--well none is necessary so the linuxbios is set up NEVER
 to boot from CD or from floppy, only from itself, and then to seek a
 loadable full linux system.

 On the first board I used, which was unfortunately a real cheapie, I booted
 linux with framebuffer X in about 5 seconds.  Now the second board is being
 readied, and I have to wait til I have a job for funds to complete the
 project, (need DDR and Processor and case, cause the last one was sold)


Please quantify funds. While I'm certainly not in a position where I could 
underwrite this project, I could make a small contribution, and I bet that 
some other listers would also be willing to contribute.
Disclaimer: Hot swapping BIOS chips is NOT something I'm ever apt to do, but 
I'm curious to see where this could lead.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Shorewall doing its job ?

2003-02-16 Per discussione civileme
On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:18 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 When doing a dmesg I get all the usual stuff, but lately a
 new thing - at least to me - is showing up. The last
 stanzas grow bigger and bigger and reads a lot like this :

 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=114
 ID=56266 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3147 DPT=1214
 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00
 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=53207 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=24207 DPT=1214 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00
 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=53220 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=24207 DPT=1214 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=
 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00
 PREC=0x00 TTL=117 ID=53257 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=24207 DPT=1214 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

 To me it seems like shorewall is stopping someone -
 actually a lot  -  trying to do a portscan on me. Now,
 when I do a *whois* on all those URL's it seems that I get
 both decent ISP's as well as more clandestine ones.

 What's going on ? - Can someone decipher this ?


 Kaj Haulrich.
 Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
 Registered Linux user # 214073 at
 Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
Most likely that is a portscan with decoys.  Shorewall is good enough to catch 
a SYN scan apparently, with a little help from kernel 2.4/iptables...  I 
don't much like the scanner with the WINDOW numbers it is putting out  ... 
Way too big for most communications except an upload/download and too small 
to block a man-in-middle..  TCP is a 3-way handshake which can be desynched 
by a clever attacker,,,  but that is another story.

You might try listening at other IP addresses in your subnet to see if this 
joker is scanning your whole subnet--but the DPTis always 1214?

I am showing some similar SYN/RST stuff but hitting ports 443, 1080, 1433, 
2852 is a port used by some popular windows trojans
1433 is MSSQL so that's probably slammer
1080 is socks proxy  (yep another WINexploit port)
443 might be respectable or it might be slapper

1214 is KaZaa file sharing but the Lirva Virus is trying to spread via KaZaa 
as well as by many other methods (and Lirva is NASTY in its payload, 
deactivating antivirus scanners and emailing all the passwords windows stores 
to one of two hardwired addresses in Kazakhstan,)  I think you probably 
encountered a Lirva scan as it has been internet active lately, choking many 
mailservers with crap, courtesy of Windows, Outlook, MSIE, mIRC, ICQ (windows 
client) IIS, and KaZaa.


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[newbie] Logictech Quickcam Express

2003-02-16 Per discussione Miark
I can get a Quickcam Express at eBay for $14.95. Sounds like a 
good deal, and it appears to be supported in Linux, but I don't
know how well it works in Linux.

What say you? Is it a good buy for a Linux user?


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Re: [newbie] Logictech Quickcam Express

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mike
On Sunday 16 February 2003 11:24 pm, you wrote:
 I can get a Quickcam Express at eBay for $14.95. Sounds like a
 good deal, and it appears to be supported in Linux, but I don't
 know how well it works in Linux.

 What say you? Is it a good buy for a Linux user?


I use the Quickcam Express with the Linux driver and it works ok.I would say the 
performance is mediocre to good.
For the price I think it is a good value.I am not sure what the top cameras are for 
Linux so I am not sure what level 
of performance is possible at this time.Here is the instructions to the driver 
installation page.

Michael Shinobi a.k.a. 'alfalfa'
Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
11:43pm up 1 day, 23:40, 1 user, load average: 1.46, 1.31, 1.15

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RE: [newbie] Logictech Quickcam Express

2003-02-16 Per discussione Robert Wideman
if you do a search on for linux quickcam there is a crap load
of info for the express model working fine in linux for about the last 1.5

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
 Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:25 PM
 To: MDK Newbie list
 Subject: [newbie] Logictech Quickcam Express

 I can get a Quickcam Express at eBay for $14.95. Sounds like a
 good deal, and it appears to be supported in Linux, but I don't
 know how well it works in Linux.

 What say you? Is it a good buy for a Linux user?


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[newbie] problems with MySQL and i just installed it

2003-02-16 Per discussione Robert Wideman
I just installed a crap load of rpms (maybe like 20) to get Mysql installed
and updated via rpmdrake.  Its running and everything BUT rpm doesnt show it
do be installed, nor in rpmdrake.  MySQL 3.23.52 was installed at the same
time as gmysql too.

[root@rwideman2 myproj]# rpm -qa|grep mysql
[root@rwideman2 myproj]# mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 3.23.52

Any thoughts??

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Re: [newbie] Logictech Quickcam Express

2003-02-16 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 16 February 2003 11:49 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:
 if you do a search on for linux quickcam there is a crap load
 of info for the express model working fine in linux for about the last 1.5

Thanks Rob - I was searching with linux webcam :-)

Anyways, I seem to be getting a semi-respectable picture now, although I've 
not tried connecting to anyone just yet...


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Logictech Quickcam Express

2003-02-16 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 16 February 2003 11:24 pm, Miark wrote:
 I can get a Quickcam Express at eBay for $14.95. Sounds like a
 good deal, and it appears to be supported in Linux, but I don't
 know how well it works in Linux.

 What say you? Is it a good buy for a Linux user?


Hmm, don't know about the express, but I just paid $63 for a used (supposed to 
be like new) Logitech 3000 Pro...from


 Dark Lord

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[newbie] Camstream?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Bryan, I know you said you liked Camstream best of all for your Logitech 3000, 

how did you ever get it installed? I tried the 26 RPM (errored out, multiple 
dependencies that I never could meet - too many conflicts), I tried v25 src 
RPM and it also errored out during the rebuild...


What file did you use to install Camstream? Can you point me to a URL that 
will give me one that will setup correctly with Mandrake v9.0? Thanks much!


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
et wrote:

On Friday 14 February 2003 09:31 pm, mycal62 wrote:

Greg Meyer wrote:

I thought this would be a fun question to discuss.

How can you tell you are not a Newbie anymore?

All this humility is very nice. ;-)

that aside, it's interesting how the responses have been. with anything
and especially with opinion
it's really a matter of perspective, and It becomes a relative thing as
When I first tried Linux RH 5.2 ( I think ) I would  say I was an
absolute Newbie. Now after several
years can I say I am an Expert? Most definitely NOT, but I don't feel I
am a true Newbie either.
I would call myself a User in perpetual training  ( I really don't
think I'll ever be an expert though
because that would take more brains than I have left. )

But then , That's purely from MY perspective,   massive grin 

I Like a saying of Confucius :  to know that what you know is what you
know, is not knowledge,
But to know that what
you do not know is what you do not know 
That is the beginning
of understanding

somethng like that.

I often say the one thing I learned about computers in 1992 that I still use, 
and is still true, is that what ever you buy today will be obosolete in 3 
years, and the same goes with software, (actully I have one program that was 
written for win95 and I bought in 1995, that I still use almost every day, 
and that is winfax for win 95, since I have kept my hourly billing on it as a 
faxed document since 1995 but the OS it ran on is no longer avail, good thing 
it still runs using other M$products) and I still use pine when I ssh into a 
shell account, and it has been around (without much change that I can see) 


Pine does gorgeous threading now-a-days.

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Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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[newbie] suggestion to mdk developers

2003-02-16 Per discussione Jozef Riha
when i click on removable media icon selecting unmount or eject but the 
media is still in use and it cannot be unmounted/ejected the new window 
apears with information about Device in use. that's just fine but there 
should be like /sbin/fuser -v /dev/scd0 and it should list processes 
which are bothering cdrom or it could even give an option to kill 
these process(es).

many times mdk-newbie doesn't have a clue about fuser program and would 
simply like to get the cd out of the drive. maybe this is more windows 
like approach, but what's bad about it??

please, write what you think about this and eventually how to let mdk 
developers know.

thanks. cheers,

joe riha (mdk 9 user)

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[newbie] Fortran compiler

2003-02-16 Per discussione laura

I want to install a Fortran compiler. Where can I find one of them? 



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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
et wrote:

On Friday 14 February 2003 08:17 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:

If you're lucky, you never stop being a newbie.

No joke.  I am personally going to be taking a newbie learning course (not
a course, just a self taught action) in Apache/Perl/Python/SQL programming
here soon.  So i totally understand that statement.


sounds like looking for fun in all the right places

yeah, but how can you show-horn Python in the same phrase with 
Apache/PERL and SQL? is that legal?

Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] unkillable process?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

On Wed 2003-02-12 at 14:22:41 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

what i'm doing:
ps ax | grep process 
kill -s signal pid

using all kinds of signals starting with sigterm, sigkill,

Those two is all you need. kill -s TERM will ask the process to
terminate (the process may refuse), kill -s KILL forcefully tries to
kill the process (.

If it doesn't terminate after a KILL signal, there is no way to do
it. Usually it means that your kernel got a hickup which shouldn't
normally happen. There are cases where the kernel cannot remove a
process due to its internal state[1], but I only encountered these with
either broken kernels (i.e. an update fixed it) or with broken

signals like sigrtmin+2 even were [and man kill does not say])

man 7 signal

(that's mentioned in man kill)

not wanting to get mucking around too much with something i didn't
fully understand i didn't use them ALL but it seems like sigkill
should kill just about anything :-/

Correct. If it does not, there is nothing a mere user (or admin) can
do about it.

I know it's late in the thread but I thought I'd mention that when I get 
a process that I can't kill from top or using ps then I've always had 
success doing it from webmin. haven't had one yet that couldn't be 
killed from webmin.

Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Possibly dumb USB question

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 08:59:30 -0800
Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From: Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Possibly dumb USB question
  Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 08:59:30 -0800
  X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)


Dennis I am ashamed of you.
Give yourself 30 lashes and no sex tonight (with anything)  (-;

Ya know, if I could I would delete all MS from this computer. Only 
trouble is then I would get fired and thrown in jail to boot. Seems like 
at odd times  and for unknown reasons Outlook decides to switch over to 
html by itself. I have turned it off and next thing it's back in there. 
And Billy calls linux a virus. Ha. Hopefully it is off again. Funny when 
I check format it says plain text. So let me know if it was me or the 
one I answered that had the html. grumblemumblegrumblesniff. Dennis M.


If your network admins are employing the use of Novell and Zenworks then 
it's likely your workstation is being imaged and when you start it up at 
the beginning of the day your hard drive is, for all intents and 
purposes being reimaged as it's starting up. Which could be a good 
explanation for why Outlook seemingly won't relent in it's HTML mail 

Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299

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[newbie] Mandrake Off Topic list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hi all,

Given the amount of traffic and passion related over the last few days
concerning things totally off topic where Mandrake Linux is concerned
has led me to a place where I'm willing to try an experiment of sorts.

I've created a mailing list for anyone here on the newbie and expert
lists where they can freely talk about all the off topic stuff they have
a need for. The link to sign up is below.

If you wish to subscibe by sending a message to the list software you
can use the email address below.


The format for the command is as follows, while the subject header is
meaningless to the list software.

In the body of the message place this information as you see it:

subscribe your.password plain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your.password = a password of your choice = your email address.

Example subscribe command:

	subscribe password plain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All are welcome.
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0

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