Re: [newbie-it] Stampante

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nicola Losito
Tanto tempo fa, in una galassia lontana lontana, Santarella Benedetto scrisse:

Salve a tutti,
sapete darmi il nome di una stampante a colori, che non mi dia problemi 
con MDK e con un
costo (anche di manutenzione) non troppo elevato???

ciao a tutti,
io ho provato nel tempo 3 canon (adesso una S500) e mi hanno funzionato 
splendidamente alla prima botta.
Tra l'altro la S500 quando la presi era appena uscita e la MDK gia' la 

Just my 0.02€

 Nicola  -  KOOLINUS  -  Losito
 ICQ - koolinus: #62837984 or  kooLINUX: #110447626
 Software is like Sex, it's better when it's' free

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:56, venerdì 10 ottobre 2003, carlo_canepa ha scritto:
 Dipende dalla versione di mysqlm, adesso non ricordo ma sulla 4 mi pare sia
 mysqld_safe e sulla 3.  safe_mysqld; in ogni caso ho provato tutto
 l'ambaradam sia con la versione 4 che con precedenti versioni 3  e il
 risultato è sempre lo stesso: un macello. L'ultima della serie è che ho
 cancellato la cartella mysql, installato i pacchetti rpm e, dando
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start mysql si avvia!!MA non parte più apache con il
 php!Allo start dice che: Cannot load
 /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into open shared object file:No such file or
 directory. Se vado sul famoso file httpd.conf di configurazione di apache e
 cancello proprio la riga LoadModule php4_module libexec/ allora
 apache si avvia, ma, naturalmente, senza il modulo php =1 manicomio
 dove non ci capisco davvero + nulla!!!MI sa che non riesco ad andare
 avanti, e dovrò prendere tutto e cercare di installarlo e configurarlo su
 windows (e non lo volevo fare...)

Ho un problema simile, ma per il corretto utilizzo di Postnuke...Se risolvo ti 
faccio sapere...
...e comunque MySQL è correttamente installato, no?

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


R: R: R: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Grazie per il tuo interessamento. Sì mysql è installato bene, visto che l'ho
installato e disinstallato parecchie volte, sia come sorgente, sia come
binario sia come pacchetto rpm, non sono un esperto, ma, almeno da questo
punto di vista, credo di sapere, più o meno, quello che faccio. Mi sono
talmente rotto di questa situazione che sto pensando di formattare la
mandrake e tirare su red hat 9 (di cui non so un accidente, sia chiaro,
essendo un neofita di linux in genere), riprovare tutto l'ambaradam e vedere
se finalmente va (mi gira storto di arrendermi e fare girare la storia
apache php mysql su winspazzatura...opinione personale)

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di Fabio Manunza
Inviato: sabato 11 ottobre 2003 11.11
Oggetto: Re: R: R: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:56, venerdì 10 ottobre 2003, carlo_canepa ha scritto:
 Dipende dalla versione di mysql, adesso non ricordo ma sulla 4 mi pare sia
 mysqld_safe e sulla 3.  safe_mysqld; in ogni caso ho provato tutto
 l'ambaradam sia con la versione 4 che con precedenti versioni 3  e il
 risultato è sempre lo stesso: un macello. L'ultima della serie è che ho
 cancellato la cartella mysql, installato i pacchetti rpm e, dando
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start mysql si avvia!!MA non parte più apache con
 php!Allo start dice che: Cannot load
 /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into open shared object file:No such file or
 directory. Se vado sul famoso file httpd.conf di configurazione di apache
e cancello proprio la riga LoadModule php4_module libexec/ allora
 apache si avvia, ma, naturalmente, senza il modulo php =1 manicomio
 dove non ci capisco davvero + nulla!!!MI sa che non riesco ad andare
 avanti, e dovrò prendere tutto e cercare di installarlo e configurarlo su
 windows (e non lo volevo fare...)

Ho un problema simile, ma per il corretto utilizzo di Postnuke...Se risolvo
faccio sapere...
...e comunque MySQL è correttamente installato, no?

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] pppd e hcfpci

2003-10-11 Per discussione Daniele Sitia
Grazie! Appena riavr indietro la mia distribuzione ci prover!
- Original Message -
From: artasersec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] pppd e hcfpci

 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 14:40:01 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ciao ML! Avevo gi mezzo risolto un bel p di tempo fa grazie ai vostri
  consigli i miei problemi, ora vi pongo un doppio quesito.
  1)Ho un modem usb Wisecom; sono andato sul sito eciadsl e ho scaricato i
  file giusti, la procedura di startmodem arriva al punto 4/5 e si ferma
  non trova nella directory dove dovrebbe esserci il file (credo si tratti
  di un file) pppd; dove lo posso trovare e/o scaricare?
  2)Su un altro pc ho installato un modem HCF Connexant; sul sito
  ho preso il driver compatibile con il mio kernel, ma mentre installo il
  tutto mi dice che gli manca il driver hcfpci; idem come sopra, dove lo
  Sono stufo di usare win per navigare!
  Grazie e ciao a tutti,
 Centro di controllo Mandrake  Rete e internet  DrakConnect  Assistente,
 segui passo passo la configurazione di un modem adsl, ti chieder di
 installare i pacchetti dal cd, non importa che configuri tutti i parametri
 del modem, a te interessa solo installare i pacchetti necessari a far
 funzionare i driver eciadsl.


[newbie-it] Configurazione scheda TV

2003-10-11 Per discussione enrico.alletto
Il problema è che al momento dell'installazione Mandrake riconosce la mia
scheda, ma io sono stato costretto a forzare il settaggio a Vesa standard 
perche altrimenti il monitor rimaneva completamente nero.
Quindi non so che fare !?! 

Sandro Scrive: 

Alle 10:12, venerdì 10 ottobre 2003, enrico.alletto ha scritto:
Sono riuscito ad avviare Mandrake 9.1 usando l'impostazione VESA
standard,tutto ok !!!
Quando sono andato nel centro di controllo di Mandrake pero, mi sono
accordo che il riconoscimento della scheda TV non la rileva.
Io ho una ATI WONDER 128 PRO 32MB, con cui posso acquisire video analogici,
riversarli su VHS e guardare la TV. La mia domanda è: posso fare lo stesso
con Mandrake? E se si, qualcuno sà darmi una mano a configurare il tutto? 

In questo caso devi procurarti i driver giusti per la tua scheda, ovviamente 
se sono stati sviluppati (o dalla casa produttrice o dalla comunità). Le 
funzioni che chiedi sono, infatti, legate strettamente all'hardware in 
oggetto. Vedi se trovi qualcosa sul sito dalla ATI.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048 

[newbie-it] modem conexant

2003-10-11 Per discussione Lord NEVERMIND di Númenthule

---Messaggio originale---

Data: giovedì 9 ottobre 2003 14.11.00
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] modem conexant

se è un hsf ti passo i sorgenti dei beta
funzionano a meravigiali avevo scaricati quando erano ancora gratis.

il mio è un HCF, qualcuno ce li ha quelli beta?

Poi ne approfitto e posto qualche domanda:

1. Mi sono iscritto a questa ML anche con un altro indirizzo che uso solo con linux, ma a quanto pare lì non mi arriva nulla;

2. Non riesco a configurare il programma per masterizzare che esce con Mandrake 9.1, non mi ricordo il nome, cmq gli faccio fare tutta la procedura automatica, mi individua correttamente il lettore di DVD ed il Masterizzatore ma poi per il DVD mi dice che non può scrivere le istruzioni di mount per farlo vedere al programma, quindi non riesco a fare le copie al volo;

3. Ho una fotocamera Creative Webcam go plus, che può fare anche da webcam... dove trovo i driver per configurarla?

Grazie a tutti, aspetto fiducioso!


Re: R: R: R: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 07:38, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, carlo_canepa ha scritto:
 Grazie per il tuo interessamento. Sì mysql è installato bene, visto che
 l'ho installato e disinstallato parecchie volte, sia come sorgente, sia
 come binario sia come pacchetto rpm, non sono un esperto, ma, almeno da
 questo punto di vista, credo di sapere, più o meno, quello che faccio. Mi
 sono talmente rotto di questa situazione che sto pensando di formattare la
 mandrake e tirare su red hat 9 (di cui non so un accidente, sia chiaro,
 essendo un neofita di linux in genere), riprovare tutto l'ambaradam e
 vedere se finalmente va (mi gira storto di arrendermi e fare girare la
 storia apache php mysql su winspazzatura...opinione personale)

Ti giro una risposta che mi è arrivata per il problema Postnuke...
Vedi se ti può essere utile.

 PHP warning Unknown() . Unable to load dynamic library 
 '/usr/lib/php/extensions/' - Cannot open 
 object file: No such file or directory on line 0

Non so se riesco a darti la dritta giusta. Il problema potrebbe essre:

- - file /etc/php.ini (o simile) ha una riga tipo /percorso/assoluto/ 
commentata ed è da scommentare
- - c'è da installare una libreria mysql che manca. Probabilmente chiedendo la 
lista dei pacchetti installabili della tua distro non ancora inseriti puoi 
vedere quale mysql non c'è ancora (non so che distro usi, ma con MDK, RH, DEB 
e SLACK questo si può fare).

Sperando di essere stato d'aiuto, saluti.

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind

Ce l'ho fatta! Sono riuscito ad iscrivermi con questo indirizzo alla ML!

Ora, veniamo al punto, così con Linux avviato mi esprimo meglio e con più 

Il programma di Masterizzazione di cui parlo è: K3B

Nel passo 2 di 6 mi dice:

Per i prgrammi mi trova il CDRDAO, il CDRECORD, il MKISOFS; non mi trova 

Nel passo 3 di 6 mi identifica il lettore DVD con i seguenti parametri:


Il Masterizzatore è identificato come:


con interfaccia SCSI generica anche se è IDE

Nel passo 4 di 6 mi dice che vuole montare il masterizzatore come 
/MNT/CDRECORDER ed il lettore di DVD come /MNT/CDROM

La spunta vicino a Permetti a K3b Setup di creare le voci fstab c'è

Nel passo 5 di 6 mi indica l'utente K3b nevermind, che è lo stesso nome 
dell'utente di login e come gruppo di scrittura CD il gruppo cdwriter; le 
spunte sui due permetti di K3b Setup ci sono entrambe. Va tutto a buon fine 
se ho almeno un disco nel DVD ed uno nel masterizzatore, ma poi quando lancio 
in K3b il comando Copia disco non mi permette di selezionare come sorgente 
il lettore DVD. Come devo fare?

Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione scheda TV

2003-10-11 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 10:33, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, enrico.alletto ha scritto:
 Il problema è che al momento dell'installazione Mandrake riconosce la mia
 scheda, ma io sono stato costretto a forzare il settaggio a Vesa standard
 perche altrimenti il monitor rimaneva completamente nero.
 Quindi non so che fare !?!

Non so se te l'ho già detto, ma hai controllato sul manuale del monitor le 
frequenze (orizzontali e verticali) con cui può funzionare?
Se le trovi basta che vai in: /etc/X11/XF86Config4
che è il file di configurazione di X e sostituisci i valori giusti nella 
sezione Section Monitor.
Ad esempio, questa è la mia:

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor1
VendorName Plug'n Play
ModelName ADI ProVista E55
HorizSync 30-69
VertRefresh 50-120

I valori vanno messi dove vedi HoizSync e VertRefresh.
Non prendere ad esempio i miei che potrebbero, ovviamente, non andare bene.
Oppure puoi metterli direttamente in fase di installazione decidendo di 
configurare manualmente il sistema grafico, quando te lo chiede.
L'importante è che riesci a trovare da qualche parte questi valori.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione tom
On Saturday 11 October 2003 15:56, Nevermind wrote:
 in K3b il comando Copia disco non mi permette di selezionare come
 sorgente il lettore DVD. Come devo fare?

devi far emulare in scsi anche la sorgente.
se ne è parlato ampiamente in lista
cerca in archivio emulazione scsi o simile.

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Noi che ... la Domenica alle 19.00 vedevamo un tempo di una partita di calcio.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione scheda TV

2003-10-11 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 10:33, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, enrico.alletto ha scritto:

Un'altra cosa, che mi sono scordato, il fatto che mdk ti riconosca il tipo di 
scheda non vuo dire che abbia i driver per gestirla. Se fossi in te una 
ricerca proverei a farla sul sito del produttore

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 17:23, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto:

 devi far emulare in scsi anche la sorgente.
 se ne è parlato ampiamente in lista
 cerca in archivio emulazione scsi o simile.

Forse sarò io cretino, ma in archivio non ho trovato nessuna spiegazione sulla 
Tieni presente che sono totalmente a digiuno di linux, anche se capisco la 
programmazione testuale, provenendo dal vecchio dos.
Se potessi spiegarmi passo passo come fare te ne sarei grato.
Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione tom
On Saturday 11 October 2003 19:35, Nevermind wrote:
 Se potessi spiegarmi passo passo come fare te ne sarei grato.

non mi pare che k3b facesse tutto da solocmq fare le cose a 
manina è sempre meglio.

tanto per inizziare:
-controlla come vengo identificati i dispositivi in /etc/fstab.

-dai da console #cdrecord -scanbus (vedi come ti vengo rilevati ora i 

-devi mettere come append in lilo/grub il dispositico in emulazione scsi...
in lilo devi edidare /etc/lilo.conf ed inserire dove leggi 
anche hdc=ide-scsi ( con uno spazzio,e all interno delle  )


-poi da console dai # cdrecord -scanbus
che dovrebbe darti l'esatto rilevamento dei due dispositivi emulati in 
scsi; a questo punto attenzione, perchè il lettore potrebbe aver preso 
possesso di scd0(che prima era assegnato al cd-r), controlla, quindi vai in 
/etc/fstab e verifica.

-aggiusta il tutto (in fstab),dando scd0 al cd e scd1 al cd-r (oppure second 
quello che ti dice cdrecord)

-se hai icone o script,aggiusta anche quelli.

mi pare nn ci sia altro
ok ora puoi fare la prima copia al volo :)

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Oh great.  I spilled my tea.  Now I have to start all over.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

[newbie-it] Rippare video DVD con K3b

2003-10-11 Per discussione emmepielle
Salute a tutti,
sto cercando di rippare video DVD con K3b 0.9. 
Clicco sul mio drive Dvd attivo che è SAMSUNG - DVD-DVDROM SD-616F
a questo punto mi compare gia un messagio di errore 
URL maldefinito.
Il programma continua da solo e mi da il contenuto del DVD con  i vari
file titolo del DVD da rippare clicco su uno col tasto destro faccio copia
e mi si apre la finestra estrazione del DVD clicco su Avvio estrazione
e mi compare un'altro messaggio di errore 
K3b non puo montare . Per piacere esegui le  Impostazioni di K3b. 
Il mio problema è questo perchè mi da questo errore anche perchè con
questa versione appunto la 0.9 è scomparso il setup di root ed è rimasto
solo il setup da locale. Sbaglio qualche passaggio o devo configurare
ancora qualcosa?

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 20:48, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, tom ha scritto:
 -controlla come vengo identificati i dispositivi in /etc/fstab.

questo è il contenuto di fstab:

/dev/hda6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrecorder auto user,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom auto user,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/cd /mnt/cdrom  autoro,noauto,user,exec
 0 0
/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd/mnt/cdrecorder autoro,noauto,user,exec
0 0

 -dai da console #cdrecord -scanbus (vedi come ti vengo rilevati ora i

Questo il risultato di cdrecord -scanbus:

Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schilling
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
0,0,0 0) 'HL-DT-ST' 'CD-RW GCE-8320B ' '1.04' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) *
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *

 in lilo devi edidare /etc/lilo.conf ed inserire dove leggi
 anche hdc=ide-scsi ( con uno spazzio,e all interno delle  )

Questo il contenuto di Lilo.conf:


append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off quiet

append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off



append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off failsafe

Ovviamente il tutto dopo aver fatto le modifiche che tu mi hai detto ed aver 
Quindi anche dopo il reboot continua a non montarmi il lettore di DVD in 
emulazione scsi... che devo fare? Non mi prendere per deficiente, ma credo di 
aver seguito alla lettera quello che mi hai detto, e non va lo stesso...
Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 23:16, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, Nevermind ha scritto:
 questo è il contenuto di fstab:

Come non detto, ora funziona! O.o
Misteri della fede... O.o
Vabbè, con la prossima mail passo al nuovo problema.
Grazie Tom!
Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

[newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind
Ed eccoci alla nuova domanda...

Ora che sono riuscito a fare in modo che K3b mi vedesse sia il dvd che il 
masterizzatore, mi sono scomparse dal desktop di kde le due icone di DVD e 
masterizzatore e mi è apparsa una che si chiama: Disco rigido (cd) non 

Come faccio a ripristinare le icone dei due device? e soprattutto, c'è modo 
per rinominare le icone? Ad esempio, quella del floppy si chiama: Dischetto 
montato su /mnt/floppy... e se io volessi fare in modo che si chiami 
semplicemente Floppy?

Grazie come sempre per l'aiuto che mi vorrete/potrete dare!
Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

[newbie-it] Avvio di Linux

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind
Lo so che faccio domande che possono sembrare stupide, ma per me che mi 
avvicino ora a Linux non lo sono...

Dunque, appena installato linux mi apriva, dopo aver fatto il boot, una 
finestra con i nomi degli utenti e la possibilità di selezionare con quale 
utente partire.
Ora invece mi esce, sempre in modalità grafica, un riquadro che mi chiede di 
immettere il nome utente. Inoltre, prima, alla chiusura, mi chideva se volevo 
cambiare utente, riavviare o spegnere, ora invece mi dà solo la possibilità 
di terminare la sessione, e quindi se voglio spegnere il pc devo prima farlo 
terminare, e poi nella finestra in cui mi chiede il nome utente, in basso, 
trovo un pulsante e cliccandoci sopra mi dà la possibilitàò di spegnere il PC 
o riavviare.

Come mai? Ho fatto io qualcosa per cui è modificata la cosa o no?
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio di Linux

2003-10-11 Per discussione Corrado
Il dom, 2003-10-12 alle 01:09, Nevermind ha scritto:
 prima, alla chiusura, mi chideva se volevo 
 cambiare utente, riavviare o spegnere, ora invece mi dà solo la possibilità 
 di terminare la sessione, e quindi se voglio spegnere il pc devo prima farlo 
 terminare, e poi nella finestra in cui mi chiede il nome utente, in basso, 
 trovo un pulsante e cliccandoci sopra mi dà la possibilitàò di spegnere il PC 
 o riavviare.
 Come mai? Ho fatto io qualcosa per cui è modificata la cosa o no?

Utilizzi sempre KDE o hai cambiato ambiente grafico? KDE e Gnome
mostrano l'opzione che citi, altri no...

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio di Linux

2003-10-11 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 01:25, domenica 12 ottobre 2003, Corrado ha scritto:

 Utilizzi sempre KDE o hai cambiato ambiente grafico? KDE e Gnome
 mostrano l'opzione che citi, altri no...

Uso sempre KDE, come bootloader uso sempre il lilo. Ho fatto delle modifiche 
all'append di lilo.conf, ma a parte quello non ho fatto nient'altro.
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie] newbie trouble with installing a program

2003-10-11 Per discussione Merlin Zener
On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 17:35, ed tharp wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 04:21, Merlin Zener wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 08:22, Greg Meyer wrote:
   On Wednesday 08 October 2003 06:41 pm, Merlin Zener wrote:
I'm guessing I'm probably missing something obvious and basic here, but
   There is a prebuilt package for dia in the Mandrake distribution.  Just use 
   rpmdrake or urpmi from the command line to install it.
   # urpmi dia
   installing /mnt/dist/9.1/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/dia-0.90-5mdk.i586.rpm
  I tried that, but it just hangs.
  ctrl-z, ctrl-c, q, exit, nothing seems to bring it back to life. I
  have to shut down the terminal window and log back in again.
 wait 30 mins, and see if you don't have some further info on screen, and
 the problem will be gone, and the software installed

Hi Ed,
thanks for your reply.

weird - I just tried it again, and immediately I got:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]# urpmi dia
everything already installed

yet I can't find it in the start menu or on the desktop.
Trying to start it from within the terminal gets this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]$ dia-0.91
bash: dia-0.91: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]$ cd dia-0.91
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dia-0.91]$ dia-0.91
bash: dia-0.91: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dia-0.91]$

I wonder, would it have installed itself somewhere else, and maybe I
have to start it from there???

Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

registered Linux user number 328618

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Re: Re[12]: [newbie] Thought MS was scary enough? Nope.

2003-10-11 Per discussione ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 20:44, rikona wrote:
 Hello Aron,
 Friday, October 10, 2003, 4:15:06 PM, you wrote:
  AS On my first box (Altair 8080) you had to load a 512 byte
  program (in hex AS by hand), which gave Dumbo enough smarts to
  read the paper tape Then you AS could load a program.
  I remember. Was that tape Bill's Basic, perchance? :-)
 AS Tom Pitmans Ity Bity Basic 4K total
 You have a long history of not supporting M$, I guess. :-)
as I recall, it was altair's and heath's basic that billy was first

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 21:06:21 -0700
Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I wonder if business will pick up for AMD? 

I believe AMD has agreed to incorporate Palladium as well.

Registered Linux user #282046
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Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it didn't help
the rabbit.
-- R.E. Shay

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Re: [newbie] newbie trouble with installing a program

2003-10-11 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Merlin Zener wrote:

On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 17:35, ed tharp wrote:

On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 04:21, Merlin Zener wrote:

On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 08:22, Greg Meyer wrote:

On Wednesday 08 October 2003 06:41 pm, Merlin Zener wrote:

I'm guessing I'm probably missing something obvious and basic here, but

There is a prebuilt package for dia in the Mandrake distribution.  Just use 
rpmdrake or urpmi from the command line to install it.

# urpmi dia
installing /mnt/dist/9.1/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/dia-0.90-5mdk.i586.rpm

I tried that, but it just hangs.
ctrl-z, ctrl-c, q, exit, nothing seems to bring it back to life. I
have to shut down the terminal window and log back in again.

wait 30 mins, and see if you don't have some further info on screen, and
the problem will be gone, and the software installed

Hi Ed,
thanks for your reply.
weird - I just tried it again, and immediately I got:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]# urpmi dia
everything already installed
yet I can't find it in the start menu or on the desktop.
Trying to start it from within the terminal gets this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]$ dia-0.91
bash: dia-0.91: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]$ cd dia-0.91
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dia-0.91]$ dia-0.91
bash: dia-0.91: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dia-0.91]$
You only need to type dia, like this,

I wonder, would it have installed itself somewhere else, and maybe I
have to start it from there???
Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer
registered Linux user number 328618

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# dia

and up she comes.

as for start menu entry,
go to,
and add an entry in Kstartmenu,

or call menudrake like this,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# menudrake
best to make entries in menudrake for system wide use as root.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 08:26, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 21:06:21 -0700
 Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I wonder if business will pick up for AMD? 
 I believe AMD has agreed to incorporate Palladium as well.
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Re: [newbie] newbie trouble with installing a program

2003-10-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 11 Oct 2003 10:23 am, Merlin Zener wrote:

 Thanks again for the information, Derek.
 it brings up a couple of interesting points:
 first, I only have two CDs; I got them with APC magazine in Australia.

 Anyway, you're right I looked in Konquerer and dia-0.90 *is* on CD2 - so
 this brings up the next puzzle: Why didn't find find it? I just tried
 it again with the same result - I clicked the K button, what to do,
 then find files. Then typed dia [without quotes, of course] in the
 named box, and browsed to /mnt/cdrom. Find then returns 0 files
 found. Curious...

 btw the only reason I didn't go ahead and double click on it in
 Konquerer right then was because it's ver0.90, and I've downloaded 0.91.
 If I don't have any luck with getting 0.91 working then this will be the

 So, the next step:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] merlin]# urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom
 using different removable device [/dev/scd0] for Installation CD 1
 (x86) (cdrom1)
 using different removable device [/dev/scd0] for Installation CD 2
 (x86) (cdrom2)
 copying hdlists file...
 ...copying done
 medium Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1) already exists

 yet, rpmdrake still doesn't acknowledge that dia exists. Strange...

Now we are getting to the root of your problem.

Since you installed your system you have changed your CD-ROM to scsi, without 
having updated your urpmi sources. Hence the messages about using a different 

Now the reason you cannot find dia in the software list is because it is 
already installed. (as you mentioned in your mail to Bryan)  If you look in 
the *un*install GUI you will find it.

You were unable to start dia from the terminal because you used the wrong 
command. You entered 'dia-0.90' when the command to start dia is just 'dia'.

Now as for dia not being in your menu. 
I have checked the dia RPM and it puts a menu entry in OfficeGraphs

If it is not there run menudrake as your user and make sure your MenuStyle is 
set to 'System Menu'  exit menudrake then in a user terminal enter
That will remake your menus for you.



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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione HaywireMac
On 11 Oct 2003 09:02:21 -0400
ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

   I wonder if business will pick up for AMD? 
  I believe AMD has agreed to incorporate Palladium as well.

Sorry, does it mention AMD in there somewhere?

Registered Linux user #282046
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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Saturday 11 October 2003 08:26 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 21:06:21 -0700

 Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I wonder if business will pick up for AMD?

 I believe AMD has agreed to incorporate Palladium as well.

Palladium or Trusted Computing is not going to be all that scary in and of 
itself.  Both Intel and AMD have announced that they will support it, with 
MS's current marketshare, they could hardly do otherwise, but both have also 
said that you would be able to shut it off.  Again, the whole point from an 
MS point of view is to force the user to make a choice, either MS approved 
only products, or everything else.

Personally, I suspect that Palladium will be a boon for Linux and Open-source, 
not a threat.
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] MNF

2003-10-11 Per discussione Afonso Guerra Assunção
If you talk in english, maybe someone will reply.

Best regards,


iceman wrote:


Ich hoffe es hat einige die deutsch sprechen :-)

Ich habe ein mega Problem: Ich versuche seit 5 Tagen die Multi Network 
Firewall von Mandrake zu installieren. Ich schaffe es nicht.

Zuerst noch einige Angaben.
PC mit 2 Netzwerkkaren, bei der die eth0 der LAN bereich darstellt, 
und die eth1 den WAN bereich. Ich möchte nun, dass ich per PPPoE mich 
ins Internet einwählen kann über die Schnittstelle eth1. Die eth0 
möchte ich nun als definieren.

Bei der Installation gebe ich der eth0 die IP Adresse wie schon 
erwähnt: mit der Subnetmaske, dem Hostnamen 
linux.mainframe.local. Die eth1 setze ich auf DHCP.

Nun nach erfolgreicher Installation, konfiguriere die Povider und ADSL 
Angaben per Webinterface. Bei den Provider Angaben muss man ja noch 
ein Land auswählen. Leider ist die Schweiz nicht dabei, und ich denke 
wahrscheindlich ist mit dem Land die VPI/VCI definiert, also in der 
Schweiz 8/35.

Nun er kann keine nun leider keine Verbindung herstellen zum Internet, 
und was ich auch komisch finde, dass wenn ich auf Network klicke im 
Webinterface uur der Looppack oder wie der heisst als Down angezeigt 
wird, und keine anderen schnitstellen, so wie ich im handbuch gesehen 

ich hoffe ich habe alles mehr oder weniger verstäntlich geschrieben. 
ich hoffe jemand kann mir ein tipp geben.

viele grüsse


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Re: [newbie] MNF

2003-10-11 Per discussione Eric Huff
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 14:16:50 +0200
iceman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ich hoffe es hat einige die deutsch sprechen :-)

Ich spreche nur ein bischen deutsch.

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Re: [newbie] MNF

2003-10-11 Per discussione ramon

Return Receipt
Your  Re: [newbie] MNF 
was   Ramon Pereira da Silva/PROF/DEES/ENG/UFMG
at:   11/10/2003 11:17:10 AM   

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 09:50:33 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Personally, I suspect that Palladium will be a boon for Linux and
 Open-source, not a threat.

In the sense that it will make people see once and for all what these
goons are up to? If so, I believe you are correct.

Registered Linux user #282046
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So little time, so little to do.
-- Oscar Levant

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Re: [newbie] newbie trouble with installing a program

2003-10-11 Per discussione C. Tresenriter
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:00:11 +0100
DJ wrote:

IF I can jump in here
I'm trying to add my CDROMs (powerpack 9.1) to the software sources 

|To do that  from Mandrake Control CentreSoftwareSoftware Source
|Manager select all the entries for your CDs and delete them. Close the
|Insert CD1 into your CD drive  (which I assume is /mnt/cdrom)
|Now open a terminal. Enter su to become root user
|urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom

Should there be three /s there?

In either case (one or two /s) I get:
unable to access first installation medium

I did enable scsi emulation and changed /etc/fstab to reflect /dev/scd1
mounted at /mnt/cdrom
Is there something else I need to change?

|That will automatically insert all 3 CDs into the list of sources and
|you should then be able to use rpmdrake to install dia and lots of
|other applications.

Is there another command to add Cds 4,5,6, 7?


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Re: [newbie] newbie trouble with installing a program

2003-10-11 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Saturday 11 October 2003 16:47, C. Tresenriter wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:00:11 +0100
 DJ wrote:

 IF I can jump in here
 I'm trying to add my CDROMs (powerpack 9.1) to the software sources

 |To do that  from Mandrake Control CentreSoftwareSoftware Source
 |Manager select all the entries for your CDs and delete them. Close the
 |Insert CD1 into your CD drive  (which I assume is /mnt/cdrom)
 |Now open a terminal. Enter su to become root user
 |urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom

   Should there be three /s there?

   In either case (one or two /s) I get:
   unable to access first installation medium

   I did enable scsi emulation and changed /etc/fstab to reflect /dev/scd1
 mounted at /mnt/cdrom
   Is there something else I need to change?

 |That will automatically insert all 3 CDs into the list of sources and
 |you should then be able to use rpmdrake to install dia and lots of
 |other applications.

   Is there another command to add Cds 4,5,6, 7?

You have to specify the RPMSx directory (where x is the number i.e. 
removable://mnt/mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMSx with ../

good luck,
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Re: Re[12]: [newbie] Thought MS was scary enough? Nope.

2003-10-11 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 05:29, ed tharp wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 20:44, rikona wrote:
  Hello Aron,
  Friday, October 10, 2003, 4:15:06 PM, you wrote:
   AS On my first box (Altair 8080) you had to load a 512 byte
   program (in hex AS by hand), which gave Dumbo enough smarts to
   read the paper tape Then you AS could load a program.
   I remember. Was that tape Bill's Basic, perchance? :-)
  AS Tom Pitmans Ity Bity Basic 4K total
Never used the Altair Basic (Couldn't afford it ) as it cost $108.00
IIRC Peoples Computing sold the paper tape for $5.00
  You have a long history of not supporting M$, I guess. :-)
 as I recall, it was altair's and heath's basic that billy was first

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Re: [newbie] annoying alarm on standby.

2003-10-11 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 11, 2003 06:09 am, Aidan Holmes wrote:
 Can anybody tell me what the annoying (and constant) dee-dah dee-dah
 dee-dah sound my computer is making is caused by??? it comes on once the
 computer has been left idle for a while. I haven't timed it, but I think
 its about 20min. The sound is coming from the system internal speaker and
 stops once I press any key (although it takes a while to stop).

 I am running Mandrake 9.0, Aopen all in one motherboard, celeron 1.0GHz and
 512Mb RAM.

 Aidan Holmes

Might be (probably is in fact) a sensor alarm. Are you running gkrellm and 
lm_sensors? If so it may be a conflict in the sensor routine.

I had this problem once when the sensors were mis-reading the core temperature 
on my processor. It was reading about 2.5x the actual core temperature and 
the alarm was going off almost continuously.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
09:28:20 up 20 days, 22:50, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.06, 0.13
He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] newbie trouble with installing a program

2003-10-11 Per discussione C. Tresenriter
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 17:14:47 +0200
HJB wrote:

|You have to specify the RPMSx directory (where x is the number i.e. 
|removable://mnt/mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMSx with ../
|good luck,

Ahhh... Thanks HarM! good to know.


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Re: [newbie] install from floppy?

2003-10-11 Per discussione Scott
On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 04:36, Sharrea Day wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 16:55, Scott wrote:
  I want to install mandrake, or some version of linux on an old PC that
  has a 500 MB hard drive (currently with windows 98), no network
  connection, and no option in the BIOS to enable booting from the cdrom
  drive. I want to be able to run at least Apache-Mysql-Php and word
  processing.  Any suggestions on the best way to go about this?
 Make the boot floppy disk.  On the first CD is a directory called images 
 and you use the cdrom.img file.  Go into the this directory and use the 
 following command in linux:
 #  dd if=cdrom.img of=/dev/fd0
 For further info see the file on the first CD called install.htm.  It also 
 explains how to make the boot disk from Windows or DOS.
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Thanks, Sharrea and HarM.

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Re: [newbie] something like autoexec.bat??

2003-10-11 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 03:14, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 22:05:10 +0200
 Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does linux use the same type of file as autoexec.bat in dos/win to
  perform some operations on startup.
  I would appreciate some input here please.
  Maybe some example?
 Late post, sorry.
 The system loads the kernal and all its modules then runs init using the
 info it finds in /etc/inittab. This file is text and mostly human
 readable. As with most config files comment lines start with #.
 Once the system has read which mode (0 to 6) it is meant to start into
 then it goes to the relevant folder and reads each file in numeric
  - Thus if it is starting in graphics mode (5), it looks into
 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ and runs these files in order. Each is a
 shell script and mainly they each run further scripts found in
 Pay particular attention to the last one in the directory.
 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99local Read this one if you wish to add to the
 Also note that /etc/rc5.d/ is a link to /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ (windows
 refugees read shortcut) and /etc/init.d/ is a link to
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/. These are not there for your convenience really but
 for backwards compatability.
 All taken together they equate to autoexec.bat and win.ini but allow
 more flexibility. You could if you wish have several new rcX.d
 directories which allow you to start / stop / restart in different
 modes. You only need to append the new ones to /etc/inittab in the
 apropriate place, create (or copy) the rc7.d directory and edit. To
 switch from one mode to another type init X with X being the mode
 you wish to switch too. The more useful ones are 
  0 = shutdown
  1 = single user startup
  3 = command line startup
  5 = normal graphics startup
  6 = reboot
 Most of the tricks performed by webmin and other config GUI tools
 rewrite these startup scripts. 
 Also in a terminal type:-
 man man
 man init
 man dmesg
 Purists will probably have a far more thorough explanation but these are
 the main startup script files. Things that get loaded into the kernal
 during its boot phase enter into the realm of FM, and i don't pretend to
 understand this fully (read/var/log/dmesg to see what happens then).

a bit much for a newbie tho
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[newbie] Shelf...

2003-10-11 Per discussione Paul
Hi everyone.

I just now was extremely glad to have a proper backup.
With a filemanager called FR (File Roller), I checked out a strange 
directory in $HOME called  'shelf'. I don't know where that dir came 
from. But following that dir down, it got to $HOME/shelf/Programs/$HOME. 
In the programs there was my entire home dir, which I could follow down 
On going up the foldertree, coming from 'shelf' back into $HOME, $HOME 
turned out to be empty.

Does anyone have such a 'shelf' directory? Does anyone know where it 
came from?
I updated my backup strategy to skip 'shelf'...

Just a friendly warning that you do not fall into the same strange black 
hole I did.

A lot of money is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine. - Linux Mandrake - Thunderbird 0.3RC2

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[newbie] Procmail mangling my email headers, rendering Netscape Mail/Kmail useless.

2003-10-11 Per discussione Mark
Help!  I just don't understand what is going on with my mail system.
Let me explain.  

I have two users on my mail server, who access mail remotely, via IMAP

I have been reconfiguring my mail lately, to begin incorporating filtering and 
virus detection.  First I need to get the fetchmail/procmail system working 
correctly.  I am doing the following:

User mark, has a .fetchmailrc file in /home/mark, which is as follows:

poll proto pop3
user xxx pass xxx is mark here nokeep

mda '/usr/bin/procmail'

This downloads the mail fine, prior to the incorporation of procmail, 
delivering mail to /var/spool/mail/mark which oddly enough, showed up
under Inbox or inbox on my email programs.  Still don't understand how
it can rename files and such.  I am using mbox format, which is a 
series of text files, one for each folder in the Email program.  Procmail, 
which I just began to setup a couple days ago, 
which uses the /home/mark/.procmailrc file, which is below:

# .procmailrc
# routes incoming mail to appropriate mailboxes

# This line tells procmail where to look for other programs
# it may need to function

# This line tells the location of your mailboxes. $HOME stand for
# the users home directory.
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail  # all mailboxes are in mail/

# Not sure what this does but it's optional

# This line tells where to put the logfile

# This line defines the shell for procmail to run commands in
# now for the formulas in the following format
#  :0 [flags] [:[lock-file]]
#  zero or more conditions
#  one action line

# Put mail from MythTv mailing list in mailbox myth
#* ^(From|Cc|To).*mythtv-users

# Lastly, add all remaining to default box

I have the procmail filtering shut off, just to get this working.  Procmail 
delivers the email to the /home/mark/mail/inbox file, but the Netscape and 
Kmail email MUA's do not show that mail has arrived, and in most instances 
will not read the file correctly.  In the event I move the inbox file to a new 
file such has oldinbox, Netscape will read the new file, but without 
delineating the messages, it shows up as ONE big email with  a subject of 

The headers of the mbox file appear to be changed by procmail.  An old header
is shown below:

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Oct  2 00:36:47 2003 -0400
X-UIDL: 2460106452283620
Received: by (mbox [EMAIL PROTECTED])
(with's vgrpop Thu, 25 Sep 2003 18:35:30)
Received: from ( [xxx.104.67.8])
by (8.12.10/8.10.2) with ESMTP id h8PKlEYi040587
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:47:14 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
id TTF0V7LD; Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:43:48 -0400
From: Shirley, Mark R [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: photoshop
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:47:06 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Status: RO
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Oct  2 00:36:47 2003 -0400
X-UIDL: 2460106452283620
Received: by (mbox [EMAIL PROTECTED])
(with's vgrpop Thu, 25 Sep 2003 18:35:30)
Received: from ( [xxx.104.67.8])
by (8.12.10/8.10.2) with ESMTP id h8PKlEYi040587
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:47:14 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
id TTF0V7LD; Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:43:48 -0400
From: Shirley, Mark R [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: photoshop
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:47:06 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Status: RO
X-UID: 74
m [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Oct  2 00:36:47 2003 -0400
X-UIDL: 2460106452283620
Received: by (

NOW, a new header generated after passing the emails through
procmail is shown below:

Received: from [xxx.93.66.170]
by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.1)
for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Sat, 11 Oct 2003 14:48:22 -0400 
Received: from ( [])
by (8.12.10/8.10.2) with ESMTP id h9BIkVMt057795
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 11 Oct 2003 14:46:31 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from ( [])
by (8.12.10/8.10.2) with ESMTP id h9BIkTcY058621

Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 09:27, HaywireMac wrote:
 On 11 Oct 2003 09:02:21 -0400
 ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
I wonder if business will pick up for AMD? 
   I believe AMD has agreed to incorporate Palladium as well.
 Sorry, does it mention AMD in there somewhere?
no, just that it won't matter what x86 platform you are on

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[newbie] ksysguard loses connection to local host TOP Segfaults

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme

i've never seen this before  am at a loss as to what to do or where to

my system was OCed till last night..but vid problems are forcing me to
look at this issue further...

i was running Ksysguard to keep an eye on a program that tends to have a
memory leak.


Befuddled Femme

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[newbie] reiserfsck ... ffs

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme

i wanna check the reiser fs.  why? Cause I've just hardlocked this comp
a few mins ago  I didn't have the reiserfs tools laoded so on boot it
couldn't cehck the FS.  

how can i do that once linux is running?

as an aside, why the hell does MDK INSIST on removing the reiser tools
EVERY SINGLE TIME i update the system!?

its  fucking PITA and i'm getting rapidly sick  tired of it doing so.

sorry i've had a really really bad last 2 days..some of you know why. 
today isn't turning intoa better day yet... and damnit i wish it was.

thx all

Very Frustrated 

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[newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-11 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
Rpm for Mdk-9.2, either the RC or the final when it is released, for
gaim-0.71 can be dled from my site.

You will need gaim and libgaim-remote0


Some of the things that live the longest in peoples' memories never
really happened.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 17:29:41 +
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rpm for Mdk-9.2, either the RC or the final when it is released, for
 gaim-0.71 can be dled from my site.
 You will need gaim and libgaim-remote0

will gaim allow you to communicate with icq clients on pvcy mode?


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Re: [newbie] Shelf...

2003-10-11 Per discussione RichardA
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 21:02:55 +0200, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 I just now was extremely glad to have a proper backup.
 With a filemanager called FR (File Roller), I checked out a strange 
 directory in $HOME called  'shelf'. I don't know where that dir came 
 from. But following that dir down, it got to
 $HOME/shelf/Programs/$HOME. In the programs there was my entire home
 dir, which I could follow down AGAIN.
 On going up the foldertree, coming from 'shelf' back into $HOME, $HOME
 turned out to be empty.
 Does anyone have such a 'shelf' directory? Does anyone know where it 
 came from?
 I updated my backup strategy to skip 'shelf'...
 Just a friendly warning that you do not fall into the same strange
 black hole I did.

I've seen nested recursive folders in ~/.openoffice. Couldn't work out
why copying /home took all night - and filled my backup partition.

Get up and turn I loose

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[newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
in windows i used zonealarm pro.

in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to surfing
w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.

i hate it.


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Re: [newbie] Lightwave 3D / 3d artwork / Blender

2003-10-11 Per discussione Anarky
John Richard Smith wrote:

modelling, animation, texturing, workflow  rendering. 

Could you kindly define for this rank newbie 3d modeler, what each of 
the 5 subject headings mean.

okie :P

Modelling,   I guess making a 3d outline.

well ... this is about making the shape of things ... say you want to 
make a dog ... there's ways and ways of approaching it ... you might 
start of a cube, extrude (you can think of it as stretching the cube) 
until you get where you want, or work with curved surfaces ... that you 
define ... or starting from points which you move around ... in short .. 
various techniques of modelling.
blender is pretty well rounded .. but many people still use Wings3d as 
it's meant ONLY for modelling, and it's quite strong in the modelling 
(haven't used it too much to be able to say much)

Animation, speaks for itself.

yep, kinda ... but this also can be done in many ways ... in more basic 
ways (keyframes) .. and in more advanced ways (mixing different actions 
in the animation mixer). Blender is kewl here. Also it can use animation 
to make modelling stuff .. which is really cool (eg. you have a stair .. 
that you animate as moving in a spiral .. than you materialize it 
along the way .. and taaadaa .. you've got a spiral stairway)

Texturing ,  I suppose this is about colouring in the 3d outline ?

it's about putting picures on pollygons ... say you make a wall ... now 
that you're done with modelling it .. you might put a picture of bricks 
along it .. and you've got a brick wall ;-)

Workflow,  ?

this is about how fast you can work ... how easy it is to go to bigger  
bigger projects ... basically productivity ... this is a very stroing 
point of Blender ... it's soo strong that it's quite scary for the 
beginners (full of shortucts, tricks  workarounds that are awesome for 
the swimmer .. but scary for the first timer who's getting his toes 
wet (not to mention the at first strange look  buttons  stuff) )

rendering , ?

well ... this is about how good your stuff comes out ... it's like ... 
you can make an awful model  stuff but still have it look quite good 
... for example you might make just a couple of cubes  scatter them 
around ... and put in a light somewhere ... this boring thing might at 
some point with a good rendering look quite great if you make one of the 
cubes reflective, another trasparent .. and the others cast interesting 
shadows on their siblings ... like I said ... this atm isn't Blender's 
strongest point ... but you can still get great results ... and there 
ARE ways to get awesome results (tricks  exports) ... and also real 
hopes (I hear starting from 2.30 (now it's 2.28) things will become even 
easier and more standard to export  render ... and even in 2.29 I 
understand there'll be serious improovements in the area)


hope this helped.

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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 11 October 2003 08:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 in windows i used zonealarm pro.

 in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to
 surfing w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.

 i hate it.


Femme, in Mozilla : Edit -- Preferences -- Privacy  Security 
-- Popup windows -- Block unrequested popup windows.


Kaj Haulrich.
*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Saturday 11 October 2003 04:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 in windows i used zonealarm pro.
 in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to surfing
 w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.
 i hate it.
Most browsers have a settings to prevent javascript popups.  In fact, Konq has 
a kewl feature that allows those that are requested by the user.  It's called 
smart on the javascript configuration page.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] reiserfsck ... ffs

2003-10-11 Per discussione robin
Heather/Femme wrote:


i wanna check the reiser fs.  why? Cause I've just hardlocked this comp
a few mins ago  I didn't have the reiserfs tools laoded so on boot it
couldn't cehck the FS.  

how can i do that once linux is running?

as an aside, why the hell does MDK INSIST on removing the reiser tools
EVERY SINGLE TIME i update the system!?
its  fucking PITA and i'm getting rapidly sick  tired of it doing so.

sorry i've had a really really bad last 2 days..some of you know why. 
today isn't turning intoa better day yet... and damnit i wish it was.

thx all

Very Frustrated 


Maybe Mandrake has a point - I'm very suspicious of reiserfs tools, 
especially the older versions.  I completely fscked my system with them 
once (though to be fair, I did get a message saying This is alpha 
software and can totally mangle your file system or something like that.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Saturday 11 Oct 2003 9:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 in windows i used zonealarm pro.

 in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to surfing
 w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.

 i hate it.


RPM is in contrib. Just set your browser proxy settings to port 8118
By default privoxy will block pop ups, and block adverts.
When privoxy is running http://p.p/  takes you to privoxy online configuration 
to customise it per site.



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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 00:46:34 +
Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 11 October 2003 08:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
  in windows i used zonealarm pro.
  in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to
  surfing w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.
  i hate it.
 Femme, in Mozilla : Edit -- Preferences -- Privacy  Security 
 -- Popup windows -- Block unrequested popup windows.
 Kaj Haulrich.
 *This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

popups weren't the problem it was the other ads.


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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 00:03:28 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 11 Oct 2003 9:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
  in windows i used zonealarm pro.
  in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to
  surfing w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.
  i hate it.
 RPM is in contrib. Just set your browser proxy settings to port 8118
 By default privoxy will block pop ups, and block adverts.
 When privoxy is running http://p.p/  takes you to privoxy online
 configuration to customise it per site.

do i need anything special? or it just runs locally?



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Re: [newbie] reiserfsck ... ffs

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 02:05:36 +0300
robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe Mandrake has a point - I'm very suspicious of reiserfs tools, 
 especially the older versions.  I completely fscked my system with
 them once (though to be fair, I did get a message saying This is
 alpha software and can totally mangle your file system or something
 like that.
 Sir Robin

lwell no warning hm

anyone else?


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[newbie] Suse ISO's

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
I have them. 

no ide who wanted them..but unless i can upload them to an ftp witha 
decent pipeline, i can't give em out.

so..if anyone wants to email me offlist with such a place, I will make
them avialable to others here.


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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione Barry Premeaux
On Saturday 11 October 2003 05:26 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 21:06:21 -0700

 Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I wonder if business will pick up for AMD?

 I believe AMD has agreed to incorporate Palladium as well.

I didn't spot a reference to AMD.  I sure hope not.  It would be nice to have 
some alternatives out there.


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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Saturday 11 October 2003 04:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 in windows i used zonealarm pro.

 in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to surfing
 w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.

 i hate it.

Use Privoxy as a proxy server.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Saturday 11 October 2003 05:54 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 00:03:28 +0100

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Saturday 11 Oct 2003 9:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
   in windows i used zonealarm pro.
   in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to
   surfing w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.
   i hate it.
  RPM is in contrib. Just set your browser proxy settings to port 8118
  By default privoxy will block pop ups, and block adverts.
  When privoxy is running http://p.p/  takes you to privoxy online
  configuration to customise it per site.

 do i need anything special? or it just runs locally?

It is a local proxy server, like Squid only it has settings to block unwanted 
stuff on the web like ads, cookies, flash animation, etc.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione Zlatko Savic
It is the business world that has the deep pockets. They ought to know 
about this.


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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:42:16 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is a local proxy server, like Squid only it has settings to block
 unwanted stuff on the web like ads, cookies, flash animation, etc.
 Bryan Phinney
 Software Test Engineer

thx took a look at the site.


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Re: [newbie] Barbie anyone?

2003-10-11 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Saturday 11 October 2003 04:09 am, Margot wrote:
 Michael Adams wrote:
  This may have already ben posted and my old befuddled brain missed it.
  Apologies if it was.


 Dear Santa, please send me one of these and I'll be good all next year I
 promise! Love Margot XXX

Don't forget to ask for a new monitor -- you'll need one with the top wider 
than the bottom in order to get the full Barbie experience.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-11 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:30:29 -0700
Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I didn't spot a reference to AMD.  I sure hope not.  It would be nice
 to have some alternatives out there.

Palladium requires computers to have a special chip, which both Intel
and AMD have already agreed to incorporate.

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Don't have good ideas if you aren't willing to be responsible for them.

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Re: [newbie] Barbie anyone?

2003-10-11 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 11 October 2003 09:36 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Don't forget to ask for a new monitor -- you'll need one with the top wider
 than the bottom in order to get the full Barbie experience.
 -- cmg

lol Now thats truly funny! :-)


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RE: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-11 Per discussione Walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 1:30 PM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] gaim-0.71

Rpm for Mdk-9.2, either the RC or the final when it is released, for
gaim-0.71 can be dled from my site.

You will need gaim and libgaim-remote0



Thanks for this..I now have gaim working beautifully on my computer!!!


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[newbie] Problems with a web site...

2003-10-11 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
A friend of mine who uses Mozilla is having trouble with a web site:

so I told him I'd try it out. Like him, I can access the main page, but 
clicking something like the DSL link immediately crashes Mozilla and Galeon 
hard. Konqueror works fine. This is with the stock versions under Mandrake 
version 9.1 - anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Problems with a web site...

2003-10-11 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 23:52:18 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


works fine for me. stock with mdk9.1 iirc.


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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Eric Huff
 in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to
 surfing w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.

I have a hosts file that redirects a huge number of known ad sites

They just show up as blank squares (usually) and don't waste any

I haven't updated it in awhile, but it blocks most ads i would run
across. has links to a bunch of hosts files.


Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] Problems with a web site...

2003-10-11 Per discussione Eric Huff
 A friend of mine who uses Mozilla is having trouble with a web
 so I told him I'd try it out. Like him, I can access the main
 page, but clicking something like the DSL link immediately crashes
 Mozilla and Galeon hard. Konqueror works fine. This is with the
 stock versions under Mandrake version 9.1 - anyone have any ideas?

crashes firebird 0.6.1, too.

Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] Problems with a web site...

2003-10-11 Per discussione Steve Mazil
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 22:39:02 -0400
Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 23:52:18 -0400
 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 works fine for me. stock with mdk9.1 iirc.
Also works with Phoenix ver 0.5 

Steve Mazil

Mandrake Linux 9.1 (Bamboo)
Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk

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Re: [newbie] Problems with a web site...

2003-10-11 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
Eric Huff wrote:
A friend of mine who uses Mozilla is having trouble with a web

so I told him I'd try it out. Like him, I can access the main
page, but clicking something like the DSL link immediately crashes
Mozilla and Galeon hard. Konqueror works fine. This is with the
stock versions under Mandrake version 9.1 - anyone have any ideas?

crashes firebird 0.6.1, too.
Crashed Mozilla 1.4.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
 AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake Linux 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
  Reiserfs and XFS | KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
 01:30:00 up 12 days,  2:00,  3 users,  load average: 0.72, 0.31, 0.15
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] annoying alarm on standby.

2003-10-11 Per discussione Jerry Barton
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:09:29 +0800
Aidan Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anybody tell me what the annoying (and constant) dee-dah dee-dah dee-dah 
 sound my computer is making is caused by???

I used to get that.  I replaced the fan on my CPU and found that it doesn't do it 
anymore.  Try cleaning your cpu fan or replacing it.  The alarm (kinda sounds like a  
british police siren... h-loow-h-lowww) usually means a CPU 



_||_  Registered linux user #300600 
 (o_  Registered linux machine # 185855  

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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-11 Per discussione Jerry Barton
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 17:53:44 -0400
Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 00:46:34 +
 Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Saturday 11 October 2003 08:32 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
   in windows i used zonealarm pro.
   in linux what can i do?  sides stopping popups, i got used to
   surfing w/out those damn annoying ads right in my face.
   i hate it.
  Femme, in Mozilla : Edit -- Preferences -- Privacy  Security 
  -- Popup windows -- Block unrequested popup windows.
  Kaj Haulrich.
  *This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 
 popups weren't the problem it was the other ads.

Use /etc/hosts (like the windows HOSTS file.  



_||_  Registered linux user #300600 
 (o_  Registered linux machine # 185855  

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