[newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-13 Per discussione enrico.alletto
Ho installato Mandrake 9.1 (sono un nuovo utente linux) su un PC un po 
datato e su uno di qualche anno fa. Entrambi funzionano correttamente,
ma quando per esempio lancio Xmms e voglio sentire un mp3 l'audio non esce,
cioe' il display si muove come se tutto fosse ok, ma l'audio non  si sente 
ed ho notato che nel pannello di controllo di mandrake con c'e' la 
possibilita' di configurare la scheda audio, come posso fare? 


Re: [newbie-it] Avvio di Linux

2003-10-13 Per discussione giorgio big william
Caro Nevermind
il problema è molto semplice in quanto è stato riscontrato anche da me. Ho scritto alla Mandrake facendo notare questo problema, i quali hanno riscontrato un baco nella Mandrake 9.1 che verrà corretto nella versione 9.2 (lo puoi leggere sul loro sito nell'area download ftp). Il problema risiede nel tipo di scheda grafica in uso, la mia per esempio è una ATI Radeon 7500. Se per caso la tua scheda grafica è di tipo diverso, ti conviene contattare la Mandrake e far loro presente il tuo problema, in modo che possano fare una correzione nella prossima versione. Per il momento puoi ovviare al problema adottando il sistema che ho usato io, ossia, parti in modalità testo (basta essere in runlevel 3) poi avvia da riga di comando la modalità grafica (comando: startx) quindi entra come utente di tua scelta, così quando vorrai fare logon ti si presenterà la classica finestra di scelta utenza con cui fare il login.
Ciao e auguri.Nevermind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Alle 01:25, domenica 12 ottobre 2003, Corrado ha scritto: Utilizzi sempre KDE o hai cambiato ambiente grafico? KDE e Gnome mostrano l'opzione che citi, altri no...Uso sempre KDE, come bootloader uso sempre il lilo. Ho fatto delle modifiche all'append di lilo.conf, ma a parte quello non ho fatto nient'altro.-- // ( o o )--ooO-(_)-Ooo--Nevermind, un newbie di Linuxcon tanta voglia di imparare!Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro Anti-spam

Re:[newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l

2003-10-13 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ho installato Mandrake 9.1 (sono un nuovo utente linux) su un PC un po 
 datato e su uno di qualche anno fa. Entrambi funzionano correttamente,
 ma quando per esempio lancio Xmms e voglio sentire un mp3 l'audio non esce,
 cioe' il display si muove come se tutto fosse ok, ma l'audio non  si sente
 ed ho notato che nel pannello di controllo di mandrake con c'e' la
 possibilita' di configurare la scheda audio, come posso fare?


L'audio, a parte gli MP3, funziona?

Esegui innanzi tutto queste verifiche:

1) nel BIOS del PC cerca una voce simile a PnP OS Installed e assicurati che
sia settata su NO;

2) se il problema persiste, verifica nel mixer che i livelli audio non siano
settati a zero;

3) facci sapere qualcosa di più (anche sul tipo di scheda audio)... ;)


Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 23:47, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, Nevermind ha scritto:
 Ed eccoci alla nuova domanda...

 Ora che sono riuscito a fare in modo che K3b mi vedesse sia il dvd che il
 masterizzatore, mi sono scomparse dal desktop di kde le due icone di DVD e
 masterizzatore e mi è apparsa una che si chiama: Disco rigido (cd) non

 Come faccio a ripristinare le icone dei due device? 

tasto destro del mouse sul desktop -- crea nuovo --
dispositivo CD/DVD

 e soprattutto, c'è modo
 per rinominare le icone? Ad esempio, quella del floppy si chiama:
 Dischetto montato su /mnt/floppy... e se io volessi fare in modo che si
 chiami semplicemente Floppy?

tasto destro del mouse sull'icona -- rinomina (F2)

ciao, Andrea

R: R: R: R: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

2003-10-13 Per discussione carlo_canepa
L'ultima della serie è che dopo aver installato la red hat ho spianato di
nuovo tutto, perché scaricavo i sorgenti di mysql php e apache e non capivo
nulla di dove cavolo li andava a infilare e come, infatti non metteva i file
nella directory home, ma in tmp, cambiando il nome ma mantenendo
l'estensione tar.gzinoltre non riuscivo ad aprire in alcun modo il file
manager in modalità super utente. Allora ho installato di nuovo la mandrake
(la 9.0 stavolta); a parte il fatto che non mi funziona la scheda audio (e
non ho la più pallida idea di come farlo,, visto che è una sound blaster
supportata), adesso riprovo tutte le configurazioni di nuovo. All'amico che
lamenta le difficoltà da superare dico che ha ragione, e di windows non ne
posso + nemmeno io, però ho l'impressione che per un utente medio basso
(come posso essere anche io), che vuole tutte le periferiche e l'hardware
supportato (specie quello multimediale), senza tante storie di
riconoscimento ecc.,  linux sia ancora un po' troppo una rottura di palle:
mica tutti hanno voglia di stare lì a configurare e riconfigurare a
installare e disinstallare...guarda che lo dice uno che di windows non ne
può più...per me sono dei mafiosi e basta, quindi..
Per lo specifico, sì certo che mysql era in esecuzione, non era quello il
problema, ma quello che segnala l'amico Fabio Manunza, qui sotto: mancanza
di librerie su dei moduli mysql che facevano casino con il modulo php

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di toto
Inviato: domenica 12 ottobre 2003 20.14
Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1

Alle 07:38, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, carlo_canepa ha scritto:

Grazie per il tuo interessamento. Sì mysql è installato bene, visto che
l'ho installato e disinstallato parecchie volte, sia come sorgente, sia
come binario sia come pacchetto rpm, non sono un esperto, ma, almeno da
questo punto di vista, credo di sapere, più o meno, quello che faccio. Mi
sono talmente rotto di questa situazione che sto pensando di formattare la
mandrake e tirare su red hat 9 (di cui non so un accidente, sia chiaro,
essendo un neofita di linux in genere), riprovare tutto l'ambaradam e
vedere se finalmente va (mi gira storto di arrendermi e fare girare la
storia apache php mysql su winspazzatura...opinione personale)

Ti giro una risposta che mi è arrivata per il problema Postnuke...
Vedi se ti può essere utile.


PHP warning Unknown() . Unable to load dynamic library 
'/usr/lib/php/extensions/mysql.so' - libmysqlclient.so.10: Cannot open 


object file: No such file or directory on line 0

Non so se riesco a darti la dritta giusta. Il problema potrebbe essre:

- - file /etc/php.ini (o simile) ha una riga tipo
commentata ed è da scommentare
- - c'è da installare una libreria mysql che manca. Probabilmente chiedendo
lista dei pacchetti installabili della tua distro non ancora inseriti puoi 
vedere quale mysql non c'è ancora (non so che distro usi, ma con MDK, RH,
e SLACK questo si può fare).

Sperando di essere stato d'aiuto, saluti.

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)



Scusate l'intromissione nella querela Ma MySQL è in esecuzione?
Da root /etc/init.d/mysql status
Se non è in esecuzione allora  /etc/init.d/mysql start
E poistiamo parlando di un server professionale di database, quindi non 
pensiamo che basta un click è tutto va!!
Qualche intoppo è normale in ogni ambiente Linux, Win o Mac o qualsiasi 
Non scoraggiamoci perché si trova qualche difficolta a fare qualcosa: Io 
sono passato a Linux per i continui
intoppi avuti sotto windows e da due anni sono un felice utente, anche e 
spopratutto dopo avere incontrato
diverse difficoltà.
Per ultimo ogni distribuzione ha i suoi pregi e difetti, per La mandrake 
ha qualche problemino, ma resta insieme
alla Debian l'unica con lo spirito originale del mondo Gnu_Linux:
Good Job

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio di Linux

2003-10-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 08:51, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, giorgio big william ha scritto:
 Caro Nevermind
 il problema è molto semplice in quanto è stato riscontrato anche da me. Ho
 scritto alla Mandrake facendo notare questo problema, i quali hanno
 riscontrato un baco nella Mandrake 9.1 che verrà corretto nella versione
 9.2 (lo puoi leggere sul loro sito nell'area download ftp).

Il problema pare fosse un altro (vedi l'altro ramo del thread).
Comunque, se vedi su un mirror degli upgrade di Mandrake, pare che sia
uscita recentemente una patch per il dm. Forse rislve anche
il tuo problema.

ciao, andrea

Re:[newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-13 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ho visto che sul sito mandrake store si può già ordinare la 9.2,ma i pagamenti
 si fanno solo con carta di credito?
 Grazie a tutti

Mi sembra che si possa pagare anche mediante bonifico bancario.
Comunque dovresti trovare tutte le informazioni sul sito MandrakeStore.
Io ho acquistato alcune volte via web (con carta di credito prestatami, io non
ce l'ho), e non ho mai avuto alcun problema (anche perchè credo che i dati della
carta vengano memorizzati per il solo tempo necessario ad eseguire l'operazione
e non siano salvati a tempo indeterminato... così si riducono i rischi!).


Re: [newbie-it] Rippare video DVD con K3b

2003-10-13 Per discussione artasersec
Questa  l'home page di Gnome Toaster:
Io l'ho trovato ottimo.
La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono.  (Archiloco)

[newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-13 Per discussione enrico.alletto
L' audio mp3 a parte NON si sente.
La scheda e' una S.B. Live 5.1 e con windows funziona perfettamente
da anni, ma anche mandrake 9.1 la riconosce perfettamente.
Effettivamente non ho controllato il volume del mixer anche perche'
pensavo che il controllo si facesse direttamente da volume di Xmms. 


Ho installato Mandrake 9.1 (sono un nuovo utente linux) su un PC un po 
datato e su uno di qualche anno fa. Entrambi funzionano correttamente,
ma quando per esempio lancio Xmms e voglio sentire un mp3 l'audio non esce,
cioe' il display si muove come se tutto fosse ok, ma l'audio non  si sente
ed ho notato che nel pannello di controllo di mandrake con c'e' la
possibilita' di configurare la scheda audio, come posso fare? 

L'audio, a parte gli MP3, funziona? 

Esegui innanzi tutto queste verifiche: 

1) nel BIOS del PC cerca una voce simile a PnP OS Installed e assicurati che
sia settata su NO; 

2) se il problema persiste, verifica nel mixer che i livelli audio non siano
settati a zero; 

3) facci sapere qualcosa di più (anche sul tipo di scheda audio)... ;) 


Re: [newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-13 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 08:28, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, enrico.alletto ha scritto:
 Ho installato Mandrake 9.1 (sono un nuovo utente linux) su un PC un po
 datato e su uno di qualche anno fa. Entrambi funzionano correttamente,
 ma quando per esempio lancio Xmms e voglio sentire un mp3 l'audio non esce,

Hai provato a vedere se i volumi del mixer non siano per caso a zero?

 cioe' il display si muove come se tutto fosse ok, ma l'audio non  si sente
 ed ho notato che nel pannello di controllo di mandrake con c'e' la
 possibilita' di configurare la scheda audio, come posso fare?

Come non c'è la possibilità di configurare la scheda audio?
Una volta che sei nel Centro di Controllo clicka sulla sinistra sulla scritta 
Sulla destra ti compaiono una serie di icone, scegli:
HardDrake elenca il tuo hardware e ti aiuta a configurarlo.
Nell'elenco si trova anche la scheda audio.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re:[newbie-it] Tariffe kppp

2003-10-13 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 sapete dove e' possibile scaricare le tariffe telefoniche aggiornate per

Dai un'occhiata qui: http://devel-home.kde.org/%7Ekppp/Rules/Italy/

Se non sono aggiornate, puoi creare le regole che ti servono ed inviarle ai
responsabili del progetto. Leggi qui: http://devel-home.kde.org/~kppp/rules.html



Re: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

2003-10-13 Per discussione emmepielle
Io con la Mandracchia 9.1 ho notato che rifacendo l'istallazzione del sistema 
operativo senza formattare naturalmente la directory /var dove è contenuto i file 
database di mysql alla ristallazione dei pacchetti sql
al linkaggio con il server apache php mysql o con mysqlcc o Qt develop mi dava il 
fatidico errore di conessione al socket (ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL 
server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) Ad occhio effettivamente lo da 
quando il demone mysql è spento riavvio il server con /etc/init.d/mysql start poi 
appena laciavo es una pagina php che aveva bisogno di mysql lui si arrestava. in 
conclusione senza sapere sinceramente che facevo ho salvato i database e poi ho 
cancellato il file /var/lock/subsys/mysql in quanto avevo notato di non avere i 
permessi giusti (era lukkato).
E magia il demone mysql si è riavviato ed adesso funziona. 

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 02:26:31 +0200
Fabio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 21:01, giovedì 9 ottobre 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto:
  On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, kudega wrote:
   Sto cercando di installare MySQL per poi interfacciarlo con i
   programmini che faccio con Kylix solo che quando da shell digito
   mysql mi appare...
   ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/
   lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
 Io ho una Mandrake 9.1 ed MySQL (versione disponibile nei tre CD della 
 distribuzione) si installa perfettamente.
 La prima istruzione da dare è la seguente:
 che, tra le altre cose, crea la tabella delle autorizzazioni per MySQL.
 Quindi è necessario impostare la password di root mediante il comando
 mysqladmin -password newpassword
 (rammenta di essere root).
 E' necessario verificare anche il daemon mysqld sia attivo tramite il centro 
 di controllo mandrake (metodo grafico) o tramite il comando
 mysqladmin -p ping
 Per quanto attiene kylix, se riuscirai ad interfacciarti tramite le zeos lib, 
 freeclx o altro, fammi sapere poiché io non ci sono riuscito.

Re: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o installazione

2003-10-13 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:01, giovedì 9 ottobre 2003,   Eraser Head  ha scritto a Lista 
Mandrake  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] MySQL Problema avvio o 
installazione :

  ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
  '/var/ lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

#touch /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
#chown mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql/  -R


- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] vmware e win2000

2003-10-13 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:34, venerdì 10 ottobre 2003,   scido  ha scritto a 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  in merito a [newbie-it] vmware e win2000 
 ciao a tutti,
 ho provato ad installare windows2000pro su vmware 4.0.5 ma purtroppo
 non ci sono riuscito. praticamente mi salta la virtual machine appena
 prima della formattazione del disco. non capisco se sia un baco o

formatti una partizione o un file?
nel primo caso vmware accede con i permessi dell'utente che lo lancia,
quindi non può formattare, nel secondo (più lento ma con meno problemi) 
il file deve essere comunque dell'utente


- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 10:08, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  Ho visto che sul sito mandrake store si può già ordinare la 9.2,ma i
  pagamenti si fanno solo con carta di credito?
  Grazie a tutti

 Mi sembra che si possa pagare anche mediante bonifico bancario.

Se non sbaglio bonifici bancari e vaglia internazionali hanno un
costo spropositato.
Conviene informarsi su quelle carte di credito prepagate.
Vengono rilasciate da diverse banche. Le carichi con una
certa cifra e nessuno (anche chi ti carpisce il codice)
può usarla per più della somma residua.

ciao, andrea

R: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-13 Per discussione Giorgio Carrara

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di Andrea Celli
Inviato: lunedì 13 ottobre 2003 18.14
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

Alle 10:08, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  Ho visto che sul sito mandrake store si può già ordinare la 9.2,ma i
  pagamenti si fanno solo con carta di credito?
  Grazie a tutti

 Mi sembra che si possa pagare anche mediante bonifico bancario.

Se non sbaglio bonifici bancari e vaglia internazionali hanno un
costo spropositato.
Conviene informarsi su quelle carte di credito prepagate.
Vengono rilasciate da diverse banche. Le carichi con una
certa cifra e nessuno (anche chi ti carpisce il codice)
può usarla per più della somma residua.

Non so proprio come funzionino ma la banca dalla quale mi servo io ce l'ha e
la dava allo SMAU completamente gratuita.
Oggi non so quanto costi 
Vedi qui,  http://www.creval.it   ha filiali anche a Milano e Firenze ed in
Il sistema credo sia bancaperta e la carta è cartaperta 

La Posta in uscita è certificata senza virus.Outgoing mail is certified
Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.525 / Virus Database: 322 - Release Date: 09/10/2003

Re: R: [newbie-it] mandrake 9.2 pre order

2003-10-13 Per discussione paolo brusasco
il bonifico internazionale costa almeno una dozzina di euro. guarda se 
puoi pagare con un assegno circolare. costa molto meno

Giorgio Carrara wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-13 Per discussione paolo brusasco
hai il cavetto analogico dal cd alla scheda audio?

enrico.alletto wrote:
Ho installato Mandrake 9.1 (sono un nuovo utente linux) su un PC un po 
datato e su uno di qualche anno fa. Entrambi funzionano correttamente,
ma quando per esempio lancio Xmms e voglio sentire un mp3 l'audio non esce,
cioe' il display si muove come se tutto fosse ok, ma l'audio non  si 
sente ed ho notato che nel pannello di controllo di mandrake con c'e' la 
possibilita' di configurare la scheda audio, come posso fare?

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-13 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 07:58, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

  Dischetto montato su /mnt/floppy... e se io volessi fare in modo che si
  chiami semplicemente Floppy?

 tasto destro del mouse sull'icona -- rinomina (F2)

Mi permetto di dissentire: queste icone vengono create automaticamente quando 
si utilizza mr. supermount; non è possibile rinominarle, nè sostituire 
l'icona (per esempio con quella propria dei cd-burner).
Due le soluzioni:
1) disabilitare il supermount per avere il controllo sulle iconcine e la loro 
2) farsi piacere le icone che supermount fornisce

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] vmware e win2000

2003-10-13 Per discussione scido

 formatti una partizione o un file?
 nel primo caso vmware accede con i permessi dell'utente che lo lancia,
 quindi non può formattare, nel secondo (più lento ma con meno problemi)
 il file deve essere comunque dell'utente

formatto un file, di cui sono proprierario, quindi non ci dovrebbero essere 
problemi. penso sia un problema legato alla mia conf. hardware (troppo debole 
per sostenere un VM :(
ho trovato la soluzone con win4lin.

grazie cmq,



Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-13 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 11 October 2003 23:47, Nevermind wrote:

 Come faccio a ripristinare le icone dei due device? e soprattutto, c'è modo
 per rinominare le icone? Ad esempio, quella del floppy si chiama:
 Dischetto montato su /mnt/floppy... e se io volessi fare in modo che si
 chiami semplicemente Floppy?

Quelle icone, con quei nomi, le attivi o disattivi dalla config del desktop:
tasto destro sul desktop
Configura Desktop
e c'e' la voce
Mostra devices sul Desktop, e le caselle per scegliere quali.
Ma non so come cambiare quei nomi, saranno da qualche parte nella .kde 
Altrimenti, come ti dicono in altra mail, creandole da zero
puoi rinominarle, ecc.
(anche se la configurazione del kde e' piuttosto comoda)


- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://www.marcob.org/go.asp?~freefred/
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Non riesco a sentire l' audio

2003-10-13 Per discussione tom
On Monday 13 October 2003 11:15, Sandro wrote:
 Sulla destra ti compaiono una serie di icone, scegli:
 HardDrake elenca il tuo hardware e ti aiuta a configurarlo.
 Nell'elenco si trova anche la scheda audio.

se è una scheda isa,non te la fa configurare...

che scheda è?

#lspci -v -v

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
(:-) Messaggio riferito a caschi per biciclette.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-13 Per discussione Moreno T
Tutto era filato liscio fino alle 17:11, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, quando Fabio 
Manunza ha scritto:

 Mi permetto di dissentire: queste icone vengono create automaticamente
 quando si utilizza mr. supermount; non è possibile rinominarle, nè
 sostituire l'icona (per esempio con quella propria dei cd-burner).
 Due le soluzioni:
 1) disabilitare il supermount per avere il controllo sulle iconcine e la
 loro titolazione
 2) farsi piacere le icone che supermount fornisce

Ciao, scusate se mi intrometto, mi sono iscritto da poco, ma anch'io vorrei 
dire la mia sulle icone del supermount.
Queste icone si trovano in /usr/share/mimelnk/kdedevice (nella Mandrake 9.1, 
Ho un lettore cdrom, un lettore dvd e un masterizzatore. All'inizio tutte e 
tre le periferiche venivano montate come CDROM montato su /mnt/cdromX, il 
che mi creava un certa confusione. Ho notato però che modificando /etc/fstab 
in modo che il masterizzatore sia montato su /mnt/cdwriter (e solo così!) sul 
desktop compare l'icona del masterizzatore (disco dorato) e la scritta 
Masterizzatore montato su /mnt/cdwriter. Qualsiasi altro punto di montaggio 
crea un'icona del tipo Disco rigido montato su...
Ho anche creato nella cartella kdedevice due icone per il dvd (montato e 
smontato), modificando con un editor di testi l'icona del cdrom.
Purtroppo non riesco a capire se è possibile far caricare quest'icona  in 
automatico (ho provato montando il dvd su /mnt/dvd e /mnt/dvdrom, ma ottengo 
sempre disco rigido ...).
Se qualcuno scopre qualcosa in più...


Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-13 Per discussione Moreno T
Tutto era filato liscio fino alle 17:23, sabato 11 ottobre 2003, quando tom ha 
 On Saturday 11 October 2003 15:56, Nevermind wrote:
  in K3b il comando Copia disco non mi permette di selezionare come
  sorgente il lettore DVD. Come devo fare?

 devi far emulare in scsi anche la sorgente.
 se ne è parlato ampiamente in lista
 cerca in archivio emulazione scsi o simile.

Scusate, ma è normale che dopo aver abilitato l'emulazione scsi per il cdrom, 
non riesca più a sentire i cd audio con xmms?
(ho il cdrom con il cavetto collegato all scheda audio, c'entra qualcosa?)

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente sono riuscito ad iscrivermi! Domanda su masterizzazione

2003-10-13 Per discussione Corrado
Il lun, 2003-10-13 alle 23:00, Moreno T ha scritto:

 Scusate, ma è normale che dopo aver abilitato l'emulazione scsi per il cdrom, 
 non riesca più a sentire i cd audio con xmms?
 (ho il cdrom con il cavetto collegato all scheda audio, c'entra qualcosa?)

Non senti solo i cd audio o non riesci ad accedere al dispositivo? Per
esempio, col file manager riesci a leggere i file contenuti in un cd
inserito in quel dipositivo?

[newbie-it] driver nvidia

2003-10-13 Per discussione alfredo
salve a tutti,
il sito della nvidia contiene i driver per linux delle loro schede 
grafiche, i drivers sono divisi in tre categorie:

Linux IA32,
Linux IA64,
Linux AMD64,
perdonate la domanda: se posseggo un AMD Athlon Xp devo scaricare i 
driver dalla terza categoria?

PS: IL root hub che non funziona con MDK 9.1 , funziona con una SUSE 
Live-Cd 9.1, non so + che fare

Re: [newbie-it] driver nvidia

2003-10-13 Per discussione Corrado
Il mar, 2003-10-14 alle 00:07, alfredo ha scritto:

 Linux IA32,
 Linux IA64,
 Linux AMD64,
 perdonate la domanda: se posseggo un AMD Athlon Xp devo scaricare i 
 driver dalla terza categoria?

No, ti serve IA32; AMD64 si riferisce ai processori AMD a 64 bit, idem
IA64 ma per intel.

Re: [newbie-it] Icone sul desktop

2003-10-13 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 09:58, lunedì 13 ottobre 2003, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 tasto destro del mouse sul desktop -- crea nuovo --
 dispositivo CD/DVD

Così facendo sono riuscito a creare le icone. Quella del masterizzatore 
funziona, quella del DVD no, l'errore che mi dà è:

/dev/hdd: Input/output error
mount: impossibile determinare il tipo di filesystem, e non è stato 
specificato nessuno

/dev/hdd è quello che lui mi usa per identificare il lettore di DVD nel 
  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 01:27, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 When I plug in my Nikon CoolPix 885 digital camera via a USB connection,
 I get a /mnt/removable icon on my KDE 3.1 desktop.  However, neither my
 user account or the root account can access the drive.  I get a message
 saying the drive is not accessible.

 Is this something that needs to be fixed concerning an etc/fstab entry?
 I can access my Zip 250 USB drive with no problem and the permissions
 appear to be identical.

 Thanks for any input.

See if there's an entry in /etc/fstab with /mnt/removable that (probably) 
points to /dev/scd0it should be there!

If there isn't, just type sudo mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/removable after which 
you should be able to access it.

Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 14, 2003 12:58 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 hehe... thanx... but I'm not so newbi...
 seems Mozilla is not in my Linux path...

 even if I hit Alt+f2 and type mozilla, it do not run...
 I must open the /usr/local/mozilla directory and run mozilla from

 There is no way to, somewhere, setup mozilla as default browser ???

 Flávio Henrique

H that wouldn't be a manually installed upgrade of Mozilla now would 
it? If it wasn't installed through the 'regular procedures' then it probably 
isn't in your path. 

Can you start Mozilla from the menu? Is it the version of Mozilla you're 
expecting to run? I've broken Mozilla so badly using the nightly builds in 
the past that the only way I could use it was to remove all references to the 
browser from the hard drives and start over.

Someone already posted the preferences method to use Mozilla as default for 
web pages so it might help. But if you installed other than a Mandrake 
package even that may be problematic.

On the other hand I've installed the cooker version of Mozilla in the past and 
had zero trouble. YMMV

Good luck.
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
01:25:14 up 22 days, 14:47, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.18
Unlucky?  If I bought a pumpkin farm, they'd cancel Halloween.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-13 Per discussione HaywireMac


Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Man's reach must exceed his grasp, for why else the heavens?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] annoying alarm on standby.

2003-10-13 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 12, 2003 09:49 pm, Aidan Holmes wrote:
 Thank you all for your help with this issue.
 I can now confirm that it's definately CPU overheating due to the fan
 stopping. I left the case off, and then left the computer 'till I heard
 the alarm again. Upon my return, the cpu fan had stopped, and the
 heatsink was too hot to touch for more than a second or so. An added
 bonus was that as i had turned the ceiling light off, i noticed that
 the case power light was flashing in time with the beeps ( I assume
 this means that it is a BIOS alarm), something I had not noticed with
 the room brightly lit.

 I plan to check out the bios options first when I get home (I'm at work
 now) and see what difference that makes before trying to mess with any
 more settings in the software.

 To aswer a few of your questions, The heatsink does have a pad, not
 thermal paste. and I have installed Mandrake myself from disks on the
 front of a Linux how-to book from the local newsagets. (I also bought
 red hat from the internet, but prefer the mandrake so far) I am running
 dual boot with Win XP and plan to learn linux the sam way I did
 windoze, by getting my hands dirty, playing arround and trying things
 out. It means that this is about my fifth linux re-installation in as
 many months but I'm learning alot. Hopefully I can completely phase out
 windoze soon and run a M$ free machine.


Yeah, if it's that hot I'd be doing some serious cooling system research! 

Also known as OUCH; a keychain that used to be a processor.

Hope you didn't do any major damage Aidan.

Good luck.
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
01:37:42 up 22 days, 14:59, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.07, 0.10
Schapiro's Explanation:
The grass is always greener on the other side -- but that's
because they use more manure.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Plex86

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 12 October 2003 16:58, Russ wrote:
 Has anyone here used plex86


I've had it hanging about on my HD for a while. Never got to installing it due 
to lack of info and time. Apparently it has a lot in common with bochs.
It seems to be very alpha still..so be careful out there;)

Good luck,

Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 07:38, HaywireMac wrote:
  I have an irc account but have never used it, no buddies )-:

 How does that work? For IRC, you don't need a password or anything,
 right? Just a server to connect to?

 It defaults to irc.freenode.net, so will anyone who knows my nick be
 able to find me?

 BTW, I'm also on ICQ, 279518458.

 Like you, I am buddyless :-(
So what do we do now?
Create a new group Mandrake and start adding buddiesbetter tan OT list 

Good luck,
HarM (ICQ 146191606)
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] mozzilla mail

2003-10-13 Per discussione Anton
Apart from the fact that your windows box would look suspiciously like a 
linux box if you had a mail folder at that address!
(sorry I couldn't actually give you any real help, just a smart*^% you 
see... :-)

You should find it in a hidden folder such as this:
/home/dennis/.mozilla/dennis/v4ptz8yv.slt/mailnote the . in front of 
mozilla.  That is a hidden folder in your files. Konqueror shows it if you 
click on show hidden folders in the View tab. HTH

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Lightwave 3D / 3d artwork / Blender

2003-10-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith
robin wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

I installed blender on M9.0 and took a close look at it , and frankly 
, to a complete beginner it seemed a bit too much to understand. They 
assume you already know a lot of the terms, but if you are like me 
you have never ever seen a 3d modeling programme before, and while  I 
dare say I will get used to it all in time, so far I haven't succeded 
in so doing. Blender looks to me like the bees knees,  but then I 
know nothing.

I think I will wait until M9.2 and put blender on that, and begin again.

Seems to me you have some experience, can I post to you or here in 
newbie with queries? 

Check out The Juicy Blender tutorial at 

Sir Robin


I must of missed that one, thanks.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Phoenix bios

2003-10-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2003 02:22 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2003 07:44 am, John wrote:

The newbie mail has provided a lot of info. for me over the last 2
months. Being new, there is a lot to learn even from the OT mail.
Example: I have been trying to install md9.1 on a gateway 1450se with xp
  and phoenix bios.

I used Partition Magic on a 450, which is essentially the same machine, I
think.  Mine was pre-installed with W2K, though, and I did nuke the
pre-install and installed clean with our site-licensed W2K.  I'm quad
booting this machine due to legacy programs that require DOS, some that run
in W98 but not W2K, and W2K for the rest of the stuff.  My personal
partition boots Mandrake.  I had problems with the PCMCIA controller and
the AMR modem--the modem is a lost cause.

If you have to use one, Paragon Hard Drive Manager works much the same as 
Partition Magic, has all the same features, IIRC, and has the added benefit 
of supporting ReiserFS, HPFS, JFS, I think.  I know for sure that is supports 
Reiser.  Also, it has an executable that is installable under Linux that 
provides a lot of features, although not all as in Windows.  Supports moving 
partitions entirely over to alternate drives, resizing partitions (Reiser 
included), etc.

If you have to use a Windows partition manager, I would get that one over 
Partition Magic.


Anyone know when partimage will support Reiser ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 13 Oct 2003 4:08 am, Guy Rouillier wrote:
  Now for Gaim-0.70
  There are packages on Texstars download repository
  Go here http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php
  and declare a urpmi source for Texstar and you will then be able to see
  hos packahes in your Mandrake Software Manager GUI.

 I went to this site and it showed me the following:

   urpmi.addmedia main
 ftp://raven.cslab.vt.edu/pub/linux/mandrake/9.1/i586/Mandrake/RPMS with
 urpmi.addmedia contrib
 ftp://raven.cslab.vt.edu/pub/linux/mandrake/9.1/contrib/RPMS with
 urpmi.addmedia --update updates
 ftp://raven.cslab.vt.edu/pub/linux/mandrake/updates/9.1/RPMS/ with

 I don't use urmpi, but rather the Mandrake GUI, so I added these
 directly to the Software Sources Manager.  Then I went into Install
 Software, and searched for gaim - no hits.  Why aren't I seeing gaim
 0.70?  Do I need to uninstall 0.68 first?

You did not see gaim because you did not add a source for Texstar.
You have done main, contrib, and updates, but not Texstar.
The line for Texstar is near the bottom of the page.



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Re: [newbie] grepping root?

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 01:11, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 06:28, ed tharp wrote:
  i have this one for a desktop
 You must not be married, or else you have a very open minded spouse!
Yep. I would discuss this, but only on the OT list.

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] Making Mozilla the default browser in KDE

2003-10-13 Per discussione Flávio Henrique
 If you have mozilla installed, but not in your path, you could (as root)
 issue a ln  mozilla /path to where mozilla is installed/mozilla
 /usr/bin/mozilla.  So, if your mozilla was installed under
 /usr/local/bin/mozilla, you would type:
 ln -s /usr/local/bin/mozilla  /usr/bin/mozilla

 That would create a link in the /usr/bin directory pointing to your
 mozilla.  /usr/bin is by default in your path.


hmmm... I'll try this...
so, the /usr/bin is in my path, but /usr/local no ?

how a I can configure my path ? like the %path% in windows?
it is by ln -s ?


Flávio Henrique

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable

2003-10-13 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 03:14, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Monday 13 October 2003 01:27, Trey Sizemore wrote:
  When I plug in my Nikon CoolPix 885 digital camera via a USB connection,
  I get a /mnt/removable icon on my KDE 3.1 desktop.  However, neither my
  user account or the root account can access the drive.  I get a message
  saying the drive is not accessible.
  Is this something that needs to be fixed concerning an etc/fstab entry?
  I can access my Zip 250 USB drive with no problem and the permissions
  appear to be identical.
  Thanks for any input.
 See if there's an entry in /etc/fstab with /mnt/removable that (probably) 
 points to /dev/scd0it should be there!
 If there isn't, just type sudo mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/removable after which 
 you should be able to access it.
 Good luck,

/dev/scd0 is my CDRW drive and I am getting a message that /dev/scd1
does not exist.  Too add to what I mentioned previously, I am using
defsd and and Mandrake 9.2 RC2.  I will post the output of my dmesg and
my fstab file below.  

hub.c: new USB device 00:04.2-1.2, assigned address 6
usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 58
scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
  Vendor: Nikon Model: Digital CameraRev: 1.00
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Attached scsi removable disk sdb at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
SCSI device sdb: 251904 512-byte hdwr sectors (129 MB)
sdb: Write Protect is off
 /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
USB Mass Storage device found at 6
ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
udf: registering filesystem
usb.c: USB disconnect on device 00:04.2-1.2 address 6
hub.c: new USB device 00:04.2-1.2, assigned address 7
WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
USB Mass Storage device found at 7


/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/cd /mnt/cdwriter auto
ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0
none /mnt/removable supermount
dev=/dev/sda1,fs=ext2:vfat,--,codepage=850,kudzu,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /mnt/zip supermount
dev=/dev/sda4,fs=ext2:vfat,--,kudzu,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
none /mnt/zip2 supermount
dev=/dev/sdb4,fs=ext2:vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,kudzu 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
none /mnt/removable2 supermount
dev=/dev/sdb1,fs=ext2:vfat,--,kudzu,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0

I'm unclear as to why some devices, like my Zip 250 USB drive are
appearing twice.  I have a CD drive, along with a CDRW (scsi emulation
via k3b), the Zip drive, and occasionally the camera (not always

Apppears as if fstab is somewhat hosed.  I have used this camera before
on Mandrake with supermount and had no problems.

Thanks again.


Thieves respect property;
they merely wish the property to become their property
that they may more perfectly respect it.
-- G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday

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Re: [newbie] getting rid of ads on the web

2003-10-13 Per discussione Lanman

On 10/12/2003 at 11:24 PM Heather/Femme wrote:

 Mercy Buckets is a common term in the east Texas area (Piney Wood

oh...lord.. k didn't know that!

Le Ditto! LOL!


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Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Flávio Henrique
October 14, 2003 12:58 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 hehe... thanx... but I'm not so newbi...
 seems Mozilla is not in my Linux path...

 even if I hit Alt+f2 and type mozilla, it do not run...
 I must open the /usr/local/mozilla directory and run mozilla from

 There is no way to, somewhere, setup mozilla as default browser ???

 Flávio Henrique

H that wouldn't be a manually installed upgrade of Mozilla now would
it? If it wasn't installed through the 'regular procedures' then it probably
isn't in your path.

I made a clean install... and the mozilla is not in my path not even my KDE menu...

Can you start Mozilla from the menu?


Is it the version of Mozilla you're
expecting to run?

1.5 rc2

Someone already posted the preferences method to use Mozilla as default for
web pages so it might help. But if you installed other than a Mandrake
package even that may be problematic.

yes... I already made these changes and works now... thanx...
the other problem that I had is that Mozilla is not in my path, but I know what to do 

Good luck.

Thanx Charlie...
Flávio Henrique

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Douglas Bainbridge
Hi Bryan,

On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 19:15, Bryan Phinney wrote: 

  Just because a 
 company pursues goals that are not in my best interests and seeks to limit my 
 choices to those that make them money does not make them evil, that is simply 
 reality.  Every human will try to make things work out best for himself, even 
 if that sometimes is at the expense of others.  That is just plain old 
 self-interest and survival instinct.  And, for better or worse, companies are 
 run by ordinary humans.  

That is a very measured attitude; however, most (all?) societies
consider it in the common good to limit how far individuals or groups
can pursue self-interest at the expense of others checks and
balances, etc   What worries me how MS seems able to ignore with
impunity checks that are applied to others.  

 Now, once our basic needs have been met, some of us my pursue our interests 
 with more moderation than others, some may even be altruistic (if only for 
 their own ego purposes) but I would not want to argue that someone wanting to 
 make more money is necessarily evil.

No,I don't know that anyone has said that so far. But the means, and the
end result of allowing them to pursue it unchecked, may be considered
extremely undesirable for society at large.  

 That doesn't mean that I would not resist someone trying to force me to use a 
 product that is not in my best interest, just that I don't take it 

Well,of course that's a personal matter.Some people may have had more
bruising experiences of this than you, perhaps, and might take it


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Re: [newbie] Making Mozilla the default browser in KDE

2003-10-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 13 Oct 2003 12:24 pm, Flávio Henrique wrote:
  If you have mozilla installed, but not in your path, you could (as root)
  issue a ln  mozilla /path to where mozilla is installed/mozilla
  /usr/bin/mozilla.  So, if your mozilla was installed under
  /usr/local/bin/mozilla, you would type:
  ln -s /usr/local/bin/mozilla  /usr/bin/mozilla
  That would create a link in the /usr/bin directory pointing to your
  mozilla.  /usr/bin is by default in your path.

 hmmm... I'll try this...
 so, the /usr/bin is in my path, but /usr/local no ?

 how a I can configure my path ? like the %path% in windows?
 it is by ln -s ?


 Flávio Henrique

Edit your ~/.bash_profile file
Add to the end of the existing PATH. Use ':' to separate entries.
Takes effect next time  you log on.

ALternatively to change the path for all users edit the PATH command in 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 13:19, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I'm unclear as to why some devices, like my Zip 250 USB drive are
 appearing twice.  I have a CD drive, along with a CDRW (scsi emulation
 via k3b), the Zip drive, and occasionally the camera (not always

 Apppears as if fstab is somewhat hosed.  I have used this camera before
 on Mandrake with supermount and had no problems.

My fstab line looks like this:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,kudzu,noauto,exec,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 Where I just plugged in my camera for the first time(mine's a Trust).

I then do mount /mnt/removable as the entry in fstab is such that I don't 
need to specify the device.
In your case /mnt/removable2 is obviously an option too.

About the double entries I don't really know..maybe cause you plugged it 
in on various occasions with different device configurations or other USB 

Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 07:44, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 Hi Bryan,
 On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 19:15, Bryan Phinney wrote: 
   Just because a 
  company pursues goals that are not in my best interests and seeks to limit my 
  choices to those that make them money does not make them evil, that is simply 
  reality.  Every human will try to make things work out best for himself, even 
  if that sometimes is at the expense of others.  That is just plain old 
  self-interest and survival instinct.  And, for better or worse, companies are 
  run by ordinary humans.  
 That is a very measured attitude; however, most (all?) societies
 consider it in the common good to limit how far individuals or groups
 can pursue self-interest at the expense of others checks and
 balances, etc   What worries me how MS seems able to ignore with
 impunity checks that are applied to others.  

I will say gluttony is a sin.
_Demanding_ more than your 'fair share' is what I see as gluttony.
  Now, once our basic needs have been met, some of us my pursue our interests 
  with more moderation than others, some may even be altruistic (if only for 
  their own ego purposes) but I would not want to argue that someone wanting to 
  make more money is necessarily evil.
 No,I don't know that anyone has said that so far. But the means, and the
 end result of allowing them to pursue it unchecked, may be considered
 extremely undesirable for society at large.  
  That doesn't mean that I would not resist someone trying to force me to use a 
  product that is not in my best interest, just that I don't take it 
 Well,of course that's a personal matter.Some people may have had more
 bruising experiences of this than you, perhaps, and might take it
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 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Nvidia drivers

2003-10-13 Per discussione Drew Martin
Hello All,
  I'm trying(very badly) to install the Nvidia drivers on to our
pc.I'm running 9.2 rc2,p3 500,256ram.
I can shut down the x-sever with no problems,but when I cd to file
location,I get no such dicretory or this a diretory and can not do anything.
   I had no problems in 9.1,is this a bug in 9.2 or am I doing
something stupid?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2003-10-13 Per discussione mike
which version of  the driver are you trying?

have you checked the permissions ?

did you install in run level 3 ?

do you know how to use mc ( midnight commander ) ?

Drew Martin wrote:

Hello All,
 I'm trying(very badly) to install the Nvidia drivers on to our
pc.I'm running 9.2 rc2,p3 500,256ram.
I can shut down the x-sever with no problems,but when I cd to file
location,I get no such dicretory or this a diretory and can not do anything.
  I had no problems in 9.1,is this a bug in 9.2 or am I doing
something stupid?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA
Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.1 stock kernel Kde 3.1
Registered Linux User #248955 liquid/acqua  Theme
If obstacles are what you see in your path...
   Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] aiuto compilazione del kernel / periferiche

2003-10-13 Per discussione andrea_quaglini

Sono un nuovo utente linux, ma sono alle prime armi ed ho bisogno di qualcuno
che mi insegni a sfruttare il sistema al meglio per poter recidere il cordone
ombelicale che ancora mi lega alla microsoft e i suoi sistemi 



1)Quali sono gli scopi di questa fatidica compilazione del kernel, e come
si effettua?

2)Il sistema al momento dell'installazione non mi ha riconosciuto la scheda
audio, problema che con la vecchia versione 8.2 non si era verificato. Naturalmente
questa periferica non figura neanche nella lista hardwere di hardrake, come
posso fare a fargliela riconoscere???
e se dovessi installare un'altra qualsiasi periferica???.sapete
io sto ancora con la vecchia tiriterastart...impostazionipannello
di controllo...nuovo hardware...etc.etc

3)Qualche chiarimento sulla chiacchieratissima incompatibilita tra i softmodem
e il pinguino?? Esiste un modo per far funzionare tali modem sotto linux??


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] archives search

2003-10-13 Per discussione C. Tresenriter
Has anyone been able to search the archives this past weekend?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] archives search

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 08:44, C. Tresenriter wrote:
 Has anyone been able to search the archives this past weekend?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

try the ones at marc.theaimsgroup.com
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] archives search

2003-10-13 Per discussione C. Tresenriter
On 13 Oct 2003 08:48:29 -0400
ET wrote:

|try the ones at marc.theaimsgroup.com
|Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Cool! Thanks Ed

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Disabling BIOS Shadow RAM and Installing MDK 9.1

2003-10-13 Per discussione The Other

Hello All, from The Other

A few of you may remember I've been trying to get a stable installation of
Mandrake 9.1 since May.

Thanks to my niece for sending me a Debian distro 3.x with documentation.  I
may have figured out what was going wrong all this time.

The Debian documentation on installing the system was something like 120
pages, of which the 10 or so about setting up before the installation begins
was the gem I needed.  Explaining that the Linux kernel wants full control
of your computer and to disable just about everything the computer was
trying to manage led me to the following:

Disable ALL Shadow RAM

Sure enough, my BIOS was set to shadow some of the video RAM.  I disabled
that and got a flawless, Gnome desktop only, installation of 9.1.

Then I went into Mandrake Control Center and started loading in the other
packages I wanted.

Here's where it gets a little worrying.

On two separate occasions last night I got a frozen system when Logging Out
so I could immediately Log back In to see the newly installed programs show
up on the menus.  When Logging back In, the left half of the CRT screen was
black and the right half was scrolling black/white pixels.  Powering down
the system, restarting, and following the recovery prompts, got me back to a
working Bamboo system.

Anyone know why the freeze-up?Is my system unstable?I'm still seeing
the beginning message during boot-up:  BIOS Data Check Unsuccessful.
That continues to worry me a bit.

Thanks All, it's nice to be back.
The Other Stephen Stubbs
Champaign, IL   USA

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Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable

2003-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Monday 13 October 2003 06:19 am, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 03:14, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Monday 13 October 2003 01:27, Trey Sizemore wrote:
   When I plug in my Nikon CoolPix 885 digital camera via a USB
   connection, I get a /mnt/removable icon on my KDE 3.1 desktop. 
   However, neither my user account or the root account can access the
   drive.  I get a message saying the drive is not accessible.
   Is this something that needs to be fixed concerning an etc/fstab entry?
   I can access my Zip 250 USB drive with no problem and the permissions
   appear to be identical.
   Thanks for any input.
  See if there's an entry in /etc/fstab with /mnt/removable that (probably)
  points to /dev/scd0it should be there!
  If there isn't, just type sudo mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/removable after
  which you should be able to access it.
  Good luck,

 /dev/scd0 is my CDRW drive and I am getting a message that /dev/scd1
 does not exist.  Too add to what I mentioned previously, I am using
 defsd and and Mandrake 9.2 RC2.  I will post the output of my dmesg and
 my fstab file below.

 hub.c: new USB device 00:04.2-1.2, assigned address 6
 usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 58
 scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
   Vendor: Nikon Model: Digital CameraRev: 1.00
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Attached scsi removable disk sdb at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
 SCSI device sdb: 251904 512-byte hdwr sectors (129 MB)
 sdb: Write Protect is off
  /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
 WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
 USB Mass Storage device found at 6
 ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
 udf: registering filesystem
 usb.c: USB disconnect on device 00:04.2-1.2 address 6
 hub.c: new USB device 00:04.2-1.2, assigned address 7
 WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
 USB Mass Storage device found at 7


 /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
 none /mnt/cdrom supermount
 dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
 none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
 dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/cd /mnt/cdwriter auto
 ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
 none /mnt/floppy supermount
 dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0
 none /mnt/removable supermount
 dev=/dev/sda1,fs=ext2:vfat,--,codepage=850,kudzu,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 none /mnt/zip supermount
 dev=/dev/sda4,fs=ext2:vfat,--,kudzu,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
 none /mnt/zip2 supermount
 dev=/dev/sdb4,fs=ext2:vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,kudzu 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
 none /mnt/removable2 supermount
 dev=/dev/sdb1,fs=ext2:vfat,--,kudzu,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0

 I'm unclear as to why some devices, like my Zip 250 USB drive are
 appearing twice.  I have a CD drive, along with a CDRW (scsi emulation
 via k3b), the Zip drive, and occasionally the camera (not always

 Apppears as if fstab is somewhat hosed.  I have used this camera before
 on Mandrake with supermount and had no problems.

 Thanks again.
Looks to me like it is  mounting at sdb so try  mount /dev/sdb1  in a 
command line and see what you can see of the photos then. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Monday 13 October 2003 07:44 am, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
   Just because a
  company pursues goals that are not in my best interests and seeks to
  limit my choices to those that make them money does not make them evil,
  that is simply reality.  Every human will try to make things work out
  best for himself, even if that sometimes is at the expense of others. 
  That is just plain old self-interest and survival instinct.  And, for
  better or worse, companies are run by ordinary humans.

 That is a very measured attitude; however, most (all?) societies
 consider it in the common good to limit how far individuals or groups
 can pursue self-interest at the expense of others checks and
 balances, etc   What worries me how MS seems able to ignore with
 impunity checks that are applied to others.

Again, they aren't holding a gun to anyone's head.  I don't know of many 
businesses that don't play the game to win and for the most part, that is 
what MS is doing.  That said, would I want to share technology or entertain 
becoming a partner given what they have done to many others, probably not, 
but that is simply buyer beware.  Anyone who entertains the notion of working 
with MS who is not aware of the dangers of doing so would have been the 
victim of someone else, if not MS.

In the final analysis, these are computers, not real life and death stuff, so 
all of the talk about Evil Empires is just rhetoric.

  Now, once our basic needs have been met, some of us my pursue our
  interests with more moderation than others, some may even be altruistic
  (if only for their own ego purposes) but I would not want to argue that
  someone wanting to make more money is necessarily evil.

 No,I don't know that anyone has said that so far. But the means, and the
 end result of allowing them to pursue it unchecked, may be considered
 extremely undesirable for society at large.

A lot of that depends on your point of view.  There are many people who would 
argue that MS has moved technology forward and the struggles of unifying 
under a single platform required heavy handed tactics and that the benefits 
of that unification outweighed the costs.  I used to work with a bunch of 
people who argued that very viewpoint.  Again, I am not naive to not 
recognize the tactics for what they are, but in the great scheme of things, I 
don't regard MS as being what I would classify as evil with a big E.

  That doesn't mean that I would not resist someone trying to force me to
  use a product that is not in my best interest, just that I don't take it

 Well,of course that's a personal matter.Some people may have had more
 bruising experiences of this than you, perhaps, and might take it

True.  I used to work in a job where people actually tried to physically kill 
me.  So, I probably have a different viewpoint when it comes to computer 
versus real life.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2003-10-13 Per discussione Drew Martin
   Hi Mike,
   I'm trying to install he latest version from the Nvidia wed
site,and installing from level 3.
what I have done is log into RL3,then try to cd to
/home/drew/Documents;which where the drivers are.
At which point I would log in to root,to install them,but can not get to the
file location.
  I have never used mc as far as I know
  I got the driver to install under 9.1,with out much
problems,by using the method above.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

 which version of  the driver are you trying?

 have you checked the permissions ?

 did you install in run level 3 ?

 do you know how to use mc ( midnight commander ) ?

 Drew Martin wrote:

 Hello All,
   I'm trying(very badly) to install the Nvidia drivers on to
 pc.I'm running 9.2 rc2,p3 500,256ram.
 I can shut down the x-sever with no problems,but when I cd to file
 location,I get no such dicretory or this a diretory and can not do
I had no problems in 9.1,is this a bug in 9.2 or am I doing
 something stupid?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Mike McNeese Springdale, Arkansas USA

  Dual booting 98lite;MDK 9.1 stock kernel Kde 3.1
  Registered Linux User #248955 liquid/acqua  Theme

 If obstacles are what you see in your path...
 Then you have lost sight of your goal! 

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-13 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

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The limit of e-mails for the number newbie has been reached. Try again 

Is that all they're going to do after Ed sent them a nice message about this 

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
10:59:55 up 23 days, 22 min, 1 user, load average: 0.21, 0.10, 0.09
Get Revenge!  Live long enough to be a problem for your children!
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable (supermount?)

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 17:51, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I'll try this when I get back today.  I have been thinking of disabling
 supermount.  Thought some of these issues would go away...anyone had any
 issues with supermount?  How about autofs?
   Trey Sizemore

No, not on 9.2 I haven'tsupermount's rock solid.

Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] (2nd post)exporting directories via Samba or NFS?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Thinker
Could someone please point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this?

 As I said, I finally got my old hard drive with mandrake 9.0 in a new machine and
back on the network. Now, I need to take most of the files in my home
directory (including /evolution ) and move them to my Win2k Machine for
archiving and to my SuSE 8.2 Machine for use.

Someone on the SuSE list suggested that I start NFS on the Mandrake box
and export the directory to the SuSE box. Then start Samba on the
Mandrake box and export the same directory to the Windows machine.

I am not too familiar with NFS and exporting directories. How does this work?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 19:03, Charlie M. wrote:
 Is that all they're going to do after Ed sent them a nice message about
 this problem?


How about if we all redirected those sms messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] till 
they put an end to it.

Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Flávio Henrique

 Is it the version of Mozilla you're
 expecting to run?

 1.5 rc2

In future for those that like living life on the bleeding edge, it would be
advisable to indicate in your initial request for help that you're running a
non-standard/beta/rc version of an application so that those trying to help
don't have to ask intentionally (mis)leading questions to elicit required

The small detail in this situation was the version of the browser that was
producing the unexpected behaviour. I think the helpful individuals that
frequent this and the expert list would have nailed the solution a hell of
a lot sooner if Flávio had come clean with that information in his first

Ok... thanx for the tip... I agree with you too... sorry my mistake...
I think this happens with the version 1.4 (official)...
Tonight I will install the version 1.4 and see what happens because days ago I install 
this version
and I do not remember to see Mozilla in my menu and in my default path...

but tonight I will make a try and return here...

thanx all for the help..

Flávio Henrique

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[newbie] And the winner is... Samba 3!!!

2003-10-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Love this stuff... :-)



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Re: [newbie] Making Mozilla the default browser in KDE

2003-10-13 Per discussione Flávio Henrique
 The ln command is for making a link to the file.  It is similar to a
 windows shortcut but much more powerful (you can ln directories, files,
 etc.).  /usr/local/ isn't normally in your path.  If you wanted to add
 it, you could do it in one of two places ,
 /home/your_directory/.bash_profile or /etc/profile.  For either one, you
 would add the line:
 PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin(or whatever path(s) you want added,
 separated by colons :)
 export PATH(if you don't export the path, it
 won't take effect)

 The difference between the two places you can change this are that
 /etc/profile changes it for every user on the system (and requires a
 reboot before it takes effect).  The .bash_profile in your home
 directory only changes it for your user id.

 If you want to test that it works, before changing it, issue the above
 commands in a shell or temrnial window then manually type mozilla and
 see if it works.


Now is much clearly to me...
thanx Joeb...

Flávio Henrique

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[newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione Anarky
   what do u do in linux if you've got some senisitve materials and you 
want to put them in some kind of passworded files? In windows I would 
often put them in a rar with password .. what do I do in Linux? Maybe 
some solution that could be read from windows too?

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Re: [newbie] And the winner is... Samba 3!!!

2003-10-13 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 13:47:32 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:


This is terrible news for network support admins everywhere. I can see
massive numbers of  layoffs coming from this. Samba must be stopped! ;-)

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
A halted retreat
Is nerve-wracking and dangerous.
To retain people as men -- and maidservants
Brings good fortune.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-13 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 13, 2003 11:18 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Monday 13 October 2003 19:03, Charlie M. wrote:
  Is that all they're going to do after Ed sent them a nice message about
  this problem?

 How about if we all redirected those sms messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 till they put an end to it.

 Good luck,

I wouldn't have even known the body of the auto-response was different had I 
not been scoping the trash prior to flushing it. 

Setting a redirect filter to do that would imply I'm interested in trying to 
help solve a (previously reported to the offending network admins) 2 month 
old mistake, and I'm not. For people that are paying for bandwidth on 
restrictive plans I can see why it would be helpful though. Maybe I'll fiddle 
about with POP filters and see what I come up with. Duplicate re-direct 
responses maybe, or higher numbers. Bit of a floodhmmm

Having them paying attention to the complaints they've already received would 
be better though. They don't seem to care any more than the moron that 
originally tried to set up the offending link on a PDA or cell phone.

I apologize for wasting even more bandwidth by posting about it.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
12:22:18 up 23 days, 1:44, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.13, 0.07
I think the world is ready for the story of an ugly duckling, who grew up to
remain an ugly duckling, and lived happily ever after.
-- Chick
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how to configure Mozilla as my default browser ?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 13, 2003 11:48 am, Flávio Henrique wrote:
 Ok... thanx for the tip... I agree with you too... sorry my mistake...

That reply was also sent under BCC: to the worst offender I know in this 
regard so we're even Flávio. She never tells anyone what they need to know to 
help her unless she's duped into answering trick questions about it. (-:

 I think this happens with the version 1.4 (official)...
 Tonight I will install the version 1.4 and see what happens because days
 ago I install this version and I do not remember to see Mozilla in my menu
 and in my default path...

I've never seen this behaviour in Mandrake 9.1 using packages from the 
mirrors. Judging by yesterday's straw poll the opposite is true, out of 5 
machines all exhibited the expected behaviour. Including my own and 2 other 
cooker boxes.

 but tonight I will make a try and return here...

 thanx all for the help..

 Flávio Henrique

I hope it works out. Best of luck to you, but I hope you come back no matter 
how things go. :-)

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
12:36:09 up 23 days, 1:58, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.02
Sir, it's very possible this asteroid is not stable.
-- C3P0
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] something like autoexec.bat??

2003-10-13 Per discussione Johan
Hi Ed,
Thanks for a detailed explanation
Much appreciated

- Original Message - 
From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] something like autoexec.bat??

 On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 03:14, Michael Adams wrote:
  On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 22:05:10 +0200
  Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Good Article on Linux Filesystems

2003-10-13 Per discussione John Wilson
On October 13, 2003 12:27 am, HaywireMac wrote:

Excellent article!  Do you think a link should be put on Twiki for it?



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[newbie] subscribe

2003-10-13 Per discussione mteigen


[newbie] filesystem sense

2003-10-13 Per discussione Anarky
Michael Adams wrote:

Late post, sorry.

The system loads the kernal and all its modules then runs init using the
info it finds in /etc/inittab. This file is text and mostly human
readable. As with most config files comment lines start with #.
Once the system has read which mode (0 to 6) it is meant to start into
then it goes to the relevant folder and reads each file in numeric
- Thus if it is starting in graphics mode (5), it looks into
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ and runs these files in order. Each is a
shell script and mainly they each run further scripts found in
Pay particular attention to the last one in the directory.
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99local Read this one if you wish to add to the
Also note that /etc/rc5.d/ is a link to /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ (windows
refugees read shortcut) and /etc/init.d/ is a link to
/etc/rc.d/init.d/. These are not there for your convenience really but
for backwards compatability.
All taken together they equate to autoexec.bat and win.ini but allow
more flexibility. You could if you wish have several new rcX.d
directories which allow you to start / stop / restart in different
modes. You only need to append the new ones to /etc/inittab in the
apropriate place, create (or copy) the rc7.d directory and edit. To
switch from one mode to another type init X with X being the mode
you wish to switch too. The more useful ones are 
0 = shutdown
1 = single user startup
3 = command line startup
5 = normal graphics startup
6 = reboot

Most of the tricks performed by webmin and other config GUI tools
rewrite these startup scripts. 

Also in a terminal type:-
man man
man init
man dmesg
Purists will probably have a far more thorough explanation but these are
the main startup script files. Things that get loaded into the kernal
during its boot phase enter into the realm of FM, and i don't pretend to
understand this fully (read/var/log/dmesg to see what happens then).

   this might seem quite unrelated .. but I can't feel that I get the 
logic of these placings yet ... eg ... what does rc.d stand for? how did 
it ocme to that? Also, maybe you know of some good (==non formal  
intuitive in my case) introductory doc on why things are aranged the way 
they are in Linux ... eg. .. de standard directory structure. This is 
soemthing I got used pretty hard with when coming to Linux ... and even 
now I don't really get the stuff ... like the sense of why /etc/rc.d ... 
I mean explanations like /etc is meant for configuration stuff  
also I'm still quite confused with where I should install stuff ... is 
it /usr/local ... or is it /usr/share/local ... and so on ...

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Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione robin
Anarky wrote:

   what do u do in linux if you've got some senisitve materials and 
you want to put them in some kind of passworded files? In windows I 
would often put them in a rar with password .. what do I do in Linux? 
Maybe some solution that could be read from windows too?
The Linux version of zip allows passwording of archives.  I haven't 
tried it, though - see man zip for details.

You can also create password-protected documents with OpenOffice.

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Internet connection problems with 9.1 and Open Office Writer won't start.

2003-10-13 Per discussione Graham Watkins
Hi Y'all,

This weekend I finally convinced friends of mine that a Linux 
installation on their computer was a good idea and installed 9.1 for 
them. (First time I'd done this as I'm still using 9.) The actual 
installation went well but connecting to the internet doesn't work as 
this particular computer has 2 modems: an internal one possibly a 
winmodem, possibly just broken, and an external Hayes V90 voicemodem 
which usually works well with Linux (I know because it used to be mine).

When I tried to set up the internet connection in Mandrake Control 
Centre, there was no response from either modem but harddrake appears 
only to have detected the internal card (hp56 I think).  Would I be 
right in thinking that creating a symbolic link from /dev/ttyS0 (to 
which the external Hayes is connected) to /dev/modem would enable the 
system to find the correct modem and hopefully solve the problem?

The other problem was that Open Office Writer wouldn't start - the 
splash screen came up and the hourglass on the toolbar turned for a bit, 
but then . nothing. Anybody know what the command would be to start 
it from the command line so error messages can be seen , or which log 
might contain info about this?

Your views and any suggestions would be appreciated.  It's the first 
time I've managed to convince someone else to run a Linux box and I'd 
hate to see them turned off the idea because of these basic problems.

Graham Watkins
On the whole, I preferred cats to women because cats seldom if ever used 
the word relationship.(Kinky Friedman - Greenwich Killing Time)

To reply, remove _die_spammer from address.

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 13 October 2003 04:27 pm, robin wrote:
 Anarky wrote:
 what do u do in linux if you've got some senisitve materials and
  you want to put them in some kind of passworded files? In windows I
  would often put them in a rar with password .. what do I do in Linux?
  Maybe some solution that could be read from windows too?

 The Linux version of zip allows passwording of archives.  I haven't
 tried it, though - see man zip for details.

 You can also create password-protected documents with OpenOffice.

 Sir Robin

Hmm, and I have a question about that - lets say...it was pictures that you 
zipped up with a password. You can still see them with the extract option 
under KDE.

Anyway around that? Set permissions? Just wondering


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Re: [newbie] archives search

2003-10-13 Per discussione Graham Watkins
C. Tresenriter wrote:
Has anyone been able to search the archives this past weekend?

Did it last night - no problems.  Even turned up something useful.

Graham Watkins
On the whole, I preferred cats to women because cats seldom if ever used 
the word relationship.(Kinky Friedman - Greenwich Killing Time)

To reply, remove _die_spammer from address.

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] Disabling BIOS Shadow RAM and Installing MDK 9.1

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 08:54, The Other wrote:
 Hello All, from The Other
 A few of you may remember I've been trying to get a stable installation of
 Mandrake 9.1 since May.
 Thanks to my niece for sending me a Debian distro 3.x with documentation.  I
 may have figured out what was going wrong all this time.
 The Debian documentation on installing the system was something like 120
 pages, of which the 10 or so about setting up before the installation begins
 was the gem I needed.  Explaining that the Linux kernel wants full control
 of your computer and to disable just about everything the computer was
 trying to manage led me to the following:
 Disable ALL Shadow RAM
 Sure enough, my BIOS was set to shadow some of the video RAM.  I disabled
 that and got a flawless, Gnome desktop only, installation of 9.1.
 Then I went into Mandrake Control Center and started loading in the other
 packages I wanted.
 Here's where it gets a little worrying.
 On two separate occasions last night I got a frozen system when Logging Out
 so I could immediately Log back In to see the newly installed programs show
 up on the menus.  
this is wasted effort, the items will show up in the menu really soon
anyway, without login and out.

 When Logging back In, the left half of the CRT screen was
 black and the right half was scrolling black/white pixels.  Powering down
 the system, restarting, and following the recovery prompts, got me back to a
 working Bamboo system.
 Anyone know why the freeze-up?Is my system unstable?I'm still seeing
 the beginning message during boot-up:  BIOS Data Check Unsuccessful.
 That continues to worry me a bit.
 Thanks All, it's nice to be back.
 The Other Stephen Stubbs
 Champaign, IL   USA
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Monday 13 October 2003 08:28 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 13 October 2003 04:27 pm, robin wrote:
  Anarky wrote:
  what do u do in linux if you've got some senisitve
   materials and you want to put them in some kind of
   passworded files? In windows I would often put them in a
   rar with password .. what do I do in Linux? Maybe some
   solution that could be read from windows too?
  The Linux version of zip allows passwording of archives.  I
  haven't tried it, though - see man zip for details.
  You can also create password-protected documents with
  Sir Robin

 Hmm, and I have a question about that - lets say...it was
 pictures that you zipped up with a password. You can still see
 them with the extract option under KDE.

 Anyway around that? Set permissions? Just wondering

I'm wondering too : why all the hassle ? - Linux is safe in 
itself. You have your own /home/anarky directory, and you are 
the only one with permission to go there (aside from root, who 
will be yourself, right ?).

On the other hand, if you mean you'll leave your PC open while 
doing something else and prevent others to snoop around, why not 
just put your sensitive stuff in /root/sensitive or something 
like that. Then only root (you) has access.


Kaj Haulrich.
*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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Re: [newbie] Phoenix bios

2003-10-13 Per discussione robin
Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2003 06:40 pm, robin wrote:

Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2003 02:22 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:

On Sunday 12 October 2003 07:44 am, John wrote:

The newbie mail has provided a lot of info. for me over the last 2
months. Being new, there is a lot to learn even from the OT mail.
Example: I have been trying to install md9.1 on a gateway 1450se with xp
 and phoenix bios.

I used Partition Magic on a 450, which is essentially the same machine, I
think.  Mine was pre-installed with W2K, though, and I did nuke the
pre-install and installed clean with our site-licensed W2K.  I'm quad
booting this machine due to legacy programs that require DOS, some that
run in W98 but not W2K, and W2K for the rest of the stuff.  My personal
partition boots Mandrake.  I had problems with the PCMCIA controller and
the AMR modem--the modem is a lost cause.

If you have to use one, Paragon Hard Drive Manager works much the same as
Partition Magic, has all the same features, IIRC, and has the added
benefit of supporting ReiserFS, HPFS, JFS, I think.  I know for sure that
is supports Reiser.  Also, it has an executable that is installable under
Linux that provides a lot of features, although not all as in Windows. 
Supports moving partitions entirely over to alternate drives, resizing
partitions (Reiser included), etc.

If you have to use a Windows partition manager, I would get that one over
Partition Magic.

What's wrong with the partitioning tool that comes with the Mandrake
installation program?  I've used it several times and never lost data.

Note the If you have to use a Windows partition manager part of the phrase.

Yes, but I assumed that anyone on this list would have Mandrake or be 
thinking of installing it ;-)

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] mozzilla mail

2003-10-13 Per discussione robin
Anton wrote:

Apart from the fact that your windows box would look suspiciously like 
a linux box if you had a mail folder at that address!
(sorry I couldn't actually give you any real help, just a smart*^% 
you see... :-)

You should find it in a hidden folder such as this:
/home/dennis/.mozilla/dennis/v4ptz8yv.slt/mailnote the . in 
front of mozilla.  That is a hidden folder in your files. Konqueror 
shows it if you click on show hidden folders in the View tab. HTH

When you install Mozilla on a Windows box, it gives you the option of 
choosing a directory for your profile (I always choose My Documents for 
my workmates, since I also back up that directory daily, or rather my 
cron job does).  If you don't choose one, it ends up in, IIRC, C:\
Program Files\mozilla\profiles, with the rest like Dennis posted.

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] (2nd post)exporting directories via Samba or NFS?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 13 Oct 2003 6:10 pm, Thinker wrote:
 Could someone please point me in the right direction on how to accomplish

  As I said, I finally got my old hard drive with mandrake 9.0 in a new
 machine and back on the network. Now, I need to take most of the files in
 my home directory (including /evolution ) and move them to my Win2k Machine
 for archiving and to my SuSE 8.2 Machine for use.

 Someone on the SuSE list suggested that I start NFS on the Mandrake box
 and export the directory to the SuSE box. Then start Samba on the
 Mandrake box and export the same directory to the Windows machine.

 I am not too familiar with NFS and exporting directories. How does this

 Thanks in advance,


I could tell you how to get NFS working, but I would have to stretch my memory 
to do it and NFS sucks so bad I will tell you a better way.

On your Suse machine install and start ssh server.

Then on your Mandrake machine open a konqueror window and enter in the url 

You will then see the file system of the Suse machine displayed in konqueror, 
and you can just frag and drop files into it..

You could probably do it from Suse to Mandrake too. I just do not know if Suse  
include the kio_fish plugin for konqueror.

kio_fish is a plugin for konqueror whuch uses sftp (secure ftp) to transfer 
files between the machines. You can use it on any computer Linux/Unix or 
Windows which has an ssh server running.



BTW: Please delete the Reply To in your Evolution config. It is not 
necessary and a pain when replying to your posts. 


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Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione robin
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Monday 13 October 2003 04:27 pm, robin wrote:

Anarky wrote:

  what do u do in linux if you've got some senisitve materials and
you want to put them in some kind of passworded files? In windows I
would often put them in a rar with password .. what do I do in Linux?
Maybe some solution that could be read from windows too?

The Linux version of zip allows passwording of archives.  I haven't
tried it, though - see man zip for details.
You can also create password-protected documents with OpenOffice.

Sir Robin

Hmm, and I have a question about that - lets say...it was pictures that you 
zipped up with a password. You can still see them with the extract option 
under KDE.

Anyway around that? Set permissions? Just wondering

Cruft will encrypt files similar to the old Unix command crypt.  It 
doesn't support passwords, though, so only the user who encrypted the 
file can unencrypt it, or someone who has a copy of their key, so 
there's no possibility of using it in Windows.  There's also a utility 
called des, which supports password encryption, but I don't know 
anything about it.

I suppose if you wanted to make an archive of, er, pictures and password 
protect it, you could embed them in an OpenOffice document and password 
protect it, if you could really be bothered.

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione ramon
I think there is a version of rar for linux... 


10/13/2003 05:27 PM
Responder a newbie
Assunto:Re: [newbie] sensitive materials

Anarky wrote:

what do u do in linux if you've got some senisitve materials and 
 you want to put them in some kind of passworded files? In windows I 
 would often put them in a rar with password .. what do I do in Linux? 
 Maybe some solution that could be read from windows too?

The Linux version of zip allows passwording of archives.  I haven't 
tried it, though - see man zip for details.

You can also create password-protected documents with OpenOffice.

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] (2nd post)exporting directories via Samba or NFS?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 13 October 2003 05:14 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:

 I could tell you how to get NFS working, but I would have to stretch my
 memory to do it and NFS sucks so bad I will tell you a better way.

Derek, I know you have a lot more exp. at this stuff than I do, but why don't 
you like NFS? I'm using it here on my 3 comp LAN and its rock solid and fast.

I understand that there are some issues if you need a very secure setup, but 
for a simple at home LAN like mine, I don't understand why it wouldn't be a 
recommended option.



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Re[2]: [newbie] sensitive materials

2003-10-13 Per discussione rikona
Hello robin,

Monday, October 13, 2003, 1:27:13 PM, you wrote:

r The Linux version of zip allows passwording of archives.  I haven't
r tried it, though - see man zip for details.

r You can also create password-protected documents with OpenOffice.

It depends on HOW sensitive they are. You can easily download crackers
for zips and Office (don't know about the linux versions, though).
These are considered rather insecure. For industrial strength
protection, use GPG/PGP and a 256+ key length.


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] annoying alarm on standby

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 12:13, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Monday October 13 2003 10:16 am, Aidan  Kristy Holmes wrote:
  I don't think I have done any damage to the chip, as all seems to
  be running properly and reliably. I could easily have done in the
  early days though, I used to just let it run If I wasn't going to
  be near the computer for it to bug me...whoops :-) Lucky you
  guys pointed out the real problem.
  Aidan Holmes,
  Western Australia.
 OK, good. At this point you should check that thermal pad. Often 
 they deteriorate over time, but as in your case, overheated cpu's 
 can almost instantly damage them. Get some thermal compound, and 
 then shut down the system, unplug it. Remove the heatsink by 
 releasing the spring clips on each side. Scrape off the (remnants) 
 of the pad. Both from the heatsink and from the cpu. Clean the 
 heatsink and fan. Apply a thin layer (about the thickness of a 
 sheet of paper) to the cpu and remount the heatsink. You can Google 
 for many links that illustrate all this with pictures. Should be 
 good to go from then on.

Tom is 100% on on this, even it seems fine, for only a few bucks and a
few minute, you cna save yourself a cpu. the heat will still shorten the
life, even if it does not die this week, but you can make a world of
difference, with a little thermal grease.

Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

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Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-13 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 01:38:12 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 20:41:19 +
 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I have an irc account but have never used it, no buddies )-: 
 How does that work? For IRC, you don't need a password or anything,
 right? Just a server to connect to?
 It defaults to irc.freenode.net, so will anyone who knows my nick be
 able to find me?
 BTW, I'm also on ICQ, 279518458.
 Like you, I am buddyless :-(

you MUSt tell it which irc server to connect to...adding a source as
it were.

No...each network is separate.

Freenode is a Linux specific one.

the one i'm on is Bondage.com port 6667

so...to add it do:

add  irc.bondage.com (enter port number where necessary).


Go to room #MsF-Room.

I'm in there pretty much 24/7.

if you need more help, ask.

from there I can teach you irc tricks  stuff fo getting things setup

i use Xchat btw..its fast, simple  a great IRC front end client.


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Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-13 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:01:14 +0200
H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 13 October 2003 07:38, HaywireMac wrote:
   I have an irc account but have never used it, no buddies )-:
  How does that work? For IRC, you don't need a password or anything,
  right? Just a server to connect to?
  It defaults to irc.freenode.net, so will anyone who knows my nick be
  able to find me?
  BTW, I'm also on ICQ, 279518458.
  Like you, I am buddyless :-(
 So what do we do now?
 Create a new group Mandrake and start adding buddiesbetter tan
 OT list prolly:)
 Good luck,
 HarM (ICQ 146191606)

Harm: someone would need to run an IRC server to do that OR you might
pick an irc server that exists already...and just create a room for ppl
like us to hang out in.

Very simple...

hell i can do the room...anywhere.  I hang out on a specific IRC server
 can make a room called Manadrake i fppl are interested. Won't bothe


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Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-13 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 01:40:30 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 23:08:14 -0400
 Guy Rouillier [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I don't use urmpi, but rather the Mandrake GUI, so I added these 
  directly to the Software Sources Manager.  Then I went into Install 
  Software, and searched for gaim - no hits.  Why aren't I seeing
  0.70?  Do I need to uninstall 0.68 first?
 All I did was:
 urpme gaim (I had 0.68 installed)
 urpmi.update -a
 urpmi gaim
 and I now have Texstars 0.71 installed :-)

I did as you suggested Mac, but... i only list .68 from Texstar...in the

should i do something else??? from CLI maybe?

/me is confused.


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Re: [newbie] Internet connection problems with 9.1 and Open Office Writer won't start.

2003-10-13 Per discussione Sharrea Day
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:17, Graham Watkins wrote:
 Hi Y'all,

 This weekend I finally convinced friends of mine that a Linux
 installation on their computer was a good idea and installed 9.1 for
 them. (First time I'd done this as I'm still using 9.) The actual
 installation went well but connecting to the internet doesn't work as
 this particular computer has 2 modems: an internal one possibly a
 winmodem, possibly just broken, and an external Hayes V90 voicemodem
 which usually works well with Linux (I know because it used to be mine).

 When I tried to set up the internet connection in Mandrake Control
 Centre, there was no response from either modem but harddrake appears
 only to have detected the internal card (hp56 I think).  Would I be
 right in thinking that creating a symbolic link from /dev/ttyS0 (to
 which the external Hayes is connected) to /dev/modem would enable the
 system to find the correct modem and hopefully solve the problem?

harddrake doesn't detect my external modem but it works fine.  I think the 
problem is the network setup in MCC is broken in 9.1.  Edit the files by 
add the following line:

if the following line exists, you can delete that line:

Restart the network with:
#  service network restart

 The other problem was that Open Office Writer wouldn't start - the
 splash screen came up and the hourglass on the toolbar turned for a bit,
 but then . nothing. Anybody know what the command would be to start
 it from the command line so error messages can be seen , or which log
 might contain info about this?

You can start openoffice from console with:
$  /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice

I recall having this problem at some stage (long ago) so it will pay to kill 
any soffice.bin processes that may be running before trying to start 

 Your views and any suggestions would be appreciated.  It's the first
 time I've managed to convince someone else to run a Linux box and I'd
 hate to see them turned off the idea because of these basic problems.

Agreed.  And good one!, another convert...

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Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable (supermount?)

2003-10-13 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:51:14 -0500
Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll try this when I get back today.  I have been thinking of
 disabling supermount.  Thought some of these issues would go
 away...anyone had any issues with supermount?  How about autofs?
   Trey Sizemore
had tons of issues with Supermount...never got kwikdisk to install

so made icons on the desktop for things.


never tried autofs. if you do let me know if it works better.


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Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable (supermount?)

2003-10-13 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 13:08, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Monday 13 October 2003 17:51, Trey Sizemore wrote:
  I'll try this when I get back today.  I have been thinking of disabling
  supermount.  Thought some of these issues would go away...anyone had any
  issues with supermount?  How about autofs?
Trey Sizemore
 No, not on 9.2 I haven'tsupermount's rock solid.
 Good luck,

I was able to launch Konq as root from a terminal window and the open
'file:///mnt/camera' but was not able to do this from Konq as a normal
user.  Nor could I use the shortcut on my desktop (from fstab?) for
/mnt/camera.  I belong to the USB group.  Is there something else to
check that would prohibit access to the drive?



There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers
exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here,
it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something
even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another which states that this has already happened.

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Re: [newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 13:03, Charlie M. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
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  (ORCPT [EMAIL PROTECTED]); Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:53:54 -0600 (MDT)
 Received: from mandy.mts.ru (mandy.mts.ru [])
  by l-daemon (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 HotFix 1.16 (built May 14 2003))
  13 Oct 2003 10:53:54 -0600 (MDT)
 Received: from maeko.inside.mts.ru (maeko [])
  by mandy.mts.ru  with SMTP id h9DGpjI20449 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon,
  13 Oct 2003 20:51:45 +0400 (MSD)
 Received: (from SolarisServer [])
  by maeko.inside.mts.ru (NAVGW with SMTP id M2003101320535112760 for
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:53:51 +0400
 Received: from rtc_srv_nt.kaluga.mts ([])
 by SolarisServer (8.9.3+Sun/8.9.1) with SMTP id TAA09150for
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 19:53:52 +0300 (MSK)
 Received: (from anydomain [])
  by rtc_srv_nt.kaluga.mts (NAVGW with SMTP id M2003101320535100098
  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:53:51 +0400
 Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:53:51 +0400
 From: Sms Message [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Can't deliver SM
 Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-type: text/plain;
 Original-recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status: R 
 X-Status: N
 The limit of e-mails for the number newbie has been reached. Try again 
 Is that all they're going to do after Ed sent them a nice message about this 
 - -- 
 Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
 Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
 10:59:55 up 23 days, 22 min, 1 user, load average: 0.21, 0.10, 0.09
 Get Revenge!  Live long enough to be a problem for your children!
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
When they told me the 'user was notified', I told them they had a
week,,, I will bug them again, and so may you.
I use these 4 address, that I got from a whois

and get a reply from 

Yakovlev Sergy
Abuse Team


I will write him right now and let him know it has not stopped.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-13 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 14:35, Charlie M. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 October 13, 2003 11:18 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Monday 13 October 2003 19:03, Charlie M. wrote:
   Is that all they're going to do after Ed sent them a nice message about
   this problem?
  How about if we all redirected those sms messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  till they put an end to it.
  Good luck,
 I wouldn't have even known the body of the auto-response was different had I 
 not been scoping the trash prior to flushing it. 
 Setting a redirect filter to do that would imply I'm interested in trying to 
 help solve a (previously reported to the offending network admins) 2 month 
 old mistake, and I'm not. For people that are paying for bandwidth on 
 restrictive plans I can see why it would be helpful though. Maybe I'll fiddle 
 about with POP filters and see what I come up with. Duplicate re-direct 
 responses maybe, or higher numbers. Bit of a floodhmmm
 Having them paying attention to the complaints they've already received would 
 be better though. They don't seem to care any more than the moron that 
 originally tried to set up the offending link on a PDA or cell phone.
 I apologize for wasting even more bandwidth by posting about it.

you could just send those 5 addresses I just gave all the messages you
get, so then they will have all the information they need to be able to
fix it... I know they would fix it, if they had all the information,,,
don't you (recognize the sarcasm?)?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-13 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 17:00:33 -0400
Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 add  irc.bondage.com (enter port number where necessary).

Ay Caramba, that sounds scary... ;-)
 Go to room #MsF-Room.

This your own channel? 
 I'm in there pretty much 24/7.
 if you need more help, ask.
 from there I can teach you irc tricks  stuff fo getting things setup
 i use Xchat btw..its fast, simple  a great IRC front end client.

I'm familiar with X-Chat, I just wasn't sure if Gaim had some magical
way of tracking people on IRC...that would be cool.

In Pekwm, all I do is:

Mod4 - x - p and X-Chat starts in the Pekwm channel lickety-split,
love it!

I have about 5 channels set up like that, I'll assign yours a special
key and see you there!

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
Nonsense and beauty have close connections.
-- E.M. Forster

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 23:02, Heather/Femme wrote:
 Harm: someone would need to run an IRC server to do that OR you might
 pick an irc server that exists already...and just create a room for ppl
 like us to hang out in.

 Very simple...

 hell i can do the room...anywhere.  I hang out on a specific IRC server
  can make a room called Manadrake i fppl are interested. Won't bothe


No, even simpler: like I wrote, add a new group to gaim (call it Mandrake) and 
wait for others to connect. You yourself decide who want to see or not which 
doesn't aply for the others though...Pure anarchy, ya gotto love it!
You create your own space that wayHaywire me already started 
that..now for the rest:)

Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Easy way to update Gaim to 0.70?

2003-10-13 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 17:07:46 -0400
Heather/Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I did as you suggested Mac, but... i only list .68 from Texstar...in
 the GUI...
 should i do something else??? from CLI maybe?

which Texstar mirror do you have listed? Mine is:


some mirrors are updated faster than others, perhaps.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
Mandrake HowTo's  More: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
-- Oscar Wilde, The Portrait of Mr. W.H.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] gaim-0.71

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 13 October 2003 23:00, Heather/Femme wrote:

 Go to room #MsF-Room.

I've been to #mandrake and #mandrakeguru but: MsF-Room The M's for 
Mandrake, right??
So what's the sF...science (big)Fiction?

agreed: xchat rulez!

gullible me;),
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Help with /mnt/removable (supermount?)

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 01:12, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I was able to launch Konq as root from a terminal window and the open
 'file:///mnt/camera' but was not able to do this from Konq as a normal
 user.  Nor could I use the shortcut on my desktop (from fstab?) for
 /mnt/camera.  I belong to the USB group.  Is there something else to
 check that would prohibit access to the drive?



If you mounted your camera (which prolly should be removable on Mdk) on 
/mnt/camera, you'd have to do that as root i.e. make the camera/ directory 
and mount the device there, thus only read/writable as root.

The created entry in /etc/fstab (like I said prolly /mnt/removable/) allows 
you to mount it as normal user and thus read it as that same user.
Next time you reboot or connect the camera, supermount will take over and you 
even won't have to mount the thingI'm realy talking first time here (and 
Gawd, I hate to think what Femme's going to do with that last sentence;)

Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] [OT]The mad Russian's new response...

2003-10-13 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 14 October 2003 01:18, ed tharp wrote:
 When they told me the 'user was notified', I told them they had a
 week,,, I will bug them again, and so may you.
 I use these 4 address, that I got from a whois

 and get a reply from

 Yakovlev Sergy
 Abuse Team


 I will write him right now and let him know it has not stopped.

You mean we should redirect the sms@ messages to all those 4 boxes till 
they clog up, or just 1?

good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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