[newbie] MDK 9.1

2003-03-29 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Freshly installed, But with one problem.
Every application opens way too big.
I know there is an easy fix, But I can't remember what it is.

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[newbie] Dell Latitude notebook

2003-03-14 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Hello folks,
Since just acquiring this fine thing I was wondering if anyone has had an
experience installing Mandrake onto one ?
400 Mhz
128 meg RAM
3com cardbus fast ethernet
texas instruments pci 1225 cardbus controller
neomagicmagic graph 256 AV display
neomagic magic media 256 AV sound /audio

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[newbie] What's up with this ?

2003-03-02 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Whenever I post, or reply to this list, My messages appear on this list ( 
atleast to me). 
But, When sending the list messages I get a failure notice from attbi :

On Sunday 02 March 2003 07:27 am, you wrote:
 Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:
 linux-mandrake newbie,emc (The name was not found at the remote site.
 Check that the name has been entered correctly.)

Does anybody know why this is ?

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Windows Update security unveiled

2003-03-02 Per discussione Dennis Sue

  What I find so shocking about the whole bit is that M$ PROMISED that
  they're not spying on your system

 I may be niaive, but how can they offer you updates for the software you
 have installed, without looking to see what is one your computer?

That, I wouldn't have a problem with. Provided that once the transaction is 
completed, The information was purged, deleted, whatever. Rather than being 
filed away on some server for a future use to them. Be it for marketing 
opportunities, spying opportunites, market research opportunites, or to bully 
a hardware / software manufactuerer into compliance with the M$ way.

 when in fact they really are. M$ has
  consistently gone back on their promises of privacy for end-users - even
  so far as changing the entire structure of their licensing agreements
  and out-dating their original EULA's. Sad to think that you trust
  someone like M$ and the original EULA that you bought a package with and
  less than two years later the EULA is NIL and your privacy is OPENED to

 The without-proper-warning change to EULAs worry me more.  The media update
 that gets you to say that they can install anything they want on your
 computer, for instance.  It must be one of the most popular updates, and
 people don't know what they're signing for.

 One potential issue that has been raised is that :
Mom buys Lotus, or whatever. But  M$  really doesn't want that to operate. So 
it effectively breaks a competitors product.
Another is that, If media player decides that you have pirated that music, 
or dvd  It's just not gonna allow you to play the cd, or mp3, or whatever.
And these issues are really not the main issue to me.
 Because if / when they come about. The outcry will cause change, or death, ( 
or they will just bury it deeper than we can look).
It's the arrogance of M$  we know best  and  Your computer is now belonging 
to us that I find most appalling.
Like I should have to beg permission to run a product I purchased ( XP ) Or 
explain why I need a new code because I upgraded something, ( Not because the 
operating system crashed on it's own accord of course, We all know that would 
never happen ).
I have heard people say things like,  There will be a crack for this, or 
that. Someone will come up with a way around it.
That might be, But a crack is not the solution. Public outcry is. A boycott 
is. Not buying the crap is. Demonstrating with your dollars is.
Which brings up this:  How many times would you be able to get a code before 
they accused you of piracy ?
Or, How long before say, XP is deemed obsolete, and is no longer supported So 
you can't get a code ?
This is  OT, and I apologize for wasting bandwidth on it ( not that if it 
continues I wont also :).
A good discussion, a necessary discussion, and a profitable discussion.

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Re: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 03:18 am, Robert Wideman wrote:
  now, if only i can wean myself off Outlook Express for my email.

 I am with you on this one except i am using Outlook.  I cant find any way
 to move data over.

 However i havent setup an IMAP server, then moved my email to that and then
 pull open evolution/sylpheed/etc and then pull it down.

 Any other thoughts on how to move from Outlook/Express to Linux email?
 I have tried Netscape/Mozilla but they dont allow exporting, GR.


I'm not sure this will answer your question. i'm not sure this is your 
question, But  with Kmail  you can import Outlook Express mail.
File / Import.

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Re: [newbie] www.TrueMajority.com

2003-02-25 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 04:22 am, Adolfo ortiz wrote:

 It's good you're attempting to do something constructive, and that's all fine 
and well Adolfo.
I just don't think this list is the place for it.
I might be the only one who thinks this, and if so, Well then I guess I'll go 
ahead and start posting some links, and political rants as well.
Ok people, shall we begin this, or end it gracefully ?

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Re: [newbie] LimeWire Problems

2003-02-18 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Monday 17 February 2003 07:57 pm, Miark wrote:
 Which Java is installed? I think you need the j2re for it to work,
 which you can download from MandrakeClub.


Yeah, Or go to www.sun.com and download it. But if you already have it ( j2re 
) installed, Then it just isn't in your path. Someone wiser will happen 
across this and tell you how to get it included into your path.

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 12:54:01 -0600

 andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just recently installed limewire, and when i tried executing the .bin
  (which it came in as), it came up with this message:
  [deek@localhost Documents]$ ./LimeWireLinux.bin
  Preparing to install...
  Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
  Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
  No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH
  environment variable.  You must install a VM prior to
  running this program.
  The thing is, I have Java VM installed, and I know for sure its working,
  it's just somehow not detecting its there. Any help?

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Re: [newbie] This is getting way out of hand

2003-02-17 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Personally, I agree with the french. More inspectors are necessary.
And Mr. Bush, although has not publicly announced his agreement, None the less  
continues to demonstrate it by sending more and more inspectors to iraq.
Within 30 days, There will be approximately 250,000  inspectors milling 
through iraq unfettered as they look under every rock, and into every 
So it would appear that the peace at all costs crowd will be appeased.

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Re: [newbie] Correction to More on Alas and Alack'

2003-01-30 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Here is a copy of my reply to Fred Langa.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [langalist] LangaList Standard Edition 2003-01-27
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 04:53:03 -0500
From: Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Fred,
Been a reader for years, I like your newsletter, and your style.
I am replying to your article - Linux vs. XP Bugs.
In it you brought up the point that, It is unfair to compare  bugs in
 products with bugs in the O.S.
If your only concern is a numeric count of bugs, Ok, that's fine, But I would
suggest that what is looking to be studied is  vulnerability of the typical
To get a fair / accurate assesment, It occurs to me that what should be
compared is what the typical user has, or would have installed. As well as
what the typical user uses, or would use.
So it is entirely fair to include Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and
Office, Since a typical user would have these installed, and operational.
On the Linux side, From my personal experience, It is fair to include
 Kmail, Galeon, Netscape 7, KOffice / Open Office.
Or go with the Gnome desktop and include the equivelant.
Most probably do not use Mozilla, ( Atleast I never do ).
It would not be fair to include Server type software - Apache, IIS, etc,
Since the typical user does not use, or have installed such products.
To take it one step further though,I suppose such products should be brought
in to the count, If they are installed by default, And not by the user.
Personally, We switched to Linux fulltime from the Microsoft platform 6 -7
months ago. Now running Mandrake 9.0.
My reasons were not strictly based upon bugs, I understand that it's
difficult at best, or impossible to make a perfect product.
And I am not writing you to flame or rave about how Mandrake is perfect,
never fails, configures itself, and does everything except the dishes.
Or that since We've switched, We now have more friends, gotten promotions,
 and huge salaries.
Rather, The main reason We switched to the Linux platform was a lack of
 trust, honesty, and integrity on the part of Microsoft.
We did not like the direction Microsoft chose to go in, And chooses to
continue in.
 Privacy issues,  security issues, vulnerability issues,licensing issues,
monopoly issues, strong arm tactics, and BSA issues all played a role.
Simply put, Microsoft demonstrated to my satisfaction that they did not, want
or need my business.
I've simplified this quite a bit, But I expect you get the point.
I am not offended that you point out Linux has bugs. Indeed it does. I know
that, and actually expected it. But I know this : When I download the patch,
That is what I am getting, That and nothing else.
I am not getting a patch that will possibly open up new and exciting
vulnerabilities, or installing in all probability, a spyware trojan designed
to allow Microsoft unfettered access to my system.
And I am not giving Microsoft the power to deny me the right to use whatever
application I choose.
I am also not giving my money to a company that assumes I am a liar and a
NO software has ever been, or will ever be that good.
Sorry that I got a bit long there Fred, Again keep up the good work.


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Re: [newbie] non-profit??

2003-01-16 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Thursday 16 January 2003 09:55 am, et wrote:
 I would also ask if someone on newbie with a 24/7 connection and a mail
 server might be willing to start a backup newbie mail listserver, on the
 off chance that oneday we wake up and find this one gone to the way of the
 courts. Does anyone know who pays for thisones bandwidth/location and
 power? Since I ass-u-me it is MandrakeSoft Inc., it is possible that one
 day a judge says, turn it off and their may not be much or any notice.
 (any more than we have already had). I would hate to loose all the good
 folks I have had the pleasure to communicate with here.

Well, I have an always on connection. Plenty of drive space, And no idea how 
to set up a mail server. But if comes to that,  provided attbi doesn't get 
pissy about it, I'd have to check with them first. And your willing to teach 
me, and help me. Then sure why not.

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Re: [newbie] OT's on this list

2003-01-08 Per discussione Dennis Sue
 I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the list for posting as 
I have.
 Not because I feel that my opinions are wrong, I don't.  But because this 
really isn't the proper forum to vent them.
I waited for as long as I was going to before posting. Waiting for this to die 
I'm sure the intention of this thread was not to cause disparity, or 
dissension among this group. 
 I understand that uncertainity raises the stress level of all, And it wasn't 
my intention to add more feul to the fire. At some point, I just simply get 
tired of being told that we American's are after nothing but oil, land, and 
the all mighty dollar. That our motives are always self driven, That we are 
the cause of the world's woes.
It seems we are deeply dispiesed by most nations,  I would agree some  of that 
is due to failed foreign policy. Certainly not all. I might suggest envy 
plays a role as well.
Is it at all possible that perhaps we want to remove Saddam because he is 
developing weapons of M.D, Or because he is developing biological weapons, or 
because he also was involved in the 9 /11 attack, Or because he kills and 
enslaves  his own people, Or because, like most of the Arab nations, women 
are treated as nothing more than slaves ?
Are you all comfortable with this,willing to let it continue, as long as the 
filthy Americans don't make a grab for the oil ?
 Had we wished to own a Middle Eastern country 1978- 80 Iran certainly 
justified a military takeover.
 I might remind you that Saudia Arabia would be drinking their crude oil, or 
sea water were it not for the desalianation plants we built.
Or that Europe would be German owned and operated if not for the filthy 
Americans. In fact, some of my Father's friends lie buried in the country 
were this distro was crafted.
We are not perfect, We make plenty of mistakes, What was done to the blacks 
here is indefensible, There is no excuse for it, It was just wrong.
If this is somewhat jumbled together, forgive me. It's 4:10 A.M. As I write 
this. Having recently crawled out of a warm bed to get ready for work.
This will hopefully be my last post in this thread. 

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Tuesday 07 January 2003 04:20 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Our Prime minister Tony Blair is way out on a limb.There is little support
 for an Iraqi war.

I have patiently waited for this ridiculous diatribe to die off. I have 
listened as you people have insulted MY country, MY President, My people. 
Now, I've had enough, And I'm going to have MY say. Some probably won't like 
what I have to say, How unfortunate for you. I have not enjoyed much of what 
you have said.

 It has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, that's an excuse.

Really ? Let's go back to June 7,1981 When Israel blew up a Iraqi nuclear 
reactor. The world screamed for their blood once again. The Israeli's claimed 
that it was a preemptive strike. Menachem Begin spoke The Iraqi's were 
preparing atomic bombs to drop on the children of Israel, Another holocaust 
would have happened in the history of the Jewish people.  Never again, 
NEVER AGAIN! Tell your freinds, Tell anybody you meet, we shall defend our 
people  with all the means at our disposal. Their critics would hear none of 
that, No it was just the hateful agressive Jews at it again, Just haters, 
probably Conservatives too. A  U.N. sanction was demanded by Secretary 
General Chedli Klibi, of the Arab League.  The Russians lined up with the 
Arabs,As did the British, screaming for  vengence, Screaming for sanctions. 
The U.N. condemned the Israeli attack. Days later, Israel began releasing 
documents, Here is some of what was released : 13 feet beneath the reactor, 
The Iraqi's had been maintaining a secret installation for use in developing 
an atomic weapon. They had stockpiled 200 tons of natural plutonium . They 
were indeed developing weapons of mass destruction. That is an undisputable 
FACT. Not an opinion, not a feeling, not an emotional let's all just get 
along and pretend it's ok, a FACT.

 It has everything to do with the American Governments Middle East Foreign
 Policy, which is stimulating terrorism  and has been for some time,

America's sin that stimulates terrorism is this - Supporting Israel. As long 
as we support Israel then we will be hated by the Arab nations. Our only 
mistake was during the Iran / Iraq war assuming that the enemy of our enemy 
is our friend. They are not, never have been, never will be. If not for 
Israel, Then because we are not Islamic. When the Arabs have no common enemy 
to fight, They kill each other. As much as we hear of the plight of the 
Palastinians, Which of those nations have ever raised a finger to help their 
brother Palistine ?  They throw the Palastinians out of their countries. Only 
using them as pawns against Israel.
When Israel offered the Palastinians settlements, and money They were told not 
to accept, To do so would cost them their lives. Yassar Arafat led attacks 
against HIS people, The ones who accepted land, and money. Yassar Arafat 
killed HIS brothers for wanting peace.

and an
 invasion of Iraq right now will confirm in the minds of evey Arab just
 how much they have to fear.

And what are these 9/11 , School bombing  type of attacks suppose to stimulate 
? Fear. So you can quit whining about the poor , innocent Arabs. Especially 
when the cowardly little bastards run into an Israeli school and blow up 
innocent civilians.
 They are all in bed together on this terror. It is how cowards fight. It's 
all they know, nothing of honor, Nothing of Integrity. 

They are a detestable people hell bent on your destruction. They do not want 
peace. And I do not want peace at any cost. Why is it that liberals generally 
want peace, no matter what the price ? Is it  worth your dignity ? Your self 
respect ?  Your silence to wrongs committed against an innocent people ? What 
wouldn't you give for it ? Apparantly your life.

 The middle east is the worlds oil well,

Not after America comes in, It's called the spoils of war, and it then belongs 
to US.
 invading Iraq at this time and
 under current circumstances is a 10 year blue touch paper to ww3 with
 china. John

At the moment, The only thing China really has on us in manpower.   They can 
send them out like ants, Lose 20 million like nothing. That's why we develop 
And besides, What are we suppose to do ? Cower in the corner like most of the 
world did some 60 years ago ?
Oh no, We can't defend ourselves because somebody might beat us up , Or is 
it this instead  It just wouldn't be prudent ?
I've had my fill of people pissing on the one nation that has helped every 
other. We've put our blood, sweat, and tears into EVERY other nation on this 
planet and have been insulted for it. 
We are not perfect, we make mistakes. This just doesn't happen to be one of 
And neither will taking out the next Arab nation.

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Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which i s better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue


  I think this would be a good point to end this thread, there are many who
 hold strong views about this subject and I fear that to continue to express
 them here could lead to a falling out of members.
Yeah, Count me as one.

 It goes without saying that it is a very emotive subject, many of us will
 have strong views which will differ widely dependant upon such factors as
 country of residence, political persuasion, religious belief etc.
 Let's remember that the members of this list are spread around the globe
 with the common aim of helping other Mandrake users and promoting Mandrake
 generally, so let's not spoil it by expressing political opinions which are
 of no relevance to this list and could concievably lead to alienation of
 valued members.
I'm probably not considered a valuable member, But I'm considering becoming a 
new member of the Red Hat Group.
I've had my fill of this cryfest bullshit, This I can get from the Media.
We'll see where it goes from here.

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Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Whichi s better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Tuesday 07 January 2003 08:26 am, Hesham Khonji wrote:

 What if along with that one terrorist supporter, your tax money destroys
 innocent civilians  
That would be a sad, and unfortunate colatteral effect. Most certain to 
happen, unavoidable since the Arabs use civilians as shields. But then again, 
that's one reason it's called a war,war is hell,  and not a picnic.

and creates 200 other terrorist supporters. Would you
 consider your money well spent then?

My money won't create 200 terrorists, Their FUed Religion already has. What my 
money will buy is 200 more bullets to put and end to them, And that I would 
consider money well spent. Besides, it will help to cut down on foreign aid. 
It's funny how America is always spoke of as being after the allmighty dollar, 
and yet We're not the ones with our hands forever outstretched to receive our 
foreign aid check from who ? Yeah.
No really, we need to continue this thread, I've got plenty more.

 MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*.

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Re: [OT]: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which i s better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Tuesday 07 January 2003 07:07 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Dennis  Sue wrote:
  I think this would be a good point to end this thread, there are many
  who hold strong views about this subject and I fear that to continue to
  express them here could lead to a falling out of members.
  Yeah, Count me as one.

 As someone who recently insulted the religion of about 25% of the
 planet, that is rich.

 I was struck, BEFORE I  struck .
Kind of how Americans are, Kind, Patient,  Generous,and Tolerant, To a point.
then we stand up for what we believe in. If necessary, we put our lives on the 
We don't scurry away hoping someone else will do it for us . We're not 
cowards. We don't target civilians, We don't place them in harm's way, and we 
don't use them for shields.
Read up a bit about your 25%'s beliefs sport, Something other than the drivel 
you get from the media.

  I'm probably not considered a valuable member, But I'm considering
  becoming a new member of the Red Hat Group.
  I've had my fill of this cryfest bullshit, This I can get from the Media.
  We'll see where it goes from here.

 Interesting - you are considering changing your distro because some
 people have opinions you don't like? 
Oh no, differing opinions don't bother me, Being insulted begins to get old 
rather quickly.

 Don't bother - I'm sure there are
 bleeding-heart liberals on the RedHat list as well.  Didn't you wonder
 why the hat was red?
 Gosh no, I honestly never wondered why the hat was red. Do you suppose it's 
because they love liberal sobfests as well ?
Do you suppose their mailing lists are infected with liberal whine a thons ?
Do you suppose they would be profitable if that were the case ?
Liberalism doesn't sell, Nobody buys into it.
 Sir Robin

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-05 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Which is better KDE, or Gnome ?
Whichever one you like the most, and find to be the best for you.
That's the one that's better.
How about these questions instead :
Which is better:
1-  Linux with  the ability to use different desktops. Or windows with no such 
2- Linux with the ability to toggle through desktops. Or windows with no such 
3- Linux , because of the option to use different desktops, The ability to 
even ask this question. Or windows.
4- If everbody in the world farted at the same time, what would happen to the 
polar ice caps?
5-  If everbody in the world farted at the same time, And you just happened to 
light a match at that moment, Would it explode the entire world at once, Or 
simply set up a chain reaction?

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[newbie] Trouble with Wine

2002-12-30 Per discussione Dennis Sue
I have been trying to install and run Wine. So far, To no avail.
Here is the error message I get :

The Wine launcher is unable to find the xmessage program,
which it needs to properly notify you of Wine execution status
or problems.

This launcher script relies heavily on finding this tool,
and without it, it will behave very poorly.

We strongly recommend that you use your distribution's
software methods to locate xmessage, or alternatively
use your favourite internet search engine to find out
how you are supposed to install xmessage on your system.
 Nothing works, And for the life of me I cannot find xmessage.
Any ideas ?

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Re: [newbie] Trouble with Wine

2002-12-30 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Monday 30 December 2002 07:14 pm, Pilagá wrote:
 El Lun 30 Dic 2002 18:56, Dennis  Sue escribió:
  I have been trying to install and run Wine. So far, To no avail.
  Here is the error message I get :
  The Wine launcher is unable to find the xmessage program,
  which it needs to properly notify you of Wine execution status
  or problems.
  This launcher script relies heavily on finding this tool,
  and without it, it will behave very poorly.
  We strongly recommend that you use your distribution's
  software methods to locate xmessage, or alternatively
  use your favourite internet search engine to find out
  how you are supposed to install xmessage on your system.
   Nothing works, And for the life of me I cannot find xmessage.
  Any ideas ?

   Just install: X11R6-contrib-4.2.1-3mdk (If you are running 9.0)


I installed the aboved mentioned package, and it still wasn't working. Then I 
changed my command from :
wine /mnt/c-drive/windows/sol.exe
To :
wine /mnt/win_c/windows/sol.exe , And Walla ! Success !
I was so excited that I made my wife come and watch me play Microsoft 
solitaire in Mandrake. ( She was pretty amazed too ).
I would like to get her 3D mahjong game running, It seems to choke on loading 
direct X . Oh well, for now I have plenty of other stuff to try :)
Thank you everyone for your help.

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[newbie] Reloading Windows

2002-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Merry Christmas All.
Here is my situation :
I have loaded Windows 2000 on 20 gigs, And Mandrake 9 on 20 gigs. ( One 
Harddrive ). The Windows setup went South ( trashed itself almost immediately 
). The Mandrake setup is solid ( surprise, surprise ).
I've decided that I want to dump Windows 2000, and replace it with Windows 98.
When I do this, It will ( probably, I don't know for sure ) rewrite the boot 
record and I will lose access to Mandrake.
The only way I know how to regain access is to reload / ( I am an unashamed 
Newbie ).
I know there is an easier way, and I really like my current setup.
Any suggestions ?

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Re: [newbie] Reloading Windows

2002-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Wednesday 25 December 2002 10:55 am, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Wednesday 25 December 2002 17:11, Dennis  Sue wrote:
  I've decided that I want to dump Windows 2000, and replace it with
  Windows 98. When I do this, It will ( probably, I don't know for
  sure ) rewrite the boot record and I will lose access to Mandrake.

 Yes it will

  The only way I know how to regain access is to reload / ( I am an
  unashamed Newbie ).
  I know there is an easier way, and I really like my current setup.
  Any suggestions ?

 1.Make a boot floppy. Before you do anything else MAKE A BOOT FLOPPY.
 Even if you made one when you installed Mandrake, make a new one now
 (floppies can degrade over time if they are unused, and you might
 have changed something else since then). The easiest way is to run
 drakconf (as root), click on the booting section and select the make
 a boot floppy option there.

 2.Now test the boot floppy. That is, boot from it. Hold down DEL as
 you boot and set your computer to boot from the floppy drive instead
 of the hard disk. Save the setup and reboot. If linux comes up, you
 can move on.

 back up the following files to floppy, just in case:
 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (if it exists on your system)

 If there is no /etc/lilo.conf on your system, you must be booting from
 grub: get back to us in that case

 3. Install windows98. Don't worry, it won't even know your Linux disk
 is there. But if you installed win2000 on NTFS rather than FAT32, you
 may need to dive into FDISK and remove the win2000 partition.

 4. If win98 is working OK, or as well as can be expected, then boot
 from your linux boot floppy. Sign in as root and run the following
 command in a console or xterm:


 That should restore your boot menu with both linux and windows listed
 just as you had them. Test everything thoroughly, then set your
 computer back to booting from the hard disk by default.

 Easy, huh?
Yeah real easy. Nothing weird for file system just fat32.
Thank you

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[newbie] OT The Outcome of Reloading Windows

2002-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Sue
So I formatted, and got rid of windows 2000, Loaded Windows 98, And 
reinstalled my boot loader. Here is the tale of woe :

Windows 98 required too many reboots to count. It took me over 2 hours to load 
the O.S., install the video driver, the sound card driver, antivirus 
,firewall, camera software, and cdr software.
I have not yet installed Office, Winzip, or anything else, ( At this point I'm 
not sure I'll even bother ).

 Installing and configuring  Mandrake with all the bells and whistles, with 
OO, and KOffice, and everything else took about 1 hour,  Maybe slightly 
longer but not much, as I recall.

Windows boot up is slw. The whole thing is cumbersome and , well 
ehh, ( We've only been running Mandrake full time for about 5-6 months 
now ).
Anyway, After doing all of this ( rebooting between everything of course ), On 
the final reboot the damn thing goes into a ... BSOD. HaHaHaHaHa.
I can't believe that at one time this was the best we could do.
What the hell were we thinking ?
It took me about 10 minutes to reload lilo ( I did an upgrade and picked up a 
couple packages ), and get back to where we belong.
Now I'm thinking about dual booting something real with Mandrake, or 
repartitioning and giving all 40 gigs to Mandrake, because THAT just hurt.

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Re: [newbie] OT The Outcome of Reloading Windows

2002-12-25 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Wednesday 25 December 2002 02:46 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 06:41, Dennis  Sue wrote:
  So I formatted, and got rid of windows 2000, Loaded Windows 98, And
  reinstalled my boot loader. Here is the tale of woe :
  Windows 98 required too many reboots to count. It took me over 2 hours to
  load the O.S., install the video driver, the sound card driver, antivirus
  ,firewall, camera software, and cdr software.
  I have not yet installed Office, Winzip, or anything else, ( At this
  point I'm not sure I'll even bother ).
   Installing and configuring  Mandrake with all the bells and whistles,
  with OO, and KOffice, and everything else took about 1 hour,  Maybe
  slightly longer but not much, as I recall.
  Windows boot up is slw. The whole thing is cumbersome and , well
  ehh, ( We've only been running Mandrake full time for about 5-6
  months now ).
  Anyway, After doing all of this ( rebooting between everything of course
  ), On the final reboot the damn thing goes into a ... BSOD.
  HaHaHaHaHa. I can't believe that at one time this was the best we could
  What the hell were we thinking ?
  It took me about 10 minutes to reload lilo ( I did an upgrade and picked
  up a couple packages ), and get back to where we belong.
  Now I'm thinking about dual booting something real with Mandrake, or
  repartitioning and giving all 40 gigs to Mandrake, because THAT just

 It is sad to realize that there are millions and millions of people that
 think the MS solution is the end all solution - until they see
 something different.

 Like buying a Volvo station wagon - ya'd never think about it until you
 get in an accident with the kids in the car - THEN you're buying the
 Volvo station wagon...(bad analogy, but I though it was cool).

 Think of it this way:

 Windows users are like robots - when they hunger, they walk into Maccas
 and order a meal - it is delivered - they eat it. Never once thinking
 about how shitty the meal is, or what the meal is lacking. When they're
 shown that they can cook a steak and potatoes and veggies and make a
 salad and eat THAT instead - it just takes the time to make it - all of
 a sudden their world changes...they have something more fulfilling and
 they've cooked it themselves...all the while wondering why in the hell
 they were eatting Maccas this whole time...

Now I still have problems with Linux, and don't understand much about it 
really. And my camera still isn't supported. And at times it is difficult and 
frustrating for me. But atleast it doesn't explode on contact.
The way dependencies aren't handled is a pain, If you grab something it ought 
to either have the necessary libraries, or provide a means to get them 
somewhat easily.
None the less, with all it's warts Linux is still my choice.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Raising More Capital

2002-12-22 Per discussione Dennis Sue

 Mandrake have made a huge step forward with bugzilla in the last week or
 two. I would suggest to everyone who has an interest in the
 stability/excellence of 9.1 to make an account at
 https://qa.mandrakesoft.com. The feature that would be most useful to
 newbies is voting for bugs. If you are too intimidated in posting a new bug
 or comment on an exitant bug (which you shouldn't be), you can simply
 search for all unconfirmed bugs, and if you are experiencing them as well,
 you can vote for them. After two votes, a bug is marked new, and the more
 votes a bug receives, the more attention it will get (and face it that is
 what you need for 'your' bug in the beta process).

 The process to see unconfirmed bugs is to click Query existing bug
 reports, and then change the status field to  unconfirmed and just do a
 search without any other parameters.

 Good luck,
 Sascha Noyes

Ok I did as you specified and it returned this message :
Zarro Boogs Found.
So I'm guessing that's a good thing.
Atleast better than Tree Boogs Found.

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Re: [newbie] Unsupported Camera Update

2002-12-12 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Wednesday 11 December 2002 04:25 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 11 December 2002 06:12 pm, Dennis  Sue wrote:
  Ok, I looked around a bit, screwed around some, And added these lines to
  fstab and mtab.
  Adding these lines caused the camera to appear in /mnt as camera
  directory. And on the desktop as  dynamic_mnt camera link. Which was
  In Root, clicking the desktop link produced this error message :
  File system not supported by the kernel.
  In user the error message is :
  mount according to mtab
  /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0  is already mounted on /mnt/camera
  mount failed.
  Any ideas what I might do from here ?
  Remove the reference in mtab, as it's apparantly being addressed in
  /mnt/camera ?

 Do you have KDE running?  ( Yes )  If so bring up konqueror and navigate to 
the /mnt
 directory, you might want to do that from a su console.  Is there a file
 folder called camera now? ( Yes, In konqueror and Term. )  Next look at the 
usbview and see if it shows up
 there as scd1.  ( No, There is lots listed, but not scd1. As for type - 
bulk. Config number- 1 , Interface number- 0 , Name- usb-storage. )  Then try 
a su console command   mount  /dev/scd1 and go
 back to konqueror and /mnt folder, is the camera file there now? ( Yes, It 
still exists. The error message in Term is this : mount /dev/scd1- can't find 
/mnt/scd1 in fstab, or mtab . So I did mount /mnt/camera : fs type not 
supported by kernel. The whole time the camera directory in /mnt is present. 
Going into it shows 0 files still. So I did Term - su- fdisk /mnt/camera : 
You will not be able to write the partition table, and Unable to read 
/mnt/camera.)( Attached please find the /proc/scsi/usb-storage-0 /1 file. And 
the /proc/bus/usb/devices file. In /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/ It 
shows up as a locked disc, and when the camera is on, a partitiion also 
appears- part1, Shutting the camera off makes the part1 partitiion 
disappear.) ( What is the command to view running processes ? )

Description: application/zerosize

Description: application/zerosize
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[newbie] Unsupported Camera

2002-12-11 Per discussione Dennis Sue
I have an unsupported HP 315 photosmart camera, ( usb ).
Usbview finds it, and correctly identifies it. Etc/Hotplug knows about it as 
Gphoto has no driver for it, cannot make it work.
It seems to me that I should be able to mount it as a filesystem ? of some 
kind / type, virtua,l removeable, or scsi, and access it as such.
Does anyone know of a way, or a site that might offer this possibility ?
My cd burner is set up as sco ( I don't know if this matters ).

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[newbie] Unsupported Camera Update

2002-12-11 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Ok, I looked around a bit, screwed around some, And added these lines to fstab 
and mtab.
Adding these lines caused the camera to appear in /mnt as camera directory. 
And on the desktop as  dynamic_mnt camera link. Which was cool.
In Root, clicking the desktop link produced this error message :
File system not supported by the kernel.
In user the error message is :
mount according to mtab
/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0  is already mounted on /mnt/camera mount 
Any ideas what I might do from here ?
Remove the reference in mtab, as it's apparantly being addressed in 
/mnt/camera ?
/dev/hda9 / ext2 rw 0 0
none /proc proc rw 0 0
none /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw 0 0
none /dev devfs rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda10 /home ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat rw,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat rw,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/win_e vfat rw,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda7 /mnt/win_f vfat rw,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0 /mnt/camera
/dev/hda11 /store1 ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda12 /store2 ext2 rw 0 0
automount(pid1032) /misc autofs rw,fd=5,pgrp=1032,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0
automount(pid1053) /net autofs rw,fd=5,pgrp=1053,minproto=2,maxproto=4 0 0

/dev/hda9 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda10 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,ro,umask=0 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/scd0 auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,ro,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/win_e vfat umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda7 /mnt/win_f vfat umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0 mnt/camera
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda11 /store1 ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda12 /store2 ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0

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Re: [newbie] recording audio

2002-12-09 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Monday 09 December 2002 04:52 am, you wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 20:01, Dennis  Sue wrote:
   For some reason, xroast does not recognize the .mp3 format..
  gnome toaster / cdrecord seems to default to tao, rather than dao. Even
  when I set it for dao. I don't think it's closing the session.
  And I know it isn't converting the mp3's to cdda, or wav files before
  burning them.

 ...and eRoaster? (it's in your distro)...

 ...then there's CDBackOven, KonCD, K3b, BurnIT, FireBurner, Arson (my

eRoaster seems to have done it, However occasionally I the track is playing, 
Then suddenly quits / Stops. Restarting it solves the problem though.

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[newbie] recording audio

2002-12-08 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Hello Peoples,
I would like to convert, and record mp3's to a cdr so that they can be played 
on a regular cd player.
I've made 3 coasters trying.
this is one of two reasons why windows still resides on this harddrive.

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[newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Hello Folks, I thought I'd give you an update on my final decision, How it 
worked out, and my opinions.
Having purchased a new harddrive yesterday, I partitioned it and loaded 
Win2000 for any unsupported devices ( such as the HP 315 camera ), And also 
so that I could download Mandrake 9.0, ( Having decided to give it a try, If 
it didn't work out I could always reload 8.2 ).
Having burned the 3 discs last night I proceeded to load Mandrake this A.M.
Here are 2 words to describe my experiences thus far :
 OH YEAHH. This is slick, cool , groovy, fantastic, awesome... 
uhhh, ok more than 2 words, Anyway All went well.
There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't configure 
it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.

Here is my general opinion:.

It isn't that Linux isn't ready for PrimeTime, It's that PrimeTime isn't ready 
for Linux.

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Saturday 07 December 2002 09:38 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 09:02:05 -0500

  There is one problem though, My sound card doesn't work, and I can't
  configure it. But Windows won't either so I think it might be crapola.

 LM9.0 doesn't configure ISA soundcards, you have to run sndconfig as root.


Yeah, I tried that, To no avail.

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install / Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Saturday 07 December 2002 11:47 am, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 10:34:47 -0500

 Well, I guess you can always buy a supported soundcard, but to get your
 current sound hardware working I think you should supply a few more
 details like what card do you have, what happened when you tried to
 configure the card from Mandrake Control Centre and with sndconfig :)


 Well, In Root, It tried to configure it, But would not allow me to modify the 
value to accomodate the card. In user as superuser, It wouldn't even find it.

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

2002-12-04 Per discussione Dennis Sue

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

Just thought I would mention this as a future aid maybe.  Whenever I do an
install I install from scratch, but, I always have a partition called /obj
that I save all of my /home stuff that I want to keep. Like photos or mail
etc. Before I wipe the disk I transfer that /home stuff to /obj and then
I format the drive I keep the /obj intact and do not reformat it. What this
does is gives me a clean /var, /usr, /home and / partitions and I can pull
the good stuff back into home as desired. Hope that was clear and not badly
put. It does save me a problem with conflicting files as the release numbers
go up. HTH.
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

No that was put quite excellent.  I think I do the same thing, Calling my
area /storage instead.
I put rpms, pics, text files, user backups, etc in there.
But, Your reply raises another burning question.
Something I've wondered about, And have yet to receive a satifying answer
for :
What is the  best way to partition your drive, and Why ?
Why set up / ,  /var ,  / usr , / home , What's the logic, or purpose of
this ?
I've set mine up with seperate partitions for  / , and /user.
I've also set partitions up  / , and /home.
also, just one partition for / .
of the three ways I've done it, going   / , /home seemed like the best when
it came time for a reinstall , ( reload  /  No need to worry about / home
everything is restored as it was before mucking up / ).
When I went  / , /usr I had  to format both partitions, or neither. So I
lost my / home settings.

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Re: [newbie] info needed

2002-12-04 Per discussione Dennis Sue

- Original Message -
From: Windwalker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 1:20 PM
Subject: [newbie] info needed

On Tuesday 03 December 2002 12:38, you wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to go on digest mode or unsub from this list?
 I love the list for its info, but its way to much mail for my server.
 Is there someway i can just access archives??
 I have misplaced instructions on how i subber to list and its list
 Thanks in advance

You could do what I do, (  I got this advice from someone on this list ).
 Stay on the list and create a folder called Linux Newbie. Create filters
for the sent to, and sent from sections. Filter the
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and have them sent to the Linux Newbie folder on
This is so slick. You can browse through the messages at your convenience,
and they're not filling up your inbox causing others to have to page through
I went one step further, and also created a folder called Linux. And any
messages / threads I wish to permanantly save, I manually move to there.Then
I set up the user backup to backup these folders into /storage.

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Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

2002-12-03 Per discussione Dennis Sue

- Original Message - 
From: Tru64 User [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fresh Install Advice

 Go 9.0...and learn not to blame the software always
 for user errors. My first move to 9.0 was a disaster,
 but then i learnt that there were a lot of things I
 did wrong!!
 All is smooth now..much slicker!
 Richard Mollel
 --- Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 10:48 am, Dennis  Sue wrote:
   Hello folks,
   My harddrive is finally dying, and due to be
  replaced this weekend
hopefully ).
   At this moment, there are only 2 good partitions
  left ( both Windows ).
   So anyway, with the new harddrive comes the
  opportunity to load whatever
   version of Linux I prefer.
   Up until yesterday, It was Mandrake 8.2. I liked
  this version, As did my
   wife, ( Plenty of card games, eye candy, ease of
  use for her, etc ). You
   get the point.
   Now, I am wondering about version 9. I am
  intrigued by KDE 3, and would
   probably like it.
   However, from this list it seems there are some 
  bugs  that I might not
   enjoy, Actually it seems like quite a few.
   I am wondering if it is worth it when the time
  comes to load version 9, or
   stick with 8.2, and wait for a new version say,
  9.1 or something.
   Does version 9 have the card games like 8.2 ?
  Especially the gnome
   freecell, and Klondike ( solitaire ) ?
   Thank you for your input.
  I would say that if you can you should keep 8.2 AND
  install 9.0.  Experiences 
  of 9.0 have been very different.  If you get a good
  install, as mine was, you 
  will have few problems and you can then ditch 8.2
  And yes, there are as many card games etc. as you
  could want
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from

Ok It's decided then, Mandrake 9 here we come !

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Re: [newbie] Mount Point

2002-11-08 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:05 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 20:00:28 -0500

 Dennis  Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 07 November 2002 08:15 am, you wrote:
   On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 19:58, Dennis  Sue wrote:
Hello Folks.
Wanting more space, and having screwed something up sufficently to
warrant a reload, I decided to repartition my harddrive.
It all went well, Except.
I had a storage drive  that I created at  /storage.
When I repartitioned, I didn't realize that I would have to create a
mount point for it, ( I thought it was taken care of, And I wasn't
changing anything there, Just /Root, and /User ).
If I try to use the partitioning tool, It doesn't allow me to use
/storage as an option. It seems to insist on using /var.
So now, I have my backups, and some programs sitting on this
partition ( HDA 11 ) that I can't access, But would really like to.
And, I would like future access to to the drive. Any suggestions ?
   What happens when you try to mount the partition via a term with:
   mount /dev/hda11 /mnt/storage (assuming you'd create a /mnt/storage
   prior to mounting...)
   ...do you get errors? Does it work?
   If it works from the term, you can setup an automount for that
   partition, or create a script to launch from your /etc/rc.d/rc.local
   script...(/etc/fstab might be edited - ay?)
   I get this error :
  mount point mnt/storage does not exist

 What does ls -l /mnt display?


It displays :
2149 cdrom /2151 cdrom2 /   225795 disk / 2153 floppy /

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[newbie] Mount Point

2002-11-07 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Hello Folks.
Wanting more space, and having screwed something up sufficently to warrant a 
reload, I decided to repartition my harddrive.
It all went well, Except. 
I had a storage drive  that I created at  /storage. 
When I repartitioned, I didn't realize that I would have to create a mount 
point for it, ( I thought it was taken care of, And I wasn't changing 
anything there, Just /Root, and /User ).
If I try to use the partitioning tool, It doesn't allow me to use /storage as 
an option. It seems to insist on using /var.
So now, I have my backups, and some programs sitting on this partition ( HDA 
11 ) that I can't access, But would really like to. And, I would like future 
access to to the drive. Any suggestions ?

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[newbie] canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Sue

Hello, I have tried every possible thing I can find, read, and install to get 
this supported printer working.
The best I have yet to achieve is garbage character printout, and even that 
isn't consistent.
I am tired of editing, searching, reading, installing, removing, and looking.
I've had enough of this nonsense.
I am tired of spending countless hours, frustrated that little, just simply 
works, and ready to put windows on this #$% thing just so I can use my 
printer. Oh, and my unsupported digital camara ( which is an entirely 
different issue ).
Does anyone have, or know of a driver that I can install simply to make this 
#$^ thing operate correctly ?
Because I am at my wits end, and starting to see why Microsoft controls 90+% 
of the desktop.
I am running Mandrake 8.2 KDE2 ( Gnome doesn't work either, but Gnome does 
operate the cdr, KDE does not, why not ? I know not )

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[newbie] Re: canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Sue

Thank you Derek, I am on my way there as I type this

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Re: [newbie] canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Sue

On Sunday 13 October 2002 12:18 pm, you wrote:
 I have not been following this thread, but anytime someone has difficulty
 with printer drivers it is worth giving TurboPrint a try  (apologies if it
 has already been suggested)

 Turbo print is not free and so cannot be bundled with Mandrake. It is
 however 'no cost' for personal use.

 For certain printers it will give substantially better print quality than
 the 'free' (as in freedom) drivers.  For others it is little different.
 Your printer is listed as supported by Turboprint.


 (BTW: If your printer manufacturer would write drivers for Linux like they
 do for Windows, then you would not have this difficulty)


 Thank you again Derek, It worked like a charm.
And in response to your BTW : You are absolutely correct.
I realized that it isn't the fault of the O.S., But rather the manufacturer, 
This much I knew.
That is why you have to hack, and edit, and search, And hope that some kind 
soul has written something for you ( especially when you don't know how to 
yourself  ).

Rant coming next :

Personally, I think that  is a bunch of B.S.
Someone  ought to write a page (  easily found, say Mandrake.com ) containing 
manufacturers that support, and do not support users.
You could go there before buying something and see what kind of effort was / 
is made by said builder. Users could input their experiences as well. Have an 
e-mail link right there for people to fire off at, say Canon, with something 
  So I was in the store, mouth watering over your latest ( piece of whatever 
). I went home, Brought up Crappyvendorswhosoldtheirsoulstomicrosoft .org, 
and saw that you don't give a rat's %% about my .
How unfortunate that you don't think supporting users is in your best 
interest, Because Epson ( or whoever ) certainly does. Why they were more 
than willing to have my business, and were grateful for it.

I appreciate that people generously give their time, and effort to write 
drivers for older products, and willingly share them. I do not think that 
people should have to continue doing so.
I do not believe that Mandrake, or Red Hat, or any other distro  should have 
to write drivers, or basically beg vendors for some help.
So M.S. holds 90 % of the desktop, But 100 % of their victims are not going 
to buy product X from Manufacturer Y.
( I just had this conversation with HP two days ago, I don't know what anyone 
here thinks of HP,  I seriously doubt I will be sending any of my money their 
way in the near future).
Maybe start an advocacy of sorts. And when the day comes that builders write 
the Linux drivers along with the Windows drivers, ( because of popularity ) 
remember those companies that didn't bother to before it was popular to do so.
I could continue, but I'm sure most have hit delete by now.

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[newbie] Changing Default Browser

2002-10-11 Per discussione Dennis Sue

I am running Mandrake 8.2, K desktop.
I have looked high and low for a way to change what browser opens e-mail ( 
K-Mail )  links.
Currently Konqueror does so, But I would like Netscape to instead, ( I find 
the tabbed interface very convienent ).
I have tried the browser preferences, to no avail, the Docs, with no success, 
and I am thinking there must be a file to edit to change the default, but I 
can't find any information on which it might be, and what to edit.
Can anyone help me here?

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[newbie] Re : Changing Default Browser

2002-10-11 Per discussione Dennis Sue
Thank you for the help.
I can't believe that I overlook the simple things, I guess I expected it to 
be more difficult than this. ( Doh )
But, after editing to get a CDR and a printer working, I expected to have to 
do it again.
As for Mozilla, yeah, I think I'm going with that. 
I haven't used Opera since Version 2 something  I think it was, Maybe even 
Maybe that will be a nice adventure :)

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[newbie] Corrupt Database

2002-10-08 Per discussione Dennis Sue

Whenever I use locate to search for files, It doesn't matter what file, I get 
 the following message at the end of it's search :

fatal error : locate : decode_db : 'pathlen == -5 ' ! Corrupt Database !

For some programs, Like netscape, It will list all the files before ending 
with this message.
For other programs, Like Gaim for example, It lists the users home directory, 
then kicks up this error. It does not list all of the program's associated 
files / directories .
So I realize that apparantly the Database has somehow become corrupted, But 
how do I repair it , and solve this problem?
I am running Mandrake 8.2.

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