Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version: 1.0-1512

2001-09-14 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

ATI does provide technical assistance to the XFree86 project it is on their
web site

Original Message-
   From:   Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subj:   Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:
   Type:   IPM.Note
   Sent:   Monday, September 10, 2001 2:27 AM
   IMHO you have 3 choices of graphic cards
   3dfx - bad idea as they no longer exist (so no more drivers)
   ATI - don't support Linux :(
   nVidia - provide closed drivers for Linux.
   and personally closed drivers are better than no drivers.
   Robert MacLean
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 11:40 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] new linux drivers for nvidia cards Version:
On Friday 07 September 2001 05:09 pm,  Tom Brinkman wrote:
   I've got one word for nVidia's Linux support, and like most in
 wintel-gang, it's    DISINGENUOUS. They're just stringin us
 with poor, partially capable, closed source secret drivers. IMO,
 fear of losing M$ cooperation.   YMMV  I'm sort's pi$$'d at myself
 buyin nVidia crap, even tho I knew all the above beforehand. My
 excuse is it's gettin harder and harder... not to.  Billy's
   winning ;(
That's just it.  What is our alternative?  Voodoo support is not
   what it was.
 I had three machines (just sold one) with the voodoo3 in them, and
   they have
not had decent acceleration since 7.2.  I tried all the the little
   tips and
tricks other say got theirs to work ok, but nope... games suck on
machines.  ATI?  I read post after post of horror story with those.
What could we get, even if money was no object (within the home user
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RE: [newbie] Newbie having problems with modem...

2001-09-02 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Sorry but your modem is a winmodem.  It is controllerless modem.  First Clue
is the words HCF.  I would check on to see if there is support
for it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Admin
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 11:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] Newbie having problems with modem...


Let me introduce myself.  My name is Dexter, and just today I installed
linux on a partitioned hdd and I am looking forward to spending some good
quality time with this group list.  I own a Dell 4100 series pc, running on
an 800mhz PIII, with about 380 megs of ram, 40 gig hdd, a linksys nic, a
scanner, two printers, a power backup system, and a Conexant/Rockwell modem.
The modem is not a winmodem.  Ok, now for some background as to what

I am pretty new at unix/linux.  One big reason I decided to install linux
was to learn more about the o/s.  I have had shell accounts in the past, but
have never been involved in any heavy duty unix/linux stuff.  So basically,
I can move files around, I am pretty good at deleting files, and have very
very little experience tarring/untarring and setting up kernels and what
not.  In any case, I went ahead and installed the system.  It all seemed to
go well.  I had to play around a bit before it recognized both my printers,
but it was not a big deal and I have yet to try and get the network up and
running (I will tackle the network later).  But I am having a problem
getting the o/s and the modem to coexist.

I went through the internet connection wizard and placed all the proper
information (or so I think, everything is subject to change without notice),
but when I try to connect all I get is a message stating:  Modem is Busy.
Well, far as I know, the modem is not busy and it works fine in windoze.  I
tried using all the different com ports, including the something/modem
allocation (it is configured for com2 in win98), with no luck.  Under
properties, the modem is described as a HFCModem MDP3900V-U PCI Enumerator
modem (don't know what it all means, but there it is anyway).  I tried
running minicom (as suggested by a person in #mandrake in irc), but I
basically had the same result.  I tried removing the nic, thinking maybe
there is a conflict going on between the two (the wizard at first thinks I
am accessing the net via the network), but again no luck.  I went to the
conexant web site, but they don't have any linux drivers available for their
modems.  I visited the #mandrake channel in IRC and one of their helpers
suggested running ppp-on, but the copy I obtained is in the tar format,
and I don't feel confident about messing with it at this point in time.  I
also sent a message to the support group at Mandrake, but I suspect it might
be a couple of days before I hear from them.  So, I am hoping somebody in
this group list can help me out.

I have a few theories running in my head, actually more like intuitions.
One theory would be that Mandrake cannot support the conexant/rockwell
modem.  It would surprise me, considering they are one of the major
manufacturers of modems around.  If indeed conexant is not supported, can
somebody send me the brandname and model number of a modem supported by

Another possibility might be a bad switch setting.  If interested, I could
copy the settings for all the parameters, but I rather wait and do it only
if necessary.  Taking up enough bandwidth as it is.  My modem strings seem
ok, but it has been a while since I played with such things, so an erroneous
setting is a possibility.

Of course the best scenario would be somebody somewhere who has had the same
experience I am, and having a fix for it.  So if you know the answer, don't
be shy.  ;)

Also, and depending on how comfortable people might feel about it, I could
call you and try to trouble shoot it over the phone.  I live in the United
States, and would like to keep the call within the lower 48 if possible. :)
I can also be found in IRC, specifically in the Efnet network in the channel
#shelter under the nickname of Coqui.  I normally have a client there 24/7.
I have most everything else up and running and I want to get the modem up
and going, to see what it can do.

In any case, any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in


AKA  Coqui-

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Re: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Are you sure those are not IDE connectors for a CD-ROM.  Most of the old
16's had this

- Original Message -
To: Newbie Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?


 I installed the Mandrake 8.0.

 I have a SoundBlaster 16 SCSI.
 It is a SB card with SCSI card on it.
 My problem is that the Mandrake 8.0 can't recognize the SCSI interface
 and the SB card.

 Until now ( from 1991 to 2 years ago. ) I configured it when I compile
 the kernel. But doing so with the easy-to-setup Mandrake is somewhat
 meaningless. So.. is there any easier way to make my SB/SCSI card work
 with the Mandrake 8.0?

 Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Well the breakup was supposed to be a remedy for M$ business cut throat
business practices and antitrust violations.
Looks like it is not going to happen now.

- Original Message -
From: Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

 At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
 Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
 so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
 comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
 about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
 remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
 Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one  are there ones
 that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
 I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
 else (sounds painfully familiar).

 Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
 yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
 able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
 litigation. Just wondering.

 The only real desktop option out there is the Mac  thinking
 of kids, adults, etc  and it seems that there needs to be
 more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
 just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for power
 users  or even curious users who are willing to struggle
 through what seems like techie,
 hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than it says so in the
 manual attempts to solve *many wierd techie problems. It's a
 shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
 fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
 you see personally?

 I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
 highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their

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Re: [newbie] paranoia and a letter

2001-06-06 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

How did you get that Parallel port tape drive to work in Linux?

I have one here and can't get it to work?

Franki wrote:
 have you tried to find windows 2000 or ME or XP drivers for lots of legacy
 stuff?  I have, and have had many failures in doing so...
 MS have their own policy... try running win2000 on a P100, I dare you...
 (I have a mandrake box doing that just fine.)
 As an example, I have a really nice Seagate tape backup drive that uses the
 parallell port, slow, but who cares it did unattended backups over night
 I am unable to use it now in win2000 I have to have a win95 machine on the
 network and back up to that
 That is just one of my stories of woe. linux still supports most old
 hardware windows just drops it entirely and tells you that you should be
 using something newer anyway
 I think its only a matter of time before that becomes obvious to people,
 Have a look at the minimum specs for WinXP, and then read about what all the
 testers are saying the REAL minimum should be to actually use the software
 just thought I'd add my 10 cents worth...
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Pablo García Durán
   Sent: Wednesday, 6 June 2001 6:05 AM
   To: Mandrake Newbie
   Subject: [newbie] paranoia and a letter
   Dear guys:
   Yes, I misused the word paranoia (I gave it the sense it nowadays has in
 slang Spanish) so probably I got slightly misunderstood. Sorry for that.
   But it was a critic anyway.
   Again I want to declare my sympathy towards the Linux community. It's a
 nice idea that matches part of what I think computers should be. But again
 don't expect the crowd to abandon their Windows-based machines at this time.
 Most people will pay to be able to click the add any hardware icon and
 start printing, scanning or connecting to the Internet immediately.
   I'm not saying you surrender. I'm just saying: read History and learn the
 Macintosh lesson.
   I leave you with an open letter I found, about the real importance of an
 operating system.
   Pablo Garcia-Duran
   A letter to operating system designers
   Written By: Timothy Nordloh
   Linux, Microsoft, Apple! It's so confusing! which operating system is
 best? I'm here to tell you, as briefly as possible, that it doesn't matter.
 First of all, the majority of users are like me; they see their operating
 system for no more than three seconds, before launching their favorite
 application. Second, we know you all want money, even the Linux companies.
 also, we know you're in bed with the hardware companies.
   After reading the line on the bottom of the new Mac OS X, display box, I
 now know that it is the Most Advanced Operating System in the World. All
 this statement tells me is that even Apple can't be trusted to be completely
   I worry that the chief operating system companies out there are getting
 away from the true meaning of 'operating system.' I think back on the days
 of DOS. I typed 'edit', and I'm editing documents. I typed 'menu' and I got
 a menu. Best of all, I got a printed instruction manual that told me these
 things. What ever happened to instruction manuals? They went from explaining
 the ins and outs of DOS to describing how to double-click.
   We need to examine the computer of yesterday. It was simple and reliable.
 We could print our documents. There were about 20 options on any one
 product. Anyone could jump in and be 'certified' on a word processor in
 under thirty minutes. An example of how computers have gotten away from
 simplicity; back in 1990, if I pressed the button labeled 'print screen',
 guess what happened? the words on my screen were magically transported to my
 printer! I miss that. Also, my computer booted up in less than two minutes.
   When did we lose sight of that simplicity? Stepping back to the present, I
 have a computer that forgets what kind of monitor I have in Windows, and
 doesn't shut down properly in Linux. I still have the default background on
 my computer. I think it's light blue, but I'm not sure. The only time I see
 my background is during the two seconds it takes me to click on an
 application icon. I also don't spend a lot of time personalizing my
 settings. I sit down and start typing on a word processor. Or I install the
 latest version of Quake. Or I surf the internet.
   Typically, the only part of the operating system I see is the taskbar.
 I've seen the pretty Whistler screenshots, and I like the lovely Mac OS
 interface, but it's all going in the wrong direction. I want to get to where
 I'm going in one click, or with a simple typed command. No menus, no
 searches, just give me my games or my web browser.
   What's up with the .NET concept? First of all, it's silly to think about
 selling me the chance to use Microsoft Word; I already paid 300 

Re: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS

2001-06-05 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Wendell Gragg wrote:
 I am having problems getting my printer working on LM 8.0.  It is an
 HP 895c connected to an Intel Netport Express printserver.  The
 printserver is on my lan as while my computer accesses the
 internet through DHCP over a cable modem on one nic and the lan is on
 the other nic.  The ip for the computer is  From linux, I
 can ping the printserver and even get to it via the browser, but CUPS
 does not recognize it.  When I try to get to the printer configuration
 for KUPS, I get a message saying that the CUPS server is not active.
 Can someone point me to the proper place to find doc on doing this or
 if it is simple please let me in on what to do to get this thing
 Wendell Gragg
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

make sure the CUPS server is installed for some reason mine was not. 
Then I had to start the server.  Make sure it is running

Re: [newbie] a quick note

2001-05-31 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Sven Heinicke wrote:
 I'm a big galeon fan too, but I do have a user that galeon always
 crashes on him.  I am yet to look into it but yea old netscape 4 is
 what he usually uses.
 Michel Clasquin writes:
   The browser wars are over.
   Galeon is browsing perfection.
   IMHO anyway
   This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
I got Galeon but how can I get rid of all these toolbars that say the
same thing?
WebMail/radio/yellow pages there are four of the same toolbars and they
take up half the screen?
I tried looking in preferences but no way to get rid of em

Re: [newbie] Just wondering a few points!

2001-05-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Why don't you sign up for Yahoo pop service it is free and works good, a
little slow but you can use any mail client that can use POP.  I used
the RP8.bin file.  Follow the directions to install it on the real site.
The RPM one won't work with Mandrake 8 only Redhat
The scanner, I don't have one so not sure about that

Derek Rayne wrote:
 Hi there,
 I am wondering a few things...
 Can any of the e-mail programs (like K-Mail, Evolution, etc...) that
 are on here be configured to read and send messages via Yahoo e-mail
 (the free one)? I don't want to keep on using Netscape to load up the
 Yahoo e-mail page to read my e-mail, I want to be able to browse the
 web while going back and forth reading my e-mail.  I know I can open up
 another window, but that takes up time and puts lag onto Netscape.
 SUBJECT #2: Real Player 8
 I recently purchased the Desktop Edition of LM 8.0 which only has 3
 CD's in it.  I figured I might as well update my real player to version
 8 also.  I went on to their website, put in the necessary information
 and downloaded the file.  I then I did the RPM package, appropiately,
 it asks for CD #4 which wasn't included with my setup because of it
 being the Desktop edition.  If I downloaded it, why would it ask for
 the CD?  I would understand if when I was installing it, it was on CD
 #4,but with the desktop edition it was 3 CD's not 4.  I think it was
 the professional edition or something like that had the 4th - 7th CDs
 because it came with more.
 SUBJECT #3: USB Scanner
 I recently did what a lot of people suggesting for my USB scanner.  I
 still can't get it to work.  I downloaded the newest version of SANE,
 it said it was already installed.  I had this when I booted up the
 system:  NOTE, spaces are NOT accurate.
 Loading USB interface  [OK]
 Mount USB filesystem   [OK]
 Starting USB daemon[OK]
 So I know it knows about my USB, does that usually goto IRQ 11?  If
 that is the case, I think i know the problem, but my soundcard which
 does use IRQ 11 works perfectly fine.  Should I put my sound card in
 another PCI slot then try this again?
 I do appeciate all the help I got in the past and the future...I love
 Linux much better than Windows, even though I don't have as much
 software as I would like to have.
 Richard Wegner - Linux User - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
 e-mail address I chose!
 I don't do Windows me (Proud Linux User)  ICQ #: 12781393
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Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

No Hot Java is still slow and unstable and Sun is no longer developing
it so it will not be getting better.  

s wrote:
 I tried it a while back, a year or so, and it wasn't very good then.  If
 memory serves, it was quite unstable - actually almost usable (crashing and
 freezing), and it didn't render html that well either.  Of course it may have
 improved by now.
 On Tuesday 29 May 2001 06:15 pm, you wrote:
  Same topic.. any one had any luck with the HotJava Browser from Sun? I
  belong to some Veteran's chats on Talk City and I have to use Windows if I
  want somthing reliable
  Thanks Friends

Re: [newbie] Running two DNS on network

2001-05-25 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

On Friday 25 May 2001 14:22, Mark Johnson wrote:
 Is it possible to run a local DNS on my linux machine at work in addition
 to the corporate DNS?

 What I think I want to do is setup my own DNS so that I can resolve names
 without having to bother the IT group.

 For example, what I would like to do is on my windows machine setup the
 secondary DNS to be my linux machine so when I try to do something like:

   http://voodoo , or http://foobar, etc...

 it'll hit my linux machine.  I realize that I could easily edit my
 /etc/hosts file on windows, but I'd like to have everyone in my little cube
 pod be able to do the same thing.

 Do I understand this stuff right?

Yeah you can do  it but the IT people are going to be real pissed when they 
find out

So don't


Re: [newbie] i386 vs. i586

2000-04-16 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Donald Carpenter wrote:
 What's the difference between the i386  i586 versions of Linux?
 Does i586 refer to a P3 system?
i386 means it was compiled to support Intel 386/484
i586 optimized compiled with pentium extensions

Re: [newbie] Prob2- Netscape

2000-04-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

There really isn't one and I have tried all of them unless you like no
graphics, than Lynx does a good job
- Original Message -
From: "Michael N. Proffitt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Prob2- Netscape

 If Netscape sucks so bad, then what are the alternatives that people
 are using?


 - Original Message -
 From: "Anthony Huereca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 3:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Prob2- Netscape

   1 - Netscape just shuts itself down sometimes without
   a Netscape oddity or a Mandrake Linux problem?
  It's just because Netscape sucks.
   2 - is Netscape so meant to look so dull and lacking in colour?
   (compared to the win version it IS a bit boring to look at)
  Again, it's because Netscape sucks

Re: [newbie] Prob2- Netscape

2000-04-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

The problem does not seem to have to do with how 
many windows you have open as it has happened to me with only two open. 
This does not seem to occur with the older versions so I am running 4.07 right 
now and this has never manifested this problem

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 7:50 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Prob2- 
  No, Netscape doesn't suck! It's not my favorite, but it's 
  head and shoulders above anything else out there now for Linux. I know 
  there are die hards out there using text only browsers, and if that works for 
  you - GREAT!! There are also people who swear my Mozilla; I've tried it, 
  it's about as robust as a group of college students final exam project - 
  functional but that's it. 
  This is just my opinion, but could we keep the 'it sucks' comments to a 
  minimum and just try to answer the question? 
  Now to the tech problem: I've noticed that sometimes Netscape will 
  shut down on it's own, I'm not sure why (I think it has to do with too many 
  instances - ie windows - open at once), but I've downloaded newer versions and 
  haven't had that problem near as much. I'm using the 128bit version now 
  but you can get the regular version here: 
  Make sure to get most recent version (common, communicator and navigator), 
  and yes, they are working on the 'dull' look too! 
  If you want to get email about what the latest upgrades are, go to this 
  and subsribe to the changelog list. 
  Anthony Huereca wrote: 
   1 - Netscape just shuts itself down sometimes 
without this  a Netscape oddity or a Mandrake Linux 
It's just because Netscape sucks. 
 2 - is Netscape so meant to look so dull and lacking in colour? 
 (compared to the win version it IS a bit boring to look at) 
Again, it's because Netscape sucks 
 3 - Netscape is noticibly slower connecting and loading pages off 
the  Webis this normal? 
I've noticed no difference. Well, maybe I have. Does it take longer 
because it seems to be downloading something (like a picture), but it 
can't seem to finish it? I could be wrong, but seems like Netscape must 
finish downloading whatever it's currently doing before it'll move on to 
anything else. Quite annoying, and yet another reason why Netscape 
 Oh, I'm using ver 4.7 that came with MDK7.0  Thanks again in 
advance for everyones patience.  Paul  Ps...I think a couple 
of these questions were previously aired in this  forum, but I had a 
little accident and wiped out a whole bunch of  stuff 
:o( -- Anthony Huereca Computers are not 
intelligent. They only think they are.--
Michael Holt

Re: [newbie] Samba

2000-03-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

II have heard you can configure Samba to be a PDC in an NT Network.  
Never tried to do it however.

I notice that in SWAT under the advanced configuration
settings, there are alot of options for Domain
Logon's.  I have played around with them, and have
come up with this question:  Can you configure Samba
as a PDC?  I hope this isn't a stupid question, but
cant seem to figure this out so that I can have Samba
process domain logon's.  Thanks.

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Re: [newbie] BOGO Mips

2000-03-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

it is slow for a 233 but now sure how much bogomips means.

- Original Message -
From: "Jaguar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Linux Newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 4:02 PM
Subject: [newbie] BOGO Mips

 I have a Cyrix MediaGX P233 kit board w/64 RAM, vid (not used, not
 sound built into the mobo.  Is there a write up or chart somewhere with
 approx. performance/bogomips for different speeds/styles (Intel, AMD,
 of CPU?
 PS. this box is running at 77 BOGO Mips...-- not sure if that is

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Weird Networking Problem!!

2000-03-16 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

If you reinstalled your Primary Domain Controller then you changed the SID.
It won't rejoin that Domain.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 2:15 PM
Subject: [newbie] Weird Networking Problem!!

 Hey everyone!

 OK, heres my weird story:

 I have a home network, with windowz NT as a domain controller.  I was
 always able to get linux up and running on the network, using "linuxconf".
 Well i had to re-install NT. This happened the day before my Mandrake 7
 arrived in the mail. I get NT up and goin, and now I go to install Linux.
 set up the network stuff, and low and behold, no network!! I cant even
 other computers, and they cant ping the linux box.  So i figure, "Hey, it
 must be Linux's fault", so i put redhat 6.1 on, and still get the same

 This has me sooo confused!!  Is Linux or NT the problem??

 Please help!!!

 Thanks alot in advance!

Re: [newbie] How to intall coffeecup web editor?

2000-03-13 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

What version of Mandrake?

- Original Message -
From: "Adam Stark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 5:10 PM
Subject: [newbie] How to intall coffeecup web editor?


 I've been having some real problems trying to install the Coffeecup HTML
 for Linux.  I followed all the the quick-start instructionsextracting
 tar.gz file into a temporary directory and then running it's installer
 logged in as root.  However the installer always quits on me without ever
 installing the software.  What gives?

 Any help is appreciated,
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks, Adam.

Re: [newbie] can't seem to MAKE the new kxicq

2000-02-20 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

This is where a program like apt in Debian packaging system is great. 
It will sort out those dependency's when the  package is installed by
itself.  Seems to work great even installs them in order.   Mandrake
should consider maybe using somthing similiar to this.

Dave W wrote:
 Anthony Huereca wrote:
  You can download the file here:
  and/or this:
  but it still may not work. I had the same problem and I had to end up
  reinstalling Linux. I couldn't install the part of gcc that compiled C++ files,
  which iostream.h is apart of. I don't see why all the libaries and compilers
  aren't installed automatically in Mandrake, it's a huge hassle to have to go
  find them whenver you're missing one. And since Linux requires a lot of it's
  programs to be compiled by the user, it would just make sense to automatically
  include them all when someone installs.
 Amen, brother.  I'm pretty technically literate and have been using and
 repairing PCs for years.  I'm a systems tech for a gov't agency and work
 on some pretty heavy stuff.  Why should I practically have to learn C
 just to install a program?  This is the main reason I still can't
 recommend even Mandrake for most average users.  It's ALMOST there.  But
 installing programs is the biggest pain in the tail in Linux.  RPMs are
 a big help - but even they often need work.  How is Aunt Sue spozed to
 figger out the dependency problems for example?
 I'll try installing libstdc++ from above - downloading it now - but I
 have the -3 version already installed and KXICQ still won't make.  By
 the time I get it figured out (or just give up, I've got other stuff to
 do) probably the RPM will be released anyway.  It's pretty much a
 flawless install for me, usually.
 dave williamson

Jeanette A. Russo, MSW, MCP

Re: [newbie] HTML Editor Recommendations

2000-02-19 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have used Webmaker, Coffee Cup, which is shareware, and asWedit.  Coffee
Cup is pretty good kind of like Homesite.  Webmaker is decent, August  is ok
and asWedit makes a good basic editor.  Haven't tried Bluefish but this is
the one
everyone seems to like

- Original Message -
From: David van Balen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2000 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HTML Editor Recommendations

 I use emacs...


 On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Lance Borden wrote:

  Hey y'all,
  I'm looking for an HTML Editor for Linux. I used Page Mill in 'doze, but
if I
  could learn to use a Linux html editor, I might just be able to remove
  traces of M$ from my machine. I would like to know what y'all prefer.
I've seen
  Webmaker, Bluefish, Coffee Cup, and KDreamsite. Haven't tried anything
just yet,
  so I would like to get your thoughts...where should I start? Which is
  easiest to use for a guy coming from Page Mill? Which offers the best
  Thanks in advance for your input!

Re: [[newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?]

2000-02-18 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Just use good old  Netscape works fine for all HTML email if that's all you

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Fieschko" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Can anyone recommend a good email program?]

  "Ron" == Ron Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Ron Is there actually an email client that will display html
 Ron under Linux?

 XEmacs, of which I am using version 21.1.8, with VM 6.75.

 It even does x-faces, which is that cool image of me all you folks can
 see in my From: header.  Plus, inline image (gif, png, xpm, ...).
 Plus, randomly selecting a .sig quote.

 And, true threading, based on Message-Id: and References: headers.

 Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
 X-Mailer: VM 6.75 under 21.1.8 XEmacs and random-sig.el
 Kernel 2.2.15-5mdk
 Feb 17 Feria
 "And the weakness of all Utopias is this, that they take the greatest
 difficulty of man and assume it to be overcome, and then give an
 elaborate account of the overcoming of the smaller ones.  They first
 assume that no man will want more than his share, and then are very
 ingenious in explaining whether his share will be delivered by
 motor-car or balloon."  [G.K. Chesterton, in Heretics]

Re: [newbie] Free ISP's and Linux

2000-02-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

It says Windows 95, Windows 98 and Mac on the site?

- Original Message - 
From: Chris and Jennifer Reeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Free ISP's and Linux

 Absolutely. lets you log on for free as long as you
 keep your home page set to their page.  Go to their website and find
 the section for "Already have a Browser"
 The address is
 I think they are in conjunction with Juno.  
 --- George Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone out there figure out how to access one of those free-isp's
  NetZero or AltaVista using Linux?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Cool email client

2000-02-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I think that was the KDE Konqueror which will be realeased with KDE 2.0

At 10:45 PM 1/31/2000 -0500, you wrote:
A few months back someone posted a url to a new cool email client that
was due to be released in Dec 99 as I remember. I cannot seem to find the
message in the archives. This program seemed to be as elegant as Emailer
and full featured as Outlook Express on the Mac, and was supposed to be
able to archive messages among other things. Anyone have an idea what I
am talking about and the url? Thanks much.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

   /(   )\

Re: [newbie] Where can I find DOSEMU?

2000-01-25 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Go to an xterm window and type dos or xdos

At 11:39 PM 1/24/2000 -0500, you wrote:
Seeings how I have the documents for DOSEMU, I'm thinking that I probably
have the program also.  I did all the default settings for Mandrake 6, so if
I have it it should be in the usual place.  The manuals don't reveal its
location, and I haven't been able to find it by simply typing DOSEMU or
browsing through directories (although i'm sure i skipped some).  Could
somebody please help me out with that?

Dan Rasmussen

Re: [newbie] True Type Fonts

2000-01-25 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Here is a good source for font information on Mandrake

It is also a great page for other questions.

At 02:10 PM 1/24/2000 +, you wrote:
Jeanette or anyone,

How does MDK 7.0 deal with fonts?  Does it use TT fonts by default?

If you haven't guessed, I haven't yet installed MDK 7.0.  I'm curious 
about some of these aesthetic items.  I'm waiting to hear from others 
before starting the mighty download of the ISO and burning the CD.

Thanks Jeanette and others,

From: Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] True Type Fonts
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 21:28:18 -0600

I keep seeing these new distributions of Linux coming out and I figured
sooner or later one of them is going to make true type fonts
default.  Probably Mandrake.  What is the hold up on making good fonts the
default setup so Linux can be easily read.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.0

2000-01-23 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have had good luck with Lite-on CD-ROMS.  They are cheap and have worked 
on all the versions of Linux I have tried them on.  I have them on 3 Linux 
boxes here and they work fine.

At 02:03 AM 1/23/2000 -0800, you wrote:
I just tried to install mandrake 7.0, but is doesn't work. It says that 
there is not a mandrake cdrom in the cdromdrive and hangs after that 
(during the cdromprobing).

My cdrom is an atapi liteon 32x/aku.

I've tried to put the cdrom on a fat32partition, but that also doesn't work

Please help

Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] True Type Fonts

2000-01-23 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I keep seeing these new distributions of Linux coming out and I figured 
sooner or later one of them is going to make true type fonts 
default.  Probably Mandrake.  What is the hold up on making good fonts the 
default setup so Linux can be easily read.

Re: [newbie] Modem Question!?

2000-01-21 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

For me the best modem for Linux is an external serial port modem.  I am 
using a 3com/usr which costs a bit more but is well worth it.  Has worked 
with everything from SCO, NT, Solaris, Linux of all types.

At 08:24 PM 1/17/2000 -0600, you wrote:
Ok, I'm seriously getting pissed that neither my ISA winmodem or my PCI 
modem will work in
Linux. I'm taking back the PCI modem tommorow
I need to know EXACTLY what to get, Thanks in advance guys


Re: [Re: [newbie] New Millenium]

2000-01-05 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have about 5 computers running here from Pentium and above all
seemed to roll the date over fine.  I have installed on Y2K fixes
on any of them because I wanted to see first if there was a
problem before I fixed them.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2000 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Re: [newbie] New Millenium]

 Food for thought...
 I checked my Mom's elderly 486 66 with a Phoenix BIOS and
Win3.11 and
 discovered that it had defaulted to 1980, a simple reset of the
date and all
 is well...MS Word correctly inserts present date + 2000

 Etien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  "Jeffrey A. Crum" wrote:
   H.  Don't ya think that the hype about Y2K brought to
light what
   and companies had to do to make the fixes so there wouldn't
be any
   I am in the computer field and know for a fact that if we
hadn't made the
   changes, our systems would NOT have worked.  We are working
with 10-20
   old code and they didn't even imagine that the programs
would still be in
   use come 2000.
-Original Message-
From: Etien T. VanDenBroecke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] New Millenium
Yes that is true, but it has been said that somewhere
along the
lines we all
lost a year, so is it the year 2000 or the year 2001??
knows, all that I
know is that the media hype about the Y2K bug, looks like
it turn
out to be a
big money making scam...
Anybody else agree?  Example:  three days ago a friend of
heard on the radio
that some fool went and purchased and re-wired his whole
house, to on
generators for the Y2K blitz!!
On Sat, 01 Jan 2000, Daniel wrote:
 There is no argument the new millenium does not start
until 2001.  A
 millennia is 1000 years, there was no year "0", so 1 AD
1000 AD was
 the first millennia, 1001 AD through 2000 the second
(see a pattern
 forming?) and the third millennia starts 2001.  Just
some food for


 - Original Message -
 From: "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2000 07:25
 Subject: Re: [newbie] New Millenium

  On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Warren Doney wrote:
|  00.32 01/01/00 NZDT
|  Happy new Millenium all...
|  --
|  Full plate  packing steel! - Minsk
  I've heard all the arguments about the new millenium
starting until
  1/1/2001, but I think we should all compromise, and
make the
entire year
  2000 a celebration of our miraculous survival for two
millemia. This way,
  the end of the year, no one will care when the third
  The finest the new millenium has to offer to all,
  I work int the computer/internet technical support too, we
have a computer
  the back that runs MS-DOS 6.2 and windows 3.11 at the stroke
of midnight
  night, we rebooted the computer and test the applications, no
problems what
  ever also the company that I work for takes call from all
over the
  (canada) thousands of those users are still running old
windows 3.1
  machines and most of them are dumer that dirt!  Absouly
no called about
  there computer crashing!  We also have a Cisco Router that
the Company
  not grantee that would pass that Y2K test, after 12:00am last
night we were
  still surfing the net, with no problems..
  BTW, that windows 3.11 machine aslo have a BIOS dating well
before 1996.
  don't what to believe, but I'm starting to have this feeling
that we have
  gotten the Y2K flew

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Samba passwords problems

2000-01-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Thanks Alan got it figured out just needed to try a lot of
combinations to get it working.  Now on to printer sharing.

- Original Message -
From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba passwords problems

 JeanetteDon't give up yet!  Have you read through the samba
 of  Look under the connectivity
 for samba.  I solved the same problem you're having by reading
the info
 there (it is somewhat extensive for posting to this list).


 Jeanette Russo wrote:
   I can see the LInux computers in  my Network Neighborhood.
  can't browse any directories.  I get error account name or
  password invalid.  I am using NT Server, sp3 NT WKS, Mandrake
  Corel Linux.  I have tried plan text passwords registry
  encrypted passwords, user names and passwords are the same on
  About ready to give up on Samba.

Re: [newbie] Corel Linux

1999-12-30 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Check the samba site, Don't see the regkey.  Anyway I think I can find that
key.  Right now the corel samba is working so I copied my sambconf to the
mandrake 6.0 venus box and smb  passwords and now I can see the mandkrake
Linux box in my Netwwork Neighborhood in my NT box and when I click on it it
brings up
connect as

but when I ennter the password is says paaword is inorrect by  ttried all
the passworks on th NT and Linux box.
THe Corel Samba is woring both ways.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Corel Linux

 From: Ronald A. Yacketta

 I had the same problem unti lI told samba not to use encrypted passwords
 and then
 added a regkey (from samba) to NT/95/98 that forced passwords to be sent
 the regkey comes with samba, should beable to get it from thier www site


 "Joseph S. Gardner" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/29/99 10:19:10 AM

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Corel Linux

 Jeanette Russo wrote:

  Not only that but the install is setup to fail and no text mode backup
  I can find.  Finally got it running using default stupid setup.  No
  program I can find.
  Netscape Navigator only.  Only good part it set up my samba about
  90%.  First time I can find my Linux box in Network Neighborhood.  But
  try to browse from NT it asks for Account and password.  I have given
  everyone on the NT Box and the Linux box and it won't take any of
  them?  From Linux I can browse the NT box however.
  All in all most Linux users are not going to like this at all

 Regarding your NT / Linux connection:

 Seems to me I recall that NT and 95 or 98 used an encrypted password
 conflicted with Linux passwords.  You needed to set one or the other to
 unencrypted passwords (I think).  You'll need to check the archives back
 Aug. or so as I remember this was discussed at length back then.

 Good Luck,

 Joseph S. Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] Corel Linux

1999-12-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Not only that but the install is setup to fail and no text mode backup that 
I can find.  Finally got it running using default stupid setup.  No Email 
program I can find.
Netscape Navigator only.  Only good part it set up my samba about 
90%.  First time I can find my Linux box in Network Neighborhood.  But if I 
try to browse from NT it asks for Account and password.  I have given 
everyone on the NT Box and the Linux box and it won't take any of 
them?  From Linux I can browse the NT box however.
All in all most Linux users are not going to like this at all

At 04:57 AM 12/29/1999 +, you wrote:
Corel Linux uses Debian which is typically at least on major revision
behind the other releases for stability reasons. It also uses Mesa
3.3.3, so most new video cards aren't supported. This was a VERY stupid
decision on the part of Corel as most home users willing to try Linux
have newer hardware,

  Who ever told me that I 99 cents for Corel Linux was too much
  sure was right.  Never had a problem installing any Linux until

Re: [newbie] Corel Linux

1999-12-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

It started bad by not seeing my mouse.  I had to keep rebooting it until it 
would load the driver sometimes as many as 5 times.  Then it refused to use 
any partitions i had made saying I had no /root.  But could offer no way to 
add /root.  I already had /root.  Finally had to delete the partitions and 
let it make its own.  It made only /root and /swap not the setup I like.
Then when I tried any type of custom install by picking the packages it 
will go to 98% and stall.  Did this 5 times
Finally got it to work by using the default stupid person install.  Now I 
have like 5 apps and no email program I can find.
On the other hand the Samba setup was great.
Jeanette Russo

At 09:01 PM 12/28/1999 -0500, Hugh Semmler wrote:

Can I ask what went wrong? I read allot of good things about Coral Linux
Must have all been hype!

On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, you wrote:
  Who ever told me that I 99 cents for Corel Linux was too much
  sure was right.  Never had a problem installing any Linux until
"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere."

Re: [newbie] sis5597

1999-12-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

If you want to go cheap and PCI I suggest a S3 Virge DX/GX for
about $19 to $39 dollars depending on where you get them.  I use
them with Linux all the time and they always work fine with SVGA
server.   Also use S3 Virge MX in my Laptop running RH.
I am sure you can make that Sis card work however.  I am not the
one to provide the answer but I know it has been done.

- Original Message -
From: Ernesto Bartels (Yahoo profile) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sis5597

 Is there a difference between XCom_SiS server and XFCom_SiS
server. I
 found XFCom_SiS at but it
 make a difference on my SiS 5597 card, I still have black boxes
 words. Maybe because the directions they gave on the page were
 Linux-SuSE and they don't work the same way for Linux-Mandrake
6.1 ???.
 Do I still have hope / Help? BTW What's a good -CHEAP- Video
card around
 the net that I can buy? Doesn't really have to be a good
 one, just cheap.

  Sorry, late. I just get back from class
  I don't where where it exact place but try search for
  XCom_SiS server. I think y'll get it. Good luck!
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   but where can i get this driver again?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] sis5597

1999-12-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Good going.  Suggest you try my web page for newbie links.


- Original Message -
From: Ernesto Bartels (Yahoo profile) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sis5597

 I am so happy, I finally fixed the darn sis server. I kinda
cheated, I
 just went and rename XFCom_SiS to XF86_SVGA in the KDE while
running in
 VGA mode. Thanks for the help, specially Jeanatte and John.
 Now for another question, how to I configure/install my modem
to run on
 linux. Also when I start linux it gives me to failed messages,
one for
 mounting file systems and the other for... other file systems.
How do I
 fix this?
 One last thing, how do I make Windows boot first, can't I edit
 This is the last: what's a good site for linux learning... one
that goes
 kinda like a book in your opinion. Thanks

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] Corel Linux

1999-12-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Who ever told me that I 99 cents for Corel Linux was too much
sure was right.  Never had a problem installing any Linux until

Re: [newbie] NIC suggestions

1999-12-27 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

If you want to go cheap suggest looking at something like Linksys
home network kit which works with Linux and Windows.
they come in either 10mbs or 100mbs versions and the kit is less
than $90 at Microcenter.  I concur if you want to go premium the
3com 905 and Intel Pro 10/100 are both Excellent nic's with
support in a number of Operating systems.

- Original Message -
From: Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] NIC suggestions

 On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Jeremy Kersenbrock wrote:

  Season's Greetings!
  I'm considering setting up little LAN in my home and, since
I'm completely
  inexperienced in networking, would like everyone's input
regarding which NIC(s)
  to choose.  I am only in the planning stages and have no NICs
or Hub. Here is my
  1 PC dual booting L-M6.0 and Win98
  1 PC with Win98
  Both PC's have more than 1 of each PCI and ISA slots open.  I
intend to
  use the LAN for sharing files, and maybe the printer on the
Win98-only PC if I
  can get Linux to do it.  I would also like to be able to
share the modem (and
  therefore Internet connection) in the Dual-booting machine
(preferably while its
  running Linux). Even though I only have 2 PC's, I want the
abillity to easily
  expand (although I'm not likely to go beyond 4 systems), so I
will be getting a
  hub in stead of using a crossover cable.
  Here are my questions:
  (1)What would be easier to configure in Linux, a PCI or ISA
NIC?  Remember, I
  will be installing a NIC in a machine that previously had

 I prefer pci

  (2)Will 10-BASET be enough for me, or shall I aim for a
10/100 network?

 10 is "enough", but excess never hurts :) anything but the
wallet that is

  (3)Is there any benefit to having identical NICs in all the
PC's on a network?

 Sure, you'll be familar with them all after your familar with

  Thanks for any info!


Re: [newbie] Opera for Linux beta out!

1999-12-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Yes I wouldn't get to excited KFM seems to work better as a
browser than this.  Looks like it has potential however.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 24, 1999 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Opera for Linux beta out! for Dec 24th has the link

 Its actually more like Opera-Alpha

 Very buggy but at least they got it
 out the door for public testing.

Re: [newbie] Opera Running very very slow

1999-12-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, G_REEPER wrote:

I got Opera beta also.  Seems a bit slow but looks good.  Didn't take
long to crash.  Few minutes.  Trying to login to sites.  Doesn't seem
to work with sites that require a password,

  Hash: SHA1  
 Well, for me it seams to crawl at a snails pace , doesn't display tables
 correctly, and tends to make KDE go into fits.
  On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, you wrote:
  Yes its true from Slashdot site I downloaded it.
  As of now it works quite well
  Lets see how it goes with thousands of "hits"
  and Linux users testing it.
  Heck I will pay for the thing or send a contribution
  if it works decently. 
  Its only a 1.9 mg download
  tar -xzvf it
  Start configuring
  I was up and browsing in 5 minlutes
  Hope it doesnt disappear in a day or two !? :)
  William Bouterse
  Juneau Alsaka
 Version: PGP 6.5.1

Re: [newbie] Difference Bet. Redhat and Mandrake

1999-12-23 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Mandrake is Redhat compatible but is a separate distribution.  Mandrake has 
Pentium optimizations so it runs faster.  Mandrake adds many programs and 
configures the desk top for you with shortcuts to many popular 
programs.  Mandrake uses the KDE desktop as default and RH uses the GNOME 
desktop as default.

At 07:22 PM 12/23/1999 -0600, you wrote:
Could someone please explain to me what the main differences are between
Mandrake and Redhat?

Thanks and Seasons Greetings to All

Re: [newbie] Streaming Media for Linux -- Quicktime?

1999-12-18 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have used XMMS to get streaming Audio

- Original Message -
From: Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 7:37 PM
Subject: [newbie] Streaming Media for Linux -- Quicktime?

 Dear friends:

 Unless I am mistaken,

 1) So far the only real streaming audio/video player we have on
Linux is
 RealPlayer. That of, of course, is the biggie, and we are very
lucky to
 have it and to have the RealPlayer G2 (though still Alpha).

 2) Aktion is great and with the "plugger" plug-in for Netscape
you can
 play Quicktime directly in Netscape (but NOT streamed). Most of
 QuickTime files it plays are QT version 2.1 or possibly version
 However, Aktion cannot play the latest Quicktime 4 nor, most
 importantly, Quicktime4's streaming media, which is now the
third major
 streaming media on the Net (after RealPlayer, Windows Media

 3) There is, as Axalon says, no Linux player that can currently
 Windows Media Player (.asf) files, either in playback or

 Personal conclusion: Linux is about to get the Mozilla AND
Netscape 5.0
 browsers. That's great news. It will also soon have a much more
 KDE 2.0 web browser called Konqueror. It will even have, for
what it's
 worth, the Opera browser for Linux. But, currently, out of the
 major media streaming clients, it has access to only one. What
I am
 curious about is the following: Quicktime uses an open
 protocol for its QT 4 streaming media player. Would it be
possible for
 Linux to develop a streaming player that will use the same open
 protocols to play Quicktime 4's streaming media files?


 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Duplicate emails.

1999-12-15 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I am getting 4 or 5 of each also

- Original Message -
From: mshirley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 12:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] Duplicate emails.

 I have been getting a LOT of duplicate emails.  This is the 4-5th time
 for this one.  Don't send multiple copies!  It's driving me nuts, and
 there's no way to filter multiple copies in my email program.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Fey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 10:00 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Diamond SupraExpress Problem

 To anyone that can help,

 I just installed Mandrake Linux 6.1 and it did not setup my supraexpress
 V.90 modem, chipset 2120.  That is because the modem is pnp i'm guessing,
 went to and read their article on installing an isapnp
 modem.  Did all the setserial and editing the isapnp.conf file to change
 to detect the modem at com1, both serial ports are diabled in the bios and
 have no other isa cards.  I keep getting a conflict with irq 4, when i set
 it for com2, i get a conflict with irq3, any setting right now gets a
 conflict.  my computer is an amdk6-2 450, asus p5a mainboard, voodoo3
 sound blaster live value, intel pro100 management nic, and da modem.  if
 anyone has seen this problem or knows the fix for it plz reply to the list
 or e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED], i checked the list archives and didn't see
 any problems like this one.

 thanks a whole lot in advance, this is the only reason why windows is
 on my computer, once the modem works goodbye billie boy's software.


Re: [newbie] More Trouble Logging Into Mandrake

1999-12-14 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

for name of administrator
and then your password
- Original Message -
From: John kofinas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More Trouble Logging Into Mandrake

 Robert Smathers wrote:

  Thanks for the reply.
  I tried this very carefully but it did not solve the problem.
  I imagine the answer is quite simple but I do not have it yet.
  I have numbers in the password is that a problem?
  I know the password for the administrator rights but I do not recall
  creating a user name for it, what is the user name for the administrator
  - Original Message -
  From: Charlotte Welch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Jeff Smathers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 9:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] More Trouble Logging Into Mandrake
   There is a basic difference in login between linux and NT,
   which I use at work.  I'm used to typing in the id name and
   hitting tab to get to the password, because that's how NT
   likes it.  If you type the tab, then hit enter you go down
   to password, but it WON'T take it.  This is because that tab
   is still there.   Be careful not to hit that TAB key at all
   while logging in.  That's how Linux likes.
   this may not be  your problem, but I had no other problem
   after doing exactly what you describe, installing the
   default config with 6.1 mandrake for server.
   good luck!
   -Original Message-
   From: Jeff Smathers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 12:23 AM
   Subject: [newbie] More Trouble Logging Into Mandrake
   I noticed a previous note similar to my problem.
   After "successfully" completing the installation for
   Mandrake 6.1 as a server I have not been able to login.
   After booting, I see two small windows, one with
   "localhost.localdomain" at the top where I am to log in, and
   the second window below and to the right is "console log for
   I have tried all of the combinations of the normal user and
   password I can think of being careful about CAPS as well.
   I have not found references in the manuals I have to help me
   with this.
   Please Help, Thanks


Re: [newbie] installing L-M 6.1 to new Dell Inspiron 7500

1999-12-09 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have had good luck with Partition Magic and recommend that.  Also I think
that you may have problems with the modem and sound on that model laptop

- Original Message -
From: Gregg Carrier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 4:56 PM
Subject: [newbie] installing L-M 6.1 to new Dell Inspiron 7500

 Hi all,
 Well, I want to install L-M 6.1 on my new laptop and have a question or
 before going ahead. The machine comes with Windows installed on the Hard
 Drive. I want to split the drive into a Windows partition and a Linux
 partition. Will Disk Druid resize the Windows partition without shredding
 it? There's only about 1 gig of info on the partition and it's a 10 gig
 disk. I want to split it half-and-half with Linux. Also, does anyone have
 experience with installing Linux to an Inspiron 7500 and have advice or
 things I should be aware of before pressing on? Thanks in advance!


Re: [newbie] enough already

1999-12-09 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I am afraid it is hopeless.  I suggest that unsubscribe information be
placed on the bottom of every message posted.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 12:58 PM
Subject: [newbie] enough already

 Can individuals stop emailing everyone on how to get off this list.  If
 had kept the original email, it would save us alot of reoccurring emails.
 When I check my emails in the morning, half are about getting off the
 Read these emails that we are sending about how to get off and save them
 a folder.  Then in the future (if required) use the right info to
 unsubscribe.  Thank you and I think I speak for everyone.

 "You talkin' to me?"

Re: [newbie] Brand new newbie seeks help.

1999-11-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Glad to have been some help

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Jacobs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 1999 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Brand new newbie seeks help.

 Thank you Jeanette,
 Your page is an excellent source of information.
 I really like the one page linux manual.
 Thanks again,
 --- Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I suggest you try my web page I have posted a lot
  of Links for these
  resources.  You won't have to buy anything.
   You don't have to BUY a book but you might want to
  consider reading
   through some of the freely available electronic
  documentation.  I believe
   there's an html copy of the Mandrake user/install
  guide on the CD, and
   there's plenty of documentation on the web.  It's
  good to read through
   some beginner guides to get yourself familiar with
  the basics of working
   with Linux. :)
How the hell do I access the floppy and cdrom
they have been mounted?  (By the way discovering
I have to mount hardware to use it took a long
  time to
figure out.)
   The floppy and cdrom drives are accessed through
  the directories they were
   mounted under.  Assuming you're using default
  settings, you're floppy
   drive is mounted under /mnt/floppy and cdrom drive
  is mounted under
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
 Yahoo! Shopping:

Re: [newbie] Brand new newbie seeks help.

1999-11-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

 I suggest you try my web page I have posted a lot of Links for these
resources.  You won't have to buy anything.


 You don't have to BUY a book but you might want to consider reading
 through some of the freely available electronic documentation.  I believe
 there's an html copy of the Mandrake user/install guide on the CD, and
 there's plenty of documentation on the web.  It's good to read through
 some beginner guides to get yourself familiar with the basics of working
 with Linux. :)
  How the hell do I access the floppy and cdrom after
  they have been mounted?  (By the way discovering that
  I have to mount hardware to use it took a long time to
  figure out.)
 The floppy and cdrom drives are accessed through the directories they were
 mounted under.  Assuming you're using default settings, you're floppy
 drive is mounted under /mnt/floppy and cdrom drive is mounted under

Re: [newbie] . . .that one question

1999-11-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Seth Gibson wrote:
 Greetings all!
 Im taking a survey for a web project im working on and i was wondering
 if anyone interested would mind answering the following question:
 When you were just getting started in linux, what was question (or questions)
 you had that no one seemed to have an answer for?
 Thanx All!
 Seth Gibson (There,s Actually STUFF Here Now!)
 OpenGL: Everything should work this well

How to partition the HD.  Everyone had a different opinion.

Re: [newbie] ICQ

1999-11-28 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have been unable to get LICQ to work so I am using ICQNIX which looks
a lot like mirabilis windows version.

David van Balen wrote:
 On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, PadLocke wrote:
  Can anyone recommend a decent ICQ client?
  The one I just installed locked everything up for me. The good news is that it
  did a real good job of it :)
  PadLocke the Ogre
  There are three types of people in this world...
  those who can count, and those who can't!
 depends what window manager ur using and what you want your client to be
 able to do.

Re: [newbie] epson stylus color 740 and laptops

1999-11-21 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I am using a PRO STAR / Saeger they work well with Linux.  There tech
support is not good however but they work well

- Original Message -
From: Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 1:29 PM
Subject: [newbie] epson stylus color 740 and laptops

 I just bought an epson stylus color 740 printer that i would like to get
 working under linux 6.1. I used printtool hit the add button. It said it
 found a device at lp0. I hit the select button and choose the epson one (i
 think it is the last one that says epson color). In that category, there
 is no 740, only a 600 inkjet and a 800 inkjet. I first choes 800, hit ok,
 and then tried to print a test page in all three formats and nothing
 happened. Same thing when i chose the 600. Any suggestions?

 Also, i am interested in getting a nice laptop for a low price. Maybe a
 pentium 3 450, 128 mb ram, 14 " display, 4-6x dvd, modem, ethernet card,
 10gb hard disk. I am currently looking at the a company at Does anybody have any other suggestions as to another
 company with better and/or cheaper laptops?

 Any help you could offer would greatly be appreciated.


Re: [newbie] smp questions

1999-11-17 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Seth Gibson wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  two processors need to be the same speed?  also, is there a better place
  to compare prices than
 I would give a shot.  They have smp boards for as low as 69 but
 that might not necessarily be your best bet.  If you're looking for a certain
 board i'd check pricewatch for it tho.  Good Luck!

Yes SMP processors must be the same speed.

Re: [Re: [newbie] Good Newsgroup Reader?]

1999-11-14 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I looked at gnus, not really sure how it installs or works?

- Original Message -
From: "Jaguar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Re: [newbie] Good Newsgroup Reader?]

 For Binaries I use "NewsBin" on my M$ system...excellant proggy, it
supports 6
 threads and is a shareware.  With a combined (all 6 threads)d/l over my
 modem, I get sustained 300K with peaks over 400K.  For general NEWS
reading I
 think that Netscape is prolly the best tho (IMHO).  Not sure if Newsbin
 run on Wine or VMWare.

 Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the problem with most of the newsreaders is that one they don't thread
  well and two if someone puts a hypelink in their post you can't follow
  Mike Fieschko wrote:
"Jeanette" == Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Jeanette Joe Marcom wrote:
 Hello, again.
I've been using Free Agent as my NG reader in window$ for as
long as I have been online. Now that I'm moving up to Linux,
what do you recommend?  Thanks.  Joe
   Jeanette This newreader problem is almost as bad as the browser
   Jeanette problem.  The best newsreader I have been able to use in
   Jeanette Linux is Netscape also.  I have tried PINE, TRN, SLRN,
   Jeanette kexpress, Free Agent on Wine (runs but won't get news),
   Jeanette knews, krn, and Pan, and Star Office newsreader and
   Jeanette Netscape is still the best.  If Linux can only get a
   Have you tried gnus?  It is a mail and news reader which runs in emacs
   or xemacs.
   Very configurable, so it might be a bit complicated to set up.
   Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
   X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.75 and random-sig.el
   Kernel 2.2.13-28mdk
   Nov 12 St Martin I

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] alternative browser?

1999-11-13 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

if thats true it's pretty bad news.

Ben wrote:
 Opera has "let go" of it's linux and mac porting teams, and are in the
 process of looking for others. ( as posted by their marketing guy on
 opera.linux )  Well boys, slow down the bandwagon, because it's time to get
  I would hope that the upcoming Opera, if it ever comes out, is better in
  that respect.  Opera users in Windows, is this your experience so far?
 I would venture to guess the first group that comes out with a decent
 alternative to Netscape will garner quite a bit of support from the linux
 community.  Until then we can all enjoy the 4500 mp3 players we have to
 choose from.

Re: [newbie] StarOffice

1999-11-12 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Karen Heiby wrote:
 Okay, I think I got java working in Star Office, so I won't be asking
 about that *exactly*.
 1.) Has anyone gotten it to be configured for Real Player?  I try to
 configure the applications but it keeps resetting what I do so I must be
 doing something wrong.
 2.) Have you been able to log into Hotmail with Star Office's browser?
 When I click the Sign In button, it asks me what application I want to
 open it with.
 I have jdk117_v3 on here (as well as jdk117_v1a but that's not what I'm
 using at the moment).  Paths are correct, $JAVA_HOME is set correctly,
 java environments are found by Star Office okay.
Well thats what I have been saying all along.  I have tried all the
browsers for Linux, Amaya, HotJava, Star Office, KFM, Lynx, and another
one that starts with A.
None of them is as good as Netscape even with Netscape's problems.  None
of them allows you to login to sites like Hotmail or even my excite let
alone my online banking.  Most cannot do Java.  Unless your browsing
needs are very simple you are stuck with Netscape until Opera comes out.

Re: [newbie] Good Newsgroup Reader?

1999-11-12 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I tried to make Free Agent work with Wine and it ran ok, but couldn't seem
to find the news server to download any news, like it didn't have a winsock
or something, never could find a way to make it work so if someone knows let
me know.  Tried posting in the Wine newsgroup but if your not a developer
they won't even respond to you.

- Original Message -
From: "John Aldrich" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Good Newsgroup Reader?

 On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  I would like to know this too, as I'm in the same predicament. Been
  Agent for years.
 Free Agent (or perhaps Agent32) and WINE??? I know I've been told
 that Free Agent runs BEAUTIFULLY under WINE, and that Agent32 MAY
 work well...

Re: [newbie] strange things

1999-11-12 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

How do we get him to stop?

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Ramsey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] strange things

 look at the addy it's sent from...someone is sending email from their
 box using sendmail setup incorrectly

 The original message was received at Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:52:26 -0500 (EST)
 from root@localhost

 - Original Message -----
 From: Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 3:52 PM
 Subject: [newbie] strange things

  not sure whats going on but everytime I try to post to the mandrake list
  I get this weird not found email for someone on mindspring.  anyone else
  know whats going on here?  Only happens when I post to mandrake list?

Re: [newbie] Good Newsgroup Reader?

1999-11-12 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

the problem with most of the newsreaders is that one they don't thread
well and two if someone puts a hypelink in their post you can't follow it


Mike Fieschko wrote:

  "Jeanette" == Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jeanette Joe Marcom wrote:
   Hello, again.
  I've been using Free Agent as my NG reader in window$ for as
  long as I have been online. Now that I'm moving up to Linux,
  what do you recommend?  Thanks.  Joe
 Jeanette This newreader problem is almost as bad as the browser
 Jeanette problem.  The best newsreader I have been able to use in
 Jeanette Linux is Netscape also.  I have tried PINE, TRN, SLRN,
 Jeanette kexpress, Free Agent on Wine (runs but won't get news),
 Jeanette knews, krn, and Pan, and Star Office newsreader and
 Jeanette Netscape is still the best.  If Linux can only get a


 Have you tried gnus?  It is a mail and news reader which runs in emacs
 or xemacs.

 Very configurable, so it might be a bit complicated to set up.

 Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
 X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.75 and random-sig.el
 Kernel 2.2.13-28mdk
 Nov 12 St Martin I

Re: [newbie] alternative browser?

1999-11-10 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I really don't think anyone is going to be happy with Hot Java.  It is
slow, not too stable and has problems with login's or SSL sites.  Maybe
Opera will be better than Netscape but right now I am happy to have
Netscape because the alternatives are much worse.

jeremy wrote:
 I was doing some searching and found that Opera is moving to port their browser
 to Linux in a couple of weeks( i think thats where i was).  also
 Sun has HotJava.  but I do not know what that is.  it seems like a browser.  i
 have not downloaded it yet ( type "browser").
 On Tue, 09 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:
   "Brian K. Garel" wrote:
"Karen M. Heiby" wrote:

   I do have Netscape 4.7 and it crashes a lot less.  But I am still
   getting this weird bookmark error.  "Bookmarks have changed on disk and
   are being reloaded".  I have to click "OK" to make it go away. It pops
   up about every 5 minutes, in a window.  Very annoying.  But no crashes,
   and yes, I have 4.7.
   The error happens when I'm reading mail as well as browsing, and I
   haven't made any bookmark changes.
  Have you tried downloading _only_ navigator (not communicator)? I agree
  with you that netscape sucks but that seems to be about the only choice if
  you wan't to take advantage of as much of the web as possible. When I
  upgraded, I installed just navigator and haven't really had any trouble
  with it other than its horrible shockwave capabilities.

Re: [newbie] Hardware recommendations

1999-11-09 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

 "Mrs. Karen Heiby" wrote:
 I would like to get a new external modem and a PS/2 mouse, OR
 an internal modem and a PS/2 mouse (that's how my system has to be set
 I would appreciate anyone's brand name recommendations for the least
 hassle getting these to work in Linux-Mandrake.
 My greatest fear in life is that no-one will remember me after
 I'm dead. - some dead guy
The logitech mouse seems to work well.  I never could get the scroll to
work?  As for modems I have always had good luck with externals.  I am
using USR.  Costs a bit more but they are the best IMHO.

Re: [newbie] GAIM

1999-11-08 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

"Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
 Is anyone else noticing GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger) is freezing upon
 connecting?  I wonder if AOL might have anyone not using their version
 of AOL IM for Windows blocked from their system?  Like they're doing to
 MSN Messenger?
 My other concern is that I had a friend here trying to get my modem to
 work.  Is there a remote chance something he did could be causing
 GAIM to not connect?  I didn't think so, because my ICQ-clone programs
 are still working fine.
 I have been deleting and reinstalling GAIM and this is the first time
 ever that it's freezing up on me, after using it for a month.  When
 I use Windows 98, my AOL IM in that is working fine.
Hi Karen,
Just tried mine, its doing the same thing.  Was working perfect last
time I used it

Re: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?

1999-11-07 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Check my post on the expert list I posted how I got mine to work

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear Jeanette:
 Thanks so very, very much, Jeanette. Nothing like the voice of
 experience. After struggling for hours to install Java in StarOffice, it
 finally occurred to me to ask the simple question of whether it would
 even be worth it. I just asssumed that Star's Java would be better. If,
 as it seems, it is not better but even worse, than who needs it. I'll
 stick with Netscape. Let's hope Netscape 5.0 has better Java support.
 Really appreciate it. Now I can get back to my work (and family).
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?

1999-11-07 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Check here
they know how to get this to work or check my post today to the expert

"Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
 Would you be able to tell me where the newsgroup is?  The only one I found on
 Deja is German.  My local news server doesn't have a StarOffice newsgroup
 Jeanette Russo wrote:
  I got the Star Office Java working with help from the Star Office newsgroup.
  Wish I could find the post I used to do it.  But the Star Office browser is
  slower than Netscape and really not much more stable.  I think all in all
  Netscape is still the only reasonable browser on Linux and I have tried
  almost all of them
  - Original Message -
  From: Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Helios-New [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:44 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?
   Dear friends:
   Perhaps this should have been my first question concerning Java in
   StarOffice 51a:
   Is it worth it?
   Is it any better, any more stable than Netscape 4.7's? And is it any
   more global in its reach?
   I may have put the cart before the horse. If Java in StarOffice is no
   better than Java in Netscape, then why bother? Might as well cut my
   losses and forget the whole thing.
   First, it would be nice to hear from some people who have actually
   succeeded in installing Java in StarOffice and have used it. And can you
   both hear and view Java applets on the Web? All of them or some of them?
   What's been your experience?
   Thank you so much.
   Benjamin and Anna Sher
   Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] StarOffice 5.1a and Java

1999-11-07 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Ok this is what worked for me!

To get Staroffice 5.1a to recognize java 
download 2 files from and place them in the
/usr/local directory
jre 1.1.7-v1a-glibc-x86.tar.gz
jre 1.1.7-v1a glibc-x86-native.tar.gz

go to the /usr/local directory and un-tar the files by running 
tar zxvf (filename)

a directory called jre117_v1a is created where the untarred files are
Set up environmental variable
uninstall and reinstall Star Office and during the reinstall it should
tell you it recognized Java and do you want to use it


Re: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?

1999-11-06 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I got the Star Office Java working with help from the Star Office newsgroup.
Wish I could find the post I used to do it.  But the Star Office browser is
slower than Netscape and really not much more stable.  I think all in all
Netscape is still the only reasonable browser on Linux and I have tried
almost all of them


- Original Message -
From: Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:44 AM
Subject: [newbie] Star Java -- Is it worth it?

 Dear friends:

 Perhaps this should have been my first question concerning Java in
 StarOffice 51a:

 Is it worth it?

 Is it any better, any more stable than Netscape 4.7's? And is it any
 more global in its reach?

 I may have put the cart before the horse. If Java in StarOffice is no
 better than Java in Netscape, then why bother? Might as well cut my
 losses and forget the whole thing.

 First, it would be nice to hear from some people who have actually
 succeeded in installing Java in StarOffice and have used it. And can you
 both hear and view Java applets on the Web? All of them or some of them?

 What's been your experience?

 Thank you so much.

 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Web sites

1999-10-27 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have been using asWedit, Gnome Notepad+, August, and CoffeeCup.  All of
them work pretty well.  CoffeeCup is shareware.

- Original Message -
From: bluebottle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 10:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] Web sites

 Evening all

 I'd like to try and edit one of my web sites using Linux. I've been using
 PageMill and Dreamweaver under Windoze together with CuteFTP.

 Has anyone any recommendations as to which programs I could use under

 Many thanks

 John the Nadger

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Hi Sam,

To have HotMetalPro on Linux would be incredible.  There really is
nothing close to that on Linux right now.

Sam wrote:
 Hi Jeannette,
 SoftQuad has a webserver package for Linux. Maybe if people start pestering
 them, they'll consider porting HotMetalPro- which is an incerdible program.
 Jeanette Russo wrote:
  Thanks David, I have did most of the site using Linux.  I started with
  asWedit, and edited it in various other HTML editors such as Webmaker
  and August.  From time to time I might add a link or edit something when
  I am on in Windows or NT using Notepad or Homesite.

Re: [newbie] StarOffice -- original $39.95 version?

1999-10-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I have seen the Package in the store.  Not sure what it includes.  You
might still be able to find it.  I think that Sun has already made a lot
of improvements to Star Office in version 5.1a.  Now you don't have to
go through the arcane registration process.  Now if they would fix the
Java and the printing it would be great.
And some fonts would help.

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Before StarOffice was bought by Sun, it was offered free for personal
 use by StarDivision. There was also the option to purchase it for $39.95
 from StarDivision. Does anyone know what that original $39.95 Personal
 Edition contained: e.g. was there a Font Installer? More fonts? More
 clip art? Multilingual support (Cyrillic)? Etc. What happened to that
 original edition? Is it still available? I don't see anything about it
 on the site. Is it worth bothering with?
 Thank you so much.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Fortify install

1999-10-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear Hugh:
 First make sure your Netscape (all windows) is CLOSED.
 Use the following command:
 tar -xzf Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86.tar.gz
 Then cd to the Fortify directory (Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86) and type as
 When it asks you for the location of Netscape, do NOT say:
 /usr/bin/netscape. That's just a symbolic link.
 You need to write:
 After installation and testing at (README file online),
 you should consider repeating the procedure to fortify
 netscape-navigator as well.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Where is Netscape Navigator I didn't see that only Netscape-Communicator
when I did Fortify?

Re: [newbie] Sound

1999-10-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

 On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 11:38:20AM +0800, Mr-X- wrote:
  i have a key generator already from linuxcracks
I agree with Steve's post $20 is not much for the work 4front as put
into this.  I haven't had to use this in Mandrake but in Caldera and my
Laptop I was glad to pay $20 just to have sound.  Plus Dev at 4front is
very helpful and responded to my e-mails for help by the next day.  When
I couldn't get OSS to work on Caldera 2.2 which has terrible sound
support he even telnetted into my box and fixed it so I am with 4front
all the way lets support these guys.
 Are you really broke enough that you're unwilling to pay $20 for the
 This _REALLY_ pisses me off.  Hannu and the rest of the guys at Open
 Sound/4Front have worked their asses off bringing drivers to the Linux
 community.  They've done the crap work of agreeing to NDA's from sound card
 manufacturers so that people who've made unfortunate choices in hardware
 purchases can USE that hardware under Linux.
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Fortify install

1999-10-24 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

John Aldrich wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   After installation and testing at (README file online),
   you should consider repeating the procedure to fortify
   netscape-navigator as well.
  Where is Netscape Navigator I didn't see that only Netscape-Communicator
  when I did Fortify?
 Same location, just that it's netscape-navigator, instead of
 netscape-communicator. :-)
Well its not in here so I guess its not installed.  Why whould you have
both Navigator and Communicator seems redundant?

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-23 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

"David P. Greenberg" wrote:
 Hi Jeanette. Nice site. Did you do it all in Linux?
 David P. Greenberg
 Bitco Electronics
 "In Service to the Recording Industry"
 **The falcon has heard the falconer**
 -Original Message-----
 From: Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 7:47 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie]
 Suggest you head on over to my web page lots of good links for newbies
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mr-X-
 Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 6:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]
 On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, ibi said:
  I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
  and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
  have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
  support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
  have a pure Linux box.

Thanks David, I have did most of the site using Linux.  I started with
asWedit, and edited it in various other HTML editors such as Webmaker
and August.  From time to time I might add a link or edit something when
I am on in Windows or NT using Notepad or Homesite.

RE: [newbie]

1999-10-22 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Suggest you head on over to my web page lots of good links for newbies

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mr-X-
Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]


On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, ibi said:
 I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
 and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
 have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
 support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
 have a pure Linux box. 

Re: [newbie] MS Internet Explorer

1999-10-21 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Slava Bezguin wrote:
 Is it possible to use MS Internet Explorer in Mandrake instead of ugly
 I don't want offence any Netscape lover, but the page full of Java and other
 modern things gets opened in about 2 min in MSIE and about 5 min in
 Thanx in advance.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at
There is no version of IE that will run on Linux unless you run a
program like VMWARE that allows you to run windows programs on Linux.

Re: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-20 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Today I tried to register from NT and when the form came up it was
missing some important spaces  like the country blank, so not sure what
the problem is but it is on Redhat's end.  Couldn't find anyway to
contact them other than the support email link.

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Sam wrote:
 Don't know why, I registered with no problem, you may want to let the red hat
 webmaster know what's going on if he has a link on the site
  No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message or
  says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird names
  so I know thats not the case.

Re: [newbie] StarOffice mailing list?

1999-10-20 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 Anybody know if there is a StarOffice mailing list (or newsgroup)?
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

I think you will find it here
hope it helps

Re: [newbie]OT Items of interest

1999-10-20 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Doh, I hope I get at least one, haven't got a confirmation or anything?

Re: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-19 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Sam wrote:
 If any of you are planning on doing some web business with a linux
 server, you might be interested in this.
 Go to the red hat site and register w/ red hat .com for their mailing
 list. You can then sign up to have a full blown copy of Oracle8i mailed
 to you for free.
 Also, HP is offerring openmail for linux for a free 6 month trial. after
 that if you only have a small # of users, you can get an open ended
 extension on the licence. Of course, you don't get any manuals or
 support w/ the freebie.
No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message or
says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird names
so I know thats not the case.

Re: [newbie] Office Suites

1999-10-17 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I guess I am lucky here Micro-center had the Official Mandrake Power
Pack as well as the Macmillan clone.

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
 You got that right! Neither of those suites I mentioned is as large as
 a CD. I'd believe the 183 Hrs., that'd be a lot to get in one bite,
 for sure. That's why I usually try to get my distro's on the CD from
 my local software store. I just picked up the Linux-Mandrake 6.1
 (the Macmillan release [6.5??]) for $35.00 US from BestBuy. That's
 more than I would have to pay from Mandrakesoft, but I don't have to
 hold my breath waiting for the CD to be delivered, and I don't have
 to tie up my phone line for all those hours (I have only one line
 here, and it is shared with the household telephone). I will likely
 be trying to get it installed tomorrow or the next day, if work
 permitts. It'll be interesting to see if I have any of the troubles
 the other guys have had getting it to work properly. The one thing I
 would like to have happen, would be for Linux-Mandrake (the official
 release) to be available at one of my local software stores. Maybe
 for the next release, I'll get my front side ahead of my backside, and
 look on the Mandrake site for a vendor in my area. It'd be just my
 luck that it's allready here, and I just don't know about it.

Re: [Re: [newbie] [OT] Just tried kmail!]

1999-10-17 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Looks great just like Outlook Express.

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Steve Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For anyone that hasn't checked it out yet, I _highly_ suggest getting
  excited about the new Magellan mail client.  Take a look at it at: 
  That thing looks amazing.
  Steve Philp
 Thanks for the link, Steve.  I have been reading about Magellan on another
 mail board and I appreciate the opportunity to get a closer look at it.  I
 suppose it's possible that when KDE 2.0 comes out, k-mail will be dropped
 altogether.  Magellan looks really slick and very complete, moreso perhaps
 than an Outlook or Eudora Pro.  Until then, k-mail does OK for me.
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Office Suites

1999-10-16 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, PSM 0x2710] wrote:
 So what is the general opinion of Star Office?  Does anyone recommend it
 seriously or is there something that would do the job just as well?  Thanks all!
 Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
 To paraphrase my friend stephen:
 "life can be like ifs. . .random garbare goes in and beautiful things come

IMHO Start Office is great esp. the new version from Sun 5.1a.  The
problem I have with it is the PostScript printing.  I can get decent
output from Word Perfect but most of these home printers don't seem to
work well with Star Office.  But the programs themselves are good but a
bit slow.  They also need a lot of memory.   Maybe the KOffice suite
and Corel Suite may be better when they come out but for now Star
Office is good.

Re: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-13 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

How about FreeX that has a nice ring to it.

Pixel wrote:
 YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done...
 so answer fast :)
 the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were only GPL ;-)
 so i'm making a poll here to know which name it will change to!
 some ideas:
 - pearl (perl+a, maybe too generic)
 - cameleon (camel=perl, alas SuSE)
 - koala
 - mangoose (snake killer)
 - WizDrake
 - MagicDrake
 - pixdrake
 - MagiX
 - DragonFly
 - Houdini
 - Sandbox
 - Isix
 - Easix
 - easX
 - easyX
 - isX
 Please tell me the one(s) you prefer or give marks.
 If you have a truly cool name not listed here, you can give it.

Re: [newbie] (In)Compatible Hardware

1999-10-05 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Civileme wrote:
 "Good Luck" is a relative term.  Western Digital has a pretty neat Service
 Dept too.  Gateway will take things back and send you a new one when they
 aren't obligated to.
 I would rather have something that didn't break in the first place.  In the
 midst of this, I have had ONE DOA from WD, which was promptly replaced with
 the next larger size, and ONE 6 year old IBM disk die.   The two Maxtors were
 out of Four.
 But that is all off-topic.  I am not concerned so much with reliability per
 se which changes depending on the weather and wind direction, but with what
 works well for installing and running linux-mandrake and what does not.  On
 that score, Maxtors are OK.  I have never gotten one to run UDMA in Linux,
 but that is just because I haven't tried.
 Bob Jackson wrote:
  I've personally had real good luck with them. The few that come
  back to the shop with problems have given me experience with
  Maxtors return policy. I have to call for an RMA, never been
  turned down. We usually get the replacement in 2 - 3 days, no
  quibbiling. After the diceing and dancing I've had to do with
  some other mfrs (Seagate for one) I'm quite pleased with them.
  Bob J.

I have had four Maxtor 10 gig 7200 rpm drives fail in the last year.

Re: [newbie] loading imwheel at x startup?

1999-10-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

pete moss wrote:
 well, it wont work correctly if you dont have XF86Config setup
 properly.  re-read /usr/doc/imwheel*/README and make the changes he
 recommends.  the relevant info is at the top of the file.  i used method
 #1 and it work perfectly for me in every X app.
  I installed the imwheel program when I installed Mandrake.  I
  type imwheel -k and its says the program is running but the
  scroll wheel does not work.  All the other information in the
  read me has to do with compiling imwheel?  I used the rpm that
  comes with Mandrake.  It is installed and running but the
  scroll wheel is not working?
Pete I had the Readme and the file open at the same time.  Everything
the README wanted I put in the X86 config but it does not work or locks
up KDE

Re: [Re: [newbie] NetScape 128bit encrypted]

1999-10-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Jaguar wrote:
 Not sure if anyone has tried or wants to try...but Mosaic has a Linux version,
 as another option for a browser.
That version of Mosaic is so old I don't think it even supports cookies.

Re: [newbie] All the talk about NutScrape(OT)

1999-10-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Civileme wrote:
 You folk are gonna run me out of a good email handlerg
 Well, Grail is written in Python and is a stagnant project looking for a
 Konqueror coming up in KDE 2.0 is downright encouraging, but who knows?
 IE is an accident asking to happen to your computer (well running windows
 connected to the internet is as well and mIRC and ICQ (windows version) are
 all risky.
 Amaya might be nice if extended in that direction.
 Jazilla and Kzilla are interesting.  The Mozilla Project   well is it
 GPL or is it AOL?
 I'd be willing to work on a Grail Project, but with conditions.  No support
 ever for *.gif and *.tiff files, or anything else that some technology
 company with one CEO and 200 lawyers make money off of a ridiculous patent
 about.  A free browser free of "patent infringements".   At least, outside
 America, people aren't usually allowed to copyright or patent mathematical
 facts.  Anyone interested?
 David van Balen wrote:
  It now supports cookies. However, it still doesn't have near as good
  html/java/macromedia support as even "nutscrape" :)
  Has anyone out there tried Sun's HotJava browser? It tried it once under
  NT and that was one of the few times that NT screwed up so bad I had to
  reboot manually... I've heard that it works a lot better under unix
  systems though.
  Or maybe some other browser? I'm getting kind of tired of dealing with
  Netscape myself and wish I had some other options... anyone?
  David van Balen mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Clinton, MS 39058
I tried Hot Java on Linux and its too slow.   Also the cookies don't
work good I can't get into many sites with login's with Hot Java.

Re: [[newbie] Setting up a modem]

1999-10-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Lorenzo Jimenez wrote:
 Talking about modems this is a key issue to Linux become mainstream. But why
 winmodems cannot be implemented in Linux? My college professor told me "all
 hardware can be done in software and viceversa". If anyone can make an X86,
 Mac, etc emulator, why a little piece of softrware can challange all Linux
 community, even PNP issues are being developed in Linux.
 Please explain,
 Lorenzo J.
 ... Just another Linux lover.
Of course  it can be done.  The if the OEM's would release the
information so drivers could be written would help.  There is of course
a bigger issue if this should be done.  A lot of people feel Linux being
should support such junk.  But there is a linmodem project.  I think
they should support them since most new computers come with one.  I for
one would not have one.  

Re: [newbie] loading imwheel at x startup?

1999-10-04 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I set it up according to the Readme.  Everything is in the XF86
configuration file that supposed to be.  When I startx with KDE open
xterm type imwheel -k it says its running.  I Open some windows in KFM
and try to scroll them and I get a menu like the right click menu.  If I
keep going it will lock up KDE and I have a hard time getting out.  I
have tried with 3 button emulation and w/o 3 button.

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Jeanette Russo wrote:
  pete moss wrote:
   well, it wont work correctly if you dont have XF86Config setup
   properly.  re-read /usr/doc/imwheel*/README and make the changes he
   recommends.  the relevant info is at the top of the file.  i used method
   #1 and it work perfectly for me in every X app.
I installed the imwheel program when I installed Mandrake.  I
type imwheel -k and its says the program is running but the
scroll wheel does not work.  All the other information in the
read me has to do with compiling imwheel?  I used the rpm that
comes with Mandrake.  It is installed and running but the
scroll wheel is not working?
  Pete I had the Readme and the file open at the same time.  Everything
  the README wanted I put in the X86 config but it does not work or locks
  up KDE
 Jeanetteyou never addressed my below response at least that I am
   Jeanettecan we back up a minute here?  Could you describe exactly
   what you're doing?  Step by step from when you power-on your system.
   Something simple is being overlooked here.
  I installed the imwheel program when I installed Mandrake.  I
  type imwheel -k and its says the program is running but the
  scroll wheel does not work.  All the other information in the
  read me has to do with compiling imwheel?  I used the rpm that
  comes with Mandrake.  It is installed and running but the
  scroll wheel is not working?
 Jeanetteok, are you running KDE or Gnome/enlightenment?  I know
 nothing about Gnome as I've never run it.  But anyway, I have a Logitech
 Trackman Marble Plus and it is defined as a MouseManPlusPS/2 in the
 XF86Config, why not try that instead of your current definition?  Also,
 do you have 3 button emulation turned off?  It needs to be turned off
 when you have a 3 button mouse.  And is ZAxisMapping 4 5 included in the
 XF86Config file close under the MouseManPlusPS/2 setting?

Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeatyour own risk)

1999-10-03 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Jeanette Russo wrote:
  Jeanette Russo wrote:

 Alan where did you find the fortify for the Linux version of Netscape I
 only see the Windows and NT versions?   Can you send me a link for the
 Linux one?
   up to
   Thanks Alan I am going to give it a try because I have to boot to
   Windows to access my Online Bank.
   click here
  I downloaded the Fortify untared it and ran the script to install it.
  It asked me if I wanted to Fortify this browser Y, N, Q.  I answered Y
  then it came back
  Do you want to Fortify this browser Y, N, Q?
  to infinity?  Anyway it didn't work did anyone have any luck installing
  Fortify plugin?
 Jeanettesure.  I opened a console and signed in as root, then
 unarchived the tarball.  It made it's own subdirectory in my root
 directory.  I read the readme file and then did a search to find the
 netscape executable (it was /usr/lib/netscape/netscape-communicator),
 then I navigated to the subdirectory that the archive created and typed:
 ./ /usr/lib/netscape/netscape-communicator
 It installed asking a few questions along the way and finally ran
 netscape and tested the encryption on the test page at the Fortify web

Alan I did the exact same thing but the last question where it
asks you do you want to fortify this browser? Y, N, Q I put Y
and it just keeps asking the same question and it fails the
test so it didn't work but I am not sure why?

Re: [newbie] loading imwheel at x startup?

1999-10-03 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Jeanette Russo wrote:
  pete moss wrote:
   make sure you set it up exactly as he says.  he gives several different
   methods.  i used method #1.  works great, every window scrolls
   perfectly.  i am running the SVGA server.  if you are using a different
   X server, then perhaps you will get different results (as mentioned in
   the README).
Read those DOCs, I did what it say imwheel -k says its running.  Not working?
I am using supported hardware Logitech firstmouse  button on PS 2 port.  Tried 
button /on/off still no good?  Tried mouse as generic ps2, Logitech Mouseman 
and Logitech Firstmouse + PS2 and still not working.   Can someone please tell 
the trick or I give up?
  No I am using the SVGA server.  There is really nothing to set up the
  program appears to be running?  Everyone says to read the docs but they
  really don't say anything other than what has already been done?
 Jeanettecan we back up a minute here?  Could you describe exactly
 what you're doing?  Step by step from when you power-on your system.
 Something simple is being overlooked here.
I installed the imwheel program when I installed Mandrake.  I
type imwheel -k and its says the program is running but the
scroll wheel does not work.  All the other information in the
read me has to do with compiling imwheel?  I used the rpm that
comes with Mandrake.  It is installed and running but the
scroll wheel is not working?

Re: [newbie] Re: Packaging in general

1999-10-03 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

The only thing I am saying is a lot of people are having
problems installing Star Office and Caldera 2.2 installed it
and WP8 as part of the install saving people a lot of
trouble.  Ihaven't had problems installing either but Star
Office can only run as root but thats my fault.

[newbie] Fortify for Netscape works

1999-10-03 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Thanks Alan,
It works this time I ran it from the Console and it worked
maybe Netscape was running or something when I tried it the
other day.

Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeatyour own risk)

1999-10-02 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Steve Philp wrote:
  Alan Shoemaker wrote:
   Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Eosnet Team wrote:
   Here is a link to the latest version of netscape. (maybe more stable?)
  I wouldn't recommend it, it's just as broken as the 4.61. (everybody
  remebers the segfault on link insertion right?)

 EXCUSE ME!!  That statement really puts me off!  4.61 is what is in
 Mandrake's updates for 6.0!!??  It was recommended in this forum as an
 acceptable fix for the problems associated with 4.5.  Now you say this
 new (4.7) version is just as bad as the fix we had for the Mandrake 6.0
 distribution (which I still am using).  Well, what's that mean,
 EXACTLY!!??  If 4.7 is just as bad as 4.61 then upgrading to it
 shouldn't be any more of a problem than continuing to use 4.61, or
 should it??!!  Sheeesh

Your excused, I do not thing you've been following the netscape saga
closely enough. They link the glibc version against 2.0, we supply 2.0.1
and 2.1.1, both of wich are incompatable with the binarys. The version of
netscape we currently ship is the libc5 with a really fancy loader.
I've installed both the glibc and libc5 versions here, libc5 fails to even
load because it doeesn't use the loader (exactly what one would expect),
the glibc (still linked against old glibc) acts just like the orignal 4.61
that was released, java works when it wants, you have to make sure to
click "ok" and not just hit enter on a passowrd dialog, inserting a link
in composer still causes an instant segfault.
So yes, my expectations of netscape held true, and i stand by my original
analysis of netscape.
   Axalonthat's probably so.  And I'm confused.  Is the glibc version I
   ordered on CD not going to work (I mean work like the 4.61 version from
   updates that I'm using now)?  From what you said above, the answer is
   no.  Ok, so is any version not massaged and customized by Mandrake going
   to work (especially one with 128 bit encryption) like the update's
   4.61?  I believe that the answer is no also (from your comments above).
   Is there any way I can get a working copy usable with Mandrake 6.0/6.1
   that includes 128 bit encryption (my on-line bank requires it).  Thanks,
   and I'm sorry for the overly-emphatic message (I wrote it in during the
   wrong moment in time). (-:
  I seem to recall seeing a utility that will patch your existing Netscape
  to support 128bit encryption.  I don't recall the name (Fortify comes to
  mind, but I think that's an SSL util).  Searching Google or Freshmeat
  for "netscape encryption" may turn something up, though.
  Steve Philp
 Steveyep, '"netscape encryption" fortify' on google found it.  I'm
 downloading now.  Thanks.

Alan where did you find the fortify for the Linux version of Netscape I
only see the Windows and NT versions?   Can you send me a link for the
Linux one?

Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeatyour own risk)

1999-10-02 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

  Alan where did you find the fortify for the Linux version of Netscape I
  only see the Windows and NT versions?   Can you send me a link for the
  Linux one?
 JeanetteI downloaded from this site:
 the following version (I've not yet had the time to try it):
up to
Thanks Alan I am going to give it a try because I have to boot to
Windows to access my Online Bank.
click here

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer G2 Update

1999-10-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

  JeanetteI downloaded my G2 using the URL that you posted.  When I
 bring up the program and click on the Help pull-down-menu (top right
 corner of the window) and choose the bottom item, About RealPlayer, it
 displays an applet that identifies the program like this:

 RealPlayer (tm) (Unix)
 Version (Beta)

 What does yours say.


It says the same thing Alan.

[newbie] Upgrade 6.0 to 6.2

1999-10-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

 I would like to get some input about making the upgrade to Mandrake
6.1.  I am running the patched version of 6.0 and have spent a lot of
time configuring and installing software and I really like this one. 
This is the best Linux system I have ever had.   Is there a good reason
for me to upgrade to Mandrake 6.1?  This is too nice to mess up now
unless there is a pretty good reason why Mandrake 6.1 is better?
Thanks for the input

Re: [newbie] Real Player G2 Expires

1999-09-30 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Rick Murphy wrote:

 On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Jeanette Russo wrote:
  Has anyone else had this happen?  I downloaded another one and it says its
  expired also?


 Mine just came up as expired as well.  Does anyone have a solution?
 This is one program I'd consider buying if it is stable.


 "I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Hi Rick,
Follow this link to the fixed download it worked for me

  One thing I noticed is that the presets work but only as root in this version
of G2


Re: [newbie] Star Ahhh!fice

1999-09-30 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Jose Alberto Abreu wrote:

 "David P. Greenberg" wrote:

  However, it looks like I'll have to try WP8. I
  really need a decent word processor if I'm going to be able to use this  OS in 
lieu of Winblows. Maxwell is OK but not great.

 Now go and try Abiword (, its simple, elegant
 and with more than enough power already for almost all wordprocessing
 tasks. Its still beta, and i dont know how well does it handle .doc's
 but since my office standarized on .rtf's this program is godsend to me.

  What I do want to say however is that the overwhealming response, and
  the friendliness and understanding of the response, with NO flames just confirms 
why I
  love the listserve communication format and this group. NEWBIE@
  RULES You guys are great!!!

 Yup, this list's the best.

 | Jose Alberto Abreu  || Would you drive a car that has |
 | Executive Editor|| its hood welded shut?  |
 | Plan B Mystical Enterprises || Use Linux, the Open Source OS  |
 |  ||   |

Abiword wouldn't be bad if it had a spell checker but if it does I can't find it?

[newbie] Real Player G2 Expires

1999-09-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Has anyone else had this happen?  I downloaded another one and it says its
expired also?

Re: [newbie] HTML Editor and Graphical FTP

1999-09-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Bob wrote:

 I need good HTML editor and Grphical FTP for Linux.  What are some good

 Thanks, Bob
 HoP 4 Life

 ICQ: 5760810
 AOLIM: bobifmd

 National Wrestling League (NWL) -
 House of Pain Wrestling Federation (HoPWF) -
 WildSamoan ProWrestling Training Center -

 Declare your PC a Microsoft-free zone

Webmaker, August, asWedit Coffee Cup are all decent HTML editors.

Re: [newbie] Mouse Freezes Install process on 6.1

1999-09-29 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Regional Webmaster wrote:

 I did not find a way of disableing the mouse autoprobe during install.. One
 option that i came across was to copy the cd to hard drive and replace the
 mouseconfig 3.9 with the redhat mouseconfig file,(which apparantly didn't
 freeze).  It seemed a long way around for me, so i pulled my laptop apart
 and physically disconnected the mouse, installed linux with no problems on
 mouseprobe. selected the standard os2 mouse as an install option and then
 reconnected everything.. worked fine.. the Xconfigurator took me some time
 to get right. basicly i just played with Xconfigurator in a v-console till i
 got it right.. Initally had to settle for 640 x 480 but fiddling is the way
 to do it. Sorry i cannot be of more help, but i am very new to linux.  Good

 From: Ryan Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mouse Freezes Install process on 6.1
 Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 6:42 AM

  Francisco Alonso wrote:
  Ryan Baxter wrote:
   When trying to install my machine freezes after the probing of the
   It says that is has found a PS/2 compatible mouse and then the keyboard
   freezes completely.  Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  Do you have a laptop with one of this new pointer devices that you
  control moving the finger across a strange surface?
  I have had the same problem just this morning. At the shop they said me
  that is a problem with this specific kind of device (sorry). I have
  changed to a Fujitsu with just a single buttom that works as a joystick.
  It works fine but my problem now is to configure the TFT monitor in
  Any idea?
  ***I have a regular desktop computer.  200 mhz and 32 meg or ram.  I have
  encountered this problem with other linux help sites.  Nothing however,
  that gives a fix yet.  Apparently to avoid the probing of the mouse or any
  other device you can specify this at the boot prompt.  boot: linux
  hdb=noprobe hdc=cdrom   This was the example on the Red Hat site.  I will
  try this and substitue mouse for cdrom and see if I can get anywhere.

I dont know about your laptop but mine has a setting in the bios to disable the
touchpad .

Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

1999-09-27 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

I use SB 16 ISA cards they seem to set up in seconds on Redhat or Mandrake

- Original Message -
From: Thomas  Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

 I agree with you. Im Just starting and realy dont want to have to deal
with a
 sound card. I want to learn How To use it first. i have installed my 6.0
 times following all the diffrent instructions.  Can someone please tell us
 card will work on install with little setup needed.  I want to learn how
 install and uninstall software get my cdwriter working. But till I get
sound I
 don't know if it is working right.

 bay56 wrote:

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 12:13 AM
  Subject: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1
   PS: I really think that if Creative refuse to release details of the
   for programmers to support, the least they could do is have the
   keep up with the two most popular distros in the world.
  Yeah, agreed - anyone know of a soundcard which does fall into either
  category (released info or supported properly) - if Creative are not
  supporting me with this I plan to dump them in the same manner. I'd
prefer a
  PCI card.
  I know I can read all the databases on this in the world, but they said
  SiS 6326 video card was supported, and those of us with one of them know
  that's just plain wrong for a lot of cases. So if you have working sound
  Mandrake 6  6.1 using a PCI card, what make and model of card are you
  Or when that server is down go direct to

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