Re: [newbie] Word processing Utility

2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 17:21, Aron Smith wrote:
 Hey gang does anyone know of an envelope printing utility
 for K-word or Open Office it would be nice to be able to print my
 envelopes instead of scrawling them in crayon

openoffice writer -- Insert -- Envelope   might do the job...


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 16:57, Frankie wrote:
 lol, well each of us is entitled to their own opinion, usually even without
 it being deemed by some as unintelligible and stupid.

 Since you saw fit to pass judgement on me, and the fact that you couldn't'
 possibly be so full of shit as to pass judgement on statements about a
 country you don't live in, I'll assume you are an Australian then

 Where in AU might I ask??

 Did you know, and I am sure this will shock you.. that they discovered some
 5 years after the gun ban came into effect here.. that there are altogether
 too many guns in Australia?? and that they also discovered that they were
 being brought into the country by shady characters who didn't hand them

 How dare you question my right to have an opinion (especially one that
 would appear to differ greatly from your obviously highbrow and
 intellectual beliefs).

 Apparently that very thing (the right to have opinions) is all that is left
 of what is called freedom and I exercise it at every opportunity.

 My surprise is that someone of your intelligence (though in retrospect
 lack thereof might be more appropriate.) would simply deem to declare
 judgement on something without actually knowing anything of the reasons
 behind it, or the circumstances in the country it was made from.

Could you spread your right-wing opinion on the OT list and NOT here?


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 19:19, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 11:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could you spread your right-wing opinion on the OT list and NOT here?

 Sure, as long as the left wing morons keep their mouth shut, and they
 use your little URL also.  But if they open their mouths here don't
 expect them to have the same free totalitarian tyrannical license of
 public address that they always have had either here or on the
 liberally-biased networks before Fox news hit the scene.

 I'm not going to put up with the same old stupid idiotic left wing crap
 anymore and neither is anybody else.


Strange - I thought this list is full of ultra-right-wing bullshit all the 
time. But maybe I am european biased as you may be american biased. 

To most of us, americans seem to have only a right-wing party and an 
ultra-right-wing party and they put the political center where most europeans 
see the ultra-right-wing end. Therefore both our perceptions may depend on 
our points of view and we will never find out if the list hangs to the right 
or the left.

But we seem to generally agree that these discussions do not belong here but 
on some other list. 

It is btw. not my little URL but somebody elses who kindly set that 
mailing-list up so that OT discussions have a place to go and do not pollute 
the newbie list and frighten off some potential Mandrake customers - so I 
would be glad if you honoured the idea instead of belitteling it.


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 21:46, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 July 2003 02:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please point me to some source for your figures, I would especially be
  interested in some 'socialistic' countries like sweden and finland
  compared to some where school-children can buy guns (probably only USA).

 School age children can not legally buy guns in the USA. Where did you get
 such drivel?

Just exagerating, I meant: weak to non-existing gun-restriction laws, which 
make it easier for anyone to buy a gun.


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
Now, now

you seem unable to keep it to yourself... Well then

 He's probably on his way out of the thread, so I'll try to paraphrase
 what he was saying; subject to his correction.  Basically he's upset
 because Australian law forces outlawed the law abiding people in AU from
 being able to own firearms, while the criminals are still able to bring
 them into the country (which they were always able to do anyway since
 they *don't* and never did abide by the law).

 Therefore now the honest people are disarmed and the criminals are
 running around with weapons.  Which means that the honest people cannot
 defend themselves.  

 Therefore there has been an increase in the crime
 rate; not just there but in any country that implements this practice,
 which happens to be a fine example of socialistic ideology.

You got me interested, to my humble knowledge USA has some 12'000 gun-related 
deaths per year whereas all other countries have 1000 regardless of their 
size. _Especially_ the more 'socialistic' countries (Germany has some 
~380/year AFAIK). 

Please point me to some source for your figures, I would especially be 
interested in some 'socialistic' countries like sweden and finland compared 
to some where school-children can buy guns (probably only USA).

 The best book you can read on the subject is the following:

 The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You've Heard About Gun
 Control Is Wrong by John R., Jr. Lott

 ISBN: 0895261146

 Which is a book that examines hard statistics from countries that have
 taken weapons out of the hands of the law abiding citizens.  You can
 pick it up on Amazon used for about 18 bucks.


Well then what does it say about Finland/Sweden/Germany compared to USA? 
Anything interesting?


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones

 But I do agree in principle to what you are saying. It belongs on the OT
 list.  I'll be glad to go there whenever they do.


Instead of posting an answer to this mail to newbie here, I just send it to OT 



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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones

  if you were to post these proven facts over on the OT list, however, I
  would be verry interested to see them, as they do not exist.

I probably he put the stress on on the OT list

 Joe, if you feel the need to filter me, that is your right and choice. 
 Lyvim has already posted (twice even) URLs to various resources that prove
 what we are saying.

 Check this one out though:

 I agree with everyone though - this really needs to be OT.

Is it alright if I answer you there, your URL is just too beyond not to 


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 20:37, Isaac Curtis wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 July 2003 14:01, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 09 July 2003 19:19, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
   On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 11:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Could you spread your right-wing opinion on the OT list and NOT here?
   Sure, as long as the left wing morons keep their mouth shut, and they
   use your little URL also.  But if they open their mouths here don't
   expect them to have the same free totalitarian tyrannical license of
   public address that they always have had either here or on the
   liberally-biased networks before Fox news hit the scene.
   I'm not going to put up with the same old stupid idiotic left wing crap
   anymore and neither is anybody else.
  Strange - I thought this list is full of ultra-right-wing bullshit all
  the time. But maybe I am european biased as you may be american biased.
  To most of us, americans seem to have only a right-wing party and an
  ultra-right-wing party and they put the political center where most
  europeans see the ultra-right-wing end. Therefore both our perceptions
  may depend on our points of view and we will never find out if the list
  hangs to the right or the left.
  But we seem to generally agree that these discussions do not belong here
  but on some other list.
  It is btw. not my little URL but somebody elses who kindly set that
  mailing-list up so that OT discussions have a place to go and do not
  pollute the newbie list and frighten off some potential Mandrake
  customers - so I would be glad if you honoured the idea instead of
  belitteling it.

 You can count this American as one who is both annoyed with the right-wing
 list and with the right-wing country.  The environment on this mailing list
 is the reason I began switching to Debian a while ago.  Even Red Hat lists
 weren't as dominated by defensive insecure longwinded neocons.  I switched
 to Mandrake from RH because of the RH community, and every time I get back
 on this list for some help I never go more than a month before reinstalling
 a dual-boot of Debian to get myself in that direction again.

 This is great software, but I can't stand the mean-spirited angst-ridden
 insecure defensive right wing community.  You carry yourselves like
 children and it is embarassing to even watch.  If all the rahrah flagwavers
 on here are foaming at the mouth whenever they hear a non-right
 perspective, why are they running *French* software?  Last time I checked
 the French were right between Syria and Cuba on the list of future targets.

 I just don't get it, but I do know that the extent to which off-topic
 disrespectful and inarticulate threads dominate this list makes me spend
 more and more time each day learning Debian instead of L-M.  That is really


I completely agree. Mandrake is a good distribution going through hard times 
and the right-wing stance on this list does anything but help get new 

Sometimes like with this gun-discussion it's just too beyond, and when they 
start throwing around books of racists, I cannot but wonder how many like you 
are driven away. I feel the urge to Debian too... 

But this is not the fault of Mandrake, it's just this list.

Btw. aren't the important guys like RMS lefitsts? Thorwals certainly comes 
from a leftist-'socialistc bullshit' country and has said (quoting from 
memory here - from just for fun that 'in a country like finland where 
social security is good, giving away linux for Free was just the natural 
thing to do...')

But to take your idea of right-wing-inconsistency as why they use a french 
distribution to the extreme: Aren't right-wingers supposed to be using M$ and 
support the true capitalistic way instead of some Linux-community-communistic 
ideal of everyones for everybody?


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones

the discussion seems to be in full bloom here, so I don't hold back...

On Wednesday 09 July 2003 23:15, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 JoeHill wrote:
 On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 15:52:53 -0400
 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 I've got a better question for Joe...lets say I was passing by when I
 saw the 5 break into your home with the obvious intent of doing
 harm...I've got a gunwould you rather have me intervene, using my
 legally owned and registered gun, or throw the gun down first, because
 of your views/feelings about guns???
 ah, yes, the ancient art of fear-mongering, the specialty of the
 clueless and uneducated, also Nazis, Tyrants, Warmongers, etc.

 The Nazis banned guns as soon as they could to keep the citizenry from
 fighting back when they screwed them.

The nazis were right-wing. (has nothing to do with your point, but I just 
wanted to say it)

 did you know that it is 10 times more likely for you to be killed by a
 relative or friend than a bunch of crazy thugs? No. I thought not.
 Did you know that the incidence of random or home invasion
 killings/rapes/robberies has been on the decline in Canada for over a
 decade thanks to the police not having to worry about everybody and
 their dog not having a handgun? No. I thought not.

 That's not even remotely true.  Home invasion has gone up considerably,
 as has violent crimes, and armed robberies, in every country that has
 implemented a total ban on guns.

PLEASE, show some prove for your statements.

Please show me some URLs (not some right-wing books that are not worth my 
money, or at least some quotes and statistics from the books, because I will 
not buy them to look it up). Show me that firearms prevent more crimes than 
they are used in/cause as you said it.

Tell my why america has some 12000 gun-related deaths (quoting from memory) 
[although in:
there is 34'000 to 39'000 gun-related deaths each year. (measured 1993-1996)] 
while others like Germany with more strict gun-controls have 400? It's quite a 

In USA 14 people per 100'000 die per year involving firearms. That is only 
superceded by Jamaika and Brasil. (Germany has 1.4 [that is 10% of US of A 
rate], Greece 1.87, Japan 0.07.)

United Nations International Study on Firearm Regulation
The report:

Some URL like that maybe? Not some racists book...

 Use your brain.

 There is a reason people don't go up and mess with Pit Bulls an such
 powerful animals. They don't want to get hurt.  

The reason why these dogs get outlawed here is exactly the same as why guns 
are restricted: _look_ at them. I don't want those fucked up people who own a 
Pit Bull have one. As I don't want those brain-dead alcoholic gun-crazy 
redneck to have one. 

In fact I am more afraid of these than all robbers and criminals at all.

The more guns, the more they will be used, the more will die. Simple and easy.

 Criminals are generally
 cowards, but they are not neccesarily stupid.  They would much rather
 try to rob, rape or kill someone who they know is unable to defend
 themselves than someone they either know, or suspect, might be armed and
 capable of putting them in a large pine box.

Watch too much TV lately?


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 23:49, Frankie wrote:
 guys, I have no real desire to perpetuate this..

 but I'll say this...

 Can you show me one person who's family was attacked by armed nasties
 who was forced to stand by impotently cos he had no means of defence..
 who agrees with the Joe hills of this world???

About a year ago I was hearing a speech of an american woman travelling 
through europe in order to convince people of the evils of death penalty. Her 
father was killed in front of her eyes with a gun and she didn't want the 
murderer to be killed. She was also against guns of course...

Well that is the one you demanded.

I guess there are two reactions in your situation, as there are two reactions 
when your child dies because of drugs maybe: you either shoot the dealer or 
start helping addicts. I personally would to the latter - it improves the 
situation instead of making it worse...

 If not, then that's the real proof that he is full of what is apparently
 coming from his mouth.

 I don't understand most of the political crap this has turned into, nor do
 I care to..

 why are you all so keen on turning it into something political???
 Has anyone else been in my situation?? how did you deal with it??
 is your family still alive??

 If you haven't been in the situation, then shut the hell up because you
 have not been there and don't know what you are talking about.

Sorry, that is crap. To have an opinion about war you need to be a soldier? 


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones

sorry, I cannot stop myself...

 Look guys i know that bashing America is fun but the system works. Know
 of any other country that People are dieing to get in?

How about: _every_ rich country! Same in Germany, 
Switzerland,France,England,Belgium,Austria,Holland,Sweden ..

Give the poor the choice of staying in their country with a job that let's 
their children eat and they would certainly not come to us.

 Where Plumbers
 take their families to Europe on vacation?

I guess a Plumber in Europe earns much more than in america, because we don't 
have that many rich people but the not-so-rich earn more in turn ;) 

 As for the crack about Corporate America Let me ask you a Question 
 Have you ever gotten a pay check from a Poor Man?

The most wise and to the point sentence (IMHO) comes from N.B.Day on the OT 
Seriously, the question is did Tom ever get a paycheck from a _formerly
poor person_?  That's less and less likely.

 As for Anne Coulter her book is out selling Hillary's

Who is that? (the coulter woman)


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Thursday 10 July 2003 01:31, Lanman wrote:
 Oh, by the way Joe - home invasions are actually on the increase in western

Who cares? Is that a point pro guns? 

Care for some facts?

Time to read some statistics?
The study, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the 
first comprehensive international look at gun-related deaths.

The study used 1994 statistics supplied by the 36 richest countries. Of the 
88,649 gun deaths reported by all the countries, the United States accounted 
for 45 percent.

researchers said easy access to guns and society's acceptance of violence are 
part of the problem in the United States.

The study found that gun-related deaths were five to six times higher in the 
Americas than in Europe or Australia and New Zealand and 95 times higher than 
in Asia.

Japan, where very few people own guns, averages 124 gun-related attacks a 
year, and less than 1 percent end in death. Police often raid the homes of 
those suspected of having weapons.
The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people. Japan had 
the lowest rate, at .05 per 100,000.

If you want to verify the statistics here is another source:
United Nations International Study on Firearm Regulation
The report:

also interesting


OK now I will shut up. 

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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones
On Thursday 10 July 2003 03:24, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 July 2003 10:30 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  But to take your idea of right-wing-inconsistency as why they
  use a french distribution to the extreme: Aren't right-wingers
  supposed to be using M$ and support the true capitalistic way
  instead of some Linux-community-communistic ideal of everyones
  for everybody?


 I think this thread is way off-topic. Nevertheless, let me
 try to get it back on trail :

 1. Guns, knives, axes or nuclear bombs don't commit crimes.
 People do.

 2. In the US anyone can own a firearm legally (as far as I
 understand) and the crime rate is considerable.


 3. In the Scandinavian countries (where I live) it's illegal
 for ordinary citizens to own firearms. 

According to (United Nations 
International Study on Firearm Regulation)

Swedish and Finnish citizens are allowed to have guns. (the study is from 

And they use their right extensively. They are among those countries with the 
most guns. Maybe that is why i.e. the finnish are in the order of gun related 
Brazil  (big gap)  Jamaica  USA  (big gap) Estonia  Finland not all that 
far behind. (only 1/3 of USAs but still 4x that of Germany, Sweden though is 
relatively peaceful) But in fact the finnish have more (registered) weapons 
than even the USA!

Vietnam and Malaysia do not allow long and handguns at all. Japan only doesn't 
allow handgun at all, but all are restricted. They have the least gun-related 
death rates.

 But nobody cares,
 because we don't care about the law anymore. Almost every
 man has a firearm of some sort,but doesn't maintain it
 properly (we are lazy). The crime rate is considerable and

Interesting. I suppose that and the comment of american crime rate is just 
your personal impressions?

 4. In Switzerland every man is obliged to have a
 military-style firearm at arm's length. The crime rate is
 almost nil.

Only about 15% of the population are in the army. Only those are obliged.
The guns must be kept separate from ammunition and unloaded, it's not of much 
use against intruders in your home. It is an assault rifle (long gun) and 
therefore is not and must not be carried around when you go out and therefore 
helps against no other crimes than home intrusions, to which we have 
established that it does not help either. So the crime rate has nothing to do 
with these guns. 

Btw. I live in switzerland. 


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2003-07-09 Per discussione bones

  Watch too much TV lately?

 Natzi was National Socialist Party

Give too much about names? 

Do you trust the TCPA because it is called the _Trusting_ Computing Platform 
... do you believe Palladium M$ will only want your best?

Nazis were as right as they come, they were facists. The ultra right wing, it 
doesn'g get more pure right than that. Look it up in history books if you 
don't believe me...


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Re: [newbie] unable to update PATH variable

2003-07-08 Per discussione bones

why don't you send what you have changed? I.e. your .bashrc file?

my .bashrc in my home dir has among other things this line in it:
which works wonderfully


On Tuesday 08 July 2003 18:33, Rosario Balboa wrote:
 I just open a new terminal window, type $PATH and everything is the
 same. Besides, I can't  be sure it passed through. I added an echo
 command and it never appears.  I have tons of questions about this. Any
 good bash newbie mailing list?

 Start a new bash prompt.
 -Original Message-

 From: Rosario Balboa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 4:18 PM
 Subject: [newbie] unable to update PATH variable
 I changed PATH on my .bash_profile, and export it. It doesn't work. How
 can I run again bash to have the new settings updated?

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[newbie] tips for mdk9.1 (dhcp, sound, video)

2003-07-08 Per discussione bones

after having had some problems with mdk 9.1:

dhclient, dhcpcd, dhcpxd all cause the hostname that I set to be overridden 
(no matter what I set in mcc - I have tried it all) the solution is to 
disable dhcp on startup, so then the hostname sticks, but you have no 
internet connection. And then manually start it with 'dhcpcd -r' this uses 
the _old_ dhcp standard, and obviously my ISP uses this one too. 

It might be a good idea to put this into /etc/rc.local, so it starts up 
everytime you log in. 

(maybe together with the line: 
'aumix -v70'
-- so you don't have to restore the sound volumes everytime you start up the 
but I haven't tried this yet, because I haven't logged out yet, due to heavy 
overnet downloading...

mplayer and xine only show half of the movie (on my A22p Thinkpad with LCD 
display at 1600x1200 UXGA resolution with an ATI Rage Mobility 128)  - so 
mplayer needs to be started up with 'gmplayer -vo x11' and you loose the 
ability to resize, but you at least see all of the movie...


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[newbie] tips for presentations

2003-07-08 Per discussione bones

I seem to have a good day, I just discovered another major missing feature:

As I said my monitor can do 1600x1200 this is wonderful, but not for 
presentaitons because unfortunately most projectors can only operate at 
1024x768 or lower. I can of course set the screen resolution lower but then 
x11 gives me a viewport in which I can scroll around. This is all fine but 
not if you want to make a presentation! Obviously the presentation should 
fill the whole screen!

After months where I could not do presentations with linux I finally found now 
the solution on this website:

xrandr -s 1024x768 disables the %!!%รง* viewport!!!

So you basically startup your presentations with:
'xrandr -s 1024x768; /usr/lib/openoffice/program/simpress ~/mytalk.sxi ; 
xrandr -s 1600x1200'

You need to change the numbers according to your monitor naturally...

bones (happy now)

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Re: [newbie] Hostnames

2003-07-04 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 1:22 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 20:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anybody know why when I assign a host name other than localhost to
  my machine, X gets incredibly slow, there is also some error that flashes
  up before X starts that says unkown host name?

 You may have set the system to use DHCP for resolution of not just the
 IP address, but the hostname as well - you might want to go through all
 your networking configurations and reset the hostname so that it's
 static - as well, it's always a good thing.

Hi stephen,

that's exactly the problem I have and what you suggest is what I am trying to 
do - but:
- I start mcc
- network...
- wizard
- autodetection selected (expert mode also selected)
- Next...
- finds lan connection (ethernetcard)
- Next...
- checked automatic IP (hootp/dhcp/zeroconf), DHCP hostname = localhost, start 
at boot selected, BUT NOT: Assign hostname from DHCP address
- Next...
- zeroconf host name = localhost, Host name (again) = localhost
- finish
-- my hostname nevertheless becomes something like: x1-6-07-04-47-b8-8c-ea 

I tried all possible variations in the wizard: expert/no expert, cable instead 
of Lan connection, dhcp-client, dhcpcd, dhcpxd, No DHCP host name, 
with/without Track network card, with/without Network hotplugging, 
with/without Assign Host name from DHCP address, no entries in DHCP host 
name as well as localhost as hostname, same for zeroconf hostname and 
hostname on the page afterwards in the wizard.

-- my hostname still is like: x1-6-07-04-47-b8-8c-ea

-- I cannot change my hostname!!

some more info:
-hostname localhost as root changes the hostname only temporarily, but 
dhcpcd is obviously restarted often and changes the hostname back to 
x1-6-07-04-47-b8-8c-ea. (which is strange in itself because I used to get 
another hostname from my ISP before in mdk9.0)
-/etc/sysconfig/network: HOSTNAME=localhost
-/etc/hosts:  localhost
- when I disable dhcp on boot then the localhost sticks and works fine, 
until I try to connect with either of the three dhcp-clients...
- my ISP, which seems to give me this strange hostname, is unable to resolve 
this hostname with myself so I cannot resolve the hostname and IP of my 
computer, which disables vmware and Gnome

it all worked flawlessly in mdk9.0, 8.2 and 8.1 but now there is a different 
mechanism at work here, and I have no clue what to do...

So in short: how can I set the hostname of this machine to localhost and still 
connect to the ISP by dhcp ??


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice: hyperlinks

2003-02-26 Per discussione bones
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 19:48, Paul wrote:
 Hi all,

 Can someone point me to the setting where I can tell OpenOffice NOT to
 hyperlink every abbreviation I type?
 When I type 'e.e.a.' (for instance) it is turned into a hyperlink to
 http://e.e.a./ automatically, while I don't want that.


Choose Tools - AutoCorrect/AutoFormat - Options tab


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Re: [newbie] pre-recorded cd and permissions

2003-02-20 Per discussione bones

On Friday 21 February 2003 01:54, Chris wrote:
 On Thursday 20 February 2003 07:32 pm, Larry Williams decided to hunt and

 on the keyboard and typed:
  On Thursday 20 February 2003 15:52, Chris wrote:
   I put in a pre-recorded cd in my drive a bit ago, clicked on the cd
   icon and got a box that said I don't have enough permissions to open
   /mnt/cdrom, tried my other drive, got the same.  A cd that I've
   recorded mp3's on works just fine.  Why won't a pre-recorded one?  And
   what may I have to do to fix it?
  Your pre-recorded CD is, I assume, an audio CD with an audio track (or
  tracks).  Your MP3s are stored in a computer-readable filesystem.  Audio
  CDs are not mounted the same way, and that's likely your issue.
  When you put in your audio CD, do you then open a CD player like XMMS or
  KsCD to play the disc?

 Thats what I thought.  Actually, what I was going to do is see what format
 a regular audio cd was in.  I'd like to take some of my mp3 cds and convert
 them (if possible) to play in my car cd player.  I think I read a while
 back the this can be done by converting them to .wav files, but I may be
 incorrect.  If so, I know I can use mplayer to do this.  The audio cd will
 load up and play with KsCD but not XMMS or Mplayer, any reason why neither

I use gcombust for this, you just drag your wav files into it and hit 'burn'. 

For converting mp3 to wav, here is some little script. (it's an early one so 
don't judge me by it - it's patchwork from others scripts, but it did it for 

You need mpg123 and sox installed (which I guess is pretty much standard). 

Put it into a text file and make it executable with 'chmod u+x mp32wav' and 
move it into /usr/bin or something in your PATH.

If you start the script with mp32wav *.mp3 in a folder with mp3s or from the 
Nautilus script folder) it creates a subfolder wav and converts all mp3 
into wav files with the same name exept '.mp3' becomes '.wav'

# mp32wav

mkdir wav

for file in $@ ; do
#echo $file
wavfile=`echo $file | sed s/\\.mp3/.wav/`
printf %-50s %-50s\n $file --  $wavfile

# to encode wav--mp3
#lame -h $file $mp3file

# to encode mp3--wav
mpg123 -b 1 -s $file | sox -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c2 - wav/$wavfile

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Re: [newbie] LimeWire Problems

2003-02-18 Per discussione bones

Miark is right. I am just being a bit more elaborate.

It could be an issue of the version of your java executable or it could be 
that your java is not in your PATH.

On Tuesday 18 February 2003 00:57, Miark wrote:
 Which Java is installed? I think you need the j2re for it to work,
 which you can download from MandrakeClub.

According to the Limewire website, you need at least 1.3.1 (JRE) installed. 
You can get the JRE from club and also from the Sun web site at:

Java needs to be in your PATH so if you type java -version in a terminal you 
should get something like this:

java version 1.4.1_01
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_01-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_01-b01, mixed mode)

To get the java executable in your PATH, you need to add the line:

export PATH=/path/to/java/bin:$PATH

either in the file .bashrc in your $HOME directory (for this user alone) or in 
/etc/bashrc (for all users)

You then start Limewire with:
java -jar /path/to/LimeWire.jar

That worked for me, good night.

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Re: [newbie] LimeWire Problems

2003-02-18 Per discussione bones

On Tuesday 18 February 2003 02:47, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 You need to also make sure that the path to j2re is in your
 ~/.bash_profile for it to work.  My ~/.bash_profile has:


I just want to mention that I once had problems with that line as it is. In 
earlier Mandrake distros they had some kind of java installed (Kaffe) and if 
you don't deleted that then the line above would give you still the old java 
executable. Because when Bash searches for a program (i.e. java) it does so 
from left to right along your PATH and uses the first program that matches 
the given name. ( - That was my explanation anyway)

If you use: 

With the old PATH at the end. Then you make sure that your new one is found 
before the old one.

The other solution would be to make sure there is only one program called 
java in your PATH.

 You definitely need Sun's j2re for it to work, and it won't work if you
 have kaffe installed as well.

You could work with Kaffe and have the rt.jar or classes.jar in your Java 
Classpath (=the PATH for java). Kaffe is fine - they just do not have the 
framework, it is only a runtime. 

But it is a bit of a hassle. Sun's Java is easier to handle.


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[newbie] Compact Flash Card in PCMCIA slot does not work in 9.0, it did work in Mdk 8.2

2003-02-15 Per discussione bones
Hi everyone,

now I just upgraded to Kernel:

#uname -a
Linux me 2.4.19-24mdk #1 Thu Jan 30 13:13:07 MST 2003 i686 unknown unknown 

Because I thought it might be a Kernel issue. As I said everthing worked fine 
in Mdk 8.2 but it is broken since 9.0. The issue is, that I cannot mount the 
card anymore. When I plug it in the Notebook (IBM Thinkpad A22p) I get the 
following output in /var/log/messages:

Feb 15 10:40:21 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: cs: memory probe 
0xa000-0xa0ff: clean.
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: hde: 3S SYSTEM, ATA DISK drive
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: ide2 at 0x100-0x107,0x10e on irq 
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: hde: 250368 sectors (128 MB) 
w/2KiB Cache, CHS=978/8/32
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel:  
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: devfs_do_symlink(disc0): could 
not append to parent, err: -17
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: ide_cs: hde: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel:  
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
Feb 15 10:40:24 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: devfs_do_symlink(disc0): could 
not append to parent, err: -17
Feb 15 10:40:25 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel:  
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
Feb 15 10:40:25 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: devfs_do_symlink(disc0): could 
not append to parent, err: -17
Feb 15 10:40:25 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel:  
/dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
Feb 15 10:40:25 dclient217-162-39-126 kernel: devfs_do_symlink(disc0): could 
not append to parent, err: -17

The last two lines continue forever if I don't take out the CF card again. 
While the card is in the system monitor shows me 100% processor activity and 
top shows me that drakupdate_fstab is running at top but takes up only 10% of 
of CPU power, so I guess it is the Kernel that needs the rest.

# dmesg
VFS: Disk change detected on device 21:00
 /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
devfs_do_symlink(disc0): could not append to parent, err: -17

which repeats itself again...

in my /etc/fstab I have:
/dev/hde1 /mnt/flash auto noauto,user 0 0

which worked just fine in Mdk 8.2. Anyway I think it is not an fstab business 
because of the /var/log/messages output...

I guess I will try to get the old kernel from 8.2 in 9.0 if that works it 
isn't such a big deal - I just need it to put some mp3 on the CF for the 
Zaurus, I can do that with a dual boot.

But help is still very much apreciated, there may be something wrong with 
Mdk9.0 or the Kernel they are using... Anyway that is my guess until someone 
shows me that I was really stupid and forgot the obvious again.

some more infos:
the 100% CPU use stays a few minutes after I took the CF card out and plugging 
in the card in the second slot does not help - tha same thing happens...

Kernel 2.4.19-16mdk (I guess) which is standard in 9.0 had the same issue, the 
only one that I tested and worked is the one in 8.2.

I keep my newbie and expert mails, it dates back until end of last year. I 
searched them for Compact Flash and CF card and got no useful messages 
that indicate this issue has already been addressed. But if it was - please 
point me to the right direction.

Thank you,

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Re: [newbie] Compact Flash Card in PCMCIA slot does not work in 9.0, it did work in Mdk 8.2

2003-02-15 Per discussione bones
Hi again, 

It seems to be a kernel issue, I just installed the old 8.2. Kernels (2.4.18 
doesn't work with the modules for 2.4.19) but 2.4.19 from Mdk 8.2. works just 

I copied the old Kernel sources for 2.4.19 to /usr/src/ together with the old 
initrd and vmlinuz (which go into /boot/) setup the new Kernel boot with the 
MCC boot-config tool.

Booted into it. And...
Now the Compact Flash Card works just fine. 

The vmware compilation to custom build the modules for this kernel also worked 
with the copied old sources. 

So I guess I just use the old 8.2. Kernel for work. Everything seems to work.

old-Kernel (with working CF card):
# uname -a 
Linux me 2.4.19-16mdk #1 Fri Sep 20 18:15:05 CEST 2002 i686 unknown unknown 

I don't really know how to proceed from here. Do I need to inform somebody 
that 2.4.19 kernels from Mandrake in Mdk 9.0 have a bug? Do they really? (The 
working 2.4.19 Kernel from Mdk 8.2 and the not-working 9.0 Kernels indicate 

Has anybody had the same problem with CF cards?

I hope somebody reads this and informs either me that I did something wrong or 
informs the people at Mandrake that there is a CF card issue with the new 


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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-12 Per discussione bones
The dissolution of the former Soviet Union during the autumn and winter of 
1991 required the United States to re-evaluate the bilateral treaties that 
had existed between the Soviet Union and itself, including the ABM Treaty. 
(1) Both President Bush and President Clinton operated on the general 
principle that the treaty rights and obligations of the former Soviet Union 
had passed to the successor States []

As the Legal Adviser to the State Department during the Bush Administration 

[a]s an operating principle, agreements between the United States and the 
USSR that were in force at the time of the dissolution of the Soviet Union 
have been presumed to continue in force with respect to the former republics. 
What is the legal basis for adopting this position? Except for the Baltic 
states, which the United States never recognized as part of the Soviet Union, 
we regarded the emergence of Russia and the other former republics to have 
stemmed from what was essentially the complete breakup of the Soviet Union. 

Thus, continuity of treaty relations is supported by our reading of state 
practice, and by policy considerations underlying this rule. Perhaps most 
importantly, however, continuity has been supported by the republics 
themselves, who affirmed this approach in the Alma Ata Declaration when they 
guaranteed the fulfillment of international obligations stemming from the 
treasties and agreements of the former U.S.S.R.[...]

[comments in Brackets made by me]

apart from that:
Ban of B/C Weapons:
Monday May 21, 2001

The Bush administration has found another international agreement to spurn. 
This time it's a draft agreement to enforce a 1972 treaty banning biological 
weapons, an agreement backed by Britain and other European countries.

The protocol took six years to negotiate and established measures to monitor 
the ban on biological weapons. It was a follow-up to the 1972 treaty, 
ratified by 143 nations, which bans the development, production and 
possession of biological weapons.


On Friday 10 January 2003 06:39 pm, Kelley Jernigan wrote:
 Why is it that people miss that the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was
 made with a country that no longer exists?
 Any treaties that are made with any country that ceases to exist are null
 and void automatically.
 I cut the rest 

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Re: U.S. politics in Linux? Was: Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?]

2003-01-09 Per discussione bones
Hell, everybody has strong feelings about this subject. I have resisted long 
but this post is really way beyond.


There are two countries, X and Y. 

- X has made war to two other countries (to one of them with strong support by 
Y) and shot rockets against a third, it is _suspected_ to have weapons of 
mass destruction. 

(Todays news tell me though that it is _not_ likely they do, or even did - is 
the news in america different?)

- Y is proven to _have_ weapons of mass destruction, is the only country that 
has actually used it and is willing to do so again. (see below: [1]). Has 
recently one-sidedly _broken_ the ABM treaty with russia to reduce nuclear 
weapons on both sides (Y is now stronger so the treaty is obsolete). [2] Y 
possess biological/chemical weapons and has recently ignored another 
international treaty they signed in 1972 that bans b+c weapons [4] . They 
have repeatedly attacked and invaded other (democratically elected) 
countries. [3] 

--- Which one is more dangerous? ---

Do you sometimes question yourself and your position? How comes your are so 

You are with us or against us what a shit! I am against Bush _and_ 
Fundamentalists, because they are basically the same to me.

Some people may have hurt your feelings - well that's sad. But your country is 
going to _kill_ people - not just hurt their feelings. 

Is it better to kill than to cope with opposing views and maybe discover that 
you are wrong?


But well it _is_ true that this is the place to discuss opposing views about 
KDE and Gnome  I just couldn't let it stand like this.
The Pentagon's newly revised, secret-but-leaked nuclear posture review 
lists not just one or two, but at least seven nations that may conceivably 
qualify as targets for nuclear attack by the United States. The potential 
bull's-eyes include not only the usual axis of evil-also known as Iran, 
Iraq and North Korea-but Libya and Syria, as well as our friends in China 
and Russia.
government site:
bbc :

The United States has given Russia formal notice that it will withdraw from 
the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in six months, President Bush said 
December 13.
links: same as above

IRAN 1953
CIA directs overthrow of elected left-leaning government, installs Shah.

Army coup assisted to an unknown degree by CIA; left-leaning elected 
government toppled; between 250,000 to 1,000,000 lives lost.

CHILE 1973
CIA-backed coup ousts elected leftist president; rightist dictator installed.

By means of repetitive coups the US-backed army has ousted the democratically 
elected parties for several times.

The Bush administration has found another international agreement to spurn. 
This time it's a draft agreement to enforce a 1972 treaty banning biological 
weapons, an agreement backed by Britain and other European countries.,7369,494257,00.html

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