Re: JNDI Properties? Why EJB can't find another EJB..

2000-10-31 Thread Robert Krueger

why don't you post a minimalistic example with your ejb-jar.xml and 
orion-ejb-jar.xml. It must be something no_offensereally
stupid/no_offense as we've never had those problems in more than a year 
of intensive orion use.


At 12:25 30.10.00 , you wrote:

Strange thing..I posted this a couple of times too. For some reason, I 
can NOT get my ejb to find another ejb. I am able to find both ejbs from 
the servlet just fine, but I can't get one ejb to use the other. Right 
now its one session trying to use another..but it worries me when it 
comes to entity CMP use. I can only think of one problem..that my ejb is 
not using the proper context. I do this in the ejb:

Context context = new InitialContext();

Object ref = context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/EJB2");

That always throws a  NamingException (or it might be RemoteException..I 
can't remember which one it is that I always get).

So, looking at the ejb example(s) with Orion, it appears they all have a file with them, and I recall reading in my ejb book that 
supposedly each vendor has different settings. So the question I 
need to create the context in one ejb with these properties set? What is 
the code used to find one ejb from inside another?


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Now how do I explain this? One entity bean, multiple data sources perhaps...

2000-10-31 Thread Robert Krueger

At 17:09 31.10.00 , you wrote:

Ok. Built Entity bean. Deployed in jar. After some fiddling that is. My
situation is this; I have four environments. A "dev", "test", "stage" and


in short: what you really want is not possible. you cannot dynamically 
associate a cmp entity with a datasource. I know the problem with the dev, 
staging, test etc. environments and your best bet IMHO is to simply deploy 
the entire application once for each datasource which is really just 
copying your deployment directory structure. one more thing that comes in 
handy here is the datasource-alias feature (undocumented) which allows you 
to map a datasource name to another one (yet another level of indirection) 
thereby giving you the possibility to change the datasource of your app 
with only one change in the deployment files (i.e. in the application local 

taken from an application local data-sources.xml file:

data-source class="com.evermind.sql.AliasDataSource"
  source-location="jdbc/ProcurementRefEJBDS" /

the fact that you find your default datasource in orion-ejb-jar.xml upon 
first deployment is not a bug. you can redefine the default datasource for 
that app and it will be put there (and by definition doesn't have anything 
to do with what you do to ejb-jar.xml).

you'll do yourself a favour if you keep reading up on this stuff as some of 
your comments indicate that you haven't entirely understood the separation 
of the different roles (manifested in the responsibilities of the different 
config files) in J2EE (which is not surprising after only 4 weeks of 
getting to know J2EE). A good starting point will be the commented dtds of 
orion with the spec(s) at hand. this is absolutely crucial to being able to 
get the maximum out of the flexibility of J2EE (and orion) deployment. 
something many people don't seem to know is, what's defined by the spec and 
what's left to the J2EE vendor.

hope this helps somewhat,


Each time you deploy. I **MUST** be doing something wrong here. This can't
be right. Has anybody done anything similar in the past? I've read just
about every damn book on this and scoured the web to no avail. Either I'm as
dim as a box full of broken light globes, or I'm in overload (I didn't know
J2EE from a bar of soap 4 weeks ago), or I'm not getting something
fundamental that everybody else seems to take a-priori.

Help! Argggh...

Senior Web Developer
Peakhour Pty Ltd

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Variable for defining finder query?

2000-10-31 Thread Anders Bengtsson

  public static final String findByOwner_query="full: select "+
  "Page.key, Page.document, Page.title, Page.description,,
  "Page.stylesheet, Page.hits, Page.url, Page.content from Page "+
  "where Page_Children.document=$1 and Page_Children.key=$2 "+
  "order by Page.hits desc, Page.title desc";
  This variable is supposed to be in the bean implementation class.
 It's supposed to be in the Home interface (the natural location, since
 CMP EJB's have no finder method implementations in the actual bean

Thanks, now I got it working. No more orion-ejb-jar.xml!

But I don't really find the Home to be a natural location, since it means you have to 
expose that
variable with nasty internal workings to all the Home users. Ah well... :)


A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n[EMAIL PROTECTED]

SV: JNDI Properties? Why EJB can't find another EJB..

2000-10-31 Thread Klaus . Myrseth

possible problem is that you have forgot to add ejb-refs for the beans you wish 
to use from your bean on your bean in the deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml) in 
the bean jar file.

you will get problems like this...


  -Opprinnelig melding-Fra: Duffey, Kevin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sendt: 30. oktober 2000 
  21:25Til: Orion-InterestEmne: JNDI Properties? Why EJB 
  can't find another EJB..

  Strange thing..I posted this a couple of times 
  too. For some reason, I can NOT get my ejb to find another ejb. I am able 
  to find both ejbs from the servlet just fine, but I can't get one ejb to 
  use the other. Right now its one session trying to use another..but it 
  worries me when it comes to entity CMP use. I can only think of one 
  problem..that my ejb is not using the proper context. I do this in the 
  Context context = new 
  Object ref = 
  That always throws a NamingException (or it 
  might be RemoteException..I can't remember which one it is that I always 
  So, looking at the ejb example(s) with Orion, it 
  appears they all have a file with them, and I recall 
  reading in my ejb book that supposedly each vendor has different settings. 
  So the question I need to create the context in one ejb with these 
  properties set? What is the code used to find one ejb from inside 

Orion-specific descriptors authentication API

2000-10-31 Thread Gerald Gutierrez

I have some questions regarding these Orion-specific deployment descriptors 
that I can't seem to find much information on. It would be great if someone 
can give me some pointers.

In doing CMP entity beans, somewhere one must bind the bean to a data source. 
Apparently this is in orion-ejb-jar.xml and orion-application.xml. Where do 
these files go? Do they sit along-side the standard descriptors in the JAR 
files (e.g. orion-ejb-jar.xml and ejb-jar.xml go together in the abc-ejb.jar 
file) ? If not, where? How can they be maintained as part of the source code?

How do I tell Orion that I am using PostgreSQL as my database for entity 
beans? data-sources.xml doesn't seem to "ell Orion what type of database a 
data source is.

How do I access the user authentication mechanism? There are "security 
adapters" in the J2EE reference implementation. The Orion API has a bunch of 
*Manager and *UserManager classes, but the documentation is very vague. Are 
these it? How do I use them?

Lastly ... are there examples for any of these? An example is sometimes worth 
a thousand words.

RE: error logs - where are they?

2000-10-31 Thread John Miller


Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think that is the problem. 

I do sometimes get compilation errors displayed in my browser, but not

Is there no Orion logging facility for things like this?


-Original Message-
From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 5:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: John Miller
Subject: Re: error logs - where are they?

John, one possibility is that if your using Microsoft Internet Explorer, 
you have the "display friendly error messages" option enabled and, as a 
result, the real error from Orion is being hidden by the browser.

If this is the case, you'll be a happy camper after disabling that option. 
I sure was!


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 6:01 PM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I am trying to find some indication of JSP compilation errors and cannot
 locate them in any of the Orion log files.

 On several occasions I have got a 500 error and could not locate a log of
 what might be generating this error or any indication of what might be
 causing this.

 Does anyone know where I should be looking, or how I might configure
 Orion to log these JSP compilation errors?



Problems with update

2000-10-31 Thread Knut Tønnes Svanes


I have a simple J2EE application running on Orion. In short I have a
entity-bean wrapping a table in a data base, and a session-bean reading from
this entity bean. On "top" i have a JSP-page connecting to the session-bean
and presenting the contents of a field in the database. So far, so good. The
problem is that when I update the contens in the database (manually), the
JSP page, and the session and entity bean still contains the "old"
information. Not unless I restart Orion the contens is beeing updated.
It seems to me that the entity-bean is beeing cached in Orion, and not
beeing refreshed when the table it is wrapping is beeing altered. Have
anybody experienced a similar problem, and does anyone have a solution???


RE: Problems with update

2000-10-31 Thread Patrik Andersson
Title: RE: Problems with update


How do you expect orion to know about manual updates in the database? I'm actually not sure myself if this does in fact work, but it sounds like an impossible task to solve unless orion regularly polls the database for updated values.

Patrik Andersson

-Original Message-
From: Knut Tønnes Svanes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 31 oktober 2000 10:28
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Problems with update


I have a simple J2EE application running on Orion. In short I have a
entity-bean wrapping a table in a data base, and a session-bean reading from
this entity bean. On top i have a JSP-page connecting to the session-bean
and presenting the contents of a field in the database. So far, so good. The
problem is that when I update the contens in the database (manually), the
JSP page, and the session and entity bean still contains the old
information. Not unless I restart Orion the contens is beeing updated.
It seems to me that the entity-bean is beeing cached in Orion, and not
beeing refreshed when the table it is wrapping is beeing altered. Have
anybody experienced a similar problem, and does anyone have a solution???


Erm.. To clarify the need for four environments...

2000-10-31 Thread Kimberley Scott


Thanks to the replies. Ta Christophe and Robert! There seems to be some
confusion as to why there are four environments in my last post regarding
the datasources. To short-circuit any more "Why the hell are you doing it
that way?" questions, I will provide a little bit of background.

I have a desktop (Obvious really). So do the suits who work in my section
(Again obvious). My group is but one of many groups. Our DEV environment is
mine, all mine. Heh heh. The test environment is exactly that. A place where
our section deploys just our stuff for testing. Then there's staging. That's
where my section deploys and a whole bunch of other sections deploy their
stuff for testing to make sure there are no interdependency issues. Then we
have production (what the punters see). Luckily our section have our own
private servers there, so interdependencies don't occur. The rest of the
company uses COM/COM+/VB/ASP etc which is why they need to test those
things. And I'm trying to convince my suits to go J2EE. But I'm stuck with
an ASP/VB/COM site at present.

My suits need to get valid info from the production environment. Then they
like to test new ideas and what not on Dev. Then on Test. Then on Stage. So
they want 1 (one) interface that allows them to try stuff out on each of the
environments. So I thought it would be a nice idea if they could use my
"JAdmin" environment on my desktop to allow them to view pages that allow
them to view tables from each of the servers. For example a single page with
"top 10 products by region" for each environment. This implies a single page
that can access each of the environments databases, get the data from the
"product" table from each and format it. It just seemed a tad weird to have
to use seperate apps to access each environment just because the datasource
was different.

I had originally assumed that it would be possible to have a page use a
session bean that accesses entity beans that get that data from each of the
environments. I had not considered that this would be a problem. I was
wrong. I had originally done the page using a servlet and simply accessed
the data via a plain-old-bean that had a "setDatasource()" method and a
"loadStatistics()" method. So the servlet could set the datasource of the
bean to PROD, load the stats, set it to STAGE, load the stats, and so on.

So thanks to everybody who replied. I need to do more reading. **Rant mode
on** Unfortunately I'm in a bind. Moan moan whinge whinge. I get Monday
morning to work on this. Then its back to ASP/COM/COM+/VB/M$Crap Monday
afternoon and Tuesday to fix bugs in production, Wednesday to implement all
the new whizz-bang features for the suits, Thursday to deploy to test and
stage for the testers to break and Friday frantic fixes and deploy to
production. Thus I only get a couple of hours each Monday, my evenings (like
tonight) and the weekend to read. I've been in this industry for 25years.
Sheesh. It never changes. **Rant mode off**

Kimberley Scott
Senior Web Developer
Peakhour Pty Ltd - just built. needs work. - corporate site -me

RE: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??????

2000-10-31 Thread Russ White

If they have not been getting back to you...

Deploy now. License later.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J Davis
 Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 7:58 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??
 Does anyone have any contact information for Orion.  We have been trying to
 contact them for over two weeks about purchasing and licenses, and no one
 has gotten back to us.  The seem to only have an E-mail address for sales on
 their site and we cannot find any sort of phone number or other e-mail that
 will work.  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.  Orion has been by
 far the fastest, smoothest EJB server we have found for it's cost and we
 want to purchase it.  Unfortuanately if we cannot get a hold of anyone we
 will have to take our business elsewhere.

RE: Erm.. To clarify the need for four environments...

2000-10-31 Thread Russ White


for what it's worth...

Sounds like it's time for a strategic career move. Stick with J2EE. I've been
where you are, and left.

Just my 2c.
I can't imagine going back to com/asp/m$.

Good luck.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kimberley
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Erm.. To clarify the need for four environments...


 Thanks to the replies. Ta Christophe and Robert! There seems to be some
 confusion as to why there are four environments in my last post regarding
 the datasources. To short-circuit any more "Why the hell are you doing it
 that way?" questions, I will provide a little bit of background.

 I have a desktop (Obvious really). So do the suits who work in my section
 (Again obvious). My group is but one of many groups. Our DEV environment is
 mine, all mine. Heh heh. The test environment is exactly that. A place where
 our section deploys just our stuff for testing. Then there's staging. That's
 where my section deploys and a whole bunch of other sections deploy their
 stuff for testing to make sure there are no interdependency issues. Then we
 have production (what the punters see). Luckily our section have our own
 private servers there, so interdependencies don't occur. The rest of the
 company uses COM/COM+/VB/ASP etc which is why they need to test those
 things. And I'm trying to convince my suits to go J2EE. But I'm stuck with
 an ASP/VB/COM site at present.

 My suits need to get valid info from the production environment. Then they
 like to test new ideas and what not on Dev. Then on Test. Then on Stage. So
 they want 1 (one) interface that allows them to try stuff out on each of the
 environments. So I thought it would be a nice idea if they could use my
 "JAdmin" environment on my desktop to allow them to view pages that allow
 them to view tables from each of the servers. For example a single page with
 "top 10 products by region" for each environment. This implies a single page
 that can access each of the environments databases, get the data from the
 "product" table from each and format it. It just seemed a tad weird to have
 to use seperate apps to access each environment just because the datasource
 was different.

 I had originally assumed that it would be possible to have a page use a
 session bean that accesses entity beans that get that data from each of the
 environments. I had not considered that this would be a problem. I was
 wrong. I had originally done the page using a servlet and simply accessed
 the data via a plain-old-bean that had a "setDatasource()" method and a
 "loadStatistics()" method. So the servlet could set the datasource of the
 bean to PROD, load the stats, set it to STAGE, load the stats, and so on.

 So thanks to everybody who replied. I need to do more reading. **Rant mode
 on** Unfortunately I'm in a bind. Moan moan whinge whinge. I get Monday
 morning to work on this. Then its back to ASP/COM/COM+/VB/M$Crap Monday
 afternoon and Tuesday to fix bugs in production, Wednesday to implement all
 the new whizz-bang features for the suits, Thursday to deploy to test and
 stage for the testers to break and Friday frantic fixes and deploy to
 production. Thus I only get a couple of hours each Monday, my evenings (like
 tonight) and the weekend to read. I've been in this industry for 25years.
 Sheesh. It never changes. **Rant mode off**

 Kimberley Scott
 Senior Web Developer
 Peakhour Pty Ltd - just built. needs work. - corporate site -me

RE: error logs - where are they?

2000-10-31 Thread Jim Archer

John, I don't know for sure.

If you didn't find anything in the Orion logs, did you look in the 
application specific logs, under Orion/application-deployments/myapp ???

Other than that, I have nothing more to suggest. Sorry.


--On Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:44 AM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think that is the problem.

 I do sometimes get compilation errors displayed in my browser, but not

 Is there no Orion logging facility for things like this?


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 5:02 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: John Miller
 Subject: Re: error logs - where are they?

 John, one possibility is that if your using Microsoft Internet Explorer,
 you have the "display friendly error messages" option enabled and, as a
 result, the real error from Orion is being hidden by the browser.

 If this is the case, you'll be a happy camper after disabling that
 option.  I sure was!


 --On Monday, October 30, 2000 6:01 PM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to find some indication of JSP compilation errors and cannot
 locate them in any of the Orion log files.

 On several occasions I have got a 500 error and could not locate a log of
 what might be generating this error or any indication of what might be
 causing this.

 Does anyone know where I should be looking, or how I might configure
 Orion to log these JSP compilation errors?



Running multiple application instances with Orion

2000-10-31 Thread Kurt Hoyt

I've put together a how-to on running the same J2EE application, but with
each instance using a different data source, using Orion. It would be nice
if there was a simpler way to do this (particularly in associating data
sources with applications, which causes the bulk of the work).

If the folks are listening, you have my permission to add
this to your site (just be sure to give credit where due).

Kurt in Atlanta

Title: Running Multiple Application Instances with Orion

Running Multiple Application Instances with Orion


This document assumes you know how to create an EJB .jar file, a web
application's .war file, and a J2EE application's .ear file. All this document
does is describe the changes you need to make in order to run multiple instances
of the same application within the same instance of Orion (one JVM running
on one computer), with each instance using its own data source.

The data-sources.xml file

Create the data source entry in Orion’s config/data-sources.xml file. Here are the two
data sources I created, one for SQL Server and one for Oracle:


Notice that the ejb-locations are different between the two
data sources. Each data source will need a unique ejb-location (and the other
locations). Notice the naming convention: jdbc/some-nameDS for the
ejb-location, jdbc/some-nameCoreDS for the location, and
jdbc/xa/some-nameXADS for the xa-location (xa = transactional). There
is also a pooled-location that can be used if the data source needs to be
accessed from outside the EJB server (like inside a JSP).

It’s the ejb-location that you’ll need for the orion-ejb-jar.xml file. There will be
a 1:1 relationship between each application instance and its data source.

The orion-ejb-jar.xml file

Once you have a data source set up, you have to tell Orion to use that data source
for the tables it creates for the entity beans in the EJB jar file (which I’ll
call “myapp-ejb.jar” for discussion purposes). You do that by editing the
orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml file that you’ll put inside the myapp-ejb.jar file.
This means that you will have a different myapp-ejb.jar file for each
application instance, with the only difference being the contents of the
orion-ejb-jar.xml file.

For each entity bean, you tell Orion which data source from the
config/data-sources.xml file to use:

   entity-deployment name="Customer" table="Customer" data-source="jdbc/OracleDS"

This is the skeleton for the Oracle version of the Content
entity bean deployment. The entity-deployment tag sits inside the
enterprise-beans tag inside the orion-ejb-jar tag inside the
orion-ejb-jar.xml file. Notice the data-source attribute in the
entity-deployment tag. That’s how the connection is made. The
data-source attribute must be set for each entity bean, so each entity bean
must represented with an entity-deployment tag inside the file. For SQL
Server, the same skeleton looks like this:

   entity-deployment name="Customer" table="Customer" data-source="jdbc/SQLServerDS"

You can see how each version uses a different data source.

I saved the Oracle version in a file called oracle-orion-ejb-jar.xml and the SQL
Server version in a file called sqlserver-orion-ejb-jar.xml. It should be
simple to create some kind of database-neutral skeletons that could be run
through some filter program that would assign the data source for you.

Build the myapp-ejb.jar file

To build the myapp-ejb.jar file, you need to have this directory structure

   mypackage/*.class (the EJB remote, home and bean classes)

Once you have that structure, you can use the jar program to create the EJB jar file:

   jar cvf myapp-ejb.jar mypackage/*.class META-INF/ejb-jar.xml orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml

Copy the new myapp-ejb.jar file to the directory in which you will build the .ear file.

Build the myapp-web.war file

You need to go to the web application’s application.xml file and set the
web-uri entry for the 

RE: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??????

2000-10-31 Thread J Davis

Actaully we did that, about 5 times with no reply.   That is what was most

Thanx to everyone else for the other e-mail addresses

-Original Message-
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 7:36 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??

I would send another email to sales and one to support.  It's possible
someone just skipped reading the email.  Just be sure the subject heading
says something like READY TO PAY CASH. 

-Original Message-
From: Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 6:31 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??

If they have not been getting back to you...

Deploy now. License later.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J Davis
 Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 7:58 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??
 Does anyone have any contact information for Orion.  We have been trying
 contact them for over two weeks about purchasing and licenses, and no one
 has gotten back to us.  The seem to only have an E-mail address for sales
 their site and we cannot find any sort of phone number or other e-mail
 will work.  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.  Orion has been by
 far the fastest, smoothest EJB server we have found for it's cost and we
 want to purchase it.  Unfortuanately if we cannot get a hold of anyone we
 will have to take our business elsewhere.

Re: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??????

2000-10-31 Thread Jesse D. Sightler

:) After the half-dozen or so emails on this topic... should someone write a FAQ
on how to give Orion Developers gobs of money?

J Davis wrote:

 Actaully we did that, about 5 times with no reply.   That is what was most

 Thanx to everyone else for the other e-mail addresses

 -Original Message-
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 7:36 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??

 I would send another email to sales and one to support.  It's possible
 someone just skipped reading the email.  Just be sure the subject heading
 says something like READY TO PAY CASH.

 -Original Message-
 From: Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 6:31 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??

 If they have not been getting back to you...

 Deploy now. License later.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J Davis
  Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 7:58 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??
  Does anyone have any contact information for Orion.  We have been trying
  contact them for over two weeks about purchasing and licenses, and no one
  has gotten back to us.  The seem to only have an E-mail address for sales
  their site and we cannot find any sort of phone number or other e-mail
  will work.  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.  Orion has been by
  far the fastest, smoothest EJB server we have found for it's cost and we
  want to purchase it.  Unfortuanately if we cannot get a hold of anyone we
  will have to take our business elsewhere.

Re: Running multiple application instances with Orion

2000-10-31 Thread Robert Krueger

checkout my mail from earlier today regarding datasource aliases. that 
makes things a little easier (i.e. only one change in the deployment of the 
app instead of several in all the entity beans and other resource-ref 



At 08:07 31.10.00 , you wrote:
I've put together a how-to on running the same J2EE application, but with
each instance using a different data source, using Orion. It would be nice
if there was a simpler way to do this (particularly in associating data
sources with applications, which causes the bulk of the work).

If the folks are listening, you have my permission to add
this to your site (just be sure to give credit where due).

Kurt in Atlanta

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Orion JBuilder 4 Enterprise

2000-10-31 Thread Joshua Goodall

I've just started testing JBuilder 4 Enterprise Edition. One of the nice
things about it is the integration with the (included) Inprise Application
Server. The OpenTools IDE includes hooks for integration with pretty much
any application server, especially for EJB deployment.

So, before I start coding the glue to join JB4E up with Orion, is anyone
else already working on this (even Evermind?).


-[ Joshua Goodall ]---  
-[ Chief IP Systems Architect ]-- Cook, Geek, Lover --  

Re: Running multiple application instances with Orion

2000-10-31 Thread Joe Walnes


Thank you for this article - it has been published on OrionSupport.

A comment I have, is that instead of specifying a data-source for *every* 
entity-deployment in orion-ejb-jar.xml, you can specify a 
default-data-source in orion-application.xml which will automatically be 
used by every cmp entity in the entire application.

Likewise, orion-application.xml also allows you to specify a 
data-sources.xml file to be used for the specific application - this allows 
you to separate configuration of data-sources in each applications.

-Joe Walnes

At 16:07 31/10/2000, Kurt Hoyt wrote:
I've put together a how-to on running the same J2EE application, but with
each instance using a different data source, using Orion. It would be nice
if there was a simpler way to do this (particularly in associating data
sources with applications, which causes the bulk of the work).

If the folks are listening, you have my permission to add
this to your site (just be sure to give credit where due).

Kurt in Atlanta

RE: Orion JBuilder 4 Enterprise

2000-10-31 Thread Russ White


I am already using JBuilder4E with Orion. And deployment is a breeze. Just point
Orion to the ejb-grp.jar that JBuilder creates and your are golden. Also, the
EJB 2.0 support in JBuilder seams to be working fine. Just deployed a series of
entity beans with 1..1, 1..*, *..1 OR dependent mapping this morning with no
problem. I am writing a *..* mapping right now. JPDA also works without a hitch.

I am developing on Linux, and NT/W2K

As for the OpenTools API,if you get something working let me know.
I have had a hard time getting my attempts at OpenTools to work at all.
I would be thrilled to see what you can do.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joshua Goodall
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 1:06 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion  JBuilder 4 Enterprise

 I've just started testing JBuilder 4 Enterprise Edition. One of the nice
 things about it is the integration with the (included) Inprise Application
 Server. The OpenTools IDE includes hooks for integration with pretty much
 any application server, especially for EJB deployment.

 So, before I start coding the glue to join JB4E up with Orion, is anyone
 else already working on this (even Evermind?).


 -[ Joshua Goodall ]---

 -[ Chief IP Systems Architect ]-- Cook, Geek, Lover --


Question about jndi and Datasources

2000-10-31 Thread Rafael Alvarez

Is there a way to use orion as my connection manager, using jndi to
perform a lookup for a Datasource, from an stand-alone app (not a
client-app). I set up the following properties:


 but when I try to set the initial context, I get the following:
javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource not found
   at com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(JAX)
   at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
   at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
   at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
   at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
   at com.enkamino.login.deploy.DeployLogin.init(
   at com.enkamino.login.deploy.DeployLogin.main(

Thanks in advance.

Rafael Alvarez

how to access remote ejb object

2000-10-31 Thread ahfei

 There have two servers.I want to access ejb object in server1 from server2. Can 
anybody tell me hwo to do it?   Thanks in advance.


Orion w/ postgresql

2000-10-31 Thread Seung Bang

Hi all,
I've been trying to start the orion server with postgresql but I can't
get it working.
What I did is as follows:

1. Copied 'postgresql.jar' driver to '/usr/local/orion/lib' directory.
2. Modified '/usr/local/orion/config/data-sources.xml'

The modified 'data-sources.xml' follows:


And the error message follows:

[root@localhost orion]# java -jar orion.jar
Auto-deploying addressbook (New server version detected)...
Auto-deploying addressbook-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)... SQL
error: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ")"

Auto-creating table: create table addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry (name
varchar(255) not null primary key, address varchar(255) null, city
varchar(255) null)
Warning: Error creating table: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near

Orion/1.3.8 initialized


Yes, I was testing the addressbook sample code which was in the orion
site. And don't worry about
any typographical error in the above messages, if any, because I just
typed it in myself.
(No copy  paste) Because I don't know how to copy and paste in RedHat
6.1 Gnome and Enlightment.
If anybody knows how, please let me know that too. I am going to be very
grateful. (copying from xterm and
pasting to netscape).  Back to our topic...  I believe that I
misconfigured something.
When I worked on Sun's j2ee app. server, it had a similar problem.
Unfortunately, postgresql doesn't
seem to differentiate cases, but ejb does. Even if I create a table in
upper cases in postgresql,  postgresql
rewrites the names of the tables in all lower cases. So what I did with
Sun's j2ee, I manually
changed table names and field names with all CMP beans.
I greatly appreciate you time.  Hapy happy Halloween.  ;-P


RE: Orion w/ postgresql

2000-10-31 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

The first error is due to using an old postgres JDBC driver - get the latest
source from CVS and compile it yourself (not too tricky to do, I figured it

That might clear up the second problem as well, I think it will.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Seung Bang
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 1:12 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion w/ postgresql

Hi all,
I've been trying to start the orion server with postgresql but I can't
get it working.
What I did is as follows:

1. Copied 'postgresql.jar' driver to '/usr/local/orion/lib' directory.
2. Modified '/usr/local/orion/config/data-sources.xml'

The modified 'data-sources.xml' follows:


And the error message follows:

[root@localhost orion]# java -jar orion.jar
Auto-deploying addressbook (New server version detected)...
Auto-deploying addressbook-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)... SQL
error: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ")"

Auto-creating table: create table addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry (name
varchar(255) not null primary key, address varchar(255) null, city
varchar(255) null)
Warning: Error creating table: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near

Orion/1.3.8 initialized


Yes, I was testing the addressbook sample code which was in the orion
site. And don't worry about
any typographical error in the above messages, if any, because I just
typed it in myself.
(No copy  paste) Because I don't know how to copy and paste in RedHat
6.1 Gnome and Enlightment.
If anybody knows how, please let me know that too. I am going to be very
grateful. (copying from xterm and
pasting to netscape).  Back to our topic...  I believe that I
misconfigured something.
When I worked on Sun's j2ee app. server, it had a similar problem.
Unfortunately, postgresql doesn't
seem to differentiate cases, but ejb does. Even if I create a table in
upper cases in postgresql,  postgresql
rewrites the names of the tables in all lower cases. So what I did with
Sun's j2ee, I manually
changed table names and field names with all CMP beans.
I greatly appreciate you time.  Hapy happy Halloween.  ;-P


Re: Orion w/ postgresql

2000-10-31 Thread Storm Linux User


You have to hack the config/database-schemas/postgresql.xml
changing the null="null" to null="". 

This works fine.

Guilherme Ceschiatti

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 06:11:49PM -0800, Seung Bang wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been trying to start the orion server with postgresql but I can't
 get it working.
 What I did is as follows:
 1. Copied 'postgresql.jar' driver to '/usr/local/orion/lib' directory.
 2. Modified '/usr/local/orion/config/data-sources.xml'
 The modified 'data-sources.xml' follows:
 And the error message follows:
 [root@localhost orion]# java -jar orion.jar
 Auto-deploying addressbook (New server version detected)...
 Auto-deploying addressbook-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)... SQL
 error: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ")"
 Auto-creating table: create table addressbook_ejb_AddressEntry (name
 varchar(255) not null primary key, address varchar(255) null, city
 varchar(255) null)
 Warning: Error creating table: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near
 Orion/1.3.8 initialized
 Yes, I was testing the addressbook sample code which was in the orion
 site. And don't worry about
 any typographical error in the above messages, if any, because I just
 typed it in myself.
 (No copy  paste) Because I don't know how to copy and paste in RedHat
 6.1 Gnome and Enlightment.
 If anybody knows how, please let me know that too. I am going to be very
 grateful. (copying from xterm and
 pasting to netscape).  Back to our topic...  I believe that I
 misconfigured something.
 When I worked on Sun's j2ee app. server, it had a similar problem.
 Unfortunately, postgresql doesn't
 seem to differentiate cases, but ejb does. Even if I create a table in
 upper cases in postgresql,  postgresql
 rewrites the names of the tables in all lower cases. So what I did with
 Sun's j2ee, I manually
 changed table names and field names with all CMP beans.
 I greatly appreciate you time.  Hapy happy Halloween.  ;-P

JPS1.1 is sucessfully installed on Orion

2000-10-31 Thread ureyurey

Dear, Harrison
Thank you very much  my warmhearted friend.
I am very happy to see JPS1.1 is sucessfully installed on Orion after I followed 
you instruction step by step.

 Thanks again.


  The message you sent to me is very helpful. I think somebody on J2EE forum would 
be very happy to see your message too. I sugest that you post the message on J2EE 
forum Enterprise Java BeansTM.

- Original Message -
From: "Ray Harrison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: PetStore run in Orion error,Help Me

Hi Urey -
Here is what Sun says about your immediate problem.

Workaround #1:
If you are only interested in the English version of the Petstore
then please use following steps.  Please note this option will not allow
you to view the Japanese version of the Petstore.

1. change directory to
2. open the file named "requestmappings.xml".
3. delete the following line:

   screen-definition url="/xml/ja/screendefinitions.xml" language="ja_JP"/

4. save the file with the line now deleted.
5. build and deploy the petstore.ear

There are a number of other issues associated with this particular release of the pet 

You aren't finished yet!

Go to the main source directory - on my machine it is c:\jps1.1\src\petstore\src\
and open estore-ejb.xml:

Find the line securityAdapterClassName and replace the value for the j2ee security 


The whole entry should look like this:



Do the above in the ..src/docroot/WEB-INF/web.xml (i.e. replace the j2eesecurity 
w/ OrionSecurityAdapter.

Also in that same file look for the lines that look like:

and replace the page names as follows:


build the application and deploy the new ear file.


The old estore-orionadapter.jar file will no longer work with the petstore (works only 
version 1.0.x). Do this:

1.) Extract all of the files from the estore-orionadapter.jar and open
2.) Replace:
import com.sun.estore.account.ejb.DuplicateAccountException;

public class OrionSecurityAdapter implements com.sun.estore.util.SecurityAdapter
import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.DuplicateAccountException;

public class OrionSecurityAdapter implements 
and then compile this file - then jar it up into the customerEjb.jar file that is 
created when you
deploy the application: for instance in the directory
orion\applications\petstore -

I probably missed a step or so - but these are at least most of the major issues.

Have fun!

Ray Harrison
Senior Managing Partner
TSG Interntational, LLC
Denver, CO

--- ureyurey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am hardly installed the petStore into Orion, But When I run it at
 url:"http://localhost:8080/petstore/control/language? language=English"
 Then got errors of that,


 com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.control.web.MainServlet.init (
 at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init
 at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wt(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wb(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)

 Who can tell me,
 How to do it? and why?
 Thanks a lot



xml,xsl in orion

2000-10-31 Thread Terence Kwan

I am trying out the 
examples/xsl/data.xml demo. However, the browser think the returned stream is 
xml instead of html. How can I set the return stream type to html for xml 
file? So thebrowser will display the result in html instead of 

Basically, I want to 
do the following:



- car.xml 
href="car.xsl" type="text/xsl"?

% // Query 
database to get car information
 String sCarName="Toyota";


version="1.0"?xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" 
version="1.0"xsl:output method="html"/

titleCar /title 


RE: accessing javamail provider

2000-10-31 Thread Terence Kwan

See enclosed mail

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian Sell
 Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 5:04 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: accessing javamail provider
 I've posted this before on orion-interest:
 I am using JavaMail to access a pop3 mailbox. No matter where I place the
 pop3.jar file (from sun, or poppers.jar) in the system, I always get a
 NoSuchProviderException saying thath no pop3 provider was 
 available. I have
 tried the following locations for the pop3.jar:
 any other path referenced through library path= in orion-application.xml
 The problem happens even though I am able to load classes from the jar via
 To verify this problem further, I deployed the same application 
 on JRun 3.0.
 With JRun, I have to place the jar file in jrun-install/lib/ext 
 thats where the one that comes with JRun is located), and everything works
 Christian Sell

I had the same problem with ldap.jar  providerutil.jar (providers for

The problem is that due to the way Orion does its classloading mail.jar
are loaded by an Orion classloader (via the manifest in the orion.jar) at a
level than the classloader that handles orion/lib.  The ways you can fix
this (which
are both kind of hacks IMO) are to put pop3.jar in your jre/lib/ext
directory, or run
orion as "java -classpath orion.jar:pop3.jar;etc

To make this a little simpler I have written a shell script to include all
jars in
my own "lib" dir, all orion jars, etc into a CLASSPATH var, and then run
as above - so, you can start/stop orion w/  "orion start", "orion stop",
"orion run",
etc.   If there is any interest I could send this script out...

I think the problem is really with Orion including some of the J2EE jars as
in the orion.jar manifest.  It's a nice idea, but based on the above problem
it would
be easier just NOT to include them.

So, to the Orion developers out there, please:

1) don't bother to include mail.jar/jndi.jar/etc (or put them in orion/lib
instead of the
orion.jar manifest)
2) fix Orion classloading to work with the provider mechanisms of JavaMail
and JNDI
3) get Sun to change the provider mechanism to use different
classlaoders/etc is
not very likely...


- Original Message -
From: "Terence Kwan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: where to put pop3.jar

 I am trying to use java mail API and pop3.jar provider. Where should I put
the pop3.jar file? I try to put it in: orion directory and orion/lib
directory. However, none of them work. It keeps saying:
 error:javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for pop3

 I think the problem is that the Java Beam Activation Framework cannot find
the pop3.jar file.

 Where should I put the pop3.jar in order for the orion server to find it?



[Fwd: Orion Server java:comp/env?]

2000-10-31 Thread Shlomo

Here is the code for your question :
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import Simple.*;// This import is from the server !!
import SimpleHome.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.*;
public class Class1 {
 * Constructor
 public Class1() {
 private static Context setJNDIEnv(String URL) throws javax.naming.NamingException
 Hashtable env=new Hashtable();
 //orion specific !!!
 env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, URL);
 env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin");
 env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "123");
 System.out.println("Environment variables initialazied
 return new InitialContext(env);

 public static void main(String[] args) {
 Class1 TestClient = new Class1();
 Vector v=new Vector();
 System.out.println("Trying to initialize
context ...");
 Context context = setJNDIEnv("rmi://");
 System.out.println("Initialize context
 System.out.println("starting Object
lookup ...");
 // Get a reference to the Hello home
 SimpleHome simpleHome;
 try {
 Object boundObject
= context.lookup("MySimple");
 simpleHome = (SimpleHome)
 catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new Exception("Unable
to get home interface: " + exception.toString());
 // Get a reference to a Hello
 //Simple _simple;
 try {
 //_simple =
 for(int iii=0;iii50;iii++){

System.out.println("" +iii );

 catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new Exception("Unable
to create Hello instance: " + exception.toString());
 for(int i=0;i50;i++){

v.size() );
 }catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace() ;}
Shlomo Kashani ,
| PictureVision RD
Information Systems Engineer | Har Hotzvim
POB 45048 ,
| Jerusalem 91450 ,

| Israel .
tel : 972-2-5813401 Ex-260

JavaBean - setter methods NOT being called!

2000-10-31 Thread Lars Borup Jensen


Anyoneever experienced a setXX method NOT 
being called on a JavaBean when using Orion = 1.3.8.
Well, I have more than once..

When I write a JavaBean (or kinda) and put it in 
the WEB-INF/classes directory and I have a simple
JSP page with the jsp:useBean and 
jsp:setProperty property="*" tag, and I pass the JSP page 
parameters as always everything seems to be ok.. 
Then i suddently discover that I need yet another
setXX method and I change the JavaBean and pass the 
JSP page the new parameter, the new setXX 
method is NOT being called. Like the Orion-server is still using the old "interface" of setter 
methods, but
I can see thats it's the right bean thats being 
used if i for instance change some logic in one of the "old"
setXX method it gets executed OK.. Strange! 

/Lars Borup

Lars Borup JensenSoftware 

CONSCIUSBådehavnsvej 15DK-9000 
AalborgPhone: (+45) 98 164 663Mobil: (+45) 28 594 103Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Home: