Re: Sessions and W98 + IE

2002-05-22 Thread David Tunkrans

OK. So how do you force 128 bit encryption? By the way take a look at this,
could be the answer to the problem...


- Original Message -
From: Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Sessions and W98 + IE

 Hi David.
 The major errors I have come accross in IE (all tested version of 4, 5, 
6) was that the 56bit encryption package was completely broken in IE.  The
workaround was to force 128bit, or no encryption.
 I am not aware of any other issues.


 David Tunkrans wrote:

   Im having problems with broken sessions for w98 + IE browsers. Does
   anyone know of errors in the Orion sessiontracking mechanism?

FW: Using ORION versus CORBA

2002-05-20 Thread David Sorf

I can ask if there is some way how to configure Orion (or that RMI) for
using remote calling
from other aplications (example in C++, Delphi, etc...) where is available
Have somebody some idea how to do this??

Thank you.


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Zkontrolovno antivirovm systmem AVG (
Verze: 6.0.361 / Virov bze: 199 - datum vydn: 7.5.2002

Sessions and W98 + IE

2002-05-19 Thread David Tunkrans


Im having problems with "broken" sessions for w98 + 
IE browsers. Does anyone know of errors in the Orion sessiontracking 


Cmp entity with postgresql

2002-05-19 Thread David Plante


in my postgresql database i have a table customer with a field sex witch
is a char that can be either 'M' or 'W' .My cmp entity  beans has a var
: char sex;

when i try to load the entity i get Database error: Bad Short M; witch
comes from  org.postgresql.jdbc2.ResultSet.getShort . in the
database-schema i have that entry  type-mapping type=char name=char
here's the complete error message 

com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was rolled
back: Database error: Bad Short M
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ah._rad(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cxb._abe(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cxb._uec(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._io._twc(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._io._gc(Unknown Source)
at Source)

Nested exception is:
Bad Short M
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.ResultSet.getShort(
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ah._rad(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cxb._abe(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cxb._uec(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._io._twc(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._io._gc(Unknown Source)
at Source)

here's my complete postgresql.xml 

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE database-schema PUBLIC -//Evermind//- Database schema;

database-scheme name=PostGreSQL not-null=not null null=null
primary-key=primary key
type-mapping type=java.lang.String name=varchar(255) /
type-mapping type=int name=integer /
type-mapping type=long name=integer /
type-mapping type=float name=float /
type-mapping type=double name=double precision /
type-mapping type=byte name=smallint /
type-mapping type=char name=char /
type-mapping type=short name=integer /
type-mapping type=boolean name=bool /
type-mapping type=java.util.Date name=timestamp /
type-mapping name=oid /

disallowed-field name=position /
disallowed-field name=parent /
disallowed-field name=username /
disallowed-field name=date /
disallowed-field name=order /
disallowed-field named=abort /^M
disallowed-field named=analyze / ^M
disallowed-field named=binary / ^M
disallowed-field named=cluster /^M
disallowed-field named=constraint /^M
disallowed-field named=copy /^M
disallowed-field named=do / ^M
disallowed-field named=explain /^M
disallowed-field named=extend /^M
disallowed-field named=listen /^M
disallowed-field named=load /^M
disallowed-field named=lock / ^M
disallowed-field named=move / ^M
disallowed-field named=new /^M
disallowed-field named=none /^M
disallowed-field named=notify / ^M
disallowed-field named=offset / ^M
disallowed-field named=reset / ^M
disallowed-field named=setof /^M
disallowed-field named=show /^M

disallowed-field named=transaction /^M
disallowed-field named=unlisten /^M
disallowed-field named=until / ^M
disallowed-field named=vacuum /^M
disallowed-field named=verbose /^M

I really dont know what it could be now.
anyone has an idea ???

David Plante

Re: how to set exclusive-write-access=true in orion-ejb-jar.xml

2002-05-17 Thread David Plante

I think orion  finds out your database doest suport this feature or its
not yet implemented for this db in orion. Exclusive-write-access default
is set to true, so i beleive that orion resets it cause its not
available.Otherwise be sure you remove orion-ejb-jar.xml before you
deploy and make sure the one you deploy in your ejb.jar META-INF is
valid . At deployment you should see a message about orion copying the

I hope this helps 

David Plante

On Fri, 2002-05-17 at 15:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 can anybody help to set exclusive-write-access=true in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
 Enviroment: oc4j
 My problem is that container reset it to false during deployment (other
 attributes are set without any problem)
 I tried 
 - to put orion-ejb-jar.xml in my application jar-file and to delete my
 application catalog in application-deployment catalog
 - to change orion-ejb-jar.xml genereted by container
 - all together
 nothing works
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2002-05-12 Thread David Tunkrans

Re: JNDI question: client talking to EJBs on multiple app servers

2002-04-18 Thread David Moles

Brilliant -- thanks. What I couldn't find was any documentation
on what goes in the environment Hashtable. :) 

What does the dedicated.connection=true property do? If I were
to do this:

  public FooRemote getRemote(String jndiURL)
 Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
 env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, jndiURL);
 InitialContext context = new InitialContext(env);
 Object ref = context.lookup(EJB_NAME);
 FooHome home = 
  (FooHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref, FooHome.class);
 FooRemote remote = home.create();
 return fooRemote;

  public void doStuff()
FooRemote beanOne = getRemote(ormi://fred/app);
FooRemote beanTwo = getRemote(ormi://wilma/app);
// do stuff...

Will it work? Or is the remote going to get confused as to
which server it points to?

On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 00:53, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
   A working model is to create two Initial Context-s for each server.
   Use a dedicated.connection=true property to create the context.
   The dedicated.connection however leads to resource leakage, and if you
 keep creating more and more of them you will eventualy get
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Can not create native thread at some 200-300
   If you create an context for both servers, and then use them later you
 might not have this problem.
   public static Context[] connections;
   public void ejbCreate(){
 if ( connections != null ) return;
 Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
 // Use any of these.
 env.put(dedicated.connection, Boolean.TRUE );
 //env.put(dedicated.connection, true);
 // Set up user, pass,
 // factory (RMIInitialContextFactory).
 env.put(..., ); // Set up things
 connections = new Context[2];
 // For The first server
 env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ormi://Comp1/App1);
 connections[0] = new InitialContext(env);
 // Now for the other server
 env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ormi://Comp2/App2);
 connections[1] = new InitialContext(env);
   public void connectServer1(){
   public void connectServer2(){
You DO understand this is Orion-specific, right?
   Good luck. Lachezar.
  I've got the same beans deployed on two different app servers (each
  backed by a different database). I want my client to talk to both.
  Say the two app servers are running on machines named Fred and Wilma;
  I know I can choose which one I talk to by setting
  But how do I switch at run time? I don't want to keep changing the
  system property every time I get an InitialContext(), because the
  system property is a global setting and one piece of code might not
  know what another piece of code is doing. Is there a way to specify
  the JNDI url when you create an InitialContext?

JNDI question: client talking to EJBs on multiple app servers

2002-04-17 Thread David Moles

I've got the same beans deployed on two different app servers (each
backed by a different database). I want my client to talk to both.
Say the two app servers are running on machines named Fred and Wilma;

I know I can choose which one I talk to by setting




But how do I switch at run time? I don't want to keep changing the
system property every time I get an InitialContext(), because the
system property is a global setting and one piece of code might not
know what another piece of code is doing. Is there a way to specify
the JNDI url when you create an InitialContext?

ClassCastExceptions in EJB client: What am I missing?

2002-04-11 Thread David Moles

So I have a session bean, Home interface, Remote interface, Bean
class, the works. When I invoke it from a web application within
Orion, it works fine. When I try to invoke it from a standalone
client, I can look up the home interface but I can't narrow it.
I get:

at javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(

Now, it's pretty clear to me that I'm missing something on the
client side, because if after

  Object ref = jndiContext.lookup(ejb/Foo);

I add


on the web-app side, the working side, I get 


but on the standalone client side I only get


whatever that is.

Do I need to be generating the client-side stub classes somehow
and including them with the standalone client? How do I do that?
I find references in the Orion documentation to something called
an EJB client JAR but nothing on how to create one or what's
supposed to go in it.

I've seen two or three questions on this sort of ClassCastException
in the archive for this mailing list but haven't been able to find
answers to any of them. Has anyone got an answer?

Java newsgroups: Entity Beans not synchronising with database

2002-04-10 Thread Kumar, David

We are currently 
using a stateless session bean to perform a direct update of a table in the 
database and then usinga 
findermethodin the home 
interface of an entity bean which is mapped over the same table to 
retrieve the records that have just been updated. Because both transactions are 
managed by the application server, it should know that 
theentitybeansneed to 
refresh from the database because some data has changed.

However the result 
is that the direct update is committing the change to the database as you would 
expect, but theentity beans 
retrieveddo not reflect that change.Do we need to force 
theentity beanto refresh from the database?

We are using 1.5.4 
Orion Application Server, EJB 1.1 andMSSQL 7 database.



Dave Kumar.Software Developer
Prolog4 - Prolog House, Littlemoor, Eckington, 
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Local / Local Home

2002-03-03 Thread David Tunkrans

Does anyone know if the bug mentioned in previous 
postings is fixed? (Using Local/LocalHome with BMP and CMP)


Re: A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error ??

2002-02-24 Thread David Tunkrans

No. JDK1.3.x

  - Original Message - 
  daniele rizzi 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 4:50 
  Subject: R: A nonfatal internal JIT 
  (3.10.107(x)) error ??
  you use jdk1.2.2?
-Messaggio originale-Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di David 
TunkransInviato: venerdì 22 febbraio 2002 11.51A: 
Orion-InterestOggetto: A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) 
error ??
Anyone know what this could be?

$ java -jar orion.jar
A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 
'Relocation error: NULL relocation ta 
'org/apache/crimson/parser/Parser2.maybeComment (Z)Z': Interpreting 
method. Please report this error in detail to

Re: Orion 1.5.4 Local/LocalHome with BMP - deployment problem

2002-02-18 Thread David Tunkrans

Thanks for the reply. Does this mean that you 
cantuse findBy-methods on the localhome inteface? 


public interface ProductLocalHome extends 
EJBLocalHome{ public static final String PRODUCT = 
"ejb/ProductLocal"; public static final String JNDI_PRODUCT = 

 /** * * 
@param name  * @return  */ public 
ProductLocal findByPrimaryKey(Integer id) throws 

- Original Message - 

  Kutzera, Dieter-Norbert 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 4:05 
  Subject: RE: Orion 1.5.4 Local/LocalHome 
  with BMP - deployment problem
  ... are you using ejbHome-methods? I think there is a bug in 
  orion 1.5.4 . It it not possible to use ejbHome-methods in local 
  home-interfaces. When you remove the declaration of this methods everythink 
  should work.
  hopethe bug is fixes rapidly!
-Original Message-From: David Tunkrans 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Sonntag, 17. Februar 2002 
14:17To: Orion-InterestSubject: Orion 1.5.4 
Local/LocalHome with BMP - deployment problem
EntityBean with BMP and Local/LocalHome etc. 
Doesnt compile, some internal error...

Does anyone have an ideaof what could be 
the cause of the error?


done.Auto-deploying app (Assembly had been updated)...Auto-deploying 
product.jar (No previous deployment found)...Found 1 semantic error 

 156. EvermindEntityContext 
finderContext = 
-*** Error: The method 
getContextInstance(com.evermind.server.ThreadState $1);" can throw 
thechecked exception "java/rmi/RemoteException", but its invocation is 
neither enclosed in a try statement that can catch that exception nor 
ithe body of a method or constructor that "throws" that 
exception.Error compiling 
E:\cygwin\usr\local\java\orion\applications\app/product.jar: Error in 

Re: JMS and message order processing

2002-02-11 Thread David Dufour

Hi everybody,

can you take off my email from your list ?

Because I don't want to receive any mail about Orion.



On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 09:19, Jorge Jimenez C wrote:
 I'm developing a jms based application and the order in wich messages are processed 
is very important (because of bussiness rules). 
 After doing some test using a queue connection factory with a maximum of 10 
instances of my Message Driven Bean, I noted that after completing 10 instances, the 
ben start processing messages in a stack order. That is, the last message received is 
the next to be processed, not the first that the queue received.
 I did exactly the same test in JBoss and the messages are processed in queue order, 
not in stack order. 
 Anybody knows any configuration parameter that can affect this processing order ?
 Thanks in advance.
 An example of the server output sending 100 messages and taking a random (1-10 
seconds) to complete processing.
 Message 1 received
 Message 2 received
 Message 3 received
 Message 4 received
 Message 5 received
 Message 6 received
 Message 7 received
   Message 1 finished
 Message 8 received
 Message 9 received
   Message 2 finished
 Message 10 received
 Message 11 received
 Message 12 received
 Mesage 100 received
 Message 99 received
   Message 3 finished
 Message 98 received
 ...and so on ...

Pooling connections with PostgreSQL

2002-01-31 Thread David Pérez Villanueva

Sorry for my English, I hope you understand me.
We are using PostgreSQL with orion. We are logging the connections to 
the database, and we found there is only one connection. The data source is:


What's the problem? Why it does not open 20 connections?


MDB with SwiftMQ

2001-12-20 Thread David Shepherd

Has anyone got a MDB working with SwiftMQ?  I've followed the documentation but am 
getting the following error on deployment...

Auto-unpacking \home\modules\jms_tests\dist\jms-tests.ear... done.
Error instantiating application 'jms-tests' at 
file://e:/home/modules/jms_tests/dist/jms-tests.ear: resource-provider cl
ass 'com.evermind.server.deloyment.ContextScanningResourceProvider' not found

I noticed that 'deployment' is spelt 'deloyment' in the error message, is this a bug 
or just a typo?

I extracted ContextScanningResourceProvider from orion.jar rather than compiling it 
myself.  I'm not sure where to package this class, should it be in the ejb-jar? or in 
the general app jar?

If anyone has this working can you please post your bean deployment config files.

My setup is as follows
- Cygwin on Win NT 4.0 
- Orion 1.5.2
- SwiftMQ 2.1.3
- JDK 1.3.1

David Shepherd

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Apache/SSL or Stronghold as Orion Frontend

2001-12-19 Thread David Kenzik

Is it possible to successfully have Stronghold (ssl) proxy requests to a
non-ssl Orion on the backend?

I can proxy all day long http -- http, but it seems that Orion has no
mechanism in the frontend portion to say the protocol is https, not http
when you need to do a redirect. If I say port=443 it tries to use http on
port 443. This is bad and breaks things.

The Stronghold side is trivial with mod_rewrite or mod_proxy, it's just that
Orion is failing to use the right protocol when doing redirects, be them
internal (to make /foo turn into /foo/) or be it within a Java program.

ASCII for those who like visuals:

[https://ssl.server/foo] --(rewrite)-- [http://private.orion/foo]

Is this possible without setting Orion up with ssl support?


David S. Kenzik
Original Music   -

FW: How to get the RoleManager (resend)

2001-10-11 Thread David Potts

 -Original Message-
 From: David Potts 
 Sent: 11 October 2001 10:02
 To: 'Orion-Interest'
 Subject: RE: How to get the RoleManager
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  That won't help - I think shared sessions only work between 
  two WARs in the
  same app.
 We could probably live with merging the two apps into WARs in 
 the same EAR file.  However, we've just tried that with a 
 test app and with the shared flag set to be true in both of 
 the web-app tags in default-web-site.xml (and also in 
 default-web-app for good measure!) and we have the same 
 problem: the second app again goes to the login form.  Any 
 ideas of what config we might have go wrong?
 Juan Lorandi in this thread mentioned putting shared=true 
 in orion-web.xml but we can't find that in the docs.  What 
 tag  attribute do we apply this to?  Juan also mentions the 
 same realm name, but this is just for BASIC authentication I 
 believe, and we unfortunately have to use FORM based 
 authentication.  Is that right?
  The only thing I can suggest is using some sort of cookie 
  based system where
  you track via session ID who is logged in (stored in a hashmap or
  something), then from each app lookup that hashmap (via JNDI) 
  and log in the
  user programmatically before they are shown the login page. 
 Very fugly
  though. SSO is one of J2EE's problems.
 So the flow of that solution would look like:
 (1) User logs into app1
 (2) Store user info in JNDI somewhere that app2 can see it
 (3) The user clicks a link that would take them into app2
 (4) Intercept the login-request and use the stored info to 
 log the user into app2
 The problem with this flow is that we don't know how to 
 intercept at step (4) *before* the user is shown the login 
 form by the container.  Is this possible?
 If not, our idea similar to this would be:
 (1) User logs into app1
 (2) Convince the app2 security (RoleManager?) that the user 
 is logged in using the values passed to app1
 (3) The user clicks a link that would take them into app2 and 
 is already logged in
 Hence the original question in this thread: how from app1 do 
 we get hold of app2's RoleManager?
 Thanks for all the help.

RE: How to get the RoleManager

2001-10-10 Thread David Potts

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 I have a feeling if you made app2 the parent app of app1 it might work
 (they'd probably be the same RoleManager - can't confirm that 

Thanks for the suggestion.  We tried it, but it doesn't work.  When we go to
the second app the login form comes up again.

 is a non-standard solution (if a solution at all! ;)), then 
 again if you're
 using RoleManager you're already using Orion specific code so 
 you probably
 don't mind too much.

At the moment we are looking for *any* solution that will do form-based
single signon across two apps on Orion.  What is the standard?



FW: How to get the RoleManager

2001-10-09 Thread David Potts

I'm resending this as it hadn't appeared on the list after 5 hours :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: David Potts 
 Sent: 09 October 2001 09:00
 Subject: How to get the RoleManager
 Does anyone know if/how to get the RoleManager for an 
 application from outside of that application?
 What I'm trying to do is login to app1 and then as part of 
 that process programmatically login to app2.
 I've seen questions in the archive about how to get the 
 RoleManager, but I've not found the definitive answer.  I've 
 been able to get the java:comp/RoleManager object from within 
 the application, but not from an external app.
 Any ideas?
 David Potts

Has anyone evaluated Mongoose PortalStudio 2.0 from Mongoose Technology?

2001-10-06 Thread David Foley

Has anyone evaluated Mongoose PortalStudio 2.0 from Mongoose Technology? 

Can you share your opinions on their portal lifecycle management tools? 

Thanks in advance. 

Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at

Has anyone evaluated Mongoose PortalStudio 2.0 from Mongoose Technology?

2001-10-06 Thread David Foley

Has anyone evaluated Mongoose PortalStudio 2.0 from Mongoose Technology? 

Can you share your opinions on their portal lifecycle management tools? 

Thanks in advance. 

Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at


2001-10-02 Thread David Bonilla

I have protected my Application with declarative 
security and all works properly. When somebody try to access the Main 
Page, the Basic Authentification turn on. That´s good. I have also protected 
methods and mapped it with roles.

Now... I want to protect a second web recourse, a .js 
(script src="javascript:void(0);"/script) file but only for 
a few security-roles. If the role is allowed, the script is charged, if not, the 
script is not charged.

The problem is that when I try to access this Web resource, Orion asks for my 
login and password again - as if the verification hadn't been stored in the 
session. If I try to enter with a rol that isn't mapped to this resource, it 
doesn't even recognize the user and the password.
How can I make it so that Orion only asks me ONCE for my username and 
password and also so that I can load Web resources without having to enter my 
password, etc... again (assuming I have the correct permissions to load the 
resources in question).
Thank you very much !!!
__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-10-01 Thread David Bonilla

Well.. I'm using declarative (using only xml 
descriptors) security not programative security. 

Elena Barns wrote :

This exception is thrown when you use method that throws 
this exception, soas with any exception you have to put this method in try{} 
block and incatch(e com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException) {} put 
method thatshows the user message about lacking of security permissions. 
This is myopinionElena
1. I can´t catch the 
com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException because it´s a Orion 
propietary Exception and my Application must work over any Application Server to 
get the J2EE Certified Seal.

Serguei Batiuk wrote :

You probably 
need to derive all you exceptions from RemoteException, and work with these 
exceptionsas usually, for example:

public class 
WrongUserException extends RemoteException {
WrongUserException { 

Then you code 
will look like:

public class 
SomeClass {
void SomeMethod {
 try {
 // Invoke some secure 
 MyEJB ejb = 
 catch( WrongUserException e ) 
 // Wrong 
catch( RemoteException ) 
 // Something else has 


2. Yeah... good idea but how and when must I throw this 
"WrongUserException" ? That´s my problem... I don´t know when I have a pure 
RemoteException or when I have a RemoteException that mask a Security 
__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-09-27 Thread David Bonilla

Hi Magnus !!!

Our security developing on Orion goes very good. Now I have 
more specific questions.

1. The web interface and EJBs security works 
but when I try to use a restricted a EJB method I only get a 
remoteException (I know... it´s normal). Is there some way to control if this 
exception is caused by a Security Constraint ? (To show for example... "You´re 
not allowed to do that").

2. I try to use two users with 
twodifferent roles/groups but it doesn´t work (I must do something 
wrong...) have you some kind of application (like the illuminati apply you 
sended me) but with two different users and different roles/groups 

3. At least, but not at last... with who must 
we talk about Orion pricing and the possibility to include it into a 
"all-in-one" pack with our application ?

Thank you very much Magnus !!!

Best Regards !!
__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-09-27 Thread David Bonilla

I have implemented security on my application and I´m a newbie 
with these questions. My apply catch the exceptions and show it via 

When I try to access a method that 
I don't have permission for, I get a com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: dave is not allowed 
to call this EJB method, check your security settings (method-permission in 
ejb-jar.xml and security-role-mapping in 
This a Orion propietary Exception 
and my question is... Wich is the Exception that throws every ApplicationServer 
? a generic RemoteException ? and how can I manage it to control if it´s a 
security exception and show, for example, a "You´re not allowed to do that" text 
in my JSP ?

Thank you very much, mates 

__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-09-26 Thread David Bonilla

It's a little bit strange... I'm implementing security on my 
application and customizing my xml descriptors. All went ok (I had Basic 
Authentication) and I wanted to implement security also in the EJBs methods. I 
change the ejb-jar.xml source and this text appears :

Auto-deploying UbicuaCMP.jar (Classes were updated)... 
The compiler has run outof memory. Consider using the 
"-J-mxnumber" command line option to increase the maximum heap 
size.Error compiling D:\Orion155\ubicua/UbicuaCMP.jar: Syntax error in 
sourceOrion/1.5.2 initialized

I work with 512MB memory... so I don´t think is a problem of 
lack of memory... I try to use also the "-J-mxnumber" command 
but it doesnt work !. Can anybody explain where and how works this 
command ? (a sample example will be wellcomed !)

Thanks !!!
__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-09-21 Thread David Bonilla

I want to create some users for my application, map this users 
with pre-created roles, and then, know about how can I make the 

Please help me ! I must do it very, vey quickly 

__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-09-21 Thread David Bonilla

Ok... I have understand all about security 
but know, how and where can I activate a option to use a Orion-Based console or 
something else to control de User Name and Password ?
Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6 B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Mvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 

The Security (again)

2001-09-21 Thread David Bonilla
Title: En blanco

I discover myself how to get a dialog to put the login and password when my 
application starts, now, the problem is that... it doesn´t work properly 

I write the correct login and password but the server doesn´t recognize it 

Someboy has a good idea about what happens ?

Thank you very much !!!
__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT BANG 
NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 

RE: Which JAR do I need to run an external client app

2001-09-19 Thread David Libke


In getting my app-client running, I down loaded and found this statement:
The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB reference. The EJB
reference is an entry in the application client's environment and is
relative to the java:comp/env context.  The name must be unique within the
application client.  As you can see, ejb-ref cannot be used in your case
since you do not want your client in every ejb container. Also res-ref has
the same problem. It looks like your client needs to use rmi to call the
ejbs. Look at rmi.xm.html in Orion's docs. Set up the server, using rmi.xml,
that contain the ejbs your client-app needs to use.  Then set up you client
to connect to the appropriate server:port for the needed ejb using rmi. 

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: SAURUGGER,PETER (A-PaloAlto,ex2)
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:21 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Which JAR do I need to run an external client app

In my case at least it is java:whatever-is-in-application-client.xml or
orion-application-client.xml that's not available. Is there any other place
to specify the jndi location for an ejb? Experimented with
RMIInitialContextFactory as well without success.

with the follwoing entry in application-client.xml:


Whatever I specify, I get the following error (cm is application name),

Communication error: Invalid name:cm/ejb/ArticleHandler
Communication error: Invalid name:/cm/ejb/ArticleHandler
Communication error: Invalid name:ejb/ArticleHandler
Communication error: Invalid name:/ejb/ArticleHandler
Communication error: Invalid name:ArticleHandler

now what? How do I correctly specify the jndi name?

-Original Message-
From: David Libke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 1:35 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Which JAR do I need to run an external client app


The problem you are experiencing is because the JNDI locations need to be
changed when the location of the client jar is changed -- namely change
'java:comp/env/' to 'java:hello/client/' or some other path that is
appropriate.  'java:comp/env' is reserved for the application server's
environment resources; thus, a different JNDI entry must be created for your
application client when it is outside of the server.

Good luck on synchronizing all the xml entry names.


-Original Message-
From: Cugier (extern) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Which JAR do I need to run an external client app


I have the following problem. I created a Java Client application that
accesses an EJB. I start the client with the following batch file.

java HelloClient

where H:\oc4j\j2ee\home ist the directory where I installed the OC4J/Orion
Server on my computer. When I start the client with this batch file
everything works fine.

As I don't want to install OC4J/Orion on each PC where the client should run
I copied the three JAR file that ar listed in the CLASSPATH from
H:\oc4j\j2ee\home to D:\ExtraJARs. I changed the batch file to 

java HelloClient

After the change I get the following error

javax.naming.NamingException: java:comp/env namespace is only available from
within a J2EE component
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
at HelloClient.main(

Can anyone explain why it works when I use the three JARs from the
H:\oc4j\j2ee\home directory but doesn't work when I try to use the copied
JAR files.



RE: Which JAR do I need to run an external client app

2001-09-18 Thread David Libke


The problem you are experiencing is because the JNDI locations need to be
changed when the location of the client jar is changed -- namely change
'java:comp/env/' to 'java:hello/client/' or some other path that is
appropriate.  'java:comp/env' is reserved for the application server's
environment resources; thus, a different JNDI entry must be created for your
application client when it is outside of the server.

Good luck on synchronizing all the xml entry names.


-Original Message-
From: Cugier (extern) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Which JAR do I need to run an external client app


I have the following problem. I created a Java Client application that
accesses an EJB. I start the client with the following batch file.

java HelloClient

where H:\oc4j\j2ee\home ist the directory where I installed the OC4J/Orion
Server on my computer. When I start the client with this batch file
everything works fine.

As I don't want to install OC4J/Orion on each PC where the client should run
I copied the three JAR file that ar listed in the CLASSPATH from
H:\oc4j\j2ee\home to D:\ExtraJARs. I changed the batch file to 

java HelloClient

After the change I get the following error

javax.naming.NamingException: java:comp/env namespace is only available from
within a J2EE component
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
at HelloClient.main(

Can anyone explain why it works when I use the three JARs from the
H:\oc4j\j2ee\home directory but doesn't work when I try to use the copied
JAR files.



RE: DataSource question

2001-09-14 Thread David Libke


Use a ConnectionPoolDataSource, then Orion will return a different data


-Original Message-
From: Greg Kogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:41 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: DataSource question

I have run into a problem where the a DataSource does not open more then
one connection. I have not purchased a license yet, so could this be
because of lack of a license or is it a bug(I doubt it, but anything is
possible...) ? So far, I tried opening multiple connections using the jdbc
dirver directly and was successfull. Whenever I get a connection from a
DataSource object, it is the same one. Any ideas?

Thanks beforehand,

RE: orion-application.xml

2001-09-13 Thread David Libke


Does the Orion Admin Tool create the orion-application.xml or do you? If the
tool is creating this xml file then I would suggest that you delete the old
one before invoking the tool. Another suggestion is move the library
path=../lib/ tag from orion-application.xml to an application.xml for
your application specially if they are not shared  with other applications
(yours and third party's). 


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Hubbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:35 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: orion-application.xml


Here's a URL inside Orion's site that has a description of the
orion-application.xml file:

If you still have questions and know how to read a dtd, you can look at
the dtd for this file. It's at:

If this is the documentation you have already looked at and are not
satisfied with, then I suggest you go browse through Oracle's
documentation of OC4J. I've looked at some of it, and it seems to be
clearer than Orion's own documentation to a point.


On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:58:11 +0100
OMurchu, Oisin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a problem deploying to Orion, which causes the deployment
 time to increase over time, and eventually the jvm orion is in to run
 out of memory. Basically, I'm using ANT to deploy, calling the Orion
 admin tool (com.evermind.client.orion.OrionConsoleAdmin) and passing the
 relevant parameters into it. The EAR file I'm deploying includes a lib
 directory, with all of the required extra jar files in it (utilities,
 etc). In order for orion to use these when loading a bean, I put the
 line library path=../lib/ into orion-application.xml, between the
 persistence/ and principals/ tag. Orion does indeed load up the jar
 files as expected, so that works. 
 The problem is that each time I deploy, the number of  library
 path=../lib/ tags at least doubles, and at one stage I was left with
 over 500 library path=../lib/ tags in the orion-application.xml
 file. At this stage, the server slowed to a crawl, and either took
 several minutes to load up the beans, or else crashed. 
 Has anybody come across this behaviour? And what can I do about it?
 And does anybody know of a good source of documentation on the various
 configuration options available for Orion, as I find it is poorly
 documented in all areas. Maybe the people at IronFlare could get their
 act together from counting all the money from Oracle, and produce a
 decent, (even semi-)professional set of documentation.


2001-09-13 Thread David Mease

RE: Calling EJB From a Servlet..

2001-09-11 Thread David Libke


You cannot initialize the context within the servlet. Use web.xml with the
following entries with your values:

!-- The context-param element contains the declaration of a web
application's servlet context initialization parameters. There are two
special kinds of initialization parameters for the optional cases where the
parameter is used to obtain the JNDI name of an EJB or a data source for a
subsequent look up. These are indicated by an context-param element together
with an accompanying ejb-ref or resource-ref element with matching name.
!-- The name of the configuration parameter. --
!-- The value of the configuration parameter. --

!-- The optional resource-ref element contains a declaration of a Web
Application's reference to an external resource. An context-param with the
same name must be present whose value will be the JNDI data source. The
context-param's value may be specified at deployment time. --
descriptionThe description/description
!-- A short description, use etc. --
!-- Specifies the name of the resource factory reference name. This
value is the name of the context-param whose value contains the JNDI name of
the data source. --
!-- Specifies the (Java class) type of the data source. --
!-- The res-auth element indicates whether the application component
code performs resource signon programmatically or whether the container
signs onto the resource based on the principle mapping information supplied
by the deployer. Must be CONTAINER or SERVLET. --
!-- Used in conjunction with a matching context-param of the same name to
indicate that this parameter will be used to obtain the JNDI name of an EJB.
descriptionThe description/description
!-- A short description, use etc. --
!-- Contains the name of an EJB reference. This name must match an
context-param name. --
!-- Contains the expected java class type of the referenced EJB. --
!-- Contains the fully qualified name of the EJB's home interface. --
!-- Contains the fully qualified name of the EJB's remote interface.
!-- Used in the ejb-ref element to specify that an EJB reference is
linked to an EJB in an encompassing J2EE application package. The value of
the ejb-link element must be the ejb-name of and EJB in the J2EE application
package. --

You now need to tell Orion where to find the ejb. You need to be sure that
the following entries are in your hello-application.xml:
   !-- The application element is the root element of a J2EE application
deployment descriptor. --
  !-- The module element represents a single J2EE module and contains
an ejb, java, or web element, which indicates the module type and contains a
path to the module file, and an optional alt-dd element, which specifies an
optional URI to the post-assembly version of the deployment descriptor. The
application deployment descriptor must have one module element for each J2EE
module in the application package. --
 !-- The ejb element specifies the URI of a ejb-jar, relative to
the top level of the application package. --
  javapathToClient.jar/java !-- if you have an application client
 !-- The java element specifies the URI of a java application
client module, relative to the top level of the application package. --
  !-- The web element contains the web-uri and context-root of a web
application module. --
 !-- The web-uri element specifies the URI of a web application
file, relative to the top level of the application package. --
 !-- The context-root element specifies the context root of a web
application. --

The module and web tags tell Orion to link these items together as an
Now in the server.xml, make sure that the following entries are there:
 web-site path=./hello-web-site.xml /
 application name=hello path=./hello-application.xml /
See if this gets us any further.

-Original Message-
From: Prashant Gaikwad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:27 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Calling EJB From a Servlet..

HI Friends,
I'm having a serious problem in my code and am unable to
understand. I've deployed a simple Hello bean on the orion container and
want to access it from a servlet. I have the servlet in

RE: Problem in message driven beans.

2001-08-29 Thread David Libke


For sending a message to a MessageDrivenBean you should only need this 
entry in the application-client.xml


and in the ejb-jar.xml add the following





See if this helps. One caveat: in the application-client.xml the
'theQueueINamed' resource might need to be resource-env-ref if it does not
work as resource-ref.


-Original Message-
From: Parul Verma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 9:37 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Problem in message driven beans.

I am facing trouble in message driven bean . What should be entered in
the application-client.xml tags :-


For configuring  the message driven bean .

Parul Verma
Software Engg.
Mahindra British Telecom.
Tel :- 91-20-4018100 (Ext :- 4015).


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If you are not the intended recipient, you should 
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RE: Orion and JMS: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException]

2001-08-24 Thread David Libke


For the logout service I think I would use durable 'logout' topic which
would guarantee delivery. If you believe you might run into high volume
degradation, then look at SonicMQ messaging server. They wrote the book on
JMS -- literally.


-Original Message-
From: Daniel López [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 2:45 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Orion and JMS: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException]

Hi David,

Thank you for your help, this example code might be very useful. What
I'm trying to do is centralised login service, to allow a central
authentication service to control acces to different web applications
that can even be in different hosts. I already succesfully implemented
the login part, but now I want to be able to logout from all the
applications at once, and I also want to be able to trace in one place
the user movements through the different applications. That's why I
thought about using JMS to implement the communication between the
different applications and the central authorization site. My concern is
now whether JMS, specifically Orion's implementation, is mature enough
as to have all my applications depending from it. Or are JMS
implementations in general as inmature and buggy as Michel J. Cannon
Thank you again,

 From:  David Libke [EMAIL PROTECTED] jue 16:47
 Subject: RE: Orion and JMS: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This my second reply to your question. Apperantly my first was lost since
another reply submitted after yours appeared
 on the list yesterday but not yours.
 In addition, you might want to apply the following edits to jms.xml:
.- Configure jms.xml with this content: 
jms-server port=9127 host= 
queue name=Demo Queue location=jms/demoQueue 
descriptionA dummy queue/description 
file path=../logs/jms.log / 
 This class might simplify your use of messaging:
 public class MessageSender implements Serializable
 public MessageSender(String queueName, String topicName) throws
 this.queueName = queueName;
 this.topicName = topicName;
 private void initMessaging()
 if (queueName == null  topicName == null)
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageSender:
initMessaging: No topic name or queue name);
 InitialContext jndiEnc = new InitialContext();
 if (queueName != null)
 QueueConnectionFactory factory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
 qConnect = factory.createQueueConnection();
 qSession = qConnect.createQueueSession(false,
 requestQ =
(Queue)jndiEnc.lookup(JNDINames.JMS_DIRECTORY + queueName);
 catch (NameNotFoundException nnfex)
 requestQ = qSession.createQueue(queueName);
 qSender = qSession.createSender(requestQ);
 if (topicName != null)
 TopicConnectionFactory factory = (TopicConnectionFactory)
 System.out.println(MessageSender: initMessaging: got
connection factory  + factory);
 tConnect = factory.createTopicConnection();
 tSession = tConnect.createTopicSession(false,
 requestT =
(Topic)jndiEnc.lookup(JNDINames.JMS_DIRECTORY + topicName);
 catch (NameNotFoundException nnfex)
 requestT = tSession.createTopic(queueName);
 publisher = tSession.createPublisher(requestT);
 catch (JMSException jmsex)
 throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(jmsex, MessageSender:
initMessaging:  + jmsex.getMessage());
 catch (NamingException nex)
 throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(nex,
 MessageSender: initMessaging: Problem looking up
 protected void finalize()
  if (qConnect != null)
  qConnect = null;
  qSession = null;
  qSender = null;
  requestQ = null

RE: Orion and JMS: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException]

2001-08-23 Thread David Libke
Title: RE: Orion and JMS: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException]


my second reply to your question. Apperantly my first was lost since another 
reply submitted after yours appeared on the list yesterday but not 

addition, you might want to apply the following edits to 

   .- Configure jms.xml with this content:
jms-server port="9127" host=""   
queue name="Demo Queue" location="jms/demoQueue"   
descriptionA dummy queue/description   
file path="../logs/jms.log" /   

class might simplify your use of messaging:

class MessageSender implements Serializable{ public 
MessageSender(String queueName, String topicName) throws 
{ this.queueName = 
queueName; this.topicName = 
initMessaging(); }

 private void 
{ if 
(queueName == null  topicName == 
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MessageSender: initMessaging: No topic name 
or queue 
InitialContext jndiEnc = new 
(queueName != 
QueueConnectionFactory factory = 
qSession = qConnect.createQueueSession(false, 
requestQ = (Queue)jndiEnc.lookup(JNDINames.JMS_DIRECTORY + 
catch (NameNotFoundException 
requestQ = 
qSender = 
} if 
(topicName != 
TopicConnectionFactory factory = 
System.out.println("MessageSender: initMessaging: got connection factory " + 
tConnect = 
tSession = tConnect.createTopicSession(false, 
requestT = (Topic)jndiEnc.lookup(JNDINames.JMS_DIRECTORY + 
catch (NameNotFoundException 
requestT = 
publisher = 
} catch (JMSException 
{ throw 
new UndeclaredThrowableException(jmsex, "MessageSender: initMessaging: " + 
} catch (NamingException 
{ throw 
"MessageSender: initMessaging: Problem looking up 

 protected void 
finalize() { 
{ if (qConnect != 
qConnect.close(); qConnect = 
null; qSession = 
null; qSender = 
null; requestQ = 

(tConnect != 
tConnect.close(); tConnect = 
null; tSession = 
null; publisher = 
null; requestT = 
} catch (JMSException 
{ } 

private void 
writeObject( out) throws 
{ if (qConnect != 
qConnect.close(); qConnect = 
null; qSession = 
null; qSender = 
null; requestQ = 

(tConnect != 
tConnect.close(); tConnect = 
null; tSession = 
null; publisher = 
null; requestT = 
} catch (JMSException 
{ throw 
new IOException("MessageSender: writeObject: " + 
} }

 protected String queueName = 
null; protected transient QueueConnection qConnect = 
null; protected transient QueueSession 
qSession = null; protected transient 
QueueSender qSender = null; 
protected transient Queue requestQ = null;

 protected String topicName = 
null; protected transient TopicConnection tConnect = 
null; protected transient TopicSession 
tSession = null; protected transient 
TopicPublisher publisher = 
null; protected transient Topic requestT = 

You will need to define the JNDINames interface with the appropriate values 
for its attributes.
Then any class that needs to send messages can extend MessageSender and use 
the appropriate attributes
This works for me. Let me know if you still have problems or 


  -Original Message-From: Kesav Kumar 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 3:17 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Orion and JMS: 
  If you want to get any resource in your Servlet/jsp you got 
  define resource-ref in your web.xml. One basic 
  information as long as you are in the same container you don't need any 
  parameters to JDNI context. You need only when you try to access from outside the container. 
  Your servlets/jsp/ejb/applicationclient
  are in the same orion container so in all these components you 
  can directly get JNDI context by Context ctx = new 
  InitialContext(); As long as you are in the same 
  container there is no need for 
  Regarding the JMS you got define resource-ref in your 
  web.xml. Any container resource of ejb resource you want to use in web 
  tier i.e in servlets/jsp you have to define resource-ref and ejb-ref 
  correspondingly. For JMS which is a resource so 

RE: Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.

2001-08-22 Thread David Libke

You code is illegally written. The following edit will accomplish what you

 public class FooBean extends SessionBean 
* @ejb:create-method
   public void ejbCreate() 
* @ejb:remote-method  // do you mean a 'Business Method' that a Foo
client calls?
   public void foo() 
   // do something interesting
   // do something interesting
* @ejb:remote-method  // does a Foo client call this method?
   public void bar() 
   // do something interesting

If foo() is under a transaction then calling bar() from foo() puts bar()
under the same tranaction. 

The question becomes does bar() really need to be public? Is bar() called by
the Foo client directly?


-Original Message-
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 10:51 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.

Neat. I've been having similar problems trying to execute a findByPrimaryKey
in the ejbCreate method of a bean. Errors, however, just come and go away

 -Original Message-
 From: Mikael Ståldal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 22 de Agosto de 2001 3:34
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.
 When I try to do like the code below, I get this error:
 com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 
 Recursive call to non-reentrant bean
 Is there any other way to do this? I don't want to invoke the methods
 directly, since I want to make use of container managed transactions.
  * @ejb:ejb-name Foo
  * @ejb:stateful-session
 public class FooBean extends SessionBean 
   private Foo me;
* @ejb:create-method
   public void ejbCreate() 
   me = (Foo)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
* @ejb:remote-method
   public void foo() 
   // do something interesting;
   // do something interesting
* @ejb:remote-method
   public void bar() 
   // do something interesting

RE: Concurrency

2001-08-07 Thread David Libke


Unfortunately the only way to resolve your concurrency problem is to use an
Entity bean containing you list. That way your Session bean acquires in its
create and activate methods a reference to the list entity bean and releases
it in the passivate and remove methods.  Your Entity bean must have
Transaction required as its property, which can be either container or bean
managed. The entity bean is the 'critical section' and the transaction is
the 'monitor'. When Orion supports (hopefully in the near future)
EjbLocalBeans we won't be burdened with the network hit. See EJB 2.0


-Original Message-
From: Lachezar Dobrev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:26 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Concurrency


   Reposting this message. the next has already been received.
   This list lacks stability a lot.

   Not sure, if this has something to do with your problem.
   1: java.util.List is an Interface. You can't have the Interface live,
except in a class/object, implementing this interface. For an instance the
class java.util.AbstractList is the first one, that implements this
interface. so having a parameter/return value of type java.util.List means
actualy an instance of a class implementing java.util.List.
   2. Orion subclasses AbstractList in many places to implement it's lists.
Quite handy. One place is the list OR-mapping,
com.evermind.server.ejb.ORList. Are you sure, you don't use container
managed Lists?

   BTW. I'm not exactly sure how do you access Concurently a StateLess
Session Bean? I tried and got no result... Hmmm...

   Be well: Lachezar

 Hi ted,
 You are right, but the exeption is in an AbstractList and I'm not using
 extension of AbstractList. In addition, the exeption is in com.evermind
 I have analyzed this package and I've seen that the method uses a java.util.List. Therefore I
 suppose that it is an orion problem when the SLSB is created.
 Thanks, Esteban

 -Original Message-
 From: Rice, Ted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:45 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Concurrency

 you are working with a non-synchronized
 collection. if you get an iterator and
 attempt to modify the backing list with
 multiple threads you will receive a
 ConcurrentModificationException. synchronize
 on the the iterator or list.


 -Original Message-
 From: Lopez Esteban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:44 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Concurrency

  Please help me. I am working with a stateless EJB and I have about 250
  clients which has to use this EJB.
  When the clients access to the SLEJB concurretly, the Orion crash, and
  server.log shows:
  7/4/01 6:45 PM Internal server error
  at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
  at java.util.AbstractList$ Source)
  at java.util.AbstractCollection.remove(Unknown Source)
  Anyone knows something about this.

Re: ipchains and Orion

2001-08-07 Thread David Morton

I recommend using IPTABLES.THIS IS HOW I DO ITworks great...i got
ipchains working, but didn't log remoteAddr...probably is a workaround out
there, but I recommend iptables (on linux)


Darren Gibbons wrote:

 Hi all,

 Apologies if this is the second time for this email -- I sent it first while
 the listserv was down.

 We're testing Orion running under Linux, and we'd prefer not to run it as
 root for obvious reasons.

 I've currently got it running as user 'orion' on port 8000, and am
 redirecting requests to port 80 via ipchains.

 Here is the ipchains command I used to handle the redirect:

   ipchains -I input 1 -d ip_address 80 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 8000

 This is working, but I have two questions:

 1) In order to get Orion to work, I had to change the web-site host to
 [ALL] rather than just the specific IP address.  I would prefer not to use
 [ALL] as it could conflict with the Apache server I also have running on
 the box.  Is there another way to set up this rule?  Why can't I just set
 the host to the same IP address I used in the ipchains command above?

 2) If I access the application on port 80, it works fine, until I call
 response.sendRedirect(somefile.jsp).  The redirect will automatically
 prepend the URL with the server address, directing the user to port 8000.
 Is there any way I can force the app to always redirect to port 80?

 Thanks for any advice,


 Darren Gibbons[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OpenRoad Communications   ph: 604.681.0516
 Internet Application Development fax: 604.681.0916
 Vancouver, B.C.

jsp:useBean Issue / Epicentric ?

2001-08-06 Thread David Kenzik

First off, is anyone using Orion with Epicentric Foundation Server 3.5? If so,
what version of Orion are you succesfully using it with?

It seems that alot of the 'stock modules' (jsp files) and other jsp's that
ship with EFS 3.5 aren't using bodyless tags, ie:

jsp:useBean foo=bar/jsp:useBean

and that Orion (?) is complaining about this:

jsp:useBean without a set 'class' or 'beanName' attribute cannot have a
body, use a bodyless tag (jsp:useBean ... /)

Orion wants you to use a bodyless tag:

jsp:useBean foo=bar /

Question is, is there a 'legacy' switch somewhere that I can turn on that'll
allow the JSPServlet to deal with bodyless tags. 

Or should I just patch all these .jsp files to actually be bodyless? I'd
rather not patch because then I'll have to propogate my changes with each
EFS update, and potentially patch other oddities as they arise.

Env: jdk 1.3.1, Orion 1.4.5 through 1.5.2, EFS 3.5SP1

Any help is appreciated.

David S. Kenzik
Original Music   -

RE: communication among ejbs in different applications

2001-07-25 Thread David Libke

All,The problem is Sun's implementation of the 
classloader's default constructor. It uses the system classloader instead 
of the loader that loaded the class. To solve this problem you have to write 
your own app classloaders to properly handle the parent classloader paradigm for 
classloader. For a good explanation of the problem read chapter 2 pgs 41-49 in 
Server-Based Java Programming by Ted Neward. Chapter 3 deals with custom 
classloader approaches.
Remember that Java name spaces are defined by the package, 
class, and loader of the class. Different loader means different name 
space, which means a ClassNotFoundException.

-Original Message-From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Wednesday, July 11, 2001 12:25 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: 
communication among ejbs in different applicationsHi, Juan:So, 
in your case, you have one ear file, which includes two ejb.jar files.My 
question is, can we have two ear files? Each application has one.Have a 
very nice day!Rob-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Juan Lorandi(Chile)Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 2:30 PMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: RE: communication among ejbs in different 
applicationsthis is what I have in 
ejb-link's are defined correctly, everything should work (works for 
me) -Original Message- From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 
Martes, 10 de Julio de 2001 18:05 To: Orion-Interest Subject: 
RE: communication among ejbs in different applications 
Hi, Juan: Thank for your help. In fact, recently, we tested 
several combinations of App a and App b. ( Becasue the parent attribute 
is only for Orion, we gave it up.) And, also we tested the 
context solution by using JNDI. The results are : Senario 
1: If we put the appA.jar in the classPath of appB, and put the 
appB.jar in the classpath of appA, we can pass the compiling 
sucessfully, but got Class not defined error when we tried to 
initialize a context in one EJB in App A to look up the EJB in 
App B; If we forced the App A to jar with App B, so the 
appA-ejb.jar file contains both App A classes and App B classes. 
In this way, we did see the all ejbs in App B via context, but 
when we cast it, we got CastException error message. Still the 
old question, can we make this kind call? 
Thanks! Rob -Original 
Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On 
Behalf Of Juan Lorandi (Chile) Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 2:20 
PM To: Orion-Interest Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in 
different applications first, let's get one thing out of 
the way: 'parent' attribute is a JNDI facility, no more, no 
less. there still are separate "containers" for each app (this 
may not be useful in all apps, specially since transactions may 
not function as expected) it allows for JNDI properties to 
propagate BOTH ways (they always propagate from father to son, 
default father being the "default-app") Now, this is where I was 
aiming to: have apps A, B deployed; do not use "parent" 
attribute. connect A  B apps using JNDI parameterized 
contexts (see connecting from applet, application in Pray for correct transaction 
enroling/2PC. Juan Pablo PS: Are you sure these 
errors you get are provoked by each App correctly 'seeing' the 
other? the dump looks like a bug in orion's JMS 
implementation  -Original Message-  
From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  
Sent: Lunes, 09 de Julio de 2001 13:47  To: Orion-Interest 
 Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications 
   Hi,Juan:  Thank you for your 
suggestion.  Do you think this kind of calls will violate any J2EE 
specs?  I mean that one  ejb in parent application 
should have one container, and the  ejbs in child  app 
should have thire own container. So, the question: does  this kind 
call  violate any container specs?  It's pretty 
interesting, in one ejb of the parent app, when a  new 
context  initialized, I already saw the all ejbs in child app, 
but if I try to  instance one of them, the ejb got removed, 
and the server  complained that  the class is not 
defined, although, I put the .jar file  including all class 
 in the classpath and import the ejb's remote and home  
interface also. The  error is following:  
 The lookup is=com.evermind.naming.MapNamingEnumeration@28c19b  
the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.commerce.ejb.CommerceService  
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.attachments.ejb.AttachmentService 
  the Name is 
=com.qmarkets.mas.product.ejb.ProductService   the Name 
is =com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserService   the Name is   the Name 
is =com.qmarkets.mas.deliveryorder.ejb.DeliveryOrderService  
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.mlcaller.ejb.MLCaller  
 the Name is =java:comp   the Name is 
=com.qmarkets.mas.subscriber.ejb.SubscriberService   the 
Name is 

RE: problems with classloading and Clients, NoSuchMethodError

2001-07-25 Thread David Libke


If you want to change classes without restarting the server than you must
write your own application ClassLoader. What your experiencing is Java name
space isolation. The Java name space is defined by the jar, class, and
ClassLoader loading the class, which means that a change to anyone of the
three constitutes a different name space. Since your jars and classess do
not change, then Orion uses a different ClassLoader for your application and
the rmi server. This is surely the case if Orion uses ClassLoader's default
constructor for serving ejbs, compiled classes, and rmi requests. See
Server-Based Java Programming by Ted Neward for help with what you want to


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:44 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: problems with classloading and Clients, NoSuchMethodError

My problem is as follows.
I have debloyed every EJB in a jar and deployed it properly in
application.xml. I have for a number of reasons decided to have every EJB in
one ejb-jar. All that works fine. I have an ant script that builds every
ejb-jar and an jar called app.jar, this jar contains all classes not
included in the ejb-jar files.
The app.jar is deployed using library path=./app-lib/app.jar / in the

I'm running an orionserver starting it with
com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer in a shell script and adds all the
3party jar files (such as log4j.jar etc etc.)

When I start the server it find all the classes and every thing works very
fine. If I remove the the library path=./app-lib/app.jar / the ejbs do
net get deployed because they lack a number of files (which is in the
app.jar) this makes me belive that the deployment of the app.jar works.

I then access the server using a client with RMIInitialContextFactory. I
then get a NoSuchMethodError on the client
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError at
com.evermind.server.rmi.a1.invoke(JAX)  at __Proxy1.genericFinderVH(Unknown
Source) at
no.lindorff.kb2.core.client.ApplicantProxyManager.genericFinderVH(ApplicantP   at

If I start the server when the classpath points to all compiled classes it
works fine.

The classes in the ejb jars and in the compiled classes are the same. 

If I put on java -verbose it looks like this error is thrown on the server
but it does give me any further output. The class loading looks different
and continues when I start with a classpath containing all classes

If I use reflection and print out all methods on the remote interface the
method is there.

I do all this because I want to change classes without restarting the server

all logs application.log rmi.log etc. tells me nothing. Is there no way to
get more verbose output from the server?

Has anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong and any points of what to do and/or

Erik Romson

RE: Queue or Topic multicast?

2001-07-24 Thread David Libke


Topic is multicast by specification. To keep all objects on the network 
updated, simply have any object that is subject to caching to publish the 
appropriate change-Topic message and those that are interested in the change 
subscribe to that change-Topic. There is basically two ways to propagate the 
change: 1) use a text message containing the database reference id so that the 
correct row can be refetched (IO expense) or 2) use an object message containing 
a DataObjectChangeEvent object with the old and new values so that the 
subscriber can determine which of its values change by check the old value (no 
IO expense). Remember all object of a class will be subscribers to the 
change message, which means that a subscriber must be able to determine readily 
(simply) whether the received message needs to be processed or 


  -Original Message-From: Greg Matthews 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:15 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: JMS: Queue or Topic 
  dear all,
  are either of the Queue or Topic parts of the JMS 
  multicast? i.e. once one subscriber pulls the message off the queue, can other 
  subscribers see the message?
  since each of our clustered servers cache some 
  info, i was thinking that a half-reasonable way 
  of dealing with some stuff being updated on one server would be for the 
  updated server to fire an "i've been updated" message, causing the other 
  servers to refresh their cache.
  i know i could probably look at entity beans, 
  etc, but would just like an answer to my question if anyone 
  thanks very much,

Re: disabling jsessionid

2001-07-16 Thread David Morton

perhaps play with some of these in orion-web.xml

session-tracking autoencode-absolute-urls=true/false 
autoencode-urls=true/false autojoin-session=true|false cookie-max-age=123 cookies=enabled/disabled


At 04:41 PM 7/16/01 -0700, you wrote:
is there any way in which the addition of jsessionid to URLs can be

Re: Log Analysis

2001-07-15 Thread David Morton

 I figured I'd update this archive message...I believe there was a 
minor mistake - the access-log format below reverses the agent and 
referer.  No big deal, however, in some reporting packages it shows top 
referer's in top browsers...and vice - versa

here is a nice monthly access log:

access-log format=$ip - $user [$time] quot;$requestquot; $status $size 
quot;$refererquot; quot;$agentquot; path=/blah/access.log 
split=month suffix=_-MM /
NCSA extended/combined log format from APACHE WEB SITE
%h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\ \%{User-agent}i\

At 02:23 PM 12/3/00 +0100, you wrote:
At 14:47 02.12.00 , you wrote:

 Anybody using standard tools to analyze logs?  Anybody have the 
 format string for apache's combined format set up?  So it is a quick fix?


this is what we use and it works with standard analyzer tools like webtrends

 access-log format=$ip - $user [$time] quot;$requestquot; $status 
 $size quot;$agentquot; quot;$refererquot; 
 path=../log/access-playground.log split=day suffix=_-MM-dd /

btw. have you checked the archive? I think this has been posted before.



(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

applet policy

2001-07-06 Thread David Shaffer

does anyone know the minimum needed policy to run an applet as an orion 
(ejb) client?

Auto-reply: Re: UserTransaction

2001-06-18 Thread David Rajan

I am on holiday returning back to the office on Tuesday the 19th June.
For administrative enquiries please contact Sian Norrie at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or (+44/0) 118 9246080, for technology enquiries
please contact Mark Reeves at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (+44/0) 207

I don't know, I've never tried it. I would try it and let the list know
the result. You're going to need to set the jndi properties using a file in your client. This is well documented elsewhere in
this list. Once the jndi context is set up correctly, I see no reason why
it wouldn't work.


Phan Anh Tran wrote:

 Yeah, but can I do that from a stand-alone APP running in separate VM?


 - Original Message -
 From: Jeff Hubbach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 6:05 AM
 Subject: Re: UserTransaction

  Check, under the FAQ link:
  How do I get a reference to the TransactionManager?
 import javax.naming.*;
 import javax.transaction.*;
 TransactionManager manager = (TransactionManager)new
  Jeff Hubbach
  Phan Anh Tran wrote:
   With orion, Is it possible to look up a user transaction outside an
   EJB (a stand-alone app for example)?  Thanks
  Jeff Hubbach
  Internet Developer
  New Media Designs, Inc.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Jeff Hubbach
Internet Developer
New Media Designs, Inc.

Re: UserTransaction

2001-06-15 Thread David-

hi guys,

i m new to ejb and want to develop them using the orion server...could
someone explain where do i put up my ejbs and my jsps..i mean what im
looking for is a directory pattern...I tried alot of combos but...does not
seem to work...

thanks in advance


Re: Oracle deal gag

2001-06-10 Thread David Kinnvall

From: Jay Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After my criticism, subsequent messages from others on the original thread
 (RE: Oracle deal) also went through fine, but none of them were critical
 of Ironflare.  In fact, all of them either told me to shut up (Greg
 Stickley and Hani Suleiman, who described the problem as a pebble), were
 complimentary of the deal, and/or tried to change the subject.  Seems odd
 to me that not one, single critical comment about the most important
 business deal in Orion Server's history came after mine, unless the thread
 was being censored.

Have you considered the remote possibility that everybody else frequenting
this forum might just happen to not share your opinion regarding the deal?

 I would point out one of Karl's statements in his reply to me: The
 of the orion-interest has always been to promote the exchange of
 experiences and knowledge between our users, not as a channel to
 communicate with us.

Sounds fair enough. Paying licensees enjoy the benefits of having a
support channel directly to Ironflare. Non-paying users enjoy the
benefits of having a public forum in which to discuss issues regarding
the Orion product. The state being as it is, at Ironflare, with very few
employees so far, and the focus being on development, I would find
it surprising to see either Karl or Magnus spending lots of time in this
forum. Should a significant portion of the users of this forum come to
the conclusion that this forum is unfit for its intended purpose, there is
a very simple solution: Start another one, e.g an egroup.

 I interpret the statement above to be a veiled warning that big brother
 watching and not to criticize Ironflare via orion-interest.

Oh dear. Let's see if this one comes through, to test the theory.


- When it comes to announcing major changes and/or updates in the
Orion product and/or the Ironflare company, you, at this time, suck!

- Your official website is among the most static ones I have ever seen.
You should put more effort in publishing current information regarding
the product and the company on a regular basis, as in daily or at least
weekly, on the website.

If the irony wasn't obvious; I, for one, find the very idea that Ironflare
would try to censor this forum ludicrous. I would be _extremely_
surprised to find my criticism above being removed for any reason.

I would be happy to receive any feedback from Ironflare regarding
it, though, but that seems unlikely at this time, this forum not being an
official channel. I have found that an email directly to Ironflare tends
to get more attention. I am not saying that I wouldn't like Ironflare
to more actively participate in this forum. On the contrary, I think
that would be great! But _not_ if it affects development and bug
squashing adversely. _DO_, by all means, update the website more
regularly, though!

 Don't you also find it odd that Ironflare did not make this announcement?
 Rather, it came from Bryan Young's discovery after trying oc4j.  My guess
 is that Ironflare, possibly under orders from Oracle, wanted to keep this
 quiet and is now attempting damage control.

Could you please elaborate on exactly how you came to that conclusion?

 If it's a list problem, okay, but how can we possibly know?  Time will
 tell, though it could also be that open discussions are not and have never
 been allowed in this interest group.

Ridiculous. It might be that I am a Swede myself, but to me it just seems
totally unlikely, from what I have heard and read about Karl  Magnus.

Let's hope I am not proven to be wrong. That would be a sad day indeed.


Best regards,


Resource connections other than SQL connection

2001-06-01 Thread David Libke

I need a resource 
connections that is not a connection to a RDBMS . Does Orion support 
these connections? If not -- when will there be support? If so, then what do I 
need to do to get this connection?


JNDI help please

2001-05-11 Thread David Ekholm

I am desperately trying to understand how the JNDI service works. I want to
be able to lookup EJBs thru the fully specified path, i.e
java:comp/env/ejb/BeanJndiName, but it only works with BeanJndiName
directly. This is not so much problem as the second one: I store environment
vars in web.xml. These I can only retrieve through a reative lookup too
(i.e. just the name of the variable without java:comp/env prepended). Why do
I want to use the fully specified URL/path you say? Well, I want to be able
to access the environment variables set in web.xml from the EJB layer, but
here it only works if I specify ../EnvVarName. I want to have a general code
doing these lookups that is being accessed from both the web- and EJB layer,
but without a fully specified path, it won't work.


David Ekholm, System Architect
Net Entertainment
Hammarby Kajväg 14
120 30 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)8 55 69 67 11, mob: +46(0)70 486 77 38
ICQ: 410 993

 David Ekholm.vcf 

 David Ekholm.vcf

JNDI help please

2001-05-11 Thread David Ekholm

 I am desperately trying to understand how the JNDI service works. I want
 to be able to lookup EJBs thru the fully specified path, i.e
 java:comp/env/ejb/BeanJndiName, but it only works with BeanJndiName
 directly. This is not so much problem as the second one: I store
 environment vars in web.xml. These I can only retrieve through a reative
 lookup too (i.e. just the name of the variable without java:comp/env
 prepended). Why do I want to use the fully specified URL/path you say?
 Well, I want to be able to access the environment variables set in web.xml
 from the EJB layer, but here it only works if I specify ../EnvVarName. I
 want to have a general code doing these lookups that is being accessed
 from both the web- and EJB layer, but without a fully specified path, it
 won't work.

Re: Interests sake

2001-05-04 Thread David Kinnvall

Hmm. What _Java_ needs is a way to render graphics (incl. fonts)
without relying on a running host windowing system. And, what do
you know, that is actually coming our way.  :-)

I do _not_ need/want a GUI running on my UNIX/Linux servers,
thank you very much. Be it X11 or a (highly unlikely) replacement.


- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Schnitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 5:23 AM
Subject: RE: Interests sake

  From: Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  With Linux it's much easier to configure Java apps as daemons, but I
  can't render my dynamic images with any reasonable quality - XWindows
  renders fonts like a three-year-old with a half-eaten crayon :-)
  You should try pja. It does not require any XWindow server 
  running and I 
  use the same fonts available on win...
 I tried it.  Didn't produce fonts much (if at all) better than XWindows.
 Also tried the xvfb, which was by far the worst option.
 One thing you can say about MS Windows is that it does an excellent job
 of rendering text :-)  What Linux needs is a ground-up replacement for
 XWindows, IMHO.

Re: Interests sake

2001-05-04 Thread David Kinnvall

I haven't read the docs regarding the upcoming JDK1.4 release in
any detail yet. Does anybody know how far it goes in solving the
kind of problem discussed here? Anything left out that should have
been included as far as people here are concerned?


- Original Message -
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: Interests sake

 The only problem I found with PJA is that it replaces some core Java
packages from Sun with the PJA packages.  This may not be a problem, as
long as new releases of the JDK and PGA don't present problems.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Kinnvall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:46 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Interests sake

 Hmm. What _Java_ needs is a way to render graphics (incl. fonts)
 without relying on a running host windowing system. And, what do
 you know, that is actually coming our way.  :-)

 I do _not_ need/want a GUI running on my UNIX/Linux servers,
 thank you very much. Be it X11 or a (highly unlikely) replacement.


RE: Interests sake

2001-05-03 Thread David Thatcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Cassar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Interests sake
 Date: 03 May 2001 15:53:28 +1000
 Hi all,
 For interests sake, what OS is everyone on the list running orion on?
 Windows 2000?

MPE/iX 6.5 and IMAGE/SQL 

list orion here

2001-04-27 Thread David Morton

orion should be listed here:

jsessionid errors

2001-04-27 Thread David Morton

anybody notice that once in a while browsers complain about the way orion 
encodes session ids?

why doesn't the session ID get encoded like:
what are advantages and disadvantages of above compared to orions method



Re: A Swedish Idea

2001-04-20 Thread David Kinnvall

;-)  Forgot the funny side of it. It has been a long week.


- Original Message -
From: "Kemp Randy-W18971" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: A Swedish Idea

 Yes, but it does.  It provides comic relief.  One tread quest asked what
happens if Orion when under.  No problem.  Eventually Jboss and Enhydra will
get there.  And no, they really don't compete with Orion.  There's enough of
the pie to go around, and I want them all to succeed, and get the big
overpriced servers a run for the money.
   Should Mysql and Orion talk?  Does it need to be formal?  It could go
something like this via the phone.
   Mysql:  We should talk, no?  Maybe get together for a brew or go ice
   Orion:  Sounds good, no?  A tourist stopped by, and asked what can we do
in Sweden.  I told him to watch the moose dance on the ice.
   Mysql:  They liked it, no?
   Orion:  Couldn't tell.  They said the moose fell all over his own feet.
The tourist went on a Wednesday.
   Mysql:  No wonder.  You should have them go on weekends.  Weekdays are
amateur nights.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Kinnvall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 2:32 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: A Swedish Idea

 They never get there about as much as this thread in its current
 shape provides any value whatsoever to Orion users. IMHO.


Re: A Swedish Idea

2001-04-19 Thread David Kinnvall

They never get there about as much as this thread in its current
shape provides any value whatsoever to Orion users. IMHO.


- Original Message - 
From: "Hani Suleiman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: A Swedish Idea

 Yes, and like many turtles, they never get there.
 Believing in fairy tales is not a good basis for conducting business. The
 turtle and rabbit story is a way to tell average children 'yes, you might
 be stupid and slow, but you should keep trying'. I don't think you should
 take it too seriously.

RE: Problem with @ character submitted in POST request through CGIServlet, TunnelServlet

2001-04-04 Thread David Oliver

Strangely enough, I ran into this problem yesterday.  It seems that different 
browsers report the value of the CONTENT-LENGTH variable differently.  for 
reasons I acn't conceive of, MSIE deducts 2 characters from the length it 
reports for each @ in the form output.  Netscape does not.  
I don't know if the CGI servlet uses teh CONTENT-LENGTH variable to terminate 
its read of teh form output, but if it does, that may be where the problem 
This may be a job for the folks at orion to look into.

Dave Oliver

X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Apr  3 04:45:11 2001
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 12:34:55 +0200
From: Peter Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: FQSD
X-Mailer: Orion ListServer
X-Accept-Language: en,de-AT,de-DE
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Problem with "@" character submitted in POST request through
Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There's a bug in the CGI servlet.
What happens is:
I have an HTML form which is transmitted via POST request.
Two parameters are passed: email and action
what should arrive is:

When perl gets the request the second parameter is truncated

This happens only if the first parameter contains the "@" character.
I suppose the same bug affects the TunnelServlet too.

I already informed Orion support about that some time ago, but didn't
get a response, and 1.4.7 still doesn't correct this issue.
For us this trivial bug is absolutely critical because we need to have
orion handle requests and SSL in the front. Certain apps (the IMP PHP
webmail) should be tunneled to apache, which still doesn't work!

Other URL-encoded characters don't seem to have a negative effect, but
the "@" causes the problem with the following parameter.

I read on the list that also others have had problems with the Tunnel
Servlet and POST requests.
Maybe we can track down the bug a bit deeper.
I entered it in Bugzilla as Bug Nr. 387 and hope that it finally will be
taken care of.



Simultaneous Username/Password Detection

2001-03-22 Thread David Morton

I am building a system that protects content by username and password.  No 
problem there.  The more complicated part of the system prevents two people 
using the same username and password at the same time on our web site.  I 
have a plan to do this, but I haven't seen if there are any common 
methods/techniques/strategies/design patterns to do this in a jsp 
environment.  Nor do any of our developers have any experience in doing this.
Currently, I am just going to store server generated sessionId's and 
userId's with other necessary data/time checks..of course the user must 
be able to take over use of that username and password because the browser 
may crash...or they forget to hit logoutand also I must flag when this 
happens too many times in a period of time as a red flagobviously with 
an html web site, there is no 100% accurate way to only have one user using 
the site at once, however, I can build it well enough that 95% of the users 
that are giving out their passwords won't because it is annoying to keep 
re-logging in and being locked out for an hour if you trip one of our red 
flags.thoughts?  experiences?
This is not for a porn site, however, I bet that porn people have 
something like this.


Re: redhat 7

2001-03-22 Thread David Morton

 I am having great success with Redhat 7.0 jdk 
1.3/MySQL/ connection broker (autoreconnect=true) and the 
mm.mysql driver JDBC driver.


At 01:37 PM 3/22/01 -0800, you wrote:
Any experience with the latest redhat distro and orion? Has anybody seen any

RE: How to install 128 bit cert....

2001-03-20 Thread Hauser David

The problem for me was the the type selection (as noted below) and the cert
file NEEDS a carriage return at the end  of it.  Just open it up in an
editor and go to the end of the file and hit enter once or twice.

-Original Message-
From: McLellan, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:14 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: How to install 128 bit cert

If you are getting the Cert from Thawt make sure that you are selecting the
"Test SSL Chained Cert"  If you are selecting the 128 it wont work I just
tried it.  You do get 128 Bit Encryption if you use the Chained Cert..

-Original Message-
From: mohan krishna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:45 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: How to install 128 bit cert

Hi to all,

I have been following the how-to "Setting up a secure site using ssl" on
Windows NT+jdk 1.3

and I get the following error
C:\certificateskeytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import
-trustcacerts -
file -storepass 123456
keytool error: Unsupported

1.Plz let me know whether the problem is with ORION or with the cert?
2.Is ORION1.3.8 in a position to support 128bit encryption?
3.Have we to download / set any other things to make Orion to use 128bit?

I have tried with Netscape 4.7 and Explorer 5.

Any idea?

Get free email and a permanent address at

Servlet Mapping Tag

2001-03-20 Thread David Hemphill

I don't understand how Orion has implemented the servlet-mapping tag for
the web.xml file.  According to the documentation, I need to declare a
pattern /*.thePattern.  When I do something like the following, it works.
However, I need a separate pattern for each servlet in order for Orion to
invoke a unique servlet.  My questions are:

1. Is the servlet-mapping tag necessary.  (I couldn't invoke a servlet
without it.)
2. How is Orion expecting this to be used?




Where do I put img files?

2001-03-14 Thread David Groves

I'm fairly new to Orion usage, and the placement of files in the directory
and in the various .xml files has me confused.  For instance, where do I put
an image file so that it can be found, and how do I refer to it in the HTML
code so that the reference can find the file?

If there is a FAQ with this answer, please let me know, as I did look at the
FAQ on the site and did not find an answer.

Many thanks,

David Groves

Re: JDom and Orion

2001-03-11 Thread David Kinnvall

Actually, no. No problem at all!


On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:
 Well, David Kinnvall, did you ever get into any trouble from replacing the
 versions of Xerces and Xalan in Orion?

Re: AW: Java ftp

2001-03-02 Thread David Morton

At 01:08 PM 3/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
There is also a nice FTP package at:


  Multithreaded FTP-Bean (OpenSource IBM). Would not reccommend it in a
  since it seems to be multithreaded.
  Manfred Regele
  ADIG Investment GmbH
  22 MethodenTools
  Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2
  85540 Haar
  Tel: 089/46268-308
   -Ursprngliche Nachricht-
   Von:John Miller [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Gesendet am:Freitag, 2. Mrz 2001 10:48
   An: Orion-Interest
   Betreff:Java ftp
   Off topic, but does anyone know a way of using Java for FTP'ing?
   BUY YOUR 2001 ISA AT INTERACTIVE INVESTOR'S NEW ISA CENTRE - visit for a choice of 400+ funds, market leading
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   Issued by Interactive Investor Trading Limited, regulated by the SFA.


2001-02-23 Thread David Kinnvall

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Tim Endres wrote:
  More than anything else, though, I think Orion needs a FAQ-O-MATIC.



Re: restarting orion

2001-02-21 Thread David Smith

Port 90 looks wrong - you should use the admin port not the http port
(just leave out :90)

java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin mypassword -restart

Peter Peltonen wrote:
 When I give the command "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:90 admin
 mypassword -restart" I get the error message:
 Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading the stream
 header; nested exception is: Caught EOFException while reading
 the stream header
 Here's some background of my fresh installation:
 I've installed Orion 1.4.5 on RedHat Linux 6.2 that has j2sdkee-1_2_1 and
 jdk1.2.2 installed on it.
 I followed the instructions in Installation Guide and unpacked Orion to
 /usr/src/orion as root.
 I ran the command "java -jar orion.jar -install" which asked for an admin
 password. I gave it a one.
 I started Orion with "java -jar orion.jar".
 I tried and I can access the server with my web browser.
 What's wrong, why won't my Orion restart?

David Smith

Software Development Manager
e-Net Software Ltd

Re: R: Why is Netscape slower with Orion?

2001-02-10 Thread David Kinnvall


On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Eric Hodges wrote:
[snipped suggestion to flatten tables for broader browser support]
 Are you sure it's not:
 Don't use Netscape.

Sure. And only use English. And require Flash. And ...

A very good way to NOT reach the broadest audience possible.
Great strategy. Maybe I should adopt it? Or perhaps not...


Re: SSL Attributes

2001-02-06 Thread David C. Papayoanou

Never mind everybody.  It looks as if the latest beta version (1.4.7) of
Orion has finally started implementing these attributes.  It does appear
that the key-size is just a placeholder though so will always return 0
at this point so If you're testing, you probably want to test by
cipher-suite names.


"David C. Papayoanou" wrote:
 I can't seem to find either or
 javax.servlet.request.cipher-suite attributes anywhere in Orion.  The
 second of which is required to be compliant with Servlet Spec 2.3, yet
 it's not even in the latest version (1.4.5) of Orion.  I need to get at
 either the cipher suite name or key size attribute of a SSL connection
 which is possible in numerous other and older servlet engines.  I would
 prefer to be able to get at this in a Filter now that 1.4.5 truly
 supports filters.  I've searched high and low and written to Orion
 repeatedly to no avail.  If anyone knows anything it would be very

SSL Attributes

2001-02-05 Thread David C. Papayoanou

I can't seem to find either or
javax.servlet.request.cipher-suite attributes anywhere in Orion.  The
second of which is required to be compliant with Servlet Spec 2.3, yet
it's not even in the latest version (1.4.5) of Orion.  I need to get at
either the cipher suite name or key size attribute of a SSL connection
which is possible in numerous other and older servlet engines.  I would
prefer to be able to get at this in a Filter now that 1.4.5 truly
supports filters.  I've searched high and low and written to Orion
repeatedly to no avail.  If anyone knows anything it would be very


Re: orion and mysql?

2001-01-30 Thread David Morton

 I found it very easy...I use: - jdbc driver - connection pooling

One variable i had was w/javaexchange's DBBroker, set AutoReconnect=true...

so far so good...been using awhile


At 05:20 PM 1/30/01 +0100, you wrote:

is there any simple how-to for setting up mysql with
orion available? Or can someone explain me how to do it?


Re: orion and mysql?

2001-01-30 Thread David Morton

 I just switched to latest and greatest of 3.23 tree from the 
greatest of the 3.22 far so goodeven updating the working 
server was easy.  It's fantastic for medium size web sitesI haven't 
played with the Berkeley DB transactions yet.

here are some excerpts:

'Berkeley DB ( has provided MySQL with a 
transaction-safe table handler. This will survive crashes and also provides 
COMMIT and ROLLBACK on transactions. In order to build MySQL Version 3.23.x 
(BDB support first appeared in Version 3.23.15) with support for BDB 
tables, you will need Berkeley DB Version 3.2.3h or newer which can be 
downloaded from This is a 
patched version of Berkeley DB that is only available from MySQL; the 
standard Berkeley DB will not yet work with MySQL'.

Source for DB stuff is at:


At 04:15 PM 1/30/01 -0500, you wrote:
   I found it very easy...I use: - jdbc driver - connection pooling
  One variable i had was w/javaexchange's DBBroker, set AutoReconnect=true...
  so far so good...been using awhile

Which mysql are you using? Not all versions support transactions.

Re: Re: Port forwarding

2001-01-25 Thread David Morton

YesI got it working by binding orion to host="[ALL]" and port="10080" 
and executing the following two:
echo "1"  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ipchains -I input 1 -d MYIP 80 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 10080

It is odd that i had to do thatI originally was going to bind all 
instance of orion to different IPs but all on port 10080.but because 
this solution works effectively I will have each instance bind to a 
different port and [All]ipchains then redirects to appropriate server 
through above command...I will be talking to redhat about this, if I find 
out more I'll let you knowAlthough this solution appears effective and 
I will probably not look into anymore unless dealing with the new 2.4 
kernel that has different firewall/portfw features (Net Filters).

Port forwarding

2001-01-22 Thread David Morton

 Has anybody gotten port-forwarding to work?  I want orion to run 
as non-root user on Linux.I did see:

The following is an excerpt:
IP Chains (ipfw)
IP Chains is a program that comes with recent versions of Linux that uses 
the ipfw library to specify rules for TCP/IP packets. For information about 
using it, refer to the howto.
Here's a simple rule to tell all incoming TCP packets destined for port 80 
to be forwarded to port 10080:
[root@myhost]$ ipchains -A input --destination-port 80 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 10080
Warning: Use ipchains at own risk... You are recommended to read the 
documentation first, and have the machine in easy reach.
This command needs to be executed each time the system is booted, so you 
may want to place it in a startup file somewhere.

I tried ipchains rule with one change:
ipchains -A input -d 80 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 10080

it didn't work.

any suggestions?

If anyone has working on one ip only (on a machine that has multiple ips 
like mine)...please send output of 'ipchains -L'...and any other ipmasqadm 
table output...


Re: Please Help Me, How to congfig Postgres DataSours on Orion?

2000-12-22 Thread David Smith

Not quite right, the class line is wrong - this should be the driver manager
class, not the driver class
Whether the driver is postgresql.Driver or org.postgresql.Driver depends
on the driver version.

Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:

the driver class is org.postgresql.Driver - fix it and you're away.Mike

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of urey
Sent: Wednesday, November
22, 2000 7:50 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: Please Help Me, How
to congfig Postgres DataSours on Orion?
Dear, I used Orion 1.3.8, Postgres 6.5,and its JDBC
Driver jdbc6.5-1.2.jar.I'm config the Orion DataSours:










 />And copy
the jdbc6.5-1.2.jar to Orion\Lib.But When I run Orion it's said:
"Error initializing server: Unknown DataSource type: postgresql.Driver"
I don't know how to config Postgres DataSours,
and how to write the line Class="" and connection=""?
and where can i get more info. of this?help me Please.Thank you!yoursUrey
- Original Message -From: "Kays, Jeff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:
"Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent:
Thursday, December 21, 2000 8:22 AMSubject: RE: Database behind entity
beans? > We're using Postgreslql with Linux. Seems
to be working great, ask again in
> a
> couple of months when we're finished with our prototype.
> j
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Hegyi Tibor [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 4:20 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: Database behind entity beans?
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I just wonder what options we have for selecting
the proper RDBMS/OODBMS
> > to serve as persistent storage for our BMPs/CMPs
or just for being
> > accessed via JDBC. Oracle is the obvious choice,
but might be rather
> > expensive.
> >
> > I would like to hear some opinion on the databases
you're using with
> > Orion.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Tibor
> >
> >
> >

David Smith

Software Development Manager
e-Net Software Ltd

SV: Access EJB's from a standalone client.

2000-12-22 Thread David Ekholm

I'm sorry I forget to tell you that you also have to add namespace access in
the application-deployments/yourAppName/orion-application.xml file too
(i.e on the server side only). Like this (in my case)

namespace-resource root=""
group name="administrators" /
group name="users" /
namespace-resource root=""
group name="administrators" /
group name="users" /

Also in $ORION/config/principals.xml I have set up normal and admin users
and their passwords. It is this information that is put into the file on the client side I referred to in my previous post.

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Martin Andersson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 22 december 2000 10:17
Till: Orion-Interest
Ämne: RE: Access EJB's from a standalone client.

Thanks for your help. Even though I followed you instructions this error

java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to look up java:comp/env/ej
b/CalendarReminderHome, check the namespace-access tag setting in
ion.xml for details

I thought that you didn't need any settings in the XML files when you used
this syntax?

Properties prop = new Properties();
Context con = new InitialContext(prop);

Any ideas?

/M Andersson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Ekholm
Sent: 21 December 2000 17:21
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Access EJB's from a standalone client.

In order to connect a stand-alone client to my EJBs I place a file next to the .class files of the client like this

By using the RMIInitialContextFactory I don't have to deal with creating an
extra META-INF directory + XML file for the client. If I want to leave the file out completely, I can put the content inside a
Properties object and pass it as parameter to new InitialContext().

Then I copy these jar files from the orion directory to the client computer:
ejb.jar, jndi.jar, mail.jar, orion.jar, xerces.jar (2.86 MB in total)

I finally run the client and pass the path of the following jar files as
orion.jar, ejb.jar, jndi.jar
I also add the path to the ejb.jar file containing the home- and remote
interfaces of my EJB application.
Orion will automatically and instantly create stub code from the interfaces
when I run the application.


RE: Access EJB's from a standalone client.

2000-12-21 Thread David Ekholm

In order to connect a stand-alone client to my EJBs I place a file next to the .class files of the client like this

By using the RMIInitialContextFactory I don't have to deal with creating an
extra META-INF directory + XML file for the client. If I want to leave the file out completely, I can put the content inside a
Properties object and pass it as parameter to new InitialContext().

Then I copy these jar files from the orion directory to the client computer:
ejb.jar, jndi.jar, mail.jar, orion.jar, xerces.jar (2.86 MB in total)

I finally run the client and pass the path of the following jar files as
orion.jar, ejb.jar, jndi.jar
I also add the path to the ejb.jar file containing the home- and remote
interfaces of my EJB application.
Orion will automatically and instantly create stub code from the interfaces
when I run the application.


Re: JDom and Orion

2000-12-16 Thread David Kinnvall

Hi Mark, and the list,

I ran into this as well, just two days ago. I tried putting the
new xerces.jar in WEB-INF/lib as well as in orion/lib, with no
effect. Finally I simply replaced the $ORION_DIR/xerces.jar with
the new one as you are thinking about. It worked nicely, and I
have not seen any ill effects from it yet. JDOM is very nice!

I guess your question is still valid though: Are there any bad
effects from doing this that will surface along the road that I
haven't seen yet? Something that is not triggered by my current
code? Or is Orion compatible with newer versions of Xerces?
Oh, almost forgot, I took the opportunity to replace the old
Xalan with the latest one as well...



On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to use the most excellent JDom in my web app on Orion (1.3.9) and
 running into a little snag.  For certain parts of its funcationality, JDom
 requires a very recent version of Xerces.  The datestamp on it is Sep 1, 2000
 and it is approx 1,464KBs.  As you can tell this is almost three times as big as
 the xerces jar that is shiped with Orion.  I have tried to include the new
 xerces.jar in the /WEB-INF/lib directory of my war file but to no avail.  Orion
 seems content to pick up its version of the jar (I imagine its a classloader
 So my question is, is it ok to swap out Orion's old xerces.jar for the new one?
 Will I run into unforseen trouble down the road?  Is there another way of
 solving this problem that i am unaware of or too ignorant to figure out?
 thanks a bunch...
 Mark R Mascolino
 The Procter  Gamble Co.

Reach me by

Re: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

2000-12-14 Thread David Smith

How are you ejb-ref entries set up in your ejb-jar.xml?
Peter Pontbriand wrote:
We haven't been using any file. We've
always gotten our
contexts from simply invoking the default constructor for
Obviously some change in our code or DDs has caused Orion to change
behaviour, but we have no idea what, and cannot waste any more time
to determine what.
Unless anyone has a better idea, I guess we'll have to catch the
NamingException thrown with jndiContext.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/whatever")
and retry with jndiContext.lookup("whatever") everywhere we need a
interface - and live without a working env-entry> implementation
- while
investigating other J2EE server offerings.
Canlink Interactive Technologies Inc.
- Original Message -
From: "Tim Endres" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations
> Is it possible that your file has changed? From this
> and the other posting regarding env-entry>'s, it sounds like
your getting
> InitialContext that is not correct. Could this happen if the factory
> in changed?
> tim.
> > For quite some time, our Stateless Session EJBs have been finding
> > interfaces for our Entity EJBs using "java:comp/env/ejb/whatever"
in the
> > context lookup() invocation. Suddenly and for no apparent reason,
we now
> > a "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException" exception when doing so.
> > interfaces are now to be found only if we specify "whatever" in
> > invocation, without the "java:comp/env" prefix. I've been rooting
> > an extremely long time now trying to ascertain exactly what it
is that
> > might have done to cause this to happen without any luck. Our code
> > changed in this regard, nor has the version of Orion we've been
> > (1.4.4).
> >
> > Any ideas as to what has happened?
> >
> > P.Pontbriand
> > Canlink Interactive Technologies Inc.
> >
> >

David Smith

Software Development Manager
e-Net Software Ltd

RE: Faster encryption

2000-12-12 Thread David Ekholm

I did a check upon the JSSE spec. It comes in two versions. One for the US
and one for non-US countries. The international version does not allow other
"service providers" to be plugged-in, thus I am stuck with the slow
performance of the Sun JSSE implementation :-(((

I hate it when those morons at the US export agency make every effort to
hinder the spread of good technology :-( Seems we have to go for hardware
encryption to gain speed or set up a cluster of, say, 8 PCs just to get
acceptable performance using the JSSE with 128 bit encryption.

BTW do anyone know of a native code implementation of JSSE or a
significantly faster implementation?


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Michael S. Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 12 december 2000 01:37
Till: Orion-Interest
Ämne: RE: Faster encryption

No, SSL will eat up the CPU.  It takes CPU cycles to do the encryption, and
the more the bits the greater the cost.  This is the reason that companies
like Intel have developed special hardware devices that will handle the
encryption step.


 Michael S. Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]      _
 Axian, Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  // |_  __(_) ___  _ __
 4800 SW Griffith Dr., Ste. 202 //| |\\/ /| |/ _ \| '_ \
 Beaverton, OR  97005 USA _//_| | / / | | |_| | | | |
 Voice: (503)644-6106 x122   ((   //  |_|/_/\\|_|\_/|_|_| |_|
 Fax:   (503)643-8425 ``-''  ``-''   Software Consulting and Training

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Ekholm
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 1:07 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Faster encryption

I noticed a TPS drop (transactions per second) of factor four when I
benchmarked my application using 128 bit SSL encryption (5 client threads)
compared to non-encrypted benchmarking. I know that the SSL layer is
pluggable in Orion, I use the standard one that comes with Orion 1.4.0.

Is there a faster implementation of SSL for Java/Orion out there, maybe a
native code solution? Or is the standard encryption package already using
native code for the most critical sections? I guess not, as I have used C++
packages for encryption previously and not noticed such CPU eating


"The Las Vegas of Online Gaming" David Ekholm
System Architect
Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07
icq: 410993

Faster encryption

2000-12-11 Thread David Ekholm

I noticed a TPS drop (transactions per second) of factor four when I
benchmarked my application using 128 bit SSL encryption (5 client threads)
compared to non-encrypted benchmarking. I know that the SSL layer is
pluggable in Orion, I use the standard one that comes with Orion 1.4.0.

Is there a faster implementation of SSL for Java/Orion out there, maybe a
native code solution? Or is the standard encryption package already using
native code for the most critical sections? I guess not, as I have used C++
packages for encryption previously and not noticed such CPU eating


"The Las Vegas of Online Gaming" David Ekholm
System Architect
Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07
icq: 410993 

Default transaction isolation level

2000-12-11 Thread David Ekholm

What is the default transaction isolation level for Orionserver? I would
like to be able to specify this in datasources.xml, but it seems it is only
specifiable in orion-ejb.xml, only pertaining to CMP beans and not session
The way think it works, Orion default to "Serializable" as CMP beans seem to
obtain exclusive lock when simple getter methods are invoked. A too
pessimistic approach IMHO (In my case this causes DeadlockExceptions)


"The Las Vegas of Online Gaming" David Ekholm
System Architect
Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07
icq: 410993 

Too many exceptions logged

2000-12-08 Thread David Ekholm

I noticed that all 
exeptions generated from my EJB layer shows up in the application.log file. I 
actually only want system exceptions or unhandled exceptions to show up 

Is this 
configurable. I mean the fact that one of my business methods return a 
NotEnoughMoneyException should not make it into application.log but rather be 
handled by my web layer (as is the case).


"The Las Vegas of Online Gaming"

David EkholmSystem 
  ArchitectHammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholmtel: +46 (0)8 55 69 
  67 11mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07icq: 

Deadlock exception when accessing entity bean

2000-12-08 Thread David Ekholm

During heavy stress 
testing of my application I noticed that I get the following 

com.evermind.server.DeadlockException: Transactions was 
rolled back: timed out, while waiting for primary key for one of my CMP 
entity beans here
I can't see why this 
happens. The database has not reported any deadlock problem, and there is a row 
in the database for the primary key I am trying to look up.

What can trigger 
such a problem. The CMP bean has no relations to other beans/tables what so 
ever, and just a primary-key index on the primary key.

"The Las Vegas of Online Gaming"

David EkholmSystem 
  ArchitectHammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholmtel: +46 (0)8 55 69 
  67 11mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07icq: 

SV: SSL Ipaddres

2000-12-08 Thread David Ekholm

I successfully obtained a Thawte "Supercert" for 128 bit encryption and
successfully installed it in Orion.
When given the choice of what type of format to use (from the Thawte web) I
choose the generic, most compatible option (don't remember the exact phrase,
but you will understand when you see it)


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Mike Fontenot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 8 december 2000 15:39
Till: Orion-Interest
Ämne: RE: SSL  Ipaddres

as long as your domain remains the same you should have no trouble changing
the actual port that SSL requests are serviced on.

I'm curious to know exactly what kind of certificate you obtained from
Thawte. A few months ago they were unable to produce an actual production
cert for Orion. If they can now, let us know what kind you obtained.

Mike Fontenot

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Renner
 Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 6:51 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: SSL  Ipaddres

 We have a Thawte cert. implemented successfully on
 our server and everything works ok, but now we want
 to move our server onto a different network, giving
 the machine a different ipaddress.   Will this adversely
 effect our SSL even though the doname name is the

 Todd Renner
 Bell  Howell

Re: org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception with orion 1.4

2000-12-06 Thread David Smith
>> Subject: RE: org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception with orion
>> Struts 1.0 example (11/15 nightly) is not working on Orion (1.2.9)
>> It seems something is wrong with 'jndi' as it use jndi to resolve
>> 'struts-config_1_0.dtd'.
>> Here is a common exception ...
>> unknown protocol: jndi
>> at
>> org.apache.struts.digester.Digester.resolveEntity(
>> at
>> com.sun.xml.parser.ExternalEntity.getInputSource(
>> at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.pushReader(
>> at
>> com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.externalParameterEntity(
>> at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.maybeDoctypeDecl(
>> at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.parseInternal(
>> at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.parse(
>> at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
>> at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
>> at org.apache.struts.digester.Digester.parse(
>> at
>> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.initMapping(,
>> Compiled Code)
>> at
>> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
>> at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
>> at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.vt(JAX)
>> at
>> at,
Compiled Code)
>> at com.evermind.server.http.d5.rx(JAX,
Compiled Code)
>> at,
Compiled Code)
>> at,
Compiled Code)
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Denis Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 4:12 PM
>> Subject: org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception with orion 1.4
>> Hi all,
>> I've encountered the ever-popular Missing resources attribute
>> org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE error when trying to access the
>> struts-example application using Win NT, orionserver 1.4, jdk1.3
> struts
>> from 13Nov. I've searched through the struts message archives
and tried
> all
>> the suggestions I could find, but still no luck. (I was able
to deploy
> the
>> example on JRun 3.0, but not on orionserver.)
>> Any help will be greatly appreciated because I definitely want to
>> orionserver instead of JRun.
>> Here's the error:
>> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing resources attribute
>> org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE
>> at
>> org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.MessageTag.doStartTag(
>> at /index.jsp._jspService(/
(JSP page line 8)
>> at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
>> at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xa(JAX)
>> at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)
>> at
>> Here's my application.xml entry:
>> web-module id="strutsExample"
>> path="d:\struts\webapps\struts-example.war"/>
>> Here's my default-web-site.xml entry:
>> web-app application="default"
>> Orion is at d:\orion and struts is at d:\struts.
>> Thanks,
>> Denis Hanson
Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG
 "There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go."

David Smith

Software Development Manager
e-Net Software Ltd

Re: bug in Orion 1.3.8 when creating InitialContext

2000-12-02 Thread David Sims

 At 12:11 02.12.00 , Robert wrote:
 Hi OrionFolk :-)
 Tonight I downloaded OrionServer 1.3.8 from the stable link off the There seems to be a bug having to do with
 InitialContexts that was not there in version 1.0.3.
 looks like a bug. best you file it in bugzilla with your test code.

Done. Thanks.

I'm really, really surprised no one's ran into this before. Everyone
must use a file to set up their InitialContexts, not the
InitialContext constructor that takes a Properties object.
Unfortunately, that scenario doesn't work for me. :-(

So, what's the normal resolution process here? It looks like it's
probably a very simple fix. Will the fix make it into Orion 1.3.9 and
then will 1.3.9 become the new stable version of Orion?

Just wondering what the process is here.


Sims Computing, Inc.

Re: bug in Orion 1.3.8 when creating InitialContext

2000-12-02 Thread David Sims

I wrote:

 Tonight I downloaded OrionServer 1.3.8 from the stable link off the There seems to be a bug having to do with
 InitialContexts that was not there in version 1.0.3.

For what it's worth, the bug is triggered from an application client.
The bug also exists in Orion 1.4.0 and 1.2.9. The bug is *not* triggered
if you never call close() on your InitialContexts, but I'm in the
situation where my company's J2EE software component has to work with
multiple application servers, so not calling close() is not an option.

Thanks again. Here's hoping a fix shows up soon. :^)


Sims Computing, Inc.

Log Analysis

2000-12-02 Thread David Morton

 Anybody using standard tools to analyze logs?  Anybody have the format 
string for apache's combined format set up?  So it is a quick fix?


Entity bean question

2000-12-01 Thread David Ekholm

I wonder if the EJB specification guarantee that there is only one instance
of an entity bean representing a particular row in a database? If so, does
that also hold true for a cluster of EJB servers?

"The Las Vegas of Online Gaming" David Ekholm
System Architect
Hammarby Kajväg 14, 120 30 Stockholm
tel: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 11
mob: +46 (0)70 486 77 38
fax: +46 (0)8 55 69 67 07
icq: 410993 

bug in Orion 1.3.8 when creating InitialContext

2000-12-01 Thread David Sims

Hi OrionFolk :-)

Tonight I downloaded OrionServer 1.3.8 from the stable link off the There seems to be a bug having to do with
InitialContexts that was not there in version 1.0.3.

If you create an InitialContext object and pass in a Properties object
to the constructor containing the InitialContextFactory and so on, you
can successfully create an InitialContext object. Then you can call
close() on it. If you try to create it the second time, a
NullPointerException is thrown out.

Below is a small, simple class that definitively shows the bug. A
NullPointerException is thrown. The bug does not occur in Orion 1.0.3;
no NPE is thrown. Below my signature (see below) is the code and after
that is the stack trace.

I searched the archives and found nothing on this. Does anyone know
about this? Is there a workaround or some kind of fix? Any info at all?

thank you,

Sims Computing, Inc.


import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.*;

In OrionServer 1.3.8, if you create an InitialContext, as shown below,
then close it, then try to create a second one, a NullPointerException
is thrown.
public class OrionBug {

  private static final String ICF = "com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
  Properties props = new Properties();
  props.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, ICF);
  props.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ormi://localhost/orion-primer");
  props.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin");
  props.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "123");

  Context c = new InitialContext(props);
  c = new InitialContext(props);
  c = new InitialContext(props);
catch (Exception e) {

at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(JAX)
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at OrionBug.main(

Re: Orion slow startup

2000-11-30 Thread David Smith

What O/S are you using? If you are using Win95 or Win98 then it takes an
age and then runs like a crippled dog.
I agree with the Jikes suggestion - an absolute must. I would recommend
removing javac from your system and copying jikes in its place. Full Stop.
Mike Atkin wrote:
- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 3:24 PM
Subject: Orion slow startup
> I've been experiencing extremely slow startup times for the Orion
> It takes at least a few minutes to start the server. I've only
been using
> Orion for a few weeks, but this seems a little excessive. I'm
running it
> a laptop with a PII/300 and 128MB ram, so I don't think it's the
> I'm using version 1.4.0.
> Does any have any ideas why it's starts so slowly?
Try configuring Orion to use jikes as a compiler instead of the standard
compiler. Jikes is an order of magnitude faster than javac.
Edit server.xml and add something like
compiler executable="c:\jikes\jikes.exe" classpath="whatever>"

David Smith

Software Development Manager
e-Net Software Ltd

Re: jdk version

2000-11-28 Thread David Kenzik

  Suresh Ajja said...

   Now recently i installed Jbuilder 4.0, which took jdk1.3 as default jdk built in it.from command prompt, I was not able to run my programs,
  hence I installed jdk1.2 after that, but now I am not able to run my Inprise
  server (jdk1.2.2 or later ver. not found error) .can somebody tell me How
  can i configure only one ver. of jdk to run my IAS as well from Command pr.

In the jbuilder "bin" directory, there is a file called "jdk.config".

It's self-explanatory-- you can set the path to your JDK in there. Just set
it to the one you use from your command line.

However, I can't comment on the JDK requirements for IAS.

David S. Kenzik
Original Music -

Re: Turbine with Orion?

2000-11-28 Thread David Kenzik

  Neal Kaiser said...

  I'm getting ready to set this up (Turbine and Velocity) with Orion. 
  Before I pull my hair out figuring it out, I wanted to see if anyone has
  already documented this?

If/when you endeavor to set this up, please report your findings to the list
so the guys can publish it.

I'm sure many others will benefit from it.

David S. Kenzik
Original Music -

Re: OpenBSD

2000-11-22 Thread David Smith

I am running the latest orion on FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE, using Sun's JDK1.3
for Linux, and it works a treat.
Mathias Bogaert wrote:

Has anyone got Orion running on OpenBSD
(, or any other BSD
unix? TIAMathias Bogaert

David Smith

Software Development Manager
e-Net Software Ltd

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