
1999-09-04 Thread Johnston

Dear all
I have just returned home after the National ACMI 'Hearts, Hands and Minds'
conference in Hobart.  I would love to be able to go on to Byron Bay for the
Homebirth conference, but that's not possible.  The babies that are due have
waited for me to return, but I doubt they'll wait much longer.

I was acutely conscious at the conference of many of the midwives who I have
met through this list, and who I met face to face for the first time.  These
are people who have shared their wisdom and passion through this list.
Many of us commented on whether the person (in the flesh) was what we
expected from the online meetings.

I believe that the open communication that this list has facilitated has
been significant in a growing sense of expectancy in midwifery.  We are
expecting big changes.

Tomorrow (Monday) the Senate Inquiry into childbirth procedures is hearing
submissions in Melbourne.  I expect to be there.  ACMI Vic is presenting at
11-11.45 am, Maternity Coalition 1.30-2 pm, and the Obstetricians 4-5pm.

Joy Johnston

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2002-05-21 Thread Belinda Maier

Can people let me know if you have heard of any interesting conferences
coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery one coming up in

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[ozmidwifery] conference

2003-10-11 Thread Sally Williams
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] who is really there for women ? long

Was just wondering what is happening re: homebirth 

Conference details

1999-08-25 Thread HomeMidwifery Association

"A Celebration of Love & Light"

September 17-19 1999

Carlton Crest Hoel, Brisbane

registrations by chargecard ($299 earlybird <3/9/99 - all 3 days)
phone: 5527 3074 or 6684 4624
post to: ULC/Harmony Centre

hotel reservations phone 1800 777123

HMA billeting email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Speakers include:

John Hammer "Reclined in the Soul"
Micheal Mirdad "Living Love"
Ken Page "Heart and Soul Healing"
Collin Tipping "Radical Forgiveness"
Ssarah Hopkins "Vibrational Healing"
Joan gattuso "Into the Light"
Nigel taylor "the Art of Surrender"
Faye Matthews "Love Heals"

Peace Concert/Dinner with James Twyman
Erik Berklund
Chaze & Co
Sarah Hpkins
Raymond Oliver
Also" group Meditation Movement

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Homebirth Conference

1999-08-25 Thread Sue Cookson

Greetings everyone,
My unopened email now is at 98 units - only a week or so of not being
available to listen and enjoy. Some active discussions no doubt.
This is basically a reminder to you that the Homebirth Conference is on in
Byron Bay in two short weeks (that's why I haven't been into my email!!)
Registrations are good with more arriving each day. We have made daily
registrations available for $100, and also the talk by Germaine Greer "The
Goddess and the Birthing Machine" is open to the public for $45 for the
afternoon. (This includes a talk by Sarah Buckley  "The Science and Beauty
of Birth").
Programmes are now available, and are being posted out to all conference
registrants today. Anyone wanting to see the programme can email me their
postal address.
This conference should be fairly lively as well as informative. We have
forums on Responsibility and Accountability ,
Managing the Unexpected, and Vaccination Awareness. Speakers include Jan
Robinson, Heather Gulliver, Shea Caplice, Carolyn Hastie, Peter Gailley,
Wintergreen, Edith (Gosling) Pearson, Carolyn Minchin, Sunderai, and Yvonne
Stewart, a local Aboriginal woman.
Maggie Lecky-Thompson, John Stevenson and Mary Murphy will participate in
some of the forums, along with Meryl Dorey and Marina and Diedre from HMA
Brisbane.Lots more too!!
Lots of lively list participants are coming along - can't wait to meet the
lovely Nigel and his goddess Cathy!!
Time is short, but please think about attending.
We will have tapes of every speaker and hopefully a video as well.
Send me your postal address, or phone me on (02) 6680 2717
See you there.  Sue Cookson

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Homebirth conference

1999-09-12 Thread settams

Just a quick message:-
A huge thank you to all the organisers of the home birth conference. I' ve
juat arrived home from the most amazing, wonderful, energising weekend.

Thanks too to all those people who went, and made it such a wonderful

And thanks to Mari-Carmen Povoda for her foresight in faxing Germaine Greer.

I will write more when I've had some sleep and am more sensible - I just had
to let everyone know what a wonderful time I had, and how great it is to now
be able to put faces (and bodies) to many of the names from this list.

Love and blessings

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Conference feedback

1999-09-15 Thread settams

Dear All,

Now that I have returned to the real world after the very special place the
homebirth conference provided, I would like to offer some thoughts about the

I was a little disappointed that there was no opportunity for evaluation of
the conference at the time. Although analysis of the evaluations adds a
degree of work to the organisers after they thought everything was over and
they could relax, they are in fact a useful tool. Not just for the
organisers themselves, but if the information is passed on to the next
conference organisers then it continues to be useful into the future. Some
groups I have been involved with create something they call a 'Grandmother's
Book' in which the information is kept from one gathering to the next and
helps each new group to a) avoid making the same mistakes and b) find out
what has worked for others and build on that.

Having said all that, let me give some feedback about this most recent
1) Venue - excellent!
2) Food - absoulutley wonderful, plenty of it, good and wholesome and tasty,
and catered to peoples' needs.
3) Organisation - very well done.
4) Scheduling - not enough free time. When people travel so far to a
beautiful part of the country, and get to see friends they have made at
previous conferences only once every year or less, then 15 minutes for
morning and afternoon breaks and very short lunch breaks are not such a good
idea. Perhaps if the optional sessions had been offered 3 at a time, instead
of 2, then this would have allowed more time for either
socialising/networking or for a bit of sightseeing. (In my own case, having
no car I travelled all the way from Melbourne only to see the lighthouse for
5 mins, and walk around the town for 10 mins because a friend was able to
drive me in when she was going on an errand. This was a bit disappointing.)
5) No message board - these are always really useful at conferences for
people to comminucate with one another in a busy and hectic environment.

I hope that by offering these comments that I have not offended anyone, but
I really did miss the opportunity of doing so at the conclusion of the
conference itself.

With love and blessings

Elisabeth Speller
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Conference Information

2001-07-30 Thread Jackie Mawson
Title: Conference Information

Hi all,

I am sitting here, surrounded by conference brochures... Stuffing them in envelopes! Does anyone out there want any? They detail the Birthrites conference “Caesarean Birth: Myths and Realities” that Birthrites is hosting to celebrate the inaugural National Caesarean Awareness Day, on September 11th, 2001. The conference will be held in Perth, WA.

You can access details about it on the Birthrites Website, at

If anyone is keen to publicise the conference, could you email me? Then I will send you an simple introduction about the conference, it’s aims, etc. Take care, all!

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at:
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

ACMI Conference

2001-09-22 Thread elizabeth mccall

Congratulations to all concerned in producing a 
mind blowing conference. Awesome! Could I also note how magnificent it was to 
watch and participate on a dance floor with so many great dancers - are all 
midwives such groovy dancers - a good research project for someone The vibe 
was palable & powerful. I am back to maximum energy for the ongoing work of 
change. Love to all Liz McCall

ACMI Conference

2001-09-23 Thread Jackie Doolan

May I congratulate all the organisers, speakers and participants at the ACMI
conference for a fantasticly informative and social conference.  I look
forward to doing it all again in Darwin in 2003

Jackie Doolan

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Conference Bags.

2001-11-08 Thread Jackie Mawson
Title: Conference Bags.

Hi all,

>From the September 11th conference, held in Perth to celebrate the inaugural National Caesarean Awareness Day, titled “Caesarean Birth: Myths and Realities” I have 7 conference bags left over. They are a canvas bag, with the logo on it, the date of the conference and the title. They contain summaries of the presentations, plus other relevant information (reading list, stories, etc). Is anyone keen to have one of these last few bags???

If so, then reply to this email with your postal details. We are charging $8/bag, to cover the costs involved – which includes the cost of postage and packaging. First in, first serve, so don’t hesitate if you are interested. Okay?

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at:
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

homebirth conference

2001-12-17 Thread Jenni

well I just got the flyer for the homebirth conference in march, & Im 
wondering whether I can 'fit it in' or not. If by some small miracle I 
do decide to fly to Sydney the weekend before Uni starts, is anyone on 
the list going to the conference at Katoomba  from Sydney I could catch 
a lift with from the airport (Friday am)??  happy to share petrol 
expenses etc

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Intro & Conference

2002-01-15 Thread Nikki Macfarlane

First of all a quick intro to the list. I am living in Singapore and working
here as a doula & childbirth educator. Originally from NZ, I lived in Sydney
for 10 years before moving to the UK for 10 years. As well as my doula work
I am training women to become doulas and childbirth educators and also
studying for my Bach of Nursing at James Cook in Townsville. Doing my
nursing by distance - bit of a challenge but managing to stay on top of it -
just! Am now halfway through my second year (studying part time so taking 6
years overall) and planning to continue with midwifery once finished with
ambitions of having my own practice. Can't really see myself working in a
hospital environment! On a personal note have had 3 kids - one a waterbirth
and one a homebirth - all in the UK and with 100% midwifery care.

I have read a little about the Homebirth Conference in the Blue Mountains in
March. I am going to be in Australia for residentials and placements at that
time and seriously considering flying down for the conference the weekend it
is on if I have the weekend off. Is there a website where I can find out
more about the agenda for the conference and does anyone know if it is still
possible to go or is it all sold out? I read it is in the Blue Mountains -
where exactly does anyone know? My brother lives in East Kurrajong so pretty
close for me to get to hopefully!

Nikki Macfarlane

ps. Is Doon Smith or a midwife called Robyn who knew Billi Gaven on the

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Conference announcement

2002-01-28 Thread Jackie Mawson

For interest.
BB Jackie Mawson.

-- Forwarded Message
From: "Lauren Breen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Edith Cowan University
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:39:45 +0800
Subject: conference announcement

Dear Colleagues
I have attached an electronic version of the brochure and
registration form for the 8th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology
Conference to be held in Perth, Western Australia June 27-29th.

The conference aims to examonie power, inclusion, equality, and
action. We have secured an exciting and innovative venue for this
years conference that will enhance the theme of inclusion. In
addition there is excellent accomodation on site that we have
negotiated at greatly reduced rates.

Please feel free to disseminate the conference brochure to friends
and colleagues.

This is your chance to attend and/or present at an innovative and
affordable conference!

Lauren Breen


School of Psychology
Edith Cowan University
100 Joondalup Drive
Perth, Australia 6027
Phone 9400 5543

-- End of Forwarded Message

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homebirth conference

2002-02-25 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Usually a lurker on the list, with a 6 month old firmly 
attached to my breast making typing very challenging, I just had to have a 
public horrah for the fact that it's only 3 days to go until the homebirth 
conference!  Looking forward to meeting some other listers 

homebirth conference

2002-02-27 Thread towners

I have made a late decision to hire a car from Sydney airport  tomorrow afternoon to 
get me to the conference. Anyone on the list that still needs to organise transport or 
would like to share with me, please ring me on 041 043 8897
Hope to meet a few of you there,
Juli Townsend 

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Re: Conference

2002-05-23 Thread Jen Semple

Hi Belinda,

I don't know of any specifically (as a first year
Bachelor of Midwifery student, I'm new to all of
this), but I do know that Capers Bookstore is
affiliated with some WONDERFUL sounding conferences. 
Check out the schedule on their website:


 --- Belinda Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Can people let me know if you have heard of any
> interesting conferences
> coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery one
> coming up in
> Melbourne???Thanks
> Belinda

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Re: Conference

2002-05-23 Thread barbara glare & chris bright

Dear Belinda,

The Australian College of Lactation Consultants has one coming up in
Melbourne on June 22nd.  It's called "Breastfeeding in the Real World -
Myths, beliefs and cultural perspectives.  Enquiries - Ros Nicol ph (03)
9499 9212

Love, Barb

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Re: Conference

2002-05-23 Thread Andrea Robertson

If you are interested in developing your skills as a midwife, check out the 
Practical Midwifery events planned for major centres, including Melbourne 
(and regional ones too) in August and September. The details have been 
mailed to everyone (snail mail), but you can also find them at:

The regular round of workshops are to be found at:

The big advantage of Birth International events is that we come to you 
it saves on travel and  makes them a lot less expensive. If you are 
interested in hosting a workshop or event in your area let us know!

The details of the next Future Birth evenbts will be posted shortly too. We 
have some favourite and exciting overseas speakers lined up for next April!



At 10:14 22/05/2002, Belinda Maier wrote:
>Can people let me know if you have heard of any interesting conferences
>coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery one coming up in

Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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re: Conference

2002-05-23 Thread Sue Rose

If you meant conferences, Belinda, perhaps the
Evidence Based care one? it's in Melbourne in august. 
the other one Capers are doing is Noosa (Oct). got an
update to say that speakers include Terri Shilling,
Carolyn Hastie, Vicky Chan... 
Anyone else know of more in Melbourne?

> At 10:14 22/05/2002, Belinda Maier wrote:
> >Can people let me know if you have heard of any
> interesting conferences
> >coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery
> one coming up in
> >Melbourne???Thanks
> >Belinda

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Re: Conference

2002-05-23 Thread Jo Zoch

OOh, the Evidence Based Care one sounds really good... Where/when/how much?


- Original Message - 
From: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:09 AM
Subject: re: Conference

> If you meant conferences, Belinda, perhaps the
> Evidence Based care one? it's in Melbourne in august. 
> the other one Capers are doing is Noosa (Oct). got an
> update to say that speakers include Terri Shilling,
> Carolyn Hastie, Vicky Chan... 
> Anyone else know of more in Melbourne?
> Sue
> > 
> > At 10:14 22/05/2002, Belinda Maier wrote:
> > >Can people let me know if you have heard of any
> > interesting conferences
> > >coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery
> > one coming up in
> > >Melbourne???Thanks
> > >Belinda
> __
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> LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience
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Re: Conference

2002-05-24 Thread Ms Elizabeth McCall

NSWMA Conference in Byron Bay 31/10/02,1-2/1102.
Liz McCall

- Original Message - 
From: "Ms Elizabeth McCall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Conference

> NSWMA Conference in Byron Bay 31/10/02,1-2/1102.
> Liz McCall
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:09 AM
> Subject: re: Conference
> > If you meant conferences, Belinda, perhaps the
> > Evidence Based care one? it's in Melbourne in august. 
> > the other one Capers are doing is Noosa (Oct). got an
> > update to say that speakers include Terri Shilling,
> > Carolyn Hastie, Vicky Chan... 
> > Anyone else know of more in Melbourne?
> > Sue
> > 
> > > 
> > > At 10:14 22/05/2002, Belinda Maier wrote:
> > > >Can people let me know if you have heard of any
> > > interesting conferences
> > > >coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery
> > > one coming up in
> > > >Melbourne???Thanks
> > > >Belinda
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience
> >
> > --
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> > 

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Re: Conference

2002-05-24 Thread Mrs joanne m fisher

Dear Liz,
Do you have the programme and cost of the Byron Bay conference?
Cheers, Joanne.
- Original Message - 
From: "Ms Elizabeth McCall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Conference

> NSWMA Conference in Byron Bay 31/10/02,1-2/1102.
> Liz McCall
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Ms Elizabeth McCall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:00 AM
> Subject: Re: Conference
> > NSWMA Conference in Byron Bay 31/10/02,1-2/1102.
> > Liz McCall
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:09 AM
> > Subject: re: Conference
> > 
> > 
> > > If you meant conferences, Belinda, perhaps the
> > > Evidence Based care one? it's in Melbourne in august. 
> > > the other one Capers are doing is Noosa (Oct). got an
> > > update to say that speakers include Terri Shilling,
> > > Carolyn Hastie, Vicky Chan... 
> > > Anyone else know of more in Melbourne?
> > > Sue
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > At 10:14 22/05/2002, Belinda Maier wrote:
> > > > >Can people let me know if you have heard of any
> > > > interesting conferences
> > > > >coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery
> > > > one coming up in
> > > > >Melbourne???Thanks
> > > > >Belinda
> > > 
> > > 
> > > __
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience
> > >
> > > --
> > > This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> > > Visit <> to subscribe or unsubscribe.
> > > 
> > 
> --
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Re: Conference

2002-05-25 Thread Kerreen Reiger

Hi Ozmidders,
re discussion on forthcoming conferences- Belinda thought there was
a'forthcoming one in Melbourne'. She could be thinking of the 'Performing
Motherhood' conference at La Trobe  4-6 July which I sent a message around
about a while back. It is not a mid conference, but does include  birth
issues. It starts with an opening public lecture, 'Unmasking motherhood' by
Susan Maushart.
For details, see the la Trobe women's Studies home page- 
hope some of you can join us!
Dr Kerreen Reiger
Director of Women's Studies
School of Social Sciences
La Trobe University 3086
ph: 61 3 9479 1040
fax: 61 3 9479 2705
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Re: Conference

2002-05-27 Thread Ms Elizabeth McCall

Anyone interested in attending the NSWMA Annual conference please contact
the NSWMA in Sydney for details - ph.0292819522
Liz McCall
- Original Message -
From: "Mrs joanne m fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ozmidwifery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Ms Elizabeth McCall"
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Conference

> Dear Liz,
> Do you have the programme and cost of the Byron Bay conference?
> Cheers, Joanne.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ms Elizabeth McCall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:01 AM
> Subject: Re: Conference
> > NSWMA Conference in Byron Bay 31/10/02,1-2/1102.
> > Liz McCall
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Ms Elizabeth McCall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:00 AM
> > Subject: Re: Conference
> >
> >
> > > NSWMA Conference in Byron Bay 31/10/02,1-2/1102.
> > > Liz McCall
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:09 AM
> > > Subject: re: Conference
> > >
> > >
> > > > If you meant conferences, Belinda, perhaps the
> > > > Evidence Based care one? it's in Melbourne in august.
> > > > the other one Capers are doing is Noosa (Oct). got an
> > > > update to say that speakers include Terri Shilling,
> > > > Carolyn Hastie, Vicky Chan...
> > > > Anyone else know of more in Melbourne?
> > > > Sue
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > At 10:14 22/05/2002, Belinda Maier wrote:
> > > > > >Can people let me know if you have heard of any
> > > > > interesting conferences
> > > > > >coming up this year?I heard there is a midwifery
> > > > > one coming up in
> > > > > >Melbourne???Thanks
> > > > > >Belinda
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > __
> > > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > > LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> > > > Visit <> to subscribe or unsubscribe.
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Re: Conference

2002-05-27 Thread Sue Rose

I managed to register for Brisbane, there were a
couple of places left, but I was told you can put your
name on a Melbourne waiting list, or an email list to
be notified first about 2003 dates.

--- Jo Zoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Sue... but the Melbourne one is already full
> :(
> Maybe next year? :)
> Jo
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Sue Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jo Zoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 11:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Conference
> > Jo
> > the information you requested 
> >
> > Sue

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re: conference

2002-05-30 Thread Katie Walsgott

>Here's another Melbourne conference coming up, which I hope to attend:
>Victorian Association of Neonatal Nurses
>Saturday, 29th June
>@ Royal Children's Hospital
>Enquiries to Denise Harrison 9345 5522
>Katie Walsgott
>Student, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
>University of Ballarat

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Re: conference

2002-05-30 Thread Jo Zoch

I am planning on going to this one too:)


- Original Message - 
From: "Katie Walsgott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "oz mid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: re: conference

> >Here's another Melbourne conference coming up, which I hope to attend:
> >
> >Victorian Association of Neonatal Nurses
> >Saturday, 29th June
> >@ Royal Children's Hospital
> >Enquiries to Denise Harrison 9345 5522
> >
> >Regards,
> >Katie Walsgott
> >Student, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
> >University of Ballarat
> >
> >
> >
> --
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Tassie Conference

1999-07-03 Thread Deborah Colbert

I am unable to access the Tassie conference program at the acmi website.
Can somebody show me the way please? Trish maybe you could send it to me
as an attachment? Thanks Deb

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RE: [ozmidwifery] Conference

2002-11-29 Thread Robyn Thompson

all your skills and honesty you would be the ideal person to lead the way 
for the BMid Student Collective around Australia, to be represented at 
a National Assembly/Conference.
love   Robyn 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Denise 
  HyndSent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 2:25 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re Tina's 
  response to Denise
  dear Tina
  I congratulate not only on your belief but more 
  importantly that it leads you to act and I am cheered by it and the cohesion 
  of the BMid group!I also have the same hope though my experiences 
  have jaded me 
  I still act and beleive that good things will 
  come not only to our profession but more importantly for the women, families 
  and community with whom and in which we work such that cohesion, a sense and 
  lived experience of community and acceptance of difference will 
- Original Message - 


Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 12:56 
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re Tina's 
response to Denise
In a message dated 29/11/02 9:51:41 AM AUS Eastern 
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The reality is we will not get the profession together as a 
  wholeI understand many NZ fought and are still not taking 
  the opportunities of the changes there!As one who has been on state 
  and national ACMI executives even those small gatherings of midwives under 
  specified goals can not be together!!Hi Denise...thanks for your response...I concede you'll 
never get one hundred percent concensus on any issuebut a sense of 
collective action and responsibility in the professions and women's best 
interests is all I think any of us ask for.would you not agree?? I find 
what you have said really sad and disappointing for midwifery. The lack of 
unity within the profession as always been my issue with a 
consumer and now a midwife studentI think if you went back through the 
ozmid archives...the bulk of my postings over the last few years has been 
either directly or indirectly on this very issueAt the B Mid 
Student Collectivewe have developed a real sense of COLLECTIVE 
responsibility for our professionyes we are all individuals..each with 
our own personal aspirations etc...we are a rich and diverse collective of 
midwife students, aspiring midwives and our supporters...who have different 
opinions, stands etc...yet what we have aimed to create is that sense of 
collective responsibilty for who and what we areI sensed along time ago 
that this is what was needed in midwifery...the need for midwives to look 
beyond their own little patch...and take in the bigger picturesometimes 
we need to sacrifice some personal gain for the "greater good"My vision 
in convening the Collective was to do just thisget us B Midders all 
talking to each other from the very beginning...discussing things with each 
other openly and honestlythrashing out our differences...bringing 
together our commonalitiesbut all within the context of a collective 
responsibilty t! ! o the profession of midwifery and the women we 
serveit is working wonderfully...perhaps other collective members might 
like to add their perceptionsbut I can see that the new midwife comes to 
her profession well informed, politicised and has a fundamental belief in 
Collective action and responsibility not just to herself, the women, but to 
her professionI sensed the beginnings of this collective 
responsibility a while the basement of the RWH in 
Melbourne.where midwives and women gathered at a public forum to discuss 
the development and implementation of the Bachelor Of Midwifery...yes 
individuals had different personal and profession stances on this issue..but 
look what progress has been made when a sense of Collective responsibility 
for the profession is fostered and nuturedthe ACMI B Mid task force is 
another example of a collective of wonderful midwives, who put aside their 
personal bias for the "greater good" of the profession...who could see that 
they had a resoponsibility to ensure that midiwfery education in this 
country refected both national and international standardscollective 
action, and a sense of collective responsibility is powerful when it 
happenswe need to build on all this good work to further develop and see 
NMAP realised. Thats all I was trying to say...yours in 
reforming midwiferyTina Petttigrew.Bachelor of Midwifery 
StudentVictoria University 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Conference

2002-12-01 Thread TinaPettigrew
In a message dated 30/11/02 3:09:34 PM AUS Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

With all your skills and honesty you would be the ideal person to lead the way for the BMid Student Collective around Australia, to be represented at a National Assembly/Conference.
love   Robyn

Hi Robyn and allyes for sure the Aust. B Mid Student collective will be therethis all sounds just wonderful one and allcongratulations everyoneto arms to arms I say

yours in reforming midwifery
Tina Pettigrew

Bachelor of Midwifery Student
Victoria University.

[ozmidwifery] NACE Conference

2003-01-16 Thread barbara glare & chris bright

Just wanted to put in a plug for the NACE conference in Sydney on Feb

There are still registrations available.  There's a great line-up of
speakers including Sheila Kitzinger (and it may well be Sheila's last trip
to Australia) Susan Maushart, Julie McCrossin, and Andrea Robertson

The web-page is
And the toll free number is 1800 814 611 (it is suggested you use this
number if you are trying to register.)

Love, Barb

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[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Conference

2003-04-03 Thread Sally

When and where is the next homebirth conference 
going to be?
love Sally

[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Conference

2003-04-04 Thread Mary Murphy

On one of the lists, someone spoke of the next Homebirth Conference and who 
was interested in holding it.  Pete Malavasi & I have begun a 
conversation around about the possibility of it being in W.A. again.  Could 
who ever posted the e-mail please contact me or Pete?  thanks, Mary 

[ozmidwifery] Re: "conference"

2005-03-17 Thread Joy Cocks
Hi Katrina,
Lifechanging for me was the first time I heard Caroline Flint speak and
attending a homebirth conference in Bendigo many years ago - both of these
really ignited my passion for birth, not to mention, increased my faith SO
much in women and birth.
Good luck with selecting your "panel of speakers".  There's also lots of
excellent passionate Ausssie speakers, eg Andrea Robertson, Lynne Staff,
Vicki Chan and more.

Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741

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2003-09-16 Thread jo hunter

Hi everyone,
Justine Caines has asked me to post an update of 
the 22nd National Homebirth Conference, as she is taking a well deserved holiday 
with her family.
1st & 2nd November 2003, 
Stories of Birth at 
The personal is the political
be inspired, be empowered, be 
by the stories of...
George Negus: Homebirth father and 
Kirsty Cockburn: Homebirth mother of 2, 
Tracey Anderson Askew: Homebirth mother and 
childbirth educator
Liz Mullinar: Mother, founder Advocates for 
Survivors of Child Abuse
Sally-Anne Brown: Homebirth mother and childbirth 
Kathleen Fahey: Mother of 2, Professor of 
Kerrie Tucker: Homebirth mother and 
Vicki Chan: Homebirth mother and 
Aiden Ridgeway: Father and 
be moved...
by the audio-visual magic of 
Nic Edmonstone: Homebirth mother, video 
bring your stories and join 
Canberra National University, Acton. 
For further information
or talk to Justine phone: 02 6548 
Early bird rate - $180
normal rate - $210
Conference Dinner - $50
*Please note that the early bird rate has 
been extended to Sept 27th
Hope to meet some of you there!
Jo Hunter
Homebirth mother to 4 children
HAS Coordinator

[ozmidwifery] ANF Conference

2003-10-13 Thread B & G
Title: Message

 Just a small request - is there 
anyone on the list attending the Australian Nursing Federation National 
conference in Hobart this Thursday and Friday? I would dearly like to meet up 
with any midwives attending.
I will be attending as one of Qld delegates. 
Of many motions to be put there is one on PI for midwives and another on 
Cheers Barb


[ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2003-11-05 Thread jo hunter

Just wanted to say what a great time was had by all 
on the w/e in Canberra at the 22nd National Homebirth Conference.
A big thankyou to Justine Caines for organising it 
almost single handedly with 3 kids under 4 and the 4th half cooked!
Thanks must also go to Margie Perkins for her help 
behind the scenes and Vicky Chan and Nic Edmonston for their beautiful images 
and words.
Look forward to the conference in WA next 
Cheers Jo

[ozmidwifery] Homebirth conference

2004-07-05 Thread Mary Murphy

The 23rd Australian Homebirth Conference: "Reclaiming 
normal childbirth: How and Why" Celebrate the Beauty and 
Power of Normal Birth.  Will be held on 30 & 31 October 2004 at the 
Mandurah Gates Resort, Mandurah, Western Australia.  Visit 
for information or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


[ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2004-09-03 Thread Mary Murphy

The closing date for "early bird" registrations for the HB 
conference is now Sept 30th:  Take this wonderful opportunity & join 
us.  MM
23rd National Homebirth Conference
Reclaiming Normal Childbirth- why and how 
Oct 30-31 2004.
Mandurah, Western Australia
In Australia, very few women experience the joy of a normal birth- a birth 
where mother and baby follow their own rhythm and timing in labour, where both 
are trusted and supported to give birth, and where the first meeting is filled 
with ecstasy. This knowledge- the knowledge of normal birth- has almost been 
lost in our culture.
At this conference, we share our trust in the natural process and so keep 
this knowledge alive. Our speakers give us the solid scientific evidence that 
supports our belief that normal birth is best for mother and best for baby, 
helping us to grow as mothers and nurturers and inspiring us to empower others 
in normal birth.
Join us as we
© Celebrate the beauty, wonder and power of normal 
© Learn more about the importance of normal birth, 
for our families our culture our planet and us
© Explore waterbirth, fathers at birth, loss and 
healing, natural therapies, home birth after Caesarean, spirituality of birth 
and much more, 
© Learn how we can help to bring about reform of our 
maternity services, so that mothers and babies can experience the joy of normal 
© Share the good news about 
birth with others
Speakers include Dr Sarah Buckley, GP and mother of 4 home-born 
children; Pinky Mckay, writer and mother of 5; Justine Caines, 
National President of Maternity Coalition, and mother of 4 home-born children 
and Rev Cate Juno, mother of three and Buddhist priest.
For more information, and a printable brochure on this not-to-be–missed 
event, see

[ozmidwifery] Doula conference

2004-09-10 Thread Denise Love

First National Doula conference is Here…..Sept
18&19…join us for a wonderful weekend of sharing birth info…belly
dancing, drumming and good food!  Woman
are gathering from all over Australia…….email me for more info or
get you rego forms in if you already haven’t   Fort hose waiting for the venue….Brent
Street School of Performing Arts….723 Elizabeth St Waterloo 1440


Denise x




Everything you ever need to know about
birth and living! Doula School


Denise Love

Central-LifeOptions/Doula express
Shop 101/10 Lachlan St,



  1300 139 507 




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[ozmidwifery] ICM conference

2004-10-13 Thread ID & AC Quanchi
Any chance you can come to the ICM conference in Brisbane next year and we 
would all be ableto meet you 

Andrea Quanchi
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[ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2004-09-28 Thread Mary Murphy


23rd National Homebirth Conference
Reclaiming Normal Childbirth- why and how
Oct 30-31 2004.Mandurah, Western Australia
In Australia, very few women experience the joy of a normal birth- a birth 
where mother and baby follow their own rhythm and timing in labour, where both 
are trusted and supported to give birth, and where the first meeting is filled 
with ecstasy. This knowledge- the knowledge of normal birth- has almost been 
lost in our culture.
At this conference, we share our trust in the natural process and so keep 
this knowledge alive. Our speakers give us the solid scientific evidence that 
supports our belief that normal birth is best for mother and best for baby, 
helping us to grow as mothers and nurturers and inspiring us to empower others 
in normal birth.
Join us as we
© Celebrate the beauty, wonder and power of normal 
© Learn more about the importance of normal birth, 
for our families our culture our planet and us
© Explore waterbirth, fathers at birth, loss and 
healing, natural therapies, home birth after Caesarean, spirituality of birth 
and much more, 
© Learn how we can help to bring about reform of our 
maternity services, so that mothers and babies can experience the joy of normal 
© Share the good news about 
birth with others
Speakers include Dr Sarah Buckley, GP and mother of 4 home-born 
children; Pinky Mckay, writer and mother of 5; Justine Caines, 
National President of Maternity Coalition, and mother of 4 home-born children 
and Rev Cate Juno, mother of three and Buddhist priest.
For more information, and a printable brochure on this not-to-be –missed 
event, see

[ozmidwifery] UK Conference

2004-11-26 Thread Andrea Robertson
Hi Listers
Next year Birth International is presenting a full scale Conference on 
prenatal education in the UK - dates are April 8 and 9.  All the details 
are here:
If any of you would like a copy of the printed brochure, email me off line 
and I will send you one. For those who might want to attend, you would need 
to register on-line so that our UK office can process your registration. 
The prices are in UK Pounds on the web site and your credit card will show 
the Australian dollar rate on your statement.

Perhaps we will see some of you there?  It is going to be a corker - huge 
interest in this already!

Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
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[ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2006-05-21 Thread lyn lyn

This is a request to the melbourne 
I'm going to the conference and being from Sydney 
and working with a budget im seeking advice on  accommodation.
Where are other staying?  Are both the 
conference centre and the Mecure comfortable?  The Mecure is slightly 
cheaper but will I be spending much on taxis getting from there to the 
conference?   I am working from a budget.
I am getting so excited to see these great women is 
real life.

[ozmidwifery] UK Conference

2006-06-05 Thread Kiri Taia
Thank you to those who contacted me although none could confirm having seen anything about it.  there were a few so easier to send the official response to the list.sounds like the same thing might go on the website sometime.     Kiri     ps and thank you Andrea Robertson for responding - now, to rearrange things.  Andrea Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 14:03:11 +1000To: Kiri Taia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>From: Andrea Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: UK ConferenceHello Kiri,Yes, we have had to cancel the Conference in the UK, due to circumstances beyond our control. The NHS is in turmoil at present, with so many budget overruns that most staff training
 budgets have been cancelled. This has affected many programs, and now sadly, our own. WE are very disappointed, but from the feedback we have had from presenters and attendees alike, no-one is surprised.We will look towards offering it again when the situation improves, but this may be 12 months or more.There will be changes to our website as soon as we can get them in place - this may be a few days.Apologies for any inconveniece this has caused you. Hope to meet you another time.Regards,Andrea RobertsonSend instant messages to your online friends 

[ozmidwifery] ACMI conference

2006-11-07 Thread D. Morgan

Hi all
I am trying to get to the ACMI conference in 
Sydney, Dec 1,2. Have any midwives who are going or who live in Sydney 
found or could suggest any cheaper accomodation options around Double Bay 
than the conference venue??
Di M

Homebirth Midwifery Conference

1999-09-03 Thread

I am really interested in the home birth midwifery conference in byron next 
weekend, I've lost my info on it (in the process of a fractured clavicle and 
moving). Please let me know who to contact.

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Re: Homebirth conference

1999-09-14 Thread HomeMidwifery Association

To put it in the american vernacular:  TOTALLY AWESOME.

I, too, am still processing...


Original Message Follows
Subject: Homebirth conference
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 22:30:16 +1000

Just a quick message:-
A huge thank you to all the organisers of the home birth conference. I' ve
juat arrived home from the most amazing, wonderful, energising weekend.

Thanks too to all those people who went, and made it such a wonderful

And thanks to Mari-Carmen Povoda for her foresight in faxing Germaine Greer.

I will write more when I've had some sleep and am more sensible - I just had
to let everyone know what a wonderful time I had, and how great it is to now
be able to put faces (and bodies) to many of the names from this list.

Love and blessings

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Re: Conference feedback

1999-09-16 Thread Francis and Dierdre Bowman

Good points Elizabeth, 
 I too agree with you that there was not enough time to just relax and
catch up with people.  For me it has been a nearly 3 year break from the
Homebirth Movement and it would have been nice to chat a bit more.  
However great in other ways.  Venue was beautiful and the food was great
and there were some intereting talks.  For me , it was a highlight to see a
talk for the men.  I was most impressed to see the men voicing how it is
for them 

Dierdre Bowman

> Subject: Conference feedback
> Date: Thursday, September 16, 1999 9:45 AM
> Dear All,
> Now that I have returned to the real world after the very special place
> homebirth conference provided, I would like to offer some thoughts about
> conference.
> I was a little disappointed that there was no opportunity for evaluation
> the conference at the time. Although analysis of the evaluations adds a
> degree of work to the organisers after they thought everything was over
> they could relax, they are in fact a useful tool. Not just for the
> organisers themselves, but if the information is passed on to the next
> conference organisers then it continues to be useful into the future.
> groups I have been involved with create something they call a
> Book' in which the information is kept from one gathering to the next and
> helps each new group to a) avoid making the same mistakes and b) find out
> what has worked for others and build on that.
> Having said all that, let me give some feedback about this most recent
> conference.
> 1) Venue - excellent!
> 2) Food - absoulutley wonderful, plenty of it, good and wholesome and
> and catered to peoples' needs.
> 3) Organisation - very well done.
> 4) Scheduling - not enough free time. When people travel so far to a
> beautiful part of the country, and get to see friends they have made at
> previous conferences only once every year or less, then 15 minutes for
> morning and afternoon breaks and very short lunch breaks are not such a
> idea. Perhaps if the optional sessions had been offered 3 at a time,
> of 2, then this would have allowed more time for either
> socialising/networking or for a bit of sightseeing. (In my own case,
> no car I travelled all the way from Melbourne only to see the lighthouse
> 5 mins, and walk around the town for 10 mins because a friend was able to
> drive me in when she was going on an errand. This was a bit
> 5) No message board - these are always really useful at conferences for
> people to comminucate with one another in a busy and hectic environment.
> I hope that by offering these comments that I have not offended anyone,
> I really did miss the opportunity of doing so at the conclusion of the
> conference itself.
> With love and blessings
> Elisabeth Speller
> --
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Re: ACMI Conference

2001-09-22 Thread Lois Wattis

Hi Liz - I was there too and have a 
similar response...   What energy, what power, what commeradery - woo 
hoo   Congratulations to Vanessa Owen who has displayed 
great leadership and balance, especially regarding the ongoing 
deliberations to regain midwifery insurance.  I agree that 
"Option 2" may well open the door for MANY midwives currently working in 
the hospital system to venture into community midwifery care options, 
consequently enhancing birth choices for women.  I now feel 
very excited about the future of midwifery in Australia.  Love, 

  - Original Message - 
  elizabeth mccall 
  Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 7:58 
  Subject: ACMI Conference
  Congratulations to all concerned in producing a 
  mind blowing conference. Awesome! Could I also note how magnificent it was to 
  watch and participate on a dance floor with so many great dancers - are all 
  midwives such groovy dancers - a good research project for someone The 
  vibe was palable & powerful. I am back to maximum energy for the ongoing 
  work of change. Love to all Liz McCall

Re: ACMI Conference

2001-09-22 Thread midwife

Just another thought about ACMI possibilities.

After the really poor outcomes of the ANF staff/client ratio's, expecially in the post 
natal area where I heard 1 midwife to 
10 women... not counting the babies as clients/people at all!!, it would be fantastic 
to see midwives move on mass to the 
ACMI, if they were able to provide PI insurance. If we had a mass movement to the ACMI 
then it could be possible for the 
executive to be paid for their work or to have administrative support. This wouold 
have benefits all round as the ACMI 
executive would have more time to devote to our causes and not be burnt out by trying 
to do the ACMI work plus paid 
employment plus trying to have a life.

Some other possibilities to ponder?

In peace and joy
Sally Westbury

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Re: ACMI Conference

2001-09-22 Thread midwife

I just checked the ANF site and saw that ratios have been renegotiated to 1 to 8 
(sorry for this error)... but still not 
counting babies. 

another this to ponder is that ANF membership is  398.85 per year for full time 
workers, 301.20 for part timers... many 
midwives are members because of the PI insurance. So if the ACMI could offer 
competitive rates... and i heard 250.. then 
we are all better off.

an exciting possibility.

in peace and joy
Sally Westbury

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Re: ACMI Conference

2001-09-24 Thread Jan Robinson

Dear Sally and list

The way to go is through all midwives joining the College! The 
greater the numbers the more power we have to change things.

The College PI deal where all members pay $250 and where both 
employed and self-employed midwives are covered for malpractice is a 
much better deal than ANF was offering.
The policy also gives all College midwives the opportunity to move 
from one practice domain to the other without fear of future 
litigation involving malpractice payouts.
Employed midwives can do the odd homebirth without fear of not being 
covered and self-employed midwives can work the odd casual shift in 
hospital knowing they have their own insurance to supplement any 
inadequate vicarious liability payouts.
Plenty of legal adivce is available with the College policy.

The initial $250 premium that ALL members will pay will get cheaper 
as the College numbers rise past the 4,000 mark. Who knows how cheap 
it will be when we hit the 5,000 members mark?
We will be better off than our NZ colleagues who pay a lot more to 
their College.


>Just another thought about ACMI possibilities.
>After the really poor outcomes of the ANF staff/client ratio's, 
>expecially in the post natal area where I heard 1 midwife to
>10 women... not counting the babies as clients/people at all!!, it 
>would be fantastic to see midwives move on mass to the
>ACMI, if they were able to provide PI insurance. If we had a mass 
>movement to the ACMI then it could be possible for the
>executive to be paid for their work or to have administrative 
>support. This wouold have benefits all round as the ACMI
>executive would have more time to devote to our causes and not be 
>burnt out by trying to do the ACMI work plus paid
>employment plus trying to have a life.
>Some other possibilities to ponder?
>In peace and joy
>Sally Westbury
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  Jan Robinson  Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 
2+ 9546 4350
  Independent Midwife Practitioner  e-mail: 
  8 Robin Crescent  www:
  South Hurstville  NSW  2221   National Coordinator, ASIM
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Re: Intro & Conference

2002-01-15 Thread Karen Radcliff

Hi Nikki,
Take a look at the Homebirth Access Sydney website:  They're sponsoring the 
conference, and have registration and other information there on the site.

Karen Radcliff

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re: homebirth conference

2002-01-15 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Belinda,
I'll be going to the homebirth conference, with hubby and 2 
chilluns in tow!  We plan to fly over on the Fri morning, hire a car, and 
then fly back Monday sometime, could look into hiring a larger people-mover if 
there are others interested in sharing that leg of the journey.  Let us 
know!  Look forward to meeting you there.

Re: Conference announcement

2002-01-28 Thread Jackie Mawson

> For interest.
> BB Jackie Mawson.

If anyone's interested in the conference I can send the brochure, as an
attachment, privately. Okay? Just let me know.

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at:

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions
given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please
seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if
you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
so many creeds,
Too many paths
 that wind and
When just the art
 of being kind
 Is all the sad
  world needs...

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National Homebirth Conference

2002-02-20 Thread Jason & Virginia Miltrup

The Down to Earth Homebirth Conference 1 to 
3 March 2002 is only 2 weeks away.  
We still have places available for both residential 
and day attendees.  For more information, look up
We have also received advice that conference 
attendance and participation will equate to 12.75 ACMI Professional Development 
Accreditation Points.
We hope to see you there!
Virginia Miltrup
Homebirth Access Sydney

forthcoming Motherhood conference

2002-04-15 Thread Kerreen Reiger

>Dear Ozmidders
The purpose of this email is to draw the following conference to your
We'd appreciate it if you could disseminate this information as widely as
possible. Registration brochures are now available by mail.

Included is the basic information - if you are interested in offering a
paper let us know urgently.
>Best wishes
>  'Performing Motherhood: Ideology, Agency and Experience'
>   4-6 JULY 2002
>La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
>Motherhood and mothering are gaining momentum as important areas of
>scholarship.   The idea of "performance" denaturalises and recognises
differences in women's experience. How do we "act" our mothering in
reference to internalised familial scripts and wider discourses around
'race'/ethnicity and class?  By association, how do we resist these scripts
and disrupt normative mothering?  This conference will explore a variety of
themes in contemporary feminist scholarship and activism.
>We welcome papers from a variety of sources including academics, health
>care professionals, activists, psychotherapists, public policy makers, and
>students from cross-cultural, international, intergenerational and
>interdisciplinary perspectives.
>Opening Lecture will be given by Susan Maushart (The Mask of Motherhood).
>Other speakers include Pru Goward, Federal Sex Discrimination
>Commissioner, and on video from New York, Sara Ruddick (Maternal Thinking)
>and Jane Lazarre (The Mother Knot) who will be interviewed by Kerreen
>Reiger (Our Bodies, Our Babies: The Forgotten Women's Movement).
>Deadline for paper submissions: 25 April
>Elisabeth Speller on e-mail, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Petra Bueskens on e-mail, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For further information on Program details, please telephone Louise
>Palmer, Women's Studies Administrator on (03) 9479 5898 or e-mail

Dr Kerreen Reiger
Director of Women's Studies
Senior Lecturer in Sociology
School of Social Sciences
La Trobe University
Australia 3086
Ph: 61 3 9479 1040
Fax: 61 3 9479 2705
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Byron Bay Conference

2002-06-15 Thread sue lockhart

Does anyone know any details about the Byron Bay conference?? I think its in 
late Oct, or early Nov.



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Byron Bay Conference

2002-06-15 Thread sue lockhart

Does anyone know any details about the Byron Bay conference?? I think its in 
late Oct, or early Nov.



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[ozmidwifery] Dynamic Conference/Assembly

2002-11-30 Thread Robyn Thompson
Dear Andrea
I spoke with Jan Robinson yesterday and she tells me she will see you on
Monday.  I have asked her to pass on my thoughts about the tenacity and size
of this conference.  I thought we could move it around to other States?  Jan
suggested Canberra while Parliament is in session and her email today
contained another good idea for video conferencing.  Maybe Barb Vernon and
Justine can give us some advice on this.   My thoughts on some of the
groups/companies/people we want to attract are:

Conference Organiser Birth International
Conference Convenor Maternity Coalition
State and National hosts Australian Government  
Midwives state, national and international regardless of place of practice
Maternity Coalition and all the umbrella organisations of maternity
coalition with an even bigger thrust with NMAP
Bachelor of midwifery coalition
Any other supportive organisations such as Women's Electoral Lobby, Women in
Business, Women's Health 
Politicians state, federal and international (especially the NZ Prime
Insurance organisations both health and indemnity
Universities educators and students
Professional groups, ICM, ACMI, NZCOM - AMA and NASOG
Regional and State hospital administrators
Union representatives

any others you can think of
Robyn Thompson

Melbourne Midwifery
Specialist Services  Pty Ltd  (abn 34 007 423 994)
Independent Midwifery Practice

Midwife Practitioner
*   Homebirth  
*   Lactation
*   Maternal & Child Health


Re: [ozmidwifery] NACE Conference

2003-01-17 Thread Leigh Evans
SK is also coming to Brisbane in early March. Will keep you posted with
details. Leigh
- Original Message -
From: " barbara glare & chris bright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ozmidwifery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 12:37 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] NACE Conference

> Hi,
> Just wanted to put in a plug for the NACE conference in Sydney on Feb
> 21st-23rd.
> There are still registrations available.  There's a great line-up of
> speakers including Sheila Kitzinger (and it may well be Sheila's last trip
> to Australia) Susan Maushart, Julie McCrossin, and Andrea Robertson
> The web-page is
> And the toll free number is 1800 814 611 (it is suggested you use this
> number if you are trying to register.)
> Love, Barb
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> Visit <> to subscribe or unsubscribe.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth Conference

2003-04-03 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth Conference

Hello Sally

Good Question!  Any Takers???

I have a few thoughts, and hope it will be next March, but will have to get onto it very soon!

Would love some help


Justine Caines
National Co-ordinator
Homebirth Australia
PO Box 105
Merriwa  NSW  2329


When and where is the next homebirth conference going to be?
love Sally

Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth Conference

2003-04-03 Thread jo hunter

It's been in NSW for the last 2 years and should 
really be in another state, any Canberra takers? Nat and I have a folder full of 
stuff to help the next organisers along, we started from scratch with no idea of 
how to organise a conference and as you can imagine learnt an awful lot along 
the way - there are also some funds in our account to pass on to the next 
organisers to get them started also.
If you are interested, it really was alot of fun 
and very rewarding!
Jo Hunter

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 12:01 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth 
  When and where is the next homebirth conference 
  going to be?
  love Sally

[ozmidwifery] Up coming conference

2003-05-12 Thread Rachel Smith
Just a note to remind everyone to keep this date free.
On the 25th and 26th of July the NSW Midwives Association are having the 
annual state conference at the Carlton Crest in Sydney.
The theme for the conference is Midwives and Women: Getting our Act 
Together. The programme is varied and has something to suit everyone.
There is a Keynote address by Pru Goward and an interactive session with 
Julie McCrossin. Presentations include Autonomous Midwifery by Tina 
Pettigrew, Consumers and Maternity Care Policy by Virginia Miltrop, 
cultural care is well represented with presentations on Indigenous Birthing 
and meeting the needs of Moslem Women. Varied clinical issues will be 
presented and discussed, these include PPH, The Term Breech Trial, BFin the 
NICU and Routine Urinalysis in Pregnancy.
The conference will be interesting, informative and interactive and should 
not be missed. There is also a conference dinner/harbour cruise so plenty 
of time for relaxation and networking.
For details on registration and the programme contact the NSW Midwives 
Association on 02)92819522
See you there

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[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Australia Conference

2003-06-23 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Homebirth Australia Conference

Dear All

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Canberra, mark your diaries Now!

The 22nd Homebirth Australia Conference

November 1 & 2 2003

Canberra – Australian National University

Homebirth 2003: The Personal is the Political

Stories of Homebirth

Speakers include

George Negus
Senator Aden Ridgeway
ACT MLA Kerrie Tucker
Midwife Vicki Chan
And many more

Stories from the famous and not so famous

Calling for Submissions

For more information
And registration details
Or (02) 65482248

[ozmidwifery] Conference program announced

2005-09-26 Thread Andrea Robertson

Hi fellow listers,

The Preparing for Birth and Parenthood Conference program details are 
available now on our website:

This is THE most important event for those involved in parent education in 
Australia, and is modelled on the highly successful Conference that we 
presented in the UK this past April (why should Aussies miss out, we thought).

Speakers include two key educators from overseas - Mary Nolan from the UK 
and Sherokee Ilse from the US and a list of Australian educators and 
midwifery leaders who have special expertise in this field. The workshop 
format, a first for OZ, will enable participants to get hands-on skills in 
a range of areas - this is not going to be just a "talk fest"!

You won't want to miss this one

BTW, we are arranging some special additional events for midwives with 
Sherokee Ilse, on the theme of dealing with stillbirth, miscarriage and 
neonatal death. We'll let you know when the details for this program is 
available, but I can tell you that there will be one-day workshops in 
Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, in February 2006.



Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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Re: [ozmidwifery] hOMEBIRTH CONFERENCE

2003-09-17 Thread Denise Hynd

Dear Jo 
Would you email me off line please
Denise Hynd

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:01 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] hOMEBIRTH 
  Hi everyone,
  Justine Caines has asked me to post an update of 
  the 22nd National Homebirth Conference, as she is taking a well deserved 
  holiday with her family.
  1st & 2nd November 2003, 
  Stories of Birth at 
  The personal is the 
  be inspired, be empowered, be 
  by the stories of...
  George Negus: Homebirth father and 
  Kirsty Cockburn: Homebirth mother of 2, 
  Tracey Anderson Askew: Homebirth mother and 
  childbirth educator
  Liz Mullinar: Mother, founder Advocates for 
  Survivors of Child Abuse
  Sally-Anne Brown: Homebirth mother and 
  childbirth activist
  Kathleen Fahey: Mother of 2, Professor of 
  Kerrie Tucker: Homebirth mother and 
  Vicki Chan: Homebirth mother and 
  Aiden Ridgeway: Father and 
  be moved...
  by the audio-visual magic of 
  Nic Edmonstone: Homebirth mother, video 
  bring your stories and join 
  Canberra National University, Acton. 
  For further information
  or talk to Justine phone: 02 6548 
  Early bird rate - $180
  normal rate - $210
  Conference Dinner - $50
  *Please note that the early bird rate 
  has been extended to Sept 27th
  Hope to meet some of you there!
  Jo Hunter
  Homebirth mother to 4 children
  HAS Coordinator

[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Australia Conference

2003-09-29 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Homebirth Australia Conference

Hi All

Just to let everyone know if we don’t have a fair few registrations in the next week we will have to cancel the HBA Conf.  It will be a shame as it is a chance to consolidate and attempt to keep homebirth alive as an option.

Details again below


1st & 2nd November 2003, Canberra
Stories of Birth at home.
The personal is the political
be inspired, be empowered, be informed...
by the stories of...
George Negus: Homebirth father and journalist
Kirsty Cockburn: Homebirth mother of 2, journalist
Tracey Anderson Askew: Homebirth mother and childbirth educator
Liz Mullinar: Mother, founder Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse
Sally-Anne Brown: Homebirth mother and childbirth activist
Kathleen Fahey: Mother of 2, Professor of Midwifery
Kerrie Tucker: Homebirth mother and politician
Vicki Chan: Homebirth mother and midwife
Aiden Ridgeway: Father and politician
be moved...
by the audio-visual magic of 
Nic Edmonstone: Homebirth mother, video editor
bring your stories and join us...
Canberra National University, Acton. Canberra
For further information <> 
or talk to Justine phone: 02 6548 2248
Early bird rate - $180
normal rate - $210
Conference Dinner - $50
*Please note that the early bird rate has been extended to Sept 27th

RE: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2003-11-05 Thread Tracey Anderson Askew

would have to echo those words Jo, it was a timely inspiration for all of the 
hardworking women out there trying to keep homebirth alive as a choice for 
women. The speakers were great and I came away feeling like I wanted to have 
another child - ooops did I say that? I mean I came away feeling like my work 
with women is of great value to the community at large - it has renewed my 
energy levels and given me lots to think about, but most importantly how 
necessary it is for us all to band together to support each 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of jo 
  hunterSent: Wednesday, 5 November 2003 11:28 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ozmidwifery] homebirth 
  Just wanted to say what a great time was had by 
  all on the w/e in Canberra at the 22nd National Homebirth 
  A big thankyou to Justine Caines for organising 
  it almost single handedly with 3 kids under 4 and the 4th half 
  Thanks must also go to Margie Perkins for her 
  help behind the scenes and Vicky Chan and Nic Edmonston for their beautiful 
  images and words.
  Look forward to the conference in WA next 
  Cheers Jo

Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2003-11-05 Thread Joy Cocks

Yes, I'll second that Jo.  You took the words right out 
of my mouth!  After the conference I spent a couple of days with a friend 
who is dying from cancer (at home) - I couldn't help but reflect on the 
similarities of birth and death at home.
Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLCBRIGHT Vic 3741 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 23:27 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] homebirth 
  Just wanted to say what a great time was had by 
  all on the w/e in Canberra at the 22nd National Homebirth 
  A big thankyou to Justine Caines for organising 
  it almost single handedly with 3 kids under 4 and the 4th half 
  Thanks must also go to Margie Perkins for her 
  help behind the scenes and Vicky Chan and Nic Edmonston for their beautiful 
  images and words.
  Look forward to the conference in WA next 
  Cheers Jo

Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2003-11-07 Thread Jan Robinson
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

Hear! Here!  Jo and Tracey. 
I thoroughly enjoyed the HBA Conference as well. 
There was not one speaker who didn’t motivate me in some way to do a bit more for the homebirth movement.
Congratulations to the new National Coordinator, Jo Hunter and her new committee. 
Watch for national committee news on the new HBA webwsite.

Can I take this opportunity to ask the WA HBA organising committee if next year’s HBA is going to be near to the time of the ACMI Conference, 31st August to 3rd September?  I’d love to be able to attend both if I’m travelling that far. 

My computer has been down with a corrupt e-mail program so am just getting back into the email.
I’d like to take this opportunity to ask any midwife living in NSW who would be willing to contract to do homebirths for NSW Health in their local area to please forward me their details. 

We are getting closer to the homebirth funding (once again, thanks to Justine’s input at our meeting with NSWHealth) I need a list of midwives to cover ALL NSW Area Health Services for the next meeting (later this month).

NSW was first in with a Nurses and Midwives Act ... Now we want to be the first state to offer free  homebirths to women. So midwives who have previously attended homebirths, please register you _expression_ of interest NOW!
Contact me by phone or email if you have further questions about this exciting development.


 Jan Robinson Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 2+ 9546 4350
 Independent Midwife Practitioner     e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 Robin Crescent          www:
 South Hurstville  NSW  2221    National Coordinator, ASIM

On 6/11/03 9:11 AM, "Tracey Anderson Askew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would have to echo those words Jo, it was a timely inspiration for all of the hardworking women out there trying to keep homebirth alive as a choice for women. The speakers were great and I came away feeling like I wanted to have another child - ooops did I say that? I mean I came away feeling like my work with women is of great value to the community at large - it has renewed my energy levels and given me lots to think about, but most importantly how necessary it is for us all to band together to support each other.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of jo hunter
Sent: Wednesday, 5 November 2003 11:28 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

Just wanted to say what a great time was had by all on the w/e in Canberra at the 22nd National Homebirth Conference.
A big thankyou to Justine Caines for organising it almost single handedly with 3 kids under 4 and the 4th half cooked!
Thanks must also go to Margie Perkins for her help behind the scenes and Vicky Chan and Nic Edmonston for their beautiful images and words.
Look forward to the conference in WA next year!
Cheers Jo

Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2003-11-08 Thread Mary Murphy
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

Jan wrote "Can I take this opportunity to ask the WA HBA 
organising committee if next year’s HBA is going to be near to the time of the 
ACMI Conference, 31st August to 3rd September?  I’d love to be able to 
attend both if I’m travelling that far"
Jan the W.A HBA conference is the end of 
October,  2 months after the ACMI one. We did give thought to changing it 
to the beginning of Sept but decided not to.   Sorry.  
Cheers MM


[ozmidwifery] NZCOM conference anyone?....

2004-09-10 Thread Tania Smallwood

Hi all,
Just wondering if there are any other fellow ozmidders going 
to the NZCOM conference next week?  I'm flying out with my colleague and 
friend next Tues, and boy am I excited!  Just managed to fit in our last 
birth yesterday, so we can heave a huge sigh of relief, and get on the plane 
with a skip in our step!

Re: [ozmidwifery] Doula conference

2004-09-12 Thread Jan Robinson
Hi Denise
Have circulated this to the ASIM midwives.
Most of us are flat chat at the moment.
Good luck with it
Jan Robinson Independent Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator  Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent   South Hurstville   NSW   2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  website:
On 11 Sep, 2004, at 09:03, Denise Love wrote:

First NationalDoulaconferenceis Here…..Sept 18&19…join us for a wonderful weekend of sharing birth info…belly dancing, drumming and good food! Woman are gathering from all over Australia…….email me for more info or get you rego forms in if you already haven’t  Fort hose waiting for the venue….Brent Street School of Performing Arts….723 Elizabeth St Waterloo 1440


Denise x


Everything you ever need to know about birth and living! Doula School Denise Love

Birth Central-LifeOptions/Doula express
Shop 101/10 Lachlan St,



1300 139 507


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RE: [ozmidwifery] Doula conference

2004-09-12 Thread Denise Love

Thanks Jan……it is looking really exciting…..lots
of woman coming from around Australia…….I really appreciate your support!   Denise x




Everything you ever need to know about
birth and living! Doula School


Denise Love

Central-LifeOptions/Doula express
Shop 101/10 Lachlan St,



  1300 139 507 




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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jan Robinson
Sent: Monday, 13 September 2004
6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Doula


Hi Denise
Have circulated this to the ASIM midwives.
Most of us are flat chat at the moment.
Good luck with it
Jan Robinson Independent
Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent South Hurstville NSW 2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> website:
On 11 Sep, 2004, at 09:03, Denise Love wrote:

Here…..Sept 18&19…join us for a wonderful weekend of sharing birth
info…belly dancing, drumming and good food! Woman are gathering from all
over Australia…….email me for more info or get you rego forms in if you already
haven’t  Fort hose waiting for the venue….Brent Street School of
Performing Arts….723 Elizabeth St
Waterloo 1440


Denise x


you ever need to know about birth and living! Doula School


Denise Love

Birth Central-LifeOptions/Doula express
101/10 Lachlan St,



139 507


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[ozmidwifery] Midwifery Today Conference

2004-10-11 Thread Abby and Toby

Most people on here would probably know about this, but for those who don't,
it looks like a great conference!

Love Abby

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Re: [ozmidwifery] ICM conference

2004-10-13 Thread Patricia David

Andrea, could we all get together for a champers? I still owe you one for the 
homebirth confernece in Noosa 2000. Lieve,  would love to meet you. Trish

ID & AC Quanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lieve,
> Any chance you can come to the ICM conference in Brisbane next year and
> we
> would all be ableto meet you 
> Andrea Quanchi
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> Visit <> to subscribe or unsubscribe.
Trish David FACM
Senior Lecturer Midwifery and Nursing
Monash University School of Nursing
Gippsland Campus
Northways Road
Churchill 3842
(03) 5122 6839
0418 994033
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Re: [ozmidwifery] ICM conference

2004-10-13 Thread Jan Robinson
Hi to Lieve and any other overseas midwives who access this list.

If you are coming to the ICM and would like to have a fun-filled week with myself and Robyn Thompson before you meet with Andrea, Trish and and all the ACMI crew,  check out our MIDWIFERY AUSTRALIA website. 
Robyn and I have organised  a professional tour that will include the major sights of the NSW north coast while meeting Australian  midwives in their workplace along the way.  All pre-congress tour costs with MIDWIFERY AUSTRALIA will be TAX DEDUCTABLE.  

Please vist

See you in Sydney first

Jan Robinson Independent Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator  Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent   South Hurstville   NSW   2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  website:
On 13 Oct, 2004, at 21:25, ID & AC Quanchi wrote:

Any chance you can come to the ICM conference in Brisbane next year and we would all be ableto meet you 
Andrea Quanchi
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Re: [ozmidwifery] ICM conference

2004-10-14 Thread Lieve Huybrechts

Hoi everybody,
I feel realy welcome in Australia and I 
would take the opportunity to come if it is 
financial and practical within my reach. I will check it out and let you know. 
It would be great to hug you all live :-)
Jan, if I come I will take part of your 
warm greetings

  - Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:56 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] ICM 
  Hi to Lieve and any other overseas midwives who access this 
  list.If you are coming to the ICM and would like to have a fun-filled 
  week with myself and Robyn Thompson before you meet with Andrea, Trish and and 
  all the ACMI crew, check out our MIDWIFERY AUSTRALIA website. Robyn and I 
  have organised a professional tour that will include the major sights of the 
  NSW north coast while meeting Australian midwives in their workplace along the 
  way. All pre-congress tour costs with MIDWIFERY AUSTRALIA will be TAX 
  DEDUCTABLE. Please vist you 
  in Sydney firstJanJan 
  Robinson Independent Midwife PractitionerNational Coordinator Australian 
  Society of Independent Midwives8 Robin Crescent South Hurstville NSW 2221 
  Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  website: 13 
  Oct, 2004, at 21:25, ID & AC Quanchi wrote:
  Lieve,Any chance you can come to the ICM conference in 
Brisbane next year and we would all be ableto meet you Andrea 
Quanchi--This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.Visit 
 to subscribe or 

[ozmidwifery] Re: ICM conference

2004-10-14 Thread ID & AC Quanchi
Trish I cant wait. Helen & I are planning to be there with bells on. Havent 
got past that for details yet 

How about getting together midway before that or else I may have to drive 
down to you or you can come up for a paddle boat ride. 


Patricia David writes: 

Andrea, could we all get together for a champers? I still owe you one for the homebirth confernece in Noosa 2000. Lieve,  would love to meet you. Trish 


ID & AC Quanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Any chance you can come to the ICM conference in Brisbane next year and
would all be ableto meet you  

Andrea Quanchi
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit <> to subscribe or unsubscribe.
Trish David FACM
Senior Lecturer Midwifery and Nursing
Monash University School of Nursing
Gippsland Campus
Northways Road
Churchill 3842
(03) 5122 6839
0418 994033
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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2004-09-28 Thread JoFromOz

Mary Murphy wrote:


Mary, I have just today sent off an entry form for myself and 5 work
collegues, so hopefully it will get there by tomorrow for the group and
early bird rate.

Also, I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to fix morning
sickness please!!  I feel nauseous all the time - constantly... I
don't actually vomit very often, but all I want to do is stay in bed
and sleep through the nausea, because that is the only time I feel ok. 
I stopped taking my multivitamin yesterday incase it was the iron in it
making me feel so horrid, but I was sicker today than ever, so that's
not it.  I am also taking ginger and vit B6 tablets 8 hourly, which I
thought were working yesterday, but today it seems not.  I don't like
ginger, so ginger ale is out.

I don't want to take anything like Maxalon, as there is nothing in my
stomach for it to empty faster.   I do manage to eat every now and
then, but it's the drinking that's hard, as a mouthful of water makes
me feel very bloated.  I know I just need to sip it constantly.  

I have never felt so horrid in my whole life.  I know when this morning
sickness is over I will be excited about being pregnant, but it's a bit
hard at the moment.

Thanks for listening, everyone :)  If you have any ideas for me, please
let me know :)

Love Jo

Babies are Born... Pizzas are Delivered.

[ozmidwifery] ICM conference dates?

2004-10-07 Thread Tania Smallwood

Does anyone know exactly what dates are for the ICM conference 
in Brisbane next year?

Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2006-05-21 Thread Sally-Anne Brown

Dear Lyn
The conference venue is approximately 20 minutes 
walk from the Mercure and dble rooms start at a special conference rate of $139 
per room per night.  The rooms at the Geelong Conference Centre are now 
limited in numbers but are $97 per room per night including breakfast. 
Both venues are very comfortable.  The accommodation co-ordinator for the 
conference is Diana Stubbs and Diana can be emailed at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kind Regards
Sally-Anne Brown

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 6:01 PM
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] homebirth 
  This is a request to the melbourne 
  I'm going to the conference and being from Sydney 
  and working with a budget im seeking advice on  
  Where are other staying?  Are both the 
  conference centre and the Mecure comfortable?  The Mecure is slightly 
  cheaper but will I be spending much on taxis getting from there to the 
  conference?   I am working from a budget.
  I am getting so excited to see these great women 
  is real life.

  No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free 
  Edition.Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.6.1/344 - Release Date: 
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.6.1/344 - Release Date: 19/05/2006

[ozmidwifery] Homebirth conference media

2006-06-25 Thread jo


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of janine
Sent: Sunday, 25 June 2006 11:55 PM
Subject: [2006hbaconf] Media article 22/6/06 Geelong Advertiser

Hi all,

Read below for the article that appeared in the Geelong Advertiser 
on 22/6/06. Hopefully lots more to come

Janine :-)

Focus On Regional Births

Advocates will use a Home Birth Australia conference in Geelong to 
push for improvement of maternity servies in regional Australia.

Up to 360 people will attend forums on July 1 and 2 and hear 
speakers including revered American midwife and author Ina May 

Organisers hope the Bringing Birth Back Home conference will help 
generate momentum in a campaign against the loss of maternity 
services for women living in rural and remote Australia.

They want acknowledgement of the roles midwives can play in helping 
rural women give birth at home and formal recognition from state and 
federal governments.

Midwives are unable to list as medical providers under Medicare or 
use insurance schemes available to other health professionals.

"The main focus is on bringing birth back home to local 
communities," midwife and conference spokeswoman Tina Pettigrew of 
Geelong said.

"We've had 50 per cent closure of local maternity wards across the 
country in the past 10 years, based on economics rather than on the 
right decisions for women."

Frequency of roadside births had increased as women found themselves 
forced to travel further to medical centres, she said.

Organisers expected 100 people to attend the conference but have 
shifted venues to the Mercure Hotel after an avalanche of 
registrations from across Australia.


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Re: [ozmidwifery] ACMI conference

2006-11-07 Thread Sally-Anne Brown

You might want to try the last minute on line 
eg: or 
many more to be found on google or other 
hopefully some sydney folk will also offer 
warm regards

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:26 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] ACMI 
  Hi all
  I am trying to get to the ACMI conference in 
  Sydney, Dec 1,2. Have any midwives who are going or who live in Sydney 
  found or could suggest any cheaper accomodation options around Double Bay 
  than the conference venue??
  Di M

  No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free 
  Edition.Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.13.28/518 - Release Date: 
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.13.28/518 - Release Date: 4/11/2006

HB conference accomodation available

1999-07-25 Thread HomeMidwifery Association

Hi folks,

I have booked a two-roomed self catering unit (sleeps 5) at the conference 
venue and now have one vacancy available. This will cost $28 per night and 
is booked for 3 nights though we may stay four once the conference programme 
is available and we know what time Sunday the proceedings will finish.

Email me if interested. Place will be reserved pending receipt of the 
non-refundable $28 deposit.


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Post Homebirth conference Invitation

1999-08-27 Thread HomeMidwifery Association

Hi there all Byron conference goers,

The Home Midwifery Association will be running it's fortnightly support 
group & study day on the Monday immediately after the conference (13th) from 
9.30 am.

This invitation is for those of you interested in our model and able to 
attend. On this day, we would also like to further discuss our competencies 
which will be distributed at the conference.

Some transport & billetting can be arranged if you email me.


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Re conference next year

1999-08-28 Thread Janet Caulfield

Dear Raelene,
I can't go to the Hobart conference but I would 
love more information on your conference to be held next year.
I have already chosen November for holidays and 
I would love to visit with midwives working from rural areas.
yours trully
Janet Caulfield

homebirth conference- some feelings

1999-09-14 Thread Damian & Kylie POLONI

This is the second homebirth conference I have been to and there was no way
I was going to miss it this year after the wonderful experience in Western
Australia last year.
This year was very well organized and I compliment the organizers for the
huge amount of work they did. Wonderful childcarers, beautiful food.
The women that I was with and others that I spoke to felt that the
conference was very midwife focused. I am a student midwife but I was there
first and foremost as a woman and mother of homebirthed babies. I felt
disappointed that a lot of the discussions seemed to be dominated by
midwives and their feelings. I don't want there to be division between
midwives and women but at the same time please don't forget us! I realize
that midwives have felt alienated from homebirth Australia for a long time
and I believe we should support each other. I also appreciate the
opportunity to hear the wisdom of our elders, such as the forum, however as
the day was running so late we had to leave to get to our children so missed
out! I honour and respect all the midwives I met at the conference- what
incredible women. I love and admire the midwives who have cared for me (Deb
Davis and Maggie).
This is the way that some women felt about the conference. Maybe next year
we can create a more unified feeling for everyone. Are women so different
today as one midwife suggested? Or do they move on from the homebirth
movement when they are finished with it feeling they have nothing to offer?
I feel that these women need to be nurtured as they are the ones who can
carry the homebirth movement on, with midwives,  while they are feeling so
strong and passionate.

love Kylie.

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Re: Attending ACMI conference

2001-08-05 Thread Ian & Andrea Quanchi

I too will be looking for a lift to the conference each day from Toowong
area in Brisbane (I could catch public transport but if someone was going
past). Long suffering husband requires the car also to take the kids to the
gold coast theme parks as promised

Perhaps we should supply them all with some sort of identification label
(perhaps purple ribbons) so that they can identify each other as I believe
there will be a few.

Andrea Quanchi

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Victorian State ACMI Conference

2001-08-09 Thread Sue Crosby

CONGRATULATIONS to the midwives of the Sunraysia Sub-Branch of the ACMI for 
the fantastic conference they organised "Midwives on the Murray" last 
We had a fantastic day with a very stimulating program which included -:
 Opening of the conference by Emma Thege-victorian midwife of the year
 Dr Alison Brookes speaking on "Effective midwifery and nursing 
communications:the challenge of unexpected birth outcomes - the child with a 
genetic condition
 Jane Warland - "Now or NeverMemory creation when a baby dies."
 Professor Marie Chamberlain-"Socialisation of midwifery students"
 Vicki Chan - "Birth Matters" The importance to the mother, the family 
and the community of how a baby comes into the world.

The conference dinner was a meal on a paddle steamer cruising on the "Murray 

Thankyou to everyone involved and keep up the great work you are all doing.
I am so looking forward to the National conference in Brisbane.

Sue Crosby

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Breastfeeding Conference in Brisbane

2001-09-05 Thread barbara glare & chris bright


Is anyone going to the Australian Breastfeeding Conference in Brisbane?  I'm
hoping I might see some familiar names.  I'm going tomorrow, but if you have
time, e-mail me tonite and I'll keep an eye out.  Maybe we could put a red
sticky star or something on our name tags

Barb Glare

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midwifery today conference - accommodation

2001-09-11 Thread maxine hardinge

Dear Listers,

Is there anyone who is going to the Paris conference (of Midwifery Today) 
and would be keen split the cost of a hotel room on the nights of Wednesday 
17 and Thursday 18 October?

Hope there's someone else wanting to cut down on costs...

Maxine Hardinge

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Re: ACMI Conference, Brisbane

2001-09-19 Thread vcarne

My colleague and I were due to fly out to Brisbane on Sunday to attend the ACMI
Conference and to represent our organisation, MIDIRS. However, in the aftermath
of Tuesday's tragic events in the U.S.A. and the potential repurcussions, an
executive decision was made not to travel. It wasn't a question of getting to
Australia, more a case of getting back to the UK, should things kick off.

Both Sue Penn (MIDIRS Marketing Executive) and myself, are very disappointed not
to be attending the conference, but this disappointment has been humbled by the
grief and disbelief echoed world-wide by the attack on America. We are sad not
be able to meet up and network with our Australian colleagues, but do plan to be
at the next ACMI Conference in two years time!

Although we can't be there, information flyers, copies of MIDIRS Midwifery
Digest, and Informed Choice Information Packs will be available on the MIDIRS
trade stand to be taken away. If you would like any further information about
MIDIRS information services, or are interested in becoming a MIDIRS
representative (see attachment), please email me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have a good conference and our thoughts are with you.

With kind regards

Vicky Carne
Head of Midwifery

(See attached file: ozzierepposter.doc)

 Mac Word 3.0

[ozmidwifery] Re: [NMAPAustralia] NSWMA Conference

2002-10-21 Thread Denise Hynd
Dear Deirdre
As I understand it International Midwives Day is May 5th
End of October Homebirth week usually running into Halloween when bonfires
were lit to remeber the wise women burnt as witches?
- Original Message -
From: Deirdrie Cullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Denise Hynd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [NMAPAustralia] NSWMA Conference

> did you know anything abou the national midwives day on the 31st with
> dd
> At 23:41 20/10/2002 +1000, you wrote:
> >Who is going to the NSW Midwives Ass State conference in Byron 1st and
> November??
> >Denise
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Who is going to the NSW Midwives Ass State
> >conference in Byron 1st and 2nd November??Denise
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >

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[ozmidwifery] National get-together/Conference

2002-11-29 Thread Andrea Robertson

I've changed the subject on this one - nearly missed Robyn's post... can we 
please change the title when the content changes from the original string?

Robyn wrote:

Why don't we through Ozmidwifery organise an outstanding NATIONAL 
CONFERENCE with All the interested and supportive groups (lead my 
Maternity Coalition and NMAP).  Invite the most effective members of 
Parliament and all the Area Chief Executive Officers and many doctors, 
invite overseas speaker who have made such changes in their 
country.  Invite universities and educators from all areas. Even the NZ 
Prime Minister would be helpful.  Invite the major insurance companies.

Don't wait any longer, we are all talking about being united, set some 
plans now and start working on it in the New Year so we can set some dates.

Who is interested in this united front?

I am certainly interested in helping with this. I have made a start by 
making the main thrust of the next Future Birth event a forum for 
announcing/discussing/exploring NMAP, ACMI the PI issues and what these all 
mean for the future of midwifery in Australia. There is already 
considerable interest in this event and I hope that we will attract a lot 
of midwives (as we did last time) who have not heard of any of this - 
without them we will get no-where with implementing NMAP.

I've been thinking that there is a need to follow this up with exploration 
of more aspects of this and that perhaps I should mount another event in 12 
months instead of 2 years as I normally do.

I would be willing to throw the resources of Birth International behind 
this effort, with profits to go to Maternity Coalition, if it would help. 
Getting an event like this off the ground takes time and effort and a level 
of expertise that we could provide.

Let me know what you all think. Meanwhile, we can get the ball rolling at 
the Future Birth event in April. I have some ideas for supporting Maternity 
Coalition through this event as well.


Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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RE: [ozmidwifery] National Assembly/Conference

2002-11-29 Thread Robyn Thompson
Thanks for your support for midwives and women once again.  I put myself
forward to assist in whatever you think is appropriate.  Your experience to
coordinate something of large dimension will be invaluable.

If the responses are good let me know what you want.  We will need adequate
time to plan and promote such a huge Conference and I really look forward to
encouraging the participants who really need to listen and become aware.  I
am sure there are a lot of people out there who can assist to pull this off.

I have taken 2 to 3 months off birthing in the New Year so let me know I am
looking forward to the challenge.
regards,   Robyn
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrea
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 12:13 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] National get-together/Conference


I've changed the subject on this one - nearly missed Robyn's post... can we
please change the title when the content changes from the original string?

Robyn wrote:

>Why don't we through Ozmidwifery organise an outstanding NATIONAL
>CONFERENCE with All the interested and supportive groups (lead my
>Maternity Coalition and NMAP).  Invite the most effective members of
>Parliament and all the Area Chief Executive Officers and many doctors,
>invite overseas speaker who have made such changes in their
>country.  Invite universities and educators from all areas. Even the NZ
>Prime Minister would be helpful.  Invite the major insurance companies.
>Don't wait any longer, we are all talking about being united, set some
>plans now and start working on it in the New Year so we can set some dates.
>Who is interested in this united front?

I am certainly interested in helping with this. I have made a start by
making the main thrust of the next Future Birth event a forum for
announcing/discussing/exploring NMAP, ACMI the PI issues and what these all
mean for the future of midwifery in Australia. There is already
considerable interest in this event and I hope that we will attract a lot
of midwives (as we did last time) who have not heard of any of this -
without them we will get no-where with implementing NMAP.

I've been thinking that there is a need to follow this up with exploration
of more aspects of this and that perhaps I should mount another event in 12
months instead of 2 years as I normally do.

I would be willing to throw the resources of Birth International behind
this effort, with profits to go to Maternity Coalition, if it would help.
Getting an event like this off the ground takes time and effort and a level
of expertise that we could provide.

Let me know what you all think. Meanwhile, we can get the ball rolling at
the Future Birth event in April. I have some ideas for supporting Maternity
Coalition through this event as well.


Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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ADMIN FORWARDED: [ozmidwifery] Conference Speakers

2003-05-27 Thread Kim Hunter
Hi all,

Due to temporary email problems, Andrea is having
trouble emailing the list from overseas, so I will
forward any messages from her until the problem is
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 22:50:04 +1000
From: Andrea Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Confrence Speakers
Hi Judy/Jan,

We just commissioned Neil to design our latest Midwife Tea Towel (check it
out in the catalogue due out  in early July). His  contact email address is:
  "Neil Matterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



8:27 AM 27/05/2003, Jan Robinson wrote:
>Dear Judy
>One suggestion would be to try and get Neil as an opening speaker or a
>dinner speaker.
>You probably remember him as the cartoonist famous for his breastsfeeding
>and in utero cartoons. He was a big hit when he spoke at our NSWMA State
>Conference in Wagga some years ago.
>As a deer farmer observing animal lactation with a wife (who is a midwife)
>has breastfed all their children Neil has a profound understanding of the
>value of breastmilk  and an in-depth understanding of the trials and
>tribulations and humerous episodes that occur during the breastfeeding
>experience as evidenced in his cartoon books on breastfeeding.
>My understanding is that Neil had a close association with the NMAA about
>a decade ago and they sold a lot of his cartoons and other products
>related to breastfeeding. Perhaps there are some long standing members who
>would know how to contact Neil . I think he lives somewhere near
>Yackendandra and the family name is Matterson.
>Worth a try to contact Neil. Someone else on this list may know his
>Jan Robinson
>On 26/5/03 3:35 PM, "Judy Giesaitis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am looking for interesting confrence speakers for the ACT and Southern
>NSW Branch of ABA.   My daughter is on the committee and has asked that I
>post this email.  It will be in March 2004 and in Canberra somewhere.  If
>anyone would like to contact her please feel free.  Her name is Kate
>Giesaitis  -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   thanks for your thoughts
>Judy Giesaitis.
>Confidentiality Notice
>The information contained in this email message is intended
>for the named addressee only.  If you are not the intended
>recipient you must not copy, distribute, take any action reliant
>on, or disclose any details of the information in this email to
>any other person or organisation.  If you have received this
>email in error, please notify the sender immediately.
>Name: Judy Giesaitis
>Position:Program Coordinator
>Department:  CareLink
>Company:  Australian Health Management Group
>Address:Locked Bag 3
>Fax: 02.4227.1678
Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education

Kim Hunter
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
Knowledge Management / Content Management / Intranets

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