PAW: People Portraits 2005 #42 - GDG

2005-10-26 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
Last Friday's foray into SF ... made a large number of interesting  
photos. Some, like this one, are very appealing to me at somewhat  
larger size. I hope the effect comes through in this rendering.

Comments, critique, flames all appreciated.


Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Tom C

That's a pretty exagerrated analogy.

This is a public forum.  There have been NUMEROUS threads that didn't belong 
on this list, many that I've participated in. There have been NUMEROUS 
opinions and viewpoints expressed, many that I disgreed with privately.

I don't think I've ever tried to squelch others opinons and viewpoints, 
especially when it comes to a discussions regarding photography, Pentax, the 
market, etc., regardless of my feelings (and hopefully not on other topics). 
The future of Pentax, conjecture or otherwise, is likely a concern to many 
list members.  We can't see the future, so what we have is observation and 
speculation.  I may voice those feelings, but I don't attempt to ban or 
hinder others from expressing theirs. Why in the blankety-blank-blank, is 
that not the same now?

I'll say again something I said recently... slightly paraphrased.  If Pentax 
were so small and weak to FEAR this list, then all really IS lost.   If 
Pentax is unable to compete, is unable produce competitive products on a 
timely basis, is unable to make product announcements that hold water, well 
it's not Pentax's existing customers who have invested 1000's of dollars in 
their products that are the problem.

The proof is in the pudding so far... the facts are Pentax is not competing 
except in a small segment of the entire DSLR market.  Their strategy of 
late, is not not to compete by innovation and progressive products.  It is 
to find ways to cut costs and deliver essentially the same product, with 
certain functionality removed.

Tom C.

From: Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 01:48:05 -0400

What if he your friend had gone on and on about how he thought there were 
probably pieces of insects in the burgers? And the tomatoes the cook sliced 
were full of worms? And that mold was scraped from the buns before they 
were served-- if you were lucky? Suppose he kept harping on this all over 
the neighborhood until others believed him and started repeating the same 
things? Of course all this information was based on conjecture, rather than 
any real knowledge of how the hamburger stand operated.  But because it had 
become accepted as truth, the hamburger stand eventually went out of 

On Oct 26, 2005, at 12:57 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Many years ago I lived in North Beach, in San Francisco.  Across the 

from my apartment was a pretty good hamburger joint.  One night a friend,
Rick, was visiting, and at one point started moaning how much he wanted a
hamburger.  He kept this up for a while, getting more and more graphic as
the evening progressed (he wanted a big, rare, juicy, burger, with onions
and cheese on a toasted bun and a side of fries and a big, frothy 

... you get the picture).  Anyway, he kept telling me what he wanted for
more than an hour.  Finally I asked him if he really wanted a hamburger, 

did he just want to fantasize and talk about.  He was quiet for a moment,
and then replied, I guess I just want to talk about it.


[Original Message]
From: Paul Stenquist

I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for
them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly self
defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem to
say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I
don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted and
went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other digital
brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their
beliefs and quit complaining.

Storage enablement

2005-10-26 Thread David Oswald
I just picked up a Buffalo Systems LinkStation 160.  It is a network 
storage device.  About the size of a Bible, it is a self-contained 160 
gig hard drive (larger capacities also available) with a 100BaseT 
network adapter built-in, and some convenient utilities to enable it to 
function as a network file server.  It offers multiple shared folders 
with or without user or group access control.  It also will function as 
an FTP server, and USB printer server.  And it allows one additional USB 
2.0 hard drive to be attached in case the 160GB (or larger) capacity 
starts feeling too small.

I bought it primarily to serve my home network for all those digital 
pictures I've been taking.  I've set up a shared folder called photos, 
and created subdirectories under it to organize the digital pics.  This 
makes the pictures available to both my notebook and my wife's.  Yes, we 
could have used one of our two notebooks as a fileserver, but we began 
chewing up hard drive space too quickly that way, and it was a PITA 
because we had to make sure both notebooks were turned on whenever I 
wanted to edit photos stored on her computer.  The network fileserver is 
an economical tool of convenience.

Plugged into a 100megabit router, the drive is reasonably quick. 
Unfortunately our notebooks use 56kbps WiFi cards.  And as those of you 
who have 56Mb WiFi cards know, their actual thoroughput with WEP 
enabled, with a strong signal, seems to be limited to about 
12Megabits/sec.  I'll probably upgrade to a faster WiFi standard soon.

Anyway, just wanted to mention that the device seems to be very 
convenient, and useful to people who are starting to feel confined by 
their existing storage capacity.

Re: PESO - Late Authum

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 26/10/05, Tim Øsleby, discombobulated, unleashed:

This day was the first really cold day this year. A wonderful day, the sun
was low and warm. My dog was in a hurry, so I had to leave a lot of photo
opportunities behind.
But this came out of it

That's a charming pic Tim. Very nice mate.

'Late' autumn?? Bless those Norwegians ;-)


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Glen, discombobulated, unleashed:

Welcome to the kill file.

Oh my God you've done it now Tom.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, William Robb, discombobulated, unleashed:

I'm doing my part.

That's unusual for a Canadian isn't it?


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 26/10/05, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for 
them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly self 
defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem to 
say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I 
don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted and 
went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other digital 
brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their 
beliefs and quit complaining.

Dammit you're right Paul!

I've booked my sex change op for the end of the month. Fare ye well
Cotty. Enter Cottrina!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Tom C, discombobulated, unleashed:

In my case, complaining is not bashing, it's blowing off steam and thinking 
out loud.  Call it my 'Venus-side'. :)

Oh boy, this one is so tempting, but I'll desist :-)))


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Kenneth Waller, discombobulated, unleashed:

Cotty, thanks for sharing. Not a bad capture in the bunch!

Thanks Ken, that's very kind.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
I came from the dark side. Matter of fact, I still have my Canon  
kit, or most of it (10D + 20/28/50/100 lenses). And my Konica Minolta  
A2. Both are excellent cameras, make great photographs. They're on  
the shelf, right next to the two DS bodies and my kit of Pentax  
lenses, ready to go into action anytime I feel like it. I just  
charged up their batteries this weekend. Maybe I'll take some  
pictures with them again soon.

What is all this hooey about? Did your brother *want* a Canon... or a  
Pentax? Does he care at all what brand camera he got? (If someone  
gave me a DSLR, any DSLR, I'd be freekin' happy too.) Or do you just  
want to whine about Pentax? What is the point of it?

To me, posts like this are a great waste of time and bandwidth. You  
must be bored.


Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, skye, discombobulated, unleashed:

wow that was fast. I especially like: x9m7934.jpeg in the first set
and x9m8151.jpeg in the second set. Thanks for sharing!

Cheers Jeepgirl. BTW, what kinda Jeep did you have before? Years ago I
had a CJ-7, but one of my fantasies is to one day own a CJ-5 with 36 inch
boots (tires to you ma dear) and the biggest lump (engine) that will fit
under the bonnet (hood).


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

Very nice. The Oxford pics are most entertaining. The conversation 
series is outstanding. I love the way you interjected some detail 
shots. As Ken said, they're all winners.

Ta guv!

I wish I had time to do better mono conversions. When I get some time off
I will do them again.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 26/10/05, Tim Øsleby, discombobulated, unleashed:

Think the last of the conversation pictures deserves a place in your
portrait gallery. 

Thanks Tim. Most kind.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Marco Alpert, discombobulated, unleashed:

Both series are really nice!  I especially like the gentleman with the 
flyers in the first set (and pretty much the entire second set).

Thanks Marco. He was collecting for the earthquake in India/Pakistan. I


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

RE: Stopped By The Police Again

2005-10-26 Thread Bob W
ah, but they pretend not to know what they really know so that we think they
don't know what they do know. As any John le Carre reader knows.


 -Original Message-
 From: Gautam Sarup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 26 October 2005 03:08
 Subject: RE: Stopped By The Police Again
 Scary, but no cigar yet.  For if they knew all that we 
 surmise they do, they would have know a lot that they should 
 have known but did not, in fact, know.
 Now you all can detangle that for yourselves. g
  -Original Message-
  From: Bob W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:29 PM
  Subject: RE: Stopped By The Police Again
   -Original Message-
   From: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 25 October 2005 22:05
   Subject: Re: Stopped By The Police Again
   Ever hear of a needle in a haystack, Bob?

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Lucas Rijnders
 already have a lens investment.  So far there's no indication that Pentax
 going to be producing new 35mm format lenses (AFAIK), and there's no
 indication a FF body is in the works (AFAIK).

Eh? They _announced_ another D-FA on their lens roadmap. What more
indication do you need ;-)

Regards, Lucas

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Scott Loveless, discombobulated, unleashed:

You didn't let him hug you, did you?  vbg

I drew the line at using tongues ;-)

Wonderful photos.  Especially the black and white.  Thanks for sharing.



||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, graywolf, discombobulated, unleashed:

Now that did not load slowly at all. The eastwest essay was GREAT! And 
the snake essay was interesting too. I find it strange that Cesar 
dresses better on a camping trip in the mountains than he does in London 
town grin.

Har!  Bare in mind he will read all this ;)


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Glen, discombobulated, unleashed:

There are some nice images there. I like the snakeskin Pentax camera. I 
wonder what an *istDS would look like with snakeskin?  ;)

Thanks Glen. Oh my - don't start *that* ;-)


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 25/10/05, Bob Sullivan, discombobulated, unleashed:

Nice pictures and an outstanding series on Cesar  Alma.
We know Cesar, but now know more about Alma too.
Regards,  Bob S.

Thanks Bob, that's very kind of you.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty
On 26/10/05, Boris Liberman, discombobulated, unleashed:

On topic stuff indeed. Oh well, now at least I know what we missed in 
August :-).

I'm s sorry Boris! Many apologies!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread Derby Chang

Bill D. Casselberry wrote:

 Dave wrote:


Now if he needs 40 fps etc then he needs to upgrade to the Canons 
or Nikons. I amd very satisfied with my istD as a steath camera.

People run when they see the 70-200VR with 1.7b tele.

I just got my 300mm f4 for my 6x7 and I suspect folks will
	scatter when that combo comes out of the bag, up to the eye, 
	and aimed in their general direction!  !8^D 

	(KEH sent me a pristine SuperTakumar 300mm f4 in m42 by 
	 mistake first go-round) 

Brother Bill


Me too, Brother Bill,

Do you have a gym membership? I think I'll have to join.

Brother D


PESO: Three NorCal Shots

2005-10-26 Thread John Celio

From the NorCal PDML meet on Oct 8th:

From our lunch at Max's, Marnie shooting Godfrey.
Others have posted their own shots of this guy.  It might be interesting to 
see everyone's interpretations together in one gallery.  I wish I'd shot 
more of him.
Someone else posted a shot of this ally.  This is my interpretation.

Oddly enough, these photos are from my 6x7.  I've got tons of digital stuff, 
but haven't really bothered to mess with them yet.  It's as if I don't take 
digital seriously anymore when compared to what I get out of medium format.

John Celio


AIM: Neopifex

Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Guess what I have on my desk?

2005-10-26 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote on 25.10.05 23:05:

 First, the camera is slow. And I'm talking mainly about the AF, which
 - if you don't have a well-lit, contrasty subject - takes some time to
 lock in.
Yes, that's true. AF in Pentax DSLRs needs a lot of light :-( In good light
it is as good as most cameras in its class. In low light it is much faster
to focus manually, that's why it has such a good viewfinder after all ;-)

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

PESO - The Check Out

2005-10-26 Thread Marco Alpert
During the SF outing of a few weeks ago, Godfrey and I took a brief  
afternoon caffeine break at one of the ubiquitous Starbucks, where  
there is always stuff going on:

Comments, as always, welcomed.


Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Boris Liberman

 On topic stuff indeed. Oh well, now at least I know what we missed in
 August :-).

 I'm s sorry Boris! Many apologies!

Don't be... Circumstances always prevail... Not to mention the smiley
in my post...

Let's see what happens next year ;-).


Re: Guess what I have on my desk?

2005-10-26 Thread Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu
On 10/26/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 25, 2005, at 2:05 PM, Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote:

  First, the camera is slow. And I'm talking mainly about the AF,
  which ...

 If you're commenting on the camera fitted with the kit lens, which is
 basically an f/4.5 lens most of the time, just be aware that with an
 fast lens like the FA35/2 or FA50/1.4, the AF is quite snappy.

Actually I use the FA 50mm f/1.7. The AF is indeed snappy (even if not
as fast as other cameras), but in some conditions (insufficient light,
low contrast subjects) it becomes quite slow. Is not something
unexpected, but I hope the next model(s) will be better.

  ... When shooting in raw mode also the writing speed could be a
  big issue, after the buffer fills you'll have to wait for several
  seconds to be able to take the next picture. ...

 In real usage, not punching the button around the house while
 testing, how often do you take 5 exposures within a second or three?
 And how fast a card have you fitted? The DS write speed benefits from
 cards up to about 60x performance rating.

 It's not an ultra-fast camera, no argument about that, but it writes
 a heck of a lot faster than my Canon 10D.

I have a Sandisk Ultra II card (1GB), it should be more than enough
for this camera. I think the ~1fps in jpeg mode (after the buffer
fills) will be enough for me, so I guess I'm not used with a camera
which slows down after few frames (my film cameras certainly didn't).
Most of the time I'll be able to use raw without an issue.

  Ergonomy. ...

 I dunno here. Give it time. The DS was a natural for me, coming from
 the Canon EOS IX, Canon 10D, Panasonic FZ10 and Konica Minolta A2.
 Took me about 5 minutes to find everything, and about a week to know
 everything by feel. Only camera I learned faster was my Nikon FE2. ;-)

I am familiar with Pentax cameras, so I don't have any problem using
my DS. As you said, I'll just have to get used with it. Actually I
think Pentax did a great job putting all those controls in such a
small body, and if the body is thick - well, it's not like they had a
From this point of view, I prefer the DS to the low-end Canons. The
Nikon D70 is quite nice but bigger.

  ... The SD slot and the IO ports
  cover are OK, the PC port however is difficult to use. The flash may
  be a weak point. ...

 I have yet to use the camera's USB port. I use a card reader instead.
 No problems with the flash on mine, yet, either.

I don't have a card reader (yet). Difficult to use means that you must
use some force when inserting/removing the cable, and the flash... it
just seems weaker than other parts. No real complaint here, the
competitors aren't better.
Btw I've played a little with Pentax Remote Assistant. Nice tool, even
if not all functions seems to work (well, the program lines and the
green buttons shouldn't work anyway). Why no official support for the

 Sounds like you just need some time to learn it and accommodate how
 it differs from your other cameras. :-)


For sure. Please don't take my (previous) post as a negative review,
I really like the camera. I would like to see those issues solved in
future products, and after a while I may want to upgrade to a faster
camera - but until then I'm sure I'll enjoy the DS.
If I were to give it a rating, that would be Highly recommended.

Best regards,
Alex Sarbu

Re: PAW: People Portraits 2005 #42 - GDG

2005-10-26 Thread Boris Liberman

 Last Friday's foray into SF ... made a large number of interesting
 photos. Some, like this one, are very appealing to me at somewhat
 larger size. I hope the effect comes through in this rendering.

 Comments, critique, flames all appreciated.

My immediate reaction when I saw this was lomography... Not in
diminishing sense, just matter of factly really.

I am afraid it is too strange for me to appreciate fully. You lost me
here, Godfrey.


Re: PESO: Three NorCal Shots

2005-10-26 Thread Boris Liberman
 From our lunch at Max's, Marnie shooting Godfrey.

Excellent. Godfrey is so framed here ;-).
 Others have posted their own shots of this guy.  It might be interesting to
 see everyone's interpretations together in one gallery.  I wish I'd shot
 more of him.

On my screen at work (default settings) it has evident magenta cast.
Also the main personage here does not really grab my attention... I
think this is the weakest shot of the three.
 Someone else posted a shot of this ally.  This is my interpretation.

This is bloody brilliant! Caves of Steel... I would think of
straightening it up and may be some cropping... Just to play with it
further... Yet, this is really excellent, at least to my taste.

 Oddly enough, these photos are from my 6x7.  I've got tons of digital stuff,
 but haven't really bothered to mess with them yet.  It's as if I don't take
 digital seriously anymore when compared to what I get out of medium format.

I think it is a little contribution towards making it even with digital ;-).

Well, I've decided to sell my 6x6 folder... I think I will be saving
up for 31 Ltd lens...


Re: PESO - The Check Out

2005-10-26 Thread Boris Liberman

 During the SF outing of a few weeks ago, Godfrey and I took a brief
 afternoon caffeine break at one of the ubiquitous Starbucks, where
 there is always stuff going on:

Yet another fragment of life... Talking on the (cell) phone in the
midst of busy SF life. The good thing about this photo is that it is
placeless - it can happen anywhere in Europe or in US, or anywhere
else fo that matter. On the nitpicking side, I think the fellow with
the phone is not exactly in focus... Theriaultian influence? ;-)


Re: GESO: The magical creature

2005-10-26 Thread Boris Liberman


Not really great pics - the lighting conditions were challenging. But 
what a magical creature the pig is.

It's really very good that we don't eat pork, you know ;-).


P.S. What if I posted some sushi photos here?

Re: PESO - Late Authum

2005-10-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Tim,

I like the shot but it seems overexposed or poorly processed.  Adding an
adjustment layer and moving the shadow slider up to about 35 or 40 might
improve the saturation and tonality quite a bit.  Looking at the histogram,
it appears you've some highlight clipping, which is causing the OOF
elements in the background to blow out.  Some of that can be adjusted with
Shadows/Highlights, although sometimes judicious use of the healing brush
gives even better results (for me).


 This day was the first really cold day this year. A wonderful day, the sun
 was low and warm. My dog was in a hurry, so I had to leave a lot of
 opportunities behind. But this came out of it

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Many years ago I lived in North Beach, in San Francisco.  Across the street
from my apartment was a pretty good hamburger joint.  One night a friend,
Rick, was visiting, and at one point started moaning how much he wanted a
hamburger.  He kept this up for a while, getting more and more graphic as
the evening progressed (he wanted a big, rare, juicy, burger, with onions
and cheese on a toasted bun and a side of fries and a big, frothy milkshake
... you get the picture).  Anyway, he kept telling me what he wanted for
more than an hour.  Finally I asked him if he really wanted a hamburger, or
did he just want to fantasize and talk about.  He was quiet for a moment,
and then replied, I guess I just want to talk about it.


 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Stenquist 

 I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for 
 them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly self 
 defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem to 
 say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I 
 don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted and 
 went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other digital 
 brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their 
 beliefs and quit complaining.

RE: How to photograph Chagall windows

2005-10-26 Thread Markus Maurer
Hi Rob
thanks for your detailed answer and the example, it is very useful for me.
I will do some test shots in the convent of Fahr in the next days since this
is a 30 minutes walk from my home before going to the Fraumunster in Zurich.
I will post the results here. I would like to use the SMC Takumar 85mm 1.8
screw mount for that, it is such a nice feeling to operate that lens on my
first Pentax SLR ;-)


I haven't read all the replies to this thread so please excuse me
if some of my
comments are repeats.

I've shot quite a few back-lit windows over the years and in most
cases without
the assistance of a tripod or mono-pod, they are well worth the
effort but (~200kB)
Rob Studdert

RE: How to photograph Chagall windows

2005-10-26 Thread Markus Maurer
Hi Jens
Chagall seems to have been busy ;-)
No, I am talking about the windows in Zurich Switzerland in the Fraumunster
But they are photographed a lot too

-Original Message-
From: Jens Bladt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:44 AM
Subject: RE: How to photograph Chagall windows

Are these the ones:

Judging from the google search results they have been photographed quite a
lot already :-)

Jens Bladt

RE: PESO:living in the name of God

2005-10-26 Thread Markus Maurer
Thanks Godfrey for looking and your comment.
Would be nice to know what exactly makes a photo look flat, it's not only
DOF is it?
I agree here and will try a conversion to b/w but still like the muted
colors somewhat.

-Original Message-
From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: PESO:living in the name of God (100 KB)

It seems just a bit flat for my taste, both the composition and the
rendering. Have you tried a grayscale rendering?  Might prove


Re: PESO: Perth Pano (Whoops, wrong link)

2005-10-26 Thread David Savage
On 10/26/05, David Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 26, 2005, at 1:08 PM, David Savage wrote:

  Cheers Frank. It's hard showing panoramas on the web, unless you make
  one of those little Quicktime thingies.
  I think I might print this one, just for fun, it'll end up being well
  over a meter long though :-)

 Be careful if you're using an Epson... I seem to recall that the
 2100/2200 driver limits roll prints to 44 inches length.  Being Epson
 software, I expect that you won't find out until after it's printed
 the 44 then stopped without any kind of explanation :)

Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't aware of that.

 A proper RIP won't have that limitation but they cost money.

 Nice pic BTW.  I like the city/water section best.  I prefer pans to
 be no more than about 3:1 aspect so my preference would be to crop it.

Thanks Dave. Yeah the city/water bit is the nicest. I think if I were
to print it that would be the section I'd do.


 - Dave

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Tom Reese
Cotty wrote:

 I've booked my sex change op for the end of the month. Fare ye well
 Cotty. Enter Cottrina!


Now there's a mental image that would make strong men weep.

Okay Tom, think Monty Python

Tom (the nauseous) Reese

Re: Power supply

2005-10-26 Thread keith_w

Gonz wrote:

In another group, I read about the Lenmar ACON6, which supplies 2.1A @ 
6.5v.  The voltage is correct, the current is just shy of the 3A that 
the Pentax supplies, but it seems to be just overengineered.  I have 
used it extensively for portraits and sensor cleaning and it works like 
a trooper.  It was real inexpensive too.


2.1 Amps vs. 3.0 Amps is only 70% of the current rating the maker 
believes the power supply should present to the load.

I don't call that ...just shy of.
Not when you're dealng with power supplies!

keith whaley

Don Williams wrote:

Does anyone know the output voltage of the Pentax *ist D power supply? 
I have a couple of high quality Hewlett Packard supplies that provide 
5V DC at 1 amp. On a scope the output is nice and clean. I wonder if 
one of these would do?

Don W

Re: PAW: People Portraits 2005 #42 - GDG

2005-10-26 Thread keith_w

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

Last Friday's foray into SF ... made a large number of interesting  
photos. Some, like this one, are very appealing to me at somewhat  
larger size. I hope the effect comes through in this rendering.

Comments, critique, flames all appreciated.


Looks like she was being beamed up at the time!  ;-)

keith whaley

PESO: Red Native

2005-10-26 Thread Trevor Bailey
G'day All.

Well, this is my very first PESO.
I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
I welcome all comments on this Image.
I am eager to learn.

Regards, Trevor.

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands,hoist
the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - Henry Louis Mencken

Re: PESO: Red Native

2005-10-26 Thread Steve Jolly

Trevor Bailey wrote:

I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
I welcome all comments on this Image.
I am eager to learn.

Nice. :-)  I like the colours and the composition, but I find the 
shadows from the pop-up flash a bit distracting...


F stop other than A

2005-10-26 Thread Don Williams
Okay. So the camera is here and works 
very well when attached to the PC with 
no card inside. This is with a lens 
attached only. To set F stop other than 
A in the custom menu there has to be a 
card in the camera. Too bad. I now have 
to wait for the new card I won on eBay. 
The local dealers have them for 
approximately 4 times the price I paid 
($20) and that includes postage.

Dr E D F Williams
See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
Updated: Photomicro Link -- 18 05 2005

[OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
Some nice Nikon stuff news just before its official annoucement on 1
november ;-) It is supposed to have 10.5 MPix, 5,5 fps. APS-C but at price
level (around 1500-200$) that will easy outsell 5D 5:1
I wish Pentax had something similar as an istD successor ready soon... :-(

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

Re: PESO: Three NorCal Shots

2005-10-26 Thread John Forbes
I tend to agree with Boris.  The Marnie shot is superb; wonderful light,  
and great use of DOF.

The Alley shot could perhaps be cropped on the right, and at the top to  
retain proportions.  The two figures make the shot, and I am sure it would  
work well in a number of different formats.


On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 09:33:42 +0100, Boris Liberman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

From our lunch at Max's, Marnie shooting Godfrey.

Excellent. Godfrey is so framed here ;-).
Others have posted their own shots of this guy.  It might be  
interesting to

see everyone's interpretations together in one gallery.  I wish I'd shot
more of him.

On my screen at work (default settings) it has evident magenta cast.
Also the main personage here does not really grab my attention... I
think this is the weakest shot of the three.
Someone else posted a shot of this ally.  This is my interpretation.

This is bloody brilliant! Caves of Steel... I would think of
straightening it up and may be some cropping... Just to play with it
further... Yet, this is really excellent, at least to my taste.

Oddly enough, these photos are from my 6x7.  I've got tons of digital  
but haven't really bothered to mess with them yet.  It's as if I don't  
digital seriously anymore when compared to what I get out of medium  

I think it is a little contribution towards making it even with digital  

Well, I've decided to sell my 6x6 folder... I think I will be saving
up for 31 Ltd lens...


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Stopped By The Police Again

2005-10-26 Thread Bart Van Hoyweghen

Each cell phone can be traced, regardless of the SIM card used:
Check: IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity) in Google

This technique was used to solve a murder case, last year, in Belgium. 
The murderers activated the stolen cell phone with another CIM card.
Normally EMEI is used to block stolen cell phones but in this case it
sent a mobile operator in high alert.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25/10/2005 23:05:00 
Also if you are using a 
cel-phone for nefarious reasons it is kind of simple to have a bunch of

SIM cards to keep changing your phone number which makes it even more 
difficult for the authorities to monitor your calls.

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Paul Stenquist
Of course, but it's closer to what's going on than the hamburger 
discussion analogy.To say that the Pentax strategy is not to compete 
by innovation is pure conjecture. It's too early to determine what the 
Pentax strategy might be. We all know Pentax can't compete one on one 
with the industry giants. Anyone who expects that is being unrealistic. 
We hope they will be successful in carving out their niche. Yes, it's a 
difficult task, and it's going to require the right products at the 
right time. It would probably benefit from support at the user level as 
well. You might say we're living in the proverbial glass house.

On Oct 26, 2005, at 2:22 AM, Tom C wrote:

That's a pretty exagerrated analogy.

This is a public forum.  There have been NUMEROUS threads that didn't 
belong on this list, many that I've participated in. There have been 
NUMEROUS opinions and viewpoints expressed, many that I disgreed with 

I don't think I've ever tried to squelch others opinons and 
viewpoints, especially when it comes to a discussions regarding 
photography, Pentax, the market, etc., regardless of my feelings (and 
hopefully not on other topics). The future of Pentax, conjecture or 
otherwise, is likely a concern to many list members.  We can't see the 
future, so what we have is observation and speculation.  I may voice 
those feelings, but I don't attempt to ban or hinder others from 
expressing theirs. Why in the blankety-blank-blank, is that not the 
same now?

I'll say again something I said recently... slightly paraphrased.  If 
Pentax were so small and weak to FEAR this list, then all really IS 
lost.   If Pentax is unable to compete, is unable produce competitive 
products on a timely basis, is unable to make product announcements 
that hold water, well it's not Pentax's existing customers who have 
invested 1000's of dollars in their products that are the problem.

The proof is in the pudding so far... the facts are Pentax is not 
competing except in a small segment of the entire DSLR market.  Their 
strategy of late, is not not to compete by innovation and progressive 
products.  It is to find ways to cut costs and deliver essentially the 
same product, with certain functionality removed.

Tom C.

From: Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 01:48:05 -0400

What if he your friend had gone on and on about how he thought there 
were probably pieces of insects in the burgers? And the tomatoes the 
cook sliced were full of worms? And that mold was scraped from the 
buns before they were served-- if you were lucky? Suppose he kept 
harping on this all over the neighborhood until others believed him 
and started repeating the same things? Of course all this information 
was based on conjecture, rather than any real knowledge of how the 
hamburger stand operated.  But because it had become accepted as 
truth, the hamburger stand eventually went out of business.

On Oct 26, 2005, at 12:57 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Many years ago I lived in North Beach, in San Francisco.  Across the 
from my apartment was a pretty good hamburger joint.  One night a 
Rick, was visiting, and at one point started moaning how much he 
wanted a
hamburger.  He kept this up for a while, getting more and more 
graphic as
the evening progressed (he wanted a big, rare, juicy, burger, with 
and cheese on a toasted bun and a side of fries and a big, frothy 
... you get the picture).  Anyway, he kept telling me what he wanted 
more than an hour.  Finally I asked him if he really wanted a 
hamburger, or
did he just want to fantasize and talk about.  He was quiet for a 

and then replied, I guess I just want to talk about it.


[Original Message]
From: Paul Stenquist

I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for
them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly 
defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem 

say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I
don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted 
went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other 

brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their
beliefs and quit complaining.

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Paul Stenquist

It's about time. How about a date?
On Oct 26, 2005, at 3:09 AM, Cotty wrote:

On 26/10/05, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for
them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly self
defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem to
say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I
don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted and
went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other 

brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their
beliefs and quit complaining.

Dammit you're right Paul!

I've booked my sex change op for the end of the month. Fare ye well
Cotty. Enter Cottrina!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Power supply

2005-10-26 Thread Cory Papenfuss

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, keith_w wrote:

Gonz wrote:

In another group, I read about the Lenmar ACON6, which supplies 2.1A @ 
6.5v.  The voltage is correct, the current is just shy of the 3A that the 
Pentax supplies, but it seems to be just overengineered.  I have used it 
extensively for portraits and sensor cleaning and it works like a trooper. 
It was real inexpensive too.


2.1 Amps vs. 3.0 Amps is only 70% of the current rating the maker believes 
the power supply should present to the load.

I don't call that ...just shy of.
Not when you're dealng with power supplies!

	I didn't go so far as to put high-frequency datalogging on my 
measurments of the *ist-DS current, but what I did see was WAY below 3A. 
Even the spike when the flash fired and started charging again was about 
1.5A.  The limits on these classes of power supplies are usually thermal, 
not absolute current.

	Great find on that power supply... looks like a reasonable price 
for a good (switching) unit.



* Cory Papenfuss*
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student   *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University   *

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Herb Chong

if past is any guide, next fall is the earliest.

- Original Message - 
From: Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:02 AM
Subject: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

Some nice Nikon stuff news just before its official annoucement on 1
november ;-) It is supposed to have 10.5 MPix, 5,5 fps. APS-C but at price
level (around 1500-200$) that will easy outsell 5D 5:1
I wish Pentax had something similar as an istD successor ready soon... :-(

Re: PESO - Late Authum

2005-10-26 Thread Kenneth Waller
A great attempt at something a little different. Good backlit lighting  nice 
frost coating. It would be stronger with less/none of the brightly lit 
Maybe your dog will be slow the next time so you can attempt another. ;)

Kenneth Waller

-Original Message-
From: Tim Øsleby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: PESO - Late Authum

This day was the first really cold day this year. A wonderful day, the sun
was low and warm. My dog was in a hurry, so I had to leave a lot of photo
opportunities behind.
But this came out of it

*istDS, Sigma 18-50/2,8
400 ISO, 50mm, f:8, 1/250
Thoughts, flames etc. appreciated.

BTW. I'm dying for my new FA-50/2,8 macro co arrive. Hopefully I will have
it in weekend when going to Oslo.

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds 
(Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Kenneth Waller
the vast majority of mind-blowingly beautiful photography we 
all see on a daily basis is not taken with Pentax.  Some is, but the point 
is the Pentax brand has nothing to do with

The point is the brand of camera has nothing to do with 

Kenneth Waller

-Original Message-

Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The polite thing to do is to tell em that a Pentax quality camera with EOS 
5D specs would be very nice thank you, and that there is a market out there 
for a Pentax camera so specified.

It is kinda rude to diss them for not doing it as fast as the monolith 
camera corporation can do it.

I'm sorry Bill.  I'm just not getting where you're coming from tonight. :(

I should not have to tell Pentax a thing.  As you said they should read the 

I'm not being rude.  I've waited 1.75 years so far and watched.  I was 
tempted to buy an *ist D (or DL or DS) along with a lens for my brother.  
I'd have LOVED to do that.  If Pentax would have come out with something 
that was an upgrade to the *ist D in that time, I might have felt 
differently.  If they had a $1500 body out there that was competitive, I'd 
have spent a time and a half what I spent.

Not being sure that I'll buy another Pentax lens though (based on whether 
I'll buy another Pentax body and whether they go FF), I didn't want to steer 
my brother down a path that I was not willing to go.

Let's face it.  We all like/love our Pentax gear and it does a very good 
job.  However, the vast majority of mind-blowingly beautiful photography we 
all see on a daily basis is not taken with Pentax.  Some is, but the point 
is the Pentax brand has nothing to do with.  Most of us, including myself, 
don't make our living with our cameras (I know I didn't need to say this to 
you especially).  But, those that do, generally use the most versatile and 
available tools at their disposal.  And for serious hobbyists, much of the 
same applies... I tend to think.

Tom C.

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread brooksdj
   Dave wrote:
  Now if he needs 40 fps etc then he needs to upgrade to the Canons 
  or Nikons. I amd very satisfied with my istD as a steath camera.
  People run when they see the 70-200VR with 1.7b tele.
   I just got my 300mm f4 for my 6x7 and I suspect folks will
   scatter when that combo comes out of the bag, up to the eye, 
   and aimed in their general direction!  !8^D 
   (KEH sent me a pristine SuperTakumar 300mm f4 in m42 by 
mistake first go-round) 
   Brother Bill
Still debating if i should pick up a 300 for my 6x7.:-)

Brother Dave

Re: Pentax service manuals on eBay

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Roberts

Send me any password-protected PDF and I'll send it back to you
unprotected within 15 minutes.

You're losing a lot of money then my friend...

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread Shel Belinkoff
With whom are you debating?


 [Original Message]

 Still debating if i should pick up a 300 for my 6x7.:-)

Re: Pentax service manuals on eBay

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Roberts
Well, eBay pulled my service manual auction because it contained a link
to my web site. I've re-listed but with a link to my My eBay page
(which has a link to the free service manual page). We'll see if this
flies or if I need to resort to further subterfuge :)
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

RE: PESO: Red Native

2005-10-26 Thread Trevor Bailey
G'day Steve.
Thanks for the feedback.
I was intending to use the pop-up flash for fill flash due to the sun
being low in the sky and lighting the scene from the low right of the

Regards, Trevor

-Original Message-
From: Steve Jolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 October 2005 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: PESO: Red Native

Trevor Bailey wrote:
 I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
 I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
 Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
 I welcome all comments on this Image.
 I am eager to learn.

Nice. :-)  I like the colours and the composition, but I find the 
shadows from the pop-up flash a bit distracting...


Re: PESO: Perth Pano (Whoops, wrong link)

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Roberts
David Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Be careful if you're using an Epson... I seem to recall that the  
2100/2200 driver limits roll prints to 44 inches length. 

Nope. I've done 6-foot-long panos on my 2200.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Kenneth Waller
The only they that matters are the theys in Japan. 
Unless thing have changed, Pentax US takes what Pentax Japan gives.

Kenneth Waller

-Original Message-
Sent: Oct 26, 2005 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

You must be joking, Bill.

Sure, I believe they read it. Do I believe they base their direction on it?  

Tom C.

From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 21:44:41 -0600

- Original Message - From: Tom C
Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

From what some believe (though I don't) Pentax reads the list to get ideas 
and see what's it present customers want.  Well, then they should have 
plenty to work with.

They'd be crazy to not read it.
They'd be even crazier to not be looking at what the competition is doing 
and realizing that the goal posts just got moved again.
I'm pretty sure that if they could do a 5D, or even a Rebel XT right now, 
they'd be doing it.

The polite thing to do is to tell em that a Pentax quality camera with EOS 
5D specs would be very nice thank you, and that there is a market out there 
for a Pentax camera so specified.

It is kinda rude to diss them for not doing it as fast as the monolith 
camera corporation can do it.

William Robb

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Re: PESO: Three NorCal Shots

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Roberts
John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think all three might be improved with monochrome conversions. I
suspect that third shot would be outstanding in BW!
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
Herb Chong wrote on 26.10.05 13:35:

 if past is any guide, next fall is the earliest.
It depends. There wasn't great difference between D2H premiere and its
availability in shops. D2X is however different story though...

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Dario Bonazza

I think Herb was meaning between Nikon D100 and Pentax *istD.


- Original Message - 
From: Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

Herb Chong wrote on 26.10.05 13:35:

if past is any guide, next fall is the earliest.

It depends. There wasn't great difference between D2H premiere and its
availability in shops. D2X is however different story though...

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 

Subject: Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

Still debating if i should pick up a 300 for my 6x7.:-)

Your a big guy. You can do it.

William Robb

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Cotty

Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

On 25/10/05, William Robb, discombobulated, unleashed:

I'm doing my part.

That's unusual for a Canadian isn't it?

You'd be speaking German and wearing weird crosses on your arms were that 
the case.

William Robb 

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Kenneth Waller
I've booked my sex change op for the end of the month. Fare ye well
Cotty. Enter Cottrina

So its definitely a software change!

Kenneth Waller

-Original Message-
Subject: Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

On 26/10/05, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for 
them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly self 
defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem to 
say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I 
don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted and 
went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other digital 
brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their 
beliefs and quit complaining.

Dammit you're right Paul!

I've booked my sex change op for the end of the month. Fare ye well
Cotty. Enter Cottrina!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread Kenneth Waller
Do you have a gym membership? I think I'll have to join.
Brother D

Just consider the 300 as training for the 600!

Kenneth Waller

-Original Message-
From: Derby Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

Bill D. Casselberry wrote:

  Dave wrote:


Now if he needs 40 fps etc then he needs to upgrade to the Canons 
or Nikons. I amd very satisfied with my istD as a steath camera.
People run when they see the 70-200VR with 1.7b tele.

   I just got my 300mm f4 for my 6x7 and I suspect folks will
   scatter when that combo comes out of the bag, up to the eye, 
   and aimed in their general direction!  !8^D 

   (KEH sent me a pristine SuperTakumar 300mm f4 in m42 by 
mistake first go-round) 

   Brother Bill


Me too, Brother Bill,

Do you have a gym membership? I think I'll have to join.

Brother D


PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Cotty

I'm doing my part.

 That's unusual for a Canadian isn't it?

You'd be speaking German and wearing weird crosses on your arms were that 
the case.

LOL plenty of it around still!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: PESO: Red Native

2005-10-26 Thread Kenneth Waller
A good eye  a wonderful capture.
My only nit is the intruding leave tip on the LRH side. Other than that I'd say 
its purfect!

Looks like you might be ready to teach.

Kenneth Waller

-Original Message-
From: Trevor Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: PESO: Red Native

G'day All.

Well, this is my very first PESO.
I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
I welcome all comments on this Image.
I am eager to learn.

Regards, Trevor.

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands,hoist
the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - Henry Louis Mencken

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Roberts
William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Still debating if i should pick up a 300 for my 6x7.:-)

Your a big guy. You can do it.

Well with a lens that big it's not so much as being able to pick it up
as being able to, erm... keep it up.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: *ist DS2 and AF500FTZ Questions

2005-10-26 Thread Fred
 I have generally had better results with the 280T in auto mode than with
 the 360, which works the same way as your 500.

I don't have any of the other flashes (besides the AF280T) being discussed
here, but I've used the AF280T with my DS several times now, and the
results have been quite good (although not perfect).  Based on previous
threads, I used the AF280T set up for TTL Auto mode with the DS's ASA
setting at 400.  I would say that the results were not quite as consistent
as when using the AF280T with a Super A or an LX, but the inconsistencies
were generally minor, and could easily be compensated for in digital
processing if necessary (usually, the differences were small enough to not
even bother with).

[I also have an AF200T and an AF400T, but I haven't tried using either yet
with the DS, but I suspect that the results would be similar to those from
the AF280T.]

[I haven't really used the DS's built-in flash yet.]


Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
Dario Bonazza wrote on 26.10.05 14:23:

 I think Herb was meaning between Nikon D100 and Pentax *istD.
I think Dario you're right ;-) So let's keep our fingers crossed for Pentax!

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Roberts
Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some nice Nikon stuff news just before its official annoucement on 1
november ;-) It is supposed to have 10.5 MPix, 5,5 fps. APS-C but at price
level (around 1500-200$) that will easy outsell 5D 5:1
I wish Pentax had something similar as an istD successor ready soon... :-(

We'll have it next spring. How long have Nikon users have had to wait
for the D100 replacement? The D100 was announced more than 2-1/2 years
ago (Feb 2002). I'm not sure when it actually became available.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: PESO: Red Native

2005-10-26 Thread Jack Davis
Like it! If mine, I'd want to try a 'wink' flash for pedal balance.
I'd not, however, want to include the background in the flash range.
May not be available to you to re-shoot and, if not, it's terrific as
Alas, I can't help feeling that sharpening is near to being a bit much.


--- Trevor Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 G'day All.
 Well, this is my very first PESO.
 I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
 I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
 Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
 I welcome all comments on this Image.
 I am eager to learn.
 Regards, Trevor.
 Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his
 the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - Henry Louis Mencken

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread dagt
Some Nikonians are already complaining about the small finder

 fra: Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Some nice Nikon stuff news just before its official annoucement on 1
 november ;-) It is supposed to have 10.5 MPix, 5,5 fps. APS-C but at price
 level (around 1500-200$) that will easy outsell 5D 5:1
 I wish Pentax had something similar as an istD successor ready soon... :-(
 Balance is the ultimate good...
 Best Regards

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
Mark Roberts wrote on 26.10.05 15:33:

 We'll have it next spring. How long have Nikon users have had to wait
 for the D100 replacement? The D100 was announced more than 2-1/2 years
 ago (Feb 2002). I'm not sure when it actually became available.
D100 review on appeared on 7/26/2002 and it was production
sample, so Nikon users had to wait for over 3 years till premiere of D200.
*istD appeared first on PMA 2003, just we had to wait until september to be
able to buy it. So *istD successor will be rather shown in fall 2006 - very
likely on Photokina. But of course we can't apply the same rules to
different products and companies ;-) Maybe we will see then annoucement on
PMA 2006???
BTW - very interesting Nikon's macro twin flash - it is not using cables at
all, just wireless flash with dedicated controller ;-)

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

Re: [OT] Nikon's D200 is coming...

2005-10-26 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 26.10.05 15:34:

 Some Nikonians are already complaining about the small finder
And they haven't seen that in reality yet ;-) Their complaining is based on
D200 photos, because it has rectangular not round viewfinder eyepiece like
on Nikon's top cameras. Of course it has nothing to do with viewfinder

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread John Forbes
Sex change?  Some of these professional moaners need something more  
radical than that.

Meanwhile, how about a time-machine to take them back to 1920?

Henry Ford:  You can have any colour you want as long as it's black.

Tom (for it is he) Oh gee, Mr Ford, you're wonderful.  After much  
thought, and talking it over with my friends on the FDML (they really  
appreciate me sharing with them), I've decided to have a black one.   
Mabel, congratulate me, honey; I've made a decision!

Mabel:  Really, Tom, a decision?  That's wonderful, honey!  See, I knew  
you could do it.  Herb, look, Tom's made a decision. What's that?  Yes,  
really.  A decision.  Perhaps if you try hard, you can too.

Mabel, to herself, sotto voce: We're on a roll!  Dare I ask if they'd  
like tea or coffee?



On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 08:09:42 +0100, Cotty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 26/10/05, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:

I just don't understand why those who have decided Pentax is not for
them continue to whine about it day after day. It's particularly self
defeating for those who must have full frame. All indications seem to
say that we won't see that from Pentax or, for that matter, Nikon. I
don't hear Cotty complaining about Pentax. He knew what he wanted and
went out and got it. I didn't mean to imply that users of other digital
brands should leave the list. I meant that they should act on their
beliefs and quit complaining.

Dammit you're right Paul!

I've booked my sex change op for the end of the month. Fare ye well
Cotty. Enter Cottrina!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: PESO: The Check Out - MMA

2005-10-26 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi

On Oct 26, 2005, at 1:17 AM, Marco Alpert wrote:

During our SF outing of a few weeks ago, Godfrey and I took a brief
afternoon caffeine break at one of the ubiquitous Starbucks, where
there is always stuff going on:

You caught a very interesting sight line on that fellow! Nicely done,  
very nicely.

I think I'll have a few more photos from our gathering done today or  
shortly. I've been rolling on a lot of work the past couple of weeks,  
and writing up a storm. :-)


Re: PESO: Red Native

2005-10-26 Thread pnstenquist
Excellent. Wonderful combination of colors.

 A good eye  a wonderful capture.
 My only nit is the intruding leave tip on the LRH side. Other than that I'd 
 its purfect!
 Looks like you might be ready to teach.
 Kenneth Waller
 -Original Message-
 From: Trevor Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: PESO: Red Native
 G'day All.
 Well, this is my very first PESO.
 I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
 I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
 Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
 I welcome all comments on this Image.
 I am eager to learn.
 Regards, Trevor.
 Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands,hoist
 the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - Henry Louis Mencken
 PeoplePC Online
 A better way to Internet

Re: *ist DS2 and AF500FTZ Questions

2005-10-26 Thread pnstenquist
I've used the AF400T with the *istD in TTL mode with good results, both at ISO 
400 and 200. Ditto for the Sigma 500 Super in pTTL, trailing curtain, and 
high-speed synch modes. I've found that when I have exposure trouble it's 
always the result of bad contact between the flash connector or foot and the 
camera. With a bad connection, the flash will sometimes still fire but the TTL 
or pTTL info seems to get lost. I've found that by wiping the contacts and 
reinstalling the flash or connector cord, the problem is solved. I'm willing to 
bet the most if not all of the reports of problems with digital flash exposure 
are due to bad connections. I think the D and DS hot shoes are particularly 
vulnerable in this regard.

  I have generally had better results with the 280T in auto mode than with
  the 360, which works the same way as your 500.
 I don't have any of the other flashes (besides the AF280T) being discussed
 here, but I've used the AF280T with my DS several times now, and the
 results have been quite good (although not perfect).  Based on previous
 threads, I used the AF280T set up for TTL Auto mode with the DS's ASA
 setting at 400.  I would say that the results were not quite as consistent
 as when using the AF280T with a Super A or an LX, but the inconsistencies
 were generally minor, and could easily be compensated for in digital
 processing if necessary (usually, the differences were small enough to not
 even bother with).
 [I also have an AF200T and an AF400T, but I haven't tried using either yet
 with the DS, but I suspect that the results would be similar to those from
 the AF280T.]
 [I haven't really used the DS's built-in flash yet.]

PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread Dave Kennedy
A collegue and I planned a photo outing this past saturday morning,
hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold, overcast and foggy.
 Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour from home.

This is one of those places I'd love to get into, but there are no
tresspassing signs all over :-(

Comments welcome.

Re: PESO: The Check Out - MMA

2005-10-26 Thread pnstenquist
Nice shot. You caught an interesting moment.

Seeing these pics from the SF outing has led me to a thought. I believe it's 
easier to take pictures of people in public places when you're accompanied by 
at least one other photographer. To oversimplify and exaggerate: Being part of 
a group taking photos means you're on a photo outing or you're doing this for 
some particular reason, therefore you're not just a pervert:-). Seriously, at 
least as part of a group you have the psychological support of others being 
intrusive right along with you. Perhaps it wouldn't work that way for everyone. 
But I find that it works that way for me.

 On Oct 26, 2005, at 1:17 AM, Marco Alpert wrote:
  During our SF outing of a few weeks ago, Godfrey and I took a brief
  afternoon caffeine break at one of the ubiquitous Starbucks, where
  there is always stuff going on:
 You caught a very interesting sight line on that fellow! Nicely done,  
 very nicely.
 I think I'll have a few more photos from our gathering done today or  
 shortly. I've been rolling on a lot of work the past couple of weeks,  
 and writing up a storm. :-)

Re: PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread pnstenquist
Beautiful shot. I love the light, which you've captured well with what appears 
to be a near perfect exposure. Did you shoot more? It looks like planning 
slightly to the right might have improved the frame a wee bit. But that might 
not be true. It all depends on what that would have opened up on the right side 
of your frame. In any case, this is a very nice photograph. Frame it!

 A collegue and I planned a photo outing this past saturday morning,
 hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold, overcast and foggy.
  Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour from home.
 This is one of those places I'd love to get into, but there are no
 tresspassing signs all over :-(
 Comments welcome.

Re: F stop other than A

2005-10-26 Thread Dave Kennedy
That has to be difficult, to have the new toy there, and not being
able to really play with it. Hope your card comes soon.


On 10/26/05, Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okay. So the camera is here and works
 very well when attached to the PC with
 no card inside. This is with a lens
 attached only. To set F stop other than
 A in the custom menu there has to be a
 card in the camera. Too bad. I now have
 to wait for the new card I won on eBay.
 The local dealers have them for
 approximately 4 times the price I paid
 ($20) and that includes postage.

 Dr E D F Williams
 See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
 Updated: Photomicro Link -- 18 05 2005

Re: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread P. J. Alling

Ken wasn't being kind, just truthful, those were two great little galleries.

Cotty wrote:

On 25/10/05, Kenneth Waller, discombobulated, unleashed:


Cotty, thanks for sharing. Not a bad capture in the bunch!

Thanks Ken, that's very kind.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche


When you're worried or in doubt, 
	Run in circles, (scream and shout).

RE: PESO:living in the name of God

2005-10-26 Thread dave g
I think this ends up flat, I agree with Godfrey, because of the
compression when you use a big zoom (the house wall looks like it's
directly behind the wall around the grounds. Nice photo anyway, and I
also like the muted colours.

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:47:33 +0200, Markus Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks Godfrey for looking and your comment.
 Would be nice to know what exactly makes a photo look flat, it's not only
 DOF is it?
 I agree here and will try a conversion to b/w but still like the muted
 colors somewhat.
 -Original Message-
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 8:01 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO:living in the name of God (100 KB)
 It seems just a bit flat for my taste, both the composition and the
 rendering. Have you tried a grayscale rendering?  Might prove
  dave g

-- - IMAP accessible web-mail

Re: F stop other than A

2005-10-26 Thread dave g

On that note, I'd suggest you get a battery charger and rechargable
batteries, as well as a card reader (all three things are quite cheap).
You'll definitely need the charger kit, and the reader is faster and
safer than reading the cards directly from the camera (e.g. if the
batteries are low when you're uploading into the PC you risk losing the
You're going to love this camera, I've got film gathering dust since I
bought mine a few months ago.
  dave g

-- - IMAP accessible web-mail

RE: Snake in Oxford

2005-10-26 Thread Jens Bladt
Brilliant photographs, Cotty. Expecially the photo-essay-

Jens Bladt
Arkitekt MAA

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 26. oktober 2005 01:48
Til: pentax list
Emne: Snake in Oxford

Finally, a few pics up. Sorry - 18 pics on this page, not suitable for
dial-up unless you're prepared for a bit of a wait.

Also, a Photo Essay of my wife in conversation with Cesar:

That one's a bit better for dial-up.

BTW, lots of on topic stuff there - Pentax gear used!


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread brooksdj
 A collegue and I planned a photo 
outing this 
past saturday morning,
 hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold, overcast and foggy.
  Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour from home.
 This is one of those places I'd love to get into, but there are no
 tresspassing signs all over :-(
 Comments welcome.

Nice shot Dave

Looks similar to the old mill i get to once in a while in Kinmount Ontario.
Love the milky water running beside it. 

Have you tried finding out who the owner is. Maybe they will let you on the 
property if
you tell them 
what you want to do.?

Dave Brooks

Re: Pentax service manuals on eBay

2005-10-26 Thread brooksdj
Well, i quess you'll know how many people actually read your whole ad by the 
number of
orders you 



 Well, eBay pulled my service manual auction 
because it contained a link
 to my web site. I've re-listed but with a link to my My eBay page
 (which has a link to the free service manual page). We'll see if this
 flies or if I need to resort to further subterfuge :)

 Mark Roberts
 Photography and writing

Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother

2005-10-26 Thread brooksdj
 - Original Message - 
 Subject: Re: Sent the Dark Side to My Brother
  Still debating if i should pick up a 300 for my 6x7.:-)
 Your a big guy. You can do it.
 William Robb

Well, thats stil true.:-)
However i'm stil an XL Kenora dinner Jacket. Have not made the move to XXL .



Re: Pentax service manuals on eBay

2005-10-26 Thread P. J. Alling
I always though you could have, off site resources in an e-bay auction. 

Mark Roberts wrote:

Well, eBay pulled my service manual auction because it contained a link
to my web site. I've re-listed but with a link to my My eBay page
(which has a link to the free service manual page). We'll see if this
flies or if I need to resort to further subterfuge :)


When you're worried or in doubt, 
	Run in circles, (scream and shout).

Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

2005-10-26 Thread Tom C

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is all this hooey about? Did your brother *want* a Canon... or a  
Pentax? Does he care at all what brand camera he got? (If someone  gave me 
a DSLR, any DSLR, I'd be freekin' happy too.) Or do you just  want to whine 
about Pentax? What is the point of it?

To me, posts like this are a great waste of time and bandwidth. You  must 
be bored.



I just want to whine I guess.  I couldn't find a Pentax whiners list out 
there though.

My brother did not specify what he wanted.  It was unexpected.

The point of it is, (NOW PENTAX, HEAR YE HEAR YE...) having been a Pentax 
user for 15 years, wanting to purchase a Pentax system for my brother, I 
couldn't bring myself to do it. That should be germane to someone, maybe to 

Tom C.

Re: PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread John Forbes

Lovely.  Very evocative.  Straight out of the Brothers Grimm.


On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 15:13:54 +0100, Dave Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

A collegue and I planned a photo outing this past saturday morning,
hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold, overcast and foggy.
 Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour from home.

This is one of those places I'd love to get into, but there are no
tresspassing signs all over :-(

Comments welcome.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

RE: PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread Markus Maurer
Hi Dave
an interesting place and a good photo.
Would be nice to see the difference on a clear day too, I would be tempted
to see over the signs :-)

-Original Message-
From: Dave Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:14 PM
Subject: PESO: Abandoned Mill

A collegue and I planned a photo outing this past saturday morning,
hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold, overcast and foggy.
 Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour from home.

This is one of those places I'd love to get into, but there are no
tresspassing signs all over :-(

Comments welcome.

Re: Stopped By The Police Again

2005-10-26 Thread Gonz
I think cell phone transmissions are more difficult to filter through, 
simply because of the whole voice-text issue.  But I've heard that they 
have the voice prints of many terrorists, etc.  They also take 
particular interest in phone calls made to/from places of interest, like 
Pakistan/Afghanistan, etc.  But as far as emails go, thats a much easier 
problem. Dan Brown, the author of The DaVinci Code mentions in the 
book Digital Fortress that one of his students at Exeter Academy in 
New Hampshire was busted by the FBI for sending an email to another 
student about how easy it would be to kill Clinton.  Not actually 
threatening mind you.


graywolf wrote:

Ever hear of a needle in a haystack, Bob?

They may, and it is certainly possible, be set up to intercept and copy 
every cel-phone transmission made. But the simply do not have the people 
to browse through all that. If they have some reason to monitor a 
particular number it is no problem, but they can not do that for all the 
billions of cel-phone calls made everyday. Also if you are using a 
cel-phone for nefarious reasons it is kind of simple to have a bunch of 
SIM cards to keep changing your phone number which makes it even more 
difficult for the authorities to monitor your calls.

Idiot Proof == Expert Proof

Bob W wrote:

They don't need people to check on camera phones. GCHQ and the NSA have
their little tricks for checking everything that flies through the ether.


-Original Message-
From: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 25 October 2005 

Subject: Re: Stopped By The Police Again

The funny thing about all this is if I were a spy, or a pervert 
today, I would us a camera/phone. No one would pay any attention to 
me. I could sent the photos off to a safe place, and erase them from 
the phone before anyone accosted me.

Is that what the police and security people look for, no they see 
someone using a serious looking camera and they are all over them. As 
if a spy would use something like that out in the open. From inside a 
van with a tiny opening to shoot through, maybe? Or from inside a 
room across the street, maybe? But out in the open? No effing way!

I could set my Oly up so I can reformat the CF card with two button 
presses. My paranoia is telling me that might be a great idea. See, 
officer, I have only been looking through the viewfinder, not 
actually taking pictures...



RE: PESO: The Check Out - MMA

2005-10-26 Thread Markus Maurer
Hi Paul
If I carry more than one camera body and a monopod and some more stuff with
me I seem to look automatically like a photo journalist or professional and
not like an amateur. Nowadays I say that I will send the good pictures to
the local newspaper when people ask whether I work for the press. That works
pretty well so far here...


believe it's easier to take pictures of people in public places
when you're accompanied by at least one other photographer.

RE: PESO:living in the name of God

2005-10-26 Thread Markus Maurer
Hi Dave
I used the SMC Takumar 85mm 1.8 here from about 10 Meters distance, not a
big tele.
But after thinking a bit more about it: maybe the light fall angle was not
ideal for deeper shadows which would give the illusion of depth. It was
later in the afternoon but still.

Maybe/Sure anyone else knows better.
Thanks for looking and the comment.

-Original Message-
From: dave g [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:34 PM
Subject: RE: PESO:living in the name of God

I think this ends up flat, I agree with Godfrey, because of the
compression when you use a big zoom (the house wall looks like it's
directly behind the wall around the grounds. Nice photo anyway, and I
also like the muted colours.

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:47:33 +0200, Markus Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks Godfrey for looking and your comment.
 Would be nice to know what exactly makes a photo look flat,
it's not only
 DOF is it?
 I agree here and will try a conversion to b/w but still like the muted
 colors somewhat.

 -Original Message-
 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 8:01 PM
 Subject: Re: PESO:living in the name of God (100 KB)
 It seems just a bit flat for my taste, both the composition and the
 rendering. Have you tried a grayscale rendering?  Might prove

  dave g

-- - IMAP accessible web-mail

Re: PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread Jack Davis
The day and image are nicely suited. Grey days and weathered wood are a
couple of my favorite things. 
Is the mill dry and approachable on the other side? (in case you do
have access at some point).


--- Dave Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A collegue and I planned a photo outing this past saturday morning,
 hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold, overcast and
  Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour from home.
 This is one of those places I'd love to get into, but there are no
 tresspassing signs all over :-(
 Comments welcome.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: PESO: Abandoned Mill

2005-10-26 Thread Albano Garcia
Wow, cool shot!
Maybe you'll find this site an inspiration regarding
entering an abandoned place:
And specially tihs interview:



--- Dave Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A collegue and I planned a photo outing this past
 saturday morning,
 hoping to get some sunrise shots. Turned out cold,
 overcast and foggy.
  Ended up at this mill in Balaclava, about an hour
 from home.
 This is one of those places I'd love to get into,
 but there are no
 tresspassing signs all over :-(
 Comments welcome.

Albano Garcia
Photography  Graphic Design


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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