Re: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-07-01 Thread Alan Chan
I just got a little touchy lately...  :-)
Alan Chan
Oh, Alan, don't get so worked up ;-)
Isn't this all just fun? Personally, I have more lively issues than
determining if the Nikon and Tamron lenses are the same or not, or how
much do they differ, practically or otherwise. I mean, I am not losing
my job over these, is it? Initially, this just reminded me of
buyer-justification which is so common on other lists. This list is a
relaxation for me. For God's sake, all the Pentax lenses could be made
by chinese Seagull for what I care. I would still use them if they
were good. I am certainly not questioning your erudicity, it would be
dumb to think something about one's knowledge just from a mailinglist.
So why are you so worked up when you replied to my post? I posted my
opinion of the matter, and you get quite hot. A wrong day or what?
Good light,
   Frantisek Vlcek
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RE:Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1n kit, Voigtlander

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
Very true. However, it has much to do with lens technologies I believe. In 
fact, Canon is way ahead of everyone else at the moment.

Alan Chan
Perhaps so.
But it seems to me Pentax can't really compete in the enthuisast segment
either. Canon 10D vs. Pentax *ist D. Same price range, same kind of buyers.
Canon winns this segment as well and has faster AF speed and better image
quality, doesn't it?

RE: Re:Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1n kit, Voigtlander

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
I think you misinterpreted my message. As technologies have evolved, even 
cheap consumer products can be sophisticated, just built cheaply (cut 
corners you can say). No doubt Pentax shows no sign of being able to compete 
with the very top end sector like 1v/1D etc. However, Pentax still have the 
chance to make a stand on the next sector down, EOS3/F100 level (digital 
equivalence of course now). That does not mean they are not technological 
sophisticated, just not the most high end products which most consumers do 
not buy.

Alan Chan
I hear that what Pål and Alan Chan are saying is that Pentax is not likely
to be able to compete/survive in making high-end camera bodies/pro-bodies.
highThat is bodies above middle of the road performance. This could very
well mean Pentax will not survive as a camera maker.
Because today good cameras are based on very sophisticated technology -
AF-systems, Data Processing, Imaging-/Sensor Technology - as well as high
quality lens design/lens making. Pentax may survive as a lens maker - if it
can find corporate lens buyers. As a camera maker, Pentax may survive in 
market - not in the high-end camera market. Mediocre does not do the trick
anymore. Perhaps history has already proven this?
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Re: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
Also, I would like tp point out the AF Nikkor 105/2.8 was released roughly 2 
years later than the FA100/2.8, which itself is a copy of F100/2.8 
optically. If Nikon did come up with its own design which looks so similar 
to the Pentax. they must deal with the patent first.

Alan Chan
By comparing the diagrams of similar optics from different manufacturers, 
it is not difficult to see that they are very different (even those popular 
50mm). I would be very surprised when 2 designers came up with the the 
exact same lens arrangement (both diagrams are identical in this case) when 
they were not copying each other. Is it possible, yes, anything is 
possible, but highly unlikely. The optics might be fine tuned slightly, but 
they even look the same when the lenses are extended to closest focus. But 
geez, I must be stupid to think that way, I know.

Re: The public and Pentax

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
Maybe Pentax have been trying to avoid the same fate as Minolta did (they 
kept pumping out new lenses & cameras like crazy and was eventually 
accuqired by Konica). Btw, am I the only one who think the "Konica Minolta" 
name look ridiculious on their products?

Alan Chan
of the two companies that Pentax seems to be closely associated in the
camera industry, Casio and Nikon are the biggest. inside most Pentax 
P&S cameras are Casio components, except of course for the lens. Casio is
too different from Pentax otherwise to be a serious contender, i think.
Nikon may have more market share than Pentax, but it is losing it. Pentax 
least looks like it will be able to hold its position.
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Re: The public and Pentax

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
Just call me Alan.  :-)
Alan Chan
There are times when I disagree with Mr Chan's opinion.
This is NOT one of them!!
He is so right.

Re: The public and Pentax

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
Oh I know what you mean, I was living in Melbourne for yrs.  :-(
Alan Chan
Their current predicament is a function of a lack of direction regarding
marketing and advertising which ties back to the lack of communication and
unpredictable line development. And all this is topped off with a lack of
communication and control over the behaviour of designated distributors 

Take for instance our local distributor, virtually every Pentax SLR body 
they sell here ships with a Sigma lens. This has been happening for years 
it's ingrained to the point where the local perception is almost that Sigma 
a Pentax brand. Actual Pentax lenses (apart from the 28-200 zooms etc) are
truly hard to find here.

It really is difficult remaining loyal to the brand these days with all 
contradictory messages being flung about :-(
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Re: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
By comparing the diagrams of similar optics from different manufacturers, it 
is not difficult to see that they are very different (even those popular 
50mm). I would be very surprised when 2 designers came up with the the exact 
same lens arrangement (both diagrams are identical in this case) when they 
were not copying each other. Is it possible, yes, anything is possible, but 
highly unlikely. The optics might be fine tuned slightly, but they even look 
the same when the lenses are extended to closest focus. But geez, I must be 
stupid to think that way, I know.

Alan Chan
I haven't looked at the diagram for these lenses... but a lens diagram that 
contains a figure for each element and does not have precise measurements, 
curvatures and more than I care to mention,   amounts to nothing but a 
pretty picture if you're trying to determine if two lenses are indeed of 
the exact same design.

It's like drawing a top down diagram of a 4-door, 4-cylinder, 4-wheeled 
automobile.  They'll all look the same.
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RE: FA 135 f2.8

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
I could see a use for this lens on the *ist D. So herewith I ask my usual 
questions of those who own it:
I owned it for a short while.
How is it at wider apertures?
Not sharp, worse than M135/3.5.
Can one get decent enlargements (8-1/2 x 11 inch or A4) at f2.8?
How does it perform on the *ist D?
No idea, never done that.
Also, where is the rear element during focusing? At any point, does it come 
to the end of the rear flange? (This question is to ascertain whether it 
could be used with the Sigma APO 1.4x extender.)
The rear element is fixed, but recessed inside so it should be okay.
Alan Chan
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Re:Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1nkit,Voigtlander

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
Anyone who can and would buy a 1Ds SHOULD switch to Canon.  Pentax will
never compete with that level of camera at that price ever again.  I
really don' think that this is a very big market, relatively speaking.
OTOH, a 10D replacement with the 8Mp 1.3 crop sensor is competition.  It
will be curious to see how quickly Pentax can respond to that.
I quite agree. The problem of some Pentax users is that they keep dreaming 
about the long gone LX and possible high end 135 cameras when in fact Pentax 
has never commited themselves to this sector. The LX, was a one off deal, 
not before, or since have any other attempt. Their professional market is 

Alan Chan
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Re: Re:Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1n kit, Voigtlander

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
(something that Nikon and Canon arguably hasn't);
We love Pentax, but where did that come from?
eg. good quality lenses and medium format.
Since Canon & Nikon do not produce 120, it is a pointless arguement. We can 
only compare what they produced. Besides, Nikon have large format lenses, 
where is Pentax, if you must.

For digital this means high-resolution sensor which equals high-end.
If pentax want to maintain products that yields better image quality than 
Nikon/Canon produce it means that they have to involve with high-end 
High quality sensors & image quality hopefully, but high end bodies? I think 

Alan Chan

Re: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
You can't tell from the diagrams. They are very simplified, do not
show precise curvature, do not show the type of glasses used, do not
show exact spacing...
They might fine tune them differently, but when the diagrams look identical, 
I'd say they are copying each other. Besides, the CAPA 2003 lens catalog 
have fine printed diagrams.

Tessar from one company looks the same as Tessar from another company
(yet their performance might differ greatly). Your typical 6/7
1.4/50mm lens has about the same diagram as another 6/7 gr/el 1.4/50mm
lens. But in fact, that's just because they evolved from the same
design, and are today the peak of that design. Modern lenses like
Leitz's turned off from Gaussian design, just because it was
"depleted" of novel design ideas.
I looked at all the 50mm diagrams, they look different. Sorry.
Your typical 2.8/14mm lens is very probably the same design as well,
you just can't make such ultrawide in many different ways. You just
tweak it here and there.
Sigma & Canon look very different. Have you actually checked their diagrams?
Rumors like that surface time to time, and mostly, are meaningless.
Not that 3rd party lens makers can't make excellent lenses, they can -
given enough money, though.
Give me a break. Have you actually checked their diagrams, again?
Alan Chan
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RE: Rumors

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
1) Pentax is likely to implement in body image stabilization in a DSLR. 
Like hinted by Herbert Keppler.
Reminds me the strongly rumored Olympus OM-5.  :-)
2) There will be at least five DA lenses.
3) There will be new FA lenses that will include the DA lenses MF/AF clutch 
mechanism. These lenses does have some "new features" not necessarily makig 
them compatible with all old bodies.
Just a matter of time.
Alan Chan
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RE: Z1-p repair and looking for parts or a parts camera.

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
If you are certain you can fix it yourself, you might just strip it down and 
order the parts from Pentax Canada. It will be much cheaper this way. Or 
search for a broken Z-1p for parts.

Alan Chan
  I have a Z1-p and its great except the flash doesn't
work and it drains batteries really fast, about 3
rolls a battery if I'm lucky.
 I've sent it in to Pentax Canada and they don't it
would be worth fixing.  It has some water damage to
the board inside thats in the grip, the rest of the
camera looks fine.
 So does anyone have any parts from one or a whole
parts camera that still has some decent parts on it?
 If I can't find one I guess I'm just going to make a
battery pack for it with 5 Nimh batteries.
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Re: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-30 Thread Alan Chan
I checked their optical diagrams and they look identical. Interestingly, the 
AF Nikkor 105/2.8 macro also has the same optical diagram as the Pentax 
F/FA100/2.8 macro.

Alan Chan
> That 14/2.8 Nikkor is actually a rebadged Tamron.
Hmmm.  Based on the specs it COULD be--same number of elements and groups,
almost same minimum focus and weight.  Nikon has been known to use
rebadged and slightly tweaked Tamrons before.
OTOH it seems odd that what is a premiere lens for Nikon is not one of
their own designs.  Plus, for all the specs it doesn't quite LOOK the
same, although it could be merely cosmetic.  It's also the first I've
heard this assertion.
For all the rumors that the third party manufacturers make all the lenses
for the big names, from what I know only a handful of well-known lenses
(like the Pentax 100 macro) are in fact rebadged designs from another
company.  Specialty lenses would be a good candidate, though...
I wonder if it is a case of "sharing designs".  Pentax and (Contax?) were
suspected of doing that back at the end of the screw-mount era (they
introduced 15/3.5s with almost identical designs at almost the same time)
and Leica and Minolta (apparently one of the Minolta 24s was
suspiciously good and similar to the Leitz lens) at one point as well.
Even if the basic design is the same the glass, build quality, and
quality control could vary a lot.
I've stayed away from the Nikkor 14, no matter who makes it, because
my experience with the Sigma 14 and everything I've read about the Nikkor
15 suggest that ultrawides like that are more trouble than they are worth.
Give me a 35mm-sized sensor and I won't need a 14mm lens anyway--that
is assuming I ever find an M 20/4 or splurge on the FA version.
Perhaps the fact that the Pentax is a DA design gives it an edge over the
film-format 14s that everyone else uses, other than the fact that it
leaves Pentax without a film-format 14.  I suspect that Pentax's 15/3.5,
which dates optically from the early '70s, is as outdated an optical
design as anybody else's older 15/3.5.  I've heard predictably
unflattering things about its performance wide open.

RE: Adjusting the infinity focus stop on a K 200mm F2.5

2004-06-29 Thread Alan Chan
Since I don't have this lens, I cannot give precise procedure. For fixed 
focal length lens, the focus setting screws (usually 3) can be accessed from 
the front (might need to remove some barrels first), or underneath the 
rubber depends on the design. It has nothing to do with the lens mount.

Alan Chan
 Hi guys I have a new to me k200mm 2.5 lens thats
working great except its infinity focus is a bit off.
 I've already took the mount off and unscrewed the
front element group to try to get at the adjustment
but I'm not seeing anything.  Maybe I'm just blind.
 So has anyone adjusted one or at least have any
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RE: DA16-45 underexposure very disappointing

2004-06-28 Thread Alan Chan
Could it be due to inaccurate calibration of the aperture mechanism of the 
lens since it shares the traditional 'A' design (something difficult to 
avoid because it would be too labour intensive to adjust them just right)? I 
have tested all my lenses with Z-1p and found some of them open up the 
aperture 1/3-1/2EV larger than they should be when the lenses are set to 
'A'. Since exposure is critical with digital, the problem is obvious.

Alan Chan
I am very disappointed in my DA16-45 which I bought with my istD.  I cannot 
count on it to produce useable photos.  My first outing was to see my 
daughter at an equestrian event on a bright day.  Everything is washed out, 
even close ups of my daughters face.
Is there a fix for this?  Is Pentax acknowledging this?  I do not want to 
have to make additional settings to cope with this problem.  I would like 
to trade it in for a DA14.  Anyone else notice this problem?  I have 
compared it to other lens and it is obvious.

Re: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-27 Thread Alan Chan
Say these are correct. How do Canon & Nikon deal with it? Do they have more 
effective solution?

Alan Chan
Mast all wide angle lenses exhibit some CA, the problem with digicams is a
little more complex, sensors have two characteristics that are very 
from film. Firstly for all intents you can consider film to have no depth,
light that strikes it at an acute angle will be recorded pretty accurately,
with sensors that have micro-lenses which are position above the actual 
sensitive substrate. So this means that acute light angles are going to 
all sorts of problems such as vignetting and spill to adjacent sensor 

Secondly unlike film the majority of sensors measure the primary colours in
slightly different positions, these measurements are then used to 
the colour that would likely have been at the actual pixel site. As you can
imagine this approach can be easily derailed and the colour separation 
by CA is something it doesn't handle well, in fact most demosaicing 
tend to magnify the effect in the final image.

These are just some of the limitations we have to deal with using the 
technology, digital image capture is no panacea but it does have a lot of
positive aspects too of course :-)
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RE: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-27 Thread Alan Chan
DA14 does have ED.
Alan Chan
They could have gotten rid of it, if they had used ED elements.  It's that
simple, typically lenses with that type of glass cost a bit more though.
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RE: First smc-DA14/2.8 impressions

2004-06-27 Thread Alan Chan
Any DA14 users care to test it on film and see how serious the CA actually 
is? Or was it the CCD?

Alan Chan
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RE: F* 300/4.5 impressions

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Chan
I'm intrigued that people seem to like the FA 300/4.5 clutch mechanism and
focus feel better, since the F 300/4.5 seems pretty nice to me in those
The F*300/4.5 is a very nice lens, just that when I had to switch 2 things 
between AF & MF everytime, especially in a hurry, the FA* design is clearly 

3) The F* lens handled backlight MUCH better than the Nikkor.  It didn't
have a filter on it (haven't gotten around to buying one) whereas the
Nikkor had a fairly clean Hoya UV on the front, but I suspect that the
difference is primarily in the coatings and perhaps the optics themselves.
The Pentax built-in hood also appears to be a little longer, which would
have helped combat the low-sun backlight.
I don't think the hood is useful for backlight situation. HOYA monocoated or 
HMC flare easily. Their Super HMC is good however.

Alan Chan

RE: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Chan
I guess I should lecture you a little more.
Always nice to attend leatures when there is something to learn.
First off, the bokeh on the
24mm is probably of little consequence since wide angle lenses are rarely
used in situations where superb bokeh is a necessity.
Completely disagree. There are time I like to shoot very chose to the 
subject for some interesting effect. The background will appear very 
out-of-focus. In situation like this, the bokeh shows, and ugly with the 
FA*24/2. I have seen many wide angle shots with similar style in Japanese 
magazines too so don't tell me it is a non-issue.

Second, the 3 limited
lenses are known for having relatively harsh bokeh even by Pentax standards
due to the other areas they excel in, such as 3 dimensionality.
It is unknown to me. FA31 & FA77 have good bokeh though still have very 
slight bright-ring effect.

Third, 3 of those lenses are telephotos, with the 100 being a Macro lens.  
Presumably it
has at least decent bokeh.  The only lens there that I would expect to have
superb bokeh is the FA* 85 1.4.  So you tell me, does it suck in this
regard, or is it excellent???
To surprise you, I feel the FA*85/1.4 has the worst bokeh in this bunch. It 
excels on certain portrait, but I like the bokeh of FA77 better. From what I 
can see, the FA*85 has slightly stronger bright-ring bokeh than the FA77. 
Sometimes the backgrounds just appeared a little odd with the FA*85, but not 
with the FA77. But you are correct that the FA100/2.8 macro does have very 
nice bokeh. It is a nice lens for both macro & portrait imho.

Thanks for the extra lecture. It teaches me that you have never used most of 
these low quality Pentax lenses.

Alan Chan
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Re: Pentax F-series lenses??

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Chan
It's very cheap. How can you go wrong? 
Alan Chan
Okay, that's one opinion...
Any others?
Bad construction and a lot of flare.  Stay away from non-SMC lenses.
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RE: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Chan
Canon & Sigma have more crappy bokeh do not make Pentax good, but relatively 
better only. But thanks for lecture. I feel sorry for myself that I can only 
afford so few and so low end non-finest Pentax lenses like FA*24/2, 
FA31/1.8, FA43/1.9, FA77/1.8, FA*85/1.4, FA100/2.8, FA*200/2.8, F*300/4.5. I 
should be ashame of myself.

Alan Chan
I have a Tamron 90mm SP AF lens that is widely regarded as having some of
the best bokeh ever, some have said better than comparable Leica primes.  
close comparisons I found that my Pentax SMC-F 50 1.7 has equal bokeh, 
to be slightly finer even.  We can talk all day, but I've seen the goods.
Sure my old Takumar 200 lens occasionally rendered out of focus highlights
with hard edges, but in general that didn't happen.  That lens is also 40
years old and a telephoto.  I've seen plenty of crappy Bokehs from Canon 
Sigma, which is more along the lines of whom Pentax competes with.  If you
haven't actually used Pentax's finest, then there is no sense in comparing
Pentax to a fine quality manufacturer like Zeiss.
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Re: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?

2004-06-25 Thread Alan Chan
I understand that bokeh is very hard to get right in many zoom
designs.  Leica and Zeiss don't seem to make many zooms, which might
help with their above average bokeh.
I don't think it's a zoom or prime issue (bright-ring bokeh at least), but I 
have primes only now if that's what you implied.

Alan Chan
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Re: Pentax F-series lenses??

2004-06-24 Thread Alan Chan
F lenses are hard to find used, and presumably impossible to find new.
They aren't exactly attractive, and they don't have the build quality
of even the A lenses.  Manual focus with them is not great (in common with
early AF lenses from other manufacturers).  Most of the good ones appear
to be optically identical to the A versions.  All of these seem to be
valid reasons why the F lenses are unpopular.
I believe their regular F primes were built well, certainly better than FA 
lenses. They may have plastic shells, but metal inside.

Really the only NEW F primes I can think of are the 300/4.5 and the
135/2.8, both of which are well regarded, and the 600/4 which we
understandably don't hear much about.
You missed the macros, and the F*250-600/5.6 too.
Alan Chan
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RE: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?

2004-06-24 Thread Alan Chan
The problem is Pentax seem to be happy with the "good optics average/poor 
built" strategy recently. But that's understandable when they must keep the 
cost down in order to compete, just hope they won't make the FA28-70/4 
mistake again.

Alan Chan
I think we could see more of the f4 zooms.  Pentax can make an opticaaly
superior lens but keep the price down.  Although, to be honest,  a
lesser 2.8 zoom at Tokina prices might serve them better.  OTOH, slow
zooms might be a good paln with in-camera IS.

Re: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?

2004-06-24 Thread Alan Chan
I keep reading this but there doesn't seem to have any objective evidence to 
prove the Pentax 2.8 zoom is superior. Not that I don't want to believe, but 
even what I consider the most believable results from photodo doesn't give 
that good score (and their results seem to match my experience so far).

Alan Chan
The FA*70-200/2.8 has been a special order item for quite some time 
Which is sad, because it's one of the best lenses in that zoom range 
of brand.
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RE: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?

2004-06-24 Thread Alan Chan
Perhaps they finally noticed it didn't sell after so many years? Personally, 
I am not that optimiztic. Remember the A70-210/4 was replaced by 
F70-210/4-5.6? Perhaps Pentax will go the f4 route since Pentax f2.8 zooms 
don't sell. Or they might just make some DA f2.8 zooms to keep the cost 

Alan Chan
I don't kow if anybody noticed it, but it dissappeared from Pentax Germany
(Europe) pricelist just like MZ-S and few others before. IT makes me wonder
- what are they preparing? DA tele zoom in similar range but in smaller 
and lighter? FAAA* lenses with USM and IS for FF Papa-D? New anti-fungus
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Re: Pentax F-series lenses??

2004-06-23 Thread Alan Chan
The F* 300mm f/4.5 is pretty highly regarded, by me at least.  Its so sharp 
you could cut yourself just looking at the slides.
Unfortunately, it doesn't do well with A2X-S.  :-(
A lot of people choose this lens over the FA* version as it has a tripod 
mount.  Optically the two lenses are identical.  I just wish that the F* 
lens had the focussing clutch mechanism of the FA.
A lot of people choose this lens over the FA* version as it has a tripod 
mount.  Optically the two lenses are identical.  I just wish that the F* 
lens had the focussing clutch mechanism of the FA.
I did too, but ironically, after some tests I did for myself, I use the 
tripod mount no longer. However, the built-in hood is still much preferred.

Alan Chan
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Re: LX infinity focus adjustment at home?

2004-06-23 Thread Alan Chan
I did it once, unfortunately I had no choice. Since you do not want to mess 
with the pentaprism or screen (you can't anyway w/o the proper skill and 
insturments), the only thing you can do is to adjust the mirror rest arm 
underneatn the mirror (near the DOF preview arm). It was held by 2 cross 
point screws. The diffculty is to reach these screws w/o leaving any marks, 
and you need a long blade for the job (a short screwdriver will wear the 
slot due to the odd angle). Adjust the resting position of the mirror until 
the "middle" (using split image screen) reach just infinity with wide angle 
lenses like 24mm (telephoto lenses won't do due to the long travelling 
characteristic). However, there is nothing you can do about the top and 
bottom parts of the mirror. You can only hope everything will work out by 
itself (and should do unless the prism or screen were messed with).

Alan Chan
> Hi gang,
> My LX metering problems strangely resolved themselves (Maybe it was
> that good whacking I gave her the other day?)
> So now I'm wondering if another whack will fix the no-focus at
> Seriously, I seem to recall some discussion around these parts
> adjusting the mirror with no more than good advice and a #00
> head screwdriver. Any concurrence?
I fixed my own sticky mirror one time by removing the goo that the
stock bumper had turned into and replacing it with a small bit of
neoprene rubber from an old inner tube from my BMW motorcycle.
The focus adjust was kind of finicky, but certainly doable.
The trick is to make certain that the focus is the same at both the
top and bottom of the finder.
Once you are there, the bumper pretty much has to be in the right
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RE: Pentax F-series lenses??

2004-06-23 Thread Alan Chan
I guess it's because most "good" F lenses are rare and hard to find now. I 
have been looking for a mint F50/1.4 for years but seen none so far.

Alan Chan
I don't see much mention of these lenses on this list.  I see lots of A, M,
and FA talk of course.  I've recently gotten 2 F series lenses, the 28 2.8
and the 50 1.7.  The 28 2.8 gives nice results, with good sharpness even
wide open, the 50 1.7 is extraordinary.  I feel that it out resolves the A
series 50 1.7 in all respects, regarding color contrast, sharpness, control
of aberrations and ultimate resolution.  And the A 50 1.7 is really, really
good!  Even using the F 50 1.7 on my istD there is very little vignetting
wide open...  Better than the A series.  A very impressive lens, and
available for very good prices on ebay.  The AF is also good by Pentax
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Re: F* 250-600/5.6 in action

2004-06-21 Thread Alan Chan
Um... the tripod mount and the rear section don't look right so it cnn't be. 
I think the double-section lens hood is unique to F*250-600 too (anyone 
actually seen one?).

Alan Chan
ICQ: 42516180
I'd say it is rather A* 600/5.6 :-)
BTW, someone else holds somethig like FA* 300/4.5 in his hands in the
beginning of the film :-)
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RE: Pentax Cable Switch F question

2004-06-20 Thread Alan Chan
Held by 3 screws.
Alan Chan
ICQ: 42516180
Has anyone here disassembled the Pentax Cable Switch F? If so is the switch
body screwed or glued?
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F* 250-600/5.6 in action

2004-06-20 Thread Alan Chan
At 02:56...  :-)
Alan Chan
ICQ: 42516180
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Re: canon vs pentax

2004-06-17 Thread Alan Chan
That's correct, but some users filed it off to fit other cameras.
Alan Chan
ICQ: 42516180
Earlier John Mustarde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: "So what did she buy for 
an upgrade from the ME Super? Canon Rebel. Kit... Now, a couple of years 
later, she has added the Digital Rebel as her primary camera, which came 
with an 18-55 kit lens."

Since part of this thread talks about lens compatibility I'll toss this in 
here.  (Don't remember if it's been said yet.)

My local camera dealer was lamenting that the Canon 18-55mm zoom that comes 
with the 300D will only fit the 300D.  You can't put it on a 10D or any of 
the other canon bodies.  It has something to do with some sort of a wedge 
shaped protrusion on the rear of the lens that fits into a hollowed out 
area inside the mount.

I don't know if he was kidding, but he seemed pretty serious.
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Re: Analog vs digital by Herbert Keppler

2004-06-17 Thread Alan Chan
I think that's one interesting thing about impulse buying. Some consumers 
don't actually bother how much they spent (so long as they could afford), 
but they are buying the most cost efficent products (low end in most cases). 
A $100 P&S is a low end film camera, so to a $1000 DSLR in the digital 

Alan Chan
> I don't get it.  You didn't see people flocking to stores to buy Nikon
> F100s, Canon A3s, or Pentax MZ-Ss, all of which are in about the same
> price range as the cheapest DSLRs.  People who were buying film P&S
> cameras ($100-200) or film SLRs ($250-400) are now suddenly in the 
> for $1000 cameras?

I never said I understood it. But, that's what I've been seeing. I've had
alot of non-photographers express interest in the low end D-SLRs. They've
bought a P&S type digital, really liked using it, and now want to check out
one of the two lower cost D-SLRs. I've honestly never had anyone shoot with
a film P&S and be so inspired by the results that they wanted to go out and
drop $1000 on a film SLR.
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RE: Pentax Mid-term Management Plan..

2004-06-16 Thread Alan Chan
Babelfish sucks. I don't know why so many people use it.
Alan Chan
Was just using Altavista Babelfish to try to scout any new developments 
Pentax Japan:

Nothing major, but thought this translation was worth a post:
"In new mid-term management plan"growth and enlargement" in keyword, the
technology which covers long time the ? ? ? ? with the centralized ? ? ? 
good ? ? ? ? ? kilogram sushi ? scorpion mustache ? ? ¬ and others, it
raises technical power, brand power and profitability in the basis, assures
the growth and enlargement of continuous business, directs to the 
"of ??? and" starts promoting this plan."

The good kilogram sushi scorpion mustache!
Very cool.
PS. The rest of the page was vaguely comprehensible, but this one's over my
head.. Any takers?
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Re: Nikon to abandon film...

2004-06-16 Thread Alan Chan
Had a MZ-M for less than 1 year. The viewfinder was so poor manual focus was 
mission impossible.

Alan Chan
The MZ/ZX-M has no trouble with K/M lenses.  They work perfectly.  What I 
don't like about
it is it's cheap mirror prism design.  Otherwise it's just perfect with 
older lenses.
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Re: Nikon to abandon film...

2004-06-16 Thread Alan Chan
However, it would be a shame to see the MZ-S leave...
I had understood that was the "flagship" 355mm film camera for Pentax. I 
wonder what happened, didn't it sell in sufficient quatities?
Obviousely... the demand has been so low and not even all diehand Pentax 
fans liked it.

Alan Chan
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Re: Nikon to abandon film...

2004-06-16 Thread Alan Chan
Commerical shooters are using digital, so why invest in F5?
Alan Chan
I have been told, by a Nikon sponsored pro, that there will be no new Nikon 
SLR film camera.
Now I guess the question is what does new mean? Would a slightly modified 
F5 count as new or not?
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Re: Nikon to abandon film...

2004-06-16 Thread Alan Chan
It's clear that SLRs will be next, but imho not in the
near future.
The market has been changing so fast we really wouldn't know, would we?  :-)
Alan Chan
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RE: Nikon to abandon film...

2004-06-16 Thread Alan Chan
And increase digital production. Who's next?
Konica-Minolta, who else? 
Alan Chan
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RE: A-lenses aperture indication

2004-06-15 Thread Alan Chan
I thought that A and FA lenses had the same KAF-mount
contacts. Apparently they don't!!
F/FA lenses have a chip inside them while A lenses don't. They look the 
same, but work differently.

Alan Chan
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RE: A-lenses aperture indication

2004-06-15 Thread Alan Chan
The very same question was asked in the past, and yes, it is technically 
possible to make a KA or later camera which can display the chosen aperture 
with 'A' lens when it is not set to 'A'. I found this out when I was using 
my Metz 40MZ3i flash with M135/3.5 (masked the mount to simulate 'A' lenses) 
on Z-1p. The camera does not display the aperture (as expected, because none 
of the Pentax cameras does), but the Metz DOES (what a surprise!!). It is 
clearly that the camera knows the chosen aperture even when the aperture is 
not set to 'A' for 'A' lenses (doesn't work for pre-A lenses btw), but the 
cameras were not designed to display it. So you asked why? Another brilliant 
Pentax decision I guess.

Alan Chan
I have been wondering why Pentax AF cameras (crippled KAF mount excepted)
will not show the aperture setting in the viewfinder when the aperture ring
is set to other than "A".
It seems to me that A lenses provide enough information to the camera
through the electronic contacts and aperature simulator for the camera to
"know" what aperture is set.
Anybody know the reason?
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Re: canon vs pentax

2004-06-15 Thread Alan Chan
Hmm, so... does IS/VR somehow require USM?
That depends I think. The reason is that both the mechanical aperture 
linkage & AF shaft require specific spaces inside the Pentax lenses. They 
are straight phyically, and cannot be bended out of the way and still 
expected to work. For this reason, the optical design for IS/VR would be 
difficult because they have to be in front of both the AF & aperture 
mechanism. FA*200/2.8 for example, the front and rear lens group are fixed, 
the moving lenses belong to the middle lens group, and the aperture blades 
are between the front and middle lens groups. If IS had to be done in this 
lens, that means it has to be done with the front lens group which is huge 
in size. Now imagine, if both AF & aperture have their own motors, all 3 
devices (USM, aperture & IS) can be placed anywhere the engineers wanted.

Alan Chan
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RE: IS in Pentax *istD (was Re: canon vs pentax)

2004-06-14 Thread Alan Chan
To achieve IS/VR/AS, the camera or the lens must be able to detect their own 
movement, and obviousely *istD doesn't have any. For this reason, the 
firmware idea doesn't work.

Alan Chan
Is there any reason IS couldn't be implemented in software? You could 
produce a 5MP image from a 6MP sensor by using the extra pixels to shift 
the image. You'd need to measure the movement of the camera, which could be 
done using a sensor of some sort in the body, or could conceivably be done 
by measuring the movement of the image on the CCD. This could mean that IS 
could be added to the *istD by a firmware upgrade.

This is all speculation, and I could be talking rubbish.
Any comments?

Re: canon vs pentax

2004-06-14 Thread Alan Chan
they most definitely do in their P&S cameras. they were the first company i
know of to release a digital P&S with IS.
Which model was it? I know Nikon did have a film P&S with some IS capability 
many years ago, but never noticed Olympus had one.

Alan Chan
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Re: canon vs pentax

2004-06-14 Thread Alan Chan
I suppose bird shooters would love the 300/2 which is practically 600/2. 
Just imagine how big the 600/4 is for 135.

Alan Chan
Interesting lenses. But one has to note that the DOF of 150/2 is still
that of a 150mm f/2 lens, and the lack of good noise at higher
iso means that it is just the same. At least I think so. I don't see
the advantage here. Faster lenses are offset by smaller sensor's lack
of noise. Nobody might have 300/2 but everybody has 200/2 which is the
same size and does the same. And even your bread-and-butter 2.8 70-210
zoom is equal to 300/2.8 on APS format, the difference between 2.8 and
2 of olympus is equal to the difference between usable iso 1600 and
usable iso 800 on the oly. So everything is similar. No advantage?
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Re: canon vs pentax

2004-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
If the baby *istD had aperture simulator lever, we would know for certain 
there would not be any USM or IS in the near future. Personally, I believe 
it will not have it because all the DA lenses have none, so why the baby D?

Alan Chan
If this happened wouldn't that be a "betrayal" to those who bought the
top-of-the-line *ist D?  If the baby D did have the aperture simulator 
I would buy one because that's the reason why I didn't buy the *ist D.
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RE: Looking for a film scanner recomendation

2004-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
For slides only, you might consider Minolta Scan Elite 5400. With colour/B&W 
negatives, get Vuescan too.

Alan Chan
I want more control over my colour printing process, which has got me
thinking about 'going digital'.  However, digital photography still has
some serious shortfalls in that:
1 - I like to do slideshows and digital projection solutions are either
poor or expensive or both
2 - I also like shooting at night (moonlit landscapes, star trails, etc)
and I understand that noise becomes a serious issue for long exposures.
3 - If I did go digital now, I'd be attracted to either Pentax (small
size, I have some lenses) or Olympus (small size, good build, very
attractive 2 lens kit), but both of these systems have just one body for
the moment and I don't want to commit without knowing where they are
headed.  I've tried both the E1 and the *ist D, and I have concerns
about the *ist D AF and buffer depth, and system continuity for the E1.
So I'm thinking of getting a scanner and a wide format inkjet photo
printer to try out the digital workflow a bit, but I have no idea where
to start.  Can anyone recommend a good film scanner, and for that matter
a good photo printer.  I want to print to about A3 size (12 or 13 inches
wide).  Right now I shoot a lot of FUJI Velvia and Provia 100F.
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Re: canon vs pentax

2004-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
Or it might be true that all new Pentax lenses would have no aperture ring 
so that they could produce IS/USM in the near future.

Alan Chan
Actually I think leaving out compatibility was a marketing decision, (the 
engineers probably had the mount
designed with a aperture simulator lever), the marketeers said, if they 
can't use old lenses they'll have to buy
new ones.  Upper management said great, and we'll save 1,100 yen on 
manufacturing per. unit.  This caused
a s*** storm which the firmware fix somewhat abated.
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Re: Giving up on the FA 28-70/4

2004-06-11 Thread Alan Chan
I'm not a huge believer that the country of manufacture has a big
difference with quality of the object.  I own a VW TDI car and some
members of (the forums for said cars) claim that the
German made ones are better than the ones made elsewhere.  My wife's
Jetta Wagon TDI is German and my Golf was made in Brazil and my older
Jetta was made in Mexico.  The Jetta Wagon has had the most rattles
and other little annoyances.
Right, my sister year 2000 German Made Golf has been a nightmare. The 
airflow sensor has broken down constantly and the integrated alarm has 
untracable flaw, or at least none of the dealers have been able or willing 
to trace it deep enough. There were some other problems too. The most sorry 

For the price of something like the 28-70/4 AL I expect that they were
largely built by machine.
Or they simply used cheap cement to keep the cost down.
Alan Chan
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Re: Giving up on the FA 28-70/4

2004-06-11 Thread Alan Chan
I believe glass separation has nothing to do with the manufacturing origin, 
but the fact that those lenses were designed and manufactured to be cheap, 
the FA28-70/4 in this case. Some even had aperture blades not working 
properly. There are reason why some lenses were selling so cheap.

Alan Chan
It was just a thought, I believe some are manufactured elsewhere than 
The sample looks pretty bad, makes me wonder about quality in modern 
I have lenses >30 years old never a problem working fine.
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RE: 31/77 Harsh?

2004-06-09 Thread Alan Chan
Perhaps I should clarify. By "soft" I did not mean less sharp, but the 
"milky" appearance. I don't know the proper way/word to describe it though.  

Alan Chan
Wide opened, the 77 beats my 85/1.8D, and overall the 77 has more '3D'
look than the Nikon. So the 77 is harsh for portrait, but superb in
Andy Chang took me to a Pentax store in Taipei (thanks Andy!!!) and I
got a 50/1.4 FA. After some testing, I must say this is one sharp lens
(just like other normal primes), but never softer than Nikon's 50/1.4
(mine is AIS).
They are sharp & contrasty by Pentax standard, but still on the "soft"
side when compared to Nikkors, never harsh.
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Re: long glass

2004-06-09 Thread Alan Chan
I generally have far more problems with subject movement than I do with 
shake, I don't need IS I need ISO 128000 with no noise.
You will get it if you have hang around long enough... 
Alan Chan
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Re: SMC-F 28 f2.8 some impressions.

2004-06-09 Thread Alan Chan
Except the light-fall-off issue at wide open.
Alan Chan
That's good to hear, as the SMC-F 28 f/2.8 is the same lens formula as the 
SMC-A version of this lens, which was a supposedly much improved design 
from the SMC-M version of the lens. From my experience and judging from 
others' comments, however, you may be even more impressed with the SMC-FA 
28mm f/2.8, which incorporates an aspherical element and is one of the 
sharpest 28mm primes Pentax has ever made.
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RE: shutter speeds off ?

2004-06-09 Thread Alan Chan
could it be that the middling
speeds of my KX are too slow, leading to overexposure of almost a stop?
Anybody else with a KX or similarly-shuttered camera (was there one?)
experienced this?  Personally, I suspect a combination of the meter itself
and faulty tone-analysis on my part.
Certainly possible. Often the actual speed between 1/1000-1/60s is slower, 
while 1/30-1s is faster than they should be. You might do some rough visual 
checking against other electronic cameras by looking through the film plane.

Alan Chan

Re: Giving up on the FA 28-70/4

2004-06-09 Thread Alan Chan
IMHO, FA*24/2 & F/FA135/2.8 aren't that great optically. In fact, I found 
the M135/3.5 to be sharper than the F/FA135/2.8 near wide open.

Alan Chan
This I don't understand, the 24's are no more problematic than the 28's.  
The K 3.5 and 2.8 have excellent
reputations, the FA 2.0 also.  The only one I've heard really bad things 
about is the A 2.8 which has mixed
reviews, sample variations anyone?

The 135's are also given mostly high marks.  The K 3.5 2.8 and A 1.8 lenses 
are legendary, The FA 2.8 and F 2.8 are
at least equal in optical quality to the K's the M 3.5 is a solid performer 
if not quite up to the standards of the previous
lenses.  Only the  A 2.8 has a less than stellar reputation.  Which is just 
what you'd expect from a class of lenses that
has had the amount of history and R&D that 135's have had lavished on them 
over the years.

The non SMC models of the 135's are another matter entirely, but they were 
budget lenses.
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Re: On Sharpness (Confusion)

2004-06-08 Thread Alan Chan
I think you mean "very film like" which has been mentioned by the Japanese 
as well.

Alan Chan
All I can say is that when used well the *ist D can produce printed
photographic results that don't have that identifiable digital look. All 
that I
can put this down to is that the designers wanted the images it produced to
look like photos and as such didn't try to extract information from the 
that was beyond its capabilities and I'm pretty glad about that.
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Re: On Sharpness (Confusion)

2004-06-08 Thread Alan Chan
We don't know what Pentax is thinking. If they really have a different take 
what a good lens is, a more holistic approach instead of a 'scientific' 
based on measured sharpness and contrast, then they are certainly not good 
'selling' it.
I am certain many Pentax users would be interesed to know what their 
engineers have been thinking as well. There was a pdf file which was talking 
about the FA43 & FA77, but unfortunately, it was available in Japanese only. 
Is the international market so worthless to them they won't even translate 
something that might sell their products?

A person may also just not telling the truth - half of what is written on 
internet is wrong.
And most people have the tendency to praise whatever they had.
o We don't know if and how much sample variation there is. I personally 
have not
been able to show much of this when comparing lenses of the same series but 
I do not have a testing laboratory and b) it is certainly possible the the
particular lens that the owner claims to be "less good" is a lens that 
fom the rest.
I don't know much about optical sample variation, but their QC is bad, as 
far as I can tell. And I am talking about * & Limited lenses too, and that 
frustrates me a lot.

Alan Chan
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Re: Pentax plans to focus on digital

2004-06-02 Thread Alan Chan
After giving some thought, I don't see the point to dump my Pentax gears 
just because they won't make film SLRs anymore (and I won't buy them 
anyway). I'll be perfectly happy if my F/FA lenses keep mounting on any 
future DSLRs with AF/AE.  :-)

Alan Chan
Pentax being the first to spell out reality, I would think that the
others are right behind.  On top of that, the film manufacturers and
labs are rapidly moving in the same direction.  Film will become a
much more expensive proposition barring B&W.
With that in mind, what is your purpose in selling?  Are you planning
to figure out the last bastion of film camera brands and rush there
only to encounter the same issue there?  Or selling your film
equipment while it still has value? or ?
I'm to elucidate?
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RE: Is it Real or is it PhotoShop?

2004-05-28 Thread Alan Chan
I really don't think anyone really cares what the original scene looked 
like. Every photo we have seen in magazines have been heavily "enchanced" to 
capture our attention. Just look at those super saturated National 
Geographic photos! Btw, Auto Contrast seldom works for me. It has the 
tendency to overdo.

Alan Chan
OK Gang...
I'm grappling with the issue of manipulation.  I have a shot I took with 
the *istD.

It comes nowhere close to my recollection.  So I've put 3 versions up on  The 1st is the original, including water drops on the lens. 
 The 2nd is one that's been processed in PS using Image--> Adjust---> 
Autocontrast.  The 3rd, using the 2nd as a base, reduces contrast by -30 on 
the scale as PS sees it.  Not very scientific...

It's probably not a fair test because of the water on the lens in the 
original, and because somehow I managed to size them slightly differently, 
but that's the only manipulation I made.  The original was simply resized.  
Numbers 2 and 3 were converted to a .psd during manipulation and then saved 
as a .jpg.

I think the third matches my recollection far better than the first... and 
I think the second is pretty questionable.  If any of you have insights, 
comments, etc., I'd like to hear them.
In analyzing what I see and feel, it brings questions to my mind regarding 

1.  (showing my stupidity) Assuming many of us have always just taken our 
film in to be processed most of our lives, we've come to accept the 
returned result as THE photo.

2.  It's quite difficult to remember exactly what we saw, a day, or in this 
case about a week, after the image is captured.

3. In the past I would have looked at photo 1 as a waste... now I see it 

4. Is all this moot?  Has photography, the images we've seen from "the 
masters", and from popular modern acclaimed photographers, always been a 
rendering of what was seen through the viewfinder, and never been THE 

Tom C.
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Re: Interesting article about Pentax in Australia

2004-05-27 Thread Alan Chan
Or simply because Sigma is more famous than Pentax.
Alan Chan
Because there is a higher profit margin on Sigma lenses?
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Re: Mirror foam on MX

2004-05-27 Thread Alan Chan
It is bad. The worst part is, if it sticks to the plastic focus screen, it 
will leave permanent mark. If you intend to replace the foam yourself, 
remove the screen first. The foam should be 3mm thick and can be found on 

Alan Chan
So, I've been playing around with my "new" MX.
Cleaned it and inspected every aspect of it.. And I found that the foam 
that softens the mirror blow has really gone old. It falls off when I 
touch it (Why did I have to go and touch it?!).

Is this bad? Should I start to figure something out to replace that foam? 
It sure does give a pretty loud CLACK when the mirror flies up.
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Re: Uninspired attempted...

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
That's a very nice family photo, pity it was shot with a Canon :-)
Can't blame me, Pentax should label the *ist D as cheap as A80.  
Any details WRT illumination?
Surprisingly simple. A large white reflector as background, and the natural 
light coming from the ceiling window took care everything. That's a poor 
man's studio.  :-)

Alan Chan
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Uninspired attempted...

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
This is what happened when an uninspired person got nothing better to 
photograph...  :-(
Alan Chan
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Re: Ball Heads

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
Have Gitzo improved their ballhead that much? I used G275 & G1276 ballheads 
and I would not use anything longer than 200mm on them. Those heads just 
would not lock tight enough for precise composition, especially when tilted 
vertically. Vibration is another issue, especially when the wind blows.

Alan Chan
the 308 mounted on a good set of legs and set up properly should have no
problems with a 400/5.6. i use the Gitzo 1177M, which is a smaller head, on
a Gitzo 1128 CF tripod and have no problems with my FA* 400/5.6 and the
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Re: Loose front on 50/1.4

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
A piece of thick soft rubber will do. It is not that tight. Just make sure 
the rubber is clean so it won't scratch the glass. Once you get the grab 
with your fingers, it will be a piece of cake.

Alan Chan
Ah, okey. Now I get it. How the he** do I remove this without damaging the 

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Re: Loose front on 50/1.4

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
English is not my 1st language either.  :-)  When you look from the front of 
the lens, the edge of the front glass is actually covered by a large ring 
which is as wide as a 49mm filter thread. That is the ring should be 
removed. For example, for the M50/1.4, "PENTAX-M 1:1.4 50mm ..." is printed 
on that ring. Got it?  :-)
Alan Chan
I'm sorry Alan, but I'm not getting it. Could you please explain further?
What is a retaining ring? :-)
English is not my first language.
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Re: Ball Heads

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
308 is a small head. I would be surprised if it can handle 400/5.6, or even 
300/4.5. The AS B1 I have can handle 300/4.5 nicely w/o tripod collar, if 
care is taken.

Alan Chan
i don't see why you should have problems with that head using that lens.
what are your tripod legs?
> I'm looking for a new ball head to replace my manfrotto 308RC, which
> isn't cut out to handle my 400mm f/5.6.  Since I hike with the tripod a
> fair bit, weight is a priority.  At the moment, I'm considering two
> possibilities:  The Acratech ultimate ball head and the Markins M-10.
> I've seen the specs for both, and the main tradeoffs seem to be better
> tension control on the markins, lighter weight and lower cost for the
> acratech.
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RE: Switching AF360FGZ to TTL mode?

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Chan
If I remember correctly, 360FGZ does digital TTL only. It won't do TTL on LX 
or Super A, but plain Auo and Manual only.

Alan Chan
Just a thought:
- if AF360FGZ can work in analogue TTL mode (reported by some users that it
worked in this manner with LX and Super A)
- if *istD can work with analogue TTL flashes (it works perfectly with
all we had to do to switch AF360FGZ to "plain" TTL mode would be to
electrically isolate digital pin on flash shoe. We would loose auto head
zoom, HSS and some other automatic functions, but aparently that should
work. Am I right??? How do you think?
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Re: Why Pentax Cannot Supply Lenses

2004-05-25 Thread Alan Chan
You know what? They took our advice and tightened the QC. And now none of 
their lenses was able to leave the factory.  :-)

Alan Chan
Yikes! Joe, are you pulling the collective leg, or are you serious? I'd be
amazed that the lens assembly would bottleneck at one person, but I have
heard more outrageous tales. It's obviously not a very robust manufacturing
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Re: Pentax MX battery problem

2004-05-20 Thread Alan Chan
Remove the whole bottom plate then. Piece of cake.
Alan Chan
The guy selling the camera apparently can't open the battery hatch. He says 
it's just plain stuck, and hard as hell.

Leaking battery that has jammed it up maybe?
No wonder it's not working though, a decade old battery in there. :-)
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Re: Comparison: 77 on 35 vs. 50 on APS sensor

2004-05-20 Thread Alan Chan
They should print that in magazine ads instead of some silly ads which went 

Alan Chan
Above statement is apparently quite true (of course, as it has come from 
of our prime lens gurus :-), and reminded me of some interesting exchanges
between Pentax QC Dep't and lens Design Dep't (it showed up in certain lens
It went something like this.

Pentax QC Dep't (Hereinafter QC): The 50/1.4 has slight flare (CA, not due
to backlight) at max aperture, and might not be suitable for use with 

Lens designers (hereinafter LD) : The lens was deliberately designed so (I
assume the same design principle with LTD lenses).
QC: It's an excuse that cannot be accepted in the digital era. A programme
line which does not use max aperture must be designed.
LD: OK then, we can easily prototype the same 50/1.4 but with less flare
(CA). This could be the future FA*50/1.4
Proto was produced.
QC: Good, still some CA remaining but it is now less than 50%. Let's test 
for chart, general scenery and night scene etc.
Test results were satisfactory.  Design improvement was well reflected.
Might have to change to the new design.

And some time later
QC: We have closely evaluated the results of the test.  Well, the current
one shows much better gradation and produces much subtler impression.  We
much prefer the current one.
LD: We told you so.  Now we are vindicated.  We are not pursuing just the
crispness, and that differentiates our lenses from others.  Got it?
Well, if we would proceed with the new version of 50/1.4, the current 
might fetch a premium price, just like A*85/1.4.

Above is a true story.  It tells the present design philosophy of Pentax
lenses well.  For example, if they ever wish to produce Nikkor type lenses
(often too crisp), they can easily do so, but they chose not to.  That's 
there are so many Pentax lens enthusiasts.  Limited lenses are true Pentax
ones, producing excellent 3D effect in a compact package.

Well, folks, if you do not have an FA50/1.4 yet, secure it now before it
becomes one of the legendary lenses :-).
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RE: A 15mm (was RE: 77 limited or 85* for portraits/canndids)

2004-05-19 Thread Alan Chan
I'm really curious, because usually a lens this wide has its own
limitations but often makes a spectacular view. I mean, if Pentax is
still selling this lens, it should be good. How much do you pay for it?
I believe the reason they are still selling some of the very old manual 
focus lenses because they have never been selling well in the first place. 
For this reason, they have many left in the warehouse.

So I just want to know if Pentax has something special at the wide end.
DA14 maybe?
Alan Chan

Re: 77 limited or 85* for portraits/canndids

2004-05-19 Thread Alan Chan
If it's not for the crazy price tag, I might actually buy a new A15.
Alan Chan
Apparently, the A 15mm is still available as well, though mine has
been delayed again, and isn't scheduled to arrive until late this
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Re: 77 limited or 85* for portraits/canndids

2004-05-19 Thread Alan Chan
My sample had been disassembled completely before it was sold just to find 
out what caused it. Many Pentax K mount manual focus fixed focal length 
lenses were designed and built the same way with 2 metal (some plastic) 
helicoid guide plates guiding the position of the whole focusing mechanisms. 
These 2 plates were often placed at both sides of the lens so that they are 
perfectly symmetric. However, in the case of the 77, due to the very limited 
space (and the filter ring design shows) of this design, one of the plates 
was forced to be placed so that they are not symmetric. Because of this, the 
weight of the whole lens group (quite heavy) rests on these 2 metal plates 
vary depends on the physical position of the lens. To see the real 
difference, just mount a heavy metal hood on it (say 49mm thread 100mm lens 
hood) and try to manual focus slowly in landscape orientation. You can 
actually feel the resistance which might make you uncomfortable. 
Unfortunately, since this is an AF lens, heavy damping grease which might 
ease the friction, cannot be used. Another con of this 2 guiding plates 
design is that the filter thread section might become loose over time 
(rotate slightly), especially when filters were forced mounted on them, and 
quite common on many 'A' lenses due to their loose tolerance. I would be 
very interested to see how Zeiss, Leica or Nikkor lenses were designed and 
built, but unfortunately, I can't afford any. 

Alan Chan
My question to you, the resident disassembler :-).
Do you know why this happens?  Obviously, it does not harm the lens, but
what part of lens internal is giving this resistance due to a different
orientation of the lens?  Have you disassembled this lens before?  
must shift inside the lens when the lens is rotated.
I am just curious.

RE: *istD Tv wheel problem

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Chan
It's not dirty contact then.
Alan Chan
Dunno, Alan.
It seems so odd, since the problem only occurs when the release button on 
grip is on. When it's off, the Tv wheel on the camera is just fine...
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RE: *istD Tv wheel problem

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Chan
Could it be the contact of the wheel was dirty since it isn't sealed?
Alan Chan
My *istD is acting up:
Sometimes, when I turn on the power on the battery grip, the Tv wheel on 
camera doesn't respond. Neither in P, Tv or M modes. The Tv wheel on the 
works perfectly.

This morning, it was stuck again, so I called the Pentax rep. He wanted to 
into a few things and call me back. When he did, about 20 minutes later, 
camera worked again, of course.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I have batteries in the grip only, and the contacts between camera and grip 
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Re: Saturday Survey

2004-04-24 Thread Alan Chan
Pretty much how I feel too. The lousy relability record only is a good 
enough reason for me to avoid it for good. My Z-1p might not have the same 
charm as the LX does (when it works), but at least it has never failed me.

Alan Chan
Two LXen.  Didn't use them much, never got to like them, and lost big
on the resale.  They just didn't suit me at all, from the off-balance
strap configuration to the flash problems to the loud shutter to the
many, many repair needs.  All the hoopla about the OTF metering
sounded good, but in real life I wasn't used to setting the camera on
auto, and when I did it incorrectly exposed just as often as any other
center-weight meter, although it has some theoretical advantage if the
light is very low or changed at the instant of exposure.  For a good
manual Pentax camera, give me a PZ1p any day.
John Mustarde
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RE: Saturday Survey

2004-04-24 Thread Alan Chan
Tamron SP 35-105/2.8 manual focus. It was a nightware. The lens was 
expensive (I was in Melbourne back then) and it was very soft wide open, and 
reasonable at f5.6. It was great for portrait, but nothing else. Not to 
mention the zooming acting was a pain in the axx due to some lousy plastic 
inner mechanisms which the service centre could do nothing about. Since then 
I have owned prime lenses only.

Alan Chan
OK, here's a new question:

What camera or lens have you bought that you regretted purchasing?

I'll go first because my answer will startle you at first:

Pentax A20/2.8
(Now the other shoe drops). because now that I have an ist-D I wish
I'd bought the autofocus version, the FA20/2.8 instead.
They're the same lens optically, but the "A" version is much more
solidly built (and is actually more expensive). I never felt missed
autofocus on my film cameras but since this lens has the angle of view
of a 30mm when used on the DSLR, I'm finding myself wishing for AF
It's still a fabulous lens, though ;-)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing
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Re: Character of M135/3.5

2004-04-22 Thread Alan Chan
Here are some M135/3.5 shots.  :-)

Alan Chan
Okay, David, which was it?
If your B&W (prints?) are very sharp, as are your slides (I assume color?) 
were both shot thru the same lens? Or different lenses?
Which was responsible for the "to [sic] soft" prints? The 150mm or the 

keith whaley
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RE: OT: Best restaurants in the world - official!

2004-04-21 Thread Alan Chan
I supposed they weren't fond of Chinese cuisine eihter. But then again, 
often the so-called "the best" is rather subjective and highly depends on 
the background of the judges. 

Alan Chan
Following on from the recent thread about LA eateries, I list below the 
forty nine restaurants which the numerically-challenged editors of 
"Restaurant" magazine have adjudged to be the fifty finest restaurants in 
the world.

Somewhat disappointingly, given its recent build-up, LA rates only one 
entry, at number thirty three. Even more surprisingly, Britain has three in 
the top ten.  No doubt there were more Londoners than Angelinos on the 
judging panel.

However, American, indeed Californian, pride is salvaged by having the 
"French Laundry" at the very top of the list!

I'm sad to say that I've only eaten at two of the restaurants.  I found the 
food in the River Cafe to be very dull, but the grub at the Waterside was 
good.  The meal at the latter was enlivened by the fact that the late King 
Hussein of Jordan was dining at the next table, accompanied by a 
ravishingly beautiful blonde of perhaps seventeen summers.  "She is His 
Majesty's god-daughter", the waiter informed us gravely.  As there were at 
least eight armed bodyguards in the car park, none of us felt brave enough 
to contest the point.

Here's the list:

French Laundry, Yountville, CA, USA
El Bulli, Spain
L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon, Paris
Pierre Gagnaire, Paris
Guy Savoy, Paris
NOBU, London
Louis XV, Monaco
Gramercy Tavern, New York
Daniel, New York
Tetsuya's, Sydney
ST JOHN, London
L'Ami Louis, Paris
Jean Georges, New York
Flower Drum, Melbourne
Arzak, San Sebastian, Spain
Dal Pescatore, Canneto sull'Oglio, Italy
THE IVY, London
Arpege, Paris
El Raco de Can Fabes, San Celoni, Spain
Schwarzwaldstube, Baiersbronn, Germany
The Cliff, Barbados
Rockpool, Sydney
Al Mahara, Burj Al Arab, Dubai
Charlie Trotter, Chicago
Le Jardin des Sens, Montpellier
Spago, Los Angeles
Bukhara, India
Chez Panisse, California
Le Meurice, Paris
Trois Gros, Roanne, France
Balthazar, New York
La Tupina, Bordeaux
Auberge d'Ill, Illhauseern-Alsace
Craft, New York
Le Tour d'Argent, Paris
La Maison de Marc Veyrat, Annecy, France
Felix, Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong
De Karmeliet, Bruges
Gambero Rosso, San Vincenzo
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Re: Q: Pentax 5,5x lupe

2004-04-21 Thread Alan Chan
Don't even think about it. It sucks.

Alan Chan
Is the Pentax zoom lupe a good choice?
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Re: History ?

2004-04-20 Thread Alan Chan
I think this name is quite common in Japan.

Alan Chan
> "Asahi"
> Is that someone's name?
> Is it a contraction of "Morning fire"
> Is it something else?
It means 'rising sun'.
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RE: fast film not a solution?

2004-04-20 Thread Alan Chan
How about IS/VR lenses? 

Seriously, I had the A70-210/4 for years until I bought the FA*200/2.8 two 
years ago. While the prime is heavier, I actually finds it easier to hold 
steadily than the zoom at the long end. This is particular true when manual 
focus was required (kind of difficult to hold steadily with the zoom while 
focusing). Also, I have been able to obtain more sharp pictures with manual 
focus bodies like MX or Super Program than the Z-1p because of lesser camera 
shake. Perhaps I am so used to the old camera shape.

Alan Chan
I often use only a A70-210mm 4.0 zoom on the road and to be on the safe 
against shaking I shoot with a minimum of 1/125 or 1/250 or faster without
tripod . To get that under most light conditions, I need ISO 400 film, ISO
100 would not work for me.
I can use a grey filter for small apertures in bright light, I too prefer a
small depth of field mostly.
I do not own fast tele/zoomlenses, so I see no other solution than fast 
for me. The only fast lens I have is the 50mm 1.2 from Pentax, all others
lenses are between 2.8 - 5.6

How do you solve that (analog?) dilemma, with a super fast (expensive) tele
or with a digital camera?

RE: Q: Pentax 5,5x lupe

2004-04-20 Thread Alan Chan
I tried one many years ago so I don't remember anything about distortion. I 
do remember, however, the Schneider 4X MC has the extra punch and appears 
slightly more contrasty, better colour and less flare. However, the Pentax 
5.5X is still a very fine loupe. With the loupes that I have (Schneider 4X & 
Cabin 8X), I have found distortion would be most noticeable when my eye was 
not positioned dead centre. I guess some people viewed from a distance so 
they thought there was huge distortion when it should be viewed at close 

Alan Chan
I did some research on the Pentax 5,5x lupe. Judging by the specs it seems
to be one of the best alternatives for a photographer with glasses -
mainly because of it´s big eye relief. The thing is that there are totally
contradictory verdicts on a possible distortion problem. Three reviews on
the net say there is huge pincushion distortion and two say there is none.
Is there a quality control issue with Pentax or whats going on here? Any
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RE: what's your favorite Pentax macro?

2004-04-20 Thread Alan Chan
If Rob is right, then Voigtlander SL 125/2.5 APO-Lanthar is the one.
Alan Chan
Pentax glass experts,

It looks like I might finally be able to buy a macro lens soon. I was
wondering, what's your favorite Pentax (or other) macro lens and why? It
could be AF or MF.
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Re: TTL flash with the *ist D

2004-04-20 Thread Alan Chan
Haven't Metz been offering this feature for years?

Alan Chan
and a really nifty feature - it can output right down to 1/256 power!
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RE: anyone need an A* 200 f4 macro

2004-04-19 Thread Alan Chan
Is that new or used (used I guess)? But then my FA*200/2.8 would not be used 
as much then. Well, guess I'll stick with extension tubes.

Alan Chan has one for 450 EUR. Excellent shop, I picked up an 
135 f1.8 there a few days ago for 295 EUR :-

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RE: Spotting Scopes

2004-04-16 Thread Alan Chan
How about this? A Pentax Spotting scope 300 for C$299? I don't know anything 
about its spec however.

Alan Chan
Anybody know much about these?

We've been visiting the Morton Arboretum daily to check on a pair of Great
Horned Owl chicks.  It's a reach for me even with a 400mm lens and 2X
and the owl only covers the central focusing area of the PZ-1p.
Then we saw a lady we'd seen before this week.  Her husband was with her.
They both had spotting scopes with 45 degree eyepieces on tripods.  My wife
they were made by Swanowski or some such.  I looked thru the husband's and
was astounded.  The Owl chick filled the frame and was very sharp!
I want one.  He's been taking digital pictures thru it too.

Regards,  Bob S.
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RE: Buying and selling.

2004-04-16 Thread Alan Chan
I might just give you the number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Don't blame me if you 
don't believe. 

Alan Chan
4. Winning numbers for this Saturday's lottery.

Re: Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
I think I know what you mean. I was there few years ago but it was closed at 
the time. There were a few animals wandering freely inside.

Alan Chan
I was there last summer.  The aquarium was very nice.  I think there was a 
small children's petting zoo, but no more than that.
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Re: Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
I concur with Shel wrt fence.  It's a real distraction.
I've taken a few zoopix over the years, and I realize that it's often 
either fence, or no pic.
Looks like it was not such a good idea then.

OTOH, that shot of the buzzards or whatever type of ugly bird they are, is 
pretty cool.  And, yes, they're pretty damned sharp.  Better than I coulda 
done, that's for sure.  That one's my favourite of the bunch.
Actually this pic was shot through the fence too, but the lens was stick so 
close to the fence they aren't visible in the picture.

The ring-tailed lemurs (or whatever they are - any lower-primate-looking 
mammal with a ringed tail is a ring-tailed lemur to me) are sharp enough, 
but they really aren't doing much interesting imho.  Not a bad shot, just 
not so interesting.  But, as Shel said, if the exercise is one in 
handholding a long lens steady, you were most successful.
I have a good excuse for this - the glass window was dirty. 

Alan Chan
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Re: Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
I believe you meant the Stanley Park. The aquarium should still be here, but 
haven't seen any zoo.

Alan Chan
I visited Vancouver's zoo several years ago.  Then I read that the zoo was
voted out of existence.  There was an aquarium in the same area.  I wonder
if that still exists.
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Re: Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
I would love to avoid the fence whenever possible, but not in this case. 
They were double fenced and I was forced to stand back and took the 
pictures. So I switched to manual focus and focus on their eyes only. I was 
hoping to let the viewers noticed that they were captured and imprisoned, 
though I have no idea how well those pictures were executed.

Alan Chan
I think the bars force us to reflect on the fact that these creatures of 
the wild have been imprisoned for our entertainment.  Perhaps there are 
good reasons for it, perhaps not.


On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 07:13:34 -0700, Shel Belinkoff 

Hi Alan ...

I don't like these at all.  The fence between the viewer and
the animals really detracts from the critters.  Better would
have been to get closer, stick a smaller lens through the
fence, if at all possible, or get much closer to the fence
and use whatever lens you had wide open or close to it,
obscuring the fence completely.  Baring those options, these
are probably as good as you could get, and was a good
exercise in hand holding longer lenses ... which you seem to
have done quite well.
Others might like the idea of the fence being there, but,
imo, it makes for very poor photographs.
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Re: Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
You're probably thinking of the small zoo at Stanley Park in downtown
Vancouver. The Zoo that Alan's pictures are from is out in the suburbs of
Vancouver. It used to be known as the Vancouver Game Farm, but now its
called the "Greater Vancouver Zoo".
That explains why the zoo seems a little primitive (no disrespect), but we 
enjoy petting the animals.  :-)

Alan Chan
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Re: Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
So you've switched to Canon IS, Alan  ;-)
Keep it down, I don't want anyone to know here. :-)  But the truth is, I am 
stuck with Pentax. 

Alan Chan
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Greater Vancouver Zoo

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Chan
Had a few hours walk this Saturaday and took some pictures. To my surprise, 
I was able to take sharp pictures by handholding my 200mm & 300mm. Camera 
shake used to be a problem with me so I usually had the tripod with me, but 
not this time (left in the car because of the weight). Any comments welcome. 

Alan Chan
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