Re: 432mm@f/2.8, image stabilized, 5 megapixels, $600!

2004-10-13 Thread Dan Scott
I bought FZ-20 before the *istDS was announced. The FZ-20 is a mixed  
bag, but still manages to provide a lot of fun all the same.

I like the FZ-20 output a lot, but I wish the ergonomics had been  
designed by Pentax instead of Panasonic. The handgrip is too small for  
my hands and the controls and menu systems are awkward (to me, but this  
is my first digicam (and zoom lens, for that matter). EVF just isn't a  
good substitute for an optical viewfinder). The LCD screen on the back  
of the camera is good, but you have to look at it dead on to get a good  
sense of how well exposed the image will be and it's not always that  
easy to see it in bright sunlight (which is pretty damn bright and  
pretty common here in San Antonio).

However, the lens, the optical image stabilization, the color  
sensitivity of the chip, and the lack of shutter lag are good enough to  
overcome the body's chunky shortcomings. Manual focusing works wellthe  
center of image shows up a highly magnified portion of the shot  
allowing you to fine tune the focus pretty well. The menu system for  
controlling the electronic functions of the camera (WB, exposure  
compensation, metering style, and autofocus pattern) is clunky, but it  

I paid $600 for mine, but the online price has come down quite a bit  
since then. The lowest I've seen so far is $520. SD memory cards are  
getting really cheap, too.

On Oct 12, 2004, at 10:55 PM, Mark Erickson wrote:
The FZ-3 has been reviewed by Digital Photography Review(tm) and by the
Digital Camera Resource page:

The FZ-20 has been reviewed by the Digital Camera Resource page and  

All of these reviews have original-size JPEG images available for your
perusal.  On the Digital Camera Resource Page you can compare images  
were taken at the same time with the FZ-3, FZ-20, and Canon EOS-20D.   
impression is that the Panasonic/Leica lens is amazingly good, and  
didn't screw up the images with bad post-processing.  As expected, the  
imager yields more shadow noise than the EOS-20D.  Chromatic  
aberration and
purple fringing is noticably absent.

Let's face facts.  The FZ-20 lens goes from 36mm to 432mm equivalent  
focal lengths, and it maintains F2.8 throughout the range.  Add image
stabilization and a pretty good manual focus capability (I played with  
in a store and found it amazingly easy to use) and you have a camera  
gives capabilities unmatched by any digital SLR.  As I see it, its main
weakness is shadow and high ISO noise that is unavoidable with a small

With the addition of the (not cheap) wide-angle converter, I wouldn't
hesitate to use one as my primary travel camera.  I can't imagine a  
safari camera for an amateur (i.e., not willing to lug a 20D or F100  
300mm F2.8 lens around) photographer.  In fact, as I write this my mom  
is on
safari in South Africa with her FZ-1 (the predecessor to the FZ-3).   
looking forward to the pics!


Re: OT: Sobig virus question

2003-08-31 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 10:46  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am getting 1 sobig email per MINUTE. People REALLY need to install
antivirus, there are many free ones out there so if anyone here does 
have one please install one.

Even I'm getting them.

Someone on the list asked a little while ago about Mac viruses (s0rry, 
can't remember who)  an article I read yesterday stated there were 
70,000?! identified viruses for Windows and only about 50 of the same 
for all of the older versions of the Mac OS combined  no viruses at 
all for the contemporary Mac OS (unix-based).

I'm counting my blessings and knocking on wood.

Dan Scott

Re: pentax close-up lenses

2003-08-31 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 09:13  AM, Tom Reese wrote:

I haven't been able to determine if the pentax close-up lenses are 
element or multiple element like the ones Nikon made (makes?). If 
single element are they really any better than the generic diopters?

IIRC, a few of the Pentax CU lenses for the 67 are 2-element lenses but 
none of the 35mm ones are (I have one and it's crap). Nikon makes great 
2-element CU lenses and they are dirt cheap even when you figure in the 
cost of a step-up/step-down ring.

Greg Erker has a page on 2-element CU lenses google his name and 
you'll find his site.

Dan Scott

Re: Pentax 67II

2003-08-31 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 05:19  PM, Juan Diaz wrote:

Is there anyone in this forum who'll be kind enought to tell me,
what the recommended price is for a Pentax 67II body
in either UK or USA.
Here in Denmark where I live, I have the notion that they
are much more expensive in comparison with other countries.
(Here the body costs around £2000 or $4000)!

$4000! You could buy two here and still have enough change left for 
airfare back home.

Dan Scott

Re: I went shopping for a *ist D today.

2003-08-31 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 01:41  AM, Leon Altoff wrote:
The only question left is who will be the first person to put a picture
on PUG taken with a *ist D?  If I get it before the September deadline
I plan on it being me.

Bill Owen (I believe) was the very first PDMLer to shoot with the *istD 
 eerily, the 1st shot was a Waffle House.

Dan Scott

Re: OT: before I waste my time, advise requested (printing from low res digicam)

2003-08-25 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 07:21  AM, Lon Williamson wrote:

My wife's sister died suddenly, and I am in receipt of a passle
of JPEGS from which to select pictures to print and pass out at
a service in her memory.  My wive is asking for 5x7 prints of
a recent portrait of her sister.
The pictures were taken with one of those Sony digitals that
write to floppy and have a max resolution of 640x480.
I have any number of photoshop techniques to enhance resolution,
including genuine fractals.  I've never used any of them because
my 3600 DPI film scanner has produced satisfactory prints up to
8x10 without resorting to rezzing up techniques.
Any advise on this?  I could easily waste hours trying for the
best possible method.
Thanks in advance, gang.

Hi Lon,

Sorry to hear about your family's loss.

Try making a couple of test prints, 1 using Photoshop to enlarge, and 1 
using your printer's scaling functionsee if either one produces a good 
enough image (surprisingly, sometimes they can do a fairly decent job 
by most non-photogs standards). Something else you can try is enlarging 
in photoshop by very increments and judicious use of the blur and 
unsharp mask commands along the way.

Good luck,


Re: *istD and the future (WAS: Re: Digital Formats and Partial Coverage Lenses)

2003-08-21 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 01:37  AM, William Robb wrote:

Nikon has a more reasonable product turnover, they seem to have real
technical improvements before the release a new camera.
Pentax will probably chug along with the *ist D for a couple of years 
releasing another digital SLR camera.

William Robb
While Pentax probably won't keep up with Nikon's relatively slow pace 
(or Canon's jackrabbit sprint), I don't think it will take Pentax two 
years to produce another dslr. They've already done two (tho' the first 
was a noshow) at glacial pace, by this time they should have the needed 
design teams and support systems in place to start speeding up (1 year 
to a year and half at the latest).

I wish  mostly for Pentax to catch up with technologies already on the 
market, and (gasp) actually innovate once in awhile. Refinement of 
existing technology is great, but at some point they're going to be in 
the position of offering the finest buggywhip in the world to a market 
that has moved on to superhighways and high speed mass-transit.

Dan Scott

Re: Way OT - Mid-life Crisis

2003-08-21 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Frank,

I just read this (taking me awhile to catch up on my PDML). It's a 
bummer, especially having to temporarily move away from your kids.

But hey, like you saidit's big opportunity, too (got to be better than 
ending up a flat, frozen popsicle).

Hang in there.


On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 04:09  PM, frank theriault wrote:

Well, not really a mid-life crisis per se, but I'm in my mid-life, 
this is close to a crisis!  g

A few of you know that the bike courier biz has really gone down the
tubes in the last year or so.  In fact, my income has dropped by over
30%, such that not only has my discrectionary income disappeared, but
making ends meet has become a problem.
Given my age, the fact that I've been riding a bike for a living for
about 71/2 years, and since I've been promising myself for the last 3 
4 winters that I'm not going to do another winter, I've decided to 
life anew.

I've given my notice at work (effective Aug 31), and given my notice on
my apartment (effective Sept 30), and will be moving down to Nova 
to stay with my Mom and Sis for a while.  I've come to the conclusion
that I can't find a job while I work at the current one, and I can't
afford to live in Toronto if I'm not working.  Besides, I need a
vacation in the worst way - living from pay to pay is very draining.

So, mid-September or so, I'll be off on an adventure (unfortunately,
moving away from my kids, which I'm not happy with), and we'll see 
I end up, and what I end up doing!  Will likely only be away from PDML
for a couple of days or a week - mom has a computer. g


Re: Way OT - Mid-life Crisis

2003-08-21 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 01:04  PM, Dan Scott wrote:

That was supposed to be off list.


Re: *istD and the future (WAS: Re: Digital Formats and Partial Coverage Lenses)

2003-08-21 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 05:13  PM, William Robb wrote:

Dan, they have been selling buggy whips to people who are too darned
stubborn to buy into horseless carriages for about 15 years now.
This is their market.
William Robb

Looking at my gear, I can see that's truebut even I'd be in the market 
for a new-fangled horseless-carriage whip if Pentax could figure out 
how to make a few Pentax-style (i.e., well thought out  well made, 
not late, late,  really damn latealthough the later is 
Pentax-style, too).


Re: More serious competition for *ist-D - Kiss Digital/300D

2003-08-20 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 04:30  PM, Jostein wrote:

Does anyone else get the feeling that before 2005 ought to be before
2004 if Pentax are to keep up with the competition?
Should and Ought To have no conceptually equivalent terms in the 
Pentax lexicon (belongs in the class of things that include the number 
of dolphin words for doorknob).


Neat gizmo

2003-08-20 Thread Dan Scott

Has a neat gizmo for catching high speed events, unattended triggering, 
time lapse photography. Haven't used it, but it looks cool.

Dan Scott

Re: Scotland pics up

2003-08-19 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 06:33  AM, Cotty wrote:

Scotland as you've never seen it, featuring Jostein, Mike W, Gianfranco
and a cast of thousands.

Clearly the major problem with these pages   pics is the shear 
_number_ of them. When you hit the last photo on that last page you 
suddenly discover you've run out of essay before you've run out of 

Very nice work Cotty.

Dan Scott

Re: OT Virus warning (no hoax beleive me)

2003-08-15 Thread Dan Scott
On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 10:49  AM, Cotty wrote:

Keith, you should try OS X - stability like you wouldn't believe. And a
nice bonus, I use 'Safari' - Apple's own web browser (still in beta) 
so have rid myself of all MS software on my Macs. Having said that, the
Mac team at MS do a very good job - IE 5.x is no slouch and I used it 
preference to Netscrape or iCab or Mozilla.

I also use Safaribtw, non-beta vers. 1.0 has been out for a little 
while now.

The fact that Safari is designed to work with OS X by the people who 
wrote OS X is killer (see for 
some of the perks). Pre Safari I preferred Mozilla and iCab over 
I.E.the only problems I ever had were with websites that were designed 
exclusively for I.E. (Microsoft's lovely embrace and exclude policy).

Right now, there are more good browser options for Macs than ever 
before (see

While waiting to film the interviews I went over and cleaned up all the
Macintosh desktops, getting rid of nonesense and setting mouse speeds 
sizes to something half-decent ;-) Gotta keep the side up!

Me, too!

Dan Scott

Re: please comments

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 09:32  AM, arathi-sridhar wrote:

thanks Dan for taking time to analyze and comment at such length.
I felt that the 'other' shot (without the goat) was perhaps static, but
you have rightly pointed out why it is the more interesting of the 2.
You're quite welcome.

Dan Scott

Re: Just printed the test pictures from the *ist D...

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 10:35  AM, T Rittenhouse wrote:

There is no doubt that digital is currently a fad, especially at the
comsumer level. When that fad goes the way of all fads, then we will 
where digital is in the real world.

As for me, I'm still waiting to see how this whole electricity fad 
shakes out.

Steam rules! G

Dan Scott

Re: ist-D shutter sound (was Re: Japanese IstD site, translation needed)

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 02:44  AM, Lawrence Kwan wrote:

On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Brendan wrote:
This site has a mp3 recording or *ist-D shutter sound.
It also has a good shot with the battery grip attached; and another one
with the DA lens mounted.
--Lawrence Kwan--SMS Info Service/Ringtone Convertor--PGP:finger/www--

Sounds like my grass clippers. To bad there isn't some info that would 
give an idea of how loudly that sound is being made. One of the 
benefits of shooting digitally ( I had hoped ) was the ability to shoot 

Dan Scott

Re: Just printed the test pictures from the *ist D...

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Bill,

They state the raw image was processed with their PENTAX PHOTO 
Laboratory? included software, I guess, with sharpness set to 
Standard. I'd guess High or Fine are probably options, too. 
Opening the samples in PS and applying a modest .5 pixel unsharp mask 
puts a good edge on things.

One of the biggest criticisms their early digicams had was overly 
aggressive sharpeningmaybe they've taken that to heart here? The 
images shown are quite pleasing with regard to not looking particularly 
digital. A big plus for my taste.

Dan Scott

On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 03:03  PM, William Robb wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Mark Roberts
Subject: Re: Just printed the test pictures from the *ist D...

I was concerned about that at first, but since first looking at the
shots I've been wondering about how much depth of field is affecting
what I'm seeing. DOF looks pretty shallow to me and trying to judge
sharpness and resolution outside that range doesn't tell you anything.
I wonder if Pentax's desire to have excellent bokeh hasn't clouded 
judgement on making sharp demo pictures. Most images can be sharpend up
considerably by stopping down a bit.

William Robb

Re: ist-D shutter sound (was Re: Japanese IstD site, translation needed)

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 06:57  AM, Dario Bonazza 2 wrote:

I believe you can change (or cancel) its (ist D's :-) shutter sound. 
*ist D I saw (and heard) at Pentax Day featured a funny clickwhirr 
(like that of shutter + winder of a film camera).

Dario Bonazza


Great news if it is so. It seems the sound you heard is not the same as 
what I heard. If there are 3 available sounds (two different shutter 
sounds and none at all) how many options might there be?

Is this an expansion of the digicam feature setsort of like user 
selectable ringtones for cell phones? That could easily get out of 
hand...while a shutter emulator isn't bad, what if it extends to other 
sounds, tones, tunes or tiny digitized voices chirping gotcha! every 
time you shoot?

Seriously silly food for thought,

Dan Scott

Re: Puking Euphemisms (WAS: please comment)

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 10:12  AM, William Robb wrote:
Moose are like Sherman tanks.

William Robb

But not nearly as friendly.

Dan Scott

Re: ist-D shutter sound (was Re: Japanese IstD site, translation needed)

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 12:52  PM, Lon Williamson wrote:

Dan Scott-

As an aside, it's good to see you back.  You were gone
for a while.
Nice to be back. I went on vacation and came back to thousands of  
unread pdml messages (more pdml than spam, if you can believe it). 
Originally had intentions of reading them all, but by the time the # of 
unread passed 16,000

Anyway, avoiding the list gave me a chance to learn the names of  some 
people I'd seen scurrying about the house. Turns out they're all 
related to me.

Dan Scott

Re: Update -- exchanged SMC-FA 35mm f/2 from BH

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 12:20  PM, Joe Wilensky wrote:

The FA 35mm f/2 does have a slightly larger manual focus ring on its 
end, and a better manual focus feel, than the other FA primes I have 
(50/1.4 and 28/2.8).


It's a beaut. My favorite lens, in fact.

Dan Scott

Re: please comments

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 12:27  PM, arathi-sridhar wrote:

have uploaded this one
have got viewings and ratings too... and no comments :(
please feel free.
theres another similar one in the same folder.


Between the two images (of the goat and of the shrine) you certainly 
have enough elements for a decent shot. The photo of the shrine from 
your folder is far more interesting on its own (IMO) than the picture 
of the goat but neither one is what it could be. The photo you want 
comment on is very static. The goat and the tree are just dead center 
in the photo--which is not necessarily bad, but the goat doesn't fill 
up enough of the image to make looking at him particularly rewarding, 
and the shrine is pretty much obscured by the goat. The horizontal 
framing combined with the obscuring goat makes me wonder where the 
shrine is, and whether the parked bicycle on the side is telling me the 
visitor to the unseen shrine is around, but not in the photo. Lots of 
ambiguity and not many clues as to what's going on or where the focus 

Framing vertically and possibly including the sign on the tree in 
addition to goat or having the goat not completely blocking the shrine 
could be one approach and it would enable you to leave out dead space 
and distracting elements. Not having the goat and the tree stranded, at 
loose ends out in the middle of  your photo would help. Getting closer 
to the goat or the tree, or anything pertinent would help clue the 
viewer in to what you want them to focus their attention on. Placing 
the subjects of your photo such that they make use of the foreground, 
midground, and/or background could be an approach, too. Contrasting the 
color or texture of the goat with or against that of the tree and the 
shrine could be another way to add to the appeal of your photo.

Hope this helps (disregard if it doesn't).

Dan Scott

Re: Texas Members

2003-03-21 Thread Dan Scott
On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 09:18  AM, Ken Archer wrote:

Here is a list from Chris Brogden.  I don't know how up to date it is.

Amarillo; Jackie Lee Mowery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austin; Delano Mireles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austin; Jose Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Burleston; Gary Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
North Texas; John Mustarde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Angelo; Charles Hardwick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Antonio; Eleanor Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Antonio; Ken Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Antonio; Dan Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring; Tiger Moses [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Waco; Jeff Wiseman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Whitewright; Nicholas Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's out of date. My old ISP was shot out from under me months ago.


Dan Scott

Re: Size of *ist D

2003-03-08 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 11:35  AM, Boris Liberman wrote:


I have only one thing to say, when I looked at the picture and noticed
new Kodak camera (the 14 MP one), it made me feel immediately as if I
was looking at some Borg technology. Man, it looks ugly...
Boris Liberman
Indeed it does.

Dan Scott

Re: Nice photo

2003-03-08 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 12:50  PM, William Robb wrote:

William Robb

Great shot.

And it's amazing the things can fly. There's a lot of people around 
here who're built somewhat like that and I'm pretty sure most of them 
can't fly (I pretty sure they can't run, for that matter). ;-)

Is it just me, or do the photos from Canon's digital cameras look 
better than photos from their film cameras?

Dan Scott

*ist D finder is 95% fov and 0.95X Pentaprism

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott

An optical pentaprism viewfinder was developed especially for the *ist 
 D. This makes viewing easy with an ample 95% field of 
view and 0.95X magnification. There is also a superimposed display 
function which assists composition by illuminating the AF points in 

Dan Scott VBG

Re: And it's HERE!

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 10:26  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Flash sync to slow at 1/150,damn.Nice to see it takes just about any 
lens though.

Dave Brooks  	

Perhaps it goes higher with the last flash Pentax released. The 
something 360?

Dan Scott

Re: classic user interface

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 11:25  AM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

It seems that the interface by description, is a bit more like the
PZ-1p style.  Still not bad.  If the price is good, they could have a
really good thing going here.

With two dials up top it sounds like a marriage of the PZ-1p and the 
Wonder if the slanted deck from the MZ-S could account for some of the 
7mm difference in height from the film *ist ? (pentaprism, too, of 

Dan Scott

Re: *ist D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 03:43  PM, Kevin Waterson wrote:

 *  New 16-segment metering system achieves more accurate exposure
 * New 11-point AF sensor (SAFOX VIII) realizes enhanced focusing
 * Fast 1/4000 sec. shutter speed and high-speed flash sync at 
1/4000, this is enough for most applications but I would not try 
too fancy.

 * Continuous shooting at approx. 2.7 fps
Does it have an mpeg feature? 2.7 is a bit slow for real sports or
wildlife shooting

 * PC-based camera control and easy data transmission with USB 1.1
I was hoping for a firewire plug also 

 * Convenient playback functions, such as nine imageand 12X

I will go out on a limb here and offer that software is available only 
MS and MAC systems and that *nix folks have been left out.

Let's not forget this is their entry level DSLR. I imagine that if this 
does well bigger and better things will be along, in due time.

Dan Scott

Re: And it's HERE!

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 04:16  PM, Chris Brogden wrote:

On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Cotty wrote:

This is my last post on the subject:


That picture has no soul.

Or one too many.

It definitely has soul. Clearly a tormented and, most likely, evil 

Dan Scott

Re: Picture of *istD

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 10:10  PM, Mark D. wrote:

Hey Folks,

This might be a picture of the coming DSLR (provided
the link works): 


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

It works!

These might get you there more directly (maybe not):

Sort of looks a little like the PZ-1p in the grip, doesn't it?  
Definitely not much MZ-D influence.

Dan Scott

Re: *ist D photos

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 09:00  PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 26 Feb 2003 at 20:50, KT Takeshita wrote:


It's very different from the film *ist.

Rob Studdert


And it looks like they aren't production models, just a prototype or 

Dan Scott

Re: Picture of *istD

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
Oops. Never  mind. I should read all the threads before I post.

Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 10:39  PM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 10:10  PM, Mark D. wrote:

Hey Folks,

This might be a picture of the coming DSLR (provided
the link works): 


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

It works!

These might get you there more directly (maybe not):

Sort of looks a little like the PZ-1p in the grip, doesn't it?  
Definitely not much MZ-D influence.

Dan Scott

Re: It's HERE!... Bah!

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 07:44  PM, Rob Studdert wrote:
I'm holding out for it (10MP+ FFS), a smaller-than-35mm sensor is a 
disadvantage to my mind. But we've been through all this before...

Thank your chosen deity they've finally done something but I'll stick 
with my
Oly E for the mean time.

Rob Studdert
C'mon Rob, won't you be itching to use some of that pristine Pentax 
glass sitting on your shelf?

I bet you'll quickly tire of looking at other peoples' sample photos 
(shot with the wrong lenses) and then you'll decide you have to take 
one for a spin just to see what you can squeeze out of it with your 
glass. g

I'm hoping it will turn out to be a decent camera, not just one that's 
finally compatible with Pentax glass

Dan Scott

Re: What the D*ist REALLY MEANS...

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 09:17  PM, Cesar Matamoros II wrote:

I for one and not planning on getting rid of my film cameras.  Still
archival in my book.
Panama City, Florida
in Baltimore, Marylandt
Not to mention that a working camera in my hand is worth 100 
super-dooper cameras I don't have. :-)

Guess I'll have to make due with old analog, out of date 20th century 
technology g

Dan Scott

(packing my lovely ZX-5n, 24, 35, 77, 100, and 135 for a brief trip to 
FLpaying my last respects to a much loved family member)

Re: *ist D photos

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 11:11  PM, William Robb wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Butch Black
Subject: Re: *ist D photos

It appears not to have a PC socket.
Is it me or does it look like there is a PC socket covered with a 
cover just left of the IR thingee?
I saw that, and thought that the cover looked too big to be a PC socket
cover. OTOH, I don't know what else it could be hiding, either.
William Robb
It's where you plugin the controller for those micro-RC cars. ;-)

Dan Scott

Re: What the D*ist REALLY MEANS...

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 12:24  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But for someone who never plans to _sell_ her cameras, because
they're _tools_, this only means that buying backup gear on the
used market get easier, n'est-ce pas?  (Though it does mean that
buying _lenses_ gets tougher for a while...)
As long as the profit margin on new film cameras stays just
high enough for them to continue to be manufactured at all,
and for Pentax to keep repairing them when they wear out,
	-- Glenn
You know, if Pentax sells a caboodle of these things, they'll be making 
lots of new lenses to sell to the people buying 'em 'cause they don't 
make any money off of lenses sold on Ebay. I bet there will be plenty 
of good used glass to go around (especially when people go digital and 
want to shoot with the new lenses that match the perspective of their 
old film lenses).

Dan Scott


2003-02-26 Thread Dan Scott
See y'all in a week or two.

Dan Scott

Re: Spring's coming!

2003-02-25 Thread Dan Scott
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 07:30  AM, Cesar Matamoros II wrote:

Clean the lenses!  They should be clean from all the use you have been
giving it:')  Cannot think of a reason not to be out shooting, unless I
myself am uncomfortable.  I took some shots of a parade in the French
Quarter in New Orleans about two weeks ago.  It was raining.  So my 
is clean.  Just wiped it off with a cloth.  Fortunately I had a change 
clothing in the car since I came out fairly soaked from that 
Curious to see how relying on the MZ-S's AF and meter did in that
environment.  I was shooting the FA* 24/2.

Panama City, Florida
in Baltimore, Maryland
Let me clarifymy people kit has been getting good use, but my flower 
kit hasn't. Better?;-)

Dan Scott

Re: Mucho Gray Pic

2003-02-25 Thread Dan Scott
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 10:58  PM, J. C. O'Connell wrote:
The are tons of different grays. To me it
almost looks like a painting/surrealistic
except it's got incredible details only large format
can record. This was about 2 miles from my house
in a city park. The web image pales to the
actual print. I'm actually satisfied with this one
for a change! The ferns are really fantastic looking
in the full rez scan.

I think it was 1/30 @ f22
Tmax 400
Hazy Sun  tree cover.
90mm F8 on a Speed Graphic.

Dan Scott

Re: Mike's new column

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 09:07  AM, Nick Zentena wrote:

		So is this a common problem with the ZX-5n? Is there a ryhme or 
reason? When
does it decide to rewind?


I wouldn't describe it as a problem with the ZX-5nit works exactly the 
way it was intended. When the camera reaches the end of the film it 
rewinds the film back into the cartridge. Individual photographers may 
find it not to their taste, but it doesn't mean there is anything wrong 
with the camera.

The rewind sound level is on par with the autofocus sound level and, 
since this is a camera designed for autofocus lenses, I'd guess Pentax 
figured the sound of the rewind wasn't going to be anymore intrusive 
than the sound of the lens focussing for all the previous shots.

Dan Scott

Serious competition for Pentax's new 5MP PS digital

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
I saw this, , this 
morning and am quite impressed with the specs. This looks to be an 
awesome 5 megapixel PS.

Just slightly larger than the Optio 550, it features a flash hotshoe, 
ISO 100-800, a Zeis Vario-Sonnar 4x zoom lens, and 30 to 1/2000 shutter 
speeds. Shoots in the dark, too.

Pretty neat. I've been looking at the Canon G3 and the Optio 550 but, 
with the new Sony added to the mix, the Optio is really lagging. :-(

Dan Scott

Re: Spring's coming!

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 07:35  AM, Collin Brendemuehl wrote:

Maybe for you.
We got got 5 of snow with another 6-12 coming later in the week.
Collin (From SnOwHIO) Brendemuehl

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 10:21  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ah, that explains the foot of snow we got on Saturday night then!
Wendy Beard
Don't despair, I'm pretty sure Spring will work its way up to you, as 

If it's any comfort, yesterday's 79 degree F temp has been replaced 
with today's 42 F (one of you forgot to close the door, maybe?).

Dan Scott

Re: Serious competition for Pentax's new 5MP PS digital

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 11:49  AM, Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

You're supposed to want cameras that fit into candy tins.

Actually, Bruce, I really *want one of those, toobut in addition to, 
and not as a replacement for, one of the better 5MP PS.

Dan Scott

*Whether my pennies can accomplish both, or either, of course, is an 
entirely different question. g

Re: Taking this Waaaay OT: Re: Waving chickens

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
You know you've crossed over into old the first time a sweet young 
thing looks you straight in the eyes and calls you Sir.

Of course, as you continue to get older, 20 and 30 year-olds move into 
the category of sweet young things and begin to address you as Sir, 
as well (anyone else see an ugly trend developing here?).

Dan Scott

Re: Serious competition for Pentax's new 5MP PS digital

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 11:58  AM, Bruce Dayton wrote:


I don't know how the Optio 550 is in size, but if it is anything like
the other Optio's, you are comparing apples to oranges.  The great
thing about Optio's is the size - very small and compact.  If that is
what you are looking for - many people are, then the Optio's compete.
If all you are looking for is any old digicam with specs, then yes,
the Optio's don't compete very well.  A G3 is no small pocket compact.


I hear ya, but as it's the only 5MP PS Pentax has mentioned, fair or 
not, it's the only Pentax I can compare to the other 5MP digicams. :-(

Plus, while the Canon G3 dwarfs Pentax Optio 550, the new Sony DSC-V1 
is in the same petite ballparkthough the Pentax is still a little 

Sony DSC-V1
99 x 65 x 57 mm (3.9 x 2.6 x 2.2 in)
Pentax Optio 550
100 x 59 x 40 mm (3.9 x 2.3 x 1.6 in)
Canon G3
121 x 74 x 70 mm (4.8 x 2.9 x 2.8 in)
I have no doubt that the Sony images will be at least as good as the 
other Sonys, Pentax don't have enough of a track record yet (and the 
550's macro sample is more than a little soft).

I'm hoping Pentax has got a few rabbits in the hat, though.

Dan Scott

Re: Spring's coming!

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 03:21  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dan Scott posted:

Still dropping too; it was about 35 F when last I
Balmy 37 F here.

Guess I ought to put my sandals on when I go out.

Dan Scott

Re: The Cost (was RE: Mike's camera sense ;^))

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 12:32  PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:


I would
*waste* shots because it was so quick to shoot or needing to *finish*
off that roll of 36.  36 shots per roll is both great and terrible.

I really appreciate Portra 160NC being available in 8 shot rolls.

Dan Scott

Re: PUG deadline

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 06:06  PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

Aren't all flower pictures Cliché?

Cats too!

Just take a look on at the number of new posted images that
are either flowers or cats!

And People images, too! Cripes, like WHO hasn't taken a couple hundred 
people shots!? t

Folks, it's been done. Give it a rest! No more People shots, please.
Dan Scott g

Re: To Everyone who has been published

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 03:34  PM, Albano Garcia wrote:

My first one was a couple of months ago, in a magazine
for buildings-home-owners:Nuestro Consorcio (small
run of 1000 magazines).
It was the cover. I'll be doing the next cover, next
month. If you want to see the pic and cover:



That is a beautiful building. Great shot (and one of the few 28mm shots 
I've seen that I really like).


Dan Scott

Re: Serious competition for Pentax's new 5MP PS digital

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 03:59  PM, Mike Johnston wrote:

Yeah, that one does look killer.

It does. Just noticed Steve's Digicams has a link to the Sony brochure.

Dan Scott

Re: Serious competition for Pentax's new 5MP PS digital

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 04:52  PM, Lawrence Kwan wrote:

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003, Dan Scott wrote:
I hear ya, but as it's the only 5MP PS Pentax has mentioned, fair or
not, it's the only Pentax I can compare to the other 5MP digicams. :-(
But you forgot Pentax has a *5X* optical zoom vs Sony's 4x.
You really cannot compare camera with different zoom range.
Sure I can. I did it in the message you quoted.

Plus, while the Canon G3 dwarfs Pentax Optio 550, the new Sony DSC-V1
is in the same petite ballparkthough the Pentax is still a little
Actually, Sony is almost 55% larger than Optio 550!
Not insignificant at all.
I didn't say insignificant, I just said a little smaller. For me, 
3/10 of an inch in height and 6/10 of an inch in depth is well within 
pocketable for me. Sure, your pockets might be smaller than mine, and 
I can see that a relatively small difference in width and height for me 
might make it or break it for you.

Likewise, the 5x vs. 4x isn't a big seller for me. I usually shoot in 
the 24mm-135mm range, so the Optio reaching out to an equivalent 185mm 
isn't that big a plus for me (the longer the lens, the greater the 
magnification of my tremor). What is a draw for me is the night shot 
ability, the long exposure capability, and the accessory hot shoe. The 
Sony's ability to take 52mm filters as well as the option of an 
accessory wide-angle lens is frosting on the cake.

Of course, at this point all of this is comparing marketing to 
marketingand we know Pentax's marketing/advertising skills leave a lot 
to be desired.

Anywho, I'm looking forward to seeing reports and sample images from 
all the usual reviewers.

Dan Scott

Re: Weird scanning problem

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 08:27  PM, J. C. O'Connell wrote:

I've been scanning 4X5 negs the last few days
with my Epson 2450 and I'm getting a weird
pattern on my scans that looks kinda like a fingerprint
but it's definately not. I've tried scanning in
the holder and flat on the glass with same results.
Also tried 1800 as well as 2400 ppi, same prob.
The patterns are showing up randomly in my scans.
Havent tried going back to 35mm or 6X7 yet
Anybody ever have this? Is my scanner broken?
Sample scan, cropped showing problem:

BTW, I just got a Schneider 90mm/F8 S. A. wide angle
for my 4X5 and this lens kicks some serious ass!!
Newton's rings, I think. Somebody here know what to do.

Dan Scott

Re: *Ist but what does it mean?

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Scott
On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 02:32  PM, KT Takeshita wrote:

On 03.2.23 3:06 PM, Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There has been some reports that *Ist is more than  a camera name but 
brand name for certain Pentax products (SLR's).
Hi folks,

As long as I can see in Pentax Japan's web site, above is exactly what 
says.  It is not the name of the camera but is their new brand name 
the new series of Pentax's SLR lines.



That poses questions, because if *ist is the name of a line, the *ist 
we've seen photos of has already taken the name of a whole line for 
itself. How will they differentiate between the various *ists?**ist, 
***ist, or what?

Dan Scott

Spring's coming!

2003-02-23 Thread Dan Scott
Henbit is starting to bloom here, which means
Spring is just around the corner.
Time to get those lenses cleaned up and shake last year's desiccated 
mud out of the ground cloth.

Dan Scott

Re: Hello

2003-02-23 Thread Dan Scott
On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 02:04  PM, Eric Edvalson wrote:

Hi, I have been reading what you guys have on the archive here for 
awhile.  My name is Eric, I am 20 and live in Washington state.  I 
shoot skateboarding, I had my first published photo in a magazine alst 

Hi Eric,

Welcome to the PDML.

Dan Scott

Re: More Pentax news/rumors (Now taking a poll)

2003-02-22 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 12:32  PM, Joseph Tainter wrote:

Is Pentax off in la-la land again? How many serious photographers, 
like those on this list, would buy an FAJ lens without distance 
markings, to use on a digital or any camera? It's a serious question. 
Please share your thoughts.

Well, I know there are quite a few serious photographers on this list, 
but what portion of Pentax's current 35mm customers would fit into the 
serious, 35mm photographer category?

Dan Scott

Re: Cover Shot

2003-02-22 Thread Dan Scott
On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 07:52  PM, Mark Cassino wrote:

It's not Rolling Stone and I doubt if anyone on the list is a 
subscriber, but I'm honored to have the photo credit for the winter, 
2003, edition of American Entomologist:

(Sorry for the poor snapshot of the mag - I don't have a flatbed 
scanner anymore.)

Just to make this post on topic - the shot was taken with an Mz-S, A* 
200 macro, AF360FGZ... heck - the whole setup was Pentax except for 
the flash bracket, which came from parts bought at Gale's Hardware...


Congratulations! Your hobby shots from a few years ago were better 
than 99.99% of what one usually finds in entomological publications. I 
bet they were thrilled to have it.

Dan Scott 

Re: SMC lens on Japanese Optio550!

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Scott
That's why I think some of the photos are of preproduction models  
(along with things like misalignment of graphics and a few others).

Dan Scott

On Friday, February 21, 2003, at 10:05  AM, Rob Brigham wrote:

And here they both have SMC markings... 

-Original Message-
From: Iren  Henry Chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 February 2003 01:43
Subject: SMC lens on Japanese Optio550!
Dear all,

According to the press release from Pentax Japan, the lens on
is SMC coated!

However, from the photos of dpreview, there is no SMC marking on

The Japanese list price of Optio550 is 99,000yen and they expect a
price around 80,000yen, i.e. around US$670

Henry Chu

Re: *ist complete specifications

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Scott
On Friday, February 21, 2003, at 07:29  PM, Peter Alling wrote:

I've seen them for sale.  Manufacture is probably restricted in some 

At 01:26 PM 2/21/2003 +1000, you wrote:
 I don't think so, mercury switches are probably banned here in 
North America.
 North of the Rio Grande at least.

Mercury thermometers too?

Rob Studdert

Honeywell sells thermostats with mercury switches.

Dan Scott

Fuji's got a D-MF back in the pipe

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Scott
From Fuji's press release:

New Digital Camera Back with 20.8 Million Total Pixels Super CCD
 Fujifilm will announce the development of a new state-of-the-art 
medium format digital camera  back for professional use.  The back is 
equipped with Fujifilm's newly developed 20.8 million total  pixels 
Super CCD with a 52 x 37 mm size chip capable of producing a record 
breaking 7,648 x 5,408  (41 million) recorded pixels for exceptional 
quality. The CCD will produce ultra high-resolution images  with superb 
color fidelity for professional photographers. 

Re: More on the *ist

2003-02-20 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 06:46  AM, KT Takeshita wrote:


This is the new brand name of Pentax's SLRs, combining the asterisk 
which is
one of the wild card characters in the computer language, and the 
suffix -ist which means people who do or believe in certain things.
It is pronounced ist with the silent * (it actually says so).
* can be replaced by various words, composing for example Artist,
Liberalist, Idealist, Naturalist, Humanist etc (my note: yes, they 
list those words! Well, you can joke about it or add some more words 

[*ist] was named with the tribute to those who have their own ideals 
live proactive life.

Way cool! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Re: Pentax Hero

2003-02-20 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 09:37  AM, Chris Brogden wrote:

and then Dad would break both of our legs *if* we were


Spoiled rotten.

When I wuz a kid we had to break our own legs (and we were grateful, 


Re: Digital *ist - would you buy it?

2003-02-20 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 10:58  AM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

Ironically, *ist seems to be pretty much the plastic bodied MZ-S type
camera that many have been asking for.  An MS-Z type camera with a
lower price point.  Seems to be just what people want.  I'm not sure
what the disappointment is.

It's *ist's mirror viewfinder that makes me think unkind thoughts, 
although I'm trying hard to believe it won't be as bad as it sounds.


OT: Quiz (was Re: More on the *ist

2003-02-20 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 12:18  PM, Mike Johnston wrote:




Not quite that extreme. :-)

See where you fit, it's quick, superficial, and fun (quite surprising 
for some folks, too).

Dan Scott

Re: Here it is the perfect lens for the pentaxian with everything.

2003-02-19 Thread Dan Scott
$$$ because precision hole constucted 1st, steel and plastic cap fixed 
in place around hole afterwards. very high tech


Dan -- :-(   #@! keyboard down

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Collin Brendemuehl wrote:

Midwest Photo sells these.
Yes, it's a body cap.
The metal in the center is a nice piece of steel.
It's smoothly drilled and finished, and mounted securely.
imnsho, it should sell for $15.  $40ish is way too much me thinks.
Makes for some interesting effects.


Re: *ist opinion

2003-02-19 Thread Dan Scott


Dan -- #@! keyboard down

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 10:25  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It will fill the position the 5n, L/6, 1p, leaving a spot for the 
(maybe it
needs updated) M.

IMO, because of the special nature of the -5n's interface, it cannot be
replaced by a camera that does not share that interface.

Re: The first Pentax 5M pixel digital camera - Optio550

2003-02-16 Thread Dan Scott

On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 07:24  AM, Iren  Henry Chu wrote:

Dear all,

News from the coming PMA - Pentax will reveal its first 5M pixel 
digital camera - Optio550 and a low-end 3M pixel compact digital 
camera - Optio 33L:


Henry Chu

Strange looking. Doesn't seem to have SMC on it either.

Dan Scott

Re: Leaving for a while

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 05:26  AM, Jostein wrote:


I'm now at a stage where I have to delete 90% of the messages without
reading them. Not because I want to, but because I try to avoid sleep
deprivation to the same level as poor Brad Dobo... :-)

Work has been more demanding lately, and I have a few other projects
in my spare time (incl. more picture taking). Will be back in a 
if things go as I hope. Would hate to miss the activity here around
PMA :)

Keep up the steam, folks. Pentax rulez.


I've been thinking along the same lines, lately. Good luck!

Dan Scott

Chip tech

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott
Anyone seen this? Is it likely this chip would make it into a slr?

Dan Scott

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 03:05  PM, Bob Walkden wrote:

Picasso was an astonishingly good draughtsman.




Nothing astonishing about that.

What I found (in my days as an art student) curious was the number of 
fellow students who dismissed the ability to draw or paint in a 
realistic mode as something uncool, not really connected to Art 
except in a historic sense. They were busy making bad copies of 
contemporary art without understanding that most of the people they 
were aping had developed and honed control of their tools via very 
traditional, representationalist means.

Once you master your tools and techniques, you have the power to place 
every element where you want it and the freedom to explore, bend or 
break rules as you please. Not mastering the Craft aspect of an art 
one wishes to practice is astonishing.

Soapbox mode off.

Dan Scott

Re: Pentax 43mm vs. Nikon 45mm test

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 05:53  PM, Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

I found a test comparing these two lenses here:
It's all in French, but there are lots of picture samples. There are 
many other comparison tests with Pentax lenses. The main index is 


Clover used to be a regular member of the PDML. He had a bunch of 
comparisons like that that he shot with his buddies.

Dan Scott

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 07:09  PM, William Robb wrote:

That sounds a lot like what I was saying during the 50mm lens debate a 

William Robb

You're pretty smart sometimes.

Dan Scott

Re: Where's Brad Dobo???

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 04:23  PM, Peter Alling wrote:

Do you really miss him.

Aw, cut him some slack. Brad was pulling it together toward the end. He 
and Bill were finally able to talk to each other without either of 'em 
trying to get the other busted—that's growth.

Dan Scott

Mike's kryptonite?

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott
I saw this, and immediately thought of our favorite editor.

Should we warn Mike? Anyone know if he has a home defibrillator? g

Dan Scott

Re: Shameless Self-Promotion

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 01:42  PM, tom wrote:

Guys, I have a new website:

Let the berating begin.


Jeez! That is so totally ... nice.

Dan Scott

Re: 2x Tele Converters

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 11:32  PM, Steve Pearson wrote:


Thanks for your response.  That's very good to
know-I'm LOL!  Sorry for your experience.  Good thing
it (the Soligor) was given to me for free.  I think I
will send it straight to the garbage can.  I don't
even want to take a chance on it, especially if it
might stick to the body.

Check it out before you toss it. Peter's might have been previously 
bent and then straightened. Hard to imagine even the crappiest lens 
maker building a converter that was only good for one use.

And, anyway, even if it is a dog optically, you could take the lenses 
out and keep it around for an extension tube.

Dan Scott

Re: While were on tubes and flowersg

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 11:15  PM, Doug Franklin wrote:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:00:16 -0600, Dan Scott wrote:

cheek to jowl in recycled plastic pots, on rough PT lumber, in an 
and, understandably, mildewy fiberglass green house (which also looked
a lot like some sort of clandestine chemical laboratory).

That's why we care about bokeh. :-)


I did consider shooting with the lens cap on, but couldn't figure the 
proper f/stop... :-)

Dan Scott

Re: Mike's kryptonite?

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 04:44  PM, Mike Johnston wrote:

Right, Dan actually loves that photo. The flower petal blooming with 
adorable little kitten inside it, it just makes Dan choke up with
sentimental feeling, brings a tear to his eye and a dulcet aww 
to his

Wow Mike. I do have a big soft spot in my heart for carnivorous plants, 
but how did you know that?

You know, if this photo was in black and white and shot, say, with an 
old manual focus 50mm ...

Dan Scott vbg

Re: Mike's kryptonite?

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 07:03  PM, Bob Walkden wrote:

Thursday, February 13, 2003, 10:44:57 PM, you wrote:


Right, Dan actually loves that photo. The flower petal blooming with 
adorable little kitten inside it, it just makes Dan choke up with
sentimental feeling, brings a tear to his eye and a dulcet aww 
to his
throat...what, after all, are prettier than flowers? What cuter than a
kitten? ...

well, I think the photo would be improved almost beyond measure if the
flower and the kitten were in a basket, and a small puppy (called
Patch) was carrying the whole ensemble in its mouth. A little touch of
soft-focus would have been good, too.

 Bob ('smack my kitsch up') Walkden

I hear you Bob. I thought that if she could have captured the kitten 
with a paw raised, then she could have merged the two images so that it 
appeared the kitty was folding a petal blankie over its fuzzy little 
self for a kitty nap. And the soft focus, definitely. And a soft yellow 
background, give it all that sunny day touch.

You know, this could make a great Hallmark card, or possibly even a 
Hummel figurine. Too bad the idea's already been taken.

Dan Scott

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 09:41  PM, Amita Guha wrote:

I attended my first drawing class last night. It was just a one-session
thing, to get me started with drawing. I'm trying to learn to draw
because I want to get into logo design as part of my web business.
Drawing is a commpletely alien exercise to me, but I feel I need to
learn it to add to my skillset.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.


Hi Amita,

I draw (and engage in other visual arts). Anything that encourages you 
to be more aware of line, tone, balance, the interaction of positive 
and negative space, etc., can only help you with your photography, too. 
Consider taking more drawing classes and some composition classes, 
also. In fact, you might want to see if one of the schools in your area 
offers any Ad Art (advertising art) classes. Designing logos is 
something you'll get lots of practice at.

Dan Scott

Re: Hands up who crops?

2003-02-12 Thread Dan Scott

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 03:51  AM, Rob Brigham wrote:

OK lets have a show of hands.

Me. Whenever I think a photo can be enhanced by cropping, I do it. Same 
with increasing contrast, blurring, burning, dodging, applying usm, 

Just another tool.

Dan Scott

Re: Pentax DSLRs

2003-02-10 Thread Dan Scott

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 10:47  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found that highly ironic -- since switching to the ZX-5n I've been 
using auto-focus (everything else on manual) because I've decided I am 
now nearsighted enough that its better than my manual focus (except 
when doing macro).

I'm nearsighted, too, but grateful that I haven't quite reached that 
point (yet). I can't figure out why I can see things so clearly through 
my lenses (which aren't tailored to my eyes at all) than I can see 
through my prescription eyeglasses?

To avoid the constant zooming in and out as the Tokina (and sometimes 
the Pentax) tries to focus, what I have been doing is focusing on one 
point, getting the auto-focus to sort of lock on it, and then 
switching the switch to manual focus so it won't keep working. Then 
taking my shot. The memory lock seems to really only be for aperture 
setting, etc.

That lock button is to lock in exposure—you'd meter off something that 
will give the values you want, hit the button to overide any changes 
the camera decides on for the next 10 seconds and take your shot.

Pressing the shutter button half way allows you to pre-focus and hold 
so you can compose the way you want without having the camera decide 
what you really wanted to focus on was in the dead center of the 

Anyway, is there a better way to do this, or am I doing it right?

TIA, Doe aka Marnie ;-)

Sounds ok to me.

Dan Scott

Re: Pentax DSLRs

2003-02-10 Thread Dan Scott

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 11:48  AM, Mike Johnston wrote:

Sorry for rambling, but I've been thinking about digital a lot lately.

It's possible your doctor may be able to prescribe lithium for that.



No. No. No.

 Lithium is for bipolars so despondent they are thinking of _leaving_ 
Pentax. Xannex, for panic and anxiety attacks, is designed for people 
who can't stop thinking a lot about digital lately. ;-)

Dan Scott

Re: Who said no more film cameras?

2003-02-10 Thread Dan Scott

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 12:21  PM, Doug Brewer wrote:

umm...Joan Crawford?

Michael Jackson

Re: Optio S first look

2003-02-09 Thread Dan Scott

On Sunday, February 9, 2003, at 09:27  AM, Paul Franklin Stregevsky 

1. You can shoot at ISO 320 (vs. Pentax's ISO 200).
2. You can transfer your images to your PC easily with a docking 
3. You can shoot images at 1600 x 1200 and 1280 x 960. I think the 
offers nothing in-between its maximum and 1024 x 768.


Well, no one knows which is the better camera or bargain since neither 
is available yet. All we can do is compare spec sheets, which don't 
necessarily tell you which is the better camera either.

But, since spec sheets is what we got ;-), for the $425 Pentax and the 
$450 Casio (suggested US retail prices), I see:

1.Casio's website lists the Casio's ISO as 50, 100,  200— as does 

2. The craddle is a Casio disadvantage (from my perspective). With the 
Casio you _must_ transfer your photos through the cradle and cable to a 
computer or a printer. Pentax needs only a USB cable.

3. Casio has committed to 4 steps in image size from min to max. while 
Pentax is TBD

4. Pentax has spot, center weighted, and matrix metering (3 metering 
modes) and Casio has matrix metering (1 metering mode)

5. Pentax is smaller and lighter than the Casio and cased with textured 
aluminum alloy. The Casio is larger and heavier than the Pentax and 
cased with plastic.

6. Pentax specs 11 MB of int. mem. and Casio specs 10 MB

7. Pentax has a customizable user function, but Casio doesn't

8. Pentax has time lapse modes that Casio doesn't, but Pentax has no 
double exposure and Casio does

9. Pentax has a voice memo mode which Casio doesn't (carry a note pad 
and a pencil along with your cradle and cable)

10. Pentax has 6x zoom (2x digital by 3x optical) and Casio has 12x 
zoom (4x digital by 3x optical)

Specwise, the Pentax appeals to me more than the Casio does.

Dan scott

Re: Most unknown Pentax lens

2003-02-08 Thread Dan Scott

On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 03:55  PM, Peter Smekal wrote:

What do you think is the most unknown Pentax lens?
My guess: SMC M 35-70/2.8-3.5.

Peter Smekal
Uppsala, Sweden

I'd guess the M 35/1.4, the 20/1.4, the 300/2 or any other prototypes 
Pentax showed and then decided not to release are likely to be the most 
unheard of.

Dan Scott

Re: Scammed

2003-02-08 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Tonghang,

It sounds like the same story I read last night, which had me digging 
through last week's emails and realizing I'd been had.

I'm slipping up and getting less paranoid the older I get. : - [  Not a 
good thing. I think I need to put up some posters reminding myself, 
Smart people really ARE trying to get you. :-P


On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 01:34  AM, Tonghang Zhou wrote:

Transmeta Corporation  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (408) 919-6380

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, Dan Scott wrote:

I've just finished reporting the incident to my CC company and Ebay.
Doesn't appear to be unusual activity on my CC account, which worries
me—these con artists have had my name, e-mail address, and CC number
since Tuesday and haven't tried to charge anything.

Anyone have any tips on what to do if you suspect identity theft?

Dan Scott

I heard a news item today on radio while driving, about some
con artist pretending to be eBay and sent email to people getting
account numbers on some pretext for account confirmation or

Way back I got an email like this myself, that I forwarded to ebay
abuse department.  I thought it was very audacious.  The radio
story must've been about the same con.


Re: MZ-S AF accuracy and the Dutch

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 09:33  AM, Steve Desjardins wrote:

Let me mention a situation where I did have AF problems with the MZ-S.
Last night I was taking pictures of a swim meet.  The pool area was dim
enough that I had to use my 50 at f1.4 to get 1/60 exposure time.  (No
flashes allowed)  There were a few shots when the camera would not fire
the shutter, since I had it on the AF-C setting.  I figured that there
was no point in switching to AF-S since the shutter would fire but the
shot would be out of focus.  I tried MF but I suspect that I'm going to
get out-of-focus shots.  I realize that this is a terrible condition 
AF.  Any suggestions for the future?

Pick your area to have in focus, then set your focus there and leave 
it. You can get more depth of field with a faster film or a longer 
exposure, so use a tripod or at least a monopod to help the camera 
steady at speeds lower than 1/60 and/or consider pushing your film or 
using faster film.

That's all I can think of, hope it helps.

Dan Scott

Re: Sample images of Optio S revealed

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 01:18  PM, Bill Owens wrote:

IMHO, they're pretty damned good for a small, consumer grade digital 


Sure, I agree, except for what's happening in the black area I 
mentioned, they look great. I haven't tried printing it, so I don't 
know how visible that mottling will be in a print, but on my monitor it 
is visible.

Dan Scott

Re: Sample images of Optio S revealed

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:34  PM, Mark Roberts wrote:

Jostein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mottling is barely visible on my Eizo F76 (calibrated with Adobe gamma
loader) too, but it's there.

Reason for me to suggest velvet was that I loaded the whole 1.7 Mb
image into Photoshop and looked at it with 200% magnification. To me,
it looks definately like some kind of fabric, and velvet was my first
association. The dots are lined up in a curved (or maybe folding)
pattern, and they are very uneven in size and brightness.

Main point, I guess, is that the mottling is no kind of digital or
optical artefact.

It's quite visible (when viewed at full magnification) on my Viewsonic
PS775 but it definitely looks like the texture of the cloth they used 
a backdrop.

I was beginning to wonder if my monitor, LaCie electron19blue, was 
playing tricks on me, but if Bill and you guys see it I feel better 
about it (my monitor). That that mottling might be fabric texture never 
occurred to me. Glad there are possibilities other than noise (though, 
even if it is noise, it isn't intolerable).

I'm really impressed that this Pentax dcam image isn't that 
smeary-TVish look I've seen in samples from earlier Pentax dcams. I 
hope we get to see a wider range of samples soon.

Dan Scott

Re: Women of PDML

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:56  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think there were about 12 (I lost count, though) -- however, let's 
hold off
on the calendar until we see how well the Men of PDML calendar

[confused look]  Which calendar am I supposed to pose for?

You get to pick one or the other, or maybe both, I guess (you haven't 
committed yet, have you?).

I wonder how often this question comes up on Canon lists?

Dan Scott

Re: MZ-S AF accuracy and the Dutch

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:04  PM, Steve Desjardins wrote:

BTW, just to make it worse, there is this guy next me all night with an
F100, a D100, and some tan colored Sigma Tele (it looked about 300mm)
who, despite requests, was using this monster flash.

I just couldn't figure out any way to have him and/or equpiment end up
in the pool without them being able to assign blame . . .;-p

Blink, stagger, Oops! blink blink Oh dear! I am so sorry. I was 
blinded by this big purple splotch ... don't worry, I'll get you a 
paper towel for that.

Dan Scott

Optio S first look

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott 
pentax_OptioS_uk.html  has a first up on the Optio S. Haven't read it  
yet, but that's what I'm doing after I hit send.

Dan Scott

Re: Women of PDML

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 04:12  PM, tom wrote:

Here's the cover image:

Sales have been a disappointment, probably due to Mr. December (Bruce
R.) mooning the camera.


Did they unwrap the rest of the mummy?

Dan Scott

Re: Mike:Email Threading (was Re: Three Tips and an Announcement)

2003-02-04 Thread Dan Scott

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 03:01  AM, Mike Johnston wrote:

It's very tempting to simply re-title each reply, but people complain 
when I
do that, so now I try to copy the existing thread title and paste it 


And it's a much appreciated change.

Dan Scott

Re: Women of the PDML Re: OT Pentax wife

2003-02-04 Thread Dan Scott

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 01:30  AM, Antti-Pekka Virjonen wrote:

At 22:12 3.2.2003 +, you wrote:

OK, so now we're at least seven -- Annsan, Amita, Wendy, me, 
Jeepgirl, Pat in
SF and Kathy with the name neither Dan nor I can spell.

Hmm.. Katrin from Germany ?


Wasn't there a Daphne from Israel? I seem to remember she was replacing 
all her M glass with K glass because of the feel.

Dan Scott

Re: ten new cameras

2003-02-04 Thread Dan Scott

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 11:42  AM, Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

If you look at the cut-away, you would see that the camera is flat 
only with the lens stored. To make it pack flat the center element 
group is moved out of the light path so the front and rear groups can 
be brought closer together.


Well, I guess I thought it was obvious I wasn't suggesting covering up 
the lens or any piece of the camera that couldn't function if 
covered—but if wasn't obvious let me state that I was only suggesting 
covering up those flat surfaces of the camera which could be covered 
without reducing or interfering with the Optio S's functionality (i.e., 
not covering the lens, viewfinder, lcd, control button, etc.)

Dan Scott

Re: ten new cameras

2003-02-04 Thread Dan Scott

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 08:53  AM, Pål Jensen wrote:

Bob wrote:

I've got to wonder if Mike W. has not got it right... new Espio's.
Think small, compact, popularly priced, mass market digital.
This is how you take the stock price to 1000 yen, and
this is the same market as the ME/ME Super some 20+ years ago.

One DSLR, one film sibling and a new 67. That leaves a maximum of 
seven Espios :o)


6 Espios, as there has to be one body devoted to that popular Pentax 
accessory Proct-O-Scope®.

Dan Scott

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >