SMC K 30mm/2.8 vs. FA 35/2.0 lens

2006-02-22 Thread akozak
Hi All,
I own SMC K 30mm/2.8 lens and use it for slides. But consider dslr so 45m
angle would be very nice indeed. But...what about FA35/2.0 as standard
lens?What about optical performance between two?Which one is sharper and
has better bokeh?What about color rendition?Has anyone had both and could
tell which is better?IS 30mm better than FA 28mm and SMC K28/3.5?
Thank you very much for help.

Re: SMC K 30mm/2.8 vs. FA 35/2.0 lens

2006-02-22 Thread akozak
Hi Godfrey,
Thank you and sorry for the same questions.
Yes I like angle of 24mm lens and plan to buy A24 to have for PZ1 and dslr
when I buy it. So thank you for commnents on the lens!
I own 30mm lens very happy but just wondered if FA is better. So either
new FA 35mm is really better or you have maybe faulty version of 30mm,
since you prefer FA 28 and 35mm and I have read that 30mm is better than
any 28mm from Pentax and sometimes it is truth that used lens can be
faulty a little bit. But maybe FA is really better. I must consider what
to keep/sell.Manual focising is very nice for me and build quality is also
better with K than FA lenses, no wonder by the way. Some say that K lenses
are also great and often better than FA ones but it probably depends on
sample wariations and testers. for instance I have results from Modern
Photography in whicj K 50/1/4 got better results than A one in sharpness,
not much but bettre and A, F, FA seems to be the same optically so it is
strange. I believe that sample variations are a problem to test lesnes
(like everything), just look at photodo where F is better than FA, why and
FA 43 got really poor results, 28mm is not very good, worse than AIS from
Once again thank you for commenst and answers, pictures are more
important!Pity I do not have my website, no free time to do this, PhD is plenty of research ahead of me.
What surprice me it is the fact that on DS you could see the difference
between FA 35mm and 30mm , since sensor is said to be about 50 - 60 lines
per mm and resolution of above lenses is for sure higher. so probably sth
wrong with your 30mm, I have a problem with M28mm, a little bit soft,maybe
faulty a few years ago.
PS You have very nice BW picture on website, I shoot mostly landscapes
and close ups but nearly slided only and sometimes 300D Canon with kit and
macro 100mm USM but I do not like a build of kit wrrr...:)
 On Feb 22, 2006, at 10:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I own SMC K 30mm/2.8 lens and use it for slides. But consider dslr
 so 45m
 angle would be very nice indeed. But...what about FA35/2.0 as standard
 lens?What about optical performance between two?Which one is
 sharper and
 has better bokeh?What about color rendition?Has anyone had both and
 tell which is better?IS 30mm better than FA 28mm and SMC K28/3.5?


 You've asked this question on DPReview and to me personally before.
 Following up with my answer to you... might as well wrap them together.

 The K30/2.8 is a good lens. Later lenses in the focal length range
 are often better performers due to improvements in the optical
 formulae and antireflection coatings. The current FA28/2.8 AL and
 FA35/2 AL are superb. Better or worse? Well, the specific K30/2.8 I
 tried out was not a substantially better performer than the A28/2.8
 that I owned at the time. The current FA28 and FA35 are much better

 And in response to your second query to me in email:

 ... taking into account that the price of A24mm is not very high
 and that  it seems to be very good lens, you prefer it over 28/35
 A lenses ...

 Prefer is a different thing. I found the A24 to have better contrast
 and sharpness wide open compared to the A28/2.8 and A35/2.8. The
 field of view on the *ist DS body is wider, which sometimes I want/
 need and other times not.

 BTW, all of the Pentax primes in this focal length range to date will
 cover a 24x36mm film format, even the DA40/2.8. That said, I don't
 expect a 24x36mm sensor body from Pentax any time soon, nor do I
 consider planning lens purchases around such a possibility to be of
 very high importance. I only own digital Pentax SLR cameras.

 What I am wooriued about it is the fact you wrote 30mm is not as
 good as new FA35mm one. I bought my 30mm for about 130$ so the
 price was very good I think in mint condition with oryginal case!

 If you already own the K30, and like it, what are you worrying about?
 There's always something better in the world, with very rare
 exceptions. The one I looked at was very reasonably priced but not
 interesting because a) it was no better than what I already had, b)
 didn't provide much different in way of field of view, and c)
 because, for me, the lack of lens mount features limits the
 functionality of the *ist DS.

 I have read different comments on Stan Halpin's site and  was
 regarded as fantastic lens. But there was no direct comparison
 with 35mm lens. Especially Yoshihiko liked it very much

 Since the comments on Stan's site are comments by people on this
 mailing list, I would expect the response from here to be virtually
 identical to what you've already read.

 BTW did you ever have a chance co compare your Pentax primes with
 any Canon/Nikon counterparts?I just wonder if FA35/50mm etc are
 of similar quality like above or not.

 I owned and used primarily Nikon film camera equipment for over 30
 years, and I have at present a Canon DSLR and four lens kit as well

Re: slides and Roentgen rays

2005-12-11 Thread akozak
yes, he will process them in Poland so I do hope that effect of X rays
will be very very small. Maybe it is better to have them in with himself
instead of in bags that go separately.
PS BTW, did you shoot with Velvia 100?Not F. Any comments are welcome. I
also wonder if scans from Provia F100 on high quality scanner and prints
are better/worse than prints after interpolation from ds. For instance
8x12 inch and bigger
 - Original Message -

 Subject: Re: slides and Roentgen rays

 Hi William,
 Yes it is the best to buy where you are but my friend goes to Poland and
 plan to buy some Provia F100 films since in NY there is cheaper. I just
 wonder if X rays affect 100 ASA films as much

 He should be OK with it as carry on for the NY to Poland trip.
 If he can get it processed there he will be much safer, as the exposed
 is much more prone to X-Ray damage.

 William Robb

Re: slides and Roentgen rays

2005-12-11 Thread akozak
so if someone carry on 100 ASA slides there should be not a problem with
such machines. just a trip from NY to Poland and process of films in
Poland. So films must not be checked in baggage!..Just to carry them on.
 The Xray machines used for carry-on baggage are not a
 problem for ordinary photographic film (though
 3200-speed film may be fogged after a few passes

 The Xray machines used for CHECKED baggage, though,
 are death to photographic film.  Lead-lined bags are
 useless against them.

 So, make sure you carry on your film!

 Processed film is safe either way.


 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Does anyone know if it is still a concern or maybe
 special bags are
 necessary to avoid the problem. I mean fresh films,
 not processed. Please
 send me your opinions and sugestions how you travel
 (led) with slides
 by plane. Thank you in advance. Alek

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Re: slides and Roentgen rays

2005-12-11 Thread akozak
Hi Wilson,
SO if 100 ASA slides go through X rays machines and they will be carry on
no problems with films?
Which photo center do you recommed?Konaszewska Photo lab?
And it is better to carry on that have them in luggage?Is it truth?


   Does anyone know if it is still a concern or maybe special bags are
 necessary to avoid the problem. I mean fresh films, not processed.
 send me your opinions and sugestions how you travel (led) with slides
 by plane. Thank you in advance. Alek

 I've done a lot of travelling between the UK and Polska with unexposed
 film, in both directions.  Some films have done many passes through
 X-ray machines.  So far, no problems.  All my film travels with me
 rather than with my luggage.

 I can recommend a processor in Krakow, if you need it.


slides and Roentgen rays

2005-12-10 Thread akozak
  Does anyone know if it is still a concern or maybe special bags are
necessary to avoid the problem. I mean fresh films, not processed. Please
send me your opinions and sugestions how you travel (led) with slides
by plane. Thank you in advance. Alek

Re: slides and Roentgen rays

2005-12-10 Thread akozak
My friend from NY is going to have some 100 ASA slides (Provia F100) and
we wonder if there is any possibility to overcome such problems. He is
going to Poland soon.

 USA travel:
 Don't pack film in your bags - heavy dosage of x-rays.
 Do carry film in your 'carry on' bag, in a clear plastic bag (baggie).
 Just put ASA 400 film thru the low dosage 'carry on' bag scanner.
 They will hand check ASA 800+ film if you point it out.
 If you are concerned about multiple exposures to x-rays,
 mix some ASA 800+ film into your baggie and ask for a hand check.

 Outside USA travel:
 Reasoning with the 'carry on' baggage inspectors is nearly impossible.
 Use digital???

 Regards,  Bob S.

  Does anyone know if it is still a concern or maybe special bags are
 necessary to avoid the problem. I mean fresh films, not processed.
 send me your opinions and sugestions how you travel (led) with slides
 by plane. Thank you in advance. Alek

Re: slides and Roentgen rays

2005-12-10 Thread akozak
Hi William,
Yes it is the best to buy where you are but my friend goes to Poland and
plan to buy some Provia F100 films since in NY there is cheaper. I just
wonder if X rays affect 100 ASA films as much
 - Original Message -
 Subject: slides and Roentgen rays

  Does anyone know if it is still a concern or maybe special bags are
 necessary to avoid the problem. I mean fresh films, not processed.
 send me your opinions and sugestions how you travel (led) with slides
 by plane. Thank you in advance. Alek

 I've never thought much about lead foil bags. I've seen to much X-Ray
 damaged film come out of them.
 Best strategy is to buy your film on location, and get it processed there
 well, next best is to insist on hand inspections, and take all your film
 carry on.

 William Robb

Re: Re: Why I stick to Pentax (was: Good-bye Pentax)

2003-03-19 Thread akozak
In one point Bojidar is right.namely it is much easier and cheaper to find seconf hand 
Canon gear-great advantage!
Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 19:56:23 +0100

Nice to see such words! I agree with you in most points. I really doubt 
that for everyday shooting one get better photos with Canon.

I doubt that too, but many *believes* differently.

Some my friend chose Canon and zooms usually and even primes but when they 
look at my slides they even prefer my Pentax glass.

Canon makes some great glass too, but I believe it\'s a personal thing here. 
They all have their characteristics. Isn\'t Canon and Nikon quite close here? 
High contrast, cool colour temperature? I\'ve got that impression. I believe 
Pentax and Minolta are closer when it comes to optical character.

And I believe Pentax soon or later will come with IS and USM and there 
 will be no difference between P and C.

I believe this too.
However, I can understand those who doesn\'t want to wait.
Pentax has, in the past, showed a bad record when it comes to new 
technology. The Z-serie was great, but it took time to update it. MZ-serie 
was great, in the beginning, but the MZ-5n and -3 are essentially the same 
as the MZ-5 released in 1996. I can understand those who wants a faster 
development. I believe this will happen with digital, perhaps it will be too 
fast. :-) Anyway, two more *ist\'s are on it\'s way. I\'m sure that they will 
be great and having new technology, not only technology that equals the 
competition but actually beats them.

Best wishes,

Lttare att hitta drmresan med MSN Resor

Re: Re: Pentax needs USM and IS

2003-03-18 Thread akozak
Roland is right. I have just the same opinion. There is time when someone suddenly 
discover he is afford/needs to have sth better and also discovers that Pentax does not 
have USM and IS and that the prices of glass is even higher than Nikon/Canon. So even 
having MZS one decides to switch to C/N just for above reason. I believe Pentax should 
introduce IS and USM before updating their FA* lenses  and reasing new Limited 
(maybe). What it would be a choice to have FA77/1.8 Limited with USM or Limited 
70-200/2.8 USM IS ... and then to update MZS. Maybe it will happen who knows...
With compatibility of old lenses, at last with A

Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:49:34 -0500

I think Bruce has a point here (and no, it\'s not on his head)...
We have to remember, while we, loyal Pentax users, would love to see the 
brand grow and flourish, Pentax\'s target market in 35mm SLR has, I 
 believe, always been amateur or entry level.

enthusiastic amateurs as Pentax calls it.
This is not a bad thing, but eventually - amateurs wants more than the el 
cheapo plastic le chique consumer zooms, they start to explore new areas of 
photography. They discover macrophotography and the novelty of extension 
tubes, they discover bird photography and wants a fast low cost telephoto. 
Or they discover that they want everything but in one package, so they 
discover ultra zooms. What are the options? Nikon has just released a good 
24-120 with IS and USM. It\'s consumer level, it\'s not for pro\'s. Together 
with the consumer level F75, it makes a good travelling kit. If they want 
pro-technology without the price, they can buy Sigma\'s telephotos with USM - 
if they have a Nikon or Canon. Pro-technology, at consumer prices. And Sigma 
has presented IS lenses!

As Pentax users, we do not have those options.

Do remember that Pentax has a FA* serie that cost as the competitions best 
lenses, and in some cases the Pentax lenses even cost more, but the 
competition has USM and IS - Pentax does not. Nikon\'s 70-200 f/2.8 with USM 
and IS is less expensive than Pentax FA* 80-200 f/2.8 ED.

One can\'t survive by only doing entry level bodies all the time, because 
when beginners outgrow their cameras - what should they do? Sell their gear 
and switch to Canon and Nikon? They\'re already doing this. The MZ-S is a 
fine camera, it sure is, but the lack of USM and IS means that many of the 
potential customers are lost. For those who buys entry level, it is better 
to buy Nikon or Canon because this way they can grow. They don\'t have to 
sell their eguipment and change brand when they discover that they need 
something more.

Best wishes,

Hitta rtt p ntet med MSN Sk

Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-17 Thread akozak
Hi Alan,
So you just glued two tapes in a proper place and that is all?I do not have M135/3.5 
but my brother has so I shall see on which place you did it. I wonder if SMC K 135/2.5 
and SMC K 105/2.8 have the same layout of rear mount to put the tapes at the same 
place. ANy comments.
Thank you!

Uytkownik Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Alan Chan

Cost me $5 and a few mins to gain matrix metering.  :)

About masking some contacts I have read. I know that Alan did so with his 

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-17 Thread akozak
And it really gives matrix? and spot with PZ1?

Uytkownik Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Alan Chan

Cost me $5 and a few mins to gain matrix metering.  :)

About masking some contacts I have read. I know that Alan did so with his 

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Re: Pentax needs USM and IS

2003-03-17 Thread akozak

So what dou you suggest?

Uytkownik Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Pentax abandoned this segment so long ago that no one thinks of Pentax 
when they look for high end/high tech cameras. It would take years of 
work (that Pentax was never willing to do) to change the perception of 
the brand. Most people who are fans of taking pictures, rather than 
camera brands, have bought the technology they want/need from whoever is 
selling it. I have no idea why people think that a company 1/10 the size 
of Canon would have the same RD budget as Canon. (RD isn\'t just paper 
patents: it real, tangible, physical products you can buy.)



So I also believe it is high time for realising USM and IS with support of old 
lenses, it should be very good step+ to give such eqipment to some pros and 
photojournalists just for adv. Let people see that Pentax is able to produce hi-end 
I hope it will come true...
Fan of Pentax


Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-14 Thread akozak
About masking some contacts I have read. I know that Alan did so with his M135/2.8.

Uytkownik Andre Langevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Dear All,
I own M35/2.8 but think about buying A version to have spot/matrix 
on my PZ1 and more flexibility on Super A. Could you write any 
opinions/official tests of the lens?How does it performe in 
comparisno with K 35mm lenses and FA 35/2.0 one? Is it of the same 
quality like M version? Or maybe A35/2.0 is much better and 
comparable with new FA?
Please send me some suggestionsand comparisons
Thank you in advance.

Alek, there is a way to have spot/matrix on the PZ1 with a M lens.  I 
don\'t have the URL, but there has been a discussion of this last 
month or 2 months ago.  It implies putting (gluing?) small piece of 
black paper or metallic paper, I don\'t remember, around the lens 
mount, at precise places, and voila!

M lenses are - generally speaking - smoother in operation but A 
lenses seem a bit better especially in the corners, supposedly 
because of an improved SMC.


Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-14 Thread akozak
But if I use it mostly for landscapes and shoot from f=4 the results should be great I 
hope. So even at 2.8 is not so good but probably better than 2.8 version full open.
Thank you!
PS Is it similar to FA version if performance is concerns?FA lens got great reviews...

Uytkownik alexanderkrohe [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 12:04:40 EST

  \'ve never handled the 35mm A version but in
general you can assume that optically it will be at
least the equal of the M and somewhat inferior in
build and  focus feel.There are exceptions but not

 My dear boy. This is one of them. Despite the fact
that they are 
 significantly less common than the M lenses, the
A35mm F2 handles like 
 a dream. Mind you, I haven\'t shot it.
 Kind regards


I have the A35mm/f2: Yes, it is an all metal
construction with excellent built quality. Stopped
down to 4 and smaller pictures show extremely high
contast and very high color saturation with beautiful,
slightly warmish colors. I like it for landscape shots
(amongst others). 
On the down side: It seems to lack detail; wide open
performance is not particularly good (outer margins
unsharp, coma wings around light sources; still
visible at f2.8).   
The lens seems to show what Mike Johnston describes as
high large structure contrast in his  Lens Contrast
And the Basics of MTF article.
Yes, the optical construction is identical to that of
the M-version but it has a different coating. 

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Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-14 Thread akozak
Do you have/had any other 35mm from Pentax?
Indeed, K35/3.5 is said to be very nice but ... contacts would be nice to have.

Uytkownik Mark Cassino [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I was not satisfied with my A35 f2.8 - just never seemed to be sharp.  I 
replaced it was a K35 f3.5, and that lens seem to be quite good.


At 01:28 PM 3/13/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Dear All,
I own M35/2.8 but think about buying A version to have spot/matrix on my 
PZ1 and more flexibility on Super A. Could you write any opinions/official 
tests of the lens?How does it performe in comparisno with K 35mm lenses 
and FA 35/2.0 one? Is it of the same quality like M version? Or maybe 
A35/2.0 is much better and comparable with new FA?
Please send me some suggestionsand comparisons
Thank you in advance.

- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -

Re: Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-14 Thread akozak
I wonder what enlargements you have done to compare your 35mm.   
K35/3.5 would be nice but a little too dark and no A but I do not exclude it-some 
people believe it is great performer and not so expensive

Uytkownik Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I\'ve played with the K 35 f3.5 I have one each of the M 35 f2.0 and f2.8 lenses
unfortunately I\'ve never used any of the A lenses in this focal length.  My 
with the A lenses is that they generally feel cheaper.  I haven\'t been able 
to discern
any reel difference in results.

At 06:50 PM 3/13/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Have you tried any other 35mm from Pentax?Any comments..
Uytkownik Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 I\\\'ve never handled the 35mm A version but in general you can assume that
 it will be at least the equal of the M and somewhat inferior in build and
 focus feel.
 There are exceptions but not many.
 At 01:28 PM 3/13/2003 +0100, you wrote:
 Dear All,
 I own M35/2.8 but think about buying A version to have spot/matrix on my
 PZ1 and more flexibility on Super A. Could you write any opinions/official
 tests of the lens?How does it performe in comparisno with K 35mm lenses
 and FA 35/2.0 one? Is it of the same quality like M version? Or maybe
 A35/2.0 is much better and comparable with new FA?
 Please send me some suggestionsand comparisons
 Thank you in advance.
 Outside of a dog, a book is man\\\'s best friend.
  Inside of a dog, it\\\'s too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Outside of a dog, a book is man\'s best friend.
 Inside of a dog, it\'s too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-14 Thread akozak
Thank you William!
So maybe A35/2.0 would be nice for me. I must look at the prices of it. If it is 
really pricy, maybe it is better to buy FA version...

Uytkownik William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
- Original Message -
From: Peter Alling
Subject: Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

 I\'ve played with the K 35 f3.5 I have one each of the M 35 f2.0 and f2.8
 unfortunately I\'ve never used any of the A lenses in this focal length.
 with the A lenses is that they generally feel cheaper.  I haven\'t been
 to discern
 any reel difference in results.

If it matters I have the A35mm f/2. The feel of it is fine,  it has not
got the usual aperture ring notchiness that we have all come to love, and
the focus feel is smooth.
Optically, I cannot fault the lens. It is sharp to the corners at all
apertures, has no obvious optical aberations and has excellent flare

William Robb

Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-14 Thread akozak
So You did not like A35/2.0. Why?
What about optics?

 Despite the fact that they are 
 significantly less common than the M lenses, the A35mm F2 handles like a 
 dream. Mind you, I haven\\\'t shot it. 

Oops. Small typo. Should have read the A 35mm F2.8 handles like a dream. 
The only A 35mm F2 we ever had was, er, ugly. Ex Howard Davies (Oxfam 
photog). I can\'t tell you much about the FA35 F2 - focussing as I recall was 
smooth but lacking  resistance. Again, I didn\'t shoot it. Actually, here\'s a 
list of Pentax Glass I have shot:
24-35 f3.5 m
200mm f2.5 m (it\'s not a K lens, and I am sticking to that)
135mm f1.8 A
85mm f2.8 F
1000mm f8 K
50mm f2 m 
35-105mm f3.5 A
135mm f2.5 tak m?
15mm f3.5 A

Come on guys, I\'m a camera dealer - I spend my weekends being taken on 
endless tours of tile showrooms, art galleries, pub lunches. I wish it were 
not so, but that\'s life. 



and probably a few other

A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-13 Thread akozak
Dear All,
I own M35/2.8 but think about buying A version to have spot/matrix on my PZ1 and more 
flexibility on Super A. Could you write any opinions/official tests of the lens?How 
does it performe in comparisno with K 35mm lenses and FA 35/2.0 one? Is it of the same 
quality like M version? Or maybe A35/2.0 is much better and comparable with new FA?
Please send me some suggestionsand comparisons
Thank you in advance.

Re: Re: *ist and the lens mount

2003-03-13 Thread akozak
So *ist works well with M lens? How do you like the camera?Have you tried AF etc?
Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Then they are not compatible.  Pentax has always meant compatible to allow 
you make use of a lens turning a lens into a fixed aperture makes it 
relatively useless  since you have lost half your control
over the lens, not to mention issues of sharpness, etc.

Pentax has never said that the *ist is compatible. They have talked about 
usable lenses. It\'s still possible to use K-mount lenses...

For example, I have a M 28 f/2.8. I want to use it on the *ist, because of 
the lovely character the M 28 has. Now, I set the lens at f/2.8 and the *ist 
displays a shutter speed of 1/125. But I don\'t want to use it at f/2.8, I 
want more depth-of-field. I want to use it at f/8, so I set it to f/8 - and 
the lens stops down (instant depth-of-field) and I set the shutter to 1/15 
so I get a correct exposure. Now I fire the shutter.

Best wishes,

Skaffa fler messengerkontakter - Vinn 10.000 i resecheckar!

Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-13 Thread akozak
Have you tried any other 35mm from Pentax?Any comments..
Uytkownik Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I\'ve never handled the 35mm A version but in general you can assume that 
it will be at least the equal of the M and somewhat inferior in build and 
focus feel.
There are exceptions but not many.

At 01:28 PM 3/13/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Dear All,
I own M35/2.8 but think about buying A version to have spot/matrix on my 
PZ1 and more flexibility on Super A. Could you write any opinions/official 
tests of the lens?How does it performe in comparisno with K 35mm lenses 
and FA 35/2.0 one? Is it of the same quality like M version? Or maybe 
A35/2.0 is much better and comparable with new FA?
Please send me some suggestionsand comparisons
Thank you in advance.

Outside of a dog, a book is man\'s best friend.
 Inside of a dog, it\'s too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: Re: Why I don't believe in the KAF3 mount on *ist D (resent)

2003-03-13 Thread akozak
I also believe that USM and IS is huge advantage when new buyers want to buy sth.and 
shop-assistants also advise them to choose Canon for such a reason-fast, silent and 
many pros use it and lots of people want to have what pros have. They just see what 
camera makers are very popular where there is any match, concert, meeting etc and they 
see C/N mostly so the know these brands. How many of people know that Pentax has great 
MF cameras?...much less than that Canon/Nikon are mostly chosen by pros and they can 
see it.
Even if PEntax releases USM/IS it would be very difficult to enter a pro market. They 
have not camera like F5/1V and as good reputation. And advertisement. But if they 
introduce new technologies,there is a chance to have bigger share in the market

Uytkownik Roland Mabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
From: Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:20:19 -0500

The vast majority of film SLR\'s sold are entry level ones, and the people 
buying them don\'t know or care about USM or IS.

I don\'t agree with you here. I believe that they care about USM and IS, 
simply because they\'ve seen a lot of adverts from Canon and Nikon about 
this. And they probably have heard from the clerk behind the counter at the 
local photo store that this one has USM, and this doesn\'t, and USM is nice 
to have. And they have probably read in photo magazines that Canon won a 
test because it has USM.

They probably do buy Pentax because they once had a K1000 and, it took 
good pictures.

Then Pentax is going to die, because there\'s a lot of newcomers out there 
who has never held a K1000.

I have no idea why you wouldn\'t want USM (and the full time manual focus 
that goes along with it) in every lens, unless you\'re just cheap.

I\'m not cheap, but I want the optics to be. :-) (in price, not in quality)

Best wishes,

Skaffa fler messengerkontakter - Vinn 10.000 i resecheckar!

Re: Re: 50/1.4 lens comparisons

2003-03-13 Thread akozak
I am also very interested in the results, I wonder if you have A50/1.4 and how it 
performes in the comparison with K, M and FA lenses 1.4 and 1.7

Uytkownik Thomas Stach [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

I going to do some real-life tests in the near future with both my
My impression up to now is, that the FA 50/1.4 is way better than the M
50/1.4 - esp.
contrast wide open  flare.


collinb schrieb:
 Anyone done resolution tests comparing
 the K 50/1.4 to the A/M optics?

Re: Re: A35/2.8 lens

2003-03-13 Thread akozak
What about optical quality of A35/2.0?Similar to FA version?

 \'ve never handled the 35mm A version but in general you can assume that 
 it will be at least the equal of the M and somewhat inferior in build and 
 focus feel.
 There are exceptions but not many. 

My dear boy. This is one of them. Despite the fact that they are 
significantly less common than the M lenses, the A35mm F2 handles like a 
dream. Mind you, I haven\'t shot it.

Kind regards


Re: Re: End of K-mount?

2003-02-12 Thread akozak
It was great response, Alan!! Why to change to Canon/Nikon if maybe Pentax introduces 
similar technology with any kind of compatibility? If so for many of us it will be 
still the best mount. Hope our dreams come true.
Uytkownik Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
My problem is, if Pentax to going to release more lenses with FAJ mount to 
match the coming D-SLR, I will be gone to Canon.  There\'s no point for me 
to remain staying with Pentax because my existing film cameras, MZ-S and 
MZ-5n, are not able to control the aperture value manually.  I hope the 
KAF3 mounts will only bring us USM and IS, but not G. I now face the 
dilemma like the owners of Nikon F90X.  It would be too late if I switch 
system when Pentax eventually release a FAJ*80-200/2.8 USM IS.

What if Pentax released a DSLR body and some FAJ USM/IS lenses this year? 
Would Pentax be much different from Canon then?

Alan Chan

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Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: FS: cameras and lenses - updated list

2003-02-07 Thread akozak
Hi Stan,
Do you leave Pentax?

Uytkownik Stan Halpin [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
This is an update to my previous update. Status of my items for sale listed
below. I haven\'t placed anything on eBay yet but some, as indicated, will go
on eBay tonight (approx 2000 Central Strd Time, GMT-6).

on 1/31/03 9:05 PM, Stan Halpin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am simplifying and consolidating. I haven\'t worked out minimum-price, etc.
 on all of the following
 This is an update of the previous, with pricing information and links to
 some pictures so you can see the items which are for sale. A couple of the
 previous listing have sold, have been paid for, and are in the mail to their
 new home. A couple from the list I have decided to keep for now. Additional
 have been added. All of these items are in very good condition; i.e., no
 scratches on the glass, no dents on the filter rings, etc. Older lenses may
 have more of the inevitable subtle signs of wear, but none of this equipment
 is abused. Except as noted below.
 Note that the file names on the site with the photos are case sensitive.
 Also note that I have mostly identified only one photo for each item. If
 there is an /SPIIb.jpg, you may safely assume an /SPIIa.jpg, and possibly an
 /SPIIc.jpg, /...d.jpg, etc. I am not consistent in my lettering or numbering
 convention from one lens or camera to another, but for a given item I am
 absolutely consistent in my lettering or numbering.
 Description PriceLinkNotes
 Spotmatic SPII  $100 [If some here does not buy, I will keep for
 now.] includes 55/1.8

 Super-Multi-Coated lens.
 SMC Takumar 1.8/55  $25  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03  This is a second Tak 55/1.8

 Super-Takumar 1:4/200   $50  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03

 Super-Macro-Takumar 1:4 50mm  SOLD

 Black ME$40 WILL go on eBay 2-07-03 or .../ME-2.jpg  The typical
 ding in the finder is more of a crunch on this camera, but it seems to work
 ok. Except maybe the hot shoe doesn\'t work . . .
 LX - 523$350 WILL go on eBay 2-07-03 CLA about 2 years ago. Older
 version of the camera, film speed to 3200 but the finder-release button does
 not trigger the meter. Typical inconsequential ding in the finder. No other
 known problems. Sold with A-50/2.0 body cap. Includes strap and lugs,
 grip style A available if you want for extra $, your choice of G-20 or E-20 or
 LX - 535  SOLD
 LX Finder attachment FC-1   $100  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03 and  This is a great Sports
 Finder, helps the viewing if you wear eyeglasses, but is just too bulky for
 my taste. In the first photo the FC-1 is shown mounted on the FB-1 System
 base, in photo two it is shown to the side. (I\'ve decided to hold onto the
 FB-1 and the FD-2 eyepiece for now.)
 SMC-M 1:4 20mmSOLD
 SMC-A 1:2.8 35mm$110  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03
 SMC-A Macro 1:2.8 50mm  $150  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03
 SMC-M 1:2.8-4.0 40-80mm zoom $75  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03   Nice older Macro zoom lens
 in very fine condition.
 Vivitar Series 1 70-210 mm 1:2.8-4.0 Macro zoom  WILL go on eBay 2-07-03


Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-07 Thread akozak
So it is strange. I also did similar test with the lamp. But centerweighted meter is 
quite similar to spot if you fill the finder with light/lamp for instance and not only 
in this case.
I shall check in manual. But if it does not work it could not be dispalyed if you are 
working in spot meter. 
SO I do not know what to say.
So only pversion has spot with K and M lenses?
Really strange

There must be some kind of a language barrier here.  
Read my post again, Mark\'s too.  I did the same experiment.
I used a K24/2.8 lens (wide angle lens) with the PZ-1 (Z-1 by you).
I was 6 feet (2 meters) from a table lamp that I focused on.
The lamp just filled the finder [ focus ] area.
Using a wide angle lens, I was seeing a dark room with a bright lamp in the middle.
Yes with the PZ-1, the little * goes ON in the LCD display.
NO, this doesn\'t mean anything.  The exposure doesn\'t change!!!
The PZ-1 says you have spot metering but you don\'t!
It is telling you lies!!!

With the PZ-1p, you have spot metering.
I put the K24/2.8 lens on the camera.
I focused on the light... it just filled the [focus] in the viewfinder.
When I pressed the spot button, the * went on in the viewfinder,
and the exposure changed.  This was for the PZ-1p only - Z-1p by you.

I don\'t know how to make this explaination any clearer.

Regards,  Bob S.

In a message dated 2/7/2003 10:27:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Bob,
 With PZ1 you have spot for sure with K and M lenses!!!
 Just click the buttom on the back of the camera - it was with . one and then turn 
the wheel ( I do not remember if it is AV or TV) in front of the camera, just near 
shutter buttom, remember to keep . buttom pushed! and turn it. On the display you 
will see in the frame * informing you that spot is set.just all. I own PZ1 and some K 
and M it WORKS.
 Reply to me if you manage to do it.
 Hope it helps.
 PS you wrote exposure did not change, sometimes you could set on the subjects where 
there is no difference in light, that is it. Good luck and be happy with spot with 
you K and M lenses:)
   My Z1 spot meters with all my pentax lenses, K,M,A,F,FA.
  I don\\\'t know.  I\\\'ll go home and try it, but I remember
  trying to get my M\\\'s  K\\\'s to spot meter and they didn\\\'t.
  They will say SPOT metering is ON in the viewfinder, but
  the exposure won\\\'t change.
  Just tried my PZ-1p with a K50/1.4 and both spot and
  center-weighted metering work - and the exposure
  definitely does change (I  metered in a
  dark room with a small window in the center).
  Mark Roberts
 I did the same experiment this AM.  The PZ-1p will spot meter with a K lens (tried 
the K24/2.8).  The PZ-1 will not spot meter with a K lens.  So I\\\'d revise what I 
said to this...
 PZ-1:  NO Spot metering with K and M lenses, you need A,F,FA
  and NO matrix metering with K  M, only Center Weighted.
 PZ-1p:  Center Weighted OR Spot metering with K  M lenses
  and NO matrix metering with K  M, only  Center Weighted.
  and Spot, Matrix, or Center Weighted with A, F  FA lens.
 Thanks to you and Paal for pointing that feature out, I 
 had missed it on the PZ-1p.
 Regards,  Bob S.


Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
So FA 200 macro must be much better than C/N counterparts.
Do you have both?What is the price of A version if appears.
BTW Do you have FA35/2.0?any comments...
Thank you
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek wrote:

 But with K and M lenses you could not use matrix... just central or spot


 Do you have Pentax FA 200/4 ED macro lens? Or A200/4 ED macro?
 If so which is better?

If pressed I think the FA* is slightly better but significantly larger and heavier.

What about competition in this range-Nikon/Canon/Sigma?ANy comments...

According to the only test I\'ve seen on the 200 macro lenses the A* 200/4 macro 
beats the Nikon and Canon counterparts.



OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: Pentax Optio S advance orders

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
Hi Mike,
Please answer my email!
Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
FWIW, I just heard from my friend at Pentax that the Optio S is generating
an impressive amount of advance orders. Evidently, dealers expect it to be a
popular product.



Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
When you use 645 lens it works like A lens or only like K or ?Does matrix work?
Uytkownik gfen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Joe Wilensky wrote:
 On another note, why can the Pentax autofocus cameras provide
 autofocus confirmation with manual-focus A, M, and K lenses, but not
 with screwmount lenses via the adapter? In the case of the M and K

Are you sure they can\'t?

My ZX-5n\'s focus confirmation beep works just fine when I used a 645 lens
mounted via the 645-K adapter.

--   - more fun than a poke in your eye. photography and portfolio.


Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-06 Thread akozak

But Alan Chan wrote even good tape could mask a special part of the lens.
So maybe it is saver and easier and for nearly nothing ($) :)
=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Michel_Carre=60re-G=E9e?=@UNKNOWN napisa:
 But with K and M lenses you could not use matrix... just central or spot
Yes, K/M lens could use matrix metering, see:



Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
I also read about drilling in the lens
But it I could just mask it would be great.
Please write what to do with K28/3.5, 135/2.5 and 105/2.8 all SMC of course if you 
have them
Uytkownik Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
But with K and M lenses you could not use matrix... just central or spot

You can mask part of the lens mount of K or M lenses to simulate A lenses 
which can do matrix metering. A good quality masking tape will do the trick.

Alan Chan

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Miliony czekaj na Ciebie w Internecie!

Re: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
Thank you!
You are lucky man to have such a lens. It must be one if not the best in this focal 
range or any macro lens.
Do you have any picture from it on website?
Uytkownik Vick, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
For a comparison of the elements see:

The internal focus on the FA200 is invaluable for macro work.
Plus, the FA is RAZOR sharp at all apertures and even sharper in the f/8 to f/32 
range - sharper than the A200.  The A200 is very good in the f/8 to f/22 range but 
not as sharp as the FA200.
The FA200 has 9 Aperture Blades vs. the 8 on the A200.
This I think leads to a softer bokeh on the FA200.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

But is there any optical difference between A and FA for macro work?Sharpness, bokeh 
etc?Also FA is better?
Uytkownik Vick, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I don\\\'t have any direct comparison with Cannon or Nikon, but have used both the 
FA200 ED Macro and the A200 ED Macro.
The FA200 (IF) is AWESOME - I can find no faults with it, razor sharp, excellent 
bokeh, I like the Internal Focus and the focus limiter provides excellent and quick 
The A200 is a very good lens but not quite as sharp as the FA200 at the extremes.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

So FA 200 macro must be much better than C/N counterparts.
Do you have both?What is the price of A version if appears.
BTW Do you have FA35/2.0?any comments...
Thank you
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek wrote:

 But with K and M lenses you could not use matrix... just central or spot


 Do you have Pentax FA 200/4 ED macro lens? Or A200/4 ED macro?
 If so which is better?

If pressed I think the FA* is slightly better but significantly larger and heavier.

What about competition in this range-Nikon/Canon/Sigma?ANy comments...

According to the only test I\\\'ve seen on the 200 macro lenses the A* 200/4 
macro beats the Nikon and Canon counterparts.



OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!


Hotele - rezerwuj do 40% TANIEJ!


Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Pentax Optio S advance orders

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
Yes, it is truth that many of my questions to you have already been answered. So the 
only way is to mount my Tamron (when I get adaptall) and shoot and shoot and then 
assess the quality. On the basis of many opinions and tests  it should be great macro 
lens I hope. and 90mm is also very nice for portraits so nothing to add, just shoot!
recently I thought to leave Pentax and buy Contax Aria+some primes but probably it is 
better to stick to Pentax and hope that new solutions will appear. And it is open 
I take mostly slides that is why I ask about quality of the lens so often.
PS Have you ever used K lenses?
Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Hi Mike,
 Please answer my email!

I have answered your e-mail several times. I have nothing to add to the
responses you\'ve received on the list regarding the lenses you asked about.
Sorry I can\'t help.



Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
pity there no true macro photos like on Mark Cassino.
If you like macro look here:
click English version
PS My friend's web site

Uytkownik Vick, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
the macro shots on this page were done with the FA200

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

Thank you!
You are lucky man to have such a lens. It must be one if not the best in this focal 
range or any macro lens.
Do you have any picture from it on website?
Uytkownik Vick, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
For a comparison of the elements see:

The internal focus on the FA200 is invaluable for macro work.
Plus, the FA is RAZOR sharp at all apertures and even sharper in the f/8 to f/32 
range - sharper than the A200.  The A200 is very good in the f/8 to f/22 range but 
not as sharp as the FA200.
The FA200 has 9 Aperture Blades vs. the 8 on the A200.
This I think leads to a softer bokeh on the FA200.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

But is there any optical difference between A and FA for macro work?Sharpness, bokeh 
etc?Also FA is better?
Uytkownik Vick, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I don\\\'t have any direct comparison with Cannon or Nikon, but have used both 
the FA200 ED Macro and the A200 ED Macro.
The FA200 (IF) is AWESOME - I can find no faults with it, razor sharp, excellent 
bokeh, I like the Internal Focus and the focus limiter provides excellent and quick 
The A200 is a very good lens but not quite as sharp as the FA200 at the extremes.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

So FA 200 macro must be much better than C/N counterparts.
Do you have both?What is the price of A version if appears.
BTW Do you have FA35/2.0?any comments...
Thank you
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek wrote:

 But with K and M lenses you could not use matrix... just central or spot


 Do you have Pentax FA 200/4 ED macro lens? Or A200/4 ED macro?
 If so which is better?

If pressed I think the FA* is slightly better but significantly larger and heavier.

What about competition in this range-Nikon/Canon/Sigma?ANy comments...

According to the only test I\\\'ve seen on the 200 macro lenses the A* 
200/4 macro beats the Nikon and Canon counterparts.



OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!


Hotele - rezerwuj do 40% TANIEJ!


Tanie bilety lotnicze!


Tanie bilety lotnicze!

Re: Re: Pentax Optio S advance orders

2003-02-06 Thread akozak
I just wanted to say that I take slides where it is easy to see if the lens is good or 
not. Of course if you enlarge you prints very much you also see it. I just do not 
enlarge prints more than 20x30cm
BTW Have you scanned slide and print?any comments.. IS it better than from film, i.e. 
for instance 30x40cm is better to obtain from slide or from film?
Uytkownik Keith Whaley [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Yes, it is truth that many of my questions to you have already been answered. So 
the only way is to mount my Tamron (when I get adaptall) and shoot and shoot and then 
assess the quality. On the basis of many opinions and tests  it should be great macro 
lens I hope. and 90mm is also very nice for portraits so nothing to add, just shoot!
 recently I thought to leave Pentax and buy Contax Aria+some primes but probably it 
is better to stick to Pentax and hope that new solutions will appear. And it is open 
 I take mostly slides that is why I ask about quality of the lens so often.

Maybe I shouldn\'t even ask, but if you were making images on print
film, the quality of the lens wouldn\'t matter so much?

 PS Have you ever used K lenses?

Has Mike ever used k-mount lenses? 
O, I\'d say so!  g  But, I hate to speak FOR\'s just
possible he never HAS!




Miliony czekaj na Ciebie w Internecie!

Re: Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-05 Thread akozak
And AF with converter is fast?Accurate?Does it deteriorate image quality a lot?
Uytkownik Rdiger Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
From Jostein
After also using it with many other lenses, I have found that AF with the
TC is very accurate with f/2.8 (or better) lenses. Precision with eg.
M-200/4 is ok, but no more than that. Lenses of apertures darker than f/4.5
will make the AF hunt in low light.  AF is quite fast. Comparable to eg.

The converter works even when using a f/4.5 like the FA 4.5/300 if you are
using it with a MZ-S. The MZ-S  AF has a far better low light abiltiy than
the Z1-p or MZ-5n, this cameras have a problem with this lens.



OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!


2003-02-05 Thread akozak
Could you be so kind and scan and send me Practical Photography November 2000 issue 
concerning the test of macro lenses?
I would be very grateful.
Uytkownik Rdiger Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hallo Raino,
there are also test, where the FA 2.8/100 Macro gets very good marks. I have
this lens and it is far to sharp for portraits. Look at
there is a average of serveral tests.


Im not Mike but I have Practical Photography November 2000 issue in front
of me. In the test 90-105 mm macro lenses get the following points:
Canon AF 100/2.8 - 9/10
Minolta AF 100/2.8 - 9/10
Nikon AF 105/2.8D - 7/10
Pentax AF 100/2.8 - 6/10
Sigma AF 105/28 EX - 9/10
Tamron AF 90/2.8 SP - 9/10
Tokina AF 100/2.8 AT-X 6/10
Pentax 100 mm performs well but needs stopping down and is expensive.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperinen viesti-
Piv: 04. helmikuuta 2003 16:59

Hi Mike,

Do you have any access to tests of macro lenses?
I own Tamron manual SP 90/2.8 macro, I bought it when found that it
performed much better Pentax 100m in one Popular or Practical Photography if
I remember well and also beat Nikkor 105mm
I wonder if you ever used the lens. Is it really better than Pentax lens?
I also own SMC K105/2.8 lense (very nice indeed) so here was another reason
to choose 90mm to have a both portrait and macro lens.Or maybe to sell it
and buy FA100/2.8 macro..
If you happen to have any official tests please drop me a line.I also
wonder how good FA200/4 ED macro lens is.Any comments/tests?
Sorry for not writing from PDML but would like to have direct
contact.Please write to this address.
Thanks in advance.
PS BTW Do you have any tests from K lenses era?Do you think Zeiss T lenses
are better/much better than Pentax primes?Now the price of manual Zeiss
glass is not very high. I even think to sell my Pentax gear and buy new
Aria+some primes (used).But it will not allow me to buy into digital with
them, AF etc. So maybe it is better to stick to Pentax. I own some K lenses
(28/3.5 , 105/2.8 135/2.5 all SMC and A50/1.4 and M35/2.8 and SUper
A+PZ1+Metz 40MZ3i)
How do you think?I mainly take slides

Please answer

Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
P.S. I propose a new division of terms for this discussion:

P-DSLR: Any old Pentax Digital Single Lens Reflex, even, or
especially, a
crappy cheapo cynical rushed-to-market cobbled-up little 3-mp
sensor jobbie that\\\'ll have us all moaning and groaning and venting;

PDMLDSLR: Pentax Discuss Mailing List Digital Single Lens Reflex,
for a
thoughtfully designed, well-executed camera that many of us would at
least be
interested in and wouldn\\\'t mind owning, and that would get some of us
to stay
with Pentax as we switch over to digital.

(continued in the next post...)

So just for fun, here\\\'s my conservative prediction: that the PDMLDSLR
be a small, innovatively styled, nicely made SLR-style camera with a 6-mp
APS-sized CCD sensor. It will take FA lenses (and perhaps older A lenses
with limitations) with a 1.5X magnification factor, and there will be one
new lens introduced or promised for it that will cover only the digital
sensor and not 35mm film. This will be a wide-angle zoom. It will sell in
the $1,500-$1,600 range, and availability will be late August or

It will be seen only under glass at PMA with the sketchiest of
Cesar will receive an official picture of it and post it for the rest of
and long months will drag by before we really know everything for

That\\\'s what I\\\'d bet on. If I were forced to bet on something.

Here\\\'s what could also happen:

Pentax could throw us all for a loop. This could be:

Negative; meaning something badly spec\\\'d, or an adaptation of another
company\\\'s camera, or basically point-and-shoot capabilities but with
interchangeable lenses, or something designed to be marketed around the
premise of some special feature that turns out to be ridiculous; or:

Positive, meaning something really innovative that will appeal to people
catch on, but something nobody expects.

And now REALLY just for fun, here\\\'s what I\\\'d PERSONALLY be happy to see
just pulling this out of my butt--with apologies for my french to the
[PDML Wimmins League]--this has absolutely no bearing on reality): the
aforementioned small, innovatively styled, nicely made SLR-style camera,
with a pellicle mirror that allows real-time preview on the LCD screen,
a 3-mp (right, 3-mp) Fuji SuperCCD SR (super dynamic range) sensor--and a
6-mp version promised for the not-too-distant future. And, not only a
wide-angle zoom that covers only the digital sensor, but two wide-angle
primes as well.

Now, just as Murphy\\\'s law is a 

Re: Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-05 Thread akozak
I must simple test some old lenses with different ways of metering.
And I should see how it works with different lenses.
Uytkownik Joe Wilensky [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
On the PZ-1, Pentax Function 1 (labeled AE) selects whether the 
camera switches from matrix to spot or from matrix to centerweighted 
when using the metering mode button. The value of 0 selects 
spotmetering as the alternate; a value of 1 selects centerweighted. 
So yes, you can specify centerweighted metering for A lenses (and F 
and FA lenses as well).

Of course, with M and K lenses, there\'s no matrix metering available 
at all, so for those lenses this Pentax function would only serve to 
turn off the option of spotmetering altogether.


Thank you!
With A lens the metering was very good on slides. Now I am checking 
with K ones.But PZ1 does not have switch from matrix to central 
metering with A lenses,probably from matrix to spot only if I 
remember well
I have both the PZ-1 and PZ-1p and find they both consistently overexpose
slide film when using older lenses (KA mounts - if I remember mount
designations correctly) when the cameras are set to matrix or evaluative
metering (whatever Pentax calls it).  When these bodies are set to
centerweight or spot metering the overexposure does not seem to occur.  When
using non F or FA lenses or when I may be using a combination of new and
older lenses with these bodies I routinely set metering to centerweight.  I
have been doing this so long I do not remember which of my lenses tend to
overexpose with these cameras.  From what I remember of early discussions on
this matter results may very.  Some (like myself) say overexposure occurs
most of the time, some say it happens some times, some say it does not occur.

Hope this helps.

George Baumgardner


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Re: Re: ten new cameras

2003-02-04 Thread akozak
Hi Mike,
Please answer  my direct mail to you.
Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 But Henry\'s original quote was:
  more than 10 new light weight and compact Pentax cameras
 I see this as more likely to be literally what it says - an
 overhaul of the Espio line.

Most likely, something along these lines, although I anticipate more compact
digital models.

However, from the rumblings, it looks like there could be as many as three
new cameras by the Fall that will be of interest to US--namely, the P-DSLR
(which contrary to previous reports, may indeed be called ist), the new
compact 6x7 (I would think that a promise from the president of the company
is as good as it\'s going to get in terms of future certainty) , and one new
35mm SLR...which may be another mass-market consumer jobbie, true, but then
again it may not be.

If this comes to pass, three out of ten cameras being of interest to
PDML\'ers ain\'t a bad ratio at all, not at all. Two out of ten ain\'t bad
either, if the film SLR turns out to be another non-serious camera for the
Disney crowds.

Incidentally, I know nothing. Well, I know one minor thing, but I ain\'t
supposed to say.


P.S. I propose a new division of terms for this discussion:

P-DSLR: Any old Pentax Digital Single Lens Reflex, even, or especially,
a crappy cheapo cynical rushed-to-market cobbled-up little 3-mp mass-market
sensor jobbie that\'ll have us all moaning and groaning and venting;

PDMLDSLR: Pentax Discuss Mailing List Digital Single Lens Reflex, for a
thoughtfully designed, well-executed camera that many of us would at least
be interested in and wouldn\'t mind owning, and that would get some of us to
stay with Pentax as we switch over to digital.

(continued in the next post...)


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Overexposure of PZ1+K and M lenses

2003-02-04 Thread akozak
Dear All,
I am going to use PZ1 with some my K lenses. Is it truth that there appears 
overexposure of 2/3 EV? Now I checking it using Velvia but on the basis of some 
measurements it really seems to me that overexposure occurs. Any comments...So the 
correction is needed.
I do hope it is constant with all my K lenses. With A the problem probably does not 
take place.


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-04 Thread akozak
I would use it with A50/1.4, SMC K105/2.8, SMC K135/2.5 
And optically it is like a zoom?Better/worse?
What price of it could be?
Uytkownik Jostein [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
At the PDMLUK event last summer, I took most of the airplane pictures with a 
A*400/2.8 and the AF1.7TC, on a Z1. See for the images, and 
Cotty\'s page for pics of the combo

After also using it with many other lenses, I have found that AF with the TC is very 
accurate with f/2.8 (or better) lenses. Precision with eg. M-200/4 is ok, but no more 
than that. Lenses of apertures darker than f/4.5 will make the AF hunt in low light.  
AF is quite fast. Comparable to eg. FA50/1.4. 

It works with all bayonet mount pentaxes. Even with 67 or 645 lenses and the suitable 
converter, if you focus with the lens wide open. :-)

Wide open, the converter produce softish images. A 50mm and the 1.7TC makes a very 
nice portrait combo, with a convenient soft-effect.
Stopped down a bit, it\'s quite good optically.


=== At 2003-02-04, 18:33:00 you wrote: ===

How do you assess working of SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x with manual lenses? Is it 
accurate?Fast? Does it worth to buy it?Average price?Does ot work with K M and A 
lenses?Any comments...What is the optical quality of the adapter itself?


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards. 


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-04 Thread akozak
With A 50/1.7 exposures were great. The difference is with older lenses.
So now you have MZS.. Better than Pz-1p?I have read some reviews and many people 
believe PZ1p has more features and not so expensive. It is truth.
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek wrote:

 I am going to use PZ1 with some my K lenses. Is it truth that there appears 
overexposure of 2/3 EV? Now I checking it using Velvia but on the basis of some 
measurements it really seems to me that overexposure occurs. Any comments...So the 
correction is needed.
 I do hope it is constant with all my K lenses. With A the problem probably does not 
take place.

No idea but it did happen with two of my A lenses: the A 24/2.8 and the A 35/2.8. I 
don\'t really remember the details anymore as I don\'t own the camera anylonger.



OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: Re: Overexposure of PZ1+

2003-02-04 Thread akozak
But I have not written I use print film!!
And you wrote that with PZ1p you had 1/2 stop but over or under?rather overexposure...
So Pz1p usually overexposure and PZ1 not?
So maybe it is better to buy another PZ1 instead of PZ1p?
Do you know if I can do flash compensation with PZ1? For instance I want to shoot a 
portrait of someone who is in shadow and background is brighter so I would measure b. 
light and compensate flash for about from -1 to -1.5 EV?Can I do so with PZ1?And Pz1p?
Please answer

I never had any problems with the PZ-1 exposing slide film accurately.  Any problems 
with print film were masked by the corrections done by the print machines.

The PZ-1p seems to be a bit off (1/2 stop) with slide film, but just fine with print 
film.  And I don\'t think you could judge any exposure errors with print films 
anyway... at least not 1/2 stop ones.

Regards,  Bob S.

 Dear All,
 I am going to use PZ1 with some my K lenses. Is it truth that there appears 
overexposure of 2/3 EV? Now I checking it using Velvia but on the basis of some 
measurements it really seems to me that overexposure occurs. Any comments...So the 
correction is needed.
 I do hope it is constant with all my K lenses. With A the 
 problem probably does not take place.


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: Re: Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-30 Thread akozak
Thank you
Any comparison with other 200mm macro lenses?
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek wrote:

 Do you know who uses FA200/4 ED macro?Or you know any tests of the lens or other 
macro lenses?

It is great. As good as they come.



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Re: Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-28 Thread akozak
But you compare F100 with MZ5 which uses distant information but has not advanced 
flash metering. You should compare F100 with MZS. And it must be truth with distant 
information since when Pentax introduced P-TTL they have not changed anything in 
lenses!!It proves that it should be similar to Nikon metering.So one can use FA lenses 
having P-TTL unlike Nikon users who have to buy D lens and Minolta ones who have to 
buy G lens.
Uytkownik Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
The 3D primarily has to do with the distance from the camera to the 
subject for flash metering. While distance information has been 
available from Pentax lenses, it wasn't used for exposure calculation 
until some of the newer cameras came out. I don't think that there is 
any difference in the percentage of properly exposed, ambient light 
shots of either system, but the Nikon flash is better. (Based on years 
with a ZX-5 and F100)



Is it the same matrix metering system as on the MZ-5n? At least the 
symbol is the same and I'm very satisfied with the MZ-5n's metering 
performance. BTW - can anybody tell me what is so special about Nikon's 
3D matrix metering? Is there really a notable difference to Pentax's 

Cheers, Heiko



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Re: Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-28 Thread akozak
If you have Nikon system, too how you assess Pentax lenses (in general) in comparison 
with Nikon.
Probbaly one cannot say in general. Just your impressions.
Some people believe Nikkors are better some not...
Uytkownik Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I suppose I should also point out that Nikon fires a pre flash prior to 
the actual flash exposure so it can meter the reflected light of the 
flash from the subject. The metering is also tied to the active AF 
sensor. In my experience with slide film, it deals very well with an off 
center subject that is against a very dark background.



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Re: Re: Takumar 135/2.5 opinions?

2003-01-28 Thread akozak
M135/3.5 is also quite nice. It is usually cheap and has pleasant bokeh. I sold one to 
my brother when I bought SMC K135/2.5 but 3.5 version is very good. I like it very 
much and my brother uses KX with mirror up so he can shoot at 1/30 , 1/60 hand held.

Uytkownik Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
on 28.01.03 14:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As far as I know it is MUCH better to find SMC K version. It is more expensive
 but worth bying.

Thanks. Or maybe 135/3.5? We will see :-)

Best Regards


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Re: Re: Takumar 135/2.5 opinions?

2003-01-28 Thread akozak
Have you got my direct mail?
FA 77/1.8 is much more expensive so it is difficult to compare both.
I managed to buy my in Vienna for 40$ in mint condition!!
I was very lucky.
And focal length is completely different so maybe it is better to buy 77 and 135/3.5 
instead of 2.5?Maybe...
Your decision

Uytkownik Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
on 28.01.03 14:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As far as I know it is MUCH better to find SMC K version. It is more expensive
 but worth bying.
Eh.. or maybe I'd better save for 77/1.8 Ltd :-)

Best Regards


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Re: Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-28 Thread akozak
Thank you very much for the answer.
My brother plans to buy Nikon 80 and you recommend it?What about build quality/AF, 
So you believe that Nikkors are sharper?
And you are right. Some people like Pentax glass very,very much.
The problem is as you said with bodies. there is not F80 equivalent and it should be - 
Do you know who uses FA200/4 ED macro?Or you know any tests of the lens or other macro 
Please answer
Uytkownik KT Takeshita [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
On 1/28/03 9:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you have Nikon system, too how you assess Pentax lenses (in general) in
 comparison with Nikon.
 Probbaly one cannot say in general. Just your impressions.
 Some people believe Nikkors are better some not...

Hi Alek,

I have an F80 and a 50/1.4D which I bought from a friend of mine. I borrow
other Nikkor lenses from time to time from the same friend, but mostly for
the experimentation (mostly out of curiosity for the purpose of the
comparison between Pentax and Nikon). I also have a Pronea 600i with
60/2.8D Micro (Oh, don't laugh. I use this for certain scientific macro
cataloguing work because of the 100% viewfinder and the archiving
convenience of APS). Therefore, my experience with Nikkor lenses is
extremely limited and I am not qualified to respond to your question.

Having said that, I belong to a group of people in Japan (electronically)
who are the dedicated Pentax enthusiasts from whom I learn a lot. I just
pass their observations as this particular subject crops up every once in a
while. So, I have to qualify this as my hearsay, although fairly reliable

1. These die-hard Pentax enthusiasts insist that Pentax lenses and Nikkor
lenses are just different, and totally different. It is not the matter of
which is better, but it's up to the personal taste.

2. Nikkor lenses traditionally pursued the resolution. Images are very
crisp. However, some people never liked that crispness, thus famous saying
never use Nikon for woman's portraiture unless you borrow her stockings

3. The virtue of the Pentax glasses is its more natural rendition of the
image. I would not say softer but it is certainly different. They are
deliberately designed so. It's more like Leica/Zeiss rendition. I am not
an expert in describing this, but I can now tell the difference between the
Pentax rendition and Nikon one (not all the time :-). If you examine the
images taken with some of the Limited series lenses, the differences are
more profound.

4. For this reason, the real Pentax enthusiasts rarely go to Nikon although
many of them own Nikon (and other brands) equipment for one reason or
another. A lot of them own Yashica/Contax mount equipment for the same
reason. They all realize some shortcomings of Pentax bodies such as
somewhat slower fps etc, but they do not seem to care much about them. They
are usually attracted by the Pentax glasses, not the body.

5. They can go on and on why they like the Pentax glasses but I do not
believe they are not biased. They do not talk bad of Nikon system. They
just say that Nikon and Pentax glasses are simply different. Some of them
do say that they do not quite understand why Pentax users would switch to
Nikon if they really appreciate Pentax glasses.

The rest, I leave it to the good hands of experts here :-).




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Re: Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-28 Thread akozak
You are right, Bruce
And it is more important to take more pictures and think during shooting than only 
reading test and specs.
PS How about you Nikkors?Do you prefer them over Pentax or vice versa?Alek

Uytkownik Bruce Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
If someone would like to lend me a MZ-S for 6 months I would be glad to 
compare it to a F100. My comments pertained to specific model cameras, 
because that it what I have experience with. Now, I happen to have D and 
non D lenses. Monitor preflash and multisegment TTL metering is still 
done with non D lenses. I, and a number of people, have a hard time 
telling if D lenses make any real difference.
People get so absorbed with manufacturer spec/feature/number sheets that 
they don't realize that how well implemented something is is more 
important than techno-market-speak. My P-TTL beats your E-TTL, because 
its a higher letter in the alphabet!

But you compare F100 with MZ5 which uses distant information but has not advanced 
flash metering. You should compare F100 with MZS. And it must be truth with distant 
information since when Pentax introduced P-TTL they have not changed anything in 
lenses!!It proves that it should be similar to Nikon metering.So one can use FA 
lenses having P-TTL unlike Nikon users who have to buy D lens and Minolta ones who 
have to buy G lens.


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mBIZNES - konto dla firm

Re: Re: vivitar 90mm 2.5 vs 105mm 2.5 vs105mm2.8 kiron vs tamron 90mm

2003-01-27 Thread akozak
I bought Tamron manual SP 90/2.8 macro for my PZ-1  but adapatall has not reach me so 
I have read some reviews of the lens and in German tests it performed super. And I 
have found Popular/Practical ( I do not remember which it was)Photography test of some 
macro lenses and Tamron got 9/10 and only canon USM beat it.It performed better than 
Nikkor and Pentax FA. So it must be very good beast!

Uytkownik Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hi, adphoto.

 Of the 4 which is the better macro?

Well, you have to be more specific, or expand your 4 -

There are (as far as I know) only one VS1 90/2.5, one VS1 105/2.5,
and one Kiron 105/2.8. However, there have been at least three
Tamron 90mm macros - the original (I believe) 90/2.5 with 49mm
threads, another 90/2.5 but with 55mm threads, and a 90/2.8 (which,
I think, is the newest one). (I am not knowledgeable about Tamron
macro lenses, so, anyone who knows more than this, please jump in

Then, although you didn't mention them, there have been other 90's -
the Tokina AT-X 90/2.5 (optically identical to the VS1), a Vivitar
non-VS1 90/2.8, a Sigma 90/2.8 - and there probably are still
others... And Ricoh has a 100/2.8 or 105/2.8 (I forget which)... And
then, of course, there are a few great Pentax 100's...

And, to confuse things further, some of these reach 1:1 all by
themselves, while some use an extension tube to do so, and some
(e.g., the VS1 90/2.5 and the AT-X 90/2.5) use an extender with
internal field-flattening elements to do so.

 is the 105mm 2.5 S1 vivitar the same as the 105mm 2.8 kiron?

Supposedly they are the same (although I've never had a chance to
check out the Kiron).

 Is the series 1 vivitar 90mm as good as its cult status ?

Yes indeed. However, I've ~never~ tried a 100-ish (90mm-105mm)
macro lens that was not a very good lens (and I've never heard bad
things about any, either, except for a Sigma 100/2.8 Micro-Macro
compromise that was apparently pretty soft closeup).



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Re: Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 80/1.8 (was: Re: 85mm F:1.8 Auto Takumar)

2003-01-27 Thread akozak
Hi All,
I used to have Flektogon 20/2.8, Flektogon 35/2.4, Pancolar 50/1.8 and Sonnar 135/3.5
All were quitenice but I used old Practika with them and light meter was not very good 
for slides. when I decided to change system for Pentax I sold everythink + exte, tubes 
and Practika VLC3 which had interchangeable top like LX!!!
I have some problems with 20/2.8 since it was not justified.
All in all I decided to buy into one system.Sometimes I think I could not sell it it 
is too late.

310 g, takes a 58mm filter, and has 6 elements in 5
groups (like the Super Takumar and Pentax SMC 85/1.8s):

Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:39:53 +0100 From: Frantisek Vlcek
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: favorite non-Pentax K mount lens? That's
easy. It's the 1.8/80mm Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar. Superb lens. ( M42 only)
... The 1.8/80 CZJ Pancolar is a gaussian design, probably very similar or
same as Planar design. I do have this lens, and while the Multicoating on my
sample is not as good as modern SMC (needs a lens hood still g), in normal
light it is about as sharp as my SMC F 1.4/50 or just slightly less (at
relatively same apertures - 1.4=1.8; 5.6=5.6). It's good wide open, and
excellent even moderately stopped down. It should be as sharp or even better
g than all the portrait 80mm' Pentax made (xcept the new ones, A  FA
1.4/85 of course). AFAIK it's same or very similar design to Pentax SMC-K
1.8/85 (most those 1.8/80 lenses are of same, planar-derived design). Only
drawback my sample is prone to flare from strong light sources.

From Hi Zuiko
amateurs, This week I bought a new (used) lens, and while it's not a Zuiko,
I just wanted to say what an amazing lens it seems to be. It's a
Carl-Zeiss-Jena (east) Pancolar 80mm 1:1,8 with M42 mount. Because of a
small dint at the front thread it costed only 200 DM (120 US dollar) instead
390 DM. First
slides taken with an aperture of 1:5,6 were great. Because there are no OM -
M42 adaptors, which goes to infinity without an auxiliary lens, this message
is somewhat off topic, but I think there aren't any M42 or Carl-Zeiss-Jena
(east) discussion lists around where I could share this experience. Regards,

Some of CZJ's lenses such as the Pancolar and Flektagon have their
roots in pre-WWII designs (Biotar and Distagon) for which CZJ could use
the designs, but not the original trademark names due to court rulings about
intellectual property rights. -- John The Pancolor 80_1.8 lens
has a pupil diameter of 44.4 mm, which implies that there is no risk of
vignetting in any part of the spectrum. 

A user of 80_1.8 and other CZJ primes wrote: Superb. I know everyone says
Pentax made the best M42 lenses but I disagree.

From the Contax discussion list: By the way I have bayonet mount practica
lenses, Flektogon 20/f2.8 which is a very good lens Mayer 28/F2.8 not a bad
lens at all Flektogon 35/f2.4 very very nice lens Pancolor 50/f1.8 very nice
Pancolor 80/f1.8 ditto! Sonnar 135/f3.5 extremly nice lens Sonnar 300/f4 I
do not use much, though good one and mayer 50/f1.8 CZJ 55/f2.8 MACRO lens
(good lens) I would say these lenses have almost the same colour redention,
which is very pleasing, and very small distortion. So I like them a lot, but
cameras (B200 and BX20) are different story all together. I wish Penatcon
servived and produced a better camera body! 



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Re: Re: I had a nice day (LX images)

2003-01-24 Thread akozak
And did you like this 600mm?
PS Piece of glass
Uytkownik Bojidar Dimitrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hi Heiko,

 You lucky one. BTW - is there an official possibility to visit
 Pentax Germany and have a look at their facilities and work?

I don't think that the offer any guided tours, but you can always call
them and ask. The place is actually rather small, and the photo storage
is not in Hamburg but in Brussels. Still, the repair fascility and some
display cases have proved most interesting...

 Great pictures. Especially the LX cuts. But I still wonder who
 did buy this golden hammer...

Pentax bought body from a private person. I guess this is the same
person who offered the camera on eBay, and then stopped the auction
because he received an independant offer. This was the XM803 body.

 And why does digital rule?? Did you notice any new digital Pentax
 cameras there? More input, please...:-)

Well, digital rules because of the new possibilities. I was given a few
hours to photograph the 50+ items, and I had to get it right. So I took
my lighting setup, the Casio QV-4000, and a laptop, and went in. After
taking 5-6 pictures, I uploaded them on the laptop, made sure that
everything looks good, and then went on. Three minutes after I was done
shooting, I could see the images, and I could have diceded to redo some
of them.

I have not made any big enlargements from the 4 MP camera. But when my
goal are images that will be viewed on a computer, I always do them with
the digital camera.

While at Pentax, I did get to hold the new Optio S and I also saw it
taken apart. I did ask about a K-mount digital, and they said that they
really have no information... other than Pentax Japan has said that they
will show such a camera on the PMA in February and on CEBIT in
Hannover. I guess I will make the journey to Hannover this time...


I did get to play some with the FA* 600/4 mounted on an MZ-S...


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Re: Re: New of Pentax ultra-compact D-SLR based on 110

2003-01-24 Thread akozak
I also wonder if Pentax release great dlsr and flagship. But I have heard that selling 
pro cameras does not makes profit so maybe it is not good idea to introduce such 
camera,especially that not many pros uses Pentax slr.Or Pentax wants to change it. 
Heaven knows.

Uytkownik Artur Ledchowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
- Original Message -
From: Ken Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: New of Pentax ultra-compact D-SLR based on 110

 The camera uses the new, small xD Cards and is based on the Pentax car
 110 of end of the 70's.

According to my limited knowledge of German, this is true...
Is today April the 1st!!??
Perhaps Pentax is going to claim the digital spy-camera market or get the
license to produce a digital Minox camera...
Pentax should rather stick to the Optio series than introduce a camera, that
nobody takes seriously.
What about all those rumours of the DSLR that accepts K-mount lenses? Or
those of the new film flagship body, huh?
I'm sure the Pentax future is being decided before our eyes at the moment


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Re: Re: New of Pentax ultra-compact D-SLR based on 110

2003-01-24 Thread akozak
Hi Mike,
Have you ever made a review of FA 100/2.8 macro lens?Do you have a chance to send such 
a test if you had from any magazine?
Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Maybe Pentax can make a 110 film back for it!

You just love to insult everything Pentax does--even when they haven't
actually done it.



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Re: 31 and 35mm lenses tested in German magazine

2003-01-24 Thread akozak
I wonder how these tests are useful for us from the magazine. Nearly all 24mm lenses 
got less than 70 points out of 100. It seems that tele lenses get much higher notes 
than wide ones.
Strange. SO maybe you are they are tested nearly full open.
What do you think?
And in this magazine Fa100/2.8 macro got very high mark - 86
Well done Pentax
And in US magazine it was only 6/10.Also strange. Are there any huge optical 
differences between the same lenses or just diff conditions of tests?

Uytkownik Arnold Stark [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
In the February edition of German ColorFoto (CF) magazine the SMC 
Pentax-FA 1:1.8 31mm Limited and the SMC Pentax-FA 1:2 35mm AL are 
tested along with 35mm/f1.4 lenses from Canon, Leica R, Minolta and 
Zeiss, 35mm/f2 lenses from Canon, Leica R, Minolta and Nikon, and a 
Zeiss 35mm/f2.8. For the last two years, the CF lens tests have shown a 
lot of consitency. Unfortunately CF usually tests lenses wide open and 
two stops down, so it is hard to compare the MTF results of lenses of 
different maximum aperture. However, this much can be said:

Of the lenses with f=1.8 or 2 maximum aperture, Minolta and the two 
Pentaxes offer the best image quality with 20 points (out of 30) for 
sharpness/resolution and 28 points (out of 30) for contrast. Canon is 
close (19 and 28 points) while Leica (18 and 27) and Nikkor (17 and 27) 
are defeated. Looking at the MTF curves, the Minolta 35/f2 offers the 
best performance wide open. However, at f=4 the MTF of the the Pentax 
31/f1.8 is by far the best with unusually small fall-off from centre to 
corner. Light fall-off (vignetting) is relatively well controlled in all 
lenses (7 points out of 10) except for Leica (5/10). The Leica (6/10), 
Canon (6/10) and Minolta (7/10) 35/f2s offer slightly less distortion 
than Pentax (5/10 each) and Nikon (5/10). The Minolta offers excellent 
centration (? Zentrierung in German) with 20 points out of 20, while 
Leica (18), Nikon (17), Pentax 31/f1.8 (17), Pentax 35/f2 (16), and 
Canon (15) offer good to mediocre centration (of the lens elements) only.

BTW: Of the lenses with f1.4 maximum aperture, Canon and Leica are the 
best, however, at f2.8 the Contax 2.8/35 beats them all.



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Re: Re: Re: New of Pentax ultra-compact D-SLR based on 110

2003-01-24 Thread akozak
You are right, Pil. We will see.

Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 I also wonder if Pentax release great dlsr and flagship. But I have heard that 
selling pro cameras does not makes profit so maybe it is not good idea to introduce 
such camera,especially that not many pros uses Pentax slr.Or Pentax wants to change 
it. Heaven knows.

This a chicken and the egg problem. 



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Re: I had a nice day (LX images)

2003-01-23 Thread akozak
Hi All,
It is truth that digital can rule very soon! It is amazing you can see you photos so 
quickly and in case it is not up to your expectation one can repeat them.Recently I 
carried out weathering research in my department and took some destroyed specimens 
using digital old Kodak 215 and some photos were not so good so I could return to lab 
and repeat it.
So I hope Pentax will compete with other manufacturers in this field and one can use 
even old manual lenses.We will see.
PS LX is indeed very nice.Maybe I get it at last!

Uytkownik Bojidar Dimitrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hi all,

I had given up, but thanks to the perceverance of PDML member Arnold
Stark, I managed to photograph some of the treasures of Pentax, Germany.

This was two hours ago, and the first images are on the KMP. So, my
conclusion -- DIGITAL RULES!!! Am I going to leave 35 mm film? No, but
digital rules!

I have a lot more, but the following should whet your appetite some...


 _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
 0(` O-O ')0 A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
 __ __


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Re: Re: BW with the Vivitar Series 1 28mm F1.9

2003-01-22 Thread akozak
Hi Fred,
Have you received my e-mail?
PS With some questions...
Uytkownik Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Check out this BW test shot (no artistry) I took today with the
 Vivitar Series 1 28mm F1.9 (VMC, M42 version):

Oh, sure, JCO, stretched out by the pool, sipping an iced tea (or
some other preferred beverage), taking test photos... OK, so how
did you keep your toes out of the frame? ;-)

 The scene contrast range is enormous ( the raw histogram
 was very wide) yet there is excellent detail
 in the extreme highlights as well as the deep shadows.

Hmmm... I've gotta go use this lens more than I do...

 I made a print from the full rez scan and it's very sharp indeed.
 I initially really liked this lens for color but its great for BW
 too. Great micro contrast. I ebay scored this lens a few months
 back for $99 mint. :) Highly recommended if you can get lucky 
 find one.

Yes, it ~is~ indeed a good lens.

 Oh yeah, The F1.9 makes it a joy to focus ( manually of
 course ). Never liked the darkish 28mm F3.5 SMCT as far as
 focussing goes, this is way nicer.

True, but the SMCT/SMCP 28/3.5 design is still impressive.



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Re: Re: BW with the Vivitar Series 1 28mm F1.9

2003-01-22 Thread akozak
Hi Fred,
Have you received my e-mail?
PS With some questions...
Uytkownik Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Check out this BW test shot (no artistry) I took today with the
 Vivitar Series 1 28mm F1.9 (VMC, M42 version):

Oh, sure, JCO, stretched out by the pool, sipping an iced tea (or
some other preferred beverage), taking test photos... OK, so how
did you keep your toes out of the frame? ;-)

 The scene contrast range is enormous ( the raw histogram
 was very wide) yet there is excellent detail
 in the extreme highlights as well as the deep shadows.

Hmmm... I've gotta go use this lens more than I do...

 I made a print from the full rez scan and it's very sharp indeed.
 I initially really liked this lens for color but its great for BW
 too. Great micro contrast. I ebay scored this lens a few months
 back for $99 mint. :) Highly recommended if you can get lucky 
 find one.

Yes, it ~is~ indeed a good lens.

 Oh yeah, The F1.9 makes it a joy to focus ( manually of
 course ). Never liked the darkish 28mm F3.5 SMCT as far as
 focussing goes, this is way nicer.

True, but the SMCT/SMCP 28/3.5 design is still impressive.



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Fw: Re: Re: Pentax K-primes

2003-01-22 Thread akozak
It is true that in Europe one can buy K lenses quit cheap. for instance I have bought 
SMC K 135/2.5 lens in Vienna for 40$!!! in mint condition. What a great lens and I 
exchanged with my brother- I got SMC K105/2.8 and he got KX from me which I bought 
with M50/1.7 for 135$ so my 105mm was for about 90$ with Hama filter. Moreover I 
found SMC K28/3.5 for 75$ so I got three lenses very cheap.
Uytkownik Bob Rapp [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
You did very well. Especially the 28 f3.5 - that is one outstanding lens.
The 135 is very good and lite weight.

Bob Rapp
- Original Message -
From: E. van Ginkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 8:07 AM
Subject: Pentax K-primes

 Hi folks,

 I just bought two smc pentax K-primes (not M) a 3.5/135mm (35euro/U$) and
 3.5/28mm (41euro/U$). Are these lenses any good? Is the price right?

 Thanks in advance



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Re: Re: Pentax K-primes

2003-01-21 Thread akozak
It is true that in Europe one can buy K lenses quit cheap. for instance I have bought 
SMC K 135/2.5 lens in Vienna for 40$!!! in mint condition. What a great lens and I 
exchanged with my brother- I got SMC K105/2.8 and he got KX from me which I bought 
with M50/1.7 for 135$ so my 105mm was for about 90$ with Hama filter. Moreover I found 
SMC K28/3.5 for 75$ so I got three lenses very cheap.
Uytkownik Bob Rapp [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
You did very well. Especially the 28 f3.5 - that is one outstanding lens.
The 135 is very good and lite weight.

Bob Rapp
- Original Message -
From: E. van Ginkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 8:07 AM
Subject: Pentax K-primes

 Hi folks,

 I just bought two smc pentax K-primes (not M) a 3.5/135mm (35euro/U$) and
 3.5/28mm (41euro/U$). Are these lenses any good? Is the price right?

 Thanks in advance



Miliony czekaj na Ciebie w Internecie!

Re: Re: 200/f2.5 comes through with flying colours

2003-01-20 Thread akozak
Hi Fred,
Have you received my e-mail with some questions?
Please answer me directly,
Uytkownik Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Incredibly good result [snip] Once again verified to me just how
 good the lens is. [snip] If you ever see this lens-- grab it...

 If you are careful, this lens produces fantastic images; very
 sharp, great color rendition and the bokeh is very pleasing.

 Nice lens, nice results!

You guys left me without anything much to add. The K 200/2.5 is
indeed a sweet lens.



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Re: Re: Re: Can digital beat 6x7? Answer seems to be yes

2003-01-17 Thread akozak
Is for instance D100 equipped with the cord to have batteries under a jacket?
Uytkownik T Rittenhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
The camera should work even better at low tempuratures. The batteries are
the problem. If you can get them separated from the camera by a cord and
keep the batteries in an inside pocket a digital camera should be great for
cold weather photography.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Can digital beat 6x7? Answer seems to be yes

 You all write about quality of digital vs medium format etc. and I have a
 What about shooting at very low temperatures ( I means -10C or lower)?
Does digital camera can still work well, since it takes plenty of power
etc.Everybody knows how for instance calculators/watches behave at such
 So please write any comments/experiences.
 Uytkownik Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 I think there is one aspect where 67 beats digital. That is in cost
 for amateurs (meaning not making a living from their photography).
 Until your shooting quantity goes up quite a bit, cost will probably
 be one of the last strongholds of the film world for awhile.
 Not only that, we live in a good enough society right now, where
 price/cost is more important than quality. I believe that for many
 uses, 6MP D100 and D60 quality is good enough and that most won't
 want to pay much more than that.
 One more interesting note: I have watched a few photographers shooting
 digital and talked with a few, who indicate that they shoot more
 frames per session/subject than they did with film. The usual cited
 reason is lack of cost to shoot the frames. By shooting more, they
 insure/improve the likelihood of getting the shots they need. Doesn't
 seem to be that much different in mindset than taking a video camera
 and just let it run and then pick the best frame out of it. One
 starts to wonder if that will occur (whether with a vidcam or
 digicam). It would certainly change the style and role of the
 Wednesday, January 15, 2003, 3:18:47 PM, you wrote:
 MJ Can digital beat 6x7?
 MJ I thought the denizens of the PDML might be interested in these
 MJ from my friend Michael Reichmann, who runs the Luminous Landscape
 MJ and publishes The Video Journal, a photography magazine on DVD. I
 MJ Michael's permission to quote from his private e-mails:
 MJ I'm using a Canon 1Ds. The most remarkable photographic product I've
 MJ ever owned. Almost large format image quality from 35mm. It's hard
 MJ to sound too enthusiastic about it.
 MJ I sold my Pentax 645 outfit when I got the 1Ds. No contest.
 MJ I have hung on to the Pentax 67 for the past couple of months, but
 MJ every test I did, including side by side shoots the 1Ds images always
 MJ came out on top; resolution, colour purity, grain, everything.
 MJ So last week I took it all to my favourite online dealer and he's
 MJ to be selling it for me.
 MJ I'm hanging on to my Hasselblad XPan and M Leica gear. Other than
 MJ I'm now all digital.
 MJ Michael favorably reviewed both the Pentax 645N and 67 on his site,
and has
 MJ used both extensively in the field along with his previous Rollei
 MJ system. In parallel, he was going digital with the D30 when it came
 MJ By the way, when Michael says every test I did, including side by
 MJ shoots, he really means it--he actually runs the tests and looks at
 MJ results. In my experience of him, he truly has no particular axe to
 MJ Looks like it's really getting to be a new world now.
 MJ --Mike


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Re: Re: Can digital beat 6x7? Answer seems to be yes

2003-01-16 Thread akozak
You all write about quality of digital vs medium format etc. and I have a question.
What about shooting at very low temperatures ( I means -10C or lower)? Does digital 
camera can still work well, since it takes plenty of power etc.Everybody knows how for 
instance calculators/watches behave at such temperatures.
So please write any comments/experiences.
Uytkownik Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

I think there is one aspect where 67 beats digital. That is in cost
for amateurs (meaning not making a living from their photography).
Until your shooting quantity goes up quite a bit, cost will probably
be one of the last strongholds of the film world for awhile.

Not only that, we live in a good enough society right now, where
price/cost is more important than quality. I believe that for many
uses, 6MP D100 and D60 quality is good enough and that most won't
want to pay much more than that.

One more interesting note: I have watched a few photographers shooting
digital and talked with a few, who indicate that they shoot more
frames per session/subject than they did with film. The usual cited
reason is lack of cost to shoot the frames. By shooting more, they
insure/improve the likelihood of getting the shots they need. Doesn't
seem to be that much different in mindset than taking a video camera
and just let it run and then pick the best frame out of it. One
starts to wonder if that will occur (whether with a vidcam or
digicam). It would certainly change the style and role of the


Wednesday, January 15, 2003, 3:18:47 PM, you wrote:

MJ Can digital beat 6x7?

MJ I thought the denizens of the PDML might be interested in these comments
MJ from my friend Michael Reichmann, who runs the Luminous Landscape website
MJ and publishes The Video Journal, a photography magazine on DVD. I have
MJ Michael's permission to quote from his private e-mails:

MJ I'm using a Canon 1Ds. The most remarkable photographic product I've
MJ ever owned. Almost large format image quality from 35mm. It's hard not
MJ to sound too enthusiastic about it.

MJ I sold my Pentax 645 outfit when I got the 1Ds. No contest.

MJ I have hung on to the Pentax 67 for the past couple of months, but with
MJ every test I did, including side by side shoots the 1Ds images always
MJ came out on top; resolution, colour purity, grain, everything.

MJ So last week I took it all to my favourite online dealer and he's going
MJ to be selling it for me.

MJ I'm hanging on to my Hasselblad XPan and M Leica gear. Other than that
MJ I'm now all digital.

MJ Michael favorably reviewed both the Pentax 645N and 67 on his site, and has
MJ used both extensively in the field along with his previous Rollei 6008
MJ system. In parallel, he was going digital with the D30 when it came out.

MJ By the way, when Michael says every test I did, including side by side
MJ shoots, he really means it--he actually runs the tests and looks at the
MJ results. In my experience of him, he truly has no particular axe to grind.

MJ Looks like it's really getting to be a new world now.

MJ --Mike


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Re: Re: Pentax DSLR: e-mail from Pentax USA

2003-01-09 Thread akozak
do you know the price of Limited 43/1.9 and PZ-1p if available in your country (in $ 
Uytkownik Iren  Henry Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Dear all,

What's ironic is the fact that Canon can't keep up with demand on the D60,
(try to findone in stock anywhere) yet an entire year later they plan to
offer a D90? Who are they kidding. They put the stuff out before they 

In fact, there are lot of stocks of D60 here in Hong Kong. You can buy D60 
instantly in any of the major camera shops, or even the chain consumer AV 
equipment stores. has reported that Canon discontinued D60. At a similar time 
last year, i.e. few months before PMA, Canon discontinued D30 to make way 
for D60. I won't be surprised if we are going to see replacement products 
for D60 in the coming PMA2003. D90 or the rumoured D3 is very likely. 
Pentax is therefore again planning something obsolete before even it reach 
the market. I only hope that the rumoured 10M Foveon D-SLR can save their 


Henry Chu

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2003-01-09 Thread akozak
Do you think 43Limited is better than A/FA 50/1.4 lenses?
Uytkownik whereswayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hi gang
I have just got my first roll back shot with both the 43 and 77mm limteds
and all i can say is the images are just surperb- there is a warmness to
sunsets that wasnot there before and detail captured is amazing
Flare is non existant even shooting into the sun.. About the 43mm being less
sharp than the 50's well i rarely shoot at 1.7 or even 2.8 however at 5.6
and onwards it rips out my eyes. It and the 77 just grab details from the
background that i have never seen before almost medium format like. I was
also shooting with a Tokina 28=70mm ATX pro 2.6-2.8 and 24-90mm Pentax
(flares pretty badly but is sharp and contrasty just doesnot have the image
detail of the 77mm) i could clearly could see a difference on prints back
from the lab. A word on the 20mm FA I am a little disapointed the images
seem flat compared to the 43mm. Also for those who warned me away from the
tamron 14mm it is a keeper, images i have taken were sharper at the centre
than the 20mm FA and flare was well controlled. Images displayed a warmth
similar to the 43mm but without the same crisp detail. Hopefully images will
be up soon


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=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re: Re: throughts and comments and experiences on the following tamron 17mm=

2003-01-09 Thread akozak
; 24mm  adaptall; 180mm adaptall and 80-200mm 2.8 HELP?=
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: onet.poczta

Hi Fred, 
How do you assess K200/2.5?Better/worse than present FA200/2.8 lens? Is there a 
problem with bokeh like you say it is with K105/2.8 lens? If it is it is probably when 
the lens is wide open.
I own K135/2.5  and it is also very nice lens.
Do you think 43 Limited is better than A/FA 50/1.4 lenses?
Uytkownik Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 The 180/2.5 is legendary and scarce.

I saw a review once in Modern Photo that was (as I recall) quite
favorable. I've watched 2 or 3 of these go on eBay recently, which
was just for curiosity, since I have a K 200/2.5 that I'm very happy
with, but they did look interesting.

 The 80-200/2.8 is a fine zoom.

I think JCO just won one of these on eBay. He maybe doesn't have it
in his possession just yet, but perhaps he'll share his experiences
with it soon. (I'm personally curious as to just how it might
compare to the more common Tokina AT-X 80-200/2.8, which I can say
is a really nice fast zoom.)



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2002-12-26 Thread akozak


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Re: Re: Canon 1Ds (little pentax content)

2002-12-20 Thread akozak
I also worry about it! We will see.
Uytkownik Peter Spiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Yes, by all accounts Canon and Nikon are making really excellent digital 
SLRs. This is worrying from the viewpoint of Pentax's eventual 
competitiveness in this field. With film cameras, the manufacturer has to 
be a good optical company. The box doesn't affect picture quality -- that 
depends on the lens and the film, and you can use any brand of film in any 
camera. In digital cameras, the greatest difference comes from the 
electronics, and it is hard to see Pentax, with its late start and limited 
range, keeping up.

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Re: Market Research and Hypothetical Questions

2002-12-19 Thread akozak
Do you think PZ1p is much better than PZ1? I has the latter and sometimes wonder 
whether to look for another the same body ( I like ergonomics of PZ1 very much) or 
spend extra money for p version.Angle of built-in flash is not important for me 
3pictures per 1s. I take mostly slides and own some K and M lenses apart from A50/1.7 
and Tamron SP 90/2.8 manual version so for me metering is important and build quality.

In terms of using this group for Market Research, we would be more of an 
Expert Panel than a typical focus group. Sometimes consumer products 
companies recruit groups of 8-10 people for a 2 hour discussion of some 
issues. Product management/marketing folks sit behind the one way mirror and 
watch the discussion. This list would not be an average group of users, but 
a special group of very experienced, knowledgeable product users. Sometimes 
consumer products companies will recruit these kinds of groups.

Your hypothetical questions/conclusions regarding too many of us liking old, 
manual focus cameras and lenses seems incorrect to me. Cameras are a 
lifetime purchase for most consumers, maybe twice or three times a lifetime, 
but not more often. People bought a 'good' 35mm camera, and then treated it 

Pentax is in a difficult business. In the last 40 years, it has gone from 
producing high quality instruments to quality cameras for the mass market 
(think ME, ME Super), to Point-n-shoot stuff for Walmart or Boots the 
Chemist. The high end of this business is full of folks who expect top 
quality optical and mechanical products as the minimum. Old Spotmatic or 
Super Program or LX users if you will. Meanwhile, the profits on new sales 
are being made on the large, mass market cheap zoom cameras.

How to revive the high end business?... it's not easy. Look at what we like. 
 High quality optics with a quality feel when handling. Oh, and the task is 
complicated by the fact that you have 30 years of old lenses exported to the 
world when the Yen was cheap. These old, high quality lenses are available 
at a significant discount to their cost to reproduce today. 

Much the same is true for camera bodies. Japan has responded to the cost 
pressures by going from 100's of parts in a K1000 to 10's of parts in a 
point-n-shoot zoom. And we yearn for the good old cameras...

If I put on my Marketing/Product Manager hat, I'd say this. If you want to 
sell some more high end Pentax camera gear, you've got to give the consumer 
something they haven't got now. Autofocus is a potential benefit/feature 
which will get some of these folks to switch. (But don't introduce a fine 
camera like the PZ-1 combined with a poor optical/mechanical 28-80 power 
zoom!) Image stabilization lenses and digital are two more potential hooks 
to draw the customer in. Medium format is another.

So yes, I do like old gear but I could be made to switch. Just remember, we 
are a price conscious group of users. If you want me to buy something new, 
you've got to give me the kind of price/performance I can get in the used 

...and I do own 2 limited lenses, a PZ-1 and PZ-p, and 4-5 more FA lenses.

Regards, Bob S.

In a message dated 12/18/02 9:22:55 AM Central Standard Time, 

 This is pretty much what I was wondering about when I wrote the original
 Hypothetical Question. People here wonder whether Pentax monitors this
 list (they do), and whether they listen to our advice when advising Japan
 about product development...I don't know whether they do that or not, but I
 have to wonder if it would be productive if they did.
 I know that one Pentax person has told me privately that despite all the
 gushing and lauding of the LX on this list, even diehards weren't buying 
 LX's at the end of its lifespan. Most were buying used, or were using LXen
 purchased many years previously.

Re: PZ-1 vs PZ-1p ... (was Market Research and Hypothetical Questions)

2002-12-19 Thread akozak
Firstly I would like to buy another body. I have SMC K105/2.8, SMC K135/2.5, M35/2.8, 
A50/1.7 and A1.4 and K28/3.5 and Tamron SP 90/2.8 macro +Super A and Metz 40MZ and 
extension tubes. I start buying AF lenses if Pentax introduce dslr which will be 
compatible with FA and manual lenses. If not I shall think about changing system, 
since starting with AF world it is better to choose C I think:) USM, IS, more 
lenses.But I would like to use more gear since I have collected very good lenses so 
far, to buy them in different system I shall spend plenty of money. It would be better 
to buy MZS or PZ1 once more.Are you pleased with PZ cameras?
I like the slides shot on my PZ-1 better than the ones on the PZ-1p.
The PZ-1p exposures metering seems more tuned to taking print films.
I don't care about the built-in flash coverage.
I like the 3.5 frames per second motor on the PZ-1p.
Fill flash is also easy with the PZ-1p, but I don't flash often.
Otherwise, these cameras are identical - same body, same electronics.
It sounds like you should stick with the PZ-1 and buy/try some FA lenses.
Regards, Bob S.


 Do you think PZ1p is much better than PZ1? I has the latter and sometimes 
 wonder whether to look for another the same body ( I like ergonomics of PZ1 
 very much) or spend extra money for p version.Angle of built-in flash is 
 not important for me 3pictures per 1s. I take mostly slides and own some K 
 and M lenses apart from A50/1.7 and Tamron SP 90/2.8 manual version so for 
 metering is important and build quality.


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Re: Re: Yellow scourge

2002-12-19 Thread akozak
Hi Fred, 
Did you like my Christmas card?
Uytkownik Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 Does the K 50mm/f:1.4 suffer the yellow scourge of its screw mount 

Gee, I've never heard of ~any~ K-mount lens that had the yellow
scourge. I'm assuming that it only occurred only in lenses
produced during certain years of the screwmount era. (I'm just
making an assumption here, though, and perhaps someone who really
knows what they're talking about can jump in...)



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=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re: 24/2.8K (was: Re: Re: K35/3.5 K35/2 M35/2.8 (was: Who has switched...=

2002-12-18 Thread akozak
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: onet.poczta

I just wonder if A24/2.8 is better or not. If using with modern bodies it pays to buy 
A version since advanced metering is available.

Uytkownik Paul Franklin Stregevsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I agree with Jonathan on all his points, especially regarding the 24/2.8K's
contrast and saturation. Back in 2000, I believe, I voted the SMC 24/2.8K my
favorite lens, adding that it makes me look like a better photographer than
I am. Yesterday I mentioned that I sold it, and my Zenitar 20/2.5K, when I
decided to compromise on a Carl Zeiss Jena 20/2.8K whose real focal length
appears to be 22mm. Parting was painful, but happily the winning bidder
lived in Hong Kong, where, he said, he was unable to find the 24/2.8K. I was
happy I could transfer it to a happy new owner.

Alek wrote:
 How do you assess K24/2.8 lens?

Jonathan Donald replied:
I have not done technical tests of any of my lenses, but my impressions and
observations of this lens under real world use are as follows:

Under magnification, it is not as sharp wide open in the corners as my K
5/3.5, (albeit 2.8 vs. 3.5). I imagine that this trend continues if examined
under a microscope, but I find it to be visually very sharp at f4 and above.
This is complimented by the fact that it has very nice, brilliant, color
rendition and a ton of contrast. The images ~look~ very crisp with fine
detail. I am also amazed at how resistent to flare this lens is. It usually
exhibits those little repeating pentagons (ghosting I guess) under really
bad lighting angles but dosen't tend to flare with the bright haze that
ruins the whole image. I have used it a number of times to make diffraction
sun-stars and the like with excellent results. 

Lens tests aside, I love this lens and consider it to be an awesome 24mm. I
would not trade it for the FA* 24/2 because of the weight difference and
fine build quality and feel of the K 24mm. It is easy to hyperfocal, and
generally fast enough for most situations. It is my favorite wide angle, and
probably my most used lens. Period.


Re: Re: Hypothetical Question

2002-12-18 Thread akozak
So we will see what happens!
I think Pentax knows that many users sticks to them since they have great 
compatibility. But not many people start with Pentax since they have no silent and 
ultra fast quit cheap motors and plenty of gear not mentioning that sale assistants 
usual advise new buyers to choose Canon/Nikon. Moreover, some people want to use 
gear which is used by pros.
So we will see.

Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

Uytkownik Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 My question is this: Could Pentax actually use this list for advice
 and stay in business? We may be too eclectic a group to be a good
 source of market research. We still argue over the PZ-1p vs the MZ-S.
 Many here don't even want autofocus.

This is pretty much what I was wondering about when I wrote the original
Hypothetical Question. People here wonder whether Pentax monitors this
list (they do), and whether they listen to our advice when advising Japan
about product development...I don't know whether they do that or not, but I
have to wonder if it would be productive if they did.

I know that one Pentax person has told me privately that despite all the
gushing and lauding of the LX on this list, even diehards weren't buying new
LX's at the end of its lifespan. Most were buying used, or were using LXen
purchased many years previously.

Some of the comments about a digital SLR would probably be of value to them,
especially from the perspective of not alienating longtime Pentax
aficionados. But of course that's only going to be one consideration out of
many in the design and concept of the new camera.

We're only a few months away now...the Pentax DSLR is coming,


Re: more on ghostless coating [quite long]

2002-12-18 Thread akozak
Dear PDML memebers!
 Sorry for polish text!
 And for you Sylwek thanks for the answer.
 I asked about LX since I wrote somewhere that production costs of it were very
 high and probably made losses!
 I wonder if now Pentax makes profit. Of course they are strong in MF but what
 about slr?
 No pro camera, no lenses which are bought by pros so that is why I ask about
 it. Probably not many people buy 80-200/2.8 which is very expensive and has no motor
 sth like USM, AF-S etc.
They MUST introduce sth new to find new clients, since now salesmen usually advice 
them to buy Canon/Nikon because of not the good optics but because these brands has 
above technologies and IS, VR! And everyone can see that pros use Canon/Nikon gear 
(sport,journalists etc). I just wonder if Pentax is able to give some journalists in 
future pro cameras+lenses just for advertisement

Uytkownik Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I have used babelfish to translate Japanese Pentax pages and found very
interesting translation of on-line lenses catalogue. Below links may break,
so you may have to put them together:

Just look at lenses descriptions. It seems that ghostless coating is applied
to almost every new lens produced after 199x (?)!!! So here we have not only
Limiteds, but also new FA 35/2, FA* 200/4 Macro and even cheap long zooms
like FA 100-300/4.7-5.8 and 80-320/4.5-5.6. Those lenses with ghostless
coating seems to be newer than the other and so it is no random mentioning
of normal SMC... What do you think? It seems that it is true, so Bojidar's
page should be updated than, and of course we could look at newer lenses
(even cheap ones) as better (in terms of multicoating) then older ones. That
made me think how many other mysteries could be solved if they only had
english version of their original site...

Best Regards

Re: I'm through with autofocus (lenses for sale)

2002-12-17 Thread akozak
What price do you expect to get for FA 50/1.4?
So you change system, to which one?
Uytkownik Coleman Nee [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hi everyone. My ZX-5n finally died altogether recently, and I can't bring 
myself to throw good money after bad by buying another autofocus body. 
That's why I'm selling all of my autofocus lenses and accessories. They 
haven't been getting much use lately since I find I enjoy manual focusing 
more anyway. I was thinking of putting all this stuff up for sale on E-Bay, 
but I've never used that service before and thought it might be more 
efficient to target Pentax users directly through this list. Is that a good 
idea, or is E-bay more secure? (advice welcome) All of the lenses are in 
good shape, some like new. Most have some degree of the play that is all 
too common with autofocus lenses. I can't stand that, but I am more 
intolerant than some. Anyway, here's a list of what's on offer with 

FA 50/1.4 - Clean glass, barrel wobbly but it works fine.

FA 50/1.7 - Clean glass with a couple of teeny-tiny specks inside, less 
wobbly than the 1.4 but it still annoys me.

FA 50/2.8 Macro - Beautiful, like new with original box, lens case, hardly 
used at all. It rattles a little bit, but that mostly clears up with CLAMP 
dial set to ON. This one didn't get much use because my camera died shortly 
aftery I bought it.

FA 28/2.8 - like new, VERY sharp, almost no wobblyness. Also didn't get 
much use because of the dead camera.

FA 135/2.8 - Great lens, excellent shape, a few tiny specks and focus ring 
a little wobbly, but it works fine. In original box. Focuses nice and 

FA 28-70/4 - Good shape, a few rattles but I've seen worse samples. A 
nice kicking-around lens.

F 80-200/4.7-5.6 - Cheapest AF lens I own, but the best put together 
(almost no rattles). Go figure. Almost like new with a couple of VERY tiny 
specks inside. Surprisingly nice lens in original box. 49mm filter size is 
a real bonus.

Accessories: Battery pack, cable release, AF220T flash., assorted 49mm and 
52mm UV filters.

I really have no idea how much to ask. I bought them all through NYC 
retailers (mostly BH or Adorama), so I would expect some reasonable 
fraction of the new price depending on condition. I still have store 
receipts for most things. All have had very light use except for the 50/1.4 
and 28-70/4, but even they are in quite good shape. I am reluctant to get 
rid of the 50 macro because it takes such excellent pictures and is 
reasonably pleasant to focus manually. I also love the 135/2.8. It takes 
great pictures too, but the wobbly focus ring means it works best as an AF 
lens, so I am definitely getting rid of it. (It should be clear by now that 
AF rattles drive me absolutely nuts!)

A very nice prime lens kit would be the 28, 50 macro and 135. If someone 
buys all three I will throw in the ZX-5n with the dead autofocus motor. Who 
knows, an enterprising Pentaxian might be able to fix it. I could also 
throw in accessories if someone buys more than one of the remaining lenses.

Anyway, feel free to make your best offer, or to give me advice on using 
E-Bay. I would prefer to ship in the USA or Canada, but I will take offers 
from farther afield if the price is right.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Coleman Nee

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Re: Re: Rumour mill again...

2002-12-17 Thread akozak
Hi ,
Do you know if dslr accept also A, M and K lenses like present bodies.
I still wonder what financial condition of Pentax is , if they are making profit 
selling their cameras or loss. Sometimes I also think about changing system since no 
one knows what the future for Pentax is. 
Canon/Nikon has now a few digital bodies and probably earn money since also pros buy 
their equipment. Pity few pros use Pentax one.

Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Rob wrote:

 The SLR will accept all 35mm Pentax-AF lenses and will have an
 environtmentally sealed body.

If this is true, then it's film sibling is certainly the long awaited flagship



wita tu tu!

Re: Re: more on ghostless coating [quite long]

2002-12-17 Thread akozak
czesc!Mozesz cos wiecej napisac o tych nowych powlokach?Czy sie charakteryzuja?
Niby nowy dslr ma obslugiwac obiektywy FA, a co z A M  i K?
Ciekaw jestem jak Pentax stoi finansowo, czy sprzedaje duzo puszek itd, czy tez 
przynosi straty jak bylo z LX-em.
martwi mnie ze firma malo (niemal wcale nie liczy sie wsrod zawodowcow w malym 
obrazku). Nie chcialbym wychodzic z sytemu, uzbieralem troche klamotow, niektore 
szukalem 2 lata, a w innym nie kupie tak okazyjnie jak np SMC K 135/2.5, SMC K105/2.8 
itd. Inna sprawa ze do Nikona i Canona jest duzo na wtornym rynku.
Lekko rozdarty w sobie 

Uytkownik Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
on 17.12.02 0:26, Rob Studdert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just look at lenses descriptions. It seems that ghostless coating is applied
 almost every new lens produced after 199x (?)!!! So here we have not only
 Limiteds, but also new FA 35/2, FA* 200/4 Macro and even cheap long zooms
 FA 100-300/4.7-5.8 and 80-320/4.5-5.6.
 Searching on the keyword ghostless on the European and US Pentax sites will
 reveal the press releases associated with lenses featuring Ghostless coatings,
 also and incidentally all are also SMC coated.
You are right, but it also confirms what I said. Still Bojidar's site needs
to be updated, just because almost every new lens (like cheapo FA
35-80/4-5.6) from Pentax features ghostless coating - not only the high end
ones. Even older lenses has this coating - just look at FA 28-70/4. Japanese
site has FULL INFORMATION which lenses have this feature and which have not.
As usual it is far more complete than its European or American counterparts!
Let's hope Boz will update K-mount equipment page in the future!

Best Regards


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Re: Re: Re: more on ghostless coating [quite long]

2002-12-17 Thread akozak
Sorry I wanted to ask Sylwester directly, in Polish.
Uytkownik Antti-Pekka Virjonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
At 12:23 17.12.2002 +0100, you wrote:
czesc!Mozesz cos wiecej napisac o tych nowych powlokach?Czy sie charakteryzuja?
Niby nowy dslr ma obslugiwac obiektywy FA, a co z A M i K?
Ciekaw jestem jak Pentax stoi finansowo, czy sprzedaje duzo puszek itd, czy tez 
przynosi straty jak bylo z LX-em.
martwi mnie ze firma malo (niemal wcale nie liczy sie wsrod zawodowcow w malym 
obrazku). Nie chcialbym wychodzic z sytemu, uzbieralem troche klamotow, niektore 
szukalem 2 lata, a w innym nie kupie tak okazyjnie jak np SMC K 135/2.5, SMC K105/2.8 
itd. Inna sprawa ze do Nikona i Canona jest duzo na wtornym rynku.
Lekko rozdarty w sobie 

I see... but have no idea what you are talking about :-)


* Antti-Pekka Virjonen * Fiskarsinkatu 7 D * GSM: +358 500 789 753 *
* Computec Oy Turku * FIN-20750 Turku Finland * Fax: +358 10 264 0777 *


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Re: Re: Re: more on ghostless coating [quite long]

2002-12-17 Thread akozak
Sorry I wanted to ask Sylwester directly, in Polish.
Uytkownik Antti-Pekka Virjonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
At 12:23 17.12.2002 +0100, you wrote:
czesc!Mozesz cos wiecej napisac o tych nowych powlokach?Czy sie charakteryzuja?
Niby nowy dslr ma obslugiwac obiektywy FA, a co z A M i K?
Ciekaw jestem jak Pentax stoi finansowo, czy sprzedaje duzo puszek itd, czy tez 
przynosi straty jak bylo z LX-em.
martwi mnie ze firma malo (niemal wcale nie liczy sie wsrod zawodowcow w malym 
obrazku). Nie chcialbym wychodzic z sytemu, uzbieralem troche klamotow, niektore 
szukalem 2 lata, a w innym nie kupie tak okazyjnie jak np SMC K 135/2.5, SMC K105/2.8 
itd. Inna sprawa ze do Nikona i Canona jest duzo na wtornym rynku.
Lekko rozdarty w sobie 

I see... but have no idea what you are talking about :-)


* Antti-Pekka Virjonen * Fiskarsinkatu 7 D * GSM: +358 500 789 753 *
* Computec Oy Turku * FIN-20750 Turku Finland * Fax: +358 10 264 0777 *


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Re: Re: more on ghostless coating [quite long]

2002-12-17 Thread akozak
Just ask Yoshihiko!!

Uytkownik Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
on 17.12.02 13:34, Bojidar Dimitrov at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Bojidar,
 Well, I went to the USA site today, and searched for ghostless. All
 that came up was: 24-90, 28-105/3.2-4.5, FA35/2, and FA200 Macro. I've
 updated my internal KMP version.
 There was also one more match on the USA site, and it was a
 press-release about the FA35-80/4-5.6 as well as FA100-300/4.7-5.8.
 Curiously, the ghostless coating was only mentioned on the 35-80 lens,
 and I assume that this is a mistake.
 Sylwester, you would not believe how many mistakes there are in these
 press-releases and product catalogs!!!
I know that there are many mistakes. But incidentally on Japanese site both
100-300/4.7-5.8 and 35-80/4-5.6 are claimed to have ghostless coating - at
least accordingly to bablefish tranlation - that's why I would ask somebody
who knows Japanese very well to translate this fragments of lenses
descriptions. And japanese site is usually quite accurate in terms of
technical parameters. And it seems it wasn't just Japanese mistake, because
only newer lenses are claimed to have ghostless coating. Now who will solve
this problem???

 After the changes that I made today (not yet visible for you guys), I
 will not modify the KMP until I get some more consvinsing evidence.
Is there anybody who could go to Japanese Pentax site and read at which
lenses is mentioned ghostless coating??? Please help us :-)

Best Regards


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Re: Re: Bad Bokeh vs. Baaaad Bokeh (WAS: Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm2.8)

2002-12-16 Thread akozak
I wonder if you stepped down a bit a lens was the bokeh still bad?
BTW, how do you assess A501/4 in comparison with other 50mm Pentax lenses?Better/worse 
than FA version?
PS But for instance Yoshihiko believes that K105/2.8 very good lens. I share the 
opinion, stepping down a bit should help a lot.
What about K85/1.8

ggesting that
anyone should necessarily go and sell his/her 105. I did so,
myself, and specifically for its bokeh characteristics, but that's
because bokeh is very important to me. In my opinion, there is
nothing else at all wrong with the 105's lens design - nonetheless,
I would not be doing anybody any favor by ignoring to mention a
lens' faults - if never a bad word were to be said about any Pentax
gear on the PDML, then we list members would not be able to benefit
fully from our collective experience here.

 That would not be wise, unless of course they want to sell it to




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Re: Re: K35/3.5 K35/2 M35/2.8 (was: Who has switched...)

2002-12-16 Thread akozak
How do you assess K24/2.8 lens?
Uytkownik Jonathan Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I will second the comments Andre made concerning the K
35/3.5. It is one hell of a sharp lens with
practically no flare at all. I have comtemplated
replacing it with one of Pentax's f2 versions, but I
can't really justify two 35's and I'm NOT getting rid
of my K 35/3.5. It is the lightest of their 35's,
albeit slightly larger than the M/A types. The slow
speed is somewhat compensated for by the fact that it
is still amazingly sharp at full aperture. 

I find myself using this lens more and more for the
fine detail and overall brilliance of the pictures it
produces. It is well worth the $95 USD that I paid for
it in like new condition. Admittedly I use my K 24/2.8
far more often because I like its angle of view and
brighter image in the finder, but the K 35/3.5 ~is~
indeed in an a special optical class above most other
lenses I've used.


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Re: New Pentax DSLR With Exising K Mount

2002-12-14 Thread akozak
What about old manual K lenses(K, M and A)?
Everybody relax. Pentax USA says the new Pentax DLSR, will of course, take 
the existing K mount lenses for sure.

Robert James


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Re: Optio 330 review (long)

2002-12-14 Thread akozak
What enlargements have you done? What quality?
Uytkownik Christian Skofteland [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Pentax Optio 330 review
by Christian Skofteland

I'll start out by noting that I purchased this camera as a digital 
replacement of my IQZoom 120 film camera. I still use the IQZoom but not as 
frequently as the Optio. I should also add the disclaimer that I've only 
used one other digital camera prior to buying the Optio.

1. First impressions, feel, ergonomics, fit and finish.
overall the Optio 330 is well built camera. It is small. REALLY 
SMALL! It easily fits in the front pocket of my jeans, inside jacket pocket 
or shirt pocket.

It is constructed of metal (except the CF and battery door) and feels very 
solid. The camera controls are well laid-out and become very intuitive and 
natural to use. Because of its small size I find gripping the camera to be a 
bit awkward (the small size was a big selling point for me). I still have 
not come up with a universal way to hold the camera that doesn't feel 

Two other negatives: The power-on and zoom are very loud and the front cover 
tends to get warm (almost hot) during normal use.

2. Controls, viewfinder, LCD.
As mentioned above, the controls are very intuitive and natural to use. Menu 
options are easy to understand and straight forward. The viewfinder is small 
and almost useless for people who use eyeglasses (such as myself). I find 
myself using the LCD screen rather than the optical viewfinder.

The LCD screen has multiple modes and settings and is overall very good.

3. Use
The first thing I did (after the battery charged) was start messing with all 
the settings while popping off shots left and right. DONT DO THIS Of 
the main settings (sharpness, contrast, saturation) KEEP THE DEFAULTS I 
ended up with a lot of people with very red faces. 

The white balance settings are perfect for what they are designed, ie: 
Daylight, Shade, Incandescent, Fluorescent work well. Auto works in a pinch 
but still gives you odd colors depending on the situation.

Initially I had problems with focus. The default of Wide-focus was 
inadequate. I would think I was focusing on a subject and the camera would 
focus on a distant object.. I know use spot focus and I have not had issues.

Manual focus is useless.

The preview and display functions are probably the same for any digital 

Movie mode is fun if all you want is cheezy, low-res, choppy video. My 6 
year-old daughter loves it. I have not used multiple exposure modes yet.

4. Results, conclusions.
As stated before I initially was disappointed with the results due to a) my 
messing with the settings and b) focus area. Now I get the results I would 
expect. Actually, being new to digital, I am very pleased with the quality 
of images captured by the camera.

The optical zoom is quick and at 3x a very good range. Digital zoom gives 
surprisingly good results. Many people have told me that digital zoom is 
crappy but I have no complaints (although it never really gets used).

The flash coverage seems adequate but I have not tried to push it very much. 
Again, this is a snap-shooter, I'm not trying anything artsy or fancy with it.

I have not tried any manual exposure modes so I can't comment on their usage.

All in all I'm pleased with the camera. It is a worthy replacement for my 

An extensive review of the 330

optio underwater:
All images (except those of the camera in the case) were made with the Optio 

Optio samples:
I just threw this page together. It's not pretty.



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=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re: Re: A new DSLR standard emerging? (WAS: Re: Nikon DX lenses: Is this wh=

2002-12-14 Thread akozak
atPentax is up to?)?=
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: onet.poczta

Hi, I agree with you.Using old lenses on new bodies would be enough.
Uytkownik Mike Ignatiev [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
I am, for one, would be glad to see the new lenses, as long as Pentax continues the 
backward-compatibility with the old ones. I want to use the old lenses on DSLR. Not 
the new ones on LX. 

Faec it, it's like complaining that 35mm lenses don't cover the whole 6x7 circle. Who 

Besides, a potential to have a decent tiny 10-100 f/1.4 zoom for DSLR is waaay too 
cool lo be overlooked.


 Subject: Re: A new DSLR standard emerging? (WAS: Re: 
 If Pentax decides to build such smaller-coverage 
 lenses, even if they are K-mount, this will mean the 
 end of the unrivaled K-mount compatibility. And 
 let's face it, this is the only real advantage of
 Pentax's SLRs. Yes, they build small and cute 
 cameras, but that's just a plus and not a real 


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Re: Re: Re: K35/3.5 K35/2 M35/2.8 (was: Who has switched...)

2002-12-14 Thread akozak
I own M35/2.8 and just wondered if K35/3.5 or 2.0 is much better to re-sell M version 
and think about any other K or FA 35mm. Now I am waiting what Pentax does with 
digital. maybe it would not pay to stick with him.
KSMC 135/2.5 is really very nice performer. I bought it like new in Vienna one year 
ago for only 40$!!!
I was very lucky.
Uytkownik Andre Langevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek, it's hard to compare 2 different lenses like the 35/3.5 and the 135/3.5.

I have been very well served by the 135/2.5 (in black  white). And 
also by the 35/3.5 for the few shots (maybe 20) I took with it. I 
have not checked the negatives with a microscope and don't think I 
will ever do it as I react to the photographs globally: are they 
interesting or not?

There are a few factors that can make a photo look uninteresting (bad 
timimg, bad composition, flare, etc.) and they are overwhelming 
compared to qualities like definition, because all those lenses we 
are talking about have a very good resolving power. The difference 
between them is very small.

35/3.5 has indeed a very high resolving power, it is a known fact, so 
if you intend to do big enlargments, it might be better to have a bit 
more definition (100 lines compared to 80).

But it could be more important to try to fix other important 
parameters like using best lens aperture (and a tripod) or fast 
enough speed (if without a tripod), or using a hood (not necessary 
with the 35/3.5).

You can make a photo for the front page of a magazine with 35/3.5 but 
also with the supposedly worse 28/2.8 (M or A). These two are still 
very good lenses.

If Salgado got his Leica gear robbed and used,for a few days (before 
getting new gear), a locally found Spotmatic + 55/2, he would make as 
nice photos and most people wouldn't notice a difference (unless they 
knew about it -- a kind of placebo effect...).

But I understand you would like to grab the best for your photo bag 
and feel confident because of that. It's not a bad idea.

So, do yourself a favor, buy the 35/3.5 and know you can use it at 
any aperture and against the light source, and go for the pic, the 
one your friends will remember.

Kind regards,


Is K35/3.5 better than your K135/2.5? I also own it and wonder.
Uz™ytkownik Andre Langevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa?:
Andre wrote:

 Having said that, K35/3.5 is in a special class. It is one of the
 highest resolution lens ever made, and have no flare even with spot
 lights in front of you. But rather big and slow.

How is it wide open?


I used it twice during shows with spot lights in front of me, wide
open (with Tri-X at 1000) and still no flare and good contrast. I
don't think I have scanned at 2700 dpi any of the photos I did with
this lens in order to really check definition. (I took most photos
with a 85/1.8 and a 135/2.5).

The ultimate test would be a slow slide scanned at 4000 dpi. Anyway,
it is probably one of the safest lens to use wide open. In the same
league as recent FA wide angles.



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=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re: Re: If you left Pentax, what Scurvy Dawg system would you invite into y=

2002-12-14 Thread akozak
our life??=
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: onet.poczta

I also would like to stay with Pentax, if comaptibility of new dslr and old manual 
lenses will be ensured.
Why do not you like Canon?
Uytkownik Arnold Stark [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
1.) I would never like to quit Pentax, as Pentax offers great lenses 
with the K and F series lenses being my favourites. Also, Pentax has 
some very nice and affordable bodies (MX, K2DMD, LX, MZ3). Finally, 
Pentax offers unmatched compatibilty and unsurpassed coatings.

2.) Olympus offers the small high quality bodies OM3 and OM4 plus a 
series of very nice, small and affordable lenses. Definitely my 2nd choice.

3.) Nikon is the only other company besides Pentax with a system in 
which I can combine manual (FM3A) and autofocus bodies (F801x) and 
lenses. However, there are much more compatibility restricitions than 
with Pentax, the system is quite expensive, and I have a big dislike for 
huge bodies like the F4, F5 or F100.

4.) The prices for Contax manual focus gear on the 2nd hand market seem 
to be falling, which makes the system quite attractive to me. Plus there 
is one AF body (AX) for the manual focus lenses. The new AF Contax 
system, however, I can detect nothing attractive about.

5.) Voigtlnder offers a very nice rangefinder system with very 
affordable, high quality lenses, that I would have an intense look at, too.

6.) Minolta have some very good auto focus lenses, and I like the manual 
focus gear, however, the two are not compatible.

7.) Leica M (too expensive)

8.) Leica R (too big, too heavy, too expensive)

9.) Canon (simply horrible)



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=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Re: Re: A new DSLR standard emerging? (WAS: Re: Nikon DX lenses: Is this w=

2002-12-13 Thread akozak
hat Pentax is up to?)?=
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: onet.poczta

You are right. If we cannot use out nice manaual lenses and even new FA ones on future 
dslr it would be the end of Pentax in slr market. 
I do hope it will be the truth.

uytkownik Bojidar Dimitrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

What bad feeling I have about this...

First of all, releasing lenses with smaller coverage circles seems to
indicate that the APS-sized digitals are here to stay. Like Alin, I too
had hoped that they are only for-the-time-being solutions.

If Pentax decides to build such smaller-coverage lenses, even if they
are K-mount, this will mean the end of the unrivaled K-mount
compatibility. And let's face it, this is the only real advantage of
Pentax's SLRs. Yes, they build small and cute cameras, but that's
just a plus and not a real argument.

If I cannot use my A20/2,8 as a 20-mm lens on a future digital camera,
then I have no reason to stick to Pentax and their slowness in extending
their SLR technology.

As to Paal's argument that the new lenses will be cheaper... Maybe,
but how long will it take Pentax to re-release a full-range of lenses
equivalent to 15mm-400mm? Not long enough for me to stick around...

Let's hope this is all just a bad dream...


 _\\|//_ Imagination is more important than knowledge...
 0(` O-O ')0 A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
 __ __


wita tu tu!

Re: Re: Re: Who has switched to Pentax and why?

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
It is truth that old K, M lenses are built very well. My SMC K 135/2.5 is built like a 
tank and other my K i M lenses are very good in this respect.
Uytkownik Pl Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Alek wrote:

 Thank you! so for the price K35/3.5 is great and if one can afford to buy FA 
version it pays.
 I shall try to find old for beginning.

The problem with AF lenses (most of them anyway) is that they are AF lenses; loose, 
rattly, and focuses past infinity. Unfortunately, I've discovered that initially 
tight AF lenses develop looseness over time. It may well be that some newer AF 
designs are potentially beter optically, but getting the best out of them is more of 
a hassle. Older, MF lenses are built to last forever and my experience is that they 
do and never ever get out of alignment or develop rattles. 



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Re: Re: new nikon may pint the way for new pentax lens??????????

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
So Nikon/Canon have some problems with dim light?What about accuracy?
Uytkownik John Mustarde [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 18:28:42 +1030, you wrote:

I think I've seen Pentax zoom video lenses with an amazing range
something like 6mm - 1000mm f1.1, packed in a package smaller than a
normal 35mm 28-200 zoom. It would be cool to have one of those
attached to a Pentax DSLR.

Nikon will sell a ton of those small-image-circle wide angle zooms -
unless Sigma beats them to the punch with a wider zoom range at
one-third the price.

Pentax take note - this small-sensor-optimized zoom is a good thing
for a small-sensor DSLR. It is very annoying to me to be unable to use
my digicam for wide angle shots - I have a 24-135 zoom which actually
gives me a normal 36mm lens. Still not really wide angle.

I'm still hoping the Pentax DSLR will have first rate AF. That's the
main reason I still have a closet full of Pentax 35mm gear - the AF of
the Nikon D100 and Canon D60 leaves a lot to be desired in anything
but bright light.

John Mustarde


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Re: Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm 2.8

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
That is why I could see bad bokeh since many probably third factors affected the final 
result which was not bad.
Maybe in other circumstances I would see it. I just must try again.
Uytkownik Keith Whaley [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Dan Scott wrote:
 On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 10:46 AM, Fred wrote:
  What is judged good or bad bokeh depends only on the lens, not the
  subject's surroundings. What surrounds the subject may be judged
  to be a good or bad choice of _background_, but whether the image
  exhibits acceptable _bokeh_ depends ONLY on the lens. In my
  opinion of what I understand.
  I would say that you are correct, Keith. Nonetheless, the choice of
  background (and sometimes foreground) when shooting, when making
  such a choice is possible, can make lenses with bad bokeh (even
  mirror lenses, for example, which are my own worst lenses for bokeh)
  look pretty good (for bokeh) - g.
 Fred's right. Bokeh won't be a problem if you don't have any objects of
 the right sort in the right spot, foreground or background. The optical
 characteristics of the lens are in the lens, but you need the right
 combination of elements in the scene being photographed for bad bokeh
 to end up on the film. Plus, the third factor affecting valuation of
 bokeh is the viewer. If you like the bokeh in evidence on the print or
 transparency, it's good bokeh if you don't, it's bad.

Quite clearly, that's abundantly true! grin

Thanks for the clarification!

 Dan Scott


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Re: Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm 2.8

2002-12-12 Thread akozak

Hi Fred,
What about bokeh if one step down a bit aperture? Does it improve?

 Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
 What is judged good or bad bokeh depends only on the lens, not the
 subject's surroundings. What surrounds the subject may be judged
 to be a good or bad choice of _background_, but whether the image
 exhibits acceptable _bokeh_ depends ONLY on the lens. In my
 opinion of what I understand.

I would say that you are correct, Keith. Nonetheless, the choice of
background (and sometimes foreground) when shooting, when making
such a choice is possible, can make lenses with bad bokeh (even
mirror lenses, for example, which are my own worst lenses for bokeh)
look pretty good (for bokeh) - g.



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Re: Re: Bad Bokeh vs. Baaaad Bokeh (WAS: Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs.100mm 2.8)

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
Hi Keith,
So after reading many opinions about bokeh it can be truth what I wrote that in some 
conditions I could see bad bokeh using K105/2.8. MAybe I chose them in such a way that 
it was quiete nice.Maybe in other ones bokeh could be harsh.
But in general this lens is very sharp and contrasty.
Uytkownik Keith Whaley [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Well espoused, Mike. I'll look forward to the write-up with enthusiasm!


Mike Johnston wrote:
  This is an interesting idea: Could the choice of background *and* distance
  from main focus of interest in a photograph be more of an influence than
  lens design in the perception of bad bokeh?
 In my researches (don't ask), a number of things affect the bokeh: lens
 design, aperture shape, aperture setting, focusing distance, distance of the
 background objects from the plane of focus, and the contrast, illumination,
 and edge texture of the out-of-focus objects.
 IN GENERAL, the worst-case bokeh is found for most lenses a) at wider
 apertures, b) closer focusing distances, c) with distant out-of-focus
 objects d) when those objects are well illuminated and have high contrast.
 So you can deduce that most lenses to do relatively better when stopped
 down, focused farther away, with low-contrast and/or darker objects not so
 far in the background. Also, objects with indeterminate or ragged edges will
 often appear smoother as long as they're sufficiently o-o-f. You can
 actually see this effect in pictures where you may have one hard-edged
 object at the same distance as much softer subject matter, like a bright
 metal pipe against a muted brick wall or a light-colored streetlight pole
 against a mass of foliage. In those cases, where the brick or the foliage
 might be perfectly unobtrusive, the harder shape can show more obvious
 _ni-sen_ or double-line effect.
 I'm going to do a column on Luminous-Landscape about testing lenses for
 bokeh, including illustrations that will greatly help clarify the issues,
 but it's going to be a lot of work to prepare and I don't know when I'm
 going to be able to get around to it. Hope this helps somewhat in the


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Re: FS: lots of Pentax gear

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
What would be the cost of each :A85/1.4, A24/2.8 and LX?
Uytkownik E. Kragtwijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Hello everyone,

A friend of mine without an Internet connection (yes, they still
exist!...:-)) asked me to offer his Pentax gear for sale to the Pentax
discussion list. He is looking for reasonable offers on each item, please
contact me off list if you have any additional questions or if you are

1) LX body in excellent condition with minor signs of use. Full CLA last
year at Pentax Benelux.
2) Motor drive for LX with Battery Grip M, both in excellent condition
3) SMC Pentax-A 15/3.5 LNIB!! This jewel has seen very little use and comes
with both caps, case, box and papers. Its is absolutely like new.
4) SMC Pentax-A 24/2.8 In excellent condition, comes with both caps
5) SMC Pentax-A 85/1.4* In excellent condition, comes with both lens caps
6) SMC Pentax-M 85/2 In excellent condition, comes with both lens caps
7) SMC Pentax-M Macro 100/4 In excellent condition, comes with both caps
8) SMC Pentax-M 135/3.5 In excellent condition, comes with both caps
9) SMC Pentax-M 200/4 In excellent condition, comes with both caps
Any serious offer will be considerred. PayPal payment is accepted. He will
ship worldwide.
Thank you for looking!
Best regards,


wita tu tu!

Re: SMC-FA 2/24 and 1.4/85: Good price?

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
Probbaly you are right. Prices are good IMHO

Uytkownik Heiko Hamann [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:

I've got an offer that seems to be so good that I can hardly reject it:

SMC-FA 2/24 like new, complete and in box: 200,- Euro/US$
SMC-FA 1,4/85 like new, complete and in box: 400,- Euro/US$

I don't really need this lenses as I'm satisfied with my SMC FA 2/35 in 
the wide angle range and my SMC-M 2.8/100 as portrait lens. Further more 
I would prefer the 77Ltd instead of the 1.4/85. But the prices seem to 
be very attractive so that I'm thinking about buying them, using them a 
short time and selling them next year. It seems that I can't make a 
loss, doesn't it?? Help=%-]

Cheers, Heiko


wita tu tu!

Re: Re: new nikon may pint the way for new pentax lens??????????

2002-12-12 Thread akozak
Hi Frantisek,
Nice to see a fellow Pentax from my southern neighbours.
What equipment do you have? I own Pz1,Super A+some K lenses and A50/1.7 and tamron 
SP macro 2.8 and MEtz 40MZ3

Uytkownik Frantisek Vlcek [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
Thursday, December 12, 2002, 2:58:44 PM, akozak wrote:
aop So Nikon/Canon have some problems with dim light?What about accuracy?

My friend, who does shoot D100 and F4s a lot, has the D100 constantly
switched to manual focus. Even though the cropped F80 viewfinder is so
small and not that contrasty. But he is a strange guy. And concert
venues are strangely lit.

Best regards,
 Frantisek Vlcek


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