[perl #132329] [MATH] Rat → Num conversion isn’t monotonous

2017-10-20 Thread James E Keenan via RT
Should the last word in the Subject be 'monotonic' rather than 'monotonous'?

James E Keenan (jkee...@cpan.org)

Re: DBIish: Why can't I interpolate variable holding database name?

2016-05-01 Thread James E Keenan

On 05/01/2016 09:12 AM, Mathieu Gagnonn wrote:

Hello James,

You can try :database($db)
Look at this http://design.perl6.org/S02.html#Adverbial_Pair_forms
I've found it very useful!

James E Keenan writes:

Yesterday I made my first attempt at using any library in a Perl6
program -- specifically, DBIish.

The following succeeded in establishing a connection to a Postgresql
database named 'hierarchy' on the same disk as Perl6:

$ cat dbiish_connect.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", :database);

say "Database: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not

$ perl6 dbiish_connect.pl6
Database: connection established

Since I have several different Postgresql databases on disk, I want to
be able to store a DB's name in a variable, then have DBIish.connect
interpolate that variable while establishing a connection.  I tried:

$ cat dbiish_connect_dynamic.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $db = 'hierarchy';
my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", :database<$db>);

say "Database $db: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not

But I only got this error output:

$ perl6 dbiish_connect_dynamic.pl6
DBDish::Pg: Can't connect: FATAL:  database "$db" does not exist
in block  at
(DBIish) line 41
in any  at
line 1
in method connect at
(DBDish::Pg) line 79
in method connect at
(DBIish) line 45
in block  at dbiish_connect_dynamic.pl6 line 5

I also tried:

$ cat dbiish_connect_dynamic_2.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $db = 'hierarchy';
my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", ":database<$db>");

say "Database $db: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not

But that gave me a different error:

$ perl6 dbiish_connect_dynamic_2.pl6
Too many positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 3
in method connect at
(DBIish) line 29
in block  at dbiish_connect_dynamic_2.pl6 line 5

Why does variable interpolation not work here?  What part is my doing
something wrong?  What part is a limitation in the DBIish library?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Thanks; that worked:

cat dbiish_connect_dynamic_3.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $db = 'hierarchy';
my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", :database($db));

say "Database $db: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not 

$ perl6 dbiish_connect_dynamic_3.pl6
Database hierarchy: connection established

DBIish: Why can't I interpolate variable holding database name?

2016-05-01 Thread James E Keenan
Yesterday I made my first attempt at using any library in a Perl6 
program -- specifically, DBIish.

The following succeeded in establishing a connection to a Postgresql 
database named 'hierarchy' on the same disk as Perl6:

$ cat dbiish_connect.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", :database);

say "Database: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not 

$ perl6 dbiish_connect.pl6
Database: connection established

Since I have several different Postgresql databases on disk, I want to 
be able to store a DB's name in a variable, then have DBIish.connect 
interpolate that variable while establishing a connection.  I tried:

$ cat dbiish_connect_dynamic.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $db = 'hierarchy';
my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", :database<$db>);

say "Database $db: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not 


But I only got this error output:

$ perl6 dbiish_connect_dynamic.pl6
DBDish::Pg: Can't connect: FATAL:  database "$db" does not exist
  in block  at 
(DBIish) line 41
  in any  at 
line 1
  in method connect at 
(DBDish::Pg) line 79
  in method connect at 
(DBIish) line 45

  in block  at dbiish_connect_dynamic.pl6 line 5

I also tried:

$ cat dbiish_connect_dynamic_2.pl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use DBIish;

my $db = 'hierarchy';
my $dbh = DBIish.connect("Pg", ":database<$db>");

say "Database $db: connection ", ($dbh.ping ?? "established" !! "not 


But that gave me a different error:

$ perl6 dbiish_connect_dynamic_2.pl6
Too many positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 3
  in method connect at 
(DBIish) line 29

  in block  at dbiish_connect_dynamic_2.pl6 line 5

Why does variable interpolation not work here?  What part is my doing 
something wrong?  What part is a limitation in the DBIish library?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Re: A practical benchmark shows speed challenges for Perl 6

2016-03-30 Thread James E Keenan

On 03/30/2016 04:11 PM, yary wrote:

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Elizabeth Mattijsen  wrote:

Thanks for your thoughts!

I’ve implemented $*DEFAULT-READ-ELEMS in 
https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/5bd1e .

Of course, all of this is provisional, and open for debate and bikeshedding.

Yary, if you feel there's a need for this functionality in Perl *5* as 
well, please file a bug ticket via perlbug.

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Re: 'split': differences between Perl5 and Perl6

2016-02-27 Thread James E Keenan

On 02/27/2016 08:38 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

[...] is what used to be (?:...), and <[...]> is what used to be [...].
Regexes have changed a *lot*, and you will really need to learn how they
work now; just hoping that things work just like perl 5 will not work.

My apologies for being a Perl6 beginner.

'split': differences between Perl5 and Perl6

2016-02-27 Thread James E Keenan
I am trying to understand the differences in the way the 'split' 
function works between Perl5 and Perl6.

Consider this string:

$str = q|This is a string to be split|;

Let's suppose I wish to split this string on the multi-character 
delimiter string 'tri'.  The results are the same in both languages.

# Case 1
$ perl -e 'my ($str, @rv);$str = q|This is a string to be split|; @rv = 
split(q|tri|, $str); print "<$_>" for @rv; print "\n";'

# Case 2
$ perl6 -e 'my ($str, @rv);$str = q|This is a string to be split|; @rv = 
split(q|tri|, $str); print "<$_>" for @rv; print "\n";'


Now let's suppose that in Perl5 I wish to split the string on a pattern 
which is the character class /[tri]/.  I get:

# Case 3
$ perl -e 'my ($str, @rv);$str = q|This is a string to be split|; @rv = 
split(/[tri]/, $str); print "<$_>" for @rv; print "\n";'


The result is a list of strings which do not contain any of 't', 'r' or 
'i'.  Where two of the delimiters occurred consecutively in the original 
string, I get an empty string -- except that empty strings at the end of 
the list are dropped.

Now let's run the same code in Perl6:

# Case 4
$ perl6 -e 'my ($str, @rv);$str = q|This is a string to be split|; @rv = 
split(/[tri]/, $str); print "<$_>" for @rv; print "\n";'


I'm surprised to get exactly the same output I got in both languages 
when my delimiter was the multi-character string 'tri'.  The '[' and ']' 
characters do not seem to indicate "character class" at all.  It's as if 
'/[...]/' magically turns into 'q|...|'.  What am I not grasping here?

One more case:  When, in Perl6, I surround the brackets with angle 
brackets, I get somewhat more expected behavior:

# Case 5
$ perl6 -e 'my ($str, @rv);$str = q|This is a string to be split|; @rv = 
split(/<[tri]>/, $str); print "<$_>" for @rv; print "\n";'


I get something very similar to Case 3, which was written in Perl5, 
viz., a list of strings which do not contain any of 't', 'r' or 'i'. 
Where two of the delimiters occurred consecutively in the original 
string, I get an empty string -- including at the end of the original 
string.  So, does that mean that, in Perl6, to split a string on a 
character class, I have to always indicate (via the angle brackets) that 
the character class is a list?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Re: Perl 6 advocacy needs a mailing list

2016-02-05 Thread James E Keenan

On 02/05/2016 09:01 AM, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 07:18:01AM -0600, Tom Browder wrote:

I would like to see such a list. It would help separate some of us
bloviators, dreamers, and hand wavers from the others on the users list.

Any reason not to use advoc...@perl.org ?  It is currently low-volume
(one message in the last 18 months) and has the advantage of already
existing.  I'm not convinced that Perl6 needs a list separate to Perl5.

I just subscribed (via news interface).  Inundate me with messages of 

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Re: Confused about rakudobrew and Rakudo Star

2016-02-04 Thread James E Keenan

On 02/03/2016 10:48 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 10:30 PM, James E Keenan <jk...@verizon.net> wrote:

I am evidently confused as to the relationship, if any, between the
'rakudobrew' utility and the Rakudo::Star distribution.

In short: rakudobrew is for the folks who want to track the rapid
development of Rakudo. Star is for folks who want something stable in order
to play with the language, and includes the Task::Star ecosystem. As Star
was cut earlier today, it's based on the rakudo that was current earlier
today (and still fairly current as there haven't been many commits in the
past few hours).

It's more or less the difference between a Python or Perl 5 release, and
installing either from git HEAD. rakudobrew builds from HEAD; Star is a
release, which happens to be close to HEAD at the moment because it was
just created. HEAD will keep moving; Star will stay stable for a while
(used to be monthly, but they're considering releasing less often now)
before the next release.

So, to clarify:  If I want to get this week's release of Rakudo Star on, 
say, Linux, I have to download this tarball:


... and build from source -- correct?  I cannot use rakudobrew for 
Rakudo Star -- correct?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Installing both from rakudobrew and Rakudo Star

2016-02-04 Thread James E Keenan

Follow-up questions to those I posed on perl6-users today.

So I have successfully used rakudobrew to build moar and panda.  That 
perl6 executable is located here:

$ which perl6

Now, suppose I *also* wish to install Rakudo Star.  I've downloaded the 
rakudo-star-2016.01 tarball and have read the instructions in README for 
installation.  From past experience, I guess that if I say simply:

$ perl Configure.pl --backend=moar --gen-moar
$ make
$ make install

... that this will install in /usr/local/bin/.  Is that recommended 
(assuming that my main emphasis is on learning Perl6 in the context of a 
beginners study group)?

Is there a PREFIX setting, should I wish to install it under my home 

Thanks to all who worked on getting Rakudo Star yesterday and who 
contributed to the earlier thread.

Jim Keenan

Confused about rakudobrew and Rakudo Star

2016-02-03 Thread James E Keenan
I am evidently confused as to the relationship, if any, between the 
'rakudobrew' utility and the Rakudo::Star distribution.

Several weeks ago, when it became apparent that there would be delays in 
the release of a Rakudo Star distribution with the "Christmas" release 
in it, I executed the following commands to install Rakudo Perl 6.

$ rakudobrew install moar
$ rakudobrew install panda
$ panda install Task::Star

IIRC, I found these instructions at several locations, including this 
helpful blog post:


The results:

[$ which perl6

$ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2015.12-235-g172a92b built on MoarVM version 
2015.12-29-g8079ca5 implementing Perl 6.c.

And off I went to learn Perl 6.

Today, I saw Tobias Leich's message on this list, "Announce: Rakudo Star 
Release 2016.01", as well as Coke's blog post here: 

So, I thought, oh good, now I can upgrade.  I repeated the above 
commands, with mixed results.  On the one hand, the first two commands 
ran without incident.  But when I said 'perl6 -v', I got the same Rakudo 
version as several weeks ago.  So it appears I didn't upgrade at all.

On the other hand, when I ran 'panda install Task::Star', I got this 
inelegant output:

$ panda install Task::Star
==> Fetching Task::Star
==> Building Task::Star
==> Testing Task::Star
==> Installing Task::Star
Task::Star:ver<*>:auth<>:api<> already installed
  in block  at 
line 61
  in sub indir at 
line 20
  in method install at 
line 42
  in method install at 
line 161
  in method resolve at 
line 234
  in sub MAIN at 
line 18
  in block  at 
line 150

Actually thrown at:
  in method install at 
line 44
  in method install at 
line 161
  in method resolve at 
line 234
  in sub MAIN at 
line 18
  in block  at 
line 150


So, I'm confused as to whether I have any version of "Rakudo Star" at 
all.  My guess is that I've actually simply built, via rakudobrew, Perl6 
on Moar twice.  Is that correct?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Re: Needed: Rakudo Star with 6.c Christmas Perl 6 release

2016-01-25 Thread James E Keenan

On 01/25/2016 08:49 AM, Will Coleda wrote:



We hope to have an R* release out in the next two weeks. Thanks for
your patience.

Thanks for the update!


Needed: Rakudo Star with 6.c Christmas Perl 6 release

2016-01-16 Thread James E Keenan
Today, I posted on the ny.pm mailing list an announcement that I will 
attempt to organize a Perl 6 Beginners study group in New York City.

I have been advised that for an introductory-level group, the Rakudo 
Star release would be the way to go.  However, when I went here:


... I read this:

"NOTE: the Rakudo Star with 6.c Christmas Perl 6 release is not yet
 available. Check back soon or try one of the older versions."

This is what, back in the day, we used to call a 'bummer'.  We have 
people -- including non-Perl programmers -- excited about Perl 6 -- but 
we don't have the easy on-ramp.

Is there a timeline for the release of a Rakudo Star with 6.c?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Entry for perl6-users list missing from http://lists.perl.org/all.html#p

2014-09-08 Thread James E Keenan
Information about the perl6-users mailing list/newsgroup cannot be found 
in the canonical location at lists.perl.org (link in Subject).

I filed a bug report with perl.org (122724).  Robert directed me to this 
page: http://lists.perl.org/data.html.  This page provides a procedure 
by which a contributor can update the JSON data which generates 

Could someone who is familiar with the operations of perl6-users edit 
the JSON data and submit a patch?  (I'm attaching the json entry for 
perl6-languages as an example.)  I request this because I would like to 
change my subscription options and cannot do so if the page cannot be 

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Description: application/json

Status of Perl 6 on JVM

2014-09-07 Thread James E Keenan
I would like to know the best way to keep apprised of the status of 
development of Perl 6 on the JVM.

I realize that the README cautions, Rakudo Star fully supports MoarVM 
and Parrot; not all modules work on the JVM at present.  I don't have 
much familiarity with the JVM, other than a little study of Scala.  But 
I recognize that while it's very difficult for me to initiate a 
conversation about Perl 6 with people outside the Perl world, it's a 
little less difficult when I say, Perl 6 runs on the JVM.

So, is there any web page I can go to which provides up-to-date 
information on this particular flavor of Rakudo?

And are there any particular people who are heading up development of 
the JVM implementation?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Parrot 3.6.0 Pájaros del Caribe Released

2011-07-18 Thread James E Keenan
We are proud to announce Parrot 3.6.0, also known as Pájaros del 
Caribe. Parrot is a virtual machine aimed at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 3.6.0 is available on Parrot's FTP site, or by following the 
download instructions. For those who want to hack on Parrot or languages 
that run on top of Parrot, we recommend our organization page on GitHub, 
or you can go directly to the official Parrot Git repo on Github.

To clone the the Parrot Git repo into a directory called 'parrot', use 
the following:

git clone git://github.com/parrot/parrot.git

If you want it to be in a directory other than 'parrot', then just give 
that as a second

argument to clone:

git clone git://github.com/parrot/parrot.git parrot_foo

Parrot 3.6.0 News:

- Core
  + Class.add_vtable_override now allows you to overwrite an override
  + Integers, floats and strings can now be stored in lexical variables.
Previously, only PMCs could be stored in lexicals.
  + VTABLE_substr has been removed. VTABLE_substr_str has been renamed to
  + Added a new PackfileView PMC type, an intended replacement for the 

Eval PMC.
  + The is_integer vtable on the String PMC now works for all string 

  + Unicode error messages on Win32 now work correctly.
  + A memory leak in IMCC was fixed.
- Languages
  + The snaphost of Winxed included with Parrot was updated to version 

  + Winxed has migrated to Github: https://github.com/NotFound/winxed

The SHA256 message digests for the downloadable tarballs are:


Thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our 
sponsors for supporting this project. The following people (in random 
order) contributed to this release. Thanks!

Julian Albo, Matt Boyle, Vasily Chekalkin, chromatic, Will Coleda, Bruce 
Gray, Brian Gernhardt, Michael H. Hind, James E Keenan, Bob Kuo, Andy 
Lester, Jonathan Duke Leto, Peter Lobsinger, Patrick Michaud, 
Christoph Otto, Felipe Pena, Francois Perrad, Gerd Pokorra, Kevin 
Polulak, Tadeusz Sośnierz, Andrew Whitworth, Jonathan Worthington.

Our next release is 16 August 2011.

Did you think we were going to leave without a quotation? Wrong!

El concierto de tantos pájaros distinto llegó a ser tan aturdidor, 
que Úrsula se tapó los oídos con cera de abejas para no perder el 
sentido de la realidad. La primera vez que llegó la tribu de Melquíades 
vendiendo bolas de vidrio para el dolor de cabeza, todo el mundo se 
sorprendió de que hubieran podido encontrar aquella aldea perdida en el 
sopor de la ciénaga, y los gitanos confesaron que se habían orientado 
por en canto de los pájaros.

The Release Manager will offer a public commendation and a suitable 
prize to the first person who correctly identifies the source of this 
quotation WITHOUT USING THE INTERNET. Send your determination of the 
source to jkeenan at cpan dot org and testify that you did not use the 
http(s) protocol, directly or indirectly, in researching the source.


James E Keenan
jkeenan at cpan dot org; IRC #parrot kid51
Release Manager, Parrot 3.6.0

Re: Parrot Developer Summit Q1 2011 date

2011-05-04 Thread James E Keenan

On May 4, 2011, at 1:37 AM, Christoph Otto wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks to those who filled out the doodle to indicate your  
availability for the next Parrot Developer Summit.  The slots with  
the fewest conflicts were at the same time on different weeks.   
I've closed the doodle poll and marked Saturday the 14th at 1PM UTC

But the dates below suggest that what you really meant was probably:   
Saturday the 14th at *11PM* (2100) UTC -- right?

US Pacific: Saturday 14th, 2PM
US NY: Saturday 14th, 5PM
Paris: Saturday 14th, 11PM
Beijing: Sunday 15, 5AM
Sydney: Sunday 15, 7AM

Re: [perl #62974] Signed-zero tests failing on Windows XP

2009-02-03 Thread James E Keenan

a...@ippimail.com wrote:

yep, seems like an msvc version thing. iirc there was funny -0
handling in msvc 7. can the OP attach Parrot::Configure::Generated?

I would, if I could find anything with a name like that, (with or without
.pm suffix). What should the complete path be?

lib/Parrot/Config/Generated.pm ... which is exists after Configure.pl 
creates it.

Re: [perl #60926] [BUG] t/compilers/imcc/syn/macro.t 'unterminated macro 2' fails on Darwin PPC

2008-11-30 Thread James E Keenan

On Nov 29, 2008, at 11:16 PM, chromatic wrote:

If you're continuing to bisect to the offending patch, you don't  
need to
update the ticket with ranges is useful.  If you can't narrow it  
down further
that's one thing, but if you haven't hit the limit of what you can  
find, I

don't need these mini-status updates to help me fix it.

I haven't hit the limit of what I can find -- but that's because the  
machine on which I observed this failure is slow and I can't do that  
many bisects in one session.  So posting where I leave off at night  
may permit someone else to pick up the bisecting process and work on  
a solution.

Thank you very much.

Re: [perl #60068] [BUG] t/pmc/packfile.t: set_integer_keyed_str test failing on Darwin PPC

2008-11-15 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:

On Tuesday 28 October 2008 20:07:18 James Keenan via RT wrote:

Still failing as of r32225; cf

not ok 6 - set_integer_keyed_str

#   Failed test 'set_integer_keyed_str'
#   at t/pmc/packfile.t line 140.
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 11]
# Received:
# Expected:
# not equal

Can you post a backtrace?

-- c

Have been on vacation with poor net access, so I haven't been able to 
respond to much.

I don't actually know how to do a backtrace.  Can you instruct or post 
link to how this would interact with 'perl thistest' or 'prove thistest'?

Thank you very much.


Re: Parrot doesn't build on OS X

2008-11-03 Thread James E Keenan


Just a data point - fresh svn on a Macbook pro x86 failsr3205:


auto::readline -  Does your platform support readline...dyld: lazy
symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test_51162
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test_51162
  Expected in: dynamic lookup


It's bck!  The same problem we were struggling with last March, and 
again at the Parrot build fest at YAPC.

Cf. the never fully resolved: 


Re: Parrot doesn't build on OS X

2008-11-01 Thread James E Keenan

Ovid wrote:

For the past few days, Parrot has failed to build on my MacBook.  Today I moved my parrot directory 
and did a fresh svn checkout.  perl Configure.pl ran fine without problem. 
make does fine until about here:

$ make
Compiling with:
/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 loads of output skipped...
make -C compilers/pge
perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f PGE.pbc ../../runtime/parrot/library/PGE.pbc
perl -e  PGE/builtins_gen.pir
../../parrot -o PGE.pbc --output-pbc PGE.pir
../../parrot ../../runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Perl6Grammar.pir  
--output=PGE/builtins_gen.pir PGE/builtins.pg
make[1]: *** [PGE.pbc] Bus error
make[1]: *** Deleting file `PGE.pbc'
make: *** [compilers.dummy] Error 2

Is this the same problem as being reported in 
http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=60178 ?

Re: New Parrot mailing list

2008-09-19 Thread James E Keenan

Allison sent me this reply:

 On Sep 19, 2008, at 3:42 AM, Allison Randal wrote:
 James E Keenan wrote:
  Does this mean that the newsgroup perl.perl6.internal on 
nntp.perl.org is dying as well?
  If so, I think that will be a real loss.  I vastly prefer the news 
interface to a mailing list for following such groups.
  I set up the Google Group, because I know a number of people are 
using it. Can I see a show of hands of people who are only using NNTP 
and would have difficulty switching to a regular email subscription or 
Google Group? (I can't send to a newsgroup from my email client, so Jim, 
could you forward this on?)

  And I wish this had been discussed publicly before this announcement!)
  I mentioned it on #parrotsketch and other places.
 It's part of the general migration away from perl.org infrastructure.

Re: New Parrot mailing list

2008-09-19 Thread James E Keenan

Allison Randal wrote:

James E Keenan wrote:
   I set up the Google Group, because I know a number of people are 
using it. Can I see a show of hands of people who are only using NNTP 
and would have difficulty switching to a regular email subscription or 
Google Group? (I can't send to a newsgroup from my email client, so 
Jim, could you forward this on?)

And only just now found that Jim had CC'd the parrot mailing list as 
well as the news group that I wasn't able to reply to. I wouldn't be sad 
to see NNTP go.


That's false.  I replied to the newsgroup, which is mirrored by the 
mailing list.  Whenever I've posted to the list (independent of posts to 
RT), the posts have been mirrored by the mailing list.  You asked we to 
forward this on, so I did exactly what I've done for hundreds of other 
posts over the last two years.

Re: New Parrot mailing list

2008-09-18 Thread James E Keenan

Allison Randal wrote:
The new Parrot mailing list (replacing perl6-internals/parrot-porters) 
is [EMAIL PROTECTED]. If you were subscribed to the old 
list, you're now subscribed to the new list. If you were a digest 
subscriber to the old list, you're now a digest subscriber to the new list.

More information about the list and public archives are available at:


Does this mean that the newsgroup perl.perl6.internal on nntp.perl.org 
is dying as well?

If so, I think that will be a real loss.  I vastly prefer the news 
interface to a mailing list for following such groups.

(And I wish this had been discussed publicly before this announcement!)


Re: Where did the toggle switch go?

2008-09-11 Thread James E Keenan

Vasily Chekalkin wrote:

Will Coleda wrote:
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 8:11 AM, James E Keenan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Is it just me  ...?


I've got same problems... This link not always appears on reply page. 
(In my case it's appears very rare...)

Ah, so it's not just me!

I had to completely exit the browser (SeaMonkey) and open and login 
anew.  The toggle link then reappeared.

Re: [CAGE] Opportunities for Perl 5 programmers in Parrot project

2008-09-11 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:

1.  I will encourage all of you who wrote me to get Bitcard accounts 
(http://tinyurl.com/5eqcw8) so that you're eligible to post patches 
through our RT interface (http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public).  One of the 6 
already has an RT account; the others of you should get one.

I know that at least one of the five has acquired a Bitcard account.

2.  I will file an RT for some cleanup work on the configuration steps 
tests and direct one person who specifically volunteered for that to 
that RT.  (Of course, once an RT is filed, anyone can take a crack at it.)


3.  I will file a separate RT for another project.  This second RT will 
actually be a way to track progress on more than a dozen RTs focusing on 
smartlinks.  I will encourage the other people who wrote me over the 
past night and day to work on those.

http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=58742 is the marker 
ticket, and thanks to szbalint we have resolved one of the 12 remaining 
underlying tickets.

4.  Any other Perl 5 projects connected to Parrot we can have people 
work on?  Please let me know.

Here is a search query for our RT that will yield plenty of open tickets 
-- though they're not limited to Perl 5.  They cover C and PIR as well.


Paul T Cochrane was the cage cleaner par excellence but hasn't been as 
active recently.  So here are tickets that he opened that have not been 
resolved or rejected.

Paul had a program to go through our source code searching for inline 
comments marked with TODO or XXX.  The program would then open an RT 
with the substance of the code and, in the code itself, replace TODO or 
XXX with RT #n.

This was cage cleaning with a top-of-the-line Electrolux!  But what it 
meant was that many tickets were opened saying that something *ought* to 
be implemented but not necessarily explaining why.  After all, the 
inline comment could have been written years previously.  So when we're 
looking at this type of RT, we have to study the context carefully first 
to determine whether the TODO item should actually be done or not.  If 
the former, we have to do it.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!


Re: [CAGE] Opportunities for Perl 5 programmers in Parrot project

2008-09-09 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:
This post is addressed to those of you who (a) have Perl 5 programming 
skills and (b) have been lurking on the list or on #parrot without yet 
dipping your toes in the water.

I have a number of projects, some of which are already in the form of RT 
tickets, some not, which require only Perl 5 programming skills and 
common sense.  I would like to share the joys of cage-cleaning with others.

Wow!  I was getting responses within hours, and I got a total of 6 
responses in 24 hours.  That's much better than the response to any 
previous calls for volunteers I've put out in Parrot (or any other OS 
project, for that matter).  I started to respond individually last 
night, but got even more responses during the day today.

Better still, of the 6 responses I got, 5 are from people whose names I 
have not previously seen on the Parrot.  3 are from people who were 
previously unknown to me.  1 is from a person I know only from the YAPC 
list.  And another is from a person who responded to a post I made about 
the joys of collective hacking on the Perl Seminar NY list two years 
ago!  And, based on email addresses, at least two are from countries 
whose country identifiers I have not previously seen on our list!

In fact, we're in the unusual position of being oversubscribed:  more 
volunteers than we (or, at least, I have) at the moment.  So what I'm 
going to do is this:

1.  I will encourage all of you who wrote me to get Bitcard accounts 
(http://tinyurl.com/5eqcw8) so that you're eligible to post patches 
through our RT interface (http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public).  One of the 6 
already has an RT account; the others of you should get one.

2.  I will file an RT for some cleanup work on the configuration steps 
tests and direct one person who specifically volunteered for that to 
that RT.  (Of course, once an RT is filed, anyone can take a crack at it.)

3.  I will file a separate RT for another project.  This second RT will 
actually be a way to track progress on more than a dozen RTs focusing on 
smartlinks.  I will encourage the other people who wrote me over the 
past night and day to work on those.

4.  Any other Perl 5 projects connected to Parrot we can have people 
work on?  Please let me know.

Thank you very much.


[CAGE] Opportunities for Perl 5 programmers in Parrot project

2008-09-08 Thread James E Keenan
This post is addressed to those of you who (a) have Perl 5 programming 
skills and (b) have been lurking on the list or on #parrot without yet 
dipping your toes in the water.

I have a number of projects, some of which are already in the form of RT 
tickets, some not, which require only Perl 5 programming skills and 
common sense.  I would like to share the joys of cage-cleaning with others.

I'll describe them to you off-list.  Contact me at jkeen at verizon dot 
net or ping kid51 on #parrot.


Re: [perl #57920] Patch suggestion for Parrot Configure test of AIO

2008-08-25 Thread James E Keenan

Allison Randal wrote:

James Keenan via RT wrote:

3.  For future reference, submit bug reports to: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I recommend beginning Subject line with:

[BUG].  And I recommend submitting patches as email attachment ending in
:  .txt  (because that seems to render best in browsers, mail, news

Generally recommend attaching patches as files ending in .patch (as 
documented in docs/submissions.pod) for the sanity of the patch 
monsters. It makes patches immediately identifiable, versus large text 
files of output from some debugging process.

Would you accept '*.patch.txt' as a compromise?

Re: [CAGE] clean up stray test files

2008-08-20 Thread James E Keenan

Allison Randal wrote:
Running 'make test' now fills the main directory of the repository with 
junk files like:


The offending tests need to be modified to clean up after themselves.

Are these happening notwithstanding the patches I applied for RTs 57956, 
57958 and 58036?

If so, could you please post the content of the straggler files?  That 
way, I can identify whether they're a byproduct of configuration tests 
or not.

Along the same lines, after deleting existing straggler files, could you 
run perl Configure.pl, with and without --test=configure, so that we can 
see whether they're coming from configuration itself or from the 
pre-configuration tests.

Thank you very much.


Re: Parrot 0.7.0 publicity

2008-08-19 Thread James E Keenan

Bob Rogers wrote:

I take that back; I did eventually conquer use.perl.org, but forgot to
tick it off my list.

I just submitted to use.perl.org, so if yours doesn't get through 
perhaps mine will.


Re: codingstd tests should pass in every release

2008-08-17 Thread James E Keenan

Bob Rogers wrote:

   From: chromatic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2008 09:39:05 -0700

   Not all of the codingstd tests are part of make test.  There's a specific 
   codingstd test target you can run separately.  I estimate about 2/3 of the 
   tests will pass.  The others may or may not ever pass.  For example, the 
   macro parenthesization tests will never all pass.

 The tests on
make test must pass, but some on make codingstd are not expected to
pass, and are therefore not showstoppers.

Yes, when one of the 'make codingstd_tests' accumulates sufficient 
PASSes, we promote it to 'make test'.  Those that are not yet passing 
can generally be described as:  Requires cage-cleaner with vast number 
of tuits.

Some output from 'make codingstd_tests' being run right now:

#   Failed test 'Functions documented'
#   at t/codingstd/c_function_docs.t line 94.
# Functions lacking documentation in 114 files:
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/src/intlist.c
#  /Users/jimk/work/parrot/src/io/io.c

... requires cage-cleaner with vast tuits and knowledge of C ;-)

#   Failed test 'FIXME strings'
#   at t/codingstd/fixme.t line 62.
# FIXME strings found in 571 instances in 149 files:
# file '/Users/jimk/work/parrot/src/io/io_layers.c', line 52: XXX
#  file '/Users/jimk/work/parrot/src/io/io_layers.c', line 55: FIXME

... requires cage-cleaner to open RTs and replace XXX, TODO or FIXME 
with ticket number; ptc come back, we need you!

#   Failed test 'No todo items found'
#   at t/codingstd/pod_todo.t line 98.
#  got: '/Users/jimk/work/parrot/README_cygwin.pod
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/README_win32.pod
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/compilers/imcc/parser_util.c
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/compilers/imcc/pbc.c
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/compilers/imcc/reg_alloc.c
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/compilers/imcc/symreg.c
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/compilers/pge/PGE/Regex.pir
# /Users/jimk/work/parrot/compilers/pirc/README.pod

... requires cage-cleaner who knows C, operating systems and all the 
languages we're building on Parrot.

So, no, failures in these files are not from showstoppers.  They're a 
TODO for my golden years (and those of several other Parrot developers).


Re: make fulltest failures

2008-08-17 Thread James E Keenan

Bob Rogers wrote:

*** gmake manifest_tests
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t/manifest/02-regenerate_file.t1   256121   8.33%  5
Failed 1/5 test scripts, 80.00% okay. 1/47 subtests failed, 97.87% okay.

I was not able to reproduce this.  Can you send output of 'prove -v'?


Re: make fulltest failures

2008-08-17 Thread James E Keenan

Bob Rogers wrote:

*** gmake codingstd_tests
Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t/codingstd/c_function_docs.t1   256 11 100.00%  1
t/codingstd/fixme.t  1   256 11 100.00%  1
t/codingstd/pdd_format.t 1   256 11 100.00%  1

Did *not* get any failures in pdd_format.t

t/codingstd/pod_todo.t   1   256 11 100.00%  1
1 test and 1 subtest skipped.
Failed 4/26 test scripts, 84.62% okay. 4/37 subtests failed, 89.19% okay.

But, as discussed in other thread, these are non-showstoppers.

Re: [perl #55954] [PATCH]: Add 'make smolder_test' target

2008-07-18 Thread James E Keenan

On Jul 18, 2008, at 3:37 AM, Bernhard Schmalhofer via RT wrote:

I was told on #parrot that you have to replace # TODO comments by
creating RT tickets and referencing the RT instead of the TODO.

Perhaps it would be simpler to just delete these comments.  Please
advise.  Thank you very much.

I think it is a good idea to centralize all interactions with svn.
So how about using $Parrot::Revision::current or PConfig{revision}  

Barney, I'm afraid I don't see what this has to do with application  
of a Perl::Critic policy.

'make' concludes noisily on Darwin

2008-07-18 Thread James E Keenan
Parrot has been building successfully, albeit slowly, for me on   
Darwin for several months now.  But I must say that the very last  
line of 'make' output always shows a lot of warnings of multiple  
definitions of symbol.  Can anyone evaluate these?  Thanks.

/usr/bin/g++ -o pbc_merge \
src/pbc_merge.o \
src/parrot_config.o \
src/string_primitives.o \
-L/Users/jimk/work/parrot/blib/lib -L/Users/jimk/work/parrot/ 
blib/lib -lparrot  -lm -lgmp -lreadline -framework OpenGL -framework  
GLUT -lcrypto -lintl  -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/sw/lib

/usr/bin/ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _str_dup
src/string_primitives.o definition of _str_dup in section  
definition of _str_dup
/usr/bin/ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol  
src/string_primitives.o definition of _Parrot_char_digit_value in  
section (__TEXT,__text)
definition of _Parrot_char_digit_value

/usr/bin/ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _string_unescape_one
src/string_primitives.o definition of _string_unescape_one in section  
definition of _string_unescape_one
/usr/bin/ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol  
src/string_primitives.o definition of _string_set_data_directory in  
section (__TEXT,__text)
definition of _string_set_data_directory

Here's how I wrap Configure.pl:

/usr/local/bin/perl Configure.pl --cc=$CC --cxx=$CX --link=$CX \
--ld=$CX \
--configure_trace \

Here's myconfig:

[parrot] 518 $ cat myconfig
Summary of my parrot 0.6.4 (r29599) configuration:
  configdate='Fri Jul 18 22:51:48 2008 GMT'
osname=darwin, archname=darwin-2level
jitcapable=1, jitarchname=ppc-darwin,
jitosname=DARWIN, jitcpuarch=ppc
cc='/usr/bin/gcc', ccflags='-fno-common -no-cpp-precomp  -pipe - 
I/opt/local/include -pipe -fno-common -Wno-long-double  - 
fvisibility=hidden -W -Wall -Waggregate-return -Wcast-align -Wcast- 
qual -Wchar-subscripts -Wcomment -Wdisabled-optimization -Wendif- 
labels -Wextra -Wformat -Wformat-extra-args -Wformat-nonliteral - 
Wformat-security -Wformat-y2k -Wimplicit -Wimport -Winit-self - 
Winline -Winvalid-pch -Wmissing-braces -Wmissing-field-initializers - 
Wno-missing-format-attribute -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wpacked - 
Wparentheses -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type -Wsequence-point -Wno- 
shadow -Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Wswitch - 
Wswitch-default -Wtrigraphs -Wundef -Wunknown-pragmas -Wno-unused - 
Wvariadic-macros -Wwrite-strings -Wbad-function-cast -Wdeclaration- 
after-statement -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wimplicit-int -Wmain  
-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs - 
Wnonnull -I/sw/include -DHAS_GETTEXT',

  Linker and Libraries:
ld='/usr/bin/g++', ldflags=' -L/opt/local/lib -L/Users/jimk/work/ 
parrot/blib/lib -L/sw/lib',

libs='-lm -lgmp -lreadline -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT - 
lcrypto -lintl'

  Dynamic Linking:
share_ext='.dylib', ld_share_flags='-dynamiclib -undefined  
load_ext='.bundle', ld_load_flags='-undefined dynamic_lookup - 

iv=long, intvalsize=4, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=4,
ptrsize=4, ptr_alignment=1 byteorder=4321,
nv=double, numvalsize=8, doublesize=8

Re: CPAN-Permissions for Perl 5 Modules

2008-07-15 Thread James E Keenan

Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:


for Parrot 0.6.4 following Perl 5 modules were not indexed:


Barney:  I know that I wrote the two modules above (or, at least, 
refactored them into their current form).  What, if anything, should I 
have done when I wrote/committed them.

kid51 (who doesn't understand these indexing issues)

Re: Parallel branch

2008-07-11 Thread James E Keenan

Will Coleda wrote:

What's this branch for, out of curiosity?


Re: Parrot and Smolder

2008-06-17 Thread James E Keenan

I forwarded this to parrotbug so that an RT is opened.

Re: Renaming Plumhead

2008-06-14 Thread James E Keenan

Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:


As Plumhead is a stupid name, cotto proposed to rename to Pharrot.

Problem:  Pharrot in English is a homonym for ferret: 

Are we really sure we want to saddle part of our project with that 

(OTOH, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani fully exposed his sadistic streak 
when he berated a caller to his radio show for opposing the city 
ordinance against keeping ferrets as pets.  That little incident helped 
sink his presidential bid -- thankfully, IMO.)


Re: Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18

2008-06-08 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:

A couple of points about YAPC:

I've started a page on the YAPC Conference Wiki to provide YAPC 
attendees with information about our Parrot/Rakudo Buildfest.


Those of us who are organizing the Parrot/Rakudo Buildfest have set up a 
temporary mailing list for our planning.  You can join it here:



Re: NEWS, PLATFORMS, and make fulltest Results Wanted

2008-05-17 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:
Parrot 0.6.2 is on schedule for the 20 May release.  In preparation, please 
gather up any NEWS you find important for your subsystem, please report any 
PLATFORMS updates, and please run make fulltest on every architecture you can 

Here's the one non-codingstd failure I got when running 'make fulltest' 
on Linux/386 at r27599 today.

IIRC, this was the very first time I ever ran make fulltest, so judge 
results accordingly.
make testj
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jimk/work/parrot'
Compiling with:
cc -I./include -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 
-DHASATTRIBUTE_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT -falign-functions=16 -fvisibility=hidden 
-maccumulate-outgoing-args -W -Wall -Waggregate-return -Wbad-function-cast 
-Wc++-compat -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wchar-subscripts -Wcomment 
-Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wdisabled-optimization -Wendif-labels -Wextra 
-Wformat -Wformat-extra-args -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-security -Wformat-y2k 
-Wimplicit -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wimplicit-int -Wimport -Winit-self 
-Winline -Winvalid-pch -Wmain -Wmissing-braces -Wmissing-declarations 
-Wmissing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-format-attribute 
-Wmissing-include-dirs -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wnonnull -Wpacked 
-Wparentheses -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type -Wsequence-point -Wno-shadow 
-Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Wswitch -Wswitch-default 
-Wtrigraphs -Wundef -Wunknown-pragmas -Wno-unused -Wvariadic-macros 
-I. -o xx.o -c xx.c


/usr/local/bin/perl t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test  -j --runcore-tests


#   Failed test 'cannot constant fold div by 0'
#   at t/compilers/imcc/syn/regressions.t line 19.
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 8]
# Received:
# Expected:
# ok 1 - caught div_i_ic_ic exception
# ok 2 - caught div_n_nc_nc exception
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
 Failed 1/3 subtests 

Re: [perl #42393] [TODO] regex - FIXME items in languages/regex/lib/Regex/Grammar.y

2008-05-17 Thread James E Keenan
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Patrick R. Michaud via RT wrote:
  plus I don't know
 that languages/regex is being used or maintained.  I vote to remove
 languages/regex, either for the May 2008 release or soon thereafter.

FWIW, svn status -v languages/regex/ suggests that François, Barney and 
chromatic have worked in this tree in the last year.  So it's getting 
some degree of attention.


Re: NEWS, PLATFORMS, and make fulltest Results Wanted

2008-05-17 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:
Parrot 0.6.2 is on schedule for the 20 May release.  In preparation, please 
gather up any NEWS you find important for your subsystem, please report any 
PLATFORMS updates, and please run make fulltest on every architecture you can 

Running 'make fulltest' on Darwin/ppc (Mac OS X 10.4), during the 'make 
testj' part, I got an indefinite hang on t/compilers/pge/pge_examples.t

I then called:

/usr/local/bin/perl t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test  -j 

... and got the same indefinite hang -- even thought the test passes 
'prove' when run by itself:

t/compilers/pge/pge_examples.1/2 ^C
[parrot] 519 $ prove -v 

ok 1 - This made Parrot m4 fail
ok 2 - parse FASTA
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=2,  3 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  1.82 cusr 
0.43 csys =  2.29 CPU)

Result: PASS


Re: Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18

2008-05-13 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:

On the basis of doing two of these buildfests in the past month, I would 
say that TAs are what we *most* need.

Except for the first 5 and last 10 minutes of the session, all the 
Parrot team members present will be moving around the room coaching 
people on how to configure and build Parrot, then build Rakudo ... or 
any other language that, as of YAPC time, we can build on top of Parrot. 
 This is not intended to be an expert standing in front of the room, 
lecturing for 75 minutes, then taking questions type of presentation.

So far, other than Bob Rogers, no one has indicated that they would be 
willing to participate as a mentor/TA/co-leader of this workshop.  This 
workshop will be held on Wed June 18, 10:05 am.  We could draw anywhere 
from 20-80 participants.  On the basis of my experience at the build 
fests in Toronto and New York, I'd say we should try to get 1 mentor for 
every 8-12 attendees.

If you are willing to work on this with me, please sign up *in advance 
of YAPC* on our wiki: 

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

Re: [perl #53142] [TODO] Cage-cleaner's request: PDD for configuration; Create RTs for new or heavily modified config steps

2008-05-08 Thread James E Keenan

On May 7, 2008, at 10:35 PM, Geoffrey Broadwell via RT wrote:

On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 18:22 -0700, James Keenan via RT wrote:

On Sun Apr 20 19:01:44 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to propose both short-term and long-term remedies.

Short-term:  If you are proposing a new configuration step, or doing
a significant overhaul of any existing step, please post an RT with
the code and with a [TODO] tag several days ahead of time.  This  

give people a chance to run it on different OSes right away, without
compromising trunk.  And if I get advance notice of any new config
step, I pledge to work with you to develop tests for that step.

Since I filed this RT, two completely new configuration step classes
have been added -- neither of which was preceded by an RT.  So it is
evident that the committers do not like this suggestion.

I hope that you are not referring to config/gen/call_list here -- I
definitely tried to follow your request.  I created my patch only  
specifically asking you for anything you wanted from a new config  

My error.  I was too hasty.  You did follow the procedure I recommended.

RT Needs Cage Tag

2008-04-23 Thread James E Keenan
At ny.pm tonight, I was discussing the joys and sorrows of Parrot cage 
cleaning with one attendee.  I just discovered that while you can search 
the newsgroup for the string 'cage' in a posting's subject line, there 
is no 'cage' tag in our RT system.  So you can't construct a query 
string as you can for 'patch' or 'todo'.

Can we remedy this?

Thank you very much.

Re: Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18

2008-04-21 Thread James E Keenan

Bob Rogers wrote:

I don't expect to be able to co-lead (since, for one thing, that would
require putting in significant time in advance), but I would be willing
to help TA such a thing.  I suspect it would be valuable to have a
number of TAs with diverse areas of trouble-shooting expertise, since
(for example) I would be pretty useless if someone was having build
problems on Windows.

On the basis of doing two of these buildfests in the past month, I would 
say that TAs are what we *most* need.

Except for the first 5 and last 10 minutes of the session, all the 
Parrot team members present will be moving around the room coaching 
people on how to configure and build Parrot, then build Rakudo ... or 
any other language that, as of YAPC time, we can build on top of Parrot. 
 This is not intended to be an expert standing in front of the room, 
lecturing for 75 minutes, then taking questions type of presentation.

So I look forward to seeing you there and working with you.

Jim Keenan

YAPC::NA::2008 status updates needed

2008-04-21 Thread James E Keenan
1.  If you have had a Parrot- or Rakudo-oriented presentation accepted 
at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago, please add your name and presentation's 
name to:  http://www.perlfoundation.org/parrot/index.cgi?yapc_na_2008

2.  The Parrot/Rakudo buildfest workshop has been accepted.  If you are 
able to be present during this session and help coach people to get to 
Hello World either in Perl 6 on Parrot -- or in any other language on 
Parrot -- then please add your name to the Parrot and Rakudo Buildfest 
section of the page cited above.

Thank you very much.


Re: [svn:parrot] r27051 - trunk/t/steps

2008-04-20 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:

On Saturday 19 April 2008 17:06:44 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: jkeenan
Date: Sat Apr 19 17:06:44 2008
New Revision: 27051

  - copied, changed from r27050, /trunk/t/steps/auto_opengl-02.t

Add file to test auto::opengl internal subs where verbose output has been

Why a separate file?

The Parrot::Configure object is a singleton.  From my experiences over 
the past year, I have found that this means it's difficult to test all 
the effects of different command-line options in a single file.  The 
more complex the code in a given config step's runstep() method, the 
more individual objects have to be created, which leads to more files.

Thank you very much.


Re: parrot benchmarking

2008-04-16 Thread James E Keenan

Tim Bunce wrote:

I'd suggest a simpler approach than Geoffrey's: The default 'make'
target could default to a reasonably safe portable optimized target, but
be overridable by an env var.


Developers working on parrot (wanting unoptimized/debug quick builds)
would just need to set an env var in their .profile, for example, and
carry on as now.  No changes in their procedures, and no changes in the
docs (other than to mention the env var).

If I understand the configuration system correctly, we currently handle 
this via flags to Configure.pl:

   --optimize   Optimized compile
   --optimize=flags Add given optimizer flags

(I'm attaching config/init/optimize.pm for reference.)

Would there be something gained by using env vars rather than (or in 
addition to) the configuration options?


# Copyright (C) 2001-2005, The Perl Foundation.
# $Id: optimize.pm 24769 2008-01-12 01:22:59Z jkeenan $

=head1 NAME

config/init/optimize.pm - Optimization


Enables optimization by adding the appropriate flags for the local platform to
the CCCFLAGS. Should this be part of config/inter/progs.pm ? XXX


package init::optimize;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(Parrot::Configure::Step);

sub _init {
my $self = shift;
my %data;
$data{description} = q{Enabling optimization};
$data{result}  = q{};
return \%data;

our $verbose;

sub runstep {
my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;

$verbose = $conf-options-get( 'verbose' );
print \n if $verbose;

print (optimization options: init::optimize)\n
if $verbose;

# A plain --optimize means use perl5's $Config{optimize}.  If an argument
# is given, however, use that instead.
my $optimize = $conf-options-get('optimize');
if ( defined $optimize ) {

# disable debug flags
$conf-data-set( cc_debug = '' );
$conf-data-add( ' ', ccflags = -DDISABLE_GC_DEBUG=1 -DNDEBUG );
if ( $optimize eq 1 ) {

# use perl5's value
# gcc 4.1 doesn't like -mcpu=xx, i.e. it's deprecated
my $opts = $conf-data-get_p5('optimize');
my $gccversion = $conf-data-get( 'gccversion' );
my $arch_opt = 'cpu';
if ( defined $gccversion and $gccversion  3.3 ) {
$arch_opt = 'arch';
$opts =~ s/-mcpu=/-m$arch_opt=/;
$conf-data-add( ' ', ccflags = $opts );
print opts: , $opts, \n if $verbose;

# record what optimization was enabled
$conf-data-set( optimize = $opts );
else {

# use what was passed to --optimize on the CLI
$conf-data-add( ' ', ccflags = $optimize );

# record what optimization was enabled
$conf-data-set( optimize = $optimize );
else {
print (none requested)  if $conf-options-get('verbose');

return 1;


# Local Variables:
#   mode: cperl
#   cperl-indent-level: 4
#   fill-column: 100
# End:
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

Re: [PATCH] Re: build failure with gmake on Solaris

2008-04-14 Thread James E Keenan

Andy Dougherty wrote:

On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, James E Keenan wrote:


/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -o miniparrot src/main.o \
 -L/home/kid51/work/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot  -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm
-lpthread -lrt -lgmp -lcrypto -L/usr/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib
-L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/sparc -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib -L/lib
-L/usr/local/lib  -xlibmieee   src/null_config.o
ld: fatal: library -lgmp: not found
ld: fatal: library -lcrypto: not found
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to miniparrot
gmake: *** [miniparrot] Error 1

It's not clear why 'ld' failed to find gmp or crypto, because Configure.pl
located them without difficulty.

(Incidentally -- gmake is not necessary.  I don't know why Configure.pl 
suggests it.  

DDMPK51:  See this code from config/inter/make.pm:

# check the candidates for a 'make' program in this order:
# environment ; option ; probe ; ask ; default
# first pick wins. On cygwin prefer make over nmake.
$prog ||= $ENV{ uc($util) };
$prog ||= $conf-options-get($util);
$prog ||= check_progs( $^O eq 'cygwin' ? ['gmake', 'make'] : 
['gmake', 'mingw32-make', 'nmake', 'make'], $verbose );

'gmake' wins where it's available.

You should try regular 'make' instead (you may have to
add /usr/ccs/bin to your PATH).  If you want to check out parallel builds, 
you can try 'dmake' if it's installed.)

This failure is probably due to the order of the arguments to CC. 
Traditional Unix linkers look things up in the order specified on the 
command line.  You don't say where libgmp and libcrypto are installed, but 
I'll guess they are in /usr/local/lib.  

I'm beginning to suspect that this is a more general problem in our 
configuration system.  For example, problems we've been having recently 
with config/auto/readline.pm, config/auto/gdbm.pm, 
config/auto/crypto.pm.  The presence of '-lgmp -lcrypto -L/usr/lib 
-L/usr/ccs/lib' above in a situation where something didn't work is 
reminiscent of '-lgdbm -L/sw/lib' in cases where, on Darwin, we've 
installed a library with Fink and either can't locate it or have a 
testing problem.


1.  Use rsync.  rsync is very useful for this, when it works.
Unfortunately, the parrot rsync server tends to be a bit unreliable,
but it's working today.  Use something like:

rsync -avz --delete svn.perl.org::parrot-HEAD parrot-current

(rsync is not standard on solaris -- you'd have to build your own.)

As I learned the hard way; goes on my Solaris TODO list.


3.  Fetch the current snapshots with something like

wget http://svn.perl.org/snapshots/parrot/parrot-latest.tar.gz

(wget is not standard on solaris -- you'd have to build your own.)

As I learned the hard way; goes on my Solaris TODO list.


Thanks for the feedback.  I suspect I'm going to have to set one 
day/night a week to these Solaris problems, because it's more unlike 
other *nix environments where I've worked.


Re: build failure with gmake on Solaris

2008-04-14 Thread James E Keenan

Will check on all these things next time I get tuits for Solaris work.

build failure with gmake on Solaris

2008-04-13 Thread James E Keenan
I recently obtained shell accounts on some Solaris boxes.  Today I made 
my first attempt to compile and build Parrot on one of them.

Configuration was very smooth.  See log attached.  Note for reference:

Determining if your platform supports GMP.yes.
Determining if your platform supports crypto..yes, 0.9.8g.

At the completion of configuration, I was prompted to use gmake to 
build.  The build generated many warning: statement not reached 
messages.  (See log attached.)  Then the build failed completely here:

/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -o miniparrot src/main.o \
 -L/home/kid51/work/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot  -lsocket -lnsl -ldl 
-lm -lpthread -lrt -lgmp -lcrypto -L/usr/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib 
-L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/sparc -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib -L/lib 
-L/usr/local/lib  -xlibmieee   src/null_config.o

ld: fatal: library -lgmp: not found
ld: fatal: library -lcrypto: not found
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to miniparrot
gmake: *** [miniparrot] Error 1

It's not clear why 'ld' failed to find gmp or crypto, because 
Configure.pl located them without difficulty.

So I never got to 'gmake test'.

'myconfig' and the output of uname are attached.

Since this is a shell account on an OS on which I am just beginning, 
debugging will not be that easy for me.  It appears 'svn' is not 
available.  Suggestions?

[parrot] 42 $ gmake  gmake test
Compiling with:
/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -I./include -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 
xx.o -c xx.c
perl tools/build/vtable_extend.pl
perl tools/build/pbcversion_h.pl  include/parrot/pbcversion.h
perl tools/build/ops2pm.pl src/ops/core.ops src/ops/bit.ops src/ops/cmp.ops 
src/ops/debug.ops src/ops/experimental.ops src/ops/io.ops src/ops/math.ops 
src/ops/object.ops src/ops/pic.ops src/ops/pmc.ops src/ops/set.ops 
src/ops/stack.ops src/ops/stm.ops src/ops/string.ops src/ops/sys.ops 
gcd_i_n_n 1223   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_nc_n1224   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_n_nc1225   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_nc_nc   1226   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_i_i 1227   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_ic_i1228   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_i_ic1229   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_ic_ic   1230   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_i_i1231   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_ic_i   1232   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_i_ic   1233   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_ic_ic  1234   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_k   1235   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_kc  1236   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_k_ic1237   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_kc_ic   1238   experimental, not in ops.num
iter_p_p  1239   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_i 1240   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_ic1241   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_s 1242   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_sc1243   experimental, not in ops.num
exec_s1244   experimental, not in ops.num
exec_sc   1245   experimental, not in ops.num
classname_p_p 1246   experimental, not in ops.num
trap  1247   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_n_i 1248   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_nc_i1249   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_n_ic1250   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_nc_ic   1251   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_i_s 1252   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_ic_s1253   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_i_sc1254   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_ic_sc   1255   experimental, not in ops.num
add_io_event_p_p_p_ic 1256   experimental, not in ops.num
need_finalize_p   1257   experimental, not in ops.num
setstdout_p   1258   experimental, not in ops.num
setstderr_p   1259   experimental, not in ops.num
runinterp_p_p 1260   experimental, not in ops.num
runinterp_p_pc1261   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_s_i_i  1262   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_sc_i_i 1263   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_s_ic_i 1264   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_sc_ic_i1265   experimental, not in ops.num

[Fwd: [svn:parrot-pdd] r26719 - trunk/docs/pdds]

2008-04-04 Thread James E Keenan
A bunch of my SVN commits from yesterday suddenly showed up on the main 
list this morning -- and not from any (conscious) action on my part.

Why are these showing up here and *not* in perl.cvs.parrot?  (See: 

Wouldn't it be better to have all commits show up in a single location?
Author: jkeenan
Date: Thu Apr  3 11:51:58 2008
New Revision: 26719


Make PPD conform to coding standard for PDDs 

Modified: trunk/docs/pdds/pdd00_pdd.pod
--- trunk/docs/pdds/pdd00_pdd.pod   (original)
+++ trunk/docs/pdds/pdd00_pdd.pod   Thu Apr  3 11:51:58 2008
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
 This document defines the content and format of Parrot Design Documents
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Not applicable.
 PDDs are living documents, which should be maintained to reflect the current
---End Message---

Re: [perl #52416] [BUG] Test 4 of t/stm/runtime.t sigbus on ppc

2008-04-03 Thread James E Keenan

Seneca Cunningham wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  Seneca Cunningham 
# Please include the string:  [perl #52416]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=52416 

The ticket referred to in the prove -v output was resolved last year.

I merged this ticket back into the original, which I reopened.

Re: [perl #51916] Error in tests after build

2008-03-21 Thread James E Keenan

Ted Neward wrote:

BTW, I didn't want to file a bug, but the Lua compiler in the latest bits uses a tool 
yapp that doesn't appear to be a part of the bundle--is it supposed to be?

Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing

I don't think so ... but can our Lua experts respond to this?

Re: [perl #51916] Error in tests after build

2008-03-21 Thread James E Keenan

Ted Neward wrote:

Where do I get it? Is it part of the Parrot distro?

No, and it appears not be part of Bundle::Parrot on CPAN, either.  We'll 
have to rectify this.

But you could always install it directly from CPAN: 

Re: Parrot r26458 Darwin 10.5 (x86) results

2008-03-18 Thread James E Keenan


As of r26458  - configure has the readline issue:
Determining if your platform supports readline...dyld: lazy symbol binding
failed: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

We'll be fixing this one by applying a reversion patch: 

I've periodically experienced the others you reported but am not 
currently getting them.

Re: Committer Reminder: Please Check RT

2008-03-17 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:
We have some 845 open tickets in RT, which is approximately 840 more than I'd 
like to see at any one time.  I closed a dozen or so today.  If every active 
committer could close one or two every week, we'd make real progress very 

And if you *really* have tuits available, you can take a look at our 
TODO list:


Re: Parrot r26391 broken?

2008-03-15 Thread James E Keenan

Alberto Simões wrote:


I can't compile Parrot on MacOS X 10.5.2:

Final building messages are:

i686-apple-darwin9-g++-4.0.1: sha256.o: No such file or directory
i686-apple-darwin9-g++-4.0.1: sha512.o: No such file or directory
partial link of digest_group failed (256)
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [dynpmc.dummy] Error 2

Under discussion in http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=51756

Re: Character sets PDD ready for review

2008-03-13 Thread James E Keenan

Simon Cozens wrote:

Simon Cozens wrote:
I think I've finished doing what I can with 
docs/pdds/draft/pdd28_character_sets.pod for the time being.
Please have a look at it, and let me know if there's anything 
wrong, anything unclear, anything missing or anything objectionable 
about it

Warnock Warnock Warnock. Can I get a witness, even if it's Looks good 
but I don't understand it or Good luck, pal, but who do you think's 
going to implement it??

1. Why is grapheme normalization form abbreviated as NFG rather than GNF?

2. If a character set is officially a deprecated term (by whom?), 
won't our use of it cause problems down the road -- even if we currently 
find it advantageous to use it to mean the standard which defines both 
a repertoire and a code?

3.  A grapheme is our concept.  Who is the we in our?

4.  I'm very glad it's *not* written in man-page terse.

[TODO]: Parrot not detecting GMP

2008-03-11 Thread James E Keenan

Alberto Simões wrote:


Latest parrot version (r26311) is not detecting GMP installed under 
/opt/local/lib/libgmp* (default location for macports). If I remember it 
correctly, previous versions detected it without any problem.


The only configuration step which makes specific reference to macports 
is config/auto/readline.pm:

$ fnsa config '*.pm' | xargs grep -l macport

Let me continue from an oblique angle.

There are three configuration step classes which search for features 
that a user might have installed via Fink:  auto::readline, auto::gdbm 
and auto::gmp.  There was a lot of repeated Fink-finding code in these 
three steps, so I refactored that out into a separate module, 
config/auto/fink.pm.  This searches for Fink in its default location and 
for a user-supplied alternate location.

Because I use Fink myself, I was able to verify that this code works 
and, in particular, able to study the Fink configuration file which 
tells whether Fink is installed in its standard location or not.

There are two reasons why I did this for Fink and not for macports:  (1) 
Because when I took over maintenance of these modules, there was Fink 
code in 3 files and macports code only in 1 -- which is probably just a 
historical accident.  (2) I've never used macports myself (is it the 
same as darwinports?) and I didn't want to install something solely for 
the purpose of weaving it into Parrot configuration steps.

I wonder if you could look at the macport-specific code in 
config/auto/readline.pm and hack up config/auto/gmp.pm with the same or 
very similar code.  If you then re-ran Configure.pl and the macports 
install of GMP was successfully detected, then we could add a config 
step to search for macports as we did for Fink.

I'm transforming this into an RT so we can track it there.

Thank you very much.

Re: Assistance requested for Parrot testing

2008-03-10 Thread James E Keenan

A developer who recently attended Perl Seminar NY asked me this  
question, to which I didn't have the answer.

Hi James,

Is Parrot embeddable into C programs, like Perl is ?

Can anyone advise?  Thanks.


Re: Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18

2008-03-09 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:

3.  YAPC is trying out a new format for some time slots this year.  Josh 
McAdams writes on use.perl.org:

This year we are also planning on introducing more hands-on 
workshop-style tracks to the conference. These sessions will typically 
be a little longer than a normal presentation and will be much more 
informal. During the workshops, conference attendees will be able to 
interact with presenters to actually do things like compile Parrot or 
create a hello world program in Perl 6. 

Since the RFP deadline is fast approaching, I took the liberty of filing 
a proposal for such a lab session/workshop.  This proposal is mainly 
intended to be a placeholder for a better proposal which we would 
develop collectively on this list.

The title and description I provided for this proposal is as follows:


Parrot and Perl 6 Workshop

Have you been avoiding trying out Parrot or Rakudo (the Perl 6 
implementation on the Parrot virtual machine)?  Come to this lab session 
and solve your avoidance problems.

We'll walk you through a download of the Parrot source code, building 
and testing Parrot on your laptop or remote machine.  Then we'll show 
you how to build Perl 6 on Parrot and get you to Hello, world.  At 
that point, you'll be ready to start playing with Perl 6 yourself.

The Parrot team is particularly interested in having you attend this 
workshop if you want to try out Parrot and Perl 6 on operating systems 
for which we do not regularly get smoke test reports.  So we welcome 
participants working on Win32, OpenBSD, Solaris, etc., as well as Linux, 
Darwin and FreeBSD.


Feedback welcome -- particularly if it comes from people who'd be 
willing to co-lead such a workshop with me! :-)


Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18

2008-03-08 Thread James E Keenan

A couple of points about YAPC:

1.  It's almost two weeks earlier this year than it has been in the past 
three years.  So if your mental clock has been set to 3 days of YAPC + 
2 days of hackathon + 3-day 4th-of-July weekend (as mine has), please 
reset it whenever you (or, at least, those of you in NA) set your clocks 
ahead this weekend.

2.  Consequentially, the deadline for submissions is earlier this year. 
 In fact, it's just 7 days away:  Saturday, March 15.  So what 
Parrot-related submissions do we have?

3.  YAPC is trying out a new format for some time slots this year.  Josh 
McAdams writes on use.perl.org:

This year we are also planning on introducing more hands-on 
workshop-style tracks to the conference. These sessions will typically 
be a little longer than a normal presentation and will be much more 
informal. During the workshops, conference attendees will be able to 
interact with presenters to actually do things like compile Parrot or 
create a hello world program in Perl 6. If you are involved in a project 
and would like to host a workshop, please contact Josh McAdams directly 
at joshua dot mcadams at gmail dot com.

So, we've been all but commissioned to do a presentation in this 
workshop format.  My hunch is that if we can get participants to get to 
Hello World in Perl 6 and some other languages, we'll be much 
appreciated.  We could also lead people through the mechanics of 
downloading Parrot via tarball or SVN and building it.  If we could 
encourage people to bring laptops loaded with OSes that normally don't 
get much attention, we could get some instant feedback about what's working.

Who would like to work on something like this?


Re: Scheduler, Timer and DOD

2008-03-08 Thread James E Keenan

Ron Blaschke wrote:


I've been looking into a failure of Ft/dynoplibs/myops.t on Windows, 
but I don't think the problem is limited to that platform.

$ prove t\dynoplibs\myops.t
t\dynoplibs\myops..6/10 #   Failed test 'three alarm'
#   at t\dynoplibs\myops.t line 118.
# Exited with error code: 255

A friend on Win32 reported a failure in this test on March 1, but the 
only output presented was:

t/dynoplibs/myops.t(Wstat: 256 Tests: 10 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
  Non-zero exit status: 1

I was unable to reproduce the error on either Darwin or Linux.


Parrot Blogs

2008-03-05 Thread James E Keenan
From #parrotsketch yesterday, I learned of the existence of http:// 
www.parrotblog.org/.  I also learned (or, perhaps, re-learned) of the  
existence of http://planet.parrotcode.org/.

What are the purpose and intended audience of each?


Re: pdd17pmc branch review

2008-03-04 Thread James E Keenan

Will Coleda wrote:

I wanted to call attention to part of today's Parrot Sketch:

allison - Otherwise, the PMC branch is ready for language testing,
will plan to merge it back into trunk next weekend.

As I would have expected, the branch passed all the tests run via 'perl 
Configure.pl --test'.

Re: pdd17pmc branch review

2008-03-04 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:

As I would have expected, the branch passed all the tests run via 'perl 
Configure.pl --test'.

But having said that, it failed 'make' on the same box (a box where 
trunk consistently passes 'make').  src/scheduler.c seems to have a 
problem. See attached.

Compiling with:
cc -I./include -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 
-fvisibility=hidden -maccumulate-outgoing-args -W -Wall -Waggregate-return 
-Wbad-function-cast -Wc++-compat -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wchar-subscripts 
-Wcomment -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wdisabled-optimization -Wendif-labels 
-Wextra -Wformat -Wformat-extra-args -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-security 
-Wformat-y2k -Wimplicit -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wimplicit-int -Wimport 
-Winit-self -Winline -Winvalid-pch -Wmain -Wmissing-braces 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-field-initializers 
-Wno-missing-format-attribute -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wnested-externs -Wnonnull -Wpacked -Wparentheses -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type 
-Wsequence-point -Wno-shadow -Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing 
-Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Wswitch -Wswitch-default -Wtrigraphs -Wundef 
-Wunknown-pragmas -Wno-unused -Wvariadic-macros -Wwrite-strings -g -DHAS_JIT 
-DI386 -DHAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO -fPIC -I. -o xx.o -c xx.c
/usr/local/bin/perl tools/build/ops2pm.pl src/ops/core.ops src/ops/bit.ops 
src/ops/cmp.ops src/ops/debug.ops src/ops/experimental.ops src/ops/io.ops 
src/ops/math.ops src/ops/object.ops src/ops/pic.ops src/ops/pmc.ops 
src/ops/set.ops src/ops/stack.ops src/ops/stm.ops src/ops/string.ops 
src/ops/sys.ops src/ops/var.ops 
gcd_i_n_n 1226   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_nc_n1227   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_n_nc1228   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_nc_nc   1229   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_i_i 1230   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_ic_i1231   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_i_ic1232   experimental, not in ops.num
gcd_i_i_i_ic_ic   1233   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_i_i1234   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_ic_i   1235   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_i_ic   1236   experimental, not in ops.num
splice_p_p_ic_ic  1237   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_k   1238   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_kc  1239   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_k_ic1240   experimental, not in ops.num
slice_p_p_kc_ic   1241   experimental, not in ops.num
iter_p_p  1242   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_i 1243   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_ic1244   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_s 1245   experimental, not in ops.num
morph_p_sc1246   experimental, not in ops.num
exec_s1247   experimental, not in ops.num
exec_sc   1248   experimental, not in ops.num
classname_p_p 1249   experimental, not in ops.num
trap  1250   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_n_i 1251   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_nc_i1252   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_n_ic1253   experimental, not in ops.num
pow_n_nc_ic   1254   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_i_s 1255   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_ic_s1256   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_i_sc1257   experimental, not in ops.num
new_p_ic_sc   1258   experimental, not in ops.num
add_io_event_p_p_p_ic 1259   experimental, not in ops.num
need_finalize_p   1260   experimental, not in ops.num
setstdout_p   1261   experimental, not in ops.num
setstderr_p   1262   experimental, not in ops.num
runinterp_p_p 1263   experimental, not in ops.num
runinterp_p_pc1264   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_s_i_i  1265   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_sc_i_i 1266   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_s_ic_i 1267   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_sc_ic_i1268   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_s_i_ic 1269   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_sc_i_ic1270   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_s_ic_ic1271   experimental, not in ops.num
substr_r_s_sc_ic_ic   1272   experimental, not in ops.num

Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-18 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:

On Sunday 17 February 2008 17:13:37 James E Keenan wrote:

Compiling with gcc and linking with g++ looks more suspicious to me.  Is that 
really how things work on Darwin?

That's what I've been doing -- with satisfactory results -- since I 
first joined the project.

Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-18 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:


I've attached my ld and ldflags trace too.  I used your ccc wrapper
and directly linked to gcc and g++ instead of going through the cc and
c++ links found on my system.  Other than the inclusion of
/opt/local/lib twice, the thing that stands out the me is that the
config seems to be targeting 'init::defaults = env
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc' and I'm on 10.4.11 of the OS.  Do
you think that matters?

It should not.  Allison was having me experiment with some things a 
couple of weeks back, and, IIRC, we determined that for our purposes 
'10.3' was the correct value for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET for 10.3 and 
10.4.  I, too, am on 10.4.11.

But see Andy Dougherty's post in this thread.

Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-18 Thread James E Keenan

Andy Dougherty wrote:

The problem here looks relatively simple:  The symbol _Parrot_conv_i2_i
is defined in two places: myops_ops.o and 

That '/usr/local/lib/libparrot.dylib' shouldn't be there.  It's probably a 
remnant of an old installation.  Uninstalling the old libparrot should fix 
this problem.

Assuming someone needed to do this uninstall, what's the best way to do it?



Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-18 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:

I think I did install a version of parrot from macports and then
uninstalled it... must not have cleaned up enough.  Regardless,
deleting /usr/local/lib/libparrot.dylib solved the problem and I now
have a compiling and [almost] test-passing version of parrot on my
system.  Thanks everyone.


BTW, here are the failures that I'm getting:

Test Summary Report
t/postconfigure/05-trace.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 40 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  7, 9
  Non-zero exit status: 2

I suspect a 'make realclean' should fix this.

t/src/intlist.t(Wstat: 1024 Tests: 4 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  1-4
  Non-zero exit status: 4

I applied a patch over the weekend which fixed a failure in this test. 
Are you working from HEAD?

t/src/io.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 20 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  16-17, 19
  Non-zero exit status: 3
t/perl/Parrot_IO.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 57 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  52
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/examples/library.t   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 4 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  3
  Non-zero exit status: 1

Hmm, haven't seen errors in these tests lately.

Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-18 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:

t/examples/library.t   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 4 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  3
  Non-zero exit status: 1

I'm getting this failure too.  But I think it's a side effect from 
Coke's work on .pir files this weekend, as he's marked it as a 'fail'.

Coke:  Will you be able to fix this before release?


Re: Remove Test::Simple from Repository

2008-02-18 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:
If we're relying on at least Perl 5.8.0 to build Parrot, can we rely on the 
presence of Test::Simple in the installed Perl?  

Yes.  remove++ to all 3 packages in lib/Test/

Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-17 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:

I just checked out parrot r25810 and ran 'perl Configure.pl' and
'make' and got the following error.  This is on a PowerBook G4 running
Darwin 8.11.0.  Could someone point me to what I am doing wrong?


/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _Parrot_conv_i2_i
myops_ops.o definition of _Parrot_conv_i2_i in section (__TEXT,__text)
/usr/local/lib/libparrot.dylib(core_ops.o) definition of _Parrot_conv_i2_i
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _Parrot_conv_u2_i
myops_ops.o definition of _Parrot_conv_u2_i in section (__TEXT,__text)
/usr/local/lib/libparrot.dylib(core_ops.o) definition of _Parrot_conv_u2_i
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This looks suspicious.

Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-17 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:

I just checked out parrot r25810 and ran 'perl Configure.pl' and
'make' and got the following error.  This is on a PowerBook G4 running
Darwin 8.11.0.  Could someone point me to what I am doing wrong?

Are you using the Apple-supplied C and C++ compilers?  Presuming that 
'cc' and 'c++' are symlinks, what do they link to?


c++ -o dan_ops_switch.bundle dan_ops_switch.o  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/usr/local/lib -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib
-flat_namespace  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -bundle -undefined
suppress -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot
Copy myops_ops.bundle failed (0)
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [dynoplibs.dummy] Error 2

No immediate diagnosis.  I feel your pain:  you got 93% of the way thru 


Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-17 Thread James E Keenan

Will Coleda wrote:

Josh: For some time, I've been config'ing parrot this way on OS X:

%cat ~/bin/ccc
perl Configure.pl --cc=$CC --cxx=$CX --link=$CX --ld=$CX $@

Give this a whirl. (setting CCACHE to  if you don't have it.) This
should avoid the ld issue James pointed out.

I do something similar (which is not surprising, because Coke taught me 
how to do it!)

/usr/local/bin/perl Configure.pl --cc=$CC --cxx=$CX --link=$CX \ 
   --ld=$CX \

--without-icu \
--configure_trace \

You can omit the --configure_trace (unless you want to help me out with 
configuration tests ;-) ) and the --without-icu represents a local 
adaptation.  I formerly had to configure with --without-gmp as well, but 
I've got that going now.


Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-17 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:

g++-4.0 -o myops_ops.bundle myops_ops.o  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/usr/local/lib -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib
-flat_namespace  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -bundle -undefined
suppress -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot

By the way, is it suspicious that /opt/local/lib is included before
/usr/local/lib and that /opt/local/lib is included twice?  I'm
wondering if darwinports is interfering with the compilation.

It does cause a light bulb in my tired brain to begin glowing dimly. 
IIRC, sometime in the last month I added some code to one of the config 
step classes to preclude the possibility of a flag being added more than 
once to a string of flags.  But I don't recall exactly where I did that; 
will have to research it.

In any case, you can use Parrot::Configure::Trace to trace how a 
particular Parrot::Configure object attribute develops over the course 
of the 60+ configuration steps.  My guess is that you'd want to look at 
'ld' and 'ldflags', perhaps others.

We've had enough experience with Fink to warrant extracting Fink-related 
code from 3 different config step classes and put it in a step of its 
own, and we have a little macports-specific code in 
config/auto/readline.pm -- but we have no darwinports-specific code in 
the configuration system.


Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-17 Thread James E Keenan

Joshua McAdams wrote:

g++-4.0 -o myops_ops.bundle myops_ops.o  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/usr/local/lib -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib
-flat_namespace  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -bundle -undefined
suppress -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot

By the way, is it suspicious that /opt/local/lib is included before
/usr/local/lib and that /opt/local/lib is included twice?  I'm
wondering if darwinports is interfering with the compilation.

The patch I was trying to remember a minute ago was in 

Cf:  lib/Parrot/Configure/Step/Methods.pm  sub 
_handle_darwin_for_fink().  This is Fink-specific, but Coke did raise 
the question of whether it should be generalized.  Whether that will 
help out with your immediate problem, I don't know; I would like to see 
the output of P::C::Trace first.


Re: r25810 - make error

2008-02-17 Thread James E Keenan

James E Keenan wrote:

In any case, you can use Parrot::Configure::Trace to trace how a 
particular Parrot::Configure object attribute develops over the course 
of the 60+ configuration steps.  My guess is that you'd want to look at 
'ld' and 'ldflags', perhaps others.

Try adapting the attached.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
use lib ('/Users/jimk/work/parrot/lib');
use Parrot::Configure::Trace;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;

my $workdir = qq{/Users/jimk/work};
my $sandbox = shift @ARGV;
chdir qq{$workdir/$sandbox}
or croak Unable to change to $sandbox: $!;
my @tobetraced = @ARGV;
my $obj = Parrot::Configure::Trace-new();

foreach my $attr (@tobetraced) {
print Tracing evolution of $attr ...\n\n;
$attr = $obj-trace_data_c( {
attr= $attr,
verbose = 1,
} );
foreach my $step (@{$attr}) {
my ($k,$v) = each %$step;
$v = q{} if not defined $v;
print $k = $v\n;

Re: Quick config/auto/pack.pm Question

2008-02-11 Thread James E Keenan

Ron Blaschke wrote:
l is documented as:

l   A signed long (32-bit) value.

I'm not expert in this, so let me ask:  Where is this documented other 
than 'perldoc -f pack'?


(... who refactored the code cited into subroutines but didn't come up 
with it in the first place.)

Re: [perl #50056] [BUG] Undefined symbols on OS X

2008-01-27 Thread James E Keenan

Allison Randal via RT wrote:

If you're running some flavor of OS X, please test this patch. 

Allison:  I have 3 different patches from you in this thread in the last 
day.  Which one or which combination do you most want tried out?

(moi:  ppc-darwin 10.4.11)

Re: [perl #45137] [TODO] Add a revision control test in Configure.pl

2008-01-19 Thread James E Keenan

On Jan 18, 2008, at 10:49 PM, Jerry Gay via RT wrote:

can you still do:
  svn update
  perl Configure.pl
  svn update (new revision)

No.  'make' invokes tools/build/revision_c.pl, which has this  
restriction in it:

   exit 1 unless ( $current == $config );

this is a common scenario for developers. in the case where updating
the working copy does not change any files that would affect the
configuration process, the developer should not be forced to
reconfigure. if this behavior is allowed, this patch should fit the
bill. if not, then i'll have a problem with it. i certainly don't want
to be forced to run configure and rebuild parrot from scratch every
time i update my working copy (for example, if a pod comment was
modified in a high-level language.)

Then we'll have to have a discussion of what we all want from  
revision-seeking code.

In developing this patch, I was primarily responding to the issue  
raised in this ticket:  Paul Cochrane's and Andy Dougherty's  
observation that we were repeatedly asking what version control  
system was being used (which internally translated into repeated  
runnings of $Parrot::Revision::__get_revision_number() to get  
$Parrot::Revision::current).  I was also responding to the bizarre  
(IMHO) structure of lib/Parrot/Revision.pm, where we repeatedly run  
the VCS-discovery code, assign it to $current, assign *that* to  
$config, and then -- at the very last moment -- say Oh, by the way,  
if you've already configured, behave in a completely different  
manner.  Assign a different value to $config.  I had to write four  
separate test files to accommodate every twist and turn in this code.

What happens under different scenarios if you comment out the 'exit  
1' code above in revision_c.pl?

Re: Test Results

2008-01-13 Thread James E Keenan

Alberto Simões wrote:


James E Keenan wrote:

Which OS-cpu?  Which Parrot version?

Forgot to tell it.
Mac OS Tiger on PPC G4
Perl 5.10
Parrot Revision: 24263

Alberto:  Are you still getting these errors?  If so, could you please 
add something to http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48965 so 
that we can track it via RT?

Thank you very much.

Re: [svn:parrot] r24767 - in trunk: . config/auto t/configure

2008-01-12 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:

On Friday 11 January 2008 16:44:58 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

auto::msvc:  Refactored some code to increase testability:
_handle_not_msvc().  Add 113-auto_msvc-04.t to test this internal
subroutine. In 113-auto_msvc-01.t, SKIP only test for runstep() on
non-Win32 platforms. Small corrections in other test files.

I don't understand this.  What's the value of testing any part of this code on 
non-Windows platforms?  It doesn't (and can't) tell us anything interesting 
about our configuration system.

I can't speak for others but it tells me something interesting about 
auto::msvc.  It tells me that the code is sound and thorough Perl 5 
notwithstanding the fact that I don't have a Windows box on which to 
build and test Parrot.

The configuration step classes have a considerable amount of code which 
is specific to a particular operating system, platform (chip), C 
compiler or any combination thereof.  Some of the time this is broken 
out into focused subclasses (init::hints::{OS}; 
auto::cpu::{platform}::auto; etc.).  Most of the time it is found inside 
a particular config step class's runstep() routine.  As we have 
previously discussed, this makes thorough testing difficult, because a 
given human tester has only a limited number of OSes, platforms and C 
compilers available.

We can overcome this difficulty to a considerable extent by refactoring 
that mocks the conditions found on various OS/platform/compiler 
combinations.  Even if we're not on a Windows box, we can write tests 
that ask, Suppose that we were on Windows and were provided with 
information as to whether we had a VC++ compiler or not.  Is the code 
which uses that information sound?  Have we considered what happens at 
all diversion points in the control flow after we have received that 
information?  If we were on Windows, would our tests exercise every nook 
and cranny of the code?

And that's what these tests do.  The fact that they achieve high test 
coverage of auto::msvc 
when run on a non-Windows system gives me considerable confidence that 
auto::msvc will do the right thing when run on Windows.  It also gives 
anyone in the future doing refactoring on auto::msvc a framework with 
which to test the soundness of that refactoring.


Re: [PATCH] tru64: hints tweaks

2008-01-09 Thread James E Keenan

Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

--- config/init/hints/dec_osf.pm.dist   2008-01-09 04:57:50.0 +0200
+++ config/init/hints/dec_osf.pm2008-01-09 05:23:23.0 +0200
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@

Jarkko:  Our RT system doesn't pick up new submissions that go (only) to 

Could you please submit this patch as an attachment to an email to 

That way, it will get an RT number assigned.  The original submission 
will be cc-ed to the list.

Thank you very much.

Jim Keenan

Re: [PATCH] probe for gcc -Wxxx only when gcc (well, g++)

2008-01-08 Thread James E Keenan

Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

--- config/auto/warnings.pm.dist2008-01-08 05:51:42.0 +0200
+++ config/auto/warnings.pm 2008-01-08 06:01:23.0 +0200
@@ -132,17 +132,22 @@

Thanks, Jarkko.  Since I'm working on correcting other problems with 
auto::warnings and its tests in another RT ticket 
(http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=47395), I'm going to add 
your patch to that ticket.  I hope to be getting to it soon.

Re: [perl #49274] [CAGE] script to generate ports/debian/parrot-doc.docs

2008-01-03 Thread James E Keenan

Allison Randal wrote:

Alan Rocker wrote:
I've attached a quickie shell script, in case that's what you want. 
It's a

naive little thing, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.

Good start. Committed in r24479, with a small change to run it from the 
top-level directory instead of tools/dev. A little extra polish would be 
to make it skip docs/Makefile, and skip any files that start with . 
(like .filename.pod.swp)

For portability reasons, however, shouldn't it be converted to Perl 5? 
I don't think we proceed on the assumption that all our target OSes can 
handle shell.

Re: [svn:parrot] r24497 - in trunk: languages/lolcode/src/parser tools/dev

2008-01-03 Thread James E Keenan

chromatic wrote:

On Thursday 03 January 2008 12:05:48 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Add copyright statement to file which lacked it; t/codingstd/copyright.t
should once again pass.

Modified: trunk/languages/lolcode/src/parser/actions.pm
=== --- trunk/languages/lolcode/src/parser/actions.pm   (original)
+++ trunk/languages/lolcode/src/parser/actions.pm   Thu Jan  3 12:05:48 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2007, The Perl Foundation.
 # $Id$

-# Copyright (c) 2007, The Perl Foundation
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2008, The Perl Foundation.
 # $Id$

I'm not sure this is legal.  Certainly TPF holds a copyright on Parrot from 
2001 - 2008, but these files are new in 2008, so I'm not sure TPF can assert 
copyright on them for previous years.

Hey, I was just trying to fix a test that was failing across the board 
on our smoke tests.  If the dating is incorrect, please go ahead and 
change.  IANAA.


New wiki page: RFP Parrot needs better smoke reports

2008-01-02 Thread James E Keenan
Following up on today's Parrotsketch discussion, I have begun a wiki 
page whose purpose is to develop a specification for an improved smoke 
testing setup for Parrot.


I invite you to:

-- correct any factual errors in what I've written so far

-- fill in sections which are marked 'TK'.

Let's see if this enables us to develop a plan more quickly or 
effectively than back-and-forth on the mailing list.  Once we have a 
completed first draft of a specification, we'll open up an RT.  (At 
least, that's my suggestion.)

Thank you very much.


Re: Current status on Solaris 8/SPARC

2008-01-02 Thread James E Keenan

Andy Dougherty wrote:

After fixing various minor little things, here's where I stand
on Solaris 8/SPARC after the recent changes.

I have not identified any particular common theme.  Do these ring any

Failed TestStat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-02.t7  179222   14  16-22
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-03.t7  179222   14  16-22
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-04.t7  179222   14  16-22
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-05.t8  204823   16  16-23
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-06.t8  204823   16  16-23
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-07.t9  230424   18  16-24
t/configure/146-auto_snprintf-01.t   13  332830   26  18-30

Could you open an RT ticket for these -- or perhaps one for 
auto::warnings and one for aut::snprintf?  I will then re-work the 
tests, as I have a general idea of the problem.

What also would be helpful:  (1) Output of prove -v on these.  (2) How 
did you configure?  I.e., which (of your many!) perls did you use? 
which command-line options?  any interactive configuration?

Thank you very much.

Re: expected test failures in t/pmc, t/run, and t/stm

2008-01-01 Thread James E Keenan

Here's where we stand after r24412 on Linux.
ok 1 - fortytwo
ok 2 - what_do_you_get_if_you_multiply_six_by_nine
ok 3 - hcf
ok 4 - a short cheating quine
ok 5 - one alarm
ok 6 - three alarm
ok 7 - repeating alarm
ok 8 - bxand - A AND B, but not BOTH
ok 9 - conv_u2_i
ok 10 - conv_i2_i
examples/shootout/ack.pir -Oc -Cj
ok 1 - examples/shootout/ack.pir
examples/shootout/binarytrees.pir -C
ok 2 - examples/shootout/binarytrees.pir
examples/shootout/fannkuch.pir -j
ok 3 - examples/shootout/fannkuch.pir
examples/shootout/fasta.pir -C

# Failed test (t/examples/shootout.t at line 108)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 11]
# Received:
# Expected:
# ONE Homo sapiens alu
# TWO IUB ambiguity codes
# cttBtatcatatgctaKggNcataaaSatgtaaaDcDRtBggDtctttataattcBgtcg
# tactDtDagcctatttSVHtHttKtgtHMaSattgWaHKHagacatWatgtRgaaa
# NtactMcSMtYtcMgRtacttctWBacgaaatatagScDtttgaagacacatagtVgYgt
# cattHWtMMWcStgttaggKtSgaYaaccWStcgBttgcgaMttBYatcWtgacaYcaga
# gtaBDtRaccWatMttDBcatWtatcttactaBgaYtcttgYaaScYa
# HgtgttNtSatcMtcVaaaStccRcctDaataataStcYtRDSaMtDttgttSagtRRca
# tttHatSttMtWgtcgtatSSagactYaaattcaMtWatttaSgYttaRgKaRtccactt
# tattRggaMcDaWaWaggacatgttctacaaaRaatataataaMttcgDacgaSSt
# acaStYRctVaNMtMgtaggcKatcattagVWaHKYagtatttaacct
# tacgtVtcVaattVMBcttaMtttaStgacttagattWWacVtgWYagWVRctDattBYt
# gtttaagaagattattgacVatMaacattVctgtBSgaVtgWWggaKHaatKWcBScSWa
# accRVacacaaactaccScattRatatKVtactatatttHttaagtttSKtRtacaaagt
# RDttcWgcacatWaDgtDKacgaacaattacaRNWaatHtttStgttattaaMtgt
# tgDcgtMgcatBtgcttcgcgaDWgagctgcgaVtaaScNatttacttaatgacag
# cacatYScaMgtaggtYaNgttctgaMaacNaMRaacaaacaKctacatagYWctg
# ttWaaattaRattagHacacaagcgKatacBttRttaagtatttccgatctHSaat
# actcNttMaagtattMtgRtgaMgcataatHcMtaBSaRattagttgatHtMttaaKagg
# YtaaBataSaVatactWtataVWgKgttcagtgcgRatatacatVtHRtVYataSa
# KtWaStVcNKHKttactatccctcatgWHatWaRcttactaggatctataDtDHBttata
# aaaHgtacVtagaYttYaKcctattcttcttaataNDaaggaaaDYgcggctaaWSctBa
# aNtgctggMBaKctaMVKagBaactaWaDaMaccYVtNtaHtVWtKgRtcaaNtYaNacg
# gtttNattgVtttctgtBaWgtaattcaagtcaVWtactNggattctttaYtaaagccgc
# tcttagHVggaYtgtNcDaVagctctctKgacgtatagYcctRYHDtgBattDaaDgccK
# tcHaaStttMcctagtattgcRgWBaVatHtaYtgtttagMDMRtaataaggatMt
# ttctWgtNtgtgMaatatRtttMtDgHHtgtcacWattRSHcVagaagtacg
# ggtaKVattKYagactNaatgtttgKMMgYNtcccgSKttctaStatatNVataYHgtNa
# BKRgNacaactgatttcctttaNcgatttctctataScaHtataRagtcRVttacDSDtt
# aRtSatacHgtSKacYagttMHtWataggatgactNtatSaNctataVtttRNKtgRacc
# tttYtatgttactcctttaaacatacaHactMacacggtWataMtBVacRaSaatc
# cgtaBVttccagccBcttaRKtgtgcctRtgtcagcRttKtaaacKtaaatctcac
# aattgcaNtSBaaccgggttattaaBcKatDagttactcttcattVtttHaaggctKKga
# tacatcBggScagtVcacagaHaDSgHatRMaHWggtatatRgccDttcgtatcga
# aacaHtaagttaRatgaVacttagattVKtaaYttaaatcaNatccRttRRaMScNaaaD

Re: make pbc_to_c fails

2007-12-30 Thread James E Keenan

Ovid wrote:

I'm having trouble with the initial Configure.pl and with the pbc_to_c
target on my Intel Macbook.  I have rough notes below about the steps
I've taken.  If anyone needs more information, just ask and I'd be
happy to send anything I can.

Following the instructions in chromatic's post at use.perl about
building a Perl 6 binary:


I got this error on the latest version from svn:

  parrot $ perl Configure.pl
  Base class package Parrot::Configure::Compiler is empty.
  (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package
  at lib/Parrot/Configure.pm line 44

Ovid et al.:  I apologize for the confusion.  Barney diagnosed the 
problem and corrected it in r24298 and r24303.  I had failed to copy 
lib/Parrot/Configure/Compiler.pm from branch to trunk.  Lacking that, 
nothing else made sense.

If you do an 'svn update', you should get a correct distribution.  I 
have successfully configured on i386-linux and am now doing so on 

Although it is not required for running chromatic's process, you might 
wish to begin with:

   perl Configure.pl --test

... to see that the configuration and build tools all work properly 
before you say 'make'.

chromatic recommended that I check out r24278, which I did with a clean
install (blew everything away and started over), and I tried again. 
Here's a summary:

  Checked out revision 24278.
  code $ cd parrot/
  parrot $ perl Configure.pl 
  Parrot Version 0.5.1 Configure 2.0

  Copyright (C) 2001-2007, The Perl Foundation.

  ... snip ...

   Checking MANIFEST...No such file: t/configure/104-init_miniparrot.t
   No such file: t/configure/106-init_headers.t
   No such file: t/configure/122-auto_ops.t
   No such file: t/configure/128-auto_va_ptr.t

The tests were renumbered subsequent to 24278.


Since configuration did not complete successfully, there was no way that 
any 'make' target could be run.

parrot $ make pbc_to_c
perl tools/dev/pbc_to_c_gen.pl \
'./CFLAGS cc  -I./include -g -pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp 
-I/usr/local/include -pipe -fno-common -Wno-long-double 

I haven't tried this new thing; will have to do so myself.


Re: make pbc_to_c fails

2007-12-30 Thread James E Keenan

On Dec 30, 2007, at 10:04 AM, Ovid wrote:

--- James E Keenan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi James,

Although it is not required for running chromatic's process, you
might wish to begin with:

perl Configure.pl --test

... to see that the configuration and build tools all work properly
before you say 'make'.

Thanks for that tip.  I assume from other comments that you've made
that if there are Configure test failures, that trying to continue is

  svn co https://svn.perl.org/parrot/trunk parrot \
 cd parrot \
 perl Configure.pl --test

4/1089 tests failed.  Test below.  As usual, if there is anything else
I can do, please let me know.


Try a 'make realclean' and then re-run the above commands.

Why different results with 'make smoke' from 'make test'

2007-12-30 Thread James E Keenan

From 'make test':

1/9 skipped: various reasons
1/8 skipped: various reasons

... and these have been the results for these tests for months.

Same box (ppc-darwin, Mac 0S X 10.4.11), 'make smoke' (possibly a few 
revisions later):

- t/dynpmc/foo.t

# Failed test (t/dynpmc/foo.t at line 57)
# Exited with error code: 1
# Received:
# Class 'Foo' not found
# current instr.: 'main' pc 16 

# Expected:
# 42
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 9.
- t/dynpmc/gdbmhash.t
- t/dynpmc/rational.t

# Failed test (t/dynpmc/rational.t at line 57)
# Exited with error code: 1
# Received:
# Class 'Rational' not found
# current instr.: 'main' pc 16 

# Expected:
# 43
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.

Re: Another deadlock on Mac OS 10.5.1

2007-12-30 Thread James E Keenan

Andy Armstrong wrote:
Sorry if I've missed something recent that means that this is expected 
behaviour but r24318 is hanging during make test on Mac OS 10.5.1 / Intel.

The test log and pictures of the process probe are here:


I also have a few test failures on Ubuntu PPC:

Test Summary Report
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-01.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   4
t/src/intlist.t(Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   1-4
t/src/io.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 20 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   16-17, 19

These are the same TODO-ed out tests that are failing most everywhere. 
In the case of the failure in 115-auto_warnings-01.t, I think the 
problem is mostly a defect in the construction of the test.  When ptc 
gets back, I hope to speak with him about it.  It's not a major concern.

I don't know what's wrong with intlist.t and io.t, but you're not alone 
there and those tests must be TODO-ed out for a reason.

t/examples/shootout.t  (Wstat: 2560 Tests: 20 

Ah! The shootout!  Our old nemesis.  Join the crowd; google the list 
archives.  It almost never passes on Darwin and there's an old-ish 
ticket about it failing on Gentoo Linux.  But it seems to pass on Debian.

I don't know what to say about the stall on Mac.  I haven't upgraded to 
either 10.5 or Intel, so I don't know what dangers lurk there.

Re: Test Results

2007-12-29 Thread James E Keenan

Alberto Simões wrote:


Probably this is all known, but as I am quite out from Parrot lately, 
and just wanted to try a make test under Perl 6, today I compiled 
Parrot, and run a make test.

Which OS-cpu?  Which Parrot version?

This was the result:

Test Summary Report
t/configure/115-auto_warnings-01.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   4
t/configure/124-auto_alignptrs-05.t(Wstat: 0 Tests: 21 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   20

Known issues; working on them.

t/library/mime_base64.t(Wstat: 6 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Can you send output of prove -v?

t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t   (Wstat: 15104 Tests: 60 
Failed: 59)

  Failed test number(s):  1-58, 60
  Non-zero exit status: 59

This test had some failures last week (see 
http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48965), but were reported 
fixed via r24163.  Can you send output of prove -v?

t/examples/shootout.t  (Wstat: 2304 Tests: 20 
Failed: 9)

  Failed test number(s):  6-11, 17-19
  Non-zero exit status: 9

Has failed a lot.   Nowadays, passes for me on Linux, but always fails 
on Darwin.  See also http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=43481.

Re: Test Results

2007-12-29 Thread James E Keenan

Alberto Simões wrote:


James E Keenan wrote:

Which OS-cpu?  Which Parrot version?

Forgot to tell it.
Mac OS Tiger on PPC G4
Perl 5.10
Parrot Revision: 24263

t/library/mime_base64.t(Wstat: 6 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Can you send output of prove -v?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] parrot]$ prove -v t/library/mime_base64.t
t/library/mime_base64..src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 

 No subtests run

Test Summary Report
t/library/mime_base64.t (Wstat: 6 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=1, Tests=0,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.02 sys +  0.17 cusr 
0.09 csys =  0.30 CPU)

Result: FAIL

This is a new one to me, and the test file itself has not recently been 
changed.  Could you file a [BUG] ticket at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t   (Wstat: 15104 Tests: 60 
Failed: 59)

  Failed test number(s):  1-58, 60
  Non-zero exit status: 59

This test had some failures last week (see 
http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48965), but were 
reported fixed via r24163.  Can you send output of prove -v?

See attach :)

I reopened this ticket with your attachment: 


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