[PHP] i want permanently connect in imap_open()

2001-02-03 Thread

i open mailbox with imap_open
when i move next page, mailbox close.
and i must open mailbox again. 
i want connection contiue, even if i move next page

Re: [PHP] Pricing for PHP programming???

2001-02-03 Thread Siim Einfeldt aka Itpunk

Ok, I just started my own company and finished work for my first client
(shameless plug here: http://www.alamosawinecellars.com).  The problem I
had wasn't in pricing my work by what it's worth and how much time I put
in it, but pricing it in a way that would work for my client.  I ended
up making roughly $10/hr., maybe less, for the effort, but I ended up
with an extra $1000 in the bank. 

Actually when thinking about the projects which I`m making for one
they end up being 10/h (not $) as well. 

The part of the
project that took all my time is in a backend admin tool that allows the
client to update their pages whenever they need. The data is all stored
in a mysql db.  

I know, that part takes most of my time as well, but I`m working on some
template which would make my future jobs easier and cheaper as well (for
the clients).

Anyways, I have noticed that for some clients, like my
first, charging too much will lose them. 

Right. Usually, when dealing with companies I aleady know, I first listen
them out, give my suggestions and views about it, ask what they think
about them, and then ask if the sum is ok for them (the sum that I have
thought about). I usually give a bit higher one first, I guess quite many
of us do it, many companies like to get the price lower, even if it wasnt
high at all, so now as I have the possibility to lower the sum, I will do
it. But still, you cant set the price too low, I would suggest never to
do it, maybe only for friends (for them, why not for free).

For other clients, like medium
sized companies, charging too little will send them hunting for someone

You are probably right. But as a freelance, you can sometimes afford
asking them maybe even 3-4times less than some big web development company

And also, everything can be negotiated.

One of my mottos:-)

Siim Einfeldt

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[PHP] Configure pdf lib with php4 on Win NT

2001-02-03 Thread PHP

tell me how i configure pdf lib with php4.0 on win nt server and iis 4.0 i
already run php 4 on this server .

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Re: [PHP] Future plans (4.1) ?

2001-02-03 Thread Alain Fontaine


I think this kind of reflection particularly holds true when thinking about
OpenSource development, where a potentially unlimited number of developers
all work on the same project; developers from all over the world. Now, how
would you possibly try to impose a coding standard to several dozens of
people coming from different countries, having different backgrounds, etc

"Toby Butzon" [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
   As for better OO.  I think many of the things people ask for, like
   visibility (public,private,protected) class properties, aren't
   features that add functionality, but more just convenience features
   that could be implemented in user space.
  I disagree. Just as with strong typing (which I hope will be added to
  PHP5 (optional - see how it's planned for Perl6)), language-enforced OO
  visibility makes it possible that the *compiler* (interpreter)
  immediately catches a bug that could hide for ages otherwise.
  Errare humanum est - conventions can't prevent mistakes.

 This is something I've been waiting for, as well. Public, private, and
 protected are definately important features as far as I'm concerned.

 For instance: If a team develops a complex web application with PHP,
 being careful to use naming conventions and such to resolve
 public/private namespace conflicts, fine. But what happens when the team
 completes their job and their contract is up; maybe in a year the
 company who had the thing written wants to add some functionality, so
 they once again hire a team or maybe just one programmer. However, the
 programmer isn't so knowledgable about the system and before he knows it
 he's got all kinds of problems with using object data that SHOULD be
 protected (preceded by an _), but isn't.

 I know this may not sound important, but it is. On top of that, if it
 wasn't important, why would C/C++, Java, etc. all have it and stress
 that it should be used instead of making everything "public"?

 It's not a matter of preference; it's a matter of making classes truely
 abstract types (using member functions to manipulate special data) and
 not semi-abstract (you can use the functions or you can mess things up
 by not using them).

 Just my .02 -


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[PHP] Immediately write me!! Row size in mysql

2001-02-03 Thread PHP

Write me immediately how I find a row size in mysql table if i create a
table in this manner
create table size(f1 int,f2 date ,f3 varchar(25),f4 varchar(100), f5 text ,
f6 int, f7 tinyint(1), f8 tinyint(1) ,f9 tinyint(3), f10 varchar(25))

f mean fields .
how i know the row size in kilo bytes or bytes.

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[PHP] Microsoft's new naming convention...

2001-02-03 Thread Ahmad Navid Yar

FYI folks...

Microsoft is planning on a new naming convention for it's latest products.
They will be naming their Office 10 Suite as Office XP, and Whisler will
officially be named Windows XP. They say the "XP" might stand for XML
Protocol, which "also happens to be the Worldwide Web Consortium's name for
the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for messaging that Microsoft and a
handful of partners are championing." The formal public announcement is
expected next week, from Microsoft. I hope Linux and BSD can break the
market barrier that Microsoft has a hold of. I'm not a big fan of MS
products, but it's good to keep up with your enemy's moves before it makes
them. For those who are MS puppets, please don't be offended by my personal

Article: Microsoft to rebrand Office, Windows with 'XP'?
Source: ZDNet News
Author: Mary Jo Foley

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[PHP] PHP Hosting

2001-02-03 Thread PHPlover

Can anyone receommend free MySQL hosting with PHP. Or if you can find such a
hosting on NT, that would be nice.


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Re: [PHP] Re:What version of Linux?

2001-02-03 Thread Christian Reiniger

On Saturday 03 February 2001 04:36, John Hinsley wrote:

I want to install my personal server on a old Intel 486 machine,
36 Mb RAM, 2 Gb HardDisk, VGA, to develop in PHP. What version of

  Well, you'll have great trouble getting several 100k hits per day on
  a home server, so a small machine completely suffices :)

 Yes, yes. But you assume that our friend wants to use the 486 box as an
 Intranet server, to run cgi and php scripts on, and punt out HTML
 documents to the rest of his network, and pretty much that alone.

 I simply was _not_ prepared to make that assumption, which is why I
 asked for more detail :-0

Point taken :)

 If you're going to the hastle of building a home network, you might
 consider using the more powerful machine as an all singing, all dancing
 fileserver, application server and intranet server (pick your choice)!

Well, my home server is a wimpy P90 with 48MB RAM. It serves as web 
server (all my technical docs, php website testing, more), web cache 
(WWWoffle), web filter (junkbuster), file server (nfs and samba), 
masquerading internet gateway, firewall, mail server (also processing my 
pretty big .procmailrc), print server and propably also something else :)
Ah, yes. MySQL for my php stuff also runs on it.

The only problem I have with its performance is that it's only connected 
to my other machines via 10 MBit ethernet (well, and the ram is a bit on 
the low side). The processor's limits aren't reached by a long shot.

 The 486 could be used as a Windows box connected to the server and/or
 as an X client (in which case 32Mb of RAM would be just fine).

I'd say a combination of good text editor + browser requires more 
resources than a apache+PHP+mysql in such a scenario. And don't forget 
that you have to sit in front of the development (client) box all day and 
getting a decent graphics card for a 486 is *hard*

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

A - American Association Against Acronym Abuse

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Re: [PHP] Semi-review of Zend-IDE 1.0

2001-02-03 Thread Zeev Suraski


I won't argue with you about the necessity of these features in a modern 
IDE.  All I can say is that this is just the initial version, and it came 
out with above-minimal set of features that make for a useful PHP 
development environment.  There's no doubt that there is room for 
improvement, and I can assure you that our IDE team isn't sitting back and 
watching the sky right now.  Most of the features you've mentioned, as well 
as others, are scheduled for the next non-bugfix release version of the 
IDE.  Version 1.0 is hardly where things end.  Look at the PHP version 
number :)


At 01:01 3/2/2001, Ed Finkler wrote:
I was really pleased to see that Zend had taken the new approach with
pricing and availability of the Zend IDE, and that they were offering a demo
version of the product.  I downloaded it right away and took it for a spin.

To be honest, I was pretty disappointed with the product.  While the
debugging features look great, otherwise I think the Zend IDE barely
qualifies as an Integrated Development Environment.  Aside from the debugger
and color coding, there's little offered here that I couldn't get in the
most basic of text editors.

The product I'm comparing the Zend IDE most to is Allaire's Homesite, which
we use as our primary code development tool.  From an editor standpoint,
Homesite is simply a superior product.

Here are the major areas that I feel the Zend IDE falls short:

1) No FTP integration
 This is a major blow to useability for me.  Homesite offers nearly
seamless integration with FTP servers so they appear identical to local
files.  Zend IDE doesn't appear to have any options for this at all.

2) No HTML or PHP shortcuts; lack of customizability?
 Why can't I just highlight some text and hit CTRL+B to wrap B tags
around my selection?  What about CTRL+P to  insert a print ""; statement?
Or F5 to insert my own code snippet?  Homesite allows us to assign any
keystroke to any tag, IDE command, or code snippet. We were able to dump
every single PHP fuction into Homesite as a code snippet, and can assign
common ones to whatever key strokes we desire.   Zend IDE doesn't seem to
offer any such feature.  This was a real disappointment.

3) No intergrated documentation (not even PHP documentation)
 Homesite allows us to add our own HTML-formatted documentation.  It
comes with extensive HTML and CFM documentation, and at least one kind
fellow converted an older set of the PHP docs to work with the Homesite help
system.  To be honest, I was *shocked* that the Zend IDE didn't offer any
sort of integrated PHP documentation, let alone the ability to roll your

4) No regular expression searching/replacing.
 I use this feature frequently in Homesite, even when I'm not actually
doing development work.  Not having it means I have to jump out of the IDE
to do certain kinds of search and replace work, which sorta defeats the
whole "Integrated" part of being an IDE.

5) Very little customization ability
 I touched on this before, but want to reiterate it as its own issue.
Some basic keystroke and color coding customization is available, but all in
all the Zend IDE really compares poorly to Homesite - and from what I know,
most other popular text editors - in terms of customization.

6) Database accessSQL Query analyzer
 This is something available in projects like KphpDev, and looks really,
really useful.  I'm surprised this didn't make it into the Zend IDE, as so
much PHP development uses databases.

7) Price
 Given the small featureset, I have trouble with the cost of the Zend
IDE -- over $100 for a client license.  The debugger is great, but it's
nearly useless to me without a proper supporting set of tools.  I might be
willing to pay $25 for this per client license.

Frankly, I don't think the Zend IDE is an IDE at all -- it's basically a
simple text editor with color coding that has an integrated debugger.  I was
really expecting a lot more, given Zend's role in bringing PHP into the
"real world" of e-business.

I would like to say that I really admire what Zend is doing.  I think you
guys are on the right track.  We need the kinds of things you're
developing... but in terms of the IDE, we need a lot more to be convinced to
drop our current editors.

Ed Finkler
Supervisor of Web Development
Golden Dome Media

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CTO   co-founder, Zend Technologies Ltd. http://www.zend.com/

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Re: [PHP] Off Subject, but can't find any info elsewhere

2001-02-03 Thread Martin Thoma

Go to developers.netscape.com, there you can find newsgroups where you can get help.


Toby Miller schrieb:

 Web Developers,

 I know this has nothing to do with PHP, but some bright minds out there might have 
run across it. It's about Netscape 6 mouseovers.

 I've read elsewhere that Netscape 6 has problems with preloading images. I have 
confirmed this time and time again, but have not been able to come to any viable 
solutions. Nor have I been able to find a posted solution or a documented workaround 
anywhere on the web. Has anyone here found a workaround for this bug that will 
prevent Netscape from causing mouseover images (which were preloaded) to stop 
disappearing from the screen when you roll over them too quickly. They aren't just 
made invisible, they are actually gone.

 I'm fine with the new DOM as it makes sense to start complying to the standards, it 
needs to be done. However, mouseovers are one of the most basic features of 
JavaScript that every site on the web uses so there really should be a way to 
successfully code mouseovers into a web page without worrying about them 
disappearing. Talk about a web site navigation nightmare.

 I have like mostly everything about Netscape 6 except this little "feature" and I'm 
about to give up on the browser because of it. If anyone has found a way around this 
I would really appreciate knowing how you dealt with it.


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[PHP] select prob.

2001-02-03 Thread Netbrain di M.L.

Hi all,
I'm in trouble checking client's value passed via a web form ...

In a web form I usally use for the input's name a array var like this:
input type=text name=form[name] ..
input type=text name=form[email] ..
select name=form[country]
option value=NONESelect your country
option value=NONE---
option value=USUnited State
option value=UKUnited Kingdom

and to generally check if some value is missing I use a simple routine
like this:

foreach($array as $key=$valore){
if(empty($valore) || $valore=="NONE"){

where if $manca is greater then zero means that not all value was set ..

My prob is that it never detects if the var $valore is equal to NONE ... I
think that is due by my select field but at this moment I don't see how to
correctly check if the passed values from it is a real value (as US,UK,
etc.) or not (as NONE) ... any ideas?

many thanks in advance
Please Help Puppies

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Re: [PHP] PHP Hosting

2001-02-03 Thread James, Yz

I believe http://www.f2s.com allow you to use PHP and provide you with a
MySQL database.


 Can anyone receommend free MySQL hosting with PHP. Or if you can find such
 hosting on NT, that would be nice.

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Re: [PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /ext/sockets sockets.c

2001-02-03 Thread Boian Bonev


  What do you mean, switch() is expensive?
 Well, isn't it slower?

perhapse in php switch is slower. in c it sometimes is much faster than
bunch of if statements. i mean the compiler makes jump tables for
consequitive values and there are less comparisons etc. just a range check
and jump.


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[PHP] Querying MySQL using 'AND' / 'OR'

2001-02-03 Thread James, Yz

Hi Guys,

Quick question..  I've managed to write a function (thanks to help from
people earlier in the week) which queries an admin table.

There are currently four fields in the table;  id, username, password, and
'site', where the 'site' means a subdirectory of my site that the particular
admin user is allowed acces to change things in

Now, each 'site' user is allowed access to only their site, but, being the
owner of all the 'sites', my field contains the word "all."  So, I used this
to determine whether the user (when logged in) is firstly an administrator,
and secondly what area of the site they're responsible for:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table
WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password' AND site =
'theirsite' OR site = 'all'";

Now, as you can probably see, the table is querying whether the table has a
row with fields:

username, password, site OR

Just a row with the field containing "all."

So, without writing some if statements, is there any way of rewriting that
$sql check so that it checks whether the user is an admin of either the
individual subdirectory, or all of the sites?  Like

username: foo  password: bar site: all


username: foo  password: bar site: subdirectory

.  Hope that makes sense, and thanks in advance for any help :)


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[PHP] Animated / Streaming GIF

2001-02-03 Thread Hrishi


is there any way to create an animated GIF [or PNG] image using the php
image functions ?


RE: [PHP] Pricing for PHP programming???

2001-02-03 Thread John Meyer

Interesting, that, since I will be graduating with majors in Computer
Information Systems _and_ Mass Communications, but I still need a graphic

Does anybody where I can get a good wife? *JK*

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 8:56 PM
To: johnny p.
Subject: RE: [PHP] Pricing for PHP programming???

tOn Fri, 2 Feb 2001, johnny p. wrote:

 Hah!  My wife has a formal education in graphics design.  My web sites
 would look like crap without her extensive layout skills.  :) I'm so
Ah! kindered spirit

My wife has a formal education in Mass Communication and Public Relations
I wouldn't be in bussiness if she was not able make presentations to drum
up clients !

BUT we still lack a graphic designer - don't  think I can afford a second
wife ;-)



   B2B Application Providers
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php-general Digest 3 Feb 2001 14:57:56 -0000 Issue 490

2001-02-03 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 3 Feb 2001 14:57:56 - Issue 490

Topics (messages 37929 through 37955):

Need to count number of rows per id! :(
37929 by: Sandeep Hundal
37930 by: Julian Wood

37931 by: Matt Spears

Re: Re:What version of Linux?
37932 by: John Hinsley
37938 by: Meir kriheli
37948 by: Christian Reiniger

Re: PHP evaluates an expression function?
37933 by: johnny p.
37937 by: ¹æâÇö
37946 by: Duccio Gasparri

Help with XSLT!
37934 by: Theo Brinkman

Re: Pricing for PHP programming???
37935 by: tarique.sanisoft.com
37940 by: Siim Einfeldt aka Itpunk
37941 by: Siim Einfeldt aka Itpunk
37955 by: John Meyer

Re: Change Password script
37936 by: mwaples.waples.net

i want permanently connect in imap_open()
37939 by: Á¤Èñö

Configure pdf lib with php4 on Win NT
37942 by: PHP

Re: Future plans (4.1) ?
37943 by: Alain Fontaine

Immediately write me!! Row size in mysql
37944 by: PHP

Microsoft's new naming convention...
37945 by: Ahmad Navid Yar

PHP Hosting
37947 by: PHPlover
37952 by: James, Yz

Re: Semi-review of Zend-IDE 1.0
37949 by: Zeev Suraski

Re: Off Subject, but can't find any info elsewhere
37950 by: Martin Thoma

select prob.
37951 by: Netbrain di M.L.

Querying MySQL using 'AND' / 'OR'
37953 by: James, Yz

Animated / Streaming GIF
37954 by: Hrishi


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Hey guys,

I need an answer to a problem I've been trying to work on for days :(

I made a message board, which has a front page which lists Topic
name, topic started by, and what date. All this info, and the topic
message is stored in one mysql table. when you click on any of the
topics, it leads to a page which lists all replies to that topic by

Now what I want to do is have a listen on the first index page, the
number of replies for that particular topic. I know I need something
like select id from $secondtable where topicid=$topicid, and then use
mysql_num_rows, but I can't figure out how to integrate the first set
of results from table 1 with the query on table 2.

This is the query on the front page on the main table :
$query = "SELECT topicid, icon, name, topic, datestamp FROM
$maintable ORDER by datestamp DESC LIMIT 40 ";
$result = mysql_query($query);



Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

Are you looking for select topicID, count(*) from $secondtable group by
topicID? This will give you a count of each distinct topicID in


Julian Wood

Multimedia Developer
University of Calgary

on 2/2/01 6:15 PM, Sandeep Hundal at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey guys,
 I need an answer to a problem I've been trying to work on for days :(
 I made a message board, which has a front page which lists Topic
 name, topic started by, and what date. All this info, and the topic
 message is stored in one mysql table. when you click on any of the
 topics, it leads to a page which lists all replies to that topic by
 Now what I want to do is have a listen on the first index page, the
 number of replies for that particular topic. I know I need something
 like select id from $secondtable where topicid=$topicid, and then use
 mysql_num_rows, but I can't figure out how to integrate the first set
 of results from table 1 with the query on table 2.
 This is the query on the front page on the main table :
 $query = "SELECT topicid, icon, name, topic, datestamp FROM
 $maintable ORDER by datestamp DESC LIMIT 40 ";
 $result = mysql_query($query);
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
 a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

 Christian Reiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 02 February 2001 05:32, John Hinsley wrote:
   I want to install my personal server on a old Intel 486 machine, 36
   Mb RAM, 2 Gb HardDisk, VGA, to develop in PHP. What version of Linux
   do I need to install?
  But I'm unsure of what you "really" intend using this machine for. Do
  you really want a home network (in which case conventional wisdom
  suggests that the server should be the most powerful box on site) or
 Well, you'll have great trouble getting several 100k hits per day on a 
 home server, so a small machine completely suffices :)

Yes, yes. But you assume that our friend wants to use the 486 box as an
Intranet server, to run cgi and php scripts on, and punt out 

[PHP-CVS] cvs: CVSROOT / loginfo

2001-02-03 Thread Andrei Zmievski

andrei  Sat Feb  3 07:40:45 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
Index: CVSROOT/loginfo
diff -u CVSROOT/loginfo:1.38 CVSROOT/loginfo:1.39
--- CVSROOT/loginfo:1.38Wed Jan 31 20:58:04 2001
+++ CVSROOT/loginfo Sat Feb  3 07:40:45 2001
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#ident "@(#)cvs/examples:$Name:  $:$Id: loginfo,v 1.38 2001/02/01 04:58:04 andrei Exp 
+#ident "@(#)cvs/examples:$Name:  $:$Id: loginfo,v 1.39 2001/02/03 15:40:45 andrei Exp 
 # The "loginfo" file is used to control where "cvs commit" log information
 # is sent.  The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 portal $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/loginfo.pl [EMAIL PROTECTED] $USER %{sVv}
 php-lang $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/loginfo.pl [EMAIL PROTECTED] $USER %{sVv}
-php-gtk $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/loginfo.pl [EMAIL PROTECTED] $USER %{sVv}
+php-gtk $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/loginfo.pl [EMAIL PROTECTED] $USER %{sVv}

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Re: [PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /ext/sockets sockets.c

2001-02-03 Thread Andi Gutmans

By the way, often compilers change switch() to if()/else() if they know 
that it would be faster (if you only have like 2 cases) so if the code is 
much nicer you don't need to be too afraid of switch() :)


At 03:44 PM 2/3/2001 +0200, Boian Bonev wrote:

   What do you mean, switch() is expensive?
  Well, isn't it slower?

perhapse in php switch is slower. in c it sometimes is much faster than
bunch of if statements. i mean the compiler makes jump tables for
consequitive values and there are less comparisons etc. just a range check
and jump.


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[PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Chris Mason

I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
often insufficient for PHP developers.
With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP

The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP, and
will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a low
user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow. The
machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large internet
feeds, and all the other essential requirements.

I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and will
stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and

I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting company
but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.

Let me know what you think, guys.

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island
http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts
Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [PHP] Trim an array?

2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

a simple

for($i=0; $isizeof($array); $++)

will do the trick


 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer

 PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Deliduka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 7:32 AM
To: PHP List
Subject: [PHP] "Trim" an array?

I looked through the archives and couldn't find anything on this.

I have a web form which takes 9 values to create a definition for a table
that would have up to 9 columns.

I made the table so that each form field is submitted as an array so that I
can simply step through each value and create the table definition, so:

input type=text name="tblcol[]"  (duplicated 9 times)

Now, when I submit the form the resulting array always has 9 elements and
some of those will be empty.

I would like to do error checking in case people didn't fill anything at all
so I thought using if (!count($tblcol)) { But that doesn't work since it
always has 9 elements.

Is there a way to find out if an array contains no values even though it has
elements?  Sort of like a trim() function on an array to destroy the
elements in the array that are empty.

Is it possible?

Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
New Eve Media
The Solution To Your Internet Angst

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2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

For me??? Thanks, but I had my birthday last October   too late, dude

please Do not post this kind of staff into world's largest and most
serious mailing lists /please


 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer

 PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

-Original Message-
From: Matt Spears [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 12:03 PM
Subject: [PHP] 200 DOLLARS FOR YOU

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RE: [PHP] select prob.

2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

then, why don't you instead have it NULL, like:

input type=text name=form[name] ..
input type=text name=form[email] ..
select name=form[country]
optionSelect your country
option value=USUnited State
option value=UKUnited Kingdom

then if it's empty it will be skipped ... I think ... I've never done so ...

 Ciao allo zio e la lista italiana,

 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer

 PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

-Original Message-
From: Netbrain di M.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 10:24 PM
Subject: [PHP] select prob.

Hi all,
I'm in trouble checking client's value passed via a web form ...

In a web form I usally use for the input's name a array var like this:
input type=text name=form[name] ..
input type=text name=form[email] ..
select name=form[country]
option value=NONESelect your country
option value=NONE---
option value=USUnited State
option value=UKUnited Kingdom

and to generally check if some value is missing I use a simple routine
like this:

foreach($array as $key=$valore){
if(empty($valore) || $valore=="NONE"){

where if $manca is greater then zero means that not all value was set ..

My prob is that it never detects if the var $valore is equal to NONE ... I
think that is due by my select field but at this moment I don't see how to
correctly check if the passed values from it is a real value (as US,UK,
etc.) or not (as NONE) ... any ideas?

many thanks in advance
Please Help Puppies

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RE: [PHP] Animated / Streaming GIF

2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

check out GD library ,...  (a whole library was created for it)

see PHP.net

or start from here ... hmm ...  www.php.net/getimmagesize ?

 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer

 PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

-Original Message-
From: Hrishi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:02 PM
Subject: [PHP] Animated / Streaming GIF


is there any way to create an animated GIF [or PNG] image using the php
image functions ?


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RE: [PHP] Calendar help

2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

Check out Source Forge ...  on the right menu , one of the most active
projects is an Online Organizer (quite similar to Outlook at first
impression) -- it has a calendar ... It is an Open Source and I am sure you
can learn from there on how to use their Super-Cool calendar


 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer

 PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

-Original Message-
From: Fang Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 6:29 AM
Subject: [PHP] Calendar help


Has anyone coded a calendar using PHP? when click a date in the calendar,it
will sotre the date in a database.


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[PHP] Form's and oracle

2001-02-03 Thread Christoph Kempen


I used to work with PHP/mysql.. But since a few weeks we have an oracle
server :-)

1 problem occured with the migration...

If some text is passed through a html-form all the qoutes have a slash in
fromt of them... This is not a problem with mysql, since mysql uses that
slash for inserting a qoute in the table. But in oracle this is not a slash,
but a qoute...

For example:

Its a test php:I\ts a test

But oracle wants:   Its a test

Is there a easy way for converting this. Otherwise I have to write a
function that filters them out :-(


Christoph Kempen

Re: [PHP] Microsoft's new naming convention...

2001-02-03 Thread David VanHorn

At 05:03 AM 2/3/01 -0600, Ahmad Navid Yar wrote:
FYI folks...

Microsoft is planning on a new naming convention for it's latest products.

The next OS version is supposed to combine features from ME, CE, and NT, 
into  windows CEMENT. :)

Where's dave? http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?kc6ete-9

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RE: [PHP] Microsoft's new naming convention...

2001-02-03 Thread Navid Yar

Wow, i just read the news that they were planning on XP versions. Maybe
that's just for the Desktop/NT Windows, rather than all 3 as Cement. I guess
we'll find out next week. Thanks for the update... :)

-Original Message-
From: David VanHorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Microsoft's new naming convention...

At 05:03 AM 2/3/01 -0600, Ahmad Navid Yar wrote:
FYI folks...

Microsoft is planning on a new naming convention for it's latest products.

The next OS version is supposed to combine features from ME, CE, and NT,
into  windows CEMENT. :)

Where's dave? http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?kc6ete-9

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Re: [PHP] Form's and oracle

2001-02-03 Thread Alain Fontaine


I think it's one of the "magic_quotes" features that does this. One
possibility would be to turn it off, and be sure to escape your quotes by
transforming them into double-quotes before sending them to Oracle.

"Christoph Kempen" [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:

I used to work with PHP/mysql.. But since a few weeks we have an oracle
server :-)

1 problem occured with the migration...

If some text is passed through a html-form all the qoutes have a slash in
fromt of them... This is not a problem with mysql, since mysql uses that
slash for inserting a qoute in the table. But in oracle this is not a slash,
but a qoute...

For example:

I¹ts a test php:I\¹ts a test

But oracle wants:   I¹¹ts a test

Is there a easy way for converting this. Otherwise I have to write a
function that filters them out :-(


Christoph Kempen

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RE: [PHP] Microsoft's new naming convention...

2001-02-03 Thread Navid Yar

LOL, I should have caught that. Check this article out...

60 13/16
-1 9/16

by Matthew Rothenberg, ZDNet News
Is Microsoft's "XP" designation a castle made of sand?
Will X mark the spot in this year's platform wars? According to my colleague
Mary Jo Foley, Linux and Apple Computer Inc.'s Mac OS X may soon have some
X-rated company, thanks to Microsoft Corp.'s assimilationist marketing
Microsoft may not be ready to get jiggy with open-source programming or
other excesses of its smaller OS competitors, but the company is apparently
prepared to embrace the platform minorities' fondness for the least-used
consonant in the alphabet: According to Foley, the next version of Microsoft
Office for Windows will bear the moniker "Office XP" instead of "Office 10,"
and the Whistler Windows 2000 successor will be dubbed "Windows XP."
Is the switch from 10 to X the result of residual DNA from Microsoft
co-founder Paul Allen, whose worship of "Are You Experienced?" author Jimi
Hendrix is as legendary as his fecklessness as a venture capitalist? Does it
reflect Microsoft's own aspirations to rival the Roman Empire in its scope
of influence? Is it a tacit acknowledgement that, whatever its triumphs,
Windows will always be "Brand X" to a significant segment of the PC-wielding
world? ZDNet News' TalkBack correspondents were quick to pipe up with their
own (X) ratings of Redmond's move.
Businessmen, they drink my wine Mac partisans were quick to note the
coincidence of Microsoft's change of iconography and the arrival of Mac OS
X, the next-generation Apple successor to Mac OS 9 that many of us have
wilfully mispronounced for more than two years now. "Another Mac OS X
rip-off by Microsoft," complained engineer "R.M."
Not only is Microsoft trying to rip off the look of Aqua [Mac OS X's GUI]
for Whistler; now they are going to start using the Roman numeral X for 10
in product names just like Apple. Wow! How original. Doesn't anybody at MS
have a single idea of their own?"
"It's pathetic how MS jumps on any bandwagon it can," agreed Robert Downs.
"This X-naming thing takes the cake. What's next, iWindowsXP?"
Hendrix aficionados were equally piqued by Microsoft's apparent effort to
evoke the fallen guitar god. "'Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful,' "
quoted Andy Citron, a Raleigh, N.C., computer programmer. "That's a line
from the 'Are You Experienced' song. I can see folks having a field day with
"May I suggest the Hendrix song 'Manic Depression' instead of 'Are You
Experienced' for the next Windows launch?" added Glenn Parizot, an engineer
who said he hails from the "third stone from the sun."
Other readers--uninfluenced by the cultural legacy of Cupertino or
Seattle--struck out in new directions when offering bon mots about
Microsoft's plan. "Citrix is already using 'XP' as its moniker for its
upcoming product formerly known as Metaframe 2.0," Denver systems engineer
Armando Skeen pointed out. "Talk about confusion! I can see the questions
now: 'Is Office XP specifically designed for Metaframe XP?' "
Meanwhile, Randy Pugh, a Houston graphic designer, got down to brass tacks.
"I'm confused," he confessed. "Maybe they should just name it Windows WTF or
Office WTF."
Got some naming suggestions of your own for Microsoft? Add them to
TalkBack's cross-town traffic below!

-Original Message-
From: David VanHorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Microsoft's new naming convention...

At 10:54 AM 2/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
Wow, i just read the news that they were planning on XP versions. Maybe
that's just for the Desktop/NT Windows, rather than all 3 as Cement. I
we'll find out next week. Thanks for the update... :)

It's a joke... CEMENT?  Dumb as a brick..?

Where's dave? http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?kc6ete-9

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[PHP] apache/SUexec/PHP

2001-02-03 Thread Larry Rosenman

I noticed today that PHP apps run as the WWW user, not the User/Group
specified in httpd.conf for virtualhosts. 

(Module version of PHP running in Apache 1.3.17). 

Is there any way to get the PHP module to assume the identity 
similar to the SUexec module will do for CGI? 


Larry Rosenman http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 972-414-9812 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
US Mail: 1905 Steamboat Springs Drive, Garland, TX 75044-6749

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Re: [PHP] Form's and oracle

2001-02-03 Thread Christoph Kempen

Hi again,

Thanx, there is an option magic_quotes_sybase in the php.ini...

Sybase uses the same escape as oracle.

If you set this to On the qoutes are handled correctly...



 I think it's one of the "magic_quotes" features that does this. One
 possibility would be to turn it off, and be sure to escape your quotes by
 transforming them into double-quotes before sending them to Oracle.
 "Christoph Kempen" [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit dans le message news:
 I used to work with PHP/mysql.. But since a few weeks we have an oracle
 server :-)
 1 problem occured with the migration...
 If some text is passed through a html-form all the qoutes have a slash in
 fromt of them... This is not a problem with mysql, since mysql uses that
 slash for inserting a qoute in the table. But in oracle this is not a slash,
 but a qoute...
 For example:
   Its a test php:I\ts a test
 But oracle wants:   Its a test
 Is there a easy way for converting this. Otherwise I have to write a
 function that filters them out :-(
 Christoph Kempen

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[PHP] upgrade installation

2001-02-03 Thread Vinicius Garcia

Hi everyone..

When i installed php 4.0.4pl1 i install it with --with-mysql --with-apxs
arguments. Now... i wanna put --with-db2...

It goes alright.. all... configure, make and make instal..
but.. it doesn't upgrade php.. in phpinfo() it have only --with-mysql
--with-apxs arguments. What i need to do to upgrade it... I even try to
purge config.cache but doesn't change nothing

ANyone can help me?

Sorry for the english - From brazil

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Re: [PHP] Querying MySQL using 'AND' / 'OR'

2001-02-03 Thread Christian Reiniger

On Saturday 03 February 2001 15:02, James, Yz wrote:

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM table
 WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password' AND
 site = 'theirsite' OR site = 'all'";

 So, without writing some if statements, is there any way of rewriting
 that $sql check so that it checks whether the user is an admin of
 either the individual subdirectory, or all of the sites?  Like

 username: foo  password: bar site: all


 username: foo  password: bar site: subdirectory

Simply use brackets to specify the evaluation order:

 WHERE (username = '$username' AND password = '$password') AND
 (site = 'theirsite' OR site = 'all')

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
change the world...
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

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RE: [PHP] select prob.

2001-02-03 Thread Netbrain di M.L.


On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, PHPBeginner.com wrote:

 then, why don't you instead have it NULL, like:
 input type=text name=form[name] ..
 input type=text name=form[email] ..
 select name=form[country]
 optionSelect your country
 option value=USUnited State
 option value=UKUnited Kingdom
 then if it's empty it will be skipped ... I think ... I've never done so ...
  Ciao allo zio e la lista italiana,
  Maxim Maletsky

Hmmm, I'm not sure but if not value is set in a select field, the title is
passed .. I mean:

optionMy Label

on the submit action, the val My Label is send to the script ...


ps. ciao anche a te :)

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RE: [PHP] select prob.

2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

So, where the logic brings us at this point?

input type=text name=form[name] ..
input type=text name=form[email] ..
select name=form[country]
option value=0Select your country
option value=0---
option value=USUnited State
option value=UKUnited Kingdom

in your loop then a "0" won't result as a set array ...  try it with if($var
or isset($var))


 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer

 PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

-Original Message-
From: Netbrain di M.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 3:34 AM
To: PHPBeginner.com
Subject: RE: [PHP] select prob.


On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, PHPBeginner.com wrote:

 then, why don't you instead have it NULL, like:

 input type=text name=form[name] ..
 input type=text name=form[email] ..
 select name=form[country]
 optionSelect your country
 option value=USUnited State
 option value=UKUnited Kingdom

 then if it's empty it will be skipped ... I think ... I've never done so

  Ciao allo zio e la lista italiana,

  Maxim Maletsky

Hmmm, I'm not sure but if not value is set in a select field, the title is
passed .. I mean:

optionMy Label

on the submit action, the val My Label is send to the script ...


ps. ciao anche a te :)

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[PHP] Including Virtual Paths

2001-02-03 Thread James Crowley

When using ASP, I frequently reference virtual path such as
!--#include virtual="/bin/header.asp"--
However, the PHP include() function doesn't seem to support this... What
can I do? I don't want to have to change the reference to reflect its
position in the site by adding ../ for every script.


- James

Editor, VB Web
Web   - http://www.vbweb.co.uk
ICQ#  - 60612011

-Original Message-
Sent: 02 February 2001 13:02
Subject: php-general Digest 2 Feb 2001 13:01:55 - Issue 488

php-general Digest 2 Feb 2001 13:01:55 - Issue 488

Topics (messages 37764 through 37827):

Re: What version of Linux?
37764 by: Michael Hall

Re: encode string with spaces
37765 by: David Robley
37768 by: David Robley

Win2000 TCP/IP failure
37766 by: Toby Butzon
37827 by: Alain Fontaine

Re: C++ integration with PHP
37767 by: Toby Butzon

Re: contracting  consulting (was "[PHP] Pricing for PHP pr ogramming???")
37769 by: Dave VanAuken
37770 by: Ben Peter
37771 by: Maxim Maletsky
37775 by: Steve Werby
37826 by: Robin Vickery

Re: Java variables - PHP varialbles
37772 by: Nold, Mark

Php Database
37773 by: Vinicius Garcia Mommensohn

Re: Why?? SPRINTF("SELECT sequence,prodnum,childdesc);
37774 by: Steve Werby

Re: PHP a lightweight language?
37776 by: Nold, Mark
37783 by: John Hinsley
37784 by: Josh G

How do I get last inserted ID?
3 by: Sandeep Hundal
37778 by: Maxim Maletsky
37779 by: David Robley
37821 by: Andrew Golovin

Re: Pricing for PHP programming???
37780 by: Steve Werby
37781 by: Josh G
37786 by: Josh G
37797 by: Angus Mann

Re:What version of Linux?
37782 by: John Hinsley

Re: Message status - undeliverable
37785 by: Josh G

OT mod_rewrite says goodbye to POST vars (but interesting)
37787 by: Matt Friedman

Re: 404 error checker
37788 by: Louis LeBlanc

Automatic incoming mail notification
37789 by: Ankur Verma
37790 by: Josh G
37791 by: David Robley
37792 by: Ankur Verma
37793 by: Steve Werby
37802 by: Nicolas Windpassinger - Sun

how do I subscribe?
37794 by: David VanHorn
37795 by: Maxim Maletsky

Re: Variables within functions, out?
37796 by: Steve Werby

configuring headers in mail() ...
37798 by: Maxim Maletsky

37799 by: Martin Thoma
37801 by: Adrian Teasdale

Mysql Question
37800 by: Giancarlo

Re: Recommended Job Posting sites? Need to hire someone w/ PHP exp.
37803 by: Boaz Yahav

Apache won't start after installing php4
37804 by: Frank Passek

Zend IDE
37805 by: Alain Fontaine
37811 by: Andi Gutmans
37813 by: Alain Fontaine
37816 by: Zeev Suraski
37817 by: Alain Fontaine

Re: reload help!!!
37806 by: Wen Ni Leong

passing parameters
37807 by: Stinie Steinbach
37808 by: Alain Fontaine

Could PHP connect to Perl Program
37809 by: kn4279

Re: [Q] Domxml: unlink() method?
37810 by: Peter Sabaini

JavaScript, PHP and HTML
37812 by: Augusto Cesar Castoldi
37815 by: Juan
37819 by: kaab kaoutar

Re: Tab character
37814 by: Martin A. Marques

Re: Include " quotes inside textbox
37818 by: Christian Reiniger

PHP configure commandline
37820 by: indrek siitan

For My Information
37822 by: Dan Malcolm
37823 by: Jon Haworth

Re: [PHP-WIN] For My Information
37824 by: Tom Mathews
37825 by: Dan Malcolm


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RE: [PHP] select prob.

2001-02-03 Thread Netbrain di M.L.

Yes, it seems a good solution  :)

thanks again

Please Help Puppies

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, PHPBeginner.com wrote:

 So, where the logic brings us at this point?
 input type=text name=form[name] ..
 input type=text name=form[email] ..
 select name=form[country]
 option value=0Select your country
 option value=0---
 option value=USUnited State
 option value=UKUnited Kingdom
 in your loop then a "0" won't result as a set array ...  try it with if($var
 or isset($var))
  Maxim Maletsky
  Founder, Chief Developer
  PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)
 -Original Message-
 From: Netbrain di M.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 3:34 AM
 To: PHPBeginner.com
 Subject: RE: [PHP] select prob.
 On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, PHPBeginner.com wrote:
  then, why don't you instead have it NULL, like:
  input type=text name=form[name] ..
  input type=text name=form[email] ..
  select name=form[country]
  optionSelect your country
  option value=USUnited State
  option value=UKUnited Kingdom
  then if it's empty it will be skipped ... I think ... I've never done so
   Ciao allo zio e la lista italiana,
   Maxim Maletsky
 Hmmm, I'm not sure but if not value is set in a select field, the title is
 passed .. I mean:
 optionMy Label
 on the submit action, the val My Label is send to the script ...
 ps. ciao anche a te :)
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RE: [PHP] select prob.

2001-02-03 Thread PHPBeginner.com

no prob,


-Original Message-
From: Netbrain di M.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 3:44 AM
To: PHPBeginner.com
Subject: RE: [PHP] select prob.

Yes, it seems a good solution  :)

thanks again

Please Help Puppies

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, PHPBeginner.com wrote:

 So, where the logic brings us at this point?

 input type=text name=form[name] ..
 input type=text name=form[email] ..
 select name=form[country]
 option value=0Select your country
 option value=0---
 option value=USUnited State
 option value=UKUnited Kingdom

 in your loop then a "0" won't result as a set array ...  try it with
 or isset($var))


  Maxim Maletsky
  Founder, Chief Developer

  PHPBeginner.com (Where PHP Begins)

 -Original Message-
 From: Netbrain di M.L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 3:34 AM
 To: PHPBeginner.com
 Subject: RE: [PHP] select prob.


 On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, PHPBeginner.com wrote:

  then, why don't you instead have it NULL, like:
  input type=text name=form[name] ..
  input type=text name=form[email] ..
  select name=form[country]
  optionSelect your country
  option value=USUnited State
  option value=UKUnited Kingdom
  then if it's empty it will be skipped ... I think ... I've never done so
   Ciao allo zio e la lista italiana,
   Maxim Maletsky

 Hmmm, I'm not sure but if not value is set in a select field, the title is
 passed .. I mean:

 optionMy Label

 on the submit action, the val My Label is send to the script ...


 ps. ciao anche a te :)

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 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PHP] Problem compilieng PHP4

2001-02-03 Thread Thomas Weber


i tried to compile PHP4.0.4pl1 on my fresh installed SuSE 7.0 Linux box. But everytime 
i call make i get errors like:

linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
linux/errno.h: No such file or directory

Both these files are in /usr/inclue/. Why does the make not find these files?


Thomas Weber
Homepage: http://www.youngarts.org / http://www.visions-of-future.de

Re: [PHP] Problem compilieng PHP4

2001-02-03 Thread Christian Reiniger

On Saturday 03 February 2001 19:45, Thomas Weber wrote:

 linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
 linux/errno.h: No such file or directory

 Both these files are in /usr/inclue/. Why does the make not find these

You mean there are both

If not, install the kernel-headers or kernel-source package

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
change the world...
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

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Re: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Ben Peter


This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be
granted connect privileges to the mysql database - no offense meant! I
think it's just too much for one man, you cannot be available 24/7, and
you will want holidays.

Still, a PHP-specialized hosting environment would be worth much. 


Chris Mason wrote:
 I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
 the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
 often insufficient for PHP developers.
 With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP
 The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
 latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP, and
 will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a low
 user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow. The
 machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large internet
 feeds, and all the other essential requirements.
 I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and will
 stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and
 I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
 configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting company
 but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.
 Let me know what you think, guys.
 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island
 http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
 Find out more about NetConcepts
 Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-02-03 Thread phpLover

Can anyone tell how good is PHP when compared to CGI in handling flat file
database. Can we handle flat files on PHP?


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[PHP] Select list with PHP

2001-02-03 Thread Gerry


I'm trying to create dinamic color SELECT lists with php. I have my
database set up as follows:

Paint = good
bucket = good
weight = 100kg
Colors = green, blue, red

and here is my php:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
echo $row["paint"];
echo $row["bucket"];
echo"form action=\"http://www.\" method=\"POST\"";
$Color  = $row["Color"];
if ($Color == $Color) {
$option .= "OPTION value=\"$Color\" selected$Color/OPTION";
} else {
$option .= "OPTION value=\"$Color\"$Color/OPTION";
echo"select name=\"Colors\"";
echo "$option";

as you can see I end up with a select menu with this "green, blue, red"
as the only option.

is there a way I can tell php3 to break it down at "," so I can actually
have a drop down menu 

Thanks ahead:
Gerry Figueroa
Modern Confucius:
Man who run in front of car get tired.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Chris Mason

Yes, I'm very aware of this, but I'm not the only one here, there are three of

Ben Peter wrote:


 This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
 with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
 hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
 couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be
 granted connect privileges to the mysql database - no offense meant! I
 think it's just too much for one man, you cannot be available 24/7, and
 you will want holidays.

 Still, a PHP-specialized hosting environment would be worth much.


 Chris Mason wrote:
  I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
  the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
  often insufficient for PHP developers.
  With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP
  The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
  latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP, and
  will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a low
  user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow. The
  machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large internet
  feeds, and all the other essential requirements.
  I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and will
  stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and
  I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
  configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting company
  but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.
  Let me know what you think, guys.
  Chris Mason
  Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
  Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
  USA Fax (561) 382-7771
  Take a virtual tour of the island
  http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
  Find out more about NetConcepts
  Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Robert Covell

I am going to have to disagree on this one.

I run a successful (and profitable) hosting company(http://www.rolet.com).
My employees total 1 (me, myself and I).  The number of clients hosted is
roughly 120.  I provide a wide variety of services on Linux, FreeBSD, NT,
and W2K.  Yes it is hard to believe that 1 person can be available 24x7, or
not take vacations, but this is what I do and LOVE every second of it.  I
value customer satisfaction and strive to provide that best Internet
services possible.  For me this is a career for life, not just a job.  So I
do believe that 1 person can be available 24x7 and not take vacations.
Don't get me wrong, some days it is tough.  I would like to have other
employees in the future, but don't mind the sacrifices taken to get there.


Robert T. Covell
President / Owner
Rolet Internet Services, LLC
Web: www.rolet.com
Phone: 816.210.7145
Fax: 816.753.1952

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ben Peter
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:59 AM
To: Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.


This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be
granted connect privileges to the mysql database - no offense meant! I
think it's just too much for one man, you cannot be available 24/7, and
you will want holidays.

Still, a PHP-specialized hosting environment would be worth much.


Chris Mason wrote:

 I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
 the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
 often insufficient for PHP developers.
 With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP

 The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
 latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP,
 will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a
 user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow.
 machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large
 feeds, and all the other essential requirements.

 I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and
 stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and

 I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
 configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting
 but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.

 Let me know what you think, guys.

 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island
 http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
 Find out more about NetConcepts
 Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP] try - catch ?

2001-02-03 Thread Alain Fontaine


Are there any plans on implementing something like Exception handling into
future versions of PHP? That would be great.

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Re: [PHP] CGI vs PHP

2001-02-03 Thread Alain Fontaine

Do you know what PHP is? Your question sounds like "How does MS SQL Server
compare to a relational database".

Anyway, you can do almost everything with PHP, and that includes handling
flat files. No problem.

""phpLover"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
95hl5r$1su$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Can anyone tell how good is PHP when compared to CGI in handling flat file
 database. Can we handle flat files on PHP?


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[PHP] Question about flock() on Linux

2001-02-03 Thread Andrew Sitnikov

Hello php-general,

Script flock.php:
 $file_name = 'flock.txt';

   if ($fd = fopen($file_name,'a+')){
 if (flock($fd,LOCK_EX)){
fwrite($fd,$i.' : '.$i."\n");
   die('Can not lock file');
 echo 'Can not open file';

Run it: ab -n 10 -c 10 http://host/flock.php

Why file have similar lines ?

432 : 431 : 431
433 : 433
84841 : 841
2 : 842

May be flock not working or I do not understand, how it should work ?
How correctly to write in a file from different threads?

P.S I use Linux-2.2.17+PHP4.0.4pl1

Best regards,
 Andrew Sitnikov 
 GSM: (+372) 56491109

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Boaz Yahav

And if, God forbid, something was to happen to you...
120 People / Companies would be left with a server
that no one knows the root password too?

With all due respect, how can someone in his
right mind host with a one man gang company?

For all I know you can be a hosting genius and
give the best service around  but you are still one

Would you host with you ? :)



Visit http://www.weberdev.com Today!!! 
To see where PHP might take you tomorrow.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Covell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 9:16 PM
To: Ben Peter; Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

I am going to have to disagree on this one.

I run a successful (and profitable) hosting company(http://www.rolet.com).
My employees total 1 (me, myself and I).  The number of clients hosted is
roughly 120.  I provide a wide variety of services on Linux, FreeBSD, NT,
and W2K.  Yes it is hard to believe that 1 person can be available 24x7, or
not take vacations, but this is what I do and LOVE every second of it.  I
value customer satisfaction and strive to provide that best Internet
services possible.  For me this is a career for life, not just a job.  So I
do believe that 1 person can be available 24x7 and not take vacations.
Don't get me wrong, some days it is tough.  I would like to have other
employees in the future, but don't mind the sacrifices taken to get there.


Robert T. Covell
President / Owner
Rolet Internet Services, LLC
Web: www.rolet.com
Phone: 816.210.7145
Fax: 816.753.1952

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ben Peter
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:59 AM
To: Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.


This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be
granted connect privileges to the mysql database - no offense meant! I
think it's just too much for one man, you cannot be available 24/7, and
you will want holidays.

Still, a PHP-specialized hosting environment would be worth much.


Chris Mason wrote:

 I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
 the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
 often insufficient for PHP developers.
 With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP

 The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
 latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP,
 will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a
 user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow.
 machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large
 feeds, and all the other essential requirements.

 I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and
 stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and

 I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
 configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting
 but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.

 Let me know what you think, guys.

 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island
 http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
 Find out more about NetConcepts
 Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PHP] try - catch ?

2001-02-03 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

Alain Fontaine wrote:
 Are there any plans on implementing something like Exception handling into
 future versions of PHP? That would be great.
I do remember Zeev saying it is considered for future implementation. I
remember if it was on this list or php-dev one, though.

-- teodor

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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP] Question about flock() on Linux. Part 2

2001-02-03 Thread Andrew Sitnikov

Hello php-general,

 This also does not work:
 $file_name = '/home/sitnikov/tmp/flock.txt';
 if ($fd = fopen($file_name,'a+')){
 if (flock($fd,LOCK_EX)){
fwrite($fd,$i.' : '.$i."\n");
   die('Can not lock file');
   echo 'Can not open file';

Best regards,
 Andrew Sitnikov 
 GSM: (+372) 56491109

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP] test - please disregard

2001-02-03 Thread Matthew Clark

Matthew Clark

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[PHP] sessions without cookies

2001-02-03 Thread Doug Kite

How can you get something like:

header ("Location: $PHP_SELF?");

to redirect with the sessid in the url? In my tests, it redirects, but
does not append the sessid.

I have compiled with --enable-trans-sid. Transparent sid is working, I
can use it on links like:

A HREF="?php echo "$PHP_SELF?"; ?"

and it works. I have put this on the links on my page, so that the
session will be kept even if the user has cookies disabled. But if the
user (who has cookies disabled) clicks on the browser back button, they
go back to the first page and start a new session.

Is there a way to redirect this first page back to itself quickly, with
the sessid in the url, so that even a user with cookies disabled will
not lose the session if they use the browser back or reload buttons?


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[PHP] getimagesize question

2001-02-03 Thread Website4S


I`m using the following to get the image size...

$size = getimagesize("$Frame");

My problem is $Frame can`t contain the full name of the image for various 
reasons, so what I need to do is somehow add the rest, something along the 
lines of this...

$size = getimagesize("$Frame'top.gif'");

If $Frame = Hello then the getimagesize would perform on Hellotop.gif but as 
yet it isn`t working anyone have a suggestion? I have tried a few variations 
such as

("$Frame" + "top.gif")


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[PHP] Undefined variable

2001-02-03 Thread Dundee \(Roland\)


When creating a page(php) on Win2000 I get alot of 'Undefined variable'
error messages, but there are no errors at all running the same page on a
apache server.

How come?

Thanks for some hints.


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Robert Covell

I shouldn't even reply to this...

Yes I would host with me.

Have you ever heard of a backup plan.  People that would step in if
something happens to me?  People that I trust to keep the company going if
it fails.

With all due respect, how do people host with a company that doesn't give a
rats ass about them or their business.  How many big companies redirect your
call, or brush you away when problems occur.  I been over backwards for my
clients.  Providing better service then many of the bigger companies out
there.  That is why people do and will continue to host with me.  Like I
said, I plan on hiring people in the near future.  Things take time to

I am not saying that my company is for everyone.  If you don't like a one
man shop then don't go there.  People have taken a chance with me and have
not been disappointed like so many times before.


Robert T. Covell
President / Owner
Rolet Internet Services, LLC
Web: www.rolet.com
Phone: 816.210.7145
Fax: 816.753.1952

-Original Message-
From: Boaz Yahav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 1:38 PM
To: 'Robert Covell'; Ben Peter; Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

And if, God forbid, something was to happen to you...
120 People / Companies would be left with a server
that no one knows the root password too?

With all due respect, how can someone in his
right mind host with a one man gang company?

For all I know you can be a hosting genius and
give the best service around  but you are still one

Would you host with you ? :)



Visit http://www.weberdev.com Today!!!
To see where PHP might take you tomorrow.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Covell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 9:16 PM
To: Ben Peter; Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

I am going to have to disagree on this one.

I run a successful (and profitable) hosting company(http://www.rolet.com).
My employees total 1 (me, myself and I).  The number of clients hosted is
roughly 120.  I provide a wide variety of services on Linux, FreeBSD, NT,
and W2K.  Yes it is hard to believe that 1 person can be available 24x7, or
not take vacations, but this is what I do and LOVE every second of it.  I
value customer satisfaction and strive to provide that best Internet
services possible.  For me this is a career for life, not just a job.  So I
do believe that 1 person can be available 24x7 and not take vacations.
Don't get me wrong, some days it is tough.  I would like to have other
employees in the future, but don't mind the sacrifices taken to get there.


Robert T. Covell
President / Owner
Rolet Internet Services, LLC
Web: www.rolet.com
Phone: 816.210.7145
Fax: 816.753.1952

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ben Peter
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:59 AM
To: Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.


This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be
granted connect privileges to the mysql database - no offense meant! I
think it's just too much for one man, you cannot be available 24/7, and
you will want holidays.

Still, a PHP-specialized hosting environment would be worth much.


Chris Mason wrote:

 I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
 the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
 often insufficient for PHP developers.
 With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP

 The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
 latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP,
 will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a
 user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow.
 machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large
 feeds, and all the other essential requirements.

 I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and
 stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and

 I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
 configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting
 but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.

 Let me know what you think, guys.

 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island
 http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide

RE: [PHP] getimagesize question

2001-02-03 Thread Dundee \(Roland\)

To get the imagesize

$PictSize = GetImageSize ($file_image_path . $PictName);
$pictW = $PictSize[0];
$pictH = $PictSize[1];

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, 3 February 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: [PHP] getimagesize question


I`m using the following to get the image size...

$size = getimagesize("$Frame");

My problem is $Frame can`t contain the full name of the image for various
reasons, so what I need to do is somehow add the rest, something along the
lines of this...

$size = getimagesize("$Frame'top.gif'");

If $Frame = Hello then the getimagesize would perform on Hellotop.gif but as
yet it isn`t working anyone have a suggestion? I have tried a few variations
such as

("$Frame" + "top.gif")


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Re: [PHP] Undefined variable

2001-02-03 Thread Steve Werby

"Dundee (Roland)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When creating a page(php) on Win2000 I get alot of 'Undefined variable'
 error messages, but there are no errors at all running the same page on a
 apache server.

Is the variable a user defined variable?  If so, my guess is the error
reporting level for the two servers is different.  See the error handling
section of php.ini and see if the default settings differ b/w the two
servers.  Also see error_reporting() if you're explicitly using that
function.  If the variable is a PHP or environment variable perhaps the
variable is available on Apache, but not on Win2k.  I have very little
experience with PHP on Windows so it could be something else, but that's
where I'd start.

Steve Werby
24-7 Computer Services, LLC
Tel: 804.817.2470

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Fw: [PHP] Problem compiling PHP4 Nr. 2

2001-02-03 Thread Thomas Weber

I have solved the problem. But now i have another problem:

Look at this screenshot: http://electic.hn.org/tunix.gif

Thomas Weber
Homepage: http://www.youngarts.org / http://www.visions-of-future.de
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Weber" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 7:45 PM
Subject: [PHP] Problem compilieng PHP4


i tried to compile PHP4.0.4pl1 on my fresh installed SuSE 7.0 Linux box. But
everytime i call make i get errors like:

linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
linux/errno.h: No such file or directory

Both these files are in /usr/inclue/. Why does the make not find these


Thomas Weber
Homepage: http://www.youngarts.org / http://www.visions-of-future.de

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Re: [PHP] CGI vs PHP

2001-02-03 Thread phpLover

I am sorry if my question is confusing. What I mean is that CGI is excellent
in handling flat file data base, reading and writing files line by line,
word by wor. So is PHP equally strong?

- Original Message -
From: "Alain Fontaine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] CGI vs PHP

 Do you know what PHP is? Your question sounds like "How does MS SQL Server
 compare to a relational database".

 Anyway, you can do almost everything with PHP, and that includes handling
 flat files. No problem.

 ""phpLover"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 95hl5r$1su$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Can anyone tell how good is PHP when compared to CGI in handling flat
  database. Can we handle flat files on PHP?
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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"Alain Fontaine" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
95hmg3$est$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:95hmg3$est$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Do you know what PHP is? Your question sounds like "How does MS SQL Server
 compare to a relational database".

 Anyway, you can do almost everything with PHP, and that includes handling
 flat files. No problem.

 ""phpLover"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 95hl5r$1su$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Can anyone tell how good is PHP when compared to CGI in handling flat
  database. Can we handle flat files on PHP?
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP] getimagesize question

2001-02-03 Thread Tom Meininger

Hi Ade,

To combine strings, you simply use a period.  For example:

$image = $frame . "top.gif";

If $frame is "hello", then $image will come out as "hellotop.gif".

Hope that helped...


Tomeeboy.com - Your place for the best stuff on the net!
Visit http://www.tomeeboy.com today!

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 3:27 PM
Subject: [PHP] getimagesize question


 I`m using the following to get the image size...

 $size = getimagesize("$Frame");

 My problem is $Frame can`t contain the full name of the image for various
 reasons, so what I need to do is somehow add the rest, something along the
 lines of this...

 $size = getimagesize("$Frame'top.gif'");

 If $Frame = Hello then the getimagesize would perform on Hellotop.gif but
 yet it isn`t working anyone have a suggestion? I have tried a few
 such as

 ("$Frame" + "top.gif")


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RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

2001-02-03 Thread Navid Yar

Actually, there is nothing wrong with a one-manned hosting service. I agree
with Robert in this, there are a lot of big hosting companies that don't
really have a personal hold of their business to really care about their
clients. To them everything is automated and all they do is hire customer
service people who are only taught to, well, "serve customers" with answers
to questions they don't know in the first place. They just read from the
script and have basic step-by-step trouble shooting instructions in front of
them to solve a client's problems/requests. If you need an updated software
package, like PHP4, froman old PHP3 engine, you'de have to beg for it and
you might have to go through several layers of support just for that request
to go through. Let me remind you that the software is free of charge. If the
request is accepted, then more power to you. If it's not then you'll have to
deal with it until you decide to find another host.

I have one question for you Robert. XML has been in the market for a long
time (since 1998), and the recommendations are now set to a true standard.
Why do most hosting services not have support for XML based languages yet?

Navid Yar

-Original Message-
From: Robert Covell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 2:40 PM
To: Boaz Yahav; Ben Peter; Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

I shouldn't even reply to this...

Yes I would host with me.

Have you ever heard of a backup plan.  People that would step in if
something happens to me?  People that I trust to keep the company going if
it fails.

With all due respect, how do people host with a company that doesn't give a
rats ass about them or their business.  How many big companies redirect your
call, or brush you away when problems occur.  I been over backwards for my
clients.  Providing better service then many of the bigger companies out
there.  That is why people do and will continue to host with me.  Like I
said, I plan on hiring people in the near future.  Things take time to

I am not saying that my company is for everyone.  If you don't like a one
man shop then don't go there.  People have taken a chance with me and have
not been disappointed like so many times before.


Robert T. Covell
President / Owner
Rolet Internet Services, LLC
Web: www.rolet.com
Phone: 816.210.7145
Fax: 816.753.1952

-Original Message-
From: Boaz Yahav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 1:38 PM
To: 'Robert Covell'; Ben Peter; Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

And if, God forbid, something was to happen to you...
120 People / Companies would be left with a server
that no one knows the root password too?

With all due respect, how can someone in his
right mind host with a one man gang company?

For all I know you can be a hosting genius and
give the best service around  but you are still one

Would you host with you ? :)



Visit http://www.weberdev.com Today!!!
To see where PHP might take you tomorrow.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Covell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 9:16 PM
To: Ben Peter; Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.

I am going to have to disagree on this one.

I run a successful (and profitable) hosting company(http://www.rolet.com).
My employees total 1 (me, myself and I).  The number of clients hosted is
roughly 120.  I provide a wide variety of services on Linux, FreeBSD, NT,
and W2K.  Yes it is hard to believe that 1 person can be available 24x7, or
not take vacations, but this is what I do and LOVE every second of it.  I
value customer satisfaction and strive to provide that best Internet
services possible.  For me this is a career for life, not just a job.  So I
do believe that 1 person can be available 24x7 and not take vacations.
Don't get me wrong, some days it is tough.  I would like to have other
employees in the future, but don't mind the sacrifices taken to get there.


Robert T. Covell
President / Owner
Rolet Internet Services, LLC
Web: www.rolet.com
Phone: 816.210.7145
Fax: 816.753.1952

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ben Peter
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:59 AM
To: Chris Mason
Cc: Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP hosting - the final frontier.


This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be
granted connect privileges to the mysql database - no offense meant! I
think it's just too much for one man, you cannot be available 24/7, and

Re: [PHP] CGI vs PHP

2001-02-03 Thread Steve Werby

"phpLover" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am sorry if my question is confusing. What I mean is that CGI is
 in handling flat file data base, reading and writing files line by line,
 word by wor. So is PHP equally strong?

I assume you mean Perl CGI - there are many programming languages that can
run as a CGI.  PHP installed as an Apache module will in general run scripts
faster than a Perl CGI or PHP CGI.  PHP works great for file handling
scripts, though as your files grow you'll probably want to consider using
databases instead of flat files.

Steve Werby
24-7 Computer Services, LLC
Tel: 804.817.2470

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Re: [PHP] getimagesize question

2001-02-03 Thread Website4S


Thanks for that, worked a treat.


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[PHP] Invitation to a new Web site on politics and culture

2001-02-03 Thread editor

This is an invitation to you to visit a new Web site, THE SCHENK
REPORT (http://www.SchenkReport.com), where the subjects are politics
and culture from a generally liberal point of view.


**Insightful commentary, generally from the left but sometimes veering
off in other directions. Regular contributors include: 

Walt Brasch, an award-winning reporter and editor who is now a
professor of journalism in Pennsylvania. Among his virtues is that his
writing is often very funny.
Arthur Joel Katz, a retired TV and film executive whose favorite
causes include defending the First Amendment and pointing out the
insanity of the War on Drugs. 

Charles Schenk, editor and founder of THE SCHENK REPORT. I have 25
years experience in journalism. My special interests include the
Balkans, where I lived and taught English for two years. I reported
from the Balkans during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. (My
"Macedonian Diary" pieces are available at THE SCHENK REPORT. From the
Front Page, click on The Columnists, then look for "Macedonian

**There's a big page of Bushisms and a free Bushisms screensaver
guaranteed to irk the Republican in the next cubicle. 

**Another feature is Abortion Watch, a running chronology of the Bush
II administration's assault on a woman's right to choose. 

**THE SCHENK REPORT has lots of links to other writers, most of them
on the left, and to dozens of organizations that help to mobilize and
inform liberals.

**There's a column for letters to the editor, so readers can talk back
to us. 

In other words, if you're not really busy right now, it's worth a
click. The address is http://www.SchenkReport.com. 


Sincerely, Charles Schenk

P.S. While you're there, sign up for the free newsletter by email. If
you don't have time to visit right now, but want to know about new
features as they're added, click on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(You can end your subscription at any time with this email address:

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-I18N] Invitation to a new Web site on politics and culture

2001-02-03 Thread editor

This is an invitation to you to visit a new Web site, THE SCHENK
REPORT (http://www.SchenkReport.com), where the subjects are politics
and culture from a generally liberal point of view.


**Insightful commentary, generally from the left but sometimes veering
off in other directions. Regular contributors include: 

Walt Brasch, an award-winning reporter and editor who is now a
professor of journalism in Pennsylvania. Among his virtues is that his
writing is often very funny.
Arthur Joel Katz, a retired TV and film executive whose favorite
causes include defending the First Amendment and pointing out the
insanity of the War on Drugs. 

Charles Schenk, editor and founder of THE SCHENK REPORT. I have 25
years experience in journalism. My special interests include the
Balkans, where I lived and taught English for two years. I reported
from the Balkans during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. (My
"Macedonian Diary" pieces are available at THE SCHENK REPORT. From the
Front Page, click on The Columnists, then look for "Macedonian

**There's a big page of Bushisms and a free Bushisms screensaver
guaranteed to irk the Republican in the next cubicle. 

**Another feature is Abortion Watch, a running chronology of the Bush
II administration's assault on a woman's right to choose. 

**THE SCHENK REPORT has lots of links to other writers, most of them
on the left, and to dozens of organizations that help to mobilize and
inform liberals.

**There's a column for letters to the editor, so readers can talk back
to us. 

In other words, if you're not really busy right now, it's worth a
click. The address is http://www.SchenkReport.com. 


Sincerely, Charles Schenk

P.S. While you're there, sign up for the free newsletter by email. If
you don't have time to visit right now, but want to know about new
features as they're added, click on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(You can end your subscription at any time with this email address:

PHP Internationalization Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] PHP news groups

2001-02-03 Thread McShen


I am just wondering if there are any PHP newsgroups like this one. I am
looking for PHP newgroups so that i can ask people questions.


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Re: [PHP] PHP news groups

2001-02-03 Thread Philip Olson

This mailing list is also :


Also, this newsgroup exists (seperate from list)



On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, McShen wrote:

 I am just wondering if there are any PHP newsgroups like this one. I am
 looking for PHP newgroups so that i can ask people questions.
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Re: [PHP] PHP news groups

2001-02-03 Thread CC Zona

In article 95i2ch$1u8$[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("McShen") wrote:

 I am just wondering if there are any PHP newsgroups like this one.

There are several newsgroups on PHP, but the only one I'd recommend is the 
most active of them, news:alt.php.  The others tend to have much less 
traffic, and almost all of that is stuff cross-posted or multi-posted to 
alt.php anyway.

 I am looking for PHP newgroups so that i can ask people questions.

Well, shrug  there's no reason why you can't go somewhere else if really 
want to.  Still...you do know that's what this list is for, right?


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Re: [PHP] upgrade installation

2001-02-03 Thread Michael Hall

Bom Dia Vinicius:

Try this: before you reinstall PHP, make sure you delete the old
config.cache file ... it is in the same directory where you do
config/make/install. Don't worry, deleting this file is OK.


On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, Vinicius Garcia wrote:

 Hi everyone..
 When i installed php 4.0.4pl1 i install it with --with-mysql --with-apxs
 arguments. Now... i wanna put --with-db2...
 It goes alright.. all... configure, make and make instal..
 but.. it doesn't upgrade php.. in phpinfo() it have only --with-mysql
 --with-apxs arguments. What i need to do to upgrade it... I even try to
 purge config.cache but doesn't change nothing
 ANyone can help me?
 Sorry for the english - From brazil
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[PHP] Bah, XML

2001-02-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why is this failing?
If I comment out the  xml_set_element_handler() call, it's okay...
If I comment out the xml_parse() call, it's okay...
If I leave both of them in...it core dumps.




  function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs)

  function endElement($parser, $name)

  $data = "?xml version=\"1.0\"?xml/xml";

  $xmlp = xml_parser_create();
  xml_set_element_handler($xmlp, "startElement", "endElement");

  if (!xml_parse($xmlp, $data, 1))
die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",

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[PHP] php-nuke?

2001-02-03 Thread FredrikAT

What is php-nuke?
How could I make a php-page execute something (itself?) without entering the
site... it starts evry hour?!

Fredrik A. Takle

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[PHP] Oracle sessions

2001-02-03 Thread Christoph Kempen


My oracle sessions are getting full all the time...

I use a OCILogoff at the end of my script...

What could be the problem. I dont use a persistent logon.



BTW Is there a fast way to release the not-used-sessions in oracle. I try to
kill them in svrmgrl, but they only get a pseudo tag...

[PHP] Stringing sql queries?

2001-02-03 Thread Sandeep Hundal

can I string 2 sql queries one after the other? 
like "select * from $table; select * from $table2;" ???

If I can, does that mean if I use mysql_fetch_array then it'll
convert results from both queries into variables?


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a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

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[PHP] my bugaboo.

2001-02-03 Thread Floyd Baker


I have a routine where we input text to fields. When there is an apostrophe it
handles it correctly.  When the form is brought back for editing, the field
values show up in the input fields, with all apostrophes intact, just as it
should be. 

When I upload this script to my isp, it doesn't work..  The apostrophes truncate
the rest of the text.   'Don't cry over spilled milk', in a field, turns into

I have php4 mod in my win32 devbox.  The isp is php3.  Is this the problem? 
What is the best way out of it please?

Thanks in advance.



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[PHP] need curl tutorial

2001-02-03 Thread webbie

Hi.  Can somebody point me in the direction of where I can see some good 
examples and tutorials (manuals) for using PHP curl functions?  The PHP-manual 
for curl functions is a bit inadequate for my experience level.

I am new to curl but have it compiled and functioning into PHP.  I would like 
to use it to access various sites - most of which are either https or which 
require the presense of a cookie containing encrypted username/password sets.

Any help would be appreciated.


Lee Howard

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Re: [PHP] Select list with PHP

2001-02-03 Thread Steve Edberg

At 3:24 PM -0700 2/3/01, Gerry wrote:

I'm trying to create dinamic color SELECT lists with php. I have my
database set up as follows:

Paint = good
bucket = good
weight = 100kg
Colors = green, blue, red

and here is my php:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
echo $row["paint"];
echo $row["bucket"];
echo"form action=\"http://www.\" method=\"POST\"";

Replace this line:

$Color  = $row["Color"];

with this:

$option = '';
$ColorArray = split(',' $row['Colors']);
while (list(, $Color) = each($ColorArray)) {
# yes, the comma in the list() should be there!

if ($Color == $Color) {
$option .= "OPTION value=\"$Color\" selected$Color/OPTION";
} else {
$option .= "OPTION value=\"$Color\"$Color/OPTION";

and add this here:


echo"select name=\"Colors\"";
echo "$option";

For more information, see


Oh - and just in case the 'Colors' column is empty, you might want to 
do the while statement like -

while (is_array($ColorArray)  (list(, $Color) = each($ColorArray))) {

- since split() won't return an array if there's nothing to split.

- steve

as you can see I end up with a select menu with this "green, blue, red"
as the only option.

is there a way I can tell php3 to break it down at "," so I can actually
have a drop down menu

Thanks ahead:
Gerry Figueroa
Modern Confucius:
Man who run in front of car get tired.

+--- "They've got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya" --+
| Steve Edberg   University of California, Davis |
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Re: [PHP] Stringing sql queries?

2001-02-03 Thread Thomas Weber

Yep, try this:

SELECT a.col1, a.col2, b.col3, c.col4 FROM table1 a, table2 b, table3 c

This should give you an array [col1,col2,col3,col4]

Thomas Weber
Homepage: http://www.youngarts.org / http://www.visions-of-future.de

- Original Message - 
From: "Sandeep Hundal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 1:44 AM
Subject: [PHP] Stringing sql queries?

 can I string 2 sql queries one after the other? 
 like "select * from $table; select * from $table2;" ???
 If I can, does that mean if I use mysql_fetch_array then it'll
 convert results from both queries into variables?
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Re: [PHP] upgrade installation

2001-02-03 Thread Michael Hall

Sorry for the redundant suggestion, I see you've already tried it. Dealing
with as much mail as there is on this list, you can see that I often cut

If --with-db2 is not working, perhaps it is because you need to install
the Berkeley database first.

You might have gdbm (Gnome dbm) already installed (my RedHat 6.1 does), or
maybe you can install it off a distribution CD. gdbm does much the same 
as the Berkeley database ... it is configured with:


Hope this helps


On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Michael Hall wrote:

 Bom Dia Vinicius:
 Try this: before you reinstall PHP, make sure you delete the old
 config.cache file ... it is in the same directory where you do
 config/make/install. Don't worry, deleting this file is OK.
 On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, Vinicius Garcia wrote:
  Hi everyone..
  When i installed php 4.0.4pl1 i install it with --with-mysql --with-apxs
  arguments. Now... i wanna put --with-db2...
  It goes alright.. all... configure, make and make instal..
  but.. it doesn't upgrade php.. in phpinfo() it have only --with-mysql
  --with-apxs arguments. What i need to do to upgrade it... I even try to
  purge config.cache but doesn't change nothing
  ANyone can help me?
  Sorry for the english - From brazil
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Re: [PHP] Syncronizing of mysql-db

2001-02-03 Thread Michael Dearman

Maybe mysqldump? Something like:

   mysqldump my_db | mysql -h the.other.org my_db

Of course you got to stick a username passwd in there somewhere.
In the open? Someone else will have to help if that's a concern,
which it should be, I guess.

And you might find some of the various options useful.

Mike D.

 does annybody know a tool or script which can help me to syncronize two
 mysql databases ?
 like at my isp is a database for the web, at home my local development
 changes i do at home or online should be "syncronized" by a php script every
 xx houres called by cron
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php-general Digest 4 Feb 2001 03:09:01 -0000 Issue 491

2001-02-03 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 4 Feb 2001 03:09:01 - Issue 491

Topics (messages 37956 through 38020):

PHP hosting - the final frontier.
37956 by: Chris Mason
37981 by: Ben Peter
37984 by: Chris Mason
37985 by: Robert Covell
37989 by: Boaz Yahav
37996 by: Robert Covell
38003 by: Navid Yar

Re: "Trim" an array?
37957 by: PHPBeginner.com

37958 by: PHPBeginner.com

Re: PHP Hosting
37959 by: PHPBeginner.com

Re: select prob.
37960 by: PHPBeginner.com
37971 by: Christian Reiniger
37973 by: Netbrain di M.L.
37974 by: PHPBeginner.com
37976 by: Netbrain di M.L.
37977 by: PHPBeginner.com

Re: Animated / Streaming GIF
37961 by: PHPBeginner.com

Re: Calendar help
37962 by: PHPBeginner.com

Form's and oracle
37963 by: Christoph Kempen
37966 by: Alain Fontaine
37969 by: Christoph Kempen
38001 by: Iván Sánchez Ortega \"MR\"

Re: Microsoft's new naming convention...
37964 by: David VanHorn
37965 by: Navid Yar
37967 by: Navid Yar

37968 by: Larry Rosenman

upgrade installation
37970 by: Vinicius Garcia
38010 by: Michael Hall
38019 by: Michael Hall

Re: Querying MySQL using 'AND' / 'OR'
37972 by: Christian Reiniger

Including Virtual Paths
37975 by: James Crowley
37979 by: PHPBeginner.com

Problem compilieng PHP4
37978 by: Thomas Weber
37980 by: Christian Reiniger

37982 by: phpLover
37987 by: Alain Fontaine
38000 by: phpLover
38004 by: Steve Werby

Select list with PHP
37983 by: Gerry
38017 by: Steve Edberg

try - catch ?
37986 by: Alain Fontaine
37990 by: Teodor Cimpoesu

Question about flock() on Linux
37988 by: Andrew Sitnikov

Question about flock() on Linux. Part 2
37991 by: Andrew Sitnikov

test - please disregard
37992 by: Matthew Clark

sessions without cookies
37993 by: Doug Kite

getimagesize question
37994 by: Website4S.aol.com
37997 by: Dundee \(Roland\)
38002 by: Tom Meininger
38005 by: Website4S.aol.com

Undefined variable
37995 by: Dundee \(Roland\)
37998 by: Steve Werby

Re: Problem compiling PHP4 Nr. 2
37999 by: Thomas Weber

Invitation to a new Web site on politics and culture
38006 by: editor.schenkreport.com

PHP news groups
38007 by: McShen
38008 by: Philip Olson
38009 by: CC Zona

Bah, XML
38011 by: szii.sziisoft.com

38012 by: FredrikAT

Oracle sessions
38013 by: Christoph Kempen

Stringing sql queries?
38014 by: Sandeep Hundal
38018 by: Thomas Weber

my bugaboo.
38015 by: Floyd Baker

need curl tutorial
38016 by: webbie.deanox.com

Re: Syncronizing of mysql-db
38020 by: Michael Dearman


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I see a lot of traffic regarding php hosting. From experience I know that
the general hosting companies provide a minimal PHP environment which is
often insufficient for PHP developers.
With this in mind, I'm considering offering specialized hosting for PHP

The server will be tuned to the needs of PHP projects, and will have the
latest PHP4 and mySQL versions, up to date XML libraries, IMAP and POP, and
will run php as a apache module for performance. The server will have a low
user count and I will offer migration alternatives as user's needs grow. The
machines will be hosted at a major data center with multiple large internet
feeds, and all the other essential requirements.

I plan to be available to users to assist in configuration problems and will
stay abreast of developments in PHP to make our projects run faster and

I'd like to hear from people interested in participating or with
configuration suggestions. I'm not looking to start a large hosting company
but to be a specialized service provider on a small scale.

Let me know what you think, guys.

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
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This all sounds good but for one thing: I firmly believe that one man
with a root password is not enogh to look after even one client. I have
hosted with 3 one-man-companies, and it always came to the point where I
couldn't reach someone for a week, or I waited for 3 months, only to be

Re: [PHP] Re:What version of Linux?

2001-02-03 Thread John Hinsley

Christian Reiniger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, my home server is a wimpy P90 with 48MB RAM. It serves as web 
 server (all my technical docs, php website testing, more), web cache 
 (WWWoffle), web filter (junkbuster), file server (nfs and samba), 
 masquerading internet gateway, firewall, mail server (also processing my 
 pretty big .procmailrc), print server and propably also something else :)
 Ah, yes. MySQL for my php stuff also runs on it.

That's pretty impressive!

 The only problem I have with its performance is that it's only connected 
 to my other machines via 10 MBit ethernet (well, and the ram is a bit on 
 the low side). The processor's limits aren't reached by a long shot.

It'd be interesting to do some benchmarking on it. My guess (nothing
more) is that the limitations are RAM, disk read/write speed and network
speed in that order.

  The 486 could be used as a Windows box connected to the server and/or
  as an X client (in which case 32Mb of RAM would be just fine).
 I'd say a combination of good text editor + browser requires more 
 resources than a apache+PHP+mysql in such a scenario. And don't forget 
 that you have to sit in front of the development (client) box all day and 
 getting a decent graphics card for a 486 is *hard*

Yes, I must admit that while I find an VGA display on Windows just about
acceptable, it's not something I would like to live with permanently.
But I think that Win 98 + 32Mb + Xclient (maybe with the Windows version
of Gvim as editor) should be workable.

Of course, the reason that 486s are being abandoned (apart from hype)
are mainly down to the lack of decent video cards and the
price/compatability issues surrounding memory. (Which gives Penguin
heads the chance to snap them up for next to nothing and turn them into
print servers, firewalls, and routers!)

Marx: "Why do Anarchists only drink herbal tea?"
Proudhon: "Because all proper tea is theft."

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[PHP] Compile error w/ libextra.a (ranlib)

2001-02-03 Thread Doug Taylor


I am attempting to take over development and maintenance of a very neglected
website (and with your donation of only 50 per day...).  The site contained
code which was originally thought to be some proprietary, modified version
of PHP (which really pissed me off!)... but eventually it was discovered
that this was merely the somewhat out of date and rarely seen _PHP2_ (phew,
I guess...).

So I need to get hosting support for this site up ASAP. I will need support
for both PHP2 and PHP4 (which I will be converting the code to) and both
msql and mysql (again, converting from the former to the latter).  Seeing as
how there are several hundred pages on the site, in various states of decay
and coded by various individuals, batch replacements and regular expressions
will not readily handle the conversion, thus necessitating the PHP2 and
msql.  I have one and only one server available for this site (including for
my conversion development), thus necessitating the PHP4 and mysql.

So I'm trying to compile apache w/ the following command (oh, did I mention
I'm adding SSL too?):

[root@machine apache_1.3.14]# SSL_BASE=../openssl-0.9.6
RSA_BASE=/rsaref-2.0/local ./configure --enable-module=ssl
--activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a --enable-module=php4
--activate-module=src/modules/extra/libphp.a --enable-module=php
--prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-shared=ssl

configuration output... blah blah blah

[root@machine apache_1.3.14]# make

it goes through several directories compiling successfully, including
/modules/php4 and modules/extra (which is where PHP2 is).

Then I get the following error:

gcc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_SSL=207101
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1 -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/main
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/main -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/Zend
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/Zend -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/TSRM
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/TSRM -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1
-DEAPI -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite `./apaci` buildmark.c
gcc  -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_SSL=207101 -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/main -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/main
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/Zend -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/Zend
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/TSRM -I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1/TSRM
-I/usr/local/source/php-4.0.3pl1 -DEAPI -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite
`./apaci`   -rdynamic \
 -o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/standard/libstandard.a
modules/php4/libphp4.a modules/extra/libextra.a main/libmain.a
./os/unix/libos.a ap/libap.a  lib/expat-lite/libexpat.a
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/Hughes/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
-rdynamic -L/usr/local/Hughes/lib -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
-Lmodules/php4 -L../modules/php4 -L../../modules/php4 -lmodphp4  -lpam  -
ldl -lmysqlclient -lz -lmsql -lgd -lresolv -lm -ldl -lcrypt -lnsl  -lresolv
-lm -lcrypt -ldl

modules/extra/libextra.a: could not read symbols: Archive has no index; run
ranlib to add one
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [target_static] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/source/apache_1.3.14/src'
make[1]: *** [build-std] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/source/apache_1.3.14'
make: *** [build] Error 2
[root@machine apache_1.3.14]#

Now, I've searched the archives and found references to the
"modules/extra/libextra.a: could not read symbols: Archive has no index; run
ranlib to add one" error... but no solution.  The one exception was someone
who was screwing up because they were trying to use libextra.a as part of a
PHP3 install, not a PHP2 install.  Duh.  Unfortunately that's not the case

Any assistance would be appreciated, and yes, I have tried the obvious:
ranlib /path/to/modules/extra/libextra.a

FWIW, this is ranlib version "GNU ranlib 2.9.5"

Any assistance appreciated, TIA...

Doug Taylor
Lead Web Developer
Enabled Sites
331 Soquel Ave, Suite 205
Santa Cruz, CA 95062 

[PHP] php_imap4r2.dll not loaded ?!?! (win2k)

2001-02-03 Thread Eelco de Vries


I'm trying to use some POP3 functions and the manual states I would need to
use the IMAP functions.
So I uncommented the ";extension=php_imap4r2.dll" line in my
"c:\winnt\php.ini" file. But it gave me the following error:

"Unable to load dynamic library './php_imap4r2.dll' - The specified module
could not be found".

I read I needed the download install the "imap-4.5.tar" module. The README
file has only instructions how to "make" it for UNIX. The default "MakeFile"
is for UNIX. So I tried to clown around and rename "MakeFile.nt" to
"MakeFile" and make it. But I only get errors:

Could Not Find D:\temp\imap-4.5\c-client\LINKAGE.*
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0x1'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0x2'

I also tried this with the "MakeFile.ntk" (don't know what ntk stands for),
but no fix.
Can anybody help me with this problem?


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2001-02-03 Thread Chris Fry


Had the same problem - move the dll into the php directory - doesn't seem to work in 
the sapi dir.

Also you need to set the root dir in php.ini


Shane McBride wrote:

 I have loaded PHP according to the install file but I can not see any .php file in a 

 When I look under the ISAPI properties in IIS is appears that the dll is not 
loading. It has a red arrow pointing down.

 Any ideas?


Chris Fry
Quillsoft Pty Ltd
Specialists in Secure Internet Services and E-Commerce Solutions
10 Gray Street
NSW  2217

Phone: +61 2 9553 1691
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[PHP] Session With Cookies

2001-02-03 Thread phpLover

How can I maintain a user session using cookies?


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[PHP] Replacing A Word in HTML page

2001-02-03 Thread phpLover

I want to read an HTML page from another site and replace certain characters
with capital letters and show them in another dynamically generated web page
on my site. I know this is possible in Perl, but can this be done in PHP? If
yes, then how?


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2001-02-03 Thread Shane McBride

Yea I had to move the php4ts.dll dile to the winnt directory. Thanks.

Have you every tried to get authentication to work using PHP as isapi?

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Fry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Shane McBride" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] IIS  ISAPI


 Had the same problem - move the dll into the php directory - doesn't seem
to work in the sapi dir.

 Also you need to set the root dir in php.ini


 Shane McBride wrote:

  I have loaded PHP according to the install file but I can not see any
.php file in a browser.
  When I look under the ISAPI properties in IIS is appears that the dll is
not loading. It has a red arrow pointing down.
  Any ideas?

 Chris Fry
 Quillsoft Pty Ltd
 Specialists in Secure Internet Services and E-Commerce Solutions
 10 Gray Street
 NSW  2217

 Phone: +61 2 9553 1691
 Fax: +61 2 9553 1692
 Mobile: 0419 414 323

 You can download our Public CA Certificate from:-


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[PHP] HTTP Authentication w/IIS

2001-02-03 Thread Shane McBride

OK, I loaded PHP with the ISAPI filter, but still no luck with authentication..

Here's the basic script that works on Apache/Linux:
// File name: admin_menu.php
 // Check to see if $PHP_AUTH_USER already contains info
 if (!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER)) {
  // If empty, send header causing dialog box to appear
  header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="The Back Care Center Admin Area"');
  header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
  echo 'Authorization Required!';
 } else if (isset($PHP_AUTH_USER)) {
  if (($PHP_AUTH_USER !="test") || ($PHP_AUTH_PW !="123")) {
   header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="The Back Care Center Admin Area"');
   header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
   echo 'Authorization Required!';
  } else {
   // Start echo statement
   echo "hello";

RE: [PHP] Stringing sql queries?

2001-02-03 Thread Randy Johnson

What about an insert or an update instead of a select?



-Original Message-
From: Thomas Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 8:37 PM
To: Sandeep Hundal
Subject: Re: [PHP] Stringing sql queries?

Yep, try this:

SELECT a.col1, a.col2, b.col3, c.col4 FROM table1 a, table2 b, table3 c

This should give you an array [col1,col2,col3,col4]

Thomas Weber
Homepage: http://www.youngarts.org / http://www.visions-of-future.de

- Original Message - 
From: "Sandeep Hundal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 1:44 AM
Subject: [PHP] Stringing sql queries?

 can I string 2 sql queries one after the other? 
 like "select * from $table; select * from $table2;" ???
 If I can, does that mean if I use mysql_fetch_array then it'll
 convert results from both queries into variables?
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Re: [PHP] Oracle Function list

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 I found a list of some of the Oracle Functions at the main PHP site.  Is
 this all there is?

Probably.  Anything in particular you felt was missing?...

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Re: [PHP] trouble with reading session variables: BUG?

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 When using Cookies for session management everything works fine (the
 authentication part). But not passing the values of the session variables.
 In the example below the existence of '$ident' is verified. But no chance
 get its value: no 'echo' prints out anything! Even isset() denies the
 existence of $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['ident'].

 -- example --

 if (!session_is_registered('ident')) {
 header ("Location: ../index.php");
 // trying to retrieve $ident which is obviously known to the session
 echo $ident;
 echo $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['ident'];
 echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['ident'];

Registering a variable does not store that variable in a cookie.
Only the users's "session" ID is stored in a cookie.
ident could easily be registered, but be set to ''
We'd need to see ../index.php to have any idea what you've stored in $ident.

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Re: [PHP] About function Include

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 I've been using the funcion INCLUDE like this:
 ?include"("/header.htm");? because file header.htm has to be included
 in a lot of files. I want to use "/" because file header.htm is in main
 directory (like E:) and there are files in very directories above E:.
 But when I have a file in a directory above, like E:folder1/index.html
 and I use the include function in the file index.html, there's next
 error massage: Warning: Failed opening '/header.htm' for inclusion
 (include_path='') in /home2/httpd/htdocs/www/index.html on line 21  .
 Line 21 is the line I had put include function.
 We don't want to use ?include("../header");? because we have  files in
 other directories, and like that, we had to use
 ?include("../header");? in one file, ?include("../../header");? in
 another one, etc.What can we do?

You can provide a full path using "/home2/httpd/htdocs/www/header.htm"

Or, you can set your include path to be
in php.ini

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Re: [PHP] Bcc email does not work

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 Have u ever tried to send many emails using Bcc?
 It does not work for me !

Yeah, somewhere around 50 addresses you are choking sendmail.

You'll need something designed for a little more heavy-duty work than the
mail() function.

See Manuel Lemos' mail class, or consider integration with a mailing list
software package.

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2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 I 'd like to have an input that contains only a to Z and space and
 - nothing else like numbers or whatever and also does not
 with space !
 till now with ur help i get the following :

 (!ereg("[a-zA-Z[:space:]-]", $name))

All those weird characters you typed are not ASCII, and are not valid to
just throw into a string like that.

You can maybe use Regex hex representations of them, but they aren't going
to be the same characters on many people's browsers anyway...

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Re: [PHP] php changing passwd from unixusers?

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 Is it possible using a php -based website to change passwords from
 Php runs at my system under user: www how can I let it execute: passwd
 and change a password?

I think the passwd shell command requires a real TTY rather than just ol'

You could *maybe* do it by having PHP modify the password file directly
rather than through the passwd shell command.

Having your logins altered by web-visitors is inherently risky.  Think
through all the security issues carefully.

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Re: [PHP] Oracle8 OciLogon !

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 i use oracle and i always get this error:
 call to undefined function ocilogon()!

That usually means you didn't compile in Oracle support with PHP.

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Re: [PHP] Pricing for PHP programming???

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

 Isn't it illegal in the US to discuss
 rates in this manner?

 It's always been my understanding that
 The U.S. law specifically makes discussion
 of pricing between competitors (all or some)
 a federal offense.

 Am I taking this too literally?

I think so.

First of all, this isn't a US-only forum.
Secondly, the point is to avoid price-fixing.  Given the current status of
the web-design industry, there are far, far too many wannabes out there for
any real price-fixing to be effective.
Thirdly, the variance already presented is rather wide.
Fourthly, this is a public forum where consumers are also welcome to
contribute their thoughts on these pricings, rather than a non-public
collusion of only one side of the potential transactions.
Finally, why don't we wait until the DOJ actually complains about it, after
they finished breaking up Microsoft :-)  More seriously, I don't think the
DOJ is going to take a dim view of this thread, even if they noticed.

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Re: [PHP] Program execution

2001-02-03 Thread Richard Lynch

This happens only when I use php as a module:
When I'd like to run a command with exec or system function I got always
this message
and the program never executes:
Warning: Unable to fork [the command's name what I'd like to run] in
filename on line XY

Your OS may have placed an upper bound on the number of processes that are
allowed to run at one time, and you are hitting that...

I think maybe "limit" command affects that...

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