Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.6.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-12-10 Thread anadigi

Hi Michael,
I do notice when I play a whole album and a song would not play! If I
play from my Spotify app, it plays!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-12-10 Thread SlimChances

Great Interface. I have been using it on my desktop (Linux Mint 19) for
a few days and it is now my preferred Interface. I notice that when I
choose Radio Paradise under apps and then select "Play Something
Different" nothing happens when doing this from the web interface. Sorry
if this has already been covered but there appears to be 73 pages of
posts for this plugin which is amazing as the plugin has only been
introduced a short time ago. Kudos to the developer.

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 - 1518987734 @ Sun Feb 18 22:55:43
CET 2018
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8   Platform
Architecture: x86_64-linux
Perl Version: 5.22.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi

One SB Touch connected by Ethernet - Denon AVR -1912 Receiver, Paradigm
4.1 speakers
SB Classic connected by Ethernet to FX Audio D802C amp and Sinclair
bookshelf speakers
Two SB Radios wireless

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread Man in a van

bpa wrote: 
> I can only imagine :rolleyes:
> My simple bear brain struggles with cut and paste linux:o
> Better to watch the rugger :):)
> ronnie

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Hoping for help with SQL Playlist

2018-12-10 Thread RobbH

erland wrote: 
> I think the information mentioned on the page you refer to are still
> accurate, at least that's what all my plugins (Custom Scan, Multi
> Library, Custom Browse, SQL Playlist, TrackStat, Database Query, Dynamic
> Playlist) are based on.
> Possibly LMS 7.9 might have added some extra tables/columns that aren't
> used by my plugins.

Thanks for that, too. I thought I had seen some references to database
incompatibilities in recent versions. Good to know that what's on that
page is still accurate, even if it leaves out some new features.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Hoping for help with SQL Playlist

2018-12-10 Thread RobbH

erland wrote: 
> You can do it with exists directive and an inner select, something like
> this:
> > 

  >   > -- PlaylistName:Random temp
  > -- PlaylistGroups:
  > select tracks.url from tracks
  > join genre_track on
  > join genres on
  > left join dynamicplaylist_history on
  > and 
  > where
  > audio=1
  > and is null
  > and in ('Jazz')
  > and exists (select track from genre_track
  > join genres on
  > where
  > in ('Holiday')
  > and genre_track.track =  
  > group by
  > order by random()
  > limit 10;

> > 
> Please note that inner selects could be slow in large libraries, in
> that case there is might also a possibility to do it through an extra
> set of joins.

Many, many thanks for this! I probably don't know enough to make use of
your suggestion yet, but I'll certainly see if my heavy-handed cut and
paste efforts can make it work. But know that it's possible should be
the inspiration I need to learn how to make it work. Something like this
was what I was thinking of when I referred to "nested queries".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

Man in a van wrote: 
> I'm now using on the Shuttle and that gives instant playback start on
> the live BBC

Yes - it's not processor power related - it's simply Windows and
socketwrapper. I am hoping it is a bug related to the fact now that
multiple cores are commonplace especially in i7 processors -
socketwrapper creates mulitple threads and processes but it was written
when one or two cores were the norm and usually Windows stuff used at
least one core.  Alternatively it could be a Windows thing -
socketwrapper is a commandline app and MS changed cmd.exe to cohost.exe
in Win7 with more changes in 8/10 as well as some other internal
scheduler/protection changes - I could end up looking for a badly
documented bit setting on some API call.

A few years ago, it took months to find a bug the last time I looked at
socketwrapper - I'm not eager to start looking again - the whole
development & test environment required is just painful.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread Man in a van

bpa wrote: 
> Celeron - how many cores ?
> What do you mean by "delay"   - the setting value or the time taken
> before audio is heard after pressing play ?
> I expect a significant delay setting is needed (e.g. 30 sec - 1 minute) 
> but if followed by another 15 sec before audio - that is not expected.
> For a problematic Windows system a delay setting of 15 secs is usually
> not enough.

It's a XS35GS V3 with an Intel® Atom™ Processor D2700 2 cores 32 bit.

Seconds to delay start was set at 15 and that was how long it took to
hear music.

I tried all the settings below this and none reduced the time to hearing
the programme playback (but I was not aware of, or consider the cache

I'm now using 

> Debian Stretch with Raspberry Pi Desktop
> The Raspberry Pi Desktop OS for PC and Mac - based on Debian Stretch

on the Shuttle and that gives instant playback start on the live BBC

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bstrulo

Man in a van wrote: 
> Processor:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU  860@2.80GHz  2.80 GHz
> Installed memory 8.00 GB 
> 64 bit OS

Mine is probably a rather older processor and i3 not i7 but similar

I get a delay on start (15 sec) but then (at least on my 4 minute
setting) I was getting a "rebuffering" event every few minutes.  These
would take 15 seconds (maybe) to restart and then it would get going

It's not impossible that there was something networky going on: but my
server is wired to my router and I have very good broadband, so it
wasn't anything obvious.

I'll run some tests when I get a chance, bearing in mind bpa's caching


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

Man in a van wrote: 
> A few weeks ago I tried Windows 7 Home and Win7 Pro on an old Shuttle
> with a Celeron processor and I had a 15 sec delay with playback on both
> OS. Neither would give instant playback.
Celeron - how many cores ?

What do you mean by "delay"   - the setting value or the time taken
before audio is heard after pressing play ?
I expect a significant delay setting is needed (e.g. 30 sec - 1 minute) 
but if followed by another 15 sec before audio - that is not expected.

For a problematic Windows system a delay setting of 15 secs is usually
not enough.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread Man in a van

Ah I'll reset to 3 mins and then try it later.

I did, earlier today try 4 mins and that still took 15 secs or so to
start playing but it was 3 mins behind the live broadcast.

That was before i read your comments about the cache expiring. 

I have previously run Win 7 and Win 8 Pro which did provide remote
connection, wasapi for the audio  and some video network/playback stuff
(honestly. I can't remember).

I just took the free upgrade.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

Man in a van wrote: 
> Processor:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU  860@2.80GHz  2.80 GHz
> Installed memory 8.00 GB 
> 64 bit OS
OK similar to my new system.  I get no audio  (i.e. no connection) if
delay is zero - but if delay is say 3 minutes s specified - it starts
immediately.  No problem on my Win7 laptop.
Windows is weird.

I don't know how Pro is different to Home  - any security s/w ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer plugin - a guick fix guide

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

George_C wrote: 
> Hello again bpa,
> Your fix worked for a long time, but several months ago it stopped
> working.  I don't know what exactly happened. Yesterday, I reinstalled
> the BBCiPlayer (now v2.0.0) and replaced with your version. But
> that still doesn't work.Can you suggest a checklist of things to
> look for?   
> Thx

This thread is dead, it refers the 1.3.x and should not be used for
anything and I tend to ignore it.

Please open a separate thread for your own special application to
continue this conversation as I cannot remember off hand what it is

Old version of the BBCiplayer plugin will disappear - so I cannot
guarantee support for old version.  V2.1.0 of the BBCIplayer plugin is
the latest. Use this URL.

Changes to RTMP between version cannot be guaranteed but since the RTMP
code is not being maintained I doubt if the problem is with the

Have you compared the URLs of your station to see if they have changed ?

Please please - start a new thread of your own..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread Man in a van

bpa wrote: 
> What sort of processor and how much memory ?

Processor:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU  860@2.80GHz  2.80 GHz

Installed memory 8.00 GB 

64 bit OS

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Line-In Button Applet for Radio

2018-12-10 Thread indifference_engine

I have created a small applet to allow the Squeezebox Radio Line Input
to be selected by holding the Home or Sleep buttons on either the device
itself, or using the remote.

Add my repository to the bottom of the Plugins section of the LMS
Settings screen

On the Radio, go to Settings>Advanced>Applet Installer
Ensure "Recommended Applets Only" is not checked.
Select "Line-In Button"
Restart the radio

Hold down the Home or Sleep button on the device or remote for a couple
of seconds and the Line-In should be selected.


1xRadio, 2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-12-10 Thread Michael Herger

No idea whether this is a Material problem or is related to LMS itself.

Then you probably shouldn't post here ;-). Next time this happens please 
check the default skin, too. And please make sure you're running the 
very latest LMS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-12-10 Thread IanHaynes

In the last few days I've had the wrong artwork being shown for radio
stations after switching from other stations. 

Having played a particular station and then closed that and chosen
another one, the correct artwork for the new station is shown. After a
few tracks on the new station have been played (where the tracks
themselves have artwork shown), when it switches back to what should be
the default artwork for that station, the previous station's artwork
from earlier is shown. Hope this makes sense.

No idea whether this is a Material problem or is related to LMS itself.


*Library*: Netgear NAS Duo
*Main System*: RPi2 / iQAudio DAC+ / PiCorePlayer with LMS
*Second System*: RPiZero / iQAudio DAC Zero / PiCorePlayer
*PC:* Squeezelite-X

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer plugin - a guick fix guide

2018-12-10 Thread George_C

bpa wrote: 
> I found the problem - the BBCiPlayer RTMP implementation didn't support
> the "pageUrl" parameter which is required by your station but not BBC. 
> Try the following.
> 1. Install the latest version of BBCiPlayer using the following repo:
> 2. Replace the file by the attached file which has a mod
> to support "pageUrl"
> 3. Stop and Restart LMS
> 4. Add the following as a favorite (single URL)
> 5.Try playing the new Favorite.
> This mod works OK on a Linux system but I know there are "issues" with
> BBCiPlayer on some Windows systems so there may be a long delay before
> audio starts.
> This mod will not work with a player which has the BBCiPlayer App
> installed (i.e. players with native "rtmp").
> I think this mod should work with the
> repo but I have not tested it.

Hello again bpa,

Your fix worked for a long time, but several months ago it stopped
working.  I don't know what exactly happened. Yesterday, I reinstalled
the BBCiPlayer (now v2.0.0) and replaced with your version. But
that still doesn't work.Can you suggest a checklist of things to
look for?   


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

Man in a van wrote: 
> here in the UK,
> Desktop Windows Pro 10 Version 1803 OS build 17134.407
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1543258616 @ Mon Nov 26 20:08:12
> WEST 2018

What sort of processor and how much memory ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread Man in a van

bpa wrote: 
> as a side note:
> I dd a quick test in my Win10 system and I see the need for a slight
> delay on my system butnot 5 mins - so I may be able to at least get a
> better handle on the issue.


here in the UK,

Desktop Windows Pro 10 Version 1803 OS build 17134.407

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1543258616 @ Mon Nov 26 20:08:12
WEST 2018

I have tried all the settings for 'Seconds to Delay' between No delay
and 15 seconds.

Sound consistently  starts playing 13/15 secs after start, regardless of
settings. Buffer is 255.

I just leave it set on "no delay":)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

bstrulo wrote: 
> UK - Yes.  Player is an SB3.  Live stream is DASH > HLS > MP3 >
> FlashAAC.  I think my Buffer Threshold was high: maybe the highest
> setting - not sure, can't check at the minute.

Since you are in the UK with higher bitrate (assuming the Setting is
"use highest rate" )  the buffer threshold can be set lower say 100 buit
as I said before caching can affect things bigtime - so if testing with
lots of changes use a different live stream for each setting change. 
After 5 changes stop and wait for a few hours or stop LMS and delete

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bstrulo

bpa wrote: 
> Nothing significantly changed in DASH handling - so regards problem
> coming back - that is just coincidence.

I thought there might be some change to the transcoding pipeline - but
it looks like that's only faad2 so presumably not relevant.

bpa wrote: 
> Changing the values and testing is not necessarily the best strategy as
> LMS/Windows does caching so a "good" setting now after a lot of quick
> tweaks may be "bad" in a few hours when caches expire. 

Ahh - OK so all I know really is that I changed it from 4 to 5 minutes
and it might have helped or maybe it was coincidence, but I did
definitely have the problem at one stage.

bpa wrote: 
>  Details also help to give specific advice.
> Are you in the UK ?
> What type of player are you using ?
> What is the "Live stream preference" setting
> What is the "Buffer threshold" setting

UK - Yes.  Player is an SB3.  Live stream is DASH > HLS > MP3 >
FlashAAC.  I think my Buffer Threshold was high: maybe the highest
setting - not sure, can't check at the minute.

bpa wrote: 
> For now, my advice is as follows:
> 1. If you need "skip back" then use the DASH streams - start delay
> shouldn't matter if you skipback.
> 2. If you just want Live Radio - play the MP3 streams with 1.6.1 -
> depending on the player type - you should have all the metadata.

Ok thanks.  It seems to be working kind of OK at the minute with the 5
minute setting but I might try MP3 - I don't use the skip back much.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

bstrulo wrote: 
> The number are just to indicate not real time in case someone is using
> radio a a clock and waiting for timepips.  
> The delay is needed to build up enough data in buffer to overcome
> Windows blocking - to start stream playing - and if stream plays quickly
> then delay will be reduced.  The time on web title is based on a
> estimate between the most recently played audio fragment (which is time
> stamped by BBC ) and the actual time.
> as a side note:
> I dd a quick test in my Win10 system and I see the need for a slight
> delay on my system butnot 5 mins - so I may be able to at least get a
> better handle on the issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bpa

bstrulo wrote: 
> I recently upgraded to the latest Logitech Media Server (Version: 7.9.2
> - 1543258616 @ Mon Nov 26 20:08:12 WEST 2018) from one that was a little
> bit older but not very old (a version of 7.9.1 I think).  I'm running on
> a quite powerful Windows 10 server.
> Before, I had an issue with the BBC Radio 4 live streams where they kept
> rebuffering.  I fixed it by setting the "Seconds to delay start live
> stream" to 4 minutes.
> With the new version the problem came back.  I've changed the setting to
> 5 minutes and it seems to be OK: rebuffering now fairly rare - though it
> still sometimes does a short one.  But I'm wondering if there's
> something else I can fix?  5 minutes seems quite a long time.  Another
> oddity: in the web interface (which sometimes (?) shows the delay) the
> delay seems to sometimes give numbers less than 5 minutes (maybe 1 or 2
> minutes) and a bit variable, which seems odd.  The actual delay does
> seem to be about 5 minutes - maybe a little bit longer.
> Since it's working this is not necessarily a problem - but it would be
> nice (if possible) to reduce the delay a little.
Nothing significantly changed in DASH handling - so regards problem
coming back - that is just coincidence.

Changing the values and testing is not necessarily the best strategy as
LMS/Windows does caching so a "good" setting now after a lot of quick
tweaks may be "bad" in a few hours when caches expire.  Detaisl also
Are you in the UK ?
What type of player are you using ?
What is the "Live stream preference" setting
What is the "Buffer threshold" setting

The delay issue is perculiar to Windows 10 (possibly 8 as well) and for
player that need transcoding.  It seems to affect high end system (e.g.
Desktop Core i5/i7 8-16Mb).  A similar issue affects v. low end/old
(single/dual core Celeron) system which may be the same issue.  

LMS has a support application socketwrapper which is used for
transcoding - my theory is that MS changed the kernel processor
scheduling in Windows 10 which has caused some blocking. The alternative
is some form of security s/w probing is blocking socketwrapper. As I
only had a WIn7 system, I could not reproduce this problem.  In the 2
weeks, I now have had to get a Win10 system which means I might be able
to reproduce in the near future.

For now, my advice is as follows:
1. If you need "skip back" then use the DASH streams - start delay
shouldn't matter if you skipback.
2. If you just want Live Radio - play the MP3 streams with 1.6.1 -
depending on the player type - you should have all the metadata.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-12-10 Thread Peter Galbavy


Would definitely like more "eye candy" in landscape mode when viewing
the "now playing" info.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2018-12-10 Thread bstrulo

Can I just start by saying how grateful I am to bpa for maintaining the
iPlayer plugin: it makes a huge difference to me, and I'm sure many many
other people.

I recently upgraded to the latest Logitech Media Server (Version: 7.9.2
- 1543258616 @ Mon Nov 26 20:08:12 WEST 2018) from one that was a little
bit older but not very old (a version of 7.9.1 I think).  I'm running on
a quite powerful Windows 10 server.

Before, I had an issue with the BBC Radio 4 live streams where they kept
rebuffering.  I fixed it by setting the "Seconds to delay start live
stream" to 4 minutes.

With the new version the problem came back.  I've changed the setting to
5 minutes and it seems to be OK: rebuffering now fairly rare - though it
still sometimes does a short one.  But I'm wondering if there's
something else I can fix?  5 minutes seems quite a long time.  Another
oddity: in the web interface (which sometimes (?) shows the delay) the
delay seems to sometimes give numbers less than 5 minutes (maybe 1 or 2
minutes) and a bit variable, which seems odd.  The actual delay does
seem to be about 5 minutes - maybe a little bit longer.

Since it's working this is not necessarily a problem - but it would be
nice (if possible) to reduce the delay a little.

Ben Strulo

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Problem installing Airplay bridge

2018-12-10 Thread Man in a van

thanks Philippe :)

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