Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread lbudney-lists-dns

Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Len, you've sent me mail directly; no problem.  Yet I block on the DUL.
 I think the reason you haven't had any problems is because your ISP
 hasn't listed its dialups with the DUL.

Ah, that explains it! Well, bully for my ISP! They're cool for reasons
other than running qmail I see.


Frugal Tip #17:
Visit the Ford Foundation while disguised as a large, charitable

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Wolfe

  Another allows increasing the maximum number of
 concurrent remotes beyond 250.  The patch allows up to 500 but that limit
 seems to be linux related.

  I would imagine that to be because Linux by default only allows 1024 file
handles to be open at once.  If each of the qmail-remotes has a message in
the queue open, then having too many can cause "bad things", as we found
when we needed to run a few hundred extra virtual domains on our web server,
and the same thing happened.

  Despite the docs at, saying how easy it is to increase the
file-handle limit on the new kernels, I found that it simply didn't work.
Editing the source and recompiling the kernel (as you had to in older
kernels) did the trick.

   It's not even that hard, that was the first time I had ever fiddled with
the Kernel source.  We went to 4096, which should allow for quite a few
qmail-remotes. : )


qmail Digest 8 May 2000 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 995

2000-05-08 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 8 May 2000 10:00:01 - Issue 995

Topics (messages 41252 through 41284):

Re: I am Panic!!!
41252 by: David Cunningham

Re: scan4virus
41253 by: octave klaba
41254 by: Warren J. Beckett
41255 by: Johan Almqvist
41256 by: Johan Almqvist
41271 by: octave klaba
41272 by: Johan Almqvist
41273 by: octave klaba

Re: Open Today.
41257 by: Len Budney
41262 by: Russell Nelson
41283 by: Len Budney

Re: Anti-virus
41258 by: Rainer Link
41264 by: Ronneil Camara
41268 by: Rainer Link

Re: temporary failure warning message
41259 by:
41265 by: Russell Nelson

Re: Unable to Telnet
41260 by:
41270 by: Xionghui Chen
41278 by: Vince Vielhaber
41279 by: Vince Vielhaber

Re: qmail installation
41261 by:
41277 by: Bob Rogers

URGENT ! Erased /var/qmail !!!
41263 by:
41276 by: Bob Rogers
41281 by:

Re: QMail Performance Question  Miscellaneous Issues
41266 by: Bryan White
41267 by: Peter van Dijk
41280 by: Bob Rogers
41284 by: Steve Wolfe

how to stop subscription
41269 by: Anthony Diaz

41274 by: octave klaba

41275 by: Tomasz Antczak

detailed smtp monitoring
41282 by: J.M. Roth \(iip\)


To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To bug my human owner, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:



Edit the script.  Look for any and all references to files and file paths.
Verify each of these paths really exist.  Chances are the init script is
looking in the wrong place for a qmail related file.  Find out where the
target files *really* are on your system and edit the init file to point to


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2000 5:14 AM
Subject: I am Panic!!!


  I have followed the doc from "life with qmail" to install my qmail
 server.  When I reboot the server, I got the following error messages
 stating that "execup : directory not found[failed].   I have placed
 the auto startup script in my /etc/rc.d/init.d directory.  And I did
 create a symbolic link "ln -s ../init.d/qmail
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc3.d/S80qmail"   since my system is using run level
 3.  I am wondering what 's wrong with it???

 Thank you for your help

 Mark Lo

  env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
  tcpserver -H -R -c100 0 pop-3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \\
  /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 
  echo -n "pop "
  QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/" export QMAILQUEUE
 missing ; or newline before the export, i think...

I put ; and newline, but it is not this :(

[root@ns0 /root]# echo $QMAILQUEUE

and I can send without any problem a happy99.exe to 


Connexion terminée par expiration du délai d'attente

Thanks again.

You are going to love this. I incerted your code.. and... a pause.. nothing
more in the debug. If I delete the db file it will not complain about it, as
if it is not even trying to open it.

Thanks again,

- Original Message -
From: Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Warren J. Beckett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2000 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: scan4virus

 On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 06:22:57PM +1000, Warren J. Beckett wrote:
  As requested
  [root@orbital bin]# ls -lsa /var/spool/qmailscan/
  total 26
 1 drwxrwx---5 qmailq   qmail1024 May  7 12:57 .
 1 drwxr-xr-x   12 root root 1024 May  7 12:54 ..
13 -rw-r-1 qmailq   root16384 May  7 12:54

 I think this is your problem. Try making the group 'qmail'.

 If that doesn't help, try the following patch:

 Between the lines

   tie %array, 'DB_File', "$db_filename.db", O_RDONLY, 0600 ||
 tempfail("cannot open  $db_filename - $!");

   foreach $file (@allfiles) {

 insert the following statement
 debug("perlscanner-test: " . join ("\n",keys %array));

 and check the logs as to whether there are any virii file names after the
 string perlscanner-test .

 Johan Almqvist

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 12:05:56PM +0200, octave klaba wrote:
 I put ; and newline, but it is not this :(
 [root@ns0 /root]# echo $QMAILQUEUE
 and I can send without any problem a 

Which version of Qmail to use?

2000-05-08 Thread James

After 4 days of not being able to get Qmail working properly for me, I've
decided to completely wipe *every* trace of sendmail and *every* trace of
qmail on my system (Mandrake 7.02).. then install Qmail from scratch all
over again using "life with Qmail" suggestions.

I've noticed there is a version of Qmail called
var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686 and another version just called
qmail-1.03.tar.gz  Which one do I use for Mandrake 7.02?  I was able to
get the var-qmail one to work only halfway (Can send but not receive), and
when I tried installing the regular qmail, I couldn't send OR receive.

After I wipe every trace of qmail and sendmail from my system, which
version will be the best for me to use?


AVP and Scan4virus

2000-05-08 Thread Andrés


Has anobody tried to use AVP with Scan4virus?
What do I have to change to make it use AVP?


Which version of Qmail to use?

2000-05-08 Thread James

Sorry if this is a double post.. but my first message hasn't come through
for 20 minutes.  Don't know if the mail server is slow, or something went
wrong on my end.. but here it is again:

After 4 days of not being able to get Qmail working properly for me, I've
decided to completely wipe *every* trace of sendmail and *every* trace of
qmail on my system (Mandrake 7.02).. then install Qmail from scratch all
over again using "life with Qmail" suggestions.

I've noticed there is a version of Qmail called
var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686 and another version just called
qmail-1.03.tar.gz  Which one do I use for Mandrake 7.02?  I was able to
get the var-qmail one to work only halfway (Can send but not receive), and
when I tried installing the regular qmail, I couldn't send OR receive.

After I wipe every trace of qmail and sendmail from my system, which
version will be the best for me to use?


Re: scan4virus

2000-05-08 Thread Jason Haar

Can this be moved to [EMAIL PROTECTED]? (subscribers only
of course)

I'm sure the general Qmail population isn't that interested in this...

Jason Haar, author of scan4virus.

[to subscribe, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]


Jason Haar

Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417

Re: Anti-virus

2000-05-08 Thread Jason Haar

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 03:06:52PM +0200, Rainer Link wrote:
 Sweep, H+B EDV AntiVir, KasperskyLabs AVP or F-Secure AV. If a infected
 attachment is detected, the complete mail is moved to a quarantine
 directory. It is then up to you, to clean a infected attachment with one
 of the above commercial antivirus software.

Too right - in fact I think that's probably the best thing to do. Cleaning
up infected Email means what - you _don't_ bother telling anyone there was
an infection present? If you can clean out the virus automatically, where is
the "incentive" for the infected person to actually get rid of the virus?

Quarantines are the best option IMHO - they "suggest" to the infected party
that they should sort out their system, and still allow the recipient to get
access to the message (after it's been manually cleaned of course).

Of course, what do you do with viruses like ILOVEYOU? There is no message to
"clean" as such...


Jason Haar

Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417

Re: Unable to Telnet

2000-05-08 Thread Xionghui Chen

I can now use qmail's smtpd, but I have to manually start svscan by `cd 
/var/qmail/svscan; /usr/local/bin/svscan ` (I used /var/qmail instead of /service), 
with the help of scripts from "live with qmail", qmail get started by svscan, then I 
use `/etc/init.d/qmail stop`, then `tcpserver -x/usr/local/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u103 
-g102 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd `, then `/etc/init.d/qmail start`, at last I 
find qmail all working ok.

But the problem comes when I make some changes to qmail's configuration, then I have 
to stop svscan, stop qmail, stop tcpserver, and start over manually again. I know 
there must be a much cleverer way to start and stop this set of things. I also don't 
know how to start up svscan as the server starts up, I applied scripts from "live with 
qmail" to /etc/rc2.d/S79svscan, but the server complains that it has no permission to 
access some supervision files. How should I do it? Thanks in advance!

- Original Message - 
From: "Vince Vielhaber" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Xionghui Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: Unable to Telnet

 On Mon, 8 May 2000, Xionghui Chen wrote:
  Thank you, I followed the instructions at the URL you kindly provided, but when I 
finally run
  `tcpserver -x/usr/local/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u103 -g102 0 smtp 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd `
  I got "tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already used" and tcpserver Exit 
  What's wrong? I also installed svscan, but when I killed svscan and qmail, I got 
the same message.
 Make sure there's no other tcpserver/qmail-smtpd running and that there's
 no sendmail process running.
  - Original Message - 
  From: "Vince Vielhaber" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Xionghui Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2000 11:57 PM
  Subject: Re: Unable to Telnet
   On Sun, 7 May 2000, Xionghui Chen wrote:
Oh, I don't know that I have to config a /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb file, actually, I 
got no output with the command `find / -name tcp.smtp.cdb`. How should I make this 
kind of file, where can I get detailed document about it?  Thank you.
   Take a look here:  for
   a step by step.

ORBS prevention

2000-05-08 Thread Kristina

I am at the point of setting up my qmail-server as the mail-hub for my
organization.  I have only used qmail for testing purposes so far and I am not
experienced with anti-spam techniques.

Now that I want to use my qmail-server in real life, there are many 
other issues involved--like preventing my qmail server from being put on 
the ORBS database. I have referred to the archives, however, there is much
heated discussion without much pratical detail.

Pleae let me know what I need to do for ORBS prevention and any other
configuration details necessary for a secure, anti-spam mail-hub.

Thankyou in advance,

Changing Passwords

2000-05-08 Thread Isaiah Chua

hi folks,

I am just wondering if there is any frontend written for qmail 
administrators who run only SMTP and POP3 services to allow users to easily 
change their passwords through a browser?

Would appreciate any information.



Isaiah Chua

Re: My take on Phoenix

2000-05-08 Thread John White

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 06:08:08PM -0700, Derek Briggs wrote:
 The Lakers are very fortunate not to face a healthy SA. Duncan presents most
 of the same problems as Webber offensively, plus he's better defensively.
 Robinson is tougher than Vlade. And Avery Johnson isn't an idiot like

I disagree with the premise (the Lakers are very -fortunate-).

The Spurs championship deserves an asterisk, as it depended on
Duncan playing virtually every single minute of the season.  
That's possible in a shortened season, but not in a full season.

They sure tried, and he got injured.

The End.


Help with virtual domains

2000-05-08 Thread Isaiah Chua

hi folks,

My qmail is currently running well for my company's email 
addresses. However, I need to setup some mailboxes that will cater for staff of 
our sister company, and I'm having problems with the virtual domains in 

My company's domain is (for e.g.), and they have some 
users on our system, e.g. johndoe. Now johndoe should only send mail out as [EMAIL PROTECTED], and should receive mails at 
the same address. It should not be a local delivery as the mails for this domain 
are in fact forwarded from their HQ in Hongkong.

I've read up the docs for virtual hosts and it still doesn't 
seem to help. Changes I've made always point me back to error messages 
indicating no user exists or cannot accept domain.

What am I doing wrong?


Isaiah Chua

Re: how to stop subscription

2000-05-08 Thread System Administrator


try sending a mail to :

On Sun, 7 May 2000, Anthony Diaz wrote:

 i want to unsubscribe to this service, whom should i
 email to?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Support is now available thru our Web Based Support System.
You can reach Support at :

- Admin.
System Administrator.
Puretech Internet Pvt. Ltd. 
77 Atlanta. Nariman Point.
Mumbai - 400021. India. Tel: +91-22-2833158  

Which version of Qmail to use? (fwd)

2000-05-08 Thread James

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 16:19:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Which version of Qmail to use?

Sorry if this is a double post.. but my first message hasn't come through
for 20 minutes.  Don't know if the mail server is slow, or something went
wrong on my end.. but here it is again:

After 4 days of not being able to get Qmail working properly for me, I've
decided to completely wipe *every* trace of sendmail and *every* trace of
qmail on my system (Mandrake 7.02).. then install Qmail from scratch all
over again using "life with Qmail" suggestions.

I've noticed there is a version of Qmail called
var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686 and another version just called
qmail-1.03.tar.gz  Which one do I use for Mandrake 7.02?  I was able to
get the var-qmail one to work only halfway (Can send but not receive), and
when I tried installing the regular qmail, I couldn't send OR receive.

After I wipe every trace of qmail and sendmail from my system, which
version will be the best for me to use?


deletion of large queue.

2000-05-08 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


Today i got into work to be faced with a local queue of 17000 odd messages.
We were spammed by an american company who offered cheap university

Anyhow.. this is what i did to remove the messages and was wondering if
anyone has a better alternative:

1. killed qmail-send
2. found out that the spam message contained "UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA" somewhere
within the mail
3. went into /var/local/queue/mess and did a grep on all files for
4. piped these to /tmp/messagenumbers which contained a list of 17000 odd
message id numbers of spammed mail
5. opened up three terminals to machine running qmail, one in
/var/qmail/queue/info, one in /var/qmail/queue/local and one in
/var/qmail/queue/mess and wrote a for loop to remove all the files that were
in the /tmp/messagenumbers file
6. restarted qmail-send and everything was okay again, queue was back down
to a couple of hundred mails which were cleared in 10 minutes or so

I originally tried using the qmhandle.cgi script that is floating around..
that works fine, however looking at the cgi it is obvious it takes time to
decide whether the mail is local or remote... and seeing as i knew these
were all in the local queue, i didn't have that time, i just had to remove
the mails myself.

Can anyone see if there is anything i've done wrong here?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

Changing passwords and virtual domains

2000-05-08 Thread Isaiah Chua

hi folks,

My qmail is currently running well for my company's email 
addresses. However, I need to setup some mailboxes that will cater for staff of 
our sister company, and I'm having problems with the virtual domains in 

My company's domain is (for e.g.), and they have some 
users on our system, e.g. johndoe. Now johndoe should only send mail out as [EMAIL PROTECTED], and should receive mails at 
the same address. It should not be a local delivery as the mails for this domain 
are in fact forwarded from their HQ in Hongkong.

I've read up the docs for virtual hosts and it still doesn't 
seem to help. Changes I've made always point me back to error messages 
indicating no user exists or cannot accept domain.

What am I doing wrong?

Also, I am just wondering if there is any frontend written for 
qmail administrators who run only SMTP and POP3 services to allow users to 
easily change their passwords through a browser?

Would appreciate any information.


Isaiah ChuaSystems AnalystE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]DID: +65 
236 2367

Web Connection Singapore Private Limitedhttp://www.twc-asia.comTel: +65 236 
2356 Fax: +65 236 2400

None of my

2000-05-08 Thread James

messages are getting through.. this is just a test.

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Neil Schemenauer

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 01:17:13PM -0600, Steve Wolfe wrote:
 Despite the docs at, saying how easy it is to
 increase the file-handle limit on the new kernels, I found that
 it simply didn't work. Editing the source and recompiling the
 kernel (as you had to in older kernels) did the trick.

The documentation of is technically accurate, just not
complete.  There are two limits.  One is the total number of
files handles for all processes.  This is adjustable through
/proc/sys/fs/file-max.  The other limit is the number of file
handles opened by a single process.  This is dynamic in the newer
kernels.  You are probably running into a resource limit.  Try:

ulimit -n

I just opened 2000 files after using "ulimit -n 2048" (the
default was 1024).  No recompile was required.


Re: scan4virus

2000-05-08 Thread Einar Bordewich

"octave klaba" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  mail. Make sure debugging is turned on, also.

 I have nothing else in log :(

 it looks like qmail is not using

I've followed this thread since I have the same problem, and I think you are

I've installed the QMAILQUEUE-patch.
The maildrop-0.76b gives me shit. When trying to configure, it fails with
the configure in bdbobj with this from config.log:

configure:1084: c++ -o conftestconftest.C  15
/usr/i486-linux/bin/ld: cannot open crtbegin.o: No such file or directory
configure: failed program was:

#line 1079 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"

int main(){return(0);}

I've had this problem earlier with sqwebmail, but I don't remember how I
solved this.

# ls -lsa /var/spool/qmailscan/
total 64
   1 drwxr-xr-x   5 qmailq   qmail1024 May  8 01:34 .
   1 drwxr-xr-x  17 root root 1024 May  7 02:07 ..
  13 -rw-r-   1 qmailq   qmail   16384 May  8 00:09
   2 -rw-r--r--   1 qmailq   qmail1577 May  7 18:52
   1 -rw-rw   1 qmailq   qmail  96 May  8 00:09
   1 drwxr-xr-x   5 qmailq   qmail1024 May  7 02:08 archive
  43 -rw-rw   1 qmailq   qmail   42881 May  8 09:05 qmail-queue.log
   1 drwxr-xr-x   5 qmailq   qmail1024 May  7 02:08 viruses
   1 drwxr-xr-x   5 qmailq   qmail1024 May  7 02:08 working

The symptoms are the same (no reaction on virus or .vbs attachements), and
my geuss was that I didn't have the maildrop program installed.
Does this count for you too?


IDG New Media Einar Bordewich
Technical Manager  Phone: +47 2336 1420


2000-05-08 Thread Anton Pirnat

Have a look for »serialmail« at the qmail pages ( or 
even at 


Anton Pirnat

 Ursprüngliche Nachricht 

Am 07.05.00, 16:21:27, schrieb Tomasz Antczak [EMAIL PROTECTED] zum 
Thema ETRN:

 Hello. Is any way to add ETRN support for my qmail ? any patches or 

 Thx, thom

Re: how to stop subscription

2000-05-08 Thread Anton Pirnat

To unsubsribe just send an empty message to


Anton Pirnat

this message is shareware, please register!

 Ursprüngliche Nachricht 

Am 07.05.00, 14:35:09, schrieb Anthony Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] zum Thema 
how to stop subscription:


 i want to unsubscribe to this service, whom should i
 email to?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 03:19:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Len, you've sent me mail directly; no problem.  Yet I block on the DUL.
  I think the reason you haven't had any problems is because your ISP
  hasn't listed its dialups with the DUL.
 Ah, that explains it! Well, bully for my ISP! They're cool for reasons
 other than running qmail I see.

Uhm no, actually every ISP should list their blocks with the DUL. If not,
somebody else probably will.

Not listing themselves in the DUL gives other ISPs _not_ the choice of
rejecting dial up mail from them.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: scan4virus

2000-05-08 Thread Will Harris

 QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/" export
 env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
 tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u503 -g502 0 smtp \
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21  /dev/null 
 echo "smtp"

Since you are already using tcpserver, the best way (and the one that works 
well for me) is to put the environment variables into the tcp.smtp.cdb 
rules file.  Here's my entry:


Recompile the rules database and all should be well...


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

RE: Which version of Qmail to use?

2000-05-08 Thread Tony Wade


Best to use the source and compile qmail yourself. 

get the qmail-1.03.tar.gz 

Thank You

Tony Wade (Postmaster)
The Internet Solution
Tel:(+27 11) 283 5000
#include std/disclaimer.h

-Original Message-
From: James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:35 AM
Subject: Which version of Qmail to use?

After 4 days of not being able to get Qmail working properly for me, I've
decided to completely wipe *every* trace of sendmail and *every* trace of
qmail on my system (Mandrake 7.02).. then install Qmail from scratch all
over again using "life with Qmail" suggestions.

I've noticed there is a version of Qmail called
var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686 and another version just called
qmail-1.03.tar.gz  Which one do I use for Mandrake 7.02?  I was able to
get the var-qmail one to work only halfway (Can send but not receive), and
when I tried installing the regular qmail, I couldn't send OR receive.

After I wipe every trace of qmail and sendmail from my system, which
version will be the best for me to use?


Re: My take on Phoenix

2000-05-08 Thread kingram

John White wrote:
 On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 06:08:08PM -0700, Derek Briggs wrote:
  The Lakers are very fortunate not to face a healthy SA. Duncan presents most
  of the same problems as Webber offensively, plus he's better defensively.
  Robinson is tougher than Vlade. And Avery Johnson isn't an idiot like
 I disagree with the premise (the Lakers are very -fortunate-).
 The Spurs championship deserves an asterisk, as it depended on
 Duncan playing virtually every single minute of the season.
 That's possible in a shortened season, but not in a full season.
 They sure tried, and he got injured.
 The End.
What are you talking about?
Best Regards from Poland

Krzysztof Ingram - secondary root where the power of Linux / is the
FF Computers Sp. z o.o.

Re: Which version of Qmail to use? (fwd)

2000-05-08 Thread Vince Vielhaber

On Sun, 7 May 2000, James wrote:

 Sorry if this is a double post.. but my first message hasn't come through
 for 20 minutes.  Don't know if the mail server is slow, or something went
 wrong on my end.. but here it is again:

Something may have been down at uic.  Mail seems to be flowing again.
 After 4 days of not being able to get Qmail working properly for me, I've
 decided to completely wipe *every* trace of sendmail and *every* trace of
 qmail on my system (Mandrake 7.02).. then install Qmail from scratch all
 over again using "life with Qmail" suggestions.
 I've noticed there is a version of Qmail called
 var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686 and another version just called
 qmail-1.03.tar.gz  Which one do I use for Mandrake 7.02?  I was able to
 get the var-qmail one to work only halfway (Can send but not receive), and
 when I tried installing the regular qmail, I couldn't send OR receive.
 After I wipe every trace of qmail and sendmail from my system, which
 version will be the best for me to use?

qmail-1.03.tar.gz is the source tarball.  If you use this file and follow
the directions either in LWQ or the installation document INSTALL that 
you'll find in the source tarball, you should be up and running in no time
at all. 

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSHemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 128K ISDN from $22.00/mo - 56K Dialup from $16.00/mo at Pop4 Networking
Online Campground Directory
   Online Giftshop Superstore

Re: ORBS prevention

2000-05-08 Thread Johan Almqvist

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:34:27AM +0900, Kristina wrote:
 Now that I want to use my qmail-server in real life, there are many 
 other issues involved--like preventing my qmail server from being put on 
 the ORBS database. I have referred to the archives, however, there is much
 heated discussion without much pratical detail.

A standard qmail install will never be in the ORBS database. qmail is
relay-safe out of the box.


Johan Almqvist

Re: ORBS prevention

2000-05-08 Thread Paul Schinder

At 11:34 AM +0900 5/8/00, Kristina wrote:
I am at the point of setting up my qmail-server as the mail-hub for my
organization.  I have only used qmail for testing purposes so far and I am not
experienced with anti-spam techniques.

Now that I want to use my qmail-server in real life, there are many
other issues involved--like preventing my qmail server from being put on
the ORBS database. I have referred to the archives, however, there is much
heated discussion without much pratical detail.

Pleae let me know what I need to do for ORBS prevention and any other
configuration details necessary for a secure, anti-spam mail-hub.

Absolutely nothing.  qmail as installed won't relay for third 
parties, and therefore won't get in ORBS.

It's what you *shouldn't* do that's important.  Under no 
circumstances should you remove the rcpthosts file.  Read Dave Sill's 
Life with qmail and some of the other documents that you must have 
run across if you've read all the "heated discussion" to learn how to 
properly set up relaying with qmail.

Thankyou in advance,

Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693

Re: None of my

2000-05-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 01:37:21AM -0700, James wrote:
 messages are getting through.. this is just a test.

This one is.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread Len Budney

Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not listing themselves in the DUL gives other ISPs _not_ the choice of
 rejecting dial up mail from them.

...rejecting all of my mail, for example. I have no problem resisting
stupidity by not volunteering information.

Casting it as a choice issue is a red herring. For example, what about
my ISPs privacy right? It's nobody's business what runs behind a given
IP. Should they also list OS and version, plus modem make and model, in
the cracker phoneboook?


A good business is not always a good purchase--although it's a good
place to look for one.
-- Warren Buffet, 1983

Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 08:17:58AM -0400, Len Budney wrote:
 Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Not listing themselves in the DUL gives other ISPs _not_ the choice of
  rejecting dial up mail from them.
 ...rejecting all of my mail, for example. I have no problem resisting
 stupidity by not volunteering information.

To which I agree. But that is not the point of DUL.

 Casting it as a choice issue is a red herring. For example, what about
 my ISPs privacy right? It's nobody's business what runs behind a given
 IP. Should they also list OS and version, plus modem make and model, in
 the cracker phoneboook?

I see your points, I am just talking about the point DUL is trying to make.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

restarting qmail quickly

2000-05-08 Thread Tim Gollschewsky


I'm trying to write some scripts, and my script add lines to smtproutes, I
believe qmail must be restarted when you do this, yes?

When I run the rc script with the 'stop' option, it seems to take AGES
giving me stuff like this:

last qmail log line [957788665.031323 status: local 0/80 remote 6/100 exitasap - 
local] - sleeping 1
last qmail log line [957788807.634725 warning: trouble injecting bounce message, will 
try later - trouble] - sleeping 1

I'm sure its just trying to do things cleanly, but I can't wait 5 minutes
to restart my mail software in my script.  Is there anything better I can

Any advice will be appreciated.


Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-08 Thread Bruno Wolff III

On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:14:46PM -0600,
  Steve Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   there should be no need to "hack" qmail
  And there isn't!  Why do people persist on insecure MUAs?
   I'll chime in on this, even though my view may not be the same as
 everyone else's.
  The problem isn't MUA's.  The problem is that users were duped into
 executing a program of a malicious intent.

I disagree. The problem is that Microsoft markets their systems to people
who don't know what they are doing, but includes features in them that
make it easy for the same people to shoot themselves in the foot.

An MUA marketed at people who don't know a lot about computers, should not
have a way to run executable (scripts, native executables, macros or
whatever) attachments.

Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-08 Thread Bruno Wolff III

On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:14:46PM -0600,
  Steve Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I sent my analysis of the "iloveyou" virus to BugTraq, I was
 deluged with email - all of them bounces.  Because my message started with
 "ilove you", many, many mail servers had blocked it.  That was within
 something like 12 hours of the release.  Think of the immense amount of
 headaches the system administrators for those companies saved themselves.
 The ounce of prevention was worth a metric ton of cure.

That is supposed to be an example of good effects of virus scanning?

Subject based scanning is bad. You get a lot of false positives and well
written viruses will choose from a large set of common subjects to make
subject blocking costly.

Re: .qmail questions

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

Jonathan McDowell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:20:25PM -0700, Chris Hanlon wrote:
 Is there anyway to restrict which users/groups can execute commands
 via the | option in there .qmail file?  I realise that the problem
 could be solved by not giving users access to the .qmail file but this
 is not always an option.

I changed qmail to use a modified smrsh from sendmail instead of /bin/sh
- this allows you to say that users can only execute programs that
you've enabled. It works on a system wide level rather than a user/group
level though.

All you need to do, then, is make smrsh executable only by a certain
group, and put the users you want to have that ability in the group.


Re: restarting qmail quickly

2000-05-08 Thread Will Harris

At 13:32 8.05.2000, Tim Gollschewsky wrote:
 I'm trying to write some scripts, and my script add lines to smtproutes, 
 believe qmail must be restarted when you do this, yes?

No, smtproutes is read by qmail-remote each time it is spawned, so you 
don't need to restart.  Hopefully this will alleviate the other problems 
mentioned in your message.


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

Re: Anti-virus

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Peace

I am using the Amavis wrapper with Mcaffee's amti virus.  Seems to work
great for me.  The install was also a snap.  Good luck!

Steve P.
- Original Message -
From: "Andrés" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2000 6:02 PM
Subject: Anti-virus


 I've been looking for programs to install with my Qmail to detect those
 nasty virus. The only program which seems to work with Qmail is Scan4virus
 and AMaViS (this one hasn't been tested).

 Is there anyone more? Which one is the best?


Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread Timothy L. Mayo

And his ISP won't. :)  Especially since I was a dial-up user when the
whole "block the dial-ups" discussion started and was adamant that it was
a mistake. :)  If one of our users SPAMs, regardless of how, and we are
notified, they lose their account.  It's that simple and it is very
effective, I can assure you. :)

Tim Mayo

On Sun, 7 May 2000, Russell Nelson wrote:

 John White writes:
   On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 04:30:54PM -0400, Len Budney wrote:
(BTW blocking DUL has not interfered with my own email in a couple of
years now. So despite the big talk of folks who use it, I continue to
send mail directly from my machine. DUL blocking only works because it
is a rarely-taken measure.)
   Amazing.  In one year, our office ran across:
 Add to that list crynwr.  Len, you've sent me mail directly; no
 problem.  Yet I block on the DUL.  I think the reason you haven't had
 any problems is because your ISP hasn't listed its dialups with the
 DUL.  In general, the DUL doesn't go looking.  It lists modems for
 ISPs that contribute, or those with a spamming problem.
 -russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
 Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

Timothy L. Mayo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Administrator

The National Business Network Inc.
One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
Monroeville, PA  15146
(412) 810- Phone
(412) 810-8886 Fax

Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-08 Thread Anthony DeBoer

Dave Sill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'll be suprised if the next version of qmail doesn't have better
 support for filtering/processing messages. DJB is good at addressing
 users needs in subsequent releases. Look at the development of
 DNScache or the early qmail days for two examples.

I think he might draw the line at writing secure replacements for
Microsoft Outhouse and Windows, though, and IMHO that's where the problem
lies.  You can't swap files across the Internet that contain system-level
scripting embedded deeply inside proprietary file formats.

It'd be trivial to block all .doc-file attachments, but you'd have the
lusers up in arms almost instantly.


Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread Anthony DeBoer

Len Budney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [ the DUL ]
 Casting it as a choice issue is a red herring. For example, what about
 my ISPs privacy right? It's nobody's business what runs behind a given
 IP. Should they also list OS and version, plus modem make and model, in
 the cracker phoneboook?

On the one hand, it's reasonable not to DUL your own dialup pool if
you're ready to respond and act on abuse complaints relating to them and
have a trustworthy user base, and on the other hand if you don't want to
deal with complaints at all you should filter tcp/25 from your dialup
pool to the Internet; registering with DUL and not filtering is a wierd
sort of compromise in between.

This does raise the question of some sort of crowbar functionality in
one's qmail relay servers, such that you're actually accomplishing
anything by forcing them to relay rather than going straight out from the
dialup pool; you'd need to ID your user, probably by consulting your
RADIUS server, track RCPTs/user/hour, share that data among multiple
redundant relay servers, and be able to shunt the user's outbound mail
into a holding tank when it goes over the volume threshold and alert a
human admin.


More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more than
120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
"concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go more
than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?

Thank you.

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Bryan White

It's not even that hard, that was the first time I had ever fiddled
 the Kernel source.  We went to 4096, which should allow for quite a few
 qmail-remotes. : )

Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of
remotes?  At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.  The load average
is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.  If it is Disk I/O more
remotes won't help.  I track network traffic through our router fairly
closely and don't think that is the bottle neck.  If it is the
responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes will help.

Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Wolfe

   The problem isn't MUA's.  The problem is that users were duped
  executing a program of a malicious intent.

 I disagree. The problem is that Microsoft markets their systems to people
 who don't know what they are doing, but includes features in them that
 make it easy for the same people to shoot themselves in the foot.

 An MUA marketed at people who don't know a lot about computers, should
 have a way to run executable (scripts, native executables, macros or
 whatever) attachments.

   It's not just MS.  Two people here got the virus.  One used Outlook, and
had to specifically open the file.  The other had Netscape, and it ran

   Let's face reality.  Clueless users want to be able to easily open up
programs easily.  There's enough of them that they're going to get it one
way or another. : )


Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Wolfe

  When I sent my analysis of the "iloveyou" virus to BugTraq, I was
  deluged with email - all of them bounces.  Because my message started
  "ilove you", many, many mail servers had blocked it.  That was within
  something like 12 hours of the release.  Think of the immense amount of
  headaches the system administrators for those companies saved
  The ounce of prevention was worth a metric ton of cure.

 That is supposed to be an example of good effects of virus scanning?

  For long-term scanning, no.  For immediate needs such as that, it's not
bad.  In a large company, it probably saved them a few thousand man-hours
of disinfecting computers.


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Wolfe

 The documentation of is technically accurate, just not
 complete.  There are two limits.  One is the total number of
 files handles for all processes.  This is adjustable through
 /proc/sys/fs/file-max.  The other limit is the number of file
 handles opened by a single process.  This is dynamic in the newer
 kernels.  You are probably running into a resource limit.  Try:

 ulimit -n

 I just opened 2000 files after using "ulimit -n 2048" (the
 default was 1024).  No recompile was required.

Ah.  In this case, the number of files that a user can have open (1024) was
the same as the total number of files that the entire system could have - I
imagine that raising user files above total system files doesn't do much
good. : )


Re: URGENT ! Erased /var/qmail !!!

2000-05-08 Thread Rogerio Brito

On May 07 2000, Bob Rogers wrote:
 I think that should have pretty much taken care of reinstallation.
 You will need to replace any system-wide aliases in the ~alias/
 directory (e.g. for postmaster, root, abuse, etc.), though.  And, if
 I were you, I'd start it up by going through the testing sequence in
 the qmail installation instructions.

There is a problem, though if the original poster restored the
queue to the new installation and it contained any message,
for they could have "wrong" names. In such a case, he will
need to run one of the queue fix scripts out there.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

RE: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-08 Thread John W. Lemons III

However, since this was 12 hours after the initial attack, it was a
reasonable response.  My first server-based filter was a subject filter,
meant to stem the tide while I developed something a little better.  Turns
out "something better" was easily implemented, but nowhere near as easy as
the 3 min or so it took to write the procmail subject filter.  So, as a
stopgap measure, subject filters are fine.  But long term (I guess anything
more than 24 hours) it is a poor substitute.

On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:14:46PM -0600,
  Steve Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I sent my analysis of the "iloveyou" virus to BugTraq, I was
 deluged with email - all of them bounces.  Because my message started
 "ilove you", many, many mail servers had blocked it.  That was within
 something like 12 hours of the release.  Think of the immense amount of
 headaches the system administrators for those companies saved themselves.
 The ounce of prevention was worth a metric ton of cure.

That is supposed to be an example of good effects of virus scanning?

Subject based scanning is bad. You get a lot of false positives and well
written viruses will choose from a large set of common subjects to make
subject blocking costly.

Re: Open Today.

2000-05-08 Thread Len Budney

"Timothy L. Mayo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And his ISP won't. :)  Especially since I was a dial-up user when the
 whole "block the dial-ups" discussion started...

I must say, I like my ISP! :) One of these days, I'll have to meet Tim
and buy him a beer.


P.S. ezmlm sent you some mail. Read it. Pay attention this time.
-- Dan Bernstein

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread markd

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:56:43AM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
 It's not even that hard, that was the first time I had ever fiddled
  the Kernel source.  We went to 4096, which should allow for quite a few
  qmail-remotes. : )
 Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of
 remotes?  At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.  The load average
 is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
 network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.  If it is Disk I/O more
 remotes won't help.  I track network traffic through our router fairly
 closely and don't think that is the bottle neck.  If it is the
 responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes will help.

As always, there is a bottleneck. I like to see everything on an email
system as a set of queues. While some are tangible, such as the physical
mail queue, some are less so, such as the queue of I/O requests to the
disks, the queue of packets coming in and out of the interface, the
queue of processes to be run, the receiving servers at the other end, etc.

It is very rarely the case that all of these queues are in perfect
balance such that they all fill up and degrade at the same rate. Consequently
there has to be a slowest queue. That's your current bottleneck.

the slowest of those queues is going to be your current bottleneck. You
fix that, then the next slowest queue becomes your bottleneck. Keep fixing
until the first bottleneck comes around again, and you start the whole
process over.

As you say, in your case the bottleneck may well be disk or network I/O or
even a queue at the other end, namely the remote servers. If you have
good connectivity and a diverse range of recipients and a large
concurrencyremote, then it's probably not the remote servers.

But there's only one way to find out. Analyze each queue and find
out where it's currently at in terms of utilization. Start tuning
the queue with the highest utilization and you'll probably see


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

"Bryan White" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of

Measure the delivery rate at various settings of concurrencyremote.
Choose the setting that yields the highest delivery rate.

At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.

400 qmail-remote processes running, or concurrencyremote=400? Some
systems never hit their concurrencyremote due to I/O restriction.

The load average
is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.

You should be able to monitor disk I/O rates and see if they go up as
concurrencyremote is raised. Same with network I/O.

...  If it is the responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes
will help.

So add more remotes. If it helps, you aren't I/O (network or disk)
limited yet.


Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

"Ricardo D. Albano" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more than
120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
"concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go more
than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?



fw: qmail-inject

2000-05-08 Thread ino-waiting

every once in a while, but rarely, i get "qmail-inject: illegal option -- B"
when handing off a mail for outbound delivery.  the number is "100".  i let
mail be handled by (this is .muttrc of mutt):

set sendmail="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"  # how2deliver
set sendmail_wait=15

=nothing= makes a mail so flagged by the "sendmail" option leave my
machine.  whats wrong?  there is no "-B" option anywhere!

clemens ([EMAIL PROTECTED], pgp key available)


2000-05-08 Thread R.Ilker Gokhan




2000-05-08 Thread Bryan Hundven

Your a little late on this one!

Bryan Hundven

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 2:07 
  Subject: VIRUS WARNING!!!


2000-05-08 Thread John W. Lemons III

Considering the recent spate of VB bourne virii, please don't post using
active-content-enabled formats, like HTML.

-Original Message-
From: Bryan Hundven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: VIRUS WARNING!!!

Your a little late on this one!

Bryan Hundven
- Original Message -
From: R.Ilker Gokhan
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 2:07 AM



Re: fw: qmail-inject

2000-05-08 Thread markd

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 06:14:49PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 every once in a while, but rarely, i get "qmail-inject: illegal option -- B"
 when handing off a mail for outbound delivery.  the number is "100".  i let
 mail be handled by (this is .muttrc of mutt):

Well, there is no string "illegal option" in the standard qmail source.

Are you sure you're getting this exact message?

If you don't give exact details we can't give an exact answer.


Re: fw: qmail-inject

2000-05-08 Thread markd

 On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 06:14:49PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 every once in a while, but rarely, i get "qmail-inject: illegal option -- B"
 when handing off a mail for outbound delivery.  the number is "100".  i let
 mail be handled by (this is .muttrc of mutt):

 Well, there is no string "illegal option" in the standard qmail source.

Oops. I take that back, sorry. I must have grepped in the wrong place.

My suggestion might be to make a little qmail-inject  wrapper and 
capture the command line args and env variables. Make that wrapper the
sendmail in your .muttrc

Something as trivial as this might do the trick:

#! /bin/sh

echo args are $*
echo Env is:
)  $HOME/mutt.trace.$$

exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject $*

At least that way you'll see what mutt is invoking it with.



2000-05-08 Thread Soffen, Matthew

If you notice.. The date on the mail is Thursday... Some mailer somewhere
held it up in transit it would appear..

Matt Soffen 
Web Intranet Developer
Boss- "My boss says we need some eunuch programmers."
Dilbert - "I think he means UNIX and I already know UNIX."
Boss- "Well, if the company nurse comes by, tell her I said 
 never mind."
   - Dilbert -

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 1:55 PM
 Subject:  RE: VIRUS WARNING!!!
 Thanks for the heads up.  Any news on the impending release of Windows 3.1
   -Original Message-
   From: R.Ilker Gokhan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:07 AM
   Subject: VIRUS WARNING!!!



Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

Yes, in the past the concurrencyremote was in "40", when I changed to 300
the remote procs. go up to 120, but no more 120. :(


-Original Message-
From: Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ricardo D. Albano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:20:55AM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
 Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more than
 120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
 "concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go more
 than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?

Have tou restarted qmail and the smtpd?

 Thank you.

Johan Almqvist

Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread markd

Read then modify conf-spawn in the qmail sources, re-compile, re-install, restart.

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 03:35:59PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
 Yes, in the past the concurrencyremote was in "40", when I changed to 300
 the remote procs. go up to 120, but no more 120. :(
 -Original Message-
 From: Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Ricardo D. Albano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote
 On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:20:55AM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
  Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more than
  120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
  "concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go more
  than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?
 Have tou restarted qmail and the smtpd?
  Thank you.
 Johan Almqvist

Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread Mikko Hänninen


I'm wondering if qmail will also lowercase the non-ASCII (or, "high
ASCII", 8bit) characters in local email addresses?  For example, if
I create ~alias/.qmail-mikko:hänninen, will this catch both
mikko.hänninen@myserver and MIKKO.HÄNNINEN@myserver, or do I need to
have two .qmail files?

I looked in the man pages, but the only reference I could find to
lowercasing was in dot-qmail, which said simply that qmail will convert
upper case letters to lower case.

And yes, I know it's not a good idea to use 8bit characters in the
email addresses.  I'm not planning to use these addresses except as a
safety catch in case someone happens to use them by accident...

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy  scifi, the Corrs /
Bumper sticker: EARTH FIRST!  We'll stripmine the other planets later.

Re: Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread markd

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 09:49:22PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
 I'm wondering if qmail will also lowercase the non-ASCII (or, "high
 ASCII", 8bit) characters in local email addresses?  For example, if
 I create ~alias/.qmail-mikko:hänninen, will this catch both
 mikko.hänninen@myserver and MIKKO.HÄNNINEN@myserver, or do I need to
 have two .qmail files?
 I looked in the man pages, but the only reference I could find to
 lowercasing was in dot-qmail, which said simply that qmail will convert
 upper case letters to lower case.

Correct. Uppercase LETTERS (my emphasis :). The typical preciseness of these
manpages suggests to me that if it says letters, then that's all it means,
no more, no less...and a quick squizz at the source confirms this.

Oh, and you'd need a *lot* more than two qmail files if it didn't do
this. What if someone sent to extensions like Mikko, mIkko, miKko, etc?


Re: Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 09:49:22PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
 I'm wondering if qmail will also lowercase the non-ASCII (or, "high
 ASCII", 8bit) characters in local email addresses?  For example, if
 I create ~alias/.qmail-mikko:hänninen, will this catch both
 mikko.hänninen@myserver and MIKKO.HÄNNINEN@myserver, or do I need to
 have two .qmail files?

You will need two. This is the exact code:

  while (x = *s) {
x -= 'A';
if (x = 'Z' - 'A') *s = x + 'a';

(there is another version for fixed-length strings, which does the same

This code only converts A-Z to a-z, all else is left alone.

 I looked in the man pages, but the only reference I could find to
 lowercasing was in dot-qmail, which said simply that qmail will convert
 upper case letters to lower case.

Yeah well since it doesn't support LOCALE 'n stuff, it can't now which
characters are special in your country.

Oh, and Breyten says hi :)

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

This work fine, but for a max of 255. How can I Increment up to 1000 for
example ??, this is not a joke, I really need tons of remote delivery
A concurrency of 255 is not suficcient for my server.


-Original Message-
To: Ricardo D. Albano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

Read then modify conf-spawn in the qmail sources, re-compile, re-install,

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 03:35:59PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
 Yes, in the past the concurrencyremote was in "40", when I changed to 300
 the remote procs. go up to 120, but no more 120. :(


 -Original Message-
 From: Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Ricardo D. Albano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

 On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:20:55AM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
  Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more
  120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
  "concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go
  than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?
 Have tou restarted qmail and the smtpd?
  Thank you.
 Johan Almqvist

Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread markd

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 04:12:23PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
 This work fine, but for a max of 255. How can I Increment up to 1000 for
 example ??, this is not a joke, I really need tons of remote delivery
 A concurrency of 255 is not suficcient for my server.

Run multiple instances. This question has been asked and answered plenty
of times, so you might want to review some of the answers in the archives
pointed at from


 -Original Message-
 To: Ricardo D. Albano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 3:46 PM
 Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote
 Read then modify conf-spawn in the qmail sources, re-compile, re-install,
 On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 03:35:59PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
  Yes, in the past the concurrencyremote was in "40", when I changed to 300
  the remote procs. go up to 120, but no more 120. :(
  -Original Message-
  From: Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Ricardo D. Albano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:54 PM
  Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote
  On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:20:55AM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
   Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more
   120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
   "concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go
   than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?
  Have tou restarted qmail and the smtpd?
   Thank you.
  Johan Almqvist


2000-05-08 Thread qmail-return-41340-archive=jab . org

for the heads up. Any news on the impending release of Windows 3.1 

  -Original Message-From: R.Ilker Gokhan 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:07 

Re: Which version of Qmail to use?

2000-05-08 Thread John Palkovic

Tony Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Best to use the source and compile qmail yourself. 
 get the qmail-1.03.tar.gz 

On a Debian GNU/Linux system it can be painful to install from source
because of constraints imposed by the package management system dpkg.
Dpkg wants a mail transport agent defined (by default our friend
sendmail, of course). Lots of packages depend on the mail transport

In my case I found that an install of qmail from the source tarball
caused additional pain, since the Debian Gods have decided that it is
a great idea to enforce the qmail user IDs one must use:

  qmaild:x:64011:65534:qmail daemon,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmails:x:64012:64010:qmail send,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmailr:x:64013:64010:qmail remote,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmailq:x:64014:64010:qmail queue,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmaill:x:64015:65534:qmail log,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false
  qmailp:x:64016:65534:qmail pw,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/false

I had created the IDs via the instructions in INSTALL.ids. Of course
they were different. No other set of ids works with the package one
gets. I only got the "debianized" qmail package install to work after
I wiped all traces of the vanilla install from my system and ran the
install script via 'dselect'. It does work, but one must let it do


"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
   - Voltaire

Re: Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Mon, 08 May 2000:
 This code only converts A-Z to a-z, all else is left alone.

Right, thanks for the answer. :-)

 Yeah well since it doesn't support LOCALE 'n stuff, it can't now which
 characters are special in your country.

Indeed, though it doesn't say one way or another about local support.
I guess the reasonable assumption in that case is that it doesn't,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Mon, 08 May 2000:
 Correct. Uppercase LETTERS (my emphasis :). The typical preciseness of these
 manpages suggests to me that if it says letters, then that's all it means,
 no more, no less...and a quick squizz at the source confirms this.

Ahh, hmm.  But ä, ö and å *are* letters in the Finnish alphabet, so by
that logic it should convert them?  My point is that the man page is
*not* precise in this instance (it doesn't specify only English
letters), although it is possible that elsewhere it's stated that qmail
does not have locale support.

Maybe you think of this as obvious, if you live in an English speaking
country, but it doesn't strike me as such, living in a non-English
speaking country.

 Oh, and you'd need a *lot* more than two qmail files if it didn't do
 this. What if someone sent to extensions like Mikko, mIkko, miKko, etc?

Yes, of course.  I'd prefer to have only one, but I can live with
needing two. :-)

Thanks for the answers, again.
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy  scifi, the Corrs /
If you have to run heating in winter, you don't own enough computers.

Re: help qmail+vpopmail+ezmlm+qmailadmin+sqwebmail

2000-05-08 Thread Kapil Nanda

Hi Ken

I had three lines in the assign file, and a single period for the last line.
I had added single period's after each line. But the problem still remains.


 You probably don't have a ending line with a single period

 That is why qmail-newu is failing to compile. and without a
 compiled assign file, qmail won't be able to find the virtual
 domain directory to deliver it to.

ezmlm question

2000-05-08 Thread gary

Hi.  I've set up a family mailing list.  When I send an email to the
mailing list server, the message is send out as From: me, where me is
the sender's email.  I'd like responses to go to the mailing list, rather
than the sender.  I was thinking of adding a Reply-To: to 'headeradd'
but I'm not sure what side effects might arise.

Is there a better way to go about this?


BTW, ezmlm-idx does not compile or install properly on my Solaris 7
machine (using gcc).  I'll look into it further when I have time.

From: field

2000-05-08 Thread Thilo Bangert


I noticed my name appears in one of the From: fields a couple messages up.
How could that happen? I don´t remember posting anything to this list.



Re: Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread Patrick Bihan-Faou


Maybe I am missing the point, but I thought that only 7 bits ASCII
characters were legal in an email address...

Just as a side question, how do I type the following email address with my
standard US keyboard ? Mikko.Hä[EMAIL PROTECTED] ? More precisely how do I type
the "ä" ?

Please don't take this as a US-centric comment because I am NOT a US


Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Irwan

At 03:35 PM 5/8/00 -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
Yes, in the past the concurrencyremote was in "40", when I changed to 300
the remote procs. go up to 120, but no more 120. :(

then you have to patch your qmail with big-concurrency-patch
find it at

Re: Which version of Qmail to use?

2000-05-08 Thread John Palkovic

I wrote:

 Dpkg wants a mail transport agent defined (by default our friend
 sendmail, of course). ...

Oops, that's a mistake. The default MTA on Debian is exim.


"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
   - Voltaire

Re: Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:37:55PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
 Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Mon, 08 May 2000:
  This code only converts A-Z to a-z, all else is left alone.
 Right, thanks for the answer. :-)
  Yeah well since it doesn't support LOCALE 'n stuff, it can't now which
  characters are special in your country.
 Indeed, though it doesn't say one way or another about local support.
 I guess the reasonable assumption in that case is that it doesn't,

I think this assumption is reasonable, but for me the reasoning is: djb
avoids libc where he can. He therefore can't use LOCALE-stuff.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Mon, 08 May 2000:
  Correct. Uppercase LETTERS (my emphasis :). The typical preciseness of these
  manpages suggests to me that if it says letters, then that's all it means,
  no more, no less...and a quick squizz at the source confirms this.
 Ahh, hmm.  But ä, ö and å *are* letters in the Finnish alphabet, so by
 that logic it should convert them?  My point is that the man page is
 *not* precise in this instance (it doesn't specify only English
 letters), although it is possible that elsewhere it's stated that qmail
 does not have locale support.

The manpage is inprecise, in my opinion. This is ofcourse just a matter of

 Maybe you think of this as obvious, if you live in an English speaking
 country, but it doesn't strike me as such, living in a non-English
 speaking country.

It's obvious to me in some ways, and non-obvious in others. My second
natural language is English, which makes it obvious. But my first natural
language is Dutch, in which accented letters do exist but are not very

  Oh, and you'd need a *lot* more than two qmail files if it didn't do
  this. What if someone sent to extensions like Mikko, mIkko, miKko, etc?
 Yes, of course.  I'd prefer to have only one, but I can live with
 needing two. :-)

AFAICS you will need two in this case.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

ezmlm question (revisited)

2000-05-08 Thread GARY GENDEL

I just noticed that the qmail list server puts itself as a carbon-copy.  Is 
this preferred over a reply-to?  In any event, how do I set this up?

Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

2000-05-08 Thread Hector Tinoco

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Eddy wrote:

 IBM y AOL acaban de informar que un nuevo Virus - WOBBLER - anda
 suelto. Llegara en un E-mail titulado: "How to Give a Cat a Colonic".
 y AOL
 han anunciado que es MUY poderoso, mas que Melissa, y que no hay NINGUN
 remedio conocido. Este virus comera toda su informacion sobre la unidad
 disco duro, y tambien destruye al Navegante de Netscape y Microsoft
 No abra nada con este titulo y por favor pase este mensaje a todos sus
 contactos y cualquiera que usa con asiduidad el e-mail. No demasiadas
 personas parecen saber esto todavia, asi que propague esta informacion
 tan rapido como le sea posible. Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por
 manana por IBM.
 Por favor compartalo con todos los de su libro de direccion para que la
 propagacion del virus puedan detenerse. Este es un Virus muy peligroso
 y  no hay ningun remedio para 'el en este momento. Todos agradeceran


Hector Ryan Tinoco Reed
Administrador Nodo Internet, WebMaster.
Direccion de Investigaciones Academicas
Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua
Tels. : (505) 276-0004 - Ext. 5602 (Oficina UNICA) 3:00pm - 9:40pm
(505) 268-2362 - Ext. 116  (Oficina CRIES) 8:00am - 1:00pm
(505) 289-4829 (Casa) 
Faxs  : (505) 276-0590 (UNICA)
(505) 268-1565 (CRIES)
Beeper: 19533 (2784800 Alfanumeric)
URL   :

| |  | |  ___/ __\ |___|  ___   _ __
| |__| | / _ \  / /   | |/ _ \ | '_ \
| |__| ||  __/ / /___ | |   | (_) || |_) |
|_|  |_| \___| \/ |_|\___/ | .__ \
   |_|  \_\


origins of Bracketed Quad notation

2000-05-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Can anyone point me to the IETF RFC describing e-mail addresses
of the form david@[]   Although web pages refer to
this construction as a "821-compliant address" I found no discussion
of referring to hosts by anything other than names within 821.

"Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

Can you give a pointer to this patch (web page, source docs, how to,


-Original Message-
From: Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:12:36PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 04:12:23PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
  This work fine, but for a max of 255. How can I Increment up to
1000 for
  example ??, this is not a joke, I really need tons of remote delivery
  A concurrency of 255 is not suficcient for my server.

 Run multiple instances. This question has been asked and answered plenty
 of times, so you might want to review some of the answers in the archives
 pointed at from

Or use the excellent 16-bit concurrency patch from SuSE.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: origins of Bracketed Quad notation

2000-05-08 Thread Bruno Wolff III

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 04:35:01PM -0500,
  "David L. Nicol" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone point me to the IETF RFC describing e-mail addresses
 of the form david@[]   Although web pages refer to
 this construction as a "821-compliant address" I found no discussion
 of referring to hosts by anything other than names within 821.

It should be there. That construct is called a domain literal.

Re: origins of Bracketed Quad notation

2000-05-08 Thread Timothy L. Mayo

On Mon, 8 May 2000, David L. Nicol wrote:

 Can anyone point me to the IETF RFC describing e-mail addresses
 of the form david@[]   Although web pages refer to
 this construction as a "821-compliant address" I found no discussion
 of referring to hosts by anything other than names within 821.

RFC 821 page 29 (Section 4.1.2  COMMAND SYNTAX)

mailbox ::= local-part "@" domain
domain ::= element | element "." domain
element ::= name | "#" number | "[" dotnum "]"
dotnum ::= snum "." snum "." snum "." snum
snum ::= one, two, or three digits representing a decimal integer value
in the range 0 through 255

The item you missed was the third form of the element.

Timothy L. Mayo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Administrator

The National Business Network Inc.
One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
Monroeville, PA  15146
(412) 810- Phone
(412) 810-8886 Fax


2000-05-08 Thread Bryan Hundven

Could we possibly get this in english?

Thanx in advance,

Bryan Hundven

-Original Message-
From: Hector Tinoco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Eddy wrote:

 IBM y AOL acaban de informar que un nuevo Virus - WOBBLER - anda
 suelto. Llegara en un E-mail titulado: "How to Give a Cat a Colonic".
 y AOL
 han anunciado que es MUY poderoso, mas que Melissa, y que no hay NINGUN
 remedio conocido. Este virus comera toda su informacion sobre la unidad
 disco duro, y tambien destruye al Navegante de Netscape y Microsoft
 No abra nada con este titulo y por favor pase este mensaje a todos sus
 contactos y cualquiera que usa con asiduidad el e-mail. No demasiadas
 personas parecen saber esto todavia, asi que propague esta informacion
 tan rapido como le sea posible. Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por
 manana por IBM.
 Por favor compartalo con todos los de su libro de direccion para que la
 propagacion del virus puedan detenerse. Este es un Virus muy peligroso
 y  no hay ningun remedio para 'el en este momento. Todos agradeceran


Hector Ryan Tinoco Reed
Administrador Nodo Internet, WebMaster.
Direccion de Investigaciones Academicas
Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua
Tels. : (505) 276-0004 - Ext. 5602 (Oficina UNICA) 3:00pm - 9:40pm
(505) 268-2362 - Ext. 116  (Oficina CRIES) 8:00am - 1:00pm
(505) 289-4829 (Casa) 
Faxs  : (505) 276-0590 (UNICA)
(505) 268-1565 (CRIES)
Beeper: 19533 (2784800 Alfanumeric)
URL   :

| |  | |  ___/ __\ |___|  ___   _ __
| |__| | / _ \  / /   | |/ _ \ | '_ \
| |__| ||  __/ / /___ | |   | (_) || |_) |
|_|  |_| \___| \/ |_|\___/ | .__ \
   |_|  \_\



2000-05-08 Thread Andy Bradford

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Soffen, Matthew wrote:

If you notice.. The date on the mail is Thursday... Some mailer somewhere
held it up in transit it would appear..

Or the date on his computer is wrong... :-)

+- Andy --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+
|   Great minds discuss ideas;|
| Average minds discuss events;   |
|   Small minds discuss people.   |
+-- -+

Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

2000-05-08 Thread Juan E Suris

Not very useful. You can ignore it!

- Original Message -
From: "Bryan Hundven" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

 Could we possibly get this in english?

 Thanx in advance,

 Bryan Hundven

 -Original Message-
 From: Hector Tinoco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 2:20 AM
 Subject: Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

 On Mon, 8 May 2000, Eddy wrote:

  IBM y AOL acaban de informar que un nuevo Virus - WOBBLER - anda
  suelto. Llegara en un E-mail titulado: "How to Give a Cat a Colonic".
  y AOL
  han anunciado que es MUY poderoso, mas que Melissa, y que no hay
  remedio conocido. Este virus comera toda su informacion sobre la
  disco duro, y tambien destruye al Navegante de Netscape y Microsoft
  No abra nada con este titulo y por favor pase este mensaje a todos sus
  contactos y cualquiera que usa con asiduidad el e-mail. No demasiadas
  personas parecen saber esto todavia, asi que propague esta informacion
  tan rapido como le sea posible. Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer
  manana por IBM.
  Por favor compartalo con todos los de su libro de direccion para que
  propagacion del virus puedan detenerse. Este es un Virus muy peligroso
  y  no hay ningun remedio para 'el en este momento. Todos agradeceran


 Hector Ryan Tinoco Reed
 Administrador Nodo Internet, WebMaster.
 Direccion de Investigaciones Academicas
 Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua
 Tels. : (505) 276-0004 - Ext. 5602 (Oficina UNICA) 3:00pm - 9:40pm
 (505) 268-2362 - Ext. 116  (Oficina CRIES) 8:00am - 1:00pm
  (505) 289-4829 (Casa)
 Faxs  : (505) 276-0590 (UNICA)
 (505) 268-1565 (CRIES)
 Beeper: 19533 (2784800 Alfanumeric)
 URL   :

 | |  | |  ___/ __\ |___|  ___   _ __
 | |__| | / _ \  / /   | |/ _ \ | '_ \
 | |__| ||  __/ / /___ | |   | (_) || |_) |
 |_|  |_| \___| \/ |_|\___/ | .__ \
|_|  \_\



2000-05-08 Thread Vince Vielhaber

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Bryan Hundven wrote:

 Could we possibly get this in english?

Compliments of the babelfish (not perfect but you'll get the gist
of it):



IBM and AOL finish informing that a new Virus - WOBBLER -
walks loose. It arrived in a
titled email: " How to Give to Cat to Colonic ". IBM and
AOL have announced that are
VERY powerful, but that Melissa, and who is no NINGUN
well-known remedy. This
comere virus all its information on the HDD, and also
destroys the Navigator of Netscape
and Microsoft Exploratory Internet. 

It does not open anything with this I title and please it
passes east message to all his
contacts and whatever it uses with assiduity the
email. Too many people do not seem to
know to this todavia, asi that she propagates this
information as fast as it is possible to
him. This information was announced yesterday by the
manana by IBM. 

Please compartalo with all those of its book of direction
so that the propagation of the
virus can stop. This it is a very dangerous Virus and
remedy for ' at this moment is no
ningun. All you would agradeceran to know it. 


 Thanx in advance,
 Bryan Hundven
 -Original Message-
 From: Hector Tinoco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 2:20 AM
 Subject: Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***
 On Mon, 8 May 2000, Eddy wrote:
  IBM y AOL acaban de informar que un nuevo Virus - WOBBLER - anda
  suelto. Llegara en un E-mail titulado: "How to Give a Cat a Colonic".
  y AOL
  han anunciado que es MUY poderoso, mas que Melissa, y que no hay NINGUN
  remedio conocido. Este virus comera toda su informacion sobre la unidad
  disco duro, y tambien destruye al Navegante de Netscape y Microsoft
  No abra nada con este titulo y por favor pase este mensaje a todos sus
  contactos y cualquiera que usa con asiduidad el e-mail. No demasiadas
  personas parecen saber esto todavia, asi que propague esta informacion
  tan rapido como le sea posible. Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por
  manana por IBM.
  Por favor compartalo con todos los de su libro de direccion para que la
  propagacion del virus puedan detenerse. Este es un Virus muy peligroso
  y  no hay ningun remedio para 'el en este momento. Todos agradeceran
 Hector Ryan Tinoco Reed
 Administrador Nodo Internet, WebMaster.
 Direccion de Investigaciones Academicas
 Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua
 Tels. :   (505) 276-0004 - Ext. 5602 (Oficina UNICA) 3:00pm - 9:40pm
   (505) 268-2362 - Ext. 116  (Oficina CRIES) 8:00am - 1:00pm
   (505) 289-4829 (Casa) 
 Faxs  : (505) 276-0590 (UNICA)
   (505) 268-1565 (CRIES)
 Beeper: 19533 (2784800 Alfanumeric)
 URL   :
 | |  | |  ___/ __\ |___|  ___   _ __
 | |__| | / _ \  / /   | |/ _ \ | '_ \
 | |__| ||  __/ / /___ | |   | (_) || |_) |
 |_|  |_| \___| \/ |_|\___/ | .__ \
|_|  \_\

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSHemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 128K ISDN from $22.00/mo - 56K Dialup from $16.00/mo at Pop4 Networking
Online Campground Directory
   Online Giftshop Superstore


2000-05-08 Thread Jon Saunders

My guess, this is a hoax as outlined on some of the major virus protection
sites - The hoax states that IBM and AOL acknowledge the WOBBLER virus, it
is worse than Melissa, and that it destroys Netscape.

Jon Saunders

-Original Message-
From: Hector Tinoco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Eddy wrote:

 IBM y AOL acaban de informar que un nuevo Virus - WOBBLER - anda
 suelto. Llegara en un E-mail titulado: "How to Give a Cat a Colonic".
 y AOL
 han anunciado que es MUY poderoso, mas que Melissa, y que no hay NINGUN
 remedio conocido. Este virus comera toda su informacion sobre la unidad
 disco duro, y tambien destruye al Navegante de Netscape y Microsoft
 No abra nada con este titulo y por favor pase este mensaje a todos sus
 contactos y cualquiera que usa con asiduidad el e-mail. No demasiadas
 personas parecen saber esto todavia, asi que propague esta informacion
 tan rapido como le sea posible. Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por
 manana por IBM.
 Por favor compartalo con todos los de su libro de direccion para que la
 propagacion del virus puedan detenerse. Este es un Virus muy peligroso
 y  no hay ningun remedio para 'el en este momento. Todos agradeceran


Hector Ryan Tinoco Reed
Administrador Nodo Internet, WebMaster.
Direccion de Investigaciones Academicas
Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua
Tels. : (505) 276-0004 - Ext. 5602 (Oficina UNICA) 3:00pm - 9:40pm
(505) 268-2362 - Ext. 116  (Oficina CRIES) 8:00am - 1:00pm
(505) 289-4829 (Casa)
Faxs  : (505) 276-0590 (UNICA)
(505) 268-1565 (CRIES)
Beeper: 19533 (2784800 Alfanumeric)
URL   :

| |  | |  ___/ __\ |___|  ___   _ __
| |__| | / _ \  / /   | |/ _ \ | '_ \
| |__| ||  __/ / /___ | |   | (_) || |_) |
|_|  |_| \___| \/ |_|\___/ | .__ \
   |_|  \_\



2000-05-08 Thread Kai MacTane

At 5/8/2000 02:52 PM -0700, Bryan Hundven wrote or quoted:
Could we possibly get this in english?

Very loose translation:

"There's a big, bad virus out there, which is even worse than Melissa. Be 
very afraid. It will eat your hard drive, crash your aquarium, and max out 
your credit cards, and that's just before breakfast."

Plus, a direct translation on one line:

  Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por la manana por IBM.

"This information was announced yesterday morning by IBM."

IOW, this is one of the standard hoax email virus warnings that's been 
littering the Internet for past six years or more, only translated into 

  Kai MacTane
  System Administrator
   Online, Inc.
 From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

finger trouble /n./

Mistyping, typos, or generalized keyboard incompetence (this is
surprisingly common among hackers, given the amount of time they
spend at keyboards). "I keep putting colons at the end of statements
instead of semicolons", "Finger trouble again, eh?".

Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

2000-05-08 Thread Alex Shipp

I think this therefore eloquently answers my previous question
and confirms my original feeling that it is a bad idea to post 
virus warnings to this group.

- Original Message - 
Sent: 08 May 2000 23:22
Subject: RE: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***

At 5/8/2000 02:52 PM -0700, Bryan Hundven wrote or quoted:
Could we possibly get this in english?

Very loose translation:

"There's a big, bad virus out there, which is even worse than Melissa. Be 
very afraid. It will eat your hard drive, crash your aquarium, and max out 
your credit cards, and that's just before breakfast."

Plus, a direct translation on one line:

  Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por la manana por IBM.

"This information was announced yesterday morning by IBM."

IOW, this is one of the standard hoax email virus warnings that's been 
littering the Internet for past six years or more, only translated into 

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit

blocking mail from a certain address or domain

2000-05-08 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I need to block my mail server from receiving anymore mail from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] inserting this into 'badmailfrom' in
/var/qmail/controls do what I want?


Re: blocking mail from a certain address or domain

2000-05-08 Thread Kai MacTane

At 5/8/2000 04:01 PM -0700, Bill Parker wrote or quoted:

I need to block my mail server from receiving anymore mail from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] inserting this into 'badmailfrom' in
/var/qmail/controls do what I want?

Sure will. You don't even need to restart anything, as badmailfrom is read 
by qmail-smtpd, which is invoked at need whenever an incoming SMTP request 
is formed.

  Kai MacTane
  System Administrator
   Online, Inc.
 From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

finger trouble /n./

Mistyping, typos, or generalized keyboard incompetence (this is
surprisingly common among hackers, given the amount of time they
spend at keyboards). "I keep putting colons at the end of statements
instead of semicolons", "Finger trouble again, eh?".


2000-05-08 Thread Len Budney

Kai MacTane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IOW, this is one of the standard hoax email virus warnings that's been 
 littering the Internet for past six years or more, only translated into 

You mean, I can't find out how to give my cat a colonic?


Frugal Tip #31:
Incrementally reduce your year-to-year operating expenditures while
aggressively recognizing unrealized receivables in the current quarter.

Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Irwan Hadi

At 06:41 PM 5/8/00 -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
Can you give a pointer to this patch (web page, source docs, how to,

Re: AVP and Scan4virus

2000-05-08 Thread Jason Haar

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:44:30AM +0200, Andrés wrote:
 Has anobody tried to use AVP with Scan4virus?
 What do I have to change to make it use AVP?

Next release (0.50) will have support for it.

Yes, that's a big jump in versions - scan4virus now supports Email header
matching as well as attachment scanning. You'll be able to match "Subject:
ILOVEYOU" hours before you find out about the attachments involved.

I'm finishing testing of it this week - should be out next week.


Jason Haar

Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417

Qmail Setup

2000-05-08 Thread Robert Blaylock

I am having a hard time setting up Qmail on a FreeBSD4.0 machine and was
wondering if there was anyone on this list that I could correspond with that
is running a similar build. My goal is to set up a mail server with POP3
that will support around 100,000 pop boxes. Although I have read the
documentation I am unsure what the best way of going about this would be.
First of all what software would you all recommend. Here is what I have so

FreeBSD4.0 (Setup and working great)
Qmail-1.03 (When I telnet to localhost port 25 I get "421 unable to read
controls (#4.3.0)"
UCSPI-TCP 0.88 (I compiled it and now I am not sure what to do!) I read in
the /etc/inetd.conf file that I should use tcpserver.
Still need a POP3 Server

By the way if you cant tell already I am pretty new to UNIX (FreeBSD) but
the mail server that I am setting up will be a great way for me to learn. I
do have 3 years of networking experience, just not with UNIX and I will be a
contributing to this list as much as I can after I figure out what I am

Thanks in advance,

Re: Qmail Setup

2000-05-08 Thread Irwan Hadi

At 06:03 PM 5/8/00 -0700, Robert Blaylock wrote:
Qmail-1.03 (When I telnet to localhost port 25 I get "421 unable to read
controls (#4.3.0)"

you have to do ./config-fast from your qmail instalation dir

UCSPI-TCP 0.88 (I compiled it and now I am not sure what to do!) I read in
the /etc/inetd.conf file that I should use tcpserver.
better to read this http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html , i think


2000-05-08 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

Just getting conflicting information here.. i know badmailfrom and badrcptto
work with the standard qmail-smtpd, but do i need to patch with anything to
get the badmailpattern file to work as well?

I'm assuming yes, as i put in a string into
/var/qmail/control/badmailpattern and it didn't work.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

Re: badmailpattern

2000-05-08 Thread Ronny Haryanto

On 09-May-2000, Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:
 Just getting conflicting information here.. i know badmailfrom and badrcptto
 work with the standard qmail-smtpd,

Hmm, AFAIK badrcptto is not standard qmail feature either.
I think both patches are available from


Re: help qmail+vpopmail+ezmlm+qmailadmin+sqwebmail

2000-05-08 Thread Kapil Nanda

Cool Stuff Ken... Thanks...
No No don't go away, now my one problem is solved i.e users/assign,  by
doing what you said.
I am able to send+recieve the mails using sqwebmail. But when I use outlook
express or Netscape messenger it gives me error
There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was
rejected. Account: 'kapil', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server
Response: '-ERR authorization failed', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server
Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92.

Any thoughts


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: help qmail+vpopmail+ezmlm+qmailadmin+sqwebmail

 Kapil Nanda wrote:
  Hi Ken
  I had three lines in the assign file, and a single period for the last
  I had added single period's after each line. But the problem still
   You probably don't have a ending line with a single period
   That is why qmail-newu is failing to compile. and without a
   compiled assign file, qmail won't be able to find the virtual
   domain directory to deliver it to.

 dont' put periods at the end of each line.

 If you want to try starting over, run ~vpopmail/bin/vdeldomain domain
 for each of the current domains. Then remove the assign file, and
 start again by adding the domains with ~vpopmail/bin/vadddomain domain


Lowercasing non-ASCII chars?

2000-05-08 Thread Bob Rogers

   From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mikko_H=E4nninen?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 21:49:22 +0300

   . . .

   And yes, I know it's not a good idea to use 8bit characters in the
   email addresses.  I'm not planning to use these addresses except as a
   safety catch in case someone happens to use them by accident...


To belabor what is perhaps obvious by now, RFC822 forbids 8-bit
characters in the local-part of an address (or anywhere else, for that
matter).  The key lines are as follows:

 atom=  1*any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs
 CHAR=  any ASCII character; (  0-177,  0.-127.)

I haven't actually seen this particular violation in use; has anybody

-- Bob Rogers

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