smtp relay & vpopmail

2001-03-23 Thread Martin Edlman

I'm new to the qmail. I made it running, I set up vpopmail with mysql,
so I can receive mails for multiple domains and users can read their
mails. After first troubles and disapointment I realized that qmail is
simply great.
But I still has one problem. I cannot send e-mails via qmail-smtp to
non-local domains, I get back the error message 
553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

So I need to set up relaying. I looked to the FAQ, HOWTO, Docs, ... but
found no answer (maybe I search badly). I have following settings (see
below). I want to allow all our clients (using our IP blocks) to use

Next thing I want to ask - does the qmail rebuild the 'cdb' files
automatically after service restart? As far as I found, it seems to me
that it doesn't.


this one is from qmail distro
# cat /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.rules 
this one is from vpopmail distro
# cat /var/qmail/virtual/etc/tcp.smtp 
# cat /var/qmail/service/smtpd/run 
. /usr/share/qmail/run-functions

# If rblsmtpd is installed, process rbltimeout rbldomains, and
if [ -x /usr/bin/rblsmtpd ]; then
readdefault domains antirbldomains ""
for domain in $domains; do
rblopts="$rblopts -a $domain"
readdefault domains rbldomains ""
for domain in $domains; do
rblopts="$rblopts -r $domain"
readdefault timeout rbltimeout 60
if [ -n "$rblopts" ]; then
rbl="/usr/bin/rblsmtpd -t $timeout $rblopts"

# Start daemons.
readdefault concurrency concurrencysmtpd 20

exec envuidgid qmaild \
tcpserver -DRUvX -c "$concurrency" -l "`head -1 /var/qmail/control/me`"
-x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
fixcrio $rbl qmail-smtpd

Martin Edlman
Fortech s.r.o, Litomysl
Public PGP key:

Re: Mostly OT: New qmail server security concerns

2001-03-23 Thread James Raftery

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:51:57PM -0500, Roger Merchberger wrote:
> This is mostly off-topic so I apologize for any lost bandwith & whatnot,
> but here goes:

Yep; this question is, in essence, 'which Linux do you suggest' and is
more suited (and likely to be answered better) on a general Linux list.

> What are other folks here using to keep their nice, secure MTA secure
> across the rest of the box? (info on distros, utilities, etc. most welcome.)

FWIW, I see the different Linux distros as a starting point. I'd never
deploy an out-of-the-box Linux installation whether from Caldera, Suse,
RedHat, etc.
RedHat can be made sufficiently tight to keep me happy. It just involves
liberal application of 'rpm -e'.

James Raftery (JBR54)
  "It's somewhere in the Red Hat district"  --  A network engineer's
   freudian slip when talking about Amsterdam's nightlife at RIPE 38.

Re: smtp relay & vpopmail

2001-03-23 Thread Yves Caetano


Martin Edlman wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to the qmail. I made it running, I set up vpopmail with mysql,
> so I can receive mails for multiple domains and users can read their
> mails. After first troubles and disapointment I realized that qmail is
> simply great.
> But I still has one problem. I cannot send e-mails via qmail-smtp to
> non-local domains, I get back the error message
> 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
> So I need to set up relaying. I looked to the FAQ, HOWTO, Docs, ... but
> found no answer (maybe I search badly). I have following settings (see
> below). I want to allow all our clients (using our IP blocks) to use
> smtp.
> Next thing I want to ask - does the qmail rebuild the 'cdb' files
> automatically after service restart? As far as I found, it seems to me
> that it doesn't.
> Regards,
> Martin

if i am right, the next setting is for smtp

so change it like this: you have to allow all your local ip blocks to
if you have these networks for exapmle:

and they are local for you so make an entry

so you will relay mails but only for your local ip addresses.

hope i could help you :-)

cu ycae

> ---
> this one is from qmail distro
> # cat /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.rules
> :allow
> ---
> this one is from vpopmail distro
> # cat /var/qmail/virtual/etc/tcp.smtp
> 127.0.0.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> ---
> # cat /var/qmail/service/smtpd/run
> #!/bin/sh
> . /usr/share/qmail/run-functions
> # If rblsmtpd is installed, process rbltimeout rbldomains, and
> antirbldomains
> if [ -x /usr/bin/rblsmtpd ]; then
> readdefault domains antirbldomains ""
> for domain in $domains; do
> rblopts="$rblopts -a $domain"
> done
> readdefault domains rbldomains ""
> for domain in $domains; do
> rblopts="$rblopts -r $domain"
> done
> readdefault timeout rbltimeout 60
> if [ -n "$rblopts" ]; then
> rbl="/usr/bin/rblsmtpd -t $timeout $rblopts"
> fi
> fi
> # Start daemons.
> readdefault concurrency concurrencysmtpd 20
> do_ulimits
> exec envuidgid qmaild \
> tcpserver -DRUvX -c "$concurrency" -l "`head -1 /var/qmail/control/me`"
> \
> -x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
> fixcrio $rbl qmail-smtpd
> --
> Martin Edlman
> Fortech s.r.o, Litomysl
> Public PGP key:

Yves Caetano
Server Support Engineer
Tel: 295383 254
Fax: 295383 222

why it's always send to me even though the condition is 200 ??

2001-03-23 Thread Essy Ren

I make script like this to send me email when there's no 200 ...
the truth is it's work fine ..
but when i am using crontab -e and put this line :

0,20,40 * * * * /home/essy/public_html/perl/httpresponse

it's send me hundred and more email to me ... 

here's the script :

perl /home/essy/public_html/perl/http -r > hasil1;
grep -i 200 /home/essy/public_html/perl/hasil1 > /usr/backup/error1;
until grep -i 200 /usr/backup/error1; do
echo To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

qmail Digest 23 Mar 2001 11:00:00 -0000 Issue 1312

2001-03-23 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 23 Mar 2001 11:00:00 - Issue 1312

Topics (messages 59504 through 59571):

Re: filtering with perl
59504 by: Todd Finney

newbie: qmail + vpopmail
59505 by: - = k o l i s k o = -
59506 by: Robin S. Socha
59511 by: Wes Wannemacher
59512 by: Robin S. Socha
59515 by: Adrian Ho
59521 by: Wes Wannemacher

Re: qmail-send dependent on log?
59507 by: Sumith

RH 6.2 - qmail logging
59508 by: Iain Morrison

sh ./run ? erm
59509 by: Alan Lee
59529 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen

Re: heavy traffic on port 25
59510 by: Paulo Jan
59525 by: Krzysztof Wychowalek

Re: About dot qmail program!
59513 by: Charles Cazabon

Re: LWQ and POP3
59514 by: Charles Cazabon
59541 by: Dave Sill

59516 by: Andrew Wafula

mail not forwarding
59517 by: Virginia Chism
59518 by: Charles Cazabon
59519 by: Virginia Chism
59520 by: Johan Almqvist
59522 by: Virginia Chism
59536 by: Virginia Chism
59539 by: Virginia Chism
59540 by: Virginia Chism

Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail
59523 by: Alex Le Fevre
59530 by: Kep Brown
59532 by: Alex Le Fevre
59538 by: Alex Le Fevre

59524 by: Federico Edelman Anaya
59526 by: Dan Peterson
59527 by: Chris Johnson

10,000 outbound emails
59528 by: Bill Parker
59531 by: Kurth Bemis

cyrus authenticating out of CDB
59533 by: Gaston

Re: VERP problems
59534 by: Dave Sill
59542 by: Brett
59544 by: Charles Cazabon
59545 by: Dave Sill
59546 by: Brett

Mostly OT: New qmail server security concerns
59535 by: Roger Merchberger
59569 by: James Raftery

same VERP problem
59537 by: Brett
59543 by: Dave Sill

help people
59547 by: Dixon Canario

hey with  Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)
59548 by: Dixon Canario
59551 by: Nick (Keith) Fish
59553 by: David Talkington

Connection unexpectedly terminated
59549 by: Carey Jung
59550 by: Mark Delany
59552 by: Fabrizio Fresco
59564 by: Carey Jung

outgoing mail to be forwarded to another email
59554 by: KIM

bounce mail
59555 by: KY Lui

svscan and heavy load
59556 by: Aleksander Olsen

perl script in qmail
59557 by: Essy Ren

Content Types
59558 by: Alex Le Fevre

me contents
59559 by: Flash

New to Qmail, probably a stupid question...
59560 by: Tyrone Mills
59561 by: Chris Johnson
59562 by: Tyrone Mills
59563 by: Jack Thomas

Re: tcpserver rblsmtpd
59565 by: Rick Updegrove

qmail queue
59566 by: Sumith

multiple virtualdomains and no locals
59567 by: Martin Dougiamas

smtp relay & vpopmail
59568 by: Martin Edlman
59570 by: Yves Caetano

why it's always send to me even though the condition is 200 ??
59571 by: Essy Ren


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To bug my human owner, e-mail:

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Thanks, that appears to do the trick.  I tried doing that with 
qmail-inject, and it didn't work.

I surprised that I can't just modify the stream.  I thought that was 
the whole point of program delivery.   Doing it this way precludes 
checking the message with ezmlm-reject, but I suppose that's not too 
big a deal.

thanks again,

At 05:38 AM 3/22/01, Kirill Miazine wrote:
>You first submit a message to the perl prog, it does its stuff and 
>happily exits without doing something with the content
>What if you open a pipe from the program to 
>/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send '/home/list/test'?
>something like
>my $from = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>my $list = 'To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>open PIPE, '|/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send /home/list/test';
>while (<>) {
> s/From:\s.+$/$from/io;
> s/To:\s.+$/$list/io;
> print PIPE $_;
>close PIPE;

Hi all!

I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.

when i tried send a message to local user the message stored in
directory. But when i tried get the message trought pop3 i got error that
not exist...

how is possible set qmail to store messages to $home/maildir?
or how is possible to configure vpopmail to get messages from


S pozdravem,
Michal Kolesar
+420 608 225025
server of free unix services

* - = k o l i s k o = - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 06:33]:
> I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.

Packages suck. Why don't you install from source?

Small problem. Help please

2001-03-23 Thread Oleg Sobolyev

HI All

Can anybody help me?

I havn't any experience in qmail software, but I need to administrate host
with it.

When I try to configure qmail to forward mail out of my host ( by echo
"&usr@remote" > ~alias/.qmail-user or by fastforward way) I receive in logs:

delivery 9451: failure:

What I need to do? Why qmail don't substitute local domain in From: field?

System: Linux RH 6.x


With best regards,
---> Oleg Sobolyev
-> System administrator

Problen with auth_pop

2001-03-23 Thread José Ramón Jiménez

I have a problem with qmail 1.03 and ldap (Netscape Directory Server 4.1)

After patching, compiling, ... qmail delivery well, but when i get mail 
via pop3, the clients report un error:
.1: /var/qmail/bin/auth_pop: fatal: /usr/lib/ mmap failed: Not 
enough space
I have space, i need help, ...

RE: VERP problems

2001-03-23 Thread Dave Sill

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dave Sill wrote:
>>No, you're not messing anything up. There are two kinds of bounces:
>>those generated remotely and those generated locally. If the local
>>system is not able to pass a message off to a remote system, the
>>bounce generated will be local--from your qmail--and it'll go to the
>>"me-" address rather than the me-user%host VERP address. This is
>>done this way because the local bounce can contain multiple
>>undeliverable addresses. To process these bounces, you need to parse
>>the QSMBF-format bounce message that qmail generates.
>>From this, I gather that in order to collect the email addresses of these
>bounces, I need to write a script that goes through the me mailbox and
>extracts the email addresses from the bounce messages.

You could do that, but it'd be better to write a script that processes
each message upon receipt.

>I can do this (though
>it seems like there must be a better way). But when does the VERP
>functionality present itself? I send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>and that server tells me 'beets is unknown' -- isn't that a remote bounce?

If your qmail talks to the MTA at, and refuses to accept the message for beets, then your
qmail will generate the bounce.

If your qmail talks to the MTA at, and accepts the message but is unable to deliver it to
beets, then will generate the bounce, and it'll go
to the VERP address.

>Shouldn't the email be returned to

No, because, as I explained, qmail bundles the locally-generated
bounces into one message.

>Because it isn't; I'm still
>getting those sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or is this still considered a local

Locally-*generated*, not local.

>If this is a local bounce then how do I simulate a remote bounce?

Well, the easiest way to do that is to send a message directly to a
VERP return address. Alternatively, if you've got another qmail box,
just send a message to nosuchuser@otherqmailbox.


Re: outgoing mail to be forwarded to another email

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

> Is it possible in qmail if I want to have a copy for all the mail sent by
> one of the user? example
> all mails sent by the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] will have an automatic
> cc copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

Yes.  Use Dan's documented QUEUE_EXTRA functionality to have a copy of all
mail controlled by an ~alias/.qmail-foo file.  Then write an appropriate
filter to capture the mail you're interested in to a Maildir.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: bounce mail

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

> my qmail server is running. however, i found that some sent mail are bounced
> back.

Completely normal.

> please attached the log of qmail.
> Connected_to_203.184.222.2_but_sender_was_rejected./Remote_host_said:_553_Re
> quested_action_not_taken:_mailbox_name_not_allowed/

You sent mail to an address which doesn't exist.  The remote server bounced
it.  End of story.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: svscan and heavy load

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Aleksander Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Starting qmail with 'qmail start' and get the echo 'Starting qmail: svscan.'
> The first time i started qmail like this, i wasnt aware of the problem.  The
> load was 0.00 and after 5 mins with qmail and svscan running, the load was
> closing up to 10.00. -
> Why ?

Post the contents of your start script (apparently called "qmail") and a
relevant portion of what shows up in the logs after you try to start it.  Only
then can we help you.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: Content Types

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Alex Le Fevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've solved my earlier problem of getting my script to output an encoded file
> to the mailwrapper. My only problem is, I'm having real trouble getting mail
> agents to see the attachment properly.
> Mail goes to Yahoo just fine, which shows that there's an attachment on the
> Inbox screen. When I try to access the message, though, there's nothing there
> -- not even my text.

I'm no Perl coder, but it looks to me like you're sending everything as part of
the message header -- you need a completely blank line (i.e. no whitespace on
the line) between the end of the message headers, and the start of your first
MIME part.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: me contents

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Flash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For appearances sake in the headers I would like 'me' to contain
> '' instead.  Will I break anything if I edit the file?

`man qmail-control`

Hint:  if changing the contents of "me" broke qmail, why would djb include
that capability?

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: me contents

2001-03-23 Thread Dave Sill

Flash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>/var/qmail/control/me currently contains '' which was
>picked up by the config script at compile time.
>For appearances sake in the headers I would like 'me' to contain
>'' instead.  Will I break anything if I edit the file?

Look at:

And verify that the variables that default to "me" are OK to change to If not, just set those variables to what they
should contain.


Re: New to Qmail, probably a stupid question...

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Tyrone Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The /var/log/maillog records several error mesages from sendmail,
> saying "Service unavailable". The first thing I thought was, what the hell
> is sendmail doing with this! But then I see that QMail has sendmail in it's
> install dir, so I'm assuming it's not "THE Sendmail", rather a helper util
> named sendmail.

No, it's probably the real sendmail.  RedHat ships with sendmail in a given
place (can't remember where).  You have to remove it, and link to qmail's
sendmail wrapper.  Also take sendmail out of inetd.conf or your xinetd
configuration if it's there.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

RE: New to Qmail, probably a stupid question...

2001-03-23 Thread Dave Sill

"Tyrone Mills" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>You're right, I should have included the logs, but the machine couldn't
>E-Mail... I was about to ftp them over when I realized the problem. I had a
>bad hostname for the machine, as soon as I fixed it, it's happily sending
>mail to the Internet.

Mail may be flowing, but if you're seeing log entries that contain
"sendmail", you're not using qmail. qmail's sendmail command does no


Re: qmail queue

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Sumith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place on my
> qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote

qmail's logs include this information in the "status:" lines.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: multiple virtualdomains and no locals

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Martin Dougiamas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want these to work:
>user1 at
>user2 at
>user3 at
> but I want all OTHER combinations to be bounced!
> Obviously (?) I can't put anything in the "control/locals" file,
> because whatever I put in there appears to activate ALL the 
> local user accounts for that domain.
> So I put something like this in the control/virtualdomains file:
> and in ~alias I made files like this:
>   .qmail-domain1-user1
>   .qmail-domain2-user2
>   .qmail-domain3-user3

You're exactly right so far.

> But what do I put in these files?  I tried putting this sort of thing,
> as per the manual:
>   eg ~alias/.qmail-domain-user2:
>   /home/user2/Maildir/
> but I get "Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir" errors.  I also tried just 

This won't work, because mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be delivered as the
system account alias, which probably has no write privilegews to

> So what should I be doing?

Use a virtual domain manager of some sort.  I recommend vmailmgr, available
at  It includes the necessary bits to provide all the
functionality you're looking for.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

non local users

2001-03-23 Thread Dean Mumby

is it possible to have nonlocal user mail forwarded to my isp mail server we
have two offices each with dialup access and share a domain

Re: Connection unexpectedly terminated

2001-03-23 Thread Paulo Jan

> > >
> > > We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually
> > timing out when
> > > popping certain messages.
> >
> I just saw this problem again.  Ran tcpdump and captured the pop-3
> conversation below.  What's interesting is that client is only retrieving 1
> message, instead of the 7 present.  The server sends the message, the client
> acks it, but then doesn't request any more messages.  So, apparently the
> server is waiting for the next command and not getting it.  On the other
> hand, the client is apparently expecting more data, but not getting it, or
> it's confused about how many messages it's received, so the client times out
> and sends a FIN packet.

Which client are you using?
There is a similar bug in all versions of Outlook, where it will
abruptly stop downloading messages if the last byte in the TCP packet
happens to be a dot ("."). See:

And the whole thread associated.
I don't know if it's the same bug, since the circunstances you mention
seem to be slightly different, but you could research into that
direction. Have you tried telnetting by hand to port 110 and issuing POP
commands to see if the same thing happens?

Paulo Jan.

Re: smtp relay & vpopmail

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Martin Edlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I need to set up relaying. I looked to the FAQ, HOWTO, Docs, ... but found
> no answer (maybe I search badly).

You must have -- it's one of the top FAQs.  Search on the term "selective
relay" for better results.  Or forget searching, and just read the
documentationfor tcpserver.

> Next thing I want to ask - does the qmail rebuild the 'cdb' files
> automatically after service restart?


> ---
> this one is from qmail distro
> # cat /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.rules 
> :allow
> ---
> this one is from vpopmail distro
> # cat /var/qmail/virtual/etc/tcp.smtp 
> 127.0.0.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> exec envuidgid qmaild \
> tcpserver -DRUvX -c "$concurrency" -l "`head -1 /var/qmail/control/me`"
> \
> -x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
> fixcrio $rbl qmail-smtpd

Only your smtp.cdb file is being used, presumably compiled from smtp.rules.
You need to add the relevant RELAYCLIENT settings to that file and
recompile your .cdb file.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: Small problem. Help please

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Oleg Sobolyev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I havn't any experience in qmail software, but I need to administrate host
> with it.

Better start reading some documentation, then.

> When I try to configure qmail to forward mail out of my host ( by echo
> "&usr@remote" > ~alias/.qmail-user or by fastforward way) I receive in logs:
> delivery 9451: failure:
> Connected_to_207.174.179.1_but_sender_was_rejected./Remote_host_said:_501_<#
> @[]>..
> ._Sender_domain_must_exist/

The original message, sent to your local user account, has an envelope
sender address of <#@[]>.  The remote site doesn't like it, because it can't
look it up.  qmail uses that address for double-bounces.

> What I need to do? Why qmail don't substitute local domain in From: field?

qmail doesn't rewrite headers arbitrarily.  That is a broken design.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: disappearing messages

2001-03-23 Thread Gopi Sundaram

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Kris Kelley wrote (quoting me):

> > I can receive local messages correctly. However,
> > messages from outside to my qmail server are irretrievable lost. They
> > aren't bounced, and I never receive them.
> >
> > I have no idea where to start troubleshooting.
> What Do The Logs Say? (tm)


I finally figured it out. It was a DNS thing. The new MX record for
this server hadn't propagated out. Our immediate parent is rather
slow with these things.

It started working a day later.

Gopi Sundaram

Re: Problen with auth_pop

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

José Ramón Jiménez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .1: /var/qmail/bin/auth_pop: fatal: /usr/lib/ mmap failed: Not 
> enough space
> I have space, i need help, ...

It's not a qmail problem.  This is an OS problem.  Check with the support
folks/lists for your OS.  And presumably by "space", that error message means

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.


2001-03-23 Thread Ciprian Iftode

I need an antivirus who works with qmail in order to scan all the emails
that are going thru my server, incoming and outgoing. Do you know such
thing? If posible to be freeware and up to date.

Ciprian Iftode,

Professional Systems Romania
str. Moara de Foc, nr.35, et.5, Iasi, 6600
tel/fax: +40-32-219907

Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for
delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this
message to anyone. In such a case, you should destroy this message and
kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail.

[SOLVED] multiple checkpassword routines

2001-03-23 Thread Peter Green

With significant help from both Jörgen Persson and Bruce Guenter, I was able
to concoct a script that allows both vpopmail and vmailmgr users to
authenticate on the same POP3 port, same IP address.

The authentication information is stored in a file on the filesystem, owned
by root.root, 0600 permissions. The filename is not necessarily random, but
was about as good as I could think of: PID + TCPREMOTEPORT + "." + date.

Any suggestions are certainly welcome. Thanks again to everyone who helped!

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> How about the startup code? Is that freed from GPL?
Eyes: n, devices used to examine things to find answers.
Fingers: n, devices uses far too much to ask questions before Eyes (qv)
have been applied to problem documentation.
(An answer by Alan Cox on the Linux kernel list.)

local vs remote delivery

2001-03-23 Thread Tom Beer


I'll try to set up my local delivery in qmail and been stuck in the moment
and can't get out of it. I can use qmail for remote delivery. But if I try
to make a
local delivery it connects to teh net and delivers the message via the net
to my
pop box. Can anyone give me the path where to start from for

Thanks Tom

@40003abb628e2697a95c info msg 224638: bytes 202 from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 2155 uid 0
@40003abb628e29eef27c starting delivery 108: msg 224638 to local
@40003abb628e29ef38cc status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@40003abb628e36d675b4 new msg 224641
@40003abb628e36d6bc04 info msg 224641: bytes 302 from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 2158 uid 1004
@40003abb628e372b8324 starting delivery 109: msg 224641 to remote
@40003abb628e372bb9d4 status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
@40003abb628e372bd52c delivery 108: success: did_0+1+0/qp_2158/
@40003abb628e372bf854 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
@40003abb628e3997acdc end msg 224638
@40003abb62952343d6f4 delivery 109: success:
@40003abb62952344389c status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@40003abb6295234457dc end msg 224641


2001-03-23 Thread Ciprian Iftode

Hi, could you recommend me some antivirus who will  work with
qmail in order to scan all emails that are going thru the server, incoming
and outgoing. Freeware if is posible.

Ciprian Iftode,

Professional Systems Romania
str. Moara de Foc, nr.35, et.5, Iasi, 6600
tel/fax: +40-32-219907

Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for
delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this
message to anyone. In such a case, you should destroy this message and
kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail.

RE: Connection unexpectedly terminated

2001-03-23 Thread Carey Jung

>   Which client are you using?

Outlook 2000.

>   There is a similar bug in all versions of Outlook, where it will
> abruptly stop downloading messages if the last byte in the TCP packet
> happens to be a dot ("."). See:

This may or may not be the problem.  On the one hand, with this particular
message, the 2nd-to-last packet had "\r\n." at the end of it, and the last
packet had "\r\n" in it.  (That is, the standard "\r\n.\r\n" to end a
message.)  So it indeed matches your description.

On the other had, the reference you give says that one packet ends in a dot
and the next packet begins with a dot.  This is not the case here.

>   I don't know if it's the same bug, since the circunstances
> you mention
> seem to be slightly different,

Yes, they are, but also remarkably similar.

> but you could research into that
> direction. Have you tried telnetting by hand to port 110 and issuing POP
> commands to see if the same thing happens?

Guaranteed to work.  Also, if I pop the message from my client (also Outlook
2K), it invariably works.  Since we're on a lan connection with different
MTUs, our packet boundaries would differ enough to not see the problem.  I
think we're on the right track.  The trick is finding a work-around, because
moving off Outlook is not an option.

Thank you very much for the pointer.


Re: qmail queue

2001-03-23 Thread Dave Sill

"Sumith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place
>on my qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote 

Look at your qmail-send logs. You should see something like:

@40003abb67f02a8b74e4 status: local 0/60 remote 14/500

where concurrencylocal is 60 and concurrencyremote is 500.


Re: 10,000 outbound emails

2001-03-23 Thread Russell Nelson

Bill Parker writes:
 >  I have qmail running on a pent-133 w/32MB, kernel 2.2.14,
 > tcpserver, qmailadmin, vpopmail, amavis-0.2.1, and NAI's anti-virus
 > software.  Everything is working just fine, however, one of the
 > supervisors wants to send 10,000 emails through the box to various
 > users (aka a mass mailing).  Does anyone see any problems with
 > doing something like this, or would you need more information about
 > my current configuration of qmail?

You'd do better to use my qmail-popbull program (on
That way, you only ever have one copy of the piece of email, and only
the people who read their mail ever see it.  It also lets you tell
people about temporal things, and then after the time has passed, you
can remove the bulletin.

-russ nelson will be speaking at
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Watch out!  He's got an
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | opinion, and he's not
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | afraid to share it!

RE: Connection unexpectedly terminated

2001-03-23 Thread Carey Jung

>   Which client are you using?
>   There is a similar bug in all versions of Outlook, where it will
> abruptly stop downloading messages if the last byte in the TCP packet
> happens to be a dot (".").

The more I think about this, the more bizarre it seems.  How could this be
an Outlook bug?  Outlook just sees a stream of data; it shouldn't even see
tcp/ip packets, should it?

Re: antivirus

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Ciprian Iftode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need an antivirus who works with qmail in order to scan all the emails
> that are going thru my server, incoming and outgoing. Do you know such
> thing? has the information you need.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: redundant mail servers

2001-03-23 Thread Russell Nelson

Gopi Sundaram writes:

You use POP3 when you want to get the email the hell off your
servers.  You use IMAP when you want to have a mail expiration policy, 
when you want to backup your users email, when your users read their
email sometimes with their desktop and sometimes with their laptop.

 > I'm reluctant to move to Maildir until we can get more MUAs to support
 > them (specifically Pine and Netscape).

Wrong idea.  Never expose your mailboxes to your users.  Always use a
virtual mailbox system -- either pop3 or imap.

 > I've heard that the maildir format may have scalability issues because
 > of the number of files that it deals with (bunches of open(), read()
 > and stat() calls). Is there any truth to this?

Why would you ever have that much email in your incoming mailbox?  Why 
are you leaving it there?

-russ nelson will be speaking at
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Watch out!  He's got an
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | opinion, and he's not
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | afraid to share it!

Re: Content Types

2001-03-23 Thread Alex Le Fevre

> I'm no Perl coder, but it looks to me like you're
> sending everything as part of
> the message header -- you need a completely blank
> line (i.e. no whitespace on
> the line) between the end of the message headers,
> and the start of your first
> MIME part.

That just makes everything show up as message body,
including the attachment coming across as plain
(albeit garbled) text. Am I doing something wrong with
my boundary being "--bound"? Or are there any other
rules I need to follow when wrapping a message with an


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

HOME.COM Still F-ed... Now Isn't relaying... WTF!?

2001-03-23 Thread Jesse Sunday

SUBJECT: HOME.COM Still F-ed... Now Isn't relaying... WTF!?

Anyone else experiencing this???   Since 01-17-2001 my domain
couldn't get to so I smtproute ed

bash# cat smtproutes[]


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied
Giving up on

Even with valid recipients...

Any suggestions???   Is this happening for you folks???


Re: local vs remote delivery

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Tom Beer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll try to set up my local delivery in qmail and been stuck in the moment
> and can't get out of it. I can use qmail for remote delivery. But if I try to
> make a local delivery it connects to teh net and delivers the message via the
> net to my pop box. Can anyone give me the path where to start from for
> troubleshooting?

Your logs make it look like the local delivery instruction contained a
forwarding address which was remote.

Post the results of `qmail-showctl` and `ls -l ~tom/.qmail*`, and
the contents of every file named .qmail* in tom's home directory.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: antivirus

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Ciprian Iftode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi, could you recommend me some antivirus...

I already answered your question earlier today.  Please re-read it, and then
go read what I told you to read in that message.  Your answer is there.

Re-posting the question with no changes wastes the time of everyone on the
mailing list, and is considered rude behaviour.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

intra-domain routing with qmail

2001-03-23 Thread Tri D. Hoang

Hi all,

We are setting up exchange server as our primary email server. We want
to use qmail at the front end to route emails to exchange.  Currently
all users are on qmail. Is there a way to selectively (user by user)
forwarding mail to exchange mailboxes? So some users will be with
qmail and others will be on exchange (both has the same domain).

Any idea would be appreciated.


Re: 10,000 outbound emails

2001-03-23 Thread Michael Boyiazis

I concur.  We do this often.  It saves me from the marketing department's
requests to let everyone know about "great new features."  There's no need
to mail to someone who never reads their mail.  This keeps you from that
Michael Boyiazis
Mail Architect, NetZero, Inc.

> -Original Message-
> From: Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 7:17 AM
> Subject: Re: 10,000 outbound emails
> Bill Parker writes:
>  >  I have qmail running on a pent-133 w/32MB, kernel 2.2.14,
>  > tcpserver, qmailadmin, vpopmail, amavis-0.2.1, and NAI's anti-virus
>  > software.  Everything is working just fine, however, one of the
>  > supervisors wants to send 10,000 emails through the box to various
>  > users (aka a mass mailing).  Does anyone see any problems with
>  > doing something like this, or would you need more information about
>  > my current configuration of qmail?
> You'd do better to use my qmail-popbull program (on
> That way, you only ever have one copy of the piece of email, and only
> the people who read their mail ever see it.  It also lets you tell
> people about temporal things, and then after the time has passed, you
> can remove the bulletin.

RE: antivirus

2001-03-23 Thread Frederic Beleteau

there's a commercial package of AVP for linux available.
we've bought it but not yet installed, it is said to be compatible with

Fred. Beleteau

-Message d'origine-
De : Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye : vendredi 23 mars 2001 17:02
Objet : Re: antivirus

Ciprian Iftode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need an antivirus who works with qmail in order to scan all the emails
> that are going thru my server, incoming and outgoing. Do you know such
> thing? has the information you need.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: HOME.COM Still F-ed... Now Isn't relaying... WTF!?

2001-03-23 Thread Sean Peterson

We were experiencing the same issue two days ago. It is not a problem
with you it is the @home network having issues. The problem went away
yesterday and email was being delivered without problem.

Sean Peterson
System Administrator
Valley Internet Providers Ltd.

Jesse Sunday wrote:
> SUBJECT: HOME.COM Still F-ed... Now Isn't relaying... WTF!?
> Anyone else experiencing this???   Since 01-17-2001 my domain
> couldn't get to so I smtproute ed
> bash# cat smtproutes
> Now...
> does not like recipient.
> Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied
> Giving up on
> Even with valid recipients...
> Any suggestions???   Is this happening for you folks???
> Jesse

Checkpassword & PAM on Solaris

2001-03-23 Thread Dawn Lee

Is anyone using the pam-checkpassword-0.81-diffs on Solaris?
I've been trying to build it on a Solaris 7 box, but it appears
that I lack some of the PAM header files that the patch uses.  

$ make
./compile log_pam.c
log_pam.c:23: security/pam_misc.h: No such file or directory
log_pam.c:26: security/pam_filter.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [log_pam.o] Error 1

I can't find them on any version of Solaris that we're running.  
My /usr/include/security includes only pam_appl.h and pam_modules.h.
I'm guessing they're Linux-specific?  If anyone is using the patch 
on Solaris, I would really appreciate knowing where you obtained 
the files.

We're moving toward LDAP for authentication, and using the 
PAM-enabled checkpassword with the pam_LDAP module from 
seemed like the path of least resistance for POP3.  We're currently
using sendmail for our MTA; otherwise, we'd probably go with
qmail-ldap (may still in the end).  We use the qmail POP3 service
to handle our Maildir mailboxes.

Sorry for the newbie question. :-)  Thanks for your time!

Dawn Lee

patch file error for oversize dns

2001-03-23 Thread Mark Lo \(Home Net\)


   I got the following error when I use the oversize dns patch file.

My command is : patch -p0 < /usr/local/src/patchfile.

the error are as follow:

patching file 'qmail-1.03/dns.c'
Hunk #1 failed at 21.
Hunk #2 failed at 47.
Hunk #3 failed at 83.

Please reply directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I haven't subscribed yet.

Thank you


if this is duplicated ( Sorry !!) oversize dns patch failed.

2001-03-23 Thread Mark Lo


   I got the following error when I use the oversize dns patch file.

My command is : patch -p0 < /usr/local/src/patchfile.

the error are as follow:

patching file 'qmail-1.03/dns.c'
Hunk #1 failed at 21.
Hunk #2 failed at 47.
Hunk #3 failed at 83.

Please reply directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I haven't subscribed yet.

Thank you


Re: redundant mail servers

2001-03-23 Thread Vincent Schonau

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 11:01:51AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> Gopi Sundaram writes:

>> I'm reluctant to move to Maildir until we can get more MUAs to support
>> them (specifically Pine and Netscape).

> Wrong idea.  Never expose your mailboxes to your users.  Always use a
> virtual mailbox system -- either pop3 or imap.



Re: intra-domain routing with qmail

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Tri D. Hoang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are setting up exchange server as our primary email server. We want
> to use qmail at the front end to route emails to exchange.  Currently
> all users are on qmail. Is there a way to selectively (user by user)
> forwarding mail to exchange mailboxes? So some users will be with
> qmail and others will be on exchange (both has the same domain).
> Any idea would be appreciated.

`man dot-qmail`

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

RE: patch file error for oversize dns

2001-03-23 Thread Kirti S. Bajwa

I got it too. I still do not know why.. Hope someone responds.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Lo (Home Net) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 1:52 PM
Subject: patch file error for oversize dns


   I got the following error when I use the oversize dns patch file.

My command is : patch -p0 < /usr/local/src/patchfile.

the error are as follow:

patching file 'qmail-1.03/dns.c'
Hunk #1 failed at 21.
Hunk #2 failed at 47.
Hunk #3 failed at 83.

Please reply directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I haven't subscribed yet.

Thank you


Re: non local users

2001-03-23 Thread Dave Sill

"Dean Mumby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>is it possible to have nonlocal user mail forwarded to my isp mail server we
>have two offices each with dialup access and share a domain

A specific example of what you want to do would be helpful. What you
want do to is almost certainly doable, but how it'd be done depends
upon what you want it to do.


queue prob maybe?

2001-03-23 Thread Andy Meuse

So a week ago one of my employees sent out 7000 emails to one person
instead of sending out one email to 7000 people. I caught it in the middle
of sending, shut down qmail and grepped the queue to find all files
containing the person's address and I deleted them.
Two days ago someone in my company who gets a few thousand emails a day is
starts having problems with his pop connectivity so I check the logs and see
ALOT of these messages

Mar 23 14:33:16 mail qmail: 985375996.490311 warning: trouble opening
local/15/1008289; will try again later

Mar 23 14:37:36 mail qmail: 985376256.008630 warning: unable to utime
local/17/1008268; message will be retried too soon

The guys has 5 pop connections open, using almost all the server's CPU.
There is a bunch of messages in the queue that are addressed to various
people but mostly him.

qmail-qstat, shows
messages in queue: 392
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 385

qmail-qread, shows only 10 or so messages which is what it's usually at
(small company)

I ran qmail-clean (what exactly does that do anyway?), and now there are no
messages in /var/qmail/queue/local , but there are alot in ~queue/todo and

I'm guessing the answer is "Your queue is fucked, `rm -rf /var/qmail/queue`
then `make setup check` Any other ideas?


OT a bit difficulties online

2001-03-23 Thread Virginia Chism

I have a machinein the front office that has Netscape, AOL and IE.  Today,
for some unknown reason, while checking my sistes, I encounter the

On Netscape, none of the links work (on anybody's pages - not just mine).
(The last time this happened, I rebooted the machine and it was OK.  This
time it didn't help.)

On AOL, I get old pages rather than the new ones I just published.  It
finally gave me the right pages, but it took a few passes.

IE works just fine.

Anyone know what's up?  Is Netscape just 'broke?'

Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-23 Thread Aleksander Olsen


Qmail is up running, but i dont have any pop3d yet.
I am using Mailbox instead of Maildir, and im wondering if anyone
know of any pop3d who can be side by side with qmail pretty nice.. ?

Or, is it a hard operation to make the system use Maildir ? How would i then
make 'pine' work and all that i mean...



Re: redundant mail servers

2001-03-23 Thread Mark Delany

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 08:09:01PM +0100, Vincent Schonau wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 11:01:51AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> > Gopi Sundaram writes:
> >> I'm reluctant to move to Maildir until we can get more MUAs to support
> >> them (specifically Pine and Netscape).
> > Wrong idea.  Never expose your mailboxes to your users.  Always use a
> > virtual mailbox system -- either pop3 or imap.
> Why?

Flexibility. I have seem way too many mail systems start life as a
single box with a single disk grow into a multi-server setup.

Build in as much flexibility as you can from the start and you'll
never regret it. It costs nothing but a little thinking.

For example: if you only allow network access you can use load
balancing and DNS changes to move services around transparently. By
using network services you enable access by a much larger class of
client programs. By using network access you can transparently change
mailbox formats and server software.


Re: queue prob maybe?

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Andy Meuse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   So a week ago one of my employees sent out 7000 emails to one person
> instead of sending out one email to 7000 people. I caught it in the middle
> of sending, shut down qmail and grepped the queue to find all files
> containing the person's address and I deleted them.
> I'm guessing the answer is "Your queue is fucked, `rm -rf /var/qmail/queue`
> then `make setup check` Any other ideas?

There are programs at that can fix the queue in-place (with
qmail stopped, of course) without removing the queue contents.  Look
particularly for "queue-fix".

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Aleksander Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Qmail is up running, but i dont have any pop3d yet.
> I am using Mailbox instead of Maildir, and im wondering if anyone
> know of any pop3d who can be side by side with qmail pretty nice.. ?

Yes, there's lots.  Check the qmail documentation,, djb's
site and FAQ, etc.  In other words, RTFM.

> Or, is it a hard operation to make the system use Maildir ? How would i then
> make 'pine' work and all that i mean...

No, it's not difficult.  Again, check djb's site and FAQ, and

In future, please do your homework before posting questions to a mailing list.
It wastes the time of everyone on the mailing list, and is considered rude

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

RE: qmail queue

2001-03-23 Thread Johnson, Garrett

   if all you wanted to do is to look at what is in
the queue you could do what I did (although there are probably
lots of other solutions that I would be interested in hearing).
My solution, as well as the solution to other problems, was to
install Webmin 0.84. There is a third-party Qmail module that you
could add into it (see or for more details).
This way you can view your local and remote queues seperately over a
web browser from anywhere.
One note: the Qmail module only partly works right "out of the box".
It normally lacks a Perl module that you will need to install seperately
in order to view your queues. The Perl module is:


 hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Sumith
To: Qmail
Sent: 3/22/01 11:03 PM
Subject: qmail queue

Hello All
Excuse me if this question has been repeated a lot of times...
I've install qmail from memphis rpms. also VPOPMAIL 4.9.8-1
How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place on
my qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote
I have applied the qmail-concurrent-patch, and big-todo-patch
There is no concurrencylocal and concurrencyremote presently in
If the default is 10 for concurrencylocal and 20 for concurrency remote
(which lwq says)what would be the safe number to increase this to on
my PIII 800 , 512 MB RAM, IDE hard disk handling about 500 virtual
I hope that some one helps me to clear my doubts.

Re: qmail queue

2001-03-23 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

> -Original Message-
> From: Sumith
> To: Qmail
> Sent: 3/22/01 11:03 PM
> Subject: qmail queue
> How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place on
> my qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote
> Regards
> Sumith

Call me old fashioned, but when I want to see what my qmail server is
doing I just do a:

ps auxw | grep qmail 

or, if I just want to see outbound mail from external users:

ps auxw | grep qmail-remote

`qmail-qstat` is also a somewhat useful command to get a general idea on
your mail server's current load.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

RE: Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Andersen

I read the docs and found the nice little wrappers for "elq","pinq" and
but I always get the following error when it calls the maildir2mbox

 maildir2mbox: fatal: unable to move /home/bill/Mailtmp to
 cross-device link

I'm a Linux newbie, so I just went to POP3 from my PC in order to get my
However, I would really like to run pine.  (I did get Mutt working with
so I'me not completely locked to my PC!!! Thank goodness)

I'm sure it's obvious what I have wrong to someone who knows *nix...

Help anyone?


In Reply to:
> Or, is it a hard operation to make the system use Maildir ? How would i
> make 'pine' work and all that i mean...

Charles Cazabon wrote:
>No, it's not difficult.  Again, check djb's site and FAQ, and

Re: Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-23 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Bill Andersen wrote:
> I read the docs and found the nice little wrappers for "elq","pinq" and
> "qail",
> but I always get the following error when it calls the maildir2mbox
> command...
>  maildir2mbox: fatal: unable to move /home/bill/Mailtmp to
> /var/spool/mail/bill:
>  cross-device link
> I'm a Linux newbie, so I just went to POP3 from my PC in order to get my
> mail.
> However, I would really like to run pine.  (I did get Mutt working with
> maildir,
> so I'me not completely locked to my PC!!! Thank goodness)
> I'm sure it's obvious what I have wrong to someone who knows *nix...
> Help anyone?
> Bill

Well, are those directories on separate devices (i.e. two different hard
drives)?  If so (and this is judging from the error message), that's
probably your problem.  Try copying the Maildir over to the var
directory somewhere and then run the maildir2mbox command.

BTW, if I was you, I would just stick with mutt and Maildir.  Maildir is
by far the best format for storing e-mail to date and mutt is an
excellent and featureful MUA, although syntax can be a bitch.  My second
recommendation would be to download the patch to make Pine work with
Maildir.  What you're trying to do, I would call a distant third.

Power to ya, though.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

How to use passwd.cdb in a PERL Script

2001-03-23 Thread Philipp Homan


My question is rather simple: How do I use a passwd.cdb file in a perl
script? I'd like to open it with tie and check usernames/passwds in the

Any ideas?

Philipp Homan
LINUX Network Administrator
Mail Boxes Etc.
Danube Business Services GmbH

Re: How to use passwd.cdb in a PERL Script

2001-03-23 Thread Timothy Legant

On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 02:10:40AM +0100, Philipp Homan wrote:
> Hi,
> My question is rather simple: How do I use a passwd.cdb file in a perl
> script? I'd like to open it with tie and check usernames/passwds in the
> script.
> Any ideas?

There's a Perl module available from CPAN called CDB_File that does what
you're looking for.


Sending attachments with qmail-inject

2001-03-23 Thread Todd Goldenbaum


I am using perl to construct and send qmail messages, and I've found it very
easy with qmail-inject.  But I'm confused about attachments... I found this
suggestion from the archives of this list:

% cat {filename} | uuencode {filename} | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject 

however, when the mail comes in, it looks something like this:

  Date: 24 Mar 2001 02:06:32 -
  Cc: recipient list not shown:  ;

  begin 664 ngc2903_hst_big.jpg

I'm not very familiar with the standard email spec, but it seems like there
might be a way to just include a line in the email header that indicates
a file in the local filesystem to attach, maybe assumiing it's been uuencoded?


Antivirus which can clean any infected mail

2001-03-23 Thread lkhanna

Dear all,
I am loooking for an antivirus which can scan as 
well as clean my all incoming and outgoing mails,
i am allready using amavis with mcafee. But with 
amavis only scaning is happening not cleaning . And i am looking for cleaning 
option .
Can you pl suggest me any ? Or is it poosible to 
clean mail also woth amavis ?

What is the default value of these control files

2001-03-23 Thread 이희복

Hi all!
I am a beginner about Qmail.
Now I am going to install Qmail.
And I have some question.
1. If these control files don't exist, what the default 
values are?
    concurrencylocal, concurrencyremote, 
defaultdomain, defaulthost, databytes
2. What is difference between locals control file and 
virtualdomains control file?
3. Can I put the values to rcpthosts file by IP 
Could you answer about my questions?
Thank you.

hai just try it

2001-03-23 Thread jayputra

I found a great new Internet company - that 
has created a product that everyone can benefit from. They 
pay you while you work or play on your computer. They even 
pay you when your friends are using their computers. It's 
free to join and your privacy is completely protected.

Their proprietary software - the FiestaBar - displays ads 
at the bottom or top of your computer screen. Since advertisers 
want you to view these ads, they pay CashFiesta to reach you 
via The FiestaBar and then CashFiesta shares its advertising 
revenues with you. Members who use the FiestaBar are paid 
for their own Web browsing and for referrals.

All you have to do is sign up and start making money. It only 
takes a minute. You can refer your friends, family and co-workers 
and you will receive a percentage of their earnings in addition 
to your own.

So here is the link, enjoy and happy money making to all of you.

Check it out!

jayputra unta

Re: hai just try it

2001-03-23 Thread Stephen Berg

This is pretty tacky trying to put money in your pocket from our
participation with this company.  Doing it on this list where it has
no topical value is even worse.

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 05:53:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I found a great new Internet company - that 
>has created a product that everyone can benefit from. They 
>pay you while you work or play on your computer. They even 
>pay you when your friends are using their computers. It's 
>free to join and your privacy is completely protected.
>Their proprietary software - the FiestaBar - displays ads 
>at the bottom or top of your computer screen. Since advertisers 
>want you to view these ads, they pay CashFiesta to reach you 
>via The FiestaBar and then CashFiesta shares its advertising 
>revenues with you. Members who use the FiestaBar are paid 
>for their own Web browsing and for referrals.
>All you have to do is sign up and start making money. It only 
>takes a minute. You can refer your friends, family and co-workers 
>and you will receive a percentage of their earnings in addition 
>to your own.
>So here is the link, enjoy and happy money making to all of you.
>Check it out!
>jayputra unta

Stephen Berg
//-USAF Instructor  -/-  Reluctant NT User -/- Web Designer-//
//- Home = [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -//
//-Work = [EMAIL PROTECTED] -//
//-   -/- -// 


2001-03-23 Thread Mustafa Mahudhawala


Has anybody used tcpserver for Qmail & other services out there

I have succesfully used qmail smtpd & popup services through
But there are certain additional things I would like to do ---

I am using FreeBSD 4.2 and want to start my basic services like telnetd,
ftpd along with smtp & pop3 etc using tcpserver (and tcpserver.conf)
instead of plain tcpserver or inetd (and inetd.conf).
I have succesfully installed tcpserver, daemontools &
tcpserver-control (latest versions)

Though my tcpserver works fine with individual services I am not able to
use the tcpserver,conf.
The tcpserver does not startup using tcpserver-control 
( Though it says started telnet pop3 smtp  )
But tcpserver-control status says none is running.
The log messages in /var/log/ tcpserver//current show

supervise : usage supervise directory.

(And of course it also Does not Allow me to Add directory to the
global variable in tcpserver.conf)
I have Already corrected the tools in tcpserver.conf to point correctly
e.g. setuser to setuidgid etc.

 From what ever docmentation I could lay my hands on I know something
about /services directory.

But I am pretty confused about the whole lot and their ineraction.
i.e. tcpserver - daemontools - tcpserver-control.
also /services & tcpserver.conf (why both)

Please Help me with this problem.

authorization failed

2001-03-23 Thread Roy Naldo

hiii , 

i am running : qmail-1.03

i didn't find any error while compiling thoses packages.
here is what i got in my rc scripts :

--my rc scripts -

csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
csh -cf '/usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &'

csh -cf 'env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" tcpserver 0
pop-3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup  /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir & '

tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.temp < /etc/tcp.smtp
tcpserver -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 102 -g 101 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &

end of my rc scripts

everything is working, except one , i can't authenticate any user
created by vadduser .

root@ my.domain]# telnet localhost 110 
Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 
pass passsword 
-ERR authorization failed 
Connection closed by foreign host. 

can anybody help me solve this problem ?.. .thanks.