Re: Unsubscribe Doesn't Work

2001-05-13 Thread Brett Randall

Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] the address you subscribed with?

> "Jim" == Jim Darrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Help!
>  I have sent three blank emails to
>  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in an attempt to
>  unsubscribe three times without any apparent effect. Anyone
>  got a better idea?

> Thanks, Jim Darrough

> Jim Darrough, ARS KI7AY

"Hardware, n.: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked."

- The Devil's Dictionary to Computer Studies 

Re: qmail as 'proxy' - comments?

2001-05-21 Thread Brett Randall

> "Peter" == Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 02:40:54AM +0100, John P wrote:

>> *although as I type this I'm guessing that POP3 would still need to go
>> through to the internal server due to the user's home directories being on
>> there

> Yes, pop3 is not that easily fixed.

Except with NFS. Not the greatest solution, but in a few cases I still
use it and it works *mainly* fine (except for transferring 10mb
attachments over 28.8k modem doesn't like that much).
>... File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

Re: Go on developing qmail!!!!

2001-05-21 Thread Brett Randall

> "Liu" == Liu Hong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

You go, girl!

How about...maybe...a few suggestions. We like suggestions for the

* Things which haven't yet been proved wrong, impossible, stupid, or
otherwise, beyond all reasonable doubt.

* Things which haven't been documented *anywhere*

* Things which are currently contained in patches

* Things which make qmail faster

"Is OS/2 only half an operating system ?"

Re: Java and Qmail - building a large mailmerge server - plain text version

2001-06-22 Thread Brett Randall

Hi Manav. For most of this, one word: ezmlm ( For the

> "manav" == manav  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1.2 For each blast we want to handle the bounced emails individually (we
> would need to update the appropriate table). What do we do for that? We
> cannot just "set" environment variables since there will be multiple
> mail-merges and blasts happening simultaneously.

Mailing list is the word I think you are after. See above...

> 1.3 Usually after about 5,000 deliveries, the messages would be stuck in
> the queue. We then added the CNAME lookup patch, and this increased to about
> 10,000. Currently, we "prune" the lists uploaded by the users and send
> messages in chunks of 2000, with less than 30 concurrent messages. Any
> suggestions what could be the culprit? What can we do to circumvent this
> problem?

The only reason I can see why you would want to do this would be if
you are customising the message for each individual user. If you
are... you will probably want a bit more processing power (ie: more
servers) than this. It is well known that qmail doesn't really enjoy
having 10,000+ e-mails in the queue...

> 1.4 What would be the best possible way to handle unsubscribe requests.
> Currently we invoke a java program from the .qmail file that updates the
> database. Any suggestions how this can be improved upon?


> 2. We then decided to switch over to using qmail-remote, to circumvent the
> queue and the logging problem. This effectively means we will have to do our
> own logging. Is there anyway to hand over different messages to qmail-remote
> rather than invoking it for each message? We have now decided to change the
> implementation so that at any point of time, there will be as many threads
> sending messages as the qmail concurrency (say around 100), and the messages
> themselves will be broken into chunks of 300 to 500 each. How can we improve
> this?

Ezmlm looks after all of this for you. It is probably easier to hack
up ezmlm-idx to customise messages, than to make your own do
everything that ezmlm does.

> 3. Currently, we have our own implementation for checking bad e-mail
> addresses, list management, handling bounces and mail-merge. Are
> there any guidelines/sample code available (any language), that we
> can look at?


> 4 . What other things should we keep in mind to provide stability to
> the system? What patches to qmail are advisable to be installed?
> What should be the typical server configuration for such a system?

If you are customising messages, you definitely need parallel
processing or clustering. Also, that 128kb line is a MAJOR

Oh, and RedHat 6.2 is not the best server distribution. I use it on a
number of my servers, but am moving them to Mandrake (for now) until I
find the time to investigate other alternatives such as Turbo Linux
and Debian. Mandrake can be made to work a lot better for you than
RedHat, and so far 8.0 has MUCH less bugs in the components than most
RedHat versions...

> 5. On a parallel note, what would be the best algorithm to track
> forwarded messages? We make use of cookies right now (but that
> provides 50% accuracy).

We use a blank 1x1pixel gif in our e-mails that is like:"; width=1 

That perl script then does whatever it has to (it logs the relevant
data to a file, and increases the count in another file) and then
returns a 1x1 pixel GIF, using the GD library, from
memory... Obviously this requires an HTML e-mail to be going out, but
if you're using cookies then you are obviously already there!

By the way, the parameter on the perl script (?2001-06-blah) is so
that we can use the same script for each e-mail that goes out, and
just change the parameter so that we can count for different
mailouts. On that note, Hotmail doesn't allow the forwarding of HTML
e-mail. I don't know about the other major free e-mail providers.


Smash forehead on keyboard to continue

Re: Need help with Maildir

2001-06-26 Thread Brett Randall

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

> any suggestion's ?

Install as per and experience a trouble-free life!
"Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the history of
the computer industry for the past decade as a massive effort to keep
up with Apple."

- Byte, December 1994

Re: Peter from the Dike and Security

2001-06-26 Thread Brett Randall

Qhqr, trg n yvsr! Frevbhfyl! Yrg lbhe 13 lrne byq onyyf qebc naq tb
rng na nccyr!

Yrnea ubj gb dhbgr... Urp, yrnea ubj gb jevgr na ESP-pbzcyvnag r-znvy!
Fgbc hfvat gur oybbql pheyl dhbgrf pbf gurl fperj hc lbhe r-znvyf va
rirel ZHN rkprcg lbhef.

Fgbc guvaxvat gung lbh xabj rirelguvat... Gung nggnpx ba Crgre ina
Qvwx nppbzcyvfurq ABGUVAT. Lbh unir abj orra cebzbgrq gb gur fgnghf bs
n Gebyy ba gung yvfg, naq ba nal bgure yvfg gung jr frr lbhe anzr
ba. Lbh znxr npphfngvbaf gung lbh pnaabg onpxhc (ebbg rkcybvg) naq
nggnpx crbcyr va na bcra sbehz. Yrnea jung cevingr r-znvy vf sbe,
zna... Lbh unir n frevbhf vqragvgl pevfvf, qba'g lbh?

V pna nyernql gryy gurfr guvatf nobhg lbh JVGUBHG qbvat n penccl
tbbtyr ybbxhc (p'zba, qb bar ba zr. Frr jung lbh pna svaq. Gryy gur
jbeyq, nf vs V pner??):

 - Nf n puvyq, lbh arire erprvirq gur nggragvba lbh qrfverq. Ng
 fpubby, lbh jrer nyjnlf gur bar jub jnf cvpxrq ynfg sbe gur fbppre
 - Lbhe yvsr qbrfa'g sbyybj gung bs Wrfhf'
 - Lbh jrer nggnpxrq rneyl ba ol crbcyr bs Trezna onpxtebhaq
 - Lbh ner abg cerfragyl rzcyblrq ol n erchgnoyr pbzcnal
 - Lbhe jrrxraqf ner fcrag trggvat qehax naq erzvavfpvat

Vg qbrfa'g gnxr zhpu gb or avpr, frevbhfyl... V qba'g frr jung lbhe
gebyyvat nebhaq ba gur dznvy yvfg vf tbvat gb qb sbe lbh. Lbh'yy znxr
rarzvrf, naq gehfg zr... Fbzr bs gur crbcyr ba guvf yvfg ner ABG
crbcyr lbh jnag gb znxr rarzvrf jvgu. Lbh'er ba n yvfg jurer gur gbc
crbcyr ner abg whfg uvtuyl grpuavpny rkcregf, gurl'er nyfb frphevgl
rkcregf jvgu onpxtebhaqf va qrsrafr sbeprf sebz inevbhf pbhagevrf
nebhaq gur jbeyq. Gehfg zr, V xabj gurz... Vs lbh nppvqragnyyl fghzoyr
npebff bar bs gurz ba gur fgerrg bar qnl, gura gurl JVYY orng gur penc
bhggn lbh. V'z abg gelvat gb guerngra lbh. V'z gelvat gb jnea lbh bs
jung jvyy unccra vs lbh xrrc tbvat ba guvf cngu.

Fb whfg puvyy, hafhofpevor sebz guvf yvfg fb lbh qba'g unir gb trg nyy
hcfrg bire crbcyr nalzber, naq tb naq fvg va gur pbeare.
"Ng gur fbhepr bs rirel reebe juvpu vf oynzrq ba gur pbzchgre lbh jvyy
svaq ng yrnfg gjb uhzna reebef, vapyhqvat gur reebe bs oynzvat vg ba gur

- Nabalzbhf 

Re: Alter bounce messages?

2001-06-26 Thread Brett Randall

> "arandall" == arandall   writes:

> Who can tell me how to alter the bounce messages in the qmail-send file without 
> it up? I tried hexeditor, but I musta not done a very good job.


Oh! You're a Winbloze hacker by default, aren't you? ;)

Try editing the source code and recompiling.
"SOFTWARE, n.: Formal evening attire for female computer analysts."

- The Devil's Dictionary to Computer Studies 

Re: Peter from the Dike and Security

2001-06-26 Thread Brett Randall

> "Chris" == Chris Bolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> perl -e 'while(<>){$_=~tr/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/;print}'
> Then paste the email :-)

Or, a bit shorter,

$ tr 'a-zA-Z' 'n-za-mN-ZA-M' < email
"Hitting your modem with an aluminum baseball bat is only going to get
you electrocuted. Try a wooden one."

- Lynn Marshall

Re: dot-qmail-default

2001-07-06 Thread Brett Randall

> "Charles" == Charles Cazabon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You only need ~alias/.qmail-default if you want to catch all mail
> for any address on localhost.

Just a note: Charles means "any address *that isn't able to be
delivered to any other user* on localhost".
"Windows 95 /n./ 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit
patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit
microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of

Re: mailbombed

2001-07-17 Thread Brett Randall

> "Jon" == Jon Rust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can I clear out all these messages easily?

Perl or bash/sed? A simple:

qmail-qread | perl -we "while (<>) { grab the message id using a regex
and kill the item in the queue with the queue utilities available from and a system() call; }"

would do it. It's been done before...
"I'm not dumb. I just have a command of throughly useless

- Calvin, of Calvin and Hobbes

Re: Ok another problem

2001-07-18 Thread Brett Randall

> "Paul" == Paul Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm starting again from 'life with qmail' (about 3rd time now) and
> whenever i put the line:  

Your tendency to fail a step-by-step task amazes me.

>  SV:123456:respawn:env - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
> svscan /service > /dev/console 2>/dev/console

Yay. We got a line right.

> in the inittab, it comes up with the folling error on the screen over and over again

Nice spelling.

> Supervise: fatal: unable to start qmail-smtpd/run: file does not exist

What are the contents of /service/qmail-smtpd/run ? In particular,
what is the first line? Does it refer to a program that really exists?
Try typing that line on the command line without the #! and see if it
comes up with an error message, or does nothing. Also, make sure the
permissions of /service/qmail-smtpd/run are 0755.

> /var/qmail/rc: ./Mailbox: No such file or directory

Have you put a carriage return where one doesn't belong? C'mon
now... We all know that the enter key in a shell script is a bad
thing. This isn't C we're talking about here...

> I then have to remove the line and kill -HUP 1 to stop the errors. 
> There is a folder called /var/qmail/Mailbox so i dont know why its
> not finding it.

Ughhh... You have badly misunderstood how qmail works, my friend. Read
some more doco before you post again.

> Many thanks

> Paul

Don't like to take the crap outta ya (well, actually, I do...) but
please read and investigate for more than five minutes before you
install qmail. There are many points that can go wrong if you do not
follow the instructions precisely, and understand how mail and unix

Sit down, drink a cup of tea that's been spiked with something
relaxing, and try again...

"Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the history of
the computer industry for the past decade as a massive effort to keep
up with Apple."

- Byte, December 1994

Re: qmail reliance on passwd file

2001-07-19 Thread Brett Randall

> "Al" == Al Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there a way to get qmail to deliver email to an account that's
> not in /etc/passwd (or its shadow equivalent)?
"SOFTWARE, n.: Formal evening attire for female computer analysts."

- The Devil's Dictionary to Computer Studies 

Re: Selective relaying problem

2001-07-26 Thread Brett Randall

> "Scott" == Scott Zielsdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have just installed qmail 1.03 on a Redhat 7x box.  I cannot get
> selective relaying to work. I *have* read FAQ 5.4 and scoured the
> web archives for people with similar problems but I still can't get
> a resolution.

How are you starting qmail-smtpd? (ie the tcpserver line).

And what instructions did you follow to setup qmail?
( - recommended reading. No - ESSENTIAL reading.)
or the INSTALL doc? If you followed the INSTALL doc, try re-installing
qmail by following the lifewithqmail doc. In any case, answer the
first question and we'll see what we can do...
"There is no reason anyone in the right state of mind will want a
computer in their home."

- Ken Olson, President of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977

Re: qmail + mail-filtering

2001-07-30 Thread Brett Randall

> "François" == François Philippo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> how can I setup a mailfilter (in & out) on my qmail server ?

mess822 (especially the links in the first damned paragraph)
emacs + qmail-send.c

Name your poison.
"I wonder what Jesus would do if HE had to reload Windows 95 for the
eighth time today ?"

- Mirabour Gilbride

Re: SSH with Qmail

2001-07-31 Thread Brett Randall

> "Chris" == Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 04:02:31AM -0400, Dave Lewis wrote:

>> Does anyone have documentation on how to setup Qmail to work with SSH ???
>> I'm currently using Qmail+vpopmail

> What do you mean by "work with"? In what way would you like qmail and SSH to
> interact?

I want qmail to SSH into the remote mail server, chdir to the mail
spool folder of the user I am trying to send e-mail to with root
privs, and write the e-mail message directly into their inbox.
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live."

- Martin Golding

Re: Stripping binaries?

2001-07-31 Thread Brett Randall

> "Jay" == Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd like to set up my qmail-based mailhosts to strip attachments
> automatically, save them to a dir, and put a "this attachment saved
> to /some/path" message at the bottom... instead of distributing
> binaries to all and sundry.

> Anyone doing this with qmail yet, and/or got any hints?

qmail-scanner c/-
"ADA, n.: Something you need only know the name of to be an Expert in
Computing. Useful in sentences like, "We had better develop an ADA

- The Devil's Dictionary to Computer Studies 

Re: Robin Socha, this is a plea.

2001-08-01 Thread Brett Randall

> "Jeff" == Jeff Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Granted,  a lot of the emails to this list could be handled if the person
> would just read the FAQ. But the simple truth is,  it's not going to
> happen.  Human nature is against you here.

Semi-true. When I first started on this group, I asked questions that
were answered in the FAQs. I got short, sharp, and often rude,
answers. But I got over it and learnt... Read the docco, follow the
rules, and it'll be sweet. If more people that were abused learnt from
the abuse instead of taking it to heart, then the world would be a
better place... (well, this list would, anyway...)
Microsoft's slogan *should* read:
"Where do you want to go today? It doesn't matter, you're coming
with us."

Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-07 Thread Brett Randall

> On Wed, 08 Aug 2001 06:52:29 +, "Jean-Christian Imbeault"

> I'll have a look right away. But first I have to make sure I
> actually installed qmail properly.

You should find that the tests in qmail-1.03/INSTALL should pretty
much show if qmail is working properly or not.
"I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and talked
with the best people, and I can assure you that data processings is a
fad that won't last out the year."

- The editor in charge of business books for Prentice-Hall, 1957

Re: after using .forward, can use also have copy of the message?

2001-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 11:55:15 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> can .forward remain a copy to original user email maildir?  what is
> the difference between &[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] in .forward
> file?

.forward isn't really the way to go... The bolt-on is just provided as
a medium for you to migrate from sendmail to qmail with a minimum of
effore. man dot-qmail and use the following in ~/.qmail :

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."

- Popular Mechanics, 1949

Re: genericstable equivalent?

2001-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:03:42 -0700 (PDT), David Raistrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> mail sent from the robert31 local account would show as being from:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] for all intents and purposes.

man qmail-inject [cr] / CONTROL FILES [cr]

Depends what you mean by "local account". If you mean rewriting the
headers of every single e-mail that passes through (or at least
scanning the headers and rewriting if need be), look at mess822. If
you just mean people sending using pine or elm or mutt or whatever,
then you will probably want to look at the contents of control/me and
control/defaultdomain .
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net
and he won't bother you for weeks

Re: Mandrake 8.0 with postfix

2001-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 14:37:21 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Q1.) I am setuping with Mandrake 8.0 kernal 2.4.3, how can I remove
> all postfix?

rpm -e --nodeps postfix

> Q2.) Should I stop all the pop3 and IMAP service in Xinetd?


> Q3.) I should use courier-imap and qmail-pop3?

If you want a standard POP3 daemon, and want to run IMAP for your
users, then Yes.

> Q4.) I have many existing email account with user name like
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is it ok?


> Q5.) Is it I should install dot-forward package b4 install qmail?

No. Use .qmail. man dot-qmail

> my .forward file don't work

Neither does my cat.

> Thanks a lot!  Qmail luser


1. Use a real name
2. Read the archives
3. Read the FAQ
4. Read.
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live."

- Martin Golding

Re: my .forward don't work,what can I do?

2001-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 15:56:19 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> when I add a .forward file under ~user with content:
> &someone@localhost

> and do the delivery test again : echo to: user |
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

> it still have a queue inside ~user/Maildir/new

> and I go to ~someone/Maildir/new, there are nothing.

Are you DD&B? man dot-qmail
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."

- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

Re: my .forward don't work,what can I do?

2001-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 19:01:06 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> ...yes.. you are right, I forgotten to see the dot-qmail now I add
> this line in .qmail

> |dot-forward .forward
> ./Maildir/

U... try this in .qmail:


like I stated in the first e-mail.
Calvin: I've been thinking, Hobbes
Hobbes: On a weekend?
Calvin: Well, it wasn't on purpose...

Re: done qmail installation but can't telnet to port 25

2001-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 12:31:34 +, "Jean-Christian Imbeault" 

> I've done the lwq installation. As a test I have tried to telnet
> from my mail server to itself on port 25 to see if qmail is
> listening. But I get a "connection refused" message.

It would appear as if you have followed Life With Qmail. Good. In this
case, tail -f /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current and start qmail. See if any
errors come up, and paste them here. I can tell you now that, from
your ps output, qmail is not running. If it was, there would be a
tcpserver running as well, listening to port 25 and spawning
qmail-smtpd when you telnet there...
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

Re: done qmail installation but can't telnet to port 25

2001-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 13:10:34 +, "Jean-Christian Imbeault" 

>> case, tail -f /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current and start qmail.
> @40003b728c052b1e1bdc tcpserver: fatal: no IP address for O

Ah, then this is a configuration error. Please put the contents of
/service/qmail-smtpd/run in a post.
"Win95 not found, [P]arty, [C]elebrate, [D]rink ?" 

Re: my .forward don't work,what can I do?

2001-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 21:24:52 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Great, it works, I forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED] la, but what
> problem I have in setup .forward?  I don't have any error message I
> still can't forward the message by dot-forward

What do your logs say? I have tried and persisted to point out that
you don't need .forward, but since you obviously aren't taking the
hint, tail -f /var/log/qmail/send/current, send a test message, and
tell us what it says.

> in my .qmail file:
> |dot-forward .forward
> ./Maildir/

Just for the fun of it, try putting /var/qmail/bin/dot-forward.

Oh, what the hell. While you're at it, ls -l
/var/qmail/bin/dot-forward and give us the output.
Customer: "I'm running Windows '98"
Tech: "Yes."
Customer: "My computer isn't working now."
Tech: "Yes, you said that."

Re: About processes

2001-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 22:46:27 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> 1016 ?S  4:30 
>   /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -H -uQMAILDUID -gNOFILESGID 0 smtp
>   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> 15498 ?S  0:44 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> 19168 ?S  0:00
>   /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -H -uQMAILDUID -gNOFILESGID 0 smtp
>   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

You've got two problems here:

1. Your setup script is passing the args QMAILDUID and NOFILESGID to
   tcpserver. Try passing $QMAILDUID and $NOFILESGID.

2. Your setup script has spawned tcpserver on port 25 (smtp)
   twice. (Either that, or you've started qmail twice). Those tcpserver
   lines simply show that your server is waiting for a connection on port
   25. The /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd line is the one which shows an open

Re: qmail, avoid spam mail

2001-08-12 Thread Brett Randall

> On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 14:28:53 +0800, KY Lui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hello recently, i found that someone using my qmail server to send
> mail.  how can i avoid this?

1. Include logs in your mail
2. Tell us how they used your qmail server to send mail
3. Reinstall using
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying
to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

Re: off topic

2001-08-13 Thread Brett Randall

> On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 16:56:32 +0200, "Wolfgang Pichler" 

> Hi


> It's a little bit off topic,

> but does anywhere know which ports to open on my firewall so that
> qmail works correctly.

25 outbound if you only want to send e-mail to external sites. 25
inbound as well if you have a mail server in a DMZ.

> At the moment I've opend dns,smtp and pop3 but when i activate the
> firewall some messages can't be delivered (wasn't able to establish
> an smtp connection),

Log entries? Kernel details? OS even? There is a big diff between
Linux and FreeBSD. Hec, there is a big diff between Linux v2.0, v2.2
and v2.4 firewalling. How are we meant to help you if we don't even
know the foundation?

> but when i try to telnet to the specified rcpt-server everything
> works really fine.

rcpt-server = really crazy parrot tarot-server? What do you mean,
rcpt-server? Do you mean the remote MX?

> So what happend here ? (if i open the firewall for everything, then
> the messages are leaving the queue)

Nice... I think it's probably safer you leave the firewall
open. Really.
"Bubble Memory, n.: A derogatory term, usually referring to a person's
intelligence. See also vacuum tube."

- The Devil's Dictionary to Computer Studies

Diff between Supervise & Tcpserver?

2000-06-28 Thread Brett Randall

Hi guys. This is probly a simple question but I can't find an 
obvious answer anywhere.As far as I can tell, there are three ways to run Qmail: 
Inetd (yuck), tcpserver (regular), and supervisor (??). I have set up a new 
master qmail server up with supervisor (just for testing sake) and it runs fine, 
but all my other qmail servers run tcpserver with no probs as well. Can anyone 
tell me what the difference is between simply running a qmail smtp daemon 
through tcpserver, and setting up all the weird supervisor stuff is? I have 
to document it in layman's terms for a client, and don't really know 
advantages/disadvantages of either.

Re: Diff between Supervise & Tcpserver?

2000-06-28 Thread Brett Randall

Thanks for that...

One other thing now. I want to use multilog to log on machines not running
supervise, because we just want simple set up and I want to be able to parse
the log files through either qmailanalog or qmail-mrtg (any recommendations
here?). Is this easy to do?


-Original Message-
From: Greg Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 11:04 PM
Subject: RE: Diff between Supervise & Tcpserver?

>> Hi guys. This is probly a simple question but I can't
>> find an obvious answer anywhere.As far as I can tell,
>> there are three ways to run Qmail: Inetd (yuck), tcpserver
>> (regular), and supervisor (??).
> Inetd and tcpserver are programs designed to accept traffic on a
>port and start a given program in response to that traffic.
> supervise is designed to start a program, restart it if it fails
>unexpectedly, and provide an easy way to pass signals to the program.
> So, you would use supervise to start tcpserver which starts
>qmail-smtpd, and if tcpserver died supervise would restart it for you.
> Given the reliability of qmail and related tools, I've always
>wondered why supervise came about ;>.  You can use it or not, as you
>  gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Suggestion...

2000-06-28 Thread Brett Randall

>So ... how does procmail handle maildir then? Or doesn't procmail care
>about that at all?

AFAIK (someone correct me if I am wrong), procmail does not support Maildir.


Re: Building very large Qmail instalations...

2000-06-28 Thread Brett Randall

Well...I have a little 2c to chuck in as well

I have just finished designing a system (and implementing it) for our
corporation that allows distributed e-mail across a city, with hundreds,
possibly thousands, of different locations either dialing up or being
permanently connected to our main relay. And all e-mail is sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], no subdomains (although we have set it up to allow for
virtual domains in the future), and is delivered to the correct location.

All the e-mail is relayed to NFS shares on client machines around Sydney,
uing Qmail's maildir delivery format. If an NFS share is down (ie a site
hasn't dialed up recently or an ISDN link has failed), then it is deferred
for up to a week - simplistic but it works. All users can check their e-mail
internally from their local server or externally from the main server (only
internet viewable machine in the entire network, and even then through a
router) via NIS.

Why go to all this trouble? You may say. Why not just use aliases? Because
aliases can create excess traffic, bouncing e-mails when servers are down
and the like. The aim of this project was to make network traffic across the
whole network as small as possible, with reliability for as many locations
as possible and the ability for smaller ones to only have to dial in
(similar to UUCP). This way, the only network traffic is an e-mail being
transferred to an NFS share, and all employees are happy. If a server goes
down, no others are affected (except if the master server was to go down,
but even then POP and SMTP will still work, just being deferred until it
comes up again). We are also working on a redundant server for when a link
goes down or the server has a failure.

If you're still reading, congratulations you might be interested in all
this. I am considering writing a HOWTO for this (Reliable and Efficient
Distributed e-mail (REDE) across endless locations) if anybody wants it,
because I have to document it all anyway for the corporation. There might
already be something already out there, I dunno. But it was a great learning
experience for me in Qmail, NFS, NIS, network infrastructure between
locations... If anybody is interested in a HOWTO in the future, please
e-mail me personally.


Brett Randall

Re: Maildir

2000-06-29 Thread Brett Randall
Try removing Maildir/ from /etc/skel (or /etc/newuser)

Brett Randall

-Original Message-
From: Alan Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000 7:00 PM
Subject: Maildir

>There is one thing bothering me for a while.  I first compiled qmail using
>Maildir but decided to back to Mailbox instead later.  But whenever I add a
>new user using "useradd" on my redhat, it automatically adds a Maildir in
>the user's folder.  Even after I recompiled qmail.  Does anybody have the
>same experience before?
>Any help is appreciated.
>$B%7%k%P!<%(%C%0%F%/%N%m%8!<3t<02q >$B9A6h@V:d(B 2-14-15
>TEL : 03-3560-1831
>FAX : 03-3560-1832

Anybody for a Distributed-Email-HOWTO?

2000-06-29 Thread Brett Randall

Okay, for anybody that missed my 2c worth yesterday (or day 
before...I can't even remember what day is what at the moment), I am thinking 
about writing a HOWTO but only if:
1. There is enough support for it; and
2. There is no good reason for me not to bother.
OK, enough of the blabbering. I have just finished 
implementing a new system that allows e-mail around an entire city (further with 
no major problems except cost of interstate and international communications) 
even though all e-mail only goes to one domain name. The e-mail is distributed 
via NFS to shares that connect when the remote location (either permanent ISDN 
or dialup modem) dial up, and there is no problem with messages not getting 
delivered when they are not connected, they are simply deferred until they 
Users can check their e-mail from virtually anywhere in the 
world, no matter if they are inside their work network, or outside on the 
Internet, via the ability of distributed NIS. The idea of this system is to 
dramatically decrease network traffic by not having unnecessary bounces, having 
POP servers onsite, and the network will still appear to work (from any 
location), even if the main server goes down. Cost is also decreased as all that 
is required is a small server (x86's do the job fine) in each location, and one 
main server that only really needs to handle traffic and requests, with no real 
data storage capabilities. Messages are simply deferred if a server is down, but 
POP mail can still be retrieved. If one link goes down, nobody else is affected 
in the slightest.
If anybody wants a HOWTO on this (ie you have a use for it), 
then please e-mail me personally, or post your comments on why or why not this 
is useful to the list. If you have already contacted me then please don't bother 
Thanks for your time
Brett Randall.

RE: The most secure POP server

2000-07-01 Thread Brett Randall

> > I'm installing the Qmail so , I would like to 
know the 
> most secure POP
> >server to install and that doesn't have problems 
with Maildir .
> how' bout qmail-pop3d ?
I was thinking of suggesting that one but it isn't very 

RE: The most secure POP server

2000-07-01 Thread Brett Randall

Ok, here's the deal:
qmail-pop3d is NOT secure, nor are most other standard POP3 daemons. POP 
passwords are sent in cleartext and are not encrypted. They can be viewed by 
people snooping a connection (although this is not as easy as it sounds). A way 
of fixing this insecurity is to use SSL, an option many POP3 clients (including 
most Microsoft ones, and Netscape, AFAIK) offer (in Advanced options usually). 
They perform the POP3 operations over the Secure Socket Layer (that is SSL), 
however this requires quite some config which I personally have never done 
before, but I have heard of people doing it.
Look into it

RE: The most secure POP server

2000-07-01 Thread Brett Randall

> Nice cover.  So when you said "I was thinking of suggesting THAT
> ONE but IT
> isn't very secure", you were actually talking about the POP3
> protocol and not
> qmail-pop3d specifically?  If that's the case then why did you
> reply at all,
> and in such an ambiguous way?  You certainly didn't answer the poster's
> question.

Well yeah, but I wanted to see what would come of it. SSL I have never used
and it never came to mind until someone mentioned it. I was just making a
statement in general about standard use of qmail-pop3d.

Anyway, thanks for clarification :>


InterPlanetary Solutions 

OT: Dave Granath e-mail?

2000-07-08 Thread Brett Randall

Hi, is there a 
Dave Granath around? He sent me an e-mail about a qmail topic (a reply to this 
list) and when I replied:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to 
the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it 
didn't work out.
Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. 
If anyone knows his 
real e-mail address, please let me know!

RE: deferral: Unable_to_switch_to_/home/mailhome/s/simonyjh:_access_denied._(#4.3.0)/

2000-07-11 Thread Brett Randall

Make sure some freak program hasn't changed all the ownerships on those
mailboxes (ie ls -l /home/mailhome/a or whatever and check the files are
owned by their respective owners). Also try a killall -HUP tcpserver or
inetd (depending on what you use), in case it is somehow managed to lock all
the files open.

Good luck

Brett Randall

InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of spoon fork
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 10:10 PM
> Subject: deferral:
> Unable_to_switch_to_/home/mailhome/s/simonyjh:_access_denied._(#4.3.0)/
> Hi,
> I'm  new to qmail so I don't know how to solve the problems above.
> We have about > 1000 users who access their mailboxes through
> qmail-pop3d. All this day, none of the e-mail go to their mailboxes
> which is in a mail directoy.
> maillog says:
>  Jul 11 11:42:31 www qmail: 963286951.551808 delivery 4: deferral:
> Unable_to_swit
> ch_to_/home/mailhome/a/aim:_access_denied._(#4.3.0)/
> Jul 11 11:42:31 www qmail: 963286951.556969 status: local 2/10 remote
> 4/20
> Jul 11 11:42:31 www qmail: 963286951.561328 delivery 6: deferral:
> Unable_to_swit
> ch_to_/home/mailhome/a/aileen:_access_denied._(#4.3.0)/
> Jul 11 11:42:31 www qmail: 963286951.565217 status: local 1/10 remote
> 4/20
> Jul 11 11:42:31 www qmail: 963286951.576043 delivery 8: deferral:
> Unable_to_swit
> ch_to_/home/mailhome/d/din91:_access_denied._(#4.3.0)/
>  and so on...
> What is the fix? Thanks in advance.
> --mel

RE: comparison

2000-07-12 Thread Brett Randall

A new HOWTO I am writing for distributed email is actualy incorporating this, 
but it is also somewhere in the FAQ I think. But - basically - install 
fastforward to use /etc/aliases, then edit /var/qmail/control/virtualhosts and 
add the entries virtualhost.dom:alias (leave the word alias as is), then edit 
/etc/aliases and set up the alias to include the virtual host/domain. for 
Hope this helps. BTW the MX record and routing MUST be set up correctly for 
this to work.
Brett Randall
InterPlanetary Solutions  
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 12 July 2000 9:44 PM
> To: qmail list
> Subject: comparison
> Hello everyone. I am new to this list and new to qmail. I have 
> been reading many of the excellent documentation about qmail
> and it's capabilities. I have to say I am impressed.
> I was hoping some of you would allow me to pick your brains.
> I am setting up a machine(s) with many virtual domains. Could
> some of you provide a comparison on difficulty of doing 
> this with qmail as compared to sendmail. Especially if some
> of you have tried this with sendmail and decided to convert
> to qmail. I have searched on the web for something like
> this but found nothing. If any of you have a web site to
> reference, that would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jeff Jones

Re: urgent help required

2000-07-18 Thread Brett Randall

OK, first - untar or install the qmail files. THEN read REMOVE.sendmail and
then if you have any further questions, ask on the list. The docs are
usually a good place to start, as 95% of these questions are answered

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 7:39 PM
Subject: urgent help required

>  hello list
> i have installed redhat linux 6.1 , with sendmail 8.9.3  from rpms
>(redhat cd)
>   i want to remove sendmail and install qmail on this system ,
>  please tell me exactly how can i do this
>  thanks & regards
>  Prashant Desai

Re: tcpserver and NAT

2000-07-21 Thread Brett Randall

>there is no MX in and does not resolve.

I think you will find he was just giving a false domain name as is customary
among system admins...


Re: tcpserver and NAT

2000-07-21 Thread Brett Randall

>>I have tried to telnet to port 25 ( telnet 10.1.x.x 25 ) locally and it
>>works fine. I have send and recived mails locally and it works out fine.
>>I have send mails outside my net and it works fine. But to recieve mails
>>from outside isn't working. I have tried to telnet to port 25 from
>>outside and there was no response ( telnet 25 ).
>Sounds like your router isn't sending incoming port 25 connections to
>your qmail system. This is a NAT/router problem.

By the way unless you have a really nice router, port forwarding can be a
bugger to do...The ipportfw & ipmasqadm code available for Linux stinks as
far as setting it up goes in a LAN, but maybe try (on an internet-viewable
machine if you have one), using nportredird or redir (both work nicely, but
nportredird has more functionality). Should work with BSD and other
variants... has downloads. Might help, might not...


RE: MailDir

2000-07-24 Thread Brett Randall

One other thing is that each of the home directories must have a .qmail file
which contains ./Maildir/ as well (exactly as I have typed it), and make
sure that it contains a Maildir naturally with the owner and group being the
same as who will be accessing it.

Brett Randall.

InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Philipp Steinkrüger
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 6:57 PM
> Subject: MailDir
> Hello,
> i have a problem with Qmail and Maildir. I installed qmail and vpopmail
> and everything
> works fine for local accounts.
> So if i send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] the mail is put into
> ~philipp/Maildir/new.
> Thats nice !
> But if i send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] the log gives me
> this error message:
> Jul 20 15:16:13 diavolos qmail: 964098973.224255 delivery 8: failure:
> Sorry,_no
> _mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
> I created the POP account with qmailadmin, and there is a dir in
> ~vpopmail/domain/virtualdomain/
> but it stays empty
> Here is my qmail startup script:
> case "$1" in
> start)
> echo -n "Starting mail-transfer agent: qmail"
> /usr/sbin/qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail &
> /usr/bin/tcpserver 0 pop3 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup
> /bin/checkpassword /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d
> Maildir &
> echo -s "Starting Pop Service"
> # prevent denial-of-service attacks, with ulimit
> ulimit -v 2048
> /usr/bin/tcpserver -S -u 71 -g 65534 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp
> /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | logger -t qmail -p mail.notice &
> echo -n "Starting Smtp Service"
> echo "."
> ;;
> stop)
> As far as i see the "./Maildir/" parameter should tell the qmail
> deliverer to not use Mailbox. I think that
> there is a problem with vpopmail. Where is the mail given from qmail to
> vpopmail ? Or do you think
> there is another problem ?
> Thank you for you help.
> Philipp Steinkrüger

RE: MailDir

2000-07-24 Thread Brett Randall

OK, try changing the ownership of the Maildir and the .qmail file to the
actual person that the mail is being delivered to...When qmail-local tries
delivering there, it relies on those permissions to be able to write to the


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Philipp Steinkrüger
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 7:32 PM
> To: Brett Randall; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: MailDir
> Brett Randall wrote:
> > One other thing is that each of the home directories must have
> a .qmail file
> > which contains ./Maildir/ as well (exactly as I have typed it), and make
> > sure that it contains a Maildir naturally with the owner and
> group being the
> > same as who will be accessing it.
> >
> Allright, there was no .qmail in the vpopmail virtual domain directory. i
> created one
> and made vpopmail the owner, because the Maildir directory is owned my
> vpopmail, too.
> Unfortunately, i still have the same problem and error message in
> my logfile.
> When i asked for help in the IRC chat channel on efnet, someone
> told me that
> qmail tries
> to deliver to a mailbox, instead of Maildir
> (Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/)
> ^^^
> I think i started qmail correctly to use Maildir.
> What else could be wrong ??
> Thanx,
> Philipp

RE: MailDir

2000-07-24 Thread Brett Randall

OK...I didn't know virtual users actually existed. Somewhere along the line
qmail has to know where to deliver the mail to, and this is pulled
(eventually, no matter how many virtualhosts and aliases you have) from the
passwd file or NIS map. It will go to the home directory, open .qmail and
see where to store the e-mail. A virtual user? I might be wrong (not
unusual), but I don't believe that is possible. Could you e-mail the
contents of the virtualhosts file? (If you included it at first, sorry, I
have deleted that e-mail already...)



InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Philipp Steinkrüger
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 7:51 PM
> To: Brett Randall; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: MailDir
> Brett Randall wrote:
> > OK, try changing the ownership of the Maildir and the .qmail file to the
> > actual person that the mail is being delivered to...When
> qmail-local tries
> > delivering there, it relies on those permissions to be able to
> write to the
> > Maildir
> >
> Hmm, i cannot do this, because the user the mail is deliverd to
> does not exist
> in
> /etc/passwd. the account is virtual like the domain.
> qmail works fine for local accounts but not for the virtual domains, as i
> described in my
> first mail.
> Still an idea what could be wrong ?
> Philipp

Re: virtualdomain mapping to ~alias users

2000-07-24 Thread Brett Randall

Wow! you do this in such a complex way! Install fastforward, then set up
virtualdomains as:
{literally the word 'alias'}

Then edit /etc/aliases and add aliases:

Then run newaliases to update the database file

Done, easy to maintain, and fast. I use it with no obvious speed
decreases... Sendmail compatible, and more...

Brett Randall.
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Cave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 12:11 AM
Subject: virtualdomain mapping to ~alias users

>I would like to be able to setup multiple pop3 email accounts  using the
>virtual domains file allowing the following.
>How do I do this with regard to mapping the entry in virtualdomains and
>.qmail aliases files?
>i.e is this correct?
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alias-fred@bloggs-com
>in $QMAIL/aliases
>.qmail-fred@blogs:com reads &[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>.qmail-joe@blogg:com reads &[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>.qmail-bloggs:com reads &[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Is this syntactically correct??
>Best Wishes,

RE: client nslookup

2000-07-25 Thread Brett Randall

Not that this is really an answer but just some terminology so others might
understand better...this is called a reverse DNS lookup and is referred to
in DNS language as ARPA (Address Resolution Protocol Architecture I
believe...). Might help you in your quest.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Philippe Lagente [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 6:13 PM
> Subject: client nslookup
> Hello everyone,
> When a client connects to qmail to send a mail, a DNS lookup is
> performed by qmail to get the logical name of the client.
> My question is : how to disable this lookup ?
> Thks in advance
> Philippe Lagente

RE: Double Forwarding

2000-07-25 Thread Brett Randall

I BELIEVE this may be possible using the dot-forward package. Using a
.forward file, you should be able to forward to multiple addresses,
including the current one without creating a loop (I have done this before
in sendmail, and presume the same is true for the dot-forward package, but
it has been a while...)


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Neil D. Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:11 PM
> Subject: Double Forwarding
> Hi List,
> I have a little problem with creating a double alias. The situation is
> the following: I have a mail server running qmail, which holds normal
> mail boxes for POP3 clients, it also holds virtual domains which get
> forwarded to local mail boxes for POP3 clients and it also has mail
> queue´s for domains. The problem is that one of my clients wants to have
> redirected his email address to a) his mail box & b) his mail queue. The
> local email addresses would be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and his mail queue would
> be "" for example. He wants me to have "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" go to
> his mail queue and also go to his "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". I created a file
> in the home directory for the mail queue called ".qmail-user". Inside
> this file I have placed "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so this part works. Right
> now, mail sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" does not go to the mail queue but
> goes to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". How could I duplicate this so that it also
> goes to the mail queue ? I can´t place "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the
> ".qmail-user" file because it would loop. Any ideas as to what I can do
> ?
> Thanks, and much respect !
> Neil

Re: Double Forwarding

2000-07-25 Thread Brett Randall

Are you sure you aren't a little confused? I meant the dot-forward add-on
package that uses a literal .forward file in the user's home.

If this package doesn't work, the only other idea I personally would have
would be to setup up the alias to forward to two different accounts: a
different mail spool for the user (under a different but probably similar)
username, and the other to the list or whatever.

Hopes this helps

-Original Message-
From: Neil D. Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Brett Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: Double Forwarding

>Hiya Brett,
>Unfortunatly I have tried the .forward file (.qmail-user) but it loops
>have read the manpages for the .forward files, but can´t find any reference
>about this problem I am not sure what to do :(
>Brett Randall wrote:
>> I BELIEVE this may be possible using the dot-forward package. Using a
>> .forward file, you should be able to forward to multiple addresses,
>> including the current one without creating a loop (I have done this
>> in sendmail, and presume the same is true for the dot-forward package,
>> it has been a while...)
>> Brett
>> Manager
>> InterPlanetary Solutions
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Neil D. Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:11 PM
>> > Subject: Double Forwarding
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi List,
>> >
>> > I have a little problem with creating a double alias. The situation is
>> > the following: I have a mail server running qmail, which holds normal
>> > mail boxes for POP3 clients, it also holds virtual domains which get
>> > forwarded to local mail boxes for POP3 clients and it also has mail
>> > queue´s for domains. The problem is that one of my clients wants to
>> > redirected his email address to a) his mail box & b) his mail queue.
>> > local email addresses would be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and his mail queue
>> > be "" for example. He wants me to have "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" go
>> > his mail queue and also go to his "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". I created a file
>> > in the home directory for the mail queue called ".qmail-user". Inside
>> > this file I have placed "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so this part works. Right
>> > now, mail sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" does not go to the mail queue but
>> > goes to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". How could I duplicate this so that it also
>> > goes to the mail queue ? I can´t place "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the
>> > ".qmail-user" file because it would loop. Any ideas as to what I can do
>> > ?
>> >
>> > Thanks, and much respect !
>> >
>> > Neil
>> >

Returned mail: User unknown * from this list!

2000-07-26 Thread Brett Randall

Does anybody else get this bounceback when posting to this qmail list? I get
it for EVERY e-mail I send to here! And I'm not bcc'ing or cc'ing to this or
any other user... Whichever gateway is having trouble here is also probably
defying a few internet standards by the incorrect use of a nonexistant FQDN,
wouldn't you say?


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:33 PM
> Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
> *** This message originated by GCS Client Services ***
> - Delivery could not be made to the following recipients -
> Invalid Recipient: MichaelG  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (unrecoverable error)
> Invalid Recipient: qmail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (unrecoverable error)
> RFC822 Header may follow:
> X-Env-Recipient: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> X-End-of-Envelope:
> X-Internal-ID: 3973070E0001B625
> Received: from ( by
> (NPlex 2.0.119) for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 25 Jul 2000
> 03:32:37 -0700
> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 20:27:16 +1000
> From: (Brett Randall) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Double Forwarding

RE: virtual domain

2000-07-27 Thread Brett Randall

> /var/qmail/control (not /var/qmail). /etc/aliases has nothing
> to do with qmail. You haven't detailed your mailbox structure,

Of course, if you're coming from a sendmail background and enjoy the use of
a centralised aliases file and a few (IMHO) nice options that are available,
then try out fastforward, the sendmail aliases 'wrapper' for qmail. It makes
virtual domains pretty easy to handle as well. Take a look


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 7:13 PM
> Subject: RE: virtual domain
> Kamal,
> It's virtualdomains (not virtualdomain) you want, and this is in
> but typically, once you've setup virtualdomains, add a file
> .qmail-default to 's home directory, containing
> delivery instructions, such as
>  ./Maildir/
> assuming you've got a Maildir setup for the user (maildirmake)...
> If you haven't read it yet, checkout Dave Sill's Life with qmail,
> which is an excellent qmail primer -
> cheers,
> Andrew.
> --
> Sent: 27 July 2000 15:46
> Subject:  FW: virtual domain
> Hi,
> I want to receive the mail for another domain and want to store
> in one account so that
> mails for this domain can be reterived via pop3 with the same
> account.For this I had make
> an entry in /var/qmail/virtualdomain and in /etc/aliases
> virtualdomain:
> and /etc/alisases:
> also i had make .qmail-default-user1 with an entry of &user1
> now it try sending the mail to user of this domain i.e.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] it try to delivers
> the mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and says no mailbox found for this user and
> forwards this mail to post
> master. how could i forward this mail to user1 so that mails can
> be stored there so that
> they can be picked at any time via pop3.
> Regards,
> Kamal Batra

RE: tai64nlocal and multilog

2000-07-27 Thread Brett Randall

Well, its not a very standard thing to do, but try a quick mod of tai64nfrac
or similar. Shouldn't be too hard to do... Just pipe the logs through that,
or even mod multilog so that the current date-writing code just also adds
your own date format to it. I'm no hardcore programmer but from my
experience, it shouldn't be too hard to do...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Edward Tsang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 7:29 PM
> To: Qmail
> Subject: tai64nlocal and multilog
> Hi there,
> How can I add additional date info to multilog file ?
> For example,
> I use
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t
> s500 n20 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd
> for logging of qmail-smtpd.
> I would like to turn @4000397536de9f8c status: local 0/10
> remote 0/100
> to become
> @4000397536de9f8c [Date Time in human readable format]
> status: local 0/10 remote 0/100
> Regards,
> Edward.

RE: Unable to check e-mail....

2000-07-27 Thread Brett Randall

This is more likely a network problem than a qmail problem, and you haven't
really given us heaps of info to work with...

First thing, is a route available to the new TCP network? Try a ping to hit
the mail server from a client and if there is no response, you have missed
part of the reconfiguration...

Also, type 'ifconfig' on the server and ensure the netmask and IP are
correct for this new IP address. Try pinging it from a machine on the same
subnet and make sure it responds.

If you still use inetd, try editing /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow.
Tcpserver is greatly recommended, and if you want to use it, follow
Steffan's lead and read LWQ or the tcpserver docs on the qmail site

Good luck


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Bolivar Diaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 1:33 AM
> Subject: Unable to check e-mail
> I had a DS0 with 64K bandwith, in which I had the addresses
>, I just got a new E1 with 256K bandwidth in which
> they gave
> me the addresses (I have both block
> working on
> my LAN now). My problem, if I assign an ip addrees of the new
> block, I can't
> check my e-mail, I can't telnet to port 110 to the qmail server.
> I moved the qmail server to one of the new addresses, and still doesn't
> work.
> Can anybody help me on this???
> Thanks

RE: qmail & dns

2000-07-31 Thread Brett Randall

Take a look at the DNS-HOWTO (linux) and read about MX records. That'll be
easier than waiting here.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 9:48 PM
> Subject: qmail & dns
> hello friends
> sorry for asking you too many silly questions , but its just bcoz
> i want to
> know more about qmail
>so these questions just keep popping up  ,
>  how qmail will send the message from  one domain
>   say a  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to  someother domain   say [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>when DNS comes in to the picture , is qmail it self starts query
> authorative dns server for that domain or its a job of some other
> programme
>  bundled  with qmail-1.03
>   thanks once again ,
>   with warmest regards
>  Prashant Desai

RE: Creation of /Maildir/user/ instead of ~/Maildir

2000-08-03 Thread Brett Randall

Ummm...why? Do the users store other information in their home folders? Why
not just put all the home folders in the seperate partition? But, forsaking
that, just make the .qmail file in each user's home directory point to
/Maildir/user (or did you really want /Maildir/user/Maildir? If so, I ask
the same question as above?). Will need a slight modification of the adduser
script (I totally rewrite mine for each new situation) so that it writes the
.qmail file relevantly instead of the generic one found in /etc/skel.

BTW If you put all the home folders in the seperate partition (advised for
simplicity), remember to change the folder names in /etc/passwd
(obviously...) A simple perl script could do this pretty easily. eg:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
while (<>) {

Then a 'cat /etc/passwd | script > /etc/passwd~'

Check passwd~ and make sure it looks ok, then overwrite the old one. Easier
is just to literally move the /home folder to the new partition and mount it
as /home though.

InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Thomas Fahle
> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 8:14 PM
> Subject: Creation of /Maildir/user/ instead of ~/Maildir
> Hello all,
> I've come to a point where I'm stuck, and need some help.
> I have a separate partion called /Maildir on my LinuxBox.
> I want qmail to make the maildirs for each user below /Maildir
> eg. /Maildir/joedoe/Maildir instead of /home/joedoe/Maildir
> tia
> Thomas

RE: Anti Virus

2000-08-03 Thread Brett Randall

On another note...

Our organisation has an NT (sorry :> ) box which acts as the primary MX
server for our domain. All mail goes to it and gets scanned via the
(brilliant, automatic, no-maintenance) Norton Antivirus Enterprise software
(worth a little money but what is your company's data worth to you?). It
then just relays it on to the internal mail machine (via an MX lookup in the
internal DNS for the same domain as the e-mail was sent to). We route
several domains through the one server, and it works like a dream!


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: Anti Virus

2000-08-03 Thread Brett Randall

Sorry, forgot to add that we use Norton Antivirus as a 'plug-in' for the
Lotus Notes e-mail server on our internet-viewable SMTP machine. This of
course adds the possibility of much more functionality, which we use as if
it was sand on the beach in summer, but that's up to your organisation's
needs :>


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Brett Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 3:44 PM
> To: qmail
> Subject: RE: Anti Virus
> On another note...
> Our organisation has an NT (sorry :> ) box which acts as the
> primary MX server for our domain. All mail goes to it and gets
> scanned via the (brilliant, automatic, no-maintenance) Norton
> Antivirus Enterprise software (worth a little money but what is
> your company's data worth to you?). It then just relays it on to
> the internal mail machine (via an MX lookup in the internal DNS
> for the same domain as the e-mail was sent to). We route several
> domains through the one server, and it works like a dream!
> Brett.
> Manager
> InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: Anti Virus

2000-08-03 Thread Brett Randall

True, and I shouldn't have recommended Norton Enterprise without the use of
some other filtering software to hold back the yucky vbs, sh, ... files, but
even then our organisation (and how many others?) deals with corporations
from all over the world who do various bits of work for us - art,
programming, web site design...I guess corporate policy and training is the
best solution but a combo of good anti-virus software and good filtering
software (perhaps something to alert sysadmin with it the script attached so
it can be verified and either permanently banned or passed through?) would
do most people fairly well...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Noel Mistula [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 4:02 PM
> To: Brett Randall; qmail
> Subject: Re: Anti Virus
> But then again, scripts kiddies are "Always" one step
> ahead compared to the dat files of your beautiful Norton Enterprise
> Antivirus.
> cheers
> Noel
> -Original Message-
> From: Brett Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, 4 August 2000 15:51
> Subject: RE: Anti Virus
> >Sorry, forgot to add that we use Norton Antivirus as a 'plug-in' for the
> >Lotus Notes e-mail server on our internet-viewable SMTP machine. This of
> >course adds the possibility of much more functionality, which we
> use as if
> >it was sand on the beach in summer, but that's up to your organisation's
> >needs :>
> >
> >Brett
> >
> >Manager
> >InterPlanetary Solutions
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Brett Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 3:44 PM
> >> To: qmail
> >> Subject: RE: Anti Virus
> >>
> >>
> >> On another note...
> >>
> >> Our organisation has an NT (sorry :> ) box which acts as the
> >> primary MX server for our domain. All mail goes to it and gets
> >> scanned via the (brilliant, automatic, no-maintenance) Norton
> >> Antivirus Enterprise software (worth a little money but what is
> >> your company's data worth to you?). It then just relays it on to
> >> the internal mail machine (via an MX lookup in the internal DNS
> >> for the same domain as the e-mail was sent to). We route several
> >> domains through the one server, and it works like a dream!
> >>
> >> Brett.
> >>
> >> Manager
> >> InterPlanetary Solutions
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

RE: Anti Virus

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

> Because I reformatted his mail according to age-old standards. In short,
> it boils down to the following:

Some ideas for the list and it turns to this? Any voters to return to the
topic of how to stop our users getting virii attacks?

Thanks for opinions, defences, and updates on the latest netiquette.


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: qmail-pop3d problem

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

OK. First make sure that the Maildir is readable by the group and user that
will be using it, then make sure that the folder actually exists and that
the folders leading up to it (eg /home) are readableby all users. This was a
problem for me once. No guarantees but take a look...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:17 AM
> Subject: qmail-pop3d problem
> Hi,
> I have installed qmail-pop3d, checkpassword with qmail on redhat linux
> 6.2. I have entered the following lines in my "/etc/inetd.conf" file:
> pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup \
> /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
> I am able to connect to 110 port but unable to authenticate. Following
> is the session:
> telnet 110
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> +OK <15634.965386256@\>
> user naminfo
> +OK
> pass g
> -ERR authorization failed
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> Please help

RE: Anti Virus

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

OK I wasn't planning on continuing my argument but since others are for me!

> Incidentally, I dislike NT, Microsoft Outlook and Exchange as much as you
> probably do.

I dislike them as well. All our servers are transitioning to linux/openbsd
EXCEPT for this one virus-scanning machine. Virtually a day after the "I
Love you" virus was realised, Norton had a fix for it and liveupdate
automatically updated it on our server. This change was propogated to every
client in the building, as well as used in scanning of e-mails. Luckily this
prestigous event happened largely on a weekend and so the few e-mails which
got through the server were then killed on Monday when the user went to read
their e-mail...We have stopped countless hundreds of this virus, and tens of
thousands of other virii with this firewall-style approach.

> come in with dozens of viruses -- usually some combination of Stoned or
> Monkey with a few other oldies.  These are all caught by modern anti virus
> software and thus it _should_ be installed on machines.  McAfee VirusScan
> for workstations is only $15 (cost).

Totally agreed with. You can't always catch the latest and greatest virii
with virus scanning software and yes killing every binary attachment is an
approach to removing the possibility altogether, but in many cases that is
just not an option. Killing script files, ok...can understand that. Less
impact on working habits, 95% agree with it. I trust stuff I pay for more
than free, open source scripting efforts. Just a peace-of-mind. Norton are
not overly bloated. Lotus' Notes is, to some extent, bloated, but we have
been using it for the last couple of years with thousands of e-mails coming
through and being scanned daily and have had no obvious problems thus far...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael T. Babcock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:36 AM
> To: qmail list; Robin S. Socha
> Subject: Re: Anti Virus
> - Original Message -
> From: "Robin S. Socha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Unable to create pipe

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

This was posted here just a few hours ago...look at it


InterPlanetary Solutions

-Original Message-
From: Magnus Bodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:25 AM
To: qmail list
Subject: Re: Qmail-Spawn

On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 02:56:10PM +0100, Slider wrote:
> Can anyone reflect a little light as to why I might be getting this
> 965396867.707127 delivery 8637: deferral:
> qmail-spawn_unable_to_create_pipe._(#4.3.0)/

One of the few errors I've covered in my brief error guide ;-)



RE: qmail-pop3d problem

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

> On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 07:47:27PM +0530, kapil sharma wrote:
> ! pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup \
> ! /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
> [...]
> ! +OK <15634.965386256@\>
> Are you sure that ``\'' is an acceptible line continuation character?
> qmail-popup seems to think that ``\'' is the host name, so maybe you
> should just put everything on one line without using ``\''.

The command line is interpreted by bash (I take it you are using bash)
before the program that is being called (try typing some nonexistant command
followed by a '\' and there will be no error) so qmail-popup won't even know
it existed.


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: qmail-pop3d problem

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

> I beg to differ.
> 1. inetd doesn't support wrapped lines in /etc/inetd.conf. At least
> mine doesn't. It doesn't know about the second line at all.
> 2. inetd doesn't run the command through bash. Where did you
> hear that?

My apologies :> It is 2am over here and I forgot this is an inetd call, not
a tcpserver call!


InterPlanetary Solutions

Re-injecting complete messages

2000-08-04 Thread Brett Randall

Hi...I've been asked by a fellow sysadmin to reinject a number of complete
e-mails (containing every original header field and the body with the
standard one-line gap) into the mail system for delivery to their relevant
locations, both locally and remotely. What is the best way of doing this?


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: Re-injecting complete messages

2000-08-05 Thread Brett Randall

> that; qmail-inject won't look at the To header.

I didn't particularly want to enter each individual address one-by-one (for
a hundred odd files) and couldn't be bothered playing with regex's to get it
to search for the To: header in the files, so I just wrote a quick perl
script to apply qmail-inject < file to every file in the directory
containing the files to be resent. I was worried since there were a number
of headers that could confuse it, but it appears (watched logs, did a few
test e-mails before hand, only a few typical bounces back) that qmail-inject
WILL in fact read the To: header of a file if invoked with qmail-inject <
file. Just thought I'd put this forward in case I have got it wrong.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Scott Gifford
> Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 3:32 AM
> To: Brett Randall
> Cc: qmail
> Subject: Re: Re-injecting complete messages
> "Brett Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi...I've been asked by a fellow sysadmin to reinject a number
> of complete
> > e-mails (containing every original header field and the body with the
> > standard one-line gap) into the mail system for delivery to
> their relevant
> > locations, both locally and remotely. What is the best way of
> doing this?
>   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
> should do what you need.  Make sure you give it a
>   -f envelope-sender
> where the envelope sender is where bounces from this message should
> go, and then give it a list of who the message should go to after
> that; qmail-inject won't look at the To header.
>   For example:
>   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> is how I would re-inject this message.
> Hope this helps,
> ScottG.

RE: help with strange problem

2000-08-07 Thread Brett Randall

> to add
> I have discovered that the users that are working are in
> /var/control/users/assign
> what updates this file?

Unless RedHat 7.0 beta includes some automatic function, then you do. Read
the qmail FAQ on info for how to update this (specifically look for
information on NIS/NFS outages...this is included there.) I don't know if
this is covered in LWQ but I would guess so.

Also, most of the problems I have had with qmail like yours are to do with
Maildir permissions. Make sure in the actual home folder of the recipient
that they have at least read/write permissions (maybe a cd ~user; chmod -R
u+r *; chown -R user *; chown -R user .qmail; chgrp -R group *; chgrp -R
group .qmail) might help. This has 90% of the time caused the below problem.
BUT the assign file you asked about before probably caused the other 10%! If
in doubt, delete it :> (Or move it somewhere else and its associated
files...probably recommended).


InterPlanetary Solutions
-Original Message-
From: Barry Smoke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: help with strange problem

- Original Message -
From: Barry Smoke
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 9:45 PM
Subject: help with strange problem

I have been pulling my hair out on this one all day long.  I am including
all my information so you guys can help keep my hair in.
I have been running qmail on a mail machine at a k12 school for a
real problems to speak of
now I have upgraded this server to redhat 7.0 beta..I know...why on
earth would you use beta on a production machinewell, I tested it out on
several otehr machines...and all went well, and it's not the beta I'm having
problems with.

The machine in question is
there is an alias to this
I have been running this machine aliased for our administrators for the
year...and now I'm moving all of our schools over to this machine.
That includes elementaries, the jr.high, high school, etc
Mail is working perfectly for our administrators(thank goodness)...but not
for new users
I have /etc/skel setup to create a Maildir correctly(yes I used
maildirmake), and copy a .qmail file to everyone's home directory.
I checked permissions...they match our existing users that are working.
you can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] me at
but when you add a new user you can't send mail to them at either
addressI've tried restarting qmail...and restarting the machine(with
blind hopes)
I got this whe I added a user named testingthemail:
Aug  7 20:10:10 bryant qmail: 965697010.528031 status: local 2/10 remote
Aug  7 20:10:10 bryant qmail: 965697010.548143 delivery 24: success:
Aug  7 20:10:10 bryant qmail: 965697010.566173 status: local 1/10 remote
Aug  7 20:10:10 bryant qmail: 965697010.567118 delivery 25: failure:
I added another user just a while agoand all of the sudden his is
working...I haven't done anything
but this new one I just added isn't yet...
is there a file I have to manually update if I want users to be accessible
right after being added?
[root@bryant skel]# ls -al
total 20
drwxr-xr-x6 root root 1024 Aug  3 17:51 .
drwxr-xr-x   48 root root 6144 Aug  7 19:20 ..
-rw-r--r--1 root root   24 Jul 17 09:56 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--1 root root  230 Jul 17 09:56 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--1 root root  124 Jul 17 09:56 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--1 root root  688 Jul 25 11:53 .emacs
drwxr-xr-x4 root root 1024 Aug  3 17:34 .kde
-rw-rw-r--1 root root   11 May 10 12:55 .qmail
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3394 Jul 12 19:34 .screenrc
drwxr-xr-x4 root root 1024 Aug  3 17:34 Desktop
drwx--5 root root 1024 Aug  3 15:48 Maildir
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 1024 Dec  4  1999 web
[root@bryant skel]# cat .qmail
[root@bryant skel]# cd Maildir
[root@bryant Maildir]# ls -al
total 5
drwx--5 root root 1024 Aug  3 15:48 .
drwxr-xr-x6 root root 1024 Aug  3 17:51 ..
drwx--2 root root 1024 Aug  3 15:48 cur
drwx--2 root root 1024 Aug  3 15:48 new
drwx--2 root root 1024 Aug  3 15:48 tmp
##control files###
[root@bryant control]# cat defaulthost
[root@bryant control]# cat defaultdomain
[root@bryant control]# cat locals
[root@bryant control]# cat me
##nslookup on the ip##
[root@bryant control]# nslookup

RE: users/assign....was...strange problem

2000-08-07 Thread Brett Randall

> The qmail-users database is only needed when the home-directories
> are mounted via NFS or the passwords are managed by NIS or similar.
> During a NFS or NIS outage the messages would bounce if the users
> were not known locally. This way the message is deferred until NFS
> is up again.

As a subnote to the list (not specifically to Oliver)...that is actually an
interesting statement (and yes, I know that's what it says in the FAQ). We
run a number of qmail servers together here combining NFS and NIS, and we
don't use a users database. If NFS goes down, the main server simply defers
the e-mail, saying in the logs that it is unavailable to deliver to the
Maildir (it will defer for up to a week, the default timeout).

If NIS goes down, everything continues as normal since all our qmail servers
are slave NIS servers rather than clients. BUT if we ran clients, and qmail
had to do a delivery to the machine it was running on (and it was not the
master server), then yes there would be a problem (in finding the home
directory), but in general for safety I recommend using NIS slaves rather
than clients - there is little reason to do it as clients and not the other.
If you're worried about security - hec, you're running NIS! The most
distributed information network in the world! You have to lock it down
manually by default to get any smidget of security out of it :>

Just some information for the list. Might help someone one day.


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: Virtual domains

2000-08-07 Thread Brett Randall

That was amazingly inexplicit...

> How do I configured my system or do I make changes so that it can
> allow other mail server ( to pick up the mails from
> ~user/Maildir via pop3 so that it can delivers the mails to the
> users on its server.

Look at fetchmail, or some of the other alternatives mentioned on this list
earlier this week...You might be able to optimise the process with a bit of
scripting and file transfer stuff but I'll leave that to your imagination...

> And  also will user account can be used by the mail server
> ( to relay the message to the internet.

I take it English is not your first language? I couldn't really understand
that but if you want to learn about relaying, at a minimal start 'man
qmail-control' and read up on smtproutes, and also look in Life With qmail
(grab the URL from to avoid some very very
common mistakes in relaying.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:58 AM
> Subject: Virtual domains
> hi Everybody,
> My virtualdomain file is as follows:-
> /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains file contains
> and if tru to send the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it gets delivered to
> ~user/Maildir/new
> Regards,
> kamal Batra
> *
> Go to:
>  " The Internet in every wallet "

RE: Rctp Hosts Problem......

2000-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

Quick fix: read Life With qmail (URL at, look
up the relaying section. The problem is that the server has not been set up
to allow relaying. To do this, you must have the ucspi-tcp tools installed
so you can use tcpserver. Read the above doc for more anyway...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Alexander Meis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 6:31 PM
> Subject: Rctp Hosts Problem..
> Hi
> i got the problem that i cant send mail with my qmail SMTP
> to anny domain which is not in the rctphosts file.
> here is outlooks error message:
> Die Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden, da einer der Empfänger vom
> Server nicht akzeptiert wurde.
> Die nicht akzeptierte E-Mail-Adresse ist '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Betreff 'test2',
> Konto: '', Server: '',
> Protokoll: SMTP, Serverantwort: '553 sorry, that domain isn't in
> my list of
> allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)', Anschluss: 25, Secure(SSL): Nein,
> Serverfehler:
> 553, Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC79
> How can I fix this.
> Regards Alex

RE: supervise + qmail-pop3d prob

2000-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> After starting "supervise /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3" i get multiple
> error messages
>   tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already used
> as supervise repeatedly starts the tcpserver.

This usually means the port it is trying to access is already in use. If
inetd is running at the same time, edit /etc/inetd.conf and make sure that
the pop3 client in there has been commented out.


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: help with strange problem

2000-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> I'm almost stumped on this has to be something simple
> I would rather not have to run that cron script...if I don't have to.
> I concider it kind of a hack for now.

Ok...have you tried dumping the whole 'assign' setup? This should disable
its usage, since you don't need it. Give that a go...Also a cron script is
terrible. When I add a user, I want it to work NOW not when the next update
is. I don't know WHOSE idea that was...The hack I would do would be to the
adduser script itself. But anyway try dumping the users/assign structure and
see what happens.


InterPlanetary Solutions

qmail-qmptd: what, why and where?

2000-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

Hi All

I'm running a number of internal relay machines as SMTP relays and am 
curious about this qmail-qmptd. I have looked around a fair bit for some 
real doco but have had no real luck. Is anyone able to give me 
(technical/detailed - that means none of this 'its more efficient' one liner 
crap) information on what it is, in what areas it is better/worse than SMTP, 
where documentation is on setting it up and how it interacts with SMTP 


Brett Randall

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: Protection

2000-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

Set up an automatic revenge flood? Maybe not... :>

It depends if it is mailing lists or spam. First start by unsubscribing from
REAL mailing lists. If it is spam, change your domain name...I would
personally sue the ex user for breaching your 'reasonable use policy' (what?
you don't have one? doh!) or at least for ongoing damages since you are now
virtually permanently committed to wasting bandwidth on unsolicited e-mails.
Only other option is to refuse the e-mails (ie using common spam killing
techniques) at the last relay before it is transferred over your link.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Slider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 7:06 PM
> Subject: Protection
> Hi all,
> Please can you help with advise about protecting my mail servers
> from one of
> my on ex users!! He/She has subscribed to about 30 mailing lists with the
> address that falls under my mail service! I am now recieving
> about 10 mails
> a minute for that user! Removing the maildir and letting them
> bounce is not
> helping as I thought it would... any other suggestions??
> Slider

RE: Protection

2000-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

There are other ways but how about just putting in:
instead of ./Mailbox or ./Maildir/ or whatever? I mean you can bounce it,
throw it, choke it (ok now i'm just being stupid), but the above will just
write it to the bin.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Slider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 11:27 PM
> To: Austad, Jay
> Cc: qmail list
> Subject: RE: Protection
> Good point! although there is no indication as to the uses new
> address.
> what I want to do is create a .qmail file that will delete any mail that
> comes in for that user! Anyone know how to do that?
> slider
> Put a .forward file in with this evil users new email address.  Then all
> mail sent to them will really get to them.  If nothing else, it will get
> them to unsubscribe from all of the lists.
> -Original Message-
> From: Brett Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 7:26 AM
> To: qmail
> Subject: RE: Protection
> Set up an automatic revenge flood? Maybe not... :>
> It depends if it is mailing lists or spam. First start by
> unsubscribing from
> REAL mailing lists. If it is spam, change your domain name...I would
> personally sue the ex user for breaching your 'reasonable use
> policy' (what?
> you don't have one? doh!) or at least for ongoing damages since
> you are now
> virtually permanently committed to wasting bandwidth on
> unsolicited e-mails.
> Only other option is to refuse the e-mails (ie using common spam killing
> techniques) at the last relay before it is transferred over your link.
> Brett
> Manager
> InterPlanetary Solutions
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Slider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 7:06 PM
> > Subject: Protection
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Please can you help with advise about protecting my mail servers
> > from one of
> > my on ex users!! He/She has subscribed to about 30 mailing
> lists with the
> > address that falls under my mail service! I am now recieving
> > about 10 mails
> > a minute for that user! Removing the maildir and letting them
> > bounce is not
> > helping as I thought it would... any other suggestions??
> >
> > Slider
> >

RE: /etc/init.d problems

2000-08-09 Thread Brett Randall

OK, you are obviously a little new to this...

> Have I got this correct, if I put the following line in a file called
> qmail-tcpserver in the directory /etc/init.d when the server is rebooted,
> this should be automatically restarted?
You virtually asked this question twice so I will answer it once...Check
your OS documentation. If you're running Solaris, then I'd damn well make
sure that you know how to put things into startup scripts!

Also, read the info on using tcpserver either in Life With qmail or on Use of qmail with inetd is no longer encouraged, use
tcpserver instead.

> My host is 212.159 and I can't relay... :-(
That is because the config file should be tcp.smtp, not tcp.smtp.cdb.
tcp.smtp.cdb is a binary version of tcp.smtp, and must be converted via
(with the correct paths, of course):
/usr/local/bin/tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
each time you change /etc/tcp.smtp.


Brett Randall

InterPlanetary Solutions

Logs - rotate, archive... ?

2000-08-12 Thread Brett Randall

Hi there

I am curious what most people do with their qmail logs (generated by
multilog, running under the supervise and tcpserver daemons). Do most people
rotate them and have old ones automatically erased, or do you archive them
for later usage, or even weirder do many people just leave their logs for
all eternity to grow up to the current size of the net? I use qmail-mrtg-1.0
(love it! the boss can't get enough of it...) to report on the logs, just as
a piece of off-hand information.



InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: Logs - rotate, archive... ?

2000-08-12 Thread Brett Randall

> last sent a message to that address so it wasn't to hard to find.  I
> haven't used a report program on them what type of reports can you get?

There are two reporting programs that I know of. qmail-mrtg (v0.1 and then
v1.0, developed by different people I think but still the same project), and
qmailanalog. qmailanalog offers a lot of text-based information but from my
first looks at it, it didn't really summarise things up quite as neatly as
qmail-mrtg, and it works in a text-based interface anyway so without
creating a few scripts to make it a bit 'prettier', management would have
just said 'so what'. qmail-mrtg on the other hand offers daily, weekly,
monthly and yearly graphs (via the web).

Reports that may be generated (in one or the other) include number of
messages transferred, number of bytes transferred, remote and local
concurrency, statistics on who is sending and receiving e-mail through your
relay (qmailanalog), number of successes and failures, size of the queue
(very good on a mailing list machine)...

Our main benefit with logging is to show management how costs and needs are
increasing over time so we can obtain a little (lot? :> ) more money from
them in our department (BTW my sig says Manager IPS, but this is my own
entity not who I work for).


InterPlanetary Solutions

How to hold queue until later?

2000-08-14 Thread Brett Randall

Hi there

We are planning on installing a number of RAS boxes around Sydney that dial
in from our subsidiaries at preset times and transfer mail that has been
held in each location (ie sent from the client but held at the server), and
download mail that's waiting to be transferred to that location.

This reminds me of UUCP which I have never really dealt with, but does
anyone here know how I can implement this I guess 'cron job' to update
queues, without actually relying on qmail's automatical deferal? (Since
deferal times get longer and longer the more times it fails and we don't
want this...). One idea would be to have a single catchall POP account on
each side but I'm not sure how I'd even implement this...But any ideas are


Brett Randall

InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: not able to send mails via remote SMTP

2000-08-14 Thread Brett Randall

> The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'qmail-tester', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP,
> Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Try to telnet to port 25 on that IP address. If you get a SMTP response and
prompt, then the problem is with the config of the smtp daemon. If you don't
get a response (ie it times out or disconnects immediately), then the
problem is either with the process on the machine (qmail-smtpd) or the
TCP/IP permissions (ie tcpserver allow/deny hosts). QMQP is irrelevant
(qmail queue protocol, not used often). The data limit is also irrelevant
(set to 0).

See what happens and let us know again.


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: not able to send mails via remote SMTP

2000-08-14 Thread Brett Randall

> > 'qmail-tester', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
> >Secure(SSL):  No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
> The SMTP Server uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and does not allow non-SSL
> (TLS) connection.

This has caught me a few times...notice the 'Secure(SSL): No'...yeah it
means that SSL is NOT used. Stupid Microsoft thing, but this is displayed no
matter what the error is. Pointless having it there, but hey we're talking
about a transnational corporation here why would they care about a small
thing like this? :>


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: urgent for help about qmail

2000-08-15 Thread Brett Randall

> and I have use maildirmake command to make mail directory for maildir
> mailbox.

OK, but did you run it as root? If you did, then the permissions are all
stuffed. Make sure the Maildir/ folder and its contents are readable and
writable by the user who will be accessing it (minimal survival command: cd
~user; chown -R user Maildir; chgrp -R group Maildir).

Also this will not likely be your problem but inetd is no longer recommended
for pop3 or smtp daemons (especially qmail ones). Use tcpserver instead

By the way if the above doesn't work, try telnetting in to your mail server
on port 110 from a client. If you receive a prompt, the problem is with the
config on the server (eg permissions, settings). If you don't receive a
prompt (ie timeout or disconnects immediately), then there is a problem with
the process (try watching your logs or making sure that your pop3 daemon has
started or its controller daemon (ie inetd,tcpserver) is started).


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: urgent for help about qmail

2000-08-15 Thread Brett Randall

Do a tail -f /var/log/maillog (unless you have set up other logging methods)
while you attempt to log in. If any error messages appear, let me in. The
fact that you can do a mutt -f ./Maildir means nothing, since mutt doesn't
use the same permission structure as a POP3 daemon. Please also include a
'ls -la ~user' so I can see the permissions you have set up. I user qmail on
shadow and non-shadow redhat (6.1) machines with no problems.

If, after you have provided me with the above information, all else fails,
then try reinstalling qmail from scratch as it is possible you have missed
something. qmail is, above all, logical. I have some very complex qmail
systems set up, and even though they took a lot of thinking about to do, it
was in the end just a matter of implementing the correct parts of qmail to
make it work.


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 11:59 PM
> To: Brett Randall
> Subject: Re: RE: urgent for help about qmail
> Sir:
>   Thank u very much for your help.But I am sorry for bothering you again.
>   I test the ./Maildir which is belong to that user and can be
> read and write.
> I can even read the new mail with command mutt -f Maildir.
>   But now question is I can not access mail through pop3. And at
> the same time when I fetch mail through report that
> authorization failure as follow:
> [root@ns init.d]# telnet localhost 110
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> user lix
> +OK
> pass meilixiang
> -ERR authorization failed
> Connection closed by foreign host
> at first when I meet the question I use command pwunconv to
> unshadow my passwd. Then it seems that I can pass
> authorization.But I cannot get new email. But now I can not pass
> authorization again.
> Now I use it because redhat use PAM authorization method
> I have spend on configure qmail for several days.. *:*
> I do not expect it is so difficult to configuration.
> Waiting for your reply.
> Best regards  from Jack.lee
> --
> Smile to the world
>   Then u will find
> The whole world smile to u
>   ~Q~   :P   :)   (*^:^*)  ^;^
> -
> »¶Ó­Ê¹Óñ±¾©µç±¨¾ÖµÄÃâ·Ñµç×ÓÓʼþϵͳ!
>  or
> ¿Í·þÖÐÐĵ绰£º223 £¨Ãâ·Ñ£©
> ¿ì½Ý169ÉÏÍø,µç»°:169,Óû§Ãû:169,¿ÚÁî:169.

RE: How to host a partial domain using fastforward

2000-08-16 Thread Brett Randall

> I am using qmail and fastforward. For a given domain, I want to
> leave some
> users' email in local mailboxes, and the rest I want to forward
> to another smtp
> server to deal with.

OK, this is how I would attempt it (I host full virtual domains...never
tried this though).

Get fastforward and install it as per INSTALL. It uses sendmail-style
aliases with some extensions (ie use /etc/aliases). The following is the


The domain is obviously listed in virtualdomains, and all e-mail forwarded
to the alias user. The .qmail-default file for the alias user will contain
the entry to use fastforward (all this is detailed with ff). AFAIK, you can
also use (in /etc/aliases): $[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Although I haven't tried this, I think it will work.

Hope this helps


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: forward

2000-08-16 Thread Brett Randall

> I need to have qmail send a copy of the messages for a local e-mail
> address to another email address.

This is one of those e-mails which shouldn't have to be answered...providing
you have read FAQ etc

man dot-forward


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: Forward

2000-08-16 Thread Brett Randall

What am I saying? :>

man dot-qmail

InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: How to host a partial domain using fastforward

2000-08-16 Thread Brett Randall

Ah ok... the $LOCAL environment variable works fine in the .qmail files but
obviously not aliases. I suggest either reading the fastforward docs to see
if there is some way of doing this, or trying:

OR, finding some way of using .qmail(-user;-default) files and the $LOCAL
variable to do the job for you. I just tried thinking of a way of doing this
but that would be my third mini system for the morning and my just brain
isn't quite there yet...!


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 1:01 AM
> Subject: RE: How to host a partial domain using fastforward
> It seems that the aliases line suggested below,
> tries to forward the mail literally to
> other words fastforward is not substituting for the environment
> variable $LOCAL.
> How can I put a default forwarding rule like this in aliases?
> Chris Harris
> System Manager
> STL Ltd.
> ph. 01228 512512 ext. 2211
> fax 01228 514949
> > > I am using qmail and fastforward. For a given domain, I want to
> > > leave some
> > > users' email in local mailboxes, and the rest I want to forward
> > > to another smtp
> > > server to deal with.
> >
> > OK, this is how I would attempt it (I host full virtual domains...never
> > tried this though).
> >
> > Get fastforward and install it as per INSTALL. It uses sendmail-style
> > aliases with some extensions (ie use /etc/aliases). The following is the
> > format:
> >
> >
> > The domain is obviously listed in virtualdomains, and all
> e-mail forwarded
> > to the alias user. The .qmail-default file for the alias user
> will contain
> > the entry to use fastforward (all this is detailed with ff).
> AFAIK, you can
> > also use (in /etc/aliases):
> >
> >
> > Although I haven't tried this, I think it will work.
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > /BR
> >
> >
> > Manager
> > InterPlanetary Solutions
> >
> >
> >
> > _
> > This message has been checked for all known viruses by UUNET delivered
> > through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further
> information visit
> >
> >

Converting entries from passwd to /var/qmail/users/assign

2000-08-16 Thread Brett Randall

Hi there

It has recently come to our attention here that it is becoming more
necessary for mail to be held for non-system users (ie to be relayed at a
later stage for other users, but not necessarily users that will use this
particular POP/SMTP server). In this case, we would like to create an assign
file (we don't use this at the moment) containing the entries for every user
in the passwd file, and want it to work straight away without any problems.
We are using a combined system that implements NIS and NFS and at the moment
this works fine. If an NIS or NFS link goes down, mail is simply deferred
(not bounced) for a week, without an assign file (contrary to what the FAQ
says). It must still work this way after the change. Does anybody know of a
script, or can even tell me what needs to be done to copy the entries over
(automatically, not manual entry)? - I can make a script no probs.

Thanks for your time


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: qmail-default and bounce

2000-08-17 Thread Brett Randall

> work? i would assume it should if the maildir is right, but i
> have the right
> maildir there and it doesn't want to deliever to that directory!

Make sure that the mail directory you are trying to deliver to is owned by
the appt user and group (ie the one who is receiving the mail) and that they
have R&W privileges to that directory.


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: yahoo down?

2000-08-18 Thread Brett Randall

At times, in the past, I've even had bounces saying that a yahoo user
doesn't exist. An e-mail the day after might go fine, then a few days later
it'll go astray again...

Definitely a few machines in that bank which need some heart surgery

Perhaps they're using sendmail? :>


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Ben Beuchler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 11:50 AM
> To: qmail list
> Subject: yahoo down?
> Is it just my imagination or am I seeing a larger than normal number of
> messages building up in my remote queue?
> I've tried a few telnet sessions to port 25 on and
> sometimes it gets through and sometimes it doesn't...
> Annoyed,
> Ben
> --
> Ben Beuchler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MAILER-DAEMON (612) 321-9290 x101
> Bitstream Underground

RE: yahoo down?

2000-08-18 Thread Brett Randall

> Hmm.  Telnetting to the server on port 25 says that it is something
> called YSmtp.  And sending it a 'help' command returns
> '250 OK.  Yahoo! MTA'.  Sounds like something proprietary...

Or just something hacked up so no one will be able to (knowingly) hack them
if a bug happens to exist in the MTA...

Anyway I'm straying now...


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: relay-ctrl

2000-08-19 Thread Brett Randall

> When I pop the server, the IP of the client gets listed correctly in
> /var/spool/relay-ctrl.
> But it is not pssible to send any Mail wit a foreign adress even if the
> adresse is listed there.

Hi Clemens. It would REALLY help us with more details about this. What does
qmail-stat show? What do the logs show? What is the error? etc...


InterPlanetary Solutions

RE: qmail domain heiarchy

2000-08-19 Thread Brett Randall

We have just implemented a system virtually exactly like this. It took me
about three weeks to research, design, implement and test. I have been
planning on writing a HOWTO but life is just s hectic...

It implements a combination of qmail, fastforward, NIS, NFS, SMTP routing,
and all with a plan of maximum stability and minimum bandwidth. I do have a
fair bit of documentation on it that I've written up for the organisation,
since it is a fairly complex system to set up (but very easy to
maintain...the head of IT loves it!). It is called a REDES...a Reliable and
Efficient Distributed E-mail System, which is made for sharing mail for one
domain around a building, a city (this is what we do), a country, or the
entire globe (although with the latter two security can become an issue
:> ). It also supports the ability to forward other domains to their
relevant users in the case of changing domains from older ones in some

If you are interested in this, please let me know and I'll forward the doco
to you. AND if anybody else is interested in preparing a HOWTO for it,
please let me know (with reasons) and I'll consider it...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Barry Smoke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 3:22 AM
> Subject: qmail domain heiarchy
> I am the network administrator for a public school system in ARkansas.
> We have just implemented a single qmail mail server for the
> districtwhich consists of 8 schools, on 5 different site
> locations.  our
> 4 remote elementary schools have 384K dedicated internet
> connectionsand
> our main campus has a t-1, that feeds 4 schools plus administration.
> The new mail system was put on a single domain on an ip for the
> main campus.
> The 4 remote elementaries have different ip numbers/subnet masks
> when their internet connection is outwhich happens often, I would like
> for local e-mail delivery to still work, while all remote messages are put
> in que.   when the connection comes up, messages are
> senttransparently.
> i would like to do this without running other domains
> Each remote site...(and the main campus for that matter) is connected to a
> transparent masquerading proxy (firewall) serveris this
> possible...maybe
> with port forwardingfirewall rules...runing a qmail server on
> each local
> proxy?
> I don't have a clue where to start with this.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Barry Smoke
> Network Administrator
> Bryant Public Schools

RE: friends very urgent help required

2000-08-21 Thread Brett Randall

OK I will reply but the reason noone else has ie largely because of the time
in most of the world at the moment, and the fact that you included virtually
NO configuration information (eg what is in virtualdomains, locals,
rcpthosts, sample LDAP entry, sample users/assign entry...all of these help
out somewhat).

BEST way of doing this as far as I can see (I have never used LDAP, only NIS
which IMHO is a little easier to understand and implement, albeit insecure
by default) is to not even have those system users on your main server. Have
aliases (either use .qmail-user files or fastforward) forward to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and MAKE SURE that is NOT listed
in locals, and IS listed in rcpthosts (you need to receive for that domain
so you can relay it, but if it is in locals then you will get that error
described below where it says mailbox not found).

Also - qmail will probably do an MX lookup on to see where
to deliver mail to (depends how you've set qmail up). If it does, then you
will need an 'A' entry in your DNS to point to as the MX
record for Otherwise just set up qmail to send using FQDN
(sorry, I can't remember how...It is in one of the FAQs or HOWTOs or docs on

Good luck, please type slower next time, and if possible (I don't mean any
offense), a little more practise at english would help us all out to help


InterPlanetary Solutions

>hello friends
>i am running qmail-1.03 applied qmail-ldap-2000601.patch ,
> i have only single domain , with around 200,000 users , now i want that
> mails for : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  will gets forwaded to
>  ,
>  i have specified this in ldapmailforwarding attribute ,
> but log shows no
> mailbox by that name , do i need some entry in my ldap which matches this
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail address ,i already have entry for
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with mailforwarding address as usererver1.domain,
>   what i wanna achive is once mails accepted by my single mail
> server which
> i have specified in MX , then this mail server should forward
> mails  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to host [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  depending users ldap entries
> ,and store the
> message there in "Maildir" for this perticular user
>   how can i achive , or is there any other work around , please
> reply me as
> early as possible
>  thanks
> Prashant Desai

RE: SMTP port 25

2000-08-21 Thread Brett Randall

Running on anything other than port 25 is pretty silly considering that all
applications and all mail relays attempt to deliver to port 25 on every mail
server in the world...Internally, you could do it, but why?

If you need to proxy port 25 to some other port, try searching on freshmeat
for redir (what we use). We have one machine here which our router routes
all internet viewable IP addresses to (it has an internal IP address which
the router refers to, and the ethernet interface accepts packets for all the
IP addreses we use (running Linux). ie eth0 would be, eth0:1 would
be, eth0:2 would be, etc), and we can control what
ports on what IP addresses go where internally (so everything else is
virtually closed and secure). This also means that if we need to change a
machine's functionality or move a mail server to a different machine, we can
simply change an IP address on our port forwarding machine and its done - no
external DNS and TTL hell to live through... You COULD alternately try
ipmasqadm with ipchains but I haven't had any luck with port forwarding this


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: Lavender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 4:19 AM
> Subject: SMTP port 25
> Hi,
> Just wonder if anybody had successfully run SMTP on port other than the
> defined 25 ???
> Is there a proxy for SMTP 
> Thanks
> kayleigh

RE: FW: qmail domain heiarchy

2000-08-21 Thread Brett Randall

> Hint:
> smtp and pop3 are not valid answers.

If implemented well, and smartly, they can work (as I have done)...took me
about three weeks, but the system is secure, efficient, low bandwidth and
user-friendly. For internal mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the e-mail is
attempted to be sent locally. If not possible, it is sent to our main relay.
This in itself cuts down bandwidth. External mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
sent to our main relay, which then delivers the mail via NFS to a user as if
it was local. Save the extra Delivered-to and relay lines in the mail. Less
bandwidth, less confusion. The system is fairly complex in setup, but it is
modulised so if something goes wrong, it is easy to hunt it down...

Well I don't know if that helps anyone but it might encourage you that with
qmail (and a bit of thought ;> ) anything is possible...


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> From: John White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 9:30 AM
> To: qmail mailing list
> Subject: Re: FW: qmail domain heiarchy
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 01:52:35PM -0500, Barry Smoke wrote:
> > >Who is they?  The remote schools?  All connections?  How "dedicated"
> > >is a connection which is often down?
> >
> > remote schools...
> Ok.
> > I would like to have some sort of system that catches mail to
> this server,
> > checks the headers against a list of local users(take one of
> our elementary
> > schools for examplea list of 20 teachers on stored on the
> proxy that the
> > mail is checked against) if mail matches a user, deliver it to
> said user via
> > a qmail process on local proxy.
> I really just don't understand what you mean here.
> > Basically I'm wondering if I can cluster the main qmail
> > server out with processes on the proxy serversomehow.
> >
> > If  one node is prob...all other mail is delivered
> > normallyqueued mail is delivered when connection is back up
> It sounds like what you might want to do is put a qmail server on
> each of the servers at each of the location.  Make the terminal
> delivery point for each teacher the qmail server at his location.
> It's pretty simple, then, to make a .qmail entry for each teacher
> at a remote location, forwarding mail the qmail server for that
> location.
> For example, if teacherA is at schoolN, this would be put in
>'s mx:
> ~teacherA/.qmail:
> > > >i would like to do this without running other domains
> Not quite sure what you mean by that.
> > >I'm not sure how you want each person at each school to receive mail.
> > ??? pop3, smtp
> Oh, in that case, just have the mail delivered by smtp.  The
> teachers can then retrieve their mail via pop3.
> I'm asking whether you want teachers at remote locations to
> have their mail delivered to a local qmail server so mail
> can be retrieved during a network connection outage, or whether
> having the mail at a single qmail server which would require
> the network connection being up to check mail.
> In other words, you seem to have a specific path of delivery
> in mind.  What the hell is it?
> John White

RE: urgent help required

2000-08-21 Thread Brett Randall

Hi Prashant

As said in my last e-mail, I haven't used LDAP before so I can't really help
you out there. The system we use is large and complex, and the documentation
just to help us understand it already totals 13 pretty intensive pages, not
including the prerequisite readings which is the NIS and NFS HOWTO's, and
also presuming some knowledge from the NET-3 HOWTO, the qmail FAQ, Life with
qmail... So our system is big and to even begin to explain how it works is
pretty complex. For your situation, unless you REALLY want to redesign your
whole mail strategy, then I would recommend either delivering mail 'locally'
to a folder which is actually an NFS share from the mailhost (ie in
assign/users or /etc/passwd, the home folder on would be,
say, /nfs/user which is ACTUALLY stored on This
SHOULD work with LDAP. No guarantees though, I use NIS. If this is too
complex then otherwise use aliases (.qmail files or fastforward) as stated


InterPlanetary Solutions

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 5:51 PM
> Subject: urgent help required
> hi brett
>   Thanks a lot for guiding me in the right direction ,
>   my ldap entries are as follows
>  HomeDirectory : /home/user
>  qmailuid : 1010  ( uid of system user same for all the users as well as
> same as ~control/ldapuid )
>   qmailgid :1010   (gid of system same for all the users as well
> as same as
> ~control/ldapgid )
>mailhost  :  (  this is the mechine where i want to
> store mails for users in their respective maildir )
>i will have 2-3 mechines on which i have installed qmail that i want to
> specify as a value  for mailhost  attribute depending on diff users list,
> now my MX =,  local = empty , rcpt =
> if some one sent a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  , then
> now i want that  after accepting the mails from internet this mechine ( my
> ) will check ldap entries for users ,and will get value
> of mailhost attribute which in this case is  ,which is
> the mailhost for perticular mail id/user , so that ,this mechine
> ( will send that mail to  which has
> the /home/user/Maildir
>  , ,
>  is this possible ? how ? am i thinking in right direction ,
>   any way what is the fuction of Mailhost attribute  in qmail-ldap senerio
> , how exactly  it effects qmail ?
> thanks a lot , once again
> regards
> Prashant Desai

Fastforward AND smarthost-style operation at once

2000-08-23 Thread Brett Randall

Hi All...I have an interesting situation.

I currently have a ~alias/.qmail-default with:
| forward "$LOCAL"
which forwards e-mail that bounces locally onto another host
HOWEVER I also want to run fastforward at the same time. That is, I want the
functionality of /etc/aliases for a global aliases file, but I want any
e-mail that can't be delivered locally to be forwarded to

SO does anyone know how I can have both of these operations at once? Does
fastfoward have a similar 'if delivery doesn't work, do this' functionality?
It really would be much easier for me and my other admins to use one aliases
file rather than many empty ~alias/.qmail-user files...



InterPlanetary Solutions

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