Re: [R] Alternate to for-loop

2009-02-17 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
Stefan Evert wrote:
 A couple of remarks on vQ's naive benchmark:

 f.rep = function(n, m) replicate(n, rnorm(m))

 I suppose you meant

 f.rep = function(n, m) replicate(n, mean(rnorm(m)))

 which doesn't make a substantial speed difference, though.

indeed, thanks;  i've already posted a correction, and as you say, it
doesn't make much difference for these particular benchmark values.

 f.pat = function(n, m) colMeans(array(rnorm(n*m), c(n, m)))

 system.time(f.pat(1000, 1000))
 system.time(f.rep(1000, 1000))

 makes me believe that there is no significant difference in efficiency
 between the 'professionally-looking' replicate-based solution and the
 'as fast as possible' pat's solution.

 True, I get the same timing results on my machine.  But then you
 should also point out that the original for-loop:

 f.for = function(n, m) { res - numeric(n); for (i in 1:n) res[i]
 - mean(rnorm(m)); res }

 is exactly as fast as replicate().  So apart from looking more
 professional, there isn't any difference between an explicit loop and

indeed, and pat seems correct in blaming for loops for the inefficiency
of replicate in cases where log10(n/m)  2.

 Perhaps loops in R aren't always as slow (compared to matrix
 operations) as one seemed to think.

depends how and where you use them.  in the problem discussed here, they
do slow down the code for some class of inputs and do not speedup for
the others, compared to the array version of pat.

   I ran into a similar issue with a simple benchmark the other day,
 where a plain loop in Lua was faster than vectorised code in R ...

hmm, would you be saying that r's vectorised performance is overhyped? 
or is it just that non-vectorised code in r is slow?

 I have to say, though, that like Patrick I assumed the goal was to
 obtain a large number of replicates for relatively small sets of
 random numbers, in which case the matrix solution is indeed faster
 (though not as much as I would have thought):

  system.time(f.for(10, 100))
user  system elapsed
   4.212   0.025   4.273
  system.time(f.rep(10, 100))
user  system elapsed
   4.109   0.028   4.172
  system.time(f.pat(10, 100))
user  system elapsed
   1.580   0.134   1.739

sure;  it's even more pronounced when n = 10^6 and m=10.


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[R] stopping stepAIC (MASS package)

2009-02-17 Thread Peter Jepsen
Dear R-listers,

I am building a prediction model starting with many, many variables. I
use the 'stepAIC' procedure in the MASS package, and the model building
process takes several hours to complete. At the very end, I am
occasionally confronted with warnings like this one:

Warning messages:
1: In fitter(X, Y, strata = Strata, offset = offset, weights = weights,
  Loglik converged before variable  4 ; beta may be infinite. 

In these instances, I take it that I have stretched my data too thin,
and I discard the final model. Therefore, I would save valuable time if
the procedure would stop automatically when it encounters any anomaly
that causes it to warn me. Is this possible? And if so, how?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Peter Jepsen, MD

R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) 


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] MASS_7.2-45

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[R] problem with dates in zoo package

2009-02-17 Thread CJ Rubio

i have the following code - assimilating the maximum annual discharge each
year ffrom a daily discharge record from year 1989-2005.

m - read.table(D:/documents/5 stations/01014000.csv, sep =,)
z - zoo(m[,4],as.Date(as.character(m[,3]), %m/%d/%Y)) 
x - aggregate(z, floor(as.numeric(as.yearmon(time(z, max)   #code
suggested by Gabor Grothendieck

which gives me the maximum discharge each year and the year itself.. what i
am trying now is to produce the date when the maximum discharge was observed
in the pattern -mm-dd, like:

1988 11/9/1988  18600
1989  5/8/1989   49000
2005 4/26/2005111000 

thank you all in advance...
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[R] Efficient matrix computations

2009-02-17 Thread Shimrit Abraham

I am looking for two ways to speed up my computations:

1. Is there a function that efficiently computes the 'sandwich product' of
three matrices, say, ZPZ'
2. Is there a function that efficiently computes the determinant of a
positive definite symmetric matrix?



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[R] difficulty in starting time sequence from 00:00:00

2009-02-17 Thread Suresh_FSFM

Dear R-experts,

Need your help.

Dear R- Experts, 

Seek your help. 

I created a time sequence using: 
x[i] -chron(dates, tt, format=c(dates=y-m-d, tt=h:m:s)) 
first element in the list is displayed as: (09-01-01 00:00:00) 
Further elements are:
(09-01-01 00:01:00)
(09-01-01 00:02:00)
(09-01-01 00:03:00)
and so on.

I want to compare each value with the timestamp values from database.
I cannot simply compare above values with the timestamp values, as the above
values are not in date format.

Therefore, I used: 
format.Date(x[1],%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S), I expect following value: 
09-01-01 00:00:00 

HOWEVER, the value displayed as: 09-01-01 01:00:00 

Unnecessary addition of 1 hour.
I want to create time sequence starting from 09-01-01 00:00:00 !!! 
Can any one please help?

Thank you.

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Re: [R] How to add direction of time to plot.circular()

2009-02-17 Thread Jim Lemon

Michael Kubovy wrote:

Dear r-helpers,

I want to show that time is flowing CCW in the following:

len - 8
labl - as.character(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0))
r - circular(2*pi* (rep(c(1, 3, 6), each = 200)/len + rnorm(600, 0,  

r.dens - density(r, bw = 25, adjust = 4, kernel = 'vonmises')
plot(r, shrink = 2.5, axes = FALSE, ticks = FALSE, pch = 1, col =  
'lightblue', stack = TRUE, bins = 12 * len)
axis.circular(at = circular(seq(0, (len - 1) * 2 * pi/len, length.out  
= len)), label = labl)

lines(r.dens, col = 2)

I had imagined a directed arc with a smaller radius than the black  
circle, running from 0 to 315 deg. I also thought that adding a short  
horizontal line at its beginning might be helpful. I would appreciate  
advice on how best to do this or anything else that would provide the  
required information.

Hi Michael,
You might find that clock24.plot (plotrix) will do what you want, 
although that is in the conventional clockwise direction. You can 
reverse this by using radial.plot and recreating the clock grid in the 
opposite orientation.


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Re: [R] Create package with Fortran 90 and C code

2009-02-17 Thread Prof Brian Ripley

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Nathan S. Watson-Haigh wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I'm trying to add some Fortran 90 code to an existing package.

When I compile and load the file manually like:
R dyn.load(

I can use the .Fortran() fine. However, when I try to build, install and load
the library I seem to be missing something.

I do a:
SHELL R CMD build dir
SHELL R CMD INSTALL pkg_version.tar.gz

Things seem to progress smoothly. However, in R when I try to load the package I
get an error like:

Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
 unable to load shared library
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'pkg'

Can anyone suggest what I might do to solve this?

See the posting guide!  This is a question about compiled code, hence 
for the R-devel list.

You are apparently using an obsolete R, and it rather looks as if you 
are using C++ with Fortran 90, something that is not supported (since 
in general it does not work, and you need to tell us the compilers you 
are using).

So please post a much more complete description on R-devel, and 
perhaps make the failing package available for potential helpers to 
look at.


Dr. Nathan S. Watson-Haigh
OCE Post Doctoral Fellow
CSIRO Livestock Industries
Queensland Bioscience Precinct
St Lucia, QLD 4067

Tel: +61 (0)7 3214 2922
Fax: +61 (0)7 3214 2900

Brian D. Ripley,
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] Subset Regression Package

2009-02-17 Thread Alex Roy
Dear all ,
  Is there any subset regression (subset selection
regression) package in R other than leaps?

Thanks and regards


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Re: [R] Efficient matrix computations

2009-02-17 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
it would be a bit more helpful if we knew more info regarding these 
matrices, for instance is P diagonal, etc. In any case, you could have a 
look at

# and

and, for the determinant maybe

prod(eigen(mat, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = FALSE)$values)
# or

are a bit faster than det(), but I haven't tested it.

I hope it helps.


Shimrit Abraham wrote:


I am looking for two ways to speed up my computations:

1. Is there a function that efficiently computes the 'sandwich product' of
three matrices, say, ZPZ'
2. Is there a function that efficiently computes the determinant of a
positive definite symmetric matrix?



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Dimitris Rizopoulos
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Erasmus Medical Center

Address: PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Tel: +31/(0)10/7043478
Fax: +31/(0)10/7043014

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[R] Ingore this message. I have already solved the problem..

2009-02-17 Thread Suresh_FSFM

Ingore this message. I have already solved the problem..


Suresh_FSFM wrote:
 Dear R-experts,
 Need your help.
 Dear R- Experts, 
 Seek your help. 
 I created a time sequence using: 
 x[i] -chron(dates, tt, format=c(dates=y-m-d, tt=h:m:s)) 
 first element in the list is displayed as: (09-01-01 00:00:00) 
 Further elements are:
 (09-01-01 00:01:00)
 (09-01-01 00:02:00)
 (09-01-01 00:03:00)
 and so on.
 I want to compare each value with the timestamp values from database.
 I cannot simply compare above values with the timestamp values, as the
 above values are not in date format.
 Therefore, I used: 
 format.Date(x[1],%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S), I expect following value: 
 09-01-01 00:00:00 
 HOWEVER, the value displayed as: 09-01-01 01:00:00 
 Unnecessary addition of 1 hour.
 I want to create time sequence starting from 09-01-01 00:00:00 !!! 
 Can any one please help?
 Thank you.

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Re: [R] Efficient matrix computations

2009-02-17 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos

sorry, in my previous e-mail it should be

# and
prod(eigen(mat, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)


Shimrit Abraham wrote:


I am looking for two ways to speed up my computations:

1. Is there a function that efficiently computes the 'sandwich product' of
three matrices, say, ZPZ'
2. Is there a function that efficiently computes the determinant of a
positive definite symmetric matrix?



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Dimitris Rizopoulos
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Erasmus Medical Center

Address: PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Tel: +31/(0)10/7043478
Fax: +31/(0)10/7043014

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Re: [R] Alternate to for-loop

2009-02-17 Thread Stefan Evert

 I ran into a similar issue with a simple benchmark the other day,
where a plain loop in Lua was faster than vectorised code in R ...

hmm, would you be saying that r's vectorised performance is overhyped?
or is it just that non-vectorised code in r is slow?

What I meant, I guess, was (apart from a little bit of trolling) that  
I'd had misconceptions about the speed differences between loops and  
vectorised code.  In particular, I had entertained the naive belief  
that vectorised solutions are always highly efficient (I wonder if I'm  
the only one who was naive enough to think this ..), so I was very  
much surprised to find a loop in an interpreted language like Lua to  
be faster than vectorised R code.

My silly little benchmark translated the Lua code

sum = 0
for i=1,N do sum = sum + i end

into vectorised R


The performance results were as follows:

for loop in R:  0.75 Mops/s  (200 ops in 2.66 s)
vectorised R:   29.75 Mops/s  (5000 ops in 1.68 s)
Lua:51.54 Mops/s  (1 ops in 1.94 s)
Perl:   8.26 Mops/s  (1000 ops in 1.21 s)

Note that Lua is an interpreted language (compiled to byte code); with  
the just in time compiler I get more than 230 Mops/s.

I suspect that this has to do with cache trashing, since the  
vectorised code in R operates on large vectors that have to be read  
from / written to RAM, while the Lua loop presumably runs entirely  
from the L1 cache.  (Before you ask, I split the vectorised R code  
into a loop that processes 1 million numbers at a time; I tried  
different ways of coding the benchmark and picked the fastest solution.)

Perhaps loops in R aren't always as slow (compared to matrix
operations) as one seemed to think.

depends how and where you use them.  in the problem discussed here,  

do slow down the code for some class of inputs and do not speedup for
the others, compared to the array version of pat.

My mistake was to think that vectorisation will always give a  
substantial performance boost and that for-loops should be avoided  
whenever possible. But it's really just the inner loops that need to  
be vectorised: iterating over the outer margins of a matrix doesn't  
add much overhead, especially if the vectorised solution would have to  
operate on huge matrices.

Guess that's a bad habit from my old Matlab days (back in the early  
90s) ...


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Re: [R] Efficient matrix computations

2009-02-17 Thread Shimrit Abraham
Thanks for your suggestions.

I'll try to implement what you suggested.

Perhaps the following information can help you to think of alternative ways
to speed up computations:

I am coding the Kalman Filter in R because I have certain requirements that
are not provided by the packages regarding State Space  models (dlm, sspir,
dse, are there any more? ) .
Since I don't see a way to avoid a for loop, I am trying to make the matrix
computations as efficent as possible by using the properties that some of
these matrices possess, hence my questions.

The Kalman Filter requires sandwich matrix products, say ZPZ', where P is a
covariance matrix, hence positive definite and symmetric (Z is not
necessarily a square matrix). To compute the likelihood, I also need an
efficient way to calculate the determinant of a covariance matrix, which is
again positive definite and symmetric.

Please let me know if this information gives you some new ideas on how to
solve my problem.



On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:

 sorry, in my previous e-mail it should be

 # and
 prod(eigen(mat, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)


 Shimrit Abraham wrote:


 I am looking for two ways to speed up my computations:

 1. Is there a function that efficiently computes the 'sandwich product' of
 three matrices, say, ZPZ'
 2. Is there a function that efficiently computes the determinant of a
 positive definite symmetric matrix?



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 Dimitris Rizopoulos
 Assistant Professor
 Department of Biostatistics
 Erasmus Medical Center

 Address: PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, the Netherlands
 Tel: +31/(0)10/7043478
 Fax: +31/(0)10/7043014

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Re: [R] scatterplot and correlation for weird data format

2009-02-17 Thread Jim Lemon

William Simpson wrote:

I have data in a format like this:

namessexsex viewnum rating  rt
ahl4f   m   f   56  -1082246
ahl4f   m   f   74  85  1444
ahl4f   m   f   52  151 1595
ahl4f   m   f   85  1   1447
ahl4f   m   f   53  46  1716
ahl4f   m   f   37  145 1276
ahl4f   m   f   50  98  1465
ahl4f   m   f   51  -26 1322
ahl4f   m   f   38  -97 1790
ahl4f   m   f   14  -158865
ahl4f   m   p   43  -1361669
ahl4f   m   p   10  -59 808
ahl4f   m   p   67  -1111279
ahl4f   m   p   85  -86 994
ahl4f   m   p   100 134 1337
ahl4f   m   p   76  56  665
ahl4f   m   p   51  -49 594
ahl4f   m   p   33  -118505
ahl4f   m   p   49  -1561283
and so on for many subjects (name)

I would like to do a scatterplot of the rating given by each subject
(with identifier name) for the frontal (view==f) and profile
(view==p) views of each face (each face has an identifier num).
I'd like to find the correlation as well.
For each subject, since there are 100 faces, there will be 100 points
on the scatterplot. I would just lump all the subjects' data together
for the plot and correlation I think (unless somebody tells me I
should do each subject separately).

I'm stumped on how to do this. Thanks very much for any help!

Hi Bill,
The first thing that comes to mind is a variation on count.overplot, a 
function that displays the number of overplotted points for a given 
tolerance rather than a blur of separate symbols. The problem would be 
separating the various categories of experimental stimuli in your case. 
You could use, say, F and P as suffixes for the counts to indicate 
orientation, color to indicate sex of face, male/female symbol for sex 
of respondent, and so on. The problem is that you end up with a 
difficult to interpret plot, as each entry (of which there will still be 
many) must be decoded by the viewer. If you think this is worth 
pursuing, email me and I will try to outline a way to do it.

Another, perhaps simpler way is to define a summary score for each 
subject for each class of face and plot that.


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Re: [R] Alternate to for-loop

2009-02-17 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
Stefan Evert wrote:

 hmm, would you be saying that r's vectorised performance is overhyped?
 or is it just that non-vectorised code in r is slow?

 What I meant, I guess, was (apart from a little bit of trolling) that
 I'd had misconceptions about the speed differences between loops and
 vectorised code.  In particular, I had entertained the naive belief
 that vectorised solutions are always highly efficient (I wonder if I'm
 the only one who was naive enough to think this ..), so I was very
 much surprised to find a loop in an interpreted language like Lua to
 be faster than vectorised R code.

 My silly little benchmark translated the Lua code

 sum = 0
 for i=1,N do sum = sum + i end

 into vectorised R


what you're benchmarking here is a lump of vector allocation and the
actual summing.  assuming that you already have generated and stored the
values to be summed, the runtime differs a bit:


system.time({ x = 1:10^8 })
system.time({ y = as.numeric(x) })

though again, it's a factor below one order of magnitude.


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Re: [R] problem with dates in zoo package

2009-02-17 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
See ?which.max :

z - read.zoo(myfile.dat, sep = ,, format = %m/%d/%Y)
f - function(x) time(x)[which.max(x)]
ix - tapply(z, floor(as.yearmon(time(z))), f)

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 3:58 AM, CJ Rubio wrote:

 i have the following code - assimilating the maximum annual discharge each
 year ffrom a daily discharge record from year 1989-2005.

 m - read.table(D:/documents/5 stations/01014000.csv, sep =,)
 z - zoo(m[,4],as.Date(as.character(m[,3]), %m/%d/%Y))
 x - aggregate(z, floor(as.numeric(as.yearmon(time(z, max)   #code
 suggested by Gabor Grothendieck

 which gives me the maximum discharge each year and the year itself.. what i
 am trying now is to produce the date when the maximum discharge was observed
 in the pattern -mm-dd, like:

 1988 11/9/1988  18600
 1989  5/8/1989   49000
 2005 4/26/2005111000

 thank you all in advance...
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[R] Combination

2009-02-17 Thread Dani Valverde

I have a sequence of numbers:
and I would like to have all the possible combinations with this numbers 
without repeating any combination:

11, 12, 13, ... ,22,23,24,...
How can I do it?


Daniel Valverde Saubí

Grup de Biologia Molecular de Llevats
Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici V, Campus UAB
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès- SPAIN

Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
en Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y
Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN)

Grup d'Aplicacions Biomèdiques de la RMN
Facultat de Biociències
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici Cs, Campus UAB
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès- SPAIN
+34 93 5814126

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Re: [R] Combination

2009-02-17 Thread Henrique Dallazuanna
Try this:

apply(expand.grid(1:50, 1:50), 1, paste, collapse = '')

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Dani Valverde daniel.valve...@uab.catwrote:

 I have a sequence of numbers:
 and I would like to have all the possible combinations with this numbers
 without repeating any combination:
 11, 12, 13, ... ,22,23,24,...
 How can I do it?


 Daniel Valverde Saubí

 Grup de Biologia Molecular de Llevats
 Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
 Edifici V, Campus UAB
 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès- SPAIN

 Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
 en Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y
 Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN)

 Grup d'Aplicacions Biomèdiques de la RMN
 Facultat de Biociències
 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
 Edifici Cs, Campus UAB
 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès- SPAIN
 +34 93 5814126

 __ mailing list
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Henrique Dallazuanna
25° 25' 40 S 49° 16' 22 O

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Re: [R] Combination

2009-02-17 Thread Eik Vettorazzi

Hi Dani,
see ?combn .

gives you all combinations as matrix.
you can do sth like

apply(combn(1:50,2),2, paste, sep=, collapse=)

to get concatenated results.


Dani Valverde schrieb:

I have a sequence of numbers:
and I would like to have all the possible combinations with this 
numbers without repeating any combination:

11, 12, 13, ... ,22,23,24,...
How can I do it?


Eik Vettorazzi
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg

T ++49/40/42803-8243
F ++49/40/42803-7790

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[R] Problem with calculating the residuals in an AR(p)-model

2009-02-17 Thread Spiderschwein


I'm trying to calculate the residuals in a one-sided AR(p) model:
sum (phi_j (X_t-j - EX)) = epsilon

My X is an ARMA(1,1)-model, which can be represented as an AR(infty) model.
I calculate the order of the model with AIC and the parameters with the
Yule-Walker method.

For the residuals, I tried:

for (k in (p+1):n){ 
 for (j in 1:p){
  eps[k] - sum(phi[j] * (X[k-j] - mean(X)))
 ceps[k] - eps[k] - sum(eps)/(n-p+1) #centering the residuals

The residuals in my ARMA(1,1)-models are t-distributed with 6 degrees of
Unfortunately my code results in residuals, which are all around zero. So
ecdf(eps) or ecdf(ceps) are very different from a t(6)-distribution.

Where's the bug in my code?

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Re: [R] Using eval in multinom argument

2009-02-17 Thread Crouch, Daniel
Thanks for your help,

I managed to get it working like this:

fml-as.formula(paste(y ~, paste(PCnames, collapse=+)))
y = class.ind(grp[outgroup])
z1=multinom(formula = fml, data=data.frame(scores))

Daniel Crouch

Forget eval(parse(text = ))



and try out the example() s there.



On Mon, 16 Feb 2009, Crouch, Daniel wrote:

  I am having difficulty entering a 'programmable' argument into the multinom 
  function from the nnet package. Interactively, I can get the function to 
  work fine by calling it this way:
  z1=multinom(formula = class.ind(grp[-outgroup])~ (PC1 + PC2 + PC3), 
  However I need to be able to change the number of variables I am looking 
  for in 'scores' and so am trying to call it this way...
  z1=multinom(formula = class.ind(grp[-outgroup])~ eval(parse(text=PCnames)), 
  ...where, for example, PCnames = c(PC1, +,   PC2, +,   PC3)
  This gives no error messages, but only the last variable (in this case PC3) 
  gets considered in the model. z1 looks like this:
   (Intercept) eval(parse(text = PCnames))
  23.530352  -116.87140
  3   -1.30861313.59134
  43.662172   -57.52198
  5   -1.216041  -242.38827
  6   -9.377894  -367.71614
  7   -3.145738  -286.19766
  Rather than this:
   (Intercept)   PC1PC2   PC3
  2   288.97131   889.281  3776.5837 -2105.751
  3  -712.53519  2775.663  8490.5724  8602.834
  4   229.17772  4234.950   329.6995 -2182.238
  585.54585 -3036.657  3968.2517 -3450.070
  6  -676.55377 -9545.785  2422.5340 -7183.686
  7  -631.91921 10997.432 -3310.2905 -5348.513
  Any help would be much appreciated.
  Daniel Crouch
  Daniel Crouch
  Research Student
  Department of Medical  Molecular Genetics
  King's College London
  8th Floor, Tower Wing
  Guy's Hospital
  London SE1 9RT
  United Kingdom
  __ mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098
 Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E   UC San Diego  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

Daniel Crouch
Research Student
Department of Medical  Molecular Genetics
King's College London
8th Floor, Tower Wing
Guy's Hospital
London SE1 9RT
United Kingdom
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Comparison of age categories using contrasts

2009-02-17 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Dylan,

 Am I trying to use contrast.Design() for something that it was not
 intended for? ...

I think Prof. Harrell's main point had to do with how interactions are
handled. You can also get the kind of contrasts that Patrick was interested
in via multcomp. If we do this using your artificial data set we see that
the contrasts are the same as those got by fitting the model using
contr.sdif, but a warning is generated about interactions in the model c.
[see example code]

Part of Prof. Harrell's system is that in generating contrasts via
contr.Design an appropriate value is automatically chosen for the
interacting variable (in this case the median value of x) so that a
reasonable default set of contrasts is calculated. This can of course be

Coming to your question [?] about how to generate the kind of contrasts that
Patrick wanted using contrast.Design. Well, it is not that straightforward,
though I may have missed something in the documentation to the function. In
the past I have cobbled them together using the kind of hack given below:

## Exampe code
x - rnorm(100) 
y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1)
y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5)
y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5)
y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5)

d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4], each=25))) 

# now try with contrast.Design(): 
dd - datadist(d) 
l - ols(y ~ x * f, data=d)

## model fitted using successive difference contrasts
T.lm - lm(y ~ x * f, contrasts=list(f=contr.sdif), data=d)

## show the warning: model fitted using ols() and treatment contrasts
summary(glht(l, linfct=mcp(f=Seq)))

## custom successive difference contrasts using contrast.Design
TFin - {}
for (i in 1:(length(levels(d$f))-1)) {
tcont - contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[i]),
TFin - rbind(TFin, tcont)
rownames(TFin)[i] -  paste(levels(d$f)[i], levels(d$f)[i+1], sep=-)

Regards, Mark.

Dylan Beaudette-2 wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
 Greg Snow a écrit :
 One approach is to create your own contrasts matrix:

 mycmat - diag(8)
 mycmat[ row(mycmat) == col(mycmat) + 1 ] - -1
 mycmati - solve(mycmat)
 contrasts(agefactor) - mycmati[,-1]

 Now when you use agefactor, the intercept will be the first age group
 and the slopes will be the differences between the pairs of groups (make
 sure that the order of the levels of agefactor is correct).

 The difference between this method and the contr.sdif function in MASS
 is how the intercept will end up being interpreted (and the dimnames).

 Hope this helps,

 Actually, exactly what I needed including the reference to contr.sdif in
 MASS I did not spot before (although I am a faithful reader of the
 yellow book... but so many things still escape to me). Again thanks a


 Glad you were able to solve your problem. Frank replied earlier with
 the suggestion to use contrast.Design() to perform the tests after the
 initial model has been fit. Perhaps I am a little denser than normal,
 but I cannot figure out how to apply contrast.Design() to a similar
 model with several levels of a factor. Example data:
 # need these
 # replicate an important experimental dataset
 x - rnorm(100)
 y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1)
 y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5)
 y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5)
 y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5)
 d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4],
 # plot
 xyplot(y ~ x, groups=f, data=d, auto.key=list(columns=4, title='Beard
 Type', lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, cex=0.75), type=c('p','r'),
 ylab='Number of Pirates', xlab='Distance from Land')
 # standard comparison to base level of f
 summary(lm(y ~ x * f, data=d))
 # compare to level 4 of f
 summary(lm(y ~ x * C(f, base=4), data=d))
 # now try with contrast.Design():
 dd - datadist(d)
 l - ols(y ~ x * f, data=d)
 # probably the wrong approach, as the results do not look too familiar:
 contrast(l, list(f=levels(d$f)))
  x  f Contrast  S.E.  Lower   Upper t Pr(|t|)
  -0.3449623 a 0.3966682 0.1961059 0.007184856 0.7861515  2.02 0.0460
  -0.3449623 b 0.5587395 0.1889173 0.183533422 0.9339456  2.96 0.0039
  -0.3449623 c 4.1511677 0.1889170 3.775962254 4.5263730 21.97 0.
  -0.3449623 d 4.3510407 0.120 3.975904726 4.7261766 23.04 0.
 This is adjusting the output to a given value of 'x'... Am I trying to
 use contrast.Design() for something that it was not intended for? Any
 tips Frank?
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Comparison of age categories using contrasts

2009-02-17 Thread Chuck Cleland
On 2/16/2009 10:18 PM, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
 Greg Snow a écrit :
 One approach is to create your own contrasts matrix:

 mycmat - diag(8)
 mycmat[ row(mycmat) == col(mycmat) + 1 ] - -1
 mycmati - solve(mycmat)
 contrasts(agefactor) - mycmati[,-1]

 Now when you use agefactor, the intercept will be the first age group and 
 the slopes will be the differences between the pairs of groups (make sure 
 that the order of the levels of agefactor is correct).

 The difference between this method and the contr.sdif function in MASS is 
 how the intercept will end up being interpreted (and the dimnames).

 Hope this helps,

 Actually, exactly what I needed including the reference to contr.sdif in
 MASS I did not spot before (although I am a faithful reader of the
 yellow book... but so many things still escape to me). Again thanks a lot.


 Glad you were able to solve your problem. Frank replied earlier with
 the suggestion to use contrast.Design() to perform the tests after the
 initial model has been fit. Perhaps I am a little denser than normal,
 but I cannot figure out how to apply contrast.Design() to a similar
 model with several levels of a factor. Example data:
 # need these
 # replicate an important experimental dataset
 x - rnorm(100)
 y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1)
 y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5)
 y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5)
 y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5)
 d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4], each=25)))
 # plot
 xyplot(y ~ x, groups=f, data=d, auto.key=list(columns=4, title='Beard
 Type', lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, cex=0.75), type=c('p','r'),
 ylab='Number of Pirates', xlab='Distance from Land')
 # standard comparison to base level of f
 summary(lm(y ~ x * f, data=d))
 # compare to level 4 of f
 summary(lm(y ~ x * C(f, base=4), data=d))
 # now try with contrast.Design():
 dd - datadist(d)
 l - ols(y ~ x * f, data=d)
 # probably the wrong approach, as the results do not look too familiar:
 contrast(l, list(f=levels(d$f)))
  x  f Contrast  S.E.  Lower   Upper t Pr(|t|)
  -0.3449623 a 0.3966682 0.1961059 0.007184856 0.7861515  2.02 0.0460
  -0.3449623 b 0.5587395 0.1889173 0.183533422 0.9339456  2.96 0.0039
  -0.3449623 c 4.1511677 0.1889170 3.775962254 4.5263730 21.97 0.
  -0.3449623 d 4.3510407 0.120 3.975904726 4.7261766 23.04 0. 
 This is adjusting the output to a given value of 'x'... Am I trying to
 use contrast.Design() for something that it was not intended for? Any
 tips Frank?

  Does this help?

# Compare with summary(lm(y ~ x * f, data=d))
contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[2:4], x=0),
b=list(f=levels(d$f)[1],   x=0))

 f Contrast  S.E.  Lower  Upper t Pr(|t|)
 b 0.3673455 0.2724247 -0.1737135 0.9084046  1.35 0.1808
 c 4.1310015 0.2714011  3.5919754 4.6700275 15.22 0.
 d 4.4308653 0.2731223  3.8884207 4.9733098 16.22 0.

Error d.f.= 92

# Compare with summary(lm(y ~ x * C(f, base=4), data=d))
contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[1:3], x=0),
b=list(f=levels(d$f)[4],   x=0))

 f Contrast   S.E.  Lower  Upper  t  Pr(|t|)
 a -4.4308653 0.2731223 -4.9733098 -3.8884207 -16.22 0.
 b -4.0635198 0.2782704 -4.6161888 -3.5108507 -14.60 0.
 c -0.2998638 0.2772684 -0.8505427  0.2508151  -1.08 0.2823

Error d.f.= 92

 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. 

Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
NDRI, Inc. (
71 West 23rd Street, 8th floor
New York, NY 10010
tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
tel: (732) 512-0171 (M, W, F)
fax: (917) 438-0894

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] assuming AR(1) residuals in OLS

2009-02-17 Thread constantine
Thank you for the lightening replies.

I tested various corStruct objects (?corClasses) using the nlme
package and all work flawlessly.

My best regards to all...

Constantine Tsardounis

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Combination

2009-02-17 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos

Eik Vettorazzi wrote:

Hi Dani,
see ?combn .

gives you all combinations as matrix.
you can do sth like

apply(combn(1:50,2),2, paste, sep=, collapse=)

note that you could simplify the above by

combn(50, 2, paste, collapse = )


to get concatenated results.


Dani Valverde schrieb:

I have a sequence of numbers:
and I would like to have all the possible combinations with this 
numbers without repeating any combination:

11, 12, 13, ... ,22,23,24,...
How can I do it?


Dimitris Rizopoulos
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Erasmus Medical Center

Address: PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Tel: +31/(0)10/7043478
Fax: +31/(0)10/7043014

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Comparison of age categories using contrasts

2009-02-17 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Dylan, Chuck,

 contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[1:3], x=0), b=list(f=levels(d$f)[4],  

There is a subtlety here that needs to be emphasized. Setting the
interacting variable (x) to zero is reasonable in this case, because the
mean value of rnorm(n) is zero. However, in the real world of real data it
is somewhat unusual for zero to be a reasonable value for an interacting
variable. In fact, it is this setting-to-zero that causes multcomp's bells
to ring with a word of warning.

glht(l, linfct=mcp(f=Seq))$linfct

Regards, Mark.

Chuck Cleland wrote:
 On 2/16/2009 10:18 PM, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
 Greg Snow a écrit :
 One approach is to create your own contrasts matrix:

 mycmat - diag(8)
 mycmat[ row(mycmat) == col(mycmat) + 1 ] - -1
 mycmati - solve(mycmat)
 contrasts(agefactor) - mycmati[,-1]

 Now when you use agefactor, the intercept will be the first age group
 and the slopes will be the differences between the pairs of groups
 (make sure that the order of the levels of agefactor is correct).

 The difference between this method and the contr.sdif function in MASS
 is how the intercept will end up being interpreted (and the dimnames).

 Hope this helps,

 Actually, exactly what I needed including the reference to contr.sdif in
 MASS I did not spot before (although I am a faithful reader of the
 yellow book... but so many things still escape to me). Again thanks a


 Glad you were able to solve your problem. Frank replied earlier with
 the suggestion to use contrast.Design() to perform the tests after the
 initial model has been fit. Perhaps I am a little denser than normal,
 but I cannot figure out how to apply contrast.Design() to a similar
 model with several levels of a factor. Example data:
 # need these
 # replicate an important experimental dataset
 x - rnorm(100)
 y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1)
 y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5)
 y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5)
 y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5)
 d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4],
 # plot
 xyplot(y ~ x, groups=f, data=d, auto.key=list(columns=4, title='Beard
 Type', lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, cex=0.75), type=c('p','r'),
 ylab='Number of Pirates', xlab='Distance from Land')
 # standard comparison to base level of f
 summary(lm(y ~ x * f, data=d))
 # compare to level 4 of f
 summary(lm(y ~ x * C(f, base=4), data=d))
 # now try with contrast.Design():
 dd - datadist(d)
 l - ols(y ~ x * f, data=d)
 # probably the wrong approach, as the results do not look too familiar:
 contrast(l, list(f=levels(d$f)))
  x  f Contrast  S.E.  Lower   Upper t Pr(|t|)
  -0.3449623 a 0.3966682 0.1961059 0.007184856 0.7861515  2.02 0.0460
  -0.3449623 b 0.5587395 0.1889173 0.183533422 0.9339456  2.96 0.0039
  -0.3449623 c 4.1511677 0.1889170 3.775962254 4.5263730 21.97 0.
  -0.3449623 d 4.3510407 0.120 3.975904726 4.7261766 23.04 0. 
 This is adjusting the output to a given value of 'x'... Am I trying to
 use contrast.Design() for something that it was not intended for? Any
 tips Frank?
   Does this help?
 # Compare with summary(lm(y ~ x * f, data=d))
 contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[2:4], x=0),
 b=list(f=levels(d$f)[1],   x=0))
  f Contrast  S.E.  Lower  Upper t Pr(|t|)
  b 0.3673455 0.2724247 -0.1737135 0.9084046  1.35 0.1808
  c 4.1310015 0.2714011  3.5919754 4.6700275 15.22 0.
  d 4.4308653 0.2731223  3.8884207 4.9733098 16.22 0.
 Error d.f.= 92
 # Compare with summary(lm(y ~ x * C(f, base=4), data=d))
 contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[1:3], x=0),
 b=list(f=levels(d$f)[4],   x=0))
  f Contrast   S.E.  Lower  Upper  t  Pr(|t|)
  a -4.4308653 0.2731223 -4.9733098 -3.8884207 -16.22 0.
  b -4.0635198 0.2782704 -4.6161888 -3.5108507 -14.60 0.
  c -0.2998638 0.2772684 -0.8505427  0.2508151  -1.08 0.2823
 Error d.f.= 92
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. 
 Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
 NDRI, Inc. (
 71 West 23rd Street, 8th floor
 New York, NY 10010
 tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
 tel: (732) 512-0171 (M, W, F)
 fax: (917) 438-0894
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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[R] Chromatogram deconvolution and peak matching

2009-02-17 Thread bartjoosen


I'm trying to match peaks between chromatographic runs.
I'm able to match peaks when they are chromatographed with the same method,
but not when there are different methods are used and spectra comes in to

While searching I found the ALS package which should be usefull for my
application, but I couldn't figure it out.

I made some dummy chroms with R, which mimic my actual datasets, to play
with, but after looking at the manuals of ALS, I'm affraid I can't get the
job done. Can someone put me on the right way?

Here is my code to generate the dummy chroms, which also plots the 2 chroms
and the spectra of the 3 peaks:

#2D chromatogram generation
time - seq(0,20,by=0.05)
f - function(x,rt) dnorm((x-rt),mean=0,sd=rt/35)
c1 - f(time,6.1)
c2 - f(time,5.6)
c3 - f(time,15)

#spectrum generation
spectra - function(x,a,b,c,d,e) a + b*(x-e) + c*((x-e)^2) + d*((x-e)^3)
x - 220:300
s1 - spectra(x,(-194.2),2.386,(-0.009617),(1.275e-05),0)
s2 - spectra(x,(-1.054e02),1.3,(-5.239e-03),(6.927e-06),-20)
s3 - spectra(x,(-194.2),2.386,(-0.009617),(1.275e-05),20)

chrom1.tot -
names(chrom.tot)[-1] - x

#generation of chromatogram 2
c1 - f(time,2.1)
c2 - f(time,4)
c3 - f(time,8) 

chrom2.tot -
names(chrom.tot)[-1] - x


Thanks for your time

Kind Regards

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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at

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Re: [R] stopping stepAIC (MASS package)

2009-02-17 Thread Ben Bolker
Peter Jepsen PJ at DCE.AU.DK writes:
  ... I would save valuable time if
 the procedure would stop automatically when it encounters any anomaly
 that causes it to warn me. Is this possible? And if so, how?

  Maybe options(warn=2)  will do what you want.

  Ben Bolker

__ mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] assuming AR(1) residuals in OLS

2009-02-17 Thread constantine
Thank you Gabor Grothendieck for your message.
I would surely like to say, that if someone wants to assume AR(1)
residuals, running the regression y ~ x, could run

gls(y~x, correlation = corAR1(0, ~1))

Constantine Tsardounis

__ mailing list
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[R] joining one-to-many

2009-02-17 Thread Monica Pisica

Hello list,
I am wondering if a joining one-to-many can be done a little bit easier. I 
tried merge function but I was not able to do it, so I end up using for and if.
Suppose you have a table with locations, each location repeated several times, 
and some attributes at that location. The second table has the same locations, 
but only once with a different set of attributes. I would like to add the 
second set of attributes to the first table.
set.seed - 123
loc - c(rep(L1, 3), rep(L2, 5), rep(L3, 2))
val1 - round(rnorm(10),2)
val2 - c(a, b, c, a, b, d, f, e, b, e)
t1 - data.frame(loc, val1, val2)
t2 - data.frame(loc=c(L1,L2,L3), val3 = c(m, n, p), val4 = c(25, 
67, 48))
# join one-to-many
n - nrow(t1)
m - nrow(t2)
t1$val3 - rep(1, n)
t1$val4 - rep(1, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:m){
if (t1$loc[i]==t2$loc[j]) {
t1$val3[i] - as.character(t2$val3[j])
t1$val4[i] - t2$val4[j]
Desired result:

   loc  val1 val2 val3 val4
1   L1 -0.41am   25
2   L1 -0.69bm   25
3   L1  0.36cm   25
4   L2  1.11an   67
5   L2  0.15bn   67
6   L2 -0.80dn   67
7   L2 -0.08fn   67
8   L2 -1.01en   67
9   L3 -1.01bp   48
10  L3 -2.50ep   48

This code works OK but it is slow if the data frames are actually bigger than 
my little example. I hope somebody knows of a better way of doing these type of 

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] joining one-to-many

2009-02-17 Thread hadley wickham
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Monica Pisica wrote:

 Hello list,

 I am wondering if a joining one-to-many can be done a little bit easier. I 
 tried merge function but I was not able to do it, so I end up using for and 

 Suppose you have a table with locations, each location repeated several 
 times, and some attributes at that location. The second table has the same 
 locations, but only once with a different set of attributes. I would like to 
 add the second set of attributes to the first table.


 set.seed - 123
 loc - c(rep(L1, 3), rep(L2, 5), rep(L3, 2))
 val1 - round(rnorm(10),2)
 val2 - c(a, b, c, a, b, d, f, e, b, e)
 t1 - data.frame(loc, val1, val2)
 t2 - data.frame(loc=c(L1,L2,L3), val3 = c(m, n, p), val4 = c(25, 
 67, 48))

 # join one-to-many

 n - nrow(t1)
 m - nrow(t2)
 t1$val3 - rep(1, n)
 t1$val4 - rep(1, n)

 for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:m){
if (t1$loc[i]==t2$loc[j]) {
t1$val3[i] - as.character(t2$val3[j])
t1$val4[i] - t2$val4[j]

 Desired result:

   loc  val1 val2 val3 val4
 1   L1 -0.41am   25
 2   L1 -0.69bm   25
 3   L1  0.36cm   25
 4   L2  1.11an   67
 5   L2  0.15bn   67
 6   L2 -0.80dn   67
 7   L2 -0.08fn   67
 8   L2 -1.01en   67
 9   L3 -1.01bp   48
 10  L3 -2.50ep   48

 This code works OK but it is slow if the data frames are actually bigger than 
 my little example. I hope somebody knows of a better way of doing these type 
 of things.

merge(t1, t2)


__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] joining one-to-many

2009-02-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
on 02/17/2009 08:33 AM Monica Pisica wrote:
 Hello list,
 I am wondering if a joining one-to-many can be done a little bit
easier. I tried merge function but I was not able to do it, so I end up
using for and if.
 Suppose you have a table with locations, each location repeated
several times, and some attributes at that location. The second table
has the same locations, but only once with a different set of
attributes. I would like to add the second set of attributes to the
first table.

 set.seed - 123

This needs to be set.seed(123)

See ?set.seed


 loc - c(rep(L1, 3), rep(L2, 5), rep(L3, 2))
 val1 - round(rnorm(10),2)
 val2 - c(a, b, c, a, b, d, f, e, b, e)
 t1 - data.frame(loc, val1, val2)
 t2 - data.frame(loc=c(L1,L2,L3), val3 = c(m, n, p), val4 = c(25, 
 67, 48))
 # join one-to-many
 n - nrow(t1)
 m - nrow(t2)
 t1$val3 - rep(1, n)
 t1$val4 - rep(1, n)
 for (i in 1:n) {
 for (j in 1:m){
 if (t1$loc[i]==t2$loc[j]) {
 t1$val3[i] - as.character(t2$val3[j])
 t1$val4[i] - t2$val4[j]
 Desired result:
loc  val1 val2 val3 val4
 1   L1 -0.41am   25
 2   L1 -0.69bm   25
 3   L1  0.36cm   25
 4   L2  1.11an   67
 5   L2  0.15bn   67
 6   L2 -0.80dn   67
 7   L2 -0.08fn   67
 8   L2 -1.01en   67
 9   L3 -1.01bp   48
 10  L3 -2.50ep   48
 This code works OK but it is slow if the data frames are actually
bigger than my little example. I hope somebody knows of a better way of
doing these type of things.

 merge(t1, t2, by = loc)
   loc  val1 val2 val3 val4
1   L1 -0.32am   25
2   L1 -1.50bm   25
3   L1 -0.31cm   25
4   L2  1.42an   67
5   L2  0.32bn   67
6   L2 -0.12dn   67
7   L2  0.33fn   67
8   L2 -1.74en   67
9   L3  0.88bp   48
10  L3  1.88ep   48

 system.time(merge(t1, t2, by = loc))
   user  system elapsed
  0.004   0.000   0.019


Marc Schwartz

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[R] frequency table for multiple variables

2009-02-17 Thread Hans Ekbrand
Hi r-help!

Consider the following data-frame:

   var1 var2 var3 
1 314 
2 223 
3 223 
4 44   NA 
5 435 
6 223 
7 343 

How can I get R to convert this into the following?

Value 1  2  3  4  5 
var1  0  3  2  2  0
var2  1  3  1  2  0 
var3  0  0  4  1  1


Hans Ekbrand (
Q. What is that strange attachment in this mail?
A. My digital signature, see for info on how you could
   use it to ensure that this mail is from me and has not been
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Re: [R] joining one-to-many

2009-02-17 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Try merge(t1, t2)

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Monica Pisica wrote:

 Hello list,

 I am wondering if a joining one-to-many can be done a little bit easier. I 
 tried merge function but I was not able to do it, so I end up using for and 

 Suppose you have a table with locations, each location repeated several 
 times, and some attributes at that location. The second table has the same 
 locations, but only once with a different set of attributes. I would like to 
 add the second set of attributes to the first table.


 set.seed - 123
 loc - c(rep(L1, 3), rep(L2, 5), rep(L3, 2))
 val1 - round(rnorm(10),2)
 val2 - c(a, b, c, a, b, d, f, e, b, e)
 t1 - data.frame(loc, val1, val2)
 t2 - data.frame(loc=c(L1,L2,L3), val3 = c(m, n, p), val4 = c(25, 
 67, 48))

 # join one-to-many

 n - nrow(t1)
 m - nrow(t2)
 t1$val3 - rep(1, n)
 t1$val4 - rep(1, n)

 for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:m){
if (t1$loc[i]==t2$loc[j]) {
t1$val3[i] - as.character(t2$val3[j])
t1$val4[i] - t2$val4[j]

 Desired result:

   loc  val1 val2 val3 val4
 1   L1 -0.41am   25
 2   L1 -0.69bm   25
 3   L1  0.36cm   25
 4   L2  1.11an   67
 5   L2  0.15bn   67
 6   L2 -0.80dn   67
 7   L2 -0.08fn   67
 8   L2 -1.01en   67
 9   L3 -1.01bp   48
 10  L3 -2.50ep   48

 This code works OK but it is slow if the data frames are actually bigger than 
 my little example. I hope somebody knows of a better way of doing these type 
 of things.



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[R] spss-file problem with foreign 0.8-32

2009-02-17 Thread Harry Haupt

after updating to foreign version 0.8-32, I experienced the following error
when I tried to load a SPSS file:

Fehler in inherits(x, factor) : objekt cp nicht gefunden
Zusätzlich: Warning message:
In read.spss(***l.sav, use.value.labels = TRUE, = TRUE) :
  ***.sav: File-indicated character representation code (1252) looks like a
Windows codepage

It worked without problems with earlier versions.

Thanks for any clues,
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[R] Uninstall question

2009-02-17 Thread ANJAN PURKAYASTHA
I need to uninstall R 2.7.1 from my Mac. What is the best way to uninstall
it? Simply delete the R icon in the Applications folder?
Or is it more involved?

anjan purkayastha, phd
bioinformatics analyst
whitehead institute for biomedical research
nine cambridge center
cambridge, ma 02142

purkayas [at] wi [dot] mit [dot] edu

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Re: [R] joining one-to-many

2009-02-17 Thread ONKELINX, Thierry
Hi Monica,

merge(t1, t2) works on your example. So why don't you use merge?



ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature
and Forest
Cel biometrie, methodologie en kwaliteitszorg / Section biometrics,
methodology and quality assurance
Gaverstraat 4
9500 Geraardsbergen
tel. + 32 54/436 185 

To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more
than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to
say what the experiment died of.
~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher

The plural of anecdote is not data.
~ Roger Brinner

The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not
ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of
~ John Tukey

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: []
Namens Monica Pisica
Verzonden: dinsdag 17 februari 2009 15:33
Aan: R help project
Onderwerp: [R] joining one-to-many

Hello list,

I am wondering if a joining one-to-many can be done a little bit
easier. I tried merge function but I was not able to do it, so I end up
using for and if.

Suppose you have a table with locations, each location repeated several
times, and some attributes at that location. The second table has the
same locations, but only once with a different set of attributes. I
would like to add the second set of attributes to the first table.


set.seed - 123
loc - c(rep(L1, 3), rep(L2, 5), rep(L3, 2))
val1 - round(rnorm(10),2)
val2 - c(a, b, c, a, b, d, f, e, b, e)
t1 - data.frame(loc, val1, val2)
t2 - data.frame(loc=c(L1,L2,L3), val3 = c(m, n, p), val4 =
c(25, 67, 48))

# join one-to-many

n - nrow(t1)
m - nrow(t2)
t1$val3 - rep(1, n)
t1$val4 - rep(1, n)

for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:m){
if (t1$loc[i]==t2$loc[j]) {
t1$val3[i] - as.character(t2$val3[j])
t1$val4[i] - t2$val4[j]

Desired result:

   loc  val1 val2 val3 val4
1   L1 -0.41am   25
2   L1 -0.69bm   25
3   L1  0.36cm   25
4   L2  1.11an   67
5   L2  0.15bn   67
6   L2 -0.80dn   67
7   L2 -0.08fn   67
8   L2 -1.01en   67
9   L3 -1.01bp   48
10  L3 -2.50ep   48

This code works OK but it is slow if the data frames are actually bigger
than my little example. I hope somebody knows of a better way of doing
these type of things.



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Dit bericht en eventuele bijlagen geven enkel de visie van de schrijver weer 
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door een geldig ondertekend document. The views expressed in  this message 
and any annex are purely those of the writer and may not be regarded as stating 
an official position of INBO, as long as the message is not confirmed by a duly 
signed document.

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Re: [R] Uninstall question

2009-02-17 Thread Sundar Dorai-Raj
This is on the Mac FAQ:



On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 7:17 AM, ANJAN PURKAYASTHA wrote:
 I need to uninstall R 2.7.1 from my Mac. What is the best way to uninstall
 it? Simply delete the R icon in the Applications folder?
 Or is it more involved?

 anjan purkayastha, phd
 bioinformatics analyst
 whitehead institute for biomedical research
 nine cambridge center
 cambridge, ma 02142

 purkayas [at] wi [dot] mit [dot] edu

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Re: [R] joining one-to-many

2009-02-17 Thread Monica Pisica

I feel properly ashamed. I suppose my real data is a little bit different 
than my toy data (although i don't know how) because i did try the merge 
function as simple as merge(t1, t2) and did not work. Maybe a reset of my 
session will solve my problems and more coffee my confusion.
Again, thanks for your help,

 Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 10:09:17 -0500
 Subject: Re: [R] joining one-to-many

 Try merge(t1, t2)

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Monica Pisica wrote:

 Hello list,

 I am wondering if a joining one-to-many can be done a little bit easier. I 
 tried merge function but I was not able to do it, so I end up using for and 

 Suppose you have a table with locations, each location repeated several 
 times, and some attributes at that location. The second table has the same 
 locations, but only once with a different set of attributes. I would like to 
 add the second set of attributes to the first table.


 set.seed - 123
 loc - c(rep(L1, 3), rep(L2, 5), rep(L3, 2))
 val1 - round(rnorm(10),2)
 val2 - c(a, b, c, a, b, d, f, e, b, e)
 t1 - data.frame(loc, val1, val2)
 t2 - data.frame(loc=c(L1,L2,L3), val3 = c(m, n, p), val4 = 
 c(25, 67, 48))

 # join one-to-many

 n - nrow(t1)
 m - nrow(t2)
 t1$val3 - rep(1, n)
 t1$val4 - rep(1, n)

 for (i in 1:n) {
 for (j in 1:m){
 if (t1$loc[i]==t2$loc[j]) {
 t1$val3[i] - as.character(t2$val3[j])
 t1$val4[i] - t2$val4[j]

 Desired result:

 loc val1 val2 val3 val4
 1 L1 -0.41 a m 25
 2 L1 -0.69 b m 25
 3 L1 0.36 c m 25
 4 L2 1.11 a n 67
 5 L2 0.15 b n 67
 6 L2 -0.80 d n 67
 7 L2 -0.08 f n 67
 8 L2 -1.01 e n 67
 9 L3 -1.01 b p 48
 10 L3 -2.50 e p 48

 This code works OK but it is slow if the data frames are actually bigger 
 than my little example. I hope somebody knows of a better way of doing these 
 type of things.



 __ mailing list
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[R] Survival-Analysis: How to get numerical values from survfit (and not just a plot)?

2009-02-17 Thread Bernhard Reinhardt


I came across R just a few days ago since I was looking for a toolbox 
for cox-regression.

I´ve read
Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data
Appendix to An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression from John Fox.

As described therein plotting survival-functions works well 
(plot(survfit(model))). But I´d like to do some manipulation with the 
survival-functions before plotting them e.g. dividing one 
survival-function by another.

survfit() only returns an object of the following structure

 n events median 0.9LCL 0.9UCL
55.000 55.000  1.033  0.696  1.637

Can you tell me how I can calculate a survival- or baseline-function out 
of these values and how I extract the values from the object? I´m sure 
the calculation is done by the corresponding plot-routine, but I 
couldn´t find that one either.



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Re: [R] Survival-Analysis: How to get numerical values from survfit (and not just a plot)?

2009-02-17 Thread Arthur Allignol


See ?survfit.object

if fit is the object you get using survfit,
fit$surv will give you the survival probability.


Bernhard Reinhardt wrote:


I came across R just a few days ago since I was looking for a toolbox 
for cox-regression.

I´ve read
Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data
Appendix to An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression from John Fox.

As described therein plotting survival-functions works well 
(plot(survfit(model))). But I´d like to do some manipulation with the 
survival-functions before plotting them e.g. dividing one 
survival-function by another.

survfit() only returns an object of the following structure

 n events median 0.9LCL 0.9UCL
55.000 55.000  1.033  0.696  1.637

Can you tell me how I can calculate a survival- or baseline-function out 
of these values and how I extract the values from the object? I´m sure 
the calculation is done by the corresponding plot-routine, but I 
couldn´t find that one either.



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Re: [R] spss-file problem with foreign 0.8-32

2009-02-17 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Harry Haupt wrote:
 after updating to foreign version 0.8-32, I experienced the following error
 when I tried to load a SPSS file:
 Fehler in inherits(x, factor) : objekt cp nicht gefunden
 Zusätzlich: Warning message:
 In read.spss(***l.sav, use.value.labels = TRUE, = TRUE) :
   ***.sav: File-indicated character representation code (1252) looks like a
 Windows codepage
 It worked without problems with earlier versions.
 Thanks for any clues,

Yes, something in the logic appears to have gotten garbled.

It's in this part of read,spss:

if (is.character(reencode)) {
cp - reencode
reencode - TRUE
else if (codepage = 500 || codepage = 2000) {
attr(rval, codepage) - NULL
reencode - FALSE
else if (m - match(cp, knownCP, 0L))
cp - names(knownCP)[m]

if you get to the 2nd else if then cp is unset. Possible the attempted
match should be of codepage? But it still looks wrong: Why restrict to
codepages between 500 and 2000 when knownCP contains several values
above 1???

A workaround is to set reencode=ascii (or whatever is relevant).

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~ - (  FAX: (+45) 35327907

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[R] R scripts and parameters

2009-02-17 Thread mauede
A couple of weeks ago I asked how it is possible to run an R script (not a 
function) passing some parameters.
Someone suggested the function commandArgs().
I read the on-line help and found no clarifying example. Therefore I do not 
know how to use it appropriately.
I noticed this function returns the pathname of the R executable which is not 
what I need.

I meant to ask if it is possible to open an R session and launch a script 
passing parameters that the script can retrieve and use itself.
Just like in C I can run a program and call it with  some arguments 

 Example_Prog A B C
The program Example_Prog can acess its own arguments through the data 
structures argc an argv.

How can I launch an R script simulating the above mechanism ? 
Shall I use source (script-name) ?
Where are the arguments to be passed, as part of the source call ?
Is the function commandArgs to be places as one of the first code lines of 
the script in order to access its own arguments ?
Is there any commandArgs usage example ?

Thank you very much in advance.

tutti i telefonini TIM!

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Re: [R] frequency table for multiple variables

2009-02-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
on 02/17/2009 09:06 AM Hans Ekbrand wrote:
 Hi r-help!
 Consider the following data-frame:
var1 var2 var3 
 1 314 
 2 223 
 3 223 
 4 44   NA 
 5 435 
 6 223 
 7 343 
 How can I get R to convert this into the following?
 Value 1  2  3  4  5 
 var1  0  3  2  2  0
 var2  1  3  1  2  0 
 var3  0  0  4  1  1

 t(sapply(DF, function(x) table(factor(x, levels = 1:5
 1 2 3 4 5
var1 0 3 2 2 0
var2 1 3 1 2 0
var3 0 0 4 1 1

The key is to turn each column into a factor with explicitly defined
common levels for tabulation. This enables the table result to have a
consistent format across each column, allowing for a matrix to be
created, rather than a list.


Marc Schwartz

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Re: [R] R crash after fGarch update

2009-02-17 Thread John Kerpel
Prof Ripley:

Many thanks - it did indeed say it cannot find fGarch after I tried your
advice - but a completely clean re-install did the trick.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Prof Brian Ripley

 Start R with --vanilla, or rename youe saved workspace (.RData).

 load(.RData)  # or whatever you renamed it to.

 This will either work or (more ikely) tell you it cannot find fGarch or a
 package it depends on).

 On Mon, 16 Feb 2009, John Kerpel wrote:

 Hi folks!
 After updating my packages my R seems to have completely crashed as will
 start up - even after I installed 2.8.1 from 2.8.0.

 You haven't told us your OS: I am guesing Windows.

  I get the following:

 Fatal error: unable to restore saved data in .Rdata

 Error in loadNamespeace(name): there is no package called fGarch

 But I do have a package called fGarch.

 After I hit ok, it crashes and exits.  I cannot use any functionality at
 all.  What do I do?


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 Brian D. Ripley,
 Professor of Applied Statistics,
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] word wrap using Hershey fonts

2009-02-17 Thread SLCMSR


is it possible to wrap a text using Hershey fonts? \n does not work!

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [R] Survival-Analysis: How to get numerical values from survfit (and not just a plot)?

2009-02-17 Thread David Winsemius
I seriously doubt that a survfit object could only contain that  
information. I suspect that you are erroneously thinking that what  
print.survfit offers is the entire story.

What does str(survfit(formula, data=dataframe) ) show you?

 aml.mdl - survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data=aml)
# this is with survfit.Design since I load Hmisc/Design by default now.
List of 18
 $ n: int 23
 $ time : num [1:20] 9 13 18 23 28 31 34 45 48 161 ...
 $ n.risk   : num [1:20] 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ...
 $ n.event  : num [1:20] 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...
 $ surv : num [1:20] 0.909 0.818 0.716 0.614 0.614 ...
 $ type : chr right
 $ ntimes.strata: Named int [1:2] 10 10
  ..- attr(*, names)= chr [1:2] 1 2
 $ strata   : Named num [1:2] 10 10
  ..- attr(*, names)= chr [1:2] Maintained Nonmaintained
 $ strata.all   : Named int [1:2] 11 12
  ..- attr(*, names)= chr [1:2] Maintained Nonmaintained
 $ std.err  : num [1:20] 0.0953 0.1421 0.1951 0.2487 0.2487 ...
 $ upper: num [1:20] 0.987 0.951 0.899 0.835 0.835 ...
 $ lower: num [1:20] 0.508 0.447 0.35 0.266 0.266 ...
 $ conf.type: chr log-log
 $ : num 0.95
 $ maxtime  : num 161
 $ units: chr Day
 $ time.label   : chr time
 $ call : language survfit(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ x,  
data = aml)

 - attr(*, class)= chr survfit

I also don't think survfit returns a Cox model.

On Feb 17, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Bernhard Reinhardt wrote:


I came across R just a few days ago since I was looking for a  
toolbox for cox-regression.

I´ve read
Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data
Appendix to An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression from  
John Fox.

As described therein plotting survival-functions works well  
(plot(survfit(model))). But I´d like to do some manipulation with  
the survival-functions before plotting them e.g. dividing one  
survival-function by another.

survfit() only returns an object of the following structure

n events median 0.9LCL 0.9UCL
55.000 55.000  1.033  0.696  1.637

Can you tell me how I can calculate a survival- or baseline-function  
out of these values and how I extract the values from the object? I 
´m sure the calculation is done by the corresponding plot-routine,  
but I couldn´t find that one either.



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Re: [R] R scripts and parameters

2009-02-17 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Try this:

A - 1
B - 2
C - 3

Now the code in myfile can access A, B and C.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:55 AM, wrote:
 A couple of weeks ago I asked how it is possible to run an R script (not a 
 function) passing some parameters.
 Someone suggested the function commandArgs().
 I read the on-line help and found no clarifying example. Therefore I do not 
 know how to use it appropriately.
 I noticed this function returns the pathname of the R executable which is not 
 what I need.

 I meant to ask if it is possible to open an R session and launch a script 
 passing parameters that the script can retrieve and use itself.
 Just like in C I can run a program and call it with  some arguments

 Example_Prog A B C

 The program Example_Prog can acess its own arguments through the data 
 structures argc an argv.

 How can I launch an R script simulating the above mechanism ?
 Shall I use source (script-name) ?
 Where are the arguments to be passed, as part of the source call ?
 Is the function commandArgs to be places as one of the first code lines of 
 the script in order to access its own arguments ?
 Is there any commandArgs usage example ?

 Thank you very much in advance.

 tutti i telefonini TIM!

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Re: [R] spss-file problem with foreign 0.8-32

2009-02-17 Thread Harry Haupt

Peter Dalgaard wrote:
 Yes, something in the logic appears to have gotten garbled.
 It's in this part of read,spss:
 if (is.character(reencode)) {
 cp - reencode
 reencode - TRUE
 else if (codepage = 500 || codepage = 2000) {
 attr(rval, codepage) - NULL
 reencode - FALSE
 else if (m - match(cp, knownCP, 0L))
 cp - names(knownCP)[m]
 if you get to the 2nd else if then cp is unset. Possible the attempted
 match should be of codepage? But it still looks wrong: Why restrict to
 codepages between 500 and 2000 when knownCP contains several values
 above 1???
 A workaround is to set reencode=ascii (or whatever is relevant).
O__   Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
   c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
  (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph:  (+45) 35327918
 ~~ - (  FAX: (+45) 35327907
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Dear Peter,
thanks, reencode=ascii fixed it (and leaves just the warning message,
which seems to have no effect).

Centre for Statistics
Bielefeld University, Germany
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Re: [R] R scripts and parameters

2009-02-17 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 2/17/2009 10:55 AM, wrote:

A couple of weeks ago I asked how it is possible to run an R script (not a 
function) passing some parameters.
Someone suggested the function commandArgs().
I read the on-line help and found no clarifying example. Therefore I do not 
know how to use it appropriately.
I noticed this function returns the pathname of the R executable which is not 
what I need.

I meant to ask if it is possible to open an R session and launch a script 
passing parameters that the script can retrieve and use itself.
Just like in C I can run a program and call it with  some arguments 

Example_Prog A B C
The program Example_Prog can acess its own arguments through the data structures argc an argv.

How can I launch an R script simulating the above mechanism ? 
Shall I use source (script-name) ?

Where are the arguments to be passed, as part of the source call ?
Is the function commandArgs to be places as one of the first code lines of 
the script in order to access its own arguments ?
Is there any commandArgs usage example ?

Gabor gave you a solution from within R.  If you want to run a script 
from the command line, then use commandArgs(TRUE).  For example, put 
this into the file test.R:


(The TRUE says you only want to see the trailing arguments, not 
everything else on the command line.)

Then from the command line, do

Rscript test.R A B C

and you'll see the output

[1] A B C

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] ARIMA models

2009-02-17 Thread emj83

is there some sort of R function which can advise me of the best ARIMA(p,q,r)
model to use based on the Schwarz criterion e.g for e.g p=0-5, q =0, r=0-5
or for example p+r 5???

or is this something I will have to write my own code for?

Thanks Emma
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[R] How to connect R and WinBUGS/OpenBUGS/LinBUGS in Linux in Feb. 2009

2009-02-17 Thread Paul Heinrich Dietrich

Hi all,
I've managed to get JAGS working on my Ubuntu Hardy Linux with a 32-bit
computer and AMD processors using R 2.8.1.  JAGS is great.  I've read that
JAGS is the fastest, but that hasn't been my experience.  At any rate, I
have more experience with WinBUGS under Windows and would like a version of
that working as well.

It seems like I've read a lot on the subject and tried a lot, but haven't
managed to get BUGS to work yet.  The most success I've had is to install
WinBUGS or OpenBUGS using this method:

What you also need to know is that you need to open Wine and add a drive. 
Although Z is recommended, I haven't been able to specify it, but have
gotten a D drive to work, using:

wine D:/opt/OpenBUGS/winbugs.exe

Using this method, OpenBUGS opens.  Now, to be able to open it with R.  I've
read all sorts of discussions about BRugs (which is no longer on CRAN, but
old versions can still be found), rbugs, and R2WinBUGS (which I'm used to
using on Windows with WinBUGS).  Some people say R2WinBUGS cannot run
OpenBUGS on Linux, some claim they've done it (I think).  It seems the same
thing with everything else.  I've tried making the linbugs and cbugs file
recommended elsewhere online.  It's all very confusing.

Can someone show a method that works currently, along with some sample code? 
I'm also new to Linux, and confused by path conventions.  For example, in
rbugs, it shows an example of a path such as
/var/scratch/jyan/wine-20040408/wine, and I don't see how to modify this. 
I have no /var/scratch to begin with, and think Wine is installed in
/home/me/.wine...(I don't have Linux in front of me right now).

Please help.  Thanks.
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Re: [R] Survival-Analysis: How to get numerical values from survfit (and not just a plot)?

2009-02-17 Thread Eik Vettorazzi

Hi Bernhard,
I'm wondering what you will expect to get in dividing two proportional 
survival curves from a fitted cox model.
Anyway, you can provide a newdata object to the survfit function 
containing any combination of cofactors you are interested in and then 
use summary, eg:

fit - coxph( Surv(futime,fustat),data=ovarian)
summary(survfit( fit,newdata=data.frame(rx=1,, resid.ds=0)))


Bernhard Reinhardt schrieb:


I came across R just a few days ago since I was looking for a toolbox 
for cox-regression.

I´ve read
Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data
Appendix to An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression from John 

As described therein plotting survival-functions works well 
(plot(survfit(model))). But I´d like to do some manipulation with the 
survival-functions before plotting them e.g. dividing one 
survival-function by another.

survfit() only returns an object of the following structure

 n events median 0.9LCL 0.9UCL
55.000 55.000  1.033  0.696  1.637

Can you tell me how I can calculate a survival- or baseline-function 
out of these values and how I extract the values from the object? I´m 
sure the calculation is done by the corresponding plot-routine, but I 
couldn´t find that one either.



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Eik Vettorazzi
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg

T ++49/40/42803-8243
F ++49/40/42803-7790

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Re: [R] Comparison of age categories using contrasts

2009-02-17 Thread Mark Difford

Hi Dylan, Chuck,

Mark Difford wrote:
 Coming to your question [?] about how to generate the kind of contrasts
 that Patrick wanted 
 using contrast.Design. Well, it is not that straightforward, though I may
 have missed 
 something in the documentation to the function. In the past I have
 cobbled them together 
 using the kind of hack given below:

Here is a much simpler route, and a correction to my earlier posting (helped
by a little off-list prompting from Prof. Harrell). All that is required to
get successive difference (i.e. sdif) contrasts using contrast.Design is the

contrast(l, a=list(f=c(a,b,c)), b=list(f=c(b,c,d)))

## Run a full example
x - rnorm(100) 
y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1) 
y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5) 
y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5) 
y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5) 

d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4], each=25)))

dd - datadist(d) 
l - ols(y ~ x * f, data=d)

## compare with multcomp by setting x=0
summary(glht(l, linfct=mcp(f=Seq)))
contrast(l, b=list(x=0, f=c(a,b,c)), a=list(x=0, f=c(b,c,d)))

Regards, and apologies for any confusion, Mark.

Mark Difford wrote:
 Hi Dylan,
 Am I trying to use contrast.Design() for something that it was not
 intended for? ...
 I think Prof. Harrell's main point had to do with how interactions are
 handled. You can also get the kind of contrasts that Patrick was
 interested in via multcomp. If we do this using your artificial data set
 we see that the contrasts are the same as those got by fitting the model
 using contr.sdif, but a warning is generated about interactions in the
 model c. [see example code]
 Part of Prof. Harrell's system is that in generating contrasts via
 contr.Design an appropriate value is automatically chosen for the
 interacting variable (in this case the median value of x) so that a
 reasonable default set of contrasts is calculated. This can of course be
 Coming to your question [?] about how to generate the kind of contrasts
 that Patrick wanted using contrast.Design. Well, it is not that
 straightforward, though I may have missed something in the documentation
 to the function. In the past I have cobbled them together using the kind
 of hack given below:
 ## Exampe code
 x - rnorm(100) 
 y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1)
 y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5)
 y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5)
 y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5)
 d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4],
 # now try with contrast.Design(): 
 dd - datadist(d) 
 l - ols(y ~ x * f, data=d)
 ## model fitted using successive difference contrasts
 T.lm - lm(y ~ x * f, contrasts=list(f=contr.sdif), data=d)
 ## show the warning: model fitted using ols() and treatment contrasts
 summary(glht(l, linfct=mcp(f=Seq)))
 ## custom successive difference contrasts using contrast.Design
 TFin - {}
 for (i in 1:(length(levels(d$f))-1)) {
 tcont - contrast(l, a=list(f=levels(d$f)[i]),
 TFin - rbind(TFin, tcont)
 rownames(TFin)[i] -  paste(levels(d$f)[i], levels(d$f)[i+1], sep=-)
 Regards, Mark.
 Dylan Beaudette-2 wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
 Greg Snow a écrit :
 One approach is to create your own contrasts matrix:

 mycmat - diag(8)
 mycmat[ row(mycmat) == col(mycmat) + 1 ] - -1
 mycmati - solve(mycmat)
 contrasts(agefactor) - mycmati[,-1]

 Now when you use agefactor, the intercept will be the first age group
 and the slopes will be the differences between the pairs of groups
 (make sure that the order of the levels of agefactor is correct).

 The difference between this method and the contr.sdif function in MASS
 is how the intercept will end up being interpreted (and the dimnames).

 Hope this helps,

 Actually, exactly what I needed including the reference to contr.sdif in
 MASS I did not spot before (although I am a faithful reader of the
 yellow book... but so many things still escape to me). Again thanks a


 Glad you were able to solve your problem. Frank replied earlier with
 the suggestion to use contrast.Design() to perform the tests after the
 initial model has been fit. Perhaps I am a little denser than normal,
 but I cannot figure out how to apply contrast.Design() to a similar
 model with several levels of a factor. Example data:
 # need these
 # replicate an important experimental dataset
 x - rnorm(100)
 y1 - x[1:25] * 2 + rnorm(25, mean=1)
 y2 - x[26:50] * 2.6 + rnorm(25, mean=1.5)
 y3 - x[51:75] * 2.9 + rnorm(25, mean=5)
 y4 - x[76:100] * 3.5 + rnorm(25, mean=5.5)
 d - data.frame(x=x, y=c(y1,y2,y3,y4), f=factor(rep(letters[1:4],
 # plot

Re: [R] Chromatogram deconvolution and peak matching

2009-02-17 Thread Katharine Mullen
Hoi Bart,

I think you're right that ALS should be applicable to this problem.
Unfortunately in writing I see that there is a bug when the spectra are
NOT constrained to nonnegative values (the package has been used to my
knowledge only in fitting multiway mass spectra thus far, where this
constraint is always applied); I'll have a patched version soon.

I'd be interested in hearing about where the manual could be improved,

#2D chromatogram generation

time - seq(0,20,by=0.05)
f - function(x,rt) dnorm((x-rt),mean=0,sd=rt/35)
C1 - matrix(c( f(time,6.1), f(time,5.6), f(time,15)), nrow=401,ncol=3)
C2 - matrix(c( f(time,2.1), f(time,4), f(time,8)), nrow=401,ncol=3)

#spectrum generation
spectra - function(x,a,b,c,d,e) a + b*(x-e) + c*((x-e)^2) + d*((x-e)^3)
x - 220:300
s1 - spectra(x,(-194.2),2.386,(-0.009617),(1.275e-05),0)
s2 - spectra(x,(-1.054e02),1.3,(-5.239e-03),(6.927e-06),-20)
s3 - spectra(x,(-194.2),2.386,(-0.009617),(1.275e-05),20)
spec - matrix(c(s1,s2,s3), nrow=81,ncol=3)

## data matrix 1
chrom1 - C1 %*% t(spec)

## data matrix 2
chrom2 - C2 %*% t(spec)


## you want to recover 2 (401 x 3) matrices C1 and C2 and a
## (82 x 3) matrix E such that
## chrom1 = C1 E^T, chrom2 = C2 E^T

## some starting guess for elution profiles
## these need to be pretty good
Cstart1 - matrix(c( f(time,4), f(time,6), f(time,12)), nrow=401,ncol=3)
Cstart2 - matrix(c( f(time,3), f(time,5), f(time,10)), nrow=401,ncol=3)

xx - als( CList = list(Cstart1, Cstart2), PsiList = list(chrom1, chrom2),
  S=matrix(1, nrow=81, ncol=3), x=time, x2=x, uniC=TRUE,
  normS=TRUE, nonnegS=TRUE)


matplot(time, xx$CList[[1]], col=2, type=l,
main=elution profiles chrom1, lty=1,

matplot(time, C1, col=1, add=TRUE, type=l, lty=1)

legend(10,2,legend=c(real, estimated), col=1:2, lty=1)

matplot(time, xx$CList[[2]], col=2, type=l,
main=elution profiles chrom2, lty=1,

matplot(time, C2, col=1, add=TRUE, type=l, lty=1)

legend(10,6,legend=c(real, estimated), col=1:2, lty=1)

matplot(x, xx$S, col=2, type=l, main=spectra, lty=1,

matplot(x, spec, col=1, add=TRUE, type=l, lty=1)

legend(270,.95,legend=c(real, estimated), col=1:2, lty=1)

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, bartjoosen wrote:


 I'm trying to match peaks between chromatographic runs.
 I'm able to match peaks when they are chromatographed with the same method,
 but not when there are different methods are used and spectra comes in to

 While searching I found the ALS package which should be usefull for my
 application, but I couldn't figure it out.

 I made some dummy chroms with R, which mimic my actual datasets, to play
 with, but after looking at the manuals of ALS, I'm affraid I can't get the
 job done. Can someone put me on the right way?

 Here is my code to generate the dummy chroms, which also plots the 2 chroms
 and the spectra of the 3 peaks:

 #2D chromatogram generation
 time - seq(0,20,by=0.05)
 f - function(x,rt) dnorm((x-rt),mean=0,sd=rt/35)
 c1 - f(time,6.1)
 c2 - f(time,5.6)
 c3 - f(time,15)

 #spectrum generation
 spectra - function(x,a,b,c,d,e) a + b*(x-e) + c*((x-e)^2) + d*((x-e)^3)
 x - 220:300
 s1 - spectra(x,(-194.2),2.386,(-0.009617),(1.275e-05),0)
 s2 - spectra(x,(-1.054e02),1.3,(-5.239e-03),(6.927e-06),-20)
 s3 - spectra(x,(-194.2),2.386,(-0.009617),(1.275e-05),20)

 chrom1.tot -
 names(chrom.tot)[-1] - x

 #generation of chromatogram 2
 c1 - f(time,2.1)
 c2 - f(time,4)
 c3 - f(time,8)

 chrom2.tot -
 names(chrom.tot)[-1] - x


 Thanks for your time

 Kind Regards

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[R] creating a map

2009-02-17 Thread Alina Sheyman
I'm trying to create a fairly basic map using R. What i want to get is the
map of the country with circles representing a count of students in each
What I've done so far is as following -

this gives me the map of the country, but one that's not populated by my
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Also, if anyone can recommend a good reference for creating maps in R, I'd
really appreciate that.

thank you

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Re: [R] ARIMA models

2009-02-17 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
see auto.arima in the forecast package.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:20 AM, emj83 wrote:

 is there some sort of R function which can advise me of the best ARIMA(p,q,r)
 model to use based on the Schwarz criterion e.g for e.g p=0-5, q =0, r=0-5
 or for example p+r 5???

 or is this something I will have to write my own code for?

 Thanks Emma
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Re: [R] How to connect R and WinBUGS/OpenBUGS/LinBUGS in Linux in Feb. 2009

2009-02-17 Thread Uwe Ligges

Paul Heinrich Dietrich wrote:

Hi all,
I've managed to get JAGS working on my Ubuntu Hardy Linux with a 32-bit
computer and AMD processors using R 2.8.1.  JAGS is great.  I've read that
JAGS is the fastest, but that hasn't been my experience.  At any rate, I
have more experience with WinBUGS under Windows and would like a version of
that working as well.

It seems like I've read a lot on the subject and tried a lot, but haven't
managed to get BUGS to work yet.  The most success I've had is to install
WinBUGS or OpenBUGS using this method:

What you also need to know is that you need to open Wine and add a drive. 
Although Z is recommended, I haven't been able to specify it, but have

gotten a D drive to work, using:

wine D:/opt/OpenBUGS/winbugs.exe

Using this method, OpenBUGS opens.  Now, to be able to open it with R.  I've
read all sorts of discussions about BRugs (which is no longer on CRAN, but
old versions can still be found), rbugs, and R2WinBUGS (which I'm used to
using on Windows with WinBUGS).  Some people say R2WinBUGS cannot run
OpenBUGS on Linux, some claim they've done it (I think).  It seems the same
thing with everything else.  I've tried making the linbugs and cbugs file
recommended elsewhere online.  It's all very confusing.

For short: It is quite unlikely that BRugs / OpenBUGS (which is called 
LinBUGS under Linux) works natively under your Linux (although it might 
work under very specific settings). BRugs is available for Windows users 
from the CRAN extras repsository maintained by Brian Ripley. We moved 
it in order to meet GPL compliance issues.

Hence a standard recommendation is to use R2WinBUGS under native R under 
Linux with WinBUGS running under wine. R2WinBUGS can use wine to do so. 
See the help page ?bugs once you have loaded R2WinBUGS.

Best wishes,
Uwe Ligges

Can someone show a method that works currently, along with some sample code? 
I'm also new to Linux, and confused by path conventions.  For example, in

rbugs, it shows an example of a path such as
/var/scratch/jyan/wine-20040408/wine, and I don't see how to modify this. 
I have no /var/scratch to begin with, and think Wine is installed in

/home/me/.wine...(I don't have Linux in front of me right now).

Please help.  Thanks.

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[R] Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting

2009-02-17 Thread Brigid Mooney
Hi All,

I am looking at applications of percentiles to time sequenced data.  I had
just been using the quantile function to get percentiles over various
periods, but am more interested in if there is an accepted (and/or
R-implemented) method to apply weighting to the data so as to weigh recent
data more heavily.

I wrote the following function, but it seems quite inefficient, and not
really very flexible in its applications - so if anyone has any suggestions
on how to look at quantiles/percentiles within R while also using a
weighting schema, I would be very interested.

Note - this function supposes the data in X is time-sequenced, with the most
recent (and thus heaviest weighted) data at the end of the vector

WtPercentile - function(X=rnorm(100), pctile=seq(.1,1,.1))
  Xprime - NA

  for(i in 1:length(X))
Xprime - c(Xprime, rep(X[i], times=i))

  print(quantile(X, pctile))
  print(Weighted Percentiles:)
  print(quantile(Xprime, pctile, na.rm=TRUE))


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Re: [R] creating a map

2009-02-17 Thread David Winsemius

Two places that have worked examples leap to mind:

--- Sarkar's online accompaniment to his book:
Thumbing through the hard copy I see Figure 6.5 might of interest.

--- Addicted to R's graphics gallery:

David Winsemius

On Feb 17, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Alina Sheyman wrote:

I'm trying to create a fairly basic map using R. What i want to get  
is the
map of the country with circles representing a count of students in  

What I've done so far is as following -

this gives me the map of the country, but one that's not populated  
by my

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Also, if anyone can recommend a good reference for creating maps in  
R, I'd

really appreciate that.

thank you

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[R] merging files with different structures

2009-02-17 Thread Grant Gillis
Hello list,

Thanks in advance for any help.

I have many (approx 20) files that I have merged.  For example


m1 - merge(d1, d2,  by = c(IND, intersect(colnames(d1), colnames(d2))),
all = TRUE)
m2 - merge(m1, d3,  by = c(IND, intersect(colnames(m1), colnames(d3))),
all = TRUE)

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Re: [R] spss-file problem with foreign 0.8-32

2009-02-17 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
It is a issue specific to 0.8-32 and some files (most likely those 
with some (not all) Windows codepages declared).

We are trying to collect together some examples, and will update 
foreign accordingly later in the week.

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Harry Haupt wrote:

after updating to foreign version 0.8-32, I experienced the following error
when I tried to load a SPSS file:

Fehler in inherits(x, factor) : objekt cp nicht gefunden
Zusätzlich: Warning message:
In read.spss(***l.sav, use.value.labels = TRUE, = TRUE) :
 ***.sav: File-indicated character representation code (1252) looks like a
Windows codepage

It worked without problems with earlier versions.

Thanks for any clues,
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Brian D. Ripley,
Professor of Applied Statistics,
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1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595__ mailing list
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Re: [R] merging files with different structures

2009-02-17 Thread Grant Gillis
 Hello list,

 I am sorry for the previous half post.  I accidentily hit send.  Thanks
 again in advance for any help.

 I have many (approx 20) files that I have merged.  Each data set contains
 rows for individuals and data in 2 - 5 columns (depending upon which data
 set).  The individuals in each data set are not necessarily the same and are
 all duplicated (different data in columns) across sheets I am trying to
 merge.  I have used the merge function

For example


 m1 - merge(d1, d2,  by = c(IND, intersect(colnames(d1), colnames(d2))),
 all = TRUE)
 m2 - merge(m1, d3,  by = c(IND, intersect(colnames(m1), colnames(d3))),
 all = TRUE)

My problem is that when the data is merged it looks something like

Ind   L1 L1.1L2 L2.1L3   L3.1
a 12  13  NA NA  NA  NA
a  NA NA 22 43   34   45
b  14  1545   64   NA  NA
b   NANANA  NA 99  84

Is there a way that I can merge the rows for each individual?



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Re: [R] Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting

2009-02-17 Thread David Winsemius
I do know that Harrell's Quantile function in the Hmisc package will  
allow quantile estimates from models. Whether it is general enough to  
extend to time series, I have no experience and cannot say.

David Winsemius

On Feb 17, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Brigid Mooney wrote:

Hi All,

I am looking at applications of percentiles to time sequenced data.   
I had

just been using the quantile function to get percentiles over various
periods, but am more interested in if there is an accepted (and/or
R-implemented) method to apply weighting to the data so as to weigh  

data more heavily.

I wrote the following function, but it seems quite inefficient, and  
really very flexible in its applications - so if anyone has any  

on how to look at quantiles/percentiles within R while also using a
weighting schema, I would be very interested.

Note - this function supposes the data in X is time-sequenced, with  
the most

recent (and thus heaviest weighted) data at the end of the vector

WtPercentile - function(X=rnorm(100), pctile=seq(.1,1,.1))
 Xprime - NA

 for(i in 1:length(X))
   Xprime - c(Xprime, rep(X[i], times=i))

 print(quantile(X, pctile))
 print(Weighted Percentiles:)
 print(quantile(Xprime, pctile, na.rm=TRUE))


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Re: [R] creating a map

2009-02-17 Thread Greg Snow
You need to give the symbols function the locations where you want the centers 
of the circles to be.  Some datesets with map information also have centers of 
the states that you can use, for the USA, there is the dataset 
that may work for you, or the maptools package function get.Pcent will compute 
a center for polygons (there are probably other similar functions in other 

For adding circles to a map of the USA, you may want to look at the state.vbm 
data in the TeachingDemos package (works with maptools package), but you will 
need to computer the centers of the polygons, they don't match or 

Hope this helps,

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-] On Behalf Of Alina Sheyman
 Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 9:53 AM
 Subject: [R] creating a map
 I'm trying to create a fairly basic map using R. What i want to get is
 map of the country with circles representing a count of students in
 What I've done so far is as following -
 this gives me the map of the country, but one that's not populated by
 Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
 Also, if anyone can recommend a good reference for creating maps in R,
 really appreciate that.
 thank you
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Re: [R] Overdispersion with binomial distribution

2009-02-17 Thread Ben Bolker
Jessica L Hite/hitejl/O/VCU hitejl at writes:

 I am attempting to run a glm with a binomial model to analyze proportion
 I have been following Crawley's book closely and am wondering if there is
 an accepted standard for how much is too much overdispersion? (e.g. change
 in AIC has an accepted standard of 2).

  In principle, in the null case (i.e. data are really binomial)
the deviance is  chi-squared distributed with the df equal
to the residual df.

  For example:

deviance(glm.D93) ## 5.13
summary(glm.D93)$dispersion ## 1 (by definition)
dfr - df.residual(glm.D93)
deviance(glm.D93)/dfr ## 1.28
d2 - sum(residuals(glm.D93,pearson)^2) ## 5.17
(disp2 - d2/dfr)  ## 1.293

gg2 - update(glm.D93,family=quasipoisson)
summary(gg2)$dispersion  ## 1.293, same as above


all.equal(coef(glm.D93),coef(gg2)) ## TRUE

se1 - coef(summary(glm.D93))[,Std. Error]
se2 - coef(summary(gg2))[,Std. Error]

# (Intercept)outcome2outcome3  treatment2  treatment3 
#   1.1372341.1372341.1372341.1372341.137234 

# [1] 1.137234

 My code and output are below, given the example in the book, these data are
 WAY overdispersed .do I mention this and go on or does this signal the
 need to try a different model? If so, any suggestions on the type of
 distribution (gamma or negative binomial ?)?

  Way overdispersed may indicate model lack of fit.  Have
you examined residuals/data for outliers etc.?  

  quasibinomial should be fine, or you can try beta-binomial
(see the aod package) ...

 glm(formula = y ~ Pred, family = binomial)
 Deviance Residuals:
 Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max
 -9.1022  -2.7899  -0.4781   2.6058   8.4852
 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
 (Intercept)  1.350950.06612  20.433   2e-16 ***
 PredF   -0.348110.11719  -2.970  0.00297 **
 PredSN  -3.291560.10691 -30.788   2e-16 ***
 PredW   -1.464510.12787 -11.453   2e-16 ***
 PredWF  -0.564120.13178  -4.281 1.86e-05 ***
  the output for residual deviance and df does not change even when I
 use quasibinomial, is this ok?  #

  That's as expected.

  you don't really need MASS for quasibinomial.

 glm(formula = y ~ Pred, family = quasibinomial)
 Deviance Residuals:
 Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max
 -9.1022  -2.7899  -0.4781   2.6058   8.4852
 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
 (Intercept)   1.3510 0.2398   5.633 1.52e-07 ***
 PredF-0.3481 0.4251  -0.819  0.41471
 PredSN   -3.2916 0.3878  -8.488 1.56e-13 ***
 PredW-1.4645 0.4638  -3.157  0.00208 **
 PredWF   -0.5641 0.4780  -1.180  0.24063
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 (Dispersion parameter for quasibinomial family taken to be 13.15786)
 Null deviance: 2815.5  on 108  degrees of freedom
 Residual deviance: 1323.5  on 104  degrees of freedom
   (3 observations deleted due to missingness)
 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
 Analysis of Deviance Table
 Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
 Response: y
 Terms added sequentially (first to last)
   Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  F   Pr(F)
 NULL108 2815.5
 Pred   4   1492.0   104 1323.5 28.349 6.28e-16 ***
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 Analysis of Deviance Table
 Model 1: y ~ Pred
 Model 2: y ~ 1
   Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Df Deviance  F   Pr(F)
 1   104 1323.5
 2   108 2815.5  -4  -1492.0 28.349 6.28e-16 ***
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 (Intercept)   PredF  PredSN   PredW  PredWF
   1.3509550  -0.3481096  -3.2915601  -1.4645097  -0.5641223
 hitejl at

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Re: [R] creating a map

2009-02-17 Thread Alina Sheyman
Thanks Greg,
  do you know where i can find the dataset that you mention?

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Greg Snow wrote:

 You need to give the symbols function the locations where you want the
 centers of the circles to be.  Some datesets with map information also have
 centers of the states that you can use, for the USA, there is the dataset that may work for you, or the maptools package function
 get.Pcent will compute a center for polygons (there are probably other
 similar functions in other packages).

 For adding circles to a map of the USA, you may want to look at the
 state.vbm data in the TeachingDemos package (works with maptools package),
 but you will need to computer the centers of the polygons, they don't match or others.

 Hope this helps,

 Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
 Statistical Data Center
 Intermountain Healthcare

  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-] On Behalf Of Alina Sheyman
  Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 9:53 AM
  Subject: [R] creating a map
  I'm trying to create a fairly basic map using R. What i want to get is
  map of the country with circles representing a count of students in
  What I've done so far is as following -
  this gives me the map of the country, but one that's not populated by
  Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  Also, if anyone can recommend a good reference for creating maps in R,
  really appreciate that.
  thank you
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[R] Error with make with R-devel

2009-02-17 Thread Lana Schaffer
I am getting an error compiling the R-devel on a suse architecture
64-bit architecture.  The cp attribute is sending 'trusted.lov'
and an error.  This is a sample of the output:

  make[3]: Entering directory
building package 'base'
make[4]: Entering directory
all.R is unchanged
cmp: EOF on ../../../library/base/R/base
cp: getting attribute `trusted.lov' of `all.R': Operation not permitted
make[4]: *** [mkR] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2

Is there someone who can modify the Makefile so that I am able
to compile R-devel?

Lana Schaffer
The Scripps Research Institute
DNA Array Core Facility
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 784-2263
(858) 784-2994 

__ mailing list
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[R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread kayj

Hi All,

I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the summay and
the anova reslts on the top of 
each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not work. is
it possible to print the
anova below the summary of lm in one file?

thanks for your help


data-read.table(data.txt, header=T, sep='\t')

for (i in 1:100){



sink(results.txt, append=T)



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Re: [R] how to control the overall shape of a figure?

2009-02-17 Thread Oliver
Thanks very much, exactly what I need.


On Feb 16, 10:36 pm, Marc Schwartz wrote:
 on 02/16/2009 07:51 PM Oliver wrote:


  I am a R beginner. One thing I notice is that when do graphing is,

  if I want to draw two figures in a row such as this:

  par(mfrow(1, 2))

  Each figure inside will be rectangle instead of the familiar square
  Though you can drag the edge the window to resize it. I would have
  prefer this can be done automatically ... also when I do the pdf
  export for example. Is this possible?

  The thing is if you do par (mfrow(2,2)), then you got all 4 figures in
  perfect square shape ... but one row two figures are pretty common to

  thanks for help


 The overall shape of the plot region is controlled by par(pty), which
 is set to m by default, for 'maximal' plotting region.

 Set this to s to create a square plot region. For example:

 par(mfrow = c(1, 2), pty = s)

 In order to do this with a PDF file, ensure that the overall plot
 dimensions are in the proper relative aspect ratio. For example:

 pdf(file = SquarePlots.pdf, height = 4, width = 8)
 par(mfrow = c(1, 2), pty= s)

 This will create 2 square plots, side-by-side, within an overall plot
 size of 4x8. You can further adjust the plot margins and other
 characteristics as may be required.

 See ?par and ?Devices for more information regarding these
 customizations and options to set size arguments for specific devices.


 Marc Schwartz

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[R] multiple levels of nesting with trellis plots

2009-02-17 Thread R User R User
Hi guys,
I have a tricky problem that I'd appreciate your help with.

I have two categorical variables, say varA and varB and an associated
frequency Freq for combinations of the levels of varA and varB. This was
created with a table() call.

I'd now like to make panel plots of the frequency. I can do a panel plot by
barchart(data$Freq ~ data$varB | data$varA)

How do I achieve two levels of nesting for say a third categorical variable
That is, how do I specify 2 'given's in the the panel plot, and preferably
arranged the panels vertically within the 'inner' panel/

thanks very much,

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Re: [R] Overdispersion with binomial distribution

2009-02-17 Thread Prof Brian Ripley

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Ben Bolker wrote:

Jessica L Hite/hitejl/O/VCU hitejl at writes:

I am attempting to run a glm with a binomial model to analyze proportion
I have been following Crawley's book closely and am wondering if there is
an accepted standard for how much is too much overdispersion? (e.g. change
in AIC has an accepted standard of 2).

 In principle, in the null case (i.e. data are really binomial)
the deviance is  chi-squared distributed with the df equal
to the residual df.

*Approximately*, provided the expected counts are not near or below 
one.  See MASS §7.5 for an analysis of the size of the approximation 
errors (which can be large and in both directions).

Given that I once had a consulting job where the over-dispersion was 
causing something close ot panic and was entirely illusory, the lack 
of the 'approximately' can have quite serious consequences.

 For example:

deviance(glm.D93) ## 5.13
summary(glm.D93)$dispersion ## 1 (by definition)
dfr - df.residual(glm.D93)
deviance(glm.D93)/dfr ## 1.28
d2 - sum(residuals(glm.D93,pearson)^2) ## 5.17
(disp2 - d2/dfr)  ## 1.293

gg2 - update(glm.D93,family=quasipoisson)
summary(gg2)$dispersion  ## 1.293, same as above


all.equal(coef(glm.D93),coef(gg2)) ## TRUE

se1 - coef(summary(glm.D93))[,Std. Error]
se2 - coef(summary(gg2))[,Std. Error]

# (Intercept)outcome2outcome3  treatment2  treatment3
#   1.1372341.1372341.1372341.1372341.137234

# [1] 1.137234

My code and output are below, given the example in the book, these data are
WAY overdispersed .do I mention this and go on or does this signal the
need to try a different model? If so, any suggestions on the type of
distribution (gamma or negative binomial ?)?

 Way overdispersed may indicate model lack of fit.  Have
you examined residuals/data for outliers etc.?

 quasibinomial should be fine, or you can try beta-binomial
(see the aod package) ...


glm(formula = y ~ Pred, family = binomial)

Deviance Residuals:
Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max
-9.1022  -2.7899  -0.4781   2.6058   8.4852

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
(Intercept)  1.350950.06612  20.433   2e-16 ***
PredF   -0.348110.11719  -2.970  0.00297 **
PredSN  -3.291560.10691 -30.788   2e-16 ***
PredW   -1.464510.12787 -11.453   2e-16 ***
PredWF  -0.564120.13178  -4.281 1.86e-05 ***
 the output for residual deviance and df does not change even when I
use quasibinomial, is this ok?  #

 That's as expected.


 you don't really need MASS for quasibinomial.


glm(formula = y ~ Pred, family = quasibinomial)

Deviance Residuals:
Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max
-9.1022  -2.7899  -0.4781   2.6058   8.4852

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
(Intercept)   1.3510 0.2398   5.633 1.52e-07 ***
PredF-0.3481 0.4251  -0.819  0.41471
PredSN   -3.2916 0.3878  -8.488 1.56e-13 ***
PredW-1.4645 0.4638  -3.157  0.00208 **
PredWF   -0.5641 0.4780  -1.180  0.24063
Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasibinomial family taken to be 13.15786)

Null deviance: 2815.5  on 108  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1323.5  on 104  degrees of freedom
  (3 observations deleted due to missingness)

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5


Analysis of Deviance Table

Model: quasibinomial, link: logit

Response: y

Terms added sequentially (first to last)

  Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  F   Pr(F)
NULL108 2815.5
Pred   4   1492.0   104 1323.5 28.349 6.28e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1


Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: y ~ Pred
Model 2: y ~ 1
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Df Deviance  F   Pr(F)
1   104 1323.5
2   108 2815.5  -4  -1492.0 28.349 6.28e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1


(Intercept)   PredF  PredSN   PredW  PredWF
  1.3509550  -0.3481096  -3.2915601  -1.4645097  -0.5641223

hitejl at

Brian D. Ripley,
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide 

Re: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread David Winsemius

 did not work.

Might that mean errors? Care to share?

Running that through my wetware R interpreter, I think I am seeing you  
ask for creation of models with variable outcomes from a the first 100  
columns of data. And then you are specifying a formula that includes  
a weird mixture of 3 vectors, data[,x1],x2 x3,... plus all of the  
data.frame, data? Have you tested this loop without the sink's to  
see if it produces anything meaningful?

Once you test the process, then issue the sink(filename, append=TRUE)  
once, before the loop, do your analyses in the loop, and then close  
with sink() after the loop.

David Winsemius
On Feb 17, 2009, at 12:52 PM, kayj wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the  
summay and

the anova reslts on the top of
each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not  
work. is

it possible to print the
anova below the summary of lm in one file?

thanks for your help


data-read.table(data.txt, header=T, sep='\t')

for (i in 1:100){



sink(results.txt, append=T)



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Re: [R] Overdispersion with binomial distribution

2009-02-17 Thread Ben Bolker
 Thanks for the clarification.
  I actually had MASS open to that page while
I was composing my reply but forgot to mention
it (trying to do too many things at once) ...

  Ben Bolker

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Ben Bolker wrote:
 Jessica L Hite/hitejl/O/VCU hitejl at writes:

 I am attempting to run a glm with a binomial model to analyze proportion
 I have been following Crawley's book closely and am wondering if there is
 an accepted standard for how much is too much overdispersion? (e.g. change
 in AIC has an accepted standard of 2).
  In principle, in the null case (i.e. data are really binomial)
 the deviance is  chi-squared distributed with the df equal
 to the residual df.
 *Approximately*, provided the expected counts are not near or below 
 one.  See MASS §7.5 for an analysis of the size of the approximation 
 errors (which can be large and in both directions).
 Given that I once had a consulting job where the over-dispersion was 
 causing something close ot panic and was entirely illusory, the lack 
 of the 'approximately' can have quite serious consequences.
  For example:

 deviance(glm.D93) ## 5.13
 summary(glm.D93)$dispersion ## 1 (by definition)
 dfr - df.residual(glm.D93)
 deviance(glm.D93)/dfr ## 1.28
 d2 - sum(residuals(glm.D93,pearson)^2) ## 5.17
 (disp2 - d2/dfr)  ## 1.293

 gg2 - update(glm.D93,family=quasipoisson)
 summary(gg2)$dispersion  ## 1.293, same as above


 all.equal(coef(glm.D93),coef(gg2)) ## TRUE

 se1 - coef(summary(glm.D93))[,Std. Error]
 se2 - coef(summary(gg2))[,Std. Error]

 # (Intercept)outcome2outcome3  treatment2  treatment3
 #   1.1372341.1372341.1372341.1372341.137234

 # [1] 1.137234

 My code and output are below, given the example in the book, these data are
 WAY overdispersed .do I mention this and go on or does this signal the
 need to try a different model? If so, any suggestions on the type of
 distribution (gamma or negative binomial ?)?
  Way overdispersed may indicate model lack of fit.  Have
 you examined residuals/data for outliers etc.?

  quasibinomial should be fine, or you can try beta-binomial
 (see the aod package) ...


 glm(formula = y ~ Pred, family = binomial)

 Deviance Residuals:
 Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max
 -9.1022  -2.7899  -0.4781   2.6058   8.4852

 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
 (Intercept)  1.350950.06612  20.433   2e-16 ***
 PredF   -0.348110.11719  -2.970  0.00297 **
 PredSN  -3.291560.10691 -30.788   2e-16 ***
 PredW   -1.464510.12787 -11.453   2e-16 ***
 PredWF  -0.564120.13178  -4.281 1.86e-05 ***
  the output for residual deviance and df does not change even when I
 use quasibinomial, is this ok?  #
  That's as expected.

  you don't really need MASS for quasibinomial.

 glm(formula = y ~ Pred, family = quasibinomial)

 Deviance Residuals:
 Min   1Q   Median   3Q  Max
 -9.1022  -2.7899  -0.4781   2.6058   8.4852

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
 (Intercept)   1.3510 0.2398   5.633 1.52e-07 ***
 PredF-0.3481 0.4251  -0.819  0.41471
 PredSN   -3.2916 0.3878  -8.488 1.56e-13 ***
 PredW-1.4645 0.4638  -3.157  0.00208 **
 PredWF   -0.5641 0.4780  -1.180  0.24063
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1

 (Dispersion parameter for quasibinomial family taken to be 13.15786)

 Null deviance: 2815.5  on 108  degrees of freedom
 Residual deviance: 1323.5  on 104  degrees of freedom
   (3 observations deleted due to missingness)

 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

 Analysis of Deviance Table

 Model: quasibinomial, link: logit

 Response: y

 Terms added sequentially (first to last)

   Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  F   Pr(F)
 NULL108 2815.5
 Pred   4   1492.0   104 1323.5 28.349 6.28e-16 ***
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 Analysis of Deviance Table

 Model 1: y ~ Pred
 Model 2: y ~ 1
   Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Df Deviance  F   Pr(F)
 1   104 1323.5
 2   108 2815.5  -4  -1492.0 28.349 6.28e-16 ***
 Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
 (Intercept)   PredF  PredSN   PredW  PredWF
   1.3509550  -0.3481096  -3.2915601  -1.4645097  -0.5641223

 hitejl at

Ben Bolker
Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida /
GPG key:

Re: [R] creating a map

2009-02-17 Thread Greg Snow
It should be in the datasets package that is automatically loaded with R (at 
least my copy), try ?state and you should see the help for it and others.

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

From: Alina Sheyman []
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:02 AM
To: Greg Snow
Subject: Re: [R] creating a map

Thanks Greg,
  do you know where i can find the dataset that you mention?
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Greg Snow wrote:
You need to give the symbols function the locations where you want the centers 
of the circles to be.  Some datesets with map information also have centers of 
the states that you can use, for the USA, there is the dataset 
that may work for you, or the maptools package function get.Pcent will compute 
a center for polygons (there are probably other similar functions in other 

For adding circles to a map of the USA, you may want to look at the state.vbm 
data in the TeachingDemos package (works with maptools package), but you will 
need to computer the centers of the polygons, they don't match or 

Hope this helps,

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

 -Original Message-
 project.org] On Behalf Of Alina Sheyman
 Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 9:53 AM
 Subject: [R] creating a map

 I'm trying to create a fairly basic map using R. What i want to get is
 map of the country with circles representing a count of students in
 What I've done so far is as following -


 this gives me the map of the country, but one that's not populated by
 Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

 Also, if anyone can recommend a good reference for creating maps in R,
 really appreciate that.

 thank you

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Re: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread Greg Snow
The sink() command stops the sinking, so you send the lm output to the file, 
then stop the sinking before printing out the anova result.  So the simplest 
thing to try is to put the first sink (with the filename and append=T) before 
you start the loop, remove all calls to sink within the loop, then do a single 
sink() after the loop ends.

Hope this helps,

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-] On Behalf Of kayj
 Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:52 AM
 Subject: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file
 Hi All,
 I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the summay
 the anova reslts on the top of
 each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not work.
 it possible to print the
 anova below the summary of lm in one file?
 thanks for your help
 data-read.table(data.txt, header=T, sep='\t')
 for (i in 1:100){
 sink(results.txt, append=T)
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Re: [R] Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting

2009-02-17 Thread Brigid Mooney
Thanks for pointing me to the quantreg package as a resource.  I was hoping
to ask be able to address one quick follow-up question...

I get slightly different variants between using the rq funciton with formula
= mydata ~ 1 as I would if I ran the same data using the quantile function.


mydata - (1:10)^2/2
pctile - seq(.59, .99, .1)

quantile(mydata, pctile)
20.015 26.075 32.935 40.595 49.145

rq(mydata~1, tau=pctile)
rq(formula = mydata ~ 1, tau = pctile)
tau= 0.59 tau= 0.69 tau= 0.79 tau= 0.89 tau= 0.99
(Intercept)18  24.532  40.550
Degrees of freedom: 10 total; 9 residual

Is it correct to assume this is due to the different accepted methods of
calculating quantiles?  If so, do you know where I would be able to see the
algorithms used in these functions?  I'm not finding it in the documentation
for function rq, and am new enough to R that I don't know where those
references would generally be.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:29 PM, roger koenker wrote:

 gives one possibility... Koenker
 emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics
 vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois
 fax:   217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820

 On Feb 17, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Brigid Mooney wrote:

   Hi All,

 I am looking at applications of percentiles to time sequenced data.  I had
 just been using the quantile function to get percentiles over various
 periods, but am more interested in if there is an accepted (and/or
 R-implemented) method to apply weighting to the data so as to weigh recent
 data more heavily.

 I wrote the following function, but it seems quite inefficient, and not
 really very flexible in its applications - so if anyone has any
 on how to look at quantiles/percentiles within R while also using a
 weighting schema, I would be very interested.

 Note - this function supposes the data in X is time-sequenced, with the
 recent (and thus heaviest weighted) data at the end of the vector

 WtPercentile - function(X=rnorm(100), pctile=seq(.1,1,.1))
  Xprime - NA

  for(i in 1:length(X))
   Xprime - c(Xprime, rep(X[i], times=i))

  print(quantile(X, pctile))
  print(Weighted Percentiles:)
  print(quantile(Xprime, pctile, na.rm=TRUE))


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Re: [R] Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting

2009-02-17 Thread roger koenker Koenker
emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics
vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois
fax:   217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820

On Feb 17, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Brigid Mooney wrote:

Thanks for pointing me to the quantreg package as a resource.  I was  
hoping to ask be able to address one quick follow-up question...

I get slightly different variants between using the rq funciton with  
formula = mydata ~ 1 as I would if I ran the same data using the  
quantile function.


mydata - (1:10)^2/2
pctile - seq(.59, .99, .1)

quantile(mydata, pctile)
20.015 26.075 32.935 40.595 49.145

rq(mydata~1, tau=pctile)
rq(formula = mydata ~ 1, tau = pctile)
tau= 0.59 tau= 0.69 tau= 0.79 tau= 0.89 tau= 0.99
(Intercept)18  24.532  40.550
Degrees of freedom: 10 total; 9 residual

Is it correct to assume this is due to the different accepted  
methods of calculating quantiles?  If so, do you know where I would  
be able to see the algorithms used in these functions?  I'm not  
finding it in the documentation for function rq, and am new enough  
to R that I don't know where those references would generally be.

Yes,  quantile() in base R documents 9 varieties of quantiles, 2 more  

William Empson's famous 7 Types of Ambiguity.  In quantreg the function
rq() finds a solution to an underlying optimization problem and  
doesn't ask

any further into the nature of the ambiguity -- it does often produce a
warning indicating that there may be more than one solution.  The  
base R quantile is interpolated, while the default rq() with method =  
using the simplex algorithm finds an order statistic, typically.  If  
you prefer

something more like interpolation, you can try rq() with method = fn
which is using an interior point algorithm and when there are multiple
solutions it tends to produce something more like the centroid of the
solution set.  I hope that this helps.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:29 PM, roger koenker  

gives one possibility... Koenker
emailrkoen...@uiuc.eduDepartment of Economics
vox: 217-333-4558University of Illinois
fax:   217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820

On Feb 17, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Brigid Mooney wrote:

Hi All,

I am looking at applications of percentiles to time sequenced data.   
I had

just been using the quantile function to get percentiles over various
periods, but am more interested in if there is an accepted (and/or
R-implemented) method to apply weighting to the data so as to weigh  

data more heavily.

I wrote the following function, but it seems quite inefficient, and  
really very flexible in its applications - so if anyone has any  

on how to look at quantiles/percentiles within R while also using a
weighting schema, I would be very interested.

Note - this function supposes the data in X is time-sequenced, with  
the most

recent (and thus heaviest weighted) data at the end of the vector

WtPercentile - function(X=rnorm(100), pctile=seq(.1,1,.1))
 Xprime - NA

 for(i in 1:length(X))
  Xprime - c(Xprime, rep(X[i], times=i))

 print(quantile(X, pctile))
 print(Weighted Percentiles:)
 print(quantile(Xprime, pctile, na.rm=TRUE))


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Re: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread kayj

Thanks a lot for your help, it worked.

Greg Snow-2 wrote:
 The sink() command stops the sinking, so you send the lm output to the
 file, then stop the sinking before printing out the anova result.  So the
 simplest thing to try is to put the first sink (with the filename and
 append=T) before you start the loop, remove all calls to sink within the
 loop, then do a single sink() after the loop ends.
 Hope this helps,
 Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
 Statistical Data Center
 Intermountain Healthcare
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-] On Behalf Of kayj
 Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:52 AM
 Subject: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file
 Hi All,
 I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the summay
 the anova reslts on the top of
 each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not work.
 it possible to print the
 anova below the summary of lm in one file?
 thanks for your help
 data-read.table(data.txt, header=T, sep='\t')
 for (i in 1:100){
 sink(results.txt, append=T)
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Re: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread kayj

this is the error message that I was getting 

 In sink() ... : no sink to remove

i got it to work . thanks for the help

David Winsemius wrote:
  did not work.
 Might that mean errors? Care to share?
 Running that through my wetware R interpreter, I think I am seeing you  
 ask for creation of models with variable outcomes from a the first 100  
 columns of data. And then you are specifying a formula that includes  
 a weird mixture of 3 vectors, data[,x1],x2 x3,... plus all of the  
 data.frame, data? Have you tested this loop without the sink's to  
 see if it produces anything meaningful?
 Once you test the process, then issue the sink(filename, append=TRUE)  
 once, before the loop, do your analyses in the loop, and then close  
 with sink() after the loop.
 David Winsemius
 On Feb 17, 2009, at 12:52 PM, kayj wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the  
 summay and
 the anova reslts on the top of
 each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not  
 work. is
 it possible to print the
 anova below the summary of lm in one file?

 thanks for your help


 data-read.table(data.txt, header=T, sep='\t')

 for (i in 1:100){



 sink(results.txt, append=T)



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Re: [R] Subset Regression Package

2009-02-17 Thread Ben Bolker

Alex Roy wrote:
 Dear all ,
   Is there any subset regression (subset selection
 regression) package in R other than leaps?

RSiteSearch({subset regression}) doesn't turn up much other than
special-purpose tools for ARMA models etc..  What does leaps not do that you
need it to do?

  Ben Bolker

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Re: [R] Whitening Time Series

2009-02-17 Thread Pele

Hi Bob - your suggesting worked out great... Many thanks!  

Also, thanks everyone for the other suggestions!

Bob McCall wrote:
 Look in the package forecast for the function Arima. It will do what
 you want. It's different than arima function in the stats package.
 Pele wrote:
 Hi R users,
 I am doing cross correlation analysis on  2 time series (call them
 y-series and x-series) where I need the use the model developed on the
 x-series to prewhiten the yseries..  Can someone point me to a
 function/filter in R that would allow me to do that? 
 Thanks in advance for any help!

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[R] Cross classified or Multiple membership or Hierarchical (3 level ) logistic models using Umacs

2009-02-17 Thread Luwis Tapiwa Diya
Dear R users,

I would like to fit cross classified or multiple membership logistic models
or a 3 level hierarchical logistic model using the Umacs package. Can anyone
advise me on how to proceed or better point me to examples of  how its done.


Luwis Diya,
Leuven Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics Centre (L-BioStat),
Kapucijnenvoer 35 blok d - bus 7001,
3000 Leuven,

Tel: +32 16 336886 or +32 16 336892
Fax: +32 16 337015

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[R] using sapply to apply function to some columns of a dataframe

2009-02-17 Thread mwestphal


I would like to sum every x columns of a dataframe for each row.  For instance,
if x is 10, then for dataframe df, this function will sum the first ten elements
together and then the next ten:

sapply(list(colnames(df)[1:10], colnames(df)[11:20]),function(x)apply( df[,x],
1, sum))

If the number of columns is quite large (1000's), then manually entering the
list above is not practical.  Any suggestions?

I would also like to do a variant of the above, where I sum every nth element.



Michael I. Westphal, PhD
Africa Region Water Resources (AFTWR)
South Asia Region Sustainable Development (SASSD)
World Development Report 2010: Development in a Changing Climate
Room J6-007 (mail stop: J6-603)
Tel: 202.473.1217
The World Bank
1818  H St NW, Washington DC 20433, USA

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Re: [R] Subset Regression Package

2009-02-17 Thread Hans W. Borchers
Alex Roy alexroy2008 at writes:

 Dear all ,
   Is there any subset regression (subset selection
 regression) package in R other than leaps?

Lars and Lasso are other 'subset selection' methods, see the corresponding
packages 'lars' and 'lasso2' and its description in The Elements of Statistical
Also, 'dr', Methods for dimension reduction for regression, or  'relaimpo',
Relative importance of regressors in linear models, can be considered.

 Thanks and regards

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[R] cumsum vs. sum

2009-02-17 Thread Stavros Macrakis
I recently traced a bug of mine to the fact that cumsum(s)[length(s)]
is not always exactly equal to sum(s).

For example,

 sum(x) - cumsum(x)[3]  = 2.8e-17

Floating-point addition is of course not exact, and in particular is
not associative, so there are various possible reasons for this.
Perhaps sum uses clever summing tricks to get more accurate results?
In some quick experiments, it does seem to get more accurate results
than cumsum.

It might be worth documenting.


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Re: [R] using sapply to apply function to some columns of a dataframe

2009-02-17 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 17/02/2009 4:42 PM, wrote:


I would like to sum every x columns of a dataframe for each row.  For instance,
if x is 10, then for dataframe df, this function will sum the first ten elements
together and then the next ten:

sapply(list(colnames(df)[1:10], colnames(df)[11:20]),function(x)apply( df[,x],
1, sum))

If the number of columns is quite large (1000's), then manually entering the
list above is not practical.  Any suggestions?

I would also like to do a variant of the above, where I sum every nth element.

I think the easiest way to do this is to convert the dataframe into an 
array with 3 indices, and sum over one of them.  For example:

rows - 20
cols - 120

df - matrix(1:(rows*cols), rows, cols)
# in your case, df - as.matrix( df )

arr - array( df, c(rows, 10, cols/10))
sums - apply( arr, c(1,3), sum)

Duncan Murdoch

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[R] matrix output

2009-02-17 Thread phoebe kong
Hi friends,

I have questions about printing a pretty big size matrix.

As you could see from below, the matrix wasn't showed in R at full size
(11X11), but it was cut partly into three smaller matrices (11X4,11X4,11X3).
I'm wondering if there is a way to show the whole matrix with dimension
11X11, do you know how to make it?

If R really couldn't fit the full big matrix at once, what about output the
FULL matrix to a .pdf document? I have been wondering for a long time if we
could output something other than graphic, like data frame or text, to a
.pdf file.

Thanks in advance for your patience and answer.


Sldur Slonset Waso  Sboutn
Sldur1  -0.6744252  -0.08427312  -0.2871798
Slonset327   1.000   0.14257353   0.1981339
Waso   327 327.000   1.   0.5104723
Sboutn 327 327.000 327.   1.000
MidSleep   327 327.000 327. 327.000
SleepEff   327 327.000 327. 327.000
NumTrials   22  22.000  22.  22.000
MeanTrials  22  22.000  22.  22.000
MedianTrials22  22.000  22.  22.000
NS3all5tage296 296.000 296. 296.000
HGsoc118   325 325.000 325. 325.000

 MidSleepSleepEff   NumTrials
Sldur -0.14512244   0.6721889  0.26482213
Slonset0.73991223  -0.5613362 -0.09429701
Waso   0.08729977  -0.6836098  0.18577075
Sboutn 0.06169839  -0.4895902  0.10897798
MidSleep   1.  -0.1498673 -0.17786561
SleepEff 327.   1.000 -0.01637493
NumTrials 22.  22.000  1.
MeanTrials22.  22.000 46.
MedianTrials  22.  22.000 46.
NS3all5tage  296. 296.000 44.
HGsoc118 325. 325.000 44.

 MedianTrials  NS3all5tage HGsoc118
Sldur   0.1857708   0.07849234  -0.03751973
Slonset 0.2919255  -0.14858206   0.05323562
Waso0.3856578  -0.08148054   0.09341454
Sboutn  0.2557877  -0.05049218   0.06847118
MidSleep0.4172784  -0.09344423   0.05287818
SleepEff   -0.3088650   0.12099185  -0.08453191
NumTrials  -0.1108233  -0.06779422  -0.13164200
MeanTrials  0.9203207  -0.07625088   0.10584919
MedianTrials1.000  -0.10894996   0.13615222
NS3all5tage44.000   1.  -0.10554137
HGsoc118   44.000 632.   1.

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Re: [R] matrix output

2009-02-17 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 17/02/2009 5:31 PM, phoebe kong wrote:

Hi friends,

I have questions about printing a pretty big size matrix.

As you could see from below, the matrix wasn't showed in R at full size
(11X11), but it was cut partly into three smaller matrices (11X4,11X4,11X3).
I'm wondering if there is a way to show the whole matrix with dimension
11X11, do you know how to make it?

If you increase the output width, e.g.


won't wrap (but it'll probably be too wide to be useful).  You can also 
reduced the number of decimal places, e.g.

SYrounded - round(SY, 3)

If R really couldn't fit the full big matrix at once, what about output the
FULL matrix to a .pdf document? I have been wondering for a long time if we
could output something other than graphic, like data frame or text, to a
.pdf file.

The main way to produce nice text in a PDF document through R is to use 
Sweave and LaTeX.  Too much explanation needed for a simple example here.

Duncan Murdoch

Thanks in advance for your patience and answer.


Sldur Slonset Waso  Sboutn
Sldur1  -0.6744252  -0.08427312  -0.2871798
Slonset327   1.000   0.14257353   0.1981339
Waso   327 327.000   1.   0.5104723
Sboutn 327 327.000 327.   1.000
MidSleep   327 327.000 327. 327.000
SleepEff   327 327.000 327. 327.000
NumTrials   22  22.000  22.  22.000
MeanTrials  22  22.000  22.  22.000
MedianTrials22  22.000  22.  22.000
NS3all5tage296 296.000 296. 296.000
HGsoc118   325 325.000 325. 325.000

 MidSleepSleepEff   NumTrials
Sldur -0.14512244   0.6721889  0.26482213
Slonset0.73991223  -0.5613362 -0.09429701
Waso   0.08729977  -0.6836098  0.18577075
Sboutn 0.06169839  -0.4895902  0.10897798
MidSleep   1.  -0.1498673 -0.17786561
SleepEff 327.   1.000 -0.01637493
NumTrials 22.  22.000  1.
MeanTrials22.  22.000 46.
MedianTrials  22.  22.000 46.
NS3all5tage  296. 296.000 44.
HGsoc118 325. 325.000 44.

 MedianTrials  NS3all5tage HGsoc118
Sldur   0.1857708   0.07849234  -0.03751973
Slonset 0.2919255  -0.14858206   0.05323562
Waso0.3856578  -0.08148054   0.09341454
Sboutn  0.2557877  -0.05049218   0.06847118
MidSleep0.4172784  -0.09344423   0.05287818
SleepEff   -0.3088650   0.12099185  -0.08453191
NumTrials  -0.1108233  -0.06779422  -0.13164200
MeanTrials  0.9203207  -0.07625088   0.10584919
MedianTrials1.000  -0.10894996   0.13615222
NS3all5tage44.000   1.  -0.10554137
HGsoc118   44.000 632.   1.

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[R] Python and R

2009-02-17 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian

Hello all,

I am just wondering if any of you are doing most of your scripting
with Python instead of R's programming language and then calling
the relevant R functions as needed?

And if so, what is your experience with this and what sort of
software/library  do you use in combination with Python to be able
to access R's functionality.

Is there much of a performance hit either way? (as both are interpreted


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Re: [R] Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting

2009-02-17 Thread Stavros Macrakis
Here is one kind of weighted quantile function.

The basic idea is very simple:

wquantile - function( v, w, p )
v - v[order(v)]
w - w[order(v)]
v [ which.max( cumsum(w) / sum(w) = p ) ]

With some more error-checking and general clean-up, it looks like this:

# Simple weighted quantile
# v  A numeric vector of observations
# w  A numeric vector of positive weights
# p  The probability 0=p=1
# Nothing fancy: no interpolation etc.

# Basic idea

wquantile - function( v, w, p )
v - v[order(v)]
w - w[order(v)]
v [ which.max( cumsum(w) / sum(w) = p ) ]

# Simple weighted quantile
# v  A numeric vector of observations
# w  A numeric vector of positive weights
# p  The probability 0=p=1
# Nothing fancy: no interpolation etc.

wquantile - function(v,w=rep(1,length(v)),p=.5)
 if (!is.numeric(v) || !is.numeric(w) || length(v) != length(w))
   stop(Values and weights must be equal-length numeric vectors)
 if ( !is.numeric(p) || any( p0 | p1 ) )
   stop(Quantiles must be 0=p=1)
 ranking - order(v)
 sumw - cumsum(w[ranking])
 if ([1]) || w[1]0 ) stop(Weights must be non-negative numbers)
 plist - sumw/sumw[length(sumw)]
 sapply(p, function(p) v [ ranking [ which.max( plist = p ) ] ])

I would appreciate any comments people have on this -- whether
correctness, efficiency, style, 


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Brigid Mooney wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am looking at applications of percentiles to time sequenced data.  I had
 just been using the quantile function to get percentiles over various
 periods, but am more interested in if there is an accepted (and/or
 R-implemented) method to apply weighting to the data so as to weigh recent
 data more heavily.

 I wrote the following function, but it seems quite inefficient, and not
 really very flexible in its applications - so if anyone has any suggestions
 on how to look at quantiles/percentiles within R while also using a
 weighting schema, I would be very interested.

 Note - this function supposes the data in X is time-sequenced, with the most
 recent (and thus heaviest weighted) data at the end of the vector

 WtPercentile - function(X=rnorm(100), pctile=seq(.1,1,.1))
  Xprime - NA

  for(i in 1:length(X))
Xprime - c(Xprime, rep(X[i], times=i))

  print(quantile(X, pctile))
  print(Weighted Percentiles:)
  print(quantile(Xprime, pctile, na.rm=TRUE))


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Re: [R] frequency table for multiple variables

2009-02-17 Thread Hans Ekbrand
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:00:40AM -0600, Marc Schwartz wrote:
 on 02/17/2009 09:06 AM Hans Ekbrand wrote:
  Hi r-help!
  Consider the following data-frame:
 var1 var2 var3 
  1 314 
  2 223 
  3 223 
  4 44   NA 
  5 435 
  6 223 
  7 343 
  How can I get R to convert this into the following?
  Value 1  2  3  4  5 
  var1  0  3  2  2  0
  var2  1  3  1  2  0 
  var3  0  0  4  1  1
  t(sapply(DF, function(x) table(factor(x, levels = 1:5
  1 2 3 4 5
 var1 0 3 2 2 0
 var2 1 3 1 2 0
 var3 0 0 4 1 1
 The key is to turn each column into a factor with explicitly defined
 common levels for tabulation. This enables the table result to have a
 consistent format across each column, allowing for a matrix to be
 created, rather than a list.

Thanks alot, Marc. Neat and efficient, just what I wanted.

BTW, before I saw that you actually included code, I tried on my own,
and wrote this:

my.count - function(data.frame, levels) {
  result.df - data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(data.frame),ncol=levels))
  for (i in 1:length(data.frame)) {
result.df[i,] - table(factor(data.frame[[i]], levels = c(1:levels)))

which produces the same result. I take this to be a an instructive
example of unnecessary use of for-loops in R.

Hans Ekbrand (
Q. What is that strange attachment in this mail?
A. My digital signature, see for info on how you could
   use it to ensure that this mail is from me and has not been
   altered on the way to you.

Description: Digital signature
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Re: [R] Python and R

2009-02-17 Thread Warren Young

Esmail Bonakdarian wrote:

I am just wondering if any of you are doing most of your scripting
with Python instead of R's programming language and then calling
the relevant R functions as needed?

No, but if I wanted to do such a thing, I'd look at Sage:

It'll give you access to a lot more than just R.

Is there much of a performance hit either way? (as both are interpreted

Are you just asking, or do you have a particular execution time goal, 
which if exceeded would prevent doing this?  I ask because I suspect 
it's the former, and fast enough is fast enough.

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Re: [R] Python and R

2009-02-17 Thread Barry Rowlingson
2009/2/17 Esmail Bonakdarian
 Hello all,

 I am just wondering if any of you are doing most of your scripting
 with Python instead of R's programming language and then calling
 the relevant R functions as needed?

 I tend to use R in its native form for data analysis and modelling,
and python for all my other programming needs (gui stuff with PyQt4,
web stuff, text processing etc etc).

 And if so, what is your experience with this and what sort of
 software/library  do you use in combination with Python to be able
 to access R's functionality.

 When I need to use the two together, it's easiest with 'rpy'. This
lets you call R functions from python, so you can do:

 from rpy import r

to get a histogram of the values in a python list 'z'. There are some
complications converting structured data types between the two but
they can be overcome, and apparently are handled better with the next
generation Rpy2 (which I've not got into yet). Google for rpy for

 Is there much of a performance hit either way? (as both are interpreted

 Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean is:

 R sum(x)

faster than

Python sum(x)

and how much worse is:

Python from rpy import r
Python r.sum(x)


 Knuth's remark on premature optimization applies, as ever


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Re: [R] Python and R

2009-02-17 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Warren Young wrote:

 Esmail Bonakdarian wrote:

 I am just wondering if any of you are doing most of your scripting
 with Python instead of R's programming language and then calling
 the relevant R functions as needed?

 No, but if I wanted to do such a thing, I'd look at Sage:

ah .. thanks for the pointer, I had not heard of Sage, I was just
starting to look at

 It'll give you access to a lot more than just R.

 Is there much of a performance hit either way? (as both are interpreted

 Are you just asking, or do you have a particular execution time goal, which 
 if exceeded
 would prevent doing this?  I ask because I suspect it's the former, and fast 
 enough is fast

I put together a large'ish R program last year, but I think I would be
happier if I could code
it in say Python - but I would rather not do that at the expense of
execution time.

Thanks again for telling me about Sage.


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[R] Saving data to a MS Access Database

2009-02-17 Thread Bill Cunliffe
I have the following dataframe:


ad - data.frame(dates, av, sn$SectorName)

colnames(ad) - c(Date, Value, Tag)


which has data (rows 10 to 20, for example) as follows:


 DateValue   Tag

10 2008-01-16-0.20875ConDisc

11 2008-01-17-0.21125ConDisc

12 2008-01-18-0.08875ConDisc

13 2008-01-21-0.10875ConDisc

14 2008-01-220.02125 ConDisc

15 2008-01-230.09500 ConDisc

16 2008-01-240.02500 ConDisc

17 2008-01-250.03500 ConDisc

18 2008-01-280.06625 ConDisc

19 2008-01-290.20500 ConDisc

20 2008-01-300.11625 ConDisc


I want to import this data in into an existing MS Access database which has
the following properties:


Name: tblAD

ID: Autonumber, primary key

Date: Date

Value: Double

Tag: String


I am trying this by using the following:


result - sqlUpdate(channel, ad, tblAD)


But I get the following error:

 result - sqlUpdate(channel, ad, tblAD)

Error in sqlUpdate(channel, ad, tblAD) :

cannot update 'tblAD' without unique column



Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong?


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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[R] ylim in plot.ts?

2009-02-17 Thread Oliver Bandel


I tried to use ylim=c(x,y) in a plot.ts().

This was ignored.

How can I achieve it to create such graphics?

   Oliver Bandel

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[R] :How to insert a column in a data frame

2009-02-17 Thread Laura Rodriguez Murillo
Hi dear list,

I wonder if somebody can help me with this. I have a text file with
300 rows and around 30 columns and I need to insert a column that
has the number 1 in every row. This new column should be placed
between columns 6 and 7.

As an example: I would want to insert a column (consiting just of the
number 1 in every row, as in column 6) between columns 6 and 7.

847 847 0 0 2 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T

So the new table would look like this:

847 847 0 0 2 1 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T
847 847 0 0 2 1 1 G G T C A G T T C G A C C C G C A A A G G G G A C A T T

You can also look at this problem as duplicating column 6.

Thank you for your help!

Laura R Murillo
Columbia University
New York

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Re: [R] Python and R

2009-02-17 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
 2009/2/17 Esmail Bonakdarian

  When I need to use the two together, it's easiest with 'rpy'. This
 lets you call R functions from python, so you can do:

  from rpy import r

wow .. that is pretty straight forward, I'll have to check out rpy for sure.

 to get a histogram of the values in a python list 'z'. There are some
 complications converting structured data types between the two but
 they can be overcome, and apparently are handled better with the next
 generation Rpy2 (which I've not got into yet). Google for rpy for

Will do!

 Is there much of a performance hit either way? (as both are interpreted

  Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean is:

  R sum(x)

 faster than

 Python sum(x)

 and how much worse is:

 Python from rpy import r
 Python r.sum(x)

Well, I have a program written in R which already takes quite a while
to run. I was
just wondering if I were to rewrite most of the logic in Python - the
main thing I use
in R are its regression facilities - if it would speed things up. I
suspect not since
both of them are interpreted, and the bulk of the time is taken up by
R's regression


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[R] Normal cdf modified function

2009-02-17 Thread Fernando Saldanha
I wonder if an R package would have a function that calculates the following.

Let Y be a normal multivariate function. For example, let Y have 4
dimensions. I want to calculate

P(Y1  Z1, Y2  Z2, Y3  Z3, Y4  Z4).

There are R functions to do the calculation if all the inequalities
are of the type  (the cdf). But is there an R function where the
two types of inequalities ( and ) can be mixed? (The user would
have to specify the set of indexes with inequalities of the type )

Thanks for any suggestions.


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