Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Weird alarm behaviour

2012-02-04 Thread Marc

TopGeek;688585 Wrote: 
 That's a real shame, Marc but, with 3-4 alarm malfunctions in only just
 over one month of experience, it certainly seems that your summation of
 the situation is correct - i.e. this is not a reliable alarm clock. 
 Mind you, it also seems to be a fairly unreliable Internet radio. I've
 already had the experience of one of my favourite stations disappearing
 for more than a week while others were telling me they could still get
 it. I get frequent dropouts of up to 30 seconds on radio signals, while
 there is no wifi or Internet interruption. It only has a mono speaker,
 although it does have a stereo decoder so I can at least appreciate
 stereo sound in my earphones.
 The impression I get is that this is a Beta product that should not yet
 be on sale to the public.

Your impressions are largely accurate.

I haven't got experience with recent revisions of Radio firmware so I
can't comment directly there.  You see, I still run firmware version
7.4.2, along with my own custom modifications to the Radio alarm code,
and will not update the firmware on my Radios again...  ever.   

7.4.2 is indeed adequately stable for my purposes.  While there are
certain things that don't always work right, the failure modes are
usually deterministic enough so that working around them and/or taking
corrective action when these errors occur has become second nature for
me.  When you keep upgrading to new firmware versions you leave
yourself open to whatever new bugs are introduced (obviously).  That's
true of all embedded systems, of course, but in the Radio's case the
underlying software architecture implementation is not one that is
conducive to facilitating new releases that are stable.

7.4.2 was the current version back when I originally modified the alarm
code to be as stable as was possible.  I explained directly to Logitech
development at that time, and in detail, that the Radio software
architecture did not incorporate the proper client/server model to
allow infrastructure stability over the long haul (or the short one). 
They didn't listen (likely due to shortsightedness, resource
constraints, the desire to heavily leverage the existing code base from
the time that Squeezebox devices were far less intelligent, or for other
reasons - but who from afar can be certain why an engineering
organization actually does what it does).  I knew then that alarms
would likely never be particularly stable.  Further, they would likely
never be as stable as I had already made them with my modifications.  I
state this not to be presumptuous, but instead because it was clear to
me then that even after I had shared all of my code and thoughts with
them as to why and how the infrastructure was inadequate they elected
to take the band-aid approach.  That's when I 'cut bait' and decided to
stick with 7.4.2 and my custom alarm mods instead of upgrading to the
next release...  I further opined, after extensive investigation - and
modification - of the Radio firmware, that much other Radio
functionality was also at risk of stability issues due to improper
architecture.  It's all here in the forum archives, I believe, if
you're interested in the gory details.

Practically speaking, the point is that once you find a version of
Radio firmware that suits your purposes it may make sense to hard stop
there and never upgrade again.  New releases don't necessarily mean
more stable operation when device software architecture/infrastructure
is suspect.  In the case of this device it is as likely that a new
release means newly introduced instabilities in areas that seemed
previously stable and deterministic in operation.  If you investigate
and understand the history of the Radio's software then you'll likely
be convinced to spare yourself the time you would have spent applying
firmware upgrades, writing forum posts, and chasing down Radio errors
and instead apply that time toward other more constructive pursuits.

I pop into the forum rarely now, and really only for entertainment
purposes.  It was not always that way, but there's only so much that
can be done...   In the case of the Radio, if you are a tinkerer who
enjoys chasing and isolating new problems then it's the perfect
platform to mess around with.  If, however, you are only interested as
a consumer in a stable/functional device to use for streaming and
alarms you are barking up the wrong tree.  

With this post I would hope to save some Radio owners (who don't yet
necessarily know any better) from the misguided notion that you'll
'soon' see stable firmware.  Find a version that works for your
purposes and in the context of the particular functionality that you
desire from the device, and then stand pat...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Weird alarm behaviour

2012-02-03 Thread Marc

TopGeek;687449 Wrote: 
 The firmware is the latest. I regularly ask for an update. It probably
 is a server fault and I am using, not my own PC.
 I'm not clear why you suggest a different time setting and I do not
 want to use the radio station as an alarm. I deliberately selected a
 gentle cascade sound fading in, as my wife sleeps longer than me and I
 respond to the alarm well before it wakes her.

Can't seem to sleep here (while admittedly unrelated to the Radio alarm
- haha), so I'm taking a rare gander at the forum...

Honestly, if your wife is getting upset and you risk her wrath every
time the alarm does something obnoxious then my advice is to stop using
the Radio alarm and start relying exclusively on another alarm device. 
I don't advise this glibly...

The Radio is a fine streaming device, but it is not an adequate or
particularly reliable alarm clock (with the Logitech provided code
base).   Either trust me on this or do some forum searching for the
historical discussions regarding alarms that I've engaged in with
Logitech development.

It will not get better with firmware updates in reality, as the Radio
alarm architecture is not conducive to stability.  Even if a future
firmware version appears to 'get it right', you will always run the
genuine risk of a future firmware update regression that causes
annoying alarm behavior anew.

In your particular case, since you don't care about streaming music or
internet radio as the alarm audio source, there is one additional
option...  you could modify the code to use a truly local (Radio
resident) audio sample of your choice and remove the server entirely
from the equation.  Then the alarm behavior would be maximally stable
for your purposes.  You would, however, be stuck in having to reapply
the code changes after every Radio firmware update pushed down from
Logitech if you did this...

Frankly, if your domestic situation is at any risk then you'll do well
to posthaste abandon the notion that the Radio provided alarm
functionality will never again stir your other half with a jolt.  Cut
your losses and enjoy the Radio for its streaming while you fall back
to another alarm device to keep the peace in the bedroom...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Questions Regarding Alarm

2011-01-26 Thread Marc

Simon300;600896 Wrote: 
 Ironic when you'd have thought a bedside radio was a key target market
 (though it is a bit pricey for just that). It's a real shame that
 Logitech haven't put the effort in - some of the bugs would probably
 only take a junior developer to fix. 

0xdeadbeef;601063 Wrote: 
 There are indeed lots of smaller issues that should be fixable within
 hours if not minutes which leaves the question why this didn't happen
 yet. Even if there was only one underpaid Chinese developer working on
 this, as this is the case for the typical media player, it's kinda
 unexplainable that really close to nothing was improved in more than
 one year.
 The again, I'm still convinced that the whole alarm design is so
 completely ill designed from the core that there is no easy fix
 anymore. I guess too much money was invested in the MYSB server
 infrastructure instead of putting a little thought in a sensible system
 design. And now it's probably too late for the responsibles to admit
 their failure.

Just catching up and checking in after quite a long hiatus...  To
underscore the comments above (and correct the notion that a junior
developer - of any nationality - could fix the alarm problems), the
real problem with alarms is indeed the architecture.  I discussed this
directly and repeatedly back when I fixed them as best as possible in
light of the constraints presented by the alarm architecture (and
certain underlying foundational architectural constraints relied upon
by alarm functionality).  

The continuing problems won't be fixed by any junior developer, nor any
senior one unless the architecture is fixed first.  Bluegaspode's
continued work to address/resolve specific users' alarm
failure/malfunction cases is laudable (ahh, your patience continues to
amaze, Stefan :) ) - but the grander issue of why those problems are
not innately addressed by default in the alarm subsystem will never be

Which is precisely why I am still running 7.4.2 from back when I
originally made alarms usable, and am no longer tinkering with further


p.s.  I absolutely love the SB Radio as a streaming music player.  For
use as a bedside alarm clock, however, see my opinions/posts from long
back - since none of the realities/views expressed there have changed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery doesn't appear to be charging

2010-05-22 Thread Marc

szalik;549846 Wrote: 
 I think you need firmware 7.5.x to properly use (charge) the battery.

Thanks for the response.  Not sure that's the case, though.  I
unplugged the Radio (largely since I was afraid the battery might be
entirely drained otherwise) for half a day and then plugged it back in.
It powered up (I did not upgrade the firmware and am running the same
version I listed earlier) and then started charging the battery. 
Everything is working fine now...   Weird, but not a shock frankly...


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Battery doesn't appear to be charging

2010-05-21 Thread Marc

Just received my battery and installed it according to directions.  I'm
running firmware version 7.4.2 (r8423) and the battery icon shows up on
the screen, however, it is not blinking or otherwise animated. 

Advanced-Diagnostics-Power shows as follows:

MSP version: 1313
Battery voltage: 12.787 V
Battery vmon1: 3.711 V
Battery vmon2: 7.362 V
Wall voltage: 8.652 V
Battery temperature: 25.03125 C
Power mode: Battery power
Charger state: Battery discharging

Unless I misunderstand the battery icon and diagnostics screen, it does
not appear that my battery is charging.  If that's the case then I
expect it to drain entirely and then possibly die... 

I have searched the forum and checked the wiki, but still do not have a
good understanding (besides noting the battery icon should be
'animated') what to look for or which minimum firmware revision is
necessary to ensure correct charging.

Logitech, can you please advise whether there is a battery charging
issue here and if so recommend a path for resolution?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] my red clockradio- first no radio, now no clock

2010-05-19 Thread Marc

jsclarke;548779 Wrote: 
 My little red squeezebox radio- which I'd intended to use as a clock
 radio, has really become a pain.  First- in these greener days- I don't
 want to run a 200 watt PC (running squeezecenter) to make a clock radio
 reliable.  But- after 7.5- the audio streamed kept stopping (which is
 terrible for a device I own to help fall asleep).  So- downgraded
 squeezecenter- downgraded to 7.4 on the radio- and get the persistent
 upgrade nags when connecting to
 But now- the screensavers stopped working too... so I can't see the
 time either when stopped, or playing.  So first, no radio.  Now, no
 clock.  This thing's a dud!  Anybody have any ideas on fixing this?
 Thanks in advance...  John
 (ps- a Boom, 2 SB classics, and 2 Grace WiFi radios work great on the
 same net- and the radio is hard-wired to an ethernet connection, and
 I've tried changing the type of screensaver for each state and the time
 delay to every possible choice with no luck, and power-cycling doesn't
 help either...)

This problem is real.  I've got it too.  Not sure if it's related, but
at some point my 7.4.2 SBS installation upgraded itself to 7.5 without
asking.  Now the Radio and SBS are running different versions.  You
might want to check on that (despite the fact it makes no sense how a
version mismatch would contribute to this particular problem - the
Radio software truly does behave in ways one wouldn't expect)...

I'll downgrade SBS to match the Radio version soon and see if that
makes a difference. I've grown tired of chasing these types of issues
(which don't seem to end).  The recurring maintenance necessary of a
consumer/user to keep the Radio functioning properly is extremely
disappointing...  I, for one, despite having the capacity/knowledge to
jump in and modify the codebase, have been resigned to using the Radio
with degraded functionality (like no clock display) because I'm not
willing to spend the cycles incessantly chasing the newly created
issues that are consistently popping up.

In a nutshell, this problem is real (add it to the list)...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] my red clockradio- first no radio, now no clock

2010-05-19 Thread Marc

Thanks for the pointer.  Makes sense now, after reading the other
thread.  So, if you do have different SBS and Radio firmware versions,
and one of them is 7.5 you will likely have this issue.  I'll downgrade
SBS (and hope it doesn't upgrade itself again, unsolicited - after
changing any available settings to explicitly prohibit upgrading) and
then reconnect from the Radio (either by power cycling or switching
over to and then back to SBS) to force time synchronization
again.  It sounds like this should fix this one...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Local reliable alarm, what would be acceptable ?

2010-05-18 Thread Marc

Don't forget that there would still be prospective problems even with a
totally localized alarm application.  Without the proper
synchronization between local (Radio based) apps and server requests
the playout subsystem may well end up fought over (which is what
sometimes happens today with the existing implementation).  These
events wouldn't be particularly likely unless some action precipitated
a server request to the Radio, but they would indeed be possible.

You could do what has been suggested here, or the alarm application as
it exists today could be fixed (with associated necessary
synchronization enhancements in the Radio infrastructure).  These
changes will be difficult to make work properly in a vacuum, however,
while the rest of the Radio software is changing (as seems to be the

I've already directly offered my services to Logitech management in the
context of this issue (and/or other Radio software improvements), but
been met with silence...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Alarm Useless!

2010-04-30 Thread Marc

bluegaspode;541865 Wrote: 
 Though there are people who wouldn't/couldn't get their Radio back,
 fiddled a bit with the system and now have a rock solid alarm
 I can only speak of local server operation (which with the arrival of
 the Touch got very easy for anyone wanting to expand anyways) but also
 heard of people with starting to have succeses.
 As you are stuck with the Radio why not just try with the help of the
 forum people to pindown your problems.
 Though Marc might be right with the architecture, its not as worse as
 to allow 'activates at seemingly random times AFTER the intended
 Never ever - so chances are your problem can be solved.
 On the other hand: Logitech is advertising the Radio pretty strongly as
 an alarm clock (though not a reliable one :D) ... so if the customer
 support 'admitted' it was 'beta' you have one reason more to give it
 back even outside of the 30days. Don't know the laws in US, but in
 Germany you can give back devices within two years when it has
 malfunctions that were there from the beginning. 
 I also think Logitech will 'help' you getting it back when threatening
 to writing Amazon reports whatever. 
 Be creative.
 Two directions with/without the Radio for you. Just choose.

Valid points.  I, for one, am at firmware version 7.4.2 on my Radios
and not budging.  I never upgraded to 7.5 and don't plan on doing so. 
I've learned already that when one is largely satisfied with the
operation of the Radio that it is counterproductive to upgrade.  While
in doing so you may get access to some new feature(s) touted by
Logitech, you are also directly jeopardizing the functionality that
you've already become satisfied with.  

My alarm works fine, as I always use a local Squeezebox Server (SBS),
never configure an alarm from the web page (only use the Radio front
panel), and I originally fixed the alarm operation myself (quite

Most importantly, since a relatively stable release of the alarm code
was included in the firmware I'm running (7.4.2) the basic alarm
functions are reliable.  There are still issues, like the periodic
audio pop in advance of fade-in and occasional volume weirdness (which
happen due to the architectural problems I discussed previously in post
#14 on the other discussion thread), but those problems aren't bad
enough to make the alarms unuseable.  I can, of course, still expect
additional alarm problems if/when I ever upgrade the version of either
Radio firmware or SBS that I'm running here.  However, Logitech made
relatively minimal modifications to the band-aided alarm code I
provided them to originally fix the alarm problems in version 7.4.1 of
their firmware.  They did indeed make changes to my code (which I
warned against) for the 7.4.2 release, but the relatively minimal
changes represented by that released firmware version in the context of
the alarm applet when contrasted with the later firmware releases is
exactly why alarms are far more stable in 7.4.2.  Now, as Logitech
continues to modify the alarm applet code and/or SqueezeOS (alarms
depend heavily on the SqueezeOS software foundation underneath the
applet) and/or SBS and/or in later software updates the alarm
operation will only become more unstable.  

If you want stable alarms then find a version of the SqueezeBox system
that works and then don't move.  This includes, of course, only using
SBS and not upgrading that version either.  Because of the way the
alarm system is architected, changing the server code (whether SBS or can be expected to directly impact alarm operation.  Don't
forget that you will never be able to standardize on a particular
version of as your server (since Logitech is providing the
server and always changing the implementation/functionality
transparently), thus you shouldn't use if you don't want to
risk alarm operation changing (and likely regressing)...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Problem with alarm sound

2010-04-30 Thread Marc
(despite the time it takes to post these dissertations)...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Alarm Useless!

2010-04-29 Thread Marc

Redsvg;541752 Wrote: 
 I purchased a SBR to replace a very nice Receptor radio to use mainly as
 an ALARM!!  I find that it activates at seemingly random times AFTER the
 intended time, so it is useless to me.  I was otherwise happy with the
 radio and thought I may have been setting it incorrectly, but after a
 few days of careful use realize the alarm function is faulty.  I have
 read the other threads about alarm problems and am running firmware
 7.5.0.  I finally called support and the nice gentleman admitted that
 it is a known bug in a beta feature!!  How can Logitech advertise
 this radio as having an alarm when it is known to be problematic and is
 in beta testing??!!  It is unuseable for me for the main reason I
 purchased it, but because I waited until after 30 days to investigate
 it (I'm at 42) they will not take it back! So goes my long respect for
 and purchaser of Logitech products.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...  anyone who believes the
alarm system will get better through the process of bug-fixing is
kidding themselves.  While Logitech doesn't seem particularly
interested in spending the engineering cycles necessary to fix alarms
to begin with (I've rarely seen a less responsive company, to be
truthful), they probably couldn't really fix/band-aid the alarm system
as it exists today properly anyway.  The alarm problems manifest on the
surface are genuine indications of the foundational problems underneath.
It won't be possible for Logitech to stabilize the alarm system without
first changing the basic nature of how alarms function.  

For more details you can see post #14 in this discussion:

The alarm system will be 'beta' (and untrustworthy, in my opinion)
until it is rearchitected from the ground up.  It will also continue
toward greater instability every time the functionality is touched, due
to how unstable the foundation is.  Mark my words...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm should not go off if SBR is already playing Music

2010-04-27 Thread Marc

mpower9;540734 Wrote: 
 I have had this happen to me as well. At the moment, I think the only
 way to deal with the problem is to press the alarm button on the front
 of the radio and deactivate the alarm before it goes off. 
 Perhaps we should request this as an enhancement on the bug page.

I'd suggest you don't bother, honestly.  The current alarm
implementation is obviously quite buggy and I strongly speculate it
will not get better.  On the contrary, I proffer that it will only get
worse as modifications like this one are added (if Logitech even
chooses to attempt such modifications, which I think unlikely and/or
unwise at this point).

Every feature enhancement like this one (despite the request's very
reasonable character) ends up being a band-aid modification to the
existing alarm implementation.  Because the architecture of the alarm
system is wrong (yes, I say that definitively and with absolute
conviction), every modification to the current implementation
proportionally increases the chances that a regression in operation
will be introduced.  You can see how unstable alarms are at present...

If this feedback causes any consternation then please go do a search
for all the work I did previously in the context of fixing the broken
Radio alarm system before bothering to chastise me.

Every time Logitech touches the alarm functionality it is regressed (as
you can see through objective evaluation of feedback on this forum in
the context of new firmware releases).  There are multiple reasons for
this, but the primary overriding reason is as follows:

- The alarm system architecture is plain wrong.  No amount of
fiddling with either the server ( or SBS) or the client (Radio)
is likely to resolve this situation, as that same fiddling is clearly
introducing more regression problems than resolutions.  This is
typically the case when a client/server application of any kind is
inappropriately architected at the outset.

Some may dispute the fact that I fixed the alarm system once (as best
as was possible, considering the inappropriate architecture that was
already in place).  Yet, irrespective of their protests (and of
Logitech's modifications to my implementation, which I warned against),
I did indeed band-aid the alarm system to work properly at one time for
the firmware 7.4.1 release.  Much of my alarm system band-aid
implementation code remains in the existing distributed alarm system
today (that implementation has been changed by Logitech, however).   

The reality is that no band-aid on the Radio firmware side would have
worked for long, however (even if my band-aid had been unmodified
before public release), while changes continued to the server side of
alarm operation.  There are too many variables at play in the Radio
alarm system operation, and like any client/server application that is
initially architected incorrectly it will invariably suffer from
instability and creeping regression as changes are incrementally
introduced.  Re-architecting it wouldn't be such a difficult thing to
do, but apparently Logitech lacks the combination of time and/or
incentive to do so.

I would do it myself, but frankly have already fixed the Radio alarm
system once and am weary of beating my head against the wall.  I won't
volunteer again to do it on my own time...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Problem with alarm sound

2010-04-27 Thread Marc
, if the Radio worked as a proper alarm clock
and was rock solid otherwise I could see one of these units in an
absolutely huge number of American households.

Sorry I got carried away there.  Guess I've kind of grown tired of
watching the Radio platform be squandered.  Strong words, I know...  

No offense intended...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-16 Thread Marc

bluegaspode;525510 Wrote: 
 Why would I feel the need to defend 7.4.2. Every software (be it
 devoloped from you, me or logitech) will always have remaining bugs
 which need to be solved.
 And I keep my oppion. Claiming that the few unknown bugs from now
 wouldn't have happened with your code is just plain arrogant, pardon my
 When you are not able to convince people of important changes (or to
 keep some lines of code), than part of the problem is definitely also on
 your side. 

{shrug}  Arrogance is in the eye of the beholder, I suggest.  You're
exhibiting some of your own with your comments, if I may be so bold. 
Why don't you stop complaining about the purported shortcomings in my
(unwisely discarded) code and instead go fix the problems in 7.4.2 (the
way that I once did for 7.4.1)...?

bluegaspode;525510 Wrote: 
 I think its not just about the log messages in the applet.
 The radio has a very nasty problem, that 
 a) its logfiles are to short and changes are overwritten too early.
 this can be fixed ad hoc by using the instructions from here:
 b) its logfiles get overwritten, when the radio reboots or crashes
 About both I'm swearing often, because my radio also sometime gets into
 strange states, where it disconnected from the network and only
 rebooting helps. Gone are the logfiles :(
 I tried to find a bug report for both, but couldn't find them.

That was exactly the point I was making about logging.  The current
logging doesn't facilitate effective debug when important log output is
lost (because the logs are not big enough, not double buffered, etc.). 
I was not alluding specifically to the alarm applet output...

Not sure what you mean in your last comment about a bug not being
filed, but I don't see why there needs to be one at this stage.  One of
the first things done by a competent embedded development organization
is to develop/enhance a proper logging subsystem so that critical
crash/malfunction data isn't lost...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-16 Thread Marc

erland;525498 Wrote: 
 Marc or bluegaspode, let's focus on the logging. We all know the
 history, there is no point arguing who is right and who is wrong.
 Marc, if I understand you correctly, we need some more logging to be
 able to track the problem ?

I haven't looked specifically at the applet output in the context of
tracking the alarm problems I've seen, Erland.  When I spoke about
logging being lacking earlier I was alluding to the fact that critical
logging data is lost under a variety of conditions.  The logging
subsystem leaves much to be desired at the outset, which makes delving
into specific problems difficult/impossible...  

In the context of the arguing, I think it's obvious at this point that
I take offense to the denigration of my attempts to fix alarms in 7.4.1.
after a variety of my suggestions were dismissed subsequently while
instability remains.   Then to try and blame my code for said remaining
instability...?   Talk about leaving a bad taste in the mouth...

erland;525498 Wrote: 
 If you have the time and inspiration (I can understand if you don't),
 it would be great if you could suggest where in the current version of
 the AlarmSnoozeApplet code in 7.4.2 we should insert these extra log
 Logitech will of course still have to decide if they like to insert
 these log messages or not in the production code. However, if they don't
 we can still make a patch which can be installed through my Patch
 Installer applet so the people which often get the incorrect fallback
 alarm can provide the necessary log files to Logitech.
 The Patch Installer applet requires 7.5 firmware so we can't use that
 before 7.5 is out of the door, but anyone with the right knowledge can
 still install the patch manually. 
 By the way, I've seen the incorrect fallback alarm on 7.5, so it's not
 just 7.4.2 that has this problem.
 Personally, I still feel that Logitech needs to take a look at the
 whole client/server architecture to solve this alarm issue completely,
 but if we can get it to work better with some small changes it could be
 a good temporary solution.
 Feel free to continue the development related discussions in the
 Developers section of the forum where it's a bigger chance that
 someone from Logitech sees the discussion.

Unfortunately, I've little remaining inspiration at this point...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-15 Thread Marc

bluegaspode;525205 Wrote: 
 Marc, don't grumble, that's not true.
 I'd say that 95% of your suggestions made it in the final code - and
 the last 5% either didn't look important or you were not able to make
 your point (when at least two people were listening) why some scenarios
 would fail when these parts were done differently. Also some good things
 came from Ben like caching the snooze-time from the server or
 better/correct detection of failing audio.
 In the end Ben had a lot of testcases which he went through with the
 final implementation and I think its not fair to say 'If you had taken
 all of my code without questioning it wouldn't have happened' without
 providing prove of it or providing a failing testcase. We are all
 professional coders and should trust to make right decisions in the void
 that is left without testcases.
 Now the work is to find out what the missing cases are and as we have
 very good logging (and some user with problems) this shouldn't be too
 difficult. Though it's not good that the fallback alarm is maybe firing
 too often - its a good sign for reliablitiy (as it's better than a
 missing alarm).
 I didn't have any alarm problem yet though I'm waking up to it every
 morning - so I'm very interested to see some logs from the radio !
 By the way - as logitechs focus has moved away from the alarm again I
 would spent my time only in documenting the failing cases but personally
 wouldn't look into the code again. Would be too depressing to wait for
 someone caring for that in the end (did that once for 4 month, also see
 thread starter, not again ;) )

I hear what you are saying, and you are right that Ben worked hard
toward resolution of the alarm problems.   Having said that, I disagree
with some of what you stated above.  Obviously, the alarm malfunctions
I've witnessed in 7.4.2 are better than a missing alarm (no need for a
specious argument)...I'll get the customary disclaimer out of the
way [yet again] about how the underlying architecture is heavily flawed
(the client/server aspect doesn't make sense in the context of how
SC/ communicate with the Radio).   The attempts I made to patch
the existing architecture (it was clear a wholesale overhaul was not in
the cards short term) for stability would indeed have resulted in a more
stable alarm situation for 7.4.2.   On that point we disagree.  Enough
has been changed such that I would need to largely begin anew in
debugging/resolving.  And for what...?

Your good nature and useful input (along with that of others) served to
greatly assist during the process.  The environment here at the forums
is compelling, as well (friendly, cooperative, etc.).   However, there
are indeed changes that were made to my modifications which were unwise.
In the final analysis, alarms are still less stable than they should



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-15 Thread Marc

erland;525175 Wrote: 
 Same thing has happened to me too a couple of times.
 Your efforts in the past are greatly appreciated, I can understand your
 frustration but I hope you change your mind. 
 At the moment all Logitech resources are probably busy with the Touch
 release but after they have finished that it might be time to look at
 the alarm handing again.

Thanks for the words of appreciation, Erland.  They mean a great deal,
particularly coming from you.  

I don't mind giving of my free time, but I'm not enthusiastic about
giving such an effort when a good chunk of it appears to have


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-15 Thread Marc

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
 I think its not fair to claim your patch was the best of all and
 everything done later was to the worse.
 Your change was a BIG step towards a very good solution on the given
 architecture, but also with Bens additional changes to your patch we
 have a much more stable alarm situation in 7.4.2. Maybe even more stable
 than your patch ? Who knows ?

You are welcome to your opinion, of course.  If anyone has the desire,
time, and compunction to look back at the extensive conversation thread
that took place in the developers forum then it's there for the

Honestly, your comments are a pointed illustration as to why it makes
little sense to keep working toward stability.  Your 95% estimate of my
changes that were incorporated is a poor one.  My architecture was
indeed used, but far more than 5% of the changes that I made were
discarded.  The devil is in the details, and the details were not
respected properly when important pieces were discarded.  This is
particularly true in the context of how the client/server architecture
used is/was unintuitive and more, rather than less, pedantic code is/was
clearly a necessity to track and defend against unexpected behaviors.

You are wrong, by the way, about the changes made to my modifications
having increased stability.  They did not, as evidenced by the problems
that remain in 7.4.2.  I warned specifically against sacrificing some of
the state tracking I had added, yet my warnings went unheeded.  It's
true that you weren't convinced after much debate, though, so perhaps
you still believe the right course was pursued.  I admit that it's a bit
offensive, though, when you say glibly that perhaps the changes I
recommended retaining weren't up to the standards of the now
disseminated 7.4.2 code - which is clearly still unstable.  It would
make sense for you to defend the now released 7.4.2 code, despite its
continued instability, I suppose, since perhaps you feel the need to
take some measure of responsibility for not being convinced of a number
of the since discarded stability measures I lobbied for.

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
 Without logs for the current minor hickups noone is able to tell, who
 is to blame. Remaining parts from the 7.4.1 code-base? Your original
 patch ? Bens later changes ? 

I attempted to get the log after the malfunction occurred (while I
should have been headed off to work).  Unfortunately, it had been
quickly overwritten and was lost.  I've also suggested that logging be
enhanced to prevent this type of situation in the past, if you recall.

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
 To make at least one logitech developer feel very comfortable with the
 current code :)
 It wouldn't make sense to take your changes as a 1:1 copy to make your
 debugging now easier ... its far more important that logitech feels
 comfortable with the code and is able to understand its current ideas on
 the long run.

No one suggested a 1:1 copy of my work.  The code I'm alluding to that
was unwisely discarded consisted of specific state information that was
tracked to enhance both stability and post-mortem analysis.  Nor did I
ever state or imply that 'everything after [my changes] was to the
worse'. I'm afraid you're putting words in my mouth that I don't
appreciate here...

Ok, so now Logitech is ostensibly more comfortable based upon your
commentary (not an unreasonable point).  Are they now working on these
new issues, whether making logging more useful to facilitate log
feedback from customers by preventing log overwrites or by continuing to
test alarms in 7.4.2?  Has that development comfort translated into
alarm robustness?  

I'm not going to get further into a personal defense of my work, nor of
my history and expertise in embedded product development.  Suffice it to
say that I am not (and was not) guessing when it came to working toward
alarm stability.  Logitech as an organization has a lot to learn about
both embedded development and client/server architecture...

It's too bad, really, because I truly believe the Radio could be huge.

bluegaspode;525448 Wrote: 
 That being said - lets at least spend time in creating the appropiate
 logs for the current 'backup alarm even though the stream seems to be
 available' problem. Noone asks for or expects further debugging.

If the logs were there then that would be possible...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-14 Thread Marc

jmpage2;524897 Wrote: 
 Continue to get backup alarm sound instead of my music playlist from SB
 Server 50% of the time on my SB Radio after update to 7.4.2 even after
 disabling nightly rebuild of my music libarary on my SB Radio.
 Interestingly this did not happen on 7.4.1 so obviously some fix for
 alarm reliability has broken my alarm.
 Does anyone know if a bug report has been filed yet on this?

I also had a 7.4.2 alarm malfunction a couple of days ago.  Backup
alarm audio played even though the station selected for the alarm sound
was working fine.  I turned the alarm off and hit the play button then
the station played fine.  After that the alarm fired again
(extraneously) and cycled between the backup alarm sound and the
selected station.  

There is also a volume problem where the alarm audio level sent in by
the server isn't properly coordinated with the locally set volume, so
when you touch the volume dial the level jumps unexpectedly as the local
volume level switches from the server provided volume to the local
volume setting.

I spent a great deal of time working toward the resolution of alarm
problems in 7.4.1, unfortunately a good portion of my implementation
suggestions were discarded.  It's not worth banging my head against a
wall my while sacrificing my own free time at this point...

The good news is that I have yet to witness a set alarm that didn't
actually fire in 7.4.2, even though the alarm behavior is still messed



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-02-22 Thread Marc

eap;519692 Wrote: 
 Its not that you leave a computer on 24/7 in order to have a reliable
 alarm clock, its that typical use of a computer could (nay, even should)
 contemplate 24/7 hour use of that computer.  So the alarm clock is then
 just a bonus you get on top of that.  I had my computer on 24/7 before I
 had any squeezebox product.   So no change in behavior here.  
 I am stunned at the apparent stubborn unwillingness of many here to
 spend a relatively small amount of money towards electrical costs (which
 would be many times less than a squeezebox over the course of a year),
 in order to have the convenience of on the demand Internet access, not
 to mention no worries over having to use the less worthy .  Why do we have fios and cable at blazing speeds if
 we don't leave computers hooked up to it 24/7?   Has this Political
 Correctedness and green stuff really gone this far?  When did leaving
 a computer on 24/7 become such a hardship?  What is driving this
 ridiculous fear?
 Who wants to wait for boot up time every morning?
 And by the way, do we know exactly what 7.4.2 fixes -- the bug fix list
 for 7.4.2 says nothing about alarms last I looked a couple of hours ago?

I'm not going to get into details here, since I've gone into plenty of
them in the past in other threads at the developers forum.  I haven't
posted for a while, now that it looks like the alarm functionality is
(read: should be) largely resolved in 7.4.2 going forward.

After checking back today it was worth chiming in, however, based on a
couple of things you wrote.  I agree that it makes sense to leave the
local SBS PC powered on 24/7 to avoid the set of problems that can
manifest otherwise.  This, of course, is an easy opinion to have when
you already have a local server powered on 24/7 to begin with (as I do).
In any event, I share this view.   Something else you wrote prior in
this thread is wrong, however.  Yet, you shouldn't trivialize the number
of real outstanding problems that exist with the Radio software.  

While I'm certain there are plenty of problems enumerated in this forum
about the Radio that do relate to user error, there are also plenty of
real ones that relate to the Radio (and server) software.  I've seen
them firsthand and even traced several down in detail.  Some of the
reason I've become scarce at the forum is because I'm not one to waste
time in an environment where the cycles I'm applying appear to be in
some measure ineffective.  As an example, I posted a specific thread on
how the synchronization of alarm notification trigger and server audio
stream startup had/has a particular problem on occasion such that an
audio pop is manifested prior to alarm audio being properly faded in
(when that option is selected).  This was after a variety of users had
complained about said pop.  It took me a couple of hours to trace and
detail the problem on the forum.  I provided plenty of information.  To
my knowledge, the thread (and problem) has remained unaddressed for
weeks now subsequent to the details I provided.

I'm pleased that alarms are about to fixed for a broad spectrum of
Radio users, and not just for those of us who can trace down the
problems and modify our own code (even in those cases, at the risk of a
maintenance headache the makes future software upgrades annoying, if not
prohibitive).  I still run my own alarm code on 7.4.1, however, since
I'm not interested in constantly bouncing between beta releases with new
code updates.  It's too time consuming, prior to an official release,
especially when other annoying problems continue to manifest (for
example, disappearing presets, etc.) and are not being addressed.  It's
good that Logitech applied developer resources/cycles to the alarm
issues that are being resolved, but there is no shortage of additional
problems outstanding.

The user community can only do so much.  Be assured that while certain
problems exist that relate to user error (as you pointed out), you
significantly understate the set of problems that exist due to software
anomalies (unrelated to powering down one's server)...  Doing so
undermines your credibility and does not serve to enhance the Radio.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] NTP on Squeezebox Radio?

2010-01-14 Thread Marc

jdoering;506203 Wrote: 
 Actually on second thought; it's another example of why the current
 alarm model is weird for smart squeezeboxes. I've followed the thread on
 that a bit but haven't digested it all. But the whole idea of the server
 sending an alarm signal sounds very silly. The radio is a smart device
 that could ideally keep it's own time very accurately via NTP. It can
 keep track of when alarms should sound without any intervention from the
 server. The only thing it should go to the server for is to get the
 actual audio at the correct time. If the server can't provide the data
 then the local fallback sound plays. But it's the same local logic
 driving the alarm either way.
 If the server wants to schedule an alarm it should submit the scheduled
 alarm to the Radio at scheduling time. That way the actual alarm is
 always local. If the server can't reach the radio to submit the
 scheduling then the operation should fail so the user immediately knows
 their alarm didn't work. Legacy thin-clients aside; I'm not sure why the
 alarms and radio time in general can't work this independently.
 But I'm not trying to turn this thread into another alarm issue rehash

Your points about how alarms function for the smart devices are right
on the money, Jeff.  Though the software model used for the new
generation of devices certainly changed, it seems as though the software
architecture wasn't necessarily reconsidered at the proper depth (at
least in the context of certain system functions - alarms being a
primary example).  

With the advent of more intelligence on the client side (which is
indeed being utilized in many ways), some of these weird architectural
decisions (whether leveraged from legacy thin device operation or not)
may be responsible for certain problems that will be hard to get

When the messaging model and architecture aren't carefully
scrutinized/considered in advance, a client/server application can get
woefully stuck in a maintenance quagmire as issues are incrementally
patched up with band-aids.  When/if the architecture isn't right to
start, stability is not likely to be achieved this way.  More likely is
a spiral into instability, actually, as the failure cases become more



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] In strange state: can't connect to any server

2010-01-13 Thread Marc

wxman;506115 Wrote: 
 I was having a similar problem.  I powered down my modem, powered down
 my router then restarted modem, restarted modem,and then connected from
 the radio to my music and all was well.  Don't know why this worked,
 but it was the only thing that did.

I ended up doing a reset to factory defaults.  Was too busy chasing the
alarm issues to get involved in debugging another issue simultaneously. 
I'll pursue the problem in detail should it occur again...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Music before Alarm

2010-01-09 Thread Marc

I think Erland's and Stefan's comments are both probably important
(Peter's as well, in pointing out to distinct issues in terms of the
fallback alarm versus some earlier stream playing for a bit).

I'd suggest doing a small bit of testing with the following in mind: 
You're playing stream 1 at some point in time and then think you've
stopped it.  It could be that when you think you've 'stopped' it that
you really haven't, since hitting the pause button actually 'pauses' the
stream.  If the stream is then sitting there paused for hours prior to
the alarm going off then there will be no surprise if you hear it again
briefly when the 'server' alarm goes off (and maybe even if a fallback
alarm fires, since it could be that encoded audio from the earlier
stream has already made it to the Radio cache before you paused it OR
that decoded audio - PCM samples - are themselves still waiting in the
Radio cache from earlier).  The reason you may hear the earlier stream
briefly is due to how the notification system works.  If a
playerModeChange notification is delivered to some listening applet (or
perhaps even just SqueezeOS directly determines the transition has
occurred) which then decides that means to turn the local audio playout
back on then voila...  you are left with the previously played stream
audio which was previously in paused state.

playerModeChange notifications (along with several other similar type
notifications) DO occur during the alarm process...  

So, see if a previously stopped (not paused) stream, as Stefan
mentioned, manifests the issue when a later alarm is fired then retest
with the played stream being paused (not stopped) prior to the later
alarm firing...  I would not be at all surprised if you hear just the
alarm audio after the prior stream was stopped, but the brief earlier
stream first if it was paused...

Of course, if the earlier stream continues to be briefly heard prior to
the requested alarm audio even after the earlier stream was explicitly
stopped (not paused) then the problem is likely that either the
cache/prefetch audio buffer at the server or the Radio is not being
properly flushed after a stop operation.   Either way, any existing
audio (whether earlier paused or stopped) should, in my view, be flushed
out of the playout pipeline when an alarm fires...   Not so easy to do
in the current context of how alarms work though...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Music before Alarm

2010-01-09 Thread Marc

erland;504635 Wrote: 
 I did some more testing regarding this and I think my problem is the
 volume ramp-up and not what's actually played. I've probably just been
 sleepy when a alarm has fired earlier thinking that there was some audio
 left in some buffer.
 Anyway, this is what happens:
 1. I have the alarms configured to ramp up the volume with the Fade
 Alarms In setting.
 2. I've paused the player, not stopped it.
 3. When the alarm is fired it correctly selects the chosen playlist
 4. It starts to play the music with high volume, I think it's the
 volume according to the alarm volume setting
 5. After a half second it changes the volume to just above 0
 6. It correctly ramps up the volume slowly until it reaches the alarm
 volume setting.
 The problem is step 4 which causes me to wake up immediately instead of
 through slowly ramped up music. It feels like step 4 and 5 should happen
 in the opposite order so the volume is lowered before the stream
 actually starts to play.
 If the player is stopped (not just paused) before the alarm sequence it
 works correctly.
 Also the problem is not what's in the buffer because it plays the
 correct track at step 4, it's just that the volume is too high at that

Makes sense.  I think if you watch the log you will see in this case a
playerModeChange or playerLoaded or playerCurrent or similar
notification coming from SqueezeOS that is causing the audio subsystem
to be prematurely transitioned to actually play out audio prior to when
the volume is adjusted just above 0.  Then again, you'll only see the
notification occur if an applet or SqueezeOS is logging it.  I know the
new AlarmSnooze applet spits out these events, but I'm not sure they are
otherwise logged...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] In strange state: can't connect to any server

2010-01-04 Thread Marc

matengelen;502645 Wrote: 
 I'm a noob to SB, so sorry if you've tried this already...
 But if not, it might fix your problem.
 Good luck !
 PS: Or maybe a software update  reset will do the trick ?

Not a bad suggestion, but... 

1)  I don't want to lose the applets/favorites/etc... that I've
already configured

2)  I think I want to know what's causing it so it can be fixed
and I don't end in the same state again sometime soon


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New 'alarm off' Feature/Change in 7.4.2 and 7.5

2010-01-04 Thread Marc

I actually like the screen the way it was, so I'm glad Ben is reverting
the behavior.   Leave it playing by doing nothing, snooze it, or turn
the alarm off (and make the audio stop)...

I, personally, really don't care about the 'now playing' screen while
the alarm is ongoing (though I understand others may).  

I'd also like to see the alarm dialog stay there for as long as nothing
is done by the user since I'd rather not be forced to take action before
60 seconds elapses, lest I lose the option to take action.  Add a
request for the clock (time) to be larger alongside (or under/over) the
alarm dialog and I think I wouldn't have any complaints about the alarm
activation UI...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Safe to use as an alarm clock?

2010-01-03 Thread Marc

Alarms are MUCH more stable now.  

See this thread for details (if you care) and use the
AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua applet attached in post #54 if you are interested
in testing:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet connection drop

2009-12-26 Thread Marc

I understand your frustration, as the (re)connection logic truly is the
underlying cause of alarm instability.  I also understand your doubt
that the alarm problem can be fixed alone in the applet.  If you have a
look at what is actually going on under covers, technically, in the
Radio when alarms malfunction you may have a different view though.  

These are not guesses I've proffered up out of some misguided sense of
false hope.  

While I do hope Logitech actually pays attention to the detailed
information I'm providing specifically as to why alarms are unstable and
then uses that info. appropriately in short order, my posts are not just
an attempt to prod the development guys (the *company* really, since it
looks like those above the developers' pay grades have made the decision
to prioritize other things besides Radio stability) into fixing the
issues.  Nor are my posts merely an attempt to make myself or others
feel better about the situation because someone is actually looking
closely at it.   

Let me be clear:  I understand what's going on to the extent necessary
to, I believe, stabilize alarms.  It's not correct that the AlarmSnooze
applet isn't started (or not receiving alarm set up requests), at least
in the context of my testing.  For what it's worth, I have yet to see a
case where the originally provisioned (set up) alarm doesn't get to the
AlarmSnooze applet (as long as the webpage isn't used, that is,
to set up alarms - see my note in next paragraph where I strongly
discourage the use of MySB to set up alarms).

You are correct of course, as Logitech development has themselves
admitted now, about the underlying connection/reconnection behavior
being at the heart of not only alarm, but also general Radio stability

It's true that my modifications to the AlarmSnooze applet are not (and
won't be) elegant.  They are (and will be) a workaround to the
underlying general instability of Radio--server connectivity.  The
logic I've added to the applet has indeed made significant differences
in alarm stability and I expect that they will be (cross your fingers!)
reliable enough to use with confidence once you've installed the new
applet.  My strong recommendation for those connecting to will
be to entirely stop using the webpage for provisioning (setting
up) alarms in any form.  In the connection case, only the Radio
dial/buttons should be used to provision alarms.  If that suggestion is
followed then I think that (while not elegant) Radio alarms will be
stable enough to rely on when using the modified AlarmSnooze applet. 

Then, and this is the kicker, I (we) will head off to analyze/debug the
underlying connection issues...   :)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Internet connection drop

2009-12-25 Thread Marc

The new releases coming (7.4.2 and 7.5) are very unlikely to resolve the
majority of Radio alarm issues.

There are many unambiguous technical details as to why Radio alarms are
unstable.  I have pinpointed the realities during my investigations and
significantly improved alarm stability by modifying the AlarmSnooze
applet.  I've been communicating my findings and code changes directly
with the Logitech developer responsible for chasing the Radio alarm
issues over in the developer's forum.  

In Logitech's defense, there hasn't been much time yet for them to
assimilate the information I've provided.  We should give them a chance
to look over my modifications and the information I've provided about
what the detailed causes really are...  

My investigation/modifications will continue and I expect to have an
applet ready for testing by others shortly.

See this thread for *detailed* information on what the actual alarm
situation is:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Kidsplay: different behavior on same preset for separate Radios?

2009-12-24 Thread Marc

Won't be able to do much testing here in the short term, Peter, since my
time is focused on fixing Radio alarm functionality.  

This is fabulous stuff, though!  Thanks very much for this excellent

Maybe I'll be able to get some testing in next week sometime after my
daughter has gotten her Xmas present (hint: the box is shaped like a
Radio package).  Until then the Radios in our house have been largely
hidden from public view...  :)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Significantly more stable alarm applet

2009-12-23 Thread Marc

Hello, Ben...?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Significantly more stable alarm applet

2009-12-23 Thread Marc

Have now moved commentary regarding development of Radio alarm
changes/fixes to the development forum...



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[SlimDevices: Radio] Significantly more stable alarm applet

2009-12-22 Thread Marc

Ok, I've spent all too much time over the past few days analyzing,
testing, and debugging the AlarmSnooze applet.

I now have a significantly more stable applet that I'm running on a
Radio with firmware version 7.4.1-r7915.  I originally started with
Ben's baseline version of AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua which was checked into
SVN last Friday the 18th and made my modifications from there...

There are still some minor problems remaining (most of which are
systemic in nature and cannot, in my view, be fixed in a vacuum in the
applet), but the core backup alarm functionality is much more
deterministic now.

I won't go into all the gory details unless people are interested
(Ben??? :) ), but suffice it to say that it took many hours to
understand the underlying system behavior because of the interaction
between many separate layers of functionality in the context of alarms.

This modified applet is also heavily instrumented, so the events that
contribute to any alarm malfunctions will be clear and available in the
system log for post-mortem analysis.

The specific remaining problems that I'm cognizant of are as follows:

1) When a new alarm notification is sent by the server (web
interface) while an existing alarm is actually playing out at the radio
(including during local snooze) then the new alarm will not have a local
backup timer associated with it

2) The backup alarm audio gain (volume) is fixed, and not
configurable, as is the snooze time (9 minutes).   Both of these
characteristics are still as they were in the previous version of the

3) The backup alarm audio gain (volume) is sometimes moved
during server reconnection events (when network conditions are dicey)

The benefits, as seen in my testing:

If you set a one shot or repeating alarm now, or even multiple one shot
alarms (as long as you don't set any while the Radio is actually in the
middle of having had one go off) I expect you'll be much better
protected when/if your server connection goes away.  The backup timer
protection for the next upcoming alarm (though not necessarily those
coming after it) has been greatly enhanced.   Also greatly enhanced is
the likelihood that the backup on-board alarm audio will actually play
when the backup timer fires off.

The Squeezebox development team will still be needed to help clean up
the remaining issues (presuming they are interested in starting with my
modified applet to begin with, that is).  The remaining issues appear to
be systemic, as I mentioned, and relate to flow control between
different entities in the system (server, SqueezeOS, and applet
communication).  I have worked around some of the systemic problems by
making changes in the applet, but there's only so much that can be done
exclusively in AlarmSnooze itself...

To the Logitech team there:   I still need information on licensing and
distribution constraints to determine if it's ok to distribute this
modified applet for testing by those who want to give it a try.   Do you
guys want to have a look at it in advance to examine and possibly run
through a QA ringer?  I'm also willing to talk about the specific issues
that remain if you guys are interested...  I believe I now have a firm
understanding of what the remaining problems are and can share
suggestions toward resolving them (not to be presumptuous).

If and when Logitech approves the distribution of this modified applet
for a group of interested Radio users to test, testers must understand
that I have only been debugging this applet for 3 days now (albeit
probably 30 hours in total by now).  I've also only tested it in my
environment, so it has had nothing near a real good shakeout yet.

The optimal scenario would be that the Logitech guys have at it first,
as I think it will provide them a good foundation for resolving the
balance of alarm issues remaining.

Ben, Michael, et al...   Please advise how you'd like to proceed...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio architecture question for Slim developers

2009-12-21 Thread Marc

bluegaspode;497583 Wrote: 
 I'm no Logitech-Developer so what I'm writing might be wrong.
 I stumbled about the same things when I wrote an applet that used the
 Timer-Framework a lot and I wondered about the same things
 As far as I remember there is a (Single-Threaded) Main-Event-Loop which
 'fires' all events (including Timer-Events). I'll try to find the
 corresponding classes in the evening (I am at work right now) I think I
 remember them lying around under the 'jive' package.
 I guess/hope that external events are queued as well so you won't have
 'real' multithreading in the LUA-Applets themselfes.
 As I said I found these places when following the Timer-System (was it
 window.addTimer ??).
 As the HTTP Framework also works asynchronious (receiving the
 responses) you might also start there. The Flickr-Applet does
 HTTP-Requests so its a good starting point for further investigations as

Ok, I think I see how the system works, in general, now that I've
looked further at Lua coroutines.   An explanation (albeit, a bit
confusing) is here:

I do see sporadic use of coroutine mechanisms in some of the jive and
lua code on the Radio, though the explicit use of these coroutine
mechanisms is not very widespread.  

So, it looks like the system is using cooperative scheduling in a
run-to-completion model.  That is, it appears each thread runs either to
completion (without interruption) or until it explicitly yields to other
threads in the system by calling coroutine.yield(...)

Now, where an applet does not explicitly yield (AlarmSnooze does not do
so anywhere in the applet) the question that remains is this:  where, if
anywhere, does the underlying jive (or lua proper) code implicitly yield
during a system call of some kind that is made from the applet?   The
point is that the applet can still yield to other threads when it makes
another system call (which is defined elsewhere) which itself calls
coroutine.yield(...)   I don't think this behavior (where system calls
themselves yield under the covers on behalf of the calling thread) is
widespread, since I don't see too much use of yield in the jive
foundation classes.  I'm going to presume for now that this implicit
yielding does not occur...

Ok, I've poked around some more and see how both the timer and
notification callbacks work.  The main handling loop is defined in the
UI framework and both notifications (via processEvents()) and timer
callbacks are handled serially.

So, everything does indeed look good in terms of thread-safety.  I
should never have doubted the Logitech guys in the context of system
thread safety!  :)

Now I feel comfortable continuing on in the hardening of the
AlarmSnooze applet.  I've got some stuff to do today, but should be able
to work on it again later tonight.  Is there any licensing issue with
modifying and then redistributing a Logitech provided applet?  I don't
see any reference to licensing in the AlarmSnooze applet code itself...

I'll report back once I've had a chance to further harden and test the
applet.  I'll likely need some people who are willing to do their own
testing with it as well (once it's ready for that), since it's very
unlikely that I'll be able to test all the code paths in my own
environment.  I will be certain to heavily instrument the first
distribution for troubleshooting purposes so that when logging is turned
up for the applet there will be little doubt about what has transpired
in problem cases... 



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[SlimDevices: Radio] Kidsplay: different behavior on same preset for separate Radios?

2009-12-19 Thread Marc

I've got Kidsplay installed (very nice tool, Peter, thank you), but am
wondering if there is a way to bypass the global preset button behavior
that seems to be required...?  Global behavior is very useful in some
cases, but context sensitive behavior is certainly needed too.  I
understand that if no playerid is specified in the macro defined in the
Kidsplay settings that only the current Radio is affected, unfortunately
this doesn't seem to be adequate unless the user desires ALL Radios
connected to Squeezeserver to have the same behavior on all preset

I've got two SBRadios here, and want global behavior (which works very
well, and as expected) on button 1 (sleep function) for both Radios. 
However, I don't want global behavior on the other 5 preset buttons.

I've looked at the CLI documentation as well as the Kidsplay
documentation.  I do see how you can instruct ALL Radios to do the same
thing when pressing a button, and I also see how to instruct a specific
player (or all other players) to take a particular action.  Is there a
way, though, to instruct two separate Radios to run two separate macros
(or portions of a macro) when a particular button is pushed at that
particular Radio?

I'd like to have button 2 set to play playlist1 if pressed on Radio1,
but have button 2 set to play playlist2 if pressed on Radio2.  I see a
way to force Radio1 to play playlist1 and Radio2 to play playlist2 when
I press button 2 on EITHER Radio (by essentially writing one macro that
specifies two distinct playlists using the appropriate Radio-specific
playerid's).  This behavior isn't what I want, though.  I'd like both
Radios to have access to distinct functionality on the same preset
button and not force some behavior (as defined in the macro) Radio2 when
button 2 is pushed on Radio1.

I see a way in the CLI docs to query the current playerid, but I don't
see a way to conditionally use that playerid to qualify the macro
attached to a button.  

So...  is there some way to request the player id via the CLI commands
and then conditionally run a particular portion of macro behavior (as
defined globally on a particular preset button under the Kidsplay
settings) based upon the id of the current player where the button is
being pressed?

Hope that makes sense.  Thanks for all info...


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